#i forgot to upload the link to chapter 3 on my tumblr
thedarkone121 · 1 year
Summary: Clive and Jill struggle to raise an excitable four-year-old that views their mission through rose-tinted glasses. There’s also an imaginary snake that is really not helping her impulse control. At least Torgal is the best guard dog.
Rating: T (Implied Sexual Content)
Pairing: Clive Rosfield/Jill Warrick
Length: 2924
Part 2 of Fire + Ice = Water AU
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chateaaa · 3 months
☆ Hype Boy - Blue lock various
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synopsis: Blue lock characters with a s/o who is a kpop idol
pairing: Bachira Meguru, Rin Itoshi, Reo Mikage x fem! reader
warnings: fluff!! swearing(?)
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Bachira Meguru
- He be like 'how did i bag this girl 😍'
- He would always support your concerts and fan events, and you would support him in his soccer events
- He would grin and be sooo happy when he sees you watching his game, he would also dedicate his passes and goals to you, when bachira scores a goal he IMMEDIETLY looks for you in the crowd, grinning like a love sick idiot
- If bachira's fame rises up, there might be some rumours about you both and he cleared those rumours up by posting on his ig acc pictures of you on his pov and captioning how lucky he is to have THE L/N Y/N AS HIS GIRLFRIEND!
- He would have self doubts when he sees comments about you being shipped with other idols but he forgot about them when you gave him headpats :3
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Rin Itoshi
- He would literally be a lowkey fan, BUT WOULD BE THE TYPE TO BE PART OF THE TOP 0.05 LISTENERS ON SPOTIFY, this man is streaming on all of his devices when a new album gets released
- would also attend your concerts BUT THE TWIST?? yeah, he attends your concert BUT HE STAYS AT THE BACKSTAGE
- your manager and groupmates absolutely adore rin!! he would literally get vip tickets and not use them because he wants to stay backstage where he watches you shine like a star the guards already know who he is so he just goes inside lol
- Rin would be the type who's very friendly with your groupmates!! he's kinda like the second manager of your group (lol)
- Rin as a boyfriend would be the type to have your official photocard which he prayed to the gods to pull on the back of his phone
- Rin would get super defensive when his teammates ask why does rin have a kpop girl on the back of his phone?? bachira thinks rin doesn't listen to music
- Rin would blush soooo red when he sees you, watching his games AS THE L/N Y/N, without any disguise or whatsoever, he would literally get mad at his teammates when bringing up how HE BAGGED YOU
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Reo Mikage
- He would literally be your fashion designer !!
- would buy at least 20 albums when merch gets released AND WOULD GET SO MAD WHEN HE DID NOT PULL YOUR PHOTOCARD
- Reo would be the type to flex you to his teammates kinda like "yeah, the Y/N is MY girlfriend"
- Nagi would get soo tired to Reo's rambles about how lucky he is to be yours
- Reo would SPOIL YOU
- designer bag? you name it. Oh a new lippie product? what brand, he got you.
- Would suprise you with flower knows!! (i really want their makeup BAHAHA I HAD TO INCLUDE THIS)
- he would get so mad when he sees you getting shipped with idols, he would be very jealous, He would be so proud to be yours, but just like bachira he would be very insecure but he would be good to go when you give him some kisses <3
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a/n: inspired by newjeans! stan minji guys! this is kinda a extension of my series called super shy, go check that out at this link
I hope you all like this! i might make part two, or i might upload chapter 1 here at tumblr!! credits for the divider i used!!!
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solalunar-eclipse · 1 year
Strings Neither Green Nor Red
Chapter title: Orange Cross-Stitch (Payton M. Addison)
AO3 Link
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Spamton belongs to Toby Fox, all other characters belong to @brightgoat on Tumblr and Twitter.
(I’m so sorry this is late!!! I totally forgot to upload it earlier... ^^;;)
Pay hummed lightly to himself, performing the weekly task of adding all of his department’s earnings to his specially dedicated spreadsheet. It was both deeply complex and extremely organized (as well as color-coded!), which was what he liked most about it, and why he normally looked forward to this job regardless of the actual values he was adding in.
He faltered on the next notes of his jingle when he reached two particular numbers, however.
Video and Click’s earnings had both risen dramatically this week. Normally, of course, that would be cause for celebration, maybe even a fun extra purchase or two, but right now it was more frightening than anything.
Pay felt uncomfortable with parts of life that didn’t fit with the data, and this was a massive disjoint that had been weighing on his mind for a while. Neither Video nor Click had any reason to be earning more than usual—even Vid’s sale to Queen a couple weeks ago couldn’t account for the steady rise in pay day after day.
He didn’t want to stress anyone out, however, so he’d been keeping quiet about this on all fronts. The thing was, though, the only other time they’d seen such a sharp rise in earnings was…
“Hey guys! Guess what!” Vid called, sounding delighted.
“What is it, Video?” Mags asked, walking into the main room.
Next to Vid, a small, white Addison stood nervously on the carpet. “Uh…h-hi?” they said, giving an awkward little wave. 
Then, their salesperson training kicked in, and they strode forward, taking Mags’s hand and shaking it firmly—albeit just a little too long. “The name’s Spamton! Spamton G. Addison! Pronouns he/him, if you please, and it’s very nice to meet you!”
Mags smiled, finding this new Addi strange yet charming. “It’s nice to meet you too, Spamton. My name’s Magson, but you can call me Mags. I use he/him as well.”
“He’s a new assignment to our department!” Vid said eagerly, clearly excited.
“Really?” Mags asked, intrigued. “We do already have four Addisons, but a department of five is by no means unprecedented. And who am I to argue with Management…so, welcome, Spamton! I do believe we have a room that you could use somewhere in here.”
Spam’s eyes widened. “Really?!” After a moment, however, he remembered himself. “I—I mean, I appreciate it.”
“Ooooh, this is so cool!!” Vid cried. “I can’t wait to get to know you better! I bet we’re gonna be best friends!”
That was when it had begun. Video’s good mood, kick-started by Spamton’s arrival, had never faded. Soon enough, Click had focused his competitive sights on the white Addison (instead of all the rest of them), and everyone’s emotional well-being had gone up as a result.
Well, almost everyone’s.
B-but anyway, before Spam, the department had been a mess! Click had been trying to find a more aggressive competitor in Vid, but failed miserably, given that all Video wanted to do was have fun. Mags and Pay had both been stressed out just trying to keep the other two under control, leaving them with hardly any energy to focus on their own jobs. But Spamton had fixed everything.
Once Vid found an outlet for his energy and Click a target for his sarcasm, the other two were given room to grow and flourish in their own right, instead of being forced to act as buffers for the others. This had essentially doubled their income within half a year, meaning that Spamton had practically paid for his place in the department without ever selling a single thing.
…and Pay had never told him that. Not once.
Instead, when Spam had actually begun earning money, they’d all been jealous.
“Guys! GUYS!! I made another sale!” Spamton cried, bursting in through the door. 
A thick tension fell over the room—one palpable to everyone except the Addison who was its target.
“Sweet! For real?” Vid asked, forcing their smile just a tiny bit. They were proud of Spam, they were! It was just that…they were also a teeny, tiny bit jealous.
They all were, truth be told. There was an established hierarchy of who earned what, and everyone had been perfectly content with their place in it. Pay’s money was the most consistent, Vid had the greatest average, and Click had the highest spikes.
So then when—how—why had Spamton suddenly become the highest and most consistent earner?
What did he do to deserve this bounty, windfall after windfall?
Why him?
None of the others congratulated him, aside from a mild nod of acknowledgement from Mags. Click’s scoff of “Again?” definitely didn’t count.
Slowly, Spamton’s face fell, and he left the room without another word.
Pay felt sick at the memory. They hadn’t known! None of them had known what would happen later!
At first, when they’d heard that he was bleeding money fast, they’d all felt…a little self-righteous. Hadn’t they told him not to push too far? But then, he just vanished. He never came back, asking to return home. Word spread that he was being disgraced, evicted, even.
Mags had gone to the Mansion to check on him, without telling anyone. He’d probably been worried for Spam—not that he’d ever said as much.
But then, when he came back…
“What did you just say?” Vid snarled, rising to his feet.
“…I’ve deleted Spamton’s information from the system.” Mags repeated, his head bowed. “We shouldn’t be connected to him any more. If he vanished, then we need to make sure none of the rest of us do.”
Click and Pay were silent.
…Vid? Not so much.
“‘We’?! There’s no ‘we’ here!” he barked. “You did this without asking any of us and then you try to act like it was a joint decision? As if!”
“Vid, I did that to keep us all safe!” Mags cried, his eyes hard.
“Oh yeah? Is Spam not one of ‘us’ any more? Who’s looking out for him, huh?!” Vid snapped back.
“He made his choice!” Mags yelled. “So I’ve made mine!”
“And you made mine too, without asking me first.” Vid spat. “I can’t believe this.”
“If you have such a problem with my choices, then maybe you should leave.” Mags growled.
“That’s the best idea you’ve had all day!” Vid cried, stalking out of the room.
Pay shivered on the couch, silent.
In the present, he winced, the pain still as fresh as the day it had happened. If only this all hadn’t ever taken place…
…but it had. There was nothing he could do.
He busied himself with composing a new, small song for a future ad concept he’d had in the back of his mind for a while. Normally, he wouldn’t indulge himself like this, but he knew he couldn’t do his best work with all of these memories flaring up.
As he worked, he overheard Video and Click chatting lightly outside, swapping stories in a way that they hadn’t in ages. Vid laughed—genuinely—which he’d been doing more and more these days. Pay listened in a little more closely. Despite that, something was…off about this conversation.
After a minute, he realized what it was. Click wasn’t being sarcastic. At all.
Everything he said was something he truly meant (even if it did sound a little stilted on occasion). His tone of voice alone was enough to give that away. It was so uncharacteristic of him, though! Click was never so careful with his words.
Suddenly, Pay heard his name mentioned in the conversation, and realized with a jolt that he’d stopped composing. Almost frantically, he began to toy with his soundboard once more, hoping to remain inconspicuous. Luckily for him, nobody came inside, and he soon found himself reabsorbed by his work.
