#i had to double check the spelling on that lol
hyah-lian · 5 months
"Bite down on this!" Sky shouted, knocking his fist into the teeth of a Yiga soldier who was holding down Warriors.
Sky's one arm slipped off the table with the motion, toppling him over as he cracked a dozing Time across the jaw.
Time took it on the chin like an absolute champion and the two of them clattered to the floor of the inn, neither with eyes yet fully opened.
The pair laid in an awkward lump, stunned and blinking away sleep and stars.
"Doing wha' now?" Time blinked heavily as he prodded and massaged the sore spot.
"Oh- OH!" Sky stumbled back, motion stuttered by a huge yawn, "Ti-ime, what?"
"What?" Time echoed back.
"Bite down on this~" Legend snorted from behind Sky, "UP you get, time for you both to go to bed, I think."
"Shit, he didn't break any teeth did he?"
Wars was hoisting a still bleary-eyed Time up to standing. A few of the others who were still awake were stifling laughter into their arms or hands over the outburst.
Time gave a bloodied grimace he tried to play off as a grin. It felt like all his teeth were still in place, but Goddesses was it sore.
"Oh Gods, did I?" Sky yawned again before continuing, "Wh- I don't even remember what happened..."
"You and me both," Time scrubbed at his face. "Water under the bridge, and time for heroes under the blankets, get going."
He waved off everyone from the table to the inn's stairs. Some groans and mumbled half-sentences from the drowzier heroes being half-carried off to bed.
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 2 months
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aau infection au What Then..
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seokmashu · 11 months
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제로즈~~~ 오늘 너무 재밌었어요! 하지만 오늘 너무 덥고 당이 떠러질 수 있으니 이런 달콤한 컵케크 처럼 드세용! 한빙형 처럼 내 컵케이크 귀먹었어요 ㅋㅋㅋ. 이제 푹 쉬고 엄청 많이 사랑해~~ (근데 그건 벌써 알고 있었지?🤭)
Zerose~~~ Today was so much fun! But it was really hot today and your sugar levels could have fallen, so eat something like this sweet cupcake! Like Han Bing hyung who made my cupcake deaf kekeke. Rest well now and I love you so much~~ (But you already knew that, right?🤭)
Seok Matthew Twitter Update 230703 ✧ ZB1_official
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lordgolden · 2 years
I hate you Instagram I hate you presenting a curated perfect life online I hate you competing with friends and peers in the Fake Life competition I hate you filters I hate you FaceApp I hate you I hate you. die
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keeps-ache · 10 months
i gotta use the.. [checks brushes] caough brush :)
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Fantasy High: Junior Year predictions that aren’t as much based in things I think will logically happen, but ones that either should happen or would be very fun/funny
Loose Duke reminiscent perception checks from Lou, constantly looking for Chungledown Bim.
Related, the return of Chungledown Bim, but they successfully escape him yet again.
Either a wedding between Hallariel and Gilear, or them having a kid. I just think Fig and Fabian would make great older siblings but also that they’d have a real hard time handling it.
Garthy O’Brien is at Mordred and it’s immediately clear that there’s something poly happening between them and Jawbone and Sandra Lynn.
Riz has some serious beef with another young licensed PI. This beef is mostly shown through Riz hissing at someone on the street, and they don’t meet this other person until episode 15. They’re pretty normal and the beef does not make sense.
A reveal that Porter is not evil or plotting something but that he was a member of Sandra Lynn’s adventuring party that she got kicked out of. Bonus if he was a deciding vote or the one who pushed her to leave. This would be fun to justify Fig’s paranoia a bit, but her reasoning was completely wrong. The best way for this reveal to happen would be for him to apologize (sincerely) to Sandra Lynn.
Adaine actually tries to include Alewyn in a lot of things, and they actually learn some important lore from Alewyn and she doesn’t put it forward in a condescending way.
Gorgug rolls up to Riz’s office, drags him out, and they go throw rocks at the river (like Riz wanted in Boys’ Night).
Another crab party live stream. That’s actually how the season opens. Kristen is crowned Crab King.
Someone suggests they go to a Drisden party. The boys scream “no” at the proposal.
Kristen succeeds in her first ever divine intervention roll (#BeardsleyBlessed)
Aguefort says something to Gorgug in the first episode about how difficult he finds him.
Gorgug changes his subclass. We had a lot of subclass changes at the end of fhsy and I think him focusing on artificing a bit more may cause him to refocus and not be as lost in rage as berserker works. The I’m going into a worry helps me think this lol
they start at level 11, there were talks of them double leveling post nightmare king forest but that wasn’t what happened with the one shots (which logistically makes a lot of sense to me). I also just think Adaine should get 6th level spells.
And finally, Brennan homebrews the spell Ice Feast, but only Adaine can cast it.
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elminx · 2 months
Witch Tip: Pay Attention to Your Protection Magic
Items that you use in your protection spells become a part of your protection. Not just the pieces that you put into your spellwork, that spirit as a whole.
Let's just say that I was protecting with basil (I know that is not the best protection plant, lol, but I'm being consistent and using basil as my forever example). If I had a basil plant that I was growing in my house and it suddenly start dying, I would immediately want to check and make sure that wasn't a sign that something had tried to breach my protections.
There are always mundane reasons that a plant starts dying (not enough or too much water or light and pest pressures) but that doesn't mean that it still isn't a sign. You should see to your plant but then also do some divination to look into things.
I get that "this could be a sign" must be the most frustrating thing to inexperienced witches but also to overly anxious witches.
But here's the thing, anxiety - if well controlled - has some evolutionary advantages. If you are actually looking out for things, you notice what is going on. Some people could have all of the signs of their protection being attacked and they would never notice. Congratulations, you pay attention. Now double-check that it's not something you did (like gross negligence in watering your plant is not a sign) or a story that you made up because you're emotionally dysregulated.
I also want to clarify that seeing a random robin when you have no connection to robins is almost certainly NOT a sign whereas my basil plant is suddenly dying for no reason when you use basil as one of the primary ingredients in your protection spells is more likely a sign.
Do you see what I am putting down here?
This is obviously a ton of UPG (why do I have to say that - all fucking magic was once somebody's UPG) but whether you realize it or not, you are interacting with the Spirit of basil every time that you use basil in a spell. And if you used basil for protection - even if you hadn't used the basil from the plant growing in your kitchen (say its brand new, for example) - then the Spirit of basil has to take some of the brunt of any attack on you and it will be reflected in the plant in your kitchen.
That is, by the way, one of the benefits of using plants that you grow yourself in your protection magic but, also, it is also the disadvantage of using the plants that you grow in your protection magic.
It's really quite scary to watch your plant eat a spell. You have to be ready to watch that plant die.
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facts-i-just-made-up · 9 months
Facts about Greek Myths?
There are a great many figures in Greek myth and they can be hard to keep track of, so here is a quick guide to which is which:
Ajax- Warrior who invented detergent.
Antigone- Funeral enthusiast who invented civil disobedience.
Atlas- First winner of the Olympic strong titan competition.
Bellerophon- Plot point in Mission Impossible 2.
Cerberus- 7 headed dog tragically born with only 3 heads.
Charon- Lead rower for Styx.
Cratus- God of strength, but not THAT god of strength.
Cyclops- Inventor of the monocle.
Daedalus- Inventor of the Labyrinth, and thus of David Bowie.
Dionysus- Drank 24/7 but very responsibly never drove.
Eris- Goddess of fighting with each other.
Eros- God of doing something else with each other.
Euronymous- God of Mayhem.
Fates- Least creatively named destiny gods ever.
Hera- Goddess of marriage yet only Zeus's third wife.
Hylia- Goddess of triangles and disjointed timelines.
Icarus- God of disappointing ones father.
Io- Space captain and epic 3D short film, still not on blu-ray.
Jocasta- Originator of Jo Mama jokes, mother of Oedipus.
Leda- Swan enthusiast and feathery-fandom originator.
Medea- Even worse mom than Jocasta.
Medusa- Inventor of reptile-safe shampoo.
Megaclite- LOL her name is "Megaclite." Pronounced like "Clitty."
Narcissus- Basically Trump.
Odysseus- Sailor who refused to ask for directions.
Orpheus- Inventor of impatiently checking the download bar.
Ouranos- Spelling that could've avoided a lot of planet butt jokes.
Pallas- Inventor of weird looking cats.
Persephone- Pomegranate fan, looked like Monica Bellucci.
Prometheus- Stupid fucking movie, especially for using some of H.R. Giger's original designs then putting them up next to a fucking plain white squid. Also let's make the space jockey a tall guy in a suit. How did Scott think that was a good idea? Fuck that shit and double fuck Covenant for somehow doing even fucking worse.
Rhode- Sea nymph yet not technically an island.
Siren- Inverse groupie.
Sisyphus- Limp Biscuit fan who never stopped rolling.
Tantalus- I'll tell you in a minute...
Thanatos- God of dying as easily as snapping your fingers.
Zeus- When the earth was still flat and the clouds made of fire, and mountains stretched up to the sky, sometimes higher- Folks roamed the earth like big rolling kegs. They had two sets of arms, they had two sets of legs. They had two faces peering out of one giant head so they could watch all around them as they talked and they read. And they never knew nothing of love. It was before the origin of love. There were three sexes then: One that looked like two men glued up back to back, called the children of the sun. Similar in shape and girth were the children of the earth. They looked like two girls rolled up in one. The children of the moon were like a fork shoved on a spoon, they were part sun, part earth- Part daughter, part son. Now the gods grew quite scared of our strength and defiance and Thor said, "I'm gonna kill them all with my hammer, like I killed the giants." And Zeus said, "No, you better let me use my lightening like scissors, like I cut the legs off the whales, and dinosaurs into lizards." Then he grabbed up some bolts and he let out a laugh, and said, "I'll split them right down the middle. Gonna cut them right up in half." And then storm clouds gathered above into great balls of fire, and fire shot down from the sky in bolts like shining blades of a knife and it ripped right through the flesh of the children of the sun and the moon and the earth. If you want the rest, see Hedwig and the Angry Inch cuz this is taking way longer to type than I expected.
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meownotgood · 2 years
new message !! / CSM x reader
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the texts they send you when you're away.
includes: aki, denji, & yoshida
genre: headcanons / fluff
note: this post is sfw, but this account contains nsfw content. please do not follow if you are a minor.
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☆ AKI basically never uses his phone. He doesn't have any social media; you can coax him into installing some if you want, but he's not going to use them. If he wants to speak to you, he'll usually opt to call you rather than send a text because he prefers to hear your voice. But in situations where he can't, or when he just wants to let you know he's thinking of you, he'll send a message your way.
14:22 [ aki <3 ]: Hey.
14:25 [ aki <3 ]: I miss you.
14:29 [ aki <3 ]: Do you want to go out tonight? We can go anywhere you'd like. My treat.
Even though Aki pays little attention to his phone, if you ever text him, he's usually quick to reply. If you call him, the phone will never go more than three rings without an answer. For one, he's memorized your special ringtone (it's a song you texted to him the first time he gave you his number). And for second, you, Denji, and Power are the only ones who ever send him texts, so he knows if he gets a notification, it's probably important.
