#i have an EOC tomorrow.
sillycicle · 30 days
*walks up to the mic*
Mha brain rot
The crowd boos as I walk away, tripping on my way down the stairs
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justxaxstrayxkid · 1 year
Small and low quality Mizuchi ft smol baby Yato
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It's been a while. I miss these posts :(
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wof-inbox · 26 days
This anonwing is giving you a hug, because you're so so amazing and you deserve it
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Thanks anons and askers, you guys are great :)
might slow down production today and tomorrow, I have a SSA today (Statewide Science Assessment) and then my Civics EOC tomorrow, so yeah :/
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purity-town · 10 months
No update today -- next chapter's cover has had a good chunk of progress made on it, but I'm too busy tomorrow to get it finished up to post at a reasonable time. (This works out well anyhow, as I'll be moving back down for college next week, so if the current page wasn't partially finished already I may have not had the time to complete an update.) In the meantime, finally getting around to posting ask responses (below the cut)!
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I'm really glad to hear you're liking it! Life's been a little crazy lately, so updates have been more scattered than I'd like, but I'm still thoroughly enjoying making this comic, so I'm you're enjoying reading it!
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Looking at the timestamps, the first page was released on December 12th, 2020. So we’re just past 2 and a half years now!
The actual “development” of the story technically goes a bit further back to the time around the 1.4 update release, as I was getting really into the game lore and wrote up some worldbuilding ideas. Then in late November of 2020 I started planning a fanfic based on that, did a short 2-page comic set in that AU for fun, and then ended up expanding that original fanfic into the current, longer comic!
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I’m gonna tentatively say yes! At least, one per Andrew and the Clothier each. There wouldn’t really have been a reason to make more than one of Andrew. There technically could’ve been more made of the Clothier, but one was all that was really needed.
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Fortunately this current set of backgrounds outside of the dungeon is relatively simple, as I reuse the base coloring for the columns and adjust the perspective/lighting as necessary (each column is actually two pieces -- one “flat” side and one “angled” side).
I have a pretty limited capacity for doing backgrounds, so I tend to use tricks like this to reuse them where I can, haha. The first few backgrounds for an area tend to be harder, as I need to make assets and figure out how I want lighting and so on to work, but from there it usually gets easier.
It's still dependent on the background's design, of course -- backgrounds that are painted (usually outdoors) are a much different experience to work with than areas with detailed lineart and textured surfaces, such as the tavern and Andrew's kitchen. I'm slowly getting used to the perspective tools in Clip Studio Paint, though, which is helping a lot with drawing indoor spaces!
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In all honesty, I was mostly focused on making it immediately recognizable even in silhouette, and that it fit well on the page, rather than focusing on making it perfectly to scale or the likes, haha.
Design-wise I find the Wall of Flesh to be super interesting -- it visually ties the “first” boss of progression (EoC) in with the last boss (Moonlord). And it’s overall very jarring, in that it’s easy to accidentally summon and turns the Underworld into an inescapable auto scroller in a way none of the other bosses do. And of course the story/lore significance, etc. etc. etc.
So when the time comes, I hope I can do it justice!
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Honestly, I’m not sure! I still haven’t totally decided how that whole sequence of events will go -- some parts of it are very clearly planned out, others not so much. In a general sense, I do think that Chris’ reaction could vary significantly with the circumstances -- how much of a shock it is, and if he understands the significance of it -- but generally wouldn’t be good, in a horrified/panicking sense. 
At the current point in the comic, Chris *does* have a general idea that something weird is up with Andrew, just based on what Heather/Malik/Becca were saying (including Heather’s mention of “burns”), plus Andrew leaving in a hurry that morning and brushing it off when asked about it. He doesn’t believe that Andrew is evil, of course, just that he’s dealing with some things, and Chris is appropriately concerned.
So- yeah, finding a doll of Andrew in the Underworld- honestly, there are a lot of ways for him to take it badly.
But hey, once he has the doll, Hardmode won’t be far away, and that’ll bring a whole new host of problems for him to focus on instead!
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fuck-customers · 1 year
God I hate this quiet firing bullshit.
It's possible that I have my tinfoil hat on and I'm too paranoid, but I doubt it.
TL;DR: Am I paranoid for thinking that my employers are baiting me into calling out of my shift or am I onto something?
Backstory: My SM quit and I heard that she was going to be quitting a few days before she actually quit, according to a coworker. I had an issue with her underscheduling me and giving me 3 hour shifts (no break, I don't need a break, it's just a slap in the face) for a total of 3-9 hours per week, even though I've worked there for nearly 4 years, which is longer than she herself has. I went in on my day off to talk to her about it on her last day. I was careful not to blame her and even though I was furious, I put the blame on myself, asking her if I was doing something wrong and if there was something I could improve upon on my performance in order to see my hours increase.