Writing that little jingle did end up helping him a lot, and so it wasn’t until later that night that Pay’s thoughts kicked into overdrive once more. What was it that had caused Vid and Click’s earnings to rise so drastically all of a sudden? They couldn’t have been called by Spamton’s mysterious benefactor, could they? Video certainly hadn’t—he was normally terrible at keeping secrets, so Mags or Pay would definitely have found out by now if that was the case. But then what?
He lay still, his mind racing and working through endless possibilities until he finally fell into a restless sleep. 
Pay jolted upright in the middle of the night, his mind reeling. Something important, something vital, had clicked into place in the back of his head while he rested, and now he just needed to figure out what it was.
The graphs of their income that he always loved to chart. Two parallel curves, climbing upwards. The brightness without even the slightest hint of pain in Video’s smile these days. Click’s almost-kindness towards everyone else, clearly a struggle—but one he was willing to work for. 
Logic demanded that the most simple answer should necessarily be the first one considered, and yet Pay had somehow passed right over it.
“Spamton.” he whispered into the darkness, the name something he hadn’t dared to say in ages. “It has to be.”
It all lined up now. Video must have found him first, because his data had been rising for longer. They would have hit it off relatively quickly, since Vid had never let go of the idea that Spam was still out there somewhere, holding tightly to their end of the friendship. It would have been easy to rekindle something that had never truly died, especially if Spam had felt similarly to Video all this time.
How Click had managed to work things out, however, Pay couldn’t entirely understand. Of course, the pink Addison had been searching for Spamton for quite some time, and had made his views abundantly clear about who he believed was in the wrong from the moment Spam had disappeared. However, he couldn’t imagine Spamton forgiving so easily without some sort of catalyst prior to Click’s apology. Could Video have spoken up for Click? Would their shared concern for Spam have been enough to unite them?
Video would definitely have more information, but Pay doubted he’d be able to get at it. If he went straight for Video with his theories and questions, he was almost certain that the yellow Addi would just avoid him or deflect until he could escape. Even the mere idea that Pay was interested in Spamton only once it was confirmed he was alive was unlikely to go over well, considering Video’s usual emotional responses.
Pay needed backup if he was going to learn more, and there was only one person he could turn to in order to get that.
The next morning, Pay burst into Mags’s room while the blue Addison was barely starting his first cup of coffee, green strings of calculations visible behind his eyes.
“Whoa, what’s up with you today?” Mags said tiredly, blinking in confusion.
“I figured it out.” Pay breathed. “Why things are changing again—getting more normal.”
“Pay, listen, didn’t we agree not to question a good thing earlier?” Mags asked, frowning.
“I know, I know, but I really think you need to hear the reason behind it. I won’t bore you with the details behind it, I’ll answer any questions you have afterwards, just let me explain.”
“Alright, fine.” the blue Addison said skeptically.
Pay sighed, relieved at the thought of finally being able to tell someone about all the ideas churning inside his head. 
“Okay, so, to make a long story very very short, Spamton’s alive and both Video and Click have seen him at least once.”
It was a good thing that Mags hadn’t picked one of his favorite mugs for his coffee today, as the one he had been holding shattered on the floor approximately three seconds later.
“What? How?” he gasped.
“Well, you see, it was just some basic logic once I was able to work backwards from the solution, although it did take me somewhat longer than I would’ve liked to—” Pay began, but Mags cut him off with a wave of his hand.
“No, not that—how did they know he was out there? How did they find him? Why didn’t they tell us?”
Pay shrugged. “For that, you’d probably have to ask them but I really don’t think that’s a good idea right now!” he yelped, lunging for Mags’s arm as the other Addison rushed towards the door.
“Why not?” Mags was shaking, his eyes wild. “Spamton’s alive, right? You’re sure?”
“Almost entirely certain.” Pay said.
“That’s enough for me. They’ve both been lying to us—I need to deal with this now!” Mags cried, pulling against Pay’s grip.
The orange Addison let go of his arm nervously.
“I’m going to call a meeting. This instant.” he insisted, rushing out the door with Pay trailing fearfully behind.
0 notes
hello there!!
i got 2 questions, hope you don't mind!
1. do you have any xreader fic/author recomendations? i'd love to read whatever you reccomend. it could be either here on tumblr or ao3
2. is there an anon list? if not, could you perhaps make one? if the answer is yes, may i become 🌌 (galaxy) or 🪐 (planet) anon?
thank you, have a great day!!
2. Answering this first because it's way shorter: I actually have no clue what an anon list is, but ofc!! You can be galaxy anon if you want, I don't mind :-D (Please do explain what an anon list is to me though lol, because I'm 99% sure I'd be A-okay with doing that)
1. Oooh I have so many!!! List under the cut lol (and I definitely forgot a lot, too 😭)
Let's start off with my most recent, Special Toppings. It's a really funny one and I've read it like, 5 times now. Basically, Edge (undersell Papyrus) hires a stripper while drunk to come to his brother's bachelor party (who Red/underfell Sans is marrying is never stated btw) and it's great. I'd also recommend going through all other fics written by this author. :-) Read it here.
Then, we have Fairytale Complex which is ongoing right now! I'm a few chapters behind at the moment, but as far as I've read it's really good! Basic premise is that you're Frisk's parent, and you're dealing with the monsters and the fact that they hurt your kid. This one gets, like, 29889 bonus points for the reader insert being gender-neutral. Read it here.
This one isn't for everyone, but There's Still Magic is also pretty interesting to me! Major TW for abuse, manipulation and other things like that though, as it's a pretty big theme in the story. Basically, your friend Taylor has offered you to live with her in this big house with her reverse harem of skeleton boyfriends, but it's... not great there for you. Taylor's an ass to the skeletons in the house and they're kept firmly in her manipulative hold, minus Mutt (Rus). The characters are a bit OOC in my opinion, but it's a good fic so I still recommend it! Read it here.
Then, we have ANIME IS REAL! It's really fun and I like it. Basically, Sans shows up at your doorstep (and, mind you, we're in our universe, so up until this point, we've only thought of him as a fictional character) and whoops, now you're in a mansion with the classic gang of skeletons. Very enjoyable. Read it here.
Until That Day Comes is probably my favourite right now, though. It's still ongoing, and I'm really curious to see where it's all headed! Basically, the fic starts with you waking up after... something, and after being missing for a while, with a case of amnesia. As it turns out, you're married to Sans, but you don't remember that at all. While this is going on, you're closing yourself off from all these "strangers" that are trying to help you and searching for your "sister"... I wonder if the sister even exists. Regardless, the plot is immaculate and the drama is to die for. Also the author, Sneakyfox55, has great taste in music and is a real cool person, so I'm just saying it'd be funny if we all pranked them by being real mean and leaving nice comments 🤷 Read it here.
This one is really long - (The Last of the) Real Ones. I feel like telling you too much upfront would ruin the whole fic, so I'll just give you the slightest explanation that is so vague it won't help, but: AU characters are appearing, and you're sent on a mission to collect them. That's all I'm going to say, but if you're the type who likes the reverse harems, this is for you. I really like this one! The reader-insert really isn't my type of character (plus minus points for it being a female reader), but I'm willing to let it slide because the story is so damn good. Read it here.
Super interesting - A Splash of Purple. Basically, you're a witness to a murder and Swapfell Sans is a cop investigating. I can't say much more, but it's a fun read! Still ongoing. Read it here.
All That Jazz. You're a bartender at a bar Undertale Sans attends. I really like the reader-insert (minus the fact that you're decidedly female). Still ongoing. Read it here.
Then we have Blacked Out, which is about Fellswap Sans. You have a one-night stand with him but apparently, you're also soulmates according to him... Still ongoing and only 2 chapters long so far, but I like it already. Read it here.
This one is currently on hiatus - Daughter of Death. It's not my usual type of story, but I seriously like it a lot. I really can't describe it because I'm not sure how lol, but it's good. Read it here.
This one I also have a hard time explaining, especially since it's not finished (and it might be discontinued? It doesn't say it explicitly but it hasn't been updated in years, so...), but Dead Ringer. This one takes place in the usual Undertale Universe. Warning for themes of domestic abuse and transphobia among other things, but the author put up trigger warnings at the start of each chapter with these themes if I remember correctly and I think you can skip those scenes entirely (but don't quote me on that). Sans acts just a bit OOC but that's fine, it's still a good fic so I won't hold that against it or the author. Read it here.
Got Crabs? is another unfairly funny fic that I would definitely recommend. It's a soulmate AU with Red (Underfell Sans) x reader. Read it here.
Bittybones AU!! If You Give a Bittybones a Cookie is really fun. You move into a "haunted" house, but well, it's actually inhabited by bittybones! Read it here.
This one seems to have been discontinued, but My Neighbour Could Kill Me is a fun read! It's pretty short, but regardless, it's interesting. Just know that you're immortal, and the AU skeletons live by the same street as you. Warning for gore and (temporary) death. Read it here.
Of Spells and Illusions is pretty fun too! You're in college and so are the Undertale characters... It's a pretty slow burn, but just know that it's with the classic UT characters, no AU shenanigans here, and it's got a pretty unique premise as all monsters disguise themselves as human! Read it here.
Nostalgia works off the concept of you coming from the normal Undertale universe before suddenly waking up one day in the Underfell universe. Also you've developed magic. It's only 2 chapters long so far (and was last update last year) so it might be silently discontinued, but it's still good so I recommend it! Read it here.
If any of the links lead to the wrong place or don't work, please tell me! :-) Also, I'll probably upload more fic recs sooner or later because these are far from the only ones I love and I've definitely forgotten a lot of them. ^^ Feel free to drop your own recs in the notes <3
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nightglider124 · 4 years
2020 Creator’s Self-Love Extravaganza/Creator Tag Meme/8 Favorite Works
Tagged by @tarisilmarwen  - Thanks for the tag, gurl! <3
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 8 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Well, shit. I have uploaded practically nothing in 2020 LOL. Like... I’m cheating with my answers but hey, we’re gonna count my favourite robstar week oneshots as individuals cos otherwise, I don’t even make half of the 8 lmao.
