#i got into a gc with people who will be starting the university i will next year and boy are they alien to me
blue-eyed-giant · 1 year
ahhh nothing reminds you that you've only ever made friends with socially awkward and introverted people like yourself than getting thrusted into a group with hardcore extroverts that you need to "network"
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flwoie · 1 year
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cover designed by the lovely @giantkeroppi
・❥・ SYNOPSIS ➸ Prom is one of the best events of the year, especially when you have someone to go with. After getting ditched at the last minute on the night, you have two choices for your date: your ex or your enemy.
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PAIRING ➸ ex! jake x f! reader x second-lead! enemy! heeseung
GENRE ➸ smau, crack, fluff, angst if u look closely, enemies to friends, exes to lovers, love triangle, highschool au (00s, 01s & 02s are portrayed as juniors) (reader is an 02), one-sided pining (heeseung), mutual pining (reader & jake)
WARNINGS ➸ profanity, just bomin getting kicked out of the gc every chapter (yes that’s a warning bc it’s an unfunny joke 😭) each chap has its warning
FEATURING ➸ enhypen jaemin of nct shuhua of gidle bomin of golcha mentions of tbz (changmin, sunwoo & hyunjae) but portrayed as a hs band
STATUS ➸ discontinued :(
╰┈➤ START 03/26/23
╰┈➤ END …
SONATA SPEAKING ➸ so i got inspo from an instagram post so why not make this a series, this would’ve been great as a written series but yk how i am with written series 🤥🤥 (sorry mr puddles) BUT who wouldn’t love heejake smaus (sorry heeseung…)🔥🔥 and yes the og title was this or that but i hated it so…
☆ playlist — «on days like this, i miss you»
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DATES ❥ interlocking toes club 💐 bonk playerzzz
ONE — no date 🤣🤣
TWO — got a date
THREE — super cool prom night > written
FOUR — raging 😹😹
FIVE — doing my job, trust the process
SEVEN — everyone loves tbz 😊
EIGHT — e etb. rjur. a.
NINE — i can;,;t,ttt,\ttttt,
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enhypen masterlist
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campbyler · 11 months
ok. a genuine question. how do u guys write 20-30k *chapters* bc i will outline fics minutely or i will just let myself start writing based off a vibe & either way i will get 600 words out of maybe. two hours of work. on a good day with no distractions/interruptions, & i very much do not have an uninterrupted two hours to write very often, so you can imagine how slowly things get written T_T so i’m interested if there’s any aspect of any of your writing processes that really enables u guys to write so much or if it’s not really something you think about? anyways i really like ur guys’s work, & thank you for deciding to write for byler bc i know me and a lot of people enjoy it a lot. thanks!!
hello !! this is a super valid question and i’ll try my best to answer it for you 😗✌️
andi infamously writes a lot faster than thea and i do (she finished draft 1 of chapter 3 in like. two days. which was so scary. i’m in awe of her fr) but she has also spent a lot of time editing ch3 so it’s definitely not like these chapters are publish-ready in a short amount of time by any means! it took thea a couple of months total to fully write + edit ch1 and it took me about 3.5 weeks to write ch2 and another two weeks to edit it which is part of the reason we’ve spaced out our posting schedule like we have — we put a lot of effort and care into these updates and we want to give ourselves as much time as possible to get ahead before all 3 of us inevitably get so super busy with work and/or school in the fall!! so while we do write a lot, please don’t think we are so insanely speedy about it because unless we are having Really Good Writing Days, that’s definitely not the case. sometimes we do have days where we are really in the zone and write more than usual, but at least for me, this is so so so rare. whatever i write in this time gets heavily edited because so much of it was nonsensical brain vomit LOL
as far as writing process goes, i think one of the things that motivates us a lot is that we genuinely do just talk about this au constantlyyyyy like we’re always coming up with silly little hcs or drawing for it or adding to the Lore ™️so we’re always getting inspired to write! all three of us are definitely people who use writing as a way to relax or even reward ourselves after a long day; we would probably die if we had to go too long unable to :/ messages like “i can’t wait to get home and write after work today” or “i’m going to write a little bit of ___ before bed because i deserve it” are very commonly found in our gc because we really just look forward to it so much! as for our scary word counts, i feel like there is a lot of worldbuilding in this universe specifically, and pacing is really important to us — we want to make sure introductions and set-up to a scene and character interactions are meaningful and flow naturally, and building tension (which is a hallmark of this fic hehe) does take some time, which can definitely add up word count-wise.
for the most part, none of us usually have a solid few hours to sit and write either (unless it’s on our days off or after work if we’re not too tired) and we get a lot of writing done in chunks! we hold each other accountable for short check-ins (“ask me for a snip in 30 minutes”) which is super helpful when you’re stuck, because it kind of forces you to get Something down without worrying if it’s super polished and edited and perfect. if you’re writing on your own, something i’ve started doing lately is setting a 15 minute timer and just seeing how much i can get done in that time, and then setting another and doing it again (up until however much time you have to write that day). i’ve found that the artificial deadline helps break the monotony of sitting in front of your computer for Hours on end with nothing to show for it bc TRUST we’ve all been there and it sucks so bad 😔✊
this got super long so i apologize but i hope at least a little bit of it was helpful! it definitely helps that we are constantly feeding into each other (i.e: having brainrot) and offering inspiration and advice, which does wonders for creative flow tbh. we’re definitely not cranking these chapters out as quickly as people might seem to think — thea started chapter four, which won’t be posted for about a month, maybe a week or two ago. i just started chapter 5 — about 6 weeks away — yesterday lol so we do take our time! don’t be scared by the giant chapters, we just had a lot of content we wanted to include in each one and are in too deep to take anything out 🥳🥳 thank you for the question! good luck with your writing we believe in you 🫡
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motherstone · 3 months
The implications of the curse on Kanalis. Does it only affect people born there? It must, because it's a port town and that wouldn't make a ton of sense otherwise. Also who cast it? There's no indication that stone magic has that kind of power. Stone magic seems more energy manipulation inclined, but there are probably other kinds of magic, given the whole everything of Alledia. Talking trees, giants, etc. Stonekeeper's Curse talks about harnessing the life inside everything, so I decided maybe some people use that magic without stones, in some sort of exchange with the universe/world at large. Definitely not to make an OC that has non-stone magic, I would never mess with canon like that /s.
Only mildly related, but would a giant tree that absorbs a person's life force to produce a fruit that gives immense power to the eater fit within the Amulet universe? It feels like it would.
Lemme be insane for 5 mins:
Ok, but like, I sort of addressed this in my rewrite. Alledia is an alternate version of earth with magic, and humans discovered it pretty early on.
Anyone can learn it w sufficient study and effort. Experimented w it like crazy, advanced many things, and changed many thngs. Precursor elves has an ancestor that changed their appearance and botched an immortality spell. Precursor Kanalis citizen has several ancestors fuck up transformation magic. Gadobas was a result of experimentation with magic. So on and so forth. Magic got widespread enough that it harms people and caused many wars and conflicts. Precursors tried to put restrictions/regulations but shit got apocalyptic enough that many people died and most of the magic is forgotten.
I like to think a few of the "long-lived humans" aka the elves of a long time ago has lived long enough to eventually learn that this precursor magic needs to be forbidden but also recorded as to never be repeated again, hence the elven culture's great emphasis on learning history. There's a small group that's dedicated to keep such magics forgotten or forbidden or regulated and maintains a massive archive of history and magic bc of it (aka, the village where Virgil is from).
So there's probably like, a human that lives as long as an elf, there's a few people in all three countries who has sparse knowledge of that precursor magic but gets passed down as "tradition", nothing too big. Gets mistaken for the magic to be "hereditary" but actually it's just passed down from parent to child
but tbh, precursor magic has limits in terms of energy. Moving a glass's worth of water using magic, easy peasy. Moving ocean's worth of water? next to impossible. Precursors made the Mother Stone for war times to gain immense energy to do that impossible energy levels of magic. Precursor magic is more like AA battery, and needs to be casted, not unlike a computer code? The Mother Stone is more like a generator. But they realize MS is dangerous and buried out of shame and horror and end up forgotten. Basically, it's the equivalent of us inventing the nuclear bomb, realizing it's pretty bad to use it, and then buried it so it can never be used.
