#i felt like that guy from SpongeBob who wanted to buy the chocolate
thesouthernharlot · 2 years
Thinking about one night stand guy and how i was fully ready to ride his dick into the sunset but five strokes in he was finished 😔
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toomanysurveys9 · 1 year
Think back to yesterday, what were you doing around this time? Just getting home or on the way home from Jacob’s mom’s house.
What was the last thing you watched on the TV? I don’t remember. Probably Jane the Virgin.
Do you think pets can get annoying easily? No, it takes a lot to annoy me generally. At least for my pets to.
Did you know that pickles have no calories? I didn’t know that.
Do you enjoy family get togethers? I do.
In a group of three, do you often feel like the third wheel? Yup.
What color are your pants? Blue jeans.
Is there snow on the ground where you are? No. It’s almost officially summer.
What is keeping you warm right now?
It’s warm outside right now. But Nora is also sleeping on me with a blanket and she’s a little heater.
Has anyone bought you a piece of jewelry? Yeah.
How far away is your next birthday? Three-ish months.
Do you have plans for that birthday yet? No plans.
When did you last take a shower? It’s been a few days.
Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? I have not.
Have you ever flown somewhere alone? Nope.
Are you more serious or funny? Definitely more serious.
Is there someone that annoys you but you haven’t told them? There are a lot of people that fall into this category.
When is garbage day in your area? Friday.
Who/What was the last thing to really irritate you? All the kids yelling and screaming and fighting.
Do you think people either love or hate spongebob? I mean, I feel like there’s probably people somewhere in the middle too.
Have you seen that new “Lie To Me” show? It’s not new, but yes. I watched a couple seasons, but never finished the series.
What is something you’d rather be doing right now? I’m ready to go to sleep.
Do you find that people are too hard on you? They can be but I’m hardest on myself.
Do you take surveys often? Not as often as I used to or would like to. But I’m hoping to be able to get back into it.
Do you tend to slam things around when you’re mad? Not usually.
Do you know anyone who hates/dislikes chocolate? Probably but they’re not coming to mind right now.
Could you vote in this last election? Yup.
Have you taken a shower today? Nope.
How much sleep did you get last night? Not nearly enough.
Do you have more girl friends or guy friends? Neither. Lol.
What is your current mood? Super sleepy.
Is there anything on your mind at the moment? Just stressing out about everything I need to do and buy and take care of before the trip next week.
Are there any movies out that you’d like to see? I want to see the new Little Mermaid movie!
Have you ever been on a website called Stickam? I don’t think so.
Have you ever hated yourself? All the time.
Are you hungry? Nope.
Did your parents ever ground you? Alll the time.
Where was the last place you went out to eat? Hacienda with Nora on Saturday. Panera was the drive thru.
Have you ever felt like you needed a better life than the one you have? I guess so.
Do you own an MP3 player of some kind? I do but I don’t use it.
Do you have a moment in your life you wish you could replay over again? A few.
Have you ever been in a play? If so, did you like it? I was in a musical once.
What is one musical artist you wish wasn’t making music? I don’t care for Cardi B much. But I know there are others that like her.
When was the last time you cleaned something? I swept the floor not too long ago.
Have you ever been so sick you had to be taken to the hospital? Yup. Several times at various ages for various things.
Do you like your smile? I hate it actually. My gums and teeth are shit because I never expected to live this long and my parents never taught us proper dental hygiene.
Do you have someone that you think truly understands you? Not really.
When was the last time you doubted yourself? Anytime I think about my upcoming internship. And I was also worried about my signature assignment for this class but ended up with a perfect score.
Is there anything currently bothering you? I have too much on my plate before next week.
Would you say that you’ve got something ‘special’ about you? Nope.
Who was the last person to cheer you up when you were down? My kids.
Are you scared of what you do not know? Sometimes, yes.
Is there anything in the next six months that you’re looking forward to? Florida. And hopefully going to Louisiana for Leslie’s wedding. And starting my internship.
Were you/are you popular in high school? Not even a little.
Do you really care what people think about you? Not really.
Do you find yourself treating others like you’d want to be treated? I try.
Are you constantly envious of others? Not really.
Are you more of a whiner with things or a do’er of things? Definitely a mix of both.
List three of your favorite TV shows: Supernatural, Criminal Minds, and Hart of Dixie tend to be my comfort shows.
Would your friends say you’re a relaxed person or stressed? Stressed for sure.
What do you find yourself worrying most about these days? Finances. My babies.
Would you say it’s hard to earn your trust? No. It’s too easy and I always get hurt.
Who was the last person to compliment you? Eliana I think. :) She’s a sweetie.