1.) Subscribe
Ahh, my current main multi-chapter AU fic that I actually started in August 2019 but I reckon it has seen most updating this year, tbh. It’s honestly one of my favourite AU concepts that my brain has ever birthed. A YouTube AU with Gar as the channel owner just feels like such a Gar thing and I’m so excited to keep going with it in 2021. 
2.) Nova 
I actually love this oneshot that was completed and submitted as part of my involvement in the dickkory zine that was created early 2020. I only posted the excerpt on tumblr which you can find by clicking ‘Nova’ as I thought I’d keep the whole thing just as an exclusive thing for the zine. But, I really loved writing that and felt my final piece was pretty great considering there’s a word limit and a specific theme to follow and it was such good fun, all in all so loved that one. 
3.) Simulation
I actually forgot about this oneshot until I was scrolling through my tumblr tags like ‘wtf did i even write this past year??’ and I remembered the atrocity that was JLD: Apokolips War and how the burning need to write a fix it fic for all my dickkory pals was literally overwhelming. I was actually pretty happy with the final product, despite it’s length. And also, it gave me the dcamu dickkory ending that I wanted lmao.
4.) Robstar Week - Day 1: Star-Aligned/Destiny
I think I was actually pretty negative about this when I initially posted it for Robstar week but since then, I have come to appreciate that writing anything during this last shit show of a year is a miracle so y’know, we’ll take it as a win lmao. I actually really did enjoy writing a oneshot that’s mostly between Dick and Wally and talking about Starfire cos it makes me smile. 
5.) Robstar Week - Day 3: Tamaran
Another addition for Robstar week that I actually really enjoyed reading as I love writing little moments such as these between the two dorks. Anything that is remotely adorable and intimate in a fluffy way is like heaven to me; whether I’m reading it or if I happen to be writing it XD.
6.) Robstar Week - Day 4: Fantasy AU
My absolute faveeeee for Robstar week, to the point, I am now in the midst of planning a whole AU multi-chapter fic around it. I fell in love with the idea of Dick basically being akin to a Witcher and being paid to ‘deal with’ Kory, a magic user which is prohibited in the lil made up world. I honestly vibed with the idea so much and even now, I love it. There’s so many more details and plot I wanna add into it so it will eventually be a whole fic but... it’s been shelved for a little while til I get Bound and Subscribe updated to where I want them. 
7.) Robstar Week - Day 6: Wedding Bells
I may start to sound like a broken record but this happens to be another submission from robstar week that I really smiled at whilst writing. It was great to take a fairly common prompt and just do an actual wedding so it was fun to slightly spin that around for how I wrote it instead. 
8.) Robstar Week - Day 7: Constellations
I already mentioned how I love writing Robin and Starfire in these little cute and intimate moments that are filled with sugary fluff. This is kind of another one. I really do believe they would have these little games or things between them such as a game revolving around constellations and guessing. Idk I just really enjoyed this one as well.
I honestly did not think there were gonna be 8 to list lmao. I wasn’t overly active in 2020 due to... *gestures around me* the state of the world for the majority of the year. I’m hoping 2021 will be a more productive year for me in terms of updating current projects as well as bringing some new things to the fic table. 
I taaag: @fireflyxrebel-writes @loubuggins @stefanotis @ships-bynoa and @spaceprincessem + anyone else who wants to jump in on this!! <3
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steve0discusses · 4 years
The Full Metal Alchemist Live Action Movie Part 8: Watch This Episode Covered in Butts be the Only One Not Flagged by Tumblr
Gonna be risky business and not only upload all of these caps the way I screenshot them--which has just SO MANY poorly CGI’d butts but also gonna do it on the Tumblr Drafts folder, which I have been assured works now.
I’m so worried about so many things, but considering all the fears I have about like...everything else in the world right now...I guess I’ll take a risk on tumblr.
Edit: I cannot believe that I had 8ish episodes of Kaiba’s tall dueling tower get flagged but not this movie. I just....wow I cannot.
So anyway, last we left off, General Hakuro stepped in and was like “Hi guys, you like my wily plans that no one in their right mind would have ever guessed???”
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Yo remember this part of the anime? Where the bodies drop from the ceiling and it’s a hunk out of the final arc--it’s here. In this movie. This movie that can’t possibly afford to do that. Lets get some CGI animated bodies in here ASAP.
(see some texture regrets under the cut)
It’s like a Monet, as the Mean Girls say, because far away and shrinked to 500 pixels this looks kinda neat. They sort of look more like those slime ball that grow in the back of your throat rather than human bodies, but they still look pretty gross hanging up there.
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But then.....we zoom in. Remember again that this was full screen on my computer, and at one point was on a freakin movie screen. This level of 3d...was on a movie theater screen.
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The mind boggles. The mind boggles!
Like as you know, I am an artist, and I’ve dabbled in...basically everything in my pursuit to make a dollar...and I have taken about 2 years of classes in 3D art with Maya and all those. I’m not thaaat great at it--I’m much more an illustrator/painter--but I feel like I have that reference point. Can I just say--the model is...fine...you can do a lot with layers of bump maps so you don’t need a truly detailed model (not like they did that, because they didn’t do that, but I can figure that maybe they had an intention to do that and forgot?)
But, there’s no connection of the wires to bodies. They just kinda float? The bodies are also all the same shiny-ness? To the point that it looks like a copy paste? (I don’t think it is, the wires are slightly different on a few of them) There’s just not much in the way of a texture map or a bump map. It just...there’s also something missing from the skin.
Skin is actually kind of rough to render, so when I did it back in the day, I followed like a checklist to make sure I had all the layers and steps to make someone look...clammy. Some things are kinda translucent, they reflect light a different way...especially white skin like this wouldn’t be just...white like putty. Dunno if you ever saw a white person, but we got so many veins...there was so much potential to make something really gross and fleshy.
Instead we got silly putty. It’s fine. I’m fine.
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So General Hakuro decides to just...kill everyone right now.
This makes no sense to me.
That means that the whole thing of Lust killing Hughes was completely unrelated to General Hakuro. All Hakuro needed was Shou Tucker, who has been in prison for...I assume months since Ed shipped him off. And Shou was only released today? Just now? Just now when Hughes was shot?
So this all just happened at the same time by accident?
I mean the General sent us to the wrong lab initially, so he didn’t actually want us to be here, and now that we are here, he’s going to set off an entire army as a reaction to three people walking in and going “oops”?
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So, lets get a look at our army.
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Oh it was so disappointing, this reveal. Not just the eyeball that has a bounce light coming from below the top lip there (how did that even happen???) but also when it opened it’s mouth, it had a flat animation of skin breaking--it wasn’t actually rendered 3d skin, it was like a jpg wrapped around it or something (or at least that was the illusion I got. That is fine for a video game or a TV show, but this is a movie. This is shot so that it can be displayed in a size bigger than your own house.
What happened to the animation team on this one? Not saying I can do better, cuz no, I can’t, that 3d chapter in my life was a while back, but I’m just one guy. This was an entire animation studio and they just...didn’t render 3d face ripping (which is their entire job, to work in 3d) and then they kinda just turned on the stock physics dynamics and dropped em instead of animating them.
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The way they fell was like fish from a bucket--the same amount of speed, too. they all ragdolled like a 3D shooter, their rigs just hanging on for dear life (and yes, you could see the deforming happen on the joints of these models.) I’m fine with having a computer program render something out with a physics engine...but there is a balance.
You do have to still go in there and finangle it back because...real life is hella stupid. Real physics? So stupid. It was hilarious how nonthreatening it was, too because they’re like...the size of shrimps in that zoom out image. The scale is just so wild!
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It was like one bored guy in a sound booth and they multiplied his voice three times. Golden. Absolutely golden.
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So these guys stride over, all of them with the same amount of speed (leading me to think it was probably a recorded walk cycle they all share with slight alterations between all of em) and they kinda just...pile on eachother in a weird way.
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I will give them this: I was happy to see something that wasn’t physics or procedural. They mo-capped and animated that part for sure. It had the touch of an artist’s hand. It was also a very funny way for Hakuro to die because this guy was on screen for like 5 minutes, and maybe 7 minutes of this whole movie.
Youknow...I think it really says a lot about your nude 3d models if they’re not disturbingly human enough to trigger the tumblr filter, youknow?
Anyway, Envy looks on.
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And then Gluttony saves the city.
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Meanwhile, they decide to bust out the fire effects and Mustang becomes the most useful person in this entire movie. Like honestly this movie was poorly named, because it should have just been “Mustang saves the FullMetal Alchemist’s Entire Ass.”
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The next part seems like I forgot a cap, or maybe missed something. I swear to you, I did not.
First off, Al becomes fullmetal and makes this happen without an alchemy circle. The show doesn’t really care to talk about that though, it’s just a thing he can do now, and you’d only notice it if you were writing a Tumblr post about it.
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I swear to you, Winry is just inside of Al and there is no explanation.
There is no explanation for this.
She was on the couch...why is she not on the couch? What?
And then when you think they might have a moment, Ed’s like.
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For reals what the hell was that entire scene except for a way for Ed to get his arm stitched back on in like 2 minutes?
Outside, Envy and Lust are just strolling around the back-alley of this red brick building we have seen used for this entire movie.
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And like...it’s so funny to me because they weren’t trying to run or hide. It makes complete sense why they got shot. This is what happens when you just...walk away when the whole military guard wants to kill you.
Now lets go see how Hawkeye is faring.
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Luckily, all of the ambling bodies have decided to walk slowly through this one weird grass section between extremely long buildings.
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And Hawkeye tells everyone “You have to shoot their heads off” and I want you to look at that scene and tell me how many of those bodies still have heads.
Oh, all of them. Don’t worry about it.
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Kinda hard to see, but Ed shows up to give Mustang a hand, which was fully unnecessary but we’ll get to that in a bit.
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This movie is such a gem.
Ed goes big brain and realizes that Envy is still burned up, and thus is about to pass on.
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And whatever, I’ll take it. It’s not like the movie has told us that they are made out of 1000000 lives, for all we know, in the movie universe, they really are only 4 lives. Like half a cat. Maybe Father only killed half a cat instead of an entire city.
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Yugi Muto would be so freakin proud of Envy for how often this guy gets hit square in the chest with fire balls. It’s basically every scene where Envy and Mustang share screen time.
