#i had to talk about the great gastby
awkwardpossum0 · 2 years
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silly sketch and one of my costumes from when I was an actor in the drama club and not a techie
I played Wikipedia
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shelbgrey · 1 year
The day we met(Seeley Booth)
Paring: Seeley Booth x Montenegro!Reader
Summary: during one of the first Therapy session with Lance and Temperance, Seeley opens up and tells the story of how he met the love of his life.
A/n: based off an unfinished greys anatomy thing I wrote way back when. request are open for bones!
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“what about y/n?” Lance asked, breaking the silence. Temperance looked between the boys confused. Seeley shrugged but couldn't help but smile at the mention of her name.
“what about her?” Seeley asked. Temperance smiled and started to quickly talk with her hands. “Dr. Montenegro is great scientist and one of our closets friends”
Lance shook his head with a small smile, he looked over at Seeley and nodded towrds him. “your always talking about her, maybe just tell me how you guys met... It'll help break the ice I think.”
Seeley took breath a rubbed his hands together. He looked down then back up with a smile. “I first saw her at Royal Diner, she had just gotten the job at the jeffersonian with her sister Angela...”
“-She's a Forensic Entomologist like Hodgins” Temperance butted in, Seeley held his hands and looked at his partner. “you telling the story or am I?”He made sure not to make it sound harsh, he knew y/n was important to Her just like Angela was.
Temperance set back in the couch and crossed her legs. “I'm sorry...continue, I actually don't think I heard the full story”
Seeley nodded and continued with the story. Seeley smiled as he thought about the day he first saw her, it still gives him butterflies. “the day I saw her, we were knee deep in a case... I was tried, stressed, I don't know what I was hoping for... But the moment I saw her...”
he stoped, feeling like he was getting too sappy. He truly didn't care and would talk about you for hours, but it felt weird being this open.
“continue Booth” Lance said.
“that afternoon I was walking to the Diner to meet Bones... Then I saw her” Seeley smiled. “I don't know why- well I do know but... The point is I stopped when he saw her... literally stopped!” Seeley let out a small laugh, Lance smiled softly as his friend continued.
“She hadn't notice me yet due to her nose being stuck in a book... Nothing new” he joked, he loved she had a passion outside of work, even if you 'ignore' him because she's reading.
“when I saw her through that window I couldn't help but see all her perfections, every one of them... I said to myself "oh my God that's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen"”
Temperance laughed lovingly at that.
“I wanted to talk to her so bad, but I'd never went up to a total stranger unless it was for a case... I don't know why I was so nervous”
“but your very good at talking to women...” Temperance said confused. Seeley signaled her to wait. “she wasn't some woman... This is y/n were talking about” Seeley said.
“Anyway... I started pacing back and forth in front of the window trying think of what to say to her, she still hasn't notice me yet...ya know I can still remember the book she was reading”
“what was it?” Lance asked. “The Great Gastby”
Seeley continued with the story after that “So I went in... The bell dinged as I slowly walked in, She had her back to me and hadn't notice me yet” Seeley said “she couldn't see me, but she was right there... Right there!” he chuckled. “I stayed silent as got closer... She was in arms reach and I could tap her shoulder if I wanted too, but then I chickened out and walked pasted her.”
“I walked up to the breakfast counter and just casually admired her while she was reading... I noticed how she would slightly nibble on her bottom lip when she read or she had a different expression for an event in the book.” Seeley slowly started to space out as he thought more about her “I could see all her tattoos... And I'll tell ya tattoos have never looked so beautiful on a women.”
He looked up at Lance and continued to explain every step “so, I quickly ordered a coffee and looked around... I don't why, maybe I was waiting for Angela to pop and tell me to get lost. I don't really know”
“it's okay to say you were nervous” Lance smirked. Seeley rolled his eyes. “Anyway... So I finally decided to talk to her... You only live once right? So I went up to her and said...”
“exuse me” she looked up slowly and smiled.
“oh, hey” her voice was so soft and gentle.. She's so cute when she's shy.
“why would an amazing woman like you even talk to someone like me?”
“I said it so bluntly I think both us was surprise, I don't know who was more shocked... But she just chuckled and her cheeks started to heat up... It was so cute and she says... ”
“why not?” she replied.
“I laugh and looked down. "would you like to set down?" she offered to my releaf, I nodded and sat across from her.
“I'm y/n” she gave him a childish smirk and held our her hand. He placed his hand in hers and smiled. “Seeley Booth”
“nice to meet you... Your Temperance's friend right?” he nodded and smiled at her. “yup”
“I looked down and saw another book… i think it was called Crime Scene Intelligence, or something like that but-”
Temperance interrupted again with enthusiasm. “I've heard of that book and its Crime Scene Intelligence: An Experiment in Forensic Entomology.. Its by Albert Cruz”
Seeley sighed again but at the same time couldn't be mad, even if she was interrupting and correcting him it showed she was interested and cared enough to listen.
“Anyway…this got me thinking, especially when I saw a case file so I asked her”
“Are you in Forensics? Bug girl?” She looked at me and chuckled.
“Now I didn't mean for it to come out the way it did … but she didn’t seem to mind, so then she said…”
“Yeah..me and my brother-in-law are, I actual got a job with him”
“Wait, you got a job at Jeffersonian?” I asked, she shook her head yes
“Back then I couldn’t tell ya how or why I was so happy to hear that” Seely laughed as he laid back on the couch. “So, we talked some more…you know how shy she is when she first meets someone” Lance and Temperance both nodded. y/n was the type of person to be really shy and quiet when she first meets someone but when she gets used to you, she is so open, joyfull, and goofy.
“Well she wasn’t like that with me.. I don't really know why but she seemed so carefree when we had our first conversation”
Lance and temperance were still invested in the story, even temperance couldn’t bring herself to interrupt again. “So we continued talking for about 45 minutes and it felt great But a moment can't last forever. Y/n phone rang, cutting our conversation short. She stood up as, who I’m guessing was Angela telling her to come to the lab. She smiled at me and said…”
“I'm sorry I have to met my sister"
She smiled at him and said “it was nice to meet you Seeley, maybe I'll see you around” she shyly waved him goodbye and headed out the door.
“I remember just kinda sinking in my chair, feeling like I lost my chance, I didn't even get her number.” Seeley stopped then looked at his two friends like there was hope. “But then… looked down and saw her tattered Forensic Entomology book. She left it on the table. I looked out the window and saw she was at a bench packing her backpack up, so I quickly grabbed the book and headed out the door.”
“Then what happened?” Lance asked.
“Well, I went up to her and said…”
“hay” y/n looked up and smiled at the brown eyed agent. He awkwardly cleared his throat and handed her the book. “You left this” she sighed in relief. “oh, thanks” she put it in her bag and slung it over her shoulder.
“I kinda regained some kinda confidence back and I asked her if she wanted to walk with me”
"You mind if I walk you to the lab? Busy city and all', we can pick up my car at the Bureau” he gave her a confident smile this time. She raised an eyebrow. "it's just down the street"
“I started to get nervous the way she looked at me..” Seeley said
"I'm head that way anyway" he argued. She playfully rolled her eyes and sighed.
“And she replied..”
“Why is it so Important? We're strangers.”
“So she let me walk her a couple of blocks, my car was at the Bureau so we picked it up, the drive was kinda silent …it was a good kinda silent, anyway after a while I couldn't take it anymore and i didnt know when i was gonna have another chance like this so i asked for her number”
"Can I have your number?" he asked suddenly. Y/n's eyes widened as she looked over to the driver's side. Both were surprised by the sudden question. She would have never believed a handsome man like himself would ask her out.
“I didn’t get an answer right away and I think rightly so, but it still made me nervous,” Seeley said. “Did she ever give you an answer that day?” Temperance asked.
“I'm getting there,” Seeley said. “So we got to the lab and I asked again, I was serious about it ya know and i think she started to realize that. Later on in our relationship she told me she thought it was a joke…she never had anyone interested in her before. I mean I call bullcrap on that…any guy would be lucky to have her,”
“So about that number?” he asked, she chuckled. “you could be some psycho killer for all I know”
Seeley let out a laugh. “there's always that possibility” he shrugged and gave a goofy smile. “come on y/n live a little”
“After I said that She smiled, I couldn't stop looking at her... She was so beautiful. She looked down at her Converse, she always does that when she’s nervous. Then she asked me…”
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
“cuz you're beautiful” she raised an eyebrow and let out a laugh. “wow” he gave her a questioning look. “what?” he asked.
She rolled her eyes. “You know flattery will get ya no where.” he nodded. “well how about I want to get to know you better”
“She sighed and thought about it for a bit and she said okay” Seeley smiled “then she took a post-it note from her bag and wrote her number and smiley face with its tongue sticking out.” he laughed, Temperance smiled when Seeley pulled out the famous sticky note out of his wallet.
“And the rest is history” Seeley smiled as he handed the post-it-note to Lance.
“She means a lot to you..” Lance smiled, seeley nodded with a smile. “She means everything… I’m gonna ask her to marry me…i just don't know how or when” Seeley said truthfully.
“You'll know when the time's right,” Lance said softly.
After the session Seeley left Lance's office and saw y/n talking with James Aubry and Caroline. He couldn’t help but smile as he watched her laugh and smile with her friends, he felt so lucky to have her.
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hanisdaisys · 2 years
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Pairing: Sunghoon!XReader!
