#i get so shy looking at old pics w like. hanging out w friends or wtvr bcs my hair rlly gets so messy aaaa
noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#i'm so pretty#i rlly like how i look today ehe#but 😭😭 my hair is such a mess!!!!#usually in pics my hair is a mess n sometimes i'm too shy n awkward w like pics#n oh dear ngl i really like my eyes like. their shape n all but#not the dark circles under it 🥹#that said though. <33#i'm so shy help#i rlly get shy! ><#but when i'm w even just one of my friends typically i end up being very. yeah hehe#like if my teachers or classmates were to see how i'm like w my friends they'd probably be surprised#my hair is such a mess n my hands r weird n my movements r a bit awkward n even my smile but#maybe that's part of my charm!!!?!?#i get so shy looking at old pics w like. hanging out w friends or wtvr bcs my hair rlly gets so messy aaaa#nyways i'm excited for next year my classmate's gift for secret santa's gna be given then hehe#i'm so shy#ok but what's w the vice pres of our class getting me for secret santa n me getting the class pres for mine 💀#AAAA IM SO SHY BUT I STILL ENJOYED#i wna spend more time w my friends irl :<<#hehe apollo's so cute rn#when i get home i'll just finish up the evals then i'll nap n maybe play or wtvr#zzz im so sleepy >< but today was fun fr hehe#the code names we had for our secret santa were so funny#some of my classmates were like 'womenlover123' & 'i miss her' 'obvious na bading' N YEAH#women fr <33#I LOVE MY FRIENDS BTW I MISSED SEEING THEM IRL#i love hugs. like hugging my friends n holding their hands n making hearts n petting their heads#my close friends r mostly shorter than me so hehe i just rlly love hugging them like that#in general i rlly am just an affectionate person okay i love the ppl in my life vv much so Please let me show it 🥺 ily /p
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outrunningthedark · 4 years
after the recent Eric Hangs With Spanish Influencer Crew episode that culminated in the tattoo debacle, i do have a bit of a headache. i follow your blog coz i agree w your view on deledier & the boys & i feel for them. the shit they go through. it's hellish. i was also thinking that dele holds a lot of power in this relationship. not sure why, i was not consciously thinking about it. but as we travelled the rocky road of lockdown, insta live, ibiza interview, haribo, & actual ibiza, it hit me?
👋🏼👋🏼 Hello, nonnie!
I am very much a “wait and see” type when it comes to stunting because I can’t know what tricks big bro or Eric have up their sleeves, but even I will admit that, though I didn’t expect to see any of the Spurs crew together (at least not with both boys included), Ibiza girl and her gang re-emerging from the shadows was one hell of a shock. The het side of the fandom had collectively agreed Eric found a blonde socialite to spend time with and... then he “goes back” to two women who should have been old news and they’re still trying to bed him. As I said yesterday, were it known to them Eric was taken by another woman, the antics wouldn’t have gone that far. And, ofc, despite what some fans want to tell themselves about Eric, every “friend” he has does not get treated the same as Markus, or Pedro, or Laura. Not everyone can be trusted. So. If there’s another man in the equation (you know my opinion) it’s best that 20-somethings he sees on rare occasion who like to clearly “have a good time” remain in the dark. If they’re getting “I will fuck Eric” tatts while drunk, I’d hate to think how loose their lips can be 🤐
I’m sure it’s no accident Eric fell off the radar all day and night. Those dudes (meaning his brother and friend also) probably had quite a few people mad and confused. (Friendly reminder: Eric’s father is heavily involved in his career and has taught Eric how to protect his image.)
Now, for your second point - Dele holds the power in their dynamic - I believe you mean he calls more shots/sets the tone? 💯💯 TOTALLY!!! It’s one of my favorite things about their relationship 😩
There have been several times where a Dele Dier moment we scream over was caused or encouraged by our kiddo: “Danny hurts my feelings sometimes”, giving Eric his shirt and seeking him out for a proper hug after Colombia, the minute he said “Netflix and chillin” changed the course of Gogglebox (never mind openly cuddling with him in the pic we will never forget), he *let* Eric hump him in public after Ajax, he checked on his bestie the first match after Norwich, gave him a tummy tap and placed his hand on Eric’s back for that split second.
Let’s move on to the bigger “signs”: Dele got the ball rolling with his quiz story. The insta live was his idea. In the insta live he said “we can argue any of them, you’re gonna lose the argument” which, uh, shows who has the upper hand in private 😳😂, “Eric cooks for me” (he’s made this known twice now) is not just about “proving” they’re together more often than we can ever know. It’s a statement on Eric taking care of him the way he has from the jump. And OF COURSE. Haribo clip!!! Not only does Dele silently walk up to Eric from behind, he directs the gummy to his mouth rather than hold the bag out or place it in Eric’s hand. As he walks away, clearly pleased with himself (that subtle glint in Eric’s eyes. I hate it.) he doesn’t shy away from the camera, oh no. He looks directly at it. People keep harping on about Eric’s BDE, but his man just might have him beat. Remember when Eric said he’d steal Dele’s fearlessness if he could? I can see why.
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evesbeve · 5 years
~All. Of. Them.~ ☺
99 gay-ish asks
… you know WHAT.
1. how tall are you?
I am 159cm aka 5′3ft!
