#i get scared we’ll accidentally copy someone
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163 notes · View notes
fangirl-writes · 5 months
Benny Weir x Fem!Reader
MBAV Masterlist
Warning(s): near-death, canon-level violence
Request: can be found here.
Notes: This is a mix of multiple things that we’ve seen in MBAV episodes while also stealing a little bit of plot from the Vampire Diaries. Hope you like it! 
PS: I kinda want to make this into a full fledged fic because I had so many ideas that were hard to package into a one-shot but we’ll see if I ever actually do that.
Summary: A doppelganger traps you in a mirror dimension and slowly sucks the life out of you so it can take your place. Will Benny and friends save you in time? (yes obviously, but the suspense)
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You stare across the room, into the only window in the otherwise dark room, the yellow glow of it staring back at you.
It was a tragic way to die, in a place without light, where your loved ones would never find you. All the while a cheap copy of you wandered freely, fooling your friends and your Benny.
Benny. Would you ever get to see him again?
Perhaps you’d get lucky and he would peer into the mirror so his eyes would be the last thing you saw before the life finished draining from you.
He’d probably feel so guilty, think it was all his fault. 
But it wasn’t.
If there was anyone to blame, it was the vampire who seemed a regular bane to the existence of White Chapel and its inhabitants.
Let’s start from the beginning, shall we?
In the school’s theater, in a dressing room we’ve seen before, lies a cracked mirror that once held the spirit of Olivia Frye. And while her spirit no longer posses it, that doesn’t mean the magic of the mirror is gone.
The vanity lights flicker on in the otherwise dark room, illuminating the pale face and blue eyes of Jesse Black.
Reaching into his pocket, Jesse pulls out Benny’s spellbook.
He opens it on a marked page, running his fingers across the paper before reading aloud: “Zacaroth Maznacaroth. Dimitte hunc spiritum e carcere, ut iterum vivant.”
As he reads, the mirror begins to repair itself, the cracks sealing up. But as they are doing so, a mist also starts to leak from the glass.
A grin spreads across Jesse’s lips and he chuckles darkly. “Welcome back, my dear.”
Before him stands the ghostly figure of who appears to be you, but she’s faded, missing the color in her body that signifies life. Except for her eyes that shine the same unnatural blue as Jesse’s.
The following morning, you, Ethan, and Benny are walking down the hallway of White Chapel High as Benny searches in vain for his spellbook.
“Are you sure you didn’t accidentally make it vanish again?” Ethan asks.
“No, it was in here last night I swear,” Benny says before groaning and angrily throwing his bag closed. “The one day I wanted to make Ms. Fine forget about our essays and the thing disappears! It’s like it knows when I’m using it for evil. You think my grandma put a spell on it?”
“If she was gonna do that, she’d have done it long before now,” Ethan replies.
“You know, if you started memorizing your spells like you talk about, this wouldn’t be a problem,” You say.
“And if you had agreed to strip studying I would have tried,”
“Okay, gross,” Ethan says, pulling a face.
You perk your head up, looking around the hallway for whoever said your name, finding no one in a sea of faces.
You turn around, following the voice but still seeing no one.
You jump as Benny’s hand touches your shoulder.
“Are you okay?”
You let out a breath and smile at him. “Yeah, I just thought I heard someone call my name. It’s probably nothing.”
Benny nods and pulls you closer to him, his arm wrapping around your shoulder as you continue your trail to your lockers.
The voices persisted as the day went on, bothering you in class and at lunch, making you feel scared and crazy. Not to mention incredibly distracted.
It made it hard to focus on math or science and especially English where you were meant to be reading Shakespeare and reviewing essays.
“Ms. L/N.”
Ms. Fine startles you out of your stupor and you hurriedly hand her your rough draft, printed and stapled together.
“Are you feeling alright?” She asks and you make a quick decision.
“Actually, I’m feeling a little sick. Can I be excused for the nurses office?”
“Sure. But hurry back.”
You nod and gather your things, exchanging a glance with Benny and Ethan each before leaving.
You really did plan to go to the nurses office until you could talk to your friends, but that damn voice started bothering you again. And in an otherwise empty hallway, it was hard to ignore.
“Oh, I’m gonna regret this,” you mumble before heading in the direction of the voice.
You follow it all the way to the theater, which is dark except for the light coming from one of the dressing rooms.
“Please don’t be a ghost,” you whisper to yourself. “Or a vampire, werewolf, ghoul, zombie, whatever. Let me be having a psychotic break because of stress and this voice isn’t real.”
You cautiously peak into the room...and find nothing.
The room is empty except for the vanity and chair. And the voice has gone quiet.
Shaking your head, you walk into the room and sit down in the chair. “Maybe I am going crazy.”
Your a little startled by your reflection, which is pale even under the warm lighting.
“...or maybe I’m actually sick.”
You press a hand to your face, checking for a temperature, watching as your reflection does the same.
Letting your hand drop, you observe the mirror more closely, eyebrows furrowing together.
“Wait a minute, wasn’t this mirror-”
You let out a scream as your reflection surges forward and pulls you into the mirror before jumping out in your place.
You collapse on a cold floor, hurriedly standing back up and rushing toward the mirror’s opening but your reflection holds out a hand, causing the mirror to seal back up and trap you inside.
“Sorry,” she says. “But I can’t have two of us running around to ruin my plans.”
You bang on the glass. “Hey! Stop! Let me out!”
But she’s already gone, leaving the room and shutting the door, enveloping you in darkness.
“Didn’t you see the look on her face?” Benny asks. “Something’s wrong.”
“I’m sure she’s fine,” Ethan replies. “It’s probably just a headache. You know how too much supernatural stuff gets to her sometimes.”
“Yeah, but this was different. She’s been hearing voices all day. I’m starting to worry this is something bad.”
Benny pushes open the door to the nurse’s office, expecting to find you laying there but instead the small bed was empty.
“Can I help you boys?” The nurse asks from her desk.
“Uh, sorry, but did Y/N L/N come in here earlier?”
“No, I haven’t seen her in here today.”
Benny feels a pit in his stomach. “Right, thank you.”
He closes the door and exchanges a look with Ethan. “She didn’t come back to class and she didn’t come here. So where is she?”
Ethan looks a little more worried now. “I don’t know.”
“Oh, hey, Y/N,” Rory says.
Not-you turns to look at him and Rory is taken aback.
“You okay? You’re paler than usual. Did you get bitten by a vampire? Attacked by an abominable snowman? Possessed by a ghost?”
Not-you smiles. “Oh, no, I’m actually an ancient doppelgänger who just looks like Y/N.”
Rory’s eye go wide. “Woah, really? That’s so cool. But...why’re you telling me?”
Not-you pats him on the head. “Cause you’re not smart enough to try and stop me.”
“Oh. Yeah that’s fair. Where’re you off to anyway?”
Not-you hums. “I’m smart enough not to tell you that.”
“Oh, great,” you mumble, watching as your battery drops another percentage, but the bars never move from zero.
How are you supposed to call for help?
It’s chilling, sitting in the dark with nothing but your phone for light. Your eyes can’t even adjust to the darkness because there’s nothing to see; you’re in a void.
A headache is slowly making itself known and you can’t be sure if its from staring at your phone screen or because a doppelgänger trapped you in a mirror.
The supernatural always has a way of giving you a headache. Doesn’t matter what it is.
Ethan can hardly touch you because if he has a vision, you’ll have a migraine for the rest of the week. If Erica, Sarah, or Rory use their superspeed around you, you’ll nearly faint.
Benny’s the only one who can use his powers and not effect you. You aren’t sure why.
He likes to joke that it’s because your soulmates. 
“I don’t know, E, I just have a bad feeling about this,” Benny says. “Sarah! Have you seen Y/N?”
Sarah, who was just putting her bag on her shoulder at her locker, turns to the boys. “No, is she missing?”
“Yeah we haven’t seen her since English and Benny’s freaking out,” Ethan replies.
“Aw, does Benny miss his girlfriend?”
“No, I mean yes, but that’s not what I’m worried about. She’s been hearing voices all day, what if something spooky got her?”
Sarah smiled. “Benny, if something spooky was happening we would surely know by now. Ethan would’ve had a vision or Rory would pop in with some information he doesn’t realize is important.”
As if on cue, Rory appears. “Heard my name!”
“Perfect,” Benny says. “Okay, Rory, give us some of that sweet sweet information. Have you seen Y/N?”
Rory’s eyebrows furrow. “Well, yeah, but she said it wasn’t really her. She said she was an ancient doppelgänger who just looks like Y/N.”
Benny gestures wildly. “You guys concerned now?!”
“Okay, yeah, maybe,” Ethan replies. “Did she say what she was doing or where she was going?”
Rory shakes his head. “No, she said she was too smart to tell me.”
“Curses,” Benny says. “They’re starting to figure out our tricks. Come on, I need to find my spellbook to track her.”
Ethan, Benny, and Sarah hurry off, leaving Rory behind. 
“You’re welcome,” he says, miffed that they disregarded him. 
“Ah, nice to see you in the flesh again,” Jesse says, tossing some popcorn in his mouth.
“I see you’re still fond of the theater where your plans were ruined,” Not-you replies, eyeing the room.
“I’m a sentimental guy,” he says. “And with you, my plans can’t be ruined again.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that. My doppelgänger might be a mortal but she has the same power I do, under the surface.”
“Don’t tell me your afraid?”
“Not afraid. Just cautious,” Not-you says. “Arrogance is what got you defeated the first time. I won’t make the same mistake of underestimating them.”
Jesse stands up and walks over to Not-you, grabbing her arm. “Starting to get some flesh back, I see.”
“Swapping places with Y/N has helped immensely. Give it a few more hours and I’ll be back to full strength.”
“And Y/N?”
“Collateral damage.”
Jesse smiles. “Then we don’t need to underestimate them. We can destroy them.”
Meanwhile, Benny, Ethan, and Sarah are tearing apart Benny’s room, trying to find his spellbook.
“Goodness me, what’s going on in here?”
“Grandma!” Benny exclaims, popping out from under his bed. “Have you seen my spellbook?”
“No. Don’t tell me you’ve lost it, Benny, you know how dangerous that is,” she replies.
“I know, I know, but lecture me later, we have to find Y/N.”
“Y/N is missing?”
“Yeah,” Sarah says. “She was switched with a doppelgänger.”
Evelyn purses her lips. “Circe.”
“Who?” Ethan asks. 
“Circe,” Evelyn repeats. “She’s an old witch who caused quite the ruckus in White Chapel. Reverend Black tried to have her burnt at the stake but considering that he turned out to be a vampire I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s resurrected her somehow.”
Benny gasps. “With my spellbook!”
“Follow me,” Evelyn says, leading the group of them to her basement where she digs through a box for a leather bound book.
“Ah!” She says. “Here it is.”
She flips it open, going through the pages before stopping on one. “Here she is.”
“Woah,” Ethan says. “She really does look like Y/N.”
“Doppelgängers were created by nature after ancient beings defied their laws by creating immortality. Circe must’ve tried to make herself immortal, causing the doppel curse,” Evelyn explains.
You’re starting to feel horrible. Your body getting heavier and heavier, a weight on your chest growing. 
It wasn’t like the usual anxiety or claustrophobia you’ve experienced before. No, this felt like your soul was slowly being sucked from your body.
Is this it? you think. Is this really how I’m going to go out?
You raise your phone, the bars still empty and the battery too low for comfort.
“God,” you mumble.
Jesse pulls the Cubile Animus from his pocket. “This is what we’ll use to capture the souls.”
Circe raises an eyebrow at him. “Is that thing going to be able to hold all the supernatural souls? They’re more powerful than human souls.”
“Well, if you happen to have another soul-holder laying around, you just let me know,” Jesse says, scowling at her.
“I’m just saying, maybe you should’ve done some research before you set this plan into motion.”
“It’s going to work.” Jesse snaps, getting into Circe’s face. 
“All right, if you say so,” she replies, lifting a magical hand, glowing gold, and pressing it against the box.
You gasp, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline and your eyes flicker a gold that makes its way down your face, arms, and into your phone, causing it to call Benny.
“If Circe has taken Y/N’s place you need to find her fast. The longer Circe stays in her place, the more of Y/N’s lifeforce she takes,” Evelyn says. “She could die.”
As if on cue, Benny’s phone rings. 
He scrambles to check it, Y/N’s name glowing on the screen. “Oh my god.”
He answers it. “Y/N? Where are you, baby?”
“Benny...” your voice is faint and quiet. “...mirror...”
“Mirror? I don’t know what that means, you’re gonna have to be more specific.”
The urgency in his voice is obvious and you’re trying your best.
“At- at school...the mirror...”
“A mirror at school? The mirror at school?”
“Olivia Frye’s mirror!” Ethan says with a snap of his fingers. “In the theater.”
“Y/N, babe, is that right? You’re in Olivia’s mirror?”
“Great, let’s go,” Sarah says.
“Be careful!” Evelyn replies as they go.
“Y/N, stay on the phone with me, okay?”
You groan. “Benny, I’m so tired...”
They throw themselves into Grandma’s car, Sarah driving.
"No, no, baby girl, stay awake for me,” Benny pleads, hearing your breathing become labored.
“Benny...” you whisper out one last time before the phone goes dead.
“Y/N? Y/N! Y/N, baby, please- god dang it!” Benny throws his phone down.
“It’s okay, Benny, we’ll find her,” Ethan says. “She’s gonna be fine.”
“I hope so, E, I really hope so.”
"Do it now,” Jesse demands.
Circe’s eyes glow gold and she whispers an incantation.
Meanwhile, Erica and Rory are out looking for a midnight snack. 
“Are you sure we should be out here?” Rory asks. “Sarah said there’s a powerful witch out here somewhere. And that she’s working with Jesse.”
“What’s Jesse got against us?” Erica replies. “If anything he should be thanking us for being his only turns that survived. Natural selection in my opinion.”
Suddenly, her body goes rigid and a glowing, white mist flows out of her mouth and shoots off. Her body collapses to the ground.
“Erica?” Rory asks, nervously, leaning down next to her.
Erica’s soul finds its way into the Cubile Animus and Jesse smiles.
Rory’s body follows ensuite of Erica’s, going still and his soul being taken from his body.
And now we’re caught up. You’re dying in unimaginable darkness, weeping. Wishing with all your might that they find you. That you’ll see your friends and Benny again.
Luckily for you, they burst through the door.
Ethan, Benny, and Sarah are to the mirror in no time, Benny’s hand pressing against the glass.
“Y/N! Come take my hand, please!”
“I-I can’t,” you cry, tears rolling down your cheeks as you look at him, his eyes worried, scared even.
“Yes, you can!” He replies. “I won’t let you die! You’re so close, Y/N, just come take my hand.”
It’s hard, and it hurts, but you move.
You crawl, sobbing, towards him.
Benny’s own tears are threatening to spill over as he listens to you crying. 
“Please,” he whispers. “Please, I love you.”
You reach up. And take his hand.
Feeling your grip, Benny pulls.
Your body comes tumbling out of the mirror and into Benny, who immediately hold you close, whispering “oh my god” over and over.
You’re shaking, still crying. You’re thin, pale, and weak.
“Y/N,” Sarah says softly. “Do you know where the doppelganger is?”
You close your eyes, focusing. “The theater,” you whisper. “They’re at the theater.”
More souls are being sucked into the box: Kurt Lockner’s, David Stachowski’s, all the vampire nurses.
Evelyn, knowing - or rather feeling -  what’s happening, sits in her rocking chair and mumbles a counter spell that will keep her soul inside her body.
Circe growls. “Let go, Evelyn. I’ll get your soul if it kills you.”
“Not a chance.” Evelyn replies.
Sarah hits the breaks hard, putting the car in park and jumping out of the car, Ethan following closely.
“Y/N, stay here, okay?” Benny instructs.
You nod, closing your eyes and lying down.
“Hey!” Sarah kicks open the door to the theater. “Having a party without me?”
“Sarah!” Jesse says. “Glad you can join us. Just in time for Circe to take your soul.”
“Oh yeah? Over my dead body.”
“That can be arranged,” Circe replies, turning to Sarah with glowing gold eyes.
It strikes her then how nearly exactly she looks to you.
“So your the witch who’s stealing my girlfriend’s soul!” Benny shouts.
Circe smiles. “I’m a much better model, don’t you think?”
“Not a chance, honey.”
“Jesse, I’m busy. Take care of them, won’t you?” Circe says. “Your grandmother can’t hold on forever, Benny.”
“What?” Benny cries, becoming angry. He shouts a spell, hurling it in Circe’s direction, who waves it off easily. 
“You’ll have to do better than that.”
“Come on, Sarah,” Jesse says. “We’ve been here before, haven’t we? What makes you think you’ll win this time?”
“This!” Ethan yells, shooting Jesse in the face with holy water.
Jesse screams.
“Literally never go anywhere without this. We’re smarter this time, don’t you know?”
“I don’t think you nerds have the capacity,” Jesse says, wiping the burning liquid off his face with his sleeve.
Sarah attacks him and Ethan gasps, being overcome with a vision. It’s a vision of Benny’s grandma and Jane chanting the same words she used to defeat Jesse the first time.
When he comes back to, he shouts, “Benny! Your grandma’s spell! The first one!”
The pieces clicking in his head, Benny chants those same words and watches as a bolt of lighting appears and hits Circe in the chest. She cries out, dropping the box that Benny scoops up.
“Hey, Jesse,” Benny says.
Jesse stops, Sarah’s neck in his hand, and looks at Benny.
“This look familiar?”
He opens the box, releasing the souls inside.
Jesse screams, dropping Sarah and running off.
“You coward!” Circe yells. “Coward! AH!”
The souls attack Circe, slowly pulling Y/N’s soul out of her body.
Once it’s out, Circe drops to the ground and fades away in a fog.
Breathing heavily, the three left watch as Y/N’s soul shoots off, presumably back to Y/N’s body.
“We really need to destroy this thing,” Benny says, tossing the box in the air and catching it again.
Erica and Rory burst through the doors, fangs bared, ready for a fight.
“Aw, man, did we miss it again?” Rory asks.
“Yeah, sorry, Ror,” Ethan replies.
“Ugh. I’ve been waiting to tear Jesse a new one for like, ever,” Erica says.
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll get your chance,” Sarah says.
“Oh my god, Y/N,” Benny says, shoving the box into Ethan’s hands and running out to the car, the others following.
You’re still sleeping, and breathing, thankfully. But your color isn’t back to normal, neither is your weight.
So, they take you to Evelyn.
“Her body isn’t used to magic,” she explains as Erica and Sarah set you gently onto Benny’s bed. “It’s going to take a while for her to naturally heal. But, if a few powerful magicians were to try to speed things along...”
“We can do that?” Benny asks, hopefully.
Evelyn grabs his shoulders. “We can try.”
They hold hands over your body, shutting their eyes and chanting “Extende in desiderium cordis mei; Sana hoc vulnus cum virtute ignis. Aufer aegritudinem et dolorem; Sanatio est quod offero.”
Your body glows, color coming back to you and your weight returning to its normal size, but you don’t wake up.
“Did it work?” Benny asks. “Why is she still asleep?”
“Even healing magic takes time,” Evelyn explains. “Give her a little bit.”
She pats him lightly and leaves the room, leaving Benny alone with you.
“God, I really thought I was going to lose you,” he whispers, squeezing your hand.
The time stretches on as he waits for you to wake up and he eventually nods off.
Which is when you decide to wake up.
You smile as you see him lying next to you and lean over to kiss his cheek.
He shoots awake immediately, practically tackling you in a hug. “Thank god!”
You laugh. “Thanks for saving me.”
“Always,” he replies. “Always.”
133 notes · View notes
chaotic-super · 1 year
Back To Krypton - Chapter 27
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Read Back To Krypton on AO3 here!
Alex clings to the back of Kara’s shirt tightly but not as tightly as Nia clings to the back of Alex’s.
It’s quite a funny sight, at least Lena and Kelly think so as they easily glide along on their H’Raka, Bolt. Esme is cradled between Kelly and Lena so she doesn’t fall and their Kelex is drifting alongside them, a rope around its middle keeping it moving along with them since it’s not quick enough to keep up with them otherwise.
“I never took Alex for someone that would be scared of heights.” Lena turns her head, looking back over her shoulder to talk to Kelly.
“She’s not, she’s afraid of Kara’s driving skills, or flying skills in this case.” Kelly laughs, peeking back over at her terrified wife. “I don’t know what Nia’s excuse is though, she has never seemed to mind heights before.”
Lena follows Kelly’s line of sight. “Nia gets nervous when other people are nervous so right now, Alex has gotten Nia’s anxiety flowing like crazy.”
“Maybe we should trade places, You have Alex and I’ll go with Kara and Nia.”
“We’ll probably stop in a couple of hours anyway, Kara says that she wants to take a few breaks so she can check on the H’Rakas and make sure we aren’t overexerting them since they are only used to carrying one person at a time.” Lena keeps her hands loose on the harness around Bolt’s head, her legs pressing into his sides so he knows to keep going straight.
“Copy that.” Kelly smiles, her gaze now on the treeline below them.
They are still flying low, only a few metres above the tallest trees, far up enough that they don’t have to worry about staying clear but close enough that they can still duck down into the trees in the case of an emergency, something that they are really hoping they can avoid doing altogether.
It’s coming up to midday, maybe around eleven or so from what Lena can tell based on the position of Rao, and the sight of the red rays beaming down into the trees and foliage is beautiful. There are mountains in the distance that if she was close enough to Kara, she would ask the names of, and above all, there’s a blistering heat slowly rising as they get closer to The Fire Falls.
Kara is going to have to figure out where they are so they can carefully plan their flight path around the falls so as to not accidentally cross over any tourist paths and be spotted by anyone, they need to avoid contact with other people where possible. They probably won’t be able to keep that up when they reach Kandor but they can avoid that here.
The breeze is cooling and helps fight the increasing heat as they get closer to The Fire Falls, something that they wouldn’t have if they were walking like they were originally going to do and they are so very grateful for that because none of them had really planned for how they would be battling the heat when they were planning for the mission back on Earth, it was one of the factors that they didn’t really think about.
So far they have only been flying for a little while, probably over an hour but nowhere near two and they have already made so much progress that it makes their trek up until the point of flying feel twice as painful to look back on simply because it all feels redundant.
The thrill of flying helps to pass the time, the everchanging scenery as they soar above the ground having a similar feeling to watching out of a car window but a lot breezier, maybe it’s closer to sticking your head out of a car window and trying to keep your eyes open against the wind thrashing into your face.
They pull down and land in a clearing not long after, taking a half-hour break before setting right back off, a better idea of the direction to head into and H’Rakas that have full stomachs and are well hydrated.
There’s a nice rhythm to it, flying for a little while, resting, and then flying again. It’s nowhere near as taxing as walking but the aches that Lena feels in her legs and ass are similar to those that she used to get as a child when Lillian used to force her into horse riding lessons because ‘that’s what people of our social stature do’.
Based on how she’s watching the others stretch out their legs when they get off of the H’Rakas during their breaks, everyone is feeling the effects, but with each passing flight, they seem to be adjusting to it.
Alex is much better when she’s flying with Lena despite Kara being the better flyer. Lena’s not usually one to admit defeat at something but she has to admit that Kara is better, it’s probably something to do with her knowledge and experience with flying and aerodynamics, even if it is different to the usual way she flies. She just seems to have a natural instinct for her special awareness when she’s in the air, a true understanding of how the air will react to certain movements in a way that is so graceful it reminds Lena of watching some extravagant dance by a ballerina.
They have all been taking turns flying though, except for Esme because she’s too small but she’s happily sat on Alex’s knee and held the rope to the harness for a while and it was adorable to watch the grin across her face as she did so. They’ve had to make sure they could manage it for their upcoming split because now, they’re almost past The Fire Falls completely and that means that The Scarlet Jungle is coming up and so Kelly, Nia and Esme are going to split off from them so they don’t have to be in danger too while they grab the samples for Astra.
They did add a few hours onto their trip though so they could find a good place to stop on a high up cliff so Kara could show them the marvellous view of The Fire Falls, the waterfall of lava and flames something to truly behold, especially since they were at a safe distance where they knew they wouldn’t be spotted so they could enjoy the moment together without fearing being caught.
In that spot on the cliff, they had their lunch and just sat and watched with wonder as the falls kept flowing. Nobody watched with as much reverence as Kara though, her childhood memories sitting in the forefront of her mind and bringing a tear to her eyes.
The group doesn’t stay much longer than that though, unable to justify needlessly prolonging the mission for a little more time watching a tourist hotspot from a distance.
Landing for the last time as a group, they get a little bit emotional at the prospect of splitting up. With how long they’ve been travelling together and spending every minute of every day together it’s probably normal for how attached they’ve become to each other, greatly appreciating the time they get to spend with each other now and sad that half of their team is going to be leaving.
Alex is the one having the worst time of it though, she’s got to say goodbye to her wife and daughter, even if it is only for a couple of days, maybe a couple extra if something slows them down, but it’s not a long separation.
“You two be safe, alright?” Alex pulls Kelly and Esme to her tightly, holding them and memorising the way they feel in her arms, burning the feeling into her brain like she’s going to forget as soon as they fly away.
“What about me? You don’t want me to be safe too?” Nia asks, petulant that she’s not getting the same level of emotional goodbyes from the three wayward foragers. “You better miss me too, I’m going to be keeping Kelly and Esme safe and apparently I’m not even worth a hug these days.”
Alex rolls her eyes. “Please, Kelly is going to be looking after you as much as she is Esme, you’re just another child in this group.”
“Name one example. I’m an adult so you won’t be able—”
“You’re hand on the plant when we first got here, it might be healed now but that scar is going to be with you forever.”
Kara shakes her head at the behaviour of her team, a fond sadness sitting in her chest as she moves towards Nia, arms open with the intention of dragging her into a hug. “Come here, you. I’ll miss you being dramatic.”
“I’m never dramatic.” Nia protests, pulling out of the hug that Kara is forcing her into only to then be pulled into another one with Lena.
“Yes, you very much are. We love you though and you better look after yourself and keep yourself alive until we meet up with you guys in a couple of days. You know where to meet us, right?”
Nia nods. “We’ll stay a few miles out from Kandor and hunker down somewhere we think nobody will find us, if you don’t show up in five days then we’ll head into Kandor and find Astra. She’ll probably help us find you.”
“Good. Stick to that plan.” Lena says and moves over to Kelly and Esme to get more goodbye hugs.
Nia, Kelly and Esme will be taking Swoopy while Lena, Alex and Kara will be heading off to get the samples on Bolt and they will be taking Kelex with them too, they don’t want to carry dangerous plants so they can get their little friend to do it for them, no contact needed.
“Alright, we better get going now before we end up putting it off altogether,” Kelly says, taking the time to give Alex one last kiss and to give her wife chance to say a proper goodbye to Esme since she knows that she’ll spend the next several days worrying about them even though she’s the one that will be wandering around the edge of a dangerous forest.
“Good luck, guys.” Kara waves them off as the two groups climb onto their respective H’Rakas. “Look after Swoopy for me!”
“I’ll look after Swoopy, Aunt Kara!” Esme shouts back at her. It’s cute how attached Esme has gotten to the H’Rakas and Kara just hopes that one day she can look back at this time with nothing but fondness and mirth.
