#i have more than just these but they're very specific and its embarrassing to share bc it shows how much i think about this silly game :(
luvyunjinxo · 1 year
365 with you 🤍. kazuha x fem!reader
CW: mostly on the soft side, makeup sex, reader receiving, a little angsty, not proofread, overstimulation
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"I love you zuha, I really do!" you screamed out to her while she was in disbelief. "you were literally flirting with her in front of me."
for context, you and kazuha got into a dumb argument about you always fooling around with yunjin like it was nothing. you were popular with the sserafim girls and they adored you very much. but you loved zuha so much, more than them. which she didn't believe I guess.
anyway, you stomped your way over closer to zuhas face three inches away and told her this "fine, keep thinking I don't love you more but just remember I do!" you lost your temper and stormed out of your shared house. running away, not knowing where you were even going. zuha knew her baby was gonna get lost.
you were driving away, fast, hands gripping on the steering wheel and sobbing screaming curses left and right, hating yourself for running out like that. you decided to call sakura, duh .. shes the oldest. she'll know what to do.
"s-sakura unnie .. I ran away from zuha" you sniffed and cleared your throat while being stuck in traffic. "y/nnie? what do you mean? where are you?" her worried tone made you even more guilty.
"I'm lost, don't k-know what to do, and we g-got into a big fight." man you were stuttering a lot. your voice kept cracking because whenever you spoke or thought about it more you would sob even more.
"y/n come to the apartment, you can stay here." with that you drove to the girls apartment and once you walked in, all the girls were on the couch. to be specific, eunchae grabbing a box of tissues, yunjin folding a blanket, then chaewon and sakura making the snacks. they were probably preparing for your arrival.
anyways, walking in with red eyes, messed up mascara and baggy sweatpants and clothes, was probably the most embarrassing thing you've ever showed them.
"y/n love, come here its gonna be okay." yunjin said while the members motioned to sit on the couch. you explained to them everything, beginning to end and very detailed. with that you went to sleep in yunjins room for the night while the rest of the girls decided to call zuha.
she was a mess too. she blamed herself for everything and said she was gonna stop by tomorrow morning .. at least thats what your ears heard.
next morning, you were washing your face, getting ready to face the worst day. you ate waffles for breakfast while watching k-dramas with the girls in the living room, when all of a sudden the doorbell rang. you ran to the nearest room, all because of zuha's presence.
Yunjin let her in and you could hear footsteps coming to the room, your dumbass was hiding in the closet.
"y/n baby, come out please. I'm sorry for what I did." no response, pure silence. zuha sat down in front of the closet crisscrossed and started to explain herself.
"babe im truly sorry for the way I was jealous. I know you would never fall for the girls its just I get so insecure because they're so pretty compared to me. I know you tell me I'm always better but im just scared. please come out love, I wont hurt you."
you came out slowly and hugged your girlfriend as tight as you could. you loved this girl so much and never would leave her. you straddled her lap and started to give her small pecks all over her face telling her how much you missed her and all the clingy shit like that.
zuha stopped you and started to have a heated make-out session with you till you both couldn't breathe. it was hot, and you couldn't believe you had this girl.
"let me show you how sorry I am for upsetting you baby." she said while she carries you onto the bed, which you think was chaewons?doesn't matter.
you continued the heated session as she starts undressing your top first. her mouth never left your body. teasing you in the spots where you were sensitive the most and she loved how your body always reacted to her actions. she went up to your ear, her breath fanning your neck.
"I think we should skip the foreplay right?" and started to go down on you immediately. she give your crotch one big lick while looking at you with puppy eyes to see your reaction.
"fuck!~" you groaned out while throwing your head back. she continued and collected your wetness with her index finger, dragging her finger up and down your slit multiple times.
"just hurry up and do-" you got cut off when she started eating you out like crazy while having two fingers pumping into you at the same time with a insane pace that your little body couldn't keep up with. you kept arching your back, squirming so much but she kept you down.
you squirted. in a fountain like way .. that threw kazuha off guard but she liked it. you've never done that before ? and it was a new feeling but oh em gee you would want it again.
kazuha smirked and liked the way your little body reacted again, so she continued to overstimulate you. she kept eating you out while both of her veiny hands were reaching up to pinch your buds. you kept trying to pull away but she kept pulling you closer:(.
you finished once again, panting so hard and fucked out. she stayed down there for a little admiring your body and hugging your whole body because you were so cute and wholesome<3. until you both heard a rough pound at the door.
"YAH ! STOP FUCKING ON MY BED!" you could hear chaewons muffled scream from out there.
zuha giggled and started to get you all dressed up and fixed you. "lets go now baby? I love you and would spend 365 days with you." you nodded and smiled as you guys ran out of their dorm without even saying bye.
"wah, jeongmal. not even saying bye" - yunjin
"COME BACK HERE Y/L/N Y/N." - eunchae
"these kids .." - sakura
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commsroom · 3 months
Happy birthday! What are your thoughts and insights on everyone’s first interactions with hera?
thank you!! sorry this is late, but it's a really good question and i wanted to spend a little more time on it. hm.
minkowski is the first person hera met on the hephaestus (and so... kind of the first person she met at all; i don't think goddard scientists and higher-ups count.) and while "i'd heard sensus units prefer to go by their serial numbers" is very telling in... other ways, minkowski was just trying to be prepared. she accepts hera's correction, they both kinda mutually embarrass themselves... all things considered, much nicer than what hera is used to. the bar is low, but still. they really butt heads before they actually become friends, but the potential for that was always there.
as for eiffel, i have a post here that's relevant. i'm a big fan of hera saying eiffel's name + employee ID before he can introduce himself, because the implicit messaging is that he also has a name and a number, the same as her. i think the core of eiffel + hera's eventual relationship is that, fundamentally, she values the same things he does. she sees him blundering around in the dark with no regard for station protocol, with contraband cigarettes floating out of his pocket, and she likes that. "you hate rules as much as i do, don't you, doug?" i don't know if it's controversial to say, but i think hera was attached to eiffel long before eiffel really got attached to hera - and like, of course. the stakes are higher for her. she's met so few people ever, and eiffel is the only one who shares her priorities at all. he's the only one who just talks to her. "you've got a lovely ultraviolet halo around your head" is kind of an insane thing to say to a person you just met. but i think that's why it hurt her so much, and stayed with her so long, that he was initially scared of her, and made all of those flippant comments. she always wanted him to get to know her.