In the rare cases where he happens to miss your call though, the texts he sends immediately after are always extremely apologetic.
22:46 [ aki <3 ]: I'm sorry I missed your call.
22:48 [ aki <3 ]: Are you okay? Do you need anything?
22:51 [ aki <3 ]: Call me back when you get the chance.
Sometimes Aki sends you goofy pics of whatever mischief Denji and Power are getting up to, or pictures of Meowy when he's sleeping on Aki's lap. He also loves to send you pictures of the view from his balcony when he's having a smoke.
7:14 [ aki <3 ]: (1 image attachment)
7:17 [ aki <3 ]: The sunrise over the city is really beautiful today. I wish you were here to see it.
Aki rarely takes or sends pictures of himself. He'll take pictures with you if you ask, and if you beg to see him hard enough, maybe he'll send you a selfie. Maybe. Only after he re-takes it a thousand times to make sure it's perfect.
Aki's texts are always professional and proper, just like his demeanor. He always capitalizes his sentences, always uses correct grammar, and never uses any emojis or abbreviations. The one exception to this rule is if he's drunk. Aki tries to stay away from his phone when he's plastered, but if he manages to get his hands on it, you can expect to wake up to several incoherent drunk texts.
2:35 [ aki <3 ]: hi sweeetheartv
2:36 [ aki <3 ]: im drunk sorry
2:36 [ aki <3 ]: but I lpve u so much
2:36 [ aki <3 ]: myy anwgel
2:38 [ aki <3 ]: miss u terribly. come out 2 drink w us nextt time yeah??,
After texting you for a while, Aki developed a small habit of texting you good morning and good night. When you told him you liked it, he made certain to never forget to send you a good morning and good night text every single day. Your contact in his phone is the first thing he sees when he wakes up and the last thing he sees before he goes to bed.
23:41 [ aki <3 ]: Goodnight. Sleep well and have sweet dreams. Text me when you wake up tomorrow.
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☆ DENJI asked you for your number as soon as Aki bought him a cell phone. He had absolutely no clue how to use it at first, but thankfully, you were there to teach him. And double thankfully, phones have built in autocorrect, so he doesn't have to worry about spelling everything wrong (most of the time).
Now he can talk to you whenever he wants! And boy, does Denji send you a lot of texts. If your phone is vibrating like crazy, you know it's probably Denji. He essentially uses your inbox as his way to tell you everything he's thinking at any given point.
10:34 [ denji ^^ ]: Dude at work rn SOOOO BORED
10:34 [ denji ^^ ]: I wanna hang out with u
10:34 [ denji ^^ ]: This suckkkkzzzzzzzz
10:35 [ denji ^^ ]: What are u doin?
10:36 [ denji ^^ ]: Hey check out what Power just showed me lol 8====D~~~~~~
10:36 [ denji ^^ ]: It's a dick
Once Denji figured out how to send pictures to you, he had his heart set on sending you pictures of literally everything. He sends you pics of all the stuff he comes across that he thinks you might find cool. He also sends lots of pictures of Power and Aki. Sometimes Meowy too, if he can get the cat to hold still.
They're all blurry and incomprehensible most of the time, but you suppose it's the thought that counts. Besides, you can still make them out... kinda.
18:19 [ denji ^^ ]: (1 image attachment)
18:19 [ denji ^^ ]: Shit its blurry
18:21 [ denji ^^ ]: (1 image attachment)
18:21 [ denji ^^ ]: Look dude I beat Powers ASS at mario kart
18:21 [ denji ^^ ]: You should come over and play its really fun
18:22 [ denji ^^ ]: If u want to
Of course, Denji loves when you send pictures to him, too. It's crazy to him that he can see what you're doing and where you are through his little phone screen. He saves every picture you send (after he bothered Aki to show him how), but the pictures you send of your face are his favorite. Denji will never leave you on read, so if your message says opened for a while, trust that he's just admiring your picture.
13:57 [ denji ^^ ]: CYTE
13:57 [ denji ^^ ]: CUTE
13:58 [ denji ^^ ]: I mean
13:58 [ denji ^^ ]: Your cute
14:07 [ denji ^^ ]: Hey how do I make it my background???
Denji hasn't quite figured out how to use all the features on his phone. Honestly, you're not sure he even knows what Google is. You don't really want to tell him though. You won't admit it, but you secretly like when he comes to you with every single question he has.
17:25 [ denji ^^ ]: Do u know what 12 x 7 is
17:25 [ denji ^^ ]: I dunno
17:26 [ denji ^^ ]: Aki tell me to look it up but idk how
17:32 [ denji ^^ ]: Can u come over
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☆ YOSHIDA is super popular and super cool, so it took you a while to work up the courage to ask for his number. Although he gave it to you gladly, you weren't sure if he would even bother to text you after the exchange. You know he's in a ton of group chats with his classmates, and he has a lot of followers on social media. He probably didn't care to text someone unimportant like you... right?
Well, you soon found out that you were very wrong. Yoshida was waiting for this for a long time, actually. And he has no problem ignoring all of his other messages and notifications just to text you back.
15:26 [ yoshida ❀ ]: hey, you weren't in class today, what's up?
15:28 [ yoshida ❀ ]: i can come over and show you what we went over today if you want
15:29 [ yoshida ❀ ]: i'll bring iced coffee too :)
Yoshida uses the fact that you two are classmates as an excuse to text you more than necessary. He sends you pictures of the white board or last night's homework answers, even if you didn't ask for them. Somehow, he always ends up as your partner on group projects. He's just texting you a lot 'cause he wants to get to know his partner, that's all.
His favorite pass-time in class is texting you instead of paying attention. He knows he's going to ace this test anyways, and the current lecture is soooooo boring. The time will definitely go by quicker if he spends it messaging you and stealing glances at you when he can.
9:15 [ yoshida ❀ ]: im totally gonna fall asleep
9:15 [ yoshida ❀ ]: i hate this professor
9:17 [ yoshida ❀ ]: hey. look over here
9:18 [ yoshida ❀ ]: did you see me wave? :)
9:18 [ yoshida ❀ ]: your outfit today is cute btw
Yoshida is no stranger to sending you pictures of himself, too. He has a little bit of smugness about it. Yoshida knows that he's handsome and he knows that he's effortlessly photogenic, so whenever he sees a photo opportunity, he's going to take it.
18:04 [ yoshida ❀ ]: (1 image attachment)
18:06 [ yoshida ❀ ]: (1 image attachment)
18:07 [ yoshida ❀ ]: which one should i post? or which one do you like more?
18:10 [ yoshida ❀ ]: next time i see you, you should take a picture with me. i want to post a pic of the both of us. ^.^
Yoshida really enjoys texting with you, even if you end up texting back and forth late into the night, when he should be sleeping so he can get up early for school tomorrow. He's a night owl anyway, so honestly, he's fine with sacrificing on the sleep so he can talk to you. And if you call him? Even better. He could listen to your voice forever.
Speaking of, his favorite thing is sending you voice messages. It's a bit more convenient than texting, plus he knows you're a sucker for his smooth voice. He almost always sends you a voice message in the morning while he's walking to class.
7:25 [ yoshida ❀ ]: (1 voice note)
7:28 [ yoshida ❀ ]: (1 link)
7:28 [ yoshida ❀ ]: here's the playlist i was talking about in that voice message
7:29 [ yoshida ❀ ]: give it a listen when you can, i think you'll like it <3
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megamindsecretlair · 3 months
Hey, since you made a Fic where Tyrone was a vampire, Could you do one where he’s a demon the reader does a deal with. He does the reader a favour and exchange, he has a night with them?
A/N: Whew. I'm trying to get to some of these requests! Forgive me for taking so long!
With This Sin
Pairing: Demon!Tyrone x Spooky!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. FILTH. PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (female receiving), dirty talk, praise kink, all consensual. Use of pet names. There is a power imbalance, there is a sexual favor being exchanged, but it's consensual. Use of magic. Mentions of Hell. ONE SHOT.
Summary: See ask. You found a spell in a thrift store and decided to try it, not knowing if it would work or not. When it does, you're unprepared for what awaits you.
Word Count: 5,242k
A/N: I hope ya'll ain't think I forgot about my baby. He just needed some rest. He been working overtime these past few months, LOL. Who's ready for more spooky Tyrone? I've been teasing this so long that it felt like I was the only one excited. Ah well, LOL. Sorry about the wait, but I hope you enjoy! Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @planetblaque @dayjlovesromance @sevikasblackgf @melaninpov @amyhennessyhouse @henneseyhoe @honeyoriginalz @justheretostan @black-fairy3 @superhoeva @jarfulloftears @hereformiles @montysstuffs @westside-rot @blackerthings @blowmymbackout @euphoric05 @miyuhpapayuh @nicolexnight @8ttached @judymfmoody @notapradagurl7 @wakandas-vibranium @soft-persephone @justabovewater20 @soapjay @heyauntieeee @theyscreamsannii @mybonafidefeelings @eggnox @honeytoffee @thadelightfulone @tranquilfandomer @kindofaintrovert @l-auteuse @browngirldominion @sunkissedebony97 @lovedlover @issahyland @nerdieforpedro @longpause-awkwardsmile @insburner @slippinninque @thecookiebratz @we-outsiiiide @babybratzmaraj @iv0rysoap @misskiki90
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You checked and double checked the incantations, the warnings, and the ingredients you gathered. The spell was written on old parchment and the wrinkly paper crinkled in your hand as you smoothed it out. Reading by a full moon was hard, but you didn’t want to damage the paper further.
When you found it in the thrift shop, you knew it was special. While you didn’t truly think this could work, why not try it? You had nothing to do and your friends were off being boring bitches at the club, shaking ass for lame fuck boys who didn’t have the dick to back up all their talk. 
The blades of grass sank beneath your knees as you fidgeted. You were nervous. Of course you were nervous. What if it really did work? What if? 
A quiet breeze caressed your exposed shoulders in your tank top. The instructions were too faint to see what else you were supposed to wear. You opted for a long skirt to protect your skin from any creepy crawlies in the ground. You loved nature, but not that much. 
You stood up from the ground and rechecked the circle you made. According to the spell, you were to spend all month collecting interesting rocks, seashells, pebbles, or whatever else that was shiny and happened to catch your eye. You made one giant circle, big enough to hopefully contain what you were going to summon. 
At the directional gates, you placed items of great value to you. You placed a necklace handed down to you at the North gate, a rook from a chess set at the West gate, a yo-yo at the East gate, and a photo of your grandmother at the South gate. You walked the circle to ensure that there were no gaps that the demon could slip through. No loopholes it could worm its way past.
The only thing left to do was…the actual spell. You took a few deep breaths, listening to the music of the meadow you were in. Finding this open place, away from nosy passersby, under direct moonlight, was a challenge and a half. You were about to give up when you found this place. 
There were sounds of chirping, crickets, and the breeze playing in the giant trees overhead. Your breathing slowed until it matched the natural rhythm of the space around you. Your feet were bare and your toes burrowed into the grass. Your hands were spread, fingers wiggling to ground yourself in your body. 
