#i feel like i did akihiko dirty but i talk about him so much already
proxythe · 4 months
Whats your favourite thing about every sees member !!
ermagerd let me think… ummmmm. i’ve posted long ass posts before but this one feels especially long for some reason so i’m gonna crop it but. it’s hard to pick just one favorite thing about everyone but i tried my best 😭😭😭 press on ahead if u dare to read some of my sees yapping…
minato - this technically could go for kotone in the social links they share, but i’ll count it for him in the sense that he’s the original protagonist. the small ways minato shows he cares for others even when the game has just begun and his care for life can be seen as indifferent, he still goes out of his way to do such nice things for others. i’m mainly thinking about the old couple, where minato gets them something from the persimmon tree when he definitely, from character perspective not game perspective, didn’t have to
kotone - HER AGGRESSION !!!!!! her violent tendencies. her protectiveness over her female friends. i’ll bring this up everyday idgaf ..!!!!! i’ve gone on abt this too many times now so i won’t bore yall but … Violent kotone… if i had to pick something else then i’d say how joyous she is, or how joyous she fronts being
yukari - her selflessness … i’m not sure if this is so obvious that that’s why people don’t often point it out, but i love how in every instance of someone being injured in game, yukari is consistently immediately at their side. i would call it subtle in the way that you’d likely be so wrapped up in the plot u wouldn’t immediately notice, but when u notice it it’s like … god.. yukari… i love u..
junpei - when he’s vulnerable with the protag… i am inclined to goofy junpei 99.9% of the time, but i very much enjoy his serious moments. i like when he is open with the protagonists, mainly kotone, and puts his silly down … tbh i also love when he snaps at them in december(?) and is just completely raw n emotional for once…
fuuka - i think what first comes to mind is just how nice fuuka is to others. like natsuki, despite being unforgivably bullied by her (imo ts was unforgivable… but no shade natsuki). yet she’s very forgiving … and she’s very silly. i love fuukas determination to keep trying something even when she’s horrifically bad at it 😭
aigis - holyyyyyyyy i could go on forever abt aigis oh my word. i suppose ill shorten it to i love how much aigis values life … not even just her own, but every living thing she comes across. i could fkn cry thinking about the cat in her social link rn… not even just the cat either, but the old woman as well. aigis … GAHHH
mitsuru - when she speaks french. her attempt to look like a super genius despite already being one through speaking french is so funny to me. love when a typically serious character like her has quirks like that. especially ones like randomly speaking french sometimes
akihiko - i want to say both how smart he is (bc too many ppl think he’s dumb) & also how silly he is (bc i enjoy when he gets a little dumb) 😭 he’s my favorite character im tweaking out trying to pick just one thing LMFAOO ummm. his autism is my favorite thing… ummm
shinjiro - hrmmmmm i quite like how much he enjoys cooking as a hobby and the very obvious subversion it is to the kind of character he presents as under a first impression… & i love how he uses cooking/food as his own way to show he cares about everyone bc he’s too grumpy all the time to actually say anything
ken - him training alone in his room w a broom lmfaoo it’s a cute little thing... i know ken’s whole thing is that he wants to be seen as mature and an “adult”, so i just love when he gets to be a kid/does childish things. like yes plz act your age you deserve to be a child god damn ur just a baby. SMILE!! BE HAPPY!!
koromaru - hard to say with a guy who’s just a little dog. but i enjoy when he’s fighting that shadow by himself around the time he joins the team and it proves how determined n courageous he is … what a good little guy…
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spaced-out-imagines · 4 years
The Mentor’s Child (a multi-chapter Shinsou x reader fic): Chapter 7
First Chapter | Previous chapter | Next Chapter
Warnings: none!
If you like my stuff you can buy me a ko-fi here!
Taglist: @universal-imagines, @lucio-the-beautiful-goat, @lostgirlheart, @katsheen, @estrellitaaart, @complexhouseplant, @vinaios, @ale-the-jedi, @e-wwis​, @thegalxe​, @youbloodylegendyoudidit​, @mha4life007​, @wessoninc​, @theunicornotaku​
A/n: I am so so sorry guys for not updating this fic for so long. I got hit by really bad writer’s block for over a month. I had no inspiration and I apologize for that. But I’m back now and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!
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“Shinsou, Y/n. I need to talk to the both of you before you leave,” Aizawa said.
You took your water bottle away from your mouth, raising your eyebrow at the man. Shinsou also looked up at Aizawa from where he was packing his bag. The two of you shared a slightly confused look before nodding in response.
It had been a couple of weeks since that time you and Shinsou had gone to the cafe. That also means it had been around a month since you began training with him and Aizawa. The two of you had become slightly more comfortable around each other, although it could still be a little awkward at times. While the two of you did text, it was mostly about school or training. You hadn’t seen each other outside of school since that day in the cafe.
You had become more familiar with him though. You didn’t feel strange greeting him in the morning or making casual conversation when the opportunity presented itself. Your impression of him had continued to change ever since that day he had apologized to you. While he hadn’t shared much so far, you did find out about some of his hobbies. Like biking or visiting cat cafes because he liked the kitties. As you discovered new things about him, you couldn’t help but want to learn more and more. He intrigued you and you were determined to become closer with your father’s protege.
Slinging your now full gym bag over your shoulder, you and Shinsou walked over to stand in front of Aizawa. “What did you want to talk to us about dad?” you asked. 
Shinsou also looked at his mentor curiously. Usually the man dismissed him rather quickly, although at times they would talk a little before Shinsou left to catch his train. It was a bit unusual for Aizawa to make an announcement like this.
Aizawa huffed a little before he began to speak. “Training is going to be put on hold for a week or so. This is the last session before the break.” Shinsou’s mouth began to open but Aizawa continued before he could say anything. “I know you’re going to ask why, I’m getting to that part now.” Shinsou’s mouth fell shut again. “It’s because it’s now the beginning of July. I have to go with my homeroom class to the annual summer training camp. While the two of you are free to train on your own time during this break, I recommend resting instead. You both have been training hard these past few weeks and resting your body is also important. It’s not logical to run yourself into the ground.”
He had a point. It was good to rest every once in a while. Relaxing for just one week wouldn’t really cause your skills to deteriorate either. You glanced at Shinsou. It seemed like he also understood this because he nodded a second later.
“Understood Sensei,” he said.
“Sounds good to me dad,” you also piped in.
Aizawa nodded. “Alright then, that’s all I have to say. You can go now Shinsou. I’ll get in contact with you when I get back.”
Shinsou nodded and adjusted the strap of his bag on his shoulder. He then waved and turned around. “Alright bye then Sensei. See you later Yamada.”
“See you Shinsou,” you called back. A few minutes later, once your dad had finished packing up his stuff, you glanced at the man. “Shall we go meet up with papa now?”
Aizawa nodded, and the two of you left the training room. You walked through the halls in silence. Suddenly, you thought of something. It had been a while since you were able to hang out with your friends due to all the training. But now, since you had a free week there was nothing preventing you from seeing them.
Taking out your phone as you and Aizawa approached the staff room, you clicked on the messaging app along with the group chat you had with your friends. 
You: Hey you guys want to hang out sometime next week?
Kazue: wait you have time to hang out with us? :0
Akihiko: don’t you have training with your dad and Shinsou?
You: dad cancelled it for a week because he has to go to a camp with his hero class students
Rai: ah I see
Kazue: we should totally hang out then! I’ve missed you Y/n!
Nobuko: I’ve missed you as well Y/n!
You: lol I’ve missed you too Zu-chan, Nobu-chan
Akihiko: how does next Tuesday sound to everyone? We can meet at the usual cafe around 2 pm to grab lunch, then go to the arcade?
Rai: sounds good to me
Nobuko: agreed!
Kazue: no complaints here
You: seems good Aki
Akihiko: alright! Let’s all look forward to it then!
A smile grew across your face. Tucking your phone back into your pocket, a new spring appeared in your step. Aizawa seemed to notice this from the corner of his eye and he asked, “Did something happen that got you all happy?”
“I finally get to hang out with my friends next week. I don’t get to see them as often outside of school anymore due to training,” you replied, the grin still on your face.
“Ah I see,” he said, “Well you’re allowed to do what you want as long as you don’t do anything stupid.”
You pouted slightly. “Since when have I done anything stupid with my friends?”
“You want me to get out the written list?”
“Daaaaad!” you whined as he let out a snicker. You continued to pout and berate him slightly for teasing you until you reached the staff room.
It was the Tuesday you were going to meet your friends. Making your way to the cafe, you hummed along to the music playing in your ears through a pair of earbuds. It was an upbeat song that Yamada had recommended to you. As per usual, your father’s taste in music was great. The familiar sign of the cafe came into view and a smile appeared on your face. It was the same cafe you and Shinsou had gone to. You felt a slightly warm feeling spread through your chest as you entered. The memories of that day surfaced in your mind. You hadn’t seen Shinsou in a few days and you wondered how he was doing.
You turned and saw your friends sitting at one of the tables. It was Kazue who had called out to you, and she also waved to catch your attention. You made your way over and plopped into a free seat next to Kazue. Setting your bag down and taking out your earbuds, you smiled at your friends. “Hey guys.”
“Hey Y/n,” Akihiko said, grinning back at you. Rai and Nobuko waved at you quietly. Meanwhile, Kazue reached over and pulled you into a hug. Your head rested on her shoulder as she tightened her grip, laughing quietly as she did.
You hugged her back as best as you could, although it was difficult as you were in an awkward position. A minute passed before she let you go and you leaned back in your seat again. “Did you guys get your food yet?” you asked.
“No we decided to wait for you to get here first,” Rai replied. “We should take turns going up now that you’re here though. We don’t want to lose our seats.”
“Sounds like a plan. Does anyone want to go first?” Akihiko said, looking at everyone.
You waved your hand in a dismissive motion. “You guys can go first while I stay here. I feel bad that I made you guys wait.”
Nobuko shook her head. “You didn’t make us wait that long. It’s really not a big deal. If you already know what you want, I can get your food for you and then you can pay me back.”
“That would be really helpful, thanks Nobu-chan,” you said before you told her your drink and sandwich order. You then glanced back at the others, “Are all of you gonna go with her?”
“I’ll stay with you to keep you company. Don’t want you to get lonely ya know,” Akihiko replied. He looked at Kazue, who had already stood up. “Can you get me my food Kazue? If you don’t mind that is.”
She grinned at him. “I don’t mind at all Aki. What do you want?” He shot her a grateful smile and told her what he wanted. Kazue nodded to indicate she got it before she, Rai, and Nobuko began to walk over to the counter. “We’ll be right back,” she called over her shoulder.
You and Akihiko waved as they walked off before facing each other again. “Did anything happen in the past few days that I haven’t seen you Aki?” you asked.
“Nothing much honestly,” he replied. “How about you. Did you do anything of interest once the break started?”
“Not really. All I’ve really been doing is relaxing and resting,” you said with a sigh. “All the training and final exams really tired me out.”
Akihiko nodded. “Understandable. You’ve had quite a lot on your plate recently.” 
“Tell me about it.” You folded your arms on the table and laid your head down on top. “I’m glad you picked this cafe to meet at. That way I can get a coffee to help me stay energized a little.”
“You and your coffee,” he snorted. “I swear you’re addicted to it, just like your dads.”
You chuckled and said a little sheepishly, “Well I am their child after all. Even if it’s not by blood.”
“At this rate your blood will be pure coffee very soon,” Akihiko replied. You sputtered and attempted to protest but he just chuckled at your reaction.
“What’s gotten Y/n so flustered this time?” You both turn to look at the person who said this. Kazue smiled back, Rai and Nobuko behind her. She took her seat next to you, placing the drinks and food she held on the table. Kazue pushes Akihiko’s food towards him and he nodded in thanks.
“We were just talking about how Y/n is addicted to their dirty bean water,” he said as he picked up his sandwich.
“Well you’re not exactly wrong there…” Nobuko muttered. She set down your food in front of you before sitting in the seat across from you. Meanwhile, Rai sat down beside Akihiko.
“You do drink a lot of the stuff Y/n,” Rai agreed.
You glared at all of them playfully. “Traitors, every single one of you,” you said before aggressively taking a bite of your sandwich.
They all laughed at your antics and then turned to their own food. You all idly chatted as you ate. The atmosphere was a peaceful and comfortable one. You felt more relaxed than you had in quite a while. You smiled as you realized this really was the best call to make. There was nothing like hanging out with your friends. On occasion of course, everyone needed time to themselves after all.
“Oh I’ve been meaning to ask. How’s your training with your dad and Shinsou been going Y/n?” Kazue asked. She took a sip of her drink and looked at you curiously.
The others also turned their attention towards you. “That’s right. You never really tell us much about it,” Rai commented.
You fiddled with your straw for a couple of seconds. “It’s going alright. Pretty standard stuff. We’ve been practicing hand-to-hand combat and using weapons more. But on occasion we do use our quirks a little.”
There was a pause before Nobuko quietly said, “And how are you dealing with that? You still have a few issues with your quirk right?”
Another moment of silence passed as you took a sip of your coffee. The liquid helped get rid of the dry feeling that had appeared in your throat. “...It’s been going okay. I still feel uncomfortable using it, it still brings back bad memories. But Shinsou has been very open and honest when voicing his feelings about my quirk.” You couldn’t help the smile that slowly grew across your face. “He doesn’t seem to mind it at all. He’s even reassured me that it can be pretty useful actually.”
“Have you told him about why you’re so scared of your quirk in the first place?” Rai asked.
You sighed. “No. While I am getting more used to him, I can’t exactly trust him that much quite yet. That… That’s too personal to discuss with him right now.”
Rai nodded as he replied with, “Understandable. At this point the two of you are just training partners. You’re not that close to him quite yet.”
“Have you spoken to each other outside of training sessions? I know you guys greet each other in the morning but that’s the extent of my knowledge,” Kazue asked after she took a bite of her muffin.
“Well I did take him to this exact cafe a couple of weeks ago. We also exchanged numbers that same day. He’s surprisingly pretty easy to talk to. He didn’t make me feel uncomfortable at all when we were here,” you replied.
Akihiko raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Have you guys had any interesting conversations when you text each other?”
“Not really… We’ve just talked about school stuff and training. Although I do know a few of his hobbies and things he likes.” You sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck. “I honestly used most of my courage just asking him to accompany me here and getting his number.”
Nobuko tapped her finger against her chin thoughtfully. “I’m just surprised by the fact that he willingly decided to hang out with you. Even if it was just that one time. From what I’ve heard around, he’s not exactly the most social person.”
Kazue pointed at her and nodded. “I can agree with that statement. He talks to classmates when they initiate conversation, but he doesn’t go out of his way to interact with others.”
“...I honestly just think he has a few trust issues. You guys have heard about what he’s dealt with in the past right? How he was ostracized due to his quirk? Anyone would have walls up if they went through the same things he has,” you replied.
“Then the two of you have something in common don’t you?” Rai said, causing you to look up at him in surprise. The others also looked shocked at his words. From the corner of your eye you could see Kazue frantically shaking her head in a “no” gesture at him. However, he continued. “Feeling ostracized due to your quirk. Having walls up because of it. Fearing your own ability because of it. You and Shinsou are the same in that regard aren’t you?”