2. what is your body type?
According to the first Google Image result I got, it’s between “Banana Shape” and “Apple Shape”. I have no idea who came up with these terms. But there you go.
3. what is your favorite part about your body?
My nails-
4. is your current hair color your natural hair color?
My hair is brunette, which is also my natural hair color!
5. are you more outgoing or more shy?
I’d like to think I’m outgoing, but we all know the truth rip
6. are you more femme or butch?
Depends on the day-
7. are you tol or smol?
I definitely wouldn’t call myself tol, so smol, I guess!
8. wine mom or vodka aunt?
Sober Mom
9. weird habit?
The door has to be either fully closed or fully open. Don’t fite me on this-
10. favorite meme?
Too many to count, but this is one of my favourites right now-
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but also like, most of my faves at the moment are actually memes with pictures of me and my friends XD
11. do you sing in the shower?
Hell yes!!
12. ever used a bow and arrow?
13. are/were you a theatre kid?
(Answered here)
14. have you ever seen a broadway musical?
Nope, but I’ve seen Aladdin’s counterpart to broadway in London! So it’s like, the exact same thing, but in London XD
15. do you think musicals are cheesy?
Yes. Do I think it makes them less enjoyable though? Nope.
16. have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
It’s a complicated story, but I have!
17. favorite Cards Against Humanity Card?
Gooood, it’s been so long since I’ve played CAH! I have no idea ;;
18. last movie you watched?
I think it was Far From Home!
19. behind the camera or in front of it?
I’m usually the one taking pictures and filming my friends (they better thank me in 10 years) but to be honest, I wish they’d take some more pics of me to look back to too. I do enjoy filming though, so I guess behind!
20. favorite tv show?
Right now, it’s definitely The Umbrella Academy!
21. meaning behind your url
My name is Evelina, and I am online
22. reason you joined tumblr
To follow a project I used to like on YouTube ^^
23. who’s your closest tumblr friend?
I mean, @clumsinessinperson, @xxwhisperapplexx, @hollsheadcanons and @spinharmony started out as tumblr friends, but now we’ve known each other for more than a year and they’re my best friends in the world ;w;
24. what’s something most people love that you hate?
Olives. Peas. Crocs.
I do hate BBQ sauce with PASSION though-
25. have you ever taken narcotics?
I mean, only when I got my teeth extracted XD
26. have you had sex?
27. have you ever gotten caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
I’ve never sneaked out before, so nah. My phone caught me on my phone at 5am once, does that count?
28. worst/funniest lie you’ve ever told?
(Answered here)
29. describe your passion without mentioning it.
The ocean’s waves clash at the coast. They drown in themselves. They help the boats move. But sometimes, the ocean is quiet.
30. describe your best friend.
Nearly impossible to describe a 100 people in one sentence, but none of them have braincells.
31. give us one thing about you that no one knows.
32. how do you feel right now?
33. what is your biggest fear?
34. what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
(Answered here)
35. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
Honestly, uploading my stories.
36. have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end?
MANY TIMES. But hey, that’s life. And that doesn’t mean that it’ll always disappoint you. Keep trying, everyone!
37. something you fantasize about.
38. last time you cried and why
This morning because I had a fight with my mom lmao
39. what was the last thing that made you laugh?
40. do you really, truly miss someone right now?
Sure do *dabs*
41. who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
@xxwhisperapplexx​, @clumsinessinperson​, @aesthetically-bitching​ and my other irl fren who doesn’t have tumblr but he is a dumbass!!
42. the last time you felt broken?
SEE 38, RIP (I’m okay now tho, dw!)
43. are you starting to realize anything?
I wanna be a director or a scriptwriter or something!! Just work in the movies!!
44. are you more dominant or more submissive?
Dominant, but I can be just as submissive!
45. i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
I’ll only date you if I love you?? Why would I date someone I don’t love?
46. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
Uhhh look, I’m 16, so the same age, lol. And even if I was older, age doesn’t matter as long as it’s not creepy and predatory, you know?
47. describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
I don’t have a crush at the moment, thANK GOD.
48. do you have any kinks?
49. first thing you notice in a person?
(Answered here)
50. how can someone win your heart?
Step One: Stan Ben Hargreeves.
51. been rejected by a crush?
Nop. Never confessed-
52. have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
53. would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
54. is trust a big issue for you?
I mean, I wouldn’t trust someone I just met with my life, but I do have faith in people ^^
55. did you hang out with the person you like recently?
I do not,,, have a crush,,,
56. is confidence cute?
Everything positive is cute.
57. what would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
I don’t like someone right now but if it were to happen, I wouldn’t say anything? It’s their life.
58. would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
Everyone makes me laugh. I must hate the person then XD
59. does the person you have feelings for right now know you do?
60. ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
Yes, like a bazillion times.
61. do you want to get married
I’m open to it!
62. worst thing you’ve ever done?
Honestly, I was trying to think of a serious answer, I PROMISE, but then I remembered that when I was little my parents had pissed me off so badly, and I quoted a Barbie movie that said “You’re ruining my life!” like an angry toddler.
Then they threatened to never let me watch Barbie again because it was a bad influence, anD I MEAN. It was what it was XD
Note: They never banned Barbie.
63. three things that turn you on.
How did you know I was an android.