“Thanks, Esme!” She calls back at her niece, waving one last time before Lena has Bolt take off.
Through the whistling wind, Alex shouts out her love for them again. before they fly off over the trees, Swoopy joins them in the air not long after but flies off further to the right, slowly sending them off in different directions.
Nia, always one to want the last word, shouts something out once they’ve all levelled off. “Kryptonopolis, here we come!”
Lena chuckles a little bit. “Hey Kara, when you told Nia back at The Tower when we were still planning the mission that Kandor is also known as Kryptonopolis, was that true?”
“Not in the slightest, I just found it funny.”
“That’s what I thought.”
They focus back on their trip, checking to see where the other group is periodically. It makes it worse that they can see each other as they part and that it’s a slow process for them to stop being visible to each other because it makes it hurt so much more for them to part.
“Hey, Alex?” Kara tilts her head back onto her sister’s shoulder to get her attention.
“Yeah?” Alex rests her head against Kara’s, holding onto her by her waist so she doesn’t slip, especially since she’s got the packs weighing her down.
Kara holds onto Alex’s forearms loosely. “Are you excited to share a tent with Lena and me?”
“Not at all.”
“Me neither.” Lena jumps in. “There’s nothing like having your girlfriend’s sister in your tent to spoil the mood.”
Alex makes a disgusted little gurgle from the back of her throat as she processes for the first time that she’s going to be third wheeling and that knowing Lena, she’s going to purposely make it as uncomfortable as possible for her just because she can. “Gross.”
“Don’t bully my sister.” Kara comes to her aid. She presses her fingertips into Lena’s waist slightly to make sure she’s listening.
Lena shrugs in response, not really caring.
The longer they fly, the more nervous they get because none of them really have any clue what’s coming up and they are dreading landing as they get closer to The Scarlet Jungle, the unknown of it all is much more frightening than anything else.
It’s quite late by the time they are halfway there and stop in a nice, mildly wooded idea for the night, setting up their tent with the intent of hunkering down until morning.
“Who wants to cook dinner?” Alex asks as she perches herself on a nearby rock, pulling her feet up onto the edge of it in a clear way of signalling that she has no intention of preparing dinner.
Lena just takes the pack off of the back of Kelex and goes through the food they have to see what they can make. Usually, Kelly makes dinner, sometimes with Kara’s help, but mostly she just shoos everyone away when they try to assist because she likes to do it on her own and the time she spends doing it helps her to relax. She separated out the food before they split so each group has plenty.
“Kara and I will handle it, why don’t you go and take a nap in the tent since you’re being grumpy?”
“Fine but I don’t want to hear anything inappropriate occurring out here, I don’t want to be traumatized by you kids doing things. Keep it PG13.” Alex heaves herself up and into the tent where she sets up her air mattress as far away from Kara and Lena’s will be pressed up against each other’s so they can cuddle even though they always wake up on the same one anyway since they sleep so close together.
Kara watches Alex head into the tent after a brief exchange with Lena that she can’t hear since she’s a short way away with Bolt, securing him to a tree with tight knots, more afraid of losing him in the night than ever before now they are close to dangerous territory and by this time tomorrow, they should be firmly in the outskirts of The Scarlet Jungle and have the samples of the plants there for Astra.
From there they will be able to start heading towards Kandor again and can meet up with the others before they go ahead and find Astra. If all goes well then they can have the blueprints in hand within three or four days and be home a couple of days after that building the machine to stop Lex.
“Hey, what’s Alex doing?” Kara asks as she makes her way back over to where Lena is now building a small fire a few metres away from the tent. “Isn’t she helping with the fire? She usually loves that job.”
Lena shakes her head. “She’s a little grumpy, I think it’s because this is the first time she’s been away from Kelly and Esme in weeks. She’s gone for a nap and I volunteered us to make dinner, you don’t mind, do you?”
“Not at all.” Kara is actually really happy to have a chance to be with Lena alone, working together to make dinner will be a nice change of pace from being on separate H’Rakas and only seeing each other on breaks and at night. It’s only been a short time since they have been separated, even though they are still pretty close together, but she’s very happy that they are back on the same team. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve been right here.”
“I know, with us flying separately for the past few days, it’s just felt like you’ve been miles away and I missed you.”
Lena chuckles a little, grabbing hold of Kara’s sleeve and pulling her closer. “Come here then, needy.”
Kara’s eyebrows shoot up, “I am not needy!”
“Yeah, you kind of are but that’s ok. I love you anyway.”
Kara folds her arms but she can’t keep the small smile from spreading across her face. “As you should do, but just for the record, it’s you that cuddles me at night so I’d say that you’re the needy one.”
Lena just shakes her head, a matching smile on her face. “Ok, we’re both needy. Want to grab a pan so we can start cooking?” She keeps working on the fire, adding more kindling and wood to build it up a little bigger while Kara grabs the pan from her pack and brings it back over and waits for more direction, happy to let Lena take the lead on making dinner just as long as she can spend some time with her.
They just have a simple dinner, some grains and dried beans with a few spices they have been rationing out but can indulge in a little more now that they know their trip will be shorter than they imagined. It’s nice though, cooking together and talking about nothing in particular except for planning what they are going to do when they get back home and have dealt with Lex and his psychopathy.
The main consensus is simple. They date and they get back to their lives together, the same as they were before but so much more. Once they’re settled they can think about maybe getting a place together, somewhere fresh for the pair of them to start building their lives together free of the drama of killer animals in the forest or murderous brothers, it sounds like heaven. At least they now know that they are extremely good at coexisting in the same space, there’s nothing like a prolonged hike through a dead planet to test how well you can withstand someone’s presence.
They snuggle up into the tent with the sound of Bolt outside snoring drifting through the wind and the sound of Alex inside snoring making Lena realize that she can never complain about Kara’s snoring again because Alex is so much worse.
She presses herself to Kara’s back and presses her nose into her hair, arms around her waist, and heaves out a sigh, preparing herself for the next day as she wills herself to sleep, she’s going to need it.
Read more chapters of Back To Krypton early here!
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Dream SMP Recap (March 23/2021) - Ponk and the Keycards
Things start to go wrong when Ponk finds some of Sam’s Warden keycards lying around in a chest and decides to take one. Sam doesn’t take this lightly.
Captain Puffy
- Ponk goes over to Snowchester to take some lapis and visit Michael.
- He goes to the spider spawner to enchant and meets HBomb in a catmaid skin there.
- HBomb is planning on making a catmaid cafe.
- Ponk warns H that Niki is becoming a communist.
- He leads H down into the Egg Room, saying he can teach H to become a capitalist. 
- They then do a photoshoot. They go to the bench.
- H leaves and Ponk plans to build his likeness on the server. He finds Sam’s wool farm and is concerned. He visits Sam’s house and takes some supplies.
- Ponk walks back out, thinking there’s not much to take, and checks a double chest outside.
Inside are several books:
Quackity [by Quackity]
Quackity [by Quackity]
Quackity [by Quackity]
Questionare [by Dream]
WARDEN ACCESS [12 copies]
- Ponk takes one of the copies of WARDEN ACCESS.
- Back at the spider spawner, Ponk sees Sam log on. Ponk plays it cool.
- He goes to find Pogtopia and accidentally wanders into the gym
- He gets to Pogtopia and gets sand
- Ponk meets Sam at the Community House. H and Niki arrive and Sam gets autotuned.
- Sam logs off and Jack logs on. Ponk speaks with him about being part of a top secret mission
- Ponk shows Niki and HBomb the keycard and asks if they want to test it
- Sam logs on and Ponk immediately logs off
- Niki and H leave to discuss one on one, leaving Ponk to speak with Jack. He points out how Jack doesn’t like Tommy and wants to kill him.
- Niki tells Ponk they have only one minute until Sam kills them, and if they lose a life because of Ponk, they’ll come for him
- Ponk logs in and tries to run, but Sam kills him in a single shot. This death is declared canon.
Cause: Slain by the Warden
- Ponk respawns and hurries through the Nether to Sam’s base, but when he gets there Sam kills him instantly again. This one isn’t canon.
- Sam says the keycard was actually an old one. Ponk died for nothing.
- Ponk enters the Nether Hub again and meets Sam face to face.
Sam: You will die before me.
Sam: I can fight everyone who is online.
Sam: at the same time.
Sam: Stop this at once.
- Ponk asks Foolish to use his lightning powers to help get rid of Sam, but Foolish doesn’t. Meanwhile, HBomb is at the prison entrance.
- Ponk exits the Nether and runs back to the Prime Path. He tells them he feels weaker already. Sam follows him.
Sam: Everyone is about to die.
Sam: Everyone.
- Ponk tells Niki and H to press the button at the prison entrance on his mark. Sam kills him again and sends Ponk back to the Community House. He tells Niki and H to press the button, that it will send him there and then they will die.
- Foolish presses the button while Ponk races through the Nether again.
- Ponk makes it to Sam’s base. Sam tells Foolish he’s about to die, but Foolish says he is Sam.
- Ponk grabs the other eleven WARDEN ACCESS copies as Sam kills Foolish in one shot.
- Antfrost joins the game. Sam tells him it’s time to defend the prison, and that Ant is free to kill anyone near the prison.
- Ponk starts heading back to the Vault. He tells Niki and HBomb that Pandora’s Vault is a for-profit prison that must hold plenty of riches.
- Ponk makes it to the Vault. Sam tells him his items are forfeit, and if he does not give up the other keycards, Ponk is about to become a ghost.
- Ponk pearls away. He has an idea to head to Church Prime. They wouldn’t cross DreamXD.
- Ponk will carry this on tomorrow. It’s a cliffhanger for now, as he logs off in the Holy Land.
- HBomb and Niki continue to work on their cafe.
- Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo and Techno briefly play on the server using proximity chat!
- Later, after checking up on Michael and the mansion, Ranboo spots Sam building something near the prison, wondering what it is
- Sam tells Ranboo about what happened earlier with Ponk. 
Sam: “He slept in this bed, so...I’m building Hell for him.”
- Tomorrow, Sam will find Ponk and murder him, and Ponk will respawn in the box Sam is building.
- Sam presses a button and shows Ranboo lava flowing into the cell.
Sam: “This will be his existence. He will burn to death until he gives them to me.”
- He’s making “the worst place one could ever respawn.”
Ranboo: “So you’re just gonna keep on burning him, over and over again?”
Sam: “Pretty much, until he pleads for me to stop and agrees to give me the books. And then if he doesn’t give me the books, I’ll just keep doing it.”
- Ranboo asks if this is the best way to go about it, if Sam can just make new keycards. Sam tells him there already are new keycards, Ponk stole old ones. There’s nothing Ponk can do with them, Sam doesn’t like the fact that he stole and was planning to infiltrate.
- Sam tells Ranboo not to tell Ponk.
Sam: “So I’m gonna build it in completely, so he won’t even know where he’s at. He’s just gonna know that he’s...he’s stuck with me. Forever. Until he gives me the keycards...This will be our existence until he gives them up.
Ranboo: “You’re very good at building...um...things that are meant for pain sometimes. That’s good, good for you.”
Sam: “I’ve had a lot of practice with the prison, you know?”
Ranboo: “Yeah, nice, you’re basically just making another prison. But like, smaller.”
Sam: “Yeah, much smaller scale though. I almost had to kill a lot of people today.”
- Sam asks if there are any other good things he could do to torture Ponk into giving him the books. Ranboo says no one likes poison.
Sam: “That’s true, I could just poison him...forever. And he could eat rotten flesh, maybe beat him to death with my hands...punch him to death...he’d probably give them up pretty quick if I was doing all that. I think this will do for now, though. We’ll see. If he’s hesitant, then I’ll uh...I’ll make it count for sure, don’t you worry.”
- After talking a bit about the mansion, Ranboo backs out slowly.
Ranboo: “Okay, have fun, have fun...doing that.”
Sam: “Oh, I will.”
- Ranboo leaves, telling chat he will not let Sam anywhere near his house ever. 
Ranboo: “Yeah, of course he’s gonna...y’know, torture someone. ‘Cause you know! The best trait in a prison warden is how much they’re willing to torture someone! That’s for sure!” 
(He presses the monkaS button)
- Ranboo returns to Snowchester. He’s very scared of Sam.
Upcoming Events:
- The Red Banquet
- Quackity’s business opening
- Quackity’s next lore stream
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simplee-dreaming · 3 years
A/N: Thank you so much to the anon who gave me this prompt! I had a lot of fun writing it and I think it's one of my personal favourites so I hope you enjoy it too!
Summary: Ginny pranks all of her brothers and pays the price for it.
Word count: 2,022
An ear piercing scream came from upstairs, waking Arthur up from his nap.
“SP….SP….SPIDER!” Ron yelled. Arthur and Molly ran up to his room and found him staring at his bed, his body in shock.
“What the….wait...that’s mine!” Arthur said. Molly looked at him, astounded.
“What do you mean that’s yours?” She asked.
“I mean it’s from work. The department asked me to take this home and study it further. It’s called a toy spider. Fascinating concept from the muggles, you see they place these tiny objects in called batteries which makes it look like the spider is alive. It is very clever, don’t you think?” He asked. He looked at Ron who was as white as a sheet.
“Arthur just take that thing away. Ron dear, it’s okay. It isn’t real.” Molly said, reassuring him. His breathing went back to a normal pace and he slowly nodded.
“I wonder how that got there,” Arthur mumbled under his breath. He left Ron’s room and went downstairs to his own.
Molly left Ron’s room and bumped into Charlie.
“Ah, Mum, have you seen my wand?” He asked.
“No love, why?”
“My meditation dragon isn’t breathing out smoke. Someone has turned it into a stone dragon and I need to turn it back.” He said, a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“I’m sorry love, I haven’t seen it. I’ll let you know if I do.” Molly said, calmly. She followed Charlie downstairs, into the kitchen, when another yell echoed around the burrow.
Percy bolted down the stairs and into the kitchen.
“What’s wrong with you?” Molly asked.
“They put the engorgio spell on my prefect and head boy badges and put them in my wardrobe. One just fell onto me and nearly crushed me! Where are they?” He said, clearly frustrated. Charlie bit back a giggle as he continued to find his wand.
“FRED! GEORGE!” He yelled again.
“Not so loudly.” Molly scolded. The twins stepped out from round the corner, both sipping cups of tea.
“Yes?” They responded in unison.
“You are going to put my badges back to the normal size.” Percy demanded. The twins looked at each other and raised an eyebrow.
“Did you hear what I said?” Percy asked.
“Yes but I don’t know why you want us to do that.” George said.
“Because you enlarged them!” Percy bellowed. The twins looked at each other again.
“Don’t you think we would’ve waited to see them crashing on you if we did?” Fred asked.
“What?” Percy responded.
“It wasn’t us. But whoever did it is a bloody genius.” George said.
“Don’t you dare lie to me, I know it was you! I demand you fix them immediately!” Percy roared.
Just before the twins responded, another loud screech was heard upstairs.
“What now?!” Molly asked, irritably. Bill came running down the stairs. Molly’s jaw dropped. Percy looked shocked. Fred and George both spat out their tea simultaneously. Charlie was the first to speak.
“What the hell happened to you?” he asked. Bill stood there, bewildered. He was bald.
“I...I was in the shower. And...and instead of shampoo, someone must’ve put in hair removal cream.” He said. Ron appeared at that moment, his eyes shot to Bill’s head.
“Bloody hell,” he said. Molly turned to Fred and George.
“Right. Whenever there’s trouble it’s normally you two.”
Fred and George looked at each other then back at Molly.
“Us two?” Fred asked.
“Yes, you two.”
“But we didn’t do anything!” George said in protest.
“You’re usually the prime suspects when it comes to pranks.”
“Our own mother doesn’t believe us.” Fred said to George.
“Don’t you think we would’ve owned up to these pranks? They’re so clever I wish we could take the credit.” George said to Molly. She let out a deep sigh.
“ARTHUR!” She yelled, making everyone jump. Arthur appeared in a matter of moments. The first thing that caught his eye was Bill’s head. He stared at it.
“Blimey Molly, I knew you didn’t like his long hair but I didn’t think you’d go this far.” He said. Molly smacked him on the arm.
“Blithering idiot. Someone has been messing around today. The spider in Ron’s bed, Charlie’s dragon turned to stone, Percy’s enlarged badges and now Bill’s hair.” She informed him. Arthur turned to the twins.
“Did you….” He began, George cut him off.
“No we did not. We definitely would have owned up to these, I’m shocked and hurt that we’re the first accused culprits. Fred, pass the biscuits.”
Fred nodded and slid the tin of biscuits over. They sorted through the array and settled on a custard cream each. They both took a bite. Immediately afterwards, two human sized canaries stood in the kitchen. A moment's silence was followed by a roar of laughter.
“WHAT THE?!” Fred cried.
Charlie and Ron were wiping their tears away. Percy was pointing at them and laughing. Bill was laughing so much he forgot about his bald incident. Molly and Arthur were the first to compose themselves after a while. A minute past and Fred and George had malted all their feathers off.
“I don’t think either of them would be stupid enough to prank themselves, do you?” Arthur asked Molly. She steadied her breathing and nodded in agreement.
“Well if it wasn’t the usual suspects then who was it?” Bill asked. All the brothers looked at each other. One by one the look of realisation spread over their faces.
“Ginny.” They all said in unison.
Ginny was sitting in the living room, her nose stuck in a book. Charlie cleared his throat. She looked up to find Charlie, Percy, Ron, Fred, George and Bill standing just over the threshold. She looked at them all, one by one, with a raised eyebrow, her eyes widened when she got to Bill. She accidentally let out a little giggle.
“Something funny?” He asked. She shook her head.
“We know it was you.” Ron said.
“What was me?” She asked.
“The brilliant pranks,” Fred said. Charlie elbowed him. “Uh, I mean, the ridiculous pranks.”
Ginny smirked at them all.
“Took you long enough.” She sassed.
“So, what was the point in the pranks then?” Charlie asked. Ginny put her book down.
“Because I’m constantly the victim of pranks by tweedle dum and tweedle dumber over there and none of you ever do anything to help me. So I thought I’d get my own back by pranking everyone and letting Fred and George get the blame for it. Of course, I couldn’t just let them be blamed, I had to prank them too. So, what better than to use their own products against them when they least expect it.” She said. The boys looked at her, astounded.
“Our little sister is an evil genius.” George said, proudly. He mocked wiping a tear from his eye.
“Well then, I demand you put my badges back to their normal size.” Percy said, firmly.
“Nu-uh, not until she apologies for what she’s done.” Bill said. Ginny looked at him and giggled at his baldness again. “You will fix this, but first you’re going to pay.” He said sternly. She wasn’t threatened.
“You don’t scare me. None of you do.” She said.
“Oh really?” Charlie asked.
“Those two once put a mini pool outside my room which I fell into and nearly drowned in when I was 7. Nothing you guys do scares me anymore.” She said, pointing at the twins who looked down in shame.
“Yeah...we’re still sorry about that.” Fred said.
“Well I’m not sorry about any of this.” She snapped back.
“Fine. If we can’t scare an apology out of you then I know another way that will work…” Bill said. Ginny looked confused.
“I’m not going to apologise.” She said again.
“You will.” Bill replied. He turned his back on her to face his brothers. He slowly brought his hands up and wiggled his fingers. They all caught on instantly.
“This is ridiculous. I just want her to fix my badges.” Percy snapped.
“She will after we do this.” Charlie said.
“No.” Percy said. He turned to Ginny. “You fix my badges right now.”
“Nope,” she responded.
“Ginny! One of them nearly crushed me!” He cried.
“Serves you right for constantly going on about them.” Ginny stood up. “Out of my way! I’m hEaD bOy” She mocked, copying the stance Percy makes. Everyone laughed but Percy, who stormed out of the room in disgust.
“You’re still not off the hook,” Bill said as Ginny sat back down.
“Nothing you do will make me apologise.” She said.
“I know for a fact that this will.” Bill said. She narrowed her eyes at him as he slowly walked towards her. He gently pushed her back on the sofa and started squeezing her sides.
“WA-WAIT BILL NOHOHOHO!!” She screamed out. Fred and George ran towards her and started tickling her feet. She kicked out and screamed louder. They grabbed a foot each and locked it tight under their arms so she couldn’t kick.
“MUHUHUHUM HEHEHEHELP” She yelled out in between her laughter.
“She won’t come to help, her and Dad buggered off upstairs cause they didn’t want to get involved.” Ron said. He had joined in on the tickling and shoved his hands under her arms. She had trapped his hands there by slamming her arms down. Her laughter became shrieks.
“Not until you apologise” Charlie said. He had taken to tickling her neck which made it hard for her to protect her neck and armpits at the same time. Despite none of them pinning her down, she was still trapped and weak from laughter.
Percy appeared again and leant against the doorframe.
“Seriously? This is so childish.” He said.
“Watch it pinhead, or you’ll be next,” Fred said, still tickling his poor sister.
“Come on Percy, give us a hand. She’s still yet to apologise.” Bill said, his hands spidering across Ginny’s tummy.
“Just apologise and we’ll stop.” Charlie said, his fingers wiggling deep into her neck.
Percy walked over and gave her a single poke to the side.
“Come on, you can do better than that.” Bill said.
“I don’t want to, this is stupid. Just make her apologise.” Percy said in a strop.
“Funny, that’s almost like what we’ve been doing this whole time.” Ron said.
Ginny was now falling in and out of silent laughter. With Charlie tickling her neck, Ron’s wiggling fingers trapped in her armpits, Bill switching between spidering across her tummy and squeezing her sides and Fred & George tickling a foot each, she was in ticklish agony.
“SOHOHOHOHORRY” She screamed out.
“What?” The boys all said in unison.
“I-I’M SOHOHOHORRY” She cried out again.
“Sorry for what?” Charlie said, teasingly.
“FOHOHOR PRAHAHAHANKING YOHOHOHOU” She bellowed out. She fell back into silent laughter and the boys eased up. They all got up and stood away from the sofa. Bill started stroking her hair.
“Okay, okay. Breathe.” He said. Ginny took in a few deep breaths and let out some residue giggles.
“Told you that would make you apologise.” Bill said, winking at her. She rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Now you need to put everything right or Percy will go all head boy on you again,” he whispered.
“I heard that.” Percy said. Ginny giggled.
“Okay fine.” She said, standing up. Fred and George shook her hands.
“You’ve made us very proud.” They both said. Ginny rolled her eyes at them then got to work on fixing her mess. Within the space of half an hour, she had apologised to Ron for the spider, apologised to Fred and George for the canary creams, made Charlie’s dragon smoke again (and gave him back his wand), made Bill’s hair grow back to it’s normal length and restored Percy’s badges to normal size….whilst telling Fred and George how she hid them in the first place...for future reference...
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yikestripes · 4 years
@dissatisfactionbuthuman here you go !! i really ran with this request LOL
i actually have the cracking thing i was referring to- it’s called hip dysplasia but there’s also a shoulder type (i have both)
request: Omg can you please do a fic where Spence has a kink for something super common for the reader to do like stretching or something and she keeps doing it around him accidentally!?
word count: 1,566
warnings: talks of kinks? nothing really, sliiiight hints at smut.
You raised your arms high above your head, hearing a satisfying crack come from your shoulder joints. You resumed your paperwork, not knowing that you had caught Spencer’s attention. A small blush crept up to his cheeks as he turned back to his own work, trying to ignore the thoughts that were itching at the back of his mind. You rose shortly later, a resounding crack from your hip sounded as you walked past Spencer’s desk, and he swore you started doing it on purpose. You two had only been dating for about 2 months, after a long drawn out confession had taken place one night after an especially long jet ride home. There was no way you knew about one of Spencer’s most guarded secrets yet; he never told anyone about his cracking kink, and he definitely didn’t intend to scare you off so quickly by telling you now.
The only question was, did you somehow find out and now were trying to tease him with it? There was no way. He had made sure not to tell anyone else in the office and unless you were a mind reader, there was no way. He abandoned the thought for the better part of an hour before you were all called to the conference room for a briefing.
Good. Spencer thought. This will definitely take my mind away from everything- especially her. You sat by his side and let your hand come to rest on his forearm, something you would do every time you were near each other. It was a simple gesture, whether it was to remind her that Spencer was all hers, other women, or just to remind herself that he was still there, it didn’t really matter. Spencer took your hand under the table to save yourselves from a look from Hotch regarding your ability to work together, which you’d received more times than either of you would like to admit.
You looked back and smiled at Spencer, who was chewing his lip as he was clearly thinking about something that was not related to the case. You squeezed his hand gently to grab his attention, but he shook his head slightly and offered you a tightlipped smile. He was acting strange, especially for Spencer, but you shrugged it off and pretended to pay attention to the rest of the case. You could study up on the plane; first, you had to figure out what was bothering your boyfriend.
As soon as Hotch announced wheel’s up, you were already out of the conference room, sitting on Spencer’s desk with your go bag in hand.
“What’s up, Spence?” You asked, raising your eyebrows.
“N-nothing,” He said, offering you a real smile. You narrowed your eyes at his retreating back, but decided it was better not to push it.
The jet ride was completely uneventful; you, Spencer, JJ, and Emily traded theories back and forth about the latest sicko while discussing whether or not the latest kidnapped victim was dead or not. You announced your desire for coffee, standing up and going to the back of the plane; another crack from your hip rang out as you felt a small release in your back. You had joint problems that stemmed from sports and an undiagnosed disorder that affected a few if not all of your biggest joints, including your shoulders and hips. This was the cause for all of the popping and cracking every time you moved a stiffened joint.
Little did you know, you were driving Spencer absolutely wild- more so than usual, that is.
“Hey, JJ- Has (Y/N) a-always, um, cracked like that?” He asked, trying to make his desires less obvious.
“What do you mean?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Um, well, whenever she stands up after sitting for some time or moves her arm suddenly…” Spencer trailed off.
“I guess so. She told me that she has some thing in her joints that cause that, why? Does it freak you out?” She grinned.
Spencer’s eyes widened.
“U-uh,” He swallowed hard. “I mean I guess so, yeah. Is that weird?” He lowered his voice.
“Not at all! It used to absolutely DISGUST my cousin whenever i’d crack my neck or my back around her. It’s some sort of phobia I think,” Spencer breathed a sigh of relief when he realized what she was saying.
“What’s disgusting?” You asked, handing Spencer the other mug in your hand.
“Oh, we were just talking about how cracking joints disgust some people. Our dear doctor apparently isn’t too fond of it!” She said with a laugh.
“You never told me that,” You said, suddenly feeling slightly self conscious.
“Well I-I never thought about bringing it up before, I guess.” He took a long sip from the mug before excusing himself. You burned holes into the back of his head as he headed towards the bathroom.
“That was weird.” You muttered, reopening the case file.
“Looks like our unsub decided to dump the body in a hurry,” Spencer announced, pulling on a pair of gloves.
“Yeah, this is a pretty foot-traffic heavy area so I guess someone was coming.” You responded.
“It completely forced them to change their M.O, they didn’t have time for the rest of their usual ritual.”
Your knee cracked as you crouched down next to the body, grimacing at the sound.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered, looking up at Spencer. He rubbed a gloved hand on your shoulder blade and smiled.
“No need to apologize, my love. Hey- what’s that shiny thing?” He pointed to a dangling silver necklace that was hooked on a nearby branch.