(maybe worth noting: both of those scenes include hera "keeping a secret" for the other person, but minkowski tells her directly not to tell anyone, as the commander. hera offers to keep eiffel's.)
hera is never formally introduced to lovelace - when lovelace asks about her, minkowski replies with a very technical description of her role on the station. most of their early interactions are similarly very technical. hera thinks lovelace just sees her as a tool and doesn't speak to her unless she needs something, but the confrontation in do no harm - which i would classify as the first big moment for their dynamic - makes it clear lovelace feels she's keeping a distance from everyone equally, and it isn't because of hera specifically. i think, in many ways, hera and lovelace become... two people in a group of friends who don't really know how to hang out without the others around. when it comes down to it, they have a lot in common and advocate for each other, but... lovelace shows affection by ribbing her friends and hera takes everything very personally, etc. they're both instigators in different ways and kind of clash without a buffer.
kepler... is interesting, because he asks about hera in very technical terms as well, and lets her correct him. it's definitely calculated, and gauging her reaction, but i wouldn't say it's malicious on its own - i don't think he's dehumanizing her, he's just intentionally downplaying how much he knows about the crew already. well, and setting up for...
maxwell. oh boy. okay. yes, it's nice that she knows hera's name right away, and it's nice that she addresses hera specifically + directly. that's the point, isn't it? hera isn't used to that basic courtesy, and it immediately makes her more receptive to maxwell. there's also something to be said about maxwell's much friendlier introduction vs. kepler's professional one - it gives the impression they aren't always on the same page, and so incentivizes hera to trust maxwell even if she doesn't trust the people maxwell is with. and, well, the way maxwell disregards hilbert doesn't hurt either. while i absolutely believe their dislike of him is sincere, i think it is also very intentional manipulation that maxwell talks down to and dismisses hilbert in front of hera, while kepler yells at him in front of eiffel.
we don't see hera's introduction to hilbert (pre-canon and she doesn't like him, makes sense) or jacobi (i don't think he even directly speaks to her until need to know. and she doesn't like him.) but both of them are very dismissive and dehumanizing towards her.
i suppose it's kind of interesting how the si-5 introductions are kind of a warped mirror of the original crew, then - a commanding officer who politely accepts her correction, someone she feels she clicks with, and someone who doesn't even regard her at all.
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tabithatwo · 1 year
Do you believe Jackie and Shauna have a codependent relationship in canon? and if you do, who do you think is who in the relationship ("giver"/"taker") dynamic?
i think this is a very interesting and difficult question to parse out, mostly due to the fact that they're teenagers when we see them together. being 18/19 really does mean heightened emotion, less frontal lobe development and therefore less impulse control and ability to moderate our interactions with others, more hormonal imbalance, just a perfect storm of codependency. i say this lovingly, as a lesbian who experienced what its like to be a teenage lesbian and did her fair share of insane shit lol, the type of crazy you can attain as a teenage sapphic is fucking unmatched. there is this deep and unyielding attachment that forms between girls in general at that age and when you add romantic love that spark of crazy easily transitions to a wildfire. i think so many people see themselves in jackie and shauna because it is a more shared experience than we like to admit and the show fucking nails it.
when you're in it, you think that you're the only one feeling that sort of intense obsessive consuming need for a person. often you don't see that the other person wants and needs you just as deeply, because we all do our best to hide what we know isn't acceptable. and its true. that sort of desperation isn't healthy at all. we should all strive to be more comfortable in ourselves and to stop putting all our happiness (not just happiness really, because when you're consumed by someone like that every emotion hinges on them) into external factors, especially one person. but learning to do that is a process. we don't come out ready to do that. it takes time and development and independence that you can't achieve when you're that young.
then we get older and we're embarrassed when we look back on those behaviors. we shove them down and pretend they didn't happen as best we can and we definitely avoid talking about them with other people. i can't tell you the amount of times a rush of just total abject horror at how obsessed i was with my high school best friend, turned homoerotic nightmare, turned girlfriend, turned ex hit me in my mid twenties. like your brain starts kicking in and you just go GOOD GOD!!! what was i THINKING??? but more years pass and time makes the sting of things lighter and now i can talk to her and sometimes (sometimes!) we can broach the really fucking deranged things we did and thought and its weirdly healing and horrifying all at once.
now, idk if you're still with me because that was a long intro that didn't even touch on the topic yet, but i promise i'm getting somewhere:
i think that jackie and shauna are fully and completely dependent on each other. i don't think that there is one giver and one taker. i think that they are a beautiful and tragic example of the crazy obsessive entangled love that happens between young sapphics. for me, watching them and discussing them and writing them is so freeing, because it allows me to actually face the harsh realities of unhealthy dependence.
neither of them could ever be whole without the other. and i don't mean that in a romantic hyperbole-fueled manner. i mean that in a truly horrifying way. i mean that to them functionally, they are girls who have body parts as real as any other, that are unattached from their nervous system. jackie's arms are shauna's arms and shauna's arms are jackie's arms. each girl has two hands that touch and do and create and destroy, without her brain giving the okay. each girl has to watch, as an extension of herself does something that she would never ever allow. when they're apart, when they're fighting and hurting, when shauna goes to sleep in the attic, its as though their lungs and their hearts are in another room.
