#i feel like i almost have a weird emotional dependency on the game at this point lmao
thecodeveronica · 10 months
Don't mind me, just listening to the full RE Code Veronica soundtrack yet again, almost literally crying when I get to "Lachrymal" because I am a perfectly normal and fine person :)
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betterfettered · 2 years
Hello there!
If it's ok, could I request the yandere brothers' reaction to mc getting pregnant? I imagine whether it was purposeful or accidental would depend on the brother, so you can choose whichever you think fits.
I do understand that pregnancy and children can be a pretty sensitive topic though, so it's ok to say no if you feel uncomfortable of course!
In any case, take care!
Hey there! Thanks for the ask! This particular topic isn't my wheelhouse but I would do anything for u anon so I'll take a crack at it. Readers let me know if I missed a tw for anything
(AFAB!reader x AMAB!yandere)(Baby trapping, pregnancy, abortion mentions)(18+ readers only please, mdni)[This is fetish content and rape and abuse are disgusting and inexcusable in real life.]
Yandere!Lucifer most definitely planned it. When you finally get pregnant, it would be one of the few situations where you see him actually get emotional, he'll probably hug you so that you can't see his face while he's crying a little. If you thought he was controlling before, you will think you're losing your mind with how he is when you are pregnant. He measures everything you eat and makes all of it himself, doesn't allow you to use any products that he hasn't approved himself, locks you in his room and will not let you out of the bed during the times he wants you to be asleep. When you're disobedient, his punishments will be more psychological, like his threatening to harm or kill a loved one of yours, because he doesn't want to endanger the baby by doing anything physical to you.
Somehow, yandere!Mammon got you pregnant both by accident and on purpose. The idea of baby trapping you occurred to him and without thinking about it whatsoever he instantly decided that he was going to do it. But then when he finds out you're actually pregnant he gives it .56 seconds of thought and realizes what a huge deal this is. He'd be really happy but also pretty freaked out about it, expect Lucifer to be around a bit more helping you and Mammon out with things when Mammon doesn't know what to do. But you'd see his genuine excitement in things like him buying all kinds of baby clothes and shoes (that are like for all ages of child because he isn't checking the sizes) and the really gaudy nursery that he tries to put together. He would love the feeling of having this special connection with you that no one else has.
Yandere!Levi would definitely have done it by accident. He'd be really, really freaked out, and I think the most likely to ask you to terminate the pregnancy. Regardless of if you actually did or not, you would get the sense that he is almost...competing with his own kid for your attention? Like he'd want you to keep playing video games and watching anime with him as though you weren't pregnant, and if physical symptoms got in the way he'd be annoyed/jealous. Or if you terminated he would want you to act like the whole thing never happened. A lot of his negative feelings come from feeling inadequate and unprepared, so if you and Lucifer let's be honest he will also need a lot of help from Lucifer consistently encouraged him and said he'd be great with the baby and the baby will love him, I think he would really come around on it. Like the first time he held the kid his face would look like he just saw a ghost, but soon after the kid would be like another Henry to him (they always listen when Levi talks about TSL!!!)
Yandere!Satan absolutely planned it, months in advance. You'd know this because he'd have stacks and stacks of books about it beforehand, and feed you all sorts of weird fertility potions and stuff. He's probably also going to fuck you in a bunch of new/different positions that he read are good for breeding. Much like Lucifer, he'll be monitoring you really closely while you're pregnant, and have planned everything down to the last detail. He's prepared little potion kits for any symptoms you may have, he has already read so many books on what your symptoms mean, he like takes your vitals every four hours LOL He may also try to distance himself from you a little because he's worried about getting angry and doing something he regrets, so expect to see lots of cameras all over your living space so he can keep tabs on you.
Yandere!Asmo would have done it on accident, but he'd be really excited, sort of in the same way that an influencer would be excited about it. He starts talking a lot about his legacy and wants to talk all the time about the baby's name and how you'll dress them and whether the baby will have your eyebrows or his eyebrows, etc etc. He gets portraits painted of you two all the time, wants to come up with his own line of maternity clothing for you and wants nudes of you to post on his Devilgram so he can wax poetic about the beauty of pregnant bodies. The only thing is, he has a bit of a dreamy perspective on it and isn't necessarily keyed into the realities of your pregnancy. Like if you kept getting morning sick, he may be a little grossed out by it and sleep in another room from you. Or he may not grasp how painful some contractions can be for you. Eventually he'd get it but it would take a while for his head to come out of the clouds.
Yandere!Beel planned it in the sense that he takes it for granted that that's going to be the outcome of your relationship. He'll randomly be feeding you stuff and say that it is good for fertility then move on without explaining anything. He likes the idea of having a ton of kids and a big family with you. You may be able to get him to defer breeding you for a while, but he won't stop talking about kids or the family you'll have together someday. While you're pregnant he would dote on you constantly, insisting on carrying you up the stairs and getting everything for you so you don't need to get up and becoming aggressively territorial when anyone but Belphie tries to come around you. Once he has started his family with you, everything else will just be a distraction to him.
Yandere!Belphie would be very similar in attitude to Beel, but he would be specifically and knowingly trying to baby trap you as soon as he had his hands on you (fans of mating press, rejoice!). He's the most likely to have a breeding fetish and want to finish inside of you as much as he can, even to the point of avoiding you blowing him. While you are pregnant, he would love how your breasts get bigger and will always rest his face in them while sleeping, his arm wrapped around your tummy. He'll be less bratty but more manipulative -- if you complain about anything, he'll ask if you hate your own child and that's why you're trying to destroy your family with him.
TLDR ur probably gonna have to pay child support to lucifer for how much cofathering he's gonna do with these idiots LOLOL
How was that anon? I'm out of my depths but I hope you enjoyed at least part of that. If not feel free to heckle me hahahahaha
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downtroddendeity · 7 months
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@turnkeyassurance saw your tags and figured I'd take the opportunity to pause my descent into madness to give my more sober opinions on the Ni no Kuni franchise, lol. (Warning: I am a humongous JRPG nerd)
The NNK games are really odd ducks, quality-wise. You can call either one a good game or a bad game and call either one better than the other, and any combination of those opinions can be something I think is entirely justified. Both of them have things they do remarkably well and also serious, profound, deal-breaking flaws, and the really weird thing is that there's almost no overlap between those two lists for the two games. What clicks and doesn't about both of them is going to be deeply individual.
What Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch does, with resounding success, is Vibes. It sets out at every single step with the goal of being a playable Ghibli movie, and it sticks to that principle. It's all about beautiful, cel-shaded whimsy. It's a game for people who want to feel like they're wandering through the meadows in the movie version of Howl's Moving Castle. There are lots of puns, and you can befriend all the random encounter monsters and feed them ice cream.