“Oh, this must have been the necklace she was wearing the morning of the kidnapping. It’s amethyst,” You placed it in a bag and handed it to one of the crime scene investigators, removing a glove to call Hotch.
The rest of the investigation had been pretty easy, the unsub had been lingering around the dumpsite for a little longer than he should have, just to get off from his crime a few more times. You stood outside of the small farmhouse, looking over the sea of flashing lights and reporters that surrounded the crime scene.
You tilted your head and earned a satisfying crack from your neck, and did the same on the other side.
“Oof,” Spencer whispered, grimacing.
“Does it really bother you that much? I didn’t realize you were standing right-” Spencer cut you off with a kiss, mid sentence.
“It doesn’t bother me at all.”
“But JJ said on the plane-” He placed his hands on your shoulders, and leaned forward so your foreheads were touching.
“I was lying, (Y/N). I don’t hate the sound of cracking, I, uh…” He trailed off and licked his lips, breaking eye contact. Your eyes widened as he looked down at the ground.
“Spencer Reid do you have a k-” Spencer’s own eyes widened as he clapped his gloveless hand over your mouth.
“Shhh!” He said as you glared.
“I don’t want the entire state of Texas to know!” He hissed. You rolled your eyes.
“Alright alright, I won’t say anything. How long has this been going on? Since before we were dating? My joints crack literally ALL the time.” You thought back to earlier that morning, when he could barely take his eyes off of you while you were doing paperwork. You had gone back and forth to the copy machine probably 3 separate times, various joints in your legs cracking each time you stood up. Spencer swallowed and offered a small grin.
“Does it bother you?” He asked, his brown eyes gleaming.
“No! No. It’s absolutely fine. I just wish I had more control of when it happens,” You lowered your voice and cocked a single eyebrow. Spencer bit his lip when Morgan started calling out to you from across the field.
“Hey, Lovebirds, get over here! We’re leaving.” You winked at Spencer and walked in Morgan’s direction, pausing to crouch quickly, earning you a small crack. Spencer dropped his jaw and kept close behind you, causing you to giggle.
“You’re the worst.” He muttered in your ear.
“Mmmmhm,” You hummed.
You boarded the plane shortly after, sitting down in the back, and immediately taking off your shoes and curling your legs underneath you. Spencer sat next to you and pulled out a book. Very quickly into the flight, you got bored. You looked around the cabin and the majority of the team was asleep, save for Hotch, who was filling out the remaining paperwork with the help of Rossi. Spencer was still reading beside you, running his thumb across your knuckles without breaking his concentration. Suddenly, you felt the urge to crack your fingers. You grinned mischievously and took your hand back.
You started by cracking your index finger, which he either didn’t hear or actively chose to ignore. You cracked your middle finger and ring finger, which caused a blush to rise in his cheeks. You cracked the rest of your hand and got to work on the other when he finally gave you the attention you were searching for. He set his book down on the table in front of you and looked at you, and raised his eyebrows. You grinned wider and wiggled your eyebrows.
“Later, we’ll be home in 20 minutes tops.” He whispered in your ear. You saved the rest of your cracking for when you got home, because you had a ton pent up.
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brywrites · 4 years
Flight Risk V
Summary: An answer to the age old CM question, “who’s flying the plane?” And the story of a pilot and a profiler.  Part V: In which important words are shared in a bookstore and on a plane.
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She arrives slightly out of breath to the bookstore-café. “Sorry, it’s really not like me to be late!”
Reid offers her a smile as she jumps into the order line beside him. “It’s okay, I know.”
“Yeeqin locked herself out of the apartment again so I had to run back to open it for her,” she sighs, shaking her head. A soft flush colors her cheeks and he’s not sure whether it’s from running or from embarrassment. Or perhaps she too is as nervous as he is to be meeting here. Because this means stepping over some sort of unspoken line, it means something more real. Whatever it is. Reid still isn’t sure what this is, but he knows that there is something about her smile that makes his chest tighten and that there are few people he looks forward to talking to as much as Y/N.
He realizes that aside from that evening in the hotel lobby, he’s never seen her wearing something other than her pilot’s uniform. She sits before him in a floral-print sundress and a bomber jacket that is ever so slightly askew, exposing the skin of her left shoulder.
“Yeeqin is your roommate?” he asks.
“Yeah. And I love her to bits, but I swear even though I’m the pilot, she’s the one whose head is always in the clouds.” And it strikes him that for someone who loves the sky so much, Y/N is incredibly down-to-earth. “But enough about me,” she laughs. “How are you doing, Doctor?”
Her use of his title always seems to make his heartbeat quicken no matter how many times he tries to ignore it. “I’m good. Really good. It’s, uh, nice to be able to see you without there being a case.”
“It is nice, isn’t it? Knowing that talking with you doesn’t mean someone is in imminent danger. I can feel a lot less guilty about enjoying it.” He wants so badly to ask what she means by that – if she enjoys seeing him the way friends do, or if she enjoys being with him a little bit more than that – but he’s too afraid to know the answer. Afraid it might be less and he’ll feel disappointed. Afraid it might be more and he won’t be – because what is he even hoping for here? What is he supposed to be hoping for, if anything at all?
They order drinks – a mocha with he pours far too much sugar into, and chai latte she carefully sprinkles cinnamon in. They walk through the bookstacks together, drinks in hand, browsing and chatting as they go. She tells him how she fell in love with The Little Prince as a child and how she found the idea of being a pilot fascinating, even then. He tells her about the books his mother used to read to him when he was little, Medieval texts and Proust and The Canterbury Tales.
“That’s pretty intense reading for a kid,” she says.
“Well I can read 20,000 words per minute. And the eidetic memory helps.”
She shakes her head in disbelief. “Right, our certified genius. You know I’m jealous. I don’t think I’ll ever have enough time to read all the things I want to read. But you? You can read anything you want.”
“These days it’s mostly casefiles,” he says ruefully.
“Good thing we’re here then. We’ll have to find you some lighter words to keep in that beautiful brain of yours.”
It’s so easy with her. He finds himself telling her about his mother, about how she used to be a professor of literature until her disease got worse. And when he explains she has schizophrenia, she doesn’t give him a look of pity. As if he’s broken somehow. Her eyes soften and she says, “It has to be hard, caring for a parent. You must love her a lot. And I’m sure she’s really proud to have a son like you to carry on all her best stories.”
She tells him how her parents weren’t exactly thrilled with her choice of career, but how she’s certain there’s nothing else that would make her as happy as flying, and how for two months after she moved to DC her only friends in the city were her cat, Amelia, and Yeeqin because she traveled too much for work to put down roots. “I guess at some point you have to decide whether you want adventure or stability, and I think I’m always trying to walk that line. I’m not ready to give up what I love, but I don’t want to let everything else in life pass me by, you know?”
And he does. He knows that the longer he’s at the BAU the more unlikely it is he’ll have the time to teach, to build a family, to pursue other dreams. But at the same time there’s something about the work he just doesn’t know how to step away from.
They sit in chairs in the travel section while she opens a book of maps to point out some of her favorite places she’s flown to, and the places she still wants to go. “Every year I tell myself I’ll find a way to get to Iceland or South Africa, and every year they seem to pass me by.”
“Did you know that Iceland was the last place on earth to be settled by humans? I mean, the last to be permanently settled, when it was accidentally discovered by Vikings.”
“I had no idea,” she says, and something about her smile makes him want to tell her more.
“It’s also an incredibly literary country. Statistically, one in ten Icelanders will publish a book in their lifetime, and books are such popular gifts that many are published right before Christmas. There’s actually a term for it, in Icelandic, jólabókafló∂, the ‘Christmas book flood.’”
She laughs and for a second Reid wonders if he’s rambled too much, but she says, “How on earth do you know that?” and he relaxes.
“Just reading a lot. I… like knowing things.” Anything could be useful in the field, at any time. Or in a bookstore, in the company of a woman whose smile feels like a prize he just wants to keep earning.
“Do you ever want to go there?”
“I don’t know. I never really travelled much before the BAU. Actually the first flight I took was to DC for a job interview. I was terrified so I read three different handbooks on aviation and aerodynamics just so I could feel more comfortable. Understanding it helped me to feel less scared. And now I fly so much I don’t really even think about it.”
Y/N closes the book and puts it back on the shelf. “One of these days we’ve got to get you on a plane for pleasure rather than business,” she says.
They stand together in the checkout line, Y/N with a copy of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, and Reid with a copy of Wind, Sand, and Stars which came highly recommended by her. As they step outside, the sky opens into a downpour. He grimaces, already searching in his bag for his umbrella, but looks up to see her standing beyond the awning, arms outstretched, wearing a grin as the rain hits her face.
“Y/N, what are you doing?”
She spins a circle. “Dancing in the rain,” she laughs. “I love the rain, but I don’t really get to enjoy it when I’m flying because it makes it so much more stressful. I’ve got to focus on what I’m doing. But on the ground I can just let it be. And appreciate the gray sky and the sound of the rain.” She steps back under the awning to join him. “But it will be a damp walk home without my umbrella. I totally forgot it at home.”
“I have one,” he says, and then adds, without thinking, “I could walk you home.” She raises her eyebrows and he worries he’s stepped over that invisible line. “I mean, if it’s not too far and you don’t mind, but I also don’t have to I just thought maybe-”
“I’d love that,” she says. “Thanks, Reid.” And so he opens his umbrella and she squeezes close to him beneath it. They walk the few blocks to her apartment, and all the while he is keenly aware of her elbow against his and her shoulder brushing his arm. And he doesn’t mind one bit. All too soon they reach the steps of her building and he’s not quite ready to say goodbye and end this magical moment where there is no danger and no impending departure and no work to be done. Just the two of them and stories shared and all the words they could want as the rain falls around them. So close under the umbrella, she looks up at him, as if she’s trying to find just the rights words and he can’t help but be distracted by the way her jacket is falling off her shoulder again and how it looks so lovely in a way he can’t quite make sense of and he’s thinking that maybe if he took just another step closer they’d be able to fill this silence with something –
But then the silence is broken by the abrupt sound of a window opening followed by someone shouting, “Y/N!”
They step apart, startled, and glance up at the gray sky. From the second story, a pale woman with sleek black hair pokes her head out of a window. A trail of smoke exits the open window, mingling with the rain. “Thank goodness you’re back! I burned the chicken, so we’re gonna have to order out for dinner!”
Y/N sighs. “That would be Yeeqin,” she says. Then raising her voice to call back up she says, “Give me just a minute and we can figure out carryout!”
“Hey is that the FBI guy you were t-”
“I’ll be right there!” Y/N yells. The window closes, and she turns back to him, looking a little more flustered. The moment is gone. “I should get up there before she burns the apartment down.”
“Yeah, of course.”
“This was really nice though.” She makes no move to leave.
“Maybe we can do it again sometime?”
“I’d like that, Reid.”
And his last name sounds so formal. He doesn’t want formal, not with her. “Uh, you can – you can call me Spencer, you know.” They stand there for just a beat and he wants so badly to reach out for her hand. But he doesn’t.
Then she says, “I’ll see you soon, Spencer.” Y/N walks into her apartment, and he’s still replaying the sound of her voice saying his name in his mind, so focused on trying to commit this whole afternoon to memory that it takes him two blocks of walking before he realizes he’s going the wrong way.
They’re waiting for Kate and Morgan to arrive, but the rest of the team is already anxious. She and Arthur can hear them talking as they prepare the cockpit.
“All I’m saying is given the reports, I just don’t know if flying is the safest way to get there,” Rossi says.
“It’s the only way we’re getting all the way to Colorado in time,” Hotch responds.
“We are a pretty small plane though, and whatever happened took down a large passenger plane,” JJ counters. “What if this is a terrorist attack?” Beside her Arthur tenses, but he says nothing.
Rossi says, “On 9/11 we grounded flights to be safe. How do we know this won’t happen again?” Arthur hastily puts on his headphones and busies himself with the controls.
“We just have to hope.”
Y/N knows it’s not her place, but their conversation is clearly unnerving Arthur. She can’t just stand by while her friend and captain is uncomfortable. Before he can stop her, she steps into the cabin where the BAU sits.
“You can do more than hope,” she says. The gathered faces turn to look at her. “I don’t mean to be out of line, Agent Rossi, but I overheard your concerns. Captain Dobson and I are good at what we do. And he’s one of the best pilots I’ve ever worked with. I know this can be scary but I promise that you’re in good hands with us. You trust your team with your lives because you trust them to do a good job. I’m asking that you do the same for us. We may not be a part of the team, but we always get you home safe. This is our job, and we do it well.”
“Of course you’re a part of the team,” Spencer says. Everyone’s gaze flickers to him, but he’s looking right at her. The air feels warmer with those hazel eyes focused on her. “You’re with us for every case. And you’re right. You’ve always kept us safe. We need to trust them,” he adds, glancing at the rest of his team.
“I’m sorry,” Rossi says. “I didn’t mean to insult either of you.”
“No offense taken,” she says. But she wants to be sure any tension is cleared from the air. “But uh, for what it’s worth we’ve restocked the whisky in the minibar if that’ll help you feel a little more relaxed on today’s flight.” The older agent gives her a smile, and she knows all is well. She steals once last glance at Spencer, hoping she can read the gratitude in her eyes, before ducking back into the cockpit. Soon enough the rest of the team arrives. Some quick communication with the tower, and Geff is up in the air again. They fly in silence through the clear blue sky, and it’s not until they’ve reached cruising altitude that Arthur speaks.
“I was flying that day.” Y/N glances at him. She doesn’t have to ask him to specify the date. She simply waits for him to continue. “I flew for United back then. I was a first officer. We were flying from London to Newark and halfway across the Atlantic someone called in over air-to-air telling us there had been a terrorist attack. Next thing we knew we were receiving orders to land in Canada. This tiny town in the middle of nowhere called Gander. There were 37 other planes on the tarmac. We sat there for 12 hours while the RCMP inspected every jet before we could deplane. And we had to tell the passengers what happened. We were there for five days. They said we doubled the population of the town.”
“What was it like?” she asks.
“We were terrified. We had no idea if our plane was at risk of being hijacked. We hardly knew what was happening or why. And we had to try to keep 200 passengers calm. Not to mention there was no way to know if any of our friends had been flying the planes that were used. But it was strange,” he says staring out at the sky. “Despite all of that fear and grief, we were surrounded by some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. They fed us, housed us, gave us clothes. They brought us out to pubs and held dinners and parties and did everything they could to make us feel welcome. Seven thousand strangers from around the world, and this little town never hesitated to help us and never asked for anything in return. It was incredible.
“It was actually a little sad to say goodbye. But when we finally flew back into Newark we saw the devastation. Ground Zero was still burning. It was awful. People had flyers up for loved ones they hadn’t heard from. And for a while, people stopped flying. Everyone was too scared to be in the air.” She remembered being in college at the time. The shock and the sorrow. The anger – the day her friend went to her work-study job at the library and found her desk defaced with Islamophobic hate speech. And the fear that seemed almost palpable. Students afraid to fly home for the holidays or to travel abroad. Flying had always seemed so magical, but suddenly a plane had become a weapon.
“My friend was the first officer on Flight 93. We were close. And I know he would have done anything to protect that plane and its passengers. I know all of those pilots would have. Any pilot would. It’s our job. That day always reminds me of the friend I lost. And the moment that someone turned the pure joy of flying into something dangerous. But at the same time, I’ll always remember the kindness that Gander gave us when we needed it most.”
She tries to picture the Captain stranded in Gander, surrounded by kind Newfoundlanders in plaid, waiting for a world that has stopped turning to begin again. It’s impossible to imagine what he must have felt. But she’s grateful he’s willing to tell her about it.
“You’re impulsive, Y/L/N,” Dobson continues. She flinches, startled by the sudden change of subject and the words he’s chosen. “Speaking to Agent Rossi like that was out of line. But you did it out of kindness. I want to thank you for that.”
“What?” What she did earlier is exactly the sort of thing he would usually reprimand her for or lecture her about. But he doesn’t at all seem disappointed in her.
“You need to think things through,” he concedes, “but I know you don’t take such actions out of pride or spite. You do it because your heart is in the right place. You’re kind. And that’s a very good thing to be.” He clears his throat. “Although I do wish you’d let your head take the lead more often.”
She smiles. “Thank you, sir.” The sky is clear all around them. Their passengers in the back are quiet. However scary the world may be, this moment in this plane, flying up there still feels magical.
After a pause, Arthur says, “Betty White and Rebecca Black.” And the soul-baring has passed. Another one of their in-flight verbal games is afoot. People who should be arch-nemeses but aren’t.
“Freddie Mercury and Bruno Mars,” she counters.
“Vivienne Westwood and Clint Eastwood.”
It takes her several minutes to come up with, “Ken Burns and John Waters.”
“Damn, that’s good,” Arthur says. And so they pass the rest of the flight attempting to find all the pairs they can. Soon enough they’re landing at Durango La-Plata’s small county airport. The team deplanes and she and Arthur go about cleaning the cockpit and cabin. They grab their own respective go-bags and say farewell to Geff. It surprises her however, to see that the team is still there, evidently waiting for Bureau SUVs to arrive judging by the way Hotch keeps looking towards the road. But Spencer is standing away from the rest of the group, bouncing on the soles of his feet near the jet stairs. Dobson gives her a glance, eyebrows raised, and says he’ll meet her at the door to catch a cab together.
“Hey,” Spencer says.
“Hey, yourself.” She pulls her go-bag up on her shoulder, feeling a little self-conscious suddenly. The cool Colorado air has her grateful to be wearing a blazer. “Um, I wanted to thank you,” she tells him. “For what you said earlier. You didn’t have to do that, but I’m happy you stood up for us.”
Spencer rubs the back of his neck. “Of course. And I meant what I said. You and Captain Dobson are a part of this team. I know we don’t always show it, but we’re really grateful for both of you. I just want you to know that we notice. And we care. I care.”
There is an unspoken weight to those two words that hangs between them as she meets his eyes. She wants to ask him exactly what he means by that – exactly how much he cares and whom for and in what way. But before she can, Morgan calls for Spencer to join them. Two black SUVs are ready to take them away.
“I’d better go,” he says.
“I know. Be safe out there, Doctor.”
“I will. You, too. I’ll see you soon.” And then he’s gone. She joins Arthur on the curbside and moments later they’re climbing into a taxi together. Arthur is on the phone with his boyfriend to let him know they’ve landed safely. Y/N stares out the window at the tall trees and the clear sky and thinks that ‘soon’ can’t possibly come soon enough.
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littlegiantposts · 3 years
Episode 2
Kageyama x f!reader
warning: may contain manga/anime spoilers! strong language probably!
description: In which Y/n is a new addition to Karasuno’s Girl’s Volleyball Club
I’m pretty sure this is the pilot episode but hopefully I did this right:
a/n: Okay! here is the next episode! Idk why but I like naming these episodes. Also, if you haven’t noticed, I’m trying to keep in the timeline as season 1. Hopefully that’s not going to be a pain in the ass later, but yeah! I hope you enjoy!
Y/n approached the gym and entered by sliding the steel door. The whole team was there and they were finishing warming up with serves. Everyone was mostly doing overhand serves. But what caught Y/n’s eyes was Etsuko. She had her eyes closed and taking deep breathes. Y/n slightly tilts her head to the side.
What is she doing? Y/n ponders. Yuma sees Y/n and approaches her. She sees how Y/n is staring at Etsuko. 
“She can do a jump serve?” Y/n watches as Etsuko starts a run up. The ball hit the middle of the net.
The whole team erupts in fits of laughter.
“No, she can’t.” Yuma clarifies. 
“Woah, Etsuko, you’re gonna give Y/n a run for her money!” Rinko exclaimed and continued to chuckle with the other third years. Other players snicker and make some harmless, little jokes.
“Oh, please. At least I am trying!” Etsuko huffs in protest to the teasing. Y/n approaches Etsuko. 
‘You’re right. It’s good that you’re trying. The toss was great, the timing was off, but that’s what practice is for.” Y/n says honestly. 
Etsuko was not really expecting Y/n’s hard-hitting honesty but it was a breathe of fresh air from the teasing. She takes a long look at Y/n, for a teenager, she sure is mature.
Nonethless, you’re flattery made her cheeks tinge with red, “I was really just copying what you did earlier.” She says shyly. 
At this, Y/n eyes widened, “Do I really look that serious?!” She had never really paid any attention to what she might look like towards others while she is in play. Up until now, she only focused on the game because, well, that’s just how she plays. Etsuko and Yuma chuckle at Y/n’s reaction. 
“Yeah, it was as if your looks could kill.” The 3 first years turn to the voice to see the captain, Michimiya Yui, “so, I hope you’re all warmed up cause we will be starting the three on three.”
“Right, who will be playing?” Y/n inquires.
“I was thinking Moe and Yuma will be on your team. Then, the opposing team will consist of Aoki, Yua, and I.” Y/n nods at the captains words.
“Wait, WHAT?!” everyone turned to Etsuko’s outburst.
“Oh no.” Yuma quietly mumbles.
“I wanted to play in the three on three!” Etsuko almost sounded like a child that was ready to throw a tantrum. She had her arms crossed, thinking of a plan to get her way somehow. “What about we make it more interesting. The first years versus the third years.” She smirks.
“Etsuko, you turd, don’t go against the captain!” Yuma bonks Etsuko’s heads. Etsuko instinctively held her head and dramatically fell to the ground, “OW! You know my head’s sensitive”, she pouts.
Yui laughs at the interaction and starts to think about her offer. Sudou approaches Yui, “You aren’t actually thinking about that as an actual option, right?”
Yui smiles, “I mean, why not? I already know Y/n is an exceptional player. This three on three really serves as a nice introduction through friendly competition.”
Sudou thinks over Yui’s words, “You aren’t wrong.” She looks over at the first years. All three of them. “What about we add to your idea, Etsuko. Whichever team loses has to be the other team’s servants for,” Sudou puts her hand on her chin and looks up, acting like she is in a real deep thought, “three whole weeks”. 
“THREE WHOLE WEEKS?!” Etsuko begins to regret opening her mouth.
“What would we have to do?” Yuma almost didn’t want to ask, afraid of the severity of the word ‘servant’.
“Oh, just the simple, worshiping the ground they walk on, get them or make food when they ask, and help them with virtually anything if they ask a favor.” Sudou smirks. 
All the previous color on Etsuko and Yuma’s face were practically gone, looking like they are going to faint. Y/n looks at their state worriedly, How little do you think of yourselves?! You guys can’t be that bad, right? Y/n turns to look at the 2nd years and some are already on their knees, hands together. They’re praying for us?! Y/n gulps.
Y/n reverts her gaze back at Sudou Rinko, the third year. Her classic, neutral face making a comeback as she takes a calming breathe. This girl sure knows how to think of a punishment.
“You’re on.” Y/n holds out her hand. Rinko firmly shakes your hand. She was pleasantly surprised by the guts that Y/n has for not backing down to a challenge.
“Splendid. So, it will be you three, against Mao, Yui, and Chizuru.” All the girls who weren’t playing in the three on three were buzzing with excitement as they took their seats on the sidelines. They made small talk such as conversing on who they think will win.
“Oi, get up. We’re going to start.” Y/n ordered the two first years. Both of them grudgingly got up and stood in front of Y/n.
“Okay, so what can you tell me about Mao and Chizuru?”
The pair looked at each other as if they were talking with their eyes, deciding on who should talk first. 
Etsuko scratched her head, “Yeah, um. I don’t really know what to tell you. I don’t really know how to, like, analyze people like you probably do.”
Y/n was mentally pinching the bridge of her nose. 
“I know Chizuru has been really working on her receives.” Yuma chimes in. “As for Mao, well, she’s the tallest person on our team, so I’m guessing her blocks and spikes will be difficult to pick up.” 
Y/n nods. Interestingly enough, Y/n did not ask the worried pair this question for the actual information they would give her. She asked the question to see how well her current teammates analyze their opponent from prior knowledge.
Y/n has seen the third years play. At times they lacked the spirit and in some areas, the technique, to carry through with both defense and offense, which is coincidentally really important. As third years, they do serve as an example for the grades below them. So, if they are lacking, it’s only probable that the team will follow behind.
Only in some spur-of-the-moment instances she would see the fire ignite within them, but that was really it. While there are many holes in their team, it doesn’t mean they are hopeless. 
“Wait, why didn’t you ask anything about Captain Yui?” Etsuko jumped back into the conversation.
“Well, I already saw how she spiked when I sent some sets her way. She’s got power and stamina backing her up, but she is lacking in technique and in game sense, so that will give us some points when blocking.” Etsuko and Yuma looked at each other as Y/n kept talking about what she has observed over the limited time she has been in the gym. They were plainly shocked at how observant Y/n is and can only imagine what she thinks of them.
“Okay, let’s go out there and have fun, guys.” Despite the literal meaning of Y/n’s statement. Her tone and face did not match, so it really just was uneasy for Etsuko and Yuma to experience as Y/n smacked their backs before walking towards where she would start in the game.
“Would you guys want to receive?” Yui asks as she grabs a volleyball.
“Yeah, we’ll receive.” Y/n confirmed, getting into position.
Yui send a overhand serve there way. Etsuko receives it.
“It’s short, sorry!” Etsuko calls out
 Y/n runs under the ball, “got it!” And lifts the ball towards, “Yuma!” near the net.
Yuma jumps to spike, however Mao is there, ready to block. They make solid eye-contact that felt like years to Yuma, It’s as if she’s piercing my soul with her eyes. Unfortunately, Yuma got psyched out and almost forgot to make contact with the ball. Yuma ends up accidentally just lifting the ball right over Mao’s block, committing to a feint.
Yui flies towards the ground with her left arm stretched out, she’s able to put the ball in the air.
“Chizuru!” The timid third year bumps it towards the net. Y/n makes a judgment call.
“It’s over the net.” Other players would probably yell that comment, but Y/n never really saw the point in yelling when her teammates are merely a couple feet away from her. Her pain level of volume almost made her two other teammates more on edge due to the unfamiliarity of it, rather than someone screaming the comment.
As Y/n suspected, the ball just barely made it over the net.
“Again!” Mao yells as she bumps it towards Y/n.
With a side glance, Y/n notices that Yui and Mao are guarding Yuma. She takes a quick look to Etsuko and mentally smirked, no blockers, Y/n needed to somehow tell Etsuko without giving it away because with Yui’s speed, she will definitely be able to retrieve it.
It was merely seconds, but Y/n stared Etsuko down and gave a slight lift of her chin in an upwards direction, hoping that Etsuko can decode it and define it as, jump.
Relying on her instincts, Etsuko miraculously picked up what Y/n was getting at. At least, she thinks.
That nod was for me, right? I think she wants me to spike it from where I am. Oh, but I’m a bit far from the net. I’ve only done spikes close to the net because I’m scared of it not going over. Despite Yuma insisting on how Etsuko never thinks before she acts, Etsuko is quite the overthinker.
The thing was, Yuma was confident that you were going to send the ball her way. After all, according to Yuma’s knowledge, Estuko typically put too much power into her spikes, sending them out of bounds. She thought Y/n would pick up on this on how over-zealous she is about practically anything. Thus, Yuma started her run up.
We’ve got you now, Yui and Mao solely focusing on Yuma, making sure they jump at the correct time.
