#i feel like a sack of shit garbage
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Okay, consider, König is having a really bad day. Shit totally hit the fan at work, he got more scrapes and bruises than he’d like to admit (the biggest being his ego for doing garbage out on the field, naturally,) he lost a good knife, and he got stuck in a post mission brief that took 5 hours. Just, god, that sucks doesn’t it? He makes his way home and as much as he doesn’t want to be a douchebag to his sweet girly, and usually he’d really wanna see you, but at the moment he’s beyond himself with anxiety and just general negativity from such an awful day he doesn’t want to bother you (even though that’s his most usual “relaxing” technique…) He’s walking up to the apartment/house and he hears the washing machine on, nothing unusual. He’s ready to seclude himself in a bathroom and lock the door and just clean all of his guns and knives to calm down but-
You’re there in the living room, casually hanging out on the couch, nothing special, except…
You’re wearing his shirt. And thigh high fuzzy socks.
And that’s all.
“What are you wearing?”
“Oh! You’re home!! Sorry, I spilled some coffee on my clothes, and it was laundry day so-“
You’re cut off as he slings you onto his shoulder like a sack of flour.
Number one way to cheer this guy up. His day just turned fucking fantastic.
Please 😫 he lost one of his good knives...?? I bet all the other stuff was just the icing on the cake!
Can you even imagine how upset he must be? This man treasures his knives more than anything. Everyone else treats them like they're accessories, but to König, the guns are the accessories. He never goes anywhere without a knife on his belt.
And this guy wants to come home as a celebrated hero, he wants to greet his woman with victory in his eyes. No man wants to wade to their girl fatigued and pissed off after a series of petty fuck ups and boring debriefs and say they even lost a good knife (& say it with a voice that's on the verge of breaking)
König has suffered so many blows that of course he wants to seclude himself somewhere and just sulk it out. He kinda sorta would love it if his girl came to him and hugged him tight... dangled from his neck and told him what a big boy he is and how happy she is that he's finally home… But he's afraid it's going to take more than that to get him out of the slump.
To his horror, not even the prospect of a dinner and a blowjob is making him feel better, so the situation is more than just dire.
Is there anything better in this world than coming home to his girl and noticing she's wearing thigh high fuzzy socks?
(And just for the record: König is a firm supporter of t-shirt no undies, yes sir, but those socks?? They will destroy him, especially if they're pastel color or white.)
He forgets all the bullshit he's suffered in an instant when he sees her jump from the sofa, peeping her apologies and trying to cover her bare thighs with one of his black tees. As if he could ever be mad at her for wearing his shirt.
By the time they make it to the bedroom, König has forgotten he even owned a black little switchblade that had a handy opening mechanism.
How can he think about knives when the cutest girl in the world giggles as he goes under the shirt (ach, his shirt), when the light of his life squirms and squeals as he gives her smooches and little nibs all over? She's ticklish, and König is going to pry every delightful little noise out of her before going further down.
And those thigh high socks?
They stay on during sex.
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cobra-diamond · 11 months
My Problems With Azula In the Spirit Temple
Spirit Temple feels like a breath of fresh air in a lot of ways, but it also contains a number of lingering foul odors. Here are some of the problems I have with Spirit Temple:
This Version of Casual Bitch Face Azula
Not be confused with Resting Bitch Face Azula. I'm talking her eyebrows raised casually, her aloof expression, flippant demeanor, and very sharp, even jaundice features. I know we’ve seen variants of this Azula before, but this comic's version in the beginning and at the end feels like an amalgam of her characterizations from Book 2, Book 3, and The Search, maybe even Smoke & Shadow a bit. Something feels off about this characterization of Azula. It feels a bit forced and exaggerated.
The Fire Warriors Not Wanting Revenge on Society
Huge missed opportunity. This was an area where Azula and her acolytes could have related to each other and bonded on a personal level; being discarded by their society and their families. The potential was there for the Fire Warriors to be inspired by Azula because the princess of their nation went through the same ordeal as them. They even wore facsimiles of Azula’s clothes. Instead, they want to be Robin Hoods? The fuck? I know why the story did this. It wants to end the Kemurikage plotline and tie Azula to a new, likely comic-erased, plot for Avatar Studios. It’s still a monumental missed opportunity made even worse by the ending.
The Ending
Trash ending. I’ve changed my mind. It’s terrible. It almost sinks the whole comic. Almost, but not quite. One of two outcomes could have occurred for this story: Azula reconciles with the Fire Warriors, or Azula leaves them be, which is what happened. But we needed a more definitive statement from Azula, not Casual Bitch Face Azula flippantly walking off into the sunset. Once again, Azula is walking off alone into a forest, with no clear indication of what will come next for her or what she actually wants.
But the worst part of the ending is her line, “I’ll find new followers, a new place to rule." What complete nonsense. What, is she going to Neverland to rule over the Lost Boys? Skull Island and marry King Kong? This is 100% a result of Avatar Studios' and the franchise’s overall lack of plan surrounding Azula and the Royal Family. Don’t give me this amateur fanfic garbage of her venturing around the world with no money and no allies. The more I look at this ending, the worse it gets.
The Fire Warriors Getting Dropped
This ties into the ending. The franchise has a massive problem of not having people for Azula to talk to, not having anyone in her corner like Iroh was for Zuko. She’s alone in the finale. She’s alone in The Search. Smoke & Shadow is a joke so ignore that crap. And this comic continues the trend.
Being alone is not naturally part of her arc at this point. It's artificial. There should be no shortage of people in the Fire Nation who are willing to befriend the princess, help the princess, woo the princess. The Fire Warriors were clear examples of girls who would admire her, but the franchise chose to turn them into “good” people who just want to steal from the rich and give to the poor. Perhaps the problem is that Azula's allies would be political in nature and the Fire Nation currently lacks the necessary worldbuilding to have political allies for Azula when that would create huge downstream affects for Zuko.
The War Is Not Mentioned
Azula can’t separate her identity with her political role in the Fire Nation, and that's fine, but the franchise needs to be honest about why the Royal Family is so fucked up, why Zuko and Azula fought an Agni Kai, and why Azula is still adversarial to her older brother, because of the war.
The war.
The war. The war. The war.