who gives and who takes is hard to answer in specifics, though the simple answer is both for each. but the best way i can put it is that jackie gives more and more in the tangible real world. she tries to anticipate shauna's every need. she gives her the last bite of food. she gives her everything she has and then some, because jackie's biggest fear is shauna taking a seam-cutter to all the parts of them that are sewn together and becoming a separate entity. jackie squeezes shauna tight in her hands and shauna gives more pieces of her body and soul to their shared cache than she wants to.
shauna has an image of freeing herself from the dependency, but she doesn't like to reckon with herself and she doesn't like to see all the places that she expects jackie to be an extension of herself. so when she tries to make space, shauna doesn't even realize that she's not separating them at all. she's touching where jackie touches and kissing where jackie kisses. she is trying to be jackie, but not truly in a jealously way. not in a way that undermines their romantic love. shauna is trying to be jackie in a way that intensifies their dependence, because even if consciously shauna is aging and trying to forge a path for herself with a new school and a new life, like most of us tend to try and do at that age, shauna is still subconsciously trying to fuse them into one being.
and when jackie dies, shauna absorbs her. because she can be both. she's been practicing for this her entire life.
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mk-wizard · 2 months
The Acolyte was NOT a failure. It was failed. Hear me out.
Hello, friends. I want to talk seriously for a moment as a creator myself and a Star Wars fan who did not like the Acolyte. Specifically, I am here to stand up for the Acolyte despite it not being good in my opinion especially after seeing Mr. Pablo Gunner's rage review video where he shared many words of wisdom that Yoda would be proud of. I suggest watching it first.
The Acolyte itself was not a failure. It was failed by mistakes, taking risks that did not pay off and amateur writing. And to be honest, that's not the worst way a show can fail because in spite of its flaws, it doesn't change the fact that the series itself had many great ideas: a murder mystery, the villain's POV, calling out that not all Jedi are good, showing that there are other force users that fall into the gray area and so on. Plus, those fight scenes were worthy of being in the cinema and the characters you did connect with were great. In the end, I was rooting for Osha. In fact, I still am despite what she did in the end.
More importantly, just because the show was not good in my opinion doesn't mean it cannot be good in anyone's opinion. And beyond that, just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have the right to be mean about it. In fact, that shames the lore of Star Wars more than all the bad works altogether even the ones that had obvious resentment behind the writing (but that's another discussion). The quality of how you react to art is just as important as the quality of the art itself. Yes, I admit that Hollywood's obsession with DEI, representation and inclusion has gone too far and in fact hurts the very groups they're trying to uplift, but you don't solve one problem by creating another.
Also, the amount of badmouthing and hatemongering isn't just embarrassing anymore. It's mean. An artist doesn't deserve to be hung, crucified, sued, grounded or humiliated just because they made a work of art you didn't like. Heck, I believe that the cartoon Daria even addressed this. Kathleen Kennedy, Amandla Stenberg and all these other folks behind Star Wars are people with feelings and lives. Even if they act silly themselves or make bad decisions, they're people. And for many of these people, the Acolyte was their first ever project. Sadly, not everyone's first big project is a hit, but that's ok. What is not ok is beating people down. Now, I myself have given negative criticism on art pieces, BUT I criticize the art not the people and I try to be fair while removing anger from the equation. And I try not to be spiteful because as an artist myself, I've been there and know how it feels. Putting your art out in public is scary and I can tell you from experience that it doesn't get easier. However, it takes courage to do it in general and that within itself is admirable.
In closing, I want to add that I take absolutely no joy in how the Acolyte was not good. I wanted it to be good. I wanted Amandla Stenberg to do good. I even believed that its good points alone made it deserve a second chance with a season 2. I'm sad that this project didn't work out and I'm more sad for Amandla which is why I want her to still have a second chance in general. She has good ideas.
Please, be kind when media fails because kindness and support when people do wrong can inspire other people to be better. I mean, that was the whole point of Luke's struggle with Darth Vader. When everyone gave up on Vader, Luke still believed in him and fought to pull him out of the darkness with his heart, and he did it. Hence his famous line "I am a Jedi like my father before me." Luke was not talking about what his father used to be. It's what he believed he still was which was not only worth fighting for, but living up to as well hence why he showed mercy and support to Vader.
With that all said, let's all strive to be "Jedis" like your fathers, mothers, siblings and friends before us. Stop the hate and show support even when people fall to the dark side.
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queenofbaws · 10 months
Hey! Can I ask request 6, 11 & 14 for Wringing Blood from A Stone? ^^
well hey yourself!!! oooh, you know i'm always more than happy to rant and rave about those crazy ol' hacketts... ;)c hehehe
6. Does this chapter/fic have any twists that you’re proud of?
this upcoming chapter, no; the fic itself, yesss. i won't get into them specifically, obviously, but one of the things i'm really trying to capture the most in this fic is just...the nature of the hacketts being a family. like an actual-factual (obviously exaggerated) family, complete with all the tangles and snares any real family has. you guys already know what supernatural stuff is on its way, and the extra supernatural stuff i'm throwing in there, i think you can probably draw some conclusions about too, but there are for sure a few family-based twists i'm very, very, very excited to reveal in due time.
twists that - i very much hope - won't end up coming out of left field, but will make horrible, horrible sense in retrospect ;)c
11. What scene are you most hyped for this chapter/fic?
for the upcoming chapter, i'm super hyped for one caleb & kaylee interaction in particular. there's so much dysfunction in the family, and lord knows the interactions with the hackett brothers themselves can sometimes feel a little less than friendly, so i really relish in writing caleb and kaylee sort of being besties first and siblings second. plus, we might just get a peek at caleb's wolf story............
