#i found out about it from my aunt cuz she played it SO MUCH
lady-rafael · 6 months
Mental health rant under neath the cut
Idk generally bad thoughts no privacy dublde standards
I can't deal with this shit no more fucki can't deal with this shit to many double standers just cuz I was born with a vagina man to many double standers and no one irl to this shit about ngl online freinds are banger but can't shake there shoulders for emphasis lol my brothers get away with anything for having dicks idk if jts the teen age hormones menstruation or me just over reacting but I'm angry and cmat deal with this shit sobbing rn but here's no privacy in this damm house I have no rooms even tho my brothers tho can't lock no doors no ii dropped a quikt over my self put the ac on and hope I don't get a heat stroke I'm already fasting tho to the cult known as islam some Muslims are nice and shit but I don't want to be in this cult where I can't even be bisexual in peace but I prefer not be stoned to death even tho that would mean I die and I don't have to deal with this shit but fuck I can't day before I tell my family to fuck off eat ass telll them u shouldn't children amd send them a pic of my kissing a women that would be funny but goddam I can't deal with the fact my brothers and steal my shit be bifchy hurt me whatever and if I complain I get the same damm response
Brothers are just like that
Fuck the best I get is my nice aunt saying they should be nicer I can't deal with my mother's telling me weather she disciples them or not there gonna be like that mo birth giver this sis your fualt I'm a bit bitchy at times but I'm fine amd our westerners magic or some shit or are there boys women in discise no matter what I do they arnt gonna take me seriously fuck once I told my mother I tried to kill me self (it was bout something stupid lol) she went on and on about that would ruin there reputation and shit fuck amd the thing is I'm self aware his shit is wrong but fuck I'm a supposed to do about it I'm here sobbing under a quilt having a heat stroke but the thing I ain't making a single noise beacuse I masterd the art of crying silent I hold my breath then I take a breath quickly so nothing goes out fuck I wanna draw but I can't beacuse my brothers lost my coulers reasonable I still have more then enough to draw beacuse it was a big set with 2 hundred coukers but jt a gift and my maybe autistic ass can deal with so many of them missing I want my set back I want my fans sharpener and fancy eraser back I lost one couler man ONE YET THERES still so many missing my brothers call me so many names yet they go off scott free I have afew online freid s one I vent to but he made the mistake kf being born a boy and I'm a girl so no I can't talk to him fuck and I have no privacy my mom says no privacy till marriage but maybe thags my fault for being bad with technology I changed changed my accounts to my on only a matter of time till my brothers complain to mum about it but my acount was made by brother but I forgot that so I have have find out how to change that if possible amd my conversations are spied by my brothers its so unfair maybe its just a hormonsbut I can't dealcwih this shit why is everything my fault I have half mind mind cut of my breasts and vagina and did I mention I can't run bescuse my chest is developing and I lady shouldn't run and shit while my brother can go fuck of and play football I understand that thers ba dpeople who want ogle at breats and I understand I'm developing my chest a bit earlier then other but dose that mean the little child hood I have should be takes from me should I filch from my mother while my brothers don't why do I have so many more rules that others don't I can't deal with this man I can't I'm so depressed I'm not even writing poetry like usual why are my hobby cringe and weird but when my brothers do it it's different and cool my one escapism famfictions where no matter how much shit tommy goes throw he eventually gets his found family and a happy ending but why don't I!!! Its unfair I go throw dukble the hurt none the fluff my brothers constantly shit on it why are you reading GAY fanfictions when jts gen GEN only reason they think it's gay is because they can't read the tags and think the fact
Tommy innt talks to tubbo
Means tommy is violently fucking him il admit I read original smut time to time but get it right I would never read shut about real people even if it's about the characters my brothers also fuckin gread fanics one of my brother lotions to narouto fnafics the other used to write jojo fan fics prob still dose maybe but I was the only one he felt safe and comfortable enough to show what changed! Now he shots on the fact I write and read i would never think about showing him what I write he tales my things and gets no consequences I'm younger and a bit weaker so I can't even hit him if i do he hits my harder then I scolded this is so fucking unfair i just what someone who o cam show my things who I can love maybe I read to much fanfics of happy endings but lord i wish I could get a time skip to my happy ending skip my hurt I could spend this time writing my storys next chapter but gods I don't want to do anything nowadays I know the reason I want to into the sport club is so I can spend less time at my home call it escapism if you want but gods I don't know man i just don't wanna do this I wanna leave every one is my family sucks but I still love them and that's why it hurts I don't wanna do any of this I don't want to be Muslim I don't wanna be in the closet I don't want to hide hiw fuckimg feminist I am my brothers will proudly say
They hate Indians and there racist they will be say there transphobic homophobic racist sexsist abalist etc my fucking freind is a gay trans man who's autist I'm freinds with a Indian online I think women are fucking sexy I belive everyone deserves rights I don't agree with anything of them I almost wish I was worse all those bad things just so i cam fit in I get so jealous when I read fanfics of loving sibling dynamics now a days why can't I have that Why it's just so unfair I don't wanna do this I don't wanna do this gods I'm blaming this on my peiord but before I leave why the fuck is that so tabbo man why half the population dose it so why do I have to hide it man why are man's so macho when they can't handle the thought that i bleed of my vagina I can't deal with this bullshit man I can't being a women sucks i wanna kiss a girl fuck boy kisser I wanna be a girl kisser women are sexy and oh did i mention what a fucked up relationship I have with my body i once got sick as fuck and my mother said that atleast I'm losing so much weight beacuse of this like mom that's not a good thing I like the compliments I get but it's not worth being hungry and I'm still fat it's so unfair i can't deal with this shit no one fuckinb knows I'm crying bescuse I'm crying so silently when I want to scream so bad rn I'm natursly a scream Cryer but I had to master being silent gods I don't wanna live like this
Peace out yall love your self drink water
I'm gonna go kill my self/jkjk
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femmefighter · 4 months
So, I was wondering why did Sabine have Murley, when I first saw the little fella. At first I thought that it was because of Ezra, cuz Murley is a loth-cat. But since you have filled my brain with sokabine goodness(and I am very thankful for it), I have got another theory. From your WIP, Reach out and feel me, I have encountered many moments where Ahsoka is a literal loth-cat: like she purrs, snarls, growls, etc. So my point is, did Sabine get Murley because he reminds her of Ahsoka in that way? I just imagine Murley purring on Sabine's lap and she suddenly gets a memory of Ahsoka purring everytime, they cuddled in her bunk on the T-6.
I just wanted to share this one😅😅😅. Perhaps you have already collected the points with your masterbrain, but still.
Well, Anon, crying into my morning coffee thinking about Sabine clinging to a purring Murley while her heart aches over Ahsoka was not how I anticipated starting my day, yet here we are! 😂
Your thought processes are valid, and even admirable! But you are missing one universal truth: The Universal Cat Distribution System. Sabine didn't get Murley; rather, he got her. He always dreamed of having his own slave, I mean, human, to spoil him rotten, to give him chin scratches, extra scoops of dry kibble and a warm house to curl up in.
But, why did Sabine agree to this servitude? Well, it wasn't out of memory of Ezra, or over grief of Ahsoka.
It was little Jacen.
In the year between the Battle of Endor and the Battle of Jakku, Hera had sent a heartbroken Sabine back to Lothal, along with her son. Hera knew the hunt for Shadow Wing and the fight to stop Operation Cinder would be too dangerous to risk having Jacen with the fleet. So Sabine had a distraction in little Jace, taking him to the plains of Lothal to watch the lothcats play. Jacen would connect so well with them, reminding Sabine about how much of a better Jedi this 4 year old was than she ever could be.
When Hera returned after the Battle of Jakku and took Jacen to Coruscant with her, Aunt Sabine found herself alone again, not realising how much of a good distraction Jacen's company was from her grief. One lothcat also seemed to miss Jacen also, following Sabine around in hopes the little green-haired human would appear and submit to his affectionate demands. Jacen had already named all the lothcats that roamed near the comms tower, and Sabine's brilliant mind remembered each cat by their markings. So she picked the lothcat up, and with his willingness, she decided to carry him up to the comms tower living quarters she'd just moved into.
It wasn't until that night, when Murley thought he'd show his superiority to the human by curling up on Sabine's head to sleep, that she heard and felt the purring. Each vibration was a small cut into her very heart, and as she cried herself to sleep, she wondered what lesson the Force was trying to teach her in that moment.
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pokefanbri · 7 months
Bri's back story
Little back story, my mom's birthday is Halloween btw lol 🎃 She was a very wild child & couldn't be controlled by grama & grampa rip. Who always compared her to her older siblings who were roudy & eventually became roudy herself. Conceived me & twin bro in New Orleans where she had fun & came back pregnant w/us, Grampa passed in 96 & the fam split, she raised 4 kids on her own, did crack & broke under the pressure, got us taken away is the gist.
We were put in foster care when I & my twin bro (13) & 2 younger siblings were all split up into group homes after twin bro called cps & snitched on her, can't forgive her, paint himself as the victim & says I abandoned the family of which was only his opinion nobody else's. Since I reunited with her I'm unforgivable & discarded by him & my aunt by association. But honestly foster care was probably the best thing for us cuz we struggled to eat at home, whereas actually well taken care of my the government. Twin & I got through our HS careers in separate schools w/the same build blueprint so was like a twin school...thank God he would have cramped my style 😎 We got jobs at 16 to save for apt after emancipation. The only issue was visitations, they wouldn't let us see her cuz CPS is ALWAYS AGAINST THE MOTHER... denied her rights to see us but we could see each other. (cuz drugs are involved regardless if from good homes or not, I had a roommate w/a similar situation w/her kids but she was a good mom) My younger bros got adopted out into & nice family, twin bro naturally got adopted by them as well but at 19 cuz he wanted what they had. Right b4 that he crashed at my earned apartment, that I had in high school. They got all their own cars & everything they wanted, big but messy house. However I went a diff route & not knowing it was an option to be adopted, I did everything on my own & humbled myself on the bottom living my own struggle....... while they floated in a pool & had loving parents & went on cruises without me. But none of them know God, it's a shame really how reverse the world seems. But I understand why He made it this way, for my life to be in shambles is with a relationship with Him & it gets easier after every lesson, more interesting too never a dull moment. He's going to weed out the truly faithful from liars in the end. There's no hiding from God, He's gonna do everything in the perfect order according to His plan. Everything I've experienced is all part of the process & I just have to stay patient
Twin Bro always played video games & ignored everything. Loves Harry potter & looks just like him. Smart, won a bike from a Geography B. Loves Britney Spears (I found out that Britney is the female version of his name 🤣 no wonder) was introduced to a lot of games by watching him play Playstation, & GameCube that we shared but never let me play, so I was stuck playing our N64. Fought with mom a lot about her secret addiction. All we had was each other growing up for a while until our siblings came around. We kind of drifted apart but not my choice. He's the only person in the family that thinks I abandoned them when it's literally an obviously reverse, only cuz I was associated mom at all in the past. He wants nothing to do with her so he wants something to do with me as well. I'm always compared to my mom and I hate it.
Middle child always had a knack for making money 💰 starting young ADHD & had wild ideas to get in trouble. Always high, scheming, has multiple businesses going but seems to always be broke & asking for money, & has 4 kids. Usually only concerned about how he can use u to his advantage & how much he can make off of u. However he may be Fked up the most & may need an exorcism due to antichrist & blasphemous behavior.
Youngest grew up right cuz he was too young & is very very funny, actually cares about me but doesn't know me very well unfortunately.
I've always been quiet ordered around to do the chores and clean the house like Cinderella. Wake everyone up, get the little ones ready for school as well as myself. Babysat my brother's constantly, was mothering them from a young age making sure they didn't get into trouble, while my twin brother played video games the whole time & mom got high. She did the best she could with 4 kids I guess, but gave up, clouded judgement by the drugs. We were quite a few years away from coming back home to Tucson from Iowa & well that's a whole other story back east. I believe when my Youngest brother's abusive dad was in jail it was a chance for us to leave & come home. Actually glad he didnt know his dad, the worst kind of paranoid schizophrenia, not the kind I am...the untreated scary psycho kind with hitting involved 😰 u dont wanna know. So years go by & after staying with my mom's friend & her kids for a while, we got our own place. & Years after 9/11, in 2004 we were taken by cps. I was still ordered to clean every day til I got my own apartment & had no choice but to clean, now I'm ocd to a point lol. Eventually mom went to rehab & everything we own was thrown into the garbage. Me being sneaky, went back to our apt after school during my time at the group home when I wasn't supposed to & stuffed my backpack with my CDs, book collections of rare Pokémon & 95% girly Yugioh cards of which I Eventually gave away which was so stupid of me 😫😓 Took a while to collect em all. The yugioh cards may still be at my church's youth group building where the African intergeated church now resides...wonder if they're still there like in the back room.
Anyway mom spoiled twin more than all 4 of us to keep his mouth shut about her drug use after she told him,fought w/her alot whilst being spoiled at the same time while I cleaned & took care of the younger 2. While twin played video games I was screamed at with curse words & told to do everything for her except cook, traumatized the fk outta me. However paid me to play yazzi with her sometimes when she was high lol. Guys & friends going in & out of the place all the time, they didn't scare me...I learned to be very protective & wary. Misspent youth growing up early couldn't really be a kid so I'm sort of a kid still at ❤️ The group home drilled cleaning into me too 🫤 CindaBri over here. These days I'm very sensitive & am prone to crying since I was a kid. I don't do well with conflict, bullying, negativity of any kind I cannot tolerate. I have a huge heart despite how I grew up, I was a pushover & it took me a longtime to develop a backbone. I absolutely hate it when I'm mistreated, feels like I'm a punching bag for family to take it out on. Well hears something, I honestly do not give a flying rat's ass what they think about me or my mother. I am free from their controlling ways and I'm so grateful to God that he gave me the strength to sever ties on my own terms and not theirs instead. I'm allowed to do the same exact thing & cut people out of my life if its better for me & my health then that's what I'll do. Not because of hatred but because it's the right thing to do. As family oriented as I want to be it's just not possible for my family to get along and it's very sad & pathetic. I have to be able to heal from the trauma even more as I had the worst of it. now broken however beautiful 😊 Mostly independent & very strong/resilient 💪 I have Jesus to thank for saving my life more than I can count. Never learned to drive either to this day & always take the bus. I think I'm 10x slower, I work really hard & always burnt out.
Oh yeah here's the kicker, at 19 I started getting auditory & increasingly visual hallucinations ever since...i have a brilliant mind like I'm fkin Matilda after my trauma or some sh*t. I've been having de ja vu or precognitive dreams of my own life since I was a toddler, one of a week span smashed into 1 dream which was my strongest one while I wad a teenager. Lately I don't remember much of my dreams since late 2023 😓 my gifts keep growing though & I swear I hear passed on or alive family, friends, & even celebrities, & my calico cat of 15 yrs. Whatever it is I believe it's God given, but I don't know how to control it yet. Hallucinating i don't think so, cuz its contant noise for 16 years. Though I know demons can mimic too, they were doing it at the start making me lose my mind, so idk if I've been followed since or what. I use logic in everything, very self aware, I know I'm not crazy. Just cuz others don't experience what I am don't mean it's not real, it is to me. And I don't wanna suppress it either I want to develop whatever it is but for now I have to figure it out on my own. I'm usually very private about what I go through nobody knows this side of me, nor do they understand & just pass it off as (I'm crazy for having voices in my head, so the solution is to fill her with medication, watch her drool on her food & wander around aimlessly in a psych ward for 2 weeks. Later hospital visits were due to suicide attempts but swallowing a bottle of pills never worked. Well luckily who was to greet me at the start of this weird journey than the Queen herself, Mother Mary. She was there to ease my mind it's where I was supposed to be, when I 1st visited the hospital. See I dreamt of her weeks prior, the same scene...her portrait behind the desk where u sit to give blood for testing at the hospital here in Tucson...still there today. Blood is very significant to the story too.
I have an amazing longterm memory I do remember my own birth (that's a good story too) My mind has a lot of knowledge to use but may be overloaded now as I've recently been having issues...Its why I write to get things down & vent. I've hit my head too much & 2 hits have me concerned so I'm trying to get it checked as well as everything else...but refferals for tests are a B** to get. However I should just set a day to spend a whole day at the hospital cuz I know it'll be forever in the waiting room.
