#i have a feeling there WON'T be a happy ending cus that's the entire point of the cyberpunk genre
swearingcactus · 1 year
just watched the phantom liberty trailer and i'm super excited and-- what? what's that??
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oh great v's latching onto the potential of a happier ending for everyone involved again
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missmagooglie · 5 months
Prefacing this by saying this is not what I EXPECT to happen in 7x09 and 7x10, it's just one specific scenario that I feel particularly feral about right now... so with that said, I'm gonna throw out a dream scenario for the end of S7:
Tommy and Buck are dating and it's going well. Buck is just sort of blossoming in his new identity as a queer man. There's a self-confidence and assuredness to him that we haven't seen before
Meanwhile, Eddie has broken things off with Marisol and is quietly going through his own reevaluation of his sexuality. His awareness of his queerness happens pretty simultaneously with his realization that the way he loves Buck isn't entirely platonic, but he keeps it to himself because Buck is happy with Tommy
Episode 9 finds Eddie and Buck together off duty. Maybe they're having an argument. Maybe on the surface they're arguing about something small but somehow it feels much bigger
Mid-argument some emergency strikes. Buck and Eddie are trapped together and it's BAD. They're both in mortal peril, but it's worse for Eddie. Eddie hopes help will arrive in time to save Buck, but he's pretty sure he won't be alive to see it
(And I just want to stress - I feel like it's essential that they are off duty when this happens. They are in sync on the job, it's how they fit together outside of the job they're still figuring out)
So Eddie gets Buck's attention - because Buck hasn't given up yet. He won't. He CAN'T. He's frantically searching for solutions as Eddie repeats his name in a weakened voice, until finally he cracks and says, "Evan, please. I need you to hear this."
And in the final seconds of episode nine, Eddie Diaz looks Evan Buckley dead in the eye and tells him, "I love you"
Episode ten opens on an unrelated disaster, just to keep us gnashing our teeth a little longer
Maybe we throw some flashbacks in there for good measure
Check in on the rest of the firefam frantically trying to coordinate a rescue effort
But FINALLY they cut back to Buck and Eddie in mortal danger and replay the last few moments of episode 9. And believing these are the last words he'll ever say, Eddie tells Buck how much he loves him. He says he's sorry he realized it too late, but he could never, never regret loving him
Somehow there's a callback reference to Mitchell and Thomas, and the way Buck looked at their clasped hands as they died, and Buck realizing that dying together was never the point of their story. Living together was
And Buck is full sobbing and begging him not to give up yet because Christopher needs him and the team needs him and finally saying "and I need you, Eddie. You can't leave me. You can't-"
We get the sense that Buck is on the cusp of a love confession of his own, but before he gets the words out he's cut off by the sound of helicopter blades overhead.
Their miracle rescue arrives in time, led by none other than Buck's starting-to-be-something-serious boyfriend Tommy
After the rescue, we see Eddie in the back of the ambulance, stable and out of danger, and Buck's about to go over to him but Tommy comes running over and sweeps Buck up in his arms and kisses his temple and says, "thank god you're ok. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you"
And Buck lets himself be held, but his attention is over Tommy's shoulder looking at Eddie
Eddie, who's gonna be ok
Eddie, who loves him
Eddie, who is the absolute center of Buck's world, but Buck has never allowed himself to think of That Way
And Eddie meets Buck's eye over Tommy's shoulder and gives him a sad smile that lets Buck know he intends to go back to quietly loving Buck at just a little bit of a distance so that Buck can be happy with someone else
And just to really twist the knife, we get an overheard piece of dialogue in which Eddie refers to Buck as his "best friend" for the literal first time ever (I'm pretty sure? Up til now, any time the "best friend" label has been used it's been by Buck, but please correct me if I'm wrong.)
And the season ends there
Cue the entire fandom going APESHIT for the entirety of the summer hiatus
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fadebolt · 7 months
This blog is many months old by this point, and it seems like I'm slowly but surely being noticed by more and more people, sooooo I'm thinking a pinned post might be in order.
~ Hello! Hi! Sup!
Welcome to my lil space!
Name's FadeBolt, but feel free to call me Fade. (Yes, that is the name of a DotA ability. No, I did have more creative name ideas, I just did stuff under this one, so I'm sticking with it)
~ I'm an anxious 21 year old Hungarian wreck that is currently doing college in the northern parts of this small hellhole in the middle of nowhere that we call Serbia.
~ I like to gush and ramble about media. I like to interact with media. I like to make stuff about media. I like to look at, and take part in stuff that other people make about media.
~ Most of this blog is about my hyperfixation that has lasted for almost two entire years by this point, which is, you guessed it - Rain World.
~ Obviously, I still like other stuff (most notably Warcraft 3, as well as League of Legends and its wonderful lore/universe), and I might make posts about them on some occasions, but they're not my main interests, and considering how much I've entrenched myself in the RW community, that likely won't change anytime soon.
~ I don't really have a central thing that I intended for this blog. It's just simply - if I get ideas and I like them enough, then I'll do them. And if I stumble into something that really peaked my interest, or if I feel like I could add something onto it, then I'm reblogging it. (Though I do have a bit of an anxiety over that, cus whenever I reblog something, I always feel bad for the stuff I didn't reblog, but I can't just keep reblogging everything all day every day, so I often end up not reblogging good stuff. Help me. Please xd)
~ But the main things that you can expect here are long writings about my opinions, (mostly) fun drawing, voiceovers, and occasional ramblings about stuff.
