#i feel so flattered and honored that people enjoy my work
tekkenenjoyerblue · 5 months
man you are so cool keep doing god's work
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icyg4l · 2 months
August 2024 Predictions
hello beautiful people! i am back from my break. did u miss me?? 😁😁 lol. (i am not going to be opening my personal readings yet though. maybe later or earlier next month). i want to start off by thanking you all for the birthday wishes. it is an honor to make it to the age of twenty. also, i have been very busy with trying to get everything together for my new semester of school. i am finally relocating so it’s gonna be hectic for the next month or so! i will make personal readings available as soon as possible. but i hope you guys enjoy the readings that resonate with you! without further ado, please select your pile!
pile 1-3: (left-to-right)
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pile one: don’t be desperate, pile one. allow things to unfold the way they’re supposed to. you’re a bit of a control freak. do you have virgo in your chart? let the mystery be alluring! you may find that not knowing everything is actually a relief. allow yourself to be challenged. i heard “be in the nude”. now’s the time to start being kinder to your body. be more affirming to your body, treat food as it is (not as good or bad), buy clothes that are flattering to it. august will be a time of exploring what the world has to offer. don’t feel guilty for doing so either. august will bring you the best of both worlds, so if you’ve been struggling with maintaining stability in two specific areas of your life, it will come. if you’ve recently broken a bone, expect a fast recovery, especially if you smoke weed. if your family is feuding, expect for them to reconcile their differences. i see that your financial situation will improve as well because of your decision to expand beyond the norm. think big, but don’t be greedy.
cards used: queen of wands, seven of swords, two of wands, five of wands, ten of cups, nine of pentacles, two of pentacles, six of swords
extras: manga. phat girlz (2006). annihilator. gold grillz. mirror work.
pile two: you may find that you are reminiscing about the past this august. however, you should not dwell on it. the past is the past for a reason. the disappointments/setbacks you have faced will not last for longer. have some faith. it feels as though someone has been talking shit about you. let them think what they want to think. you have nothing to prove to this. this person could have gemini placements. you are not the person you once were. this month it is crucial that you do self-concept work. what people can say may really get to you. you could find yourself being ultra-sensitive to jokes and the words of other people. if it makes you feel any better, stand your ground. you are the embodiment of “sticks and stones may break my bones”. this last message is for someone who looks to be an influencer/celebrity. make sure that the way you present yourself is true to you. don’t spend time trying to appeal to others. have some boundaries. don’t let people get too comfortable/allow them to use your status against you. you’re human as well.
cards used: five of cups. queen of wands. eight of cups. knight of cups. queen of swords. king of swords. six of cups.
extras: visa. rue. sacrificial lamb. body parts. moola.
pile three: this month will be exhausting for you, pile three. i’m not going to lie, you may have already had a rough start. for some of you, you could have been in a car accident, but by the end of the month, you will receive a hefty check. some of you could receive a refund check that will help you with all of the bills you’re drowning in. you will receive some unexpected financial assistance. if you are expecting to receive a student loan, you will finally be approved. some of you will finally be eligible for government assistance as well. do not be afraid to accept help from community members. you do not have to do it all alone. i see that you will have a breakthrough before you are finally blessed with the opportunity to receive. this month will test your faith but ultimately, you will receive everything you’ve been asking for. sometimes you just have to wait on it. for those of you on anxiety medication, you will finally feel the effects.
cards used: two of swords. the hanged woman. seven of swords. king of pentacles. the hierophant. ten of swords. ten of pentacles. nine of pentacles. four of swords.
extras: pure harmony. “excellence”. “say your goodbyes”. ain’t nobody got time for that. ohana means family.
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bitethedevil · 3 months
More Than Our Fathers (Raphael x Demigod!Reader): Chapter 2
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Chapter: one, two, three, four, five
Read this on AO3
Summary: The relationship between you and Raphael has blossomed. While you are in isolation, Raphael informs you that your father has been freed from his imprisonment in the Scepter of Savras and that the scepter is lost once again.
Hundreds of years later, the Cult of the Absolute is on the rise in Faerûn and Raphael has a plan for how the both of you can get what you want. What you are not too excited about, however, is the fact that his little plan includes the two of you getting married.
Word count: 4,711
(Notes: I am making up Infernal laws and you'll probably see a lot of that in this fic since there is not a lot of material to go off when it comes to that. I am also posting this chapter rather quickly after the first one, but I got some real life stuff the next couple of weeks, so I wanted to get the second chapter posted before that. Now that the first two chapters are out of the way, the scene is set and we won't be "time-travelling" so much. Phew!)
“We will see each other again, Sibylla,” he had said.
And that you did. Raphael often seemed to have business wherever you did. How much of it was coincidence and how much of it was intentional, you did not know. All you knew was that you kept running into him throughout the years. Sometimes quite often, while other times there would go decades between you seeing each other.
You saw him as a pestilence in the beginning. Plenty of threats were thrown his way in those first meetings. It did not sway him to stay away, but it never got physical between you. Though Raphael was self-assured that he would win in a fight between the two of you, he was not eager to test if his theory was right.
You did eventually start to soften up to him. You even began to feel flattered by his growing obsession with you over the years. Your powers intrigued him immensely. His compliments and light-hearted flirting did not fall on deaf ears either, though you knew his intentions. His interest was purely out of the fact that it would be an accomplishment for him to seduce a creature of the divine, and for that reason you held his flirtations at an arm’s length.
Eventually the two of you started meeting outside of work as well, though because of the stubbornness of the both of you, you always found excuses for it. The idea that you might just have been enjoying each other’s company was unspeakable, especially to you.
You were not friends. People like the two of you did not have friends. You were a constant in each other’s life, and for immortals that is really all one can ask for. Raphael was the only other immortal in your life, and while Raphael was frequently surrounded by the many immortals of the Hells, he seemed to have a special fondness for your company.
Although neither of you were confused about the reality of your relationship: you would gladly stab the other in the back or shamelessly use the other person, if that was more beneficiary than keeping the peace between you.
It was hundreds of years after you and Raphael had met in Barth’s office. You had taken a few years away from your usual work around Faerûn. You had bought a comfortable house out on the countryside to live in solitude for a while. You had managed to anger quite a lot of important people, which meant that it was time to go into hiding for a decade or two, which was something you had done successfully a few times before.
Your wish for isolation was, of course, not honored by Raphael. You had seen him coming in a vision before he arrived, which is why it did not come as a shock when you heard the familiar poof behind you as you were doing garden work.
“Business or pleasure?” you asked without even turning around. “If it’s the former, I’m currently not interested.”
You were hunched over a flower patch with your hands in the dirt and your behind in the air.
“It’s always a pleasure when it’s with you, my dear,” Raphael purred from behind you. “I must say, you look lovely from this angle.”
You sighed and got up to face him. You were sweaty. A bit of your face was dirtied, from when you had dried the sweat off your brow. Raphael wrinkled his nose.
“Though considerably less so from this one…” he commented while looking at your dirtied and annoyed-looking face. “You look disgusting. Why not use magic for such a trivial task?”
“Because I’m trying to use my time on something productive and I am bored,” you answered and cleaned your dirty hands off on your pants.
You reached out for Raphael’s hands. It was often much easier to just touch him to find out what he wanted through your visions, instead of having to listen to all his theatrics as he explained.
“Don’t you dare,” he said and stepped back from your dirty hand, his nose wrinkled in disgust. “Besides I want to see your face when I tell you this, so I will not allow you to peek this time.”
“Fine,” you sighed. “Why are you here?”
“Please, get cleaned and try to look presentable first,” he said and walked into your house as if he owned it.
You washed off and changed into clean and comfortable clothing before joining him in your living room. He was sitting in a chair with his legs crossed, waiting for you. He looked at your clothes and sighed.
“It will have to do, I suppose,” he said at your choice of clothing, that consisted of a simple lose dress and a belt, which is what you always wore when you were just at home.
You raised an eyebrow at his comment. He got up from the chair and snapped his fingers.
Once you saw that you were suddenly somewhere else, you sighed deeply and fought the urge to slap him.
“I am in isolation for a reason,” you hissed at him and looked around at the people passing you in the street.
“We are on the Moonshae Isles,” he said casually. “I know for a fact that you rarely ever leave the mainland. No one will recognize you here.”
“Where exactly?”
“Caer Callidyrr,” he answered casually and walked towards the entrance to a tavern.
“A city that trades with both Amn and Calisham, which are both places that currently want my head,” you said in a low voice before you cast a glamour spell on yourself that made your recognizable silver hair and pale eyes into another color.
Raphael threw a glance at your change of appearance and chuckled.
“A bit overly paranoid, aren’t you?” Raphael said with a smile and held the door open for you. “I see the isolation is already starting to get to you.”
The tavern was fancy, which was to no surprise to you, knowing Raphael.
“Why are we even here?” you asked. “We could have done this at my house.”
He led you to a table in a secluded corner of the tavern.
“Because you went insane the last time you hid yourself away from the world, and you are of little use to anyone in that state. You need to get out every now and again,” he said calmly. “I also have news for you that calls for a celebration, and I am certain you will agree once you hear it.”
“I did not go insane,” you mumbled stubbornly. “And I am not going insane either.”
You remembered exactly the incident he was talking about. You had gone away for two decades, and when Raphael had finally visited you, he found you in a cottage far away from civilization with a small army of stray cats, along with at least a decade's supply of home-brewed potions of Animal Speaking. He had teased you with it ever since.
“Tell it to the cats, dear,” he said with a mocking smile and waved over a barmaid.
Shortly after a bottle of expensive of wine was brought to your table.
“Alright, why am I here?” you asked. “What is it that you seem so excited about telling me?”
He rested his elbows on the table between you and leaned forward.
“I merely wanted to inform you that while you have been doing garden work in the middle of nowhere, Savras has been freed from his imprisonment…” he said in a lowered voice with a smile.
You raised an eyebrow. Your father had been freed?
“How? By whom?” you asked.
“The very same who imprisoned him all those years ago,” he said.
“Azuth?” You asked. When Raphael confirmed with a nod, a look of annoyance washed over your face. “Which means that he is no doubt forced to bow down to both Mystra and Azuth now…I can’t say I’m surprised he went along with it. Gods, how embarrassing …”
It angered you to hear. Your father had truly been reduced to nothing. It had almost been better if he had simply stayed lost in the scepter.
