#i got weardes
hcnnibal · 7 months
on an evil mission to commission a1/a2 art from all my fave hannibal artists
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blues824 · 2 years
Can I please request the remarried empress meeting a female undertaker.
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⚰️Imagen them learning about her and her amount of knowledgement about every kingdom or empire so one day sovieshu and navier invite her over for information.
⚰️They see her wearing her usual black clothing and her long white hair and scares one her face and her face hided behind her hat.
⚰️Imagen them asking her to share information and she starts telling she doesn't do it for free so when they told her how much money. she then starts laughing telling the only payment is to make her laugh and then she will tell it because money is useless to her.
⚰️Her staying in the eastern empire and being her usual self until one day rattrash bump into her her (intentonly to imbares her because of her face ) only for it to backfire because she is a a beautiful woman no matter what scares she is.
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⚰️Imagen her getting ordereds for the people of the eastern empire because her coufins are the most beautiful and best quality there is she might be weard but she is the best undertaker being able to make the dead look so beautiful.
⚰️How would everyone react to here being a retired and the legendary shinigami/God of death as punishment after her taking her old life.
(aperntly the undertaker was sutch a good shinigami little kids ask him to take them out there suffering )
And how would her mourning lockets she wairs imagine that everyone in the eastern empire wanting something like that to remember the deseast (hair jewelry was popular back in the days )
If the link doesn't work I'll send it to you.
Preface: After being teleported to the Eastern Empire, you took up the position of undertaker. Your coffins are known to be beautiful, worthy of the High Priest himself. You were also known to have valuable information… that came at a price for anyone else seeking your knowledge. You are summoned to the palace under the guise of a death and needing a coffin made, but in reality, the Imperial Family needed information.
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He was the one who sent the actual invitation. He needed some info about a neighboring country because he feared an attack. That’s when you arrive. You seemed awfully happy for someone of your profession. When you told him your unusual price, he offered to bring in the court jester, but you frowned, saying he needed to make you laugh.
He had noticed your mourning lockets, but never acknowledged him. For all he knew, you were just trying to smile to hide the pain. If only he knew that you were a reaper and collected a few souvenirs so that you would be able to remind yourself of your precious dolls.
He had invited you to stay in one of the guest rooms at the palace for a bit, and he was happy to hear that you accepted his offer. He had asked you to go on a walk with him and Rashta and you accepted (even though you really didn’t like the guy). Then, Rashta walked into you on purpose and your hair moved from your eyes. You brushed it to the side and Sovieshu got a glimpse of your beautiful eyes and the long scar you had.
You got angry and told him that you would be leaving the next day. After all, you could clearly tell that the mistress had bumped into you on purpose. Sovieshu had to admit that he nearly instantly fell for you and therefore didn’t want you to leave. You turned him down, telling him to not contact you unless it was either his or Navier’s coffin that needed to be built because you would never build one for Rashta.
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She had heard about you and your macabre craft, and she was very fascinated by it. She was also aware that you had some information about her old owners and decided to offer you some gems in exchange for it. You giggled and told her that you didn’t accept currency but rather jokes. 
She most definitely asked about your mourning lockets because she didn’t know (read: didn’t care) that it was supposed to be a personal matter rather than one that should be shared. You, being built different, gladly told her that they weren’t yours originally.
She was upset that Sovieshu only paid attention to you, so she had asked him if you all could go on a walk through the grounds altogether. During the walk, she had ‘bumped’ into you and it made your hat fall and your hair move to reveal your face. You grabbed your scythe and held it to the mistress’s neck, telling her how she was going to regret doing that.
Rashta was definitely scared for her life, but the Emperor was still so entranced by your beauty that you had all the time in the world. You whispered to her how she would be lucky to have a pauper’s funeral and how she couldn’t even dream of having one of your beautiful and custom-made coffins. Then you set about to make preparations back to your funeral parlor after insulting Sovieshu for the last time.
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Even though her husband had sent the invitation, she had information that she needed to proceed on with her investigation about her anonymous letters. You told her your price, and she was kind of weirded out. She wasn’t good at telling jokes, after all.
She knows better than to ask about the lockets. However, she could tell that you weren’t in mourning despite your black clothing and top hat because you were simply too happy. Sure, grief manifests in many different ways, but this was different than grief. It was pure joy.
She was also walking in the garden when she witnessed the whole ordeal with Rashta pushing you so that your hat fell and your hair moved to reveal your phosphorescent eyes and your scar. Navier had rushed over and made sure you were okay before handing you your hat and leading you away. She sent a death glare towards her husband and his mistress.
You had informed her that you would be heading back to your funeral parlor. The Empress was already used to your unusual antics, so you had said that you are always available to take her measurements and design her a coffin so beautiful that not even the Heavens could compare.
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He has also heard of you. Even though you were based in the Eastern Empire, you had no sworn loyalty and made coffins and performed funerals for everyone. He went to you before going to Navier to ask for information about her. He already knew your price, and told some pretty good jokes.
He never even noticed the mourning lockets, so he didn’t ask about it. When you had told him about them, he asked if you were close to the original owners. You giggled before revealing that you used to be a grim reaper and they were the lockets of the souls you had reaped. He has heard of reapers, so it didn’t freak him out too much.
You two were great friends and allies, so you probably had told him about how horrible Rashta was and how he was lucky to have Navier. You explained the situation, and he had to admit that what the mistress did was completely uncalled for. He may be a bit airheaded, but it wasn’t cool when someone messed with his friend.
When you heard about his and Navier’s plan, you had asked if you would be able to move your headquarters to the Western Kingdom because there was no way that Sovieshu or Rashta would ever even be able to look at one of your beloved coffins. You were a powerful ally, so he accepted.
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He has seen you around, and he had to admit that you were awfully happy for being a funeral director. However, you made great company in your free time. You were just awfully eccentric and he could relate to that. You both made each other laugh a lot, it could be a match made in purgatory.