The war that wiped out the Air Nomads and Southern Water Tribe waterbenders. The war that led Azulon to be an evil sack of shit to his grandson by commanding Ozai to kill him. That war that led Iroh to either be a proud warlord and favorite of said sack of shit Azulon or feckless burnout in the face of his sack-of-shit-to-be brother. The war that led Ozai to have a reason to be brutal and self-serving. The war that led Iroh to convince Zuko to battle his sister and prevent her from being Fire Lord. The war that pinned Zuko and Azula against each other in the first place.
The war, Sozin, and Azulon need to start getting blamed as root causes for a lot of these problems. Ozai is already getting his portion and is starting to get more from Azula. And Iroh doesn’t get off the hook. He failed to challenge his brother to an Agni Kai when clearly any member of the Royal Family can do so according to Zuko's and Azula’s Agni Kai. I need the war to be blamed for destroying the royal family. This comic barely does that.
Azula Was Too Complacent Around the Spirit
We all know Azula is an incredibly brave girl, but she’s also intelligent enough to sniff out danger. Why wasn’t she more forceful in demanding answers from the scary monk? Why did she play the spirit’s game instead of fight it immediately? This isn’t a big problem, but it made the exchange feel a bit forced and Azula experiencing Plot-Induced Stupidity.
The Spirit’s Intentions Were Too Vague
Was it trying to eat her? Why did the monk kick her out? Why couldn’t it “control what happens next”? Why did it think it new how to "redeem" Azula when it demonstrated tat it didn't know her well enough? There were major Coraline vibes in this story, from the Other Mother-esque tactics of giving Azula what she wants, to Azula circling back to the temple when trying to leave. Again, not a big problem, but it made the spirit frustratingly vague.
Azula’s Blank Reaction to the Zuko Monster
Too many blank stares while the Zuko Monster was lambasting her. I think I know what this scene was doing, but, please, if Azula is confused, use some dialogue to express that. If Azula is scared, or overwhelmed, use some dialogue to convey that. The prior scenes already used dialogue very effectively to convey Azula’s perspective.
Too Short
I don’t care about the comic format. I need more of this. The ATLA franchise does not have a character remaining who can hold a candle to Azula’s complexity, psychological damage, inner and moral conflicts, and potential for transformation. The Bounty Hunter and the Tea Brewer? Mystery of Penquan Island? ‘Fuck outta here with that shit. Give me more Crime and Punishment, Azula-edition.
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xenaisnumber1 · 5 months
Legend of Korra Rant incoming so buckle in
Every time I attempt to rewatch the series, I'm reminded yet again that Mako ruined the series. Any scenes with him in it is ruined because of what an emotional abusive sack of shit he is and because I'm reminded that people still think this soulless garbage is a hero.
Let's go through the reasons for why he's garbage.
He doesn't give a fuck about his brother. People defend him using the fact he took care of his brother after his parents died to pretend he's an amazing dude and that him and Bolin have an amazing relationship. So amazing that he warns Bolin off of Korra because he was jealous despite Mako rejecting her then when he finds out about Bolin having a date with her, he confronts Korra as if she did something wrong. They kiss and when Bolin sees them, he then blames Bolin for having feelings for Korra. Then when he finds out that Bolin told Asami about the kiss he blames his brother. Man he's such a loving brother isn't he? FYI Bolin still acts like he's a great brother through the entire series. Not to mention how the trash bullies Bolin the entire series. He continuously dismissed Bolin's feelings to make himself look better, he's always screaming at Bolin about something like when Bolin is using Pabu to free the trash's useless ass. Bolin is the only useful one of the two. His earthbending and later lavabending actually helps throughout the series unlike Mako's useless firebending and the ligteningbending the writers forget about until they need to make him look heroic. Asami makes better use of electricity than the trash does. Take the trash out and you lose nothing but horrid abusive relationships between Mako and Asami and Mako and Korra. What a loss that would be. There's also the fact that they had a funny, sweet guy that was interested in Korra and the writers put her with the abusive trash who treats his brother like trash. Gotta love those healthy heterosexual relationships am I right? Can't have two women kiss on scene but we can have Mako emotionally abuse the female characters because he's a cis het dude and can get away with it.
Now let's go to Korra. That sack of shit is trash to Korra the first time they meet for no reason at all and when Korra expresses interest in him, he rejects her. But when she has a date with Bolin, the trash attacks her for it as if he has any say in anyone she dates. But then the sack of shit starts to date Asami. So apparently he doesn't want to date Korra but he'll make damn sure no one else will date her. She's nothing but a possession to him. But do you know what really made me want to explode. When Korra finds out that Asami's father was a terrorist, the heartless garbage had the balls to accuse Korra of being so petty and jealous over his worthless ass that she would accuse a man of being a terrorist. And when it was revealed she was right, the spineless sack of shit deflected responsibility yet again by saying it was hard to believe that the man whose wife was killed by a firebender would hate benders. And the shit writers want us to believe that he was such a genius they needed him to become a detective to make him relevant the rest of the series. Oh and the horror show isn't done yet. The piece of garbage that was pretending to care about Asami when he could use her to attack Korra suddenly doesn't give a fuck about comforting her after she learns her father is a terrorist. Korra has to tell his bitch ass to go comfort his girlfriend. And there are actually brain dead people who try to blame Korra to defend this soulless monster. That's why I automatically dismiss anyone's opinions if they claims Mako is a good person.
And oh my God what he did to Asami. She is one of the kindest people ever and that piece of human filth treated her like she was nothing. She was nothing to him but a weapon to manipulate Korra into staying with his manipulative ass and once he was done with her he threw Asami aside like she was nothing. He's always screaming at her like any time she's driving. He thinks he knows who to drive better than the woman who races cars for fun. And she always end up saving his worthless ass while he gets his ass handed to him. Anytime Korra's around, this snake had his hands all over her right in front of Asami without giving a damn about how he's hurting her. Because he's never given a shit about her. Oh and they still do this in the final two seasons. They have Korra hug the trash heap while Asami is right there. But I guess since they're not dating they have him keep doing the exact thing he did while he was emotionally abusing them when they were dating. And his narcissistic ass had the balls to go to Asami expecting her to heat up the tea for the woman he's obsessed with despite him actually being able to create fire. It's so petty and heartless and it's obvious he just loves to hurt Asami. Because the only respect I'll give the trash is not believing he's stupid enough that he doesn't know that every action he does hurts Asami. And she still allowed this snake to stay at her place because he had no place to live. And she allowed his family to stay instead of punishing them for what he did to her. She's one of the most forgiving people ever.