Information: A spin off of The Great Gastby
(Slight mention of Heeseung!XReader!)
Word count: Around 3.7k
Reading time : 15 minutes
Warning : death of character, pet names , mention of blood, mention of poor and rich, kiss scene ( please let me know if there is any others )
Summary: When a young rich women, peek of beauty in the 1950s falls for her body guard who was dirt poor. What happens when they fall inlove and he suddenly disappears? Will she find someone else ?
I recommend listening to :
Being a young, rich and beautiful women in the 1950s was a blessing. You’d thank god everyday that you were able to procure for yourself this luxurious lifestyle that screamed gold and diamonds. Being the most rich women in the town was also a big blessing, everybody was at your feet’s, ready to obey whatever words come out your mouth. You wished you could stay 19 forever, not needing to worry about your future nor your future husband. But you can’t stay young forever. You were almost 22. You were “at the limit of age” in your mothers words. She kept urging you to get married, to have kids and to settle down… your father on the other hand wanted to keep his baby girl forever. He didn’t want to let go of his precious little daughter and offer her off to some wealthy man who’d pay you half the respect your father payed. Your mother was tired of your antics, she was tired of your lame excuses to not settle down. She didn’t believe in love, she believed in power. In money.
So she threw parties. Big ones every 2-3 weeks, hoping you’d meet a lovely man at night. She dresses you in glitter and gold, dressing you with only the finest materials and the purest gold. Anyone who saw you could easily guess you were rich. And yet every party your mother threw, you were never able to find someone who caught your eyes. Everyone seemed so bland and so full of themselves, only looking to profit of you and your family. And you so rejected every offer that was given to you. You were destined to meet your true love. The one who’d save you from this hellhole. Another party that had miserable failed.
You woke up the next day, head throbbing from all the alcohol you had drank. You left your bed a mess, Ms.Cho rushed over to fix your bed, making sure not a single fold or crease was being shown. You entered your bathroom and opened the curtains, bright golden sunlight peeking through the cloudy day. Spring. You were tired and in need of breakfast, so you hurried up and got yourself ready… or at least presentable. As soon as you walked down the steps, your heels could be heard from miles away.
Some rustling and plates were heard while the kitchen staff prepare you a plate. “Good morning Ms.Y/N” a voice called out from behind you. Ms.Cho was now downstairs, making sure your breakfast goes as smoothly as possible. “Morning” you replied back, you weren’t so interested in small talk. Suddenly the sound of a vase being dropped was heard. Not just any vase but the ones your mother got exported from Thailand. “You peasant! My vase!” You mother yelled out.
Your eyes met with a young adult, maybe around your age. He was dressed very poorly, even his tie wasn’t placed in the proper etiquette. Even if his outfit gave off a poor and dirty vibe, his face shined a million light. You thought he had potential. His face was one even the richest couldn’t afford. His beauty shined beyond his outfit. The two moles on his face lining up like a constellation . His hair perfectly framing his symmetric face. He was a god. A divine beauty. You finally came back to thought as he started apologizing restlessly. His bows getting closer to the ground. His voices sounded amazing, he sounded like those of the birds who sung you into the morning. A soft lullaby waiting to be discovered.
“Mother leave him alone.” You said getting up from your chair and picking up the young man by his arm. You despised your mother, she always bossed around people. She thought of herself so highly. “Y/N! Come back here this instant!” She screamed at you not daring to move a step. Likewise, she wasn’t such a big fan of you. Ever since you were born, you always got what you wanted. Your footsteps could be heard as you walked away from her.
You kept pulling him away and away, far into the long halls of your castle. The boy was shivering; he was scared that he would be sent to the dungeon, after all, it was a mistake… “I’m so sorry ! I didn’t mean to disburd your breakfast and break a vase” he said spewing out words before he could even think. You finally stopped in front of your fathers study. He’d spend most of his hours there, managing all the castle buisness. You knocked on the door, ignoring the young boys apologies. “Come in ” your father called out as you walked in. Your Fathers face immediately lit up. “Father I want him. He’s my body guard now.” You said, not accepting no for an answer. “Well Y/N… he wasn’t trained for it… it could be dangerous, besides sweetie you cannot get everything alright? ” he said before taking a look at your face. Seeing those cute puppy eyes you were able to pull out whenever you wanted something. “But oh well… it won’t hurt to give it a try…” He continued watching your face as your expression changed. You were so excited that you ran to give your father a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “thank you! I love you father!!!” You finally exited your fathers study, taking this boy to your room. Again , walking through the long hallway of your castle. Until you finally reached your room. “What’s your name?” You asked , sitting down on your bed as the man watched, not so certain what to do. “Sunghoon. Park Sunghoon” He watched you carefully as you layed down on your bed. Should he look away? “ well hoonie im Y\N. Each morning, at 8am,you will be infront of my room. You’re my new body guard”
And he listened to you, everyday at 8am he would be at your door, waiting for you to exit. He was a little awkward at first, but after a while he started acting a little more normal. Your mom wasn’t happy that you were getting close to a peasant. You wouldn’t even do anything if sunghoon wasn’t there!! If he want eating with you and your family, you wouldn’t eat! He has become a part of your life now. And everyday you’d thank your dad for hiring him. Even if you had never believed in love, he made it happen. He made you believe in love at first sight. All of your heart belonged to him. He made you feel ways you’ve never felt. You were complete opposite. But opposites attract right? You were sunshine and he was midnight rain.
Weeks passed by that way, you had finally gotten closer. He would now hold your hands and smile at you. If you had told your old self that sunghoon finally showed emotions towards you, you would be shocked. When your father passed away, he was the first to comfort you. While your mom was out drinking and coming home wasted, hed sit by your side comforting you. He promised you better days would come. He would pick you over 3 meals a day. He couldn’t stand seeing you cry. When your mother would yell at you, he’d quickly come to your rescue and pull you away from the situation. You couldn’t believe this was the shy Park Sunghoon you had first met. The flowers bloomed in his presence. Summer had approached.
The morning bright morning had already started peeking in. The wind softly blowing in as the curtains moved to the soft melody of the birds. You stretched out your arms looking over to the beautiful morning view. Finally it was July 15. The day where the orchid tree was in full bloom. All its beauty had finally bloomed. You couldn’t wait longer, you ran out of your room. Sunghoon was outside, as usual, waiting for you to exit. “Good Morning Ms.” he said, letting you lead the way. “ Let’s go see the orchids outside!” You said pulling him to your private garden. This scene seamed like it came out of a movie for Sunghoon. The wind blowing your hair. The way you were moving so carelessly in this cruel world. His feeling has developed so fast and so subtly he couldn’t even grasp the concept of falling in love. You were his drug. His medicine every time he was ill. The person who kept him going. He wanted it comfortable and you wanted that pain.
“Don’t run so fast ms. You’ll get hurt!” He said, watching you let go his hands and run further away from him. He reached his hand forward trying to catch up too you. His hand reaching out, not being to grasp you, only your shadow. He stopped when you reached the tree “Don’t be a fool hoon! Sit down will you?” You said sitting down on the wooden bench. It was placed right under the orchid tree. Your father had it custom made for your 5th birthday. It was facing the sun. The direction of hope. For the first time since your father passed away, you felt a presence on this bench. You looked over seeing Sunghoon looking at you.. He looked at you just like how every women desires to be looked at. His eyes were full of love. Full of emotions. The world was in slow motion. His hair was moving to the rhythm of the wind. You started leaning in. Your eyes filled with romance. Your lips were inches apart. Orchid flowers coming down the tree to land around you. He pressed his lips against yours, letting no space disturb you. You leaned in more, savouring the taste of his lips. His hands slowly going to grab your neck. If this was a movie scene, it would be the one that everyone replays. The feeling of love escaping through your throat. Love was the most beautiful thing in this depressing world. It lit up seas and oceans. Love. Just young love.
He pulled away slowly looking around to see if anyone had caught you. He couldn’t be seen with you, a peasant and a rich woman. You calmed him down, rubbing his back as he leaned his head on your shoulder. You stayed in that position till it got late. The sun was long gone and replaced by the darkness of the night. You wished you could’ve stayed this way forever but sunghoon didn’t want to stay out while it was dark. He walked you back until your room. After he was sure you were tucked in and felt secure he started walking towards his own room. Pressing his fingers against his lips. Your taste. The taste of sweet daisy’s. Lord he misses it. He cleaned the room, sitting down on his desk. He toke out a peace of paper and a ink pen. Writing out his emotions. It toke him a while, writing everything he felt for you. From the instant he met you to today. Words not enough to describe what he felt for you. He was crazy inlove with you.
The next morning came by quickly. You rushed out of bed and opened the door. This action felt so familiar to you now. Waking up and opening the door for hoon. Only that today he wasn’t there. You peeked your head outside hoping he was just taking a walk outside but no. You asked around for him but no one knew who he was. He disappeared from one day to the next. He was gone just like the nightlight.. No words from him or anything. You ran back to your room, just you and your aching soul.. tears filled your eyes and sorrow filled your body. The pain ran through your body. You didn’t even realize when you feel asleep. Waking up surrounded with tissues. Someone was knocking on your door aggressively. Your mom was wondering why you hadn’t came down. “ come down this instant Y/N! Don’t you dare cry over that dirty peasant!” She yelled out tired of knocking. You opened the door. The view was a lot to take in. Your clothes were a mess, dark circles were forming underyour eyes. “ Come eat at least” she said, slamming the door on you. Of course . Your mom was against your emotions again. It was nothing new. She always acted this way. lord this made you crazy, love made you crazy.
