#i have also Spared you all from a list of my current fic wips
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @maybemalapert
Three ships: Very obsessed with Dreamling (Hob/Dream|Morpheus, The Sandman), might've been squinting at Corinthian pairings in the same fandom lately. All time favourites include Merlin/Arthur (mostly the BBC version) and Arthur/Eames (Inception).
First ever ship: I was about to say Harry/Draco (Harry Potter) but while this was a massive one ever since the early days of HP fandom (probably should be under the first bullet point as well) this is not true. I guess it's actually Mulder/Krycek (The X-Files), really long ago, like when I didn't have internet access at home and lovely people sent me letters and print-outs of fics or discs with more reading material via regular mail... (excuse me for a moment while I silently weep in the corner about growing old)
Last song: Where The Heart Is by HAEVN, probably my personal theme song for my Dreamling WIP
Last movie: I recently have zero time to watch any movies (I try to write, duh, and it seems to consume all the limited spare time I have), so it actually must've been Top Gun Maverick while being on a plane back from a business trip a couple of weeks ago. Rewatched some classics during Christmas with my mum but I was writing on my phone during those so they don't count.
Currently reading: Ab instrumento ad corpus by @moorishflower - I'm somehow still on it because I got sidetracked by @landwriter's lovely Cori spin Just Like Love. Also desperately trying to catch up with @avelera's Giving Sanctuary and waiting for @calculatingthestars's final chapter of In Occursum Dei.
Currently watching: Mostly rewatching The Sandman but my "wanna watch once my wip is finished" list is getting quite long...
Currently consuming: Coffee with milk and a cup of tea on the side. (Yeah, I love both.)
Currently craving: In the sense of food: nothing, otherwise: 48-hour-days so I finally can fit in everything I wanna do.
Tagging 9 People: @ehonauta, @unlikely-gravestones, @wordsinhaled, @dancinbutterfly, @xx-vergil-xx, @violetequus8 @tiltingheartand, @calculatingthestars, @issylra
Too lazy to check for any double tags and of course, no pressure, just for fun :)
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multsicorn · 6 years
pretending this is still a blog
1. I’m only online between 8pm and 10am anymore!  And not most of that time - I’m sleeping most of that time, of course - and also doing other things IRL - so I’m on the internet for maybe 2-4 hours a day, all told, in the evening and in the morning when I’m waking up.
I’ve been trying and failing and trying again to impose some sort of structure and limits on spending time on shitty websites I don’t enjoy basically as long as I’ve had the internet, and for the first time ever I am succeeding.... (it’s the end of week two, I’ve followed my schedule every day), so... THIS IS GREAT.  I am and feel 2000% more in control of my life.
2. Probably about 90% of that online time I am spending reading Yuri on Ice fic.  And watching vids, and reading discussion, but mostly fic.  (My favorite thing is ‘Victor and Yuuri work their shit out,’ my favorite fic so far is shysweetthing’s collected works, and especially “Call Everything on the Ice.”)  (Cause anyone cared.)
3. I kinda wanna write meta cause, well, I’m me, but I get the feeling everything’s already been said.  #a year late with no starbucks.  I might do it anyway?  Especially re: Yuuri’s anxiety, cause I have zillions feelings, and I keep doing it in my own head, but... eh.  Can’t do everything, so who knows.  (It fucks him up enough to make him break up with Victor, but doesn’t keep him from breaking a world record!  Both these things at the very same time!  Not calling people cause you think you disappointed them is literally the most relatable character flaw ever!  And then just everything that’s not about getting better, but about knowing and continuing to work to find more ways to deal with this thing that is a condition of life; it’s not infinite, and not going away.)
4. I am, anyway, definitely writing fic.  (I don’t stop writing fic for a week, it’s funny to me if no one else, I go straight from one fandom to the next not missing a beat.)  Haven’t been finishing any of it (obviously), but - hm.
[At this point I went on a now redacted several page long tangent.]
Because I decided several weeks ago now to stop trying to make myself just finish things, just post things, etc. - not that I’d been having success with that, clearly.  And just try to focus on enjoying the process of writing, cause I ‘wanted to write’ all these stories in theory but never wanted to really sit down and write... and that’s been an interesting qualified success!
But has also left me quite frustrated with feeling like I’m working on trying to improve things that I don’t know how to improve, while at the same time never getting a ‘chance’ to move on to other stories.
So!  I remembered that old tumblr post about making clay pots and just finishing something, even if it’s not any good, put it out there and make the next one - I was thinking of this post, but this one by ursualvernon might’ve got in there too - and, so, well, Imma try that experimentally.  Just finish the scene!  Don’t go back to it at all!  .. we’ll see how that experiment works.
5. I still have not read any of the Year Four Check Please comics after the first mini one.  It’s a pity, cause I have all the best places to talk about it, I made place(s) to complain if that’s what I wanna do, and, after all, reading a comic only takes a few minutes, but... I just don’t wanna read it.  That’s where my fannish involvement after x months mostly on anon ended up, with me feeling that way, and if there’s one thing dumber than not reading it, it’s feeling like I ~should.~  Fandoms are transient; it’s fine.
6. I do still wanna get around to reading/catching up with definitely @coyotesuspect‘s fic though, and some of the rest of the pimms and maybe Kent/OMC content that’s been produced in the past month or two.  But I wanna do a lot of things!  Most of which I can’t fit in; I guess who knows when or if.
7. Some other things I have been doing, while being Not On The Internet: writing ~2 hours a day, wow, go me.  Learning Russian, (hopefully it’ll take this time, but I’m working through proper college textbooks), reading books, cleaning my house, (a slow but steady process), taking walks, learning to cook new things.  Art Projects that I’ve been telling myself ‘maybe someday’ about for how-many-years, finally, the time is now.  (Even if the time’s only 45 minutes a day.  And one at a time, not all at once.  It is still amazing.)
8. What is becoming of this blog, who knows.  I’m gonna refill the queue with the same mix of random stuff, and pics of Yuuri Katsuki, cause <3.  And hope sometime in maybe not too long I join/fall in love with an ongoing fandom again?  Cause I do like liking things ;D.
9. But right now, I mostly check in and catch up for ~10 min once or twice a day.  It’s not bad, and I still love you all, I just mostly love you from elsewhere right now.  (She says.  But who knows.  Maybe I’ll be insufferably spammy after I post this ‘quiet now’ post!)
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whotaughtyougrammar · 2 years
[excited tone] Okay, what’s going on with the adult store AU? So Morgan owns the store and is mom/aunt to Nick (who is how old in this?) and Glenn is the accused mid-life crisis. If Morgan is aunt to Nick, how did she end up taking him in? How did Glenn and Morgan meet? I noticed Glenn doesn’t have the rose hand tats, so he isn’t a Christmas cover band musician? What does he do?
So the adult store AU came into existence bc I’m always making up new AUs, some I’ve talked about here, some I’ve talked about privately and some I kept to myself, and was actually doing some brainstorming for one of my WIPs involving some of them, and I wanted to involve one where 1) Morgan and Glenn meet when they’re “older” i.e. their “canon” ages, (whatever that age may be), and 2) they’re relatively normal people, i.e. no mercenaries with lost memories, no bodyguards, no evil princes with advisors who are the real power behind the throne, no fame—just two people living their life. Domestic AU basically lol, but not something like a tattoo shop/florist AU or something more common, I was going to do a bar AU but I work part time at a toy store and doing data entry and ecommerce surrounded by boxes of products while looking up other products online does things to your brain ig
Since everyone is their canon age, Nick is around 12-14. Glenn is in his mid to late 30s, and I have Morgan in her mid-40s which, when you’re their ages, is not actually a big age difference but when you’re a tween/teenager who doesn’t really see his mom date long-term and you only know this guy (from her recollection) as the weirdo she saw on the Brooklyn Bridge at 230am, high out of his mind and screaming at the garbage barge, you’re going to be kind of wary and weirded out by the whole situation, but your mom is a reasonable and practical person; surely she won’t keep this current boy toy around for longer than a few days, right?
Nick is pretty conflicted about Glenn, he’s not full-on Terry Junior levels of hate but Nick’s definitely weirded out by how immature and try hard Glenn seems to be, especially when Nick is so used to how Morgan acts, serious and reserved, doesn’t try to be cool and doesn’t care. OTOH, Glenn is totally in favor of Nick’s plan of taping Morgan’s favorite cleaver onto the Roomba and posting the carnage on TikTok, so yeah, definitely conflicted.
Gonna copy this directly from the private server I’m in:
Morgan is a single mom but instead of something sensible like “Morgan had a one-night stand and got pregnant with Nick,” I went with “Morgan’s brother knocked up his girlfriend and since they were both starving grad students at the time and Morgan was an established independent middle class adult (who is, most importantly, not their parents) kid brother asked her to bail him out and it snowballed into either a guardianship or outright adoption.
So that’s how that works, Nick is actually Morgan’s quarter-life crisis lmao. I think I went with the brother because I’ve mentioned him in one or two fics and never followed up on him.
So for my main canon AU/musicverse, I was putting together a list of jobs/careers that the two of them have had in the past, or would have if they didn’t do what they were doing now (this will be relevant). Morgan’s was a huge long list, on account of all the rough young adulthood (and also bc I ended up including the AUs also), and Glenn’s was very short because I can only ever see him as a musician. I did, however come up with sound/audio engineering for his dad once he was old enough to help/wasn’t cute enough to help Bill land chicks any more, and he tutors young kids in guitar when he’s not on tour with his band, though he’s not particularly great at it. All this to say, this is what Glenn does instead of being a full time musician, plus some freelance stage hand work and also, yes, DJing, but he never stops thinking of being a performer and he plays music in his spare time, so he’s actually quite busy most of the time.
Morgan owns the toy store because she seems like the type of person who could own a business and not have it go under, plus everyone needs sex toys once in a while right? I did briefly consider Glenn being the business owner, but I went with Morgan because…
They meet because Glenn comes in every single week at the stupidest hours ever with the intention of trying to talk to Morgan but every time, he either chickens out or it’s one of her employees so every single week he ends up buying one or two new products at random, because he figures it’s less weird to buy a sex toy every week (he has a “reputation” to maintain, after all! A reputation with whom? Well, that’s anyone’s guess) than to leave empty handed, even if ninety-eight percent of the time, the damn thing just ends up unopened and unused in his closet.
There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to what he buys, will just plop down banana flavored lube and a scented candle and a stroker on the counter one week and a double-ended dildo, three of those pina colada flavored cock shaped lollipops, and a clit stimulator the next, so the employees have a game of trying to upsell and unload the weirdest shit they possibly can on him.
There is a disembodied male torso AND a disembodied ass and vag in Glenn’s closet. It freaks him the fuck out every time he sees either of them. He doesn’t know how much more of this he—or his wallet—can take.
He’ll eat the dick shaped lollipops though.
Also regarding his rose tattoos, Glenn is ride or die for Morgan, and though tattooing your significant other’s name on yourself is tempting, it’s considered bad luck, so what’s the next best thing? Tattooing something that reminds you of them. What’s beautiful but can hurt if you’re not careful, and also happens to be their favorite flower? 🌹🌹 So no rose tattoos if he’s not together with Morgan, but he probably has a whole bunch of other tattoos instead!
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alfredolover119 · 3 years
I looooove your zukka rec lists! I recently became Avatar-obsessed, never got a chance to watch it as a kid and only just got through it all! I was wondering if you'd consider doing a specifically angst rec list? I love fluffy zukka everything, but sometimes you just gotta have your heart ripped out of your chest and put back in after being thoroughly blended.
thank you! i relate heavily to “recently became Avatar-obsessed” haha. as for the angst list, i sure can try! warning: all of these have happy endings because im a crybaby who can’t read unhappy endings. also, p much all of the fics in the completed section were featured on my other lists but this is specifically the ANGSTY ones >:^)
angsty zukka wips
first, most obviously, feels like we only go backwards by @oldpotatoe
-currently at 102k with 19/27 chapters posted; rated teen
-the amnesia fic. the amnesia fic. the amnesia fic. you know. i haven’t actually read it yet because, as previously mentioned, i’m a crybaby and am waiting for it to finish up but, from my understanding, this fic will murder you in a dark alleyway with no remorse. if u like zukka angst, you’ve probably already read this, but just in case!
An injury leaves Sokka with amnesia. His last memory is of the failed invasion, of leaving his father behind in enemy territory on the Day of Black Sun. Of hopelessness. Rage. // But then he wakes up, and the war is over. Suddenly, he must come to terms with the fact that years have passed, and that he's somehow the Southern Water Tribe Ambassador to the Fire Nation. He is also supposedly friends with banished-Prince-turned-Fire-Lord Zuko, of all people. Close friends.
Yeah, nah.
and i’ll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) by @goldrushzukka
-currently 38k with 6/8 chapters posted; rated mature
-holy shit. holy SHIT. modern au based on the “my cat likes my fuckbuddy and i am falling in love” trope(?). maybe it’s just because of how the last chapter ended, but oh my god. this one made me cry. made me want to commit violence. when it’s not angsty as hell, it’s pretty funny, but holy shit. ao3 user nebulastucky please.
