#i get what they're going for in terms of like...why hes white and blond. its to match quetzal's appearance
babyloniastreasure · 1 year
Tezcatlipoca literally looks like a celebrity doing a really terrible job ‘trying’ to hide their identity while going shopping at the local mall
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azurewoods · 3 years
bnha 304‼️
(so, in summary, I think Todoroki Shoto is the other vestige on OFA. yep, here we go again)
Deku stans, how are we feeling? finally we got to see our favorite boy and, not less important, the two mysterious vestiges (it was just one panel but still. Progress).
This time we got a more detailed appearance of the vestiges, this could be useful to the theories going around about their identifies.
Now, I'm sure we all agree that one of them is an older version of Bakugou since they both have the same hair, same body build and proportions, not to mention his equipment on his wrists that could be an upgraded version of his grenades.
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But in this post I'm going to talk about the second vestige. The most popular theory is that Kirishima is the other vestige, mostly because of the hair and the equipment he's wearing.
The hair itself wasn't really similar but, again, they're presumably an older version in case they are deku's classmates and clearly when you get older you change a lot, including hairstyle. It really isn't enough proof but since the only panels we had of them were literal silhouettes, everything was possible. I even believed it myself, until today.
When I started reading the unofficial translation of the chapter, the moment I saw them, I took a good look at them. Definitely is a more detailed version of them, their hair, clothes, heights.
And that's what make me realize that the second vestige is no other than Todoroki Shoto.
Why? you may ask. Well, let's compare Kirishima with the vestige first.
The most solid proof of being Kirishima was the equipment he wears on his shoulders. But if you take a look at the new panels you can see they're not similar, not even remotely close to an upgraded version.
You can see that Kirishima has his arms far from his body in a "resting instance" since his equipment takes a lot of space between his armpits and his torso that could be seen as an 'uncomfortable position'. It also makes him look buff, if that makes sense lol, but the vestige in the panel doesn't look awkward or very buff.
There's also that mask he uses that covers the back of his head, ears and neck. The fact the he has his chest uncovered, uses black pants and boots. The vestige uses a kind of headband and doesn't use any of the last thing I mentioned. But, again, equipment changes.
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There's also the sleeves, the vestige doesn't wear them but it could be an upgrade since he does have short black sleeves.
Now there's just little detail that doesn't convince me at all. The hair. From the silhouette we could see the similarities if Kirishima wore his hair in a ponytail but in the panel of chp 304...
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It just looks so soft. And not just that, the type of hair and its form is really different from Kirishima's. He [the vestige] has hair that looks smooth and straight. It seems it's white or light hair.
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Meanwhile, Kirishima's hair is red, that looks hard and spiky. And there's the fact that he probably wouldn't change his hairstyle precisely of the reason why he decided to have it that way in the first place. It was a change of image, a new person, new choices and was inspired from his favorite hero Crimson Riot. His characteristic red and spiky hair is something Kirishima would probably not change in a long time.
It is totally razonable since his hero name is very similar to the pro hero, it's fan boy behavior lmao. And that includes Deku since his hero costume has bunny ears resembling All Might's; and Bakugou since, you know, his recently announced hero name Great explosion murder god Dinamight (self explanatory lmfaoo)
Now, it's time to show you why I think is Shoto.
First, his hero costume. He has a belt with first aid equipment, those things over his shoulders and that things in his wrists (sorry, when it comes to describe things my english knowledge is non existent). Meanwhile, the vestige also has a similar costume (in terms of a base and color), has a belt that has pockets attached, that thing around his shoulders that are not massive, they're like mini pockets or decoration that doesn't look heavy and, finally, both have equipment on their wrists.
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He has physical similarities in terms of body shape and height. He doesn't look buff but he sure looks well shaped.
And there's the hair. Shoto's hair is straight but not that straight on the ends, it is also long and smooth. But it is red and white and the vestiges is not, it seems to be white or a bright color, such as blonde or similar. However, I think it's not that crazy if Todoroki changed his hair color or something. The only reasonable explanation I can come up with is that Shoto didn't want to have Endeavor's hair color.
But, if you paid attention, they only show us the right side of the vestige. There's a possibility that his other side is still red and it's hiding it with his scar. I know the ponytail should be half red half white but who knows, maybe Shoto styles it with the purpose of hiding the red side on the ponytail.