By the time he asked about your mourning lockets, he already knew about your past occupation as a grim reaper. You explained that they belonged to some of the souls you had reaped, and some of them still had the hair of the victim. It was a common practice to keep lockets here, so it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for him.
You both were staying in the palace when Sovieshu invited you for a walk. When Rashta had pushed you, Kosair pushed her back. The Emperor didn’t intervene, and actually blamed his mistress for what had happened since he wanted to get on your good side and not lose you to Navier’s brother. Both of them thought you looked absolutely beautiful, but the latter led you away so you wouldn’t murder Rashta.
When Kosair was banished, Heinrey made sure to let you know that you were welcome as well. You packed up all your things and headed to the Western Kingdom, just to reunite with your beloved (now) knight. You both certainly made an odd couple, but Kosair couldn’t think of anybody else he would want by his side.
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ikamigami · 5 months
Oh boy, i would love to, if Everyone in show would go see an professianal Thearpist for once.
Like, i love Earth, she is an amazing person. She is trying her best and It makes it even more Sad. However, Earth´s Theapy session from her not helping and i will explain to you guys my reasson alright? So Earth is very kind and she is polite and open to lisstening to the diffrentent kind of issues, which is fine and already been heard can be enough. The after effect is been how everyone who have doing thearpy session with her, refuse to see other Therapy and completly reliance on her. Earth never been trained to be a thearpist and she can help like a very good friend, but people that been having seriousely issues, for example Monty being abusive at times to Foxy is been overlooked. Sure Monty is doing a bit better, but he can´t doing thearpy with his girlfriend. Monty would never admit beeing awfull. (also even if he would, Earth loves Monty, so she blindly ignore it)
If you even analyse every person in the show who been doing the thearpy session with her, let me ask you something real quick, DOES anyone get better from it? No,... really not a single person.
-Solar? right, he have some seriously issues with his Moon, he killed him and he abandoned his Dimention. He replace his people by moveing on to life in another Dimention, but if i take a guss, he surely just want to fix his place and whatever. He is ignoreing his feelings and be nice to others. It only takes a,...(sun death)... moment and he leaveing everyone behind, cause he have trauma and not talk about himself.
-Lunar thearpy session was also less about him, it was more about Lunar and Earth talking things out. When Lunar had the chance to talk about his problem, he switch back to beening worried over Earth, which is bad, it´s not about her, it was supposted to be over him. They should haveing another thearpy session, The whole Lunar is going to die is ignored with leaving Lunar in the dark. With what is he even suppose to do.
-Moon been worried over Sun drinking problem and Earth overlocked this and claim Sun been alright, is also weard. She is not even concidere it that there is a chance of Sun having more going on. I think Moon been afrait to be Old Moon is also wild. People might should be suggest it, Old Moon IS a part of New Moon. They are the same person and they should try to understand themself more. Even if New Moon would go on with his life without Old moon ever be in it, he should TAKE responsiablty with his old self. If he would try that, Then he would understand his BROTHER way better. (SO yea, it just a way of Moon running away from his issues, cause he did it with 1th Moon too who he rip him a part and claim to be so much diffrent, only to come to the point where he believe he is just as bad as him.) The point is, Moon will allways hurt Sun, because he never learned from his past mistakes, he will even with a 99 prozent possiablity kill himself again and give Sun a new Moon (or leave him and give him Old Moon cause he isn´t as smart as his other self) This is not a question of do you want Old Moon or do you want New Moon? You would want the whole Picture and not half of it.
-Sun is suicide and heave mental issues and experience his Brother been dying and think it was his fault. He have now New Moon, but he surely want that New Moon would remember the past times, the times when Sun and Moon bond,.. the times when they getting clouser and build trust. If you would ask eveyone else like Earth if she would be alright to have a NEW Solar then the answer is NO. So how is she not understanding Sun problem with New Moon? Like not even a little bit. Sun also never got the chance to get in himself and be honnest about Moons abusive behaviour. He can´t tell his Sister of how MUCH he suffer from Moon. Sun is just to much of a Good heart person and don´t want anyone to worried over him. So Sun dig his feelings aside till he one day can´t handle it anymore.
To not makeing it any longer, i leave it to be. What Earth is doing, is not principle wrong, she helped her Family, but she isn´t even going to see herself professional Thearpy. Every Thearpist have to see Thearpy too. People that any of thouse people could see is for Example Golden Freddy, but also some Mother/Father figure yk actuall Parents from Pizzaplex is also a good choice.
You're absolutely right! With everything!
I don't have anything to add to that.. I just simply agree with you.
They all have issues so big to resolve them by talking to their sister who even if has good intentions and wants to help simply can't because she's their sister..
They should go to professional therapist and that's it.
But I think that they won't realize that they need serious help till something really bad happen - Sun's death probably by suicide..
That's what I think that all of this is heading towards.. they all need a wake up call..
Thank you for pointing out all of those things, there are even things that I forgot to mention such as the fact that Earth wouldn't want to have new Solar and yet can't understand that Sun had a hard time to accept New Moon and move on from Old Moon's death..
Thank you so much for this input. This is really important and I hope that many people will see this ^^
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aachria · 3 months
Crazy idea was Ed in like one piece in a time line? Like in the actual show and that why grunkle knows them or something or like at least one of their incarnations in witch they don't actually know the future or they do but there's no uncle or he does and it's a time loop or he appeared like one of the character he saw on the show or maybe he had those weard dream ed has but about ed instead of himself. Anyways I wanna see time skip ed
😀 I am so sleep deprived I don’t get half of that.
EITHER WAY SOUNDS FUCKEN COOL and I will reread this when I’ve got braincells to spare.
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tansyuduri · 3 months
Top Ten TV
Rules: Game: Add 10 gifs from your favorite shows and tag 10 people.
I was tagged by @godmerlin Thank ya so much! SOO
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My love! My favorite! I adore you so much! Merlin until recently was a show I would rewatch every year. THEN one of my RP servers when down for months and my mind was like HEY YOU NEED DOPAMINE KNOW THAT SHOW? It's a special intrest now. Merlin and Arthur were always my favs. But I read two merthur fanfics, realized hey this actually worked, watched the show with new eyes, decided to write a small oneshot. And then It was not a one shot, And then there was a sequal and a prequal... then I was writing more stuff! This show showed me I could write again after a long time thinking I could not.
