#i got a new speak now purple dress and i did this today
youareinlove · 1 year
if you ever feel sad, put on a dress and lie on your bed like a devastated victorian woman. you will still be sad but it will feel much fancier
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mydadleft471 · 2 months
For The Love Of A Daughter: Chapter 2
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Summary: After waking up from what you were sure was a dream, you receive an invitation from your Lord and host.
Spoilers for Elden Ring and SOTE (got tired of writing out the full name lmao). No warnings, just a soft morning and Sianet being the best.
It seemed like people really liked my first chapter, so boom, have another! Have some Sianet backstory! (Bonus points if you look up the meaning of her name). Have my clueless ass trying to describe clothing! Have some good feels! God I love this man. Next chapter breakfast date with snakes??? I think so!
As always, thank you for reading, liking, commenting, and reblogging! It means so much to me. I hope you enjoy!
When you woke up this morning, you were terrified to open your eyes and find that yesterday’s events were a pleasant dream. But your fears were put to rest once you realized it wasn’t a figment of your sleeping imagination. Jasmine was still next to you, her small body tucked into yours. Her face is peaceful. Smiling, you carefully shift your way out of bed so you don’t wake her by accident.
The marble floor is cold on your bare feet and it helps you wake up. You hadn’t noticed last night, but you had a balcony. Opening the beautiful glass door, you’re greeted by the sweet morning sunshine and fresh air. You look over the landscape before you, and it’s only now you realize its quiet beauty. The grass, tinted a delicate gold, sways in the breeze. Below, you can see a few animals grazing and some of Messmer’s soldiers patrolling. Even a place such as this can hold some semblance of serenity.
Your thoughts are torn towards the sound of your door opening. You pull your robe around you tighter and smile when you realize your visitor is Sianet.
“Good morning. I trust you slept well?” Her pleasant, motherly voice echoes around the room. Her hair is tied up today.
“I did, thank you. Jasmine’s still asleep.” You gesture towards the small bump in the sheets.
“Poor thing, she must have been exhausted.” You notice her eyes are a pale blue, almost white. They’re beautiful.
She has clothing draped over her arm and a small bag slung over her back, and when your gaze shifts to it, she smiles. She moves to the gold wardrobe to the left of your bed with light steps. You follow her.
“Lord Messmer had our seamstress make new clothing for you and Jasmine. Right now, you only have a few options, but in a few days, you should have a full wardrobe to choose from.” She carefully lays out your clothing on the large vanity table, a few elegant tunics with delicate embroidery, and a couple pairs of pants with gold stitching. She opens her bag and reveals a pair of leather boots for you and some sandals for Jasmine.
You hear a loud yawn behind you and you turn to see Jasmine stretching and slowly making her way out of bed. Once she notices that you and Sianet are awake, she toddles her way over to you both.
“Good morning, Jasmine.” You reach down to smooth out her horrible bedhead. 
“Hi. What are you guys doing?” She yawns again.
“I brought some clothes for you, little one. Would you like to see?” Sianet gestures to the remaining clothes on her arm.
Jasmine’s eyes light up and she bounces excitedly. She is no longer tired at the mention of gifts, it seems. “Please! I wanna see!”
Sianet laughs and begins to lay out the little dresses. All of them are beautiful and they all vary in color. Some are somber greens and reds, but there are a few colored lilac and cerulean. The seamstress did a wonderful job. Jasmine carefully touches each and every one, awe evident in her eyes. 
“These are all for me?” She speaks like she can barely believe her eyes.
“Yes, and you may wear whichever one you’d like.” Sianet lays a gentle hand on her back.
“Can I wear the purple one? I like purple.”
“You may. Let’s get you dressed up.” She smiles and looks back at you. She grabs a small envelope from her bag and hands it to you with a golden letter opener. There is a red wax seal on it with Messmer’s insignia.
“This is from Lord Messmer?”
“Yes,” she answers. “He instructed me to give it to you.”
“Thank you.” Sianet nods in response and begins to help Jasmine get dressed.
You walk back to the bed and sit, delicately dragging the letter opener across the top. With shaky hands, you unfold his letter and read his loopy writing.
Good morning. I hope thou hast found thy bed comfortable and sufficient for plentiful rest. I am writing to request thine presence at breakfast. Jasmine is welcome if it pleases thee. If thou art overwhelmed by my request, I shall not be offended if thou wisheth to spend this day in isolation. Give thine answer to Sianet, and she shall see to it that whatever thy choice, thee and thine child shall eat.
Lord Messmer
He was writing to invite you to breakfast? Your heart raced and you found yourself nervous. He is a Lord, and he wants to have breakfast with you and Jasmine? You’re not worried for your safety, he’s proven that he doesn’t want to hurt you or her, but you’re afraid that you will offend him. You have no clue on proper eating etiquette outside of the basic don’t chew with your mouth full. 
Jasmine bounds up to you, flaunting her new dress. The delicate lilac compliments her green eyes, and you smile. She looks so happy.
“What do you think?” She spins around so you can see the entire dress.
“You look like a princess, sweetie.” She beams at your praise and dances around the room, her skirt swishing and swaying with every movement.
Sianet approaches you, laughing at Jasmine. “What would you like to wear today?”
“I’m not sure, honestly. Lord Messmer asked if we’d like to join him for breakfast, but I’m not royalty. I don’t know proper etiquette and I’m terrified I’ll offend him.”
“Lord Messmer never requests anyone’s presence for breakfast. You would be a special exception, therefore I don’t think he’d be offended if you went.”
“I’m not worried about going. He’s very polite and he’s given us so much already. I’m worried I’ll do something or say something wrong.”
Sianet sits down beside you on the bed and grabs your hands in hers. She smiles softly at you. “I cannot make this decision for you, but I have known Lord Messmer for a very long time, and he is not like his enemies describe him. He is sweet and considerate, though you’ve seen this already. I ask you trust yourself and not give into these anxious thoughts.”
She had a point. Maybe you were just allowing yourself to spiral.
“How long have you known him?” You ask.
“Goodness, I’m not sure anymore. I was his nanny when he was around Jasmine’s age.”
Your brows almost launch off your face in shock. She looks good for her age.
“You took care of him when he was little?”
“Oh, yes. Marika-” she stops herself, huffing. “Queen Marika wasn’t around much during his childhood. She had responsibilities that took priority over her son, I suppose.” She trails off. You can almost taste her disgust in the air and the scowl on her lovely face looks unnatural for someone so sweet.
“What was he like as a child?” 
Her smile returns immediately. She squeezes your hands. “He was well-behaved, most of the time. He loved to read more than anything. Some children prefer to be social and play, but his favorite spot was the library, somewhere quiet and secluded. To this day, he enjoys reading above most things.”
“Hey, I like books too!” Jasmine climbs up onto the bed, eager to join the conversation.
“Perhaps you can ask Lord Messmer to lend you some at breakfast.” Sianet quirks her brow at your words.
“You’ve decided then?” There’s a hopeful glimmer in her voice.
“It would be impolite to refuse after all he’s done for us.”
“We’re going to have breakfast with Lord Messmer?” Jasmine leans her head against your shoulder and you wrap an arm around her.
“Yes we are. Is that okay with you?”
“Mhmm! He’s nice. Very tall, but nice. Do you think he’d let me pet his snakes?”
“Maybe, but we have to be very polite, okay?”
“Okay.” She nods, then looks down at your robe. “You’re not going to go to breakfast like that, are you?”
You laugh and squeeze her arm lightly. “No, I am not.”
You rise to get dressed, leaving Sianet to brush and tame Jasmine’s hair. You look in the mirror and you realize you should probably do something with your hair, too. You comb it back and make it look presentable, then slip on a dark green tunic and black pants. The gold embroidery on it dances along the fabric, making you look almost regal. Your new clothes are quite comfortable, and you take one more look into the mirror. You’re pleased at the results.
You pull on some soft cotton socks and then your boots. They’re a perfect fit. Maybe the seamstress knows magic?
You return to Jasmine and you see Sianet carefully braiding her hair. She’s pulling the long brown hair into a braided bun, which looks beautiful. You’d have to have her teach you how to do that sometime. At the mention of her hair being done, Jasmine runs towards the vanity and climbs into the chair, shaking her head back and forth to try and see the bun. You chuckle and hand her a small mirror, turn her around, and when she sees her hair, she lets out an audible gasp and looks on, transfixed.
“You look wonderful.” Sianet compliments you.
“Thank you. Would you tell Lord Messmer that we’d love to join him for breakfast?”
She smiles and bows her head. “I’ll tell him right away.”
She exits quickly, steps light and hurried. The door shuts behind her and you try your best to keep anxiety at bay.
Jasmine tiptoes over to you and grabs your hand. You look down and smile at her.
“I think you look wonderful, too.”
“Thank you, sweetie. You always make me feel better.” 
She thunks her head against your hip. “So do you.”
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
Can you please do Blue Daisy and Anemone for Crosshair with a Bounty Hunter Reader? I really love your stories, you're doing amazing!
For The Love Of A Sniper
Summary: You're a Bounty Hunter and Crosshair is your partner in every way. And when your family threatens you, Crosshair offers to deal with it.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x F!Reader
Word Count: 1234
Warnings: Crosshair is soft
Prompts: Blue Daisy - Long Term Loyalty, Anemone - Undying Love
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I hope this is close to what you wanted, I was going to make this a sequel to my recent Crosshair series, but I had a better idea!
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When you were a little girl, your parents planned your life almost to the minute. You were ferried from school to dance lessons or music lessons or voice lessons or language lessons. Every second of free time had to be accounted for.
You didn’t have time for friends, and barely had time for family.
Your parents also planned your outfits, frilly dresses in pastel colors and your hair meticulously curled every morning, and then styled with bows and ribbons. And shoes that were so uncomfortable that, on more than one occasion, you considered cutting your toes off so it would hurt less.
Even your schools were devoted to making you the best daughter. High end boarding schools with even more high end finishing classes, with the end goal of sending you to Naboo to attend Theeds Law School.
Perfection was the expectation.
And you were never perfect.
The day that your parents dropped you off at Law School, you dropped out. You managed to get the school to send the refund, nearly 3 million credits total, to your personal bank account, and then you spent a massive chunk of money cutting and dying your hair, and then buying a new wardrobe. 
Within a week of your parents dropping you off on Naboo, you were gone.
That was four years ago. And over the last four years, you’ve made something of a name for yourself as a bounty hunter. You have your own ship, painted vibrant purple and named Spoiler, and you often bounce between cargo delivery and Bounty Hunting, based on what is the most profitable at the time.
Sometimes you do both at the same time, just for funsies.
And you know, because you’ve seen it, your name is plastered on missing persons lists and on bounty boards. Too bad that you don’t look anything like the cherub looking girl on the posters anymore. 
In fact, the only person who might recognize you as the girl in the poster is your boyfriend. And even then, only because you told him. 
Speaking of said boyfriend-
You hang your body armor on the rack in the cargo hold, and climb the stairs to the main part of the ship. You slide open the door to the bedroom, and grin at the man stretched out on the bed. “You ever planning on getting up, handsome?”
Crosshair seems to stretch out even more, and he tucks his arms under his head, his dark eyes locked on your face, “I thought I’d be lazy today,” He drawls, “You could join me.”
You lean against the doorframe, a small smile on your lips. He really is too handsome. Especially lounging in your bed wearing nothing but the dark sweatpants that you bought him. He looks healthy, finally, having put some weight on now that he’s no longer with the Empire.
“See something you like, doll?”
You grin at him, lazy and slow, “I see something that’s mine.” You tease.
Crosshair chuckles and shifts to free one arm, “Come here, princess.” He almost purrs. And, really, how are you expected to deny that request?
You kick your boots off and climb on the bed to drape yourself across his chest. You take a moment to press a light kiss just over his heart, before you slide up to tuck your head against his neck. “Did you sleep well?”
“Mm, I did.” He wraps an arm around your shoulder and presses a light kiss to the top of your head, “And then I got an alert-” He uses his free hand to grab the datapad on the side of the bed, “Someone put a flag on all accounts attached to your old name.”
“Another one?” You roll slightly so you’re able to see the screen, and then you sigh, “This is, what, number five? Six?”
“Eight in the last six months.” Crosshair corrects.
“Well, following the money is step one in the ‘how to find someone who doesn’t want to be found’ handbook, I suppose.” You mutter under your breath as you roll again and fold your arms on his chest.
“You would know, wouldn’t you, princess.”
“It’s fine. It’s not like those accounts are attached to my name anymore.” You reply as you look down at his face, “Which is a shame, there’s nearly 3 million credits in that account.”
Crosshair reaches up and slides his fingers across your cheek, “Those credits have so many strings attached, you might as well be a puppet.”
“Mm, don’t I know it.” You lean in and kiss him gently, “Luckily, they won’t find me. And 3 million credits is a lot less than I would pay to never be their perfect little doll ever again.”
His eyes glitter, “Even if they did, if you think I’m giving you up without a fight-”
A soft laugh falls from your lips, “Aww, I knew you loved me.”
His lips curl up into an amused smile, “You’re alright, I suppose.” In spite of his light, teasing, words his hand tightly clutches at your hip. 
You shift and press feather light kisses across his face, “I’m not going anywhere. Not willingly.” You whisper to him.
His grip loosens slightly, “Of course not. You’d never find anyone as good as I am.” His hand slithers up your side to grip the collar of your shirt between two strong fingers, and he pulls you down to crash your lips against his. “We do, however,” He murmurs after a moment, “have to deal with this.”
“Can’t we ignore it?” You whine.
“You know we can’t.” He finally moves his other arm from under his head, and he wraps it tightly around you, “Let me handle it.”
You nervously bite your lower lip, “I don’t know-”
“I’m not going to hand you in,” Crosshair murmurs, as gentle with your anxieties regarding your family as you are with his anxiety about you leaving, “My loyalty is to you. Now and forever.”
You sigh, “I know. I just don’t like you going off on your own.” You kiss him quickly, and then press a longer, slower, kiss against his lips, “I never wanted to demand your loyalty.”
“You never had to.” There’s something soft and vulnerable in his gaze, and you think you love him a little more for it, “You didn’t expect my loyalty like my brothers.” He kisses you just under your eyes, “And you never demanded it like the Empire.” He drags his lips across the bridge of your nose, “You were loyal to me, so I became loyal to you.”
“That might be the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.” You say warmly.
He rolls his eyes, “Then how’s this? I love you. Forever. Until there’s no more breath in my lungs. Until my heart beats it last.”
You press your forehead against his, “You’re going to make me cry and mess up my make-up.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll never say anything so gross ever again.” He jokes. “What do you say, Princess? Trust me to handle this?”
“Deal. You can handle it, and I’ll just…hang out in the ship for you.”
