#i guess i just sort of miss that giddy feeling of seeing people's reactions to something i made!! does that make sense??
heich0e · 1 year
btw this is exactly what i look like when u reblog my fics and leave nice tags <3
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mypoisonedvine · 1 year
🖋️ Meet the Munsons!! 😘
oh my god, I could talk forever about this series. what a special time!! I remember busting my ass to get sunday updates out, never knowing where the next chapter was gonna get its word count from and somehow pulling something out of my ass every time, reading comments like a giddy schoolgirl getting love notes... it was so special.
I don't remember ever considering alternate endings, it was so funny seeing people start to get nervous that they weren't going to get together or even stay together as if I could ever do y'all that dirty!! but the anxiety was fun to watch haha and overall everyone's reactions were so awesome and encouraging.
the chapters themselves, I didn't always have them planned in advance but I eventually figured I could round it off at an even 10 which was satisfying. of course, 10 was super long, but it felt like the story made sense for one chapter. the songs I picked were varying degrees of thoughtful, some weeks it was like the song perfectly matched the story, other times I was just using it for the title, other times it was just like "fuck whatever just get the chapter posted"
I was rereading one of the chapters a while back and laughed out loud at a line just because I forgot I left it in. after the wedding, eddie and reader hook up and they kiss after he eats her out and I said something like "you can guess what it tasted like... that's right, wedding cake!" it was sort of a fourth wall break and such a stupid joke but I honestly only wrote that as a joke and didn't even mean to leave it in the final product. but I'm glad I did because there's no reason to take it too seriously, it's fanfiction and it should be fun!
I expected way more hate for the stepcest plotline, but it didn't seem to bother people much. I'm sure some people just chose not to read if it's not in their comfort zone, but nobody specifically got onto me for writing it. all my life with derek survivors, you understand haha.
anyways, I really miss that time, but I'm hoping I can pull off a series with that longevity again some time soon... might be a while before I get that amount of creative energy though. thanks to everyone who supported meet the munsons!! honestly, sometimes it's hard to write for eddie now just because I feel like that was the perfect send-off to the character for me; like, I wrote him in a bunch of different ways, all kinds of kinks and readers, but ultimately that's my eddie and that's the way I imagine him actually turning out. it's canon to me lmao!! I of course still enjoy the occasional eddie drabble but it's kind of like, I said most of what I have to say about him in that fic and I just want to keep him safe and happy and loved in that little story forever.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
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College parties.
Only thing they’re good for is free alcohol and drunk, easy girls.
Levi has one of those things, sipping on some sort of jungle juice while he sits down, joins the circle of people around a single beer bottle.
The ringleader of the group, some sleazy-looking shaggy haired shit with glasses spins the bottle, Levi blanching as it points towards himself. But the idiot just smiles, points Levi towards the shoe closet near the back door, shouts of “Have fun!” and “Use protection!” hollered after the man as he makes his way to it.
This isn’t usually how this game is played.
There you are when he opens the closet door, wobbling on your tiptoes, hands tied to the clothing rack above your head. Your chest is heaving, tears running down your cheeks and soaking into the cloth stuffed in your mouth, tied tight in a knot behind your head.
Your shirt is pulled up over your chest, exposing the bra you’re wearing, skirt dipping so low on your hips that it’s obvious that you’re missing your panties. You’re barefoot too.
Levi is pulling your shirt down over your bra with a grimace, untying your hands and shimmying your skirt back into place while you sob in relief, arms and legs almost numb as he holds you up once you’re untied. The second the gag is out of your mouth you’re thanking him, your savior.
“Sleazy shitbags.” He spits as he hauls you past the circle of college students, irritated cries and disappointed jabs aimed his way as Levi takes away the entertainment for the night.
But Levi doesn’t take you out of the house.
He takes you to the bathroom, helps you sit down on the counter before closing and locking the door.
“How’d you let yourself end up in a situation like that?” The dark haired man asks, pulling a hand towel from a shelf and running it under some water. You’re sniffling as you struggle to calm down, wiping at your eyes but Levi catches your hands, dabs at the skin with the warm towel instead.
His question goes unanswered - you’re too worked up to speak, or maybe just too shy. Either way, Levi frowns as he works the towel gently across your pretty eyes to wipe away the tears.
Honestly, it doesn’t make sense why he’s bothering to dry your tears - he’s just going to make you cry again.
But this time when you cry, it’ll be just because of him.
“Why’re you wearing such a short skirt, that’s literally asking for guys to treat you like a fucking piece of meat.” The man says, thumbing at the soft material across your thighs, and you shake your head.
“I wasn’t-”
“You’ve been drinking too I bet, trying all the shitty garbage that they have in the kitchen.” 
Another shake of your head, mouth opening to speak in that soft, little voice, but Levi beats you to it. 
“Recipe for disaster, girls like you should know better.”
“But they-they made me...” Your bottom lip wobbles as you try to dodge the unfair accusations, and it’s Levi’s turn to shake his head. 
“No, you let them. If you were smarter this wouldn’t have happened.”
The hand playing with the hem of your skirt moves upwards, slipping underneath the fabric and sliding up your thigh. Levi was just guessing earlier about the alcohol, but your slow reaction time has him thinking that maybe you have drank a bit.
His hand brushes against your bare pussy before you squeeze your thighs, a panicked, quiet “No!” tumbling out of you with your next breath.
Looks like he was absolutely right about the no-panties thing.
Hand trapped between your plush little thighs, Levi arches a brow. “No? You’d rather I do this back in the closet where everyone can hear you and is waiting their turn to screw you after?”
The fear, the confusion in your eyes as your savior tries to grope you is priceless. Levi feels the snicker bubbling up from his lungs before he can stop it, sneering down at your cute little teary face.
“I need more than seven minutes for what I’m going to do to you.” Comes his sordid promise, and you’re shoving at his chest, frantic.
“I’ll-I’ll tell the dean, you can’t do-”
“-This?” Levi doesn’t have to bend to mash his lips to yours, everything warm and wet and pressing his body closer to trap you on the counter, make you feel the hardness in his pants.
You won’t open your mouth, but that’s okay.  Levi pinches your nose with his free hand, cutting off your air supply and in seconds you’re struggling to gasp around his tongue, trying and failing to turn your head away from his relentless pursuit.
Only when he’s satisfied does Levi pull away, pleased to see that you’re crying again, all because of him.
“You want to tell the dean? Here, I’ll call him.” The man states, fishing out his phone. “Just need to find dad’s number...”
His eyes flick up to catch your reaction, and he can’t stop himself from smiling at the weak grimace on your face as you realize the full situation. There’s nothing you can do to stop him.
“Oh, did I call him dad? Oops. I’m not supposed to let other students know that. You still want me to call the old fuck?”
A timid little shake of your head and Levi feels uncharacteristically giddy. 
He always gets what he wants.
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shoichee · 4 years
Craving for angst with kise please!! Like both are afraid to act on their feelings which ends up hurting the both of them unconsciously. Idk, maybe kise is trying to “test” the girl, but went a bit too far i guess. Whatever floats your boat!! I just want angst but maybe hopefully still HEA in the end (or whichever your muse takes you) ;-; thank youu ❤️
Kise x Reader
Word Count: 6975
Note: oh my GOD, HELP THIS WAS 17 PAGES ON MY GOOGLE DOC I COULDNT STOP MYSELF………. angst, happy ending, fake dating!au, mean old kise ….. girl idk WHAT I WROTE I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT ????? reader POV first half and kise POV second half~
»»————— ☼ —————««
He holds you so gently, the touch so feather-light as he cradles your head and dips his own head in for a soft peck. The warmth of his lips makes you feel things you shouldn’t feel, things that you still chased for more in a never-ending cycle. You hold onto his hands thumbing your temples to try to anchor yourself further into the bliss, but it ends all too soon when he separates from you and gives you a radiant smile.
You were rudely pulled out of your rose-tinted trance when you heard gasps and chatter amongst the gawking students nearby, particularly Kise’s fans. He doesn’t pay any mind to their reactions and turns his friendly demeanor towards them.
“So you see everyone,” he cheerfully says. “I’m sorry I can’t accept any of your affections, as much as it flatters me so… after all, I have my dear (y/n)-cchi by my side!”
Groans and cries rung throughout the campus as most wail about missing out the opportunity to be Kise’s romantic partner, but before you can listen to their laments, Kise hurriedly tugs you away to the privacy of the back of a building nearby, away from prying eyes and ears. He drops your wrist just as fast and yawns with a stretch.
“What time should we meet up tomorrow?” he casually says, taking out his phone from his pocket.
“Well, we can’t exactly sell our image of us being a couple unless we walk to and from school together consistently, right (y/n)?”
The rose-tinted lenses on your self-indulgent fantasy shatters to the ground instantly. You gulp, the swallowed spit hitting down to your stomach in heavy dread, where it was previously occupied by fluttering butterflies just moments prior.
This isn’t real.
“Ah… um,” you hesitated, thinking of a reasonable time, so you can wake up and get ready accordingly. “How about this time…”
“Yeah, that sounds good,” he replies, shutting off his phone before he walks a few steps away from you but then stopping. “Huh, uh… should I walk you home first? There might be some nosy people around, and we might as well get some practice in as an official couple.”
“W-Why don’t we start tomorrow morning instead?” you suggest. “A lot’s happened today, and well, I wanna have some time to myself.” Kise impassively stares at you for a couple of seconds before he forms a grin.
“Ah ha, well then, (y/n)-cchi,” he shouts jovially, making sure that his voice rang throughout the area for anyone nearby to hear. “I’ll be waiting for you tomorrow morning, my love!”
“Y-Yeah…” you mumbled, your hand held up in a half-hearted wave. “See you…”
With that parting, you turned to the opposite direction to exit through the side gates to get to your home. Your mind scrambles to recall the impulsive decisions you decided to take on a whim today. The grip on your bag tightens as you finally realized what sort of situation you got yourself into.
You like Kise, plain and simple. You’ve always gazed longingly at him whenever his presence entered within your line of vision. You couldn’t even fault his fans for being so whipped for the basketball player in the first place, not when you felt like you were more enthralled by him than anyone else. So what does a love-stricken fool like you do when the source of attraction directly asks you to partake in a “relationship?” You immediately accept his conditional proposal on auto-pilot before he barely finishes his sentence.
It felt so wrong, yet so right. How can you hate this arrangement when you enjoyed that first kiss you shared with Kise earlier? But how can you love this arrangement when you knew Kise only kissed you to drive everyone off? You stopped on the sidewalk and heaved a huge exhale, and you continued to walk again, the action not even remotely able to clear your head. Your mind continues to swirl and race.
You agreed to this. He even laid out his intentions very clearly to you, and he was more than ready to leave you alone if you didn’t consent to this. But stupid, desperate you did. You were ashamed to feel even a shred of flattery when he told you that you were the only one he can ask to drive off his fans in this only effective method: a relationship.
“Why me?” you said, looking up at his casual posture. “Don’t you have someone you like to ask to be in a relationship? I’m sure they’d be more than happy to accept you…”
“Well,” he mumbled. “I don’t really have someone in mind… you’re kinda the only one who doesn’t drool over me whenever I’m near, and I just ought to ask for your help.”
“W-Well,” you slightly stammered. “I’m okay with helping you, right, so…”
“This isn’t something to accept so readily, you know,” he said, raising a brow. “I know this is super sudden, and it wouldn’t be fair for me to force an answer out of you right at this moment. Besides, I don’t think there’s any incentive for you to be in this either? It’s okay if you don’t want to.”
“N-No!” you interrupted, but you coughed to regain your composure. “I mean, I do have something in this… maybe if I got with you, people would stop trying to harass and tease me if I had someone like you by my side.” That was a half-truth, but you knew there was no way you could reveal your crush to him… not when he believed you were “different” from the others. But can anyone blame you for sticking up for Kise when someone was talking about him like a piece of meat rather than a normal person? “Besides, for you to get to this point, things must’ve gotten too chaotic to simply tell them to stop, right?”
“Huh… is that so,” he said, stretching his neck, but you didn’t know whether or not he intentionally ignored your last question. “Well, if you’re fine with this, I’m letting you know now that we’ll be doing actual couple stuff, like…” He pauses for a second to gauge your reaction. “Hugging, hand-holding… probably kissing too…”
“Y-Yeah,” you nodded. “That’s fine with me! And we’ll have a code word in case either of us overstep our boundaries in any way… maybe…”
“Unagi,” he said.
“Huh? Why?”
“Because they’re the bane of evil…”
“It’s just a dish, but…” you laughed, giddy at how he already showed a different side to you apart from his cool persona. “Alright, let’s go with that.”
How long were you able to keep this up? You pat yourself on the cheeks to dismiss the rest of your fantasies. If you keep this up, Kise will soon notice how you actually were head-over-heels for him all this time, and surely you’ll lose any future chance with him. Besides, maybe you can use this unique arrangement to learn about Kise and his hobbies other than basketball. Yes, you tell yourself, jogging the rest of the way home. It won’t be so bad, after all.
Starting today, you’ll be officially dating Kise.
That’s how it is on paper, anyways.
How are you supposed to act while dating the Kise Ryōta? Equally cool and flamboyant? Athletically capable? Would you weird out Kise if you were the one initiating physical affection?
You flinch, not expecting anyone to call for you so early in the morning, and your walking route to school was never shared with another student as far as you were concerned. After all, your path was a little more obscured and unorthodox compared to the majority of students traversing the main neighborhood paths.
“Sorry… did I scare you?” You stop and turn to the source of the voice, only to be surprised when you see Kise himself. “Why do you look so surprised? Didn’t we agree on the time to meet up and walk to school together?”
“Oh… yeah…” In the midst of your thoughts, it seems that you forgot the arrangements you made with him yesterday evening. “My bad?”
“Oh, come on,” he gives a mock-hurt face with a hand to his chest. “Am I that forgettable, (y/n)?”
“N-No!” you immediately deny. You knew it was more like the other way around, the way constant thoughts of Kise preoccupy in your head too much. How can you ever forget him when he constantly runs through your mind everyday for so long? Kise merely gives a good-natured sigh before he changes the subject.
“Kidding,” he says, holding out a hand to you. “Seriously though, get your act together. We gotta start acting the part if we want this to work.” You stare at his hand, hesitating for a split moment before you put your own hand on top. His large hand easily encompasses yours, and the warmth makes you widen your eyes. It… felt nice.
You were so entranced by your linked hands that you failed to notice how Kise was staring at your face with a sharp glint in his eyes, but when you look up back to his face, he easily morphs his expression into his signature grin. He swings your hands around like an excited kid and turns to walk ahead to tug you along.
“Alrighty!~ Let’s hurry together before I get chewed out by Kasamatsu-senpai!”
“Kise, have you ever considered that it’s not really your tardiness that gets the captain mad but more so about the way you seem to irritate him with the way you skip around?”
“(y/n),” he says with a pout, “you know you’re not being convincing when you use my last name to address me as your boyfriend.”
“R-Right,” you stammer, still not used to the entire situation. “Ah… wait. Don’t you uh… call people who are close to you with -cchi?”
“Huh…” he mumbles, looking up at the cloudy sky before looking ahead of the path. “Not necessarily people who are close, just people who I really admire. I guess I addressed you like that yesterday without really thinking.”
“U-Uh, right… sorry.” He stops walking with your hand still in tow, and you almost bumped into his back at his sudden movement. He turns to you with a quite serious look.
“Do you want me to call you that?”
It was a normal question, but for some reason it felt like the next sentence coming from your mouth would make a huge impact on the way the two of you would interact in the future. From the way Kise looks at you with such a scrutinizing gaze, it feels like a trick question, and you’re not sure how to answer it. Your mouth goes dry when you try to reply.
“I… I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” Kise’s eyes widen a fraction before he gives an unexpected chortle. “Pfft… how do you not know what you want to be addressed as?”
“Arrgh, oh shut it!” you frown, hitting his arm in a fluster before stalking off ahead. You remember that you were supposed to go to school together, and you begrudgingly stop and turn back to wait for him to catch up. “Ryōta, just call me whatever you want. You’re already calling me by my first name, so I doubt anyone would care if you added -cchi or not.” Still, your cheeks turn pink at the realization that Kise would be uttering your first name for the next couple… whenever this relationship will last.
“You… wait up!” Kise wheezes dramatically, despite the both of you knowing full well how easily he can catch up to your stride. “You really shouldn’t be treating your boyfriend like that! Especially on the first day!” Kise holds your hand again to lead you to the rest of the way to school.
All the while, you’ve been staring at his back, your heartstrings being tugged so mercilessly at the cacophony of emotions you were feeling the whole time. He felt so warm, so inviting, but the way he held your hands felt cold and transactional.
You’re not sure how to react whenever Kise introduced himself as your “boyfriend” to everyone or whenever nosy students inquired about your new “boyfriend.” All you could do was gulp and manage the most convincing act you could do within different contexts. Smile, laugh, get bashful, be modest in talking about how Kise managed to “like” you, pretend you know many embarrassing stories and sides to him that no one else did. Truthfully, you were just as in the dark as anybody else.
You think the only reason why everyone bought the couple-act was due to how enamored you were in talking about him. This was the only response you could be truthful about. At least you could use your huge crush to your advantage in portraying yourself as the “lovey-dovey” half of the couple. Yet it feels unbelievably wrong.
You knew you had to prepare yourself some preset answers for curious students, but you didn’t expect yourself to be participating in neverending “interviews” in these social settings. You thought this relationship would entail a closer access to Kise’s true self, but things suggest otherwise.
“Ryōta,” you say, peering up at his face as the both of you walk down the hallway to your designated spot for lunch together. Even as you two walk, he puts a reasonable distance between the two of you when there is no one in close proximity. Even when you two are together, he only grabs your hand when it’s socially convenient. Even when Kise approaches you to talk, you know it’s never anything beyond for the sake of acting. And you agreed to this entire thing.
“Hm?” He spares a glance to your figure before returning his gaze ahead.
“Uh, I brought extra food today,” you say, trying to use this situation to try to express your genuine feelings to him in small increments. “I brought an extra bento box too… in case, you don’t wanna actually share one…” He was about to reply before a pair of students turned around the corner to head towards your direction. Kise narrows his eyes at the unexpected turn of events, and immediately turns to you brightly.
“(y/n)! You really thought that I wouldn’t like the idea?” he pouts. “Of course I wanna share a bento with you! Silly…” He slightly bends to your level to place a chaste peck on your forehead.
“Ah…” you freeze at his soft touch, your legs stiff in place as you stop walking. Kise, in response, moves his lips to your ears, and you slightly shiver at the unexpected intimacy… it was the closest he’s gotten to you ever since that public stunt when he kissed you in front of everyone the other day.
“Hey, don’t just stand there… you can’t overreact like this over something couples do everyday.” You bit your lip in an attempt to stop your heart from sinking from disappointment, but in turning your face to him to spill an apology, your face ended up right in front of his. Your eyes widen but he only stares at you with such an intensity that makes you hold your breath in anticipation.
But he immediately draws away and stretches with a yawn. “Looks like those people left right after they thought they intruded on a private moment between us,” he says. “Sheesh, people really do the most to be so nosy nowadays.” You wonder how he can be so casual about this all. Perhaps it was a mistake to be here like this when you were so in love with him, overthinking every single thing he did.
Why didn’t he kiss you this time? Did he not find you the teensiest attractive enough to want to kiss you even without an audience nearby?
“Come on,” he mumbles, waving a hand through your face. “Quit making that face. I won’t be doing that to you without warning anytime soon. My bad, okay?” Kise sheepishly holds out a hand for a handshake to make peace, and you wordlessly take his hand. One day, you’ll stop being his special someone to savor his warmth…
No, you thought, you’re an idiot… he’s never considered you as someone special.
You debated in telling him that you were fine with him kissing you, but you hold your tongue, afraid that he’ll realize your true feelings about him. Besides, were you really okay with him kissing you when he didn’t reciprocate the same feelings?
“It… wasn’t like what you think,” you hesitate. “It just caught me off guard.”
“Well,” he laughs. “That’s a relief! By the way…” He stops to settle himself on the bench. “What’s exactly your lunch? Since you went through the effort to bring extras, I guess I’ll eat them.”
“I packed salmon from leftovers I had from home,” you reply, taking out your bento box and utensils. You decide to shake off your negative thoughts and shove them to the back of your mind. He makes a horrified face at the lunchbox. “Kise, what’s wrong?”
“Do you… happen to have anything else packed?”
“Well,” he coughs. “I’m not a fan of dishes with boned fish.”
“Didn’t you say you hated unagi too?” Kise shyly averts his gaze before he reluctantly confirms it so. “They’re delicious though! Especially when they’re grilled!” At first, he refused to answer, but the more you tried to poke and prod (literally too, at his ribs), he finally gave in.
“Alright, alright! But I swear, you better not tell anyone!… I choked on a fish bone one time…”
“… And?”
“And yeah.”
“You choked on a bone once and you got scared out of eating fish—”
“Shhhh!” he hushes, emphasizing his hiss with a finger to his lips. At this very moment, you saw a glimpse into who Kise really is, and you can’t help but bust out a genuine, carefree laugh for the first time in front of him. In embarrassment, he bonks your head with his fist to get you to stop laughing, but it only makes you more conscious of how close he is to you.
But just as quickly and telepathically, Kise puts some distance between the two of you, sitting closer to the edge of the bench. He opts to hunch over casually and keenly watch you scarf down your meal in minutes without a care.
You wonder if you should feel guilty for enjoying this moment with Kise, even if he was only waiting with you out of obligation of being your “boyfriend,” but right now, you allowed yourself to indulge, letting your heart beat sporadically without guilt and fear for once. You continue to savor your lunch in silence, concentrating on munching around the fish bones, while Kise sat in contemplation all the while.
“You should come watch our practice game today, (y/n).”
You tilt your head at him in confusion. It’s been two weeks since you started this arrangement with him, but nothing extraordinary or groundbreaking happened between the two of you, much to your despondency. But you knew, you shouldn’t be asking for too much when you already have the once-in-a-lifetime chance to be close to him like this.
“There’s going to be a lot of people coming,” he explains. “Even if it’s just a practice game… it’d be weird if you weren’t there, because, you know, we’re dating.”
“I don’t mind going,” you reply. “It sounds fun.”
“You know, you’ve been agreeing to everything I’ve been suggesting the entire time,” he mumbles to himself, but he zips his mouth shut when he sees you instinctively moving closer to try to catch what he said. “Uh, in any case… just stop by the gym whenever you can.”
So here you are a few hours later, being the first person to settle yourself on top of the 2nd floor of the gym. You rest your arms on the railway, fascinated by the Kaijō basketball team and their skills. As they warm up on the courts, it’s the first time you see Kise truly at ease and happy with the people he cares about, and your heart pangs in jealousy seeing his genuine smile. You were pulled out of your thoughts when you realized the gym became completely crowded, the constant chattering announcing huge crowds along the entrance and the lucky watchers at the 2nd floor with you.
You didn’t mind the onlookers when all you were focused on was Kise throughout the entire game with a smitten look, and you weren’t surprised when his team easily won against the other local school.
“That’s Kise isn’t it?” You were about to turn to leave the higher floor to wait outside the gym when you heard his name. You stop to eavesdrop on the conversation next to you.
“Yeah, I’ve been hearing about him way too much. Something about him dating now?”
“He’s dating (l/n) right now, which is super weird because they never even talked… and all of the sudden, they’re dating? I didn’t think of him to be into short-term flings.”
“You think he’s using (l/n) in some way? What an asshole.”
“Yikes. You’re probably not even that far off the bulls-eye. He’s a really heartless guy, from what I’ve heard.”
“Hey,” you interrupt, scaring the two girls out of their wits before they turn to you. “I don’t think you should talk about Kise like that when all you know of him is through speculation.”
“Ugh, here we go again with his fans…” one of them groans, rolling her eyes. “Look, I get it, he’s good-looking and all, but I don’t understand how you can defend him to death when he doesn’t even spare a glance at you… ah… shit, you’re (l/n)?” A flash of hurt was visible on your face for a split second before you frowned. Their words unintentionally hit the nail in the coffin.
“Whether I’m (l/n) or not doesn’t really matter,” you say angrily. “Gossiping about anyone like that isn’t something you should make a habit out of.”
“Jeez, let’s just leave,” the other girl whispers, dragging the first girl along.
You simply stand there watching them leave, but you can’t shake off what they said. They were right… how could you be so whipped for him when you know he’ll never see you the same way?
Kise’s voice brings you back to your consciousness as he waves at you from the court. “You’ve been standing there for a while! Hurry up, or I’ll leave you behind, (y/n)-cchi!”
“Coming!” You race from the 2nd floor to the ground level to catch up to him, your heart pounding all the while. Did he… did he just…?
You shake your head before you reunite with him to walk home together. Stop it… don’t overthink it.
Kise waits at his usual spot to wait for you before walking to school together. It’s been three weeks since he’s approached you to “date.” He’s grown quite comfortable with this arrangement, being close to you and backing off when it’s convenient. After all, if you somehow showed a gruesome true self of yours, he’d be able to separate himself from you with no consequences… even if his heart would cry out not to.
“Ryōta!” There you are, running down the path towards him so cheerfully. Could you really be an awful person when you have such a pure smile like that?
“Ah, (y/n)-cchi,” he says. “We should hurry if we wanna be inside campus. It’s a little chilly today, so being indoors sounds really nice right now.” He peers over to your face to see your nose slightly red from the cold, and he huffs out a chuckle, noting the warm puff of air escaping from his own lips.
“I guess it’s a little cold today,” you say, looking up at Kise with a slight childish wonder. “Hey, that’s a pretty cool cloud that you puffed out.”
“You have some clouds around you too.” He gently smiles, and he notes that your eyes widen at the sight of him. “Wha? Is my face that horrific, (y/n)-cchi?” You avert your gaze as your cheeks grow just as red as your nose.
“Nah… i-it’s nothing…ah—” He holds your cheeks to turn your face back to him, and he draws near with a serious gaze, bumping his forehead against yours.
“You’re actually really cold…”
“Uh, um… I don’t think I’m c-cold anymore—” you stammer, your eyes darting to look everywhere but his face, and Kise’s eyes only scrutinize your behavior further.
“Hm, if you say so…” he mumbles. Your eyes flutter close at the anticipation, and he feels the pull towards your lips, closing his own lids shut…
Wait, what was he thinking? He snaps his lids open and slightly draws himself away to look at you, still vulnerable with your closed eyes. It’s only when he drops his hands from your cheeks and turns to walk ahead when you flutter your eyes open again. Don’t let your feelings for (y/n) blind you into figuring out who they really are.
“Come on,” Kise calls out to you. “We should get going… we don’t wanna be late.” Besides, what if there’s a possibility that you don’t really like him at all?
The rest of the walk was in silence, with Kise slightly ahead of you. Perhaps if he turned around at least once to check on you, he would’ve seen the consequences of his actions.