64. who do you hate?
Hate is a strong word, lmao.
65. favorite term of endearment?
Unironically, it’s “boo” XD
66. who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening?
I WAS WONDERING IF THERE WAS A QUESTION LIKE THAT, honestly I do not remember. Probably someone from Winx.
67. intimidating girls or kind girls?
Both are valid.
68. what do you look for in a possible partner?
I don’t look, they hit me in the head.
69. do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?
All. All the girls.
70. are you good at flirting?
Yes, actually XD
71. who was the first person you came out to?
Probably @aesthetically-bitching​, I think!
72. do you have any friends who are wlw?
73. is your crush wlw?
don’t have a crush, but used to-
74. last person to make you reconsider your sexuality?
I have no idea, I’ve known I was bi since 6th grade.
75. write a short love poem to your crush/self?
Not all the steps you walked on are stableBut that’s okayReaching the top requires a few
76. do you fall in love easily?
I’ve only fallen like in love twice. Crushes are way different, and I’d say kinda…?
77. is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
Yeah. But I hate talking about it.
78. are you good at hiding your feelings?
Yep. If you notice I’m sad, I want you to notice I’m sad.
79. are you a forgiving person?
80. what is your “type?”
Ironically, Eudora Patch from The Umbrella Academy is a very good depiction of my type. (Note: Personality wise. Looks genuinely don’t matter to me, everyone is BEAUTIFUL.)
81. fall asleep in her arms or rub her back until she falls asleep in yours?
I am a little spoon inside and out-
82. tall girls or short girls?
Doesn’t matter-
83. hugs or kisses?
Hugs!! kisses kinda make me uncomfortable most of the time to be honest
84. twirl her around or get twirled?
b O T H
85. tummy kisses or thigh kisses?
86. hairline kisses or neck kisses?
87. play with her hair or stroke her tummy?
88. making out or soft kisses?
Soft kisses, definitely. Not that I’ve kissed anyone before, but oh well XD
89. hugs around the neck or hugs around the waist?
Neck…? I’d say neck.
90. how confident are you in your sexuality?
It took me a while, but I am very confident in it right now!
91. when you like someone do you blush or get butterflies in your stomach?
92. have you ever liked a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them?
I have, and I told them absolutely nothing
93. how old were you when you realized you were into girls?
*shrugs* young XD
94. most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a cute girl?
All girls are cute girls. So many things.
95. do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon?
THIS QUESTION IS STRESSING ME OUT, I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO CHOOSE. Honestly, Alphys and Undyne are a hard one to top, aND ALSO CANON
96. what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality?
“You’re just confused.”
97. when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter?
… I don’t know what to tell you.
98. what is love to you?
Love is complicated.
To me, it’s not about having a partner. Actually, loving someone regardless of romantic feelings is way more important, in my opinion. These things can co-exist, and loving a friend is just as important loving a lover.
The lack of it can hurt, especially being forced out of it. But feeling love? I don’t know. It’s one of the most beautiful feelings ever. I feel so lucky to be surrounded by it.
I really love this article on it! It’s about the 8 types of love the ancient greeks had, and as I greek person myself, I think highly of it. I highly recommend reading it!
99. ask me anything. (bUt since no one specified, I’ll ask myself: Why do this and what did I learn from this?)
I did this because I am stubborn. Also I genuinely liked the questions XD
What I learned from this experience is that I really love answering questions, oops-
If you made it this far, I don’t know what to tell you. You deserve a golden star, my dude.
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rosetowersfanfic · 6 years
New Feelings Part 3
Mark and Graves’ feelings finally come to head when Graves realises there’s photographic evidence of a certain incident online.
Graves, once again, berated himself for taking this stupid job. He was supposed to hang around Beaks and pretend to be his bodyguard during the day, then periodically sneak into McDuck’s money bin to steal ideas. Dragging his nitwitted boss away from the paparazzi was not in his job description.
Yet here he was, running through the streets of Duckburg, his hand clasped around Mark’s (no, Beaks’) wrist because for once the parrot had decided to walk to get coffee instead of taking the limo. It had been something to do with a new app recording his steps, or some new fad online.
They ducked into an alley and let the crowd of reporters run past.
“Well, on the plus side, all that running added a ton of steps,” Mark (Beaks!) grinned, fiddling with his phone.
Graves rolled his eyes and was about to tell him to call the chauffeur when he heard heavy footsteps approach from the dark end of the alley.
“Well, well, well, if it ain’t Mark Beaks,” the shortest of three Beagle Boys grinned.
The largest scratched his head in confusion. “Uh, but it IS Beaks, Big-Time.”
Big-Time rolled his eyes and wacked his brother’s head.
“Shut up, Bouncer.”
Graves cracked his knuckles.The Beagle Boys had a lot of muscle, but were severely lacking in any concept of strategy or finesse. This would be easy.
Big-Time turned all his attention to Beaks, big mistake.
“Alright, rich boy. Gimme something valuable, and I might let you and your boyfriend here go…”
Big-Time was interrupted by Graves’ fist in his face, knocking him out and likely leaving a painful bruise. Bouncer growled and swung his own fist at Graves. He dodged, grabbed his larger opponent's arm and spun, throwing Bouncer at his skinny brother.