in terms of scenes i'm most hype for across the whole fic, GOD HELP ME. there are. a lot coming up. so here are some out of context spoilers for scenes i'm very excited to get to: a big ol' family brunch gone wrong; old men fighting, parts 1 and 2; jack eats the world's sloppiest sloppy joe; the worst damn church service you've ever seen; and they're all gonna laugh at you. genuinely, there are........so many pieces of this story i just cannot wait to share, and i wish i could just pop my head open and shake the words out like loose change aslkdjfalskdjf
14. What have you been finding frustrating with writing this chapter/fic?
alas, as happened when i was writing the (almost)s, and what i think is probably the case with most longfics in general, like wringing blood has become a very personal project that's sort of reflective of some family stuff i'm going through currently. on the one hand, that's super therapeutic, because it's a place where i can channel a lot of my emotions and frustrations and hopes and disappointments about my own family in a way i can control...but on the other hand, the reason i've suddenly gotten so slow with updating is because my family stuff does suck currently, it is sucking up a lot of my energy and sanity, and when i have a break from them, the idea of jumping into sharing my brain with the hacketts isn't, uh, immediately welcoming, let's say XD
which leads to a SECONDARY frustration, of course: i'm so, so, so, so, SO excited for this story, there's nothing i want more than to get it all to paper and SHARE, but i'm in a spot right now where things are slowed and sort of gunked-up. i can't stress enough how i have. every. major. beat. of this story plotted out, i have about 90% of it outlined in VIVID detail, i know EXACTLY what's going to happen in every chapter until the end, i have an embarrassing amount of it already written, but man. ya gurl is tired. so wanting to get everything out into the world but knowing i don't have the brainspace for it atm is also incredibly frustrating, but i'm very much hoping once the holidays have passed, maybe - MAYBE!!!!!!!!! - things over here will chill out and i can spend a little less time with my bonkers appalachian family and a little more time with theirs hahahaha!
wips, wips, wips, ask me about some wips!!!
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lakesparkles · 1 year
Ants (OC oneshot)
I'm not sure if anyone here is interested but, just in case, I'll share here something I wrote for some of my OCs, Taylor and Daisy :D
They're surely my fav OCs ever, if you want to see more of them, you can check their tags here (or my Instagram that I talk about them all the time)!
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The oneshot can be read on this google doc or under the cut:
Sometimes frustration comes from things that are impossible to change.
Taylor and Daisy look at old photos
Daisy's ants always held his gaze. He felt strange. He had seen several ant tanks before, but this one in particular interested him. It hung on the wall of the closet, with a lamp directly overhead, which made it even clearer: the tiny ants never stopped in their tracks, walking through the same tunnels they had dug long ago. He imagined what it would be like for them. How big everything was.
Taylor blinked, breaking out of his trance for just a second. It was enough to make him aware of the lack of attention, realizing his situation as a whole. Until that moment, he hadn't even realized that he was, in fact, in Daisy's room. Even after dating her for so many months, it must've been the third time he had entered there in his life.
"I like ants!" He commented, his eyes still glued to the tank. "There are so many! Can you recognize them one by one?"
He managed to turn around, now looking at his fiancee (he has a fiancee!!). Daisy tilted her head slightly, sulking a little and giving him the terrible impression that she had been talking to him during all this time of distraction. Before he had time to confirm the theory and open his mouth to ask something stupid, Daisy took a few steps forward, getting close to him and the tank.
"Do you see this little one here?" She pointed to a farther one and Taylor leaned his body forward, nodding. "I call her Courtney! She's kind of a loner, but she works just as hard as the others... Maybe even harder! She is one of my favorites."
Taylor perked up, the tip of his tail starting to wag as he pointed at another specific ant:
"And this one? What is its name?"
"Oh, that's Clarita!"
"HOW DO YOU DO IT!?" Now the tail was completely wagging. "They're so similar... And there are so many! Is it serious that you recognize each one?"
"Of course not, silly! I was kidding... Taylor, were you paying attention to what I said?"
The dog straightened his posture, lowering his head, a little embarrassed. Not just for the last conversation, but the way Daisy called him. To her, he could be "nugget", "sweetheart", "strawberry cupcake", "furball" or anything else that popped into her head. He was only called "Taylor" if Daisy was being extremely serious.
"Maybe the ants distracted me..."
At least Daisy didn't look offended, laughing and making him feel lighter. Without saying a word, she moved even closer to him, only to smack his butt (to be fair, she had rubbed his butt more than anything, but you wouldn't hear any complaints from him about that).
"Stop being lazy!" She exclaimed. "We have a lot to do!"
That command was the equivalent of turning Taylor's brain on, which automatically felt more focused. He turned around, starting to survey the room at large. Just like his house, the rooms there were not very spacious, although comfortable. The walls were cream and… unfortunately, it didn't even look like Daisy's room. It had some furniture, ants and that's all. No decorations or anything to make it livable beyond the basics.
He remembered how Daisy had commented that she liked his bedroom and how everything in there reminded her of himself. Also how, little by little, it became less his place and more of both of them. Daisy bought some plants to decorate, as well as fairy lights. She left her clothes hanging on the hanger, right next to his. The floor was always covered with a toy or more from the pups and, even though most of it was still his own stuff... his house seemed infinitely more like Daisy's home than that empty room.
That warmed his heart and only then did he realize he had gotten distracted again, looking at the ants, wagging his tail and laughing like crazy.
"Ants make you so happy, don't they?" Daisy implied from the other corner of the room, where she analyzed her remaining clothes inside the wardrobe.
"We're moving in together!" He ignored the question, smiling towards her. "It's sinking in now!"
"Look, we kind of already lived together" Daisy stopped looking at the clothes for a moment. "I'm just going to sleep at your place every day, but the puppies will still stay here from time to time and...