It’s supposed to be a one night stand. Pick up some guy at a bar, barely remember his name and never learn anything real about him, send him packing in the morning with a thanks for the ride and a cup of coffee to-go. That’s how it’s supposed to go. // But then it’s the best sex Sokka has ever had, and he thinks he’ll hate himself if he never gets to have it again.
Violet Blossoms and Celestial Objects by @hollypunkers
-currently 15k with 2/? posted. rated teen.
-this is the sequel to blue (an angsty, zukka rewrite of book 2-- go read it if u havent!)! !! this is a book 3 rewrite. only two chapters in and mrs hollypunkers is really abusing the miscommunication tag, as zukka writers seem to enjoy doing. im excited to see how the world and story develops with the changes to the story! you should be too!! its very good! obviously spoilers for blue lmao
Having sided with the Avatar in Ba Sing Se, Zuko not only must navigate his new relationship with Sokka but returning to the Fire Nation as a banished enemy. His own journey of self discovery and personal growth must now coexist alongside the personal struggles of every other member of the Gaang as together they blaze a treacherous path toward an unsure victory against Zuko's own father and nation.
breakable heaven by @fruitysokka
-currently 71k with 9/11 chapters posted. rated teen
-swt ambassador zuko! soon to be chief sokka! fake dating ur best friend to get out of an arranged marriage! what could go wrong!!! i also haven’t read this one ((see: i’m a crybaby who is being hurt by too many zukka wips already)), but it has been hanging out in my marked for later for months. from what i understand, this fic has: angst.
With his twenty-first birthday looming just around the corner, the Southern Water Tribe Elders have decided that Sokka, next in line to be Chief, needs to get married. Sokka does not want that, but he does need to get them off his back until he can figure his way out of it. What better way to do that than to pretend to date his best friend (and newly minted Ambassador to the Southern Water Tribe) Zuko? // Seriously, this is a foolproof plan. Maybe one of Sokka's best. Absolutely nothing can go wrong.
angsty zukka fics (completed!)
(i’ll put these in wc order)
lighthouse beam by @incorrectzukka
-7k, rated g
-a modern college au!! zuko’s inner-monologue is very angsty in this fic. typical zuko. also per usual, theyre both fucking dorks. they sort themselves out in the end, but not before The Angst. zuko is semi-deaf in this fic and also he has a bit of internalized homophobia.
Sokka’s breathtakingly beautiful and he’s smart and makes other people laugh. Zuko has a half-burnt face and a deaf ear. It’s not rocket science. // Or, Zuko falls in love with the boy in his Philosophy class.
This Isn’t My Idea of Fun by @khaleeseas
-9k, explicit
-moon spirit/nwt prince!sokka, no war to be found here! admittedly this isnt THAT angsty but like. the angst IS present. zuko is still the prince. a lovely childhood friends (though they hated each other for a minute haha) to lovers story. 
If you asked Zuko, he and Azula saw far too much of Chief Hakoda of the Northern Water Tribe’s children growing up. It wasn’t until they were older, and Azula pointed out that - duh - their families were trying to set them all up, that he realized why. // He was told by his mother to be polite. These people were their friends and allies, and though their nations were as different as they came, harmony between nations was the most important thing. // It wasn’t his fault the Chief’s children were so annoying.
put your lips close to mine (as long as they don’t touch) by @celestialceci
-9k, teen
-modern au! zuko and sokka are college roommates. zuko goes to spend the summer with sokka. again,, not really that angsty but-- its there!! the detail and feeling of Home in this story make me happy. zuko is insecure as hell here too. if ur into that. 
Zuko hates his home. He likes college alright, but he likes Sokka even better, his assigned roommate turned best friend. Spending the summer with Sokka will be fun, a welcome change of pace he desperately wants. It probably won't awaken anything in him... right?
the thing about dancing by anodymalion
-9k, teen
-yes. this one right here officer. it makes my heart ache. also trans sokka! which is cool. but the zuko angst in this one. hurts me. not so much relationship angst as it is zuko learning he deserves happiness angst. i’m sure u know The Type.
The first time a attendant spills Zuko’s tea and doesn’t immediately fall to her knees, begging the Fire Lord’s forgiveness, it is not anger but a resounding warmth that fills his chest.
i could (never) give you peace by @zukkababey
-10k, mature
-OUCH. OUCH OUCH OUCH. boys please learn to communicate im begging u. also zuko.. zuko, dude. as the tags of the fic say, hes “really going through it” in this one. YOUCH. post-canon.
Zuko almost said it. He almost said the words I think I’m in love with you, but he choked them back down at the last second. // Zuko would never be able to be what Sokka wanted. They might have needed each other during the summer, when two boys with too much weight on their shoulders found comfort in each other in the only way they knew how. // But now Zuko was Fire Lord, and Sokka was leaving.
this love burns so yellow (becoming orange and in its time, exploding) by @meliebee 
-18k, teen, major character death 
-i lied. THIS is the one, officer. found family.. good mai and zuko and toph friendships.. . ozai escapes prison and tries to overthrow zuko. OBVIOUSLY angst ensues. poor boy. he Does heal in this but it gets worse before it gets better. angst angst angst angst.
Ten months after Zuko is crowned at seventeen, he faces his first coup.
Anything for You by beersforqueers
-23k, explicit
-istg. this is probably one of my favorite zukka fics. its PAINFUL. modern au where theyre broken up but sokka hasnt told his family yet so zuko goes home with him for kataang wedding. a bit smutty, but the plot oh my god ohgm y fuvk. made me cry the first time i read it. (see: crybaby!me) insert that one picture of the horse with the caption PAIN. 
In which Sokka and Zuko have broken up but Sokka hasn't told his family yet. So when Katara and Aang's wedding weekend rolls around and he doesn't want to break Gran-Gran's heart, he asks Zuko to pretend to be his boyfriend for one last weekend. // Things don't go as planned.
Moving Mountains by @thefangirlingdead
-64k, mature
-so. when i read this the first time it was in one sitting. soulmate au set within canon era / the comics, to an extent. soulmates can hear each others thoughts. i will happily say this is slowburn, jesus christ. champagne without the cham. 
Soulmates are chosen by the spirits and can hear each other’s thoughts. Sokka thinks it’s cheesy and dumb. Zuko thinks it’s poetic justice that he doesn’t have one because he doesn’t deserve it. Cruel irony is finding out that the prince of the Fire Nation (and the person currently hunting you) is your soulmate.
In the Soft Light by @voidcenturyscholar and @romancedawning
-83k, teen, graphic depictions of violence
-moon spirit!sokka living in the northern water tribe. zuko is sent to the northern water tribe as a cultural liaison. iroh is the fire lord but while he is away taking care of lu ten after his injury ozai steps up. i cannot express how many emotions this fic made me feel. background yuetara. i would almost say found family?? but. anyway. plenty of angst to spare here with a healthy dose of enemies to friends to lovers.
As the newly appointed cultural liaison to Northern Water Tribe, Zuko is the first Fire Nation Citizen to step foot inside the city's walls in nearly a century. He's determined to prove himself—to the Fire Lord and to his father—even if the Water Tribe's spirit-touched prince seems to want nothing to do with him.
That Midnight Sky by @zukkababey
-103k, teen
-now now now. tms... modern college au where sokka agrees to tutor zuko in physics because zuko has to maintain straight a’s and physics is just not doing it for him. so. thats cool but THEN azula moves in, randomly, with zuko. to hide the fact that sokka is tutoring zuko, they fake date! what could go wrong!! the mutual pining in here combined with the angst... wonderful, tasty. everyone read it rn. also SLOWBURN 
In Zuko’s strict family, needing a tutor is just about the worst thing you could do. Failing a class, however, is even worse. The only rational solution? Take up Aang on his offer to find him a physics tutor and have Sokka—beautiful, smart, handsome Sokka—tutor him in secret. // When Azula’s arrival threatens to reveal Zuko’s secret, it’s up to Sokka to convince her this definitely isn’t what it looks like. See, he’s actually… Zuko’s… boyfriend? // Hmm. There’s no way this could get complicated, right?
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todoscript · 4 years
lilies & lilacs pt. i
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SUMMARY: A dilemma with his grand charity gala brings Todoroki Shouto, CEO of Todoroki Enterprises, at your humble flower shop’s doorstep.
pairing: ceo!todoroki shouto x florist!reader
genre: eventual smut. fluff. slow burn. no quirks au.
word count: 5.6k+
warnings: none in this part, but expect sexual content in the future.
author’s note: this has been rotting in my wips for a couple of months now, but i finally decided to post it with the decision of progressing the story into parts. thank you to the lovely rosie aka @shoutogepi for initially betareading this and keeping the hype up for the fic in our chats together (love you <333)! feedback is welcomed and before you ask, im opening a taglist for the next 2 parts so just ask if you wish to be included
lilies & lilacs is copyright 2020 todoscript, all rights reserved. i do not allow my creations to be published or translated anywhere else.
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The uneasy padding of her boss’ dress shoes across the floor of his office made the secretary restless. She knew the bad news she delivered would cause some displeasure to stir within him, but never would she expect his tough bearings to falter, his troubles conveyed in hasty steps and frayed skin skewing those handsome features.
During the past two years she’s worked for him, she always thought his expression was nearly unreadable. When it came to his high position, her boss was forward and direct at conducting business—calm, stoic, and a perfect representation of efficiency and strong work ethic in his field. So while she witnessed the man’s uncharacteristic distress before her eyes, she wasn’t sure how this could end well for her.
Sweat began beading her forehead at the tension creeping between each tap of his feet against the hardwood below, coming to an unnerving halt behind his desk. When her eyes found his, all she could gather in those gray and turquoise clouds was annoyance toward their current predicament.
“What do you mean we don’t have a florist booked yet?” he repeated the dilemma she relayed to him merely moments ago. Hearing the agitation in his voice caused a nervous gulp to drop in her throat. She clutched her clipboard firmly in her arms to keep herself anchored in the wake of her boss’ growing frustration. However, she was still unsure how to continue as the words remained sealed in her mouth.
“Well?” Noticing his secretary’s lack of response, he pushed forward, hands leaning against the edge of his mahogany desk. The woman urged herself to endure the obstacles by first breathing through her nose before swallowing the lump in her throat, responding quickly.
“Um, Mr. Todoroki, sir, it seems all the florists on our list have all been booked for other events for the rest of the month,” she said, but mentally scolded herself when she heard herself sputter in such an unprofessional manner. Despite that, she prayed the explanation was enough to sate even a fraction of her boss’ inner turmoil.
Shouto approached her answer with silence before that foreseeable sigh left his lips, spilling with exasperation. He turned, his back facing the secretary, gaze lined to the windows gracing him with sunlight behind his desk. Stuck in contemplation, he pinched the bridge of his nose, mouth pursed in a firm line.
Where am I going to find a florist in time for this damn charity gala? He internally griped, closing his eyes as if that would help him uncover the solution to this untimely mess.
His esteemed company, Todoroki Enterprises, had arranged a plan to hold a widely anticipated charity gala by the end of this month. The event was conducted to raise funds for all manners of different charities that would vary in the level of grandeur on display. And given that the organizing for the event would be under his very name, Shouto had the critical responsibility of ensuring nothing but peak quality to those that would attend.
His staff had long procured the venue and were managing the layout of the gala. They sought out some suitable entertainment, booked catering, and scheduled for the charity auctions and raffles to take place throughout the night. What was still needed were the decorations, and right now that was where they hit their deadend with no florist currently reserved.
And here’s the real kicker: the gala was two weeks away.
Two. Weeks.
How he allowed for such errors to occur was beyond him at this point. All that really mattered was that he found a way to correct those mistakes and fast.
As much as Shouto figured he could skip past the flowers and substitute them with some other kind of flashy decorations, he already had a clear idea of how he wanted the gala to look. The floral arrangements would compliment the theme of the event exceedingly well. Turning back on the plan would be an insult to everyone’s prepared attire for the evening, with the dress code already sent out to all the distinguished guests invited to this grandiose ball. No doubt in his mind, he needed that florist, and needed them stat.
Sure on his resolution, he finally shifted to face his secretary. The anxious expression plastered on her face greeted him, and at that, Shouto bit his lip. His guilt surfaced for allowing his emotions to affect his workspace. He knew better than to take out his frivolous thoughts on his staff, who very well had no control over the situation. So he eased the atmosphere, attempting to lift the tension surrounding his office in the dreary gray of his temper.
“Nishiyama, I’m sorry for my behavior just now,” he apologized. The secretary, in turn, was taken aback, eyes widened. Her anxiety slowly whittled away as she scampered to return his kind gesture.
“Oh no, sir, it’s fine! I’m sure you were just feeling stressed hearing the news. I surely would be if I were in your shoes.”
“No, it’s not. I was acting childish despite how much you and everyone have done so far for the event,” Shouto said, “I should be thankful for your time, considering you also have a family to take care of at home.”
While the woman stared at him, abashed by his sincerity, Shouto swiveled his chair around to take a seat. A much-needed seat to be entirely honest. His secretary was not kidding about how the bad news seemed to harrow some stress in his body. But, being accustomed to having this weight pushed on his shoulders from the very moment he was announced the head of the company many years ago, he more than anticipated the stress to come with the job.
