#i got quinn AND jamie signs of life today
starsandhughes · 1 year
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jamie baby, could you STOP BEING A WHORE (lie please continue tysm you’re making me drool) AND SIGN A DAMN CONTRACT that would be great <3
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Dark Truths
A Criminal Minds FanFic. 
Chapter 2
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Summary: Jamie has been missing for a year, subjected to horrible torture. Her friends/team/family aka the BAU team scramble to find her. Once she is found it will be a challenge to help her get back to her normal life.  Master List (Multi Chapter)  Pairing:  ReidxJamie (OC) Warnings: This story is explicit and deals with s*xual assault and psychological torture.  I will add notes for where to skip and pick back up to for those who want to read this but avoid the warning content. 
June 3
Jamie clenched her teeth to avoid screaming. She was already paying for making noise when she was not asked to. It was one of the rules she was told to follow, even though her captors made it nearly impossible to follow a single one. She couldn't hear what the men around her were saying, she was becoming dizzy from pain as they beat her and called her names. She felt her ankle snap, biting down hard on her lip to keep from screaming out at the excruciating pain. The world around her began to spin before it all went black.
July 1st :
Hotch had everyone gather so they could review the new evidence they had collected. They couldn't be certain if it had anything to do with their long lost friend but they were working with it.
"The phone number that called Reid that night was made from an Irish pub about 5 miles away from here." Penelope said as she pulled up pictures of the pub, "I did some digging and looked into the visitors that frequent the pub and found that a good 90% of them have ties to the Irish mafia, or mob, or whatever you want to call the Irish bad guys. I am not sure what that has to do with Jamie unless they just randomly picked her for …" Garcia trailed off mentally kicking herself because they didn't know what they were doing to her, or what they had done with her.
Rossi cleared his throat taking over the conversation before the team could lose themselves in what-if scenarios. "The Irish Mafia, like many other organized crime groups, has a long history in grudges, robbery, assault, drugs, prostitution, illegal pornography, human trafficking, and murder. The Irish mafia and the Italian Mafia do not particularly get along and I might be able to call some people I know to see if they have any idea as to what's going on with their rival."
"I don't see why they would target Jamie…we haven't come across these people ever, as far back as I can see Jamie hasn't either in her personal life, what's the connection here? " asked JJ who was getting frustrated.
Hotch pulled out a file handing it over to them. He knew this held sensitive information that he should have guessed was connected with his baby girls' disappearance. "This was my very first murder case as a detective, in it has every detail on how I met Jamie McConnell." Looking around the room Hotch saw a lot of different emotions staring back at him.
"Jamie McConnell?" Reid asked dumbfounded looking through the file first. He pulled out photos of a man and woman, both dead, both with obvious signs of torture; behind the rest of the crime photographs, which he passed around the table, was a document.
He started reading out loud "Deckland and Mary McConnell were found murdered in their Los Angeles home on August 12th 1997. The way the bodies were found match other bodies similar to those that were killed by members of the Irish Mob. Upon looking through the house detective Aaron Hotchner found a young child. The child was determined to be Jamie McConnell, age 5, daughter of the deceased. It was estimated that by the time detectives had arrived on scene they victims had been deceased for three days. It was later confirmed that the child had stayed in the closet during the duration of the murder and the days after. The child will be placed in a foster home with a new surname for protection."
The room was silent as the agents mulled over the new information on their friend. Every person remembering how Jamie never talked about her parents and didn't really talk all that much about her foster families either. In fact, when the topic of the family was brought up Jamie simply skirted the topic or talked about the Hotchners.
"So, we have a lead with some actual evidence." Stated Morgan "Now let's find our girl, kick some ass and bring her home."
It had been a long day. Jamie felt numb and exhausted; she craved the cool, damp corner of her dark cell where she some sometimes was allowed to sleep. Instead, her captors carted Jamie to different "parties" where she would entertain them however her boss ordered her. She noticed what they dressed her in today was red, white, and blue and assumed it was some patriotic holiday today, probably the fourth of July but she didn't ask. She had given up asking questions or talking without permission… hell making any sort of noise without permission. She could still hardly walk from her last bought of punishment where they broke her ankle. Jamie was so tired, her body craved both sleep and the cocktail of drugs they had shot her up with so many times. She fought her body hard to stay awake as they drove to their next location, but she kept nodding off.
"Someone call the boss. She isn't going to make it the full day out... Let's give her a few hours rest, give her the shot, and clean her up." He chuckled "We won't want a crashing, dirty girl for our party tonight." She heard the man say.
She knew this man well. Knew everything he liked and everything he disliked. She knew how he enjoyed punishing her in all sorts of ways. She even knew that for this kindness he was giving to her, a slave, she would have to pay. The price for this would be high but she needed it. She would pay whatever he asked of her later so long as she could have one hour of quiet sleep, where no one was touching her.
"Hey Hotch, we have a problem" Jamie started shaking hearing that name. "The chick is crashing, I don't think another injection is going to keep her up right now and it could kill her if we give her it now. Quinn thinks we should let her catch some sleep so she is ready to entertain them later."
Jamie's heart started to race. She had grown to fear the man on the other end of the phone. The one who was responsible for all her pain, she couldn't argue it anymore, couldn't fight to not believe it, her dad was doing this to her. She pulled her knees up to her chest trying to calm down till she hears the man in the front seat start talking again.
"Yes sir." He hung up "were taking her back to the factory for some rest. Hotch says that we can let her sleep for a little while, clean her up, and have our own fun later. She earned enough money for him this morning."
When the car parked at the factory Jamie got out and slowly walked inside with Quinn. He led her to her cell, stripped her out of her "work clothes" and put her back into her usual old tattered shirt and panties. Once she was dressed for bed he pushed her hard into the ground, watching her weak body crash into the cement.
