#i hate the format i gave this lmao
bitching about the living situation below, please continue your scroll if you wish to dodge mood poisoning yourself
okay, housing market, i need you to get your shit together STAT, because i'm tired of coming home from a shitty work day only to suffer radiation mood poisoning because SOMEone has decided that EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS MY FAULT and i'm a horrible selfish person who takes advantage of my mom, and he proceeds to be silently but palpably pissed off at me for the ENTIRE duration of dinner, like i'm not already tense as hell from 8.5 hours of capitalism while his retired ass did whatever the fuck he wanted to all day
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cheeseceli · 9 months
SKZ arguing over the bill
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Pairing: ot8!skz × gn!reader (individually)
Genre: fluff
Request: yes!
Warning: mentions of food, reader never pays lmao. Changbin, Chan, Seungmin's were heavily inspired by "Telling your Stray Kids boyfriend you can’t afford to eat out with them" by @ronnierites . If you don't allow this pls lemme know and I'll delete this post. Not proofread
A/n: that's kinda a new format, hope you guys like it! And this have been on my to do list since forever lol sorry for the wait
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Bang Chan
Doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable
But he wants to spoil you so badly
Would let you pay if you were uncomfortable but he wants to make sure you get it he would love to pay for you as well
"You know Chris, I can pay for it."
"I know."
"I'd rather do it. But thank you baby."
"But-" you stopped talking once you saw his card swiping. You truly should be used at this point "oh."
"Why do I feel like you're unhappy?"
"It's not that I am not happy, it's just that you always pay."
"It's my pleasure."
"But I don't know, I don't want you to think you're being pressured or something like that."
"Babe, I don't feel like that at all. Don't you worry. You're always doing so much for me, that's just a little 'thank you' of mine."
You gave him a little smile and proceeded to hug him, feeling safe in his warmth.
"I'm so lucky to have you."
"I should be the one saying it."
Lee Know
Bro you don't even spare a chance
He's paying before you even have a chance to take your wallet out of your pocket
I'm surprised you even try tbh
"Should we ask for the bill?"
"Oh, I already paid for it, don't worry."
You looked dumbfounded at him while he was finishing his food. You didn't see him talk to a waiter and you're sure he didn't pay for it before you two had your meal.
"What? When?"
"When we were asking for the dishes. Didn't you see it?"
"No?" you tried to recall the moment with no success "Why would you pay? I feel bad that you pay for everything all the time. I don't feel like reciprocating enough."
His eyes soften and a little smile comes to his lips while he watches you pout. If only you knew how much you did for him.
"Hey, look at me. It's okay. You already reciprocate with everything you do. That's already perfect"
He pays with the money, you pay back with kisses
Sorry but that's his boyfriend duty
He is physically incapable of not paying for everything
"Hey baby. I'm off work in 40 minutes. I'll pick you up so we can have lunch, okay?"
You were glad that for once you were on a voice call with him instead of being in a face time like you'd usually do. This way he didn't see the way your smile dropped so quickly.
"Um, I don't think I'll be able to."
"Oh? Why?"
"I'm kinda... broke right now. I haven't received my last payment yet."
"Okay? What does that have to do with anything?"
"I don't want you to be the one who always pays for our things. I should be able to pay sometimes."
"You don't need to. That's my boyfriend duty. You know I don't mind, I actually enjoy it quite a lot."
"Still bothers me though. I'd hate to not contribute at all."
"You can always cuddle with me and shower me with kisses. That will make me happier than anything money can buy."
Stop he'll be like genuinely so sad if he can't pay
He would let you pay if you were really insistent
But then he'll go like :( and you would let him take the bill out of pity lmao
"Hyunjin, stop looking at me like that."
"But darling, I can pay. You know it doesn't bother me."
"Just this once, let me pay, okay?"
"...Jinnie I really need you to stop that."
"I'm not even doing anything."
"Oh God" you sigh and let your head fall, knowing the man beside you won the argument once more "Fine. You can pay."
He didn't waste a second, swiping his card as fast as possible just so you couldn't have the time to change your mind. After he payed the meal, he took your hand in his and started to walk in the direction of the restaurant's exit with a triumphant (and really sweet) smile.
"I swear I don't get why you like to pay so much."
"My love should be treated as royalty, and that includes me paying for everything you wish for."
Bro is offended
Believes with all his heart that he should be the one paying
Tries to distract you when the time to pay comes
"Were you paying while I was in the restroom?"
"... perhaps."
"Baby. You know I like to pay for you."
"But you do that all the time."
"It's my way of showing love! If you ask me, I actually don't think it's enough. It's the least I can do."
He could see in your eyes that you weren't convinced. Unfortunately (for you), he only saw that as an opportunity to spend even more money. Maybe then you would believe him.
"C'mon, lemme show you a little bit of love. You can pay me back with thousands of kisses if that's what's bothering you."
He loves to pay.
If he could, he would pay for absolutely everything that you could ever want or need.
But if that's something which really bothers you, he will let you pay as well
Tries to do that "the one who invites is the one who pays" thing and fails
"Felix. Don't even dare."
He looked at you confused until he realised you were staring at the credit card in his hand, probably hoping that it could disappear before the waiter came back with the bill.
"C'mon, it's just a small lunch. I can pay for it."
"No. I invited you. I pay."
"Actually, if you think about it, I'm the one who suggested this place."
"Two years ago."
"Still counts."
"Not as an invitation though. I'm the one who asked if you wanted to come here."
Felix sighed, knowing he wouldn't be able to convince you of otherwise. If only he could.
"Okay. Next time it's on me."
LMAO sorry you're 100% not paying
Don't even try
Boyfriend duty pt 2 except he is even more dedicated somehow
"Why did you bring your wallet?"
"I wanted to pay for this one."
"... why?"
"You always pay for everything."
"And I don't plan on stopping so you can take your wallet away."
"Minnie, please. I don't want you to be the one who always end up paying for everything."
"But I want to. I wouldn't mind paying for every single thing for the rest of our lives. So you can't take your money away of my sight because I'm paying."
"For the rest of our lives huh?"
"Don't tease." But you didn't miss how the corners of his lips lifted once he thought you weren't looking anymore.
Rock, paper, scissors. The winner is the one who pays
It's funny and neither of you can complain about the outcome of it because it's technically fair
Except you always throw scissors first and never noticed it
And Jeongin doesn't have the heart to tell you
"We should change this game."
"No way" he said while giving the money to the cashier whilst trying to hide his grin from you "Not my fault you are horrible at this."
"Seriously though, I think you're cheating. It's impossible for you to win every single time."
"How does one cheat at 'rock, paper, scissors'? Besides, you won yesterday."
"After losing at least 50 times. And I got to pay for some ice cream. It's not the same as paying for a whole meal."
"Get better at this and maybe you get to pay for a whole meal one day. C'mon, we can have some milkshake now. Maybe you'll win this time."
You had a feeling you wouldn't though. He was sure you wouldn't.
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Reblogs and feedback are appreciated!
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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dropthedemiurge · 1 month
Boys Be Brave [EP.3] // Translation notes
Alright, I got prompted by @turndon100-blog @okiedokie2216 @lurkingshan and the ending of Ep.3 gave me hype boost so I'll try to write some clarification and translation for the scenes from my phone while I still remember everything xD Sorry if this is not going to be as well formatted as my other language posts tho...
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Kiseob wants to prove to Jinwoo that he perfectly fits his entire "My ideal type" checklist and he lists all the things he nails. This might've been confusing to many in subs, but the thing is - 첫눈 (chot nun) in Korean can both mean "first sight" and "first snow". So Jinwoo immediately argues that Kiseob failed to achieve being perfect in all to-do points because Jinwoo hasn't fallen in love with him at first sight (as he mentions it in the beginning of the episode). But Kiseob confidently argues that no, there was no first snow this winter yet and shows the December article that says first snow is late this year and might only fall in January.
So technically Jinwoo can still fall in love with Kiseob at first snow and achieve perfect 10/10, therefore no failure yet! Poor Jinwoo can't argue with that logic... (That frustrated little jiggly stomping lmao)
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This message also said that he better pay that credit back until Friday, otherwise there will be extra fee.
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He said "Choi BalgEum. Look at me" (or focus on me) 🥺
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눈치 없어 (nunchi opseo) is a phrase that literally means "have no sense" (it also was formed from 눈 - eyes, as I can guess), but it's used in the context of being perceptive (눈치 있어/nunchi isseo, having sense), feeling the subtext or nonverbal clues - and, well, the lack of it on the opposite, like being clueless.
So Balgeum actually means "Can't you see? Don't you understand the implications?"(of him holding Kiseob's hand) "I asked, don't you realize?" Stop following me around like a clueless fool" (he said that "having no sense" phrase 3 times in a row, who are you trying to fool here yourself, my guy lol)
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Balgeum also curses twice at his piano not-friend-situationship. Here he says after asking to stop following him: "It's fucking embarrassing". Probably, the fact that he keeps showing up and asking to talk to him, but can also mean doing this while he obviously "has a boyfriend".
When they meet in evening, he also curses again "why the fuck do you keep appearing?" Balgeum is just definitely trying to hurt him as much as possible :(
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This translation works but just to clarify - Kiseob says "Why do you often hide?". So he doesn't just ask why Jinwoo were still hiding under bed while he was talking to him, he was asking why Jinwoo was running away and hiding from him all the time (while he likes him).
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"I hated you back then and I hate you now, that's why I run away."
And I just love the phrase 아니잖아... (anijanha) that he gets in response. Because it means "That's not true... (and you know it too)". There's literally a grammar point in Korean that lets you insist on something you know that the other person also should be aware of. So Balgeum angrily claims he ran away in the past and he runs away now because he hates Inho (I hope that's his name, forgive me if anything), and Inho counter argues that no, he doesn't hate him. And implies they both know it. That's why Balgeum resorts to less angry "Think whatever you want".
And the fact that even after this, Balgeum kept playing up his masquarade and saying he wants to vomit even thinking about that they had something, that he regrets it every day - no wonder Inho finally snaps and calls him an asshole/scum when he didn't use cursing before, unlike Balgeum, and so the i-dont-wanna-hurt-you-but-i-am-emotional "fight" begins.
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But here we have a silver lining!
"- Meet me only three times... - I got it (what you want), so... (let go of me)"
알겠다 (al'getta) literally means "I know/I understand" but (going with my intuition) it's used naturally in cases that you understood the information you were given, received instructions and will follow them.
I'm not sure what Ep.4 will bring, but I won't be surprised if Balgeum and Inho actually will go to 3 dates because Balgeum sounded like he was giving in, after letting out his anger/fear/frustration/etc through wrestling with Inho. His final verdict for Inho pleading him to go on 3 dates with him is: "Let me go. I told you, I understand (your request and I will consider it most likely in a positive way)"
Here you go! These guys grow on me more and more with every episode. I am fascinated to see Jinwoo ditching his perfectly planned schedule, Kiseob finally refusing to follow where other people drag him, Inho fighting to make his love exist despite brutal rejections and punches, and Balgeum's carefully crafted defense walls breaking as he lets a glimmer of hope and love return to his life.
This show isn't deep at all, it's foolish and yet I'm starting to see layers and development and I'm intrigued where they all will go.
If you've got any other questions about this or previous episodes, let me know! (With timecodes preferrable)
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yunalinwrites · 4 months
kids on christmas eve | gojo satoru x reader
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available on wattpad
cover by me
summary: you learn about what happened with geto suguru and make him talk to you about it
about reader: gender neutral, relationship to gojo is unclear but they're close, on a first name basis + implied to be romantic
warnings: sad (if i did my job right), mild cursing, spoilers for jjk 0 + gojo's past/hidden inventory/star plasma vessel arc
notes: i know this is really out of season bc christmas has long passed but its for the plot lol as u prob know dec 24th is an important date
anyways i prob could've edited more but tbh i just wanted to post it already lmao hope its not cringe cuz i didn't shower to finish it (avg jjk degenerate) also im angry this was correctly formatted in google docs but tumblr ruined it and i cant b bothered to reread it under the new formatting so srry if theres smth wrong
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"Gojo-sensei, that's not fair!"
Itadori had his bottom lip stuck out, his arms crossed tightly and his feet stomping against the snow.
"Yeah, come on!" Kugisaki agreed, mitten-clad hands full of the cold ammunition. "Turn it off, will you?"
You looked over to where Satoru stood. The snowballs that floated around him made it a little hard to see, but you could still tell his face was like it always was: smiling, the only deviation from its usual state being the pink on his pale nose. The rosy shade was just like his tongue when he stuck it out. 
"Come and make me," he taunted.
"Why, you little..." Kugisaki grumbled. "Okay, Itadori, Formation B!"
"Roger!" Itadori yelled back.
The pair performed a number of flashy poses--as if they were trying to imitate something they'd seen in a cartoon--and before you knew it, they were charging at Satoru from two sides, arms fully loaded and wound back with mounds of snow. But it seemed Satoru knew it before you, because he just tsked--didn't even bother catching the snowballs, just let them fall apart against his forcefield.