Finally, on the other hand, we can make a guess of the vestiges heights but is not accurate because of the perspective the panel was drawn and stuff. So, Todoroki's height is 1.76 cm (5,9ft I guess?) and Kirishima's 1.70cm (5,6ft). Bakugou's height is 1.72cm (5,7ft), assuming Bakugou is one of the vestiges.
Bakugo is probably going to be tall (I mean, he arleady is), maybe grow a little above average.
Todoroki is tall and still has a lot to grow, and taking into account that Endeavor is big as f!ck, he js probably going to be taller. But if he "grew up all he could" then he's going to be like Bakugou above avererage height, or a bit taller
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For Kirishima, I think he's going to be average. We don't know his parents to help but he seems to be average. I think he might get tall but not that much.
So, it seems that the mystery vestige is taller than "vestige Bakugou". Yeah, he's hunched but it looks that, even if he straightens back, he's still shorter. I can't really tell because the room looks a bit tilted. But having said that, the heights matches more with Todoroki.
There's just so many similarities, I am genuinely convinced Shoto can be the other vestige and it makes sense if we talk about their relationship with Deku and OFA.
I mean, the main reason Bakugou was so rapidly accepted as the vestige, besides the physical similarities, it was of his relationship with Deku (he has history with him, he cares for Deku's wellbeing, he's atoning and most part of the war arc he spend the whole time at his side trying to protect him from Shigaraki/AFO), and his knowledge about OFA, how he thinks of it as a curse more than a blessing based of the repercussions it had on Deku and it's past users.
And Todoroki has been impacted in a positive way by Deku. He learned that his fire is his, to be open to friendship with his classmates, one of his first friends in a long time and, with others of the class, be motivated and do his because of Deku. Not just because is him, but for his action in the past that unchained a lot of good times. And now that OFA has been mention to Shoto and other heroes present in Deku and Shigaraki's fight, he's probably going to be involved in some aspect. If that's the case, they must have turned into vestiges a lot after or maybe it happened between the time skip between the Endeavor agency arc and the war arc (who knows, maybe something happens in the third bnha movie).
[p.s: just noticed that " vestige bakugou's" gauntlets look veeery similar to the ones bakugou is wearing in 'the three musketeers' illustration]
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imma-potatoo · 4 years
Blond Janus Darkside Headcanons
I noticed how I haven't written down any info on the dark sides (Wrath, Apathy, Depression, Remus and pre-AA Virgil). More will be added.
@mother-snake, @writerstrashbin, @psychedelicships, @cryptidwriterdotcom (ask to be removed or added)
Leader of the dark sides
Can induce a blind rage
When the rage is happening the recipient cannot control what they say or do and react simply on their first thought
The rage becomes stronger the more angry the person becomes
Wrath can't bring someone out of the rage. He can induce it but the person has to come out of it themselves
He has almost no control of Apathy because of that due to his lack of emotion
Likes to wear a partial suit. Finds that the coat is restricting and makes more complex movements hard
Still owns the coat. Just never wears it.
Symbol is tattooed on his left wrist
Orange and black color scheme. Like this:
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Immediate reaction to almost anything is to yell.
Loves huge parties
If he's going to make a point, he makes it loud and clear. Often in front of other people so they can see what happens if you step out of line
Rules the dark sides more like a dictatorship then a family or of equel footing
Believes that they have to bend Thomas to their will and that the light sides are complete fools who will only destroy Thomas life
Wants Thomas to take what he wants and not to worry about who he leaves behind
If Thomas has to kill a politician to get what he wants? Sure go ahead. As long as he gets what he wants
When angry, Wrath is ruthless
He'll take your deepest fear and taunt you with it until you snap under the strain and comply to his every whim
He refuses to take no for an answer
Because of his hatred for the lights; he takes it out on Janus
He's big on public humiliation
If Janus would step out of line; well, he doesn't need all of those scales does he? He's sure Apathy would love to see the reactions if you rip some off
To aid in the control of the others; Wrath has complete control over the food supply
When the others are listening and followings orders. Good, they get to eat properly
When they don't? Your options are moldy bread or cheese that has been out in the open for about a month.
