#i guess he has muscles and sweats a lot or something
kurishiri · 1 day
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alfons v.s. ring . . . ring schwartz epilogue 💍
— this translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties due to characterization or narrative flow purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost these or claim these as your own!
— cw: suggestive undertones.
Kate: If it’s come to this... then let’s do it! I mean, pretending to do naughty things!
Ring: Y-yeah, I do know that’s our only choice here, but... there’s no way I could do it.
R: Um, those kinds of things... I’ve never actually done them before!
R: But... s-since you’re really cute... I’m sure you have plenty of experience and whatnot...!
Kate: W-what do you mean, ‘plenty,’ there’s no way I have that much experience! Anyway, forget about that, we need to do something about this...
K: Ring, you go shake and push on the bed to make it creak!
K: And I’ll listen in on the other room and make sounds to match!
Ring: ...That seems more doable.
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Ring went atop the bed and started to jump on it.
The bed did start creaking, to be sure, but it also was making some jarring noises that made me think the bed was really about to break down.
Kate: Could you be a bit more gentle though, Ring? It’s too much...!
Ring: Oh, umm, then... how about this!?
He briskly stepped off the bed before he put both hands on the bed and started to push down.
By doing so, he could create a good creaking sound that didn’t go too far.
Woman’s voice: The bed from the room next door has started creaking.
Man’s voice: In that case, they’re probably just a pair of lovebirds. Guess we were worrying ourselves over nothing.
Woman’s voice: ...That said, don’t you think it’s strange that there’s not a peep from the other side?
(Oh, that’s right! I have to make noise too.)
Kate: Ah, ahh... ahhn...
Ring: H-hey, um. I can’t say I’ve heard others doing you-know-what before, so I may be wrong, but...
R: When women do, you know, the deed, do they really sound this monotone...?
Kate: I mean, we’re not actually doing it, so that makes it harder...
Woman’s voice: The panting from the room next door sounds a bit strange, wouldn’t you say?
Man’s voice: It sounds real flat...
(First Ring, and now the two in the next room over are doubting me too...! At times like these, then...!)
Kate: I-I’m really, really sorry! I’ve been told by a lot of partners that my panting sounds suuuper flat!
At this point, I decided to play into the role of ‘a woman whose pants sound flat’ as I raised my voice.
Ring: N-no matter how you are, I won’t mind at aaalll!
While continuing to push down on the bed, Ring returned a fitting line in response.
...Very monotonously, may I add, for the both of us.
Woman’s voice: ...Huh, I guess they really are just one odd couple.
Man’s voice: I mean, seeing as they’re using a room of a strange manor like this, that would be a given, probably.
Kate: Oh, thank goodness, it seems they’ve bought the act...! Let’s keep this up then!
Ring: Alright... but, sorry, I’m a bit hot, so I’ll take my jacket off.
Seeing as the bed is hard, having to push down hard enough to make sounds continuously must have taken a considerable amount of stamina.
With that, Ring casually took off his top layer and put it aside.
Maybe because of the way his clothes fit his body so well, his well-trained muscles were brought to the surface.
The sweat that came from shaking the bed moved traced the back of his neck, making him quite sexy.
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Ring: ...Kate? Is there something wrong?
Kate: N-no, not at all! It’s nothing——
Taken aback at having become more conscious of Ring, my legs buckled suddenly,
and, preparing for the impact, I closed my eyes then and there.
Kate: ...!
(Hm? Wait, it doesn’t hurt...?)
Ring: Are you okay?
When I slowly opened my eyes, there Ring was, nearby, as he asked with a touch of worry in his voice.
(So Ring is the one who saved me and stopped the fall...)
Our bodies were touching, and I could feel his body was a bit warmer than mine, and he gave off a pleasant, earthy scent.
(Even though he’s holding me in his arms, he seems completely unperturbed... his appearance hardly betrays the fact he must be training regularly.)
(...Wait, what in the world are you looking at, Kate!?)
Kate: T-thank you for saving me. I’ll let go now.
Ring: ...Wait.
Kate: Huh...
When his earnest voice stopped me stiff, Ring’s hand gently slid to my cheek.
(W-what the...!?)
Ring: Your face is all red. Did you hit it somewhere?
(Oh... so he was worried for me.)
Kate: N-no, I didn’t. I’m fine.
Ring: But...
Kate: It’s just... we’re so close together that I’m a bit nervous... is all...
Ring showed no sign of pulling away himself, so I opted to give him an honest answer then. And when I did, Ring also turned red, as though it had moved over from me to him.
Ring: I-I see... then, umm, I’m glad if you’re okay.
R: Sorry for keeping you like that. ...And should we continue then? What we were doing before, I mean.
After that, we continued our act of panting and shaking the bed until we exited the room.
Ring looked exhausted as we exited the room, and there was Alfons, waiting out in the hallway.
Alfons: Thank you for your hard work. Now then, were you able to listen in for what we needed?
Kate: Yes, all of it and everything...
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Alfons: My word, is that a hoarse voice I hear? And not only that...
A: I see Ring has stripped his outer layer off and is positively sweaty as well.
A: Would it be safe to assume... you two have gone aaall the way, by any chance?
Ring & Kate: “No!” “Absolutely not!”
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will vs darius jude vs nica alfons vs ring
← prev fin
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END NOTES: this story was so silly and makes me smile whenever i read it, haha. ring seems to be the most popular of the vogel trio, seeing he has gotten a dark mafia design, and it’s not hard to see why. his charm is in his innocence, and it’s like a breath of fresh air in this game, and i hope i could capture it too.
i’m overall curious about all the vogel members and feel this story event is a strong debut for all three. thank you for reading, and hope you enjoyed! i’d love to hear your thoughts as well ♡
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full masterlist 🪞💍
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Ashton @ The 5SOS Show Tour LA - 14 September 2023
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buckyalpine · 7 months
Did You Hear
Fluffyy crack fic and nothing else. Imagine Tony Stark's shy new assistant sitting at the kitchen island for breakfast, getting a cup of tea before heading to the lab. She's sipping from her steaming mug when a very pretty super solider walks in from his run and the heat rising in her cheeks isn't from the hot Earl Grey.
"Mornin' y/n" He gives you a polite smile while he makes his way to the fridge and you had to silence the squeak that nearly escapes your lips. He's in a pair of snug grey sweats which are resting sinfully low on his hips and his tight black t-shit showing off every divot and curve of muscle on his torso. You bite you lip as he bends down to grab a cold bottle of water, silencing a squeal with a sip of tea.
"Morning, Sergeant" You give him a smile and the lopsided grin he gives you as he goes on about his day leaves you giggling and kicking your feet. You were just about finished your cup when Nat walked in next, looking you up and down with a shake of her head.
"Bucky was here, wasn't he" She playfully rolled her eyes knowing the effect the brunette had on you. "What happened this time"
"Bucky has a cute butt" You giggled, while Nat snorted at your flustered state. "And slutty thighs"
"Do you ever plan on actually telling him"
"No!" You vigorously shook your head. That was out of the question for you; you were happy to admire the soldier from afar. The last thing he'd want is to have to deal with is the playground crush you had on him anyway, it was a miracle he even noticed you. "He doesn't even see me that way"
"Well, guess we'll never know" She sassed as you slipped off the stool to make your way to the lab.
"I'm happy to admire God's work from a safe distance!" You called over your shoulder while Nat shook her head, smirking to a third person you didn't see who was lingering near the kitchen, very happy to listen intently to the conversation that was taking place.
The one that was supposed to be a secret from Bucky's ears.
That wouldn't do.
"Did you hear?" Sam grinned, sauntering over where Bucky was sparring with Steve, both men panting after already going for a few rounds. "Word on the street is you have a cute butt"
"What" Bucky deadpanned while Steve smirked, watching the heat in his friends cheeks already starting to creep up to his ears.
"Mhm, that little tush of yours has been getting a lot of attention lately"
"From who" Bucky's face scrunched up in confusion, frowning when Sam cackled, clapping his shoulder.
"Tony's cute lil assistant" He says with a wink, noting the immediate change in Bucky's demeanor, his frown falling off his face, replaced with a very pink blush.
"You mean y/n?"
"Uh huh. Must've been those slutty grey sweats you've been running around in"
"Extremely. Especially with those thighs"
"And how do you know this" Bucky struggled to bite back a smile, not wanting to get his hopes up until he was sure. "There's no way she-
"Heard her talking to Nat this morning. She sounded real excited after seeing you and your cute butt" Sam gave him a swat causing him to yelp.
"Hm. Interesting" The soldier nodded already looking towards the showers so he could rinse off and find you.
"Yeah, yeah, go find your girl" Steve shoved Bucky off the mat with a grin. Bucky jogged off to the lab right after a shower, purposely throwing on a new pair of his snug joggers. He smirked as he walked in seeing you fully focused on a small creation Tony created, tinkering away without noticing him.
"Hey doll"
"Ser-sergeant!" You squeaked in surprise as he strode inside, dropping the gadget you were working on, "What can I help you with"
"Sam told me something earlier", Bucky shrugged casually while you stayed frozen in your seat, your heart rate picking up the closer he got. "Was wonderin' if you knew anything about it"
"What's-what's that" You fidgeted nervously, his baby blues staring at you intently, loving how flustered you looked.
"Someone said something about me having a cute butt"
"Oh" You looked like deer in headlights, wishing the ground would swallow you whole.
"Oh?" Bucky smirked while you hid your face in your hands, ready to sink to the floor and hide under the table, he must have thought you were such a pervert. "And something about slutty thighs-
"Not just your butt! All-all of you is cute all over" You squeaked out before slapping a hand over your mouth realizing you were making it worse.
"All of me, huh" Bucky pried your hand away from your face, cupping your cheek instead, the cool metal of his arm soothing your hot skin. "So you do think I have a cute butt and slutty thighs"
His thumb came up to pull your bottom lip away from where it was caught between your teeth, smiling at the little nod you gave him, too scared to open your mouth.
"Well I'm glad"
"Y-you are?" You shyly whispered, nearly whining when he brought his other hand to hold your face gently, his lips brushing against yours.
"Mhm, means I can do this" You went limp in his hold, every muscle in your body turning into mush as he kissed your lips sweetly, the gentle peck feeling like he'd stolen your breath away. "Don't faint on me sweets" Bucky chuckled as he pulled away, seeing the dazed look on your face.
"Such a cute butt" You whispered to yourself, eyes growing wide when you realized you said that out loud. You buried yourself in his chest making Bucky grin, kissing the top of your head.
"Want to grab coffee with my cute butt?" Bucky tipped your chin up to look at him, "I'll even bring my slutty thighs" He threw in with a wink.
"Promise?" You giggled while he slipped in his hand in yours, leading you towards the door.
"Scouts honor, doll"
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starfishstark · 2 months
NOTE guys this prompt got a hold of me, so blame @ofstarsandvibranium for the midnight horrible writing
WARNINGS 1.6K words, violence, death of a non-MC, smut (you freaks), lots of religious imagery and refrences to Qimir being god-like (he is)
PAIRING qimir x princess! reader
you and young jedi qimir fall in love when he's guarding you as a member of the royal family. you're stricken away from each other in the name of duties and responsibilities, and the love is thought to be a lost cause to you...until you see him again, holding a vibrant red saber to the throat of your betrothed.
Oh my stars, he was just as beautiful as the day he left. Even with grim over his face, and sweat glistening over his skin. The red reflected off of him in a way that she could only compare to heavenly. Oh what a horrible idea…
It was just a mistake, that was all. As a kid, she should have known she couldn’t have grown close to any Jedi. As a teenager, she should have recognized her faults, and moved past them. Not whatever happened between them then, puppy innocent love. Nothing tainted, nothing impure, simply just a love that bloomed between them, first love. 
But it could never meant to be. She knew she had to grow into her royal duties, one day marry into a rich royal family somewhere out there to settle down and provide heirs for that family as she wasn’t the eldest.
And Qimir…he was a Jedi. He could never have that without forsaking what he has stood for all his life. So once the threat on the royals’ lives had ended, he was sent away. And she never thought of him again…
That was completely false, by the way. It was like every waking second after his departure was spent in reminiscence of him. 
Every lesson became a guess if he would like the subject or not. Every lonely stroll became a daydream about his presence. Every late night was spent wishing he was there guarding her room from the inside, holding her in warrior strengthened arms and confessing the sweet love he had for her. 
As time washed past, the remembrance faded away, until the impending face of reality dawned upon her. There was no point in wishing over something she would never have, something that wouldn’t serve her people. 
She had a royal duty to be bound elsewhere and provide heirs. It was time she forgot about the boy that only stayed weeks, but occupied her mind for years.
But he stood here, grinning like a madman, but at least he was grinning.
“Qimir?” She asked softly, not daring to guess if it was him or not. 
The guard took her by the arm, pulling her away, "Princess, you need to step away. Our priority is getting you to safety—”
“What do you mean- oh.” 
She saw it, the reason he was grinning so widely. In his arms he held the man she was meant to marry in the crook of his elbow, squeezing the neck so tightly that the eyes started to bulge out, but her eyes stayed focused on the sheer mass of muscle he displayed. He wore white…white, like her husband was supposed to on the wedding day. White, and red that made him glow in her eyes. 
“Qimir, what is this?”
“I read…” He started off, clearly his throat, trying to soften his voice. “I read about your laws and traditions, princess…” He glanced off at the man he was currently strangling, holding the end of a small dagger like saber, to his head, a look full of disgust and malice. “And this idiots’ laws too…If I kill him off, I get his wife or his kingdom…and to your laws, all you need to provide is a backup heir for your kingdom…it doesn’t matter who the father is.”
“Of course it does, it needs to be of royal blood,” She answered simply, face and thoughts going more and more blank the longer she spent in his presence. He was really here, and it was flattering he wanted to marry her, but really it could never work out he was a Jedi-
The red saber stared back at, as if taunting her to continue her thoughts. 
No, no, ok, makes sense, he’s a Jedi anymore, but…if he wasn’t Jedi, what was he?
Qimir cocked an eyebrow and smirked at the ministry to her right. “Is that so?”
The Ministry looked down in shame. “No, you are wrong princess…He…he is right. The father does not matter if at least the mother is in direct blood of the throne.”
Her face dropped, looking at them equally with shame and a repulsion, and then panicking, looking suddenly at her fiance’s impending death in the eyes. “Wait, wait, Qimir, don’t be rash, we don’t have to kill him, you’ll enable an entire army of attacks, think rationally here-”
“Oh princess…” He crooned, a glaze in his eyes that never left her, not even for a second. He tilted his head, turning her fiance in tow with him. “Shh…If it’ll hurt, you can close your eyes this time. This isn’t the first time I’ve killed for you…and it won’t be the last either. Shhh, sh…close your eyes.”