“Deal.” He pulls you back into a deep kiss, “Later though. For now you’re on top of me and won’t stop squirming-” You release a bubbly laugh as he flips the pair of you and pins you to the bed, “Really, you brought this on yourself, princess.”
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preciadosbass · 1 month
18/8/24 [4 new CDS + 2 other purchases // draft from yesterday — key + significant photos at end]
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woke up at half 7 and got up almost straight away. i said goodmorning to boris first thing, and he was surprisingly inside on the kitchen table today, and not outside on the driveway. i pushed through my tiredness and dressed myself in my sleeping with sirens shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, knee high converse, gray + black striped arm warmers, a studded belt, my taxidermy silver fox tail, my taxidermy scorpion necklace, my diy kellin quinn necklace + the same bracelets as yesterday plus a purple falling in reverse band bracelet. so, a copy of my previous outfit, but with a different shirt.
me and my dad left for the bootsale at 8 after id roughly straightened my hair/put on eyeliner/and said goodbye to boris. literally the first stall we walked past was hosted by three alt people selling various alt [goth, scene] plushies and skirts. i try my best to stay away from so called ‘feminine’ clothing [i say even though i wore a ‘fem’ shirt yesterday. its a shame that it’s not androgynous, but it wouldn’t even look profoundly androgynous on me anyways because i cant bind.] i was too scared to actually go up and pay for one of the scene looking plushies myself so i asked my dad to do it. it’s a bright green bunny thing with one X’d our eye. he was £2 and i think he’s really cute. [photo at end].
we walked around for about 20 minutes until i decided i wanted to go back to the alt stall and see how much this skull + crossbones shirt was. we took a short walk back and when i got there, i realised its actually a skull beanie. which is just as good, as i don’t have any alt specific hats. we asked for the price and it was literally 50p. 50.. P!!! what a bargain 🙂‍↕️ [photo at end] — me and my dad strolled around for quite a while longer, stopping of every now and then while my dad looked through boxes of vinyls. he got 6 good vinyls [according to him] that came together at £5-6. while we looked around, i randomly brought up to my dad that i cant wait until everyone goes back to school so i can rollerblade at our local skatepark. and how i’ve always wanted to learn how to skateboard.
funnily enough, the next stall we looked at had four skateboards stacked up on the grass. the guy asked if i was interested and showed me the wheels etc. he explained if you make them looser, you can turn more freely, and things like that. one was broken so he took it away and gave me the chance to decide if i wanted one/and what one i wanted if i do decide on buying one. i decided on a skateboard with cool-ly printed monsters on the back. it also looked in the best condition so that’s convenient. i got it for £2!! [photo at end]. we walked without any more luck for a some time until we came across a new cd stall. [as in, the cds were new]
i looked through what i thought were singles [they were albums, they just didn’t have cases]. while flicking through, i found two good charlotte cds, a blink 182 cd, and a the used cd hidden at the back of the box. i literally could’ve lost it over these finds. [photo at end] it was once again i coincidence something like this happened, as i was just speaking about that i thought i’d come away from the bootsale without any new cds. but i was wrong!! they were also only 50p each which is insane. i cant believe i found the used merch in the wild. after this, we went down one more row/isle and then headed home at 9:30. on the way back i did see another new cd stall, but the cds were £5 each and i didn’t see anything i recognised. i did look at a rancid cd, but decided against it.
i blasted panic! at the disco’s death of a bachelor in the car and arrived home at 9:50. i greeted boris and stayed outside with him for a little while before coming inside to get my bag + jacket to go out again. i used to go to this club, it’s the same organisation that sent me off to that expedition — and after that i never went again. but i decided i might go and see how it is if i go with my sister as there is an alt person there i’m friendly-ish with. i actually might see her tomorrow. she’s a nice person, the problem is i cant trust her and i’m not good around full on/energetic people. i don’t really know how to act or what to do with myself.
while i was waiting to leave, my dad made sure the cat was kept inside just so he’s not out when we’re out, and asked me to do something because his hands were busy. i said i dont know how [because i’ve never been taught what it was, and i thought he’d understand because obviously i’m not in school and it’s not my fault nobody’s showed me] but he started screaming at me and calling me ridiculous. the cat ended up escaping from his grip and running outside. then everyone started arguing. i just sort of stood there, waiting for it to all be over. we finally got out of the door after my mum had screamed at me over and over again. it was one of the worst arguments i’ve witnessed in ages.
and me, my mum, and my sister walked across the driveway to the car. on the way there, i said ‘everyone is ridiculous’ [which i shouldn’t have said, just in the moment everyone was having a go at me and i was already terrified to go back to somewhere that’s given me so much trauma. everyone has been screaming for ages.] then my mum lost it. she said we couldn’t go anymore and she made boris run away. i sobbed for around two hours because i was scared he’d gone across the road and into the woods. i was also beside myself because i knew that it’s my fault he got so scared. i shouldn’t have been so ignorant and said that knowing everyone’s mad. i just didn’t expect my mum to go as crazy as she did and shove me inside and into the kitchen counters/go to hurt me even more.
i told her she scared the cat and he’s gone missing but she grabbed me and shouted ‘i don’t care. i really don’t care anymore, ___.’ i stood behind the front door, looking through the window part to see if he’d come out and then stood on the doorstep to see if he’d come to me. then my mum slammed the door and locked me out. no matter what i did, he wouldn’t come out. my dad saw this and let me in, but he [my dad] was still acting weird. my dad said i should go somewhere else in house, because he could not be coming out because he can see me through the door and thinks i’m going to try and get him inside again.
i did and came back outside when i heard the news that he’d come back onto the driveway/was calm. i sat outside with him, still crying — and my dad saw me through the door. he tried speaking to me about what happened but it ended up being a disagreement. he came back inside and i stayed cuddling boris. i apologised for everything that happened, even though he cant really understand what i say to him. he does understand ‘your my bestfriend’ and ‘i love you so so so so much’ though, because he knows i’m going to give him treats afterwards. i was with him for as long as i could until my parents changed their minds about keeping me from the rest of my family and not meeting up for the barbecue arranged.
but obviously i was already upset about it because i couldn’t go to something that id already had in my head that’s going to happen/prevented my sister from going because i said something stupid/i was again, being isolated from the rest of my family. i said i don’t know what i want to do but we ended up going. which is secretly what i wanted because i wanted to be cheered up by someone. we left at exactly 3 and i listened to the used + mcr’s ’under pressure’ cover on the way there. when we arrived, i didn’t speak to anyone and just had some crackers because one of my cousin’s girlfriend was there and i’m intimidated by her. i don’t like how she acts considering she hasn’t been ‘in the family’ for long at all. although it’s bad for me to judge her as i don’t know her, she just does act really iffy.
her son is okay though, he’s slightly less shy than me, and is usually just there, if that makes sense. while i people watched/listened, my sister was using her nunchucks to hit a tennis ball that she was calling people up to throw for her. she ended up whacking the ball into the bush separating my aunts house and her neighbour’s garden. the same cousin i just mentioned got out a ladder and tried finding it. while they [him, my sister, and my dad] did, they came across a cat inside the bush. it must’ve been the neighbours and was just sitting inside, looking through these bar things. [photo at end] it was really sweet looking but must’ve been scared of strangers because it went to scratch me when i gave it my hand to sniff.
or maybe it didn’t like the smell of crackers. i watched it for a while because i was missing boris. another one of my cousin’s fiancé’s mums is really wealthy and just buys random stuff for my cousin/his fiancé. [i know it’s rude to call someone wealthy or something but everyone else does, because she is, and admits it — and i don’t necessarily mean it in a bad way.] anyway, back to what i was saying. because of this, my cousin just gets gifted things and a few of the things in question are still round my aunts house from before he moved out. one of these things is a large swing-seat thing. i had a go of it and ended up sleeping for 2+ hours lolll. it was really so comfy. after waking up, i tried speaking to my dad [it didn’t really work, we’re both bad socialisers.] i once again, people watched until 8:20 when we left for home. i said my goodbyes to everyone and got into the car to listen to frank iero.
when home, i was with boris on and off [while sorting through my weekly recap draft] until 11:40 when i copied one of my journals into this youth website thingy. basically, while i was doing my hair earlier, my sister mentioned that she does this thing run by the council and gets payed at least £20 for answering questions/doing activities listed. id never heard about this before and my mum also brought up something about a diary being one of the requirements so i asked if i could do it aswell. i’m running out of money even though compared to my sister i’m very mature with it, so at 12 i did that and submitted my journal, it was from wednesday this week. i also kinda just did it for fun because the youth council thing, whatever it was, wanted an idea of what teenagers do in a day.
then at 12:30, i asked my parents questions about boris. for once my mum didn’t get in an argument with me [this sounds rude, i just don’t know how to word it.] and i finished just 10-15 minutes later which is revolutionary for me. i forced myself to be quick because i knew my mum would get mad over my panic, but i was stressed over them [the questions] not making sure boris would be okay in the morning. i came downstairs, did a bit of my journal, and had naps on and off until 1:40. i didn’t intend to even have a nap, but i knew i’d fall asleep while saying goodnight to boris/without saying goodnight to him otherwise.
i brought out my plushie and cds to show him, and forgot to take my skull beanie/didn’t carry my skateboard out into the kitchen because i wouldn’t have been able to signal with my hands that i love him if i did. i finished at 2:40 and got into bed at around the same time. before i slept, boris came into my room again and explored the underneath of my bed. i went to sleep at 3.
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🗝️ — boris/my cat, questions [about boris]/i ask my parents questions about my cat to verify he’s okay + will be okay in the morning. its a compulsive thing and i’m hopefully going to be tested for OCD in the future.
have a good day/night O_o
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lbova · 4 months
Rodney Takes Care Of A Baby
Hello again! I'm back with another Robots Fanfiction (I love this movie so much). In this story, Rodney Copperbottom is asked to babysit someone's baby while they're gone. Hope you enjoy!
Rodney's POV:
I don't have to go to work today. I have the day off. It feels weird to have the day off. It's not that I don't like having my days off, it's just that I'm usually working in my office, coming up with new inventions and projects around this time of day. But, Bigweld told me that it would be best if I rest for the weekend. He probably noticed how exhausted I was a few weekends ago. I did tell him that if he needed my help, he can call me. Bigweld said that he'll manage by himself, but it's still up for debating for me.
Well, because I have the day off, I decided to go to the Robot City Mall, just to look around. I've only been to this mall a few times, and I wanted to buy something for Cappy. She's been really supportive and sweet to me, so it's only fair if I get her something that's just as beautiful as her. I looked around jewelry shops, clothing shops, etc. After an hour of walking around the mall, I finally found the perfect gift. I decided to buy a simple gold and silver necklace. It wasn't fancy looking, but I know that Cappy will love it!
After I purchased the necklace, I sat down on a bench by the fountain, which was located in the center of the mall. I've been walking around for a while, and I needed my legs to rest. I'm just glad I installed new legs, because my old ones were starting to fall apart. I got my new legs a few weeks after I started working at Bigweld Industries. That was nearly two years ago; oh how time flys by.
Not long after I sit down, a woman pushing a baby carriage walks towards me. The woman had auburn hair and a light purple dress and matching purple dress shoes. She cleared her throat before she spoke. "Excuse me, sir. I'm sorry to bother you, but could you look after my baby for a little bit? I left my wallet at home. I don't live too far from here. I really hope it's okay."
I pondered for a moment. I'm not really an expert when it comes to children, but the woman looked desperate. I eventually caved in and responded, "Of course I can. It's no problem at all." The woman sighed of relief. "Oh thank you so much! I'll be back as soon as I can!", she said, and with that, she left.
Shortly after she left, I stood up from the bench to look at the baby in the carriage. The baby had a square head, and big blue eyes. When the baby acknowledged me, it giggled and cooed at me. I couldn't help but smile at the baby. It was pretty adorable. Okay, Rodney, all you have to do is watch this baby until its mother comes back. Simple enough.
At least, I thought it would be simple, until the baby starts fussing. Uh oh, here we go. "Hey, no, it's okay. You're okay...", I tried soothing it, speaking as softly as I can. But my soothing didn't seem to help at all, because then the baby started crying. I then tried rocking the carriage gently, but the baby only cried louder. Now people in the mall were starting to stare at me. Ugh, I hate when everyone is focused on me. I already have the stupid press bots that focus on me WAY TOO MUCH whenever I work!
I decided to take the baby out of the carriage and started to cradle it in my arms. At least I know how to hold a baby correctly. I then started to hum a lullaby to the baby, a lullaby that was hummed to me when I was a small child. My mom would always hum me to sleep whenever I couldn't sleep, and it usually worked. I rocked the baby in my arms and continued to hum to it. The baby started calming down and slowly closed its eyes. I exhaled a tiny "phew" and set the baby down in the carriage. The fact that I was even able to put the baby to sleep is amazing.
I looked up and saw the same woman return. She looked like she was running, because she was out of breath by the time she approached me. She panted for a few seconds and finally said, "I'm back! I got my wallet. Again I'm so sorry that I had you watch my baby and..." She stopped in her tracks and saw her baby sleeping soundly. She again breathed a sigh of relief. I smiled at her politely and said, "Don't worry about it. Everything was fine. Your baby is very sweet." The woman put her hands on the carriage and said, "Thank you again, sir." She then pushed the carriage and walked away. I waved goodbye to her and sat back down on the bench. I'll just sit here before I head home.
No One's POV:
"Cappy! I'm back!", Rodney shouted lightly as he closed the door to their apartment behind him. Cappy got up from where she was sitting on the couch and walked to her boyfriend. She gave him a kiss on the cheek. She said, "Hi. How was your day off, CEO?" She smirked a little and raised an eyebrow, as if to look a little mischievous. Rodney wrapped his arms around her waist and said, "It was interesting. I bought you a gift." He moved one of his arms away from her waist and pulled out the box that had the necklace he bought earlier out of his black Bigweld jacket. He lifted the box lid with his thumb to reveal the gold and silver necklace. Cappy looked starstruck. "Oh, honey, it's beautiful.", she said softly. "Just like you...", Rodney said just as softly. They gave each other a nose kiss. Rodney cleared his throat afterwards. "That's not the only thing that I did today.", he said. Cappy looked at him, a little confused. Rodney spoke again, "After I bought your gift, a woman approached me and asked me to watch her baby for her while she grabbed her wallet that she'd forgotten at her home." It was Cappy's turn to speak, "So, you babysat someone's baby?... That's adorable." Cappy giggled. Rodney blushed a little bit from embarrassment. After Cappy stopped giggling, she smiled at her lover. "Well, maybe one day, you can babysit our own kid. You'd be great. Not just as a babysitter, but as a father..." Rodney looked a bit surprised from that statement, but smiled shortly after. They shared a kiss and hugged each other. One day, they will have a kid of their own...