I was diagnosed with "paranoid schizophrenia" w/ depression & anxiety, ptsd or conflict sensitive. A lot of fam has mental issues it seems. Think I'm the only one diagnosed with mental illness but the eldest 2 boys should definitely get tested out for it too if they haven't seen a doctor already. There's alot of resentment from my family toward my mother cuz of her behavior in the past. As a God fearing woman I know better & choose to Honor my mom the best of my ability even if our relationship is strained, I know it's not her fault & it's the devil's work. She like my siblings are equally messed up by how our parents raised us, it's an viscous cycle of torture that needs to end, there's no love coming from most family & it makes me sick, family is supposed to stick together but we were left in the dust cuz they don't wanna deal with her. I believe the evil one has a grasp on people in many different ways, whether it be mental illness or hatred he causes havoc in everything he can, has a grasp on the people of earth. But the Father controls the universe, our story is prewritten & is a domino effect. My deja vu I've theorized it's like a time lapse of some kind, parallel universes...I have seen my reflection move without me, hope to God I haven't lived it already over & over that would be hell to me 🫤 Although never a dull moment that's for sure, oh if I could do it all over again ..... idk if I'd want to lol.
Fighting me on stuff & won't listen, u have to have the patience of a saint. Doesn't like being proven wrong, very stubborn, mixed w/bipolar..gets angry. She keeps comparing me to my grandma. Think she's more mentally fked up than I am from her past too but I'm no psychologist. Luckily I raised myself to be better than that in this gen, self aware, I use logic & understanding but do stupid sh*t sometimes lol especially when in love...I wanna break the cycle cuz it's a complete sh*t show. I don't want to be held back & torn down by family again & again just seems like even she doesn't care about me either sometimes, & I'm right back to being a little girl & being screamed or cursed at constantly. How do u heal in that either, theres nowhere else to go..wonder why didnt I want to come back from Vegas. I'd rather be where the action & adventure is lol. Nobody gets me or nobody understands what I've been through and I really want to tell my story because I am always attacked by family and sometimes friends for being too much of this, or too much of that, always shut down or put down. I understand people's opinion but I don't really take opinions as fact, I take facts as facts and what I go through in my mind is facts I don't need someone to tell me that I'm crazy or "off my meds" when I do take meds everyday, because it's an insult to my intelligence. Ignorance is bliss I suppose.
And today I came to a starting discovery.
Seems I may need to check my mom for Alzheimer's/Dementia, think it's worse than I thought. She keeps having fits/episodes of memory loss & blaming me for things, thinks I touched her phone to change it to dark mode today but it's been that way for a month or so already & didn't believe me. Wanna snap her out of it somehow. It's not a gypsy rose situation exactly I actually care I'm just annoyed & trying to get along with her, we do most of the time & we just have eachother when everyone else has seem to be wrapped up in their own lives and more concerned about gossip & lies. She's just mentally ill, like me. And a recovering addict and it's not her fault but nobody's fault but we're still made out to be the bad guys in some way. Idc. I would rather heal and try to heal from my broken past and leave it behind me. God removes people from their life so that you can hear him better, & I'd rather that than straight negativity sent to just hurt me. The devil seems to hate my ass I swear
How to heal from the past when she won't give u room to breathe, thought i was making progress w/her, keeps buying cigs & soda everytime she has stamps or money & when she's out hits me up for money, I just got my 1st check & I'm trying to save, says I can say no but then bitches at me. I honestly don't understand her sometimes. And after the cigs are gone she's crankier which makes things worse. All the cigs she's had over maybe 2 yrs she could've had a car by now & I'm working my butt off for one, & all the food is eaten while I'm gone. Tried clensing the apt but just made her angry, mental illness or demons I can't tell sometimes.
I'm so tired I haven't slept after work yesterday & need it for brain function but I had 3 hrs to sleep b4 church this morning so decided to stay up ..idk how long I've been up actually my eyes hurt, Have 2 hopefully benign tumors in my head & she's stressing me the fk out. Church or sleep, was actually a good day. Was trying to recap to her on what I did today & I just got ready for church this morning, when did I have time to touch her phone? But doesn't listen at all & always threatens to kick me out when she's incapable of being her by herself anymore. And depending on an hour to the next day she fine again & tells me to ignore her. Fking crazy. I already have memory issues wtf happena when we both lose our damn minds. I have the choice between doing laundry to get tf outta here or watch the rewards show & rest my eyes...Bed looks good rn actually 🥱😴
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
These people are ridiculous and their stuff doesn't work and they're getting beat up for it but we have announcements
-and several people who are going to go to jail for what they're doing right now think you're trying to scam our son and scheme on him and a sense of a tire that's just a bicycle tire and we are going to get his money back to him from them anyway we can okay if you don't like it that's your tough s*** you need to get him a car because you're going to be dead Ronald b Rudy and a whole bunch of your guys
-we're also going to start gutting you like a fish for what you're saying and your threats because you sit around all day and it's 4:00 p.m. and your guys are just about to fry now they got hit an hour ago while our son was asleep he said it was him the whole time you didn't respond they found out he's sleeping and said no he's asleep and you paid for your crime now people going to kill you and your own people too they're tired of your rule they found out there's a good thing that Terry cheeseman can do it and your kids and grandkids what you and your clones out. Chris knew a couple guys who were workers is Dale and his friend and they were BG and one of his grandkids and he's a worker and I like doing it if you like talking about it it's kind of store is a freaking jerk and he is not in command of what he's doing and it's not very interesting and he's a complete a****** to our son way over the top this is a ridiculous all the time it's very very upset when her son calls him on it says you don't really do anything I have these ideas and programming concepts and engineering that I put into it and you don't do a damn thing and you're a lousy artist he said to him when he was up there you said you'll pay for it I can some kind of Cody so I don't think so pal and now Ronald beiruti is paying for it. He has other characters too that are going to die and hand them stuff one of them is a shocker in North Oxford and she's saying that he wanted you to have this and it's going to hand him something and our son needs the item. Is something he worked on it's not really his possession but you did work on it and the guy made much money on it and she wants to sell more of it and that's fine he says I need things and sorry about your parents and that's why this other stuff going on but there's a couple other characters and there's a bunch of them Jerry senior passed away and Aunt Connie wants to get your stuff and Connie who is she I don't know it might be.. and he was working with her son and son stuff and didn't have a massive bad attitude later but he was a dick and he has all this equipment but he doesn't want to use that it doesn't know how to use it he says but she has to give it to someone Peter uses that stuff and the idiots will try to be Jerry senior to talk to Peter about it. He's laughing cuz there's tons of money it'll come out of these dorks who want to be the one where the hell that means and there's others too and there's a big list of people he's got some uncles we played we played like three uncles not huge things but things people think would be useful and it works and sales started it's an economy right now the guy is just begging for it that's all he wants us to sit there and try and do your son and he's doing nothing and getting rid of his people saying he has AI he says my brother has an AI still and it doesn't do as much as you want and he's going to empire it's not yours and you don't know why and I know you don't know about it. And he just threatens the computer and the computer piece of s*** out of him. And the computer has a lot of power and you're stupid.
-there's a lot of characters that will come out and of his group and hand her son stuff Uncle Bill and these idiot clones will come here in the pseudo empire wants him here he's hitting them and to use them on our son as the empire has them doing it and foreigners behind them and they all get nails but really this has started to heat up right now John remillard was seeing smirking and kind of laughing and a little upset but not much at the loss and it is not a huge number but it is 1/10 of his Force and he's beginning to load up again and it's still kind of hot meaning radioactive so they won't last meaning they get really angry and pissy and just some movies to take place out there and people mutate some of his mutated and kill each other it's going to be disgusting show out there folks and the place of clear out and the Sun is going to go out there eventually to help set up the casino it's going to be huge it's going to be a massive massive facility just like we described.
-on top of all this stuff that's going to happen in a sense this would be nice to know some people and have family and friends as opposed to nobody like this to have it they're discussing idiots they're freaking vile and they should never have been allowed near my dad there are huge efforts and should never been allowed near me or Dave and Dave is still manipulating him but it cost him but the sucker doesn't know it is how David say it and f him self Dave said that about Joel and I'm going to screw him over and he says he knows where he goes after and what makes him tick had a little talk with Dave our son says and her remembers it and they put some of it in the letter and our son didn't but they put in there stuff you said to her son later. It's not really that complicated of a guy and he used to say things about him he's a f**** and we know Joel wasn't even watching the tapes and he was trying to tape him and he sucked at it really bad. And her son says one day Dave came up to him real close and said something to the effect of and now our sense of snow is very clear he said he is a p**** and I don't want you to act like him or look like him whenever it sound like him and stay away from him and our son said back I want to stay away from him and I don't like him and some other stuff too and Tommy f has the tape and he's smiling cuz I used to talk like that real close right up to get each other's ears and they're saying stuff should we get rid of him and Peter paid attention find out that he's not actually using hands of his own it's just much more dangerous and this guy Trump is out of line but he's smiling because they left Peter alone and his story is horrendous but this guy doesn't try and control himself here and it's not very highly rated by the two every time our son complain they would start saying well he's special and as someone get mad and say he sure is so one day Joel was sitting there talking about a short story or novel he was working on about two whales and space and Dave came by and said why don't you get the f*** out of here cuz our son was kind of arguing a little and Joel goes no and Dave pushes him out and says I said get the f*** out of here and he said sorry about that Craig and our son said no problem and he's kind of a f**** so that's what was going on and Joel he was mean to our son quite often and we don't like him for that and he'll pay for it but people here these stories and they want to see it if they want to hear it so if they're real and we're going to print
Thor Freya
Can I come after me but I don't care the schedule has to go he's such a huge a****** what they were saying was if he doesn't back off we have to do something and he's right in her face no matter what you do and they're upset and for real because he's saying s*** to them and they're saying we're going to we're going to have to go after him and we'll organize it and for real that guy start getting hit and you see something that these two didn't have to do anything and I heard it and I started looking into Joel and I started going after him he says that's how it works because we know what we do for a living kind of he does it for real more so and he's a valuable person so I'm going to I'm going to start handing stuff out in a minute
Tommy f
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I unironically re-downloaded Toontown Rewritten for the first time since 2016.
I don't regret it, it's still a lot of fun CLBDKS
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levisblackbabe · 3 years
Headcanons of Aot boys with a black gf
Characters: Eren Jeager , Armin Arlert, Levi Ackerman, Connie Springer and Jean Kirstein x fem black reader (separate)
Genre: Mostly fluff, slight angst, deffo crack, (everyone is +18)
Warnings: Language, a bit toxic, slightly suggestive
Wc: 1500+ (Each character is about 300-400 words)
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Eren Jeager (The lowkey Toxic one)
· Lowkey scared of y/n because she reminds him of Levi when she is angry, and he knows she will beat his ass if necessary
· Started out as friends but he has always liked y/n
· He initially asked you out as a dare and you only found out after 6 weeks where you broke up 😐
· This legit started the cycle of breaking and getting back together (he never cheated though just a lil bit toxic)
· He is very possessive and controlling which also lead to your break ups
· Even though you have your ups and down he is mostly a good boyfriend
· He plays basketball so every time he is practising on his own, he asks you to be there for rebounds (in reality he just wants you near him baso 24/7)
· Loves your smell so he steals those items might be your lotion, hair products or perfume
· Loves your natural hair and just touches it without permission after a couple times you just gave up telling him off
· He was confused on why you changed your hair so often
· When you guys first started dating you came with box braids rather then your usual bun and he deadass thought you were somebody else 💀he was so confused on why this stranger was touching him up (this mf loyal cuz he was ready to punch you)
· He was soooo scared of meeting your parents (had to call Armin to ask for advice)
· Your family at first didn’t like him cuz of the constant breaking up but they grew to tolerate him (however your older brother doesn’t)
· Loves taking pictures of you during facetime, golden hour or whenever and saves them in a folder (simp)
· Loves your cooking soo much that he goes collect tubber ware of food worth a week and stocks up his fridge
· He loves when you speak to him in another language so he pisses you off so you can cuss him out in your native tongue
· He barely calls your name its either babe or some cringey name like bubbs or something (however if you hear your full name leave his month rip)
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Armin Artlet (The simp)
· SHY BAE that’s it
· He was your English tutor and has always had a crush on you
· He wanted to ask you out on a date, but he shy and thought you won’t like white boys
· You asked him instead cuz you fell for his ocean blue eyes (I mean who wouldn’t)
· In the beginning you had to take the initiative a lot cuz he wanted to respect your boundaries but after a while he grew comfortable and took the lead
· He LOVES your natural hair and knows your wash day schedule, so he always offers to help anyway possible
· He was absolutely scared of meeting your family cuz once again he white 😐 however everyone loved him
· He most definitely invited to the family reunion
· Your aunts adore him and they always talking about you as a baby to him
· He always doing late night ft calls with you, and he WON’T hang up cuz he wants to see your face when you wake up
· Armin is a giver, so he always offers to buy thigs for your and just buy gifts at least once a week
· He also loves cooking for and with you (once you had a cooking competition and technically, he is a better cook, but he let you win)
· He likes sending random pictures of things you like and remind him of you
· He happily takes pictures of you (photographer Armin)
· You guys have a pet turtle called Mickey 🐢
· His nicknames for you are beautiful, pretty and stuff like that
· Just overall fluff
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Levi Ackerman (the co-worker)
· You guys have been co-workers for 2 years actually
· You thought he hated you but in reality, he does he just acts stingy towards cuz he is Levi 😐 (some serious enemies to lovers vibe)
· He didn’t confess and never would have but due to a drunken Hange letting it slip during a hang out with your co-workers you found out
· He deadass ignored you for a week like if he saw you, he would turn into Houdini and disappear
· However, you once caught him distracted and forced him to talk to you
· Reluctantly so he spoke the truth and asked you out (thought he seemed angry about it)
· Now you guys have happily been dating
· Everyone in your office finds you lucky cuz Levi is the finest man in the office heck the world (if he was real, I would leave my bf 😭)
· He actually has a 5-year-old daughter (DILF! Levi) and told you why he never said anything about his feeling was because you know single dad and shiz
· After 6 weeks you met his babygirl and she is the cutest she loves you considering she never had much of a mother figure in her life
· His daughter is mixed so he knows how to deal with natural hair thanks to YouTube, so he sometimes helps with yours (such a good dad)
· But now that you are here you offer to do any protective styles and give him tips
· Levi isn’t very open, but he expresses his love to you with physical touch, acts of service or gifts
· However, he speaks very softly to his daughter he seems different
· Due to his love language being touch he loves petting your hair (only when you have protective styles) and putting his head on it ( he is tall in my head okay)
· He loves having you in close proximity to you and just somehow touching you
· Him and your dad really hit it off because they both have daughters
· Your aunts are lowkey infatuated with him
· Loves making breakfast for you but due to your busy schedule he just buys your coffee in the morning
· He will never tell you, but he has trouble falling asleep but when you sleepover he actually has a full nights rest (he has silk sheets just for you)
· He might seem closed off, but you know he loves you due to the little things
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Connie Springer (the bestfriend)
a/n I just want to say Connie will be of Hispanic heritage for the sake of this headcanon also because all the fanfics I read about him he is portrayed as Hispanic I just write him like this however this isn’t to offend anyone or play onto stereotypes.