A long time passed; civilization eventually recovered but bc of lost history, many of the technology regressed. A new start after that era of magic, you could say. Humans and elves eventually discover MS, ignore sign DANGEROUS CRYSTAL DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH. Stonekeeping becomes widespread. It was free for all, stonekeeper conflict ensues. Cielis is a kingdom that conquered other lands through stonekeeping and established Windsor. Could not penetrate Gulfen bc the mountain ranges proved impenetrable and a natural and difficult gate. Eventually, they used up 2/3rds of stone before some people with sanity realized that power needs to be regulated, overthrew corrupt stonekeeper,s and established the Guardian Council, now putting a metric on whether or not you should be a stonekeeper. Era of peace starts, it was kinda short tho.
The first GC was a mix of humans and elves just a heads up.
Advancements happen, economy improved. Eventually, Cielis lost sight, started lowering their standards on the quality of one's character on who gets to be a stonekeeper. Started resticting the stone power to nobles and people in power. Started having a strict hierarchy, started cutting out "outsiders" (elves, animal people etc). Basically, they're going back to their roots. Started a toxic education system where might is right.
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kangsxsienna · 10 months
hello! happy to be here as kang siyoung / sienna, angelic’s main rapper & dancer and a soloist in her own right. i was here before at famed as san, kami, xi and etc! i’m also bringing san and will be posting his intro as well! below the cut you’ll find links, some facts and a few idea bunnies! 
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Profile / About / Career / Plots / Open Claims  ( i’ll be working on adding variety and extra things but right now it’s focused on music / choreo related things. not listed but also applies if you wanted a role in mv or directed one.  if people want to back-date working with her or if you’re thinking of bringing a new muse and want to add things to their career.) 
kang siyoung or sienna. sienna is her english name and she since used it as her stage name 
adopted at two years old by parents who’s relationship quickly went south. both still support her but their focus is moreso on their new families respectively. 
got into everlast and debuted in angelic as the groups youngest member, main rapper and dancer 
got into a bit of trouble in high-school because she went out of her way to take the boyfriend of a girl she thought was a bitch and bully. #noregrets 
started to work on the group’s sound in 2015. she since then she’s worked on every comeback in someway including, song-writing / producing, choreography, styling. she’s also done this for other groups canon groups in the rp as well as it being one of her main focuses of income for smaller npc groups in the universe 
random but she’s not good at variety, during promotions one or two shows that are in a group setting though, she does have a love for crime scene 
performances at underground clubs / small festivals and mainly college festivals, her biggest festival performance was this year at waterbomb 
her youtube channel has her personal videos, music videos, dance videos and etc. one stop shop 
is a perfectionist work-a-holic 
trying to work on not being so cold and deadpanned 
is a good artist and likes to go on live and sketch sometimes 
comes off a tad cold and honestly, she likes it that way but is less formal once you get to know her, unformal if they’re friends 
does NOT have a chip on her shoulder when it comes to family and how she feels about hers.
no chip
nope not a one
loves anything horror. listens to the true crime podcast, scream posters, watches the wailing like it’s a romantic comedy 
as a unique relationship with her fans as she’s always had boundaries. has a strict relationship with them in what she shares and how. 
was the sexy-cutie in her group and it fit her well. that being said, her solo popularity didn’t carry over to solo work. often dismissed for her looks but the bigger issue was that the concept didn’t work with her. she has seen a rise since curving out a concept for herself with culture creative. that being said, her reputation is fairly high. known by staff and idols as a hard-working. (still goes around to pass out her album) though people might not know her, they don’t hear bad about her. and then her fandom is pretty good all things considered, she has slightly above average sales for a soloist but a lot of her engagement comes from social media, her connections and etc. 
ideas: (copied from my plot page bc #lazy) 
family relation! she would be the oldest sibling on all sides, unless she step-siblings were older but any half-siblings would most likely be younger! including her birth siblings that she knows about but don’t know about her 
i have to check to see if she has any over-lapping credits, but any connections from them working on something together as creators or an artist or group she did work for!
a little gc of song-writer / producers and they send each other little audio snippets and be amazing together 
one or two ex’s, bc home girl did focus on her career more than her relationships, she also blew threw some people, thinking they were on the same page (they weren’t) 
the one that did break her heart (or will?)
that nice core group of 3-4 friends 
the one bff that you can’t replace
possible enemy? 
someone who catches her resting bitch face and now there is a problem 
featuring on her youtube channel? 
planning to release music together 
some friends or peeps from high school? 
related to the above fact, if your muse was a mean girl or mean girl ish in high school or the boyfriend that she stole and then dropped shortly after 
dancing related friends
stylist related friends 
art friends 
like this and i’ll come to you or if you see something that checks out, lemme know! 
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wow-skylar · 9 months
My persona with all of my Seven Deadly Sins OC's
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Front and center: Me! Or rather my persona that I insert into every piece of media I consume 😀. They're a multiversal anomaly, which allows them to be aware of multiple timelines and universes all at once. Can rip powers straight from other worlds (like being able to open tears like Elizabeth in BioShock Infinite) and even open portals to bring objects through (like being able to get the energy sword from Halo). No matter what universe or time period they're in they have access to technology and social media. Posting pictures and updates about whatever tomfoolery they got into. Favorite way to get around is to roller blade but in the way that the one girl does in Big Hero 6. Basically just exists to cause chaos and mess with people and a way for me to be so powerful that it's stupid and laughable which is my favorite kind of powerful.
Back left: Fira. Fira is Phoenix Beastman making them a powerful deity (similar to Camila in GC). In her day to day life they pose as a fire dancer, putting on shows and traveling all over Brittania where they would eventually be found out and forced to go on the run.
Front Left: Arcadia (formerly named Anika iykyk). An OC that I've had for the last 6 years and has been through extreme changes. Arcadia is the sibling to Meliodas and Zeldris being the youngest out of them. When she was very young The Demon King and Supreme Deity made a deal for incase something went wrong in the holy war. The Supreme Deity blessed Arcadia and gifted them the powers of a goddess (hybrid mary-sueish I know..) after the holy war Arcadia wandered around from place to place eventually going to the fairy king's forest where they met King and Helbram, shenanigans ensued and Arcadia wandered around again. After that they wind up in liones after following a lead that Meliodas was being hunted by the kingdom. Wanting to desperately reunite with her brother, she posed as a Holy Knight.
Back right: Quinni/Elianna, even though they're one of my most recent OC's they're much more developed. Quinni was a princess in a small tyrannical Kingdom. She was also completely blind. Her mother was a druid and died when Quinni was 16. Quinni is also related to one of Elizabeth's incarnations, they were sisters. A few days after Quinni's 21st birthday Elizabeth fell 'ill' (really she had fallen unconscious as she was regaining her memories) and Quinni went off alone to pick up some herbs to help Elizabeth. As she was out, one of the knights led her out of the kingdom and into the woods where she was later abducted by a cult that worshipped chaos. That cult managed to summon a small piece of Chaos and bind it to Quinni. Afterwards she took on the name Elianna and using the newfound power, escaped from the cult. One more thing is that as Quinni she has long white hair and white eyes but after being fused with chaos and becoming Elianna their eyes became a soulless black and they have short black hair. Their skin also fades into darkness as if they are part shadow.
Front left: Vietra. Vietra is a goddess who is the sister of the original Elizabeth, being her older sister. She didn't play a very big role in the holy war and was able to get away with it because the Supreme Deity was to busy cursing Elizabeth. She managed to escape the goddess realm before the end of the holy war and wandered Britannia mourning the loss of her sister. The loss drove her mad and the people sparked legends about her calling her the weeping siren. (I came up with this on a whim🥰 I also was going to name her Vienna but then I started thinking about Symmetra from OW and my brain mushed the names together)
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
anon who said she’d read chapter 3 after the enha concert here!!! once again, the chapter was so good!! i was actually impatient and read it before i started getting ready to go to the concert 😭 yn’s gc with giselle and karina had me deadddd. ALSO jay would talk you through it omggggg 😵‍💫😵‍💫
as for the concert it was AMAZING!!! other than having to rush a little bit to get ready, it was the first concert i’ve been too where everything went smoothly for me. we made it early, got inside super fast as soon as doors opened, got merch fast, and we were able to use the restrooms and eat properly in no rush before the show. even getting home was quick and easy (getting home from nct 127 was an actual mess for me so i have a little bit of trauma) 😭 anyways i think the universe anticipated how much i wanted this so it made sure everything went well.
