#i hated steve's ending and ill never be over it
lovebugism · 2 months
hi!! could I possibly request something with Eddie or Steve with their chronically ill gf? I have POTS and although I don't full on faint, I get super fainty often and can lose my vision a little sometimes from that, and I think it would be cute to see how either boys would be with a partner like that (IF NOT THAT'S TOTALLY OKAY, THIS IS A VERY SELF INDULGENT REQUEST)
i tried to make this more general since i don't personally have pots, but it ended up being very self-indulgent bc i do get fainting spells quite often so enjoy hahah :D — the one where eddie munson is a very panicky caregiver (established relationship, hurt/comfort | 1.2k)
bug's summer fic fest (⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
The hottest day of the season weighs heavily upon you. The golden hour sunlight and sticky summer air seep into your bones, sucking all the energy from your already tired body. You feel a bit like a vampire now — a withering thing wasting away in the center of Eddie Munson’s bed, with nothing but a clicking fan beside you blowing hot air around the room.
Eddie seems largely unfazed by the summer weather despite his metalhead qualities, which should otherwise clash with the heat. 
He’s shed his leather jacket for the first time all year. The thrifted t-shirt he wears below it leaves his pale, tattoed arms on display. You can see the tendons in them pulsing every time he strums lazily at his acoustic guitar. His wild curls, more untamed than usual in such humidity, are pulled out of his face with one of your hair ties. A few stubborn strands stick to his face still — now a darker shade of brown, going damp from the sweat beading on his jaw and forehead.
You watch him tilt his head back to shake his bangs from his eyes, then smile to yourself when the attempt proves fruitless. His hair’s grown much too long now — enough to be perpetually frustrating. Not that Eddie cares to acknowledge it, anyway.
“I think it’s time for a haircut, Eds,” you try to tease, though the words come out strangely heavy on your tongue. They sound lightyears away as they spill from your mouth, and the thought alone makes you dizzy. Dizzier.
Eddie’s face, glimmering and softly flushed, screws in a boyish pout. “Don’t say that. You know I hate that word.”
“Look at your bangs, Eds! They’re way too long—”
The mattress squeaks softly under your weight when you go to reach for him. You’re barely able to sit upright without your head spinning. It’s like you blink once, and suddenly you’re underwater — vision blurry, ears ringing, the world swimming with various indistinct shapes. 
You squeeze your eyes shut and sit back again.
It takes Eddie a moment too long to notice.
“No, they’re not— See?” He pauses his strumming to muss at his curls. His ringed fingers tousle his already frizzy bangs to get them out of his eyes. He smiles all cheeky at you then, as he glances at you over his shoulder. His smile ebbs at the twisted look on your face. “Hey… You okay?”
“Yeah,” you answer immediately, though the pinched look to your features never wavers. 
“Okay. Yeah,” Eddie nods. “But… Are you?”
You squeeze your eyes shut until it hurts — until blue and white stars start to twinkle in the nothingness. But even in the quote-unquote nothingness, you can still feel the world spinning around you. It’s like you’re on a sailboat in the middle of the ocean, swaying in time with the rocky tides even though you’re sitting still. The notion makes your swimmy head spin. 
“Yeah,” you repeat, pitched higher this time as you dig your palms into your eye sockets. A feeble attempt to ease the dizziness. “I just— I just got a little dizzy all of a sudden. But I’m fine.”
Eddie starts reeling immediately. “Shit. Are you… Are you gonna pass out?” he stammers and rises suddenly from the bed. He leaves his guitar at his feet as he rushes to you. The mattress bounces under you and makes you feel sicker. His panicking makes you feel sicker, too.
“I don’t think so,” you answer, voice quiet and faraway.
“You don’t think so?” Eddie echoes as he looms at your side. 
You can’t see him, but you know he’s there. You can feel his shadow and the heat radiating from his lanky form. His ringed hands sit awkwardly out in front of him, aching to comfort you but frightened of making it worse. 
“Do you— Do you want me to do something? Do you need me to get you anything? Like… Like a glass of water or—”
“Eds. I’m fine,” you interject a bit too firmly for your poorly state. “It’ll pass, just… Just sit down.”
“I can’t,” he squirms. “You’re makin’ me nervous, babe.”
“Standing on top of me isn’t helping, Eds.”
The boy sits gingerly at your side, then. He doesn’t move a muscle as he waits for you to tell him what to do. Obedient but hardly patient. He tries not to fidget too much, lest he add to your unease, but he buzzes with worry in the meantime. He watches with his heart in his throat as you finally take your hands from your face.
His wide, chocolate eyes dart over your pallid features. “You okay?” he whispers.
“Mhm,” you hum in the affirmative, though you haven’t yet tried to open your eyes. 
The mattress feels less like a wobbling water bed now, but you’re still scared of what the world will look like — if everything will be slightly askew or flipped upside down entirely.
“Can you try to look at me?” the boy presses gently.
You peek one eye open and turn your chin to look at him. The subtle movement ends up being an obvious mistake. “Fuck,” you curse in a quiet murmur, shutting your eyes when the world goes staticky again.
“Don’t move so fast, babe. You’ll pass out,” Eddie chuckles despite the panicked ache in his chest. 
He moves slowly so as not to jostle you too much — lifting his arm to rest over your shoulder and pulling you very carefully to his chest. His free hand covers your eyes and rests over your temple. He squishes his cheek against your hair.
The humidity doesn’t often allow for such contact, but the heat isn’t nearly as strong as Eddie Munson’s love for you. He holds you close in spite of the slightly agonizing way your skin sticks together, fully content to melt with you completely.
“‘M not gonna pass out,” you murmur, words sitting heavy in your mouth.
“Yeah,” Eddie scoffs. “‘Cause slurring your words like you’re drunk all of a sudden is real convincing, sweetheart.”
“M fine,” you insist anyway.
“Well, the world’s not spinning anymore, at least.”
“Good,” Eddie hums, smacking a chaste kiss to your head. “Lay down for me, alright? I wanna get you some water. And maybe something salty. That shit’s supposed to help, isn’t it?”
You whine in protest when he starts to move. Less because of how faint you are, and more because of how little you want him to leave. 
“No. Later. Don’t move,” you grouse.
“I gotta make sure you’re alright, babe,” the boy laughs through the warmth blooming in his chest, a sparkling sort of pride perhaps, as you curl further into his side.
“I’m fine right now,” you mumble tiredly. “But if you stop holdin’ me like this, I won’t be.”
“Ah, right…” Eddie sighs in defeat. “Guess I’m stuck here then, huh?”
You nod slowly, cheek rubbing along the cotton fabric of his shirt. “Mhm.”
He smiles softly to himself, wider than he usually allows, ‘cause there’s nothing metal about being a lovesick puppy. But, in truth, he’s happy to be stuck here with you — even with your swimmy head and humid air and clicking desk fan that’s hardly working now. The circumstances a mildly inconvenient, sure, but he’d take a billion inconvenient circumstances if it meant getting to be with you.
Lovesick puppy, indeed.
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the girl next door 3
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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The noise of a lawnmower welcomes you out into the vibrant summer day. Your mother is already on the porch, sat on the patio bench. You can tell she’s primped herself up just a little bit. You put the jug of lemonade on the wicker table and stand by the end of the long eat. 
“A kind man,” your mother muses beneath the racket of the mower, “about time we got someone decent ‘round here. You know,” she furrows her brow viciously, “those bitches from the cul-de-sac never liked your nana. Hate us even more. Stepford hags.” 
You nod and peek over at Steve as he pushes the mower in a straight line. The grass falls to the blade and leaves thick clippings in rows. You twiddle your fingers as you notice the shine of sweat on the man’s forehead and forearms. His act of kindness feels more like pity. 
“Don’t be stupid, girl, go grab some cups,” your mother snipes and draws your attention back to the porch. “That man’s going to think I raised a moron.” 
You retreat back into the house. For as pleasant as she was to your new neighbour, it has done little for her mood. Or maybe it’s just you. 
You grab two of the rippled plastic cups from the cupboard and head back down the hall. You stop as you reflection passes you in the mirror. You turn to face it. You frown. You’re nothing special to look at but you don’t do much to help that. You wonder if you put on some mascara or wore something nicer if you might look anything close to pretty. 
You shrug off the fleeting insecurity. It’s not important. Your mother’s sick and your little uncertainties don’t mean anything. You push through the screen door and clack the cups down. As you do, the mower quiets and you peer over. The grass is trimmed neatly as Steve stands close to the steps, wiping his forehead as his cheeks burn rosy form the heat. 
“Whew, think I’ll try some of that lemonade,” he climbs the steps, “hot one today.” 
As he climbs the last step and he drags his hands down his tee shirt. His grey blonde hair droops forward and he tries to shake it out of his face. He tugs at the hem of his shirt and lifts it over his head, revealing a sweat-dampened undershirt. 
“Don’t mind me,” he chuckles as he uses the outer layer to mop his face and neck, “think I overdressed.” 
“Get him some lemonade,” your mother hisses and points to the jug. “Steve, was it? What brings you to Heron Meadows?” 
You unstack one cup from the other and fill both. You set the pitcher back down and step back on your heel, folding your hands together as you fade into the background. You’re peripheral to your mother. You only exist when she needs you. 
“Well, settling down, I think,” he smiles and reaches for a cup. He raises it and stops it just in front of his chest. He carefully gestures at you with it, “thanks.” 
Your eyes round and you glance away, “welcome.” 
“Settling down?” Your mother echoes coyly. 
“I know, I’m a bit late to the game. Had to get out of the city. Maybe I outgrew it,” he sighs, “and you two? Where’s your husband hanging out?” 
You mother laughs and crosses one leg over the other, not easily as she struggles to still the shake in her foot, “long gone. He never saw this place.” 
“Ah, hope I didn’t hit a sore spot,” Steve’s cheek dimples before he sips from the glass. 
“Mm, don’t feel much for the deadbeat,” your mother tisks, “what about you? Settling down? Is your wife coming with the couch?” 
“Ah, yeah,” he reaches over to plant his hand against the pillar that connects to the rail. He leans on it and gulps again. He swallows before he continues, his eyes meeting yours for the split second you dare to look up, “missed that step but the house will keep me busy until I figure that out.” 
“Oh don’t you worry, that little club will keep you busy,” your mother scoffs, “make sure ya keep your picket fence nice and whitewashed.” 
Steve gives a curious furrow of his brow. You mother sniffs as her little quip hangs in the air. 
“HOA,” you put in quietly. 
“Mm, I bought out of that,” he says. “Outdated if you ask me. I don’t need them telling me what colour to paint my door.” 
“Bought out?” Your mother grumbles. 
“I didn’t relish the extra lawyer fees but worth it,” Steve explains before he empties the cup and puts it back down, “thanks, that was great. Uh, guess I should get started on the back.” 
You stand dumbly as you mother agrees with a grumble. An awkward silence thickens around you and she snaps in your direction with her fingers, “take him out back, honey.” 
“Oh, uh, sure,” you clamour forward as if awoken from a slumber. “Just...” you near Steve and step around him to scurry down the stairs. “this way.” 
He leaves his tee shirt draped over the railing and turns to follow. He looms like a shadow behind you and as you stop to reach over the top of the gate and unlock it, you scratch around blindly. He steps closer and hooks his arm over yours. The smell of his sweat fills your nose. 
“Got it,” he says as he easily unlatches the clasp and the gate slants inward. 
You push through, quickly making distance from him as he trails you into the backyard. It’s even worse than the front. You grab the broken mower from where you left it and drag it towards the garage. 
“Great, I’ll go grab the mower,” he declares and leaves you to shove your way awkwardly into the side door of the garage. You push the rusted metal inside and the door snaps shut at your back as you emerge back into the sunlight. 
Steve pushes through his nice electric mower and you shy away. It’s got to be close to new and no doubt expensive. You trod through the tall grass and as you pass him, his arm brushes yours. 
“I could do the eaves too,” he stops beside you. “Get some of these weeds cut too.” 
“No thanks,” 
“I don’t mind,” he insists. 
“I can manage.” 
“You can. Probably a lot. Your mom...” he suggests, letting his words hang. “She sick?” 
You glance at his chest, the white fabric taught to his muscles above his thick stomach. You nod. 
“You take care of her?” He prompts. 
“Do my best,” you mutter and traipse on, “thanks.” 
“Right, uh,” he calls after you, “well, if you change your mind or think of anything, you can always ask.” 
You keep on. He feels bad for you. Just like everyone else. You’ve heard Marge and Lucy on their daily power walk; poor thing, going nowhere, sad... 
You go back out front, leaving the gate open. You go to grab the broom from the porch as your mother remains as she was. Her hand trembles on her thigh. 
“You know, should clean up around here,” she says, “invite him for dinner as thank you. Maybe tomorrow.” 
You take the broom and stop at the bottom of the steps, “maybe tomorrow,” you agree. 
“He’s a nice man. Could use one of those,” she smirks, “never had one of those. Handsome to boot.” 
It’s strange. You haven’t seen your mother smile since your grandma was around and even then, it wasn’t like this. The way she’s talking is almost ravenous. Like she’s slathering over a pork chop still on the grill. 
“Just gonna sweep up the trimmings,” you explain as you drag the broom down the walk. 
“Ugh, do whatever, you simple girl,” she chides. “When you’re done, you start on that kitchen. Those damn dishes have been sitting there all day.” 
“Yes mother,” you say to the broomstick as you begin to sweep. 
The sun beams relentlessly down, pouring onto you like fire. When you’re done, you return the broom to its place against the siding of the house and let yourself inside. Your mother hums as she watches the birds. You should be happy to see her outside, to see her in a better mood, but you’re too uneasy with the presence of that man. You know his name but it doesn’t make him any less a stranger. 