"Gojo-sensei!" the two groaned in unison.
"You're no fun!" Itadori complained.
"It's not supposed to be fun," Satoru countered with a playful shrug. "Just because it's a snow day doesn't mean you can stop training."
"But... but... But what about...!" Kugisaki sputtered, a vein popping out of her forehead as she struggled to come up with an argument. You could almost see the lightbulb pop up above her head as she pounded her fist in her palm. "But what about global warming?"
"Yeah!" Itadori followed, not thinking. "What about--Wait, what?" Scratching his head, he tilted his head at Kugisaki.
"It could totally be the last day it ever snows, you know," she claimed matter-of-factly, her hands on her hips. "And I would so hate you forever."
Itadori's mouth formed a silent "Oh!" as Kugisaki elaborated. Nodding his head in accord, he added on: "Yeah, Gojo-sensei. I don't think I could respect you after that."
Satoru put on a dramatic pout at that last sentence, but he soon returned to a smile and gave in with a sigh. "Alright, just this once."
You could see the two students loudly jumping for joy from behind him as he made his way towards where you were sitting. You smiled warmly at the sight.
"They really are something," you commented.
"Tell me about it," Fushiguro grumbled, leaning boredly against the wooden armrest of the park bench. He observed quietly as his friends built a snowman in the distance until Satoru's towering shadow prompted him to look up.
"Megumi!" Satoru called, his voice high-pitched and sing-song. "Go play with the others."
The boy scowled in response. "I'm too old for that stuff."
"You think you're old?" Satoru challenged. He pointed at his hair, at the white color it's always been. "What does that make me?" He hunched over and put his hand on his lower spine, feigning back pain. "C'mon, listen to your teacher. Let me sit next to Y/N."
Fushiguro squinted at him for a moment before finally getting up."Gross."
You chuckled, watching the boy begrudgingly drag his feet through the snow towards his classmates, but your laughter hitched as you felt something push against you. Turning to your right, you saw his lanky teacher. At first the sensation didn’t make sense, considering that there was a considerable amount of distance between the two of you, but you soon recalled his defense measures and the complaints they had garnered. 
Not noticing your discomfort, he stared up at the cloudy sky for a moment before turning to you. 
"Are you cold?" he asked.
You shook your head. "I should be asking you," you replied, referencing his lack of winter wear. "Why didn't you wear a coat?"
"Well, it would ruin my outfit, of course," he stated perkily. He wore a confident smirk on his face, but looking closer you could tell he was shivering beneath the thin fabric of his uniform.
Taking a deep breath in disapproval, you reached for your scarf. "Here," you offered, unraveling the knot you’d made earlier. But when you reached to wrap it around his neck, you felt the resistance of his invisible force.
His smile eased. "It's okay," he obliged, sniffling. "Thank you, though."
You hesitated before tying your scarf back around yourself, the garment's chunky knit giving it enough volume to nearly cover your mouth and even your ears, but you could still hear his teeth chatter. You searched your surroundings, looking past the dead snow-adorned trees and following the wet pavement until you spotted something in the distance: a cafe, just down the street from where you were.
"I'll get you some hot chocolate," you decided, standing up and brushing the snowflakes off your coat.
"You don't--"
"Shh!" You pointed your finger threateningly at him before turning around to begin your walk. "Somehow you've bent logic so far that you'll end up sick if you don't drink it. So just take this as an excuse to have more sweets, alright?"
You were just about to make your first step away from the bench, but then you felt a firm grip wrap around your arm. "Wait, Y/N--"
Before he could finish his protest, he was cut off by a particularly firmly packed snowball striking him right in the middle of his face, highlighting his nose with the sparkling white powder and dislodging his blindfold. With his cerulean eyes now exposed, he turned his head and saw the three of them: Itadori pointing and cackling on the left, Kugisaki doing the same keeled over in the middle, and even Fushiguro, on the right, had the ends of his mouth perked up as he shook his head hopelessly.
You saw Satoru grin at the picture, but it was contradictory to what you were feeling. He had let go of your arm, but not by relaxing his hand--you felt him, as if brick by brick, build that invisible wall right back up between you, seemingly stronger than ever. You could still feel it, even as he walked away towards the trio, tying his blindfold back on. Sighing, you sat back down and watched him make snow angels with the others, his head blending right in with the scene as he drowned himself in the blinding whiteness. With his blindfold now fully on, you could only imagine what it was like when he smiled with his eyes.
"I can't feel my toes."
Twirling her brown hair between her fingers, Shoko spun around in her chair to face the doorway.
She darted her eyes between you and Satoru for a second before a calm, amused expression painted her face. Despite knowing it was his voice she heard--though it was more nasal than usual--she directed her question at you: "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I told him to wear thicker socks!" you exclaimed, your arms crossed in frustration. "But look! Show her."
Rolling his eyes behind his blindfold, Satoru pulled the fabric on his thighs, lifting the hems of his pants so that they revealed his ankles. They were barely covered by the cheap red and green striped polyester; it was the kind of thing you'd spot on sale in packs at the checkouts during Christmas season.
“So I forgot… Big deal!”
“I could fill a library with all the things you forgot,’” you complained. “I mean, what are you, a fish?”
Unfazed, Shoko chuckled. "You're telling me the strongest--the one powerful enough to rival the King of Curses--was defeated by a case of frostbite?"
The both of you responded simultaneously: "Exactly." "No!"
"I was not defeated," he insisted, earning a glare from you. "Barely a scratch. She's just being dramatic."
"I am not--"
"Is there a reason you can't heal yourself?" Shoko interrupted, now turned to Satoru.
He pointed his thumb in your direction accusingly. "She wanted to come here, not me."
"Wait," you interjected. "You can heal yourself?”
“Of course, duh.”
“Since when?"
"High school," he answered dismissively, wiping his nose with his sleeve. "See, look!"
He pointed down to his shoes--through the leather of his dress boots, you could see the movement of his wriggling toes. 
You held your hands up to hide his feet from your sight. “Ew, stop that--" you grimaced. "Why didn't you tell me?"
He shrugged, smirking smugly. "My talent should go without saying."
You sighed. “Your talent to bewilder me?”
"You know it,” he asserted proudly. "But anyways–Can I go now?"
Before you could even answer, you could sense him already moving in your peripheral vision.
"Satoru, wait--"
"If you don't believe I'm fine, I'll show you my toes," he threatened, halfway out the door.
"Go on, catch me if you can!"
You listened, trying to grab onto him but, once again, his Infinity blocked you, making you stumble into Shoko's arms as it pushed you backwards. By the time you regained your balance and rushed into the hallway, his long strides and newly healed feet had already carried him beyond your sight.
You sighed and re-entered the room, brushing yourself off. "Do you have anything for a cold?" you asked.
"I should," Shoko replied, opening up one of her medicine cabinets. "Why, are you feeling okay?"
"Yeah, no, it's for him," you explained. "He's had a runny nose all week. I told him not to go out in the snow with the kids, but... You know how he is."
She hummed in acknowledgement with an understated smile, picking out a bottle of Acetaminophen capsules. Making her way over to you, she held up the container.
"I have these," she told you, but she didn't hand them to you; she just kept holding it up as she continued, "but, in my professional opinion, I don't think he has a cold."
"What do you mean?" you asked, your brow raised.
"Y/N, do you know what tomorrow is?"
"It's... the 24th."
"So... Christmas Eve?"
She looked down at the floor, placing the bottle on a nearby counter and leaning back against it, getting comfortable. She stayed quiet for a moment, biting her lip in deep thought as she continued to stare at the floor with her arms crossed. But then, finally, she sighed, and reached into her coat pocket for a cigarette.
"Would you like one?" she offered, flicking the lighter at the end of the stick
"Um... No thank you..."
"Have a seat." She gestured to the metal seat against the wall.
Still thoroughly confused, you did as you were told. You felt as if your parents were about to have a stern "talk" with you--as if you had broken a vase or--arguably worse--it was time for you to understand the birds and the bees. That thought, along with the cold steel beneath you, sent chills up your body.
In an attempt to quell your anxiety, you beat her to the punch and spoke up: "You went to high school together, didn't you?"
She blew out a lengthy tangle of smoke strings. "That's right," she answered.
You shifted in your seat. "Has he always been... like this?"
"No,” she chuckled, bringing the cigarette back to her lips. "He used to wear glasses."
Your eyebrows shot up as you leaned forward in shock. "Seriously?"
She reached into her coat pocket again, this time producing a small print of a photo. 
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You took the glossy sheet from her hands and studied it, your mouth agape. Sure enough, there he was, on Shoko's right, smiling widely with his hair down and a pair of round sunglasses, both of them holding up peace signs. But, while Shoko's arm was clearly holding up the camera for the selfie, one of Satoru’s arms appeared to be wrapped around the shoulders of a black-haired man you didn't recognize.
Your brows furrowed at the sight. "Who's the one on the left?"
The scent of the nicotine got stronger as she took her time to ponder her answer, staring blankly into the back of the photo beneath your thumbs.
"That's Geto Suguru,” she finally told you.
You scanned his portrait meticulously. The man wore a grumpy expression with dark bags under his eyes and, contrary to the cheerful pose of the other two, he was flipping off the camera.
“Was he an upperclassman?” you asked.
She shook her head. “He was our classmate.” She gestured towards the photo with her cigarette. “We were all second-years there.”
“No way…” Holding the photo closer, you could have sworn you saw the outline of ear gauges behind Shoko’s head. “He looks so much older.”
You returned the photo to her and she slipped it back in her pocket, not taking even a glance at it as she did. She just spoke plainly: “He’s Satoru’s best friend.”
You tilted your head to the side. “Really? I wonder why I haven’t heard of him, then."
She took another puff, turning her face away from you as she let it out. “Tomorrow is his death anniversary.”
Your eyes widened before falling to the floor. “Oh… I see…”
You fell into a solemn trance, not knowing what you should or shouldn’t say and, consequently, opting to stay quiet out of respect. But, suddenly, you were interrupted by the sound of light laughter. 
“Even if he were still with us, I doubt you would’ve been able to tell. They bickered so much you’d think they hated each other.”
She walked around to the other side of the counter, leaning forward on it as she rested her hand on her palm.
“Who could get to class faster… Who could shoot more hoops in a minute… Who could make a bigger crater in the courtyard…”
You tried to imagine the pair wreaking havoc on an older version of the Jujutsu Tech Campus, but while it was easy to fit Satoru’s cheeky grin into all of these scenarios, it was hard to see such a mature-looking person as Geto doing these childish things.
“Ah, but you know, Y/N,” she started, looking up at you with a smile. “I think you would have been able to tell that Suguru was actually younger.”
“What?” you gasped, surprised at both the fact that he was younger and that Shoko thought that would be clear to you. “There’s no way…”
“Well, for starters, Suguru is shorter, if you put them side-by-side,” she argued. “And… Hm…”
She stopped to contemplate how to put together her next sentence–or if she should even do so at all. But in the end, she brought her cigarette back to her lips and exhaled: “I think you would have agreed with me that he’s the more immature one.”
Your brows furrowed as you scoffed in disbelief. “That's impossible… Satoru could be ten-feet tall and not a single thing on this planet could make him seem more mature than another person.”
She chuckled, though you could sense a sadness behind the sound, and you realized that your comment might’ve come off as insensitive. Clearing your throat, awkwardly, you granted her the floor: “What makes you say that?”
She took another inhale and sighed out a long cloud. Looking out the window of her office, she saw the faint glow of the multicolored lights that decorated it on the outside. She took in the sight for a quiet moment before sinking into her swivel chair, puffing once more.
“I still don’t know much about his childhood,” she began. “I never asked, and I never got to meet his parents. But I can tell you for certain that Suguru was the sort of kid who threw a tantrum when he didn’t get what he wanted for Christmas.
“I’m sure he had wishlists a mile long, but he wouldn’t be the kind to write even a single letter about it to Santa. Of course, that’d make it difficult for his family, and maybe they could've tried harder to figure it out–but he just wouldn't understand why what he wanted wasn't obvious to everyone.
“I can imagine one day someone told him the truth about Santa, and he was probably absolutely devastated. But, to him, it wouldn't be about the presents. It would be about the people around him: his mom, his dad, his teachers, his neighbors, everyone–the people who had been deceiving him his whole life.
“I don't think he ever forgave anyone for that, all the way up until he found himself as a seventeen-year-old at Jujutsu High.”
The air became thick–suffocatingly so–and your spine no longer fit right against the back of the bench.
“What exactly… did he do?” 
She rolled her chair towards her desk and put out her cigarette, pushing and twisting it into the ashtray by her desk calendar.
“In a single night, he killed one hundred and twelve civilians–non-sorcerers–including his parents. He wanted to create a world where only sorcerers exist.”
“O-oh my God…” Your hand rose up to cover your gaping mouth. “Wh.. Why?!”