Here it goes…
You began the spell, chanting the exact words from the parchment. You studied it so many times, consulting several pronunciation websites, that you knew it by heart. You needed clear speech, clear thought, and intent in order to accomplish your goal. 
At first nothing happened. You kept going, watching the circle intently for any hint of a change. By the third stanza of the spell, the air before you shimmered like heat off of asphalt. Your heart leapt in your chest but you didn’t stop. You continued, focusing all of your energy to summoning a demon with enough power to accomplish your goal. 
The air split, like two hands poked through and ripped the fabric of reality. Red smoke seeped through, spilling into the circle and brushing against the boundary of the circle. You watched for any areas it might seep through. It held. 
It was working! Your heart worked double time, too excited to contain it in your chest. A grin crossed your face, eyes opened wider. You didn’t want to miss a thing. 
Out of the smoke, there was movement. There was so much red smoke, you couldn’t see what was coming out. Were there tentacles? Bones? Husks? Was it a meat suit? It could be anything.
On the last stanza, your voice rose. Amplified in the meadow. The birds stopped chittering. The breeze increased, blowing against you and making you sway. You continued. Mother Nature herself was watching what you were bringing into this world. Trying to stop you with the first element available to her. 
You planted your feet, hoping she wouldn’t open the ground beneath you and swallow you down to Hell. You were more of a cold weather type of girly. Plus you’d miss ice cream too much.
The final word dropped from your lips as a booming crack ripped through the open sky. You looked above for any sign of thunder or lightning. 
The sound of a sigh brought your attention to the circle. There stood…a man? He rolled his neck, stretched his arms as if he were waking from a long nap. He walked around the circle. Beyond him, the split in the air was still open, spilling that red smoke. The man kicked it up as he walked the around it.
Power radiated off of him. It made you take a few steps back as you were staggered by it. The sheer magnitude of it was impressive and only your little circle kept him in line.
He reached out his hand, pulling his hand back as if the boundary hurt him. You licked your lips and watched him. You did it! But what exactly did you do? Your impressions of demons were ugly, winged creatures with clawed feet and devil horns. 
This guy was…just a guy. He had thick, coiled hair. Wide lips. He wore black sunglasses, a black suit with a black turtleneck underneath. A gold chain was the brightest thing on him, glistening in the moonlight. His rich ebony skin was flawless. High cheekbones. 
“Not bad, human. Not bad,” he said. His voice was like sin personified. His voice invited all kinds of dirty fantasies, dark thoughts, and naughty ideas. It reached down into your core and rubbed against it like a cat. 
You placed a hand over your chest to calm it down. It should not have that type of effect on you. And yet…as far as demons went, he was damn handsome. You knew why devils were portrayed by the hottest people now. You’d almost sell your soul too if it meant you could hear more.
He faced you, looking at you over the top of his sunglasses. His eyes were slanted like cat’s eyes, a mix of orange and red. It was the only outward sign of his otherworldliness. His presence alone nearly choked you. 
“You’re really a…demon,” you said.
He grinned, showing off a neat row of teeth. The smile made your knees weak. You had to step in place to knock some sense back into yourself. 
“Demon is such a human word,” he said. 
“So what do you call yourselves then?” You asked.
“You can’t pronounce it,” he said, the grin never leaving his face. 
You rolled your eyes. “Sure,” you said. “What’s your name then?” 
He chuckled, the sound smooth and slow as molasses. “Do you not know how this works, little human? Are you playing with grandma’s cookbook again?”
You folded your arms. “To be honest, I didn’t think this was going to work,” you said. You approached the circle but kept a respectful distance. Just because he seemed to be confined, didn’t mean he actually was. He could be trying to play you. Fool you. Trick you. Any minute he could step over a gate and snatch you up, killing you dead.
You walked around the circle. He continued to face forward. The suit jacket hid his backside, but there was plenty of moonlight overhead to highlight his features. When you made it back to his front, he tilted his head and licked his lips.
“What year is it?” He asked.
“2024,” you answered.
He tilted his head back towards the moonlight as if he were soaking it up. He merely sniffed the air, breathed deeply. Guess that answered the question on if he needed to breathe. If Hell or wherever he was from had oxygen. 
“Been a long time since I’ve been summoned. Your kind has forgotten why they’re scared of the dark. Your funny little lights and machines to scare away the big, bad, shadows creeping through the world,” he said. 
“According to this, I summon you and I get to ask for anything I want in exchange for a sacrifice. A sacrifice of great detriment to me that does not result in loss of limb, life, or otherwise get permanently maimed or disfigured?” You asked.
The man ran his tongue across his teeth, looking at you with renewed interest. He pushed his glasses up his face and placed a hand in the air like a mime. He pushed against the boundary as if there really was a wall right there. He leaned forward and tilted his head.
“Little human’s done her homework,” he said. “I’m not in that type of business. Blood, gore, and the like don’t excite me.”
“What does excite you?” You didn’t intend for that to sound flirty. Or like an invitation. Your voice naturally dipped, became sultry, breathy. 
He licked his lips slowly. You couldn’t see his eyes but you got the sense that he was paying attention to you. To the way your breathing increased, chest rising and falling a bit quicker. What else would he notice? What else could he see? Sense? You had a million questions but the full moon only lasted so long. 
“Well? What is it that you desire?” He asked.
“I want money,” you said. The man grinned but you continued, undeterred. “I want billions of generational money that sets up me and my descendants for thousands of years. It can never be taken away, stolen, conned, given away, or the target of nefarious conspiracies.” You added more caveats, things you didn’t consider before but had to.
You didn’t care if it was shallow. You didn’t care if it was selfish. You didn’t care that this was a petty fucking reason to summon a demon and play with the natural order of the world. You were tired. Tired in your soul. 
Your ancestors’ weariness was engraved in each bone in your body. You came from kings and queens. Entire Black ass empires that were world leaders in education, medicine, and agriculture. Thousands of years of dignity, unity, and a beautiful culture. Until four hundred years of bullshit that you were still paying for. Fighting for crumbs.
Your black ass was tired. Tired of the struggle bus. Tired of working and working with nothing to show for it. The powers in charge worked tirelessly to keep their boot on your neck. To keep your children poor and their children even poorer. So what if you wanted to game the system? Who the hell was gon’ stop you? 
The man laughed. A deep rumbling laugh that started in his chest and echoed as it came out of his mouth. “I like you,” he said.
The smile was on your face before you realized that you should not be that happy that a demon liked you. This whole scene was surreal but if he could truly deliver? You and your people were set for thousands of years. And you weren’t going to keep it entirely to yourself. 
You were going to help your friends, charity, start scholarships, all kinds of rewards for Black kids. You were going to pay their tuition, sponsor their businesses; you were going to be the Black Mary Poppins. You were going to upset the financial sector to the point that you’d have them mu’fuckas shaking in their boots to see what you would do next.
“So how does this work? Do you snap your fingers and boom, my bank account is rolling in money? Do you create the money? Can I take it from decrepit old white men who really shouldn’t be alive at this point?” You asked. 
The man straightened up and put his hands in his pockets. He looked up at the moon overhead. Soon, it would begin its next phase, transitioning away from a completely full moon. The parchment mentioned something of a time limit. Sort of like Cinderella. There was only so much time that Mother Nature would allow an intruder in her space.
“Does your little paper explain how I give you what you want?” He asked. “An ask like this requires a lot of power.”
“Power you don’t have?” You asked.
He rocked on his heels and grinned. “I have the power. But nothing is free. When I work in this…realm, let’s just say I need something to bond to.”
“Something like…?”  
He grinned and stared at you, you assumed. For all you knew, he was watching TV behind those glasses. Though you didn’t think so. He was too intense. Too focused. Too in tune with this dance between you. 
He waited there so long that your nerves got the best of you. “What do you need to bond to?” 
“Moments of heightened emotion. There’s power in anger, desperation, love…desire,” he said.
You scoffed and shook your head. “Sex? You’re saying you need to have sex with me in order to grant my request?” 
“If that’s where your mind went, who am I to argue?” He asked. 
A strangled, garbled sound left you. There was no way…there was no earthly way that you would open your body up to a demon just for you to get money. You weren’t a sex worker. You respected the profession but you needed a little more loving before you opened your legs. Certainly not to a supernatural being. No matter how many times your pussy fluttered whenever he spoke or the twinge of excitement low in your belly whenever he smirked or smiled.
“How do I even know you can do what you claim? You could be a liar,” you said. 
He nodded. “I can give you a demonstration. A kiss?” 
You folded your arms across your chest, feeling entirely too exposed all of a sudden. But…an errant, naughty thought bounced in your mind. 
What if it did work? Wouldn’t that be worth it? You and your people would have security. Something no one – other than rich people – got. You’d be able to live a life of luxury and leisure. Spending your days enjoying life, rather than stuck at a 9-5 you hated. Broke down, beat down, and old before you reached thirty-five. 
You stepped forward. “You can’t cross the line, but I can and no harm can befall me in the circle I created,” you said. “Right?” 
He sighed. “You was one of them teacher’s pets weren’t you?” 
“I like to be prepared.” This was insane. This was wrong. This was so beyond fucked up that you should banish him and find some other way to get what you wanted. But hell, if nothing else, you had a wild story to tell at parties. No one would believe you fucked a demon, but they didn’t have to. 
You took a deep breath and made sure to step over the circle of stones and shells and not through it. The man smiled as you stepped onto his side. His powerful aura was even more intense inside of the circle. As if he contained the combined might and power of all eight planets and their density was going to crush you. 
It was a bit hard to breathe around it. You began to pant as if you ran three marathons, weak and swaying. The man rubbed his hands together and his power began to recede. You hunched over, hands on your knees, as you sucked in more oxygen. 
There was still red smoke seeping from the gaping wound in the world, but you stayed far away from it. The last thing you needed was to be stuck on the other side. If you did survive, you had no way of getting back. 
He waited patiently as you regained some strength. You straightened up slowly, testing your body by shaking out your limbs. You were okay, you were okay. 
“I don’t even know what to call you,” you said. “If I’m going to give you my body, I ought to know your name.”
He smiled. “You may call me Tyrone,” he said. 
As far as names went, it wasn’t a bad thing. At least it was nothing crazy like Aurelius. Tyrone seemed to suit him for some reason. Besides his eyes, he could fit in with any other Black man off the street today. Then again, no one would mistake him for human if he walked past them. 
He walked closer to you. It took all of your willpower not to move. He reached out with a hand and ran it up your arm. You shivered from his touch. A full body shiver that almost set your teeth to chattering. But you felt it like a deep pull low in your belly.
He leaned in closer, taking a deep audible breath. You closed your eyes, the moment calling for a type of intimacy you couldn’t see with your eyes. You could only feel as he moved his nose across your cheek. Stepped closer and brought his chest closer to yours. He was incredibly warm. Waves of heat dripping off of him and making you forget that you were standing in the middle of a meadow. 
He brought his lips closer to yours but didn’t kiss you yet. Your lips parted, waiting for the contact. He paused, on the precipice of kissing you. 
Moving felt like it would break the moment. Destroy this bubble. You found yourself leaning forward, impatient for his lips. You felt him smile before he closed the gap and touched his lips to yours.