But that's also its Achilles' heel: because it's dedicated entirely to imitation, it has trouble bringing things to the table that are really its own. It has the visual and narrative aesthetics of Hayao Miyazaki's films, but it doesn't have the raw emotion at the heart of them. And as a game, its mechanics combine the clunkiest features of menu-based combat and action RPGs, and while everything about the Pokemon-esque mechanics seems designed to encourage players to collect and experiment with them, the balancing turns attempting to do that into a miserable grindy nightmare.
The other problem is that it... isn't actually the first Ni no Kuni game. Wrath of the White Witch is, in fact, a remake of the Nintendo DS game Ni no Kuni: Dominion of the Dark Djinn, which was never released outside Japan. The reason for this is pretty easy to explain, because DDD had another gimmick besides its aesthetics: it came with a real-life physical copy of the wizard spellbook, and the player had to look things up in it and draw sigils on the DS touchscreen to cast spells. So, we've got a high-effort remake that had to completely cut the central mechanic... and which also expanded the plot so that the original main villain was no longer the primary antagonist. This results in a game with what is very clearly a final dungeon and very clearly a final boss and very clearly a resolution to the story, which suddenly has a completely different plot dropped on it like a fucking anvil that it expects you to be just as invested in even though it hasn't had anything like the same level of buildup.
And ironically, this is almost the exact opposite of the biggest problem with Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom, a.k.a. the one with my new blorbo, the President of the United Union of Eagleland. 2 is an effort to try to cement an identity for the series that can be its own, rather than requiring them to depend indefinitely on borrowed Miyazaki nostalgia. It just has the teeny-tiny, itsy-bitsy problem that at some point in development it had a budget shortfall so bad that you can finish the game without ever realizing that there is a continent-sized crashed interdimensional spaceship on the world map.
This game has had a machete taken to it. Don't get me wrong, I genuinely respect the work they did to make what they could with what they had, but you can see the signs of massive scope cuts to literally every aspect of the game. The back half of the game has almost exclusively recycled enemy and environment assets; voice acting has been trimmed down to canned voice clips; the catboy protagonist's ears and tail are barely animated; one minigame was so inadequately playtested that a level 16 mission is massively harder than level 50 ones; and while whatever restructuring they had to do to the main plot still left the final version with a more solid and coherent central arc than WWW in my opinion, it also left a lot of truly gaping plot holes, like oh, I don't know, why the President of the United States got turned into a 19-year-old.
Literally, they just. Entirely forgot to explain that. Half the DLC is just the writers scrambling to fix stuff like that and add a bunch of character development that should have been in the base game.
However, despite all this, I personally enjoyed NNK2 more than NNK1 unironically, not just for Rolandposting reasons. Compared to the first one, it plays much more smoothly as a straight action RPG, and while it can't provide the same knock-your-socks-off aesthetic cohesion, to me it seemed a lot more heartfelt- that is, like a game that was made because people had a story they wanted to tell.
But, well, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the non-unironic reasons, because the story they really, genuinely wanted to tell was about a magical catboy growing up and learning to become a leader, and somehow, miraculously, they really thought that was the story I was here for too when they opened the game with the President of the United States being isekaied by Nuke-kun.
Sorry, guys, I have a crippling addiction to dramatic irony and my day job is tech work in local politics, you could not have more laser-targeted this at making me specifically laugh my ass off if you tried.
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kroosluvr · 2 months
hi!! as a fellow royal trio-truther ive been ADORING and loving your posts so much <3 you mentioned that you've like mentally re-wired shusumi so i was curious if you had a list of head-canons for how they develop in the game/post-game!! Im super curious to hear (: also any head-canons for the akesumi dynamic would be great bc I hate how little the game developed them together !!!
OMGGGGGGGGG HAYYYYYYYYYY ok so. first. look at this (idr if i posted this here already but if i did look again heh..)
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ok now ill actually talk under the cut
note that some of this is headcanon territory bc i just be frolicking at this point
some backstory i fell in love w sumi as soon as her art was revealed i was like omfg peak design PEAKKKKKK i love her so much so i was really excited abt her but i feel like there were so many loose ends w her confidant and namely her crush on protag sometimes doing her a disservice (it turned ppl off from her (understandable bc i also dislike when writers make a female character out to be dependent on a male character) but also made other ppl weird abt her in the same breath....... shivers. people who overly-romanticize/sexualize mentally ill characters (especially girls/women) freak me out sorry
anyway that put me off frm p5 fandom for a hot minute. BUT regardless. i think people often focus on like "shy cute sadgirl kouhai crush-on-protag" for her which on top of atlus's.......mediocre handling of her also does her character a disservice... shes so multilayered!! she houses such insane convoluted levels of distress and fear and anger and reluctance and most of all STUBBORNNESS. i think her headstrong personality is not really emphasized in fandom but i can totally see it (maybe its just me but).
ok moving on to my shsm delusions i think to turn sumire's canon crush on its head i want to make them doomed to never get together. i think 3rd semester is so tense and high-emotion that royal trio are so deeply intertwined w each other:
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like they all are mildly-to-a-lot suicidal so they hold onto each other so tightly to make sure none of them spirals and does anything bad. i think in the end they just want the other two to be Okay, even if they themself doesn't. if the other two are ok, then it's all good.
ok back to shsm LMAO i think seeing their relationship as like an odd high-emotion situation makes sense. they love each other, obviously, and provide each other comfort, but the idea of a relationship slips thru their fingers like water. is that right...? is that how it is? like i said up there they just crumble under the weight of their own love. tldr theyre in no place to "date" each other........ but they have their "almost." they're inseparable, they love spending time with each other, but knowing in the back of their heads that it won't last, and they'll have to leave it be one day. "sometimes when i really love someone i leave them alone forever." peak shsm to me. "let's run away together - but what if it's not enough? what if all of this fear and sadness still stays? i take a man down to the river and he throws away his sadness but hes still left with his hands, he's still left with the river (paraphrased richard siken). peak shsm to me. i think they try to treat eachother so softly and gently that it fucks it all up, actually. peak shsm to me. it's not codependency in the sense that theyre not trying to save each other - they're just trying to salvage out some love from it all. all of these terrible things that happened: there's still love, right? there's still love. but the pain can't all be sifted out, and everything still hurts. but they still love. (they just don't date or even talk to each other much after graduating and i think they talk to akechi but to each other its suddenly COMPLICATED. i hate these guys)
ironically i think if you throw akechi in the mix it stabilizes out and i think shuakesumi could totally have a happy married ending. but shsm as a pair i dont see endgame for them. peak for me is that theyre in love and then they spend the rest of their lives trying to forget each other (they don't)
(If this sounds ridiculous and stupid im sorry. i just like shoving too-many-emotions onto my favs sometimes (a lot of the time))
IN REGARDS TO AKESUMI i think my latest 2 comics describe how i feel abt them pretty well!!! link 1 and link 2. actually i think akesumi's friendship is a great way for me to explore how i see/portray/feel about sumire, because i see them as way more similar than the game pays attention to. they're both stuck in their ways: sumire in her cowardice, hiding from the incident and refusing to move on, and akechi entrenched in his own traumas and feeling like he doesn't deserve more than that. their self-hatred manifests in two opposite ways but its very similar at the core. they both like. have no fucking clue what they're doing in terms of handling their pasts so that's why i think them working together to get around their own respective traumas is so fascinating: akechi is terrible at it, pushing sumire too far, but at the same time that perspective is something that she needs. meanwhile, her sensitive and observant personality shows akechi that like, you can have This too: a soft, good love. to have someone care about you unconditionally, so gently. you deserve that, too. yeah i can explode my head off now
i did not proofread this.
