#i have more ideas for others for fun but ye
woso-dreamzzz · 2 days
Secret III
Mapi León x Ingrid Engen x Child!Reader
Summary: You're a bit messy
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When Mapi takes you out to the park, she doesn't expect it to rain.
But it does.
It rains and rains and rains until she's shivering in the cold and wet as you very determinedly stamp around in the mud by the bank of the lake.
"Be careful!" Mapi calls after you and you stick your tongue out at her.
It was a stupid idea to be caught without an umbrella and without a coat but this was Barcelona and she really wasn't expecting it.
"Come on!" She winces as you sink lower into the mud, ruining the new Sambas she had specifically bought for you.
"But Mami-"
"No, Skatt," Mapi says, covering her horror with a little laugh," Let's go home now."
You huff in annoyance, dipping down once more into the mud before running to her side, hands firmly in your pockets as you drag your muddy feet all the way back to Mapi's nice, clean car.
"Oh!" Ingrid exclaims when you come running into the house about twenty minutes later," You look all messy, Skatt! Did you have fun!"
You push a strand of wet hair out of your face as you grin. "Uh-huh."
You hurry off into the bathroom, leaving a trail of muddy footprints after you.
"She's ruined them," Mapi laments.
"Well," Ingrid replies, pursing her lips," Seeing as the last four pairs of the same shoes ended up the same way, you can't be surprised Mapi."
"Yes I can! I thought it would be different!"
Ingrid shakes her head fondly, pushing out from the kitchen table. "I told you," She says," Skatt doesn't need fancy shoes. You need to start putting her in her wellies even when you don't think it'll rain. Save the fancy shoes for dinners and birthday parties."
Mapi pouts, scuffing her own Sambas on the hard wood flooring. "I just wanted us to match."
"I know."
And Ingrid does know. You look like her, overwhelmingly so. It makes sense obviously but you're truly like her mini and sometimes Mapi's been called things like your auntie or babysitter by strangers and Ingrid knows Mapi hates it.
"But you can match for fancy events," Ingrid continues," It's not worth it ruining another set of shoes because Skatt decided to go digging again."
The bath starts running and Mapi smiles wryly.
"At least she knows it's bath time when she gets muddy."
"Yes," Ingrid says fondly," We've trained her well." She leans towards the bathroom. "Skatt! Are you getting undressed?"
"Yes, Mama!"
"Do you want to wash her up or should I?"
"You can," Mapi says," I'll grab her a change of clothes. You might need to do her hair. It wasn't tied up properly."
"Got it."
When Ingrid enters the bathroom, she's thrown. There's a remarkably lifelike frog toy kicking around in the water. She's never seen it before but she knows Mapi stopped off at the shops before the park and your interest in frogs is almost as high as your interest in bugs so Ingrid supposes you had convinced Mapi to buy it for you.
She lathers up your hair with shampoo after cleaning your body and you hum happily.
"Did you see a lot of bugs on your trip today?"
"Uh-hu! Saw dragonfly and gnats and flies and bumblebees-"
The power on the toy is really going strong, Ingrid notes, because it keeps swimming in circles and she has to wonder what store Mapi bought it at because it's unlike any other bath toy Ingrid's ever seen before.
"-And wasps and Mami had to run away after seeing it because she was scared it was going to string her."
"That's nice, Skatt." Ingrid rinses out your hair, pulls out the plug of the bath and moves to the living room to start towel drying your hair.
Mapi goes to grab your dirty clothes and throw them in the laundry.
That's when it croaks at her.
That's also when she screams.
A frog stares back at her, perched on the taps.
It stares.
Mapi screams again.
"Mapi?!" Ingrid bursts into the room," What is it? Are you hurt?!"
"What is that?!" Mapi points a shaking finger at the creature and you, still wrapped up in your towel, poke your head around the door.
"My frog!"
"What?!" Mapi and Ingrid both demand, whirling around to look at you.
"My frog!" You repeat," Found him in the park. He was sad so I brought him home!"
Ingrid massages her temples and Mapi shrieks again when she sees the frog hop into the now empty bathtub.
"We can't keep the frog."
You grown. "Why not? We kept my millipede."
Ingrid goes pale. "What millipede?"
"The millipede in my terrarium." You point your own finger at Mapi. "The one Mami bought for me."
"She what?!"
"Ingrid...I can explain!"
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jjunieworld · 3 days
Hii! You're my favorite writer on here, and I know you'll nail this idea I have bubbling in my smooth brain.
Hear me out, fun exciting dad Beomgyu. Like those dads that you leave them alone with the kids and it's like having another kid there. I trust you'll write something amazing with this 🫶
─── 𝓽𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭! ˋ🧾 ‎⸝⸝⸝
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no because it would be soooo fun to actually witness like imagine you’re at some family get together where there’s a bunch of kids present and you leave your child alone with dad!beomgyu to go do something and come back to see him absolutely beefing with a bunch of five year olds over something so childish😭😭
it’s him and you cousin’s son in the middle of the yard, the boy near tears while your kid and beomgyu are pointing and laughing, looking like spitting imagine of each other. you sigh and go to ask what happened and the boy’s all like “he (pointing to beomgyu) won’t let me play on the swing set!!!” and you’re now scolding both your young child AND a grown ass adult lmao
or it’s like you go run some errands real quick and him and your daughter had the living room transformed into the most lavish looking dining room fit for royals that a five year old can achieve. they’re both fit in big tutus with crowns and everything ,,, “would you like some more tea, daddy?” “why yes, my darling child, i think i would!” while drinking from empty teacups
it’s never a dull moment with your little family, even if sometimes you get ganged up on by your kid and your very big (very adult) kid … and you wouldn’t wish for anything to be different because of how good of a father beomgyu is, like he just falls into the role so naturally. the kids want to play princesses?? put a bow in his hair and hand him a tutu. monster trucks and dinosaurs? he’s breaking out a godzilla and chasing them around the house. oh now one of them is crying? hugs and soothing words for all like he’d be so so good at it
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[ kipo’s note . . . ] very passionate about this actually lmao i could ramble on forever about it and don’t even get me started on single dad!beomgyu with his kid around other kids… it’s all like “who the hell is that grown ass man sliding down the slides???” LMAOOO
∿ [ continue on to . . . masterlist , taglist , request ] all feedback and reblogs are welcome! ♡
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tomssexdoll · 2 days
Hello mllll. So i have this idea but if youre uncomfortable writing this just ignore it, <3.
So reader is at a party and she gets drunk asf, one of readers friend calls tom who is readers friend to come and pick her up. When tom comes they get in the car and readers acting stupid, she starts rubbing toms crotch and he gets hard. Tom says that they shouldn't do this cuz they're just friends. And she ends up giving tom head while driving.
Id love you if you do this. ❤
YUHHH OFC!!!! <33
Just friends?
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"We shouldnt be doing this y/n..we're just friends and you know it"
PAIRINGS: Tom 2010 x Female reader
SYPNOSIS: After Tom recieves a call from one of y/ns friends, informing him that she was shitfaced he decides to come and pick her up, annoyed at her recklessness. As they are in the car back home, y/n starts to rub on him, teasing him and making him crack...
A/N: ily all <3
WARNINGS: dom!tom, reader!sub, p in v (riding), fingering, hickeys, sucking d, alcohol mentions, drunk reader (everything is consentual though, she's not super drunk when they fuck)
I was at one of my friends parties, drinking heavily and dancing with anyone and everyone in sight. I wore a short black dress, one where if I did something as little as bending over my whole ass would be out.
I had about 8 shots of tequila, 4 shots of vodka and like 8 beers. I was out of my head, stumbling everywhere and in search for more drinks. I hadn't noticed but my friend had stolen my phone and called Tom, knowing we were very close and he'd be the one to drag me out of parties like these.
Tom picks up the phone
"Hello?" he said, his voice a little groggy.
"Oh, did I wake you up? Sorry, it's just...y/n is shitfaced and she needs to go home, none of us are sober and we don't want to send her in a taxi or an uber, could you come get her please?" my friend said, slurring her words slightly.
A deep sigh was heard before he answered, "yeah fine..text me the address,"
And with that the call ended.
It took Tom around 50 minutes to arrive, this place was basically in the middle of no where, my friend found a farmhouse to rent so he could be as loud as he wanted. By now I was sobered up a lot, having multiple friends give me food and water.
I was still pretty drunk but not as much as I was. As he arrived, I saw his tall, dark figure standing in the doorway, as soon as he spotted me he made his way through the crowd, pushing drunken bodies just to get to me.
"Fucking hell.." he muttered, seeing the state I was in. As soon as I saw him I jumped up, hugging him tightly, "Tommm!" I slurred, burying my face into his chest. "Yes, hi, cmon let's go," he sighed, grabbing my shoes and picking me up, holding me against his chest as he waved to my friends.
He got to his car, slowly placing me in the passanger seat and quickly going to the drivers seat, getting in and starting the car.
"I don't get how you drink so much, go easy on the alcohol," he chuckled, making sure I was strapped in properly before taking off. "Well, I just like to have fun," I smirked, crossing my arms.
About 10 minutes into the drive I felt a sudden change in the mood, like a tension was building. I looked over at him, the way his eyes were so focused on the road, the way his piercing sat perfectly on his plump lips. I felt my heat start to burn, a desire running through my veins.
I decided to take my chances, I saw the way he looked at me sometimes, the jealously he had when I was with other guys. I leaned over and slowly rubbed my hand on his thigh, teasingly close to his crotch.
His eyes widened, looking at me for a moment, "hey, what are you doing? Trying to distract me?" he chuckled, I smirked and moved my hand up higher, ending up on his crotch before going back down to his thigh, his breath hitched slightly, "don't..I have to focus on driving," he grunted, his grip tightening on the wheel.
"Why can't we have a little fun..hm?" I looked up at him, his adams apple bobbing up and down. "Because we'll have an accident that's why," he growled, trying so hard not to look down at me because if he did, he knew he'd give in.
Then, he looked at me for a split second, my eyes burning with lust and desperation, my cleavage basically ready to spill out of my chest. I moved my hand up again and palmed his cock, rubbing it softly. He panted, "don't tease.."
I smirked and kept rubbing, feeling him grow rock hard from my touch. "Ohh no, how about I take care of that," I giggled, placing small kisses on his buldge. "We shouldn't be doing this y/n..we're just friends and you know it," he groaned, "if we were just friends then, why do I always catch you staring at me in a way only a lover would look at their partner, why do you get jealous and possessive when I'm with other guys, was that night that we kissed nothing too?" I challenged him, testing his patience before he broke.
"Fuck..fine, fucking fine just do it.." he grumbled, I grinned and unbuttoned his jeans, his hips lifting to help me take them off. I slowly slid them down, letting them pool at his knees. "Oh wow..so hard for me," I teased, wrapping my fingers around the waistband of his boxers.
"Mmmhhh" he groaned, his body tensing. "Relax.." I smirked, pulling his cock out, my eyes widening at his size. He was a solid 8 inches, girthy and veiny. Precum was leaking from his tip, "well hello there.." I chuckled, scooting closer.
"Suck it baby, fuck.." he grunted, one of his hands moving down to the back of my head, grabbing a fistful of hair from my face. I slowly wrapped my lips around the head, gliding myself down on his thick cock. "Yess..." he hissed, gripping my hair tighter.
"Fuck..keep that up and we're not going to make it home.." he growled, his grip tightening even ore as he thrusts his hips forward, driving his cock deeper into my mouth.
He tries to keep his focus on the road but my mouth felt too good on his cock, "goddammit, you're going to make me crash," he chuckled, he gripped the steering wheel tightly as he fought to keep his composure.
"Mmm.." I moaned softly, picking up my pace and sucking his cock harder and faster, my wet mouth around his length addicting. "Fuck, fuck..gonna cum," he whined, feeling the rush of pleasure building in his balls.
I swirled my tongue over his sensitive tip, making him let out a low groan as his cock started to throb desperatly in my mouth, signalling his release. "Good girl, keep sucking that cock," he moaned lowly, guiding my head up and down his shaft.
Saliva started to build around my mouth, dripping down onto my chin. "Soo fucking messy, good girl.." he praised, the blowjob getting super sloppy. He bucked his hips up, matching my thrusts, his balls slapping against my chin.
"Holy shit, I'm close..cmon.." he groaned, my pace quickened, his tip hitting the back of my throat, making me slightly gag as I wanted to send him into oblivion.
"Yes yes, cmon!" he moaned loudly, his orgasm dangerously close. With one last hard suck he emptied himself in my mouth, coating it with thick ropes of cum, "fuck!" he cried out, his chest heaving up and down as he calmed down from his release.
I smirked and pulled back, swallowing every last drop. "We're not fucking done yet," he slammed his foot on the brake, skidding to a stop on the side of the road.
"Get in the back, now!" he ordered. I instantly obeyed and climbed into the back seat, sitting down on the cool leather seats. He climbed back with me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me onto his lap.
He plants soft, passionate kisses onto my shoulders, exploring the skin with his tongue. His hands moved over my body, gripping my hips and pulling me closer, his cock resting against my stomach.
He pulls back and captures my lips in a rough kiss, feeling my breasts pressing against his chest, his cock twitching. "Gotta let those out, hm?" he chuckled, his fingers finding the zip of my dress and slowly dragging it down, grabbing the material and sliding it off my body, leaving me in only my panties.
"No bra huh? Such a fucking tease.." he groaned, grabbing my boobs roughly and squeezing them, latching onto one of my nipples and sucking harshly, a wave of pleasure rushing throughout me.
"Mmmhh.." I moaned softly, wrapping my arms around his neck and driving his head closer. He grabbed my tits and squished them together, licking the skin slowly.
"So sexy...I've been waiting for this moment for so long.." he grinned, continuing to kiss and touch my body, his hands exploring every inch of me. His hands stop at my panties, moving them to the side and teasing my folds with his fingers.
"Fuck..so wet for me.." he chuckled, mocking me from earlier, "oh shut up," I giggled and smacked his arm playfully. I started to softly grind on his fingers, "ohh fuck.." I whined. He grabbed my hips and kept me still before plunging his fingers into my sopping cunt.
"Oh shit!" I gasped, my hands flying to his shoulders for support, "you're soaking.." he groaned, sliding his fingers in and out at a slow pace.
He continued to pump his fingers inside me, now increasing his pace, he can hear the sounds of my arousal filling the car and it only turned him on even more, curling his fingers at my g spot just to get a reaction out of me.
"Fuckk!" I buried my face into his neck, his thumb rubbing against my clit, as soon as he starts to feel me tighten around him he retracts his fingers. "Tom?" I whined at the loss of contact, pulling away from his neck and looking at him confused.
"That was just to get you ready baby, don't worry," he chuckled, grabbing his cock with one hand and using the other to hover me over his cock. His tip rested at my entrance before he slowly slid me down, my tight cunt resisting.
"Cmon..you can fit more," he grunted, trying to get me past the thickest layer of his cock, the base. He knew it wouldn't just go in without any sort of lubrication so he held his hand out, "spit honey," I hesitated for a second but spit some saliva into his hand, it smelt like vodka and beer but he didn't give a shit.
He coated the rest of his cock with the saliva and slammed me down, "ah!" I cried out, my legs slightly trembling from the force. "See, not even my fingers could help.." he chuckled, letting me adjust to his size.
My brain was hazy, vision foggy. After another minute of resting he started to thrust up into me, gripping my hips for security. His pace quickened, slamming into me over and over again, the sound of our bodies slapping against each other repeating as he fucked me relentlessly.
His cock hit all the right spots inside me, stabbing into my g spot effortlessly, making me roll my eyes back. "You like that baby? The way my cock slams into that tight cunt.." he whispered in my ear, I was out of words at this point, only able to muster up a small nod.
"Good girl.." he chuckled, picking up the pace and ramming into me harder, leaning down and sucking at my neck, leaving sloppy kisses all over the skin.
"Mmmm!" I moaned loudly, arching my back to meet his thrusts. He smirked against my skin, enjoying the sight of me losing control under his touch. His thrusts become faster, rougher and harder as he takes me to the brink of esctacy, "I could fuck you like this all day, listens to the sounds you make and the faces you pull as I drive my cock further into you.." he growled lowly, leaving marks everywhere on my neck.
His dirty talk only turned me on even more, my pussy throbbing around his cock, "ohhh fuck!" I whined, his balls slapping against my ass as he fucks me mercilessly.
"You want it harder, baby? You want me to fuck you until you can't walk straight?" he smirks, reaching down to spank my ass roughly, "ah! Y-yes!" I yelped, he grabbed my hips tighter, leaving cresent shaped moons in my skin as he pulled me back onto his cock with each thrust, a knot forming in my stomach.
His thrusts never faltered, only getting more vicious and cruel, his cock pounding into me with such force, his muscles straining. "That's right, baby. Take it all. Take every inch of this fucking cock," he groaned, slapping my ass again, a red mark forming on the cheek.
"Mmm! Gonna cum, fuck..." I groaned, wrapping my arms around him and scratching at his back, the pleasure getting too much. His cock throbbed with urgency inside me, pushing me towards the edge.
"Cum for me baby, let your juices spill all over my cock.." he grinned, reaching down and rubbing my clit with his thumb once again, sending me into a state of euphoria as I felt my orgasm drive over the edge.
"Fuck!" I yelled, my cunt clenching around his shaft as I spilled my juices all over it, "fuck yes!" he grunted, slamming into me and spilling his hot seed deep into me, grabbing my chin and smashing his lips into mine, kissing me passionately.
As he pulled away a long string of saliva followed, "you were amazing..fuck," he panted, pulling me against his chest and letting us both recover from the earth shattering orgasms we just had.
After letting us rest he slowly lifted me off his cock, his cum dripping out of my pussy, "oh fuck.." he chuckled and reached into the front for some tissues, wiping us both down and cleaning the seats.