You fill the sink and add soap. You plunge a stack of plates into the water and stare out the small window above. You can see the side of the next house. It isn’t much too look at but sometimes a squirrel will critter along the wooden fence top. 
As you zone out, hands working mindlessly on scrubbing and dousing, a shift in the foggy colours of your vision brings your eyes into focus. You blink as Steve waves from outside. He rolls the mower up to the gate and smiles at you. You wince, jolted by the reminder of him. You offer a flutter of your soapy fingers. 
He stops and stares at you through the window. You blink, uncertain what to do. He’s just looking at you. He winks and you wince at the gesture. He slaps his hand back down on the mower and pushes it through to the front yard. That was odd. 
Or maybe you’re just awkward. 
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stvharrngton · 2 years
and when the rain came
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a/n: not totally in love with this but i thought i would post it anyway 🤷‍♀️ i’m ill and a sucker for angst so let’s go
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 1.8k
warnings: angst, friends to lovers, fluffy ending
prompt: 28. I hate that you're mad at me, but you look so hot right now.
You hated parties.
Scratch that, you hated parties with Steve. So when Robin invited you to some senior’s party this weekend it was a hard no. And when Steve begged you to go it was an even harder no. But Robin was so persuasive, pleading with you to go because she just couldn’t bare to go to a party alone with Steve.
So when you found yourself stood shoulder to shoulder with Robin, nursing whatever concoction the host had made in a red solo cup, watching Steve get fawned over by some pretty blonde girl against the wall, you really wish you stayed home.
Steve was drunk. The boy giggling wildly as the girl leaned into him to press her lips to his ear to shout something over the music, her dainty hand pressed to his chest. His large palm hovered over her waist, the other holding his drink at his side.
You felt the usual pang of jealousy in your chest, enabled by the alcohol. It was like a sharp knife lunged right into your stomach, a hot sting coursing through your veins. Tears threatened to prick your lashes as Robin shot you a sympathetic look at the scene unfolding before you.
You downed the rest of your drink, letting it sting your throat on the way down. Your eyes never leaving Steve as you shouted, “I need another drink.” over the music.
He met your gaze as Robin was on your tail as you pushed through the crowd, Steve’s giddy smile downturning into a frown, his brows knitting together. He’d stopped listening to whatever nonsense the girl was muttering in his ear when he saw the sad look on your face.
Pouring yourself more of the punch, you sighed. You and Steve had been toeing the line between friendship and… something more for a while now. The constant flirting, how his hands would always linger on your waist for a little longer than they should. He’d always swing by your job with your favourite coffee and pastry order, his lips brushing your cheek every time you said goodbye.
You were just as bad as each other. Both of you too scared to admit your feelings, in fear of how they’d alter your friendship. They wouldn’t. And you knew they wouldn’t, but it’s the lie you told yourself.
The difference in you being you didn’t try to date, didn’t try to meet anyone else. Because there wouldn’t be anyone else. Steve was it for you.
So when Steve stumbled into the kitchen to find you, with a different girl clinging to his chest, his arm slung around her shoulder, you almost spat your drink out.
It was too much. You felt your throat close up as your hands grew clammy, tears prickling at the corner of your eyes. The alcohol flowing through your system certainly not helping the situation.
Your gaze bleary as you stormed past them and out through the front door. The cold air pricked your skin as you walked down the street. You didn’t know where you were going, you just knew you needed to get out of there.
“Hey, wait!” Steve shouted after you, tripping over his own feet, “Where are you going?”
“Home!” you called back out to him, never stopping to look behind you at him.
Steve’s long stride allowed him to catch up to you easily, “I thought you were coming back to my place?” he asked, breath panting a little.
“I want to go home, Steve.”
Steve reached his hand out to wrap around your wrist, spinning on your feet to face him, “What’s going on with you?” he asked, concern painting his features.
“Nothing Steve,” you spoke quietly, feeling small under his gaze, “just go back to the party.”
You yanked your wrist from his clutch, spinning back on your heel to continue your walk home. Your arms wrapped around yourself, your heart beating through your chest.
“And let you walk home alone?” Steve guffawed, “No way.”
You didn’t respond. You just kept walking. You hoped he would get the hint but unfortunately, Steve was resilient. Especially when it came to you. Refusing to let it go until he knew what was wrong. And how he could fix it.
Steve walked beside you, hands stuffed in his pockets, “So, you gonna tell me what’s wrong now?” he asked, elbow nudging your arm.
You rolled your eyes, trying to pull your arm in closer to your body, “Nothing’s wrong, Steve,” you sighed, “why don’t you go back to those girls at the party? I’m sure they’re missing you.” you spat, a little harsher than intended.
Steve stopped in his tracks, like a deer caught in headlights. Voice stuttering, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Please,” you scoffed, “you love it and I just have to stand there and fucking watch!” your voice raised a little higher now, “And pretend like it doesn’t bother me.”
There you stood in the street, cheeks flushed and chest rising slowly. Tears welling in your eyes as realisation hit that you just admitted your feelings for your best friend. Well, sort of.
Steve watched you carefully through his hazy eyes, mind still a little foggy, his heart pounding against his rib cage. He stood as you cussed him out. Words dripping with hurt and heartache, and you were right. He did love it, the attention from girls at parties, it made him feel wanted. But they would never be you.
But Steve was drunk. And drunk Steve didn’t have a filter. No control over his mouth, his brain a second too slow to stop himself from slurring out words he didn’t mean. So when he watched you, face tinted pink, lips red from your lipstick and jungle juice, the dress you wore hugging your figure in all the right places. Your soft hair cascading over your shoulders; Steve’s mind went into overdrive.
“I hate that you’re mad at me, but you look so hot right now.”
You stared at him blankly for a second, trying to process his words, eyes narrowing, “You’re unbelievable, Steve.” you stated, simply.
You did your best to focus on your feet, moving one in front of the other, you were sure you weren’t even walking in the direction of your house anymore. You tried to push that horrible sick feeling back down to the pit of your stomach. You knew it was just the beers Steve had downed speaking, of course, but his words made you feel cheap.
“Fucking idiot.” he groaned to himself, speeding up after you once again, “Beautiful!” he called out after you, “I meant, shit, I meant beautiful, I swear.”
You ignored him, just carried on walking. You almost didn’t realise that you ended up outside Steve’s house, BMW parked in the drive. You heard the boy breathe a sigh of relief as his fingers wrapped around your wrist again, forcing you to look at him.
“What do you want me to say, huh?” he taunted, “That I love you? That I’m in love with you?” Steve’s arms flailed above him, frustration bleeding through to his features, “Is that what you want to hear?”
Your lip quivered as your tears fell freely now, his voice laced with venom, words cutting deep, “What? I-,” you stuttered, “No! I don’t know!” you cried.
But you did. You definitely did.
Steve chuckled softly at your reaction, his features softening, his fingers carding through his hair, “‘Cause I will,” he spoke quieter now, “tell you that, I mean. Because I do.”
He took a step closer to you now, hands cupping your cheeks gently, thumbs wiping away your tears. The gesture was so soft, so heartfelt and so Steve. Your Steve. You sighed, letting your eyelids flutter closed at his touch.
“Steve,” your voice cracked, “you act like we’re together, you treat me as if I’m your girlfriend,” you began, hiccuping as you tried to keep your sobs at bay, “but then we go out, we go to a party and it’s like, like you forget I exist or something! I just don’t get it, Steve.”
Your tears wouldn’t stop, mascara streaking down your cheeks and Steve internally kicked himself, over and over, “I’m sorry, babe,” he started, “shit, I messed up, okay? I messed up.”
Nodding solemnly, you sniffled, wrinkling your nose. “I mean it though,” Steve’s voice was soft, calming almost, “I’m in love with you, always have been.”
Your heart swelled at his admission, your wet eyes boring up into his big, warm brown ones. The soft smile that tugged on his lips, the tip of his nose tinted pink, the way his hands caressed your face; it was home.
“Always just been too scared to do anything about it, always thought you were too good for me,” Steve mumbled, voice a quiet hum, his thumb soothing a fresh tear into the skin of your cheek, “was stupid really.”
You nodded, a soft laugh escaping your lips, “Yeah, it was.” you spoke and Steve all but grinned at you in the middle of his driveway.
“I’m sorry,” he cooed, fingers tucking your hair behind your ear, finger and thumb coming to hold your chin, “I really am.”
You let your arms snake around the boy’s waist, pulling him impossibly closer to you, “I’m in love with you too, Steve.”
He rest his forehead against your own, eyes bright and smile wide. You left him wondering why he waited, why he tortured himself all this time, putting off the inevitable.
“Good to know,” he chuckled, lips brushing against your hairline, “let me make it up to you, hm?” Steve asked.
“I suppose,” you teased and then you felt the rain. First a drop or two on your cool pimpled skin but as the seconds went by the harder it lashed against the ground and you.
You squealed as it soaked you both, your dress now sopping and clinging to your skin. Steve’s mused hair flat against his forehead as you clambered into his arms.
Steve laughed a laugh that only you got to hear, something that came from the bottom of his stomach that was made just for you. He spun you around in the rain, setting you back down on the ground before he asked,
“Can I kiss you?” loud enough for you to hear over the rush of water from above.
You rolled your eyes but beamed up at the boy anyway, “You’re such a cliche, Harrington.”
But you pulled him down to you by the collar of his jacket, crashing your lips to his. The kiss was a little messy, you smiling into each other’s mouths, a languid move of your lips.
It was like something out of a movie, you thought, a gentle pinch to your skin to make sure you weren’t dreaming. But no, this was real. Steve was real. And he was yours.
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midnightsxxvi · 1 year
the picnic blanket
Steddie x fem!reader
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a/n: I somehow hit 500 followers a while back (I block bots I swear) somehow despite not posting any of my writing in months (I’m mentally ill. Idk what to tell you). So anyway here’s a little something!
header image from littleststarfightter (I asked for permission i promise)
description: first real date with the three of you, each ready to really make this work
contains: mentions of injury (vecna happened but everyone lived); hints to sexual content MDNI 18+ !!!; a lot of soft vibes and a tinge of angst. Post Vecna/everyone lives!!
“I would like to go on a date,” You finally let out after gathering up all your confidence. You stood tall, hands clasped together, chin up. 
Steve was already grinning like an idiot, but Eddie just raised a brow. 
There was a beat of silence before Eddie let out a long whistle. He then looked back and forth between you and Steve. “A date? Like… all three of us?” 
“Yes, that’s what I mean.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “Alright, Princess. A date it is. What were you thinking of doing?”
“Um,” your cheeks heated, “Well this is about as far as my thinking went— hey, don’t laugh. Why are you—listen, if you don’t want to it’s okay! We don’t have to! I know we haven’t really decided what’s going on between the three of us—“
“Sweetheart,” Eddie cut you off, getting to his feet and walking over to you. “I said yes. You’re just being cute.” 
“Oh. Well. What would you like to do then?”
“Dinner and a movie? A classic.”
“I’m not—“ Steve interrupted, briefly holding his hand out but then stepping back nervously. He cleared his throat, and at first you thought he was turning you down, but he explained: “I’m not ready. To, uh, be out? This is a small town and I don’t want to worry about others yet, you know? I don’t know if that sounds shitty of me—“
“It’s not shitty,” you assured him. “You’re right. Dustin will never shut up about this if word gets to him.”
Eddie smirked, “I'm pretty sure Dustin already knows we are a thing?”
“Pssh, no he doesn’t,” Steve scoffed. Although he didn’t quite believe his own words. 
“We could do a drive in movie?” Eddie suggested. 
Steve leaned against the counter. “And have one of us third wheel in the back the whole time? No thanks.”
Eddie winked at him, “Squish into the back seat with me.”
“Uh, then we can’t see the movie?”
“Feelin’ shy now?” 
You pursed your lips, hating how frazzled Steve looked. Out of all of you, he had the most to lose if it came to the wrong person seeing you three together. Together, together. People knew his parents; they had a reputation. He didn’t know how they’d take him being queer, in whatever the sense. 
“Stevie, if you don’t want to come, it’s okay. We don’t have to do something—“
“No, no,” he raised his hands up a little, afraid that you were already backing out. Then, he snapped his fingers in the literal sense. “Let’s go on a picnic.” 
Eddie snorted. “A picnic?”
“Don't look at me like that. It’s romantic.” Steve’s ears blushed at the word. Who knew he’d get so flustered about wanting to give the two of you a little romance. 
He approached you and Eddie, still nervous, but he seemed more sure of this. “We could pack snacks, maybe some wine? Be nice and classy?”
You bit back a grin. “We could find somewhere private. Get out of this damn trailer. Maybe go by one of the lakes?”
Eddie looked between you two, an entertained grin on his face. “Didn’t know you two were so cheesy?”
Steve laughed lightly, “So what?”
Eddie swung his arm around Steve, one of his fingers playing with a curl at the end of Steve’s hair. “Why don’t we go all out and go to Lover’s Lake?”
“I mean, if you really want to,” Steve teased, although he was grinning like an idiot again. He didn’t back up as Eddie’s face got closer into his space. He just accepted Eddie’s nose as it nudged his cheek. 
“Okay, so. Picnic at Lover’s Lake?” You wanted to clarify. “A date. In a romantic sense. The three of us.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Eddie smiled at you brightly. 
“Then, um, let’s talk logistics.”
“Now, that doesn’t sound romantic.”
You giggled a little and shook it off. “I just mean, when should we go! Do we all meet up and go together? Or, I don’t know! What time of day? Who brings the snacks!”
Eddie reached out, his arm around your shoulders as well, pulling you in toward the two men. “Now, sweetheart, relax. We’ve got it covered. I’ll pick up snacks. You bring drinks. Stevie here can drive and maybe bring a blanket.”