~ I want this to be abundantly clear - I really value constructive criticism, no matter how unsolicited it might be. So if I said something you don't agree with, made a mistake somewhere, or just have some general issues with my stuff, don't be afraid to point them out. (Just make sure that it is actually constructive. The goal here is to improve, but there's not really much I could take away from something like "Your art sucks" or "Your opinions are stupid", is there?)
~ Due to recent, uhm... let's just call them 'events', I want to note that online discussions around politics and stuff related to that makes me extremely stressed and uncomfortable, especially after seeing what Tumblr can do to people who said stuff most folks didn't like.
~ This doesn't mean I'm making a strict 'no politics' rule or anything, I'm just looking to minimalize that stuff, and preferably keep it in private 1 on 1 conversations where I won't feel like I'm being judged by hordes of onlookers. This applies to any other contentious topic, too.
~ Unlike a lot of folks, I will not be having a DNI list. I know that this sounds a bit weird, but I want this space to be nice and happy and welcoming, and I do believe that media should be used as a way to unite us in spite of our differences (so this idea of saying "If you have these political opinions I don't like, then GTFO!" just doesn't sit right with me, though I completely understand why some people do that).
I also believe that instead of locking out and trashing on people who said and did stuff we didn't like, we should instead try and help make them understand why that stuff is wrong, so they can learn and grow, because people can indeed change for the better, especially with how many young folks are roaming around on this website. I won't force any of you to hold yourselves to these ideals, but I will stay true to them myself.
~ With that being said: I am not tolerating problematic stuff or asshole behavior here. I'll be somewhat lenient on this, but "I want this space to be nice and happy and welcoming" will always take priority over avoiding being judgemental of others. Just please don't bother me with stuff that's obviously messed up, don't be a cunt, and don't send NSFW my way, that's all I'm asking.
Aaaaaaaaand I think that's about all the important info for now. I might update this in the future, if need be.
Anyways, I'd like to quickly thank everyone who's ever supported me, taken part in positive interactions with me, or have even just quietly appreciated at least one little thing I have made/done at some point!
I was super scared that nobody's going to care even a little bit about anything I'll do, but I'm very thankful to have gotten proven wrong again and again and again by this wonderful community!
Have a wonderful day and night, everyone! Cheers! :D
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amaranthdahlia · 3 years
because "you're my hero" outro song is deku's feelings about bakugou, while "shout baby" outro song is deku and bakugou's feelings about eachother and their relationship.
While not actually confirmed unlike you're my hero , shout baby's lyrics suspiciously sounds ao much like its about bkdk's relationship lol
(Incoming shitty and messy explanation but i just wanted to point it out haha)
(So like, i just suggest listening to the song and have bkdk in mind wkdkwl and like the song is so fucking good)
Nothing seems to stay the same (dk and bkg's relationship?)
Your hair, the way you smell
The way we struggled when we learned to dance so long ago
All of these times, they're stuck deep in my memory
Only to sink into silence, never heard again (like how we dont get to see alot of their childhood moments?)
Since when,
Was I able to tolerate more like this.
Since childhood, people have been telling me I am such a cry baby (literally screams deku)
Keep it a secret (dk relying the OFA secret to bkg?)
What a cruel phrase
My scream is getting scratched out
A typical future, yet so far away (dk becoming a full fledged hero by mastering ofa, or maybe them becoming friends again?)
It won't reach to that person
Where should I go?
I don't know, so I simply cling to it
Admiration that can take away
The worries from everyday It won't disappear (deku admires bakugou and he knows he's strong and capable but he would always worry and look out for him)
I wanted to keep protecting our fragile connection (do i even need to explain cus holy shit this line is what completely sold me)
 If I were to keep it locked away
It would be as if it isn't there
But do you know
that it's not so small that I can forget it?
So when the sun comes up I know what to do
I must put on my strongest face,
Because that's all I could have done
I am a bit confused since I have never been this way (putting both colors cus both verses could be referred to both of them, bc one it can b about dk bc uhhh dk, [see i told yall i suck at this] and the other thing it could b about bkg referring to his guilt about all might? And the fact that the you're next scene happened during a SUNRISE)
You are in my heart completely (???)
I don't know what to do
I didn't want to learn
I wish I had done it differently (bakugou regretting not taking deku's hand)
It's so fragile
I wanted to deny myself (bakugou not wanting to acknowledge his weaknesses)
Like I was doing something wrong
I was disappointed in myself (bakugou realizing his assholery)
But everything is so new to me (the way bakugou perceived the world was turned upside down for him)
I can tell without asking anyone
You wont bring me happiness
But there is something else
that you have given me (his heroic heart and instict?)
I wish i could decipher some lyrics and connect it with canon material but unfortunately im not an ultimate bkdk expert so i dont have many receipts so if anyone wants to go ahead PLEASE i would love to read it
(ALSO this is NOT the entire song, i removed some lyrics so i suggest looking up the entire song if you want to see the full gist of its ktdkness)
AGAIN this is pure speculation and interpretation, since i think this song is broad and vague and most likely not related to bkdk in the show (that its a bit of a stretched allegory?). I distanced some lines from the other when it was supposed to be connected and mean something else.
so yeah this is defs bit of overanalysis ykno
Anyways yea the only reason i said this is bkdks song is bc i got ALOT of bkdk vibes from the it, period.