Despite their efforts in blocking, which would have been a perfect one that would kill the ball, the ball hit the ground loudly with a smack. All that could be heard was the ball bouncing from its earlier impact.
The look of surprise on everyone’s faces in that gym was priceless. However, the most shocked person was the person who actually did it. Etsuko looked down at her slightly red hand. She clenched her hand into a fist. She will never get tired of the feeling.
Etsuko looks at Yuma and they both give out unintelligible sounds of excitement. They hug each other as if that one point meant a hundred points.
Y/n let out a breathe she didn’t know she was holding. And she looks over at her teammates. It looks like they opened their hug, expecting a third person.
That’s you, dumbass. You’re the third person. Y/n physically jolted at the realization. Etsuko motioned her hand for Y/n.
Y/n hesitantly put both her arms on the middle of their back, barely touching as if they had a disease. She didn’t know what was too close so she played it safe. Etsuko and Yuma didn’t pay any attention to the awkwardness of Y/n and was rejoicing.
“Hold on, wait a minute! Did you actually use your stupid head? How did you do that? Usually you knock it out of the park.” Yuma didn’t want to praise Etsuko too much, knowing it would inflate her ego too much.
“Oh, shut up. I got the first point, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, you’re the most surprised out of everybody. I bet it was a fluke.”
“Shut your mouth or I’ll shut it myself!”
“HA! I’d like to see you’re scrawny ass try!”
“If I’m scrawny, then what are you?”
The teasing would never stop. Y/n intervened, “That wasn’t a fluke.”
Yuma, and even Etsuko, was confused at Y/n’s statement. With her spike track record in recognition, it makes sense for that success to be a one time thing.
“Are you sure, Y/n? You don’t have to be nice to Etsuko if you don’t want to. She’s not intimidating.”
“Why do you always find a way to diss me when you aren’t even talking to me” Etsuko grumbles. “But I agree, partly, with Yuma here. I’m pretty sure it was a fluke too.”
Y/n shakes her head side to side. “It wasn’t.” She turns to Etsuko.
“Etsuko, tell me if I am correct, before this three on three, you have always spiked the ball that was tossed to you right near the net.
Um, isn’t that where you are supposed to spike? Etsuko questions in her head.
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“Right now, you spiked the ball behind the attack line, and let me add how you didn’t even use a running start.” With this, Y/n now turned to Yuma.
“Now correct me if I am wrong, Yuma, Etsuko will swing at the ball with all her might, regardless of how tired she is.”
“Yeah, you got that spot on”
“You see, where Etsuko lacks in technique-”
Etsuko deflates.
“-she makes up for raw swinging power.”
She immediately straightens her posture and smiles at the complement.
Y/n continues, “it is because of your distance from the net that gave you leverage on actually hitting it within their side of the court.”
“Wait, Etsuko hasn’t ever shot a spike from there, so had did you even know she would even make it over the net? And how did you know that Etsuko would know to jump?” Yuma brings up a good point.
“I didn’t” Y/n simply stated.
Yuma and Etsuko looked almost disturbed at her answer. She didn’t have anything backing up her decision?
“You really tried something as risky as that when the stakes are so high?” Yuma questions in shock.
“I know I don’t seem like a person to do something like that without thinking it through but-” Y/n turns her head to the side to look at them, “I feel like I can trust you guys to back me up.”
Etsuko and Yuma almost teared up at Y/n’s confession. The morale in their team was boosted to a hundred because of this, which is just what they needed to keep them motivated. They felt they can take on the world-
“We still need 24 more points to win one set. And then another set.” Y/n looks over at the scoreboard, seeing the 1-0.
At Y/n’s sudden statement, Etsuko and Yuma embarrassingly looked down at how this is the only beginning.
On the other side of the court, the third years gathered to tell each other apologies, to shake it off, and assuring they will get the next one.
It’s Etsuko’s serve.
“Protect your head, Y/n.” Yuma instructs.
“Oh shut it, Yuma!” 
Etsuko exhales. I can do this. It’s not that hard. I will be the strongest volleyball player there is. The last statement is basically a mantra for Etsuko. The thing that is special with Etsuko is that she is never afraid to try new things. Even when the probability of her failing is so high and her probability to succeed is so little. To her, that little probable outcome still stands as a chance. And she always takes it, no matter what. She will try anything, finding what works and hone that skill. On the court, it’s deadly. For the opposing team, that is.
She’s not actually trying again to do a jump serve, is she? Rinko questions as she notices that she is far away from the court line. 
Yui smiles with a shake of her head, this kid never stops trying.
Etsuko looks straight ahead, just get it over the net.
She hears the whistle blow and she takes her run up and jumps. Her serve whizzes past the net, the third years not touching it.
However, it was out.
Etsuko grumbles and hangs her head in shame.
“Hey. shake it off! It’s alright” Y/n reassures. Yuma merely chuckles, but Etsuko hears her.
“What are you laughing at?! Do I have to beat your ass again?” Etsuko starts to animatedly rolls up her sleeve of her sweatshirt with a prominent vain on her neck. The two start to bicker as per usual. 
This is going to be a long game. Y/n exhales a big breathe as she gets down for the next serve. 
The score is 23-24. Both teams are clawing for each point. There was never a severe point difference, neither team was able to break away.
It’s Y/n’s serve.
Yuma and Etsuko felt comforted that she will be serving, if anything, they feel confident they will be able to at least do a deuce.
Chizuru mentally groaned. God, her jump serves are so hard to receive.
Y/n looks so focused, many thought who viewed the skilled first year.
She does her run up.
Chizuru instantly recognizes and smirks, This isn’t her usual jump serve! This is a jump float! Just like I’ve practiced.
“Chizuru, it’s all you!” Yui calls out to her, she knows that she has been dedicating most of her time in personal practice on her receives. This is her time to shine.
Just like in practice from all those hours, Chizuru gives in to her muscle memory and makes the receive look so effortless. 
Damn it, thought it was a good idea to pull that serve out. So she has specialized receiving jump floats. Impressive. Y/n recollects her thoughts and moves up for defense. Mao sets it to Yui and she spikes, but Yuma is there, block timing on point, killing the ball’s momentum.
Etsuko made the mistake letting her guard down for a split second, mainly because Yui is known for her perfected flying receives, but she thought she wouldn’t be able to pull one off as she just spiked and is on the other side of the court in regards to the ball. 
Despite this, Chizuru flies onto the ground and is able to pick up the ball.
“It didn’t hit the floor.” Y/n informs her teammates. They both are shocked, thinking they had it in the bag.
The ball barely cleared the net, Etsuko, being the closest, tried to attempt the same type of receive, but her hand was not able to make contact, resulting the ball to bounce right in front of her eyes.
“The first set goes to the third years!” Rinko annouces.
“Uhg, I’m sorry, guys! I shouldn’t have let my guard down, it’s my fault.” Etsuko furiously bowing up and down again. It’s mainly to Y/n because she has yet to know how Y/n will deal with this. Yuma on the other hand, “Hey, it’s alright, you were bound to make a mistake at some point”, she smirks, taunting yet again just to get her riled up.
“Oh, shut up! I don’t care what you think!” Her apologetic tone disappearing as she talks to Yuma.
“It’s okay, Etsuko! It’s not your fault. We are a team, we take it together. We may have lost the first set, but we still got another one so there’s no time to think about what we could have done.” Y/n explains.
There is a small break to rehydrate and a breather. Nonetheless, the second set was about to start as the three on three switch sides. 
The second set was harder than the first. Not because both teams were exhausted, it was as if something was ignited within both teams. They were continuously pushing each other as the set went on. Like the last set, there was no big point gap, but this time, the first years were surprisingly in the lead, as the scores are 19-21. 
“Damn, this time the first years beat them in getting in the 20′s” one of the second years said, which was the official setter, Manami Aoki, a second year.
“I think they might take the set!”  Another second year chimes in who plays middle blocker, Takei Katsu. 
Just like she said, the first years did take the second set. Yuma was able to snuff the ball’s momentum from Yui’s spike for the winning point.
“I honestly thought this wasn’t going into a third set.” Matsuda Yua, a second year. She’s a middle blocker and an outside hitter, she voices her thoughts.
“Hm, yeah. At face value, it seemed the third years would win in straight sets, but it seems the first years got some spunk that’s saving their ass.” Takai rationalizes. 
“Yeah, I see that” Aoki agrees with her.
“Yeah, but I think they got more than spunk with that volleyball prodigy on their team.” 
The second years turned one to one their fellow classmates, Watabe Nozomi, their libero. She wasn’t one to really talk to other people, which includes her teammates. She was silent most of the time, but she was super reliable, both on and off the court. They never wanted to force her in opening up about herself so for the most part, they let her be one of the most reserved people on their team.
Because of their knowledge of her personality and attitude, they were shocked at how she was actually taking part in the conversation. Not that they minded, they always wanted to get to know her better. The way their team works is that they are more than just teammates, they care for each other outside of volleyball and want the best for them, regardless of what happens on the court. 
They form this bond with one another, which makes their actions on the court to be more naturally cohesive. This is one of the strengths that their club possesses. And it’s not that they force this bond, it’s the love for volleyball that brings them together. 
“She must be really something if she got Nozomi talking about her.” Rinko looks over the second years as she stands on the side with her whistle. 
Nozomi’s cheeks tinge with some red as she gets called out. The second years chuckle a bit at her reaction.
“You really think she is a prodigy?” Aoki asks.
“She seems really in tuned with her body. It’s like she is hyper-aware of her surroundings and makes fast decisions that almost always ensure a point.” Nozomi comments. The second years nod in agreement and acknowledgment. 
“I don’t think she’s a prodigy, I mean, those types of people are born with skill. While, Y/n seems she has built upon her skills over the years, which is impressive in itself.” Rinko adds in.
Rinko had it right. Y/n was not a prodigy or some sort of genius. She was someone who practiced, practiced, and practiced some more. She devoted so much of her time and energy into volleyball that it only made sense that she excels in it.
As the third set nears the end, the first years make a surprising break away. The points being 23-19. 
“We might actually be getting our own servants” Etsuko pants as exhaust dawning on her. 
“Yeah, if we continue to play smart, we might win this thing” Yuma continues.
“We can do this, guys. Let’s play strong till the very end.” Y/n gave a thumbs up at her teammates. And smiled. Well, she tried. 
“Uh, what’s up with your face, dude? If you gotta take a shit, then go ahead. We can take a short break” Etsuko assures Y/n. 
“You idiot! Can’t you see she’s smiling.” Yuma karate chops Etsuko’s head, resulting in a yelp and her hands to fly to her head at the impact.
Poor Y/n is truly trying her best, but she was not preparing to show much emotion today, or any day for that matter. She had to shake it off and she can worry about being not emotionally available later.
It was Y/n’s turn to serve. All three third years internally groaned. She decides to serve it over to Chizuru, specifically right behind her left foot. 
The ball actually lands behind her right foot. Despite being at game point, Y/n couldn’t help but feel irritated at how inaccurate her serve was. The girl holds herself to a high standard. She sighs, she knows she’s getting tired. She needs to assure this win, but what’s the best option? 
Y/n is deep in thinking as her teammates are rejoicing at the mere possibility of having the third years as servants.
Then, it becomes so obvious. She does a short serve. The ball flying just over the net, forcing Moa to retrieve the ball with a bump. Yui then spikes the ball over. Y/n smirks.
Yuma receives the ball, sending it over to Y/n.
“Etsuko!” Y/n calls out to her.
They are thinking of doing that attack from earlier, where Etsuko spiked from behind the attack line! Yui resolves.
Yui and Mao push their forces opposite of Etsuko, waiting for the awaiting spike.
However, the spike never comes, but the ball is already bouncing on the third years court.
A SETTER DUMP?! everyone thought they were going to lose their minds.
Yuma and Etsuko was the first to scream out of pure exhilaration of winning against the third years. They tackled an unexpecting Y/n to the ground. Y/n sort of short-circuited. She was not used to this.
“We did it! We actually did it!” Etsuko exclaimed.
“Can’t believe we pulled that off.” Yuma added in.
“However, I really thought you were sending it over to me.” Etsuko crossed her arms and pouted.
“Sorry about that.” Y/n raises her hand to the back of head, “I knew if I got you on the ropes, they would be as well.”
“And hey, think of this way, your gullibility actually paid off this time!”
“Don’t make me beat your ass again!”
“You wanna go?!”
“You guys make a good team” Yui chimes in.
The two stop their bickering at the sound of their team captain’s voice.
“Ha, yeah. I guess we do.” Y/n stood up, while helping Etsuko and Yuma up as they are still looking at each other with looks that are like daggers at each other. “You guys played a good game as well.” Y/n reassured the third years, “I’d be honored to play on your team.”
Yui looks over at Rinko, “You already have it, don’t you?”
“Of course.” Rinko responds. Much to Y/n’s confusion as to what they are talking about.
Rinko walks over to a package that was on the sidelines, opening it up and pulling out a black jacket, representing Karasuno.
Y/n’s eyes widened. She doesn’t understand why she’s acting this way. It’s just a jacket. She had a strong feeling she was going to get in the club, so why what was this warm feeling in her chest?
Before she realizes it, the jacket is in her hands and she is enveloped in a group hug from the whole time.
“I won’t let you guys down!” Y/n declares in a rather former manner.
“We know.” Yui confirms.
Y/n felt safe, but there was a hesitant feeling that she shouldn’t get used to it.
“Okay! Today was meant to be an easy day, but don’t think tomorrow is going to be the same. In fact, it’s safe to say it’s only going to get harder from here.” Rinko announces.
The team collectively groans. 
“After we clean the gym, we have some important news. So, hurry up!” Yui ordered, resulting in the team to scatter in cleaning and disassembling the net.
It didn’t take too long, and the team soon sat on the cool gym floor as Yui and Rinko stood before them. 
“So, as you may know, we have been lacking the coach department, as in, we have no coach.” Rinko stated blandly.
“But, someone has graciously volunteered to coach us, and just to reassure you guys, so you guys think its not some rando. I did some research on him, and let’s just say he’s like a legend in the volleyball world.” Yui says.
Oo’s and awe’s can be heard among the team.
Who could it be? A legend?! Why Karasuno of all places? Many questions were flying about in the gym.
“Okay, okay. In addition to that, he’s known to be, well, harsh with his training.” Yui continues.
“Harsher than Rinko?” Etusko interrupts.
“Oi, don’t make me give you laps.”
“You’re proving my point!”
“Anyways, we will meet him tomorrow and he has requested that we start immediately in order to see what we need to work on. So, come tomorrow mentally prepared for that.” Yui informs.
“Alright, that’s all. Get out of here and get some good rest!” Rinko instructed.
The only noise that was coming from the gym was now faint conversations of the mystery coach and homework, shoes squeaking, and bags getting picked up. The girls started to leave the gym in pairs or trios.
“Hey Y/n, you want to walk home with us? It’s seems our game went a bit longer than expected and it’s pretty dark outside.” Yuma proposed to Y/n.
Y/n’s cheeks turned pink at the friendly gesture. They want to walk? With her? It’s not that big of a deal but it’s enough for Y/n to feel like she might be actually real friends with them. Y/n smiles fondly at them.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
The three first years make their way out, but before they leave the area, Y/n spots Asahi! With some new-found confidence, Y/n decided to call out his name, “Hey, Asahi!”
There were some boys that were with him, and Y/n could only assume that those were some of his teammates. Asahi tensed up at the sudden call, but as he found the source of it, he reverted back to a calmer state.
“H-hey Y/n”
Y/n noticed that there was a grey haired boy and a dark haired one on either side of him. They were pretty tall in comparison to Y/n.
“So, how was practice?”
Asahi realized how confusing this looked to his fellow teammates. Sugawara and Daichi just looked at each other with puzzled looks.
“Oh, it went good! I think, I’m back on the team.”
“That’s good to hear. I’d like to set for you again sometime,” Y/n looked back to see her new friends who weren’t as puzzled as Asahi’s friends were, but more intimidated by how big Asahi is, “I got to get going. Goodbye!” Y/n waved and started to head back to her friends as they began to walk to the school’s entrance.
“You’ve played volleyball with her?”
“Is that the real reason you’ve been gone for a month?”
“She’s cute.”
“Yeah, is she in our grade?”
“G-guys! I just met her today, I swear!” Asahi waved off all their overwhelming questions. “I don’t know her that well, but I do know she plays volleyball,” he then takes a glance over to Y/n’s retreating figure with her two other friends who seem to laughing at something, “and she seems to be really dedicated to it.”
Little did Y/n know, a certain black-haired boy with blue eyes was also staring at her retreating figure and couldn’t help but overhearing Asahi’s conversation with Y/n. He grew curious and wanted to learn more.
“Hey Kageyama, are you even listening to me?!”
omg ok i hope this was good lol if u liked it pls let me know!! If you want be apart of the taglist, idk really know to do this, but just like comment and say u want in and i’ll just add u lol
Taglist: @riceballsandanime
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jawritter · 4 years
You and Me...
Chapter 11
***SERIES WARNINGS**** Rape, non-con, male!rape, injury, violence, description of injury caused by rape, nightmares, self-harm, panic attacks, implied female non-con, language, ass hole Jensen, hurt!Jensen, dark fic, smut. If there is anything else I will add it as I go.
***Chapter Warnings*** Talk of nightmares/night terrors, light description of injury, language, I think that’s pretty much it for this chapter.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader, Jared x Reader
Word Count: 1777
A/N: Anyway, all mistakes are mine, please don’t copy my work, Feedback is golden. If you want to be added to the series tag list, or my tag list just let me know! I hope you enjoy this one. This is something I actually did and witness, and I realize this one might be hard to read because it is a little heavy.
Summary: It’s funny how one choice you made can change your whole life. One mistake can alter your course, and set you on a path that forever will haunt you. Two people find themselves getting through one of the hardest trials of Jensen’s life, on just one small promise. You and Me. We’ll get through it together…
Want more? Check out my Masterlist!!
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It had been roughly two weeks since Jensen was released from the hospital. 
Physically he's doing a lot better. 
He gets around pretty good now, normally even. It would be hard for anyone on the street to see that there was ever anything wrong with him when he walked by you. He'd become pretty self-sufficient pretty quickly. The bruises had mostly faded, only leaving the worst ones still a sickening yellow color. Most of the scratches and lacerations on his body had healed or were almost healed. Most of his strength returned to him. 
On the outside, he looked fine, but it wasn’t the outside that had become the problem. As much as he tried to hide it. Even though the physical aspect of his attack had almost faded completely, it was the battle of the mind that was beginning now. 
When you looked into his eyes something was still dead in there. 
You learned pretty quickly that Jensen had a pretty passive-aggressive way of dealing with things. It was just what he hid behind, and you knew that, but still, it didn't lessen your concern for him.
You noticed him drinking more, and you were afraid that would become a very unhealthy coping mechanism.
The nightmares had gotten worse. 
To be honest you would have characterized them as night terrors. Except they didn't just happen at night. You had learned just from watching him that these “flashbacks” could be triggered by a sound, or a smell, or even something someone says. 
It wasn't something he could control.
He had started to go to his own house during the day some, but at night he always ended up right back with you. You were secretly glad. You didn't like the thought of his nightmares starting, and him beginning there all alone. Most of the time when he had one he’d either wake up violently ill or hysterical, there was no in-between. 
He had taken his kids to the local zoo with Jared the other day on one of his visitation days with his kids. Because of his usual nightly problems he thought it was best that they didn't stay the night with him. Not something you really want you kids to see.
He had been back to the studio, using it you think as a distraction. That's not uncommon though, people use music all the time as an escape from reality. 
The only good thing that had happened really over the past two weeks was that you had gotten a contract writing for a local publishing company reviewing transcripts, and technically you could work full time from home now. You did tell Steve and Jensen that you would finish Jensen's project through before you left. You were there when he started it, and you wanted to see the finished product.
This morning started much like all other mornings since Jensen had moved in with you.
You were sitting in the living room drinking your coffee. It was still very, very early. It was the weekend, so neither yourself nor Jensen had to work today. Still, your body is used to waking up so early, it had developed its own alarm clock. Therefore you were up at 5 am regardless of what you did or how late you went to bed.
Jensen was still sleeping soundly in the room the two of you now awkwardly, kinda shared. You were honestly afraid to touch him. Afraid it would trigger one of his flashbacks. So you slept as far away from him as you could in your king-sized bed, usually putting a pillow between the two of you so that you wouldn't accidentally roll over to him in the middle of the night.
It wasn't that you didn't want to be close to him. You wanted nothing more than to feel his arms wrapped around you as you slept, but you were pretty sure that he was not capable of doing that. He had told you in the hospital that there were some things that he wouldn't be able to do. Physical contact was one of them.
Not thinking about what you were doing a day after he moved in with you, you walked up behind him when he was standing at the sink and put your hand on his shoulder, throwing him into a violent flashback, that took almost an hour for him to come back from. That’s when you learned touching him probably wasn’t the best idea.
Sometimes he would reach over and grab your hand when the nightmares were really bad, he would let you sit next to him and run your fingers through his hair until he went back to sleep, other than that though that was it.
You were sitting lost in thought, the house pretty much dark, only the light from above the stove lightly lit the room. When your phone lit up next to you. It was Jared.
"Hello?" you say quietly careful not to wake up Jensen. 
"Y/N? I didn't wake you did I?" he asked.
 "No, I've been up," you tell, him running your hand down your face. Wondering why in the hell he was calling this early.
"Okay listen they caught Jensen's attackers. There were four of them... Plus Jennifer," 
That last part struck you hard. 
"Jennifer? Really? Are they sure?" you asked, shock radiating through your body. 
"Yeah. She was there through all of it according to her confession. Apparently, she gets her kicks off watching Jensen being raped and tortured, claiming that he owed her that much after what he did to her, when, come to find out the whole thing was a set up from the beginning. She thought she’d go on a date with him, get him drunk, maybe fuck him, get some side cash, and leave, but apparently, things didn't go the way she planned, and she got her family involved to “pay him back” for what the did to her." Jared Said through gritted teeth.
Your stomach churned. You didn't like talking about what they did to Jensen. Your heart just couldn't handle it. Especially seeing the reproductions that he was still dealing with from the whole ordeal. 
"Did they all confess?" you asked, hoping and praying Jensen wasn't going to have to testify in front of a room full of strangers plus his attackers.
"Yeah, they all confessed. From what I understand there was so much evidence from the pictures that the hospital had taken, plus the doctor's reports, and DNA evidence that they really had no choice but to confess," he said, sounding just as sick about all of this as you were. 
"He's not gonna have to testify will he?" you asked, holding your breath. 
"No, not unless he just wants to confront them. Which I doubt he does. These perverts are going to jail for a very long time. The amount of evidence against them is overwhelming, and the police believe this isn't the first time they’ve done this to someone," Jared said.
It made you sick to think about there being monsters like this out there in the real world. People like Jennifer, who you’d never expect to be involved in something like this.
“Thanks for letting me know Jared, now I just have to figure out how to tell Jensen.”
“You can do it Y/N, he trusts you,” Jared said.
With that, the two of you got off the phone. Jensen would be waking up soon as you wanted to have this breakfast ready like you did every morning. You didn't know how you were going to tell him that they had caught his attackers. You hated even bringing up his situation with him. He would get so distant and quiet.
Not fifteen minutes later you heard the bedroom door open and Jensen made his way over to the small bar and sat down. You knew he had because you heard the chair slide across the tile. Your back was to him plating up his breakfast. When you turned around what you saw nearly made you drop the plate.
He was sitting there, pale, and crying silently; looking at his hands that were shaking on the bar. You sat the plate down and carefully walked over to him, surprisingly he reached for you. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him tightly to you. The two of you sat like that for the longest time before he finally spoke.
"I'm not well," was all he said, so quiet that you barely even heard him. 
"What hurts? Are you sick?" you asked. Immediately thinking it had something to do with his physical injuries.
"No, not that," he said, then pointed at his head. "I'm not well." 
That made your heart sink. This was the first time he’d admitted that he was struggling, even though you knew that he was, and honestly it scared you.
Had he gotten worse? 
You had been trying to figure out a good time to bring up seeing a therapist, now seemed like a good time as any. 
"Maybe we should make that appointment with that therapist that your doctor suggested to you," you suggested gently, afraid he would get angry.
"Will you come with me?" was all his said, no more fight in him at all. 
"Yeah, I'll be there the whole time. Remember what I said in the hospital. We're gonna get through this. You and Me."
Jensen nodded his head and buried his face in your neck, wet tears streaking down his face, and onto your skin made your heart feel like it just wanted to stop beating. 
You knew that suggesting a therapist may sound harsh to some people, but there was no manual on how to deal with something like it. No material to read to figure out a normal healing process, especially for man, and there was no way to know that you were doing this right or wrong, 
All you could do was make small steps together, in hopes that you were both stumbling in the right direction in getting him better, and right now you had to go with what logically could help him, and maybe someone who was trained to deal with this sort of trauma. 
Even though you knew this was probably going to be one of the hardest things Jensen ever had to do, he couldn’t keep all this bottled up, he needed a safe space, and a trained professional to help him.
Squeezing him as tight to you as you could you tried your best to ground him in this mess that he was going through, you promised you’d be right there with him, and you were going to keep that promise, no matter what you’d do it together.
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singledarkshade · 3 years
Accidental Hostages
Part Four
(Part One, Part Two and Part Three.)
Rip rubbed his eyes as he leaned back in his chair. It had been a long night researching and he hoped Sara had better luck than he did.
Checking the time, Rip decided to make himself some tea and phone his son afterwards. He hoped Gideon and Nora managed to get some rest because he would need their help.
Heading to the kitchen, he found Sara sitting cross-legged on the table eating a bowl of cereal.
“Morning,” she said.
“Good morning,” Rip replied as he filled the kettle, “Dare I ask what you have?”
Sara grimaced, “Damien Darhk is nowhere to be found.”
“Nowhere?” Rip demanded, automatically finding the tea things, “You have no trace of him?”
“We have CCTV of him leaving his office,” Sara listed, punctuating everything with her spoon, “He got in his car, I followed it to the airport then nothing.”
Rip frowned, “Nothing? You mean he got on a plane to somewhere we can’t follow?”
“Nope,” Sara replied, “I mean, his car goes into the airport and he’s not seen again. I checked every angle, and his car is still sitting there. A team are bringing it in.”
Rip mused as the kettle boiled and he made himself his tea.
“What about you?” Sara asked, “Any luck?”
“Yes,” Rip grimaced, “Thawne is a smug self-congratulating bastard, but he is also not as imaginative as he thinks he is.”
“Really?” Sara focussed all her attention on him.
“I found the proof he’s alive and faked the murder,” Rip replied, “And I sent it to the Police, ensuring a copy was also sent to Lyla Morgan.”
“Fantastic,” Sara said, before frowning, “So why do you still look like someone kicked your puppy?”
“Because Gideon and Nora are not safe from him,” Rip replied, “He can find a way to wiggle out of this. And he will come after Gideon, we both know that. I saw it happen with Tess, and I don’t want to see it again.”
Sara winced, “I read the report, I understand.”
“The fact Damien Darhk is missing is the thing that really worries me,” Rip told her, “Thawne and Darhk have worked together for so many years. And it’s no coincidence this happened at the same time.”