"Sleep. You have two hours, then you’re up and with us." He watched Jamie crawl into the corner before bedding down and gabbing her hair, yanking her head back to him, he kissed her cheek "Happy Independence Day" Quinn laughed as we walked out of the room, locking her in the dark.
It had been 3 days since they learned about his dear friend's true history. Since then it all became clear. They had quickly narrowed down where they believed Jamie was being held with the aid of Rossi's Italian contacts. The team took the jet to New York City and split up in groups of two at three possible locations where they might find their friend. Spencer sat at the window watching the old abandoned factory. A dark tinted SUV pulled up across the street at the factory he was watching pulling Reid from his thoughts.
"Morgan!" he called to his friend to come to see. He watched as the driver and passenger got out of the car, followed by the people in the back seat. Morgan and Reid watched them intently, making sure to snap pictures of the men. The two found it hard to believe what they were seeing; the fourth person was a girl wearing some skimpy Fourth of July attire. The girl looked weak as she walked getting pulled along by the man they would eventually know as Quinn, there wasn't a doubt in either of the men's minds. They found her.
"Jamie…" Spencer whispered so quietly to himself before grabbing his phone calling Garcia while Morgan took more pictures "Garcia! Call everyone else! We have eyes on Jamie! Get them on the line now!"
Penelope was so excited that her friend was really alive, that they were going to get her, that even as quickly as she connected everyone it didn't seem fast enough.
"Got them! I got them! Hotch, Rossi, Prentiss, and JJ you are connected to Reid and Morgan and me!"
"Guys! We found her! She is here! They just walked her inside the factory!" Reid said, his voice climbing higher as he was anxious.
Hotch spoke quickly, "Everyone gets there as soon as you can. Reid, Morgan you are not to enter until we get there and create a plan." He hung up before anyone else could argue. Grabbing his gun and his bulletproof vest he quickly made his way to the car with Rossi in tow.
"Ready to get your baby girl back?" asked Rossi trying to get Hotch to talk.
"More than ready. I want her home. I want her home tonight!" he took off when they were both in the car. Diving quickly to the apartments where Reid and Morgan had been placed.
Prentiss drove quickly as well, only slowing as they neared the location so that they would not attack attention. Taking a deep breath she looked at JJ "ready?"
JJ only nodded in response. She was worried about what state they would find her friend. She knew that getting her back was only the first half of the battle, the second half would be dealing with the psychological and physical damage that the youngest member of the team had sustained during her year in captivity.
JJ and Prentiss walked up the stairs and joined the rest of the team. They heard Garcia on the phone going over the blueprints of the old factory.
"When we enter, the likelihood that we will arrest everyone if anyone at all will be very small. There are two many exits. The goal here is to get Jamie out safely. We will find these people again later if we don't get them now and get Jamie the justice she deserves." Said Hotch.
Rossi looked out the window at the factory, "It would be better for us to go in when it's dark, so long as they don't take her anywhere. Someone should be watching for that at all times."
Morgan nodded taking up a post at the window while he listened to the rest of the group plan how they would enter and sweep the building. When the planning was done all they could do was wait. Hotch sat sating at the pictures that Morgan had taken of his baby. Seeing her dressed the way she was made Hotch's stomach churn. It was not something Jamie, his baby, would ever have chosen to wear on her own.
The other three agents went about filling their time in the best way they could, trying to sleep though it was hard to do. Spencer, who knew he wouldn't be able to sleep, sat in a chair reading a book he had carried with him since Jamie had been taken. She had bought it for him to read because it was one of her favorites and she desperately wanted someone to share in it with her. Whenever he missed her he read this book, and if he was honest, he missed her every seconded that she had been gone. So pretty much any of his free time was spent with reading this book over and over again so that when he got the chance they could talk about it as much as she wanted.
 Quinn checked the time as he smiled to himself; it was time to wake her. He grabbed a syringe full of methamphetamine and walked to her cell. He laughed to himself, looking at her huddled up on the floor, she truly was pathetic to him and he really enjoyed making her life hell. For no reason at all. Squatting down beside her, he took her arm, found a vein, and shot her up fast.
Jamie's eyes shot open, her heart beat faster and her lungs were working overtime. Her eyes hesitantly looked up to look at Quinn then back down as fast as possible. No eye contact. She was never to make eye contact with anyone. Property didn't have the right to do that she reminded her self. Quinn pulled her close to him, kissing her cheek like he always did when he had something horrible planned.
"Tonight I'll let you come and enjoy the fireworks with us. You will be able to see them from the bed in my room" he gave a long pause "But only after we get you cleaned up. You are too filthy to be allowed into a bed." He told her, putting the choke collar around her neck, adding a leash. "I like this one better than the shock collar I used to train you with." Pulling on it hard, forcing her to grab her neck in response as the prongs push at her skin and cut off her air.
"Walk" he commanded her.
Jamie didn't hesitate to obey his commands; the reactions had become a natural response. She crawled after him, keeping slightly behind as he led her to the showers. She stayed on her hands and knees watching him from the corner of her eye as he turned the water on. He knelt down by her undressing her quickly before tossing her into the tub keeping a tight hold on the leash.
Jamie winced feeling the cold water against her skin.
"Go on. Wash up" he smirked watching her shiver in the shower.
Jamie slowly began to wash. In her head, she prepared her self for what was to come as she went through the motions numbly. She was happy that he wasn't participating in the shower like he had so many times in the past. He always made them so much worse. Quinn saw she was done and yanked on the collar making Jamie lean towards him as she clung to the collar trying to keep the prongs from cutting into her skin and choking her. It didn't work. Jamie felt her body go weak as she blacked out.
/// Skip to next note to avoid s*xual assault content///
She woke up feeling sore. Jamie was careful to keep her eyes closed as she listened to what was around her. She could hear the three men, her stomach churned as she began to get more feeling back into her body. Jamie recognized the familiar sounds, smell, and feel of the man who wasn't talking with the others. She knew it was Quinn and that meant he would soon recognize that she had woken up. As if he had read her thoughts, she felt her head being lifted by a hard yank on her hair.
"Decided to join in on the fun, huh?" Quinn laughed as he kissed her cheek. "You have been out for a while and we didn't want to slow down the party to wait for you." He stated as he continued his assault on her body.