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My second favoirite show is Avatar the Last Airbender I guess and my fav character is actually Aang. I like his nonconfrontationalness I kinda also have that trait and you do not often see it in fiction.
(Now from here on out they don't really have an order?
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I really like the show The Tudors. I don't require historical accuricy in shows about the time period that is a special interst to me. I can enjoy the shows seperatly and be like that did not happen! But the tudors is weard because it is very much NOT historicaluy accurate as a whole but somtimes, Dialouge and scenes are pretty much ripped from the firsthand acounts of the period. This is also the show were both Natalie Dormer and Henry Cavill got their start. Fun fact Katie McGrath was actually working on costume design on this show and someone told her she should try acting. She got a very small role in the show then went on to land Morgana in Merlin. ALSO this show makes me cry so MUCH
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I didn't get into Shadow and Bone on my first try. After season two aired I tried is again with a freind of mine and loved it. I'm so upset it was canceled!
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With Brigerton I actually started with the Spin off Queen Charlotte (I'm counting spin offs and their original show as the same show usually so I can have more shoes listed here WHEEEE.) Anyhoo Queen Charlotte won me over with it having a romantic male lead with mental Ilness. and I enjoyed it! So I watched Brigerton too. Eloise is pretty much teenage me.
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The boys and Gen V got me with its plot and commantary on American society. Alright it kinda helps that I've never really liked the idea of super heros. This is pretty much the only superhero media I consume along with one animated show my sister had me watch once. My favorite from the original Series is Hughie and my fav from Gev V is Jordan.
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Okay so yeah! Dr Who. I stopped watching shortly after 11 left and came back for 14 and 15. My fav doctors are 11 and 15 so far! I adore Martha and Donna the best.
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So The Last Kingdom was a show that my freind really liked and we watched together. I hated Uhtred in season 1 but came to enjoy him later. I LOVED These two in the gif, I WAS HERE FOR THEM SHIPPING THEM IN THE LAST SEASON. You know how that turned out if you watch the show. I have never hated on a character as much as I did on a certain king. THEM. <3
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I am very much enjoying House Of The Dragon. I was a GOT fan until the end season even if it started going downhil before that. No I am not team black or team green. I can see both viewpoints. So I'm just here to watch people freak out over it. And enjoy it myself. And Cheer for Healana while waiting in dred due to having read the book it's based on. I'm upset the seem to have gotten rid of Nettles though.
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Derry Girls is the show on this list I watched most recently. I did not really like the first episode but from there I adored them all. Clare and Orla are my Favs. But the entire cast is great.
@shana-rosee @tiny-and-witchyn @poisonedfate @theroundbartable @247merthur
@saurix5 @akelafang @kairenn-n @kadenemrys @pendragonsclotpole
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(image description: a comparison image between DnD drow and my own design for drow. The DnD drow is a humanoid woman with dark grey skin and long white hair, wearding very dark grey blue clothing with a lot of drape and a spider motif. My drow is a monkey-like bipedal creature with purple skin, white hair, a long tail, and sensory facial whiskers, wearing very shiny pink and purple clothes with layers and embroidered designs and a sheer spiderweb shawl. There are also lists of comparative descriptions on each side, detailed below. End description.)
Dnd Drow: practice eugenics, are described as evil with an emphasis on their dark skin. got banished to live in caves because they're evil, so they don't actually have good adaptations for it. a lot about their evilness is tied to the worship of a spider god, with a religiously strict social hierarchy in a reverse sexist matriarchy. They have slaves, especially male sex slaves (i had to tone that down as "poorly treated harems" for the sake of posting it in an all ages discord server with rules about sex discussions)
My Drow: purple cave elves semi-based on baboons for some anatomical details. their genetics are real weird and their hormones are quite unique. they worship a motherly spider goddess because spiders are cool and also they actually have a special ability to make magic glowing silk, so the spider worship makes sense. They live in caves because they adapted to live there, with big ears and eyes and sensory whiskers. they live in a matriarchy because the matriarch is their mom and she is part of a polycule, typically established for political reasons like maintaining allegiances. the social hierarchy is managed through mass sibling rivalries because living with dozens of your own siblings is a little tense sometimes. Also due to their eusocial biology, they essentially have three different biological sexes and quite a few different social gender roles, depending on hos you want to define a gender role.
as u can see, my drow are clearly the superior version. (this is a joke, i am making a joke, don't sue me WotC)
should i make a new word for them? maybe. but since "drow" just comes from "trow" which describes a very wide variety of cave-dwelling fae, coming up with a new word that's still recognizable is gonna be tricky.
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sakiblack · 1 year
aonung x sully reader:
reader is named Riti if you wish to have another name pretend its your selected name when someone will say Riti.
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After some time Loak and i went back to the others.I must say the ilu riding was fun but riding Aza is the best.I really have to do it some time soon but that will have to wait.
When we got back they were all still there.Tsireya was now standing next to Tuk as she was giving some fish to one of the ilu.Aonung and the other guys were talking in the water and as i looked to my left i saw Neteyam walking to us.
-How is the big baby doing?
He asked as he pated Loaks head.
-Im not a baby you skxáwng!
Said Loak annoyed.I just chuckled at my two stupid brothers.
-Yeah yeah what ever you say big baby.Oh right Ri ,Tsireya wanted to take Tuk on an ilu ride with Kiri and asked me if you would like to join them.
-If i do go you two skxáwngs arent ganna do anything stupid right?
I asked looking at Loak
-Hey what is up with you two calling me skxáwng?
Asked Loak but was interrupted by Neteyam.
-They called me a skxáwng too you know.And dont worry Ri we will not do anything stupid.
Said Neteyam as he answered my question.
-Good and dont forget we are having the breathing lesons later.