“I don’t have a picnic blanket,” Steve told him. 
“Then get one. You’re the one who suggested this.”
“Alright, alright.  I can pick you both up, and drive the three of us out. Are you both free tomorrow afternoon?”
“I don’t work?” You shrugged. 
“Same,” Eddie said, “And classes are done for the semester.”
“Can I take you both out tomorrow then?” Steve looked at the both of you. His normal self was coming back, ready to charm. “I don’t think I can wait more than a day. I’ve been wanting something like this for a long time.”
You pressed your lips together. Your heart thudded a little stronger, absorbing the sweet smile on his face. His words were so soft that you couldn’t help but reach over and kiss his cheek. 
“I’d love to, Stevie. Tomorrow sounds perfect.”
Steve didn’t say hello, but instead, the moment you opened your door he said, “The picnic blanket I got is going to woo you.”
“Woo me?” You grinned, trying not to ogle too much at his appearance. Standing on your front porch under the midday sun, he looked like summer personified. Steve had on his swim shorts, and a light blue button up. The cherry on top was the way a few buttons were undone, and the soft hair on his chest poked out from underneath the blue.
Steve seemed to ogle you though. He glanced at your summery outfit, admiring your figure, and he couldn’t even remember what else he was going to say.
“Sorry. Uh. You look good,” he cleared his throat. “You ready to go?”
A quick nod, you got on your shoes, and then you were following him out.
“Eddie is in the car,” he explained, although you could see the guy sitting in the front of Steve’s car. “We made a deal where I’d go to the door to pick you up, and then he could walk you to the door later when we drop you off.”
“How polite.”
Steve had glitched a moment ago when seeing you, but his confidence was back again and he swung his arm over your shoulder as you walked to the car. In his head, he was hoping that later they wouldn’t actually be dropping you off at home but instead taking you back to his or Eddie’s place. He was being polite though, so he kept those thoughts to himself.
The car windows were rolled down, and Eddie had both his arms leaning out, a big grin plastered on his face. He had his hair down, but some dark sunglasses and you could see a black tank top on.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” He called out to you, raising his sunglasses onto his head. He wasn’t shy in the way he looked you up and down, and then even looked Steve up and down. “You two look hot as hell together. Look at you, beach bag and all? Have we ever dressed this classy?”
You giggled as you got closer to the car. “Nope. This is my classiest outfit.”
Eddie extended his hand out, grasping the air and giving grabby hands. “C’mere.”
Steve let you leave from under his arm, and you skipped forward to hold Eddie’s hand. Eddie pulled you in right away, his other hand holding the back of your head to get you even closer.
You had to bend down a bit, falling into a searing kiss. It took you a little by surprise, how he held you to him, his lips moving against yours warmly.
It wasn’t the first time you’d kissed, but it wasn’t something you were used to yet. Your tummy fluttered and you worried that your hands were already clammy, especially in the heat of the sun.
When he pulled back, his grin only increased at your soft expression. The grin then increased somehow even more when his eyes flickered behind you to see Steve’s reaction.
“Hey,” Steve was glaring, “You get her at drop off.”
“You completed your duty of picking her up!”
“I’m not property,” you huffed, feigning insult.
“Of course not,” Eddie’s thumb traced over the back of your hand. “You do have to sit in the back of the car though. Sorry.”
Your mouth parted in the exasperation as he let go of your hand, sat back in the car and then put on his sunglasses as though nothing happened.
You turned to look at Steve who looked apologetic but wasn’t denying Eddie’s claim.
Steve’s hand found the small of your back, and his other opened the back door for you like a gentleman. “Sorry. You can switch on the way back. Promise.”
“I guess that’s alright.”
Just then, Eddie turned the music up on the stereo, causing Steve to roll his eyes as some Van Halen song played. Still, Steve gave your cheek a quick kiss before you got into the car.
And like that, the three of you were off to begin your very first date.
It was early July, a few months after you all escaped the Upside Down; escaped Vecna. It hadn’t been long ago, yet in that time, everyone worked through a lot of healing. Some things may never heal, but you’d be damned if you let the trauma stop you from enjoying the sunshine again.
Time had eased the physical pain inflicted upon Steve and Eddie in the spring. Still, their bodies had been prodded at, wounded, bitten. Steve still shied away from showing anyone the wound spread across his stomach, and Eddie was still anxious about the scabbed flesh around his legs. He still had a limp when he walked, and it still hurt to cough.
You didn’t notice until each of you piled out of the car, that Eddie had put on shorts for the first time all season. They weren’t short like Steve’s, but instead he had ripped some pants just above the knee.
Back when Eddie first got injured, covered in bandages at the hospital, he had cracked some joke on how he’d ‘tell people in the future that the scars are from shark attacks.’ Plural. Not just one. But he insisted that he’d tell people he was involved in multiple shark attacks. That was quite hardcore, in his eyes.
“Babe,” Steve called, although you weren’t sure if he meant you or Eddie. Probably both. “Let me show you this spiffy blanket.”
Eddie was not helping you grab the picnic basket and snacks he’d so kindly bought. He took out a cigarette from Steve’s glove box that he’d created a habit of storing. Steve didn’t mind. Walking to the back of the car, Eddie smoked and watched the both of you.
“I’m swooning,” you grinned when Steve swung the blanket over his shoulder. It was a soft green gingham fabric, and Steve looked very proud of himself.
“You better be. I worked so hard to find this. I needed to make sure you had the best place to sit.”
Eddie raised a brow at that, the corner of his mouth upturning as he thought about Steve’s words differently.
Steve slammed the trunk shut and patted the car’s exterior. “Alright, let’s find us a good spot!”
Eddie was smooth in the way he grabbed drinks from you to free one of your hands, and then he put his free arm around your shoulders. He had to reach his hand sort of above your head to get the cigarette from his mouth and whisper to you, “I didn’t know he was so chipper about the lake.”
It was a sight to see: Steve had dashed ahead of you two, sandals flapping away as he ran closer to the lake. You let out a breathy giggle, snuggling into Eddie’s side.
He put the cigarette back in his mouth and the two of you strolled toward Steve.
“Hey, Eds?” You said quietly.
“Is this a mistake, coming here?”
He had to do the hand maneuver again, pulling your head toward him a bit as he had to grab his smoke. It was clumsy, but it worked. “No, I told you, I want us to have a date.”
“No, I mean here specifically.”
Oh, as in, Oh, this lake could possibly bring up memories I’m trying to heal from.
Eddie clicked his tongue and you could see the way his eyes squinted under his glasses, staring at the water.
“No,” he finally said. “It’s okay. I mean, I suggested it, didnt I? It’s different in the day, plus…” Eddie looked your way, his hard stare softening, “Plus, there’s nothing we need to run from, is there?”
“No,” you agreed.
“Now, are you okay with being here?”
“With you? Always.”
“Oh shit,” he grinned, teasing you a bit, “You flatter me.”
You shied away, smiling against his shoulder.
Ahead, Steve was clapping. Seriously. The guy clapped his hands before putting them on his hips and calling out, “Come on, slackers! Skedaddle over!”
“Relax, Harrington!” Eddie called back, “We’ve got all day.”
Still, Steve was satisfied to see that both of you actually did speed it up a bit, bringing over everything.
The three of you placed your things around the picnic blanket. You had a beach bag, Eddie brought a literal basket with food inside, and a pack of beers. Steve had also brought along towels for himself and Eddie, and threw in extra clothes because even though Eddie insisted he wasn’t going in the water, Steve thought just in case.
“Did you both put on sunscreen?” Steve asked, on his knees as he looked through the picnic basket. He didn’t pull anything out yet; he was just getting a look at what Eddie brought, mentally rating it in his head.
“Nope,” you said.
“Absolutely not,” Eddie said.
Steve raised his gaze at both of you. “Mhm. Not surprised. Good thing papa Steve brought along plenty.”
“I see we’re talking in third person now,” Eddie commented with a grin, resting his back on the blanket. You saw the reflection of the trees and blue sky in the lenses of his glasses.
“Please don’t call yourself papa?” You added.
Eddie shook a finger in your general direction. “Nah, you see, I don’t hate that.”
Steve was smirking to himself, finding the sunblock he’d packed.
You took a spot beside Eddie, your bare legs enjoying the feel of the blanket. There wasn’t a breeze today, only the hot sun and the calm waves on the lake.
Steve had been closer to Eddie, shifting nearer and holding the sunblock. He leaned his head over Eddie’s and said, “Can you do it yourself or do you require assistance?”
Eddie reached up and pinched Steve’s cheek. “I was hoping you’d ask. Lather me up, sugar.”
Steve’s smile reached his eyes. He gently took off Eddie’s sunglasses so that he could put the lotion on his face.
Steve gently smoothed it over, starting at Eddie’s nose and then his cheeks in strokes and saying, “One of my babysitters when I was like, I don’t know, six? She told me to apply sunscreen to my face like a bunny.”
“I beg your pardon?” Eddie muttered, not wanting to move, and in awe of Steve’s close face.
“Put a bit on the nose first— see, you’re even doing the bunny nose scrunch thing.”
“No I’m not.”
“Yes you are! Then let me just make your little bunny whiskers, and bunny ears,” he applied some to Eddie’s forehead, “And beautiful!”
“Aren’t you supposed to rub it in?”
“Yeah, but I think you look kinda cute with your bunny nose.”
Eddie broke out of his little trance and started rubbing his nose himself, “Yeah, yeah.”
Steve sat up on his knees again, “Now up. Lemme get your back.”
“I have a shirt on.”
“But you still have skin exposed?”
“My hair covers it.”
Steve sighed and shook his head. “Why do you have to be difficult? Your shoulders are visible! You’re a pale guy! You’ll burn!”
“I don’t want to get up, I’m comfy.”
“Christ,” Steve huffed and Eddie only beamed.
You got involved by placing your fingers delicately on Eddie’s shoulder. Your nails snuck under the fabric on the sleeve, and you grazed the skin underneath his top. His eyes flickered your way in an instant.
“What if Steve puts on mine first?” You offer.
“So, we’re making deals like children, now?” Steve muttered to himself.
You tilted your head, glancing at Steve, “I think that’d help Eddie, don’t you, Stevie?”
Eddie wasn’t confirming nor denying. As far as you know, he was not going to let anyone put sunscreen on him, and he would harm his skin more than it needed to be. He just laid back, pushing his sunglasses back to their spot, and he smoked what was left of his cigarette.
“C‘mere,” Steve leaned back and gestured to the space beside him. You obliged of course, stepping over Eddie to get there.
With your back to Steve, you sat, and started undoing your top.
Because you really didn’t want some silence to go along with the stares you could feel on your skin, you asked, “You two going for a swim today? I think it’s too nice out not to.”
You felt Steve’s hand brush your shoulders, gently moving hair away from your neck as you dropped your shirt to the ground.
“Maybe,” he muttered. “You want me to?”
You took a peak at him over your shoulder, “I’d love it. But you don’t have to. I’m a big girl. I can handle floating alone.”
You went back to looking at the lake. Where you guys had found space, you were in a quiet area, far from other beach-goers. The lake hadn’t been as lively with people as it was last summer, considering what had just occurred here months before. Things like that reasonably gave a majority of people the heebie jeebies. And the public didn’t even know the half of it.
But out of spite, against all the shit the three of you went through, you couldn’t let beautiful places be ruined.
“Maybe I’ll eat first,” Steve declared. “A-and then, Yunno, they say you shouldn’t swim right after eating. Maybe it’s just not my day!”
Still lying down, Eddie asked, “Why do they even say that?”
“Actually, I don’t know?”
You heard the lotion being squished out onto Steve’s hand. Soon after, the cold of it tickled your back, and he started applying it properly.
Those hands of his were large enough to easily cover a lot of space rather quickly. He massaged the sunblock in, taking special care to your upper back and shoulders. It felt good, having his warm hands on you like that. So good that you let your eyes fall closed, and leaned into his touch.
He worked on your skin carefully, his fingers finding every exposed spot on your back. You hummed when he touched the back of your neck, and hummed again when his fingers glided over your shoulder. Both of his hands worked then, moving to your chest, fingers grazing your collarbones.
Then, he drew his hands back, but they didn’t go far. He tapped at your waist and demanded in a quiet voice, “Turn around.”
You got to your knees, shifting to face him.
Steves hands were back on you in an instant, the sunblock being spread over your chest first. Steve continued onto every exposed area even though you were perfectly capable of doing it yourself.
It was when he started applying sunblock to your thighs that you giggled. “Stevie, I can get it.”
“I know. But I want to.”
Your cheeks already felt warm, but his comment had you biting back a smile. Not knowing what to do with your hands, you decided to pick up the sunscreen bottle that rested on his lap. He paid no mind at first until you applied a little onto your hand, and brought your fingers to his face.
Steve’s nose scrunched but he was smiling. His eyes found yours, the brown looking light and sparkling with the sun. “Hey.”
“Little bunny,” you told him, dabbing some on his noses and then covering his cheeks the same way he’d done to Eddie. “Adorable.”
Steve seemed to have completed his work on you for now, and both his hands rested on your waist. “I hate to break it to you but I already put sunscreen on.”
“You can never be too safe,” you shrugged. You gently massaged it into his face, aware that he was watching your eyes the entire time.
You were aware that Eddie was also very much watching the entire interaction. Even though he had his sunglasses on, his curious eyes followed you.
“There,” you said softly as the sunscreen was rubbed in properly on his face, leaving behind just a glimmering warmth to Steve’s skin. “All done.”
“Thank you, bunny,” he let out just as gently, without giving it a second though.
You pressed your lips together and hummed. Your eyes fell to his lips. You realized you were a lot closer to each other than you’d thought. Steve’s tongue darted out to lick his lips.