You gasped as power flooded through him to you by this small contact. It was as if you jumped into a pool of static. Electricity danced along your skin and underneath. He didn’t move his lips or seek more. He stood there, not touching you or pulling you closer.
The power became unbearable and he finally pulled away. It seemed like it took ages for your eyes to open. You gasped, a deep lungful of air that burned your lungs. The world seemed sharper or clearer. As if you had been blind your entire life and suddenly could see. 
He seemed to glow with some inner light that gave him a fuzzy outline. You looked towards the meadow and the green seemed more vibrant. The colors brighter. The glow bugs and birds looking down at you from the trees were curious little things. You could count how many feathers were on their tiny bodies.
“Check your little box,” he said.
His deep voice snapped you out of your rambling thoughts. You fished around your pockets for your phone. You pulled up your banking app. Your account had a few more commas in it and you clutched your chest seeing it.
“Oh shit!” You screamed. You screamed some more and looked at him. “Shit! Shit!” 
He chuckled and moved closer still. His lips caressed your cheek, temple, and moved closer to your ear. “Imagine what I could do with more than a kiss,” he said.
You dropped your phone to the ground. With that kind of money, you could buy an entire phone company. You could buy several. You moved your head and looked at him. He still wore his glasses so you reached up to remove them. He leaned back and cocked his head to the side.
“Are you sure? I can become whatever you want. What tickles your pussy? Wolves? Lions? The latest celebrity fucktoy?” 
“You. If I’m being honest,” you said. Now that you allowed yourself to feel the attraction and not just dismiss it, it was screaming at you from all sides that he was gorgeous. That he was unlike anything else you had ever seen or would see. Being with him would change your life on a fundamental level.
Accepting him into your body would change you atom by atom and you were perfectly fine with it. You continued to remove his glasses, taking in his strange eyes. He grinned as you did so. 
His fingers lightly grazed your skin as he lifted the hem of your shirt. You helped him take it off of you. You wore no bra underneath and Tyrone greedily looked at your titties. He held each one in each of his hands and kneaded your flesh. Playing with your soft, squishy mounds and running his thumbs across your nipples.
Your growing desire pooled in your panties and you squirmed from his questing hands. He held you reverently, like a goddess and he was a mere supplicant. He either dialed back his power or it only happened when his lips touched yours. While your skin tingled from the earlier contact, you didn’t feel like you were going to jump right out of your bones. 
His hands continued to play with your titties. He pinched your nipples between his fingers and you gasped, a tiny whine leaving your mouth. He grinned and did it again, not stopping until he elicited that same whine from you. 
“Oh fuck, that feels so good,” you said.
Tyrone captured your lips with his. Power ebbed and flowed between you and it wasn’t as intense as before. This you could stand. You appreciated even that bit of effort. 
His hands moved downwards, playing with your tummy and squeezing. “You’re so soft,” he whispered against your lips. “I could get lost in you.” His tongue played with yours, quietly seeking entry into your mouth.
“Fuck,” you moaned. His big, rough hands were the perfect contrast against your smooth skin. He continued to move downward, pushing your skirt and panties down to pool at your feet. 
You moved his jacket off of him. You took your time removing his shirt as well. He wasn’t gross underneath. You blew out a tiny sigh. Surely, he had to be anatomically correct if he got his rocks off seducing people that summoned him. 
He had a solid, muscle-bound stomach that you could bounce a quarter off of if he flexed. His arms were huge. And felt like rock underneath your hands. His pants were next, flowing down over strong hips, thick thighs, and long legs. You wanted to take a bite out of his ass. 
Now you were both naked, both gripping at each other’s bodies like you didn’t know where to start first. Where to kiss or grab or lick. You settled on licking his chest to see if he tasted as good as he looked. He tasted even better. The chain around his neck was settled like a weight around his neck. You played with it, while he dropped his head to your shoulders and kissed you there.
He nibbled on your skin while your hands traveled over his body. He didn’t need to pour his magic all over you in order for you to feel dizzy with desire. You were shaking with the burning need to take him. To ride him. Your hands cupped the length of him and you froze.
That…couldn’t be right. He couldn’t be that damn big. Your mouth dropped open as your hand continued to stroke him. He was long and thick, with a nice bulbous head that leaked precum. You…were in danger.
As if reading your thoughts, he dropped to his knees and took you with him. You gasped, finding a blanket beneath you now. You saw hints of red around the red smoke. Giving the illusion that you were sitting on a bed of red clouds in the sky.
He pushed you onto your back and gripped your knees. He grinned, eyes seeming to glow, as he pried your legs apart. You moaned, gyrating on the softest blanket you’d ever felt. It was a bit fuzzy and felt amazing on your back. 
Was the red smoke full of an aphrodisiac? Because you felt like your skin was going to burn off unless he did something. Anything to your body besides kiss and nibble on it. You were growing needier by the second. He massaged your thighs as he took in the sight of your dripping pussy.
He dropped to his stomach. No words. No warning. He flattened his tongue out and licked you from your entrance to your clit and you moaned, loud and desperate. “Oh fuck! Tyrone, please,” you said. 
“Please what, little human?” He asked. He returned to licking you, suckling at the sweet nectar your body produced. You trembled in his hands, trying to close your legs against his delicious mouth. It was too much!
Words left you as you surrendered to the pleasure. To the incredible, out of body experience you were having. His shoulders were too big to close against. He moved a little higher to ensure that you could not deny him your body. Could not deny the passion and desire flowing out of you and filling him up like a battery.
He moved his arms up to grab onto your nipples once more and roll them between his fingers. Your body arched off of the ground. “Oh fuck! Ouee, fuck, right there,” you moaned. 
His tongue flicked your clit and you were soon making teetering wails. You came with a viciously loud, echoing moan. If there was anyone nearby, they’d certainly hear you. Hear your screams in the meadow as this demon licked, sucked, and moaned into your pussy.
Your nails dug into his shoulders, trying to push or fight him off. As if that would help with the intense pleasure you were feeling. Like the orgasm couldn’t be contained in your body. Like it had to be let out somehow but was restricted by the confines of your skin. 
Tyrone’s gold chain was cold against your skin, but did little to help. Did little to help pull you back to reality. Eventually, your body did take over and you calmed down from such an intense feeling.
Tyrone kissed up your body, leaving wet kisses on your lower belly and between your breasts. He suckled one nipple into his mouth before continuing up and capturing your lips. Fuck, you smelled divine on his lips. Tasted just as good on his tongue. He kissed your jaw and your neck, licking the delicate skin there.
Your bottom lip quivered. You were still so needy for him. Needing to be filled. You were hollow. Empty. There was no existence in this life worth a damn unless he was sliding that piece of art he had in between your legs.
“Please, Tyrone. Please, it hurts so bad. I need you inside me,” you begged.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he said. He tugged on your neck with his teeth and you cried out, gyrating your hips against his.
“Please, please. I can’t stand it anymore,” you cried. Your voice wobbled a bit as tears gathered in your eyes. You were drunk with lust. Out of your mind. “Please.”
Tyrone lifted onto his hands and moved his knees forward. It pushed your thighs back until you were nearly folded in half. He watched you as he moved his hips and moved his dick against your wet folds.
You moaned from that alone. You sniffled, a few tears finally escaping your eyes and trailing down the side of your face and into your hair. You just needed to be complete. To be filled up. To have him…
“Oh fuck,” you rasped. He pushed inside with one hard thrust, cutting off your insane line of thinking. 
You clutched him to you as if you could absorb him into your body. You’d have to settle for the fact that he was as close as possible already. You bit his shoulder because there wasn’t enough air to scream.
He moved his hips in hard, deep strokes that made you hike your legs higher. Scratch at his back. Your titties bounced with each stroke and he licked his lips. 
Every few strokes, he’d drop down into a push up and suck a nipple into his mouth. He alternated between the two so each one got as much attention as the other. He rolled the sensitive little buds between his teeth, pushing you into another orgasm. 
On the heels of that one ending, he pushed you into another. Curses fell from your mouth like sparks from fireworks lighting up the sky. You looked towards the moon as Tyrone possessed you. Claimed you. Ruined you here right in this meadow. 
He licked the swell of your breasts as moans and grunts escaped him as well. As he closed his eyes and lost himself inside you. He groaned as he nutted, filling you to the brim with his cum. 
You came at the same time, widening your eyes as you looked at him. He looked at you as if you held all the secrets of the universe. Staring like he lived or died on your word. A different kind of power flowed between you. Something unnameable. Sacred. Cherished.
He grunted as he spilled every last drop and then removed himself from between your legs. That desperate clinginess from earlier began to dissipate. You huffed, falling back against the blanket and stared up at the night sky. 
“You will have all that you asked for,” he said. He was out of breath, same as you. You felt like you had been irrevocably changed. Unmade. Made in his image. He turned on his side and pulled you into him.
You turned to face him. You both laid there and panted, coming down from this incredible bond. “Thank you,” you whispered to him.
“The gratitude belongs with me, little human. I’ve never…experienced something like that before,” he said. He grinned. You couldn’t resist kissing him some more.
You began to tremble from the cold. He stole the heat right out of your body. He rubbed your arms, side, and ass, any bits he could get his hands on. 
You saw the look in his eyes before he said a word. “I know you have to go. It’s okay,” you said.
He grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips. He called your name softly. You weren’t even going to ask how he knew it at this point. Maybe he could read minds or something in the spell allowed him to know you. But he kissed each of your fingers and looked at you.
“You ever think of anything else you want, you know how to reach me,” he said.
You giggled and rolled your eyes. Yeah right. You could not have a standing monthly date with a fucking demon. Though the idea wasn’t without merit. How in the hell were you supposed to ride a mediocre dick after this? 
His lips returned to yours, lazy, sloppy things that made you giggle and gasp in between. He kissed you until the very last second, the pull of the moon signaling the end of your time together. You sat up and watched him as he stepped back through the gap in the world. He blew you a kiss and disappeared inside. It sealed itself behind him and you laid back down on the soft grass, staring up and up.
You would never meet someone like Tyrone. And you feared that you’d search for him everywhere now. In every blade of grass, flower bloomed, star that blinked, or whenever you heard a song that reminded you of him. You only hoped that wherever he was, he spared a thought for you as well.
The end.
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Well, well. If you need some more after that, you're in luck! The Secret Tyrone Files
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bi-ss · 5 months
~ Ties that bind ~
Bucky x reader- arranged marriage.
Summary: You agreed to arrange marriage when you were little, after seeing who you are to marry. You wish you could go back.
WARNINGS: mentions of boobs lol, James trying to flirt if you squint, Sharon being a bitch, swearing..
(Spelling may be bad as I'm very dyslexic sorry in advance)
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2:15. That's the time James said he'll pick you up, and he asked you to be ready. It's 2:53, and you've decided to go for a shower instead.