Anything interesting happen this past week? This week just started.
When was the last time you felt scared? Yesterday when Michelle and Jacob let Nora on the trampoline.
What’s on your mind this very second? I need to get to bed.
Do you know the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’? I do.
Do you correct other people’s grammar/spelling when talking to them online? Nope.
Is bacon one of your favorite foods? I enjoy it on occasion, but it’s definitely not one of my favorite foods by any means.
Are you one of those people who like to sleep in on the weekends? Yes but my kids say no. Lol.
Do you like things Vampire related? I do. Although I’m super into fairies right now. :p
Have you ever cussed at a parent or teacher? Not that I can remember.
When was the last time you saw snow? Whenever it snowed last, which wasn’t as long ago as it should have been. Lol.
Have you ever felt stupid after saying something? All the time.
Do you find yourself cold at the moment? Nope.
Are your nails currently long? Longer than I like them to be. Especially with my job being with kids.
Are you the kind of person who does not like talking about their past? I talk about it too much sometimes. Especially on here.
Do you have long slender fingers or short chunky ones? Chunky. :( 
Do you think your foot size fits your body type? No. They’re too big for as short as I am.
Are you the competitive type? Noo.
Are you more of a mommy’s person or a daddy’s person? Momma’s.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳: 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐒/𝐎
Requested by: @seacottons
❄𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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Hongjoong smiled proudly at his work of art. He carefully picked up the gingerbread house and held it up.
"Look look baby!" He exclaimed, bouncing lightly on his feet as he showed you it.
"Oh my God! It looks amazing!"
The smile on your face that was happy for Hongjoong soon turned to a pout though as you stared down at your own creation. Hongjoong peeked over and noticed why you were sad. Your gingerbread house was falling apart, barely standing up, and the frosting was smeared all over the place, including your face and hair.
"Awww sweetheart come on." Hongjoong cooed as he began to wipe some of the frosting off your face.
"I suck and I hate Christmas." You huffed softly, your arms crossing over your chest.
"Stop you don't mean that." He said cupping your cheeks.
"Tell you what? How about we go back to the store and I buy you that spongebob gingerbread house you wanted and build it for you?"
Your eyes lit up at his comment.
"Really?!" You squealed.
Hongjoong kissed your frosted nose, licking some of it off and then winked at your blushing figure.
"Come on baby. We want to get there before it closes."
❄𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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"Baby baby look!"
You rolled your eyes as your boyfriend once again got sidetracked from your task and began pulling you to see some of the items on display.
"Seonghwa! We're supposed to be shopping for gifts for the boys." You reminded him.
"I know, I know...but look how cute these are!"
Seonghwa couldn't help himself as he picked up some of the baby mittens and hats. He giggled as he held them out to you.
"Seonghwa? Who are those supposed to fit? Yunho?" You rolled your eyes.
"No silly! But I was thinking....you know.."
Seonghwa wiggled his eyes suggestively at you. When you caught onto his meaning, you smacked his arm and started walking away.
Seonghwa quickly put the stuff down and walked behind you.
"Why are you against this?! I thought you wanted to give me what I wanted for Christmas and I want a positive pregnancy test!".
He cried out then quickly turned cause something caught his eye.
"Look this is perfect for Mingi!"
You sighed as you realized it was gonna be a long day.
❄𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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You and Yunho were currently putting the finishing touches on the Christmas tree. You felt so proud at the color combination you picked out. You tilted your head when you heard a cluttering sound.
"Oops?" Yunho smiled shyly as he began to pick up some of the glass balls that he had accidentally dropped on the floor.
"Yuyu careful. I don't want you cutting yourself." You said as you helped him pick them up.
"I'll be fine love. They didn't even shatter." He assured you.
After you guys picked up the ornaments and finished putting them up, you both began clapping and jumping up and down.
"It's almost finished."
You picked up the last item, a shiny gold star to put on the top of the tree. You happily walked over to the tree.
"Baby? Need me to do it?" Yunho offered.
"I can do it!"
You reached up but unfortunately couldn't reach all the way to the top. You stood on your tippy toes, but still couldn't place the star on the top. Defeated, you turned with a pout to Yunho. He merely chuckled as he took the star away from you.
"Don't worry love. It's what I'm here for."
He kissed your cheek before proceeding to lift you up on his arm.
"Come on. Let's finish decorating the tree together."
❄𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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"Yeosang. Can you please take out the cookies from the oven?" You asked as you assembled the frosting and the piping bags.
Making sure to put on oven mittens, Yeosang carefully took out the sugar cookies from the oven and placed the tray on the counter, fanning them out gently.