"That's like, 90% living together!"
"Right, right! So let's go before my grandmother arrives."
Taylor nodded vaguely, as he often did when Daisy spoke. Seconds later, he realized he had no idea what he was supposed to be doing in the first place.
Focus, Taylor, focus!
Daisy had told him that they should just gather her remaining things to take to her house and... It shouldn't be that difficult.
Except that everything there seemed so boring and lifeless. It wasn't like he was judging his fiancee, it was more thinking how nothing there must matter much to her. However, he started pacing and looking around, hoping that Daisy would think he had something useful running through his brain.
He ended up facing the cabinet next to the bed, kneeling down to reach the drawers. Above him was just a small framed picture, which seemed incredible compared to everything else. Taylor guessed it was a photo from a couple of years ago, considering how small the four puppies were. None of them looked at the camera, being around Daisy, who opened a nervous smile.
Taylor couldn't help but laugh softly, holding the end of the frame until he lowered it and brought it closer to him. This would certainly go to their house.
Finally opening the first drawer, he was surprised by the amount of stuff there. It was as if everything that was supposed to be in the rest of the room had been concentrated in that tiny, cramped space.
"Ahhhh, there's a lot of stuff in the drawer!" He spoke aloud, a little confused about what was important or not.
"Most is just crap, but see if you can find something."
Yeah, he didn't want to do that, his whole body already being taken over by laziness before he even started. But that was what he was there for, wasn't it? Half the reason, because he figured supporting his fiancee emotionally was just as much the reason for that. Daisy never felt right being there or seeing old things, although she seemed relaxed now. She still looked from outfit to outfit, even pulling on some pants or coats and grumbling when she realized they didn't even fit anymore. Taylor could spend the rest of the day watching her do it, his mind amused to note how the best clothes were already at his house (where they really mattered), and that he could buy her lots of new ones.
But now he had a job to do!
Still with great reluctance, he put his paws in the drawer, almost digging through all the junk. There were old diaries. Old bills. Old notes. Even old cell phones! And nothing that seemed to pay off, Daisy certainly didn't lie.
The first thing that interested him was a pink watch in the shape of a cat (with ears and a small face drawn). It had no batteries and obviously didn't work, but he remembered Daisy telling him about such an object once: she had accidentally taken it in her suitcase, as it belonged to her old college roommate, Claudia. The siamese cat didn't mind it so much, and now the watch was Daisy's, as a keepsake.
He put the watch together with the picture frame.
And it was just thinking about Claudia that another interesting thing appeared. It was an envelope already opened once before, with a small message written by the same cat, along with her address.
Curiosity got the better of him for a moment, almost feeling bad for snooping through her things… But it wasn't as if that wasn't exactly what Daisy had asked him to do. Then, without thinking too much further, he spilled the entire contents of the envelope onto one of his paws.
"What photos are these?" he asked, almost shouting, realizing what it was about.
"What pictures!?" Daisy nearly tripped over the jeans she was pulling off her legs, walking towards him. "Oh, those. They're from college, Claudia sent me a few weeks ago."
"Oh, yes? Why didn't you show me?" He made a point of moving his tail to the ground and smiling, fearing that, otherwise, his curiosity would be mistaken for accusation.
"I was going to, but I forgot."
Taylor wasn't entirely convinced though, he didn't want to dwell on something the other didn't want to talk about. What's more, she crouched down on his side, as if she wanted to see the pictures too.
More cheered up, he turned his attention to the pile he held. The first image was a simple selfie between the two. Claudia showed her sharp canines in a wide smile, hugging Daisy (who was smiling too!!) with the arm that wasn't holding the camera. The two seemed to be sitting on a bed, almost at night.
It was so natural and cute and…real? He hadn't seen pictures like that of Daisy before... In fact, most of the pictures he had of her were taken by himself. It made him more excited for the rest.
Not all of them had Daisy, whether they were part of the college campus or other animals that Taylor didn't know about. One was the theater stage.
"Wow, I look terrible in this one," Daisy commented when he moved on to the next one, which was a group photo. There were a dozen different people there, his eyes going from Daisy to a big gray wolf in the far left corner, dressed in the typical green college coat.
Taylor lowered his ears even more, feeling a mixture of feelings that made his body paralyze for a few seconds.
With his heart starting to race, he realized it was the first time he'd seen Ralph in his life. He was so much friendlier than he'd imagined, his rectangular glasses making his muzzle and smile almost look cute.
He didn't like it, starting to feel weird. Daisy shivered beside him, but said nothing.
She let Taylor to do this job:
"Are you crazy!? Terrible where? This dress shirt did wonders for your body!"
Daisy laughed lightly, returning to the good mood of seconds ago:
"Come on, look at my face there!"
"Extremely adorable! Like... Obviously they took the picture at the moment you would blink, but that doesn't take away from the fact that-"
He was interrupted in mid-sentence when Daisy dragged her body even closer to him until she could lay her cheek against his shoulder. Now she was close enough that her scent was the only thing Taylor could smell, and that motivated him to change the photo.
Most were about her and Claudia, with them visiting somewhere in town or having coffee near campus. Daisy seemed excited to review the moments, despite always finding a flaw for every possible photo. In fairness, Taylor soon understood the insecurity: She would surreptitiously ask for compliments and oh, he was more than ready to give that kind of attention! He commented on her different clothes and hairstyles, as well as her fur appearing shorter than usual. The more she talked about the details, the more he noticed how different Daisy was back then. Even though she looked relatively the same, she had dark circles under her eyes and appeared to be constantly tired. Not that the Daisy of now wasn't too. It was just… different, somehow.
Taylor's heart raced again as he changed photos, his mouth almost agape.
Nothing could have prepared him to suddenly feel so much.
Daisy pulled away from his shoulder as soon as he turned to face her with the biggest smile he could muster, his tail thumping the floor like a drum.