“Something big must have happened between them,” Sara mused, “Because it’s doubtful anyone other than Thawne could take out Darhk. Do you think, and I don’t mean anything against her, but would Gideon be a big enough reason for the split?”
Taking a long drink, Rip frowned, “If Gideon, as per Nora, was seen by Darhk as another daughter then it’s possible.”
“You’re sure?”
“Both Darhk and Thawne are the kind of men who mark their territory,” Rip explained, “They have specific lines that the other knew crossing would end their relationship. When Thawne initially showed interest in Gideon, Darhk likely shut it down telling Thawne that Gideon was in the same category as Nora.”
“And Thawne crossed the line?” Sara asked.
Rip nodded, “Put something in her drink which Darhk caught him doing.”
“Ohh,” Sara stared at him, “That will do it.”
“Which means we need to locate Darhk,” Rip told her, “I doubt Thawne will have the guts to have killed him, not until after Nora was convicted of murder.”
“Because otherwise all Darhk’s business interests would go to her,” Sara mused, “So, I take it we’re keeping the fact they’ve been exonerated quiet for now?”
Rip nodded, “Except we can only keep it quiet for so long. I’ve been given three days.”
Finishing the last of her cereal, Sara dropped the bowl into the sink, “Then I’d better get to work. Are you telling them the charges have been dropped?”
Rip nodded, “Yes, we’ll need their help and I don’t want them to worry about that at least.”
“I’ll get to work then,” Sara told him, “I’ll let you know what I find.”
 Sitting with his tea, Rip made his call to Jonas, smiling as his son chattered away to him. It was the best way to start his day.
“I should be home in a few days,” Rip told Jonas, “And we will do something lots of fun, I promise.”
“Okay, Daddy,” Jonas’ grin came through the line, “I miss you.”
Rip felt guilt spike through him, this was why he’d left this life, “I miss you too, little man. And I love you.”
“I love you,” Jonas told him, “Come home soon.”
“I will,” Rip whispered, “I promise.”
Hanging up Rip hated that he was away from his son at all, never mind for so many days. Which meant he had to solve this.
Checking the time, Rip hoped the girls and Ray were awake because he needed to talk to them.
 Gideon had been awake for some time but there was nothing she could do so just lay hugging her pillow. A knock on the door made her look up and she sighed, practically falling off the bed to answer it.
“Rip?” she asked, seeing the man standing on the other side.
“I need to talk to you all,” he said, “Be in the break room in twenty minutes?”
Gideon nodded, “That gives me enough time for a shower.”
Rip gave her a small smile before he disappeared presumably to wake up Nora and Ray. Gideon had a quick shower before tying up her still damp hair and dressing in a pair of jeans and sweatshirt she found in the chest of drawers. Leaving the room, she gave a quick amused smile to Nora when she and Ray walked out the door.
“Did you get any sleep?” Nora asked her.
“A little,” Gideon assured her, wanting to tease her friend about the gorgeous guy she had been snuggled up to all night but knew now wasn’t the time.
Reaching the small kitchen, she saw Rip waiting for them, leaning against the counter looking scruffy and rumpled which she found annoyingly attractive.
“There’s coffee in the pot, and a selection of cereals or other breakfast foods,” Rip told them, “Grab something to eat then I will catch you up.”
“Did you sleep?” Nora asked.
Rip shrugged, “I got an hour or so,” he chuckled at their concerned looks, “I have a four-year-old and was an agent for several years before he came along. I’m used to lack of sleep.”
They all grabbed something to eat, Nora and Ray took the couch in the corner while Gideon sat in the chair.
“Okay,” Rip appeared, a mug in his hand, “I have some good news for you.”
“Which is?” Nora asked.
He smiled, “I found the evidence to prove not only your innocence, but that Thawne is alive.”
Nora gasped as Gideon stared at him.
“You’re serious?” Gideon demanded, “It’s over?”
Rip sighed, “I’m serious that the charges have been dropped and Argus have fixed it so your escape won’t be an issue,” he held up his hand before they could celebrate, “But it won’t happen for a few days.”
“What?” Nora and Gideon cried in unison.
“Why not?” Ray asked for them.
Rip took a quick drink, “For you to be exonerated, we have to expose the fact Thawne is alive. Which will put your father in danger, Nora.”
“My father?” Nora breathed worriedly.
Rip nodded, “Nora, I am sorry to have to tell you that we believe he’s been abducted. We manage to follow him to the airport but from there we have no trace. His car is being brought in for us to check.”
“What does this mean?” Ray asked, “When can they go home?”
“Well, Ray you can go home now if you want,” Rip told him, “A story has been leaked that you have been on a retreat for the past few days, and your abduction by two escaped felons was a joke someone picked up wrong. One of the team will drive you to the train station.”
Ray stared at him for a few minutes before he turned to Nora, “I’m staying.”
“What?” she breathed.
“I’m staying until Nora and Gideon can return home as well,” he said to Rip, “Any problems with that?”
Rip shook his head, “None. In fact, I may require your expertise at some point.”
“So, what do we do now?” Gideon asked.
“For the moment,” Rip told her, “There’s nothing you can do but we will need Nora’s help when we bring her father’s car in.”
Gideon sighed, “I need to do something?”
Rip grimaced before nodding, “I’ll see what I can find.”
 Gideon left Nora and Ray finishing their breakfast so she could talk to Rip alone for a few minutes. There was something off about what he’d told them, like he was hiding something from them, and she needed to know what.
Making her way through the corridors, she found the office he was using, surprised no one had stopped her from making her way there. With a quick breath she reached out and rapped on the door sharply.
“Come in,” Rip called.
Stepping inside Gideon saw Rip hunched over his computer with a mug in his hand looking exhausted.
“I thought you said you were used to the lack of sleep,” Gideon said, smiling slightly at how his head jerked up in surprise.
Rip stared at her for a moment before shaking himself, “I usually manage a little more sleep these days.”
Gideon grabbed a chair and pulled it across to sit across from Rip.
“What aren’t you telling us, Rip?” Gideon demanded, “I know you’re trying to protect me, but you don’t have to. I’m a big girl and after everything that we’ve been through these past few weeks, I can handle whatever you’re hiding.”
Rip stared at her for a few moments before he sighed, “Once the information is released that you and Nora have been exonerated, that Thawne is alive then he will come after you.”
Fear filled Gideon and she swallowed hard.
“Look,” Rip reached out and took her hand, “I didn’t want to scare you because I am never going to let him near you.”
Sadly she whispered, “Can you actually promise me that?”
“I was not just a technician,” Rip told her seriously, “I can hack better than anyone here, true but I spent a lot of time in the field as well. I was very good at what I did, and it may have been about four years ago, but I’m not that rusty.”
Gideon smiled sweetly at him, “I trust you, Rip,” she breathed looking down at the joined hands, “I do. I am very scared, but I need you to tell me the truth no matter what it is.”
Rip nodded and squeezed her hand, “I promise.”
“Thank you,” Gideon said softly.
He smiled at her for a moment before releasing her hand, ready to turn back to work.
“I know I might not be the ruthless hacker you are,” Gideon told him, “But I’m good and if you want some help, I need something to do.”
Rip mused for a moment before he nodded, “It’s not hacking but scanning video footage.”
“Whatever you need,” Gideon said.
 Eve frowned as Rip leaned against the wall.
“Are you insane?” she demanded, “Miss Ryder may be a very intelligent woman, but she is not a trained analyst. She’s also the prime target of Thawne. She shouldn’t be near anything to do with this case.”
“Technically it’s not her case I’m assigning her to review,” Rip noted, “Instead I was hoping she would look into the Damian Darhk case.”
Eve stared at him before crying, “That’s even worse. She is practically his adopted daughter.”
“No,” Rip argued, “He looks on her as family, there has never been any indication Gideon sees Darhk as anything other than her best friend’s father.”
“You know that technically you’re not a real agent anymore,” Eve reminded him, “And everything you’re doing here is a courtesy considering your former service to this agency.”
Rip frowned at her, “We need Nora and Gideon to work with us, in order for that to happen they need to trust us as well as keep them calm. I will go over your head if I have to.”
“Oh, you are so aggravating,” Eve cried, before sighing in defeat, “Fine but,” she held up her hand before he could say anything else, “This is on your head.”
Rip shrugged, “Nothing has changed.”
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uzumaki-rebellion · 4 years
“Wet Sugar” [Part 28 of 30]
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Summary: Erik and Yani’s lives are about to change permanently....
"I'm a fish in an aquarium Cut off from the outside world The water's always lukewarm And I observe
Hardly anyone takes notice of me But I am, here Quietly floating My lips, moving Just like yours
Always in motion You, never seem to rest Through my reflection I watch you Why do you keep me here, like this…"
Me'Shell Ndegeocello – "Aquarium"
"Come on Sweet Pea, it's okay. Come out from there…"
Yani stuck her head under Sydette's bed and saw her daughter curled up with her doll Miss Penny in the fetal position.
"It's just a bad man on tv it's not real," Yani said.
She reached her hands out for Sydette and the girl crawled from under the bed and sat on Yani's lap.
"Oh, I know that sound scared you. We'll watch something else."
Yani carried Sydette back into their living room and switched the channel to a cooking show. She wasn't expecting a violent news report to interrupt the comedy show they were watching. Her daughter eased back into her chest but Yani could feel her trembling. Touching Sydette's face, Yani kissed her daughter's forehead.
Two months and her daughter was still having night terrors and panic attacks because of Huntsman and their last night at the compound. Even Yani felt a little anxious when she walked around her apartment at night, afraid that someone would come to the door, break-in, and finish what they started on that night. Killmonger said he handled all those men. She wasn't so sure sometimes, especially knowing about Klaue's different minions from all over the world.
It had only gotten worse with Sweet Pea.
Loud sounds on tv or in real life brought either sudden tears or her baby running to hide. Sydette had finally stopped going to the front door and trying to find Killmonger. Yani no longer heard her baby girl asking, "We go find Baba now?"
Yani asked her mentor at the hospital for help finding a therapist that dealt with children and she was able to recommend a wonderful doctor for Sydette. The therapist was a friendly older white man with gentle milky blue eyes. Yani told the partial truth of what had happened to them. Sitting in the man's office while Sydette played with some dolls the therapist had in his space, she explained that they had been robbed while staying in a rental property with her boyfriend. She told him about the guns that were used on them, and she even explained how she and Sydette escaped on the beach. That was all she revealed. Afterward, she sat back and watched the man speak to her daughter just to get to know her. The therapist wrote a lot down, and when it was over, they set up appointments to have Sydette come in twice a week.
Once the therapist gained Sydette's trust after two visits, he had her use dolls to tell him what happened from her point of view. Sydette was so talkative and descriptive.
The man had Sydette coloring while she talked along with more doll play, and there were also sessions with Yani talking with her little girl to help develop coping skills when Sydette did run and hide.
Holding her child on her lap, Yani did what the therapist told her to do. She acted calm and regulated her own breathing so that Sydette copied her and brought down her anxiety. She acknowledged what Sydette was feeling and let her baby dictate how the conversation would go. It was hard though. Sydette tended to ask the same questions about the bad guys coming back. Yani often caught her acting out the attack with her own dolls, and it broke her heart. Bedwetting increased and going to bed at night was a difficult ritual and her daughter no longer wanted to sleep alone in her room. Yani allowed her to stay with her.
Sydette tended to self-soothe frequently with her thumb in her mouth, something she had never done before. She also dragged around a blanket that Killmonger bought for her and twisted her fingers frequently along the edges of the pink satin material whenever she saw something that reminded her of that night.
Sydette reached up and touched the curly lace front Yani wore. She was switching out three different wigs to cover up the scar on her head from the bullet that struck her. It hadn't healed all that well and the scar brought back bad memories.
"How are you feeling now Sweet Pea? Sad? Scared…?"
"Oh yeah? It's ok to feel sad."
"And scared."
"Mama is right here for you. You want to talk about it?"
She shook her head and pressed her face into Yani's chest.
They sat together until Sydette tugged on her pants.
"You need to change your pull-ups?"
Yani closed her eyes and tried not to cry. Sydette had been potty-trained, but now she was back to wearing pull-ups again because of so many accidents during the day.
"Come on."
Yani walked her to the bathroom and cleaned her up. After replacing the pull-ups she made sure to get them back on their evening routine. Making dinner together. Pork n' beans and hot dogs. Yani sliced up cooked wieners and let Sydette drop them into a pot of beans mixed with barbecue sauce and brown sugar. Keeping a daily routine helped Sydette a lot, but Yani was worried that Sydette would never get better.
Yani felt that her own therapy sessions were less important than getting her daughter back on track.
Plus….she had another concern that was twisting up her world.
And she needed to talk to Twyla about it and no one else.
Linda's eyes showed no glimmers of shock, surprise, or any concern at all.
Erik arrived in Sweden after a two-week trip of seeing relatives and solidifying his plans to take out Klaue en route to Wakanda. Linda picked him up at the airport and her enthusiasm at seeing him was the best Academy Award-winning performance he had ever experienced. He hugged her and allowed her to kiss his cheek, but then he went straight into work mode.
"How was your flight?" she asked.
They stood by the luggage carousel and waited for Erik's duffle bag and metal suitcase.
"Fine. How's Klaue?"
"Good. Calm actually, which is not normal for him. He seems pretty confident now that you have landed."
He grabbed his duffle as Linda picked up his suitcase. She ushered him to a cab outside and Erik watched her closely. Her eyes flicked over the attaché that Erik held in his hand.
"Things good with your family?" she asked.
"Cool breezy. I'm ready to get to work."
Her eyes were playful and Erik tried to keep his face neutral, but he felt himself grinding his teeth together.
The two-story hideout in Sweden was pretty swanky. Isolated and guarded by a new crew of security that Erik didn't know. Pure muscle men that Klaue planned on taking to Korea with them.
Erik handed over the attaché that Klaue needed, and he learned that Klaue was using it to essentially blackmail the C.I.A. into buying the vibranium from him. Linda acted nonchalant when she saw Klaue getting what she wanted in his hand.
Settling down into tracking the artifacts that would eventually arrive in London, Erik observed Linda's behavior with much more intensity. There might be a Plan B to her treachery. She stayed on several computers for twelve hours a day, and he never caught her sneaking off to try and contact anyone. The moment she saw Erik, she had to know her plans to rob Klaue had been foiled. Erik was alive and in her face. It didn't matter to him that she thought Yani and Sydette were accidental collateral damage. She would have to pay for what she had done.
Rising early one morning, Erik stepped out onto a patio and made a call to his Aunt Serah on his personal cell.
Serah's voice sounded happy to hear from him.
"Can you face chat, or nah?"
"I am walking into my apartment now."
Erik switched to audio and video and adjusted the earbuds he wore.
"You look good," she said.
"Busy, but I'm maintaining."
"Bakari and Dante said they enjoyed seeing you."
"It was good to be home."
"How can I help you?"
He watched his Aunt take a seat in her kitchen.
"I need you to do something for me. And when I ask you to do this, don't ask why."
Her eyes took him in and she drew in a deep breath.
"What is it?"
"When the London exhibit hits, I don't want you to be there for the first week of the opening. Call in sick."
His face was serious and he waited for her to push back and be nosey as she was prone to be.
"A week?"
He nodded.
It had to be a week. It would take a few days before the arrival for Linda to get in with a job and start taking over surveillance. Erik had already shown their micro-crew the layout for the museum and also the main players. He couldn't leave his Aunt out of the staff photos he showed everyone, but he could keep her away from what they were planning to do.
"I have some vacation time stored up."
"I will let you know what week to leave," he said.
His eyes darted around to make sure he still had privacy.
"Fine. I will do it."
"Thank you. I have to go now. I'll chat with you soon."
She blew him a kiss and Erik went to find Linda.
He found her on her laptop posted up near Klaue in the dining room. She was creating a fake visa and London I.D. for herself.
Klaue sat staring at his own laptop while drinking his third cup of coffee.
"Ross is ready for the transaction," Klaue said.
"I found a plane to get us out. We can jump to Japan, and then Indonesia—" "You take care of all of that with Limbano. I'm working on getting our money upfront before the trade-off. Any word on when the exhibit is happening? I really don't want this to drag out."
"A few months. Be patient."
Klaue smacked Erik's shoulder and sipped on his fresh brew.
"Pre-paid gigs now. Impressive," Erik said taking a seat next to Klaue. He poured himself coffee from the pot sitting on the dining table.
Linda looked at him and the curl of a smile on her lips made him want to punch her. He needed to find something to do or else he would reveal his hand.
"Going for a walk," Erik said.
He left the house and walked around the grounds. The air smelled clean and it helped him clear his head.
He was ready to move.
Being in Sweden gave him time to watch the news on the regular. King T'Chaka would be at the Vienna International Center to help bring about the ratification of the Sokovian accords. Erik hoped the man would return to Wakanda in time for him to stomp him out. He didn't want to challenge the throne while his Uncle was out of the country. He needed him and T'Challa there in person. It would look like a reckless power-grabbing coup d'etat if Erik ran through Wakanda while they were away. No…he needed to follow the letter of the law in his father's homeland. Reading his father's journals, he learned of N'Jobu considering making a play for the throne before he was murdered. It wasn't enough to be a rebel. True power was claiming the throne with a legitimate justice claim. He wanted to kill T'Chaka and T'Challa on their home turf in front of their people. Under their own laws. Their rules. There would be no questioning of his ascension to the throne with their blood on his hands.
Blood on his hands…
His thoughts turned to Yani and Sydette.
It still pained him to think of them. God knows he tried to put them far in the back of his mind as he could, but he couldn't stop the occasional random memories that came at him. A certain odor in the house would remind him of a meal he cooked for his girls. A song on the radio put him back into the kitchen of Klaue's house with Sydette holding onto his hands and dancing as Yani fussed at them for being in her way as she cooked. As hard as he tried to stay busy and mentally occupied, they would creep into his psyche. His trip back to the states helped a lot when he visited his family, but the moment he stepped on the plane to Sweden he fell into a funk. Seeing Linda only brought the island back into sharp relief.
Erik walked back into the house to find some good liquor. He needed to drown his thoughts.
Stay the course.
Yani stirred in a handful of potatoes into the fish soup she made on Twyla's stove. The fragrant home-made broth she fixed made her own mouth water.
"Don't put no okra in it. I nuh want to feel that slime in my mouth," Twyla said.
"Too late," Yani called out.
"Argh!" Twyla groaned.
"I didn't put a lot in. Barely a handful."
Yani put the soup on simmer and washed her hands.
Sydette played with two new Barbie dolls her paternal grandmother bought for her on the floor. The tv was on a cartoon and Twyla sat on her couch flipping through a fashion magazine.
"You alright?" Twyla asked.
"You look funny…"
Yani glanced down at Sydette.
"Can we talk in the kitchen?" Yani asked.
Twyla eyed her and then tossed her magazine on the couch. They left Sydette to her dolls.
Twyla lifted up the lid on the soup and took a big whiff.
"Smells like Auntie's."
"Be done soon…Twyla…?" Yani laced and unlaced her fingers together.
Her cousin sat in a chair next to her.
"Yeah?" Twyla said.
"I'm in trouble. I…I messed up…"
"What happen?"
"Don't be vex…"
Yani's hand instinctively went to her belly.
Twyla's head tilted to the side. Her eyes got big and then she sucked her teeth.
"I don't want to hear that…Yani…last time yuh ask mi not be vex…oh dammit cuz…yuh had Sydette…"
Yani's hand covered her eyes and she felt fat tears squeeze from her lids.
Twyla jumped up from her seat and stuck her head out of the kitchen doorway to check on Sydette. She turned back to Yani.
"All this stuff you two are dealing with, and now…yuh telling me you carrying that man's baby?"
Twyla sat back down on the chair and touched Yani's hand.
"I'm not trying to be mean…I'm just. Dammit. I was worried about this happening."
"I'm not keeping it."
Yani wiped her face.
"We said we wouldn't have no baby together. I'm not going to term. I made an appointment in the states. I need you to keep Sydette for me. I'm going to fly to Florida. There's a clinic in Miami that will help me deal with this. I just need you to keep quiet, and watch my Sweet Pea."
"You're going by yourself?"
"Yeah. I don't want anyone to know. Just you."
Twyla squeezed Yani's hand.
"I didn't mean to sound like a bitch about it."
Yani shrugged.
"How far along are you?"
"Two months."
Yani stood up and went to the stove.
She lifted the lid on the soup and stirred it, needing something to do. Needing to be away from Twyla's eyes.
They hadn't been careful.
Especially for the last month they were together. A part of her thought she wanted it to happen. As careful as she had been in the beginning with him, they had become careless in the end. Her rigid birth control taking had slipped and she had no one to blame but herself. She hadn't been taking her pills at the same regular times she always had. The early morning was her normal time, but sometimes she took them in the afternoon, or at night. They had set themselves up for failure. Especially when she allowed him to ejaculate inside of her so often. She had irregular cycles and thought this was another scare like last time. She ignored the first month thinking the stress from the attack was the cause.
She beat herself up. His last few words to her was to not let anything stop her from going to school. Now she was carrying his seed and breaking every promise she made to herself. Killmonger was just as responsible, but now he was out of her life.
"No one can know about this, Twyla."
"My mouth is shut. I'll keep Sydette for you."
Yani covered the soup again. She felt Twyla's arms go around her waist, her cheek pressed close to hers.
"I'll carry this weight with yuh cuz. Okay? No worries."
Yani's head dropped down. Twyla turned her around and Yani buried her face in her cousin's neck.
"I can't go backward," she whispered into her cousin's skin.
"When are you flying out?"
"Next week. Thursday through Sunday."
"You shouldn't go alone. I'll go with you. I'll call in sick to work—"
"I don't want—"
"Calm down…calm down. We'll get Monice to watch Sydette. We'll tell her we're going to visit Kendall. We can see him when we get there, then disappear. He'll be busy doing his club dates and no one will suspect anything if we actually don't see him. It's just a Miami girls trip. Dry your eyes."
Yani nodded.
She was happy that Twyla would come with her. She didn't want to go alone, but she wanted to stay discreet.
Sydette stood in the doorway and Yani wiped her eyes. Painting a wide smile on her lips she grabbed bowls from the cupboard.
"Ready for some fish tea, love?"
Sydette nodded.
"It'll be okay," Twyla said.
Yani hoped so.
Erik's hands slid up her thighs.
They were browner from the sun and so warm to the touch that Erik found himself heavy sighing as he touched her.
The sun beat down on his back and he could feel the hot searing heat making his keloids tingle.
She tried to wiggle back from him and he dragged her legs back to him.
"Nah…get back here. I want you right now. Just like this."
He used his strength to lock her legs down, and when he sank down into her, her lusty shouts made him smile.
Sweat dripped down from his face and onto hers. He threw his head back and a hard exhale fell from his mouth.
Her eyes seemed to be pleading with him, like she was trying to convey something to him on a deeper level.
The muscles in his ass clenched tight and his voice cracked when she said his name in his ear.
He bolted up from the bed.
"Shit," he gasped, his fingers clutching his sheets.
Glancing around the bed, Erik saw that he was alone in his room. He shut his eyes tight and caught the fading sensations of being with Yani once more. Falling back onto his back, he stared at the ceiling. The warm tingling sensation on his skin disarmed him. He actually felt her hands on him. He could smell her scent still. Lucid dreams had happened to him before, but this one was much too powerful. His hand drifted to his groin and the erection that greeted him there was slick with his semen. He gripped his dick and the throbbing in his hand surprised him and he found himself ejaculating while being awake.
"Ah, fuck…"
Fingers wet, skin drenched in sweat, Erik rolled his face into his pillow and fought the urge to reach out to her. Although his body was yearning for the sexual contact, Erik just wanted to lay up with her and hold her. He missed the weight of Sweet Pea on his chest and Yani snuggled against him.
Erik dragged himself off the bed to clean up the nocturnal emissions. Red eyes greeted him in the bathroom mirror. Had he been crying while dreaming? His heart thudded in his chest and he touched the left side to feel the sensation. His gut told him something was wrong.
He grabbed his laptop and sat back on the bed.
Using an old avatar, he tried to check her social media, but she had deleted everything. It was smart on her part. Kept her off the radar. Twyla's accounts were locked, and Kendall's had become strictly business. When he typed in her name only pictures of her from Kendall's or Chez's fans popped up and they were very few compared to when she had been active online.
His fingers itched to call Twyla, but he refrained.
It wasn't right to try and bounce in and out of her life. She had money. She had support. She would do what she had to do to take care of herself and Sydette.
He shut down his laptop and went outside to walk the grounds. One of Klaue's new security team eyed him hard when he stepped to the rear of the house. Erik waved him off and continued meandering under the moonlight. The acute sensations of feeling Yani's presence had finally faded.
But something tugged at his spirit.
Something felt amiss.
Yani sat wearing a paper medical gown in a room filled with five other women dressed the same.
They all sat in a silent queue that they probably never thought they would find themselves in.
Yani kept her head down and stared at her bare feet encased in sandals. A woman sitting adjacent from her stared at her head, and she regretted not wearing one of her wigs. She still felt very self-conscious about the scar. Only part of the hair grew back and the rest was small but vivid scar tissue. Shiny like one of Killmonger's keloids.
Her heart jumped when she thought of him. She worried the thin material of the medical gown with her fingers as her nerves ratcheted up. A thin Latino looking woman was called to follow a Doctor's assistant and Yani could feel the collective anxiety from all the other women and herself as they watched the woman go through a door that closed with a loud bang. She wished she could text Twyla just to have something to do to occupy her mind, but her cousin was posted up at the hotel they were staying at awaiting her call for when the procedure was done.
Yani closed her eyes.
When she first found out she was pregnant with Sydette she was so ready to go to a clinic and terminate. Fidgeting in her seat, she couldn't imagine doing that. But that was only because she had Sweet Pea now, knew her, loved her. It seemed like such an easy thing to do back then especially when she was so angry with Chez and how that pregnancy came to be.
This one was different. It was an accident. A loving accident.
Her tummy flip-flopped and she felt her leg shake a bit with nerves. Another woman was called to go away. Yani was next if they were going in order as they had been.
An older white woman with tight crows feet around her eyes opened the door soon enough and looked Yani in the eye. Yani stood up and tried to close the back of her gown that had begun to stick to her backside from nervous sweat.
She was taken into a sterile room and asked to lay back on a cool blue gynecology chair with a protective white hygienic cover. The assistant helped her place her legs in some stirrups and adjusted her backrest for comfort.
Yani felt her blood pressure rise up and her breathing grew erratic.
The assistant's voice was raspy as she spoke from a protective mask.
"Try to relax. I'm going to place Misoprostol against your cervix. It will soften it for us, and then in two hours the doctor will come in and we'll start. Okay?"
Yani nodded but when the woman touched her thigh to let her know she was about to proceed, Yani tensed up and her hands went to her stomach and covered it.
"Stop, please."
The assistant stared at Yani and pulled away from her.
"You need a moment?"
Yani nodded and felt the small prick of a tear in her eye. She covered her face with her right hand.
"I'll come back—"
"I'm nervous."
The assistant gave a small sigh and when she was about to say something more, a Black woman with a short gray 'fro walked in.
"She's nervous," the assistant said.