haha doesnt help they showed us this sequence at the end of the song/outro (and it happens in a sunset lol) :
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[1]ok sorry in my mind rn is a nonidol au :bonk:
[anon1]so what happens to aira what does he like
he can be the one (1) little guy aspiring to be an idol i allow him to be
[1]This actually on my mind constantly :subaruagree: Mostly bc I like dreaming of how directionless and lost some of them are 🤤
[anon1]nonidol au wtf would eichi and aira do [2]subaru still has a dad
[2]:o and this means kaname still has a mom, and a home, and can invite Beemeru to said home
Kanata still sitting in the cult cus without idols he has no reason to leave:
[3]Trade offer: You get - a happy kaname with a loving family consisting of his mother and beemeru I get - disillusioned bitter aira who could never achieve his dream and was so wandered around for a long time hallow and feelingless until he met alkaloid (whatever they are) and delving all his passion and energy into what they do instead (also IN MY MIND JUST NOW aukaloid paint studio they painters who own their own studio trying to get it on the map. Tatsumi paints symbolic shit, hiiro works in abstract-impressionest portraits and scenery, mayoi's paintings swing between cute animals +moments and dark masses of foreboding color that instill heavy motions of unease, and aira usually paints large sceneries with maybe some small people hidden within the masses of the space all exuding feelings of nostalgia/ longing) and I also get bitter ceo eichi cause why not :eichicrime:
i dont like you /joke
Paint studiokaloid on the mind now 😔will not leave [3]typical aira headcannon says he finds out aabt the wonderful world of idols around mid-school era, so that we can have that wonderful "life was empty and meaninglesss b4 idols" :arashilove: but for this au imma say he finds out abt it when hes in elementary shcool, a baby, one could say. so he goes in bright eyed and happy bc while he hasn't expierenced true sadness yet he has seen what real joy feels like and is gung-ho about channeling it himelf! :airalove: and even tho all the auditions and talent compitions his mom is enrolling him in always end in failure, he can't give up! a true idol is never lets anything get them down! but then he works too hard and gets a fever, a very serious one too. but. the boy won't. he doesn't know how to stop. and he sings and practices his way through the sickness, lost in a haze of work get better gotta improve gotta make it gotta win and. he tears his vocal chords. violently by the time the doctors get to him its already too late, he can barely speak anymore. the only things able to escape his mouth being pained noises. "with physical therapy, we can get him back to the point of being able to say a few words at a time" *but when can i sing? * "i'm sorry kid, you cant. not anymore." and thus, his dreams are crushed. so n e ways aft that he spends his entire school career soundless. fluttering into the background like a leaf falls to the ground. letting time pass by as he grows without feeling anything, learning to keep a notebook on him at all times, because it was safest to assume the person in front of him wouldnt be able to sign back (or maybe they just didn't want to talk to him at all?) 1/3
ok what the fuck /NM BDJDBF JUST . WOW IN A /POS WAY !!!
his family is relatively well off, so he decides to take a gap year between highschool and college, moving out into an apartment of his own *to be a bit more independent, to figure out what i want to do * he says, but really, its to escape from reality a little bit longer. one day, he finds someone hopelessly lost at the train station. the red haired boy's eyes glazed over in confusion, head tilting side to side like a puppy. he helps the boy to his location, frustrated about the fact he needs to explain seemingly everything about city life to the bumbkin. when they get to the doors of a small building, front full of windows revealing the mess of moving boxes and tarps inside, the boy invites him in. "maybe you can join us! your handwriting is really nice! we need help writing letters and making fancy cards!" the boy offers. aira huffs, wondering what kind of stupid offer was that? but he follows him in anyways, nothing better to do it was the best decision he'd ever made. 2/3 aira joins as the group's penman bc he was enraptured by the paintings he saw (namely, one of hiiro's portraits my mother, he said, a wistful smile ghosting his lips. his red hair seeming dull in comparision to the burning bonfire of explosive paint in front of him, the canvas eclipsing his form multiple times over. looming over them like a giant, although one full of friendliness and warmth.) but eventually starts learning how to paint out of intrest (he takes tips from everyone really but his main teacher is mamayoi, which can be seen as they use some of the same color pallets and techniques/motifs :mayoishy: ) aira doesn't speak often, but when he does everyone listens this makes a very cute moment where kohiiai are on a date or almost-date and something happens that upsets aira but kohaku&hiiro stand up for their lil love bug and while aira does end up pulling them away from starting a fight he can't help the warm butterflies fluttering across his cheeks. in the end, he drags them onto a bench. sitting them down although never letting go of their sleeves. "ᵗʰᵃⁿᵏ ʸᵒᵘ…" he murmurs, a sound so quiet it would have been missed by anyone other than his two hyper-sensative boys. hiiro perks up, loudly declaring that it's alright and that he would do anything for him! kohaku is more subdued, but equally as happy. a proud smile gracing his lips and… are those a hint of tears forming in his eyes? n e ways the first time aira tells them he loves them no one survives the Emotional Damage and kohiiai fluff 💯 they can be cuties the end :arashilove: :kohakupout: :hiiroconfusion: :airalove: /3
when everything else tries to brutally murder your soul, you can count on kohiiai to be wholesome as fuck 😌
until pensive TWISTS kohiiai in a way that HURTS ME
even when the kohiiai murders your soul in the end at least the way there was wholesome as fuck <-speaking in shoujo rei timeline :subaruagree:
the wholesome happy romance of kohiiai is the only thing i refuse to taint ever [4]they can all suffer individually but when they together they be loved
i acutally rlly like painter studio aukaloid tho :mayoishy: its subsidized by my own feelings towards painting my cannon-typical alkaloid brainrot :tatsumiacceptance: [4]:subaruagree: til death do them part
[5]so when do i get to be let out of the torture chamber :kiibodipshit2:
[5]no </3
dw u love it here ^^
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faerienextdoor · 3 years
(some) Jjk characters and how they hug you
Just something I wanted to do cus I'm procrastination on writing reqs up ;w; still not feeling the greatest so I guess this was self indulgent in a way
Warnings: probable cursing (+in tags), unedited, etc
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The warmest and tightest but softest hug you've ever experience all wrapped into one.