"How many months were you?'
"I think about five..."
"Only that?? But your belly is already huge!"
"Yours would be too if you had four creatures inside you!"
Taylor barely heard the answer, his eyes glued to the photo. The Daisy over there looked kind of uncomfortable, and according to the Daisy next to him who kept talking (you should have been paying more attention, Taylor), it was because it took Claudia a long time to convince her to take that one off. Daisy apparently didn't like pictures very much, but Taylor loved them... even more when they were of his fiancee.
His brain and heart still hadn't calmed down. It was one thing to have the notion that Daisy had been pregnant once. It was quite another to actually see it. The penny was usually slow to sink in for Taylor. He knew things, however, his brain didn't process them as something real. He didn't even fully understand that they're going to get married soon!
So that photo made the pregnancy real.
He felt so excited and passionate, in a way that was even difficult for him to understand and express.
He felt equally sad too.
"I found my new favorite picture." Ignoring that last part, he gave Daisy's cheek a quick lick.
"Are you sure? I would choose the next one if I were you."
At an insanely fast speed, he switched the photo on his paw.
"Oh no..." He whispered, his voice almost breaking from the sudden urge for his eyes to water. Daisy laughed beside him.
"I imagined you'd like this one~"
He might be being dramatic, but Taylor was pretty sure he would actually cry if he said a word. Instead, he continued analyzing every little detail of the image. The Daisy over there was smiling even more tiredly, her ears flat and fur ruffled. It made sense, judging by how she was on a maternity bed.
However, the part he couldn't stop staring at was the four fur balls on her lap. He was so used to seeing the wolves agitated and overgrown that he could barely make them out here. They all still had their eyes closed and fur much darker, with small, flat ears. Gabriel (was that Gabriel? Yes, yes) was yawning, huddled for warmth among his siblings.
"Daisy...." After much effort, it was all that came out of Taylor's mouth.
"That's why it took me a while to show you, I knew you would act like this!" There was no rancor in her voice, quite the contrary. She ran her hand down his back, her smile still plastered to her face.
"You never told me about the day they were born."
Daisy grunted softly, shrugging.
"Errr.... It's not a very nice story, y'know? I think it's for the best if you imagine it any way you want."
Taylor's eyes returned to the photo:
"I'd like to hear it, if you want to tell me.'
"All right... Look, you know how pregnancy between herbivores and carnivores works. It's like any other species, but twice as bad. They were planned to be born in December and.. This photo was taken in September."
"What happened?" Taylor was already worried.
"Briefly? I almost died. They almost died. But everything worked out, so this picture exists."
"Daisy, I didn't... I had no idea..."
"Great! It's not something I like to remember either, you know?" She laughed awkwardly to lighten the moment.
Taylor's throat was dry. That didn't stop him from continuing:
"I don't even know what I would do if I were there!"
Yeah, saying it out loud only made him sadder. Dumb dog!
"You would go from the maternity ward straight to the hospital, that's it! Not to make it worse, but I barely got to see them at first.... Or spend the nights in the maternity ward. They were so small and fragile and.... They had to stay in the incubator for a long time before they gained weight. I remember not being able to sleep well at night, Claudia needed to keep calming me down" Her laugh sounded even faker now, but she relaxed when Taylor wrapped her in a half hug.
What he would say would make him very sad, just like a few seconds ago. He knew it would. But he let the words out anyway:
"I so wish I had met you before" he paused to swallow hard "I would give anything .... everything .... to have seen you pregnant and gone through all this with you."
The hurt look Daisy gave him caught him off guard, as he thought he was saying something nice. He quickly analyzed his own words, realizing the mistake with despair:
"No no! Not because of that! Jeez, Daisy, I don't care 1% that they're not mine... I mean, they're mine! That's what I mean. I wouldn't change that part, I just would.... Oh, I don't know what I'm talking about, sorry!"
Daisy didn't look angry, thankfully. She buried her head in his neck, placing a small kiss on that same region:
"I wish you were there too. Everything would have been so much easier... I thought I liked being alone. I still like it! But it's also good not to be..."
From the tone she spoke, Taylor understood that she had just confessed to something big. Something she now trusted him well enough to know. Nothing seemed fairer than compensating for it by confessing something too:
"These two photos will definitely stay in our room! I loved it so much... But... Would it be selfish to say that they also make me feel bad for not being there?"
"This was not your fault!"
"Yeah, but it frustrates me anyway! Like I said, this has nothing to do with me not being their biological father! It doesn't change anything at all, but I can't stop thinking about how I missed their first two years of life... I wish I had met you when you were pregnant... Or whatever."
"Hey, it doesn't matter! We're together now, aren't we?"
"Yes... Yes, it's stupid, sorry" He turned his head to the side, not wanting her to see the expression that was on his face.
"It's not stupid!" Daisy sighed, pulling away from him. "Don't you think I would rather not have gone through all that shit alone and end up here again? Damn, I... I think I'm taking it out on you... It's not you I'm mad at, okay?
Taylor nodded, sighing at the turn the conversation had taken.
"On second thought, maybe it was for the best that I wasn't there" Then he shrugged, recovering the energy and good mood he didn't even have at the moment. "It's like you said, I don't even know if I could be there without stopping at the hospital. If this picture almost made me cry, imagine that!"
"Oh, you're right," Daisy laughed, giving him a very light punch. "I admit that I cried as well..."
"They were so little, love! Tiny little fur balls! Did you want me to hold you and not feel all the love in the world?"
"You would certainly have worried throughout the pregnancy, thinking it was wrong even when I walked and stuffing myself with blankets. And with the puppies then? You would be those overprotective parents who would be afraid to hold them."
"Don't you think I'm an overprotective father these days?"
"There's nothing that I can think of more, are you kidding!? And they even talk already."