You were silently crying the entire walk.
Nothing seems to change much for the entire month. The way the two of you dance and sway around each other, while never being too close, never being too affectionate, never being completely honest. In this shared rose-tinted world, the frail glass that holds these moments together threatens to break with every fickle interaction. Every shared kiss constitutes another small crack to the rose-tinted crystal.
And both of you are content with just the way things are.
Or that’s what you both mutter to yourselves like a mantra.
“Ryōta!” you call out to him. “Did you wait long?”
“Not really,” he says. “I just barely got out too… the teacher was really lenient on dismissal today, actually.” His heart swells at the sight of you as usual, but just as quickly, he’s always managed to quash his emotions in check.
For the first time, you initiate physical touch with him without hesitation, linking your hands with his and snuggling up to him. He flinches, not fast enough to process the sudden warmth of your body, and he immediately separates himself from you. Do you actually like him after all?… No, something is up, right?
“Ryōta…?” You flinch just as severely from the sudden reaction, and he turns to avoid looking at your face, knowing that his resolve would crumble right in front of you. He’s a coward, and he fucking knows it.
“S-Sorry, (y/n)-cchi! I don’t know what came over me like that, but you know you don’t have to force yourself to do things like that, right? There’s no one here, so let’s just walk home together like we always do, yeah?”
He turns to already walk ahead, too afraid of hearing your response and hoping you would follow and catch up to him… like you always do.
You simply stood there for a few moments, anguish clear as the sky above you as you keep telling yourself to manage your own expectations. Still, your voice croaks out quietly to respond to him, even if you knew he wasn’t going to hear it.
“… But I wanted to do these things with you, Ryōta.”
It’s been several days since that incident.
It was very awkward for the most part, the walks to and from school silent and suffocating. He’s not quite sure how to go about it while trying not to sound disingenuous about it. Nonetheless, even through his quiet apology, your face still lights up, and he’s confused about why you would ever be so forgiving of him.
Although today, lines have been crossed and this shared secretive world between the two of you have completely shattered to the point of no return.
It was quite a blur, an instinct that Kise has developed over the course of this relationship. Every time a group of students drew near, he was always ready to tug you close for a kiss until they left and carry on with their day. Today was usually no exception.
Another group of students was hanging around the corner, presumably spying on you two, and Kise did what he’s always done, grabbing your hand and embracing you for a kiss. Your eyes were blown open in surprise, but when you saw Kise’s eyes elsewhere, something finally snapped inside.
You push him away at his chest.
“U-Unagi… unagi…” Your voice trembles, and you use your arms to cover up the fresh tears. The code word sounds unbelievably stupid out of context, but at this moment, the word alone stabs Kise in his chest. “I-I… just stop… please.” Kise stares dumbly at you, processing the fact that you just used the agreed safe word against him.
“… (y/n)-cchi?” Kise asks with a confused smile. “You’ve never objected to kissing before… I’ve even told you what we’ll be doing if you agreed to this…?”
“How…” you choke on tears. “H-How can you kiss me like that while your eyes are on someone else…?”
“I don’t understand—”
“A-Am I that atrocious to kiss unless you stare at something else or there’s some convenience?”
“I don’t get it, (y/n)-cchi,” he frowns. “Did you expect more out of this or am I missing something?”
“There was no reason to kiss me like that,” you softly wail. “Everyone already knows we’re a thing for… o-over a month now. There’s no reason to kiss me around people anymore when they won’t suspect us anyways…”
“So you don’t want me to kiss you anymore?” Kise’s heart sinks in thinking about where this is going.
“No!—you don’t… you don’t fucking get it! I don’t get it—! Why are we doing this anymore—I just, I see no reason to continue this anymore… you already shooed off your fans, right? Why haven’t you ended this?!”
“(y/n)-cchi—I…” He reaches out for you, but you immediately recoil.
“No—please… no more, I can’t do this anymore!” you sniffle. “I can’t fucking do this… I’m done, I’m tired—please… just look for another person to take my place… I… I’m done—I can’t pretend with you anymore when I always expect more out of it like a love-stricken fool!”
“Look—see,” you choke. “I’m just like everyone else who’s in love with you, I’m no different than everyone else R-Ryōta… so that’s why, I-I… can’t do this anymore!”
Kise stands there, staring at you running away from him. It was like everything had gone silent, save for the sound of his blood pounding in his ears.
“You think he’s using (l/n) in some way? What an asshole.”
“Yikes. You’re probably not even that far off the bulls-eye. He’s a really heartless guy, from what I’ve heard.”
He hated rumors, he really did… but for the first time, he feels like he deserves every word thrown at him around the hallways and classrooms. His memory flits to the time when he felt warm from seeing you standing up for him, even if he wasn’t bothered by them before. Now, the warmth is replaced by agonizing regret and guilt wracking through his entire body. His hands feel cold with you gone from his side.
What has he done?
He’s grown quiet for the next week.
It’s been a week since you ran from him, and it’s been a week since he last talked to you.
Even his teammates were concerned about his reserved behavior, but just as always, he’s managed to shoot them a convincing smile. Kasamatsu was more persistent about this but eventually dropped it seeing Kise’s refusal to talk about it.
That day when you pushed him away, he couldn’t sleep, his thoughts keeping him awake the entire night. He resolved himself to talk to you the next day… but he changed his mind the last minute… and then he told himself he’d do it the next day… and then he changed his mind again.
He tells himself that it’s because you rightfully hate him, with the way you’d surround yourself with other crowds and groups to prevent him from walking up to you when you were alone. He tells himself that it’s because both you and him needed space to cool off and go back to the way you two were. He refuses to tell himself that it’s because he’s an honest-to-god coward.
He misses you. He misses you damn badly. Why the fuck did he go through such lengths instead of confessing to you straight up? He tells himself that he was being cautious. He tells himself that he doesn’t want his heart to be broken again. He refuses to conclude that it’s because he’s a fucking coward.
“I don’t know what’s been on your mind, idiot,” Kasamatsu says. “But you better solve this yourself quickly if you’re not opening up to me about this. We can’t have your performance quality be dropping even in practice. Hurry up and fix this shit with (l/n)-san already.”
“H-How’d you know?!” Kise raises his head from his desk in astonishment.
“Tch, idiot,” he glowers, chopping Kise’s head with a swift hand. “It’s too obvious from the way you’re moping around… from the way you two stuck together all this time, who wouldn’t notice something happened from the way you’re at your desk watching (l/n)-san like that?”
“O-Ow…” Kise grumbles rubbing his head. Ironically, his captain’s hit cleared up his doubts and he took a deep breath before exhaling. “Got it, senpai.”
“You better.” Kasamatsu goes back to talking to his classmates during break, and even despite not knowing the truth of the relationship, he manages to give solid advice as usual.
Tomorrow. He’ll find you tomorrow.
He doesn’t know where else to find you alone other than the place he’s always waited for you before you two used to walk to school together. So he stands there, almost an hour earlier in case you had the idea to walk to school extremely early to avoid him at all costs.
He was right.
Here you are, shuffling your feet as you trudged yourself along the path and looking down at your feet. You even manage to walk past by him without noticing his presence.
Even if you’ve grown to hate him, he’s willed himself to come completely clean about his feelings to you for once. But a part of him is thinking to change his mind again and just let you slip away from his fingers. It’d spare the both of you the inevitable, right?
He was pulled from his thoughts, startled to see you staring at him from a short distance away. Apparently you did notice him after all.
“… (y/n)-cchi…” He swallows his words, knowing full well that his stupid words might blow this up for him again, his words responsible for all the rumors at school, his words responsible for hurting you and will hurt you again.
He wordlessly walks up to you and holds your cheek, and waits. He waits for you to push him away again. He waits for you to say the code word to let him know that you don’t want him near you again. The thought of you running away from him nearly brings him to tears, but he gulps his emotions down and stares at you calmly, with only his upturned brows hinting to his inner turmoil.
He swiftly brings his head down and kisses you. In feeling the warmth for the first time in a while, he greedily drinks from your lips, holding your temples more firmly as he searches for more, more, more.
You push him away.
Kise immediately lets go and stares at you like a lost child, unable to mask the devastation from the implications of your actions. But you’re still gripping his uniform tightly, almost as if you didn’t want to let go.
“W-Why…?” you croak, biting your lips to stop any tears from breaking through. “There’s no reason to kiss me. Don’t you know that we’re done? There’s no one to watch us here, no reason for you to walk me to school anymore. You know that, Ryōta. After all, we haven’t talked since a week ago, and you have the audacity to come here and kiss me like everything is okay—”
“… I want to kiss you, because there’s no one around, because there’s no other reason for me to.”
“Why…?” your voice softens to a whisper. “Don’t you hate anyone who likes you in that way? I… I already told you that I see you in that light, like many of your fans do. Don’t you hate me? Don’t you hate me for using this arrangement to get closer to you? Don’t you hate me for expecting something real out of this?”
“I already had an inkling of suspicion that you liked me, (y/n)-cchi,” Kise turns away to look at the bright morning sky. “I just didn’t know if I was wrong or not.”
“Then… why did you ask me to do this whole thing with you…?”
“Because I’m a coward,” he says, looking back to you. You were stunned into silence. For the first time, he finally admits what’s been weighing on his mind for weeks out loud, and his eyes, while drenched in shame, were full of resoluteness. “I liked you, but I was too afraid for the day when you ended up being not like the person I ended up liking. I liked you, but I was afraid of a real relationship that would tie me down. I liked you, but I was afraid of making huge decisions that involved another person into my life. I didn’t want to end the fake relationship because I was too fucking selfish… if I ended it, I’d lose the only connection I had with you… I’m sorry.”
Both of you went silent, bathed in the light of the rising sun. Kise drops to a squat to hide his face from you, and you knew he was trying to stop himself from tearing up. He knows how uncool he looks, but he had no right to cry when you were the one who got hurt the most.
“Ryōta, did you really find it difficult to kiss me…? Just… be honest.”
“Yes,” he looks up from his squat to stare at you with an intense look, even despite his puffy eyes. “Everytime I kissed you, I found it hard to control myself. I thought, what if you were using me to somehow get a kiss from me? or what if I couldn’t stop myself from kissing you and I ended up taking things too far? Looking anywhere but you at least stopped me from getting too invested…”
By now, both of you had turned completely red at his honesty, but he still found you frankly stunning even with your red, puffy eyes. “Look, (y/n)-cchi, don’t you hate me? I used you. The rumors are right—I’m a complete asshole. Just… I won’t blame you if you walk away right now.”
“You do know that I used this opportunity to get closer to you, right?… I wasn’t a saint about this either, so… I’m sorry too.” Both of you go silent again, and you slowly drop yourself to his level in a squat of your own in front of him.
“… C-Can we… can we start over?” you whisper, your warm breath tickling his chilled nose.
“(y/n)-cchi, I don’t think I’m capable of continuing this arrangement…”
“No,” you huff, before you tentatively press a chaste kiss to his lips. “I mean… can we… start over, but this time, as a real couple? I… want this relationship to be substantial. I really do like you, Ryōta.” You murmur against his lips with your hands on top of your knees, waiting for him to rebuke you away with an easygoing comment or a plastered smile.
But he doesn’t do any of that.
“I… guess we can try that,” Kise mumbles, gaze averted as his cheeks flame brighter than his nose and ears.
“Can you kiss me again?” you ask, your voice cracking at the end out of fear he’d turn down your request. Kise flicks his gaze back to you to see you equally red with a hesitant expression.
“Could you… close your eyes?” he asks with a frown.
“Y-You don’t need to see me looking like a mess, I don’t look charming right now.”
“I… guess…” After a few moments of hesitation, you flutter your eyes shut, waiting apprehensively for his lips to descend onto yours again. Kise holds your cheeks and takes the time to admire your features for the first time, and his smile grows wider with every passing second.
‘R-Ryōta…?” Afraid of the fact that he actually may not like kissing you after all, you worriedly open your eyes, only to be greeted by the most brilliant smile from Kise, his figure illuminated by the sunshine hitting the back of his head at the perfect angle.
“(y/n)-cchi,” he teases with a small pout. “Didn’t I tell you to close your eyes?”
Who needs a rose-tinted lens when the sight before you is already so radiant to behold?
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
Secrets & Lies
Your brother's best friend has been asked to pick you up from college after your brother's car broke down - you've not met Jim before now, but you were keen to get to know him more.
Taglist: @queenshelby @margoo0 @cloudofdisney @peakyscillian @ntmynouis
Warnings - smut.. a lot.. outdoor sex.. virgin reader
A request from @noctvrnalmoth
"Thank you so much for the ride home, Jim, really appreciate it." You smiled at the driver as you pulled up outside your parents house.
"No problem at all y/n, it was nice to finally meet you, your brother has told me so much about you." You and Niall were really close, despite the 10year age gap. When you were younger you didn't get along at all, but when your parents divorced three years ago, shortly before your 15th birthday, you'd moved in with him and his girlfriend Ilona and become closer, finding you had more in common than you thought. Your mother and you never got along, your father couldn't take you in as he worked away so much, but your older brother welcomed you with open arms, without question.
"I don't understand why he's never introduced us before, I've met all his other friends?"
"Yeah, strange. But at least I've met you now." He smiled, making you blush. There was no mistaking he was very attractive, but he was your brother's friend - with those eyes and that floppy brown hair, he had the pick of anyone he wanted, what would he want with an inexperienced 17year old like you?
"I guess I'll see you at your birthday party, right?" You smiled again, your brother had arranged a house party for your 18th birthday this weekend. Your parents were no longer around - mum had packed up and gone to live with her toyboy in London, your father had turned to drink following the divorce and sadly passed away following a binge, driving his car into the wall of the local supermarket.
You nodded and got out of the car, feeling a little giddy but holding it together enough not to let it show.
The party was in full swing - your 18th, surrounded by those you loved the most. Only Niall was blood family, but you considered your combined group of friends to be your adopted family - you'd all known each other for years, and you adored them. Except Jim. You couldn't work out why your brother had never introduced you to him before, but you'd met now, and you were excited to get to know him better.
"Happy Birthday y/n," his thick Irish accent pulled you from your daydream as you turned to face him. He kissed your cheek and handed you a small gift bag. Thanking him, blushing, you placed it on the kitchen counter with the others and you each poured yourselves a drink from the punch bowl Ilona had made that afternoon.
"You didn't have to, thank you so much Jim."
"Can't let your 18th birthday go by without a gift now, can I? Enjoying the party?"
"It's amazing - I think a few of my friends are a touch worse for wear already!" You laughed watching your friend Becky try to walk to the bathroom - looking remarkably like a duck with a limp...
"Yep, she's not gonna feel good in the morning! You seem to be stone cold sober? It's your birthday!"
"I'm not a big drinker and I know my limits - slow and steady, wake up fresh as a daisy." You winked at him and his lips turned up slightly to smile at you.
"You like slow and steady then?" He leaned forwards to whisper in your ear and you felt an unrecognisable feeling in the pit of your stomach, it felt like a hot coil turning and you couldn't help but bite your lip. Jim smiled at the reaction he gave you, and winked. "I'll see you later, y/n." What the hell was that? Was that flirting? Was he coming on to you?
"Don't even think about it y/n..." You brothers voice suddenly snapped you out of your daydream. You took a deep breath and smiled.
"Think about what, Niall?"
"He's off limits. He's 29 in a few weeks y/n, waaay too old for you!!" You scoffed.
"How olds Ilona, Niall? Isn't she nearly 35?" You giggled.
"You're barely 18, y/n, he's pushing 30! No way am I letting him anywhere near my baby sister." You rolled your eyes.
"I'm not a baby anymore, I'm an adult now - a proper one! It's all official n shit.." you smirked. You'd been older than your years since the divorce, but you loved playing childish around your older brother.
"Y/n please - you deserve so much better than him okay? He's not worthy of you."
"And why not Niall? Huh? Give me one good reason why not."
"All he's after is a fuck, and a fuck off. He'll just break your heart, okay? He's never held down a serious relationship with anyone, he doesn't know how." He was whispering now, so no one else could hear him. "He's had more one night stands than I've had hot dinners, and I'm not prepared to let my sister become another of his conquests." You looked at Niall, he was serious. A look of worry etched all over his face.
"And this is why we've never met?"
"Exactly why. You're a young, impressionable, attractive girl y/n - you deserve the world on a plate. All he can offer you is likely to be something you'd need antibiotics to get rid of." You chuckled at his humour.
"Okay, okay... I'll keep my distance. I promise."
The party was drawing to a natural close, lots of drunk people but all in good spirits - dozens of cheek kisses, hugs, and happy birthday wishes later, it was you, Niall, and Ilona left at the end. Niall and Ilona were already snoring on the sofa. You sat in silence watching the movie Niall had chosen before they fell asleep drifting yourself, when the door suddenly knocked you awake. Groaning, you made your way to the door and were surprised to see Jim stood in the doorway.
"Sorry y/n.. left my phone!" You let him in to look for it.
"Want me to ring it?" You offered, taking your phone from your jeans pocket. He dialled his number and listened for the ring. Hearing it in the kitchen, he went to pick it up before coming back to you in the hallway.
"You're a star, thanks y/n! I'll see you soon, yeah?" He handed you your phone back and you couldn't help but feel the electricity surging through you when his fingers brushed yours.
"Get home safe, yeah?" You opened the door to let him out. He maintained eye contact with you as he walked out the door. "Player..." You mumbled. "Hot player... Damn fine, sexy player.. but still a player." You made a promise to your brother and you were determined to keep it.
Leaving college the following Monday, your phone pinged with a message.
"Hey, great party on Saturday - hope you weren't too hungover the next day! Jim xx" you heart lurched.. how did he - ah wait, the missing phone... Probably used that trick dozens of times. You deleted the message and put your phone back in your bag. You won't play me, Jim, you thought to yourself, suddenly smiling at the control you were taking in this situation. It was clear he was attracted to you, and you couldn't deny you were attracted to him too - but there was no way you were going to let him fuck and run with you. You'd never gone that far with anyone before, your first time wasn't going to be a one night stand.
3 years later....
"Niall!!" Your brother was waiting on the platform for you with Ilona and their newborn baby. You were so excited to see them - you'd been in England at university and you were finally home, your degree finished, and now meeting your niece for the first time. Your brother swept you up in a massive hug and Ilona held up baby Emily in her arms. You placed your bag on Niall's shoulder smirking, and took the tiny baby from Ilona, cooing over her.
"Oh she's beautiful... She's just perfect..." Choking back a sob as the little one gripped your little finger in her tiny hand. Ilona wiped a tear from her eye.
"So glad to have you home!! Come on, let's get back to the house and you can tell us all about it!"
"So how's things been here?" You asked once you'd settled back at home, your brother pouring you a glass of wine. Ilona feeding Emily in the armchair in the window.
"Same old same old - although it appears your old crush has settled down nicely now!" You choked on your wine as your brother smirked at you.
"What crush??"
"Oh come on y/n, everyone knew you fancied Jim, it was only because your brother put a veto on him that you didn't act on it!" Ilona chuckled. You felt your heart sink a little at the news.
"Settled down? I thought he was the biggest playboy in Dublin?"
"Apparently he's put it all behind him - been with Danielle for about 8 months now, seems to be going well." Niall eyed you, watching for a reaction. He knew the two of you had exchanged texts years ago, your better judgement getting away from you after your initial reluctance at first. Nothing more than a few flirty texts, as you'd left soon after to attend Leeds University studying Law. You'd bagged yourself a new job at a law firm back home in Dublin following your outstanding Degree results, and started the following week. The messages between you had dried up after you'd left home, clearly he'd lost interest now you weren't as physically accessible as before.
"Good for him. I'm glad he's sorted himself out." You smiled, hiding the sadness in your eyes as best you could. Regardless of the time that had passed and the certainty that he would have broken your heart had you let him, you still held a torch for him deep down inside.
Niall knew you better than to pry further, so he left it alone, and you spent the rest of the day chatting about your uni experience, and cuddling your baby niece. You'd be living back with Niall until you had enough saved to buy your own place - they'd left your room as it was before you'd left, but they'd need it for the baby before long.
Your girlfriends were so excited to finally have you home, they'd arranged drinks at Murphy's Bar in the city centre that evening to welcome you back. Walking in, they all screamed your name and you were suddenly drowning in hugs from all 4 of them. After settling in a booth, you were all catching up on the last 3 years - you hadn't come home much while you were away as in between classes you'd been working as a clerk at a law firm building your experience. Time off had been limited, but you were home now, looking forward to making up for lost time.
"Oh you will not believe who's just walked in here..." Your friend Kim nodded at the bar a few hours after you'd arrived. Stood at the bar, you noticed his dark hair first, then his eyes when he turned round to lean against the bar, his beer being poured. He didn't look happy, but you still felt a warm glow in your stomach as he suddenly caught you looking over. You saw him take a breath and smile warmly at you, and that glow burned a little brighter. You made your way over to him, smiling gingerly and he gave you a warm kiss on the cheek.
"Long time y/n, how've you been?" He smiled before asking the bartender to add your next drink to his tab.
"Busy, finished uni last week and I start my new job next week so catching up with everyone this weekend. How are you? I hear you're doing well, with Danielle now, right?" He looked to the floor.
"Yeah, I guess."
"You guess? Ilona said you guys were practically married!" You laughed, but he didn't.
"Yeah. So where are you working?" You chatted about your new job as a paralegal in Holland & Taylor's Law Firm on Dublin's high street, and he smiled, eyes never leaving yours. Suddenly, he ordered 2 shots for the pair of you, and raised a toast. "To you, y/n, and the success you absolutely deserve." You were already fairly tipsy, but you never refused a shot. You both knocked it back and he ordered another two.
"Jim I think I've had enough, but thank you..." Jim smiled at you.
"Still know your limits huh? Fair enough, I'll drink yours." You saw pain in his eyes again.
"Jim stop.. what's going on? Are you okay?" He knocked both shots back.
"Since when did you care? Fucked off to the UK, didn't even tell me you were going, just did one. I thought we were onto something, I wanted to get to know you better, then one morning poof! You were gone?"
"Jim come on, it was a few texts! We had a cheeky flirt - no doubt I was one of a dozen girls in your phone, it was years ago! Come on now?" He laughed, the drink taking a hold and he stumbled slightly. You turned and headed back to your friends at the booth.
"Girls, carry on without me, I'll catch up later. I need to make sure he gets home safe..." They knew better than to argue - you'd always had a soft spot for someone in need of help. They nodded and headed to the next bar, you'd catch them later once you'd got Jim home. "Come on," you said, hooking an arm under his and wrapping his arm over your shoulder.
As the air hit you both, you felt him stand next to you.
"I'm sorry I snapped... I didn't... I'm sorry." He sat on a bench by the taxi rank, sobering up.
"Hey it's me who should be sorry Jim. I should have stayed in touch, it was just so busy with uni and work.. but I'm home now yeah? We can catch up?" A taxi pulled up outside the bar and Jim stood, making his way to get in.
"My head's a fucking mess y/n.." He paused, standing in the open door of the cab.
"Jim? What's happened?" Without thinking, you found yourself getting in the car with him as Jim gave the driver his address.
"Found out she was fucking around with her colleague. She doesn't know I caught them. Went to her flat this afternoon, finished work early, and saw them upstairs through the window, all over each other, bending her over the bed I fucked her in last night." He grimaced at the memory of it. "This is karma, isn't it? For all those times I screwed around years ago... Fucking deserve it I guess." You noticed a tear falling down his cheek and you took his hand gently.
"Jim, no one deserves this.. yes you played around when you were younger but no more than any other single lad in Dublin!"
"Yeah I wasn't always single when it happened y/n. I was a dick, a complete dick. I'm not destined to be happy, and that's fine. I can live with it. Clearly better suited to being an eternal bachelor eh?" The taxi pulled up outside the flat he shared with another friend, and you helped him out the car and up the stairs, telling the taxi driver you'd be back in 2 minutes once you'd made sure Jim was inside safe.
His arm over your shoulder felt nice, you couldn't deny that, and you both staggered up the steps while he fumbled in his pocket for his keys.
"Thanks for taking me home y/n.. really appreciate it. I'm sorry I'm a wreck."
"Hey it's fine okay? Let's just get you inside, yeah? Get to bed and you'll be fine." He paused after opening the door and you felt your cheeks burn. He was definitely sober now, but his eyes were burning into yours. Without thinking, you leaned forwards and caught his lips in your own, before pulling back quickly. He caught your hips and pulled you back against him, pulling you inside as you kicked the door closed behind you. You tried to pull away, but your body was screaming for him - three long years of fantasising about this moment, you couldn't stop now even if you wanted to. Crashing onto the sofa, he pulled you into his lap, hands roaming up your back as he pulled away from the kiss quickly.
"Y/n, do you want me to stop?" You shook your head.
"Don't you dare.. but..." He held back slightly. But?
"You okay?"
"I've already sent her a text telling her to go to hell and her fuck buddy too. It's over, y/n." He ran his fingers through your hair.
"Okay.. but.. don't laugh okay?" He lifted you off his lap and sat you on the sofa next to him.
"I promise."
"I'm.. I've never.. I'm still a virgin Jim..." His eyes widened in shock.
"Wow.. really? But you're beautiful y/n... No one has ever.." you blushed, feeling embarrassed at his compliment.
"Just never got round to it I guess... Work and uni.. busy.. few dates here and there but I never really took a shine to anyone enough for them to be my first.."
"We should stop... It isn't that I don't want you, I do, but not like this.."
"I want you Jim... It's always been you.. since that day in the car? I've never wanted anyone else.. I sound like a crazy stalker don't I," you rolled your eyes and laughed, making your way to stand and leave. "I should get back, my friends are waiting. I'll see you soon yeah?" He watched you move to the door and pulled your hand so you fell back onto the sofa with him.
"Your brother will kill us both for this..." He moaned into your mouth as you kissed him, back in his lap, you could feel how hard he was under your legs.
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him, right?" He chuckled at your response. This was going to be fun. You teased, grinding your hips against his and stood up, leaving him speechless on the sofa. "My numbers the same - call me, yeah?" He nodded, watching your body sway out the door.
He picked you up from work Friday afternoon, around a week later. Your texts becoming increasingly heated over the last few days, you were excited to jump in the car. You felt like a giddy teenager again, sneaking round behind your brother's back.
"Where did you tell him you were going?" Jim asked as he pulled away, heading towards the hotel on the outskirts of Dublin.
"Said I was staying at a friend's house in Cork for the weekend - he doesn't have her number, it's a 'new' friend I've invented that I met at uni. We're safe for a couple of days." You felt nervous. Excited, but still nervous. The text exchanges between you making it clear exactly what you both wanted, and when he said he'd take you away for the weekend, you had been online and bought something especially for the occasion - wearing it underneath your smart work clothes.
"Sounds perfect - you okay? You're sure you wanna do this? It's not too late y/n.."
"Shut up and drive, Jim."
