#i had to post this bc it really did alter my brain chemistry
raapija · 5 months
Yeah, Aston cooked with this edit, thank you Jimmy (<- no. 1 strollonso shipper)
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katiekatdragon27 · 10 months
To my other followers: I am so sorry.
To my two new followers: *comes out with silver platter* Here! Eat uuuuupppp~~~~
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This! *slams fists on table then slams face on table* This GODFORSAKEN MOVIE HAS ALTERED MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY I'M NOT JOKING.
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Most stuff below. Lots of rambling.
So. Flatland. It's a good book, and an amazing f*cking movie. I love this goddamned movie so much bro. It's not even like a "good" good movie I just really like it for no reason.
Some lore I have with this book, since I want to talk about it.
I watched this movie the first time when I was in 6th grade. It scared me so bad that I had nightmares about it for a week. I hated the style of the 2D world and was so scared about the amount of murder that I psychologically blocked it all out.
Now in the present (as an adult in college), my friend brought up the movie for us to watch during a movie night. I was way more excited to watch it than I thought I would be (cuz of my previous encounter with it and wanting to "reclaim" the movie), but we only got 4 minutes in before my other friends got bored and decided to watch something else. I sorta dropped it for a bit after that before @/goosesartblog posted their ONE - Flatland crossover and 10000 emotions flew over me. I then proceeded to watch it with my siblings, who also did not care about the movie.
Now, it has become a lifestyle of watching it every single day. Every. Single. Day. It's bad. I can't stop.
And it's on YouTube for free.
AND the book is on YouTube as an audiobook AND the actual PDF book is just there to read.
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Anyways, actual relevant doodles. These characters are A. Sphere (the objectively best character idgaf) and Carlton Cube(?). I saw something about them being John-locked and thought it was really funny. Also, I saw a meme about the two getting Starbucks or smth during the week I lingered, so here lol.
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Some more doodles of concept stuff. Actual A. Square art and some style testing, Hex doodle, and more A. Sphere bc I love him so much. His ass is gay idk if you think I'm wrong just look at him.
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Silly little idea I had about if Spherious *(the sphere from the other Flatland movie) and A. Sphere were in the same universe. It's unlikely, but I think Spherious would be the Messiah of 2000 and A. Sphere is the Messiah of 3000. They met at some point where their lives overlapped, and Spherious tried to give A. Sphere advice, to which he was completely ignored. A. Sphere's a bratty teen here and Spherious is a grandpa. They treat their apostles very differently.
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Another silly idea I had was that when A. Sphere "died", he was actually picked up by a 4D being named A. Tesseract. He stays with her until the war is over in his dimension, and he is able to see A. Square one last time during his hallucination (that's why A. Sphere's innards are seen). Also also, A. Sphere learns how to treat people better b/c of A. Tesseract and the 4th dimensions' more liberal views on expression and gender. Development for the stupid shiny solid.
Thank you for looking at this mindless rambling. If anyone knows of more Flatland media, please send it to me I'm starving. Expect more, and have a great day :)
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hopeswriting · 1 year
FIRST OF ALL, I checked the link you sent and oh my god SAME "The Truth Revealed" is an INSANE CHAPTER TO ME. Tbh Future arc is one of my favorite arcs in KHR all together. I don't think I ever recovered from Tsuna waking up in a fucking coffin. Like I think that irreversibly altered my brain chemistry I havent been the same. My brains been spinning since i saw that. To find out that TYL Tsuna planned it in the Truth Revealed??? Like WHO is TYL TSUNA. WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM. Like you pointed out that Lal yelled out at Tsuna wasnt like that, but to find out he was?? oh my GOD. Like it makes me wonder how much stress TYL Tsuna was under or how he came to the point that he felt like this was the only solution they could pull off. I think there's an addition that Irie did say that Byakuran would've found a way to bring the younger gang to the future anyway must have absolutely added to TYL Tsuna's stress and desire to get his younger self ready before Byakuran decided it was time before he was. Like I need to know IS HE HAPPY LIKE YOU SAID. I HOPE THIS MAN FINDS PEACE GOD KNOWS HE DESERVES IT. This is more of a headcanon than any solidified proof, just a GUT feeling. But I have to feel as if TYL Tsuna's actions being so... like that had to do with TYL Reborn's death. We know that they're close and Rainbow arc shows us that Tsuna would lift the entire world on his back if it saved Reborn. I can't help but theorize the mental state TYL Tsuna was in, after losing Reborn. Seeing how..hotheaded Tsuna can get about Reborn in Rainbow Arc and how he willingly goes to the Inheritance Ceremony for Yamamoto.. I can see him conjuring a plan like this to fuck the shit out of Byakuran post Reborn death, or even just for the possibility of getting Reborn back. But this is just a headcanon again. Either way?? Im FOAMING at the mouth with you.