“How did Azuth even find the scepter?” you asked.
Raphael’s smile widened.
“It had fallen into the hands of a woman called Syluné Silverhand, who used the scepter and your father’s powers for her own gains for some years before handing it over to Azuth. She is one of Mystra’s whelps,” he explained. “I’m sure you have heard of her…”
Your anger grew. Silverhand was the eldest of the Seven Sisters, who were all the daughters and chosen of Mystra. You had never liked Mystra for the way she had idly stood by as Azuth took your father’s place, but your dislike for her only grew at that piece of information.
“That bitch knew…” you said through gritted teeth. “Mystra knew exactly where my father was, and she did nothing. She let her daughter use her former servant as a pet.”
“Idleness is the way of the gods, dear. Surely that cannot come as a surprise to you,” Raphael said. “Although…there is a silver lining to all of this…”
“What?” you asked.
Raphael casually topped off your glass of wine as he explained:
“Azuth freed Savras, but the majority of his divinity and powers stayed in the scepter, if the rumors are to be believed. The scepter mysteriously disappeared once again, as it had done all those years ago, before your dear father could reclaim that lost part of himself. They say that only a chosen of Savras or someone of the divine can wield its powers…someone like yourself…”
He took a sip of wine as he waited for your reaction.
You could reclaim what your father had lost, and perhaps even absorb his powers for yourself. You could become what your father once was, but without making all the idiotic mistakes that he had. You could essentially ascend to godhood with powers like that in your hands.
Your anger had calmed as the spark of ambition was slowly being lit inside you instead. You narrowed your eyes at Raphael in suspicion.
“Why are you telling me all of this?” you asked.
Raphael sighed.
“Was there even a small chance that I could claim the scepter myself, I would not have told you,” he said. “As that is not the case, I am telling you this in the hopes that you will remember my generosity should I ever need a favor from you…”
“Hm…” you hummed. A slight smile tugged on your lips as you thought of all the possibilities if you should ever get your hands on it.
“Is that a smile I see?” Raphael asked. “How rare coming from you these days.”
“I still have to find the damn thing, though…” you said and sipped your wine.
“All good things come to those who wait,” he said with a hand gesture. “With a little determination and some patience, I am certain that you will stumble upon it eventually.”
“Hm,” you hummed again. “I’m not convinced that you don’t have some ulterior motive for telling me, but…thank you…”
“You know I always do,” Raphael said with a smirk. “And you are very welcome…”
You emptied your wine glass and put it on the table. Soon after, the barmaid came to take your empty glasses. You put some pieces of gold on the table for the barmaid.
“Oh, that won’t be necessary,” the barmaid said with a bright smile and gestured towards Raphael. “Your father has already paid for the wine.”
Raphael’s eyes darted to the barmaid at the comment, with a look in them that said that he was seriously considering reducing her to ash on the spot. You made a small snorting sound and had to bite your cheek to not start laughing. You managed to nod to the barmaid.
You had always teased Raphael relentlessly with his ‘age’. While you still looked like you were in your twenties, Raphael had insisted that people took him more seriously with his permanent glamour that made him look at least twenty years older than you.
The second the barmaid had left your table, you started quietly laughing and Raphael’s eyes darted to yours.
“Oh, that’s amusing to you, is it?” he asked. Despite his pointed tone, you could see that he liked seeing you laugh again.
You nodded.
“Not only do you look like a child, but you also act like one,” Raphael said with a sigh.
“I really needed that,” you said and tried to stop giggling, before getting up from the table. “Take me home, old man.”
The year was now 1492 DR, and it was the year that would change your life forever. You were just shy of 1600 years old. It was over a hundred years after Raphael told you about the second disappearance of the Scepter of Savras, and you were unfortunately no closer to finding it.
Raphael must have been busy, for you did not see him for three decades straight. You had received visions of him coming to visit you, though he never did. It meant that he had certainly had the intention to seek you out, but he had for some reason changed his mind.
When he finally did seek you out, you were in Waterdeep which was the place you had called home for the last century. You were quietly reading in your study when you suddenly heard the familiar poof of Raphael appearing. You smiled when you heard him appear, but you quickly hid it and did not look up from your book.
“Took you long enough,” you said in a slightly offended tone.
“I have been so terribly busy, my dear,” Raphael said.
“Mmhm,” you said. “So terribly busy that you could not even pay me a single visit, and now, because you most likely want something from me, you have the time.”
“Oh, how you know me so well,” Raphael purred and walked behind you to place his hands on your shoulders before he gave you a brief kiss on the cheek.
You could have taken a peek when he touched you to see his intentions and where he had been for the last many years by peering into his past, but you had made an agreement that you would not do so unless he asked.
You looked up at him.
“What do you want?” you asked.
Raphael smiled as he looked down at you.
“So many things,” he said. “But most importantly, I have something that you want.”
He snapped his fingers, and you were suddenly in the House of Hope. You had visited his home a couple of times before. What surprised you was that he had taken you directly to his archive instead of the large main area or the foyer where he had taken you all the other times.
“Come,” he said and beckoned you to follow him. He opened a hidden entrance and led you down a set of stairs that went under the archive.
There were artifacts from all over the realms lining the walls and placed on pedestals around the large area.
“Did you bring me here to show off?” you asked.
Raphael smiled and gently grabbed your shoulders. He turned you around to look at a particular artifact that was placed in the center of the room. Your jaw fell and your eyes widened.
A scepter. It was made from duskwood with nine star-sapphires along its length. There was one diamond at its base and one at its end. The one at the base bore your father’s symbol, while the one at its end bore Azuth’s. The scepter was extended in the air, vibrating violently against the confines of the magic that was keeping it in place.
“Is that…?” you asked breathlessly.
You felt as though you might start crying. You had been looking for it for so long, and there it was.
“It is,” Raphael said. “Quite a lot of trouble it was to get my hands on it too. It was even more difficult to make it stay in one place. I will be happy to get rid of it…eventually.”
You looked at him. You were speechless. Or at least you were until the awe had settled for a moment.
“How long have you had it for? Why didn’t you tell me immediately?” you asked with frustration in your voice.
“Because I need you to do something for me before I am willing to hand it over to you. Something that I know you would not be fond of helping me with unless the reward was big enough…” he said. “I have not had it for long. Once my plan was starting to come together, I promised a rather large sum for anyone who could find it and bring it to me. You have no idea how much this has cost me in gold, souls, and whatever else you can think of.”
You looked at the scepter again. You could almost not believe it was right in front of you.
“Where was it?” you asked.
“In the Hells, if you can believe it,” Raphael explained, looking at the scepter too. “It makes all the sense in the world when one thinks of it. What is left of your father in there is not eager to be claimed, and when only a pious chosen or someone with a touch of the divine can wield it, then what better place to hide than in the Hells where such people are a rarity?”
You were quiet. You had been looking in all the wrong places from the beginning, but now it was here. You would do whatever it took to get your hands on it.
“So, what is it that you want?” you asked.
Raphael smiled and led you away and out of the archive.
He brought you to one of his many balconies. He poured some wine for you and began to explain everything. You had of course heard whispers about the Absolute and you had also received some worrying visions every now and again the last couple of months. What you had not expected was the Absolute’s connection to the Crown of Karsus. The very thing that made Raphael cross paths with you in the first place.
“Not this old song again, Raph,” you sighed. “Why are you so eager to follow in the footsteps of Karsus?”
“Karsus was merely a mortal,” Raphael said with a sneer. “I am not. The Crown has endless potential and where Karsus failed, I will succeed.”
“And take over the Nine Hells, yes, yes, I know,” you said with anger at his stubbornness. “And yet you seem to fall into the very same trap that Karsus did. Karsus failed because of arrogance, and you would do well to remember that. He thought himself a god though he was only a man, and it ripped him apart and destroyed Netheril. It will do the same to you.”
“It will not, and even if it will, that is why I have you to warn me beforehand,” he said hurriedly, his frustration was clear in his voice. “I will have it, with your help or without it.”
You sighed deeply. You had heard it all before of course, but you never thought that he would even get close to the Crown, so you had simply brushed it off.
“If it was so powerful, why wouldn’t Mephistopheles had used it to get rid of Asmodeus ages ago? Why would he let it stay in his vault untouched?” you asked.
“Because he would have little control over its powers as he lacks the rest of Karsus’s artifacts,” Raphael explained. “My father is many things, but he is not a stupid man. Karsus created two other artifacts along with the Crown. To properly wield the powers of the Crown, you need the other two.”
You looked at him for a moment.
“Which you have in your possession…” you said, beginning to understand.
“Correct,” Raphael said and smiled. “There is the Scepter of Karsus, the Orb, and, of course, the Crown. I only need the Crown. If you ensure that it falls into my hands after the defeat of the Absolute, the Scepter of Savras is yours. You would become a god, Sibyl. We would both become gods…”
There was a fire in his eyes as he spoke. You were quiet for a moment. It was so tempting. You had been waiting for this for years, and yet you felt a knot in your stomach at the thought. You remembered Melesmer, the wizard who had raised you. How he used to tell you about the pure carnage and destruction that the Crown brought to Netheril and its people.
“This is such a bad idea…” you said quietly.
Raphael knew you were considering it, despite your words.
“The group of adventurers that is crucial to my plan has a former chosen of Mystra in their midst,” Raphael said. “A complicated relationship, to be sure, but still, it is there. Do you think that he would deny her if she asked him to bring the Crown to her? Mystra has all the reason in the world for wanting the Crown. One can only wonder what she would do with it and what kind of chaos it could create in the Heavens.”
It annoyed you how well Raphael knew which of your buttons to push to make you say yes. He knew that you hated Mystra for what she had done, or rather not done, for your father and that you truly thought the worst of her.
Raphael’s eyes lit up.
“But,” you said sharply. “You will listen to me. If I see a slight chance that all of this goes wrong, in any capacity, we stop. You stop. We drop it and we move on as if nothing happened, and if you do not heed my warnings, I will not hesitate to lead you astray. I don’t care if we are…” you were about to say friends. “…whatever it is we are. Do you understand?”
“Yes, my dear,” he said and reached for your hand to place a kiss on it. “Thank you.”
You sighed deeply and took a big sip of wine as you looked out over Avernus.
“How do I know that you will actually deliver the scepter to me?” you asked after a moment of silence. “Since I won’t be signing any contracts, how can you ensure me that you will not go back on your word?”