There was a lull in the conversation as you thought about his words. “Yeah… You’re right…” you finally said.
You felt a hand being laid on your shoulder. You looked at Kazue, who pulled you a little closer with said hand. “You know if you ever want to talk about it we’re here for you Y/n. While Rai could have put it a bit more gently. We do believe you have more potential than you think. You shouldn’t be scared of your own ability.”
The rest of them smiled at you reassuringly. You felt a warm pleasant feeling spread throughout your body again. “...Yeah. I know. Thanks Zu-chan, everyone,” you said with a smile of your own.
You all went back to eating when Rai said, “Well I’m sorry for not being able to put things gently.”
This caused you all to laugh as Kazue sputtered, trying to reassure Rai that she hadn’t meant it like that. The rest of lunch passed without incident. Everyone just talked about random topics that came to mind as you polished off your drinks and food. By the time you were all making your way to the arcade, your cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing so much.
As you walked down the sidewalk beside Nobuko, a thought came to the forefront of your mind. You pondered on it for a moment before gathering up all your courage. Taking out your phone, you opened a chat. Before you could chicken out, you quickly typed out a message and sent it.
“Hey Shinsou. Do you want to come over to my house tomorrow? We can play some of my video games and get to know each other more. Or we can talk about school or training. Whichever you want.”
A few minutes later, you felt your phone vibrate. You sharply inhaled. Checking the screen, you noticed it was indeed a notification from the messaging app. Holding your breath, you opened it.
“Video games sound good. We should probably get to know each other more after all. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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continuouscalamity · 5 years
Ding! Dong! Ding!
"Alright, ya filthy worms-- it's trial time! Quit yer teen drama and blubberin' and head down to the first floor in the foyer! Oink, I'll go from there, ya hear!? Oink!"
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[Trial chart done by Mod War]
[3:18 PM] Monoboar!: As you all crowd into the elevator and the doors shut behind you, the noise of the elevator slowly descending down rings in your ears, the low, ominous hum of everything moving around you.
The more you descend, the more it dawns on you-- someone had truly died... someone who was a beacon of light, a light that someone had taken upon them to snuff out.
While you're scared, you can guess what could happen now... in this deadly class trial...!
The elevator finally stops to it's destination, revealing a large trial room, with stands all in a circle. One stand in particular only dons a portrait of the late Akihiko Oshiro, a grim reminder of what you're all here for. [3:19 PM] Monoboar!: @Alive (You may have walk to their stands.) [3:20 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: ...Lake reluctantly let go of Hazel and Wilma's hands, looking at them both with a slightly tense expression. [3:21 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "This is all mighty theatrical," Wilma says, with barely hidden disgust in her voice. She squeezes Lake's hand and lets go, walking to her own stand and examining it as if it was going to come to life and eat her. [3:21 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn takes a shuddering breath as her eyes land on Akihiko's portrait. This was horrible. She walks around and finds a stand with her name on it, and silently and falls to a crouch at it, curled up in a ball. [3:21 PM] Willy | DDR King: Willy steps out and looks around the place whilst going to his stand. [3:21 PM] Riku Yasui...: Riku exited the elevator then quickly made his way to his stand. [3:21 PM] Eri [around]: Eri looks around the trial room before walking over to her stand. [3:21 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Artemis cringes at the portrait, Akihko deserved much better than this. She scowled, a foul mood setting in anew as she took her stand. [3:21 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Cerviel walked in, arms wrapped carefully around himself. He stepped up to his stand and took a deep breath. [3:21 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...What the fuck are we doing here again?"
@Monoboar (Mars) [3:21 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Wallace steps up to his stand like it's the most natural thing in the world. He surveys everyone around him as if it's actually a throne. [3:21 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana stomps over to her stand and grips it tightly. "Okay," she begins, voice shaking ever so slightly. "whoever did this needs to tell me NOW so I can banish you from my kingdom forever and ever and EVER!" she yells. [3:22 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Except he's next to Artemis. Which he isn't all that happy about. [3:22 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Investigation: Rayne walks to their stand. Hello [3:22 PM] Monoboar!: "Woah, woah!" Monoboar cuts in, appearing on a tall throne. "Lemme introduce the trial, you impatient worms!" [3:22 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "SHUT UP! YOU SMELL LIKE A BARN! I HATE YOU!" [3:22 PM] Monoboar!: "Eh? Like that's an insult?" [3:22 PM] Monoboar!: "Anyways!" [3:22 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: She heads to her stand. "What's all this?" [3:23 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: Lake groaned. [3:23 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie heads to his stand and avoids looking at Akihiro's portrait. I would too. [3:23 PM] Qiuyue Xu ♣ Foyer: Qiuyue at her stand. [3:23 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Yeah! It is! You look dumb and stupid! I hate you!" [3:23 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Artemis gives Wallace a death glare. This is awful. [3:23 PM] Monoboar!: "All this is th' trial room! You gotta have a class trial to find out who did the dirty deed! Usin' the clues you found after th' crime, you gotta discuss it all here! 'Course, there's some certain limits-- jus' make sure you ain't talkin' over each other!" [3:24 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Oh hi she's right across from Wallace. She gives him a look. :( [3:25 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...Why do we have to figure it out? You started this, you figure it out!" [3:25 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: At least he was next to the One person he's really talked to. That's something. [3:25 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: Also, retcon. Lake's still holding Hazel's hand. [3:25 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana's quiet for a minute, just frowning at the ground. [3:25 PM] Monoboar!: "Enough gab! Let's get this show on th' road!"
Slamming a gavel onto the arm of his chair, he officially declares the trial open for business.
"Let the trial for Akihiko Oshiro, Ultimate Lucky Student start!"
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[Sketch done by Mod Death, Finalization done by Mod War]
[3:26 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...That didn't answer my question!" [3:27 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana hated what he just said. She hated hearing Aki's name come out of his mouth. She hated that THEY had to solve all this, and she hated that SHE had to witness it! "Just be quiet, stupid hog! Smelly pig! Just be quiet!" [3:27 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "S-So..." Hazel started, looking around at everyone. "...where should we start...?" [3:28 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: 'Ugh, not listening to it probably won't help, as much as I don't want to play detective when it should be left to professionals...' [3:29 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Um..." Lake coughed, "Don't they usually, um... talk about the... the body first in crime shows? Or what?" [3:29 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "That sounds smart, Lady of the Lake." Hazel nods. [3:30 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana looks at Hazel sadly. [3:30 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: :cluebullet: "The victim received one stab wound to his lower back, and four to the chest," Wallace recited. "As far as I can tell, those were the only wounds." [3:31 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "God..." Lake covered her mouth as she attempted to fight against the rock in her throat. [3:31 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn winces. "T-Too much," she mumbles. "... One was enough..." She glares at the stand in front of her, feeling sick just hearing about it. [3:31 PM] Willy | DDR King: { "Like a slasher movie more than a detective show if you ask me..." } [3:31 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel sniffles, trembling. [3:31 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: { "D-Don't even get me fucking started...!" } [3:31 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma frowns.
"I assume the one to the back was received while th' victim was...trying to escape." She says slowly. "Then the others to. Finish the job." [3:32 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: { "You all make me wanna tear out my hair!" } [3:32 PM] Riku Yasui...: :cluebullet: "His eyes were also red and puffy, as if he had been crying.  There was also a distinct bloody handprint over his mouth." [3:32 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: Heavy breathing! [3:32 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma's frown morphs into a glare.
"Someone tried to stop 'im from calling for help." [3:32 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana whined, covering her mouth. She didn't have anything to say. [3:32 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel covers her mouth. [3:32 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Wallace nods. :consentbullet: "I agree with Wilma. He received the stab to the back before the other wounds." [3:33 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Shut uuup...please..." [3:33 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "H-How did you figure that out?" [3:33 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie shakes his head, somehow surprised at how they could stomach that.
:cluebullet: "He wrote somethin' out from his blood, a dying message, most likely. But I can't remember what it said.." [3:34 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana looked like she was in mortal anguish. [3:34 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: :consentbullet: "Yeah, I-I think it, um... kind of looked like a letter?" [3:34 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "I remember." Wilma concurs. ":consentbullet: It was a V-shape, but it was kind of messed up. I don't know if that was the letter he was tryin' for." [3:35 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn furrows her brows. "Like, maybe... M-Maybe a W, or... Or a Y? Or.. S-Something?" [3:35 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "M-Maybe it was supposed to be someone's name?" [3:36 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "No one here has a name starting with V, right...? Wait, was Oshiro-kun even familiar with the English alphabet?" [3:36 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel feels like people are going a little off the rails a bit.. [3:36 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Fuck. [3:37 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "Wh- what else.. Is there?" Aderyn asks carefully. "Wha-- um, the," she takes a breath. "D-Do we have... um.. a mm-- murder. A murder weapon...?" [3:37 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Artemis winced, crossing her arms. "I think I found it- [3:37 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Cerviel really wished he had actually investigated. [3:38 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel looks at Artemis. "Hm...?" [3:38 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: :cluebullet: "There’s a knife that's a little fucky in the knife block in the kitchen. It was also a little wet." [3:38 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana gripped the stand, frowning. [3:39 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn looks at her. "A... l-little, little fuh-fucky...?" [3:39 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Someone probably washed it before quickly putting it back?" [3:39 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: {"Uuuu..."} [3:39 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: :consentbullet: "It wasn't positioned correctly." [3:39 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "What Pickle said." [3:40 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: {"Haha, don't call me that."} [3:40 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Oh, uh, by the way, before it's, like, too late to bring it up, I had a thought about the 'V' Oshiro-kun wrote..." [3:40 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "We're all fine... Lake..." [3:40 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "...but continue!" [3:41 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: {"I wanna go home already! I hate this stupid place!} [3:42 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: { "I feel you there, Minami-sama... Really do." } [3:42 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Just thought that maybe, instead of it actually being the English letter V, maybe it was meant to be like an arrow pointing at something?" [3:43 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "Like, what?" [3:43 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Lake-chan! You're so smart!" [3:43 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel squints. [3:44 PM] Willy | DDR King: "Was there something else on the balcony even?" [3:44 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: The crime scene clue has not been brought up! [3:44 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: "It also might have been a different letter. One that he started to write, but didn't finish-- or failed to write, because he was dying. Like an A, a W, or a Y." Wallace crosses his arms. "Was this 'v' actually pointing towards anything in particular?" [3:45 PM] Riku Yasui...: :cluebullet: "The balcony still looks relevantly the same from the last time I seen it despite the body," [3:46 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Maybe it was pointing at something  that wasn't on the balcony...? Might be a stretch, though..." [3:46 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "Is that all, Sir Riku?" Hazel asks. [3:47 PM] Riku Yasui...: :cluebullet: "Well the blood surrounding Aki himself is smudged, as if he had been squirming, but on his left side it seems like the blood had been pooling around something, or someone," Riku added. [3:47 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: {"Urgggh...I feel sick..."} [3:47 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "A-Ah...?" Hazel nearly bites at her nails nervously. "It had to be the killer.. of course..." [3:47 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: {"Aderyn winces. Squirming. "He... must've... s-suffered," she mumbles."} [3:48 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: { Sob. } [3:48 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: {"There's no point in thinking about those things now. He is at peace.} [3:48 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: :consentbullet: "Shit! I remember seeing something that could be related to that!" [3:49 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: What Keiko said only made Hana's heart ache more. She just wanted to get out of this stupid trial already! Dumb place! Stupid people! Arggghhh! [3:51 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: :cluebullet: "There were some footprints from the stairs, it disappears at the foyer but it looks like it was going toward the kitchen." [3:51 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: :consentbullet: "Yeah, Hayai-kun. They looked like they were from bare feet, right?" [3:51 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: :consentbullet: "Yes, there was also a trail of blood drops leading to the kitchen as well. [3:52 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: :consentbullet: "Yeah. That's fucking gross also, why barefoot, but anyways." [3:52 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...Wait, why would someone be walking around with bare feet?!" [3:52 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "B-Barefoot?" Hazel asks. "Ew..." [3:52 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn crosses her arms. "Smart enough to-- to take their stupid, stupid shoes off, to be, silent, I guess," she says. "Dumb, too d-dumb to fuh-fucking clean up," [3:53 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...Wait, maybe to, uh... Not really have identifiable footprints, too. Since, like, shoe soles." [3:53 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: "Perhaps the killer wanted to hide their footprints by going barefoot. If their shoes were to have a distinctive tread, it would be a clear giveaway." [3:53 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn nods to Lake. That too.. That's smart... [3:53 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "...okay that's fair..." Hazel taps at her chin... [3:53 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: :cluebullet: "Bishop-san is right. The sink where the knife was found had vague red stains on it, as if someone had failed to fully wash them away." [3:54 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: {"Stupid-- Stupid, stu-- stupid culprit,"} [3:54 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: 'Heh, I said it first, prep Johnny Test!' [3:56 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "This wasn't much well planned, was it?" Wilma comments. "How'd the killer get Akihiko up to the balcony anyways? Just ask 'im?" [3:56 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: :consentbullet: "P-Perhaps..." She agreed with Wilma. "H-He's kind, and trusting..." [3:56 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: :consentbullet: "P-Probably," Aderyn mumbles. "He was.. really, friendly," [3:57 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: { "Good thing I didn't wash the berries..." } [3:57 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "We have to take the motive into consideration as well. Why would whoever did it want to kill Oshiro-san? Did they...did they have the gift given to them by Monoboar-san? Or perhaps they were trying to protect whoever has it..." she says nervously.
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[3:57 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma pulls the brim of her hat down to hide the growing anger in her eyes. To take advantage of someone that kindly... [3:57 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "So someone fucking led him there to kill him?" [3:57 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel is shaking, covering her mouth to prevent herself from breaking down. [3:57 PM] Eri [around]: "Actually... I have a theory about the motive" [3:57 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "What is it, Eri-san?" [3:58 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "Wait." [3:58 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "Eri. Fore you say anything." [3:58 PM] Eri [around]: Eri waits. [3:58 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma looks up at Monoboar. "You said whoever got the gift'd die if they revealed they had it. Someone's dead, now. Does that mean that rule is done for?" @Monoboar (Mars) [3:59 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar lifts his head.
"Eh? Oh, oink, yea yea, whoever got the ticket can reveal 'emselves!"
@Wilma Ortega (Auz) [4:00 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma takes a small red ticket out of her pocket. [4:00 PM] Eri [around]: "Right, does that mean I can-" Eri deadpans. [4:00 PM] Riku Yasui...: Riku takes out a red ticket [4:00 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "Then I must come forward...I had the tick--" she cuts herself off as Wilma takes out her ticket. [4:00 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Investigation: "....Me got one...?" They slowly pull a red ticket out of their pocket. [4:00 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: "...I've suspected that everyone got one from the start." [4:00 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Cerviel slowly took out his ticket. [4:00 PM] Eri [around]: "Yeah, I thought everyone got one" [4:00 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel also takes out a ticket, looking troubled. [4:00 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn watches as people start taking out tickets. "... What?" She whispers. She sounds... horrified. [4:00 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...Ugh, that's a weight off my--" Lake was taking out her ticket before she noticed everyone else. [4:00 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie takes out a red ticket, feeling sick at the realization. [4:01 PM] Eri [around]: Eri takes out her ticket. [4:01 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "W-what..."