With all three Beagles out for the count, Graves turned to check on his employer and saw Mark staring at him with an expression that could only be described as starstruck.
“Call the chauffeur.”
“Guh? Right!”
A couple of hours later, Graves was walking back to Beaks’ office from the company’s cafeteria, a styrofoam cup of tea in hand.
He was exhausted. Between the unexpected morning jog and the short tussle with those thugs, Graves was at the end of his rope. At least they made good tea here.
Another issue was how his “co-workers” had started to behave around him recently. Before, there had been a healthy aura of fear when he passed by, as well as some anger from the security guards. Now, however, when he passed by there was whispering when they thought he couldn’t hear.
Graves usually ignored it, but by this point he was seething. He heard more whispering as he passed a pair of interns at the front desk, and even heard a snicker. Graves focused his hearing and caught something deeply troubling.
“I mean, why else would he hire him…” “Desperate much…”
The first logical thought was that they knew Graves was a corporate saboteur. A select few in the company knew of Graves’ actual job: the scientists in Research and Development, and a couple of interns. The interns who believed Graves couldn’t hear them weren't supposed to be in the know.
Graves turned on his heel and approached them.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear your little chat about our employer and I,” he loomed over them and narrowed his eyes. One of them, a young looking dog, looked about ready to wet himself. The other, a pelican, smirked at Graves, unfazed by his intimidating size and glare.
“Oh, ya mean the employer who had to pay for someone to date him?” he snickered as his friend started tugging at his arm in a vain attempt at getting his friend to stop digging his own grave.
“Or how you need money so bad you’d accept money for dating him?”
Graves dropped his coffee.
The pelican rolled his eyes. “Ugh, please. Everyone’s seen this pic of you guys by now.”
He brought out his phone and turned it to show Graves a picture of him and Mark caught in a moment he had been trying his best to forget.
That stupid impulsive decision Graves had made - wiping some foam off Mark’s beak - with the caption “OMG does Beaks have a bf? SO CUTE!”
It was online, for all the world to see. All except Graves who didn’t use social media.
Mark (no, BEAKS) knew. The picture was a few weeks old. Beaks KNEW.
Graves growled and grabbed the phone; he then stormed off, ignoring the intern’s whining, as he made his way to Beaks’ office.
“BEAKS!” Graves roared as he marched in. Beaks jumped six foot in the air and dropped his phone.
“Woah! What’s the big idea? I was in the middle of something!” Beaks snapped, not bothering to get up from behind his desk or bend down to pick up his phone, instead reaching into his hoodie to grab a backup.
“Your employees appear to be under the impression that you’re PAYING me to date you!” Graves snapped, slamming his free hand onto Beaks’ desk.
Beaks paled. “I- what?! Where’d they get that from?!”
Graves thrust the intern’s phone in his face, showing him the picture that was effectively ruining both their lives. “Does THIS seem familiar?!”
Beaks pinched the top of his beak and groaned. “Ugh, you’ve gotta be kidding me- wait, who’s phone is that?”
Graves snarled. “That’s not the point! You knew!”
Beaks glared back at him. “Hey, this is not my fault! I’ve been trying to get it taken down. Besides, it’s really your fault.”
“MY FAULT?!” Graves crushed the phone to pieces. “HOW IN THE WORLD IS THIS MY FAULT?!”
Beaks stood up and leaned into Graves face. “You’re the one who got up in my bubble and wiped my face. In public.”
Graves leaned closer to Beaks. “You had foam on your face. It was driving me crazy so-”
“-You coulda told me to wipe it off instead of doing it yourself like that?” Beaks raised his eyebrows.
“Something ya wanna tell me, Gravesy?”
Graves growled. That was it, he’d had enough of this spoiled, annoying brat. He thought he could do and say whatever he wanted because of his money and intellect and the adorable way his brow creased when he was actually working on something…
Graves grabbed Beaks’ shoulders, ready to throttle him regardless of the consequences. He looked deep into Beaks’ hazel eyes; for the first time - other than at the coffee shop - he looked unsure, worried even. Graves felt a strange stab of protectiveness for the parrot, and he gripped him tighter, now breathing heavily as he finally processed how close together they were.
“Uh, Gravesy?” Mark gulped.
Oh no. No, no, no, no, no.
Graves held Mark closer; their beaks touched.
He was making a mistake. He needed to stop, he needed to put Mark (Beaks!) down and walk away, and hope he wasn’t fired. He needed to calm-
Mark interrupted his train of thought by shutting his eyes, leaning his head forward, and kissed him.
Graves’ eyes widened with shock. The kiss itself only lasted ten seconds, but it was plenty of time for him to silently panic.
Mark was kissing him. Mark was kissing him on the beak and anyone could walk into the office at any moment and Graves wasn’t sure if he was going to be fired now.
Then the kiss ended and Mark drew back an inch and opened his eyes.
They stood there, leaning over Mark’s desk, staring deep into each other’s eyes. Mark gulped again, visibly worried by Graves’ lack of reaction.
Well, Graves thought, he’s gotten me to make a lot of stupid decisions already, one more couldn’t hurt.
With that in mind, Graves pulled Mark towards him and kissed back. The parrot squeaked softly at the impact, bringing his hands up to grip Graves’ shoulders as they deepened the kiss.