OMG, I had so much fun writing this. It's kind of a goofy story, but I still enjoyed writing it. Thank you for reading!
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This is my entry for the @zelinkcommunity 2023 Zelink week! This would have included an AO3 link, but since the site is down I will update the post with it later.
Title: Both Here and 100,000 Years Away
Words: 978 Rating - G
Happy readings to you all!
Link woke in his bed in his new home in Akkala. He stretched as he got up, savoring the morning, even if he had a lot to do today. But he liked his new home. It was nice and he liked that he got to make it himself, to a degree. Not that he disliked his home in Hateno, but this… this was nice. Especially as he found himself usually sleeping in a stable or in the wilds again as he tried to save Hyrule from its newest disaster. A bed was nice, especially a new bed, since…
He shook the thought out of his head and quickly got dressed and readied himself for the day. He made a quick breakfast that he shoveled into his mouth before he grabbed his weapons and burst out the door. It was usually breezy and today was not an exception. He took a second to admire the mountainous view, looking over the small Terry Town he had helped build years ago. He smiled as he looked down at it. He was glad he had helped Hudson and that his family and his community was thriving.
He was smiling to himself as he thought about as his eyes wandered over to the construction site below it and then up the mountains. He looked over the mountains, his eyes wandering upward to the sky where he froze.
She was passing through the sky above him. The Light Dragon… Zelda. As it often did when he saw her shining form dancing across the sky, The Master Sword on his back felt heavier. He couldn’t stop himself from gazing at her as she slowly made her way across the Akkala sky. His beautiful, beautiful Zelda… somehow both here and 100,000 years away.
Before he had witnessed her final memory, seen the vision of her swallowing her stone to provide the power the Master Sword needed to both recover from the gloom that Ganondorf had struck it with, but to be strong enough to defeat him, he had always felt the Light Dragon filled him with a sense of comfort and ease. Now Link understood that was Zelda. That her spirit was still watching over them, even now, uncounted milenia after she had lost her mind to becoming a dragon for Hyrule… for him.
Though Link did not want to lose himself in the memories of it all, he could not stop them as they washed over him. He thought to the days they spent in Hateno village, how Zelda had gently made his house a home for the two of them. He thought of holding her tight as they slept in their bed, never getting as peaceful a sleep as when they were holding each other through the night. He wrapped his arms around himself as he thought of even last night, as he had to force himself to sleep even as his bed felt cold and empty without her, even in a bed she’s never seen, let alone one he had shared with her.
He missed her laugh. He missed her coming to him in the night with a notebook and excited words with a breakthrough she had neglected her sleep to achieve. He missed having to gently remind her it could wait for the morning as he guided her to bed where she would still excitedly speak about her research before she would gently drift off to sleep. He missed running after her in the wilds as she found something she wanted to document or capture, writing down notes excitedly.
He looked back up to the light dragon as she passed over him more closely. He saw into those wide purple eyes, where he saw no hints of the woman he loved within them. She seemed as if she was really gone… He wondered if it would have almost been better that she died rather than being trapped in the form she was currently in.
Could Impa or Purah really think of a way to change her back? Was such a thing even possible? And what would she be like if they even could reverse the effects of swallowing her sacred stone? What if… what if she could not remember him? What if they brought her back, but her memories were gone, just like his were when he was resurrected. Even now, years later, many things were hazy when he tried to recall them.
And if she did remember everything… would she forgive him? It was his fault all this had happened. If had been stronger, if he had been faster, if he would have caught her, she would have never had to make such a sacrifice. He could have prevented all this pain, if he had only been better. What kind of a knight could he call himself after failing her again?
Would… would she even still love him?
Link heard a weird noise and it brought him out of his drowning thoughts. He looked around and heard it again, though this time he felt it as well as heard it. Oh… he put his hand to his face, feeling the tears that were streaming down him. I’m crying… The sound came again and he realized it was him sobbing. He took a steadying breath as he tried to calm himself. He looked back up to the sky to see Zelda’s form beginning to retreat. Though he was able to calm his breathing, his tears still flowed.
Goddesses he missed her. Din, Nayru, Farore, and Hylia herself did he miss her. He would give anything to see her smile once more.
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uncaaj · 1 year
Fanfic: I Luv U Emo Boy XD (DuckTales 17)
Based on an AU by @georgiarose and Glo
The perfect day off began like this- with the drop of a CD into a boombox. The disc whirred to life and the echoing notes of a lonely piano filled the subdued, poster-riddled bedroom of Gyro Gearloose. He stretched his lanky arms to the ceiling and brought them down gracefully, cracking his neck just as the lead singer of his favorite band began to tell a story.
When I was a young boy
My father drove me into the city
To see a marching band
Gyro swept his long, jet-black bangs out of his eyes. 
Walking over to the mirror next to his dresser, he snatched a black tube from the top of it and unscrewed the cap. The brush inside emerged covered in cheap eyeliner, color “Eternal Night.” As he carefully drew the makeup around the perimeter of his eyes, making sure to keep the lines simple and clean, he contemplated what he was going to wear. The sun was at its summer peak, roasting everything outside to a fine golden brown. No matter, for he had laid out his outfit the night before, something his parents would call a proactive and studious action. What did they know? They shouldn’t get their hopes up thinking he’d ever live the life they did. He just didn’t want to spend forever deciding what to wear, not when that time was better spent browsing for the new Haythorne Heights CD, which would be out any day now.
That, and impressing his boyfriend.
Speaking of, it was time to see if he was up. He probably was. Gyro was a late sleeper, something his parents frowned upon. Whatever. Gyro closed up the eyeliner and returned it to the dresser, making a mental note that he should get more while he was out. He grabbed his phone and flipped it open, heading straight for the top of his contact list.
“Gyro!” called a voice outside the door. “Can you please turn your music down? Your father can’t hear the big game!”
Gyro rolled his eyes and turned the knob a fraction of a percent down. Parents.
Oh, well, imagine
As I’m pacing the pews in a church corridor
And I can’t help but to hear
No, I can’t help but to hear an exchanging of words
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera tried not to nod his head to the upbeat, plinky sounds of his own boombox as he applied his eyeliner. Luckily he had done this so much, he had the application down to a fine science. All of his friends were jealous, even Gyro, the emo-est emo he’d ever known.
Fenton’s phone vibrated on his desk. Speaking of…
He finished up and screwed the brush back into the vial. He flipped the phone open with his thumb and saw the new text notification.
“hey loser XD u up?”
Fenton smiled and started pressing the keypad, which he also knew inside and out for the perfect SMSs. “I woke up at 9am this morning. Are you up?”
“lol who r u, my mom?”
“I love you too. :3 When are you coming?”
“in 10 min, we got the new spiked bandS @ the HT”
“see u soon”
His bedroom door opened. Fenton shut the phone and looked up. M’ma Cabrera walked in, lugging a laundry basket. “You got your clothes sorted, pollito?” she asked.
“Yes, M’ma, on my bed,” said Fenton, turning the music down so he could hear her properly.
She held the basket out on the bed’s edge and scooped the pile of neon tees and striped pull-ons into it with one motion. “So who’s taking you to the mall today?” she asked.
Fenton gulped and ran his fingers through his long purple-tipped hair. He had forgotten to mention that part until now and he knew she wouldn’t be thrilled knowing who he’d grabbed a ride from. “Er, Gyro Gearloose,” he said with a nervous chuckle.
M’ma sighed and put the basket onto the bed. “You know I don’t like you hanging out with that boy.”
“M’ma, he’s not that bad-”
“He’s careless, he’s disrespectful and he smokes- bad habits very easy to pick up. And I bought you all those nice shirts for your first college semester and you are dressing like a piñata!”
“M’ma, this is what everybody’s wearing. But I’m not doing it to fit in. It’s an expression of who I am.”
M’ma sighed again and wrapped her son up in a big hug. “Your mama can’t help it. I just don’t want you getting into any trouble, that’s all.”
“I’ll be fine,” said Fenton, trying a little to squirm out of the hug. “I trust him, and you can trust me.”
M’ma nodded. “Okay, Fenton.” She smooched him on the forehead and went back to grab the laundry basket. “Just make sure you’re back by dinnertime, okay?”
“Yes, M’ma,” said Fenton, waving her out. As soon as the door shut, he exhaled in relief. He loved his M’ma, but boy, was she smothering sometimes.
A little while later, Fenton heard a car horn outside his window. His excitement spiked in his chest and he practically tumbled out the door into the living room. “I’m leaving, M’ma! Love you, see you at dinner, bye!” 
It all came out as one word as he bolted out of the house, but M’ma understood it perfectly anyway. Her own motherly instinct spiking, she carefully placed the sudsy plate she was sponging back into the sink and made her way to the front window. Peeking through the blinds, she saw Fenton and Gyro leaning against the latter’s car. Gyro, dressed in a black beanie, black t-shirt whose band logo she didn’t recognize, black skinny jeans, and black boots despite the blazing temperature outside had his phone held up high, Fenton in his other arm as they posed for a picture. M’ma sighed, seeing wisps of smoke emit from the cigarette in Gyro’s mouth. She knew Fenton was at the age where she could let go some and let him live his life, but darn it if he didn’t make so hard to do so. Still, it was the price of the gig and she would love him and support him to the ends of the earth no matter what.
As the camera shutter clicked, Gyro caught sight of Mrs. Cabrera peeping at them through the front window of Fenton’s house and sent a dark sneer in her direction. She was unfazed, police women usually weren’t, and made the “I have my eyes on you” motion toward him before letting the blinds go and returning to whatever it is she was doing. Gyro rolled his eyes.
“What’s up?” said Fenton.
“Parents,” Gyro scoffed.
“She means well, I promise. She bought me this the other day.” He motioned toward his pink shirt with a kooky character on the front from that one Invader Zir show on TV.
“Well, that’s something. You’ll get tons of likes when I post this on ThisSpace later.”
“D’ya think we’ll make front page?” Fenton bounced on his toes at the thought.
Gyro blushed. Gods, he was so cute. All he could do was shrug and give him a peck on the forehead, then walked over to the driver’s seat of his all-black rustbucket. As Gyro and Fenton peeled away from suburban hell, engine sputtering all the while, he asked, “You mind if we stop at Starducks first? I feel like the undead.”
“Fine with me. Maybe I’ll try that new hibiscus refresher they have.”
“You’re so fruity, dork.”
“You’re my boyfriend so who’s really the fruity one?”
Gyro pressed the play button, and the two lovebirds entered their pure nirvana set to a CD in a stereo.
Dance, dance
We’re falling apart to half-time
Dance, dance
And these are the lives you love to lead
Dance, this is the way they’d love
If they knew how misery loved me
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erimeows · 2 years
Wanted You
It’s a cool summer day when Gohan turns twenty one and decides to ask Piccolo the question that’s been bothering him since he was a teenager.
The two of them are sitting on a cliff’s edge that overlooks the long river by Gohan’s home on Mountain Paozu. The grass is green and lush, blowing in the wind that’s just light enough to be comfortable so long as Gohan is wearing long sleeves. Piccolo is in his usual attire; purple gi, blue sash, brown shoes, white cape and shoulder pads, purple and white turban. Gohan is dressed in a black sweatshirt and matching pants, an outfit that Chichi accused of not being nice enough for his birthday celebration. He wore it anyway in preparation for his time with Piccolo- just in case the Namekian wanted to train with him.
It’s his twenty-first birthday and his mom threw him a small celebration. Initially, she insisted on throwing a huge party with everyone she knows, but Gohan pushed back enough until the guest list was narrowed down to her, his dad, all of his dad’s friends, Goten, and his friends from high school; Erasa, Videl, and Sharpner. It was still far larger than Gohan really wanted it to be, but it was better than last year. After the party started to dissipate, Gohan snuck out to find one of the only people he actually wanted to see today; Piccolo, who didn’t attend the party because of the crowd.
They’ve been talking for hours. Gohan has his head on Piccolo’s shoulder. It’s a gesture of affection that Gohan got in the habit of doing a decade ago, but it’s different now. It means something other than what it used to mean, something less pure. Gohan remains just as baffled by his ever-changing feelings as he has been since his sixteenth birthday when the realization came crashing down on him. They did the very same thing they’re doing now that day, and a lot of other days, too. Gohan sighs and snuggles into Piccolo’s shoulder, not daring to speak his thoughts out loud. His romantic love for Piccolo grows stronger each day and he doesn’t know how to tackle the subject.
Does Piccolo even feel romantic love for others? He’s never talked about it, and Gohan has never asked. But, he figures now is better than never.
“Piccolo, can I ask you something?”
“You can ask, doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll answer, though,” The Namekian shrugs and crosses his arms, which makes Gohan’s head shift in a way that’s uncomfortable.
The half-Saiyan sits up straight and stares down into his lap as he fidgets with his fingers.
“Have you ever thought about dating?” 
“Dating…? Yes, I’ve thought about it, but I don’t think I’ll ever partake.”
Gohan’s heart shatters into tiny pieces right then and there. It’s a very Piccolo-like answer. Part of him expected it. Still, it stings like stepping on one of Goten’s legos. 
“Why not?”
“I don’t want to date earthlings, they die too fast and couldn’t possibly understand me… And they’re most of this planet’s population. Your father and Vegeta are taken, not that I’d date them anyway… Buu is just weird, and I have no interest in going back to New Namek for the sole purpose of finding a partner when the few people I love are all here. Then, there is one person who’s an exception to all of it, I suppose, but I wouldn’t dare say anything to them about my true feelings… I expect to be alone for the rest of my life in that sense.”
Gohan sits quietly for a moment. He supposes with the whole ‘earthling’ thing that he himself is out of the running since he’s half earthling, so who is it that Piccolo could possibly be in love with? Another Namekian? A full-blooded Saiyan? 
“Oh… Who is it that you do like?”
A pause, and then, Piccolo shakes his head and stands up with a sad, far-off look in his obsidian eyes.
“...I can’t tell you that in good conscience, Gohan. It’s complicated and I don’t want to burden you with it.”
“Okay, um, do you want to spar now?”
A few days pass after that. The issue of Piccolo’s secret love bothers Gohan every second he has the free time to think about it outside of his college classes and familial obligations. He can’t clear his mind of it no matter how hard he tries. He’s jealous, and he wants Piccolo all to himself, but at the same time, he wants Piccolo to be happy. Even if it’s not him, he wants Piccolo to be with who he loves, so he’s determined to figure out who that person is. 
If Piccolo won’t tell him and if he can’t figure it out, he’ll inquire with those they both know to see if it gets him anywhere.
The first person he goes to is his father, Goku, who usually gives some pretty solid advice and offers good insight despite his dense nature.