Shouto spared his secretary one last glance before his eyes darted down between the important papers sprawled on his desk. “If that’s all the news we needed to address today then you’re dismissed, Nishiyama. Carry on with the rest of the organizing as planned,” he ordered. Nishiyama lowered her clipboard to her hip.
“R-Right. Thank you, sir.” She parted his presence with a curt bow. Shouto picked up on her heels clicking toward his office door until they suddenly stopped altogether, looking back at the man midway. “What about the florist, sir?” she asked, concerned at the unresolved predicament lingering in the air. Her question wasn’t met with an immediate reply, but Shouto eventually gave her an answer he deemed adequate of a response. His words were coated with as much reassurance as he could muster in this situation.
“Don’t worry, I’ll handle it myself.”
The task was easier said than done.
Usually, when it came to booking a florist for special occasions like this, you’d want to contact them months ahead of the scheduled date to ensure maximum efficiency and work out any problems that should arise. But there were only two weeks left until the awaited charity gala.
Shouto was certainly pushing his luck at this point and to a dangerous degree. If he didn’t find someone to arrange the flowers for the ball soon, the venue might be absent of all life and mood, essentially flopping from missing such a key element. Shouto could not allow for that to happen.
Given his word, he took it in his hands to rectify this mistake. For the entirety of the day, he sifted through the aforementioned list of florists his secretary had provided him—extended thanks to his team’s desperate search for more options.
All he had to do was narrow down the lineup. Unfortunately, those efforts may as well have been all for naught.
“Hello, is this Himawari’s Garden? I’d like to speak with the head florist there about arranging the flowers for a gala my company has been planning—”
“I’m terribly sorry, sir, but we’re currently busy preparing for a big wedding coming up next week. If you’d like, I can try and book our services for you toward the next month or so when we’ll be available?”
Shouto’s brows tightened during the exchange—a gesture he’d been repeating as of late while he dwindled the line of florists. If he kept it up, those wrinkles might be embedded into his skin permanently. He was at least grateful he managed to thwart the heavy breath of air that threatened to leave his lips and reveal his frustration to the woman on the phone.
“No, that’s fine. Thank you for your time.” With that, he hung up.
Shouto leaned back in his seat in exasperation, his weight pressed into the cushions as his eyes situated themselves toward the ceiling. The consistent taps of his fingers on his mahogany desk were all he heard amidst his deep contemplation. His eyes lidded shut in an attempt to seek a moment of refuge from the stress, but his conscience began eating at him.
Of course, what was he thinking? The beginnings of spring to late autumns were the mark of wedding season—the time where florists and other businesses specializing in decorative arrangements thrived and busied themselves with eager clients. Not only that, but it was also the month of June. The sixth month of the year was undoubtedly the most popular month among couples to hold their weddings, and he had witnessed this fact firsthand through his myriad of fruitless phone calls.
Shouto had thoroughly wrung through his rope and teetered on the edge of complete defeat. He sealed down his most recent loss at the hand of another busy floral business by striking a line across Himawari’s Garden on his list. At that, the total tallied to thirty whole flower shops. Thirty unsuccessful attempts.
That sigh he contained during the phone call found its way out of his throat in dramatic waves of displeasure
“You alright, sir?”
His administrative assistant, Midoriya Izuku, heard his huffs when he entered the threshold of Shouto’s office. He noted his boss’ hunched posture and the rare crease crinkled between his nose bridge, pressed against his hands that were clenched together above his desk.
“I’m guessing the new list of florists was also a no-go?”
Shouto didn’t offer any words, instead sliding said list—now fully crossed out—toward his assistant as his reply. Craning his head for a better look, Midoriya feigned a smile, not wanting to let the man’s defeat consume the mood entirely.
“Well... I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised… Wedding season is upon us after all.”
Oh yes, Midoriya. Shouto knew that very well. So much so that he sunk further into his desk at the reminder, head practically drooped with a gloomy rain cloud hovering atop him. The green-haired assistant fervently shook his head back-and-forth upon realizing his remark had thrown salt into his wound. “Oh, I-I mean... Don’t worry, sir! I’m sure we’ll still be able to sort out this problem in time before the gala!” he sputtered to help alleviate the despair that crept in, but it came to no avail according to his boss’ silent sulky demeanor. That was when Midoriya remembered the two cups of hot coffee held in each of his hands.
“Ah, right, I made you some coffee! I figured you could use one considering you’ve been cooped up in your office all day.” Setting one in front of him, Shouto perked up at the nutty aroma that slowly slipped into his senses. He eyed the fresh cup of coffee tentatively, the steam flitting above it in wisps.
Lifting the cup, the rich smell wafted further into his nostrils, imbuing him with that familiar peace he usually reveled in. On any ordinary day, he’d be accompanied by his classic roasted blend perched on his desk, with no problems threatening to disturb his peaceful routine. Not anything like today. Not anything like this dilemma of a desperate time crunch for a florist.
Perhaps that was what he needed. A filter of caffeine to wash away the ordeal like it was a bad morning plaguing him with baggy under-eyes and fatigue from a previous day of hard work. Though he’s sure not even caffeine could erase the headaches he developed throughout his day so far. If anything, indulgence would just make those headaches worse.
Nonetheless, he welcomed the smooth blend of flavors that ebbed down his throat through modest sips, rejuvenation quickly oozing in his veins. Headaches or not, the stimulation from the caffeine was essential if he wanted to combat the rest of the day with some drive.
“Thanks, Midoriya. I needed that,” Shouto acknowledged. He nodded at his assistant, who rubbed the back of his head modestly, saying how it was no problem at all, but the way his boss suddenly got up from his seat interrupted his words.
Shouto already felt the strong coffee going to work as his steps picked up in long strides around his desk that had the assistant’s brows knitting together, confused. “Where are you going, sir?” Midoriya asked, his voice sounding more distant to Shouto, who continued his way past him and toward the door.
“A quick drive,” was the blatant answer he gave. He downed the last of the cup before tossing it in the trash bin near the exit of his office. “Something to clear my head a bit. I’ll be back soon, but until then, keep reaching out to any businesses that could potentially be available to help us.”
“Yes, of course, sir! You can count on me!” Midoriya was prompt in replying. As expected, being Shouto’s right-hand man at the company.
With that, Shouto took to the parking lot below his building, twirling his keys over his index finger before hopping into his Mercedes and driving off.
The withering sunlight cast its glare over his car during his ride through the city. By now, the skies splayed vibrant red as the sun gandered above the horizon. He drove down the narrow and busy streets that kept the place bustling at these hours. It was likely the time when people finished up their workday and were eager to arrive home for much-needed rest.
During a particularly long wait at a red traffic light, he pondered over his predicament again. His thumb rapped against the steering wheel while he bit his bottom lip, that ugly feeling of regret seeping into his thoughts.
Maybe he placed too much faith in these flowers after all. Sure, he mentioned the vital role they played in aligning with the theme and complimenting the guests’ attires. But was it worth all the trouble he put his team through, searching through a throng of businesses already busy with their own events to organize? In a way, this could’ve been sorted out had he recognized the current times and planned accordingly to avoid the mess. But now they were trapped in this bind, crunching for anyone that could help them within only fourteen short days.
Just as he weighed the idea of calling Midoriya over the bluetooth in his car to drop the floral arrangements altogether, something caught his eye at the last second.
Shouto peered through his window, squinting at the corner, where he spotted a cart of flowers in front of a shop of some sort. His grip tightened around the leather of his steering wheel as he leaned in for a better look. Some kind of spark in him roused his anticipation the more he shifted forward in his seat, like the hope that was slowly fading inside was igniting once again.
Another inch further and he attained a better look of the shop. Its sign came into view just below the small boundary of his window—letters brushed in calligraphy on a long board of canvas with lilies painted on the edges that seamed together into a bouquet.
N… Neigh… Neighborhood Lily.
He deciphered the words, but didn’t give them much thought. All that enveloped his mind afterward was the fact the name wasn’t any of the list of thirty shops he phoned today. So the very moment the light overhead flickered to green, Shouto’s hold on the wheel tightened. His foot gradually stepped on the pedal with much more purpose.
He decided to take a brief detour from this casual little drive of his.
It was about six o’clock when you waved off your latest customer, who was leaving the shop with a basket of vibrant tulips swinging on their arm. The smile on their face was an adamant indication they were more than happy with their time here, something you always delighted in, being very passionate about your job as a florist.
“Thank you, and please come again!” The bell overhead gave a gracious chime at the customer’s departure.
With them gone, you drew your attention back to the flowers laid out on the small wooden table in the corner of the shop. Before the customer came in, you were at work arranging and crafting the blossoms you purchased from the flower market that morning into bouquets.
You’d be closing in about an hour and thirty minutes or so, but for now, you basked in the silence and the calming aroma of the flowers that surrounded you while you continued your work. A modest hum naturally sang past your lips and soothed its way into the shop that was devoid of all souls except yourself.
“Hm, you’re a pretty thing, aren’t you?” You made some small talk with the rose in your hand. It was a habit of yours to spill a few words out within your own little world, imagining the flowers were keeping you company whenever you were alone.
“And there, now you all look even prettier.” An adoring smile embellished your lips as you finished off another bouquet by tying it with a silk ribbon. Looking over the bundle one more time, you thoroughly admired the shades of pinks and reds that complimented each other in the ensemble.
Then two more bouquets down, and you already made a good amount of progress. You figured that if you kept up the pace, you’d likely finish the rest of the batch and have them ready for display tomorrow. But just as you clasped three more flowers in your hand, the bell atop the door chimed, alerting you to a new patron.
You nicked off a thorn from one of the stems before turning around and giving your attention to the visitor. When your eyes found their way to the shop’s entrance, you were surprised to meet a man of slicked white and red hair. The few strands that found their way out of the gel must have been tussled from a long day of work considering the fatigue plain on his handsome face.
Despite the few wrinkles here and there, his attire was still surprisingly pristine. He wore a simple yet compelling suit, the fit seeming tailored to the contours of his body that rendered you a tad speechless at how good he looked just standing there. The sight almost made you feel underdressed.
You hadn’t realized you were staring for longer than you deemed appropriate. You couldn’t help it, being that the stranger was a stark contrast to the regular customers you were used to. The fanciest you’ve encountered since you opened your shop were the young boys that rushed in with nicely fitted tops and jeans, frantically inquiring about what kinds of flowers were right to give to a girl for a date they had later that day. Not anything like attractive businessmen in immaculate suits and shining silver wristwatches that surely cost more than all the flowers you tended here.
Noticing you were gawking, you blinked thrice to knock yourself out of your trance and properly greet the man.
“H-Hello, welcome to Neighborhood Lily,” you said, mustering the politest tone you could give to make up for the awkward moment of wordless eye contact. You must have kept your eyes on him for what felt like a good five minutes at least. The man, in turn, acknowledged you with a small grin, much to your relief.
“How may I help you this evening?”
“I’m…” he hesitated, seeming wary of how he wanted to go about his next choice of words, “just looking for now,” he decided.
Not paying much mind to his hesitation, you nodded. “Oh, well, if you have any questions or need any help on anything, please let me know. I’ll just be around the corner!”
Allowing him to go about his business, you returned to your table of flowers and oversaw the blossoms again. However, it was difficult for you to busy yourself with the task at hand. The mere thought of the other presence in the shop was enough to hammer you out of your concentration.
He was already a compelling figure on his own, what with his good-looks accompanied by his classy ensemble that felt more than out of place here. But what you were especially curious about was what business he had at a humble flower shop like yours during this hour.
That curiosity led your eyes straying to the side, where you peeped the man walking through the small aisle of flowers. He examined the bouquets and vases on display, even showing interest in the more decorative pieces hung in pots from the ceiling.
You tried to determine what his motives were. He was showing some considerable intrigue at your arrangements, though perhaps it was pure admiration for your work, and you were letting your self-consciousness get to you.
Well, spying would just get you nowhere, you thought. One way or another, he’d answer your curiosity by either coming to you directly or leave the shop altogether. You had to admit you hoped more for the former.
Until then, you tore your gaze away and resumed gathering flowers in your hands. You assessed their compatibility with one another while you fiddled around with their placement in the bouquet. The white lilies and the blue lilacs went very well, along with another set of light violet lilacs you couldn’t help but string into the bundle. As a result, the beautiful balance of cool tones made for an exceptional well-made bouquet. You finished the piece with a matching white satin ribbon and then let the arranged flowers thrive inside a glass vase.
“Those are very pretty.”
Startled at the voice, you whipped your head around, hands braced behind you against the edge of the wooden table. Your untimely lack of words were a result from realizing the owner of the voice was closer than you anticipated.
The businessman went from lingering around the aisle of flowers in the middle of the shop, to appearing in your proximity.
“E-Excuse me?” you asked, wondering if you heard correctly to which he pointed at the bouquets laid finished on the table. “In fact, all the flowers here are exceptionally beautiful.” He gestured to the entirety of the shop. His eyes quickly roamed across all the decorative flourishes before they came back to you.
“You do excellent work here in your shop.”