“All these years and you still do not trust me?” Raphael said and put a hand on his chest in a gesture of feigned hurt.
“Not with this,” you said with a serious expression.
“I have already thought of a solution to that little problem…” Raphael said, and you noticed that he had an odd expression on his face.
It looked like hesitancy, and that was not something you had ever experienced with him. Raphael was many things, but shy was definitely not one of them. It made your eyes narrow at him.
“What?” you asked.
He looked at you briefly before moving his eyes back to the landscape in front of you.
“As you are well aware, if you were to ascend to godhood, the gods would likely have something to say on the matter,” Raphael said carefully. “It could take a few centuries before you have fully adjusted to your newfound powers. It could take even longer for them to grow to their full potential. You would not stand a chance against the gods if you were to stay in the Material Plane. Which is why I would be willing to offer you refuge in the Hells until you are better prepared…”
“A nice offer…” you said, and your eyes narrowed even more in suspicion. “Buuut…?”
“But” Raphael said and began fiddling with the arm of the chair he was sitting in, in what almost looked like a nervous gesture. “It would no doubt look odd that the coming Archdevil Supreme should be granting refuge to a non-fiend, and especially someone of the divine, simply out of generosity.”
“So…?” you asked impatiently. “Raphael…Are you going to arrive to your point anytime soon? What does any of this have to do with my question?”
“You see…there is a way to make verbal agreements legally binding. It is a longer and slightly atypical court procedure to ensure the validity of these claims, but it does work. Meaning that you would never have to sign anything, but my promises to you would still bind me in an Infernal court. There would be no additional terms aside from the ones we have already discussed, of course...In its essence, it would be a promise that I am forced to keep.”
You nodded.
“That sounds…fine,” you said with a shrug. “How do we do that?”
Raphael took a deep breath.
He mumbled something to himself that you did not quite catch. Something about ‘that you should have talked on the Material Plane in case you were about to kill him’ or something to that extent.
“I’m sorry, what?” you asked.
He cleared his throat.
“Archdevils are expected to have consorts,” he said and let the words linger in the air for a moment. “And verbal agreements are considered legally binding if the two parties are…married…”
He smiled, trying to take the blow off what he had just said. You stared quietly at him with an unreadable expression for a moment. Then you tapped your nail on the wine glass in your hand.
Raphael barely dodged it when you threw the wine at him.
“Have you lost your mind?!” you yelled.
“Calm down, dear,” he said calmly and held a hand up defensively. “Let me—”
“Don’t you ‘dear’ me, you slippery fuck!” you yelled. “I will not calm down when you are suggesting that I essentially sell myself to you like a common whore just so you can parade me in front of the Nine Hells and brag that you conquered a goddess!”
“I was suggesting nothing of the sort!” he said in a louder voice to match your volume, though he still remained calm in the face of your anger. “It is a political alliance, that will benefit the both of us. We do not have to act married behind closed doors unless you wish it.”
“Unless I wish it?” you repeated in a dangerous tone.
“A poor choice of words,” Raphael immediately backtracked. “I am simply stating that it would solve a myriad of problems for the both of us. You would live comfortably, never want for anything, and be treated like the goddess you will become, without the interference of the Heavens. I will not have to take my chances with some Infernal consort who might betray me or serve someone else behind my back, and I would have your sage council by my side as I rule.”
You were still fuming but you were being quiet.
“Consider it, Sibyl…” he said. “I understand that it is something you need to mull over and do take the time you need. However, if you refuse, the only sense of security I can grant you will be through a written contract, and I will not be able to grant you refuge…”
“You don’t speak to me for thirty years, and when you finally do you present me with all of…this…and ask if I will marry you…” you mumbled to yourself. “You are fucking unbelievable…”
Raphael smiled at you. You might have still been angry, but he could see that you seemed to be calming down at least a little bit.
“It is a lot to take in, I’m sure,” he said. “I would have taken the time to ease you into it, but time is a luxury we currently do not have with the way everything is progressing.”
You sighed deeply.
“Take me home,” you said. “I’ll think about it but do not get your hopes up. I am tempted to refuse you immediately.”
He gave you a short nod and snapped his fingers to send you back to Waterdeep.
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silenzahra · 1 month
Hey there, did you know August 21st is Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day? So I'd just like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I appreciate you both as a friend and as a writer. As you probably know, I enjoyed all of your stories. You also write amazing posts - headcanons etc. Heck, even your commentary in reblogs is always so nicely written. I think you're very talented!
It's one of your stories, Anything for him, that I owe the fact I met you on this site. It's still one of in not my favorite Luigi's Mansion fanfic. I guess it's just a reminder for the occasion since I'm sure you already know it.
And I've actually been planning to reread another of my favorites from you, Keeping you warm in the near future,
Thank you for your hard work. I know you've only recently overcome your writer's block and general burnout, so I think it's all the more important that you know your effort and dedication, past and present, is still very much appreciated. I love how passionate you are about the Mario franchise and how you share that passion in so many ways, most of all your fics.
I can't wait for your nexts works, but also please remember that it's okay to take as much time as you need and that your physical and mental health always comes first. Take care!
And happy Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day!
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My dear @megamagimugi, have you any idea of how much your words have moved me and made my heart swell? 🥹🥹🥹
First of all, I'm sorry that I'm a day late, but the fact that you took the time to write this ask and tell me about how much you love my content and appreciate me as a writer and as a friend... I'm so honored and flattered and BLESSED I swear. Thank you so so so so SO much 🫂🫂🫂
I'm seriously so happy we got to meet thanks to you enjoying Anything for him! I can never forget about how excited you were when I announced I was working on the final chapter, which in turn made me even more excited to finish and post it 🥹 I'm truly so touched that it remains as your favorite Luigi's Mansion fanfic! That's seriously one of the highest praise I've ever received 🫂💖 And of course, the amazing and beautiful drawings you made for this story will forever live in my heart rent-free 🥹 (And hopefully soon in my walls at last!)
Oh my, you wanna reread Keeping you warm? 😍 My God, I don't think I can ever get used to people rereading my stories. It's just so incredible and amazing to think that you liked them so much that you feel like revisiting them months after they were posted! 🥹 Again, that's one of the highest compliments I believe any writer can get. I'm just so honored to have gotten it from you, dear friend 🫂💖
I really feel so validated by your recognition of my efforts to overcome this writer's block and burnout I've been fighting for the past month 🥹 It's thanks to you and this wonderful community that I'm feeling so much better! And I'm also so happy and blessed that I get to share my passion with you and our wonderful friends 🥰 Thank you so much, Mugi, from the bottom of my heart 🫂💖
I deeply appreciate both your advice and your enthusiasm! I'll still be slow at getting back to writing and actually posting something, but I'm glad to announce that I've started making progress at last! 🥰 I'll go at my own, slow pace, but just as Mario taught us: we should never give up 💪❤️
Thank you once again for this lovely surprise and for your unwavering support, dear Mugi! I hope that you know that I deeply appreciate you as a friend as well 🫂 You're such a kind and sweet person, and I feel so connected to you! I'm so incredibly happy that we met 🥰💖
And of course, I'm deeply in love with your art style as well! 😄 I'm just so glad and honored that my story inspired you to create the beautiful pieces you gifted me with 💖
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Please have the biggest hug ever and take care, dear friend! 🫂💖
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Francis Drake Main Story
This is a rough translation. I’ll edit this if I find the time. Expect mistakes.
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Would it be a betrayal to carry on this love?
Like the shore of a calm sea, it clung to my heart and shattered my feelings like a raging storm.
I tightly grasped the fate entrusted to my hands.
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With a snap, colorful fireworks burst against the clear blue sky.
Mitsuki: "Wow! Even the fireworks in the daytime are beautiful."
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Napoleon: "Yeah. The weather's good, and there's a lively crowd here again today."
Petals were dancing in the air, and everyone was smiling and having a good time as the mansion's residents visited the venue of the World Expo in Paris.
Leonardo: "Some acquaintances of mine have mentioned that there are people similar to us who have visited multiple times."
Napoleon: "Makes sense. There's so much to see that visiting only once wouldn't do it justice."
Arthur: "Mitsuki, how about coming here alone with me next time? You know, like a date?"
Mitsuki: "Hmm, I'm flattered by the invitation, but I'll think about it."
Theo: "It seems that frivolous writers only focus on flirting when they come to a place like this."
Theo: "Broer, let's take some time to admire the paintings. Hmm? Broer, where are you?"
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Vincent: "Theo, over here! Let's try riding the moving walkway!"
(Hehe, it's rare for everyone to go out together. They all seem excited.)
I smiled and suddenly saw a couple wearing kimonos pass by me.
(Japan, huh?)
I felt a sense of nostalgia and remembered when I first arrived in this era.
I traveled from Japan to France for a vacation in the 21st century.
During this trip, I slipped through a mysterious door I found at the Louvre Museum and time-slipped to 19th-century Paris, where I met historical figures from different countries and eras who live as vampires at a mansion I arrived at.
Napoleon: "Hey, Mitsuki. Is something wrong?"
Mitsuki: "Sorry, I was just spacing out."
Napoleon: "Geez, you're supposed to enjoy yourself today. If you just sit there, we'll leave you behind."
Mitsuki: "Wait, Napoleon!"
I smiled and hurriedly chased after Napoleon, who laughed wickedly, leaving behind a nostalgic feeling that touched my heart.
A few days later一
Mitsuki: "I'm back! Huh?"
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Charles: "Welcome back, Mitsuki! Do you want to take a bath? Eat something? Or me? It's me, right?"
Faust: "Stop being so shameless, Charles."
Among the faces that greeted me when I returned from shopping were Faust and Charles.
They live in an old castle and would occasionally visit like this.
Mitsuki: "Welcome, both of you. What brings you here today?"
Faust: "We accompanied Lord Vlad for some business. I thought I'd also give the butler some medicine."
Sebastian: "Thank you as always, Faust."
At one point, Sebastian fell ill, and Faust prescribed him a special medicine.
Since then, Faust has occasionally checked on his condition, and Sebastian no longer complains of discomfort.
(He said he was just the right test subject for the new drug, but I'm glad Sebastian is feeling better.)
Charles: "I have a souvenir for you, Dazai. The teacher at the orphanage wants you to create a children's story."