Yani watched the Black woman approach her side. The woman touched her arm and gave it a soft pat. Her hand was warm.
"It's alright," the woman said.
"I'm sorry—"
"No need for you to be sorry. This isn't easy for any woman. Even the ones who act like it's no big deal. I'm the doctor who will be working with you. How would you like for me to proceed?"
The doctor reached out for her hand, and Yani accepted the comfort.
Closing her eyes, she rested her head back and exhaled.
Twyla drove to the side of the non-descript building and Yani walked to their rental car. She climbed into the passenger seat and burst into tears.
"Oh…cuz…it's alright."
Twyla caressed her scalp and turned Yani's face toward her. "I couldn't do it."
Yani shook her head and covered her mouth.
"You didn't-?"
Twyla held Yani's hand.
"They are going to kill me back home."
"No. Disappointed…yes. But they will love this one like Sydette."
"Yuh disappointed with me?"
"I don't want to see you struggle again. You are supposed to be a doctor, Yani. It just gets harder with two babies."
"Yuh think I should abort this one?"
"I can't make that choice for you."
"They had my legs up and were prepping me and I just…I thought…this was an accident, but it didn't have to be a mistake. I know it don't make sense, and everyone will think I'm just a stupid woman who can't keep her legs shut. I want to be selfish for this child, for its father's sake. Killmonger…he's a good man. We all know he ah bad man when him with Klaue, he said it himself. Him clear on that. But I know he wants to be a good man. In his own way. I don't know where he is, but I want to have this good. This baby is good. Hear mi?"
"I hear you, Yani."
"I have enough money for now. It will just take me a little longer to finish school. But I won't have to struggle like before."
Yani wiped her eyes again.
"I want him to have something good in the world. I want to keep my baby."
Twyla stared out of the window.
"He was so loving to us, Twyla. I know you think I'm stupid for this—"
"I never said that. It's just hard having a child alone. It's why I never did it."
Yani snuck a glance at her cousin.
"You ever regret your decision with Devon?"
"No. The choice was easy for me. It turned out to be the best thing for me. I won't tell yuh what to do. This your decision."
Twyla regarded her face with concern.
"Once we leave here, there's no going back, Yani. I mean, you could make another appointment—"
"No. I've made up my mind. My parents are going to hate me, no matter what you say, but it's what I want to do."
"Crazy gyal. Lord ah mercy I can already hear Auntie sucking her teeth."
Yani smiled even as she felt new tears falling down her cheeks.
She was accustomed to working hard her entire life. She'd just have to be on the grind even harder for Sydette, school, and this little one.
"Can yuh come with me to tell Auntie? I want her to know before my parents. I have to get my house in order."
"Be ready for her to have a fit…although…"
"Although what?" Yani asked, hesitation in her voice.
"She really liked that big nigga."
Yani's lips trembled and Twyla squeezed her hand again.
"She really did," Yani agreed.
"I really liked him too. Lord, here we go again!"
Twyla started the car and Yani rested her head in her seat and closed her eyes.
Twyla stood in the kitchen doorway as Yani sat on a loveseat with Sydette seated next to her.
"Yuh understand what Mama is saying? You will be a big sister," Yani said.
"In there?" Sydette said pointing to Yani's belly.
"Yeah, the baby is in there. I'll get a big stomach like Sandrina."
"Can I talk to the baby?"
"Anytime you want."
Sydette leaned forward pressing her ear to Yani's stomach.
"You in there baby? Can yuh hear me?"
"You like being a big sister?"
Sydette nodded.
Yani's eyes swept over to her mother and her Aunt Leona. Her mother's face was tight, but she found strength in Leona's firm stance that Yani's mother not scold her or talk down to her. Leona herself was disappointed at first, but then she immediately steeled herself to support Yani when she told the rest of the family. Everyone knew who the daddy was, and they all knew the man was never coming back.
"The baby sleep in my room with me?"
"Yes, love. When it gets a little bigger."
"Will I have a brother or a sister?"
"We won't know until it gets here. What do you want me to have?"
"A brother."
Paula stood up and walked over to Yani, taking a seat next to Sydette.
"Your life is in your hands—"
"Let me finish. We didn't do right by you the first time…when you had Sydette—"
"Listen. Your Daddy and me saw how hard you worked to raise your child on your own. I'm sorry we were so hard on you. We nuh treat yuh how we should have and we can't change that. But we can be better this time. I'm not ashamed of you, Yani. I know yuh think that. Yuh just make things tough on yourself and we don't want you to struggle like we did raising alla you girls. I'm sorry…"
"Mommy. Forget that—"
"Yes. Forget all of that past stuff and let's focus on getting this new pickney here healthy and in one piece," Leona said.
Sydette jumped down from the couch.
"Where yuh going, Sweet Pea? Yani asked.
"I have to use the bathroom."
Yani watched her daughter run to the bathroom on her own.
The evening was pleasant and her mother cooked dinner for all of them. Yani ate her fill of beef patties with fried rice and Sydette spent the night in their bed touching her stomach and talking to her sibling with soft whispers.
Erik could see on his cell that she was standing outside of the Museum of Great Britain.
"The exhibit arrives in July. The opening will be on 15th."
"Thank you Auntie."
"I put in my request for vacation time."
Her sharp eyes took in his face.
"Whatever you are about to do…be safe."
Erik hung up and turned his eyes back to the small touchpad he watched outside on the backyard patio.
King T'Chaka sat in the United Nations, his voice confident as he addressed the assembly. How fitting that he should speak of peace and harmony among countries when Erik was preparing to bring that work to his own country's doorstep.
How fitting indeed.
Chapter 29 Here
Tag List:
@fd-writes​ @soufcakmistress  @cherrystainedlipsbaby @tclaybon  @thadelightfulone
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britesparc · 3 years
Weekend Top Ten #472
Top Ten Suggestions for Future Star Wars Games
Concluding an accidental trilogy of Top Ten lists that feature the word “Star”, here we journey back to a galaxy far, far away. This is also one of those lists that’s been bubbling under for quite a while, since the announcement (feels like ages ago now) that Disney have shopped the Star Wars licence around to a number of developers, and we’ll get future games from companies other than EA. But really it goes back even further, because for me Star Wars and gaming are inexorably linked. I associate my teenage PC gaming phase very closely with Star Wars, because it occurred in the mid-nineties, when Star Wars games were truly ascendent. In a run that I would argue stretched from the release of X-Wing in 1993, right through to Knights of the Old Republic in 2003, it felt like just about every genre was getting a nod from the House of Skywalker, and generally speaking the games were excellent. This time also saw the resurgence of Star Wars as a multimedia powerhouse, with the films getting reissued on video (and in Widescreen!) before the 1997 release of the Special Editions, the subsequent DVD releases, and then in 1999, the beginnings of the Prequel Trilogy with The Phantom Menace. You could argue that that’s when the wheels fell off, because even with the “Han Shot First” controversy and mixed reaction to some of the new effects shots, the late-nineties releases had been warmly received, Star Wars felt cool and exciting all the time, and anticipation was building to fever pitch at the thought of new movies. Amidst the Jar Jar hatred there was, I think, a bit more antipathy towards stories set in the Clone Wars, and although there were still some very good games being released (the first LEGO Star Wars came out in 2005!), the spark of the Golden Age was mostly absent.
Could we be entering a new Golden Age, or at least a Silver Age? Maybe; hopefully! I really, really enjoyed Jedi: Fallen Order and Squadrons, even though neither are perfect and both have plenty of rough edges. Now that the Skywalker Saga is out of the way and the franchise as a whole is spreading out into new areas (check out the number of Disney+ shows on the way), perhaps we’ll see all different facets of the galaxy explored in games too. And that’s what this list is: ten possible games, set in the Star Wars universe, that I think would be cool.
For the most part I’m not trying to invent a whole game; rather, it’s “Star Wars in this genre” or “Star Wars with this hook”. There’s probably an exception or two here and there, but you’ll get the drift. Some of these have been in my mental wishlist for years, from right back to when I first played X-Wing on my mate’s Mac, or when I installed a friend’s copy of Dark Forces from floppy disk (we, er, did that in those days). One of the best things about Star Wars is that it contains multitudes; George Lucas really did create a whole galaxy full of weird side characters, intriguing backstory, and funky-looking locations (aided and abetted, of course, by a bevy of talented collaborators). What corner of the universe couldn’t support a game of some kind?
So here’s to the future, to the newly-rechristened Lucasfilm Games, and to ten titles that could all benefit from beginning with those classic blue words on a black background.
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Jedi Padawan RPG: I’ve wanted a game like this for about twenty years: a third-person action-RPG where you play a Padawan. You create your character and build your lightsaber, and then follow your master on missions around the Republic, learning the ways of the Force and developing your character. In a way, Fallen Order has adopted some of these ideas; the fact you only use a lightsaber and Force powers, for instance. But in my mind this is more similar to something like the first Fable, or maybe Mass Effect, where you’d have a hub to return to (the Jedi Temple) and then go off on missions that you could choose. All the while there’d be a plot bubbling up, and an arc to follow, and all sorts of quasi-open-world Jedi shenanigans. It’d be cool if they could make lightsabers feel like the really dangerous one-hit-kill weapons they are in the films, or if you could use them to, y’know, open doors and stuff. Maybe this could be set in the “High Republic” era we’re starting to explore.
Deus Ex-style first-person RPG: I suppose this one could be reductively called “Cyberpunk on Coruscant”, but the idea is you’d play someone – not a Jedi, in my mind – going on quests or solving some kind of mystery, shooting people in first person whilst also upgrading your body and abilities in typical RPG style. I wouldn’t want it to be too dark; I don’t like it when people try to make Star Wars “edgy”. But that Mandalorian or Rogue One tone of seriousness interspersed with Star Wars’ typical melodrama and weirdness would be good. I see your character as a small-time crook or maybe a minor mercenary who by circumstance is forced to take missions for either the Rebels or the Empire (or maybe First Order and Resistance); perhaps mirroring Poe Dameron’s journey from spice smuggler to X-Wing superstar. It’d be cool if there was Fallout-style hit-modelling on characters, and if your arm or whatever got damaged, you could have it replaced with a robot one.
Star Wars meets Elite: I even have a title for this one: “Scoundrel”. Basically, like I say, it’s Elite but in the Star Wars universe; you have a ship, you fly from planet to planet, you trade goods or offer passage, you spend your money on upgrading your ship or buying a new one. You’re Han Solo, basically; hence “Scoundrel”. In my mind it’s set at the dawn of the Rebellion, so you can choose where your allegiances – and your ethics – lie. Take on official Imperial assignments? Help their war effort? Stay neutral but legal? Stay out of the politics, but, y’know, smuggle a little bit? Run a bit of spice? Or do you go all-in and work for the Rebellion – even take part in military action? Maybe it could even run all the way up to Return of the Jedi and give you the chance to fight in the Battle of Endor! C’mon, this one has “hit” written all over it.
Clone Troopers turn-based “Tactics” game: by “Tactics” I mean like X-COM or, well, Gears Tactics; turn-based team combat games. I think of all the groups of military characters most suited to this style, it would be the Clone Troopers; they’re a well-organised military force that functions as part of a team. We know there are loads of types of Troopers, with different uniforms for different jobs, so there’s lots of room for customising your team, as well as experimenting with different classes. Plus if they die there’s more to come, they’re just in vats! Get Temuera Morrison to voice them all for added authenticity.
A point-and-click adventure: this was the first ever idea I had for a Star Wars game, because at the time I was really, really into adventures. This could be anything; I’m not too fussed on the plot. Some kind of mystery obviously lends itself to the format. Whether you play as the same character all the way through or switch protagonists (a common genre trope), I don’t mind. But I want it to be a fairly straightforward, old-fashioned point-and-click game, with no action or QTEs. Make it look like Thimbleweed Park, make it look like Clone Wars or Rebels, make it look as real as possible, it’s all fine; just give me a slow-burn narrative adventure story in the Star Wars universe please.
Lemmings, but with porgs: yeah, there’s nothing more to add to this. Maybe you play one of the Space Nuns, or even Chewbacca, and you have to help out all these crazy porgs? They’re just wandering around, getting into mischief, chewing on the Falcon or playing with a lightsaber, and they’ll kill themselves if you don’t help. That’s it. That’s the game. Lemmings, but with porgs.
Rebel base construction/management game: my template here would be stuff like Evil Genius or Two Point Hospital: real-time games where you build different rooms or services in a given play space. So, the Rebels are constantly darting all over the galaxy, setting up shop temporarily and then evacuating when the Empire comes a-calling; here, you have to kit out the different bases, often to service different aims (a recon base, an aerial support base, a training centre, etc), and in different planetary conditions (think Hoth, Yavin, or Crait). Obviously there are essentials: communication, power, accommodation. Then you can build starship docks, weapons arrays, bacta tanks, astromech services, even Jedi training rooms. Instead of attracting “customers” the idea is to be recruiting new Rebels, so the bigger and better your base, the more troops you have. Maybe there can even be some kind of meta-game where the progress of the war is smoother if your bases are better? But there’d be virtually no combat, apart from maybe shooting probe droids or scaring away wampas. Anyway, I think it sounds cool.
Rebel Commandos cover-shooter: I guess this could also be a Clone Trooper game, but we’ve already had a Clone FPS, and I just invented Clone Tactics up the page a bit, so let’s spread the love. It’s basically Gears of War but with the Rebel Alliance. Think about the Battle of Endor or the Battle of Scarif; teams of well-trained and battle-hardened troopers up against superior odds but still kickin’ ass. Unlike the rent-a-clone nature of the Tactics game, this would be more story-driven, with a small team (four, maybe, as it’s a good number for co-op) who have to infiltrate and/or assault heavily-fortified enemy positions. I think this could be good with a nice narrative behind it, fleshing out the Star Wars universe, and maybe offering a bit of those Rogue One-style shades of grey.
Fallout Shelter-style Jawa Sandcrawler management game: utini! Jawas are great aren’t they? Whether it’s electrocuting Artoo, cheering at podracers, or just eating the shit out of a great big egg, everyone loves a good Jawa. How can you make a game about Jawas? Well, what about if you’re this tribe or group or whatever of Jawas, and you’ve got your own knackered sandcrawler. And as part of the game you have to develop it, tart it up a bit, recruit new bands of Jawas, and then, y’know, rob droids and flog ‘em. Like Fallout Shelter, you have to build and maintain different rooms in the sandcrawler to grow your people and earn more cash from droids, but you’re constrained a little by size. The sandcrawler can’t be expanded too much, and although you could upgrade to bigger ones, you have to make strategic decisions about where to allocate precious space. I see this as being quite low-fi and stylised (bring back Yoda Stories!), and working as a kind of chilled-out time-wasting game on Switch or something.
Homeworld, but in the Clone Wars: and we’re back to the Clone Wars again! But here, we kind of have to, as it’s the only war in the Star Wars wars that features two huge and evenly-matched armadas (Rebels vs Empire and Resistance vs First Order are both very much “scrappy underdogs up against vast organised militaries”). Playing as the Republic or the Separatists, you have to maintain huge fleets of capital ships, support craft, fighters and bombers, and go on missions to attack, defend, or escort. It’s probably the best way to recreate the feeling of that absolutely vast battles we see in the opening minutes of Revenge of the Sith. Maybe an add-on could even give us ground battles too, recreating scenes such as the Battle of Geonosis. Anyway, sounds cool don’t you think?
Incidentally – and speaking of the Star Wars of it all – this is the first week that we’re not watching a War for our family movie night. We’ve done ‘em all! All the episodes of the Skywalker Saga, the two live-action spin-off movies, and even (well, me an’ the eldest) the animated Clone Wars movie. I might do another Top Ten ranking them, based on the kids’ opinions; that’d be interesting. Although – of course – we’ve only got a couple of weeks to wait until the two Ewok movies hit Disney+. What a time to be alive!
Now, the Ewoks – there’s a good idea for a game there…
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you-a-southpaw-doll · 4 years
Deaf ~ A Max (The Resident) One-Shot
Summary: Max gets a new tenant...and maybe a new family? With all the silence, will Leigh be able to draw Max outta the walls and into her life? 
Warning(s): Angst. Happy ending. Single mother OFC. Mentions of cheating. Bisexual OFC. Hearing issues. Deaf infant. Implied PTSD. Implied childhood trauma. Panic attack. Self-harm. First aid. Non-canon. OOC Max. Slight voyeuristic tendencies. OFC’s P.O.V. Soft Max. Hurt Max. Scared Max. Touch-starved Max. Max just needs some love.
Author’s Note(s): So, I watched The Resident (2011) a couple nights ago, and got this idea. I don’t do rape, so I changed Max’s character so he never goes that far. I also decided to do this from the OFC’s P.O.V. and show a different side of Max, one that would hopefully, kinda sorta, explain why Max seeks the refuge the walls give him. For people that suffer from PTSD, and other mental illnesses, everyone finds their own way of coping with their struggles. I’m not in any way condoning what Canon Max did. I just wanted to try and a different, less creepy, softer side. Also, in this story, Max is not a rapist, nor is he a murderer. And...I wanted a happy ending for Max, so that’s what I gave him.
Word Count: 7,982 words.
Relationship(s): Max x Leigh Sullivan (OFC) [romantic]. 
Characters: Max. Leigh Sullivan (OFC). Maxwell Dean Sullivan (OMC). Chris Sullivan (OMC). 
Taglist: @negans-network @prettyboynegan @mychemicalimagines @spnnnxangelsx @rockinkel21 @misskittycat02 @band--psycho @ofxallxwexlost @iron-halt @thamberlinawrites @ravenwings73 @lettherebepink @stoneyggirl @sebs-padawan
Story Time:
Leigh’s P.O.V. ~
It’s been two weeks since I moved to New York City to start my new job at the museum and try to get on with one of the numerous publishing houses for my next books. Two weeks of sleeping in a cheap hotel room. Two nights of frantically searching for a somewhat cheap apartment that would be big ‘nough.
Two weeks of missing having his little body snuggled up next to me. Two weeks worth of triple FaceTime calls to my brother back in San Deigo just to see his cute little face. Two weeks of missing my baby boy. Two weeks of missing my adopted, six-month-old son, Maxwell. Two weeks of being completely alone in a new place for the first time in years.
It’s been two days since I saw that flyer pinned up on the hospital bulletin board after passing out from dehydration. Two days since I went to that old building that’s close to the huge bridge stretching out over the river. Two days since I saw the fancy apartment still being renovated that was clearly well outta my price range.
Two days since I met him and saw that beautiful dimpled smile hiding under the construction mask. Two days since I felt my heart flutter for the time in nearly half a year. Two days since that deep, slower than molasses but sweeter than honey voice told me it was mine for only $3,800 a month, minus utilities. 
It’s been two hours since he, my new landlord left my apartment after sitting down to enjoy a dinner of takeout from the nearby Chinese restaurant once we’d finished moving my meager belongings in. Two hours since he and I opened up a little bit to each other, getting to know the other person. 
It’s been two hours and I still haven’t stopped smiling. 
Leaning back in my chair, I slide my iPhone outta the pocket of my men’s holey, Skinny Flex American Eagle dark blue jeans. Holding my thumb down on the button so it recognizes my thumbprint, I wait for it to unlock before I click on the FaceTime app and call my brother. I take a deep breath, relaxing, as I wait for him to answer. 
Only...he doesn’t. Instead of my slightly younger brother answering, I get the best thing that’s ever happened in my life. The moment I see my son’s face fill the screen, I tear up and smile. 
“Hey, baby boy! You playing with Uncle Chris’s phone?” I coo in a soft voice.
I don’t get an actual response, but that’s ok. My son Max is deaf. He was born that way and the doctors said it’d be a few more months before we could even try to get him fitted for hearing aids. The said it was a side effect from where his birth mother had been using hard drugs for 99% of the pregnancy, even though I tried to get her help.
Max makes a bunch of soft, cooing noises as he holds the phone close. I realize that he hasn’t noticed that I’m the phone yet. Especially once I see his gums get closer to the camera. I laugh, knowing he’s trying to gnaw on the rounded corner of my brother’s iPhone. Hearing movement on the other end, I watch as the phone jostles, and a loud thunk echos to my end. 
A moment later, two small, chubby hands grasp the phone and my son’s face fills the screen once more. I watch as his eyes widen and he lets out a high pitch squeal, giggling, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that Max has finally noticed that I’m on the phone. Smiling, I wave to him and blow him kisses.
It just makes him squeal more, louder, and happier. I giggle and happily listens to his giggles, squeals, and babbles. After nearly 15 minutes of listening to him, and slouching in my chair, the phone jostles once more and I hear Max let out a whine and hear him sniffling, knowing his ‘bout to start crying. 
A second later, my brother’s face fills my phone’s screen and his eyes widen too, making him chuckle.
“Hey, sis. Sorry. Didn’t realize you were on the phone. I guess Max got ahold of mine when I went to fix him a bottle and a small jar of that mushy baby food you picked up for him before you left.” He says.
I smile. “Nah. Max didn’t call me. I called. He answered. Took him a hot minute to realize I was on the phone. Then he started telling me ‘bout the stuff y’all did today. Sounds like a productive day.”
Chris laughs and I watch as he gets settled on the couch in his apartment, holding my son in his lap, keeping him to where he can still see me on the phone.
“Oh yeah.” He chuckles. “Real productive. 3 naps, 6 poopy diapers, and a few bottles.” 
I giggle. “Sounds like it.”
He chuckles more and shakes his head. “Anyway. How’s the city? D’you switch motel rooms? That don’t look like the one you’ve been staying in.”
I grin from ear to ear. “That’s actually why I called you. I found a place. By the river and train tracks.”
“Yea? That’s great! You all moved in?”
“For the most part. All that’s missing is little man. Oh. And the actual furniture. I was thinking...think you and Max could be out here tomorrow?”
“Uh...yea. I still got 3 more weeks’ worth of vacation time saved up at work. Give me a sec to pull up flights and shit.”
I smile and nod, waiting as Chris sets his phone down. After listening to some shuffling and the protests of my son, my brother and my son’s faces are visible once more. I help guide my brother through the process of looking for, booking, and getting two cheap plane tickets. I tell him my card info so he can type it in.
“Alright, sis. It looks like we’ll be flying out ‘round noon our time. And, after a 5 and a half flight, we should be to the city by dinnertime. How’s that?” Chris double checks.
“Sounds fuckin’ good to me! I can’t wait. I’ll meet y’all there!” I grin and cover my mouth as I yawn.
Chris chuckles. “Good. Looks like you need to get to bed. It’s what, 11 there?”
I nod. “Yea...I think so. It’s been a long day.”
“I can tell. Well, get some sleep. We’ll be there tomorrow.”
“I can’t wait to see y’all. It’s been a long two weeks.”
“I bet. I honestly don’t see how you’ve been a single mom for the last 6 months. I’ve been watching this little monster for 2 weeks and I swear, I’m never having my own kids.”
I laugh. “Shut up! He’s not that bad. He just misses his mommy. And, you never wanted your own kids. You’ve always been too scared. Couldn’t even sit down if there was a kid in the room.”
“Hey! I just didn’t want to risk accidentally sitting on them and squishing them!” 
I giggle as my brother grins. “I know, bro. I’m just giving you shit.”
“Yea. Just like your son’s been doing all day.”
I laugh, yawning again. “Shouldn’t have given him the sweet potato mush. I warned you.”
He rolls his eyes, chuckling. “Whatever.”
“I am proud of you, bro. You’ve done so well with him, and I appreciate everything you’ve done to help me. I know it’s been a long couple of months, not just the two weeks I’ve been out here.”
“I just wanna see you happy again, sis, and I’m always here for you. That’s why I’m more than willing to help you.”
“I know. And it means the world. Give him kisses for me and tap his little tummy twice to tell him I love him?”
Chris smiles. “I will. Be careful, yeah? We’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I’ll try. Love you.”
“Yea. Ok. I know.”
He grins and waves, getting Max to copy him as he hangs up the call. I smile to myself. My brother’s never been one to say “I love you” to someone. He’s been like that since we were little when he was 5 and I was 6. So, I don’t take it personally when he just responds as he does. I know he still loves me. 
He’s been there for me, just like I’ve always been there for him. After my last relationship hit the fan and I caught my fiancé cheating on me with a man and said she no longer felt like being a mom in a same-sex relationship, just a few weeks before Max was born and we were supposed to gain custody of him, Chris offered to let me move in with him once Max was born. 
So, that’s what we did. Max and I left Kentucky where I’d been living all through and well after college and moved to San Diego to live with my brother. The 5.5 months we were there, I looked ‘round for a job that I could use my history degree in, while also working on my last novel. After getting an offer from a museum in New York, I broke the news to Chris that Max and I would be moving to the city.
He’d been shocked at first since we were both from a small town in the mountains of Western North Carolina, and I’d sworn I’d never live in a big city. ‘Specially one in the North since it got too cold in the winter and I’d always been made fun of for my strong Southern accent. I’d explained to him that I had to do what was best for Max, that I had a son to think ‘bout now.
He’d understood after that and was willing to watch Max while I traveled back across the country to a new place, to look for a good living arrangement, and get settled in for my new job. He told me that once I got settled, he’d bring Max out and then help me get all moved in and everything. Which is what led us to tonight. 
After hanging up with my brother and my son, I plug my phone up, set a few alarms, and curl up in the chair to try and get some sleep, knowing that tomorrow’s gonna be an even bigger day. All while never knowing that I was being watched by landlord peeking through a strategically placed and well-hidden hole in the wall.
When I wake up the morning, well early afternoon really, groaning and blindly reaching out for my phone to shut up the annoying alarms, I stretch and rub my eyes. I’m definitely not a morning person, and usually, get my best work done between the hours of 1 and 7 am. It’s been great since Max still hasn’t picked up on the whole sleeping through the night thing.
I finally push myself up outta the chair, my joints protesting the clearly uncomfortable position I just spent the last six hours in while curled up. Making my way to the kitchen, I get a pot of coffee going before padding back across the apartment to the bedroom and bathroom. I shoot my brother a text, letting him know that I’ll still pick him and Max up from the airport. 
After my shower, and downing the entire pot of coffee, I put some music on as I start to plan how I want the apartment set up and start looking up furniture stores on my phone, even ordering a few things online to be delivered in a couple of days.. I get lost in my search, that it takes me several long minutes to notice someone’s knocking on my door. 
Clicking my phone off, I tuck it in my pocket and make way to the door, opening it to find my landlord.
 He and I talk for a few minutes until I suddenly realize the time.
“Oh shit! I gotta go!” 
Max, my landlord, raises a brow. “Hot date tonight?”
I smile. “You could say that. I gotta go pick the love of my life up from the airport.”
I watch as Max’s face falls and he gets a sad look in his eye. 
“I thought you were single?” He asks. 
Scrambling to put my boots on, I reply to him. “I am. But, I still gotta pick him up.”
“Oh. Well, alright then.”
I look at him as I grab my drawstring bag that I use instead of a purse and put it on my back. 
“I’ll be back soon. If you wanna come over, I’d love to introduce you. You’ll see him ‘round a lot.” I say, grabbing my key.
“Um. Maybe. I know I’ll be busy with the renovations in the other apartments. I just thought I’d stop by and check on you, see how you settling in.”