As for the rest of our discussion, first of all I lost my shit when you sent the manga panel of Reborn looking shocked but holy shit i didnt connect those dots that Reborn was ?? shocked?? that Tsuna was going along with it. And that its coming from a place of anger and vengeance from Tsuna, which isn't usual for him but fuck they attacked his family. As you mentioned, they crossed that firm line drawn in the sand and Tsuna was going for their throat this time bc how dare they? When, in Tsuna's eyes, Yamamoto was done NOTHING wrong to his attacker. As for Tsuna becoming Vongola Decimo and how he would've been shackled, this is actually something we discussed in our server as well. The conclusion I ended up coming with is that in the end it didn't matter to Tsuna. He was seeing red. He was furious. He was willing to sacrifice everything, even his own freedom from the Mafia to avenge Yamamoto. It's either that he was so blinded by rage that he didn't consider the consequences of his actions, or even worse he was willing to take up the mantle of Vongola Decimo if it meant catching the person who did this to Yamamoto. For Yamamoto's sake, he would be Vongola Decimo. AND THAT IDEA??? OOOHHHH. UGHHHH. THERES SO MUCH TO TSUNAS CHARACTER AND IT DRIVES ME MAD BC HE SEEMS SO SIMPLE AT FIRST LOOK. AND IM??? IM AAAAH YKNOW??
[follow up to this post]
the future arc isn't personally my favorite, but i totally get the people for whom it is. the writing for it is really solid and really steps up from what we had so far, and i DO love so much that first part of the arc up to the end of the merone base raid.
you know, at times like this i wish i'd remember what my reaction was to it the first time i read it too, but my memory is shit lol. but i don't need to to agree it was so iconic and insane of amano to make tsuna appear in the future in a coffin. like not only it's the first thing we learn about the future, but also the first thing we learn about his future. that ten years later he's dead. absolute fucking power move from amano, like hello??
but also, while we're on the subject... this literally just came to me so idk if i'm going to be articulate about this lol, but i think there's something to be said about how the first thing we learn about tyl tsuna is that he's dead. and then he stays dead throughout the arc, mentioned and talked about, judged and defended, praised and blamed, but it all happens through other people. everything we learn about him, every choice (or lack thereof) and decision attributed to him, every glimpse into his personality and what kind of man he was, we learn all of it it through someone else's words. through someone else's eyes, and tho we're given no reason to doubt they're saying the truth, they can only be biased as they say it. like, amano could have made him appear through flashbacks, but she didn't. she gave him no physical appearance, no face, no voice. and then when she does do that (tho even then she still gives him no face), he only talks about his present self. has only words for him. and idk what is there to say about all that, but i know it's relevant to the themes of the future arc.