He moved my panties back and pulled his jeans and boxers back up. Opening the door and holding me tightly, he walked over to the passanger side and slid me in, coming back to the drivers seat and starting the car, driving off.
"How about you stay at my place, let me take care of you?" he turned to me, seeing how tired I already was. I nodded softly and rested my head against the car door, exhaustion taking over me as I fell asleep.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @ballhair
tags: @kaulitzsbabyy @kaulitzswhxre @cosmicck
tags: @bkaulitzlover @ge-billsgf @ella1289
tags: @tomsonlyslut @20doozers @miyukafujii
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darkness-follows · 2 days
Wade x f!reader oneshot request?
This idea has been stewing in my mind for a bit and I would love to see your take on it!!!
A one-shot where he's nervous about the reader inviting him over her place.
Maybe she starts making a move but he is excited/nervous but wants his "first time" with a woman since his wife's passing to be savored and slow/sensual.
The reader then asks him to show what he likes ~ touching himself while telling the reader how he likes to be touched in bed, leading to a smuty good time for the reader?
Thank you so much!!!!
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Hope this does it justice:
[Hey Wade, lets say my place? 8pm?]
Wade stares at the phone in his hands, fuck!
He checks the time again, 6.15 pm. Fuck.
Of course it's enough time to get himself ready but it's not enough time to mentally prepare for that date. That kind of date. It's their..oh he lost count already, maybe 5th or 6th date?
"Wow you look like you've seen a ghost Wade" Forrest huffs. Wade doesn't answer he just shows him his phone.
"Oh Holy shit! Oh my god...it's a sex date!" Forrest slaps his hand over his mouth and does a little excited jump. He's happier about this than Wade is. "Oh is that bad? Are you not ready?" He worries.
"I uh, I.. I don't know man, I haven't really..I mean she's great! You know like great but I didn't think of..-" He frowns deeply, it's a part of dating it's normal. People date and have some casual Sex just to..to see if they match right?
"Wade you got this, our girls can hang, we keep an eye and you go and have.. fun!" Forrest smirks.
"Yes really. Promise" Forrest adds.
"Okay! I gotta get ready, i gotta..I gotta shave and shower and...- RAID my entire damn closet"
And then Wade is off.
"Shave? He doesn't have any facial..- oh!" Forrest shuts himself up after that.
Wade really scrubbed himself squeaky clean, hes also wearing a Brand New pair of jeans which probably wasn't the smartest move as they seem incredibly tight in all the wrong places. But he still sits in his car in front of his dates house, he managed to go, to go really out and do it.. and at exactly 8pm he rings the doorbell. Shifting from one leg to the other, god he's sweating! That's bad! He's so nervous he's even thinking about running away right now.
When the door opens his face lights up.
"Wade!" You smile wide, wrapping your arms around him, holding him tight 'god does he smell good' .
You missed him, you missed a lot. "You okay? You look a bit wound up" He looks like he ran here.
Wade hugs you back just as tightly, pretending not to breathe in deeply when his face is in your hair, that shampoo is such a known and comforting scent by now.
"I'm golden! I swear, just ran a bit hot in the car" He tries to play his nervousness down, a lot. Stepping inside and then you two carry on with the date idea you had, sort of watching the first Episode of a new Show you two have been dying to see with popcorn and cuddles... very nice and sensual cuddles. It feels really good, having your head against his shoulder. Feeling the weight of his hand on your thigh, thumb stroking a rhythm into your skin.
After the episode ends you move your head slowly closer to his, giving him a gentle kiss while both your lips still taste of that sweet and sugary popcorn. You wanted this from the day you two met, to just cuddle and makeout and more.. he's such a wonderful man, everything he does is a slight turn on. Even if it's just taking his glasses off so he's able to kiss you back deeper, or sucking his fingertips clean after his bowl of popcorn.
You shift slowly, feeling his hand on your hip.
Moving yourself onto his lap.
He pulls away from the kiss, standing up "You want some water?? I uh, I gotta im really...- dry throat!" He coughs a bit and shrugs running off to the kitchen.
When he returns you eye him carefully, pulling him on his belt to sit back down next to you.
When you lean in for another kiss he takes a big sip of his water, once he puts it down you wipe your thumb over his wet lips. "You sure your okay? Your not getting sick are you?" He's really warm so you place your palm onto his head. But he isn't hot there at all, Interesting.
"I'm..-" He takes a deep breath. He meant to say he's fine but..he's not and it wouldn't be fair to pretend that he is.
"I'm really nervous, about..-" He makes a funny hand gesture between the two of you.
"Oh.." You sit back once you notice.
"It's just been a while and I haven't been with anyone since.. -" He stops talking.
"We don't have to Wade! God im so sorry, please don't feel pressured!" You should have thought of that but you were too busy thinking about how he's driving you crazy lately.
"No no! It's okay I...- I want to" He smiles softly. "God believe me I really do, im just so nervous about it, I know sex. I know how to have great sex ! I mean I've been having sex since i was 18. That's a long time! I just haven't had sex with you and you make me..- god you make me so incredibly nervous" He sighs.
Its a strange but nice compliment, that you make him that nervous and that he's honest how difficult it is to sleep with someone after his wife died. It helps you to approach this with a full heart and empathy, pushing the need you have for him down a bit.
"Slow and steady?" You smile.
"YES! Yes....slow." He nods, staring at your lips and then your hands. Taking your right hand into his and that gives you an idea.
"Why don't you Show me Wade? Show me exactly what you like. I want this to be perfect for you" You squeeze his big hand gently.
His face turns a whole different shade of Red, it spreads to his ears and his chest. It's insanely difficult to not lean in for a heated kiss again. "Show you how?" He asks even though you are pretty sure he knows the answer to that.
"Move your hands on yourself the way you like to be touched so I can do it later.." your voice got a bit deeper and lower, it's beautiful to watch him fight the nervousness in this throat and hands. He gives you a quick nod. Moving his hands to his thighs, slowly running them up and down.
"I'm..- I'm sensitive on my thighs. It's little squeezes or moving a hand up slowly that really gets me" He sighs softly under your gaze. You take in the way he runs his right hand up his inner thigh, stopping before he gets too close to his crotch and then he moves it back down.
"Your doing great, show me more" You sit next to him on your knees. Hands on your thighs.
"I gotta take this off I think to show you..." He tugs at his shirt.
"Take it off if you feel comfortable enough." You throw him another warm smile and he nods. Tugging at the neck of his shirt and then he pulls it over his head, folding it neatly instead of tossing it somewhere.
The heat spread over his chest is intoxicating and it takes everything in you not to lean in and kiss his grey chest hair.
You keep a note on how his hand is still running along his own thigh, it looks like a big self soothing kind of touch.
Wade moves his other hand flat onto his chest, spreading his fingers through his chest hair and running his palm over his sternum. "That's where I feel that anxious bubble up sometimes and just running a palm along here calms me down, a lot, it's also nice when that hand wanders and squeezes my chest or uhm" He runs his thumb over his own nipple, a Sound comes out of him that suprises you a bit.
"Or that yeah" He chuckles and it slowly feels like he's calming down some.
"You are really sensitive aren't you?" It's torture at this point to keep your hands to yourself.
"I'd call it responsive? Just really react to everything very intensely and that's great! I mean it can be amazing but when it's something I don't like I just..- I react heavily to that too" He frowns a bit.
"I understand that. I get why it's so difficult, thank you for telling me Wade, seriously. I only want you to feel good." You point out.
You can see how crazy nervous it would make someone, being with the same woman for 20 years, she knew exactly how to touch him.. and now that's gone and readjusting such a set in Stone routine seems impossibly difficult.
It would be difficult for yourself too. And maybe over time you can do small tiny little changes and he Blooms again and tries out more things again. You'd love to see that Version of him.
"Thank you for being so patient with me" Wade leans closer this time, this time he's the one pressing his lips onto yours and kissing you deeply. And it really does feel better this way.
He feels a lot more into it then he did before.
When he breaks off the kiss you don't chase it, you let him continue to show you.
"Of course.." You whisper. Watching his hands work on his belt and zipper, god now the room suddenly got really really hot. The moan that comes rumbling out of his throat when he moves his hand into his briefs is sinful.
"God Wade, you look so beautiful right now. I don't think you even know how insanely hot you are, everything you do gets me. Especially watching you getting more and more comfortable for me, can I please touch you? Like one of the ways you showed me?" You can't take this anymore..
"I've never felt this way before, never touched myself that way, so please do" Wade huffs. He doesn't even think of himself as that sexy.
You nod and place your hand onto his chest just like he showed you, pressing your palm into his sternum while his hand strokes his cock in his underwear. Christ.
Your other hand moves to his thigh, tracing the inside up and down. "Like that?" You ask.
"Yes..exactly like that sweetheart" He sighs deeply and leans in for another kiss. While you kiss you can feel his hand slowly reaching out to take yours, you didn't expect that at all but he replaces his hand with yours and suddenly you have a insanely warm, thick and hard as a Rock cock in your hand. You pull back from the kiss, and the expression on his face makes your thighs clench together.
"You want to give me some more notes here Wade?" A big smirk is on your lips while you carefully move your hand up and down his lenght.
But Wade shakes his head "I..uh, I got nothing to add you are doing it perfectly" and for a moment you can see something almost like disbelieve in his eyes. That he can't believe he found a woman who knows exactly how to touch him the way he really likes it. This whole dating and finding out thing must have been really hard.
"Tell me what you like, please, it's been so about me I don't want you to feel left out!" Wade holds his hand above your thighs not too sure if he can touch or not. "I don't feel that way at all, I really want to just please you Wade, I want you to feel great and im sure whatever way you have me I'd be fantastic" You smile again when he grabs your thigh and kisses your cheek and your bodies slowly shift on the couch.
Until you find yourself underneath him, spreading your legs for him while your hand still slowly strokes up and down his cock.
His hands run up your sides, it feels like he's really taking in everything, the way you look on your back and how your clothes fall, the way your legs are at his sides. He really is a pretty slow and sensual guy, this is going to be a wild time for sure.
Your hand carefully moves out of his pants, keeping your hands to yourself for now. You have a feeling this really is only about you right now. You watch his fingers open the buttons on your thin shirt, one by one, he's being so slow and careful with it. You wear a simple top underneath which frames your chest pretty nicely, which, following his eyes he noticed.
Then he looks into your eyes "You are beautiful, really, breathtaking" He whispers. Helping you out of your shirt and out of your top as well. It's a good thing you decided on the dark blue bra and dark blue pair of lace panties tonight. His fingers stroke over the Material of the cup around your breast. These slow exploring touches really set your body on fire.
Then Wade opens yours pants, drags them slowly down your thighs and leans back to pull them off your feet. Both of his hands trace your leg back up from your ankles to your hips. Nobody ever took this much time appreciating your body before.
"You still okay? You can tell me when you want to stop Wade.." You stroke a hand over his cheek and the look on his face is adoreable. "I'm perfect, I was so nervous about this whole thing and now? Now I want to touch every inch of you, kiss every inch of you.." He whispers, leaning down to press his lips onto yours again and you move your hands back to how he showed you he likes it.
During that slow and Intense kiss you can feel his hand wander over your body again. Cupping your still clothed breast and then he drags it over your stomach, and then between your legs. His fingers stroke over the Material of your underwear and you wish your weren't wearing it anymore. It's almost as if that's what he's exactly teasing at, his fingers softly press against the fabric and you start to feel some mild friction.
His lips wander from your mouth to your neck.
"You are driving me crazy" You whisper and his fingers dig a bit deeper into your underwear. The way his lips trace your skin is so steady, so warm, so comfortable. He really meant it, wanting to kiss every inch of you. Against your will your hips move up just a little to meet more friction and instead of making you behave Wade moves his hand into your underwear, doing the exact same thing but now his two fingers rub against skin! "Wade...-" You moan out.
His fingers stroke over your clit but so painfully slow that there is no way you could ever cum from that and you are starting to think that's the whole purpose of doing it all so slow. He's savoring the moment while driving you absolutely crazy at the same time. And that works perfectly for the both of you.
Your hand wanders back into his underwear as well, stroking your hand over his cock just like she showed you. And when he moans you squirm underneath him, god that was the hottest moan you ever heard.
Wade really forgot how great it felt to be touched just exactly right by someone, when that gear just flips and everything they do is an instant turn on.. he missed that feeling, he missed that feeling so very much. He doesn't feel guilty anymore about seeking what he desires and getting what he needs, he needs a new emotional connection to someone, he really needs to be intimate with someone again. He’s truly happy that he found you. And he will make damn sure to show you his appreciation as best as he possibly can.
“Take it to the next step when you feel ready Wade okay?” You need to make sure he's okay. You can't even imagine how much meaning this has for him, how he's scared of it and how much he craves it at the same time.
When he nods and pulls back you can hear your own heart pounding in your chest. It's really happening..- After all these dates and getting to know someone, you finally get to know Wade all the way.
When he takes off every last piece of your and his clothing and suddenly you both are just…naked, on the couch. Overcome by a small wave of shyness you hesitate with opening your legs again for him, it was a different thing while you still had your bra and underwear on. Now everything is so vulnerable.
His hands stroke up your thighs and the look in his eyes asks for silent permission. Despite the nervous throbbing in your body you open your legs slowly and his hands get a hold on your hips while his body moves between your thighs.
He places the sweetest and deepest kiss onto your lips while his hand guides himself to your heated, longing core.
“Wade..” You move your hands to his face. Kissing his lips.
“You mean the World to me, if at any point you change your mind about this please tell me, we’re gonna be okay. I promise” his face lights up into a pure smile, you can see the youth in him, his age not suiting him at the moment at all, he looks like a young man drowned in love and it causes you to melt right underneath him.
“We’re gonna be okay..-” He repeats before he places his tip against you, never has a man pushed himself into you this slowly. Everytime you think that's gonna be it another inch disappears inside of you, your legs slowly wrap around his waist and when he's all the way inside he stops moving his entire body.
He's so quiet it would worry if you wouldn't know that he's going to open up if anything ever bothers him.
He feels incredible. He feels so comfortable. He gives your body enough time to accept him, to adjust to him, it's a perfect fit and somehow you knew it would be.
You didn't expect him to lift his head and look at you, holding your gaze when he starts to move his hips so carefully and gently.
Drawing a deep and long moan out of you.
Not knowing he enjoys it that slow has you melting even further into the couch, what a cruel beauty it is, every movement gets dragged out and the body building up to some kind of grand release goes on and on and on…
Almost as if there is no end in sight. But it's heaven, feeling him so closely, feeling the steady weight and gentle drag of his cock deep inside of you while he kisses your skin and moans the occasional word into your ear is heaven. The time he's able to pull while he keeps this up, keeps this so slow.. it feels like you are dreaming, as if you are connected for hours.
You touch him the way he showed you again, hand pressing and stroking over his chest when you get surprised by a deep moan. His hips barely change pace but it's enough to have you clawing at his shoulders. You can't take the building up to it anymore, he's so easily moving in and almost out of you because it made you incredibly wet to have this feeling last this long. You worry about cleaning the couch pillows tomorrow… for now all you want is his release, you need to look into his eyes when he finally spills into your body and lets go of this weight on his shoulders. Of this guilt he's been carrying for simply being a human being with needs and desires.
Your hands move his head gently closer to yours. “You're okay Wade, you're fine..- let go for me Baby.. I promise we're gonna be just fine” You press a kiss onto his cheek and then onto his other. He nods and places his lips onto yours when he thrusts just the smallest bit harder, and that added speed makes you clench around him, makes your back arch slightly off the couch while you loudly moan out his name.. “Wade…oh, fuck! Wade…” Your body is shaking from that orgasm. That pleasure. Like an elastic Band that just suddenly snapped and right after you feel him, you feel his cum fill you up while his hands clutch your hips and his head falls onto your shoulder. The moans coming out of him as he thrusts his full release into you almost sound broken, his first time since his wife passed that he made love to a woman again. That's how these moans Sound like.
When his hips stop moving you pull him into a close hug.
“God…-” He sighs deeply. “Oh why did I wait this long!” He mumbles, placing kisses onto your shoulder and collarbone. “That was incredible. Wow.” He lifts his head to finally look at you again. The mood is easy, he seems so happy, so lit up by finally letting go of this. Getting it over with so to speak. Moving on..
“It was pretty good.” You tease softly.
“How uh, how good?” He bites his tongue with a huff “You know what? Nevermind. I don't think I wanna know!” He shrugs.
“Well we can do it again…and again..and-” He kisses you deeply, starved, as if the two of you didn't just finish. “You bet sweetheart, you better be ready for that fire you started” He smirks wide. “Oh easy now cowboy!” You laugh and he kisses your head. “How about some hot coco and another Episode of this show?” He suggests. “That sounds amazing, but..- Stay for a bit? With me? Like this?” You run your hands over his back and his sides.
“Anything for you love, thank you for being so patient and..- understanding. You made me very very happy” Wade places another kiss onto your cheek before you two hold each other tightly again. You could seriously fall asleep like this, it's the most comfortable you have felt in a while…a long while.
“It was my pleasure Wade” You smile.
Hey thank you for reading and I really hope I did this prompt justice, also my very first time writing as Wade Felton !!!! Ahhh.
I did not read this for any mistakes yet so don't point out my probably plenty mistakes! Haha.
Tags: @toogaytofunctiondangit
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themeatpit37 · 2 days
(you don't have to write this if you don't want to)
Story Idea: MC brings Jack to the aquarium and to an amusement park for his birthday as a surprise. How would Jack react and feel? (MC tells the amusement park workers to secure the seat next to them to make them feel safer. Most of the time they do comply and if they refuse to, Jack will get off the ride).
SWWSDJ Mini Fic; Birthday Bash!
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(Art made by Sauce/Jambeebot)
Oh? Why this sounds like a lovely idea! I’ll see what I can make to do your request justice! Sorry if I couldn’t fit everything! I wanted to give each subject their spotlight, so some parts might seem rushed and I apologize!