Dazai: "Oh dear, I thought you were going to give me some delicious sweets, but it's about work."
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Isaac: "Shouldn't you be grateful? Even a flaky person like you can at least be somewhat useful."
Dazai and Charles seemed to run into each other often in town and had become quite friendly.
I even sometimes saw Isaac getting caught up in their shenanigans.
Jean: "I thought it was noisy, but I didn't realize you guys were here."
Mozart: "*sigh* Has this mansion become a gathering place for vampires?"
Shakespeare: "*chuckles* The number of residents and visitors has increased so much. It's completely different from when I lived here."
Jean, Mozart, and Shakespeare came to the dining room.
Mitsuki: "I didn't know you were here, too, Shakespeare. By the way, I heard you have a new play."
Shakespeare: "I'm honored that you remembered. I came here to deliver the tickets."
Shakespeare: "My business here is done. Mitsuki, Vlad, and Comte are asking for you."
Shakespeare: "They have something they want to talk about."
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In the dark, quiet hallway lined with paintings, sculptures, and various antiques from different countries and eras, the sound of footsteps echoed.
The man making those footsteps lightly stroked the handle of the knife hanging at his waist with his fingertips and grinned.
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Mitsuki: "Phew. The night breeze feels good."
I stepped out onto the balcony and enjoyed the coolness of the air that soothed my slightly flushed skin after having some alcohol.
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The impromptu dinner party that was hastily organized because everyone had gathered together ended when Faust and Charles took Vlad, who had drunk too much wine and collapsed, home.
(Another fun day, thanks to everyone being here.)
As I thought this, I remembered what Comte and Vlad had told me earlier.
Comte: "I've been checking the status of that door, but the other side is still not stable."
Vlad: "The door at my old castle is the same."
Comte: “The hallway appears as it cycles between abnormal and normal, but sometimes the time and space beyond it are distorted. I don't think I can send you back to your original world.”
Vlad: "I'm sorry, Mitsuki. The cause of the anomaly might be us."
Mitsuki: "What do you mean?"
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Vlad: "That hallway connects to various eras. The fact that the space is distorted means that distortions are occurring in history and the world."
Their love for this world drove them to revive eternal flowers and transform historical figures into vampires, contradicting the laws of the world.
They explained that this action might be influencing the proper course of history, resulting in a warping of time and space.
Mitsuki: “No, I’m grateful that you’re investigating. But isn’t there danger involved in checking the door?”
Mitsuki: “Please don’t push yourself too hard. It’d hurt me if something were to happen to the two of you.”
Vlad: “Mitsuki.”
Mitsuki: “As I met everyone and spent all those precious days with them, I began to feel like this 19th century is another place I belong.”
Mitsuki: “Even if I can’t return to the 21st century, I think living here might be my destiny.”
(So please don’t worry about me.)
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I conveyed this, and both Comte and Vlad nodded as if they understood my feelings.
---------Flashback Ends---------
(I really mean what I said back then.)
(Staying in this world is also one way of living for me.)
I’m fortunate to have food, shelter, and clothing, all thanks to the help of everyone in the mansion. But even considering that gratitude, everyone I’ve met has become incredibly important to me.
(I love this world. It’s a precious place for me, but...)
My feet were naturally heading towards that door.
(The world I used to live in is beyond that door.)
Thoughts of family, friends, and work that had become distant crossed my mind, and a hazy mist spread across my chest.
(If the door’s anomaly doesn’t get fixed, I have no other choice but to choose to live here.)
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I do feel that way, but I don’t think it’s right to choose to live here just because there’s no other choice.
(If I keep having these negative thoughts, everyone will worry again.)
I shook my head to dispel the negative thoughts and turned my back to the door.
At that moment, I heard a creaking sound from behind.
I turned around, and the door, which no one had touched, slowly opened before me.
Mitsuki: “Kyaah!?”
Then something flew out of the gap.
(Was that a bird just now!?)
Although I couldn’t see it clearly, a vivid red bird crossed my field of vision.
I followed it with my eyes, but suddenly my body was forcefully pulled back, and something cold touched my neck.
It was a dull, gleaming knife.
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???: “The woman of destiny.”
I heard a whisper up close and felt a hand grab me, along with the presence of someone behind me.
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Fear swelled within me at this sudden situation, and I turned around cautiously to meet the gaze of clear aquamarine eyes.
???: “Don’t move. This thing can cut through anything.”
???: “I’m not going to take anything away from you. Where is this place, and who are you?”
Mitsuki: “This is a mansion in 19th-century Paris. I’m Mitsuki, one of the residents.”
Mitsuki: “Who are you?”
I spoke the words in a trembling voice, and the man restraining me stared at me with unreadable eyes.
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Drake: "I'm Francis. Francis Drake."
Even though I heard the name, I had no idea who he was, so I continued to tense up.
Suddenly, the man let out a sigh, easing the tension.
Drake: "You've been trembling this whole time. Well, given the situation, I guess that's understandable."
Drake: "I suddenly ended up in a place like this, so I'm also confused as hell."
Drake: "Don't be too scared, little fawn."
For some reason, he called me that and grinned mischievously.
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【 Masterlist ╎ Next Part 】
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lady-phasma · 3 months
hi!! I'm the 📝 anon. the armand fic was literally AMAZING and I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving us a fic like that because there aren't any. he was so in character and you made it sound just like him, I loved it!! I hope you continue to write for him <3
Hi 📝 anon! So there were at least two of you! I'm so flattered.
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Seriously, I wasn't sure how my style was going to be received in this fandom but I was compelled by Assad's portrayal and had to write it. (For those who are curious here's the link.) I know gender neutral isn't that common and it's not all I write but it seemed like the logical fit for Armand. I also want as many people to enjoy it as possible. I hope that it does indeed work as gn reader. It's a style I have written a bit in my other fandoms and some readers will avoid it but I think everyone should give it a shot. They might be surprised. For those who haven't, gn reader just means more people can enjoy it, not that it's any less smutty.
You and the other anon(s) really made me feel welcome and continue to do so. I am so honored. I have loved Armand almost since the beginning but certainly since 1998 and I didn't want to do him a disservice.
I don't want to be too ambitious but I had some others planned, still brain rot but less urgent. I cannot predict a timeline for these but this is what I have in my list to write soon:
Louis x Armand D/s fluff (no smut) Lestat x fem!reader Armand x fem!reader And maybe Lestat x gn!reader
I want to write more Armand, of course, so maybe I'll do some fluffy drabbles. I have an amazing moot who really wants hurt/comfort Armand because, as we all know, he is the living embodiment of 🥺.
I seriously cannot thank you enough, you and all the people who have enjoyed it so far. Feedback means so much, especially when coming into a fandom. Please don't be a stranger! My inbox is always open. 💕
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solitaireships · 9 months
baby you know i'm guilty
Today's my anniversary with Selina! In honor of that, I wanted to write a fic about her, so here's a fun little one of her and Alex at an auction together. The title comes from the song "Guilty" by Claudia Brücken and the Real Tuesday Weld, that's a very Alley Cat song to me
Rating: Teen
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1102 words
Divider by racingairplanes
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The hum of live orchestral music fills the Gotham Museum of the Arts, just loud enough to be heard over the chorus of people in attendance at this year’s annual auction. Alex tries to focus on the music instead of the people— it’s easier for her to process that than to try to filter through all the noise to listen to just one conversation. 
Alex isn’t here because she likes parties. Especially not the ones frequented by Gotham’s elite. They’re always vapid, full of gossip and petty small talk that's part of a never ending social game, and it’s hard to feel like she actually belongs with any of these people. And yet she technically speaking does belong here, her status as a defense attorney earning her the acclaim to be invited to these kinds of things. 
Alex never buys anything at these auctions. But she feels like she has to at least make an appearance, and she can admit it’s fun to get to dress up. She’s not the most fashionable person, but she likes the way the dress she’s wearing fits her, the dark red material flaring out a bit around the skirt and showing a bit of her cleavage. Her wedding ring shines on one finger while she has a couple of other decorative rings along with it, pairing them with a necklace with a silver chain. 
Being here with Selina also is nice, though the two of them came here separately. Alex was caught up with finishing her work, so Selina ended up getting the auction before her. Unlike Alex, she always seems to thrive at these kinds of things, charming everyone she speaks to and enjoying being the center of attention. 
Not that Alex can blame anyone entranced by Selina. She supposes that she’s been too, and she can definitely see why people would be drawn to her tonight as her eyes land on her wife making her way down a set of marble stairs. 
Selina looks like a vision in her black evening gown. It shows off her chest, a bit of her cleavage visible over its sweetheart neckline, and the skirt of it is slit down the sides to give a glimpse of the black pantyhose and dark purple heels she’s wearing. A diamond necklace glitters around her neck, matching a pair of dangling earrings, and Alex is always glad to see Selina’s wedding ring on her finger. 
The sleeveless look of her dress also shows off the muscles of her arms. She’s by no means bulky, having a short, lithe frame, but it’s clear from looking at her that she’s strong. What’s not as clear are the scars that Alex knows trail along her arms and shoulders, different nicks and scrapes she’s gotten over the years from close calls that are now hidden under with makeup. Alex thinks she’d look prettier with them— they're a part of her just like anything else— but she truly is stunning regardless. 
And, if Alex knows Selina like she knows she does, odds are she’s going to try to steal something tonight. Her look for the evening may not be the flashiest, but she has a taste for expensive and shiny things, plenty of which are on display for the auction tonight. 
“Hey there, gorgeous,” Selina greets as she makes it over to Alex, her dark red lips quirking upwards in a playful smile. 
“Hi,” Alex replies. She gives Selina a quick kiss on the cheek. “You look lovely.”
“I think I’m just being honest.”
“Well, like I said, you look beautiful yourself,” Selina says. She offers a hand to Alex. “Any chance I can convince a pretty woman like yourself to join me on the dance floor?”
Alex takes Selina’s hand in hers. “I’m sure you could.”
Selina grins as she guides Alex onto the dance floor. A soft, lilting orchestral song is playing, and Alex takes the lead, one hand resting on Selina’s hip. Selina puts her hand on Alex’s shoulder, gazing at her with a soft, affectionate expression. 
Alex likes getting to hold Selina like this. She wishes that she could for this whole party. 