Pulling outside the hotel you gasped. It was beautiful.. out in the sticks, completely secluded, you couldn't wait to get inside. The room was laid out beautifully, and the view from the window went on for miles - green countryside, the flowers in the grounds blooming, farm animals off to the distance.. idyllic. He placed your bags in the corner and walked over to you, snaking his arms round your waist from behind.
"You look amazing..." He pressed his lips against your neck as you tilted your hair back, pushing your backside against his hardening erection. Considering your inexperience, you seemed to know exactly what you were doing - it's like your body was taking over. He pushed forwards against you, letting out a soft growl.
"I promise I'll take it slow y/n.. so gentle.. I've wanted you for years, I'm not gonna mess this up now.." you turned your body round to face him.
"I trust you - I do. I'm just nervous.." he kissed your worries away and pulled you down with him onto the chair into his lap. "I want to to have me, right here, right now... Please Jim..." You ground your hips against him, and he gasped at the friction. You stood up, and pulled the wrap-around dress you were wearing off, letting it fall to the floor. You smiled as his expression changed, seeing you stood in the lacy, navy blue lingerie, complete with thigh high stockings. He pulled you back into his lap and kissed you again, this time his hands roaming over your breasts slowly, moving down lower across your hips, and over your toned thighs. He looked up at you, before teasing his fingers over the lace thing covering your burning core.
"Can I?" He questioned, still in shock that you'd chosen him to do this. You nodded, lifting yourself up slightly to grant him easier access. He slipped a finger between your wet lips, bringing some moisture up to circle around a bundle of nerves at the top - you shuddered when he found it, and gasped when he put pressure on it.
"Relax.. this will feel good, I promise.." he noticed your tension and realised just how inexperienced you were - this was all new to you, all of it... He continued circling with his fingers as you rocked on his hand, his fingers driving you insane.
"This... Jim... Oh god that feels good... What... Oh...." You had no control now, his fingers circling a little harder as you threw your head backwards gasping for air.
"You're gonna cum y/n... Let it happen, just relax baby..." You gasped again, feeling an unfamiliar burning coil in the pit of your stomach. Rocking your hips involuntarily against his hand, you felt it. A white hot release, accompanied by a loud cry from your lips as your breath caught in your throat. You felt your core soak him, and blushed as he brought his now wet hand back up to lick the juices from them.
"You taste good baby.. I'm getting a first hand taste of this later.." your breath returning to normal now, you lifted your still pulsing body off his lap and sank to the floor between his knees.
"How about we take care of this first?" You pulled his jeans down, he lifted his body up to help and you bit your lip as his hard cock sprung out from them.
"It'll be fine y/n... Trust me?" You nodded, before he took your hand to wrap it around the base of his shaft, before moving it up and down slowly. You felt your core twitch again as he moaned gently, now releasing your hand to let you carry on.
"Do you want me to go faster?" He nodded down at you, and you tightened your grip slightly, moving your hand up and down a touch quicker. A flash of inspiration, and you suddenly moved your mouth over his cock taking him by surprise.
"Fuck y/n... Oh god..." You were doing something right... his balls twitched as you rolled them around your hand slowly, your mouth sucking lightly on his cock. "Harder, y/n..." You complied and took him down your throat a little further, sucking a little harder. His fingers in your hair now, guiding your head up and down. "That's it... This is so good but y/n.. if you carry on it ends here babe..." You smiled removing him from your mouth. He pulled you down on top of him again.
"I want you to control this - it's yours for the taking y/n... Reaching down to his jeans pocket, he grabbed a condom. Pulling it over his cock, he lifted your hips over him and eased you down slowly. "Go slow... Take your time okay.. stop when you need to.." you felt him enter you slowly as you gently brought your hips down. Pausing every few seconds as you adjusted to his size. You suddenly stopped, feeling a barrier...
"I need to break past this, okay? Relax for me..." Bringing a hand back to your clit, he rubbed gently as he spoke softly. "Relax... You feel so good y/n... Wrapped round me... I'm gonna make you feel so good..." Without warning he thrust his hips up taking your breath away, and you fell onto him taking him fully inside you. He held you close as you caught your breath, the pain beginning to subside, replaced by a full and pleasurable warmth inside you.
"Move those hips against me y/n... Like we're dancing..." You did as he asked and gasped at the feeling of pleasure coursing through you. Every movement of yours met by a gentle thrust up from him, making you moan against him.
"This... Fuck this feels good Jim..." Your hips moved faster now as he leaned forwards slightly to kiss the base of your throat, his hands roaming over your still-covered breasts under the lace bra.
"Need more of you..." He stood up, lifting you off him and carrying you to the bed, laying you down on your back and spreading your legs wide. "I'm gonna fuck you y/n.. just like you wanted..." Your core spasmed at his words, fuck this was turning you on... He moved over you and entered you again, this time harder. He brought one of your legs up against his chest and rocked his hips back and forth. You moaned loudly, hands gripping the headboard behind you as that feeling coiled up again inside. He could feel it too, and brought his thumb down to massage your clit hard. Stars now - shit you swore you even saw a fucking unicorn at one point - your orgasm washing over you as you came hard against him, his fingers and cock taking you to highs you'd never been to before but desperately wanted to see again.
"Fuck y/n...." He suddenly stilled, panting your name as his own climax overtook him, filling the condom inside you. Slipping out, disposing of it, he lay down next to you and pulled you close to him.
"That was amazing Jim.... Thank you..."
"It gets easier y/n.. next time will be better.." you smiled, better than that?? Now you were intrigued..
"I want to experience it ALL with you... Show me everything... Show me what I've been missing..." You looked up at him as you lay on his chest.
"Everything? You sure you can cope with that?" You nodded. "Buckle up baby, we're not leaving this room all weekend..."
He was bringing out a side of you you didn't know existed - and you loved it. The thrill of the secret, the excitement of the fact no one knew but the two of you.. it was a constant turn on for you. He'd taken you away for sex-filled weekends away, where he'd introduced you to different positions, different toys, bringing you both a new level of climax every time. He stunned you with his stamina, often making you cum at least three times before he did.
Your brother had invited him and a few others round for drinks and a games night one evening, the first time you'd been in each others company around other people since your first encounter six months ago. You'd spoken about making your relationship public a few times, but the opportunity never arose. You'd have to really hold back tonight if you were to keep your feelings for each other a secret.
After winning against him in Monopoly for the second time after he demanded a rematch, you headed to the kitchen to top your drink up. He followed a minute later.
"This is fucking impossible y/n... You know how many times I've wanted to bend you over that table?" He sneaked up from behind and breathed in your ear, pressing himself against your back. You bit your lip and pushed your hips against him, before turning to kiss him quickly before anyone saw you.
"You'll have to wait til this weekend Jim... Only another week..."
"I don't think I can wait much longer... Fuck I want you so bad..."
"Drink up. I've only had one. You're drunk, and you need a ride home, don't you now?" He smiled, getting the idea. He knocked his drink back and staggered into the living room
"I think I've had enough lads, beers gone straight to my head! Should've had food before coming over..." He was a cracking actor, you thought, almost convinced you!
"I'll drive him home, a taxi will cost a fortune and I've only had one. I'll be back soon okay?" Your brother eyed you suspiciously but you just smiled and guided a 'drunk' Jim out the house to your car.
"When are you moving out y/n? This sneaking around is getting really tricky...
"I get the keys next month, not long now and we'll have our own space to do as we please yeah?"
"Pull over..." He growled, and you pulled into a quiet side road leading to the beach in the distance. Leaning over to kiss you, he placed a hand over your thigh, parting it slightly before gripping you hard under your skirt between your legs causing you to gasp.
"No, keep driving until we're at the beach... About time we had sex in the dunes..."
"What? I'm not going there with you now, it's the middle of winter!!" Despite your protest, you still found yourself driving to the dunes anyway, his hand still between your legs, then pushing past your underwear to tease you as you drove. You tried to focus on the road ahead, but his fingers were making it difficult...
"Wanna make you scream my name on the sand baby..." Was the car getting hotter?
Rocking your hips against him as he thrust up to meet you, you found yourself riding him hard on the sand, gasping and moaning with each thrust.
"That's it... Ride it... Come on..." You paused for a second.
"What's wrong?" He held your legs and questioned softly.
"My legs are freezing!!!" You both laughed.
"Do you wanna stop?"
"God no..." Your hips moved again riding him faster this time - you needed this to end quickly before frostbite set in. "I'm gonna cum Jim.... Do it with me..."
"Cum on my cock y/n... Let me feel it..." Taking his hands in yours, you leaned back slightly and rode him hard, your organs flooding you as he came deep inside you. Condoms gone now you were on the pill. You felt him fill you up, before both of you started to laugh at what had just happened.
"Shit... Jim we've been gone an hour, my brother's gonna kill me!"
You both scrambled to get dressed, thinking up excuses as to why you were so late getting back.
"So you broke down..." Niall questioned when you finally made it home.
"Yep. Lucky he knows how to change a tyre eh!"
"And you broke down by the beach, did you?" You paused, what did he say? "You've got sand in your hair, and a dune reed too... Right - what's going on y/n?" You stumbled slightly.. shit - thought you'd brushed all that out...
"I um.. look it's not how it looks Niall..." Your brother's eyes flashed angrily.
"I fucking knew it... I'll kill him!" He flew out the door enraged, and you heard the car pull off the driveway. You followed, grabbing your keys, before Ilona stopped you.
"Let him go - Jim can look after himself y/n okay? Come on now..." You fell into Ilona's arms and sobbed. You knew this day was coming, but it was meant to be when on your terms, not like this.
"We didn't mean to hide it Ilona... We just knew what the reaction was going to be, and we were scared... I know he's got this playboy image, and he's a 'scumbag with women' but he's never been anything other than kind, wonderful, loving, and patient with me.. I've completely fallen for him Ilona..."
"And if he feels the same about you, he won't let your big brother get in the way now, will he?" Your phone suddenly rang. You answered, hearing Niall's voice on the other line.
"How long?" He asked, sternly.
"Six months. Give or take... Where are you?"
"I'm on the road outside the house y/n.. I've had too much to drink to drive..." You scoffed at your idiot brother and walked out the door to see him standing by his car on the pavement.
"The hell are you doing Niall? I'm a grown woman capable of making my own decisions!" You were shouting now, but you didn't care.
"He's only in it for the fuck Y/n, that's all!"
"For six months Niall? You think he'd be seeing me for six months if that's all it was about for him? It's more than that, he cares for me -"
"He doesn't care about anyone but himself! Even Danielle saw through his lies! I told you, you're too naive for this!"
"I'm 22 years old Niall, I'm not a child anymore!"
"Guys stop before you wake Emily!! Come inside and calm down yeah?" Ilona ushered you both inside, dying of embarrassment, hoping the neighbours hadn't heard you.
"Niall think about it - have you ever seen Jim as relaxed and happy as you have recently?" Ilona brought the three of you a coffee each and you sat round the table. Niall had to admit Ilona was right. He had noticed a change in Jim just lately. A positive one - he did seem happy..
"And have you ever seen y/n as happy as she has been just lately? How did you not see the connection?" Ilona smiled at you, almost smirking.
"You knew?" Niall gasped at her, stunned.
"Oh come on, you knew too... Those stolen glances when they thought we weren't looking? The weekends they were both away at the same time, but apparently not together? Are you really that blind Niall?"
Your phone ringing interrupted the silence in the room. Jim's number flashed on your phone on the table. Niall looked at you and took your phone into the kitchen. He wanted to talk to Jim away from you.
"He's gonna shout isn't he..." Your head fell into your hands, Ilona reaching a hand over to squeeze your shoulder.
"He's had his suspicions for a while y/n.. he won't shout. He doesn't want to wake Emily. He's disappointed you didn't tell him, that's all. You're still his little sister, and that's his best friend. He doesn't want him to hurt you."
"He hasn't hurt me, he's completed me... I haven't felt this way for anyone before.. I'm sorry we kept it from you.."
"Oh please, I've known something was going on for months and so has Niall, he's just refused to believe it." Ilona giggled. She thought it was brilliant - Jim needed someone like you to ground him, and it appeared to be working well for both of you.
"He's coming over tomorrow." Niall re-entered the room, sullen. "I can't stop the two of you seeing each other, as much as it pains me.. but I'd rather have a conversation with you both in person, together.. you okay with that y/n?" You nodded, smiling a little. No going back now.
The following day, Jim was sat next to you on the sofa, your brother sat opposite you on the armchair. Ilona watching from the dining room with Emily feeding her.
Silence.. for the longest time, before Jim broke it.
"This is silly.. you just gonna sit there looking at the floor making your sister nervous Niall?" You rested your hand on his knee.
"Niall... Please listen okay.. we didn't mean to go behind your back -" you started but Niall cut you off.
"It's okay. It's okay. I've had time to think about it all.. and.. it's okay."
"What??" Jim looked up at your brother, stunned. He was expecting a slanging match, not this..
"Ilona was right. You two have had a certain spring to your steps just lately, and it's clearly due to this 'thing' you have going on.. I'd be a fool to stand in the way of that.." you stood up, and pulled your brother to his feet to embrace him. He hugged you back, before pulling back to turn to Jim.
"You hurt her, and I'm coming for you, understand?" Jim gulped a little and nodded.
"Agreed - but it won't happen Niall. Your sister would rip my balls off before you even got close." He smiled, the tension now officially gone between them.
"Also agreed. Are we all good lads? Niall, you satisfied your alpha male complex?" Ilona came into the room laughing holding Emily, who was reaching out for you. You took your niece and blew a raspberry on her neck making her giggle. Jim watched you both, smiling.
"You are NOT knocking my sister up Jim, get that thought out your head right now!" Niall pointed at Jim's doe eyes and you laughed.
"Don't worry, we've had enough surprises to last a while, Niall."
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
The Test
Overhaul x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, death, mega angst, pregnancy, premature birth, this hurt to write but thats okay
Gotta get the sad vibes out of thy body. Lets all be sad together
‘Okay, It’ll be okay. Just tell him! He’s your husband for christ sakes!’ You thought as you paced back and forth inside your room. You were afraid. You loved your husband you really did but sometimes he even made you afraid. 
Kai barely showed his emotions and when he did it was a miracle. Hell you barely just started getting intimate. You’ve only had intercourse 2 times you’ve guys been together. You’ve guys been together for 4 years. You understood his dislike of germs, and you never wanted to make him uncomfortable. So you just kept your wishes for intimacy to yourself. 
His kisses or hugs were almost just as rare as sex. You would tell him you loved him and he’d grunt back at you. You knew it was his language of saying i love you back but sometimes you just wished he’d say it back. You were only human after all. You wished for attention and some sort of love contact.
The last time you guys had sex he wore a condom. You didn’t mind really, it’s not like you were trying for a baby. But out of all the times that the condoms could have failed you,
This was the day of absolute fuckery.
You glared at the positive pregnancy test, hoping it would just disappear. But unfortunately problems like this don’t just disappear. So which leads to where you are now, a woman who is absolutely fucked if she can’t figure out a way to tell her husband she’s pregnant.
“Come on (y/n), you’ve got this. It can’t be that bad right?” You say trying to convince yourself. Kai was very difficult when he wanted to be. So what if he thinks you cheated on him?! You’d be killed on the spot! You wouldn’t be able to even explain, he probably won’t even let you. He had a habit of taking over you.
You sat on the bed as you rubbed your eyes. Trying to hide the tears that threatened to spill. You cried into your hands. This shouldn’t be so hard. He’s your husband. Then why were you so afraid? Was there a possibility that you could tell him without speaking? But how would you-
-the internet
You jumped from your spot on the bed and grabbed your personal computer and began looking at mom websites. Cool pregnancy ideas to tell your husband. You clicked on the link and saw the best ideas there. Get a mug and put the words you're pregnant at the inside of the bottom of the cup. Nah. Gift him baby clothes and let him put the puzzle pieces together. No thats stupid. Get a teddy bear and sew him holding a present, put the test in there and give it to him. Ah fuck it why not?
So from that search alone you RAN out the door and near the closest place where they had teddy bears and presents. You ran as fast as your legs could endure. Whipping your head from aisle to aisle. Looking for the fuzzy stuffy.
You go to the baby aisle and see the best teddy for the job. You quickly grab it as you go to the next aisle for the present. You had picked out a small box that would just fit the test. You smile as you jump up and down in joy. You didn’t know when you became so giddy. Not even an hour ago you were stressed to the point of wanting to hit your head against the door. You take a deep breath in before turning on your heels to pay.
1 Day Later
You looked at the teddy bear in your hands while sweating. What happened to confident (y/n) yesterday? Oh yeah she left when she had a fight with her husband, a bad one at that too. It was really bad. But you couldn’t stop now. You had to tell him. Better sooner than later. You take a deep breath as you hugged the teddy closer as you let out a sigh. Looking at Kai’s office door you let your hand let out a fragile knock. 
“Come in.” You slowly push the door open, looking in, you see Kai with two of his henchmen. Chronostasis and Nemoto. You didn’t talk to them much but you guys had pretty civil conversations.
“Kai I need to talk to you, without them here please?” You say as you try to stand your ground. You don’t really want your husband's friends to know what’s going on in your guys personal affairs.
“Fine. Chrono, Nemoto, leave.”
“Yes boss.” They leave the room just leaving you and your stonic husband.
“What do you even want?” He says in a voice that makes you question doing this but you go up to him and hand him the teddy bear. Your face beet red as you try to figure out his emotion. Especially when he opened the present.
“Is this a positive pregnancy test?” He says in an emotionless manner, but you couldn’t help but hear the bit of anger in his voice as well.
“Yes, I don’t know what you want to do or-”
“You cheated on me?” Wait what the fuck?
“What! How could you say that!” You say in offense. 
“I wear protection, woman! There's no way I could have gotten you pregnant!”
“Condoms aren’t even 100% effective! It could have busted or had a whole in it!” You yell back. You were offended. You were his wife, how dare he accuse you of such an act! Considering he was so interested in medical things you would think that he would know that condoms aren’t 1005 effective!
“You slut! I give you everything and you go out and cheat on me!”
“I didn’t fucking cheat asshole! God after years of being with you, your immediate reaction was I’m cheating?! Why am I with you if you don’t even trust me!”
“Leave this house! We’re over!” 
“Are you fucking serious?! You won’t even consider it!” You scream at him.
“Leave or else!” His ember eyes looking at you with the intent to kill. You knew that if you wanted to live you had to leave. Tears rush down your eyes as you turn around quickly before swinging open the door. You turn around to him one last time before screaming at the top of your lungs
“I can’t believe I married a cold hearted monster like you! I hope you die alone!” And with those words, you left. Never stepping foot inside that base as long as you lived.
5 Months Later
“This sucks actually ass.” You growl as you walk around your apartment. It wasn’t the best but it would do for the time being. You got it cause your friend was friends with the owner. All you had to do was take care of the garden they had outside. They wanted to make it eye catching so more people would move in. 
You held your stomach as the urge to pee came over you. Due to the fact a literal baby is growing inside you, it's pushing against your bladder. Kinda rude. You're carrying this baby and it's just gonna do you like this? That’s some bullshit man.
You groan as you continue to sweep your hardwood floor in your small living area. It was much better than living with Kai I guess. You never wanted to see his stupid gorgeous face again.
You look up at the area around you, admiring your work on cleaning the entire apartment. You smirk to yourself before feeling a kick in your stomach. You hold your stomach as you take a breather. Looking back up you notice a familiar golden shine coming from a little dish you kept by the door where you put coins in. 
Walking towards it you notice that its your old wedding ring from you old marriage. You guys never really got divorced so it was still official by law. Annoying yes but you didn’t want to even be in a room with that bastard.
Grabbing the ring you look at it and think how much it would be worth. A final fuck you to the mind that shattered you heart. 
Grabbing it and putting on a coat you start walking out the door and head out the door. Going to a pawn shop around the corner. You would be able to get a little extra cash for the baby.
“Yes sir I would like to sell this ring.” You place the ring on the counter and slide it over to the employee. His eyes widen as he motions you to come closer.
“This is a yakuza style ring. A Shie Hasssakai kind of ring. Where did you get this?” The man said. He sounded like he was worried. 
“Oh my shit husband gave me this when he proposed to me. Then kicked me out saying I cheated when I told him I was pregnant. Like sorry that a condom is not 100% effective.” You say soundly. The man looks at you with wide eyes. You didn’t really care at the moment because the feeling of lightheadedness was weighing you down. 
“Ma’am are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Before you could say anything you felt a wet feeling coming from in between your legs. Looking down you see that your water broke.
“MA’AM SHOULD WE CALL 119?!” You shook your head up and down before falling down on the ground, the world seems to be growing black around you.
Ring ring ring
“Yes Overhaul sir? This is the guys from the pawn store downtown, we have a ring that seemingly belongs to your ex wife.”
“And you're calling me why?”
“Uh...because she was just carried away in an ambulance. She didn’t look very well, boss. My girlfriend had her kid recently and she wasn’t near as sickly looking as she was.” Overhaul couldn’t help but have his chest tighten up a bit. His heart was beating faster and he could feel it. 
“Do you want to know the hospital she’s at Overhaul?”
“Not right now.” Before Kai could even think about what he was doing he hung up the phone and moved his wrist back to the papers. You cheated on him, you’ll be fine. He rolled his eyes but that didn’t mean he didn’t feel the sinking feeling in his stomach. 
Like if he had just made a mistake he would live to regret.
Kai ran as fast as he could towards the hospital where you stayed. They had sent him a call asking him to come down so he could see his kid. When he said that it wasn’t his, they told him that the DNA matched up perfectly with his. 
Kai felt a painful sting in his chest as he got closer and closer to the hospital. He was thinking on all the ways to apologize to you. And if his pride would allow him to apologize. 
His head rang with the words of what the doctor told him,
“Is this Kai Chisaki?”
“Yes it is, why?”
“Well we have you as an emergency contact for miss (y/n) (l/n).”
“Take me off.”
“Excuse me sir?”
“I said take me off.”
“Well I can’t take you off when we called you to tell you that your wife is in critical condition.”
“What?!” Kai tried to not show much worry but he couldn’t help it. No matter how much he told himself that he didn’t love you, thoughts of your smile rushed back into his head. Your laugh. Your everything calmed him down. You were his angel. 
“Unfortunately her water broke early, leaving her to have an early birth and her body was not able to handle it. Your daughter, who we did a dna test on is in the ICU (intensive care unit). Her being born 2 months early is having complications breathing.” Kai couldn’t say a world before he rushed out of the door and into your hospital,
He burst through the hospital doors and walked up to the nurse as he panted from running. A look of desperation in his golden eyes.
“Where is my wife and daughter? Mrs. Chisaki?” He said in a moment of panic. He hated the look that the nurse gave him as she told him where to find your room. Before he could run into your room a doctor stopped him by grabbing his shoulder.
“I’m sorry to inform you sir but, the complications your daughter had to breath were to severe. We couldn’t save her. I’m deeply sorry.” Kai looked at the doctor. Not wanting to believe a word he had just said. He felt his hands tremble as he grabbed the doctors shoulders. Tears streaming down his face,
“What about (y/n)? Is she okay at least?!” Desperation in his voice. He can’t lose you. He already lost his daughter that he refused to believe was his, now to late to say hello or I love you. He had to see you. Just to hear you sweet voice at least one more time-
“I’m sorry Chisaki. She was pronounced dead 5 minutes before you came in.” No, no. He refused to believe it. He ran to your room, praying you were still here. You needed to be here. He needed to say he was sorry. That he loved you.
once he burst through your room door his worse fears were confirmed, and what the doctor was true. You no longer a heartbeat monitor. Your chest never moved to show some sort of breathing pattern. Kai ran to you holding your face in his hands. He put your forehead to his as his tears landed on your lashes.
“Please...wake up. I’m begging you. I already lost our daughter, I can’t afford to lose you to. Please my angel. Come back.....” Kai grabbed your limp body and pulled you close to his chest, shaking as he started sobbing uncontrollably. His whole world seemed to stop as he felt his only sort of light in his life be blown out. He cried into your neck as he collapsed onto his knees.
“Please, I don’t wanna be alone.”
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shokobuns · 4 years
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yuji needs some help and he gets more than what he asked for.
pairing: itadori yuji x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1.8k
warnings: slightly suggestive, making out, boner
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“you really don’t mind?”
he looked at you with wide eyes, his slight smile accompanied by his happy tone. yuuji was kind, you can tell by the way he talks to your other classmates, complimented by the comforting aura that he always brought along with him. despite your limited interactions, you didn’t see a reason to deny him the help that he needed.
“i don’t. plus, professor miyagi is one of my favorite teachers. i don’t see a reason not to.” you flashed a friendly smile to reassure him that it was fine.
“cool, cool,” he responded, a grin plastered on his face, “after school at the library then.”
the rest of your classes zoomed by as you daydreamed about yuuji (again). only this time, you were thinking about how you would feel if your hand brushed over his, how you would function while he was listening to you intently. it all made your stomach turn uncomfortably, but you knew you would have to eventually stuff it away.
“are you sure about that?” you asked with a guiding tone.
of course, you do your best to nudge him in the right direction, but sometimes it all just ends with his head in his hands and a small, albeit slightly concerning, joke about he’s about to fail the class. you can see his pained effort, the gears that struggle to turn in his head, and it chips away at your heart. you’re doing your best, why wouldn’t you, but the concepts aren’t sticking in his head.
“how about you try this?” you suggest, writing a small equation on his paper before handing it back to him. he grabs it in his hands, lifting it from the table, and stares hard. his eyebrows furrow and his eyes squint at the writing until his face relaxes and his head tilts. the dots connect and a wide smile replaces the confusion.
“wait, i think i got it!” he grabs his pencil, excitedly scribbling onto the paper before sliding it back to you and anticipating your judgement.
the writing, though messy, is correct and a feeling of satisfaction washes over you while he holds his hand out for a high five. when you look back at his elated expression, your cheeks get unexplainably hot.
it feels weird.
every greeting in the school hallways feel odd. every sly glance in his direction makes you feel guilty. every moment of a study session, particularly the ones when you can feel his breath on your face and the warmth radiating from his body, makes you feel awfully uneasy.
itadori yuji made you feel certain feelings, ones that especially plagued your stomach, your heart, and even your own mind.
and it was all new. you couldn’t think of a time when someone’s smile made your heart race or a person who made your ears perk up at the sound of their voice. though, you accredited it all to yuuji’s friendly presence. it was natural, he was always the type of person who can weave his way into people’s hearts with no effort. it was easy for him to speak to a stranger as if they were a friend, lend a helping hand whenever he could.
you just couldn’t reason how or when he wove so deep into yours.
the feeling was terrifying and it felt like you had something to hide, some dirty little secret, but you couldn’t pinpoint the exact feelings.
when the end of the school day finally comes, yuji is already waiting at your locker for your routine tutoring session. you two walk silently side by side and he seems completely calm, unphased by the lack of small talk, but you actively avoid eye contact in order to prevent those odd feelings from starting up again.
the library is closed.