I said as i was walking away from them.I could hear them play fighting but i did not turn around.As i made my way to Tsireya ,Tuk looked at me and started to talk about how much she liked the ilu.It was a young ilu since an older one is to big for her.The ilu riding with Tsireya,Tuk and Kiri was pretty fun  when i was riding the ilu i felt like i could stay under the water a little longer then when i was swimming.After some time we all made our way to a big rock where Tsireya and Rotxo were teaching us how to hold our breath for longer.It was weard that Aonung did not come as well but im guessing he had enough of us for one day.
I was sitting next to Kiri and Tsireya as she was now teaching us how to hold our breath.
-Breath in.
She said as we all inhaled deeply.
-And breath out
She said as we all exhaled.
-Imagine flickering  a flame you must slow down your heartbeat
She said as Rotxo was counting with his fingers.I was concentrated on my heartbeat and Rotxos fingers as i heard Tsireya say something.
-Breathe in.Breath from down hire.
Said Tsireya as she was now touching Loaks chest.Now that made me lose all intrest in my heartbeat as i was only looking at the two love birds.
-Breathe out slowly.Loak your heartbeat is fast
Said Tsireya as Loak apologized
-Try to focus
-Breath in
Said Tsireya as i was now looking at Rotxo and Neteyam as we all were smirking at each other as Kiri was just roling her eyes.Im guessing she does not thing this is funny and cute at the same time.
We all stayed like this for a little bit.I must say Tsireya is a good teacher.After we were done we went back to riding ilus .Tsireya said its good to try to hold our breath right after learning about it, and we did.I must say it worked we all stayed under the water for way longer then before.
We were all playing , looking at the beauty of the sea and trying to race under the water.When we went back to the surface it was already sun set .
-You are learning to breathe
Said Tsireya happy for all of us
-This is so fun
I said as i was peting my ilu
-Hell yeah it is
Said Loak
-Im happy you all like it so much but its time to go back to the village.
Said Tsireya
As much as i wanted to stay hire longet i was tired and i could see my brothers were as well.
-Your right mom and dad will be mad if we arent back on time.
Said Neteyam as we all started to make our way back to the village.When we got back i could see Aonung waiting for us at the beach that was right next to the village.
-Finaly you all took your time hm?
Asked Aonung annoyed.
-Aonung they were learning.
Said Tsireya as she started to walk out of the water.
-Yeah and maybe if you went with us you would be happy for onec.
I said looking at him as i was now getting out of the water with my siblings as well.He looked at me for a second like he had nothing to say.
-Look fish lips if you dont want us to be late next time you teach us im sure you would love it.
I said now with a smirk on my face.
-In your dreams tree head.
He said as he started to walk to the village.
-Bye to you too fish lips!
I said loudly so he could hear me.
-Im sorry for my brother please do not mind him.
Said Tsireya as she was looking at us.
-Neh dont worry.
Said Loak.
-Well then i will be going.
Said Tsireya as she started to walk after her brother.
-How are they so different?
Asked Neteyam.
-I dont know bro.
Said Loak as we all walked back to our marui.
Tuk was walking next to me all happy as my brothers were walking in front of me.I looked back to see Kiri walking behinde me slower then all of us.I waited for her to get closer to me as Tuk walked to my brothers.
-You okay sis?
I asked
-Yes i just cant belive how pretty the sea can be.
She respondet.
-Same hire
I said with a smile.
As we all got back home mom was makind something to eat as dad started to ask us all about our day.We all started to tell him about it,well mostly Tuk as she was the one talking the most.
Second day on this island and im starting to really see the beauty of it.
The next morning was deferent,this time Rotxo was not with Tsireya but her brother was.
-Where is Rotxo?
I asked .I really started to like his presence.I could see Aonung looking at me as i asked that.
-He cant join us today he has something to do.
Answered Tsireya.
-So what are we doing today?
Asked Neteyam.
-Well pretty much the same as yesterday.
Answered Tsireya.
We all started by rding our ilus and as time went by Loak and Tsireya went somewhere.Neteyam and i were riding our ilus for a little longer when Aonung motioned for us to go back to the surface.
-What is it?
Asked Neteyam as we both got back up.
-Your father needs you.
Answered Aonung looking at my brother.
Asked Neteyam again.
-I dont know go ask him.
Said Aonung annoyed.I could see dad waiting for Neteyam on the  beach.Neteyam started to go to dad but turned back to me.
-Your still up for later right?
He asked.
-Hell yeah i am.
I Answered smiling at him.
-Well see you then Ri.
Said Neteyam as he turnet back to dad.I was looking at him as he go to of his ilu and walked to dad.
-You have a date or something?
Asked Aonung out of nowhere.
I asked looking at him confused.
-He asked you if your still up for it.What was he talking about.
Said Aonung.
-Oh that no its not a date it would be disgusting he is my brother.
I said.Aonung only looked at me waiting for me to tell him what my brother was talking about.
-Me and my brothers  like to go ride our ikrans when the moon is out.
I finished explaining.
-That is fun for you?
He asked.
-Yeah.You know feeling the wind on my face and looking at the stars its just something beautiful.
I told him.
-You do know you can look at the stars from down hire too right?
He asked.
-Yeah i do but its just different.
I Answered.
-If you want i can take you on a ride one day.
-Wha? You want me to go ride that thing?With you?
-First that thing has a name and second is it going to kill you if you go with me?
He said loudly.
-I mean no it would not kill me im just not going on that thing.
-As i said she has a name.
-I dont care about it.
After he said that there was silent.I did not really know what to say and im guessing he did not know what to say eather.
-Can you teach me the hand thing?
I finaly asked.
-What hand thing?
-The hand thing you do when you swim.I want to learn it.
-Oh that.
-So can you teach me?
-Im not sure.It will be hard to learn it when you have demon hands.
He said.Im guessing he was making fun of me but it did not hurt me.It was not as harsh as it was when he was talking to Loak.
-Hey just to let you know i can do a lot of things with my hands.
I replied.
-Yeah? Like what?