as for the acc concert, I LUV ENHA SO MUCH ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 our view was right in the middle so we were able to focus on the actual stage too rather than just the big screens and jfc they’re so in sync it amazed me. like even other groups are in sync too but enha’s choreo is so hard and the setlist was so physically demanding it was crazy to me that they’re able to make it seem so easy. THEY WERE SO STABLE TOOOO. enha best performers of 4th gen me thinks!! they’ve really proved their talent since they’ve debuted and i’m so proud!!! sunghoon mentioned some of the members were feeling a little sick cause of all the weather changes 🥺🥺🥺 yet they were all so happy and energetic and cute during their ments 🫶🏽🫶🏽 the production value was also crazy, the coffin shaped screens and stage was so creative tbh even if it’s one little detail. lighting and all went crazy too and made things so fun. you can tell money was put into the tour. i may be biased towards them but definitely my favorite kpop concert so far for sure!! just love enha sm 🥰🥰🥰 i only feel the same way for like two other groups, i’m selective af
as for the members omg HYUNG LINE HAD ME DEADDDD, they’re so fine. as a jay girly i already was screeching everytime he showed up. he just has this attractive aura surrounding him 24/7, oooooh i want him so bad 😫😫 BUT JAKE AND HEESEUNG OOOOOOH. jake was my og enha bias and has been my second bias since jongseong took the number one spot, but i think he’s fighting for number 1 again he’s just sooooo fine i was ready to get on my knees for him. everyone was down bad for him oof. heeseung is so sexy when performing jfc his expressions and energy 😍😍. sunghoon’s face card was crazy and he’d just show up on camera and id just be like how are you able to look like that. i almost passed out during that one move in sacrifice where he runs his hand down his body. jungwon is so cute, i’ve always seen him as my son even tho he’s like only a year younger than me 💀 but he was so cute during the ments especially when speaking english 🥹 sunoo is such a pretty man i cannot believe he’s real. ni-ki’s stage presence is so crazy. a true performer. he got so many cheers during the performances, but he deserves it. that’s my son fr and he deserves the world!!! overall they’re amazing performers, every member really shined through at some point and i’m so grateful i got to see them. i’m actually so close to buying a nosebleed ticket for their second show tn and going to just take in the moment without recording or worrying about what i’m wearing and all. i really hope they go to europe soon so you can see them!!! 🫶🏽🫶🏽❤️‍🔥
another thing i kinda wanna rant about. it’s so annoying that kpop concerts have become about interactions and videos. ik that people already say this on twitter so much but it’s so true!!! everyone on the floor was just recording the whole time. i get it to some extent because enha is soooo close to you and i’m v grateful for those super close up videos at every concert. but even enha said they love it when fans dance along. even tho i recorded most of the concert i kept my phone lower and made sure i was also taking in the concert from my own eyes and dancing alone (basically multitasking lmao). even enha was like we love seeing the fans dancing and having fun, but poor boys cannot see that on the floor (which probably are the only fans they can see clearly with all the lights on them). and when pola love came on and they went down into the crowd you’d just see crowds of people running towards each side of the barricades it was crazy to see from the seated sections fr, i was like uhm 😀😀😀 even girls from the seated sections ran down towards the seated section barricade to see them just a little bit closer, i was like girl….🙄🙄 even on twitter people talk about how it’s always the same ppl at send off and they never move for other people to even just greet enha. when i went to ateez in early 2022 they didn’t have an extended stage and tbh at this time the only fanservice done was during encore. the energy was so much diff and everyone was genuinely having so much fun. i guess it leads to more funny moments and feeds the delusion a little with kpop idols being more interactive with fans now but sometimes it seems as if ppl aren’t there for the actual concert aspect but to get their little moment with the idols. still the energy was amazing during a lot of the songs and i’m still so happy ☺️☺️☺️
sorry for the super long ask, i just had to tell someone and you asked for a concert review so…
love you ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 can i be 🐥 anon if you don’t have one??
AAAHVDKWNFOENFLE THIS SOUNDS PERFECT BABY!!!!! im honestly so happy and relieved to hear that you had such a great experience, i really hope you get to experience it again asap!!!! you truly deserved that and im pretty sure the boys had just as good of a time as you did 🥺🥺🤍 (and yes (about the anon part) absolutely baby!)
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after 3 months of dedicating my time to Homestuck, I finally finished it.
and I’ll say it’s worth it
i’ll spoiler it, just in case you’re not finished with homestuck yet
At first I was confused when the trolls would appear, but I wanted to read the entire thing, since I don’t like missing out on stuff.
The first Act was entertaining enough for me to keep reading it, like with John trying to get his b-day gift, his posters, his dad. Not to mention captchaloguing. The captcha thing was confusing, but eventually, you get used to the term.
Act 2 got more interesting, with new characters introduced, new outfits John wore, John being commanded to do stuff, and I wanted to see the protags win the game of Skaia. And I was foolish enough to think the plot wouldn’t spiral and spiral until the last page was placed precariously.
I think I started to laugh at some jokes in Act 3 - Midnight Crew Intermission. The Betty Crocker joke was reaaaally funny since I learned John hated that cake, and Midnight Crew was just really fun to watch. I think John descended down at the end of this Act, and Jade might have been introduced too. Anyway moving onto Act 4.
Act 4 was interesting because the lands each player was on was assigned specifically to said person. At this, point, I had no idea what the goal was, but I kept reading anyway. I think this was where the trolls became more involved, like they were hinted here and there in Acts 1-3 I think, but now we sorta see them text to John, Rose, Dave, Jade, mostly we see John’s interactions I think. Oh and I can’t forget the moment GC (Terezi) sent John to the death entrance before Dave from the future saved him. THAT was fucking something 💀💀Oh and I can’t forget about how PM and AR helped distribute John’s present
(I forgot where exactly in the Webcomic Wayward Vagabond had the goofy moments when he drank so much soda and drew on the walls. And how Peregrine Mendicant was dealing with ships and stuff, and when Aimless Renegade tried to shoot WV and maybe PM, but it happened.)
And then we have ACT 5, or ACT 5 Part 1. This was literally the troll’s session handed over to us to enjoy. (This probably was the Act that might have been a fan favorite and the one people skipped too—) I never expected 12 trolls to be present before, but I definitely did learn about their love interactions, interactions all together, and blood rankings. Now that I’m thinking about it, I liked the Nepeta and Equius moments. I like how Equius is stereotypical and un-stereotypical at the same time, it was interesting to know there were handicapped trolls like Tavros and Terezi (maybe Vriska if you count the arm) There was even a kissing joke (that I mentioned eariler) that made me shaking my arms until they turned into funny bones. THAT was the best part
oh and I learned the trolls were the creators of John’s universe
Act 5 Part 2 was where things went chaotic. Gamzee apparently became a murderous troll because Dave sent a clown video I think? Jade’s dream self was dead at this point and she started becoming more active in the game. I think everyone got upgrades (Rose with magic, Dave with time and a Welsh sword) oh and the four human players died. In order to become God Tier, which was intriguing. I know John was trying to find his dad by letting WV take the drive, which was adorable! ^_^. And John’s dad was in love with Rose’s mom which was quite adorable, but dad and Rose’s mom died. They died from Dog Jack, who is basically Jack with a ring that affects his form due depending on what or who is prototyped. Prototyping Becquerel was a mistake because he was a powerful being. and that caused WV and AR to die in the future (after the session) died. He also killed Dave’s bro, WQ, the king character, some others I may forget. (Idk when the author the ACTUAL AUTHOR dies 💀💀) PM became a dog and she fought Dog Jack for a long time.
idk what was going to happen after this, but I saw a Doc had Act 6 tucked away. And I never expected Act 6 to be John and his friends but paradox forms of their elders. Jane, Jake, Dirk, and Roxy. They all had their unique vibe compared to the og cast. Jane focused more on pranking and got in trouble with her dad more. She was also connected to the Crocker Corp. Jake was a silly goofball who loved adventures, any movie, and blue alien girls. He also had a skull helmet to respond to his friends with. Dirk was as cool as Dave; but he made robots. Rap robots, autoresponders, a teleportation device. And Cal was his first and best friend. Roxy was freaking drunk all the time, but she loved wizards, a thing Rose hated. Dirk and Roxy were basically from the future where their ancestors (Dave and Rose: thought off clown mayors who were part of an evil fish woman, but civilization was destroyed. There was also GCat who was a strange occurrence. And there was UU and uu messaging the players. I know I laughed a lot in this Act. From Gamzee selling blood, to Jake kissing Dirk’s decapitated head, to a whole lot other things.
