#i got pinchable cheeks
mythicalllamaxo · 2 years
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Oh how I wish I was Nicole
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italiantea · 6 months
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dog dump
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arminsumi · 10 months
i need more gojo fluff🥺💖 he's just so precious
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒꒱
GOJO x f.reader
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A/N: of course my beloved, here's a dose of gojo fluff just for u!!! 🥺
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♪ NOW PLAYING: i could be your crush
Overview; collegeboy Gojo having the fattest crush on you and being lovably annoying
Content; fluff, crush headcanons
arminsumi's library
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— He teases and distracts you all day every day, wearing a toothy smile. It hangs lopsidedly on his face.
— Pinching you is his thing. He loves getting a reaction out of you. "Hey, sweetcheeks." he greets, "Those cheeks lookin' awfully pinchable today."
"Ah, hell no! Suguru save me, Satoru is being annoying again!"
— Snatches up your belongings when you're not looking and makes you beg to give them back while he holds them above his head. Truthfully, this is just his silly excuse to show off his height to you.
— Other ways he shows of his height to you include towering over you and peering straight down into your eyes. He giggles like a jackass when you get flustered.
— His nicknames for you know no bounds. They're corny and cheesy most of the time, like the aforementioned sweetcheeks. There's also; honeybun/babydoll/sugarplum/princess/snugglebunny... the list doesn't end. Some people think you're dating when he calls you these in public.
— The instant your attention detracts from him, he steals it right back with grabby hands. Sometimes he throws a whiny "Why're you ignoring me!" your way.
— He rushes up to you after class with a million things to talk about, and talks so fast that he stumbles and trips all over his words.
— His enthusiasm and lively nature is contagious. He is always, always capable of putting a smile on your face.
— He sneezes on you on purpose.
— When you look especially attractive to him in certain lighting, like when the two of you walk home together after school, he clutches his chest. The fabric of his uniform crinkles and creases.
"What is it?" you ask.
He sighs dramatically. "You're so pretty." is all he can say. "Huh... that sounded so much better in my head."
— Never late for the classes that he shares with you. The rest he absolutely is though 🤭 he's got great bed hair, you can tell he really tries hard to wake up in time to make class
— He pays interest to the things you like. Sometimes you catch him practicing one of your hobbies. "Hey, what're you doing?" you ask and he FREAKS out, "Oh shi– hey! Hi! Not doing anything, why?" it's utterly hilarious; he knocks over stuff, flushing red in the face. You'll never meet someone who blushes as madly as Gojo Satoru.
— Addicted to your company much like he's addicted to sugar. You're another saccharine substance that he can't keep out of his mouth. Ahum... in other words, he is always talking about you to his friends.
— Poor Suguru, he often arrives to class in the morning with bloodshot eyes and hanging eyebags because his best friend kept him on the phone all night about Y/n this and Y/n that
— Gojo loses his mind when you call him Satoru for the first time. He melts each and every time you call him that afterwards.
— Call him hot once, or merely elude to it, and he will hold it to you forever. He winks and infuriatingly responds with "Yeah I know I am." or "Thanks for reminding me." or if he's feeling like flustering you, "Not as hot as you."
But trust that he swoons to his best friend about it. "She said I'm hot... d'you think she likes me?"
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emmyrosee · 1 year
HAI EMMY!!! i've always wanted to send this request since it's been on the back of my mind for a while now;;
i just wanna know how kita shinsuke would act if he had a crush. likeeee would he be straightforward about it, or would he shy away from his feelings, OR OR OR IMAGINE IF HE BECAME ALL CLUMSY BECAUSE READER HAS SUCH A SOFT SPOT IN HIS PURE LITTLE HEART. AUGUAHAHHUH he's so cute and pinchable it hurts.
you don't have to tend to this request right away, of course. ^^ I JUST HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL AND PLSPLSPLS DO STAY HYDRATED!!! ・゜(。┰ω┰。).・゜
*sneezes* you got me in my feelings mate 🥺❤️❤️ also this is pre-timeskip bc I needed the boys for support dont @ me
Because kita shinsuke- the man, the myth, the love of my life and the reason I wake up in the morning…
Is SO. DANG. BAD. when it comes to having a crush, because all his steadiness and confidence and grounding is completely gone, and he turns into a mess. With most feelings, it’s easy for him, the love he feels for his granny is complete adoration, his teammates are admiration, and you… he doesn’t know what you are, because you feel different than he is used to.
All his ducks were lined up if anyone were to ask how his emotions were sorted. Then you came along out of seemingly no where.
He doesn’t know what happened; he’s known you for years, you’ve been in similar classes and know each others name, but then you started showing up when Suna Rintaro came along, even sitting quietly at practice while the second-year played. While people noticed your arrival- namely the twins- Suna would immediately shut them down with a snap of his fingers and a dominating “absolutely not.”
From then, Kita just assumed you were off limits. Not that he had specific feelings for you regardless, but he kept his distance just in case.
One day, Rintaro fell at practice and twisted his ankle, and while you had indeed helped him to the bench and laid ice on it, your scolding was just a loud hiss as practice continued.
He… liked, that you weren’t going to sugar coat the magnitude of injuries.
After that, for some unholy reason, you’ve absolutely plagued his mind.
His serves are off, he’s working harder and harder in practice as if to impress you, talking more in class for you to hear his voice. He tries to find shoes to make him look taller, shirts that tone him a bit more, he tries to style his hair a little different, anything and everything to be more visible to you.
All that seems to do, however, is make the twins notice him.
“You could be a long lost twin,” Osamu snickers on a rare day you’re not at practice, taking a sip from his water. He raises his hands in defense when Kita shoots him a small glare, “I’m serious! Cant say I don’t appreciate the style but… why?”
“Because captain’s in looooove,” Atsumu sings, dramatically resting his head on Kita’s shoulder. Kita blinks down unamused at the blonde, but everyone sees right through him as his back tenses and eyes blow out slightly. His cheeks give a small flush, and he’s so full of it, it hurts.
“Being in love implies that there’s a two party consent,” he defends. “I have absolutely no indication that she has any feelings other than platonic for me.”
“Not true! Suna’s in love with you!”
“See? The love Suna has for me, is not part of a two party consent. Not quite the same as being in love.”
Kita ignores the completely offended middle blocker, giving Atsumu a small shrug of his shoulder to make him raise his head. The setter does, but not without continuing the conversation, “come onnnn! What have you got to lose by confessing? Huh? Plus you gotta be in love, because you’re so nervous for those feelings to not be mutual, if you weren’t you wouldn’t care!”
And gosh, he does have Kita there. Why do you make him so nervous? Truly! Maybe it’s his fault, perhaps he sees you as a fond younger class man, despite being in the same years… in… fact you may be older than him? But that’s beside the point,
“You know Kita-San, I’ve never seen you so… out of it,” Osamu continues. “You’re usually like, cold and stoic and straightforward-“
“Benched me three practices ago when I kept fooling around,” Suna snickers.
“Yeah! Now you’re smiling at your phone and laughing more during drills at our crap and just… happier. It’s strange.”
A thick brow cocks in confusion for Osamu’s words, “im… I didn’t think those were bad characteristics to have?”
Finally, to mend the situation, Aran sighs and stands up to clap Kita on the back, “I think what our eloquent second hears are trying to say, is that she’s good for you… maybe you pursue something with her and get some answers.”
Maybe he should.
Kita thinks he should sleep on it.
But in fact, all Kita does is toss and turn. All night. Thinking about all the outcomes if he does, or doesn’t, confess to you and how you may or may not feel about him in return.
In fact, Kita spends the whole rest of the day thinking and day dreaming about you and the mere idea that you could return any of the affections he could share. He shambles uncharacteristically like a zombie, a complete 180 from his usual composed self.
With all love in the world… you’re ruining his life.
He’s barely able to comprehend his movements, if he didn’t have a team relying on him, he’d immediately try to go home for the day and shake whatever remnants of you are on his mind.
His team, who look at him with cocked brows as Kita enters the gym with a massive, book in his hand; and listen… he doesn’t really know where he got it either.
But it has your name on it. He can’t remember if you left it, or forgot it, or… honestly, he may have stole the thing on a subconscious whim to talk to you.
Either way, he’s got it and not you.
“Whatcha got there, cap?”
“Her book,” he says flatly. “She… left it on her desk… I think. She needs it for her homework.” He looks at the second year who’s glancing back up at him with sharp eyes. “I was wondering if you could bring it to her on your walks home.”
“Or,” Suna says, hopping back onto his feet once his shoes are tied. “You could return it, and maybe then tell her how you feel?” He takes out his phone and immediately, his fingers start to fly.