Graves felt the tension leave his body, and could even feel Mark relaxing in his grip. They stopped again after a minute, panting softly as a shy smile graced Mark’s beak. He then climbed up onto his desk, grabbed the back of Graves’ head, and resumed their… well, it was basically a snog at this point. They really couldn’t deny it.
Graves wrapped his arms around Mark and held him closer as they kissed; Mark started letting out soft whimpers, Graves groaned when Mark ran his fingers through the bodyguard’s head feathers. Nothing could ruin this moment, everything would be fine so long as they didn’t have to stop kissing-
“Dude, just get a new phone! It’s not worth it!”
“Grow a spine, Bert. Alright Graves, gimme back my phone or- HOLY MOLY!”
Graves jumped back in shock, quickly trying to come up with some sort of excuse and failing.
Well, this was it.
“Woah, Graves. I mean, I knew ya needed cash but I didn’t think you’d be this desperate- hey! What happened to my phone?!”
Mark was probably going to fire him, he’d be broke again within a year, no other job opportunities available, and this twit was upset about his phone being in pieces on the floor.
Mark had dropped his own phone onto the desk at some point during their make out session; he picked it back up and started tapping at it. Suddenly, most of the lights went out, the remaining few turned red, and the door locked behind the interns.
“Hey, so this is pretty awkward, right?” Mark hopped off his desk and approached the two frightened interns.
“I mean, you really shouldn’t have seen that. It would totally be a nightmare dealing with the press if this got out, huh?” He waved Graves over.
The bodyguard, though still in shock, got the memo easily enough. He put on a stoic expression, walked over to the interns and went up behind them. He then grabbed them by their collars and lifted them into the air.
“Of course, they already are, especially with that pic, which was totally taken out of context btw.”
He rubbed the back of his head, feigning awkwardness. “But look, I’m gonna need you both to keep this on the down low, cuz this would send everyone into a frenzy and then,” he chuckled, “well then I’d probably have to fire you and make sure you never work again, even interning would be off the table.”
Mark smirked at them in a way that caused Graves’ heart to skip a beat. This was actually a lot of fun. He could feel the interns shaking in his grasp, feel the malice roll off Mark in a way that was surprisingly attractive. It was like finally kissing him, finally admitting he was attracted to this ridiculous, adorable, amoral parrot had flipped some switch inside him. Possibly inside both of them.
“So, ya know. Keep quiet, got it?”
The interns nodded furiously; Mark tapped at his phone again and the lights turned back to normal, and the doors opened. Graves turned around and dropped the interns just outside the office.
“Awesome,” Mark beamed, his demeanor instantly changing, “see you guys around.”
With that the interns scrambled away, leaving Mark and Graves alone with each other.
Now Mark seemed genuinely awkward as he rubbed the back of his head again. He wasn’t alone, with Graves clearing his throat as he tried to find something to say.
“Hey, I- I gotta head to marketing, so…”
Graves nodded. “Right, of course…”
Graves kept his eyes to the side, avoiding eye contact.
“Uh, you can stay here, ya know if you want,” Mark continued.
Graves nodded again. Mark mumbled something else before slipping out of his office.
As he stood in Mark’s office, rubbing his temples and sighing, Graves only had this to say.
“I’m doomed.”
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tlcrescuepa · 6 years
New Post has been published on To Love a Canine Rescue
New Post has been published on https://tlcrescuepa.com/week-end-update-memo-to-mother-nature/
Week-End Update: Memo To Mother Nature
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We’re pretty glad that Mother Nature spared us from snow yesterday since it meant our pack walk with our buddies at Buds went on as planned (and everybody had an awesome time)!
When our Kelly came to us we thought she was nearing the end of her pregnancy but quickly became aware something was amiss. Sadly we had to take her to our friends at VRC where we discovered the pregnancy was not meant to be and she needed an emergency hysterectomy. This sweet girl was a total champ through her whole ordeal and recovery, so we really happy to announce that it didn’t take her too long to find the perfect furever family for herself.
Also adopted this week were: Awesome, Felicity, Hammer, Harley, Latte, Lawson, Maryanne, Mr Needles, Nettie (now Athena), Nyrobi, the Professor, Sidney, Skipper, and the last of Mittens’ pups, Socks.
  #gallery-1 margin: auto; #gallery-1 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; #gallery-1 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-1 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Nettie now Athena
  We also have some pupdates to share with you:
#gallery-2 margin: auto; #gallery-2 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; #gallery-2 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-2 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
“So we recently bought beach house and decided to go down for a weekend. Macy loved the beach!”
  Speaking of Macy, we also received updates on/pics of  her pups!
  Ruckus FKA Donald (Macy’s pup)
#gallery-3 margin: auto; #gallery-3 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; #gallery-3 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-3 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
“Hi!! I had a missed call from Erin last week checking on Ruckus and haven’t been able to connect with her so thought I shoot an email over.
We LOVE Ruckus (fmk as Donald). He is seriously the absolute best puppy! Training has gone great, he’s not a barker, fantastic on walks, crate trained during day and takes turns sleeping with kids at night. He is Mr. Personality and the the happiest puppy! Loves going to the kids baseball/softball games (I think he loves the attention he gets!). We couldn’t be happier with him. He’s a big boy…tall and long and hit the 70 lb mark this week. 