"All of us...had tickets."
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[4:01 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Artemis took out a ticket. [4:01 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...You fucking BITCH!!" Lake threw her ticket at the ground before grinding it under her heal. [4:01 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "W...What...!?" Hazel hisses, horrified at this reveal. "Then...!" [4:01 PM] Riku Yasui...: "The pig tricks us," [4:01 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "We were fucking baited." [4:02 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: "Obviously. Why place a motive that will only affect one person? The rule about not telling anyone was clearly established to prevent us from figuring it out." Wallace looks smug. [4:02 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn leans over, gripping her stand. "It-- It, ww, it, it wa, it," she takes several deep breaths. [4:02 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "YOU'RE FUCKING SICK!! SICK!!!" Lake shouted at Monoboar. [4:02 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "Wow, like it's something to be happy about, you dumb prick..." Hazel hisses bitterly at Wallace. [4:02 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko regains her composure. "Calm down, everyone. Yes, we were tricked by Monoboar-san, but losing our heads won't help Oshiro-san. We still have to figure out who did this." [4:02 PM] Qiuyue Xu ♣ Foyer: Qiuyue takes out her ticket. [4:02 PM] Monoboar!: "Oink! Tha's how th' cookie crumbles, ain't it!?"
@Lake Kawaguchi (Florence) [4:03 PM] Eri [around]: "You aren't the only one who figured it out" Eri crumples up the ticket and tosses it at Wallace. [4:03 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "I had a feelin' bout this." Wilma says, sighing. "Thought it was suspicious that we couldn't say we had the 'gift.' It'd make it easier to murder if one of us was singled out. But none of us telling it...each of us thinking we'd be the only one to die..."
She looks at Monoboar, and if looks could kill, that pig would be roast.
"The perfect me vs. them situation." [4:03 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Cerviel looked down at the floor, close to tears. He let his ticket fall out of his hand. [4:03 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Gh...!!" Lake listened to Keiko and shook her head, trying to shake off the anger. [4:03 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: "Yes. It's gratifying to know that the one behind this isn't able to outsmart every last one of us. Maybe some of us will actually pass this test." [4:03 PM] Riku Yasui...: "People will start to take your motives less serious is you pull things like this pig," [4:03 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "...kay." [4:03 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "Shut up Walleye." Wilma says automatically. She's referencing the fish. [4:04 PM] Eri [around]: {"What test you jackass"} [4:04 PM] Monoboar!: "Gwahahaha, this is only the beginning, anyways!"
@Riku Yasui (Alondra) [4:04 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Shut the fuck up, Asshat! This isn't the time to be making insensitive jokes like that!" [4:04 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "Shut the fuck up!" [4:04 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: {"Callaghan-san, I think all of us are a little shaken right now. I'll be happy to discuss this at length with you if you wish later, but such comments may prove to be inflamatory in our current situation--" she interrupts herself as everyone else tells him to shut up, "Ah, my point is proven."} [4:05 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "I thought, I thought--" She's shaking. "But-- Even-- Even, even, if, if, it had been, just, just one-- It still, affected- everyone. Everyone, because, because--" She gasps. "Even, even if you don't have it-- you don't, know who, so, that's, you don't, know who will snap, you don't, but-- But-- we all-- we--" She's hyperventilating. "What-- What about the pu-punishment?! Was that-- Was that a fuh-fucking lie too? Were you-- Were you, really-- really gonna k-kill, kill us, if, if we didn't--" @Monoboar (Mars) [4:05 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "I think he was." [4:05 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Wallace drags a hand down his face. "Am I the only one actually capable of focusing here? What happened to the presentation of evidence? Surely someone else here has something to contribute?" [4:06 PM] Monoboar!: "Heheh, I dunno! Was I? Sure is a mystery now that'cha know ya had a ticket like everyone else!" Monoboar snorts. "But it would'a been more fun if I did kill alla ya!"
@Aderyn Bishop (Beq) [4:06 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "UGH!!!!!!!!!" [4:06 PM] Eri [around]: Eri stops herself from saying something. [4:06 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel kicks her trial stand angrily. [4:07 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "Fie! cometh ov'r hither and englut mine own coxcomb, thee distemperate fooleth, thee hog!!!!" [4:07 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Hazel-san, you're my friend, but could you say that in a way I can understand, please? [4:07 PM] Eri [around]: "Please fight him" [4:08 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "I've never learned how to hear." [4:08 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Eri-san, don't encourage it right now!!" [4:08 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "Questioneth not mine own speech patterns, i'm very fell even but now!!!!" She angrily crumples the ticket and throws it at Wallace. [4:08 PM] Eri [around]: "Please fight him later" [4:09 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "Walleye, yer not helping the situation any. Please refrain from treatin' the rest of us like idjits." [4:09 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...ANYWAY! If we all had a ticket, how can we narrow down our list of suspects?" [4:09 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel huffs and turns around, crossing her arms. She's giving herself time to relax. [4:10 PM] Eri [around]: "That makes it super difficult, who would likely to cave in out of fear?" [4:10 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn has her hands at her head, pulling on her hair as she takes deep breathes. [4:10 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: {"Callaghan-san...should I repeat myself? Please refrain from purposefuly instigating our classmates.} [4:10 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana had a ticket. She crumpled it and threw it at the ground as hard as she could, and as it was paper, it floated down softly. That only made her more pissed off, so she started stomping on it. [4:10 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma looks around the room, observing everyone.
"Whoever killed 'im...now knows they were tricked. They can't be too happy right now." [4:10 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "I mean, whoever did it probably washed their feet and changed their clothes by now, right?" [4:11 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: {"I merely asked who else had evidence. If that qualifies as instigating, then I believe I am not the one with the problem."} [4:11 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "Did- d-did he-- If-- the b-boar was, was lying-- did..." Aderyn swallows, looking up with teary eyes. "Did... did he die for nothing..?" [4:11 PM] Eri [around]: "I would hope so, who just shows up wearing bloody clothes" [4:11 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "Whoever did it must've thought that it would've been okay to trade lives for one, or all of us." [4:11 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "I must say I am quite relieved to know all of us had tickets. I thought someone had murdered Oshiro-san for my sake, for a second..." [4:12 PM] Qiuyue Xu ♣ Foyer: Qiuyue exhales, taking this all in. "... Hmph..." [4:12 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel turns around and slams her fists on her podium. "E-Either way, Akihiko would've been k-killed for nothing!!! The murderer is a villain, cruel and horrible! There's no use in killing, never!" [4:13 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "I'm not about to forgive whoever took Oshiro-kun away from us, either, Hazel-san, but don't forget the one here we should be the most pissed at..."
She gave a look to the swine in the throne. [4:14 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: :consentbullet: "I agree wholeheartedly with you, Hazeldine-san. Whoever committed such a horrid crime should step forward and admit to their guilt." [4:14 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn whimpers. "Can't-- You can't-- c-can't fuh-fuh-forgive them, you can't-- you can't," she's crying. "Killer is a stupid-- stupid, fuh-fuh-fucking, lowlife-- fucking FREAK, c-can't, fucking forgive, forgive--" [4:14 PM] Eri [around]: "Yeah, no one would outright admit to a murder" Eri looked over at Keiko. [4:14 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar only leans back in his throne, entertained. [4:14 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Artemis makes a bit of a face. [4:14 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel frowns, looking at Aderyn. [4:15 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Can't the kuh-" she didn't want to say it. "killer...just reveal themselves already? Everyone already hates you, so just, like, ugh! I hate both you and the smelly pig! Tell me who you are now so I can stomp your face in like I just crushed this stupid, dumb, idiot...ticket..." she was only repeating herself at this point. [4:15 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: {Keiko gives Artemis a Look ™ . :unamused: } [4:15 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "Much as I agree with y'all, this ain't helping none." Wilma speaks up. "This ain't gonna encourage no one to step forward and admit it. I don't think nothing could convince someone to admit to this."
"Let's review the evidence one more time. There ain't nothing we forgot to look at, is there?" [4:15 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "We- we can't, c-can't f-figure it out, we, we looked over all the- the clues, there's, nn, there's nothing else..!" Aderyn pulls at her hair. [4:16 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: {"Don't look at me."} [4:16 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...Maybe we could look at the V shape again?" [4:16 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana draped herself over her stand, rocking restlessly. [4:16 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "...w-well..." Hazel wrings her hands. "Recall the file info... it says he died at 2am last night, did he not?" She says. "Who'd be up so late...?" [4:17 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: She ignores Artemis' words.
:consentbullet:  "I believe we have looked over all of the evidence...but yes, as Kawaguchi-san has stated, I was about to suggest we go over the 'V' shape once more." [4:17 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel goes silent. [4:17 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Um, well...uh..." she thought. "like, I don't wanna accuse anyone. But, like, who here stays up late?" [4:18 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "I've made sleeping early a habit, but that's probably not gonna help anything." [4:18 PM] Eri [around]: Eri raises her hand slowly. "Insomnia" [4:18 PM] Qiuyue Xu ♣ Foyer: "I go to bed at a decent time!" Qiuyue states. "I never deviate from it, no matter what!" [4:18 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "I'm s-s-ure, sure, many, many of us, do," Aderyn says quickly. [4:18 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Cerviel shifted. "I haven't gotten a lot of sleep since i've been here" [4:18 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana looks at Eri. "Then, well...it must be you or something! You look like you'd commit a murder!" [4:18 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "Se--See!" Aderyn points at Eri quickly after her admission of insomnia. Addy that's rude. [4:19 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "If we think he was tryin' to write out his killer's name...well the V was smudged near the middle. I'm thinking it was either a W or an M."
Wilma spent too long thinking about this and ignored the staying up late convo. [4:19 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "I can provide a copy of my written out schedule if you wish. I don't stay up that late, and even if I did, some areas are forbidden that late at night, and I would not break such a rule." [4:19 PM] Eri [around]: Eri looks over at Hana. [4:19 PM] Eri [around]: Glares. [4:19 PM] Eri [around]: "No" [4:19 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana's just staring at Eri with wide, angry eyes. "Gimmie proof!" [4:19 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "I-- I also! I also, think, think it was a W, I mean, it w-wouldn't be, wouldn't be r-right side up, if, it were, an M," Aderyn says. [4:20 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: :consentbullet: "Smudged near the middle, Lady Wilma... if it's smudged, could it maybe be the letter A instead of a W or an M?" [4:20 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: :consentbullet: "I agree with Hazeldine-san...it seems more likely that the letter was an A." [4:20 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Ugh! This talk of when we go to sleep isn't gonna help us, guys!" [4:20 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Let's get back to the V shape thing!" [4:20 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "A? Okay, well, um...Aeri? Ari? Close enough!" [4:20 PM] Eri [around]: Eri just sighs and ignores Hana. [4:20 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "...Huh." Wilma didn't think of that. "Yeah, could be an A, too. Didn't consider that, Miss Basil." [4:20 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "A... An, A," Aderyn repeats, looking pale. After a few moments, she side-eyes Artemis very slowly. [4:21 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana drapes herself over her stand again. [4:21 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko side-eyes Artemis as well. This looks is more of a "please tell everyone how it couldn't have been you" kind of look, though.
"Black-san?" [4:21 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: { Wallace is absolutely fuming right now. } [4:22 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "It wasn't fucking me. If I'd crack under a death threat I wouldn't even have my talent." [4:22 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "Or Miss Add-er-in, though I hate to put you in the spotlight." Wilma adds. [4:22 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel looks at Artemis and Aderyn. [4:22 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie quickly glances over at Aderyn. [4:22 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana looks at Aderyn, too. "It better not be you, Aderyn-chan, cause I trusted you I think!" [4:22 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "...Lady Artemis... has a point... she's more strong willed when it comes to... death..." [4:22 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn squeaks. "W-W-- Well, Well, m-m-maybe, maybe, maybe it wasn't a fuh-fucking A at all!" She snaps. [4:23 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel jumps. [4:23 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Aderyn-san, you're not helping your case!" [4:23 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "Addy, calm down." [4:23 PM] Riku Yasui...: "Profanity," [4:23 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Aderyn-chan, impolite..." she mumbles. [4:23 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: { "We've been swearing this whole trial, Yasui-kun." } [4:24 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "I'm j-just-- just fucking, fucking saying!" She says. "You c-can't, c-can't accuse, accuse, me, when, when it still c-coulda been, been a W, or, or something!" She defends. "I mean, it-- It wasn't even right-side up!" [4:24 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Wallace sighs. "It likely was, when you take into account the perspective of someone lying down and trying to write on a surface behind them. It would be right-side up from his perspective." [4:24 PM] Eri [around]: "From the victims view it was" [4:24 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "..."
[4:24 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel bites her lip, staring worriedly at Aderyn. [4:25 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma stares at Aderyn, her whole demeanor shifting. She looks like a predator that's just spotted it's prey.
"Miss Aderyn. You didn't show up to the body 'nouncement, not at first. Was it cause you didn't wanna see the body, or 'cause you didn't wanna be reminded...?" [4:25 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...Ohh my fucking God, Aderyn-san. Don't you say it. Don't you fucking say it." [4:25 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana hides her face in her arms, groaning, half out of anger, half out of fear. [4:25 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "W-Well..!" Aderyn glances around. "Maybe, Maybe-- Maybe it was a fucking-- fucking M!" She tries instead. "Stop! Stop, I didn't I didn't fuh-fucking do it, I didn't-- I'm not--!" Tears are welling up in her eyes again as her eyes flicker about nervously. She takes a step back, looking terrified out of her mind. [4:26 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Gimmie more proof! I-I'll give you another chance if you do...! You're acting weird! Really weird!" [4:26 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Aderyn-san, for your sake and ours, please just take some deep fucking breaths." [4:26 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: He tilts his head a bit. "Breathe for a sec. Calm down, get your words out. Be careful with what you say." [4:27 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "You called the killer a, um, I believe the exact word was, 'a fuckin' freak.' Do you..." Wilma is staring real hard at Aderyn. "Do you hate yourself that much?" [4:28 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "I'm fucking-- Fuh-fucking scared!" She shouts back. "Y-You-- You would be too if p-people were, were fucking ac-accusing, accusing, yyy-- you!" She points a shaking finger at Hana. "I don't-- I don't wanna fucking die!"
She flickers over to Wilma. "I don't-- I don't, b-because, I didn't-- I--" She's openly crying now. "I didn't-- He-- I..."