“By killing non-sorcerers, you stop curses from the source.”
“But you can't just–” You cut yourself off, thousands of words rushing and racing to your mouth. “Didn't anyone try to stop him?”
“Maybe Satoru could've. If Suguru decided to tell him, that is.”
Your face was wound up in concern. “That's horrible…”
“I know, right?” she casually agreed.  “To want to be understood, but never willing to understand… Isn't it childish?” She even laughed. “Though, I suppose he was just a kid.”
“Just a kid?!” You stuck your head out in disbelief. “No, no… Satoru is childish. But that–that’s… inhumane!
You pointed to the door. “Satoru was a kid.”
You pointed to her. “You were a kid.”
Lowering your hand, you scrunched the hem of your shirt. “I might not have known you then, but I know you never would have done that.”
“To be fair, I'm not the strongest,” she defended plainly. “I'm just a doctor.”
The crease between your eyebrows deepened as you threw your arms up. “Okay–then Satoru! Satoru would never do something like that! And he… he's still a kid!”
“Satoru killed his best friend–his one and only.” She clasped her hands together on her desk. “A kid wouldn't do that, would they?”
You froze at the edge of your seat, blinking rapidly as you pieced together the puzzle.
“He… killed…?” you trailed off.
Shoko stared grimly at her hands as she tightened her grip on herself. “A kid wouldn’t have understood.”
You bore your eyes into her, waiting, begging for her to continue, to elaborate, to make it make sense, but she just stayed quiet, kept to herself.
You directed your eyes to the freshly polished floor tiles. As you stared into the blurry reflection of yourself, you tried imagining it again: Satoru, tall and white haired, and this kid grumpy little kid he called Suguru, wreaking havoc on the old campus of Jujutsu High: walking to class together, dribbling a basketball between each other, meeting up in the courtyard with one another.
 “That…” you began hesitantly. “That still doesn't excuse what happened.”
Shoko looked up at you, for the first time in what felt like an eternity, and though she wasn’t as contented as she had been before your conversation, her expression was no longer grave; she seemed satisfied. Slowly, she put her palms on her desk and pushed herself up from her seat.
“To answer your question from earlier–properly,” she started, making her way over to you. “I think that Satoru has always been that way–the way Gojo Satoru has to be.”
“But if there were ever a time that he weren’t,” she interjected, sliding her hand into her coat pocket.
“It would have been thanks to him.”
Your footsteps echoed down the empty hallway, stopping every once in a while to slide open one of the stiff doors only to struggle to shut it a moment later. You increased the reach of your steps, and the thump of your shoes against the wood planks competed with the hooting owl perched on the snow covered roof.
Suddenly, you heard a new noise: a honking, like that of a goose, coming from the end of the hall and slightly to the left. Now picking up to a jog, you made a beeline for the door and jerked it open.
“Well, if it isn’t my long-awaited Christmas present!” he exclaimed. “Looks like Santa’s early this year.”
He rested against the corner of one of the student’s desks, already facing you with his hands in his pocket. From behind him, you could just barely see the white crumpled-up balls of tissue that scattered the surface.
“I guess some people do gifts on Christmas Eve though, right?” he considered, putting a finger to his chin. “But, ah… choosing gifts is so hard. I need all the time I can get.”
He didn’t acknowledge your entrance at all; his Six Eyes had seen it coming miles away, allowing him enough time to get into position to pick up wherever you’d last left off. You didn’t acknowledge him either, keeping a stone face as you stepped into the room.
“What’s with the face, hm? Did you not like your presents?”
“Satoru,” you said sternly.
“Did you ask Santa for anything this year?” he went on, continuing to pay you no mind.
You sighed. You couldn’t help but let the ends of your lips pick up, but you kept your eyes down at the dirtied pattern of the floor.
“I don’t celebrate Christmas,” you admit.
“What? Why not?” he questioned astonishedly, forming a pout. “Does that mean you didn’t get me a present?”
You shook your head lightly, making your way over to him. “I’ve always thought it was sort of weird. To celebrate the birth of a martyr.”
“Hm,” he sounded. “Well that’s no fun.”
Planting his hands on the surface, he hoisted himself up onto his desk. “Santa probably wouldn’t give anything other than coal to a non-believer,” he noted. “But since I’m so nice, I’ll get you something. Just tell me–what is it that you want for Christmas?”
His smile stayed in place as you darted your pupils around his visage, your own face beginning to fall. You took slow steps towards the desk next to him, getting as close as you could before you felt his Infinity push back
“Satoru, can you do me a favor?” you requested gently.
“Depends on what the favor is,” he chirped back.
Reaching your hand out, you traced your forefinger on the edge of the invisible barrier before applying pressure into it, testing the shield’s strength. You pushed with all your might, but all it did was whiten your finger tip and make your knuckles concave.
You retracted, looking back into his eyes. “Can you take it down?”
You could see the movement of his eyebrows raising beneath his blindfold. “You tryna kill me?”
Again, you shook your head, still solemn. 
He crossed his arms and squinted at you, biting his cheek. Leaning back, he put his weight onto his hands behind him, loosely grabbing the edge of his desk, his expression becoming relaxed. “Alright. Here you go.”
You took another small step into the newfound space until you were only inches apart. Slowly, you extended both your hands towards his face, but then suddenly reeled them back into a hesitant fist in disbelief, the lack of resistance uncomfortably foreign.
You inhaled deeply through your nose and exhaled the air shakily through your mouth, trying hard to slow the rapid beating in your chest. Ignoring the smirk on his face, you tried to reach out to him, one final time.
Letting your arms wrap around his head, your hands searched his silky hair for the knot that held up his eye covering. When you finally felt the bump, you took your time digging your nails into where the fabric held onto itself, carefully pulling apart its loops.
As the blindfold fell to his neckline, his signature grin stayed plastered on his face, but just about every other feature of his seemed to change completely when the white wisps came down to frame them. His azure eyes, for example, glimmered under the faint moonlight coming through the window, but not in the way that they usually did. They were shining like lacquer, but it was as if, from underneath that, their batteries had been taken out. In their dullness, you could see the reflection of the long white lashes resting on the eyelids above, forming sharp, unnatural shapes as they clumped together unevenly. Pink waterlines painted the bottom of his irises, and a faint red was seemingly airbrushed around the surrounding puffy skin.
You trailed your hands down the back of his head until they cupped his jawline, holding his face as you explored its entirety. Moving from his eyes to his flushed, leaking nose, his smirk grew when your gaze landed on his lips.
“Are you sure you want to use your gift on this?” he teased. “Kind of a waste, in my opinion–you could’ve just found a mistletoe.”
“I want you to stop smiling.”
For a moment, he listened to you: his mouth fell open, but then it fell back into its previous position as he flashed his teeth at you. “My bad. I didn’t mean to blind you.”
He kept still while your thumb gently stroked his powder-smooth cheek. He jolted slightly as his lungs forced out a nervous chuckle, but he trailed off as your touch continued on him. Realizing your relentlessness, he sucked in his lips and clamped them together with his teeth as if he was trying to stop any further laughter.
He stayed like this for a moment, waiting for you to let go, but your tender movements showed no signs of stopping–you only slowed down when your eyes flitted up to meet his. He tried his best to return your stare, but eventually, he accepted defeat in the contest. And so, little by little, he let his lips roll out and the muscles to dispose into a resting state.
His voice became low, a near whisper. “Is… everything okay?”
Finally removing your hands from him, you nodded. Returning them to yourself, you glided one into the back pocket of your pants.
Taking a step back, you held up the sheet of glossy photo paper side-by-side with his face. You could name a number of differences: the neckline of the teacher’s uniform was looser and higher, his bangs now were longer and a bit thicker, and, of course, he wasn’t wearing glasses, and he wasn’t smiling. But, somehow, now more than ever, you could see the resemblance.
“What have you got there?”
Moving towards him again, you handed him the photo. It felt strange, witnessing the rare sight of his pupils’ every rapid move. And in addition to that, ever so slightly, you could see his swollen under eyes rise as the softest of smiles pushed up his cheeks. It was nothing like the sickeningly-sweet beamings you were used to seeing from him, though; it was subdued, raw like the cacao in dark chocolate, undiluted by sugar or milk.
“Where did you get this?” he asked, incredulous.
“Like you said, Santa came early,” you joked mildly.
“No, really,” he persisted, his tone reaching a bass you’d never heard from him before. “Where did you get this?”
You sat yourself on the desk next to him. “Shoko,” you admitted.
“What did she tell you?”
Your shrug was subtle.  “As much as she could.”
He continued to scrutinize the photo in his hands, his brows drawing together.
“Satoru,” you proceeded, hushed. “If it’s okay… I’d like it if you told me about it.”
He lowered the photo so that it no longer obstructed his view of you, but he didn’t take advantage of the space he gave himself; he kept staring at the photo as he spoke: “There’s not much to tell about. I was the strongest then and I’m the strongest now.”
You rested your hands on your lap and exhaled deeply. “That’s not what I mean,” you contested. 
It was as if he couldn’t hear you, continuing to stare vapidly into the photo as if somehow your sentence didn’t make it to his ears. But that was impossible; you’d said what you said, and the room was dead silent.
“I… I want you to tell me about him,” you clarified.
He shifted in his seat, finally looking away from the photo and up at you. “You mean… Geto Suguru?” he asked, as if there were any other ‘him’ in that photo. 
“Well… he’s the worst of all curse users,” he offered. He then shoved the photo back in your direction, a sudden grin straining itself on his face. “But it’s okay. He’s gone now.”
Ignoring his move, you asked, “Is it really okay?”
“I made sure of it,” he affirmed, impatiently nudging the paper at you.
He resumed his usual playful lilt. “Are you doubting me?” he tested.
“I don’t doubt you for a second–not in that sense. You’ve always been strong,” you reassured him. “But that’s exactly why I doubt you know how to be weak.”
He scoffed. “You think Gojo Satoru would know how to be weak?”
“No, I don’t. That’s my whole point,” you upheld firmly.
He folded his arms across his chest, his mocking tone sharpening: “Why would anyone want to know how to be weak?”
“Because even Gojo Satoru needs to realize he can’t just smile and laugh all the time,” you challenged, feeling heat rise up your neck.
His eyes darkened, seemingly into a navy blue, and his inflection further condescended: “There are a lot of things you don’t understand.”
“Satoru, how on earth am I supposed to understand?!” 
As your tone cut through, just as abruptly you pushed the desk behind you and dropped heavily to your feet.
“You’re right, I don't understand you,” you confessed frustratedly, pointing to yourself. “I don’t understand you at all. Because how could I possibly understand you? I can’t see your eyes, I can’t even get near you, and I’ve never seen you not smile.”
Your voice made gaps as your vocal cords threatened sobs. “And sure, I call you by your first name, and I laugh and I smile at all your dumb jokes and… and the idiotic games you play…
“But it’s–it’s… scary, Satoru. Creepy, even. How you know just about everything there is to know about me and yet… It's like I don’t even know who you are. You’re just a toy in the corner, watching everyone come in and out of the room, but I can never make you say or be or feel anything.”
“Feelings are what made him into who he was,” he stated coldly, his eyes fixed on the grimy floor. “It’s important for sorcerers to have a hold on their emotions.”
“So you know what happens, then,” you argued firmly, your shoes coming into his view as you stepped closer. “You know what it’s like to be shut out from them.”
You pushed his chin up, forcing him to witness the way you were holding on desperately to the tears that bordered your lower waterline.
“Doesn’t it hurt?”
“Do you always get Sprite?” he’d asked, looking down as his friend retrieved his drink from the bottom of the machine.
“I mean… yeah, I guess,” Suguru replied plainly. “Why?”
A pit formed in his stomach as he heard the crack of the can opening.
“Shit. I’ve been getting you Coke this whole time,” he’d mumbled. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Suguru shrugged, beginning to head in the direction of the classroom. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“Dude, are you good?”
Suguru jolted awake, sitting up from the plush back of the couch and nearly spilling the bowl of popcorn in his lap.
“Do you wanna watch something else?” he’d suggested, but Suguru just shook his head.
“I thought you liked Digimon,” Suguru objected.
“Well yeah, but…”
The only lighting came from the flashing screen, but it was enough for him to see his friend yawn, making his eyes water, dark bags underneath them.
“You can turn it up if you want,” was all Suguru had to say, but even after doing what Suguru said, he couldn’t focus on his favorite TV show.
“I know you said you didn’t want anything,” he started, reaching into his bag. “But here.”
“What’s this?” Suguru questioned.
“Your Christmas present, duh.”
“But it’s Christmas Eve,” Suguru pointed out. “And I told you–”
“I know! But just open it.”
He watched as Suguru lifted the lid of the small gray box, revealing a small pair of white gauges.
“I didn’t really know what size to get… But I think they’d look cool on you.”
“Thanks, Satoru.”