“Oh… I’m not sure about that-“
“Too late,” he says indifferently. “I already texted her that you were on your way; she was on her way here after digging for it, so,” he claps his captain on the back. “Have at thee.”
Kita sighs in defeat, “remind me to force a phone-ban when I get back.”
“That’s my captain,” Suna teases. But he does send Kita an encouraging push on his back, and the captain takes a deep breath before shuffling out.
And his thoughts of what to say run over and over and over and over again, creating a string of words to fire out at anything and everything you could say.
He just wants to confess at this point. He can’t go on being so stiff and distracted; he needs you to either like him back, or reject him.
That, of course, dissipates when he sees you on the other end of the hall.
Your face brightens up as you see him, bouncing relieved on your toes and he approaches with his usual small smile.
“You are a godsend,” you praise, and Kita’s ears turn hot pink at your words. “I just completely blanked on grabbing it, thank you, thank you.”
“It’s no trouble,” he assures. He then swallows thickly as he continues to watch you place the book in your bag and then trying to make your way to the gym to watch Suna and the boys.
He, subconsciously, steps in front of you.
“I… think you look pretty today,” he says, gnawing his lip and keeping very intense eye contact with you. You tip your head and, in an attempt to ease his nerves, crack a joke.
This, evidently, was a bad idea.
“Huh. Am I not pretty everyday?”
You almost hear the whimper in his throat, and before you can tell him that you’re just joking, the word fountains turn on and he’s off.
“Of course you are! It’s just that today in class, I couldn’t stop glancing over at you and the way you were chewing on your pen- because even though that’s bad for your teeth it made you look positively focused and your eyes were kept on the board and no one else and I couldn’t help but look at you because I like the way you look when your focused, I like the way you look when you do anything-“ he takes a deep breath while you blink in surprise.
“-And I don’t know how to stop liking the way that you look but the way that it’s making me feel is making me feel confused and almost a little frightened because I’ve never had these feelings before but apparently Suna has similar feelings and according to Atsumu that’s normal to have feelings that may be unreciprocated-“
“-But he’s the one that encouraged me to do this because I’ve been such a fool with everything I do because I can’t stop thinking about you and Atsumu said that it’s easier to get an answer rather than guess and-“ there’s small snickering around the corner, and the shy, rambling Kita snaps back to his usual composed, captain form, “atsumu, I hear you over there. 50 push ups and 3 laps around the court when I come back to practice!”
“Suna’s here too!” A voice whines.
“Then both of you! OUT!”
There’s a dash of sneakers down the hallway. He takes a deep breath and finally looks back at you, completely flushed and out of breath from the past minute and a half.
He clears his throat before he cards his hair back, “for… for reference, I have no desire of pursuing a relationship with Suna.”
You blink. Then, you snort to try and hide a giggle.
Then, you’re laughing, you’re laughing straight into his face and clutching your sides, and he could almost cry from embarrassment, swallowing thickly and looking down the hall where the twins were hiding.
“I understand,” he says quietly. “I do hope you continue to support our team-“
“Kita-San,” you say, trying to gather yourself. You reach for his hand, which is clammy and he feels bad for, but you don’t seem to mind. “I’m laughing because I like you too; I’m always staring at you too, Mr. Perfect, even when you do see it.” You plant a small kiss to his knuckles and he nearly faints.
“I was laughing, because Suna is basically obsessed with you, I tease him for it constantly on our walks home; just the idea that you had to clarify to me that you were indifferent towards that was just silly.” He opens and closes his mouth like a fish to try and reply, but you shake your head with a smile, “I like the way you look. I like the way you put your heart and soul into everything you do. I like the way you always have some money incase someone needs something for the vending machine.” You beam up at him, and he feels like he’s floating, but he finally cracks a smile back, and when you open your palm in an attempt to initiate hand-holding, he laces his fingers with yours happily.
As you walk down the hall, only the sound of footsteps ring through the air, and kita is happy, he’s thrilled that not only do you feel the same, but you had no judgement towards him. You liked him for all the reasons he couldn’t see, and that meant the world to him.
Then, you hum, and he casts you a look.
“Is it really that bad to chew on the end of your pen?”
“Horrendous,” he chuckles. “The enamel of your teeth wears down.” You laugh and shake your head at the silly fact.
“But that’s okay,” he continues. “I like when you do it. It’s endearing.”
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my-soupy-brain · 5 months
Thinking about Ted’s butt in his khakis.
This man’s cute little khaki tush lives rent free in my head. No shame. It’s so…pinchable. Let’s see what we can do with him, shall we? Let’s gooo!
Relationship: Ted Lasso x reader
Warnings: Lust and flirting and touching and…
“Oooooof,” you moaned from the bed, stretching happily as Ted pulled up his pants and buckled his belt. “That ass.”
Ted turns around quickly with a flustered grin.
“What was that now?”
“I said… THAT ASS!”
Ted’s smile widened as he tucked in his undershirt, throwing on his polo.
“You and your layers, I swear,” you add, shaking your head. “Hiding that beautiful body is a crime.”
“What’s gotten into you?”
You shrug playfully. “You should be asking what you can get into me.”
Ted’s cheeks blushed red all over, smirking at you.
He went into the bathroom to grab something and you whistled at him.
“Need a warning sticker on that behind,” you mumbled. “It’s gonna cause a crash.”
Ted knew you were cheeky, but never this early in the morning. Yet here you were, laying in bed, half dressed with your hair messy and the sunlight shining on your skin, praising him to the heavens.
It took everything in him not to strip back down and take you in that pile of blankets, to call into work and make love with you all damn day.
But by late morning, you emerged from your own office at Nelson Road, seeing Ted in the hallway. You whistled at him again.
Ted stopped and looked at you.
“Now darlin’, I’m the one that’s supposed to be whistlin’ at you,” he jokes, pulling you aside into the boot room, his lips grazing your cheek, your earlobe, your neck.
“You’ve got me all kinds of riled up…”
Your hands can’t help but wander across his broad shoulders and the curve of his back, to the waist of his khakis and into his back pockets, giving his butt a little squeeze.
His hands hold your hips as he backs up against the wall a little, smirking an evil little grin under his neatly combed and trimmed mustache. Work you did just yesterday morning for him over the sink, which almost led to him being late again.
Like a couple of naughty teenagers behind the school, you were making out with Ted in the boot room. His hands wandered your body, as a moan escaped his throat.
“You go making sounds like that Coach, and I may make you late for practice,” you murmur as his lips trail your neck.
“Mmmhmm,” is all he answers, his hands busy fussing under the hem of your shirt.
“Need ya,” he adds with a breathy whimper. “Need ya ASAP tonight.”
Your body trembles and quivers at the thought of what he wants to do.
“Is that so?”
Ted’s kisses and nibbles move to the spot right under your ear, where he knows you go wild.
“Mmmhmm, after all this flirtin’ you’ve got me so worked up I almost can’t walk straight.”
Your hand runs down his chest to his tummy to the front of his pants, making him gasp a little, his grip tighter at your hips.
“Well, well, well, you’re not lying, baby… my beloved needs some extra attention tonight.”
Ted groans at this, the way you shower him with praise and affection and how “into him” you are… it’s new to him. He’s always been a second thought, never a first choice.
As Ted’s hands work under your shirt a little higher, his fingers finally touching the skin he’s been daydreaming about since getting out of bed…
“Ted?!” You both hear Coach Beard calling for Ted. Practice is about to start. “Ted! Pitch!”
You pull apart and giggle like kids with their hands in cookie jars, straightening your clothes, Ted smoothing the tent in his tan trousers. Your mouths salivates at it.
“Better get out there, Coach,” you whisper, leaning in for one more kiss, your tongue tracing his bottom lip.
“Oh, God, sugar, you know what that does…”
You smile and blush with a flirt. “I do, that’s just a preview for later…”
Ted lets out a long breath.
“Shoooo… sugar, you’re killin’ me.”
When he turns to leave, you slap his ass a little bit.
“Don’t be late. I gotta get that beautiful behind out of those khakis pronto,” you joke. “Tick rock, Coach Lasso.”
Ted blows you a kiss as he heads out the door, and you spend you meetings squirming in your chair for the end of the work day to arrive.
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This could go on and on. Teasing Ted with sex? This man would eat. It. Up. But here we go. A fun little flirty romp with reader and Ted in the boot room. He’d gladly steal any chance he can for more kisses. Oh, Ted. Why can’t you e real. Thanks for the prompt, friend!
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welcometothejianghu · 1 month
Welcome to another round of W2 Tells You What You Should See, where W2 (me) tries to sell you (you) on something you should be watching. Today's choice: 有翡/Legend of Fei.