Aderyn looks down. [4:28 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "He..?" [4:28 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "..." [4:28 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel is trembling, biting into her lip hard enough to bleed. [4:28 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "Addy...." [4:28 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "Tell us the truth, Aderyn. You can still make this better. Not right, but better." [4:29 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana's hands are sweating, so she just zoned out as hard as possible, a dazed and angry expression stuck on her face. [4:29 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "Bishop-san? Please listen to Ortega-san..." Keiko looks...solemn. This sucks. I hate it. [4:30 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn's shoulders are shaking, and you can hear her sniffling and hiccupping, and she reaches up to wipe away her tears. "I didn't-- I d-didn't--" She hiccups.
"I just--- I didn't, ww-wanna die," she admits. "I thought-- I thought, I was-- I didn't--... I'm, sorry," Aderyn hiccups again, collapsing at her stand. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-- I-- I'm," she trails off into wet mumbles. [4:30 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel is gripping her stand, glaring at Aderyn hard enough to blow her onto her back.
"Y-You... y-you admit it...? You truly admit it, then...?!" [4:31 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Wallace's gaze is fixed on Anderyn. He jumps on her hesitation like a predator on prey. "Is that a confession?" [4:31 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "..."
Lake gave Aderyn one of her hardest glares since she first woke up here before she stepped down from her stand and walked over to the other's [4:31 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "......."
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[4:32 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: In contrast, Wilma relaxes a bit, but it's more out of exhaustion than any form of relief. It's as good as a confession.
"None of us wanna die, Miss Aderyn. Akihiko didn't." [4:32 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: She pulled her head up. "I hate you!" she shouted. "If you're...you're seriously admitting to this, then, I hate you!" she said, but her lip was quivering. [4:32 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Cerviel wasn't glaring. He just looked.. sad. He didn't want anyone else to die. [4:32 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel feels the tears well up again, and she sniffles, shoulder shaking as hides her eyes again, silently weeping. [4:32 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: Once she was close enough to her Lake took a step forward towards Aderyn before she-- [4:33 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "I know," Aderyn chokes. "I know, I know, I know-- He kept-- He-- He said-- Don't leave me alone-- I was just, I was-- I couldn't-- I couldn't leave-- I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry Akihiko, I'm sorry," [4:33 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: ...wrapped her shaking arms around her. [4:33 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "Bishop-san...you are lying. Did someone threaten you so you'd say this? You can tell us." [4:33 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "I don't even care how long I knew Aki-chan, he was like, like..." she slammed her hands onto the thing. "AAAAGH! DON'T TELL ME THAT! SHUT UP! SHUT UP RIGHT NOW!" [4:33 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "SHUT UP!!! I-I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT...! I DON'T... I DON'T WANT TO IMAGINE IT..." [4:34 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "Miss Pond, yer mighty kind, but she could still be dangerous." Wilma says, hand on her holster. [4:34 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn just sobs harder, reluctantly leaning into Lake's embrace. "Stop-- stop, I don't I don't-- you can't-- c-can't, can't fuh-fucking," she sobs. "I'm j-just a hor-horrible, fuh-fucking, mmm, murder-- I killed-- I k-k-- I-- He didn't-- I'm sorry--" [4:34 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie didn't seem to be listening, staring off into the distance. He idly plays with the bands on his fingers, thinking about something else. [4:34 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "Shut up, Woody. She's not gonna do shit again." [4:35 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...I know, and I'm not doing this out of kindness."
'...Maybe I am. I can't tell right now.' [4:35 PM] Monoboar!: "...Gyeheheh, so we've reached our climax, huh?" Monoboar snorts in amusement. [4:35 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...Aderyn-san," Lake spoke sternly. [4:35 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "Fuck you too, pig!" [4:35 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "All he wanted was friends...! I was too mean to him! So...I'm going to be mean to you instead 'cause you ruined that for him! He j-just...! Ugh!" she flicked her head towards Monoboar. "SHUT UP, STUPID HOG! SHUT UUUP!" [4:35 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn tries to curl in on herself further. [4:36 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko keep her frown for a moment longer before...she just starts crying. "Bishop-san..." and to think she'd let that happen. If only she had done more, she could've stopped Aderyn from killing, and Akhiko would be alive...
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[4:36 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "A-All he... uuu.. If only... I-If only I told him how good of a friend he w-was..." [4:36 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "It's a bit too late for 'sorry,' Miss Aderyn." Wilma says gently. "Don't curl up on yerself now. Stand up and own it, and maybe then you can 'pologize." [4:37 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: She shakes her head. "Do- Don't, d-deserve, don't deserve, to," she says. "Can this, please-- p-please, just... end," she begs, her voice cracking. [4:38 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Aderyn!" she dropped the -chan. It's too cute and sweet. "Yeah, stand up and own it! You killed him! You...he's gone! HE'S GONE!" she yelled, tears spilling from her eyes. She wiped them away as fast as she could, face pink. [4:38 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Fuck. Artemis scowled, looking to the pig. "You're fucking sick! I swear to god, first chance I get I'm gonna make you fucking pay from the shit you put us all through! I'm gonna fucking kill you and your fucking puppeT master!" [4:40 PM] Monoboar!: "Gyahahaha, so I guess it's time, dont'cha think?" Monoboar says without a care in the world, and slams his... hoof? Boars are weird. On the arm of his throne, and a screen flickers onto everyone's trial stands.
A selection of all the students' faces blink on your screen with the words VOTE! in red lettering taunt you.
"I know I'm sick, so what? Get t' votin' you filthy maggots!"
@Alive [4:41 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "I think we're way past what you do and don't deserve, Miss Aderyn." Wilma is looking at her, expression carefully blank.
"Stand up and look us in the eyes. You owe it to Akihiko. To all of us." [4:41 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma votes for Aderyn. [4:41 PM] Eri [around]: Eri looks over at the screen and votes for Aderyn. [4:41 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie snaps out of it. Hi. He votes for Aderyn. [4:41 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Cerviel looked down at his stand, voting for Aderyn with shaky hands. [4:41 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Investigation: Rayne votes for Aderyn. Im sorry. [4:41 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana stared at it for a while. She stared at Aki's face on the screen, a red x-mark crudely placed over it. She glances up at Aderyn, votes quietly, and then she puts her hand back at her side. [4:41 PM] Riku Yasui...: With a slight hesitation, Riku voted for Aderyn. [4:42 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel glares at the screen through her blurry, tearful vision, and taps to vote for Aderyn shakily. [4:42 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn pulls herself to her feet at Wilmas words, but she doesn't look at anyone. She can't.
She votes for herself. [4:42 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "What.. exactly will the voting do." [4:42 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Wallace votes for Aderyn. [4:42 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "I dunno, probably, like, gets her out of here or something. Hopefully in jail." [4:42 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko can barely see their faces. She's crying dawg :(
"We can't....executing someone isn't right! Even if they murdered someone else!" [4:43 PM] Monoboar!: "Yer votin' to send Aderyn off, obviously." [4:43 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Yep! To jail!" [4:43 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn tenses up. What? [4:43 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Artemis scowled, hands shaking. She punched in a vote for herself, it was hard to vote for Aderyn, she knew the rules, she couldn't do that do her. [4:43 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "Did you all forget the fucking rules?" [4:44 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Wallace's face twists into a disgusted frown. Was he the only one who paid any attention around here? [4:44 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko composes herself as best as she can. "It's...stated in the rules. That we must vote for the execution of the blackened." [4:44 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "...Execution?" Hana squeaked. [4:44 PM] Monoboar!: "Gyahaha, thanks fer doin' my job, blabber mouth!" [4:44 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "The ones that say we all die if we don't choose correctly? Nah, I think we all remember 'em pretty well." Wilma stares back at Artemis, challenging her to continue this bullshit. "You think any of us wanna do this?" [4:45 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Does that mean she's actually gonna...die? Did I just vote for someone to die?" [4:45 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel whimpers. [4:45 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: Lake gave Monoboar a glare before she turned her focus back on Aderyn.
"...I can't forgive you for what you did," Lake tried to keep her voice as level as she could, "But... But..."
'But... What? It's not your fault? It kind of is, but it's also Monoboar's fault. It's gonna be okay? I don't really want to say that to someone who killed Oshiro-kun, but...
Lake kept her offer for an embrace open as she gave Hazel a look. Vote for Aderyn for her?
@Aderyn Bishop (Beq) @Hazel Hazeldine (Mars) [4:45 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel won't do that. [4:46 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn looks pale, shaking at her stand, she's hardly listening. "N-no, I-- I don't-- I don't wanna die, please--" She whispers, wrapping her arms around herself. [4:46 PM] Monoboar!: "You say that, but'cha still kill someone anyways? Eh, kids are always selfish these days, Oink!" [4:46 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana didn't say anything, she just looked at the ground, stuffing a hand in her heart-shaped apron pocket. [4:46 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn hunches over, guilty. [4:47 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko leaves her stand too after sorrowfully voting for Aderyn. Sorry GMs she's leaving that stand.
She approaches Aderyn, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Bishop-san..." [4:47 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma closes her eyes, sighing.
"I'm sorry, Miss Aderyn. But you knew the rules, and so do we. There ain't nothing we can do to stop that now without getting us all axed." [4:47 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: She was slow to wrap her arms around this time in case Aderyn didn't want it. @Aderyn Bishop (Beq) [4:48 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn doesn't react to either touch. She just... stands there, head down. Tears, still dripping from her face. She's... given up.
It's over. [4:48 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana didn't want to look at any of this! She hid behind her stand and put her head in her shirt. [4:48 PM] Monoboar!: "Wrap it up, fellas, we got a verdict to get to!" [4:49 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "I'm so sorry....Aderyn. I'm...please apologize to Oshiro-san, wherever you go. Maybe someday...you'll be forgiven for what you did." she doesn't know what to say, but she can't send Aderyn to her death without saying anything. Why do they have to kill at all? [4:50 PM] Qiuyue Xu ♣ Foyer: Qiuyue votes Aderyn. [4:52 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...I..." 'What do I say? Should I just make it quick?' "I hope it goes by fast, Aderyn-san."
'...Dark, but okay.'
With that and a lingering touch on the shoulder, Lake ran over to her stand, and reluctantly voted for Aderyn. [4:53 PM] Monoboar!: "Yeesh, finally. Let's get on with it!"
The voting screens flicker black for a moment before a light begins to flicker down each name.
"Well, who's it gonna be, ya grubs? Let's find out who killed 'im!"
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[4:54 PM] Monoboar!: ...
A victory tune chimes out as the light lands on Aderyn Bishop.
"Looks like it's the truth, gwahaha! Aderyn Bishop killed Akihiko Oshiro!"
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[4:54 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn squeezes her eyes shut. [4:54 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana's still in her shirt. [4:55 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel covers her mouth, hand shaking. [4:55 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie shakes his head. [4:55 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko walks back to her stand. "Goodbye, Aderyn." [4:56 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Investigation: They lower their head and looks down and to the side, folding their hands over their chest. [4:57 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "I hope you're able to find peace." [4:57 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Artemis broke into another scowl, jaw going tense. "This isn't fucking fair. None of this is fair." [4:57 PM] Eri [around]: "Bye Aderyn" That's all Eri says. [4:57 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "N-None of it... none of it is fair...! The motive drove Lady Aderyn to kill Akihiko, and now... it kills her for it...!?" [4:58 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: "...I hope you become an angel one day" [4:58 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana didn't say anything more. What else could she say? [4:59 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn shakes her head. "No p-pearly, wh-white gates for me," she mutters in response to Cerviel. [4:59 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "...Addy. I..I'm sorry. I hope you get a lotta cute shit wherever you go." [4:59 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Wallace had way too many questions and tbh if I was writing the full Wallace he would have been interrogating her but im just gonna [5:00 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: He looked away. He didn't have any further response. [5:01 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "Do you have something you wish to tell those outside? I can...I can tell them, your friends..." [5:03 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn winces, visibly. "Don't... tell them." She begs. "Please," her eyes well up again. This is... very selfish of her, and she knows. But.. still. "Just.. Don't-- Don't even.. talk to them. Just.. Leave it be. They'll ww-wonder, where, where I went, and... mm-move on. It's... fine." [5:04 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "I think... they'll look for you. They won't forget you, Aderyn. But, as you wish." [5:07 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: Lake shook a bit as she snapped out of her slight daze when she processed Hazel putting the thoughts she had into the words she was looking for a minute before.
'God, I'm embarrassing! NOW I know what I want to say!'
"...Yeah, none it is fair!" Lake grabbed her stand and began to shout, "Fuck, I take back wishing it was quick as my last words to you, Aderyn-san! That's weak, coming from me! None of this bullshit is fair, and you shouldn't have to fucking die when you're not even twenty! What the fuck! Whoever's behind that disgusting swine will pay for the bullshit they put you, Oshiro-kun and the rest of us through!!! Neither you or him will have died in vain, I swear it!!"
"And if they're real friends, Aderyn-san, they'll miss the fuck out of you and remember you!! If not, I'll remember you! And Oshiro-kun, too!!!" [5:09 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn sniffles and... nods. There's nothing else she can say. [5:09 PM] Monoboar!: "Gyahaha, touching! But this is the end, whether it matters to ya losers or not!"
Monoboar slams a gavel onto a big red button, and Aderyn is promptly whisked away by a metal clamp attached to a chain snapping around her neck, and she's off...
Aderyn Bishop has been found guilty. Time for the punishment.
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[Done by @spiiderboiii]
[Done by @pitoumugis]
[5:10 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: She closes her eyes. She can't look. [5:11 PM] Qiuyue Xu ♣ Foyer: Qiuyue watches, but... She regrets doing that. [5:12 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel nearly shrieks, and covers her eyes, and then her ears, and crouches down. [5:12 PM] Riku Yasui...: Riku turned around and put his hood up. [5:12 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana slowly emerges from her shirt, looking at the aftermath of the execution. She wished she hadn't. [5:12 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko flinches as she hears the train, letting out a sob as she presses her hand tighter against her face as if that'd protect her from the sight. [5:12 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Cerviel flinched, finally allowing himself to cry. It didn't matter that he hadn't known her. His tears fell down onto the ground anyways. [5:12 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Investigation: Rayne wants to scream but they just gag, having to turn themself around and cover their mouth. Why. WHY? [5:13 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie taps impatiently on his stand, still staring at the train. [5:13 PM] Monoboar!: "That's all for now, maggots. Save th' sobbin' and head back into the elevator! Scram!"
Monoboar slams his gavel, closing the case on this trial, and vanishes from his throne. [5:14 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Artemis, for the first time in everyone's presence, whimpers. She whined from the back of her throat, turning away. Fuck. Fuck! She leaned on the pedastal to keep herself steady, trying to blink away the wet heat from her eyes. After a moment she steadied herself, walking off to the elevator with a stagger to her step. [5:14 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana fucking books it to the elevator. [5:14 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel shakily steps into the elevator. [5:14 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Numb, he walked back onto the elevator. [5:14 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie fucking yeets it. [5:15 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma tips her hat downwards, listening to but not watching the execution. She won't revel in Aderyn's death.
She lingers in the trial room, not because she wants to, but in case anyone won't go back. She can escort them. [5:15 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana can't wait to go to her room and scream. [5:16 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Investigation: Rayne bolts to the elevator as fast as their legs can take them. The situation's magnitude hitting them hard finally. Once they get into the elevator they just hunker down into a ball. [5:16 PM] Qiuyue Xu ♣ Foyer: Qiuyue rubs her arms nervously. [5:17 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: Out of respect for Aderyn (And just not willing to see a live death), Lake looked away from the screen.