He lit up, thinking that he’d finally done something right by his friend, but the way that Suguru looked up at him, the way Suguru smiled insincerely, told him he should’ve waited for Christmas Day.
The tears were warm as they rolled down his face, past his trembling lip and blooming into the blindfold that rested loosely around his neck.
“I just don't understand why he didn’t talk to me.”
You pulled him into a hug, carding your fingers in his hair as you rested his head on your shoulder.
“He thought I hated him,” he told you shakily, finding himself clutching onto your shirt. “I didn’t see him for ten years and… and that whole time he thought I hated him.”
He inhaled a sharp sniffle. “I… I don’t hate him,” he whimpered, his pitch jumping and his body beginning to tremble. “I don’t hate him, Y/N, I don’t, I don’t, I never, ever did.”
“I know,” you whispered, stroking his hair, holding him tighter as he jerked with sobs.
He placed his head on your shoulder, staring at the blindfold that had unraveled itself and fallen between you. “I hate myself.”
You pulled back, cupping his jawline and holding it in front of you.
“Don’t say that…”
“But he was my best friend, Y/N,” he insisted, gripping desperately onto your shoulders. “I saw him every single day… every single day, all of that was running through his head and I… I didn’t even know… I just watched and… and I made him think I hated him. I was supposed to be his best friend.”
“You did everything you could, Satoru.”
“It was all my fault.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Then why did it happen?” he whined. “It had to have been for a reason–It can't just hurt and be for no reason. That wouldn’t be fair.”
“It’s not,” you told him, shaking your head gently and looking deeply into his eyes. “It’s not fair at all.”
Indicating the breaking of a dam, a deafening, siren-like wail pierced the air. His face was red and scrunched up, his nose was dripping with snot, and his hands were coming up to swipe desperately at the tears on his cheeks.
You pulled him close to you again as he kept hiccuping and sniffling into the crook of your neck. His loud weeping wet your shirt with both the fluids from his eyes and nose, but you didn’t care; you just rubbed his back, caressing him tenderly.
His voice was suddenly clearer as he took deep breaths to try and recuperate himself: “I’m sorry,” he murmured.
“Why are you sorry?” you asked, stiffening your hold on him.
“I just… I don’t know. I hate crying. I’m not a kid anymore, you know?” he tried laughing.
“Satoru,” you whispered delicately, turning your head so your words rested right by his ear. “You were never a kid.”
Gently, you pressed his head into you, stopping him from moving his lips in any way. “I want you to be one right now.”
You let him stay in your arms for a while until his tears subsided and his breathing steadied. You had moved to the floor at some point, allowing him to comfortably lean on you as you embraced him, his previous quivering replaced now by the calm rhythm of his rising and falling figure.
He hadn’t talked in a while, so you assumed he’d fallen asleep, but then, among his mellow breathing, a mumble came up right by your ear:
“Thank you,” he’d said.
Hugging him tighter, you patted him on the back softly. “Of course.”
As one hand traveled to intertwine its fingers in his hair, you reached for your phone with your other one.
You pressed the power button on its side, and flinched backward, squinting at the brightness your phone screen emitted. Despite your sudden movement, Satoru didn’t show any sort of reaction; he’d fallen asleep, for sure now.
You continued to comb through his white locks, a little more consciously now, as you made note of the time and date your phone’s clock displayed, changing right before your eyes:
December 25th, 00:00
You smiled, dragging your coat up to cover the both of you as you laid your head on his shoulder.
“Merry Christmas, Satoru.”
might do a toji x megumi's teacher reader if u wanna follow
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cordeliawhohung · 16 days
Soft Spot Dissection (Blood Soaked Cotton)
soft spot master list | links to answered asks | major spoilers for the series if you haven't read it, this is me picking apart my writing as a personal project <3
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Welcome! First, I’d like to mention that I have no idea what I’m doing with this dissection. I’m attempting to put it in an essay-like format for ease of reading, but trying not to make it too essay-like so that it’s boring, ya know? A lot of this is going to be me just… copying and pasting paragraphs and then talking about it. So, just pretend that this is some really thought out opening paragraph and that I’ve got a killer thesis sentence and that this isn’t just some half-cracked author venting about her work. Capiche? Thanks. 
Anyway, we come to the first installment of Soft Spot: Blood Soaked Cotton. I’ve mentioned this a few times before, but this whole series actually started out as a one shot. Hence the rather… odd name. Believe it or not, but I actually really dislike the title Soft Spot. It’s just… not me. Not how I like naming things. It was a title I panic chose when I realized I wanted to write more. If I had the opportunity to change it, I’d honestly go with Everything You Touch. Fits the vibe more, in my opinion. But that’s beside the point. 
Anyway, it’s so jarring to read this story. I haven’t really actually sat down and read any of the parts after I posted them, and it’s crazy to start out with Simon and Spook not knowing one another. Just… strangers. Had I known this was going to be a longer series, I wouldn’t have started it out the way I did. With the little internal monologue with Simon. It works, in a way, and I don’t know what I would’ve changed it to, but it wouldn’t have been this. 
“It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. Really, it wasn’t supposed to happen at all. But things never exactly work out how we think they will, and Simon Riley wasn’t a stranger to surprises.”
Just sounds… so flat, compared to how I started every other part lmao. 
Have a good one. It was always the same farewell you gave him. Of course the factitious answer that came to mind was ‘have a good one what?’ but he knew better than to be a smart ass. But really, the question truly was a valid one in his mind. Have a good what? Day? Afternoon? Life? He was too far gone for that. 
I based Simon’s facetious answer off of something my old co-worker’s husband used to say. I hated him. He was a prick. But it’s the type of bluntness I thought Simon would hold lmao. But then Simon’s thought, of him being too far gone for a good life, was sorta done intentionally when I wrote it. Because he’s supposed to see that he can have a good life when he meets Spook (: 
It tore the delicate skin of your bottom lip vertically, nearing the corner of your mouth. Dark, crunchy scabs clogged the wound up, and he could tell by the way your tongue kept prodding at it that it smarted something fierce. But it didn’t stop there. A slight bruise on the back part of your cheekbone, an even deeper bruise peeking out from underneath your blouse on your collarbone, a broken nail that chipped off uncomfortably close to your nail bed. 
Re: Referencing Spook’s injuries. I wish I had referred back to this, her wounds, in Everything You Touch. I think the parallels would’ve been heartbreaking. Hindsight is 20/20 or whatever. Especially because in this first installment, Simon is haunted by Spook. Constantly sees her injuries, and it chases after him worse than anything he’s seen in the field sorta thing. Oh well. 
It used to be white, but had been stained by various things over the years he had it, and it even sported some fraying on the edges. It was clean, at least. Because of this, he was extremely surprised to hear your response to him.  “I’ll ruin it.” 
Re: Simon giving Spook his handkerchief when her lip started to bleed. Her comment here, I’ll ruin it. Although unintentional, it gives the impression that she’s always, in some sort of way, been afraid of filth. She’s always feared the rot inside of her and of transferring it to someone else, like she’s sick with some disease. Sort of makes her obsession with being clean later in the series a bit more understandable. These were just the very first few hints of it. 
“Figured you’d need another one after I ruined the one you gave me,” you said, wiggling it in your hands for him to take. “You also strike me as a dog person, so this seemed fitting.”
Re: Spook giving Simon a new handkerchief a few weeks/days/whatever later. This is so funny to me. You also strike me as a dog person. Be so for real right now. As if you didn’t bring home a gooey pile of cat a few years later. As if that weird freak doesn’t grow into being Simon’s best bud. I love them. 
October brought in a sharp chill to the air that had you wearing a nice knitted sweater to help stave off the draft in the building. Its dark background with popping jack-o-lantern theme matched perfectly with your area of the bank. Despite it only being halfway through the month you had already prepared for Halloween with a bowl of candy sitting on the counter and themed jelly stickers on the window behind you. 
Though it was never explicitly said, Halloween is Spook’s favorite holiday (: Which is unfortunate. Keep this in mind.
“Must be neat,” you said in awe. “Despite all the military stuff, anyway. I bet you get to travel the world and see so many neat things. I’d kill for an opportunity like that… no pun intended.” 
I wrote this pun on accident and then reread the sentence and was like wow. A bit on the nose but I’m keeping this. 
“Thanks for coming with me tonight,” you said softly, head returning to lean against your hand as you looked up at him. Even sitting next to him he was still so much bigger than you. “Honestly, I thought you were going to say no. Doesn’t really seem like your type of place so… just know I appreciate it.”  What gave that impression? His tense shoulders? Or his eyes flickering around the room at least twenty times every minute like he was constantly on edge?  “Don’t mention it,” he said, his voice low and rumbly.  You smiled something soft, something fleeting as your eyes dropped down to look at his hands clasped around the cup of water. He hadn’t taken a single sip of it the entire time the two of you sat there. Not that you had expected him to, anyway. Certainly not with that mask of his. Maybe some time in the future you’d ask him about it, but that moment wasn’t the right time. 
Rereading this, I think Spook has a love for broken things just as much as Simon does. Which is why she’s so drawn to him, despite his appearances. Which is why he lets her get close even though he knows it’s not a good idea. They’re both sad, broken people. And in a way, they’ve been sort of disconnected from “normal” people. It’s hard for Spook to find a partner who understands her situation. It’s hard for Simon to find a partner who can handle his aloofness. So when they find each other? It’s only natural that they’re so impossibly drawn to one another. 
You slipped away before he could protest that idea, and he grumbled as he pushed his cup of water towards the end of the bar. Shitty music filled his ears as he sat there waiting for you, and without your voice to drown out the commotion around him, it consumed him. Sharp crack of the billiard balls crashing together, the scent of greasy pub pizza, the ringing of a bell as the door opened, the chilling October breeze bleeding into the building, the stale scent of cigarettes. 
Though it’s only hinted at minorly, Eric, Spook’s ex, was a smoker. Hence the smell of cigarettes that’s mentioned here as the door opens. This is where Eric enters and starts to make a fuss. Etc etc etc. 
Then came the sound of flesh crashing against flesh as the palm of your hand slapped the man across the face. It was enough to grab the attention of everyone in the surrounding area, including the bartender who looked like he was one bad comment away from dialing 999.  “Get your fucking hands off of me,” you seethed. Unfortunately for you, the slap hardly seemed to phase him, and his grip only tightened. The man’s jaw set taut as his other hand came up and grabbed your waist with bruising force, drawing you closer to him as he bared his teeth in a snarling grin. 
Okay. OKAY. Everyone listen up!!! The entire story? Yeah? And Spook’s trauma? There’s this whole motif that I — quite frankly — abused the fuck out of. It’s violence. This whole, trying to break the cycle, of knowing violence, of experiencing violence, things of that sort. And then what do we get? Spook being violent. Spook is the first character throughout the entire series to ever show violence. To hit someone. To demand something of them. Sure, Eric fucking deserves it, and she was obviously beaten before, but that doesn’t change the fact she is the first character to be explicitly violent. (:
This was done by accident. Something that I came across while re-reading and it just hits so hard. Almost like it’s hinting at something terrible. That no matter how hard she tries to distance herself from her abusive past, it’s too ingrained in her DNA for her to escape it. 
It was disgusting. The very sight of that man with his hands on you like he had won a prize. Greedy fingers digging into your flesh like he planned to take, and take, and take. Simon had seen it all before. Seen it in his own flesh as unwanted hands clawed at him. Felt it on his face in the form of a vile, wet tongue swiping around his mouth. It was in the screams he couldn’t hold back as the hook tore through his flesh. It was in the blood that spilled down his body as he hung there while they laughed. It was in the maggots that he sat in as he was buried alive. It was- It was the pain he felt in his hand as his knuckles collided with the man’s jaw, snapping his head to an uncomfortable angle. In an instant his body went rigid and then limp. Those revolting hands fell away from you as his body collided with the floor beneath him, and the only sound he was able to make was a fit of air leaving his lungs upon impact. 
Here we have Simon essentially blacking out. Of seeing Spook’s trauma and realizing that they aren’t so different. I think that’s what ultimately attracted him to her in the first place. The fact that she wasn’t just broken, but she was like him. Even if he didn’t fully know it yet. Their pasts had been intertwined in some disgusting, twisted way this entire time, and I think this is the moment he starts to realize it. 
Never before had he been so glad to harm someone. Any other time it was a necessity. Saving himself. Saving a comrade. Nothing that he ever took pleasure or joy in. It was just work. But that? Hurting that man the way he did? He took joy in that.
Another accidental thing I did here, but I totally forgot about this paragraph. Of Simon enjoying what he did to Eric (kicking his ass). Makes the conversation Spook and Bukin have later in the series all the more terrifying. Specifically: 
“I think he likes the blood and the gore of violence. There is something comforting about spilling blood knowing that it lessens the chance of your own being poured. He finds safety in death. And while I can appreciate the sentiment, I never really had the stomach for blood. No, I prefer to watch things squirm.” 