A few years passed like this. The first few months were miserable, everything had reminded you of him. Vases,flowers,beds and even your room. You missed him. His smell. His words. His actions… That was until your mother announced she has found someone for you. Young, rich and handsome polo player, Lee Heeseung. Your marriage was planed the 28th of may, 1953. Everyone was invited. It was a huge wedding. He was crazy in love with you, just like Sunghoon. He looked at you with so much love. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t love him. He was so lovable. He brought you warmth and comfort. He’d do anything for you. Everything you desire. You didn’t even need to ask, it was all ready for you.
The night of your wedding you finally decided to share a room. He had already gotten comfortable in your sheets. Your smell engulfing his nose. Like a warm hug. He shoved his face further into the sheets,taking in your smell. The smell of fresh daisies. He turned around looking for you . And when he couldn’t feel your presence he opened his eyes, searching the room. You were on the balcony, reaching out to a white light on the other side of the lake. Your arms stretched out to the light, it was calling you. “ come back to bed sweetness” he said patting the area next to him. “Yes darling” you said to him, smiling as you closed the balcony door as well as the curtains. Laying down next to him, wrapping your hand around his waist. He pecked your forehead, whispering words of love. The ones which make you taste sweetness.
The months passed by fast with him. Your relationship was perfect. He was a devoted husband. He’d do anything for you and he wasn’t ashamed to remind you at every moment. He loves you. Your father would’ve loved him. He treated you right. The way you truly deserve. Your mom she never gave up her habits. Throwing big lavishing parties every weekend. Today’s party was to celebrate your first six months with him. You were dressed in white, with your hair up. Heeseung was dressed in a white and blue suit orned with gold buttons. He kissed you as people cheered. You had grown famous overtime. The title “ Polo player,Lee heeseung and rich icon, Y/N” being seen everywhere. Little did you know someone was watching you. Tears stained his face and he stood in the rain, watching you from outside. He was heartbroken and headed home. Following the white light to lead him home. He did this for you.
When you had woken up in heeseungs arm the next day , Ms.Cho told you that someone left you an invite. You had gotten an invitation to someone‘s party, Someone named PS. You were bored of staying home everyday and decided to go. Heeseung followed you, being there for you when you need it. It was difficult to get in. Every one seemed to have gathered here. There is possibly no way the owner had written that many invites. You looked around until you spotted a young group of women.“ do you know how i could talk to PS?” You asked them as they laughed at your comment. “ No one knows who PS is, everyone comes to his party to drink” a random girl said. You turned around to look at Heeseung as he nodded disapprovingly. “ lets go home sweetness” he said but you refused. You refused to leave this party without knowing who PS was. Suddenly you felt a tap on your shoulder. “ Mister Park would like to see you, please follow me” He said to you. You followed the man and Heeseung started following you. “Alone please” he added staring at heeseung. You looked back at Heeseung as he let go of your hand. “Be careful sweetness” he said grabbing your hand and leaving a small kiss. You looked back at heeseung once again before you followed this man to a room. You guessed the room of mister Park. He opened the door for you and closed it slightly as you went in. A man was seen, his broad shoulder would be viewed. When he turned aroun your mind went blank. Sunghoon. Mr.Park was Sunghoon..
You turned back around hurrying to leave the room. Even if you once had good memories with him, you didn’t want to be reminded of this.. “ No please Y/N listen to me” he said running to hold your hand. “There is absolutely nothing to hear! Your a fool Sunghoon. A crazy fool! You let me suffer without telling me anything! Not even a word!” Tears started flooding your eyes. Your whimpers could be heard in the room as sunghoon looked at you cluelessly. “ No my Love ! I wrote you a letter!” He said staring into your eyes. Looking for reassurance “ What letter…” you asked. “I left it on your bed! It had your name written and everything!” He added holding both your hands as he looked into your eyes. He looked like he was about to start crying. “ WHAT LETTER HOON. WHAT WAS IN IT” you yelled out before he said “Oh my dear, I was poor. I was a poor man. I wouldn’t have let you marry such a peasant. I went away to work my dear. I worked all those years to afford you this house! To get you away from your mother! I wanted to give you everything. This whole house belongs to you, Y/N. My life is yours!” he said. Your tears started getting louder. Sunghoon finally let go of your hands so he could wipe away the tears escaping your eyes. “ sunghoon… money never mattered to me!” You yelled out “let me show you my dear! I’ll show you what I had gotten for you” sunghoon ran off in the room bringing back piles of boxes. “ these are the finest diamonds there is! I got them all from India my darling. The finest jewelry for the finest women” you started weeping again. Tears escaping your eyes. It was beyond your control, waterfalls were falling. “ my dear, what’s wrong?” Sunghoon asked sitting you down on an expensive looking couch “ I have never seen such fine jewelry” you cried holding onto him. And the scene replayed. The scene under the orchid. The scene were you and him kissed. This time it was different. He leaned in first. And you let him. You let him kiss you. You even kissed back. The smacking of your lips could be heard. Little did you know someone was looking. You had disappeared for so long someone came for you.
Heeseung wiped his tears and exited the room. Couldn’t you have locked the door? What he couldn’t see wouldn’t have hurted him. But instead, you left the door open. Leaving it wide open for everyone to see. You were going to see what he can do. How dare you cheat on him. You were his possession. His shining trophy.
You pulled away from sunghoon. A string of saliva could be seen. “ I- I shouldn’t have done this! I’m a married women sunghoon!” You said wiping off the saliva. “My love. Just tell him! Tell him you love another man and it’ll all be alright I promise.” He said holding onto your cheeks as your eyes stared into his. “ I might do it hoon… for us. For you…” you said. How was this happening all over again. Hot summer nights. Mid July.
When you went back downstairs from sunghoons room , heeseung was waiting for you. “ I want to know everything abt this PS” he told you as he pulled you away. Leaving the house as he aggressively drove him. At home, he was already in bed while you got changed. After you are done, you slowly sneaked into the bed, placing your hands on his waist, trying to hug him. But he inched further. Like he was ignoring your touch. Maybe he wanted space, so you turned around and cried yourself to sleep. For heeseung, your cries were pure torture. But it was your fault. You had kissed another man. You were going to pay for it.
The next day heeseung was no longer beside you. Usually he’d wake you up with kisses. Waking you up the only way you deserved. You wondered where he has left.
When he had gotten back him, his white shirt had a few drops of blood. Red blood. Human blood. When you asked him what he had done. He just started laughing. “I killed him” he said kissing your forehead. “ heeseung… who did you kill…” you asked inching away from him. “I killed that damn Park Sunghoon! How dare you cheat on me?” He asked you staring into your eyes. Again tears, this time he wasn’t so affected though. He had done what he needed to do in order to protect his family. In order to protect his prized possession. “ you’re crazy!” You yelled out pulling your own hair. “ oh sweetness, you love it! I’m richer than him! Why would you even want such a lowlife? Besides, the only thing I’m crazy for… is you”
He was right. You didn’t care about sunghoon, you didn’t care that he was your first love. You wanted money and heeseung had it. He was rich and famous. What more could you want. So you ignored what heeseung did. You didn’t even want to attend sunghoons funeral. Instead you ignored all the calls you had from his worker. No one was there for him, not a single person showed up. You and heeseung were cruel, money leaded you too this. Those memories are nothing when you have money. Love isn’t real, money is. Your mom was right all along, and your father was wrong. Love and emotions won’t get you anymore… but money and power will. He wanted a bride but you wanted your own name.
Not as satisfying as I wanted :( still I hope you enjoy!
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cadiebug · 3 years
Pain in my Head
They should be called a pain in Sam's ass. They could also be called a pain in the ass for anyone that has to deal with them. Sam thinks that would be the scientific statement for it, but it's too long.
It's been happening since he was a kid. But it wasn't as bad.
Then he joined the Airforce and it got so much worse. Then he joined the avengers and suddenly he's running through an exploding building getting shot at.
It's been worse ever since.
He's okay most of the time, but once the battle starts it doesn't stop. The pounding and nausea and the dizziness. It took awhile to stop and it hurt like a bitch.
Sarah used to help him, get him things while he curled up into a ball and wished everything would just stop. But he's an adult now and Sarah is off raising her kids and she can't help him anymore.
Anyways that brings him here. Now. At this moment he wanted to curl into a ball and cry. Instead he just stood on the balcony of a nice hotel.
He and Bucky had just gotten back from some goddamn mission where he had like 10 explosions go off right next to his face.
Bucky was bothered to. He had a whole overstimulation thing going on. Mostly just because of the super hearing thing. Things were dialed up from a 2 to a 7. So he was in the shower trying to drown the sound out. Usually that just left a ringing sound for a few hours but nothing horrible.
But Sam never talked about the aching pain in his head. Didn't want to numb down what Bucky was dealing with. Or maybe it was just easier to not explain to someone that he needed help. Maybe he wasn't ready to talk about it.
Sam was only slightly aware of the shower stopping and light padding of Bucky coming out towards the balcony to stand next to him.
"Sam." And his voice was too loud and Sam involuntarily flinched and then mentally cursed himself for it. Cause Bucky in all his 'more observant than the usual person' glory would definitely notice. So maybe he should just tell him.