If hes taller than you, he doesn't mind leaning over to press you into his chest during a tight embrace
And if you're taller? He just expects you to do the same!
He's really excitable and sometimes spins you around or lifts you up
He's super strong so don't worry about him throwing his back out or anything like that
His hands always tuck into your sides during the hug, and rest on your hips as you pull away.
She isn't much of a hugger
In fact, the first hug she ever gives you is one of relief.
She thought you were dead and she'd lose you forever
And as soon as she sees shoko attending to you and wiping blood from your face that may not have entirely been your own, she rushes into the room and engulfs you into her arms
It's warm and she smells good, but you can feel her shaking hands, cus they rest on your upper back
Her face presses into the curve of your neck, and she breathes in your scent
You have to push her away for a break or to breathe because she will NOT LET GO
Another person that isn't much of a hugger. You initiate them with him often, and he just freezes in his spot when your arms wrap around him. His face burns red hot as you smile up at him before letting go and running off, the hug having been a farewell.
He isn't one to show physical affection first at all, so you normalize it for him
He'd be lying if he said he hated it.
Then there's the time he hugs back.
Your cheek is pressed to his chest and you can just HEAR his heart racing
And then you feel him stroking your hair, hand falling to rest at the base of your neck and his other arm wraps around you
His hug isn't as warm as the others, but fuck it's so comfortable and makes you sleepy
Gentle hugs. Holds you like you're the prettiest glass doll, and you basically are! He traces absentminded shapes onto your back as you hug one another, and he relishes in how you sigh in content against him.
He smells like expensive but not overwhelming cologne. And he always kisses the top of your head before, during, or after a hug!
It's a staple
You? Hug him? He'd have to turn infinity off for it, but he'd do it just for you.
He's long and has the arms to match, so they wrap around you with ease and it's like he melts over you
He's the shredded cheese over your freshly scrambled eggs, basically
You'll hear and feel him humming against you, swaying you from side to side very gently.
And he's the type to grab your ass or play the drums on them during a quick hug, sorry
Short and sweet, usually. His hugs are side hugs or hand squeezes because he gets so shy and flustered at the idea of a full one. No matter how long y'all date, it takes so long to get to the point where his heart won't explode out of him instantly if you were to hug him
When he hugs you full on, his face is pressed into your chest, collar bone, or neck. Sometimes even nestled into your hair, gently pressing kisses or simply breathing in your presence like it's ambrosia or weed.
He isn't the one to pull away, you have to squirm out of his hold
And you always regret it because he looks at you with such heart broken eyes
He doesn't let you hug him in the first place, so I don't have the right to say he just isn't a hugger.
You could try to wrap your arms around his broad form, but he pushes you away and grunts or scoffs and pries your arms off of him
No matter how alluring and comfortable he looks, he just isn't a cuddly type
Well... At first.
The rare nights where he's home with you, he'll sink into bed hours after you and pull you on top of him. Of course you'd be broken out of your sleep at that point, but it's worth it as his careful fingers work through your hair and trail down your arm. He mutters for you to go back to bed, and you're happy to comply as you nestle into him
Oh boy
He smells very nice and he's the perfect body temp for hugs
But they're spindly and stiff the first couple hundred times you share an embrace with him
But eventually, he'll desperately sink into your arms when he really needs it, and fully melts into your hold and the feeling of your body pressed against his
He can't help himself, and ends up kissing you all over to show his appreciation and care
He doesn't hug, but he isn't against them.
He, like megumi, stands there when you initiate
But he doesn't freeze
He's putty in your hands, leaning into you as you hold him to you
He buries his face into the top of your head or into your shoulder, his breathing calming as the tension raises from his shoulders and leaves him just for now
He loves laying on top of you with his face in your tummy, btw
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mageofseven · 4 years
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This is part two! Satan and Asmo's parts are below the cut. Enjoy~
Part 1 | Part 3
MC had a lot of stomach aches with the nausea. Even when she wasn't puking, her days were spent with this twisted feeling in her stomach.
From month three on, it turned into some bad cramping. It made no sense to the couple, but a heating pad and some cuddles usually helped her.
By month five, it was something so much worse. It evolved into episodes of MC hugging her stomach and screaming in pain. The woman was terrified when it first happened, crying as she thought she was losing her baby.
That wasn't what was happening though, evident to her boyfriend as he noticed bruises forming on her stomach during these episodes.
Satan didn't fully understand what was happening, but believed it wasn't what MC thought.
There was nothing he could do but hold her close and try comforting her through the pain. The episode lasted a little less than an hour and most of her stomach was left black and blue with bruises.
The demon mixed some magical ingredients together in order to make a cream to heal most of her bruises. As he rubbed it over her belly, he softly explained how it was going to help her current issue and that he was going to read up on what he can do to prevent another episode. The woman sniffled, but nodded.
None of his books really told him how to prevent such a thing however. Instead, it gave him directions on how to figure out the direct cause of such episodes.