“You…you can’t do this,” She tried again stupidly. 
“Yes, yes I can…” he whispered, voice impossibly soft when the subject was the murder of a royal in front of her, her supposed fiance… well not anymore, a little voice in her head cooed, sounding impossibly like Qimir in that moment. 
“Just close your eyes, princess, nothing to see here…the wedding will commence like normal…and nothing will come between us again.”
“Qimir, please, he’s innocent,” She whispered, tears springing in her eyes.
“Princess, c’mon now, don’t make this more difficult for yourself…close your eyes, and cover your ears.”
She glanced at the man she was strangling, taking a full moment to beg for forgiveness in herself, before she turned around closing her eyes and covered her ears. She thought she could practically feel Qimir’s grin resonating around her, and the second her ex-fiances’ body hit the floor. After a moment of silence, a hand rested at her shoulder, turning her around. 
Qimir’s handsome face tugged at her heartstrings, even when she knew that the hands he touched her so softly with were stained with blood. His eyes were alike to a puppy, with hope filling a spark in them that she would marry him and they could love again, the love that never truly fades. His hair framed his face, since when was it that long? Oh she hadn’t seen him in that long.
“Ready to get married, princess?”
After the marriage, no one really dared to come near him after he so simply beheaded the heir to a million count kingdom. Suffice to say, no one would bother them for a while…especially during their wedding night. When he had face pushed against the pillow while he took his time learning his way around her body once again. 
“When I-” He cut off with a sharp thrust that rendered her useless under him, whining some nonsense about how good everything felt, “saw the wedding announcement, princess, I nearly killed him that night. Almost consumed him in the force itself, that bastard, trying to take what’s mine.”
“Yours, yours, yours, Qimir, I’m so sorry—”
“Shhh, it’s ok, princess, I’m not mad at you,” he crooned into her ear, his nose tracing a line up and down her neck in comfort as he forced himself further into her, the mess dripping onto the bedsheets and down her thighs. “You didn’t have a choice, you thought you had to do it…I know you would have chosen me if you could, oh poor baby, you thought you were all alone…”
His voice was so soft onto her, like velvet that soothed all the cuts left behind by the years he wasn’t there. “It’s ok… I’m here now, princess…”
She gasped softly when he pulled out just to thrust all the way in again, his fingers coming up to push her head back into the mattress, forcing her hips higher and straightening back out. “Stars, princess, I dreamed of this so much when I didn’t have you…did you dream of me?”
“Almost every night, Qimir, missed you so much,” She blabbed, feeling tears peak at her eyes with how long he was dragging this out. “Please, please, please, need you, need you now, please—”
“Shhh, shh, baby, maybe if it’s easier, you should close your eyes,” He whispered, a mockery of the circumstances before their wedding, sending a shiver involuntarily down her shoulder. “I know what you need, just-” he thrusted again, pressing a spot inside her that made her see stars “-relax.”
She practically melted in his grip, while he breathed heavily above her, the sound like a symphony to heaven’s gates to her. Like pure bliss exploding on her skin, ever second he was with her. 
“Fuck, I love you so much, princess, baby, you love me too, don’t you? Stars, I did this all for you, I fucking love you.”
“I love you, I love you, Iloveyou, Iloveyou-” The phrase became a mantra on her tongue, a prayer that died the second he started to move on her. Prayers were answered, an alter laid before her. He had the wings of an angel, and the eyes of the devil when he peered at her with such power laid in his hands. His blood-streaked hands, like the acceptance of a sacrifice, sacrifice in her name, if he was god, what does that make her? The worship he gave to her, laying practically at her feet, jumping down from his pedestal for a touch of mortality from her lips, and the dangers of being young forever when they touched. 
“You’re mine, princess, no other dirty prince will ever touch you,” He whispered to her, and she knew she believed in faith when his words rang like truth itself in her core. 
When they both finished, he laid next to her, curling her hair behind her ear and pressing gentle kisses to her forehead, each one like sunlight on her skin. She knew what it was like to be touched by a god. 
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petew21-blog · 4 months
I'm the dad now
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"Come on Dad, this is gonna hurt both of us. Just stop fighting and let go. You're not gonna win."
The hairy man was alone in the bathroom fighting with himself, screaming in pain, grabbing his neck and trying to comfort himself. He spoke to himself, which may sound schizophrenic, but this wasn't the case. He was being possessed for the first time by his teenage son, Joe, who had big troubles at school for skiping classes. Joe wasn't usually the type to skip school, but there was this bully he wanted to get back at. He found way to possess someone, but it took a lot of practice to do. You couldn't just possess someone asleep, but them being awake was the thing that made it so hard. They fought and the more they fought the harder it became to stay in the body. But after many many hours of possessing multiple students of his for just a few seconds, he finally felt like he could be ready to possess his bully now. If it weren't for the letter from school that came in mail this morning. Joe opened it and saw that they asked his father to come by for a meeting with the principal. "Oh, no. My dad can't see this. I have to do something." An evil and slightly reckless idea followed.
And as you guessed correctly, Joe's idea was to just possess his father and go to the meeting himself. Did he think about the consequences? No. But that didn't matter now, because his father still faught for his body pretty hard. The only lucky thing for Joe was that his father won't remember the process of possession.
"I win dad. I am stronger. You have to sleep now and let it go!"
Few minutes of fight followed and then quiet.
Joe laughed with tears in his eyes. Sweat all ower his body from the fight. "You could have atleast made my possession a bit easier than this, dad."
Now was the perfect time to hurry up, dress dad's body and meet the principal. But Joe's teenage mind went to a different place. His dad can be late. It's about Joe's life. Not him. He only has to show up
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Joe P.O.V.
"Damnnnnn dad! You have really been hitting the gym recently, haven't you? Maaan look at me" I didn't expect this to be so hot. I was a bit grossed out possessing my own dad, but now I might actually enjoy this.
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"I never noticed, how really handsome you are, daddy." Hairy pecs, beautiful biceps. You're a real man, I'd like to be some day. Well... not someday. Now."
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"It's actually not your biceps now, dad. It's all mine. Just look at it. So amazing. The boys at school would be so jealous. No they WILL be jealous. Just wait till I show them who I am now."
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"Oh dad. Why the hell have you been hiding all this from me. I would have never thought about possessing that fucker Bill. Why should I even bother now about some dumb school shit. I can be an adult man for fuck's sake. I am the man now. I am my DAD."
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"These muscles are so firm and tight. I wonder how many times a week you have been going. Might get used to it now." Wait, am I really thinking what I am thinking? Do I want to stay like this. No, this must be the after efect of possession, not just a desire to be the hairy dad of mine.
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"Haha, I'm so heavy now that I'd most certainly beat all the boys in the football club. Well maybe not the quarterback, but everyone else I might. Maybe I should get Trevor to possess him. We could enjoy being two studs together. I would be a bit older, but I'm sure he won't mind. Especially not while we are exploring our new bodies."
"Which brings me to this awful towel." I dropped it on the floor where it belongs
"Wohohooo, much better. Damn dad, the razor stays clean all the time for a reason right? I won't change that don't worry. I'm pretty sure Trevor likes his men hairy. Not like he would know what a man's touch is like or even sex. But tonight he will. I will let him scratch my beard, kiss my biceps, massage my back."
"Oh boy, I have to go take care of this beast now. Don't want to cum in the principals office. Haha, I love being my dad."
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pdriesta · 18 days
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“i want something that i know is real”
pairing — judexblack!girl
genres — fluff, slow burn, workplace romance (she’s a pt)
warnings — sexual themes (minors dni)
word count — 6k
summary — y/n, a rising physiotherapist, has just been promoted to work with real madrid's men's team. after a difficult breakup, she's determined to keep things professional. but when jude bellingham, the club's charming new star, sets his sights on her, maintaining boundaries becomes harder than ever. can she resist the pull, or will she risk everything for a love she swore she’d never fall for again?
an — i am so sorry for the delay! here’s chapter one (for the second time LOL) . i found the taglist thankfully through a reblog so let me know if any of you have reblogged the previous chapters it would save me so much time <3
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the sun was setting over valdebebas, casting long shadows across the training pitches as the players finished up a particularly grueling session. jude bellingham was among the last to leave the field, sweat dripping from his brow as he wiped his face with the back of his hand. his muscles ached, the intensity of the training pushing him to his limits, but he relished the challenge.
as he made his way to the physio room, his thoughts were already on y/n. he’d been looking for an excuse to talk to her again, and after today’s session, he had a perfect reason.
when jude entered the physio room, it was quiet except for the soft hum of the air conditioning. y/n was there, as he’d hoped, focused on organizing some equipment. she looked up as he walked in, her expression shifting from concentration to a warm, professional smile.
“hey, y/n,” jude greeted, his voice slightly breathless from the workout. “i think i might need some of that magic you worked on me the other day. today’s session was brutal.”
y/n nodded, her eyes scanning him with a practiced eye. “you look like you’ve been through it,” she remarked, a hint of concern in her tone. “come on, take a seat, and let’s see what we’re dealing with.”
jude followed her instructions, lowering himself onto the treatment table with a wince. “you’re telling me. i don’t think i’ve ever run that much in one session.”
y/n smiled softly as she gathered her supplies. “that’s madrid for you. they push you hard because they expect the best.”
“yeah, well,” jude leaned back on his elbows, letting out a dramatic sigh, “i guess that means i’ll be seeing a lot of you, then.”
there it was—the flirty edge to his voice that had become a bit of a trademark in their interactions. y/n, ever the professional, chose to ignore the bait, focusing instead on her work.
“you should be careful what you wish for,” she replied evenly, adjusting the height of the treatment table. “if you’re here too often, it means you’re not taking care of yourself.”
“trust me, i’ll do my best to stay out of trouble,” jude said, flashing her a charming grin. “but i wouldn’t mind having you around more often. makes the pain a little more bearable.”
y/n rolled her eyes playfully, but she didn’t comment, keeping her focus on his treatment. “let’s take a look at those legs,” she instructed, patting the space between his knees. “you can sit up for this.”
jude complied, sitting up straight as y/n moved to stand between his legs, her hands expertly probing the muscles in his thighs. the closeness of their positions was not lost on either of them. jude could feel the warmth of her body, the subtle brush of her arm against his as she worked, and he found himself leaning in just a little, his eyes tracing the curve of her jaw, the softness of her lips.
but it was y/n who felt the shift the most. as she focused on the treatment, her fingers gently kneading the tense muscles in jude’s legs, she couldn’t help but take in his presence. up close, she noticed details she hadn’t before—the way his skin glistened slightly from the workout, the sharpness of his jawline, the deep brown of his eyes that held a certain intensity. it was no wonder social media was obsessed with him; he was undeniably handsome, and his charisma only added to the allure.
jude watched her intently as she worked, noting every small detail—the way her brow furrowed in concentration, the slight purse of her lips as she focused on the task at hand. each movement she made was precise, her hands skilled and confident, yet there was a certain grace in the way she touched his sore muscles, almost like she was pouring care into every motion. it was hard not to be captivated by her; she seemed so immersed in what she was doing, completely in her element, and there was something about that quiet confidence that drew him in even more.
as her fingers pressed and kneaded the tension from his muscles, jude couldn't help but feel his body start to relax under her touch. it was as if every knot of stress was being expertly unraveled, leaving behind nothing but a soothing warmth. his muscles softened, giving in to the gentle pressure she applied, and he could feel the lines between professional care and something more personal start to blur.
on her end, y/n was trying to stay focused, reminding herself to keep it strictly professional, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. as her hands moved over the hard planes of his back and shoulders, she couldn't help but notice just how solid he was—all muscle, lean and strong beneath her fingers. she could feel an unexpected attraction building within her, a warmth spreading through her chest that she hadn’t felt in a long time.
the tension between them was palpable, an almost electric charge in the air that neither of them could ignore. jude felt it too, a stirring of something deeper that went beyond just the relief of having his muscles worked on. as her hands continued to glide over his skin, he had to stifle a groan, the sensation of her touch sending a wave of unexpected pleasure through him. it took everything in him to keep it together, not wanting to make the situation more complicated than it already felt.
“you’re pretty good at this, you know,” jude finally said, his voice low and smooth, trying to bring some levity to the situation while still testing the waters.
y/n glanced up at him, caught off guard by the softness in his tone. “thanks. i’ve had a lot of practice,” she replied, keeping her tone light despite the flutter in her chest.
he flashed a smile, leaning into her touch a little more. “ever thought about switching careers? maybe you could be a magician—making all my pain disappear like this.”
y/n felt her cheeks heat up at his playful remark, a shy smile tugging at her lips as she shook her head. “i think i’ll stick to what i know. besides, i’m not sure magic is really my thing.”
jude chuckled, the sound deep and rich, and for a moment, they just held each other's gaze, the air between them thick with unspoken thoughts. she quickly looked away, focusing back on her work, but the moment lingered, neither of them quite ready to break the connection that had formed between them.
y/n felt a flutter in her chest, but she quickly pushed it aside, reminding herself of the line she needed to maintain. “well, if you want to keep feeling this good, you’ll need to follow my advice,” she said, her tone returning to its usual professional demeanor. “stretching, rest, and hydration. don’t forget it.”
“anything for you,” jude quipped, though there was a sincerity in his tone that made y/n pause.
she shook her head, trying to suppress the smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “i’m serious, jude. if you don’t take care of yourself, you’ll be back here before you know it.”
“i hear you, y/n,” jude said, his voice softer now, the playful edge giving way to something more genuine. “and for what it’s worth, i do appreciate you looking out for me.”
y/n nodded, her heart skipping a beat at the sincerity in his eyes. “it’s my job,” she replied, though the words felt a bit heavier than usual. “and besides, we can’t have one of our star players sidelined, can we?”
“no, we can’t,” jude agreed, his voice dropping to a near whisper as he looked at her. “but i think it’s more than just that.”
the air between them felt charged, a quiet intensity lingering as they held each other’s gaze. y/n could feel her resolve wavering slightly, the closeness of their positions making it harder to keep the professional distance she’d tried so hard to maintain.
as y/n finished working on jude’s leg, she hesitated for a moment, her usual professionalism wavering. she could sense there was something more on his mind, something that went beyond the aches and pains of training. after a brief pause, she decided to break the unspoken barrier she’d been carefully maintaining.