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shadesoflsk · 9 months
Hi Ruby! I’m asking for #66 for the drabble game, a Leon x reader drabble, choose which ever Leon you want surprise me. Thank you hun 🩶🫶
hi nic !! I don't know why I had such a hard time deciding what I'd write for this one.😭 At first I thought I should write something fluffly but I had no ideas. But ultimately I decided to write something I've never done before so...... friends with benefits it is! This is angsty because I live for it hehe 😼 (Btw, I had damnation Leon in mind.) Thank care <333
66. “The only thing I want is you.” summary: fwb leon kennedy x gn reader, implied sexual settings but nothing explicit, angst, mentions of alcohol. wc: 1.0k
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Generally speaking, time for Leon was borrowed. His stay on earth was merely a passing-through journey —or at least he thought so. Funnily enough, when he tried his best to stay stoic and indifferent to relationships, you appeared in his life. 
He wanted to compare you with the sun casting its light on a gloomy and depressive day. Yet, your whole existence was a thorn in his side, but he couldn’t blame you. As ridiculous as it sounds, the problem was him.
It all started as a simple friendship, you two shared things in common and therefore it helped to settle down into something deeper, but still nothing too intimate to get scared of. Ultimately, both of you found yourselves tangled in a friends with benefits relationship.
Rules were established and boundaries were set. Neither of you had any troubles when you decided to engage in this situationship. For him, it was a perfect opportunity to let off some steam, you were just one call away and he could lose himself in the warmth of your body and bed.
And you? Well, nights with him didn’t sound so bad.
Leon is a man of few words, you’ve always known that. At first, nights were spent with nothing more than grunts and moans that almost sounded like heavy whispers. Even the lights were turned off in an attempt not to see you as the light washed over his and your body. He was following the rules just fine.
However, the fine line between friendship and love started getting blurry and Leon couldn’t distinguish them. At first, you brushed it off as Leon simply forgetting the rules. After sex, one of you needed to leave the apartment —depending on where they were. To Leon, the act of sleeping next to someone was way more intimate than fucking. Weird, you thought. But then again, rules are rules.
Nevertheless, he started bending those rules as he wished. If you were more honest with him —more straightforward, you might have told him off when he asked you to stay longer. Just to chat, like friends do, right?
But you weren't.
As you lay there, exposed to the cold of his room with nothing more than a thin blanket to surround your body, he tells you about his missions and his wishes. Conversations that used to be so common when you were just friends, nothing more.
But now, everything was different and you couldn’t let him drown into something you didn’t want to involve yourself with. Besides, having a tipsy Leon who was letting his emotions flow so easily wasn’t something ideal. 
“Do you want some more wine? I could pour you so–”
“The only thing I want is you.”
There was no trace of his usual teasing and flirty tone he would use whenever you got in the mood. Behind the words he spoke, there were hidden years of solitude and yearning to feel loved. 
And those same blue orbs that hold so many memories of being a puppet lock with yours as he watches how your face falls for a second, before returning to your resting face.
“You don’t mean it.” You say with no ounce of doubt, asserting the fact that he shouldn’t have said that. Not now, not ever.
“Yes, I know what we decided but maybe we could just try and—”
“Leon, I’m not asking you nor bargaining a possibility. You don’t mean it.” There is no room for feelings or confessions at this very moment. Your words reach a conclusion before Leon can even form his thoughts. 
“That night we agreed to this. No feelings, no strings attached.” You reach for the clothes that were previously scattered, an obvious proof of what your agreement with Leon was. “I should’ve stopped the first time you asked me to stay longer.” 
Leon silently observes you as you quickly throw on your clothes and fix your hair. His heart aches knowing that he just dropped a bomb that was destined to detonate. And now, he’s just a bystander of your imminent leaving. 
And he knows that it’s selfish of him to even utter those words, he never deceived you nor did he want to. His statement couldn’t be more stupid, he was the mastermind of this dynamic but he was the first one to fall. 
“Look at me.” You break the silence as you stand in front of him, he has remained seated on the bed as you were getting ready to leave. And now even looking at you brings him a wave of embarrassment and a hint of humiliation. 
“You’re amazing. I’m glad to call you a friend even if we just… yeah.” You sigh in frustration as you predict this may as well be the last time you can be genuine with him. After his attempt at confessing, you don’t know how you can fix the relationship. Having sex was something, falling in love was out of the picture.
“But neither of us is ready for a relationship.” You grant him a gentle touch, brushing away a strand of hair that fell on his forehead. “I can’t be with someone who doesn’t even know if he will survive whenever he goes on missions.”
The knife that was already stabbed into his heart twisted and sank deeper. And when it bled, he thought he deserved it. He fell into the spiderweb of emotions and love but he couldn’t escape from this evident ending. You wouldn’t —even if you reciprocate his feelings— be in a relationship with him.
“Sorry…” You too are players of the same game. And, as it ends, there was no point in following the rules. So, you lean closer and place a kiss on his forehead, letting your lips linger there for a few seconds as if trying to memorize how it feels.
Ironically, you had shared many nights losing each other in the name of stress relief. Nonetheless, the gentleness of this one kiss brings a hint of intimacy that has your soul hurting as you pull away.
And swiftly as a draught of air, you disappear from his room and from his sight. In a state of dullness, he accepts his destiny. Loneliness, once again, fills his heart and body.
