#i have more ace hcs than aro hcs which is a shame
elithilanor · 1 year
Hey! I LOVE your writing and how inclusive your blog is! Haldir, Rumi and Orophin are my favorite. What are some fun HCs about their personalities? Also, what is Rumi and Orophin’s relationship like with Haldir’s partner? When Haldir is home, what is his favorite activity to do with his partner?
🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❤️❤️❤️❤️Thank you so much, anon, that means a lot especially since I’ve really been struggling to write like at all. It’s a fascinating thing to be worried about writing the things that people like you for writing? So thank you 🥰
Also asking about my blorbos?!! Here’s some blorbo:
What are some fun HCs about their personalities? Haldir, Rùmil, Orophin?
Haldir (They/He) - Haldir imo, is a homebody. And therefore likes to do homebody things and if very good at them! I’m still playing a bit with Silvan hcs as compared to the Ñoldor, which are more heavily written about in Tolkien’s works but I think regardless of typical societal pressures (which then get compounded becuz he lives in a predominantly non-Silvan culture ruled by Ñoldo and Sindar in my own personal hc), when he’s at home, they really just like taking it easy.
I hc him as very good at baking and loves to try new recipes until he perfects it with his Marchwarden precision, reading a lot (I see them as very bookish and well-learned), and enjoying calm mornings outside in he sun. I think that before Galadriel and Celeborn shut the borders to Lórien when Sauron starting gaining more power in the TA and before he became Chief Marchwarden, they were one of the elves who spent a lot of time doing farther runs into the nearby human settlements and getting to know them and their culture. He had a lot of friends and admirers who have sadly passed at this point. I don’t really see them with a human partner, but he would be well-equipped to have one.
One of the hardest parts for them when they’re home, isn’t relaxing his alertness, but simply sleeping where the sun doesn’t immediately wake him up. He’s very good at his job and fairly friendly, but they are not a social butterfly. They prefer those he knows well and can command otherwise. He’s more the type to chill with a glass of wine in a small group setting out at a bar.
My perception of Haldir’s gender is it really depends. As a non-binary person myself, sometimes I feel they’re very fluid in a fic other fics I write, he feels very solidly he or they for it’s duration. Which makes sense, given the fluidity of their gender. Haldir’s stance is less I feel this way and more, I don’t like being perceived this way you are perceiving me in.
The benefits of Rùmil and Orophin are I can say whatever I want about them (cuz there ain’t any information):
Rùmil (he/him) - Rùmil has a lot of close friends and is out of the house most nights when he can be (he does like to day or two to himself and family, though). And a la my previous mentioned hcs, out at his Lórien munches and bdsm clubs having the sexual time of his life.
Very 20s vibes. He’s centered, calm, and tends to observe more than interact, but he’s quick to grin and laughs often.
Not a morning person and you’ll get something thrown at you if you try and wake him up when he’s off-duty. Won’t speak before his second cup of coffee and very grumpy. Endlessly teased by his siblings for this. They’re a coffee household because Haldir fell in love with it when he was doing rounds in human villages (I read a fic where coffee was dwarvish and terrible to most elves and I abide by this no matter how ridiculous it may be) (they still drink tea though) (yes Haldir has gotten all the Marchwardens in on coffee and yes they hate him for it) (everyone except Legolas was pleasantly surprised).
I hc him as really good with his hands (😏) and he loves to paint. If he was in the modern century, he’d love Hozier and have no shame about it.
Soft hc vibe is he might be aro.
Orophin (Any pronouns jive but usually uses he/him) - My ace babie (you can pry him from my cold, dead hands). Has absolutely no healing skills, but consistently finds injured animals (especially birds) and tries to help them recover. Great bedside manner; no skills at all. He can put on gauze, but may cut off your circulation doing so. As a kid, the birds always ended up with Haldir and his long suffering (but fond) looks and now he tends to get them over to his better healing friends or a healer (who all also give him long-suffering, but fond looks) just because he and Haldir aren’t stationed together all the time. Take a d&d ranger and remove the animal handling skills = Orophin.
Has a wealth of friends and acquaintances and usually out in the forest or doing some ridiculous stunt because he thinks he can (he can, usually). I feel he and Legolas would get on very well.
Loves physical touch and emotional intimacy. Spends a lot of time with those aforementioned friends laying around in dog piles and watching the skies. Can often be found in meadows and up in branches just relaxing with friends. Has a fondness for lemon, cherry, and mint.