“hey, jude,” she began, her voice softer than before, “how are you feeling about the first game? it’s coming up pretty soon.”
jude looked at her, surprised by the shift in her tone. he hadn’t expected her to ask, but something in the way she did made him feel like he could open up. he let out a small sigh, leaning back on his hands as he considered his words.
“honestly?” jude started, his voice tinged with uncertainty. “i’m nervous. it’s a huge club, and there’s so much expectation. i’ve been dreaming about this for years, but now that it’s here, it’s kind of overwhelming. i just keep thinking—what if i don’t live up to it? what if the fans don’t love me the way they did back in dortmund?”
y/n paused in her work, her eyes meeting his with a gentle, understanding gaze. she could see the vulnerability in him, the weight of the pressure he was carrying. setting aside her role for a moment, she spoke from the heart.
“jude, it’s completely normal to feel that way,” y/n said, her voice warm and reassuring. “real madrid is one of the biggest clubs in the world, and with that comes a lot of pressure. but you were signed because they saw something special in you. the fans are going to see that too.”
jude listened intently, his eyes never leaving hers. there was something in the way she spoke—steady, confident, and genuine—that calmed the storm inside him.
“you’ve worked hard to get here,” y/n continued, “and that work isn’t going to go unnoticed. the fans, they’re passionate, yes, but they also appreciate hard work, dedication, and talent. you’ve got all of that. just be yourself out there, play the way you know how, and they’ll love you for it.”
jude let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. “thanks, y/n,” he said quietly, his voice sincere. “that actually helps a lot. i’ve been so caught up in my head, worrying about everything that could go wrong.”
y/n smiled, giving his shoulder a light squeeze. “it’s going to be okay, jude. you’ve got this. and remember, you’re not alone—you’ve got a whole team behind you, and now, you’ve got me looking out for you too.”
a small smile tugged at the corners of jude’s lips, and he felt a warmth spreading through him at her words. “i appreciate that, y/n. really. it means a lot.”
they shared a quiet moment, the air between them shifting from the playful banter they’d grown accustomed to, to something more meaningful. y/n could feel the connection deepening, a mutual understanding that went beyond their professional roles.
“just promise me one thing,” y/n said, her voice lightening as she stepped back, returning to her professional demeanor. “when you’re out there on the pitch, remember to enjoy it. this is what you’ve worked for. let yourself have fun.”
jude nodded, his smile widening. “i promise. and i’ll make sure to give you a good reason to keep me in top shape.”
y/n laughed softly, shaking her head. “i’ll hold you to that, bellingham. now, go get some rest. you’ve earned it.”
as jude left the room, he felt lighter, more at ease with the challenges ahead. y/n’s words echoed in his mind, a steady reminder that he was more than capable of handling.
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as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the real madrid facility, y/n found herself alone in the corridors, the hum of the fluorescent lights the only sound breaking the quiet. she was one of the last to leave, her habit of staying late a comforting ritual, a way to unwind from the day's relentless pace and ensure everything was in order. tonight, however, her mind was preoccupied with a different kind of noise.
earlier, she’d run into laura, one of her old colleagues from the women’s team, who had dropped by to visit. laura’s eyes had lit up when she saw y/n, the excitement in her voice unmistakable.
“i can’t believe it, y/n!” laura had exclaimed, her enthusiasm palpable. “jude bellingham—he’s here! i’ve seen all the photos and videos, and he’s just as attractive in person. what’s he like? have you met him?”
y/n had nodded, a faint, polite smile on her lips. “yes, i’ve met him. he’s… charming.”
“charming?” laura had raised an eyebrow, clearly expecting more. “come on, give me the details. is he as good-looking up close? i bet the girls must be falling over themselves.”
y/n’s thoughts had drifted back to their brief interactions. jude was undeniably attractive—his striking features, the way his eyes held a mixture of intensity and vulnerability. she’d noticed it all, yet she had no intention of letting her guard down. her role was professional, and she had no room for distractions, especially not of this kind.
“he’s very focused,” y/n had replied, trying to keep her tone neutral. “and yes, he’s as handsome as you’d expect. but I’m his physio, so my focus is on his recovery and performance, not his looks.”
“oh, I get it,” laura had said, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. “but don’t you ever think about... well, what it’d be like if things were different? I mean, if you weren’t working with him?”
y/n had felt a twinge of discomfort at the question. she had not allowed herself to entertain such thoughts, not after everything she’d been through. she’d always been one of the last to leave the facility, a habit that allowed her to keep her distance from the personal drama that could easily complicate her life. her thoughts had drifted to her past with javier, her toxic ex who had belittled her in every way imaginable.
javier had been her childhood friend, someone she thought she knew inside out. but once they started dating, his true colors had shown. his comments had ranged from derogatory remarks about her looks to nasty jabs about her work and sexuality. the once familiar face had become a source of disdain, his words leaving scars that she was still working to heal.
the thought of entering another complicated relationship, especially with someone as high-profile as jude, made her anxious. her job was her sanctuary, a place where she felt in control, where she could escape the memories of javier’s cruelty. the idea of mixing personal feelings with her professional life was a risk she was not willing to take.
as y/n had watched laura walk away, her heart heavy with unspoken fears, she had felt a mix of longing and resolve. she admired jude’s charisma and attractiveness, but her past experiences had taught her the importance of keeping a clear boundary between her personal and professional lives. there was too much at stake, and she was determined not to repeat past mistakes.
the empty facility seemed to echo her thoughts as she continued her evening routine, methodically checking each detail. jude’s presence was a reminder of the world outside her carefully maintained boundaries, a world that, while tempting, was fraught with risks she wasn’t ready to face. she remained focused, her resolve strengthened by the quiet solitude of the facility, knowing that while she might appreciate jude’s attractiveness, she would not let it disrupt the professional distance she had fought so hard to maintain.
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as the final whistle blew, the stadium erupted in a roar of jubilation. y/n stood on the sidelines, her heart racing as she watched jude bellingham weave through defenders with a fluidity and grace that made the game look effortless. the staff around her were just as engrossed, their eyes fixed on the field, their murmurs of approval punctuating the air.
y/n’s gaze was locked on jude, her admiration growing with each precise pass and each calculated move. she had seen him in training, had felt the intensity of his drive, but seeing him perform in a live match was something entirely different. the way he commanded the ball, the confidence in every stride—it was a testament to why he was considered one of the brightest talents in football.
and then, it happened. jude received a perfectly timed pass, his body shifting into position with the grace of a seasoned player. in a swift, decisive moment, he struck the ball with precision, sending it soaring into the back of the net. the stadium exploded into cheers, and y/n felt a surge of pride and excitement that she hadn’t anticipated. jude’s first game, and he’d already made such an impact.
as the players celebrated, y/n watched jude with a mixture of awe and joy. his face was alight with exhilaration, a broad grin spreading across his features as his teammates surrounded him. she could see the sheer relief in his eyes, a weight lifted off his shoulders as he soaked in the adulation from the fans.
when the final whistle blew and the players began their exit, y/n remained on the sidelines, a quiet smile on her face. she felt a deep sense of satisfaction, knowing she’d played a part in helping him reach this moment. as jude made his way toward the tunnel, still riding the high of victory, he glanced around, his gaze searching for someone.
to y/n’s surprise, jude’s eyes locked onto hers. with a burst of energy fueled by adrenaline, he jogged over, his smile widening. “y/n!” he called out, his voice filled with unrestrained joy.
y/n’s heart skipped a beat as jude approached, her mind racing. she had expected a handshake, maybe a polite acknowledgment, but this was different. as he reached her, he extended his hand for a handshake, but before she could react, he pulled her into a hug.
the contact was electric, a rush of warmth and energy that left y/n momentarily frozen. jude’s embrace was firm and enthusiastic, and she could feel the thudding of his heart, the exhilaration that pulsed through him. her arms remained stiff at her sides for a moment, her cheeks flushing with a mix of surprise and embarrassment. the scent of his cologne, the heat of his body—it was overwhelming. she could sense the bewildered looks from some of the staff nearby, their curiosity piqued by the unexpected display.
“jude,” she managed to say, her voice barely more than a whisper. “this is… unexpected.”
jude pulled back slightly, his hands still resting lightly on her shoulders. his eyes sparkled with mischief and a hint of flirtation. “i couldn’t help it,” he said, his voice low and smooth. “i wanted to thank you, and i’m just so... thrilled right now. i didn’t think i’d score on my first game. i was nervous, but you gave me the confidence i needed.”
y/n’s heart fluttered at his words. she was touched by his sincerity, though her professional demeanor was struggling to keep up with the personal breach. “i’m glad you felt that way,” she said, forcing a smile as she tried to regain her composure. “congratulations on the goal, jude. you played amazingly.”
“thanks, y/n,” he said, his voice dropping to a softer tone, his gaze lingering on her. “you know, I’m already looking forward to tomorrow’s session. can’t wait to see you again.”
y/n felt her cheeks heat up further at his words. she was already flustered from the hug, and his flirtatious remark only added to her embarrassment. she struggled to find her voice, her usual professional distance feeling even more crucial now. “i’ll be here,” she managed to say, her voice a touch shy. “see you then.”
jude chuckled, his eyes twinkling with playful intent. “i’ll make sure to keep my muscles in top shape just for you. and who knows, maybe I’ll bring some of that winning energy to our session.”
y/n felt her face warm at his flirtatious comment. she fumbled with her words, trying to maintain her professional composure. “um, that sounds... good. just, um, don’t overdo it out there.”
jude’s smile widened, his gaze lingering on her with a mix of admiration and affection. “promise I’ll do my best,” he said, his voice softening. “and I’ll make sure to give you a reason to keep me in top shape.”
as he turned to head toward the locker room, y/n watched him go, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. the brief embrace and his flirtatious remark had been a jolt, a reminder of how complicated emotions could become when you least expected it. she sighed softly, the reality of her role settling back into place as she prepared to head home.
when she left the facility, her thoughts were still with jude. she admired his talent and charisma, but she was acutely aware of the need to maintain her distance. the unexpected hug and his flirtatious comment had been a reminder of the fine line she was walking—between personal feelings and professional boundaries.
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the lunchroom at the facility was bustling with activity as staff and players refueled after a demanding morning. y/n sat at a corner table, her usual spot, with a book in one hand and her lunch in the other. she preferred to keep to herself during these moments, finding solace in her own company amidst the chaos.
as she was about to take a bite of her sandwich, the familiar sound of footsteps drew closer. she looked up to see jude bellingham approaching, his smile as bright as ever. her heart skipped a beat, a mixture of surprise and apprehension swirling inside her. jude had already made quite an impression, and now, here he was, interrupting her solitary lunch.
“hey, y/n,” jude greeted, his voice warm and casual. “mind if i join you?”
y/n blinked, caught off guard by his sudden appearance. she glanced around the room, noting the curious glances from some of the staff members. she was about to protest, but jude was already pulling out a chair and sitting down across from her.
“uh, sure,” y/n replied, her voice barely above a whisper. “but, uh, why are you here? i mean, it’s lunchtime.”
jude chuckled, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. “why not? i figured i’d keep you company. besides, i didn’t get a chance to really chat with you after the game.”
y/n felt a rush of warmth at his words, but she tried to maintain her composure. “you didn’t have to,” she said, her tone a mix of curiosity and caution. “i’m just doing my job, you know.”
“right,” jude said, leaning in slightly. “but i enjoy talking with you. and, well, it’s not every day i get to sit with someone who knows what’s really going on behind the scenes.”
y/n felt a knot of nervousness in her stomach. she had been trying to keep things professional, but jude’s relaxed demeanor and his easy smile were slowly eroding her defenses. “you’re not playing games with me, are you?” she asked, her voice trembling slightly. “what’s your intention here?”
jude’s expression softened, and he leaned back, a thoughtful look on his face. “games? no. i’m just trying to get to know you better. you’ve been really supportive, and i appreciate that. i guess i just want to be friends—or more if that’s where things lead.”
y/n was taken aback by his openness. her mind raced, struggling to process his words. she had always been careful with her emotions, especially after her past experiences. the idea of letting someone in, even in a friendly capacity, was daunting.
“friends,” she repeated, more to herself than to him. “but why me? you have plenty of people to talk to.”
jude’s smile remained steady, but there was a hint of sincerity in his eyes. “you seem different. you’re grounded and real. it’s refreshing. plus, i feel like i can be myself around you. i don’t get that feeling with everyone.”
y/n felt her cheeks flush, a mix of embarrassment and surprise. she was used to being the reserved one, keeping her emotions in check. but jude’s words were slowly breaking down her walls.
“so, uh, what do you want to talk about?” y/n asked, her voice a bit shy. “i mean, if we’re going to be friends.”
jude’s eyes lit up, and he leaned in slightly. “let’s start with something simple. tell me more about you. what’s your story? i’d love to hear about it.”
as they continued to talk, y/n found herself opening up more than she had intended. she spoke about her background, her move from spain, and her work at the facility. jude listened intently, asking questions and sharing stories of his own. with each passing minute, y/n felt a growing sense of comfort, though it was tinged with fear.
inside, y/n was wrestling with her emotions. she was scared of how easily she was letting her guard down, and how much she was enjoying jude’s company. the fear of becoming too attached, of losing control over her carefully maintained boundaries, was a constant undercurrent.
despite her internal struggle, she couldn’t deny that jude’s presence was comforting. he was genuine, and the way he looked at her with such attention made her feel valued in a way she hadn’t experienced in a long time.
as their conversation continued, y/n found herself smiling and laughing more freely. the lunchroom seemed to fade into the background, leaving just the two of them and their growing connection.the lunchroom was slowly emptying out, but jude and y/n wouldn’t part even as they said their good re still deep in conversation. jude leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table as he listened intently. y/n, though still somewhat guarded, found herself drawn to the ease of their dialogue.
“so, tell me,” jude said, his tone light and curious, “what got you into physiotherapy? it seems like such a demanding field.”
y/n took a sip of her water, considering her response. “it’s kind of a long story,” she began, her voice tentative but steady. “i’ve always been interested in how the body works, how it heals. it started with me playing sports in school and getting injured a lot. i wanted to understand how to recover faster and help others do the same.”
jude’s eyes lit up with interest. “that’s actually really cool. it’s amazing how personal experiences can shape our career paths. i had a similar thing with football. after a few serious injuries, i became fascinated with how the body responds to training and recovery.”
y/n raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “so, you’ve had your fair share of injuries too?”
jude nodded, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. “yeah, a few. nothing too serious, but enough to make me appreciate the work that goes into staying fit and healthy. and, of course, having good physiotherapists like you.”
y/n blushed slightly at the compliment but tried to keep her demeanor professional. “well, it’s all part of the job. making sure players like you stay in top shape.