“we can just go back to my house or something,” he proposes, his hand scratching the back of his neck, “it’s not that far of a walk. plus, i can cook for you. pay you back for your services, you know?”
you purse your lips, mulling over the offer. normally, you wouldn’t have to think about it. free food? the comfort of studying at home instead of the cold atmosphere of the library?
but from what you know about him, there’s likely not going to be anyone else there. it would just be the two of you. alone. together.
you shudder at the thought.
“i don’t want to be a bother-“
“don’t worry about it!” he grabs your hands in his, your eyes widening at the sudden contact. he’s friendly and the increased amount of time spent with him only made him even more comfortable around you. there’s more lingering touches, more of him being seated closer and closer. you’re not sure if he notices, but it doesn’t help ease your mind.
it’s all you feel when you go home that night replaying moments with him again. the presence behind you while you tried to reach for a cup on a shelf, the brief second of when you felt his breath on your neck.
you feel guilty because yuji is tooth achingly sweet. he’s kind and his aura reminds you of a sunbeam. his attitude is almost childlike and almost always optimistic, always able to keep his cool when confronted with a minor inconvenience.
“fuck!” you curse as you scrub your skin, hot water and bubbles cascading down your body. even an hour later, he still plagues your mind.
an hour later and you can still feel his breath on your neck, the lingering touches on barely exposed skin, the slight dampness that had formed in your panties. it all started with flushed cheeks and fast heartbeats, but somehow this territory feels so wrong.
need help. come at 2. door’s unlocked.
your concerned voice echoed throughout his cramped apartment. when there was no response, you entered, closing the door behind you and walking towards his bedroom. you hesitantly knocked, just in case he was sleeping. “come in!”
when you finally open the door, you’re met with the sight of yuji lying on his floor in a big t shirt, pajama pants, and countless homework assignments spread out on his table. “help?” you hummed with an amused expression planted on your face. “you were doing so well last time i was over, what happened?”
“just kind of lost motivation,” he sits up, his back leaning against the table, “professor miyagi assigned a shit ton of review of assignments and they’re all due this week. i may have procrastinated a little bit.” you laughed before squatting down until you were eye level with the boy. “you always have me to help you. professor miyagi tends to do that. it’s annoying, but i love the man.”
“nerd.” he muttered on his breath before you turned to him with a pout on your face, “guess i won’t help then.”
“take that back!” you immediately grabbed a pillow, aiming for his head. “i was joking!” he catches the pillow with ease, “i need some sort of motivation…” he trails off, his cheeks turning a bright red, something that you don’t fail to miss while he turns away in an attempt to hide them.
“oh, yeah?” you scoot closer until your arms rest on his knees, letting your head rest on top of them. you’re not exactly sure about where the uncharacteristically bold behavior came from, but it doesn’t change the fact that your heart is beating fast and your palms are definitely sweating. hopefully, he doesn’t notice. “what did you have in mind?”
“uh, i don’t know,” it seems as his voice gets quieter and quieter every time. it doesn’t seem like he’s completely at his usual confident levels, “i had something in my mind, but it was stupid.”
the small surge of courage races throughout your body when your face inches closer to his until your lips meet his. they’re soft and sweet, just like the man himself, and your heart melts when he cups your face into his bigger hands. pulling away, he’s wide eyed and giddy up to the point you entice him with an offer. “for each homework assignment done, we get to do that again, alright?’
though your foreheads are touching, you can make out the smirk on his face right before he gathers all of his things in order. the organization is sloppy, but if he understands it that’s all that really matters. while he scribbles down a series of numbers and equations, you lay on his bed, waiting for him to hand you something to check.
after ten minutes pass, he does and there’s a mistake, though you ignore it, opting to look at the problem for three seconds and tossing away the notebook instead. he doesn’t have time to process your legs straddling his lap, your soft lips melding into his.
his reaction is natural, hands coming down to your ass, giving a small squeeze as you grab his face with one hand, squishing his cheeks. his tongue swipes across your bottom lip and you let it enter your mouth, sucking on the pink muscle while he lets out a sweet moan. the sound fills you with a feeling of success, your crotch subtly grinding down on his lap.
you can feel something hardening under you, it’s unmistakable and it fills you with a sick sense of pride. yuji operates by instinct with every movement, the kisses are hungry and laced with need. another squeeze of your ass causes you to squeak while your hands keep him close.
you can’t think. you can’t feel.
your mind is completely empty because he’s overridden your senses from the feeling of his sloppy lips, the pretty noises he makes, the hard on that pokes through his jeans. eventually, he pulls away for air, heavy breaths that tickle your neck, his arms wrapping around your body.
you didn’t see a reason to deny him the help that he needed. and that included motivation.
“by the way, you got that problem wrong.”
“did we just make out for ten minutes for no reason?” he pouts as you laugh at his cute expression, “we made out cause i felt like it.”
“this doesn’t help with my homework motivation at all!” he crosses his arms, turning his back towards you. you wrap your arms around him, resting your head on his shoulder. you can hear the relieved sigh that leaves him and it encourages you to leave feather light kisses on the side of his neck, his body immediately relaxing.
“how ‘bout i give you a lil gift for finishing your assignments at the end of the week, hmm?” you suggest, your fingers interlacing with his. your hands trails down to palm his clothed length, your wet tongue dragging along the sweet spot of his neck up to his earlobe.
“a b- b- blow-” he manages to stutter out. you’re sure his brain is malfunctioned, but it only makes you feel triumphant when he pulls away and eagerly begins to write.
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136 notes · View notes
kayzume · 4 years
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Pairing: Bokuto x Reader
Genre: a tiny, tiny bit of angst, but mostly fluff:>
wc: 4.1k, who knew i can pull of something this long😃
Note: This fic is my gift to @jayeray for our server secret santa, Happy Holidays to you I hope you had a great Christmas and I hope we get to talk more (timezone is sht, I must be asleep when yer online🥲)I hope this piece makes you smile:>. Also sorry for shamelessly asking three people to beta this bec im not sure about how it turned out, also bec my grammar is sht(T ^ T)—also lemme thank the internet by helping me with them vows, only edited some parts of it to fit the story better..
Beta: @thirstyforthem2dmen , @india-katsuki , @prismaintales kithes to all of u
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Life is filled with fluttering moments, these events mark something within us that would either make us...or break us. You guessed that most of your story has made you what you are today. You were walking in the park hand in hand with Koutaro and your daughter, playing with his hair while she sat on his shoulders.
“Momma can I ask something?” your daughter spoke breaking silence.
“What is it baby?” you responded
“How’d you meet dad?” she asked cocking her head to the side, much like her father when he’s curious. You smiled at her,
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‘The Meeting’
“Hey, Hey” you ignored whatever that was and whoever was making those annoying calls. Your face remained buried on the textbook required for your literature elective. Lost in your own thoughts and the flow of music through your earbuds, you missed the exasperated sigh that left the lips of the one and only Bokuto Kutaro, star player of the volleyball team.
“Hey miss!” tap tap the loud tapping burst your train of thoughts pulling one of your buds out, you glared at the man in front of you.
“What? You got nothing better to do buddy?!” you spat in utter annoyance.
“You’re in my seat” he replied grimly, lowkey telling you to scoot over. You, in return, refused to leave your spot; checking every nook and cranny to try and look for names or scribblings.
“Doesn’t have your name on it, you can’t stake a claim and this is school property” you argue pettily. He looked at you in disbelief.
“B-but Akaashi sits right here” he whispered, albeit to himself. You stifled a scoff, he looked so upset at the fact that he can’t sit beside this ‘Akaashi’ person. You cleared your throat and offered him the other side of your spot, which is free.
“Why don’t you sit here instead, you’d still be near your friend. I wouldn’t hinder any chatter that you decide to make” is what you told him. There’s no particular reason as to why you wouldn’t move instead, just that your pride isn’t letting you, besides his reactions are very much worth the trouble. The classroom doors creaked open, students pouring in and occupying the seats. A man with dark hair approached you, or rather the seat beside you. He eyed the person you were conversing with just now. He didn’t utter a word and took his seat beside you. A few minutes later the bells started ringing signaling the start of lectures, your professor walked in clutching big old dusty books of classic literature, your not so favorite. The only reason you were even taking this class is for the extra credits, that you most definitely do not need. You were bored and needed a new source of entertainment. For normal students this must seem ridiculous, because studying isn’t counted as a source of fun. Take note ‘normal’ you were far from normal. You’re friendless, you were having a hard time mingling with others your age. It's not that you were getting bullied, it's just you and your foreboding trust issues. You hated the feeling of betrayal and refused to remember what it was like, so as a coping mechanism you refused to make friends, or even open up to anyone.
Bokuto was upset that he didn’t get to sit beside Akaashi, he was a year ahead but the volleyball coaches as much as they hate to prevent him from playing official games, he was failing english literature and needed to keep up his grades in order to enter the court again. Easier said than done, his literature class held him back from moving further. His professor sponsored his letter so that he will only be held back by one subject and not the whole year, all he had to do now is pass the semester with flying colors, and so far he was having a hard time. That’s the reason he needed to sit near Akaashi so the later can help him with his studies, then this woman came out of nowhere and taking his seat is not helping the least bit and he hates it.
“L/N-san we would like to request your assistance” your professor spoke in a low voice. Assistance in what matter, it seems important that it looks almost impossible to refuse.
“I’d be glad to lend a hand, but with what, sensei you rarely ask for favors it feels new” you replied
“Please tutor Bokuto Kotarou, he’s an oncoming senior but has been held back by this subject. If he fails one more time he’d have to repeat the whole year, and this might also put a bad name for his sports scholarship” She explained, you looked at the profile of the student you need to tutor, it was him, the guy with condiments hair.
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“Condiments hair?” your daughter asked in confusion
“Mom was so mean right?? She called dad condiments, do I look like a bottle of ketchup baby?” Koutaro countered on your daughter with faux pity.
“Oh please, your hair is literally salt and pepper, and yeah you looked like a bottle of ketchup when you blush” you chuckled responding to them.
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‘The Courtship’
It’s been five months since you started teaching Kotarou, and the two of you were past the last name formalities. He was still the same as when you first met, loud and annoying. But you’d never tell him that, because as you’ve observed he has times where he just suddenly drops his attitude and becomes sort of gloomy head in the clouds type of persona. It was confusing and downright weird.
You were at the library looking for articles that can support your paper. It was 6pm, you were hungry and sleepy from studying the whole day, and you were starting to get bored. But since your paperwork is nowhere near done you just couldn't leave.
You heaved a deep sigh and rubbed your now strained eyes, feeling the drowsiness trying to pull you into passing out.
You suddenly jolted in your seat, you looked at your side where the loud thump came from. Koutaro was pulling the seat beside you.
“What are you doing here? Don’t you have practice” you asked him, he rarely— almost never skips his volleyball practices.
He sat down properly and jingled a bag in your face.“I had a feeling you’d be hungry by now, I heard from Akaashi that you’re pulling all nighters for your class paper, besides we didn't have session today too, and yes, I have practice today” He replied so calmly it weirded you out a bit.
“Then what—” you started asking again when he rudely pressed his pointing finger at your lips. You were so tempted to bite him.
“I ditched, because of our session” he told you, “and also because I want to bring you some food” he continued.
“Kou, we don’t have sessions during Fridays. You specifically asked me to skip tutoring you on Fridays because you said you want to spend this day hanging out with your friends” you replied to his nonsense. You’re grateful that he thought of you and brought you food, but also you didn’t want to take away his personal time with his friends.
“Uhh y/n, you are my friend too so technically I’m still hanging out and spending my time wisely” he told you while opening a bag of pretzels for the two of you to share. You were thankful you picked the most isolated wing of the library to study or else you two would’ve been kicked out from munching loudly.
You blushed a shade of pink not because he said he sees you as a friend, your cherry blossom cheeks represent the embarrassment and lowkey disappointment that you felt knowing that a friend is all that you will be to him.
“I meant special. You’re a very special friend y/n, and that I hope you’ll allow me to offer you more than a special friendship…” he trailed off looking deeply in the depths of your pooling eyes. You can’t help but feel overwhelmed at the butterflies that started storming from within you. If you were a cherry blossom before, you’d definitely be a red rose now.
“Whatever do you mean by that?” you asked him sheepishly, lowering your head to shield him from seeing you in such an unsightly state. You fiddled with your hands whilst waiting for him to give you an answer.
“Y/n, C-can I court you?” He replied with a sweet smile.
‘The Answer’
It’s been a couple of months since Bokuto’s confession and up to this day you still feel giddy about it. Who would’ve thought that you’ll attract someone the complete opposite of you.
Whenever he visits your dorm or whenever you accompany each other somewhere he doesn’t fail to do something sweet to show his affection towards you. You were having mixed feelings whether to give him a chance or not. ‘Relationships are scary’ you thought, but the idea of him doing those sweet things for others gives a painful churn within you. He invited you to attend a game of his and cheer for him.
“Cheers for goodluck” is what he said the last time you met, which was the day before. You entered the gym, the bright lights blinding your sight. Lightly covering up you headed for the bleachers.
The place was already packed from students and other volleyball patrons. You see some free seats, only to be disappointed when they were actually reserved, you turn to leave for a new place when,
“Y/n!! where are you going? Your seat is right here!!” you craned your neck to where the voice came from only to see Koutaro waving at you. He walked to where you were.
“Sit here and cheer for me as loud as you can” he told cracking a beautiful smile. He wasn’t even doing anything special but you could feel the hotness creeping it’s way from your neck to your cheeks.
“O-okay, do your best out there” without even thinking your body moved on its own to give him a peck on his cheeks. His face contorted in surprise, you thought you did something wrong that it made you a little bit conscious, as you we’re pulling away he held your hand and you stared at his blushing face.
“Do it again” he almost sounds commanding if not for his hands slightly shaking in yours
“W-what...I’m sorry my body moved on it’s own” you started,
“Do it again...to double the luck” is what his reply was, you looked down feeling the loud thumping of your heart in your chest you quickly gave his other cheek a peck.
“G-go now, I think the game is about to start” you shoo him away as you try to calm yourself down. You can’t believe you kissed someone. And in public too. For other people it may not be a big thing but for you, that kiss felt special.
(Game goes, 4th Set)
They were at match point and as the game goes, Koutaro suddenly went on his ‘emo mode’, he was dumbfounded just standing there. You looked worried, there was no way they’re going to lose.
“Just one more point” you whispered to yourself, the ball was set and it looks like Koutaro will go for a shot, he still looked out of it. He needs to get out of his slump. An idea came to mind, it was so unlike you to do something like that but you closed your eyes and just goes for it.
“Take that shot and win!!” you screamed the loudest that you can. You saw him stiffen and slowly he ran and jumped, he spiked the ball so hard it bounced with a hard thud, you almost thought it left a mark on the floor. You heard the loud cheers and a loud buzz, signaling that the game comes to a close.
You sighed in relief to see that your little stunt helped him. You were about to go to and congratulate him when he meets you somewhere in the middle.
“Did I do great y/n-chan?” he asked, his eyes sparkling in anticipation almost as if waiting for a praise.
“You did absolutely great, I had fun watching you,I’m sorry I barely cheered loud, I’m not used to public gatherings like this” you shook your head in embarrassment
“Thank you for cheering me on, uhh y/n since we won, don’t you think it’s fitting that i get a gift from you” he told you. You were a bit puzzled, you didn’t get him anything.
“I- I didn’t get you anythi—” you started only to be cut off by him asking,
“Can I please date you now?”
You smiled at him, “Yea sure”
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“I don’t get it, what was the gift that you gave him, if you didn’t buy him one” she asked again tilting her head
“I gave him my answer” you only smiled on her more evident confusion
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‘The Veil and The Bow’
“Calm down Bokuto-san, everything is perfect” Akaashi told Bokuto as they waited for the large wooden doors to open. It has been 5 years since the two of you started going out and 6 months since he proposed. When you said ‘yes’ to his impromptu proposal he couldn’t believe his ears, at first he was worried and ready to pass it off as a joke but then…
“LET'S GO FOR A DRIVE!!” Koutaro screamed out of nowhere, you gave him a look. Raising an eyebrow in confusion you asked,
“Right now?” he must be joking you thought
“Why not?” he asked dumbly, cocking his head to the side
“Uhh..Kou, it’s 11pm.” you told him nonchalantly, you continued filing on your laptop when you felt him tug at your shirt.
“What?” you asked him without looking, he tugged again. This time as you take on his face, he bit his pouty lips and looked at you straight in the eyes as if begging.
“Really? Where are we even going?” you asked him again whilst standing up and slipping on your warmer.
He looked so excited he rushed to get his keys when he came back to you. He engulfed you in a big hug, snuggling his face in the crook of your neck.
He let out a small “Thank you”
Feeling his hot breath tickling your neck, you gently pushed him off.
“Are we just gonna stand and hug here?” you jabbed him jokingly as if to hide your reddening cheeks. He held your hand and guided you to his awaiting car. You’ve been driving for quite a while, just seeing where the night takes the two of you.
It took you the beach
You walked on the cold sand hand in hand. It was dark and chilly, you shuddered and Koutaro held you close to him, you heard him squeak,
“What was that? Did you say something?” you asked him just to make sure.
“We’re here” he announced, you looked at your surroundings only to see a gazebo all set up with candles, a picnic blanket and plush pillows. You looked at Koutaro stunned
“T-this is all planned?” you asked him stunned at the effort he pulled. No wonder he badly wants to go. You felt warm through the cold on how sweet he was
“You looked so stressed with work I thought that a date will cheer you up even a little” he told you as he fiddled with his hands, even though he was slightly looking down you can clearly see his reddish ears. You couldn’t contain yourself so you tiptoed and kissed him.
“Thank you Kou, having you around is already calming to me, but you did all this too, you’re so sweet, i love you you’re the best thing I could ever ask for” you told him while caressing his cheeks.
He moved his hands to engulf yours, he slowly pushed your hands of to his mouth, giving your palms a peck.
“No, thank you y/n for giving me a chance to be with someone like you,” he told you as he stared at you lovingly.
The night goes by and the two of you ate, laughed, and told each other stories. You two were lying quietly staring at the stars glittering in the night sky.
You looked at Koutaro after he heaved that deep sigh.
“Hey, something wrong” you nudged him a little.
“Nothing...it’s just that I want us to stay like this forever, happy and contented, say y/n, can I ask you something?” he replied, you were curious as to what he was going to ask it seems like a big deal to him.
“Hmm?” you hummed in response
“Y/n...will you stay with me for as long as you can..i mean forever..i mean as long as we can, Can we stay with each other” he asked you in almost a whisper
“Are you—” you were about to ask when he looked at you in all seriousness.
“Y/n L/n, will you marry me?” you can’t keep the surprise in your face, you blushed deeply, it was weird for him to be this serious, but you’re not gonna lie you like this side of him too, you stared at him for a hot minute and cracked your sweetest smile.
“I thought you’d never ask”
The big doors cracked open, the music flowing, Bokuto stared as you walk to where he was, at the altar, waiting.
As the wedding goes on, it was finally time to say your vows, you looked at Koutaro who is now holding a microphone on his left hand and his right gripping into yours,
“Since the day I met you, I knew you were a special woman. And even though I suck at Literature,it will forever be my favorite subject that I ever enrolled in. From that day forward that I met you in that god forsaken class, I became a true believer that you do not find true love, but true love finds you.
You, more than anyone else, know my insecurities and weaknesses and still never make me feel inadequate. You have always loved me without reservations. You praise me in a way I never thought was possible and because of you, I am the best man I can be.
I cannot promise I will always be the perfect husband, but I promise to love you through the good times and bad. To choose our love every single day. I promise to always fight with you and for you, never against you. I promise to always be your biggest fan, confidant and best friend. I promise to remember we are not perfect—only perfect for each other. I promise to love you without hesitation or boundaries from this day forward, for the rest of my life.
Thank you for being the woman of my dreams and the best partner I could ever ask for. Thank you for being the pillar that my wacky soul has always needed and I will forever be your wings. Everything in me recognizes your heart as my home and your arms, my shelter.
You are my better half and very best friend. I will love you, honor you, respect and cherish you in sickness and health, through sorrows and success, for all the days of my life. I am forever yours."
You bit your lip to calm yourself from sobbing into his heartfelt words. You felt his love from every single thing that he spewed out. You were thankful to where you are now, you were thankful to god that gave you a man like Bokuto Koutaro to love you. As you dab away the heavy tears on your face and as clear your throat you tell him your vows in return.
“I want so badly to be able to explain all the love I have for you. Not the love of butterflies and stomach knots—but more the blurring of self and the entanglement with another soul. Love is a word that is much too soft and used far too often to ever describe the fierce, infinite and blazing passion that I have in my heart for you. You are a million dreams and a million prayers of a little girl come true. You are kind. You are silly. You are intelligent—in your own way. Your laugh is contagious and you can put away an entire ice cream cake in one sitting like nobody else can. You acknowledge my strengths and accept my faults. You make me want to be a better person every day. I take you as you are now, tomorrow and for eternity to come, to be my husband.
Even when the day comes that we're old and gray, I promise to always see you with the same eyes and the same heart that I see you with at this exact moment. So today, I vow to honor you and respect you, support you and encourage you. I promise to dream with you, celebrate with you, and walk beside you through whatever life brings. I vow to laugh with you and comfort you during times of joy and times of sorrow. I promise to always pursue you, to fight for you, and love you unconditionally and wholeheartedly for the rest of my life. You are my best friend and I'm the luckiest person on Earth to call you mine."
As you finished your vows you couldn’t help the cracking of your voice, you felt hot tears flow from your eyes, you looked at him as he wipes all of them away.
“Shhh..don’t cry, everyone might get the wrong idea” Koutaro told you as he dabbed on your face. You only chuckled at him, he’s far too precious and you’re lucky to be able to witness it.
“You’re the one getting the wrong idea Kou, these are happy tears. Finally we’re binded forever and always.” you smiled at him as the priest continues on the ceremony
“Forever and always” he whispered back at you as the two of you we’re slipping on your wedding rings.
The priest announced “I pronounce you man and wife, may you live long and build a happy life together.”
He kissed you as the cheers filled the room.
‘The Life’
“Kou!! Go and chase Kaori!!” you instructed your husband to follow your daughter as she ran around away from you. She’s so much like her father, in personality and in looks. You had her 3years ago, and now you would’ve chased her yourself if not for your heavy bulging stomach. You were 7 months in your second pregnancy and everything was hard to do. Thank god for Koutaro, even though he was busy because of his job as a professional athlete he always make sure to make time for you, he always comes home early and makes sure throughout the day that you’re feeling fine. At times he will bring your daughter along to work to lessen the things that you have to think about for the day.
Today was special, he took a day off to take the threeof you to the park. You were tired from playing with the two of them the whole day. So you decided that the three of you should rest a bit, but your child has other plans of her own as soon as you situated yourself on a bench she hopped off and ran. That was why you asked your husband to chase her off to bring her back. The two of them was now in your line of sight, you didn’t want to scold your daughter but, she was extremely hyper and you didn’t want her to trip and fall then hurt herself.
“Bokuto Kaori, you do not just go and run away, against mom’s request, what if you hurt yourself?” you asked her as gentle as you can, even so she still whimpered at you scolding her. She looked at you with big teary eyes.
“I’m so sowwy momma, I only went to go pick these flowers for you” she answered you as she took out three wildflowers from her back, you cooed at how sweet she was. You waved at her to come close and she did, you engulfed her in a loving embrace kissing her temples lightly,
“Aww thank you baby,” you looked up to see Koutaro surprisingly quiet. He was staring at the two of you, he was filled with love and he was grateful for the family you two built together.
“Can I join that hug?” he asked, you opened your arms as he rushed into them almost crushing your daughter in between. The three of you laughed while coddled like that. You looked up at the sky, thankfully smiling.
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Gen Taglist open: @kitayawa @aruhappy
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airhorn sounds in your ear as you try to sleep ITS FIC TIME, CHILDREN
His father’s first reaction is, predictably, nervous. They’re sitting in the living room as a family, all sort of hanging out, but doing their own thing. Hoarders is passively playing, Lydia is tucked under the couch with a book and flashlight, Emily is in the corner with her laptop, and BJ and Charles are each sitting on opposite ends of the couch, going through their phones. He gets a very sweet text from Adam, showing that the other teen has put the photo Lydia took of them in a frame, and he grins, and holds the device to his chest, feeling giddy and flustered. His dad notices. “What’s got you in such a good mood?” Charles smiles, and BJ figures this is as good a time as any. “I got a text from my boyfriend.” Charles stares. From her chair in the corner, Emily’s typing slows, and then stops, as her brain catches up with that sentence. His phone pings again, and he looks back down at a message from Barbara, then back to his parents. “And my girlfriend.” Emily closes her computer. Her smile is enormous. “Shut up.” “No, seriously!” he grins back at his mother, and then notes the color Charles is going. “Adam and Barbara?” Emily asks, knowingly, and he nods. “We made it official yesterday. I took em to th’ Smallpox Hospital.” “Awww! That’s so romantic!” “You’re dating?” Charles finally finds words. “Unclench your everything, dad, jeezus.” “It’s just… do you think that’s a good idea?” “I think it’s a great idea,” BJ says, a little defensive. “What, I’m not allowed to date? M’too weird for it?” “That’s not what I meant, BJ,” Charles frowns. But he can tell it kind of is.
“Charles, honey, he’s sixteen. He’s going to date,” Emily says softly, and Charles looks back at her. “But two people at once? And they’re-” “They’re what, Chuck?” “Humans. They’re human, BJ.” “Holy shit, they are? Here I thought they were just really crappy demons.” “I just don’t know if you’ve thought this through. Wouldn’t you be happier dating another demon?” “I don’t know any other demons, dad,” he growls, temper flaring. “Unless you want me to date Sam, an’ look like a total creep, since he’s stuck at like, ten.” “Stop it, BJ.” “You stop it! Just be happy for me!” “I am.. Happy. For you.” BJ sits back, crosses his arms, and scowls. “Got a funny way of showin’ it.” His father stands, and takes to pacing. Christ. “We should lay out ground rules.” “Me an’ Adam an’ Barb did that already.” “No, I mean, house rules,” Charles says, rubbing at his beard. “Things you’re allowed to do, and not. Oh, god, first things first, I’m going to get you a box of condoms.” Betelgeuse feels himself flush, and then Lydia finally pipes up, sticking her head out from under the couch. “Gross.”
“You’re seriously blowin’ this out of proportion. We’ve barely held hands!” “I was a teenager. I remember how things escalate. The last thing we need is someone pregnant. Especially with whatever a human and a demon would make.” “Th’ anti-Christ, maybe,” he says, unhelpfully, and he sees the way his dad’s expression twists into further worry. “It was a joke! Oh my god!”