Rùmil and Orophin’s relationship with Haldir’s partner?
I'd imagine they’re fairly reticent at first with Haldir's partner. I generally kind of hc that their parents died when they were pretty young and so it’s been just the three of them together for a long time (and if running with the idea that their parents died when not all of them were adult elves yet, then Haldir as the eldest definitely taking on more of a parentified role when he was younger). There’s been some significant partners in that time (mostly for Rùmil or some qpr with Orophin), but Haldir hasn’t really. So it’s new, but also they’re overprotective of him.
I think, gradually, once the relationship was shown as sure to last (or at least amicably split) and that they care about each other, they would eventually soften for whomever made their sibling so happy. The over protectiveness is then transferred to Haldir’s partner as well.
Also, I feel they would really try and match his partner. Like if the partner is softer and into non-fighting, then they would try and learn and join them in those activities. Or
Both Orophin and Haldir have a lot of open space in their hearts and lots of love to give and Rùmil is more closed off, but after trust and continuity is shown, he’s much more open and willing.
I don’t get the impression that either Rùmil or Orophin would be unkind to Haldir’s partner unless they know for certain they’ve treated Haldir badly. Then all bets are off.
When Haldir is home, what is his favorite activity to do with his partner?
Cuddles, hugs, holding, laying on each other. Haldir just wants to hold and be held. Especially given how often they’re separated, Haldir just wants to hold his partner and soak in time with their beloved.
Also loved giving his partners little gifts to a) show his love and b) make sure they’re well taken care of. This often comes in the form of small baked goods, teas and handmade drinks, and written lines of poetry in their letters home.
Physical affection, quality time, and present giving are definitely Haldir’s love languages.
Thank you for being here!! ❤️
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thoriffix · 4 years
I think your little frog oc is aroace, right? Do you have any other characters (oc or hc idc I just need validation) that are aro/ace
well, noodle is ace and arospec!
i hc allison from tua to be ace and possibly arospec, and theres an aroace ben hc ive seen around that i really like
annie from community is an ace lesbian do not fight me on this
i flipflop on sanders sides hcs depending on the fic/situation but ace remus is always a good shout
and ofc binky littlefrog is aroace :]
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daggersandarrows · 3 years
I was wondering if you could explain how you shipped fjord and cad if you wanted to? I’m aroace and cad being shipped makes me feel… extraordinarily uncomfortable, because cad feels like one of the only pieces of aroace rep around that pretty close to explicitly says “this character isn’t interested in anything remotely close to sexual or romantic relationships.” But I do know other ace people find him important, and I noticed your about me post mentioned you don’t ship things in the typical manner, so I was wondering if you could maybe elaborate? Id like to see if my mind can be changed basically, because I want to understand the value in something that is important to other ace people and maybe feel less uncomfortable myself.
hi anon! so basically, i'm somewhere on both the aro and ace spectrum--i've experienced both romantic and sexual attraction but so rarely that it basically doesn't factor into my life. i have...uhhh my attraction is real weird. basically.
head's up if you're sex repulsed, i'm gonna talk about that.
essentially, sex isn't...like...a "thing" for me. it's so much of a "thing" for other people. to me it's like playing tennis! not my favorite sport in the world, but i enjoy it occasionally, if a friend wants to play it with me. okay, truth be told, i like it a fair bit, but...attraction has literally nothing to do with it? i don't know how to explain it. it's real weird. i typically have absolutely zero arousal during sex, which is fine with me! it's just...it's...a thing that i like doing with people? i don't know how to explain it exactly. it's literally like a sport that i play it occasionally, that's as close as i can get.
romantic feelings, directed at me, usually make me feel extraordinarily uncomfortable. i will (very occasionally, like i can count on one hand) have those feelings for other people, but i hate having them returned. it's...so odd and uncomfortable and i can't explain it much better than that it's just (usually) totally repulsive to me.
you can imagine, it's real hard for me to find people who will be like "oh yeah! i'll casually do the sex with you" without it getting real weird.
this is where caduceus (and fjord) are a real important ship for me. i want to say right off the bat, i absolutely understand that there is sort of a competing access needs thing here--aroace people, aspec people in general, are so underrepresented, it's real hard to find one to project onto. and i understand that when caduceus came out, a lot of aroace people who are relationship repulsed just absolutely clung to him because yes, finally, a character where i don't have to worry about that.