But she also knows that Selina’s going to want to sneak off towards the auction hall. She’ll want to get her hands on something pretty— or something valuable to sell off. 
Alex is at least glad that a lot of the money from things Selina steals go to charities. She’s always had a soft spot for animal shelters, but Alex knows she’s given money to women’s shelters too. Selina has a good heart, and that’s something that Alex has always seen in her. 
As they move across the dance floor, though, Alex needs to make sure that Selina doesn’t take anything tonight.
“Remember to behave yourself,” she says.
Selina grins, a twinkle in her mismatched green and brown eyes. “I don’t know what you’re implying.”
“You know exactly what I’m implying,” Alex replies. She leans closer to whisper, “Keep your hands to yourself.”
“Am I supposed to completely?” She trails one hand down Alex’s side, the other massaging between her shoulder blades. 
“I know,” she says, pulling back to look at Alex again to be sure she can see her roll her eyes. “No stealing. But come on, Alley. I think both of us know we like the fun that comes from me getting into a little trouble.”
Selina’s not wrong. As much as Alex can play the always moral, always righteous attorney and vigilante, it’s exciting to get to leap into action as Solitaire, to give chase to Selina as she gets into something she really shouldn’t. Being with Selina under any circumstances is fun in a way that few other things are.
If there’s one thing that Alex is completely sure of, it’s that Selina has made her life better. So, she tells herself, she can be a little more flexible with the rules.
“If you do, at least be careful,” Alex says. She spins Selina around, with Selina coming to a stop in front of Alex again, pressing her back against her chest. This is definitely closer than the two of them should be for this dance, but Alex can’t find it in her to point that out when this lets her hold Selina so close.
“I will,” Selina promises. She looks back over her shoulder to Alex. “And I’m sure we’ll find plenty of ways to entertain ourselves here either way.”
Alex gives her a quick kiss on the cheek, savoring the feeling of Selina in her arms. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure we will.”
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ratbaguett-e · 2 years
Dazai x GN! Reader
~ Dazai teases you and you’ve had enough. You confront him about it and decide to take matters into your own hands. However, just when you think you have control over him he proves you wrong ~
You guys aren’t in a relationship, reader is slightly Tsundere but not in a cringe way just trust me, bondage, use of a spreader bar, giving head (Reader receiving), daddy kink, Dom! Reader first and then Dazai pulls a sneaky on you, the end
- Enjoy and feel free to leave a BSD request 🤕💙
Fukuzawa and the rest of the team welcomed you to the Armed Detective Agency with open arms and held a celebration in honor of your recruitment. This relieved you since you didn’t know how reliable you seemed as a non-gifted, but the immense hospitality was very reassuring. Over time you guys became colleagues, yes, but also friends.
Dazai had always been especially friendly with you. He could read people very well and noticed that you were shy and not yet comfortable. Thankfully he’s someone who can initiate a conversation and keep it going, this was a blessing to you because you never could have done this yourself. Dazai’s specialty was making wallflowers or new comers who felt anxious about the change an environment feel comfortable. Or so you thought. It was revealed to you by Yosano that while Osamu Dazai was quite the extrovert, he doesn’t do that with just anybody.
In two months it will be a year since you joined the ADA as a crime scene investigator. You collected evidence and made sure it got into the proper hands to be analyzed and, because of your keen eye, you couldn’t help but notice that Yosano was right. Dazai did act differently towards you. Out of your peripheral you caught him staring quite a bit. Whenever he walked by your designated area he seemed to almost hover, sometimes stopping to tease you like always.
Today, as you got dressed in uniform, you prepared yourself for Dazai’s antics. Would it be a compliments and suggestive innuendoes day or one of his touchy days? You would die before admitting this to anyone, but while the compliments were flattering and the innuendos never failed to make you blush, that warm and skillful touch of his really did it for you. Yet you always let out a “tsk” and shoved him away, insisting that you found him annoying to keep that secret to yourself.
Today he caught you on the first floor where the café was. You had been assigned by Ranpo to bring him back a piece of cake since you’d be down there anyway ordering a coffee for yourself. Now here you are. At a booth. With Dazai. Waiting for your drink and Ranpo’s cake. They seemed to be taking forever on purpose.
Thing is rather than sitting across from you Dazai had squeezed himself into the booth right next to you, trapping you between his slender body and the window.
“I haven’t seen you all day Y/N! Oh how I missed you~” he said in a cheesy voice.
You let out an “annoyed” groan.
“I was actually doing quite great without your incessant nagging. I got a lot of work done and didn’t have to keep my head on a swivel to be given some space.”
He leaned back with a dreamy sigh, clasping his hands over his heart.
“Oh my sweet angel has been working so hard! Clearly you deserve some form of compensation my dear…” he bats is eyes at you, leaning in closer to your face.
It almost makes you crack a smile but you manage to suppress it as your eyes twitch.
“Y/N? Your cake and latte are ready!” A kind waitress yells for you.
“That’s me…,” you say, expecting him to move so you can get out of the booth.
You look behind him at your- well, Ranpo’s food, and your drink sitting on the counter near the pick-up area. By the time you look back at him he’s gotten even closer. The people behind him probably can’t see you from behind is broad shoulders. The look in his eyes was something different too, softer but swimming with emotion.
“One last thing before you go,” even closer now, you feel a blush rise to your face that you can’t suppress.
He notices. He lifts your chin up to look him in the eye. Oh god. He’s touching you. You feel a warmth tingle inside of your belly and your blush darkens, he can’t help but almost chuckle at how comically wide your eyes are. He’s so close, he’s so warm, he-
“Could you print something off for me?”
That’s it?! You try to calmly reply, making sure not to visibly deflate in front of him, “…Yes… is that all?”
Not that you were hoping there’d be more or anything. Of course not.
“I’m afraid so. thank you my little worker bee!”
He’s back to his usual chipper self, his voice going up again from the sultry tone he was using just mere seconds ago. He still doesn’t get up from the booth.
“Uhm… Dazai, if you don’t mind I’d like to grab my stuff please. I need to head back-,”
Oh but do you have too~” he whines.
You huff out a sigh, “YES Dazai my break ends in roughly five minutes.”
It’s his turn to let out a sigh now.
“I guess…” that smirk is back. No. NO dear god what is it now?
The fucker still doesn’t move. His arms are crossed behind his head, eyes closed and that stupid, handsome- stupid smirk is still on his stupidly stupid and completely average face which is stupid.
“Dazai I need you to move please.”
“Oh, but…” he grunts the last word with a dramatic stretch. “I’m just so so comfortable…” Ugh.
You would crawl under the table but that’s embarrassing, plus his legs are stretched out all the way taking up the space between the booth across from you guys. You wouldn’t have any room. A sense of dread fills your gut and your face heats up again. You’re going to have to crawl over him. That’s why he was looking so smug, that’s what he wants you to do. Of fucking course.
You swallow your pride and scoot closer to him, look away to exhale, and continue. You finally get close, close enough to see the spacing between each of his eyelashes.
“Uh… I’m just gonna…” you put all your weight back on your hands and lift your hips up off the seat.
You put one arm on the the other side of him in a crab walk, your leg follows. You’re about to slide on out of the booth when you feel his big and warm hands grab your hips and pull you down, you let out a noise of surprise. He’s holding you down on his lap, you think you might die. Your entire body heats up, you probably look so red, oh god. His hands move up to your waist, holding you just below the ribs. The feeling of him basically caressing your body makes you stir in his lap. He grips you tighter, pulling you back against him even more. You feel his breath right against your ear.
“Careful,” he says in that same deep, sultry tone from earlier.
He carefully and slowly uncurls his fingers from around you but you’re too stunned to move. He chuckles and wraps his arms completely around your waist and returns his mouth to your ear.
“As much as I’d love you to stay you do have work to finish,” god that voice.
You finally snap back into reality and gently shove his arms off you, slide the rest of the way out of the booth and leave with your things in hand.
On the elevator ride back up to the office you noticed that you were lightly sweating. You could’ve bashed your head against the wall at how obvious you were. He’s got to know how really feel now, how embarrassing.
Still in a daze, you uncaringly tossed the bag with Ranpo’s cake in it onto his desk to which he yelled in a panic, “Careful with the merchandise!,” as you went back to your own desk with your coffee in hand.
Ranpo had an idea as to what had you so suddenly aloof, he saw Dazai head to the café earlier. The detective decided to be merciful and not talk about it considering your current mood.
You carried on the rest of the day without Dazai interacting with you at all.
“Tch, good,” you thought to yourself. “Maybe now I’ll get some peace and quiet.”
You knew deep down that you wanted him to touch you, make you flustered as he always did. You wanted him bad.
It wasn’t too late when you got out. President Fukuzawa dismissed you all early since the recent case was wrapped up after nearly two weeks of endless paperwork. As you were getting packed up, Dazai approached you again, you held your breath.
“Y/N…” you looked up at him, urging him to go on.
“I really meant it when I said you’d been working very hard recently. Because of that I’d like to treat you tonight if you don’t mind.”
You froze, was he being for real?
“Are you being for real?” You asked out loud.
He huffed out a small laugh, his hands going into his pockets.
“Yes I am being for real. I know a small place just near my apartment. It’s not too fancy but they have your favorite dish… so I’ve been thinking of taking you for a while.”
He looked away from you nervously biting his lip. He said too much. Were you going to ask how he knew what your favorite food was? How long had he gone wanting to ask you out? Fuck.
To his surprise you replied rather calmly with a, “Yes I’d love to.”
You’d love to. You’d love to. You grabbed your bag and drove the two of you to the restaurant as he gave you directions. You had the time of your life.
It had been a lovely dinner. However, you were both young adults and as most people would expect one thing led to another and now here you are in Dazai’s apartment being led to his bedroom. As soon as his bedroom door was shut your hands were on each other. You two made out with your hands going everywhere. His jacket was off. Your jacket was off. As soon as you came through the door shoes were off as well. Soon enough you were both bare, except for Dazai’s bandages. As you two kissed he tangled his hand in your hair and brought you closer, pressing his tongue against your lips.
You opened your moth to accommodate him but he ended up pulling away with a smirk and asking, “What’s that for? Expecting something bigger?”
You rolled your eyes and shoved him onto the bed, his back now flat against the mattress and his head between the pillows.
“I’ve had enough of your teasing…,” you said before continuing, “…for almost a year you’ve done nothing but mess with me and you knew what you were doing.”