I think there's an addition that Irie did say that Byakuran would've found a way to bring the younger gang to the future anyway must have absolutely added to TYL Tsuna's stress and desire to get his younger self ready before Byakuran decided it was time before he was.
you're right! i tend to overlook that bit of information, but it is canon that either way, the present 10th gen would have found themselves in the future. so for tsuna to decide he'll be the one to make it happen and have control over it instead of byakuran, was of course the right choice to make. the safest one, both for them and their present selves. as well as the kindest one, because of course, tsuna didn't just bring them to the future to leave them to die in it, the way byakuran would have done. he came up with a plan to make sure they were ready to face the future like you said, and would be strong enough to see it through. and the plan was still harsh and painful and arguably cruel on them, but it still was kindness from tsuna at the same time. consideration for the situation he had no choice but to get them involved in. it was him taking responsibility for it and sparing them the worse of it as much as he could and as much as realistically possible. and maybe it made little difference, but it's still more than byakuran would have allowed them for sure, and it did play a non-negligible part in them not only surviving the future, but coming out on top of it.
you know... for some reason i've always thought tsuna was level-headed when he agreed to go along with the plan. like of course his hands were being forced as he was backed against a corner, facing a hopeless and desperate situation, but in my head he still had himself together somehow. sat and considered the pros and cons of the plan with a cool head, before deciding it was worth the gamble.
but like. knowing tsuna, it's much more likely he hadn't, you're right. that he was standing on the brink, and maybe had already fallen from it. i mean, yamamoto's dad got killed, his parents were unaccounted for, vongola's hq fell and vongola was hunted, namimori was invaded and every people there connected to him hunted too, forcing kyoko and haru to be on the run, with lambo and i-pin after them to keep them safe when they were just fifteen but still forced to take part in a literal war. tsuna had already lost so much by that point, while still being at risk of losing much more. and at the same time, he had already lost the worst thing he could lose, because of course, there's also reborn. reborn who also died, who also got killed when he's the one person who's always been by his side, who's always been his rock and anchor, who's always known how to give him strength again when his own failed him. and MY gut feeling headcanon is that reborn died not too long before tsuna put the plan in motion. maybe even died only just a couple of days before that, and that was the last straw, the deciding factor that made tsuna go along with the plan.
so like. maybe tsuna was heartbroken and crestfallen when he made that decision. maybe it was an entirely emotional one, one he made out of spite and vindictive feelings for byakuran like you said. out of fear he'll end up with nothing more left to lose, and out of his guilt for letting things come to that point and not being in a position--not having the power to make things right again. a decision he made out of his grief and the desperate hope he could get back everything he lost. the hope he could get reborn back. and okay, consider this, but independently of whether it was the right thing to do or of the chances of the plan to be successful, maybe he simply agreed to it too out of the certainty it's what present tsuna would have done too. that it's what he'd have wanted too, that he would have taken any chance that might bring reborn back to him. because it's reborn. oh i'm soo normal about this and their bond.
For Yamamoto's sake, he would be Vongola Decimo.
YOU CANT JUST SAY THAT TO ME LIKE I HAVENT THE SOFTEST SPOT FOR YAMS AND TSUNA. oh my god. oh my god??? for yamamoto's sake... for yamamoto. and i mean, i know tsuna would have done the exact same thing for any of his other guardians, but that amano chose to go along with yams instead of any other guardian... like again, i do very much believe tsuna would have reacted the same way were it anyone else, but at the same time i really do very much believe the fact it was yamamoto played a part in his anger and resolve to avenge him. i really can't explain it, but like. it's yamamoto, you know?
NO I KNOW!!!! tsuna is... he's so easy to overlook and deem unworthy of a second glance, but if you DO look back at him, and then really look at him, you can't stop and can't look away. and the longer you look, the more there is to look at. which is even more insane because at his core tsuna still is truly, really just some guy. he's just a complex character in very simple ways i guess??
anyway yeah, i need to LIE DOWN now, thanks.
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boypussydilf · 2 years
IT HAPPENS. i live *covered in blood* I love Lance Corporal Dororo. Everyday I wake up in a dream that never ends because of my undying love for him. If that’s a problem for you, then you can go to hell. I LOVE Dororo.
