#is this discourse idk?
guckies · 7 months
I wanna explain why I dislike q!bbh because of the purgatory event. Because personally I feel like some people misunderstand why some of us do. So warning from now if you dont wanna see q!bbh neg
Last warning this is qbbh critical and my opinion! If you don’t want to see that stuff then move on. ALSO IT IS MY INTERPRETATION OF RP DONT LIKE IT THEN TELL YOUR STREAMER TO NOT RP OR GO TOUCH GRASS.
It’s because once purgatory is over, he will find a way to blame it all on someone else and not take responsibility for his actions. And we know he will because he’s done it the entire event and before on the island. It’s as if he is playing the villain because he wants to be the hero. Yet there is no concrete evidence to match his actions it’s just what he feels.
Yes his rp can be based on his emotions but right now it’s just the same thing over and over without trying a different way it becomes so boring and barely rp since he’s the only one wanting to doing it during those times.
He excuses a lot of his actions because it’s red team and you can try to tell me someone who he does the same for but he doesn’t. Which makes him their villain, he literally even admitted to basically torturing them.
His actions are categorically top 3 shitty; he’s borderline obsessed with red, he doesn’t listen to his leader, he’s not always a team player and has ruined his friendship with others because he believes he’s right 100% of the time. This isn’t everything bc you can do your own research. Yeah that can be his rp but people can dislike his character rp.
At the end most will just forget it too because that’s what they always do and not everyone is “rping” the entire event despite some doing a little or joking about it. Someone will talk about how he’s the egg babysitter, then he’ll play it up and they forget about purgatory because they’ve got bigger fish to fry. Which I don’t like, it excuses things he’s done and I would rather he have done it so that others can feel betrayed and not want to be as trusting of him, instead of it just going back to normal because then what was it for. But in my opinion those who were “tormented” by bad in purgatory shouldn’t let it go. Because with this “lore” i would 100% think about how he would easily kill or destroy someone else for selfish reasons on quesadilla.
My problem with his character now is that he’s trying to play the hero by winning the event yet majority of the time it comes with no evidence or agreement and at the downfall of others who are meant to be his friends. So yeah his actions are going to make him a villain. He has no idea who the cursed team is only a small clue that reveals not much and he’s only really discussed it about once with others. If he believes his team is the ones who need to win then don’t you think he should try to discuss it with them via their leaders yet they just give up cause of Bad’s previous actions which has doomed blue team.
Also a small thing about his rp, if he’s in rp 90% of the time especially during this event then he should be prepared for backlash. Because yeah rp can be battles and destruction but if it’s the same thing over and over with no one else rping then maybe it’s time to get meta and think about something else to do because it becomes boring for everyone. It’s just him doing the same thing and then getting shocked when red does the same in retaliation.
BUT THIS IS JUST ME AND MY OPINIONS. You don’t like, you can move on and live your life or fucking block me I really don’t care.
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beybuniki · 4 months
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AU where Deku stays quirkless and he enrolls in UA's support department, he and bakugo befriend each other because they take the same train to school & Deku approaches him because they're both batfam fans :) they bond over common interest which also inspires them to work togetherrrrrr
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mourning-at-night · 25 days
jace i don’t feel good was so funny but also made me so sad. like that’s a teenager with a strawberry squishmallow keychain and a tamagotchi and she doesn’t feel good and she's tugging on a teacher’s sleeve about it. a teacher who should have been responsible for protecting her in the first place and didn’t. who is manipulating and using her and her friends to help fulfill the desires of a wrathful power-hungry egomaniac. porter and jace it’s on sight >:(
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soupthatwasreheated · 5 months
Alice Dyer is NOT Tim 2.0. Their humor is completely different. Canon Tim is incredibly different from fanon tim. He is funny sometimes, but when it comes down to it, his humor comes down to “millenial who makes the occasional pop culture reference and is jokingly flirty sometimes”. He knows what a meme is, but his meme knowledge is not that far advanced from “I can haz cheesburger” cat. He is not hip with the memes. Alice is the one who is hip with the memes. Please let this woman be cringe and let Timothy Stoker be free from the chains of comedic relief meme guy.
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vulture-jack · 11 months
“If you see your art here and it needs to be credited message me” is basically just “Credit to the artist” with extra steps. Artists shouldn’t have to go out of their way to get you to credit them, if you’re running a blog or page using other peoples work its 100% on you to do it as ethically as possible and track the artist down before you go sharing their art. If it takes too much time, imagine how much longer the artist worked on that piece. Its not a clever loophole, its a sucky practice.
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lokh · 1 month
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the-agent-of-blight · 5 months
also, i really find it interesting how people can genuinely go about saying "Well this group isn't attacked for their identity so they can't be queer " while then turning around and. attacking said group. for their identity. and exemplifying classic __-phobic tropes. It's really dumb. You are being the thing that you claim does not exist
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dedusmuln · 7 months
yeah you support trans people but are you normal about trans men who choose to get pregnant
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azatas · 4 months
"we need more complex female characters" you couldn't even handle her
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simplydm · 5 months
“We need more villains in mcrp”
Yall can’t even handle geminitay
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"Why do Asmodeus and Beelzebub get to be good people while Mammon is flat-out terrible?"