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Legend of Fei is a 2020 adaptation of priest's webnovel Bandits that tells the story of a competent yet sheltered young swordswoman, the terrible gremlin boy who decides they're married now, and their various friends as they venture into the jianghu to acquire the legendary MacGuffin that will do ... uh, something, probably.
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This show is a delight. It is pure goofy, tender-hearted sincerity. It has so many precious baby angels with adorably pinchable cheeks performing so many fetch quests in so many styrofoam dungeons. It is funny on purpose and funny on accident. It is 51 episodes of rollicking, slapdash, green-screened adventure.
I am trying real hard here not to bite on @agendratum's wonderful rec post for the series, which includes the words "discount word of honor with teens," a phrase that lives rent-free in my head. Go look at their work for a more detailed character guide. What I have here are a mere five reasons above and beyond said post that you should watch this darling little show.
1. All the production values of a sixth-grade class play
This show flopped pretty hard, and I can understand why. It was a highly anticipated drama with two big-name headliners. Fans expected a lot from it! And what they got is something that looks and feels like a mid-budget syndicated UPN show from 1993, complete with how all the high-schoolers are played by actors in their thirties.
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This show is comically janky and earnest. Stunt people fall down before they're hit. Breakaway furniture abounds. Actors bounce gently off "stone" walls. Damn near everything was filmed on sound stages with greenscreens. (Filming ran from September 2019-January 2020, stopped for pandemic reasons, and finished March-April 2020. While this certainly is not the only cause of the show's jankiness, it definitely contributed.)
This it not a show with no money; this is a show with an appropriate amount of money spent poorly.
The flow and pacing of the story are as smooth as a car crash. So many times, a scene with Characters A and B will be happening, the show will cut (sharply) away to a different storyline, and by the time it jumps back, Character A is in a completely different location and Character B has departed. When did that happen? Why did that happen? Where are we now? No time to ask questions! Establishing shots are for weenies! This director knows filmmakers who maintain narrative continuity, and they're all cowards.
Speaking of the narrative: I've seen Saturday morning cartoons from the '80s with more depth. I would be hard-pressed to explain what exactly is happening that's driving the plot. There's big business with a deposed emperor and a forever war happening on some distant front and disgruntled veterans of the army that's fighting it ... but, like, it doesn't matter? All those machinations are barely relevant to the plot at hand, which can be summed up thus: Bad Guys want Thing, Good Guys go on adventures to stop them from getting Thing.
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And I am listing all this messiness as a selling point -- as the show's primary selling point, in fact -- because I think it's all charming as heck. This show is plain, unpretentious fun. It's a downright romp! It's got a very teenager's-eye-view of the inscrutable situation driving the whole plot, which does a good job of drawing attention to how maaaaybe this whole situation is bullshit and the grownups should stop killing themselves and other people because of it.
Here's a good metric: If the Ye Olde Haixing parts of Guardian warmed your heart, you are in exactly the right frame of mind for this.
There's no way to tell how much of this campy, underfunded aesthetic was intentional, and how much was the result of both poor budgeting and way too many cooks in the production and screenwriting kitchens. I'm not going to say this was a labor of love, because it was at best a labor of like. Everybody onscreen is giving it their all, but no one's giving the same all as anyone else. Go into it expecting that and nothing more, and you'll have a great time.
2. Punching the Bechdel Test into next week
Are you someone who loves c-dramas, except for the part where you're like, gee, I sure wish there were some girls in this? Oh, my friend, there are so many girls in this.
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I actually kept being stunned while watching it by just how many girls are in it. Old girls! Young girls! Evil girls! Nice girls! Rich girls! Poor girls! Strong girls! Weak girls! Just a whole lot of girls!
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Truly, it's not just how many female characters there are, but the sheer variety of them. The main octet includes an awkward tomboy who can kick your ass, a spunky brat who's not above crocodile tears to get what she wants, and a soft femme who's a brave little toaster despite having zero martial arts skills. The show absolutely loves them all and thinks they've all got important things to contribute, no matter how hard they can or can't punch.
And that's before we get into how many female side characters there are, both heroes and villains. I've seen that some people hate on these side characters. Those people are wrong.
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Maybe the best part is how much they interact. There are many scenes with multiple female characters in them, sometimes with male characters too, and sometimes just the girls. Because this is a jianghu story with martial artists, several of the female characters have unique skills that they pass on to other, younger female characters. Women are often the honored masters of things who have competent all-ladies support staff. And there's no sense that they wash out after a certain age -- even the grannies can still school you as needs be.
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...Of course, the sad thing is, I'm touting all this ladyfolk representation when maybe 20% of the total listed cast is female (doing quick math from the MyDramaList cast page). Pound for pound, the Untamed's listed cast has a (slightly) greater female:male ratio, and nobody would call that a girl-forward show. It just makes a difference when what female characters you have, you push toward the front of the narrative and give them reasons to have relationships with one another, instead of making them occasional props in the background while real (read: male) people get to be people.
The entire reason the Bechdel-Wallace Test exists is not to praise or condemn any individual piece of media, but to comment on larger trends in the depiction of women in fiction. It's not a problem when one thing doesn't pass the test; it's a problem when nothing passes the test, or when the things that do pass skate by on single moments and technicalities. The more things that fail its three criteria, the more that indicates the prevalence of an attitude that regards women only as accessories to men's stories.
Legend of Fei is aware that not only do women have inner lives, but they relate to one another in very specific, culturally informed ways. The female characters in this are not just male characters with incidental she/her pronouns. Zhou Fei not only gets to be the protagonist who goes on the whole hero's journey of growth and change, but along the way she also gets to have some complicated interactions with her own gender and how much expected modes of femininity do and don't suit her. But it's also not because she's Not Like The Other Girls! It doesn't make her better or worse to be that way. It just makes her more like her mom -- and if there's one thing I know that makes a teenage girl break out into a cold sweat, it's the idea that she's anything like her mom.
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This little drama is hardly some revolutionary piece of thought-provoking feminist insight, or anything like that. It's just that if you're feeling the lack of ladies in your c-dramas and wish to see girls on film (as it were), Legend of Fei may be what you're looking for!
3. Chaotic bisexual (asexual?) extravaganza!
priest's work is queer as fuck, and while this story itself does not rise to the level of being textually gay, there's still a great big rainbow flag flying over the whole business. You can rest assured that when two dudes or two ladies are giving one another meaningful looks, it is not an accident. We all know who's writing this.
Do you like relationship charts? Because I've got a doozy for you:
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How many of these are me making jokes? Way fewer than you think.
There are of course some actual canon couples in there, and the amount of real estate they take up in the narrative means your affection for them will make or break your affection for the show. Fortunately, all the teen pairings are super-cute!
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Zhou Fei embodies the bisexual stereotype of liking all the ladies and maybe one dude. Xie Yun falls so hard and fast for this beautiful butch-by-local-standards that his head spins. Together, they are the romantic backbone of the story, and they are just a treat.
I've seen people say these two have no chemistry, and I think that's bullshit, but okay, let's assume that's your read on it. You can still understand why they like one another, beyond your standard, he's a boy, she's a girl, what more do you want? Zhou Fei likes Xie Yun because he's funny, emotionally available, and socially unacceptable. Xie Yun likes Zhou Fei because she's fierce on the outside and warm on the inside. Sure, they're in love, but what's more important is that they're good partners and great friends.
(I think it helps that even though the characters are supposed to be around the same age, Zhao Yiling is literally a decade older than Yibito is, and he clearly thinks even off-camera that she's dreamy.)
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Also, it's great when he helps her sheathe her sword. This is a couple that's going to take about three whole minutes to figure out pegging.
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Li Sheng and Wu Chuchu are the normie couple. He is big strong boy-man! She is small helpless lady-girl! ...Except no, this is yet another case of a wife guy who thinks his girlfriend's strengths are awesome; it's just that in this case, her strengths are her brains.
The fact that her attack and defense scores are nearly zero does not keep Chuchu from being the most competent person in any given room. She starts out as the girl who's important because she's got an important dad and an important key item, but she winds up being basically Jianghu GameFAQs. She never stops being soft and pink and feminine and tender, and she never learns to fight worth a damn, and none of that keeps her from being a vital (if unfortunately kidnappable) part of the team!
Meanwhile, Li Sheng is never really a male chauvinist, because he's grown up under his aunt, who kicks so much ass. But he is a bit of a cocky teen-boy turdface who needs to get knocked down a few pegs. It's great, then, that the show pairs him with the kind of helpless femme that he's supposed to want, then has him decide the fact that she's miles smarter than he is is the best.
And then there's these dipshits.