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hope none of that is too hard to read i had uh, Thoughts. thinking about it this dude is probably like… THE. ultimate favorite character. of all time. he fundamentally altered my brain chemistry and i would do anything in the world for him.
so like, dororos family is super rich. thats literally why he n keroro became friends in the first place, bc they went to the same Military Prep Elementary School and one time keroro went to dororos house and saw that his family was LOADED and that he had all the COOL toys so he immediately went WERE FRIENDS RIGHT? so he could hang out w dororo to play w the cool toys. and dororo had had very few friends in his life before that so he went Yeah of course! and then spent his entire childhood doing pretty much whatever keroro asked so they would stay friends. but anyway, i don’t think his family being rich counts for anything at present, since he’s on earth, and i dont know if he like… has. any money. that is viable on earth. he must get some money somehow since he & koyuki like, have a house and are alive? but she doesn’t seem to have like, a job or anything, and i doubt he steals from the invasion budget so like. i dont know where the money comes from and there can’t be very much of it.
ALSO I OOVE THAT THE BLORBO BLINGUS ASK GAME LETS ME THINK ABT CHARACTERS PLAYING MINECRAFT. I know dororo canonically knows how to use a computer bc i just rewatched the episode where the platoon tries to make their own anime today and he uses a computer to do the coloring digitally but like. Dororo does not know how to use a computer. He first learned about stuff on earth from koyuki who spent half her life in a completely isolated village and only got out after she met him and he hasn’t branched out much since. I don’t know if we ever see him play video games or anything like that. I don’t think he would know how to do that. I think the tiny crappy radio he & koyuki have is the most technology hes comfortable with. “i don’t really like using these computers they freak me out” “Dororo you’re from a society with technology way more advanced than this. which you use.” “yeah well this is different”
Anyhow point is i want to see the keroro platoon play minecraft. Dororo keeps trying to build peaceful little houses with nice farms and they keep getting accidentally blown up or burnt down by everyone else. Tamama is in the caves trying to befriend slimes and when he finds out he can’t he just starts killing them en mass. Everyone goes to check out what Kururu is doing and he’s made one of those fully functional redstone computers, for fun.
ALSO ID ALWAYS CALLED DORORO KOYUKIS DAD BUT I NEVER REALLY REALIZED WOW HE LEGIT DOES ACT LIKE IT HUH. hi welcome home how do you like your new school :) its so sweet… i bet he has like 3 backup plans for attempting to homeschool her if anything happens that keeps her from going to public school. i bet they make lunches together. god, this is sweet, but also really funny to imagine, because he is less than 2 feet tall, and round. i watched an episode today that starts w koyuki coming home and dororo is just on the ground loudly sobbing and shes like oh did you fight with your friends again? and then thinking about friends makes her flashback to her childhood best friend & when she met dororo So Hard that she just falls asleep. while hes still there on the floor loudly crying about how he wonders if keroro even considers him a friend. theyre so funny
ok i guess thats all thanks for coming to my dororo talk <3 This post is so long. Tee hee!
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hirokiyuu · 1 year
God your Twst post is so Good And Relatable. Welcome to Scarabia/Jamikali stan hell, Ep. 4 permanently altered my brain chemistry and I'm glad it's done the same for you. Can you believe that before playing Twst Kalim was bottom-tier for me because I thought he had a fratboy design but now he's tied with Jamil for Ultimate Fave. The power of Drama And Good Writing I guess. 🙏 Anyway you got more Scarabia thoughts you'd like to share, or just Twst thoughts in general?