And don’t worry, I don’t think Envy died? But they sure made it look like he did, which I’m sure everyone everywhere was really happy to see, since Envy’s death was one of the climaxes of the whole series. Like people used to make these lists of “top 10 saddest anime deaths” and how many people had Envy on there? Like everyone? People freakin love Envy and they did him so much dirty in this movie.
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Again I have no explanation for Winry.
So Mustang is like, Ed, you make sure Winry doesn’t biff it in that corner, and I’ll do my actual job over here on this side. And yo, he did.
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And so then that’s it, Lust is dead, and now we have a Sorcerer’s stone.
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Man it looks delicious, right?
I’d eat the hell out of that.
Anyway, we only have one more update and we’re done with this movie!
I know!
I know! They only have 10-15 minutes to resolve pretty much everything, and that’s assuming that the credits don’t take up a heap of that. Hell, I might only have 3 caps next episode if that’s all credits. I honestly don’t remember.
Anyway, hope y’all take it easy this February, here is a link for people who just got here to read these FMA recaps in Chrono order.
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Ok so i just had the most stressful 20 minutes of my life i swear i hate tumblr sometimes
So i posted the new chapter like 3 times no kidding because it just wouldn’t eppar i don't know why it would said i posted it but then in wouldn’t apear of the feed so after trying like 20 different things it finally uploaded like it should!
Hope you guys like this chapter and i hope this doesn’t happen every time i try to post!!
Btw here’s the link tot the chapter just in case 
Also if you had recently asked me to add you to the taglist and I haven’t pls let me know because with all this mess of tumblr not posting I probably forgot to add some people.
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stitchcasual · 5 years
2019 Writing Review
Because it’s nice to be able to look back at things and say, “Hey, I accomplished stuff,” here’s my yearly list of stuff I accomplished, writing wise
AO3 Published Works
Love Roars Louder - for @xiz0r, a follower giveaway piece (that I’m honestly incredibly proud of) based on her Fenhawke art (3,432 words)
A Satinalia Gift for Eve - for @criticallyours, a follower giveaway piece of her Lavellan and Cullen being absolutely adorable <3 (3,994 words)
You’re Still Here - a Gladio-centric ffxv piece I wrote after finishing the game and drowning in feelings (1,991 words)
In Our Garden After the War - a ffxv gladnoctluna ot3 piece I wrote for @of-courf-not because he inspires beauty (1,855 words)
Protection - my piece for Na Via Lerno Victoria, the Fenris zine, featuring Fenris and my Hawke navigating their second meeting (2,724 words)
Official Business - my piece for the After Kirkwall zine, featuring my Hawke as viscount shooting the shit with Aveline and Cullen (3,052 words)
Albatross, chapters 45-53 - my in-progress Fenhawke longfic (61,772 words)
Total words: 78,820
Tumblr Published Fics
Whumptober Days 1-31 (minus 16) - collected under #whumptober (though it looks like I forgot to upload the last few days [you can find them all on my twitter])
doodling in boring meetings - a prompt fic for xiz0r that, shortly after posting, got art by both xiz0r and laugandraws :o (art-included version is linked)
Ferelden Fury, part 8 - my DA2/pacrim au that still isn’t done OTL but god it’s so close....
Total tumblfics: 2, give or take 30 for Whumptober
So...collecting everything under one post....I wrote......a lot in 2019. Some of this writing (especially Love Roars Louder and A Satinalia Gift) was definitely partly done in 2018 but it got posted in 2019 so that’s where I’m counting it. It definitely didn’t feel like a lot of writing while I was in the middle of it (probably because I kept starting new projects and didn’t finish 98% of them yet...), but it’s nice to see them all laid out like this.
There's one other piece that I finished this year but haven't posted yet because it's for a friend and I wanted her to have the first full read through it before I tossed it on AO3. That'll bump the word count up about 14k if I get it published by the end of the year but it's okay if I don't.
There are also several fics that I started writing this year but haven't finished (for a total of just shy of 25k on those). I'm trying this new thing with those ones where I write the whole thing before I post it...we'll see how that ends up going.
Thank you to everyone who's supported me through this last year! I'm looking forward to 2020 as the year that I finally actually finish a bunch of things (fingers crossed)...
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The Past Comes Back (Johnathan Pine x Reader) (Multi-Shot)
Chapter Two
Part 2/3
Words: 1,965
AN: This is part two of The Past Comes Back! Part One can be found here and Part Three can be found here.
I hope you guys like it. Sorry, I posted it twice! The link wasn’t working so I had to re-upload it.
Warnings: Angst, violence, torcher, language, blood. Like there is going to be some heavy whump level shit in this one guys. I got some of my ideas from going through whump prompts on Tumblr.
(Johnathan's POV)
The look on her face before she left broke my heart, and I hated that I was the one who made her cry. How could I have forgotten our anniversary? If I had just checked one of her texts or called her back...
I ran after Y/N into the pouring rain but didn't see her anywhere.
"You really fucked up this time, Johnathan," I said to myself as I walked to my car. "How could you say those things to Y/N?"
I walked back to where my car was parked and opened the driver's side door and sat down, looking out the windshield as the raindrops slid down it.
I didn't mean to ignore Y/N today, I just needed my space. For the past two weeks, she was always around me or trying to call or text me. I never meant to hurt her, but it happened.
The way her eyes filled with sadness when I said she was being clingy, the way her mood changed when I yelled at her. I loathed myself for saying those things to her, for making her feel like I didn't want her around.
The day I asked her to be my girlfriend, I promised I would never hurt her, and here it was on our two-year anniversary and I not only forgot, but I also yelled at her and drove her away.
I had hurt her.
I drove to our shared house, wanting to get home so I could make things right with Y/N. I pulled in the driveway and noticed that none of the lights in the house were on, not even the light over the front door that Y/N always turned on for me when she came home before I did.
I quickly got out of the car and ran to the door. It was locked so I gave a few quick knocks but there was no answer.
"Love," I called out, letting her know it was me. I waited but there was no reply. "Y/N? Are you in there? I am so sorry about what I said, please let me in and we can talk."
Still nothing, so I got out my key and opened the door. The first thing that attracted my attention was that her shoes were not by the door, also her bag was not on the counter either.
"Y/N?" I called out, getting a bit worried now. "Y/N, please if you are here, just say something."
I walked around the house and there was still no sign of her, and I knew she wasn't here. I was growing more worried by the moment, but I tried to calm myself down. Maybe she walked slower than usual, maybe she took a different way home. Whatever the reason, I wanted to go out and find her, it was dark and stormy, something could happen to her, and I also wanted to apologize as soon as I could.
I ran out the door and began my search, calling out her name as I ran. I turned the corner and, in my haste, tripped over something laying on the ground. I looked down and my stomach churned, it was Y/N's bag.
"Y/N!" I called out louder and picked up her bag. "Y/N, where are you?"
I didn't know what to do, all I knew was that I needed to find Y/N. There was one person who I could think of to help. I pulled out my phone and dialed the number.
"Angela?" I asked as soon as I heard her pick up. "Angela, she is gone. I don't know what to do, she is gone!"
"Slow down, Johnathan," She said trying to calm me down. "Who is gone, Johnathan?"
"Y/N," I said trying to keep it together. "She is gone! We got into a fight and she walked home, but when I got back, she wasn't there. I went out to look for her, and I just found her bag on the ground."
"Johnathan," She said her voice turning deadly serious. "Did you see anyone who looked like they were following her? Was anything out of the ordinary?"
"No," I said disoriented. "Yes, no, god I don't know. She had been acting different for the past two weeks, but that's about it."
"Acting different how?" Angela asked.
"She was acting, and I hate to say it like this, clingy," I cringed as I said the word. "She would not leave my side if we were together, and if we weren't, she was constantly calling and texting. She normally isn't like that, but two weeks ago she started acting like that."
"Johnathan," She began, keeping an even tone, but I could tell she was starting to get worried herself. "Please tell me she told you about the letter."
"What letter?" I asked my concern growing.
"Shit," She said under her breath. "Why does Y/N always insist on doing things herself? Look, Johnathan, I need you to come in right now. I will explain everything when you get here."
She hung up and fear filled my whole body. What did Angela about a letter? What was going on? What happened to Y/N?
*Time Skip*
(Johnathan's POV)
I didn't even have both my feet in the door before Angela grabbed my arm and pulled me to her office.
"Angela," I began as she sat down in front of her computer. "What the hell is going on?"
"You know how Y/N was one of our agents before you met her right?" She asked.
"Yes," I said. "She was one of the best, so I am told.
"That she was," Angela said as she typed on her computer. "Her last mission is still not a fully open topic, but you need to know what's going on. In short, Y/N was sent in undercover to bust an international human trafficking group. After six months, we had enough to bring them down, and so we did. We saved one-hundred and forty-three woman and arrested all sixty of the operatives, or so we thought. Y/N told us that one had gotten through us, his name is Flint Garth. She went into hiding for a while and when she came back, she retired. Everything seemed fine, but two weeks ago that all changed."
"What happened?" I asked.
"Two weeks ago," She began. "Y/N received a letter from Flint, and I told her to keep a wary eye out."
"Why didn't she tell me any of this?" I asked getting angry and worried at the same time.
"Well, she wasn't able to talk about the mission," Angela said. "And quite frankly, with the things she went through and saw during her time there I don't blame her for not want even mentioning it. The letter, I have no idea. I honestly thought you knew."
So that was it, that's why she was acting so clingy. She was worried about me, and I snapped at her for it.
"I'm such an ass," I said quietly. "Why didn't I just ask her?"
"What is that supposed to mean?" Angela asked me.
"When we had our fight," I said looking at the floor. "It started because I had forgotten our date, in fact, I had forgotten it was our anniversary. She was upset but what really seemed to bother her what the fact that I didn't answer any of her calls or texts. I snapped at her, said she was suffocating me and being clingy. She ran out the door, I should have followed her. Hell, I shouldn't have yelled at her. It's my fault this has happened, oh god, it's all my fault."
"Johnathan!" Angela yelled, bringing me back to reality. "It's not your fault! You are right about being an ass, but this is NOT your fault. Right now, we need to focus on getting Y/N back."