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soobinspet · 11 months
Someone requested to do a nsfw profile of the svt members based on their Venus so here I come lol. I do not stan then (even tho I wish) so my opinion isn’t influenced by anything :). I’ll write it in two parts
S.coups: He’s a Leo with his Venus in Leo. Definitely radiates a strong sexual energy. Leos are flirty and confident. They’re so sure of their charms they’re sometimes a bit narcissistic lol…. His Venus in Leo makes his a fiery partner who loves to feel desired. Leos loves to be praised for their body or their capacities so Scoups would definitely love to hear u praise him. Leos also love to tease and to play around a lot lol so he’s most definitely a teasing and dominant sex partner. His sun and Venus makes him a real Leo and Leos are loyal and even tho they don’t like showing it they’re true lover so Scoups would love to be in a real relationship but he can also content himself with a fwb/ons dynamic. Most compatible with fiery Venus like Sagittarius/Leo/Aries/Scorpio but less compatible with sweet/calm Venus such as Pisces/Taurus/Cancer and Libra.
Jeonghan: Flirty, confident looking Libra with his Venus in Libra. Similar to Kai from txt when it comes to sex Jeonghan would tease but lose his confidence once you play into his game. So I imagine him as a sub who sometimes tries to dom, he’d want someone that praise him during sex and help him feel more confident. Libras are also real lovers so Jeonghan definitely wants a real relationship but he’s okay with fwb and one night stands aswell as long as his partner makes him feel confident and desired. Most compatible with a strong confident Venus like Sagittarius/Leo/Aries/scorpio/Virgo but also compatible with sweet loving Venus like Pisces or Taurus.
Joshua: A Capricorn with an Aquarius Venus. Probably not the sweetest lover lol. His sun makes him seem a bit like a cold person and his Venus definitely doesn’t help. Aquarius hates getting too emotionally intimate with someone so they’re not really looking for a serious sex partner. Joshua would probably feel happier in a fwb dynamic. Aquarius are free and unique, they have their own idea of sex that might not be for everyone and they definitely don’t see it as an extremely serious thing. I think Joshua is not really a dom or a sub, it depends on his mood. But his Capricorn sun can make him tend to be more of a dom… Most compatible with free Venus such as Sagittarius/Leo/Scorpio or Aquarius but definitely not compatible with lovers like Pisces/Taurus or Cancer.
Jun/hoshi: Gemini sun and Gemini Venus 💀💀 by far the hardest to understand. Not a sub not a dom,you never really know what awaits you when you’re having sex with a Gemini. They’re definitely looking for a partner but I encourage u not to date them as they’re literally two different person in one body, one day they love you the other they hate you. Sexually they’re pretty good but I can’t say more as I find it very hard to determine. Sorry.
Wonwoo: Cancer with a Gemini Venus, sweet emotional dedicated lover but when it comes to sex his Venus makes him a bit hard to understand. As I said for Jun and Hoshi, Gemini are sexually and emotionally really weird and almost impossible to understand sometimes. His cancer would make him more of a sub but his Venus makes me doubt that. His sun definitely makes him someone who needs a real and serious relationship. Compatible with Aquarius/Gemini Venus.
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sewmice · 1 month
Thanks for the reblog, I just hope people can clear this and come away still playing… this event is enough to make anyone want to scream into the abyss. I’m almost impressed at the thought process behind this design, no wonder Broccoli changed from Shining Live, this is so much more profitable… for them.
This event being...something. The previous ones all having issues. And up until this huge login bonus, rewards just not being enough for pulls has been not a great start for the game. And with the player base, and hell just Utapri fanbase, just being lower than back when Shining Live started, it makes a mistake way more likely to ruin the game's chance at thriving. Also having a harsher event after the Session Lives and Tokiya's were pretty nice is....rough. And definitely might run people off who are already getting annoyed with the other issues.
Granted, the fanbase is still kicking pretty well, more so in Japan. The whales are still whaling. Tickets are still a fight. But like...we know it's gone down.
The move away from Shining Live is obviously more complicated than Broccoli wanting more money. The game was getting stagnant. It was developed by KLab, who was well moving away from rhythm games and have their own issues. The player base was declining. The spark was gone. I kinda wish Broccoli had leaned more into what made SL great when they took over, but the changing of games was kinda necessary. And it got Heavens fans their boys. Adding them to SL would have required heavy changes. Easier to start from scratch.
I do want to point out what has been great about Live Emotion so far! Reasons why we should stay encouraged and hope Broccoli keeps making good changes (because they have! We just had a qol update! They're giving us the 5000 login bonus too!) And this post is gonna get long lol
The boys in SL....got bland? They were only their idol sides, because even the backstage stuff was on camera. We stopped really seeing their depth and personalities, and that's the whole point of Utapri! To see them and work with them behind the screen! The idol stuff was supposed to be secondary! But since season 4 ended, all we've had is SL, movies, and other side projects that are JUST their idol side (aside from the Starish OVA).
But Live Emotion has us as Haruka again! We're by their side when they're actually being themselves! We get to romance them again! We're seeing Utapri as it was again! And as someone who has been here since 2012, god it feels so nice?? Like old times?
We're acknowledging and even having other characters in the stories. Both presidents have already shown up! And while no one else aside from them is listed in the voice cast yet, surely others will show soon? At least Ringo and Ryuuya. (they should've been in Starish's chapter at the school but whatever) Fucking Rodriguez has a mention in the event?? Like, the world is alive again! It's not just our 11 to 18 main boys (depending on content)
Old content and outfits are being used which will help with the concept fatigue SL had. And also it's just nice to see really good old designs not just be forgotten! I'm not a huge fan as to how Ultra Blast is being handled. It feels weird to have some people get SRs. In the same way I didn't like Oodorokiman and Shining Romance/Force Live being mixed SRs and URs. But I've seen other people upset and in the same way SL stopped doing that, hopefully Live Emotion will too.
And again Broccoli has been listening to feedback and making changes. There's still...a lot of work to do. But SL also made a lot of changes over time. So hopefully they keep listening and things get better. Because there's parts of this game worth protecting and wanting to continue. I loved how SL did stuff too. I wish we had everything about how SL did stuff with gachas and event mechanics, but the story and character quality of Live Emotion. We just gotta...push Broccoli in that direction.
I really hope the event doesn't scare people off! We're on 2 full months of the game. The first of this event type. Stuff can still change!!!