Content included: Fluff, gender neutral second person reader, follows the yes route in story, short aquarium visit, amusement park visit, talks of Jack’s devotion, spoiling Jack for at least 80% of this mini fic, Reader worries there is imbalance in the relationship, reader decides to put the pants on in the relationship for a bit, and more!
Content warnings: Nausea warning and mentions of vomiting (none that actually happen or are described in detail)
You’d never seen Jack like this.
It wasn’t uncommon for him to get so excited that he’d start speaking too fast or try to gather up some fun facts to tell you about a subject, but right now he was completely silent. All he could do was stare in complete starry eyed wonder at the moon jellyfish that gently floated around their enclosure. His hands were clasped together behind his back, most likely to keep himself from touching the glass, and he would slowly yet subtly rock back and forth on his heels.
“Hey Jack? You… doing okay over there?”
“… It’s just like the night sky, don’t you think?”
Jack muttered softly, still sounding amazed even after staring at the tank for so long.
“The way they glow and light up the darkness of the water. Like small little spats in the vast darkness…”
He made a little snapping motion as he said “spats” for emphasis before he turned to you with a little smile on his face and a soft gaze to match.
“Kind of like you.”
It was funny how easily Jack could turn any situation into an opportunity to show his love for you, but this especially made your heart skip a beat. Were you really that important to him? Did he really see you as a light guiding him through the dark? Or were you looking too deep into it? Before you could think more about this, Jack gasped and made his way to the other room of the aquarium.
“Sunshine look they got crabs!!!”
You quickly follow him into the next room, mostly so you wouldn’t lose him, only to catch Jack immediately reading the little exhibit sign placed not too far off from where the crabs were.
“Giant Japanese spider crab! Woah, they certainly fit the title of giant!”
He laughed to himself and you decided to walk over for a closer look. The crab in question was in fact large with long legs, the legs that carried its claws at the front folding inward. The shell was a vibrant reddish orange with white on the legs and the underside of the crab in a speckled kind of pattern.
“Oh that reminds me, hey Sunshine!”
He gave a knowing smile before continuing.
“Fun fact, spider crabs are considered one of the largest crabs in the world! Oh also did you know that the innards of a crab are commonly referred to as miso?”
The first one was probably read off of the sign, but now you’re curious as to where he found out that second fact. It didn’t matter though because you were just happy to see him all excited. Even with all this excitement and energy coming off of Jack, you knew what you had to do. In fact, you were on a mission. Jack was distracted and that gave you time to get him something special. So you decided to give an excuse to leave for a moment and let him watch the crabs some more.
“I’ll be back, just gotta run off to the bathroom is all.”
“Alright sunshine, just don’t be gone for too long! I get lonely without you…”
You waved goodbye and walked away from the crabs, heading towards the gift shop in the aquarium instead. You had already gotten him a gift, but getting another wouldn’t hurt. Plus, you knew exactly what he would like.
You had hidden the gift in the car, under the back seat where Jack would never check. You knew he wouldn’t check because he sits in the front seat which was exactly where he was right now.
“Today was amazing Sunshine! Honestly, it was perfect! I don’t think I could ask for anything more!”
It was hard to keep a straight face as he said that. Very hard. The aquarium was only the beginning of the celebration! Now it was time for Jack’s first gift, so you took an unexpected turn instead of taking the normal route home. It took Jack a moment to even realize he didn’t recognize the road you were driving down and his suspicion was only confirmed the further you drove.
“Hey Sunshine? I thought… I thought the apartment was over there?”
“Mm-hm, the apartment is over there.”
You didn’t turn around though and instead took another turn.
“… Where are we going, sunspot?”
You only smiled and continued straight. Jack decided to look out the window for clues as to where you were taking him only to spot something in the distance.
“Hold on is that a…”
He didn’t even finish his sentence as the Ferris wheel got closer and closer into view along with the many other roller coasters and bright lights that weren’t quite as bright as they could be due to the sun being out.
“Wait, you’re telling me we’re going…!”
Jack couldn’t help but let out a giddy laugh as a grin spread across his face. You on the other hand pulled into the amusement park’s parking lot as a way of answering his question.
“Well aren’t you full of surprises today! I didn’t even know they had parks like this around here!”
His face and hands were pressed against the glass as you parked and got out of the car, walking around to Jack’s side to hold it open for him with a bow.
“After you, sir.”
You said with a playful tone as Jack eagerly hopped out of the car like an overexcited puppy about to go to a dog park. With a quick trip over to the enterance and the purchase of a wristband, you two were ready.
“So, where should we go first birthday boy?”
It wasn’t too abnormal to talk to Jack here since so many people were crowded around you, making it easy to mistake you talking to him for talking to anyone else around. Jack thought for a moment as he glanced around the park to figure out what to ride first, tapping his chin thoughtfully.
“Hmmmm…. Which to choose, which to choose.”
He then grabbed your hand and started guiding you over to the teacups, one of the spinning rides. It’s only a good idea if you can handle being dizzy, don’t struggle with motion sickness, or haven’t had any of the food here yet. It was cute though with the tea party aesthetic and pastel colored cups. Because it was a ride for friends, family, or kids, you’d probably have to come up with a reason not to sit with someone since the people running the rides tend to want to put as many people on as possible. Probably because of the long lines. Your wristband was scanned and you were told you go ahead inside.
As you made your way to one of the cups, you decided to speak up just as you had mentally rehearsed for cases like this.
“Oh hey, if you don’t mind, could I go on by myself? I just prefer some space to feel more secure!”
The person running the ride just shrugged and boom, Jack slipped right in and you followed suit. It just so happened you got the teacup with the cute hearts on it, fitting the two of you very well. Soon after the ride started up and the cup began to spin. It was slow, as these rides for younger audiences tended to be.
“So when does the ride actually go fast?”
Jack asked with curiosity which you couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at, hanging your arms over the rim of the cup.
“Jack this is a kid’s ride, they don’t go fast.”
As if the universe itself came down to punish you for your hubris, the cups suddenly cranked up in speed which caused a yelp to come out of you and a laugh to come out of Jack. As you spun, you caught a glance at the guy running the ride looking all smug at you in particular. Bastard. Fucking bastard. Jack put his hand in the air and leaned into the seat while you were just trying not to throw up right then and there… At least he was having fun. It may have sucked for you and your motion sickness self but it was much more bearable since Jack was enjoying it so much.
Finally, after several minutes of ungodly fast spinning, you two were able to get off. Jack stumbled out while you tried to hold onto him for support, which was a bad idea because you both were just stumbling around like you were two drunks who just came out the pub. However you were able to grab onto a nearby wall meant to keep people distant from those terrible teacups and use your other hand to pull Jack back over to you. It took at least a good five minutes for him to recover from the dizziness he was afflicted with and for you to recover from your nausea. Eventually, you stood straight up again to focus back on Jack.
“Alright we got on the teacups, what’re you thinking of doing next there Jack?”
You teased and gave him a nudge, probably confusing the people who you swear were giving you a weird look. Jack on the other hand was looking off somewhere else, possibly distracted.
“Do you still need a second there Jack?”
You asked, worried he still couldn’t tell left from right at this point, until he snapped out his thoughts with a head shake and turned to you with a sheepish grin.
“Oh sorry sunspot! Kinda got lost in my own thoughts!”
You decided to look where he was before and lo and behold, there was a food stall. How in hell could someone get off of a kiddie ride so fast it made you want to puke your guts up and decide afterwards that this was now the best time to eat?! To be fair though, it was later in the day and you did kinda mess up on the breakfast in bed this morning plus Jack didn’t seem nauseated at all so a little treat from the fair certainly wouldn’t hurt to get for him.
The stand he was looking at had lots of treats too like caramel apples, funnel cake, fried Oreos, popcorn, lemonade, those obsurdly large corn dogs, and cotton candy. With your hand in his, the two of you began to walk over, the smell of sugar, grease, and butter overwhelming yet tempting like a siren’s sweet song. You could see Jack already getting a little excited, a sight that was always pleasant to see.
“What do you wanna get?”
You decided to ask that instead of if he wanted a snack in the first place since it was clear he wanted to try something.
“Maybe some cotton candy? It’s been a while since I got to have some!”
Yeah that sounded about right. Last time he had cotton candy anything was probably when you made him that yogurt that one time at work. He seemed to like it, but you never did get that special surprise he promised… Stupid sprinkles probably, messing up the perfect yogurt… Now though you were going to remedy this! With a quick shuffle through your pockets you pulled your wallet out and got out your card. With a quick scan and the card returned, you were given a large fluff of blue cotton candy on a paper cone. You thought since the pastel blue made it looked kinda like Jack, he’d like it more just like the yogurt.
“Thank you so much sunshine! It looks so good!”
You nodded and watched as he tore off a piece and popped it into his mouth. It did make you wonder if anyone else could see Jack eating… Did they just see the piece floating in air only to disappear? Was anyone even paying attention long enough to care? So many things to wonder, but instead you tore off a small piece for yourself to nibble on now that you didn’t feel sick to your stomach, like a tax for paying for the cotton candy, as Jack continued eating his special treat. It was gone in no time since cotton candy is nothing but spun sugar, leaving a sticky residue on the fingers when finished.
“So tell me, what’s next there Jack?”
A chuckle left you as you watched Jack lick his lips which were stained with a touch of blue. He then focused on the question and hummed to himself as he tried to think of something, giving his chin a tap just like before. He was cute, there was no denying it but especially when he did silly, almost cartoonish stuff like this.
“Well we went on the teacups… Tried some fair food… Oh!”
Then a lightbulb went off, or you assumed it did when he suddenly stood up straight with a finger pointed up before gesturing to the huge Ferris Wheel with a big smile. The lights on the wheel itself were somewhat visible now that the sun was starting to set, giving off a glow like no other. They were colorful too, neon lights of red, white, and blue much more prominent than before.
“We can’t leave without going on the Ferris Wheel!”
Yeah, he was right about that. It was only something someone would avoided if they hated heights, but even then there is still something whimsical about getting on one of them. Plus if you were truly scared, it was Jack’s special day so making today special was worth it even if it meant going on one super tall ride like this one. Besides, it hopefully wasn’t going to be as bad as the teacups.
You stepped in line with Jack and waited. And waited. And waited… It was going to be a while of just waiting and following everyone else in line until- Oh! You were already at the front now! The guy in charge of the ride took a look at your wristband and scanned it why is everything here just done with scanning??? Bleh you feel like an old person yelling at kids to get on your lawn… but either way, you got into the Ferris Wheel’s passenger car and took your seat. You didn’t even have to worry about saving Jack the seat because most people don’t go into the cars with people they don’t know.
It didn’t take long until the ride was started up and the wheel went back to spinning, giving Jack and you some time together.
“You had fun today, right sunshine?”
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow, noticing how the orange colored sky behind him made his bright blue hair stand out and almost glow from the light itself. But you had to snap out of your thoughts on how pretty he was to answer his question.
“Of course I did, why wouldn’t I?”
“No reason, just wanted to make sure you had just as much fun as I did! It wouldn’t be my birthday if you weren’t also having fun!”
Ah, he was just thinking about you was all. Huh. Now that you were on the subject, he thought about you a lot didn’t he? Sometimes you wondered if he thought about anything but you… If he ever thought about himself the same way. Did he ever get time to himself? You know he stays home from time to time but does he use this time to focus on himself at all?
“Sunshine! Look! The sun is setting!”
You snapped out of your thoughts to take a look at the beautiful orange and pink glow of the setting sun. The further the sun traveled, the more noticeable blues and purples became. You could stare at it forever… Yet instead you looked to see Jack who was still watching, the colors of the sky shining in the reflection of his eyes along with the emerging stars that lit up the sky in place of the new resting sun.
It reminded you of what he said earlier that day, about the jellyfish being like stars… And how you were similar to them in that regard. His sunshine, his sunspot, his sundrop… all were light. The stars and the glow of bioluminescence, also light. You were more than just someone he loved, you were the very light that guided him.
Is that why he was so devoted? Why he insisted on caring for you so much? Maybe, just maybe, today shouldn’t be the only day you get to be the one to take care of him. Yes, he would be the one to insist caring for you but did he ever want a turn to be doted on? To be the one carried up the stairs and pressed into the mattress? To wake up to a plate of pancakes in the morning? Did he… Did he ever get the chance to let go and let himself be vulnerable like you were able to with him? All these questions, yet no true answers. It didn’t matter though, you were going to be the one to give your fair share. If you wanted this relationship to be healthy and balanced, maybe it was time to follow Jack’s lead and make him feel cared for every once in a while. Let him know you love him just as much he loves you.
Jack had noticed you were staring for a while and turned to you with a head tilt and a touch of confusion.
“Sunshine? Are you okay?”
Instead of responding, you took his hand into your own and carefully pulled him over. You two had done this before, but with your objective to stay in charge, it activated the tingly feeling of butterflies fluttering around in your stomach and flying up your throat to seemingly prevent you from explaining yourself. It wasn’t needed though as you tugged at the strings of his jacket and lead him over, which he followed seamlessly as he ended up practically on your lap. The moment your lips met, Jack melted into them. Your hand traveled up from holding his hand to cup the back of his head as your fingers tangled themselves up into the thick locks of blue hair that you knew so well.
Normally Jack would try to take on a guiding role during kisses, but with you practically straddling him and holding him in place, there was no room for that. He didn’t mind either, leaning into your every touch and hugging you so close like he worried you’d let go. You didn’t want to let go anyways, not in a million years. In fact, the only thing stopping you from going down and completely ravaging him was both because you knew you were nowhere near a place where you’d get away with it and because you didn’t want to go too fast with this. You needed to be slow with Jack on this type of thing, not just plow right in without asking.
But all good things come to an end and your lips parted from each other, leaving you both a little winded for many various reasons yet yearning for more anyways.
“Sunshine… I love you so much…”
He whispered, voice softer than normal. So that’s what it was… He didn’t mind leading or following, he just wants your attention. With that in mind, you cupped his cheeks and press your foreheads together affectionately with a gentle nuzzle.
“I love you too, more than you could ever know.”
As you two parted though, you noticed the wheel was slowly turning and you could see the crowd of people coming into view for their turn. Ah, you forgot you were still in public. Let’s hope while it was spinning, no one saw you making out with what they probably assumed was just the air…
“… Hey Jack?”
“Yes sunshine?”
“You know what? Why don’t we explore some more here? The park tends to stay open pretty late.”
Jack smiled at this and nodded as you finally came to a stop and the doors of the Ferris Wheel opened.
“I’d love to!”
You two left not that long after, talking about things like the big shark at the aquarium and the guy you found who actually won that one rope bridge game the fair had. It was very late at this point, at least for Jack since he had a pretty good sleep schedule and tended to go to bed early.
“Wow sunshine! Today really was the most perfect day ever! You really outdid yourself!”
Even now after the aquarium and the amusement park, you still had a few more surprises for him. Jack didn’t know this though, which you took advantage of. You gestured for Jack to sit down on the couch.
“Well today isn’t over, now is it? Go ahead and sit down, and cover your eyes for me.”
“Oh? Well alright! It’s the least I can do considering how much you’ve done today!”
Jack closed his eyes and covered them up with his hands, humming to himself as you left the apartment. Immediately you went to the car and grabbed the present stuffed under the backseat and shut the door before quickly making your into the apartment again. The bag was placed on the table before Jack, who was still covering his eyes, and you walked into the kitchen to grab the second item. Once back in the living room, the stuff was put down and you began to prepare.
“Just gotta do this… And place those… Can’t forget this!”
He could feel something being placed on his head, almost like a headband.
“Aaaand… There! Jack! You can open your eyes now!”
“Alright Sunshine, let’s see…”
Jack uncovered his eyes and slowly opening them, blinking a few times to adjust before a soft gasp left him. He touched the top of his head to feel a party hat that was glued to a headband was on top of his head. What really caught his attention was what sat before him. Sitting on the table was a gift bag that had a rainbow striped design and the words “Happy Birthday” in the middle. There beside it was a cake that had sprinkles and a rim of white frosting in a wave like pattern decorating the top and bottom. Sitting on the flat top of the cake were thin, long candles in red, yellow, and blue matching Jack’s main colors.
“You… Did you get all of this just for me..?”
He placed his hand on his chest, taken aback and instead of answering, you quickly lit them all. But the moment they were lit, they began to sparkle and pop because they weren’t actually candles, but rather sparklers. Jack’s eyes widened and a gasp slipped from his mouth, watching with childlike wonder at the colorful sparks that flew. As per tradition, you began to sing.
“Happy birthday to you,”
Jack perked his head up and stole a glance at you before looking back at the sparkling cake.
“Happy birthday to you,”
The longer he listened, the more emotional he got. No one has ever done so much for him, especially not on his birthday…
“Happy birthday dear Sunny Day Jack,”
At the sound of his name, his eyes started to water and he couldn’t hold them back much longer.
“Happy birthday to you!”
You finished up only to look and see Jack was crying, albeit very quietly, which he tried to hide by covering his mouth with his hand.
“… Jack…?”
You asked with a hint of worry in your tone, catching his attention. Was something wrong? Did he not like it? Assuming the worse was common in such a situation but you decided to push these thoughts away and ask him instead.
“You… You doing okay over there…?”
Jack wiped away his tears and sniffled, composing himself before giving a smile, a genuine smile that lit up the room like no other. Reassurance is what it was really, that all this was perfectly fine.
“Yeah just… I’ve never been so… Happy? You’re… You’re just so amazing sunshine, I just got a little overwhelmed is all! But these are all happy tears, don’t worry!”
You smiled back at him before walking back to the kitchen just to return with a knife to cut the cake, one plate, and a fork.
“Okay, I’ll go ahead and cut this up. You can open your present while I’m cutting you a slice.”