*Time Skip*
(Y/N's POV)
I woke up to pain all over my body, and I could feel something like rope or wire cutting into my wrists and ankles, strapping me to a chair. I could also feel rough fabric tied tightly around my mouth and eyes. I tried to get out of my restraints, but if I so much as moved slightly, they would cut deeper into my skin, and I could already feel blood.
"Good," I heard Flint's deep voice say from my right. "You are awake. Now the fun can begin. You know, when you and all your little agent friends busted our operation, it caused a lot of problems. I myself had to watch my back for a few months, making sure our angry buyers wouldn't come looking for me. I always said I get back at you, and here we are. "
I could hear his footsteps getting closer to me, along with the familiar buzzing crackle of a shock stick. I remembered that sound very well, it was one of the many horrible things they would use on the girls who disobeyed.
"Ah," He said. "So, you do remember this. You know, this was never my favorite thing to use, I prefer making them suffer more, but I guess this is a good way to start.
A few moments later, I felt violent jolts of electricity course through my body. My entire body jerked back and forth, causing the ropes strapping me to the chair to dig even deeper into my skin. I screamed, but the gag around my mouth muffled the sound.
After what seemed like forever, he removed the shock stick from my side and I let out a strained breath.
"I hope you are not getting too comfortable, dear," Flint said and roughly grabbed me by the neck. "We are just getting started."
He pulled his hand away and I could hear some kind of liquid sloshing. Then I was drenched with freezing water. My body tensed at the sudden cold feeling, and I could hear Flint let out a quiet laugh.
Flint did always seem to find pleaser in punishing the girls, he would do all kinds of terrible things to them, and I was honestly scared by what his mind came up with back then, and what he would do to me now.
Then he placed the sick on my side again, this time pushing the wet fabric of my shirt to the side so it would come in direct contact with my skin. The combination of it being on my skin and the cold water conducting it made the pain so much worse. I struggled against my bonds so much that the chair I was strapped to almost fell over onto its side.
"You might want to be careful," Flint said in a mocking tone. "I'm sure the floor isn't that comfortable."
He would move the shocker up and down my sides, pushing it into my skin as he went. I screamed until my voice went hoarse, but I knew no one but Flint could hear the muffled sounds of my cries.
"Well," Flint said after what must have been hours of shocking. "I am going to take my leave for the night. The real fun will begin tomorrow."
I felt relieved that at least, for the time being, I wouldn't have to endure anything else, and could think about how to get out of this situation. He removed the shock stick from my body and I could feel myself slump in relief when I heard his footsteps walking away from me.
"Oh my," He said and I grew nervous at his tone. "You think I am just going to leave you like that? How cute."
I heard him pick something up off of what I assumed was a table and walk back over to me. He lifted the fabric of my shirt once more and I felt him wrap something around my lower torso, and then he slipped the shock stick into the strap so it stayed in place on my side.
I struggled once more against the constant burning of the shocker.
"That will do nicely," He said and this time when I heard him walk away, he didn't come back. "See you tomorrow."
I heard the sounds of a metal door opening and then slamming shut. After he left, the only sounds I could hear were the electric sounds of the shock stick and my muffled screams of pain.
*Time Skip*
(Y/N's POV)
It had been at least a week since Flint had captured me, but I started to lose count of the days after about five. I hadn't slept once in the time I had been here. Even if I would pass out from the pain, Flint would wake me up so he could continue his torcher on me.
I was now only in my bra and underwear, my entire body covered in burses, cuts, burns, and bloody gashes.
When my mind was clouded from the pain I would call out for Johnathan, even though I knew he couldn't hear me. I missed him so much, and what I wouldn't give for him to bust open that huge door and embrace me in his strong arms.
"You know he is not coming right?" Flint said after I had called out for Johnathan for probably around the hundredth time.
Today was the first time Flint had removed the blindfold and gag, and I was able to see my surroundings. I was in a square room that was probably fifteen feet in length, width, and height. One huge metal door that had a small barred window in it. The only light was a bulb that hung from the ceiling above us. To my left, there was a table covered in knives, stakes, strange liquids and other things he would use on me.
He would change his meatheads whenever he felt like it, and now was one of the most painful I had been through so far. He had used one of the smaller knives to slice up my hands and feet, and then he placed them in bowls as alcohol.
It stung so much, and I tried to pull them from the bowls but Flint tightened my restraints so I couldn't. I struggled and screamed, my cries of pain echoing off the metal walls of the room. New blood rolled over the older dried blood on my wrists and ankles from my struggling. After a few hours, my hands and feet went numb and I couldn't tell if it was from the pain or how tight my bonds were.
"Why would he come?" Flint asked as I continued to whimper out in pain, not being able to scream anymore. "I mean, it seems like he doesn't really want anything to do with you anymore. At least that what it seemed like when he forgot your anniversary and pushed you away saying you were suffocating him with your presence. I wouldn't be surprised if he was glad to have you gone, one less problem to worry about."
At first, I believed him but I quickly pushed those thoughts aside, Johnathan still cared about me. Right?
"But if you want to see him that badly," Flint began, twisting a knife in his hands as he smirked at me. "I could bring him here."
I jolted forward as much as I could and let out a growl.
"I swear to god if you hurt him!" I spat at him, venom dripping from my voice. I tried to keep the pain in my voice hidden, but it still came out a bit shaky "Don't you dare lay a hand on him you sick son of a bitch!"
He came over to me and gave me a swift hard slap on the cheek, and I could test the blood in my mouth.
"Watch your mouth!" He yelled and I flinched. "You wouldn't want me to get the gag again, would you?"
*Time Skip*
(Johnathan's POV)
I had barely got any sleep the past two weeks, and only eat when I had to. Y/N was out there, going through god knows what, and we were still no closer to finding her then we were two weeks ago.
We needed to find her. I needed to hold her in my arms and tell her I love her, and that I was sorry. I needed to let her know she was the most important thing in my life. I needed her to be safe.
"Anything yet?" I asked running my hands through my hair.
"I am going to try something new," Angela said typing something in on her computer. "We have a few leads on where he could be, we have been trying to find him for months now. Before you walked in, I had just gotten off the phone with Scotland Yard and they thought they might have a lead on a fake name he could be going by now."
"Really?" I asked, hope in my voice.
"They have been tracking the accounts of a Peter Dune," She said and I could see her eyes reading wherever was on the screen. "He first caught their attention when he bought a large number of chemicals in bulk online from an under the table dealer. He has two addresses, the first is a small one-room flat in the city, the second is an old abandoned lot a few miles outside of the city."
"Well then," I said already walking to the door. "What the hell are we waiting for? Let's go get him."
Tag list: @theoneanna @mybabydrivesa67impala @lokislittleslut @camu-winchester @jessiejunebug @fandomnerdsarecool @narvelc00kie35 @kinghiddlestonanddixon @darkprincessloki92 @namelesslosers @turniptitaness @drakesfiance @wegingerangelica @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @imasultforlokiandspencerreid @vethrvolnir @scorpionchild81 @fire-in-her-veinz @dumbgopher1 @lokislittleslut @justagirl6sstuff @jilldsumner
The Past Comes Back: @vesper-lou @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @mylovelycrazyworld @sunnysidesidra
Let me know if you want to be tagged or if you have a request!
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krabmeat · 2 years
hallo dear krabmeat, it is I, the ghost of the mcyt au fest.
Just coming by to tell you that your gift has been posted to ao3 litteraly five seconds prior me sending this BUT you can't see yet cuz I'm still figuring out how ao3 works properly and I still got a couple chapters more to upload before I actually give it to you. But the first chapter is up somewhere and it's really pog ^^
Don't worry cuz your gift will be posted during this week, I will link the fic on a tumblr post and pin you when I finish fighting with it, I think you will really really like it.
Ain't telling you what it is yet, but I kind of made a whole AU for you and I'm out of ideas for its name, so if you were to name an au without any clue of what it is, what would you call it? That will be it's name. Choose wisely >:D
See ya in a couple days and I hope you like it, sorry for interrupting and bye ^^
ahhh ive never been able to figure out how to upload to ao3 either so the fact youre grinding all the information of it in your head for this is so fucking admirable holy shit dude- take your time though dont overwork pal!! and hmmmmmmmm, i dont really have an idea of what the au could be about (mainly because I forgot half of what I asked for SORRYSORRY FHSJFHDJFH) BUT I WOULD LIKE TO DEEM IT THE GOOFYGIRLIES AU THANK YOU MY FRIEND <3
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50funny · 4 years
Mage: Chapter 84- Gathering Intel (Part 2
Written By 50Funny
Part 1- The Crumbling Resistance
Liz , Bip, and 10 walked down a long corridor following in the footsteps of Dr. Rico. The corridor was lined with injured resistance members.
“Holy shit they really did a number on you guys didn’t they,” Liz said.
“They hit us in the middle of the night. I have no clue how they found us but I guess they must have followed us back from when our forces left the outpost at the border. They didn’t give us any warning, they just started opening fire on us. We didn’t have time to get ourselves armed and fight back so we just ran. We all scattered through the tunnels so that they couldn’t follow us as easily. Everyone knew to make their way here if anything happened so for the past few days we’ve been having more and more survivors show up,” Doctor Rico explained.
“Well, at least some of you made it. But what happened to Tia.”
“We’re almost there, ill let you see for yourselves.”
The group continued to walk down the corridor. Dr. Rico turned towards one of the doors on the side of the corridor. He reached out to the handle and twisted it. He pushed the door open and entered the room followed by the rest of the group. Liz stopped in her tracks as she entered the room and looked on in horror at what she saw inside. In the center of the room was a bed stained with blood and with Tia laying motionless with his eyes closed in it. His torso was completely covered in bandages with several splotches of blood staining them. He was hooked up to a plethora of machines.
“Oh my god… wh… what the hell happened to him,” Liz stammered.
“While everyone else was fleeing, he decided to grab a weapon and cover our escape. It's thanks to him that as many of us escaped as we did. But even he cant stand up to the entire military by himself. I don’t know exactly what happened but he showed up here a few days after the rest of us packed full of bullets and barely able to stand. In his condition I have no clue how he was able to get himself here,” the Doctor explained.