"You're voice, it's just really loud." Sam muttered. Then when Bucky's face went in between confusion and concern he decided to explain a little more. "I get migraines, and it's worse because of the explosions I guess."
Bucky's eyes went slightly wide and he nodded. "You should try a bath." Sam could note his voice was considerably lower than it was before. Bucky pulled on the other man's hand slightly and led him into the room. "You should sit or lay down too."
Sam plopped on the bed and settled down, watching Bucky move across the room and shuffle through his bag before pulling out a small pill bottle and water. He walked back over to were Sam was and held out the things he was holding. Sam took them, raising an eyebrow. "Where'd you learn how to take care of someone with a migraine?"
Bucky blinked and smiled lightly. "My man used to get them. So did Steve I think, before the serum and everything." He paused to think for a second. "And I have to know a couple things for myself since meds don't work." Then he walked away again towards the bathroom, muttering something about running a bath for the other man.
The thought dawned on Sam. The beautiful sad thought. Medication doesn't usually work on Bucky, but he had it in his bag. Probably-and Sam was just assuming here- for Sam himself. It's not like he has another partner to give the pills to. Damn. Wow.
Bucky poked his head back out of the bathroom and nodded towards the bathtub.
Sam smiled at him lightly and slowly ambled over towards the bathroom.
He didn't even notice his surroundings as he slowly shuffled out his clothes and slowly slid down into the warm water. He only snapped out of his own painful head when Bucky plopped down next to him on the other side of the tub. He was holding a book. Sam eyed the cover trying to see what he was reading now. Last night it was the 'Great Gastby' and tonight apparently it was 'Jurassic Park'
Sam hummed quietly enough so it didn't hurt his own head, letting the water swallow him. "So you're staying huh."
Bucky nodded like it was obvious. "So you don't have to yell if you need anything. Besides, the humidity helps with the hearing overstimulation."
Sam nodded, some form a smug smile taking over his face. "C'mere." He let his hand drag bucky gelty by the back of neck over towards him. Sam kissed him lightly on the cheek. "You're sweet, you know that."
Bucky laughed quietly, a light pink dusting his cheeks. "I like taking care of you, that's all." Bucky blinks like a thought hit him. "Not just when you're in pain, I swear. Just in general. It's nice."
Sam shook his head fondly. "You know I'm not good at asking for help."
"I noticed."
"You notice everything Buck." Sam was still smiling, playing with Bucky's fingers, running his fingers over the smooth metal. "Especially when someone needs help." He paused taking in a breath. "You're just like that. Like I said you're sweet."
Bucky nodded. "I will take care of you for as long as I need to."
"That might be a pretty long time."
"Then I would stay with you for a pretty long time."
Sam stared and smiled. "Look at us, making lifelong promises." He continued to mess with Bucky's metal fingers. "I think I'm okay with that."
And Sam's migraine still made the rest of the night a living hell but at least he had someone to pull him through it. Someone that was more than willing to trudge through fire and Sam's stubbornness to help him. And Bucky had someone willing to do the same thing right back.
Bucky just smiled, like a fool. A fool in love.
Sam's smile mirrored the others.
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ratilyn · 4 years
I don't even know where to begin. I've never had a night like that before in my life. I keep remembering everything over and over again and I can't stop smiling. I've never watched The Great Gatsby with a great guy at 3am, drunk before. It's so stupid but it's one of my favourite movies and it was so beautiful watching it with you. Once you get sick of me and things end, it's going to make it very hard for me to watch it again. But I'm trying not to think about that.
Sitting in my underwear on the couch with you, both of us a total mess after sex, I honestly felt really beautiful. I adore the way you make me feel. I can't remember the last time I've felt like that. You made all the bad things go away. I have to get drunk to be around everyone, but not you. I feel like myself the most when I'm around you. You make me want to be a better person. No pressure or anything!!
I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it. And the way you talk in your sleep makes me smile like crazy. You're insanely cute.
I loved waking up next to you, hearing you say "did you just send me a meme?" While you were drifting in and out of consciousness. I can't stop laughing about it. I love laying naked with you, looking into your eyes and talking about zombie chews and how the blue one is the best. It makes me feel so at peace with everything. Like there is nothing to worry about anymore. Blue zombie chews really place me in a state of euphoria (((::::
The way you kiss me sends my head spinning. You're so confident about it. Like you know it's exactly what you want to do. You make me feel special. You make me feel pretty, even though I saw you at the corner of my eye staring at me, whilst watching The Great Gatsby and Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I felt so ugly yet beautiful at the same time. I don't know how that's possible. I was trashed. I looked like shit but you still kissed me anyway.
Yeah, I've been with a lot of people. I don't want to remind you, even though I just did... But I feel good when I'm with you. Just talking, or kissing, or fucking, or just watching a dumb tv show with a horrendous amount of rape jokes. I want you to know that. That is my point. I've never had that with anyone else. I've never had someone care about how I feel, even when I'm watching a stupid tv show.
Back to the Gastby thing... I love the fashion. I love the love felt in that movie. I remember telling you I hadn't felt like that, or dressed like that in a while. A year, to be exact. Around this week was when I watched the movie last. I had to go out somewhere fancy and I remember drinking red wine from the bottle as I got ready. Putting on the most beautiful dress, sucking in so I could fit into it. Blasting that song by Lana Del Rey. I felt so beautiful sitting with you in my underwear last night. I didn't need to put on a fancy dress. I didn't need to suck in. I felt your eyes on me as I was watching my favourite actor throw those expensive shirts down onto the woman he loved the most with that gorgeous song playing in the background. That's my favourite scene. I felt so... So happy. At 3am. I felt happy. I felt okay. I felt safe. With you.
I don't mean to scare you off by writing all this. I hope it doesn't. I just like you. I like your company. The best part is I feel mostly okay about myself. I've taken the time needed to sort out what I want in life. I don't need a relationship to be happy. You don't either, deep down. But, knowing I don't need one makes it easier for me to realise what I want. If shit gets bad, I know I'll be able to survive. When you told me you were talking to another girl, I respected it, I accepted it. It hurt. But I knew I could move on. I just didn't want to. I think very fondly of you, D. I think I've been through enough to know who I am and what I want. I know I'm young, but this is what I know so far and for once I'm comfortable and confident with my decisions. I hope you are too.
You're on my mind every day. I honestly fucking hate it. I always worry about you and how you're doing and what you're thinking and if you're okay. I'm worried I'm too much. I know I can be. I'd control it if I could. Bi Polar is chill sometimes. I get manic and I feel fucking incredible. But I want to be normal. I'd give anything. It sneaks up on me. Most of the time I am normal. I am okay. I'm just worried. I never do anything bad. I just get very talkative and extreme. I've been up and down all night. I want to be fun! I want to be quirky and unique. But I'm just like everyone else. And I'm sorry.
I too, fear relationships. I haven't been in a proper, decent relationship in over a year now, at least. It's all just people who hurt me too much, this far. Point is, I know what I want. And I want you. I just want to make you happy.
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magnoliawhetstone · 4 years
task eight - high school never ends
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Let’s start with the simple stuff first. what classes did you take in high school? which ones were you most and least excited for? did you have a favorite teacher that made the days more enjoyable?
Lia shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Talking about high school--especially after Jack and her’s conversation--was not her idea of a good time. The blonde played with her fingers and took a deep breath. “Classes? Uhm, well--I took all the usuals. Math, Biology, History--oh, English.” A smile slowly unfolded over her face. “English was always my favorite. Mrs. Buchanan--she was the kindest woman. I always thought I might end up like her one day. She had such a way of pulling you into the story. I remember one day, we were reading The Great Gastby and the way she was asking us to think about the story really...put me there. Like I was in the car with Daisy and Gatsby. I could feel the anguish they felt over Myrtle, the panic and the fear. It was...spectacular.” Lia shook herself out of her memory and cleared her throat. “I also took French mais ça n'avait pas de sens puisque ma famille n'est jamais allée en france.” She giggled slightly. “Ah, still have it. I didn’t much like math--I wasn’t really good at it. That had always been more of Bennett’s thing.” A sigh passed through her lips and she looked down. “I wasn’t going to college, so my momma and dad didn’t much care if I took harder classes or not, so I didn’t do many honors or AP. I convinced them to let me do English though--at the time I thought I could also convince them to let me to school for it too.” That fight still seared in her memory,  the embarrassment of having to be reminded her place still hot in her heart. “Favorite teacher? Mrs. Buchanan. She’s a special lady--I hope she’s doing well.”
and now, outside of the classroom. did you participate in any extracurricular activities like sports, band, or other clubs? were you apart of the prom planning committee or did your parent always sign up to chaperone field trips? or did you bolt home or to work at the end of the day?
Magnolia let out a hearty laugh at this question. “Extracurriculars--no ma’am. The Barnes don’t do extracurriculars. At least, not me. In fact, I do believe my momma once said that school was my extracurricular. Because if I wasn’t at school, you’d better believe I’d be practicing baton twirling, question and answers, pageant walks, doing some sort of philanthropy for the local community--anything that made me look more of a queen material. I’d practice for hours a way twirling that stupid...” She blinked, realizing the aggression that had taken over her voice. “I mean, no--no time. Momma said that a pageant queen has to be motivated and dedicated to her craft, so I spent a lot of time practicing.” Another smile found its way to her lips. “But, when I did have free time, I was usually hanging out with Jack. Maybe riding horses or learning to cook from his momma or--if Jack wasn’t around--hanging by the old oak tree behind our houses on the tire swing, just thinking. i couldn’t get a lot of thoughts out inside my house, so i had to find a place to do it outside. I loved that old tire swing, she and i had some mighty good memories.” She felt a few southern saying slipping in to her words and she took a deep breath. “But no, I wasn’t involved in high school very much. I mean, it was hard to be involved when you left halfway through, right?”
a night to remember. did you go to prom? if so, did you have a date or fly solo, and was it a good time where you danced all night, and what were you wearing? if not, did you have an ‘anti-prom’ party, or why else did you decide not to go? what about other school dances or pep rallies?