I smile and gently place my hand on his shoulder, trying my best to ignore the rush of excitement that courses through my body at the touch. My landlord is not only smoking hot, but he’s also well built and I can feel his muscles under my hand.
“Thank you, Max. I greatly appreciate it.” I say.
He just nods and stares at my hand for a moment. 
“Oh...sorry.” I apologize, dropping my hand, quickly remembering how shy he is. “I’ll...uh...see you later, maybe? I’d really love for you to meet him. He’s a sweetheart.”
He shrugs and rubs the back of his neck. “We’ll see how the renovations go.”
“Sounds good! Don’t work too hard!”
“I am working too hard!”
I giggle, playfully smacking his shoulder. 
“Don’t do it.” I giggle.
I quickly leave after locking my door and hurry downstairs, hailing a cab and head to the airport. Thankfully, there doesn’t seem to be too much traffic, which surprises me since the first I noticed when I got to the city was all the traffic. When I get there, I realize I’m still a few minutes early, so I make my way over to the gates to wait. 
Nearly half an hour later, I spot my brother, holding my son, carrying only the diaper bag and a small book bag, and rush over. As soon as I reach them, I happily take my little boy in my arms, peppering his chubby little cheeks with kisses, which has him squealing happily and patting my head. I giggle and tilt my head back to look at him, despite the happy tears rolling down my cheeks.
Tapping my finger against his belly twice like I’ve done since the moment I first held him and the moment the docs told me he was deaf, I let my son know I love him. He giggles and curls his fingers ‘round mine, holding it tight. I lift my shoulder, turning my head in an attempt to wipe my tears away. Once I’ve done that, I look up at my 6’2” tall brother, grinning from ear to ear.
He just smiles and pulls me in for a hug. I lean against him since my arms are full from where I’m holding Max. Laying my head against Chris’ chest, I smile. He just hugs me a little tighter, but not too much ‘cause of Max.
“Missed you, sis.” He says.
“I fuckin’ missed you too, bro.” I reply. 
He laughs and lets go of me, looking at me. “You look happy.”
“I am now! I’ve got my little boy in my arms, and you’re here. But, I’m sure you’re hungry?”
“Always am!”
I laugh. “C’mon. Let’s go get some food and head to my place. You’re really gonna love it!”
He chuckles and follows as I carry a giggling and snuggly Max outta the airport. I look up Chris. 
“You’re taller. Hail a cab.” I say.
He raises a brow. “How?”
I giggle and tell him since it’s the time he’s ever had to do it. Growing up in our small town, we didn’t have taxis, and then when he moved to San Diego during my senior year of college, he already had his own car, so he didn’t have to worry ‘bout taxis out there. It doesn’t take long before one comes to a stop in front of us.
Piling in, I give the driver my new address, and we set off towards home. Well, my home. Chris and I spend the time talking while I just hold Max close, patting his butt. Right as the driver makes it to the apartment building, the air suddenly smells shitty. I know Max has pooped himself, and I soothe him before he can start crying and apologizing to the driver, giving him a decent tip.
Ushering Chris out the cab, so I can get out with Max, I shift my son in my arms. 
“Don’t worry, baby boy. Mama’s gonna get you upstairs, and get you all cleaned up!” I coo, softly, my lips near his ear so that he can feel the vibrations of my voice as I talk.
Max settles down a little as he sniffles, clinging to my shirt. I kiss his head and led the way inside and up to my apartment. Shifting him once more, I dig my key out, unlock the door, and step in with Chris right behind me. 
“Let me get him changed. Feel free to look around. There’s not much, but we’ll fix that tomorrow.” I say.
Chris nods and drapes the strap of the diaper bag over my shoulder. I carry Max into the bathroom and set him on the tiled floor. I keep him distracted while I change his diaper, and tap his tummy twice after buttoning his onesie and slipping his little shorts back on. He lets out a giggle, holding his hands up.
Giggling myself, I scoop him back up in my arms, tossing the dirty diaper in the small trash can as I walk out. 
Over the next couple of weeks, Chris helps me move furniture in, get the apartment set up, takes turns with caring for Max, and even teaching me some of the new recipes he’s picked up. He’s come along way, considering that the kid used to burn cereal when he tried to make himself some when we were kids.
We take a few days, once the apartment’s set up, to explore the city. I haven’t done much sight-seeing myself since I arrived. It was mainly ‘cause I was too busy trying to find a place and everything. A few times, I spot my landlord while we’re out and about, and I try to wave him over so he can meet my son and my brother.
Especially since he never showed up the night Chris arrived. I’d been really excited to introduce them. I couldn’t explain why, other than the fact that I wanted Max to meet my son and my brother. Yet, Max never comes over. He always pulls his phone out when our eyes meet and presumably takes a call, walking in the opposite direction.
Two and a half weeks after Chris arrives in New York, Max and I take him to the airport to catch his flight back to San Diego. We stay with him till it’s time for his plane to be boarded. As he hands his ticket over, he assures him he’ll text me when he lands in California and when he gets home. I give him one last hug and lift Max’s hand in a wave.
After Chris leaves, Max and I settled into our normal routine. I wake up shortly after he does, get him changed and dressed for the day, and then lay him down on the living room floor for tummy time while I get to work. The position I have at the museum allows me to work from home, occasionally going in once or twice a week, with Max, to take care of some things there.
When I’m not working for the museum, I’m attempting to work on my novel. After I get done with work, I feed Max and me, before we settle on the couch with a Disney movie or one of the three Despicable Me movies playing for naptime. Even if Max can’t hear, he still loves watching the screen, giggling. 
He absolutely loves the minions and squeals every time he sees them on the screen. After naptime, he and I lay on the floor for more tummy time while I try to teach him the sign language I’ve been learning. My baby brother, Eli, was also born with hearing issues, so thankfully I knew some when he was growing up, but I’ve also been teaching myself more since I found out Max was deaf.
At the end of the day, and getting some more work done, along with dinner, I give Max his bath. He’s always loved bath time, except for the few times water lands in his ears. Since it’s his favorite, I give him one every day, which doesn’t put too much strain on the water bill ‘cause Max’s baby bath is small and doesn’t take a lot of water.
When bedtime rolls ‘round, I curl up on my new bed with Max cuddled to my chest with my shirt tightly gripped in one hand and his shark blankie in the other. I rub his back and hum softly so he can feel the vibrations from it as he drifts off to sleep. We keep the routine up for the next month a half. During this time, I never talk to my landlord, not even when I go to give him the rent.
I mean, yeah, I’ll see him occasionally ‘round the building, but he doesn’t say a word. He just looks at me for a moment, before dropping his head and walking away. It breaks my heart ‘cause I want to talk to him. We had so much fun talking and goofing off the night he helped me move in. But, since that day I had to rush off to the airport, we haven’t spoken.
I just resigned myself to knowing that he obviously thinks we’re nothing more than landlord and tenant. Which, honestly, make me sad ‘cause I thought we’d have become friends. He was the first person that was actually nice to me after I moved to the city. I also tuck down the feelings of the crush on him I have.
He reminds me a lot of Papa Winchester from my favorite tv show, Supernatural, and I’ve always had the hots for the oldest Winchester. Even my ex-fiancé knew that, and she agreed. See, we’re both bisexual, but I’d always thought she was the one. Until I caught her in bed, our bed, with a man, and she’d told me what she did.
The six months after we broke up were the hardest, ‘cause I’d been ready to marry her. But it didn’t work out. And after I’d moved to New York, met my landlord Max, and realized I’d had a crush on him, I was starting to come to terms with maybe moving on. Getting back out there. I mean, I knew there’d probably be nothing more than a friendship with my landlord, but I was ok with that.
But, I don’t even have that anymore. I sigh to myself, urging my thoughts to go down a different road, as I pull the clothes out the dryer. Just as I finish pulling the last few clothes outta the dryer, I hear whimpering. I listen for a moment to try and figure out where the sound’s coming from so I can go get my son.
After a moment, and the realization that the sound of whimpers is coming from the falls, I try to tone down the feeling of panic that’s quickly spreading through my body. Max started crawling shortly after we moved here, and I know he’s been exploring the apartment. I just hope he hasn’t gotten himself stuck somewhere. 
I quickly leave the clothes on the dryer and walk further into the apartment, closer to the sound of the whimpers.
“Max? Honey? Don’t worry, ok? Mama’s coming to get you.”
I call out, without thinking ‘bout the fact that my son’s deaf. I call the words out based on instinct and the need to assure my son that he’s gonna be ok. I follow the noise, getting closer to the kitchen and my eyes widen. Did I forget to put the baby gate up so he couldn’t get in there? When I reach the kitchen and realize that I did indeed forget to put the baby gate, my heart drops to my stomach.
I step into the pantry where the sounds of the whimpers are louder and look ‘round. I don’t see my son anywhere. Then I hear the whimpers again and realize that they’re coming from the other side of the wall. I gently push against the right wall, to give myself leverage, as I keep looking, thinking there’s no way that the whimpers are coming from the walls.
My eyes widen as the wall shifts a little with my touch, and they nearly pop outta their sockets when I realize the wall isn’t just a wall. It’s a door that’s already slightly open. My heart starts beating faster as I realize that there’s a slight chance that Max could’ve crawled in here, and through the small opening.
I take in a shaky breath as I push the door open enough for my small frame to fit through. Once I’m through, I notice two things from the get-go. One, the whimpers get louder. Two, the door leads to what looks like an old set of maintenance hallways. I know older buildings used to have them, so it makes sense that this building would have ‘em too.
I just never really put the thought into asking or caring if the building had them. I make my way deeper into the hidden hallways, being careful not to trip or hit my head on anything. Keeping my eyes peeled for my son, I get closer to the sound of the whimpers until I finally reach the source. My eyes widen when I see who’s making the sounds.
“Max?” I ask, softly, getting closer.
My landlord doesn’t even look up as he flinches at the sound of my voice. He just whimpers and bites harder into his wrist. 
My heart breaks and I crouch down next to him, gently taking his hand and pulling his wrist from the tight grip his teeth have on it.
“Max? Honey, it’s ok. You’re safe.” I murmur.
He whimpers a little more and hides his face. I immediately realize what’s going on. He’s having a panic attack, and it looks to be a bad one. Rubbing my thumb across his knuckles, I lean closer to him, gently wrapping my arms ‘round the slightly older man, and pull him close to me. I reach a hand up and run my fingers through his hair, softly and silently convincing him to lay his head on my chest.
I soothe him, calm him, and help him relax ‘nough that he slowly eases outta the panic attack. Not stopping my fingers as they continue to run through his hair, I start humming softly. I know panic attacks are one of the worst things to go through. Especially all alone. It takes several minutes, but I eventually feel Max relax, sagging against me as the panic attack leaves him.
Even though he’s outta it, I continue to run my fingers through his dark curls. 
“Better?” I ask softly.
He nods, just a quick, subtle little jerk of his head against my chest, but it’s still a nod. 
“Will you come back to my apartment with me? I wanna take a look at your arm. You bit down on it pretty hard.” I explain after he looks at me with uncertainty swirling in his muddy water brown eyes.
He takes a deep breath but nods again. I smile.
“That’s a good boy. C’mon. We’ll get you all fixed up.” I say, not sounding patronizing, but rather motherly.
I smile to myself as a light blush covers his cheeks at my words. I gently pat his shoulder before we stand up. As I lead him back through the maintenance hallways to the door that leads into my pantry, I notice other little holes in the wall, discreetly checking them out. When I realize they show off different points of my apartment, I raise a brow but don’t say a word.
After peeking through one of the holes, I see Max, my son, sleeping peacefully in his little playpen and let out a soft breath of relief, remembering that I’d laid him in there when I went to do laundry. I hold my landlord’s hand the entire time we walk through the hallways if nothing more than to keep him calm.
When Max and I get to the door leading to the pantry, he suddenly stops, jerking me to a stop too since I wasn’t expecting it and had been leading him by the hand. I turn ‘round and look at him.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, confused.
“The love of your life? Where’s he at?” He asks after, nervously, after a moment.
I smile. “He’s sleeping, in the other room. It’s ok.”
I watch as more hesitation and uncertainty fill Max’s eyes. I give his hand a gentle squeeze. 
“Hey. It’s ok. He won’t mind you being in there. He gets a bit protective over me, but I just know he’s gonna love you.” I assure him.
“I...I don’t think so...guys typically don’t like me. Neither do girls. I’m a loner.” He mumbles, looking at his feet while flicking his thumb against his finger on his other hand.
He lifts his head, looking at me. “Hmm?”
“Trust me. He’s gonna love you.”
He shrugs. “Nah. He won’t. ‘Specially not since he has you.”
“Hey. Stop doubting yourself, ok? He’s gonna love you ‘cause I like you.”
“You...you like me?”
I smile and nod. “I do. And you’d know that if you hadn’t been avoiding me since I had to leave so quickly to get to the airport.”
A small smile tugs on his lips. “You’ve been busy.”
“I’m never too busy for you, Max. Now, c’mon. Let’s get your wrist all cleaned up, then you meet the person who stole my heart with just one look. And, he’s gonna steal yours too.”
I giggle and gently squeeze his hand as he looks nervous. I lead him into my apartment from the pantry, and into the living room. 
“Have a seat on the couch, ok? I’m just gonna go grab the first aid kit. Don’t try and leave. I’ll follow you and kick your door down if you do.” I playfully threaten. “I don’t mess around with first aid.”
Thankfully, it gets a chuckle outta him and he takes a seat on the couch, holding his hands up in surrender. I grin and head to my bathroom to grab the first aid kit. Walking back through my bathroom, I stop by the playpen, lean down and kiss my son’s head, covering him up more with his shark blankie.
Watching him for a moment, I smile to myself and head back to the living room. Max is still in the same spot he was when I left him a moment ago, but this time, he has his hands on his lap as he picks at the bite mark on his wrist. I gently slap his hand away. 
“Stop that, mister. You’ll do more damage than what you’ve already done.” I say, kneeling on the floor in front of him, between his knees. 
He raises a brow and mutters a quiet, “I’m sorry.”
“Good boy. Now hold your hand out so I can look at it.”
He blushes a little but does as I ask. Gently taking his arm in my grasp, I inspect the self-inflicted bite mark on his wrist. After cleaning it with some alcohol wipes and putting Neosporin on it, I gently wrap some gauze ‘round his wrist and tape it so it stays in place. Without thinking ‘bout it, I place a gentle kiss on over the wrapped wound.
It’s outta habit that I do it since I do it whenever my son gets a boo-boo. I hear Max suck in a deep breath and my eyes jerk up to meet his. His bottom lip is captured between his impossibly white teeth and his cheeks are a shade pinker than they were before.
“I...I’m sorry. It’s outta habit that I do that.” I mutter, trying to explain as quickly as I can.
“I...it’s fine. I’ve just never had anyone do that before.” He mumbles.
I raise a brow. “Your mama never kissed your boo-boos?”
His eyes get that sad, lost look in his eyes. He pulls his arm outta my grasp and, not answering, he walks over to the window. I sit back on my ankles, packing the first aid kid up. 
“Max...I’m sorry. I didn’t...you don’t have to talk ‘bout it.” I say quietly.
He just sighs and stares out the window, not saying a word. 
“My…” He starts, still staring out the window. “My parents died when I was 10. My grandfather, August, he’s the one who raised me.”
I stand and gently pad over to him. “I’m so sorry, Max. I didn’t know. I didn’t think before I asked that.”
He glances at me then looks back out the window. Without thinking, and just doing it, I wrap my arms ‘round his waist and lay my head against his chest. He tenses up immediately at my touch.
“What...what are you doing?” He asks.
I tilt my head back to look up at him. “It’s called a hug. It’s supposed to be comforting. I can stop if it makes you too uncomfortable.”
I watch as his facial expression changes with several different emotions before a smile finally settles on his lips.
“Nah. It’s not too uncomfortable. I’m just not used to this.” He says after a few moments. 
“This?” I ask.
He nods. “Hugs. I can’t even remember the last time I had one.”
I tighten my arms ‘round him and lay my head back on his chest. I feel his arms slowly make their way ‘round me, loosely holding me close, and I smile. 
“Whenever you want one, just come to me and I’ll happily give you one.” I say. “I’m not really much of a hugger, but with you, it just feels right, so you can have a hug whenever.”
“Really?” He asks.
I nod against his chest. “Mmhhmm.”
“Thanks...but...what ‘bout...the love of your life? Is he ok with you giving random men hugs?”
I giggle and look up at him. “You’re not a random man, but yes. He’d be ok with me giving you hugs. He loves them, so he’ll probably try and give you one too.”
“Um…” He hesitates, slowly dropping his arms. “I dunno how I feel ‘bout your man giving me hugs.”
I giggle. “You’ll change your mind when you meet him.”
“I dunno.”
“I do! Stay here. I’ll bring him out to you.”
I giggle and lean up to kiss his cheek. “Just wait here.”
He swallows deeply, making his Adam’s apple bob up and down. “Ok.”
“Good boy.”
I giggle and leave him in the living as I walk into the other room where I know my son is. Reaching into the playpen, I scoop him up, making him giggle. I heard him cooing to himself a few moments ago, so that’s how I knew he was awake. I kiss his cheeks and gently tap his tummy twice. He makes a happy noise and snuggles to me.
I smile and hold him close as I walk back out to the living room. Max is looking out the window again, this time, though, he’s got his arms wrapped ‘round his torso, almost like he’s giving himself a hug. I giggle softly and make my way over to him.
He lifts his head and turns his gaze from the river to me. His eyes widen as he sees my son in my arms. Shock, confusion, and another emotion flash across his face. 
“Who? Who’s that?” He asks.
“Max, this is the love of my life. My son.” I say, grinning from ear to ear.
“Your son? Love of your life?”
I giggle and nod. “Mmhhmm. I adopted him when he was born. I can’t have kids myself, and my ex-fiancé and I had talked ‘bout adopting. So, we decided to do it. Found out that this little guy’s mama was putting him up for adoption before he was even born. Then, just before he was born, my ex-fiancé and I split. I still adopted this little monkey and it’s just been he and I against the world since.”
“But...that man...who was here...was that your former fiancé?”
I giggle and shake my head. “No! That was my oldest younger brother, Chris. He’d been watching Max for me while I got settled in the city. After I moved in here, I called him, and he brought my son out here and helped me get furniture and whatnot. I really wanted you to meet him while he was here...but you kept getting phone calls…”
“Your brother?” 
I smile and nod. “He’s the oldest of my two brothers, and I’m the oldest of all the kids.”
I giggle. “Yea.”
“Those phone calls...they weren’t actually phone calls.”
I raise a brow. “You mean to tell me you faked ‘em just so you wouldn’t have to come over?”
He looks down, nodding. “You just seemed so happy with him. I thought y’all were together and that the kid was y’all’s. It…” He shakes his head, cutting off the rest of his sentence.
“Max, I wasn’t lying when I told you I was single the first night I spent here. But I also didn’t tell you that there is a guy I like.”
“Oh...well...I don’t wanna meet him…”
I giggle. “Too late. You already have.”
He frowns. “I have?”
Nodding, I grin and take his hand. “C’mon. I’ll show you who he is.”
“I don’t wanna…”
“Tooooo bad, mister.” 
I giggle and lead him to the bathroom, standing him in front of the mirror as I stand next to him, holding my son.
“I thought you were showing me someone I don’t wanna see.” He says, his voice quiet.
“I am. Tell me who you see.” I say, grinning.
“Me. I see me, you, and your son.” 
“Exactly. So, you see the guy I have a crush on.”
“Isn’t that a little weird to have a crush on your son?”
I giggle. “Yea. So, it’s a good thing he’s not who I have crush on.”
His brows furrow in confusion and I giggle and gently turn him to face me.
“You’re adorable.” I say.
“How?” He asks, confused even more. 
“You’re just not getting it, are you?”
He shakes his head. “No?”
“Max, you’re the guy I like.”
Nodding, I smile. “You.”
I watch as he gets the cutest, dimpled smile on his face, making me giggle more. He blushes and ducks his head down for a moment before looking at me.
“You really like me?” He asks, softly.
“Mmhhmm. I do. I just thought you didn’t like me since you kept ignoring me.” I say.
“I was just trying to distance myself...I thought you were with that guy, who’s actually your brother...I thought he was your ex-fiancé that you’d mentioned that first night...that you’d taken him back.”
I giggle. “Oh, Max. My ex-fiancé was a woman. Who cheated on me with a man. In our own bed.”
His eyes widen. “You were with a girl? But...you like me?”
“I’m what you’d call bisexual. I play for both teams. I like guys and girls.”
“Oh!” He lets out a soft chuckle. “So...what’s this mean? For us?”
I giggle. “It means, that I’d like to date you. If you want that.”
He grins, making his dimples show more. “I’d...I’d like that.”
“Me too! We just have to get someone’s permission first.”
“Permission? From?”
I smile and turn my son ‘round to face him. “Max here has to approve first. I have to think of him now, especially when it comes to relationships.”
Max nods and looks at my son, then back at me. “Wait. His name’s Max?”
I smile. “Maxwell Dean Sullivan. Sometimes, though, I’ll call him Deaf.” (Deef.)
“Oh. He’s deaf.”
I smile and nod then look down at my son as he wiggles in my arms, reaching out for Max. I giggle and gently hold him out, waiting for him to take him. Max gently, and somewhat nervously, takes my little boy, and cradles him.
“Awww! You’re like a pro!” I grin.
“I’m not gonna lie. I’m scared shitless. He’s so small.” He whispers.
I giggle. “You’re also really big. Max and I are both small compared to you. And you help me close and gently.”
This gets a soft chuckle from my landlord and he visibly relaxes, shifting Max so he’s a little more comfortable. My son giggles and reaches up, patting Max’s cheeks, squealing at the feeling of the short beard tickling his tiny palms. I smile and lean against the mirror, watching them. 
“I think Deaf likes you.” I say.
“Yea? You really think so?” Max looks up and he visibly tenses as he soon as he sees me leaning against the mirror. “Don’t lean against that. Please.”
I raise a brow, but step away from the mirror. “Why not?”
“I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I won’t, Max. It seems like a sturdy mirror. Plus, the wall behind it keeps it up.”
He lowers his gaze and hands my son back to me, much to my son’s protests and my own confusion. 
“I...I should go...just please don’t lean against the mirror.” Max says quietly and turns to leave.
I reach a hand out and curl my fingers ‘round his upper arm. 
“Hey. Stop. You don’t have to go.” I say.
He nods. “I do. There’s stuff you don’t know ‘bout me...I’m not a good man…”
I raise a brow. “Max. Aside from ignoring me for the last several weeks, we’ve still been good to me. You are a good man. I know you are.”
He shakes his head. “I’m not. I’ve done things I’m not proud of, but can’t help.”
A thought hits me and I look up at him. “You mean the holes in the walls? That allows someone to peep through into my apartment?”
His face pales and I get my answer. I reach up and cup his cheek. 
“Max. It’s ok. I saw him when I was leading you back to my place to fix your wrist. The walls...they’re your safe place, aren’t they?” I ask, softly.
“It’s quiet in there. I like the silence.” He mumbles, closing his eyes. “I can watch...and it calms me.”
“Have you watched me?”
He swallows deeply. “I tried not to...but I…”
“Shhh. It’s ok, Max. I’m not mad.”
“You’re not?”
“No. I’m not. Some might think it’s creepy, but in a way, it’s like you’re watching over, protecting me. Me and Deaf.”
“I...I didn’t think of that.”
I smile and tuck a strand of his hair behind his ear. “It helps you stay calm, watching me?”
He nods. “I can’t hear the voices…”
“What voices?”
“The ones telling me…” He shudders.
“Breathe, Max. It’s ok. What do they tell you?”
“That I’m a coward. A pervert. A creep.” 
His reply is so quiet I almost don’t hear it. But I do. I place my palm back against his cheek.
“Is that why you bit your wrist earlier?” I ask softly.
He nods. “To make them shut up.”
“Well, you don’t have to do it alone anymore, ok? I’ll tell those voices to shut up too.”
He opens his eyes and looks at me, unsure. 
“I will.” I assure him.
“But...why?” His child-like voice breaks my heart.
“Because, they’re lying to you, Max. The things they tell you, they’re not true. You’re not a creep. Not a pervert. And you are definitely not a coward.”
“But...I am.”
“No, Max. You’re not. You’re not any of those. You’re just a man who needs someone to show him what it’s like to be loved. You didn’t have a good childhood. Losing your parents, and having your grandfather raise you. But you survived. You grew up. You coped with everything thrown your way in the ways that you knew how. You’re a survivor, Max. And, that alone makes you the furthest thing from being a creep and a coward. As for being a pervert, I don’t think you’re that either.”
He doesn’t say a word, but he leans into my touch more.
“How do you know?” He asks after a few minutes.
“I know, because I can tell you’re not. Believe me, I grew up ‘round ‘nough perverts to know that’s not you. You’re nothing like them. That’s how I know.” I whisper.
“You still like me?” He lifts his eyes to meet mine.
“I do, Max. And, I’m gonna show you what it’s like to be loved. We’ll get there. And Deaf here, this little boy in my arms, he’ll show you too. I told you he’d love you when he met you.”
“He does?”
I smile and nod. “He doesn’t reach out to just anyone. It took him months just to go to my brother. But it took him maybe 5 minutes to go to you. And, kids are usually really good judges of character. Just like dogs. So, I can assure you he doesn’t think you’re anything like what the voices tell you.”
He nods slowly and looks down at the little boy in my arms. 
“He is cute.” He mumbles.
I giggle. “Damn right he is! He’s my son.”
Max chuckles softly. “That’s true. But...you’re not cute.”
I raise a brow and look at him. “That’s not exactly the best thing to say to your new girlfriend.”
He grins. “Girlfriend? I like the sound of that...but you’re not cute. You’re beautiful.”
I blush. “So are you. Ain’t you can’t argue with me. The girlfriend’s always right.”
He laughs softly. “Is that so?”
“Mmhhmm! Now. I believe there’s a little boy who wants to be held by you.”
He smiles and kisses my palm before standing up straight and gently taking Max from my arms, holding him close. 
“As for the mirror, Max. We’ll just board up the other side.” I say, getting the picture, from his reaction, that it’s one of those mirrors like police station interrogation rooms have. “And, you won’t have to go back into the tunnels anymore. You have me and Max now. We’ll be here for you.”
He swallows deeply and nods. “Promise?”
“I promise promise, Max. But, know that if you ever cheat on me, I’ll cut your dick and balls off.”
His eyes widen as he nods. “I...I wouldn’t do that to you.” 
I smile. “Good. And I wouldn’t do it to you either.”
He lets out a breath of relief. “So...does this mean...that I have a family?”
I smile. “Yes, Max. It does. We’re your family now, and you’re our family.”
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lilacmoon83 · 3 years
Lightning in a Bottle
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 24: Whatever it Takes, Pt 2
Margaret was in heaven, as he kissed her deeply, which was in concert with the actions of the rest of his body. She lay pinned beneath him, bare and their bodies blissfully joined together in the act of lovemaking. Even though he had gotten home late, which she completed understood the reason for, he was making it up to her.