Words coming from a man like him made you bashful. You subconsciously played with the hem of your apron, eyes drifting to anywhere but his face at the compliment. However, the sliver of heat fluttering to your cheeks didn’t go unnoticed by him.
“Oh, um, thank you. It’s nothing really, I’ve been arranging flowers for quite some time while at the last floristry I worked for so I have a fair amount of experience.”
After another second of fiddling with the fabric, your hands ended up falling to your sides. You sauntered toward one of the flower vases that were already set on display, dawdling around the conversation. His eyes followed you, watching you nurture the blossoms. “I opened this flower shop of mine just recently actually. Been getting a decent amount of business here and there, but I’m just glad that the people who’ve visited so far like my work,” you told him, twirling a strand of your hair. The pads of your other hand brushed against the soft, abundant petals of a yellow chrysanthemum.
The man observed your actions, analyzing your face. He distinguished the devotion hidden in your eyes as you looked upon the flower with a luster. Despite your humble character, it was more than clear to him you were very passionate about what you did, relishing in the ambiance and admiring the modest appearance of this little shop of yours, covered in the wonderful aroma of flowers.
You didn’t detect that deep breath of air he earnestly drew in as he stepped closer. So close that his proximity broke your stupor to meet his rigid expression.
“How would you feel about an… opportunity to let more of your work be known?”
“An opportunity?” you echoed. “Wait… do you maybe have a wed—”
“No,” he interjected, so abruptly that you couldn’t help but quirk a brow. Catching himself, he took a moment to clear his throat, mindful of his behavior. “I mean, it’s not a wedding. Rather, a charity gala that my company has been planning for some time.”
“A gala?” Your mouth worked faster than your mind, accidentally blurting out your thoughts. The astonishment was evident in your tone; it made the man question your reaction by leaning in.
“Yes, a gala,” he said again like you didn’t just hear his words from a foot away, without even realizing the lengths behind his baffling offer. “Is there something wrong about that?”
“N-No. It just wasn’t the kind of opportunity I expected it to be is all… A gala…” Your voice hushed around the utter of “gala”.
What the man presented so blatantly was unexpected to your ears. Galas meant a pompous party full of people decked in lavish attires, drinking quality champagne from tulip glasses. Sizing up the man again, you could only imagine this gala would only include the most important and wealthiest people in attendance.
You had to ask something, “Um, about this gala... How many people will be there?”
“Maybe about... five hundred or so? I’ll have to check in with my assistant to confirm the full count again.” He shrugged nonchalantly and yet on your end, hearing the number almost reduced your head to a dizzy mess.
Five hundred guests? It was a number you couldn’t fathom. You hadn’t even been booked for an occasion as ordinary as a baby shower, but this man wanted you to arrange flowers for his big charity gala?
As oddly enticing of a job it was to you, there had to be anyone else more experienced and capable for this.
“Sir, I’m not su—”
“The pay, of course, will be more than generous, and I’ll even provide you funding for any necessary materials for this project,” he chimed in before you could voice your protest. It was then that you began to distinguish something laced in his voice and exhibited on his face.
This man seemed desperate for some reason.
“May I ask when the event will take place?” Your arms crossed against your chest. A gulp formed in his throat at the question, unsure if he wanted to unveil the news or risk scaring you off. Either way, if you were working for him, you’d learn eventually. A sigh came out.
“Two weeks,” he answered.
Oh yeah, that explained it. It also answered any questions you had over the tension rigid in his shoulders. At this point, you were bound to join him in his stress because, goddamn, organizing a whole assembly of flowers for a grand ball within fourteen days? The idea was beyond daunting.
While you reflected on the intimidating pieces of information, he was gauging your reaction. Would you say yes? No? Laugh at the idea that he thought he could find a florist to work for him at such late notice? There were a slew of uncertainties twisting in his head—an act unbecoming of him, but you were his last hope. Whatever you responded with next would either be the nail in his coffin or the wings that made him soar.
You would be treading on uncharted waters at a chance like this, having never sailed anywhere beyond your little island of floristry where people came and went with your humble little arrangements. But you also thought of this as a daring opportunity to find new land. See what the world had in store for you outside of selling the general bouquets and vases you had on display. Plus, when would a chance like this ever come up again?
Though it meant encountering difficulties along the way, taking on such a big challenge right off the bat, you figured you’d be able to keep your boat afloat. You were also sure the journey toward bigger regions would be worth the struggle in the end.
“So do you have your answer?” he pressed forward when your silence became unbearable to his nerves. He thanked the fact that his voice managed to sound steady enough not to give himself away. Your arms remained crossed in front of you, your hand coming beneath your chin the only sign that you were taking his offer to heart. It kept the flickering flames of hope blazing inside him.
“I just want to ask you something,” you replied. He nodded, allowing you to continue.
“I know you’re under pressure with this gala coming up in only two weeks,” you began. Your arms unraveled, and your fingers ran to your apron again. You formed the next bit of words with uncertainty, “but are you sure I’m the right person for this job? I mean, I don’t have much to offer you in terms of skill other than what I have here.” You nudged at the range of your shop, plain as can be though with a generous amount of flourishes on display. Yet nothing you thought special enough to be graced by him and his grand proposal that evening.
“I just don’t want you to regret your decision.”
There was a pause of silence after that. The man seemed to give your words some thought—a quick reflection on the situation. You couldn’t decipher much in his face, but you happened to take some time to admire how pretty his eyes were. The individual blue and gray shades were mesmerizing to you, resembling glaciers glittering beneath the moon high in the north. Another detail you jotted in his long list of attractive features. Before you could marvel at them any further, he whisked your thoughts back to earth with his response.
“It’s true that I’m coming to you because I’m in need,” he admitted, hands slowly closing into fists like he was reluctant to confess this, “but from what I can see, I genuinely think you’re more than capable for this job. So yes, I’m very sure I won’t regret this decision.”
It was clear to you that he was sure on his stance. But to reinforce his statement, he bent his head low into a bow, weight added to his next words.
“Please be the florist for our gala.”
The gesture briefly overwhelmed you, not something you were expecting, but you managed to acknowledge it by returning the bow.
“I’ll be in your care then.”
With all things said, you were soon tidying up the exchange and trading business cards. Yours was a standard card with your number, name, and business attached with a picture of a lily printed across the paper. His, a premium slip of stainless steel engraved with his information and then some, the fancy card reflecting off the lights hanging from the ceiling. You read the name etched in ebony black over the gray material.
Todoroki Shouto — CEO
“You’ll likely receive a call from either one of my assistants or me within the next day or so about when to meet up to plan for the arrangements.” Shouto’s voice brought your head up from the card, where you watched him glide toward the door.
“R-Right, I’ll leave my cell on,” you stuttered. The fact that this whole exchange had just transpired was still kicking in for you.
Shouto nodded, extending a wave out that you mirrored while he opened the door to the shop, the bell chiming above him.
“I’ll see you then.”
After that, the resonating tinkles of the bell were the last you heard.
You stared at the entrance aimlessly, mouth gradually gaping open at the mere prospect that you were really about to arrange your flowers for a grand charity gala in two weeks!
A mixture of elation and jitters erupted in your body all at once, uncontained as you whipped your head around and strode across your shop in giddy steps. Your eyes lit up at the steel card gripped between your fingers, clenched so tightly like you were worried the card would turn to dust when you woke up from this dream. But at the wide smile that bloomed on your lips, you knew that this was reality. This man, Todoroki Shouto, was giving you the opportunity to have your true potential shown at this big gala.
Meanwhile, on his way back to his Mercedes, Shouto was clicking open his phone. The screen beamed at him in the low light of the evening turning to night while he punched a number from his contacts list. It took only the cusp of the second ring for the person on the other line to pick up his call.
“Midoriya, call off the search,” Shouto commanded into his phone. He rested his back on the door of his car, leaning against it with his phone still attached to his ear. His gaze found its way back to the flower shop he had just departed, eyeing the light emitting from the windows to the sign hanging above them. Grinning, he took in the sight of the flowers dancing in the wind around the shop’s vicinity before finding your silhouette standing in the benevolent light inside.
“We have our florist.”
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ghostlynimbus00 · 2 years
!! I have moved accounts, you can now find me at @ghostlynimbus This account will stay open and the queue will continue to run until it runs out but I will not be adding more to the queue and I will not be checking in here as often. I will mostly be on the new account from now on. Sorry for any hassle this causes !!
AO3 / Ko-fi / Twitter
For more info about commissions (or just to see the information in text format) please check out this google doc.
Currently available for up to two commissions 3k words or under, or one commission over 3k.
You can also just give me a tip/donation via ko-fi if you like the work I do and have the money to spare.
I do my best to tag common triggers, but mostly I content warn stuff for myself. If you'd like me to tag something feel free to ask, I'll let you know if I think that's something I can manage.
*Translations allowed and appreciated, please just ask so I can let you know if someone else is already working on a translation to that language and let me know where you post them so that I can link them on my postings of the fic.*
*spinoffs, side fics, etc. probably okay! please just ask first*
All my fanfics should eventually wind up on my AO3 (username: ghostlynimbus), but some of them might be posted here first. You can find my fics at the following links (organizing by fandom): Harry Potter, It (2017 & 2019), Harringrove (Stranger Things) (A-M, N-Z)
You can vote on what you're interested in seeing from me in my Weekly WIP Poll.
Fic Ideas / Headcanons
*If you'd like to adapt these into your own fic or incorporate them into your fic please feel free. I'd appreciate credit (particularly for the more detailed ones), and I would really love if you'd send me a link when you post it so I can read it. <3*
I try to tag these as "fic idea" and or "hc" and I've tried to list them here.
Info about my Soulpet AU can be found in this google doc here.
Please feel free to make art of any of my fics/fic ideas/headcanons. You don't have to ask. Please just credit the fic/fic idea/headcanon that inspired it and send me a link so I can see it and love it. Thank you!
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just-the-hiddles · 3 years
Writer’s Spotlight | Nildespirandum
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This week I am spotlighting one of my favorite writers, @nildespirandum​!  She is the Adam writer that made me both scared and brave enough to write Adam myself.  She is the weaver of worlds, the creator of characters so real you think they are sitting next to you.  Smart, funny, and an amazing writer!
Catch all of Nildespirandum’s stories here.
What other names do you want people to call you?
I use Misreall on AO3.
How long have you been writing fic?
I am on this current round for about four years, but I did write before though that was a decade ago.
What fandoms and/or ships do you write?
Tom Hiddleston characters, though not RPF.  Primarily Loki, but I have written for Thomas Sharpe, Adam from Only Lovers Left Alive, and Conrad from Kong: Skull Island.  For all of them I have written OFCs.
How did you get started writing fic?
I had ideas for a fics for a while, but it wasn't until I started commenting and then talking to @caffiend-queen that I decided it was time to do something about it.
Story Recommendations
Which of your stories are your favorite?
I hate this question, but if I had to pick it would be the cycle of stories called Loki and Nora's Infinity Stone Playlist, both because it is my first, and because I think the relationship between the characters - not just Loki and Nora, but the cast that has build up around them - allows me to tell so many tales.
Which story are you most proud of?
Either Perfection - my Crimson Peak AU, or Reigning in Hel - A JotunLoki series.
Which of your stories do you think is the most underrated?
Probably At Hel's Edge, which is a historical mash-up of MCU Loki, with MythLoki.  The people who read it loved, it but it never found much of an audience.  Possibly because of the style I wrote it in, or maybe because the MCULoki character was a bit abstract from his origin.  But I am very, very lucky that it is getting a second life as a Webtoon drawn by @rauko-art, who is incredibly gifted and has worked so hard to make something really beautiful.
Someone is new to reading your stories, which story/stories should they read first?
For Loki, the Infinity Stone Playlist.  Otherwise, maybe Perfection.
Which story did you do the most research for?
Perfection.  I can tell you how much a yard of silk cost in 1910, both in England and the US.  
Which story was the easiest to write?
Probably my Incubus Loki first series.  It was so over the top and goofy that it was effortless.  Rapacity - my vampire Loki story - is also quite easy.  There may be a trend here.
The Writing Process
What is your favorite part of writing?
To quote Dorothy Parker, "I hate writing, but I love having written."  With that said, I love the moment when I am lost in the process, and the characters are narrating and I am taking dictation.  
What is your least favorite part?
Editing, which is probably why I hardly ever do it.  That said, I am fine editing other people's work.  
Describe your style in 1 to 2 sentences.
Breezily conversational when it isn't breaking your heart.
Who are some of your writing idols and/or influences?
I don't have time, and you certainly wouldn't have the patience, for my full list but a few key choices are Jane Austen, Anthony Bourdain, Ian Shoales, Alexander Dumas, the Brothers Grimm, Neil Gaiman, Louisa May Alcott, Balzac, Mary Roach, Bebe Moore Campbell, Douglas Adams.  But all of that said it was probably Howard Pyle, the D'aulaires, Zilpha Keatley Snyder, Winifred Madison, and Ruth Chew whose books I read over and over to the point of them falling apart are probably the writers who made me, not only on the page, but in life.
What programs do you use to write and/or edit?
I do all of my writing and editing in Google docs.   I'm a Luddite at heart.