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Normally in c-dramas, I'm used to triangles that are a strong canonical line between the main guy and his girlfriend, a strong but unacknowledged line between the main guy and his best friend, and maybe a faint dotty wisp between the girlfriend and best friend. Not so here! Ying Hecong, Li Yang, and Yang Jin (L-R above) are a damn near equilateral triangle. I mean, okay, technically they're set up as a more conventional love triangle, where both boys like the same girl, and she does sort-of choose one of them in the end. But in that arrangement, you'd expect the boys to become rivals -- and they never are. In fact, they become special allies who trust and take care of one another more than they do anyone else.
They're a great weird trio. Ying Hecong is a poorly socialized weirdo whose special interests are poisons and befriending snakes. Yang Jin is the chief of Doctor Village, a position that he got not by being a doctor, but by being a dumb jock who didn't realize fast enough why nobody else wanted the job. And Li Yang is the spoiled little sister of Li Shen and cousin of Zhou Fei, prone to getting what she wants by pitching a damn fit about it, who has decided that both of these boys are hers now and she can do whatever she wants with them.
(Li Yan is actually the most Actually A Teen of all the characters, and is the one who makes me wish so much that more of the cast had been played by actual age-appropriate actors. Some character traits are adorably tolerable when someone's twelve and verge on really fucking annoying by the time that same person is twenty-five.)
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If you are into OT3s where two partners have to join in solidarity with one another so they can survive their third, you've found your pot of gold. Each one of them is enough of a catastrophe that they need two whole love interests to manage them. Between the three of them, they almost make one well-functioning human being.
Now: A thing to note about all these relationships, and one thing that may be surprising to you about something adapted from a priest novel, is that this show is negative horny. All of the romance is extremely chaste. At no point does any grownup worry that leaving these teens alone with one another will lead to some hanky-panky. Nobody ever volunteers to chaperone, or seems to need one. The adults aren't particularly horny about one another either! This is the kind of universe where people blush while tenderly embracing, then go to pick their baby up from the local cabbage patch.
Even my jokes about Zhou Fei's fuckable grandpa are just jokes, because nobody actually wants to fuck him. They all want to duel him, or to fuss over his health, or to follow him around and bask in his nobility. He has two kids, but we never meet their mom(s?). He deflects the obvious interest of multiple beautiful women with ease. He is the perfect man, both fuckable and unfuckable at once.
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This may be what's having people read the main pair as having no chemistry. They have a lot of chemistry! It's just not a particularly sexual chemistry. It's extremely tender and playful, and there's plenty of physical intimacy. But it's not horny.
And that's not on the two actors. I've seen both of them look at someone else like they wanted to eat that boy alive. That was a choice this show made, to play all the romance about as spicy as when the puppets on Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood hold hands. The only hints of horniness are in the fighting/injured bits, because sex is a big no-no, but nice polite violence is always okay! (Hey, uh, culture? We need to have a talk about this.)
4. The Grownups
As you may have gathered, most of this show is about the younguns. But a great deal of the supporting weight is carried by characters who are supposed to be of their parents' generation (even if most of their actors are only a decade or so older than the "teens").
I cannot fully in this post detail my great affection for every adult character; I wouldn't have room for anything else. So here's my top-three shortlist of the most memorable old folks.
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If you like your ladies badass and crazy, Duan Jiuniang is here for you. Her grip on reality is ... well, it's complicated, but it doesn't stop her from being able to roast you from the inside out with her special skill. She's a terrible teacher and an even worse step-grandma who's made a lot of life choices that weren't what she wanted, but were what she needed to do to survive. I have no idea where she got those hideous leggings, but I kind of want a pair. She doesn't stick around past her one arc, so enjoy her while you've got her.
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Speaking of crazy, the Phoenix, Mu Xiaoqiao, is a beautiful, tragic, genderqueer, completely insane middle-aged drama queen with a pipa to play and an ax to grind. I would watch an entire hundred-episode drama just about his campy antics. Hands-down my favorite character in the show. I'm not even going to say anything more. This bitch must be experienced. Love you, baby.
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This fucking DILF. Holy shit. Shen Tianshu has a chocolatey voice and the world's most inconvenient prosthetic hand. At first his facial hair seems excessive, but then you see him without it in flashbacks and you're like, no! put it back! put it back! Frankly, I'm glad for the tufty brows, because this man does so much eyebrow acting, and you wouldn't want to miss a sinister moment of it.
And he's not the only one! Every single villain is running with full Bad Guy From A Power Rangers Episode vibes. No piece of scenery remains unchewed. They're what make this whole thing feel like you're watching a stage play. Every arched brow, every expansive hand gesture, every maniacal laugh, all of it plays to the nonexistent back row. (In fact, one of them -- Eyepatch Guy -- was so over the top that we had to look up his whole deal. Shockers, he's got an opera background.) If you have affection for the points I discussed in selling point #1, you will have love extra for the adult antagonists.
If you've ever watched a show made for a young audience starring young actors, you know exactly the grownup vibe I'm talking about. No, real adults don't act like this. But these are not real adults -- they are adults seen through the lens of a YA narrative, where everyone has big emotions and ultimately pretty simple motivations. Violence is acceptable but sex is not, and sexualized violence is especially not. You can threaten the kids but you (mostly) can't kill them. Parents should be removed from the main storyline, by death if necessary (offscreen preferred). By the end of the story, all adults must defer to the wisdom and battle strategies of the kids or be ready to be taken down by them. The lessons of age and experience are ultimately only useful once handed to the next generation.
Which is fine! ...provided it's the vibe you're expecting. I'd put this as another item in the list of probable reasons that this show did not go over as well as it should have.
5. We use every part of the Wang Yibo
Okay, so if you're like me, your introduction to this beautiful man was the Untamed, where 95% of his job is to keep every one of his facial muscles from doing anything -- and, if you're like me, you then watched some Untamed behind-the-scenes stuff and went, holy shit, this boy can make expressions?
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This boy can make so many expressions.
I'm not going to argue that Wang Yibo was necessarily miscast as Lan Wangji, because that's not a fight I'm interested in having with internet strangers. I do, however, think it's undeniable that the Untamed misused him by all but ignoring his two primary skills: his giant goofy smile, and his being a dancer.
Legend of Fei makes use of both of these to great effect. Xie Yun is a gremlin who can't fight but can dodge. The show loves to leave the camera on him and let him spin and duck his way out of battles with his own mischievous grace. Wang Yibo does a remarkable amount of his own flipping and fighting, with and without wires. In a world of stunt doubles and smash cuts, it's a delight to watch.
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My favorite thing about Xie Yun is that he likes that girl so much. He looks at her like she's the best thing in the world. He is her biggest hype man. He's all wife guy. Every time she's stronger and butcher and meaner than he is, he's pulling out his pompoms and cheering her on. He is in no way emasculated by the fact that she kicks so much more ass than he does. He is actually her wife, and he knows it. Kick their asses, baby, he'll be your flower.
Wang Yibo sells that devotion with each look in her direction. He brings every piece of his inherent chaotic good energy to the role. He's a comedic scamp right up to the point where he rips your heart out. If you are at all a Yibito fan, you owe it to yourself to get this show in front of your eyeballs so you can see what trouble that precious baby boy has gotten himself into this time.
Bonus: Do you like Word of Honor? Because this is how you get Word of Honor.
So I'm betting a lot of you did what I did, which was that you watched Word of Honor, and you loved it, so you went to read the book, and you were like, the fuck? Because Faraway Wanderers is also great, but uh, after a certain point, they're two very different stories.
While I cannot prove this, I would place a large amount of money on the screenwriter for Word of Honor's having been very aware of this production while doing the adaptation. See, in case you haven't read it, Faraway Wanderers itself barely spends a page of time with anything outside of what the main dads-and-kids quintet is doing, which makes for a fun danmei webnovel, but doesn't translate so well to live-action. I am almost certain that in the same way that they used frog DNA in Jurassic Park to fill in the gaps in the dinosaurs' code, this screenwriter (who is a priest fan) used Bandits/Legend of Fei to build out Faraway Wanderers' moments into a whole drama.
The timeline goes like this:
June 2010: priest publishes Qi Ye
October 2010: priest publishes Faraway Wanderers
November 2015: priest publishes Bandits
September 2019: Legend of Fei starts filming
June 2020: Word of Honor starts filming
December 2020: Legend of Fei airs
February 2021: Word of Honor airs
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So yeah, it's not like the Word of Honor screenwriter could have watched Legend of Fei prior to penning the Word of Honor script. But there's too many similarities to be coincidence. To be clear, I'm not accusing the Word of Honor screenwriter of ripping off Legend of Fei. Watching it is more like seeing bits of Word of Honor's first draft. The Color of Ocean and Heaven and its five tokens become the World's Armory and the Glazed Armor. Wu Chuchu becomes Gao Xiaolian. Mu Xiaoqiao becomes the drama version of Xie Wang. All the nonsense with Yu Wenzhi and the Demons becomes all the nonsense with Zhao Jing and the Scorpions. Someone with more time than I have could probably make a thorough accounting of the number of times scenes with Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu visually parallel moments Xie Yun and Zhou Fei have, and how often those scenes were in bits not related to the original Faraway Wanderers plot.