And the fact he suffered no consequences at all for what he did infuriates me. Asami and Korra immediately forgive him and the shit writers have them act like they need his useless ass along to help find airebenders. And they yet again try to make us believe that Bolin needs his trash brother to come with them because they need him. And of course he ends up being useless the entire season until they need to make him look heroic in the final fight scene.
And they have Korra talk to this trash at the end so he can cry that he'll have his back. He's never had her back and he's always been garbage. But the writers prove they are shit writers by doing what shit writers do. Force the characters to act like the trash is a good person by telling you he is when his actions show otherwise and by writing scenes specifically to try to make him look heroic to get people to forget what he did because they're lazy and couldn't actually put in effort to redeem him. They also couldn't have given us a final scene between Lin and Korra to parallel their first scene together to show how their relationship changed to one of caring? Oh that's right, they needed to force the trash on us to make us believe that he has a deep relationship with the woman he claimed falsely accused a man of terrorism because she was jealous he was with Asami. They have such a deep relationship don't they?
The fact that Su Beifong gets more shit than this garbage pisses me off. Idiots act like she's evil because she made a mistake that hurt her sister as a teenager even though she's shown she's changed after 30 years and actively tried to make amends. But the trash abuses the female character for two entire seasons then never apologizes and refuses to even be around them because he's spineless and they act like he's a hero because the writers stop reminding you what garbage he is every scene. It really is pathetic how easily people forgave the trash just because the writers stop reminding them he's trash. That's why anyone who likes Mako but hates Su isn't worth listening to. Because unless they are spoon fed that a character is good by the other characters they can't determine what a good character looks like. Lin and Su actually care about each other even if they have fought. Mako has always been trash to Bolin and has never apologized for anything he's done but people act like Mako's a caring big brother.
And he's trash to everyone in general. Every sentence out of his mouth is the most negative shit and he's the most unbearable character to watch for those who don't immediately forgive him because they want to bang him. He's trash to Wu but people think that was hilarious because Wu was selfish when we first met him and he hits on Asami and Korra. And yet he didn't treat them like trash like Mako does. And Wu actually has an arc. He actually cares about people once he pulls his head out of his ass unlike Mako.
And what infuriates me is that the writers acknowledge the horrid love triangle in season 4 but played it off as a joke. They had the asshole act smug as he's telling the story because he manipulated Korra and Asami into fighting over his worthless ass. Then in the reunion he whines that Korra didn't write to his narcissistic ass when she was experiencing PTSD. Then the writers had him attacking Asami and Korra over and over again for everything they were doing even going so far as to asking Korra if he should trust her Avatar feelings only to acknowledge that they're doing the same thing that they did during season 1, getting on each other nerves ie Mako being abusive to Korra. And the writers portrayed this garbage as a hero.
The writers ruined this show with their desperate need to make us like this horrid character. I can't watch a scene with the trash without wanting to deck him. I have to subside on fanfics now or just not watch any scene with that trash in it. I don't trust anyone who wrote that trash to write anything ever again.
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starogeorgina · 4 months
Tumblr media
Pairing: Joel Miller x reader
Warnings: Swearing, smut, violence
The wind carries the acrid smell of burning flesh as the smell of death reaches your nostrils. You toss another bag into the already-burning pit just on the edges of the quarantine zone you lived in. Clad in grimy clothing, trudging through the charred remains of the once bustling city. You heave a heavy sack of garbage filled with a day's worth of waste onto the fire, the sound of plastic groaning under the strain echoing through the desolate streets.
As you continue your grim task, you can't help but steal a glance further along the road at the larger fire blazing beside the one you’re assigned to. Your mouth goes dry when you notice Joel; his brows are pulled together as he drops a body into the fire. He was hauntingly beautiful. There were so many small things you missed when you weren’t with him, like the way he hummed when kissing you and his sarcastic mannerisms. If Joel was telling you a story that made him happy, he’d trace his fingers up and down your arm.
As he walks back towards the truck to repeat the action, he lifts his head and briefly makes eye contact with you, but his tired eyes swiftly move to something behind you.
“Sad, isn’t it?” a redheaded woman says while coming to stand beside you. “I’m thankful I’m tossing people shit into fire and not their bodies. I did it once and had nightmares for weeks.”
“Yeah, it will do that, do you?”
“Where’s your sister? I thought she was on the same shift as you.”
“She swapped them.”
The redhead raises her brows and says, “Oh, that’s handy, I suppose, always having someone in your apartment. The building next to mine got raided a few days ago.”
You think of Tess sneaking around the roof at night, her rifle slung over her shoulder as she scans the horizon for any signs of movement. You weren’t sure if that was for her own protection or to protect whatever contraband she was trying to smuggle. According to your sister, she and Joel have been ‘upping their game’ for months now, but you try your best not to overthink it.
As you stand there, lost in thought, a sudden chill runs down your spine. You pause, trying to shake off the unease that has settled over you. But then it hits you—a realization that sends shockwaves through your entire being.
Joel rips the condom packet open with his teeth before rolling the rubber over his hard cock and pushing into you. You groan loudly in pleasure, feeling him spread you open as he holds your legs apart, your feet resting on either side of his head as he thrusts into you.
“Fuck! You’re so sensitive,” he sways before swiping his thumb across your clit. He smirks when your legs start to tremble. “You like that baby girl?”
All you can do is nod pathetically.
Without pulling out of you, Joel wraps his arms around your waist and changes position. You’re not sitting on his lap, your legs feeling dangling on either side of him as Joel sits on the edge of the bed. The new position makes him feel much deeper than before; your fingernails dig into the side of his neck.
“You take me so well.”
Joel leans forward and takes one of your breasts into his mouth, his tongue swirling around your nipple, and— he abruptly stops. Quietly, he asks, “Are you sure Tess is working late tonight?”
“Yeah, she only left a couple of hours ago.”
“Shit,” he lifts you off his lap and whispers. “Don’t leave this room until I say so.”
With the orgasm that was threatening to consume you seconds ago suddenly ripped away, you stare at him a little dazed. It takes you a moment to process what’s happening. It’s not until he closes the door behind him that you fully register what’s going on. Shit. You scramble to your feet and quickly start to redress, but before you pull your pants up, three gunshots go off outside your room.
You get the gun that’s hidden beneath your mattress and aim at the doorway, waiting to see who comes through as the door handle starts to turn.
“Don’t shoot; it’s only me.”
“What the hell just happened?”
Joel brushes his sweaty hair out of his face. “Raiders.”