The blonde ends up drawing a rune around her navel, which according to the book, should gather the data needed. After another episode, that is. He didn't want his Kitten to have to go through such an experience again, but it seemed that it was the only option.
For better or worse, the couple didn't have to wait long; MC had another episode later that evening. Once again, he held her close as she screamed and cried in his arms. This time, the rune glowed, signaling that it was collecting data.
After another hour of this, the pain stopped and her belly was riddled with bruises once again.
Satan didn't let go yet; he just continued to hold her close and kiss her face as her cries softened. When she was calmer, he gave one final kiss to her forehead before getting up from the bed and lifting her shirt.
He laid his hand on her belly, right over the rune, and his green eyes glowed as he absorbed the magical energy that transported the knowledge to him.
This... was not the answer he suspected, but somehow the demon felt he should have known.
The baby was fine physically, but emotionally was a different issue.
MC's body wasn't absorbing the dark energy needed for their baby's soul fast enough, causing their child to... well, get angry.
The Avatar of Wrath's baby inherited his anger issues and was essentially punishing their mother for something out of her control.
The blonde scowled. His Kitten had been writhing in pain for two hours today because their child decided to throw a tantrum inside of her?
The demon took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He cannot lose his temper now; not when MC needs him.
"Just a minute."
He let himself focus on his breathing, calming himself before opening his eyes and meeting his girlfriend's.
"I'm sorry, Kitten." He sighed. "It's... the baby seems to be having a hard time at the moment."
The man explains the issue to her and the woman's eyes went wide.
"So it's my fault?" She asked. "I'm not giving our baby the energy it needs fast enough?"
"No, Kitten." Satan sat back down next to her. "This isn't your fault; your body is just on the slow side with the absorption. It just needs time to catch up."
The man's mind went back to the conversation the two of them had months ago, back when they discovered that this pregnancy could be dangerous for her.
MC had said that she wanted to risk it no matter what... but maybe now that she knows what she'll have to endure for now on, maybe she'll change her mind?
"Kitten..." He called out to her slowly, grabbing her hand. "Now that you've experienced this... do you still want to go through with it?"
The woman tensed up.
"... What do you mean?"
"You don't have to have this baby. If it's too much for you, we can--"
"No." MC pushed away from him and sat with her back pressed to the window.
He watched her for a moment before sighing.
"I'm sorry. I won't bring it up again."
The two sat in silence for a while. Neither moved, neither spoke. Finally, MC did.
"Do you... not want our baby?"
She finally asked the question that had taken up space in her brain for months. All of this time, Satan had been sweet to her and taken care of her well... but never did he express any attachment to their child.
Whenever she spoke about them before that day, Satan would always stop what he was doing and speak in a careful, neutral tone. It got the point that she was afraid to even speak about the baby to him at all.
The demon pursed his lips. The truth... was that he didn't think he did. His interactions with children have been limited and what he did never inspired any paternal instincts in him.
However, he couldn't tell MC this, not when this child was obviously so important to her.
"I want to do what makes you happy." He said carefully. "And... I'm rather unsure about how I'll be as a father, but I'm willing to try for you."
Another moment of silence hung in the air.
"A...Are you scared?" She asked softly.
"I... don't know." He answered truthfully.
In all honesty, emotions were a difficult thing for the Avatar of Wrath to understand. Maybe it was because of how he was born, but labeling and identifying his emotions was quite a chore for him.
Anger, he understood well, and because of MC, happiness wasn't such a foreign feeling to him either, but everything else was... quite challenging to understand within him.
MC crawled over to his side of the bed. Satan didn't hesitate to pull her onto his lap. The two sat there, tightly embracing one another.
"It'll gonna be okay." The woman whispered. "We can make it through this; the three of us will be happy."
Oh Kitten. Here she was, comforting him when things looked so dark for herself. He pulled back just enough to give her a sweet kiss.
From there after, Satan looked up what he could do to help his Kitten with her episodes. They really didn't have a lot of options. Most potions that his books recommended weren't entirely human-safe and he wasn't about to make such a gamble with her.
There was one thing they could try though. The man raised an eyebrow when he read it.
"What is it?"
The blonde looked up at his girlfriend.
"The book suggests that I could... talk to our child."
The woman blushed.
"So... you'd be talking to my belly during those episodes?"
He sighed.
"It appears so."
He was a bit awkward with it, but he tried it during her next episode. And it actually worked.
What lasted about an hour for both sessions before this only lasted a little less than ten minutes.
The man was quite surprised, but still comforted his Kitten before putting his hand on the rune.
It... his child felt a sense of peace and comfort at his voice. It was hard to understand fully what his child was feeling, but it seemed as if under all their anger was another core emotion: fear.
Their child was scared and felt comforted by his voice.
Something in him shifted at this news. He... wanted to protect his child from the fear in their heart.
And so, his stance on this pregnancy had changed dramatically. Everything he did was for his girlfriend and their child.
The couple had cute moments where Satan would gently lay his ear on her belly and listen to the baby's little movements.
He'd talk to them even outside of the episodes, telling them that they were safe and loved, causing the episodes to happen less often
And when one would spring up, he was no longer all that awkward with soothing his child, except during the first time he had to do it around his brothers (it happened at dinner time and scared his brothers half to death to see MC in pain, but later they teased him, saying they didn't know he could speak so tenderly).
Satan didn't know if he could be a good father... but acknowledged that now was the time to try.