Once again, this started off as a one shot, and I never reread this fucking part while writing so this is all by accident but it makes my stomach churn in a way I can’t describe lmao. 
“See you next week, Simon.”  That was the moment that he decided he liked the way his name sounded when you said it. You never barked it like an order, or screamed it in anger. He had hated his name for a long while, hated being called anything other than his callsign for work. But when it came from your lips, well, maybe it wasn’t all that terrible.  “Yeah,” he said, shoving his hands into his pockets. The band-aids pulled awkwardly at his skin as he paused on the porch of your apartment. “See you next week.” 
There’s something to be said about this farewell. It’s why I referenced it again in the epilogue in the synopsis. I think it’s the first goodbye that they say to one another that they don’t really want to say. Because they — whether they realize it or not — are already so terribly attached to one another. And honestly, I wish I had ended the part here rather than going further into detail. I felt like I was over explaining it. Everything is already right here. 
Anyway; that’s about everything I have for this part. I know it’s not a whole lot, but like I mentioned before, this was supposed to be a one shot, so this part doesn’t have a whole lot of… meaning behind it. Besides the few accidents that I found, anyway lmao. As always, feel free to send any questions about the work my way! Things I didn’t cover in this part that you’re still curious about, things of that sort!
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randomgooberness · 1 year
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WHATS UP. SORRY THIS COMIC IS 15 IMAGES LONG LMAO I HAVEN'T USED THE NEW POST EDITOR YET SO THIS IS FORMATTED BADLY. Here's a scene from the hlvraifm au! It takes place not long after the scene where Mind was mean to Gordon about breaking his knee GFDHFDKSJ
THE BASIC CONTEXT HERE IS: Gordon shot at the skeleton that only He Can See, and Mind was already at his breaking point because his withdrawals were setting him off- so nausea with the sudden rage and screaming meant he got sick. He and Gordon have a talk! It doesn't go well(at first)!
If you want to see this conversation resolve itself, the rest is written by me and @shineyfish under the cut! Just read the warnings lol
"Just- just forget about it."
"No, I-! I-I want to know- I want to help-" Gordon said, scooting closer. "And- and you're sick, too- is that what you're mad at me for? That I- that I didn't notice? I-I don't know what even caused it you and I are the only ones who haven't drank the fucking...gross sewage water- but we can- man, I-I'm sure we can take another rest day if we need- or- or I could try to carry you? Dr. Coomer probably could, too-"
Mind was shaking, shuffling backward a little. His eyes were wide as he stared at Gordon, expression filled with fear.
"I'm, I'm good! Get the- back away, please. I need space."
If he wasn't paralyzed with fear he would run. He would run so far from this place, aliens be damned. He needed to get out of here alive. He needed to get out. 
When he said he wanted more answers about him, he didn't mean like this. This just gave him more questions, and made his teeth hurt. 
"I'm just in pain. A lot of fuckin' pain. I can keep going."
Gordon backed up, looking down guiltily. 
"Shit- sorry," he muttered. "...I... I-I dunno if you're...if you've got like, a fever- or how I'd check right now- but-" 
He paused and furrowed his brows. 
"...no...no your suit would treat you for that. Your suit would give you medicine if you got a virus or something- so you're..." 
He blinked, tilting his head the other way now, looking at Mind again. 
"...The fucks going on with you, man?"
Mind’s breath hitched. Shit.
"What are you, a fuckin' cop? Get off my ass about it, I don't need to tell you anything."
He wheezed again, raising his hand to his mouth. God, he felt horrible. Everything ached. He needed something. Pills, morphine, god he will take getting into a fight with someone just for the adrenaline at this point. 
"God I hate this."
Gordon stared at him, worry in his expression before his brows furrowed, and he huffed out his nose, pursing his lips. 
He looked away and opened his mouth to speak, failing a few times in a row, as if he were trying to say something more calm and nice, before looking right back at Mind, lips drawn back in a snarl. 
"You DO need to tell me!" He snapped. "So I can fucking HELP you! You just THREW UP and you expect me not to fucking do anything!?" 
He made an angry, and pained noise, turning his hands towards the ground so they could push him up onto his feet- which made him hiss in pain, but he stood, staring down at Mind with gritted teeth. 
"You're fucking hiding shit and it's setting us back! If you- if you can't trust me how the fuck am I supposed to trust you!?"
That made Mind shut the fuck up. Very suddenly he was Listening Intently, shoulders raised and curling in on himself.
He felt sick again. How his stupid body could even do that to him after already throwing up was a wonder and a curse.
His voice was very quiet when he answered.
"You wanna fuckin know so badly? Fine. I need Oxy, I haven't had pills in days and was banking on the stash I had here, but someone must have fuckin' snitched, cause I couldn't find shit in my locker. Everything hurts and aches, I feel sick and gross and I have had a killer fuckin headache since the stupid rescas even happened."
He growled at Gordon slightly, defensive.
"I wasn't gonna bring shit up because it doesn't matter. I've dealt with withdrawals before, I'm not useless. I know what I'm doing."
Gordon flinched, and blinked at him. 
"...Ohhh. Oh shit-" He said, looking to the ground. "...Ohhh fuck that's- not good! Okay- well, thanks for telling me-" He paused. "...Your suit has morphine, y'know."
Mind's expression withered.
"I am... I am very aware. I'm apparently not in enough pain for it to give me it."
God, he was not having a good time here.
"...Uh," Gordon played with his hands. "...I...look, I-I've never really- gotten the time to look at the blueprints for the HEV suit other than the uh. medical module- mostly so I could uh- know what the fuck it was doing- I...I can see if I can...trick yours into giving you a little? If it'll help?"
Mind yawned again, but his eyes went wide.
"I don't know if I fully trust you to do that."
He weighed his options though, and man he really needed something.
"... Sure."
"...Alright, cool, uh-" 
Gordon moved to scoot closer, before pausing. 
"...Do you still need space, or?"
Mind didn't answer, instead just moving closer to Gordon himself. Being in the same position was starting to kill his muscles.
Gordon sat there, still playing with his hands. 
"...Uh, y-you need to turn around."
He did so without complaint!... Towards Gordon. He was hissing practically the entire time about his joints.
Gordon let out a small, good-natured chuckle. 
"Thanks," he said, before tilting his head at the module. Four screws...
Ideally, he really, really would've liked a screwdriver right now. But he didn't have one. 
...He did have a combat knife he found off of a soldier, though-! 
Twirling it in his hand a few times, he looked at the screws, lined up the tip of it, and made a noise of triumph when it fit! He didn't fucking expect that! Oh my god- why did it-? Nevermind. Didn't matter, he got right to work unscrewing the cover.
"What is that noise for, what did you do-"
Mind was so incredibly uncomfortable with the position he was in. He did not like having potential enemies out of his line of sight, but he couldn't complain about shit or he wasn't getting that sweet sweet relief.
"Nothing- nothing I just- didn't expect the-" Oh, don't tell Mind you had a knife against his back. "Don't worry about it, we're making progress." 
He took off the cover, and if Mind could see him, his eyes would light up a little at the sight. He stuck his tongue out as he focused, trying to be quick for the guy but genuinely fascinated by the machinery. Black Mesa sucked, but the soldiering of the wires was amazing. 
After a few moments, he found a small screen, and an even smaller keypad- annoyingly small. He made a noise of frustration as he decided to use the tip of the knife instead of pressing them with his gloved, giant fingers. 
"Shit...The manual override is locked with a passcode," he muttered. "Uh...Hmm. Okay, gimme a sec, I'm going hackermode."
Mind snorted, trying to keep himself from shaking too much.
"What the fuck do you mean by that-"
"It means I'm trying to crack the damn passcode. Sorry, this might take a WHILE, it- wait what." 
He paused, before letting out a long, long sigh. 
"Was the passcode SERIOUSLY 1234?"
Mind Cackled.
He was in so much pain. And the number holding him back from pain relief was the easiest to guess thing in the world.
"That doesn't even surprise me! Knowing this place, it's probably the code to other things too."
"Let's- lets use that code for everything, now. Fuck it!" Gordon laughed, a grin on his face. 
There was a few rounds of beeping, before he let out a sigh. 
"...Okay, uh- th-the suit uh, has the automatic amount to um- it's automatically a decently high dosage for uh, your weight, I think? It should be the same amount I was given, but uh, I-I'm worried about...it messing with you too much. Are you sure you'll be alright? I can lower the dosage," 
The expression Mind made at the thought of lowering the dosage was something to behold. It took everything in him to be casual about this.
"I can handle it. I don't think this thing accounts for muscle and joint pain, and if it does the threshold is incredibly fuckin high."
"...Okay, man, but uh- let me know if you need me to- I-I dunno. Lemme know if we need to stop for the day cause you feel too fucked up, okay...?" He said. "...Are you ready?"
"Gordon. Please just give me it."
Mind sounded a little out of it.
Gordon stared at him for a moment. 
"...alright man." 
He pressed the confirm button, and watched Mind carefully, making sure he had no adverse reactions.
Mind let out a shaky breath, honest to god about to cry over this. Finally.
It took a minute for the morphine to kick in, but the second that he could feel it he visibly relaxed, pupils dilated. It wasn't as high as his normal dosage for shit like this, but it was close enough to get rid of the pain, and for that alone he was thankful. If he can get through a bit more of Black Mesa without feeling dizzy or sick, he'd be golden.
"Thank you."
Gordon felt himself swallow and looked at the ground. 
"...Right, yeah, of course-" He said. "...Sorry it took me so long to notice you were going through it, man." 
He started to put the cover back on, screwing everything back into place.
" 's fine, wasn't exactly jumping to tell you 'bout it."
Mind seemed... Chiller, honestly. A little disconcerting from his previous demeanor but that's drugs for you. 
He was tapping against the ground now, mostly just to do something with his hands.
"...I can get why. I-I'm a little worried, but I'm not going to judge you, or anything." 
He let out a sigh once the panel was back on, tight as he could get it, and he rubbed at his face. 
"...Are you still mad at me?"
Mind stretched a little, shoulders popping.
"Nnnope. It's just a clip anyway, we'll probably find like... A million more from the military around here."
"Wh- really?? Just like that??" Gordon blinked a few times, tilting his head. Mind turned to face him, a little confused.
"Yeah? Told you, man, 's just the clip I was pissed off about."
"...Okay, that's...alright." He let out a sigh, before struggling to get up again. He grimaced, still not liking walking on that knee. He took a moment to adjust, before stiffening, staring at something behind Mind, who looked over as well, seeing nothing.
After a few moments, Gordon shook his head and whispered something to himself, something about not questioning your own insanity. 
"Let's try to catch up!" He said, eyeing the pipes the others had walked on, and climbing on.
Mind stood up, shaking his hands out a bit as he did. 
He looked at the pipes with a grimace.
"Y' sure you can climb that with your fucked up leg? Don't think the HEV suit can protect you if you fall into the radiation pit."
“I’ll just take it slow,” Gordon huffed. ”Fuck it, right? We’re both drugged up enough, we can figure it out.”
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lepurcinus · 5 months
You guys may be tired of seeing me say the same thing all the time, but what the heck, WD is basically the second main topic of this blog.
I really can't stand to see the tag and find people always talking about the movie as the main medium, ignoring the existence of the original book and referring to other adaptations as "remakes" or similar (I saw someone referring to the Graphic Novel as "Novelization" as if it was adapting the movie lmao).
And maybe it wouldn't bother me if it wasn't the same movie that gave this story that reputation of being about "bloody bunnies". I read an analysis someone did a while back that I strongly agree with. Saying how the movie preferred to go for the basics of horror by adapting the scary/gory scenes concentrating on pure shock instead of trying to go deeper into why those moments are distressing to the characters. While it's true that explaining something with words is not the same as seeing it directly represented, the animated format at least gives more depth to the characters. For example, something this person mentioned is that the scene of Fiver falling in anguish during Efrafa's attack does not give the same feeling as in the book. In the book the scene is really scary because of how Fiver to talk nonsense and not to mention how he manages to practically traumatize several soldiers to the point of making them run away and/or surrender to him.
While in the movie you only have a rabbit in a state of epilepsy emitting strange moans that manage to half disconcert a couple of soldiers only for them to immediately ignore the issue and go on with their own thing.
Or the famous dog chase scene where the angst and tension on the part of the rabbits in charge of guiding him is left aside to concentrate on animating the massacre of soldiers in detail.
It may also have to do with the practical lack of personality and background of most of the characters except Bigwig, Hazel and Fiver (and with these two I still have my doubts). Woundwort has no backstory so here he's just a bad, wild rabbit only because yes, for example.
They always come out with this "bloody bunnies killing each other" thing when, ok. It's true that in the book the rabbits seem to have the option to kill as something relatively normal, at the same time in the novel it's shown how it's not really the first thing they think of when faced with a threat. Usually before thinking about killing (except for particularly aggressive rabbits) they always go to dialogue. More aside most deaths of one rabbit to another, if not incidental/provoked by a third party (ahem, the fox, the wire, the dog, the train), are executed by a rabbit seen as "bad" and not something that is particularly praised.