Uhhh what else do I have to say (man there’s so many things that happen in Homestuck It just keeps happening. I’ll have to skip some parts. I never expected cherubs to be a thing. I never expected that cherubs looked like skull people either. I know Jane and Jade became part of the evil fish lady is is basically a grown up version of Meenah who is one of the older trolls who created Karkat, Sollux’s, ect. universe. People got involved in the fight and died. John, at some point got goofy ahh time travel powers, so he had to go to his denizen to get that helped out. Roxy had to go to her to learn more about her voidy powers. Terezi also asks John to fix stuff in her session that she thought would make a better timeline, a not doomed timeline. So he does, and John and Roxy go to the universe where things went better (almost forgot about the Intermissions in each Act Act, those were a little sad to watch) but not in the timeline J and R are in. People just talk a lot about stuff before Vriska puts them in groups to fight different foes, Lord English, Dog Jack, Robot Jack, Lord English Jack, Batter Witch. V also sends Karkat and Kanaya to go off to Echidna who is a denizen.
I think, more conversation happens, Jane meets Nannasprite who is the adult dead version of Jane. Oh and Sprite^2 becomes a thing. Dave and Dirk are (thankfully) chill with each other. Then the fights happen, the fights with all the foes I mentioned. Some people die (when i mean some people, i mean some of the main cast who died and got healed by Jane and Nannasprite and the ghost trolls who double died from Lord English and did not get healed.) At this point, I loved the art, and it got even MORE detailed after I watched the 15 minute video that i’m trying to summarize here.
But It turns out, the enemies are all defeated. The power of exceptional art shows the main characters happy with each other, all happy back on the lilypad. But one villain is still there.
Lord English
I believe he gets captured by Vriska with the secret weapon that was used to defeat him. I also have a theory that Calliborn and Doc might be the same person, who knows the last part might be pretty interpretable *shrugs*
I never expected watching an anime frog develop into an anime universe in the anime video I watched. Big props to whoever animated the last part in Act 7.
After reviewing this, I can see why people would want more of Homestuck, because I heard the ending got mixed reviews for some reason. Oh well. At least the Homestuck Epilogues exist
oh boy this was long. But i’ll say this, thank you Andrew Hussie for making Homestuck. Thank you for dedicating your time in making each page count while dealing with a rabid fanbase at the time. I’ll promise to give your other comics a go. (i really do hope i do haha)
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firespirited · 1 year
Here's how I use shinigami eyes (not saying you have to do it this way)
I see a post that’s got a red name and click which leads straight to posts that have been heavily through the terfosphere, usually marked 'terfs do touch' 'rf gc do interact' and some of my muted tags. I open all the non red urls who reblogged from red urls, scroll to their main, ignore any intro and read one page of their blog. If they're cruel to a trans person within 10 posts they get marked. That's the low bar to pass. Ten posts without obsessing. Read more for length and word blergh.
The point of shinigami eyes is to mark transphobes not just radfems, it's just that radfems are bigoted 95% of the time, and a bunch that say they're not radfems/terfs have a post explaining that they don't align with the feminism part (anti choicers, women libertarians...). It's also important to keep going when there are no terfy indicators as there are a bunch of right wingers who also enjoy blogging about trans people as 'cringe content'.
It feels like doing something useful by not making trans folk have to see that vileness and I feel a strange responsibility as a brit and a feminist who started with the radical texts and knows them well.
I don't care who created the extension, it's useful and I can't exactly be picky from my slave and blood mineral computer chips on billionaire monopoly software.
There are things I'd very much like to discuss without it getting co-opted by bigots or turned into pile on fodder. It happens so fast and with such ferocious accusations that you have to be in a good head space and towards the start of the day so you can disable reblogs or delete a post if it gets into the wrong hands. Right now I'm marking about a dozen or more a week, it doesn't make you feel safe writing anything when you feel you have to check all reblogs on a post because a bunch won't be marked as haters before it's too late.
Word blergh ahead :
I want to be able to talk about what it means if scotland and wales leave the UK for someone who has family in all, about our femicide epidemic, about the teachers having to learn to deprogram boys from manosphere ideology, about women in stem, prison abolition, how alienated I feel from gender performance, how I think Dylan Mulaney is the most annoying toxic positivity theatre kid turning transition into hashtag content I can't stand her she's not even mean just so confident in her ignorance, and can I rant about women enforcement of patriarchy while also running support networks within churches but always being on edge for what they will or won't refuse support about, girl bullying and teen girl pressure hurting deeper, trans folk helping me rediscover gender euphoria and also how I find rupauls drag race reductive and catty. How I'm still furious the covid vaccine wasn't tested on pregnant women and we don't have data about covid and womb damage/period disruption when given the kind of cells involved we really should be seriously looking into it. I want to talk about male violence or female labour exploitation with the understanding that we're talking about the social constructs that we're all tangled up in. I want to talk about ugliness, medical misogyny, all the adhd things my dad could get away with
and I can't without having to stick asterisks everywhere saying I don't believe in gender essentialism, i do believe in patriarchy and if this doesn't apply to you congrats on being one of the good ones there are good people and my experiences as a woman are not universal
and I hate transphobes so much for hijacking what should be basic human rights for their culture war of distraction when we have so so many problems to deal with and yet this issue is so important because it's breaking the sex binary and comphet down and they're so scared they're recycling the anti-gay talking points without even filling the serial numbers off! The disruption to ideas about patriarchy is worth the fight even if there weren't flesh and blood humans getting hurt (it's a strong motivator though ilu all my gnc and trans friends).
I get so tangled: I think sending death threats is wrong, i regularly call for the death of the pope and posted about stoning king charles yesterday. I have catholic friends. I'm problematic and enjoy problematic media. I'm conflicted when I see quotes from books that helped me understand why I was so miserable back then and why the world was so unfair so much remains true. Those books also left huge fragments that didn't fit and by all that is dear to me: working class and black womanists provided the missing pieces then trans and non binary folk added more and then the disability activists who'd read all that and had more nuances to add, my heart.
I have so much I've held inside because of people who can't even be bothered with Dworkin's evolving philosophy of gender or that maybe we might have learned a few things since the Sixties because they take individuals like me and throw them to mobs and I really don't want to retraumatize my trans friends either. Aaaaargh.
It's complicated. I'd rather have to censor 'kill' and have hate speech enforcement to be able to speak openly about feminism or gender in general without the bullies swarming. I know for many that's just talking about any politics and it's silly to complain when I'm not even trans just a 'traitor' to these women but Tumblr had been safer, it's certainly a place where I haven't been attacked as much for being socialist. The mobs on twitter were frightening in scope, the ones on tumblr accused me of things that felt horribly personal. I feel like a big coward for not wanting to deal with fallout so I haven't shared some of the amazing feminist reading and learning I've been doing the past few years.
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Demons & Sunshine 1
Day 1: Fairytale / Grumpy Cat
Mari's past based on this post
Marinette has known, ever since she was little, that fairytales don’t exist.
At least not in the way most humans think they do.
Most people can’t see through the veil of mist that separates humans from the side of shadows, monsters, and magic.
She can.
She knows the world isn’t full of sunshine and rainbows, like most of the other little girls had grown up believing. No, she grew up in a world of shadows, in the world of magic. Meaning she is extremely skilled and proficient in magical arts, much to her father’s chagrin. And thanks to one nuisance of an apparition cough *DeadMan* cough her dad will never let her forget the only rule he has ever set for her.
If he’s told her once, he’s told her several times, don’t use magic around the Muggles. She read Harry Potter, turns out some of those spells are actually real, and started calling the majority of the populace Muggles. Most normal people think it’s cute and dismiss her thinking she is just a fan, and her dad is humoring her. She and her dad know different.
But that was besides the point, she is now 19 in an exchange program currently in Paris, France. And the only reason she was in France was because her university didn’t have Italy as an option this year.
She had met up with a few of the other students in her class to study. Their group would always reserve a study room in the library to go over shared classes, maths, sciences, language, and even toss ideas around for their personal subjects. Seeing that none of them were actually the same major.
She was always either the last or the first person to meet at the study room, today she was first. She got the key and just as she did Adrien walked up to her.
“Hey there Mari.” He waved and whispered matching her stride.
“Hey yourself pretty boy.” She teased him.
“So, do you know if Alya is bringing Nino and that other girl?”
“Dunno.” She shrugged, as she opened the door and set her things down. “Text her.”