There was a hand that started touching your upper thigh, and it took you a moment to realize it was Eddie’s. His fingers rubbed into the plush skin for just a moment before he rested a little lower. “Missed a spot,” he said casually. His hand didn’t leave your leg.
Steve eyed Eddie’s hand, locked on your sweet thighs. So much of you was bared to both of them, and they were getting tired of holding back from soaking you in.
Steve then moved away, sitting up on the towel, leaning back on his palms. “Eddie?”
Eddie’s hand was just above the knee, but felt burning hot anyway. It was the way he held you firmly, fingers not shy, and the way you could feel him stare from behind his dark shades. “Steve?” He said low.
“Sit up. Let me put on your sunscreen.”
Eddie groaned, “Fine.”
Steve smirked, watching Eddie sit up. You sat to the side, missing Eddie’s hand as he moved.
Eddie wasn’t hesitant with Steve, he just hadn’t had his skin so bare since everything happened, and it was new to him to have someone see this up close. But he trusted you, and he trusted Steve. The sun lotion squirted onto Steve’s hand, but he touched Eddie’s shoulder with his dry hand first. You noticed the subtle way Eddie jumped at the touch, but quickly eased up.
“I’m going to start on your arm, okay?”
Eddie mumbled a “sure,” and embraced Steve’s hands, gliding across his skin.
The process was sweet to watch. Eddie was growing comfortable, and Steve’s fingers spread on every inch of skin, gentle and smooth. He inched to his shoulders, fingers peaking under the fabric of Eddie’s top. Steve did his best to go around, wanting Eddie’s neck covered. Eddie had never let him touch him there. No one had, in this new body of his.
But it was Steve. And you were you.
“Is this a good time to tell you I’m nervous?” Eddie broke the silence, cutting through the sound of the lake’s current.
Steve didn’t falter. “About?”
“This. All of it.” Eddie huffed out a laugh that didn’t hold much humour.
“Us?” Steve said, and it was like a first verbal acknowledgment mdent that there was an us you all shared. He didn’t stop his hands though. He didn’t want Eddie to think he needed to shy away.
“A little. But I trust you. Both of you.”
Steve had been finishing up Eddie’s other arm, and he tried to grasp what Eddie was saying. Setting aside the lotion for a moment, Steve leaned and pressed a kiss to Eddie’s shoulder.
Surprising you, Eddie’s hand found your thigh again. Your eyes found his, but his quickly fluttered closed when Steve gave a second kiss against the nook of Eddie’s neck.
“Can we try to get in the water?” Eddie said airily.
“Can I take this off then?” Steve tugged lightly at the fabric of Eddie’s tank top. “You don’t have to, but I think I’d like it if you did.”
Eddie smirked, joking away his insecurities. “You think you’d like it, huh?”
“Shut up,” Steve kissed his shoulder again, jusy longer this time.
“You’ll finish getting all this sunscreen on me, big boy?”
“If you’ll have me.”
Eddie pulled aside so that he could glance at Steve. “You’re such a sucker. Steve Harrington. My oh my.”
Steve rolled his eyes but smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, yeah. Take your top off.”
“So demanding,” Eddie clicked his tongue. Still, despite his teasing tone, his hands fiddled with the hem of his top.
You scooted over, your hand placing over one of his. You hadn’t noticed the slight shake. Wordlessly, you were an offering hand that he accepted. He helped you lift his shirt above his stomach, over his shoulder, then off his head.
Steve licked his lips. He grabbed the lotion.
Eddie watched you watch him. He wanted to shy away but let it happen. He let you happen.
You remembered the way his body was torn up before. You expected it to look painful and raw, but you didn’t expect to be so in awe of it all.
One of the toughest spots was by his bellybutton, and the other on the left of his chest. Still red and harsh, under healing skin. But he had his freckles, he had the ridges where his body flexed under the skin. It was all him. He wasn’t someone to shy away from.
“Can I?” Steve asked, gesturing to the lotion.
Steve delicately applied to Eddie’s back first, then his torso, which felt more intimate somehow.
You let them have the moment, choosing to stand up instead. You stretched out your body, secretly enjoying the way the two of them couldn’t help their wandering eyes.
“Now, where are you going?” Eddie asked.
“To take a dip. Come over when you’re ready, lover boys.”
You heard Steve chuckle, but you were already stepping to the lake.
The sun somehow already felt warmer against your skin than it had when you all arrived. It hadn’t even been that long, but it was like summer was giving you a hug, saying it’s hello’s.
You kicked your sandals aside, stepping cautiously on the rough sand. A few steps, and you dipped your toes in the water. It was refreshing and gave you a shiver. The excitement of it all killed you. Things would be okay after everything that happened. Things were already okay.
Steve and Eddie eventually joined you, the two of them close at each other’s side. You turned, glancing at both of them.
“Gimme a sec,” Eddie said. He stood back a bit, brows furrowed at the shoreline. He watched each rise and fall, staring at it as though the pattern would change and everything was ruined.
You let him have the space he needed. You found Steve’s gaze.
You extended your hand to him, “Come in. It’s not too bad.”
Steve scrunched his nose, not quite believing you but grabbing your hand anyways. He stepped forward, following your lead. A hiss left his lips from the temperature change before he adjusted. “Not too bad?”
“You’re so dramatic,” you giggled, bringing him in more.
He squeaked your name when he followed in to his ankles. Then his shins. Then above his knees. His shoulders were tense, but as he kicked his legs around he relaxed.
“Yeah?” You raised a brow.
He hummed. “Okay, this is nice.”
He gave your hand a squeeze. “I think it’s refreshing.”
While you two had this moment, you hadn’t realized that Eddie had inched forward on his own. He hadn’t waited for you; he wanted to take this step without the help.
He also made a noise as his toes touched the water. You and Steve watched for a moment. Steve walked in deeper, the ends of his fingers grazing the water. He soon started to splash around. The water hit your body causing you to giggle and kick water his way.
“I—“ Eddie’s voice caught in his throat as he looked down at the water enveloping his feet. It tickled at his ankles, and Eddie tucked some hair behind his ear. “I don’t want to go further.”
“That’s cool,” Steve shrugged with a little smile on his face. “This is as far as you need. You can officially say you went in the lake.”
Eddie cracked a smile. A tinge in his eye looked like he was proud of himself. It wasn’t in him to admit that though.
You stepped up beside him and touched your hand against his waist. “Eddie?”
“Hm?” He faced you fully. With your touch, he subconsciously stepped closer to you, facing the shore. He felt a flutter in his stomach as you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him closer, his feet only feeling the edge of the water.
“Summer looks good on you.”
He gave you a bit of a lopsided grin. “And what does that entail exactly? Do tell.”
“The sun makes ya all sweaty and stuff,” you grinned wide as his hands moved to your hips. “It’s hot.”
“Something is seriously wrong with you.”
He tickled your sides a bit causing you to laugh, stepping even closer to him. The water tickled your toes as you stood taller. Through a smile, you leaned in to him. His skin was sweaty and warm, sure, and you had never seen him so— “You’re kinda beautiful, Yunno?” You told him, your thoughts spitting out.
“You’re beautiful,” he said back, his voice breathier than before.
Your nose nudged his. His fingers dipped against your skin. And then you kissed him. Safe and warm, and all that you hoped this summer would be.
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jqmalikhsgib · 7 months
beauty and the freak
when everyone was asleep eddie made it his mission to stay up. he knew you would still be up on your phone scrolling through instagram.
he would wait for you to go downstairs before making his own move. when he heard your bedroom door open he waited patiently before sneaking out of the guest bedroom and heading downstairs himself.
he smirks, you turned away from him. he creeps behind you and gently whispers in your ear. “so, heard you thought i was good in bed princess.”
your whole entire body stilled. you weren’t scared, you were however startled. eddie gently kissed your shoulder.
“i could show you just how good i am. would you like that baby?” he whispers in your ear. he loved seeing you squirm a bit. it was a turn on for him. knowing he had this affect on you with just barely touching you.
“come on baby, don’t get all shy on me now. tell me if you want me to show you? tell me what you want exactly princess?”
you turned your body. he was so close to you, so beautiful, so sexy! you could never understand how people didn’t find him absolutely attractive. he had the whole nerdy bad boy exterior going on, he was in a band, and he was the kindest guy you’ve known. eddie was the kind of guy girls should go after.
you knew he’d treat you right. showing you off and giving you princess treatment, like you deserved! making you feel loved and appreciated. but when doors were closed he’d fuck you like you were just his personal fuck toy. that’s the man you wanted—needed!
“we—what about my friends? what about steve?”
eddie smirks once more. he gently wraps his hands around your neck, squeezing the sides of it. you moan just from the feeling.
“gonna fuck you nice and slow tonight, then, next time, ill fuck you hard and rough. make sure everyone knows you’re mine!”
and he did just that. he made you cum a total of three times that night. the next day he took you to his place and fucked you until your knees gave out.
from that moment the two of you dated in hiding. it was eddies idea. he wasn’t ashamed of you and knew you weren’t ashamed of him. eddie was just the kind of guy that didn’t like people in his personal business.
but after three months of dating you wanted everyone to know. this caused a lot of arguments between the two of you!
you wouldn’t tell him but you secretly liked fighting! afterwards he’d put you back in your place! making sure you knew better than to talk to him like that.
“don’t you ever speak to me like that again! understand?!” and you did. but it didn’t stop you from doing it over and over and over again.
eddie was the only man that could tame you. hell, he was the only person that could keep you in check! everyone else got bitchy, grouchy, bratty yn. he loved that.
it’s why he was ready for people to know. after four months he was ready to tell his friends about you.
they were starting to know a change in his behavior. constantly asking him questions. he was getting sick of it!
he also hated seeing other guys flirt with you during lunch. jason and his dumbass crew trying to get their paws on you. it angered him to no end.
sometimes you’d play along. he knew you were just trying to make him jealous! he just couldn’t help it though.
eddie knew you were the hottest girl in this school. but that doesn’t give others the right to touch something that didn’t belong to them, and you belonged to him! every inch of your beautiful body belonged to him.
and the night he decided enough was enough was when some jock named tim was a little too close to you for his liking. whispering something he sure was stupid in your ear.
when he saw you staring you played along, giggling at him. he could tell it was one of your fake laughs.
gareth was currently going on about something. he didn’t even pretend to listen to him. his anger, possessiveness, and jealousy was getting the better of him.
“eds, are you even listening?”
right at that moment is when tim thought it was a good idea to kiss your cheek. eddie stood up, walking towards your table.
jason stood in his way. “what are you doing here, freak?!”
eddie pushes him out the way and grabs your arm. the whole table looks at him as if he just murdered you in front of everyone.
“get your paws off her psycho?!”
eddie smirks. he turns you around to face all of your friends. “wanna tell em? tell him how your fantasy came true, huh? or should i just fuck you right here in front of the whole school?”
you didn’t break eye contact with your group of friends. smiling because you finally got him jealous enough to tell the whole school you were dating.
“maybe you should. show them who i belong to, babe!” and he did. spinning you around once more and kissing you like his life depended on it.
when you both finally pulled away to catch your breath he whispers in your ear to go sit back down with a promise of a punishment later.
he looks at jason and the other dumb fucks who follow him around before speaking. “if i see any of you goons touching my property, i will not hesitate to fuck you up. that goes for the rest of you fucktards in this school. yn belongs to me!”
you couldn’t help but smirk. the rest of that day was filled with questions. mostly asking you why you’d fuck the freak. but your answer was simply the same each time,
“why not?!”
from then on everyone left it alone. and as a year goes by, you and eddie’s relationship remains strong and still a mystery to the whole school population.
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alright the first two chapters were just an introduction to their relationship. now we get on with their dynamic!!!
im excited to write this one.
if you wanna be added or unadded to my taglist please let me know. if you wanna be added to every single one of my eddie fics please tell me <3
@lov3withurgency @sunshineandwitchery @melaninjhs @baileebear @am0iur
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gingiesworld · 1 year
Love Is Fickle
Part 3
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Angst. Fluff
Taglist: @username23345 @fxckmiup @marvelogic @dark-hunter16 @moistblobfish
Wanda had waited for a few months now to see when Y/N would return home. Although she also recieved a lot of letters, all dated from when Y/N had joined the military and dropped out of school.
I know that you're probably wondering why I am not there, hell if Vision has anything to do with it, you probably won't even notice I'm gone. But I had to leave Westview, I couldn't stay in a place I don't really belong anymore. My heart doesn't belong there.
I hate that I never really said goodbye to you. I hate myself for not giving you an explanation, but I hope that maybe one day in the future if we do cross paths again I would have the balls to tell you. Tell you everything.
I love you Wanda Maximoff. I always have and I always will.
Wanda couldn't help the tears as she read each of the letters. Reading over Y/N's words which they most likely never intended for her to ever receive.
I came home for the first time since I left and I was kind of sad that I never saw you. I guess you're having the time of your life at NYU as you should be tearing that place up with your awesomeness. I wish I could have been there with you, although you probably know I lied to you about getting in. I know my mom won't ever be able to hold her own piss.
I just want you to know how incredibly amazing you are and you are destined for amazing things Wanda.
I love you so much
She smiled at some of their words, laughing at some of the stories they had to tell her.
Nat told me about what happened between you and Vision. I'm sorry I can't be there to reassure you that everything will be fine, but everything will be fine in the end Wanda. You will find happiness again.
But the funniest thing happened to me that might make you laugh. The guys thought it would be funny to shave my eyebrows and now I look weird. I even posted a picture so you can have a laugh at it.
Wanda laughed as she held the picture in her hands, tears falling as she couldn't really control herself. That was until she heard Peggy and Steve yelling.