“Is he… well you know…” Bip muttered.
“I’m not dead if that’s what you’re wondering,” came a voice from the bed. The group all looked down to see Tia slowly opening his eyes up. “Liz… well you’re back sooner than I expected,” He continued as he pulled himself up in the bed to a sitting position.
As Tia strained to sit up the Doctor reached out his arms to help him.
“Don’t push it… you’re still in pretty bad shape, you should just stay lying down for now."
“Ahhh thanks for the concern doc but I think ill be fine. Anyway, what are you doing back so soon Liz?”
“You almost sound disappointed to see me,” Liz said sarcastically.” We’re here to gather as much intel as we can before we launch an all-out attack. We’re just a small part of a larger group, the rest of us are in and around the capital right now. Oh yeah, this is 10 and Bip by the way.
“It’s nice to meet you,” said Bip.
“Same goes for you, So your government is finally making a move huh? Took them long enough.”
Tia swung his legs out of bed letting out a loud groan at the pain that it caused him. Dr. Rico once again reached out to try and stop his patient.
“Tia what did I just say, stop trying to put yourself back into a comma.”
“I've rested for too long, I need to get back to work. The council has been dicking about doing nothing in my absence, maybe now with this lot here we can finally start to get stuff done.”
Tia pulled himself out of the bed to a standing position. He tried to take a step forward before tripping up. Liz reached out to grab him before he completely fell. She wrapped his arm around her shoulder to help him stand.
“Huh… thanks for that,” said Tia.
“Come on ill help you walk,” Liz said.
Liz and Tia walked towards the exit followed by the rest of the group.
Part 2- A Long And Pointless Wait
Liz and 5 laid down on the roof in the pitch-black darkness. They had been lying there for hours watching the police station and listening for any useful information. The streets had gone from being packed with hundreds of people to being populated by only the occasional person.
“This place gets real quiet after dark huh,” Alex said.
“I think they have a curfew, if you’re out after dark you need to have a valid reason and a permit to be out,” 5 said.
One of the strange spider-like machines came crawling out of one of the streets and into the main square that the pair watched over. Alex and 5 lowered themselves even further down to keep themselves out of the creature's view. The machine crawled around the square for a moment scanning every nook and cranny it came across for anything suspicious before leaving the area.
“And if you don’t have a reason then I'm guessing those things won't treat you too kindly,” 5 continued.
Alex stood up from his position laying on the ground and stretched out his entire body.
“Well looks like this plan was a total bust, all we actually managed to learn was that Pam in accounting is totally in love with Jim,” Alex joked.
“Yeah, guess we’re out of luck, any ideas for what to do now?” asked 5.
The radio strapped to 5’s belt suddenly started to let out a static sound. She unclipped the radio from her belt and raised it up. Alex walked closer as both of them listened to the static. The static continued to sound out.
“What the hell, is someone sitting on their radio or something,” Alex said in confusion.
The static suddenly cut off being replaced by a subtle hum. After a few seconds, there was a sound like a finger tapping on a wooden table.
“Now what the hell is this?”
5 had a moment of realization as she listened to the tapping. She squatted down and placed the radio on the ground. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a notepad and pen and started listening even more closely to the tapping.
“What are you doing now?” Alex asked his confusion only continuing to grow.
“Its morse code, one of the other teams is sending a message but can't just say it for some reason,” 5 explained.
Alex squatted down in front of 5 and watched as she continued to translate the message. after about thirty seconds of continuous tapping, all sound from the radio cut off. 5 stood back up and started looking over her translation.
“So what does it say?”
“It looks like it’s from 9 and 7… Captured, need help, taken somewhere, guards said Facility A2X,” 5 said reading off of the page.
“So they managed to get themselves captured huh, well that’s just great. Where the hell is Facility A2X?”
“No clue but we have to find it, if those two are in trouble we have to save them… come on maybe we can get more information if we break in the station and look around for ourselves s,” 5 replied.
Alex let out a cocky grin.
“Sounds like a plan to me, after how much of our time they wasted it might be fun to smash up the place a little.”
The pair both moved to the edge of the building and made sure that none of the machines were around before jumping off to the ground and made their way to the station.
Thank you for reading chapter 84 of mage If you like what you see consider checking out my AO3 at this link https://archiveofourown.org/users/50Funny to see all new chapters 3 days early.If you feel so inclined please consider following my tumblr for all updates and other tid bits. sorry i forgot to upload for the last few weaks but who cares really. Until next time , have a good one.
0 notes
hisazuki · 7 years
Toshokan Sensou Love & War Bessatsu Hen - Index 23
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*Very popular! A new arc starts ❤*
*The story of the man who cares for the Library Corps*
Toshokan Sensou Love & War Bessatsuhen - Index 23
*Super populaire! Un nouvel arc commence ❤*
*Voici l’histoire de celui pour qui le GIB compte beaucoup*
Toshokan Sensou Love & War Bessatsuhen - Index 23
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*To you who wished to end our relationship, I wish you all the best...*
Doujou: “If I had a time machine”?
Iku: Yes!
*A toi qui as souhaité mettre fin à notre relation, je te souhaite tout le bonheur du monde...*
Doujou: “Si j’avais une machine à remonter le temps” ?
Iku: Oui !
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Iku: This month, this magazine has interviewed various celebrities about this theme. They all gave rather interesting answers.
Doujou: I see.
Iku: There are a lot of very specific answers. Places they’d like to return to,
Iku: or shameful events of their past they’d like to fix.
*It was around the time when everyone finally grew accustomed to Kasahara’s new family name...*
*...that Team Doujou became lively immersed in this discussion.*
*By the way, this is how Doujou (Mr.) calls her*
*In private, he uses her maiden name.*
Doujou: Kasahara!
*In public, since they’re still superior and subordinate, he uses her rank.*
Doujou: Third Class Doujou!
Iku: A time machine, huh...?
Iku: Ce mois-ci, ce magazine a interviewé diverses célébrités autour de ce thème. Elles ont toutes donné des réponses intéressantes.
Doujou: Je vois.
Iku: Il y a beaucoup de réponses très spécifiques. Des endroits où elles aimeraient retourner,
Iku: ou bien des choses de leur passé dont elles ne sont pas très fières et qu’elles aimeraient améliorer.
*C’était à l’époque où tout le monde s’était finalement habitué au changement de nom de famille de Kasahara...*
*...que l’équipe Doujou s’égaya autour de cette discussion.*
*Au fait, voici comment Doujou (M.) l’appelle désormais*
*En privé, il utilise son nom de jeune fille.*
Doujou: Kasahara !
*En public, comme ils sont toujours supérieur/subordonné, il utilise son grade.*
Doujou: 3ème classe Doujou !
Iku: Une machine à remonter le temps, hein... ?
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Iku: I’d like to go back to my wedding ceremony...
Komaki: Right. Your mermaid dress was gorgeous, Kasahara-san. This type of dress looks best on tall women.
Doujou: Go back alone. I’ll pass.
Iku: Why?! Did you not like our wedding ceremony, Instructor Doujou?!
Doujou: Is it really something you should be asking?!
Voice: Yo! Prince!
Doujou & Iku: !!!
*The nightmare comes back to haunt them*
Iku: *Tch... It was a great ceremony, if you ask me...*
Doujou: *sulk*
*But thanks to that they made peace with Iku’s mom*
Iku: Then what moment would you like to go back to, Instructor?
Doujou: ...No comment.
Iku: J’aimerais bien revivre mon mariage...
Komaki: Ah oui. Ta robe sirène était magnifique, Kasahara-san. Ce genre de robe convient bien aux personnes de grande taille.
Doujou: Revis-le toute seule. Je m’en passerai bien.
Iku: Pourquoi ?! Tu n’as pas aimé notre cérémonie de mariage ?! (NDT: elle l’appelle toujours Instructeur Doujou, mais maintenant qu’ils sont mariés je suis un peu obligée de passer au tutoiement, et les deux ensemble ça fait bizarre donc j’adapte. Regardez la trad anglaise si vous voulez voir ce qui manque.)
Doujou: Et c’est toi qui me demandes ça ?!
Voix: Yo ! Prince !
Doujou & Iku: !!!
*Le cauchemar revient les hanter*
Iku: *Tch... Moi je l’ai trouvée très bien, cette cérémonie...*
Doujou: *boude*
*Grâce à cela ils se sont réconciliés avec la mère d’Iku*
Iku: Alors quel moment voudrais-tu revivre ?
Doujou: ...No comment.
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Komaki: Doujou does have some moments from his past he’d like to go back to. To erase them.
Komaki: Most of them have to do with alcohol.
Komaki: Like that time he was drunk for three days.
Iku: For three days?! What is that about? I want to know!
Komaki: It was a long time ago, at a drinking game...
Doujou: Shut up, you idi-... ot?!
*twists his arm*
Iku: Instructor Komaki, go on, please.
Doukou: You... I’ll remember this when we’re home!
*Tezuka also wants to hear so he didn’t stop her*
Komaki: You all know Doujou can hold his liquor pretty well, right? Even back when we were still fresh recruits, he’d keep his cool until banquets were over. So our superiors tried to make him lose control once.
Komaki: Doujou a quelques épisodes de son passé sur lesquels il aimerait bien revenir. Pour les effacer.
Komaki: La plupart ont trait à l’alcool.
Komaki: Comme cette fois où il a eu la gueule de bois pendant trois jours d’affilée.
Iku: Pendant trois jours ?! Comment ça ? Je veux savoir !
Komaki: C’était il y a longtemps, on avait parié à qui serait le dernier à tenir encore debout...
Doujou: Ferme-la, idi-... ot ?!
*lui tord le bras*
Iku: Instructeur Komaki, continuez, je vous en prie.
Doukou: Toi... Je m’en souviendrai quand on sera rentrés à la maison !
*Tezuka voudrait aussi savoir alors il ne l’a pas arrêtée*
Komaki: Vous savez déjà que Doujou tient bien l’alcool, n’est-ce pas ? Même lorsque nous n’étions encore que de jeunes recrues, il arrivait à garder le contrôle jusqu’à la fin des dîners. Du coup nos supérieurs ont comploté pour essayer de lui faire perdre les pédales.
