#i dunno it just??? is like that ig
chilei-the-hotsauce · 10 months
*holds up medieval scroll*
Uh... question for Sir Chilei? (/gn)
*unravelling scroll*
How is your art always so shaped? So pointy? So monch?
ah yes. i dont know?? i just?? swoosh? whish?? whoom?? ???
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faeriedoodles · 22 days
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Other Self
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kakyogay · 5 months
rain worl break still going I wanted to draw the stupid blood fueled machine (and friends!!!!)
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havent drawn rhis dude in while here's a doodle
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pacifistcowboy · 8 months
yo omega would still be around in silver’s time as well as shadow, right?
and i assume shadow n omega would still stick together ‘cus they’re a team, so like would silver see omega as like an uncle? or dad 2? or just omega??
would omega even try to help raise silver or would he just be like “the tiny white hedgehog has psychokinesis and has been surviving on his own, he does not need our help. also i don’t want to help.”
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mulberriesandtea · 1 year
Before I forget. I Made More. (Warning: last meme in this post is somewhat nsfw, I'll warn again when you get there)
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nsfw v
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mishy-mashy · 1 month
Me if DFO isn't canon
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pbnmj · 1 year
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i am only half joking about this version of peterfel. it was just supposed to be the joke on the bottom left but i spiralled (ft. the miles + felicia being the sibling duo that i deserve)
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gatertots · 2 years
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hlo-pok-hopey · 1 month
What if mold simply doesn't know how to human?
Let's say there're 3 types of the infected:
- molded (mold completely overtakes the body)
- controlled by Evie (e.g. Jack, Marguerite and Mia)
- conscious (e.g. Lucas and Ethan)
As it was stated in the game, mold is very defensive.
Take Lucas' case for example. He already feels threatened, unloved and unhappy. Mold simply takes on these emotions and also amplifies the already existing mental illness, leading to extremely violent behaviour.
In Ethan's case, he doesn't feel unsafe. Therefore, mold doesn't act up during the break between re7 and re8.
If we talk about Jack, Marguerite and Mia, their violent behaviour is caused by Eveline. Evie's case is similar to Lucas'. She was deprived of family and love since birth, which obviously made her traumatized and unhappy. Mold inside her tried to compensate this unhappiness by protecting Evie from everyone who tries to harm her and also by giving her comfort in creating a new family for her. However, Evie doesn't know what family should be or feel like. Her frustration activates mold's defensive mechanisms, which leads to violent behaviour in Mia and the Bakers.
In addition, mold itself might have trouble grasping the concept of humanity. After infection, it acquires all of its host's memories, but it struggles to properly execute human behaviour. This might also be the reason for exaggerated facial expressions seen in the Bakers (especially Lucas). Mold is trying to figure out emotions, affection, love and human connection, but fails miserably.
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hms-incorrect-quotes · 2 months
Happy One Year of Incorrecting these Quotes to Funny Lil Guys :D
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Don't really have any way to celebrate it but have been debating drawing some of the quotes, so if you have any specific ones you'd want me to do let me know! :}
Also have been debating making one of those vine/video compilations but as doodles so can take ideas for that too
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alicornze7 · 3 months
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how much detail do u want?
Gangle being a theater kid with the overly complicated non-practical costumes that she’d wear on set
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phontao · 1 year
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chuluoyi · 5 months
i stand by a very unpopular opinion that satoshoko > gojohime :(
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m1d-45 · 1 year
Here's a cool visual: imposter reader hiding in the chasm or in a really deep cave to try and sleep for a bit, only to wake up to see there is cor lapis surrounding them like a shield. The stones have grown and formed from the ground the god laid on, and they have warped themselves into a beautiful barrier. The land knows it's god, and will use anything it has to protect them. -sibling anon
woag you’re so right
you knew the chasm wasn’t safe, per se, but it’s the safest part of liyue. you could move into sumeru, or up north into lumberpick valley, or… even into the underground mines if worst comes to worst.
you pick a cave at random, seeing the sun begin to edge towards the cliffs of the chasm. you’d quickly learned that it was alarmingly easy to fall off the swirling cliffs, so you’d been turning into tunnels to take shelter. most were abandoned, save for a geo slime or two, and those never seemed to bother you.
today was… a long day. millelith had nearly pinned you in your last tunnel, forcing you to run for most of the day. it was hot, apparently creeping on spring, a fact that helped you since the millelith overheated quickly while also hurting since you didn’t have any way to cool off that didn’t leave you vulnerable.
so you wriggled to the very back of this tunnel, relishing the cool air trapped in the dark corners. after a quick look to make sure nobody was here and that there were no slimes tucked anywhere, you finally settled on the floor. normally you’d try and scrounge around for some cloth so you weren’t lying straight on stone, but today you were tired.
so, so tired.
you awoke to the sound of muffled shouting.
yours eyes were heavy, unwilling to open, but you forced them to anyway. you werent safe, not here, not…
you blinked at your surroundings.
large, orange crystals had formed around you, jutting up sharply towards the rest of the tunnel, a large wall of it cutting off your exit.
you sat up, the smooth stone cool against your hand. the wall seemed to scatter and crest where it met the ceiling, as if it had raised in a hurry and was now preparing to fall. yet, it wasn’t the rock that was angry.
on the other side of the wall, warped by the crystal, were blurry figures of—if you had to guess—millelith. occasionally one would raise a hand and bang against the stone, but they seemed more confused than irritated.
you carefully put a hand to the crystal, right where one of them had theirs. could they not see you?
the soldiers spoke amongst each other as if your hand wasn’t even there, even though you could see when they put their hands to it easily.
as you watched, they left, and you let your hand fall. before your eyes, the crystal wall crumbled, sinking back into the earth.
you stared where the wall just was.
what was happening?
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synthshenanigans · 11 months
you know those like, videos that make your brain turn off and you just stare at for awhile? Brain = Mind so like.
Mind just staring at a screen for hours on end with, no thoughts
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