It’s a hot summer day, hotter than it was on his birthday. Gohan stumbles upon his father training outside after some searching around Mountain Paozu.
“Hey, dad?” Gohan asks, a little awkward since his father is smack-dab in the middle of swimming laps around the local lake. 
He feels like a nuisance for daring to interrupt. Upon seeing him, however, his father surfaces from the water to flash him a smile. The younger of the two stands by the water’s side and waits for his father to swim over to him. 
“Hey, Gohan! What’s up? Did you come to swim, too?”
“Uh, no, actually. I have lab in an hour on campus, but I wanted to talk to you before leaving… Can I ask you something?” 
“What is it, Gohan?” Goku questions with a grin as he bobs up his upper half out of the water and rests his elbows on the edge to hold himself up while Gohan talks.
“Do you know who Piccolo might like?”
“Well… Hm…” Goku pauses, thoughtful. He contemplates for a moment before breaking out into an even larger grin and speaking up like he’s just solved the world’s hardest math problem. “I know he at least likes you!”
“W-What!?” Gohan exclaims with wide charcoal eyes and bright red cheeks.
“Well, you two are friends, right?” Goku shoots back, clearly oblivious.
“Oh…” Gohan responds upon realizing what Goku initially meant. The half-Saiyan lets out a sigh of relief, then nods his head. “Yeah, we are. You’re right.”
“What, is that not what you meant or something?” His father tilts his head in that dumb, innocent way that so endearingly reminds him of a puppy, and Gohan suddenly realizes that this is not the person he should be discussing the issue of Piccolo’s love-life with.
“No, no, it’s fine, uh… I’ll see you later.”
Gohan recovers just enough to walk off, leaving his father to return to Mount Paozu’s clear waters. He’s anxious about it now… Well, then. Next time he asks someone about it, he’ll just have to phrase it differently. His father probably wasn’t the best person to go to in the first place…
Gohan’s next stop in his journey to find Piccolo’s true love is Capsule Corp. It’s been a day since he tried to discuss the issue with his father and after some reflection, Gohan has come to the conclusion that he needs to talk to someone more familiar with romance than his father is. Bulma is a logical and intelligent woman with plenty of life experience and a couple relationships under her belt. Surely, even if she doesn’t know who it is that Piccolo is in love with, she’ll have some good insight about his situation. 
Gohan braces himself to knock on Bulma’s front door. It’s hotter than it was yesterday. West City is sweltering with no wind in sight to ease the heat. Gohan is stuck in a white tank-top, grey shorts, sandals, and an assload of sunscreen with his few stray locks of midnight-hued hair clipped back by Videl to keep them from sticking to his forehead with sweat.
Instead of knocking on the door, Gohan catches himself in time to ring the doorbell. He always forgets that they have a nice one installed when his own home back on the Mountain just has its plain wooden door that’s constantly on the brink of falling off its hinges.
He’s unsurprised when Bulma opens the door quickly, her short cyan hair perfectly combed and a red dress on her small frame as she flashes him a bright smile. 
“Bulma,” Gohan greets with a nod and walks in when Bulma holds the door open for him to enter her home. 
Bulma’s top of the line air conditioning hits him so hard that goosebumps raise on his warm skin. The half-Saiyan lets out a sigh of relief. Despite the hot weather outside, the Briefs’ home is ice cold, no doubt so that Vegeta doesn’t get overheated when training. Gohan can hear the familiar noises of the gravity chamber that’s built inside the house just down the hall as he’s led to the living room.
“Gohan, it’s been a bit, how are you?” The scientist says and sits down on the living room couch.
Gohan sits in the chair across from her. As much as he’d love to sit and catch up with Bulma right now, he’s a man on a mission. He averts his eyes and gets straight to the point.
“I’m good, but I actually came over to ask you something. Aside from me and my dad, you’re the closest to Piccolo,” He starts, and it’s true. Piccolo and Bulma aren’t exactly friends, but aside from Goku, she’s been the only one out of their friend group to really embrace and try to socialize with Piccolo, even giving him a cell phone and a capsule house after the defeat of Frieza. “So I was wondering if you knew about his, er… Love life?”
“Love life?” Bulma places a finger on her chin. Gohan watches with a gulp. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea… Bulma sounds totally confused. Gohan suspects that he may be the only one out of all of their friends and family that has actually stopped and thought about Piccolo’s romantic interests. It makes sense that the others don’t see Piccolo engaging in such things. He felt like that at different points, too. Now, he’s in love with Piccolo. Things are different. He feels like an idiot for thinking about it in the first place, let alone asking both his dad and Bulma for answers as if they’d have any idea. “I don’t think he really has one of those, but Gohan, why do you want to know?”
“Well, um, I just worry for him and-...” Gohan tries to come up with an excuse. The first and easiest one that comes to mind is that he’s concerned that Piccolo. His teacher and father figure (and nothing more, of course) is lonely and needs to start dating someone. That sounds believable, doesn’t it? Before he can get through that thought, however, he senses Vegeta’s ki heading their way and is proven correct when the compact Saiyan enters the room. “Oh, Vegeta, it’s nice to see you…”
Neither Bulma nor Gohan say anything. Bulma shifts on the couch and stares down at the floor like it’s suddenly become the most interesting thing on the planet.
Vegeta walks to the couch and sits close to Bulma with an arm over her shoulder and his brow furrowed. Gohan doesn’t look him in the eye, simply eyeing his outfit instead. Vegeta is dressed in a sleeveless spandex suit that only goes down to his knees, so there’s a lot visible that he’s sure he honestly never wanted to see.
“Why’d you get so quiet all of a sudden?” Vegeta demands, then continues with a sarcastic edge to his tone. “What, are you throwing me a surprise birthday party? Come on, now, don’t let me ruin your little chat.”
“Huh? It’s nothing like that,” Gohan feigns obliviousness. “I just, um, I-”
“What were you two talking about?”
Bulma turns to face Vegeta with crossed arms and a clear glare of disapproval that the other ravenette only slightly slouches at.
“Vegeta! How rude, it really isn’t any of your business!”
Vegeta doesn’t reply to Bulma, simply talking to Gohan once more.
“Just because you’re a man now doesn’t mean you get to come into my home and play these games of secret keeping-”
“For starters, Vegeta, you don’t pay the bills around here. This is my home, not yours,” Bulma chews out her husband (?) and grabs him by the ear. Vegeta lets out a noise of discontent when she pulls at it. “Second of all, Gohan can do whatever he wants. We were just talking about Piccolo, anyway, it’s nothing for you to be concerned with.”
Vegeta huffs, pulls away from Bulma, and lowers his voice.
“What could be interesting enough regarding the Namekian for the two of you to be in here whispering to each other about?”
“Ugh, why are you so nosy all of a sudden?” Bulma snarks. “Not like you’ve ever given a damn about him, Vegeta.”
At that, Vegeta crosses his arms and looks away with a light blush. Could it be him…?
No. No way. Gohan sits there awkwardly, trying to put the pieces of this puzzle together. For a moment, he thinks he senses Piccolo’s ki in the midst of it all, but then the feeling vanishes. He must be so bothered by this debacle that he’s imagining things…
“We’re… Comrades, in one way or another,” Vegeta answers after far too long of a silence. ”Are you really surprised that I’m concerned?”
“Look, Vegeta, it’s a little complicated,” Gohan rushes to explain in an attempt to clear the tension in the air. His intuition tells him that Vegeta’s hiding something, but he refuses to interrogate the older man to find out what that something is. He nervously drums his fingers against the arms of Bulma’s living room chair while trying to find the right words. “It’s more of a personal issue, but Piccolo is fine, I’m just… Inquiring about something.”
“But Gohan…” Bulma interjects before Vegeta can say anything. “Back to the subject of why you came here in the first place, why do you even want to know that about Piccolo? Isn’t it weird for you to think about your teacher’s love life? I think it’d almost be as awkward as you thinking about Goku’s.”
Vegeta’s spine straightens within the same second that his eyes shoot wide open. His cheeks flush pink as he looks at Bulma and speaks with a peculiar sense of urgency.
“Bulma, if this is what it’s about, let the boy figure out his feelings on his own.”
“O-Oh, no, it’s not like that!” Gohan insists with a dismissive wave of his hands and a stutter.
Vegeta only rolls his eyes.
Then, the Saiyan is up and leaving, presumably returning to his training. Another awkward silence ensues. Bulma is the first to break it.
“Uh, Gohan…”
Gohan shifts in his chair and offers an anxious chuckle, followed by-
“Don’t tell anyone? Please?”
“Sure, I promise. It’s not my business, anyway… Sorry about Vegeta, too. You know how he can be. I’ll see you later, okay?” Bulma, seemingly flustered by the whole ordeal, stands up. She straightens out her impeccable dress and looks at Gohan with a guilty sort of smile. “Sorry I wasn’t able to help you out with your problem.”
“That’s alright, thank you for your time…”
Another week passes after that. Gohan teeters between the line of giving up before he gets too deep in the shit and continuing to pursue the mystery that is Piccolo’s lone love interest. After dealing with his father’s obliviousness, Bulma’s confusion, and Vegeta’s… Well, whatever label could be put on Vegeta’s behavior was last week, Gohan isn’t sure he wants to take the risk of asking more of he and Piccolo’s shared circle of friends about the Namekian’s non-existent love life.
The more people he tells, the higher risk of it getting back to Piccolo. It’s true that Piccolo keeps to himself and doesn’t seek out social interaction, but with Gohan’s luck, he wouldn’t be surprised if it happened after this, hence why he’s now headed toward Kame House to speak with the one person he knows won’t tell another soul. 
Gohan is unsurprised to see Krillin firing Kamehameha waves at the ocean when he lands feet-first in the yellowy sand. Immediately, the shorter man stops and rushes to give Gohan a hug. Gohan quickly reciprocates and grins down at Krillin, who’s the first to speak.
“Gohan! It’s been forever since I’ve seen ya, buddy, how are you?”
“Oh, I’m good, how about you?” Gohan responds with a slight tilt of his head as Krillin pulls away and puts his hands on his hips.
“I’m great! Did you just come to visit, or…?”
“Well, I suppose so, yes, but there was something I was wondering about… Could I ask you something?”
“Sure, Gohan, what is it?”
“I know this is a little bit of an odd question, but you’re good with romance, right? I mean, you’re married and all, and…” Gohan trails off and makes his way to the porch with Krillin following him. They both sit on the top steps, Gohan with his head in his hands and Krillin staring at him worriedly. “Well, to get straight to the point, do you know if Piccolo might be interested in anyone? Like, romantically?”
“I’m not gonna lie to you, Gohan. It’s pretty hard to imagine that guy having the hots for someone. If anyone had a chance with him, it’d be you.”
“W-What?” Gohan shoots straight up. A glimmer of hope flashes in his chest. After two instances of it being insinuated that Piccolo isn’t interested in anyone at all, finally having someone tell him that he has a chance is reassuring… Not that it makes his anxiety about their age difference and everyone’s opinions any better. That’s a whole other can of worms that he has yet to open with himself, let alone with anyone else. “Don’t you think that’s a little weird?”
“Why would it be weird?” 
“The age difference!” Gohan exclaims with a blush.
“...You know you guys are only four years apart in age, right?”
“What!? But- but he was an adult when-”
“Namekians age differently, Gohan, he was only eight when he killed Raditz and took you.”
And that’s a whole lot of information that Gohan doesn’t know how to unpack. Neither of them speak for a moment as Gohan processes. He had always assumed that Piccolo was his father’s age if not older. 
“...I see,” Gohan murmurs after a moment and fidgets with his hands in his lap. “So, you think he likes me?”
“Well, I’m not sure about that for certain, but if anyone has a chance it’d be you.”
“But- but don’t you think it’s still weird? I mean, he was my teacher for so long and-”
“Gohan,” Krillin interrupts with a firm, reassuring hand placed on Gohan’s shoulder. “It’s okay. It’s been a long time since then, you’re an adult now. Do what your heart tells you to do and I’ll be behind you every step of the way, alright? Whether you tell Piccolo or you don’t tell Piccolo about your feelings, I’m here for you to talk to. You can come visit me any time- I know Eighteen and Marron would be happy to see more of you around here, too.”
Choked up with emotion, Gohan nods and manages to force out a reply.
“Yeah… Thank you. I’ll be sure to take you up on that.”
“Sounds good. You’ll be fine, okay? Now come inside, I’ll cook us something to eat.”
Gohan lets out a sigh of relief and follows the older man into Kame House, where Master Roshi is passed out on the couch and where Eighteen and Marron are sitting at the coffee table reading a book. Maybe Krillin is right about all of this… He’ll be just fine.
Later that night, Gohan finds himself lounging on the living room couch of the Son residence with a pen and notepad in hand. The only light is that of the lamp on the nearby table. Normally, he’d be at his college dorm, but since summer break has started, he’s been staying with his parents to spend some more time with them and Goten.
It’s half past midnight when Gohan hears feet shuffling in the hallway. He hurriedly tucks the notepad (which is filled with a list of pros and cons of telling Piccolo his feelings) between two couch cushions and tries to make it look like he’s just relaxing. Goten is the one who comes into the room, though, and even at only twelve years old, he’s able to read Gohan better than both of their parents. 
“Gohan, what’s wrong?” Goten asks from the doorway, dressed in a t-shirt and pajama pants.
“Oh, Goten, it’s nothing,” Gohan attempts to wave Goten off with a forced smile. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine, are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“You know you can talk to me, right?” Goten insists. Then, he sits next to Gohan on the couch and looks at him with a concerned expression. “You’ve been acting off since your birthday and I’m really starting to get worried. I won’t tell Mom and Dad if it’s something that bad.”
“You promise?”
“Of course!” Goten agrees with a hurried nod and puts his hands in his lap to nervously wring them together just like Gohan is doing.
“Hm… Okay, well, I’ve fallen in love with someone, but I’m afraid to tell them. Other people seem to think this person loves me back, but I’m not so sure that they actually do.”
Of course, Goten being Goten, gets to the main point and asks the one question that Gohan doesn’t want to answer.
“Who is it?”
“I can’t believe I’m telling you this, but…” Gohan takes a deep breath to calm himself down before confessing the truth. He closes his eyes, almost scared to see Goten’s face contort with disappointment or judgment or whatever it is that he’s going to react with. “It’s Piccolo.”
“You’re in love with Mr. Piccolo!?” Goten shouts, to which Gohan pushes his shoulder and whisper-yells back.
“Goten! Lower your voice before Mom and Dad wake up and hear what we’re talking about.”
“Oh, right, okay,” Goten chuckles and lowers his voice to a whisper as well. “Sorry, Gohan!”