Good End:
The remaining months were mostly uneventful for the couple. MC was a bit overdue so her body could catch up on the spiritual energy absorption, but only by about two weeks. She was sore and uncomfortable, but still in positive spirits. Satan was as well, but it would be a lie to say there wasn't some anxiety mixed in there. When his girlfriend finally went into labor, he was very calm and dependable.
About seven hours later, MC was holding their daughter. She had her Daddy's blonde hair and Mama's eyes, even the beginning of a pair of horns, just like Satan's. The man was lost in the preciousness of his daughter. When asked if he wanted to hold her however, he declined. He... didn't want to risk hurting her.
"It's okay." MC cajoled. "I know you're a lot more gentle than you think. Plus, this is how you two bond."
The demon pursed his lips, but nodded. He carefully took his daughter from MC and held her close.
"Hello, Amelie." He used her name. "It's okay now; you're safe."
Bad End:
The labor took too much out of MC. Their baby's head was stuck inside of her and upon further inspection, they found out she was being cut on the inside by their child's horns. She was losing too much blood.
"Satan... get them out... please." After hours of screaming in pain, his girlfriend's voice was hoarse. "Save them..."
The woman's head fell to the side and the man started panicking. He called out to her as he checked if she was breathing. But she wasn't. Her last breath was used to beg him for their child's life.
Tears fell from the man's eyes, but he only gave himself a moment of this before wiping his tears on his sleeve and heading back down below. Knowing that he didn't have to worry about causing her pain anymore, he reached in and carefully pulled out the baby. Her insides were getting cut up more, but it no longer mattered.
He collapsed on the floor with his daughter now in his arms. As the two cried together, the demon didn't realised at first that he transformed, but suddenly felt the need to wail from the very core of his being. And he did. And he preceded trash his room. Knocking over book piles, snapping the wooden bookshelves, even break his window.
He was stopped by Lucifer. He didn't even realize when the older demon came in, but there he stood with a hand on his shoulder. And that's when he heard it. His daughter's panicked sobs from within his arms.
He had frightened her. His daughter was just born and the first thing he did was scare her. After all those moments he spoke to her while she was inside her mother, after telling her over and over again that he would keep her safe, he was the very first danger she perceived in this world.
The fourth brother collapsed into Lucifer's arms, surprising the older demon. He still held the blonde tightly though and let him cry.
Two years passed. Not a single day went by when Satan didn't think of MC. Every milestone their daughter hit, the man couldn't help thinking of MC and how she should be there to see it.
One day while Satan was in the library, he heard commotion coming from out in the living room. He had left Amelie in Asmo's care so he could have some reading time by himself, but somehow it escalated into something.
He rushed to find the one of the stands broken at their legs and the china cabinet's glass shattered. And Lucifer restraining an angry Amelie. One look at the scene told him everything he needed to know. This was her first destructive tantrum. Asmo couldn't handle it so he roped in Lucifer, who was restraining his daughter in the exact same way that he used to restrain Satan when he was a child. And that set the man off.
Satan remembered being in the exact position as his daughter and knew how frightening it was to have a big man screaming in your face while restraining you. The blonde transformed and launched himself at his older brother. Hand against Lucifer's throat, but more in warning than in attack, then said
"Not. My. Daughter."
The blonde looked straight into the older man's eyes as he said it. He let his words set in for a minute before letting go and scooping up his sobbing daughter from the floor. He carried Amelie off to her room, the very room that was once her mother's.
The Avatar of Wrath learned the true meaning of his title, thanks to his daughter. Years ago when MC carried her, Satan learned that underneath all of her anger was pain and fear. Through this, he learned the same for himself. Satan was created by the anger Lucifer felt at his Father's decisions and his sister leaving his life the way she did. He was so overwhelmed by it all though he never looked close enough to see the real emotions that he was feeling. Pain and fear. The first brother just wanted to get rid of it all now. Because of that, Satan never knew before what his anger really was. But now he does and that was what his daughter taught him.
"Shh, it's okay, Kitten." He soothed his daughter, using the same nickname that he used to give her mother. "Daddy's here. No one's going to hurt you."
Starting during the beginning of her second trimester, MC was... difficult to be around
It seemed as if every little thing the Avatar of Lust said just set her off, either with anger or tears or both.
Wanting to avoid conflict and the stress of such interactions, the man started to avoid her
Eventually his brothers started guilt tripping him for it though because without Asmo, the human was a lonely mess and it was hard for them to watch.
Why should he be around her though if he always seemed to upset her?
This lasted a couple weeks.
He couldn't stand being around his brothers anymore either so he left the house as often as possible.
One night, he came back late from a party. He headed to his room and found that MC was still awake, crying in bed at 2am.
He heard a few sniffles, but otherwise received no answer.
Hearing her cry broke his heart; that was part of why he had been avoiding her.
In this moment though... he realized that he couldn't keep doing this. He promised that he would take care of his Dolly... but look at what he's been doing.
The man got in bed and pulled his girlfriend to his chest.
"Y-You don't love me." She said in a shaky voice.
"Doll, you know that's not true--"
"Then why do you abandon me?"
The woman cried into his chest. His heart ached at the sound as he rubbed her back.
"I don't know how to help." He admitted. "And... it makes me so sad to know that I can't help my Dolly."
The fifth brother starts giving her little kisses, starting from her neck and working up to her jaw till his lips were at her ear.
"You know I would kiss away your pain if I could." He whispered.
"I know."
The woman pulled back and laid a hand on his cheek.
"For now... just don't leave me. Please."
