#i got into my email from 2016-2018
caprisunashtonn · 2 years
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ashton the one and only time 5sos were in slc.
got into my old email from 2016-2018, who wants to see some archived pictures of 5sos. i literally have zero idea of what i’ve got saved.
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vaspider · 1 year
youve got a lot of really great thoughts on a transphobia and homophobia, tbh more critical thinking than most people on here, and i was wondering how much you knew about the theory of rapid onset gender dysphoria/if youd be comfortable sharing your thoughts on the ridiculous idea
It was explicitly invented by transphobes as a means of delegitimizing trans identity, and that invention was backed up by a "study" in which the person running the study never spoke to any trans people or to any professionals providing care for trans people, only spoke to the parents of trans minors, and those parents were specifically recruited from forums for anti-trans parents.
The paper which supposedly coined ROGD was taken down for a while and corrected. Further studies have found no basis for ROGD.
What's really interesting is in the cache of emails which became public earlier this year from a former detransitioner there's a paper trail which pretty clearly indicates that the term was actually created on a very heinous website called 4th/wave/now (forgive my anti-search slashes, these people are awful) well prior to the study.
Hey, you want to guess where the parents for this study were recruited from? If you guessed "the one where the term was invented," you're right!
But wait, there's more!
It appears from the journalistic work done by Mother Jones, Jude Doyle, and Julia Serano, that this term was created by an anti-trans activist who works extensively with right-wing think tanks and who went to great lengths to hide that she invented the term.
Jude Doyle:
Finding anti-trans narratives that would “sell” to the general public was a constant concern for this crowd, and Shupe says it didn’t much matter if the narratives were based in fact or not. Marchiano, for instance, eagerly watched the spread of the ROGD theory — “[transfeminist writer and researcher Julia] Serano has already written a takedown,” she exulted in one August 2018 email. Shupe suspects Marchiano’s role is larger than the public knows: “Marchiano never explicitly said she is the inventor of ROGD, but the evidence points to her, and she’s listed as a contributor to the [Lisa Littman] study on PLOS One,” she writes to me. “My ‘opinion’ is that Marchiano and the 4thWaveNow folks are behind the ROGD study, and Littman merely fronted it for them to make it appear unbiased.”
Jude Doyle again:
On July 2, Shupe sent Marchiano a link to Jones’ blog post telling her “you’ve upset Zinnia again.” (Shupe had a tendency to send Marchiano news of ROGD, and to attribute the theory to “you” — that is, to Marchiano — whether Marchiano was explicitly named or not. In the communications I’ve reviewed, Marchiano does not reject the attribution.) Marchiano responded by saying that Jones had done something to “make her nervous” — namely, she’d dug up a blog post about ROGD that Marchiano had written under her own name.
Julia Serano:
If all of this is true — that Marchiano ran YCTP and invented ROGD — then it would follow that Marchiano was also likely skepticaltherapist, the supposed parent of a trans child who invented the idea of “transgender social contagion” in the first place.
Julia Serano again:
Also on March 15, 2016, at 6:07am (so very early in the day, likely before the aforementioned YTCP piece is published), skepticaltherapist posts her final comment on 4thwavenow before mysteriously disappearing. In a reply to someone named Starrymessenger, skepticaltherapist says: 'I wanted to mention that this month’s Psychotherapy Networker is focusing on trans youth issues, and the tone of each article is uncritically celebratory — lots of mentions of “courage,” and “bravery.” You may need a subscription or at least an account to comment, but I have so far.'
At the time of this comment, "Lisa" is the *only* person to have posted a comment on this particular Psychotherapy Networker article, as the 2nd comment doesn't appear until later that evening (7:30:15 PM on March 15th; both 4thwavenow & Psychotherapy Networker appear to be based in the U.S., so the should be only a few hours apart, if at all). Therefore, "Lisa" and skepticaltherapist must be the same person.
Did you catch all of that?
This is a fraudulent "diagnosis" explicitly invented by an anti-trans psychologist who at times has used sockpuppets to manipulate online conversations, claimed at times to be the mother of a trans child, or maybe it was her friend who had the trans child, or maybe she just knew somebody who just randomly decided he was a trans boy after going on tumblr. (Boy, does Lisa Marchiano hate Tumblr, lol.)
After inventing this diagnosis and pushing it on a forum for parents who don't like that they have trans kids, Marchiano then approaches a different researcher and uses this other researcher to launder this term, launching it into the verbal stratosphere, while explicitly working with right-wing groups who used this "evidence" to manufacture anti-trans bills. This list of right-wing groups and individuals includes the Alliance Defending Freedom, the "American College of Pediatricians," -- not to be confused with the American Academy of Pediatrics, the legitimate organization, ACPeds is a fringe right-wing group.
They literally made all of this up, this idea that transmasculine people specifically are being "infected" by online sources, and then they laundered it through a shitty study and tried to hide the laundering they did, so that shit like this can happen:
The president of the American Principles Project, a member of the coalition, recently told the New York Times that his group’s goal is to eliminate all transition care, starting with children because that’s “where the consensus is.”
This isn't about protecting children or any bullshit like that, and it's not about this fallacious "disorder" because it doesn't exist -- and they know it doesn't exist. They know it doesn't exist because they were the ones who made it up.
Like... what else is there to say? It's like if I made up Purple Big Toe Disease and claimed that all people taller than 5'10" and born on a Tuesday have Purple Big Toe Disease and should not be able to buy aspirin, because it's G-d's plan that people who have Purple Big Toe Disease should not prevent themselves from feeling the pain that G-d has planned for them, and then I asked someone to write a paper about PBTD and pretend I wasn't the one who made it up so I could point at the paper and be like le gasp, PBTD is the number one problem! We need to stop everyone over 5'10" and born on a Tuesday from being able to buy aspirin! And then some dude in South Dakota starts writing up bills in consultation with a bunch of Evangelical lawyers to deny basic health care to people over 5'10" and born on Tuesdays.
If it sounds fucking ridiculous, it's because it is.
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preseriesdean · 1 month
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for @spnficrecfest day seven: outsider pov 🧡
Like Arrows in the Hands of a Warrior by ADeedWithoutaName 10.3k words, rated M, published 2018, underage John Winchester loves his boys, and would take a bullet for either of them. He knows that he's doing it right, the way he's raising them, the things he's teaching them. Not every problem, however, has an easy answer. Like what to do after an incubus case in which their target got his pollen all over both of John's sons.
Flagstaff by Linden 7.3k words, rated T, published 2014 John tracked Sam down in Flagstaff, four days after he got home to find him gone.