Jamie stared at a familiar comer of the wall, the one she always focused on in this room, trying to close her self off from the feeling of him. She made sure not to cry or make a noise as he continued. He was being more gentle than usual and she didn't want that to change. She didn't want to screw it up as they told her she did with everything. A big bang followed by some sizzles made her flinch, gasping in fear of what the noise was coming from.
You stupid girl, you may have just pissed Quinn off! Her mind berated her.
"She is still scared of loud noises I see" laughed a man who was watching them over in a chair. "I wonder what else we can conditioner her to fear, we have ingrained so many into her subconscious."
Quinn grunted his approval at her reaction, before he violently flipped her over onto her hands and knees, yanking her hair back hard again pulling her against him, "watch the fireworks, it's the closest to freedom you will ever be."
Jamie's eyes watered as she opened them and watched the light show trying to not react to the sound each time one went off. She swallowed bile as she felt him release inside her as the firework show finished.
Jamie got through the next couple of hours without disobeying too many rules. Each time she did they took the time to give her the punishment she deserved. Quinn and the boys were done with her for the night. So they dressed her back into her clothes, that in all honesty no more than tattered rags, and took her back to the cell. After they left her, Jamie cried silently to her self until she succumbed to some much-needed sleep.
 ///Pick Back up here///
11:15 pm July 4th :
The BAU team was dressed in their bulletproof vests as they approached the factory. It was time to get their girl back.
"Morgan, Rossi, and Prentiss, when we enter go left. Reid, JJ, and I will go right. Detain anyone you can, kill if necessary, but no matter what, we get Jamie." Hotch said before he nodded to Morgan to enter.
The team split, both clearing the hall and rooms as the checked for their safety as well as hoping Jamie would be behind one of the doors. Reid made his way to the staircase; slowly he walked quickly to the second floor. Upon seeing that Morgan was already checking that hall he worked his way up another level and proceeded in.
Quinn looked up at the security footage, "Shit FBI is inside! Get everything you can I'm going to get the girl!"
"No! they're almost to her! We got to let her go! We can get her back for the boss later!" said one of the other men as he grabbed as much video and documents of what they had subjected Jamie through into a bag.
The other man began wiping the hard drives of the computers after he copied all the information for them, "Let's GO!"
Quinn struggled to go after Jamie, his pet, he didn't want her taken but once he saw one of the agents pass by their door he had no choice but to run with the other two men as they worked their way down the fire escape.
Prentiss called out, "They are running down the fire escape. Three men. They don't have Jamie!"
Quinn Fired a shot at Prentiss who retuned fire missing Quinn but hitting one of the other men. She kept firing but Quinn and the other man were able to get into their car and drive off.
Jamie tensed hearing the gunshots but she didn't dare move. Her eyes darted to the door when she heard the knob turning. Reid slowly walked in seeing Jamie sitting on the floor, his heart pounded in his chest as he carefully walked up to her and knelt down.
"Jamie..." he saw the fear in her eyes as he slowly moved towards her, his heartbreaking as she scooted further back against the wall trying to get as far away from as she could.
~Can also be read on AO3 and Fanfic by anonymouslymine ~
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Musical Massacare Act 1
*the year is 3095
Jospephine *narrarting the story* "life in the year 3095 can be pretty awesome. We have the coolest technology, the greatest lives, and dare I say it? the coolest ansestors"
Brianna and Sally walking out of a building that reads *National Musuem of Technology*
Brianna Quinn: "I can't believe they actually did that"
Sally Vulcano "neither can I! We legit have the best ansestors in spirit existence"
Jospehine: *still narrating* "my friends along with me are also descendents of the Impractical Jokers. Yes, you heard that correctly. Of course, everyone assumes that we all want to be comedians, but we all have more important jobs. Not that making people laugh is important, but when you're being counted on to make relations with other galaxies or rescuing people from black holes, it can be tough, not too mention downright scary"
Jospehine: "what's up Jamie? working on those techno beats for the party?"
Jamie Murray: "yeah, of course I am. Why wouldn't I? techno music is my life"
Josephine: *to the audience* "the thing that's so great about descending from Joe and Bessy Gatto is that you learn a lot of interesting things in life. One of them being how awesome of a planet we are, when we all just learn to love one another"
Sally: "wow, living so close to the 5th millenium is so exciting. I feel bad for the people that had to deal with inferior technology"
Josephine: "yeah, I know right? Imagine seeing a delicious pie on TV and not being able to eat it right away or not being able to jump in the TV to go to place advertised on it? that must really suck"
Josephine: *to the audience* "here's a breakdown of our careers. You're probally already familar with what Jamie, Brianna, and I do for a living because who can possibly forget about black holes, jamming out to some good techo music, or the possibility of paralel universes?"
Sally: "my favorite era that I have been in so far definitly has to be 2800's. I loved how the once fueding countries were so close, really warmed my heart"
Joesephine: *to the audience* "Sally Vulcano is the time era consultant, which means that whenever someone messes up the time line she restores it back to normal"
Brianna: "can't wait for the party this week. heard it was going to be awesome"
Jamie: "you bet. already got the track down"
Jospehine: *to the audience* "Sally Vulcano probally has the hardest job out of all four of us. If she is unable to identify and fix what exactly went wrong in the time era system, it can throw the entire universe off and we all know we don't want that to happen"
Sally: "let's hope no one tries going back in time and does something they're not supposed to, because I don't have the energy right now to fix people's errors"
Brianna Quinn: "that doesn't mean other people have to suffer. I'm in charge of getting people rescued from black holes, the place where there is no escpae from, I help them find an escape. We all have diffucult carrers, everyone counts on us to do an awesome job"
Sally: "because if we don't, we'll never hear the end of it. Like how somene got trapped in a black hole last year, and you couldn't rescue them. The entire planet hated you for months"
Joesphine: *to the audience* "Our ansestors may have been nervous of how people would react to their jokes, but it's a whole different story when you have a career that can dangerously effect the entire universe if you don't do it correctly"
scene 2
Gretel: “today we will be learning about the Trump Presidency and the events that happened because of it”