“It’s fine, I just… I don’t know what to do. If I tell him and he reciprocates, it’ll be worth it, but then if he doesn’t… It’ll ruin everything between us.”
“Well, yeah, I’ll give you that,” Goten says casually, as if Gohan’s entire world ending because of his feelings isn’t that big of a deal. Then again, Goten has always been like their father, dense about social cues and far too light-hearted about everything… But maybe that’s what he needs right now. “It’ll definitely be awkward if you spill the beans and he rejects you, but I think things being weird between you two for a bit is better than you sitting around miserable like this.”
“God, you’re right… I need to tell him. Okay, I’ll do it later today.”
“Great! You know, we should go catch a movie in the meantime. That twenty four hour theater in West City is still open,” Goten suggests.
Gohan quirks a brow.
“Are you sure we should go this late? Mom will be pissed if she finds out…”
“Eh, who cares? We’ll be back before she wakes up,” Goten argues and stands up to stretch his arms and legs.
“Fine, fine, we can go… You’re such a bad influence.”
The trip to the movie theater with Goten ended up turning into a shopping spree and sparring as well, resulting in them not returning to the Son home until roughly five in the morning. Thankfully, they were able to slip in without waking up either of their parents, with Goten practically collapsing on the couch to sleep upon their arrival. Gohan, unable to even think about sleeping, goes to the lookout to find Piccolo.
He has to deal with the awkwardness of greeting Dende and Mr. Popo, making small talk with them despite the odd time of day. He’d normally be there to visit Dende. This morning, however, is different. He manages to excuse himself to go sit in front of Piccolo’s door, but he can’t bring himself to actually knock on it for a bit. He wastes half an hour sitting in front of the damn thing.
It’s nearly six in the morning when Gohan musters the courage to knock on the door. He doesn’t know why he bothers doing that. He’s sure Piccolo must’ve sensed his intense ki coming from miles away, as he’s so emotional right now that he can’t make so much as an attempt at hiding it.
Apparently, he’s correct. The moment his fist comes into contact with the wood of the door, Piccolo opens it for him, almost as if he’s been waiting on the other side for Gohan to make his presence known.
The Namekian is as gorgeous as he was on Gohan’s birthday, and every other day, too; dressed in a large purple sweater and matching joggers. It’s different from the usual attire, but it makes sense that Piccolo is wearing it. He’s at home, after all, and was probably either asleep or just waking up when Gohan arrived. 
Gohan’s eyes trail up and down Piccolo’s body. It’s large, lean, and a hue of jade green that Gohan would drown himself in pools of if he could. Part of his mind shifts to more unsavory thoughts before he shuts it down and forces words out of his mouth.
“Piccolo, I need to talk to you.”
“Actually, Gohan, I need to talk to you first.”
Gohan freezes. He is standing in Piccolo’s doorway, feeling so very vulnerable. He shifts nervously and raises a hand to rub at his bicep. He can’t look Piccolo in the eye.
“O-Oh, um, okay, what is it?”
“I don’t know how to say this or where to even start, so I’m just going to come out with it. I heard you when you were at Bulma’s last week,” Piccolo admits. The sudden onslaught of emotion is so dizzying that Gohan has to grip onto the side of the doorway to keep himself standing up straight. So, Piccolo knows about his feelings, and Piccolo has known about his feelings for days now. Even worse, Piccolo knows that Gohan was running around probing their mutual friends for information about Piccolo’s love-life. “I was there training with Vegeta in his gravity chamber… I stayed behind when he said he was going to talk to Bulma about something, but as you know, my hearing is leagues above that of the average earthling, so-”
“You heard everything I said that day…?” Gohan asks just to be sure before he lets the well of tears building up in his eyes flow out.
Piccolo nods. Gohan manages to look up at him just long enough to see it and to see the purple blush that’s consumed Piccolo’s cheeks. 
“God, Piccolo, I’m so sorry. I hope this doesn’t make things awkward between us…” Gohan apologizes and uses the sleeves of his shirt to wipe the tears from his eyes before they can pour down his cheeks. The crying doesn’t stop, though, so he has to keep wiping his eyes while Piccolo stands there awkwardly, probably waiting for an explanation that Gohan doesn’t know how to give.  “I- I know you don’t want me, you don’t have to say it. I should’ve just taken the hint when I first asked you about it and-”
Gohan can’t finish the sentence. A choked sob tears through his throat and takes him over so he’s sitting on the ground with his head in his hands and his knees pulled to his chest. Part of him expects Piccolo to slam the door shut and leave him there. The other part of him expects Piccolo to berate him, to call him disgusting for having such feelings for his former teacher, to tell him that he’s never had a chance and never will. What Gohan doesn’t expect is for Piccolo to get down on his knees, pull his hands away from his eyes, and force him to make eye contact.
“Of course I want you,” Piccolo swallows and lets out a heavy sigh- whether it’s from stress or relief, Gohan can’t tell. Gohan sniffles and cautiously stares at Piccolo’s face. As per usual, he’s unable to read the expression on it. Piccolo shakes his head and holds his arms out. Gohan, frantic, buries himself in them and cries even more when Piccolo picks him up and carries him inside. The door is shut behind them as Piccolo asks- “Why wouldn’t I want you?”
“It’s like you said, you’re not interested in earthlings, and you could do so much better-” Gohan starts to ramble again as Piccolo sets him down on his bed and sits down next to him.
“You’re all I could ever want, Gohan,” Piccolo effectively ends Gohan’s rambling with his reassuring words. Gohan stares at him, half-convinced that this is a dream. It must be, right? Because the way that Piccolo is so tenderly wrapping an arm over one shoulder and using his spare hand to wipe Gohan’s tears off of his face feels unreal. It can’t be real. “You’re not just an earthling- you’re Saiyan, too, and even if you were completely human… I misunderstood what you were saying when you asked me about it and thought you were going to try to set me up on a date with one of your friends or something. I don’t want anything to do with anyone if they’re not you, so I tried to throw you off by making it clear that I don’t want to date anyone on this planet. I was hoping you’d drop the subject, but I guess you’ve never given up that easily… Stubborn brat.”
“You really want me…? You don’t have to say stuff like that just to spare my feelings, Piccolo. Really, it’s okay, I can take rejection-”
“Gohan, if you don’t shut the hell up and come here right now I’m going to special-beam-cannon you into the next stratosphere.”
Gohan blinks. Then, in a rare moment of shared vulnerability, both of them laugh. Gohan listens to Piccolo’s words and falls into the older man’s arms, relief flooding him like hot water when those arms are wrapped around him. He buries his face in the crook between Piccolo’s neck and shoulder. 
“I know you’re gonna get agitated with me for this, but are you really sure you want me like this…? I just- I just need to hear it one more time,” Gohan says with a nervous chuckle, all of it muffled by Piccolo’s shirt.
“Of course I’m sure,” Piccolo responds, and though Gohan can’t see Piccolo’s face, he can feel the Namekian rolling his eyes from the way the air in the room changes just a tad. “Why don’t you stay here and get some rest? You look like you haven’t slept at all, and I haven’t either. We can talk more when we wake up.”
“I… I think I’d like that,” Gohan agrees and lays back on the mattress with Piccolo lying right next to him. “I love you.”
Gohan dares to glance at Piccolo, who is already staring back at him with that fondness in his gaze that Gohan has never seen him have for anyone else. Piccolo reaches out and pushes Gohan’s hair out of his face with the slightest hint of a smile.
“I love you, too.”
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amirikdraws · 6 months
♡ Our Life: More than a Game ♡
~~Step 1~~
Chapter 1: A New Beginnings & Always
The aroma of a freshly cooked breakfast hadn't graced my senses in quite some time. As I stirred from slumber, my eyes still shut, the delightful scent enveloped me, permeating my senses.
"Jamie probably came over to cook for me," I mumbled to myself. It had been a while since I'd spoken with her, so it would be rather nice to catch up. Maybe she could help me with my upcoming assignment.
With that thought, I slowly opened my eyes, expecting to see my familiar surroundings. Instead, I found myself staring at an unfamiliar wooden floor. There were toys scattered around my room and drawing on the walls. My bed looked to be one for a toddler. As I stood up, a strange sensation washed over me – I was much closer to the ground than I should have been.
My heart raced, and a startled cry involuntarily escaped my lips as I stared ahead, confronted by an overwhelming sense of disbelief and dread. Before me stood a full-length mirror, and my reflection displayed my childhood self, free from the heavy bags under my eyes. My hair was fashioned into two ponytails, a stark contrast to my actual child self. The surreal transformation left me utterly speechless.
Before I could fully process this bizarre transformation, my bedroom door burst open, revealing a young girl with vibrant orange hair. Her dress reached her knees as sunflowers and sunflower seeds could be seen on it. She seemed oddly familiar, yet fundamentally different from anyone I'd known. The world around me had shifted in the blink of an eye.
She began to speak, her words carrying an innocence that clashed with my sense of confusion. "Mommy told me to come up here and ask if you were okay. Did you see a bug or something?" she inquired. Her name slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it.
“Lizzy?” My accidental utterance hung in the air. She looked exactly like my sister Elizabeth from my game, but here she was, in three dimensions, standing in my room.
“Ugh, all you have is a stupid, confused look on your face. If nothing’s wrong, then come downstairs for breakfast,” she remarked before shutting the door behind her. I could hear her hurried footsteps as she made her way downstairs. 
I looked again at myself in the mirror and pinched myself a few times. I looked around the room and it even looked the same as the game. However, unlike the game's fixed perspective, I now beheld it from every angle, further emphasizing the inexplicable nature of the situation. 
“I never expected that side of the room to look like that,” I thought as I saw the closet filled with clothes that I've never owned. But wait, am I actually? I decided to test my theory. I got dressed in what I thought to be appropriate and found my way downstairs. If this really is the game then Mom and Mommy should look the same as well. And that also means—
“I heard those new neighbors are moving in today, doesn’t that sound exciting!” I heard Mom’s voice say. Mom or Pamela, has light skin and brown hair that almost looks red in the light. She’s wearing her circle rimmed glasses and a long skirt every Mom would want to own. 
“Sure does hun, I just hope they’re not like that mean old couple that can’t stand children. How could no one love our babies!” Mommy said that as she started hugging Lizzy. Mommy’s name was Noelani, I’ve always liked her dark skin and brown hair. Almost a contrast to Mom, she had on a purple sleeveless blouse with jeans. An exact 3D replica was what they all were.
“Ugghhh I get it Mommy! Now let go of me!” Lizzy cried as Mommy let her go of her bare hug. I saw Mom look at me and her face brightened up.
“Oh, I see someone’s finally awake, could you go put these plates on the table? Then I’ll be right over with the food!” She handed me a set of plates with forks and spoons. 
“Y- yes ma’am!” I said to her, I may be confused by all shit as to what’s happening but I can’t disrespect my Mom’s orders. And I probably shouldn’t cuss as a kid…
“Thank you sweetie, we’re having just normal eggs, bacon and toast today.” She called from the kitchen. I could hear her in the fridge, probably grabbing drinks.
I started setting the kitchen and realized none of this is in the game. Looking around everything was the same, the floor to roof windows was most apparent. The whole area was just one big room but with different flooring to mark the difference. If I walked just two steps I’d be in the living room. It was surreal to see the ocean view by just looking out the window. 
I could already tell, based on the important dialogue, that Cove should be moving in today. Which also means that after breakfast I should probably head outside and wait for Mr. Holden to talk to me. 
Then again, I don’t actually have to follow the game. I could create an entirely new game where I never meet Cove Holden right now. The thought came and went in my head when breakfast was being put in front of me. 
I couldn’t do that to Cove though I love him too much to never meet him, plus meeting him in person is all I’ve ever wanted. I also probably shouldn’t change important plot points in the game. Meeting Cove is the whole reason the game exists. I could end up screwing everything up if I mess with that. 
As breakfast ended I decided to head outside and look at the amazing view that I always saw in the game. The beach. I can’t be in a game where the characters live next to the beach and not go see the beach! Running towards the back glass door I heard my Mom say my name.
“Amai, where do you think you’re going? You could at least ask before running off.” Right, I forgot I had caring parents.
“I wanted to go see the beach and hang out. At least before sunset, then I’ll just hang out at the front of the house to see who’s moving in!” I told her, worried my plan would get rejected. 
“Ooh sounds fun, then yes you can go. Just don’t go too far!” I went up to her and kissed her on the cheek goodbye with an I love you. I’ve always wanted to show how much I loved them for being such amazing parents. Even though they weren’t actually my parents. 
I ran down to the beach and instantly took off my socks and shoes. This may be California but the beach is a hundred times nicer than the real one. Then again Sunset Bird isn’t even a real town.
Being 8 years old brought back a rush of memories, along with the challenges I had forgotten. It was odd, but I had the same hairstyle I used in the game, which, I had to admit, was pretty nifty.
 I decided to spend the day exploring, collecting seashells, and even attempting to build a sandcastle. While I wasn't entirely sure how to construct one, I gave it my best shot. As the sun inched closer to the horizon, a sense of urgency washed over me. I remembered that it was time for me to meet Mr. Holden. This was a pivotal Moment in the game, as it marked the beginning of my relationship with Cove, and it seemed like I was about to embark on a similar journey in this surreal new reality.
As I hurriedly scampered up the hill toward my house, a wave of exhaustion overcame me, likely a result of my miniature, childlike legs. Needing a break, I plopped down on the edge of the sidewalk just in front of my home, gasping for breath. Unbeknownst to me, Mr. Holden stood right before my eyes, a surprise encounter that left me Momentarily speechless.
“Hay, do you live around here? What’s your name?” He said to me, I would be much more weirded out by this if I was back in the real world. Mr. Holden was a tall tanned skin man with long ash golden hair. His hair was up in a pony-tail and he had his signature stingray tattoo on his arm. He definitely dresses like a man who swims in the ocean 24/7. My 18-year-old self has a huge crush on both of Cove’s parents. But sadly I’m 8.
I stammered, my childlike voice taking me by surprise, "Oh, um, hi there! I'm Amai Garson, and you're the new neighbor who just moved in across the street, right?" Despite my unease, I hoped that deviating slightly from the game's dialogue wouldn't disrupt the key points of the story. After all, memorizing every line seemed like an impossible task, even for a seasoned actor. 
"Yeah, that's right! I have a boy named Cove who's about your age," Mr. Holden replied with a friendly smile. As he began to reach into his pocket, I made a swift decision to bolt away from what I anticipated was about to transpire.
“I’LL GO FIND HIM!” I yelled and ran off before I ever saw what was in his pocket. I know I literally just told myself that I shouldn’t change base things in the game but I can never handle the conversation I have with Cove when I tell him his father offered me money to be his friend. Everything should work out anyway. Right…?