Generosity by astolat 1.7k words, rated E, published 2007 John had traded the gun; he'd have traded away more, and he was still feeling the cold dread of the moment when the demon had cocked its head like a pistol and said, "You know, I'm feeling generous today," because if it hadn't taken more, that was only because it figured what was in store was going to be worse.
lost in yesterday by margaryes / @christsam 1k words, not rated, published 2023 John hasn’t seen his youngest son in 18 months.
half the man i used to be by dollylux 2.2k words, rated M, published 2016 John has a gradual, horrifying realization.
Mary's Angels by FrancesHouseman 3.1k words, rated G, published 2016 There's one more silver bullet in the chamber; one last shot at the sikutor, the ice siren that has Dean in thrall. John takes aim, and misses.
Buy You a Mockingbird by candle_beck (a.k.a. thee outsider pov fic of all time no contest) 10.3k words, rated M, published 2011, author chose not to warn A genuine horror story.
Multitude of Sins by Linden 4.4k words, rated T, published 2015 Every now and again, Jim Murphy would look up from his altar and find the Winchester boys at the back of his church.
All Heartless Spectres, Happiness 5.7k words, rated E, published 2021, soulless!sam Lisa Braeden receives an email with the subject line, "You Deserve to Know." It contains a single video file and nothing else.
I'll take my chance on a beautiful stranger by fleshflutter 3.9k words, rated M, published 2007 If Chase were a better friend, he might try to end the game now, before Brendan loses even more money. But if Brendan is a dick at Stanford, it’s nothing compared to how he is on break.
Other Brothers by homo_pink 7k words, rated M, published 2020, underage A callow boy can go from infancy to someone’s lover in the space of two wildflower summers.
Try asking by @goshen-applecrumbledore 7.4k words, rated T, published 2022 “Jerry says he saw them going at it in the back of that car of theirs outside Atlanta last year, I swear to God.” “Listen, man, I don’t like them either, but that’s a low blow. Jerry’s a fucking pervert.”
charmer & gentle by Askance 3.7k words, rated G, published 2015 The afternoon girl calls them Big and Tall, the strangers who come in late every now and then, buying this or that. The night girl doesn't think those names fit quite right.
Happy Wife, Happy Life by petrichorsam pre-slash, 7.1k words, rated T, published 2023 The hunters at Johnny's Roadhouse have heard enough tales about Dean Winchester's wife, Sam, to fill a book, and yet no one has ever seen her.
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jimhines · 2 years
2022 Writing Income
It’s that time again – for fifteen years now I’ve been writing an annual blog post about my income as a writer. Money tends to be an uncomfortable, even taboo topic, but I think it’s important to help counter the myths that we’re all multimillionaires living in Glass Onion-style mansions. (Side note: If anyone wants to pay millions of dollars for my book, I’ll happily update this blog post from my private island mansion.)
Remember, every writer’s career is different, and I’m only one data point.
Prior Years: Here are the annual write-ups going back to 2007: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
In 2016, instead of a personal income write-up, I did a survey of almost 400 novelists about their income.
My Background: I’m a primarily “traditionally published,” U.S.-based SF/F author with 15 books in print from major New York publishers. The first of those books came out from DAW in 2006. I have an agent, and have been with them since about 2004.
I’ve self-published a middle grade fantasy and a few short collections. I’ve also sold about 50 short stories to different magazines and anthologies.
I’ve never hit the NYT or USA Today bestseller lists.
I’m currently the sole parent of a teenager (at home) and a 22-year-old (at college). I have a day job that’s just over half-time, both for the paycheck and the benefits.
2022 in Summary: There’s no gentle way to say this. The last several years have kind of sucked. Losing my wife to cancer in 2019 completely derailed my writing. I was hoping 2022 would be a comeback year, but life had other plans…
I did write and sell two new short stories and one nonfiction piece, which was nice. I’ve got a finished middle grade book that’s been on submission for a while. I finished a standalone fantasy that’s been sitting with my publisher for a while.
Normally, my editor is pretty quick about responding, but last year wasn’t normal for DAW, either. DAW was acquired by Astra House. A lot of their time and energy went into that deal. I’m hoping for the best, but things still haven’t settled into the new “normal.”
Last year did see the release — finally — of Terminal Peace, the third book in the Janitors of the Post-Apocalypse series. I’m thrilled and relieved to see that book in print, but it came out right in the middle of the Astra House acquisition, which may have impacted things like promotion and publicity.
I also finished the first draft and started revising a new standalone middle grade fantasy with series potential.
2022 Income: The biggest check was the publication payment for Terminal Peace. All total, before taxes and various expenses, the writing brought in $13,957.16. While that’s absolutely nothing to sneer at, and I’m grateful for the success, it’s also a dropoff from the past couple of years. To be blunt, if you look at the cumulative graph, things have been slumping a bit.
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Income Breakdown:
Patreon has been a small but steady and helpful source of income. My thanks to everyone for that!
As usual, my U.S. novels are the biggest piece of the pie. The short fiction category is a bit higher this year, thanks to those two new stories. I didn’t self-publish anything new in 2022, but if that middle grade book doesn’t sell, I’d like to publish that one later this year.
Novels (U.S. editions): $8,542.83
Novels (Non-U.S. editions): $473.25
Self-Published: $1158.24
Short fiction: $892.86
Audio: $521.04
Patreon: $1668.94
Other: $700
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I mentioned earlier that things have been in a bit of a slump, and I need to focus on breaking out of that. Some things I can’t currently control. Tomorrow I could wake up to an offer from DAW on the book they’ve got, and maybe an email from my agent that the middle grade title he’s been shopping around went to auction and got a six-figure advance. But I can’t make these things happen.
Priority #1 is to keep writing. If I’m not doing that, other goals are pretty much moot.
Priority #2 is to figure out some alternate options. It may be time to put more time and effort into self-publishing as a complement to my traditionally published work.
The biggest thing making me anxious is that I’m pretty much out of contract. The paperback of Terminal Peace comes out this year, but for the first time in about 15 years, I don’t have the security, the luxury, or the deadlines of a signed contract. In some ways, this is freeing: I can write whatever I want. But there’s no guarantee as to when things will see print. Submitting to the traditional publishers is a long, slow process…
From talking to other writers who’ve been doing this a while, I’ve learned that pretty much every career has its ups and downs. Personal, pandemic, and publisher issues have been a bit of a perfect storm for me these past few years, but I’m not going anywhere. After 27 years as a writer, I’m excited to see what comes next.