“and you’re doing a great job at it,” jude said earnestly. “i’ve noticed the difference already.”
y/n’s heart fluttered at his words, but she quickly pushed the feeling aside. “thanks. it’s good to hear that my work is making a difference.”
“absolutely,” jude agreed. “so, what do you do for fun when you’re not working? any hobbies or interests outside of physiotherapy?”
y/n hesitated for a moment, her mind racing. she wasn’t used to sharing much about herself, especially not with someone she didn’t know well. “i like reading,” she finally admitted. “and, um, cooking. it’s a nice break from the routine.”
“really? that’s awesome,” jude said, his enthusiasm genuine. “i’ve been trying to cook more. maybe you can give me some tips. i’m still learning.”
y/n laughed softly, feeling a bit more relaxed. “sure, i can do that. just don’t expect gourmet meals right away.”
“hey, i’ll take any advice i can get,” jude said, grinning. “what’s your favorite dish to cook?”
“hmm,” y/n pondered, a smile touching her lips. “i’d have to say paella. it’s a bit of a project, but it’s worth it.”
jude’s eyes widened in interest. “paella? that sounds amazing. i’ve heard it’s quite the experience to make.”
“yeah, it can be,” y/n said, feeling a bit more animated. “it’s all about getting the right balance of flavors. it’s a bit like... well, like a football team. everyone has to play their part.”
“nice analogy,” jude said, nodding in appreciation. “so, do you have any other hidden talents or interests i should know about?”
y/n chuckled, shaking her head. “i don’t think there’s anything particularly hidden. i’m pretty straightforward, i guess.”
“straightforward can be a good thing,” jude said with a wink. “i think it’s refreshing. but don’t be surprised if i keep asking you questions to learn more.”
y/n felt a flush rise to her cheeks again. “i suppose that’s fair. but don’t expect me to reveal everything at once.”
“deal,” jude said, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “i’ll take it slow. so, tell me about something you’re passionate about, something that makes you excited.”
y/n looked down, her thoughts drifting. “i guess... i’m passionate about helping people. seeing someone come in with an injury and then watching them recover and get back to doing what they love—there’s something really rewarding about that.”
jude’s gaze softened, and he nodded thoughtfully. “that sounds incredible. it must be really fulfilling to see the progress firsthand.”
“it is,” y/n agreed, her voice growing warmer. “it’s what keeps me motivated, even on the tough days.”
jude’s eyes met hers, and there was a moment of quiet understanding between them. “you’re really dedicated to your work. i can tell it’s more than just a job for you.”
y/n smiled, though her heart was racing. “yeah, it is. and you’re pretty dedicated to football, from what i’ve seen.”
jude laughed, a genuine, easy sound. “i guess we both have our passions. it’s nice to find someone who understands that drive.”
y/n nodded, feeling a mix of warmth and apprehension. “it is. and i appreciate you being open with me. it’s not always easy to find common ground.”
“i’m glad we did,” jude said, his smile bright and sincere. “so, what’s one thing you’d like to do that you haven’t had the chance to yet?”
y/n thought for a moment, her eyes drifting to the window. “i’d love to travel more. there are so many places i’d like to see.”
“traveling is great,” jude agreed. “maybe one day you’ll get the chance. and hey, if you ever need a travel buddy, let me know.”
y/n’s heart skipped a beat at his casual invitation. she laughed softly, a bit shy. “we’ll see about that.”
jeventually, the lunch break drew to a close, and y/n realized she had been talking with jude for a lot longer than she had intended. she looked at him, her expression a mix of relief and apprehension.
“i should get going,” she said, her voice tinged with shyness. “but, um, it was nice talking with you, jude.”
jude’s smile was warm and encouraging. “same here, y/n. i’m looking forward to more of these chats. and who knows, maybe we’ll find some common interests.”
y/n nodded, a small smile playing at her lips. “yeah, maybe.”
as she gathered her things and prepared to leave, y/n’s mind was still buzzing from their conversation. she was more comfortable around jude than she had planned to be, and that scared her. but she couldn’t deny the small, hopeful part of her that was looking forward to their next interaction.
as jude walked away, y/n watched him, her mind buzzing with the unexpected connection they’d formed. she was starting to let her guard down, and it scared her. she didn’t want to complicate things, especially with her past and her professional boundaries. but a part of her couldn’t deny the small thrill of getting to know someone who seemed to understand her so well.
as the day went on, y/n found herself replaying their conversation, trying to make sense of her feelings. she was still unsure about what the future held, but for now, she couldn’t help but look forward to their next interaction, even as she tried to keep her emotions in check.
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as the final echoes of the day’s activity faded, y/n found herself alone in the physio room, the quiet a stark contrast to the lively bustle of earlier. the fading daylight cast a soft glow through the windows, illuminating the room in a gentle amber hue. she methodically tidied up the space, her movements automatic as her mind replayed the day’s events. the room, now peaceful and still, was the perfect setting for her thoughts to unravel.
the memory of jude's playful banter, his genuine interest, and the unexpected hug replayed in her mind. she tried to focus on the task at hand, but her thoughts kept drifting back to their conversation. it was easy to get lost in the way he looked at her, the way he made her feel like her thoughts and feelings mattered.
with a sigh, y/n leaned against the counter, her thoughts swirling. she was acutely aware of the delicate balance she was trying to maintain. her past with javier had left scars that were not easily forgotten, and the professional boundaries she’d set for herself were there for a reason. yet, jude’s presence was a constant, tantalizing distraction, pulling her into uncharted territory.
she glanced at the clock on the wall, noting how late it had gotten. she was often one of the last to leave, finding solace in the quiet after the bustling activity of the day. it gave her time to think, to process, and to escape from the complexities of her interactions with others. tonight was no different, except that her thoughts were unusually tangled.
as she packed up the last of the supplies, her phone buzzed with a message from laura. y/n glanced at the screen and read the text, but her mind was still occupied with thoughts of jude. she wondered if he truly understood the potential impact of his actions on her. did he know how much she wanted to keep her distance, or was he simply oblivious to the emotional turmoil he was causing?
y/n shook her head, trying to clear the haze of confusion. she reminded herself of her priorities—her work, her self-preservation, and her commitment to keeping things professional. it was essential to remain focused, despite the fluttering feelings that jude’s attention had stirred up.
as she finally finished tidying the room, y/n took a deep breath and headed for the exit. the evening air was cool against her skin, a refreshing contrast to the heat of her internal conflict. she walked to her car with a sense of resolve, determined to sort through her feelings and not let them cloud her judgment.
she knew that the next time she saw jude, things might be different. their interactions had the potential to deepen, and she would need to be ready to navigate the complexities that came with it. but for now, as she drove away from the facility, she focused on the road ahead, both literally and figuratively.
her thoughts were a tangled web of excitement and apprehension, but as she glanced at the empty passenger seat, she reminded herself that she was in control of her own path. whatever happened next, she would face it with the same dedication and professionalism that had guided her this far.
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taglist — @sinners-98-world @stephiii29 @kcharlyy @landosgirlxoxo @judesthighveins @ilovelifes-world @cinderellawithashoe @imnyt @miniemonie2001 @lunamelona @treble-snot
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fabbyf1 · 7 days
*taps microphone* is this thing on?
oh, hello.
it's me, yah girl.
you'll never guess what grandma's been up to.
after avoiding my google docs for weeks months, i have finally dusted them off and started writing again. i'll be honest with you guys: i've gone through a lot of ups and downs with writing recently, where i loved it one day and hated it the next, which is why i took such a massive break. i don't like to post things i'm not proud of, and don't fully believe in, so i'm glad i took some time away to do other things and not let writing fanfiction ruin my mental health.
but now? WE'RE BACK BABY. i followed troy bolton's advice and got my head in the game and thought to myself, what would bring you joy to write? and there was really only one answer to that question.
so that's what i've done.
i set out to make this a one-shot pwp, and if that's what i decide it's going to be, then it's pretty much complete right now and just needs an edit. but i think i'm gonna try to add more onto it over the next couple days and make it a short story instead.
it won't be anything massive like long live or vapor, but maybe a little more than a one-shot.
happy charles on pole day, besties. thank you for sticking by me while i got my life together.
snippet under the cut.
context: friend-charles has a bad hook-up and asks friend-max to give him an honest blow job review
Charles stretched his neck to the left and right as if he was about to hop into his car. 
“Do you always stretch before giving someone a blow job?” Max asked, ignoring the sweat that was forming around his hairline. 
“Fuck off,” Charles said lightheartedly. He brought his hands up and hesitated for just a moment before resting them gently on Max’s knees. Don’t be weird, don’t be weird, don’t be weird. Max was proud when the muscles of his thighs didn’t twitch or anything at the contact. “Now move your hand out of the way,” Charles instructed, looking down at where Max was covering himself.
“You’re bossier than I thought you’d be,” Max said, trying to sound as normal as possible. 
“Is that right?” Charles asked, hands still gripping Max’s knees. “Do you think about me often, Max Verstappen?” 
“I—” Max squeaked, which was somehow more embarrassing than sitting with his cock out. He glared at him as he said, “Fuck you.” Charles looked delighted by his words, which only made Max narrow his eyes further. “Don’t make me regret this,” Max warned, finally letting his hand fall to his side. 
Charles looked at where Max was lying soft against his thigh. “Do you need me to flirt with you or something?” 
Max scoffed. “No, asshole, I don’t need—” 
“Ohhh, Max, you’re so handsome,” Charles cooed in a high-pitched tone anyway. Max’s jaw dropped open in shock. “You’re so big and strong and fast,” Charles continued, batting his eyes at him in an exaggerated way that would be comical if he wasn’t on his knees. “Mister three-time world champion with a big dick and a—”  
Max’s cock twitched, and they both saw it happen. 
“Oh my god,” Charles said, gasping loudly before cackling. “Oh my god, that actually did it for you?” 
“No!” Max snapped, covering himself again with his hands. “Fuck you! It was a coincidence!” But he wasn’t even sure if Charles could hear him over his roaring laughter.
This might be the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to him.
He always knew that Charles Leclerc would be his downfall, but he never expected it to be over a blow job.
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
Quarantining Together (Pedro Pascal X Reader)
Pair: pedro pascal x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, pulling pranks (let me know if i missed any)
Summary: Imagine what it’s like quarantining with Pedro Pascal.
Words: 2k
A/N: This is my first pedro fic. I tried my best to imagine how playful and sweet Pedro is in real life. I hope you like it! I’ve been writing Joel Miller fics so I guess I’ll give it a try. I know a lot of you don’t really like a real person fic but this idea came into my mind when I listened to that interview where Pedro talked about the quarantine period during covid 19 pandemic. And when he talked about his friends that supported him during that period, he was holding his cry. I kept thinking what if there was someone there who quarantined with him together so he wouldn't feel alone during the lockdown. 
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“Did you hear about the news?” Pedro sat on the edge of the couch sipping on his coffee.
“What news?” You tilted your head.
“We’ll have a lockdown from next week. We have to stay at home. The pandemic is getting out of control.” Pedro put his cup on the coffee table.
“Oh..I should get the groceries then. Stock up. I think you should too. Your fridge has nothing.” You chuckled.
He chuckled and froze for a while. His face was so focused. It seemed like he was thinking about something serious. 
“I was thinking..” He gulped.
“Maybe we could quarantine here together. What do you think?” Pedro looked at you.
“Here? You sure?” You raised your eyebrows.
You and Pedro had been dating for a few months and he hadn’t asked you to move in. But you always came to his place everyday to spend time together, watch movies, eat dinner, and sometimes crash for a few nights.
“I’m sure, hun.” Pedro chuckled.
“Yay!” You jumped and hugged him.
He groaned at your weight and wrapped his arms around you.
“So should I start moving my stuff today?” You pulled back your head to look at him.
Pedro nodded then he drove you back to your apartment and helped you pack your stuff. You packed your essentials and brought 2 big suitcases. Before you left your apartment for God knows how long, you made sure you had turned off all of the lights and unplugged any sockets.
“Done.” You dragged your suitcases near the door.
Pedro lent his hand to drag both of your suitcases. 
“Take this one. This one’s heavy.” You dragged the heavy one closer to you.
“Nuh-uh. I’ll take that one.” Pedro took the bigger suitcase off from your hands.
You chuckled and shook your head. Pedro was always a gentleman and he treated you like a princess. You loved it but sometimes you felt bad.
“Let’s stop by the grocery store before we go to your place.” You suggested Pedro to buy some groceries and stock up.
“Okay.” Pedro nodded and started the car.
You and Pedro bought everything you needed and of course some vegetables, fruits, cereals, milk, and instant food that you could keep for a few more weeks. You went home to Pedro’s house with a lot of paper bags. You and Pedro had to make a few turns to the car to move the groceries. 
“Finally! Last one!” Pedro put the last paper bag on the kitchen table.
“Phew! That’s a lot of work.” You wiped your sweat from your forehead. 
“Why don’t we take a break, hun?” Pedro massaged your shoulder.
“But we still need to organize them..” You were an organized person so you couldn’t stand seeing messy things.
“Come on, just 5 minutes.” Pedro pushed you gently and sat you to the couch.
You sighed as you sat. You suddenly felt all your muscles ache from packing your stuff earlier today and all the groceries stuff. 
“Come here.” Pedro moved closer to you and turned you so your back faced him.
Then he gently massaged your shoulder then your back. He knew you loved back massage so he often gave you massage. 
“That feels good.” You closed your eyes and hummed.
He chuckled and kept massaging every inch of your back. Then he kissed your shoulder as a sign that he finished massaging your back. You turned your head to him and smiled.
“Thank you, P.” You placed a kiss on his lips.
“Your turn.” You asked him to turn so you could massage him.
“Not now. Why don’t you do it for me before we go to bed?” He smirked.
“Yes sir.” You smirked back at him.
You and Pedro spent the day organizing the groceries and your stuff. Then you watched a movie in the living room together, cuddled on the couch, and ordered pizza. After the movie ended, the two of you went to bed. You didn’t forget to give him the back massage you owed him. 
“Good night, hun.” Pedro kissed your head that was resting on his chest.
“Good night, P.” You rubbed his chest.
His warmth gave you comfort and security that made you sleep so well. You hated the pandemic but on the other side you were glad because it was the reason he finally asked you to move in. Now you wouldn’t have to be worried about having sleepless nights and dealing with nightmares all alone. You had him. You had Pedro there next to you to comfort you when you needed it.