Slipping your hand into the shower you turn it on trying not to get wet, which you succeed in doing, you lay the shower mat on the floor and look at your self in the mirror before undressing, you step into the now steamy hot shower wetting your hair completely before grabbing your shampoo and washing the roots of your hair. You like shampooing twice before leaving in your conditioner just a smudge so your hair soft, you take a comb but just as you about to start you hear voices come from your room, which is strange as noone really comes in bar you so you were a little confused until you hear them, a deep scruffy voice then you think you hear your bed moving, Is someone laying on it? You thought, you were slowly combing the conditioner in the ends of your hair when you hear a grunt but a deep grunt, you wondered who could be bothering you as it hit you, James motherfucking Barnes. It's been a couple of days since the meeting, and you don't have a James number, but you do have natashas. You were aware that James, Sam and Steve, who ever they may be were talking about all this as Nat over heard but all she said was he were tied, you didn't really care but you do know they Sharon has moved into a spare room on almost the opposite side from the master bedroom, and that one of James few rules were that we were to sleep in the same bed ect ect...
You finish your shower, putting your hair up in a towel, drying yourself and putting on a silk robe, you smirk to yourself as you remembered the last time you saw James were when he ran in to sign a couple papers at the front door and you heard shanon call you a attention seeking where and a man stealing slut, but now here's her man on your bed, without her knowledge, you giggle and unlock the door, breathing quickly and walking out calmly.
You glance over at James and around your room, you see his black blazer hanger on your beauty chair, him laying on your bed, shoes thrown next to it, in an look black shirt and trousers look, shirt slightly unbuttoned, with a shit eating grin on his face. While you, on the other hand, were in a short red silk robe and damp hair wrapped in a black towel, you pull the towel from your head, letting your damp hair, which is slowly shrinking flow free.
James grin slowly falters as his eyes seductively graze across your wet freshly waxed legs and the little bit of cleavage showing, once back to your face he study it like a text book, "if I'd had known you were showering, I would have ran here myself" he speaking proudly like he won a race, a race he ran by himself.
You giggle, slowly making your way to one of the bed posts making sure to sway your hips a little, leaning on the post you pout slowly, "if you were here faster I wouldn't have showered here, maybe at yours but as your late" you check the clock and see its 3:35 "I had to shower here" you continue pout but you weren't sad or annoyed he was late, or he was on your bed, you were more annoyed that hw aas flirting with you becuase he has a girlfriend, you disliked Sharon but no woman should have to know her boyfriend is flirting with another girl, and that he will marry her, no no no no.
Smirking at James as you yourself off the post and walk round the bed next to James, pushing the double doors to enter your closet humming as the smell of diffrent fabrics and soft smells enter your nose, you jump slightly as you feel you large hand on your hip, looking up to see James with a shocked expression on his face. You get an idea in your head, slowly turning to the broad man behind you, grabbing his chin gently with one hand, pulling him down to look at you.
"Go on, mister you get free range" you laugh to yourself as you walk back into your main bed room almost to your bed when you look behind you, still walking, to see James even more confused still standing in the door way, getting to the side of your bed you quickly start explaining before you lose confidence. "You said you wanted to atleast look like a happy couple, so I want you to go mad and dress me" you smile happily as you slowly start sliding down on your side, praying your still atleast a little covered but it didn't take James long to smile like a teenage boy looking at boobs for the first time and disappear into your walk in closet.
Once he's gone, you breathe and wonder where your confidence came from, then you feel bad for Sharon bit then remember she called you a whole and slut multiple times so feel less bad. You grab your phone and see nat texted you 3 times, and the one you can see from your unlocked screen says 'don't feel bad' so when you unlock and see that rest you feel less bad for Sharon as her messages are about how they were fighting because bucky admitted that he'd seen you years earlier at one of your fundraising events but at that time you were dating John so he didn't introduce himself and how he knew for ages she was using him for money but she was shit at hiding it and some other stuff, you replied saying you guessed so and how it was pretty obvious.
Nat: ngl you should probably start making him fall for you
You: why?
He knows she's using him
Nat: yeah but this has happened before, she'll say sorry and how she's change she'll change for a month then slowly change back.
You: oml why don't they don't break up
Like srsly it's kinda embarrassing
Nat: I've been by his side for almost 20 years, they have been together for 3 and at first she was a darling but money changes people
Also, he really loved the person she was and still thinks she's in there
Love does weird shit to us, man
You: fairs, he's picking out an outfit for me rn so I'll see 😛
What do I do just kiss him or something? I've never had to really try it. It's easy when they are already swooning
Nat: I guess, make him feel love for the rest of his life. I doubt he'll let you go
And I'll make sure of it x
You: sound
OK Nat, we met a couple of days ago, lol
Nat did send you another text, but you were by James calling your name while smiling proudly again, throwing your phone on the bed, getting up to see what he's layed out for you, walking past him you see a all black suit with some heels you turn to him nodding with a pleased expression "you did good James, but now I will be changing and you haven't gotten to the stage yet" you wink as you closed the doors but you still see the annoyed just playful gace he pulled, you turn to the suit and pick it up, seeing one of your favourite black lace lingerie sets underneath, you should be upset that he went to fair but you just giggle and started getting dressed and doing very light makeup. Once mascara, lip liner, and lip gloss were applied, you reopened the doors to see his amused, then blank expression, you walk out with your jacket folded over your arm and your shirt undone all the way to expose your bra which for being lingerie with quite covering for the most part, you smile, picking up the bag you had earlier and open your doors making your way to the front hall to where your stuff is to see all of it was gone and with James closely behind you, walking outside to the now only blacked out car there, which wasn't your fathers.
James rushed ahead to open the door for you, climbing in and you watched him walk round and open his door, your bag at your feet with your door closed and seat belt on you were ready, you knew you'd come back home sooner then later so if wasn't emotional.
"James stop staring at my boobs and driving" rolling you eyes as he starts the door and slowly pulling out, you hope it's an short ride that's not to awkward, so you look out the window as the trees go by.
TAGS: @learis @unaxv @cjand10 @pattiemac1 @coffee-winter-and-silence @scott-loki-barnes
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kabie-whump · 3 months
How about another request, if you're up for it? 👀
Whumpee being kidnapped and used as bait for Caretaker. The kicker? Whumpee thinks it's not gonna work, since they and Caretaker got into a big argument before Whumpee was taken, to which Whumper reassures/taunts that Caretaker will come for Whumpee no matter what.
Then, to Whumpee's surprise and horror, Caretaker did come... and fell right into Whumper's trap trying to free Whumpee. 😈
-- @whumperofworlds
Of course pookie! :3 I'm just gonna continue what I wrote for u last time if u don't mind <3 (Just ignore the part where I said Ventis shows up on his own after a week lol)
Definitely ended up way longer than I intended teehee
Content: kidnapping, stress position + bondage, used as bait, child neglect mention, drug addiction + forced relapse, choking, blood, force feeding (not w food though cause ew)
Ventis takes stock of his condition. A cloth blindfold stretches across his eyes. His shoulders ache; unsurprising considering his hands are tied with a chain that stretches above him, forcing him to stand on his tip-toes to avoid putting too much pressure on his joints. Being unconscious in this position has probably fucked them up already. He much prefers when kidnappers tie him to chairs or leave him lying on the floor.
The next thing Ventis checks for is his magic. Sometimes he gets lucky and his kidnappers will forget to do anything to suppress it. Others will rely on the old-fashioned gag + blindfold + thoroughly bound hands method. And then there was his least favorite: anti-magic enchantments.
He's blindfolded but not gagged. That leaves two options. There's only one way to find out which situation he has found himself in.
Ventis steels himself, then tries to summon a simple lightning spell. As soon as the first draconic word leaves his mouth, pain shoots from the cuffs through his whole body. He cries out and his knees buckle, putting agonizing pressure on his shoulders until he recovers and goes back to balancing on his toes.
Definitely enchanted. Shit.
"Oh, you're awake." It's a woman's voice, coming from somewhere off to his left.
Ventis gasps for air as he takes note of the way her voice echoes. It sounds like they're inside, and it's far cooler than any building should be in the heat wave the city's been experiencing. He's either been taken somewhere very far away, or he's in a basement. Hopefully the latter.
"If it is ransom you seek, you took the wrong Riinturuth. Father will not pay for me."
Ventis has said those words so many times now that he wonders if there's some list of kidnappable nobles somewhere that he needs to get his name removed from. Just because he's the first son does not mean he's the favorite.
"Oh, I know. Don't worry. That's not what this is about."
That's... odd. "What do you mean?"
"Simple. You're going to help me capture the Ventura boy."
Onthyes. Fuck.
That's the thing about having an important father and being close with someone who also has an important father. Double the kidnapping risk. This scenario has only happened once before, and Onthyes appeared in no time and easily overpowered Ventis's captors.
It was kind of hot, if Ventis is being honest.
But that's not going to happen this time. Not after the argument they'd just had. Especially since Ventis had stated very clearly that he didn't want Onthyes protecting him from everything all the time. Oops.
"I will do no such thing."
"But you're already doing it." The woman's voice is just in front of him now. Ventis flinches away from her. "He knows where you are, and when he comes for you he'll be all mine."
"He will not come for me," Ventis assures her. "This is a waste of your time and mine."
Ventis yelps as an open hand strikes his cheek.
"Don't lie," the woman hisses. "I've been watching him. He's protective of you to a fault. He'll come."
"I did not- '' Ventis's words are cut off by a strong hand gripping his throat, making him squeak and choke, barely able to keep his weight on his toes. Claws prick at the delicate skin.
"He'll come," she says again. "And when he does I'm going to make you watch as I tear open his throat."
"No," Ventis chokes out. "Please. Don't hurt him."
The clawed hand releases its hold and Ventis gasps and coughs. His legs shake from the effort to stay up on his toes.
"Here, open your mouth. This'll make you shut up."
Something is pressed to Ventis's lips and he recognizes it immediately by the smooth texture and faintly sweet smell alone. Nightspill. The very same drug he had just fought to free himself from.
He seals his lips tightly, trying to turn his head away despite the urge to open up and accept his return to the blissful numbness the pill offered. He had worked so hard to get sober. Onthyes and Shayah had worked so hard to help him. He can't go back now.
The woman growls, "Stop being difficult," and digs her claws into Ventis's side. He can't help but scream, and she pushes the pill into his mouth and then covers it with her other hand so he can't spit it out. "Swallow," she demands.
Ventis sobs and shakes his head, trying to twist away from her but only succeeding at making his shoulders burn unbearably from the pull of the chains. She digs her claws deeper and pulls, slicing slowly through his skin.
The blindfold soaks up Ventis's tears as he continues to scream and sob and struggle while still doing everything in his power to resist the urge to swallow. The taste is familiar on his tongue. It's so tempting - it would definitely help to dull the pain he's in.
That one stray thought is all it takes. Ventis swallows before he even realizes what he's doing.
The claws retreat from is side and he can feel hot blood streaming down from the wound. The woman pries his teeth apart, searching his mouth with metallic tasting fingers to make sure the pill is really gone. Ventis tries to bite, but he's too slow and winds up snapping his jaw on nothing.
"There." Ventis's captor sounds entirely unbothered as she steps away. "Maybe that will help you calm down."
Ventis feels panic waking up somewhere deep in his stomach and struggling to fight its way to the surface, but it dies out before his heart rate can even begin to pick up. He's left feeling fuzzy and peaceful and devastated all at the same time.
"Now all we have to do is wait."