Christiania- “why do we have to learn about occurrences that happened 1,000 years ago?”
Addison- “yeah, what does that have to do with us?”
Gretel- “history builds our future, it’s a foundation of our character and how we perceive the world around us and treat others. It’s important we learn this stuff in order to create a positive building block for the future”
Sally- “can we learn about our ancestors after this?”
Gretel: “the Impractical Jokers? They have an exhibit at the Antique shop. You can teleport there after school if you would like”
*Brianna and Josephine high-five each other and then give their friends Jamie and Sally a thumbs up*
Michelle- “and don’t forget shows like Adam Ruins Everything, the Chris Gethard Show and the Carbanaro effect”
Gretel- “yes, those shows have an exhibit as well”
Gretel- “okay, now the Trump Presidency occurred in the year 2017. Many people lost their families due to violence. This was by far the worst presidencies known to mankind”
Darla: “why did people vote for him then? Wasn’t it because they liked him and thought he would make a god choice for president?”
Gretel- “he won for that reason, but historians for hundreds of years have said that problems erupted due to his term as president”
Jamie: “how bad were the problems? I’m sure they couldn’t have been that horrible”
Gretel- “back then there was a disagreement about guns. Most of the people that voted for Trump thought that weapons shouldn’t be banned, because they were afraid they would have nothing to protect themselves with”
Brianna- “so they couldn’t trust each other? They actually thought they had the need for weapons?”
Gretel- “it was a conflict that effected many lives. Take the Parkinson shooting for instance. After the tragic event occurred, many Republicans were serious about keeping the “right to bear arms” amendment”
Josephine- “were all Republicans like this?”
Gretel- “actually some of them fell in between with their beliefs. Not all Republicans thought the same like historians would like us to believe”
Michelle: “do you know why the Republicans thought that way”?
Gretel-“they wanted to protect their loved ones, and thought that having been armed with guns would have been the best way to achieve that. However there were people that disagreed with this, these were the people that decided to put a ban on gun usage”
Addison- “how was that going to help? Even if they did ban weapons, the people guilty of pertaining one would just have found a new way to hurt people”
Gretel- “questioning the world around you. You’re just like your ancestor. And yes, banning assault rifles wouldn’t have helped. A lot of civilians thought that guns were needed for protection, and this caused a conflict about whether to keep guns or ban them”
Brianna- “if people were for guns, how come they were also pro life? That doesn’t add up”
Gretel- “people in the past thought the same thing as well. In fact there was a Women’s march that took place two months after President Trump set foot in office. Many people thought the Women’s march was a symbol for girl power, but the message others received, were horrendous”
Jamie- “how bad was it?”
Gretel- “during the march, people held signs with words and images hinting that they were pro choice. This angered lots of Republicans because they believed that everyone deserved a chance to enter the world”
Darla: “if they were pro-life, how come when I went to the antique shop the other day, I saw comments from those very same people, posting about how others should have been aborted? Even if someone commits a sin, you shouldn’t say stuff like that”
Gretel- “you’re absolutely right. No one should be told that they shouldn’t have had the chance to be alive. Unfortunately, people back then were extremely cruel. For reasons that we don’t know of”
scene 3
Cassidy- “wow, a simulation exhibit. This must be cool”
Brianna- “apparently this is an exhibit that lets you travel back hundreds of years, and it gives you a glimpse of what it was like to live in the 90’s and early 2000’s”
Jamie- “we can see how our ancestors lived. That’s awesome because all of them lived during the same time period”
Josephine- “we go to this antique shop all the time and all we never did this exhibit. I say we give it a try” Addison- “we always heard about in history class how these people lived, but now we actually get to experience it first hand. What could be more exciting?”
Sally- “wait, so if we go back to 2017, cause that’s when all of our ancestors were on Tru TV, at the same time, that means we’re going back a thousand years”
Brianna- “wouldn’t the time jump effect us? As in terms of how slow or how fast it passes?”
Darla- “well it’s true that we would be traveling back to a millennium ago, but I don’t think it will effect the passage of time”
Sally- “so we’ll be in an ancient era, but the time wouldn’t be affected at all?”
Cassidy- “exactly. There’s actually a time blocker. If the machine detects you’re about to do something that would affect the future, it stops that from happening. As long as this feature is enabled, we should be safe.”
Christiania- “when we get back, we should visit the music from the past exhibit, to help us find inspiration for the Talent Bash”
(The girls are back in the year 2017)
Michelle- “this place looks weird”
Brianna- “yeah, when you spend your entire life where chrome buildings, jet packs, hover cars, and robots are the norm, it can be weird being in a world where the cars are on the ground, the buildings are made out of bricks, and the robots haven’t evolved yet.”
Josephine- “this is New York. Our ancestors must be near by because they filmed here all the time when they did their episodes”
Brianna- “we should try the mall. Everyone will just think we’re girls trying to get a deal on jewelry, but in reality, we just want to see our awesome ancestors”
Sally- “all right, let’s go”
Jamie- “try looking for your ancestors. Pay them a visit for being amazing”
Micelle- “we can just see them in the spirit world”
Cassidy- “you can visit the Impractical Jokers. We want to walk around and explore this place a bit”
Christiania- “I mean look at this place. We’re so used to seeing aluminum buildings, so in a way this could actually be good for us”
Addison- “change of scenery. It can actually be quite healthy changing your surroundings”
Jamie- “our ancestors are super cool, so we might be in the mall for a while. Explore this ancient city of New York and knock yourself out”
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Tagged by the wonderful @jeongjarsofhannie for the get to know you tag. Thanks so much for tagging me <3 I love you and your blog so much!
Rules: Answer the questions and tag followers you would like to get to know better! 
Tagging: @angelyoons @hoshi-woozi @leetaeiil @bbysquirrelsblog @jeonghan-1004svt @jeonghans--idiot @scoup-dumplings @jeonfhan as always only if you want and are comfortable doing it you don’t have too if you don’t want too! Also to anyone else who sees this and wants to do it just make sure you tag me so I can see it :)
Name: Shay 
Nicknames: Shay (it’s my nickname but I go by it so much it’s basically my name) I have other nicknames but only one or two people can get away with calling me it so yeah lol
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 5′8/172 cm
Orientation: Straight 
Ethnicity:  American with a mix of Irish/French/Scandinavian? IDK my precise ethnicity lol