Wrap Up:
I hope this has been helpful. As always, feel free to share the post and/or ask questions.
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jetskisonyourmoat · 2 years
My favourite written Alex interview is the one from the Telegraph where he had to answer questions via email because he was basically incoherent when he was interviewed after a TLSP show. This last part is so so good
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IRL Alex would never be able to say any of these things as coherently as he does here so I’m really glad he took the time to write back to the interviewer.
There’s a video interview on YouTube i think it’s with Stijn from Studio Brussels in 2018 where he comments that often people ask him about the lyrics and writing but don’t really want ‘to get into it’ they just want to know the ‘names and addresses’ of whoever they think he’s writing about. I always found that funny because when Martin was interviewing him and Miles in 2016 for FaceCulture Alex gets snarky and jokes that Martin wants to know the names and addresses of the people in the songs. But it’s also a little sad because I get the impression that he really does want to go into it, especially if he can sense the interviewer will actually care to listen and also be patient with him. BASICALLY what I’m trying to say is that Alex actually really likes talking about writing but it’s either that the interviewers aren’t that interested (don’t ask the right questions) or that he literally can’t verbally communicate his thoughts in the way he wants (very relatable). In this interview though he actually really gets into it and the metaphors he uses are so vivid and visual it makes me want to go off on a tangent about the way he translates the images in his head into lyrics (but that’s probably for another day). Honestly wonder how long he’d been developing this metaphor for the relationship between lyrics and melody, but ultimately I’m really grateful that he shared this when he did.
Also this part at the start is so
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I always got the impression from his interviews that Alex ‘rehearses’ or at least meticulously plans what he’s going to say, because he’s an expert at not always answering questions directly but still pushing the conversation forward towards what he actually wants to say. So the whole ‘internal cue cards’ thing makes a lot of sense to me. Sometimes I wish he’d be more spontaneous or he’d do more ‘fun’ interviews, but then I remember that when Jo Whiley did a quick fire round with Alex and Matt, Alex could barely answer any of the questions. So I guess the internal cue cards are a good idea!
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kawaiikenna · 6 months
Just got my kudos email from ao3 and someone left a kudos on my very first fic that I’d ever posted! Like, I wrote that bitch waaaaaay back in 2016. Back when little tiny weeaboo me decided that the world needed to read my fics even though they were kinda mostly just trash. 🙃 But it was there. Right there in the email. And I ended up just staring at it and going, WTF??? People still like/are active in the Voltron fandom???? I thought we all died back in like 2018.
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The 2010s in the end of life
So this is where I see the end of things and civilisation as we were living in our 20s. This was the last decade. I believe since then I have felt psychologically dead. Something was going on in civilisation to distract us with these phones. On the last slides I have put the email kind of look This is everywhere this is what was all over Facebook like I’d say five years younger, they all had beehive/straight hair at the time I was going through my own shit tractive man I just feel like I’m fat decade suddenly changed slowly overtime and I feel like it started at the end of the 2000 and the beginning of the times at the top this time couldn’t go anywhere in her bubble don’t even know what they’re called was and she was all over it. It was a strong time for Kia who came out against the abuse she suffered and this is why I feel like there literally came out 14 hints Became a scandal because it too much not giving up apparently Pharrell Williams who has done some of the best songs I think years later we found out KELIS was robbed of her money or royal taste towards her songs which is wrong so what was happening is it was the start of I would say the Pluto in Aquarius generation coming into play and let’s have a look at how it slowly came out so this, it was the time with the shutter glasses the big hair as I said the short shorts and definitely the sunglasses always always the sunglasses fake tan with everywhere but mainly the shorts big hair and sunglasses. That’s how I remember it it was a happy time for me but something happened around 2016 to 2018 I wanna say I feel this is where it changed and here is where you can put it into words and how it meant something so it was the start of Epstein Weinstein. Funny how Jewish the prince, the Prince Saville, who didn’t face any consequences in his lifetime. It all came out afterwards, and all these people stayed silent, which I find despicable and wrong, but I guess this is what keeps the entertainment industry going, it was where Lindsay Lohan was still going downhill slowly hitting Rockbottom with her mugshots so what started all these things coming out? What started the Harvey Weinstein thing? How can we answer this? How can it come out because back in 2014 I read a little book called choreography by Corey Feldman, I learn about the abuse in Hollywood in 2014 and now it’s coming to like 10 years later, the amount of stuff that has come out from Epstein Island to the prince to the young girls to the modelling industry to TV companies to Miramax to Nickelodeon, very sadly how these people are treated. We even learn of Paris Hilton being sent to a can you I think it’s good and got kidnapped in the middle of the night from her wealthy parents, which I completely disagree with. She apparently grew up in a very strict household which she rebelled. Against. Of course let’s face it. Paris is a Aquarius with Leo Moon, she wasn’t one for let’s say keeping the rules, but we found out later that she was playing a character which made her feel more comfortable. She didn’t feel comfortable in our own skin, and I have la learned that her personality was much more timid than she let on and her friends said nothing, but good about her that she was a very good friend and loyal, which I believe which brings me to another person, Lindsay Lohan. She didn’t stand a chance with parents like her her mum just seems like she’s off her head on drugs. I hate to say it but she’s parting with Lindsey she’s being inappropriate with Lindsey. The father obviously had his own issues too, I know this is deep and it’s a subject, but you know I like to go in with this. I don’t feel like Lindsey is a good person and I know we should think of people in the period form of life and I said I like, but I really feel like she from what I had is not a very loyal friend. If she’s a Gemini rising, I know she’s not loyal friend sorry I don’t trust you guys I don’t like I don’t really trust air signs that’s because I don’t have it in my chart so it doesn’t feel comfortable for me and the energy doesn’t video l