His smirk widens into a grin.
“Well I was hoping you’d pick up on the hints but you never did. Remember it took me asking you on a date that got us here in the first place.”
You scoff, “Well it’s like you said earlier. I do deserve some compensation for working so hard do I not?,” you retort.
He chuckles, loving your boldness, little do you know…
“Well then…,” he starts, “If you really want complete control then there’s a pair of handcuffs in my jacket.”
You like that idea. You walk over to his coat on the floor and find the handcuffs, you walk back over and put them on his wrists.
“What’s up first on the itinerary sweetheart? Do you plan on ravaging me or making me wait. I have other toys for you to use ya know.”
You roll your eyes, “I might gag you if you don’t stop mocking me.”
His eyes grow wide. Since when did you become such a control freak? Your attractive boldness and dominance makes him want to overthrow you even more, he loves a challenge, and he really loves humbling people.
“If you’re so intent on keeping me quiet I recommend bandages. Oh! Or maybe a handkerchief…. So many options.”
You put a hand around his throat and his smile gets impossibly wider feeling the pressure on both sides of his neck. His eyes were shiny and full of mirth. He teasingly let out a loud moan as you tightened your grip.
“You really are insufferable,” you state before walking over to his dresser and opening the top drawer where the bandages and extra cloth were.
Funny, there was nothing in there.
As soon as you were about to turn back around a handkerchief was placed over your eyes. You gasp as you feel yourself being lifted from where you’re standing and being thrown back onto the bed.
“Sorry for the scare darling, I just needed to get you distracted.”
You hear the snap of his fingers and what you assume is the clinking of the handcuffs coming undone.
“H-hey what’re you doing?!”
He did as you did to him earlier and put the cuffs on you, wrapped the chain around one of the metal bars in his bed frame, and secured them.
“I want to show you what I’ve been hoping all that flirting and teasing would lead to.”
You desperately yanked on the handcuffs above your head.
He continued, “Don’t act like you want to escape. I know all of the corrupt things that intensify your sexual pleasure. After observing your reactions to all of my teasing, I think I’ve mapped out exactly what you want me to do.”
He was right, you loved this, every second of it. All of those lewd fantasies of yours don’t compare to what’s happening to you right now.
Finally, having your hands cuffed, eyes covered, and Dazai’s mouth back on yours, you were ready to be given your “compensation.” You felt Dazai’s mouth go down your neck, your chest, your stomach, he stayed in the middle of your body, you tensed up anticipating what he was about to do. That’s when you felt his mouth on you. You let out a surprised moan to which he hummed, you felt the rumble of his throat as he pleasured you with his mouth. He expertly licked, sucked, and kissed you sloppily making you feel amazing. You felt that knot in your stomach, the tingle you knew all too well.
“Hah~ I’m cumming- AhH~” a particularly hard suck made you jolt and come onto his mouth where he greedily continued to pleasure you.
You became overstimulated and tried clamping your thighs around his head, he roughly separated them and kept going. You were whining non-stop, you sounded so cute, like you could just cry.
The more he continued the more you tried to close your legs. He finally came off of you with a slick popping noise that made you flinch and let out a whimper.
You were panting as he looked down at you and said, “You seem to have trouble keeping those legs open, but it’s not a problem. I know how to keep you in place. “Wait huh!?”
You shouted after him, how does he always have so many tricks up his sleeve?
You heart him open a closet and walk back over to you, he grabbed one of your ankles and pulled you down slightly to where he stood at the edge of the bed making you gasp. You felt a strap tighten around your ankle, then the other. You then heard three clicks and your legs went further apart. A spreader bar. You’ve never had one used on you before and you wished you had sooner. The thrill of being completely restrained and at his mercy made you even more desperate for him to be inside of you.
“Hmmm… not much protest there. How about another inch wider? Maybe two??”
He taunted you as he clicked the bar outwards two more times. You felt a slight stretch in your hamstrings but not enough to hurt.
“Look at you. Maybe I should-,”
“Thisisfinethisisfine,” you blurted out. He let out a sadistic laugh at your desperation.
“Looks like enough for me to fit…” You blushed at what he meant, you knew he wasn’t talking about the spacing between your legs. god why did he have to be so… so…
Your thoughts quieted as you felt the head of his cock press against your opening. You tensed and he rubbed soothing circles on your hips with his thumbs to calm you down.
“You’ve gone awfully quiet on me. Is everything alright?”
You gulped before responding, “Please… I want more please. You’re s-so close please no more teasing,” you whined.
Dazai went into a completely different headspace after that. The way you begged made him so desperate, perhaps even more than you were.
“Anything for you,” he said before sliding into you with a slick sound.
He let out a strained growl as you whimpered, he was so big. He held himself there for a moment, biting his lip and heavily breathing.
“God you’re so f-fucking good, ugh~” he moaned out before slowly moving in and out of you.
You appreciated him slowing things down for you, but you wanted him to completely ravage you, make you lose all thoughts in that pretty head of yours. So that’s exactly what you asked him to do.
“H-harder, please… mmph~ please be rough with me Osamu…I want you so badly.”
He stilled at your command. He loved the way you begged for him.
“Whatever you want darling,” he replied.
Before you knew it he was pounding into you fast and hard. His pace was perfect and the strength behind his thrusts made you see starts. He hit the sweet spot at the back of you with every thrust. He kept a steady rhythm and calculated his movements so precisely. He would pull out almost all the way and push back in and hit your spot, making you feel him stretch you. You were in heaven.
“G-god please Osamu… l-let me touch you p-please…” he let out another sexy giggle in between his moans.
“I don’t think I should darling… you were being awfully m-mean to me earlier,” he throws his head back and groans as you let out another whimper.
“Please Osamu… I’ll be so good for you I p-promise- AhHh~” he brings down a hand to your throat and applies pressure as you did earlier.
You let out a moan as he squeezes tighter making you squirm underneath him. He leans his head down next to your face and slows his thrusts, maintaining the power behind them while loosening his grip on your throat .
“I’m not giving you what you want so easily baby,” his grip tightens once more. “Earn it.”
He punctuates the last two words with a rough thrust into you making you wail.
“Go on, don’t just sit there and cry, prove to me that you deserve to touch me.”
You can’t form a response as he starts to pick up his pace again and returns to hitting the soft spot inside of you at an unrelenting pace making you whine out,
“Ahh~ please daddy I’ll do a-anything you want.”
Dazai almost moaned out loud at you calling him that. Luckily you couldn’t see the way his eyes rolled to the back of his head hearing you whimper out the title.
“F-fuck baby say that again,” you couldn’t muster the strength to say it.
He wasn’t letting up on kissing your sweet spot with the head of his cock, you could hardly even hear him anymore. He had fucked you stupid which made him even more persistent. He just needed to hear you say it one last time and then you could feel him.
He tightened his grip on your neck once more and pulled you upwards to get closer to his face. You could feel his heavy breathing.
“I won’t ask again… say it and then you can touch me. You said you’d do anything I want,” that you did.
“Mmph~ please let me touch you daddy… wan-wanna hold you s-so bad- nGH~” just as he promised, he released your wrists and grabbed you by the arms, wrapping them around his broad shoulders with his own around your waist.
He smothered you into the mattress and continued to grind into you, forcing your body to jolt up and down with every thrust. Your nails dug into his back and you bit onto his shoulder to suppress your noises, whining and drooling on his skin.
Dazai isn’t one that likes pain or suffering. But he might as well have been considered a masochist with the way your teeth and nails digging into him made him spurt his hot cum into you almost instantly, his moan turned into a whine and he hid his face in your neck, feeling you constrict around him and return the favor, releasing all over his stomach and chest. He pushed in and out a few more times, slowing down with each one to help ease both of you down from your orgasm. He bottomed out one more time and held himself there for a few seconds before pulling out of you, you felt his hot liquid come streaming out of you. You felt embarrassed considering how far your legs were forced apart, putting the scene on display for him. He smirked to himself at the sight, going unnoticed by you, who was still blindfolded.
He untied the handkerchief from the back of your head and used it to wipe up the mess you both made on each other. He undid your legs that now had circular marks from the leather wrapping around them and put the contraption away. He soothes your ankles with his hands and looks up at you, lying back with your arms spread on either side of your body, still breathing heavily.
“You did so good for me, my little worker bee,” you huffed out a laugh at the corny nickname as did he.
He gave your knee a kiss and went to his closet to get some clean clothes laid out for both of you. The way his clothes hung off of you made you feel extra warm.
He left to get some soda and popcorn from the kitchen before getting into bed next to you, putting pillows behind you both and putting his arm around you as you laid your head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of your head, turned the on the TV and you both watched movies until you fell asleep.
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
I get so worried that I'm asking too much of you with all of the idea's I send in as different anon asks. Not to mention all of the other anons that send in requests and asks.
Sophie, would you let us know if you're feeling overwhelmed?
Short answer: I am overwhelmed, but in a very happy way :>
Long answer: Sit down, I've got some *~ thoughts ~* to share and it might take a bit to get them out.
I sometimes feel a little intimidated by my inbox's contents. There's a lot of amazing ideas in there, and I want to get to them all as soon as I can! I love all of the questions and prompts I receive, so I want to answer every ask that comes in. This can get somewhat nerve-wracking as the submissions continue to come in, but this is a problem I'm so flattered and happy to have.
If I were maybe five years younger, I'd probably be overwhelmed and nervous in a bad way, but I'm not who I was as a teen, so I actually see this as a great honor and opportunity. I get to see people's ideas and questions about a project I started for fun on my own and that oodles of lovely people on the internet now enjoy! How could that ever be something other than insanely cool and inspiring? I'm extremely grateful for the fact my inbox has a pretty steady stream of incoming asks. It's something my past self could have never dreamed of— I thought nobody would ever care about my work, and in under a year I've been flooded with kind comments and people interacting with my work!
I've started challenging myself to answer as many TPiaG-related asks as I can in fun, interesting ways wherever possible. It's an enjoyable challenge and it pushes me creatively in ways that help me grow as an artist and writer.
Also— if I ever do feel uncomfortable or anxious about all the asks I'm receiving, I can turn off my device and go for a walk or crochet something. I can unplug as needed. I'm actually considering taking a short break from my blog (maybe for a week? I'm not sure if I'll take a break at all, so it's uncertain) as I prepare for some exciting stuff coming up in my life— I'm not being held hostage by your sweet submissions! If I ever get intimidated by the kindness of my followers, I can disconnect for a while.