Because greed can't be good. Bottom line. You can make arguments for lust and gluttony not being inherently harmful, but not greed.
The very basis of greed is intense desire for something (not just money) with disregard for others. You can be lustful and still love (ex, feeling sexual desire for your partner). You can be gluttonous and still be responsible (ex, going out to a party on your weekend). But you cannot be greedy and care about others.
Being the embodiment of greed inherently means you cannot care about other people. That's why Ozzie and Bee get to be Ozzie and Bee. That's why Mammon will only ever be Mammon.
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yb-cringe · 27 days
i think whats always made me the most emotional about qsmp characters and players alike leaving is that it feels so much more. personal. a bit more gutting when it comes to the way qsmp functions.
the reason this server was made in the first place was to make connections between players that CANT happen anywhere else. or rather, are very difficult to maintain.
it's hard to consistently stay in contact with people who don't speak the same language as you. qsmp made a point to force those people to interact and everything else was just.. trying to soften the harder edges of communicating that don't happen elsewhere.
and its simultaneously beautiful and horribly horribly painful. because the world outside of qsmp isn't very accommodating. and often, as these are content creators with Lives, they don't have time to really maintain every friendship they ever make.
It's why maxo and jaiden and richas and pomme and dapper etc-- its why every death or absence from the server is so gutting. because you know when they leave, that this just /cant/ happen again.
i'm not saying this to be. doomposty. i know that's kinda what it sounds like. i think pepito said it great already; that new memories can be made and we can love the old ones.
i think what im getting at is that clawing back to a time that's passed won't make us happy, it won't take us back there. you gotta just keep moving forward. qsmp is changing a lot. it wont ever be like it was last year. that doesn't mean it can't be good later.
we're going to lose creators and characters and things that remind us VERY heavily of the times where we had friends that we drifted from or lost because of one thing or another.
but you gotta remember there will be more people who you will love too. new people, who won't fill that space but occupy something new because fun fact you don't ever run out of space for that sort of thing.
be sad theyre gone be happy they're doing well remember the memories fondly but keep moving. unfortunately a lot of qsmp has ended up being about letting things go.
its like the. 'its going to be okay. but its going to be different.' and. skdfjds idk i hope thats a hopeful enough note to make things better.
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mr-ribbit · 5 months
this isn't meant to soften or reduce the objective transmisogyny + additional hate action going into this, but since the people running these harassment campaigns are acting like they're literal baby children who need their hands held to understand anything, maybe this needs to be said:
what you're doing and how you treat trans women on this website is fucking MEAN. if you want to sit there and honestly convince yourself that you're *not* a transmisogynist or a transphobe or a misogynist or any other type of bigot - like if you genuinely believe that and are confused why people are calling you these things - then maybe we need to start from little primary colored building blocks and tell you that you're being fucking mean and rude and actively harmful to real people who read the things you say. im not sure why we need to start off with "trans women have feelings" - just kidding I know exactly why we need to - but maybe you don't.
no matter who you're talking to, do you honestly think accusing someone you do not know of being a pedophile, en masse, behind their back /and/ in a public forum, is a reasonable way to treat someone for making a tumblr post about video games or political opinions? even if you strongly disagree with the post, you think someone deserves to be treated like that by people they don't know? take a second please and sincerely imagine how that would feel. wouldn't it be scary? wouldn't you wonder who the people were who thought this about you - if they're people you know - if they're just a few people that will continue saying mean things to you forever or if there are thousands of people who choose to dedicate their time and energy specifically to making you feel bad? if you accidentally write a post in the wrong tone or unknowingly interact with a shitty person, that there are uncountable people that will keep track of that just to hurt you later? that's fucking horrifying
and to zone in on what's specifically happening here: do you think randomly accusing people of being pedophiles or sexual abusers has no effect on them? like a lot of you tend to excuse yourself in these discussions by saying "I didn't actually see the context of what they were saying" or "I didn't see that they apologized already" or "I didn't actually understand the post was a joke" or whatever other kneejerk response to make sure *you* aren't seen as a bad person. do you realize that makes you look even meaner? you didn't bother to actually follow up on a thought you had about someone before sending them hateful messages or making public accusations about them? those actions are harmful whether or not you like the victim at the end of the day.
believe it or not some people you send this shit to are survivors of abuse themselves, or have their own historical personal reasons to be weighing in on a touchy subject. when you baselessly decide it's ok to call someone an abuser of any type, that person is probably *also* disgusted by whatever horrible shit you're accusing them of. as someone that hates these things as much as you do in order to attack someone for them: what do you think it's like to have complete strangers think that about you? how many eggshells would you walk on if random people thought so little of you that they were ok doing this?