She of course lied to my face and said that no, I was doing great and that I was one of their best employees, yadda, yadda, yadda. And that she'd talk to the leads taking over for her about increasing my hours.
Cut to about a month later. My hours STILL ha e not increased. I let it slide for a bit, considering that the leads were left without a SM and had a lot on their plate and I'm not the only employee in the store, possibly this was just an adjustment period. After a month or so, I went in to talk to the lead in charge of doing schedules (or at least I THOUGHT she was in charge of the schedule, every time I asked various members of management who was doing the schedule, I got various vague answers such as "we're switching off" and "management")
So I go in to talk about my hours and before I can actually get to talk about it, I'm blindsided by being told that I have a customer complaint against me, accusing me of being racist (absolutely not true, I live in a very diverse area, I would not survive if I did not like people different from myself) and that it's an EOC issue and it results in immediate termination.
WTF. Obviously I'm shocked and forget about the hours thing. Long story short, I may or may not have threatened my leads and made them think that I already have a lawyer and am planning on suing them for discriminating me (I am HOH and they have not accommodated me in any way, that is actually true, they have actually removed a help needed button that connects to our radios with a robotic voice that I can actually hear and replaced it with a bellhop bell that I cannot hear) so that whole issue seems to have been dropped. No mention of it since then and everything appears normal and it's as if nothing happened.
I'm not so naive to believe that it's all swept under the rug and everything is fine, we all hold hands and sing Kumbaya, so I'm watching my back.
Cut to today. I have a 3 hour shift today and also tomorrow. I am out of town and have been the past few days and my mom (who is the one who has to drive, I do not drive) is trying to convince me to call out and I am refusing, because I believe this is bait for a trap. I think they want me to call out, so they can add some bullshit like "shift abandonment" or something to the above-mentioned mess and fire me.
My question is, am I being paranoid and have my tinfoil hat on, or does it sound like they are trying to manipulate me into calling out so they can fire me for real under some bullshit excuse or something else?
Posted by admin Rodney.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu defended her decision to host a holiday party for elected officials of color after accidentally sending invitations to all members of the city council via email.
A city employee accidentally sent an email to all city councilors on Tuesday, inviting them to an “Electeds of Color Holiday Party” being held Wednesday night. The invitation was supposed to be exclusively for the city’s six council members of color but was sent to the full 13-member panel.
Fifteen minutes after that email was sent, Wu’s aide, Denise DosSantos, issued an apology.
“I wanted to apologize for my previous email regarding a Holiday Party for tomorrow,” DosSantos wrote in another email, per the Boston Herald. “I did send that to everyone by accident, and I apologize if my email may have offended or came across as so. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.”
Wu, Boston’s first Asian American and woman mayor, said the “Electeds of Color Holiday Party” has been a tradition for over a decade and called the email an “honest mistake.”
“We’ve had individual conversations with everyone, so people understand that it was truly just an honest mistake that went out in typing the email field,” Wu said hours before the party on Wednesday.
After Wednesday night’s city council meeting, two council members of color defended the party to the media, saying it’s a space for elected officials of color to come together.
“It is not at all divisive, it is creating spaces for people and communities and identities with shared experiences to come together,” Ruthzee Louijeune, city councilor at-large, said, per 7 News. “We are still breaking barriers, and it is so important for us to carve out and create that space.”
Outgoing Councilman Ricardo Arroyo agreed, telling reporters in “no way is it supposed to be divisive” or cause “any friction.”
“The fact of the matter is it’s much ado about nothing in terms of having a holiday party,” Arroyo said. “In no way is it supposed to be divisive, causing any friction, and in my experience, most of my colleagues are aware the EOC exists.”
However, outgoing Councilman Frank Baker, a white member, called the party “unfortunate and divisive” but clarified he was not offended by the email.
“I don’t really get offended too easily,” Baker said. “To offend me, you’re going to have to do much more than not invite me to a party.”
“I find it unfortunate that with the temperature the way it is, that we would further that division,” Baker added. __________________
Segregation, but make it woke
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yisanged · 29 days
I have ap seminar tomorrow. a little bit scary. my teacher told me I shouldn't worry too much cause I'm a flawless writer yayyy. but high key I'm so slow. We only get like 90 minutes for the eoc b where we have to write an entire essay basically. my long winded nature may be my downfall
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duckciferthecg · 1 month
pappa I hav to many big though and feeling and I very stressed but I have big kid biology eoc tomorrow and I godda stuby and my friens wan me to hang out this week but my parents don't want to pick me up late so only gon be there for a couple hours so they try to help so I can say later but I to stressy to think I got to much big feeling and everything is to much I just wan be little and cry but I can't even do that cuz have to eat soons-🦕
It’s alright dear
Take a few deep breaths and try to think of some positive things. You can come back to deal with one thing at a time later
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sonny-ray-of-goth · 1 year
So excited to have a flare up during my EOC exam tomorrow and not being allowed to have any of my diy treatments because the school refuses to accommodate me, so fun!!! /src
But seriously I had a flare up in the middle of my SAT and it caused me to not be able to finish a section due to incoherency and pain. Literally just let me have my salty beverage…..