His mother, bless her, swoops in, just then. “BJ’s just told us good news,” she says, standing, and putting a hand on Charles’ arm, which stops his pacing. “I need you to reassess how you’re making him feel, right now.” Charles looks from his wife to his son. BJ rubs at his nose, embarrassed and upset, and probably purple, and he sees his father make a choice. “BJ, I’m sorry,” Charles comes over, hesitantly reaches down, and Betelgeuse responds by throwing his arms around his dad. Chuck rubs his back. “Tell me about them,” he says, “and I promise to be cool. As cool as I can be, at least.”
That’s at least something. He can tell his dad is still worried, but he does listen, as Betelgeuse describes his two partners. “We spend a lotta time together,” he tells his father. “An’ they’re both goody two shoes. Seriously, they’re borin’, nice people.” “Tell us how you met them, BJ,” Emily smiles. He regales them with the story of Barbara and the flower, and then Adam in the library, and by the time he’s done, he’s back to feeling green, all smiles and excitement and stimming hands. It feels really, really good to not be alone.
Monday comes a day too soon, and he sort of misses the atmosphere of the library, because at lunch, he’s forced to pick up trash, with Honeywell watching him intently from a bench. The only consolation prize to this is the vice principal’s time is also being wasted. He doesn’t miss how a few kids walk by and intentionally throw things at his feet for him to pick up. They don’t get away with it, though, because either they trip and find their shoelaces are mysteriously tied together, or for those unlucky ones without laces, they’ll find a snake in their lockers. The miserable part is, Adam and Barbara aren’t allowed to hang out with him while he’s working. They’d tried, and were told in no uncertain terms to leave him alone, leave him to his task, or they’d be sent to the other side of the campus to do the same thing. A little bit of punishment, he understands. But he draws the line at threatening Sexy and Babs. He’s absolutely plotting exactly how he’s going to ruin the overbearing adult’s day when he feels a strange sensation in his chest, like a slight tug. He pauses. It’s not a pain, not really, more like a pull away from himself, which doesn’t make any sense, but that’s what it is. He has to assume it’s another demon thing.
He glances at his watcher, who seems engrossed in paperwork.
Man, if only this guy would fuck off, he could be enjoying lunch with his friends- The pull away from himself is stronger, this time. He concentrates on it, and then remembers how physical the summoning of clones is, requiring a motion like he’s tossing something, and he gives that a try, this time, gently lobbing nothing at a student passing by. The kid looks surprised, and then goes rigid, and he thinks maybe he’s killed someone for the first time, but then the teen straightens up, and stands, stiff, facing him, and BJ feels mentally split, between two bodies. He raises his right hand. The student mirrors the action, eyes wide, confused. He lowers it, then kicks his leg out to the side, and again, he’s copied. Not copied.. Followed? The other student is like a marionette, and his mind is the strings, or something close to that. “Possession,” he grins, wickedly, and then he pulls himself back all to one body, and the kid falls on his ass, confused, and scrambles away.
Oh, he is so going to use this new power for evil.
“BJ Deetz! I don’t see this quad getting any cleaner!” Honeywell has looked up from his paperwork to find Betelgeuse standing there, grinning to himself, and the teen responds by spinning around, and throwing nothing at the overbearing authority figure. Honeywell also goes rigid, and BJ lifts his hands, directing the VP to stand, and the hapless adult does so. “Looks clean enough to me,” he mouths, and hears that sentence come out of Honeywell’s lips. “Clean enough to eat offa!” With a swiping motion, he forces the man to knock his own hardly touched lunch to the ground, and then BJ crouches low, and the adult follows, shoving his face into what was clearly leftovers from some night’s dinner, and coming back up with a mouthful of noodles and dirt. The big man’s eyes are wide. He’s scared, confused. It’s thrilling. With a hand motion, BJ forces the breather’s face back into the mess of food and dirt, and doesn’t let him up until the muffled cries become truly panicked. Possession out in public might be a bit too noticeable, though, because there’s a gathering group of kids watching what the teacher is doing, their phones out, taking video, and he doesn’t need them connecting his own strange movements back to Honeywell’s. He makes a final hand motion, releasing the adult, and shoves his hands in his pockets, just in time for Adam and Barbara to appear as faces in the crowd. Honeywell, freed, sits up, coughing and sputtering, and looking horrified. “What the heck happened?” Adam asks, and BJ shrugs. “He started throwin’ a fit, outta no where,” he lies, but he feels the vice principal watching him, staring up from the dirt, where he’s still sat, dazed. He gives the adult a grin. “Totally fuckin’ weird.”
The rest of his lunch period is freed up, suddenly, as Honeywell goes to clean himself off in the men’s room.
This fun new ability requires further testing, but not right now, now when Adam and Barbara are around. Soon, though. Very soon. “I’m really bummed we can’t be in the library anymore. I tried to pop in to grab something this morning and the librarian chased me out.” Adam looks genuinely sad, at that, which startles BJ out of his downright vicious thoughts. “By the way,” Adam adds, “They put up the casting sheet today. Want to guess who got that dentist part?” Barbara is grinning wide. “Me?” he croaks. A few other kids tried for it.. He didn’t think he’d get picked, honestly, thought that maybe someone more likable, or more friendly, would be chosen over him, but Barbara squishes his cheeks in her hands. “You!” she cheers, and he blushes. “You’re going to be amazing! But that means,” she tells him, suddenly serious, “-that you have to actually try.” He nods, as much as he can, her hands still on either side of his face. “Effort,” he grunts. “Got it.” She leans forward and kisses the tip of his nose. He scrambles to throw his hood over his head, and cinches it closed, knowing for a fact he’s gone pink from the tips of his hair down to the roots. “BJ?” Barbara giggles, as he peers out at her from his hood. “Should I not do that?” “NO! No, no, I, uh, just.. Warn a guy, next time.”
He hadn’t thought through the logistics of this, clearly, because he can’t be scrambling away from them every time one of them kisses him, just because his stupid hair won’t behave itself. God, he’s going to have to start wearing a beanie, or something, until he can get this color thing under control. Annoyingly, his dad was right. He really hadn’t given this much thought, beyond, Adam and Barbara pretty, wanna kiss them. Now he’s got to work out the logistics of how he’s going to actually achieve that goal, without basically, for lack of a better word, outing himself. He doesn’t want to think that something like what happened with Kevin could happen again, but he hadn’t really seen that situation coming, and it had ended about as poorly as a budding romance can, with parental murder. So yeah, he’s not exactly confident he can trust them with this secret. Better to keep it to himself, play his cards close to the chest, not let them all the way in. That’s safest for all of them. Good plan, BJ, he thinks to himself, watching Barbara dust wood shavings out of Adam’s hair, a leftover byproduct of his shop class. No one gets hurt. No one has to know anything. He can keep playing human with his cute new partners for as long as they’ll let him.
Stretching before him, suddenly, he foresees a lifetime, several lifetimes actually, given the span of existence for a demon, lifetimes full of deceit and lies and partners who age without him, and it all makes him very tired, and sad. This is going to be how it is, he realizes. He’s going to pretend and mimic and do his best to fit himself into a template that he wasn’t made for, and he’s presumably going to be doing it forever, maybe until the minute the last human takes their last breath, because playing human is as close as he can get. It's easier to play pretend, throw a glamour on and act along, than to be himself and risk the pain and rejection, or the truth that maybe his worth is tied into what he can do, not who he is. It all leaves him dizzy, this sudden moment of unwanted clarity. He pushes it down, far down at it can go, to somewhere deep in his chest, and tries to come back to this moment, right now, because his boyfriend is looking at him. “You going to stay in that hood all day, shy guy?” Adam smiles, and BJ peels the hood back, and runs a hand through the mop of green mess that passes for his hair, and smiles, like he didn’t just have a mini existential crisis in the middle of a Monday afternoon. “What do you guys do for lunch when you’re not being wooed by an errant library assistant?” Betelgeuse forces an extra bit of pep that he doesn’t feel into his voice, and Barbara brightens. “You can come meet my friends!” She says, and he lets her lead him by the hand, across the quad, a corpse playing pretend at being alive, holding hands with the living.
They find Barbara’s friends at the lunch tables. He’s never sat over here, never really had reason to be over here at all, actually, because each table is always claimed by a friend group, and he’s never felt welcome enough to try and squeeze in with any of them. But he sort of has a group now, he supposes. If three can be a crowd, it can be a group. He does feel eyes on him as he’s directed on where to sit by Barbara, other kids at other tables watching him, maybe confused on how he’s ingratiated himself enough to actually have a place to sit. Barbara arranges where they sit, seemingly very intentionally, with herself between Betelgeuse and Adam, and Allison and Blair on the other side of the table, and they begin eating. The air is a little tense. He picks at his lunch, leftovers Charles packed for him. It smells amazing, but he doesn’t want to scarf it all down, not when he’s feeling watched, the way he is. And he is being watched, very intently so, by Barbara’s friends, who are apparently also Adam’s friends. Everyone but him seems to know so many other people. It’s almost insane, like, how do they keep them all straight? He’s only vaguely aware of which one of these similar white girls is Blair, because he’s spoken to her, at least once. Allison might as well be a balloon with a face painted on it. “So,” Blair puts down her fork. She’s eating a dry salad with little chunks of chicken in it, low carb, low cal. He’d be worried for her health if he gave a shit. “So,” he copies her instinctively, tilting her head the same way she does, holding his hands in front of himself in a mirror of her own movements. Barbara catches what he’s doing, and gives his arm a gentle pinch. “Is this for real?” Blair isn’t asking him, she’s looking between Adam and Barbara, who are both looking a little surprised at the sudden question. “What do you mean?” Adam asks, unsure, and Blair gestures between the three of them. “This whole.. This! When Barbara said she suddenly had two boyfriends, I had to check my calendar, make sure it wasn’t April Fool’s. And then it turns out to be you and..” Her eyes fall back on Betelgeuse. “Him. You, Adam, I get. You and Barbara together, that makes sense. But, like, BJ?” “Sure, if you’re offerin’,” he says, and Blair makes a face. Go on over to Ao3 to read the rest!! There's more waiting for your hungry eyes over there
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string-bean-requiem · 4 years
New addition - Vampire!Tattoo Artist!Risotto x Human!Reader
Summary - Ris finds a kitten and brings it home to you
Note - Reader uses She/Her pronouns & is a woman. Modern AU
Genre - Fluff
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Animals never really took too much of a liking towards Risotto Nero, who may or may not be disheartened by this very fact, but nevertheless, understands exactly why.
He was mother nature’s very own monstrous concoction of a top class predator. Hunting any and all species with warm, crimson blood flowing within their bodies — the very substance that keeps him alive and functioning — with speed faster than a cheetah in its prime, strength greater than any nation’s army combined, along with nails and teeth that could slice through almost anything thrice more precise than any polished blade ever could.
So while he understood well and why animals were deadly afraid of him, disappointment couldn’t resist its way towards his un-beating heart when yet another dog has scampered away from him, all because he simply glanced its way.
Although, disappointment may to be too light of an adjective to describe the depth of emotions he feels towards the rejection of his favourite companions, as the same species had used to be the ones Risotto would seek comfort in when he was exhausted from his own (or what used to be his own) kind’s reactions towards his... ‘vibe’, as the current time’s society would say. Not that he was surprised with that one though. Even during his time as a human, he was well feared by many other humans. If not for his stature and demeanour, then surely for his occupation as a seasoned assassin.
Even though not much has changed when he does come in contact with most humans these days, especially more-so now that he has sleeves of tattoos complimenting the obsidian of his sclera and the glaring crimson in his iris, there was at least a sanctuary, a safe haven in specific types of people all throughout time: those who do not care, and those who are accepting.
Both of which have never cowered away from him, both of which some makes up Risotto’s close knit circle of people he actively cares about, and both of which can be found in his lover... his partner... his better half — you.
You, who despite your species’ natural evolution in (rightfully) fearing vampires, looked at him and felt nothing of the sort and instead, saw him as Risotto Nero. You saw him as the man he was and is, saw past his predator nature, and proceeded to peel back his guarded layers one by one, each with a softer touch than the last, and always left him craving and breathless, but never regretful.
Sometimes, Risotto even thinks being a blood-sucker isn’t so bad. That all those years spent confused, afraid, and lonely was quite alright. With every memory fracture blurring together into a kaleidoscope of nebulous haze, seeming like a distant past, unfamiliar even, and slowly, he feels it slipping past his fingers with each day he spends with your lovely being. Perhaps, he even feels lucky for having this... predicament of a nature being forced upon him lifetimes ago, seeing as how this exact curse was the reason why he had been able to live long enough to have met you. Ever so often though, he has to pinch himself in an attempt to try to soothe himself from wondering if this was all just a very nice dream (or a very sick and convoluted prank on him) because he feels as if it’s too good to be true... but he knows better than that. The swell of his dead heart just by thinking about the welcome back kiss you always pepper onto his lips when he reaches home reminds him just of that.
However, before Risotto could lose himself further into his reminiscing, a weak, shaky mewl echoes softly from the alleyway to his right. It even surprises him to a point of stillness because it sounded so much like a cry for help — for him, the predator of all beings.
But it couldn’t be, it didn’t make sense for it to be, and he almost starts his journey back home again, until the same frail vocals call out for him once more.
Risotto’s head turns towards the direction of the sound and he’s met with the sight of a sketchy pathway. Not that he had anything to worry about though, he drank blood for a living after all.
As another cry sounds off, Risotto approaches forward with tentative steps, not wanting to scare off the very obviously weak animal whilst trying to show that he meant no harm or malice. It seemed to work, oddly enough, when a tuft of obsidian fur pokes out of the confines of its shabby cardboard box, revealing its bright golden eyes to stare at Risotto’s own crimson pair.
An odd tension enveloped the two beings, and a beat passes before Risotto takes the leap to pet the kitten’s head — and he’s so glad that he did.
How long has it been since an animal has nuzzled its little head into his expectant palm? How many years has it been since the last animal had deemed him safe enough to lick at his hand? How much time has passed since soft little paws have been padded at his hand as if to say “Pet me more!”?
Long enough.
So much so that it has him perplexed that a weak little kitten is not wetting itself in fear of his presence so far. Questions and guesses as to why whirls in his head, yet he couldn’t help but find himself almost giddy at the turn of events... at this brave little Bombay.
Risotto’s excitement is cutoff short when he notices its shivering body, which is quite unsurprising, as the little fellow was showing signs of being on the edge of malnourishment, and his heart squeezes a little at that.
With careful and steady movements, showing that once again he meant no harm, he shrugs off his coat, hoping it’ll be of use to keep the animal warm, and with the utmost care and gentleness he could muster, wraps it up and tucks its back into its makeshift shelter. Risotto makes sure the kitten’s safe and comfortable before ultimately deciding to bring it home with him, to you, while wondering along the journey if you would want to keep it as much as he does.
God, he hopes you do, but he knows cats can be picky with who they want to show affections to, who they want to accept as their caretaker, and he thinks he would be disheartened greatly if the animal in his hold did not take a liking to you. It would be such a cruel fucking joke if the one animal who didn’t shun or cower at him liked him, but not you, especially since he knows you’ve been wanting a cat for a long time, having unintentionally overheard this desire of yours with your friend a while back when they came to visit you. And it would be so cruel when he finally finds one that won’t claw at his eyes 24/7 that it may end up trying to claw your eyes instead.
You better like her. I won’t know what to do if you don’t...
With each step bringing Risotto closer to your shared home, he grows a little more tense at the prospect of introducing the stray to you, how it’ll react, how it’ll go down... and before he knows it, he’s already through the front door and calling out your name to signal his arrival home.
“Welcome home, Ris. How was work today?”, your voice echoes a little in the cozy space. The domesticity of your tone etches into his memories and he files away into a secure space in his heart, feeling his worries calming by the second.
He could never get tired of this — of you, in the home you’ve both built together, where happiness and content are seeped into every crevice with a warm smile and soft eyes and even softer hearts.
A moment passes as he commits this scene into his heart, like he had done so with every other point in time that he has shared with you, and he realises he’s gone off track a little when your curious eyes continues to peer at him, his sudden stillness, and the cardboard box in his arm.
“It was a slow day at the parlour...”, Risotto quickly mumbles. His lips soft and warm against your smiling ones, lingering for a beat longer than usual, wanting to bask in your familiarity to ease the nerves beginning to flutter again. “...but a couple of interesting things happened.”.
Risotto pulls away and immediately misses your warmth. Twinges of strained excitement begin to dig deeper into the depths of his abdomen, and he can’t help but hope once again that the little fur ball would take a liking to you because fuck does he wants to raise it with you so damn much.
“Oh?”, your eyebrow raises inquisitively, “Does it have anything to do with that box in your hand?”.
Risotto all but nods in accordance and settles the cardboard box onto the coffee table. Your curiosity peaking as you glance between the shabby box and his gaze.
“I overheard you wanting a cat once. And I know it’s hard to have a pet around with my... disposition, but...”, he trails off when he reaches towards the box to dig out the star of today’s show, still bundled in his heavy coat.
“No way...”.
Your eyes widen, eyebrows shot upwards and your grin spreads itself wide across your lips when a tiny head of fur ruffles itself out of its makeshift bed.
Slits of honied gold peered at you from its position, wary and cautious of its own safety with every step you take forward. Risotto own breath subconsciously bates as your hand inches towards the Bombay’s head apprehensively. You’ve already surmised that this little kitten is more than fine with your vampiric lover, seeing as how it seems to make itself completely at home in his coat and in his hold, so the only hurdle left to complete your new family was for the same kitten to take a liking to you as well, and the pressure was gnawing its way at your nerves. The both of you were well aware that cats were picky with who they liked, and if this one cat didn’t like you... you wouldn’t know how to handle that and it’s consequences.
You honestly didn’t want to even think about the consequences... and it seemed like you didn’t have to.
It immediately took a liking to you, nuzzling it’s head into your hand before licking at your digits the same way it did with Risotto earlier today.
It likes you, and most of the tension unravels it’s hold on his muscles. The hardest hurdle was over, leaped in perfect form and done with, and Risotto sighs in relief before he asks, “Do you want to keep it?”.
The chances of you rejecting this proposal was practically nonexistent, seeing as how your eyes are practically glimmering at the kitten pawing at your fingers, but he was a gentleman and he wanted your verbal confirmation to expanding your family together. You, of course, agreed without a beat of hesitation, all while cooing and petting the mewling Bombay in his arms.
God, he could live in this moment forever.
A vivid smile takes over Risotto’s features as he steals your attention for a bit, his fingers tipping your chin upwards quick enough for you to catch his dimples making their coveted appearance, and you have to take a moment to re-collect your swooning self. He always did look the most lovely when he was unabashedly happy, something you pride yourself on being able to bring out of him. But before he could swoop in for another kiss, your brain kickstarted and suddenly you remembered.
“Wait you said ‘a couple of interesting things happened’... what’s the other thing?”.
“Oh. A pair of drunkards walked in during the afternoon and demanded to get matching tattoos of each other’s irises on their nipples. I refused, of course.”
“...what?”, your eyes widened in disbelief.
You wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the incident, and the fact that Risotto had delivered it as deadpan as ever, which is totally up your alley in terms of humour, but you couldn’t even find it in yourself to give him a chuckle. Instead, all you felt was concern and disbelief bubbling at the blatant entitlement and stupidity the drunkards had displayed to your beloved.
“Are you feeling okay? Did they hurt you?”, you voiced. Your tone soft, but not without your signature protective edge reserved for your loved ones, and you find one of your hands leaving the kitten to reach out to cup Risotto’s warming cheek.
He understands how you must be feeling, knowing that beneath your nonchalant personality reveals a more protective side, and he loves that about you. He loves that no matter how extreme or how insignificant the matter is, you’d always show him that you’ll care for and about his wellbeing, going as far as even fighting for him and his honour, even if he’s the one who’s a powerful supernatural being.
He loves it, he loves you, and he loves how you’re so consistent in your love for him, and in this moment, he feels it once again and melts into your palm.
“Yes, and yes.”, Risotto’s voice is just a touch tender as he drowns in the love pouring from your eyes. “No need to worry about me, biddùzza. I’m a vampire. I could drain them dry before they can even blink.”, he reassures.
Your posture relaxes and you can’t help but huff out a chuckle at his words, being able to finally find his apathy and the situation a little funny in its own way. But that doesn’t mean he still should just keep up that attitude forever. Always easier to be safe than sorry. Powerful supernatural hunter or not.
“You know I can’t help it. You’re too soft, Ris.”, you want to take on a scolding tone, but how could you when he looks at you like that? Like you’ve hand-crafted every single good and beautiful thing in this world with graceful weaves and gentle touches... like you’re the sole reason the moon glows every night its own nebulous light, surrounded by clouds of stars and quiet skies... How could you when he looks at you like you’ve bloomed spring to his world drowning storms?
A sigh holds itself back in your throat, opting instead to lean in and peck his lips, pillowy with just a touch of coldness that you’ve grown to be fond of, before returning your attention back to the eager little kitten in his arms again, and Risotto commits the sweetness of your smile and the fondness in your eyes for the purring animal to his already expansive memory.
“That’s reserved only for you...”, he murmurs.
A millennia ago, if someone were to tell Risotto that he’d be happily committed to his human partner, voice fond and gaze overflowing with adoration as he listens to them worry over his well-being and comfort whilst they pet a purring little kitten in his hands, he’d have ripped their head off for spouting something so absurd... for taunting him with something seemingly so unobtainable.
But here he is, lips meeting yours again in a loving kiss, with warm blissful domesticity encapsulating your shared home as the new addition to your little family nuzzles itself into his palm.
...and now you too.
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duhragonball · 4 years
Hellsing Liveblog Ch. 57-61
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This is the “Wizardry” arc. 
I don’t know why it just now occurred to me, but there’s more than a hint of the Joker in the Major’s character.   He’s always grinning, and now we have him dancing on a blimp while enemy helicopters are firing on him.
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The Doctor shits a brick over this, because the arrival of the Vatican’s 9th Crusade force is the first serious resistance that Millennium has encountered since they invaded London.   He begs the Major to come back inside and move their airship to safety, but the Major is too preoccupied with dancing like a goofball.   Up to this point, the audience must have been eager to see someone take a poke at the Major.  I know I was, if only to see what sort of powers he had.   I mean, he hasn’t aged a day, but he doesn’t seem to be a vampire, so what’s his deal?
But before we can find out, the helicopter that was about to shoot him gets torn apart by magic wires.   Wait... that sounds like...
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Yeah, Walter’s switched sides.   He’s also younger-looking too, so this must be what Schrodinger was talking about when he told Zorin that the Major and Doctor had a new “toy”.   They were too busy turning him into a vampire to bother punishing Zorin for disobeying orders.   In the previous chapter, the Major asked about using Walter (without mentioning him by name), and the Doc said something about the rushed nature of the job.    Presumably, the Doctor was doing the artificial vampire treatment on Walter all through the night, while Seras and the Wild Geese were defending the mansion. 
What I’ve never been sure of is whether this was a spur-of-the-moment decision, or if Millennium approached Walter a long time ago, and Walter’s been their mole in Hellsing throughout this entire story.   The Major’s line here seems to suggest this was a long-term plan.    “I had already decided half a century ago.   The Death’s Head [the Nazi SS skull insignia] is a fitting match for the Angel of Death [Walter’s old Hellsing codename].”
But that could just mean the Major thought of the idea way back then.   He saw Walter and Alucard wrecking all his stuff in World War II and thought “This kid would be a good recruit someday!” But when did he make the pitch?   Was it last night?    Before the Valentines’ attack?   Before Arthur Hellsing’s death?   Before the end of the war?
I think it’s reasonable to assume that Walter was on board at least before he parted ways with Integra back in Chapter 39.  The Captain suddenly showed up, and he told Integra to take the car and flee, because he wasn’t sure he could defeat the Captain and he didn’t want her around in case he failed.   But it’s much more likely that he only said this to keep her from finding out that he had a rendezvous with the Major, who arrived soon after.   
Now that I think about it, this may be the only reason the Major sent his troops to capture Integra.   He wasn’t particularly concerned about her, but he knew Walter would be with her, and he wanted to get him to the Doctor as quickly as possible.   This may also be why he ordered Zorin Blitz to hold off on attacking the Hellsing mansion.  If Walter had been inside, Zorin wouldn’t have known about his allegiance, and it’s very likely that one might have killed the other.  
Actually, yeah, this is why the Major fired those rockets on the Hellsing mansion in the first place.   If Walter was there, he would know the attack was coming, and use the attack to cover his departure. Then Zorin probably would have been ordered to give him a lift back to the Doctor.  But Walter wasn’t home, and Zorin didn’t wait for orders, and Seras turned out to be much too powerful for her.  
Wow, this is like peeling an onion.  That must be what the Major meant when he chided Zorin for costing him “precious soldiers.”    Her reckless tactics got her and her company killed, but she might have also wrecked his plans to extract Walter, and it’s only a matter of luck that he happened to be at the naval base instead of the mansion. And we know that Zorin knew nothing about Walter, because Schrodinger only hinted about him without mentioning his name.   If Zorin had known, he would have just said “Yeah, we’re turning Walter into a vampire right now, no thanks to you.”
Anyway, Walter’s betrayal fascinates me, but also fuck you, Walter, you traitorous piece of shit.
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Speaking of treachery, the 9th Crusaders are busy shooting the shit out of London, killing anything that survived the previous night.    Millennium is a threat, sure, but Maxwell sees this as an opportunity to conquer England for the Catholic church.    I’m not really sure “conquer” is meant literally.   I think it’s more like, Hellsing and the Iscariot Organization have some treaty, and I think that treaty applies to their respective governments as well, but the civilian governments might know nothing about it.    Maybe?  
What I’m saying is that I think this 9th Crusade is supposed to end with the overthrow of the Anglican Church in the United Kingdom, with a new Catholic-leaning regime in its place, so that the Pope would have the same influence over the U.K. that he apparently has over continental Europe.   
In that sense, I’m pretty sure Hellsing’s version of John Paul II didn’t order Maxwell to gun down civilians and shout “Die did die die!” over a loudspeaker.   He may not have been terribly worried about Protestant casualties, but there’s plenty of Catholics living in London, after all.    Maxwell doesn’t seem to care, and I think it’s clear that he’s exceeding his mandate.   
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And Alexander Anderson knows it.   I think the whole Catholic contingent in this story knows that Maxwell’s gone too far, but Anderson’s the only one honest enough to say it out loud.    Anderson’s group is still escorting Integra home when the 9th Crusade attacks, and Integra accuses Maxwell of betraying her, but Anderson remarks that such backstabbing is typical in war.    So it’s not Maxwell’s duplicity that offends him, it’s the way he’s going about it.   When Anderson kills people, he’s doing it to serve God, and God alone.   Maxwell’s not serving God at all.