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Things were slowly leaking , they do say it’s the dawning of the age of Aquarius ♒️♒️,and also I was listening to a podcast the other day with a lady on its side that things get completely wiped from the Internet so we remember things like a Mandela effect because they did happen they did happen but the celebrity has paid for that information or that article all that picture to completely disappear, which they can do same with certain celebrity to. It will never come out out of their abuse, and even if it does nothing seems to happen and then you think where’s the justice this where’s the justice in the world seems very unfair and you’ll still see these really disgusting people still working in Hollywood but I guess that’s what keeps it going. It’s the most recent one will be Josh Peck and Drake Bell, so Drake Bell said how he was molested by Brian Peck, who is basically someone who works with young boys and Hollywood or young people and he is a paedophile and he has been doing it for ages and when I said I read this book he was one of the people in the book. He’s been doing it since the 80s entertainment industry with children after the allegations and he went to prison. He was allowed to work on the Disney Channel to protect their children. I personally don’t have any children, but I would never wanna see a child harmed in any kind of way who does like it’s sick. I don’t wanna see any woman harmed in anyway I don’t wanna see any man harmed in anyway, so then what happens is obviously there has been stuff about Drake Bell being a abuser so then the abused becomes the abuser which is the most saddest part of it. All they have been shown this in doctrine nation happening on a daily basis with any trauma around women become drug addict. Drug addict will take responsibility and the fact that I did it at a time, so it was easier for me to do so, I never blamed because I was the one who is already on med so I didn’t see anything different and want something regular in your life and you are not well you will then also see it yourself is normal because that’s what it’s been around you when you’ve had all these traumas, it can become very intoxicating to then have a drug or have whatever be a part of your life because it takes you away but Drake Bell let’s get back to this. No matter what I’ve had. This happened to him and Josh Peck is now things coming out with him, but people believe Brian Peck his dad because no one is ever known who Josh Peck, his dad, not even himself. He said he’s never known him and when you look for the information on that on the Internet you also say no information but pet is a very rare last name and people and output theories out there that he could be his dad and of course as a possibility but people are going straight out on this. It’s true because when you look up the dads name also he his first name is the same middle name as Brian’s so make the logic make sense. People are getting to the point now where they are believing it because there’s so much coming forward from people and all these people who haven’t made it in the entertainment industry I have respectful because they haven’t gone through like Kat Williams might say or any other celebrity they haven’t gone through certain doors where all this stuff is now coming out with Puff Daddy, it’s very believable, I never like Diddy back in the day I didn’t. I didn’t trust him there was something about him I didn’t like I never liked his music. I just found him weird but with Tupac I always felt that SUGE KNIGHTwas to blame was that, and if I’m being honest if there wasn’t into biggie small either his music was not my cup of tea. I can appreciate it now I appreciate his music but I was never that kind of go. It was into them. The one I did like out of the whole bad boy, let’s look at the name bad boy I like Lil Kim I’ve always loved Lil Kim I think she’s a legend and she will always be queen. Fuck Nicki Minaj like is Queen of rap to me 
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My tumblr and online life history. If you even care (it’s long and rambling I’m bored on a plane)
[pretend there is a read more button here and just keep scrolling]
I got a tumblr summer of 2011 bc my brother kept showing me #fresh memes and around that time my online activity was scrolling endlessly though canihazcheeseburger network of meme sites. I was 17 so lol 12 years…
it started with memes and fandom type gifsets (and following some irls) but after a year or so I completely entered my #sjw era and nothing a decade ago is perfect but I’m always vaguely thankful for tumblr putting me in that direction
in 2015 I got frustrated and locked myself out of my account on purpose and then could not reverse it the next day because I changed the email to an email yahoo decided to delete lol.
I made a new account soon after but exclusively for following and reblogging steven universe stuff but I ended up becoming more and more general again after a few months… I remember so much mess and drama but I also never directly talked to any of those people so it was just a one person stomach ache time
Got really into taz in my last quarter of college in the summer (monster factory a few months before) and this was what made me start a twitter in 2016… I never talked to people directly online before as much except a handful of mutuals (hi if you’re still on here) so slowly joining in that was fun! Also messy I saw all of the highs and lows of taz fandom, made and lost friends (mostly from the periphery of a group but a handful of direct breaks lol) and in that actual play space I had friends get into friends at the table… I listened to a few eps of counter/weight and could Not keep it going so when twilight mirage was starting it was a good opportunity to follow along instead of a backlog. Also finally realized I was slowly iv rating to tweeting full time rip
Also 2017 I made a few fatt friends but I was scared to talk to the fandom bc I still liked taz a lot and fatt fans you know how we are (I too am like that now) but anyways I had like 10 followers to my name and nothing to lose so I started posting more in 2018 and I have gained lifelong friends in the fandom since :’) I feel like twilight mirage was such a contentious era so I got really close with my #tmstan friends and all the stress of that time is a memory now….
I did listen to almost every season eventually but I did fall off of keeping up with fatt 2021/2022 I think (so sorry sangfielle)
unexpected side plot of my life is loona and kpop in general. I was vaguely into loona from seeing stuff on tumblr in 2018 and something clicked for me with the butterfly comeback in 2019, as in it was the first time I was watching performances on music shows and it was really cool to me and I also had no idea what was going to happen to me (the great 2019 loona hiatus) and I slowly was starting to follow kpop liking accounts outside of a handful of tumblr people I followed on twitter and unfortunately the hiatus made me check out other groups and I love the music (loved…? It’s still good when it’s good but it’s not always good) and understood too much about the minutia behind the industry but I also made more lifelong friends (I hope? Hi carbs)
Kpop era coincides with my not listening to sangfielle era but I think my attention span was shot and all I wanted to do was fill my head with music…
Wait okay I had also a career change (don’t worry about that) and also got really into final fantasy xiv. So that’s another era of my life that is neither fatt or kpop. I was gaming so much and I love my cat girl and my catboy wife. I started right before endwalker dropped and now I’m too caught up but I was solidly playing for 2 years straight. I’m playing Zelda for now but I’m almost done
Okay anyways fatt season palisade started up earlier this year and my fatt era is back in full swing. Went to a fatt friends’ wedding this april. Palisade is really good every week. And now twitter is dying so I have returned to Blog for Real. I’ll post my cohost hear if I end up there more lol
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aslyfcx · 11 months
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@lambfated sent: How long have you been roleplaying?
munday questions (accepting)
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I've been roleplaying since 2011/2012. My first platform to roleplay off on was Paigeeworld and then around 2015/2016-2017, I ended up moving to Amino which was a literal hellhole. I wouldn't recommend Amino at all. I was roleplaying on Amino from 2016/2017 to 2018/2019ish?
I was kind of switching back and forth between Discord and Amino although I can't remember much when it comes to years. I know for a fact, I started being really active on Tumblr possibly 2019/2020 and yes, I remember my very very old URL back then. If you guys remember the URL fandomroleplayer7633 or naosh-of-muses, well, the blog is long gone by now. I don't know if I have any other old blogs, if I do, I probably forgot the email and password especially the blog URLs.
I've been roleplaying on Tumblr for over least four to five years. Back then, I started out on mobile and then I finally shifted to Tumblr desktop halfway through 2020. In 2020, I was roleplaying on Tumblr as a way to cope with what's been going on around me outside of roleplaying.