so i get it. i really do.
here's what it's like on my end: i saw caduceus, and his mildy-puzzled-but-not-disgusted views towards porn, the happiness he got from seeing beau and yasha together, his love of physical affection, and i thought, oh thank god someone i can ship who i can imagine being the same kind of deeply practical and casual that i am about sex.
i hc fjord as demiromantic and asexual with a high sex drive. it's hard to find a character onto whom you can project the frustration and pain and, honestly, fear, that is wanting sexual release without wanting to experience sexual things. it kind of...really fucking sucks.
pairing him with cad just made sense to me--here are two people who care about each other a lot; here's caduceus, who understands sex for what it is: not something Super Special, not something shameful, but something natural and normal that doesn't have to mean anything more than you want it to. and then fjord, who's awkward as all hell and wants to be with someone he trusts without this huge Expectation of Reciprocated Feelings in Exactly This Way. it just...works. (for the record, i also hc jester as aromantic--i think they both came to the conclusion from opposite sides, so fjorester also makes a lot of sense to me as an aspec ship.)
in conclusion: i understand the discomfort, the deep craving for a character who is like you, and i don't know your exact situation, anon, but it seems like that includes a character who's gonna be like "yeah no never catching me in a relationship". i understand the frustration of people pressuring you into feeling a certain way, acting a certain way, having certain relationships.
my frustration is that it feels like people think it's impossible for me to have partners that i'm not attracted to...at all. or that me having sex with them is somehow some form of abuse, or that i'm not allowed to like sex, just because it doesn't turn me on.
may i also say, anon, that you're not required to like how other people ship characters. if you need to block my shippy tags to feel comfortable, please do so. i'm not necessarily looking to change your mind personally here, you might read all of this and go "oh okay cool makes sense! still not for me though." and that's totally cool. this is just my explanation for why the ship is so important to me personally. <3
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ben-the-hyena · 5 years
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@reikiajakoiranruohoja I assume you meant SkekTek for my AU. If not, sorry but I didn't understand lol
So SkekTek wasn't born rich but in a modest family. Very early, the skekling showed signs of ingeniosity, able to create diverse gadgets, be interested in any kind of science and improve many machines to the point his parents thought he could intens a famous science school from an early age. Being younger, weak, shy, introverted and more of a genius than them, most students were jealous and bullied him, which had him isolate himself more. Fortunately for him, he had a bodyguard in the person of his best friend SkekSa ; her richer family was their neighbours, and the 2 children had been friends since they were babies feeling almost like siblings. She beat up his bullies on a regular basis and often dragged him on adventures out of his comfort zone, but his curiosity always had him agree ; they liked building ships together. They had projects : one day, they would enter the imperial court. It was easier for SkekSa since she already was of a high class, but SkekTek was determined to enter it with his resume alone. And they both became courtiers and celebrated
SkekTek not being a noble or a bourgeois and again being a weak nerd was often mocked and bullied despite how much he was useful, having him become even bitter. They needed him and yet treated him like trash !? What a shame. But he couldn't leave. This had been his goal since childhood. He would show them that ONE DAY they would praise him. Whatevee the invention or the reason. Plus, whenever SkekSa was around, she protectee him from the other members of the court, him being her "egghead" and her being his "pirate". Sadly the more the centuries passed, the least they saw each other because the more she spent with the Sifas which had him almost jealous and sad. They still kept a correspondance but around current days she would come to the capital only once or twice a trine
SkekTek never truely any regret in hurting himself (cutting his arm and leg and a vein to replace them with mechanic parts to improve himself as he was growikg old and weaker had a lot of people worry about his sanity) or torturing and killing for science which particularly panicked his parents when he tested atrocious things on a fizzgig pup as a child "for science" ; it was a sacrifice he was willing to make to become even more of a genius and make science progress. Plus whatever, Skeksis were superior anyway, others were inferior and made for Skeksis' needs, he was sure. But he did have a soft spot every few trine for an animal originally meant for tests and had many many pets during his long life, his favorites being these furby kiwi birds. In fact, as immoral as he was on