#i feal i have hit the wall though
endlesslytired · 5 months
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@shipsarebeautiful did a pull on my account for Robin and GOT ME AN E2 IN ONE PULL.
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and while THAT song was on!
I made a playlist for our group pulling for fun and that was added for a joke.
vin I hope you win every 50/50 ever. sorry I initially cursed you for jinxing Bronya on me. enjoy Clara and your own Robin!
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hit-me-with-a-ladle · 3 years
Ch. 7 Creepypastas x Fem!Reader
Ch.8 is coming soon.
The moons illuminating rays peered through the thick glass into the bland bedroom. They hit the girl delicate skin as her fatigued eyes diligently scanned the map that was firmly grasped in her callused hands. Feeling her mind drift off as her eyelids fought to stay open. Her arched back aching as she could barely hold her frame from collapsing. That whole day was unimaginably tiresome. Masky made it a point to make her do random errands and tasks all along the walk. When questioned on why he would nonchalantly shrug it off and blandly answer that he was preparing her for "future responsibilities".
Feeling her mind deteriorate with every passing second, the only sound heard was the gentle ticking of the clock that arrogantly hung on the wall above her head. Until eventually, her whole being gave out, and the front of her face slammed into the mattress, quickly slipping into slumber. The morning she awoke by the blare of her alarm clock. Her head spinning as she sat up on the bed, the suns beams worming up her body as she put her head in her hands
A groan escaped her chapped lips as she finally looked around her. Loose pieces of paper were scattered all around, and a giant crumpled map was in the middle of her bed. Frowning, she got up. Tripping her way to the door, her legs ready to give out on her. Opening it up, her gaze was met with the unpleasant sight of Masky towering over her. He still wore his rugged brown jacket, tho it seemed freshly washed as it had no odour, though it was still heavily stained with crimson. He crossed his bulky arms in disapproval, something he made a habit of doing, and even though she couldn't see his face she could still feel his eyes passing through her like bullets. Still feeling the weight of her eyelids trying to close, she just stood there not making a sound, staring blankly, all until he finally spoke up.
" Good your up, be down in 30 minutes we will start your exam them." He strongly spoke as he turned and walked towards the stairs leading to the living room. The girl's eyes shot up, now no longer dazed and tired.
" Wha-what? 30 minutes-ARE YOU INSANE!" She frantically exclaimed as she tried to follow him.
" I said what I said, now don't waste your time trying to argue with me and get ready." He grumbled as he turned to face her one last time before he descended the staircase.
The girl stood there in shock her mind racing as she debated on what to do first with the minimal time she had. Finally, she ran to the bathroom taking a cold 5-minute shower and quickly getting ready. Running to the kitchen, she only had about 15 minutes to spear. Halfheartedly making herself breakfast, she shoved the food down her throat. Looking at the clock that hung on the kitchen wall, she saw that she had a few minutes to spear. Choosing to use that time and recap all the things she studied the previous night.
Drawoinning in thought she was abruptly startled by the sudden pressure felt on her shoulder. Looking up, she saw Masky squeezing her shoulder with his gloved hand as a means to alert her of his presence.
" Get up, your examination begins now."
He said firmly, as he lifted his hand and made his way out of the kitchen, expecting her to follow. A loud breath escaped the girl shaking lips, as she followed. Only expecting the worst from the man in front of her, being sure that he hated her guts.
Stepping outside, they walked on the same path they took the previous day, and again instead of going to the clearing, they turned in the other direction until they lastly arrived at the tree. Masky abruptly stopped, putting his hand in his pocket looking for something.
" So, what exactly am I going to be doing."
She said standing by his side, he just ignored her still looking for something in his pocket until he finally pulled it out. He was now holding two silver pocket watches and handed her one of them.
Holding it infirmly in her hand and got a closer look at it, the watch itself seemed quite old as there were bits and pieces of the metal, bound with rust. There was also a design of sort unevenly engraved on the top of it, it was a circle that was crossed out. On both sides, there were two small buttons that she proceeded to press making it smoothly opened up, by her disbelief as she thought she would have trouble opening it. The inside was nothing special just a normal clock with roman numerals. But something about it still gave the girl an irregular feeling, like it wasn't just a normal watch.
" Now, well begin so listen carefully." Maskys sharp voice took the girl out of her daze.