"David…" she mewled in pleasure, as he brought her to the edge and carried her over into a euphoria that had her writhing beneath him. She knew only he could bring her such. They had always been so in sync, whether it be emotionally, mentally, or physically. His climax was only seconds behind her and they slowly came down from the high. Sometimes she still couldn't believe that she had gotten him back. Her world had literally crashed to complete devastation, with only her daughter to give her a reason to go on and the only one that had held her back from complete insanity. Had she lost Olive too, she was certain she would have been broken completely and probably ended up institutionalized somewhere. Then he returned to her and with him, her son and best friend and turned the light on inside her that went out when they disappeared. Losing him again couldn't happen; it wasn't an option. A second time would kill her; she was certain of it. But she banished those worries and trepidations that all this was too good to be true from her mind and instead focused on him and being in his arms once again.
Margaret cuddled against him and rested her head on his chest, as they basked in the afterglow. As they lay together, softly kissing, he noticed that she seemed a bit distracted now.
"What is it?" he asked.
"Mmm…Henry asked if he could go back to school today," she replied. He sighed. He supposed he should have expected that conversation.
"And you think we should let him?" he asked.
"He is better...his cancer is in remission and I think he misses normalcy," she replied.
"He is...and I agree. I'm just worried about what happens if his connection to Anton rears its head again," he said.
"And I am too...but he really wants to and as long as he's healthy, I'm not sure we shouldn't let him. Regina says his cancer is all but gone...I think he just wants to be normal again," she replied, which reminded him of a conversation he had with their son on the plane.
As the plane touched down on the tarmac, there was some cheering, as they had been forced to circle for a while, before being diverted. He had no idea what that was all about, but he was just relieved that they were home and couldn't wait to see his wife and daughter, whom he still had to call and tell that they had been diverted to another airfield. He looked at his phone and became perplexed though.
"No signal...seriously?" Emma asked.
"Yeah...mine too," he replied, as he looked at his son.
"Hey...why the long face? We're home," he reminded him. Henry looked at him and it nearly broke his heart.
"When we were on vacation, I felt like I didn't have cancer anymore," Henry replied.
"I know, buddy," David said softly.
"But now that we're back in New York...I have cancer again. Part of me never wanted to come back here," he replied.
"I know...and Mom and I felt that way too. We even talked about just staying on the beach forever with you and Ollie. But life, unfortunately, just doesn't work that way. We're going to keep fighting though," he promised.
"You're right…" he agreed, as they had gotten up and put their robes on. They were both now in their son's room, watching him sleep. Despite being the middle of the night, they weren't the only ones awake and heard someone in the kitchen.
"Emma's probably eating blueberry pop-tarts," Margaret whispered. He kissed her tenderly.
"I'll go see what's going on with her," he said, as he left her to keep watch on their son, while he went to the kitchen.
"Hey…" he said, as he came in.
"Hey," she replied, as she drank cocoa and munched on a pop-tart.
"That's a lot of sugar at two in the morning," he mentioned.
"Did MM make you say that?" she asked and he chuckled.
"Of course...but seriously, you only eat this stuff in the middle of the night after a nightmare," he replied. She nodded.
"Was it about the night Lily died again?" he asked.
"Actually no...it was about Killian," she replied.
"A nightmare about Killian?" he asked.
"It was more unease than anything. I think we're being watched...and getting Killian involved was a mistake. What if knowing all this puts him in danger?" she asked.
"I've thought about that...especially with Margaret. But keeping something...anything from her just isn't an option for me. Especially something like this," he replied. She sighed.
"I know...but he's not with me. He's married to someone else. I mean, how do you think his wife would feel if she found out that her husband risked his entire career and livelihood to cover for his ex?" she asked. He winced.
"Not great…" he agreed.
"But that was his choice. You offered to come clean and he wouldn't let you," he reminded her. She snorted.
"I didn't have to listen to him," she muttered.
"But you did, because you respect him and there's still feelings there," he mentioned.
"Don't start with that," she protested.
"I'm not saying act on those feelings...but you probably should deal with them so you can move on," he said. She gave him a withering gaze.
"That is exactly what MM would tell me," she replied. He smirked.
"Well, she is my wife and soul mate...and she's always right," he said. She sighed and didn't protest that.
"Yeah...well, it's easier said than done. Meanwhile, what are you doing up and believe me, I'm trying to ignore your sex hair, cause that can't be the only reason," she said. He chuckled at that.
"We...we were just talking about Henry. He wants to go back to school and I'd be lying if I said that it didn't scare me," he said.
"You mean because of Anton?" she asked. He nodded.
"I just...maybe we should find him first. I mean, what if Henry relapses?" he asked. She sighed.
"David...you need to realize that it could be a while or never when we do find him. I think letting Henry go back to something of a normal life is the best thing. For all of us...especially if we are being watched," Emma replied.
"MM thinks so too," he mentioned.
"And she's always right," Emma teased and he smiled.
"Okay...good late night talk," he said, as he stood up.
"Get some sleep," he urged.
"You too," she replied.
"We'll see," he said slyly.
"Eww…" she complained, as she headed back downstairs and he went to the bedroom.
"Is she okay?" Margaret asked. He nodded.
"She is...and you're right about Henry. We should let him go back to school," he agreed. She smiled and kissed him.
"I'll get him registered...and everything is going to be okay," she promised. He smiled and kissed her again.
"You're right...because I have you," he said, as he caressed her face gently. Their lips met again and a second bout of passion consumed them.
After a restless night, Emma was on her way to the station when she received the call. They had a possible jumper and they wanted her there, because it was an 828 passenger. She rushed to the scene and arrived to find Killian and other officers already on the scene.
"Do you recognize him?" Killian asked.
"No...but I don't have the passenger roster memorized like my brother," Emma replied.
"We identified him as Felix Smith," one of the officers said. Emma vaguely remembered seeing him on the plane and that's when she heard her own voice again, in her head.
"Don't Lose Him," the voice said. Another Calling and she took a deep breath.
"I'm going up to talk to him," she said.
"All right...let's get a harness on you," Killian agreed, as they got her ready.
"And now...we're in," Billy said, as he showed David some of the coding procedures.
"Nice…I think it's starting to come back to me. Thanks for taking the time to run through this with me," he said.
"No problem," Billy said, as he stood up and David knew it was now or never. He felt badly about it, but pretended to accidentally stumble and knock the coffee cup in Billy's hand all over him.
"Oh my God...I'm so sorry! I'm so clumsy," he said, as he tried to help the now irritated IT tech clean off with some paper towels.
"Ugh...it's okay. I got it," Billy said, as he headed for the bathroom. David looked back at the laptop and took a flash drive out of his pocket. He quickly found his way into the UDS coding and through into the account. He smirked, as it was everything needed. He put the flash drive in the slot and initiated the copy. He tapped his foot impatiently and heard footsteps coming toward the room. It was undoubtedly Billy and he had only seconds. Fortunately, he finished and ejected the flash drive, before standing up from the table.
"I'm really sorry...and thanks again," David said. Billy smiled.
"No worries...and I know you didn't mean to," he replied. David nodded and returned to his desk, with the flash drive safely in his pocket.
Emma opened the door to the roof of the building and slowly stepped onto the rooftop.
"Stay back!" Felix cried.
"Felix...it's okay. My name is Emma Nolan...I was on the plane too," she told him. He squinted his eyes, as if trying to place her, and then shook his head.
"No...stay away!" he insisted.
"Felix...I know what you're going through," she promised, as she slowly moved closer.
"It has to stop…" he cried, as there were tears in his eyes.
"What has to stop?" she asked.
"People are dying and it's my fault!" she replied.
"I'm sure that's not true," she said.
"No...you don't understand! There's only one way to stop it!" he claimed, as he looked down.
"I can see my house from here…" he said quietly.
"Felix...if you just come down, I know I can help you find out why these people close to you died," Emma replied.
"No...you can't. No one can help. More will die, unless I die instead," Felix insisted.
"Felix...no, that's not true. Please don't do this!" she pleaded, but he jumped anyway and she rushed to the edge. She lowered her head, as she saw him, dead on the pavement. She lost him...she had failed another Calling.
David suppressed an eyeroll, as he made his way toward Doc's office. The guy was the definition of an inept manager, who spent his time in his office, trolling the internet and eating junk food, while his employees did his allotment of work and made him look good. He drove a Maserati, while the real workers made peanuts. Working here was necessary though, but hopefully not for much longer. He couldn't risk looking at the flash drive here at work, but he couldn't wait to get home to do so either.
"Hey…" David stepped into his office and Doc waved him in.
"Man…I have been all over the 828 conspiracy sites this morning. There is some insane chatter," he said. David hated those sites and how his entire family was splashed all over them. It was bad enough that he and Emma were all over them, but it made his blood boil that his wife and children were also on the sites.
He was about to tell him that he was done with what he'd been given and was bored out of his mind, but the fire alarm went off, interrupting them.
"Okay...fire drill! Everyone file out down the stairs calmly," Doc called. David followed the other employees to the lobby and outside into the courtyard. He saw Vance and Gold standing by a tree and watched them casually walk away. He realized that they were likely the cause of the fire drill and casually followed them, until he was in the parking garage.
"Phone," Vance said.
"Excuse me?" David asked.
"Give me your phone...it's bugged," Vance clarified.
"You bugged my phone?!" David asked, as he handed it over and watched Vance stomp on it.
"We're the NSA...we bug everything," Vance said.
"Then why are you here?" David asked.
"I know about the flash drive. You realize that I could arrest you for corporate espionage?" he asked.
"But you haven't," David replied.
"Have you looked at any of the data?" Vance asked.
"Not yet...I can't here without getting caught," David replied.
"You can now...if you agree to work with us," Vance said, as he gave him a new phone and laptop.
"Wait...now you want to work with me?" David asked. Vance sighed.
"We saw the farm...and we saw the evidence," he said.
"Then why do you need me? Why don't you just take the flash drive and hand it off to one of your analysts?" David questioned and Gold smirked. Vance sighed.
"Because the minute I do...they'll be onto us and that data is too raw for me to make any sense of. Perhaps you can crack it though," he said. David sighed.
"So now you want me to trust you?" he asked.
"I know that's a risk, but I do respect your quest to keep your family safe," Vance replied. David took the devices and looked at them both.
"I'll see what I can find," he said, as he headed back inside, just as his new phone showed that he had a missed call from Emma.
"Hey...sorry I missed your call," David said, as he took the stairs.
"It happened again. A Calling...and I failed it," Emma told him.
"Okay...slow down," he said, as he stopped in the stairwell.
"One of the passengers, Felix Smith...jumped off a roof. He kept saying that people around him were dying and the only way to stop it from happening again was if he died instead. The Calling told me not to lose him...and I did," Emma said and he could tell she was really distraught.
"Oh Emma...I'm so sorry, but him jumping is not your fault," he reasoned.
"How do you know? The Calling was pretty clear," she sniffed.
"The Callings are never clear...you know that. Do you know why he thought people around him were dying?" he asked.
"Not yet...Killian and are headed to his place to search it soon," Emma answered.
"Okay...keep me posted and don't blame yourself. We'll figure this out...all of it," he promised, as he hung up and returned to his desk with his new laptop. He put the other one away and set up the new one. He looked around and without further delay, he put the flash drive in and delved into the raw data.
After her last class let out, Margaret arrived at Olive's school. The High School she attended was also connected to the Middle School and the Elementary School, which made her feel a little about enrolling Henry in school. At least she knew that Ollie would be there with him before and after school and perhaps even at lunch. Registering him was fairly quick and easy and she met her daughter outside at the car.
"Hey Mom…" Olive said, as they shared a hug.
"Hey sweetheart, how was your day?" she asked.
"Great...is Henry starting school tomorrow?" she asked, as they got in the car.
"He is and I know he's going to protest, but will you please walk him to his class in the morning and make sure he gets settled okay?" Margaret asked. Olive chuckled.
"Don't worry...I've got it, Mom," Olive promised, as they were about to get in when a man approached them.
"Mrs. Nolan…" Sidney greeted.
"You again? Are you following me?" Margaret asked in an accusatory tone. He put his hands up and kept his distance.
"I know I might seem persistent, Mrs. Nolan...I simply just want to tell your side of the story," Sidney said.
"How did you even know where I was going to be if you're not following me?" Margaret asked defensively.
"I am an investigative reporter, Mrs. Nolan...finding out where your daughter goes to school was not difficult," he replied. That alarmed her too. He was digging into their lives and she didn't like it at all.
"Listen…I don't know what your agenda is, but I don't like it. I'm not giving you an interview and I want you to leave us alone. My sister-in-law is a cop and if you come near us again, I'll slap you with a restraining order so fast, it will make your head spin!" Margaret threatened, as she ushered Olive into the car. Mr. Glass watched, as she hurried to the driver's side and sped away.
He walked back to his car and made a call, as he drove back to his office.
"I cornered her at the school, as instructed. She reacted much in the way you said she would," Sidney reported.
"Good...slowly driving that little retch crazy is going to be entertaining, to say the least," the female voice said.
"Mrs. Mills-Blanchard...I am a reporter, not a stalker. This makes me highly uncomfortable and it could get me terminated from the newspaper," Sidney argued.
"I am paying you more than you make in five years to do this one job. You cashed a check, Mr. Glass and I expect the job to be completed, unless you'd like to face a breach of contract," Cora said in an icy tone.
"Yes, Mrs. Mills-Blanchard," he relented.
"Good...I'll be in touch for our next move," she said, as the line went dead.
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quirkfics · 5 years
virtue is overrated
commission for the wonderful @danteowesme
wordcount: 3k
warnings: smut, hints of trademark rudeness and banter, oral, riding
pairing: Tomura Shigaraki x Reader (gender neutral)
Tomura thinks, he isn’t positive, but he thinks he said a quick little “Pardon me,” before he’d taken the game. He wasn’t raised in a barn, after all. He isn't sure the same can be said for you though. He barely gets a handful of steps away before you’re dogging him, muttering something under your breath that he’s fairly sure is meant to get his attention. He ignores you, purely on principle, and heads straight for the meandering checkout line, tapping two of his fingers carefully on the cover of his game. 
“Seriously!” You gripe from somewhere behind him. You must have rounded a shelf to head him off at the pass, because a few seconds, and a flurry of footsteps later, you’re standing in his way. 
Tomura halts, eyes narrowing as he assesses your stance- but you’re not interested in a fight. You do want the game though. “I’m busy,” Tomura says, looking past you and slouching further into his black hoodie. He can’t draw attention to himself here, he can’t, no matter how much easier it would be if he just- “Get out of my way.” 
“...Are you kidding? Honestly. I can’t tell if this is a joke or you really are that much of an ass. Do you always go around grabbing things out of people's hands or am I just lucky?”
“You have no idea how honestly lucky you are,” Tomura bites out, and finally forces himself to look at you. If this escalates he wants to remember your face, but-
You’re infuriating. It’s the first clear thought Tomura has about you, watching your mouth move as you argue with him about how he talks to people - as if that matters. You’re ridiculous, comes next, and it’s even worse when Tomura can’t get his mouth to open, can’t argue back, because- because- Because you’re kind of cute, all irritated. 
He scoffs, which has you pausing for all of two seconds before you’re launching into another diatribe about respect and personal boundaries. 
“Do you always harass someone this long without introducing yourself?” Tomura asks, and then he realizes: He fucking likes you. Your temper, your silly speech about manners, the cadence of your voice. His hands twitch, and his jaw clenches, mind racing with absolutely useless information. 
Fuck the game that he’d pitched such a fit over. He’d ditched that mostly useless group of B-listers to grab a game and blow off some steam, but... He’d rather bring you home with him, and he’s at a loss as to how to get you there because obviously- obviously you want nothing to do with him. You don’t want anything but the game. 
“-and I get it, okay, but that’s the last copy. You can’t-”
“Shut it, already,” he says with a sigh. “Wait here.” He moves around you, careful to keep his hands close to himself, and heads straight for the open cashier. You make a little noise of outrage behind him that has him smirking. The cashier glances between you and Tomura worriedly, but they move to sell him the game fast enough. They don’t even try and attempt to give him the spiel about specials or memberships, they just carefully grab the disc out of a locked drawer, set it in its case and hand it over. “Your customer service is lacking,” he grumbles, pleased when the cashier’s face goes a little pale. When he turns away from the counter, he finds you waiting at the exit, a frown curling your lips. 
The plan isn’t exactly a good one. He knows what you’re thinking - probably calling him all sorts of names in your head, but you’re holding your tongue, waiting until he gets close. Tomura wonders if you’re trying to set a good example for the brats running around in the store and wants to sigh at the thought. A do-gooder. He comes to a stop in front of you, let’s you take a breath, winding yourself all up- and then, somehow, the words escape before he can rein them in: “You going to keep this up or let me come to your place for a turn?” He raises the bag, and the precious game he’d snatched out of your hands, and shakes it at face level, offering it to you. 
And somehow it... works.
He’s elated, and fucking nervous, when you take the bag, staring wide eyed down into the depths. “Seriously?” You ask. “Is that- are you flirting?” 
Tomura doesn’t think he’s ever taken the time to really figure out something as inane as flirting, but.. 
“Is it working?” 
You pause before you answer, and the wait makes Tomura want to swallow his tongue. This had been an idiotic idea, but you have an awkward smile on your face when you look back up. “Kind of?” You say, and then laugh when you see the scowl twisting his lips. “Leaning towards yes. This is new territory for me though, you can’t make that face because I said kind of. You acted-”
“Like an ass. It happens,” he says with a shrug. 
You glance back down at the bag, and then at his shoes, looking him over carefully. It’s enough to have him on edge, and he has to shove his hands in his pockets to keep from scratching at his neck. You finally bob your head though, a small laugh escaping you. “Yeah. Come back to my place. We’ll play a few rounds,” you say, marginally brighter, and introduce yourself. 
“Tomura,” he says when you ask, all smiles, happy to have gotten his way. 
Never mind that he doesn’t have any clue what to do once he gets to your place. His heart has been racing since the two of you parked it in front of your game system, and it’s fucking weird, being so unfocused on the screen. You beat him easily the first time, but the second and third he demolishes your score. Half of him is thinking that he shouldn’t have come. He shouldn’t be here. He doesn’t expect anything. You’re.. Normal. You have nothing to do with any of his goals, but your company-
It’s soothing. He’s forgotten about the constant irritation of his skin, the ache of it. You have.. You have a nice laugh. 
“How are you so fast?” You ask with a sigh, leaning back in your seat as the round ends. “I feel like a snail over here. Is it your grip? Could you-” Your eyebrows raise when he shakes his head, expression sharp. 
“There won’t be any hands on demonstration. My quirk-” He says, and then stops. It’s not terribly uncommon, having a quirk that means hand contact is severely limited, but he can’t tell you why. He isn’t sure he wants to see that look on your face. 
You grimace, but.. You look disappointed, not disgusted. “Is it a no skin thing? That sucks! Is it just, just hands or-” You glance at his mouth, and Tomura has the fleeting thought that perhaps none of this is real. Is his breath coming a little faster than normal?
“Hands,” he says, deciding that he can share that much, at least. “Fingertips,” he clarifies, and wonders if that was unnecessary. 
“You want something to drink?” You ask, a little too bright. “Water or beer, or I don’t know, juice? I have-” Maybe that was too much, he decides, but you’re still smiling, still at ease, or.. Mostly. You’re a little tense, though you don’t look scared in the slightest.
“Sure, water.” Tomura agrees and has to set the controller down when you leave the room. He clenches and unclenches his hands, nervous in ways he’s never been before. It’s not that bad. This feeling, not really. He’s nervous, but… Eager, is the word he’s looking for. He likes it, knowing that you want to be touched. Because that’s what that means, right? The glancing at his mouth, the disappointment over his hands? “Shit,” he mutters under his breath, and uses his knuckles to brush more hair into his eyes, because he kind of wants to hide his face. 
“Everything alright?” You ask, coming back into the room with a couple bottles of water. You hand him one, watching as he carefully takes it with two fingers and his thumb and- and you’re biting your lower lip. And he thinks you might be closer now, on the couch.
“Yeah,” he says, almost surprised to find that he means it. “Listen,” he starts, and then his jaw clenches when he turns to face you. He keeps telling himself this is all accidental, random happenstance. But Tomura was flirting, however fucking badly, and he came here to play that game and maybe- He’s not going to apologize, he decides, because it feels- he’s feeling- “I’d like to kiss you,” he says, and he sounds almost irritated about it, but it’s true. He wants that, if you’re willing.
“I- yeah,” you say, and you’re smiling, though still tense. He doesn’t know why he’s so shocked that you’re willing, doesn’t know why everything feels so jumbled up inside him, almost like static, or some kind of glitch-
But then you move closer, and you’re kissing him, and you’re warm, and he has to clench his hands into fists and shove them into his hoodie pockets to keep from touching you. It’s chaste, at first, slow and exploratory, figuring out how best the both of you fit, but he wants more. He leans forward, nearly chasing after you for another kiss when you move back, and the delighted sound you make into his mouth has his arms thrumming with tension. “This is a little more difficult than I wanted it to be,” he mutters, finally letting you pull away for air. 
You laugh. “Yeah, not using hands does make things a little more tricky. Uh. I could-” You make a quick hand motion towards his lap and then raise an eyebrow when he leans back to make room. 
“What?” He asks, trying not to scowl when your eyebrow only goes higher. “Are you waiting for an invitation?”
“Pushy,” you say, wrinkling your nose. “You’ll catch more flies with honey,” you add, but you still move into his lap, balancing yourself on his shoulders as you settle against his thighs. 
“I don’t want flies,” Tomura says, exasperated, but still eager. What he wouldn’t give for a pair of quirk dampening gloves at the moment. “I want you,” he says, tilting his head back to rest on the couch. He half realizes that the title screen of the game is playing on repeat behind you, but he doesn’t much care when you lean forward to continue kissing him. He clenches his hands in his pockets again when your lips brush his jaw. The smell of you, the warmth of you in his lap- Tomura can’t remember the last time he was this close to someone.
“I suppose you’re lucky then. I do like that rude mouth of yours,” you say softly, before you nip his earlobe. The sharpness of it has Tomura’s thighs tensing, cock growing hard in his pants. He doesn’t try to hide it. It’d make it more obvious if he did, but even when you notice, pressing close to suck against the skin of his throat, all you do is roll your hips. 
He breathes out slowly at the contact, trying not buck - he doesn’t want to rush anything. He wants to take his time with you, make a note of the way you move, the sounds you make- already, he’s rather hoping that he’ll get to see you again.
“Wait,” he demands, and you stop immediately. “I need to move my hands,” he says, not wanting you to think the worst. An iota of tension eases from your thighs, and you lean back, well clear of his hoodie pockets. Slowly, Tomura removes his hands, laces his fingers together so he doesn’t accidentally catch on anything and moves them behind his head, cradling the back of his neck.
“Comfortable?” You tease, another smile tugging at your damp lips. “You look very.. Regal, sitting that way.” 
Tomura smirks. “Service me,” he says, almost serious, but the smirk is wiped from his face when you rock your hips again.
“Like this?” You ask, mouth finding his. Your kiss is a little messier this time, tongue curling against his, wet, smacking noises filling the room. The game is utterly forgotten now. How he came to be here, that ridiculous argument. All Tomura can think about is the way you’re grinding against him, and how good it feels, and how all he needs, all he wants, is a little bit more skin and for you to say his name, and then-
“If you keep this up,” he mutters, panting when you pull away to breathe, “I’m going to ruin my pants.”
“Can’t- Can’t have that now, can we?” You ask, and place a quick, glancing kiss against his cheekbone before you’re slipping off his lap and kneeling on the floor. It takes everything he has not to reach for you, not to let go of his own hands and try and snag your wrist. It doesn’t matter that you’re not going far, that you’re trying to help- the loss of your warmth leaves him aching, in more ways than one. “All the way off?” You ask, fingers pausing against his fly.
“Waste of time,” he decides, and doesn’t even blink when you turn away to grin. His heart seems to clench, though. “Unless you’re looking to take your time down there.” 
“Maybe I am,” you shoot back, pulling down his zipper. Tomura’s cock twitches. Yeah, he’s not opposed to that.
“Then get a move on, why don’t you?”
“Patience, Tomura, is a virtue,” you insist, but you still tug at his pants. Tomura lifts his hips, letting you pull them down until they’re caught around his thighs.
“You say that,” he mutters, watching closely as your hands slide up his thighs, your lips parting, “but neither of us said anything about having any virtues. Notice that the both of us are rushing things?”
He sees it in your face. The way you hesitate, debating on whether you should continue or not, and he thinks he might kick himself later. But then eagerness seeps back into your expression, and you’re taking his cock in hand. “Virtue is overrated,” you say with a small laugh, right before your lips close around the head of his cock. 
“Fuck,” he mutters, letting go of the back of his neck- and he freezes. He forcefully clenches his hands, keeping his fingers tucked in tight, and lays his arms across the back of the couch. The heat of your mouth has his eyes fluttering shut, and the deeper you take him, the closer Tomura gets. He feels- Tomura feels loopy. It’s the endorphins, he knows. The excitement flooding his veins, the promise of release. “Alright,” he says, trying not to gasp. “Get back up here.” 
His hands start to shake when you stand up, shedding clothes with a smile on your face. And that look, the way you touch him.. 
“Looking to fuck me?” You ask, and his cock pulses at the words. “Or are we going to act like horny kids and just grind on each other?”
“Don’t care,” he rasps, eyes tracing every inch of you. “Just want to see you go to pieces.” 
Your slow swallow is gratifying, as is the way you rush to grab a bottle of lube. Tomura’s chest feels tight, watching you touch yourself, slicking yourself up with it. You want him. You’re eager to have him, just as much as he wants you, and- fuck, if he doesn’t love the attention, the focus. “Did you want me-” You glance back down at his thighs, chest hitching and Tomura lifts his chin.
“Exactly how you were,” he decides, and his mouth goes dry. The first touch of his cock against you, slippery and warm, has him thrusting. As soon as you take him back in hand though, fingers squeezing around the base of him, Tomura is cursing, hands trembling. He wants to touch, wants to wrap his hands around your thighs and hold you close, or grab your hair and yank- he wants to do anything that involves touching you.
You rock against him slowly, and it’s all Tomura can do to stay where he is as you work him inside you. “Feel- feel good?” You ask, voice rough, your eyelashes fluttering, and Tomura has to lay his head back against the couch and close his eyes. Attempting to slow down his breathing doesn’t do him any good, he’s too fucking excited, and as soon as he bottoms out inside you, Tomura is gritting his teeth.
“Fuck, you’re so-” His thighs tense, making you shift, and just that slightest bit of movement has him aching, and then you set up a rhythm. 
“Amazing?” You ask, making a soft noise of pleasure, and Tomura opens his eyes, wanting to see the look on your face.
“That too,” he allows, and he can’t take it anymore. He wants to touch, even if it’s only a little bit, if you’re willing to risk it. He lifts a hand as you ride him, slow and steady, and uncurls two fingers and his thumb. “Can I?” he asks, and he almost feels like he’s going to choke when you nod. All he does is pull you close, fingers careful on the back of your neck, and capture your mouth in a kiss that has the both of you groaning, and then he’s coming, and you’re shaking apart in his lap, and he wants- he- 
Tomura laughs, hands hovering over you, because everything feels both like a blur and like time has stopped. “I can’t string a coherent thought together around you,” he confesses. It’s irritating and surprising, and he likes it. He likes you. He… He hopes-
He hopes.
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