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
A pantser.  I might have some of a story in mind when I start, but usually I start with an image and let fly.  The entirety of my Bottom of the Hourglass story came from my seeing a folded bookcase leaning against a basement door.
Do you write RPF or not?
Years ago I wrote an RPF as a gift for a friend. For the future, I never say never.
Who is your favorite character to write and why?
Loki.  Loki is the gift that keeps on giving.  While I could flippantly say that all of that emotional and mental trauma is fic writer catnip - and I wouldn't be lying - there is so much more.  He is a character of such wit and imagination, powerful, funny, wise, and a complete idiot.  The Trickster is such brilliant architype, playing both sides of the fence, fooling and being fooled, capable of great good and true evil.  He is vastly entertaining, and achingly sympathetic.  I can go on, but I will spare you.
What do you think are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, for one.  I am proud that if you read the dialogue alone from my stories you can tell who each character is, that they all have a distinct voice.
What do you struggle with?
Plot.  I get so very bored with plot.  
Favorite Trope?
That's like being asked to pick a favorite anything, I can't do it.  Ok, fine, enemies to lovers.
Favorite word to use?
Delightful.  Or Really.
What is the best piece of writing advice you have heard?
Make time for your writing.  Even when you think you can't.
What would you say to a new fanfic writer starting out?
Don't be afraid, don't shrink and hide and diminish yourself, you have to be your own first, best audience.  Also, always remember, art doesn't apologize and neither should you, as long as you feel you have given the best you can at any given time - which will not always be the same, EVERYONE has off days - then be proud of having written, of having added to the world.
What is a random bit of research you have not managed to work into a fic yet?
I did so much research on boats and ship to ship combat for my pirate story that I will never use all of it.  Generally I am pretty efficient with my research, mostly because I already have a brainful of useless knowledge that I am still trying to make pay off.
What is your favorite random detail from one of your stories?
I love that in the later Infinity Stone Playlist stories Loki's various lounging robes have magical pockets that always produce cookies.  
Any goals or WIPs you want to share?
I am determined to finish both The Frost Queen and The Tales of the Golden Horn this spring, and I have decided I am going to commit to the sequel to Perfection about Thomas and Alice's grandson that I have had in mind since I finished their story.
This or That
Fluff AND Angst
Smut AND Fluff
Reader or OC
One shot or Series
Canon Divergent AND AU
Coffee or Tea
Sweet or Savory
Anything else you want to say or share? 
There is a tendency in fandom these days to see things that do not have a moral dimension as being good or bad, to only look at the most extreme edges of things and pass judgement on the whole.  Life is hard enough, let people enjoy things.  
Until next week!
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jikookiekosmos · 3 years
Writing Update
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Hi I’m sorta back from taking some time away for myself to work on grad school things! The main purpose of this post is to just list out my current WIPs because I know I keep adding onto that and I am working on multiple things at once (why am I like this).
SO, here’s a list of everything currently in the works as of right now!
Two new parts for the OFY Series:
Give You My Sunshine, Give You My Best (flashback, but still post OFY events)
Rough (present day, after Stay With Me)
Pick Your Fighter (Part 3)
New part for the Make Me Series:
Spoiled (this one features JK 👀)
Classified and Confidential (Part 2)
These are all fics I have actively been working on in my spare time, so each one does have something written for it, I just haven’t finished any yet…
There are also other teasers listed in my Masterlist, but I’ve privated these as I am either unsure the direction I’m taking with them at the moment, or have just not had the inspo/motivation needed to work on them more. I am planning to finish everything, but I feel like these will just take longer.
I likely won’t have anything finished between now and 12/12 as that’s when I’m set to graduate (!!!), but who know, maybe I’ll be able to write something before then.
Thank you for taking the time to read this if you do, and thank you to everyone who has supported me and my work so far - I’m so excited to get back into writing more regularly and can’t wait to share more with you all!
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humanlighthouse · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview Meme
I was tagged by my beloved @s1utspeare 💖✨ I’m doing this one quickly before it gets buried under notes, sorry to everyone who tagged me in stuff, the last few weeks have been insane and my wifi is still down, but I saw all of the tags and I love you so much for thinking of me?? I’ll get to them if I ever find them again 😓
name: Anna, HumanLighthouse on everything that counts!
fandoms: I almost exclusively write for DMBJ now and it’s the only fandom I’ve ever been actually involved in? I wrote one long fic for Anne with an E (the lovely, lovely Netflix show based on Anne of Green Gables) and another for the still-not-famous-enough, amazing webseries Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery Invite-Only Casual Dinner Party/Gala For Friends Potluck (yes, that’s the title, check it out if you like literature, that thing is brilliant), that I am pretty proud of, to the point that I made @jockvillagersonly watch it just so they could read my fic 🙈 I am shameless like that. Both are teeny tiny fandoms, but very sweet and welcoming! I also have a fic on hiatus for MDZS, some SongXiao angst/fix-it, and I read a lot of meta in that fandom but I’m not really involved in it? There’s just too much going on now. I was really into Reylo and Entrapdak for a while too, but like MDZS the fandoms got too big and I just ended up muting everything and rereading old favorites :/
two-shot: Like most writers I think, I tend to either do one-shots or multiple chapters. I’ve noticed that my emotional one-shots are usually super short, around 1.5k at most, my smut fics are <8k, and then you have the monstrosity that is my Slave AU, currently clocking in at 40k at about a third of the story… I am wide I contain multitudes and all that Before I admitted to myself that I was mostly a smut writer, I used to do like... first chapter of PG-13 fluff, and then the smut in a separate chapter but who am I kidding anymore...
most popular multi-chapter fic: And Sleep My Senses In Forgetfulness, my sleepy hospital fic, which is just gratuitous fluff (and smut). It’s one of my favorite fics so I’m really happy to see people like it!
actual worst part of writing: Not finding the proper word!! I swear by wordhippo (thesaurus.com judges me for writing porn and refuses to give me appropriately sexy synonyms, I swear) but sometimes the word just does… not… exist? or not in the right language, and it’s SO FRUSTRATING, sometimes I have the perfect movement or image in mind and I can't find the correct word for it 😭
how you choose your titles: They’re almost always adapted from lines of poetry and/or song lyrics, I hoard a bunch in my phone notes for when I need a good title. @jaecomments once asked about my titling process for one fic that didn’t take its title from that hoard, and like I told her, I literally googled “Neruda fabric” and found a good quote 😂 sorry about ruining the magic, guys 😂
do you outline: YES. I canNOT write without outlining, and outlining is my favorite part of writing. Back when I was writing my thesis, it drove my advisor crazy because I took like…. a year and a half to outline stuff before I could actually WRITE anything and he was like “are you actually working??” and yes I was, bro, respect the process plz. My drafts are pretty crude in wording but very detailed and apparently it’s kinda weird to read them? You’re lucky I spare (most of) you guys 😂
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice: Oh sorry, did you mean my entire WIP list
best writing traits: I am thoroughly incapable of assessing my own competence and I keep getting blown away by the incredibly sweet comments I get?? I’d say that apparently I write pretty good smut 😬 intimacy and domesticity is my favorite thing so I guess that statistically I must have written some nice bits on that. Oh, and I try very hard to keep track of stuff like furniture, clothes, number of limbs, current actions etc.!
spicy tangential opinion: Dick therapy is valid - oh did you mean the other kind of spicy? Clichés are clichés for a reason, and that reason is that they work, embrace the cheesiness my friends
Tagging @mejomonster @jockvillagersonly and whoever else I haven’t seen tagged already! 💖💕
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bereft-of-frogs · 3 years
3. Do you have any upcoming WIPs? How far along are you with them? + 4: Tell me about one of your abandoned WIPs. Why did you abandon it? + 5: Share a snippet that you’re proud of from an upcoming fic/chapter. + 17: What has been the proudest moment for you so far since you started writing? ---- Sorry, i am very curious :D
Thanks for asking! Questions are from this list, if anyone wants to send any more!
3. Do you have any upcoming WIPs? How far along are you with them?
The two I’m currently focusing on out of my sea of WIPs are what I’m calling the ‘twin bastard WIPs’: aka, the grotesque fic and ‘variations on a redemption arc 1′. I’m calling them that because they’re both similar despite being in different fandoms. They’re both about the same length, they both deal with dark themes (including torture, always fun), there’s a lot of overwrought emotional conversations - and I was having the same problems with them. Specifically, I’d put them aside and let myself get distracted by other works and then when I picked them back up I would have like...the same series of revelations every single time. Like, ‘oh I should do this and this, and THIS is the real motivation for this character behind the mask.........wait I’ve already done this.’ So I decided to just focus on these two until they were finished, which is going...umm...okay.  (There was not a ‘variations on a redemption arc 2′ when I made this pledge and then wrote three pages of it in a notebook...)
I would say I should be done with both by the end of the summer? Hopefully? well, the grotesque fic has a deadline now and I’m making good progress on the other (though I have fight scenes left to write blegh I always procrastinate writing fight scenes).
4. Tell me about one of your abandoned WIPs. Why did you abandon it?
I rarely consider WIPs abandoned. Either they were never really WIPs to begin with, just snippets of ideas and dialogue I had no intention of expanding on in the first place, indulgent scenes I just wrote for myself, or I still have hope to finish them. Two slightly longer ones though that I would call abandoned:
- last year to combine a whumptober prompt with a bad things happen bingo square (hunting season + surrender) I started a Star Wars fic but the worldbuilding never came together and I subsequently learned there’s an arc of The Clone Wars that did almost the same thing (one day I will actually watch The Clone Wars....it is not this day, though I do have a friend who might bully me into it soon) so I just scrapped it.
- I had another earlier version of the ‘Team Revengers on the Ark’ type semi-episodic fic, but I ended up pilfering some individual scenes for ‘pain and other human sensations’ and I ended up liking where I went with that a lot better (even for things that didn’t affect the larger series plot, like the Grandmaster’s return) and never really cared to go back and continue this version
5. Share a snippet that you’re proud of from an upcoming fic/chapter.
from ‘variations on a redemption arc 1′
“You’ll let him die?”
The thought of it leaves him momentarily breathless. But he still says, “Yes. I would let him die a Jedi.”
Silence falls between them. Qui-Gon expects Dooku to leave. But he doesn’t.
“I cannot deny,” Dooku says after a few minutes of quiet. The roar of pain has dulled to a steady throb. “That once I would perhaps have answered as you did. That I would have perhaps had the sense of honor to let you die rather than fall. But I have watched too many Jedi cut down in service of a mission that failed long ago, and I will do it again.”
file this under, ‘willing to put up with writing 3 separate fight scenes because I am in love with this one exchange’
[additional note: the second ‘variations on a redemption arc’ isn’t actually a sequel but just another fic along the same lines, with some divergences, which is why I really want to finish this one first, because first of all I keep getting distracted and losing track of the complicated emotional and political motivations, but I also don’t want to mix up themes since they’re taking place at very different narrative points. it’s just a funny placeholder title haha, because the other day I was like ‘wait isn’t this just another variation on the same narrative’ and then was like ‘eh, two cakes’]
not from the grotesque fic, but the conclusion to an accidental trilogy about ghosts and hallucinations:
“You see, in this I preferred the old Thor. He’d spare me these sorts of conversations, bury it down deep and act as if nothing’s wrong.”
Thor’s gaze is level. “You’re asking me to act like nothing’s wrong?”
“Yes.” Loki would vastly prefer never to have this conversation. He’d much prefer that Thor dismiss any of his new oddities as simple quirks and let him suffer in silence until it all fades. He turns back to his counting. 5…10…15…20…
“I know you’d prefer to avoid this talk, but see, that’s what got us in this mess in the first place, brother.” Thor sounds weary. “I let you suffer in silence until it didn’t fade, until it all blew up in my face. And you ask me to do it again? To repeat history?”
Loki stops counting cans. He was certain that he had not said any of that out loud. He turns and opens his mouth, but before he can demand an explanation, Thor says, “How’s the inventory coming?”
Only the Thor he was looking at hadn’t said anything, and the voice came from behind him.
Loki turns. Thor stands in the doorway, looking at him with an innocent smile on his face. Loki glances back to the crate where his brother had been perched. It is empty. He turns back to the Thor in the doorway, face feeling very cold and something unpleasant in his stomach. “What?”
“How’s the inventory coming?” Thor asks, a bit slower this time.
This was just the first piece I wrote of this conclusion, still far from making any decent progress on it but I like it!
17. What has been the proudest moment for you so far since you started writing?
Tie between 1) any jokingly angry comment (like obviously not any actual nasty comments but the ones where people are like HURTS SO GOOD) 2) actually scratch that, when I finally got the first ‘you’re disgusting’ comment on one of my extremely rare actual Thorki fics, I was pretty proud of that too 3) any time I get to a place where I read back a fic of my that I’ve posted that hasn’t gotten a ton of comments or kudos and I’m like ‘hell yeah this is fire, I don’t care if the readers don’t appreciate you, fic, I appreciate you’. Which might sound sort of full of myself but it’s always a nice place to get to where it’s like...hey the validation is nice but also I just really like this work. wrote it for an audience of one, me, and me is happy so that’s a win.