“All you’re serving is his power!!” Anderson says.    By “his” does Anderson mean Satan?  Millennium?  Mars, the god of war?   Maybe all three, or maybe it doesn’t matter.   I always thought Maxwell was serving his own power, but the point is that he’s not doing God’s will by any stretch of the imagination.
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But the others still respect the chain of command.  Archbishop Maxwell is in charge of the 9th Crusade and the Iscariot Organization, and Heinkel reminds Anderson that they were ordered to capture Sir Integra, not escort her home.    So they all draw their guns on Integra, resulting in the most Integra panel ever.
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Then Seras shows up and beats all their asses.   Yeaaaaahhhhh!   Seras, you’re doing amazing, sweetie!
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Everyone’s like “Oh shit, it’s Seras Victoria!” like they’re gonna try to fight her, but Anderson can tell that Seras is now way out of their league.   Remember, this group of Iscariots fought some Millennium troops and half of them were killed.   Seras tore through about as many Milennium troops without much hassle at all, and that was before she drank Pip’s blood.
And Anderson spares some words of praise for his foe.   I guess this is like the owner of a Ford truck exchanging compliments with the owner of a Chevy truck.    “You’re a rat bastard, Chevy man,” he says, “but those are some fine Truck Nutz” you have dangling from your tow hitch.”  They’re never gonna be pals, but real recognizes real.
Also, I just think Seras looks super extra-cool in this moment.  Anderson kind of treated her like a joke before, but now he sees her as a peer.   She looks so dark and haunted now, and at the same time she’s more comfortable and sure of herself than we’ve ever seen her.    Seras never set out to become a vampire, but she’s still found herself on this path.  It’s scary and beautiful at the same time.
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But never MIND that SHIT, here comes...
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No, not Maxwell, Alucard is returning!  I just used this page because Maxwell’s reaction to the news is more interesting than gloomy images of a ruined carrier drifting up the Thames river.   
There’s a moment in the Hellsing Ultimate anime, right after Seras and Anderson turn to look, where she’s got this big grin on her face, and she goes “I can feel it.   He’s returning.”  It’s not in the manga, maybe because it’s not that important, but I’m a sucker for any Seras content, and I love that moment because she can sense Alucard at a distance now, and it’s a very pleasant experience.   For Seras, I mean.  I suspect it’s actually a very bonechilling, bloodcurdling sensation, but Seras has gone Full Goth, so she digs that sort of thing now.  
I don’t know how the hell Anderson can sense Alucard, though.   Maybe being a Regenerator gave him super smelling powers, like Wolverine.  
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And even the Major is pleased, because now we finally have all the major players in the same city.   Not sure why the Captain rates an appearance here, when he never says a word, but we’ll run with it. 
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So, up to now, we’ve had these 9th Crusaders lined up against Millennium soldiers, each cosplaying as troops from old wars.  I guess Millennium’s SS uniforms have hint of legitimacy to them, as these guys really were part of the SS back in World War II, before they became vampires.  But the point stands, they’re walking anachronisms and they know it.  
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But then Alucard jumps in between them, practically giddy for a chance to participate in this war.   Not to be outdone, Anderson and the Captain perform similar Iron Man landings on the same street.   When I watched the OVA, this was about the point I started to wonder if I had missed something about the Captain, because this story has been hinting that he’s like Millennium’s strongest guy, and somehow on par with Anderson and Alucard, even though he hasn’t said anything or done anything this entire time.   This would be like if Superman and Goku squared off in the middle of London, and then some rando OC from DeviantArt walked up to join them.   Like, we know Al and we know Andy, but who the hell is this dude?   I don’t care if he can hang with these two, they should have established that earlier.
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Al asks for orders, and Integra makes this big production out of “Kill everybody with a racist uniform and a funny accent.”   Okay, fine, but this is a lot of bad guys.   How is even Alucard supposed to take them all down?  And this leads us to Control Art Restriction Level Zero.
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I’m just gonna cut to the chase, because this post is running long enough already.  Al used “Level 1″ to make short work of Luke Valentine and Rip van Winkle, and maybe Dandyman as well, I’m not sure.   Recall that nothing could stop Alucard on the H.M.S. Eagle.   The Blackbird crash, the Millennium soldiers, Rip’s magic bullets, none of it.   So he activates “Level 0″, which ought to be even more gonzo overpowered, and starts reciting this alchemical poem which I really out to cover in some other post, and all the bad guys panic and start attacking him. 
To all the smartasses who say “Well why don’t the bad guys attack them during the transformation?” there you go.   AGAIN.   This sort of thing happens a lot more than you’d think, and it never works, because anime/manga creators are more self-aware than you’d think.   It never works, because if it did, then it wouldn’t be “attacking a character in mid-transformation”.  It would just be “killing a guy before he could do his big move.”  So when a character does a big climactic thing like this, there’s really only two options.   1) Have the other characters stand back and watch, or 2) have them TRY to stop it, only to fail, because it’s too late for that.
Anyway, I’m skipping all of that and just showing the end result of Alucard’s power-up.   The bad guys tear his body apart, but it doesnt’ matter because that never worked on him before, and then all these undead men crawl out of the black ether that seems to make up Al’s body.   Just a veritable flood of humans, all washing out of him like a tide of death.  
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Anderson starts to figure it out when he recognizes some of the uniforms on these creatures.   And if that’s not enough, Integra explains it for Seras.   When vampires drink blood, they absorb the very essence of the living being who contained it.    “To suck blood is to make the whole existence of a life one’s own.” That’s why Zorin saw Pip’s memories when she tried to read Seras’ mind.   By drinking Pip’s blood, Seras has taken on Pip’s soul as well.   But that’s just one guy.   Alucard’s been drinking blood for over 500 years.   And each one he consumes becomes another soul in his personal army.   
I’m going to guess that Alucard didn’t always have the ability to manifest all of his victims as familiars like this.   Otherwise, how in the hell was Abraham van Helsing able to subdue him a century earlier?   The Hellsing family did stuff to enhance and improve Alucard’s powers, so maybe this was one of them.  They gave him the means to weaponize all of his victims’ souls, for use in large scale battles like this one. 
And I think this might be why Seras is trembling in this scene, because she knows that this ability was passed down to her when Alucard turned her into a vampire.   Or maybe, she’s realizing that she’s got something in common with all of those dead people in Al’s army.   Alucard made her a vampire, sure, but he still drank her blood, so doesn’t that mean there’s a Seras Victoria creature down there, standing alongside all the Janissaries, Wallachians, and everyone else Alucard has consumed?
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Something I picked up on was that this is what all of those eyes in Alucard’s design are supposed to represent.   When he used Level 1 you’d see all these eyes staring out from the shadows, and now Level 0 has brought out all these dead people, like they’re the ones the eyes belong to.  Although, most of them don’t actually have eyes, just smoke trailing from their eye sockets.   So maybe that’s symbolic as well.  
There’s also horses in this mess, and that makes me wonder if Alucard drank the horses’ blood along with the riders. Anyway, Archbishop Maxwell observes all of this from his Popemobile and finally confronts the elephant in the room: Alucard is Dracula, like the Dracula.  I don’t think it was ever meant to be a secret, but Kouta Hirano’s been dancing around it this whole time, without ever spelling it out, and now he’s finally spelling it out.  
I think the only one who might not know is Seras?   Someone might have filled her in off-panel, or maybe she figured it out, since it’s not exactly hard, but I don’t know.
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So yeah, somewhere in this arc, they do a headcount of all three sides of this thing.  Millennium has “572″ soldiers left, and the 9th Crusade has “2875″, while Hellsing, of course, is down to just 3.  But Alucard has more than evened the playing field, since he can do this trick and spawn an invincible army.   I’m more confused how Millennium lost 428 guys in one night.   Seras killed a lot of them, but not that many. Sir Penwood got some and Anderson killed a bunch of them, but not hundreds of them.  The Crusaders could have taken out that many, but they haven’t been here very long.  
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But yeah, they try to form a Phalanx to hold off Alucard’s forces, and it does not work at all.    You can’t kill these things because they’re already dead. right?  I mean, maybe the Crusaders have holy weapons that can destroy these things, but there’s just too many of them.    And the Millennium troops don’t even have holy weapons, so they’re completely fucked.
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But what about the helicopters?  Well, Alucard drank the blood of Dandyman and Rip Van Winkle too, and their powers are now a part of him, which makes quick work of nearby aircraft.    I like how these two look the same as before, but they never say a word.   I think they’re the only ones with normal eyes, although Alucard’s shadow tentrils are still fused with their bodies.  
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The Crusaders’ battle lines are broken, and they beg for Maxwell to order a retreat before they’re all slaughtered.   But Maxwell refuses to give up.  He’s drunk on his new power, and so he can’t accept that he’s been one-upped so easily.   Then the helicopter carrying his Popetruck gets destroyed, and he somehow crashes without getting hurt.
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And now he’s got a front-row seat to the same hell his troops are experiencing, but he still gloats, because somehow Alucard’s soldiers can’t get through the glass.    He refers to “tektite” reinforcement, and that’s dumb because Tektites are just an enemy in the Legend of Zelda.   I’m onto your ass, Hirano. 
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But then Anderson throws a knife at the glass, and that breaks it, so maybe it was magic glass that only a blessed weapon could pierce?    All that really matters is that Anderson has finally turned on Maxwell, and Maxwell is doomed.
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Alucard’s dead warriors hoist him up on pikes, fitting for Vlad the Impaler, and Maxwell realizes that he’s going to die alone in a foreign land.   The moral is: Don’t start none, won’t be none.
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Then this happens, and I’m pretty sure Dark Horse Comics goofed when they scanned this manga for the digital edition.  I’d contact them to complain, but they don’t even sell Hellsing anymore because they lost the license years ago.   I don’t think a lot of stuff happened on Pages 62-63 of Volume 8 of the Hellsing manga, but I can’t tell.  I’m guessing just Maxwell finally succumbing to his injuries while Anderson pontificates about why he had to do it to him.   And really, Anderson hardly needs to explain his actions in this case.   Maxwell sucked.
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Moving on, Anderson contacts all Vatican forces and tells them to withdraw.   They can’t beat Alucard, Maxwell is dead, and there’s nothing more they can do here.  However, Anderson chooses to stay behind and take on Alucard.  
This is Anderson’s reasoning: By releasing all of Alucard’s stolen lives to fight as his army, Alucard has left his person vulnerable to attack.  So Andy thinks that if he gets close enough to Alucard, he can finally have a chance to defeat him.   If he’s right, this might be his only chance to try.   
Anderson further speculates that this may have been the Major’s plan from the beginning.   Invade London, force Alucard to use this Level 0 ability, all to leave Alucard vulnerable to assassination.   Perhaps the Major was even counting on Anderson to see this opening and take it.  
More to the point, I think Anderson kind of has to fight Alucard because it’s the only way his people can escape London.  Integra’s orders were clear: None of these invaders leaves the island alive.    Alucard would continue hunting down the Crusaders whether they retreat or fight back, so some force has to stay and keep them occupied to save the rest.  
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Anyway, now we get to the actual part with this scene, where Alucard kneels before his master and she welcomes him back.   It’s pretty satisfying to see all these butthole soldiers finally get what’s coming to them.   
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I’m just gonna put up the entire reunion moment because it’s so sweet.   Interesting how Seras sort of reverts to her old self when Alucard returns.    For all that badass power she gained from drinking Pip, she’s still uneasy around Alucard.   But he missed her and I think that look on his face tells the whole story.    He of all people can tell that Seras has finally taken the fateful step to becoming a “true vampire”. 
I do think it’s kind of interesting how Seras continues to address Alucard as “Master”.   He promised her way back in Volume 1 that she’d no longer be a servant if she drank blood of her own free will, but maybe it’s more complicated than that.    Or, perhaps she still calls him “Master” out of respect, rather than any sort of blood bond or whatever you want to call it.   It’s like how Anakin continued to call Obi-Wan “Master” in “Revenge of the Sith”, even though he had been promoted to Jedi Knight.   The relationship is still there, even if it’s no longer official.  
I’m a big, dumb Seras fanboy, so you’d better believe I think about this sort of thing a lot.   I’m not real crazy about Alucard/Seras shipping, although I do sort of get it.   I’m really not interested in Seras in some freaky-deaky sex kind of way.    Take the D/s stuff to the Alucard/Integra room where it belongs.   No, there’s something very wholesome between Alucard and Seras, and I could talk about it all damn day.    And why not?  It’s my blog, and I’ve got the time.    So let’s start with--
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Um, excuse you?!  
Okay, so Anderson isn’t waiting around to take on Alucard, so I guess we’re doing this now.
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And whether or not the Major planned for this to happen, he certainly approves...
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wellbafineline · 4 years
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(1.7k) / feedback! / other writings!
a.n. hiii, this is my first full length fic, no one asked for this but this is the concept that i’ve been daydreaming about so here you go :) hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated <3 
how you and harry make things official
You'd been ‘seeing’ Harry for about 3 months, he’d been introduced to you by your mutual friends in London. The only thing was, you weren't really together, not as far as you were concerned at least. Your and Harry's relationship was seemingly casual, you hooked up, slept over at each other's places, ordered take out and watched shitty reality tv every Friday night while complaining about your shitty weeks at work (after hearing about her for three months he’d began to really hate Rachel from your office) and most other things people in relationships did. Just you guys did it without the labels and strings. 
And you'd had no problem with that at first, you understood. He was busy, wasn't always around, or had the most reliable schedule. But as you approached 4 months of whatever you and Harry had going on, you started to get more questions from both of your friends about the more intimate and logistical details of your relationship. You had begun to get pretty good at getting around them or changing the subject, but that didn't mean the nagging feeling in your gut went away when they asked.
That's exactly what's happening currently, you’d gone out with your two best friends to a bar in the city. They’d been begging for a catch up for a week, but you'd been at Harry's for the week because he wanted ‘all the time he could get’ before he had to go to LA for a couple of weeks to put finishing touches on his album. 
But now you were all squished together into a tiny booth in the corner of the bar, and you were listening to your friend Lindsey complain about the new project she was doing in work and how it was way below her pay grade when Destiny jumps in when she’s finished turning herself to face you 
‘So, how’s your boyfriend’ she asked you. Knowing she emphasized the ‘boyfriend’ to get you to spill if you and Harry made it official yet you sighed.
‘He's not my boyfriend, you know that, no strings’ 
‘Yeah I know that, but I also know you’re delusional. You just spent a week straight at his house and you're both not seeing other people so… what's the harm in labeling it.’ she trailed off ‘do you want that with him?’ Lindsey asks when you don't start talking
‘Of course, I want that, at least think I do, just what we've got going on is good, y’know, there's no pressure on it and it's easy’ you sigh ‘plus he’s Harry and there's a lot more that comes with being in a relationship with him than just anyone else’
‘So find someone else, no drama, sorted,’ Lindsey says  ‘no-i- that's not what I meant, just meant it'll be harder’ ‘have to ask yourself if this is what you want, you two can't go on like this forever’ she explains ‘And if it is, talk to him, now backing out this time, ‘cause you said you were gonna talk to him about this like a month ago too.’ 
‘I know, and i will, promise this time, but he's gone for a couple of weeks anyway don't want to do it over facetime so it'll have to wait till he's home’
After your meet up with Lindsey and Destiny you spent a lot more time than you probably should've thinking about what to do, about you, about harry and about your relationship with harry, if you can even call it that. 
He gets back from LA on Friday now, it was your plan to go over to his house, order take out, watch a film or help him unpack like you two always do when he gets back from long periods away because he ‘missed you the most and needs to see you asap.’
But this time you were going to talk to him, no chickening out.
You’d agreed to meet Harry at his place on Friday, you finished work around 3pm and he wasn't going to be home till at least 7 maybe 8pm. But you went over anyway letting yourself in with a key he gave you about a month ago saying ‘f’ emergencies love, or when your flat mate’s getting on your fuckin’ nerves’. 
Truthfully you didn’t know what you were going to do at Harry's for 4-ish hours alone but you figured it was better than sitting anxiously at home or at your desk at work. At least it gave you time to think, make a plan of action, because as you'd realised sometime in the past two weeks, there was a very real chance that this was all Harry wanted, that this is where you’d end. Because there was no way you could lay it all out for him just to go back to glorified friends with benefits. 
Leaving your coat and work bag at the door when you arrived, you make your way to his kitchen to make some tea before getting comfortable on the couch in the living room, appreciating what you assume is the calm before the storm. 
At around 7pm, exactly when he promised, you hear a car pull up the driveway and what can only be Harry's heavy footsteps in the hallway. ‘Love, you here, got taken away on the way home’ he called out as you got up to go meet him in the kitchen. 
‘Mm, missed you’ you reached up to peck his cheek ‘but I missed this more’ as you started taking the containers out of the take out bag ‘but I missed this more’ 
‘Heyyy!, not true and you know it.’ 
‘Yeah, keep telling yourself that.’ 
‘C’mon, jus’ shut up and eat.’ 
You’d been like this for a few hours. He was laying on the couch with you on top of him. Your head on his chest, with the tv playing in the background. Harry was drifting off to sleep, jetlag finally catching up to him but you were wide awake. Sighing a bit too loudly and moving to get up you suddenly felt a pair of hands gripping to your waist.
‘Where y’ goin’ love’ Harry murmurs, his eyes still closed. ‘Just to get some water, go back asleep.’ You answered him but he didn't let go of you leaving you sat in his lap with you looking up at you from his position laying down.
‘Are y’ alright, seem, um, stiff’ He questioned, you could tell he knew something was off and he was harry so he probably wouldn't give up till you told him, so now or never you thought. No chickening out. 
‘um, Harry, I've, um, been meaning to talk to you about this for a while’ You started, pausing after to properly think of how to do this, you hadn't thought it’d go like this in your head. You thought it’d be in his kitchen maybe bedroom but definitely not when you were basically straddling him on the couch.
His voice interrupted your thoughts, prompting you to carry on ‘C’mon spit it out love, what's wrong.’ 
‘Nothings wrong, well I don't think anything wrong, i- just. Harry what are we?’ You finally just ripped the bandage off, thinking there was no point to really skip around it.
‘Oh, well,’ he paused. ‘We're us.’
‘No, H, I mean are we like, together’ 
‘Where's this comin’ from love’ as he started to stroke your thigh feeling that you were starting to back away from him, as much as you could at least.
‘Just, y’know, friends, people, are asking. We've been doing this for a while, H, bound to come up at some point’
‘Well, what do you want to do about it then, have t’ tell me, not a mind reader love.’ He chuckled.
‘Are we together, or I don't know can we be.’ After everything you’d done together, he still seems to make you nervous, both butterflies from being giddy and deathly terrified of his answer.
His reaction to that was not what you expected at all his face erupted into one of the biggest smiles you've ever seen him wear. ‘Like boyfriend and girlfriend?’ He grins at you
‘Yeah, I guess, yeah like boyfriend and girlfriend.’ You’d moved back to lay on him, and now your face was buried in his neck, even with the smile on his face the still small chance that this was the end was still eating at your nerves. 
Harry sat up suddenly, with you now sitting in his lap he tightened his arms around your waist almost as if he knew you'd try to squirm out of his grasp, and tried to coax you to look at him.
‘Y’ askin me yo be ya boyfriend, babe?’ he's got a shit-eating grin on his face now and that's exactly the reaction you needed for the weight of rejection to be lifted off of you. 
‘Guess I am, what's your answer.’ 
‘No no no, never actually asked me did ya can’t answer if y’ don't ask’ 
‘You're really making me do this h?’ You stared and raised your eyebrows at him.
‘Yeah, c’mon love thought there was somethin’ you wanted to ask me.’ You could tell he was enjoying this, and you tried to completely let your guard down and play along.
‘Okay, will you, Harry Styles, do me the honour of being my boyfriend?’ your voice was dripping with sarcasm but you both knew what you were asking was sincere.
‘Thought you’d never ask babe’ he said while his hand cupped your jaw moving your face to finally kiss you. 
As you pulled away he was smiling at you, bigger than you’d seen him smile for a while. ‘Think I'm gonna be good at this boyfriend thing, don't you?’
‘Yeah I do’ you sighed as he lay back on the couch where you guys were sitting. You had your arms wrapped around his waist as he was tracing up and down your back. You really couldn’t remember what you were so nervous about 3 hours ago.
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trashyswitch · 4 years
The Adorable Slimy Stranger
The sides were having a normal Halloween afternoon. But things become very strange when a slimy substance shows up in the room and confuses everyone with their nostalgic smell, their adorable nature, and their giddy playfulness. Who knew such an adorable little slime could be this cute?!
For @kanene-yaaay 
This is it. This is really the end of Tickletober. I had lots of fun though! Went in with lots of new ideas, and came out with lots of new fics! And as much as I feel accomplished by this month...I also miss writing FNAF. So, I may switch back ot writing some FNAF for a bit! Maybe even some FNAF & Sanders Sides fics! Who knows?
This is Tickletober 31: Go Nuts
Every side was hanging out in the living room. Logan and Roman were reading while Remus, Virgil, Patton and Janus were watching a Halloween movie. They were nearing the end of the movie when Logan had finally started to close the book. “Man...I forgot just how morbid that climax is.” Logan admitted.
“What were you reading?” Patton asked.
“Coraline, by Neil Gaiman.” Logan replied.
“That’s a good book! But wanna know an even MORE morbid book?” Remus offered.
Logan placed the book onto the side table. “Enlighten me, Remus.” Logan replied.
“The Shining! Or, or Misery.” Remus told him.
Logan nodded. “I will admit, those are morbid choices. I’ve read The Shining, but I haven’t read Misery.” Logan replied.
Remus smiled and summoned a copy of the Stephen King novel. He lightly threw it, and let the soft-covered book land right into Logan’s lap. “Start it whenever you’re prepared…” Remus offered with a wink.
Logan smiled and held it up. “Thank you.” He said to him, before placing it on top of the Coraline novel.
As the credits started to roll, Patton began smelling something...familiar. “Guys, do you smell that?” Patton asked.
Logan sniffed the air and slightly smiled. “Yeah...Smells like you have freshly baked cookies cooking in the oven.” Logan told him.
“Yeah, I smell that too.” Roman told him.
“Me too.” Virgil added.
Patton shook his head. “No, it’s not cookies.” Patton admitted. “It smells like...McDonald’s fries!” Patton reacted.
Logan lifted an eyebrow. “That’s not what I smell…” Logan told him.
Remus smiled and giggled a little. “I smell play-doh.” Remus mentioned.
“Yeah...now that you mention it, I do too.” Janus added.
Logan tilted his head in confusion. “Play-doh, and cookies are opposite sides of the spectrum.” Logan told them. “How can one side be smelling something drastically different from another side?” Logan asked.
“I don’t know.” Janus replied.
“Spill.” Logan ordered.
“I’m...telling the truth. I seriously have no clue.” Janus admitted.
Suddenly, everyone froze as a gurgling sound filled the room for a few moments:
~Gurgle gurgle~
Logan looked around. “Is that the TV?” Logan asked, before pausing the movie credits. Logan listened for the sound as the TV was paused...
~Gurgle gurgle~
Logan blinked in surprise and looked at the others. Quickly, everyone hopped off their seats and began looking around the room for the mysterious gurgling sound. But besides the strokes of wet slimy stuff on the carpet, there was nothing.
“What do you think this is?” Patton asked.
Remus hummed to himself and rubbed his chin as he inspected the strokes of slimy stuff on the ground. It was a somewhat thick stroke, meaning a bit of the slime could be removed from the carpet with a finger. Remus wiped his finger across the stroke, and smelled it.
“Hey guys? Did any of you use play-doh in a DIY slime?” Remus asked.
“No. Why?” Roman asked.
“It smells like play-doh.” Remus told him, before moving his slimed finger to Roman’s nose.
Roman gave the finger a quick sniff and smiled widely. “Hey! The slime smells like cookies!” Roman reacted.
Logan turned around. “What?” he asked, walking up to Remus and smelling the slime. Amazingly, the slime DID smell like cookies! “...Huh!” Logan reacted. “Well, I guess we know what was fragrancing the room.” Logan declared.
Remus looked at the slime on his hand. He looked at Logan, and looked back at the slime. Logan immediately knew he was up to something. “Remus...Don’t EAT-”
Remus shoved the finger in his mouth and sucked on it with a mischievous smirk on his face.
“...The slime.” Logan finally finished his sentence.
Remus sucked and sucked on his finger like a pacifier, and started to widen his eyes and smile happily. Whatever was on his finger, must’ve tasted amazing! “Mmmm!” Remus hummed, impressed by the taste. “Orange-flavored jello!” Remus declared.
Logan blinked in surprise. “...Orange...jello?” Logan clarified.
“Yeah! It tasted like a slimy orange-flavored jehehello-” Remus told him, accidentally letting a bubbly giggle slip.
Roman widened his eyes. “Was...was that a giggle?” Roman asked.
Remus nodded his head. “Yeheheheah. Ihihihi cahahahan’t stohohop!” Remus reacted as he clutched his stomach and started to giggle more! “Hehehehehe! Whahahat’s tihihicklihihing mehehehe?” Remus asked.
“...I…” Logan muttered. “It couldn’t have been the slime you ate...could it?” Logan asked.
Remus couldn’t reply worth his life, and only continued to giggle and crumble to the ground.
Suddenly, Patton jumped up and pointed to the middle of the room. “LOOK!” Patton shouted.
Logan and the other sides turned around to see the thing that Patton had pointed out…
~Curious gurgle noises~
Logan’s eyes widened as he awkwardly adjusted his glasses. It was an orange slime of some sort!
Patton gasped. “It’s SO CUTE!” Patton shouted, sprinting up to it. Patton knelt down to the slime’s height and patted its orange slime head. Immediately, the slime jumped into Patton’s lap and made more gurgle noises!
~Happy gurgles!~
Patton squealed and pet the slime. “LOOK AT YOU! I’m gonna call you...Pumpkin! You are now Pumpkin.” Patton declared. The slime’s mouth opened widely to reveal a big smile, before it nuzzled into Patton’s chest. “Awwww!!” Patton reacted. He even smelled amazing! “He smells like McDonald’s fries!” Patton declared.
Logan smiled. “I guess this must be the source of the mixed up fragrances.” Logan reacted. “But where did it come from?” Logan asked. “And...Why do I feel so joyful by its arrival?” Logan asked, feeling a wave of happiness within himself.
“Cause it’s adorable! That’s why!” Patton told him. “Hi Pumpkin! I’m Patton!” Patton greeted.
“Can I see it?” Virgil asked.
Patton nodded and happily let the slime slide off his lap. “Go get Virgil!” Patton encouraged.
Virgil watched as the slime grew bigger and bigger in size so it was half of Virgil’s size, instead of less than a foot long. Then, the slime summoned big noodle arms and wrapped Virgil in the arms, pulling him into the slime’s body! “oOHGOD- ...Ooookay.” Virgil muttered, not sure what to do with this.
By this time, Remus’s laughing fit seemed to calm down. Remus laid on the ground quite limp, but still slightly giggly from the weird tickling sensation. “You okay, Remus?” Janus asked.