We found out several weeks ago too what his DNA is: German Shepherd, boxer, American bulldog, English bulldog, and American staffordshire terrier. 
We also see his Mom, Macy, a couple days a week now. They are great together! Would love to know how his siblings are doing and hoping they found wonderful homes too. ”
Keagan FKA Porky (Macy’s pup) & Eanna
Keegan FKA Porky and Eanna
“Just dropping by with a great pic of our two TLC pups.
Eanna (on the right adopted June 2014) is celebrating her 4th birthday today.
Keagan (AKA Porky…on the left…adopted Dec 2017) is being a great “little” brother although at 7 months old is over double her weight now at just shy of 65 lbs.”
     and some pics of  Daisy (with her handsome brother Iggy) and Charley FKA Petunia
#gallery-4 margin: auto; #gallery-4 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 20%; #gallery-4 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-4 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Charley FKA Petunia
Charley FKA Petunia
Daisy (w/Iggy)
Daisy (w/Iggy)
  Odin FKA Athos
“So far so good. He has been doing great with our other dog. He has only had a handful of accidents in the house and is taking to crate training very well. We named him Odin. He is very timid and skittish but we are working with him and socializing him to get him used to new things.”
  Luna FKA Barbie & Theo FKA Liam
“Luna and Theo were a great match and playing very well together.  She fits into our family perfectly and loves to snuggle and even try to lay with Theo, which ends up with them both wanting to play. It is so cute watching the two of them.”
  Delilah FKA Nora
“We have renamed our girl to Delilah, a mutual decision by all of our children. 
She had her first vet visit last week.   All looks good,  we are just awaiting test results, which came in today and she has hookworm and some yeast.  We immediately started her on meds and will re-test in 4 weeks.
Otherwise, she is doing fantastic and we all love her to pieces!”
  Editor’s note: one of the reasons we recommend our adopter’s take their new pup to their vet within 2 weeks of adoption. Even though we put dogs through a de-worming protocol, there are times they do need another round of de-worming
  Chloe & Louie
#gallery-5 margin: auto; #gallery-5 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; #gallery-5 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-5 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
“We just wanted to update you on their great progress. It didn’t take long for them to become members of our family. They are very sweet, lovable, and affectionate. Even Chloe, who was very reserved initially, warmed up quickly, both to us and to her new canine brother Louie. She loves to play with him…on her terms. We believe that they know they have found their forever home. They are very protective of their family and have made friends with the neighborhood dogs. They love going on walks especially to the dog park. In July they will have their first vacation to the beach! Thank you for helping us find our new, little family members! We attached some pictures for you guys. “
  Chief FKA Lidge
#gallery-6 margin: auto; #gallery-6 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; #gallery-6 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-6 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
“He is doing very well. He doesn’t like the cage very much though. We changed his name to chief. “
  Xany FKA Natalie
#gallery-7 margin: auto; #gallery-7 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 16%; #gallery-7 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-7 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
“Thanks so much for following up!  I’ve been putting off responding to this email because I wanted to get together all of the pictures we have of Natalie (there are SO many).  She’s settling in wonderfully — she is honestly the most well-behaved and calm puppy I have ever been around. 
We changed her name to Xany, and she’s already learned it quickly!  
Again, thanks so much to TLC as an organization for making this process so painless.  Everyone I interacted with was so kind and helpful.  Xany is such a perfect girl, she’s already changed our lives so much, and everyone that meets her just falls in love with her.  
She’s so well-loved & such a happy girl.  Attached are some pictures!”
  Bert Macklin FKA Bert
Bert Macklin
“We are very happy we were able to give Bert his forever home. We kept his name, just added a middle name, Bert Macklin. He is settling in well. He is now getting comfortable and is starting to act more and more like a puppy. He is not happy when he is in his crate. He has a vet appointment on Friday. “
“Harry is so great and we couldn’t have asked for a better dog! He is very mellow and just loves attention. We plan to keep his name since he responds to it and is a bit older. 
Harry seems to be adjusting pretty well all things considered. m His foster family went away for the holiday right before we got him so he may be feeling a bit overwhelmed and not realizing this is his forever home! 
His vet appointment is on Monday and I’ll double check the microchip as well. In terms of training/Jeri – are we able to reach out with general questions or is that more for like setting up a training appt or attending a class? 
We’ll also share pictures of Harry soon!”
  Editor’s note: our trainers are available to our adopters for phone & email support, and adopters can feel free to contact them directly
“Thank you for your follow up on Campbell.  We did keep his name Campbell since he seemed to recognize it and respond to it, plus, much like himself, we thought it was very cute. 😊  Campbell is doing really well.  He met Dr. Banks on Monday morning and aside from a little cold or respiratory infection, he is in perfect health.  Neither Jeff nor myself can get over how smart this little bundle of fur really is… we watch him figure out all kinds of things, both good and bad (he is a very curious puppy after all).  We have all been working with him to keep up his good manners and socialization… again, he is a very smart puppy.  As for our cat, Jason, the two have yet to really bond, but things definitely look promising as Jason has started not really caring where Campbell is in the house.  They have also (maybe by accident, maybe not) actually shared the bed… albeit on opposite sides of me, but I can’t complain about all the cuddles from my two fur babies and after only just under a week.  