Does it sound like I hate the movie? Not really, I appreciate it even with everything. But I do hate that the vision it gave to this story was not the best. You can justify to me in a hundred ways why the movie is fine the way it is or that you like it, but I'm sorry, my opinion on this is going to remain the same.
By the way, if you want to read the analysis I mentioned above here it is.
It explains the whole thing much better than I ever could:
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bartxnhood · 2 years
kairosclerosis | e.m
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gif not mine
| eddie munson x fem! reader, steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: dealing with your feelings for steve as he has someone else in his heart. but, you are comforted by your new friend, eddie munson, who, you fall for.
warnings: steve being kinda a douche lol. angst with a very slight happy ending if you squint.
authors note: i really hope this does well lol. also, you guys might remember this plot from an old peter parker imagine but i spiced it up a bit. enjoy ! feed back is appreciated! also i made steve & nancy the same age as the reader and eddie so they’re all in school together lmao
not proofread
(requests open)
kairosclerosis: the moment when you realize you’re happy.
Copyright © 2022 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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“hey, steve!” chimed, bumping onto his shoulder. you had just recently made a friend, her name was nancy and naturally, you wanted to introduce her to your closest friend. steve harrington. you didn’t expect this to ruin your friendship with him.
“what’s up?” he hummed, turning away from his locker to meet the two of you. “this is nancy, we have a few classes together and i thought you’d like to meet her! i think we’d all get along.” you turned to nancy, she gave him a wave as your felt held that wide grin.
memories filled your mind as you sat on the floor of your bedroom. you look up at the ceiling, hearing the rain fall on your tin roof you sighed. nothing has been the same since. nancy and steve seemed to have hit off pretty well..often leaving you out. well..nancy had invited you out a few times but you denied it, it was for a ‘girls night’ but you usually denied. a couple of times you had gone she was gushing about how steve gave her every second of his day. which you knew, he eventually stopped coming by your house. the only time he’d come over would be to see dustin. if he saw you he’d merely say ‘hi’.
you knew he liked her, you saw it in his beautiful brown eyes. his eyes which used to look at you the same way. deep down you knew were jealous. of course, you were. this was nancy wheeler, it-girl of hawkins. you even loved her, she was too kind to hate. but you wanted to. you wanted to hate her so badly.
you hated how steve’s face would light up when you would mention her, you hated his smile when he was around her. when you watched them from afar at school. you blamed yourself, which isn’t new. but just maybe if you hadn’t introduced them, steve would still be around.
you didn’t exactly have many friends. Your little brother, dustin was your bestest friend. he always shared his interests with you, even if he was smarter than you he always explained what everything meant. that’s how you met steve, the two of you babysat together. you were attached to the hip but nancy soon took your spot.
“why is nancy wheeler babysitting us with steve instead of you?” your brother and a couple of his friends burst into your room. you looked up from the book you had your nose stuck in. “uh because they’re friends?” you shrugged, then went back. “well we miss you” max spoke up, everyone agreeing with her. “can you take us out or something?” elven asked, you dropped your book looking at the pleading faces of the kids.
that’s how you ended up taking all six of the kids to get ice cream. that’s also when you met eddie munson for the first time.
since then, the two of you have started hanging out more. taking the kids on their adventures. eddie soon took over steve’s place in your heart.
“here you are, sweetheart” eddie’s voice pulled you from your thoughts as he handed you a soda. “thanks” you hummed, opening it. he was over for the day, had helped you watch the kids, and decided to hang out with you for a bit. “what’s going on in your pretty mind?” he hopped on your bed leaning back on a. oh pls of your pillows and stuffed animals. “just stuff” you shrugged, looking up at him.
you were interrupted by the doorbell ringing a few times. “y/n! get the door!” your mother yelled, a sigh escaped your lips and pushed yourself off of the floor.
you flung open the door revealing steve. “steve?” you blurted, and he gave you a sheepish smile. “hi, y/n.” he waved. “what are you doing here?” you asked, he shrugged. “just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out. i haven’t seen you in a while” he answered. for a moment you felt hopeful. maybe he missed you?
that thought was quick to fall when you saw nancy in his passenger seat.
“i have homework, steve. maybe next time.” which wasn’t entirely a lie, you did have homework but already finished it. “but thanks for the invite” you added, and . you could hear him about to say something but you shut the door in his face and walked back to your room.
when you closed the door in his face he felt a piece of his heartbreak. it was then he knew something was up with you, walking back to his car he ran his fingers through his hair. “is she coming?” nancy asked. he shook his head, “nope, slammed the door in my face” he sighed, turning the car on. “oh, well maybe next time”
steve hated your absence. he always loved having you around. you always made his day a little bit better you were like a breath of fresh air. but, he also loved having nancy around, she brought something new to his life.
eddie admired your bedroom, posters of bands, movies, and books you had. each one of these things made you, you. sure, not all of it was his taste but he would love to hear you talk about your interests. he began to listen to your music too, finding himself humming the tune to himself when he misses you.
when you returned to your bedroom, your face darker than usual he knew something was up. “what happened, doll face?” he patted the space on the bed next time him. with a exhausted sigh escaping your chest you fell by his side. “steve fucking harrington” you blurted, turning you head to look at the long haired boy. “being hisself” and dry laugh escaped eddie’s mouth. “this shocks you because?” you sat up, shrugging to his question. “well, you have me. tell me all your problems, i will listen. unless it’s about your awful music taste.” he teased.
a wide grin formed on your face, gently pushing his shoulder. he jumped up from his seat, hands in the air. “there she is!” he clapped., “she’s back!”
. · . · . · . · . . · . · . · . · .
you stood at your locker, jotting down something that was on your mind. “y/n” you heard, quickly closing your notebook and looking over your shoulder. “hmm?” you asked looking at nancy. she smiled at you, “i uh, steve told me about last night. is everything okay? you know where here for you.” yeah. sure you are. you plastered a smile on your lips. “yeah, just a rough night. listen, i’m sorry i couldn’t make it last night, but i’m hoping i can make it up tomorrow night?“ her eyes lit up and she nodded, “yeah! my place at five! don’t be late” she laughed, you nodded giving her a grin. “okay, i gotta go to class. see you later, y/n!”
you watched her walk off and past eddie who was approaching you. he paid no attention as his eyes were glued to you.
“y/n!” eddie smiled, waving to you. you closed your locker leaning against it. “hi eddie” you greeted him with a grin. “about last night. is everything okay? you seemed off. i just wanted to check in on you“ he leaned up next to you, “eddie it’s fine. i’m fine, promise.” you assured, patting his shoulder. “good, you have any plans tonight? i was thinking we could hang out” he grinned.
you pondered, looking down at your books. “well” you started, “nancy wanted to hang out tonight but i think steve will be there, so sure” you nodded. you saw his eyes light up like a christmas tree. “great! i’ll pick you up, what time?”
“four-thirty” you answered.
“great, i’ll see you then. princess”
your heart skipped a beat at the nickname.
what was this sudden reaction? you were always used to his pet names.
as the middle of the day arrived, you heard the bell ringing through the school and you closed your books standing up and followed your fellow students out and flooded the hallways. you pushed a few of your peers mumble a mere “excuse me” trying to get to your locker without being trampled on. you managed to get to your locker in one piece and put your books away. you were just about to shut your locker when out of the corner of your eye you saw steve. naturally, you were going to call out to him and have him walk with you to grab lunch. that is, until nancy came by, reaching up and pressing a kiss on his cheek.
you quickly looked away staring into your locker until someone was next to you. “can i escort you to lunch?” eddie asked grabbing your attention back. you closed your locker and turned around to lean against the cold metal. you took a good look at the metal head and grinned, “i’d be honored” you laughed. the two of you walked away, eddie’s arm slung over your shoulder.
. · . · . · . · . . · . · . · . · .
your heart was breaking. falling apart. all because you were in love with someone who didn’t feel the same way. but eddie was right there by your side. he was picking yo the pieces of your broken heart and taking them back together. days mostly spent at your house or his trailer teaching you how to play guitar.
he promised himself and you that he’d never let your heart break like that again.
he hated seeing you frown. his smile was the best thing he’s ever seen. you were the brightest star in his galaxy. a part of him hoped you’d feel the same.
both steve and nancy had tried contacting you since school ended but you simply told them you were busy with homework. another lie. you continued to spend the remaining time with eddie and the kids. you loved them all, and it made your heart a bit fuller than they preferred having you and eddie around.
he was the best part of your week. from babysitting to laying out in the head stargazing and talking about your future. you found that you could be vulnerable around him. you were yourself. the happiest you’d been in a while.
you realized you now had feelings for your newfound friend.
. · . · . · . · . . · . · . · . · .
your birthday.
you always hated your birthday. with little to no friends, you rarely celebrated. everyone seemed to forget about it. especially steve and nancy. only family knew about it, and now eddie. and the kids of course. that morning your mother ushered you out of your bed, along with dustin. the three of you had a small birthday breakfast. they also gave you the first gifts of the day. your mother had picked out a pair of earrings, ones you had been eyeing for a while. and dustin handed you a handmade bracelet.
“i have one, so now we match” he grinned pulling his sleeve up and revealing a matching one. you chuckled, slipping the jewelry on. “i love it. thank you, both”
the day went by slowly, some of the kids stopping by and handing you their gifts. the last person to show up was eddie, he was picking you up for the dinner plans.
he knocked on your bedroom door and peeked in. “is that the birthday girl?!” he sang. you looked over your shoulder, putting your new earrings in. “eddie” you sighed, he let himself in. “what? everyone should know it’s my best girls day! everyone should be celebrating your birth!” he grinned.
“i brought you something” he swung a light purple bag in your face. you smiled, “you didn’t have to” you took the bag in your hands. “of course i did, now open it!” he snapped in your face. “okay! okay!” you laughed, looking into the bag. you found a box and lifted it out of the bag, as you opened the top you saw the red plastic guitar pic. “eddie?” you looked up at him.
“it’s my original” he took it out, unclamping the back. “turn around” you did as he said, raising your hair and letting him secure the chain. “there, now you have a piece of me.” you turned back to him, your fingers messing with the pic. “thank you, eddie. this is the best birthday gift ever.” a hint of pink-tinted his cheeks. “of course it is” he bowed playfully. “now, shall we get this dinner out of the way?”
. · . · . · . · . . · . · . · . · .
the two of you pulled up to her house, you were the first to exit eddie’s van. you saw nancy waiting at the door for you.
“you made it!” she wrapped her arms around you into a hug and dragged you inside. “and eddie is with you?” you nodded, “yeah, i uh assumed steve would be here, and i wanted some company” you smiled taking off your jacket. you and eddie followed nancy into her kitchen and you spotted steve with a glass. you stole a glance at him and he waved, mumbling a ‘hi’.
you felt stiff, eddie coming up behind you and put his hand on your shoulder, assuring your worries.
the night continued, neither of them mentioning your birthday or anything. eddie questioned you about it once but you said to let it go. you tried keeping yourself grounded for the night, but eddie was always there to grab your hand and squeeze it or he’d rest his hand on your leg.
you saw the looks they shared. the way he looked at her like she was the only person in his life. why didn’t they tell you? why were they keeping it a secret? those questions kept popping up for the rest of the night. “i guess we better get going before it gets too late. thank you guys for dinner.” you said, getting up from your chair and eddie did the same. “i’m glad you came over y/n. we should hang out more” nancy said waving at you. you nodded, grabbed your coat and eddie reached for your hand. “i’ll walk you out, y/n.“ steve stood up.
the three of you walked out of the wheeler house, eddie heading off first.
“i’ll grab the car” eddie hummed, deciding to give the two of you some space.
steve stood by your side in silence, nothing but the soft wind blowing through the trees. “you have a new necklace” he blurted. you reach up, touching the plastic. “yeah, eddie got it for me.”
for my birthday” you added
his mouth and ‘o’ shape. “oh..right.” he paused, finding the right words “listen i”
“dont” you cut him off with a heavy heart. he looked at you, “i really don’t want to hear it, steve.” you looked down at your feet. “i see the way you look at each other.” you started you could feel him staring at you. “i don’t care about my birthday, i just hated that i loved you” you fought the urge to fry. “so, when we’re you doing to tell me?” you asked again, looking into his eyes. he looked lost as he tried finding the words. “we were planning to tell you. i promise. we were just waiting for the right time.”
you nodded, “right. how long?” he shifted his legs and shrugged his shoulders. “two weeks” he admitted you scoffed crossing your arms. it was quiet. your mind was the loudest thing, you just wanted to tell him how much you loved him. “i never got the chance to tell you i love you…and maybe that was for the best..” your eyes began glossing over and your vision went blurry so you looked down to hide your tears. “what?” you shook your head. “you hurt me. big time, steve.” you looked up at him, hurt. “i wanted you to look at me the way you look at nancy but..i’ve realized i found someone better.” you turned your head looking across the street to eddie’s van, seeing his figure in the drivers side.
the two of you stood in awkward silence, it was the most heartbreaking thing you ever felt. the person you used to be so comfortable with..felt like a stranger.