Feel free anyone to send more asks! I will theoretically answer them at some point this evening as procrastination from actually writing
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morkofday · 3 years
fic tag game
thank you so much for tagging me @i-am-just-a-kiddo ♥ i love rambling about my fics and my writing even if it always also brings up all the doubts and insecurities i have but. these are my children so i will show them some love :’) and it is always just wonderful to share this all with you my dear ♥
placing under cut bc i do ramble, as yall know to expect by now!
Name: VishCount i’ve already explained the origin of that name a couple of times so am sparing you from that but gotta just say that i never expected to get so fond of this username and the nicknames that followed ♥
Fandoms: wow ok so buckle up, this is gonna be a ride first i gotta mention the finnish fandom for this youtuber group called LaeppaVika. i adored them as a teenager and i still watch the videos sometimes :’) couple of the members still stream stuff even if the group has pretty much fallen apart by now and am just very fond every time. they feel like home in a way. those fics were my first ones and am still kinda proud of some of those?
then there’s this one random finnish utapri fic i once wrote... tbh i’m not sure why my anime fandoms never made me write anything? maybe it was the inexperience and the fear of using a second language lol 
after i got over that and got into BTS, i’ve written a ton for them. most of those are oneshots that vary from 1k words to 10k or something. a couple of longer ones have sprouted too and one is still in the making and i have sooooo many ideas. mostly just random aus. i adore to write those. 
lately MDZS has been my favored fandom and it has gotten some oneshots too as well as my gigantic xicheng fic that hangs somewhere well above 100k now. i wish to finish the last part for that soon but who knows, maybe it will take longer than expected sigh. and now DMBJ has pushed in as something that yells at me to write tho i’ve only posted a short oneshot for it for now. and oh, last year i also posted a couple of silly oneshots for 2moons! that was... weird tbh but am glad i did that. 
i wish i had more fandoms tbh bc there is so much interesting stuff there and i have so many ideas and inspirations but i’m very slow at writing. things don’t always just come out and some fandoms don’t grasp me for long enough that i would be able to tap into any projects. but i have no hurry, right?
Tropes: hmm do i have any? am not sure. i thought that maybe soulmate aus or some abo stuff was my thing but i’ve slowly drifted away from those. then it comes to just... idk. hurt/comfort? found families? i also adore slow burn these days and i feel like i’ve gotten a bit better at writing that but it’s still a struggle. also just, as already noted, all these different aus? mostly fantasy based ones. those are always so cool and somehow very whimsical? and lately i’ve also just fallen into this hole where i love to write some bittersweet tragedies or at least stuff that feels like a tragedy in some sense (and i blame my dear kiddo for that bc they’ve written the sweetest of tragedies and i want that too ok)
Fic I spent most time on: how do you count this? do wips count? bc if they do, then I feel like my xicheng fic called you’re the sunset and i’m the last purple left behind is it. it just keeps on going and i feel like i’ve given it all of my waking hours and heart and soul.  then it could also be my BTS abo fic My Lungs for You to Breathe that is slowly reaching its second year? am not sure. but it has been going for ages bc sometimes it comes and sometimes it goes and currently i’ve spent over six months without updating it and. yeah.  (it would be nice to mention some fic here that i’ve made some research for but tbh i never do any research. am horrible like that but i’ve never just. had the energy? tho i have hopes that i could go on this wild research spree for this one guardian idea i have but let’s see...) 
Favorite fic(s) you’ve written: (making a list bc am unable to choose, fight me)
and you remain - my pingxie oneshot that just helped me to get all of the feelings i had after tlt2 pour out. am very fond of it destiny tied us together - some introspection of lwj and jc’s relationship and how it changes throughout the years as they both mature, learn things about themselves, fall in love and realize that they share the same ppl in their hearts (and maybe develop a tentative friendship bc they’re so similar in so many ways). i had so much fun with this and it just felt like my brightest moment haha painting your skin with all of me - the xicheng soulmate oneshot i wrote at some point and still adore. it just seemed to work and in the middle of my xicheng struggles writing them so briefly and gently just felt right pouring love (growing flowers) - the ot7 oneshot i wrote bc of this one amazing twt prompt/moodboard. it was the last part of my mono series. i love it so much. joon was so nice to write throughout the whole thing ;;  lilies bloomed under your carpet - my god au for taejoon. it poured out of me so wonderfully and it was so amazing. still one of my favorite creations, this whole au.  Stories Untold / chapter 3 - this was a collection of taejoon oneshots that i was trying to make but am not sure if i will ever finish them all. but this one, where tae is a forest god and joon a human able to see supernatural things, is very dear to me bc it just feels complete
Fic I spent least time on: gosh i think it must be either my first wangxian oneshot we had it almost or my touch-starved joon oneshot show me my skin and touch my heart with very soft and lovely taejoon. both created themselves in a couple of hours?
Longest fic: currently my xicheng monster but i somehow expect my bts abo fic to get even longer if i ever manage to finish it
Shortest fic: it’s apparently my namseok fic for joon’s tokyo called missing you (i’m homesick). it created itself out of my own experiences of living in a long distance relationship and is one of my faves in that series.  
Most hits/kudos/comments/bookmarks: most hits and comments go for my bts abo fic which doesn’t really surprise me when it’s a multichapter fic :’D most kudos go for the already mentioned xicheng oneshot and most bookmarks go for the bts ot7 fic!
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: hmm if i could rewrite something, it would probably be my first bts fic and my second long fic called Even the Universe Makes Mistakes. that soulmate au now feels a bit outdated and there are many parts i would like to change and things i would love to think again.  then if i was allowed to expand some world, i would love to write more for the xicheng soulmate au bc there are many other pairings i would love to explore there too or just to see lxc’s take on the events perhaps. other thing would be my namgi oneshot it passes (for us both) bc i adore namgi and the love they create in that brief moment. 
Share a bit of a WIP: it hasn’t been long since i shared snippets of several wips but let’s go with my pingxie which i’ve been working on and am just so damn excited about (especially now that i can use the bazaar photoshoot imagery as inspiration):
“He moves, pulled in by the darkness of the lake, mirroring the softly blue sky with its gray, heavy clouds. The snow lands on his nose, into his lashes, clings to his coat and his shoes. He doesn’t feel cold, doesn’t hear anything beyond the softness of the snowfall. Nothing exists and everything does, real and fake at the same time, comforting but still making him feel afraid.
He could lose himself here, could be lost from everything. He could stay and be forgotten, could join those people that tried to make him remain, could take the easier way. He could rest, just like he was supposed to do so many times before.
Maybe he does belong, after all. Maybe he is part of this place, so awfully familiar with it, so willing to even stop his own heart to get here. And maybe he is not, this place only hungry for those who don’t yet remain, refuse to give into this dream-like space.”
thank you once more for tagging me my dear! this was fun even if looking back to my old fics and all the lack of updating and posting these days makes me feel kinda bad... i’ve just been in a slump lately and am slowly trying to get out of it even if i almost fall back in all the time. it’s funny when last spring i felt like i was at my peak sigh. but well, as i’ve already said, i have time right?
i dunno so many writers over here but i’m tagging @cross-d-a and @kholran bc i’m curious about your work. also tagging @inkblue-black and @jockvillagersonly if you want to blabber about something or if you just want to see this. and oh also tagging @wangxianbunnydoodles bc am always open for new ppl and i know that you write ^^ 
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stealing-jasons-job · 4 years
Fic updates & timeline 🥰
Here is my current prompt list and potential timeline. 
I’m currently participating in the @t100fic-for-blm initiative, and I am working through those prompts in the order I’ve received them. I appreciate all of you guys being patient (especially with my WIPs that have taken a backseat for the initiative), and I’m excited for what’s coming down the pipeline! At the moment, I am not accepting new prompts until I can work through this list. <3 
The rest is under the cut, but here is an up-to-date look at my fic list: 
Current ongoing projects
Upcoming fics 
WIPS I swear I haven’t abandoned 
Current ongoing projects
Wreck Jroth Club Fic Collab 
Would you choose the end of war and suffering in your own lifetime if it meant the end of every other universe, too—including ones where you, your friends, and your family are happy and at peace?
Or, the S7 finale rewrite where Clarke experiences some of these other lifetimes and makes the ultimate choice of whether or not the end of suffering in her own reality is worth sacrificing infinite others where things might have gone differently.
An angsty fic collab where different writers from the Bellarke fandom write different chapters as part of an overarching story. Each intro is written by me, as well as the first chapter, last chapter, and a few sprinkled in the middle. Follow @wreck-jroth-club for updates! 
Bellarke Big Bang - Find me in the light 
While I can’t unveil the premise just yet, I am a writer, creator, and mod alongside @animmortalist for Bellarke Big Bang 2021! First chapter will publish in June, but I’ll be working on this fic in my spare time between now and then.  Y’all, get ready for some ANGST. I haven’t been this excited about a fic in a long time. 
Upcoming fics 
Linctavia prompt — official title TBD
Prompted by @1munequita
Linctavia as sexually frustrated parents whose daughter continually interrupts them. 
Cross my heart - official title TBD 
Prompted by @thecspenciskillingme
Gallagher Girls AU! 
Normal 18-year-old girls graduate high school and then go off to college with their friends. Maybe they join a sorority. Hell, maybe they get a boyfriend or girlfriend and fall in love. They sleep in and skip class and stay up late with their equally normal friends.
But Clarke Griffin has never been normal.
It comes with the territory of being the daughter of two renowned spies for the CIA. Clarke had been raised to speak seven languages and be able to change her entire appearance with nothing but a pair of nail clippers and some shoe polish. She wasn't built for normal.
Angsty. Spy shit. Multi-chapter. 
I see a monster’s eyes in the mirror - official title TBD 
Prompted by @constellationbellamy 
S6/7 AU — Bellamy got nightblood in S6 when Josie took him prisoner, and Bellamy is who Slim Sheidy "takes over" in S7. Fulfilling all of our void!Bellamy dreams without the religious indoctrination ala Steve and Etherea. Also, there will finally be a reason why no one killed Slim Sheidy as soon as they realized he was back. 
Is this potentially the angstiest idea I’ve ever had? 120% But don’t worry, it’ll have a happy ending. My name is not Jason. 
Criminal Minds AU - official title TBD
Prompted by @constellationbellamy​ 
A Bellarke Criminal Minds AU. 
Song prompt: Let You Down by NF
Prompted by @edgelessness
Everyone thinks Clarke has the perfect life, including her best friend's older brother Bellamy. But that's far from the truth.
Angsty AF.
Bear Grylls AU - official title TBD 
Prompted by @slyth-princess 
A collab between myself and @writetheniteaway for Beardcave. 
Don’t expect me to fall in love with her, too - official title TBD
Prompted by @writetheniteaway
Against all odds, Steve Doucette fell in love with Bellamy Blake. And Bellamy fell for him, too. But once they start rebuilding back on Earth after the "the last war” and transcendence turns out to be a myth, Steve starts to realize exactly what Bellamy meant in the cave when he said Octavia and Clarke were the most important people in his life.
As he gets to know the blonde, he can see the deep connection that exists between her and Bellamy. They are part of each other’s souls, and Steve can’t help but admire the way they are together. He’s not going to stand in the way of their relationship, whatever it is — after all, he was raised believing you could love more than one person equally. He knows Bell loves him, and he’s okay with the knowledge that Bellamy loves Clarke, too. But just because he understands why his boyfriend loves her doesn’t mean he has plans to fall in love with her himself.
Then again, you know what they say about well-laid plans.
Angsty. Sappy. <3 The OT3 we deserve. Multi-chapter.
Two sides of a coin — official title TBD
Prompted by @sparklyfairymira
Bellarke/Jeresa crossfic for all you QotS fans! Teresa and James are trying to establish themselves in the Dallas market, but DEA agents Clarke and Bellamy are determined to not make it easy. Throughout the fic, both sides will start to understand the other a little more and learn how to coexist without sacrificing their livelihoods or their integrity.
Angsty AF. Multi-chapter.
WIPs I swear I haven’t abandoned 
Since joining the BLM initiative, my focus has shifted away from WIP updates and toward completing prompts as they come in. To be honest, I was not expecting to receive as many prompts as I have (which is amazing on so many levels), so I apologize for how long it’s been since some of my fics have been updated. 
I appreciate you all being patient, but here are the WIPs I swear I haven’t abandoned! If anyone wants to prompt chapter updates for the BLM initiative, that will help get these on the prios list sooner. But otherwise, these bad boys will still get done. Albeit more slowly.  
I'm gonna get myself back home to you 
S4/5 AU where Bellarke gets together before he goes to the Ring, and he never believes she’s really dead. Told from multiple POVs before, during, and after the Ring. 
Next update: Ch. 6 — March 2021 
Intertwining Your Soul 
Arranged marriage grounder fic. 
Next update: Ch. 12 - March 2021
Amor vincit onmia 
S7 rewrite to spite Jason. 
Next update: Ch. 2 — March 2021 
There are some things written in the stars
Timeless AU
Next update: Ch. 4 - April 2021
Choices We Make 
Greys Anatomy AU. 