...She heard the train and put two, two and two together. The first two being, 'Oh, a train.' Second, 'At... At least is was quick.' And third, '...Why a train?'
'...Oh, god,' A sick thought seeped into her mind before she dashed to the elevator, wanting to keep the train of thought from going on. [5:17 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko solemnly makes her way inside the elevator, crying quietly once more. None of this is fair. They don't deserve this.
'Akihiko, Aderyn...I'm sorry.' she thinks to herself, wishing she could've done something, anything to prevent this from happening. [5:18 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Alright, I think everyone's in. Wilma follows. [5:18 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana's still acting all princess-like in the elevator, hands on her hips, giving everyone a stare-down. Her eyes are puffy, though, and her cheeks are red. [5:20 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...Do you need a hug, Minami-sama?" [5:20 PM] Monoboar!: The elevator closes behind everyone and rises back to the foyer, now two less people but a heavy atmosphere weighing down on all of you...
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lazymilkshakecolor · 6 years
Chapter 3: the test
''Two of them are fans of yours.''
'’Two of many.''
''Cocky much?''
''Maybe, must be from hanging out with you so much.''
Sarada and Boruto were having dinner at the local burger joint, Boruto's favorite place to eat when he asked about Sarada's new team.
''Tell me more about my new fans.'' He said cockily.
''Well they are just like you, hyperactive dumbasses.''
''OI! That's mean Dattebaseh!''
''That's what you get for being cocky.'' She said, moving her eyes from her burger to his face, that formed his version of the puppy dog face.
''But they're smart and talented like you too.''
''That's more like it.'' He said as he put his salad on her plate, a gesture she appreciated.
''But in all seriousness, I think they could have a bright future ahead of them,  they are all very talented, and they all have big aspirations for the future.''
''Bigger than hokage?''
''Not that big, but Hotaru wants to police force captain, Hana wants to be the best medic and Aki wants to be an anbu captain.''
''Ahh well then train him well in that case, I'm going to be in charge of admissions by the time he's eligible.''
''Well, he's the calmest and most focused of the three, but I'm worried about him.''
A somber note took over their talk as Boruto extended his hand towards her shoulder, lightly squeezing it.
''How's he taking Captain's death?''
''It doesn't seem he's taking it well, he was much more carefree before his father died.''
''So is he an orphan now?''
''No he isn't, Shu-san left a will saying that his step mom, Takira, is  his care-taker, but he never liked her, which is weird since she's been doing everything to make him accept her in the family before his dad died.''
''I see,'' he thought for a moment before speaking again, '' You are able to relate to him aren't  you?''
''I am.''
She would never forget the seventh's words, words he said to her when she was eleven, words she still carried in her heart.
''He doesn't seem to recognize that what Takira feels for him is the real thing, a thing that can't be broken with something as trivial as biological ties.''
''You'll get to him soon enough, as for the girl, she wants to be a medic, and you're trained in medical ninjutsu so that makes you suitable to train her.''
''It does, and if she's talented enough, mama has been looking for a new apprentice.''
''And then there's the boy with the bad attitude…''
Sarada giggled at Boruto's obvious annoyance of the boy.
During the time jonin instructors had to come observe the future genin in the academy, Boruto filed in instead of her, there Hotaru was seen by Boruto picking on a younger student, and of course, Boruto intervened, which resulted in him being called pineapple head.
''His attitude is a lot better now if that helps.''
''It better be.'' He growled as he took a bite from his burger.
''So what are you doing tomorrow after the test?''
''If they pass, I'm treating them to ramen.''
Boruto made a disgusted face.
''Which is better than burgers by the way, if they don't I'm heading to the hokage's office to inform him of their situation.''
''I see, what's the test? Is it the bell test?''
''What is it then?'' he said, getting up and grabbing Sarada's hand to pull her up, then they got out of the restaurant and headed towards her apartment.
''You'll know tomorrow.''
''Don't be a tease Sarada-chan.'' He said in the cute sing song voice he used whenever he wanted something from Sarada.
''Ohh stop it you big baby.'' She said, lightly punching his arm, before interlocking her hand with his, pulling him towards her apartment.
''Wait, hold up!''
''Come on, don't you want to see what a tease I can be when I'm trying.'' She said, looking backward to see his face turn red, much like she suspected hers is.
''You're late!'' the twins screamed at their sensei, who arrived half an hour late.
''Yeah yeah, I was busy last night so I didn't get enough sleep.''
''We were busy too, that's no excuse,'' Hotaru said, obviously annoyed at being woken up at 5 in the morning and his sensei being late.
''Well I was busy doing…'' Boruto, a dirty voice in her head said,'' something that doesn't concern you, now the test.''
The three genin gave her a deadpan expression.
''It's quite simple, you just have to defeat me and get this kunai.'' She said, removing her jacket and throwing it aside on a tree branch., while attaching the old kunai to her hip.
''What's so special about the Kunai?''
''It belongs to Boruto Uzumaki,  a kunai he used to beat one of his worst opponents ever.
''Wow.'' The twins exclaimed, but Aki seemed a lot less impressed.
Little did they know that it was the kunai he used yesterday to rip off her bindings.
''You mean one on one matches?'' Hotaru asked.
''No, all three of you against me, no rules, and I'd advise you to go all out.''
''But that's not fair, we might hurt you.'' Hana said.
''You're right it isn't fair, but I'm not the one you should be worried about.''
The three genin gulped, but they quickly regained their composure as they pulled kunai from their holsters.
''Alright then begin.'' She said, not moving an inch from her place.
The twins quickly disappeared, leaving Akihiko alone against Sarada.
''What is that idiot doing?!'' Hotaru hissed to his sister in their hiding place, Hana stared at him, a sad expression on her face, she's been meaning to talk to her brother about Aki, about  what she heard happened to his dad to her brother so he can take it easy on him.
''Did Takira set you up to this?'' Akihiko asked, glaring at his possible future sensei.
''Do you think your mother would do this?''
''She isn't my mother.''
''And why is that?''
''Cause she's just a women who fell in love with dad when my real mother died.''
''It's been three years since they've been married Aki, you should grow up already, don't you think?''
Her words were harsh, and she didn't realize how harsh they were until they escaped from her mouth, but she didn't regret them, and she wasn't going to sugar coat her words just because he's the son of a dear friend.
At her words, Aki withdrew his kunai and charged at her, she didn't withdraw a kunai as he expected, she instead caught the hand that held the Kunai and tore it from his hand, he raised his leg to kick her but she dodged, and then they engaged in a taijutsu battle with Aki attacking and Sarada dodging every one of his moves.
''Earth style: Earth pillar.'' He said as he summoned a rock pillar from underneath them, but it didn't even rise up until Sarada crushed it with her foot.
Hotaru and Hana gaped.
''Did she just reak a rock with her foot.'' Hotaru murmured.
''I guess that's the legendary powers passed on from the fifth hokage.'' His sister replied, amazed at seeing the technique she dreamt of learning.
''Nice move Aki, but maybe concentrate more of your chakra on the rock, it was kinda loose.''
The boy stood still, taking a breath and looking at the women up and down, as much as he hated to admit it Takira was right about her.
''Sarada's your sensei? And she's giving you guys a test tomorrow? You better watch out, she wasn't the top anbu troop captain for nothing.''
He knew she was Anbu, but he didn't know that she held that high of a position in the Anbu corps, the position right behind his Father, who was the leader of the troop captains, the second in command of Anbu, while Takira was his subordinate in the position after Sarada was promoted to take her position.
''Here's an advice kid, go find your friends, cause there is no way you're going to get the kunai alone, I even doubt you're going to get it all together.
''Then why did you do this test? Do you want us to fail?''
''Well, while it's true I'm not very happy at being a team sensei, but rest assured I would never commit that type of injustice towards you guys, and besides, if you fail this test you'll just have another sensei assigned.''
She marched closer to the boy until she was right in front of him.
''Your father was one of the strongest and wisest men I ever knew   and Takira-san is a women that helped me through a very difficult stage in my life, and maybe that's why I feel like I won't like it if you guys failed.''
Akihiko took a step back from her.
''That's why, I'm going to let you go now without a fight, but next time you won't be so lucky, now go find your teammates.''
Aki ran as fast as he could from the women who he knew would never truly hurt him but who has terrified him more than all of the people who have targeted him before.
''Psst Akihiko.'' He heard Hana call out from the bush next to him, he jumped into it.
''Good you're here, we have to launch a surprise attack from the bushes-''
''It won't work, that women was third in command in Anbu a year ago, something like that won't work.''
''How do you even know that?'' Hotaru asked.
''I just know okay, we have to come up with a more creative strategy.''
''No, we have to find out what the point of this test is first, it can't be just to test us.''
''It's probably to test our teamwork.'' Aki said, '' since she repeatedly told me to go join you guys.''
''That's true.''
Then the two boys looked at Hana who nodded despite not being entirely convinced.
''Okay then here's a plan, how about Hana and I distract her, and Aki, you would sneak up on her and retrieve the Kunai.'' Hatoru suggested.
Hana and Akihiko both agreed.
Five minutes later they launched their attack.
Hotaru's and Hana's movements were in sync, which was hard to accomplish even if they were twins.
''Wind style: wind blast.'' Hana said, before she blew a burst of air towards Sarada at the same time Hotaru blew a fireball towards her.
Sarada smirked as she jumped, noticing that Aki was waiting for her to jump, so she caught him and threw him down but not towards the fire.
Takira would kill me if I give him burn injuries, she thought as she landed close to Hana and engaged her in a taijustu battle, this time she was attacking, trying to gauge her defense and dodging abilities.
''You should improve your dodging if you want to become a medic nin.'' She remarked, not giving Hana a chance to react as she kicked her into a tree.
''Hana!'' her brother screamed before he launched himself towards her, Aki reluctantly followed.
''That's round one, there's one round left and this time I'm on the attack too.''
It seemed to her that it was time to put the real test into motion.
''You have ten minutes to recuperate.'' Sarada said before she disappeared.
Hana tried to stand up, but Aki pushed her down.
''Sit and rest, we have ten minutes until the second round begins.''
''Hana your arms…'' Hotaru said, noticing the blue and red bruises forming on her arms.
''Yeah that was because of the hits I blocked.''
''wow, she can really pack a punch.'' Hotaru remarked, pulling a water bottle from his holster and handing it to his sister.
''My…'' Aki hesitated for a second before continuing, '' step mother told me that she could break an entire training field with her finger''
''You have a step mother?'' Hotaru asked, completely missing the point.
Hana sensing that the black haired boy wasn't comfortable changed the subject.
''I heard she also has a special type of sharingan, that possesses abilities even Sasuke Uchiha's rinnegan doesn't have.''
''Well, then we're in deep shit.'' Hotaru remarked.
''Tell me about it.'' Aki said, Hotaru turned to him, surprised he agreed with him on something.
''You know, you're a pretty cool guy for jerk standards.'' He said, extending his hand towards Akihiko in a fist bump, an obvious sign of peace.
Aki's hand met hotaru's.
Aki pulled away to notice Hana smiling at him, which made him blush and turn away.
''Now, we have to think of another plan, she's going on the offense this time, so there isn't much we could do.''
''Then we just have to have each other's backs in this one.'' Hana said standing up.
''I agree.''
''Well then, whatever it takes we have to beat her, do you know how cool it would be to have a future hokage as our sensei?!'' Hotaru said, his two teammates looked at each other for a second before nodding their heads.
It was decided then they were going to win this.
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memoriesofthecity · 7 years
oh i'm happy that i can send request that way, i'll make a request that i already send to another blog, but i would like to see your take on this request ok?hope that you dont mind, the format that i want is as headcannon(i find cool hc) the request is : ((((i want the s/o as a pianist, but he is kinda of a idol (like hifumi) and the s/o take the persona boys for a trip, because the s/o is gonna do a recital in some Fancy hotel and after that they would have a week in the hotel for free(1/2)
i want the persona boys deal with the pressure of dating this s/o, like the people talk like “that boy is just dating the s/o because he is famous” “such talent why do he has to be gay”, bonus if the s/o lend a suit to them if they dont have one))) male s/o ofc, the ones which I mean as persona boys is akihiko, minato, akira and ryuji this are My Favorites boys in p3/p5, sorry for making it too long(2/2)
i don’t know much about the piano so i’m sorry if it’s not too accurate in parts where i mention it (i actually play the flute in my school band though), but i hope you like it! and don’t worry, your request wasn’t too long at all!
Minato knew what he was in for when he started dating you. He knew that you were a popular pianist, and that since you were popular he would undoubtedly get hated for dating you. That wasn’t even mentioning the fact of how he would get hated for ‘turning you gay’.
When you invited him along to one of your recitals, he was happy that he would get alone time with you. He wasn’t so happy about the fact that so many people would know where you were, and know exactly where to find him. The public knew about your relationship, and your fans, especially females, tried to end it whenever they could. He knew you loved him no matter what they said, but he still felt pressure.
He didn’t let you know that, though. He hid his feelings well. When you got to the hotel, you didn’t have much time to spare, so you just started getting ready immediately. You got dressed first and got your music ready, and when Minato came out in his suit you made sure to tell him how handsome you thought he looked. His face was a faint pink until you ran into your fans who had gotten there early.
Almost instantaneously, shouts of ‘why did you turn him gay!?’ and ‘you’re only dating him for the fame!’ rang out. You looked over at Minato, and he only put his head down and continued walking. You followed behind him.
After your recital, which had a surprising amount of people in the audience, he met you backstage and you tried to hurry back to your room as quickly as possible. Your fans were waiting outside, though, and bombarded you with questions and shouts again. You pushed through the crowd and eventually made it back, but your boyfriend looked pissed.
You asked him what was wrong, and he explained that he had heard somebody say that he was trying to use you to get famous himself. You spent a while telling him that you didn’t think it was true, and him saying that it wasn’t in return. After he told you how much comments like that got to him, he promised you that he would try and stop any other comment from getting to him or you.
With Minato by your side, you spent the rest of the week at the hotel in peace. If anyone did try to approach you, one good cold glare from your boyfriend was enough to scare them away from insulting you.
Akihiko was popular too, so he knew what would go on if you both started dating. He didn’t care, though. He loved you, and it didn’t matter to him that you were a guy.
When you asked him to come to your recital trip with you, he was excited to get to spend time with you and hear you play! He pushed the thoughts of hate to the back of his mind and agreed. You arrived at the hotel a little late and didn’t have any time to laze about, so you started getting ready once you got to your room. You both complimented each other on your suits, embarrassing each other like you usually did, and left the room.
You both did your best to ignore the shouts of your fans on the way there. You were better at ignoring it than Akihiko, though. He heard shouts of people from Gekkoukan talking about how weak he was because he was gay, and whatnot. He wouldn’t tell you how badly that hurt him, though. It was your day to be happy.