He nodded but in that same moment her phone vibrated in her pocket.
Grumpy Cat: They are all insufferable.
Golden Retriever: It’s not like you are a ray of sunshine and totally easy to be around.
GC: Well that has nothing to do with making me miserable.
GR: From what I’ve heard that is what siblings do
GC: So, you are an only child?
GR: I'm starting to think you didn't always have brothers
GC: I never said that I had brothers.
GR: You didn't have to
GC: ...
GR: It was a 50/50
Besides you confirmed it
"Hey girl who are you texting?" Alya walked into the study room followed by Nino and another girl.
"A friend from across the pond." She put her phone away and stood up. "Marinette." She extended her hand. "But everyone calls me Mari."
"Lila Rossi." The green-eyed, brown-haired girl answered shaking her hand. "Criminal Justice."
"Fashion and Business." She replied which prompted Adrien to introduce himself.
They fell into an easy rhythm. Almost as if Lila had always been there.
That after three hours they said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.
There was a stretch of the catacombs she would regularly cut through, from campus to her apartment two miles away.
But one second, she was in the catacombs the next she had fallen though a portal. Landing on her hands and knees.
She stood up and started to dust herself off, rightfully, assuming who had opened the portal. “Ya know it’s easier if you call right?!” She still hasn’t looked up. “That’s why I have a phone.” Now she finally looked up and was standing face to face with the Justice League. Or at least quite a few of its members. “Bloody Hell!” She pinched herself before rubbing her temples.
“Constantine?” A woman she recognized as Zatanna asked.
“That is my name, Love.” Her sass on full display, she is her father's daughter after all. “And unless you need something I’m going. I don’t have time to stand around and chat.” A glyph appeared in her hand followed by a gate opening behind her.
“You are a Constantine, but you aren’t the Constantine we wanted here, so who are you really?” The big bad bat himself asked, but it sounded more like a statement.
“Figure that out on your own Batsy.” She dropped the gate spell and crossed her arms. “But I am Constantine.” She started to examine her nails. “Marinette Constantine, to be specific. So why the rush on needing my dad?" She questioned.
She then saw most of them, for lack of a better word, green screen before rebooting. Then the utter chaos that broke out would make Eris proud, as they either stared, yelled, or a combination of both. It got so loud that she couldn't even think properly.
"Are you kidding me?!" She sighed to herself, before she took off the ring she always wore. It extended into a staff, which she tapped on the ground twice. Her power surged sending out a small electric shock wave. "Shut up already." All eyes were on her, but this time it was quiet. "Yes, John Constantine is my father, so what. What do you need my dad for anyways?"
"A demon in Gotham took over a bat." Zatanna answered first.
"So, an exorcism?"
"It's Demon Spawn. He was born one." She heard from behind her. And seeing as it was nearly quiet the voice traveled. But she's heard that name, and that voice as well now that she thinks harder.
"You have to be kidding me!" She grumbled to herself as the bits and pieces formed the bigger picture. “Okay so do you want to give me any more information… Or should I just make this up as I go.”
“What do you mean by ‘just make this up’?” Another voice she couldn’t see spoke up.
“Well, an exorcism is based on the demon who is possessing the person, so each one is unique.” Oh, this was going to be fun, she thought to herself.
Fairytales don't exist.
At least not for Marinette, apparently.
But this, this is the start of something, at the very least.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @adrestar @miraculouspenta @vixen-uchiha @animegirlweeb @jumpingjoy82 @thedragonbug @astoriaandroses @icerosecrystal @t1dwarrior-of-earth @moon5608 @zalladane @midnightrosecrystal @myazael @prettylittlebutterflie @toodaloo-kangaroo @roseisred @galaxymoon @queenz-z @mystery-5-5
Story Taglist: @arty-shadow-morningstar @laurcad123 @luminous-carrot
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blue-eyed-giant · 1 year
ahhh nothing reminds you that you've only ever made friends with socially awkward and introverted people like yourself than getting thrusted into a group with hardcore extroverts that you need to "network"
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ohlookitstomorrowff · 3 years
So, the casting for Elphaba and Glinda for the Wicked movie has just been announced and I just need to rant…
Like, seriously, thanks for giving me the worst news since COVID - not literally, but pretty close.
The casting of Elphaba wasn’t that big a deal for me, I just wanted a powerhouse vocalist with great acting ability and I’m pretty hopeful to see what Cynthia Erivo will do.
However, while I didn’t have high hopes for the casting of Glinda (I really thought they were going to throw Dove Cameron into the role, which, at this point, would be an improvement) I really wanted someone who could portray all of Glinda’s nuances.
For a fictional character, Glinda means so much to me - if it wasn’t for her, and how she inspired me, I wouldn’t have had the confidence to get through the hardest time in my life, I wouldn’t have sat down and started to write fan fiction, and I wouldn’t have ended up studying English Lit at university.
When I came into the Wicked fandom it was after hearing Idina Menzel on the Frozen soundtrack, so I was a pretty big Elphaba stan and only saw Glinda as comedic relief and Elphaba’s secret girlfriend. But when I saw the show for the first time in the West End, right in the middle of the second row, everything changed. I watched as Savannah Stevenson descended in Glinda’s bubble and I couldn’t believe how wrong I’d been; the emotion on her face as she tried to pretend to celebrate Elphaba’s death with the rest of Oz really did break my heart. She’d just lost the one person in the world that she’d ever truly cared for, the one person who saw past her perfect facade and had believed that she was capable of far more than being a trophy among society, and she had to pretend to be happy, she had to keep her promise to Elphaba not to reveal the truth and help Oz heal and rebuild.
Everyone loves Elphaba for her courage and her passion, we see her as someone good and pure who was wrongly deemed villainous just because of her appearance, but most people forget that Elphaba (in the musical) got her supposed happy ending - she ran off with Fiyero - and Glinda was the one who was left broken and confused, but strong and resolute to do the best for everyone else.
Glinda goes on such an emotional journey throughout the show, she has the most significant character arc, and that’s reflected in the score. The low notes in the reprisal of I’m Not That Girl and For Good are supposed to represent the slip of her control, and the high notes in NOMTW, Thank Goodness and the Finale are to signify the mask she has to adopt when the world is watching. The operatic high notes set her apart from the Ozians; you can easily pick Kristin Chenoweth’s voice out from the ensemble as the chant ‘wicked’ at the end of NOMTW, for example. The highest note of all, at the end of Thank Goodness, comes at Glinda’s moment of realisation - she’s just admitted to herself that none of the things she thought would make her happy have, she’s just realised just what they’ve cost her, she’s just accepted that her true self is the person that Elphaba tried to convince her she could be, but she’s got to pretend that none of that is true, that she ‘couldn’t be happier today.’ That note takes amazing vocal control for an actress, no matter how hard it is, or how tired they’re feeling, they’ve got to put all of that aside and literally master their breathing to perfection. In that instance, they have to mirror Glinda’s internal process, and when it’s done right, like with Kristin, Savannah, and other Glinda’s like Suzie Mathers and GC, it’s so breathtaking it leaves me with tears in my eyes.
Is Ariana Grande going to be able to do any of that? Is she going to be able to show the full extent of Glinda’s emotions and not just play into the comedic airhead stereotype that many believe Glinda to represent? Is she going to be able to hit those high notes convincingly, never mind even starting on the conversation of will she option them up - that optional high F is tough, and so few Glinda’s have been able to hit it? Is she even going to able to utilise proper diction and enunciate Glinda’s lines properly?
Or is she going to absolutely ruin everything about what I think makes Glinda Glinda - one of the most multifaceted female characters to appear on Broadway.
And don’t even get me started on the possibility of Gelphie in this movie, I’ve kissed that goodbye unfortunately. I really think it is going to do it’s best to be heteronormative and force Glinda and Elphaba into this rival love interests mould.
(I’m legit just waiting for them to announce James Corden as the Wizard or Dr Dillamond, and Harry Styles as Fiyero… I miss the days when this movie was just a rumour, how carefree and full of hope I was then…)
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capricorn-stark · 3 years
Othello Pt 2
pairing: jason todd x reader, reader is a psych major because i think the concept of psych majors in Gotham is funny lmao
warning: i wrote this at 1 am again, kinda long, swearing
a/n: i mention Dana Harlowe and Annie B’s diner, they’re both from RHATO’s final two issues lol. still dedicated to @tadpole-san even though she hate crimed me 
part 1
“I thought you said you wanted to get coffee,” you started when you noticed Jason veering away from where your regular coffee shop should’ve been, choosing to cut through the street and venture to a different path entirely. “Because you just-”
“Yeah, I know, I’m hungry,” he declared, slipping his hands into his pockets and tilting his head towards another row of stores illuminated with neon-lights and flickering street lamps. “This place has better stuff than overpriced coffee, promise.” You let out an exaggerated gasp of shock at that notion and he laughed, nudging your shoulder with his. 