Locating Cove was a straightforward task, as he was right behind my house. However, what proved to be difficult was witnessing his tears and hearing his sobs. After a Moment, his crying ceased, and he gazed out towards the ocean, lost in his thoughts. It was clear that he was deep in contemplation, wrestling with emotions that were difficult to fathom.
"Cove, are you okay?" I asked, though I was well aware that he wasn't. Cove, this teal-haired boy with thick red glasses and a pink cast around his left arm, was grappling with the painful reality of his parents' divorce. Being separated from his mother was clearly taking a toll on him.
“H-how do you know my name?” Sniffles could still be heard from him. 
“I come from another world, like this one but in the future. You’re the main character in this video game I play.” I said, trying to lighten the mood with what to him was a joke. A small breath came from his nose. 
“That’s a dumb joke.” He said monotone.
“Yeah it is… your dad told me to come find you.” I said. He didn’t really but I knew he was.
“D-don’t tell him we’re here! I don’t wanna go back to that house that’s not my home!” Tears started welling in his eyes again. 
“I-I won’t, I just wanted to talk to you. There’s not many people my age around here…” I said to him, his body went back to how it was, still a bit stiff from the fact of me being a stranger. 
“So I’m guessing this is your hill I’m sitting on, Miss. Future girl.”
“Well it kinda is, but it can be our hill. Amai and Cove’s Hill. Has a nice ring to it right Game Boy?” That got a chuckle out of him.
“Amai huh? I like Cove and Amai’s Hill better.”
“Fine, Cove and Amai’s Hill. What brought you to our hill anyway? Did your dad do something?” I looked at him and regretted what I said.
“What didn’t he do! First divorcing Mom and now moving here to this stupid house! I wanna go home, where my Mom is…” He was now crying and his voice got wavy with anger towards his father. 
“W-well if he didn’t do that then we would’ve never met. And so far, I like Cove Holden, a lot. Even if you are a Game Boy.” He wiped away his tears and got out one last sniffle.
“What else do you know, Future Girl?” He asked me, to which I had the perfect answer.
“Well I know our parents are about to call us and be here.” He looked at me with a tilt to his head till he shot up when he heard his dad’s voice.
“COVE! Where are you!” Mr. Holden yelled in the distance and soon I could hear my parents' voices too.
“AMAI!” I heard my Moms’ voices.
“AMAI! Sweetie, it's time to come home!” Their yells got closer and all Cove could do was look at me with shock. I shrugged my shoulders and yelled out back to them.
“We’re over here Moms! Mr. Holden, I found your son!” I could see them at the top of the hill and they started coming down to meet us. 
“There you are bud.” Mr. Holden went over to Cove as my Moms came after.
“Amai! You’re here after all. We looked at the park for Cove then figured you might be here.” My Mommy said as they both put me in a group hug.
“I was just talking to Cove,” I turned to him and smiled. “I hope we can have a lot of fun, and talk to each other about anything!” I said. He let out a small smile then looked away.
“Thanks for finding him Amai, I was gonna ask if you could’ve looked for him earlier but you beat me to it.” Cove looked at me shocked again when he heard his dad say that. 
“Anytime Sir,” I turned to my Moms. ”Could Cove come over tomorrow for a playdate?” My Moms looked to me and then to Cove’s dad. Mr. Holden then answered the question my Moms only said with their eyes.
“I mean as long as Cove wants to go it’s alright with me.” Everyone looked to Cove after he said that.
“Y-yeah that’s okay I guess.” He said quietly.
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kirk-says-wah · 8 months
𝐒𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟗
Pairing: Kirk/Lars, Kirk/James
TW: drugs
You can also read it here
Kirk awakes to a prod in the shoulder.
He’s pulled from a dreamless sleep, curled up on his side, his head pulsating in time with his heartbeat.
He groans, rolls onto his back before squinting his eyes open. Lars is sat next to him, just by his hip, a soft smile on his face.
“How did you sleep?” he says, voice quiet and gentle, reaching out to pet lightly at Kirk’s hair.
Kirk just grunts, closing his eyes again, relishing in the comfort Lars is giving. His head feels like it’s about to explode, and his finger is throbbing mercilessly. He just wants to go back to sleep.
“It’s okay,” Lars says, “go back to sleep. You don’t have to go to school today.”
School. Dave. Shit.
Kirk’s eyes practically fly open, shifting slightly to sit up.
“What times’it?” he mumbles, swallowing a yawn.
“It’s half eight,” Lars says, arching a brow as Kirk tries to sit up. “Why? What are you doing?”
“I’ve got to go to school,” Kirk answers, managing to finally sit up, the pressure in his head doubling, and he sways a little. Lars’s hand comes to his shoulder.
“I told you, you don’t have to,” Lars replies, concerned. “You’re not well enough to go.”
Kirk just makes a frustrated noise, goes to rub at his eyes but flinches at the tender flesh he finds there.
“I’ve go to go,” he repeats, and Lars just looks at him like he’s gone crazy.
“Kirk, you can hardly stand up. I can’t let you go in like this.”
“My mum will kill me if she finds out I’ve been off,” Kirk lies. He knows his mom will probably be more concerned about his welfare, and it’s not even like she’s going to be back from her buisness trip for another few days.
Lars seems to buy the lie though, tucking a piece of hair behind Kirk’s ear.
“Are you sure?”
“I’ll just go in for first period and if I feel worse I’ll come home.”
Lars nods.
“How are you gonna get home, though? You don’t even drive.”
“I have you,” Kirk states, grin too wide, and Lars laughs, shoving at his shoulder playfully.
“It’s a good thing I love you.”
The both of them still at the words. Kirk’s heart threatens to burst from his chest with how fast it’s thrumming, and he looks at Lars, watching his startled expression turn into panic.
Before anything can be said, Lars changes the subject, reaching over to grab his medication.
“Have you taken any of these yet?”
Kirk shakes his head slightly because he’d been passed out since Lars left him the night before.
Lars grimaces. “Not even the antibiotics?”
“I was asleep,” Kirk answers, voice tired as he smothers a yawn with his hand, his bruised nose protesting at the motion.
“Well, take some now, and then go wash up. I’ll drive you.”
Kirk agrees to that, swallowing down his pills with a bottle of water Lars supplies from somewhere, before Lars helps him up, making sure he can stand on his feet.
The change in height has him a little dizzy, and he’s thankful for the warm hand around his waist.
“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay?”
“I’m sure,” Kirk replies, teeth gritted as he shuffles into the bathroom.
When he catches sight of himself in the mirror, he almost has to take a double take.
There’s bruising under both eyes, his nose a dark purple at the top, and there’s a small cut on his cheek over swelling skin. The sling around his neck looks clinical and stiff, keeping his finger strapped tight to his chest.
He sighs, running the tap before wiping his face, trying to be as soft as possible as to not aggravate the bruising further.
He has to call Lars over to get him to squirt toothpaste on his toothbrush, but manages to actually brush them by himself, even if Lars does hover.
Lars manages to get him dressed into a new tshirt, one less embarrassing this time, but neither of them can be bothered with the hassle of changing his joggers.
Lars is mostly quiet the whole time, only speaking up to tell Kirk to be careful when they finally make their way down the stairs and into the car.
By the time Kirk’s got himself in the passenger seat, he can hardly breathe and he’s turned a sickly grey, breathing through his mouth heavily.
Lars is staring at him but doesn’t comment, just put his hand on his thigh, a silent way of telling him that it’s going to be okay.
They drive to school in silence, but it gives Kirk enough time to finally figure out what’s he’s going to do. He decides he isn’t going to tell Lars about Dave. At least not yet. He doesn’t want to worry him more than he already is, and he doesn’t want to get Lars involved in something he shouldn’t. It’s not fair.
When they get to school they’ve only got ten minutes till class starts, and Kirk is quick to spot Jason in the parking lot.
“Will you be okay with him?” Lars asks, lugging his bag over his shoulder. “I’ve got to go speak to my tutor before class starts.”
Kirk nods, reaching out to squeeze Lars’s hand gently.
“I’ll be okay. Go.”
Lars gives a tentative smile before leaning forward, pressing a shy kiss to Kirk’s cheek. Kirk’s heart flutters, and he can’t help but swoon as he watches Lars walk away.
“Jeez man, are you sure you should be at school?” Jason’s voice sounds, and Kirk turns to him, finding the younger looking a little amused at the sight of him.
Kirk doesn’t have time for jokes though. He pulls Jason forwards by the arm, close enough that he can talk without anyone hearing.
“Dave’s getting me involved in something. I don’t really know what he wants from me but it’s probably nothing good.”
Jason nods, brow furrowed. “Have you told Lars?”
“No. I don’t want to get him involved.”
“Oh, but you don’t mind me getting involved?”
Kirk just sighs, shaking his head, ignoring the pain that slices through his skulls.
“Please just-… I’ll let you know when I know more.”
Jason pats his shoulder, offering a smile. “You can tell me anything, man. You know that.”
Kirk nods, feeling like a weight’s been lifted from his shoulders. That is, until he sees a rush of red hair make its way across the parking lot towards the field.
“Thanks,” Kirk says, before throwing a thumb over his shoulder. “I’ve gotta go.”
“‘Course. See you later.”
Kirk trudges away from Jason, anxiety swirling in his gut as he rounds the corner, finds Dave stood under one of the trees.
He’s staring at Kirk, eyes narrowed, and Kirk walks over, throat tight.
“I’m surprised you showed,” Dave says, stubbing out his cigarette on the tree. “We’ve got five minutes so listen to me.”
Kirk nods, stepping forwards, even if trepidation has him shaking. Just being near Dave after their last confrontation makes him want to puke, but he holds his ground.
“There’s competition. I don’t know who it is, but they’re taking my customers. I want you to find out who it is.”
Kirk swallows. “How do you want me to do that?”
Dave digs into the interior pocket of his jacket before producing a few bags. Most of it looks like weed, but there’s also some other stuff intermingled.
“I want you to sell this. Make me fifty bucks next week and you’ll have paid me back half.”
“I thought I only owed you fifty?”
“Yeah, well now you owe me a hundred,” Dave sneers, thrusting the bags into Kirk’s hand.
“Don’t be too obvious. And don’t fucking turn me in. You go down, you go down alone. Got it?”
Kirk stuffs the bags into his backpack, body trembling at the tone of Dave’s voice.
“Got it,” Kirk replies.
The bell rings and Kirk sighs. Finally, he can go to class. Dave deliberates over him for a moment before walking past, slamming into his shoulder in the process.
Kirk has to hold in a whimper as the movement jars his finger. God, he should’ve just stayed home.
By the time he gets off the field, class has already started, and he doesn’t want to look a fool and turn up late for everyone to see.
Instead he decided to go sit in the library for a while, just until next period starts where he can grab Lars to drive him home.
He’s really not feeling too great, already dreaming of his bed.
He sniffs, manages to find a spot behind some shelves where no one will find him. He dumps his bag on the floor and slumps into the chair, careful of his bandaged hand.
He stays there for a while, drifting in and out of sleep as he waits for the bell, when a commotion sounds from somewhere behind the shelves. Kirk perks up a little bit, listening.
He definitely recognises that voice.
He gets up, sidles up behind the shelves before peeking around it.
He finds familiar blonde hair, back to him as hands flit across the books on the shelf, as if looking for something but too angry to find it.
Kirk frowns, watches James smack his hand onto the wood, a loud fuck sounding from his lips.
He wants to but in, wants to ask if he’s okay, but Kirk’s still not forgiven James for what he did at prom, and it’s ultimately that that makes him stay quiet.
He watches as James finally stops, defeated, crumpling into a chair in the corner, face guarded in his hands. Kirk decides he’s seen enough and slinks back to his own chair, sitting in it carefully as to not make any sound.
He opens his phone, sends a text to Lars to come pick him up from the library because he doesn’t think he has the effort to walk the corridors by himself, then leans back in his chair, closing his eyes.
It’s silent for a few moments before there’s the sound of footsteps; footsteps that stop directly in front of Kirk.
Kirk hold his breath, opens his eyes.
James stares back at him.
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Prisoner P2
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Media IRL X Scifi
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Tbs X Reader
Rating joyful
Concept Lab Rats
I accepted, because of course I did. Living out the rest of my sentence in a place like this seemed like utter paradise, and so far it had been.
They gave me  a new port on my neck and every morning a nurse would come and put a small purple vile into my port wait till it emptied and then they'd go typically without a word. the vile was always turned in such a way I was unable to see the words written on the side of the vile, and they always took it with them only removing it from their pocket or hand Immediately putting it into my port twisting twice, waiting and then pulling it out adding it back to their pocket again.
I didn't argue, It didn't make me feel strange or anything not even sleepy or anything. 
Then I'd be left alone in my room to watch tv, make food, do any number of hobbies, sleep, shower, do whatever I wanted, and every day on the dot at two seventeen a analyst arrived. 
He would come and sit with me for an hour or so talking about things, most of which didn't seem to matter all that much but I answered honestly. 
Thing had been fine for months now, I had gotten into a good routine and never had issues...
Well except- Some nights I'd be tossing and turning in my bed. I'm awake, but not. Paralyzed but not. Aware of my body and yet somewhat aware I'm away from it. My body would ache, burn and go though the most horrific pain I could imagine but I'd always wake up the next morning with no scars,  no soreness. I just assumed nightmares. 
And given the life I had lived... I could be forgiven if it haunted me. 
As soon as I told the Analysis about it they began to fade away so I didn't much question it. Maybe this stuff had side effects or something. 
I got up and began my day I went on a run on the treadmill, then had a hot shower and brushed my teeth. I got dressed and made myself fresh toast for breakfast from the pantry that refilled from the other side, I ate my breakfast while watching some old cartoons when the door opened to a nurse I finished my food and went sitting on my bed, he didn't speak he merely put the vile to my port and watched it drain removing it quickly "Oww" I said  a little aggravated given he pulled it so fast and so hard he didn't respond simply noting on his forms something ands then scampering out of my room, I did a few things around the room making my bed, doing some knitting, watching tv having nothing more then a banana for lunch and soon enough the analysis arrived right on time and we sat at the table,
"Any more of those strange sleep paralysis and night terrors?" 
"No, not the nightmares. Paralysis yes. But that's normal"
"Right oh." he nods noting things down "Breakfast?"
"French toast"
"That all?"
"It was a lot of French toast this morning"
"Plans for dinner,"
"I don't know. I might make jacket potato not sure yet." 
"What did you do today?"
"The usual"
"any flashes?"
"Did you knit today?"
"I did."
"What did you make?"
"What did you make?"
"Not sure might be a hat. or a scarf, only just started don't really have any plans"
"Right oh. Question"
"When you cook, you over cook. then make yourself skip other meals because your not hungry. Why? why not cook less."