After the recital, you met him backstage and headed out, hand in hand. You had thought nobody would be out yet, but unfortunately there were. You pushed through the crowd, but when you noticed that your boyfriend wasn’t behind you at one point, you turned around and saw him yelling at one of your fans.
They had yelled something about you being a failure of a pianist just because you were gay, and Akihiko did not let that slide. Insulting him, that was fine, but insulting you? Absolutely not.
After singling out the one person, he then started yelling that the entire crowd didn’t deserve to be your fan if they didn’t support you through everything. You pulled him back to your room after seeing the crowd get even angrier, and angrily asked him why he would do that. He told you that he wasn’t going to let anyone insult your talent or you, and that he would do anything to protect you.
..You really couldn’t stay angry at that.
Thanks to Akihiko’s yelling, though, you both finally got some peace during your week at the hotel. You were so glad you had him as your boyfriend, and not one homophobic comment could stop that.
Akira wasn’t completely sure why you decided to date him, a criminal, while you were famous, or why you would date a gay criminal, but he wasn’t complaining. He loved you with all his heart.
After hearing you could bring someone to your recital, you knew that you wanted Akira there with you. He agreed, of course, but he told you he didn’t have a suit to wear. You packed one of your own for him, and once he had gotten ready and the hotel and came out with it, you thought he looked amazing in it. You told him, making him blush, but he put on a suave persona and made you blush right back.
You left the room to head to the recital, and were met with your fans’ angry shouts at Akira. You both put your heads down and quickly got into where you needed to be. He made sure not to let you know how much the words affected him.
He met you backstage after the recital. After telling you how amazing you had sounded you left the room, and pushed yourselves through the crowd to get back to your room. That was, until, you heard someone shout something about you dating a criminal.
You instantly turned around, knowing Akira would say nothing to them, and yelled at them that your boyfriend was not a criminal! After yelling a few more choice words to the group, you grabbed Akira by the arm and pulled him to your room.
He thanked you for saying what you did but said you didn’t have to, but you made sure he knew that you wanted to do what you did. You knew that the words they said affected him, and you weren’t going to let them put him down for ‘making him gay’ or ‘being a criminal’.
He didn’t know what he did to deserve you. The rest of the week was spent peacefully, your fans having listened to you. You made sure that Akira expressed more of his thoughts, and Akira made sure to remind you how much he loved you every day.
Ryuji knew that you dating a ‘delinquent’ wouldn’t slide well with your fans, and it would especially not slide because he was another guy. Although it took a while for him to accept his sexuality, he still loved you and wouldn’t let your fans’ words get to him.
You asked him to be your guest when you heard you could bring someone to your recital. He was super excited to go, and could barely wait. You two got there a while before you had to be there, but that was when Ryuji realized that in his excitement, he had forgotten his suit. Damn.
Thankfully, you packed a spare one just in case yours had gotten dirty, so you let him wear it. Once he came out in it, you thought he looked even more handsome in you clothes, and once you said it aloud he turned beat red.
You both headed out to where the recital was, hoping that since you were there early nobody would be there. Sadly, a few of your fans were waiting for you. While you did get a few shouts of praise, there were still negative comments on Ryuji mixed in with it. You just ignored it, since nothing could stop your love for your boyfriend, but it was a struggle for him.
You met up backstage after the recital, and after he complimented you on your playing you left to return to your room for the night. You pushed through the crowd that had gathered until you heard Ryuji shout behind you.
He started yelling at one of your ‘fans’ who had made a comment that you were worthless and talentless since you were gay and dating a delinquent. He shouted that you were not talentless, and that they had no right to say anything about you like that! It ended up in a fight, but you got him back to the room before anything got physical.
You told him off for yelling, but thanked him for defending you. He told you that he would do anything to make the comments stop completely, but since he couldn’t, he would always be at your side to protect you from them. You said that you would do the same thing for him.
Your week at the hotel was spent without any rude comments, Ryuji’s outburst having stopped anyone from wanting to say anything to them. You made sure to remind him every minute how much you loved him, and that the words people said would never stop that, and he did the same thing for you.
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tacitusauxilium · 5 years
Unforeseen Circumstances // Ch.06
Unrequited love is the most painful thing to feel, and yet, Fuuka is persuaded to try her hands at getting Junpei’s attention, no matter what. However, after multiple failed attempts, what will she do when she catches the eye of the boy with the maroon peacoat? The heartache that comes with falling in love might even be more than she bargained for.
Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort
September 12th
As if there already wasn't tension enough in the dorm, Fuuka can feel the sparks between Akihiko and Shinjiro. She didn't know what caused both boys to have bruised cheeks (she assumed they punched each other because they act like brothers), but knew it had to be a touchy subject. That was two days ago and although the tension was diffused, she could sense some frustration between them. Then again, when isn't someone frustrated inside the dorm? With all these people living together, heads were bound to collide eventually.
So, in order to make herself feel better, she decided to cook something for the few SEES members that were actually here. Junpei and Koromaru was out, as well as Aigis, and Minato. She crossed her arms and remembered a recipe her mother told her that is super easy: beef stroganoff. She walked into the kitchen and began to pull out the ingredients she picked up a week ago as she hoped no one would notice.
Half an hour later, Shinjiro came downstairs as he almost felt like gagging. He thought something was burning—Shinjiro moved to the kitchen and saw a Fuuka admiring her poorly looking beef stroganoff. Shinjiro's eyes were as big as dinner plates as he wanted to scold Fuuka for using the dorm's decent pots and pans. He just stared at her until Fuuka looked at him, a smile as big as her face on her face.
Shinjiro blinked as he started to move carefully towards Fuuka. He looked down at the food and looked at her again. "What in the hell did you make?"
Fuuka gulped, knowing that wasn't a good sign if Shinjiro couldn't distinguish what she made. "B-beef stroganoff…?"
"Is that a question, Yamagishi?" Fuuka shook her head as Shinjiro rubbed his forehead, knowing this had to be remade.
Both turned to the opened door that as Minako was there, calling out to Shinjiro. "I was trying to catch up to you… Wh…what is that smell?" She asked as she couldn't distinguish if that was a good or bad smell. Fuuka felt her cheeks heating up in embarrassment.
"It smells?" She asked softly.
"It seems Yamagishi wanted to try cooking herself." Shinjiro stated as he took off his pea coat and reached for a nearby apron. "And yes, your nostrils are going to be irritated as I will fix this."
Fuuka's face lit up, but then quickly dimmed as Shinjiro threw her food away. "Oh? Can I watch?" Minako asked as she moved her body onto a bar stool, getting a bit comfortable. "So what was she trying to make?"
"Beef stroganoff—but it looks like she messed up a bit of the ingredients." Shinjiro pulled his beanie off and began to tie his hair back, into a small ponytail, as he wiped his forehead of a small bead of sweat on his face. "So," he turned to Fuuka, his arms crossed, "what did you do about the roux?"
Fuuka smiles again, contagious as Minako began to smile and wonder if Shinjiro could fix her disastrous mess. "I didn't use any—I made it from scratch with flour."
"Yamagishi, don't start acting proud. You burned the hell outta this."
Fuuka noticed the pan had some burnt crumbs all over the pan. It was hard to prove the pan was silver unless you looked on the outside of it. "You are right. I did burn it…"
Shinjiro sighed heavily, trying to keep calm around Fuuka's calm and carefree demeanor. He looked around and turned his eyes towards the teal-headed girl. "Did you have any left over ingredients?"
She quickly nodded her head. "Of course—I always buy extra of everything!"
Shinjiro felt a small smile creep up on his lips. "Pay attention—I'll make it the way you are suppose to make it." Minako raised an eyebrow, not aware that Shinjiro could cook—Akihiko wasn't kidding when they talked a couple weeks ago. "…Arisato," Minako blinked as Shinjiro brought her mind back to reality, "is this okay for dinner?"
"Why not? I can't wait to try it out and see how it's done myself." Minako grinned as Shinjiro tied the apron around him and then fixed Fuuka's apron up again. "Just don't get your hopes up just yet." Shinjiro let out a chuckle as Fuuka walked over to Minako, a small frown on her face.
"But, Minako-chan? Weren't you going out with Shinjiro-senpai? I don't want to just ruin your plans like this—!"
Before Minako could say anything, Shinjiro called out to Fuuka. "Hey. Let's get started." Fuuka nodded quickly as she made her way back over to Shinjiro.
Minako began to watch the two work in sync, albeit some clumsy moments from Fuuka, as she was surprised that Fuuka didn't give up even after Shinjiro threw the devilish food away.
"So, how much oil did you use?" Shinjiro began as he put about a few teaspoons into the pan, capping it up as he put it away.
"Oh I didn't use any. I thought it would be healthier that way." Fuuka explained, a smile on her lips, as Shinjiro felt his stomach churn at the idea of her not putting oil in.
For fucks sake that is what helps give the food flavor—
"And what about the red wine? How much did you put in?"
"Oh I don't know. I put in as much as I thought looked good enough."
"So, how long did you pour it in for?"
"About…two to three seconds."
Shinjiro looked down at the meat, trying to cut it into smaller pieces as he felt his face crestfallen. Dear god, Yamagishi.
"Why is the meat so fatty?"
Fuuka smiled again, quickly to respond, as Minako put her chin on her hands with her elbows on the table. "I told the butcher to give me the best meat he had!"
Shinjiro stopped trying to cut the meat as he felt like shaking the stupidity out of Fuuka when it came to cooking. "Everything about this is all wrong." He grew silent as Minako could see Fuuka play with the end of her apron, feeling a bit defeated. "Listen: don't start messing around with advance recipes until you've improved your basic cooking skills." He explained. "Do you feel bad about charring all this food?"
Fuuka nodded slowly, keeping her head down. "Of course—this is expensive food, too. I'm sorry." She whispered as Minako wanted to speak up from her feeling sad, but Shinjiro just put his hand on her head and messed up her hair a bit.
"That's part one of a punishment from me. Now, part two is listening to me and watching me do this. First off," he held up a finger and made Fuuka look up at him, "prepare everything beforehand. Trust me, it will save a lot of time. Measure out all the seasonings and chop everything out that needs to be chopped out. That way, you can focus your attention on the cooking part and not panic."
Fuuka nodded as she began to look around for a memo pad. "Y-Yes, of course! Memo…memo…"
Within a few minutes, Shinjiro began to get everything under control—he washed the vegetables and began cutting them, showing Fuuka how to cut with a sharp knife correctly. Fuuka nodded and watch, writing down everything she saw as quickly as she could. "Now," Shinjiro began to toss onions into the pan, once it got warmer by heating the sizzling from the pan, "gotta cook the onions on low heat. Cooked onions are the best part of the dish—you don't want to burn them."
She nodded slowly and wrote while she spoke, "Cook onions on low heat—"
"Put that notepad down and watch me. It'll be better to do that." Shinjiro stated as Fuuka placed the notepad off onto the table, along with her pen, and watched Shinjiro picking up the meat in a bowl. "Here's the meat—" he showed Fuuka to emphasis it, "—when you put it in…"
Slowly and delicately, Shinjiro explained how food should be properly cooked. His hands moved swiftly and surely as he showed Fuuka the proper way with basic steps.
After an hour of hellish pain, at least that's what Shinjiro thought, the dish was finally prepared—correctly. It looked as if it could be one of those featured meals from a magazine or cooking network. The aroma was to die for—it was ready to take you to heaven and back home without realizing it.
Fuuka was in awe as she couldn't even touch it, scared she might mess it up. "Oh wow! It looks so good!"
"Shut up and eat it before it gets cold." Shinjiro uttered as he put the dirty dishes into the sink. Fuuka and Minako both looked at it, not really wanting to ruin his masterpiece.
Minako took out her chopsticks and grinned. "Well, if you say so! Time to chow down!" She didn't know where to stick her chopsticks in—so, with it being Minako, she dug right into the center, with an exasperated sigh coming from Shinjiro's lips.
Damn. Not like you could take it from the sides like a normal person.
Case in point, Fuuka took a small portion of noodle and meat as she opened her mouth to let the juices fill her mouth—she let out a happy moan, not realizing something like this could be made if she paid more attention.
Minako let out the same sigh of happiness as she could see Shinjiro joining in on the fun. "Thank you for the food!" Minako chimed in, making Fuuka nod her head in agreement.
Shinjiro gulped some food down as his cheeks turned a hint of pink in the corners of his cheeks. "…yeah, it's nothing…"
"But," Fuuka looked up at Shinjiro once she finished off swallowing the food in her mouth, "you're amazing, Shinjiro-senpai."
"Anyone can do something like this."
"No way." She shook her head as she held up her pinkie finger. "Please, could you teach me again? I promise to do much better." She smiled softly, hoping that she could convey her determination while still being convincing.
Shinjiro let out a sigh and shrugged. "Not like I have anything else to do. But, you will do it by yourself next time." He looked at her pinkie and just put her hand down, not confirming or denying that promise to make.
After a few more minutes of eating and chatting between each other, Fuuka insisted that she cleaned—it was the least she could do today after all Shinjiro did. He moved over to the loveseat and Minako sat adjacent to him. Shinjiro looked up at the ceiling, his thoughts somewhere else currently.
" '…teach me again'. Huh." He repeated Fuuka's words as he looked back at Minako. "She was so itching to make me promise that I couldn't say no to her." He crosses his arms and closed his eyes, deep in thought.
Maybe…maybe that nature of her lured me in.
"Well, I guess I better be prepared to do more cooking again."
Minako scooted up in her seat and smiled at an idea that crossed her mind. "Why not make a meal for all of us? Like a little party or something?"
Shinjiro opened his eyes and slightly glared at her. "Here? That's pushing it a bit, Arisato." He mentioned but then he sat on the idea for a moment. Recipes pouring in his head of what could accommodate 10 or so people and what would blend well together. "Well, you got a point—maybe we could do something like that, once in a while."
Minako gasped as she clapped her hands together, thrilled that his answer wasn't a no as she felt this was a personal victory for her. She was somewhat happy to see this side of Shinjiro that not many people get to see. Then again, maybe Akihiko and Mitsuru have seen this side at least once or twice.
"I think I'm gonna go check up on Fuuka—" It was as if he had a six sense when it came to her; he heard a crash and then Fuuka yelling as he sighed. "—too late." He moves a bit quickly, knowing how much of a clumsy person Fuuka was as Minako followed behind.
Shinjiro opened the door carefully as he saw some glass on the floor, from one of the cups they were drinking from, as Fuuka's shoulders were curled in towards her as he could see her slightly trembling. This put Minako on edge and made Shinjiro go protective and went to check up on her. "Fuuka?" He asked as he noticed that the step stool that she and other people use was flipped on its side. Shinjiro also noticed that there was more glass near Fuuka.
He moved carefully around, asking Minako to clean up the glass near the stove, as he stepped in front of Fuuka. "…Fuuka…?" He whispered and noticed that she had tears stinging her eyes and noticed that her hand had a decently sized cut, at least a good inch and a few millimeters deep. Even Shinjiro winced at the pain she must be feeling. She was trying her best to hold back her sobs as she could barely see Shinjiro through her tears.