The cake was cut into eight slices, one being removed and plopped onto the plate on its side to reveal it was a four layer confetti cake with vanilla buttercream between each layer. Jack on the other hand carefully grabbed the bag and waited patiently for you to finish. Once you did, you gave Jack your undivided attention and waited for him to begin but he just waited. Probably for your permission.
“Go ahead, open it. It’s your gift after all.”
Jack then gave a nod and opened the bag up. The tissue paper wrapped gift inside was taken out and placed into his lap as he put the bag off to the side.
“Oh wow sunshine, this has a little weight to it! Now I’m real curious!”
He began to pull the tissue paper away and stopped for a second. Sitting in his lap looked to be a fuzzy baby blue jellyfish with two plastic eyes. You decided to explain.
“Well… I noticed you were looking at the moon jellies earlier and thought you might like this. Plus- Hold on, let me show you this instead.”
With one press on the top, the jellyfish began to glow. It was a soft cyan color and the light itself was kind of the same brightness as a night light; Bright but not obnoxiously so.
“So do you like it? I kinda figured you might want a little companion. Y’know, since I noticed you tend to get lonely when I’m not here.”
He nodded and held the jellyfish up. All he could do was smile as it glowed like a star in the vastness of space. The only thing he could really say was five simple words;
“Just like the night sky…”
And that there is the end! Sorry it took so long! I got mighty busy and by the time it was starting to come together, I thought it would be a nice birthday present for Jack so I scheduled it to release on his birthday!
Sorry for any accidents in writing or rushed pacing! I was trying to complete this while busy with other things and they kinda both overlapped! But things are starting to calm down and requests are for the most part always open!
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yarasdead · 5 hours
this one lives my in my mind rent free
“This is wrong.” “So wrong.” While continuing to pull at each others clothes, mind fogged with nothing but lust and arousal.
we are on the same wavelength atp bc that's the prompts that caught my eye teehee
bestfriend!noah sebastian x fem!reader +18
cw. bestfriend!noah au, first time with bestfriend!noah (not loss of virginity on either part), not fully smut but if you guys what a pt. 2 that continues this with full smut then i'll be more than happy to do so!, pervy!noah, noah is condescending, besties who want each other but like it's also really complicated <3
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you watch as noah plays on your switch with a game that he brought over because you don't have a pc setup like he does back at his house or another gaming system other than your switch. it's getting boring as you watch him play super smash bro's ultimate for the last hour. you guys are supposed to be doing something fun.
"noah, i'm bored. can we do something fun? like go to the mall or something?"
"i'm having fun. you're the one who said you didn't want to play." he says, not bothering to look over at you and keep his eyes strained on your tv screen.
you scoff at him. laying back into your pillow and continue watching noah play the game, the entitlement of your bestfriend gets you railed up sometimes. but, you're eye sight is level with noah's tattooed hand as his fingers move quickly across the controller, you wouldn't say that it's getting you railed up, but it's definitely making you wonder a few things you shouldn't wonder about when it's your bestfriend.
huffing you twist to grab your phone off the bedside table and begin to scroll aimlessly through any app possible, hoping it will pass the time and noah will get bored of the game soon enough.
not noticing when noah exited out of the game to switch homescreen you continue to scroll. noah looks over at you. he was going to say how the two of you can go to the mall now, but he's met with your figure sprawled out, a leg hanging off your bed, phone in your face, hair spread over your pillow, and your damn shirt is riding up and he can see your soft stomach.
he bites his lip. he definitely knows something fun to do, you just have to be down for it.
"i know something fun we can do." there's a slight mischievous tone in his voice but you ignore it and perk up.
"you do? is it that thrift shop you said you would take me to?"
"the new smoothie place down the street?"
you were running out of ideas and you thought that he must be pulling your strings. "do you want to play another game?" you sigh.
"then what is it, noah? you know i hate surprises."
"it's not a surprise, but i need your consent?"
"consent? what for."
"do i have your consent or not?" he presses.
"yes, you do. can you tell me wha-"
he interrupts you before you can finish your sentence by smashing his lips into yours. he hovers over you for a minute into the kiss to allow his hand to the back of your thigh of your leg off the bed, while his other hand comes onto the small of your back to push you further into him. and in a swift movement your in him lap. placing both your hands on the side of his face and kissing him harder than you've ever kissed anyone in your life.
the two of you pull away from each other and a string of saliva still connects you two together and in unison it makes both of you groan.
noah kisses you a few more time on the lips before kissing down your jaw and to your neck where he suckles.
"nuh huh. no hickies, noah."
he pulls himself off your neck with plump lips.
"you've got color corrector and concealer. jus' cover them up."
noah doesn't give you time to fight back before going back to suckling on your neck. all worries about the hickies and covering them are out of your head as you start to grind down on his semi hard length. it feels like a wet dream you've had of him before and you're almost expecting to wake up soon, and you hope you don't.
everything is so overwhelming and your body is lulling with arousal for your bestfriend. his head popping up from sucking various hickies on your neck.
"can i take this off?" he ask. pulling at the hem of your shirt, you nod.
you've heard stories of what noah's done with other girls, just as he's heard what you've done with other guys. but to experience with him is completely different and through you out of the loop.
your shirt comes over your head and noah groans, looking you in the face. "no bra?"
"i'm in the comfort of my own home." you whine.
"yeah, i can always tell when you don't wear a bra. sometime i'll crank the ac up to see your nipples get hard." he confessed.
you stare at him, unable to think of the right thing to say that doesn't give away that his words have greatly caused you becoming aroused.
"if you wanted to see my tits you could've just asked, asshole."
he grins at you. "i'll be doing that a lot more, you've got the prettiest tits i've ever seen." his hands cupping your breast and his thumbs smoothing over your hardened nipples.
"i wonder if your pussy is prettier." he says, looking you directly in your eyes.
you moan and push his face into your tits, and noah immediately one in his mouth as he toys with the other.
he's seems content with switching between sucking and playing with your tits for awhile, while you grind down on him before he puts you back on your back. he looks down at you before giving you a quick kiss before proceeding down your body.
reality sets in as he gets further down.
"this is wrong." you blurt out.
"so wrong." noah mocks. his hand coming between your thighs and you let him push your legs apart. his hands smoothing over the band of your shorts.
"if you want me to stop, i'll stop right fucking now and we'll forget about this."
you know he means it, the amount of shit the two of you have been through together that is no longer brought up because the other said so is proof enough. but you've also haven't been laid in awhile, and what's a bestfriend, hot bestfriend specifically, for if you also can't fuck then and still be friends. you've convinced yourself that nothing will change and noah will still be your bestfriend, that you want this him, bad.
"are you also going to fuck me?" you ask.
"oh, i'm going to fuck you so hard that you won't even think of fucking anyone else again."
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cripplecharacters · 5 hours
In an urban fantasy world with a rather soft magic system, how could a character with a spinal cord injury (still deciding on how high up/how complete the injury is but since he got it in a high speed broomstick crash it's going to be pretty bad) accommodate for their paralysis without erasing or curing it entirely? What are some things that would need to be considered?
Hello. Here are a few ideas for how he could use magic to do what he wants to do;
Consider summoning spells. He can see something out of his reach or even too far out of his way and just summon it to him
He could use levitation like how Charles Xavier did in the X-Men comics, to move his wheelchair over barriers such as stairs when he wanted to. Or even just for the drama of it all.
He can use magic to push something out of the way of his chair or push something between him and another person he doesn't want near him for whatever reason. It can be a form of self-defence to give him time to manoeuvre his chair and leave.
Basically, telekinesis spells would be extremely useful. These can help him open and close doors, adapt to obstacles, and otherwise make it easier for him to do small things.
Accessibility features, too. If he has magical constructs, he might be able to make a ramp. Maybe, if he was particularly motivated, he could uproot part of the sidewalk and turn it into a wheelchair lift. There are probably ways for him to recreate, at least partially, the accessibility features we use to get around in the real world
I'll only stick to the basics there because I don't know what they can do, but these can help you figure out ways to turn magic into his accessibility feature. Consider how tall he is in the wheelchair- he's sitting down, yes?- and look around your house. What would he not be able to reach or use, and what would create an obstacle? Then, how could he use magic to work around that?
As for how they could still do witch stuff, that doesn't need a magic fix. He can reach the cauldron by moving it from a high table to somewhere lower, or use safety belts to secure himself to his broom. The things he needs can definitely be modified so that he can use them without help or, if he needs help with things like transferring, a bit more ease than previously. He would probably also have people who help him, doing stuff like helping him transfer out of his chair, or back onto his chair.
There are some things he definitely shouldn't do, the biggest one being using magic to give himself the ability to control his legs (if you would like an excuse to keep from doing that, moving his legs with magic would take a lot of precision and effort so he might not be capable of it or might not bother with the effort. Just think of the chair as basically his legs. If he moves, he moves with the chair. It would be weird for a character to use telekinesis to halve themselves when they could just do the same thing but remain intact. I would also avoid completely erasing any other conditions his injuries may cause him, such as chronic pain. He can use magic to mitigate them, sure, cast an ibuprofen spell, but those shouldn't be permanent solutions for him because they aren't for actual people.
And finally, if you want to be very safe, you could point out things that he does with magic that have nothing to do with his disability. He was already a witch, which is great because magic was already something he at least had knowledge of. On occasion, maybe just have him use that magic to cut up an apple because he didn't feel like getting a knife. Maybe add in things that just make it clear that his magic isn't inherently connected to his disability, it's just another thing he can do. Have fun with the magic, use it for fun. That's not a requirement, but it's something you can consider if you really want to be cautious.
I don't see anything you need to be concerned about. I think you've got a solid foundation here to make a great character.
Mod Aaron
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seramilla · 1 day
So fluffy idea Carmilla after a bad divorce decides she needs some time away so she books a long vacation for herself and the girls at a beach resort. While there she meets the manager of the resort Sera and they hit it off.
Carmilla had never wanted to put her girls through this. At one point in time, she had genuinely loved their father. But after years of neglect of his family, and finding solace at the bottom of a bottle, instead of the women in his life who loved him most, Carmilla had ultimately decided to divorce her husband.
It was long, and dirty, and brutal, and at the end of the process, Carmilla had given up more than she'd intended when all was said and done. She had kept the house, but half of her self-made fortune had gone to her husband; it had been the only way to get him to agree to give her full custody of Odette and Clara.
He'd made it clear he didn't want to have anything to do with them anymore. It was worth it to get him out of their hair. And after all that, she thinks she and the girls deserve a vacation.
Much to her surprise and delight, the first person to greet the Carmines at the beachside resort they'll be staying at, is a beautiful woman with hair like clouds and eyes like twin stars. She's...almost ethereal, in the way she looks at Carmilla. The woman is breathtaking.
She's also the owner of the resort, and is probably only being nice to Carmilla because she has to. Still...god-damn. Carmilla is patting herself on the back for making this absolutely correct choice of hotels for their vacation.
"Good afternoon, ma'am," the owner says, typing away at her computer all the while. "My name is Sera. I'll be your host during your stay. How can I help you today?"
"Umm...Carmine. Carmilla Carmine. I have a reservation for three."
Sera looks past Carmilla, seemingly noticing the two younger women behind her on their phones. Sera smiles, beaming at the oblivious teenagers as she pulls up Carmilla's reservation to confirm.
"Those are some lovely girls you have there. I have a younger sister about that age. Children are so wonderful. It's simply amazing to watch them grow!"
A pang of something soft and mushy pulls at Carmilla's heart at Sera's words. There's nothing that Carmilla loves more than her daughters...they are her prides and joy. The only good thing to come out of a marriage that was frankly doomed from the start. To hear this woman speak so highly of her sister...it tugs at Carmilla's maternal side like nothing ever has before.
"Yes," Carmilla says, a great deal of admiration coming through in her voice. "My girls mean everything to me. Even if they can be grumpy now and then."
Odette and Clara groan behind their mother, clearly done with her little comments about their demeanor. Carmilla and Sera laugh in unison. It's a little fun to get the girls riled up, now and then. It's only in good fun as their mother.
Sera takes the credit card from Carmilla that she'd used to make her reservation, and activates the little key cards they need to enter their suite for the next week of their stay. As she's giving the little envelope with the key cards to Carmilla, Sera's hand lingers against the other woman's for just a moment. It's a soft, barely-there touch, but there is a sense of intent and sincerity behind it.
Carmilla looks up at Sera, and the woman is blushing slightly. Carmilla is, too, if she's honest. Both women clear their throats awkwardly, and Sera smiles at her again, beaming.
Sera writes something on a piece of hotel stationary, and hands it to Carmilla directly. Carmilla looks down at the paper. It's a phone number.
"If there is anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable, please do not hesitate to let me know," Sera says. "That's my direct number. I will take care of anything you need personally."
Carmilla stares, maybe a bit too long...this woman had just given her a personal phone number. Not the one for the front desk. But her cell phone.
"Um...thank you, Sera! I most certainly will."
Carmilla hadn't exactly signed up for meeting a gorgeous, self-made woman who is so transparently into her while on this vacation. But it is not an unwelcome turn of events. Not in the least. She walks with the girls to the elevator in the lobby, with just a subtle skip to her step the entire way.
"That was so gross, Mom," Clara says, making a gagging motion with her finger in her mouth.
"Shut up, Clara," Odette says, coming to her mother's defense. "I think it's sweet! Mom was actually twitterpated!"
As the elevator dings upon the arrival to their floor, Carmilla ruffles both of her daughters' hair with her hands before stepping out. Once again, their ensuing double groan is adorable.
"I love you girls," Carmilla says. "But if either one of you ruins this for me, I will make the next week of your lives absolutely miserable."
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I would like to thank RTD for making so many people look back at Thirteen's Era and start to go "you know what? Maybe we judged the writing too harshly on this one." Maybe it is a good idea to bring in new writers and more women and people of color behind the scenes and allow them to write and direct things like Demons of the Punjab (top 5 ever Doctor Who episode) and the Haunting of Villa Diodati and Fugitive of the Judoon. Maybe Thirteen WAS camp, because the universe who decided to be a frog and the mud that did witchcraft and the Pting and the plastic that ate birds were unhinged and fun. Maybe we got some GORGEOUS cinematography out of it. Maybe Thirteen's take on gender is more interesting than the 60th anniversary specials. Maybe Yaz DID get an arc in the Flux/standalone specials and people just didn't pay attention. Maybe the Power of the Doctor paid more respect to former eras of Doctor Who than any of the 60th anniversary specials did. Maybe Chibnall acted with far more grace to the RTD Era (Jack) than RTD did to Chibnall (treatment of Yaz and Thirteen). Maybe it was actually cool to see less well-known or underexplored historical figures like Mary Seacole and Ada Lovelace and Nikola Tesla and Noor Inayat Khan end up onscreen. Maybe Thasmin wasn't queerbait, it was an interesting exploration of the doctor/companion romance IN KEEPING with Thirteen's established character with one of its keystone episodes written by a queer woman.
Yes, Chibnall was flawed. I'm never gonna pretend that the Battle of Ranskoor Av Kalos wasn't a piss poor finale that felt like a first draft of themes and idea. I'm not gonna pretend like the multiple companions in the TARDIS ever felt properly balanced or explored. Yes, the moment with the Master and the Nazis was FUCKED UP. The Timeless Child might have deserved more than one episode for the ImplicationsTM to be fleshed out. But EVERY Doctor Who Era has its flaws, ESPECIALLY when it comes to racism, and I'm TIRED pretending as if Chibnall's writing is significantly worse than the other two showrunners.
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 2 days
A Popstar Grian AU - Ari AU (Part One)
Or, @angeart and I put Grian through a lot of pain for no good reason.
Hello! Like two people showed interest in my post about Ari AU, thus here we are. This is not really a 'fic', but it isn't a short summary either. Let your mind go wild. Let your imagination be free. Read my words, boy.
This is Part One. Part Two is here. The tag for this is #ari au.
But before we start, some introductory things you should know.
This is scarian. Don't read if you do not like scarian.
Grian uses he/she pronouns and is transfem genderqueer, I tend to default to she as it helps differentiate her from other characters a lot, but I mix it up.
I somewhat based this AU on attitudes towards celebrities / stars from the 2000s - present day, so this can be read as a period piece in some ways... This concept started with the song 'The Fear' by Lily Allen. I recommend giving it a listen.
This is the "real world", so no hybrids, no respawn, no "code", etc.
CONTENT WARNINGS for this Part: stalking, physical assault, attempted sexual assault, drugging, mentions of vomit, hospitals, me autismposting about music genres.
You can always stop reading! The AU starts out pretty tame and gradually gets, well, worse. But I promise it has a hopeful ending! Eventually!
(also please ask me questions, send ideas, reblog, comment, etc. because I love this AU a lot) (and thank you to Ange for enabling me and adding amazing scenes to this au)
Album One: ‘Sunshine Sedative’
Grian, better known by her stage name ‘Ari’, is a popular singer-songwriter embarking on a world tour to promote her latest album, Sunshine Sedative. The album is indie pop-y and bright, exploring themes of romance, self-empowerment, and subtle references to gender and sexuality. Grian’s style on-stage is hyper-feminine, flashy, and fashionable. He’s known to be a bit prickly, demanding, and stubborn off-stage, slow to warm up to the people around him.
The tour bus carries both Grian and her key crew. Pearl (marketing, PR and organisational work), Impulse (costumes and tech), and Mumbo (tech assistant and main contact for Grian’s manager). Though Grian likes to self-manage, preferring to do her own make-up and plan the set-lists for her own shows. 
Recently, Grian has been running into some issues with stalker fans and online haters, receiving some threatening messages on social media. Mumbo tries not to let him doomscroll on his phone too much, even going so far as to confiscate the phone while on tour. This is Grian’s biggest tour- no one was prepared for her to become a star or “indie darling” type- and the fans are… a bit crazy.