Lia swallowed thickly. She did not want to think about prom right now. Her mind flew to the pale blue dress in her closest and she closed her eyes. Prom. Prom was supposed to be the thing. Their thing--Jack and Lia’s. How much time they had spent coordinating colors, figuring out small little things, even way before they were even allowed to go. Lia had always been a planner and she had kinda pulled Jack in on the whole ‘planning from prom early’ train. She never showed him her dress though--partly because she was embarrassed she had even ordered it so early but also because she wanted it to a be a surprise. She hadn’t even told him she had gotten it yet. Lia had pages filled with ideas for what her hair could look like, shoes could be and even what kind of make up she’d do. The blonde was so meticulous at making sure prom would be nothing like the pageants she had been attending her whole life. Not a single thing matched the pagaents--her dress would be completely different, her hair? curled and loose--and no tiara at all. she wouldn’t even attempt to submit herself for royalty--she just wanted a night that was just...simple and fun. She wanted to enjoy music and dancing and just be a teenager for one four hour experience before she had to go back to the world she lived in.
The day she learned she’d be leaving--and not coming back, a part of her snapped. It wasn’t dramatic and it wasn’t explosive, but lia had changed that day. Her father had packed up her room, and already driven off to FedEx to have it shipped off. He didn’t seem to notice or care that the large garment bag was doing in her closet. It all just..went. No questions. No conversation. Her mother was stone cold like she always was. “I will not have a daughter who is bent on grabbing the wrong kind of attention in my household. Do you understand what it might look like if this got out? That your little charade could cost your father the speaker of the house, even. Do you know how that would make us all look. Perhaps Bennett will lose his full ride? Do you want that? How would you feel knowing you cost your brother Princeton? No, no that just won’t do. London will be perfect, no one will know you there and you can start over. Maybe chose to leave the dramatic’s behind? No one needs to know why you left, Magnolia. No one. Don’t cause any more damage than you already have. I’m tired of cleaning up your messes.” Lia closed her eyes, biting her lip at the memory of that day. 
 “I didn’t go to prom.” 
Some more of the hard hitting q’s. who did you sit with at lunch? did you keep the lock off your locker or decorate it? were your headphones always snaked through your sleeve? was cutting class a normal occurrence or would you never dare? did you ever get detention?
“Freshman and sophomore year, I ate lunch with Jack, Sarah Beth, Hannah and Lila. Probably some other people, and those girls kinda rotated in and out as they pleased, but Jack and I usually ate together for the most part. When I moved, I liked to eat alone. In my room mostly, probably reading a book or something. By the end of boarding school I had started eating lunch with Bex, which was nice. She didn’t like to talk a whole lot but neither did I. Though, in our small conversations, I learned she liked to blow glass and create really cool art pieces. She always promised to show me but we just never got around to it.” Fingers tapped on the table. “I was a boring high school kid--never skipped, never got detention and when I did go to the headmaster’s office, it was because I had gotten a good grade or impressed my teacher.” There was a time though, when she was asked about applying for colleges. Lia had told her teacher she wasn’t going and it had sent a wave of concern through the older woman. So Lia had gotten called to the headmasters office and she had to explain that she wasn’t to go to college, her parents wouldn’t pay for it and she knew her grades were good, but not scholarship level. Her headmaster kept telling her she had potential, but on the day that she was sent away, she had stopped really believing what people said about her, at least in that way. She didn’t think it really mattered. It was such an uncomfortable conversation because the tables had been flipped--but Lia was firm. College wasn’t meant for people like her. Luckily, she had found a job with Mr. Worthington shortly after graduating--and sometimes she thinks she’s learned more in her personal assistant role than she would have at school. 
upward and onward. what did you want to be when you were sixteen? was there a career path in mind, a certain college, another route worth taking? were you excited to see your high school in the rearview mirror or was moving on bittersweet?  if you graduated, was it scary or exciting or a mix of both? did you end up where your younger self expected you to?
What did she want to be when she was sixteen? “What did I want to be or what did my mother want me to be?” A humorless laugh escaped her lips and she felt herself lower her guard for a moment. “I wanted to be a writer. Or an English teacher--I really loved Mrs. Buchanan. But really, I wanted to write. Poetry, a novel, a screenplay, it didn’t matter. There was nothing I loved more than putting pen to paper and letting the words flow right out of me. It was so...” thereapuetic? “relaxing. But Momma wanted me to be a wife--even had a whole plan to get me there.” Her laugh was different this time--softer, more gentler. Her mind went to when Mrs. Barnes told Lia that she had already picked out the person she was going to marry. Lia had just come home from school, running up the stairs to throw her practice clothes on before her mother could yell at her for running late. But instead Momma stopped her before she could make it to the stairs, and pulled her in the kitchen. Lia tensed--kitchen talks were never good. When she had heard that her mother had picked out her future husband, Lia felt a rare sense of fight arise in her and she was ready to go off...until her mother expressed who it was. “Jack?” She blinked, completely thrown aback. “Like--lives right next door, rides horses and is like a cowboy, my best friend Jack?” What shocked her the most was how...well, how much she wasn’t bothered at all by the idea? Perhaps there was more to that then what she understood at the time, but for the first time in a long time--she wasn’t mad that her momma had made a choice for her. “Y’know, I think that was the one thing Momma did right.” She said softly, running a hand through her hair. “But no--I mean, college wasn’t in the cards for me and when I got sent away, it was up to me to figure things out. And looks like neither one of those futures really worked out, huh?”
and last but not least. if you could tell your younger self one thing - what would it be?
“Say no and don’t you dare get in that car Magnolia.”
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gold-and-jules · 7 years
gush about something you love tell me about your crush book recommendations song recommendations film recommendations
ohhhhhhhhhh boy
uh yeah. so i cant explain it. but my boyfriend is so so so wonderful? we talk nearly everyday about everything from head-canons, to school, to that one fucking scene in TLJ with Kylo (you know that one… a lot about that one). He’s honestly so wonderful and amazing, and not only that but very very cute??? We’ve been dating 6 months and I still get tongue tied whenever I see him because im just wowed. we both accept each others oddities for the most part and share the things we love with each other.
Every and all books in the Discworld series by Sir Terry Pratchett. I own very close to all of them and I adore his work, I had to be taken out of class when he died because I was such a mess. His world is so developed and the humour, messages and satire are all fantastic!!
I’m also really enjoying the Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordain (the dude who wrote Percy Jackson). It’s about Norse mythology and there’s diversity!! A lead character is a Muslim girl who wears a hijab and from the second book there is a major non-binary character.
Drive it like you stole it - Sing Street soundtrack
Jolene - Dolly Parton
Kiara - Bonobo (I’m choreographing my final dance piece to this and its worth just under half my grade)
A little party never killed nobody - Fergie/The Great Gastby soundtrack
Not Today - BTS
Blood, sweat, tears - BTS
Sing Street - Its the 80s in Dublin and everything sucks so Connor starts a band
Mulan - dude its freaking MULAN!!