Next update: Ch. 9 - April 2021 
If you’ve made it to the end of this long-ass update post, I commend you. lol But hopefully for those of you wondering when certain things will be published or what upcoming fics you can expect from me, this provides some clarity! 
You may have noticed I took off the expected publish dates. I’m trying like hell to stick to a schedule, but I can’t make any promises and I hated letting anyone down if something didn’t get published on the expected date. 
Shoutout to my BAHSA babes for keeping me sane, thebellarkes Discord for enabling my angsty-ass fic ideas (and for prompting me for BLM to write a ton of said ideas). Forever grateful for a community of people who support my writing! 
Come hang out with me on AO3 @stealing-jasons-job or Twitter @stealjasonsjob! 
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kasienda · 4 years
Too Many WIPs
@mikauzoran tagged me to the List all the Titles of your WIPs Challenge!
And while I’ve been ignoring a lot of Tumblr games lately, apparently I’m absolutely weak for getting the chance to talk about my projects. And since, most of these haven’t seen the light of day... I was really excited! 
Published WIPs: Craving for Chocolate Milkshakes (Sailor Moon) - A romantic comedy. Usamamo mind reading trope. It’s ONE chapter away from completion, and that one chapter is 80% there, and just refuses to be fleshed out. But seriously, WHY IS THIS ONE NOT ALREADY DONE?! Restorative Justice - (Miraculous Ladybug) - A Chloé redemption story where she decides to heal the rifts between Ladybug and Chat Noir that have been caused by them not knowing each other’s identities. Pulls heavily from my experience as a teacher trained in restorative justice practices. This story is surprisingly easy to work on at the moment. It’s the only one that cooperates with me! It’s currently got a five chapter outline. Chapter three is mostly done. Just needs to be fleshed out so it’s more than talking heads in a white room. (Dialogue always comes easily to me. The rest of it is hard!) Coming of Age (Sailor Moon) - Loosely based on the Black Moon arc. Neo Queen Serenity has been mortally wounded, and can only be healed by the silver crystal. But no one is old enough to use it! So in a desperate move Chibiusa is sent back in time to be raised by her parents. Not that she knows that they’re her parents. This one hasn’t been updated in a year. I blame fic exchanges (that are all completed now!). But I’m really excited about this next chapter. Like stoked! Invisible Wounds (Sailor Moon) - An AmiZoi medical/senshi drama. Pulls really closely from my personal life as a parent. I also haven’t published an update for this one in like a year. But the next chapter is really close! (I keep saying that! Is it true?)
UnPublished WIPs: Aftermath (Miraculous Ladybug) - Multi chapter dealing with the Aftermath of a Hawkmoth unveiling and defeat. Pre-reveal. Lots of mental health stuff. A story about healing. Chapter one is close. I’m surprised it’s not out yet. Celebrity Status (Miraculous Ladybug) - A multi chapter Ladrien story. Ladybug goes to Adrien for advice about dealing with being famous. They understand one another’s struggles more than they did before. And end up super close! First chapter is close-ish. It’s got like a ten chapter outline. I was originally trying to post it this past June for Ladrien June, but got distracted by other projects and haven’t gone back to it yet. Maybe I’ll shoot to get it out next June. Yin and Yang (Miraculous Ladybug) - I haven’t done all the ridiculous tropes yet. Here I’m playing with a body swap of Adrien and Marinette. It has a similar feel and tone as Chocolate Milkshakes. I’m really having too much fun with it. No where close to seeing the light of day.   Matchmaker (Sailor Moon) - When the future utopia is destroyed, Pluto manages to protect Chibiusa from the timeline changes and sends her back in time to fix whatever prevented her parents from meeting and getting together. It’s much harder than the girl anticipates. Mostly exists as two initial opening scenes and then just snippets of Chibiusa getting frustrated with her parents who won’t stop being mean to each other.  Motherhood part 4 & 5 (Do those even count as titles? They’ll have titles eventually!). These are Sailor Moon Reveals (sort’ve!) In part 4, Usagi realizes her mother knows and has known for awhile. They get to talk. In part five, Kenji figures it out and has a fight with Ikuko because she kept it from him. I have these outlined blow by blow but haven’t gotten them to fall into place yet. A Bad Day (Ladybug Reveal) - Marinette is having a really bad day. Like akuma worthy bad. And she is just now realizing how strategically horrible that is. This one is SO CLOSE to being done. I don’t know why it isn’t.  Infidelity (Ladybug Reveal) - Established Adrinette relationship pre-reveal. Adrien and Marinette get into fights because the other one is lying all the time about where they are. Ladybug and Chat Noir confide in each other about their relationship woes and give each other wonderful advice that help Adrien and Marinette learn to actually communicate with each other!  A Letter to my Teenage Self (Ladybug oneshot) - Adult Ladybug full of regret gets thrown back in time with an opportunity to change things, but in talking to her younger self Ladybug finds herself amazed by the young girl before her, and doesn’t want to change a thing about her. This one is just starting to take form. Idea was given to me from my Discord peeps after they asked me what advice I had for my teenage self! Always Enough (Ladybug) - An Adrino story I started like a week ago. I was trying to expand my repertoire by challenging myself to do a non canon relationship. And I love Nino to death and he doesn’t get enough attention. And Adrien is me, so.... I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that 4.5k words in, this became far more autobiographical than I had ever intended. 
And honestly, there’s like ten other stories that have been started. But I don’t currently have any active intention of working on them in the near future, so I’ll spare you. And who knows if I will publish all of these either. When I’m stressed, I am not as disciplined about what I’m working on. I just work on what comes. This is not conducive to finishing things, but it is conducive to my mental health. 
Anyway, this was fun! I tag @tinacentury, @floraone, @alexseanchai, @ladyofthenoodle, @e-milieeee, @apopcornkernel, @ominousunflower, @chronicallylatetotheparty, @starlingsinclair, and anyone who wants to do it! 
No pressure!! (I may have tagged you because I’m selfishly very curious what you’re working on so I know what I have to look forward to maybe at some point! But STILL no pressure!) 
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damnhardwork · 4 years
can i break your wip rules and ask about a little bit of the the two-body problem?
Apologies for taking so long to reply. Time sort of ran away from me when I wasn’t looking.
You can! But, also, you're not really breaking them at all, as the next bit of The Two Body Problem is actually titled Dead Weight in my drafts - I can't remember why, but it is! I'm afraid this fic has taken a little bit of a backseat due to circumstances IRL - these days, I have just about enough brain power (and spare time) to update short, generally plot-less smut fic with any regularity. However, it has not been abandoned! I'm still chipping away at it, and I hope to get chapter 4 up in the not too distant future. The aim is to have it finished by Christmas, though I'm not entirely sure how realistic that goal is, given that it's run away and developed a plot. As things stand so far, we have Garak and Bashir currently getting used to being in each others bodies (and unable to remember exactly how it happened, or the 12 hours or so before. Sad times, considering what they got up to...); an empty canister left outside the control panel of the exploded holosuite in Quark's bar; Odo and O'Brien investigating the attempted murder of the engineer who discovered said canister; and a mysterious, shadowy figure making a nuisance of itself by hiding in cargo bays and braining unwitting engineers.   So, what's next? A little more mystery. A little more tension. A little more memory loss...
In the next chapter, you’re going to find out exactly how they lost their memories. More, too. But let’s not give it all away, eh?
Here's a little snippet from chapter 4...
“I must admit, having you here is pleasant, despite the circumstances,” said Garak over the rim of the teacup. 
They were finishing breakfast. Tarkalean tea—extra sweet, Julian noted with interest—for Garak; a mug of something dark, hot and distinctly fishy for Julian. As the doctor sat and sipped delicately at his beverage, all he could think was that the comparisons made themselves.   
“Careful, that almost sounds like the truth,” Julian said with a forced grin. “Next thing you know, you’ll be telling me all your secrets.”
“After this, do you think I’ll have any left?”
Garak had a point. Short of a minor miracle, Julian doubted either of them would come out of the situation with much mystery remaining. For Julian himself, that boat had already sailed—at least when it came to the more intimate aspects of his friend’s body. He tried very hard not to imagine how long it would be before Garak reached a similar state of awareness. 
And failed.  
“I’m sure you’ll continue to surprise me,” he said, shifting upon his seat. “Whether I like it or not.”
Garak quirked a dark eyebrow. A small smirk curled at the edge of his lips—one that was decidedly more attractive than it had any right to be, considering who’s face it was. For Julian, it was almost like looking in a funhouse mirror. Familiar yet not at the same time, the weirdness of watching his own face react so openly at the behest of Garak’s emotions sending a strange little thrill down his spine. 
He was going to end up with some sort of complex at this rate. Narcissus eat your heart out, Julian thought.  
“What are your plans for the day, Doctor?” Garak said after a moment. 
“No idea. I’ve been relieved of duty for the foreseeable, and given that we’ve been confined to your quarters, my to-do list is remarkably free.” Julian drained the last of the strange liquid from his mug, and set it down upon the table with a clink. “However, I’d like to take a look at your sutures at some point today. They weren’t fully healed when we left the Infirmary. I promised Jabara I’d keep an eye on them.”
Garak’s face darkened. He sighed heavily, eyes becoming wary.
“If you must,” he said with a dismissive wave.
Julian rolled his eyes. 
“There’s no need to be like that. It’s my body, Garak. It’s not like I haven’t seen it before.”
“Not with me in it, you haven’t.”
Julian let the unintentional double entendre slide. He didn’t think pointing it out would achieve anything. Well, anything other than a different variety of pointing, should his mind continue to dwell upon it. He’d had enough of that for one day already.  
“What about yourself?” he said, trying not to think about what had happened in the shower. Or in the corridor afterwards. “Any plans?”
“My accounts require attention.”
“Living life to the full, I see.”
“Not all of us can live a life of leisure. Some of us still have work to do,” Garak replied.
Julian sighed. “I suppose I’ll have to entertain myself, then.”
“Not at all, Doctor. I had a vain hope that you might help me.”
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amyscascadingtabs · 3 years
2020 in writing
tagged by the wonderful @feeisamarshmallow and @b99peraltiago! thank you, this took me seriously three hours but it was fun. 
tagging whoever has three hours to spare!! but i’d love to see @amydancepants-peralta, @letsperaltiago, @johnny-and-dora, and @fezzle do this, although no pressure because this took me the entire evening. 
1. List of works published this year
oh god this is going to take forever...
i’ll walk through hell with you, chapter 5, 6 & 7
all the kingdom lights shined just for me and you
a single kiss and i’m under your spell
paper cut stings from our paper-thin plans
dust off your highest hopes
i can’t see the future, but i know that it’s there
look now, the sky is gold
look at where we are, look at where we started
bracing for the winds i always summon
just know that i’m already home
there’s magic everywhere you go
we’ve found a love to cross the ages
all my days, i’ll know your face
hell was the journey but it brought me heaven
(three times ‘cause) i’ve waited my whole life
if devotion is a river, then i’m floating away
when all your heroes get tired (i’ll be something better yet)
i am not a stranger to the dark
in the cracks of light, i dreamed of you
rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky
21 works!! 
2. Work you are most proud of (and why)
I am really really proud of finishing i’ll walk through hell with you, that’s still one of the highlights in my writing “career”. bracing for the winds i always summon and (three times ‘cause) i’ve waited my whole life, because they were both longer works with a lot of introspection that focused a lot on jake and amy’s feelings about upcoming parenthood. especially the last one I still love dearly. i’m also really proud of the fics i wrote all from rosa’s perspective (paper cut stings from our paper-thin plans and when all your heroes get tired (i’ll be something better yet)).
3. Work you are least proud of (and why)
none! I guess a few of them are shorter and written way quicker than some others, but I always take that into consideration when “evaluating” how proud I am of them so no. personally, I’m proud of everything in different ways. 
4. A favourite except of your writing
referring to the creator tag meme for this where I posted excerpts from the five works I’m most proud of!
5. Share or describe a favourite review you received
questions like these remind me that I need to start saving my favorite reviews somewhere! that’s a goal for 2021, haha. but every comment that have listed their favorite moments in the fic I reread like five times over and smile every time, and all the comments people left me on the last chapter of i’ll walk through hell with you were so wonderful. and the rosa fic. and the -
you know what, I just started reading through old comments and I can’t pick one, it feels too unfair to all the other incredible ones I ’ve gotten. so. all of them!!!! I love you guys!!
I will mention this one that someone sent me in the middle of summer, during a period when I wasn’t writing or publishing so it ended up meaning that much more for that reason as well. comment on look at where we are, look at where we started (in the brief period of time when we thought peraltiago baby would be named Leo)
“Idk why, but the way Jake was talking to Leo made me wonder if my parents ever talked to me like that right after I was born. I've been told the story of my birth every birthday since I was born, so I know it by heart, but despite the countless Peraltiago baby fics and other fandom baby fics I've read, this is the one that made me wonder what my parents were thinking when I was born. And then it made me wonder what I'm gonna think when I give birth to a kid, or if I adopt a kid.” like, I was just so floored that something I wrote made someone reflect so deeply on their own life. and I want to underline that I have so so many favourite reviews but yes, this one stuck with me!