You yawned as the sunlight woke you up. You squealed as you stretched your body then you looked next to you. Pedro was already awake. He was sitting with a pillow behind his back, iPad in his hands. He was reading a script for his next project. You loved watching him in work mode. Pedro was a hard worker and you loved a hardworking man.
“Morning.” Pedro saw you had woken up.
“Morning.” You chuckled and rubbed your eyes.
“How was your sleep?” Pedro put away his iPad to the bedside table.
“Best sleep I’ve ever had this month.” You chuckled and snuggled to put your arms around his waist.
“How was your sleep?” You asked him back.
“I slept so well. Thanks to the massage you gave me last night.” Pedro chuckled and stroked your head. 
Pedro farted. Yes, he farted right when your head was so close to his butt. Then he quickly pulled the sheets and buried you under the sheets. He laughed out loud while you struggled to save yourself from Pedro’s fart bomb. 
“P!” You screamed for your life.
Pedro kept fighting you so you couldn’t get out from the sheets. He kept laughing while you were actually dying. He finally let you out after a few minutes. 
“What was that?!” You panted, gasping for clean air.
“That..is..my love for you.” Pedro giggled and kissed you.
“You definitely have to poop right now! I mean it! It smells so bad!” You hit his chest.
“Okay. Okay.” Pedro chuckled and went to the bathroom.
You groaned as you got out of the bed and opened the window for ventilation. His fart smell was still stuck in your nose and you needed fresh air. While you waited for him doing his business, you went to the kitchen to make breakfast. You toasted some bread, fried some eggs and bacon. 
“Hmm, smells so good, honey.” Pedro suddenly hugged you from behind. 
You chuckled as he swayed you for a moment before he sat. 
“Thank you.” He thanked you for making breakfast for him. 
“You’re welcome.” You smiled and took a bite of your toast.
“What do you want to do today?” Pedro asked you what you had planned for the day.
“I was thinking of reading a book and just chill.” You shrugged.
“That’s a good idea.” Pedro nodded.
“How about you?” You asked him back.
“I have to practice my lines. And I need your help.” He mumbled while munching on the bacon.
“Of course, I’ll help you with that.” You smirked.
After the two of you finished breakfast, Pedro offered to wash the dishes. You took a shower and went to the pool to read under the sun. You read a few pages and dozed off. 
You screamed as you fell inside the pool. You tried to find your balance and stood up in the pool. The water was high up to your chest. You heard Pedro laugh while you panted and wiped your face. 
“I HATE YOU!” You yelled at him.
Pedro bursted into laughter. He loved pulling pranks on you because he enjoyed watching your reactions. You knew he was always a prankster and sometimes you pulled a prank on him but his pranks were worse. You could never win from his pranks. It hadn’t been one day yet and he already pranked you twice. You needed to prank him back. 
“Think, think, think.” You kept telling yourself inside your mind.
You decided to act pissed and gave him the silent treatment. He lent you his hand to help you out from the pool but you ignored him. You chose to walk on the stairs and got out yourself. Pedro got you a towel but you pushed him away. You just stayed silent and walked inside the house to get yourself a towel. He started getting worried. He believed your acts. He thought you were really mad at him. 
“Honey, I’m sorry.” Pedro followed you from behind.
You didn’t answer him, not even looked at him. You went to the bathroom and dried yourself while Pedro leaned on the bathroom door and waited for you. His eyes looked sad and he tried talking to you a few times but you kept quiet. You acted like he wasn’t there. 
“I promise I’m not gonna do that again, darling. I’m sorry.” He took your hand. 
You wanted to laugh seeing him following you like a toddler. Especially because you were not mad at him. He pulled you but you walked away, your back facing him holding your laugh. You took a deep breath so you wouldn’t burst into laughter. Then you got into character again and went back to the pool. You hoped he was still following you because you wanted to pay him back. Yes, you were planning to push him to the pool just like he did to you. 
“Is there anything you want? Let me make it up to you, honey. I’ll do anything you want. Just talk to me.” Pedro followed you to the pool.  
“Hit me, honey. If that makes you feel better.” He took your hand and moved it to hit his chest. 
Finally, this was it. It was the right time. You gathered your courage and pushed him with force. 
“Pay back time!” You shouted and pushed him.
Pedro fell into the pool. Your plan worked. You were finally able to laugh. Pedro wiped his face and slicked his hair back. 
“You’re not mad at me?” He stood there inside the pool.
“Of course not. I was just trying to get back at you! You naughty!” You stuck your tongue at him.
Pedro laughed. He was relieved that you weren’t mad at him. It was better that you pranked him back rather than you being angry at him. 
“I guess we’re even now?” Pedro shrugged.
“Not yet, mister. One more and then we’re even. So you need to be careful.” You raised your eyebrows and put your hands on your hips.
“Yes, maam.” Pedro slowly walks near the edge of the pool. 
“Help me up?” He extended his hand asking you to help him out of the pool.
You knew this was also one of his ways to pull pranks on you. You were certain he was going to pull you inside the pool with him. But you were okay with that because at least you had pranked him once today. So you put our hand on his. He smirked and pulled you. Just as you had expected, you were now inside the pool with him. 
“I knew you were going to do that.” You wiped your face as you giggled.
“Uh-huh?” He nodded and put his arms around you. 
Pedro pulled you closer and kissed your lips. 
“Salty.” You frowned. 
“Now that..was.. a mix of the pool water aaand..my pee.” Pedro giggled at your face.
He claimed to have peed inside the pool. You gagged and wiped your mouth while Pedro just laughed looking at you. He loved you so much that you were his source of his happiness. He adored you so much and your reactions when he pranked you entertained him. 
“You’re so cute, honey. I’m dying.” He gave you a deep kiss.
“I’m dying too because you pulled too many pranks on me.” You chuckled.
“You should know that is my love language.” Pedro cupped your cheeks.
“I know.” You rolled your eyes.
“I love you so much it hurts.” Pedro gazed through your eyes. His eyes were full of love.
“I love you so much too, P.” You smiled and kissed him.
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elfven-blog · 1 year
Every Mark
Summary: Leon finds you while you're unhappy with your body, he goes on a mission to convince you otherwise
Leon Kennedy x F!Reader [Married]
CW: MDNI, 18+, bit spicy at the end, Leon has a taste. Female anatomy for reader, lots of kisses and fluff.
Word count: 1.7k
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It was a warm summer evening as you were changing again and again into different clothes. You liked summer, when it was warm, and you could get away with drinking nothing but cool water and fizzy drinks. Well, that’s what you told everyone, but the truth was you liked getting to watch your husband work on his bike or clean the yard with nothing but his shorts on.
The expanse of his skin stretching over taunt muscles, sweat glistening as he worked hard, and those rare moments where he was off for more than a day so you could lounge outside together as he kept up his workout…’training’ he said. But you both know he just liked giving you a show.
Today was different, you and Leon were going out with friends. To celebrate some charity thing Claire had set up, an excuse just for you to all see each other again. But with it being summer, none of your regular evening wear would work, all of it making you too warm and stuffy. Which meant you’d wear your less covering stuff, which mean more skin showing, which meant your stretchmarks were on show.
You took a deep breath, trying to stay calm as you looked yourself over in the mirror. This dress was too tight and too short, the stretch marks on your thighs and back of your knees could be seen. Bottom lip worried between your teeth as you pulled it down, it didn’t budge, and tears welled in your eyes. You take this one off too, maybe it’s not a dress night you reason. Maybe it’s just some nice pant and a blouse night. So, you tried that instead, but the shirts showed off the stretchmarks across your hips.
After spending a few more minutes trying to find something…anything to wear, you sit on the edge of the bed. Your hand rubbed at your eyes, and you sighed. Guess today wasn’t a good day, maybe you could convince Leon you weren’t feeling well and needed to stay in bed, before he got home from work. But you hadn’t realised the time, hadn’t even noticed that Leon had already opened the door to your shared room, that he was watching with sad eyes as you picked at your skin. His gaze following down your body with a frown as he realised it was one of those days.
He moved silently across the floor, dropping to his knees in front of your with a soft ‘thump’. “Well, hello there, princess” his hands moved onto your leg, gliding across the soft skin there. Your head looked up, a tremble on your bottom lip. Your eyes followed his hands and you felt gross as his fingers smoothed over the stretchmarks there.
Leon’s eyes caught the way yours followed his hands, and he realised with a furrowed brow what it was that was bothering you. ‘Can’t have that’, he thought ‘going to have to do something about it’. And his mind flashed with an idea, he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips before standing up with a stretch. “You mind helping me choose what to wear, pretty girl? You always manage to know what looks best” his plan of distracting you worked as you smiled up at him, pretending you weren’t reassessing every inch of your body just moments before.
“‘Course I can! Not like you can dress yourself anyway.” There’s his wife, he thinks, just a glimpse as she teases him. He shakes his head as he undresses out of his work suit. You’ve moved behind him, your hands helping him take off the jacket and then his shirt, your eyes wander down his back and arms. This time your lip was between your teeth, but not the same as earlier.
You couldn’t help but look at the muscle he’d gained during his training, your hands gliding down his arms and over scars as you took his shirt off before your hands settled at his waist. Eyes gazing over the stretch marks formed from the years of exercise and muscle building, your fingers delicately tracing them. And Leon smirked, not that you could see as he decided to put his plan in to action, a deep sigh leaving him.
He knew that your brow was furrowed, and the corners of your lips would be pulled down, as he moved your hands from where his stretch marks were at his hips, moving them to sit farther up his chest instead. The sound of an offended gasp left your mouth, and he bit his lip as he tried to stop the smirk growing into a grin. You pulled your hands back down to where they were, and he pulled them back up. It was like a game for a few minutes, and then he heard you grumble. “Excuse you, leave my hands alone”.
Leon shook his head, scratching at the back of his neck and moving your hands again “not today, baby, please” his voice had an uncomfortable tinge to it, making you freeze, and you leant against him. Your face leaning on his back as you moved your hands up before pressing a kiss between his shoulder blades.
Concern lit up in your brain, and your thumb moved in soothing circles “are you okay? What’s wrong” Leon could almost feel bad for his deception right now…key word being almost. But he sighed in response to your question, shrugging his shoulders as he went through his shirts in the closet. Your arms tightening around him, pulling him further into your front “my love”.
The blonde took a deep breath and turned his head to look at you. His eyes held tears as his bottom lip trembled, and he saw your heart break through you eyes. Definitely thought the tears were real then, guess the training was working. Your hand moved to cup his cheek, thumb running under his eyes “no no no, baby what’s wrong? Tell me”
He turned completely to you, his own hands moving to settle on your waist as his head buried into your neck. Mainly so he could hide the fact he couldn’t keep the false tears up. Another shaky breath, you felt what you thought was trembling through his shoulders as you rubbed his back “I just-its. I don’t know, don’t you think they’re gross?”
The noise that left your mouth was on he had never heard before, like he had just killed your baby right in front of you. He fights back a smile, pouting and nuzzling his face deeper into your neck instead. “Leon Scott Kennedy-” uh oh “-how dare you say that about yourself, I would fight anyone who would insult you. That includes yourself, you absolute moron.”
And suddenly, he was picking you up while a squeal left your mouth and a small shout of his name. He walked the few steps to your bed, laying you down on it as he hovered above you with his arms caging you in. A loving glint filling his blue eyes, and a dopey smile on his face. “exactly” he whispers.
Everything clicks in to place in your mind, the realisation that your husband just played you seeps in. Your mouth opening in a shocked expression as your eyes widen, and you go to speak but no words come out. Leons’ smile turn in to a smirk as he presses his mouth to yours in a gentle kiss. Then he’s moving down your body, pressing his lips to every inch he can. You whine when he passes your neck, confused as to why he wouldn’t mark his favourite place on you, and he just smooths his hand on your leg.
“S’okay pretty girl, got a different plan today…gonna make my girl feel good, show her how much her stretch marks affect me” you almost feel the blush heating up your body. Leons still making his way down, he removes your shirt, and a small groan leaves him at the sight. The way he looks at you make you want to cover yourself or open your legs. You’re not quite sure. “Fuck, my pretty girl indeed”
Leon presses his lips to your skin, travelling between the valley of your breasts and you’re even more confused when he just passes them too. But the thoughts are soon wiped away when his hands dig into the soft plush of your hips, and his mouth presses into the area of your stretch marks. Your breath hitches, but Leon doesn’t stop. He presses a kiss to each individual mark “You love mine, can’t keep your hands off them. Moment they’re on show your eyes are glued to them, watching me work out, riding me, trapped beneath me. And there you are watching them or tracing them.” He moves across your stomach, his teeth nipping at the soft skin before he’s kissing the marks on the other side.
Your thighs move to press together from his attention, the slick coating your panties. Who knew something simple like this would affect you so much, you don’t know if its his words or how focused he is on showing each single mark love. Leon notices and moves one of his hands to hold your thighs open “uh uh” he mutters, moving down from your stomach and hips. And oh god, you think, some relief.
But no, Leon isn’t that kind. He’s busy. You’ll just have to wait a little longer while he finishes. His eyes flicker up to watch you. A beautiful sight above him, head thrown back, hands clutching the sheets and eyes closed shut as you try to breath. He raises an eyebrow, his hand smoothing up your stomach as he presses his mouth to the marks on your thighs. He keeps his eyes on you now, watching as you bite your lip to hold your noises back.
He cant help himself, not with your cunt right in front of him with soaked panties. So what is he meant to do? Nothing? Absolutely not. His tongue licks over the cloth, his eyes shutting as he tastes you. A groan leaves him and he’s using his hands to push your legs so he can lay between them properly. He practically rips your underwear off so he can dive his face into your fold, lapping at you as he pushes closer, your hands shooting down to his hair and pull him closer. He speaks into your pussy, and the vibrations make your back arch as you moan.
“yeah yeah, we’ll have to call and tell them we’ll be late”
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An excerpt from my unfortunately likely very belated birthday fic for @wynnyfryd my beloved:
It’s not like there’s a definitive set of tracks that Eddie’s on the wrong side of, but there’s something about being in Loch Nora, driving through the suburbs of these rich-y rich neighborhoods that made his skin crawl. Like he’s wearing a huge neon red sign that says I’m not supposed to be here. But there are a few things he’ll venture out to Doucheville for.
The main one being money.
Okay — the only one being money. But who was he to turn down practically double his normal rates simply because Heather Holloway was too prissy to meet in the woods? Whatever, for that much extra cash he’d throw in home delivery just this once.
Of course, because nothing in Eddie’s life is fair or easy, it backfires. Not in the lack of payday kind of way, he thinks, patting the thick roll of cash newly stuffed into his back pocket. That part had gone just fine. Heather had played her part of the stuck up cheerleader and Eddie the scummy drug dealer and yada yada everybody went home happy.