his trst subjects and slaves, SkekTek did have a heart for some extent. After some decades in the castle, having had pets woke up his maternal instincts and had him decide to have children on his own. Problem is in most of my HC continuities and that one too, SkekTek is aro-ace. The idea of a mate seemed useless and of sex alone disgusted him. So he simply went to the sperm bank (IF CYBORGS CAN EXIST IN THRA WHY NOT THAT) and had himself pregnant with a son, and later loved the experience so much he did again and got a daughter, and finally after a third time and got a child. Being a single mother of 3 was very hard but oh so worth it, he adored them, and would later adore his THIRTEEN GRANDCHILDREN HIS KIDS WOULD GIVE HIM KNOWING ALL THEIR NAMES AND TASTES AND DIFFERENTIATING THEM ALL
This improved little family of his did complete the void in his lonely heart, but he still missed SkekSa, the godmother of his children they called "Auntie Pirate". But at least they still remained friends... until the Gelfling War. He had never understood why she had married a lowly Sifa and worse had adopted 3 children to raise them with her, one was a Skeksis ok but 2 were Gelflings ! How could she have gotten herself so low !? She was a Skeksis ! He never truely liked talking about her family and didn't answer, changing subject, on the letter she had written to him asking him to be their godfather in return. This did hurt her and left a huge tension that would never heal. And with the war, it worsened. SkekTek panicked at the idea of SkekSa getting killed or imprisonned for treason and found her in person begging her for her and her Skeksis son's safety to give up on the Gelfling of that so called "family", come back to her senses and return safely to the capital. She refused, and they argued, spitting poison at each other out of rage. In his bigottee ways, SkekTek thought she had gone crazy after spending so much time with Gelflings and other the seas and almost regretted that stupid SkekGra in her life ; Skeksis loved a second time so tarely, them being usually a species mating for life... why did she have to be one of the rare exceptions !? He coldly offered her one last time to return home, maybe with the Gelflings of her family passing as slaves so they would all be safe, but she refused to leave her home and have them treated as slaves. They coldly told each other farewell and never saw each other again. When one of SkekTek's children asked him whatever happened to Auntie Pirate, SkekTek snarled "Auntie who." and avoided speaking about her ever again. To him, she had betrayed the Empire. Betrayed him.
That war did have bad effects on his psyche driving him even more mad and sadistic than he already was, just slightly less since he still has a loving family in that AU. But SkekSa's case was indeed only one of three problems. The second was the Peeper Beetle incident : SkekSo, alarmed by his new diagnosis, asked for SkekTek for more clarifications and be sure, which he did after having examined him. He was in a terminal phase. Alarmed, SkekSo, who would later snap and start the war, demanded him to tell no one about his condition... none of them knowing SkekSil was listening. The latter spread the rumor so quickly hald the Empire knew in only one day. Furious, the Emperor summoned the Chamberlain and accused him, which he didn't deny, invinting to flog him, scold him... and that he should not have repeated what the Scientist had told him. Needless to remind you where that unfair lie led to. As for the third problem, it was the Garthims. FINALLY. HIS BIGGEST INVENTION ! HE CREATED LIFE AND NOT JUST ANY LIFE, BUT LIVES THAT WOULD HELP THE EMPIRE ! HE WOULD FINALLY GET THE RECOGNITION HE DESERVED- Except SkekUng was named Garthim Master, tasked to tame them, and SkekTek was just ordered to build more and keot being treated like trash. That day, he completely gave up. He sarcastically became a bootlicker and became even more of a sadist, having given up any hope. So why not being as awful as the others. He rejoiced at SkekSo's death... maybe his "cures" helped a little in the process
At the beginning of SkekUng's reign, SkekTek caught Kira that had been tasked by her mother to spy on the laboratory. A Gelfling test subject for his new tortures ! How delightful ! He gladly bounded her to a chair and prepared his tools for a new idea of his (adding Gelfling elements in a stronger form of Garthim), but he had not noticed Fizzgig had followed in, and didn't notice him until he bit his ankle. In pain, SkekTek squirmed so much he slipped and impaled himself on the machine he had planned to use for his new creature project. In short, he dies too in that AU except this time he gets funerals and there are people mourning him there... even SkekSa
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greeblingyaoza · 6 years
I might get shit for this, but I’m going to express my opinion here anyways. In regards to headcanons involving Ling’s sexuality/gender identity. This gets kind of long, and is also me analyzing why I feel a certain way about these things and whether I should think differently... Also some of my feelings/opinions may be problematic. 