And I think this is great. It's why, even though a lot of Word of Honor was not in priest's original text, Word of Honor is still very priest-flavored. Frog DNA, you know?
All of which is to say: If you love Word of Honor, you owe it to yourself to watch Legend of Fei. It's much sillier and straighter, and it's way less sexually charged, but it's got a very similar vibe, and it's fascinating to see what the two have in common. Think of them as two distant cousins, where you're like, sure, I can definitely see how you're related, but ... huh.
Ready to embark on your journey?
So many options! It's on iQiyi (VIP), Viki, and YouTube.
We watched it on iQiyi, and the subtitles were ... well, they made some interesting choices. You could always tell what they meant, but the actual phrasing was often wonky. Occasionally, where you'd expect a "Dammit!" or "Crap!" these subtitles would have someone exclaim, "Screwed!" And we never stopped laughing about the poor villain whose name those subs rendered as "Pathetic Clam." I cannot tell you if the other subtitles are any more polished, but I can promise that the awkward translations just added to the charm.
Do I have a soft spot for well-meaning television that does not have the means to achieve its goals but tries anyway? You better believe it.
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Just a pile of precious cutie pies.
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slashing-thunnder · 1 year
can u do f y/n with squishy cheeks, not chubby but just squishable u can do this with any slasher but i enjoy brahms and bubba!
Admittedly my inspiration has been a bit low lately, but I did wanna get around to this one and give ya something Anon 😅 to the few others I got in my inbox, I will eventually get to them, I'm just braining bad lately
Headcanons for Brahms and Bubba
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Brahms Heelshire
With squishy cheeks, they're perfectly pinchable, meaning he's pinching every chance he gets. He may get in trouble for doing it constantly, but it's hard for him to resist, it's adorable to see you squirm away from it. It's worth the time out 😈
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Bubba Sawyer
Oh he loves to squish your cheeks, it's both a stimming thing and a loving thing. He just loves to touch you. He thinks it's adorable the way you giggle from it too, so of course he can't stop. He'll smoosh them around when you're sad just to try and make you smile.
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minhio22 · 3 months
White Day Surprise
Ando shiki x reader
You found it weird , finding a box of chocolates under your desk. I mean sure, every other girl is finding either chocolate or disappointment but you didn't expect for you to be in the former considering it was White Day. No name, no signature, no thing to go off of just a nearly written note that wrote 'thanks'.
You held the piece of paper up and examined it. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, just some hard paper that you could get from a craft store. You moved it to the ceiling light as if it could reveal some sort of secret but nope. You couldn't stop admiring the penmanship though, it was prettier than yours. You just wished you had a clue at whose handwriting it was. You then placed the card back down on your desk and your eyes wandered back 5o the box.
A hexagon shaped white box neatly tied with a purple ribbon. You haven't opened it yet. You were too busy trying to figure kut what you did to get this gift. Usually a girl who gets chocolate on this day is basically getting a returning gift from the on that they give on valentine's, however you didn't recall ever giving one.
You hadn't finished accessing the situation when the ball rang, signaling the start of class. You supposed you could continue pondering about it later as you slide the box under your desk. Unbeknownst to you the whole time you did your antics of checking the gift a pair of eyes were following your every move.
You went to the rooftop during recess, bringing the small box of chocolates with you. You don't know why but no one ever really comes here so it's a really nice place for a getaway alone.
You were walking to the edge but it turns out you weren't alone. He didn't seem to notice you until you got closer, your footsteps the only noise that signaled your presence.
“Ah, Y/n, what are you doing here?” Shiki asked timidly.
You looked at him, soft fluffy brown hair that always made you tempted to run your hand through it, pinchable round cheeks and those eyes that sometimes seem to waiver but always sparkle when he's rapping. If you were asked to name a cute boy at school it would be him albeit the little bundle of nerves he is.
You got lost in your thoughts until you snapped out of it. “Oh? Hmm? Oh… just needed some quiet time to think about something.” You answered.
Shiki seemed to have caught on as his eyes were on the box in your hand. He blushed faintly but it went unnoticed by you. You walked past him to the edge of the roof which was fenced off.
“You know Shiki? I'm surprised to see you here. You never seem keen on this place.” You told him, still looking at the horizon. You sat down and patted the floor beside you. “Care to join me?”
Shiki sat down although he looked pale and his breath had quickened a bit. “Hey, you don't need to force yourself to join me. As I thought you don't really like this place, Shiki.”
Shiki shook his head. “N-no it's fine. I-i wanted to be here.” Truth be told he was there because he knew you frequented the roof a lot. It took him a lot of courage to get there but it'll be worth it in the end.
You hummed thoughtfully as you examined the box that you had placed in front of you. You had finally opened it, the ribbon now in your hand. “What do you reckon Shiki?” You picked up a chocolate and examined it. It seemed handmade and seemed delectable.
“It looks good. Handmade.” Shiki noted.
“Yeah, I still have no idea who gave it to me although I have to give it to them. It looks delicious.” You took a bite. “And tastes delicious too.” You were lost in thought which made you miss Shiki’s expression, flashing from surprise and returning to normal again. It caught it off guard that you didn't know who gave it to you when it should've been obvious.
“Hmm? Wouldn't that mean you gave someone a valentine?” Shiki asked.
You did plan to give it to the boy beside you but you caught cold feet at the last moment and left the box of chocolates somewhere. You worked really hard on them however you didn't manage to give it to him when you saw his smiling face. He just felt out of reach to you. “Did you get any? Valentine chocolate I mean.” You asked.
Shiki blushed. “Ah yeah, one.”
That made your stomach drop and maybe got you a bit jealous but it's your fault that you ran away at the last moment. Anyways it was you to blame. “Ah I see….” You went quiet.
“Say-” Shiki started.
“I'm going to take my leave now, Shiki. Thanks for the company.” You left the rooftop before Shiki could even speak.
He sighed frustrated at the lost chance. He stared at the box of chocolates that you had forgotten and picked it up. He was ecstatic that you liked it but he wished he would man up and tell you his feelings just like Yohei and Saimon had advised him to. He had hoped to tell you that he had received that box of chocolates. Someone had found them with his name and your signature on it and passed it on to him. He was a blushing mess at that time. To think someone like him to have his feelings returned even though you were unaware of it was absolute heaven. The little animal shaped chocolates you had taken so much care into making almost made him tear up and the short but simple note that you wrote got his heart fluttering. ‘You might not think much of yourself but I think a lot about you.’ was what you wrote. You didn't have the neatest handwriting but he could tell you tried to make it as neat and pretty as possible for him which touched him. He had got back to the bar in such a chipper mood that day even when Ryu came to pick him up he was curious. Saimon and Yohei too but they seemed happy to see him in such a good mood. The box of chocolate you had forgotten would eventually be returned to your desk with a new note hidden in the crevasse of the box. Only when you finished the chocolates would you find it. It would eventually end up going home with you. And that night, you would eventually lie on your bed with the ‘thanks’ note in hand, staring at it. Wondering who it could be and you being full of regrets about missed opportunities with Shiki, things left unsaid. Someday these things will be said but maybe today wasn't the day.
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unsoundedcomic · 7 months
Silly question, but struggling with some insomina got me wondering about pymary beds. Are such things present in this setting, and what are some luxurious examples? Seems like Sette had to make do with straw like she was some kinda hatchling but if she had her pick what would she choose?
Provided you had the money, you could buy a bed that feels, smells, and looks like it's made of any material you can imagine, with any negative qualities removed. What about sleeping on a giant mass of newborn baby flesh? Pleasantly warm, bouncy, pinchable. Just a giant infant cheek.
Or a single enormous boob!
I think I would opt for dogbed. Like catbus, but dogbed. Sette would probably choose something similar, but lionbed, with an impermeable forcefield around it to keep out thugs and bugs.
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imhereforscm · 4 months
"Fifteen years"
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Karno × goddess!reader
Warnings: none
For the fluffbruary event (@fluffbruary )
A/N: I wrote this, deleted it and rewrote this multiple times, before finally settling with this idea/plot. I stopped, took a walk in the night air and continued writing. I figured taking a walk outside helps when I'm stuck.💗💗 I hope you'll enjoy!!💕💕
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Prompts: graceful | volcano | blanket (Day 12/2024)
"Hold on!" Karno said, catching your small hand in his equally tiny one.