Below this keep reading/read more section, I will be talking about how deep it was for me to roleplay on Tumblr and how roleplaying impacted me here on Tumblr. Just prepare for venting and rambling. Be prepared for emotional responses and all.
I was 17 years old when I first started roleplaying on Tumblr and back then, I wasn't exactly in the right state of mind because I know for a fact, I was dealing with my own issues and I was using Tumblr as a way to avoid tackling my issues IRL head-on. I was also using Tumblr as a way to cope back then but now, I go on Tumblr as a hobby and I roleplay on Tumblr for fun instead of just using Tumblr as a coping mechanism.
Truth be told, I'd rather focus on the positive aspect more than the negative aspect. The thing is...I'm really glad that I got to meet so lovely folks during my time of roleplaying here on Tumblr despite some of those folks who I consider as friends being with me since 2019/2020. I'm glad to be able to roleplay here on Tumblr, I'm glad to be able to spread my wings. I'm glad to be able to learn about Tumblr pages, themes, etc. I'm glad for those who taught me on how to make icons, how to trim, etc.
If you recognize me and you're probably wondering why I don't remember you, it's because I either forgot or I ended up not communicating often and then forgetting who you are. The thing is...I only remember some people especially when I've been interacting with them for a very long time.
Anyway, thank you to those who stayed by my side. Thank you for being able to talk to me OOC let alone throwing your muse(s) at my muse(s). Thank you for everything.
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nyxelestia · 2 years
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I posted 3,226 times in 2022
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#kinnporsche the series - 399 posts
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#the untamed - 128 posts
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Longest Tag: 117 characters
#so i think my parents assumed i would either be a surgeon or a serial killer so i got lots of doctor toys for a while
My Top Posts in 2022:
The media’s portrayal of Jon Stewart criticism of the Harry Potter goblins honestly explains a lot about fandom puritanism and social media mobs.
The tl;dr for anyone who is out of the loop is that on a podcast in December, Jon Stewart criticized the goblins in Harry Potter as being antisemitic in their depiction/origin - which is true, and people have been saying that for years.
As far as I know, though, he only called the tropes and goblins themselves antisemitic, not JKR herself. Yet now multiple media outlets are claiming that Jon Stewart accused her of antisemtism - and now, claiming Stewart is trying to walk back or deny his criticism when he rightfully says he did not.
And honestly, this explains a lot about the telephone game the media has become in the age of social-media and Internet dominated news.
677 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
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just in time
759 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
929 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
Pixar’s full letter, obtained by Variety, follows:
A Statement to Leadership from the LGBTQIA+ Employees of Pixar & Their Allies
We are writing because we are disappointed, hurt, afraid, and angry. In regards to Disney’s financial involvement with legislators behind the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, we hoped that our company would show up for us. But it didn’t.
Monday’s email, “Our Unwavering Commitment to the LGBTQ+ Community”, rang hollow. It began with the claim that Disney has a long history of supporting the LGBT community, but Disney Parks did not officially host Pride until 2019, in Paris alone. Disney has a history of shutting down fan-created Pride events in the parks, even removing same-sex couples for dancing together in the 1980’s. Additionally, Disney began capitalizing on Pride in 2018 with The Rainbow Mickey Collection, (while de-emphasizing the terms like LGBTQ+ and not even featuring explicitly LGBTQIA+ pieces such as Pride flag pins until 2021). To this end, it feels terrible to be a part of a company that makes money from Pride merch when it chooses to “step back” in times of our greatest need, when our rights are at risk.
The second claim stated that “corporate statements do very little to change outcomes or minds”. However, the very email making this claim opened with a corporate statement regarding the ongoing situation in Ukraine. Eight days after Russia invaded Ukraine, Disney paused the release of theatrical films in Russia and announced “We will make future business decisions based on the evolving situation.” Following the siege on the capital in 2021, Disney stopped all political donations to members of Congress who had objected to the presidential election results. In 2016, Disney told the state of Georgia: “We will plan to take our business elsewhere should any legislation allowing discriminatory practices be signed into state law” in response to the controversial Religious Liberty bill. By taking a stand, Disney directly affected the legislative outcome in Georgia. It has been proven that Disney’s corporate statements can and do make a difference.
Finally, we come to the push for Content as the answer. We at Pixar have personally witnessed beautiful stories, full of diverse characters, come back from Disney corporate reviews shaved down to crumbs of what they once were. Nearly every moment of overtly gay affection is cut at Disney’s behest, regardless of when there is protest from both the creative teams and executive leadership at Pixar. Even if creating LGBTQIA+ content was the answer to fixing the discriminatory legislation in the world, we are being barred from creating it. Beyond the “inspiring content” that we aren’t even allowed to create, we require action.
We are calling on Disney leadership to immediately withdraw all financial support from the legislators behind the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, to fully denounce this legislation publicly, and to make amends for their financial involvement. While signing on to donate to the HRC is a step in the correct direction, the shareholder meeting on Wednesday made it clear that this is not enough. Throughout the shareholder meeting, Disney did not take a hard stance in support of the LGBTQIA+ community, they instead attempted to placate “both sides” – and did not condemn hateful messages shared during the question and answer portion of the meeting. This is not what it means to “unequivocally stand in support of our LGBTQ+ employees, their families, and their communities.”
Disney taking a stand by honoring their company values has changed the course of legislation in the past. If Disney is true in its values, it will take a decisive public stand against the discriminatory legislation occurring in Florida and offer tangible support for the LGBTQIA+ communities affected by bigoted legislation sweeping the country. Stand against this bill in Florida and against the similar bills in South Carolina, Arizona, Virginia, and Tennessee. Stand against the transphobic legislation in Texas, Iowa, Utah, Kansas, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, and Alabama. Many hateful groups are attempting to eradicate us through legislation – we need you to stand with us entirely, not in empty words.
This matter is not something that can wait until Reimagine Tomorrow in April, or Pride Month in June. This matter needs to be addressed now. This is urgent. 42% of LGBTQIA+ youth seriously considered suicide in 2021, including more than half of transgender and nonbinary youth, with a large factor being the lack of support that these discriminatory legislations enable. Disney claims to care for the welfare of children, but supporting politicians like this directly hurts one of their most vulnerable audiences. There are lives at stake and Disney’s support could save those lives. “We still have more work to do,” your email said. This is that work.
Signed with Pride, The LGBTQIA+ employees of Pixar, and their allies
Disney has not publicly responded to Pixar’s claims, but after criticism over its belated response to the just-passed “Don’t Say Gay” bill, the $148.5-billion-dollar company pledged an astonishingly meager $5 million to “nonprofit organizations that advance social justice. The Human Rights Campaign advocacy group has refused to take the money—which is, for the record, 0.00003367 percent of Disney’s net worth—until the company takes more substantive action to combat the bill.