" As you can see I just handed you a pocket watch. And I understand you've already opened it, good." He approached her and took the watch out of her hand. She could feel his rough leather gloves graze her bare balm.
" The reason as to why I gave you this is simply that you'll use it as a timer. You have exactly 10 hours to complete the 15 tasks I have assigned you. This should be easy if you studied the map and know where you're supposed to go. Now I also have one so I can track you."
He began to wind up the watches, proceeding to open the girl closed hand and quickly place the watch inside. He then handed her a piece of paper that was crudely written on.
" Oh and, if you don't manage to complete this whole list by the end of those 10-hours you'll be appropriately punished."
The girls face scrunched up in disapproval as her eyebrows arched in the question of what exactly this punishment might ensue, the thought of what he might do made her shutter.
' I guess ill just have to complete this whole thing in less than 10 hours so I won't have to know what that means.' She thought as her eyes scanned through the paper. The tasks themselves weren't all that hard just very time consuming, if she were to do them in a thoughtful manner she could be done in exactly the time necessary.
"You'll start the watch when I step out of the trees fealed of protection, understand?"
" Yes, of course."
Masky then slowly walked his way away from the tree, the girl eagerly waiting for him to reach the end, the moment he did she quickly starting the watch. The first thing she had to retrieve a plant that was located across the forset. ' Ok, I remember this, it was down by the denser part of the forest right across from here. This shouldn't be that har, right?.' With that final thought, she started to sprint.
The piece of paper crumpled in her hand as she got drowned in the sounds of the leaves and sticks crunching under her feet. Branches from the trees grazed and cut her body as she ran, and random rocks showed to be an obstacle all along the way. But she didn't care as the only thing she was focused on was the destination, the memories of where everything was flashed into her head. her surroundings helped her navigate through the forest. Every indentation of the trees and rocks, the blowing wind even the holes that covered the soil.
She was able to get to her destination in about 16 minutes. Slowing down with a loud groan she quickly caught herself on the nearest tree, feeling unimaginably tyred though she still didn't stop and soon found herself double-checking the piece of paper in her hand to make sure she knew what she was looking for. The plant was a Rskovnik. The name rang a bell, she remembered hearing about in passing from jack when they talked one night. He mentioned it is a magic herb that helped with unlocking and uncovering certain things. Though it was very hard to find, as he only gave her a brief description of it being " grass that resembled a four-leaf clover, you'll know when you find it trust me".
Remembering their conversation made a small simper graze the girl's chapped lips. That night they spent talking was the only time she felt normal in the predicament that she was in. Soon she shook her head and proceeded to search the area for the herb, but no matter how hard she did she still couldn't find it. It seemed that she was looking for it for such a long time that she didn't notice the large animal approaching her. The creatures large body grazed one of the many bushes that scattered around them making it softly rustle, startling the girl and alerting her of its presence.
At that moment she broke out into a cold sweat, freezing up and contemplating what to do as she slowly started to turn her head in its direction. Through her peripheral, she saw its large nail-like teeth peering through its growling face. She then quickly spun around when she noticed it was about to leap at her and grabbed the nearest thing she could find lying next to her. The animal opened its largemouth in an attempt to bite her but ended up biting the thick tree branch she discovered.
Now she could get a better look at it. It resembled a dog, a husky she presumed, but this animal wasn't a normal dog, no. Its piercing cristal eyes didn't seem to hold any kind of life to them witch matched its patchy almost synthetic like fur. But what truly made this creature so unsettling was its wide human-like smile, with what seemed like hundreds of sharp white teeth that were smeared in a red liquid.
It soon turned into a battle of strength, as both sides fought as hard as they could to come out on top. This seemed to go on for a while until she was able to manoeuver the branch to push the beast off. Then right after she smacked it across the head and ran straight ahead to hide from the beast, eventually collapsing behind a tree. She took in a large breath and closed her eyes to calm down, letting her arms go to her sides and her body lose all of its tension. As her hand hit the jagged ground she felt a sharp pain shoot up her arm that made her look in its direction, at that moment noticing where she was sitting.
Right on top of the Rskovnik, she was looking for. Filling up one of her many pockets with as much as she needed she vent on her way to do everything else, seeing as she wasted 37 minutes just getting that one thing. Slowly throughout the day, she did task by tasks, each one more difficult than the last. Her time was running short as she was doing her last task only having 5 minutes to spear before she could go to the meeting place with all of the things she accumulated throughout those 10 hours. Starved and surely dehydrated she ran for dear life, scares and bruises littered not only her body but her face too.