It backfires more in the almost crashed his van into a tree and died simply because he’s a horny idiot kind of way.
Because the universe apparently decided that Eddie, who’d literally promised himself that he was no longer going to be an obsessed freakazoid over Steve goddamn Harrington, must be tested, must truly suffer. Why else would right now be the exact moment in time he drives past the guy while he's clearly on a run and sporting a pair of nearly indecent length running shorts coupled with a — jesus h. christ — a Hawkins High Marching Band t-shirt cut into a crop top revealing a gloriously thick treasure trail. And muscles. So many muscles.
The universe clearly wanted Eddie to die.
And now Eddie has to sit here, rubbing awkwardly at the bruise he definitely feels blooming on his forehead from the unfortunate whack it’s taken against his steering wheel. Because, as mentioned — idiot. He has to sit here while Steve fucking Harrington peers into his open window with this unfathomably sweet look of concern on his stupid angelic face that makes Eddie, for a moment, kinda wish he was dead. Especially because his brain decides, “There was a squirrel!” is the best thing to blurt out when Steve asks if he’s okay. The hasty, “I mean, I’m fine,” Eddie adds after definitely helps sell it a lot. He can tell by the way Steve’s brow is all furrowed in a stupidly cute stupid way.
“I dunno, man,” Steve says (and Eddie definitely does not stare as he watches a single bead of sweat drip down the slope of Steve’s throat, over those pair of freckles Eddie absolutely hasn't thought about sinking his teeth into), "I kind of have a lot of experience with head injuries and that looked like it hurt. Are you sure –"
"Why do you care?"
Steve's worried expression crumples into something steely that just makes Eddie feel like even more of a dick than he knows he's already being. "I just know how shitty concussions can be, sorry for worrying about you, I guess --"
Fuck. Eddie sighs. It would be so much easier if Steve was the jerk Eddie'd always thought he was instead of what he's really turning out to be, which is such a fucking sweetheart that Eddie can't help but want to do a lot of really, really not sweet things to him. "Shit, no -- I'm being an asshole. Maybe chalk it up to that possible head trauma you're worried about?"
Steve is quiet for a moment, but then that look of cool detachment disappears, and he smiles, all gleaming white teeth, and it feels like watching the fucking sun splitting through storm clouds or some shit. "How many fingers am I holding up?"
Eddie blinks and sees that Harrington's got his middle finger up, flipping him the bird with such a smug little smirk on that pretty face that Eddie can't help it. He laughs. "Cute."
"You really think so?" Maybe it's the heat. That's gotta be it, Eddie thinks, watching how Steve's cheeks flush, watches as it spreads down past his throat, past those tufts of chest hair poking up teasingly past the stretched out collar of his borrowed t shirt.
The t-shirt Steve had so clearly borrowed from Robin. Robin, who was supposedly Harrington's girlfriend. The image of Robin from earlier in the cafeteria that day wearing Steve’s letterman jacket flashes across his mind and he has to bite him own tongue to stop himself from wincing.
Eddie's gonna throw up. Maybe he does have a concussion after all.
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thefanbasewhore · 1 year
Late nights 💤
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paring: Bangchan x reader
summary: chan has been too busy for your liking lately, you decide to interrupt his late night recording session where you finally get what you want, or so you think anyway.
content: slight s!mut, unprotective p in v, c!ockwarming, etc. 18+ only, MDNI.
The last person Chan expected to see as he opened the door was you. An oversized hoodie, no doubt his own peaks through the crack on the door with a smile. "Surprise babe!"
Three bags are held up shyly, two are what he guesses to be takeout and the other, from what he could see, filled to the brim with snacks. He can't help but smile seeing you like this. All cute and shy, on your tippy toes to kiss the corner of his lips. There's not a word from him at first, a few minutes of silence and you think something is wrong but the reality is that he's holding himself back from pushing you against the wall and kissing you until you can't breathe.
"I haven't seen you in a week. I know you're busy and that you haven't had time but I also know that you don't eat like you should when you're like this." You pause but then continue to ramble on, "But I can leave if you need to finish, I just really really miss you. "
He can't help but pout, his fingers find your cheek and punch them affectionately, "You are so cute, baby. Of course I want you here, I just don't want you to be bored is all. I still have a lot to finish."
"I don't care about that. I can play on my phone I just wanna be with you. " You could hear the 'aww' behind his smile as his arms wrap around you, not only pulling you into the recording room but also to his chest where he presses a kiss to your forehead.
"We can eat and I'll finish up."
It's much, much later. So much so that your eye lids are growing heavy. Chan is still at the recording desk and piecing together the melodies leaving you behind him, nearly drooling to sleep on the couch.
After dozing off a few times, three hours have passed and it looks to be he has not moved a muscle. Even though you promised and were given clear instructions of his deadline and that you cannot interrupt, you find your legs moving towards him. Chan is so wrapped up in his own world he doesn't't notice until your head rests against his thigh. The rough material of his jeans chaffing the skin of your cheek but you don't seem to care.
"Get off the floor baby, go sit on the couch." The words are ignored but he doesn't bother to try again, instead continues his work. It's not until a few moments later when he feels the soft hands against his inner thighs, his body reacts almost instantly.
"Sweetheart, knock it off." It's funny watching him squirm, clearly unable to focus as his eyes meet you own.
"I'm sorry baby." Crawling between his legs, pouting softly as a hand rests on each one of Chan's thighs, "Am I distracting you?"
All it takes is the curl of your lip to form a small pout and those pretty eyes to look up from his lap. Trying to hide the sly smirk as his cock twitched to life.
"You are such a brat, you did this on purpose." He swats your hand away which makes you frown deeper. "Later."
"But baby," Cooing softly and once again patting those pretty eyes, "You have been so busy lately, you're not making any time for me."
He sucks his teeth, a small smirk twitching at the corner of his lips, "Does my bunny feel neglected, is that it?"
"Hmmm." You agree.
"Get up here, pull that cute little skirt up." Chan pulls at his sweat pants and underwear, leaving just enough room to expose his hard cock.
Just like that you're hovering over his lap, pulling the lace panties to the side. The head of his cock nudges your entrance, before his hands hold your hips and slowly lower you into his cock.
It's a pleasurable burn, the slow stretch not only makes you mewl but Chan groans against the back of your neck, resting his forehead against your hair. "Fuck, it has been a while, bunny."
With that you're lifting your hips but two iron grip hands hold at your hips - stopping any motion. "No, sweetheart. Since you are so needy, you sit here until I'm finished."
"But -,"
"No buts," Chan cuts you off, rolling his eyes at your bratty behavior which is followed by pressing his hips harder; hitting the spot deep inside your tummy." You'll wait until Daddy is done, since you wanna be a little slut and not listen."
Hi guys, I'm new to writing for skz but I also am about a year out of the writing game. I'm accepting asks for anything (smut, fluff) and ang member of skz to get my creative juices flowing again!
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strangemaleswaps · 1 year
Strange Shower Swap
After eating a good breakfast, I began my leg stretches. They always say it's the most important thing to do before you go on your daily run, and I agree; pulling a muscle hurts like hell. I made sure each and every muscle was loosened up enough, then took one good look at myself in the mirror before getting my shoes on. Man, I really do look good. 
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My route goes around the neighborhood, and I usually see somebody I know, so it's important to look good while I exercise. I used to wear a shirt back when I had no visible muscle, but now that I do, I want the whole world to see my sexy abs. 
I walked outside, put my earbuds in, and started my run. My ultimate goal is to get to a 5 minute mile time. It seems so close yet so far, but I'm a go-getter and I'm not giving up until I achieve it. I ran past a few people - a couple of my neighbors, a few kids playing in the streets, but most importantly, my crush Ben, who was also running. He's so hot! He has the cutest little smile that can easily turn into the sexiest smirk. Even though I look the part, inside I'm really just a shy guy. He caught up behind me, until we were running side by side.
"Hey Cameron, looking good!" He said to me between breaths.
"H-hey Ben. Same to you. Nice run huh?"
"Yeah man, you got a goal?"
"Oh uh 5 minute mile time is nice."
"5 minutes?! That's pretty steep!" You got this though. Don't give up!"
"Hey so you wanna hang out later?" All of a sudden I couldn't breathe. I started coughing and had to stop. Ben immediately stopped as well.
"Hey, hey! Are you ok?"
"Y-yeah, just a bug flew into my mouth I guess, haha."
"Haha, you're pretty funny."
"And uh-yeah, we can hang. You can stop by my house later if you want."
"Cool! See you then!" We started running again but parted ways shortly as my route curved to the right, while he went to the left. I can't believe that happened! Is this a date?! I'm so excited, but nervous…
I arrived at my house, full of sweat, and immediately headed upstairs to the bathroom next to my room, only to find the shower was already occupied. I walked in, annoyed and confused as to why my dad was using it. I could see the outline of his gross obese body through the curtain.
His head peeked out from the side. 
"Hey Cam, what’s up?"
"Why the hell are you in my shower?" 
"Hot water broke in the one downstairs or something."
"Doesn't give you permission to use my shower."
"Boy, you're lucky enough that I'm letting you stay here for the summer between college semesters. Lots of parents don't let their kids back in. My house, my rules."
"Whatever." I don't hate my dad, but he gets on my nerves a lot. Especially when he eats a load of food in front of me. Sometimes I swear he does it on purpose because he's trying to rub it in that I can't eat that much in order to maintain my body. I especially hate when he seems cool one moment, but then changes his tone, acting like a regular parent.
I had to wash up after a long run like that so I decided to head to his shower instead. A cold shower does feel nice after a run…for about 30 seconds. But soon enough I'm gonna need the steamy feel of warm water on my back. The shower downstairs wasn't as good as mine was, it was a little outdated and smelled funny. I'm not surprised the hot water broke in it.
I took my clothes off, turned the handle and walked in. He wasn't kidding, this is freezing! I washed up all that I needed when I noticed the shower water was changing colors. It started off as red and went to orange. Not only is the water cold but it's contaminated! I reached for the handle and noticed it changed colors again, yellow then green. What the hell is in the water now? It then changed to blue, then indigo and finally purple. Finally, all the colors of the rainbow poured out at the same time. What the fuck is going on with this shower?
Suddenly the hot water came back. I was glad, but I'm sure I'll have to take another shower after, so I can get all those weird colored chemicals off me. For now I was just going to enjoy the hot water. I closed my eyes for a minute.
When I opened my eyes I noticed that I wasn't even in the bad shower anymore. I was in my own shower! What the hell happened? Did I teleport or something? 
"Hey, what's going on?" I was startled by my own voice. It sounded much deeper and louder than normal. I reached for the handle and noticed my hand and arm looked bigger and darker. I looked down at myself and shouted.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" I'm huge! I'm fucking obese! I have man tits! What happened? I quickly turned the shower off and examined my body. I put my hand on my tits, lifted them up, and watched them sag into the mound of fat that was my chest. Fuck, what is happening to me?! I opened the shower curtain, and carefully put my huge legs over the bathtub wall one at a time. I knew I was naked but thankfully couldn't see my dick, whatever it looked like. The mirror was fogged up so I went to my bedroom for a mirror…wait, I'm still naked. I took the towel hanging on the wall and had to lift up my flabby belly as I wrapped it around my waist. It wasn't even big enough to wrap completely, but the weight of my rolls kept it from falling down.
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I walked into the bedroom, approached the mirror and nearly had a heart attack. Staring right at me was my dad, only he was copying everything I was doing. This can't possibly be real! I’ve turned into my dad! I walked up closer making ridiculous expressions with his face, feeling sick to my stomach. I have no hair either! I rubbed my bald head, sliding my hand up from my forehead to the back of my neck. I stroked my beard, then ran my fingers through my entire face. This is real all right. I took a step backwards, eyeing my massive frame and did a little dance, shaking back and forth, the saggy flesh going everywhere. I look awful! How did this happen? Whatever weird water came out of that shower downstairs somehow swapped the bodies of me and my dad! But wait, if I'm in his body then he must be…
Suddenly the door opened and there stood me. My body, I mean. It was weird looking at myself, moving of its own accord, not following what I'm doing. He was naked, wrapped up in a towel.
"Cam, what the hell is going on?" He spoke with my voice, which caught me off guard. Do I really sound like that?
"You tell me, dad!" Once again his deep voice came out of my mouth. "The one time you force me to use your own shower, we end up swapping bodies!"
"I don't know what the hell happened either! But it's pretty nice! Don't think I've ever been this fit in my life! I feel so nimble!" He looked down at his chest and rubbed it. "And are these abs? Wow! I have actual abs!"
"Hey stop touching me! Remember I'm trapped in YOUR gross body!" With that he started laughing.
"Oh, Cam! That's…hey I'm sorry. But it's kinda funny! Just you…you run everyday! The irony!" I wanted to punch him so bad, but since he was in my body, I'd rather not injure…myself.
"Well if we're gonna be stuck like this, you're gonna have to do all the hard work running then. Or you'll end up fat once again!"
"Aw shit. Well, I'm young at least." Oh god, I was so focused on the weight gain that I didn't consider how much older I was now. I just lost about 25 years of my life! And even if I started running again, it'll take years to even get close to what my body was before…and I'll be full of saggy loose skin! I’m not about to let my dad tease me nonstop for this so I changed the subject.
"Well, if we're gonna be stuck like this, we might as well get dressed." 
"Right on. I left my clothes in the bathroom. And you have some clothes in the closet somewhere?"
I walked back into the now clear bathroom, and found my dad's clothes laying on the countertop. I slipped the towel off, lifting up my belly once again, and put on a giant pair of boxers. In my old body, these would've been like a blanket on me! It was a weird feeling, having a part of my skin go over my underwear like that. My gut was nearly touching my knees! I pulled on a faded green polo shirt, realizing how hard it is to put on a shirt when your chest isn’t flat. I pulled it over my man tits, and all the way down to my hanging belly. I then put on a pair of blue jeans and belt, initially tucking my fat in underneath them. I realized how awkward that looked so I settled for pulling my belly over it. It'll be obvious that I'm fat no matter what, but at least I won't look so round. I walked into my room just as my dad, wearing one of my tight black tank tops and basketball shorts, began walking out.
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"Wait where are you going?"
"To the grocery store! I was going to go anyway before all of this, and well…" For the first time since the swap, his posture changed and he looked upset.
"I mean I'm so fit, and young again! I just want to go out in public and kinda show myself off you know?"
"I get it. Just…fine. As long as you don't hit on anyone or do anything embarrassing. I have a rep you know!”