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chaoticbitchywitch · 1 month
I have a lot going on and I really jus need to organize my thoughts. If you read this and have any advice I'd love to hear it 🥰
Issue One: My Grades
My grades are pretty important to me, but I missed a lot of school all in a row bc of TSA and Robotics. I currently have 4 C's, 1 B, and 3 A's but I want to at the v least have all A's and B's. I have a two options.
1. Focus on my lowest grades and jus accept B's so I don't kill my mental health
2. Kill my mental health (more) and try to get as many all the way up to A's.
But wait! There's more!
Issue Two: My Activities
I'm in robotics, TSA (Technology Student Association) and band.
My band director is leaving. Tomorrow is the teacher appreciation assembly and some of the band is playing a piece for her, but I was planning on doing homework instead of going to the assembly. I can either go to the library or go to the assembly. I don't wanna go to the assembly but I wanna play for my director bc she means a lot to me. I might be able to leave after but idk fs.
In robotics, we're preparing for next season and the state comp that we're hosting. There's really not much going on there rn at least, but the season jus finished.
In TSA, I made nationals in two events so I have that in June. I need to prepare for the events, but it's kinda stressful.
Band is the biggest activity rn obviously, but the others are still important. And I have all my homework and studying for tests still. And that brings be to my third issue.
Issue Three: Tests, Exams and Finals
I'm in AP US History, and that exam is 10 May, but I don't feel prepared at all. I have Algebra II, Chemistry and ELA EoC's that I have to study for. I have finals in Principles of Engineering, Civil Engineering and Architecture and Spanish. Both language courses are the most difficult for me, but I also have higher priorities (the more impactful ones like the AP exam, etc) that I would rather focus on. I don't have time to study for everything.
Issue Four: Family Bullshit
Since Feb, there's been some issues w my dad. I'm not gonna go into a lot of detail but I've been at my grandparents house. It's been really difficult mentally, emotionally and physically. It's been affecting my grades a lot and I haven't been able to sleep.
Issue Five: Summer
I've been wanting to apply to a new job so I get paid $14 or $15 rather than $12.80 but my mom is v against me working there bc it's farther away than where I currently work, it would be way more enjoyable. A few of my friends work there and the pay is better, so idrc that it's 15 minutes farther or sum like that. I also don't like the people I currently work w and there's a lot of drama (drugs at work (I'm a life guard why are you high at work thats actually fucking stupid), relationships and sex and cheating (as you'd expect from a job filled w high schoolers), people not doing their job, etc.) I jus think it would be a better work environment.
The other problem is summer school. I'm gonna be doing pre calc over the summer bc I wanna take calc next year so I can take higher level physics my senior year. One of my friends also did that last summer and he said it was hell and moved really fast, so I'm kinda worried abt that. He also said it wouldn't leave a whole lot of time for other things, which I believe. Idk I'm jus stressed abt it.
So yeahhhh. I've been having a lot of fun recently. I'm hella stressed and idk what to do. Yayyy. Love my life.
Anyway, if you're still here, thank you for reading. If you have any advice, I'd love to hear it 🥰🥰
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booitsbeloved · 3 months
chat I have to take a "mock" EOC test tomorrow yet the minute I step into my math class I can feel all hope of passing dissipate and I immediately get stressed out and panic to myself the whole class period do y'all think I'll atleast get a 50%
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buysomecheese · 1 year
Uh oh (I have a bio eoc tomorrow and I am not as ready as I'd like to be and yet all I ca think about is Shawn Hunter. I've created a self-insert and I just keep having conversations between Shawn Hunter and Me But 90s. Send help please help me with bio)
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4filen0tfound4 · 2 years
Ok ok done being gay and homophobic es hora de acostarse mimimmimi
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stormyykat · 2 years
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i have no content other than this. i drew it on a school computer
[ID: a black and white ms paint drawing. in the front is a bust of archie who is smiling smugly and crossing his arms with the text ‘#EPIC MOMENT’ to his top left. this rest of the drawing is taken up by a very pixelated olez lying face down on the floor. below him is giant bold text that reads ‘HES DIED’. end ID]
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the-fuckery-factory · 3 years
I just wanna go to bed and my ex called me and is now ranting and venting to me.
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camscendants · 3 years
I should really find time to type out my current hcs and stuff about Eviet and like Evie and Harriet in general cause woooo I’ve changed a lot of it
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