Favorite Fruit: ALL but if I had to choose I really like pineapple
Favorite Season: Winter (Fun fact never seen snow because I live in Florida)
Favorite Book: Maximum Ride/Confessions series by James Patterson
Favorite Flower: Hmm never really thought about it lol Carnations?
Favorite Scent: I like a lot of scents lol I don’t really have a fave
Favorite Colour: BLUE
Favorite Animal: ALL but if I had to choose polar bears
Favorite Beverage: Coffee (Peppermint Mocha)/Soda (Mountain Dew Baja Blast)/Tea/Water
Average Sleep Hours: 8-12 hours (yeah I sleep a lot but if I don’t get at least 8 prepare to die cuz I get unbearable)
Favorite Fictional Character: Yuna from Final Fantasy X/Lunafreya from Final Fantasy XV/Evie from Assassins Creed Syndicate/Raven from DC/Harley Quinn from DC/Scarlett Witch from Marvel/Mikasa from Attack on Titan/Adroid 18 from Dragon Ball Z/Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist/Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII/Zack from Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core/Noctis from Final Fantasy XV/Prompto from Final Fantasy XV/Riku from Kingdom Hearts/Captain America from Marvel/Quick Silver from Marvel/Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist/Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist/Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z/Beerus from Dragon Ball Z/Erin from Attack on Titan....The list continues I have too many faves...
Number of blankets you sleep with: 1 if that...I don’t really need one here in Florida most times
Dream Trip: Ireland, London, Japan, Korea, Italy, Puerto Rico, Spain, Boston...I would love to travel the world tbh...
Blog Created: Ummm I know it was before Pretty U era...It was like a week before all the teasers started coming out :)
Hogwarts House: Everyone says Ravenclaw and I agree
Time Right Now: 1:21 PM
Lucky Number: Don’t have one
Last Thing I Googled: “5′8 in cm” IDK conversions lol
Favorite Bands/groups: I know this is a shocker but Seventeen, Pristin, SHINee, Twice, BTS, BlackPink, KARD, Red Velvet, SNSD, GFriend, EXO, NCT (mainly U and Dream if I’m being honest I’m not big on 127), Black Veil Brides, Bullet for my Valentine, Three Days Grace, Evanescence, and others I can’t really think of rn.
Favorite Solo Artist: Tbh I don’t really listen to a lot of solo artists lol IDRK any but I’ll say Andy Black
Song stuck in my head: Wee Woo by Pristin <3<3<3<3
Last movie watched: The Great Wall or Angels and Demons I can’t remember which one I watched first lol
Last TV show watched: Sleepy Hollow <3<3 but if Tuesday Night Smackdown counts then that was the last one I watched...I don’t really count it though so yeah
Dream job: Chef or Video Game Designer/Developer
Following: 313
Posts: 2,691
Do you get asks regularly: Not really but that’s alright when I do get them it’s just makes me even more happy and makes it even more special! <3 :) I love hearing from ya’ll
Do you have any other blogs: 1 but I never check it lol
What I Post About: Seventeen/Jeonghan/K-Pop with the occasional Video game/Anime post
Why you chose your url: Because I absolutely love/hate the “angel” Yoon Jeonghan
When Did My Blog Reach it’s Peak: Um IDRK if I consider it peaked at all yet but I am getting a lot more notifications and followers lately which makes me happy since I only really post garbage lol
Second game:
rules: bold the statements that apply to you!
i am 5′7″ or taller
i wear glasses
i have at least one piercing
i have blonde hair
i have brown eyes
i have short hair
my abs are at least somewhat defined
i have or have had  braces
there is something i would change about the way i look
my hogwarts house is: gryffindor hufflepuff ravenclaw slytherin
i am an introvert
i like meeting new people
people tell me that i’m funny
helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
i enjoy physical challenges
i enjoy mental challenges
i’m playfully rude with people i know well
i started saying  something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it
there  is something i would change about my personality
i can sing well
i  can play an instrument
i can do over 30 pushups without stopping
i’m a fast runner
i can draw well
i have a good memory    
i’m  good at doing math in my head
i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
i have beaten at  least 2 people in arm wrestling
i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
i know how to throw a proper punch
i enjoy playing sports
i’m  on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
i have learned a new song in the past week
i work out at least once a week
i’ve gone for runs at least once a week
i have drawn something in the past month
i enjoy writing
fandoms are my #1 passion
i do or have done martial arts
i have had my first kiss
i have had alcohol
i have scored the winning goal in a sports game
i have watched an entire season of a tv show in one sitting
i have been at an overnight event
i have been in a  taxi
i  have been in the hospital or er in the past year 
i have beaten a video game in one day
i have visited another country
i have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
i’m in a relationship
i have a celebrity crush
i have a crush on someone i know
i have been in at least 3 relationships
i have never been in a relationship
i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
i get crushes easily
i have had a crush on someone for over a year
i have been in a relationship for at least a year
i  have had feelings for a friend
my life:
i have at least one person i consider a “best friend”
i live close to my school
my parents are still together
i have at least one sibling
i live in the united states 
there is snow right now where i live
i have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month
i have a smartphone
i have at least 15 cds
i share my room with someone
random shit:
i have breakdanced
i  know a person named jamie
i  have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
i have dyed my hair (bright-ish red with blue ends the way I’ve been wanting it forever but only got it done last week)
i’m listening to one song on repeat right now  
i have punched someone in the past week
i know someone who has gone to jail
i have broken a bone
i have eaten a waffle today
i know what i want to do with my life
i speak at least 2 languages fluently (I wouldn’t say fluently but I do know a good bit of Spanish :))
i have made a new friend in the past year
5 notes · View notes
lotyrrellfilm-blog · 8 years
Post I: Short Film Research
What do you like / dislike about them? How will your short film be similar to, or different from them?
For my short film research, I have found three films in the genre of Drama.
��Father” written, directed and produced by Seulki "Michael" Kim
Close up shot (CU) of a sign that reads: “HUNGRY. FOOD AND CHANGE? PLEASE.” 
Full Shot (FS) of a homeless man wandering an empty street, looking for food
Extreme close up shot (XCU) of an opened locket with a photo of a young girl inside. The homeless man is holding it in his hands which suggests that this girl could possibly be his daughter or granddaughter (?)
Close up shot (CU) on the man’s face. He looks at the locket and whilst looking at the image of the girl, it seems that he is about to burst into tears. 