Fuuka took a shaky breath and tried to explained what happened. "I-I was washing dishes…a-and I was putting up the d-dried glasses…" Shinjiro nodded as he began to pull the first aid kit from underneath the sink and looked for gauze, not noticing the water gathered at the front of the sink. "…a-and I mis-calculated my step—th-thought my foot would be closer t-to the ground…w-water from the sink—" she pulled her hand closer as Shinjiro noticed some blood dripping onto the floor between them and around the area near the sink.
"It's okay—" Shinjiro calmly said, a quick nod from Fuuka and Shinjiro knew this wasn't going to be pretty. He began to translate what she said through her sobs, trying to fully understand what occurred. "You were trying to put up cleaned dishes, after you washed and dried them," Fuuka nodded, "and as you were coming down the step stool, you slip and fell because of, I'm assuming, the water from the sink," which made Fuuka nod again, "and…" he removed the paper towel from her hand, already soaked in some blood, as he saw some tiny shards in her hand. "Fuck…" he whispered as he turned to Minako. "Hey, you're a girl—"
"...that explains why I have breasts. Why?"
Minako joked as she could see the seriousness in Shinjiro's eyes. "Do you have pliers or something? That thing you use for eyebrows that Takeba claims is a lifesaver."
Minako nodded. "Yeah, let me go get it." She put the broom and dustpan down as it was just the two of them in the kitchen. Shinjiro turned his attention to Fuuka, noticing that Fuuka couldn't have made a mess of the water that quickly. "Listen, hold on—" he stated as he picked her up slowly and placed her on the counter so he could get a better look at her hand and to make sure the glass was all cleaned up.
He opened the door to the sink, not realizing it at first because of Fuuka's injury, but that there was a small leak coming from a pipe towards the front of the cabinet doors—he saw the wood was damped and saw the foot size puddle near where the blood droplets begin. He began to turn the water supply off. "W-will it leave a scar?"
Fuuka speaking out of the blue, her cheeks stained with tears, made Shinjiro turn back towards her and his face turned softer, as if he was taking care of Koromaru. "…honestly, it might." He stated as Fuuka's eyes showed worry as he had to quickly back pedal. "B-but, it doesn't look too deep."
Nice save, dumb ass.
He chided to himself internally as he put a hand on Fuuka's head. "Why were you holding two glasses?"
She sniffed her nose, feeling her snot was drying up after all the crying she did in less than a few minutes. "T-the one over by the fridge…that's the one I fell into…" Fuuka nudged her elbow to show which one fell into it—Shinjiro checked for any cuts, and relieved there wasn't any. "…a-and I had the second one i-in my hand. I was coming down the stool because there wasn't enough room—and th-then…"
Ahhhh. Mitsuru might have just bought too many glasses and it got overcrowded… 
Shinjiro nodded as he realizing that perhaps some of the dishes were new ones, and hoping those two glasses weren't. "…you fell and the glass shattered in your hand," Fuuka nodded as Shinjiro felt his shoulders shrink, "damn Fuuka. You might be a bit bruised and sore tomorrow—I'll find some medicine to ease the pain." He rubbed the top of her head gently as Minako came back holding two types of pliers—a small one and a slightly bigger one.
"I-I didn't know which one." She stated as she walked towards Shinjiro as he grabbed both of them. "I can buy some new ones—" she made sure to say that before Fuuka could apologize for ruining hers.
Shinjiro nodded as Fuuka winced the moment he pulled the paper towel back. "Minako," getting onto a more personal level than before, which Minako didn't flinch at her own name being said, "could you look for…gauze, antibiotic cream…" he looked at Fuuka's wound, almost reminding him of an injury he had long, long ago when he was a kid in the orphanage, "…some dressings, gloves…and look for some acetaminophen, for pain."
Minako nodded as she pulled out the supplies from the first aid kit while Shinjiro looked at Fuuka's hand again. "I was going to say look for some peroxide, but I don't want to subject Fuuka to more pain." He mentioned to Minako as he held her hand in his, her hand cold because of some blood loss, and reached for the smallest pliers first. Shinjiro shot his eyes up towards Fuuka, their hearts skipping a beat and they stared at each other for a moment. "You always seem to get my hands on you—remind me to make sure Mitsuru actually fixes the damn dorm up."
Fuuka nodded. "O-of course." She whispered as Minako came by, accidentally slamming the supplies next to Fuuka and breaking their connection. Fuuka lowered her head as Shinjiro thanked Minako and turned his eyes back to Fuuka's small hand. He felt a bit nervous—this was her dominant hand and didn't want to make the situation worse. He put on the gloves, surprised they were a bit bigger than his own hands, and got focused as he let out a deep breath, carefully removed the few tiny shards that were embedded in her hand. Her fingers were twitching every time he removed one shard at a time. Shinjiro sighed heavily, knowing Fuuka had no control in what pain she was feeling.
Minako kept her hands in front of her lap, watching how delicate Shinjiro was when it came to something like this. She really hasn't seen this side of him at all—she was admiring how striking he was when it came to friends. Even those he met this month. Shinjiro put the shards out beside Fuuka's hip, on a napkin, and pulled the last one out, relieved that they weren't bigger than he thought they could be. He looked at her hand, double checking for everything, as he put the pliers down. "Now, this will hurt, a lot." Shinjiro started as he released her hand and reached for the antibiotic cream. "Grin and bear it, okay?"
Fuuka nodded as she saw him putting a small dab on his fingertip as she could sense the small hesitation of hurting her again. Shinjiro carefully, and delicately, put the cream on one end of the laceration and Fuuka let out an aching cry. She laid her forehead on Shinjiro's shoulder, her teeth gritting in pain as Minako began to unwrap the gauze and the dressing. "Shhhh. Shhh. It's okay." He whispered back into her ear as Minako thought she was intruding on this tender moment. Her eyes still showed worry as she might have dealt with some battle scars, but Fuuka never has gotten injured in battle so she wasn't used the pain that everyone else got used to.
Shinjiro applies a little more ointment as Fuuka began to feel more tears stinging her eyes. "We are almost done." He whispered as he put a tiny bit on the other corner of the laceration and waited for the ointment to dry for a moment. Shinjiro reached for the dressing and opened it—he was glad it was the perfect size for her hand. "Just gotta place this on here…" He noticed her hand slowly starting to let less blood come out as he told her to hold the dressing. He reached for the gauze and began to wrap her hand as Fuuka removed her fingers little by little.
Minako, almost in a daze at watching those two, began to sweep around and picking up all the glass shards the best she could. She made a mental note to get the vacuum sweeper in here to make sure she didn't miss any pieces. Their body language conveyed they trusted each other, and she wondered if Fuuka was falling in love. She truly thought that her brother and Fuuka would've been the one he chose, but maybe she's not decided?
"There." Shinjiro double checked his work as Fuuka's hand was wrapped up very neatly. Fuuka looked at her own hand, feeling exhausted after noticing how quickly he took care of her.
"…thank you, Shinjiro…" she whispered as she removed her head from his shoulder blade as she saw Minako finishing her small task of cleaning up the glass. She didn't realize how much blood she did lost, maybe a couple teaspoons worth, as she felt herself turn a bit white. Shinjiro noticed her looking around.
"I'll take care of it. As for you," Shinjiro made sure to draw her attention back to him, "every morning before you go to school, let me check your wound. That way we can make sure it'll be safe throughout the day." He began to say as he took off his gloves and threw them in the trash bin. "Also, keep your hand elevated for the next few minutes to keep blood flow minimal to your hand. And take acetaminophen—" he held up a bottle that was inside of the first aid kit, "—follow the directions and you should be fine." He gave those to her as he began to reach for a paper towel and water to clean up her blood.
Fuuka nodded as she began to push herself off of the counter but found herself too exhausted to do so. She let out a breathless sigh, as if she was holding it in for too long, and pulled the old "puppy dog eyes" trick. Shinjiro could hear her struggling as he came eye to eye with her as he felt his cheeks heated up. "Sorry…I can't… can you help me?"
Shinjiro sighed and let out a good chuckle as he shook his head. "You've got me wrapped around your finger, huh? Do you have a particular way of how to be helped upstairs?"
She was a bit flabbergasted, wanting to be a bit greedy, but felt they haven't grown that much just yet. "J-just help me off the counter for now." Shinjiro obeyed and helped her off as she took a few seconds to get the blood back to her head and feet. Fuuka seemed okay, steady at first, as she saw Minako's worries eyes. Minako turned towards Shinjiro, a small smile on her lips.
"Senpai, why don't you get her upstairs? I'll take of the mess—but at least come back to see if I did cleaned it correctly?" She suggested as Shinjiro nodded and waited until Fuuka was distracted.
"Oh? But I couldn't—"
Fuuka felt her breath leaving her lips as she felt Shinjiro swooping her into his arms, all bridal style like, as Minako covered her lips and tried to stifle her chuckle. "Sh-Shinjiro—"
"No complaints. You need rest." He walked towards the door and kicked the door and used his back to prop it open so he could leave. "Now, keep that hand elevated." He was as cool as a cucumber as Fuuka nodded and kept her hand hovered above her head. "N-not that high…"
They walked up the stairs carefully as Minako popped her head out to see how far they were up the stairs as she felt her chest cave inward as she kicked the ground a bit with her foot. "He could have told me he liked her. I would've helped sooner…" she bemused outloud as she closed the door and went back to cleaning up Fuuka's blood, knowing that this might be a 'no' on going to Tartarus tonight and possibly tomorrow. She admired how Fuuka's confidence has grown over the last few months. And she wanted to keep it growing as she found someone she enjoyed—now, she was conflicted on letting Minato know about them or Shinjiro knowing about them.
"Oh boy. This is going to be a doozy." She mentioned as she put a hand to her forehead, knowing this is going to get ugly.
Fuuka felt herself being whisked to her room—she could swear up and down that she was hallucinating, but Shinjiro was carrying her up to her room. She blinked and realized she was not dreaming at all. Her heart pounded quickly as she watched him expertly opening up her room with his arms still holding her close to him.
"Is there any clothes or something you need?" Shinjiro asked, noting that her room totally screamed 'I AM A GIRL AND I LOVE FLOWERS' but the aroma from her flowers made him a bit confused. "Also, what is that smell?" He laid her down on her bed, noticing she would need some clothes to change into—there was some blood on her school uniform.
"Lavender—I use some to help me relax and get some sleep…" She mentioned as Shinjiro began to look for some night clothes for her. He looked absolutely confused as he picked up a t-shirt and some shorts—it made Fuuka laugh weakly as she laid down on her bed. "Those will work, senpai—it's workout clothes Akihiko-gave me."
"Wait. What?"
"He thought I should get buffed and what not. Too bad the clothes are a size too big on me—so he thinks I've…a-already worked out and that I looked good. To be honest, he doesn't have a good memory."
"I think I've hit him a few too many times in the head. That might be the reason why." Shinjiro stated as he watched her sit up and hold her clothes in her lap. "…is there something wrong?"
"…a-are you sure you want to see me change?" Fuuka pointed out as Shinjiro felt his cheeks tint pink, her head tilting a bit as she fell to the side and she caught herself with her good hand. "…ahhh…mmmm…"
Shinjiro sat on the bed with her, noticing she was a bit warm. "Take the medicine first, for me." He reached for the acetaminophen and one of her water bottles nearby. "Here." Fuuka took the medicine and the water as he wondered how he could help her with her clothes. Mitsuru would not be pleased if he was in the room with their navigator, but would she understand the situation?
Dammit. Maybe I should ask Minako for help. She's—
"Senpai? …Shinjiro?" She had to call for his name as Shinjiro blinked himself back into reality. "…I don't care, to be honest, if you have to see me. This is probably a dream, or a hallucination." Fuuka laughed weakly, noticing her wound was slightly bleeding again. Shinjiro let out a low curse and rubbed his temple.
"Fine, fine. Besides, you have blood on your clothes—I'll have to see if anyone could help me clean it out." Shinjiro stated as he wondered how tired and how out of it Fuuka really was. He watched her undress, a little camisole underneath her turtleneck, and he could see the white bra straps—he felt a bit aroused, but shook the feeling away. "Now, your skirt, too." He helped her up, slowly, as she could barely get the skirt off as she reached for the water next to her again, sipping it again.
Fuuka gave the skirt to Shinjiro as he saw her clad in her panties—a baby blue bra and panties, with white lace around her legs and her waist, and wait-was that a matching set? Now, Shinjiro was a bit aroused. He didn't even know she had a small hourglass figure—why hide something like that? He coughed softly as he put her clothes on her desk and helped her slowly into her shorts and her one size too big shirt.
Shinjiro began to slightly fantasize about what she would look like in his own turtlenecks—and he made sure Fuuka was sitting down, safely on her bed, as he took off his beanie and ran his fingers through his hair.
Hey, brain? Could you lay off the sexual thoughts FOR FIVE MINUTES?!
He took a minute to compose himself as he noticed Fuuka was dozing off while sitting up—he was a bit impressed, but knew she needed rest. "H-Hey, get into the bed before you sleep standing up, Fuuka." He uttered as he helped her move into the sheets, a small sigh escaping his lips as Shinjiro was relieved she was doing better this time around.
Shinjiro focused as he saw the cut in her hand stop bleeding—but, he still wanted to get it fixed before she made it worst. "I'm going downstairs—want anything?" He asked her as she shook her head. Shinjiro could see that she was getting sleepier by the minute. He put on his beanie and went to go get the first aid kit. He couldn't believe that no one was helping him out—granted, Minako was friendly and helping her with her wound, but now they were alone, he was hoping she'd jump in and help.
Unfortunately, she was already gone and he was cursed (or perhaps blessed?) to deal with Fuuka and her hand. Shinjiro grabbed the first aid kit on the counter and moved back up to Fuuka's room. Entering it slowly and quietly, he could hear a light sigh coming from her bed and noticed that she was already asleep. Shinjiro could sigh 20 pounds off his shoulders as he moved the first aid kit to her table in the middle of the room and began to treat her hand while she was sleeping.
He looked at her sleeping face, not realizing how peaceful it was after she cried and sobbed everywhere. Is this what Minako meant as gross sobbing? He shook his head as he was able to clean up her wound faster with her being still and quiet. Shinjiro threw away her dirty bandages in the little bin near her desk and turned to face her again. He bit his lip, wondering why it was so quiet in her room—just then, the A/C unit kicked on and some white noise filled the room.
Shinjiro scratched the back of his head as he carefully moved Fuuka's hand back underneath her comforter and watched as she grabbed a nearby stuffed animal—he didn't realize she would still sleep with something like that. He didn't judge, just knew it might help her sleep better. Shinjiro shook his head as he stared at her too long, remembering what she looked like minutes ago and felt himself getting aroused again—he began to think of sad things, or ugly things.
Aki in drag. Aki in drag.
That barely worked as he kept chanting the words over and over in his head. After a few seconds, he realized that he had been in her room for too long—he cleaned up her hand and should've left minutes ago. So, why did he stay?
Shinjiro made sure Fuuka was okay, for at least a few more minutes and began to lean over her—he stopped himself. He couldn't do this, right?