It was always strange to be walking around Gotham during the night, but with Jason by your side, it was far less worrying than it usually was. On your own, you couldn’t even imagine traveling around the dark streets littered with muggers, petty thieves, and the occasional evil clown prince or two - one minute, you’d be speed-walking down the streets, the next minute you could end up as the lucky winner of Scarecrow’s fear-gas testing special.
You actually knew someone who had been in that very situation. They were in Arkham now.
With Jason, it was almost ridiculous how much safer you felt. It didn’t take a whole lot of observational skills to notice how the men who usually leered at you and your friends when you passed shrank and slipped into the shadows when a man over 6 feet in height and built like a tank walked past them. Jason himself was in a good mood tonight, his shoulders relaxed and a slight smile playing at his lips while he told you about the local theatrical-adaptation of Othello that was currently under production near Gotham University. 
You were getting used to seeing him like this - not so moody, smiling, present - but you had also noticed the expressions he had when no one was looking, when he wasn’t thinking about anything in particular, when his gaze had a certain intensity to them that you hadn’t ever quite seen before. He didn’t really like talking about himself or his life, preferring to keep conversations centered around school or you. The few times you had tried asking about his family and work had all led to him clamming up and quickly dropping the subject, his body language rigid and completely closed-off, the crease by his brows deepening as his expression transformed into a scowl. It was the first time you realized that Jason Todd could actually be genuinely scary - and the first time you realized there was a much, much darker side of him that you weren’t sure if you wanted to see.
You knew it wasn’t your place to pry, and you had never brought it up since - but you couldn’t help but wonder just what had happened to make someone like him so angry. 
“...and I figured we could - did you just zone out on me?”
You snapped back into attention at his rather dramatic tone, flinching out of your character analysis to pay actual mind to the man in question himself. 
“No, I just-” 
“Yeah? What did I just say?” Jason challenged, grasping your arm to pull you away from the traffic lane you had nearly walked right into. His disbelieving expression made your face burn red - but much to your relief (and embarrassment), he was laughing. 
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t completely zoned out-” 
“After you literally walked into traffic? Yeah, I can tell,” he deadpanned, tugging you towards him right as the cars slowed to a halt, the pedestrian signal blinking above you. The sudden action and the sudden closeness made your face heat up - something he apparently noticed when his bright green eyes flickered across your features and caused a smirk to tug at his lips. Instead of the teasing you had braced yourself for, you watched as he tilted his head towards the diner across the street, letting go of your arm. “It’s right over there, c’mon.” 
He was already moving towards the crosswalk when you shook yourself out of your stupor, quickly moving to catch up with him and glancing up at the diner. The big glowing red letters on the sign beside it read “Annie B’s”. 
“They got good food,” he explained at your questioning look, leaning forwards to swing the door open for you. “I used to hang around here a lot when I was a kid.” 
“I don’t think I’ve actually seen this place before,” you commented, entering and hearing Jason close the door behind him, taking a quick glance around before you took a seat in one of the cherry-red and white leather booths. “Kinda wish I had.”
The entire diner had a vintage touch to it, from the luminescent pink and blue lights lining the ceilings to the multicolored tile floors, the cherry-red barstools, and even the jukebox in the corner cranking out old-timey tunes. There were only a few other people sitting at the bar and chilling in a booth a few down from your own, all too absorbed in their own worlds to pay much mind to the two of you. You could hear the sizzling of the food being made back in the kitchen, emitting a heavenly aroma that made your stomach growl not-so subtly. Jason laughed as he slid down across from you, sliding one delicate paper menu over as he scanned over the other. 
“Pretty cool, huh? And like I said, they got great food.” He nodded at your stomach and you rolled your eyes, eliciting another laugh from him. “Knock yourself out, ‘cus dinner’s on me.” Before you could open your mouth to object, the kitchen doors flew open and a woman stepped out holding a heaping tray of food. 
“One chicken fried steak with a side of mashed potatoes and rings,” she announced as she set down the trays in front of a man sitting a few booths down, already moving to refill his glass with a pitcher of water. “Enjoy your dinner, Phil.” 
“Thanks, Dana,” the man told her as he picked up his fork and gave her a crooked-toothed grin, already digging into his food. “Always do.” 
“I sure hope so,” the lady agreed, moving to walk back towards the kitchen before catching sight of them. She broke into a grin at the sight of Jason sending her a playful salute, changing course to head towards their booth instead. “Well, look who it is!” she exclaimed, securing her curly black hair out of her face with an orange-and-green bandana as she stopped in front of them. “Jason Todd decided to drop by for a little visit, did he? And he brought a friend.” 
The sight of her beaming at you was too contagious for you to not smile back up at her in return.
“Hi, Dana,” Jason grinned, nodding at you as she looked between the two of you. “This is Y/N. Y/N, Dana Harlowe. Her dad runs this place.” 
“It’s so nice to meet you,” Dana told you with another grin, leaning forwards to shake your hand in greeting. “When I decided to help out at the diner tonight, I wasn’t expecting a miracle. I definitely didn’t think this boy would ever walk in here with a date of all things-”
“Oh as if,” Jason scoffed loudly as the two of you laughed, face reddening beneath the bright colored lights. “Have you seen me? I was born a lady-killer.” He shot you a wink and you sent him another playful eye roll.
“Yeah, you sure killed me alright.” Dana burst out laughing again as Jason immediately let out a protest of betrayal at your words.
“I like you,” she decided when she finally managed to straighten, taking out her notepad and pen with another brilliant smile. “Did y’all decide what you wanted yet, or do you need another minute?” Jason glanced over at you and you nodded back up at her.
“Sure, I’m ready.” 
Dana headed back into the kitchen for your food after you ordered, leaving the two of you to sit in a comfortable, familiar silence, the sound of forks scraping against porcelain plates and vintage beats being the only disruptors. 
“I used to hear these songs on Gotham City Radio all the time,” Jason finally began after taking a sip of his water, fixating his gaze back on you as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the leather seat. “Growing up, I mean. I still do, sometimes.” 
“Classic jazz?” You grinned, taking a small sip of your own water in turn. “You? I didn’t get that vibe from you.” He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck with a slight shrug.
“At my old place, I had, uh, a butler. He wasn’t really a butler, honestly, he was more like a dad than anything. Or, like, a really cool grandpa. He had a whole rack of guns and shit he kept polished in this big cabinet thing-” You raised a brow, attempting to hide your amusement by taking another sip of water. You were a little surprised that he had actually started talking about his family at all - you weren’t about to ruin it, and boy, did you want to know more about the guy. “And he used to play that station all the time at home, GC Radio Classics. I guess I kinda missed hearing it.” 
“He does sound pretty cool,” you admitted with a smile, setting the glass back down. “Do you still visit him?” Jason hesitated a few moments before attempting a nonchalant shrug. You noticed the tightness in his body language again, the same sort of tightness you saw when he was closing up around you. 
“Not much anymore,” he finally said, letting his shoulders drop a little bit. “It’s been...a while. Just got some shit going on.” You watched him take another drink before you spoke again.
“If you ever want to talk about it with me - or talk about anything, really - you can, Jason.” It wasn’t just the products of your psych major showing through you - you meant your words, and the slight smile playing at his lips seemed to signal that he had understood that as well. 
“Don’t worry about it, seriously. But thanks.” You nodded, looking up again when the kitchen doors flew open once again, Dana heading out towards your table with another two trays heaped with mouth-watering food. 
“And here you go,” she smiled as she set your respective meals down before you, taking your glasses to refill them as well. “Enjoy your food, you two. Call me over if there’s anything else you need, yeah?” You both thanked Dana as she sashayed away again, letting the doors swing shut behind her once again after checking up on the rest of her customers. 
Neither of you wasted any time digging into the food as soon as it appeared, finishing most of it in mere minutes like the starving university students you were, breaking the silence with the occasional offer at trying something the other had gotten. The aroma had been no false-alarm - it tasted even better than you had anticipated, and that was certainly saying something. Savory fries, buttery biscuits, and smoky burgers were better than anything else you had in a while. 