I dislike headcanons for Ling being gay (as in 100% gay, ONLY interested in guys), a trans-woman, and even a trans-man. 
Before I go on, I will say that I’m not saying people shouldn’t have these headcanons. Have whatever headcanons you like. However, I’m only expressing my personal opinions on them, and I have nothing against someone who has these headcanons. 
My reason for disliking gay Ling headcanons: If Ling was gay, that would destroy the Lingfan ship, one of few ships I genuinely care about. It also destroys my self-ship with him, since I’m a heterosexual girl who has a huge crush on him. I know he’s not real, and I don’t own him, and can never be with him anyways, so him being gay would really change nothing for me. It would just mean I couldn’t self-ship with him without erasing his sexuality, so I’d likely have to force myself to get over him. 
Reason for disliking trans-girl Ling headcanons: Again, I’m a straight girl with a crush on him, so it doesn’t work for me at all. Also, I don’t exactly get the point of the headcanon because he obviously considers himself male, so hc-ing him as a trans-male would make more sense. I get people like to project onto their favorite charactesr, so if someone is a trans-girl, they want their favorite male characters to be trans-girls as well. But I feel like it would make more sense to headcanon the already female characters as trans women. 
Reason for disliking trans-male Ling headcanons: Okay, this is what I might really get shit for. I’ll be honest. I’m not sure if I’d be willing to date a trans-guy. Well, if I’d be willing to date ANYONE to even begin with (I’m only interested in fictional characters) I feel like I probably have a preference for cis guys. I know that’s considered transphobic. Because this implies I wouldn’t see him as a man. I do consider trans people as the gender they identify as. Let me get that straight. But I’m not sure if I could date someone trans due to anatomical reasons. I know that’s probably awful. I don’t know if this makes me a bad person or not. I like to think that it’s okay to have preferences as long as you aren’t shaming people for not fitting their preferences. Like....I rarely ever shave my legs. I realize a lot of guys don’t like that. I think they’re allowed to have a preference for shaven legs...but I would take issue if they put me down for not shaving my legs. I know that’s not the same as gender identity, but, that’s just how I feel about it. I’ll just say it, I prefer cis Ling. Also while I don’t consider fictional characters confirmed straight until proven otherwise, in my mind, I think of characters as cis unless proven otherwise by the creator. I never have trans headcanons. But this is also because I’m a cis person who doesn’t need representation. 
Would Ling being any of these above things be good rep? Yeah, sure. However, if I had the choice between...Ling becomes canonically gay and trans and people are happy for the representation, OR Ling is cishet and I get to continue shipping myself with him and shipping him with a girl, I’d choose for him to be cishet. Because I’m a selfish person. 
The headcanons I’m cool with for Ling is...straight Ling, bi/pan Ling, asexual Ling, cis Ling...that’s about it. Because those would still work with what I personally want. 
Non-binary Ling? Eh....it’s okay I guess. Aromantic Ling? Ehhhh...I’m not really aro or ace (though I may be demisexual at the most, because other than someone I feel very strongly for, I’m kind of put off by sex and sexual things)....but I’m definitely not aromantic so...wouldn’t really work for me. 
I’m cool with bi Ling because I 100% ship him with Lan Fan and I casually ship him with Greed on the side, but I’m not as serious about it. But that’s it. And if I ship him with Greed, I prefer him to have feelings for Lan Fan as well. Like I can’t see Lingfan not being a thing, but this is also because I’m suuuppper biased. 
And there’s on more thing...Poly Ling. I have mixed feelings on that. I don’t believe I’m polyamorous. I’ve never been in a relationship in my life, but I definitely would prefer a relationship between me and the one person I love, and I wouldn’t be comfy with them dating other people if they ended up being poly. However, I currently have romantic feelings for both Greed and Ling. Normally my feelings only focus on one character at a time, so this situation is a bit unusual. I feel like if they were real, I’d be willing to try to be in a relationship with them both, as long as they were cool with it, and I’d even be okay if they were together as well. I also can enjoy LingGreedFan as an ot3 even though poly ships aren’t really my thing. However, bring anyone else into the mix? Nope. Can’t do it. However, would this relationship work if they weren’t poly? Would me wanting to be with both of them make me poly? 