-Well with this finger i can make pinky promises.
- Pinky promises.Its a spacial promise only my pinky finger can make.
I said.He was looking at my hands with intrest.
-And this one the middle finger.When  i only show my middle finger its an insolt of some kind.
I said as he was still looking at my hand.
-Is that all?
-Well i mean they are good at helping me climb.
-You dont need to climb hire.
He said now looking at my eyes.
-Well maybe but still.I dont mind my hand.And im sure its not a problem while doing the hand thing.
-We will se.
He said as he did a move with his hand.
-Do this.
He told me.
-What does it mean?
I asked as i tried to do the move.
-It means hello.And your not doing it right.
He said as he took my hand into his and  arranged my fingers to make the same move as he did before.
-There.Now if you move this one like this.
He started as he arranged my fingers again.
-It means bye.
He finished .
-This is hard.
-You only did 2 moves and you already think its hard?
-I guess.
-Well if you think this is hard just wait till we get to exually conversations.
He said as i smiled at him.We spendet the rest of the day like this.Sitting on our ilus and doing hand moves.I must say it was hard breathing under the water but it was 100 times more easy then this.I did not even notice how long we have been like this and the same went for Aonung.I only realised that it was already sun set when i heard some voices that did not belong to Aonung.I looked around to see 3 boys on their ilus comming closer to us.When Aonung noticed them he immediately dropped my hands.
-Heyy Aonung what are you doing hire with the freak?
Asked one of the boys.
-Hello there.
I said as i looked at the boys.I did my best to be nice.
-HAHAHA did it really say hello?
-Yeah it said hello
The two boys said as they looked at me.
-What are you doing hire with the demon Aonung?
Asked one of them.
-He was teaching me the hand thing to talk under the water.
I answered before Aonung could say a word.
-What?Aonung teaching a demon?
Asked one looking at his friends and then at Aonung.
-Guys calm down im sure that he taught them all wrong.
Said one as he looked at Aonung.
-Why would he do that?
I asked as the boys looked at me and then back at Aonung.
- Of course i did.
What did he just say?
-Everything i taught them was wrong.
Aonung said.That made me look at him confused.
I asked as i was looking at him but he did not look at me.
-He said that everything you know is wrong.
Said one of the guys.
-Aonung are you for real?
I asked still looking at him but he did not say anything.
-Aonung i really wanted to learn.
I said sad as my confused face turned into a hurt one.
-I was actually having fun with you.
I said.That made him look at me. I expected a smirk on his face or a smile but all i could see was sadness.I could feel a tear slowly run down my face as the other guys were saying something but i did not even listen. I grabbed the saddle that was on my ilu and started to go to the village.I did not bother to look back as the guys laughed.I just wanted to go home.Just as i started to like him dear Eywa im so stupid.
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winterpower98 · 2 years
Been a while since I asked anything odly specific about the Cursed AU, so here we go:
Remember how in the Calabash episode, MK rather quickly picked up that something was "off"?
Now let's say Jin or Yin acidentaly get stuck in that thing (maybe Mei found their calabash 2.O, or a demon stole it), do you think the twins would realice that something wasn't right, and maybe piece together that they got stuck in their own invention? Or do you think they would just be oblivious, no matter how weard things where, until someone get's them out?
I think they would realize that they got trapped in their own calabash pretty quickly, since they made it (and technically Yin already got stuck in it once during JTTW)
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dreamersplush49 · 1 year
There once was a land, Covered with snow.
In that land that land was a pack of wolfs.
Theier fur was black, as the night sky.
Theier eyes where white, soaked with fear.
In that pack, there was a fox.
It was diffrent then the rest, but they got along.
Its fur was white, pure as the snow.
The pack was weard, but it prosided.
The wolf moved north, wanting to be free.
The north star was there, waithing for everyone to see.
The fox guided them, thru storms and winds.
Setting them free, was what the fox desired.
Yet the task was hard, the north star wasnt so near.
In the dead of night, fox awakened.
He looked outside, into the distance.
And all of a sudent, out of the blue.
There was a light, far far from you.
The fox was curious, it aproched quickly.
Then it saw, the villige in the distance.
The villige was asleep, or so was the fox thot.
It walked thru the streats, exploring some more.
Then all of a sudent, out of the blue.
The fox was captured, as quickly as the storm brew.
The fox was scared, fearing the worsed.
But the humans said, "your our new boss".
They gave it a collar, as red as the sun.
With big black spikes, that reached the sky.
The fox escaped, and returned to its pack.
But they feared him, as humans too.
Fox was confused, it aproched closer.
But the wolfs told him, "your diffrent, your just like the others".
The wolfs left, and the fox watched.
The fox was sad, not understanding anything.
"i am really that diffrent?" he thot, But it was too over.
The fox returned, slowly walking back to the village.
It was his new life now, but he still coulnt accept that.
One day he ran and ran, as far as he can.
But the humans still, cauth him and broth him again.
He ran and ran, until his legs where withered.
But he finaly ran, to the northest of north.
The wolf pack was there, they looked scared and confused.
The fox aproched, slowly but surely.
The wolfs notised him, the watched him.
"Your diffrent, just like the others" they said, they the truth was pure, just like the snow.
"im hire to help you, no matter who i am" and thats how the wolf meet theier fate.
They became pure, floating to the skys.
The new stars where born, and the fox watched.
Its job wasnt over, its never over.
But even if you tame it, the beast inside will do its job no matter what.
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lilundeadarchangel · 1 year
I got tagged by @shunshuntaiga thank you for the tag<33
Song stuck in my head: "Chippin' in" by Damian Ukeje
Last song I listened to: "Never Fade Away"by Samurai
Three favourite foods: poke,I'm eating it a lot these days and I love it,pasta obviously,and strips of chicken with barbeque sauce(I have an obsession)
Last thing I googled: "Kerry Eurodyne missions" because I needed them to know if Kerry would reach for me again or not,my obsession with this man is getting worse everyday but it's fine(it's not)
Dream trip: Rome,without a doubt. I'm so attached to it because of Suburra
Anything I want right now: the Samurai jacket V has in cp77,I need it.