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filurig · 4 months
for the ask game, 25 and/or 8 could be interesting for Arvo and Folke :DD
25. If a stranger saw them together, how would they describe their relationship?
at first i thought this would be easy to answer but even for pt 1 pareidolia it kind of depends on when in the story HAHA. i think it ranges from -
very enthusiastic young men who appear to be able to discuss things for hours - and these discussions seem to be ripe with disagreements. but they seem to also be friends, so despite how much they "argue" it seems to all be in good fun? i feel that if both dressed/acted more "proper" (and lived in the city perhaps) people might actually get the impression that they are students/classmates in some humanities program
very close friends, perhaps from childhood - they appear to be very in tune with one another to the point where they don't have to verbalise everything for the other to catch the gist. i dont think most people would actually suspect anything more than that even though in more modern/urban contexts one might with how they end up acting w eachother during parts of the story - strangers around them would probably just chalk it up to just close platonic friends (which is accurate atp)
26. How do they communicate with each other? Are there any recurring phrases or gestures unique to their relationship?
they have a weird thing going on of both talking a lot, but also leaving many things unsaid. i think they communicate ideological differences very verbally, but when it comes to things relating to their relationship, that is much more communicated non-verbally if possible. folke for example likes ideological discussion but is more averse to personal/emotional confrontation. arvo just in general refuses to show vulnerability as much as he can which makes emotional confrontation difficult. so instead, they grow to have some exchanges that consist of partly just giving eachother Looks, to gauge what the other is feeling/thinking.
the problem with the nonverbal part of that is that while they do come across to one another pretty well, there are also instances of them totally missing what the other is trying to communicate (alt. misinterpreting it). sometimes at the same time when they're communicating well. it is weird and contradictory in that sense - they understand eachother greatly but also make wrong assumptions abt eachother too.
when it comes to recurring gestures or phrases. they often end up calling each other weird in different ways lol... and arvo will almost always try to find some way to deny that they're friends when prompted about it. those things are less phrases but i guess like recurring ... things. i do think that a question that comes up frequently between them too is "do you think that we'll ever really understand each other?" though
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linkysmommy · 1 year
lost in the open heart sauce and had some brain worms while chatting with my sweet friend @immemorialmarketeer so now you guys get to hear them.
imagine if a) the writers had given more equal screen time to the other LIs and found ways to make them integral to actual central plot themes so they weren't just peripheral to the Ethan Show, but also, b) the writers had invested in an actual platonic relationship arc with Ethan if you don't pursue him romantically.
Then Open Heart story sort of depends upon Ethan and MC having some kind of emotional connection/relationship for it to make sense. Ethan has a particular interest in MC and their development as a doctor, whether you romance him or not, but the thing is that the writers really only thought of it in terms of romantic. So if you're not romancing him, it comes across as him being an inappropriate boss who makes advances on his mentee, when in reality, if you actually do the Ethan romance, he's not the one advancing the relationship. MC always makes a move and he's unable to resist; however, if you're not romancing him, Ethan seems to have this weird Thing for MC, regardless of if you've flirted with him or not.
Now consider, what if the writers had actually considered an alternate route that keeps the emotional connection with Ethan that's required for the story to make sense, but makes it completely platonic? If Ethan saw MC's talent as a doctor, and instead of being attracted to them, he instead began to feel a sort of older brother affection for them? He became invested in their growth in their career, because he saw something special in them that none of the other doctors had, and he wanted to help them blossom into the doctor he knew they could be. He felt protective of them, not because he thinks they're attractive and he has feelings for them, but because he sees them as a younger sibling, someone who has raw talent but hasn't had the chance to apply their skills in the real world? It's sort of this way in the game if you don't romance him, but not enough. If they had fully committed to a route like this, and had dialogue specifically referencing their friendship and platonic bond, that would've just been so adorable and maybe I would even be tempted to try out a platonic brotherly besties route with him 🥺
The thing with Ethan is that almost all the complaints about him if you don't romance him are due to laziness on PB's part, not because the character is actually Like That. They knew he would be the most popular LI, so they ignored the other LI routes AND they didn't take time to think about how his relationship with MC comes across if you're not romancing him, so they didn't write a platonic variant for it. But if they had addressed these two things... idk I think that most people would no longer have issues with him. Anyway, I can't get big brother platonic Ethan out of my head so I'm throwing it into the voiddd, hope you all enjoy sdlfkj
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silver-wield · 7 months
In your opinion what do you think the Devs frame of mind is with how they wrote A this game. Are they just out of touch and don't realise how shitty she comes across in this day and age or did they do it on purpose to show something? Like how she too was mentally distraught over Zack and none of her feelings were genuine at all even in OG. Even non shippers are literally baffled and don't know what to think of her and why she is so flip floppy this game when they thought she was written better last game.
Maybe it's just the way I played but it felt like we were meant to be pissed off with Aerith and avoid her because she's so frigging intolerable.
Even in Cosmo Canyon all she did during that speech was whine all "poor me I had no friends and I'm super special and I wanna be normal!!!" and the option to encourage that and indulge her self pitying bullshit just felt really icky, so I think a lot of the negative convo choice outcomes actually make her stop and think about her behaviour and how she hurts others. The fact the Gi also said as much about cetra as a whole being a selfish race also feeds into that view point. I mean if you've been sucking up to her and then suddenly you hear "oh yeah, cetra are self obsessed and don't care about others" you should stop and think about how you've played the game and whether what you've done is in line with how the characters are canonically.
For the most part with the multiple dialogue options and several versions of the same scene depending on how you played I think this game above Remake and part three are indulging the whole "it's player choice!!!" narrative. From what I've seen it's almost impossible to figure out the straight line in all the options, and if they hadn't included some mandatory scenes as waypoint markers I think the whole narrative would've got lost, but the one thing that is clear is that Cloud isn't as nice to Aerith as he is to Tifa and the point Kitase made about "by the end you'll be thinking I wish I had been nicer to her" factors into the non optional parts of the game as well as the optional parts.
That's not to say she's not still a back stabbing bitch who maintains a superficial friendship with Tifa because even though she likes her, she's jealous af of her in multiple ways and thinks if she can steal Cloud from under her nose then that validates her as superior.
I mean even Zack acknowledged Aerith isn't that pretty. She's pretty to him, but not in general. She also had no friends because her personality sucks and she was obsessed with being seen as normal and that made her act fake and resulted in everyone calling her weird, which she hates more than anything.
Aerith is a foil for Tifa and the devs really took that concept and made her the worst. She's not that kind, she's self involved, she's not pretty or capable or anything that Tifa is. She's obsessed with Cloud and doesn't really care about the planet or her role unless it's performative and makes her look good. Even as she's dying all she cares about is trying to get Cloud, which causes him trauma because she doesn't care how he feels.
Aerith is written as a bad person who happens to be a good guy and that's meant to throw up a lotta of conflicting emotions for players. Even though she's a "heroine" we don't have to like her because she's a horrible person. That's the devs intention imo.
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rainstormcolors · 10 months
Hii could u please do 50,27,18 and 7. 🍓
Hey! And I was able to confirm this is in regards to Seto Kaiba. Thank you for the ask!