Taylor's cheeks hurt from smiling so much.
This time, the penny dropped fast.
Such would never happen. He and Daisy couldn't have babies on their own.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
"All the photos go to my house!" He exclaimed, concluding.
"Okay, I found some clothes, that should be it."
Nodding, he tucked the photos back into the envelope, carrying it under his arm along with the watch and frame.
He was at the door, just waiting for Daisy, when he noticed that she wasn't moving. It was her turn to stop in front of the tank, her attention held by the ants:
"One thing is missing."
"Are Coutney, Clarita and the rest going too?" He couldn't help but wag his tail. "Oh, our relationship is serious-serious!"
Daisy smiled as she reached for something to unscrew the tank from the wall. This time, she didn't even try to deny it:
"It's serious-serious."
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fiendishartist2 · 2 years
ok hc list bc i dont want to go to sleep yet:
-reigen likes to crochet and esp likes to make stuff for other ppl. mob's gotten mountains of mittens, hats, coasters, and even the occassional cardigan or sweater. reigen also has mountains of unfinished projects he put down and never picked up again- he bounces from project to project, moving on when his motivation dries out. likes it better than knitting bc its faster and he thinks the variety of stitches is interesting
-serizawa likes to sew, but specifically for cosplay. when halloween rolls around, he makes costumes for the kids and himself. one year, he offhandedly mentioned to reigen a zelda cosplay he never got to wear, and thats how he and reigen ended up accidentally doing a link and zelda couples costume...
-mob has tried to learn both crochet and knitting, but doesn't really get either. crochet is too complicated, and everytime reigen's tried to teach him, it ends up with mob inexplicably tangled up in his own yarn. however, mob does really like videogames, esp life sims and the occasional fighting game. ppl underestimate him bc normally his reflexes aren't great, but he can play competitive level smash bros. his mains are jigglypuff and pikachu
-ritsu likes journaling but absolutely hates drawing. he also doesn't particularly like creative writing. he only really plays games with mob, but occassionally he'll pick up the odd rpg or anything shou wants to play with him (usually minecraft). he's a big pokemon fan but he's a little embarrassed by it, so he doesn't talk about it outside of shou and (after a very surprising conversation) serizawa
-shou didn't really have any hobbies growing up in claw, but now that he can, he wants to try everything. he picks up drawing again after his dad is arrested and, eventually, tries other mediums like oils and spray paint. he doesn't like how long it takes for normal paints to dry but he loves spray paint almost as much as he loves his sketchbook (which was a gift from ritsu; he won't admit it, but he hand-binded the book himself just for shou). likes to play any type of game, but only when with friends. otherwise, he thinks they're kinda lonely. ritsu is his favourite person to draw
-teru loves fashion, but is abysmal at sewing, so his favourite place to go for weird items is the thrift store. he loves the mall, but only ever goes if mob tags along, saying its more fun that way. the only thing he likes more than dressing up, is dressing others up- esp if that person is mob, since they share a style. he likes rhythm games and karaoke a lot and can play the guitar. has a not-so-secret obsession with vocaloid
-tome tries lots of hobbies but never really sticks to one thing. she likes researching aliens and other supernatural phenomena. has thought of starting a podcast, but isn't sure if she could commit herself to it enough. reigen thinks she needs to stop being so much like him if she wants to get anywhere in life... aside from that, she's really into retro games and takes up any chances she can to play with her friends. she cried once, the first time she saw serizawa's videogame collection
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grapenehifics · 1 year
Any or all of: 10, 25, 43, 51, 78, 79
(for this ask game)
10. Do you work on multiple wips or stick to one fic at a time?
Bare minimum two, so I can switch off and take a break on one if I'm not feeling it, but I try to limit myself to (actively) writing no more than four at a time. Like, if I want to add in a new one, I need to at least move one to 'editing'.
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
Editing! This isn't an original thought, but I like having written. I'm no longer staring at a blank page, I'm simply rearranging things I've already written to make them fit better or work better or deciding I don't even need them. More fun, less pressure.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
I don't think I've mentioned this one yet? I've been trying to talk myself into tackling Obikin Thomas Crown Affair for *years*. Not because I don't want to write it (I really, really do), just that I don't think I'm ready to do it justice yet. But I *want* it.
(I am going to do it. Even if it's not perfect, I'm going to do it. I'm just full up right now. See #10 above.)
51. Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read?
Ooh, tough question! Yes and no. I write what I like to read, but I also read a lot of stuff that others do so, so much better than I would. I have very few hard 'no's' in my reading, and I can appreciate a lot of stuff that would simply be too far out of my wheelhouse to write. (Off the top of my head, this includes but is not limited to, PWP, heavy angst, historical fiction...)
78. What motivates you during the writing process?
Being done, lol. (See #25.) Moving from first draft to second draft, more specifically. Once I have a beginning, a middle, and an end - even if I don't particularly *like* any of them - that's when the real fun begins.
I find the actual act of creation - moving from 'ooh, that's a cool idea' to 'words on a page' - frustrating and difficult 90% of the time, is what I'm trying to say, and try to move past it as quickly as possible.
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
I think the only writing advice worth a damn is 'read'.
In terms of inspiration, though, a random selection of some things that have meant something to me:
Lemony Snicket's NaNoWriMo pep talk
Bob Dylan's Nobel Lecture
I can't find it again to link to it, which is an important lesson in backing up your shit all on its own, I suppose (maybe 'back up your work' also counts as writing advice?), but I once read an interview with Steven Spielberg where he talked about the truck chase scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark, and that he always tries to establish very clearly what is happening, and where it is happening. Don't use up your audience's brainpower making them wonder, even subconsciously, where people are or where they're going or what direction they're coming from. Keep it simple. Establish what is happening, when, and where. Then, that frees your audience up to pay attention to the why this is happening, and why those characters are making those decisions, and that's where the real story happens.