You rush to leave the room, but he steps in front of you and says, “Trust me, you don’t want to see.”
“We’re going to need to clean it up before Tess gets back.”
“Just,” he lets out a deep sigh and holds onto your shoulders. “Finish getting dressed.”
Joel lets go of you to find his clothes that were scattered across your room; he had only slipped his boxers on before leaving the room. You watch as he ties off the condom before shoving it into the bottom of the trashcan in your room. While you studied him, you had no way of knowing how terrified Joel was of losing you moments ago. How his heart started to race as soon as he heard someone trying to break the front door. His first instinct was to save you. How he killed two men without regret because it meant you were safe.
Your hands shake as you nervously fumble with the box in your hands. Hearing the click of the door opening, you pull a used towel over your lap and snap, “Jesus, Tess, have you ever heard of knocking?”
Without even glancing in your direction, she goes and kneels in front of the sink, immediately rummaging in the small cupboard underneath it.
“I’m trying to pee here.”
“Then pee!” She tosses a few empty tampon boxes to the floor and grunts, “I’ve got to leave to meet this guy about a weapons shipment, and it looks as if I’ve been stabbed from the waist down.”
“Seriously, you need to get out.” You huff like a teenager, wishing more than anything that you had a bathroom with a lock that worked. “Seriously, go now!”
“Alright, alright,” she says, holding her hands up in defeat. Tess turns around, and her eyes are immediately drawn to something on the floor. “What the fuck is that?”
Your heart races as you notice the small stick lying on the floor. Damn it. It had slid out of the box. Tess crosses her arms over her chest, her gaze fixed on the pregnancy test.
Dropping your head into your hands, you sigh, “Don’t, just don’t.”
“Please tell me, you’ve got that for someone else,” her voice low and guarded.
You swallow hard, feeling the weight of your secret bearing down on you. You shift uncomfortably under her gaze, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. “I’m late,” you mumble, trying to sound nonchalant. “But it could be from a lack of sleep and stress. This isn’t the first time I’ve been late.”
Your sister lets out a harsh laugh, shaking her head in disbelief. “But you've obviously been screwing someone to even think there is a chance you could be.”
You feel a stab of guilt as your sister's words sink in. She's right, of course. You had been screwing someone, but you and Joel both agreed it would make things complicated if other people, including Tess, knew.
“Have you taken it yet?”
“No, I was about to when you came barging in.”
Tess pulls a couple of tampons out of an old makeup bag. “Silver lining if you are knocked up? We don’t need to fight over these anymore.”
Putting all your weight on your shoulder, you push the door leading into the next door’s apartment open by slamming into it. The furniture has been overturned and broken, and the walls are covered in dirt and grime. A layer of thick dust coats everything, indicating that no one has been here for a long time. The windows remain boarded up, and the only light from outside comes from the small cracks in the boards.
“Holy shit.”
As you and Tess both search through the apartment, you can't help but notice the tension building between you. She’s been acting strange for days, and you can't quite put your finger on what she’s feeling towards you because all you received was the silent treatment. Every time you try to make eye contact with her, she looks away quickly and becomes visibly uncomfortable.
“Are we just not going to talk now?”
“So, who’s the father?” When you don’t answer, Tess scowls at you and says, “Jesus, tell me you know who the father is.”
“Of course I do,” you snap defensively. “I’m not some whore who sleeps around, if that’s what you’re trying to imply.”
The look she gives you is the exact same one your mom used to when you were a naughty kid. “I never said you were, but you’re the one who’s put us in this position by being so reckless!”
“We used condoms every time.”
Tess shakes her head while picking knocked-over furniture back up. “Condoms are only ninety-eight percent effective, meaning two people out of a hundred fall pregnant, and of course you are one of them.”
You throw two fusty-looking pillows into a black bag, trying to hold back the tears you feel welling up. “Don’t you think I know that? I—I—I can’t tell him.” You think of the devastation in Joel’s eyes every time he spoke about Sarah; not telling him about the positive test result right away was your own way of protecting him. “I need to get my head straight first. Think clearly before I speak to him about it.”
“Do you have any idea how hard this is going to be?” She asks, sounding more like a disapproving parent than a big sister. “Will the father even step up? Will he just be another Paddy and leave you to raise a child on your own?”
Tess has always looked after you. When you were a teenager, she took you in after your dad found out about your pregnancy and kicked you out of his house. She stayed by your side the whole time your son was sick and would babysit so you could study or work extra shifts. You owed Tess everything, yet a part of you was mad because, despite everything you’d been through, she was still treating you like the teenage girl who appeared on her doorstep, begging for a roof over her head.
“I know it’s going to be hard.” Trying to hide the tears that have fallen, you start throwing more junk that was left behind into the trash bag. After a few moments have passed, you take a deep breath. “I think he will be shocked and in denial at first, but will want to be involved.”
The truth was, you had no idea how Joel would feel or react, but the second you saw those two thin little lines appear, you wanted to bury your head in the sand, so you imagined this would rip the floor out from underneath him. Joel was a brutal, hardened man, but yet, you’d still trust him with your life. You weren’t scared of telling him because of his reaction; you were just scared of the reality of the situation.
“You know, if you don’t want to have this baby, there are still places that can help you.”
“I just...” you cut yourself off, taking a deep breath. “I need to sleep on it for a few days.”
“I’m not asking you to tell me who the father is to judge you. I’m asking you to tell me because I’m your sister; whatever shit goes down, we go through it together.”
“It’s Joel. Joel Miller.”
Immediately, Tess’s demeanor changes; she’s seething. “You’ve been seeing him and never told me?”
You’re taken aback by the flicker of hurt on her face. “I’m sorry. It’s complicated; I don’t even—”
Before you can finish your sentence, Tess storms out of the apartment, slamming the door behind her.
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taropotwrites · 10 days
“You desperate sack of shit. You just couldn’t stay away, could you?” Holt hissed, “You want to be one of them so bad, now look what you’ve done. The normies will send the feds after me and you can bet your ass no one on this side of town will protect us. Not after finding out there’s a fucking human inside me.”