1,478 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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2,512 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
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tomhenryyy · 4 months
Jack Williamson- 'The Music Indusrty is F**ked'
Psychotherapist Jack Williams joined the 20 years ago, after attending Uni in London studying the field of Music Business Management, his one goal was to be involved in the music industry. Starting off as an intern in 2001 he worked with a publicist working with legendary names in the industry Mariah Carey, Kayne West, and Rihanna to list a few.  
During his two-decade-long career, Williamson has worked for several big companies in the music industry; Sony, EMI, Universal, and a role in management Williamson was always changing the path of his career.  
In late 2015, his brother sadly took his own life as for anyone this led Jack to question a lot of things about his career and life, relating to the death of his brother in 2016 Williamson to a step back and started to re-think what his job really meant to him.  
As of 2018, Jack has been an advocate for mental health within the music industry, talking to his talk Jack spoke about elements of the music industry and the lack of support for mental health in it. A quote from Jack that really stood out was; ‘The industry is fucked’ Williamson goes on to say the music industry has a weak eco-system that is not supportive of mental health.  
In his talk Jack introduced the term ‘imposter syndrome.’ an article by ‘Arlin Cunic, MA’ describes imposter syndrome as; 
‘The psychological experience of feeling like a fake or a phoney despite any genuine success that you have achieved’ (Cunic, Ma 2024) 
The same article states that ‘imposter syndrome is not a diagnosable mental illness, instead the term is usually narrowly applied to intelligence and achievement, although also has links to perfectionism and the social context.’ (Cunic, Ma 2024) 
A report from the Musicians Union states that ‘Imposter syndrome affects 62% of people in the workplace’ The same article says that the figure in creative industries is ‘87%’ for people who suffer from imposter syndrome. (Musicians Union, 2021) 
Jack has worked closely with Scottish artist Lewis Capaldi, the Scottish artist is very open about his mental health and speaks on his experiences with imposter syndrome.  
When speaking to the Sunday Times he said ‘I feel great having made a record that I love’ he goes on saying ‘I’m not confident in my abilities as a songwriter and I think that’s got worse the more successful I’ve got’ (Chamberlain, 2023) 
In 2019, Jack Williamson teamed up with Lewis Capaldi and his manager to start a mental health initiative, Virgin Radio interviewed Capaldi speaking about the scheme, the idea of the scheme is genius and there is a market for this.  
Capaldi said ‘when purchasing a ticket to see Capaldi live along with the ticket will be an emailed link with a 24-hour support team of trained mental health professionals. There are also quiet rooms for concertgoers to gather their thoughts, a buddy system to help fans attending the gigs on their own find company and readily available advice for long-term solutions to any mental health issue.’ 
 (Virgin Radio, 2020) 
I came away from Williamson’s talk feeling a different way to the rest of the talks, Jack enlightened me and lowered my respect for the industry a considerable amount. Things need to change the industry’s view on mental health is old-fashioned, taboo, and quite honestly un-educated to a high degree, we need more people like Jack to help us achieve the result we desperately need and deserve in our industry. 
Chamberlain,L. (2023) Lewis Capaldi on 'Imposter Syndrome' and How Success Has Affected His Mental Health. Available at: https://www.menshealth.com/uk/mental-strength/a43493642/lewis-capaldi-imposter-syndrome-mental-health/ (25 May 2024).
Cunic, A. (2024) Imposter Syndrome: The Five Types, How to Deal With It. Avaible at: https://www.verywellmind.com/imposter-syndrome-and-social-anxiety-disorder-4156469 (Accessed: 25 may 2024).
Musicians uninon  (2021) Imposter Syndrome Advice for Musicians Available at: https://musiciansunion.org.uk/career-development/career-guides/musicians-wellbeing-guidance-pack/what-is-imposter-syndrome-and-what-can-you-do-about-it (Accessed: 25 May 2024).
Virgin Radio(200) Lewis Capaldi Introduces LIvelive mental health scheme on his latest tour. Available at: https://virginradio.co.uk/entertainment/23330/lewis-capaldi-introduces-livelive-mental-health-scheme-his-latest-tour-200308560274 (25 May 2024).
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gabbagepatch · 7 months
Gonna try to act like I'm normal for a sec and talk about my experience getting accommodations for my hearing loss this semester.
I've had severe tinnitus since January after a mild COVID infection. The accompanying symptoms are unilateral hearing loss, episodes of intense vertigo, degradation of my balance, and of course constant tinnitus. This illness is a bit of a chicken or the egg scenario, and these symptoms can vary heavily day-to-day.
As someone who used a wheelchair and cane for approximately two years from 2016-2018 I was already familiar to the rigmarole of getting accommodations from an educational institution. I've also had experience with chronic pain so I was more prepared than some others for a sudden illness that impacts my daily life.
Once I realized that the first-line treatment wasn't successful I got to work immediately with my college's disability office. I am not the bitch who's gonna wait to get the stuff I need. I care too much about my education to suffer needlessly when I know this illness isn't going away for a while.
I cannot stress this enough! Do not wait for it to get worse, you do not need to deny yourself accommodations because it isn't "as bad as it could be" yet! Worst case scenario is that you get accommodations and didn't need them as long as you thought.
I visited the website and was very disappointed that the resources were confusing and limited. It seemed to me that there was an unstated assumption that the person needing the forms was a new student, so the things I needed were buried in new student paperwork that didn't apply to me. It also was not easy to find their policies on applications submitted outside of enrollment, and I was applying mid-semester. I called the line for the disability office, but the number was either outdated or they were closed at 1pm on a Wednesday. I was very frustrated initially. This might just be me but I'm of the opinion that important resources like this should be easy to find regardless of circumstance and that the people you need to reach for questions should be available during normal hours, but whatevs.
I ended up emailing the head of the disability office informing her of a lack of phone response, a small blurb about my situation, and the questions I was looking for answers to. Despite my issues with the website she called me within the hour of my email. If this lovely woman could call me immediately after I sent an email why couldn't I reach someone over the phone? I thought that was weird, but she was super helpful nonetheless so I can't be too annoyed. She explained the process and it was actually pretty simple, but you'd never know it from their webpage.