And so he didn't. As difficult as it was, the demon stayed by her side. Even when she burst into tears. Even when she'd snap at him over minor things or things that was not his fault to begin with, he stuck by her. MC tried her best to remind him how much she appreciated that.
It was the start of her fifth month when things started to get more complicated.
The two were in their room. Asmo was giving his Doll a back massage, trying to get her to relax after a day of feeling sore and tense.
The woman jumped. Her boyfriend frowned.
"Are you hurting there, Doll?" He asked, wondering that last spot her rubbed was too sore for her.
"Didn't you hear that?" She asked, staring towards the door where she heard the voice.
Asmo continued to rub her back, focusing more near her shoulders now.
"No, but it was probably just one of my brothers." He stopped to lay a kiss on her shoulder. "Don't be so jumpy; you're fine, Honey."
The woman didn't say a thing, just tried to forget the voice that she swore she heard. But she couldn't.
Later that night, the woman was having trouble sleeping. It seemed like all her baby did was stretch and kick inside of her, waking her up if she so much as dozed off for a second.
She heard the voice again, but this time it was accompanied by a knock on her door. MC froze. Another knock. She looked over to her sleeping boyfriend before slowly leaving his arms and their bed as she approached the door.
She slowly opened it before finding a boy in the hallway. He had four little black wings and two horns just like Asmo's, but eyes that were eerily similar to MC's.
"Mommy, I can't sleep... let's go play!"
And with that, the boy started running down the hallway.
The woman chased after the child and had to do a hard turn for the stairs, causing her to lose her balance and trip.
Luckily, Satan was right there to catch her.
Before the man even spoke, MC started telling him about the child running around House of Lamentation.
Satan raised his eyebrows at her.
"MC... there is no child in House of Lamentation." He told her. "And if he was running down the stairs, I would have seen him pass me."
MC just stared at him. How could he not have seen the boy? He--
"Mommy, are you okay?" The little boy asked her, standing right next to her and Satan now.
The woman pointed down at the child, eyes wide.
"He's right there! Satan, please tell me you see him."
The blonde looked down at where the human pointed, but merely saw the wall next to them.
"...MC, I think you need some sleep."
The woman gripped his arm.
"Satan. Please. He's right there." The woman pleaded. "He has Asmo's wings and horns and he... calls me Mommy. Please believe me."
The demon's eyes widened.
"In that case... please come to my room."
The fourth brother led her down the hall. Just as he opened his door, Asmo called down to her.
"Doll! Now what are you doing awake?" He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her. "Is your anxiety acting up again?"
"Asmo, you come inside as well." Satan spoke up before MC could.
"Eh? Why?" The Avatar of Lust raised an eyebrow, but still followed him into the room.
Satan never answered, just had MC sit down on his bed as he searched through various stacks of books. Asmo sat next to his girlfriend.
"Hey, I don't know what the issue is, but you'll be okay." He told his girlfriend before laying his hand on her belly. The baby kicked underneath his hand and the man smiled. "See? Our baby thinks so too~"
"I like it when Daddy pays attention to me."
Suddenly the little boy was in front of them, smiling.
In that moment, it truly became undeniable who he was.
MC started crying as she stared at the boy.
"Doll?" Asmo laid a hand on her cheek. "Honey, please look at me; its okay."
The little boy stepped back as Satan approached with the correct book, opened to the page he needed.
"Okay, now I need you to lift up your shirt." He told her.
"Aww, Satan!" His brother grinned. "I know MC is beautiful but--"
"I just need to draw a rune on her stomach, Asmo." The blonde sighed, too tired to deal with him.
"Just... please wait a minute, okay?" MC told her boyfriend before lifting her shirt.
Satan drew a rune around her navel. Upon completion, it glowed. The blonde raised an eyebrow at that before laying his hand over the rune.
His eyes glowed. The room was quiet for a full minute before he lifted his hand.
"Well, I now know you weren't wrong before." The blonde admitted. "You really were seeing a child. Your own, in fact."
"Huh??" The fifth brother looked to his girlfriend. "What did I miss?"
The little boy poked around the blonde demon to look at her.
"Azzy..." The woman kept her eyes on the child, but still spoke to her boyfriend. "I see our son. Right in front of me."
MC explained what happened while he was asleep. Her boyfriend gave a huge grin.
"Oh my devil, you can see him?? You're so lucky!"
At that the woman smiled back. It was all a bit unnerving, but... yeah, she was.
Tears started falling from her eyes, but they were happy tears.
Asmo leaned in and kissed each one away.
"What does he look like? Tell me, Doll." He asked sweetly.
"He... he has your wavy hair, but it's my color." She sniffled. "He has my eyes too, but also your wings and horns... he's beautiful."
Her son smiled at her as she said that. She reached out to touch him, but was stopped by Satan.
"He's not really there, MC." Satan spoke up. "You're child is merely using a vision of himself that you built in your head to project himself in front of you."
She lowered her hand.
"But... why?"
Satan sighed.
"I'm afraid his motivations are out of my realm of knowledge. However, this is one of the more dangerous symptoms for demonic pregnancies that you could get."
"Wait... how?"
"MC, you almost fell down the stairs." He reminded her. "Your connection and worry for your child almost led you to getting hurt. This child has yet to actually experience this world and doesn't realize all the ways it can lead you to hurt yourself or even to your death."
"I wouldn't hurt Mommy!" Her son came closer to hug her leg and the woman swore that she could feel it.