Him and Apathy eat like kings while the others decide between food poisoning and starvation
Likes to take words of affection and make them have a negative meaning (ex: the word Love.) after beating the hell out of someone, he would make them look directly in his eyes and says that he loves them... And he makes them say it back
He hates it when the others cry
Says that they're doing it for attention and that they should shut the fuck up
Second in command
Can nullify peoples emotions. Leaving them feeling like an empty shell. The effects normally break after an hour
If Apathy knows your name he can control you like a puppet
White and black outfit. White shirt with black suspenders and pants.
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Doesn't show where he keeps his symbol (its on his right ankle, its more like a tattoo then a patch)
Has a deep obsession with fire
Owns a zippo (a lighter that flips open)
Often feels empty due to his function. The fire makes him feel warm, feel more human (as human as the sides can be anyway)
Doesn't quite understand emotion. He understands the basics of it (cry = sad, laugh = hqppy, yell = angry.) but the more complex reactions confuse the hell out of him. Crying out of happiness is one of the things he will never understand.
Because of his lack of understanding of emotions; Apathy tries to understand through making others feel said emotions
Wants to know how someone would react when you break a precious item? Time to find a couple photos.
Will someone scream when you waterboard them? Hm well, only one way to test that.
Opinions change like a flip of a switch
One day he'll help you make dinner with a plastered on smile. The next he'll knock you out and burn you with his lighter with that same smile
Has only properly laughed twice
The first time was when Thomas accidentally laughed at someones funeral (he couldn't cope that the person was gone and his default reaction was to laugh)
The second was after the three of them (wrath, depression and him) shut off the heating to Janus' room and locked him inside
In order to understand things he doesn't know; he does experiments
He's not allowed to experiment on Wrath and Depression has no fun reactions. So he has his fun with Janus instead
Kinda likes it when blood stains his dress shirt
Because its warm. The warmth that once came from the person now belongs to him and it eases the cold empty feeling only slighty and temporary but its warm
He's indifferent on the lights. They're a little too perky for his tastes
Third in command
Doesn't really get a lot of say with decisions
Can erase certain memories (he doesn't use it very often)
Wears a medium blue dress shirt, brown leather suspenders with a black bowtie.
Normally keeps his sleeve rolled up
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When crying; his eyes leak black
If the tears hit your skin, its a 10% chance that you could collapse and start spewing your insecurities while your eyes leak black
Symbol is on the back of his neck
Doesn't really mind not having the control that Apathy and Wrath have
Less work for him to do anyway
Couldn't care about the other twos blatant abuse of Janus
He sees it as a way to keep Janus in line
If Virgil wanted to play father figure he can go ahead. But that doesn't mean he has to be kind
Respects and looks up to Wrath
Normally just follows the lead of the others
He's the epitome of the duckling following the leader
Wrath has steak and potatoes for dinner? Depression also wants that too
Wrath says that they need to bend Thomas to their will? Well duh! Of course!
Wrath says that Janus has been out of line lately? Well why don't we break his leg again to show him a lesson
Most of the time, the food restrictions have no effect on him bc he listens to Wraths every word
Was the second in command before he left
Opposed Wrath on his more extreme tactics
Has the ability to control shadows and others own Anxiety
Hated the dress code that Wrath insists on having. What kind of person wears suspenders and a dress shirt daily anyway?
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Still wears the stupid things anyway because Wrath said to and he's not in the mood to get beat
Symbol is tattooed on underneath his shirt. The left side
After adopting Janus he lost his position as Wrath's right hand
Kinda pissed him off when he got demoted. Not bc of the loss of power. But bc he couldn't protect Janus as well
After adopting Janus he became the 4th in power (after Depression)
Is the epitome of don't give a shit
He has the power to conjure things and cause intrusive thoughts
Half the time he ignores the dress code completely
Typically opting for his normal clothes but does own a uniform as well
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(if anyone has a better photo of this outfit pls pls pls DM me. I've looked through hundreds of photos and this is the best dark green dress shirt with suspenders I got)
Symbol is tattooed on the swell of his back
Gets practically no opinion on dealings or decisions with plans
Remus is a indifferent party. One moment he'll help you. The next he'll stab you in the back
He mostly just works with who can give him what he wants the fastest
He actually feels pity for Janus
Not like he'll ever act on that but he still feels a bit bad for the guy
Remus is kinda like that uncle at family get togethers that no-one talks to or cares about but he's always there
Oh boy, where to start?