ALKHSGLKAHS ur valid. kalim isnt my favorite Individually but ni a duo with jamil theyre just. chef finger kiss. in terms of duos probably my favorite, i love divorce so much ALSKGDHALKSHGD
i really like the scarabia relationship a lot tho. i really like that what kalim did to jamil IS treated as smth he should work on. like he wasn't malicious and he didn't mean to hurt jamil but thoughtlessness can still be painful! it's good. i like that end of book 4 is literally just. theyre divorced now. i havent seen how things go post book 4 but i love that theyre just divorced now. kalim has to do his own laundry. the ideal 'good" endgame jamil/kalim rship for me is jamil goes off on his own for like ten years post graduation after doing his research somewhere else too. dates other guys. learns to be a person. and then maybe later on they reconnect nad kiss but they never marry and also sometimes jamil does just have to leave and be on his own a while. u kno. (suddenly realizes this is just rhos aksh and stares into the sun)
hmmm overall thoughts......... my friend baited me into twst bc she knows i like when characters are Not Good People and so like. twst being full of htat is really nice wwww i like that kalim is thoughtless i like that jamil is a lying schemer i like that riddle is too uptight and azul is manipulative and leona is lazy and all of that its all v nice. so far i haven't met a character i Dislike tho i do have some i like more than others
i like riddle a lot....... epel also (guy who started playing during harveston) deuce is stupid nd my son. i have my eye on lilia and malleus also....... in terms of ship stuff i also really like floyd/riddle ALKHGLAKSHDG what if i was a rules obsessed freak who nevertheless is leraning to respect others nad their points of view and you were a whimsical eelman who did whatever he wanted adn even tho most ppl found me boring you did not and in fact loved (teasing) me and we were both boys. what then
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geirskogul · 1 year
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I meant to make posts about my trip at the end of each day but I took sooo many pictures and was drunk like half the time and didn’t wanna sort through all that lmao. I might post in parts bc there’s a lot but I’ll start with the first 2 days:
I took a solo trip to miami bc I was originally supposed to go with my mom last winter and I got all ready and even made a list of all the things I wanted to do, but at the last minute she told me she was going to go with her sisters and they didn’t want me to come >:[ I still had my list and really wanted to do it all so I decided to take a chunk of my savings and go on my own for spring break
My whole list was pretty much just art museums and installations and botanical gardens. The first 2 days I went to the Perez Art Museum and then the Rubell Museum and Superblue. I ended up finding 3 different Yayoi Kusama infinity room installations!!! I also got to see some Yoshitomo Nara pieces and an Aya Takano piece!!! In person!!! 😭 I just wanted to get right up on the thing and start breathing on it lmao!! I remember seeing her art for the first time on weheartit when I was like 13 or 14 and it definitely altered my brain chemistry.
I also got to see some teamLab installations which I never thought I’d get to see irl!! There was one where big flowers bloomed on the wall and when you touched them they wilted and withered away. The flowers changed with every new bloom. And in another one it was raining all down the walls and on the floor and wherever you touched the wall or stood for a while the rain would get deflected and flowers would bloom. There was also one called “Massless Clouds Between Sculpture and Life” which was a big room full of cloud size bubble masses. It was nice but the bubbles were super sticky but they give you towels after.
I was super scared to travel so far all alone but I’m so glad I did it was really worth it!! There were a few things that went wrong here and there and I kinda wanted to cry about it but I powered through!! I hope if anybody who reads this is thinking about traveling alone it gives you a little courage!! ✌🏼
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menalez · 3 years
it's a little bit difficult to tell it was about specific rape victims. i thought they were stating an observation, that these women's statements were so different from what they'd previously described before joining radblr, that one of them must be wrong. see, now, i'm confused, again, by you saying, “...argued that me being asleep while a guy did something to me is an indication of my sexuality”, falls under basic rape apologism, when you previously said, “i just dont refer to it as non consensual bc that doesnt feel honest”. i understand how consenting to a man is an indication of (your) sexuality, but i don't understand how you can give consent when asleep. even if consent was given before you fell asleep, the moment you fell asleep, i don't understand how it would be consensual from that moment onwards. from your response, i can infer that you see consensual and non-consensual as being on a continuum, rather than mutually exclusive categories.