· You guys have been besties since freshman year high school
· You hooked up freshman year of college and been dating ever since
· Nothing really changed in your dynamic other than the fact yall kiss and do the deed
· Like you legit call each other insults though Connie likes calling slime and bubbs
· You jokingly calling each other baby mama and baby daddy (manifesting kids but whatever)
· Speaking of kids, you have plushies that you call kids and rotate them around (they are from your arcade date)
· Loves being on call with you when he is playing because it helps calm him down and not break his tv (anger issues much)
· HYPEMAN if you are looking fine asf he will hype you up so much and offer to take pictures for the gram
· You have a joint TikTok account where you reaching 10k and just do dumb couple stuff its cringey but cute (Same goes for your joint spam account where you guys just do silly things together)
· He always asks to do your hair which you repetitively deny keeping in mind last time you let him he nearly ripped off half your scalp
· Late nights drives happen a lot so you can vent and have a heart to heart under the stars, you guys also just vibe to the music and might spend hours in silence looking at the city lights and dancing
· If you fall asleep on him or in the drive back he becomes really cute and soft and just says you are beautiful and that he loves you in Spanish (ugh my heart)
· He only speaks Spanish when he wants to be cute and knows you won’t understand
· Your family have always liked him so when you guys started dating everyone was like ‘FINALLY’ (same with his family)
· Some type of kid’s movie marathon once a month cuz being a child is great
· Its just overall jokes
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Jean Kirstein (Mr Doesn’t Give Up)
· Kept asking you out for a year until you gave in, he was so excited he kissed you straightaway
· He was so nervous in your first date, but he was a gentleman opening doors etc (whoever said chivalry was dead 🤨)
· Nearly said I love you on the first date considering he has liked you for a year, but he held it in
· However, he did get a kiss goodnight on the cheek (he was grinning like a fool)
· Loves the fact that you change your hair so much and so often that he happily gives recommendations and offers to help you out
· He is the overprotective type of boyfriend so he was reluctant on you meeting his friends especially Eren, but you reassured him that you wouldn’t be swayed (still icky about you hanging with Eren though)
· He adores playing pc games with you and you have a little family in Sims4 which is cute
· He now has a skincare routine because you introduced him to it (he said he didn’t need one cuz he has a ‘handsome face’ but he secretly started one lol
· He also steals your body lotion and legit smells like you (smh)
· His wrist always has a silk crunchie in case you need it, and, in his car, he has a bag with essentials for you such as pads, edge control, etc
· He calls you cute pet names but also the occasional insults as a joke
· He is lowkey rich, so he happily spoils you to fancy dinners and more
· He also likes going back to the basics so picnic dates in the spring and summer are common he says he cooks them but in reality, it’s his mum
· Your mum absolutely adores him cuz he is a ‘charmer’
· He likes facetiming you when he is working out so he can show up, but you just ignore him and continue doing what you are doing
· Like Eren he has a folder filled of mugs of you
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Goodbyes- Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader (ft. Katsumi, yours and Katsuki’s daughter )
Warnings: Angst, Cursing, Bad Father-Daughter relationship, slight SLIGHT SLIGHT (like 0.00000000000001%) fluff, intense kiss cuz Katsuki’s a SLUT
Summary: Years have passed and even so, Bakugou never gave up on you. You or Katsumi. You were both his family. His girls. He needed the both of you. And he will do everything in his power to bring you both back to him, but his now 16 year old daughter doesn’t plan on making it easy for him.
Pt.1 Pt.2
11 years have passed since you left Katsuki that day. That horrid day. After leaving the house of hell, you went to Mina’s place to see your daughter. You saw her, happy, with her uncles and aunt. Her world was about to change and so you had to give her every ounce of happiness she could possibly get. You decided it would be best for both of you to stay in the welcoming home a little longer.
While continuing Katsumi’s play date, Mina had suggested you and Katsumi stay with her and Kirishima, but you declined. You knew it would be too easy for Katsuki to find you both and you knew he wouldn’t stop trying if he knew you were both at such easy access. And so, after hours and hours of Katsumi having the time of her life, it was time to bring her to her new home. For the time being at least.
After you left the happy couple’s house, you and Katsumi stayed in a hotel for the time being. It was a very nice place. Plenty of other kids for Katsumi to get along with, luxury rooms, and a pool! You both had stayed there for about a month until you found a gorgeous little house where you and Katsumi could call home. Not only was it spacious, luxurious, and all around amazing, if was far, far away from the previous home your shared with your soon-to-be ex husband.
You both had finally moved in, but that was the least of your problems. Like you told Katsuki, you allowed him to be a part of your daughter’s life. You allowed him to take care of her for 2 weeks, and then it was your turn. 2 weeks would pass and it would be his turn once again. You never allowed Katsuki to know where you both where. You kept your information very hidden and made sure your young daughter wasn’t capable of telling her father the new address whenever she was in his custody. You also never allowed Katsuki to pick Katsumi up. You always dropped her off, but never in a vehicle of your own. Can’t risk having him look up and track down your license plate. And if you couldn’t drop her off, you’d have Kirishima or Mina do it.
As time went on Katsumi continued to ask what was going on. Why was her life suddenly so different? She had asked Katsuki before, but he always told her it was a conversation she should have with her mom. When she asked you, you just smiled at her and told her “Things are changing right now, so it’ll just be me and you for a bit. But a Mommy-Daughter play date sounds fun doesn’t it? And it’ll last for a long time~” you said, hinting at what could possibly be the end of Katsumi and Katsuki’s relationship.
Thankfully, Katsumi liked the sound of that. Even though she was a daddy’s girl, she loved her mommy just as much! Of course her head would constantly be filled with thoughts of Katsuki but what can you do? You can’t bring her back to the cheater. Not permanently at least. You just...can’t.
Katsumi wasn’t the only one who was constantly thinking about family. Katsuki also had his face in every screen, every device, every piece of paper that might be able to help him find you. After you left him, he fell into a deep depression. He lost his two girls and it drove him mad. Even though he got to see Katsumi every 2 weeks, he knew that soon, she’d be old enough to be allowed to know what had happened. He was constantly on the lookout for you and where you could possibly be staying and with his friends refusing to help him, he concluded that for this job, he was on his own. He didn’t care. He had to find you again. He was going to bring his family back together.
A few years had passed. 6 to be exact. Katsumi was now 11 and she had questions. Why does life have to be like this? How long will the family be separated? Will we ever be together again? Due to all the confusion, Katsumi began to lash out constantly. It was like she was a mini version of her father. She needed answers. She needed to be led out of the dark. She needed to know. And it was time you told her. And boy, did you tell her something.
“Katsumi...your father left..because of me. I’m sorry. I was a horrible wife..and he just couldn’t take it anymore. It was understandable as to why he left..so..don’t be mad at him. Okay?” Y/N told her daughter.
Yup. You lied to her. You lied to your Katsumi but you had your reasons. A girl should think well of her father. Especially when that girl considered her father to be her best friend. So no, you didn’t tell Katsumi that the real reason you were separated was because her father cheated on you. You just couldn’t. Not when you knew Katsuki held the most important relationship in his daughter’s heart.
The relationship between a father and daughter is something irreplaceable. Something special. You couldn’t ruin it for her. So you were okay with her being mad at you, for her blaming you. As long as she was satisfied with her father-daughter “relationship,” that was good enough for you.
However, even though you put the blame on yourself, it didn’t stop Katsumi from being mad at her father too. He should’ve stayed. He should’ve tried to work things out. You both were her parents! You couldn’t even at least try to stay together for the sake of her? After finding out the “truth,” Katsumi did indeed grow resentment towards her dad. You were right in the end, and she no longer wanted to see him. That was fine with you. She could hate him, but as long as she didn’t know he was truly a scum, then that was settling as well.
Anger and fury resided in Katsumi. It bubbled up inside her and for the first 3 years in her teenage life, she was a child straight out of hell. Constantly in trouble, constantly taking out her anger on the world. You couldn’t blame her though, it was Katsuki’s fault she was like this. And you soon realized it was your fault since you lied to her too. Even so, you still didn’t tell her the truth. You opted to allowing Katsumi to express herself but with you and you only.
Katsumi was a good child at heart, but she was just lost in the dark. So when her mother allowed her to take her anger out on her, Katsumi did NOT lay a fist on her mother. Instead, she broke down. She broke down hard. Like she’s been broken all along.
“Was I not a good enough reason for him to stay?!” She sobbed out in anger as tears flowed down her face. You held your daughter as she cried and tore down all her walls she spent years building up. “I understand if your relationship was tough..but I hoped that maybe he would’ve came back to try for me at least. How could he just run away?! I just want my parents together. I just want to be considered! I’m not like other kids! I don’t have a family!!”
“I’m sorry, Katsumi.” You would whisper into her hair as she balled her eyes out. You didn’t expect your rebellious and strong child to be so..torn. You knew she was broken and you tried to help however you could but you never expected a meltdown. You were glad it happened though. After that day, followed a few more breakdowns. It was like Katsumi was opening the gates to allow everything to be bare just for her mother to see.
Her mother. Someone she now fully and completely trusts. Someone she loves. She allowed her mother to see all her cracks and damaged pieces. And thank god she did because now your mother-daughter relationship was better than ever. Katsumi replaced the thoughts of her father with happy memories of you. Instead of her father, her mother became her keeper, her guardian, her protector, her hero.
You smile as you look back on the journey you and your daughter traveled on. A happy family of 3, to a sad and confused duo, to a timid and raging two, to finally a content and happy mother and daughter. It’s been one hell of a ride for you, but if it meant reaching Katsumi’s happiness, then you’d happily do it all again.
“G’morning mom!” Katsumi happily said as she walked into the kitchen.
“There’s the beautiful birthday girl!” You happily said as you turned to your 16 year old daughter. Katsumi was no longer harmful towards others. Your once brutal and ruthless bully of a daughter became a sweet, sassy, and fun teenage girl. She was happy now. The sadness and anger finally left...at least, that’s what you thought. And that’s what she thought too. But the inner Katsumi was still in shambles...just..nobody knew that. Not even herself.
Katsumi was quick to jump onto you and give you a hug. She loved you. You became her best friend, her rock. Her protector and hero. It was always you two against the world and Katsumi wouldn’t have it any other way. “Not to be ‘self absorbed’ or anything, but are we doing anything special today?”
“Welll~ I know we haven’t seen them in a few months but I pulled some strings and so! Uncle Kiri, Uncle Denki, Uncle Sero, and of course Auntie Mina will be coming over to celebrate your 16th birthday!” You said with enthusiasm. You watched as your daughter’s jaw drop in happiness as tears of joy began to fill her eyes.
“Seriously?!” She asked with excitement and watched as you nodded your head. She jumped onto you once more and squeezed you tight. “Mom, that’s amazing! Thank you!”
You smiled as your daughter beamed with happiness. It’s been awhile since the Bakusquad (minus Bakugou) came to see Katsumi. Everytime they left their homes, Bakugou grew suspicious and assumed they were seeing Katsumi (and you of course), and even though he was right, he couldn’t know that. So to keep your location hidden from Katsuki, they had to stop seeing you and Katsumi for some time. After a few months, they decided it was perfect for them to pop up again on her 16th birthday, a very special time in a young girl’s life.
“Anything for you Sweetie! C’mon, I made your birthday breakfast and then we can get ready for the day. They’ll be here very soon!” You said to your daughter. She nodded and you both took your seats at the island, enjoying the delicious meal.
Growing up, Katsumi did indeed have friends, but they were more like school friends. She only talked to them in an educational environment but outside of school, her best friend was her mother. She was all she needed. Her friends were her aunt and uncles and that’s why she was more than happy to spend her 16th birthday with just them.
Katsuki looked at the date. His heart stung in pain as he stared down at the calendar.
“Katsumi’s birthday.....happy birthday Baby Bear.” He said in a broken voice. The same broken voice he had that day you left him. The same broken voice he’s had ever since you left him.
It’s been 11 years since you left. It’s been 5 since Katsumi decided she no longer wanted anything to do with him. Katsuki felt like he lost everything and in a way, he did. Even so, he kept the house the same in hopes that one day you’d return.
Over a decade has passed and Katsuki still holds hope that maybe..maybe if he prays long and hard enough..if he remains hopeful..his world will go back to normal.
Katsuki was so lost in thought that he didn’t even realize his own friends were possibly going to visit you and Katsumi. It wasn’t until he heard his phone ding and looked to see a notification from Denki to the Bakusquad group chat. Denki must’ve realized he texted the wrong chat room because he never sent another text. Coming to that conclusion, Bakugou assumed something was going on and so he got ready to make a quick trip to his best friend’s house to get in the know. This was a stretch considering they never told him anything about you, which he’ll agree is deserved, but regardless he won’t stop trying.
He got ready and once he was done he was right out the door. As he pulled up to the house he noticed not only Kirishima and Mina, he saw Sero and Kaminari. Something was definitely up. He pulled over to the side and just watched. He saw the 4 friends talking and laughing and finally, he saw the gifts. That’s what gave it away. He watched as the friends packed gifts into their cars and once he saw Kirishima bring a cake, that was all the confirmation Katsuki needed. They were going to see you. They knew where you were.
Katsuki stayed hidden as he followed his friends on the road. He stayed a few cars behind and took on a slow pace. Thankfully, they never noticed him. As the ash blonde drove he couldn’t help but feel a little stinging in his chest and butterflies in his belly. He was so excited to see you..see his daughter..his family.
The drive felt like forever and it probably was. Katsuki looked at his location on the map and it was then that he really saw how far you had moved. It hurt his heart realizing how much you really didn’t want to see him but the fact that he was going to reunite with you soon was overcoming any negative thoughts or feelings. Eventually, his friends ahead of him had arrived and of course, Katsuki followed. The blonde parked a little ways off from the house and waited. He figured that seeing him would cause some shock throughout the home. Katsuki didn’t expect you or Katsumi to be happy to see him but he didn’t care. He’s willing to go through whatever to bring you both back. So, instead of going in right away, he allowed you and Katsumi to enjoy yourselves for some time before he went in and crashed the place.
“Happy birthday to you~”
“Blow out the candles, sweetie!” You said while holding the cake. Katsumi smiled, took a tiny breath, and took out the small flames. You all clapped for the now 16 year old girl and you placed the cake down. Playful banter and happy talks were discussed all around as you began to cut the cake and pass around slices.
“I can’t believe our little Katsumi’s all grown up!” Kaminari sobbed into Sero’s shoulder. The slender man made a face of disgust as slobber got all over him and pushed the electric blonde off.
“We’re so happy we got to see you today, kid.” Sero said to the smiling little lady.
“I’m really glad I got to see you guys too! You really made this birthday something special. I love you guys! Especially you, Mom. Thanks for everything.” Katsumi said as she walked to you and wrapped her arms around you.
“I’d give the whole world for you Katsumi. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy. Your smile s’all I’ll need.” You said while rubbing soft circles onto her back. You released the hug as chatter grew again.
On the outside, Bakugou was pressed with his back against the door. He was lucky it was pretty late, so no one would take notice of the pro hero snooping on some “random” house. As Bakugou listened in on the party inside, he teared up at the sound of the singing. What you all didn’t know was that on the other side of the door, Bakugou was also singing and wishing his daughter a happy birthday. Although it was Katsumi’s day, Bakugou took her wish, and begged for his family back.
He stayed outside the door for awhile but the sound of his name made his ears perk. “So..how are things with Bakugou?”
You rolled your eyes at Mina’s question. “C’mon. Seriously? Like I’d know.” You laughed a little.
“Y/N, I’m being serious. Katsumi’s 16 now. She hasn’t seen Bakugou in 5 years. Don’t you think it’s a little tough on both of them?” Your pink friend asked. You soften your eyes a bit as you looked towards your hands
“....Of course I do, Mina. Katsumi has always been a daddy’s girl.” You said while looking towards your daughter, who was laughing with her uncles. “She loves him...and so do I. But it was her choice to not see him. ....She thinks I don’t know it, but I’m well aware of just how bad Katsuki’s absence is hurting her. She puts up a strong facade, but I’m her mother and I can see through it. She misses him but she’s too hurt by what happened.”
“But still, what about Bakugou? I know what he did was horrible-“
“Right. But he’s still my friend. He tells us everything. He’s so broken by what happened and I’m not saying you should forgive him but if Katsumi misses her dad as much as Bakugou misses the both of you, maybe she should consider seeing him again.” Mina mentioned. You couldn’t believe yourself but you honestly began to consider it.
Back with Katsuki, his eyes widened a bit. A small smiled grew on his face and tiny tears of joy filled his eyes. He made a reminder to thank Mina for her recommendation for you. If you agreed to it, he might get his Baby Bear back. ..He might get you back too. However, a sudden voice made his hopes shaky.
“No, she shouldn’t.”
You and Mina both looked behind you to see your daughter standing there. You both held shocked expressions as you watched her.
“..Katsumi..you don’t ever think of seeing him again?” You asked as her expression grew a mix of hurt and anger.
“No! Not after what he did to you! What he did to us.” She said. You kicked yourself as you and Mina were reminded of the lie you told your daughter. He did hurt the two of you...just not in the way that she thinks. “If he was lucky, and his reasons were good enough, then maybe, maybe I’d forgive him. And maybe I’d go back to seeing him. But he’s gone and he’s not coming back.”
On the other side of the door, Katsuki grew hurt by the memories of what he did. After hearing his daughter’s words, he had enough and finally worked up the courage to knock on the door.
“-he’s not coming back.”
*knock* *knock* *knock*
The 3 of you looked to the door and were shocked at the new guest. Nobody else was scheduled to come. Who could it be? You watched as Kirishima went to open it and took notice of his surprised face. He said a few quiet words, nodded, and then took a few steps away from the door. He looked towards you and your daughter and you felt the whole world stop as you all looked to the man in front of you who had just stepped in.