"Perfect! Now we can start decorating them!" You handed a bag to Yeosang.
Yeosang and you quietly began decorating the cookies, adding different figures and cute designs on them. You felt Yeosang tapping eagerly on your shoulder so you stopped what you were doing to see what he had done.
"Hehet." He chuckled as he showered you a blue cookie decorated with a white Hehetmon.
That wasn't the end, he then held up a cookie that resembled an angry bird.
"It's Seonghwa Hyung!"
You bursted out laughing at how cute your boyfriend was. You were so caught up in your task of decorating the cookies, you almost..... almost didnt notice the hands that swindled one of the cookies.
"Yeosang did you just ate one of the cookies?" You placed your hands on your hips.
Yeosang turned to you with a shocked look on his face.
"Nnno..." He muffled a lie, mouth full of the pastry he stole.
You shook your head and tried to hit him with the nearby whisk, but he quickly evaded you.
"You know I have a sweet tooth!"
❄𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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San made sure not to hurt himself as he hammered the nails onto the wall. It wasn't easy considering a certain furry feline decided it was a good time to start rubbing her body on his leg.
"Byeol, babygirl. As soon as I'm finished I'll give you cuddles ok?" He smiled down at the cat.
The cat however glared at him. Hissing softly, she left to join you on the couch, where you were busy trying to finish filling the stockings with goodies and candies. Byeol began meowing at you, sprawling her body across your lap.
"Byeol, sweetheart. Soon ok?" You said as you gently put her down, which she did not appreciate.
Soon both you and San were finished.
"Ok. Let's hang them up now."
You two slowly placed two stockings first, testing the waters to make sure they wouldn't fall off or rip. You both stepped back and let it stay for a few seconds before deciding it was ok.
"We did it!" San clapped as he turned back to you and gave you a high five and then pulled you in for a hug.
"All right. Let's finish putting the others-"
You couldn't finish your sentence when you two turned around and saw that the rest of the stockings had been ransacked through, some of them even with a couple of tears. You guys then witnessed a very angry cat perch itself on the top of the couch, daring you to say something.
"Ah come on Byeol! We worked really hard on them!" San complained but was met by a low hiss.
You giggled. "Come on. Let's just drink some hot chocolate and give snuggles to our child before she decides to tear up the Christmas tree."
❄𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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Mingi hopped from one side of the stove to another, peering down at your task of slowly stirring the boiling pot in front of you. He turned his face, bringing it really close to yours.
"Is it ready yet?"
You sighed as he asked for the 6th time in less than 2 minutes.
"Mingi, I told you the hot chocolate will be ready soon." You repeated to him.
He whined and shook his shoulders slightly. Rolling your eyes, you handed him the spoon.
"Stir this for a bit. I'm gonna run down to the bathroom for a while."
Taking off your apron, you made a quick stop at the restroom. As soon as you came out, you head Mingi yelp from the kitchen. Quickly pulling out the first aid kit, you ran back to see what happened. Mingi's bottom lip quivered as he held out his hand.
"I accidentally burnt myself." He whimpered softly.
You tried to be as careful as possible while you rubbed ointment on the red patch on his skin and finished bandaging it up.
"There. All better?" You asked.
Mingi smiled shyly. "Can you kiss it to make the boo boo feel better?"
You giggled and tenderly kissed his hand. "You know you're such a dork..."
Leaning up, you pecked his lips.
"But you're my dork."
❄𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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"Wooyoung. Press start now." You urged him.
"No! I'm not starting the movie until the popcorn is ready." He wouldn't budge.
"You won't miss much of it." You shook his arm.
"I am not starting a movie until all the required snacks are in place."
Right at that moment, the microwave beeped and Wooyoung quickly sped over to retrieve the popcorn. As soon as he set it down, he jumped back inside the pillow and blanket fort you two created, effectively tackling you down, making you groan and complain when he began adjusting around.
"Cuddle me! I wanna be the little spoon." He grabbed your arms and wrapped them around him.
You rolled your eyes but nonetheless cuddled up to Wooyoung as you started your Christmas movie marathon. Wooyoung would occasionally make you feed him popcorn or chocolate, or he'd end up throwing some at your face when you thought he'd feed you as well. He'd laugh every time you smacked his hand.
"Look baby! You're on tv!" He pointed to the screen when the Grinch came up.
"You're so annoying!" You exclaimed as you got up and let go of him.
Wooyoung wasn't having it though. He quickly pulled you back down and wrapped his legs around you, making you the little spoon this time.
"Come on baby. You know I'm kidding. I love you so much." He confessed as he attacked your cheek with kisses.