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
I try to stick with canon for the characters’ ages. I do go with ~4.5 years as the age gap between Seto and Mokuba. The characters’ heights have been listed and I guess I aim for those in a general sense but I also understand the characters physically grow through the series. Seto does seem shorter at his introduction than further on in the series after all – I think his listed height is that later height he’s grown into. The weights that were listed in the guidebook are generally pretty awful and can be ignored but I don’t really know how to estimate a person’s weight. If I’m honest, I do personally prefer twig Seto to beefy Seto.
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about
I feel like it would take a lot of time for Seto to warm up to the idea of therapy (trusting some stranger with feelings you aren’t even supposed to have (he thinks) because that stranger has some degree?) and then even more time to be able to actually properly communicate with a therapist. I’ve been in that position of being in therapy but basically communicating nothing of value – I feel like that would be a hurdle as well for someone who’s struggled to communicate and understand their emotions in a straightforward way for so long.
I think a trick would be for the therapist to ask Seto how he feels about the cards in his deck as a start. Just talk about how he feels about  each card.
But how did Seto get here….? I feel like maybe Mokuba would be the one to finally get him to budge on it, but I do think it’d take some months before Seto would be able to actually open up at all to the therapist. A lot of useless sessions before that point. But maybe it depends. I can’t say for sure how it’d go because therapists are people too and very varied, and chemistry with the client varies. Or maybe Seto does try to open up because he’s at a breaking point and it tries to come out of him… but he doesn’t have the words. And the therapist may have the means of being able to help him form those words or maybe the therapist is kind of not great at this or even the therapist ends up causing Seto to clam up again. I do know therapy can be very helpful so I don’t want to discredit it, but it does take time and work. And you can’t pressure someone into opening up to it before they’re ready and get outstanding results.
Why does Seto need therapy… I don’t know that he could word it all yet. I don’t know that he could answer that yet. It’s so complicated and cloudy and he’s not supposed to trust others or have these feelings… But talking about things also might help if he tried. Who knows…
27. Their guilty pleasure
Seto is so rigid and it’s kind of like he can’t allow himself to be, by his metric, frivolous. Which is also kind of silly because Seto is so extravagant about a card game and in his flashy coats and flying in his jet. But I also understand why he has that disconnect. I almost feel like he’s kind of punishing himself with denying himself certain pleasures --- like I personally think he drinks black coffee because it’s “adult” even though he might actually prefer cream and sugar in the drink.
I wonder if he feels like reading or watching fictional stories is a guilty pleasure, because Gozaburo made him feel that way. A lot of educational books were shoved into his face. Piles of textbooks, so many words and facts. Reading an unserious short story after that might feel just a little weird somehow. Something to get used to again. How would Seto parse the debate over blue curtains…?
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
I think he doesn’t like thinking about how his biological parents died and I think he disconnected from the feelings involved in that. I think chunks of his time with Gozaburo would be hazy. I think Seto’s blocked out a lot of his feelings from his memories. The wounds are there and his feelings end up leaching out in other forms, but he’s also disconnected inside. He doesn’t understand himself but he’s also afraid of being about to see that.
Thank you for the ask. And of course these are just my own ideas for any of these answers. I hope you have a nice day.
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ygtahoy · 2 months
Ok so number 24 of the oc ask game, here we go. I'm gonna put this under a read more because it got away a bit at the end.
[24] How hard it is for them to not allow their emotions to cloud their judgement?
Depending on the emotion it can be easy or impossible. She's pretty good at not letting anger cloud her judgement, and she's very good at not letting love cloud her judgement although that is mostly because of the long part of this question.
So, the long part.
She cannot stop her fears from controlling her. She isn't afraid of much, but what she is afraid of she cannot handle well or on her own really.
Fear is why she doesn't tell Duncan that even after Raymond adopted them she didn't stop loving him romantically she just hid it. Because if he found out and rejected her it would break her heart which could either make her snap and go evil mode or kill her from literally breaking her heart. Spoiler alert it kills her anyway just in an incredibly slow and agonizing wasting away kinda way because to him they're siblings. That's not till a few years after the events of the game though.
It's why after she got out of jail she didn't go back. She was terrified that Raymond and Duncan wouldn't want her. That Raymond would think taking her in was a waste and a mistake. That Duncan wouldn't forgive her for not coming back when she said she would. For being a failure to them, and worse them just shutting her out of their lives completely.
So she ran away, and she kept making excuses for why she couldn't go back.
First she had to make herself a person again after what her stint in jail had made her into.
Then she needed a bachelors so she would have a degree...but a bachelors isn't that impressive she almost had that before she left so she may as well get a Masters.
Then the squid incident happened and she had a whole new layer of fear about how they would react if she went back because now they're not even family. Now she's died then was in a coma for 2 months, now her arm is basically held on by magic and science. Now her blood is grape purple. Now she has to somehow figure out how to have a firstborn child that she has to give to Fry because that's how her magic and his weird desperate blood magic was able to have enough power to work considering he didn't know what he was doing.
So obviously JUST a Masters degree isn't enough to go back and cover up all of that. She HAS to get a PHD now. Then she has to wait for the actual diploma before she can go but uh oh whoops Raymond called her before it came in and now she has to go to Hong Kong!
And if there's one thing she's more afraid of than being rejected by Raymond and Duncan it's anything happening to them that she could have prevented. It would have been fine if she didn't know but once she does the fear of something happening to them out weighed the fear of being thrown away.
Now the next bit is getting again into not canon my friend and I went oo neat setting! But! What if..... about. So how her version of the game goes can go two ways depending on how much of Duncans anger she feels like dealing with when they get to the locked harbour gate right at the start. (Although no matter which way she choses it ends the same anyway with them getting picked up and brought to Tidal Moon that first night. It mostly just determines whether Carter lives or if Duncan and Reina both get traumatized)
If she doesn't wanna deal with his anger at some of her revelations and goes along with the intro to the game then when they get told they'll be staying on a boat she would already be reacting poorly and letting her fear cloud her judgement because boy is she rightfully terrified of boats. More specifically fishing boats, which the bolthole very much is.
She's trying very hard to convince everyone not to stick her on a boat. She has no shame, no pride, nothing she does not want to go on a boat, she is terrified and showing it, and only the fact that she knows she has to keep it together for Duncan keeps her from having a full blown panic attack in front of Kindley Cheng and everyone there at the thought of having to go on a boat.
So she wouldn't even be able to set foot on that boat of her own free will. The second she even sees the bolt hole and her mind isn't there. She's reliving the squid incident and her mind is underwater with the darkness closes in as she relives dying under the water from her injuries and lack of oxygen.
So she crumples on the dock leading to the boat because her brain is basically telling her body that she's dead again. Now whether the others have a chance to see this on their own before her magic starts going haywire and the first uncontrolled appearance of Nancy.