Hmm... Holt kinda has like anger issues I think. Anyways I'm having that phenomenon where everything I write feels like garbage and thus I can't update because it's too embarrassing
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rana-tiddalik · 10 months
I've been playing Risk of Rain Returns, and have been really enjoying playing as the Drifter. It's one of my favourite character types, which is "Person who really shouldn't be there, and has no choice but to kick ass until they are out of there." I know that's technically the whole point of the game. You start as a squishy human or malfunctioning robot who crash lands on an alien planet where every single living thing immediately starts trying to kill you. By gathering up all of the highly dangerous and probably mutagenic items that the Contact Light was carrying, and rubbing them all over your body, you can eventually build yourself up into a god-slaying juggernaut. But the Drifter feels like lore-wise they start even further behind than the others. The other survivors are soldiers, mercenaries and outlaws. Their character logs talk about the military spec equipment and armour they come aboard with. The Drifter's log notes that they come aboard with a civilian space suit at the end of its life, and a duffel bag full of junk. Their combat moves do not involve guns or high tech gadgets. They fight by bashing shit over the head, throwing garbage at the monsters, or by stuffing enemies into their duffel bag to smother them, then turning them into spare parts that they can then craft into flawed copies of the weird gizmo power up items. Just a wildly different flavour of moves, and I love it.
I particularly love that the "stuff 'em in the sack" move works on literally everything in the game. Armoured bipedal lizards trying to bite your face off? Get in the sack. Giant crab-monsters or huge teleporting bison? Into the sack. Towering colossi, magma worms, or terrifying demon creatures? In the sack. God of this savage planet, protector of the outcast aliens who call it home? Into the fucking sack you go, Providence. I'm going to break you down for scrap and turn you into a shitty hat.
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readysteddiewoe · 2 years
Part two of Spider-Steve (read part 1 <<here)
Eddie Munson's first Spider-man encounter happens one cold December evening when he steps out the service door at hideout for a smoke. A blur of red and blue falls like a sack of stones, seemingly out of nowhere, into the overflowing dumpster. Eddie lets out a frankly embarrassing shriek at the noise, hackles raised, he approaches the dumpster in barely restrained panic looking for any sign of life. Lo and behold, fucking Spider-man is lying in the trash.
"Shit, dude, you okay?" he asks. The vigilante groans as he sits up in the squelching mess.
"I'm fine, I'm okay," Spider-man waves an arm, sounding breathless and hoarse as he stumbles out of the dumpster, nearly face planting in the process.
Eddie grabs him by his shoulders to steady him, meeting those weirdly expressive eye lenses on his mask. They widen a little and then Spider-Man is scrambling away from him, raising a hand to his head like he’s trying to run his fingers through his hair before realizing he can’t.
“Just— long day, y’know,” Eddie can’t really say he knows what a long day of vigilante-ing would involve but he nods along anyways, a little thrown by the whole interaction. "I'll get out of your hair now," says Spider-man with an awkward two-finger salute and then he starts limping out of the alleyway a hand clutching his side.
Eddie pictures Spider-man limping home, all alone on streets of Queens, it feels kinda pathetic. "Hey man, you sure you don't need any help?" He jogs up beside the masked man. "No offence, but you don't exactly look okay," In fact, he looks sorta beat to shit, Eddie realizes now that they’re standing closer to the street lamps. “I can give you a ride if you want,” Spider-man turns to look at him, his weird eye lenses blink once.
The car ride is awkward as hell. Spider-dude is sitting ramrod straight in the passenger seat, preternaturally still, stinking of garbage. Well, his van was long overdue a deep clean anyways.
He looks ridiculous with his hands folded on his lap and the seat belt over his suit. Metallica plays in the background, volume turned down so low Eddie can only hear it when he stops at a red light.
"So," Eddie starts, "My name is Eddie," he turns to look at Spider-man expectantly.
“Spider-Man,” he says, then chuckles at the face Eddie makes. "It kinda defeats the purpose of a secret identity if I gave you my real name,"
"Can I give you a nickname then?"
"Maybe?” The eye lenses narrow at him.
"Spider-boy? Arachnoid-dude?"
"Aren’t nicknames supposed to be shorter?"
Eddie snaps his fingers "Bug boy!"
"Absolutely not—"
"I got it, I got it," Eddie paused for dramatic effect, "Spidey,"
"I guess I can live with that," Spidey says with a put upon sigh and Eddie grins.
He drops him off near a takeout place, blowing Spidey a dramatic kiss before driving away. “Good night Spidey, get well soon!”
In the rear view mirror, Eddie sees him watching until his van disappears from view.
"Guess who I saw today?" Steve later asks Robin, lying on her bed with a bag of frozen peas over his ankle, cramming a spring roll in his mouth.
"Was it Lady Gaga? If it wasn't Lady Gaga then I don't really care," she flops down beside him, queuing up a movie on her laptop.
"Eddie Munson. And he was being nice, Robbie,”
“He’s always nice, I don’t get your point,”
“Not to me, he’s not,” Steve frowns. Robin isn’t the first person to insist how cool of a dude Eddie Munson is. Though Steve only ever sees contradicting evidence; until today that is.
"Hate to break it to you Steve, but I also kind of hated you when I only knew you from your mean girl era in high school," Huh. Touché.
Steve spends most of the movie half distracted and trying to fend off sleep. Robin’s phone pings halfway in and she snatches it up, holding it close to her face and smiling at the text. Which was new. Interesting.
“Who’s that?”
“No one,”
“Fine,” Steve yawns, “Don’t tell me,”
Part III
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unrelatedwaffle · 10 months
sizzling hot take but when people complain about politicians changing what they believe and vote for based on pressure from their constituents that's...actually what's supposed to happen in a representative democracy?
imo, to make the most democratic argument, your representative should be an amorphous blob that calculates what the voters want and try to get it. if they are voting their OWN conscience and opinions that's great if their constituents agree with them, but if they don't, it's incredibly frustrating (I lived in Texas, I've wasted many a phone call yelling at Ted Cruz's voicemail knowing full well it was pointless).
honestly the right understands this very well. it doesnt matter if the amorphous blob du jour is a pedophile, rapist, cheater, corrupt son of a bitch. nothing will make them not vote for him because he has an R next to his name, and he'll vote for all the things the right wants, like hurting people of color, women, queer people, trans people, gutting public schools, banning books, destroying the environment for fun and profit, etc.
i don't think a candidate's principles shouldn't matter, per se, but i do think we underestimate how much power voters have when they show up. i truly believe even vile vomit sack ted cruz could read the room if there was 100% voter turnout from ages 18-35 and he would have to change his positions or fear getting kicked the fuck out. if there was 100% voter turnout from ages 18-35 you'd better believe some candidates would start promising things like universal basic income and prison abolition.
idk im feeling afraid that our democracy is going to disappear before many of you have really taken advantage of it. dont take it for granted. its AMAZING that congresspeople are afraid of getting voted out and start backpedaling on shit. that is DEMOCRACY'S POWER. it's just that only garbage people are exercising it right now.