After the anonymous threats, Grian agrees to get a bodyguard. This is where Scar comes in. At first, Scar is a little terrified. The company he works for advised him not to annoy or upset Grian, and to always call her Miss Ari. Never disagree with her or do anything he isn’t contracted to do. 
Scar throws all of this out of the window pretty fast. Yes, Grian is especially difficult when they first meet, but Scar can tell it’s because Grian is stressed. About the tour, about the fame, about the threats. 
A show results in Grian getting a sore throat, and Scar offers her some tea with honey, rambling on about how his mother used to make it for him when he was sick. Grian begrudgingly takes the tea, and tells Scar to just call her Grian from then on. She’s not a fan of the blurring of her private and public life.
Eventually, Grian gets bored enough to rant to Scar about how Mumbo won’t let him use his phone anymore, and Scar offers to sneak it back to him. They have a laugh scrolling through celebrity news and playing silly games together. Then they get found out and both get a stern talking to from Mumbo and Impulse. (Pearl laughs at them in the background).
As Grian’s tour starts selling out, more tour dates are added, extending their time on the road. Scar continues to sneak Grian’s phone to her, pushing her to have fun rather than scroll through hate messages. It seems like a peak moment for Grian, delighted by the idea that she has so many fans, and beginning to develop a bit of a crush on Scar. Grian even starts acting a little nicer.
Tabloids and Stalkers
The fame comes with more caveats than Grian anticipated. One day, while Scar and Grian are reading some dumb article on Grian’s phone, she receives a random message from a burner account. It’s a picture of Grian, through a hotel window, half dressed. Grian recognises the hotel, one they stayed in a few nights ago just to get away from the tour bus.
Someone knew she would be there. Knew what room she would be staying in. There is a vaguely ominous / threatening message attached. It makes Grian never want to step foot outside again. It makes her feel sick. Suddenly she can’t focus on anything around her.
He has a panic attack. 
Later, as Grian is pacing the floor of the bus, he’s told not to make an announcement about the stalker. She decides herself not to go to the police, and, after some hesitation, not to cancel the tour. They can’t disappoint all those people. 
Over the next few shows, Grian gets closer to Scar. Both because they get along so well, and because Scar is there to protect her. He's clumsy and funny and once he starts talking about something he likes, it’s hard to get him to stop. Grian finds him incredibly endearing and, more importantly, incredibly safe. 
But things are bad. Grian can’t even go to a public bathroom without Scar checking to make sure no one is waiting for her. He feels constantly watched, constantly on-edge, constantly afraid. The paparazzi don’t exactly make it easier.
Tabloids love Ari. She’s a superstar, a real diamond in the rough who came from nothing. They’re obsessed. Anything she does in public can make a tabloid front page. As the tour goes on and her songs rocket up the charts, it only gets worse. The flashes of the cameras have started to scare him.
Scar is an angel, dealing with the paparazzi professionally and confidently. He stands in front of Grian and chases the cameras off. But it feels like they can’t go anywhere. They can’t do anything. Even when they stop at another hotel, Grian can’t tell if the people outside are stalkers or journalists.
The pictures on the tabloid front pages are no longer stunning shots from the shows, but rather blurry snaps of Grian trying to escape the cameras. Images of Grian, wide-eyed and scared by the surprise of a camera flash, before she could put on a fake smile. Grian, through a window in the parked tour bus, with teary eyes. Even private moments are no longer private.
Media outlets start to pay for more intimate photos- anything the journalists might get fired for trying to snap themselves. It gives the stalkers (there are certainly multiple, now) more incentive. Grian keeps the curtains closed in every building he visits, and draws the tiny blinds on the bus. 
Relationship Goals?
In the meantime, Grian’s crush on Scar is getting more obvious, but she’s afraid to say anything. Dragging Scar into this, with all the harassment he would face if they revealed they were together, isn’t what Grian wants. She flinches away when Scar offers a comforting touch, not wanting to risk a photograph. 
Scar is the one, then, who takes the initiative. He sits with Grian on her little fold-out bed at the back of the tour bus, all curtains drawn and the door closed. He holds her close and tells her firmly that no one is going to see them here. They're traveling at 50mph on a motorway and no one can even see through the windows anyway. And that's maybe just enough for Grian to let himself lean into Scars touch. Admit his feelings. 
There’s a sense of shame he's carrying with them. He shouldn't have fallen for his bodyguard- someone who has to stay with him, contractually. She tries to say as much, going on and on about all the terrible risks Scar is bringing to himself by dating her, but Scar cuts Grian off by kissing her, anyway.
As soon as the media gets a hint of the relationship, things seem to go downhill. Diehard fans don’t react kindly to Grian’s choice of man, especially the ones who want to have her for themselves. Someone throws something at Scar when Grian is leaving a show, hitting him on the head. It isn’t a bad injury, but it bleeds a lot, and Grian only feels worse about it when Scar insists he’s okay.
Actual Bodily Harm
The fans seem to get more… intense. Stalking and threats of harm increase, while the fans' behaviour at shows seems to get worse. As the tour is nearing its final few weeks, people start to throw things onto the stage. The first time it happens, Grian cuts the set short without anyone really noticing. The next time, someone throws a glass bottle, and she walks off. 
He tries not to make a big fuss about it, simply leaving without playing a single song. She feels awful, of course, for leaving the normal fans without a show. Perhaps they should refund the tickets, or something. She doesn’t even notice the glass shards in her foot until Scar points them out, horrified. 
Pearl convinces Grian to take a picture of the injury and make a PSA post on social media. Even when the adrenaline wears off, Grian’s resulting breakdown seems subdued. 
No one throws anything at the next few shows, except for a trans pride flag. Grian wears it as a cape, and feels amazing, for once, hearing the cheers and screams of joy at the gesture. She loves that she can be a symbol of hope and love for so many people. It’s even enough of a boost to get him acting more like himself again in private: mischievous, bright, and creative. 
It is near the end of the tour when things go completely, utterly wrong again. Grian and the crew all go to a bar after a show, to celebrate the last week of the tour. Three more shows, and then it’s over. Grian is in somewhat normal clothes, compared to his usual getup, but still puts on his persona just in case they've been followed by the paparazzi (again).
Everyone's having a nice time, drinking a little and hanging out. As always, it is nice to be getting away from the bus. Pearl and Impulse buy far too many shots, much to Mumbo’s dismay. Grian laughs and jokes and raises her voice, not caring if she’s croaky the next day. 
He doesn't notice someone watching him from across the room. Doesn't notice them slip something into her drink when she goes up to the bar. She pays for another pint, and they strike up conversation. Giddily, she chats with them, rambling about how good life has suddenly become. As he sips his drink, he doesn’t register how focused on him they are. How their dark eyes don’t leave him once.
It’s fine, until she stumbles, on the way back to the booth everyone's sitting at, and the stranger catches her before she can fall with strong arms. They're talking, but Grian isn't really listening. She’s nodding along and mumbling about needing to get back to the booth. Back to her friends.
It feels wrong. They keep hold of her shoulders. They're saying something about getting her home safe. Something about how they've been waiting for this…
He realises what’s happening far too late. Panic clutches her chest for a split second. Long enough for him to call out for Scar. She's already being manhandled out of the door before Scar comes to her rescue. Thankfully, by a miracle, close enough to hear the cry for help.
Grian knows something happens to the stranger, because they're on the floor and bleeding. Voices buzz, muffled, around Grian. There are more hands on her. She doesn’t like it. Her head hurts. Scar’s hand is bloody as he hugs her. Grian passes out.
Hospital Visit One
The crew, quite obviously, take Grian to the hospital. He was drugged, and it’s clear what the perpetrator wanted to do. It shakes them all, left wondering whether the creep knew who Grian was, or just randomly targeted a drunk stranger on a night out. Either way, none of them want to go near a bar any time soon.
On the way to the hospital, the press capture pictures of Grian unconscious, or half-awake with no awareness, and by the time the morning rolls in, the papers are already speculating about addiction and ‘gone wild’ narratives. When Grian wakes up, still slightly delirious, he's told, hesitantly, by Pearl, that they have to release a statement soon in order to clear his name and control the narrative. Grian can’t find it in herself to cry about what happened.
Before any statements are made, the police come to talk to Grian. They arrested the perpetrator and searched their house, not that it’ll result in much. They show Grian pictures of rope, duct tape, knives, and a poster from her tour. 
Feeling numb, Grian takes a moment to go throw up in a bin, then tells her team she wants to make a statement now. She wants it recorded, as she is, now. Pearl and Mumbo try to argue that it really isn't a good idea, without a script and looking… bad, but Scar and Impulse back Grian’s choice. Reluctantly, Mumbo grabs one of the nice cameras from his car- the bus was far too conspicuous to park at a hospital- and they record.
They don't know what Grian’s going to say, but, put basically, the video explains everything that has happened- from the stalkers to the glass to the drugging- and apologises to the fans who did nothing wrong. And even the fans who just wanted to know some gossip, because they weren't really to blame. Then she announces that she's cancelling the rest of the tour. 
Mumbo shuts off the camera. Everyone apart from Scar is a bit shocked. Incredulous. Shouldn’t they talk about this? Is it worth it to cancel at the last hurdle? Scar cuts off the protests, pointing out how insensitive it is to try and make Grian perform after everything. Grian stays quiet as Scar somewhat lectures the others. It’s a rambling mess of an argument, but it works. They apologise. 
The statement video is posted online, and Grian is left to rest. Scar remains at his side.
Once Grian is checked over and discharged, they get back to the bus fast. She retreats to her closed-off space at the back of the bus, telling everyone to get on with their jobs. Once she's alone, she replays the images the police showed her in her mind. He thinks about what could have happened. He thinks about the stranger's hands on his shoulders and at his hips. She remembers that she started out just wanting to make music, and she cries.
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bluegalaxygirl · 1 day
Canvas (Zosan X Reader)
Thanks to @mrstrafalgardwater24 for the request on the first part. again i'm sorry for the wait.
Plot: Kuina and the crew paint your baby bump.
Warning: Bad language, extreme Fluff, Violence and Pregnancy stuff.
Reader is Female, Zoro X Sanji x Reader, Poly relationship, established relationship. Kuina is 5ish and has blonde hair, your eye's and skin color. Reader is about 6 to 7 months along.
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You have no idea where Kuina got this idea but now that it's happening its hard to complain about it, you know the crew already loves your daughter and the baby still growing inside you but once the little girl mentioned painting on your stomach suddenly everyone wanted to do it all having different ideas of how to show their love and care for the baby. Its turned into more of a competition between a few of the crew member's so to stop any fighting and to let everyone have some fun Kuina decided to make into a contest lasting over the next week. Sitting on the deck of the sunny you can't help but smile as your daughter stands in front of you with several large tubes of different colored body paints, paintbrushes, plastic plates, pencils and paper all laid out on the grassy deck "Alright so the teams are, Luffy and Us opp, Robin and Nami, Chopper and Jibe, Franky and Brook and of course me and my dads" Kuina gives a big smile turning to her farther's who are next to her both giving her a confirming nod, Zoro can't help but smirk at his daughter taking charge as he sits cross-legged in grass facing his little girl while Sanji stands behind him mainly leaning on the swordsman's shoulder with hearts in his eyes. "Everyone will put their deigns down on paper and tomorrow we'll draw straws to see who goes first, i don't want anyone changing their designs after seeing anyone else's. We'll try and do one a day and if Mama needs a break then she gets a break" Kuina puffs out her cheeks making you giggle as Luffy, Usopp and Franky all bow their heads "Yes ma'am" the three say in unison making some of the other crew laugh seeing the hold the young girl has over her uncles. With a big smile your daughter starts handing out the pencils and paper letting the groups start to plan their designs and choosing their color scheme, "Hay wait a minute, who's going to judge?" Nami asks suddenly realizing, Usopp and Luffy are quick to look up from the paper their both sitting with to look at Kuina both realizing there isn't one.
Your daughter giggles taking a pencil and paper before rushing over to the bench your sitting soon followed by Sanji and Zoro "Mama of course" She states sitting down to you as you place a hand on her head and ruffle her hair "Hay thats not fair, of course Y/n is going to pick your design since your her daughter and partners" Usopp jumps up pointing his hand out at the four of you, Zoro lets out a chuckle letting a cheeky grin form on his face "Too bad for you long nose, just try your best then" Before an argument can break out you lightly slap the swordsman's arm then turn to the sniper "Your right, i would be biased so maybe we should have a point's system. Like 1 to 5 stars, I'll count them up so only i can see" You elbow Sanji slightly as he sits down next you his smile growing at the food reference you made "Oh my love thats so sweet" The cook sways slightly a blush appearing on his face making you giggle, Usopp sighs feeling more relaxed about things and nods his head along with Kuina who's happy that everything seems to be going well. Through the day the teams worked on their deigns most of the either measured your belly to work out proportions while others dragged you off to have a privet chat, it made you more curious about their designs since Chopper pulled you into the medical room and with the help of Jinbe placed a strange snail device on your stomach, they secretly talked before saying you could go while Brook and Franky did a lot of measurements even going as far as to get a drawing compass, a proctor and a drafter tool. None of them let you see their designs not even your own family who did most of their work in the kitchen discussing and some times arguing on what to do and coming up with an idea they could actually do instead of something big and complicated.
The next day came quickly and everyone was back outside eager to draw the straws and see what order they would be in, the plan was they would have the whole afternoon to do their work and then a photo would be taken before showing everyone who will then each secretly write down on a slip of paper how many stars which you would then count up and keep in a small book. Of course, you would be voting too but you made a mental note to not add your scores until the end as not to be tempted to add more or less to other peoples scores, with your pregnancy brain you will mostly likely forget what ever you wrote down the day before, last night you forgot what chapter you were up too in your book even though there was a bookmark on the page. "Ok, on three. One, Two… Three" Kuina yells as a member from each team pulls a straw out of your hand each a different length "Yessss" Luffy yells while holding the longest straw out of the bunch soon followed by Usopp who lifts his captain into the air as if they've won the whole contest "Calm down you two, geez" Nami sighs while pinching the bridge of her nose waiting for Robin to compare her straw with that of Chopper's and Brooks who were all the middle people "Looks like were going last" Kuina states holding the smallest straw, you thought she would be sad about it but instead she has a massive smile on her face while looking up at you and her two dads, Zoro nods sitting next to you on the bench and placing an arm around your shoulder "It'll give us more time to practice painting" the swordsman leans forward ruffling his daughters hair who groans and shoves his hand off earning a chuckle form her farther.
Sanji shakes his head while taking a seat on your work side placing his hand on your large stomach "If you ever need a break love just say so… I'll kick their asses out if i have too" The cook smirks, turning to face him you place your hand over his feeling your heart swell with love, you couldn't ask for better partners, the two are always so caring and eager to help you out when ever you need "Thanks darling" You whisper leaning in to place a light kiss on his lips which he happily leans into. "Alright gets get going, come on" Luffy and Usopp run over holding out their hands for you to take, in the past they would have just grabbed you and ran off but the first time that happened while you were pregnant with Kuina your two boys almost kicked them both off the ship and into the ocean then made them do all the chores and heavy lifting on the ship for a week, safe to say they learned their lesson. Standing up with the help of Zoro and Sanji you kiss the two goodbye before turning to your daughter who hands you your book and pen, placing a light kiss on Kuina's head you take the book and give her a looking look while running your hand over her cheek "See you later sweetie" With a wave to the others you head off with Luffy and Usopp who have already gathered what they needed and guided you to the aquarium bar. The once dim room was now light making it easier to see, a section of the large sofa lining the long fish tang was covered in a white sheet that flowed down onto the floor being held in place with white tape and two old tables on either side.
Luffy helps you get comfortable while Usopp sets up the paints and the paper they used to draw on, sitting down you sigh relaxing into the soft cuisines of the sofa "Do you need more cuisines? Water? Food?" Luffy asks hovering a little seeming a little nervous for some reason, taking his hand you give him a smile "A bottle of water would be nice but are you ok captain?" You look up at him with concern, Luffy gulps while rubbing the back of his neck "W-well, while Sanji and Zoro aren't here it's my job to look after you and.. I don't know what i'm doing, Usopp's here but.." The captain sighs looking over to his friend who is loft in thought while mixing colors together to get the right shade. Patting the captains hand you give him a big smile feeling your chest warm up at how much he cares for you and your health "Your doing great, if i need something I'll tell you, ok?" You ask getting Luffy to look at you, his eyes search yours before giving you a nod knowing your not lying to him, a large smile starts to from on his face before quick to rushing off to the bar area letting his arm stretch as to not pull you along. Letting out a little snort you can't help but start to laugh, your hand grips onto your belly as you lean forward finding the starching arm still holding your hand unbelievably funny, Luffy soon finds a bottle of water and rushes back over watching you wipe tears from your eyes before taking the bottle off him "T-thanks Lu" You giggle managing to calm from your laughing fit and let go of his hand, Usopp soon snaps out of his own little world and turns around going to speak when he see's the tears in your eyes, his body goes stiff in panic before lunging at Luffy grabbing his captain by the collar and shaking him "What did you do? Why is she gonna cry?" The captain raises an eyebrow at his friend letting his body be shaken back and forth "Usopp it's ok, Luffy made me laugh thats all" You reach out managing to stop the sniper from panicking.