Extreme close up shot (XCU) - We then know for sure that the girl in the photograph is the man’s daughter as there is an XCU of a birthday card that reads on the front of it: “From your Daughter. Right from the start, Dad, you’ve been a steady and loving presence in my life, helping me to become the person I am today.” On the inside of the card we learn the name of his daughter. It reads: “To Dad, I love you more than words could ever say. Happy Birthday with love. Miss you, love Anna.” 
Close up shot (CU) of the man’s face. He is walking down a narrow street, looking at something at the end of it - but we are not quite sure what he is looking at. He looks scared as he is walking, nervous to say the least. We then come to realise that the reason he looks nervous is because in that moment, he is imagining walking down the isle, by his daughter’s side. It’s obvious that he misses her and that she is all grown up by now. He wants to imagine what is would be like to be by her side on his daughter’s wedding day. 
Close up shot (CU) - There is then a close up shot of what seems to be the back of his daughter’s head. It is her wedding day and we see that her hair all done up, and she is wearing a veil. The following shot is then a  CU back onto the father’s face, he still looks nervous. 
Medium shot (MS) showing what the man’s daughter looks like. He is still imagining her in a bridal gown, wearing a veil, holding a bunch of flowers - and looking sad because her father never showed up to her wedding. 
Close up shot (CU) - Before the last 3 shots I’ve just discussed, the man had been asked if he wanted to play a gambling game in the hopes that he could win some money which would make a huge difference to his life. At first he says no, but after having images of his daughter on her wedding day, he goes back to the guy that asked him and agrees to play. Later that day, the game begins. We see that the man and his friend are losing already. There is a CU of the locket we saw in the beginning of the film. The man’s friend wants to put it into the pile of cash and keep on playing, in hope that they would win all of the cash and win his locket back. The man refuses to hand over the locket as it is so important to him, but eventually he does. He ends up winning all the money and gets his locket back. He wins a total of $100.00 and then starts talking about all the things he wants to buy his daughter. 
Close up shot (CU) of a knife with the man’s blood on it. After winning the $100.00, the man’s friend becomes annoyed with the constant talk about his daughter. He uses this as an excuse to steal the money off the old man. He realises that it won’t be so easy, and so he pulls a knife out and stabs the old man. The old man dies. Before dropping to the ground, he is holding the locket in his hand. As he falls, the locket falls down with him and out of his hand. The locket is then later taken away from him. 
Mise en scene:
Homeless man - pushing around a trolley with all his belongings.
A sign strapped to the trolley that reads, “Hungry. Food and change? Please.”
Empty water bottle below the sign, strapped onto the man’s cart.
Lots of colourful plastic bags hanging from the trolley.
Rubbish all over the ground, in the streets and alleyways.
Homeless man wears baggy clothing. He wears baggy combat style trousers, an oversized green jacket, beaten old trainers, gloves with finger holes and an oversized red jumper. 
Some graffiti on the walls in the streets he walks through.
A golden locket containing a photograph of his daughter.
Homeless man has a dirty face and dirty hands - looks like he hasn't showered in a long time. 
A birthday card from his daughter to him with handwriting from his daughter and a love heart drawn inside it.
Playing cards 
Dollar bills / cash notes
A knife. 
Melancholic non - diegetic mood music playing at the very start of the film.
Diegetic sound of the homeless man’s trolley being pushed around, wheels are dragging across the ground. 
Diegetic sound of two other character arguing in an underground tunnel as the man is walking past them above. The stronger character out of the two is shouting, “You’re dead, you’re dead. I will kill you!”
Diegetic sound of cars going past on a nearby road which suggests to the audience that the location of this particular scene is in a city or large town - or possibly beside a busy interchange. 
Non - diegetic mood music returns when the homeless man takes out a gold locket and opens it up to look at a photograph of his daughter. The theme of this music suggests that he hasn't seen her in a while and is missing her. 
Dialogue/ Diegetic sound between two homeless man including the main protagonist - The other homeless guy asks if he would like to play a gambling game in hopes that they both could win some money. He says to the homeless man (protagonist) - “Isn’t it your daughter’s birthday coming up? Don’t you like to get her a nice present? Since you missed her wedding and all.” - This is how he manipulates him into playing. 
“One by One” - Directed, edited, written, and acted by Johnathan Hang
Long shot (LS) of an empty beach in fog.
Full shot (FS) of a young boy sitting down on the sand, on the beach.
Medium shot (MS) of the young boy’s auntie talking to him in the car, telling the boy that she is taking him to school. It becomes apparent to the audience that his parents aren’t in his life, but we are not certain why this is.
Extreme close up (XCU) of the boy’s eye with a tears dripping from it. He is crying because he misses his parents and doesn't know where they are.
Long shot (LS) of the young boy walking by the side of a busy motorway in a thunderstorm.
American shot (AS) young boy standing by some railings, by the side of the motorway with his head down in crossed arms - he is crying.
Long shot (LS), following by a Full shot (FS) of a moving train coming further towards the camera, possibly where the young boy is located.
Full shot (FS) of the young boy walking onto the train tracks.
Close up shot (CU) of the boy’s feet jumping directly onto the tracks as the train is moving closer and closer towards him.
Mise en scene:
Setting: Empty beach. This suggests there is a theme of loneliness and solitude.
Young boy protagonist character. He wears no shoes and baggy clothing which suggests that he comes from a poor family - we later find out that his parents are not present in his life.
A photograph - when this is shown, we the audience are unable to see what the photo is of but could possibly be someone that the young boy is deeply missing i.e. his parents.
An oyster shell - this object is quite significant throughout the film however we are unsure how he got it in the first place. It is possible that one of his parents have given it to him.
Fake blood
Setting: a school classroom - indicating that the young boy is still at school. Other props for this setting include a school bag, school books, class mates and a teacher.
Diegetic sound of a fast moving train on tracks.
Diegetic sound of waves crashing on the shore.
Diegetic sound of birds in the distance.
The non - diegetic mood music becomes more intense when the boy is sat on the beach, looking at the photograph.
Dialogue between the young boy and an older woman - we come to be introduced to her as his aunt.
Non - diegetic mood music also becomes intense when the young boy starts crying outside of his school.
Diegetic sound of footsteps - when the boy is running away from class.
“Tearaway” - directed by Seb Cox. Also input by the following people: 
Nasrin Hoque - Producer and Animation
Chloe Last - Camera Assistant