Has the lowest rank out of every other side
His power (the ability to make people unable to talk) can only be used on the light side of the mind
He is also unable to heal immediately on the dark side
Meaning that he has to treat his wounds the old fashioned way
Doesn't really like the dress code
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Only gets to wear his normal outfit when he's visting the light sides
Blond hair (wow! Really? Not like its the the name of the au!!)
His patch isn't a tattoo
This boi has the biggest fucking sweet tooth you could ever imagine
He is also so fucking short
His shoes have lifts to make him taller
He's cold blooded
When he gets focused, he bleps
This is turning fluffy-
He is literally covered head to toe in scars
Almost no skin was left untouched
Lying is a defense mechanism for him. He's deceit! He can lie his way out of anything!
Heavily disagrees on Wraths views
Thomas should get ahead, of course he should. But that shouldn't come at the price of someones life or the cost of his reputation
Hurting someone to get ahead in the short-term is only going to harm you in the long term
To hide the bruses, he applies thick layers of makeup and illusions if he's on the light side
Hasn't gotten a good sleep in years
He's terrified that someone will break into in bedroom while he's sleeping and finish him off
Or that they'll cut the heating again and he'll slowly freeze to death
Or that they'll drag him out of his room and chain him up somewhere to become nothing but a punching bag
He has agoraphobia (fear of open spaces)
Hasn't had positive touch since Virgil left
He has venom. Its very lethal and only activates when threatened
When angry, his eyes glow yellow and his canine teeth grow sharp and long that they stick out of his mouth slightly like fangs
Was meant to be a light side and function as Validity and Societal Self Preservation. But the dark sides found him first and brought him back with them
Virgil is his father figure
Doesn't really know how to feel after finding out that he's not a dark side
He does feel really really lied to and betrayed
But... Virgil is his dad. Virgil raised him
How could he be upset?
Writes down all of his thoughts and complaints in journals that he keeps in his room
He started writing journals when he was very young, so there is hundreds of them
Honestly doesn't know how to feel about him being a light side.
He's mad at Wrath. He knows that. But he can't do anything because his powers don't work on the dark side
He might as well be powerless.
When on the light side (so when all his powers work) his powers include: silencing others, the ability to repress sides/ make them unable to appear to Thomas and illusions.
His title is technically Validity with the added function of societal self preservation
Still goes by Deceit anyway
Has three brands burned onto him via Apathy
Is on his left ankle. Its his snake symbol. About the size of your fist
On his right bicep. The word "monster" in bolded writing. About two fingers in thickness.
Left chest, above his heart. The words "Property of the Dark Sides" in cursive text. The writing sits in a box.
All the brands are extremely painful for Janus if touched. Brand #3 is the brand he hates the most
His scales are more in patches then a perfect 50/50 split down his body
More will be added in the future.
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Secret Voight S2 Part 4 (Jay Halstead)
Summary: With the team now knowing you are Voight's daughter. That's one problem down but Voight still doesn't know about you and Jay. Unless he already knows.
Words: 2748
Requested: Heavily
A/N or Warning: mentions of r*pe, murder, and torture.
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You had left Jay in your apartment while you go talk to this Joe guy. His file said he always went to the same bar. You walked into the bar and spot him sitting alone. Joe gave you a once over. "Last time I drink with one of you, I ended up in jail,"
    You scoffed and ignored it. "I know how this works, you took care of Justin inside and now you think he owes you. Justin doesn't owe you jack shit. You hear me? Jack shit,"
    Joe takes a sip of your drink. "You can't arrest someone for hanging out with friends,"
    You looked Joe. "No, but I can arrest you for the drugs I'm going to find in your car. Don't fuck with me,"
     You were sitting in Intelligence the next day and Voight hands out a case file to everyone. You opened up the file and saw that there was two girls that were raped, murder and their ears were cut off. Voight cleared his throat. "They're calling him the Riverwalk Killer. Mayor is flipping out on the superintendent, who us flipping out of the Chief. None of that matters to me. Two women are dead and went through something hoffic. It isn't going to happen again,"
      Antonio looked up from the file and addressed the team. "There were no witnesses. Area control searched every crimes scenes and found nothing on physical evidence,"
    Ruzek looked at Dawson. "Pods?"