❄𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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Jongho carefully patted some more snow onto the snowman you were currently building. You had gone inside to get a hat and scarf to wrap around it. When you came back out and notices how focused he was, you decided it'd be fun to mess with him. Picking up some snow, you made it into a tiny ball before throwing it at the back of his head.
Jongho screeched as he turned around, but was met with another snowball to the face that you threw at him. You giggled at him as he stared at you unamused. He bent down and picked up a large handful of snow and began walking towards you. You let out a squeal and began running as fast as you could, trying to escape your boyfriend's revenge.
"Get back here Y/N!" He shouted from behind, a smile plastered on his face.
Jongho ended up discarding the snowball and instead tackled you down onto the snow before proceeding to roll you guys around on it. He ended up pining you down and both of you were giggling like crazy.
"Oh..." You stopped laughing and looked at the tree above you.
Jongho followed your gaze to see a mistletoe hanging by one of the branches right above you guys. He looked back at you and smiled softly.
"I mean.....it is tradition." He mused as he bent down to tenderly kiss your lips.
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners
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thomaslightwood · 4 years
Hi!! Can I ask please for I’m so proud of you with Gabrily please?
Anonymous asked: Fluff 44 for Gabrily
Anonymous asked: Please would you do stay with Gabrily please?
Hello guys! I hope you don't mind I combined all your prompts - but to make three different fics would take a lot of time so I decided to do this longer one shot instead.
Also, this is my first TID fic ever so please tell me what you think 🙏 I hope you enjoy this!
Send me prompt(s) + a ship and I will write something little for you!
PROMPTS: (11# fluff) “I’m so proud of you.” + (44# fluff) “You’re an idiot.” “But I am your idiot.” +“Please, would you stay?”
(It's set in Modern AU because writting fic set in 19th century cost me more research and time)
In Gabriel's dream was a lot of screaming. How father was talking nonsense and his skin was turning into a disgusting mess of scales.
Gabriel opened his eyes, struggling to breath. For one terrifying moment he couldn't move. Theoretically he knew why - his mind woke up before his body. It was still awful.
When he fully returned to his senses he sat up in bed. He was sweating. The apartment around him was dark and quiet. Gabriel shivered and looked at the clock. It was two a.m.
He closed his eyes. He didn't want to be alone right now, in this big flat. But Gideon was out of the city. He didn't feel comfortable to call most of his friends. He could think only for one person.
He grabbed his phone. It took a few seconds for his eyes to get used to the light. He dialed the number.
This is stupid, he thought. It's ridiculous. She would be pissed. I shouldn't have-
“Gabriel, what the hell?”
Gabriel took a deep breath. He was right. She was pissed.
“Do you know what time it is? I swear, if this is some stupid prank, I-”
“It's not a prank,” Gabriel said. His voice was a little hoarse. “It's... it's not, I swear. I just... I... I didn't want to be alone.”
In the following silence Gabriel regretted calling Cecily. To wake her up in the middle of the night and to tell her some bullshit. “I'm sorry I called you, it's stupid-”
“Where are you?” she asked.
“What? I'm in my apartment, but why-”
“Good,” Cecily said. “I will be there in fifteen minutes,” and hung up.
Gabriel stared at the phone for a minute. Was she really...
“By the angel,” he murmured. “This woman.”
He was sweaty so he decided to take a shower before Cecily's arrival. He wouldn't be able to sleep tonight anyway. Not anymore.
Gabriel just put clothes on when he heard the ring at the door. As he opened it Cecily was standing in front of him. She was clearly in her sleeping clothes, her hair in a messy ponytail. She was beautiful.
“You look like shit,” she said instead of hello.
“Thank you," he said sarcastically. He knew he didn't look good. There were shadows under his eyes, his hair was still messy from the shower. This wasn't his first sleepless night. Just the worst.
“I brought some stuff,” Cecily said and entered the apartment without waiting for Gabriel's response.
“I wanted to buy pizza but at this hour I wasn't sure there would be open restaurants, so,” she shrugged. “We have a few kinds of chips, candy, popcorn and chocolate ice cream.”
“I...,” he didn't know what to say. “He couldn't believe Cecily was doing all this for him. In the middle of the night. “I love chocolate ice cream.”
“Me too,” Cecily said amused. She went to the kitchen like she was in her own house. Gabriel followed mainly because he didn't have much of a choice.
She opened the fridge. Arched an eyebrow. “When was the last you went out to buy something?”
“I dunno,” Gabriel said, sitting on a chair on the table. “Last week?”
“Last week? We are Thursday now.”
“Oh. Well,” Gabriel shrugged.