They wait for a long time. Ventis's legs shake uncontrollably. His hands go cold and tingly and then numb. The nightspill wants nothing more than to lull him to sleep but every time he starts to doze off he loses concentration on standing on his toes and a blinding pain in his shoulders rips him back to consciousness.
Onthyes isn't coming. Ventis wonders how long it'll take for his captor to realize that and just kill him.
Then- "Let him go!"
Ventis jolts. "Onthyes?" He croaks. That absolute idiot. Does he not know a setup when he sees one? "What are you doing? Get out of here!"
Armor clunks loudly as Onthyes runs up to him. A gloved hand touches his cheek, then pulls off the blindfold.
Ventis blinks spots out of his vision, everything slowly coming into focus as Onthyes fusses over him. "Run," he insists weakly. "Please."
Onthyes ignores him, his brow furrowed as he examines the chains. "I need to find the key. Hang in there."
An involuntary laugh bubbles out of Ventis. "Hah, hang? That is all I can do, my friend."
Onthyes just sighs and shakes his head as he turns away.
That's when Ventis's captor strikes. She emerges from a shadowy corner and pounces on Onthyes, all sharp claws and jagged teeth that barely fit behind her red lips.
Onthyes yelps and staggers backwards as she clings to his back, her claws searching for any holes in his armor. After finding nothing she turns her attention to pulling his hair so hard his head hits a nearby stone wall and he falls to one knee.
Pounding footfalls, followed by a battlecry and the appearance of a hulking half-orc woman - Shayah. "I told you to fucking wait for me," she yells as she rips Onthyes's attacker from his back and throws her across the room. She hits the opposite wall hard and goes still.
Onthyes rushes over to Ventis as Shayah retrieves the key to the cuffs. She barely has to reach to unlock them.
Even nightspill can't dull the pain that follows as Ventis finally lowers his arms and lands on flat feet for the first time in hours.
Sensation rushes back into his limbs and he screams. Onthyes is there to catch him when his knees buckle, holding him and whispering something along the lines of, "It's okay. You're okay. I've got you. I'm so sorry. Just breathe. You're okay."
When the pain finally recedes some Ventis is left gasping and trembling. He lets Onthyes lower him to the floor, too exhausted to support his own weight anymore. Shayah begins to check him over, using some scraps of fabric to stem the bleeding from the claw marks in his side.
She makes eye contact with Ventis, then pauses, a look of concern crossing her face. "Are you on something?" she asks softly, cupping his cheek.
Ventis gives a tired nod. "Nightspill. I'm sorry," he sobs. "I-I didn't want to. She made me."
"Shit," Shayah and Onthyes mutter at the same time.
"I'm sorry," Ventis repeats. "I tried. I really tried."
Onthyes brushes Ventis's hair from his sweaty forehead. "It's alright. We're not upset with you. We'll take care of you."
Onthyes's kind words don't help, not when the echoes of their argument from last night still haunt Ventis. "I-I thought you wouldn't come. After last night-"
"Last night's not important. I'll always come for you. Always. I..." Onthyes looks away, shaking his head. "I should've walked with you. I'm so sorry."
"Alright, boys." Shayah claps her hands, getting both of their attention. "You can wallow in guilt and pretend not to be in love with each other later. Let's get out of here."
"Right." Onthyes takes Ventis into his arms carefully and lifts him up, and Ventis finally nods off with his head lolling against Onthyes's shoulder.
Next Part
Ventisposting taglist: @scp-1296 @sapphicccici @acer-gaysimpstuff @morning-star-whump @yeetmyskeet @rainydaywhump
@unicornbeck @whumperofworlds
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Ok, if you don't want to engage in some (queer) tin foiling... scroll away.
So first off, I think this song rules. It was one of the few that I let just vibe instead of doing what my brain usually does, which is scrutinize lyrics/marvel over the layers of meaning. It feels like it has Kill Bill energy and that was good enough for me.
My Albatross variation of the TTPD vinyl showed up yesterday — TTPD is perhaps the best her team has done btw — and was pouring over the lyrics last night and paused on I Can Fix Him (No, Really I Can) in particular.
The last line has been one that most people have chuckled at. Like she spent a whole song building up this menacing conceit: "this boy is bad news, but he can't hold a candle to me — I'll handle him." Only to be like, lol jk at the end.
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But seeing that last line written out this way scratched at my brain... she really doesn't scream that line at all. Why is it in all caps? And while we're at it... I mean it's an accepted spelling, but technically the incorrect spelling of 'whoa.' It kind of felt, by putting it in caps, like she was calling attention to it. Was it an acronym? Not that I could tell.
But... just to double check... how had she spelled woah/whoa prior? The only song I could think of off the top of my head to check was Better Than Revenge. When reading her lyrics you really wont find 99% of the "whoas" in her discography written because they're more like instrumentals.
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And that right there is a "whoa." Of course my eyes twitched at the matching colors of the two vids, but I'll get to that. And then I was only able to find one more written "whoa."
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Ok, cool.
But back to Better Than Revenge... It struck me that something had been "fixed" about the song. The famous "she's better known for things that she's done on the mattress" line had been swapped out in the rerecording for "he was a moth to the flame she was holding the matches."
So I looked back at I Can Fix Him... could this be a joke/hint about "fixing" him. Like fixing the pronouns? "WOAH" is an intentional misspelling just by comparing it to her own body of work. But it would be rather clever if the "he" she's referring to (at least on this one layer of the song) was her use of that pronoun in her work. It would make the lines "I can fix him / No, really, I can / And only I can" make even more sense, imo. She's the author of this music and she's rerecording it/making it.
What's more is that the collaged flower in the lyric booklet and the aesthetic of the lyric video are giving me um... big Reputation vibes?
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Hey kids, spelling is FUN! Am I absolutely living in delulu thinking that Reputation could also be "fixed" re: pronouns? Oh, I don't doubt it. But I needed to get this out of my brain, out into the world, and let the chips fall as they may and always do.
And at least Taylor Nation is also in on the joke...
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hey i was wondering how would the main 6 react/deal with an mc who can be a half dragon form like this one https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/34480753384518754/
(p.s ever since you popped in my "for you" I've been following your blog and your head canons are very good :) )
The Arcana HCs: M6 with a half dragon MC
~ thanks for the love anon, and here are your headcanons! I'm sorry if it took a while, I work through requests in the order they come in and I'm still figuring out how to do that without getting overwhelmed lol
Enjoy! - brainrot ~
The picture in question:
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The first time he sees you take this form is after you've had a few drinks with him and the wrong person ticks you off
Three different parts of his brain are having three very different responses all at once and he doesn't know which one to listen to
Julian.exe has stopped responding
The drunk part of him doesn't even know what's real anymore, is that actually you?
The doctor part of him is fascinated, how does that work? Why is it coming out now? Why didn't it come out some other time? Is it voluntary?
The third part of his brain, the one that's flustered by you 24/7, is very confused. He knows he's attracted to this, but he has no idea why and he's not sure he's ready to reflect on what that says about him
He will very respectfully request that you do this again, when he is sober, and he can have all his questions answered
They have a snake familiar, this just confirms your status as Faust's other best friend
His biggest weakness (after you) is new and unconventional things, and it shows
Can you use your wing as a bellows? How much more strength do you gain with that talon arm? Is it strong enough to open the jar of kool-aid pickled garlic they bought the other day and still can't get open?
Very excited to see what magic he can teach you/you can develop using it
If you cast a spell with your wing can you aim it at an object farther away?
The stove salamander adores you
Will ask you to volunteer to try something to double check if it's safe for Faust
"MC, there you are. I made something to help Faust shed her skin but I need you to see if I made it too strong."
This has gone horribly wrong once or twice
Oh my
She's not sure exactly what this is, but she's into it
First things first though, what unique circumstances lead to this and how best may she love you with that in mind?
Is it inherited or developed? Did you steal it from a mighty beast after defeating it in battle? What other secrets are you hiding?
Does the skin need any special products? Would you like anything added to your diet?
She's already got a mental sketchbook pulled up in her mind's eye to plan an outfit that would not only accommodate the physical shift but accentuate your striking appearance
She commissions a piece of jewelry to wear on your horn that matches her hair pieces
She will ask if she can kiss the affected side of your face, because she's curious about what it feels like
She would also like to know if you can fly in that form, and if so, if you can take her flying with you and Chandra
He's not that shocked, he lives in the woods, he's seen weirder
But having observed wildlife for so long, he is now very intent on observing you too
Your form is dragonlike, do you have reptilian traits? Does it affect your body language? Are you able to speed up and slow down your metabolism and experience of time at will by adjusting your temperature?
He will begin acting on the conclusions he draws. Dragons hoard treasure, so he starts bringing you little gifts to see what you do with them
You received them from him, so you're not going to throw them out
Now there's a growing pile of pretty rocks and leaves and carvings in the hut
But he never sees you act protective of the collection, he knows you smile when you look at it, but aren't you supposed to sleep curled around the thing you consider your treasure?
You don't sleep with your things, you sleep snuggled up to him - oh. Oh.
She first sees this form come out on an ambassador trip, when an extremist group in the country you're visiting makes an assassination attempt
It's a pitiful attempt, really, she could've easily beaten them without any help at all
But there was an archer involved who let an arrow loose just before they were tackled by a pile of guards, and hey, that's the woman you love
Next thing she knows she's being held firmly against your human side, the armored dragon half on full display between her and her attacker as the arrows bounce harmlessly off
She is both intimidated and impressed
Now whenever you're in that form next to her she'll be walking around with her cheeks puffed out in pride
Because yeah, that's MC, that super badass dragon person is all hers, that's her best friend, that's her bullet proof sweetheart
He doesn't want to admit it, but he's kind of jealous
He thought he was the coolest with his clawed golden gauntlet, and here you are with half your body covered in scaly armor
He really, really wants to spar with you in that form now
Initially it's because he needs to prove to himself that he'll be able to win against you and maintain his status as the strength to your brains
But once he gets you to agree all he can do is admire you
As a natural-born fighter himself, he's drawn to anything that shares that nature with him, and yours is on full display like this
The way you're able to use your wing both offensively and defensively, the way your talons act as extra blades, the way the horned side of your face glares back at him
He's in love, he's so in love
He keeps getting distracted and messing up, so you let him call it a tie since you didn't really want to fight him in the first place
He can and will bring it up in every conversation he has, regardless of who it's with and what the context is
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bloodynereid · 7 months
Paws of Darkness
pairings: jordan li x marie moreau, sam riordan x emma meyer, cate dunlap x andre anderson
tw: mentions of spells, swearing, drug use, kissing, some violence against animals (sort of - this one is kind of blurry)
description: the group of friends were on their way to a halloween party when they get side-tracked by a rather furry problem.
a/n: part 2 of my halloween double feature! this sort of doesn't make sense in some parts lol cause i whipped this one up pretty quickly with little to no plan so apologies. hope you enjoy and lmk ur thoughts <3
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Wind thrashed against the supe-proof windows as Marie put the finishing touches on her costume. A vampire. It was all a bit on the nose for her taste but that didn’t really repel her from the idea. She never did get to celebrate Halloween during her stay at Red River and her family had always gone all out, so it was a nice way to connect with a powers-free childhood.