"I don't know. haven't cooked in so long guess my portion measurements are a bit off, And whenever I did use to cook I wasn't alone"
"Right Oh." he nods "That'll be all for today" he says closing his file and heading to the door 
I nodded but I got up as he stopped short of my door 
"Ohh, One more thing." he says "Dr Lumis says you've been here a year now. Congratulations" 
"Thanks. It doesn't feel like a year"
"It'll fly by" he says "But Dr Lumis and I have been thrilled by your progress. and we wanted to give you a little gift"
"No no its fine I'm more then happy to help. this place is far more then I deserve" 
"If you will accept, it is a part of our work too."
"Of course, what is it?"
"A roommate." he says tapping on the door to my room 
I didn't know what to expect but I guess it makes sense I'm a lab rat they are running experiments on me I'm sure even if I'm not always aware of them, and surely they don't give every lab rat a room like this, I suppose sharing won't be too bad. I didn't want to look as I heard the door open and close, don't know why but I worried about getting my hopes up. 
But I would never in all time have expected this, "Sugarcube?" 
That voice. That name. 
I looked to the door tears already welling up so much it became hard to see until I wiped my eyes, my knees week, resting my hand in front of my mouth to prevent my screams as I saw him there. 
his thin body wrapped up in some old jeans and a button down, everything about him much the same as I last remembered his eyes full of tears to see me too I bolted across the room into his arms and he held me tighter then I'd ever been held before, it hurt but I didn't care at all. he felt the same. He smelt the same. even the sound of his breathing was the same. I cried into his shirt and he too cried into me both of us unable to form anything more the the sounds of joyful tears, when my legs gave out he went with me cardling me as I knelt on the floor with my arms around him and he pulled back just enough to see my face 
"Please god tell me your real? Please tell me its really you" he cried desperation in his voice 
"it's me! It's me I promise. I've missed you so much"
"I don't think missed even comes close. I've been lost without you" 
"I never though I'd see you again" 
"me either."
"I take it then no complains about your new accommodation?" The analysis asked us both 
"No! no complains" Thomas told him 
"Happy with your new roommate?"
"Thrilled" I giggled still holding back tears, The analysis left the room leaving us alone. "I can barely believe your real"
"me either, I can't believe they let us near each other let alone be together."
"Clearly they must think pretty highly of whatever that purple stuff is they've been shoving in us"
"...purple? huu mines green"
"Whatever, come on I'll make you a tea"
"Awww okay sugarcube," 
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plaindangan · 2 years
Heeeeello! Let me welcome you to the ask work! I hope you will have fun, big smooches.
Anyway now for the ask.
(No hopes peak AU Shuichi X Kaede) Saihara Shuichi did it! He’s finally a full fledged detective! Admitedly he’s still very not confident in himself and shy, especially around girls (which his uncle and mentor told him more than once, causing a lot of cute reaction from the admitedly quite feminine looking (except for what’s under his pants~) emo-looking femboy)
And today he’s going to take on his very first case alone! Well he wished he had an assistant but it’s not like he had many friends, and kaito his quite busy being in space as we speak. But anyway, his mission is simple, investigate and find who could be behind the theft of an expensive necklace at a very high-ranked gentleman club .. well, admitedly it looks more like a theatre, especially considering the fact the main attraction, the pianist, who is also the one who owned the necklace, is the reason why it’s so popular, some say she’s the new reincarnation of a sexy seductive Venus! .. and some says part of her body are so large they could be confused with planets, but it’s not like Shuichi liked curvy girls in particular. (It’s a lie, he DEFINITELY has a ultra thicc tall girl kink. Funny considering his own butt his incredibly large for a boy.) Uh, funny, she has the same name as his childhood friend crush who he told he was gonna marry when he was very young. Anyway hopefully it will go well!
(Spoilers, after that adventure a lot of problem are fixed, he has a girlfriend, good income, AND an assistant… hopefully he would be able to focus around her~)
(If you don’t like some part don’t hesitate to contact me in my dms so we can change what’s wrong , also Kaede is definitely gonna wear an ultra sexy dress~… or lewder~)
Disclaimer: Below is content that's more on the racy side! If not for you, you probably shouldn't read!
They say that reality has its perks...and boy was Shuichi realizing that even the rumors her heard about Club Harmony's owner tended to not live up to how magnificent the truth was.
When he first got there, the club owner, Kaede Melodic (a name that brought back nostalgia memories...but certainly couldn't be her) was in the midst of her show. Beautiful, radiant, blonde hair that seemed to glow under the spotlight. Fingers that graced and played a melody that could rival even famed pianists in terms of skill. That had hypnotized every person, male or female, with its tune.
And, yes, there was no shame that she was incredibly sexy. Her curvy body was coated in a purple dress, that was hardly leaving much to the imagine in terms of covering her incredibly large breasts that seemed to dwarf friggin' solar systems, which seemed to jiggle ever so slightly as she played - enough to ensure people's eyes would remain on her show no matter what!~
When the taller woman stood up, giving a demonstration on how much said dress clung tightly to her body and how said dress had plump thighs exposed, people found themselves hollering like crazy. Shuichi only barely resisted doing the same, but did find himself clapping just as intently...hm? She had winked at the crowd, which earned even more fervor...but why did it feel like it was aimed at him. Like specifically?
Dismissing such thoughts, Shuichi had to wait until after clean up and the other patrons left, before he could meet his client. Knocking on the door of her dressing room he heard a sultry voice from behind it: "Come in!~" "Ah, ma'am, I'm hear to talk ab-oh!?" Her face turned bright red as he bared witness to Kaede as she sat in front of her dressing mirror, seemingly putting on her make-up. As it turns out, Kaede's dress was a backless one...and boy did it reach low. Just low enough that large peach that she calls her rump was partially exposed...and the fact it didn't seem like she was wearing underwear!! Shuichi began to stammer out, half embarrassed and thinking he should leave....and 'another part' of him stirring, getting him excited as he couldn't bare to turn away!
Kaede noticed through her mirror, and a small smile formed from her plump lips. Turning around and standing up (which had the effect of Shuichi realizing how much this woman towered over him), she sauntered up to him, hips moving ever so seductively. Stopping when she was right in front of him - of giving him a personal closer at her enticing breasts - said smile turned almost cheeky in nature.
"Like what you see, Detective?~ You always were a lover of the 'larger' side of life!~" That smile...that playful tone...it was then that the pieces finally put into to place for Shuichi. This was...his precious friend Kaede! Kaede Akamatsu!~
"I-It's you!? I-I didn't expect! I mean! I..." Kaede giggled at Shuichi's reactions and wagged her finger teasingly.
"What? That I'd grow up looking like a total bombshell? That'd I be just your type?~" she teased and pulled the detective in for a hug. A hug that had him face first in what seemed to be the world's softest set of boobs most would dream of getting a glimpse of!~ Doesn't help that the rest of his body was so pressed up against her alluring one which were as equally amazing...especially to that 'other part' of him that was barely containing itself.
"Pssh, the case can await a bit later...I've been so eager to talk to you ever since I saw that ad for your agency online! We have so much to discuss...and to do?~" That sultry voice came back and, as Shuichi glanced up, he could see a lustful smirk on her face. Slowly, Kaede reached down and grabbed at the detective's bottom. Even for a guy, Kaede could tell he had an ass that most girl's would envy. His pants seemed to be just straining to keep himself
"Aaaaah~" He moaned out, face flushed and flustered. Only encouraging Kaede to continue, pulling down both his pants and boxers....after a couple of tries given how tightly they clung to him. Once off, she was practically salivating as she squeezed and rubbed the pale rump in her midset. Jiggly and squishy to the core. Kaede could play with it all day.
"Looks like I wasn't the only one to grow up into something stunning!~ I could just sit you down and play with this all day.....but I can feel something else clamoring for my attention!~" By now, Shuichi couldn't hide it. Her large, thick, rod was now fully poking at Kaede's thighs. Just begging and throbbing to be place between them!~ Something looked ever so apologetically about.
"K-kaede! I-I'm so-!!" Her was about to apologize before a kiss broke such thing....and he found himself getting lost in how sweet it felt!~ A silent answer: there was nothing to be apologetic about!
As Shuichi felt her slender fingers reach around, softly grip at his member, stroke it (or to be exact 'play it' as if it was a piano key) and eventually situate itself in-between her awaiting thighs...he knew that this was going to be quite the long night before the case could ever actually be talked about.
The first of many long nights as, with Kaede's help, they found the thief responsible...and she happily stuck around!~ Club Harmony became a place where Shuichi could use as a second office, where both could conspire to figure out their next case, to 'investigate' each other's bodies some more...
To eventually get married in!~
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juhaknyeonies · 1 year
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incarnation | lee jeno (ft na jaemin)
summary: its always been him, always him for you. you’re entire life was based on him. the carnations were your guide. the petals followed behind. one day it wasn’t about him. you have never felt such relief in your life.
genre: angst - unrequited love, romance
warning: toxic relationship
a/n: original ending is linked (this is jaemins ending)
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purple carnation - new beginning
You’re relationship with Sihyun didn’t last after graduation. When we graduated we went to different school. You went to a dance academy to chase your dream of being a dancer and I went to a university that specialised in everything in the medical field with Jaemin. We never saw each other much. I missed you a lot. I’m not sure if Jaemin could tell but it was nice having him around. I did see you that day you were having the dance tournament that really started your career. I was working at the cafe and you were stressed out and I had served you coffee that you ordered. “Hi, Jeno.” I greeted you. “I haven’t seen you in a while,” You said. “How are you?” You asked. “I’m good,” I gave you your coffee. “Are you free to talk?” You asked. “Well, I get off my shift in 10mins, if you can wait then yea.” I had left to go into the back and serve more people while you waited there for me. When I got out you were there waiting for me outside the cafe next to purple carnations. I guess they just followed you everywhere. “How’s Jaemin?” You asked. “He’s well, do you not talk anymore?” I asked. “I guess not, Sihyun really changed my life. I’m gathering it back together now though.” You explained. “I’ve got a dance tournament soon and I’m really nervous since this tournament could make my career.” You held your bag with all your dance gear. “Well I hope you do well,” I said sincerely. It had been so long I forgot how to talk to you. “You wouldn’t mind coming to the tournament to watch with Jaemin, right?” You asked. “Maybe, he might be busy but I can come.” I thought about it. “Yeah, i’ll come tonight.” I went home while you went to your dance studio. I messaged Jaemin about it and he said he couldn’t make it. I’m not sure what happened about between the 2 of you but you should’ve made up by now. I got ready for the dance tournament but I didn’t realise I had to pay for entry. You ended up noticing I didn’t have enough money so you snuck me in as one of your staff. I still think you were smart for that. “Goodluck Jeno,” I cheered you on before you were due on stage. I really wish the best for you.
When you started dancing I felt a wave of emotions. You were beautiful on stage. The admiration I had for you years ago came back seeing you so passionate. I was happy you were on stage doing what you loved most. You were so carefree on the stage it was like a breath of fresh air. The stage was very purple, you were dressed in white with purple carnations all over. They suit you, after that show we ended up talking and walking around all night. We talked about how we use to sneak in conversations while Sihyun’s friends weren’t around it was exhilarating for you. Also those times we would bump into each other at the shops and hang out because we couldn’t in school. It made you realise how toxic your relationship was. Jaemin was in the right to yell at her. After we were done walking around you offered to take me home. I said no, but before you left you told me something. “I love you,” You told me, but I couldn’t accept it and my heart hurt. “Jeno, I don’t like that way,” I told you. “That’s okay. I just thought you deserved to know,” My heart hurt so much I walked away and we never go the chance to speak again. Jaemin was there to cheer me up. He always was. That same night I slept in his arms.
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pink carnation
Today is my wedding. Thank you for those years of rejection because I would’ve never found my heart with Jaemin. I hope you can come to our wedding and make up with Jaemin, maybe we can all be friends like we once were again.
- your dear friend
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slifarianhawk · 2 years
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Chapter 19: Equinoxal
I slumped out of my bed, grabbed the phone, and dialed archer.
"Front desk Archer speaking," Arjuna said into the phone.
"Arjuna is Steve, Irving, or Albert there?" I asked tears freely falling from my face.
"Yes, mam, Steve Burnside and Ricardo Irving are in the lobby. I haven't seen Mr. Wesker this morning." Archer said.
"Meet me and the white queen in my office... It's time the Phoenix arose from her flame. After I go Equinoxal brings the D.N.A test to the containment chamber. I can't hide the truth anymore."
"So you made up your mind and decided to put her to rest. I'll be there after I have escorted Mr. Irving to the airstrip,'' Archer said.
"Alright, have a steak and plates sent to my office and Albert's room. Deliver it personally my friend and make sure both steaks are rare please." I spoke hanging up.
It was about time that I went and got prepared for the trial ahead. This would be it. To reveal what is in my heart and embrace him as myself. I was terrified.
I quickly got up and got dressed in a black tank top and long black yoga pants. I threw on my knee-length black sweater and put on my purple corrective shades. I looked like him on the day he captured me.
Without shoes, I headed to my office. The elevator ride was swift and the floor was freezing. Walking off the elevator I swiftly moved to my office. Entering the office I stared at the walls and touched my throat.
"Son of a bitch, why? Why when things were going just as I needed them to, my emotions go and screw everything up." I screamed out as I slammed the door shut.
"White queen activate using code seven four eight," I spoke sitting down in my chair white queen appeared in front of me.
"yes, Tabitha?" She spoke.
"It's time, it's earlier than expected but what you and Archer guessed is true. My heart is too attached. I'm going to reveal who I truly am." I said.
"Enter," I said.
"Good morning Commander," agent nighthawk said, "I have your breakfast from Archer."
"Thank you agent Nighthawk. Now if you'll excuse me after this you'll escort me to the containment chamber. " I said taking a bite of the steak, "queen prepare my viral activator, I'm in for a hell of a fight."
(Wesker's P.O.V.)
There was a knock at my door. I swiftly moved to it and opened it. Standing outside was Alistar's assistant.
"Good morning Commander Wesker sir, my lady has instructed me to bring you some breakfast." He said pointing to a cart and opening a cloche, "An A-5 t-bone steak done rare with country-style fried potatoes with two over medium eggs."
"This is a quality choice from your lady. I can't wait to fight her in her Equinoxal form." I spoke taking the food, archer disappeared down the hall.
Then as if in a queue my phone started to ring. Picking it up. I growled in annoyance, "Yes Excella?"
"Albert horrible news about that Alistar woman. We found a grave at the Russian base. It's not for your...wife... but for an Alistar Lancaster and there is a corpse. It seems we have a liar in our midst." she said.