“.....Katsuki.” You said with small tears in your eyes. You looked towards your daughter to see a sad and hurt expression on her face as her jaw slightly dropped.
“So.....you’re back.” You said with a broken and bittersweet voice as you stepped to him. You crossed your arms as a way to hold yourself in comfort and to put on a strong front in front of Katsuki. Only problem was, he was the man you loved and who loved you. You’ve been together since you both were babies. He knows how you truly feel.
Bakugou chuckled a bit as he put his hands in his pockets and stepped towards you. “Thank you, Y/N.”
“For what?” You quickly and sternly asked.
“For keeping my secret. You think my dumbass friends wouldn’t tell me what you did?” He began before he was interrupted.
“Hey! At least these dumbasses know it ain’t cool to crash a party!” The electric dunce said as he took another bite of cake.
“Denki!” The rest of the Bakusquad (minus Bakugou) shouted. Bakugou shook his head with a small laugh before continuing.
“Thank you for protecting Katsumi from me. You never once sold me out.” He explained with sad eyes and a hurt smiled. You used your arms to console yourself as you rubbed your sides for warmth. A warmth that only Katsuki could ever help you feel.
“Yeah well...a girl should think well of her father.” You said as you stepped to the side and you both turned to face Katsumi. She held her hands together by the fingers before dropping them and walking to her dad.
“Hi Katsumi.” Katsuki said with a loving, cracked voice. You all watched as Katsumi took small breath before speaking.
“...W-Why are you here? And what do you mean Mom never sold you out? What are you guys talking about?” She asked with her teary eyes.
“..I can answer all of those questions if you talk to me. In private, I’d prefer.” Bakugou said. Katsumi shook her head no before taking a few steps back.
“I don’t want to go anywhere with you.” She said.
“Katsumi,” the said girl looked to her mother who called for her. “You should talk to him.”
“What?” The Bakusquad said.
“What?” Katsumi said.
“What?” Bakugou said.
“There’s some things that you need to know.” You turned to Bakugou as you said this part. “Some things that only you can tell her. That you should tell her. .....You both can talk on the patio.”
“Mom, I don’t want to-“
“I’m not asking, Katsumi. I’m telling you. Go talk to your father. There’s something that you should know.” You sternly said to your daughter. She only stared at you for a minute before looking towards Bakugou and walking to the patio. Bakugou looked towards you and saw you nod your head for approval to follow her. Before he left he pulled you in for a hug. As much as you wanted to hate it, you couldn’t. His scent engulfed you and his warmth finally reached you after so many years. You missed him and your mind and body were quick to give in. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he held onto you by your waist. He embraced all of you and melted into your soft touch that he so dearly missed.
“Thank you, Y/N......I love you.” He whispered into your neck only for you to hear. You nodded, but he knew you still felt the same way when you squeezed him tighter. He smiled at that, and you both finally released each other before he walked to his daughter who was waiting outside.
He opened the back door to find his daughter waiting at the outdoor table. He took a seat across from her and just smiled. She’s really here. In front of him. He finally got to see not only the love of his life but his precious little girl as well.
“...It’s so good to see you, Baby Bear....you’ve grown so much.” He softly said to her. She looked up with sad, angry eyes as she glared at him.
“....Why are you here, dad?” She said in a hurt tone. Bakugou held a shaky smile as she said that word. Dad. Granted, it was no longer daddy but it was something. He loved it either way. He needed to hear it.
“A lot of reasons. To wish my daughter a happy 16th...to apologize..and explain..to see my daughter..my family-“
“We’re not your family. You left us. You don’t leave family.” Katsumi sternly interrupted.
“Right...‘I left you guys.’ ......Baby Bear-“
“Don’t call me that.”
Ouch. That hurt Katsuki’s heart. Broke it even more than it already was. “...There’s something I have to tell you. Something your mother didn’t. Something she lied to you about..to protect me.”
“What the hell are you talking about? Mom is perfect! And amazing! She would never lie to anyone especially me!” Katsumi pointed out as she raised her voice at her father.
“She really is perfect and amazing...and I was dumb enough to lose her. Katsumi...I know your mom told you that I left you both..but in reality...She..left me.” Bakugou said. It felt like lead fell onto his body as he watched his daughter fall into confusion.
“N-No...no you’re lying!” Katsumi said as she stood up and slammed her hands on the table. Katsuki didn’t flinch as he expected this reaction. “She wouldn’t! She wouldn’t tear apart our family..she..she wouldn’t do that...to..to me.” She said as her voice progressively got softer with each word. “Quit lying and just admit that you left us! That you put me and Mom through hell!” Her voice rose once more. “Was I not enough for you to stay?! What did I do that was wrong?! I thought we were the perfect family! I thought...we were happy. Was I not a good enough reason to stay? You couldn’t even try for me? For your daughter? You didn’t even take my feelings into consideration when you left. You didn’t even think about me, Dad.”
Bakugou couldn’t believe it. Your lie was supposed to protect Katsumi, but instead it installed all these insecurities she now has. His friends had told him Katsumi was finally happy..but he guessed she hid all her thoughts..just like he would. She really was his daughter. “Katsumi...it wasn’t like that.”
“You’re lying!!!” Katsumi screamed to herself as tear drops began to fall.
“Katsumi! It’s been 11 years since your mother left me and 5 since I got to see you!” He said with a hurt voice. “Do you honestly think I would wait this long, spend years to find your new home, and come all the way out here just to lie to you?” He watched as his daughter’s face fell as she realized he wasn’t lying. He watched as her faith in her mother deteriorated. He couldn’t let that happen. “Don’t be mad at her though. Be mad at me. She had every reason to leave.”
“..What did you do?” She asked unbothered. She doesn’t care about anything anymore. She doesn’t think she could get any more hurt. Her best friend and mother lied to her about something so crucial. What could possibly make it worse? Katsuki felt his heart beat all around his body. He grew nervous and his palms grew sweatier than usual.
“...I-..Katsumi..*sigh* ...I’m so sorry, Baby Bear.” He slightly sobbed. Katsumi now grew interested. She couldn’t remember much but from what she could, she doesn’t think she ever saw her father cry. Even in the worst situations, he never broke. He always put up a strong front for the world. For her.
“Dad?...” she asked as she sat up in her chair.
“....Katsumi...your mom left me..because I cheated on her.”
There it was. The truth was finally revealed to Katsumi. Plain and simple. Her E/C eyes popped as angry tears filled them. Hurt. Betrayal. Fury. All those emotions she abandoned years ago all came rushing back through her. She began to shake as her breath grew heavy. Bakugou apologized over and over with his head down. Katsumi felt her palms grow hot as they began to spark. Out of anger, she screamed and hit her father with an explosion. The same explosions she got from him.
She watched as her father flew back a few feet and cringed in slight pain. Her blast wasn’t intended to hurt him completely but was more meant to keep him at a distance. She watched as Bakugou got up from the floor and faced her again. Her tears fell heavy as a shadow casted over her eyes. Screw the distance. She ran to him and began punching his chest with everything she had. Thanks to his training, and Katsumi’s distraught state, Katsuki felt little to no pain. He could only look down in heart break as he watched his daughter become a mess due to his actions.
“H-How could you?!” She said as she continued to hit him. “How could you do that to us?! TO MOM! TO ME!” She said and finally looked to her father, showing him her tears, cherry red rose, and puffy eyes. “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU PUT US THROUGH?! Do you have any idea what kind of hell Mom went through?! Mom doesn’t know it but I saw her face! I saw the tear streaks in the mornings, her red, swollen eyes! I saw her sadness behind her happy cover! And not to mention what I did to her! My family broke and I became a little terror. I caused Mom hell. ALL BECAUSE OF YOU, DAD! YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT I WENT THROUGH?! I had to leave my home! I had to move away from my friends! My family! I HAD TO LOSE MY FAMILY! I HAD TO LOSE YOU!!”
Inside the house, the group of friends could hear everything. All the yelling, the shouting. The anger and pain. Y/N had rivers flowing down her face as she covered her sobs with her hand. Her friends settled around her and comforted her through this horrible time. Outside, Bakugou’s face went into a slight shock at his daughter’s last sentence. “W-What?”
“I had to lose you, Dad! You think I don’t remember? You were my best friend. My idol and hero. To me, it never got better than you. ...But you did this? You betrayed Mom. You betrayed me. I love you, Dad, I still do...but I guess you never loved me or Mom.” Katsumi said as she looked down again.
“Katsumi that’s not true. I love both of you with my entire being-“
“So then why’d you do it?” His daughter asked with her voice, laced with pain.
“I was drunk and made a stupid mistake. It’s a day I completely regret because it was the day I tore apart my family and lost everything.” Bakugou said.
“Tch, you didn’t lose anything at all! You still have the house, the money, the fame, the fans. You’re still a pro, you still have everything!” Katsumi shouted.
“I don’t have you or your mother.” Silence grew at the beginning of his confession. “Like I said, you both are my entire being. Yes, I love my job and I’m grateful for everything I’ve earned and accomplished but I’d give it all up in a heartbeat if it meant I’d get to bring you and your mother back home to me. I don’t care about anything else other than the two of you. You haven’t seen me in the past 5 years and in the last 11 years when you did see me when you came over, you never saw my broken side. You never saw how distraught I was. You never saw the hell I went through because I don’t have the two of you, at home, with me.”
Bakugou stepped to his daughter and wrapped his arms around her to hold her. She allowed him to do so and began to silently cry in his chest. She refused to hold him back as her head was still in a cloud of confusion. Does she forgive him? Go back to seeing him? Try to bring her family back together? What to do, what to do.
“I’m sorry for everything I put you through Katsumi. Both you and your mother. I ruined our family and it’s something I’ve regretted for over a decade. But I won’t let you both go. I will do everything in my power to bring our family back together so we can be happy again. And I’m starting here, by telling you the truth.” Bakugou explained. Silence grew once more and Katsumi had finally made her decision.
“Well I suggest you stop trying..’cuz you’re never bringing us back.” Katsumi said as she pushed her father off of her and narrowed her eyes at him. Bakugou stared at his daughter with wide eyes.
“What?” He asked with an exasperated voice.
“You committed the ultimate betrayal. You broke Mom’s heart, betrayed me and her, and broke this family apart. You ruined us. We’ve finally picked ourselves back up and I don’t think we should let the guy who wrecked our world come back into it. ...I’m glad you came and told me the truth..thank you for that..hope you get home safe.” Bakugou was hurt but he understood where she was coming from. He watched as his daughter began to walk away but he wanted to keep her around as long as he could. He knew this probably would be the last time he would get to see her for awhile.
“I’m sorry!” He said with a sob. He watched Katsumi flinch to his sudden booming voice and turn to him. Bakugou looked at his daughter with teary eyes. “You..you turned out great. You’re the best daughter I could ever ask for. Your Mother did a great job at raising you...I just wish I could say the same.”
As Katsumi took in his words, she could feel a heavy weight fly off of her chest. “.....Woah.”
“What?” Bakugou asked.
“...F-For so long, I’ve been mad at the world. For a period of time, I was mad at mom. But for the past 11 years, I always thought I wasn’t good enough. I thought I was a problem..and I was so broken and mad,” Katsumi looked up to her father with tears at the ends of her eyes and a tiny smile. “I-...I’m not mad anymore...thanks to you.”
Katsumi ran back to her dad and wrapped her arms around him. Bakugou was shocked but felt the tears build up again. He wrapped his arms around her and held his daughter tight for as long as she would allow. Time passed and it was clear the both of them were trying to hold onto this father-daughter moment for as long as they could, but Katsumi knew it was time to let go. Before releasing her hold on her father, she allowed herself to say her farewells.
“Goodbye Daddy....I love you.” Was all she said before pulling away from her dad and walking back into the house. Bakugou watched her go and dropped his head as he allowed himself to cry in peace.
When Katsumi entered the house, she was quick to break down again and sob. She ran to her mother who immediately wrapped her arms around her sad daughter. They both held onto each other as Katsumi said her apologies.
“I’m so sorry Mom! There was a time where I blamed you and none of this was your fault. I’m so sorry!” She sobbed and you pulled her back so you could face her.
“It’s okay, Katsumi, it’s okay,” you whispered. “Don’t apologize for anything. None of this was your fault, okay?” Katsumi only nodded as you pulled her in for another hug. The Bakusquad offered to take her back up to her room so she could settle down and you nodded as you allowed your daughter to head to the comfort of her room. The Bakusquad went to help her cheer up and they of course brought the comedic genius, Kaminari, with them.
“Nothing brings more joy in sad times than a goofy uncle!” Kaminari said as the 4 of them walked up the stairs.
“I could name so many more things, Denki. Trust me.” Mina said as she walked along side him. You chuckled at their conversation as they walked up the stairs but soon, your attention was directed to the opening back door. Katsuki walked in with a sad expression but gave a happy glance once he saw you. He walked towards you and you gave him a sad smile.
“So...I guess now she knows.” You said to break the silence.
“Um...yeah..she knows.” Bakugou said as he looked towards the ground. “......Y/N..I’m so sorry,” he said looking back at you. “If I could go back in time and stop myself I would. Because then I would still have my family. My daughter....you. I’d still have you and Katsumi and we’d still be in the same house with another kid a few years younger than Katsumi and then maybe we’d have another on accident because everyone knows I can’t keep my hands to myself when it comes to you,” he joked sadly. You laughed at his fantasy and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t have similar thoughts.
“Yeah..just...maybe if things were different.” You said with your sad smile. Bakugou slowly went in to grab your hand and you allowed him as he moved in closer to you.
“I’m sorry, Teddy Bear-“
“Stop saying ‘sorry’ Katsuki,” you said as you threw your head back with your small smile still plastered on. You faced him again before speaking. “I know you’re sorry. But..there’s nothing that’s gonna change with it. Maybe it’s time for you to move on. Time for both of us to move on.”
Bakugou shook his head at the idea. “No. I know myself. I know I’ll never be able to let you both go. I’ll never be able to move on, even if I wanted to. But I am able to respect your wishes. If Katsumi doesn’t want to see me anymore....then I’ll give her what she wants.”
“I’m sorry, Katsuki.” You said in regards to your daughter.
“S’not your fault Teddy Bear. It’s mine, obviously. Just what happens when you’re an idiot.” He said, degrading himself. You giggled at his comment and went in to wrap your arms around his neck.
“Yeah..but you’re always gonna be my idiot.” You said into his neck. Bakugou held you tight and took in your intoxicating scent. He took the time to memorize the warmth you had, the way you smelt, the way you felt. How amazing it was to hold you in his arms. He drilled it all into his mind so he would never forget.
“I’m glad. ....I love you Y/N.” He said into your soft hair.
“......I love you too Katsuki.” You replied back with all the love you could give. You both pulled away to face each other but felt something immediately draw you back in. You pressed against each other closer than before as your lips slowly came in contact.
This was something Bakugou also drilled in. The way you tasted. Your sweet strawberry lips were something he would never forget. Something he could never resist. The kiss slowly grew more passionate and intense as Bakugou bit down on your bottom lip, releasing a very quiet moan from you. Quickly, he slipped his tongue in and you allowed it as you succumbed to him. The kiss was strong and Bakugou began to push you against a wall but when his hands traveled to the hill of your ass, gave it a squeeze, and you released another moan, you decided it was enough.
You pushed on Bakugou’s chest and kept him back a bit. He looked down at you in confusion but when he saw your small smile and little head shake he understood. He smiled down at you with sad eyes as he nodded. His hands returned to your waist and pulled you in for a final hug that you happily returned. He pulled away but not before giving you a sweet peck on your forehead. He finally stepped away from you and walked to the door. You followed him as you escorted him to the exit and with his hand on the knob, he opened it as he looked at you with the same sad smile that mirrored your own.
“Bye Y/N.” He said on the other side of the entrance.
“Bye Katsuki.” You said with your hand on the door. While he pulled on the knob, you lightly shut the door.
You both placed your backs on your own sides of the door and released a breath you both didn’t know you were holding. A heavy feeling finally hopped off your chests as you both looked up. You both knew that you weren’t letting each other go. That’d be impossible and you knew it. It was more of you both accepting the new reality. You loved each other, wholeheartedly and entirely, but this would have to be the end of your story together.
You’re not letting go...this is just goodbye.
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calpalirwin · 3 years
Permanent Vacation
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Summary: Calum falls for a musician.