Kristina Dobrowolny - Runner Sound Mixer, Props and Animation

Yasmin Hoque - Production Manager

Nellie Academiaa - Animation, Runner and Extra

James Surdam - Props and Runner

James Quinn - Head Runner

Milo Bowman - Head Behind The Scenes and Runner

Henry Ewins - Runner, Animation and Boom Operator

Sarah Craig - Boom Operator and Unit Manager

Max Greenland - Runner and Extra

Adam Purchase - Drone (DoubleXAir)

Jon Purchase - Drone (DoubleXAir)

Richard Cox - Props Designer and Unit Manager

Vivien Cox - Unit Manager

Alice de Whalley - Personal Trainer

Inez Skilling - Runner and Behind The Scenes

Bailey Langford - Runner

Jamie Nolan - Extra

Hannah Wunsch - Extra
Crane shot at a bird’s eye view of a woman about to run on some athletic running tracks. 
Medium shot (MS) of the girl still in the same position. She has just looked down at her hands. From her own perspective, it looks as if her hands are disintegrating and turning into ash. 
Medium shot (MS) of the young girl sat in front of a grey wall - this could suggest that she is not completely fulfilled with her life. 
Close up shot (CU) / Profile shot of the girl angrily speaking with her running coach.
Extreme close up shot (XCU) of a letter of absence. 
Close up shot (CU) of a ticking alarm clock. 
Close up shot (CU) of the young girl’s eyes fixated on the running tracks as she is about to begin a race. 
Mise en scene:
First setting: An athletic stadium where the protagonist character always trains and races. 
At the start of the film, protagonist (Hannah) wears a hoodie, running leggings and trainers with her hair tied up. 
The antagonist holds a stopwatch in his hands before Hannah (protagonist) starts to run. 
Protagonist carries a gym bag in the second scene. 
A letter of absence. Antagonist (coach) hands Protagonist (Hannah) a letter and explains that if she isn’t willing to be focused, then she can sign the bottom of the letter and leave the team for good. 
alarm clock - suggesting that Hannah is making this important decision over a long period of time or can’t make up her mind about it. 
An origami styled bird which has been made from the letter coach had handed over to Hannah - given to the antagonist (coach) by the protagonist (Hannah) as a way of showing him that she is capable of winning the final race. 
Diegetic sound of background noice - both opening characters are completely silent. 
Non diegetic sound: what almost sounds like paper or wood being burned in a fire - At this point, the film is showing Hannah (protagonist) slowly disintegrating. 
Diegetic sound: Hannah’s running coach (antagonist) shouting over at her saying, “Go! I said go!”
Non diegetic/ Diegetic sound: running footsteps on the tracks. 
Diegetic sound: Hannah’s running coach (antagonist) shouting at her again saying, “Focus!”
Diegetic sound: Hannah inhaling and exhaling. 
Dialogue between the two characters. There’s a line said by Hannah (protagonist) and I quote: “Jenny worked with my imagination, not against it.” - We find out that Jenny is a retired coach that used to train Hannah previously. 
Non-diegetic mood music: When Hannah is making the difficult decision whether to sign the letter or not. The music gradually builds up intensity as Hannah is about to run the final race. 
Diegetic sound: A voiceover of Hannah telling herself, “Focus”. - In-thought monologue. 
0 notes
starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box Series— Preseason Edition: Trevor Zegras Edition: One
23-24 Season Masterlist
welcome back, besties<3 we’re back where it all began! i’d like to give my love to each and every one of you for loving this series so much and allowed me, and helped me, blossom it to what it is today. here’s to a wonderful season together🧡
OCTOBER 5, 2023
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liked by trevorzegras, jamie.drysdale, and 18,611 others
yourusername WELCOME BACK TO MY POST GAME PENALTY BOX SHOW: THE ENEMY OF SILENCE EDITION (who played 24:10 minutes of ice time, which is higher than every single coyote)
my beautiful boy played his first game of the preseason tonight, and the biggest secret of the century was quickly discovered by all of you— he *slightly* chipped his tooth. but it’s nothing compared to what happened to j*ck’s tooth, and MY man is still hot as hell and would be even if all of his teeth fell out (that was not invitation to do that. my love might actually disintegrate over that) (just kidding, z-baby) (probably)
my little quacks gave a valiant effort tonight against the coyotes, but alas, the brats were impolite and didn’t think to lose on my baby’s debut! but as we all know, i like to say that if you’re going to lose, at least give me some chaos. and my former panther gudas came through by giving me not one, but TWO fights! once a rat, always a rat!!
and stromer! my hero! he didn’t do anything but exist and i’ve missed him so much! i was a very happy girl seeing him again these last few days!! i love him!!
p.s. jamie baby signed today and he flew in just in time for the third period! (dw, he’s getting his post!) i’ve missed him tragically and i’m so happy he’s home <3
p.s.s. to my love, my heart, and my soul— you tried your best🧡 mwah! i love you, always!
p.s.s.s. BEFORE ANYONE ASKS— YES! z and i officially have a child! leo signed the contract today!
tagged trevorzegras
trevorzegras you’re so sweet to me🧡 i love you, forever
yourusername that’s my job!
colecaufield @/trevorzegras i think i missed the sweet part
yourusername @/colecaufield i called stromer my hero! that was sweet
colecaufield @/yourusername i meant about z
trevorzegras @/colecaufield she called me many cute nicknames and i’m taking that as a win
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras enemy of silence was spot on
yourusername @_quinnhughes you can thank our commentators for that one!
lhughes_06 @/leocarlssoon welcome to the family! i’m your half brother
edwards.73 @/leocarlssoon me, too!
mackie.samo @/leocarlssoon me, too!
dylanduke25 @/leocarlssoon me, too!
colemcward @/leocarlssoon me, too!
leocarlssoon what a strangle little life mom lives
trevorzegras @/leocarlssoon you have no idea
yourusername @/leocarlssoon they all have different fathers! except my baby boy dylan, he’s fatherless. there’s many fatherless sons, but dylan’s my favorite. the others just randomly started calling me mom
adamfantilli @/yourusername rude???
yourusername @/adamfantilli don’t act like that’s not true
leocarlssoon @/yourusername a break down is needed
trevorzegras @/leocarlssoon i’ll explain everything later
user6 they gave z quinn level minutes damn
jackhughes @/trevorzegras i got a whole post bullying me and you got “he’s still hot” and used my name as a curse word
yourusername you’re my curse
jackhughes @/yourusername i’m your gift
yourusername @/jackhughes you’re definitely something
trevorzegras @/jackhughes i also got told she won’t love me anymore if i lose all my teeth
yourusername @/trevorzegras i said probably!
_quinnhughes only 24:10 minutes? i could do that in my sleep
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes you trained your whole life for those minutes. you had to chase y/n at any given moment
jackhughes @/trevorzegras he is not the only one
lhughes_06 @/trevorzegras i’ve carried her up hills just because she was being dramatic
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras i’ve had to chase you down, too!
trevorzegras @/lhughes_06 @/jackhughes @_quinnhughes these sound like personal problems
yourusername @/lhughes_06 @/jackhughes @_quinnhughes i love you boys soooooo much!
jackhughes @/yourusername you just called me your curse
yourusername @/jackhughes yeah, out of love
tterry19 stromer says he loves you, too
yourusername AHHHHH!!! you’re such a real one for showing him, dad!! i love you!!
tterry19 i love you, too!
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras @/yourusername time to get shitfaced
yourusername DAMN RIGHT IT IS
trevorzegras it’s a national holiday! we’re both home!
_quinnhughes @/jamie.drysdale you’re in charge
jamie.drysdale @_quinnhughes the couch is going in front of the door
_alexturcotte @/jamie.drysdale that hasn’t stopped her before
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername i fear you
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale you’re welcome!
sorry it’s short!
276 notes · View notes
Act 1 of Musical Massacre (please, if you see this post, you can like if you want, but please, reblog, no matter what)
this is just an excerpt, to read the rest, go visit, www.sweek.com. You may have to sign up though in order to do so
*the year is 3095
Jospephine *narrarting the story* "life in the year 3095 can be pretty awesome. We have the coolest technology, the greatest lives, and dare I say it? the coolest ansestors"
Brianna and Sally walking out of a building that reads *National Musuem of Technology*
Brianna Quinn: "I can't believe they actually did that"
Sally Vulcano "neither can I! We legit have the best ansestors in spirit existence"
Jospehine: *still narrating* "my friends along with me are also descendents of the Impractical Jokers. Yes, you heard that correctly. Of course, everyone assumes that we all want to be comedians, but we all have more important jobs. Not that making people laugh is important, but when you're being counted on to make relations with other galaxies or rescuing people from black holes, it can be tough, not too mention downright scary"