I'm tagging a few people but everyone who read this can do it freely<33 @weardes @nwheregirl @imaginary-wanderer @beatthefuckers @ginwicche @saltlordofold
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zippydoodlez · 2 years
i got bored so i bring you... Another crossovr!
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idk what im doing anymore ;w;... also sorry if image qualaty looks bad or anything gets messed up. my tumblr gets a bit glitchy at times xD
another two notes
this is not a ship! i advisally dont ship ether of the cupbros with huggywuggy this was just for fun .w.
sorry if this isnt a chrismas upload ill make a small specil for that maybe tommorow or the next day :D
(also to anyone new to my tumblr then welcome :D glad to see you here and i hope you enjoy your stay and sorry if the first cupple posts are kinda weard lol ^^)
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imaginary-wanderer · 1 year
I got tagged by @doomcheese (hi friend! 😊)
Tag ten some people you wanna get to know better!
relationship status: single
song stuck in my head: Summer Clouds - How Great Were The Robins
last song I listened to: Nocturne III - Tom Ashbrook
three favourite foods: homemade pizza margherita, bread with salted butter, potatoes (so many possibilities)
last thing I googled: bretzel rezept
dream trip: a trip across Scandinavia and Central Europe + Italy. (Also a Suburra Tour in Rome 👀)
anything I want right now: sign a permanent contract at my job. I need this stability.
Tagging: @pumpking64, @saltlordofold, @weardes, @local-thembo, @krejong, @quinbi (don't mind me if you're not interested)
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pozge-pridumayu · 2 months
I got a weard ass episode going on
I can't feel happy at all
Sadness also isn't exactly there
But the rest of emotions are especially emotioning
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rotten-dan · 2 months
dan, you got any technically bad movies that you still really like and think are really underrated anyway?
(ask because that deadpool movie with hugh jackman in it exists now, and it reminded me of the 2004 van helsing that he also did. i think it has a lot to like!)
idk is so hard for me to think aobut like what i would call bad but i still like it but evil dead 2? (1987) amybe???? cuz it sure is cheesy as fcuk and so weard but I LOVE IT I LOVE CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEE I LOVE ONE LINERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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If I got a Dollar every time a middle aged Man who wears an Trenchcoat, has or had some problems with a godlike being in the past or present and is actually pretty smart but socially verry awkward, is heavily Queer Coded by the Fandom plus appeared in a show or game that has some sort of supernatural beings in it, I would have 3 Dollars.
Wich isn't much but it's Weard that it happened 3 times
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thesilentlands · 1 year
Chapter 7: The Copper City (part 2-2)
As Volt finished setting up the admin comands for Micheal a sudent door creak meet him, it was Vanessa and she was confused and terrified at the sight of Volt, volt slowly aproched her and she just stod where she was, motionless
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-Hello there! -w-what are you?? -oh please excuse my aplerance - Volt went back on standing on four legs - im Michaels companion, i was named Volt -he didnt mention he had a dog, where is he? -The atmospher got to him, he finaly asleep -what do you mean by that? -oh um, im not supoust to say where Michael comes from -why not? -hes sensitive about it -really? -yes! He dosent trust humans ive notised -why? -i dont know, can i trust you? -you can trust me if i trust you -how can i earn it? -i hate to say it but maybe you can show or tell something about yourself or Michael -Are you able to hold my and Michaels secret? -i mean yeah, i dont like sniching on people - good, maybe this will enlighten your mind a bit.- Volt opened his mouth to show a single slot where a power lens once was.
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-is this... -yes it is -so that must mean that you and Michael come from a bunker -how can you tell that HE comes from one -so where he somes from? -well... A bunker.. -are you guys like evil? -why would you say that? -arent bunker people like, evil and crazy over power? -ive escaped from one, i was almoust dead when i came to another bunker opening, there ive meet Michael, he helped me, hes a good guy -huh, so you guys are fine? -you can say that, we wont cause no harm -alright then, i will hold your secret -good, otherwise i will bit your face off -WHAT?! -just kidding! HaHa, but seriously dont tell anyone, michael isnt used to human interaction, he told me that -alright alright! But i have one more question -what is it? -since Michael is with you, does that mean that he has a power lens? -... He does, do you know about them? - a little, but still -what do you think -im yet disturbed about the sudent burst of information but im also exited! -exited? -think about it, lens holders are really rare to see, but there is one inside your room, and one that your gonna live with -i cant think about that, what can i do for now -well you can come down stairs and go meet everyone, just remember to not tell about anything -of course i remember -alright lets go! - they both walk out of the room and shut the door.
9 hours later
Michael finaly wakes up, a bit puzzled on how he have fallen asleep but still happy that he finaly did, he notised something tho, he felt diffrent, not only refreshed but more weard in a seanse, he sat down and little bit unraveled his bandages that covered his power lens and he notised something. The lens glowed brighter and something strange happend once he activeted it, previously there was only an orb but now the orb had an closed eye, Michael poked the eye and it opened up.
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-Welcome [A_Michael]! -w-what? What are you? -i am your lens guide! Please allow me to introduce your new system logs, you mech has allowed you to acces about 50% more of your systems! -what is happening, why werent you awake the first time? -i wasnt active silly! Would you like to how whats avaiable now? -i mean.. sure, show me - Michaels guide created a few pop up windows -your first new attachment is that you can recall your orb when its launched somewhere far away from you! -arent you the orb? -i can take it for a short period guide you are tell you new things! -intresting. -continue? -yeah go ahed -your next thing is to create power liquid extenstions from your previous wonds! - w- how do you know about them? -im in your body silly! I tho i got to say, dont you think theres too much on them? -i dont wanne talk about it - Michael said in a little agresive voice, the Guide covered his eye and scuried a bit away from Michael, Michael then looked a bit worried and he was saying again in a calm voice -whats wrong? -...y- you arent hitting me? -why would i? You where just curious -well yeah, but we arent allowed to be curious -what do you mean "we"?, Are you connected to other lenes? -we are.. in a sort of hive mind, we can comunicate with eath other, but they disconected everyone, only few are still online but they chose to be quiet, but i can still seanse the distress calls from everyone bellow... -im sorry, it just im not used to talk about them -can you tell me something? -what is it? -are all bunkers that terrable that you have so many wonds? -i guess so, they all are mad, they hurt you mentaly and phisicly, but how can you remember it? -the mech that they put me in gave me vision, they created something that looked like a hive of sadness and pain, and also seam to be digging for something.. -maybe materials -maybe, im sorry its just i thot that youd be bad and... -hey its ok, at lest we arent in thos hell holes anymore -yeah OH! -whats that? -youve got a message from your mech! -his name is Volt if you must know -ill make sure to note that, opening the message now - Guide opened a screan that looked like a group chat room.