With the room much calmer and Usopp apologizing to his captain the two get started on painting your belly, at first you have no idea what their making other than it being food related since Luffy kept saying how yummy it was going to look only to be hit by Usopp stating they can't eat it. The two kept you entertained or the next hour with banter, food jokes which lead Luffy to rush off for a few minutes to get snacks and the snipers adventure stories, it was so sweet seeing the long nosed man telling his obviously fake stories to your baby, It was also sweet to see Luffy look after you in a way he's never done so before, always checking if you needed anything, asking if your comfortable and helping you up if you ever needed to stretch. Two hours later they were done, after taking a photo and letting you have a look first they let the rest of the crew in to see the finished product "The great captain Usopp has created another fine master piece" Usopp smirks while pointing a thumb at himself clearly proud of his work, Kuina smiles wide while running up her uncle with big sparkling eyes "Wow, it looks so good" Chopper soon joins in on your daughters praising boosting the snipers ego more much to Nami and Zoro's dismay who both let out an annoyed sigh. Luffy groans with a pout some drool forming at the side of his mouth while laying on the floor his arm and head propped up onto the sofa next to you "It looks so yummy, now i really want cupcakes… Sanji" The captain whines while turning to look at the cook with puppy dog eyes only to be hit over the head by the cook "Don't you dare look at her like that and you can't have anything else, you've already had snacks" The blonde huff crossing his arms over his chest.
Letting out a giggle you look down at your tummy seeing the massive cupcake the two have done, the blue icing with sprinkles and a red cherry really does look yummy, the bow was also a very cute idea even though the two were slightly reluctant to use pink, no one knows what the gender is but the two are convinced it's going to be a boy. "Alright thats enough, lets vote so the two of you can get cleaned up, your both a mess" Nami sighs crossing her arms and handing out pieces of paper and pens letting each person write down how many stars "It really does look good Uncle Lu" Kuina gives the captain a big smile while handing you her piece of folded up paper "Thanks, it really does look yummy…. Quick let raid the fridge before your daddy finds out" Luffy whispers quickly passing you his piece of paper before picking your giggling daughter up and running to the kitchen, with a small laugh you watch as the cook makes his way over to you with a raised eyebrow handing you his piece of paper, all it took was one sorry look from you to know what was going on, in an instant the blonde goes from confused, to shock and then anger "Luffy, get your ass back here" Sanji yells with fury running off to stop his captain from raiding his kitchen and teaching his daughter bad habit's, with a chuckle Zoro plots down next to you and places his arm around your shoulders, the swordsman places his piece of paper on your lap before kissing your head which you lean into.
----- Team 2, Robin and Nami -----
The next day was Robin's and Nami's turn, again the aquarium bar was cleaned and set up so you could sit while they paint, luckily the paint was easy to wash off in the shower last night and didn't leave any residue so your stomach was a clean canvas for the two girls. Sitting down on the sofa you watch the two girls work together while chatting and filling you in on gossip you may have missed, it's a much calmer experience than yesterday which your glad for since after yesterdays antics your a little tired. As the two girls pause to get more paint you shift a little to rub your lower back only to feel two hands start to rub it for you, turning in surprise you see two hands attached to the sofa rubbing your lower back for you, knowing right away its robins doing you turn to the black haired woman and flash a thankful smile grateful for her kindness "We can take a break if you want" Robin smiles back putting down her paint and paint brush to clean her hands on a wet cloth, Nami quickly turns with slight concern not noticing you were unconformable but you don't blame her since you tried not to show it until now "Yes please" Pushing yourself up Nami is quick to rush over and take your arm helping you stand straight up "Do you want me to ask Sanji for some snack?" The navigator asks but you shake your head not feeling the need for food right now, starting to walk around Nami sticks next to you holding your arm while Robin continues with the paints and cleaning any mess they have made "I'm not an old lady Nam" You giggle taking the orange haired girls hand in yours happy to walk with her without assistance, Nami sighs before letting out a laugh gladly taking your hand and letting your arm go "Sorry"
Looking Nami over you let out a sigh wondering why she's so tense all of a sudden, before you can ask the navigator sighs seeing your giving her questioning eyes "I've never been in charge of looking after you while pregnant, i'm just… nervous that I'll do something wrong" Looking away from you Nami refuses to look you in the eyes even when you stop and take her chin bringing her face to look at you "Nami, your not doing anything wrong and i know you feel like you have too but you don't need to look after me, just because i'm pregnant doesn't mean i can't do things or tell you if i need something… Just having you around is helping me, your so caring and quick to jump to my aid either physically or verbally… mainly physically, i can't ask for anything else" You can't help but laugh at the last bit remembering how if someone made you cry or angry even by accident Nami would be so quick to hit who ever it is and make them apologies. The navigator looks up at you as you squeeze her hand in reassurance noticing the soft thankful look on your face, a small smile starts to spread across her lips while squeezing your hand back "I'll always come to your aid, if anyone hurts my girls their going to feel my wrath" The two of you laugh at her statement even though its true, all the girls on the ship feel the need to protect each other no matter what "I'm in safe hands" You hug the orange haired girls arm and lay your head on her shoulder as the two of you start walking again letting laughter fill the air.
Your greeted by Robin as the two of you get back to the sofa, the black haired woman sitting with one leg over the other while patting the place next to her for you to sit "Unfortunately were no where near done yet so to relieve your back pain i thought of an idea" Sitting down next to the woman you suddenly feel something press against your back that isn't the sofa, with a squeak you turn seeing 5 rows of hands with no wrists pressed into the sofa so you could lean back with comfort while so getting any benefits of a message. Letting out a laugh of relief you lean back against the hands, it's a strange feeling but as they start to lightly run circles over your back and shoulders you forget all about it "Thanks Robin, this is amazing but are you sure? i don't want you over working yourself" Robins sweet smile growls wider as she stands taking a plate of paint from Nami who has grabbed her own and kneels down to start working again " Thank you for your concern but I'll be fine, it's the least i can do for letting us do this" The black haired woman kneels down beside Nami starting her work again as you relax into the light massage revealing your back pain. Once the girls are done Robin takes a photo while Nami heads off to get the others, its clear now what the painting is and it brings a big smile to your face seeing the birds nest with flowers around it and three little eggs in the middle "Its so cute, my girls did so well" Sanji smiles wide while swaying from side to side, hearts appearing in his eyes making Robin giggle and Nami crosses her arms with pride "Three Egg's? Does that mean something?" Jinbe asks directing his question at Robin.
The black haired woman looks to Nami with a closed eye'd smile making the navigator blush and turn away "There were supposed to be five, one for each member of the family but… it would have been too small" Luffy is quick to run over and wrap his arms around the navigator trying to cheer her up with the help of Chopper and Kuina all telling her how good of an idea it was and that it's ok that it didn't work out that way. "Ah i see, so one for each parent" Franky states leaning down to look over the work, Brook stands behind him tilting his head to look around the cyborgs head "Its a lovely design, i'm starting to think ours is too sim-" Before the skeleton can finish his sentence Franky whips his head around an intense look on his face "Our's isn't simple" Zoro gives the two a cocky smile as he walks past them to sit next to you and wrap an arm around your shoulders "It doesn't matter if its simple or not" With a sigh you lightly hit the swordsman's secretly telling him to stop since you know where this was going, but he ignores you since Franky and Brook both turn to him with puzzled looks taking the bait with ease "Your not going to be the ones to win… I'm gonna win and there's nothing you can do about it… I have the judge on my side" That cocky smile gets bigger as the two growl at him, the swordsman's arm pulls you closer, so he can place a kiss on your head all while keeping his eyes on the two "That's not how this works" Franky yells with anger stepping a little closer, you would be scared it you didn't know he wasn't going to hurt Zoro, your too close to the green haired man so Franky won't risk it. Brook on the other hand tries to calm the situation down to the best of his ability soon having to get help from Robin and Sanji.
----- Team 3, Brook and Franky -----
Sitting once again in the aquarium bar you try not to laugh as Franky kneels in front of your talking to your stomach while Brook sets up everything on the floor, so they don't have to keep standing up. "This is very important little dude or dudette, were going to create the greatest masterpiece anyone has laid their eyes on but for this to work you have to keep as still as possible. I don't mind you moving around but please… i beg and plead with you to not push or kick towards us.. Ok?" The cyborg taps your exposed belly with his finger as if he's giving your baby a head pat before looking up at you with a big smile "Think they understand?" Letting out a laugh you place a hand on your belly and nod, with a sigh Franky leans back crossing his arms over his chest "And none of that either, you can't laugh or cough, this is delicate work" a pout forms on the cyborgs face making you throw your head back in laughter soon joined by a chuckle from Brook. After you manage to calm down and get comfortable the two start working on your stomach painting fine lines, Franky works on one said with Brook works on the other, its clear the two have been practicing in their spare time since their lines match each other perfectly, once in a while you would feel the baby shift so to stop the cyborg from panicking you would tell him about the slightest movement which he's quite thankful for.
Half an hour later you feel the baby getting fussy, its foot starting to press into your side, it doesn't hurt much its just a little uncomfortable and its probably best you get up and walk mainly to see if that will help the baby settle "Can we take a break?" You ask looking down at the two, Franky is lost on concentration his tongue peeking out the side of his mouth while Brook quickly look up at you and nods putting his stuff down before tapping the cyborg on the shoulder to get his attention "Of course, are you ok?" Brook asks standing up and offering his hand to you, taking his hand he helps you to your feet while Franky moves things out of the way for you "Yea, just a little uncomfortable, sorry the baby's being fussy" Brook shakes his head and links your arm with his while walking with you, its only now you realize someone always seems instant on walking with you, it makes you wonder if Sanji or Zoro said something or if your crew is just that concerned. "Don't be, its natural and you and your baby's comfort is more important… just don't tell Franky that" The skeleton whispers getting you to let out a little giggle, you know the cyborg cares but when he sets his mind to something its almost impossible to stop him, no wonder him and the captain get on so well. "So tiny" Brook whispers before a blush forms in his face realizing he said it out loud, raising an eyebrow you look between him and your belly noticing the tiny foot pressing into your side is now more visible than before.
Taking the Skeletons boney you lay his fingers over the foot knowing it won't move away now that the baby seems comfortable in this perspiration "I know right, its weird to think that one day they might be taller than me, stronger than me… i often wonder what adventures they might go on or what they will inspire to be, they have a lot of options and a lot of good teachers" A large smile forms on your face while looking up at the slightly teary eye'd skeleton as his fingers lightly run over the baby's foot "What ever they will be i know they will be amazing at it." Brook looks back to you with his smile getting bigger only for the moment to be interrupted by Franky "Hay be careful don't smug our work" The cyborg yells earning a sigh from the both of you, brooks hand is no where near the art work, but he removes his hand anyway and holds it up in the air in surrender. "The baby's settled now so hopefully it will be easier for you" You state walking back over to the sofa followed closely by the musician and being helped back down onto the sofa by Franky. Despite the design looking simple it takes almost three hours to do but once's its done and your handed the photo to see painting better your shocked at the thought and effort put into it. "I see you went for a mandala theme, it works perfect on her round stomach and the design also has pieces of each parent" Robin ponders once everyone has entered the room to have a look, Luffy and Chopper tilt their head in amazement and slight confusion while Usopp steps closer to get a better look "Its amazing, i can't tell whose work is who's and there's not a line out of place, no wonder this took almost four hours" The sniper states in amazement.
Raising an eyebrow at robins words you take another look at the photo before gasping in shock, Zoro is quick to rush to your side about to ask what's wrong but you turn to Brook and Franky with a giant grin that starts to hurt your face "Oh my gods, you didn't" A giggle leaves your lips getting the two to blush slightly and shy away a little, Zoro sighs in relief while placing a hand on your head "Don't do that to me" after shooting the swordsman a sorry look you see Kuina walk over to you and look over your belly also giving a gasp "Oh i see it now, Daddy your eyebrows are there and Dad so are your swords" Kuina pointing them out without touching the design, the two take a closer look noticing it too, Sanji's cheeks turn red as a smile forms on his face while Zoro flashes Brook and Franky a grin seeming to boost the two's ego's "Wait you said all the parents so where's Y/N?" Nami asks looking to the two artist's, Brook lets out a small chuckle since he did tell the cyborg that it was too subtle to notice, with a sigh Franky walks over to you and bends down while holding his palm out, the tiny hand inside his large one springs out before tracing over the image in different area's "We'll all the large curves mean hidden and the small circles surrounding them mean strength, so in other words hidden strength. The large flower like pattern means truth and these small things sticking out the stops mean joy, add that all together and its Y/n in a nut shell"
Your eyes tear up with his words as Kuina looks at him with stars in her eyes "You are such a sap" Nami giggle with a large smile on her face, Franky quickly turns to her blushing at her comment but doesn't have time to speak when you tackle him with a side hug "Oh Franky that is so sweet, i love it so much and thank you too Brook, you boys did an amazing job" You start to cry out of joy shocking the cyborg who puts an arm around you to try and comfort you, while holding his head back trying not to cry himself at your words, Sanji lets out a chuckle while taking Zoro's hand shooting his partner a cheeky grin which earns a cunning one from the swordsman both knowing there going to tease the cyborg about this later. Kuina giggles while rubbing your back happy to see how much love her mother is getting, she's soon pulled into the hug when you wave brook over wanting to thank him as well.
----- Team 4, Chopper and Jinbe -----
You took a day off from all the painting before letting the next two have their turn, as much as your enjoying all the love and care your baby is getting it made you tired so you spent most of the day sleeping, only waking up to eat. When ever you woke up you weren't alone either Zoro was sleeping next to you his arm around your waist and head on your chest or Sanji was reading with his arm around you letting you cuddle into his side as he quietly reads, sometimes whispering parts of his book he thinks the baby will like, then theirs Kuina who would be either drawing or reading a children's book to your baby while laying as close as possible to your belly. After your rest day it was finally time for Chopper and Jinbe to start their work, this was one of the most confusing to figure out from the start, that strange device they used on your belly days before along with only picking black and white as their color's made it hard to figure out what they were going to do. During the process you kept looking at your belly seeing them paint a big black area and then start adding strokes white "You ok? You look uncomfortable" Chopper asks with a concerned tone not liking the strange face your pulling, snapping out of your thoughts you look to the doctor, your facial expression instantly softens at seeing white and black paint spots on his cheek and blue nose "No i'm ok, just can't make out what your design is, with most of the others i could make it out at least half-way through" You giggle grabbing a damp cloth and leaning forward slightly wipe the paint of Choppers face.
Jinbe returns from the table with a cleaned off brush and more white paint going back to kneeling in front of you "I'm actually glad you can't tell what it is" You raise an eyebrow at the fish man who lets out a small chuckle with a large smile, Chopper lets out a small laugh too letting you whip the paint off his nose before speaking "Don't worry, it's going to be great, i don't know if we'll win but i know it will make you, Zoro, Sanji and Kuina happy" Putting the damp cloth down you lean back into the sofa, being kept in the dark leaves you a little anxious but you trust the two and know that they mean what they say "We would like the family to come into the room before showing the rest of the crew, i feel the reveal should be shared with the parents and sibling" Jinbe rubs your arm giving you a comforting smile, letting out a breath you relax and nod deciding to watch the fish swimming around in the tank while the two get back to work, the fish man is somehow amazing at calming you down even when your partners can't, you don't know if it's his experiences that make him that way or the fact that you see him as the jolly and kind uncle figure. Their deign was simple but still took about an hour and a half the two constantly looking at the sheet of paper in front of them along with a photo they kept out of your sight but you tried not to pry thinking it would be best to wait until your partners and daughter are in the room before looking.
Kuina runs up to you with a large smile seeming super excited to see what is so special that only the four of you get to see first, Sanji and Zoro walk in behind her both giving you a smile before looking down at your belly, all their smiles drop making anxiety well up inside. Zoro tilts his head in confusion along with Kuina who squint her eyes trying to figure out what it is but Sanji slaps a hand over his mouth, his eyes welling up with tears. Jinbe lets out a jolly laugh before handing you the photo they took of the painting along with the photo they have been hiding from you, your jaw drops tears welling up in your eyes at the first image of your baby, while the painting on your belly was enlarged only showing the head and chest, the scan of your baby was a full body one showing off his little hands and feet. "Oh, Jinbe, Chopper… Thank you" Tears fall down your cheeks as you look to the two who both have big smiles on their faces, Sanji suddenly breaks seeing you cry, tears fall down his cheeks as he rushes over to you, standing as quickly as your can the two of you hug each other "Oh my love, their beautiful" The two of you happily cry into each the cooks arms around your waist rubbing your back and crying into your shoulder while your arms wrap around his neck, one hand running through his hair. The scene makes Zoro and Kuina even more confused, seeing this Chopper walks over taking both their hands and pulling the two over to you "I managed to find a all ultrasound machine, it lets you see inside a person's body and maps out organs and stuff, but we used it to see the baby inside" Pulling away from Sanji you look to the two and hand over the photo in your hands but its only Kuina who takes it in slight shock.
Zoro wraps his arms around you placing kisses on your cheek down to your neck and to your shoulder before pulling away to cup your face "Sanji's right, their beautiful, I love you so much" the swordsman's voice is shaky, but he holds back the tears "I love you all so much" You whisper back placing a kiss on his lips before turning to Sanji who pulls the two of you in for a quick three-way kisses "You're amazing my love, I love you and Zoro, thank you both for another beautiful gift" The cook starts to cry again getting a small chuckle out of the swordsman who pulls the two of you back in for a hug. The three of you can't help but grin like idiots feeling giddy and overly excited about seeing your baby before its even born. "So.. thats my baby brother or sister?" Kuina asks still in slight shock as Chopper points out things for her on the photo helping her see the baby better, placing a hand on your stomach being careful of the slightly smudged art work Zoro moves out-of-the-way so Kuina can have another look "Sorry about your work" The swordsman looks to Chopper and Jinbe feeling a little bad at ruining their work but the big fish man chuckles walking over to pat the green haired man on the back "Its fine, we knew this would happen, were just glad you all love it" Chopper nods at his friends words watching as your daughter walks up to your belly with a smile placing her hands either side of the art work "Hello, it so weird seeing you before your here"
Placing a hand on her head you lightly stroke her hair feeling your heart swell with warmth at seeing how excited she is "We have one more surprise if you want to hear it" Jinbe smirks moving to stand next to Chopper who's still holding the photo in his hand "We know the gender of the baby, do you want to know?" Chopper asks with a large smile slightly bouncing on his feet in excitement, Kuina looks up at you silently begging to know if it's a boy or a girl while you look to your boys, Zoro places a hand around your waist while his other hand goes of Kuina's on your stomach giving you a slight nod while Sanji places his hand over his daughter other hand, his other hand going through your hair before resting on your shoulder "Its up to you love but.. i would like to know" The cook whispers his giddy smile getting even bigger, "Ok.. Yea, we'd like to know" You state looking back to Chopper who jumps a little with joy "You're having a boy" Kuina lets out a loud gasp before hugging your waist not caring that the paint will smudge on her face "Your so cute baby brother" Your heart swell once again as tears from in your eyes, Sanji is quick to kiss your cheek wrapping his arms around you and Kuina, he honestly didn't care if it was a boy or a girl but at least now he can start calling the baby his little prince, Zoro finally lets a tear fall but shoves his head into your neck while rubbing his daughters back hoping to hide it, he didn't mind having another girl but now they would have one of each, for some reason it made him feel like the family is complete.