"I can't lose you too Steve." Peggy cried out as she held onto his arm.
"I need to find them Peggy. They're our baby." He told her softly. "I need to do this. Bring them home."
"Please." Peggy pleaded with him.
"I will find them Peggy. I will bring them home." He kissed her before he left in the taxi. Peggy clutched at her chest as she cried as Wanda came running out.
"What's going on Peggy?" She questioned as Peggy shook her head. "Is it Y/N?"
"They've been officially declared MIA." She sobbed as Wanda held onto her. Tears of her own falling as all she had left was the memories she had shared in their childhood together.
"I'm going to marry you one day Wanda." 10 year old Y/N stated as the two played in the park.
"I can't wait Y/N/N." Wanda beamed as she kissed their cheek. "My knight in shining armour." The two chuckled before they raced for the swings.
Wanda lay on her bed clutching her stomach, waiting for the painkillers her mom gave her to kick in. Soon to be greeted by a smiling Y/N who held an assortment of sweets, chocolate and soda in their arms.
"Your mom told me that you have got stomach pains so I thought we could watch your favourite show and binge eat." They beamed as Wanda smiled. "I also brought some heat pads." Wanda hugged them before she pulled them down onto the bed with her after setting up the Dick Van Dyke show.
"How do you know it's my period?" She questioned as she held up the countless packs of feminine products.
"You very rarely get ill and we are going through puberty." They told her. "Plus I may have done some research since I don't have a uterus and wanted to make sure you would be ok."
Wanda never realised how she had never noticed that Y/N had been in love with her, even before she started dating Vision. She was too oblivious to the possibility that she could have had something better than the mediocre love that she had with her ex.
"How stupid am I?" Wanda asked Nat as the two sat in her room. Mrs Maximoff was over with Peggy who was broken up. "If I had realised in that moment that I was in love with them, that they were my forever. They wouldn't be missing right now."
"Wanda, no one knows if things would have changed." Nat told her. "As much as they were in love with you, they looked up to their parents. Especially with their father being in the military."
"But." Wanda tried.
"I know you finally figured it out." Nat told her softly. "That's why they asked me to send you the letters they had written to you over the years, even the latest ones."
Wanda sighed as she grabbed the latest ones, looking at the one dated from the day after she went to their building. Opening it with care and shaky hands.
I'm sorry that I left like that, and I hate myself for it. I just hope that you can forgive me but I don't think I am ready to open myself up to you just yet. Even though I am still in love with you but I just can't because I am afraid that this is some sick joke.
I guess that maybe we can use this time apart to figure everything out between us, because I have missed you so much over the years Wanda. I hated that I never done all of the things we dreamt of doing together. And I want to make new memories.
I love you too Wanda
Wanda couldn't help but sob as she held their letter to her chest, Nat wrapping her arms around her as she cried loudly. Her heartbreaking at the thought that she may never see them again.
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could we pls get some Stevepop friendship and/or relationship headcanons??
Stcuk with writers block a bit so I hope these are alright!
Stevepop Headcanons
-Soda never wears socks, not even in his shoes (yuck) and Steve only ever wears mismatched socks
-They’re both hopeless romantics but they’re ALSO both super competitive so they often end up in a sort of ‘romance Olympics’ where they’re trying to outdo each others gestures and ‘win at love’ and the gang has literally kicked them out of the Curtis house when it gets to be too much
-(Per my other Steve headcanons we know that) Steve has a tiny grey tabby cat he found in the lot and adopted (Soda named it killer), and the cat adores Steve but absolutely HATES Soda and he’s never gotten over it. It frequently causes arguments, because Killer will be curled up in Steves lap, purring, and the second soda sits next to him or tries to lean in for a kiss the cat will hiss and take a swipe at him. (“It’s me or the cat Steve! You gotta choose!” “The cat” “STEVE!”)
-Steve is incredibly touch starved and Soda is incredibly clingy so these motherfuckers are ALWAYS touching in some way or another. In public they play it off as joking roughhousing or leaning on and another, but when they’re just with the gang or alone they’re draped all over each other. They both love spooning, and they take turns being the big and little spoon
-Soda calls Steve “Steven” when he’s annoyed with him and Steve HATES it 
-Ponyboy first found out they were together when he walked in on them making out on the Curtis’ couch and was never quite the same after. Bro couldn’t look Soda in the eye for a solid WEEK 
-Rarely do they hang out at Steve’s house instead of the Curtis place, but it happens sometimes when they wanna be alone. It stopped happening after Soda punched Steve’s dad in the face. Neither of them ever told the gang why, but Steve still gets closed off and Soda’s jaw clenches anytime someone brings it up
-They share pretty much everything except food. They NEVER share food.
-For all of Steve’s cockiness, he’s they shyer of the two when it comes to initiating anything. Soda thinks it’s adorable.
-Soda is the ONLY person who is ever allowed to touch Steve’s hair, and he loses that privilege for like a week anytime he dares ruffle it
-Both Steve and Soda get incredibly jealous anytime someone flirts with their partner, but Soda is ever so slightly worse
-They bet on everything but never remember to pay each other what they’re owed
-Steve gets sore throats a lot, so Soda always buys cough drops and ginger tea when he has a bit of spare change so he has a stockpile whenever Steve gets ill. It doesn’t matter anyway, because Steve refuses all help anyway
-Steve liked Soda first but was terrified to confess, while Soda confessed about five minutes after realising he liked Steve
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1986harrington · 2 years
i would die for #28 with steve lmao
Steve Harrington x fem!reader Prompt: #28 - I hate that you're mad at me but you look so hot right now Summary: When Steve doesn't show up on time for your date, he ends up on your bad side... Word Count: 1.3k
There were a lot of things you loved about Steve Harrington. 
You loved his honey-brown eyes, his good soul and his lionheart.
You loved the way he made you feel so seen; as though everything else was a haze to him and you were the only thing perfectly in focus. 
You loved his wild hair and the scratch of his stubble and the warmth of his skin. 
You loved the smell of him on your pillows, the way he never stopped making you laugh and the way he loved without abandon.
What you didn’t love, however, was his inability to be on time for literally anything.
It was 7:45pm on Friday night. More specifically, the night of the Hawkin’s High Snow Ball. All the kids were going - the boys donning ill-fitted suits and too-big hair, whilst the girl’s were swamped in glittery fabric and poofy tulle - and you and Steve were supposed to be chaperoning, per Dustin’s request.
Steve was working until five-thirty, so you both planned for him to pick you up at six-fifteen and head to the school for seven.
Yet here you were, over an hour later dressed in a floor length, strapless, shimmering dress - respectable enough for a school dance in that all your vital parts were covered, but tight enough that it didn’t leave much to the imagination - and your boyfriend was nowhere in sight. 
You had already removed your shoes a while ago, the straps of your heels uncomfortable even whilst sitting. You watched as the clock ticked by, eyed the phone on the wall and waited for it to ring.
At first you were simply annoyed, convinced that he'd lost track of time chatting to some old highschool friends at the video store, or that he'd simply forgotten what day it was and where he was supposed to be. But as the time passed by and he didn't call, a worry started to gnaw at your insides, settling uncomfortably in your chest until you felt your palms grow clammy and you grew restless, pacing around the living room as your dress swept along the carpet. You pressed a palm to the back of your neck, exposed from the way your hair was pinned up in a messy yet elegant up-do, perfectly waved strands loose around your face.
You tried calling the store, but by now it was after eight and they were closed for the night. You tried Robin's house next, but her mom said she was out with Vicki, with no mention of Steve.
You were just about to head upstairs to change into some sweats and head out to look for his car - which you were now imagining overturned at the side of a dark road or wrapped around a tree - panic rising in your chest and tears nipping at the back of your eyes, when you heard the rumble of an engine and wheels on the gravel outside. The headlights shone through your front window, causing your dress to glimmer like a mirage and when Steve finally tumbled in the door thirty seconds later, he looked at you like you were one.
"Baby, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I-" He panted, out of breath and bent over, hands resting on his knees before he lifted his head to look at you.
"Wow," He said, standing up straight, eyes raking over you, jaw hanging slack.
"Don't you dare." You warned, voice breaking slightly as you blinked, and the tears you'd been staving off finally fell, perfectly in sync down both cheeks.
You shouldered past him on your way to the staircase, gathering the length of your dress in your hands so you could climb the stairs without stepping on it.
"I- I was only gonna tell you that you look-"
"You were going to tell me I look beautiful," You finished the sentence for him, spinning around when you reached the top of the stairs. He stared up at you from the bottom step, with a look that suggested he was unsure if he was to agree or stay quiet.
"And honestly, Steve? There's nothing I would have liked to hear more from you. Two hours ago, which is when you were supposed to be here!"
You burrelled around, heading for your room as Steve followed you up, taking the stairs two at a time.
"I know, alright? And I'm so sorry, baby, I am." He pleaded, and you kept your back turned to him so he wouldn't melt you on the spot with those eyes of his. You reached the dressing table in your room, placing your hands flat against it as you heard him follow you in.
"I wanted to be here on time, I swear. But my shitty fucking radiator blew halfway home from work, so I had to walk to a payphone to call a mechanic, and after I called him, I realised I didn't have any quarters left to call you. And then the guy took forever to show, and he couldn't fix it on the road so he had to tow me to the garage and I'm sorry we missed the dance-"
"I don't care about the stupid dance, Steve!" You sobbed, turning to face him and he could see the remnants of fear still in your eyes. "I thought you'd been in an accident! That you were hurt somewhere, and I didn't know where the hell you were, and I called the store and then I called Robin-"
You were ranting now, breathless and panicky, words running into the next as Steve crossed the room to you, placing both warm hands on either side of your face.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm okay. I'm right here." He soothed, his forehead coming to rest on yours as your eyes fell closed. Your hands found their way into the front of his polo, knotting themselves there as you pulled him in closer until you were chest to chest and you could wrap your arms around him.
He huffed a laugh into your hair as you bear-hugged him, squeezing so tight that his breath caught in his throat.
"Hey now, careful or you'll pop a rib." He spoke against your temple, pressing a kiss there before you pulled back.
"I'm still mad at you." You declared, glaring up at him with a furrow in your brow, but the tears had stopped.
"Oh I'm sure."
"We missed the dance."
"Thought you didn't care about the dance?"
"Well I didn't when I thought you were potentially dead at the side of the road."
"Charming," Steve muttered affectionately, but you pointedly ignored him as you kept speaking.
"But now that I know you're alive, I very much care that we missed it. The kids are gonna be so disappointed and I spent all this money on a new dress and-"
"Can I just say one thing?" Steve asked, cutting you off mid-rant and you huffed, crossing your arms with an expression that told him to go ahead if he must.
"I hate that you're mad at me, but you look so hot right now."
A grin split wide across his face, reaching all the way to those caramel eyes of his as they roamed their way across your dress. You wanted to push at his chest and tell him he was a shameless dumbass, but for some reason - even after all the time you'd been together - his words still caused a flush to climb up your throat and color your cheeks his favorite shade of pink.
"This old thing?" You asked, half-turning to give him a better view of your ass as you glanced over your shoulder at him. "I was actually just about to take it off."
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pascaloverx · 6 months
Forbidden Romance (+18)
Summary: You are in love with Prince Thor. He will soon be King and is hosting a ball between Kingdoms so he can find his future bride. Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Asgard is not ready to accept the Chief of the Royal Guard as the new Queen.
Warnings: inappropriate language, use of violence and adult content in the future of fanfic. some characters belong to the Marvel universe and others were created by the author. This chapter has adult content (smut). Minors do not read or interact with this fanfic.
chapter five chapter seven
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Chapter Six
A week after King Odin's illness became public, Asgard was in Thor's hands. What didn't seem like a big problem until power started corrupting the man you love. Thor decided that no marriage would be officialized until he got married. Which now seemed to be the last thing on his mind. Although he was seen with Lady Sif and on another occasion with Princess Jane, no marriage seems to be forthcoming. Odin looks too pale for a King as he murmurs in pain on his large bed. You approach gently, as if afraid of what will come next. And you are afraid of what comes next.
"Your Majesty, I fear for the well-being of our realm. I know your health is fragile, but your eldest son will cause the ruin of Asgard. I can assure you of that," you speak assertively as you approach Odin's bed. He looks at you with weakness. He is too weak.
"Child, do you fear my son's recklessness or that he loves you more than he loves Asgard?" King Odin speaks with great effort. You feel sorry for the King who once embodied the greatness of Asgard, but now symbolizes its potential decline.
"Since when, Your Majesty, have you known?" You ask, ashamed, feeling like a complete idiot for thinking the King didn't suspect your affair with Thor.
"My brave child, since Thor laid eyes on you, I knew. It is the duty of the King to know everything that happens in his realm. Know that by my will, you two would never have been involved, but Thor begged me, swearing to become a successor worthy of Asgard. That's why he will not marry you. Believe me, separately, I hold you both in great esteem. But together, you will be the end of all that is good in Asgard. Therefore, even on my deathbed, I will tell you what you must do, so that my son does not prevent you from marrying Prince Steve." King Odin speaks with a certain superiority. Even in his dying moments, the old man feels superior to you, even though he doesn't seem to hate you.
"You put me where I am today? I'm where I am today because your son couldn't control an erection? Give up this speech of superiority. You've aged poorly like a rotten bag. I'll probably be a Queen who, besides being loved by the people, will be loved by my husband. Whoever he may be. Now choose, do you want me to be the queen of Asgard or of Kyrax? Decide quickly, for by the course of our conversation, you will die before your son decides his bride. Trust me, Allfather, if I don't marry Steve, your son will be the first King of Asgard to have a non-noble wife. You can count on that." You say, approaching the King of Asgard, while he seems almost sickened by your threat. Amidst sideways glances and coughs, Odin finally managed to approach you.