"Yeah of course! Nothing weird! It's cool! I'll give you some uhh privacy now." I rolled my eyes and he noticed. "Hey, you'll get used to it! It's…..just stay out of trouble!" With that he closed the door. I could hear him walking, no, running, down the stairs, picking up his keys and stepping out the front door.
Well shit. What am I supposed to do now? I walked over to sit on my bed, the weight of my dad's belly on my thighs. How does he live like this? I feel so immobile. I moved over to lie down on the bed, my whole body jiggling as I tried to get myself comfortable. My bed is so small! I started feeling drowsy, maybe because of the mental exhaustion of everything that just happened, but probably because my dad's a lazy guy in general.
I woke up a few hours later to the sound of the doorbell. Fuck, I'm still my dad. I tried to get up as I always do but my gut was weighing me down so I kinda just rolled over and got up that way. My dad has keys, why would he need to…oh god. NO. NO!!! It's gotta be Ben! We were gonna have our date! Well not a date, but hangout. He can't see me like this! But I can’t just leave him wondering what happened! I started running to the front door, my belly and tits moving chaotically as I tried not to trip. By the time I reached the door, I was out of breath. This feels so pathetic; I was doing so good with my health! I opened the door to find Ben smiling.
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"Oh hey Mr. Parker! What's up?" He really thinks I'm my dad!
"Oh uh hi Ben! I uh heard you were coming for a date?" Shit! Not only do I suck at trying to imitate my dad, but I HAD to call it a date?!
"A date, well, I mean it could be…but hey well is Cameron here?" Did he just blush?
"Cameron? Oh yeah he's uh upstairs." I am an absolutely terrible liar.
"Oh, can I see him?"
"I mean, he's not here. Well he is but…"
"Mr. Parker, are you ok?"
"I uh…Ben…look. I-I don't know how to say this but. I AM Cameron."
"Something happened a few hours ago after my run and I switched bodies with my dad."
"Oh, you're fucking with me!"
"No really! Here, during our run today when you approached me, I started coughing and said I swallowed a fly, but actually I was just nervous around you."
"So that's what happened? Cameron, is that really you?"
"Yeah it's me. I look like my gross obese dad. I'm trapped like this for who knows how long. I don't know how to get out!”
"Interesting…" He seemed even more flustered than he was before.
"Are...you good?"
"Ok ok. You confessed. Now I'll confess. I uh- think you're fucking hot."
"R-really? I mean, sorry to let you down but my dad has the hot bod right now."
"No I mean, I like you, well your personality and all; I think you're really cute. But your body…your new body, just. Yes!"
"No fuckin way! You're turned on by my dad's body?"
"Yeah…" Suddenly a really naughty idea popped into my head.
"Well, it's still me in here even if the body isn't mine."
"I'm listening…"
"Why don't we head up to my room to see what happens?"
We walked up to my room, and within seconds of closing the door, clothes were already flying off.
"You have NO idea how much of a big fantasy this is for me. Your mind, and coolness, but your dad's porky body."
We hopped onto my bed, and cuddled a bit, him massaging my tits and rubbing my nipples. The sensation went straight to my dick. Ben nuzzled his head in my belly and squeezed every inch of it. This is incredible. As I lay there seeing his face sink into my fat, he lifted up my belly and started sucking my dick. I still couldn't see it, or knew how big it actually was, but I was getting hard quickly. He was no doubt an expert at oral. With each motion of his mouth, I was getting closer and closer to cumming, but I knew I had to hang on in order to fully enjoy the moment. This wasn't how I ever expected to fuck Ben, but I didn’t care. Being a fat guy fucking a tiny twink is amazing. As he stopped sucking my dick, I could see a sparkle in his eye.
"Hey, lay on me."
"Yeah lay on me. Smother me in your flab rolls."
I was a little hesitant but Ben positioned himself on his back and slowly, I let myself sink into him. I could barely feel him underneath it all, but his dick was sticking straight up, touching mine. He grabbed my face and we started making out. With each kiss he dug his tongue further and further into my mouth until he was practically penetrating me. He rubbed my bald head as he continued. I began humping his chest with my dick, which prompted another sparkle in his eye. He turned around and got on all fours.
"You’re welcome inside…"
I always suspected he was a bottom! It was a lot harder to find the hole with my gut in the way, but luckily he was extremely loose. Sticking my dick in his asshole, I slowly moved him onto his chest, flattening him once again, but this time my dick inside. I started grinding, Ben moaning with each motion. As I went even faster he moaned even louder. At this point I was sweating like a pig, which only seemed to turn him on even more. I grinded further. Harder and harder, I was smothering him under a huge amount of weight. I can't imagine how that could be comfortable being crushed like that but he didn't seem to mind. I reached my giant hands under his chest, gathering all my strength, and flipped us both upside down like pancakes. With Ben now on his back, sinking into my fat, I started grinding harder until he finally came at the same time I did, exploding everywhere as I filled his hole with my fluids. He lied on my belly, both of us out of breath.
You know, I could get used to this. Ben's into big guys, and I'd love to fulfill his fantasy again. I don't think my dad would mind having my body a little while longer as long as I can have his...
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agaypanic · 1 year
Hello! Since you wanted a break from Reese, I thought I could request something for Benny.
Something where the reader has been friends with Ethan and Benny for a while. They don't have any powers, but they're really strong. They probably wear lots of baggy clothes.
Both the reader and Benny like each other, but haven't said anything. It's not until the reader gets into a cheer leader outfit and a spellcasted sleepover that they both feel comfortable enough to tell each other.
Muscles and Pom-Poms (Benny Weir X GN!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Ethan and Benny need to spy on the cheerleading squad, but they can’t do it alone. Since Sarah and Erica are already on the team and seemingly under the influence of the cheer captain, the boys recruit you to help. 
A/N: omgomg buff x beanpole is so cute
“Absolutely not.” You slammed your locker shut to look at Ethan and Benny, who had pleading looks on their faces.
“Please, Y/n, we need all the help we can get,” Benny said, trying to give you his best puppy dog eyes. You had to try your best to resist the effects.
“I’m not stuffing myself in a cheer uniform, guys.”
“Y/n, it’s really important,” Ethan added.
“Oh really?” You asked, clearly not convinced. “How important is it?” Ethan leaned in, and you and Benny mimicked him until the three of you were almost knocking your heads into each other.
“Erica joined the cheerleading squad to suck the cheer captain’s blood.”
“Not surprised.” You commented. He continued.
“Sarah joined too to try to stop her. Benny and I went in undercover, and I had another vision.”
“What do you mean undercover?”
“I’d rather not say. Anyways, about my vision. I think it was at a pep rally. It was like everyone died. I think Erica might have something to do with it.” You sighed, leaning away from the boys.
“If you guys are already undercover, then why do you need me?”
“We need all the help we can get,” Ethan answered. “I saw Sarah in my vision, and it looked like whatever happened got to her too.”
“At least try it on, Y/n.” Benny brought out a cheerleading uniform from God knows where, the Whitechapel logo crisp on the front. “Pretty please.”
Damn those eyes. You snatched the uniform out of Benny’s hands, walking off.
“I feel stupid.” You said when you got to the boys, now changed into the Whitechapel Devil cheer uniform. Ethan and Benny turned at the sound of your voice, and they immediately had different reactions.
“You look great, Y/n!” Ethan beamed, even though you wanted to tear this outfit to shreds.
“Hot,” Benny mumbled, staring at you with wide eyes. You felt your cheeks flush at the comment. Ethan nudged Benny with his elbow, and he cleared his throat, getting out of whatever trance he was in. “Yeah, you look great, N/n.”
“Thanks, I guess.” You felt so weird. The uniform was so revealing compared to the oversized clothes you wore. “I don’t think they’ll want a muscular cheerleader, though. I think their type is more skinny.”
“Don’t be silly,” Benny said, dismissing the thought with a wave of his hand. “They’re looking for more bases and catchers for stunts and stuff. As long as you can catch a girl, they’ll take you. Don’t sweat it.” You didn’t care if Benny was saying it just so you could help them; it truly did make you feel better about stuffing yourself in this stupid outfit. 
“I guess I should go to tryouts.” you sighed, not really wanting to go. But Benny’s words gave you the encouragement to turn around and go to the gym. “See you guys later!” 
They shouted goodbyes to you, and soon the boys faded into the distance. Benny waited until you were out of view before turning to Ethan. 
“They’re so hot, E.” Benny grinned at his best friend. Ethan rolled his eyes.
“Why don’t you go tell them that?”
“God, the muscles and the uniform? I can’t believe Y/n has been hiding all of that under baggy clothes.”
“They probably knew you’d react like this,” Ethan muttered, rolling his eyes at Benny’s behavior. Benny immediately became panicked.
“What do you mean ‘they probably knew’? Why would they know? What do they know?” Benny asked quickly, scared that you had figured out his feelings for you. “Wait a minute. How am I reacting?”
Like Benny had said, you were quickly accepted into the cheer squad. The girls were impressed by your strength, able to hold up two cheerleaders at once. You got to say that it was all-natural, and it wasn’t a lie. You weren’t a supernatural species and had no special abilities like everyone else in your friend group.
“I’m surprised the boys roped you into this,” Sarah said as you two walked out of the gym. “But I’m glad. When Erica sets her mind on something, there’s pretty much no stopping her.”
“Yeah, well, they can be pretty convincing.”
“Oh really?” Sarah smirked at you. “I bet one of them was more convincing than the other.” Sarah had known your deepest, darkest secret for a while, that you were heavily infatuated with one of your best friends. And she made sure to bring it up constantly.
“Oh, shut up.” You groaned, rubbing a hand over your face. She just laughed.
“How did he react when he saw you like this?” Sarah asked, gesturing to your get-up.
“I couldn’t hear what he said at first. But then he said I looked great, so that’s good, I guess. But I don’t know, it sounded different than whatever he said first.”
“Well, the point is, he thought you looked good. No! Great.” Sarah grinned, clearly excited for you and your potential love life. “Maybe you should wear stuff like this more often. I mean, you have all this muscle, and you never show it off.”
“Sarah, if I wore stuff like this more often, I think I’d die.” 
“Why would you die?” Benny’s voice startled you and Sarah. He and Ethan had found you in the crowd of dismissed students. You all migrated to the wall to not get lost in the rush. 
“Because this feels so weird.” You said, gesturing to your clothing. “The skirt feels so short, and my arms are so exposed.”
“Do you wanna borrow my jacket?” Benny asked, already zipping it down. Your heart fluttered at the suggestion and lack of hesitancy. Luckily, Benny’s jacket looked pretty stretchy and a bit on the larger size. He slipped it off and handed it to you.
“Thanks, Bens.” You said shyly, putting it on. It fit perfectly. You smiled at each other, albeit a bit timidly.
“Well, then,” Sarah said; it felt like she had cut the tension between you two with a knife. “Now that we’re all here, let’s talk about the sleepover.”
“What sleepover?” Ethan asked.
“The cheer squad is having a sleepover at your house.” Ethan seemed surprised at this statement, which made you and Benny laugh.
“What do you mean my house?” Sarah had a nervous smile.
“Stephanie wanted to have a sleepover for the new recruits, and I may have said that Veronica would be happy to host.” The boys seemed to understand, albeit annoyed, but you were confused.
“Who’s Veronica?”
Turns out, being undercover meant that Ethan and Benny disguised themselves as girls to become part of the cheer team along with you and Sarah. Looking at them in their uniform and wigs, you had no idea how they convinced anyone.
When the cheerleaders came to Ethan’s house, you stuck by the boys for most of the night. There was something strange about Sarah and Erica. They seemed more girly and prissy, more like the squad. It was freaking you out a bit. But you had to help keep an eye on Erica to make sure she didn’t try to have a bite to eat.
After some dinner, movies, and a pillow fight, the girls started to wind down. When everyone had gone to sleep, Benny and Ethan decided to creep up to Ethan’s room. They didn’t want to stay in their uniforms, but also didn’t want to get found out by the cheerleaders.
“Hey,” Benny whispered to you. “Wanna come with us?”
“Are you sure?” You asked. “I don’t wanna intrude. You guys must’ve had enough of us.”
“I could never have enough of you.” Benny’s playful smile was paired with a serious tone of voice. You had to take a deep breath to calm your nerves.
“Okay.” You smiled back. 
You grabbed your overnight bag, and together you snuck up the stairs to Ethan’s room. When you came in, Ethan was lying in bed, changed into pajamas and wig thrown on his desk. He sleepily greeted you before rolling over to face the other way.
You and Benny felt brave, but mainly just tired, enough to change in the same room rather than one of you go to the bathroom. When you were both done, he gestured to the side of him, where there was a cot.
“You can sleep on the cot if you want. I’m fine sleeping on the floor.”
“Oh no, Benny. You don’t have to.”
“Go ahead, Y/n. Seriously, I don’t mind.” Your heart fluttered again. Realizing Benny wouldn’t let up, you took the cot. He grabbed a pillow from Ethan’s bed and set it on the floor near you. He laid down, stretching out his limbs. You stuck your head over the cot’s edge to look down at Benny. He looked up at you, making eye contact. “You know, you’re really pretty, Y/n.” He was somewhat surprised at his own boldness. Maybe it was the delirium from how worn out he was, or perhaps it was because he suddenly no longer cared about subtlety. You tried hiding your growing grin behind your hand, but he could see it reaching your eyes.
“I didn’t know that. But thank you.” You joked, leaning over the cot to get closer to him. “You’re really pretty, too, Benny.” Now it was his turn to get shy and giddy.
“Stop.” He laughed quietly, not wanting to wake up Ethan. Balancing with your stomach and legs, you went down to get close to his face.
“Goodnight, Benny.” You whispered to him. In a moment of bravery, you kissed Benny’s cheek.
Before you could pull away, Benny put a hand on your cheek to keep you in place. You were suddenly scared as he stared at you. What if all his compliments were just friendly, and not something more like you have interpreted? Stupid Sarah and her getting in your head that Benny would look at you as more than a friend. 
“I really wanna kiss you, Y/n.” He whispered, breath fanning your cheek. You gulped, nervous but excited by the prospect.
“You do?”
“So bad. I mean, I don’t wanna kiss you bad. I wanna kiss you good. I just really-” You cut off Benny’s ramble by giving him exactly what both he and you wanted. The hand on your cheek moved into your hair. One of your hands on the floor to keep you balanced went to his shoulder. 
Eventually, you started getting a little lightheaded, so you pulled away to take a breath.
The two of you were quiet, all smiley and breathless. Benny’s hand went back down to cup your cheek, thumb rubbing back and forth on your cheekbone.