She was sure that she was going to be late, having to then face Maskys rath. But strangely enough, she had made it right at the nick of time. Collapsing the moment she arrived near the tree. Clapping was then heard from afar, she didn't bother looking to see what was going on, feeling too exhausted to care.
" I am pleasantly surprised that you managed to do all of this. Right on time too."
He said, a bit of amusement lacing his voice, kneeling in front of her with a water bottle in hand. The girl proceeded to snatch it out of his palm and gulped down the whole bottle at once, feeling a refreshing sensation wash over her.
" We should go now, it's time for your lunch, plus you look very roughed up so you should take care of that."
He stated, waiting for the girl to get on her feet, noticing her struggle for a bit but eventually she got up and proceeded to walk towards the cabin. The walk itself was very slow as she struggled to hold her body up, but with the occasional reluctant assistance of Masky, they made it to their destination.
Immediately sprawling on the couch, the girl let out a small groan, the sudden pressure from sitting down made her wounds feel even worse than before but what could she do. Masky went on his way to get the first aid kit from the bathroom. Placing it on the coffee table in front of her, he watched her struggle to even reach for it as her aching arms sook with every attempt at extending them. Rolling his eyes in irritation, he placed the kit in her lap. But even with that she still struggled with using it as all her wounds were excruciating.
" Jesus, fine. I'll do it myself."
He exclaimed pushing her down on the couch while kneeling in front of her again. Taking the first aid kit off her person he proceeding to slowly open it and pull out all of the necessary items he needed to use.
" Ok, now show me where you got hurt." With that, the girl moved to pull up both of her pant legs revealing all the bruises and cuts on her legs. She did the same with her hands but they seemed to be more severe.
" Any more wounds I should know about before starting."
" Yeah, I have this big cut on my lower back. Here ill just show you."
She weakly replied as she unzipped the zipper she had sown on the side of her jumpsuit. A deep claw wound was present on her hip. Blood oozed out like icing, her face scrunched up in pain as Masky touched the wound.
" How did you manage to hurt yourself that badly?"
He spoke in a soft demanding tone as he grabbed some cotton and dabbed antiseptic on it.
" I got attack by this dog thing when I tried to do the first thing on the list."
Hissed in discomfort as the man began to clean her injury.
" Dog, huh? Describe to me what it looked like. I might know who you're talking about."
" Well, it had this weird grey fur and small doll-like eyes. But what really stood out was its...sm-"
"-Smile, right? Yeah, my suspicion was right you met smile dog, though I'm shocked he was active so early."
" Active so early? Whos this smiling dog and why did he attack me?"
" Well, he's one of the creatures I told you about your first day here. He's not very human-like so the reason he attacked you wasn't that he knew you were a Middle-man. No, most likely because he didn't recognize you. So don't worry ill tell him about you and he won't bother you again. Ok, I'm done with your side now give me your hand."
Extending her arm with a flinch, the man was prepared more cotton to disinfect the wounds. The sensation of his gloved hand on her skin was strange as she felt a stinging with every dap of the antiseptic. The silence was peaceful as Masky worked his way up both her arms, reaching for more antiseptic and taking the bottle in his hand it slipped from his grip and spiled a little on the floor.
" Dammit, my gloves are wet," Masky remarked under his breath as he proceeded to put the bottle back in its place and take off his gloves.
His hands were pale and veiny as his nails were cut to the brim. His palms and fingertips were callused and little cuts and scars littered his fingers while his two front knuckles were a different shade from the rest. A shiver ran up her spine when they contacted her skin, his hands were as cold as ice as he neatly bandaged both her arms. Tho the moment was short-lived as he finally finished.
" Here, all done. Now you only have a few cuts on your leg that don't need tending too so they'll be all right. But right now the best thing for you to do is to use a half-hour of your two-hour break resting. Understand?" He stated flatly.
" Sure." That was the only thing she could muster out of her voice as she proceeded to slowly lay her head down on the couch cushions.
" Good, ill be off to do some work now. Goodbye."
With that the man stood up, putting on his gloves and quickly approaching the front door. The girl watching his every step as he did. Them both not saying another word.
And now she was left in total silence all alone
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