TL;DR: I'm overwhelmed because I'm so touched by the submissions I receive! I don't see it in a bad light, and am continually overcome by how grateful I am for it. Thanks for your concern! I'm doing A-OK :>
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starkstruck27 · 1 year
I graduated tonight, so here's a tidbit for you in celebration!! 🎓💚
It's Billy's graduation day, and he can feel daggers being stared into him from all sides. He was named Valedictorian (he has no clue how he achieved that), so Nancy Wheeler is glaring from across the stage in the chair reserved for the Saluditorian. His dad was off somewhere in the stands glaring at him, and he was actually surprised he came to see him walk the stage at all. All the kids he beat up or messed with, even if he apologized, were glaring, pissed off that they had to follow his every move to know when to stand and sit on his command. All in all, it seemed like everyone there hated him.
But there was two people that were there rooting for him, even if no one else was. He could still see them, smiling and shouting his name and waving around these embarrassing homemade signs they made to make sure he'd see them. Max was wearing a homemade shirt with a picture of his face printed on it, and it was the least flattering picture ever, from his freshman year where he was mid-sneeze when the flash went off, but he couldn't help but smile when he saw it. Steve was standing next to her and screaming loudly, unashamed of anyone watching him. He had a shirt that said "I ❤ BH", like those stupid tourist t-shirts from New York, only with his initials instead. He was waving around a giant shark plushie that had a little graduation cap sewn on it, the stitching job no doubt having been done by either Joyce Byers or Claudia Henderson.
He didn't know it yet, but both ladies were also in the audience, along with Will, El, Hopper, Dustin, and Lucas, all there to cheer on Billy and Jonathan as they both walked the stage. Mike was sitting somewhere else with his parents and little sister to cheer on Nancy, but his mother eventually let him go off with his friends once Nancy finished giving her speech.
She was the first one to do it, getting the honor of speaking first, followed by the class president and the class historian. Billy was the last one to give his speech, and as the historian sat down, his heart began to race a little as he walked up to the podium. He had his speech written on a few note cards, but he'd been sleep deprived from finals and entirely too nervous when he wrote them, so they were near incomprehensible. So he didn't even bother to get them out, deciding instead to just wing it. He'd bullshitted his way through it anyway. And nothing could be worse than the class president's speech, which the poor kid had stuttered through and barely spoke into the mic at all, so he was impossible to hear. At least Billy would be able to be heard if his speech was awful.
"Friends, family, teachers, staff and guests," he started, trying to keep his tassel out of his face, "You're probably all thinking that I'm feeling so honored to be standing here as the vedictorian of the class of 1986. I know that you probably think that this is the highlight of my high school career. Hell, our saluditorian would probably kill to be standing where I am right now."
At this, a little laughter bubbled up from the crowd, and Billy allowed himself a second to enjoy the way Nancy's face went bright red before he continued.
"But you'd all be wrong. True, I did get here halfway through my junior year and still managed to build myself up to this point with little to no support, but that’s precisely the reason I don't feel honored to be making this speech right now. It's not that I think I don't deserve it, because I do. I've worked myself half to death to get here right now, to prove to myself that I was not a complete failure and that I was good for something. So I took the hard classes, I turned in all the work, and I did the best I could to put myself where I'm standing right now. But I'm still not honored to be here, because I didn't do it for recognition. I didn't do it for praise or to prove that I'm the best or anything shallow like that. I also didn't do it out of love for school or my classes. I did it out of survival. I did it because if I didn't, I might not be accepting a diploma at all today. I did it because I had no other choice."
As Billy continued speaking, a confused murmur went through the crowd. The audience was wondering where he was going with all this, and the rest of his classmates and the staff were all wondering what happened to the other speech they'd had to listen to him reciting for the past two days at practice. All in all, everyone seemed lost, but Billy didn't care. He took a second as they recollected themselves to look up and see if his dad was still in his spot on the stands. He wasn't, so Billy kept going.
"Most of you here know that I'm not a perfect person. I'm a dick, really. If someone gets in my way, I have no qualms about punching them in the nose or making them cry as they run home to their mommies to have them make the boo-boos feel better. I'm not proud of this. It's just a part of who I am and I'm trying to work on changing it. As I'm getting older and getting closer and closer to leaving this town, it's getting easier to do that. But so far it's been a slow process, because I didn't have any reason to change. That's another reason I never quit and threw myself into my studies, because as I get closer to getting out of here, I'm finding more and more reasons to change. For one, my little sister Maxine deserves a brother that she can be proud of, not one that she dreads admitting relation to. For another, as soon as I get my diploma and decide where I'm going to college, I'm gone. Out of this town, out of this state, and especially out of my father's house. Believe it or not, there are actually people worse to others than me, and if you want an example, well, my father is the best one you'd ever find. As soon as I get my diploma, I get to be rid of him forever if I want to be, and that's exactly what I want. And finally, I met somebody. None of you probably want or need to hear about my love life, and I'll spare you the dirty details, but just know that this person is my reason for everything. For living, for working so hard, and for wanting to change. It's for these reasons, and there are probably more if I put my mind to it, I want to change out of the jerk I was and into a person that would be honored to be the best student in their class. It's for these reasons that I'm even here in the first place, why I pushed so hard to make myself survive and earn it. I'm not the best Valedictorian that this school will ever have, I'm far from it. But hopefully, now that you understand why I'm here, you won't think I'm the worst one, either. You'll understand why I'm here, what I had to do to make it happen, and why, even though I'm not feeling honored by being here, I'm more proud of myself than I ever have been in my life."
Billy had been nervous about giving a speech he didn't practice, but so far he seemed to be fine. He could see Steve on the verge of tears off to the side of him, and it made him remember that even if he was a total flop and didn't make any sense, at least a few people would be proud of him. So he decided to finish strong.
"And to my classmates, the graduating seniors of 1986, I want to say this: I didn't get here on my own. I had help, from a lot of you. I'd like to address some people who really helped on my journey here at Hawkins High, short as it may have been, and helped either directly or indirectly in my success. Heather Holloway, you've taught me to be confident and given me your friendship, which is an invaluable gift that I truly treasure every day. I love you, forever and always you'll be my best friend. Robin Buckley, you've shown me that it doesn't matter who I am or what I'm like, that there will always be people like me in the world and that if I find those people, I don't have to be afraid of what they'll bring out in me. Eddie Munson, you've taught me to be confident in all things, that it doesn't matter if the world is watching, as long as I believe in what I'm saying and doing that someday, I'll make it through and make it out, even if it takes a few tries. Chrissy Cunningham, you taught me to be sweet and kind. Jonathan Byers, you taught me that sometimes I need to see life through the lens of someone else's camera. Nancy Wheeler, you've taught me that you don't have to like a person to be proud of their accomplishments. And finally, Steve Harrington, even though you're already graduated, you know why I'm thanking you, and you know what you taught me. As we move forward throughout our lives, myself and the rest of the class of '86, I implore all of you to take these lessons with you and actually practice them. You'll be successful in whatever you choose to do with your time if you do so. Learn from these people, you don't have to like them, but learn from them. And if you do, I promise you, you'll beat the odds that are seemingly stacked against you."
After Billy finished his speech, he went back to his seat and sat down, waiting for whoever was speaking next to say whatever they needed to. He wasn't paying attention, rather looking over to Steve and Max again, who were both crying and clapping for him.
When the principal finally stood up and read out the names of all the seniors and handed them their diplomas, Billy stood up to receive his first. A shy smile on his face as he listened.
"William Felix Hargrove, class of 1986 Valedictorian," the principal read out like a robot, already tired of having to read out the names of the 236 graduating seniors after the first one. Billy stood and walked over to him, taking his diploma and shaking the man's hand as he smiled for a picture. He was sure he'd have to fake smile when he was told ther would be a photographer there, but because of the screams and shrieks he could hear coming from Steve and Max's direction, he found he didn't have to fake it. As he turned to walk back to his seat he saw them still crying and cheering, making such a scene that Billy was almost afraid the audience wouldn't hear it when Nancy's name was called, but then they quieted down.
They stayed quiet through the rest of the ceremony, except when they needed to make noise, and as soon as Billy was allowed to go and find them, they were on the field with him, both wrapping him in the tightest hugs they could manage. Max was practically squeezing the air out of him, sobbing into his graduation gown that she was already proud of him and she always would be, drawing a few tears from his eyes in the process as he muttered a "thanks, shitbird" into her hair. Steve had let them have their moment, having gone off to talk to Robin and to give her her present and a hug, but now he was walking back over, holding out the shark plushie and smiling from ear to ear.
"I got you this," he said as Billy took the animal, his own grin creeping onto his face. "I figured flowers would just die and you could eat chocolates. I wanted to get you something that would last."
"Thanks, pretty boy. I love her." He said, his face heating up as Max went to talk to her friends and Steve began to back them up until they were hidden from sight behind the bleachers.
"I'm really fucking proud of you, you know that?" He asked as they walked, keeping an eye out to make sure no one was looking as they slipped away. "And I was so surprised when you mentioned me in your speech. You didn't plan that thing at all, did you?"
"Was it that obvious?" Billy asked, but he laughed.
"No, but I just know you. You only get that look on your face when you're determined to do something completely on the fly. It was still fantastic though." Steve replied, finally finding them a quiet, dim little nook to hide away in.
"Thank you. For everything, and I really mean that, Stevie. I wouldn't have made it without you. You're everything to me, you're the main reason I did all that stuff like I said in the speech." Billy said, his voice weighed down with emotion. Steve could hear it, too, and his smile only grew wider as he leaned in real close.
"You saying you love me, Hargrove?" He asked, and the question honestly surprised Billy. Neither of them had ever said it before, even if they had felt it, so it just seemed too casual. But Billy had meant the things he'd said in his speech, about confidence and being himself and all that, and he wasn't giving up on those lessons now. He lunged forward and kissed Steve with all his might, wanting to tell him not only with words, but actions too.
"Yeah, I am. I love you, Steve." He said as they parted, his heart racing as he went in for another searing kiss. He really did mean it when he said it, too. He loved Steve, and he always would.