    Voight pointed at no one in particular. "Detectives from New York SVU are in route right now to help out,"
    You looked back at the file. "They also had two victims killed in their city two days apart,"
     Voight nodded. "Traffic camera picked up a male, white, 5'10 wearing a hoodie following both victims. but they couldnt get a clear visual on his face,"
   Jay looked at Lane. "What about sex offenders?"
     "Nothing pops out. Plus, no DNA yet off ant of the victims,"
    Voight walked to his office but stopped and looked at us. "We aren't waiting for that. We get proactive m. Boots on the ground. I want everyone working the river for suspicious behavior. Dress the part,"
     You were walking on part of the river while the team walked the other part. Well beside Voight and Lane, they were in the surveillance van. Antonio had came through the radio saying that he saw a suspicious person and was walking towards Jay. Jay being Jay ran after him and chased after him.
    After running his name, you guys didnt like him for the crime and still took him in to see if he had any information. He said that there was a guy around five in the morning that he remembers giving off the vibe of either a cop or a criminal. 
    It was an hour after you talked to the guy from the park and the detectives from New York were now here and you all had introduced yourself. Rollins was standing next to the board, also near Voight. "The only connection we can see is a trade show convention in New York at the time of the murder us here in Chicago now. Its at the Rittenshiuse convention center,"
    Voight looked at Lane. "Lane,"
   "On it,"
   You crossed your arms and walked over to your desk and leaned on it. "Who is this guy? What are we looking for?"
    Rollins looked at you and then to the rest to them team. "This guy had been elevated ri serial killer status. I mean, in terms of the rape and murder, there are five types of different profile psyches. I think we are looking at the anger retaliatory rapist,"
    Ruzek nodded but looked confused. "Why the ear? I get that hes a sadistic son of a bitch and everything, but us he trying to establish street cred or?"
    Tutuola, the other detective from New York who was sitting next to him answered. "Ususally a souvenir or a trophy m. Sometimes, they make a shrine,"
     Voight nodded. "How long do we have you for?"
    "As long as you need us,"
    Lane does his magic and finds fourty five men who were at both conventions and showed him to the guy you took in eariler. He ID a Jeffery Baker which you and Jay were now waiting for. He was in a panel and its set to release at anytime. Jay looked at you. "Have you talked to Justin?"
   You looked at him. "Kinda been busy with you know the case,"
   "You need too. Voight is gonna kick my ass, if he finds me,"
    You walked up to Jay and grabbed his chin gently. "He won't find out and when I see Justin next, I will kick his ass, okay?"
   Jay was about to kiss you, but he looked behind you. "There,"
    You looked over and saw Jeffery walking out of the room. You and Jay walked over to where he was. "Jeffery Baker?"
    He looked up from his phone and looked at you two weird. "Yes?"
   "Detective Voight and Halstead, Chicago P.D,"
    Jay walked up next to you. "Apparently, there's been some damage to your hotel room. Housekeeping made a complaint,"
    Jeffery looked at you. "I didn't recant damage,"
    Jay placed a hand on Jeffery's back and pushed him to start walking. "Great, we can clear that up at the station,"
    Jay and you were now sitting in one of the interview rooms with Jeffery. Jeffrey wasn't saying anything more than what he was answering.
    "How long have you been in town?"
    "Five days,"
   "From St. Louis?"
   Jay asked him a question now. "Have you been to the Riverwalk?"
   "What does that have to do with my hotel room?"
   "I'll ask again, you been to the Riverwalk?"
   "I have?"
   "I have a suspicion that I'm not here about a hotel room,"
     You didnt break eye contact. "What else would you be here for?"
     "I havent the foggiest,"
"I'll ask again when and what time where you down at the Riverwalk?"