You gripped him tightly, as you balanced yourself on the fallen tree trunk. You gasped, thinking you were about to slip, when it rolled a little to the side, but your friend kept you up, using his second hand as well. "Okay...!" You uttered between ragged breaths.
"You're steady?" He asked, his voice thin and almost tumbling to the feminin side.
You nodded, your grin broad and the apples of your cheeks rosé, your hair disheveled and slipping out of the ribbon your mother had tied around them, forming a ponytail, before you could scurry off into the forest.
Karno's sweet face was before you, his cheeks soft and pinchable with the way they puffed out. "Your hair." He said, giggling.
"I guess I don't need this then." You said, with your childlike voice and you reached for the lilac ribbon in your hair, pulling it off completely.
"Look!" He begged enthusiastically for your attention, shoving a hand into the pocket of his white tunic. "Dad brought some of these home yesterday and I got us some." He explained, voice cheerful, while the sunlight dived into his dark chocolate eyes.
Your eyes brightened, upon the sight of the fresh strawberries that laid upon Karno's small palm.
"I knew you'd react like that." He laughed and your face felt warmer, for a reason your innocent little mind couldn't fathom just yet.
You two hopped off the tree trunk, stones and soil ending up crashed beneath your sandals and your own dress swaying, when your body was still in the air, feet not touching the ground yet.
You took a seat on a big rock nearby and shared the fruits, indulging in the slightly sour sweetness of them.
Your eyes trailed across your best friend's facial features and the smile you've been harboring this entire time faded, a shadow conquering the light in your gaze.
"What's wrong?" Karno asked, his cherubic face colored with concern, pure and limitless, wishing for no benefit.
"I can't believe you'll be moving away..." You answered melancholically, eyes casted upon your lap.
Karno's frail hand found your shoulder, ushering you to turn around and stare up at him. "We'll meet again. Don't be sad." He said, wishing from the bottom of his youthful heart that it'd return the stolen smile to your face.
"When?" You questioned, your eyes swelling with tears.
Karno's warm brown eyes remained in yours, chasing away the chill from your heart like fire in a firepit. "We're eight. So... In fifteen years?"
As the tears began their wet, sorrowful trail down your rosy cheeks, your breath hitched and you threw your arms around him, knocking his body down with yours on top, like a blanket.
Karno hugged you back tightly, as you sobbed into his shoulder.
"I'll never forget you!" You said, wailing. "I will always love you!" He was your best friend after all and the morning he departed with his family, you left a small and gentle kiss on his cheek.
The days and the nights collided, turning into months and then to years, changing your mind and body. The only thing that stayed the same was the love that had found its rightful home into your ribcage, nuzzled against your heartbeat. Maybe because this feeling wasn't an idea swirling in your head, but a yearning engraved into your soul.
With the passage of time, you were also able to realize that this love you felt for this boy wasn't just one for a friend, but one reserved for something more.
Fifteen years had gone by and now you carried a stack of books down the palace's hallway, your first day there as the archive's assistant.
Something met your body suddenly, your speeds colliding and pushing each other away, causing you to stumble backwards.
All the books fell from your hold, scattering around your feet and a strong hand gripped your forearm firmly, keeping you upright.
"I'm so sorry!" You hurried to apologize, head ducked in shame, as you crouched down to retrieve the books you dropped.
The god kneeled as well, helping you gather them and then offering them to you. "Here."
"Thank y—" Your voice died, still in your throat, when your eyes met the warm ones of this man.
"No..." He muttered, inspecting your face piece by piece. "No way..." A smile spread across his lips and its familiarity shook you to your core. "(Name)?!"
"Karno!" You cried out, throwing your arms around him without even considering. "Heavens..." You chuckled as you spoke, tears gathering at the corners of your eyes. "Look how much you've grown!"
"I could say the same thing about you!" His facial features had sharpened with maturity, yet his skin remained soft, even though his cheeks were not as puffed out anymore. "I missed you so much." He said, before squeezing you into his arms as if he was shipwrecked and you were his precious shore, the emotions flowing like they came out of a volcano. His graceful fingers tucked some tufts of hair behind your ear and his eyes squinted kindly, as he peered into your face. "You're so... Beautiful."
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ange-writes-if · 1 year
facts about our baby brother? :3c
i had Henry for only a day but if anything happens to him, i will kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Henry is the sweetest <3
-Henry looks a lot like Atticus, whereas Trevis and MC are physically more similar to their mother in their facial features.
-Henry often repeats what people, especially MC, say (echolalia). Otherwise he doesn't speak much.
-He has a black cat plushie that looks a lot like Gatsby, and it's his favorite. Gatsby is so proud of it.
-Henry is very sensitive, he cries when someone picks up a flower, and if he's feeding fish in a pond he'll be upset if one of them has less food.
-He loves magic tricks, but human ones, like Aspen does.
-Henry, like MC, is spending most of his early childhood in the familial domain. He doesn't meet many people, and he gets very attached to MC's own friends when he meets them. MC does bargain with their mother to bring Henry out once they're a teen going to school.
-Henry is just a very sweet child, and it's hard to resist him. He's got very pinchable cheeks.
-He's very small, even when he gets older.
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starsurface · 3 months
hello. i've started to work on this after that one anon was rude to you, and i was hoping this would make you feel better after that. (i wanted to send this days before but i've been in an art shlump for MONTHS and i've gotten lazy-) so here's Johnny bullying an angy Tomas by pinching his cheeks. this was the funniest hc in your CG!Johnshi + Regressor!Smoke post and i had to draw it. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/981401093248532513/1217526616884777001/IMG_0191.png?ex=66045906&is=65f1e406&hm=41838f5b108cfdaad359ad1278038c301e27d0ddd3ddeba750c3e5363646f746& 🔮 (sorry it's only in a link btw, can't do anything on anon...)
Hi!!! Oh my goodness this was so sweet of you to do!!! I won't lie, I get a bit scared opening my Inbox sometimes because of all of that stuff that happened, but this was so nice!!!! And your arts so cute!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
(Awh man, I use to do art a lot, I know how that art shlump feels :( Hope you've got past it!! <3)
The picture is so adorable!!! Tomas's cheeks look so pinchable, and he looks so annoyed, and Johnny's living his best life!! :D (The little cloud on the paci!!!!)
I thought the Hc would be entertaining, I could see Johnny doing it with multiple regressors. <3 But especially with Tomas!!! (I love Cagesmoke, or them just being friends)
(I also did get both your 'ask'!! This one and the other one asking about this one, Tumblr didn't eat it up, I was just a bit busy :p <3)
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(^ I can remove the picture if you'd like btw!!!)
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myshiptrashcan · 10 months
Jalim Ghost town au
just me trying to understand and sort of flesh out the idea
Zain is dead, a ghost.
Jason gets shot a d dies for approximately 7 minutes.
Zain doesn't like Jason, but he can see him. Jason isn't fond of him either. But he won't go away.
Says he needs help. But Jason doesn't give him the time of day and tries to go about his business.
Eventually he gets to him.
"It's my Baba."
In which Zain tells him how when he died his father lost the light in his eyes, lost his passion for life. He was his everything.
"So how'd you die?"
"Quickly." Was Zain's short answer.
"Alright, you're lucky I got a soft spot for kids."
"I'm Not a KID!" Jason only gave him raised brows.
"What do you want me to do about it? Your father, I mean."
And Zain sits down beside him.
"I don't know.... I just want him to be happy. That's all I wanted. I can't help him. All I can do is watch as he dies more and more each day."
Jason was tempted to throw an arm around the kid, comfort him in some way, but then again he'd just go right through him.
"I'll see what I can do but no promises ok?" And Zain lit up.
The next day.
"Alright kid. Where does he live? What's he look like?"
"Badra-Mandali! His name is Salim."
"Othman I'm assuming."
"Yes! He's your height, maybe a little taller. Black hair, dark brown eyes, a soft lovable face, pinchable cheeks, perfect hugger."
"Alright alright kid, I'm not gonna go around and start pinching cheeks and hugging every man I see."
"Not every man, just my Father. "
"He grows pumpkins..... He's let them die since then."
"should I ask around?"
"Wait what am I doing I can just show you. Follow me."
Jason watched as Zain comfortably walked out in front of him. Jason shifting his gaze to each person he passed.
"we're here."
"Knock I guess."
"And tell him what, that his dead son wants him to get a life?"
"Figure something out." Zain hissed.
So opens the door Salim looking tired and grey somehow.
Well, here goes nothing.
"Hey, I'm Jason." He starts awkwardly while Salim just gives him an odd look.
"I'm new."
"You just moved in?"