Jospehine: "what's up Jamie? working on those techno beats for the party?"
Jamie Murray: "yeah, of course I am. Why wouldn't I? techno music is my life"
Josephine: *to the audience* "the thing that's so great about descending from Joe and Bessy Gatto is that you learn a lot of interesting things in life. One of them being how awesome of a planet we are, when we all just learn to love one another"
Sally: "wow, living so close to the 5th millenium is so exciting. I feel bad for the people that had to deal with inferior technology"
Josephine: "yeah, I know right? Imagine seeing a delicious pie on TV and not being able to eat it right away or not being able to jump in the TV to go to place advertised on it? that must really suck"
Josephine: *to the audience* "here's a breakdown of our careers. You're probally already familar with what Jamie, Brianna, and I do for a living because who can possibly forget about black holes, jamming out to some good techo music, or the possibility of paralel universes?"
Sally: "my favorite era that I have been in so far definitly has to be 2800's. I loved how the once fueding countries were so close, really warmed my heart"
Joesephine: *to the audience* "Sally Vulcano is the time era consultant, which means that whenever someone messes up the time line she restores it back to normal"
Brianna: "can't wait for the party this week. heard it was going to be awesome"
Jamie: "you bet. already got the track down"
Jospehine: *to the audience* "Sally Vulcano probally has the hardest job out of all four of us. If she is unable to identify and fix what exactly went wrong in the time era system, it can throw the entire universe off and we all know we don't want that to happen"
Sally: "let's hope no one tries going back in time and does something they're not supposed to, because I don't have the energy right now to fix people's errors"
Brianna Quinn: "that doesn't mean other people have to suffer. I'm in charge of getting people rescued from black holes, the place where there is no escpae from, I help them find an escape. We all have diffucult carrers, everyone counts on us to do an awesome job"
Sally: "because if we don't, we'll never hear the end of it. Like how somene got trapped in a black hole last year, and you couldn't rescue them. The entire planet hated you for months"
Joesphine: *to the audience* "Our ansestors may have been nervous of how people would react to their jokes, but it's a whole different story when you have a career that can dangerously effect the entire universe if you don't do it correctly"
scene 2
Gretel: “today we will be learning about the Trump Presidency and the events that happened because of it”
Christiania- “why do we have to learn about occurrences that happened 1,000 years ago?”
Addison- “yeah, what does that have to do with us?”
Gretel- “history builds our future, it’s a foundation of our character and how we perceive the world around us and treat others. It’s important we learn this stuff in order to create a positive building block for the future”
Sally- “can we learn about our ancestors after this?”
Gretel: “the Impractical Jokers? They have an exhibit at the Antique shop. You can teleport there after school if you would like”
*Brianna and Josephine high-five each other and then give their friends Jamie and Sally a thumbs up*
Michelle- “and don’t forget shows like Adam Ruins Everything, the Chris Gethard Show and the Carbanaro effect”
Gretel- “yes, those shows have an exhibit as well”
Gretel- “okay, now the Trump Presidency occurred in the year 2017. Many people lost their families due to violence. This was by far the worst presidencies known to mankind”
Darla: “why did people vote for him then? Wasn’t it because they liked him and thought he would make a god choice for president?”
Gretel- “he won for that reason, but historians for hundreds of years have said that problems erupted due to his term as president”
Jamie: “how bad were the problems? I’m sure they couldn’t have been that horrible”
Gretel- “back then there was a disagreement about guns. Most of the people that voted for Trump thought that weapons shouldn’t be banned, because they were afraid they would have nothing to protect themselves with”
Brianna- “so they couldn’t trust each other? They actually thought they had the need for weapons?”
Gretel- “it was a conflict that effected many lives. Take the Parkinson shooting for instance. After the tragic event occurred, many Republicans were serious about keeping the “right to bear arms” amendment”
Josephine- “were all Republicans like this?”
Gretel- “actually some of them fell in between with their beliefs. Not all Republicans thought the same like historians would like us to believe”
Michelle: “do you know why the Republicans thought that way”?
Gretel-“they wanted to protect their loved ones, and thought that having been armed with guns would have been the best way to achieve that. However there were people that disagreed with this, these were the people that decided to put a ban on gun usage”
Addison- “how was that going to help? Even if they did ban weapons, the people guilty of pertaining one would just have found a new way to hurt people”
Gretel- “questioning the world around you. You’re just like your ancestor. And yes, banning assault rifles wouldn’t have helped. A lot of civilians thought that guns were needed for protection, and this caused a conflict about whether to keep guns or ban them”
Brianna- “if people were for guns, how come they were also pro life? That doesn’t add up”
Gretel- “people in the past thought the same thing as well. In fact there was a Women’s march that took place two months after President Trump set foot in office. Many people thought the Women’s march was a symbol for girl power, but the message others received, were horrendous”
Jamie- “how bad was it?”
Gretel- “during the march, people held signs with words and images hinting that they were pro choice. This angered lots of Republicans because they believed that everyone deserved a chance to enter the world”
Darla: “if they were pro-life, how come when I went to the antique shop the other day, I saw comments from those very same people, posting about how others should have been aborted? Even if someone commits a sin, you shouldn’t say stuff like that”
Gretel- “you’re absolutely right. No one should be told that they shouldn’t have had the chance to be alive. Unfortunately, people back then were extremely cruel. For reasons that we don’t know of”
scene 3
Cassidy- “wow, a simulation exhibit. This must be cool”
Brianna- “apparently this is an exhibit that lets you travel back hundreds of years, and it gives you a glimpse of what it was like to live in the 90’s and early 2000’s”
Jamie- “we can see how our ancestors lived. That’s awesome because all of them lived during the same time period”
Josephine- “we go to this antique shop all the time and all we never did this exhibit. I say we give it a try” Addison- “we always heard about in history class how these people lived, but now we actually get to experience it first hand. What could be more exciting?”
Sally- “wait, so if we go back to 2017, cause that’s when all of our ancestors were on Tru TV, at the same time, that means we’re going back a thousand years”
Brianna- “wouldn’t the time jump effect us? As in terms of how slow or how fast it passes?”
Darla- “well it’s true that we would be traveling back to a millennium ago, but I don’t think it will effect the passage of time”
Sally- “so we’ll be in an ancient era, but the time wouldn’t be affected at all?”
Cassidy- “exactly. There’s actually a time blocker. If the machine detects you’re about to do something that would affect the future, it stops that from happening. As long as this feature is enabled, we should be safe.”
Christiania- “when we get back, we should visit the music from the past exhibit, to help us find inspiration for the Talent Bash”
(The girls are back in the year 2017)
Michelle- “this place looks weird”
Brianna- “yeah, when you spend your entire life where chrome buildings, jet packs, hover cars, and robots are the norm, it can be weird being in a world where the cars are on the ground, the buildings are made out of bricks, and the robots haven’t evolved yet.”
Josephine- “this is New York. Our ancestors must be near by because they filmed here all the time when they did their episodes”
Brianna- “we should try the mall. Everyone will just think we’re girls trying to get a deal on jewelry, but in reality, we just want to see our awesome ancestors”
Sally- “all right, let’s go”
Jamie- “try looking for your ancestors. Pay them a visit for being amazing”
Micelle- “we can just see them in the spirit world”
Cassidy- “you can visit the Impractical Jokers. We want to walk around and explore this place a bit”
Christiania- “I mean look at this place. We’re so used to seeing aluminum buildings, so in a way this could actually be good for us”
Addison- “change of scenery. It can actually be quite healthy changing your surroundings”
Jamie- “our ancestors are super cool, so we might be in the mall for a while. Explore this ancient city of New York and knock yourself out”
0 notes