The warm smell of pumpkin spice and chocolate permeated Cate’s dorm as she straddled Andre and gave him a soft peck before swiftly jumping up and applying the last bit of her costume, the lipstick.
“Oh come on, don’t be a tease.”
“Hmm well stop distracting me then.” Cate taunted as she flicked her hair back and stepped back from the mirror to inspect her costume. The bright orange tracksuit contrasted with the red of the fake blood. 
“So… what do you think?” Cate asked as she spun around in a circle to show Andre her costume. Andre sat up and pretended to inspect her form in a serious fashion but she wasn’t fooled, he was definitely trying too hard to contain that smile.
“You look fucking incredible. Now we both look as fucking hot as always.”
“Mostly because of my work obviously.” Andre threw his head back and laughed before he adjusted the straps of his black wings tinged with gold. He had decided to go as a fallen angel and had even agreed to let Cate paint parts of his body gold. Somehow he was able to pull it off.
Emma was currently walking through the aisles of the nearest Spirit Halloween trying to find Sam a last minute costume. Ever since the whole Woods scandal, stuff had started to get back to normal. So since Sam hadn’t celebrated Halloween ever since he was a really little kid, Emma was determined to make it his best Halloween yet.
“Okay, how about this one?” Sam asked as he picked up a Ghostface costume. “Then we can kind of go in a couple’s costume.”
“Oh my God, why didn’t I think of that? Yes, absolutely. Come on, we’re going to be late for the party.”
Sam only laughed as the couple started to spring through the array of Halloween costumes and decorations. Emma was decked out in her costume already, one of her absolute favorite characters from Scream - Tatum Riley, who she always thought died wayyyy too early. 
Jordan kept checking their phone as he hugged the cold armor closer to their body and felt the urge to cringe at the chainmail hanging around his face. Going as a knight was a much better idea in theory than in practice, but at least they looked hot as fuck.
Finally he heard footsteps coming closer to the meeting point that the group had decided on. After everything they all sort of trauma bonded and now it was as if they were stuck for life. Twisting around with a loud metallic tinkling Jordan’s mouth dropped as Marie appeared, looking as sinful as hell itself but also as beautiful as one of heaven’s angels.
“Hi love, you look fucking incredible.” Jordan said as he kissed Marie gently, feeling a slight bite at their lower lips from Marie’s fangs.
“Oh god stop it with the PDA.” The couple jumped apart as Emma appeared with Sam, at least who they thought was Sam, in tow.
“Hey guys.” Sam’s voice echoed through the Ghostface mask, solving that mystery.
“Why do you both look so fucking hot? This is unfair.” Emma said with a sarcastic huff making a laugh come out of Jordan before they spotted Cate and Andre walking up to them.
“Fucking hell, Andre. You actually clean up well.” Jordan said with a teasing lilt making the entire group burst out laughing.
“Oh fuck you.” Andre said with a smile on his face before he playfully punched Jordan through on the cracks in the armor.
“Ok so what are the plans for tonight?” Marie ventured out as the chaos started to ebb down.
“No idea, thought we should get high and fuck around until we find a party.” Andre answered in his usual laid back tone.
“Sounds good to me.” Emma said with a shrug and the rest of the group muttered noises of assent as Andre pulled out a little bag of one of his many substances he kept around him.
“Yes please.” Jordan said as they shifted and grabbed the bag, dipping her fingers in and maintaining eye contact with Marie as they licked the molly off of their fingers. “Remember when we first did this?”
“Oh I remember.” Marie said in a gradious tone as she winked in Jordan’s direction before stealing the bag from her fingers.
Only after the bag was passed around and the molly was starting to kick in did the group venture out from their little meeting place. Sam had his arm thrown around Emma’s shoulders, a motion that the rest of the couples mirrored - snuggling into their person’s warmth since it was a particularly cold night.
All of a sudden a loud yowl was heard from one of the school’s buildings and a ball of fur sailed past Jordan’s face making them let out an uncharacteristic squeal as the thing fell onto the soft grass with a thud.
“Oh shit.”
“Is it dead?”
“Shut up Andre.” Muttered the group in synch as Marie crouched down next to the little animal, careful not to get her costume wet from that afternoon’s rain.
“Oh my God, he’s still alive!” Marie exclaimed as she picked up the all-black furry thing and cradled it in her arms.
“Woah, that thing could have rabies. Shouldn’t you be more careful?” Emma exclaimed as the group all craned their heads to look at the little animal.
“No, Emma. He has a collar look! Uh his name is… Salem.”
“Aww hi little Salem.” Jordan said in a much higher tone of voice as they lifted a hand to gently stroke the cat’s fur. The action caused the cat’s eyes to flutter open only for another yowl to come out of his throat when he realized he was in a stranger’s arms. Jumping off, the black cat fled into the dark night leaving the group confused.
“Huh, I guess the cat was okay then.”
Except the cat wasn’t actually okay. He had unfortunately been turned into this damn thing because one of his friends (ex-friend) now dared him to do it. For whatever reason he was still stuck in this damn furry little body. That was when the cat stopped short. He hadn’t realized who those people were until that moment. They were the supes who exposed The Woods. Holy shit, he realized that he might have just inadvertently given up the only way he could be rescued.
In his hurry the cat hadn’t realized a large car was coming right down the street the second he started trotting back over it. With a harsh bang and a flash of pain in his rib cage, the cat tried to let out a scream as he sailed a few yards… only to land right in front of Jordan Li again.
The cat felt himself fade once again. Now he only had 5 lives now… his “friends” had taken away the first two and now by being stupid he had just lost the other two. Being a cat was hard, okay?
The second time that the same black cat landed in front of them Jordan stood quiet, not a single peep was heard of them. Instead her jaw was dropped and they were in so much shock that Marie had to shake her multiple times to get them out of it.
“Jordan! Jordan! Jordan!” Marie’s voice got louder and louder until Jordan blinked up at her in recognition before returning their gaze back to the cat.
“Uh, is that the same cat?” Cate asked as she waved her gloved hands in the direction of Salem, who started stretching and turned almost too human eyes to stare at the group. The cat meowed at Cate and almost seemed to shake his head.
“Okay everyone saw that right? I’m not that high am I?” Emma said with a slightly panicked tone that was very much emanating throughout the whole group.
“The cat fucking nodded!” Jordan exclaimed, the cat then let out a very human huff and lifted a paw almost like he was saying ‘duh’.
“Fuck we are in a supe school aren’t we?” Marie reasoned as she tilted her head down at the cat. 
“God you’re right, you, my love, are a wonder.” Jordan said as they started attacking Marie’s face with a bunch of kisses as she tried to swat her off.
“Oh my God stop, you’re high.” Marie said as she laughed.
“Ok while those two continue doing that, what exactly do you want us to do with you?” Sam asked as he crouched down closer to the cat, only for the cat to almost try and smile at him. It was sort of creepy actually.
Ok so maybe the cat hadn’t exactly thought this out that far, but to be fair he had just died like 4 times. In an attempt to shrug, the cat fell forward and smacked its snout onto the cold grass, making him sneeze.
“Awww.” A blissed out Cate muttered as she knelt down and stroked the cat’s head, only for him to start purring. However the sound stopped the same moment that a bunch of loud male voices started to echo around the corner. They were screaming a name loudly and drunkenly as obnoxious laughs left their mouths.
The cat felt something akin to complete and utter terror seize his body. It seemed like an someone’s fight or flight response was much more amplified as an animal because the instant those voices got closer the black cat bolted the hell out of there. 
Only to run up a tree… which caused the entire group of very loopy supes to stand there in confusion as they watched the black cat circle deftly through the branches.
Once the cat felt like he was safe enough cocooned by the branches was when the very much human, or well supe side of him realized he was in a tree. High up. In a tree. For someone with a really bad fear of heights this was very bad.
The group of supes stood at the foot of the tree utterly confounded about how the hell they were going to get the supe/cat out of the tree. Maybe they should call the fire department. However, they didn’t have to stand there long because after a few seconds the cat sort of went berserk and suddenly there was another loud thump and the cat lay twitching on the cold grass… again.
Four lives left now, how bad can you be at being a cat to go through lives that quickly? The cat let out a very human groan this time, making not only itself jump but also the onlookers. Everyone had a puzzled look on their face.
“So uh Salem? May I call you Salem?” Marie asked, trying to be as polite as possible as the cat shook itself off and looked up to stare at her before nodding. 
“Do you have any idea how this happened to you?” With that the cat nodded one final time before trotting forward, not even looking back to see if the supes were following him or not. The little group looked rather strange following a cat around as they weaved through hallways and dorm rooms until they finally reached an odd looking door.
“Since when has this been here?” Sam asked as he traced the sigils embedded on the random supply closet door.
“I’ve literally never been down here.” Cate said before a strange huff was heard as the cat started scraping at the door, Marie nodded and grabbed the handle and pushed it open only to be assaulted by the strong smell of cinnamon.
“Whoa where the fuck are we?” The cat meowed in response before he pranced over to one of the shelves and started to pull at one of the books, this time it was Emma who grabbed the heavy book and let it thud against the dusty wooden table. The cat got on its hind paws and started to try and flick through the pages.
‘This better fucking work’ was all that the cat was thinking. The book belonged to the very friend who had turned him into this ball of fur using his annoyingly specific animal transformation power. The book was actually a journal, where he knew that his friend kept detailed instructions on how to turn back - without the help of his powers.
When the cat finally stopped flipping the pages and meowed triumphantly, the group all peered over the page. Only to find a weird little Latin incantation and list of a few ingredients: cinnamon, ram’s milk and honey. All which were in containers along the shelves.
Emma and Marie got right to work as Cate scooped the cat up in her arms and settled into one of the dusty arm chairs. This whole situation was getting weirder by the second. By the time the mixture was ready the cat had started to doze off in Cate’s arms as Jordan and Andre discussed random assignments they had due soon. However the strong smell of the liquid got the cat to raise its sleepy head and quickly started licking up the mixture.
The incantation was really all for show, Henry liked to think he was some kind of fancy sorcerer when this was like basic chemistry to get his powers to reverse - each animal had a different recipe corresponding to them.
The cat started to feel more human by the time that the mixture was finished being lapped up and it only took a few moments to take effect before a black haired guy stood up from his place on the floor - covered head to toe in flowing black robes.
“So… thanks I guess.” He uttered when he realized that everyone in the room was looking at him with wide eyes.
“Wait so this was all real?”
“I’m afraid so. I am Salem by the way - my parents are hippies so I got a weird name.” Salem said with an awkward chuckle.
“Huh.” Jordan uttered as they threw an arm around Marie’s shoulder and looked at the teenager.
“So how did this all happen?”
“My friend’s are fucking assholes.” Salem said as he swept a hand through his hair, God he had missed being human. The group nodded before they bid him a few awkward goodbyes.
“Weirdest fucking night.” Andre uttered as the group started to file out of the door. It was only Cate that looked back into the strange little room - only to find it completely empty. There were no books and the smell of cinnamon had completely disappeared. All that was left was a paw print in the middle of the dust.