i never said you did. i thought you implied it one of your statements, “they also argued if someone had sex with you while you were under the influence of drugs/alcohol then that’s also a reflection of your sexuality.” since we're all (those in the server, you, and i) in agreement the sex(es) of those you (want to) have sex with is an indication of sexulity and, sexual orientation is enduring and instinctive, therefore drugs don't alter your brain chemistry to let you have sex with a member of the sex, you're not sexually attracted to. i'm trying to understand why you view using, so you were more suggestible as consensual, but maybe it's something i'll never understand because of my ethics.
ugh tumblr crashed and my response is now gone so if i don’t address something pls feel free to ask again. they didn’t really make any observation, as an example they’d claim i changed my story ~after joining radblr~ too but i said from the second i left that relationship that im penis-repulsed and know that for a fact. i had said this before joining radblr and one of the reasons i even started reading into what “terfs” had to say is bc i was being called transphobic and terfy for saying im not interested in being w anyone with a penis upon coming out. this is not a secret bc i mention this being one of the things that turned me away from TRAs since i joined radblr. this was the case when i was still moreso on the TRA side and merely interacted with radblr to question & understand their beliefs. they argue i lied and that im the one that got the guy into bdsm, but there’s a post where i elaborate on that years before and i clearly say that he described certain things he liked & i was like “ohhh i think that’s a bdsm thing called ddlg”. i didn’t get him to like those things i simply told him the label for what he’s into. they tried to pick apart things i had mentioned years before the gs discourse, where i had talked about how traumatic it was, about how he’s a pedo, and how in many instances i was under the influence of something. they act like i try to be sly and mislead about his age but the reason they even know his age is bc i repeatedly corrected it on my own blog when someone assumes he was an adult man. i joined radblr not too long after that situation ended (i believe i was 19, what happened was before 18 and i slowly started to talk about it at around 17-ish) and it’s pretty normal for someone not to process their trauma when it’s ongoing. it’s also beyond normal to not talk about those things somewhere frequented by the person causing you trauma, and it’s also pretty normal to pretend to be OSA when ur closeted, people irl know ur blog, & u live in the Middle East. so all their arguments trying to make my situation seem like a lie for radblr don’t even add up anyways, but ik they like to ignore the bits that don’t support their beliefs and only look for what supports their biases.
in terms of whether it’s consensual or not, i do view it as a grey area. many people have said to me it’s rape and some think it’s not. i don’t feel comfortable arguing it’s either or bc i know i did agree to it. at the same time, i was visibly distressed, uninterested, and there are instances back then that make it clear to me he must’ve had some kind of clue. at the same time idk if he’s just that oblivious and dumb that he didn’t realise it even tho it was obvious. im not in touch with him and i find the whole thing disgusting and traumatic so ill never know. i also feel to blame bc in Bahrain the bar for what rape is is really high & i did go through a point where i felt similarly about my initial experience w rape as well, and maybe if i knew more about what consent is meant to look like, i would’ve not enabled what he was doing. but idk. with the sleep thing, i take a medication which makes me really sleepy & acts as a sort of sedative. on several occasions, he would ask me after i had taken the medication so when i was already half-asleep. id say ok & then id fall asleep and then it’d happen. it’s fucking weird to use this situation to argue that it’s an indication im into guys when i was Literally asleep. it’s also weird to argue women’s actions when under the influence is indication of desire and attraction when that is ultimately also arguing countless situations where drunk women or women on drugs being taken advantage of is somehow something they wanted. the fact that i don’t label my situation as rape and partially blame myself for them doesn’t mean it’s in any way acceptable to take those cases, and then argue someone being asleep is a sign they wanted to have sex with a man. or someone being drunk and letting a guy do sth to them is a sign of OSA.