Cecily looked at him with narrowed eyes. “In the morning we are going to the store to buy you something healthy.”
“Yes, ma'am.”
“But now... It's time for junk food. With what do you wanna start?”
“The ice cream,” Gabriel said immediately.
“Wise choice.”
They sat on the table together, bowl with ice cream in front of them.
After a few minutes of silence, Cecily quietly said, “Do you want to talk about what happened?”
Gabriel hesitated. “It's silly.”
“And ridiculous.”
“And you may be mad at me.”
“Just spill it Lightwood.”
“I had a nightmare,” Gabriel sighed. “For a while now. About... about my father.”
He didn't say anything else. Cecily already knew. Together they killed the worm his father became, after all.
“It's not silly,” Cecily said quietly, “Or ridiculous,” after a pause, she added, “And I'm definitely not mad. If anything, I'm glad.”
“Really?” Gabriel said, confused. “You're glad you were woken up in two in the morning?”
She rolled her eyes. “No, dumbass. I'm glad you called me so you're not alone now.”
Then she shook her head. “Glad that I was woken up at three a.m.,” she murmured. “You’re an idiot.”
Gabriel grinned. “But I am your idiot.”
Cecily rolled her eyes again but smiled.
“So,” she said after they ate the ice cream in their bowls. “I'm not here just to sit in your kitchen and be depressed. Let's watch something.”
“Okay,” Gabriel said. “I don't know much about films and stuff though.”
“Don's worry,” Cecily said with a devilish smile. “I have something in mind.”
In the end, they watched SpongeBob SquarePants. Gabriel was traumatized.
It made him laugh though. He also liked to watch Cecily smile.
They ate some popcorn and teased each other all the time. Cecily was joking how Gabriel didn't know shit for mundanes shows. Gabriel said at least he hadn't grown up with a talking sponge.
After they watched around five episodes, Gabriel realized it's past three a.m. He anxiously looked at Cecily. She probably should go home - he had bothered her enough for the night. But he couldn't imagine what he would do without her for the rest of the night. He would be alone again, waiting in the empty apartment for the sunlight.
She probably felt his gaze on her because she turned to him. They watched each other, their faces close. Gabriel could smell the chocolate ice cream in Cecily's breath.
He slowly leaned towards her, not sure what he was doing. Their lips touched, hesitantly at first. But they became braver. Cecily took his face in hands and kissed him furiously. He wrapped hands around her waist and returned the kiss with the same passion.
After they couldn't resist the need for air anymore, they withdrew from each other. They turned away from each other, trying to catch their breath. It was so hot in here. Was it this hot before?
“Please,” he said wait raw voice. “Would you stay?” He knew he was egoistic. But he wanted to have Cecily's company as long as he could.
She even didn't look at him as she said, “Isn't it obvious? Do you think I will come if I didn't plan to spend the night here?”
Gabriel felt relief. But couldn't not make a joke about this. “Considering what just happened, this sounds dirty,” he grinned.
Cecily arched an eyebrow at him. “Don't worry, Mr. Lightwood. I will preserve your dignity and honor.”
He hit her with a pillow.
Some time in the morning Cecily said she should go. But she made Gabriel promise her that he will go to buy himself vegetables and products - and that he will cook something healthy.
Gabriel promised.
After she left, he made a list of all products he could think of - vegetables, eggs, milk. And when he returned he started to cook. He has never done it before but it shouldn't be too hard, right?
He sent a photo to Cecily, saying As promised, I'm cooking. I think it's not bad.
A few minutes later he got a text back. I’m so proud of you, dumbass
He grinned when he saw it. They texted a few more minutes and Cecily said she would come soon to try this mess you call food
Gabriel was excited when she came. “Here it is!” he said.
Cecily sat on the table and he put a bowl and spoon in front of her. “Try it!“
Cecily did. At the first bite she froze. She slowly chewed it with a strange expression.
“What,” she said slowly, “the actual fuck I just ate.”
“It's one of the stuff mum was cooking.”
“Gabriel,” she said gently. “I think SpongeBob messed up with you because I'm pretty sure you cooked the sponge together with this.”
“I did not!”
“This only makes it worse!”
“It can't be that bad!” Gabriel said. “Give it to me.” He grabbed it from Cecily who was more than willing to give it to someone else and ate. He slowly chewed it like her and swollen with effort. “It's... It's not that bad...”
Cecily shook her head. “You are not allowed in the kitchen anymore!”
“But it's eatable! It can be-”
“No! Your food will kill me faster than any demon.”
They continued to argue, Gabriel unwilling to admit his bad cooking skills.
In the end they just ordered pizza.
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