It took a while for the four of you to calm down enough to thank Chopper in Jinbe, you couldn't help but pull the two into a hug, Chopper let you keep the ultrasound photo while he kept the photo of the art work knowing now he needed to show it to the crew. Unfortunately with all the hugging, crying and touching the once beautiful artwork was now nothing more than a gray patch, you felt bad but the two artist were just happy that they could do this for you. As Chopper and Jinbe let the others in you sit down on the sofa next to Zoro who grabs wipes ready to get rid of the large patch while Sanji pulls Kuina onto his lap next to you wiping off the paint thats covering almost half her face. "That's it? a gray blob" Usopp comments looking thoroughly disappointed after all the hype it got while Robin lets out a chuckle already seeming to know what has happened "Judging by everyone covered in gray paint i think it just got smudged right?" The black haired woman smiles walking up to Chopper who hands her the photo of the finished painting before bringing it back to the others, Nami and Brook are quick to gasp already knowing what it is while the others tilt their heads in confusion. Letting out a laugh you lay your head on Zoro's shoulder as he continues to clean the gray mess on your belly "You two were right, it's a boy" Luffy and Usopp quickly look over at you then back to the photo letting their gears turn until it finally clicks "I told you so" The captain happily cheers hugging the sniper who happily hugs back while cheering as well.
----- Team 5, Kuina, Sanji and Zoro -----
Its the last day and even though your excited to see what your family has planned your also kinda sad its over so soon, the art work everyone has done has been amazing and the experience has been a whirlwind of emotions but above all you've felt so much love, seeing your crew so happy and invested in your children and family life has made any doubts about bringing another child into this world completely fade away. Walking into the aquarium bar with Zoro at your side your greeted by a sweet sight, Kuina and Sanji are mixing paints hoping to get the perfect shade of the color they want and testing it on each others skin, your daughter dips her finger into the light blue paint she's made and rubs it on the cooks cheek who lets out a small laugh as she examines it. The blondes cheeks are full of different shades of Pink's, blue's and light purple's making you hold back a laugh as to not disturb the moment, Zoro wraps an arm around your waist while shoving his head into your shoulder trying to hold back his own laugh "Perfect, we have all the shades now" Kuina gives a big smile while grabbing a damp cloth to help her daddy clean on his face "If i didn't know what you were doing i would say you look sick" Zoro chuckles walking you over to the two earning a growl and a glare from Sanji "Shut it moss head, i don't see you helping" The cook snaps but his expression softens when his daughter finishes cleaning his face for him giving her a thankful look and a small kiss on the cheek before glaring back at Zoro who helps you sit down on the sofa "Helping? While your getting your makeup done, i'm helping our girl get comfortable"
Quickly standing Sanji grabs the grinning swordsman by the Kimono pulling him closer to growl at it, the two bicker back and forth while Kuina hops off her chair and makes her way over with a piece of paper in her hands completely ignoring her two dads. "Even though we know it's a boy know i did say that no one can change their deigns so i hope it's ok that we're using pink" Your daughter looks down at the paper on her hands unsure of how to feel about this but you place a hand on her head giving her beautiful blonde hair a few strokes "What ever you make will be amazing, your so talented plus colors don't have to be gender specific." A smile forms on your daughters face as you pat the seat next to you, placing the paper aside so you can't see it the little girl hops up next to you as you grab a hair tie and start tying her hair up not wanting it to get to messy "Thanks Mama". After tying her hair up Kuina gives you a smile before wrapping her arms around you, hugging her back you place a tender kiss on her head while rubbing her back, the two of you stay like that for a while enjoying each others company and warmth all while Sanji and Zoro are still bickering, the two grabbing onto each other but soon turns flirtatious, both picking on each other while making cocky complements. With a sigh you pat Kuina's back before letter her go knowing you have to stop your partners before their cocky comments turn sexual "Sanji, Zoro, come on already i can't wait any longer" Your laugh and voice gets the two to look at you, Zoro's grip that was firmly around the cooks tie loosens while Sanji lets go of the swordsman's Kimono.
The cook glances at Zoro looking from the man to his tie then back to the man giving him a glare since the green haired man hasn't let go yet, with a cocky smile the swordsman leans closer placing a light kiss on the blondes lips before moving to his ear "We'll finish this later" Zoro whispers slowly pulling away and letting go of Sanji's tie before making his way over to you "I'll get the paints" Kuina happily cheers rushing over to the table and grabbing the plate of mixed paints and some paint brushes while Zoro leans over you running his hands over your clothed stomach before starting to lift up your shirt exposing the skin underneath "So beautiful" He whispers while bending down to place his lips on yours, reaching up you place a hand on his cheek letting your thumb run across his skin as his lips move with yours, Zoro's hands move your shirt up and under your breasts tucking it into the underside of your bar so it won't get paint on it. Slowly pulling away from the kiss the swordsman gives you a loving smile before looking down at your stomach letting his hands run over it while bending down further to place a kiss just above your belly button, the sight makes your heart pound in your chest while tears well up in your eyes knowing how much he loves you and his unborn baby boy. Sanji is snapped out of his flustered shock by Kuina who giggles while pulling on the arm of his jacket "You should really take this off dad, you'll get it dirty" The cook quickly looks down at his daughter than to his jacket managing to come back to reality "Thanks sweetie"
Taking off his jacket and putting it aside Sanji starts turning up the sleeves of his white button down shirt, it doesn't bother him it gets paint on it but it would mean less washing later. Kuina happily makes her way back over to the sofa sitting down next to you as Zoro steps away to take off the top part of his kimono, the little girl can't help but let out a laugh at your flustered face that goes much redder when Sanji walks over taking his black tie off "You two will be the death of me" It slips out before you can stop it causing a squeak to leave your lips as you slap a hand over your mouth, your partners let their grins widen while looking you over with loving and mischievous eyes while your daughter throws her head back on laughter. Throwing his tie to the side making it land on top of his jacket Sanji steps closer letting his hand run over your stomach "Oh my love, you flatter us too much" leaning down to your ear the cook places a kiss just under it as your body stiffens knowing he's going to say something that will make you even more flustered "But if that does happen, i will be more than happy to give you mouth-to-mouth" Your face blows up red as you slap his arm starting to stutter but unable to form a sentence trying to tell the cook to shut up, Sanji laugh while kissing your burning hot cheeks ignoring your halfhearted protests and light hits on his chest and arms. Luckily Kuina couldn't here what was said mainly because she's laughing too hard, it's always a joy to see you so flustered since it's a rare sight and its something over her farther's can achieve.
Zoro lets out a chuckle with a shake of his head while grabbing a plate of paints and a paint brush "Alright, lets get started" The swordsman states getting the rest of his family to calm down enough to start, using Kuina's drawing as a guide your daughter paints on your side while Sanji and Zoro work on the rest, the outline made it every clear what their making bringing a smile to your face, a giant ribbon and down cutting diagonal across your belly leaving a big gap on one side, your daughter kept stepping away once in a while to look at it from a different angle and some times going up to Zoro asking him to redo a line. The swordsman didn't mind since he knows he's not that good at drawing but would often grumble under his breath having to redo a line several times to get it the right way mainly being mad at himself, reaching your hand down while trying not to move too much you run your hand through his green hair helping to calm him down which he gives you a thankful look for. Sanji's lines are neat and tidy, but he would always have a damp cloth wrapped around one finger, so he can run it under the line he's made making sure its perfect. With the three focused on their work there isn't any kind of conversation leaving the room in a comfortable and relaxing silence other than a few words here and there and at least one of them checking to see if you need a break. It didn't take long for them to finish all three stepping back to admire their work "Its almost done" Kuina jumps a little with glee happy to see it looking just the way she wants it too.
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A look of surprise crosses your face since it looks down to you "Really? It's already amazing" Your comment gets your daughter shaking her head while running over to the table and grabbing four different pastel colored paints, green, yellow, orange and purple. "Were gonna need your help for this one love" Sanji smirks holding his hands out for you to take as Zoro comes to your side the two helping you stand up, the swordsman stands behind you placing his chin on your shoulder placing kisses on your neck "Ok Dad is green and Daddy is yellow. Ready?" Kuina lifts up a paint brush covered in green paint, Zoro holds out one of his hands letting his daughter paint the palm of his hand as Sanji moves to stand behind you as well placing his chin on your other shoulder "What is going on?" You whisper but only earn a small laugh and a kiss on the cheek in response, once Zoro's hand is painted your daughter takes a different brush with yellow paint and starts painting Sanji's palm that the cook holds out for her "Don't worry baby, i know you'll love this" Zoro whispers placing a few more kisses on your neck which you lean into enjoying his touch "Ok make a heart" Kuina states putting the plate down before helping her farther's make a heart with their joined hands, she adjusts the thumbs to make it perfect before standing back to have a look. Leaning back into the two you can't help but smile now knowing what their doing, Zoro's other arm goes around Sanji's waist keeping you snug in between their arms all while trying not to smug their work since his arm is hovering over the painting on your belly.
Kuina moves her farther's hands into the perfect position before giving them a nod, In perfect unison your partners press their hands onto your belly and hold it there while peppering your cheeks and neck with kisses, lifting your hands up cup their cheeks pulling the two closer to you "You boys are too sweet" You giggle turning to look at Sanji who gives you a sweet loving look "Anything for you Mi Amour" The cook whispers his lips brushing against yours before locking fully, letting out a happy hum you lean into the kiss while stroking his cheek, after a few short kisses you turn to Zoro who has a smirk plastered on his face "I told you'd like it" Leaning in the two of you share a short kiss before fully locking lips hoping to draw the feeling of his lips against yours, as another happy hum leaves your lips the swordsman lets out a needy groan wanting more so you open your mouth a little, Zoro's tongue is quick to enter your mouth roaming around as your hand moves up to hair. Kuina lets out a sigh, she's glad that her parents are in love, but she doesn't want the art work to get ruined, the swordsman's arm is perfectly still but that might change if this goes on "You can move your hands now" Your daughter states managing to brake you and the green haired man apart giving the young girl a sorry look, slowly your partners lift their hands up and off your belly leaving perfect hand prints with their thumb and fingers making a heart in the middle, in the middle a strip of green and yellow meets blending together a little and making a very light lime color.
Zoro and Sanji give you one last Kiss on the cheek before stepping away to clean their hands while Kuina walks up to you getting a better look at the hand prints "This is an amazing idea, I'm guessing the next to paints are for me and you?" You ask getting your daughter to look up at you and nod "I know my hands a lot smaller, but we can make it work. I picked Purple for you and orange for me" The young girl picks up her plate again and grabs two more paint brushes showing you the colors, placing your hand on her head you ruffle her hair before offering your hand to her letting her paint your hand. As she paints you look over to your body's seeing Zoro cleaning up Sanji's hand with a damp cloth, the two don't speck but do share an intense loving look, the cooks the first to step closer placing a light kiss on the corner of the swordsman's lip earning a groan of annoyance from the man, with both their hands clean Zoro throws the cloth down on the table then grabs Sanji's shirt pulling him in before the blonde can react. Crashing his lips onto his partners the swordsman lets out a satisfied moan forcing his tongue into the cooks mouth who instantly gives up and melts into the kiss, his hands run up Zoro's arm and take the hand that is holding his shirt managing to pull it off and interlock their fingers. Your brought back to your daughter when she puts the paint brush down and turns to her dads going to ask for help painting her hand only to see the two kissing.
With another sigh she shakes her head "Dads please… Art first, kissing later" Letting out a laugh you watch your partners pull away and slightly pout at being scolded by their daughter, it's hard to say no to Kuina when she's so determined, so the two pull away from each other and walk over, Zoro takes the plate from his daughter and starts painting her hand while Sanji looks over your purple palm flashing you a sweet smile "That color suits you mi amour" The cook tucks some hair behind your ear while leaning in to give you a light kiss, you happily return it before looking back at Kuina who has now moves to your side, with the help of Zoro and Sanji you manage to make a heart despite the size difference, placing your hands on your stomach your daughter follows along as you wrap your arm around her shoulder keeping the little girl pressed to your side "Thank you sweetie, this was a great idea, I've had so much fun" The two of you smile at each other while pulling your hands off your belly leaving the art work complete. Kuina leaves your side to look at her work her smile bigger then ever as she bounces on her feet in happiness "It looks so good" She praises as Zoro chuckles lifting her up into the air and holding her close "Heck yea it is, my little artist" The swordsman nuzzles his daughters cheek before kissing it not caring that she's trying to push him away with a paint covered hand all while giggling her little head off. Sanji quickly grabs the camera taking a photo of your belly and placing it back on the side, so he can hold you, being careful of the arm work the cook holds you from the side wrapping his arms around your waist and under your belly while your hand comes up to meet his cheek so you can pull him into a kiss.
Zoro smirks at seeing the moment your having with the blonde cook so puts his daughter down and takes her hand "Come on lets get you cleaned up and then show the others" The swordsman states pulling her over to the painting table and grabbing another cloth to clean her hand off all while praising her work. With your lips locked with Sanji's you tilt your head back a little to get a better angle letting his tongue push into your mouth with no resistance, your tongues dance around each other as light hums and moans of happiness leave your lips, it warms your heart to feel how much love your family has for each other and the unborn baby boy they haven't even met yet, you can't ask for anything more. As you pull away Kuina flings the door open and yells out for the others that their finished, of course the first people to rush in are Chopper, Luffy and Usopp, your not sure if their excited to see the art or find out the results of the contest but it doesn't seem to both Kuina. "Arrr thats so cute" Chopper smiles looking up at your belly admiring your families work "I like the hand idea" Usopp comments patting your daughter on the head as she beams up with pride at the sniper. "Its simple but beautiful" Nami smiles walking in with the rest of the crew, Jinbe walks up to Kuina placing a hand on her shoulder with a proud smile "you have an amazing talent young lady, keep it up" His praise makes her eyes sparkle with glee her pride in her and her parents work growing by the second. "Perfectly gift wrapped, how thoughtful" Robin giggles making some of the others laugh too including you and Zoro, the swordsman grabs your book and pen handing it over to you while Kuina hands out pieces of paper and pens to the crew "I can't believe this is the last one, its gone so quick" Franky chuckles after writing on his paper and handing it to Sanji as Zoro helps you sit back down.
Once everyone has scored the last piece of work you add it all together in your book before pulling out a small envelope from another page "Do we get a prize?" Luffy, Usopp and Franky all yell their eyes shining like starts making you giggle even though your feeling a little bad "No, I'm sorry, there's are just my scores, I've been writing them down and put them in here so i'm not tempted to change my own scores, I've forgotten what I've put down already" The three pout only to be slapped across the head by Nami, placing her hands on her hips the navigator scolds them for not noticing, you never told anyone what you were doing but the others could guess since you didn't hide it. With all your scores down and Robin calming Nami down the crew looks to you for the verdict, reading through the scores you can't help but let out a laugh at how things ended up "The winners are Chopper and Jinbe while the rest of you all come in second" A large smile grows on your face as you turn your book around to show them the page, everyone is tied expect for the winner who won by 4 point. There's a collective "What?" full of different emotions, happiness, disbelief and confusion "I can't believe we won" Chopper cheers as Kuina tackles him in a hug the two laughing and cheering as Zoro picks the two up kissing the tops of their heads "Great Job Chopper and thanks again.. Thanks you too Jinbe" The swordsman puts the two down before turning to the large fish man who rubs the back of his head "Oh it was all Choppers idea" Sanji shakes his head placing a hand on Jinbe's shoulder "Still thank you, it means a lot"
Nodding you give Jinbe a smile agreeing with your boys, what they did was beyond sweet and thoughtful, you got to see your baby before it was even born and find out the gender something you couldn't do with Kuina, speaking of the young girl she walks over to you her hand gripping onto Choppers "I'm glad you liked it but i'm sorry you guys didn't win" The doctor gulps feeling a little bad about it but Kuina shakes her head and takes your hand with a big smile "I didn't really care if we won or not, it was really fun and made this week at sea go bay really fast… Did you enjoy it mama, it wasn't too much was it?" Your daughter asks with sudden concern, squeezing her hand you lean closer placing a kiss on her head "I loved every second of it and even though your baby brother was a little fussy at times i think he enjoyed it too" Patting the seats next to you the two hop up cuddling into your sides, your arms wrap around them holding the two close as Kuina places her hand over her hand print on your belly "I'm glad, i can't wait to meet him" Your little girl whispers, kissing the top of her head you nuzzle into her feeling your heart swell with happiness and love only for the moment to be broken by Luffy's loud yelling "I want a rematch" Zoro, Sanji and a slightly stressed out Franky who's going over your scores are quick to look at their captain with a glare "No way" The three yell in unison making Luffy groan with a big pout before flopping onto the sofa away from you, he looks up at the three with puppy dog eyes trying his best to get them to agree like how they do with Kuina, letting out a laugh your soon joined by the two at your sides and a few other crew members as the three groan trying to ignore their pouting captain.