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Komaki: They challenged him to a drinking game, and Doujou accepted because he hates to lose.
Blond man: *Let’s see who’s weaker, Doujou!*
Doujou: *Peh*
Komaki: Despite our superiors being able to hold their liquor pretty well themselves, Doujou crushed them all one after the other.
Komaki: But they had kept their trump card for last just in case, and he ended up having to face Captain Genda.
Man: *The last one will be him!*
Man: *Captain Gendaaaa!*
Man: *Can you still win, Doujouuuu?!*
Genda: It’s time you stopped, Doujou.
Doujou: I can... still...
Komaki: Ils l’ont défié dans un jeu à boire, et Doujou a accepté parce qu’il déteste perdre.
Blondinet: *Voyons voir qui est le plus faible, Doujou !*
Doujou: *Pwaaah*
Komaki: Bien que nos supérieurs tiennent plutôt bien l’alcool eux aussi, Doujou les a tous éclatés les uns après les autres.
Komaki: Mais ils avaient gardé leur meilleur atout pour la fin, au cas où, et il se retrouva à devoir affronter le Capitaine Genda.
Homme: *Et le dernier adversaire sera... !*
Homme: *Le Capitaine Gendaaaa !*
Homme: *Tu crois que tu peux y arriver, Doujouuuu ?!*
Genda: Tu ferais mieux d’arrêter là, Doujou.
Doujou: Je peux... encore...
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Genda (?): Doujou!
Komaki: What happened next was terrible! He could get alcohol poisoning so under the Captain’s orders, I made him throw it all up.
Iku & Tezuka: Oooh!
Komaki: As a result, he stayed drunk for three days. Remember how you had to bring a bucket to the training grounds and kept throwing up?
Doujou: I forgot!
Komaki: You really hate to lose! *Ahahaha!*
Ogata: Pfft!
Iku: *Ah~ but an angry young Atsushi-san... It must’ve been cute... ♥ *
Komaki: Afterwards the Captain scolded both Doujou and our superiors for going too far...
Tezuka: *The 1st Lieutenant was...!*
Iku: How about you, Tezuka?
Genda (?): Doujou !
Komaki: Ce qui suivit fut horrible ! Le Capitaine avait peur qu’il ne fasse un coma éthylique, alors sous ses ordres il a fallu que je lui fasse tout vomir !
Iku & Tezuka: Oooh !
Komaki: Du coup, il a eu la gueule de bois pendant trois jours. Tu te rappelles à l’entraînement quand tu passais ton temps à vomir dans le seau que tu avais ramené ?
Doujou: J’ai oublié !
Komaki: Tu n’aimes vraiment pas perdre la face ! *Ahahaha !*
Ogata: Pfft !
Iku: *Ah~ mais un jeune Atsushi-san en colère... ça devait être adorable... ♥ *
Komaki: Après cela le Capitaine a sermoné Doujou et nos supérieurs en leur reprochant d’être allés trop loin...
Tezuka: *Le Lieutenant 1ère classe [s’est fait disputer]... !*
Iku: Et toi, alors, Tezuka ?
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Iku: What would you do if you had a time machine?!
Tezuka: ...I’d probably go back to the time when you gave me a sports drink to cure me from my hangover and it almost killed me. *Hmph!*
Iku: *Ugh*
Tezuka: I’d scold myself for accepting the drink and remind myself never to trust you.
Doujou: Hoooo...
Iku: What about you, Instructor Komaki...?!
Komaki: I guess I’d like to go back to the time they played the bear prank on us new recruits. Had I known, I would’ve gotten the “bear-killer” nickname for myself, too.
Iku & Doujou: Uuuuugh!
Iku: Tu ferais quoi si tu avais une machine à remonter le temps ?!
Tezuka: ...Je pense que je retournerais à l’instant où tu m’as donné une boisson énergisante pour me soigner de ma cuite et que je me suis effondré. *Hmpf !*
Iku: *Ouh*
Tezuka: Je me mettrais des baffes d’avoir accepté la boisson et me remémorerais qu’il ne faut jamais te faire confiance.
Doujou: Hoooo...
Iku: Et vous, Instructeur Komaki... ?!
Komaki: Je crois que j’aimerais bien revivre la blague de l’ours qu’ils nous ont faite quand on était encore jeunes recrues. Si j’avais su, moi aussi j’aurais pu avoir le surnom de “tueur d’ours”.
Iku & Doujou: Aaaargh !
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Iku: N-Not you too, Instructor Komaki! You meanie~!
Doujou: You want to take it out on us both? Nasty piece of work...
Komaki: What are you saying? A married couple should stick together in joy and in pain, right?
Iku: Uuugh...
Iku: Well then... Vice Commander Ogata!
Iku: What moment of your life would you like to go back to, if you had a time machine?
Iku: N-Ne vous y mettez pas vous aussi, Instructeur Komaki! Méchant~ !
Doujou: Tu veux nous faire tomber tous les deux, c’est ça ? Saleté...
Komaki: Mais que dis-tu ? Un couple marié doit rester ensemble et se soutenir dans le bonheur comme dans l’adversité, pas vrai ?
Iku: Ouuuh...
Iku: Bon ben... Vice Commandant Ogata !
Iku: Quel moment de votre vie aimeriez-vous revivre, si vous aviez une machine à remonter le temps ?
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Ogata: ...
Ogata: My university years, I think...
Doujou: ...Break is over. Let’s resume training.
Iku: Eh?
Ogata: ...
Ogata: Mes années fac, je pense...
Doujou: ...La pause est terminée. On retourne à l’entraînement.
Iku: Hein ?
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Iku: Wasn’t it shorter than usual?
Doujou: It’s your imagination.
Iku: Hey! W-wait!
Ogata: ...I guess he was being considerate.
Ogata: *To put it more precisely,*
Ogata: *it’s my third year at university I’d like to go back to.*
Ogata: *A blessed time when my future was still a blank slate.*
Iku: C’était plus court que d’habitude, non ?
Doujou: Ce n’est que ton imagination.
Iku: Hé ! A-Attends !
Ogata: ...Il a voulu me ménager, je crois.
Ogata: *Plus précisement,*
Ogata: *c’est sur ma 3ème année à l’université que j’aimerais revenir.*
Ogata: *À l’époque bénie où mon avenir n’était encore qu’une page blanche.*
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*A past long gone that I still remember clearly as if it were yesterday.*
*Those vivid days...*
Voice: Ogata!
*Un passé lointain dont je me souviens encore comme si c’était hier.*
*Ces jours éclatants...*
Voix: Ogata !
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Blond man: Are you done with the report we have to hand in the day after tomorrow?
Ogata: Yeah...
Blond man: Wow, no wonder! Can you let me see it for a bit? Just for reference~
Ogata: No... *Of course not.*
Blond man: Woah! Here comes Akemi-chan, the idol of our seminar!
Blond man: *Akemi-chan! Let’s go and have a drink together today!*
Akemi: *Wha-? You’re so persistent everyday!*
Akemi: *Stop following meeee!*
Ogata: *Salutes* ...
Woman: *Salutes* ...
Blondinet: T’as fini l’exposé pour après-demain ?
Ogata: Ouais...
Blondinet: Wow, ça m’étonne pas ! Tu peux me le montrer ? Je voudrais m’en inspirer~
Ogata: Non... *Pas question.*
*Salut !*
Blondinet: Ouah ! Voilà Akemi-chan, l’idole de nos TDs !
Blondinet: *Akemi-chan ! Allons boire un verre ensemble aujourd’hui !*
Akemi: *Quoi ? Tu me demandes ça tous les jours, ça devient lassant !*
Akemi: *Arrête de me suiiiiivre !*
Ogata: *Salue* ...
Fille: *Salue* ...
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Woman: Your friend is always so lively.
Ogata: Well, yeah... He’s not a bad fellow though. *He’s cheerful.*
*I was attending the law department of our university.*
*Kayoko Takeuchi was another student in the same seminar. She wasn’t the type to stand out.*
*There were a lot of gorgeous-looking girls in our class who were quite popular with men.*
*But getting close to them was impossible for me. She was the only one I found reasonably easy to talk to.*
Fille: Ton ami est toujours plein d’entrain.
Ogata: Oui, mais bon... Ce n’est pas un mauvais bougre. *Il est enjoué.*
*J’étais au département de droit à la fac.*
*Kayoko Takeuchi suivait elle aussi les TDs. Elle n’était pas du genre à se faire remarquer.*
*Il y avait beaucoup de jolies filles dans notre classe. Elles étaient toutes très populaires auprès des garçons.*
*Mais il était pour moi impossible de me rapprocher d’elles. Elle était la seule avec qui j’arrivais à converser sans trop de difficulté.*
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*Who would’ve thought...*
*...that after 20 years, I would still remember her name?*
Kayoko: Ogata-kun!
Kayoko: Why don’t you ever talk to the other girls?
Ogata: ... Errm...
Ogata: *Hmm...* ...It’s like those girls and I,
Ogata: we’re living in a different flow of time...
*Qui aurait cru...*
*...qu’après 20 ans, son nom serait encore gravé dans ma mémoire ?*
Kayoko: Ogata-kun !
Kayoko: Pourquoi n’adresses-tu jamais la parole aux autres filles ?
Ogata: ... Euh...
Ogata: *Hmm...* ...C’est comme si elles et moi,
Ogata: on ne vivait pas au même rythme...
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Ogata: They speak awfully fast and keep changing topics...
Ogata: It’s like I can’t process what they’re saying fast enough.
*To be frank, it’s not that I wasn’t popular with the ladies.*
Girl: *Ogata-kun, I like you! Please go out with me!*
*Assertive girls would confess to me,*
*and I would go out with them.*
*While I was content just being with them, they’d quickly grow bored of my lack of loquacity and end up dumping me.*
*It happened a lot...*
Girl: *You’re too boring! Bye-bye!*
Ogata: *It didn’t last three months...*
Kayoko: But during presentations for the seminar your speach is very lively. And you’re doing fine during debates.
Ogata: Elles parlent très vite et n’arrêtent pas de changer de sujet...
Ogata: C’est comme si mon cerveau n’arrivait pas à suivre.