it's mean. it's heinous, cruel bullying, and if you genuinely think you are not doing it from a place of transmisogyny or hatefuk bias over the victims' identity, then you need to understand that that's not an excuse. "i didn't even know she was trans" ok, it was still mean to call her a pedophile with 200 of your closest friends in public. "im trans so it can't be transphobia" ok it was still mean to assume someone was endorsing abuse when they were talking about being accused of abuse. "i didn't see the post where she said it was a joke" ok it was still mean to actively harass someone without bothering to look into the full context.
at the end of the day, yes, obviously I still think you're all transmisogynist assholes who are clearly willing to gang up on a woman who has nothing to do with your problems simply because she dared to speak on them. i think you're bigoted and unwilling to examine that if it means giving up your vitriol against someone who doesn't like your favorite video game or whatever excuse of the week. but like even if you were just doing it for love of the hate game, it's fucking weird heinous shit and i hope you're happy having that be a central part of your life
to be clear: im not transfemme and if I'm overstepping or talking over anyone please let me know. im not speaking for anyone's actual experiences except my own, which is the experience of being angry at how much literal bullying and harassment I see excused on this so-called progressive queer blogging website
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aboutiroh · 5 months
Why would a greengrocer travel the world to sell a single cart of cabbages? Are the cabbages so bad that the news spreads like wildfire (“I heard Sung’s cousin’s skin turned green and that he hasn’t left the house since”), forcing him to move towns every few days? Have we actually ever seen him sell a single cabbage? Or is his cart always full? If he does sell cabbages off-screen and is not travelling with the same cart of cabbages, where does he get new ones? Is it plausible he's first travelled back home every time we encounter him in a new Earth Kingdom town? Is it plausible we just happen to stumble upon him whenever he's gotten new products? Or are the cabbages merely a cover for a larger conspiracy? In this essay I will
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skellagirl · 5 months
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Gordon/Barney/Alyx is really really funny to me conceptually bc it's like, two hot geniuses in their 20s who look at the 40-something smartass who hangs around and go 'yeah that guy. we both want him carnally'
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
alright, so, one more thing i've been thinking about during all of this, and apologies, because i normally try to keep my blog fairly discourse-free in the grand scheme of things. but.
there are hermitcraft fans who act irritatingly morally superior about this fandom. i think it's out of some impulse to try to distance yourselves from any other mcyt fandom. it needs to stop.
the worst behavior during the polls was from the hermitcraft fans.
there were so many instances of hermitcraft fans accusing the other side of cheating, of hermitcraft fans making attacks on the character of their guy's opponents, i have heard what i HOPE are isolated reports of racism in the grian/quackity fight (it was genuinely impossible to keep up with the blog's notes that round without both going into a death spiral thanks to the horrible behavior of scar fans during techno/scar and also without losing track instantly of where we were due to the frankly insurmountable volume of notes, so i did not see it, but unfortunately i fully believe it). i have seen people receiving awful asks - saw people being accused of 'betraying' the hermitcraft side due to voting for quackity or techno, for example.
and for a fandom that likes to act like it's better than the other guys, well. the dsmp fans were generally very well behaved in comparison. (shoutout, for example, to quackblr - i saw maybe one or two possible instances of bad behavior, but for as intense as you all were, you all were normally mostly just retaliatory towards whatever energy was thrown at you.) it wasn't supposed "outsiders coming in" that was doing this bad behavior, either.
folks, you can't blame the dsmp when the problem is inside the house. you can't blame twitter users when you're doing it here. you can't blame the reddit when you're the ones throwing the first death threats.
get off your high horses. we're all mcyt fans. we're all having the same fun. get off your high horses. you can hardly claim we're entirely all "unproblematic" when keralis accepted a sponsorship from the wizard game and xisuma periodically gets another round of getting shouted down over something he said on xisumasays. get off your high horses. you can't claim we're the accepting, good behavior fandom, unlike those other guys, when you're the ones causing the problems.
now, as always, i'm sure this is a law of large numbers thing to some extent. as technoblade, wise as he is, said: sometimes when you get a large enough group, you're going to have a few serial killers. but for the amount that hermitblr likes to act better than Those Other Minecraft Fandoms, and those Other Fandom Websites, it wasn't those guys that made me cry.
to be clear, the majority of you have been well-behaved. but there's a persistent tendency in this fandom to act strangely morally superior to other fandoms. and, y'all? you aren't.
you just aren't.
and the sooner you acknowledge that, the less likely this is to happen again, because once you admit that yeah, we can be toxic too? that's when you can start actually looking at yourself and trying not to be.
anyway, sorry again to make this post. i don't want to be a downer, hence why, outside of the official mod statements of "chill the fuck out", i didn't make this until now. (it also helps that i wanted to wait until i was no longer furious, upset, and death spiraling.) i have seen a lot of the best of this fandom over the past two weeks! i've just also, unfortunately, seen some of the worst, and feel the need to make this statement because it's just... been eating at me.
i don't want this to continue to be a trend. i think we can do better. do so.
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