"Do you guys got Internet here? Theres a great video on YouTube from this law-school professor called 'dont talk to the police' no ooffense,"
    Jay slammed his hand on the table and walked over to where Jeffery was sitting. "You're not in St. Louis, anymore. We have two rape-murders in the last few days, and your gonna answer some questions about that,"
Jeffrey had this stupid smile on his face since you took him in and Jay was getting tired of it. Frankly, you too. "Wipe that stupid smile off your face,"
Jeffery dropped his smile and then looked at Jay. "I will remove the smile as requested, to tell you very seriously, that you have the wrong guy,"
You were about to say something when there was knocks on the door and Antonio pops his head in and nodded at you two you to come talk to him outside in the hallway. "There's been another rape down at the Riverwalk. Victim survived. She's at Med,"
You and Dawson decided that it would be you and him that goes and see this vicitm at Med while Jay worked on getting infromation from Jeffery.
You walked into the room where Vanessa was, She looked at you and you saw how badly beaten this little girl is. Her one eyes was completely swollen shut. There was briuses and cuts all over her face. Your heart shattered. "Hi, Vanessa. I'm Detective Voight and this is Detective Dawson, and we're here to try to-"
Before you even could finish the sentence, she talked. "I'll do whatever I can do to help you catch him,"
"Thank you,"
Dawson walked up to the front of her bed while you were sitting in a chair next to her bed. "Can you take us through what happened?"
Vanessa nodded. "I'm on the soccer team at school, so I liked to get a run in after practice and out of nowhere, this guy appears in a brown hoodie with a mask,"
"Did he say anything?"
"Just to shut up and not to scream. He then, took me down to a dark area under the stairs and thats when he did what he did,"
"Is there anything you could see on him scars, a birthmark, a tattoo?"
"Weight? Height?"
She looked at Antonio. "About your height, a little bigger. He had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes,"
"Anything else that could help idenity this man?"
"When he took his knife out something kicked in. We just had this self defense class at school, and the instructor said htat if you don't remember anything else, you should slap, grab, twist and pulled. That's what I did.
You were happy that her school did this class. It saved her life. "I glad you did. Where you able to leave a mark?"
"I got my thumbnail stuck in his eye and that when he fell out of me and I ran,"
You placed a hand on her shoulder gently. "You did amazing. Thank you for helping us,"
After you got done with Vanessa, you and Antonio drove back in slience as you were too heartbroken to talk. You went and told Voight about what Vanessa said, and kicked Jeffery. You were now in the break room when Jay comes in and shuts the door alone. You heard the door shut and you looked over and saw Jay was there. He walked up to you and place a hand on your cheek. You leaned into it. "Are you okay?"
You shook your head. "She's only 19 and she was beaten brutally. She wants us to tell the person who did this that they didn't break her. Let me tell you, that little girl is something else,"
Jay didn't say anything but pulled you closer to him and wrapped his arms around you. You allowed yourself to relax in them but the moment didn't last long because you heard the door start to open and he quickly let go of you and in comes Ruzek which told us that we were needed in the lobby. Rollins was the first one to address the team. "Okay, if the prep was rational, he would skip town knowing that the heat is on. There's a good chance he's still in town, so most likely he's angrier,"
Tutuola nodded. "He probably has a good idea that he left DNA under the victim's thumbnail and that's he gonna be I.D soon, so he's gonna need to strike soon while he still has a chance,"
Voight looked at Tutuola and then to the rest of us. "All right, hospital and clinics, check with foot patrol down at the Riverwalk. Beat the buses on this guy,"
Burgess was the one who found Neil Vance and he's likely the prep. The team was outside the hotel that he was staying at while Al and Ruzek were inside the hotel. You and Jay of course was in one car. "What if Voight does find out?"
You rolled your eyes as you were getting tired of this convestion. "I don't know. We'll cross that bridge when he have too. Stop brining it up right now as we have an important case we are working on,"
You guys were there for a good half an hour before Al comes over the radio about how Jeffrey Baker walked into the hotel and Voight told Al and Ruzek to take him.