"Yeah." Jason answered lamely.
"You just moved in?"
"Uh, yes? What's the deal?"
"You're an American soldier."
"Marines. Is that a problem?" Jason started to puff up.
"Actually honorably discharged, took a bullet a few months back and I just haven't been the same." Christ! Why did i say that?
There was a silence for a moment.
"Come in, Jason."
"You like coffee?" Salim said already filling the water, and Jason saw Zain sit down at the table.
"Yes please, and thank you. I'll be honest I was a bit nervous to introduce myself."
"And why is that?" Salim hadn't looked over at Jason but Zain did with narrowed eyes.
"I didn't bring a pie."
And to everyones surprise Salim laughed.
Coffees now in hand they drank quietly, Salim looking only fairly less miserable.
"Well I thank ye kindly for the hospitality." Jason stepped out side, putting on an exaggerated cowboy accent. Thumbs in his belt before tipping his hat to Salim.
"I am sorry for not being a very sociable host, I haven't been feeling well." Salim leaned against the door and Jason's smile dropped.
"I'm sorry to hear that." Jason said with a rasp of emotion in his voice, knowing full well what Salim was talking about. The kid was standing right behind him.
"Although it may not have seemed like it, I did enjoy your company. Perhaps sometime soon you can bring over that pie and we can drink coffee again, neighbor."
"Right. Well thank you again, hope you feel better soon. Goodnight."
"It's barely past noon, Jason."
"Uh, yeah, well it'll be night at some point today." And Salim chuckled again at Jason.
"Goodnight then, cowboy."
"Fuck!" Jason cursed when he walked away enough.
"To which part?" Zain said beside him.
"I told him I live here."
"So I heard, tell me which one Is yours?" Zain mocked trying to find Jason's house.
"That's not funny. What am I gonna do?"
"You could you know."
"Could what?"
"Live here, there are plenty of free houses. That one right there looks good."
"Yeah right, Im Not about to go house hunting with some kid."
"It's only a few houses down from Baba's, you'd be close enough to keep an eye on him."
"It's a No, kid. Drop it."
"I'm worried about him."
"Yeah I've heard." Jason scoffed.
"I think he's trying to kill himself. " and that stopped Jason in his tracks.
"What do you mean?"
"The only time he doesn't have that lifeless look in his eyes is when he sees something that could end it..... Jason, I don't want to watch him do that." And there where tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Fuck. Come here kid." He opened his arms and Zain rushed into and through them.
"Shit! Sorry, forgot." Jason grunted after sneezing.
"I hate this. I hate being dead. It's not fair! He doesn't deserve this!" Zain screamed.
"And what about you?"
"This isn't about me, it's about my Baba. So are you going to help him or what?!" There was fire in Zain's eyes.
"Yeah Kid. I'm going to help your Father. You said this one was good?" Jason pointed walking over to the empty house.
"How are you going to pay for it?" Zain sniffed, collecting himself.
"I got a fair bit of cash after my discharge, I can afford it."
So Jason moves in the next day after settling on a price with he seller, he doesn't have much but two boxes to move, and a cot.
"Hey man are you sure about this?"
"It's a bit late now, Nick. Already bought the place." Jason huffed struggling with one of the boxes before Nick took it from him.
"Are you going to be ok by yourself I mean?"
"I ain't by myself." And Nick tilted his head in question.
Shit! Right, Nick can't see him.
"I've always got you don't I?"
"Always, semper Fi."
"Semper Fi.... Plus I met one of my new neighbors yesterday, nice guy."
"I'll leave yo to then. I gotta get back to camp." Nick threw a thumb over his shoulder.
"I get you. Go on then. And thanks for the help moving. "
"Lucky me you don't own a couch."
They waved and Jason turned back to his new home with a chuckle in his lips.
"That your friend?"
"What's it to ya?"
"He seems nice, I like him."
"So it's just me you don't like?" Jason piped only half serious.
"Is this really all your stuff?" Zain asked looking at the small pile of things by the door.
"Everything I own here. Guess since I'll be staying awhile might as well build it up some." He said rummaging through a box.
"You don't have any food or cooking supplies." Zain mentioned walking around.
"I've got a few days of food right here, should be enough until I get something for the kitchen."
"Like a pie?" Zain smirked at him.
"I'll have you know my mom and her mom and I'm assuming her mom before that all cooked our famous Kolchek Pie for friends and neighbors." Jason pointed a finger at the ghost.
"Famous how?"
"Locally, but I'll have you know that pie has won blue ribbons at every fair it's entered, even made the front page on the paper." Jason lifted his chin to him.
"Slow news day."
"Oh fuck off!"
"So are you going to make it for my father?"
"The pie, are you going to make it for him like you said you would?" Zain rolled his eyes.
Jason only glared at the boy before putting his few belongings away.
That night there was a knock at his door.
"Zain, who is it?" Jason whispered out.
"I don't know, open the door a find out yourself." Zain snarked for all the teenager he was.
When he open the door it was Salim standing in the lamp light.
"Oh, Jason."
"What are you doing here?"
"I made us something to eat, for dinner, to celebrate your new home!" Salim held out a pot he was holding with one kitchen glove and a rag.
"I don't have any silverware, or bowls." Jason said blankly.
"Ah, I could bring some for you to borrow..... Can I come in?"
"Shit, yes, sorry, come in." Jason stepped aside and held the door open for Salim.
"I'll be right back, my friend." Salim said after putting the pot down.
"Your dad, he a good cook?" jason eyed the pot.
"The best." Zain wanted to growl
"I'll take your word for it then."
Salim came back with his arms full.
"Two cups, two forks, two spoons, bowls, plates. I trust they'll be well cared for?"
"On my honor." Jason held a hand over his heart and a hand in the air.
"That a Marine thing?"
"Sort of, it's more a me thing though."
"On your honor then." Salim eyed, before setting up the table.
"I gotta tell ya Salim, this is a lot better than the meal I had planned." Jason said happily as he ate.
"Which was?"
"Let me see " he leaned over to grab a flat box.
"This says chili Mac, and I've got a dry cracker."
"You were really going to eat that?"
"It's all I got for now. Then there you come like and Angel sent from heaven with your hands full of this delicious stew." Jason chirped giving a grin and a friendly wink.
"It's made from the last of my pumpkin harvest." Salim seemed to look through his spoon.
"Best damn pumpkin I've ever had, and that's sayin something."
"Why's that?"
"Not sure If you could tell, but I grew up in a small town of house wives and farmers. Too much time and too much food."
"I never would have guessed!" Salim laughed.
"It's true! And we had fairs a plenty! Nobody wanted their blue ribbons like us Kolcheks, and nobody had as many either!"
(Jason's own father had hung himself when he was a teen, he never knew why, never thought that his father was unhappy. That's why when Zain said he was worried about Salim it changed his mind about helping. Jason was the one to find his father, he doesn't want the same thing to happen to Zain, he's just a kid after all.
Also Jason accidentally breaks Salim's plate and he is freaking out about it. He shows up at Salim's door, shoulders sagging and he's low. The broken plate on his bloody hands. He's sobbing about being sorry he broke it, it was an accident, if he could fix it or buy him ten knew plates. Salim at this point doesn't care and is worried about Jason's bleeding hands. Pulls him inside and asks what happened. Jason says he was washing them when his side starting hurting sending him to the floor in pain, out of breath and being unable to see for a moment. When the pain lessened the plate was broken at his hand were all cut up.
Jason is also worried he'll see the ghost of the girl he and Nicky shot, about how the next time a situation like that happened he hesitated, the part of camp slayer was bombed and more showed up to shoot. People died and Jason got shot. He didn't make the right call twice now both times lives were lost needlessly, this is something he tells Salim far later into the story. Jason doesn't sleep well at all.
Eventually Zain shares why he thinks he may have deserved to die, how he was a bad son. How his father gave him everything, loved him more than anything, was proud and caring and how Zain still managed to fuck things up. How he would steal. He's not sure why he does it and that it could cause real problems for him and his father if he's caught. How for some reason he wanted to be as far away from his father as he could, just because he would get into arguments over him stealing. He didn't mean it. Zain cries when telling this to Jason. He misses being alive, being with his father.
Not sure how Zain died though.
Salim gets better and Jason is falling HARD for Salim. And it scares him. Something happens, Jason is pushing Salim away, you know, some angst, zain isn't happy about that.
Angst happens Jason dies, he's saved, he bakes a pie once recovered and knocks on Salim's door with it in hand.
"Howdy, Neighbor. I baked you a pie." )
Anyway that's what I got so far for the idea. I finally got to watch Ghost Town again, so. Yeah.
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mark-of-chrysus · 1 year
I saw that you wrote a drabble on my ask and I loved it. It was so well written and Taehoon's personality really carried through.