"Have a ceremony under the sacred fire captured in the war against the Starks, you need someone from the nobility to officiate. Loki can help in this situation. That's all you need. I should add that you should consummate this marriage as soon as possible." King Odin looks defeated as he trembles in bed. Not all the royalty in the world can save the soul of a great sinner.
"Any other recommendations, Your Majesty?" You speak with contempt and pity at the same time. Odin looks at him as if he had to deliver bad news.
"I'm sorry to inform you, young lady, but you will have to do me one last favor before this is all over. I want my son engaged to Princess Jane. I beg for your help in this matter." Every word that came out of Odin's mouth seemed to be his last. His breathing is so weakened that you fear he will die before you leave the room.
"Consider done." You say leaving the room quickly, a little upset with what you're about to do. It will be the official end of your story with Asgard. Your story with Thor. You walk with heavy steps to the King Regent's room. Thor is lying in his bed. As soon as you enter his room, he stares at you.
"If you're going to come into my room like this, wouldn't it be better to lie down next to me?" Thor speaks with his eyes half open as you slowly approach his bed.
"I believe this is your future wife's task, no woman who has spent the last few years seeing your dick almost every day, Your Majesty." You respond, standing in front of Thor's bed.he is covered by sheets but visible naked.
"Jealousy looks good on you. I never thought you would feel threatened by anyone in this realm I've been involved with. It seems like it was wrong." Thor says as he slowly crawls onto the bed to standing with his legs open in front of you. All that stopped you from seeing him naked was the sheet. 
"Your father asked me for something. I want to know if there's any logical reasoning left in that brain of yours. He wants his marriage to Jane. He thinks you and her will be a good couple." You say, getting closer and closer to Thor. He doesn't seem to pay attention to what you're saying but at the same time he is paying attention to you. Horny was never a problem in our relationship. 
"What do you think?" Thor asks as his hands roam your body. He gently touches your belly, moving up to your breasts. You know how this will end. After all, that's what you came for. You take off the clothes you're wearing, mentally thanking yourself for not wearing armor. 
"I think you should marry her. You two are a good match, she will be a good queen. You two will probably have beautiful children." You say as you feel Thor's hand grip your ass tightly. An involuntary moan came out of your mouth.
"And you came to have sex with me to convince me that I should marry Jane?" Thor says as he holds your waist, laying you down on his bed. You kiss him, with desire. This is your farewell to him, the end of an era. Your lips felt like they belonged together. Your hands held tight to Thor's hair as your lips took possession of his lips.
"I came to say goodbye. So please, Your Majesty, shut up and enjoy." You say, dragging the sheet that still covered Thor's body and throwing it away. Thor holds your ass, slapping each buttock as he guides you to ride him. When his dick enters you, you feel an impulse to bounce, causing a strangely pleasant sensation. You and Thor look like animals, as he scratches your ass while holding onto it, you bite all over his neck. Sometimes biting Thor's lips and holding tight to his hair, you feel like it's going to overflow. 
"I don't want to say goodbye to you." Thor says as he enters you again, at a slow pace as if he doesn't want to end. However, you don't want to talk about feelings, so you start to sit on the Thor's cock faster, letting out grunts as you felt him inside you. Your hands hold Thor's body tight as you feel your orgasm coming. Thor seemed lost between moans and the desire to take over your entire body. His hands firmly holding your thighs as he pulls you closer as if he wants to tease you. His dick moving in and out of you faster and faster, your bodies getting sweatier and sweatier while your heart feels like it's going to come out of your mouth. Your breasts bump against Thor's chest causing a good sensation, until you feel his hands cupping your breasts. It all felt very carnal and real. The desire between you is very real.Moments later, you and Thor cum. You then allow yourself to give him one last kiss, tasting blood as you ended up causing a slight injury to his mouth while biting it.
"I don't like Jane. She seems like the perfect match for you and that bothers me. But it's very clear that you and I have a destiny to follow and that destiny is not with each other. I hope that one day you see that." You speak while you still feel Thor inside you. You hug him while still sitting on him and get up, picking up your clothes. It's time to put your plan into action. 
"You know all this doesn't change my opinion, your Prince Steve will return to the kingdom of Kyrax. And you will stay here. By my side." Thor says and you almost feel the need to laugh. He really thinks he owns you.
"Obviously, Your Majesty. I will withdraw because there is no place in this room for me and your ego. Make good use of your solitude." You go to the exit, where among Thor's things, you find what you came looking for. The key to the secret hall that holds the sacred fire. Now let's see who will side with whom.
To be continued...
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rebelspykatie · 6 months
Link to AO3 | Chapter 4 | 5k out of 17k | Rated T Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
He’s more nervous than he’ll admit. It’s stupid. But even if he’s played hockey his whole life, he’s not sure how his skills stack up against Eddie and the other Hellfire guys. He could make a fool of himself, even with all those years of experience. He’s never wanted to win something more, though. 
Not that it’s a competition with the others. Jeff is at the edge of the rink, leaning against the railing with an amused grin, waiting for them to warm up. Gareth and Frank are standing by the goalposts on opposite ends of the ice. They’re not even wearing their full gear, just some practice jerseys and knee pads. That should be enough to loosen Steve up. It’s not that serious. This is just a silly competition that doesn’t mean anything in the long run. 
Eddie’s not as relaxed, he skated a few laps around the rink to shake off the first part of their competition, before stopping beside Frank and whispering conspiratorially with him where Steve couldn’t hear. They keep casting furtive glances his way that leave Steve’s skin prickling. 
He ignores it.
He does a couple of loops around the arena himself, warming his legs back up and getting used to the hockey skates he switched over to, then glides over to Gareth. He feels silly standing next to the Hellfire guys in their pads and jerseys, with his ill-fitting one and tight warm-up leggings. None of them have on anything that could be considered form fitting. At least his own hockey skates bring him some level of comfort. 
“You ready, man?” Gareth asks, leaning on his stick and grinning over at Steve. 
“As I’ll ever be.” Steve rubs a hand over the back of his neck, nerves clearly showing if the softening of Gareth’s teasing grin says anything. 
Gareth slaps him lightly on the arm. “You’ll be fine, dude. Eddie’s not gonna go easy on you, but you have some sick speed on you. If you can get the puck from him, you’ll beat him in a race. If he gets the upper hand, catch his left knee. It’s weak from a previous injury and he won’t expect it. That might only work once, though.”
Steve’s not sure if he can trust Gareth, but he’s been nothing but nice to Steve throughout the rivalry brewing between him and Eddie. In fact, he almost always seems to side with Steve and poke fun at Eddie when he can. He settles on believing him. 
“Thanks, Gareth.” 
Another look passes over his face before he asks, “What’s with you two, anyways?” He gestures with his chin towards the other end of the rink.
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Steve says, shrugging. “He’s hated me since the moment he laid eyes on me. Thinks I’m some spoiled brat or that he’s twice the man I am cause he’s in different skates.”
“Eddie’s an idiot, Harrington. You’ll have to forgive him.” 
Steve snorts. “I just wish I could figure him out.” 
“I can’t say for sure,” Gareth leans in closer, “but I don’t think he hates you.” 
Steve looks across the rink. The intensity of his gaze must alert Eddie, because he throws a look over his shoulder, but quickly turns back to Frank when he realizes Steve is staring at him. 
“He can barely even look at me,” Steve adds quietly, more emotion there than he’d like for Gareth to see, “He told me not to call him Eddie, only Munson, and acted like me touching him was going to give him cooties or some dumb shit. One minute he’s concerned about my well being, the next he’s insulting me. I just can’t get a good read on him.” 
Gareth mumbles idiot under his breath. Steve probably wasn’t supposed to hear that, and he definitely doesn’t think it’s directed at him, but it tears his gaze away from Eddie all the same. A long suffering sigh leaves Gareth. 
“You’re getting a better read than you think, Steve.” He skates closer and puts a hand on Steve’s shoulder. “Just give it time. Somehow I have a feeling this will all work itself out in the end.” He squeezes Steve’s shoulder. “And if you kick his ass, Eddie won’t be able to say shit anymore. I’m pretty sure you’ve already taught him a valuable lesson, so let’s bring home a victory for you, alright?” 
Steve nods. A victory. He can do that. He knows hockey. He might not do it every day like Eddie, but he’s not a novice.
As they slip on their helmets, Gareth adds, “Give him hell, Harrington.” 
Continue on AO3
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Billy Hargrove x singer!reader
Living in Hawkins is probably the most boring thing possible but it has its perks.
I woke up to the screeching of my alarm at 7:30 am letting me know I have to get up to go to school, I sit up and see my cat stretching and yawning as it seems it also awoke to my alarm.
Groaning I get up and start getting ready for the day, thankful that it's a Friday for one reason it's the weekend and the other is that I go to the bars open mic nights. I've made good friends with the regulars already.
As I'm brushing my hair I hear the honking of Steve's car outside my house.
"Shit shit shit shit shit!"
Running out barefoot with only socks on, my bag over my shoulder and my sneakers in my hand I get in the backseat of his car.
"Hey nance!"  I greet Nancy
"Morning y/n!" Steve and Nancy reply in sync
"Well aren't you a lovely disaster this morning" Steve teases
"Fuck you i had to shower " I reply laughing
As we pull up to the school I managed to pull myself together and not look homeless.
Last night wasn't one of the best. My mother suffers from a handful of mental illness one of those being bipolar disorder and there are times where she can hate my guts and other times where she acts like nothing happened, she's had one of her episodes last night and screamed at me for my room being messy and threw my mirror at me making it shatter into a million pieces.
On Monday we got a new student his name was billy and he came from California. What is he doing here? I have to fucking idea. We didn't exactly have the best first interactions I guess? On his first day he's befriended Tommy and his group. Unfortunately for me I wasn't my nicest looking as the night before I had another argument with my mom which led to her kicking me out of the house so I went to school the next morning red eyes and a messy bun.
Monday morning
When I arrived on school on Monday Tommy and his group were staring at me. Im popular but not how you think. I don't have a large group of friends nor am I rich. Through all the hate I received throughout my childhood I have made a promise to never give hate no matter how much I receive. I don't have 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 with anyone in this school. At least not that I know of.
"Hey y/l/n you good?" I hear carol ask
I turn to look her way and see her friends and the new kid staring at me
"Uh- yeah, just hard night, you know" I replied
Carol might seem like a total bitch but she isn't once you befriend her, she's known of my home life for a while now
I take another glance at the new kid once again and we end up making eye contact for what seems like forever until I enter the actual school.
Present time
Me Nancy and Steve walked into the school and going out separate ways as we all the different classes, I head to my seat in the back of the class and start doodling in my journal watching the class fill up as the bell rings.
Keeping my eyes on my journal I see someone out of the corner of my eye take the desk next to me.
"Hey y/l/n" i hear the voice of billy say as I look up
"Hey, morning" I reply smiling
"What're you drawing?" He asked with a small smirk playing on his lips
"oh, just doodles to pass time" I reply slightly inhaling as he gets closer to see
I'm enjoying the time we spend talking until some girl next to him gets his attention by whining his name and then proceeds to ask him out.
Slightly upset that he chose to ignore me I turn my attention to the window showing the outside track by the gym.
This class period is one of the longest classes I have being 3 hours long so that gives me time to work on random things, I've been writing this song since last week labeling it "mirrorball" as mirrorball was the original name of a ball covered in shattered pieces of a mirror before getting the name "disco ball" as they were used in the 70s at discos
While finishing last minute things on the song I see billy look at my journal through the corner of my eye.
Quickly not sparing him a glance I close my journal just in time as the bell rings and being the first one out of the class
"Y/n!" I hear billy yell
Turning around I reply "hey?"
"Sorry about earlier uh yeah " he says scratching his neck
"Oh cause you know, Emma"
"Oh that! Yeah don't worry about it" I fake smile
It's awkward silence for about 5 seconds
"Um sorry I'm gonna head to class" I say walking away before he can respond
Time skip
As I make my way inside my house I hear the phone start ringing, rushing to it I answered
"Hey y/n" I hear on the other side of the phone that it's Eddie
"Oh hey Ed's! Are you ready for tonight?" I ask him because he is the keys during my set
"Yep, so do you want me to pick you up?"
"Yeah that would be great see you then!"
Changing into my outfit for tonight it's a flowy purple dress with ruffles and bell sleeves pretty much giving a hippie fairy is what I hoping for
Me and Eddie arrive to the bar a bit before I go on to set up and try to get there before it gets busy
After setting up I begin seeing people start to pour in as the sun sets, unfortunately I still have a quick sound check before.