-Michael is awake? -how do i.. interact with this pad? -you can ither say it or type it down hire -oh -yes, where are you? -downstairs, everyone hire, they dont see me now, chatting with you. -well im going there.. -wait you must know something -what? -Vanessa knows. -what? -OP cant speak no more! They getting suspisious. -what do you mean she know? -... -hello??
-he disconected -great, well thanks for your guidance but youll need to hide -right, have a good day! -bye.. - Michael puts back the bandages back in theier place, to hide the lens and then he gets up, he still wonders what Volt could mean by that? But he shrugs it off for now, he walks to the door and opens it.
After exiting and closing the door behind he hears a some people talking downstairs, he also hears disfigured dog barks, he slowly walks down stairs, to be unexpected meet with a suprise from the cealing.
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-Boo! -Hello? -ugh your no fun -what are.. thos things? -oh yeah, meet my forever friends! One with the lashes is called thorns and the other one is petels -weard names but alright -rude.. HEY EVERYONE, THIS DUDE IS UP - after screaming that Rose abd her pals returned to the void hole.
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Everyone was hire, they looked at Michael and happily welcomed him.
-you had a good night - Frank said -yeah, how long was i out? -9? 10 hour something like that, alright since everyone, whos not on a expedition, is hire why dont we introduce our selfs fully -alright! - Niko happily said -but youll go first Frank!
-fine. Well mine name is Frank Dagger im stuck at 37 years, before all the time substance stuff i worked in a blacksmith with my father and mother, but when the time stuff roled into exsistinc, it made us live forever, after that the black smith bisness has fallen and my parents where never sean, again, they severed contact with me almoust imidietly, but also that im a pretty lucky war veteran, that should explain mine mechanical body parts -do you work somewhere? -of course! We all work in the adventurer guild, you know where they send you out on expedition and stuff like that, i also know a lot about building mechs, my mechanical limbs are all mine work! - i see.
-Guess ill go next, my name is Vanessa Goldleaf, age is stuck at 26, before i was still in collage, but after im now a wildlife biologist, plant biologist and i partly work at the adventurer guild, you know to explore the odd wild life that was created -i see, and whats your story?
-mine turn! Im Nico Clocktick, im 13 years old!, i come from really far, my legs are made from blades, my far away friend made thos for me, he sometimes even visits! Oh got a little too over my self, i do the work around the house, ans i also go on advetures sometime! -arent you too young to do that? - im doing the best of you friend! -hes a pretty energetic kid - frank said -i see, so i guess its my turn, im Michael Walker, mine age is stuck at 24, i.. come also from a far, i worked as a.. i mean i also worked as someone who goes and adventures, and i came hire because i got kicked out from the previous city -what did you do that you got kicked out -em.. its weard, i feel like i been set up -i see, it happends all the time, but why wouldnt you fight back to stay there -they set me up good, i couldnt fight back -like i said it happends, alright i conclude... Oh yeah Rose havent introduce her self -Hissssss -fine then dont -soo what do we do now? -its sunday so we just do what ever -hey.. maybe i can take Michael out and show him around town - Vanessa said -you know, hes new -thats a great idea what do you say Michael -i mean... Sure, why not -Alright! Just let me change my outfit -Vanessa got up and walked upstairs -Volt -oh! Its you! Your awake! -yeah how are you doing? -Great! Frank is a great guy, Niko is a bit weard but well get along eventually - Michael got closer and whispered -what did you mean by that text of yours -youll find out soon -what? -Im ready! Lets go -oh yeah, lets go - Michael and Vanessa walk outside and imidietly as the door closes Vanessa starts a small, quiet chat -so your from a bunker huh? -WHA. Um yeah?? -its.. Really cool! How was there? -you arent disguasted? -why would i be? You seam like a really nice guy! I thot only assholes and people who think they are the highes come from there -i mean.. your right there are only assholes how there -oh, so everyone is right about bunkers, how did you got out - i found the last master key, and just left -nobody nosided you? -nope -left just like that -heh, so you know nothing about the outside? -i know nothing -oh boy you got a lot to learn.
Then Michael and Vanessa chatted about how diffrent theier lifes where, it was no suprise to Vanessa that life in the bunker can and is difficult, but to Michael life outside was a pretty big suprise.
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-so, what do you think of this place? -its fine, better then a bunker -yeah, your probobly right. Say you straight went from your bunker to this city? -we first tryed to went to a bigger city, but someone told us that it dosent exsist anymore and that there was only "man eatting grass"? -oh, you went a little too far, what did you did then? -the guy gave us a lift to a vault, and it showed us where to go, and hire i am -intresting, ive been hire almoust all my life, its a pretty nice city for the most part -im still pretty new to the world you can say -yeah you are, you can also say that you where in a whole other world -heh, yeah... Are we like, friends now? - i guess so, a little bit forced because Volt told your whole bunker stuff, and the lens stuff too, but dont worry about it -HE EVEN TOLD YOU ABOUT THE LENS?! -Hush! People can hear -oh yeah, im just a little mad that it had to come out this way -at least you can trust me, cuz now your friend -im still not sure, in the bunker people would lie, tell behind your back and do a bunch of other stuff -hey, its not the bunker anymore, i know what i say is going to sound weard to you, but you need to let go of what happend -i know, but its difficult, it will take some time for me to forget -i know, but im sure that it will make you feel better -thanks.. -wanne grab some ice cream? -sure! I havent tasted them in ages -REALLY? Thats a crime! -haha.