“I really like you, Bens.” You whispered to him.
“Oh really? I never would’ve guessed from the way you kissed me.” You rolled your eyes at the sarcasm, but you both laughed. “I really like you too, N/n.” You kissed him again.
“How’s the floor?”
“Meh, it’s fine.” But you could tell that Benny was less than comfortable. 
“I don’t know how we’d fit, but I wouldn’t mind sharing the cot.”
“No, Y/n, you don’t have to.”
“I don’t mind.” You kissed Benny again to seal the deal; he knew he had no choice. He couldn’t say no to you.
After some situating, Benny was lying on his back while you lay on your side, slightly on top of him. You argued, saying you would crush him. But Benny didn’t let up, saying he didn’t care and honestly wouldn’t mind if that happened.
“Comfy?” He asked. You nodded, nuzzling into his shoulder. This felt new but familiar. Sometimes when you’d hang out with the gang, you guys would lay against each other either because you were cold or tired. But this felt much more intimate. 
“Yeah. You?”
“Guys, if you don’t shut up, I’m making you sleep downstairs,” Ethan grumbled into his pillow. You and Benny jumped in surprise, thinking he had been dead asleep. You whispered apologies to him, quietly giggling, before looking at each other.
“Good night, Y/n.” His hand rubbing your back lulled you to sleep.
“Good night, Benny.”
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seospicybin · 1 year
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Hyunjin x reader x Felix.
Synopsis: Your best friend, Felix is in a rock band and he takes you to join him on tour as the band's photographer. On the road, you gain a lot of more than just exciting new experiences.
Preview under the cut!
Han has his tongue out as he tries to catch his breath, standing facing the nig portable air conditioner to cool himself down.
Hyunjin is the last one to come backstage, practically drenched in sweat. His t-shirt is soaking wet that it's stuck to his body.
He sits on top of a box with his head down, sweat dripping from the end of his hair with the red hair dye fades into the white t-shirt he's wearing.
Felix puts his hand on your shoulder as a support, as he too, is running out of breath. The sleeveless top he's wearing is sticking to his skin despite it having two gaping holes on each side, exposing just enough to let everyone know he has toned abs under there.
Realizing that you unintentionally ogling at your best friend, you shake the thoughts away, quickly grabbing a bottled water nearby and uncap it for him.
"For the greatest drummer in the world," you switch the towel in his hand with it.
He's too exhausted to laugh at it that he can only grin, then takes a long, big gulp of water it spills out the corner of his mouth and dribbles down his chin. He finishes the whole bottle in under a minute.
With the already damp towel, you dab the sweat on his face and neck, carefully not ruining the make-up that somehow survives the extra moisture on his face.
A few minutes have passed with the crowd chanting for an encore when it's obvious that they need another few minutes of break.
You check the setlist taped to the wall and they have three songs to play for the encore. You wonder how they can still fully function after performing for more than two hours already.
"Whenever you're ready, boys!" Someone says, which you believe is coming from the manager.
Felix grabs another bottled water, not to drink it but pours it on his head to cool it off, he pushes his bleached blonde hair to the back with his fingers.
This is the kind of sight that would make the fans go wild, but what can you say? Guess tonight they're not lucky as you.
Felix takes the towel back from you to wipe the water dribbling down his neck, "do I look alright?" He asks with his eyes wide.
You saw the stylist put on mascara on him earlier and now it's slightly smudged with how much he sweats, but that only adds to the rockstar look. You decide to only wipe the excess under his eyes ever so slowly with your pinky finger.
"Let's get ready!" Han says as he looks around for the members despite he's still catching his breath.
Felix puts his hand away from your shoulder to get a clean towel, using it to dab fresh sweat on his face.
Behind him, something catches your eyes, the red of Hyunjin's hair and him casually taking his t-shirt off in front of everyone. Well, everyone is probably used to this but not you, you're the only one having a hard time trying not to look his way.
Look away, look away, you repeatedly tell yourself, but instead of doing that, you do the exact opposite.
You stare at his back figure and see the ridges his back muscles made as he puts a t-shirt over his head that eventually covers his smooth skin, glistening wet even under the poor lighting backstage.
Han once again takes the lead, walking up to Felix and tapping him on the shoulder repeatedly as if to transfer his energy to him.
"Let's go!" He excitedly tells him.
Felix always manages to catch you off guard, surprising you by pressing a kiss on the cheek and you can only give in to him.
"Be right back!" He says with a grin.
Hyunjin follows them not long after, but stopping at the side to dry his hair with a towel, you feel a few drops of his sweat land on your arms.
He briefly glances at you, then tosses the damp towel away before entering the stage again.
That one stare reminds you why you're still holding a grudge against him, but at the same time, you don't want it to ruin the night.
However, once Hyunjin plays his guitar, you forget all about it.
You feel the shiver down your spine, and it's getting intense as the guitar riffs he plays charmed you to keep watching.
And it's hard to do so because he's so blinding.
The full fic will be posted tomorrow!
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Nosey Sensei LaRusso (1/2)
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(Unedited) (Daniel being way to nosey, Johnny being Johnny and not paying attention to his kid, Hinted secretly dating,Pregnant!Single Mom!Reader)
Daniel first noticed something was different with Robby when a car showed up at the dojo one day.
It was after a lesson and everyone was grouped up talking before they all went their separate ways. Daniel had a habit of taking a minute to watch of the kids after class was over. It just felt right to watch them for a good moment to make sure they where all doing ok. Johnny usually headed back inside to help clean up after taking to Miguel for a bit.
Daniel’s eyes scanned the yard, his eyes following Miguel, Sam, Tory and Demetri who where all talking, Chris and a few of the other kids talked in another group on the other side of the yard. Daniel raised a eyebrow when a small car pulled up, a tiny little gray car he had never seen before. He didn’t remember seeing a car like that picking anyone up from the dojo before. Taking a mental step back he looked around for the one student he didn’t see talking to anyone.
Robby waved to Sam’s small group before walking over to the gray car. Brown eyes tracked the person who stepped out of the drivers side door.
It was a girl from the looks of it, she looked around the same age as the other kids. She was a bit shorter, maybe a bit taller then Sam. She had on a baggy sweater and jeans. She walked over to the passenger side of the car and waited as Robby made his way over to her. She smiled as the boy got closer. Finally Robby made it to the car, he spoke a few words to the girl.
Robby smiled at her and they both exchanged a few words before he opened the car door for her and she slowly got in. He closed the door and walked around to the drivers side and slid into the car.
Before Daniel knew it the two where gone, the small car speeding off out of the driveway.
“Is Robby seeing someone new? Has he said anything?”
Johnny huffed as he threw some dirty sweat towels into the dojo washing machine.
“Kid doesn’t tell me hardly anything these days. But if I’m being honest it wouldn’t surprise me if he was and just didn’t tell me.” Daniel rubbed at his chin as he watched Johnny throw in the last of the dirty laundry. Maybe he was just over thinking things. If he really wanted to know what was going on with the dirty blond boy he would have to try and find a more reliable source.
The LaRusso family dinner that night was normal, small talk about things that had happened that day. What the kids where up to at school, how the dealership was doing, stuff like that. It was a nice peaceful environment.
Daniel picked at his plate for a moment before taking a sip of his drink, he gently set it back down as he looked over at Sam. She was eating her own food and trying not to laugh at something Anthony had said. He cleared his throat making both kids and Amanda look at him. Amanda sipped on her wine as she listened to her husband.
“So I have a weird question, but I want a real answer.”
Sam raised a brow, her father looking directly at her as he spoke.
“Is….Is Robby seeing someone new? At school I mean.”
He honestly didn’t want to ask Sam out of all people about a boy that made such a impact in her life regarding dating and her love life. But he needed a answer on the matter.
“Well I mean- I guess? I don’t know if they are actually dating or not but he’s around her all the time at school and I think they hang out afterwards too. He hasn’t really been hanging out with us kids at the dojo a lot. Maybe they are dating?”
“So who is she? Is there a reason he hasn’t said anything about her to anyone? I talked to Johnny about it and he has no idea, then again it's Johnny do I don't think Robby would even think about mentioning a girlfriend.”
Sam took a moment to reply back. Her facial muscles flexed for a moment like she was trying to pick her words carefully.
“I- it could be because she's you know....” Daniel raised his own brow as he tried to fall what his daughter was trying to say. Amanda cocked her head as well watching Sam fumble a bit. Sam rolled her eyes as she made a round hand gesture toward her belly. She bit her lower lip as Daniel clearly didn't follow.
“Ohhh she preggers! I think I'm getting better at charade’s.” Anthony said as he took a bite at his food. Seeming proud of the fact he gussed what she was trying to say before their parents.
Sam zipped her lip as she went back to poking at her food. She didn’t know if she should actually be telling her dad about Robby and Reader’s relationship. She didn’t even really know if she was being completely honest with herself. Robby and Reader had been close for a few months now, she saw them around school a lot.
When Robby sat with the group at lunch Reader was usually right next to him the whole time. She didn’t seem to stray to far away from him. She even witnessed him walking her to class a lot. She usually caught him talking to her while carrying her backpack so she didn’t strain her back.
Daniel mumbled to himself for a good minute trying to take in the new information.
“I have to ask now, is it his?”
“Dad no! Robby would have definitely said something by now if it was his baby. She transferred school while she was pregnant. She’s kinda new.”
Daniel just gave a small nod before turning back to his food. His eyes peered over to his wife who was currently staring him down, wine glass in hand. She gave him a raised brow and a face that definitely screamed “ You really thought”. He rolled his eyes at her before taking a bite of his dinner.
With this new information in his pocket, he definitely had to find out the full story between Robby and this new girl.
At least before Johnny caught on and possibly rips the kid a new one for not saying anything about possibly dating a pregnant girl. Who knows how the blond moron would handle that.
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maddithefangirl · 2 years
Midnight Wedding (Azriel x Reader)
Warnings: None yet
Summary: To prove the strength of the court, all members of the Night Court must be married/mated, so the Shadowsinger must marry and pretend to be mated to none other than Y/N.
a/n: Hiya! I've been sitting on this idea for a while and actually decided to post it. This will (hopefully) be a series which is scary for me but so exciting!! I hope you all enjoy. xo
The night was frigid against the sweat dripping down Azriel’s back. He had been tossing and turning all night after getting the worst news of his life. For most of his life, he has been able to be as free as he wanted but to see that all be squandered in a month is heartbreaking.
Earlier that day…
“So what did you need to see me about, brother?” Azriel asked Rhysand as he walked into the office. The warm, midday wind swarmed the room, almost uncomfortably. This was supposed to be a normal post-mission report, but by the look on Rhy’s face, that was not the case. 
By the time the door shuts all the air seems to be sucked out of the room. This was not going to be good. Rhys didn’t know where to start. This was just as hard for him as it was going to be for Az. 
“Az, I wanted to tell you this myself, not as High Lord but as your brother. Since showing who we really are, we have been perceived as weak, and the only way to combat that is that everyone in my Inner Circle must be mated and married. I know this may come as a shock to you, but I have found a match for you already and you are to be married by the end of the month, no exceptions.” 
Azriel’s world came crashing down. He didn’t know what to say… He stood up and stared down at his brother who sat at his desk chair. Rhys looked regretful as if this was something he had to do. He didn’t think this would be something Rhys would do by choice. As Az opened his mouth to speak there was a knock at the door. And then he saw you. 
Feyre walked you both into what you knew as Rhysand’s Office. You had never been so nervous before. When Feyre showed up at your house, you didn’t know what to think. You had met her once before at a Starfall celebration a couple years after Under the Mountain where Rhys had saved your life and given you refuge. You would forever be indebted to him for his actions, so when the High Lady showed up at your door, you knew he was about to cash in. At that same Starfall, you had been introduced to Azriel the Shadowsinger. It did not go as well as you had hoped since you ended up vomiting on his shoes by the end of the night. You would never live that down. 
Seeing him now in the low light of the office, he was… beautiful. He was beautiful back then, but the atmosphere highlighted his sharp features. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt that accentuated his muscles and stretched over his broad chest, his impressive wings standing proud. The look on his face was solemn and you could not think of any reason you would have needed to interact with the Shadowsinger again. 
“What’s going on?” you asked quaintly. 
“Y/N, thank you for coming. I think I’m going to just rip the bandaid off. I have something to ask of you as your High Lord.” Rhys replied in a voice you had never heard him use before. 
“I- as your High Lord must oversee that you and Azriel are to be married and you much pretend to be mated. I know this is a lot, but it must be done for the goodness of the Night Court.”
You were speechless. 
What the Mother is going on?
You stood there, mouth agape as you stared Rhys down. You couldn’t even look at Azriel although all he did was look down at the floor. He didn’t know either. That came as another shock to you. 
You finally closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose. How was this even supposed to work?
“Okay.” You said quietly. What else was there to say? This is essentially an order from your High Lord, how could you say no?
When you opened your eyes both males stare back at you in awe. I guess they were not expecting you to accept. 
“When do I get my ring?” You joke. That was the only way you could get through this without absolutely crying. You were going to be married… you didn’t even know if you wanted to be married… They just stood there looking at you before they finally picked their jaws up from the floor. “The wedding will be in one month. Just something small with only family,” Rhys said. You could live with that you guess. With that you exited the office and ran as fast as you could to find someone to take you home. 
Now all you could do was cry as you pulled out the cheapest wine you could find on this crisp night. You had exactly one month of freedom left. What were you going to do? 
There was a knock at the door. Who could that be? When you opened the door, there was Mor. Rhys must have made her check in on you. Rightfully so. She traipsed in the room and inspected the liquid you had in your cup, almost retching at the stench. You laughed, “I’m in for a long night, wanna join?” 
“Not if this is what we’re drinking.” 
You and Mor connected instantly when you first met. She was the perfect extrovert to your introvert. She knew when you needed to come out of your shell, but also knew when to respect your space. When she heard about what Rhys had asked of you, she had to see you as soon as she could.
She walks over to you and cups your face, “Hey, everything is going to be alright, I’ll get you out of this.” You raised your hand, “Don’t bother. What’s done is done.” Your cup is almost empty so you grab the bottle of wine and pour yourself another glass. You didn’t care how this was going to feel in the morning, you just cared about the ache you could feel deep in your chest now that your life was falling apart. 
The night went as expected. Mor held you as you cried and you drank until you passed out. On the other side of the city, Az still couldn’t sleep as the minutes turned into hours. He didn’t know why you agreed so easily. He didn’t even remember if he even agreed. His thoughts remained on you though as the night turned into dawn and the sun began to crest over the mountains.
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