Making my way to the bathroom I see billy sitting at the bar with Emma with his tongue practically down her throat
Part two https://www.tumblr.com/mystargirl-interlude/721670506571513856/%F0%9D%91%AD%F0%9D%91%B6%F0%9D%91%B9-%F0%9D%91%AD%F0%9D%91%B9%F0%9D%91%AC%F0%9D%91%AC-bh
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chemnections · 1 month
What are your thoughts on the fourth TUA season?
i just finished bingeing it and am in the processing phase right now. my very first impression of it is i didn’t hate it, but i am disturbed by the ending.
suicide isn’t the answer. and the world is better with you in it.
it is so disheartening to see this sort of ending on a story about a dysfunctional and abused family - it sends the message that it never gets better. but it can get better - it truly can. and maybe they were going for more of a nihilistic approach, a “life goes on until it ends”, maybe a classic “all the characters have settled down and had family’s and lived to an old age” was too “boring” of an ending for the weird interesting umbrella academy. that all the characters “tried” to have normal lives but never achieved 100% happiness at all times because that’s not what life is, life is hard and we don’t have the answers why. but imagine watching the first season for the first time then having the ending spoiled that they never truly worked through the dysfunction than they all committed suicide as a group - because they had “no choice” but come on they didn’t go down fighting and it was written so that they “wouldn’t have a choice” to justify it. but it is what it is. as an untreated teenager into nihilism i probably would have found it profound. but as an absurdist treated adult, this messaging horrifies me.
and they know it’s fucked up because they made sure to save the kids - because that’s a step too far (even though had would their kids exist without them ever existing?). as if orphaning them isn’t horrible and traumatic. and then to display them happier than they were before with their parents. . . sure they had their memories erased, but that doesn’t save trauma from missing parents even if they are loved and taken care of. asked people who never knew their parents, or even people born out of an egg/sperm donation. most do wonder/want to meet their birth parents.
one potential saving grace that has yet to be seen is if by killing the umbrellas, gerard is putting the narrative of mcr’s dysfunction, shade and break up to rest. i am hoping.
and it does worry me how this theme appears in gerard’s current art. it worried me when they released foundations of decay. “from his own hand his spirit flies”. i hope he has found a place of stability and relative happiness and these themes are retrospectives from a past dark point.
and before i get messages saying gerard doesn’t write for the show, imo he does have great influence over the show and that steve blackman consults closely with him. they are past the point of original material. i’m seeing quotes saying the rest of the writer team wasn’t onboard with the ending, but blackman was determined. the actors thought he was joking. if it really was left open to the writers and producers to decide the narrative of i think the brainstorming would have been a much broader conversation as it does take several minds to build upon someone else’s world. tinfoil hat on, i think blackman asked gerard what ending he wanted.
i actually like that lila had an affair in the sense that i was worried they were going to have her marriage and kid “cure her” of her lying manipulative ways. that actually marriage and being together would “cure” both diego and lila of their ills and problems which they would hold above everyone else. so maybe that’s why i like this season generally, it did subvert my expectations in a good way. because in a real sense diego had to learn that when you get into a relationship with a liar, that they don’t stop lying. and that lila wasn’t going to stop being cruel because of love. and fuck, lying that stan was his kid isn’t something he should have forgiven. he should have seen the signs and walked away. so i kinda like how this season roasts him a bit for his own inaction in his own life and his audacity to complain about it. like the line “lila said you couldn’t get pregnant when breastfeeding” - he should have educated and verified that for himself instead of playing the victim as if he didn’t participate. life just happens to him. and they barely showed the additional two children - but they are twins.
lila cheating with five was foreshadowed in season three. it was something that really stuck out to me. when diego asked confused what lila and five were doing together when she was in the bath. scene in the bath in general. “i’m shaving my nest you perv” - quote just off of memory. i thought it was a very weird suggestion, especially thinking of who those characters are based on. i brushed it off as being a fucked up fantasy being put in, maybe to piss someone(s) off. but now it can be seen that it was setting up the groundwork for the affair. i guess i should google how old aiden gallagher is, maybe they were waiting for him to come of age before putting his character into a relationship.
i have seen a steve blackman quote saying they wanted to put five into a relationship, but if they wanted more romance how about something established or star crossed lovers storylines they already had - like klaus and dave, or not have ray abandon alison for no apparent reason given. they also had ben. or kept sloan alive. or they could have brought back deloris because people did accept that way more than they did luther and allison. but there may be a practical availability and budget side to this.
and so many repeating themes along then way. the piss bottle lol.
still very much collecting my thoughts on all of this, would love to hear other people opinions!
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jqmalikhsgib · 2 months
“i wanna talk to daddy too!”
“it’s still my turn, jas! mamma tell jas to stop.” aster yells for his mom.
eddie was currently on the phone trying to talk to all of his kids. he had two more concerts left before he heads home to finally be with his family.
he definitely needed to get back. they never argued like this whenever he was around. he feels guilty for being gone even more than ever.
“you talk to him forever, luna!”
“alright, kids! you’re all gonna get your turn to talk to daddy, okay? aster, let your sister talk to him now, okay?”
“but mamma.”
“listen to your mother, ash. daddy loves you and he’ll be home soon, okay?”
aster sniffles. he hands the phone to his baby sister before running towards his mom and crying. yn frowns, hating seeing her baby so sad.
“i miss him, mamma.”
“i know, baby. but he’ll be back home soon, okay? then he’ll give you so many cuddles.”
“i promise, baby.” yn cuddles her son as she kisses the top of his head. she smiles as she watches her eldest daughter go on and on about the new toy her uncle steve bought her.
eddie just hums in response. he makes a mental note to tell steve to stop spoiling the kids. between him and dustin, the kids will need another toy box. and they already had three.
“oh and daddy, luna called you by your name yesterday! mamma says it was funny but i ‘member you told us not to call you that. i told her but she didn’t really listen.”
eddie chuckles.
“yeah? good job baby! did you tell her my names daddy or dada, or dad?”
“mhm! she just kept saying it, daddy. don’t know why she’s not listening.”
“she’s still a baby, sweetie. she’s only two. she doesn’t understand. but you did a good job. now it’s past your bedtime baby. give mamma the phone, okay?”
“okay! i love you, daddy.”
“i love you too, jas. give daddy a kiss, yeah?”
jasmine puckers her lips and kisses the phone just the same as her father. she walks over to her mom and hands her the phone.
“hi, baby. are our other little munchkins sleep?”
“yeah, that are. lunaria tried to fight her sleep knowing you’d call late. poor thing, could barely keep her eyes open past 8:30.”
“my poor angel. i can’t wait to get home to you. only two more shows, baby. then im back with my family and we can make up for lost time.” he whispers the last part. yn could practically see his smirk.
“i just miss you. im gonna take my sweet time too. have grandpa wayne take the kids for the night. just you and i all night.”
“kids, get to bed yeah?! daddy says he loves you.”
“love you daddy!”
“love you, dad.”
the oldest two went to their room.
yn gets back to her conversation with her fiancee. “eddie, we talked about this. you can’t keep doing that knowing you can’t do anything to help me.”
“im sorry baby. just—god i miss you. ive been thinking bout you for hours on stage. got myself hard and everything.”
“yeah? how’d that go with the crowd? did they notice?”
“im sure they did. i wouldn’t be surprised if its all over twitter.”
“you weren’t that hard were you?”
“you remember those black leather pants i wore to steve’s and nancy’s wedding?”
“you didn’t! i told you not to pack those.”
“they’re my favorite pair of pants. but wearing them reminds me of the night lily was conceived.”
“eds! it’s your fault if your print ends up on social media. i told you not to wear those. suffer the consequences.” yn shakes her head and giggles.
“not funny, babe. it’s your fault.”
“i don’t know yet.”
“im in love with an goofball, i swear.” yn shakes her head before yawning.
“baby, get some sleep okay?! ill talk to you later.”
“but i miss you.” yn whines.
“but you’re tired! i love you okay? get some rest baby.”
“fine! i love you too, rockstar.”
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yanderefreud · 1 year
I asked my dearest mutual ev about her favorite Sineala fics so it’s only fair that I also provide a list of my own. @cowboyhorsegirl, this is for you bestie (also never apologize for answering late, I am also just like you in that regard lmao)
1. Think of This as Solving Problems (That Should Never Have Occurred):
So. This has to be my favorite Sineala fic of all time. I love identity porn in Stevetony fics, I love angst, and I absolutely love to see Tony suffer (this is for his own good I promise). I absolutely adore the idea of Tony losing his memory and then literally no one knowing where Iron Man went, and Steve being worried for both Tony AND Iron Man. And then Tony realizing and having a Moment
2. Sucker Punch:
Angst, as I mentioned before, is quite literally the key to my heart. This fic has it all: identity porn, unresolved romantic tension, and civil war (my behated). Reading it causes me physical pain… I love it so much. Steve just not knowing who Tony or Iron Man really are, and ending up hating Tony because Iron Man chooses him over Steve all the time… and then finding out it was him the whole time… insanity. Also the way it is written, as with most Sinhala fics, is absolutely beautiful. I could feel the mental illness
3. Never Too Late for Love:
You had this one in your list too, and for good reason. This fix is ults characterization done absolutely, brilliantly right. Steve’s struggle with internalized homophobia which is only amplified when he finds out that Tony is his soulmate is truly incredible to read. Tony, on the other hand, is so fucking sad and horny the whole time and that just… hits a spot in my heart. This fic has to be one of my favorite ults ones, it just makes me very happy. And the ending! Talk about happily ever after
4. How to Date a Robot:
Can you tell how much I love identity porn? This fic drives me up the wall, honestly. Steve wanting to know who Iron Man is behind the mask but not wanting to betray his trust and Tony being absolutely terrified of what could happen if Steve found out who he really was. I think it addresses one of my favorite things about 616 Tony - his inferiority complex (that sounds so bad when I say it but honestly I like it because it’s relatable). Him thinking that Iron Man is the best of him, and the rest of him is just Wrong, but not being able to resist Steve… and the marriage proposal! Poor boy had a heart attack and then went in to see Steve with full armor on lmfao. I just love how Tony is written in this fic, and even though it’s not from his perspective, the prior knowledge of Iron Man’s identity makes it very insightful
5. Peace of Mind:
This fic is very, very close to my heart. Steve taking care of Tony can be something so personal… and love confessions. Who doesn’t love love confessions. As much as I find comfort in fics written from Tony’s point of view, reading one’s from Steve’s just makes me happy because of how he sees Tony, yk? Him being uncertain as to where they stand, whether they’re even friends anymore, all the while being in love with him, and then walking into him having a full blown migraine attack and confessing his love. Great timing, buddy
Sooo! That’s my Top Five list all done! Thank you for reading, I sure did have a lot to say lmao
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djarinbarnes · 2 years
me recordarás - three
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・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・
Pairings: Javier Peña x female reader
Rating: Mature - explicit themes
Word count: 3.1k
Summary: summer has come to an end. you find yourself thrown into a whirlwind of emotions, difficult choices and more adversity, like you’d never believed possible. someone is there to pull you out of it - but it’s not someone you’d ever imagined.
a/n: … I'm sorry for the wait on this chapter.  I had no idea what direction I was going to bring this in. I feel like I have a good idea of it now. I hope you don’t hate me for this.
Read it on ao3 here
previous chapter
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Javi doesn’t know how long he’s been waiting. The plane should’ve been taking off at three, and now it’s nearing five. His knee was bouncing, foot unsteady against the tattered carpet of the airport floor. He looked down at his brown leather boots, a stark contrast to the navy carpet littered with purple streaks.
It’s not a secret - not that anyone knows him here, but Javi’s never felt this way before. It’s an unsettling feeling, and it sends chills down his spine. He feels it as a tingle in his fingers, as a twitch in his lip. He’s nervous. Well, nervous was probably not the right word to use in this situation. He was scared.
Javi can’t even remember a time where he actually felt scared before. It was always something else when something was new to him or nagging at his mind. Even that one time where Steve had been kidnapped, he didn’t even feel scared. Not for himself, not for Connie, not even for Steve. He just wondered how in the world Steve could allow such a thing to happen.
Javi wasn’t scared on his own behalf, though. He was scared on your behalf. It was an odd feeling, but it just confirmed his suspicions - he loved you. Not just superficially - he felt it in his nerves, in the tingle of his fingers, in the twitch of his mustache.
He was feeling so many emotions at once, spanning from desperately wanting to protect you to wanting to
There was a time in his life where he didn’t even know if he was capable of loving someone. And yet here he was, getting on a plane to see a woman he loved in another country. Well, his home country, yet a place where he never felt like he belonged.
He did have his history there, of course, spanning from his early days at university and his escapades up until he met Lorraine, who’d actually been interested in him since the first day she met him at uni.
He was two years older than her, and that’s probably why she was so intrigued by him. She heard the stories, of course, yet she looked past everything once Javi finally got eyes for her as well. They dated for a few years before Javi finally fell on one knee, and he could still recollect the feeling he had inside when Lorraine had said yes.
Javi had always felt like he could never impress his parents, even though he managed to get through university with better grades than anticipated, and when he decided that he was going through with becoming a deputy sheriff, his mother had only nodded, while his father had given him a pat on the back.
They were always more excited for his older sister, three years older, and progressively more successful than him. She married a lawyer at 19, they had their first child shortly after. At that time, Javi didn’t even care about fucking with the same girl twice. His sister graduated with flying colors, and made a good career for herself, all while maintaining a healthy family.
Javi hated it. He hated the nagging feeling of jealousy.
He loathed the Thanksgivings, the Christmases and the vacations that turned fewer and fewer over the years. He only showed up at family gatherings because of his niece and nephew. They were a lot easier to impress - and they were genuinely interested in his line of work, to no ones surprise.
His mother fell ill shortly after Christmas 82’, and she died the following spring. Javi knew he had to feel sad - it was awful losing a parent - yet he couldn’t find it within himself to cry. He didn’t cry at her funeral, or when they lowered her casket into the ground.
All Javi did was watch. His sister has simply hugged him, as it was just what he needed. She never judged him like their parents did. Lorraine held his hand as they walked back to their car, the whole drive home and the following days. She let him mourn in his own way, and he loved her for it.
Yes - Javi loved Lorraine like he’d never loved anyone before. But like everything else in Javi’s life, it fell apart. All it took was one snow storm, and Javi had lost Lorraine as well. The timing couldn’t have been any worse, but Javi knew it was coming.
After more than eight years together, a crushed dream of creating a family together and falling out of love, it was over. And Javi knew he had to feel some kind of remorse, yet it didn’t happen. And he finally sought out a new possibility, since he left nothing meaningful behind in America.
That’s how he ended up in Colombia, at the DEA, in Bogota, and ultimately with you. He guesses he should’ve seen it coming - there were always beautiful women wandering around the streets of the warm country, and he’d seen many of them in the ten years he’d been living in the republic.