(these are TV shows but shhhh:
Hello My Twenties - a kdrama about a young woman in college and her weird roommates
End of the f***ing world - a show about a girl with attitude issues who runs away with a boy who wants to kill her {sexual themes at times}
Hannibal - About Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham. deeply philosophical, psychological and technically gorgeous show {warnings for violence and gore}
Brooklyn 99 - good cops do exist)
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ceosato · 7 years
1-59 xoxoxoxo
HolY SHIT there’s a lot and i didn’t think i’d get asked but fuCK it im always in the mood for over sharing 1. selfieim on mobile sooo idk how sorry:P2. what would you name your future kids?i’m a big fan of the name Riley and it’s gender neutral too so win win 3. do you miss anyone?too many fuckin people and one who doesn’t deserve it🙃🙃4. what are you looking forward to?nothing momentous i guess...Tonight Alive’s next album tho5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?6. is it hard for you to get over someone?at the time it always feels like it’s hard but in hindsight i know i can manage so both yes and no7. what was your life like last year?one hECk of a roller coaster, it was my last year of school so super stressy and depressy but i have a lot of great memories too :)8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?not recently but ye9. who did you last see in person?my brother??10. are you good at hiding your feelings?lol probably not11. are you listening to music right now?no but i just was12. what is something you want right now?some cooler weather😓 (...and a gf or whatever)13. how do you feel right now?that kind of gross tingly feeling in your lower stomach and finger tips when u over think14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?HA i honestly have no idea 15. personality descriptionfuck i don’t know, but i’m usually pidgeon holed as the funny one so let’s say that 16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn't?unfortunately i usually tell people things and i hate it17. opinion on insecuritiesthey exist and they suck, i know i have a lot but fuck it who cares (even tho i care)18. do you miss how thing were a year ago?i don’t think so 19. have you ever been to New York?nuP20. what is your favourite song at the moment?Temple by Tonight Alive21. age and birthday?i’m 19 and my birthday is the 14th of May ♉��22. description of crush.idk if it’s fair to say i still have a crush on her but...she has short black hair which she usually always styles forward and it’s a bit shaved in the side, one nose piercing and a lot of ear ones which she’s said she regrets a little. she’s shorter than me by quite a bit. possibly one of the best smiles i’ve ever seen. AND THATS OT CAUSE NOW IM THINKING ABOUT IT TOO MUCH thanks for coming to my Ted talk23. fear(s)everything just a little 24. heightnofucking clue! i’m not short tho25. role modelJenna McDougall (bit of a theme in this huh)26. idol(s)pass cause what’s the difference 27. things i hatewhen people eat with their mouths open, i mean it’s alright if they physically can’t help it but i’m not a fan. Horror movies, but i low key would watch them for a girl. when people interrupt others like get some respect.28. i'll love you if...you like me back lol it don’t take much29. favourite film(s)Summer Wars, Wonder Woman and Pokémon Hero’s 30. favourite tv show(s)if u follow this blog i think you know 😌31. 3 random factsi put stickers on my guitar case, i like collecting hard copy albums and when i can’t sleep i look thru all my old shit (mostly sketch books)32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?i think mostly girls but some of my guy friends are my best ones 33. something you want to learnproper photography 34. most embarrassing moment1998-201735. favourite subjectin school it was probably Drama but idk what counts for now36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?creating an animated showdoing a proper cover of something and putting out therei’d like to enter in the Archibald prize one day (it’s an australian portrait comp)37. favourite actor/actressKatie fkn McGrath obvs and so many more38. favourite comedian(s)Hanna Gastby, Danny Bhoy and Chelsea Peretti39. favourite sport(s)football(soccer)40. favourite memorylast year when it was the final night of our school production (and my last production ever for highschool) i got awarded school prefect and that felt pretty special41. relationship statusSingle and a gay mess42. favourite book(s)i don’t rlly read but i guess Stasiland43. favourite song eversomething always brings me back to Say You’re Sorry by Sara Bareilles44. age you get mistaken foridk but usually a bit older than i actually am45. how you found out about your idoloh shit i didn’t think there’d be a follow up46. what my last text message says“night :)”47. turn onslove and support👌👌and maybe a bit of dominance 48. turn offsbeing rude i guess 49. where i want to be right nowNorway50. favourite picture of your idoloh FOR FUCKS SAKE51. starsignTaurus52. something i'm talented atdrawing i guess53. 5 things that make me happytbh im not in the mood to answer this one but i will say my dog54. something thats worrying me at the momentmoney? kind of55. tumblr friends@i-am-mercurial @beccascantbechoosers @sickkid @officialrocketjumper (sorry if there’s more this is all i can remember rn!!)56. favourite food(s)gyoza, pavlova and milk(even tho it’s a drink)57. favourite animal(s)Owls are the shit👌58. description of my best friendan idiot who i love 59. why i joined tumblrone of my friends just joined my up and i had no idea THANKS FOR THE ASK AND HERES UR ESSAY
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Questions Tag
Tagged by @a-scene-without-you (thx bae) THE LAST drink: water (stay hydrated!!!) phone call: my grandma, earlier this afternoon. text message: "honestly SAME" song you listened to: Where You Are from Moana (I love it sm) time you cried: about an hour ago, while watching Hidden Figures. HAVE YOU EVER dated someone twice: nope kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anyone so nope been cheated on: probably, during an online relationship like 5 years ago lost someone special: Yeah :/ been depressed: yep gotten drunk and thrown up: nopeee 3 FAVORITE COLORS Lavender Pastel pink Fiery red IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU made new friends: Yep!!! 💕 fallen out of love: Nope, since I wasn't in love in the first place. laughed until you cried: Many, many times. found out someone was talking about you: no? met someone who changed you: Yes! found out who your friends are: Yep, lost a few. Always drop toxic relationships in your life! kissed someone on your Facebook list: no for 2 reasons; 1, no Facebook, and 2, never been kissed. GENERAL how many Facebook friends do you know in real life: Don't have one. do you have any pets: no :/ but I want one (or 3) do you want to change your name: nah, I've grown to love my name. what did you do for your last birthday: went to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. (Fantastic film) what time did you wake up: 7:50am (ugh) what were you doing at midnight last night: wasting my life on here. name something you can’t wait for: my upcoming Walt Disney World trip!! (32 days!!) when was the last time you saw your mom: around an hour ago what are you listening to right now: Red Light by f(x) have you ever talked to a person named tom: yep, an old man, deaf, p loud but tells the best stories. something that is getting on your nerves: nothing atm most visited website: Youtube, Tumblr hair color: medium brown. long or short hair: short short short do you have a crush on someone: nah, no time for that. what do you like about yourself: my fashion sense lmao, my (bad) puns, my smile I guess blood type: No idea, honestly. nickname: Can, Di (oh who am I kidding, no one calls me that), nerp, loser (affectionately) relationship status: single af and pretty sure I'm loving it. zodiac: Capricorn ♑️ pronouns: her/she, but I'm fine with anything tbh favorite tv show: Friends tattoos: none yet, but I want a lot. right or left handed: Right. surgery: never had any yet. sport: I don’t like sports, except for soccer (football), i get rly into it. vacation: probably the last one I had with my granddad. pair of shoes: I love my red converse (and my teal pair), but recently I've been wearing white wedges bc of the season. MORE GENERAL eating: nothing atm drinking: water I’m about to: text back my friends waiting for: since I already said Disney, imma go with my upcoming Lady Gaga concert (YEET) want: a really cute dress (but it's too expensive, sob sob) get married: if I find the right person (lol yeah right), yeah, maybe: career: Baker all the way, I'm gonna be as good as I can be. WHICH IS BETTER hugs or kisses: both lips or eyes: both tbh shorter or taller: I'm short so I'd prefer to be taller, so taller. older or younger: idk, older bc yeah adulthood, but younger bc no responsibilities. nice arms or nice stomach: I could care less about either tbvh. hook up or relationship: relationship. troublemaker or hesitant: neither HAVE YOU EVER kissed a stranger: nope drank hard liquor: sorta???? lost glasses/contact lenses: around the house but that's it so far. turned someone down: yep sex on the first date: I mean..idk, it depends. broken someone’s heart: I believe I did once.. had your heart broken: yeah been arrested: never cried when someone died: yes, doesn't matter if it was a relative or celebrity. fallen for a friend: ..yeah.. DO YOU BELIEVE IN yourself: Most of the time. love at first sight: oh, of course. santa clause: I'm santa clause kiss on the first date: it depends, but probably yeah angels: I guess??? OTHER eye color: hazel favorite movie: I have 3 actually: The Great Gastby (2013), The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and Saving Mr. Banks. Tagging: @kyuhuyn, @haeheenim, @vixxtastic90, @asianpoprockstar, @yellowsweater-wonwoo, @soonvt, @boo-seungqueen, @jy0ngs, and whoever else wants to do it!
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dolanficsparadise · 7 years
Paring:Ethan x Charlotte (character)
Warning:Hate-Love-Smut in future chapters
Word Count-3184
This twisted love story takes place in late 1800s around the 1889 Ethan’s eyes are green and brownish in the story but they’re going to be mostly Red or black)
Sunday - today was the day that made my stomach turn from unknown feelings
“Come on Charlotte we have to get you dressed aren’t you happy to see your parents once again its been quite along time and you’ve read their letters darling they quite miss you"Malia shouts from inside of the closet her sweet voice flowing through my ears as a soft river of melodies
I didnt quite feel any emotion whatsoever about my parents coming back from winters valley from their meeting because I never even got to see them anyway
Eventhough we lived in the same house and only got to see them in special occasions and dinner if I was even lucky to dine with them it was just always me and malila 24/7
But I guess I still existed for them when I read their lovely handwritten letters stamped with a yellow seal on the back of it
Why yellow? I would ask myself as I remember my moms sweet voice as she always said yellow was our color beacuse it meant power and success
I really didnt know why our kingdom had to have the yellow seal like every type of mail or letter we send to other kingdoms it will be yellow  as well with our clothing it had to have something yellow
As well as many other kingdoms who have their own different color seal like The Violet seal aka The maple cresent kingdom as they are located in maple valley they pretend to be fancy but they are actually not
Then theres,The wine seal aka The summer kingdom as they are located in summers valley They are an insane family lets just say that like I really dont understand how in one familiy there could be so much drama and hidden scandelous affairs… yuck and eww first of all
The orange seal aka the blossom kingdom they are wannabes they really dont do anything but steal others ideas and judgement they are just known for their money and are in everyones buisness
The green seal aka The diamond kingdom they are known for their knowledege in science and inventions such as the time machine which they will release late in august along with other weird inventions
The blue seal aka The Enduria family kingdom they are the judges of every council and they know everything and see everything and are freaking unfair
The pink seal aka The furry kingdom they are the ones who run all the hospitals and shops there is as each memeber in the family has a special job
And my least favorite of all the one whos feared the most the black seal aka The scarlett kingdom they are the dangreous who are cursed by their beautiful looks and immmese power
I HATE THEM but I used to love them as my own family as im also arranged to get married with the prince of their kingdom Ethan which I refuse to marry that little womanizer jerk of an ass from what he did
Chills run down my spine not wanting to remember anything about him
Their are many more kingdoms with other colors but they arent as mentioned so I really dont know which color they have
theres only two powerful kingdoms: the yellow seal kingdom our kingdom and the black seal kingdom which are our enemeies now
well my enemy as my parents still talk to them and are friends with them because Im going to marry the kings son Ethan
which I despise and refuse just because the council orders it and my parents and his parents signed a contract and agreed to arrange this marrige when we werent even born yet just for the sake of our kingdoms and I have no say in this
But everything used to be good back then when he was actually nice to me when we where young
I look down at the floor not allowing myself to cry or feel anything toward that jerk as everything I thought we once had is over
“Stand still mi lady"The maids say as they hold on to my waist trying to tighten the corset tighter making me hold in a breath
The only person who ever understood me and was always there for me was Malia my parents right hand who they put incharge of me since I was 9 months old who I have adapted as a second mother
"Come on do it tighter im not hearing her groan Lola "Malia shouts again still roaming inside of the closet for the "perfect” dress as the poor maids tried their hardest to tighten the corset tightly around my waist but couldn’t as they growned in frustration trying to do it Malia’s way
“Leave now im sorry Lola and Katherin but I cant have you guys playing around here go down and help the others clean for the ball its in a couple of hours hurry please” Malia said walking towards me as she laid several dresses on my bed and pointed for the maids to exit the room
They obeyed walking out of the room with they’re head down in agony shutting the door behind them as I huffed out an air it wasn’t even their fault that Malia wants me to suffocate in this
“You are just so pure and innocent you cant always be so nice to people my darling"Malia said making me shake my head as she walks to my backside taking both the strings of the now loosend corset in her hands pulling tightly with every grunt making me groan out and hold in a breath everytime she pulled tighter
"Malia you know I dont think anyone is perfect as I believe that everyone is unique in their own selfish beautiful way but not perfect they could never be and kindness is the key for everything"I argued my point with every chance of breath I took as she huffed on about back there trying to tie a perfect not in which even though it would look perfect it was not it could never be perfect
"Sure sweetie I understand your weird point of view about "perfect and kindness "but im going to have to disagree with you on this one because many people are not going to be kind in this cruel world "Malia said coming out from behind me grinning in satisfaction as she looked up at me putting her arms on top of my shoulder shaking her long glossy manicured fingers in my face
I chose to stay quiet or else the argument would never end.