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mickstart · 1 day
Re your last headcanon ask: I ABSOLUTELY think we get an unfair balance of jealous Aventurine as compared to Ratio. Do you have any thoughts on how Ratio's jealousy/possessiveness would manifest? Aventurine-centric again, but I love in fanfic/fanart when he's being all over the top friendly to Ratio and then sends whoever Ratio was talking to The Death Glare™. Real gap moe.
I also love when jealousy is the thing that makes them realize "oh Shit I think I care about him more than the average coworker amount"
Okay I think. The thing about Ratio is he's so resigned to his own isolation that he probably doesn't usually GET jealous bc he's just like "of course people want to spend time with others over me. they always do. I don't care." and I think it would be a pretty new feeling to him. He'd beat himself up a LOT for getting possessive because he'd be so annoyed at how irrational it is. So his possessiveness would probably be more lowkey than Aventurine's.
I think pre-relationship he sits there and silently seethes watching aventurine flirt and YES that would probably be the thing that makes him realise he likes him a little too much. Just imagine Ratio on the sidelines watching Aventurine show a little shoulder at a bar, distracting someone he's about to fleece, and he's just hit by this competely irrational emotion he has NO idea what to do with. All he knows is he wants to march over there and throw the mark out the window.
But in a relationship he'd know that was a Tactic aventurine uses, and I think he'd kind of get off on the "Aventurine is playing all these people they don't know he's only interested in ME" (Top 50 ratio ego moments) In fact it might be a tactic of theirs on missions, to have Aventurine seduce someone and then have Ratio show up like "hello darling. mwah." and Aventurine introduces him as his Husband. (They are not married.) It makes the mark uncomfortable and also makes them feel like they can confide in Aventurine because they Share A Secret with him.
(And maybe Ratio Thoroughly Enjoys kissing Aventurine in front of them to make a Statement, and Later, Alone, reminding Aventurine who he's always going to go home with.)
Sorry another cut, I rambled again but way more this time.
I think it's easy to enter more complicated territory with Ratio's possessiveness, with Aventurine's past being what it is. It would be important that what Ratio feels possessive of isn't Aventurine, but Aventurine's feelings and attention. When Ratio is jealous he's usually doing something to get Aventurine's attention back on him. But - traumatised king that he is - Aventurine ASKS for marks and growly, frustrated possessiveness. He taunts Ratio. Asks him to "claim me", that type of shit. Asks if Ratio will buy him a collar to replace the one he wears for the IPC. Asks if Ratio would wear his collar instead, with Aventurine's address on his nametag, instead of asking him to move in like a sane person.
(Sorry my "Aventurine takes his trauma and regains power over it by sexualising it on HIS terms" agenda is so strong.)
Ratio says he's just going along with Aventurine's kinks to let him work through shit in a safe environment, but he's definitely into having Aventurine whine that he's His, or dig his nails into his hips and tell him he's HIS. He's never really been Wanted like this, enough that Aventurine covers him with bites that make him feel warm whenever he sees them, and he's never Wanted anyone else like this. It's a thrill, even if it is humiliating that Aventurine reduces him to animalistic urges. (And even more humiliating that he's then into Aventurine making fun of him for that.)
And then he buys Aventurine a necklace with his little owl eye symbol on it, and Aventurine wears that Everywhere.
.... and buys Ratio a collar with a small aventurine stone attached instead of a nametag.
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h-didanart · 2 days
I have doodles
all of them brought to you by @potatotato-26’s wonderful Droplet au idea thingy (they said they were fine with others using the idea, I asked them myself). Sadly, due to my more angular style the squishiness characteristic of the Droplets is kinda lost, but I tried, and this was fun! I liked coming up with designs and possible lore!
so! Without further ado, the doodles. Starting with the Bloodmoons
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Swap!BM, Separated!BM, and Retired!BM, my three (six) main guys. Swap!BM is probably the design closest to their au canon, I didn’t know what to do much; they’d act even more like a cat, now with the advantage of being smaller, they would absolutely hide in the darkest spaces they can find and freak out their caretaker (Creator most likely (don’t question it, I’ll explain the family dynamics at some point)). Separated!BM I just, drew, the designs were in my mind near instantly; I like ‘em, they look adorable. Retired!BM….. I was very reluctant to make a design for them, only made one cuz they’re kinda my favorite Bloodmoon; as you may see they’re kinda not very ok, never really are but toddlers aren’t exactly known for being great at hiding their emotions… for the sake of my and you guys’ sanity I’ll say that this version of them was electrocuted and dumped in an alley by Ruin.
Now, the protagonists of The Sunset and Moonlight show!
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Moon I struggled a bit with, but needed up finding something nice and fluffy to put him in after a while, tho the scar did give me a lot of issues so I simply covered it. Sunset’s design I kinda didn’t really try too much with, just drew what came to mind, I think it fits them. And as a bonus, them comforting Bloody and Harvest, cuz protagonists support one another.
And then brainstorming. If I were to Dropletify the Get in Losers family, would it be like this:
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Or like this?:
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And now…. What I have decided was the funniest choice for Dropletifying my main guys… Separated!BM and Swap!BM are the babies, Retired!BM however…
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Is stuck in babysitting duty. They’re going to need help…
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Lucky for them, they know someone who knows how to do (almost) anything, he won’t mind if they give him a call.
and now, lastly, because… favorite Bloodmoon (and I’m still coping with Original’s death) we have Bloody and Harvest interacting with their Droplet version. Starts off a bit bittersweet if you have full context, if not it’s just kinda sweet, and then you get the funnies
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Ye :3
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sleeplesssmoll · 1 day
Imagine if, somehow, Vertin got turned into pre-Breakaway Smoltin. Would chaos unfold in the Suitcase?
At first I was going to say "yes" but after really thinking about it...
Vertin's team is soooo protective of her. She'd be in safe hands. Also, Smoltin was a menace because she was forbidden from being true to herself. I think the team would be happy to show her new places, help her catch Critters, and tell her stories about their adventures. They'd give her the childhood she was robbed of. Even the little ones like Erik, Eagle, and the others would be happy to play the role of "Big Sister".
I'm sure she'd still get into shenanigans but everyone is in on it!
Also, maybe this could be an important time of healing for Sonetto. She gets to hug Smoltin. It's something she wish she did more of when they were younger instead of breaking her little heart. She'll be the one giving Smoltin toffees and sweets this time.
However, she is also unwilling to share Smoltin which means that the team is actively fighting over her. While Vertin was the black sheep at the Foundation, here she's the apple of everyone's eye 🍎
Regulus wants to show her all her favorite records.
Sotheby wants to show her potions and talk her ear-off about crazy ideas.
Druvis makes a swing out of tree branches in the Wilderness for Smoltin.
Blonney and Desert Flannel want to dress her up like a little doll.
Jessica introduces her Critter friends to Smoltin and the little one curls up between the fluffy Carbuncles.
Click is following her around and taking pictures of these precious moments.
Smoltin is in awe at how big Matilda and Sonetto are now! Matilda acts normal but admits to Sonetto in private that seeing Smoltin like this hurts. This is the life Vertin deserve; one full of happiness and belonging. She also remembers the day she thought Vertin was Reversed like the others which is something she never talks about, not even to Sonetto.
Smoltin befriends Pavia's dogs, who recognize her scent as the person who gives them treats. Pavia acts annoyed but makes no attempt to stop Smoltin from playing with his puppies. He even offers her some of his precious Gelato and is pleased by her excited reactions when she eats it. He tells her to smile like that more often because he's sick of her stoic face (referring to Vertin as the Timekeeper).
Oliver Fog wanted no part of this. He's only concerned about getting her back to normal, but X thinks the whole thing is hilarious. He is in no rush and takes his time showing her his inventions. He likes that Smoltin and Vertin are always curious and listen intently to his explanations, even if he can tell they don't quite get it.
Mesmer Jr. gave her exactly one head pat. She has a lot of baggage too, but in that moment seeing Vertin reminded her of their childhood before the Break-away event and the Parade. She and Smoltin were friends at one point. Part of her misses how things used to be and the other reminds her not to dwell on these things. Its easier to not care.
As fun as it is spoiling Smoltin, the team begins to miss their Timekeeper. Without Vertin leading them, there is a noticeable hole in their lives. She was a friend, leader, parent, and everything else they needed her to be. They develop a deeper appreciation toward her. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder.
There are so many fun possibilities with this idea I'm sure other people have many. Feel free to share!
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thatnewweeb · 1 day
Coming Home | Blue Lock
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Characters | Isagi Yoichi, Bachira Meguru, Mikage Reo, Nagi Seishiro
CW | None (I guess missing them/you?), pro player AU
A/N | I adore this idea so much, I love the idea of them missing you after away matches. Anyway part 2 is ready with other characters, so look forward to it!
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Isagi Yoichi
The first time he had to leave for away games, he missed you so much. He knew he would miss you, he loves you after all, but he couldn't have anticipated quite how much he would.
While he was away, he bought an engagement ring. His teammates made fun of him a little, but he didn't care in the slightest. The time away from you made you realise what he wanted.
When he got home, he immediately called out to you, dropping his bags at the door and walking inside, desperate to find you. A huge smile spreads on his face when he sees you run around the corner and throw yourself at him.
He hugs you tightly and kisses you all over your face, enjoying your familiar scent. When you finally separate, he instantly reaches into his jacket pocket. He knows it may not be the most romantic setting, but he doesn't want to wait any longer.
Yoichi takes a deep breath before getting down on one knee, taking out the ring box and opening it, looking up at your surprised face.
"Baby, I know this probably feels like it's coming out of nowhere, but I love you. I knew that already, of course I did, but being away from you made me realise just how much. I never want to be away from you, I never want to be without you. So, will you make me the happiest person ever, and marry me?"
You obviously said yes.
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Bachira Meguru
The second he's through the front door of your shared house, he's running around looking for you. It doesn't exactly take him long to find you, you wanted to see him too.
When he does find you, which feels like it took him way too long, he practically jumps on you. He clings onto you tightly, almost like a koala. It's incredibly cute, but also difficult to stay upright.
You manage to get to the couch before you collapse under his weight, letting him cuddle up even closer and nuzzle his head into your neck, kissing and biting and sucking.
He'll mumble against your skin to ask how you spent your time without him. You'll tell him all about your time alone while he continues to cling to you and kiss you all over.
For the rest of the day, and night, he will not let go of you. Better find a way to do everything you need to with him either carrying you or clinging onto you.
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Mikage Reo
Reo always buys you a ridiculous amount of gifts from wherever he went for his away games. It's honestly almost too much.
He'll bring everything in and call out to you excitedly, just wanting to see you and ready to see your reactions to his gifts. Of course, it doesn't take long for you to get to the door.
A huge smile immediately spreads across his face, giving you a few deep, passionate kisses, his arms wrapped around you, holding you as close to him as he can.
As much as he loves having you in his arms, he is somehow even more excited to see your reactions to his gifts, so he lets go and takes you to the lounge, bringing the bag with the presents.
He'll sit with you on the couch and watch you open everything, enjoying how grateful and excited you are, and he certainly isn't going to turn down the kisses you give him after every gift.
Typically, he'll get you a souvenir of some description from the specific city he went, some snacks from the country for you to try, some jewellery, and anything else that catches his eye. It's not like expense is any kind of worry to him.
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Nagi Seishiro
He'll be in the lounge with you before you even get chance to get to the door when he gets home. There is one thing on his mind, and that is napping with you. Well, and cuddles and kisses, but those come with the nap.
He always says that he can't sleep as well without you there, so a good nap is the first thing he wants whenever he gets home from away games.
As soon as he's in the lounge, he's laying on top of you, his head nuzzling into your chest, arms wrapping around you, eyes closed. You almost always laugh at him, but will abandon whatever you were doing to cuddle him and give him plenty of kisses.
He will mumble about how much he missed you, telling you a little about how he spent his time away from you before his voice inevitably slows and gets quieter, drifting off to sleep.
You'll spend the next few hours stuck underneath him. Not that you mind. After all, you missed him sleeping on you as much as he missed doing it.
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mossy123302 · 2 days
Ah yes, I am now deep in the KinitoPET brainrot. Why not combine it with my favorite pairing. So many au's...
Was inspired by the song "Everlasting Fun" by LongestSoloEver for this brainrot
Implied Yandere & Horror
Missa's entire social life was admittedly....in flames. It was all bad timing that he just had to get into an argument with Roier about what happened to his cat, so now Roier won't speak with him and the fact Spreen just straight up vanished without leaving a message nor call. Missa wasn't very close with others, only knowing them via Spreen or Roier so ...what a way to spend his vacation.
Missa could catch up on his games, maybe teach himself to play another instrument than a guitar or...scroll the Internet and mourn his miserable non-existent social life. He sighed, running his hand through his hair which was a bit greasy...so he needed to shower, but first, maybe he should go on his computer and actually see if there were any indie games or something he could download while he showered.
Missa searched through the Internet, and searched through Reddit as well to help give him an idea of what game would catch his attention. The Adventure of Angel Death...
Angel Death?
That sounds like something interesting, sounds like a horror indie game or something actually. However, to Missa's surprise, it wasn't a horror game but more or less like those ai pets that helps with browsing. It just happens to be more slightly advanced because it has built in story mode, it could do slight programming and vice versa.
Well ... It had its own story and it couldn't hurt to try something. He could delete it later if it's not much, since the ratings weren't really high for this one. Missa clicked download and with that, he headed off to take a much needed bath, unaware of his computer screen turning blue with multiple tabs opening.
Missa sighed, drying his hair with his towel, squeezing out all the water from his hair as he approached his computer. He was glad that the download seemed to be finished, as there was a tab open, awaiting for him to click some agreement terms, which he did.
He was not gonna bother reading through paragraphs of words, when it mainly repeated the same thing. With that out of the way, it seems he can now...finally play this game?
A crow appeared on his screen, seemingly looking lost for a moment with a green and white stripped bucket hat in its beak, until a figure appeared, seemingly chasing after this crow.
"Give me my hat, right now! Why are you always stealing my things!" The AI huffed, snatching it's hat back from the crow before looking up at Missa. "Oh! I didn't see you there, mate. Hello!"
Missa couldn't stop the smile growing on his face, and quietly hummed. Maybe the game won't be so bad after all? I mean this ...figure was really cute, or well looks like a better version of that anime character, that Missa cannot remember for the life of him. The developer must have gotten real inspired by the anime..but still added their own personal tastes to the AI, possibly to avoid copyrights.
That was his name, and man, Missa hasn't had so much fun even if it was simple. Philza asked simple questions, like what is his name, his favorite color and hobby while he seemingly read a book that appears from thin air as Missa types his answers. Missa was honestly impressed with the programming, since Philza seemed to have full range control on his computer and was able to pull immediate results or answers when Missa typed a question into the search engine.
Now it seems Philza did have a story program set in him, in which he opens another tab for Missa. It was a simple game, he just had to do simple tasks assigned by his friends; Tommy and Techno.
Techno was quite easy, it was to decorate the cabin! He added a few wolves, painted the whole cabin in blue and purple and added way too many skulls. Philza had a good laugh out of that one, amused by the amount of skulls that Missa had added.
"Well, your room is certainly interesting" Philza laughed and Missa smiled. It's weird how this little ai knew how to make him smile or probably because he's just starved of actual contact
Speaking of that... Missa frowned when he spotted a message from Roier. He didn't realize how long he spent playing this small quest, the message was there for hours and Missa barely recognized it. He didn't know what to say exactly, in fact, he just wanted to ignore it entirely but...
"Hey mate, you've been distracted by that message for a while now" Philza spoke, his voice snapping Missa out of his thoughts. Missa closed the message browser and sighed.
"Good choice, mate" Philza said, a hint of amusement in his tone. "We have plenty of other tasks to do, surely you have enough time"
Missa did, so he followed the new instructions Philza gave him to add a new game mode it seemed.
Hide and Seek
Missa didn't know where he was, frankly. He was... somewhere, tunnels that closed in on him. He couldn't make out most of the tunnels, with how pitch black it was and all he had was this torch to guide his way. He faintly could hear humming and footsteps that clattered against the stone...
Missa peeked around the corner, and could see a red cape flutter and he immediately hid back, silently praying that he wasn't spotted or at least heard. He covered his mouth with his free hand, trying to keep his heavy breathing quiet.
"Found you, mate"
Missa shrieked, as he immediately sat up, his eyes immediately darting around and ... He wasn't in tunnels, where it was damp and cold. He was...back in his room, where it was safe and warm. The computer was still on...and Philza's persona was asleep, or at least shut down since it seemed Missa was inactive for a while.
"....Dios mios...That dream.." Missa sighed, running his hand through his hair as he tried to process what he just had. He winced when his neck slightly twinged, and he mournfully had to turn off his computer to actually get some sleep or else his neck will be the least of his worries.
Philza opened his eyes when he felt the computer turn off, and while Missa couldn't see him anymore. Philza will always still see him and he quietly sighed. He frankly hated these moments where Missa had to sleep, I mean, it's much better being awake and doing fun activities but ... He supposes that taking a moment to relax and wind down is admittedly nice to take. It gave Philza time to jot down future ideas, or references to the games Missa had in his computer and to delete the incoming messages from Roier and Mariana.
He admired their stubbornness, but it was starting to get on his nerves a little. Can't they see he's trying to have fun? He was so close, he finally got to tap deeper in Missa's own dreams...
Slowly, bit by bit, Philza will be the only thing Missa will remember. He doesn't need these other friends to make him happy, all Missa needs to do is enter his world...and be happy with him, Techno and Tommy. However, Philza is patient, he will...bite down the urge to pull Missa straight away. He needs more time to create the perfect world for Missa.
Just a bit more... information and soon, Missa will finally be in his arms.
"Just wait a bit more, my moon.."
"Soon, we'll have an Everlasting Fun in our beautiful world"
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