He recalled your laugh, the way your eyes would search his with no end, trying to find something in the depths of them. He recalled the feeling of your fingers between his as he held your hand, and he caught his gaze looking at the empty space between them now.
Goosebumps rise on his neck as he feels your fingers threading through the short hairs there, the way they would intertwine in the locks as he kissed your lips with ferocity. He remembers how your fingers tightened in the hairs on the crown of his head that first time he’d made love to you.
He sees you in front of him - your expression wonderfully blissed out like the many time he’s watched you as he thrusted into you, and he swears he can feel you clench around him - even though it’s just a mirage. It’s funny how he imagines it, feels it , even though he hadn’t felt it in months.
He swears he hears your moan as well. The sweet sounds of you has lodged themselves in the back of his mind, coming to nag at him at any given moment, if he was the tiniest amount of bored. His fist has never been this occupied, and he loathes it. Loathes that he can’t lay with you, fill you, be close to you.
This kind of romance was simply not what he’d expected when he’d first laid his eyes on you at the bar, on your first night. He hadn’t been with anyone else since you - he simply didn’t want to. He was too caught up in the thought of you, and too caught up in his work. It was weird - it’d been years since he felt this way. He hadn’t felt like this since Lorraine.
Yet, he felt awful, though. He could still hear how your mother had berated him on the phone when she told him of your situation. His heart still sunk deeper into his chest with regret every time he thought of it, thought of how you were feeling.
He felt saddened that he had to hear it from her instead of you - that was what you wanted to tell him face to face. He didn’t even know if you knew that your mother had called him, but he wanted to give you the opportunity to tell him yourself.
He didn’t understand why he hadn’t heard from you since, though. He’d tried calling you countless times, yet he was met with a tone that let him know your line was occupied. It killed him, and it felt like you were actively ignoring him. He wanted nothing more than to get to you. Yet you felt so far away.
He heard the number of his flight being called and with a deep sigh he finally rose from his seat, his ass feeling numb and cold from the firm stool he’d been on/off sitting on for the past three hours. His steps felt heavy, like his feet were casted from concrete, as he walked through the gate and onto the plane that would take him to you.  
He couldn’t wait to get there. To you. Finally.
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The fluorescent lights were hurting Eddie’s eyes as he sat in the waiting room. His knees were bouncing, the cup of coffee in his hand turning cold. He hadn’t even drunk from the cup. He was too worried about you.
He had watched the sun rise on the horizon from where he was seated in the waiting room. He always enjoyed watching the sunrise - yet today it was different. He knew everything had changed. Nothing was ever going to be the same, no matter how hard anyone tried.
He knew you wouldn’t be yourself again in the near future. He was mentally preparing himself for the person you might be once you woke up, the underlying possibility that you would be a mere shell of the person you once were.
How does anyone heal from a loss like this? Eddie knew your family was religious, yet he also knew your take on said religion. Eddie knew of your opinion on abortion and healthcare, and that was one of the factors that calmed him of the whole situation.
Yes, this was definitely different. But you’d said it yourself - you didn’t even know if you wanted to keep the baby. Eddie knew you’d wanted to make the choice yourself - this time you just weren’t that lucky. He felt the presence of someone beside him, and he looked to find a white lab coat.
“Is this her first pregnancy?”
Eddie looked fully at the doctor, now sitting beside him, clipboard in hand. He gave the doctor a short nod. “Yes.” Eddie finally manages to get a word out. He barely recognizes his own voice. It’s weak, yet very coarse. His throat feels dry like sandpaper.
“Alright. Has she been bleeding before this incident?” The doctor scribbles down Eddie’s answer as she speaks. He tries to recall every event of their day together, yet he doesn’t remember any blood at all during the day. He certainly wouldn’t have noticed, though, since you’re private about… that stuff .
“No. Not that I know of. Not today.” He remembers your disheveled state when he first knocked on your door a mere 24 hours earlier. He’d expected everything to be as it used to - your cheery personality was the reason he stayed at uni.
Yet there you were - eyes blank and lacking happiness and spark. Skin pale and somehow gray - hair dull and greasy. You looked like you lost a lot of weight as well. He barely recognized you.
“How has she been feeling today?”
“She was all cold and clammy when I came to her apartment around noon. I’ve been unable to get in contact with her, so I went to her place.” Eddie feels a tear trickling out of his eye. “She… Hasn’t been eating. She’s been trying to hide her pain from me, but I noticed.” The doctor nods and scribbles short key points onto the paper on the clipboard.
“How old is she?” The doctor asks and Eddie tells her your age. He looks straight into the paper cup, watching his slightly distorted face in the dark brown liquid.
“Are you the father?”
Eddie feels his breath hitch and his heart drop slightly. If only he was. “No, I’m not.”
“Okay. We’ll make sure to keep you updated. Please, treat yourself to a warm cup of coffee.” The doctor leaves Eddie, and he sighs. He had no idea what to do. Who to call. How to pass the time. If he had his sketchbook, he’d certainly drawn you. You were one of the things that gave him endless inspiration.
If you only knew how many drawings and sketches he’d done of you - your hands, your poses, your profile. You knew of it to some extent - he’d made you pose a few times. He kind of saw you as his muse - even though his feelings for you would never be reciprocated.
Eddie closed his eyes and laid his head back. He could vividly imagine you with a rounded belly. He knew you would be the perfect mother one day - that was just the kind of person you were. Full of love for others, just downright appreciating of everyone and everything.
You would be the perfect picture for him to draw - rounded belly, voluminous brea- no. Shut the fuck up Eddie’s mind. He rubs his eyes before drawing his jacket around his arms, trying to get a few hours of sleep, if his head let him.
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“It’s probably nothing. Just a precaution.” You breathe through your nose, trying to calm yourself. Eddie stands beside you, truly hoping for a positive result. It’s all he ever wanted with you.
Those five minutes feel like the longest of his life. The two of you didn’t exactly time those five minutes, you just decided to eyeball it. It was a stupid idea, you realized after… yeah. you had no recollection of how much time had passed. Eddie held your hand as you waited together.
His mind wandered. To the instantaneous cry of a newborn, the soft cooing, the sound of knees and hands scurrying across hardwood floors, to soft footsteps padding along the latter. Eddie feels tears gathering in his eyes.  
You decided to just go with it and turn the test over.
A blazing, red line, next to the control line. Two lines in total. Pregnant.  
He suddenly feels dizzy, and he thanked the iron grip on the counter for keeping him upright. He watches as you stand there, taking in the result on the plastic stick. He watches a thousand thoughts and emotions pass behind your eyes, and he has a hard time reading you.
He watches as you try to breathe. In, out. In, out. In, out. You slowly turn your eyes to his, and he offers you a soft smile. “We’re going to be parents,” he breathes, his heart beating heavily against his ribcage. He wanted nothing more than this, ever since he kissed you for the first time. He’d never been so sure of anything in his life.
He sees your lip wobbling as realization sinks in, and you slide to the floor, settling against the cold tiles. Suddenly, the scenery is different. You’re still on the floor, yet you’re covered in blood. Your hands are stained dark red, just like the tiles beneath you. Your stomach is slightly rounded, yet there’s no trace of a baby.
“I’m sorry.” You breathe before your eyes close and your body slumps together lifelessly.
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“Edward?” Eddie is shaken out how his nightmarish slumber gently, the same doctor kneeling right in front of him. “Hi,” The doctor watches as Eddie rubs his eyes, trying to rid the sleep and tears from the corners of them.
“Just Eddie, please.” He says as he sits up and straightens his back. He’s never felt this uncomfortable in his life. Eddie thinks that was his first nightmare. At least the first he can remember.
“She’s in recovery right now. It’ll probably be a few more hours until she wakes up from the anesthesia. I suggest you go home and get some proper sleep.” Eddie nods and watches as the doctor takes her leave. He needs to go back to your place and clean up before you come home.
Coming back to a bloody bed might not be appetizing to sleep in on the first night home. The vision of you crumpled up against the sink on the floor of your bathroom sends shivers down his spine. Eddie decides to walk the four miles back to your apartment to try and clear his head.
He’d forgotten what state the two of you had left your apartment in. When he unlocked your door and pushed it open, he’d expected a bloodbath. That’s how he remembered it. Yet there was a small pool of blood on the bed and a few drops along the floorboards.
The sun was high in the sky, the shadows along your floor short and very visible. The small crystal sun catcher hung by your window casts many, small reflective prismatic rainbow splatters along your walls. Eddie finally sees what you see in it.
It’s beautiful and calming. Just what Eddie needs at that moment. His mind keeps wandering back to the nightmare he had at the hospital. He can’t seem to forget the way you looked, the way you died. It hurts him way more than he thought possible.
Eddie sighs and puts your phone back on the housing, since he’d left it on the table. He grabbed the sheets on your bed and removed them, hoping to rid them of the red stains. Eddie barely notices how much time passes, and he’s startled by your phone ringing.
He decides to pick it up, and he hears your mother’s voice on the other end. “Finally, I’ve been trying to call you for days, you ungrateful brat! If you’d picked up your phone before, you’d know by now that we’re not going to pay for your apartment anymore.”
Eddie is taken aback with the tone and your mothers words, mouth agape and his heart thudding in his chest. He doesn’t manage to get a word out. “You need to be out by September. We’re very disappointed with you. Don’t bother calling us or come home.”  
Eddie drops the phone back to the housing, and sits down on your bed. How the fuck was he going to tell you this? He’d rather not. First everything happening, both this guy in Colombia draining your energy, then the whole baby thing happening and now your parents being complete shitheads in a time of need? Jesus.
September was a mere three weeks away. How the fuck were you ever going to get over this whole situation? He knew that if he were in your shoes, he would be agitated as fuck. Agitated and angry. No, not angry, mad. Mad as hell.
Eddie was agitated on your behalf right now. He felt like he didn’t fit into his own body. Like he wanted to crawl out of it. He heard a few short, hard knocks on your front door, and with the sheets still crumbled up in his arms, he went over to open your door.
To say he was shocked by the man on the other side of the door was an understatement. It’d been years since he’d last seen the man now in front of him. Needless to say, Eddie was speechless. Or, he managed to muster his voice as he breathed;
“Uncle Javi?”
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buckyismybicycle · 1 year
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I don't know how terrible this quality will be on Tumblr, but the higher resolution/original can be found on AO3!
Title: swim for the music that saves you Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Tags: ShrinkyClinks, Social Media AU, WIP/teaser Summary: It all started when he sent a video singing Happy Birthday to his sister, not knowing that she would post it on her social media.
Now, JBuckyBarnes has millions of followers all hearing his story, following his recovery, listening to him sing. Little does he know, he's going to change the life of one follower in particular.
Steve Rogers, chronically ill and spending most of his days inside, has to live vicariously through others. He longs for adventure, trying new things, feeling the sun on his face. A/N: This fic has been sitting in my drafts for some time now... Thanks to @buckybarnesevents: Alternate June-iverse giving me a little kick, I've decided to post an excerpt/the beginning and the rest of it will come in due course.
“Hiya folks… Well, it was, uh.” The brunette on screen pauses and then smiles sadly. “Alright, you know I can’t lie to you. I wanna say it was fine and dandy, but it was honestly rough. That’s why this video’s a bit late, sorry ‘bout that, by the way. It took longer than I thought it would to edit so I honestly kind of gave up.”
He lays his head in a propped up hand, resting against his piano. 
“So, I got home Sunday afternoon and crashed. I don’t even remember getting into bed. Didn’t sleep through the night, of course. I never do. But! That’s just me, my body’s not a fan of the meds. I was feeling crummy — you know when you’re so hungry you’re nauseous but you can’t eat ‘cause you’re nauseous? Anyway, so that for like, six hours. Finally got to sleep when the sun was risin’ but only managed about an hour or so. You lot haven’t heard Brooklyn traffic.”
Steve can’t help but smirk at that because he has, and he is in fact listening to the god-awful Brooklyn traffic outside his window. He could always move his desk away from the window, but he needs some sort of sunlight from time to time.
The YouTube video plays on his phone while he takes a break from work, stretching and wincing as his joints crack.
“So, it’s like, ten in the mornin’ and I decide I’m gonna get something to eat. Nausea won that round, unfortunately, so by three o'clock I am starving. I was cranky for the whole day, and I don’t wanna make cranky videos for you guys. So, that’s enough rambling from me. My brain’s been a little all over the place so I haven’t written anything in ages, but how about a cover of the best of the best? Thanks for sticking around! Hope you like this one.”
Steve watches as Bucky lifts the cover of his piano and stretches the fingers on his prosthetic. Today, it’s the metal titanium one, with its beautiful plate work and a small Hydra Industries logo on the forearm. 
You gotta swim… Swim for your life
Swim for the music that saves you
When you're not so sure you'll survive
You gotta swim… Swim when it hurts
The whole world is watching
You haven't come this far to fall off the earth
The currents will pull you, away from your love
Just keep your head above
I found a tidal wave begging to tear down the dawn
Memories like bullets, they fired at me from a gun
Cracking the armor, yeah
I swim for brighter days, despite of the absence of sun
Choking on salt water, I'm not giving in, I swim
You gotta swim… through nights that won't end
Swim for your families, your lovers, your sisters, and brothers and friends
Steve listens to the beautiful voice fill the empty space of his studio apartment, caught up in the soft yet powerful melody. What really hits him are the words, though. 
Bucky’s life is no secret — except maybe his real first name because there’s no parent on this planet that hates their kid that much. Steve doesn’t know exactly how Bucky had started off, but the channel was a newer discovery for Steve. 
Well, there it is. As always, thanks so much for tuning in! Hope you liked the song, and maybe I’ll see you guys next time with something original, huh? Bye!” 
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