They both went near a park to buy the ice cream and to sit down, Vanessa treated Michael to some lemon and blueberry scoops wail she got a vanila with too many cheries.
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-soo should i know anything else about living hire? -do you know about the titan threats, by any chance? -Wh. Of course not! What are thos?? -well, one titan that you can see from time to time is the one thats carrying the sun -so the sun is fake now? -well, since we are hire forever and i guess the world is infinite something has to shine light, a normal sun couldnt exsist. Oh and it somehow disapered, i dont know why -weard... So what are the other titans? -well there is one in the ocean, it resembes like a gigant worm thats made from flesh, gives me the creeps when i think about it -has it been hire? -a few times, our defances always scare it off, but its been silent for the past 12 years now -maybe it died -i dout it, they are few of the creatures that where given imortality by the time substance -dam, are there any others? -well there are about 13 more but they are beyond the grass -there is something past it? -yeah a whole other world, many metal citys are there. Not gonna lie, its pretty easy to just fly over it -i figuret.
-have you consideret what you wanne do? -what do you mean now? -well, like a job, you know? -i havent thinked about it, hmm -have you consideret working at the adventurer guild -a little, but i wanne get used to the new place first, you know, nothing too fast -oh yeah. Also its getting kinda late -oh yeah, we should get back -yeah, and as i promised i wont tell no one that your from a bunker, or that you have a lens -yeah, again thanks for keeping my secrets -no problemo!
They both started walking back to theier house, Michael, despite his past experiance, really enjoyed company of Vanessa. He feels somewhat safe around her. Vanessa also enjoyed todays day, she Was going to show more but since the darkness aproched, she wouldnt risk it.
-hello everyone, we are back! -good, you both had a nice day? -yeah been around town, showing Michael stuff -oh ok, i wont boder you for now -where is Volt? -oh, he desided to stay with me for some time,hope you dont mind that -oh, no its alright -we gonna go now -alright, bye.
Vanessa and Michael both enter theier room -emm, where is the bathroom? -oh! Door to the left at the beguining of the hallway -thanks -ill go change, it wont be long -alright - Michaels enters the bathroom and looks at him self in the mirror, the thouth to him self, that hes gonna be finaly happy hire
-Hello Michael, i hope i dont bother you with anything but Volt whats to chat -alright give it hire.
-arent you worried? -i mean dudes a mechanic so i guess its good -as you say,ill be going now -goodbye -see ya!
-MICHAEL. -yeah? -HELP. -whats going on? -THIS DUDE WHATS TO UPDATE ME -so whats wrong with that? -WHAT IF HE FINDS OUT. -... then we are gonna live with it i guess -HELP I DONT WANNE. -Volt listen i know that your scared, but think about this,you probobly been in a bunker for many many years, and your software Must be upgraded -I KNOW. -then why are you afraid? -IVE NEVER HAD AN UPDATE. -dont worry, if he does anything bad to you let me know -OK.
*from behind the door* -Michael who are you talking to? -eee *whisper* should i tell her? -do what you think is best -*sigh* fine. You wanne know? -if you what you. can tell me -go to the living room, ill go there soon -alright? - he hears her foot steps walking away before hearing her sit on the bed.
Michael then changes too, into much conftable clouthing and walks in to the loving room
-hi im back -so what you wanted to show me -well -he sits on the floor, next to the bed -since i have a lens, why not show you some stuff -oh, i didnt thing it will looks so... Weard -well it is just a yellow glass thats in my skin -but whats with the yellow veins -still not sure why they are this way.. -any why are they going up to your pathed eye? - oh um UM -hold on, dont move -hey what are you doing - Vanessa gently removez the eyepath to reavel the lens eye -oh -you think its disguasting, dont you? -well, it is a bit weard to look at someone with a weard eye like that, but if your not conftable i can put it again -no it fine, we are alone so yeah, i dont have to wear it for now -yeah your right.
-huh -what? -ive just notised you dont have that mask on your head anymore -yeah i should come clear of something. I have a SLIGHT hair loss in that arena, but im treating it -well good for you -im curious about something -what is it? -why do you have soo many bandages? -i... Dont wanne talk about it right now -alright. now about that lens -oh yeah, have a look.
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Michael opened his hand and the orb flew from inside the lens, then the orb transformed in to the guide
-Hello again -who is this little fella? -hes mine guide, hes pretty nice -thanks.. -heh -so what can you show me -oh yeah, what can i do right now guide? -well you can chose the information,holografic or modefication tab, chose! -what does the holografic tab do? -i can show you a place, a thing or what ever you like as a hologram! Ill even gave you a breaf discription of the thing, but if you wanne know more refer to the information tab -you have any recuests? -can you show me the Great Deer Beetle? -of course! *Loading* -thats a weard recuest -well im not going up close to thos things, but i wanne know some stuff about them for my reserch, oh i see -done- the hologram portrated a gigant beetle that had very long limbs, the beetle had huge dear horns and big wings -The Great Deer Beetle, is a species of a meat eating gigant insect that dosent apper in this arena, theier habitas are usually dark forsets. now, what would you like to know? -i have a few questions, can they be tamed, are theier posionous and can they spit stuff - the Guide then explained to her about when and how to tame them and denyed some things -thanks a lot! Hold on let me note it all -my plesuere, take good care of Michael, ill be going now! -GUIDE -heh! -dont laught at that! -fine, but you really helped me, otherwise i wouldnt know that they kill humans -yeah *yawn* getting tired again -you need to explain to me how it was in there someday -someday, right now i wanne sleep -you arent sleeping on the bed? I could make a barrier with the pillows between us -i havent showered, i dont what to get the sheets dirty, also im used to sleep on the floor -fine as you say.
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