Thing is I could also see Greed being polyamorous. I mean we see him with two women at one point in the manga. I could do some reaching and say that maybe he was filling the lonely void in his heart with multiple sexual partners just like he was with other things, such as money and desire for world domination, and that post-Greed-admitting-to-only-wanting-friends would be totally willing to settle for a monogamous relationship with the right person. But of course, let’s say he was real...I would never be able to handle a relationship with him or Ling if they wanted to date other people as well. If they wouldn’t be happy in a monogamous relationship, I’d just let them go. Same with anyone I would happen to have feelings for. Some people may say it’s abusive/toxic to not let your poly partner date other people if they want to...so best thing to do would be to not date a poly person myself. 
I think the thing about the poly headcanons is that I still have this idea ingrained into me that monogamous relationships >>> everything else. I grew up with the idea is that it’s taboo and wanting to be with a lot of people or sleep with a lot of people is inherently bad. Which I know is wrong...poly relationships can be just as valid. And if people want to sleep with a lot of people, that’s not a crime as long as it’s consensual and honest. I guess I just can’t relate, so it makes it harder for me to be completely open to it. 
Also I do tend to ship mostly het ships. Which may be bad? Idk. But I think the reason for that is that I usually don’t give two hecks about a ship unless it 1) involves a character I have a crush on and 2) involves another character with the previous character that I can project onto and imagine myself in the place of. And since I’m a heterosexual girl...well...naturally my preferred ships end up being het. 
Also, this is the same reason that leads to me feeling uncomfortable about Edl/ing. But why is it that I’m okay with greed x ling but not Ling x Ed? I think the reason is...I have a crush on both Ling and Greed, so I can get behind it. Ed...I don’t have any attraction to, nor can I self-project onto him, so it doesn’t work at all. It makes me kind of sad, because that ship is getting so popular lately (probably more popular than Lingfan, which makes me feel...somewhat salty...I mean just the number of new edl/ing posts on the daily compared to the lower number of lingfan seems to show that edl/ing is more popular now. (sometimes I worry that it’s because people think Lingfan is bad/problematic/unhealthy and shouldn’t be shipped :/ ) I mean a lot of people are just sick of het stuff, so maybe that’s why so few people seem to care about my otp anymore...I guess that’s valid. Again, can’t relate. Sometimes it makes me sad. Sometimes I try to force myself to like the ship. Sometimes I see art that’s objectively good and cute and I would have shared it...had it been Lingfan instead. I feel bad about not sharing it. I feel hateful. Sometimes I get angry whenever I see the ship. OR people talking about how great it is...and how��“canon” it is, like I just don’t see it. If someone wants to try to convince me why it’s good, they can. I’m open to hearing other opinions, but I just prefer them as friends only. 
I know that’s so immature. I really dislike all these headcanons and that one ship because it gets in the way of MY ship and MY romantic feelings. Which is stupid because...none of these headcanons, mine nor theirs, are canon. Lingfan isn’t canon, no matter the implications. Greed x Ling...not canon. The ship I can’t get into...also not canon, therefore it’s not really threatening me at all??
Okay so, if anyone wants to give my constructive criticism on this and say that some of my feelings here are problematic and harmful to others, you can. I’m willing to have civil discussions on the matter. 
Also another thing, is I realize I’m probably unhealthily obsessed with my fictional crushes, and I need to seek professional help for it, along with my many other issues. It’s not healthy that I feel so saddened by a ship involving my fictional crush that I feel like it invalidates all my feelings and headcanons and essentially ruins my whole day, and leads me to not be able to focus on anything else. 
Sometimes I HATE having romantic feelings at all, because this is how I get, with every single character I fall for, every single time. 
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motherstone · 7 years
Personal Headcanon
Okay, I personally hc Trellis to be a trans man. There’s no textual evidence to support this (as far as I know) but I begin to think about this after rereading book 5 because he is shown to be obviously much skinner than he appears with his armor, which means he has space in areas such as the chest which might mean he could be able to go without binding while in it without constricting his breathing and when Trellis is injured in the fifth book Virgil binds his arm and his chest. Why? Trellis’s chest wasn’t injured, it seemed to be just his arm since the metal on it had been blown off, maybe the chest armor had been slightly damaged but it didn’t seem no where near bad enough to need to bind his torso. Is it because when Virgil removed the armor Trellis had bound his chest and he decided to just rebound it for him? 