We love Campbell completely and feel like he’s the perfect fit for our family.  He has more toys and love than he knows what to do with.  We are still figuring out this whole “why do I need to stay in a crate again” thing, but we’re getting the hang of it and it’s not so bad anymore… in fact, it’s actually pretty nice for taking naps in and hiding all our new toys.  We’ve made quite a few new friends, both human and of the fur variety and everyone seems to love us, so we can’t wait until my little furry brother arrives to join our pack in two weeks.  We will be sure to share some pictures.
We want to thank Campbell’s foster family(s) and TLC Rescue for taking such good care of him and for first rescuing him from the shelter.  Campbell sends his love and kisses as thanks as well.
PS – See photo for tired-out puppy in his natural habitat.”
  Zoe FKA Latte
#gallery-8 margin: auto; #gallery-8 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; #gallery-8 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-8 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
“She is doing very good.  We renamed her Zoe.  She has her first appointment with the vet tomorrow afternoon.  Here are some pics of the new family member settling in.” 
  Frankie FKA Magnum (Penny’s pup – Magnum PI litter)
#gallery-9 margin: auto; #gallery-9 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; #gallery-9 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-9 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
“Frankie’s been doing great! We are wrapping up our third obedience class series, and will begin CGC training next week! He’s been a delight, and has several close doggy friends he sees daily for play dates. His favorite acitivities include hiding my shoes and protecting our home from squirrels he sees outside the window. I don’t know how I got this far in life without him. :)”
  Louie (June FKA Ariel’s pup)
#gallery-10 margin: auto; #gallery-10 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; #gallery-10 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-10 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
“Louie is doing great! Some pictures attached.”
    Oreo FKA Klay
“Everything has been wonderful with my new friend.  I have ended up naming him Oreo, and he has been an amazing companion, and is loved by my friends and family!  He has just turned one year old, and seems to now be full grown at a healthy 60 lbs.   Thank you and your organization for all the excellent work you do, adopting Oreo has been one of the best decisions in my life.  I have enclosed a few pictures of him in case you were curious how he ended up looking as a full grown dog. 
Thank you again for all your help, I really appreciate it!”
  Jagger FKA Jenner
#gallery-11 margin: auto; #gallery-11 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 20%; #gallery-11 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-11 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
“Thought I would give you an update on Jenner, who’s name is now Jagger.  First of all, we love him!  He’s such a total sweety! He plays with our other dog all the time, and we are so happy we added him to our family.  
I’ve attached some pictures of him in the snow, playing with our other dog Tyson, and also at our beach house he loves looking out the low window. Our older dog we just lost loved those windows too.  
I also wanted to let you know we did his DNA test and he has a crazy mix!  He is majority Husky, and then 10-20% each of these three breeds- Border Terrier (see this in his face), Bulldog (don’t see this at all), and the craziest- Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (??) the funniest thing is he doesn’t really bark normal, he tends to do a high pitched whine bark instead, which we learned is a trait of the Duck Tollers! They have a “scream”.  So, let me tell you when he sees a cat outside that window that scream comes out! 
Thank you for rescuing this sweetheart of a pup.  He just loves exploring the backyard, going on walks, going for rides and viewing the world. I can’t imagine him being in a shelter for so long.  This summer we’ll see how he likes hanging on the beach! He has some serious webbed feet so we’ll see if he likes water at all. 
Thank you for all the wonderful work you do! 
  PS Jagger thinks he’s a lap dog. :)”
  Wolfgang FKA Beethoven
Wolfgang FKA Beethoven
“On 4/6/2014 Wolfgang became a part of out family. He is more than we could have ever asked for. He introduced us to This great organization that we are now a part of. He truly changed our lives and we are forever grateful.”
0 notes
elenaturnerge1 · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
evanstheodoredqe · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
wendyjudithqe · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
mariaajamesol · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
lindasharonbn · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
elenaturnerge · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
miettawilliemk1 · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
rodrigueztha · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
janiceclaudetteo · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
mariaajameso · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
0 notes
mariathaterh · 7 years
Google Top Contributor Summit 2017
Running Amok at the Google Plex
In November I met up with Google Top Contributors from North and South America for Google’s TC Summit. Here’s ⅗ of my face with some really fantastic humans who like to help others with Google’s stuff.
2017 Google Top Contributor Summit – Americas
A little background: Google’s Top Contributor program is basically a group of hand-picked tech enthusiasts who hang around in Google’s product forums and help. I’m a part of the Webmaster Central Help Forum. We tackle all the stuff you associate with SEO, and then some. It’s wicked fun. I’ve been in that forum since around 2008 and before that in Google’s Sitemaps forum (when figuring out XML syntax was the fresh hot thing re: ~2005/6ish). It’s no wonder I have such a hoppin’ social life, yeah?
So, whatd’ya do?
Day 1 > General Fun
UX Studies
Per product 1:1 time with engineers to give feedback and test new tech (including some awesome stuff Google has coming s(w)oon). I participated in:
Search Console
Webmaster Central, and
VR mobile gaming. You guys, monster trucks driving on your table via your phone. *fist pump*
General Sessions
TCs from all of the different support forums are together for the first day. The day was full of:
BIG thank you’s from the Google teams for all of the TCs
Updates on the TC program/platforms
Google hardware – phones, laptops, Click, Home, Daydream, those fantastically magical ear buds I want to get my hands on, etc.