"Oh the gorgeous dresseses, oh the life of the party you have to live life you have to forget about him and everyone else who is against you because they’re jealous of your beauty and your innocence my dear oh how I wish I was your age again "Malia said twirling around in her golden sparkled gown as she pulled me along with her humming a tune of a song I quite couldn’t catch as she pulled me toward my bed
I looked at it with such saddness remembering how I was ripped out from it at 6 in the morning
Malia took my hand in her soft ones as she looked at all the dresses she laid out neatly on the bed picking the one I dreaded the most
The yellow golden sweetheart gown the one that pushed my boobs up and made me look like a grown woman which was a good thing for Malia who always wanted me to dress like a women but I didnt understand how dressing in such revealing ways was good
"Sweetie I know you don’t want to wear this one but this one will look perfect on you"Malia said bringing the dress above my head as I put my arms up allowing the soft silky dress texture to fall upon my body
"Whats wrong darling "Malia said as she looked at me coming to face me as she pushed my boobs up and fixed my curly hair as it fell nicely pass my shoulders
"Nothing "I said lowly knowing I would have to wear this one no matter how much I argued I put my arms over my chest trying to cover my self
"I really dont know why you are like that you have to stop wearing those little girl dresses you are a 16 year old young woman you have to stand up to those girls who make fun of you and show them you are better than them my darling now turn that frown upside down and smile okay because everything will be fine I hate seeing you this way"Malia said giving me a warm smile
I just stared at the floor knowing I would get a lecture on that and how it is disrespectful to look down when people are talking to you later or maybe she will let this one pass
I knew nothing was going to be fine as I felt the now commotion of ruckus growing in my gut
"What do we still need "Malia said drumming her fingers on her chin as she moved toward my dresser grabbing a couple of makeup items
Walking over to me she set down the items on my bed and grabbed them one by one first the eyeliner then the blush, red lipstick and golden black glittery eyeshadow that matched with my dress when she finished she put the items back in place and passed me a pair of black heels as I sat down on my bed putting them on just for them to be soon covered by my dress
I was now ready for the ball as I sat there on my bed looking at my fingers thinking about my french exam for tuesday.
"Wow you are just so beautiful like always it’s not fair sometimes you know"Malia said playfully falling down onto the bed next to me
It wasnt to long until Malila being Malila started giving me the lesson of the day "boys” breaking me out from my thoughts about my french exam which was more important and which I didn’t want to listen to right now or never actually
After a whole hour of Malia making her point clear to me that boys are nothing and then changing it to the opposite that boys are just amazing but they can be dumb at times and crazy that I should give him a second chance which I knew it wasnt Malila talking beacuse almost every second shes literally thinking on ways to murder him so I really dont know what got into her today we finally then read a few chapters of the classic novel “The Great Gastby” by F. Scott Fitzgerlad to kill time
One of the maids finally came up informing her that my parents have arrived and that everything was now ready for the ball and people had started to make an appearance Malia nodded her head over at her dismissing her from the room
“Finally its 8 "Malia said pulling me up with her off of the bed as she checked to see if everything was once again "perfect” and telling me it was just a ball as we exited the room
But it was not okay it was the 64th annual ball in which in every annual ball something bad occurs last time the girls from my princess teachings class which hate my guts for no reason tripped me and spilled their wine on me infront of every one and then kicked me busting my bottom lip open my parents got so mad that they where about to expell them and her family but they begged that it would never happen again that it was just an accident and now they pretend to be nice to me infront of them and the other time in an annual ball a fight broke down that gunshots were fired and two men died and I dont know how if it was supposedly secured and safe so yeah every theme ball we had never ended well .
We walked toward the stairs as the maids rushed down and up the stairs dressed angelically alike with white and yellow golden dresses making sure everything was in place
Malia took my hand in hers leading me down the stairs
I saw my dear mother and father standing near the entrance looking as elegant as ever my mother wearing also a yellow golden feathery dress with a white silk robe and my dad wearing something similar a golden suit with feathers on the brim of his dress shirt along with his badges and both wearing their royal crowns I could hear my father’s voice booming  with laughter as he talked to one of his close friends Gerald head master wearing his blue suit from the Enduria family kingdom as they hugged and cheered.
I hid closely behind Malia not wanting anyone to set their attention toward me but failed as halfway down the stairs heads turned my way making me look down at my feet
Malia gave everyone a death stare making some snap their head back the other way but many kept their eyes on me and then the place fell quiet and the awes an the gasps erupted in the place along with what I hated the most the murmers
“Realx"Malia said turning her head to me giving me a small smile as she felt my tensed body language
we made it down the staircase and greeted people who stopped to talk to Malia but didnt get too involved in any conversation as Malia rushed me over to my parents
Their eyes widened in happiness once they saw me
My mom eyes got watery as always and they engulfed me and Malia in a tight hug that felt like eternity making me smile as they let go and admired me
"Wow sweetie you look so beautiful oh that dress you are just stunning just like the true princess you are im so sorry we couldn’t be here with you,you know how we have to leave for meetings and the royal buisness please forgive us sweetie ” my mother said as she carressed my cheek these are the same words she always tells me when she sees me
My father grabbed my hand twirling me around suddenly and started dancing around with me on the marbled floor moving in circles with me making me laugh as we stopped and he kissed my hand and bowed down as I curtsied and he hugged me tightly again
we walked further down inside the ball admiring the beautiful roses and lilies that adorned the place and the chandeliers above us that lightened up the room the beautiful music of the violins strings played soft music as the guests wore their gorgeous seal colored gown as colors blossomed wherever you looked a group of red, orange, purple and many more envolved in conversations dancing, laughing and cheering
As we passed by them they bowed and curtised infront of my father and mother when I passed by them many looked at me badly and some smiled at me
I look down as my dad and Malia walked closer next to me not letting my sensitive heart think to much about it my mother moved her soft fingers through my hair and whispered sweet nothings in my ear
I never will understand why they disliked me so much when I don’t even talk and for starters I never did nothing to them
Malila and my parents always tell me they envy me because of how smart and gorgeous of a girl I am but these people have made me so insecure about myself that make me not see it I don’t even know what to think anymore
“It will soon be over ” I said queitley to myself as I balled my fingers into small fists
A waitress dressed in half black and white suit came by my parents and Malia offering them a glass of some fine wine they took it happily and we continued on walking as people made way for them bowing their head and going back to their gossip and dancing
I really dont understand why so much gossip they are supposed to enjoy the ball not talk badly of others
“Ahem” a deep dark voice suddenly cleared their throat
Making Everyone turn around toward the big double crystal doors following and searching for the deep voice
Three men dressed in black sparkly suit with masks all with crowns which meant- wait no no no it cant be
I rose an eyebrow shaking my head as the feeling in my gut got worse and something told me it was them but I didnt want to beleive what my mind was telling me I just didnt
“Huh I think they have the wrong party its not a masqurade ball that was last time” I said lowly to Malia as my father and mother hid me and Malila behind them
Malia was now pale as all the color from her face has drained as she kept looking at me and back to the three men that had made an entrance and in a swift of a motion the air had gotten so silent you could’ve cut it with a knife and the cheering and laughing of the people diminished as the music now turned into a dramatic orchestra and everyones facial expression was unreadable
“Whats going on ” I said lowly my voice shaky as Malia tried giving me a reassuring smile holding on to my hand tightly as my father whispered something to her and she nodded looking toward the big staircase in the far east side of the ballroom as she blocked each view from where I could see who was there making me furrow my eyebrows but she missed a spot as I peeked through the little space between my fathers shoulder wanting to know who had made this grand affect on everyone
“Oh no” I gasped shaking my head as my heart sank down to the floor making me breath heavily as everyones eyes where on us and thats when Malia pulled me with her as we ran toward the staircase but five man dressed in black sparkly suits and black masks jumped out from behind the staircase and blocked us from going anywhere and surrounding each exsit
And thats when it got to me that It was them James the king of the Scarlett kingdom the black seal and his son “Prince charming” Ethan along with his twin Grayson and his dark horse minions that were like lethal weapons with such skills that kill people for fun
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I feel loved ;-; (taggg)