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jorrated · 4 months
Some super stray thoughts I had while reading STCO so far:
Knuckles would NOT prioritize his past over Tikal’s suffering are you crazy in the head!!!!
Zak Simond-Hurn’s art is really charming, if it wasn't for the digital onomatopoeias, I wouldn’t mind having this style by a base for an official sonic comic! The design for the red echidna villain however… HM. Not pleasing to the eye.
I like that Ebony are having a bigger role on the fist few issues! But also Ebony’s constantly referring to Super as his friend and doing things to bring him back. Like I get it but also is this going to be her only trait now? Girl…
And porker is going on adventures again. Actually I don’t think they ever explained why Porker went back to being more adventurous in the og comic, participating in Chaos defeat and all. Not against it, and I like to see he still has a bit of bite and wasn't reduced to only a coward, tho it would’ve been cool to see at least a comment on how hes back on “adventuring”.
It’s cool to see Amy dealing with grief over Jhonny (I’ve given up trying to write his name correctly, too weird for me), but IDK. Amy probably was the best grounded character in that situation, so it feels weird to see her distressed over it? I don’t know how to explain it but in my eyes, Amy’s grief for Jhonny would definitively be more melancholic than scary/guilty. I’m glad they are trying to flesh out Amy more, but it doesn’t feel very cohesive with the comic to me. And Jhonny-zombie the killer… a bit tacky but in a funny way.
WHO…. Designed Vichama. I just want to talk. Tell me why you made him look that way. What is that. What went through your head. Dude. I get that Ebony has considerably more anthro body features than the other animal characters, but I feel like Vichama crosses the line into the “gross valley”. If he were drawn closer to how Zachary is I probably wouldn’t care, he probs would’ve looked like an Archie character. But the bulging muscles are kinda upsetting to look at. Cover up man.
So Shadow was created by some enemies of the echidnas. Noted.
Big and the Drakon prosecutor are actually really cute. I like them. Knuckles trying to break Ebony’s spell on Tikal is making me fume. HE WOULDN'T TRY TO DO THAT!!!!! He maybe would be a little desperate trying to trigger some memories but he wouldn't knowingly hurt someone to get information!!!! There is a pannel tho in this part of the comic that makes Knux ask “Where is Porker” and then “Where is the emeralds”. THAT is Knuckles to me, checking in on people before anything else.
Knuckles not being able to carry Big is bullshit. KNUCKLES PUNCHES ROCKS IN HALF LMAO. It’s fine I assume they need to be separated for a reason.
ROUGE STICK LEGS. Somebody please give my girl a double cheeseburger with extra fries and a big gulp of soda.
Actually I love that Rouge is a cunt here. Girlboss!!!! Stole this dudes emeralds AND left them to die, queen shit. Didn’t work but she did have the intent to kill them.
Big wouldn’t eat his friends….. He’d never eat Froggy, and DP (Drakon Prosecutor) even tho looks like a fish, Big considers a friend. BIG WOULDNT THINK ABOUT EATING HIS FRIENDS!!! HE IS A KIND BIG GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! ← most egregious mistake until now. Fucking funny tho can you imagine dying by vore They kept Mighty funny, that’s good.
MMMMN. I like that Sonic is consistently arachnophobic. Really nice continuity. How he first met Shadow tho… It felt underwhelming? Like yeah we know they were going to meet some time but IDK. The framing/pacing is weird to me. Either have them meet quickly at the start of the issue and Sonic is like “IDK WHO that guy is but I don’t like him!!!” or have them meet at the end of the issue, but only show Shadow in shadow (lol) to hook to the next issue. Shadow’s bland ass “I am Shadow” has the same energy as two kindergartners introducing themselves first day of school.
Shadow’s personality is interesting tho. I like him being a bit cocky but not too much, it’s a good take on him, plus he bounces off Sonic pretty well. I do wonder what the hell they’re going to do with him tho.
Awn… acknowledgment of some of the chaotix families… Blockhead Bill my dude
Tikal being given more of a spotlight is neat. It doesn’t give her much, but it’s refreshing to see her thoughts and intentions. However, I can’t help but think that she was mainly inserted to aid Knuckles and be a well of angst. Like IDK, Knuckles has moments mourning his past, or wondering if he will ever understand his ancestors, and Tikal well… She sees things rather than feel? If that makes sense? Like in this comic she is able to see a bit of the past and think “wow this is horrible! Must be a nightmare!” but she doesn’t feel despair? Or anything much? The only moment so far she felt despair was to make Knux Angst, like “ooooh shes suffering so we need to wipe her memories, that means Knuckles wont have his backstories :(“. Smells fishy.
Oh wow, Shadow has an actually interesting backstory here. It gives a reason to follow Robotnik, hate Sonic, not give a shit, aaaand its ambiguous enough you can probably pull off whatever. Fucking congrats STCO writers.
Fave image. What the fuck are they even doing here. Freaks.
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Hm. No thoughts on Shadows maybe death. Thematically it’s interesting and all, but we don’t get enough time with him to give a shit. Unless I’m reading it wrong it seems like Shadow is sacrificing himself to save Robotnik, but IDK.
Grimer develops a situatioship depression.
Bro what’s with this Knuckles characterization. He would NOT be mean to Tikal. If anything he’d probably be a bit overbearing, trying to give attention to her even if she didn’t want it. I get trying to tie him living his whole life alone being overwhelmed and feeling frustrated that Tikal can’t give him answers, but he wouldn't treat her like crap what is this. I like Porker’s and Knux bro moment, but that doesn’t make up for treating Tikal badly for no reason. Where’s her catharsis? She’s probably just as confused and desperate as Knuckles but she doesn't get any of these moments. Sigh. This idea could’ve definitely worked if Tikal was pushier or more imposing, but like she doesn’t do much, so Knuckles just snaps and it feels off. Knuckles’s stories are probably the issues with the biggest potential, but the writers for sure squander him the most, whomp whomp.
“One of Sonic’s fears is seeing Amy settle down with someone else” no it isn’t shut the fuck up. And the fact they put this on the same level of fear as Jhonny death is deranged.
The tonal whiplash between character comics is p funny honestly. You’ll have one really serious comic followed by a comedic one, lil bit of a mood killer. I guess STC also did this, but to me it at least wasn't jarring like this. Like how am I supposed to process Big getting shot, after Knux and Tikal experiencing the worst nightmare of their lives, living the trauma of seeing million of dead echidnas, after Vector put angel island as a security fund for his ship LMAO.
SONIC CHARACTERS HELPINH OUT THE POLICE SFAJHBJHBWRKJBJB??????!!!!!!!!????????????????????!!!!!!!!!????????11111111!!!!!!!111!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate this actually.
These Shorty and Tekno comics…… I don’t know what it is about them but god. I just don’t like them! Firstly that now it seems they are a completely separated duo from the rest of the team. Like They don’t interact with Sonic or Amy or whatever. Secondly.. Shortfuse is TOO nice. It doesn’t feel like him where is his tantrums??? And this isn’t a diss on the artstyle itself, cause I think it looks pretty nice and cute, but I don’t think it’s really fitting for the characters? Tekno and Shorty look like they’re in a shoujo manga.
I really like how Sonic is now a loser LOL. He got canceled to hell and back.
Finally Rouge makes and appearance. Kinda only realized how little she showed up during the SA2 adaptation.
Grimer destroying Sonic’s reputation is actually kinda nice. I like that they acknowledge his Robotnik situationship depression, tho I think it’s a bit over the top have him be behind EVERYTHING. Still like it tho. Go gross boy go! (Also the art in this issue is REALLY solid, wow, Zak Simond-Hurn really is my favorite artist from the STCO group).
At some point I think I need to stop complaining about Knux’s characterization. But I Do Not Like How They Write My Boy. Doc Zach is still serving cunt so that’s great. Go grandpa go!
It’s kinda awesome to see how the issues expanded through STCO’s run, but I think having so many stories at the same time kinda makes stuff bloated. Like I’m sure I’ll forget some parts of this, even if they are short bits. Like do we really need to follow 2 sonic stories and 2 amy stories at the same time? I think it would’ve been better to pace this with a limit of 3-4 stories MAX per issue. And then once a character story is done, release the next story with the same character. Sonic and Knuckles are kinda always going to be there, having the biggest pull on the comic’s lore and story, so the other ones could cycle out between amy, tekno, shorty, tails, sonic’s world, chaotix, and so on. I haven’t read some of the other non-sonic stories like decap n attack, but those could be thrown in the cycle too!
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Actually I love that DP is just hanging out in Big’s restaurant. It’s goofy I really love it.
I wonder how old Sonic’s gang is supposed to be here. Like in theory some years have passed in the comic, but how many. It’s not important at all but Amy is seen drinking wine with Chrysalis and it’s like?? Is she a kid?? Is she an adult?? Is she underage drinking? Again it’s not a big deal, and I don’t even think these characters need a specific age but IDK this was odd to me.
Oof the multiple stories at the same type problem came instantly. I like how Amy acknowledges the losses of the group, Sonic is “evil”, Jhonny is dead, Tekno is missing and stuff, Porker has PTSD and cant fight… But like. That feels so weird when you have a story right next to it with Amy and Tekno together!!! This is why the pacing and bloating feels whack, the comic has continuity with SOME of the stories but not all so its confusing. I know the OG comic had moments like these but because it had less stories per issue, it was way less noticeable, and usually were one-off stories I think.
And on the topic of Porker, I did mention before how he just kinda.. went back to being more adventurous? But know the comic insists that he can’t do it? Man this is kinda messy. I don’t mind Porker starting to become more adventurous again and then maybe regressing a bit in recovery, being too much for him, but it doesn’t feel like that is what it’s being intended here. It feels like someone read STC and maybe skimmed on STCO and then wrote this, so it feels out of place? Like you have porker in the first issue of STCO going on a mission no problems at all, but then on another issue he goes on a mission to blow up an eggman database or smth and hes freaking the fuck out being nervous all the time. Like which is it!!!!! I don’t mind him progressing and regressing on his trauma but at least acknowledge or be consistent with it! Is it because the underwater mission didn’t involve Robotnik? Is that it? Who knows.
I get that Knux and the crew planned to bait Zachary and shit, but like, then why did they act like that in the previous issue? Like the plan was to break the shield so why did Porker said to Knux be careful about it? Girl. This information is only given to bait and switch the audience and it doesn’t work. Porker and Knux have no reason to pretend to not have a plan when they are alone what.
Tails working with cops I’m going to kill myself.
Oh so like. The special zone is dead for real. Like for real FR. Jesus. Could’ve let the characters grieve a bit huh.
Really liked the #250 issue (Tho its funny that I complained about the number of stories per issue, and then #250 has ONE story LOL)! It’s awesome to see the different arts from the varied artists on the STCO team. And even with my complains and whining, it’s an impressive project full of love, good to see stuff like this!
The art on this issue is great but some of the flow of the dialogue is off, as in, sometimes I don’t know which speech bubble I’m supposed to read next, cause usually you go left to right, but it seems this story follows top to bottom for speech bubbles and left to right to panel. Not awful but it did throw me off, and it does fuck up the pacing.
um. hi shadow? ok.
(Only read until issue #250)
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