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I love that the internet is forever and there is record of you shipping incest from teenage mutant ninja turtles. Like you can change your blog name but there it is. 😂 OMG. What a time to be alive. You will really never escape that. You’re not queer like you wanna be so bad (for what reason, who knows) you’re queer like- you’re a fucking deranged freakazoid who likes incest from kids shows. Instead of writing me a really nice fic, maybe just get therapy.
Aaaaaaaaaaand there's a permanent record of you wasting your Halloween writing me this garbage. You can call yourself "radical" for the rest of your life, but you'll never change the fact that you're a sad, Puritanical TERF with literally nothing better to do than harass real people over fictional characters. Animals are people too, but apparently I'm not, yeah?
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Not to mention that you'll be trying to sell yourself as "radical" with this shit literally hanging over you:
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And what the hell made you think I'd ever want to hide who I am? There's no goddamn shame in valuing the lives of real people over fictional characters, whereas there's quite a bit in doing the opposite, because that suggests a really small, wretched life. Sounds like you're doing quite a lot of projecting about who wants to erase what.
I'm a queer freak, loud and proud and unchangeable. You're a sad sack. And there's no reason on earth I'd want to hide either of those things. I don't even need to beg people to think I'm "scawy" (seriously, nobody is scared of radfems and TERFs, we just think you're morons and feel sorry for you), you clearly already think it already if you're so terrified of my words you have to hurt me without even knowing me. I didn't even know your stupid blog existed until you decided to permanently link it to this morning.
Whereas I'm very curious what the hell you were doing stalking my blog to begin with, considering there isn't even a lot here that could be classified as guilty wank material. Are you that lonely with your fellow TERF nazis? Do you need to try to do something awful that you think is righteous to get out of bed in the morning? Do you have a record of trying to hurt three people a day before one of your so-called friends will give you a smidgen of the affection you so desperately need?
Anyway, I'm glad there's a permanent internet record of the way that radfems so heavily intersect with antis. Like, hey, maybe there is a reason you guys overlap so much. Maybe there's a reason you're all going to be jumping at ghosts long after Halloween is over.
Also "freakazoid?" Are you in middle school? I don't even need emojis to try to convince you I'm laughing, because this shit is hilarious enough on its own. Especially if you staple it to your own blog with another incoherent spiel.
Therapists agree with fic writing, but I think you should consult your own, because your life is probably genuinely shitty if it drove you to make this ask. Like, seriously, this came so out of the blue I have to believe you've just had a breakup or something that makes you run around, desperately harassing people like this.
Chances are you're just going to pretend you didn't read this--antis have a way of doing that, and so do morons desperately clinging on to the last word like kids trying to win the "are too" game. But there's still a record for those sweet baby antis out there for the next time they think about jumping into bed with radfems who seem to think that animals matter more with people, and there's going to be a record of your misery.
So, anyway, I'm not going to write you a very nice fic. I'm going to write you a very nasty fic about transmasc turtles in love. Happy Halloween, you poor unfortunatel soul. Unlike you, I’m not hiding shit.
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behindthearmory · 1 year
I am having some feelings. There’s some grossness and mental health discussion.
I am having so many weird feelings about my privilege because my life was a shit show from fall 2006 until I left K and I’m lucky.
I was assaulted in 2006 and failed out of college. I was isolated and miserable in 2010 and 2011. When I was I was renting a room in MD in 2012 I needed help with the security deposit, I could afford food, and the homeowner was so misogynistic that if the toilet clogged he automatically assumed it was because I had flushed menstrual products and he would grill me about it so I took to shitting in plastic bags like a fucking dog and throwing it into the garbage can outside so he’d leave me alone. My apartment in RI in 2013 was completely infested with mice to the point I have a mild trauma response to seeing them now. I got mugged at gun point in 2015. I was suicidal and losing my mind in 2018. I was in an emotionally abusive relationship from 2019-2021.
Mom’s life was bad. J’s life was bad.
But we were lucky. All our needs still got met. Someone somewhere was willing to help. I still have never deliberately paid a bill late.
What a fucking thing to go through everything we’ve gone through and know we’re lucky, we’re privileged. The provost wants my mom to be his right hand. I live in a beautiful fifth floor apartment with my spouse and have an advanced degree. J seems to have turned his life around. Ten years ago I was sleeping on the floor and shitting in grocery sacks.
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1, 10, 21?
1. The character everyone gets wrong?
The Star Wars sequels are a trilogy of hot garbage and they've done some damage to Luke Skywalker's character to the point where there's an oddly anti-Luke Skywalker sentiment among younger Star Wars fans.
To be honest, I loathe how Hans and Leia were treated in the newer Star Wars films too. Those movies just feel like one big 'fuck you' to the original trilogy and cast of heroes and their shittiness has really effected how Star Wars fans (particularly the younger ones who saw the sequels) intepret and treat the characters.
Luke, Leia and Hans deserved better character arcs and conclusions to their story from the sack of shit product Disney had the audacity to call movies.
10. Worst part of fanon?
The anti-ship/pro-ship discourse. People are going to write and create fanworks that you don't like or find disturbing and your whiny ass is just going to have to cope and seethe.
21. Part of fanon you think is overhyped?
Shipping characters for sure. I too will pair characters whether their pairing is canon or not but people take it too seriously at times.
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hazbincalifornia · 1 year
Chapter 55: Blitzo decorates himself, and also the nursery.
Ao3 link
Blitzo knew, objectively, that his balance was kind of shot at the moment. Strapping what felt like twenty pounds of bulky baby weight to your middle would do that, and he was intimately familiar with that fact due to the number of times he’d had to awkwardly bat something off the floor with his tail and try to catch it instead of being able to just lean down and grab it.
However, that didn’t mean that it was any less embarrassing to have to call his daughter to pull him out of the dumpster he’d been able to get into by himself. There had been a shirt he’d just had to have dangling out of the edge, and he’d immediately locked onto it with laser-focus before realizing that getting down maaaay be a teensy-weensy problem. It seemed much further to the ground than he’d remembered, which was just bullshit.