We were now back in Intelligence, sititing the lobby area. Antonio was looking over the details of the case. "Baker is from St. Louis. Vance is from Shreveport. Not sure how they met,"
Tutuola answered Antonio. "Some deviant chat room most likely,"
Jay was the next to talk. "Baker travels for his conventions. Maybe Vance meets him there. Baker's the lookout while Vance does the crime,"
Rollins was looking at the board. "It's a dyad. Both partners plan and commit the crime together, but htere is usualy a dominant-submissive relationship,
Tutuola nodded towards his partner. "Like the Columbine killers, the D,C snipers. the Menendez brothers and those two yahoos who blow up the boston marathon,"
"Yeah, the dominant force is psychopathic and/or sadistic. The submissive partner is depressed. He's dependent. The leader is going to be charamastic, you know, enthusiatic. He's looking for a follower to manipulate, while the subordinate he's vulerable. He feels lost. He needs someone to lead him,"
You walked up to the board and pointed at Jeffery. "Guarnteed, Baker is the dominant one,"
"Where's Baker right now?"
Jay looked over at Voight annoyed. "Interview room. He's all lawyered up,"
"Not for long. Put him in the cage,"
As Jay was walking over to you, you heard Tutuola ask Kevin and Ruzek what the cage was but no one answered him so he looked very confused. You had to sniffle a laugh with a cough. Jay looked at you werid. "You okay?"
You nodded. "Yeah,"
"Laughing at Tutuola's question about the cage?"
"More like his reaction when no one answered him,"
Jay smiled and chuckled.
After maybe thirty minutes of being in the cage with Voight, Baker gives up Vance and said that he is meeting him at Navy Pier. When we got there, we all spreaded out. You all mainly stayed on the Pier but Ruzek went towards the water. Al and Jay went on one of the boots. After a good ten fifteen minutes of looking for him, Ruzek comes over the radio and he is clearly talking to Vance but he doesn't want to let him know he is talking to the team. Voight asked twice where we was at and Ruzek hinted at where he was which was the Marilyn Yatch. You took notice of the woman he was holding hostage. You ran over where the Yatch was and got there just as Voight did. You walked over to your father. "Call SWAT,"
Voight shook his head and put his radio to his lips. "There's no time for that. Halstead and Olinsky, move into postion,"
Vance noticed that the team was standing there watching and address us as a group. "We are going to back out of here. The moment I see someone flash metal at me, she's dead I mean it!"
Ruzek put his hands out trying to calm down the sitution. "None of that needs to happen, all right. We're not going anywhere,"
Voight radioed. You got the shot?"
You heard Olinsky come back. "Affirmative,"
"Take the shot,"
Olinksky takes the shot and within seconds Vance drops to the ground as the woman screams. You ran over to her and comforts her.
You were finishing up reports after you came back from the Pier. Everyone else had left before Voight, Tutuola, and Rollins. Voight was in his office with the door shut and Tutola was in the car waiting for Rollins to come. "I have a couple of questions for you,"
I looked up from the report and saw Rollins was standing in front of you. "Go for it,"
Rollins looked towards Voight's office and before she could even ask you, you knew what the first question was going to be. "Yes, he's my father and no he didn't have anything to do with me being place in Intelligence,"
"Well that's one question answer. By the way, I didn't think he did,"
You nodded. "The second question?"
"Are you and Jay-?"
Your heart sped up as she started. "No,"
Rollins, clearly didn't believe you. "Just be careful. Dating your partner or having feelings for him doesn't end well,"
Its been a few hours since the case was finshed and you were at your apartment waiting on Jay to come over with take out when you heard someone knock on the door. You get off the couch and you walked over to the door. You opened it and noticed that it was Justin. He walked past you into your apartment. You weren't really expecting Jay for a good ten to twenty minutes. Justing turned around and looked at you and his entire face screamed scared and worried. You walked up to him. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"
Justin couldn't figure out to say. "I just um, um I just. I didn't want to but I had to you know?"
He looked down at his hands you looked down at this and place his hands in yours. His hands were bloody. "What the hell did you do?"
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queersunflowers · 7 years
smh cant believe you made me send an ask,, i dont even remember the questions so do all of them, that's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 and idk if there are numbers after but if there are then also do 94 95 96 97 98 and 99 if they're available yeah get rekt nerd
 You could of just said “all of them” but no, be extra. A lot of these are Yes or No questions so don’t get upset if I didn’t give my whole life story.  
The Questions I’ll Be Answering: 
1. Definitely not.
2. No, haven’t talked to that fucker in a year lmao
3. Yeah, oops.
4. Kinda. In terms of friendship, once you loose it, its gone. Relationship wise, same but I’m so fucking loyal ah.
5. Don’t “like” anyone atm but I did do a Lab Report with a really cute girl
6.My future (past High school bc shit sucks)
7. (The Cheeto president aside) Nothing much.