“i never thought i’d be the one to hurt you”
you shrugged, “yeah, well i never thought i’d fall in love with eddie munson.” looking at steve again, taking in his features. his eyes you used to love. his hair that was so soft. “goodbye, steve” you walked in the other direction back to eddie’s van, leaves crunching under your shoes as you walked away.
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kiana-kaslana-423 · 7 months
Mmk, I'll try my best with Ho'ol's personality. I can't guarantee accuracy, though, mainly because while I have read the current event story that she features in; that does not mean i comprehend it well. The same goes for her file and voice lines, but I do enjoy listening to her.
But to start off with something easy, she is the type of lady to tease, or at the very least sound like she's teasing even if her words are ones that will piss people off or it's threatening and a little murdery, until the person she teases either gets flustered, can be out of anger, or can't take it anymore, most likely out of anger, only to then slip away from their grasp with satisfaction, like a cat that ate the canary. Hoolheyak is a manipulative, conniving, smug bitch (affectionate), who does not have a single problem with deceiving, antagonizing, backstabbing others if it means that she will get closer to her current interests, goal, or even just because she can, and she is unapologetic about it and may enjoy it even.
(^ Hool getting grabbed by another person, Saria, more or less because she kept provoking her during their fight, and the first thing she said as this happened was, "Oh dear, looks like I've lost." Anyways, she looks very pretty and smug like this.)
You could try and say that she's crazy, though that's not really the case. Then again, the line between the knowledgeable and the insane is blurred. But like I wouldn't blame her for that given that her entire bloodline/race(?) screwed her and those born in it with vast knowledge of their history and glory of their past only to then be doomed with a shortened lifespan and a mission that is impossible to complete the moment that they are born and that is if they're lucky enough to survive the magic surgery implant thing on their brain that gives them the aforementioned knowledge and short life.
After the plan to restore her bloodline's past glory failed, she found the resolve to work for the future with whatever time she has left. Is she an idealist who wants to change the future by avoiding the mistakes of the past? Maybe, maybe not, but she'll play nice or at least somewhat tolerable to those who share the same ideals or to those who simply interest her.
Anyways after that food for thought that I had shared, I've actually thought about it even more when I've finished reading some of the stuff about her and realized that yeah; doctor Mobius would probably hate her lmao, and Hoolheyak would find it amusing probably. But my point still stands that they would definitely have some tension going on. Hatefucking is probable
To visualize, if they were literal snakes; doc Mobius is hissing at Hoolheyak and is ready to strike at her while Hool is slithering close to Mobius just out of striking zone.
Also found a few specific voice lines from Hool that would work for an interaction between the two;
- Immoral scientist, disloyal mercenary, double-crossing spy... yes, that's all me. Rules are what bar you from working to your full efficiency, darling, and you must learn to break them. (Excerpt of Talk 1)
- Tell me, Doctor, how does it feel to lose your memory? I couldn't bear to see a great library reduced to ashes in a fire, but a librarian fool enough to only brush the dust off the shelves pains me even more. Who's sadder, you or me? (Talk after trust increase 3)
- Careful! These are rare documents. How did I get them? Relax, not by following procedure, I assure you. What? You want to interrogate me? (Trust Tap)
Totally normal for the 42-year-old feathered snake and the 'immortal' snake
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You just gave me extreme ammo for the gun I didn't have loaded hehehe
This is a great help thank you!!!! <3333
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faenemy · 9 months
Hii don't mind me, just wanted to ramble abt Mark and friends series in ur ask box cuz why not :3 (you've drawn fanart of them b4 btw!)
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(This ask wasn't proofread btw)
HI HI HI Thank you for the ask box rambles I love them <3
Definitely did not go and binge the whole series, nope, not me
I love this little green guy!
Marks parents seem to be murdered (go figure)
I'm assuming he was kidnapped in an ice cream truck/van??
Mark is kept in a cage without an actual bed it seems, at least when he isn't on camera
Are the puppets the actual children, or do they just represent them?
Mark keeps rubbing his side/stomach, maybe where his kidney was removed??
Child star shows an actual person so kidnapper might have started as a child star?
Grandma knows her kiddo is still alive (GET HIS ASS)
Is the plant guy who killed Big Monster Mr plant?
Donovan escapes???
Cupcake monster gets killed (very sadge)
apparently monsters are edible, might be some cannibali going on?
Also humans are considered monsters in this world
In "cooking" the newspaper is obscured, but it seems to read (missing childs body found, but not his head) Cupcake Monster???
No Illinois, Minnesota or Indiana
Maybe the other kids were from Minnesota and Indiana, since Mark is from Illinois?
Aight my man was defo the child star, I'm assuming he is repeatimg the crimes of big monster???
Oop so search led to Indiana, snap my prior theory lol
Big monsters cousin changes last name
Frame lasted long on that, so I assume it's important
I keep forgetting Billy's name LMAO
Big monster and sewer? Seems like an It reference
So they're near Michigan now, noted
WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME :(((( I luv paper bag dog NOOOOOO
Mark seems more vocal and challeging billy more now
Billy straight up gave the kids psychedelics my god
Someone save the child pls
Donovan my beloved is traumatized:((((
Oooooh the photos in the background are crying now, I think those are Marks parents?
Mr plant defo killed Big Monster, king shit
okay so kid star (johnny) met with big monster in the sewer, got murdered
But Billy was the one who encouraged him to, Billy was going to star in the movie before Big Monster was convicted. So he was the kid who was crying in the article because his role was dropped
I can't read the teleprompter, get this dude some glasses.
Just remembered how Mark cannonicly has his photos taken???? And sold I think??? Wtf???
Donovan had started a charity:((( he thinks his friends are gone
The date on the newspaper in the back keeps changing
Can I fight Billy??? I think I could take him easy
Mark straight up ate a razor blade get this kid a doctor
the eye test in the back reads "Mark has one more week before I kill him" if my new son dies I riot
Can I adopt Mark
Goal list; dispose, replace, repeat
I wonder if there are other shows featuring Donovan and Cupcake Monster?
Why were they kidnapped?
Befriend that strange man??? NOOOO
Did my son just kill Billy???? HELL YEAH
In conclusion, I would like to adopt Cupcake Monster, they are now my child. I would also like to punch Billy repeatedly :D
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inlocusmads · 4 months
mads' director's commentary because i just NEED to share this HC lmao:
originally this whole ring idea mentioned in this fic was supposed to be expanded on, but it already crossed 4k words and so not ideal for tumblr at all. so here's how it should have gone:
trystan makes his own rings. rings. plural. Now is it possible to make them? yes. sheet metal is easy to find if you know where to look at - considering the palace might go through many renovations; it seems plausible enough to have him find a bunch of tools and bend them into rings. sheet metal is flexible with a bunch of hammering and filing shouldn't be a problem either. realistically, I also HC Drakovia does a lot of metal exports too; considering south-east europe, historically have known for their abundance in copper.
drakovia, in canon is primarly known for 'a fabric softer than silk and strong as kevlar'. i am operating under the generalization that the copper mines would supply to the palace and could be used for places that require metals with higher corrosion resistance? (am I implying the inherent formation of copper into patina is somehow associated with drakovia's affliation with green? it is -- possible, but far-fetched.). Copper architecture is not uncommon and copper-based weaponry are usual, since it is used in electroplating.
as for trystan, I HC he like makes these rings and slowly gets better at it. it is a hobby for himself just like how he used to write poetry and stash it in the woods. and there comes this time when he makes like this stand to hold them together, like for instance if you were to blur your eyes and look at it arranged, it would look like a slinky. they're all copper or iron-based rings, simple stuff- ones you'd likely find in cereal boxes with their simple layout, not too much intricate carvings and it's this band of solid metal; when arranged together on a U-shaped band. perfect fit for a prince's tiara.
now I HC trystan would have likely - at the very least - gotten royal jewelry and get his own prince's tiara specifically for social standing purposes and as headwear to pair up with a clothing option. but this- this crown made solely of copper and steel and iron rings he made right from his hand - spending angsty teenage years angrily shaping metal into bands, and then shaping a headwear enough to hold these rings is like a headcanon I want to put in my pocket and never let go. this was supposed to be a fic on its own, but I guess i'll reserve it for a time when I do want to write someting like that.
the BEST part is their removable feature. although flimsy in nature, it is the biggest project he worked on and gave himself a seperate identity and it's just absolutely personal to him. now he wears them regularly because he's afraid putting them in a place might increase their risk of wear and tear (and cobwebs, hate the cobwebs). and THE ONE RING - the first ring he'd ever made out of scraps of metal he found and pricked his finger on - is so special, that it is given the tiara-jewel (crown jewel??) treatment.
trystan ring-lore my beloved lmao. I don't know if I'll get a chance to write this fic but I just want to put it out there in case you'd like to know of my behind-the-scenes thought process while writing and conceptualizing the fic.
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broomballkraken · 3 months
Happy Anniversary Octopath Traveler 2! This game is incredibly special to me, as it broke me out of a rather nasty, year-long case of writer’s block, and gave a brand new rare pair OTP in Osvald/Partitio.
I ended up writing a 15 chapter, 65k word fic about them that has become my favorite one that I’ve ever written, The Scholar and The Merchant! (ao3 link)
Someone on twitter asked writers to brag about their fics and what inspired us to write, so I copy-pasted my rant about The Scholar and The Merchant under the cut below, which kinda turned into a little Osvitio manifesto of sorts lmao
I've written *checks notes* a lot of OT2 fics lmao But buckle up lads, 'cause I'm gonna rant about my magnum opus, The Scholar and The Merchant!
Our tale begins way back when the Octopath Traveler 2 announcement trailer dropped (I was on a family vacation at the time and shrieked so loud that I startled my sister, sorry Viking Steve akdhfkjd) From the get-go, I was looking at Osvald and Partitio like 🤔🏳️‍🌈🤔🏳️‍🌈
When the trailer that revealed their crossed paths art dropped, I immediately opened a blank doc and wrote 3-4 paragraphs of the confession scene, effectively yeeting myself into another corner of rare pair hell before the goddamn game even came out because I am Very Normal.
I wrote two longfics for the first game, so TSaTM followed the same format, including the lazy-ass title scheme, because I am nothing if not committed to the bit djkslfh Those first two fics only had 12 chapters each, and this one capped at 15, likely due to the addition of the crossed paths and the final chapter.
The game comes out and from that first unique dialogue between them when recruiting Partitio with Osvald I was completely invested in these two as a pair already. I just really liked how Osvald seemed to gain valuable insight from his conversations with Partitio (see Clarissa and Ethan, Osvald the Sober) which highlights their differences, but they also have had similar experiences with being poor (see A Poor Student's Woes) and that serves to tie them together.
At this point, my outline is quickly getting out of hand and I know this is going to be an ever bigger undertaking than my OT1 longfics, so I had to mentally prepare myself for that lmao
So my play through goes on and then we get to my favorite banter in the game, A Waste of Time Part III. The fact that they picked Partitio instead of any of the other travelers for this particular conversation, the last one of Osvald's journey (and not just because they were crossed paths pairs because the other travelers' stories don't follow that pattern) speaks to me, because Osvald states multiple times in banters with other travelers that he hates banal chatter, yet here he is thanking Partitio for that very thing, for talking him through a lot of things and being there to support him. After I stopped bawling my eyes out, I really stopped to think that the writers were really onto something here, and it makes me so sad that these two are such a rare pair wehhh
Anywho, then we get to the final chapter, and my second favorite banter, Ori's Fate. This banter is really the first time Partitio is visibly distressed, after his mostly low-stakes journey. Osvald takes the time to reassure him that Ori is okay and then, after Partitio expresses that he's glad Osvald is around to cheer him up (cue Kraken waterworks again aklsjdfh), Osvald actually suggests that they change the subject to that banal conversation that he supposedly hates so much, just to keep Partitio's mind off of Ori, and gosh dang it to heck that really just drives home how far Osvald has come from that angry revenge-fueled man, and how very close that he and Partitio have become.