“You realize this smells like shit, right?” Loona’s nose was wrinkled as she tugged at his leg, pulling him down from the slime-soaked rim of the bin and into her arms before settling him back down on his feet. She held out her shirt with a grimace as he rocked back and forth slightly, getting his balance back. “Seriously. You owe me a new shirt, this one is going to be gross forever now because the garbage-juice touched it. Fucking nasty.”
“You can take one of my new ones, sweetie, I’m pretty sure those would fit you!”
“I’m not gonna do that. Maternity clothes look like potato sacks.”
“Geez, thanks, fussy pants,” Blitzo said, cracking his back and turning his prize over in his hands. “There was a pizza slice in there too that I dropped, want to lift me back up for that? It only had a little bite taken out of it! Maybe somebody was just a little bitch and it wasn’t even poisoned.”
“I’m good.”
“Your loss. I can give you overtime for being Daddy’s helper, doesn’t that sound nice?”
“It’s the least you can do for making me come back here,” Loona grumbled, but her mouth quirked up ever-so-slightly, and he smiled to himself as he headed for the door, new shirt slung over his shoulder with as much of a spring in his step as physically possible. Loona fell into step right beside him, and he counted the fact that she wasn’t trailing fifteen feet behind as a victory.
“Since when do you have tits?”
Millie’s eyes were wide as he exited the bathroom, shirt proudly stretched over his belly after getting a dunking in the sink, and he patted his chest, shifting to the side slightly.
“Since last Saturday. Bird-boy had some spell that jacked up my curves, and that included adding milkers. Weird, huh?”
She hopped off the table and leaned forward, grabbing his left boob in her hand. “Huh… they sure feel real.”
“They are.” His voice squeaked up an octave at the sensation of her palm squeezing against the nipple “They’re also-“
“Oh, sensitive?” She pulled her hand back. “Sorry! Just surprised, is all!”
He waved a hand. “All good, Millie-Billie. I’d probably do the same thing. They’re gonna have free milk and everything!” She gave a pleased whistle at that, and his hand dropped down to tug out the bottom of the shirt. “Guess what I got dumpster-diving, though?”
Millie squinted at the text. “Egg daddy?” She tilted her head. “Why do the eggs have faces and hats?”
“Beats me, I just thought it was funny. I mean, the kid’s not in an egg, but it is a bird, so-“
“I get it.” She punched his shoulder with a grin, and he barely held back a wince at the force, taking a partial step back to not teeter and fall on his ass. “They’re gonna be real lucky, y’know that, right? I know it was all a right mess for a while there, and Moxx’n I didn’t want to get too involved when you were sorting all that shit out as long as you weren’t in real danger, but you’re gonna be a good dad as long as you love ‘em like they deserve. You’re a good guy, Blitzo.”
Blitzo blinked, then blinked again to get rid of the moisture gathering behind the lids. “That’s- I’m gonna try, Mills, you know that.”
“Then you’ll do just fine.” She grinned. “Besides, I’m totally calling auntie privileges on the squirt. They’re gonna learn axe-throwing if it’s the last thing I do, no IMP kid is gonna be a wuss.”
“As if I’d let you escape that. They’re coming out calling all of us family.” He pulled her into a noogie, and she just laughed as Moxxie re-entered the room with a pair of coffees.
“What? What did I miss?”
“Millie was just admiring my milk buddies,” Blitzo said, wrapping his tail around Moxxie’s waist and tugging him closer on the other side, getting a little yelp. “And she said she’s looking forward to being an auntie, so I expect you to be their uncle too, got it?”
Moxxie held the cups out to keep from dropping them, but there was a slight twitch on the side of his face. “I think that will depend on if they don’t bite my face off, sir.”
Blitzo grinned, ruffling at his hair as well. “You drive a hard bargain, but we’ll manage. You’re part of the family too, Moxxie-Roxxie.”
Moxxie rolled his eyes, but the partial-smile didn’t disappear, and Blitzo snickered as he slumped against Blitzo’s side, defeated.
“Just let me finish my paperwork.”
“In a minute. This is important bonding time.”
“Wait, do you have breasts?”
“Yes, I already said that, keep up. Jealous?”
“You should be, these were gifted from a fertility demon and make me look great in this shirt.”
“Can I borrow them sometime?” Millie piped in with a little laugh.
“You figure out how to, they’re yours, Mills,” Blitzo said, letting both of them go. “Now, once those boring forms are filled out, today’s kill takes place on a llama farm so I expect somebody to bring me back fancy llama socks, got it? My ankles feel as bloated as somebody who had two Wackdonalds meals and I deserve it.”
Millie chirped out ‘yes’ while Moxxie grumbled a little, but when they returned from the job, Moxxie was the one to lob a slightly-bloody pair of woolen black socks at him along with a smiling llama keychain. The keychain even had a little cowboy hat on it, and he set it on his desk in a place of honor.
A few hours later, Blitzo adjusted the final horse on the dresser in the nursery, pleased with the scene. Lolly Buttons was right up next to her girlfriend Hoebag, and Shadow was standing regal all by herself. He glanced back at the crib across the room.
Decorating had mostly been scattering the horse dolls around the room and throwing up an old show poster from the old apartment so the walls weren’t quite so empty. He still needed to bring in more, though, as this was just kind of sad- and the lonely dartboard left by the previous owner didn’t help much.
Blitzo turned back to the dresser and sighed, cheek resting in his palm. It was still missing something, dammit, but what?
He could ask Loona if he could borrow one of the posters from her room, but he didn’t want to take anything of hers that he didn’t have to. She deserved to get to keep her stuff. One of the pictures of the IMP gang, maybe? Or one with Stolas? He could probably get a half-decent one of him by the time she was out. Maybe he could try and ‘borrow’ one from inside the palace…
Blitzo reached over to fiddle absently with Hoebag, the softness pleasing to the touch, before glancing down and tilting his head.
“Aaand there!” Blitzo pulled the needle back, satisfied, before setting the newest pony down. He’d taken the space on the left half of the dresser top to create a few new dolls and rearrange some of the old ones. Moxxie and Millie had gotten fresh models since theirs had kind of been smushed in the transit, and Loona’s stood behind them. Stolas’s had to be propped up with a pencil to stand on its own, he had made another one for Octavia complete with a little beanie that was settled on her father’s back. The one of himself was slightly to the left of those two, with the newest addition in between them.
She was a pink thing with black on the lower half of her legs- he was pretty sure she’d have at least some black on her feet between the two of them. He gave her black hair too, which seemed like a safeish bet, and even slapped a yellow star on her front just for fun.