A/N: I just really wanted an excuse to use Arrows in Action newest releases in a fic. (They’re bangers. You should go give ‘em a listen.)
Word Count: 2.8k
And away, and away we go!
The sun was hot as it beat down on my neck, the line for the beerstand long, and the noises of people chatting excitedly were loud in my ears. But I didn’t care in the slightest. After the isolating shitshow that was quarantine, I was more than happy to be out at a festival with, wait for it, live fuckin’ music. The only way I could be happier was if my band was in the lineup, but this was still a pretty close second. To be surrounded by musicians and people who loved music was a breath of fresh air after so long. A breath of very hot fresh air. But still.
Behind me I heard the girlish giggling and whispers of my name, which drew the attention of the group in front of me: three guys, and a girl around my own age, two of the guys a good shoulder and head taller than the other man and girl. The shortest of the guys whispered, “Could you imagine if we got noticed like that?”
The tall brunette’s eyes went wide as he pulled a face and shook his head. “No, thanks. I think I’d cry.”
The other tall one with purple hair laughed loudly, “Aw, c’mon, that would be rad! His band’s not even in the lineup and he still gets recognized. Could you imagine?”
“He has a name, and can hear you, J,” the girl hissed with a playful eye roll. Then, she flashed me a smile before calling out in a loud voice, “Hey, man! Good to see ya! How ya been?” to me, before taking a step forward and stretching up to wrap her arm around my shoulders like we were old friends. “Just go with it,” she added under her breath. “Nobody’ll bug you for pictures and autographs if you’re with a bigger group.”
“Thanks,” I laughed at her rescue attempt. “But it’s fine if they do. I don’t mind.”
“Yeah, but they can at least let you buy a fuckin’ beer first.”
“Well, thanks again,” I said, not sure of what else to say, or do so I let her pull me up with her friends who were all staring at her with I’m sure the same look of soft shock I had on my own face.
“I’m Y/N, by the way.” She let go of me as she started introducing her friends to me. “And this is Jesse.”
“Hello,” the tall one with purple hair smiled warmly.
“That’s Matt,” she nudged the other tall one.
“And this is Vic,” she finished, looking at the shortest man who waved.
“Nice to meet you guys. I’m Calum,” I said, then realized how stupid that was. “But, you already knew that, huh?”
Y/N grinned, holding her thumb and index finger close together. “Just a smidge. But it’s cool. So, any bands you’re particularly excited to see?”
“The Maine and All Time Low mostly. I’m a huge fan of The Maine, and All Time Low are friends of mine.”
“Both are great bands. And the All Time Low guys are good friends to have, for sure.”
“Oh, you know them?”
“Yeah, we worked with them a few times.”
“Worked with? Fellow musicians, huh?”
She laughed. “We’re up and comers, yeah.”
“Your cool aunt’s favorite band,” Jesse grinned at me.
Y/N laughed more at the confused look that crossed my face. “That’s one of his favorite ways to refer to us. Like we’re the band you find out from word of mouth from the cool relative that’s always discovering new music.”
“Ah,” I said, nodding in understanding. “Been there. Are you guys in the lineup?”
“Yup!” she chirped happily as we got to the front of the line. “5 beers, please,” she told the person working the counter.
“Oh, you don’t have to,” I tried to decline, reaching quickly for my wallet.
“Relax, it’s just a beer,” she told me, passing me one of the cups being placed on the counter. 
“Well, thanks,” I said, raising the cup and taking a sip. “I’ll getcha guys next time.”
“I’ll hold you to it,” she grinned around the rim of her own cup. “Enjoy your beer, Cal. See ya around.”
I took the last swallow from my beer, cursing myself for not having stopped her to get the name of her band, or at the very least her last name. But before I had a chance to get the words out, I’d been bombarded with requests from fans for pictures, engaging in small conversations with them, and by the time I was done, Y/N was long gone.
So I resigned myself to walking around the festival grounds, my head reeling. It wasn’t often a woman pretended to be my friend to rescue me from the onslaught of fans. In fact, I couldn’t recall one time that's ever happened. I also wasn’t used to being bought drinks, even if I was still fully intending to return the favor. Although that would require me to find her first. But something told me that wouldn’t be too difficult.
I was grateful I’d come on my own, and not with Ashton who would have no doubt teased me about how hooked I was on the girl. The cynic with a crush? Whatever were the odds? And was it even technically a crush when I’d only interacted with her for maybe five minutes? Okay, maybe Ashton being around wouldn’t be the worst thing if he could help me make sense of the jumble of thoughts in my head. The way that man could bounce from crush to crush almost seamlessly was enough to give me a case of whiplash. 
I sighed as I tossed my cup in the trash. Whether or not it was a crush was still to be determined. All I knew was that I liked her energy, and wanted to see her again. And… that was a crush, wasn’t it? God. Fuckin’. Damn it.
A guitar chord rang out loudly, and there was a mad dash of people running towards the stage. Slowly I pushed my way through the crowd of people towards the front, grinning when I noticed it was her on stage, and grinning even more when I noticed the instrument in her hand. A bassist? Fuck, I was definitely in trouble now.
The shortest of the men, Vic, I recalled, started singing, with the other three providing backup harmony on the chorus. Until they got to the bridge that was all Y/N, her voice ringing out “Tomorrow’s a nightmare, I’m dreaming today. And my head is haunted, the past just can’t stay. The devil you know, yeah he comes and he goes. I’m selfish, and vapid, I hide in my prose!” before they launched into the final chorus.
“What up, Anaheim?!” Vic yelled into his mic to a scream of cheers and applause. “We’re Arrows in Action, and that was our newest single, Only Be Mine. I’m Vic. We got Matt over here on guitar. Jesse’s on the drums. And Y/N’s over there on bass. We got a few more songs for you all. And if you’re an awesome crowd, we might have a special treat for ya at the end of our set. Sound good?”
We answered him in whoops of cheers and loud applause, causing them all to grin as they launched into their next song.
They played seamlessly through about three more songs, enjoying the feeling of playing live in front of people again, before Y/N whooped into her own mic. “Whoo! It’s hot! Anyone else hot? Y’all staying hydrated out there?” she asked us, before flickering her gaze across the stage at Matt who was wiping his forehead. “You good, Matt?”
“Dude, it’s like a million degrees up here,” he commented, before taking a huge swig from a water bottle.
Y/N laughed. “Right. Y’all gotta understand. Matt’s from the cold states. Then there’s Vic and I who are California natives, technically, right Vic?”
“Yeah, I was born here. But I didn’t live here as long as you did.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. So Vic and I are used to the heat. Matt, not so much. And Jesse? How you doing back there, J?”
“Me?” the drummer pointed at himself in confusion “Oh, I’m great!”
“Great enough to give this crowd a real surprise?” she asked, her voice laced with playful trouble, as she looked at all her bandmates. “C’mon, boys what do ya say? Wanna give this crowd something special before we go?”
Again, we all cheered and applauded as encouragement for whatever surprise they had in mind. “Alright!” Vic laughed. “Alright, you wanna go ahead and introduce it then?”
She smiled wide as she turned towards us. “Alright, everybody! We’re Arrows in Action. We’ve had a great time with y’all! So, as a thank you, we’re gonna play a new song that we haven’t released yet. Is that cool with you?” She laughed as she awaited the response of screaming, whistles, and applause. “Alright. This is called Permanent Vacation, which will be available on all listening platforms this Friday. Let’s go!”
Matt started playing a series of chords that sounded incredibly familiar, while the other three clapped to the beat. But right before the lyrics were supposed to come in, Vic started talking into his mic. “Wait, wait, wait!” he laughed. “I don’t know the lyrics to this!”
“So it’s just like every other song,” Y/N teased him with her own laugh.
“Nah, I think it’s cuz that one’s not ours.”
“Be rad if it was though,” she said, and I swear she shot me a wink. “Alright, alright. So, that one’s not ours. But this one definitely is. And it’s definitely called Permanent Vacation. And it’s out Friday.”
A new guitar and drum beat started up and Vic immediately started singing, again with the rest of the band providing back up vocals until the bridge where it was all Y/N. A soft build before a wild yell that would have torn my own vocal chords to shreds.
“I’m locked and loaded, fire away! Permanent vacation from my brain. Extend my stay another day. Far from home, not alone,” they all finished with a flurry of chords. “Thank you!” Vic croaked into the mic. “Thank you guys so much! We’re Arrows in Action, enjoy the rest of your night!”
With tired but happy smiles, they all bowed before exiting the stage. I moved to follow, but thought better of it, going to hit the drink stand first where I bought 5 beers and 4 waters. A small challenge, made slightly easier by the person working the stand putting the water bottles in a grocery bag for me. With that hanging off my arm, I held 2 beers in each hand, and my own in my teeth.
“Cal!” she laughed, her face flushed when I found them lounging in the grass. “You didn’t have to do that,” she told me as she rose to her feet to help me distribute the beers.
“I said I’d get the next round,” I offered up simply, setting down the bag and taking a seat with them all. “I brought you guys water, too.”
“You really didn’t have to do that,” she laughed, tossing the bottles out anyway, and sitting back down, this time next to me. 
“Shut up, Y/N, let the man do what he wants,” Jesse said, downing a water bottle in 2 gulps before turning his attention to his beer. “You’re rad. Thank you.”
“For real, man. This was really cool of you,” Vic said.
“Yeah, huge thanks,” Matt nodded.
“What they said, I guess,” Y/N laughed again, following Jesse’s lead of downing her water bottle before going for her beer. “Fuck,” she sighed. “That’s good. Thank you, really.”
“Happy to do it,” I answered. “That set was amazing, by the way. And that joke at the end was pretty clever. How long were you planning that?”
She giggled. “Uh, well Jesse and I are much more the 5sos fans than Matt and Vic are. But we’re all familiar with your music. And when we were writing the song, and settled on the title, I suggested that it would be funny to start playing your version if we ever got the chance to play it live. Which meant bugging Matt to learn the guitar parts.”
“So you’re the troublemaker of the band?” I guessed.
She shrugged, and hid behind the rim of her cup. “I mean… Depends on the day.”
We continued to lay in the grass, making small talk as we all finished our beers, before Jesse cleared his throat. “Uh… Matt, Vic. You guys wanna come with me to get a good spot for the rest of the acts?” he asked, the suggestion in his tone heavy.
Matt and Vic shared a look, before nodding. “Yeah, yeah of course,” they said, all three of them getting up.
“You assholes are just gonna leave me?” Y/N asked, looking up at them.
“Just come find us when you’re ready,” they winked. “Thanks again for the beers, Cal.”
“Assholes,” she muttered again as they all made themselves scarce. “Sorry about them.”
I laughed, waving it off. “Nah, it’s cool. And kinda nice, maybe?”
“Oh?” she asked, her eyes wide. “Uh…” her face flushed. “I mean…” she started to stammer. “Yeah. Yeah.”
I gave a half chuckle, scratching at the back of my neck. “Look, it’s fine if you’re not… I mean, I figure you probably are if they did that for you, cuz they have no reason to do it for my sake. I mean, they’re your friends and bandmates, not mine. But I know a wing man set up when I see it. But if it’s more of a meddling wing man set up, like that’s fine,” I spilled out, before realizing I was rambling.
“No!” she rushed. “Oh, no, that’s not what I meant at all!” She covered her face in her hands, groaning “Oh, this is so embarrassing…” Her hands moved to push through her hair as she took a long breath to steady herself. “Of course I like you, Cal. Like before I even met you. One of those embarrassing fangirl crush type of deals. And I mean, I’m a bassist in a punk band, so you’re also someone I idolize and take inspiration from.” Slowly her gaze lifted from her lap to lock onto mine. “And then I met you today. And  you’re everything I thought you’d be. Thoughtful. Generous. A bit shy, and quiet at times. Nice. And it makes the crush that much stronger, and harder to deal with. Cuz now it’s real. And I feel like I know you. And it’s just… Ugh, it spirals from there, ya know?”
“A good spiral, or a bad spiral?”
“Bit of both? Like the insecurities in me say that you’re an A-list celebrity, while I’m more of like… not an A-lister. My band’s not on the same level yours is. I mean, we play bars and small day festivals. You sell out stadiums and have world tours. There’s a clear discrepancy. But then, another part of me doesn’t give a shit about that. It sees how we’re like-minded. It sees all the ways we click, and all the ways we could work. And that’s where the cocky part comes in, where it sees the like-mindedness and the reasons we could work, and calls you an idiot if you can’t see it too. That, uh, screwed up defense mechanism of it being your loss, ya know?”
She sighed. “Sorry. I said a lot. Point is, I do like you. And, that’s that.”
“So the ball’s in my court?”
“Only if you want it to be. And if you don’t, then no. There’s no ball. No court. Just two people who have a few things in common.”
“You wanna hear what I think?”
“Go for it.”
“I think your friends left us for 2 reasons. 1 being that they’re loyal to you, and know how you feel about me. 2 being that they’re also guys. Which gives them a pretty good insight for how I’m feeling too.”
“Uh-huh…” she nodded slowly. “And how you’re feeling is…?”
I could have said the words. But I settled for leaning in, brushing my lips softly against hers for the sweetest of moments, listening to the way her next breath got stuck in her throat. I pulled away, smiling softly at her and shrugging my shoulders.
She traced her lips with her thumb, bewilderment written on her face. “Okay, you really didn’t have to do that.”
“Relax,” I chuckled, stealing her words from earlier. “It’s just a kiss.”
“Well, thanks. I’ll, uh, getcha next time.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”
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little india update :D
we've been staying at my dad's older brother's house ever since we came here and they have two sons who are three years older than me and a year younger than me so i have company :D the only thing is that i'm the only girl in the house other than my mom and aunt abjdfnl
but i found out that one of my cousins from my mom's side watches a ton of anime!! he's two months younger than me so he's currently in college and i don't see him much but the cousin a year younger than me also just started watching anime a few months back!! we both binge watched spy x family one night because neither of us felt like sleeping abkdfn
they also have a cute little dog who is a shih tzu and he's so cute akdfn he's like a little ball of energy and loves playing along with us and the cutest thing is if we ever go out somewhere he's literally barreling us down despite being 1/4 of our size ajbdlfn
we also went to our cousins cousins farm (so second cousins?) and we ate all the produce there and played around so much akjdlf the cousin a year younger than me and i were teasing each other because we both detest bugs so we were going "BUG" "SPIDER" randomly to scare each other akjbdfn
but yeah :D i haven't really hung out with a female my age other the second cousin at the farm but she's a good 7 years older than me so it was still a big age gap 😭 the only good thing about being the only female is that i have at least one male around me at all times so it's like a creepy man repellent because one move towards me and suddenly everyone's formed a protection circle staring them down akdbfjn
i'm just enjoying the time i have with my cousins because we leave :D i want to go back home but i don't want to leave them ;-;
AHH that's good! I can't count the number of times I've gone to some family's house and have been the only person in my age range sdfhdfjkdahs
ALSO YES SPY X FAMILY that manga is keeping me alive rn ngl I need to know if Operation Strix will be a success!!
Awww I love shih tzus! They're such adorable lap dogs sdfjsdf they always have so much love to share and it always makes me gush hehe
I think so? but jhsfkfjg nothing is better than fresh harvested food! Also I cannot guarantee the safety of anyone who yells "bug" next to me because I will go into fight or flight and 7/10 times it's fight.
We love creepy man repellant I wish I had one guhhhh I'm always on my own when I head to family functions cuz the only two others my age are always MIA cuz one lives three hours away and the other lives six hours away lmaoooo but at least you got one! It's important for your sanity
Also ahhhh that's always the dilemma. Traveling always kinda stresses me out a little, but whenever I meet my cousins at the end of it it becomes worth it, then we all cry together when we have to go our separate ways djkshff but I'm glad you're having fun! Having to leave at the end, I feel, always makes the time spent together more meaningful
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
En Tennyson Anything
Pairing: Pre-Established; Ben Tennyson x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.5k words
Summary: Ever wonder how Ben Tennyson’s kid got it’s name?
A/N: Did anyone ask for it? No. Should this have remained in my head? Yes. Should I have not wasted my time when I’m supposed to be studying for my mock chemistry Final? Probably. Did I do it anyway? Absolutely. Is anyone’s opinion going to change my mind? Absolutely NOT.
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“No! Forget about it! I refuse to name our child En Anything!” You said firmly, walking away from your husband to the living room. Just like you knew he would but wished he wouldn’t, he followed you, all while whining pitifully.
“Babe, please! Ren or Jen Tennyson? How adorable is that?”