Nancy at this point being basically all of Reinas blood coming outside her body in a weird blood overlay of her eventual future daughter that pilots Reinas body like an exosuit. Nancy naturally has no conciousness or control because she doesn't exist at this point she is just something that magic has forced to be something that will be but won't be for an unknown amount of time. What she does have is a magical compulsion to protect Reina from any and all harm to Reinas life because Reina needs to be for Nancy to be. Nancy can be controlled by a magic using Bernard like Fry or in Hong Kongs case Jean-Pierre because she was created by Bernard blood magic.
So Reina is now completely unconscious on the verge of dying again and Nancy is up and running the show and just wailing on everything around. Nancy even being around is giving off the magical equivalent of the bat signal just a giant bright fuckoff signal for anyone who has the ability to see it.
They get rescued by Tidal Moon but again because of her fear, and her not being able to keep her fear from controlling her that situation got so much worse than it should have been. I'm summing it up at this point because describing more about that situation and how she lets her fear run the show is basically me just rewriting the game from her non canonical setting.
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silasoctakiseron · 5 months
harrow for the character game!! :)
favorite thing about them
Ohhh this is hard. Tie between her decade of being in love with a dead woman via psychotic hallucinations and the fact that she will just keep going and going and going no matter how sick or hurt or close to death she is and no matter what you throw at her.
least favorite thing about them
Hey queen! It was not fucking cool to actively participate in the enslavement of the only child your own age on your entire planet.
favorite line
She has so many fantastic ones that are dramatic and romantic and gorgeous and terrifying but the one I always think of first is this one: Harrow worked each finger gently within its socket, and said, this time more brightly: “So, Griddle, this is where you are to be my shining star.”
I'm such a sucker for the way her relationship with Ortus develops over the course of her time in the River bubble. The reveal that she can recite his poetry from memory! His incredibly heartfelt apology for not stepping in as an adult during her terrible childhood! Aughhhh.
It's Griddlehark. Sorry. They're two halves of a whole. I do also love Harrow/Alecto though.
Harrow/literally any man. I think Harrow/John is the worst of those but every time I see someone write her with a man I'm like. Are you out of your g-ddamned fucking mind.
random headcanon
Extremely skilled at needlepoint. I also think that once she finally started to get over the hill of "only ate food almost completely devoid of flavor for 17 years" she would develop a weird taste for fermented food and would always have some fucked-up pickling project going in a crock in the pantry.
unpopular opinion
The Cohort coffee shop AU was good but like. Was it that good. I also strongly believe that John was intentionally taking advantage of her completely wrecked emotional state to force her to depend on him for comfort and purpose in life and thereby become malleable to his will, which is apparently an unpopular opinion but I feel like it's right there in the text.
song i associate with them
I WHO BEND THE TALL GRASSES by Lingua Ignota; The Lady Rachel by Kevin Ayers.
favorite picture of them
Lowkey it's gotta be nil-elk's Harrow Nova fan cover 😵‍💫 I Love Her. But there's so much great art of her out in the world!!
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Damian and Mico cute headcanons 🙏
☁️ Damian would be 'fatherly' (or motherly? xd) partner for Mico, as he is somewhat older and is quite mature and more stable emotionally. Micolash could really find the most comfort in collected partner that could calm him down. Micolash can be an intense person! He had quite emotional problems, PTSD and nightmares even before the cosmic horrors, but Damian naturally would want to hold a person like this and tell them it will all be okay.
🐚 On the other hand, Damian's softness and caring attitude leaves him vulnerable for anxiety episodes. He has to watch all these darn kids go insane and is powerless to pull them back! But whereas Damian is very stoic person that is good at suppressing such feelings to be the "strong one" in any company, Micolash is a person he can open up about this vulnerable side to. Mico knows a lot about herbs and meds, and is able to make good tea, incense and other stuff to calm the nerves. So, he will take care of Damian, always able to identify when Damian is at his mental limit and not acting as his usual self. No one else is able to see past Damian's poker face like that! x)
☁️ They actually happen to share a lot of skills and knowledge. Both can cook well and love doing that, both love animals and can take care of them (sweet simpler times BEFORE Micolash would start switching heads of crows and dogs with one another ;-;), both have advanced medical skills, all that. Damian used to keep the vivarium at Byrgenwerth and using his biology knowledge to help with studying weird plantlife and fauna, but Micolash was a rare case when Damian had almost nothing to teach him...?
🐚 Them both being so similar in their life skills would make it not certain who does what chores, so they'd have to decide whose turn it is now through playing a game (from rock-paper-scissors to chess)! EXCEPT for cleaning. This one is always on Damian because Micolash is too lost in thoughts to watch his surroundings x)
☁️ Micolash would soon surpass Damian in his skills though, becoming way more advanced in both medicine and arcane. In my "official" timeline at some point the dynamic would slightly shift to Damian being more like a butler/bodyguard/assistant than a 'dad'! You might remember me depicting Damian helping Micolash to dress up for an event or kissing his hand. He is to Micolash what Yurie is to Rom, but he would not mind. In the 'nothing bad happened and everyone lives' or 'modern' AU, Damian would just straight up end in this role, taking care of Micolash's room, meals and schedule, whereas Micolash would be that wonky scientist type always too into his research to remember his basic needs.
🐚 Basically, they have potential for* both* very equal and supportive relationship and for more clearly distributed 'roles'. Which way it shifts just depends on how interested Micolash would be in healing and simple life pleasures, I bounce between two versions of this dynamic for this reason!
☁️ Perhaps not very 'cute' one, but Micolash would be rather possessive over Damian, feeling very uneasy if Damian gives a lot of attention to someone else. At least a couple of times, he pulled Damian away from someone that also needed his care and attention. This is usually the subject of their fights. Micolash becomes a LOT like a little baby when he gets jealous, just... straight up the vibe of a son of a single mother that will be upset if she tries to date someone because he wants her attention just to himself. Abandonment issues, man. I'd say although this is unhealthy, it is sort of... bittersweet reason for the fights? Sometimes Damian would manage to reassure Micolash that he is still the most loved person for him and he'd get to him as soon as he'd help that other friend/student/whatever. While waiting for Damian to be "all his" again, Micolash would become even more aloof than usual, spending the entire wait time making something nice for Damian (like a cake, a drawing, sewing him some cute shirt, etc). Not just for the sake of Damian, but for his own too, as that'd feel like connection while being separated.