I was tagged again by my favourite Tumblr-er @barrellovingbishop thank you so much you shouldn’t have to do this but I understand you ate such a lovely person -I really need to tag you in the future as well WHY I DONT TAG PEOPLE BTW? COS ITS HARD AF TO DO IT ON MY PHONE I SHALL ADD PEEPS ONCE I GO ON PC… maybe (dont trust this otaku she lazy af) My last… 1. DRINK - COFFEE 2. phone call - uuuh my mum I guess (me and my friends use messenger to talk) 3. text message - my bank loves me lol 4. song i listened to - RAY’S OST FROM MYSME V’S ROUTE IM IN LOVE WITH THAT VIOLIN 5. time you cried - I am not keeping a diary of that 6. dated someone twice - i never dated anyone before ;-; (at least not real person if you know what I mean) 7. kissed someone and regretted it - nah 8. been cheated on - nah x2 9. lost someone special - yesss cca a year ago 10. depression - i am in a cycle i cant escape from ;-;
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - i was low key drunk only once in my lifetime but it was not that bad for me to throw up (i only felt dizzy) FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. BLUE, 13. RED, 14. MAGENTA PURPLE IN LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15. made new friends- yeah 16. fallen out of love - nope 17. laughted until you cried - yup 18. found out someone was talking about you - idk maybe 19. met someone who changed you - yes… 20. found out who your friends are - yes they are the best of friends <3 21. kissed someone on your FB list - nooo XD
GENERAL 22. how many FB friend you know IRL: only my ex-classmates and classmates + my classmates/friends 23. do you have any pets: yess I have 2 aquarium fish and a dog 24. do you want to change your name: I don’t like both my birthname (I lile my nicknames more) and surname but I’d only want to change my surname (I gonna marry well lol) 25. what did you do for your birthday: celebrated?? with my family?? i do that every year 26. what time did you wake up: 9 AM 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: PLAYING MYSME CHATROOM OPENED I MADE MYSELF TO BE AWAKE 28. name something you can’t wait for: to finally watch bungou stray dogs and continue playing otome game Dandelion and reading makai ouji manga 29. when was the last time you saw your mum: few minutes ago WE LIVE UNDER ONE ROOF 30. what are you listening to rn: nothing it’s soo quiet o.o 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah i had many classmates with that name it’s pretty common name in my country 32. something that is going on your nerves: that i have to go to school tomorrow for only one lesson ALSO CURRENT UNI’S TIMETABLE ATM… wait in general? idk mean people?? 33. most visited website: Youtube and Tumblr XD (also nhentai sssh) 34. hair colour: dark brown - it’s getting darker it looks like black atm - never colored mah natural colour 35. long or short hair: I prefer short hair on boys, medium on girls and I myself have medium 36. do you have a crush on someone: i haven’t had a crush on REAL person/guy since high school aka 4 years 37. what do you lile about yourself: that i’m getting into a shape as I’m execersing a lot 38. want any piercings: nope not my thing 39. blood type: A 40. nickname: Bia; Bika 41. relationship: single and no I am not asexual I have just terrible “shediaphillia” aka attraction for fictional boys XP 42.zodiac: Scorpio 43. pronouns: she/her 44. favourite TV show: It changes it is currently detective series called Father Brown and youtube buzzfeedblue’s UNSOLVED I watch a lot mystery shows XD 45. tatoos: no 46. right or left-handed: right 47. surgery: right abdomen; appendix; when 6 years old 48. sport: none I exercise at gym twice a week thou. I like swimming thou 49. vacation: JAPAN I WILL GO THERE ONE DAY I SWEAR. Norway or Sweden would be nice too I guess. And Seychelles I love beaches. 50. pair of trainers: my ol ones for gym lol MORE GENERAL 51. eating: PASTAAAAA and cake 52. i’m about to: survive the 1st day of school tomorrow 53. waiting for: my dog to get better (he’s sick) 54. want: watch bungou stray dogs, finish v’s route, graduate(get mah BC) in uni in general 55. get married: not anytime soon 56. career: idk… english teacher??? maybe??? Or translator WHICH IS BETTER 57. hugs or kisses: both ;) 58. lips or eyes: both but im more for lips 59. shorter or taller: im shortie myself so shorter 60. older or younger: depends what it is if a person than a bit older than me but not much if an animal than younger 61. nice arms or nice stomach: eeeh i don’t care why not both?? 62. hook up or relationship: relationship 63. troublemaker or hesistant: i am hesistant HAVE YOU EVER 64. kissed a stranger: nope 65. drank hard liquor: i had vodka once 66. lost glasses: no 67. turned someone down: ya i have sinned 68. sex on the first date: would never do that and never did 69. broken someone’s heart: ya… i think 70. had your heart broken: 707 broke my heart the most… Saeran is doing it rn (only by fiction as you can see) 71. been arrested: no 72. cried when someone died: not yet… nobody i hold close died yet soo 73. fallen for a friend: nope DO YOU BELIEVE IN 74. yourself: kinda i guess i doubt myself sometimes tbh but i try not to 75. miracles: half yes 76. love at first sight: not anymore in my opinion it is not love but obession/desire 77. Santa Claus: no 78. kiss on the first date: meh 79. angels: YES OTHER 80. current best friend’s name: There are 3 of them: Vicky, Dominica and Anna (not too close with Anna thou) 81. eye colour: greyish blue 82. favourite movie: anime- Kimi no na na wa ; other- The Great Gastby
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elitespark · 7 years
Well here it goes:
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? No shes just a friend 2. You talked to an ex today, correct? no i dont usually talk to exes 3. Have you taken someones virginity? yep 4. Is trust a big issue for you? sometimes but sometimes not 5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? yes6. What are you excited for? summer 7. What happened tonight? netflix by myself :(8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls anyone get really wasted? No bc ive been there 9. Is confidence cute? sometimes 10. What is the last beverage you had? dr pepper 11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? not alot, they tend to let me down 12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? duh 13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? depends 14. What are you going to spend money on next? Flowers15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? Not quite 16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? probably 17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? someone special 18. The last time you felt broken? very recently 19. Have you had sex today? no 20. Are you starting to realize anything? always 21. Are you in a good mood? yes 22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? yes totally 23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? yes24. What do you want right this second? to be holding someone i care about and watch netflix 25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? i think they know 26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? yes27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Negative 28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? i tripped over my cat 29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? yep 30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? i think so 31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? No hate for anyone 32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? they do 33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? nope 34. Listening to? My self typing 35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? i make a lot of mistakes so yea36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? Home?37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope 38. Who did you last call? My dad39. Who was the last person you danced with? my nephew we had a little dance off 40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? bc i like them 41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? in december? 42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? not today no 43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? always44. Do you tan in the nude? uh no 45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? never46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? not last night no 47. Who was the last person to call you? my mom 48. Do you sing in the shower? well duh49. Do you dance in the car? whenever i can 50. Ever used a bow and arrow? yes51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? two years ago 52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? a better question would be can they get more cheesier?53. Is Christmas stressful? no 54. Ever eat a pierogi? nope 55. Favorite type of fruit pie? is pumpkin a fruit?56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? a vet 57. Do you believe in ghosts? i belive in everything 58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? ALWAYS 59. Take a vitamin daily? not any more 60. Wear slippers? sometimes 61. Wear a bath robe? no 62. What do you wear to bed? anything comfortable63. First concert? The Black Eyed peas 64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Walmart duh 65. Nike or Adidas? Converse 66. Cheetos Or Fritos? HOT cheetos 67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Sunflower 68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? The last time 69. Ever take dance lessons? No but i want to 70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? something that makes them happy 71. Can you curl your tongue? sure? 72. Ever won a spelling bee? No never 73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes 74. What is your favorite book? the great gastby 75. Do you study better with or without music? with music 76. Regularly burn incense? Yes77. Ever been in love? yes78. Who would you like to see in concert? fifth harmony 79. What was the last concert you saw? Ive only been to one 80. Hot tea or cold tea? both 81. Tea or coffee? coffee 82. Favorite type of cookie? double chocolate chip 83. Can you swim well? i like to think so 84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? yes 85. Are you patient? Very 86. DJ or band, at a wedding? Band 87. Ever won a contest? No 88. Ever have plastic surgery? Um no 89. Which are better black or green olives? i dont like either 90. Opinions on sex before marriage? i dont have one 91. Best room for a fireplace? living room 92. Do you want to get married?  of course 
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