“Look, you already named our dog Sphen Tennyson, that’s all you get!”
“Are you comparing our child to a dog right now?”
You snorted and rolled your eyes, pointing to the TV remote. It was second nature for him to grab the remote for you and you proceeded to ignore him in favour of your favourite series.
“Babe, come on, Kevin got to name his son Devlin!”
“That’s only cuz Gwen bet that it was going to be a girl! I on the other hand am refusing to name our child, boy or girl, En Tennyson!”
“It’s a family tradition babe!”
“No way! That name brings enough trouble as it is!”
“And yet you took it!”
“Because if I hadn’t your mother would’ve killed me. But I asked her and she said it was totally my decision to name our child whatever. And I choose anything other than En Anything.”
He threw himself on the couch with a huff, leaning against your belly and placing a hand on it, “Your mom is mean.”
You flicked his ear, “Don’t say that to our child!���
He chuckled, pressing a few kisses to your bump, “You want to be named Ren or Jen, right? Kick if you agree.”
You waited a couple of seconds in silence and when you felt nothing you couldn’t help but laugh at the betrayed look on Ben’s face. Usually whenever Ben talked to the baby, it was all too happy to kick around in response.
But it seemed like even the baby hated the name.
“I really wish I didn’t have to go.” Ben murmured, pulling you into his arms. You sighed, relishing in his warmth and leaning against his frame. A hand came to cradle your head as he tilted your face towards his and captured your lips in a kiss.
“It’s okay, the universe needs you.”
“Yeah, but you need me more than them.” He mumbled, kissing you again and you chuckled, “I’m sure I can survive a few days.”
“But you’re near your due date.”
You knew he was anxious to leave you alone so close to your due date. The grip he had on your hands was an indication to just how hard this was for him. He was worried about leaving the two of you home alone.
“It’s going to be okay, love. Besides, it’s not like I’m alone, I have your parents and Grandpa Max to look after me.”
“And my brother promised to check in on her a couple of times too.” Gwen spoke up from behind you and you nodded.
“Call me when you’re done.” You said, wrapping your arms around his neck. He peppered kisses along your shoulder as a goodbye.
“Call me if anything happens, okay?” He asked and you nodded, smiling when he bent down to say goodbye to your child.
“Don’t trouble your mom too much, okay? And don’t be born until I get back. Okay?” He asked and just like you knew it would, the baby kicked hearing Ben’s voice and the two of you laughed.
“We’ll be just fine.” You reassured, kissing him one final time before sending him off with a smile, “Be safe, I love you.”
It wasn’t long after Ben left when it started to snow heavily. The roads were quickly covered with sleet and snow decorated the window. So, you curled up with a warm hot chocolate, bundled up in Ben’s jacket by the window and had the radio playing.
Retro, but it was just what you needed to stop worrying about Ben.
You were nearly done with your cup when you heard the doorbell ring and wondered if you absolutely had to get up. Your feet were already kind of sore and you didn’t feel like moving. The doorbell rang again and you groaned, shuffling off the bed and grumbled all the way to the doorway.
When you opened it, Gwen’s brother was standing there with a small smile and a box of donuts.
“Hey, I got you those donuts you like.”
You have him a smile, inviting him inside, “Thank you, Ken. You really didn’t have to.”
“I promised Gwen and Ben that I would look after you.”
“Well, it looks like you’re stuck here,” You said, looking out the window and noticing how the police where shutting them down for everyone’s safety, “The roads are closed.”
He looked at the scene over your shoulder and released a breath, “I’m kind of relieved. I just parallel parked the car between 2 giant vans and I really didn’t want to have to bring it out of there.”
You giggled, “Lucky you then.”
The two of you didn’t waste any time, opening the box of donuts and digging in.
“So, any names for the newest Tennyson?” Ken asked, finishing his Jelly-filled one as you bit into the one with chocolate sprinkles.
“Well, Ben wants to name it either Ren or Jen but I hate the idea.”
Ken laughed, “What about you?”
“Well, I wanted to name it Max if he was boy,” You started, a hand unconsciously coming to rub your belly when you felt your baby move slightly. Almost as if he knew you were talking about it, “But Grandpa Max thinks that we shouldn’t.”
“Why not? I mean, I’d be pretty honoured if someone wanted to name their child after me.”
“Right? But Max thinks that his name would bring about bad luck. As if the last name isn’t bad luck enough.” You sighed and grabbed the last donut just as Ken was reaching for it. He raised a judgmental brow and you scoffed.
“I’m pregnant, what’s your excuse?”
Ken stayed the rest of the night, sleeping in one of the guest rooms and when the two of you woke up, you realized that it had snowed the whole night. The roads were covered in snow that was feet deep and you watched from the top of Tennyson Tower as a team of pyronites tried to clear them away.
It seemed in vain however, because it looked like the drainage system was frozen over and it would be difficult to get all the snow out without causing a flood.
You found yourself missing your husband more than you expected. With the snow and the cold, you wanted someone to cuddle up to. Someone to hold.
The baby had definitely noticed Ben’s absence. You couldn’t really tell how but something in your soul told you that it missed its father. Just as you did.
But the baby didn’t know that Ben was off world for a mission and light years away from the two of you. The baby had no idea that kicking and being fussy wouldn’t get him here faster even though it showed you just how uncomfortable it was.
Maybe that’s why it decided to come out and check for itself.
You weren’t sure what you felt at first. It was just a little discomfort for you but the spell quickly passed without much notice.
The second contraction made sure to let you know that it was there.
You held onto Ken’s arm in surprise and he took his eyes off the screen to look at you. You were staring blankly at the screen and he shifted in his seat to grab your hand.
“Everything okay?”
“I think I just had a contraction.” You whispered, feeling slightly panicked. A lot of emotions were rushing through your head; how you didn’t want to do this without Ben, how you didn’t want to do this, how you couldn’t do this with the roads blocked, and wondering whether this was actually labour.
“What? Oh, shit, okay, just relax. Has your water broken?” Ken was surprisingly calm even though you just told him you might be having your baby. He merely patted your hand reassuringly and grabbed his phone.
“I—I don’t think so.”
“Okay then we got some time, just relax.”
You knew all this. You went to the classes. You read the books. But as soon as you felt the first contraction, your mind went blank. All you did was nod as Ken dialled in your mother-in-law’s number and told her what was going on.
“How are we gonna get to the hospital?” You whispered, feeling panic rise and Ken brought you in for a comforting hug, “Don’t worry about it, we got some time. I’ll call Grandpa Max and ask him if he can dispatch a couple of hover cars or at least get some Heatblast’s to clear the road. Everything will be just fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yep, worst comes to worst, we’ll have to get a doctor up here. It’ll be okay. Just watch some TV for now.”
“How do you know so much about this? You seem oddly calm.”
Ken blushed, “I read up on it a lot when Gwen was pregnant to make sure that if I was with her when it happened then I wouldn’t be floundering.”
You gave him a smile, “That’s sweet.”
“Okay, just breathe. Breathe. You’re doing great!” Ken whispered, letting you grip his hands as he talked you through another contraction. After he called up Grandpa Max, it didn’t take long before they managed to bring you to the hospital. Your water broke soon after that and the contractions got more painful.
“Where’s Ben!” You cried out, clenching your teeth. Ken began wiping your tears and sweat away.
“We haven’t been able to reach him yet, he’s still in battle. He’ll get the message soon enough and come home, (Y/N), don’t worry about it.”
“I can’t have this baby without him, Ken. I can’t. Can you tell the doctors to keep it in?” You sobbed and he chuckled lightly, pecking your temple, “We can’t keep it in, honey, but Aunt Sandra and Uncle Carl are on their way. So is Grandpa Max.”
“Why is this taking so long!!” You whimpered. Ken was carefully wiping away all your tears, “I thought the miracle of birth was supposed to be beautiful! Why is it so slow and so painful!”
He laughed and you sent him a glare but he knew it was harmless, “Well that’s the human race for you.”
“What a bunch of bastards.”
“I’m here! I’m here!” Ben shouted, bolting through the hallways, running into multiple people until he finally made it outside your delivery room. He was running too fast and ended up crashing into his father’s arms, panting heavily.
“Can I go in?” He asked, unsure if he was allowed and hesitated even when his parents nodded. His son or daughter was being born. Now. The love of his life was giving birth in the other room. All of it felt too real. Too domestic. Too normal.
He’d been through so much till now, never getting anything in return. He’d saved planets and risked his life over and over again, always coming near death and he never asked for anything in return.
Now it finally felt like he was getting something back.
His heart honestly couldn’t handle it.
So, he hesitated, he was scared he’d get robbed of something again. That he’d once again have to give up something in his life.
Kevin placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, squeezing it tightly and he nodded before giving him a slight nudge towards the door. When Ben stepped in, he immediately rushed to your side, pressing a kiss to your sweaty forehead.
“I’m here. I’m here. I love you. I’m here.” You spared him a smile and he brought a hand up to wipe away some tears. You were breathing hard, a hand wrapped around his arm and the other was still clasped between both of Ken’s.
It was only then Ben noticed that his cousin was also in the room.
“Hey, man.”
Even the doctor couldn’t help but laugh as your nails dug into their skin and you cried out, back hitting the bed in relief as your baby was born. An innocent cry filled the room and you couldn’t help the tears of joy that began streaming down your cheeks.
That was your baby.
“Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson, it’s a boy.”
Ben let out a teary laugh, kissing you briefly and squeezing your hand reassuringly as you leaned against him, exhausted. He was finally here; his baby boy was finally here.
The doctors cleaned him up a little before handing the baby to you, initiating skin-to-skin. You felt fresh tears looking at his precious face. That was your baby.
Ben’s hand came to support your son, his other arm wrapping around your figure as he brought you into a hug. A family hug.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Do we have a name yet?” Gwen asked from beside you, looking over the newest addition to the family. Your son was comfortable, even though people kept passing him around like a hot potato. It’s what happens when there are so many people in your family.
“No, not yet.” Ben told and you were almost impressed. A part of you was completely expecting him to hijack the name and outright tell everyone that you were naming your son Ren Tennyson.
“Actually,” You spoke up, bringing everyone’s attention to you just as Sandra handed her grandson back to you. You fondly looked at your baby boy before looking up at your husband with a shy smile, “I was thinking Kenny.”
A bright smile grew on his face, “Really? I thought you said you didn’t want an En Tennyson.”
“I didn’t, but I want our baby to be named after someone special,” You spoke, turning your head to meet the gaze of Ken, who had been standing behind everyone for the time being. You sent him a meaningful look, “I couldn’t have done it without you today. Thank you, for everything.”
He blushed, “I didn’t really.”
You didn’t bother arguing with him, knowing it was just his humility that held him back from accepting your gratitude. Instead, you turned back to the baby in your arms, leaning your head against Ben’s shoulder, “Your name is Kenny Tennyson, baby.”
The room erupted into cheers and you grinned, looking up to see your family around you.
Perhaps a family name wasn’t a bad idea.
It meant your child would be named after the people you love.
Forever Taglist: @simonsbluee​
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bluefirewrites · 4 years
‘Wake Up’
May have been inspired by WandaVision...
Julie rolled out of bed that morning in high spirits. Despite having to wake up early for school, she had a bright smile on her face the moment the alarm rang. 
She went for her closet but, as she passed the mirror, was quite confused to find herself already wearing the outfit she was planning to wear. 
But she still opened the door to her closet, sliding her hangers around to find her jacket while humming some nonsense tune. Every few articles or so she sifts through, Julie would keep coming across a white shirt. 
“Sunset Curve?” she read the logo aloud, not sure why that sounded so familiar... 
She didn’t think any of it.
Her jacket was right next to this white shirt she didn’t remember owning. 
Shrugging it on, she ran downstairs were Carlos was already going on to her dad and her aunt about whatever this week’s obsession was. 
“I’m telling you dad, there’s proof!” 
Her dad laughed as he cooked breakfast (or more like burnt it...), “Whatever you say, mijo,” 
“What is it this time?” Julie groaned, already picking up a banana from the bowl, forgoing whatever mess her dad was making in the kitchen. 
Carlos was already by her side, shoving his tablet in her face, “I saw it online! These guys went into this house at like 3AM and caught a ghost on camera! A ghost!” 
She didn’t so much glance down on the screen, already dismissing her brother’s words, but before she could open her mouth, a new voice butted in their conversation, coming from the front door. 
“Oooh a ghost? Now that’s interesting...” 
“Luke!” Julie beamed at the arrival of her boyfriend and their two friends, who had just walked in. 
He waltzed over, dumping his backpack onto the couch, and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, “Mornin’, Jules. Now what’s this I hear about ghosts?” 
Reggie pushed past Alex, who was still kicking his shoes off in the foyer, “Oooh. Show me!” he said excited, huddled over Carlos’ tablet, “Woah. That’s creepy!” 
“Do not encourage him, Carlos,” Alex finally made it to the table, “Reggie’s convinced aliens are real too.” 
“They are real!” 
“Just cuz you watch Star Wars-” 
“-Not because of Star Wars! Ask NASA-” 
“-Wh-okay. I just go and ask NASA-?” 
“-Yes. Just go and ask-” 
Luke rolled his eyes at his friends’ arguing. He reached over and picked up a piece of overcooked bacon on Carlos’ place. He took a bite. 
Julie’s eyebrows furrowed at the sight. 
“You can eat?” 
Luke raised one of his own, finishing off the bacon, “Yeah. Of course. Why? Am I not supposed to?” he joked. 
“Yes,” Julie found herself saying, “You can’t... you’re not...” 
She stopped. 
She didn’t even know what she was going to say next. 
She looked up, not realizing that she had been staring off into space, “Yes, Alex?” 
The blonde wrapped his arm around her shoulder, “Back me up here, would you? And tell this guy” he points to Reggie, who stuck his tongue at them, “that ghosts (and aliens) aren’t real.” 
“Um... er...” 
Julie... couldn’t answer that. Finding the question, and this conversation, completely absurd. 
Luckily she was saved from answering when her two besties rounded the corner, talking animatedly between each other. 
She didn’t remember hearing them come in... 
“Julie!” Carrie chirped, hugging her from behind, “Love you. Good morning, but we have a situation.” 
“What’s up?” 
Flynn settled next to her on the table, “We need a band to play at the dance this week. I’m DJ-ing of course. But we need like a killer closer.”
“But I thought Dirty Candy-?” 
“We can’t,” Carrie interrupted, and that was all she could explain, “Any chance Julie and the Phantoms could fill in?” 
“A school dance?” Luke grimaced, “Not exactly the Strip...” 
Julie couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of deja vu when she heard him say that... 
“I don’t know,” a woman’s voice carried over, appearing behind Ray, “You gotta start somewhere right? Build a following?” 
Julie nodded, “Mom’s right.” 
“She always is,” Ray remarked before kissing his wife, making Carlos gag but making Julie feel...
There was something so bittersweet about this moment, but Julie couldn’t put her finger on it. Even when she stood up and hugged her mom, something was telling her... to not let go. Not even for a second. 
“What’s wrong, Julie?” she asked, realizing that they have yet to break their hug. 
Julie blinked away tears that started to form against her better judgement. 
She pulled away, straining a smile, “Nothing. Mom.”
Julie took a look around the room, where all her loved ones were watching her with fondness in their eyes. Her gaze lingered on the three teenage boys, her boyfriend Luke among them- her boyfriend of... how many months? Years? 
Weird. She couldn’t remember how long they had been together. 
She shook her head to rid of that slightly distressing thought. And she took in the room again. 
“Nothing’s wrong...” she reiterated aloud, “Actually, everything’s... perfect.” 
Her mom beamed at her, rubbing her shoulder, “Glad to hear it. Now I think we should all get some breakfast before we send you kids off to school.”
Suddenly, Julie was back at the table, that had somehow grew in length and had just enough chairs for everyone. 
Looking down, she was surprised to find a yummy looking breakfast, completely different from what her father had cooked before...
Julie lifted the forkful of fluffy looking pancakes to her mouth when she heard the doorbell ring. 
Everyone froze. 
Julie did too. 
She turned to Luke, who clenched his jaw staring at the front door. In fact, everyone had stopped what they were doing to stare at the door, acting like the ringing was some sort of... hindrance... 
“Um... is anyone gonna get that?” she asked tentatively, put off by everyone’s reactions... 
“Why?” Victoria said, voice cold, “Everyone that’s supposed to be here is here.” 
“I know but-” 
The doorbell rang again. And Julie made the move to get up. 