“How did I not find this place sooner?” you sighed as you pressed a napkin to your lips, leaning back against your seat as you tried to process just how full you really felt. At this rate, you would have to roll your way out of the place. “I know you said it was gonna be good, but I didn’t expect it to be this good.”
“I told you,” Jason grinned as he finished up the last of his burger and fries, crumpling up his own napkins and setting them into the tray to throw away. “I know good food places! I grew up around these streets.”
“So did I!” you protested as he laughed and stood up to throw all the trash away, setting the trays back where they were supposed to go and pulling out his wallet just as Dana appeared by the kitchen’s window with two milkshakes. 
“You can count these on the house,” she told him as she slid them over, ignoring his protests and sending you a wink as you stood up from the booth as well. “Enjoy your night - and it was real nice meeting you, Y/N. Todd, I better be seeing you around more often.” 
“Yes ma’am,” he deadpanned, his smile warm as she waved them out anyways. “Thanks, Dana.” 
You called out a thanks to her as well, tightening your jacket around you as you left the warmth of the diner and felt the chill of Gotham’s dreary night hit you once more. Jason handed you your milkshake, bringing his own straw to his lips and taking a sip. 
“You guys seem close,” you noted with a smile as you took a sip yourself, relishing the cold, sweet taste of the shake in delight. Jason chuckled at that, shrugging as you walked along the illuminated sidewalks in no particular direction. 
“She’s like an annoying sister to me. I’ve known her since I was a puny kid.” You watched as the corners of his mouth curled into a slight smile as he took another sip. “Dana, her sister, and her dad were good to me growing up. They’re great people.”
That, you had been able to tell just from meeting the woman herself. 
“I liked meeting her. She was pretty cool.” He chuckled again and spared you another glance. “And thanks, by the way, for dinner tonight. It really was really good. And way better than just coffee.”
“I told you,” he grinned, flickering those brilliant green eyes across your face again. “I know where the good spots around Gotham are. We don’t have a lot of them, but when we do have them, they’re pretty damn good.” That elicited a laugh from you and Jason stopped beneath one of the streetlamps lining the sidewalk. 
“You did better than I expected, Todd.” He made a big show of popping his collar and scoffing at your comment.
“What, you expected me to not impress you? Do you think that low of me?” 
“That theatre minor of yours is really starting to make an entrance, you can put it away now-” 
“Hey!” You burst out laughing and he couldn’t help but join. You felt pretty sure that he looked the happiest right then and there than you had ever really seen him - whatever that might’ve meant. Pretty soon, your laughter was residing and he had taken a slight step forwards, a cheeky grin still plastered on his face. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” 
You looked back up at him with a nonchalant shrug despite fighting back another smile yourself. 
“Yeah, it was a pretty good night.” His gaze flickered towards your lips before settling back on your face. 
“Yeah?” The sounds of honking cars and the murmurs of people walking past all around you felt like they were being drowned out somehow when you felt him get a little bit closer. The smile tugged at the corner of your mouth again.
“Yeah.” Another moment passed before Jason finally closed the distance between you, meeting your lips in a surprisingly gentle kiss for a man who looked like he could snap a baseball bat with his bare hands. You wrapped your arms around his neck after yet another moment, feeling him draw you even closer to him at the action. 
Literally and figuratively, it was a sweet kiss. The milkshake truly had done wonders. 
You were a little breathless when he finally pulled away, and you hoped the shitty streetlight would keep him from seeing just how red your face had gone. Jason was grinning at your reaction, rubbing the back of his neck.
“C’mon, that was better than pretty good.”
“Shut up,” you told him immediately, swatting his arm and moving to continue your walk again as he laughed and easily moved to catch up to you, slinging an arm around your shoulders.
“It was! You gotta admit it, that was pretty great-”
“Shut up, Jason.” 
Just like that, once again, you had Othello of all things to thank for your night. Maybe, just maybe, it hadn’t been such a terrible book after all. 
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dejwrites · 2 years
hey deja! i was wondering if you could like talk a bit about like your college experience if you wouldn’t mind, I’m a little nervous of starting community college soon
i would point out before giving you some advice that i went straight to a four year university and not a community college, but to me, an education is an education no matter what type of university/college you went to. anyway, my four years of college were actually eventful and i would say that i've learned so much about myself during the time. i've met cool people, had some cool ass professors, have shitty professors, join orgs, and so much more. all of that shaped me to be who i am today because the way i display myself on here wouldn't have been the same if this was high school me. moral of this little story is that in college, i feel like you'll learn so much about yourself and adulthood period.
when i first started college, i was so nervous because i was such a shy person. like y'all not understanding...i was shy. literally only spoke when someone else smoke to me. sat in the back of the class...all of it. i was shy. plus not living on campus didn't help either (i lived maybe 10 minutes away from the school and thought it would be pointless to kick out more money to just live in dorms and have to share a bathroom with strangers) however, i did have this one professor whose class helped me break out of my shell and up to this day, i still email this professor to check up on her and how she's doing. like this woman really helped me want to open up and meet people and make connections.
my sophomore and junior year was the year where i slowly became more open and got to know myself more. i made more friends, joined orgs, went to more campus activities, etc. i wouldn't say i was a social butterfly, but i was out their socializing.
when covid hit right in the middle of my junior year, i would say that this was the most challenging for me. the spring semester and my senior year was a lot for me. during my senior year, i've lost one of my closest guy friends to covid which led to me having a conflict with one of my professors who whine up giving me a d in her class. it didn't effect my gpa, but it did sit heavy in my heart due to that being the first ever d letter grade i received like ever. then the fact that everything was online and zoom calls. it was just beyond stressful to the point where i even got depressed at one point. however, i remembered that i was almost at the finish line. i had to finish this journey.
which i did and i'm so proud of myself because of that. it was a long journey, but i wouldn't trade it for anything cause like i said it was an experience that made me who i am today.
some little tips
— remember that it isn't about how long you finish college/university, it's about you walking across that stage at the end. cause frankly...college/university will have you being in a group project with a person that's old enough to be your mom. don't dwell on how long it takes you, just think about walking across that stage with your cap and gown on
— don't sign up for an 8am class if you're not a morning person. don't sign up for a 3 hour class if you're not okay with sitting a long periods of time. i have taken 8am's and 3 hour classes, both have its pros and cons. 8am's usually get canceled the most compared to 9am courses and three hour classes you only meet once a week, giving you extra time to do homework and readings for that course.
— do not buy the textbooks immediately. search high and low for pdf versions of the book. it's been countless times when i was an overachiever and brought a textbook for a book we only used three times.
— don't be afraid to make friends in each one of your courses. however, stay cautious of group me's and discord gc's (although, i would say join one just to be up to date with assignments, readings, class cancelations, etc..but be cautious also). i have heard countless cheating scandals where someone accidentally added the t.a to the group chat and the class got in trouble due to test answers being passed around
— use your school resources. if they have a tutoring lab, if you need help with something...go to it. they got editing suites where people can edit your papers...go to it! use your school resources, you ain't paying them for nothing !!
— join orgs. they're good on a resume and they're even wonderful connections for the future. plus, you'll meet some cool ass people also.
— planners are actually helpful...maybe the studyblr side of tumblr was right lmfaoo.
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spookysmujer · 4 years
Simple Things, O. Diaz
Summary: Oscar get jealous upon seeing you enjoying a conversation with another guy.
warnings: angst, Jealous!Oscar, cute s h e t /ending😋
word count: 1.2K
requested by: @roury66​
A/N: Thank you for sending in a request! And also showing me love by getting random messages that y’all enjoy my content really does make me feel so good. So keep them coming, hehe. As of right now, REQUESTS ARE CLOSED! Became so fluffy, I can’t e v e n, LOL. But please consider following my blog, heart/comment/reblog my content as well as turning on notifs for what I post something new!!
taglist: @clemmingstylins0n​ @princesstiffxoxo​ @fairygardenss​ @firebenderwolf​ @spookysnena​ @mbaku-babygirl​ @chellybear98​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @i-just-wanna-live-gc​ @roury66​ (please let me know if you wanna be added or removed!)
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(Gif belongs to @merakiaes 💐)
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“Hey, have you seen Spooky?”
Sad Eyes briefly looks at you then around the bustling backyard of a summer bash. He shrugs his shoulder, “He was here, think he dipped because he saw you warming up the pendejo.”