If this is the case, then Trellis probably began using identifying when he was young as his father and uncle referred to him with he/him pronouns in book 6 (I looked back at book 5 and realized Luger never used any specific pronouns when talking to kid trellis just used his name)
Again just a personal headcanon that I thought I would share with this blog as I brought it up before in other places. I realize this will most likely not be the case in canon, I was just wishing to share a thought and to know your thoughts on the matter.
A/N: not bad! There's nothing wrong into wanting a character to be a representation of LGBT. Although to be honest, I think Kibuishi-san put bandages on his chest because showing his torso would be awkward! That'd probably cross the line of partial nudity, showing his - ahem - nipples (does that guy even have muscles? Surely he must've developed some after years of training but still maintains his thinly appearance. Else, there's no way he could've punched Max THAT hard). Also, his torso appear rectangular and doesn't show a bulge in the chest area even in casual attire, so he's much likely to be male. He's also not that good at body anatomy thus there are times that the armour looks too big on Trellis ( ; - ;)
To be honest, I would like for the author to release some info about their sexualities but it appears that he doesn't deem these as important to the plot (shame, I wish he would he more flexible than straight relationships...) It's nice for you to think that of Trellis though! :D
As a genderfluid person, I too would also like to see some representations in Amulet, but it's unlikely we would so I made some personal hc myself:
• Trellis is aro-ace
• Alyson is genderfluid
... Honestly, I can't think of more because we barely know many of the characters! But man, I can dream (and I am also somewhat embarrased to share the rest).
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spectrumscribe · 7 years
Hi I was wondering, do you have specific headcanons of the main six? Like pronouns, orientations, and gender identity? I'm always super interested to hear what ideas people have for them!!
if we’re talking canon type ‘verse things, i usually go with the already in place gender and pronouns, and go wild with orientations in my spare time. (polys, pans, bis, aro/aces, the homos- all the orientations at least once or twice.)
however, if we’re talking about completely ridiculous and unlikely AU’s, and ones i sit and think about privately and only share when prompted- then i do have a bunch of other identity HC’s for them. (also, this is like a rambly stream of thought, which it is, and i hope that’s alright.)
i’ve written a couple trans male donnie stories before, (humanverse ones mostly, but a one-shot at one point for turtle him as well), as well as trans male raph. i know in the fandom people have done trans donnie or raph for fetishy reasons, but my stories… idk, i chose to make it so because it fits well into the universe? if that makes sense? and just that i think transgendered individuals are neat. there’s a humanverse capritello fic i never got to writing that involves them both being trans twins together, and idk i just think its a cute universe. (someone hit me up on it if anyone wants to know the story overview)
i also have the idea of an intersex male identifying raph from like three million years ago, around the time i started learning more about that identity and thinking it was really neat that someone could biologically be more than one sex at a time.
mikey i’ve always seen as someone who just doesn’t care much about gender labels or assigned sexes. i feel he’d be the type to just roll with whatever pronouns or assumed gender someone gave him, and not really even notice. he’s basically this audible shrug to me in terms of his gender/sex. as for sexuality, i usually see him as an asexual who fluctuates aromantic at times. or, as a defiance to that headcanon, the aromantic that has a new partner every weekend, and has slept with pretty much everyone in his social group.
and sometimes i like to headcanon ideas of mikey and raph being both agendered, since there’s so little agender representation out there, and the idea that they dislike sex assignments as much as me always makes me happy. and then there’s agender april, and genderfluid casey, and trans girl irma, and just… lots of other dumb AU’s that never got past me thinking “that would be really cool to see.”
leo is typically a cis boy in my head, though i’m always open to other gender identities for him. typically he ends up a bisexual too, and that’s always messy since i think of him as this intensely bad flirt and unable to get a date with either of the genders he likes.
the only person here whose orientation and gender identity never changes is Shinigami’s from 2012; which is that she is a lovely lovely lady and an enormous lesbian.
idk, really its that everything really just boils down to whatever sort of headcanons i’m in the mood for in the moment. i have a huge thing for diversity and representation, and love putting it out there that all these identities exist in the world.
if i were a sketch artist instead of a wordsmith, i’d probably have drawn a shit ton of these headcanon’s and attached quippy little remarks stating that that was the character’s gender/sexual identity and there was nothing anyone could do about it. (until i made a new picture later where the headcanons had changed, and idk, everything is fluid.)
i wish more of the fandom was down for this sort of thing, and did it respectfully and with informed perspective. its a real shame they don’t. :/
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