*Pour être honnête, je ne manquais pas de popularité auprès des filles.*
Fille: *Ogata-kun, je t’aime ! Sors avec moi !*
*Des filles plus affirmées me faisaient leur déclaration,*
*et je sortais avec elles.*
*Mais alors qu’être avec elles me suffisait amplement, elles se lassaient vite de mon manque de loquacité et finissaient par me larguer.*
*C’est arrivé très souvent...*
Fille: *T’es trop ennuyeux ! Salut !*
Ogata: *Ça n’a pas duré trois mois...*
Kayoko: Mais pendant les présentations des TDs tu es plein d’entrain. Et puis tu te débrouilles bien pendant les débats.
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Kayoko: ... *stares*
Ogata: *Uuuum...*
Ogata: Ah... Maybe I have some kind of on and off switch or something.
Ogata: Idle talk wouldn’t be possible when it’s off... And I’m no good at switching on “on” mode fast enough, so chitchat feels quite...
Ogata: ...hectic? or something. I can’t keep up with it.
Ogata: You’re usually alone when we talk, Takeuchi-san.
Ogata: And you quietly wait for me speak, like you’re doing right now.
Ogata: You’re calm and serene, and that’s why I’m able to relax.
Kayoko: You got the last part wrong, Ogata-kun.
Kayoko: ... *fixe*
Ogata: *Huuum...*
Ogata: Ah... Peut-être que j’ai une sorte de bouton on/off.
Ogata: Je ne peux pas bavarder quand il est éteint... Et comme je n’arrive pas à l’allumer assez vite, les papotages me semblent trop...
Ogata: ...frénétiques ? Enfin quelque chose comme ça. Je n’arrive pas à suivre.
Ogata: Tu es d’habitude toute seule quand on parle, Takeuchi-san.
Ogata: Et tu attends calmement que je parle, comme tu le fais en ce moment.
Ogata: Tu es tranquille et sereine, et c’est pour ça que j’arrive à me détendre.
Kayoko: Tu as tout faux sur le dernier point, Ogata-kun.
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Kayoko: I am absolutely not calm and serene, and I can never stay put.
Kayoko: I’m more bad-tempered than most,
Kayoko: and that’s exactly why I remain quiet in order to avoid quarrels or standing out.
*”A classmate easy to talk to”...*
Kayoko: Je ne suis ni tranquille ni sereine, et je ne tiens jamais en place.
Kayoko: Je m’emporte plus facilement que la plupart des gens,
Kayoko: et c’est justement pour ça que je reste silencieuse pour éviter les conflits et ne pas me faire remarquer.
*”Une camarade de classe avec qui il est facile de discuter”...*
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*That’s all there was to it. And yet, what made me conscious of her...*
Kayoko: Keep it a secret.
*...was that mischievous smile.*
*Our relationship changed during our seminar’s summer trip in our third year.*
*Study sessions in the morning...*
*...and free time after noon!*
Kayoko: You can’t swim too, Ogata-kun?
*C’est tout. Et pourtant, ce qui m’a vraiment fait prendre conscience d’elle,*
Kayoko: Garde ça secret.
*c’était ce sourire espiègle.*
*C’est durant le voyage d’été de notre groupe de TD, en troisième année, que notre relation a évolué.*
*Cours le matin...*
*...et temps libre l’après-midi !*
Kayoko: Toi non plus tu ne sais pas nager, Ogata-kun ?
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Ogata: It’s not that... I’m actually rather good at sports.
Kayoko: Then you should've gone to the beach with the others. You didn’t need to keep me company.
*The other students all went to the beach.*
Ogata: I can have fun on my own or with my friends, but... going for a dip in the ocean here surely means they have ulterior motives.
Ogata: I’m no good at reading the atmosphere so I’d feel bad if I got in someone’s way. Fun times are best enjoyed when you’re able to have fun without hesitation...
Kayoko: Are you implying that...
Author notes: The 4th volume will go on sale on June, 5th. I’m counting on you! I got a car lately, although I’m still a Sunday driver. I pray I won’t crash...!
Ogata: Ce n’est pas ça... En fait, je suis plutôt bon en sport.
Kayoko: Alors tu aurais dû aller nager avec les autres. Ce n’était pas la peine de rester me tenir compagnie.
*Tous les autres étudiants sont allés à la plage.*
Ogata: Je peux m’amuser autant seul qu’avec des amis, c’est juste que... s’ils vont à la plage ici, c’est sans doute qu’ils ont certaines arrières-pensées...
Ogata: J’ai du mal à lire l’ambiance alors je ne voudrais pas m’imposer et déranger quelqu’un [NDT: il ne veut pas pourrir le groove des dragueurs, quoi :P]. On apprécie mieux les moments de détente lorsque l’on peut s’amuser sans retenue...
Kayoko: Es-tu en train de me dire...
Mot de l’auteur: Le 4ème volume sera en vente le 5 juin. Je compte sur vous ! Je me suis récemment acheté une voiture, même suis je ne suis qu’une conductrice du dimanche. J’espère que je n’aurai pas d’accident... !
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Kayoko: ...you’re enjoying this walk with me without hesitation?
Ogata: I love going for strolls.
Kayoko: I see.
Kayoko: Ordinary fun as it is...
Kayoko: ...I feel like I’m fully enjoying this summer.
Voices: Cheers!
*Even at evening drinking parties, they all had ulterior motives.*
Kayoko: ...que tu t’amuses sans retenue au cours de cette balade avec moi ?
Ogata: J’adore me promener.
Kayoko: Ah bon.
Kayoko: Ça a beau être un loisir somme toute quelconque...
Kayoko: ...j’ai l’impression de profiter pleinement de cet été.
Voix: Santé !
*Même pendant les soirées, ils avaient tous des arrières-pensées.*
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*The merrymaking truly started after the professors took their leave.*
*Both she and I would try to leave early.*
Blond: *Today, Akemi-chan finally gave me the OK!*
Akemi: *I was deceived...*
Student: *Seriously?!*
Kayoko: I’m a bit tipsy so I’ll be going first.
Girl: Ok!
*I would often chase after her to walk her home after she left.*
*But since it wasn’t something we planned together beforehand, in some cases I would never catch up to her.*
Ogata: I'd like to leave the party with her, but if others start making a rumor of it it might inconvenience Takeuchi-san...
*That night...*
*La fête ne commençait réellement qu’une fois les professeurs partis.*
*Elle comme moi essayions de partir tôt.*
Blond: *Aujourd’hui, Akemi-chan m’a enfin dit oui !*
Akemi: *J’ai été dupée...*
Etudiant: *Sérieux ?!*
Kayoko: Je suis un peu pompette, je vais rentrer.
Fille: Ok !
*Je partais souvent peu de temps après elle pour la raccompagner.*
*Mais puisque ce n’était pas quelque chose dont nous avions convenu tous les deux, il m’est arrivé plusieurs fois de ne pas pouvoir la retrouver.*
Ogata: J’aimerais bien partir en même temps qu’elle, mais si les autres en font tout un foin ça risque de gêner Takeuchi-san...
*Cette nuit-là...*
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*...she was by the sea.*
Ogata: Can I sit next to you?
Kayoko: Sure.
Ogata: Here.
Kayoko: Thank you.
Ogata: So you’d rather go to the beach at night.
*...elle était sur la plage.*
Ogata: Je peux m’asseoir ?
Kayoko: Vas-y.
Ogata: Tiens.
Kayoko: Merci.
Ogata: Alors comme ça tu préfères aller à la plage le soir...
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Kayoko: It’s too hot and crowded at daytime.
Kayoko: It might sound like I’m a sore loser since I can’t swim, but I like the sea better when it’s cooled down a bit.
Ogata: Yeah, it’s not bad. *The cold sand is refreshing.*
Kayoko: Right?
Kayoko: Il fait trop chaud et c’est bondé en journée.
Kayoko: Ça fait un peu mauvaise perdante vu que je ne sais pas nager, mais je préfère la mer quand elle est fraîche.
Ogata: Oui, ce n’est pas mal. *Le sable froid est rafraîchissant.*
Kayoko: N’est-ce pas ?
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[bigger pic here]
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Ogata: ...Did we...
Ogata: ...just kiss right now?
Kayoko: Wanna make sure?
Ogata: ...On vient...
Ogata: ...de s’embrasser, là, non ?
Kayoko: Tu veux t’en assurer ?
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Ogata: ...
Ogata: ...looks like we did.
Ogata: ...
Ogata: ...On dirait bien que oui.
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Ogata: Takeuchi-san.
Ogata: Would you go out with me?
Ogata: I know I’m no good at talking, and I’m boring when I’m on “off” mode...
Ogata: Takeuchi-san.
Ogata: Tu voudrais bien sortir avec moi ?
Ogata: Je sais que je ne suis pas doué pour la conversation, et que je suis barbant quand je suis en mode “off”...
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Ogata: I’ve been dumped many times because of that, but...
Ogata: You’re willing to wait for me to speak and I love spending time with you, Takeuchi-san!
*It’s the first time since I was born...*
*...that I’m the one who confesses.*
*I can’t breathe.*
*My heart is beating fast.*
*I'm sure...*
Ogata: J’ai été largué plein de fois à cause de ça, mais...
Ogata: Tu as la patience d’attendre que je parle, et j’adore être avec Takeuchi-san !
*C’est la première fois depuis que je suis né...*
*...que c’est moi qui fais ma déclaration.*
*Je n’arrive plus à respirer.*
*Mon cœur bat la chamade.*
*Je suis sûr...*
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Kayoko: I like you too, Ogata-kun.
*...that I will never forget this day.*
Kayoko: So I’m happy!
Kayoko: Moi aussi je t’aime, Ogata-kun.
*...que ce jour restera à jamais gravé dans ma mémoire.*
Kayoko: Alors je suis heureuse !
Hisa’s thoughts on the chapter: 
This is the start of Ogata’s arc that should span 4 chapters. This first glimpse is really sweet, and it’s nice to see that “older” characters get to have their own background story too. Read carefully the upcoming chapters, you’ll see this arc is not as innocent as it may seem! And for those who are only here for the main characters, see you in Index 27!
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