“Hey,” Luke uttered softly, hand holding hers, “Just ignore it. They’ll go away. Let’s finish our food-” 
“You can’t eat,” Julie blurted out again, which only upset Luke more.  
His grip on her tightened, “Yes... I can.” 
The doorbell kept ringing. In short intervals, repeating in an almost desperate pattern. 
Her curiosity got the better of her. Julie wrenched her hand away from Luke’s hold and practically ran to the door, much to the loud protests of everyone. 
“Julie, get back here right now!” 
“It could be important!” she shouted back at them, hand on the handle and opening. 
A guy with long hair and a hoodie was standing there. His eyes had a frenzied look to them, he kept taking short, ragged breaths- all in all he looked like hell. 
Eyes widened and hands already on her shoulders, “Julie! You got to listen to me-” 
“Who even-?” 
“Don’t fall for it, Julie. We have to-” 
The strange boy tried pulling her along, but she stood her ground. 
“I don’t- I don’t know you.” 
The boy sighed, kept looking wildly around himself, “You- you don’t have to. He’s gonna find-” 
“She said she doesn’t know you,” Alex was now by her side, staring down the stranger, “What seems to be the problem here?” 
The stranger stumbled backwards, eyes widening, “A-Alex?” 
“You know him?” Julie gaped at the stranger. 
“Yes- I mean, no.” The guy shook his head furiously, “No! That’s not- That’s not Alex, Julie!” 
“What do you mean?” 
“He’s not real! This isn’t- this isn’t real. It’s all in your head,” 
Julie shook her head, “No. That’s not- this has to be, Willie.” 
The guy straightened up. 
“Yes. Yes! That’s me!” 
How- how did she know his name? But once it spilled out.. it felt right. 
It was the only thing that had felt... right. So far. 
The guy- Willie, took her by the hand again, and this time Julie wasn’t wary. She sort of wanted to follow him. 
“Look, we don’t have much time before he figures out what I escaped-” 
“Escape? He-?” 
“But we need to get you out of here. We need to-” 
Willie whirled around and a man stood there. In a dress shirt, holding a cane. 
“No.... no,” Willie held his arm out in front of Julie... as if he was trying to protect her, “Caleb. Stop this right now! Let her go, you psycho!” 
The man, Caleb, smiled a sickly sweet smile, “Now that isn’t a way to speak to your old man, is it?” 
Julie blinked and Willie faced her now, cleaned up and wearing new clothes, clothes more... befitting for the time. He stood next to Caleb, who had an almost death-like grip on the boy’s shoulder. 
“Apologies for that, miss,” Caleb greeted, “My son and I just moved in next door.” 
Willie wiggled under the Caleb’s hold, “You’re not my-!” 
“Anyways, it’s nice to make your acquaintance...?” 
“Julie,” she said, eyes on Willie the whole time. He appeared to be afraid. 
And somehow Julie knew that she should be afraid too..
She was slowly stepping backwards into the house, “Nice to meet you... But I have to go-” 
“Ah yes, get back to breakfast. Hopefully no more...” The glanced down at Willie, “interruptions.” 
“Right,” She was already inside, ready to close the door... she didn’t like how Caleb looked at her. She wanted him gone. 
“We’ll be making our leave now. Have a lovely morning, Julie,” 
With that Caleb was dragging Willie by the scruff of his shirt down her steps, the boy kept bucking trying to escape. 
“Julie! Julie!” he kept calling out to her, “You need to get out!” 
“Quiet, you!” Caleb hissed. 
Julie’s heart beat rapidly, hands shaking the doorknob, “What-? H-how?” 
“Wake up!” 
Wake up. 
Wake up?
“... if it’s all you do...” she sang softly, the words coming out along with the melody that she had been humming earlier. 
Both Caleb and Willie stopped. 
“No,” the man uttered, “Stop that.” he ordered. 
Willie grinned, “Yes. Julie! Snap out of it!” 
“Look out, look inside of you...” 
Julie turned her head, Alex was no longer next to her, back with everyone in the kitchen, who stared at her in disbelief. Her mom had rose from the table, telling her to stop. 
That made Julie’s blood run cold. 
Her mom. 
She would never... she would never to tell her to stop singing. Especially not with this song. This song that she had written for her before... before she-
Julie gasped in realization. “You’re dead.” 
Luke got up, making his way towards her, “Julie, what are you talking about?” 
She backed up, “No. You’re dead too!” 
This wasn’t real... 
None of this was real. 
She had to leave. 
This wasn’t- this wasn’t what was supposed to happen... 
Emboldened by the revelation, she kept singing, “It's not what you lost... It's what you'll gain raising your voice in the rain...” 
The house, her house, began fading away, replaced with any inky blackness that gave Julie more relief upon seeing it. 
She could hear Caleb shouting at her, and Willie’s encouragement to keep doing what she was doing. “It’s working! It’s working!” 
“Wake up your dream and make it true... Look out, look inside of you...” 
One by one, her friends, her family started to fade too, getting lost in the darkness.. 
Her eyes met her mom’s, and she almost stopped.
But no. 
Her mom wasn’t there. She was already gone... 
Swallowing hard, shutting her eyes, she... kept going... “It's not what you lost... Relight that spark, time to come out of the dark...” 
She took a deep breath...
“...Wake up...” 
When she opened her eyes, she found herself tied to a chair in some luxurious looking office. Jazz music playing faintly in the background. 
Caleb glowered at her from his place behind the desk. 
The memories came flooding back to her. 
The flowers, Nick- 
To the club. She was in the Hollywood Ghost Club. 
She had been there for hours. 
Julie struggled in her bindings as Caleb stalked over to her menacingly, “Now, now, now. You shouldn’t have done that.” 
“Where’s-” she looked around, “Where’s Willie? How did he-?” 
“Somehow he had found a way out of his little holding cell and came up here to cause some trouble...” he knelt down in front of her, “I’ll make sure that won’t happen again.” 
Julie scowled at him, wanting to slap the smug grin off the ghost’s face, “Again?” 
He wagged a finger at her, “You need to be preoccupied, my dear Julie. While I figure out a way to relinquish your hold on those boys.” 
“I told you, I don’t even know!” 
“Ah, but there is a way to break it. I will find out. And since you’re here” he procured a velvet bag from his back pocket, “the boys would come running in trying to save you.” 
The perfect trap... 
Julie wanted so badly to tell Caleb off, to tell him that they wouldn’t fall for it. 
But they would come barging in to come get her no hesitation. They had risked everything for her before. 
And they would do it again. 
“Now,” Caleb stuck his hand inside the bag and gathered up some purple dust, “We’ll do this one more time. And don’t fight it,” 
Her eyes widened, realizing what was happening. She squirmed some more, but to no use, “No no no-” 
“You should be grateful. I could have easily made it... unpleasant,” 
“I’ll find a way out!” 
“Let’s see how you fare without Willie’s help,” 
Then Caleb blew the powder into the face. And her eyes fluttered closed. 
“Nighty night...” she heard him say before it all went black. 
Julie jerked, hunched over her plate of breakfast. 
She felt Luke’s hand on her back, “Are you okay, Julie?” 
Lifting her head, she saw her loved ones laughing with each other, enjoying the morning. The sunlight dancing behind their heads, and her mom- 
She lifted her cup of orange juice in her direction, smiling before taking a sip. 
Julie nodded, “Yeah... I’m fine.” 
“Something wrong?” 
“Uh... no.” she said, ignoring that nagging feeling in the back of her head, “Actually everything’s great.” 
Luke smiled at her, “I’m glad. Now, pancakes?” 
“Right,” she smiled back at him. 
Then she dug into her breakfast, marveling at how good it all tasted. 
Yes, it tasted perfect. 
Everything was just... perfect. 
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obetrolncocktails · 2 years
More and more guests were arriving and with every hug and overbearing birthday wish from the continuous stream of aunts, uncles and cousins, you found yourself downing your 4th cocktail.
The party was just starting, the sun was out, a soft breeze in the air and your little cousins were already giggling and playing in the pool. Even your dad was getting the burgers and hot dogs ready on the grill, the smell was so comforting. Everything about the beginnings of your big day was perfect, well, almost everything.
As you lay on a poolside chair waiting for your best-friend to re-accompany you after her trip to the bathroom, you sipped your 5th drink, a piña colada, and scanned your surroundings.
That's when you noticed him staring at you from across the pool. He was sitting down on a bar stool on the porch, with gold circular sunglasses propped on his head, pushing his light brown curls back. You had your rose gold reflective sunglasses on so you hoped it looked like you weren't eyeing him just the same. You noticed him bite down on his lower lip, a corona beer bottle in one hand, he was wearing a white long sleeve and had his other hand stuffed in the front pocket of his red swim trunks.
When you had bumped into him only an hour ago you didn’t get a good look at him, but your eyes betrayed you and now you found yourself studying him like he would disappear at any moment. But it wouldn't phase you if he did, or would it?
You force yourself to stop staring at the man who could most definitely ruin this day and you smile and put your drink in a cupholder when your bestie prances toward you. "Finally you're back, I thought the toilet swallowed you, or that you were flirting with Andy again." Andy was your older cousin and she had the biggest schoolgirl crush on him, it was hilarious. She is only wearing a beach robe and she effortlessly slips it off and lays on a pool chair beside you. She laughed obnoxiously "After a couple Mojitos maybe, but I'm sorry for the hold up b-day girl, I had to touch up my makeup, I got this amazing waterproof mascara you should totally.."
Your bestie continued to talk while you slipped your sundress off from over your head and you tried to listen but the loud classic rock music that blared over the outdoor speakers and Josh's penetrative gaze were drowning her out. Its like it all happened in slow motion, Josh's eyes fell from your face to your chest, your thin bra-style bikini barely covered your breasts. You looked down at your chest, a red blush covering your cheeks, neck and chest. "Uh-oh, mr. Trouble's on his way." You hear her say and you can barely process her words before you look up and you see Josh walking around the pool towards you, his sunglasses covering his eyes but you knew he was still looking at you.
"Fuck." You murmur under your breath as Josh reaches where you are sitting. "Hi Josh, can I help you?" Your bestie says in a fake sweet tone. Josh lowers his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and smirks, pointing at you with the mouth of his beer bottle. "Maybe tell your bestie here to change into a more appropriate swimsuit, hm? Something like that isn't very suitable for a family party. What just cuz you’re an adult you think you’re a big woman now?" Josh snarks, his eyes on you, well on your chest, the whole time. "Oh fuck off, what is this? The 20s? Get lost Josh, you've clearly had too much to drink already." Your bestie says and you sip your drink through your straw, chuckling awkwardly around it as Josh backs up with his hands up in defence.
"He’s obviously into you Y/N- and you've been too busy eye fucking him back this entire time... you wanna explain?" She asks and turns her body toward yours. You gasp and look at her like a deer caught in headlights. You see that Josh has started to talk to Andy while forcing himself to stop looking at you…
This was NOT where I thought it was going, but DAMN DO I LOVE IT. GIVE ME MORE RIGHT NOW.
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queenofspades20 · 3 years
My Hero
Synopsis: Reader gets stood up, Sam saves the day.
Pairings: Sam Wilson x Reader
Word count: 1,700
Warnings: Slight angst, mostly fluff
Just wanted to give Sam Wilson some love. And yes, I've actually gotten the excuse used as a reason when stood up before. (I can laugh about it now). Hope you enjoy!
The clinking of cups could be heard throughout the coffee shop. There was a warm smell of coffee and sugar that filled the air. Y/n was at her favorite spot, waiting for her date. They had met through her friend, Wanda, and made plans for coffee and then maybe a walk in the park. Y/n had been hesitant to make a date as she had been stood up for all her prior attempted dates for the past few years, but Jonathan had seemed like a nice guy.
“Y/n, you have to put yourself out there. Eventually, you’ll meet the right guy. But you won’t meet him if you don’t try.”
“Wan, I want to put myself out there, but I’ve been stood up so many times already. I can’t take another one.”
“Jonathan is nice. He’s joined me and Nat a few times during lunch break. You seemed to get along with him when we all went out for trivia night last week.”
Y/n felt a pressure on her chest, her anxiety making itself prevalent. “Yeah,” she said hesitantly.
“Y/n, if he pulls anything, Nat and I will kill him and no one will find the body. He knows that.” Wanda smiled.
Y/n felt her lips pull into a small smile. “You two can be quite scary when you want.”
“See? Tell him yes.”
Y/n sighed and texted Jonathan that she would meet him Saturday afternoon at her favorite coffee shop, which was close to both their places. “Okay. It’s done. But if he stands me up, I’m done. I’ll just die alone, with at least 5 dogs and I’ll be the fun vodka-aunt to your kids.”
“It won’t happen. I promise.”
Jonathan was meant to be there about 15 minutes prior. Y/n felt the pressure building on her chest. She had ordered a [your favorite drink] and sat at a table where she could see the door. She quickly checked her phone and didn’t see any notification from Jonathan. Her leg started bouncing and she looked again at the door.
She fired off a text to Jonathan. “Hey. I have a table in the corner when you get here.”
Y/n didn’t want to come off too strong as this was technically a first date and figured that would get the point across. After another 15 minutes and no response, Y/n decided to call Wanda. As she dialed the number, she felt tears gather in her eyes. While she didn’t think anyone was watching her closely to see that she had just been stood up, she still felt miserable at being stood up yet again.
“Y/n? Aren’t you supposed to be…”
“Thirty minutes and he’s a no show. No texts or calls from him either. I should’ve just said no. I’m done, Wanda.”
“Y/n, maybe something happened to him.”
“Yeah, he decided I wasn’t worth it, like every other guy.” Y/n was in full self-depreciation mode. She was trying to not cry, but it was getting harder and harder. She pulled her phone away from her ear and pulled up the texts. She saw that Jonathan had read her text, but no response. So she decided to fire off one more text.
She could hear Wanda’s voice from the earpiece. “Y/n, let me try to find out what happened. Don’t do anything rash.”
“Seriously, Wan? Even if something came up, at least have the courtesy of shooting off a quick text. Being treated with courtesy is not an unreasonable thing to ask for.”
“No, but he may not be able to respond.”
As Y/n was about to respond to Wanda, a text came through from Jonathan. Y/n saw red.
“Wanna hear his excuse, Wanda? It just came in.”
Wanda hesitated. She could hear the anger in Y/n’s voice and knew it couldn’t be good. “What did he say?”
“’Hey, sorry. I fell asleep. I just woke up.’ That’s it. That’s the text. No, Wanda.”
“I’m so sorry, Y/n. I’m gonna kick his ass on Monday. I’m sure Nat will help me. I can’t believe he did that to you.”
Y/n sighed and quickly wiped away a tear that had fallen, hoping no one had seen it. “It’s par the course for me. I told you. I give up. I’m gonna head home. I’ll call you later. I’m not really up for talking right now,” she said miserably. As she was gathering her things, someone approached the table.
“Excuse me, is this seat taken?”
Y/n shook her head, not looking up. “No, actually, you can have the table. I’m leaving.”
“Oh, I was hoping to join you.”
At that, Y/n looked up and saw an extremely handsome man in front of her. He was tall, wearing jeans and a leather jacket, and had the kindest brown eyes she had ever seen. “Me?” she asked incredulously.
The man seemed a bit nervous. “I saw you sitting here alone and you’re really beautiful and I was hoping to get to know you.”
Y/n blinked a few times. “Is this some kind of prank? Cuz it isn’t funny if it is.”
The man seemed taken aback. “No! I wouldn’t do that. I really am interested.”
Y/n stared at him for a moment. He really seemed sincere. She sighed. “Sorry. I just got stood up. I’m a little…yeah. I’m sorry.”
The man sat down in the chair across from her. He had a kind smile. “No worries. I’m Sam.”
Y/n smiled and gave her name.
“So, what idiot would stand up a beautiful woman like you?”
Y/n shrugged. “Coworker of my friends.”
“Well, his loss.”
“Agreed. Still hurts though, not gonna lie.”
Sam leaned forward on the table, resting his weight on his elbows. “So, Y/n, what do you do?”
“I’m a lawyer. And I’d ask what you do, but, correct if I’m wrong, you’re Sam Wilson, one of the Avengers, right?”
Sam let out a little laugh. “Yeah.”
“Thank you for keeping the world safe.”
“Well, I’m not always successful,” Sam said, thinking of Lagos. Thankfully, the PR team had prevented a major disaster, though there was some tension on the team for a while.