When this kiss was broken, it was like everything and nothing had changed. Billy was still afraid to hold Steve's hand once they left the cover of the bleachers, but until they stepped back out into the setting sun, he did it. He let Steve adjust his cap and gown before they went out to take pictures, and he let him insist on as many as he wanted to commemorate the occasion. They still couldn't do much in terms of physical contact, but every brush of fingers or press of a side that managed to take place as they snapped picture after picture was like a tiny little press of sunshine to their skin. It was different, but that was okay by them.
"Oh, and by the way," Steve asked as Joyce geared up to snap the next shot, "Since when is your middle name Felix?" And when the flash went off, all you could see what Steve looking puzzled as Billy cracked up laughing.
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peachesofteal · 7 months
👀 for the fic game?
👀 Is there a fic you wish got more attention than it did?
This is going to sound so lame but... no. I really enjoy writing and sharing here, and it's a marvel to me that even one person enjoys and interacts with my stuff. I am always blown away by people saying they like my writing or relate to it, and it's so special when I feel like I'm really connecting with a reader through something I wrote (WILD SHIT, still blows my mind), so no. I'm really flattered and honored that people spend their time reading my works and I cherish every piece of feedback, interaction, etc.
Hang out with me while I edit
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merakiui · 7 months
Helloo, I’ve been reading your works (of art) for the past two years but have never been able express how I’ve felt about it from fear. So with what confidence I have right now to confess!! :D
I don’t wanna point at specifics ‘cause it’d make this really long. But, whenever I read about any of your posts, short or long, it always makes me smile and sprinkle confetti in my body. I can’t explain it any other way, but I’m just so excited. I’m literally in admiration in how you write and experiment with a lot of topics and make them intriguing/perfect.
I apologize if this sounds weird, but I feel connected to you. You interact with people a lot and are honest and super duper cool and nice and amazing and funny and creative and
Honestly, your writing has helped me understand more english and meanings + behind things. You put a lot of thought behind your works and it inspires me a lot to continue writing , even if I think it’s not good. >.<
The emotions you give the characters and their motives are amazing and I can’t get enough of it it’s so GOODdD I can’t evnen describe it well.
Thank you again for writing and expressing these writing pieces!! I enjoy them very much. I deeply apologize if this (text) violates any of your rules or is in the wrong place, still learning how to use Tumblr even after two years. :( I don’t know if I’ll ever ‘confess’ again but in the case I do, can I be vermy anon?
Thank you (2000x) again, Mera !! :D
Omg omg (⸝⸝⸝O﹏ O⸝⸝⸝) !!!!!!! Vermy anon, thank you so very much for your kind confession and praise WAAAAAA,,,, this is so sweet. T^T 💖 I'm honored to meet you and flattered that you have supported me and read my works for two years!!!! Thank you for enjoying my writing!!!!! I'm happy to be able to inspire you in your writing as well. I would love to read yours one day! I'm sure it's wonderful!!! :D
I am gently cradling your message. Giving it a smol smooch... 🥺 sending you love and flowers and yummy sweets and everything in between!!!!!! <3
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mimble-sparklepudding · 8 months
Just dropping in to remind you that I think you're AMAZING. You're kind and helpful ooc, and I love your two characters so much. Mimble is one of my favorite OC lalafells I've seen, and the thought you put into him and what he means to you really shines through.
I also really love Humble though. Same reasons, amazing character design, lots of thought put in, and the contrasts between Mimble and Humble are great.
Never, ever, let anyone make you feel like you're not amazing or your characters are dull and boring.
And your poems are amazing!
Thank you for the breath of fresh air your posts are. They always make me smile. Thank you for working so hard to put your work out there, to reach out to others, to learn so much about other people's characters, and all those AWESOME ask lists you do.
Just...all around you're awesome and one of the best people in this community. <3 I am honored to know you.
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Thank you so much for including me in your lovely round of positivity!
It came at just the right time and was very much appreciated. I am very flattered that you see some value in my posts and even more pleased that they make you smile :)
Your encouragement and advice are always appreciated and I definitely enjoy all your posts and messages :)
Thank you again!
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kroosluvr · 1 month
My entire life I have been so bad at reading manga or comic books or anything like that, because I just want to read the text and I never stop to appreciate the art. Then I saw one of your VioletFox comics, the one they're walking on a bridge discussing their pursuits of gymnastics and painting. I remember getting absorbed in Yusuke's wall of dialogue, and then the beat panel of Sumi silently crying hit me like a gut punch. That one image affected me more deeply than the whole moving block of text I had just read. I went back and reread the comic, and I saw that every facial expression, even the panel layout, was telling a whole complex emotional story underneath the text bubbles.
Now every time I see one of your comics I end up reading it twice, once for the text and once just to look at the artwork. The dialogue you write gives the characters so much more depth than they ever got in the source material, and your art style is so evocative and fills every scene with more emotion than the words can convey by themselves. And I've started doing this with other comics I like as well. It's stunning to see how much I've been missing, but my enjoyment of them is so much greater now.
I dunno, this feels like one of those things that's obvious to everybody else and I'm only just now figuring out because I'm autistic. But I've been reading comics online for at least fifteen years, and yours are the ones that finally made me look at the artwork as more than a backdrop for the story being told in the dialogue. Thank you for using your art to feed my Persona brainrot, and thank you for making me better at appreciating comics as an art form.
oh my god thank you so so much for such a lovely comment ;--; this is the first thing i read after waking up and I WAS CLOSE TO TEARS UUAUHHH im so amazed and so honored that my art could have this sort of impact on anyone,, ;o; <3333 LIKE IM SERIOUSLY SPEECHLESS IM SO FREAKING FLATTERED TO RECEIVE THIS LEVEL OF PRAISE FOR MY WORK!!!!!!! my latest persona comics and stuff is straight from the heart so when people also connect with it or resonate on a deep level i feel so so happy....
the violetfox..!!! AHHH that comic carries such a deep weight in my heart........ sumi and yusuke carry such complicated feelings abt their passions and they had no one to talk to abt it (before akira) (but i want them to talk to each other and share notes ehehe...) im so happy that one could resonate with you... //w// i really like drawing facial expressions!!!!! that one is kind of old so now i look at it like TCH.. I COULD DO BETTER..... but art is all abt improving every day amiright ehhewhe
im so SO happy you enjoy my dialogue too!!! ////w//// not a writer by any means..... but it really does come straight from the heart eheh.... so if the shoe fits amiright //w//
but seriously im so happy to hear this, thank you so much for telling me LIKE IM GONNA THINK ABT THIS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE IM SO SERIOUS. im so so amazed and happy that my art could help you also enjoy other art/comics/works.... i didn't know i could have this sort of impact ;w; thank you again so much!!!! I WILL KEEP DRAWING FOREVER (AND PERSONA FOR A LONG TIME IM SURE!!!!) thank you again for your lovely comments waaaah my heart so warm... please have a good day/night!!! //w//
(sorry my reply is so not eloquent compared to yours IM CRYINGGSJDFSD AAA
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allylikethecat · 8 months
ally just going to be real here & say i literally refresh this app all day waiting for you to post something you’ve written 😭 like you keep saying these Jan prompts aren’t much good but like girl if this isn’t good I don’t think I’d be able to handle your version of good bc every single thing you write hits me in my heart in such a good way like every day I cross my fingers you’ve felt inspired and written/posted something that I can obsess over and re-read multiple times for weeks and every time I see your post i genuinely squeal w excitement bc ik it’s gonna be good 😫‼️
Oh my gosh I am going to cry. This is one of the sweetest, kindest asks I have ever received. I'm so absolutely blown away and honored that you not only like my writing enough to seek it out on here and read it (more than once?!), but that you took the time to reach out and send me this ask ❤️ There are so many incredible talented people in this fandom, and writing fanfic in general, and I am just so flattered and thankful that you (and others!) are willing to take the time out of their day to read what I've posted.
I'm so, so happy that you're enjoying the January OTP Prompt fills even though I don't always feel the most confident about them- my goal for January was to use them as an exercise where I would write a minimum of 500 words a day for each prompt, and then post with minimal editing and (hopefully!) minimal over thinking, as a result some of them I like better than others! I started this exercise for me, and to better my craft and was posting them on Tumblr purely to hold myself accountable so I would actually do it. Therefore, the fact that people are reading them and responding so kindly to them is just so incredible. Thank you so, so much!
Thank you so much for sending in this ask, for reading and for your encouraging words about my writing! I'm happy that I've been able to have a consistent posting schedule this month, and am so happy that y'all aren't sick of me yet! (I worry I'm over flooding the Gatty tag 😬) I do want to apologize in advance though, if you're not sick of me, February is going to be a lot slower from me content wise (I might not even be able to make every Tuesday update) I'm going to be traveling most of the month (for fun and for work) and am not sure how much time I'm going to actually have to 1) write 2) get what I do write properly formatted and posted. I hope that y'all won't forget about me! Thank you so much again!
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cherryslyce · 1 year
the most recent chapter of the second son... i am genuinely rendered speechless... i do not know how to express how gratifying as it is emotionally inducing to read through such a beautifully crafted piece of work from a modest and kind wordsmith in this platform; bearing a very creative mind to produce such stupendous chapters... i am just... wow... the recent chapter was a long read but i was not upset with that even the slightest bit. i want to write a detailed run down of how solely you work affected me but i reckon my words will never do my genuine feelings and reaction any justice... just, i am so enamored with your ability to stupefy me with every updates and it is quite astonishing to realize that never once was i ever let down reading through each chapters of the second son and i hope you know that. i intended to say a few more things but really, i am at lost for words... just, wow.
- lizzie ♡
Lizzie, my dear <33!!
Your beautiful words are so touching <33!! It was truly my honor to be able to write this story, and I am so happy that you enjoyed the latest chapter (albeit, it was quite long haha). Your words inspire me so much, and I am honestly quite speechless by your kindness <33. Thank you so much for your reassurance because I was honestly always overthinking my work after I would post it.
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Honestly, this makes me want to cry because as a writer, this is one of the most flattering things you can say. I am so so happy that Second Son has been a piece that people stew and fawn over.
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I have received a few comments and messages of people saying the same thing, and that just means that I've accomplished my job!! Writing this story has made me extremely fond of Regulus as well, and it really adds another layer to that feeling of riding out this journey with my readers <33!!
Again, thank you so much Lizzie <33. I hope to hear from you again in the future, lovely <3!
-cherry :)
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