i do not agree that who someone had sex with is an indication of their sexuality tho. it’s a case by case basis and it depends on their particular situation. in cases of women who had sex w guys bc they were bored or horny or whatever, i cannot relate to that whatsoever and i often question it. but there’s countless cases of lesbians that faced rape & CSA and in their teen years just went along with whatever, passively accepting whatever the other party wanted. that’s a sign of trauma rather than bisexuality to me. and it’s not the same as someone going out of their way to find dudes to get with. it’s not the same as being attracted to someone of a particular sex. and the argument that someone under the influence means “drugs alter your brain chemistry to let you have sex with a member of [the opposite sex]” is such a weird reframing of the situation to me. drugs put you in a state of altered consciousness. this means people under the influence are not fully conscious. it’s a pretty common occurrence for people to use drugs to be able to get through sex they don’t want to have. this is why you’ll find plenty women involved in prostitution or porn will take drugs to get through the situation, for example. the drugs don’t make someone want to have sex, it makes it so they’re not aware or conscious through it. it makes no sense to argue that someone putting themselves in a state where they’re not conscious of what is happening = an indication of some sort of desire.
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babygoestozspace · 4 years
Thank u for tagging me @tweedstoat! I’ve kinda been wanting to get back into fandom so maybe an ask meme is good actually.
Name: Hilda
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Scorpio!
Height: 5′8
Birthday: ...Scorpio!
Favorite bands: Bastille, Of Monsters and Men, and Years and Years are the ones I fairly regularly keep up with. Fall Out Boy was embarrassingly high on my 2019 Spotify recap.
Favorite Solo Artists: Janelle Monae, Sam Smith, Hozier, Rihanna, Megan Thee Stallion, Rina Sawayama, Juice WLRD (too many to count!)
Song stuck in my head: Rain on Me by Lady Gaga lol
Last Movie: Girls’ Trip I’m pretty sure
Last show: Teen Wolf! My mom and I binged the whole thing when I was home for winter break, I stopped watching back in s3 in 2014 and it was so delightful to get into it again, Scott McCall remains the GOAT. Luv bingeing teen tv with her (we watched Riverdale, the 100, and the Flash during summer quarantine).
When did I create this blog:  probably fall 2012?
What do I post: Whatever the heck I want 💕Currently ASOIAF, a lot of art and photography/modeling and poems/words/quotes, some MDZS, will probably start posting Riverdale again in the event I watch the new season or if I just see something funny
Other blogs: I have a Riverdale sideblog bc I wanted to keep that all in one place, but I quickly learned I just don’t have the patience for one. I put some edits for my ASOIAF college au on there and will likely continue to to that.
Do I get asks: Just PMs from my mutuals, I’m not really active in any fandoms!
Why I chose this url: Animorphs permanently altered my brain chemistry. I used to read recaps of the books bc I couldn’t get my hands on all of them and one of the recappers had a blog w/ the tagline Baby Goes to Z Space (z space being the negative space where extra matter goes when morphing i am not a scientist and have not read these books since i was 15) and it stuck with me! I had an SnK blog at the time but when that time was over I changed to this and kept it ever since! I’m sentimental 💕
Following: 251
Followers: 408
Average hours of sleep: 5-7
Lucky number: 9!
Instruments: I was a band geek in middle school, played the clarinet
What I’m currently wearing: leggings and a sweatshirt
Dream job: Increasing access to healthcare and education, esp with immigrant and refugee populations
Dream trip: I just want to go back to the motherland lmao, my aunt’s family just got back and I’m big emo over it lmao, like damn take me with you. I was supposed to study abroad in South Africa over the summer but... it’s a pandemic! I’d like to visit France too.
Favorite food: Chapati and dengu is elite. Mom’s spaghetti, unironically.
Nationality: Kenyan
Favorite song: Flowers by Bastille
Last book I read: “The Love and Lies of Rukhsana Ali” by Sabina Khan
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: None ❤️I’ve never been much into sci-fi, fantasy, or like, superheros. I just want to live a very idyllic life like those people on TV.