That kinda went off topic lol Anyway, this fic is very special to me because it was the most fun that I've had writing a fic, ever. Even though these two ended up being a rare pair, the wonderful people that commented on the fic and even multiple chapters just made this project so much more fun, and gave me the drive to finish a 65k fic in only four months, which is crazy to me because it took me a hell of a lot longer to finish my shorter OT1 longfics ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There are a lot of moments in this fic that were fun to fit into Osvald and Partitio's respective stories, some favorites being Partitio providing comfort for Osvald after the events of his Chapter 4, Osvald carrying a drunk Partitio back to the inn in the latter's Chapter 2, Partitio taking Osvald to Oresrush to meet Papp, and the confession scene happening under the stars during part 2 of their crossed paths, just to name a few hehe
Oh boy this got long and kinda turned into a manifesto, I'll wrap it up sajkfh Uh yeah The Scholar and The Merchant is my favorite fic and it helped yeet Osvald/Partitio to the top of my OTP list, thanks for coming to my TED talk lmao
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hhghgnm i am back. again. for a different thing. i hope you don't mind, i feel like i've talked a lot lately and yet here i am again :'] this will be a bit of a ramble, if i need to apologise at all, then i am doing so now (if not, thanks for your continued patience?? i know my tendency to ramble probably too much too often)
so. you've awakened the dormant single braincell dedicated purely to pokemon stuff. specifically with that one art for childe and zhongli (no surprises there). congration you done it. i thought it might be more considerate to collect my rambles into an ask here rather than leave a hefty tag ramble on a reblog so here i am, because i desperately need to talk to you about it- or at least ask,, no really i would love to talk about it more but that's very up to you
before anything else i want to let you know how much i internally screamed and cried that you gave childe a lantern. tears of joy. no jokes there. you're absolutely right it's perfect for him. also, it's been ages since i read pokespe especially gen 3 and 6 (if gen 6 is relevant? bc gen 3 remakes? my memory is too hazy so i have to include it just in case,, and beyond that i may not be caught up at all, as i haven't had the opportunity to play the games beyond gen 6 and so kinda fell out of stuff since then except for clinging to the stuff i already knew,,) so i need to reread those, but at least personality-wise the thought that struck me was... childe has some gold vibes?? is that. is that just me or. their general attitudes- i can't unsee it,, anyway, i also love the attention to detail with the pokeballs and alternate colour gigalith. thank you. if you apologised for pokemon nerd shining through, this pokemon nerd is rejoicing in what it sees. however dormant it may've been, pokemon was basically the thing that dominated my childhood interests so hahah,,, it's quite strong. also with the titles aside ace trainer and gentleman so true, so true indeed.
so uh.... here's the thing where i ask.... you gave them 5 each, but.... 6 is a full team, so.... :) :) :) any thoughts on, if they had a 6th, who/what it'd be (this question of full 6 pokemon teams also extends to the twins and xiao, not just childe and zhongli. should i be sorry?? i am sorry?? i would hate to think of such things mostly bc i would have a hard time because of overthinking it but i don't know what it's like for you for things like that-)? and eheheh,, can i ask permission to try teambuilding the teams for real. do you know of/use pokemon showdown? i semi-casually use it (with a hint of seriousness, but like. nothing compared to some people) every now and then mostly because testing teams is much easier there,, not that i have anything to stop me from making a team in one of the actual games, it's just. slower. and more of a process. but i really want to try it for them,, if you wouldn't mind, of course. the only thing that would annoy me in such an endeavour would be that shiny gigalith isn't actually amber-coloured. sigh. i don't even have to include not knowing gen 7+ things on that note because it's nothing a lil research and experimenting wouldn't fix, but alternate colours? sad that i can't do much about that one. ah, while I'm at it, not to be super finicky with details or anything,, haha, but hypothetically, for teambuilding, just as a question in general, what would their battle format preferences be...? just the usual singles, or...? if there would be any different preference, i am curious about
hopefully i didn't miss anything but then again, this is probably long enough as it is,,,, whoops
my dear we're on the EXACT same boat holy fuck.
i'm going to put the rest below a read more to spare everyone else's dash, bc you kinda enabled my pokemon floodgates lmao
i too followed pokespe up till the start of gen5 and then kinda lost track of it, but since i'm a hoenn sucker i went back to read the oras chapters (for steven. it was all for steven). if you're wondering- i remember the story being quite decent? take it as an extra chapter for the rse arc, that's basically what it is. sadly nothing will ever top everything surrounding the first 3 regions + dpp (they get extra points for the giratina ordeal), but it was aight.
and you're absolutely right, childe has gold vibes. not an exact 1:1 but there's some things that are just too similar to overlook. alternatively, he's like an unholy mix of red and gold.
i honestly can't remember why i only gave them 5 each- i think in my mind 6 has always been far too many creatures, but 4 too little, so i always fall somewhere in the middle;; as for showdown,
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that's where i planned the teams. that's literally where i went to sort thru all pokemon and pick and choose the ones that better fit. i'm a bit of a random team match enjoyer, never been one for building functional competitive teams but i do like playing so random has always been the go-to option.
if i had to give them a sixth slot, it'd probably be: for childe either a pawmot, luxray, or gengar. i feel like his team needs a bit more electric to honor his delusion beyond lanturn, or alternatively some poison or ghost to represent the Abyss. i'd also lowkey give him a nidoqueen, he seems like the kinda guy who'd have one. for zhongli it'd be either rhydon, tyrantrum, aggron, or maybe bastiodon? steel types would fit as steel comes from the earth, ultimately. claydol i could also sorta see, like some sort of living relic. if i allowed myself to pick from the starters, torterra (bc azhdaha). as a joke i'd give him drampa. i feel like almost no dragon types would fit and it lowkey frustrates me lmao for xiao i feel like another flying type would be overkill, so maybe something like an umbreon or a mightyena? he has an absol already, he'd absolutely have a mightyena. if not, then maybe a crobat? if childe has gold vibes then xiao most definitely has silver vibes, although i don't think he'd really mistreat his pokemon at all. i could also see him having an ariados or shedinja ngl for aether and lumine i gave them five bc eevee was like their childhood shared pokemon and then they sort of got matching duos, so they kind of share all five? but strictly speaking they're two different trainers. idk. if i had to give them like another shared pokemon, it'd be castform. or maybe something like a kecleon, sawsbuck, or togekiss. if we count them as separate trainers then i'd give them a pair of indeedee, to follow tradition with the meowstics and ralts line. that'd make it seven mons but it'd still be possible. i honestly don't have the brain rn for six for each tho lmao plus since they kinda share them i think they'd stop at seven. like three each to make six + eevee. if not then i lean towards castform. aether would dress it up like those images where the cloud bumps are boobs and lumine would hate him for it.
as for their battle performances, the twins would absolutely fight doubles. like you could catch them one on one but most of the time it'd be either both or neither. xiao and zhongli would be used to fighting doubles as team partners, but it wouldn't be like their main mode. i think both would've kinda gone their own ways and now fought singles, but wouldn't be against doubles on their own. childe would be singles all the way, OR triples, if only for the chaos. also childe would lowkey go into contests. i mean he has milotic, he kinda has to have been there at some point. maybe tonia wanted to see it so he agreed for his princess. or like- tonia was being bullied by mean girls for it and he decided he'd curbstomp them with a feebas.
anyway aaaaaa,, i went on a ramble again, this is really just my pokemon nerd speaking. i hope that was useful! it's nice to know i'm not the only one on this bandwagon hahah;;
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jieanette · 10 months
for the ship thing, can I maybe get your thoughts on Akemi x Hideto 👉👈 i love learning about what people think of the little angry gremlin lol
• when or if I started shipping it:
I started shipping it when I got more into Megami Tensei. I find it funny to think that Akemi is the "father" of megaten, aka the one who started it all, and Hideto is the "mother", who started the specific format of law, chaos and neutral routes that are in a lot of smt games. And that funny thought turned to shipping pretty quickly.
• my thoughts:
The usual trend of my shipping the first protagonist and the second protagonist of a franchise. Plus I think it's interesting for Hideto to date the person who gave the demon summoning program to him, and made the game that traps the demons inside of it.
• What makes me happy about them:
Their dynamic. I just love their himbo jock x edgy nerd vibe they come off, although it may be just my headcanon. I really enjoy the thought of Hideto helping him to see the lighter side of life. And I also find it funny to imagine Nakajima hating the fact that he really likes Hideto.
• What makes me sad about them:
I guess the idea that Nakajima feels like he didn't deserve Hideto due to the many things he did in Digital Devil Story.
• things done in art/fic that annoys me:
No opinion because no art and fics of them.
• things I look for in art/fic:
If there's any actual fanart of them then I would want Hideto to be teasing Nakajima while he blushed in anger and in denial lmao. Also I would like to see Nakajima willingly letting Hideto lay on his shoulder.
• Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
Nakajima with Yumiko. I can't really think of anyone who I really ship Hideto with. Rosanna felt platonic to me. I guess with Ryu?
• My happily ever after for them:
I want them to live together happily, with Hideto playing and enjoying the games Nakajima made for him.
• what is their favorite non-sexual activity?
As mentioned before, Nakajima watching Hideto playing the games he made for him. I remember someone giving the idea of him putting Easter Eggs referencing him, and tbh it's genuinely so cute to think about 🥺. Hideto being so happy realizing it akdhaosj. Perhaps another part is that Nakajima likes to play around with features on his robotic arm
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koreandragon · 2 years
what do you think about the new one dollar lawyer ep plotwise? considering how much there's left to deal with do u think they'll set it up for a s2? it would make sense since they probably wanna milk the success. i feel like it wasn't really necessary to have jihun leaving for an entire year to reflect and everyone grieving it just for him to come back and everything's fine again lol. i'm scared the ending will be rushed. the fact that ep 9 was sorta filler and the whole series being cut short doesn't help :/ two things i will never get with this show is why the flashback had to be that long and then then deciding for less episodes right after that
but then again this ep did give us so many good mari/jihun moments like omg the way she hit him with the flowers like a lover who got ghosted skwidjs i also missed them getting into each other's personal space so much 😭 AND THE HUG??? i cannot believe that their chemistry is so good that this show has all of us wearing full clown attire every week even after his literal dead ex-fiancee who he's barely over got introduced 🙉
i really loved this episode actually. and if you guys know me you know i'm generally very against kdramas getting a second season because most of the time it's unnecessary but i think this show would benefit from a season 2. it has a format that is suitable for more seasons, kind of like a sitcom? i wouldn't be surprised if they went for that considering the little stove league jab in one of the episodes lol
tell you what, people usually hate time jumps, i eat them up. why? because i love reuinion scenes. love being like "ohh how are they going to meet again, what's the other person gonna say when they see them" that stuff is very fun to me. i just think it was funny how he was like "i'll be back soon" then they didn't see him again for a year lmao?? i also like that it gives the characters time to think about what the other person means to them, how their abscence or them leaving them behind makes them feel like how mari was incredibly hurt over it. and you see i don't think she forgave him that easily, she gave him a run for his money first.
they said they wanted to preserve the quality by cutting the episodes so i hope they're gonna do that and it won't be rushed.... i am pretty annoyed now that the flashback was so long like i've never seen a whole flashback last EPISODES. especially if you're gonna cut the show short.
it wasn't just me who noticed the the crackling electricity this episode like the pent up tension from him leaving and mari being mad at him but also being worried about him and wanting to forgive him was just *chef's kiss*. so much personal space invasion and casual touching and just...idk...longing?? call me insane like call me absolutely off my rockers but i'm still gonna be sitting in the front row of this circus. especially when they parallel mari with juyeong or juyeong in a flashback says something that can be applied to mari and his relationship like i just wanna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways i'm normal. let's see how they wrap this up.
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papirouge · 1 year
If you had a series called Papi Watch where you just ranted about your conspiracy theories and exposed people I’d be tuned in 24/7. Literally would be more entertaining (and truthful) than whatever sh!tshow Netflix has planned next.
djeidzoxokfkeiz thank you!💗💗 😭 Now that I decided to be on YouTube, I indeed envisioned the possibility of dedicating a whole segment of my channel to this stuff (not now but in a near future) but I'm scared of YouTube censoring what I have to say 💀 So yeah, podcast seems to be a more fitting format for that. "Papi watch" sounds like a cool name for it 👀📡 (initially it was only a tag for stuff that I see/watch on the interwebz lol - my 'official' conspiracy content tag is #papiconspiracy) thanks for the idea! Buying myself a camera and a proper mic is on my 2023 wishlist. Once it's done, I can seriously ponder a possibility of a papi podcast....👀
Fun fact : the other day I was on the phone with an old friend of mine and we are both so deranged we spend 2 hours speaking about conspiracies and crazy shit lmao and he too seeks to become an artist. And he gave me very good advice in how I should learn to make money at every opportunity (for example, he told me that instead of giving away my old clothes I should try to sell them online.....and I just did my first sale yesterday 🥹). And I also gave him advice and told him he should do a podcast because he's a very interesting person with a very interesting lifestyle and outstanding perspective on things (he's not a Christian though). Sometimes we disagree with each other but it's always so chill. If our conversations were recorded in a podcast it would be so insane lmao but also I'm lowkey scared for all the hate we/I may get over my opinion about trans ideology, the sex industry, Christian hypocrites (Christian can be very vicious when their idols are attacked, let's be honest...) and my iconoclast opinions on things 👀
Tumblr is my favorite social media bc I can be just a woman with a blog where I'll post deaf serious shit next to Simon Ghost Riley thirst gifsets.. lmao I don't think I'm ready yet to shout out my opinions in a more formal medium.
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