The tip of his tongue stuck out as he adjusted the scene to be just right, clapping the bits of material off his hands when he was finished. She looked up at him from her position between them with M+M and Loona standing watch, and he patted the top of her head with one finger while the other hand settled on his stomach, the front of the bump pressing against the dresser before he bent down to press a kiss to her tiny horsie ears.
“There we go. Perfect.”
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s0undsinmyhead · 2 years
I don’t understand how anyone likes Izzie or George. I know I’m biased because I love the badass Queen that is Callie Torres but even before her introduction and Izzie and George’s terrible treatment of her they are the worst characters.
George is this “nice guy” sad sack loserwho spends all his time whining and pitying himself. Oh no Meredith doesn’t like me. I’m a grown ass adult and it’s taken me months to realize the woman who is very publicly in love with this other man and has never given me the time of day isn’t interested in me woe is me!!! And he never learns from his mistakes. Like the most basic mistakes of not putting your foot in your mouth. He can’t stop himself over and over.
And then he meets Callie who ignores that he’s a self-pitying loser. He then treats her like absolute garbage. Lies to her. Cheats on her. Makes her feel bad about herself. Picks his friends over her. And let’s be clear he’s picking his friends who are treating his girlfriend/wife like trash when she has tried over and over to be friends with them. She has been nothing but nice and they make fun of her and talk about her behind her back and poor little George couldn’t possibly stand up for his wife. He can’t even stand up for himself. I’d cry too if I slept with him.
And then Izzie. Izzie is just a pretty mean girl. That’s it that’s her character. She’s the smart girl who had to work twice as hard to be taken seriously! She’s always judged for being beautiful. She also treats every other woman like shit. She’s the popular girl and if you’re not in her clique she’s gonna treat you like garbage. But poor her she’s blonde. She also judges Meredith for sleeping with Derek. Every thing that has ever been held against her she then holds against everyone else.
And from day 1 she just treats Callie so bad!! And for what? For talking to George? Callie is nice to her and izzie just mocks Callie from the get go. And when Callie and George are married Izzie cannot stop until she makes sure the marriage has fallen apart. In front of the whole hospital of course so she can still act like the victim in front of everyone and act like Callie is going to fight her. For George? Please.
I just can’t with these characters. They’re so hypocritical and selfish and self righteous it just makes me crazy. Obviously doesn’t help they shit on my favorite character. But even just character development wise there is so little going on. They stay awful. Especially Izzie.
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topazadine · 2 years
I really fucking hate this idea that every survivor has to be an uwu precious little bean and if they aren’t a sweet uwu little angel that it somehow negates their survivor status. No, that’s not how it works, and it’s also super infantilizing and naive to think that.
I can hate my dad for everything he did to me, and see him as a total sack of shit who I will never forgive, AND also recognize that he treated me that way because he was abused too. I can feel sorry that he never got the treatment he needed to be a better person, AND also be angry at him for not doing so and for hurting so many people in the process. I can honor his survivor status and still think he’s a garbage human being. 
Here is something I need every single person to say to themselves a million times every time they see something about a survivor being abusive or just bad in general: “it explains it but doesn’t excuse it.”
Having a reason for doing something doesn’t get you off the hook for bad behavior: it’s the groundwork for not doing it in the future. Being able to understand why someone is acting a certain way doesn’t mean you’re excusing it, nor does it mean you have to like it. 
Anyway the world would be a better place if people stop looking at everything in black and white and recognize that the world is just interesting shades of grey.
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incarnateirony · 5 months
I think what I hate most about internet culture is the boxed off world view naturally lending to projection. I think about this because of the accusations I get as opposed to the reality of the situation, and it always shows more about the people themselves than it does me.
Like, u want clout. No bro, I am literally telling you all to go fuck yourselves so I can post gay dragons.
u want this or that. Bruhskie I have most of what you think I want for my motivations. That seems more like you guys telling me what you would want or are trying to get out of the internet.
Even when I was dealing with the local cultists and going out of my way to *DISBAND* a cult someone erected to me against my consent, I was getting "u want cult/attention" shit from motherfuckers who couldn't read.
No really I got anons like "Octopus jibberish? You need help." No shit, the person who was spewing octopus jibberish needs help, but that's not me. Yes, that person is definitionally delusional and psychotic, but people just like you enable them. And then I get the delulu octopus jibberish cocaine bear stalking me for years while you blithering idiots look the other way or even encourage it.
No, I've told people to go the fuck away for a year. Tell me you're attention whores that would encourage instead of disband a cult to you without telling me.
God. Truly.
Meanwhile I get judged for having a limit upon my mortal coil on the amount of stalking and abuse i will tolerate for how long and you people lose your shit that I have emotions and that I refuse to be exterminated by a bus full of delusional karens on the internet roleplaying as witches. Then I get pulled into work review and get told I'm one of the best ones in the country, the center leans their metrics on me, and they don't know if they've ever met as empathetic of a crisis worker, while y'all act like I'm satan for breaking out the rat poison on the obese, bald rats infesting my digital space. No, that bitch has mange, and now you all have it, stay the fuck away, I don't want your plague.
You don't get treated as inhuman because I'm evil or lack empathy. I am literally paid because of my irrationally high empathy. You get treated as inhuman because you act inhuman, choose to act inhumane to your fellow man as your only real Life Path, and favor delusion and psychosis above reality or personal responsibility for behaviors to the point of being dedicated to forms of ongoing, socially-vast and spansive abuse for literal years. It is truly not complicated.
I know it hurts your precious fucking tumblr padded feelings to hear this, babes, but you're all fucking evil pieces of shit that need therapy and a soul, and a personality beyond obsessing over supernatural or obsessing over your friend's ex. Or spinning three times under a full moon and spitting in a bowl. Literally any personality trait that doesn't involve toxic abusive obsession, or lunacy. One trait. One attribute. Find one fucking attribute that makes any of you redeemable. Without evoking an invisible friend to justify it. And without valorizing basic expectations for adult behavior.
Alexa how do i explain to the crazy people that they're literally OCD stalking a fucking psych worker, and that the psych worker is telling them they are in fact fucking crazy and need fucking medication or a padded room. That, or they're just fucking evil abusive pieces of roving garbage masquerading as humans in flesh sacks, and need an exorcism. Might get rid of the octopus jibberish gods around you.
Neither I, nor any god, exist for your personal relentless pursuit of fantasy and fiction.
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