For me, my college required my primary care provider to fill out a short form, one page front and back. It had simple questions about what abilities were affected and how severely; plus a simple consent portion authorizing my school to receive that medical information. I recommend filling this out before the appointment with your provider, because it saves time. I filled out the legal portion but didn't do the assessment ahead of time. It worked out because during this appointment my hearing turned out to be worse than I thought, so hearing impairment was rated "severe" and not "moderate" as I had assumed. Afterwards it was easy to scan and email to the disability office. My school's email system is secure so I was not worried about sending such things over email, but use your best judgement.
I had thoughts that I was "jumping the gun" a little, but was able to push that aside. It's basically impossible to avoid self-doubt as someone with a disability or illness. The world is full of inspiration porn and there will always be people who judge you for not trying hard enough. The idea that accommodations should be a last resort after tireless effort to "overcome" your disability is total bullshit, but you didn't need me to tell you that.
There was also a small worry that it would be read as manipulative or arrogant to request accommodations so soon after my illness began. I also had to push this aside. Many abled people expect accommodations to be requested meekly, and look down on those who are confident in their own limitations. Often being too sure of yourself and your needs is taken as a sign you're taking advantage of the institution. Once again, total bullshit. You don't owe anyone a performance of shame and apprehension.
Back to the process. Once she received the paperwork everything was basically out of my hands. My professors were notified of the accommodations I requested and I was able to begin implementing them smoothly during class. Of course my accommodations are not as involved as others may be. I requested to record my lectures and sit in areas best suited to my hearing, these are generally very easy for professors to accommodate. My balance issues are another matter, but I'm not in classes that require lifting or bending so it hasn't come up.
I have to say my experience with college if much better than public school so far. I think it's a lot easier for k-12 to get away with shitty behavior than college professors, but that's just my personal experience. I got a lot of grief for my past disability in school than now. The day before I was pulled out of public school the school nurse told me she "didn't have time for this" when I nearly passed out! I think the semi-professional setting/attitude of college encourages a more "HR friendly" response to stuff like this, but I've heard enough horror stories to know that no institution is immune to ableism.
Overall I'm pretty happy with my experience so far, and I feel like my college is doing a pretty good job in my case. I'm just happy that my education doesn't seem like it's going to be another stressor. I've got enough on my plate dealing with appointments, PT, and tests so I really appreciate that my college was responsive and understanding.
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memoamp · 1 year
Celine Galliguez (she/her) - UCI '18
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Career Goal: Bioprocess Manufacturing Technician (at Genentech for 2 years, now currently at BioMarin in the Gene Therapy Downstream Department)
Major: Biological Sciences
Introduction: Hi there! My name is Celine Galliguez. I was in the UCI chapter of MEMO from 2015-2018, then I was on the Non-Profit BOD from 2018-2019. I was an intern during my third year, and I was the Webtech-Historian on board during my fourth year. On Non-Profit, I was the Service Coordinator, but I also worked closely with the two Executive Directors, and was pretty much their VP, since we were good friends. I also went on 12G and 13G. While I was at UCI, I majored in Biological Sciences and entered thinking I would become a doctor (like most of us do) but found out it wasn’t for me, my grades weren’t the best either by the end of second year, so I transitioned to being pre-dental. I was studying for the DAT and working as a dental assistant during my post-grad year, but right before I was supposed to take the exam, I realized I was in it for the wrong reasons (money lol). It took me quite a bit longer to get to where I am now, in the Biotech industry, but I love my career and how I got here, and I still earn quite a good amount of money without being a doctor lol. Hope to hear from y’all!
MEMO: 2015-2018 (see details above)
Pre-Dental Society: 2016-2018
Delta Delta Sigma Fraternity (DDS), Pre-Dental Professional Fraternity: Beta Class; Volunteer Coordinator (Apr. 2017 - Feb. 2018)
Research Assistant for Dr. Joseph Wu (Jan. 2017 - Jun. 2017); analyzed TBI scans for patients on trial
Research Assistant for Dr. Petra Wilder-Smith & Dr. Thair Takesh (Oct. 2017 - Jun. 2018); clinical trials for dental research, specifically for the effects of dental products on the oral cavity
{Post-Grad/Work Experience}
MEMO: 2018-2019 (see details above)
Dental Assistant for Dr. Phuong Tran (Sept. 2017 - Nov. 2019)
Bioprocess Manufacturing Technician at Genentech (Mar. 2021 - Jan. 2023)
Downstream Bioprocess Manufacturing Technician in Gene Therapy (Aug. 2023 - Present)
Extracurriculars: The fun stuff: I love music! I collect vinyl records and have over 200 at this point. My favorite k-pop group is TWICE (bias line is Momo, Jihyo, Sana 👀). I enjoy film and tv. My dream is to one day pursue a masters and career in music as a sound engineer/song master/composer. I’m just working hard now to save all that nice biotech money. Sound equipment is expensive! I love spending time with my friends by watching movies, grabbing food and dessert, going on a hike, etc. My Instagram is (cgzzz_) (feel free to follow me! I post stories more so than actual posts lol
What kind of advice would you be giving? You DO NOT have to have your life figured out, especially at your young age! I know the filial piety is intense, but make sure you enjoy your college days! You may not get the chance to be in this special environment again. Yes, grades may be important for grad school, but it is also important to learn how to treat people! You never know who will be your boss in the future! I had a whole plan of my life, and how I thought I wanted it to turn out. Trust me, my life is nowhere near that but I am so happy and I love my life :)
Best piece of advice you've received? Listen to the lyrics of Vienna by Billy Joel 😌
Preferred method(s) of communication: Phone Number (text/call), Email, Instagram
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inspiretrust · 2 years
Playboy bunny june 2019 playmate yoli lara hoodie
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Once there are enough votes, the Sun Pearls move into the formulation stage (with my input) and will eventually be sold on . Editors NotesThis hoodie features a graphic print of June 2019 Playmate, Yoli Lara, in the style of a lithograph. Well now you can vote for my idea to come to life! (One vote per email.) At age 18, Abigail O’Neil packed up her bags and left behind her native Kansas, along with everyone else she's ever known today she’s Playboy’s newest Playmate for May 2019. This hoodie features a graphic print of June 2019 Playmate, Yoli Lara, in the style of a lithograph. (Yep, I resorted to using a 1/4-tsp measuring spoon at one point.) No guesswork and no measuring spoon required. I dreamed of sunscreen that came pre-measured and perfectly portioned in capsules to make it easy to apply just the right amount. But one question always nagged at me: how do I know whether I’ve applied enough to get the actual level of SPF advertised on the bottle? Maybe you picked that up when I reviewed 12 Japanese ones in a megapost (all SPF 50+ and PA++++ of course). And both of us named this one of our 2016 furvorites.Ĭontinue reading “Worth It? Voloom Hair Volumizing Iron – Review & Comparison to Crimper and Voloom Petite”ĬOMING SOON: Volition will hold another GIVEAWAY starting this Monday, June 26th! Each vote for Sun Pearls will be automatically entered. Girls Cosplay Top galleries Clubs Random Meet&Fuck Telegram NSFW Reddit Search. Ever since Renee introduced me to this, I’ve used this regularly and often. Nude girls pictures and videos from patreon, onlyfans, twitch, twitter. (I *wish* we got commission for all the people we’ve converted.) I’m just obsessed with it because IT WORKS and IT’S EASY. This post will sound like a paid ad for Voloom ( “Turn the volume up to 11!!”), but it’s not. Of the three versions/sizes of Voloom, my fave is still Voloom Petite. It’s too subtle without getting any closer to roots, so it just ended up taking longer to achieve the same amount of volume. 2019 UPDATE: I’ve since bought and tried the Rootie version as well. And yes, I paid for both the original and petite versions. If I lost this $130 tool, I’d immediately order a new one. But as someone with straight and slippery hair that could barely be teased after 15 mins of backcombing and hair spraying by a wedding hairdresser, that’s the truth. “I’m grateful that industries now are more inclusive regarding race, shape, color, and gender,” she says.I don’t say that lightly.
Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. Since then, Yoli has loved the progress the business is making. 'Playboy Plus' Playmate June 2019: Yoli Lara (TV Episode 2019) on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more. 1080p 2019 PlayboyPlus stream porn Post navigation. I can’t just grow or shrink.' I learned that the job entails rejection,” she says. Filename: playboyplus.19.09.14.lara.mp4 Duration: 49 s 967 ms File Size: 36.1 MiB Resolution: 1920×1080 Format: AVC Bitrate: 5 831 kb/s Audio: AAC, 2 channels, 192 kb/s. I’m used to it now, but at those early castings, I would always hear, ‘You’re perfect, but your hips are too big,’ and I would be like, 'that’s literally how my body is. “Like all the women in my family, I have a tiny waist and big hips. October 2018 Playmate Olga Del Mar Tennis T-Shirt. December 1972 Playmate Mercy Rooney Sunset Rider Womens Cropped T-Shirt. December 1972 Playmate Mercy Rooney Sunset Rider T-Shirt. “I wasn’t a conventional model,” she says, recalling some of her first castings. December 1972 Playmate Mercy Rooney Sunset Rider Hoodie. Most people are like, ‘Oh, we’re going to the beach!’ But for me, it’s a spiritual, cleansing adventure.” Looking stunning, Yoli is all smiles as she shows off her lovely curves. “I was born on an island, so I feel very tied to the ocean. “For me, the beach is everything,” she gushes. 'Playboy Plus' Playmate June 2019: Yoli Lara (TV Episode 2019) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Bouncing around town, Yoli takes us to all her most loved places: the market, the skate park, and her absolute favorite, the ocean. This pair offers a comfortable elastic stretch waistline in black, adjustable drawstrings, side pockets, a welt back pocket, and custom graphics of June 2019 Playmate Yoli Lara at the front. “My island is everything to me,” she says. Make it a sexy summer when you step out in the latest swim trunks from Playboy.
Playboy Plus Yoli Lara Playmate June 2019. On location in her native Puerto Rico, Yoli shows us her radiant and kind spirit as the photographer, Ana Dias captures her. rapidgator: PP.2019.09.14.2019.rar uploaded. Playmate, Yoli Lara will take your breath away.
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solnahas · 2 years
Animal jam membership hack no survey 2015
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What do you need to get this Cheat ? Follow all steps from "How to Download" below.
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For the full version, you have to pay 89$! How to use? It’s simple – extract the file using winrar and open the folder. Remember! This free version is only available from this page. This is a free version, which generates 15 Membership Codes every day. Animal Jam Free Membership No Download No Survey 2016Hi everybody and welcome to my first ever personal video where Im going to be giving away 12 month memb.
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gwtrust · 2 years
Anime conji 2019
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Apparel Retro Game Varsity Jacket Front (2019) Retro Game Varsity Jacket Back (2019) Rainbow Cardigan (2022) Little Witch Sweater (2019) Ice Cream Ita Bag (2022) Ice Cream Button Up (2022) Rainbow Button Up (2022) Waifu Paradox Penrose Baseball Tee (2021) Blood Bag Pochette (2022) Hats Galaxy Whale Hat (2020) Cherry Blossom Beret (2021) Moon and Stars Beret (2021) Duck Hat (2021) Cloudy Sky Beret (2021) Peony Hat (2021) Charms and Keychains Soju and Sake Charms (2022) Plush Bird Keychains (2020) Food Charms (2020) Lanyards Bird Lanyard (2018) Moon Bunny Lanyard (2022) Succulent Lanyard (2018) Stickers Too Kawaii To Die Stickers (2018) Ghost Stickers (2020) Bunny Girls Sticker Sheet (2021) Weapon Girls Sticker Sheet (2021) Maid Girls Sticker Sheet (2021) Menhera Girls Sticker Sheet (2021) Pins Hard Enamel Ice Cream Pin (2022) Wooden Cacti Pins (2019) Wooden Milk Pin (2020) Etc. However, the SPJA stated it still planned to hold the 2021 event on its normal July dates. I know theres recently been a minimum of 3 'Letting Go' AMVs that have been applying to competitions and were all in the same categories, so just having our names added would save a little bit of confusion. On April 17, 2020, the SPJA announced that it was cancelling Anime Expo 2020, citing 'health and safety' concerns. Weve got a double header weekend (technically, its a triple header since well have a FUNimation booth at Anime Conji in San Diego as well) While Rojas. I wish they would have put the creators name next to each video title instead of solely emailing us separately. (6. In the months leading to the 2020 event, a global coronavirus outbreak created concerns related to large gatherings such as Anime Expo. More recently, I have started creating apparel, hats, and other items for daily use. 33 Anime Conji Convention Updated: Anime Conji is an annual three-day anime convention held during May/June at the San Diego Marriott Mission Valley in San Diego, California. Initially, I sold mainly plushies but began expanding to charms, stickers, and lanyards. Contents 1 Programming 2 History 2.
I began selling my art under the name “Arrupako” in 2016. Anime Conji - Wikipedia Anime Conji From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Anime Conji was an annual three-day anime convention held during May/June at the San Diego Marriott Mission Valley in San Diego, California.
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