8. I think its cute/fine as long as their safe, properly taken care of, and no frat boy is within a 50 mile radius of her.
9. YES.
10. If you’ve been around me for more than 10 seconds you would know: its fucking Cranberry Juice
11. Three, maybe four.
12. All my jeans are skinny jeans.
13. Get fUCKED UP (I’ll be blogging that night)
14. Clothes or food most likely.
15. Lol no
16. Three months? Maybe, I mean everyone changes and I can’t predict the future. But maybe.
17. Honestly? All of my best friends (irl and internet) and my grandma. I can count this on my hands.
18. When did TFP air?
19. Nope
20. I’m realizing that life’s fucking short. Go do what you really want to do.
21. Meh.
22. Sure, don’t see why not.
23. Nope, kinda glad.
24. To pee. Also the LGBT page on the White House’s website would be great.
25. Eh, nothing really.
26. Blonde and purple baby
27. No, but it doesn’t take a lot to make me laugh
28. The cute girl that I did my Lab Report with kept joking that she couldn’t read the equations and idk it’d sound weird if I explained it.
29. If you asked me this like a month ago, I’d say yes. Now? Not really.
30. Not everyone.
31. No, he’s my best friend and also my other best friend’s boyfriend (my otp btw)
32. Funny story, I actually did like someone before and I told them and they were so happy because apparently I was the first and they got excited it was cute.
33. Yeah lmao
34. Ed Sheeran’s new songs and the Waitress soundtrack again
35. Mechanical only
36. No idea
37. No, I believe you have to truly meet someone before loving them.
38. The last person I texted, my best friend Izzy.
39. Formally, I’ve never actually danced. Casually, probably someone during a build day for tech
40. Pregunta numero tres
41. During Dear Ruth, Props Master brought chocolate cupcakes.
42. Nope.
43. Many, many, many times. Old crush tho
44. I don’t tan at all, I burn like a vampire.
45. Nah
46. No
47. Izzy from #38
48. Excuse you, I perform.
49. YES.
50. Once
51. Does your school ID picture count? If not, my picture for yearbook
52. I live for Musicals whatdoyoumean
53. Y E S especially with my dumbass family lmao
54. I don’t even know what that is
55. Cherry or Apple pie
56. Actor and Painter (was close)
57. Eh
58. All the time
59. No, I should
60. Sometimes in the winter when the floor is cold
61. yes
62. Nothing ;)
63. Hannah Montana FT. The Jonus Brothers
64. Target ftw
65. Neither
66. Neither.
67. Peanuts
68. Don’t have one; I don’t really like her.
69. Yes, I quit innnnn 6th grade I believe. Won lots of competitions n such
70. Probably something theater related
71. yes
72. no
73. YES, we just finished setting the light plot for UYL and wow
74. Les Miserables is pretty coolio but otherwise Blythe Bairds “Give Me A God I Can Relate To” is great
75. With
76. No, I want to tho
77. Yes
78. I missed The Color Morale when they were here but otherwise Dodie Clark (aka love of my life)
79. The Pretty Reckless 
80. I drink both but it depends on my condition and the weather. I drink hot tea when i feel like SHIT or need to calm down. I drink cold tea if its hot outside.
81. Both, although I drink a lot more coffee because I fall asleep in class
82. Thin Mint girl scout cookies (bought 3 boxes from my friend)
83. Eh
84. Haven’t tried that
85. Depends on what it is. If I’m taking a test, no just fucking give me the thing to fail. If it’s like a face-mask or something, I forget its on.
86. Never been to a wedding so idk
87. Yeah, in elementary school we had to guess how many jelly beans were in a jar and my best friend at the time had a mom is the PTA who did it and he told me and I won.
88. Nope
89. I don’t like olives in general so
90. Dude, like I’ve already had sex so obviously I don’t care. Virginity isn’t really real and life doesn’t wait so go do whatever you want to.
91. Bedroom, sexy aS FUCK
92. Eventually but I’m not the diamond ring kinda gal. A simple band will do just fine, as long as I’m with the one I love, it’s cool.
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