"It seems my intuition was more fact the fiction. Little trickster, what do you think you are doing? Do you think playing as the dead and getting away with tricking me? I wonder how else you will try to entertain me, now that I know your not Alistar. Excella exhumes the body and bury it back in the base in Africa. I should have my daughter close at hand." I said.
"D...d...daughter....," she shuddered, "Yes Albert, just be sure to remember who did this for you." She said hanging up.
I smirked today was going to be fun indeed.
"I guess I should eat. I do not like to keep liars waiting."
(Normal P.O.V. +Time skip)
I awaited him with trepidation or was it consternation? I didn't know and frankly didn't care. I held the viral injector in my hand. Time to play my cards right into his hands.
"Ms. Lancaster isn't it about time you were ready? Let's begin." Wesker said stalking in with a smirk, Steve behind him
Red flag, he used multiple contractions. Something was wrong. This was something I would always remember about him. He rarely used contractions and when he used multiple, it meant he was seriously pissed.
"Yes, let us begin." With a swift motion, I injected the needle into my neck.
Pain and anxiety raced throughout my body, as it twisted and contorted. My nails became razor-sharp talons, my canines turned into long black fangs, bloody bat-like wings draped across my back, my hair a brilliant sliver and I formed a black visor over my eyes. Feeling the contacts dissolve and in the visors, I saw blue. It was time.
Quickly, I flew at him hands curled exposing my claws to the outside. Within seconds I was next to Wesker and while he blocked his face I grabbed his arms and flipped him onto his back. That was too easy was he holding back, why?
"Do not hold back on me now!" I shouted lifting him and attempting to throw him into a wall. Then a kick racks through my shin. I dropped to my knees as he stood up and off of me. Dusting himself off, he grabbed my neck lifting me off the ground.
"Now little trickster, show me who you are." He said throwing me into the floor face first shattering the visor against the cold polished cement floor.
I opened my eyes and dusted the debris out of them, "how long? How long did you know?" I stood up with deep blue snake eyes glowing an icy blue.
"Excella went on a trip to Russia and reported back this morning. Your eyes though are intriguing only those who are perfect bound with the..." realization dawning upon Wesker's features.
"Angelis virus, yes that's right. Have you figured it out?" I speed in front of him slamming my heel into his solar plexus, sending him into the wall.
Dust flying out from the impact, I dashed over to the corner of the room and turned out the light.
"Honey I'm home." I laughed hysterically the virus intensifying the anxiety of being found out by that stupid bitch Excella. Tears of dripping blood fell on the floor.
"There's no point in hiding, Tabitha. Come to me." Wesker said his eyes glowing in the dark room, a growl emanating from his throat.
"As you wish my dear," I said snapping. The silica particles in the air gathered around me shaping into sharp spears. With a simple flick of my wrists, I sent the spears flying in Albert's direction.
His eyes blazed behind his sunglasses. he deflected all but one spear he caught and threw it back at me.
The next thing I knew I heard a splatter and I heard Archer entering and turning on the lights. The spear was impaled through my shoulder. Blood was building up behind the blade.
"It is over my dear lotus. Now come to me." He said softly.
"Yes, captain." I hung my head causing the spear to disintegrate leaving a major hole in my shoulder. The blood that was building up burst forth and spewed from the wound causing me to fall over.
"COMMANDER!" Archer and nighthawk yelled running over to me and catching my limp body.
Steve ran over to me as I was clinging on to consciousness, "hey hanging on ok! Alistar...Tabitha, whatever your name is. I got you."
I saw Albert start to run toward me his face pale. I saw nothing but pure concern on his face. I gave a slight smile then laid completely out on the floor. I heard each drop of blood hit the floor... drip drop like seconds on the clock. Cold creeping upon me like a snake. Darkness's long tendrils snaked their way around me dragging me into the depths of unconsciousness.
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kgreen200 · 3 months
I've received this email from Faith and Liberty. Since they haven't included an online link this time, I've copied their email and am posting it below.
Chris Beck is a decorated Navy SEAL with 13 deployments. He received both a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart in his 20-year military career. But during all of that, life felt out of control. Beck said so-called medical professionals pushed him into treatments that “destroyed my life.”
After a single, short meeting with the Department of Veterans Affairs, Beck was advised to begin hormone therapy. But Beck said, “I was never transgender, male to female, or female to male, or anything.” He continued: “For me, transgender did not exist.” But at the advice of doctors, Beck “had unnecessary surgeries.”
Beck underwent chest augmentation and facial surgery, but then stopped before he succumbed to anything more severe. Now, nine years later, Beck is back to living his life as a man. He’s engaged to a woman and is speaking publicly for the first time against the LGBTQ agenda mutilating children.
Beck told the New York Post that “there are doctors doing surgery on 12-year-old children and that’s unacceptable.” They are doing to kids the same thing that ruined Beck’s life.
But if radicals in D.C. get their way, they will block every alternative for these children with mental health stressors like Beck had. They want to force them into experimental drugs and surgeries, even when gender confusion resolves in 85% of minors.
The “Equality Act” will make it illegal for anyone to offer hope of a healthy outcome. This bill is dangerously close to passing. Rush your critical faxes to Congress to stop HR 15. Urge them to block this bill. — Your Faith & Liberty team
Yesterday was the anniversary of the brutal mass shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, a known LGBTQ club. Angel Colon and Luis Ruiz miraculously survived the massacre. They have been totally transformed by the love of Jesus, and now they rescue those caught in the LGBTQ web of deceit.
Beck is not the only one who has been harmed by this destructive agenda, and he is not the only one who has found freedom. Chloe Cole is another person who has suffered similarly and is now publicly telling her story.
“I speak to you today as a victim of one of the biggest medical scandals in the history of the United States of America,” 19-year-old Chloe told Congress. “I speak to you in the hope that you will have the courage to bring the scandal to an end, and ensure that other vulnerable teenagers, children, and young adults don’t go through what I went through.”
This battle is much bigger than a handful of people. Democrats in the U.S. House have teed up the Equality Act. This will destroy everything that Chloe is fighting for. And these radicals just got one more vote, now have 213 in support of HR 15. If they get just a few more votes, this bill will prevent states from protecting children against child mutilation.
This dangerous bill will affect everyone. It will not just infringe on religious freedom — it will trample it. But HR 15 goes far beyond destroying religious freedom. It will harm parents and children. Rush your urgent faxes to Congress to stop the “Equality Act.”
This “Equality Act” will have a huge, unthinkable impact if it is passed. It will legally mandate everything that the Biden administration is already attempting to push. The "Equality Act" will mean that:
No restroom will be safe. Biological men will have access to girls’ and women’s locker rooms, dressing/shower rooms, sport activities, and shelters.
Churches will be forced to provide equal access to LGBTQ ceremonies if the facilities are open to natural marriage ceremonies.
Churches and religious schools will be forced to hire staff involved in LGBTQ conduct; give men access to women’s restrooms, locker rooms, showers, and sports; allow boys to bunk with girls on camping and overnight trips; and provide insurance to cover hormones, mutilating surgeries, and chemical and surgical abortions.
From pre-K, children will be taught that they can choose their gender, will be encouraged to experiment with each other to find their "identities," and will be able to demand opposite, both, and neither sex pronouns (he for a girl, mx for both, zie for neither).
Noncompliant churches and schools could lose federal, state, and local tax exemptions and accreditations.
Abortion up to birth will be the law of the land.
Pregnancy resource centers will be forced to provide abortion referrals.
If this bill passes, you will not escape its reach into every business, church, school, and more. It will even apply to a small online business in your home!
The truth is that 100% of all so-called “gender reassignment surgeries” fail — every single time. You cannot become a different gender no matter how much you mutilate your biological one. There are about 6,500 known differences on a cellular level between boys and girls, and no number of surgeries will change this biological fact.
HR 15 is a real threat. The Democrats need only a few more people to cave to pass this bill. Please take a stand for our innocent children now. Fax Congress and demand they VOTE NO on HR 15.
DOUBLE the impact of your gift through our Challenge Grant. Your gift of $25 will become $50, $100 has the impact of $200, $500 becomes $1,000, and beyond.
You can also support our Faith & Liberty ministry on Capitol Hill by signing up for recurring monthly donations.
Peggy Nienaber, Senior Vice President
Mat Staver, Chairman
Rev. Gregory Cox, Senior Pastor
P.S. DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT with our Challenge Grant. And sign our petition.
“Chloe Cole Opening Statement on Transitioning and Detransitioning.” C-SPAN, July 27, 2023. C-span.org/video/?c5079802%2Fchloe-cole-opening-statement-transitioning-detransitioning.
Hains, Tim. “De-Transitioner Chloe Cole Tells Congress: Let Me Be Your Final Warning.” Real Clear Politics, July 27, 2023. Realclearpolitics.com/video/2023/07/27/de-transitioner_chloe_cole_tells_congress_let_me_be_your_final_warning.html.
Kime, Patricia. “Retired Navy SEAL and Trailblazer for Transgender Troops Detransitioning, Critical of VA Care.” Military.com, December 13, 2022. Military.com/daily-news/2022/12/13/retired-navy-seal-and-trailblazer-transgender-troops-detransitioning-critical-of-va-care.html
Miller, Joshua Rhett. “Ex-Navy SEAL who detransitioned warns transgender teens: ‘You need to slow down.’” New York Post, December 12, 2022. Nypost.com/2022/12/12/ex-navy-seal-who-detransitioned-warns-transgender-teens-slow-down/.
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taiblogcomics · 1 year
My Little Women ...Would Be Kind of a Creepy Title, Actually
Hey there, winking emojis. Well, we finished another third of Avengers Arena, and we need a break, yeah? Something light and fun. Now, I did finish all the G5 pony comics I had in the backlog last time... But note that one bit: the G5 comics. I got a little something else for you today~
Here's the cover
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So this is My Little Pony Classics Reimagined - Little Fillies. Dunno if there are or will be more in the Classics Reimagined line, but here's the first. It's all the MLP characters you know and love, but it's plugged into Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women". If you haven't read "Little Women", don't worry, neither have I! It's still pretty entertaining, and you get a strong sense of the original story. You'll see. Either way, a fittingly simple, pleasant cover for such a story. Dunno what crowd the Little Women fandom draws in for comics, but the Friendship is Magic cast is sure to pull in a few readers~
Now, just for clarity, I will be referring to the characters by the names of the roles they're playing. I will, of course, indicate who's played by who each time they're introduced, but otherwise when I say "Meg", you're gonna have to remember it's our favourite purple book horse. Speaking of, we open at the March house, where Meg (Twilight Sparkle) is finishing up here contribution to their family newspaper. Beth (Fluttershy) compliments her on the story's moral, while Jo (Rainbow Dash) scoffs at it. She doesn't have time for moral lessons. Yup, that's Rainbow Dash~
After a side comment from Amy (Rarity), Jo shares her own story: a frolicking adventure story starring a pony named Rainbow Dash collecting artifacts and fighting thieves. Beth interrupts her, unsure whether they've already heard this story or not. Meg agrees, eventually realising it sounds a lot like AK Yearling's Daring Do books. Amy agrees that it seems derivative, and is also miffed that Jo gets to copy for her articles and she isn't. Jo's pretty mad at the insinuations. But it's hard to write adventure stories when you haven't had any yourself...
Her sisters sympathise, but even everyday life is a kind of adventure. Besides, it's Hearth's Warming Eve, and who can be sad then? Even if their bits are going somewhere other than presents, perhaps. Their father (Cheese Sandwich) is off fighting in the war, so money is tight. They muse a bit about what they would've liked to receive, and when Jo mentions she'd like the newest AK Yearling book, Meg is surprised she hasn't bought it yet. She probably would have, but Aunt March (Discord) hasn't paid her yet. Once she does, though, Beth suggests they pool their money for a gift for their mother, Marmee (Pinkie Pie).
And here's where some of the humour of the adaptation comes in. Up 'til now, it's been a fairly straight adaptation (I assume, anyway). But upon mention of her character's name, Pinkie pirouettes in and flops on the floor. Twilight protests that this can't possibly be her entrance, and Pinkie points it out in the script. The script in her hoofwriting. Pinkie's retort? Are they adapting a literary classic? Yes. Does that mean she can't add cartwheels if she wants? No. Rarity then pipes up with some regard to wardrobe, and Twilight shouts for focus.
Totally focused, Marmee pulls out a letter from their father and reads it out loud. The key part, though, is the ending which goes something like "adventures are well and good, but don't seek them so strongly you miss what's right in front of you now". This is clearly directed at Jo. In the days that follow, she tries to take it to heart, attempting to write something not so Daring Do derivative, but comes up with nothing. Meg interrupts her nothings to remind her they've been invited to a fancy New Year's party. Jo accidentally butchers Meg's hair while they're dressing, but they make it there.
While Meg fawns over the high class guests, Jo wanders off to stew. While she's moping, a butler (Discord again, in another role) suggests she try stage left. Someone has to keep the narrative pace going, right? Jo ducks into a little room where she can escape the party for a bit, and it's here where she meets Theodora "Laurie" Laurence (Applejack), their next door neighbour. Oh boy, this is gonna be some Appledash shipping, isn't it? Coz the surprise and explanation for Laurie's nickname preferences works better in the original book, where the Laurie character was a boy.
Anyway, Jo wonders why they haven't hung out before, being next door neighbours and all. Laurie's just been busy with school and stuff. She's been all over, and Jo is swooning a bit at the thought of all that adventure. She's jealous, coz there's not too much to write about in Broncord, Massahoofsetts. Laurie is pretty intrigued, even if Jo isn't officially published yet. She asks Jo for a story right now, and she obliges. She gets a little stuck in the middle, and Laurie suggests Jo stop thinking like AK Yearling and tell what she wants in the story.
Alas, while Jo catches a second wind spinning a yarn about her self-insert OC Rainbow Dash (now there's some confusing canon mapping for you~), she's just getting into it when Meg appears, rather disheveled and ready to go home. She got too involved in a competition with the Great and Powerful Trixie (who I guess doesn't get a canon character to play), and she would like to go home now.
Jo and Laurie walk home together, and the pair part amicably. Laurie muses that while it might not be as exciting as a Daring Do adventure, but the story of how they met might be worth writing about too. Jo supposes that's true, and the comic ends with her heading inside to recount Rainbow Dash's latest adventures to Beth and Amy (who didn't get to come, I guess)~
This is pretty all right. Like I said, I’ve never read ”Little Women” myself, not even for school, but there’s enough both in the story and the meta asides that I’ve gotten the gist of it. Speaking of, it’s those meta asides I like the most. A straight adaptation wouldn’t be quite as fun, I don’t think. It does make you wonder if they’re putting it on as a play or something, or if they simply know they’re in a comic adaptation. Either way, this certainly isn’t a bad story, I mean, it’s a classic for a reason, right~?
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