6. A time when writing was really, really hard
this summer was the hardest it’s ever been. first the (rightful) hesitance and reflection that followed the BLM protests and then some trauma and deep depression added onto that for me was… yeah. it took a really long time to find real joy in it again. 
7. A scene of characters you wrote that surprised you
Jake and Rosa’s friendship in i am not a stranger to the dark! I’ve written a bit of Rosa and Amy and feel quite comfortable with their friendship and dynamic but far less of Jake and Rosa! 
“At least this is still way better than... that.” “Literally everything is better than prison.” “True that.” Rosa looks up at the tv, realizing she’s missed at least ten minutes of the movie already. “I’m glad we got out.” “Sometimes it still feels like a part of me didn't,” Jake says, quietly. “You ever feel that way?” “Sometimes,” she admits. “We did, though. That's what's important.”
Rosa can hear someone talking in the background on the other end, and Jake mumbling something back in reply. “I have to go,” he tells her, and it makes her a little sad, because he's good company. “I can't miss dinner. Wouldn't want to piss off the entirety of my fiancées family before I’ve even married her, right?”
8. How did you grow as a writer this year?
I wrote more Rosa! that’s probably the single thing which helped me grow most, because she’s arguably a much harder character to write than Jake and Amy, since most of the time you really have no clue what she’s thinking. I have to think a lot harder about how Rosa thinks and feels and reacts to things and I feel like that makes me a better writer overall. 
9. How do you hope to grow next year?
I don’t have any big expectations tbh. I know next year is going to take so much of my energy “”professionally”” or well, study-wise, so I think it’s the wrong year to set ambitious creative writing goals for me. then there’s also the inevitable fact that I’ve written a whopping ninety-nine stories for this show now and I’m always asking myself for how long it will last. there was a point in april-may where I thought it was going to be the end and during the entire summer as well. so… we’ll see. I don’t have any WIP I’m aching to finish right now. 
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta of cheerleader or muse etc. etc.)?
@fezzle, @johnny-and-dora, @vernonfielding, @amydancepants-peralta, @feeisamarshmallow, @amazingsantiago and @letsperaltiago all deserve their own shoutouts here for various reasons!! (if you want to know more about why just message me!) 
11. Anything from real life show up in your writing this year?
always, in different ways in how I relate to the characters and different feelings and moments and experiences that would take way too long to explain. but if I could choose one fic it would be paper cut stings from our paper-thin plans. I worked through a lot of feelings about a breakup I went through in this one and they were ones I hadn’t really had the chance to let myself feel before writing this. It isn’t similar to how my breakup went, at least I didn’t mean for it to be and haven’t put any intentional similarities in there (although I guess there are a few if you look for them) but some of the things Rosa thinks, says and feels after being broken up with were quite personal. i am not a stranger to the dark and the way it focuses on healing after trauma was also partly personal although way much less obviously so because the experiences are quite different lol.
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers?
make writer friends! talk to other writers! you’ll both learn so much and it makes writing and developing fics so much more fun!
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year
I currently have zero WIP and zero real plans so genuinely who knows. all depends on what my life will look like and what s8 will bring us! 
14. If you could recommend only one work from yourself published this year
all the favourite five, but maybe when all your heroes get tired (i’ll be something better yet). I think it’s a great complement to the Rosa and Amy action we saw in season 7 and it has a lot of peraltiago from someone else’s viewpoint as well. 
15. Year word count
are you kidding meeeee okay here we go.
okay, so adding everything I’ve published this year together… 111 283 words.
😳 😳 😳 
additional trivia: the shortest fic was 651 words (evermore), the longest if you exclude the three chapters of i’ll walk through hell with you (they are 24.6k together though) (three times ‘cause) i’ve waited my whole life, and the average word count for a fic of mine this year was 5 299 or 4 838 words, depending on whether you count the chapters of i’ll walk through hell with you as one or three works. that makes sense because i feel like i’ve written a loot of fics around that length this year! 
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2020 Masterlist
Here’s a list of all the fics I’ve posted this year! (Listed by category, then chronologically:)
Link to my ao3 where you can read all of these: embarrassingresultofmyfreetime
Currents wips:
And They Were Quarantine Mates
An old disease has resurfaced on Earth- one which most humans recover from but is permanently lethal to Time Lords.
Because of this, the Doctor stays on Earth to make sure her humans make it through okay.
And because of the Doctor, the Master- against his better judgement- also chooses to stay.
Reluctant to leave the safety of the Doctor's Tardis, the Doctor and the Master find plenty of ways to pass the time but it can be difficult to enjoy each other's company with so many things left unsaid.
Good thing they have plenty of time in isolation to work it out.
Word Count: Currently 88,172
Spyfall: Battle For Humanity
This is a little number I like to call: Roleswap AU with Dhawan!Doctor and Whittaker!Master
It's sort of a rewrite of Spyfall p2 but it's better.
Word Count: Currently 5,688 (will be about 12k when finished)
Main fics (completed):
Please Tell Me Why Do We Worry
Summary: After learning about the final loss of Gallifrey, the Doctor takes some time to grieve and finds herself with surprisingly mixed feelings about the whole ordeal.
To her surprise, a knock at her Tardis door soon reveals the Master not only alive, but in uncontrollable mental agony as he reveals that the Doctor's suffering has been amplifying his own emotions via their telepathic bond.
Note: (After so many kind and positive comments on this fic, I finally gained the confidence to start posting more! A huge thank you to so many people it means so, so much to me!)
Word Count: 5,068
Second Chances
When Graham finds a teleportation cube offering an all-expenses-paid vacation, he, Ryan, and Yaz take up the offer and give the seemingly-distant Doctor some time to herself.
After the events of Skyfall 1&2, the trust between the trio and a certain timelord is shaken. However, when their vacation quickly becomes a nightmare, it's up to the Doctor to bring about peace on an upsettingly familiar planet.
Note: (A rewrite/fix it of S11 episode Orphan 55)
Word Count: 7,130
All’s Fair In Love And War
Having escaped alive and alone, the Master dwells on his failure and uncertainty at what to do next.
Purely by accident, he runs into a version of the Doctor he's never met before and she gives him a much needed perspective on their relationship.
Word Count: 4,653
Truth and Reconciliation
“I... I destroyed a lot of things, but not this... trove of secrets. This is what started it all.”
Missing Scene where the Master goes to Gallifrey and discovers the truth of the timeless child for the first time + alternate ending to The Timeless Children episode
Word Count: 7,563
The Doctor Finally Gets Some Rest
(Ch2 update Missy pov)
The Doctor promised to guard Missy for 1000 years, but Missy doesn't mind returning the favor.
Word Count: 5,671
I Wouldn’t Wish It On My Best Enemy
"Just deserts appeared to finally be served for the Doctor. All her running had come to an end, all the lives she's taken or caused had finally been assigned a numerical value, and all the morals she had once believed in seemed to crumble to dust right before her eyes.
A life sentence.
She had JUST BEEN TOLD she would never die, and the first thing the universe does is give her a life sentence.
What kind of cruel joke is that?"
Basically: The Doctor reflects on herself while in prison, the Master rescues the Doctor and actually helps her, and idk read the tags
Word Count: 4,629
Brand New Reality
In an alternate timeline: The Master is killed in the Time War but the Doctor finds a way to salvage his oldest friend's mind by binding it to his Tardis and building him an android vessel as a way to interact with the physical world.
The Doctor also manages to save the Time Lords from their war- but he is still a renegade in their eyes. As punishment, the High Council uses the Doctor- and by extension the Master- as their personal diplomats/field agents.
The Master isn't too happy about being trapped on the Doctor's Tardis, the Doctor is fed up with being the equivalent of a dog on a leash to the Time Lords, so in a moment of anger and also pure luck- they break out from their world and end up on a parallel one with a very different version of their universe and very different versions of themselves.
(Shalka!Universe Doctor and Master meet their modern counterparts- the Thirteenth Doctor and Dhawan!Master)
Word Count: 10,148
The Imposter(s) Among Us
The Doctor has been searching the universe for the Master, but it's only when she takes a break to help a damaged space vessel that she runs directly into him!
The Doctor has a hundred and one things to ask him, but there's no time for any of that now. The ship is barely functional and if the mysterious murderer doesn't get to the Doctor first, then the trigger-happy crewmates might throw her out the airlock before the killer gets a chance.
Word Count: 12,655
My Dear, Doctor…
The Doctor investigates an anomaly to find that her previous self has stood up their oldest friend for the umpteenth time.
Confused as to why the Doctor can't recall ever receiving Missy's invitation in the first place, the Doctor goes searching for answers and ends up finding far more letters than just one…
Word Count: 6,657
And They Were Happy Au Parts 1-4:
Part 1: Dinner and a Show
All his lives, the Master had always believed that he and the Doctor could hold on for about the same amount of time. He always imagined that when they reached their last lives, they would both give all this up and spend their retirement years bickering and raising bees or whatever. The Master didn't particularly like bees, but he had always imagined that the Doctor did and as long as they were together, that was enough to satisfy him.
What he had discovered in the Matrix had proved his ideal endgame impossible.
The revelation that the Doctor was The Timeless Child meant that the Doctor would always live on. They would always evolve and survive no matter what happened. The Doctor would always race to people in need; and now, they would never have any reason to stop.
(AU where the reason the Master wanted the Doctor to kill them both in The Timeless Child is bc he's on his last life)
Word Count: 5,120
Part 2: Dinner and a Show One-Offs
"The Doctor did her best to space out her visits with O. For every couple adventures she had with her 'fam', she would stop by his home once or so. Sometimes she let months slip by, because she knew that the longer she waited, the less of O's limited time she used up.
She felt guilty to calculate it, but if O was already in his mid-thirties and he lived a full human life...
Suffice it to say, she wanted it to last for as long as possible. She had never had a situation as stable nor as safe as she now had with O. After everything they had both been through to get to this point, she refused to jeopardize a single moment.
For all the pain the Master had caused her, O was well worth the wait."
(By popular demand, a continuation of 'Dinner and a Show')
Word Count: 10,926
Part 3: Unjustifiable
O- having no recollection of his actions as 'The Master'- returns to being Earth's Horizon Watcher.
O is proud of his work and he cherishes the Doctor's frequent visits, but it's becoming increasingly apparent that she's been keeping more secrets about his past than he had theorized.
To make matters worse, the arrival of an advanced species of aliens on his doorstep brings with it a whole new plethora of problems. Something terrifying resurfaces when O hears they're searching for a Tardis and things go terribly wrong.
Word Count: 23,870
Part 4: Found Family
The Master finally gets around to seeing the universe in a more peaceful way and runs into a young woman looking for her father.
Word Count: 3,663 (Will possibly be updated at a later date, but complete for now)
Oneshots Inspired by others (specific inspiration in the beginning notes of each):
All Alone In The Dark
While heading back to Earth, the Doctor hears someone calling for her help.
She tracks it back to the Master- injured yet alive- and finds him trapped in his own head, reliving his last confrontation with The Time Lord Council before the destruction of Gallifrey.
Word Count: 1,926
You Again
The 10th Doctor and Missy each escape their last canon appearances believing that the other is dead for good.
So imagine their surprise when they run into each other at a party in the 1920's.
Word Count: 6,943
Sick Day
The Master has everything set up for his latest evil scheme but when he tracks down the Doctor, he realizes his best enemy is in no condition to fight. So the Master does what any good nemesis does and takes care of him.
Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
Word Count: 2,807
Prompt: "Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge!" "Can I pick?"
The Master’s Tardis had traced the call seven minutes in advance to this exact time and location. He pushed open his Tardis door to find himself in front of some no name bar with graffiti scrawled on the side, situated in front of an empty ravine. He was on Earth, and there was probably a similarly ramshackled city around him, but he didn’t so much as spare it a glance.
The Master’s steps were determined, his jaw clenched, and his hands shaking despite his signature device in hand.
He had been on the other side of the universe, licking his wounds like any old villain would when disappointed by their latest nemesis showdown. It all made his blood boil to have caved so soon. To come back and HELP the Doctor.
The Doctor still had O’s number and her call was scheduled to be made in exactly seven minutes. A hysterical, agonizing call that begged the Master to intervene. He wasn’t sure what was worse, hearing the Doctor in so much despair, or the disappointment that hearing her in such agony somehow didn’t lessen his own.
Word Count: 2,410
The Beginning and The End
Prompt: First Doctor, Dhawan!Master, Gallifrey, and the dialogue: "I know my words mean close to nothing for you. But I do, in fact, love you very much."
Basically Theta (Academy Era Doctor) accidentally runs into the Master on a burning Gallifrey
Word Count: 4,499
Kisses Like That
The Doctor's never understood why humans enjoy kissing so much- but a certain, somewhat familiar woman piques his interest.
(Missy goes back in time to give 10 a lil kiss)
Word Count: 1,885
Spyvember 2020
Collection of short fics I did inspired by Spyvember prompts (from Tumblr)
Word Count: 15,506 (6 separate chapters)
Thank you to everyone who has inspired me, commented on my work, read any of my writing, and overall has just supported me in any way this year!! Thank you for keeping me motivated and helping me improve as a writer!
My best wishes to you in the new year! <3
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