Details on the Google Assistant
Machine learning at Google
Loon in Peru
Oh, and we tested out the top volume on the new Google Home Max. It def goes to 11.
Day 2 > All Things Webmaster / SEO
This day is also known as Ashley’s Other Birthday. It’s a deep dive for Webmaster TC’s that’s chock-full of time with the engineers and product managers working on the tools & algorithms we really care about.
Mobile First Index
More about the phased-rollout and how that affects webmasters – some sites are already on the MFI, others may not be on for a long, long time. It’s all about readiness.
Max Prin made a fab mobile readiness tool that was recommended.
Looking for pages that are on the MFI? Look at the cache.
Changes in recommendations
Put your structured data markup on mobile pages too!
Mobile FR <-> mobile IT
Desktop FR <-> Desktop IT
Responsive should just work
No changes in rel=canonical or other markup
And of course, links? What about links to the desktop site when you have a separate site for mobile? Google *should* be able to fold all links to both the desktop/mobile URLs nicely so you get ‘credit’.
More info about the favorite kid in the family –
AMP as canonicals
AMP success metrics from the SERPs
2x+ more time spent on AMP pages
20% increase in sales conversions
It’s easy for Google to cherry pick case studies and we all know there are downsides to tossing resources into AMP, but I still think it’s worth exploring for most sites.
Stealing from AMP
Taking the code for AMP components but using it in otherwise “regular” pages. Can you do this? Yeah. Will it work? Probably / most of the time. It may bust some stuff. So, steal clean code but just make sure you test mkay?
But, AMP as canonical is a pretty cool idea and some sites are already doing it (check out http://ift.tt/2AFs2fn, http://ift.tt/2fMzw3r, https://tasty.co/, http://ift.tt/2wTcCRO).
Google Search Console
All of the new things! Lots coming! For the love of all that is holy give me more beta access, Google!
GSC became a sort of slow lumbering beast with a plate of spaghetti code over the years. Google is fixing that. And adding new things. GSC is going to be a lean and useful beast.
Lots to come, but my fav new feature is a link function to share static/visual reports similar to gdrive sharing.
I’m also digging the deeper focus on structured data. There’s so much you can do with the right markup. Stuck? We love exploring new ways to markup your content so don’t be shy. Google’s pushing SD to become more and more important especially with mobile-first and browser-less search results.
And big G is working on cleaning up some of that structured data spam we all see in the SERPs.
New & old GSC will run in parallel until data parity is reached
Webspam, Safebrowsing, Web Security
These are my favorite sessions! Eeek!
We saw interesting case studies on fighting international spam trends (and learned that Turkish hackers are probably the nicest) and got new information on how spam and spam links are handled these days.
Safe Browsing
The usual suspects: malware, phishing, UwS, social engineering, etc.
Implementing repeat offender policies that even I think are too nice.
Making sure webmasters know the biggest risks – I’m looking at you shifty ad networks and rando 3rd party plugins.
Web security
Google wants to educate webmasters to find, clean up, fix and resolve web security issues with a PWA that Google announced at I/O this year
Sign up here: http://ift.tt/2qyCTkY).
It’s pretty sexy. Seriously though, running a Linux server and full WordPress implementations in the browser that largely works offline. Holy hell it’s a fun way to promote web security education.
So…. Whatd’ya Learn?
Lots of things. All of the things. Details on existing stuff, new stuff, stuff coming soon. I am under NDA on a lot content so I’m limited on specifics I can share, but the TC program is meant to share info between TCs and Googlers so we can all give better help and do better work.
Other Shenanigans
I participate in the TC program because I like to help. I like the people (even the weird ones; especially the weird ones). I love technology and having a safe place to learn. And it feels really good to be recognized by Google. I’m a sucker for recognition and a pat on the back. I really love being able to take all of the goodness and bring it back to my work & my team here. Local SEO Guide cares about giving out really good SEO guidance and solving really tough problems and being a TC has helped prep me to be a small part of the bigger picture.
And now just for funsies
Photo booths. Oh god I love photo booths. And you may wonder, why am I such a jerk that I would position my gigantic head right in front of JohnMu? I don’t know. I just am.
My intrusively giant head
But it’s all good. When I had the chance to join the live Webmaster Hangout that week he got me back.
John’s intrusively giant head
And because I’m a sentimental beast, here are a couple of my fave photos from the 2015 TC Summit.
A Gaggle of Geeks
10/10 cool
srsly tho
The 2013 Summit was the year of the bottle of tequila & a conveyor belt of White Castle burgers (for real). I was invited, with my friend Sasch, to give a presentation to Googlers & other webmasters. OMG! And of course, 2013 was the year I took a pic with Cutts that allows me to photoshop him endorsing pretty much whatever. I take requests. 
Say Anything
Totally legit.
It’s true
2011… there was something about a pink feather boa I vaguely remember. The truth is out there, somewhere, on the internet. And if you find it definitely send those pics my way.
Fun, yeah? If you’re interested in the Top Contributor program – check out http://ift.tt/1IByWKE or start posting/helping in the Webmaster Central Forum. If you’re interested in damn good SEO guidance, reach out to the team here.
The main stage
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