Remus nodded. “Ihihit felt like a bouncy slime ball jumping around in my stomach and tickling me!” Remus told him.
“Really?” Janus reacted, amused by the fascinating reaction.
Meanwhile, Virgil was very confused, but super happy. The man couldn’t stop smiling for the life of him. The slime was actually making him feel unbelievably happy! But, this was more than just the usual reaction to something cute. This was STRONG! This was like adopting a toddler and wanting to coo and give them affection for a long time. Heck, Virgil could say more than THAT!
“Wow! This is awesome!” Virgil told them. To add to the intense feeling of love, the slime started wiggling its noodle arms under his sweater and started fluttering them on his belly! “What are- eeEEEK! HEhehehehey! Thahahat tihihicklehes!” Virgil giggled.
~Mischievous gurgles~
“Oooooh...Haha! That’s not good.” Patton reacted with a giggle.
“Wahahait, WAHAHAIT!” Virgil reacted before being bombarded with laughter and squeals! The slime was tickling and squishing his belly and sides, leaving no spot unsquished. The slime was gurgling while it tickled him, and sneaking more and more noodly arms under his sweater to attack other spots. There was just no end to its tickling abilities! “HEHEHEHELP MEEEHEHEHEHE!” Virgil begged.
“I’ll help you, Virgil!” Patton declared, jumping up to the slime to pick it up. But the slime slid right out of his grip and summoned more noodle arms to combat the light blue man as well. “...Oops…” Patton thought aloud. “Wait! STAHAHAP! NOHOHOT THE HIHIHIPS!” Patton shouted, scooting backwards and crumbling into a mess of laughter and giggles. Now 2 people were being tickled at the same time!
“Wait! I wanna join!” Remus yelled happily. Remus ran up to the slime and lifted up his shirt to reveal his belly, sides and ribs. The slime turned around, took one look at Remus and smiled super widely! The slime retreated it’s orange noodle arms and practically tackled itself into Remus! Remus opened his eyes, and looked up to see tons of slimy orange in his peripheral vision. “Hi there!” Remus greeted.
~Happy gurgles~
Remus giggled and smiled as he felt the slime nuzzle its upper head against his cheek and side of his neck. “Ahahahahawwww!” Remus reacted. “You really ARE cute!” Remus told it. The slime made excited little gurgles and started tickling Remus’s belly and belly button with its slimy body. “HehehehAHAHAAA!” Remus bursted out, bucking his waist. The slime quickly started tickling Remus’s other spots as well, and started fluttering and jiggling it’s noodly slime arms up the sides of his ribs. Remus wiggled and rocked left and right as his bubbly, and slightly manic laughter filled the room.
Logan smiled and couldn’t resist the urge to record the moment. He pulled out a video camera and willingly clicked play.
Everyone else watched and cooed at the cute scene.
“This is so cute! The slime can even make Remus all giggly!” Patton reacted.
“Gotta admit, this is a rare thing to watch.” Virgil added.
“This is not entertaining, whatsoever.” Janus added, summoning a bowl of popcorn to show his true amusement.
“Should we save him?” Roman asked.
“I’m not gonna.” Logan replied.
“Me neither. I’ve been tickled enough already.” Virgil replied.
“I really want to, but I think Remus deserves to laugh a while.” Patton mentioned.
Janus nodded in agreement as he ate his popcorn.
~Happy cheerful gurgles~
Even Logan giggled a little. “I think it likes you.” Logan told him.
“Awww...I wanted it to like me…” Patton whined.
Logan fluffed his hair. “I’m sure it likes you too.” Logan told him.
Soon enough, the slime let out one last gurgle and slid off of Remus. Remus curled into a ball almost immediately and continued to giggle.
Soon, the slime looked around and ran up to Janus next! And while Janus was being inspected and cuddled by the slimy being, Logan started trying to look up what the thing might’ve been, through google.
“Well…The only thing that’s popping up, is the SCP Foundation-”
“SCP FOUNDATION?!” Remus shouted, practically tackling Logan down for his phone. “GIMME!” Remus begged.
“Remus! Get off me!” Logan ordered.
“But I want the phooooone!” Remus whined.
“Well, I’m using it!” Logan told him.
Remus stared him down for a moment before looking at the blob. “Hey tickle blob! Get Logan!�� Remus encouraged.
“Wait, WHAT?!” Logan shouted, scooting back a bit. The slime got off of Janus, looked at Logan and smiled widely! “Wait! Get him! Not me!” Logan ordered, pointing to Remus.
“What?! I was already got! Get Logan! He’s veeeerrry ticklish!” Remus told the slime before tickling his ribs.
“nNOOHOHOHO!” Logan shouted, slapping his hand away with his phone. But Logan was quickly grabbed and cuddled by the big orange blob. “aaAAH! Eugh...Slihime-hehehehehe! HahahahAHAHAHA! WAHAHAHAIT! NOHOHO TIHIHICKLIHIHING! HAHAHAHAHA!” Logan shouted, dropping his phone before immediately kicking his legs and shaking his head.
It felt like his head was filled with pure happiness, similarly to an adrenaline rush! But HOW?!
Remus took the phone and started reading the information that was on the page. “WHOA! Not only is the SCP Foundation actually real, but this IS an SCP! SCP-999! Also known as: The-” Remus paused for a moment to giggle at the nickname. “The tickle monster! I should’ve known! There’s tickling all over this blob!” Remus reacted.
“So...it’s literally a tickle monster?” Patton asked, feeling kinda excited about it.
“And...why is it out of the foundation?” Virgil asked.
Remus began reading about the blob. “SCP-999 appears to be a large, amorphous, gelatinous mass of translucent orange slime, weighing about 54 kg (120 lbs) with a consistency similar to that of peanut butter. His temperament is best described as playful and dog-like: when approached, SCP-999 will often react with overwhelming elation, slithering over to the nearest person and leaping upon them, “hugging” them with a pair of pseudopods…” Remus paused.
“Pseudopods...meaning the orange slime arms that the slime has been making?” Virgil asked.
“His name is Pumpkin!” Patton told him.
“Actually, Patton...his name is 999.” Remus told him. Patton frowned, before crossing his arms and pouting. “The surface of SCP-999 emits a pleasing odor that differs with whomever it is interacting with. Recorded scents include chocolate, fresh laundry, bacon, roses, and Play-Doh™.” Remus further read.
“Hey! I smelled play-doh!” Janus added.
“Yeah, I did too.” Remus told him. “Simply touching SCP-999’s surface causes an immediate mild euphoria, which intensifies the longer one is exposed to SCP-999, and lasts long after separation from the creature.” Remus read further.
“So...The reason we feel so happy about the slime being here...is because the slime is making us happy.” Virgil reacted. “That would explain how abnormally comfortable I felt while surrounded by the slime. My brain was overwhelmed with happy hormones for it to become even slightly nervous about such a mysterious creature.” Virgil explained.
“GUHUHUHUYS! HEHEHEHELP MEHEHEHEHE!” Logan shouted. But 999 immediately noticed the change of emotion, and slithered off of him.
~Worried coos~
999 started cuddling into Logan in an attempt to make him feel better after its tickle attack. Logan couldn’t help the calming feeling that filled him, and quickly forgave the creature.
“I think we should keep it!” Patton declared.
Everyone else looked amongst each other, in worry and slight guilt. “Uuuh...Patton…” Virgil started.
“If the SCP was truly roaming around and ended up in our house by mistake...then we should return the SCP to its rightful owner.” Remus told him.
Patton whimpered and looked down in hurt. Logan, knowing 999 would make him feel better, encouraged 999 to give him some love. 999 nodded its head before slithering up to Patton and giving him cuddles and hugs. Patton took the cuddles with a smile, and started to feel better despite the understanding that they couldn’t keep him.
“But...now that I look at this...There are no news reports of 999 escaping, or even a number to call if an SCP does go missing.” Remus told them.
“They wouldn’t put up information that 999 escaped, though...they would keep that secret and call government after government to locate the creature.” Virgil added.
“But...they wouldn’t even put a ‘SCP-999 is [Redacted] in the document?” Roman asked.
“I...I doubt it.” Remus replied. Suddenly, Remus put the phone down and started inspecting the SCP. He checked under the slime and on its back for any potential evidence of a collar. But...there was nothing. Well...Apart from the slight signs of red flowing through the slime.
Remus turned around to face Roman. “What were you reading before we found SCP-999?” Remus asked. Roman summoned his collection of books. “I was reading the Mr. Men books.” Roman admitted. Remus started looking through them and came across the first book ever written by Mr. Men: Mr. Tickle. Remus giggled as he looked at the book. “SCP-999 is a lot like Mr. Tickle. I will give you that.” Remus admitted.
“So...What are you saying?” Virgil asked.
“I’m saying, Roman went down SCP memory lane and accidentally created SCP-999.” Remus told him.
Roman widened his eyes and looked at the SCP. 999 looked back at him and had its orange tongue stuck out like a puppy. Roman started to smile a little bit as he scratched the back of his head. “I suppose I may have used my creative skills to unintentionally create SCP-999.” Roman admitted.
“Wait...So, 999 ISN’T missing?” Virgil asked.
“That’s right. I technically made my own SCP-999.” Roman told him.
“So we can keep him?!” Patton asked excitedly.
Roman giggled and nodded. “Yes, you can keep him.” Roman replied.
“YAAAAAYYY!” Patton cheered. SCP-999 started jumping up and down and bouncing happily along the floor, while Patton jumped around as well and clapped his hands.
While Patton and 999 were celebrating, Logan walked up to Roman. “Not bad, Roman.” Logan complimented.
“Why thank yo-...wait, what?” Roman reacted in surprise.
“You made the SCP very accurately. Good job.” Logan repeated.
“Oh...Why, thank you!” Roman replied proudly.
It didn’t take long for the SCP to become one with the family. Patton got the chance to nickname them pumpkin like he wanted, and Roman got to walk around with a cute creation living in the house! Talk about a treat-filled Halloween!
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
Where you should be
7. Habromania
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Genre: Hobi x oc
Warnings: this series contains stalking, blackmail, and similar stressful/fear inducing situations. Also unrequited love, which is perhaps the most terrifying of all.
Word Count: 3.2k
a/n: A song you might want to be familiar with for this chapter is ‘Puma’ by TXT. First off, because it’s a freaking bop. Secondly because Sunny has a bit to do with it and it sets some of the tone for the second part of this chapter. Thanks guys! And, as always, feedback/questions is always welcomed and encouraged!
Habromania (n.) delusions of happiness
“We can be sneaky, can’t we?”
I snort at Hobi’s question. “I can, not you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” He feigns offense, stealing his hand away from mine as he clutches his chest. It doesn’t take long before its back, though, running his fingers over my knuckles. The other hand remains on the steering wheel.
“You’re horrible at being sneaky. Imagine having to be sneaky around your boss.”
Hoseok sighs. “You’re probably right.”
He glances over at me before turning his attention back to the road. “But, I think I can do it. It’s important. Sure, it’ll be hard. But worth it, don’t you think?”
Giving his hand a tight squeeze, I smile out the window. “Yeah.”
As soon as we left the small restaurant, the both of us received a text from Bang PD instructing us to be extra careful and keep our distance from each other. The last thing we need are more photos.
Which left us with one question: what now?
“I feel kind of cool,” Hobi says, his heart-shaped smile making me grin. “Like we’re secret agents or something.”
I chuckle. His idea was to essentially have a secret relationship. I agreed to it, not seeing any other options, but only after Hoseok told me again and again that he had a plan and that this secrecy would be temporary.
“I give you less than two weeks.”
“Really?” The car begins to slow as we reach my apartment building. It’s barely 1 in the afternoon, but Hoseok did tell Bang PD that he was going to take me home. It’d look a little strange if we strolled back inside the Bighit building.
I give him a long look, delighting in the way his lips form a little pout. I force myself to look away before I can lean over and kiss him. Knowing him, he’d probably crash the car.
“Maybe three weeks.”
Hobi laughs as he turns into the parking lot. “How generous. And what? You think that you can do better?”
Winking at him as he parks the car, I slowly take my seatbelt off. “Oh, without a doubt.”
It’s quiet in the car as I contemplate getting out. Even though I know that I’ll see Hobi at work, I don’t know when I’ll get to be with him again like this. He seems to be thinking the same thing, killing the engine as he sits back with a sigh.
“What are you going to do with the rest of your day?” He keeps his eyes on the building, but I know what he’s thinking.
“Come inside.”
He blinks at me. “Wow, so forward!”
Groaning, I hit his shoulder. “You know that’s not how I meant it!” Hobi’s laugh only makes me more embarrassed as my cheeks heat up at the insinuation in my words. “Yah! Not funny!”
Taking both of my hands in his and placing a delicate kiss atop them, his laughter finally subsides. “I can dream, can’t I?”
I’m pretty sure my eyes are popping out of my head as I throw the door open, internally screaming and making a beeline for the entrance. Hobi gets out of the car as well, trailing after me and chuckling darkly.
By the time we make it up to my apartment, I feel like I may melt through the floor at any given moment from the way Hoseok’s eyes are practically undressing me. His fingers dance along my shoulders, getting lost in my hair as he peppers kisses along my jawline.
Fumbling with my key, I silently curse myself for feeling as giddy as a teenager with something so simple as Hoseok’s eyes. I don’t miss the way he smiles against my skin, making me huff in annoyance.
Since when did he become so bold?
I practically slam the door shut as we enter my apartment, Hoseok breaking away from me to look around the room in awe. I can’t help but laugh at his reaction.
“What, have you never been inside a girl’s apartment before?”
He rolls his eyes. “This is...this is your apartment.”
He shrugs, wandering back over to me. “It’s nice. I like it.”
I frown, looking around the apartment. It’s a decent place to live; I’ve tried my best to make it look like a home. But in comparison to the immaculate place that Hobi calls home, I hardly see anything to marvel over.
Standing in front of me and looking over every square inch of my face, he gives me a smile so soft that I find myself sighing in contentment.
“It feels like you.”
April 2020
Work falls into a familiar pattern. Granted, I have to avoid Hoseok like the plague, but Bang PD keeps everyone busy enough that it isn’t too difficult.
That, and the meetings we hold every day in Bang PD’s office, trying our best to sort out the entire situation.
“You’re telling me he wants either 1 billion won or a position here?” Bang Si-hyuk sputters out, looking absolutely appalled. “This...this is blackmail!”
Hobi chuckles beside me, Namjoon sitting on his other side and looking none too happy to be a part of this meeting. However, he is the leader of the group.
“Yes, well, I think he did actually state that this was blackmail,” Hobi remarks. “Are you really that surprised?”
Fixing him with a glare, Mr. Bang’s veins look like they’re about to burst. “You’re one of the people that got us into this mess, Hoseok. I’d save the snide comments for later, if I were you.”
These meetings have been going on for a couple of weeks now, and everybody's reaching the end of their patience. Any time we attempt to negotiate with Jihun, he spirals out of control and comes back with a higher demand.
It’s becoming rather tedious.
“Why can’t we just give him what he wants?” Namjoon asks gingerly. “At the end of the day, as long as he leaves us alone, it’s fine, isn’t it?”
Mr. Bang shakes his head. “No. There is no way I’m giving him that much money, and we all know that I would never let him be employed here. He’s a pimp. We don’t do business with his type.”
I stare down at my hands as I wince at his words. While I’m grateful that he isn’t considering giving him a job here, I can’t help but pity him. If what Jihun told me was true; I’m part of the reason his marriage failed.
“He has a daughter,” I mumble under my breath.
“What was that?”
I blink up at Mr. Bang. “He has a daughter.” When he just continues to stare at me with a confused expression, I do my best to articulate my thoughts. “He’s a human being. I mean, don’t get me wrong, he freaks me out. I don’t support any of this, but he’s desperate for something to help him and his family survive. We shouldn’t be making him into some sort of monster-”
“As the two of you made clear to me, this is my company that’s in trouble, so I will treat this threat as I would any other.” Bang PD sits back in his chair, squinting at his computer screen. “Or have you forgotten that your job is also at stake here?”
Clenching my jaw, I see Namjoon laying a hand on Hobi’s shoulder. “Then fix this.” Rising from my chair, the strict tone of Mr. Bang’s voice stops me.
Turning to face him fully, I struggle to keep my voice level. “Fix this. Quit talking about it so much and do something. I have work to do.”
Striding out the door, I barely catch Bang PD’s incredulous words. “It’s a good thing she’s talented-”
Namjoon cuts him off. “So what’s our plan of action? Sunny’s right, this has to end.”
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I’m staring at the monitor in front of me, only half-listening to what Yeonjun is saying to me as my blood boils.
Or have you forgotten that your job is also at stake here?
I have to fold my arms in order to hide the fact that my hands are currently clenched into fists. Yeonjun and Soobin are talking to both Pdogg and I, going over a track that we’ve been preparing.
“I really like the feel of this all so far, but I feel like we need something a bit more...edgy?” Soobin frowns, looking down at his phone where he compiled his notes. “We really want to have a sharp album, you know?”
I nod, finally returning to reality. “Has anybody come up with any ideas? Lyrics, melody?”
Yeonjun shakes his head. “Actually, I was going to ask if either of you wanted to help us come up with something. I know that we’re dropping the album in May, but-”
“I can do it.”
Pdogg and Yeonjun raise their eyebrows. “That was quick.”
Pdogg shakes his head. “I think Yeonjun is talking about creating a track from scratch, Sunny. That means that after you finish the music, you’ll need to write the lyrics, too. Right?” He looks to Yeonjun for confirmation.
“Yeah.” He shrugs. “Honestly, if you want to do it, I won’t stand in your way. I’m just happy that you want to with such short notice.”
“You think you can crunch it? This is your first time through the entire process, it’s ok if you want to try the next time around and have more time.” Pdogg reassures, still looking confused at my sudden change in attitude.
I shake my head. “No, I can do it. I need to.” The thinly veiled threat on my job pushes me forward, desperate to show Bang PD that I’m not the kind of person that runs away under pressure.
“Alright,” Soobin says, looking at Yeonjun with a shrug. “I guess...do you need us for anything? When can we expect to come in and take a look at the song?”
Ignoring Pdogg’s stare, I glance at my calendar. “Soon. Give me the rest of the week?”
My desk is a flurry of notes, post-its, and discarded ideas. After a brainstorming session, I consulted Pdogg in the next step of the song process. He helped me solidify my idea, offering a couple of tips and pointers.
He’s in the middle of saying goodbye when there’s a light knock on the door.
“I’ll grab it,” he says. I turn back to my monitor, trying to make sure I get everything put together before I forget it.
Muffled voices at the door don’t bother me as my fingers fly across the keyboard. Line after line appears, forming the first verse of the song.
“Hey.” Hobi grabs the chair that Pdogg just vacated. “What’cha working on?”
I glance at the clock, realizing with a start that it’s already 8 o’clock. “New song for TXT.”
We sit in silence as I continue working, Hobi knowing better than anyone not to interrupt my creative process. He knows how hard it can be to get back into the zone.
It isn’t until nearly nearly thirty minutes later that he finally breaks the silence, but not by speaking. Bringing a gentle hand to rest atop my own that has stilled over the keyboard, he intertwines our hands together.
I lean back against my chair, sighing. Hobi chuckles lightly beside me, completely understanding the feeling.
“It looks like you got a lot done,” he mumbles, using his other hand to tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear.
“I think I did,” I whisper, still unable to tear my eyes away from the screen. I’ve been completely sucked in, my mind loud with the sound of the beat and the lyrics I’ve written down.
“Should I take you home?”
I shake my head. “No. I’ll take the bus.”
Silence. He raises my hand to his mouth, dusting light kisses over my knuckles. “We’re paying him off.”
Startled, I finally shift my gaze to Hobi. My breath falls short as I see his hair swept back, styled to make him look like some sort of CEO. He must have had a shoot today that I forgot about.
“Really?” I breathe out. He gives me a soft smile, pressing one more delicate kiss atop my knuckle before lowering my hand and enveloping it in both of his.
“Really. Bang PD will just have to swallow his pride.”
I chuckle lightly, shaking my head. “How’d you convince him?”
He shrugs. “I can be persuasive when I want to. We won’t have to worry about him anymore.”
While his words are intended to give me comfort, I find myself doubting them. Something tells me that this mess is far from over, but I smile at him nonetheless. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
Hobi gets up from his seat, embarrassed as he starts heading toward the door. “C’mon, I’ll take you home.”
I look back at my screen. “No, I think I’ll stay here for a little longer.”
“Oh, well then I’ll st-”
“Go home, Hobi,” I turn my chair around to face him. “Don’t worry about me, I just want to finish some of this up. I won’t be long.”
“Good. That way I won’t have to wait long.” Stubborn as ever, he sits back down. “Should I order some food?”
Giving him a long look, I fight the guilt gnawing at me for making him stay even longer. But I really just want to get as far as possible with this project…
“Let me split the cost?”
Laughing darkly as he holds his phone up to his ear, he winks. “In your dreams.”
“I really, really like it, Rin-ah.”
Fidgeting with my hands, I chew on my lip. “Really? Is it too much? I don’t what to overwhelm-”
Cutting me off with an incredulous look, Hoseok shakes his head before pulling my chair away from the computer. “Yes. Positive. They’ll love it. I mean, it’s such a cool idea. You said it was based off a true story?”
I nod, reaching in vain for the desk, I groan as Hobi keeps pulling my chair away. He laughs at my expression.
“Do you have a title idea?”
I shrug, finally giving in and allowing myself to be pulled away. “I’ll probably just keep it simple. Like, ‘Puma’ or something.”
Hobi throws away all of our food containers, nodding to himself. Tossing me my coat and making sure everything is saved and shut off, he opens up the door. “They’ll think it’s amazing.”
Shutting off the lights, Hobi makes a show of double checking that the hallway is clear before grabbing my hand and making his way toward the elevator. It’s only when we’re in the confines of the elevator that he asks me a question.
“What made you want to do it? This usually isn’t your style.”
I let out a long breath, instantly remembering my outburst with Bang PD earlier in the day. “I want to be good at everything. I…” I lean back against the wall, looking up at the ceiling. “I know that sounds stupid, but after Bang PD said that about my job, I felt like I had to do something more. Prove myself to him.”
“It was time for me to expand. Try something new. And I was already pissed off, so when the boys asked for a more edgy track, I felt like I could do it.”
“Well, you’ve done very well with it.”
I see that Hobi also has his head angled upward toward the ceiling. From this angle, I wonder how I can see him so often and still feel like it’s the first time I’m looking at him.
He looks golden in the dim elevator, the lights picking out the paler shades in his hair and setting them alight. With his hands clinging to the railing at his back and his eyes falling closed, I wonder for a moment if this is right.
“How did I get so lucky?”
I ask the question more to myself than to him, but he hears me nonetheless. Ears perking up and tilting his head to look at me almost with the same mannerism as that of a golden retriever, Hoseok shakes his head.
“I wouldn’t call this luck,” he murmurs. “We’ve fought for this, haven’t we?”
At his words, I feel the exhaustion of the past few weeks sinking in. Sneaking around and hiding our relationship from everyone hasn’t been easy. Trying to navigate a brand new relationship without being able to actually spend much time together is tricky, especially when we are still healing from the hurt we’ve caused each other over the past few months.
Closing my eyes against the reality of our situation, I tuck the image of golden Hoseok in the elevator into the corners of my mind. “Do you think that we’ll ever get to rest?”
It’s quiet for a long moment as Hobi ponders my question. We both know what I’m really asking: will we ever stop hiding?
“Someday.” His voice is solid as he answers me. “For now, I think the seconds between floors 8 and 1 are enough to keep me pushing forward.”
For now, standing side by side and quietly speaking on the elevator, basked in golden light and listening to the whir of the machine are all we need.
However, will there ever come a time when this is no longer thrilling? When Hoseok decides to just leave early rather than hanging around with me?
What if I’m not enough?
Indeed, peeking over at Hoseok who currently resembles some sort of fallen deity who’s basking in the golden light, I can’t help but wonder what it is that keeps him coming back.
Now that I’m finally giving in to his pursuit, will it be over?
The ding of the elevator reaching the ground floor does little to pull me out of my daze, and it isn’t until Hoseok is looking back at me from the other side of the doors that I push off the wall and follow him out into the night.
That night as he drops me off outside my apartment building and pulls me in for whispered ‘I love yous’ and stolen kisses, I can’t find it in myself to bring it up. How do I begin telling him that I’m not sure I’m worth the trouble when he’s sure to write it off as some sort of crazy idea?
As I go to open the door, he grabs my hand, looking at me with a concerned expression.
“You sure everything’s alright? You seem...off.”
I lean across the console, watching with delight as his eyes widen. Swooping around, I kiss his cheek before retreating, laughing a little at his deflated expression.
“I love you.”
He gives a contented sigh. “I love you, too.”
Walking into my apartment building, I hope that he doesn’t realize that I completely avoided his question. I kick my shoes off with a sigh as soon as I enter my apartment, turning around to flick on the lights and lock the door. Making my way toward my bedroom, I don’t see the dark figure resting on my couch until their dark chuckle reaches my ears.
“You were out late tonight.”
Whirling around and stumbling backward until my back hits the wall, I stare in horror as Jihun turns on the lamp beside the couch. He holds up a wine glass, giving me a saccharine smile.
“Come sit down.” Filling the glass to the brim with red wine, he extends it to me. “We’ve got a lot to celebrate.”
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keanuvibe · 4 years
Professor Reeves (Keanu x Reader) Pt. 2
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A/N: well, I’m not too proud of this one. I got super demotivated and kinda finished it just to finish it. I’m sorry y’all, I've been really insecure about my writing lately so, I just haven’t been posting. But, I managed to gather some courage I guess. (this is also unedited- straight off the grill)
Words: 4.3K
Warnings: smut, public sex
The echoed tick of the clock only seemed to add the anticipation that floated throughout the space, bringing excitement to each student who was eager for summer break. It’s Friday, the last Friday of the semester to be exact. Tomorrow, you and all of your peers will be free people until the coming fall. You’d already begun to make plans with June and her child, planning to become the fun ‘Aunt’ over the break. June had also asked you to move in. Knowing you live with your parents, and needing another set of hands around the house was her main reasoning. You couldn’t turn down the offer, and with your part-time waitressing job you can help with the bills. 
Though you were eager for summer break, there was one thing you were going to miss about college. Your eyes raised from the book you were reading, focusing on your Drama teacher across the room. He sat at his desk, looking at his laptop screen with a furrowed brow. A little smile couldn’t help but crawl across your cheek at his focused expression. The end of the semester meant the end of your after school activities. The two of you hadn’t discussed the status of your ‘relationship’; mostly because you are too shy to ask. Hell, you’ve been seeing each other in the most vulnerable way for almost a year, yet you can’t ask him a simple question. The brain works in mysterious ways.