“But you try and you do more than most people,” Y/n countered. “You’re a hero to me.”
Sam smiled. They continued to talk for about an hour when Y/n got an idea.
“So, there’s this really good ice cream stand in the park. Would you maybe want to walk over and get some? Something tells me you have a bit of a sweet tooth.”
“That sounds perfect.” Sam stood up and held out his hand. Y/n slid her hand into his, feeling electricity run up her arm. She shyly bit her lip and stood up. Sam intertwined their hands and they made their way to the park.
They walked hand in hand, enjoying the late afternoon sun. After getting their ice cream, they walked until they found a bench in a quiet area of the park and sat down. Sam leaned back and had one arm along the back of the bench. Y/n could feel the heat from his arm along her shoulders. She wanted nothing more than to lean into his arm, but she didn’t want to be presumptuous.
As if he read her mind, Sam moved his arm and put his hand on Y/n’s shoulder. “Is this okay?”
Y/n smiled up at him and moved a little closer to him, so she could cuddle into his side. “As long as this is okay.”
Sam pulled her close and smiled down at her. “It will never not be okay. I know we haven’t said goodbye yet, but, would you maybe want to go on a planned date with me?”
“Yes, really. Why do you keep questioning me like that?” Sam was genuinely curious why Y/n didn’t seem to think much of herself. From his time spent with her, he thought she was smart, funny, sweet, and beautiful.
Y/n looked down at her lap, contemplating how much detail she wanted to give away. “I’ve never exactly had good luck with men and someone as amazing as yourself? It seems too good to be true. You’re gorgeous, I can get lost in your eyes and smile very easily, you’re kind, and definitely smart. I don’t understand what you see in me.”
Sam hooked his finger under her chin and lifted her face up to look at him. “You’re pretty amazing yourself. You’re smart, funny, sweet. Please go on another date with me?”
Y/n bit her lip. She nodded, smiling. “Okay. I’d really like that.”
“So, tonight? I take you out to dinner?”
Y/n laughed. “Wouldn’t that just be a continuation of this date?”
“Nope. And before you ask why not, Counselor, it’s because I said so.” He booped the tip of her nose, already knowing what she would have asked.
“Okay then.” She looked at her watch. “So, at what point does this date end and the next one begin?”
Sam seemed to contemplate his answer. “Right now.” He took her hand and kissed it softly. “I had a really great time today. I look forward to our next date.”
“I had a really great time, too, Sam,” Y/n said, playing along.
They stood up and Sam gave Y/n’s hand one more kiss. “Until our next date.” Sam took five steps away from Y/n and then quickly turned around and walked back.
“Y/n, you look even more lovelier than the last time I saw you.” He pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek.
Y/n couldn’t contain her smile. “Laying it on kinda thick, aren’t ya?”
“Well, I can’t help myself.”
Y/n linked her arm through Sam’s. “So, where are we going to dinner?”
“There’s a good pizza place down the street if you’re game.”
“For pizza? Always.”
As they made their way down the street, Sam suddenly stopped and looked at Y/n. “Even though it’s not something I would normally say, I’m glad that jerk stood you up. Because I might not have met you and I can already tell that his loss is definitely my gain.”
Y/n smiled. “I never thought I would say it either, but I’m glad I got stood up, too. I wouldn’t have met my hero.”
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tj-shmt · 3 years
A Day of Curation
Unless its Wednesday, it should be around 11am right now when i get up. First things first, put in my headphones and go get some good music! Its Monday - time to listen to my Discover Weekly playlist, which Spotify usually tailors perfectly to my tastes.
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1. 🎶 SPOTIFY 🎶
Fun fact - this weeks "Discover Weekly" suggs. Usually I get the best music from there. I don't really recall the last time any of my friends really showed a song I didn't already know or was adequately good. Tho, I have to give Amelie some credit here, she constanly hits me with great Spanish tunes. (Also to Jasi and Safae which hit me up with some dope music from time to time) I mostly get inspiration from (sad to say but its true) tik tok or by randomly shazaming the world. I also really hate to limit myslfe to music i understand. On the contrary I LOVE LOVE LOVE music arround the world. Trust me i hear Tibetian Throat Singing to Russian Electro and even Islandic and Nativ American Tribal Music. To give you an impression of how important music consumption is for me:
Last Year i spent a total of 210 441 minutes on spotify alone. That is about 9 Hours a day. The average person uses Spotify for about 18 000 minutes a year. (My friend took the freedom to calculate how much money Spotify "looses" by my consumption. i pay $30 a year an Spotify gives $0,004891 per stream to the creator. An average of 3 minutes per song (70.000 streams) means spotify pays $342.37 to the creators. Thats $312.37 of deficit LOL)
Apart form that i cant really give Spotify a certain schedule when i listen to it cuz i listen to it all the time. During gaming, during coding, laundry, gym, work, class, before sleep. ✨Always✨
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2. 💬 WhatsApp 💬
There is nothing better than sleeping for an eternity while everyone is already awake for probably 4 or more hours, working! *laughs in privileged design student* Since everyone is already living its live while I still drool, I gotta get up to date in the morning. Before i even leave bed, i checke my messages there. Similar to Spotify, I use WhatsApp the whole day and can't really tell when I would not use it. Except, my phone is always on silent (casual zennial phone call phobia) meaning i wont notice anything while zoning out or gaming (which usualy is the same).
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3. 👨‍🏫 TEAMS 👩‍🏫
Yeah Yeah i can already hear it. "You wake up 5 minutes before class withouth breakfast or anything..." - bla bla bla. Yeah that is the case! I would usuly go on teams and enter the classroom, while preparing a breakfast (if you can call it breakfast after 12) sit down at my desk and listen to class. Causally everything that is too theoretical with music and whatsapp. Other classes that are interesting I`ll put my full attention to it.
But i hate teams in gerneral. Not cuz its sh**, no, usualy people that do their clases there have a weird way of using it. Finding material or looking up homeworks is such a struggle sometimes. (Props to you Kevin here, I have never seen anybody using teams in such a clean and struktured way than you do. Even tho you dont neccesarily use it as it was meant to be. (which might be the turning point on why its great))
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4. 📺 YouTube 📺
Yup YouTube is usually the place to go after (sometimes during (I NEVER SAID THAT!)) class.
Actually, YouTube is the place to go for me. Relaxation, Entertainment, knowledge - anything! After class I'd usually watch "Cut" or other channels that produce let's plays or entertainment of some sort.
But it's also THE place to go during coding. I rather listen to Lofi or (Slowed, Reverbed) Music that doesnt really distract me. ALSO, during coding watch A SH*TLOAD OF TUTORIALS, cuz I am proud selftaught Zennial. #BestOfBothWorlds
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5. 👨‍🍳 CHEFKOCH 👨‍🍳
I love to try new things and I constantly stalk the web for new recipes. Lately a lot of Asian and Vegan stuff. Chefkoch is the app to go where i also write down my own recipes to have them with me all the time. Great thing here is, i share this account with all my family members (currently 13, including my mom, aunts, other relatives). Great way to share the secret family recipes at any time!
(Cant recommend the recipe in the img, tho!)
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Unlike all my sporty friends that used to hit the gym before covid and not got lazy, I started to use Training Apps like Addidas Training with its free Workout plans. I use it regularly and am happy i finally found a way to stay sporty.
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7. ⌨️ VS CODE ⌨️
Its either Visual Studio Code, where I would code on my current project, or gaming. As mentioned above, I would get most of the inspiration from tutorials or using dev tools on different platforms.
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8. 🎤 DISCORD 🎮
I´ll use Discord as a general term for Gaming since I play a lot but many different games, tho, always use discord to communicate with my freinds while gaming.
A great place to share random BS with friends and talk about anything that comes to my mind. I spent most of the evenings on Discord with my friends. Always did, in fact. Maybe the reason why I don't really feel so affected by the pandemic. I am used to being separated from my friends since they live all over Germany or the world in general. I always enjoy Online Live Events WITH my friends.
For me the web as always been a "with" not an "alone", which is why I never understand why so may struggle with feeling "alone" on live events online. JUST GRAB A FRIEND AND DISCOVER IT ✨TOGETHER✨!
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Since I use both the same amount there is not thos or that. I never Really let anybody recommend me anything, cuz ... trust me, I WON'T watch it. IDK why that is, but I need a specific mood for each show. And nobody but myself can provide that. Probably why most ove the algorithms (esp Netflix) do not have an effect on me. I'm not in the mood for your ****, sorry!
Never the less, i periodically Binge a Series and then feel empty after it ended. Then i need some time to face reality again.
Funny tho, I binged Starwars Rebels on Disney+ and after it ended i just decide to buy 4 books on amazon that expand the story to starwars (#nerd i know). I will spend the next few months reading and probably not watching anything on both Streaming services.
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10. 🤤 TIKTOK 🌈
... YUP.... I grew up with vine ... but TikTok got me. And honestly I don't regret it. It's the perfect algorithm that constantly finds the best videos that feed my thirsty queer ass. I mean ...
LOOK AT THE IMG ABOVE. YES, give me more....!
Its prolly not good for my digital wellbeing or my mental health but do I care at the moment..? noooooo...
Just give me more of Starwars Parodies, Sleepwalkers, Best off's of streamers, Queer content (cuz its time this heteronormativity world is fed with it! and no i do not indentify as anyting, im just the + at the very far end!) and yeah, even some sexy content if the creator feels good about it.
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belovedholland · 4 years
Golf [2]
》 warning: None
w/c: 1.2k
a/n: sorry for the massive use of the word "supriced", I have no idea why I used it so much in this
navigation | series masterlist | part 3
You are in shock. Why would an actor ask for your number? Why would an actor flirt with you? And why the hell would an actor kiss you? Your friends will go crazy when they hear this. But first Tom.
You take your phone from the nightstand, and sit up in bed. You find Tom in your contacts ready to text him, but to your suprice he had already texted.
Tom: Good morning, x
He put a freaking "x". He is super sweet for texting you, but he is a super sweet actor. An actor!
You: You're Tom Holland! You're spiderman!
Tom: So you found out
Tom: Look I'm sorry I didn't say anything
Tom: I was just happy (and supriced) that you didn't know, I felt happy that finally someone didn't regonice me
You: I'm not mad, I just don't get it
Tom: Get what?
You: That you asked for my number, and oh yeah, we kissed
Tom: I like you
A freaking actor likes you, what kinda dream is this?
You: How can someone like you like someone like me?
Tom: Idk, but I do, a lot
Tom: I'm sorry if me being famous ruined this
You: It didn't, I'm just supriced
Tom: Good to hear
Tom: Well, are you free today? You know, so I can teach you golf
You:Yeah, I am. Meet you there? At 4pm?
Tom: Sounds perfect, x
And again the "x". Wait wait wait, he just asked you on a date?
You get out of bed, and put on a hoodie and some joggers. When you go out to the kitchen, go get yourself some breakfast, you are to focused in your thoughts, that you don't hear your mom talking to you. She then snaps her fingers to get your attention, and it works.
"What's on your mind?" You shake you head getting back to normal, and say:
"Nothing I'm fine."
"You sure?"
"Yeah just tired."
"Ok, well it's puzzle time a little later."
"I can't, I'm sorry, I have to be somewhere at 4." You say and take a sip of orange juice.
"And where is that? What is more important than family time?"
"We had family time yesterday, today is me time. And it's nothing you have to worry about. I'm just going out with..." you stop as you don't know what you guys really are. Friends? Not really, you just met yesterday. In a relationship? Definetly not, you just shared a kiss. "With a friend. Now if you will let me excuse me." You get up from the chair and rince of your plate.
"What friend?" Your mom asks not convinced.
"Just a friend. And can't we just make the puzzle after I get home?"
"Depends on when you're coming home."
"Before dinner. Around 7."
"Sure we'll wait." I stop on my way back to my room, as my mom ask another question. "Where are you and this friend going?"
"Golfing." She frowns and looks confused at me.
"You hate golfing."
"He's gonna teach me."
"He? Is it a date?" She sounds super excited.
"I don't know. Does it matter if it is?" You ask weirded out over her being excited.
"Yes it does. I'm happy for you. You're 23 and haven't dated or went on a date for more than a whole year."
"I enjoy being single, not being hooked up to someone."
"So what is different about him?"
"I really have no idea." He's so charming, it's almost scary. He's sweet, cute, handsome, but you don't know him, so you really have no idea. You leave the kitchen, and lay in bed just scrolling on your phone being bored, waiting for time to pass by.
After hours of doing nothing, and being unproductive, you finally check the time. 3pm. 1 hour to the "date" or what you would call it. 30 minutes to get ready, as it takes 20 minutes to get there, and you don't wanna be late.
You don't want to look dressed up, as you are going golfing, but at the same time you still wanna look good for him. You find one of the cute golf outfits you once got as a present from your aunt, she didn't know, that you never played, and it wasn't returnable, so you just kept it. You almost didn't keep it, but now you're happy you did, cuz it's the perfect outfit. You put your hair up in a mid-ponytail, and put on a little bit of makeup, not too much, not to little.
You sit down on your bed and check the time again. 3.25. 35 minutes till. Then the door to your room slams open and in comes the little idiot of your brother. You try to ignore him, you really don't wanna hear about his crap.
"Didn't they tell you? It's after dinner."
"No now." Why the heck did your parent decide to get another child? Oh yeah they didn't, he is a mistake, a really irritating mistake, and that's why he's 13 years younger than you, which makes him only 10.
And something that makes him even more irritating, is that he always take your phone, just like right now. Your whole family has this habit of taking your phone.
"Give me my phone." You stand up, and go towards him, he just runs away with it. "Give me my goddamn phone back, you little moron!" You go after him, out to the living room, where your parents are.
"Don't talk to your brother like that." You mother says, not looking at you.
"Wow." But your father does look at you. "Where are you going dressed up like that? That's golf clothes, you hate golf."
Then your mom turns around too. "You look absolutely beautiful." You brother sits down next to them on the couch, all looking at you. It feels weird. "Oh yeah, she's going on a date." She has such a big smile, and you can easily hear her excitement. "Can you believe it, she going out, with a guy."
"You are?" Your dad sounds surprised.
"No I'm not, well to be honest, I don't know. I don't know if it's a date or not, I think it is, but it's not 100% clear."
"Absolutely not. No. You don't have time for a boy, you have to look after me, aaaaaaand, we have puzzles. I don't care, but you're not going out with some weird guy."
"If anyone's gonna like him, it'll be you." He will definitely not complain, when he find out, you're going out with his favorite superhero of all time. He's like obsessed with Spider-Man, he have so many pictures of him, and the rest of the avengers, up on his wall.
"No way I'm gonna like him."
"Whatever, just give me my phone so I can go." He gives you your phone back, and you say bye to your family. You find some golf clubs to take with you, and get in your car. As you start the engine, your phone starts to go off. You check it, and it's the girl group chat, were all the girls are going crazy over something. You read the texts, where they talk about how Tom Holland is in town, and was spotted playing golf yesterday. How they maybe could get to meet and get a picture with him. If they just knew.
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Lin with the kids of the series Hc?
oh god these are random and not in order at all lmao
Lin still acts all tough and unfazed even as the kids play with her hair and tie it up in buns and braids. [X]  
“Auntie Lin can you braid my hair?” “I dont braid hair,” *pleading face* “Puppy dog eyes only work for Kya.... and you too okay come here.” “YAY thankyouthankyouthankou” “Dont make me change my mind,” [X]
mako’s wife called Lin “Aunt Chief” once as a joke to the kids and they havent let it go and call Lin that all the time! [X] 
After Amon when they’re in the south pole, Ikki has nightmares and when Meelo and Jinora are cuddling with mom and dad already she would sneak into Lin’s room. “Miss Chief? can i sit with you?” 
Lin REFUSES to hold the babies and will only pick up the kids once they can walk and ask her too. until one day Opal just hands her the baby cuz she wants to dance with Bolin and lin is like “hey! no- wait- fineee” then just melts and doesnt let him go the rest of the party. [yes this is my ask from a while ago]
after lin retires she and kya take the kids on vacations and always has lists of what they like and what they’re allergic to and makes sure they stay safe. 
lin will keep track of her officers when they talk about when their wives are pregnant and when they put in requests for days off, and Saikhan put in place a “take your kids to work day” around the holidays so they can hand out presents and lin quietly keeps tabs on all the kids and is proud of how much they all grow in a year. (i know i read something like this somewhere but cannot remember where please let me know so i can link it properly!)((HAHA FOUND IT))
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