"He wouldn't hurt me." MC spoke up for her son.
"Maybe not purposefully," The blonde explained. "But it's too ignorant about it's surroundings. You need to focus on where you're going and what you are doing more to make up for it."
The forth brother looked to Asmo.
"You need to watch out for her. The last thing we need is this child leading her into some lake to drown or something like that."
The fifth brother was quiet.
"Azzy?" MC called out to him.
Asmo plastered on a smile.
"Right, right, sorry."
The fifth brother was worried, but kept a close eye on MC during the following months. There were a few close calls. That day they went out shopping and MC found herself following their son to a harsher part of the Devildom. The time he caught her trying to climb out the window because she saw their son on the roof. The time she chased their son out to the forest behind House of Lamentation and almost got attacked by some of the dark wildlife. And many more events
It all scared the man. He cried more than a handful of times because he just barely made it in time to save her. At the same time, he wasn't mad at her though; he knew that she was compelled so strongly to follow their son when he showed up. The woman simply couldn't help it.
By the end of her pregnancy, Asmo was more stressed than he has ever been. His skin even broke out from all of the stress he felt and the man acted like it was the death of him.
Good End:
The day MC told him that her water broke, this man was relieved.
"Like, finally! Get out here before I start losing my hair too!" He joked. Or well, half-joked.
His girlfriend laughed at his words, before another pain hit her. Asmo gave her his hand to squeezed. During the whole labor, he gave her little kisses on her face and all the positive affirmations she needed; always telling her how well she doing and how close their son was to being in the world thanks to her.
Five hours later, crying filled the room as their son was finally pushed out into the world. Just as MC had originally saw, the baby had her hair and eye color, but his dad's wings and horns.
Asmo stared at this beautiful woman of his, holding his equally beautiful child, and the man couldn't help but cry. He remembered all those months ago, back when they found out she was pregnant, how thrilled he was for this baby... and how his heart sank later on when he found out the pregnancy might be dangerous for her.
"Doll... do you really have to do this?" He smiled at her, but it was filled with just as much anxiety as he felt. "We don't have to risk it; we can still be happy without any children."
"I can't believe I'm hearing this right now. What happened to the man from hours ago that was so happy for our baby that he was near tears?"
Asmo reached out to her, but she shook him off.
"Azzy... I need this baby. Please accept that."
Now, all he could think was the fact that this moment was only a reality because of her. Because MC decided to fight for this, fight for their son, even when Asmo himself was too afraid to.
"Azzy? Hey..." MC adjusted her hold on their son before reaching out and wiping a tear from his cheek. "It's okay. Everything worked out."
Asmo smiled before leaning in to give her a sweet kiss then give a gentle one to the top of their son's head.
"I know. And it's all because of you, Doll." He said sweetly. "Thank you for fighting for him even when I was too scared to. He's beautiful. Just as beautiful as you said."
The two end up naming their son Liam.
Bad End:
"You're not listening to me!" MC screamed at her boyfriend.
"Oh honey, it's hard not to listen when you're fucking yelling."
The woman pushed past him and ran out of the room, crying. Asmo leaned against the wall and gave a deep groan. Even after all this time, he really wasn't good at handling these moments. He knew it wasn't his girlfriend's fault that she was so moody. Pregnancy in general tends to make women a bit hormonal, but she had it so much harder because it was his kid she was pregnant with. Satan once told him it was a side effect related to him or rather, with Lust Demons in general. He and his kind could be very dramatic and he knew it, but never did he truly see it as a bad thing until now.
The demon knew he had to be more patient with his Dolly. I mean, it wasn't her fault she was so moody all of the time; it was his. That fact didn't make it any easier to deal with though. The man stood there, debating how long he should wait before going after her. On one hand, he really felt that she needed to cool down. On the other, he knew he had to keep an eye on her in case their son takes her somewhere he shouldn't.
The man decided to give her another couple minutes, for both her nerves and his own. After about five minutes, he sighed and went upstairs to their bedroom to check on her.
"Doll?" He said through the door. "Dolly, I'm sorry. Can we talk please?"
No answer. Asmo opened the door to discover their room to be empty. His eyes widened. She always goes to their room after a fight. So where is she? The man started checking everywhere in the house and I mean everywhere. When she never turned up, he tried calling her phone. No answer. Freaking out, the demon called Lucifer, who answered on the 11th ring because he was in a meeting with Diavolo. When the first brother heard his brother's plight however, his annoyance shifted to worry. Lucifer excused himself from the meeting and rushed home.
The Avatar of Pride ended up using tracking magic to locate MC. They found her out in the forest behind House of Lamentation. At least... what was left of her. The poor woman was attacked by a Chiropteran, a giant, almost orcish like creature with bat wings. Their baby didn't survive either.
Asmo grabbed a hold of her body and sobbed heavily. She's gone... MC was gone, their baby was gone... all because he lost his patience with her. It was his fault. He lost the woman who tried to give him everything, even a child despite the dangers to herself, because he couldn't handle her being just a bit moody.
The Avatar of Lust spent weeks in his room, shutting himself away more than even Levi. Then one day, he came out and acted as if none of it happened. He refused to talk about MC or their son or even acknowledge that ever existed. He started going to parties again and sleeping with succubi and living life with his old "Me Me Me" mentality again, like before he and MC dated. And he never got close to anyone ever again. Because that was what he thought was safest for himself and others. After all, the one time he tried to take care of someone that wasn't himself, they died and now he cannot even bring himself to say their name.
Part 1 | Part 3
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