The bell ringing, dismissing class for the last time, startled you. The room immediately jumped to life as students rushed to say goodbye to Professor Reeves and ran out of the door. It seemed to have emptied quickly as you, June, and a few other stragglers remained. 
“So, I’ll see you tomorrow, bright and early?” June asked, referring to your moving plans. She finished zipping up her bag and turned to face your person, tossing her long hair over her shoulder.   
“Bright and early.” A wide smile covered your cheeks as you nodded. June’s beaming gaze said all that it needed to as she huffed her backpack over her shoulder and said a quick goodbye before exiting. June didn’t know about you and your teacher, somehow you’d avoided the subject for the entire school year. She never questioned why you hadn’t gone on dates or mentioned anything along that sort, which you appreciated. She must know that in due time something will happen.
“So, what are your summer plans?” The familiar voice of your teacher caused chills to cover your spine. You hadn’t noticed the other students leaving, causing the two of you to be alone.
“Well, you already know June and I are moving in. Otherwise that? Working, probably.” You responded, slinging your bag over your shoulder and turning to face the man. “What about you?”
“Some house projects, maybe do a few local shows.” He spoke, leaning against one of the tables with his arms folded across his chest. “Speaking of; my band is doing a small gig tonight at the bar on forty-fifth and Gibson.”
“Band?” You questioned, raising a brow. He’s never made mention of being in a band before. Although, over the course of the year he’d surprised you with little details of his life. Like, for example, when you found out he builds and collects motorcycles. It was a wonderful little crack into his world; which he shielded most. You know his wife passed away twenty years ago, but he hadn’t talked to you about it; you only remember that from when June gave you the ‘run-down’. Maybe that was the start of privatizing his life. 
“I play the bass. Have I never told you before?” His deep voice brought you back.
“No! That’s so hot.” You breathed, letting out a short laugh. You heard the man chuckle as well. 
“It starts at nine, but we’ll be there by seven to set up.” The man spoke, standing up straight, padding closer to your shorter frame. You witnessed his eyes glance around the room before focusing back onto you. One of his arms pulled you into his chest while the other hand pulled your chin upwards. Your lips softly met, his stubble scratching your skin. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close before breaking the kiss.
“Okay, I’ll see you at eight. Fashionably late.” You let out a soft chuckle, feeling giddy from the energy he gave you. The man let out a snort, shaking his head at your comment. 
“You have a habit of being late anyways.” His tone was laced with humor, but you fake scoffed to get a reaction.
“Maybe you’re just too early.” 
“Sure, I’m just too early.” The man's response made you giggle before you quickly pulled him in for another kiss. His arms pulled you close, hands roaming your bum. The kiss deepend slightly, however, you pulled away wanting to tease.
“I’ll see you tonight, Professor.” You spoke low, biting your lip as you pulled away and stepped back. Your teacher’s eyes scanned your full figure up and down; eyes dark with want. You knew you had him hooked, causing goosebumps to form across your skin.
The cold night air nipped at your exposed legs as you walked towards the entrance of the bar. Packs of people stood outside, some smoking, others held bottles of alcohol as they socialized. The music that thumped inside could be heard as the bass slightly shook the walls. Looking down at the watch donning your wrist, the clock read 7:43. You were late, but not as late as you joked. Pushing through one group, you found the entrance. You handed the bouncer your ID prompting him to read and scan the card before letting you pass through. The music quickly got louder as you entered the space. It was full, people were definitely shoved into the small-ish space. At one end of the long rectangle room was the actual bar, and on the opposite side was a small stage where the DJ stood pumping his fist to the beat.
Scanning the room, you found the familiar tall man standing at the bar, a glass of dark liquor in his hand. Smiling and subconsciously fixing your outfit, you quickly pushed through the herds to reach the bar. Once there, you tapped on his shoulder, prompting the man to turn around. His face beamed with excitement upon seeing you.
“You made it!” He exclaimed over the music. You nodded, standing on your tippy toes and pulling him in for a quick kiss. The man obliged, leaning in with eagerness before you broke away. 
“Of course I made it!” You responded, rubbing your hand along the front of his chest. He was dressed down, only wearing a t-shirt with a front pocket and jeans. His long hair was uncombed and disheveled too, just as you loved it. He seemed to be slightly buzzed as well; his cheeks giving it away by being faintly flushed.
“Do you want to move to a booth where it’s quieter?” He then asked, leaning close to your ear. You nodded, smelling the dark liquor that stained his breath. The man grasped your hand and led the way; pushing aside the crowds with ease. You couldn’t help but wonder where the rest of his band was, if they were out mingling before the party as well; and, if you’re going to be introduced or not. 
Keanu gestured for you to slide into the seat first, and you complied. The man followed in, sitting closely to your figure. It was quieter now, being you’d moved to a different side of the bar. A few other groups occupied the remaining booths, lost in their own worlds. 
“Drinking before the show?” You questioned with a cheeky smile, turning your figure to face the man better in the seat. The teacher laughed, holding up the glass in his hand.
“Calms my nerves.” He humored, looking back at you. “And, you look beautiful.”
“Thank you. I picked my skimpiest dress, just for you.” You responded, giving him a sarcastic wink. It felt really wonderful to just sit here and goof around with Keanu. Over the year, your meet-up’s were kind of like dates; romantic events and happenings, rather than just two people getting drunk.
“I appreciate it.” The man smirked, his eyes visibly trailing your figure; stopping at your cleavage for just a little longer. You slyly placed your hand on his thigh, leaning into his body a little more. Once your eyes met, they didn't break contact as the man set his drink back down and snaked his other hand around your waist pulling your body as close as the booth could handle.
“You're handsy when you're drinking.” You giggled, enjoying the sensation of his touch. His answer was a low chuckle and a soft kiss to the top of your head.
“I don't have to hide you anymore.” Keanu then spoke near your ear. Goosebumps covered your skin as the words left his lips, prompting your stomach to flutter as well. You didn't answer, only placed your hands onto the sides of his cheeks, pulling him in for a deep kiss. The man's hands grasp your ass tightly, a soft moan escaping his lips as he did so.
Pulling away, you looked up at him through your eyelashes. His eyes were dark with lust, casting the look that gave you butterflies and caused your core to throb. Biting your lip, you ran your hands over his growing bulge, being discreet enough that the other patrons wouldn't notice. 
“Oh baby, we shouldn't.” The teacher finally spoke, though you could tell he didn't want to stop. 
“I just like to tease.” You mused, a cheeky smile crossing your cheeks as you slid off his lap and onto the booth. The man clicked his tongue, lifting his drink and taking a sip. He nodded towards you after swallowing, agreeing with your statement.
“You do like to tease.” He spoke, “It’s mean.” He added, humor evident in his tone. You stuck your tongue out, giving him a taunting wink in the process. He chuckled lowly, sipping his drink again. Turning your head, you managed to catch the waitress and order a drink. She brought it back before you had time to jump into another conversation with the man across you. 
The first sip of alcohol slid down your throat with a wonderful mix of ease and burn. In the lull of conversation you observed the area you two sat in. It wasn't the big rectangle room; it was a different space off of the main area. That explains why it was quieter, and less crowded. Your eyes found their way back to the handsome man sitting across from you. He smiled warmly when your gazes met, making you giggle. 
“I like you.” He smirked, one of his large hands reaching across the table for your own. Lacing your fingers together, you enjoyed the feeling of his roughened skin. 
“I like you too.” You responded, biting the inside of your cheek with glee. To think, at the beginning of the school year, this was only a fling. You've gotten to know this beautiful soul for nine months, not even realizing he’s kinda been your boyfriend the whole time.
 You haven't specified anything per your agreement, of course. But now? The year is over, maybe Keanu would like to take it further. Sure you faced some minor hurdles; like your age gap, telling family, and, telling June as well. She’s graduating in a couple days anyways; however, would she be comfortable with a former teacher staying over some nights? It made you sweat a little, but you took a deep breath to soothe your nerves.
“Keanu?” You then asked, grabbing the man's attention. He raised his brow, waiting for you to say whatever you were going to. You studied his features as you forced yourself to speak. 
“I-I don't know if this is the right time,” Your eyes quickly gazed to the drink in your grasp, fidgeting with the glass. “But… What are we?” 
Gathering the courage, you met the eye line of the man across from you. He seemed like he didn't have an answer, which was fine. You did spring the question on him out of nowhere. He opened his mouth to speak, however, was interrupted.
“Hey- uh, sorry. We’ve gotta set up, man.” A deep male voice commented. Turning your head, you met the sight of a man, dressed casually like Keanu. He looked near the professor's age as well. 
“Oh, right.” Keanu spoke, scooting out of the booth. “The show should be starting soon, um… we’ll talk after.” With that, he slid out and clapped the man on the shoulder as they exited the space. Exhaling, you didn't even notice you'd been holding a breath.
Herds of people began to form a group in front of the small stage, but you stayed back by the bar; drink in hand. Shortly after Keanu left, you sat and overthunk for a minute or two before deciding that getting more drunk is the answer. It hurt that he didn’t have an immediate answer, you couldn’t deny that. And now you have to wait for him to perform instead of leaving and secluding yourself in your room for a few days.
“(Y/N)? (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?” Someone calling your name caught your attention as you turned to see who spoke. Your eyes widened upon seeing your ex-boyfriend, Jake Stevens. The two of you grew up together, and actually dated through junior and senior years of high school; sharing interests in wanting to pursue acting. When you moved to New York, he followed. However, things quickly fizzled once you two were out in the real world. The cozy comfort of romanticized adulthood in your New York apartment was nice for it’s time. You haven't seen him in over nine years, since the split. 
“Oh my god, Jake Stevens!” You exclaimed, buzzed by the few drinks you've managed to scarf down. The man raised his brows and laughed at your reaction, enjoying the energy you gave. 
“How've you been? I haven't seen you since New York!  What’re you doing back home?” The man hurled his questions at you with an eagerness for an answer. You took another sip of your drink before answering.
“I’ve been alright, just uh, living my life.” You responded to his first question before moving on, “And, I guess New York wasn't for me. So I moved back home two- well, now three- years ago and actually just finished my first year of community college.” Beaming, you brought your drink to your lips and took a sip. Jake laughed and raised his glass as a ‘cheers’ before he too took a drink. 
“What’ve you been up to?” You then asked. Jake began to give you an answer, but the feeling of someone staring at you caused your skin to crawl. Turning your eyes and glancing towards the stage, you saw Keanu standing in a group with his other band members, However, the teacher's gaze was stuck on you. Your stomach dropped at the intense stare, but you swallowed the fear. Before now, the man hasn’t really shown signs of jealousy. Then again, you’ve never actually been on a public date before; let alone a bar date.
“(Y/N)?” Jake’s voice brought you back and you quickly looked back to the man in front of you. “You okay?”
“Yes, sorry... Just drunk.” You quickly shook off his comment and took another sip from your drink. You could still feel Keanu’s eyes set on you, and  could only imagine the rage he must be feeling by seeing Jake talk with you. 
“So, you here to support local entertainment?” He then asked, gesturing to the stage. You felt the man's eyes scan over your cleavage, but brushed it aside. “Every Friday, this bar hosts an open mic night. I've been coming for a couple months now. I assume a fellow actor would want to take advantage of that.” Jake winked towards you, flashing a smile but you shook your head, preparing to answer.
“Oh! No, actually, I know somebody performing tonight.” You answered, your eyes turning back towards Keanu. He wasn’t looking this time, instead he was focused on his bass, holding it to his ear as he tuned it. 
“Is he like your boyfriend or something?” Jake’s tone was somehow defensive and sarcastic at the same time. You furrowed your brow, confused at his sudden change in behavior. Did he think he was going to get lucky?
“Well, No- But-” You stuttered out a few words before being interrupted. 
“Then, can I buy you a drink?” Jake’s voice asked close to your ear. “We can catch up, head back to my place.” The wink at the end of his sentence said all it needed to. 
“Gross, Jake.” You quickly scoffed and pushed him away before sliding off of the barstool and making your way towards the crowd. Pushing through, you managed to get to a spot near the front left, on the side Keanu was standing. His eyes were scanning the crowd, undoubtedly trying to find you. Once he reached your side, you raised your arm slightly higher, waving to gather his attention. 
The singer announced the first song before counting off, sending the group into the number. The crowd began to react, dancing and jumping around to the energetic song. The drinks you had consumed began to take over your body as the music thumped loudly throughout the space, prompting you to sway your hips to the beat. 
You watched as the man expertly played his instrument, clearly knowing it well. His fingers plucked the strings perfectly, eyes focused downwards. His long hair flowed in front of his face, but you could still make out the expressions he held. His skin glowed with sweat, only adding to the fantasies growing in your imagination. Now you understand as to why he's so skilled with his fingers. 
Keanu finally looked up from his bass, eyes settling on your figure in the crowd. A little smirk grew across his cheeks as he witnessed you dancing in the petite dress clinging to your body. The way you beautifully filled it out- fabric hugging your curves in every perfect way, accentuating your breasts and bum- was so agonizing for the man. Plus, witnessing another random guy trying to flirt with you only added to the flame. 
Though it seems like you've managed to ditch the random guy, Keanu still couldn't help but feel a jealous and possessive nature take over. Of course the first night you're out together, you get hit on. He's always thought you're too beautiful and free for him. You're young, full of vigor and energy; He’s old and a boring teacher. You like to do adventurous things, he likes routine. Though you've got those differences, he wasn't going to let you get away.
After you asked ‘What are we?’ The man didn't know how to answer; being scared of your reaction. Love isn’t something that comes easy to him, and his feelings for you were a little overwhelming at first. He’s had to relearn how to be affectionate and allow himself to be loved. Alas, with each meet-up it became easier and easier to allow you deeper into his life.
The whole set lasted maybe fifteen minutes. The band played through three songs before closing out and exiting the stage. Pushing through the herds and heading back to the bar, you found a clearing and shoved your way in to order more drinks. Just as the bartender slid the glasses in your direction, a hand warmly placed itself on your lower back. However, before you could flip around and see the assailant, Keanu’s warm voice gently whispered in your ear.
“Hi beautiful.” 
Goosebumps littered your skin as you flipped around, eyes meeting those of your teacher. He was sweaty from performing still, a large wet stain covering the front of his shirt. Grasping the sweat-stained article, you pulled him in for a tight kiss. The man chuckled before kissing you back with a matched vigor. His large hands slid down your body, nearly grasping your ass before you remembered where you were, and broke the embrace.
“Someone’s eager!” You giggled over the music. Keanu leaned in close to your ear, pinning you between himself and the bar. His beard tickled your ear once again.
“I mean, have you seen yourself tonight, (Y/N)” His voice was low, causing your stomach to drop and a heartbeat to form between your thighs. Letting out a soft whimper, your eyes fluttered closed; imagining the things he’s going to be doing to you later. 
“That other guy couldn’t keep his eyes off of you.” The jealousy and frustration was evident in the teachers voice. “Like you are just some play thing.” He grasped the drink you’d ordered for him, leaning away and taking a sip of the dark liquor. Biting your lip, you took advantage of not being pinned, and innocently ran your hand down his still sweaty chest. His gaze looked down, meeting your own. Mustering up the most naive smile and wide-eyed look, you ran your hand down further; caressing his semi-hard cock over his jeans. Raising his brow, You could tell he was turned on. 
Setting the drink back down, Keanu grabbed your hand tightly, pulling you away from the bar. He managed to shove through the crowds to a secluded hallway back by the bathrooms. The man looked both ways, checking for other patrons, before he quickly opened a door that led to a one stall bathroom. Pulling you in and closing the door, you heard the lock click. Anticipation filled your belly when the teacher flipped around, his eyes filled with lust. 
He stepped towards you, large arms scooping you up and placing you onto the small counter surrounding the sink. Your lips met with a firm, impatient passion as you wrapped your legs around his figure, pulling your bodies close. Eagerly, his large hands searched your torso before finding the zipper to your small dress. You wasted no time undoing his belt and button, slipping your hand underneath his boxers. A low moan escaped Keanu’s mouth, only fueling your fire. 
Pulling down the zipper, the dress slid off your chest. The man broke the kiss, eyes immediately looking towards your nearly bare skin. You couldn’t help but giggle, quickly unhooking your bra and freeing it from your body. Large hands replaced the article, gently kneading your breasts. Your lips reunited with Keanu’s; more fire coursing through your veins than before. 
Hooking your fingers and sliding down the teacher’s jeans and underwear, his cock sprang free from it’s confinement. Coyly wrapping your hand around him, you gave a few pumps prompting the man to moan softly. He was quick to reciprocate, slipping one hand past the waistline of your panties, while the other remained on your breast. His middle finger knew exactly where to find your clit, rubbing gently. 
“You’re so wet, baby.” Keanu broke the kiss, eyes meeting your own. Joy filled his expression watching how well he was pleasuring you with just his finger. 
“All for you,” You breathed a reply, the sensation giving you the familiar warm burn in your belly. The teacher removed his hand, noting the change in your breath; however, before you had time to complain, he pulled you off the counter, flipped you around and bent you over. You could feel his cock against your bare bum, only adding to your excitement. Sneaking your hand down, you gave your clit a few rubs; however Keanu’s hand caught your wrist quickly after. You heard him click his tongue in disappointment.
“No touching, darling. Hands on the counter.” His low voice gave you chills, quickly doing as he asked. His body leaned over your own, chest lining up with your back as he kissed your neck. One hand gathered your loose hair, pulling it into a makeshift pony within his grasp. The man loved the control he had when you were in this position. You felt as his beard gently scratched your back with each kiss. Your skin felt hypersensitive with each touch, electricity filling your belly.
With one quick motion, the man thrust, burying himself deep inside your heat. Your cries of pleasure echoed in the small space, however the thump of the music covered it for the most part. Using his free hand, the man’s finger returned to your clit. He quickly found a rhythm, matching whatever song was playing outside. 
With your hair still in his hand, you were able to watch your reflections in the mirror. The man’s gaze was focused on your ass, watching as he fucked you. His hair fell disheveled around his face, hiding most of his expression. He’d never taken off his shirt, only adding more sweat to the already stained article.
A stinging slap against your bum caused you to cry out, gathering the man's attention. Noticing your reflections, a lustful smirk covered his cheeks as he gained a faster rhythm, slapping your other cheek, kneading the skin gently, afterwards. The man released his fingers from your hair, now using his large arm to hold you in place, veins and biceps glistening from sweat. His finger against your clit gained speed as well, almost prompting your knees to buckle. However, Keanu’s grip is so tight holding your hips, you doubt you could fall if you wanted to.
The familiar heat began to burn your lower belly, all sensations becoming nearly overwhelming. Crying out, your orgasm took you by surprise. Feeling your pussy tighten around his cock, the man tightened his grip on your hips, sure to leave a bruise. You could feel as his thrust became sloppier and sloppier until he too finished, still buried in your heat. 
“Will you be my girlfriend?” Your teacher spoke softly, looking at your reflection. 
“Of course I will.”
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gallavictorious · 4 years
11x01 Reaction Post
Random thoughts on and reactions to 11x01; no careful analysis or anything, just the bits and pieces that's not likely to make it into meta proper but which I still want to make note of so I can go back later and remember what my initial reaction to the episode was (since my impressions are likely to change as the season unfolds). Mostly Gallavich related, because duh, but there's disordered rambling on a bit of everything. Under a cut (God I miss LJ sometimes) because this got long.
Ian looks damned good as the homocidal muscle. I don't do AU:s, but if I did... On the other hand, Frank as a member of the Chicago “Eight” looks like a werewolf. Less interested in that AU. And listen, I get that they couldn't get Emmy Rossum for this, but I really miss Fiona showing up in a few random olden day pictures. She's gone, but she's still a Gallagher dammit! Carl at the slaughter house looked weird – and part of me thought that was appropriate because slightly off editing would be a sweet way of communicating that it's all bollocks, but the rest of shots looked okay (Debbie as a milk maid and Frank as the aforementioned werewolf) or good (everything else) so no.
The sound of a baby crying is a horror matched only by persistent lack of sleep so I feel for Lip and Tami so much. Here's to all parents who managed to get through the first year without murdering anybody! I think that maybe you don't get enough credit... I, for instance, want to kill someone just hearing Freddie cry in the background for half a minute. Not sure it bodes too well for their relationship for them to be so ready to spend every night apart like Lip suggests, but a, what wouldn't you do for a good night's sleep, and b, love the thought of Lip spending more time at the old house. Could see them breaking up during the course of the season, though. Not sure how I feel about that – Tami's my favourite out of Lip's love interests, but having too many of the couples staying together all through the finale wouldn't feel quite right (for Shameless) and I don't see them breaking up Ian and Mickey or Kev and V. Don't really expect Sandy or Debbie to last either, but since it's more of a casual thing it might have more of a casual end.
Do you remember when the promo dropped and there was Concern about That Look on Ian's face after he kisses Mickey, and I tag theorized about it being because Mickey stole his coffee? Turns out there wasn't really A Look in the actual episode, but I sure as hell was right about the coffee, and I want noted somewhere. Maybe there should also be a small diploma? A golden statue seems a little over the top, but I mean, if you insist...
I appreciate that Ian is very adament about it being their money but when Mickey thinks it's their breakfast it's suddenly every man for himself. Do you share or not, Ian? Hmm? (Let the record show that I'm joking, please. Ian is damned right to take his toast back, and I say this as a “person most likely to steal their partner's toast right out of their hand”. I also love that Mickey completely gives up on breakfast when he can't have Ian's toast and just grabs a beer instead.) The kitchen scene is glorious and I just really like their dynamic here; the casual kiss, “I only make breakfast for husbands who have jobs”, how relaxed it is even when Ian's a bit annoyed, Mickey being so... Mickey. I do wonder what went through his head when Ian started talking about their wedding present money, though – he seems worried for a moment, but then shrugs it off, and that could be either bravado or just actual lack of concern. I tend mostly towards the latter, since Mickey quite genuinely figures this isn't a big deal (even though he still recognizes that Ian will probably think it one). Please note that he immediately offers to get money when Ian mentions that they need more of it coming in. Not his fault Ian vetoes his methods, right? (Also love that Ian's objection is due to him not wanting to be separated from Mickey, rather than any moral qualms about robbing stores.)
Okay, the gag ball. Would they really keep it like that if they were actually using it? Maybe either of them just tossed it there after taking it off, I suppose... Yeah, I don't know. Not what I'd imagined them being into, but that might be my own extreme lack of enthusiasm for gag balls and harnesses talking. Either they're into it and if so, you do you, boys, or it was a gift and they're keeping it around and semi-prominently on display for shits and giggles. (But if it was a gift, they did try it at least once, right?)
Mickey in the bath remains stupidly and surprisingly gorgerous. Incidentally, I really don't think his question about the meds is any indication of him not thinking them important, but there's little wonder that Ian bristles at the mention of them. Maybe not be an ass just to prove a point, eh, Mick?
I've already talked about how hard Ian is trying here but let's just take another moment to congratulate our boy on his persistent attempts at mature communication. Though he might have given some actual consideration to Mickey not wanting to save the money if he's really serious about them making decisions together... But he gets there! I think this whole situation – which would royally piss most people, including me, off – is actually particularly difficult for Ian, because he might well see Mickey's behavior as uncomfortably reminiscent of Frank and Monica's destructive habits and yeah, that would fuck him up. And still! He forces himself to calm down! He takes Mickey's hand! He refuses to let himself be distracted by Mickey looking SO INSANELY PRETTY I CANNOT EVEN UNDERSTAND IT! Ian, I salute you!
[starwars_eu_nerd_mode]KORRIBAN! YES! HA! TAKE THAT DISNEY! You take your new so-called “canon” and your “Moraband” and you fuck right off. I salute you, Bitcoin Boy![/starwars_eu_nerd_mode]
Ah, the porch scene... This one I do have a bunch of thoughs on that will probably make it into meta proper one day, so I'll leave it for now. It was the one that took the most thinking about for me to square (still not a lot, it should be noted), but now I'm actually very happy about it. (Full disclosure: none of their scenes feel quite right the first time I see them these days, because I'm just so very on edge about what's to come that I kind of miss the forest for all the trees you know? It's not a Shameless thing – it's always like this when I'm extremely invested in something and have waited for it for some time. Will it fit with how I see the characters? Will it be cringey? Will Mickey suddenly profess a love for hideous Hawaii shirts? Also, what are they saying because English is hard... But then I watch them a couple of times and they sink in and I start to get giddy over them. I guess watching actual canon unfold always requires a little bit of re-calibration if you've been busy fanoning while waiting for it to arrive, and while I love that sort of interpretative work, there’s also the fear that the show will veer off into a direction I cannot easily follow.)
Mickey's insistence that he spelled monogamy wrong does genuinely amuse me. Not to mention the whole “No more parking tickets for me!” - “You don't have a car, dumbass.” Also, Mickey being friendly with Carl kills me, in a good way. Family FTW!
Frank's storyline fails to stir even the vaguest hint of interest in me, as per usual. For all his talk of family in this episode, the lack of interaction with any of his kids is striking. If he's to have any value at all this season I'll need him to get involved in the rest of the Gallagher's storylines (which seems like it might be happening at least for a bit later on, so I'm vaguely hopeful?). I find but faint intrigue in Carl's and Debbie's stuff, but it doesn’t annoy me either so I'll call it a win. Kev and V are (almost) always a delight, but do anyone else feel like their kids are only props, even to them? I don't know... I just don't think there's a connection or sense of realness to their relationship, you know? Maybe it's just me... Anyway, here's to hoping V turning pageant mom changes all that! Oh, and I'll need Liam to have some more screentime and stuff to do.
The Tommy and Kermit thing was weird. Eh. Whatever.
Sandy is so gorgerous. I can't. The Milkoviches really be bringing it this episode.
This is only the second season I've watched episode by episode as it airs (other one was S6) and it's a curiuos experience. I think that by and large, and particularly in later seasons, Shameless works better when you binge it, but I love the delightful anticipation of waiting for a new episode and the feverent discussion that follows. Sometimes I also despair over the ferverent discussion that follows, but... you know. It is what it is. Admittedly, any attempts at meta this early in the season is a precarious venture at best, since we don't have the whole story, and it might be wiser to abstain but it's just so much fun, so I'm not very likely to stop.
All in all, I love the Gallavich stuff, am intrigued by Lip & Tami and Kev & V's lives, okay with whatever Debbie and Carl's got going on, hot for Sandy, bored by Frank, and missing Liam. It sets up a lot of promising things, but as an episode all unto itself it felt a bit empty – probably because there were no real plots and the storylines didn't intersect as much as I would have liked them to. Shameless is best when it's about family, which both the show and Frank seems to recognize, but there's little narrative follow-through on that realization in this episode; everyone is pretty much doing their own thing. Adored the Lip and Ian convo, and that house party scene was wonderful, but so short. Think we'll get more of all of them together going forward, though, and more actual plots too, so I'm very excited about it all. Can't wait for Sunday!
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