🐚 They really love sea shells, both of them. If they could go to the beach properly, they'd collect a lot of them. And end up trashing their house with them, too, because none of them would have the heart to not hoard -_-" Collecting cool rocks is their second favourite thing. Basically, their 'dates' tend to be going on adventure somewhere to collect various wonders of nature! They legit need someone more reasonable to stop them and understand they do not need that much stuff hoarded xD
☁️ They have mismatched sleep schedules, like, very much so. So since there is a problem with going to bed at the same time, they read each other books before sleep! Damian will read him various stories, and Micolash would read him creepy ass scientifical research papers on experiments, surgery etc. Damian still sleeps like a baby tho because what matters is that Mico sounds genuinely excited and is sharing something he loves with him xD
Thank you for the ask!
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the0ldmann · 1 year
Seeing that MC in the game of SWWSDJ has to depend on Jack to get things done like waking MC up and making breakfast for them because of their tirediness. What would Jack do with an MC that is independent and hates depending on others because they don't need to and getting annoyed if someone is in their way of their goal. Like Jack trying to keep MC for himself. But in order for MC to achieve their goal, they have to leave the house often, meeting knew people, learning new things (i.e studying), and always planning, always busy and not beingable to even look at Jack while their out because they are always doing something that requires a lot of focus, like planning.
Honestly a Sunny Day Jack tied to such an independent MC would have very few options to break into their life with. I can think of precisely 2.
The first option he has is he takes the role of emotional support/cheerleader. Accepting a background role he does his best to quite literally always be there so when he's not (say he stays home one time while MC goes to give a presentation in a class) it Feels Too Weird and they need him to be there and tell him as much. From there he would use it as leverage to be around more. Maybe mention he's learning alongside them. Let them know they're too tired to notice this one person has clearly bad intentions (and he makes sure to pick a background star who really will get caught for something- be it weed or drunkenly fighting someone). Make it so he becomes almost integral to have around- he can see the things they're too busy to focus on, and he's willing to support them in all their "independent" endeavors!
The second option is reliant upon the fact that, no matter how independent someone is, a single person cannot do it all. Can you design, build, and run electrical wire, pipe for plumbing, and whatever is needed for gas, for a house, all up to code and working? Of course not- somewhere along the way, even if you could do some of it, you would need to hire a contractor. By the time you learned enough and had enough experience to do all of it, you would be too old to really do any of it. Humans are a social species, reliant upon companionship for both the company and help it brings. It is how we've gotten as far as we have as a society. And all it will take is one little cold. Perhaps the flu, or even a milder form of the dreaded covid. Stuck in bed, fever high, achy as all hell and potentially incredibly nauseous from any movement... Cooking? Hitting up a drive thru? Even getting to the door to recieve the delivery order? None of those are viable options. Nope, stuck in bed is right where MC is. Of course, a healing body needs to eat! Who better to help out than a friend? Calling someone to come help? Nonsense! Jack is right there, able to help out with a piping hot bowl of homemade soup that he's willing to feed to MC himself! Could you imagine having to wait around for someone to show up, and then possibly even having to open the door for them? Well, good thing Jack is here to help. Always will be! Could MC even imagine if he wasn't? They won't be able want to, after this...
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ni-kol-koru · 6 months
hiii nikolija - transmasckagami here. for the ask game: 7, 8, and 20 for takao?
Ohhh I love Takao, so thank you for the ask and all the numbers! So sorry that you waited a while for this, I needed some time to collect my thoughts on these questions! 🧡
7. What's something that the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Honestly, I think that Kazunari is one of the most accurately portrayed character in this fandom! He is one of the most popular characters (TOP 3 according to the Character Popularity Poll held after Season 3) and is overall beloved by everyone! He used to be my favorite character back in the day sooo I saw a bunch of fanart and comics and read a bunch of fanfiction with him. I was always pretty pleased with how the authors and artists portayed him! ⭐️
After all, his character is pretty straight-forward in the anime and the manga, misunderstanding him is literally almost impossible. He is easy-going, he wants to have fun, he is friendly and overall a pretty chill and pleasant person. He is also caring and thoughtful, always knowing what Shintaro's lucky item is and carrying it himself sometimes! He can get pretty worried about his friends and teammates when things start going downhill, but he is always trying to brighten up the atmosphere and cheer everyone up! He is also really passionate about things, like basketball and collecting and trading cards! Even though he's usually goofing around, being loud and having fun, he knows when and how to get serious, like we've seen in all matches he's played. We know all his basketball skills come from hard-work and practicing, so, he is also someone who knows he deserves the things he got and knows how to cherish them. He has really good observation skills and seems to be aware of his capabilities, strenghts and weaknesses, he is not afraid of admitting to be wrong and he always tries to be a better version of himself, which is a thing to respect! Another beautiful thing is that he is in touch with his emotions. When he is happy he laughs, when he is sad he cries, he knows how to let anger out, he knows how to show he is uneasy, no shame or hesitation when expressing how he's feeling in the moment. He seems to know how to follow his intuition, too, following it when he is passing the ball around the court to his teammates! 💫
Overall, he is really just an incredible person and the fandom is pretty aware of all of his qualities! There's always the right amount of fooling around, right amount of seriousness, raw emotions, passion, understanding... The fandom literally always slays when it's about Kazunari 🧡
8. What's something that the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
The only thing I have seen in some works that I didn't really like was when Kazunari was portrayed to be absolutely delluded and deranged in his obsession with Shintaro. They made Shintaro the center of Kazunari's universe and had everything evolve around him. People might defend it because he thought that way before (when Teiko beat his team and he quit basketball but continued praticing just to beat them some day) but it's just childish spite in my opinion or just a weird way he motivated himself to become better. Obsessing over a single person is not really something I think Kazunari would be like, especially if that person is not a significant other or rejected his love. He can surely distribute his love, time and compassion so all his friends and family members can get around the equal amount. I also believe that he can love his significant other in a healthy way by not obsessing over them, stalking them or having his happiness and moods depend on them. Yeah. I just think he has a healthier mind. 💛
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Well, in my heart, Shintaro and Kauznari are more than friends, so I am kicking Shintaro out immediately. A person I think Kazunari would be incredible friends with is... you might have already guessed it or you might have seen it coming... Kotaro! (I am so obvious, sorry) ⭐️
They're very similar in a few ways and similar people naturally get along! They're close with age so they share their High School and teenage struggles, they play the same sport, they're the little light of their teams and their personalities are almost identical! Friendly and easy-going, they're loud and they are always looking for ways to make things fun! Honestly, I just want them to meet each other and be friends and be goofy together. I think they would boost each other's energy and that they would do a lot of fun and exciting things all the time and just really enjoy each other's company! They would always agree to do some random and crazy things and when everyone rejects their silly ideas, they will know that they can always do it all with each other! For example, would anyone at Rakuzan easily agree to going to the theme park just to try out the scariest roller coasters with Kotaro for fun on a random Thursday during the summer vacation? Not really. Well, Kazunari surely would! They would just be best buddies with many crazy stories and memories... 🧡
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