I do have another idea for a time loop and it does involve Taehoon again, but also with Johan and Daniel.
It would probably take place at about the end of the God Dog arc where Johan is abandoned and fighting Gun.
Little Daniel is there (but y'know, like tall, buff , post training, etc.) and he's seen Johan at the taekwondojang here and there and he knows that Taehoon has mentally adopted Johan. So he subtly makes a call during the fight.
Just as Gun is about to knock Johan and Zack down after Zack shows up to help, Gun gets kicked in the face. Again.
After this, I guess the 2 of them would fight and Yeonwoo, and Dowoon (who tagged along to see who the guys who's been flirting with fighting Taehoon is) and they take Johan to the van. Johan gets promptly adopted by Seong Hansoo.
Meanwhile, everyone wants to know who this pretty gremlin is who's fighting Gun and has Gun smiling. even thoguh he's scolding him. - especially when he finds out about Johan's situation
Vasco : Johan's brother is still flirting with his boyfriend. Who knew Johan had a brother?
Zach :*confused*
Daniel : grinning because he's about to cause mayhem
Jiksae : filming in the background
Well, this also turned out a bit long haha.
Achievement Unlocked!
Child Acquired!
Hansoo looked down upon the two similar boys, one of which was his, and resisted the urge to pinch the smaller's cheeks. That was a feat in of itself, since Johan still retained a small portion of his baby fat, making his cheeks look extra-pinchable.
That was it, he was adopting him. And if he came with an adorable dog, who was he to separate them?!
Johan fit seamlessly into their little family. He was baby, after all, and both Taehoon and Hansoo adored him. They never really stopped babying him, but knew he had his own life and let him do his own thing most of the time. All in all, things were peaceful.
Then came the phone call.
Tae was hanging out with 'daddy issues #1' and 'daddy issues #2' when his phone began ringing incessantly. Annoyed, and having half the mind to just tell the person on the other side to fuck off he picked up.
"Taehoon" Danny's hurried tone sounded through the speaker before the brown-haired boy could even open his mouth, "Uh, you need to come here. Johan's in trouble!"
No other words were needed, Tae hung up and began sprinting toward the location of his brother's phone. That had been one of the conditions of letting him continue on with God Dog, that he would keep his location visible to them at all times and call if he needed help. The last part was near impossible for the proud boy, which is why both he and his father had insisted on the location bit.
The taekwondo prodigy skidded to a stop before the scene that greeted him, Yeonwoo and Dowoon panting a little behind him. His eyes zeroed in on Johan's fallen body laying on the bloodied concrete, before shifting onto the man looking down upon him with his hands in his pockets.
"Oh no, you don't!" He mumbled, rushing towards him.
Gun felt a sudden sense of dread wash over him before his face made contact with the asphalt, hard. Deja vu was one of the only things registering in his mind before he got his bearings back. He turned to look at the attacker, a large smirk stretching on his lips as he caught sight of the familiar mop of brown hair.
"Taehoon~" He practically purred, dodging an incoming kick.
"Satan's secret lovechild." The boy replied deadpan, socking him in the face.
"It's so nice to see you again."
"Can't say the same." His tone didn't change despite Gun's sultry voice.
The two continued exchanging hits while the others watched. It didn't look like they were going to be slowing down anytime soon, so they were content with just watching the show. Yeonwoo and Dowoon in particular were egging them on while simultaneously fighting over ship names. Daniel was nursing the two childhood friends' wounds the best he could while sneaking glances at the two fighters. He didn't want to miss anything important, but Zack and Johan were still bleeding and he had to deal with them first. Nonetheless, he secretly joined Dowoon and Yeonwoo in cheering for the brunette once the two began showing signs of waking up.
"What the hell is going on?"
They paused their bickering turning to the now-awake dog-lover and gave him a shrug before resuming their conversation.
"They're fighting over ship names," Danny informed him, slipping over to check on the still-sleeping boxer before facing Johan again. "You might as well get comfortable. Something tells me they're going to be at it for a while."
The boy nodded dumbfounded, before leaning back down next to Zack. He was out like a light, causing Danny to coo and take pictures of him sleeping. He was sure Taehoon was going to thank him for them later, and it would probably be enough to bribe him to go easier on him during training. Daniel could only hope.
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mewtwoandme · 1 year
Hugo is such a cute chonky baby! The pudge! I just wanna squoosh him!
He's got them pinchable chonker cheeks XD
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xxdumbblondexx · 1 year
---Additional Learning Support---
8 - Have a good time, malyshka.
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“What's everyone’s next lesson?” Yanfei asked as you all crowded around a lunch table. She was throwing resource materials in her bag after tutoring Hu Tao all of lunch in hopes she doesn’t fail her next exam. “Double Music with José. He lets me do whatever I want so it’s kinda chill.” Venti answered, scoffing down the remains of everyone else's lunch. “Don't you have a house captain meeting after school?” Yoimiya asked, and visible wrinkles creased into Venti’s top brow. “Did you have to remind me?! Just thinking of being stuck in a room with the Shogun, Childe’s dildo and the Tsaritsa of all people makes me wanna barf.” “That may also be the vodka you're hiding in your metal water bottle.” Yanfei’s comment escaped her lips in a sigh as she forced her bag onto the empty seat beside her. “Don't snitch on me, slut!” “Xiangling’s already gone home?” I asked, turning attention away from Venti as he chugs down the rest of his ‘water’. “Yeah, said she’s gotta help her dad at the restaurant.” Yoimiya hoisted her bag onto her back and stretched. “See you later, I'm going to netball practice.” She waved a little as she turned her back and exited the canteen. We all said our bye’s as she disappeared out of the room. “I’ll be following them.” You continued as you dragged your bag off the floor and threw it over your shoulder. “Get a lesson?” Hu Tao asked, lifting her head from her note book where she was trying to physically force the revision into her head. “Nah. I’m done for the day.” “You know you don't have to stay for lunch if you don't have any lessons.” Yanfei reminded you as you collected your phone and lanyard from off the table. “Yeah but I always seem to miss things when I leave before lunch. Like when Xiangling decked a year seven for jumping the lunch line and Venti got stuck in the fold-away lunch table.” “It got stuck on my belt! Clearing the bitch wanted to fight.” Venti tried to defend but was soon silenced by Yanfei’s sharp tongue. “And the inanimate object won.” So he chose to take a chug from his water bottle again and pout. “Yep. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow.” “Byeeee.”
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“Have a good time, malyshka.” Your dad’s last message laid on your mind, unable to move or leave. Yeah, having eight year olds running about really sounded like fun. Almost as fun as the ALS session waiting for you tomorrow. You thought about skipping it but you realised that by doing that, your parents would find out and somehow make this horrible situation even worse. It stung, honestly. They had never been harsh on you since you were a ‘delicate’ kid. Childe liked to say that was why you always got out of difficult situations. That Mum and dad were too frightened to be harsh with you since you might break. Like you were a glass doll. Clearly, that had changed. Clearly they didn't give a shit anymore because who cuts their own child off when they do bad in school? You had heard about it in movies and stuff but never expected it to become your reality. “I’m homeeee.” You didn’t need Teucer’s yell to announce his arrival. Him throwing the door into the wall was all you needed. You forced yourself off the sofa and to the entryway to find your younger brother kicking his shoes off in the doorway and a small girl behind him. “Hi Teucer.” You greeted him with a sigh, already feeling exhausted. “[Nameeeee]” He tackled you into a hug, jumping from space to space like a rabbit on acid. “[Name]! This is my friend Klee! Klee, this is my big sister [Name]!” You looked at the girl he dragged in, finding her undoubtedly adorable. Her cheeks were plush and pinchable, her hair was a sandy blonde with a red bunny pin in and her eyes were as big as the sky at twilight. Red sky at night, shepherds delight. “Hi! I’m Klee!” Your knees were bending before you noticed you’d crouched down to her height. “Nice to meet you, I’m [name].” Realising your weakness to this kid, you quickly pulled yourself up and away from her, looking in the direction of the kitchen. “How would you kids like to make some cookies with me?” That seemed like a good idea. Fill the children up on sugar and home that they tire themselves out or something. You could always made wee- NO! We don't drug kids. That sounds like a crime allegation that will definitely send you to prison. And anyway, you don't have access to that kinda stuff. Anyway, how difficult would it be to look after two little kids for a few hours?
Just for everyone who's unformal with x's at the end of texts, they are just a term of endearment from family and friends. It's normal in the uk to receive them from like your parents and close friends and it doesn't really mean anything but that.
But if they are received from like a stranger or a person your 'talking to' it can also mean flirting.
Thanks for reading x
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