I’ll tag @displayheartcode, @rhaella, @daisybrien, @petsohp, and @gonewiddershins! Y’all r the real ones.
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firebirdsdaughter · 3 years
… I am a strong believer in there being no gold standard for writing and I am by no means a professional, but…
I just think, amongst many other things, a lot was wasted in the potential of Fuwa and Aruto’s dynamic and a secondary - primary relationship. I have many Opinions about Aruto and how he was written, but when I did like him, a great deal of it involved his relationship w/ Fuwa. Fumiya and Okada nailed this incredibly familial chemistry as their characters got to interact more. Enough that, even though I was steadily becoming more disconnected from Aruto, I felt emotions during stuff like Gai mind controlling Fuwa into attacking Aruto, and the choice to try and use Fuwa to shoot Izu. It felt so absolutely cruel and befitting of behaviour we’d seen from Gai, like how he made Yua explain the chips just to be an ass bc he knew Fuwa still trusted her. It wasn’t long before my brain would look at them together and just be like ‘that’s his dad now’ (in canon they’re only five years apart, but time has no meaning here). I don’t know if it was a pandemic thing, but that’s part of why Aruto’s largely frigid reactions to stuff like Gai mind controlling Fuwa, trying to kill Fuwa, Fuwa clearly being Not Okay w/ having some ai he didn’t know unknowingly forced into his brain taking over his body w/out warning, Fuwa finding out his memory was altered… I don’t take this out on Fumiya, bc see above about their chemistry, and Fumiya is an excellent young actor, I feel like he could have pulled off giving Aruto many more nuances than he was allowed to have. It was the blocking apparently telling him to just stand there and look vaguely sad, and it… Felt unnatural considering what happened when the actors had something to work w/. They wouldn’t even have needed to give him lines, Fumiya does a great sad/worried look!
It’s another way I’m disappointed w/ how they dropped the familial aspect. Ikazuchi and Subaru are only ‘like real brothers’ (unless you ask Horobi), Horobi is only ‘trying to be like a father to Jin.’ Aruto goes on about HumaGear being family to him but it never comes up again, he’s all over Wazu and Izu being siblings, but never allows any other HumaGear to have that honour, and Wazu is never even mentioned again, outside of maybe the clipshow. Now one of my biggest pet peeves w/ this is that if Izu and Wazu are siblings and Ikazuchi and Subaru are siblings, then by the definition, Soreo and Horobi are brothers. Why did you sleep on this Takahashi???? WHY??? Even w/ the ending you wrote, this’d add more layers??? W H Y????
But. Ah. To the point this post was supposed to be about—even if it was meant to focus on Fuwa and Yua (who are somehow a brotp even though I’m not personally fond of Yua… how does Takahashi do this???), I feel like there should have been a stronger undertone from Aruto. Bc let’s think for a minute about what has happened to all the other older brother/father figures in Aruto’s life. His human father died when he was very young. The HumaGear version died saving him from an explosion. Whatever his relationship w/ Korenosuke (and esp if it was bad/tense), Korenosuke dies at the star of the story. Wazu, even, who you could make an argument for, dies. Sure, I guess his dad is in Zea now (? I dunno, apparently everyone is in Zea now, that wasn’t the best handled plot point… Then again, nothing involving all of That was well handled), but he’s still effectively dead. You’d feel like Aruto should be making a bigger deal about potentially losing another surrogate father/brother figure (you’d also think that Horobi’s connecting to Soreo would mean something, but I don’t pretend to understand Takahashi’s thought process).
Ultimately, though, I’m just left w/ this powerful set up w/ great chemistry that I was originally excited for but never felt like it was really allowed to run it’s course. I know Takahashi isn’t one for detailed character focus or development, but… Like many other things in 01, I felt like I needed… More. And it never happened.
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