She's just a friend. …someone who helps me with my Persona issues. He thought silently as he sat down on her bed as Fuuka turned towards him. Dammit. Girls are going to be the death of me.
He reached down, ruffled her hair up a bit, and kissed the top of her head. Granted, he thought that was the least he could do—he was told that as a kid, while in the orphanage, that a kiss on the head meant you admire them and wish them the best of luck. Oh, and that it brought them good dreams while they slept. So, Shinjiro was being less selfish tonight and thought of Fuuka before him. He reached for the first aid kit, after he got up from her bed, and walked to the door as quietly as he could.
Shinjiro couldn't bother her with his feelings—he knew that Minako might be right on the dot about him, but knew that Fuuka wouldn't like him back. He had too many demons inside of him, and couldn't tell her all about them. Not now. Maybe, not ever.
He opened and closed the door as quiet as he could as he was finally outside of her room. Shinjiro took the first aid kit back to the kitchen and then turned off the lights—he sat downstairs in the living room, wondering if would be able to sleep with the teal-hair girl in his mind. For once, he wouldn't care if that was the case. It was simply one more reason to lose sleep over for.
0 notes
Demon Slayer 21 - 24 | Given 7 - 11 (FINAL) | Astra 9 - 12 (FINAL) | Fruits Basket 20 - 24 | Dr Stone 8 - 11 | Cop Craft 8 - 10 (not including recap ep.)
Demon Slayer 21
Ooh, butterfly titlecard.
Well…at least we know Muzan…wasn’t always Muzan Jackson.
Can demons go to hell…?
Aw, seeing Rui become human again (at least in his head) was pretty cute.
Shinobu is off her rocker!!! (a continuation of a comment I made in the collab post for last ep.)
“…don’t forget about the other one!” – The other…what, exactly…?
This girl…is Kanao, isn’t it…? She’s the “other one”!
I was almost hoping Shinobu’s shoe blade would stab the crow…it ruined a perfectly good buch of Giyu reaction faces…
Ukogi! You came back to me!
Why can’t the girls wear trousers too…? (someone grumbles “Because that’s not in accordance with the times in the Taisho Era) I don’t care, let girls wear pants! This is not Strike Witches! Update: Shinobu wears pants, actually…*people collectively facepalm*
Kakushi means “hidden/to hide”. It makes a lot of sense, to be honest.
Given 7
I like the ambient sounds in this show.
If Akihiko learnt you thought something was wrong with him, he’d beat you up. Stat.
Haruki and Akihiko: masters of reading the room. (When they’re counted as a pair, that is.)
I just realised Akihiko is daling with Mafuyu because of Yayoi…Yayoi is what Kasai could be and Ugetsu/Akihiko is what Ritsuka/Mafuyu could be.
Dr Stone 8
Note Jasper says “baka musume” – he still acknowledges Kohaku is his daughter even after disowning her.
“We’re neither gods nor geniuses,” says Senku, a genius…hmm.
Suika has such a cute voice that it’s easy to guess her gender…*hint hint*
Was it “kitto” (certainly) or “Kinro” Ginro said in his sleep…?
I think the eyecatch might be iron sand (some form of it, at least).
Fruits Basket 20
(no notes here, sorry!)
Cop Craft 8
What was that black thing that appeared before the plane broke apart…?
Ohhhhhhh…kay. That was not something I signed up for…
Isn’t there some kind of magic Tilarna can use to get back into her body?
I find it ironic that Seven Miles (a place name, I presume) is 3 miles away…
Given 8
I never skip the OP…so I guess it helps that I found Marutsuke and Kizuato on Spotify. (<-Here you go.)
Indirect kiss…!
I’m reminded of what Boueibu said about umbrella colour being a reflection of your personality when I see Mafuyu with a disposable umbrella.
“Hiiragi Kashima wants to be forgiven” sounds like a LN title.
(I had some notes here, but I forgot them…such is the life of watching on phone but writing the notes down later.)
Demon Slayer 22
I LOLled when Tanjiro asked what a Hashira was…(does he know what it is…? Should we know at this point what it is, or did spoilers ruin it for me?)
Wisteria pattern!
LOL, I like Mist Hashira already!
Only Shinobu has a hiragana first name (out of the Hashiras)…hmm.
Shi-Shinazugawa…? Isn’t that the surname of angry-for-the-sake-of-angry mohawk guy from Final Selection…?
Tanjiro uses his head…once again. (That joke never gets old! What do you mean, you don’t like it…?)
Hashiras’ jackets say korosu (to kill) while ordinary slayers get horobosu (to destroy) and Kakushis’ jackets say, well, kakushi (to hide).
“I wonder if the sky is blue.” – Is this person (master of the mansion)…blind…?
The bandage-head Hashira who says “flamboyant” all the time…he reminds me of Senku…(in a bad way.)
I wonder if Giyu will be punished…? A few comments this episode have suggested such an outcome.
“…devours humans…”
Rengoku (flame Hashira)…I think I once saw him being referred to as “Blaziken Head” by someone on the ‘net…LOL.
How does the Master know this…? The Kasugai crows, right?
I just realised the love Hashira has a skirt…
Poor Giyu has his head turned away…he’s too embarrassed to even blush.
Fruits Basket 21
I noticed the fanclub only ever calls Hana “wave girl”…
I love how the narrator, a middle-aged man, has to voice the thoughts of a teenage girl.
Fruits Basket 22
(no notes, sorry!)
Dr Stone 9
H & N, huh…?
Astra 9
So…what is the sphere…?
Luca’s real dad vs. Quitterie’s mom = art vs. science, LOL.
…I almost cried when everyone started crying…
Uh…random question I didn’t think about when it was revealed, but should Luca invest in a bra…?
You can see Gruppies and waves on the wall while Kanata and Luca talk…and shrooms...and coral…
Wait, so these guys are all…aliens? Polina is the only one from Earth…? What about the sphere???
Cop Craft 9
Why did the intro get moved to the middle of the episode…? Also, I’ve noticed there’s a special episode next week…it means there really was a budget and/or scheduling stuff-up along the way somewhere, just like you can suspect with an anime that moves as terribly as this one.
There’s a strange dent in Kei’s leg…specifically, on his kneecap…
Astra 10
Guardian Enzo said no one’s mentioned the Astra crew never said they were from Earth before…now I’m noticing it too.
W-WHAT?! I was right????? (see this post for why I suspected Charce to be the culprit)
Demon Slayer 23
3 episodes until the end, huh…?
Why does Sanemi taunting Nezuko remind me of a sexual encounter…? (with the “You know you want it” etc.)…Uh, bad news, guys. Sanemi is 21 and Nezuko is 14, so no shipping unless you don’t mind 7 year age gaps and an underage girl, all in the one ship.
Mist Hashira? Using rocks to flick at the esteemed guest (Tanjiro)? Hmm, he ain’t quite my type after all…
This Kakushi that keeps punching Tanjiro seems to be a woman…or just a guy with very long eyelashes. Update: Nope, definitely a woman. The Kakushi dynamic almost reminds me of Jessie and James from Pokémon…
Heyyyyyyy! Don’t underestimate a girl!!!!!!!!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nope. Nope. Nope. I was hoping we wouldn’t hear about how Zenitsu’s hands were the size of a KFC spork, but…eeeeeeeeeesh…
I never thought I’d be so happy to have Inosuke silenced by spider daddy…well, here we are.
“…I’ll become an old guy and die.” – Wow…even I don’t think of that stuff…
I wonder if Muzan had anything to do with why the Master’s head looks the way it is?
Dr Stone 10
(no notes, sorry!)
Given 9
I wonder if Akihiko ever liked Yayoi in the first place…
I noticed Ritsuka says “atarashii hito” which is translated to “someone else”…the English suggests more intimacy than the Japanese…hmm.
Mafuyu, my boy…! (I bet you could call all of The Seasons “my boys” now.)
I love how Take acts as Haruki’s straight man.
I was wondering why the ANN review was referring to Given as “Wonderwall” – that’s the name of the next episode.
Fruits Basket 23
“What are you doing?”
Astra 11
Only one ‘til the end…oh wow, where did the time go??? (Also, ep. 12’s title of “Friend-Ship” is terrible…a terrible pun…)
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude, I saw the Seira = Aries thing right away…it’s exactly the same as what breaks Juuni Taisen for people…
Wait, but couldn’t Charce, as the king’s clone, becom the heir to the throne instead…?
Oh, that…that joke’s absolutely terrible…! *shakes head* Did you know I was holding my hand over my mouth for basically that entire climactic scene?  I think summer might have a fighting chance in the end-of-year rankings for once!
Demon Slayer 24
I love how Tanjiro is “that headbutting kid” now.
There are cute little butterflies on the title card.
It’s good to see the return of Murata…and those transition faces.
Considering spiders are pretty gross if you think about it, both sides have a point…
Murata’s a more fun character than I thought a bit guy would be…in fact, that might explain why we learn his name, as opposed to being a nobody (like the female Slayer on the mountain that got killed by Spider Mama).
“I think we’re a lot better now.” – Aside from Zenitsu’s hands, that is…*makes disgusted face and thinks of KFC sporks*
Sleeping Ukogi is totes adorbs…*face beams with happiness*
Uhhhhhhhh…I reallllllllly dunno what to feel about Zenitsu’s love of girls. He’s no playboy, that’s for sure. Unfortunately (?), I do agree with Zenitsu on how Inosuke deals with girls though.
Zenitsu’s an M, I tell you! An MMMMMMM!
Wow, someone put real effort…into Zenitsu playing tag with a girl…sad life.
“A girl was able to do that to something that hard?!” – Nyeh-heh-heh-heh…call me dirty-minded, but…because this is blowing into a gourd we’re talking about, it sounds funny out of context.
Lemme guess…Aoi is this blue grumpy one. That’s why I dropped Divine Gate (since characters matched their colour schemes too well). Update: No, this blue one was talking when she mentioned Aoi, so Aoi is one of the three mini butterfly girls, I think. Update 2: No, the sentence was punctuated funny: “You’ll be up against myself, Aoi and Kanao there.” Turns out Aoi really is blue grumpy girl, because the sentence is missing a comma after “Aoi”.
“Please forgive me.” – Hey, Moya, you were right. Plus, that random Haganezuka appearance was funny – that’s been the first time in a while that I’ve laughed at Demon Slayer properly.
Apparently Shinobu and Tanjiro on the roof is a meme now. Now I see why.
“…with their instincts laid totally bare.” – I feel like slayers and demons aren’t so different, because even thought both fight for survival, slayers fight for revenge (in a sense, bloodlust) and demons for actual bloodlust.
“I feel like I can rest easy now.” – Sounds like an early death flag to me! (I may be an anime-only watcher at this point, but I encountered some spoilers that showed me Shinobu’s fate. Be mindful of that if it seems like I’m accurately predicting the future.)
Shinobu and Tanjiro…hmm, what a combo.
I love how the Zenitsu and Inosuke in the background react to crimes they’re being accused of in the foreground.
Cop Craft 10
Emails, emails…can’t anyone talk in person these days? (As much as I love emails, I gotta critique that.)
Hey wait. I thought their AI wasn’t so good…
Kei’s birthday is the 18th of June 1993…? Wow, I didn’t know he was 26.
New what now??? This really is straight outta Compton, if you know what I mean…
The march about aliens here reminds me of the climate strike the other day.
Given 10
Smol Ritsuka…
This show is hilarious when it needs to be. I’m really gonna miss it.
“Kedama” means hairball. “Tama” is a cat’s name, as implied here.
“Mafuyu” has “winter” in it to make a set of 4 seasons though…
Oh, so that’s why they’re – and this show is - “Given”.
Fruits Basket 24
Did Tohru vomit…or was she just catching her breath…?
“…when you are.”
Was this “monstrous Kyo” scene halfway through the manga or at the end? I don’t remember anymore…
Astra 12 (FINAL)
Hmm…I heard about gaman (“tolerance”, “persistence”…or maybe “working through hardship”…?) being a concept in the past few years and I think it’s very much embodied in the streotypical Japanese man…or just Kanata. Who knows?
So…what language are Kanata and co. really speaking? It seems like English, based on the spaceport screens (I rewatched ep. 1 today, I should know), but they’re speaking in Japanese for the sake of the fact it’s anime, right? Update: I also noticed quit a bit of the spaceport advertising is for Lucy Lum, while there is special attention paid to Aries’s eyes in ep. 1.
This is what they mean when they say “history is written by the victors”. To build from that, my idea is that the hegemonic idea becomes the truth, i.e. majority rules wins the ability to write history itself (e.g. patriarchal values, able-bodied people’s values etc. write history, not the minorities).
Aries may have eidetic memory, but she sucks at names. That’s consistent with ep. 1 too.
Oh, right! Kanata’s right arm is his dominant one!...I never knew such fond memories could be made of a single character’s appendage…who knew.
LOL, Charce brought out his sparkly face again.
Ooh, older!Ulgar is hot! Me likey!!!
Ooh, Funi’s star ornament. Ulgar still has one!
I swore that was Quitterie…turned out it was Funi. Oh well, Astra lied to me again. (I’m fine with that.)
You can even see Luca’s femininity for once…!
Ooh, red tulips = true love, white tulips = forgiveness/worthiness. Normally tulips represent “perfect love”. Perfect for Kanata and Aries, don’tcha think?
I was wondering why Kanata had a new black hand. (Maybe it was a glove or something.) Nope, it’s a prosthetic.
I don’t actually know how to say that joke about being a right-hand man in Japanese, despite hearing it from the show twice (I went back and tried to listen again). Somebody tell me, please!
I noticed one of the people in the cast list had an exclamation mark next to their name…well, that was funny for a second.
The one unrecognisable song was Astra-gou no Bouken (Adventure of the Spaceship Astra).
Well, that was a wild ride. I’m definitely sad that it’s over, but remember what they say in the show itself – look forward, not back. See you next time!
Given 11 (FINAL)
Come to think of it, if you interpret Kizuato one way, it means “Traces of Scars”, but this song’s title is in katakana so you can’t tell…
This is like a marriage proposal…
I’ve noticed something – ever since I started engaging with BL and yaoi in earnest, I’ve realised there’s this fear of “not being masculine” enough by both members of the couple. That’s probably what Ritsuka is going through with the box.
What did Ritsuka even bump into on his way out, though…?
Oh, science curriculum, huh? Me, I’m a student of the humanities, so I wouldn’t know about that feel…I was always average at English anyway after essays started coming in…
Oh, we’re back at Harusame. Didn’t think we would be.
I love how Mafuyu’s handle for the band is “Kedama”…the name of his dog.
Update: Turns out the SNS account for Given (band), as well as Mafuyu and Ritsuka, are real...on Twitter. I’d assume Haruki and Akihiko join them for the movie...?
Dr Stone 11
Ooh, lyrics! Finally!
I almost expected Chrome to go, “What’s soap?” – he’s never seen it before, remember?
Note Kaseki means “fossil” in Japanese and contains the kanji for “stone” in it.
Ginro just yelled the Weekly Shonen Jump motto…coincidence? I think not!
Team Shiny Spear Tips Forever complicates things for the crew.
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