You close your eyes for a brief moment to scratch the back of your head. He only chuckles and steps away from you. Tonight was suppose to be a fun and chill. The Santos love to hit up summer parties around the block, usually to hit up the now legal hynas fresh outta high school. Not for Oscar though because he has you. 
The relationship between you and Oscar has been complicated from the get go. It didn’t start off simple and definitely had you questioning your ability to hold a decent relationship especially in moments like these. Oscar’s insecurities getting the best of him. Not to mention, he is horrible at opening up about his feelings.
You’re checking your phone for any messages and missed calls from him but nothing. As you squeeze your way past the alcohol infested teens to the front yard, you stand to check for his cherry red impala. And just as it was when you rolled up, parked against the curb a few houses down with a smoking Oscar leaning against it.
“Hey, you.” He looks up from his phone and tucks it away as you approach him. His gaze averts from you as you are now besides him, leaning into his side, “Why’d you dip?”
Oscar clears his throat and sits up off of his car, “Thought you had all the company you needed, looks like you did with Bryan or whatever his fuckin’ name is.”
You huff and cross your arms over your chest, moving off him and in front of him. He looks down at you then takes a drag of his cigarette. You form a face of disgust, “When you gonna stop smoking those cancer sticks, hm?”
An amused expression forms on his face as he places it between his lips to take another drag, “When you stop hanging with other guys. I’ll probably be waiting forever with that one.”
“Really? You’re gonna act like this? The one night we can hang out with no shit to handle tomorrow but you want to be a dick instead.” You face and voice carry much frustration. You huff and begin to walk away when not even a second later, “Don’t walk away from me.”
Your hold your middle finger in the air with your back to him.
Suddenly, his hand is gripping your upper arm and pulling you back. You stumble and pull your arm away as he looks down at you with that signature Spooky look.
“I’ll walk away if I please. I don’t know why you get so jealous. All I was doing was talking to guy about school and stuff. Is that so bad or are you the only specimen of the opposite sex that I can have contact with?”
He cracks a smile, looking away for a brief moment then back to you, “You don’t think it looked like something to everyone else around you? Laughing and doing the cute punch shit. If it looks like something to me, it looks like something to others.”
“And you started caring about other’s opinion when? Tonight? I’m sorry people have wronged you in the past, Oscar. I really am, I despise them for doing it to you but I am not one of them. I wouldn’t do that to you. If I was interested in someone else, I’d have the decency to tell you that. It’s not what I was doing that’s the problem here. It’s you and the way you think.”
Oscar looks down and you see his adam’s apple bob.He’s probably feeling guilty right about now, “Can’t help I much I feel for you, seeing you like that pisses me off.”
“You can control the way you think of me though. You really believe I would be that kind of girl with you? Hm? We’ve been through hell together. We’ve got through a lot of your issues together, it took you nearly a year to label me as your novia. I stuck around even then when you’d push me away and treat me like a random hyna. But I did it because I love you.” You sigh as you let out the frustrations.
You rub circles into your forehead and blink away an tears that threaten to spill over. Whenever you get upset, your emotions try to overrun, He looks around for a brief moment and scratches the back of his head, a small smile creeping onto his lips. You see the smug look on his face and cross your arms over your chest, “I’m serious!”
He finally lets off a laugh and licks his lips to peer down at you, his hands in pockets. Oscar tilts his head to the side and peers at you, truly fascinated that he got a girl who loves him with such passion and continues to stick around even when the going gets rough,
“I love you too, mamas. That’s why I act this way. Because in some fucked up way, the universe said that you could be mine. And I still disbelieve it to this day. You’re way out of my league. I just.. I know if a guy comes along and is that much better than me then I’m out.” He confesses, the smug look disappearing and his face now saturated with discomfort.
It’s your turn to form a smug look on your face. Oscar is a man of a few words but it’s not like he doesn’t get mushy sometimes. When he does though, it’s like you’re fire. You’re heart is set ablaze with intense feelings that you feel like you’ve never felt before. And in moments like this, his insecurities give you a soft spot for his irritating ass.
“Oscar, I can promise you. If a richer, more... toned man has woo’d me and given me everything I have ever dreamed. Promised me a home in LA or got me my dream car? I wouldn’t be happy. Because you’re the one for me. You are it. I want things with you. I want to build a life with you, a home and someday a family. Doesn’t have to be in the order, “You both laugh, nerves obvious as you inhale a deep breath.
“You’re it for me. I can’t tell you in words how much I want you and will want you til i’m wrinkling and ugly. I’ve wanted you then and I want you now.”
He takes a deep breath in and steps closer to you. You instinctively wrap your arms around his waist, tipping your head back to get a look up at him. He puckers his lips and you press yours against him, breathing him in.
When you break the kiss apart, he remove his hands from his pockets and steps back, you squeal as his lifts you off your feet and onto his shoulder “Osc- babe!”
“Gotta get started on that family, not in order remember?” He jogs down the sidewalk towards his house, abandoning his car all at once. Laughter erupting from the both of you.
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incarnateirony · 3 years
Misha's tweet was him stating a fact anon. He took a photo at Jensen's. How would you even categorize that as a conspiracy? You're acting as if Occam is trying to convince you that JM used that apartment as a sex dungeon or something. "Conspiracy" 🥴, how is this so hard to swallow, I don't get it
lmaooooo it's really funny bc the people all pressed in my inbox rn are the people who literally believe a company spent hundreds of millions of dollars building secret tunnels to hide a gay relationship, investing in it so hard to force fake marriages (beards) and even fake gay relationships (meards--not sure what this would accomplish if the point is hiding the gay), and that even the brewery (beardery) is part of a grand cover up,
but apparently it's a conspiracy to be like "Yeah, we knew about this for years, there was a bunch of skeevy docs people hunted down that got deleted and some costars accidentally verified it atop all the images people got, they just didn't want fans to know so lunatics like the ones having meltdowns in my ask box wouldn't show up to stab misha like they have literally threatened to do in the past, once even recorded the threat on video, so like--nobody had to know" in regards to misha publicly talking about exactly-that is somehow a conspiracy.
Gasp. They didn't put it over loudspeakers for millions of people to hear knowing it would paint a literal target on the apartment, which had already been located from being unfortunately very close to a major venue to begin with. During a peak travel time. So everybody that heard just packed it under and passed the less skeevy parts around what can only be called ITK GCs--we all know fandom has bunches of these, and it almost becomes a telephone chain. There's parts of the fandom I'm sure that are so far down the telephone they thought it was a rumor, instead of the people that were standing at dead center of the impact when it went off to begin with.
Because also cockles fandom know not to do that shit on public forums -- but now Misha "confirmed" it to many who suspected, and opened the ability for others that knew to breathe about it. Meaning it's become public topic like many other things cockles have pitched into the wind. J2 hats are stomping around anons, demanding the receipts while we raise our brow at them like, seriously? First of all these came out like 3 years ago, second most people with ethics deleted half of what was heard, and even carefully opened up parts of the conversation to public while playing at aura of implausibility the same way the two did on stage, whenever Misha would drop things like "While I was staying with Jensen--or--whatever--hahaha oh look a chicken (distraction comedy bit)" we all sort of clenched but that was ephemeral compared to that fairly final and thought out tweet.
Why now? Because respectively it's not that big a secret, especially now that potential danger or privacy invasion is passed with the situation itself expired and nobody at the apartment anymore, why not mention it, like, he even knows we know.
No, that's not parasocializing. Like, I literally went and early on let someone know. This is someone I had also worked with while playing protect misha during blacklisttaw after we busted TAW being the one in his DMs. Yeah. Anyway, I can promise you, he was told very early that fandom knew, I'm not like. [gestures over and towards] vaguely assuming that. This person of course stayed professionally neutral about it, but basically nodded and went off to inform.
So if he's talking about it, like, he literally knows we knew and like who cares anymore since they're totally moved out, Jensen's virally shoveling snow in Colorado when he isn't in Toronto and Misha's living the high life on the road with what, at a glance, looks like the start of that traveling foodie talkshow he talked about coming out.
The only people this news actually impacts is... fandom. It's not a fart in the wind to them anymore but it wasn't a secret from the world. Just from the fandom. There's a difference.
I don't care about anyone's speculation on whether it's a relationship or not. In the very least, they were very good friends that roommates. (insert meme). But this idea alone is what's truly unbearable to the J2 tinhats, who built a universe contingent on the base function that they thought J2 hated Misha. Like end of story.
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