(What I'm learning from typing all this out is, I need to start taking advice from people other than white men. Yeesh, that's embarrassing.)
Thank you, @palfriendpatine66, this was fun!
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bigkickguy · 2 years
what about chesed and geburah
I'm going to put them at a C for me - in the sense I can see them together and its cool people enjoy them, but they're not that interesting to me. I just don't really like their interactions that we see that much. And you might be thinking 'but bigkickguy, your favorite ruina pairing argues a lot!' I think its more like I can start thinking about them both individually and how they might interact and how it could be more interesting to me specifically. But the story includes not even a hint of that and we just get their teasing stage on Chesed's end - because he's a lonely lonely dude and/or he really finds it fun. And we get the gap of like embarrassment to add some dimension to Gebura's tougher character. I am fairly turned off to the physical chase comedy 'haha this pairing acts like they hate each other but they really actually both care a lot!' sort of deal which doesn't not help haha
I think I can see some cool crunchy interactions for them but most of the time I see them in fanart / fic they are doing more of what they do in game which I think is just not that entertaining for me personally. some crunchiness ideas + spoilers under read more!
Spoilers for LC and Ruina!! I think there could be some interesting comparisons between them both for some more higher emotional stakes interactions. And I eat that emo shit up - so that's what I want to read hakdfjgag I think they're interesting from the view that they don't really share any understanding of each other despite having similar empathy towards others. I just think the blocking point being teasing is often a little silly. One thing I think they share that I didn't see too many people talk about is how they interact with their respective communities. Gebura imo has a pretty strong want to be accepted and participate in a group. She has to agree with them to an extent but we know with Kali that she spent a lot of time fighting alone and hates it. We know she would put up with people who are not pleasant to her or supportive in seemingly any way to feel like she is a part of something. Chesed started on the opposite end of things. He came from a relatively sheltered upbringing in a nest and was Good at what he did. I don't remember his dialogue about it super clearly but I was under the impression he was smart and had resources and probably connections. He likely didn't have a lot of personal ties but its possible he did - I don't remember if he specifies. He ends up giving that all up after getting kidnapped by a stranger and kind of bumbles his way into joining them almost like its a whim. I think they could probably seriously connect with each other over their loneliness. They could probably also have some good emo moments around how they were each treated by their respective groups and how similar they could have been in their isolation despite having very different circumstances. I think Gebura could have some pretty emo feelings about how chesed protected his team better than she did when she made protection her entire identity in LC. Chesed could have some pretty emo moments over criticizing himself taking advantage of her loneliness to get closer to someone when he's not really sure if she wants to be around him or not. like there's potential for some more interesting moments to happen for them! I think in-game they don't show more than like passing attraction... maybe...? I didn't get attraction from either of them but maybe its like - a want to have someone else in your life so much you imagine how being friends with that person would be. I also think them just having a light hearted relationship might be good for them. It's low stakes low stress and kind of something neither of them might get to have outside of their little teasing games? They're both fairly mature characters so it's interesting to have a little silly interaction in their lives. Maybe that's the point! I personally prefer more emo shit though when reading fic so I would still prefer more of how they could have some kind of higher stakes interaction. I like them both as characters and I can see them as a pairing but idk if their interactions are limited to what is talked about in-game I'm not super into them. And from the little bits I have seen most people carry over the in-game dynamic of them as the main dynamic for fan work - so I was just not that invested.
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wortsandall · 2 months
random scenes that might show up in "the lies we tell ourselves"
(no guarantee) tw: mentions of abuse
basically just ideas that i got while i was writing that i knew wouldn't fit in currently and/or things that i want to work up to and will be in future installments. (i have more but they're a little too spoiler-ly for my tastes so those will stay in the drafts for now, wink) information on the specifics of the au and those mentioned/relevant to it are in my tag #tlwto + the masterlist
where steven is talking abt how he doesnt understand marc and leos beef and how he thinks rose knows but rose is hard to talk to (not her fault) and jake is elusive and if steven tries to ask and find out jake hijacks the body from him so hes frustrated 
marc and jake arguing bc marc still doesnt trust jake, sees him as someone dangerous, a threat to steven and their mundane lives while not understanding jake at all. and jake being jake is not very open to actually letting him understand. basically two control freaks with the same goals but they go about it differently (tho similarly) but cant reconcile 
another argument but between steven and jake vs marc basically saying that marc needs to pull his head out of his ass and realize that its not marc vs the rest of them. marc may be the host and share the legal name and connection to the body but that doesnt mean he can make decisions for all of them hes not their keeper which marc throws back at jake the gatekeeper position and how jake makes decisions for them all the damn time but they say thats not what they meant we arent talking abt within the disorder but in actual life. marc is all "i cant trust any of u citing jake hiding himself and others + the unpredictable violent behavior and for steven he brings up that he's in love with layla. his point basically being "if you guys are out then who knows what you could do and also what's the point of me? steven u already got my wife to love you, i need this to be mine so i actually have something bc u guys r better than me and could live my life better"
convo between spiderman and leo where they talk about mentors and people they look up to where leo thinks they experienced the same shit when he hears about stark and how he helped spiderman before dying with his gear and shit and asks something that makes spiderman go wait what-something like “oh i know what that’s like when they give you things you need/want and tell you it costs nothing but it actually costs everything” and spiderman is all confused like it did cost nothing and they have a miscommunication where leo then gets embarrassed and tries to leave while spiderman is like um im sorry but tony wasnt like that im sorry that it was anything like that while leo tries to downplay what he meant and that its not that serious
Talking abt their parents where jake + marc agree their dad is a coward even if jake is more mean about it then marc and steven has to reconcile with the versions of their parents being lies which he actively tries not to think about
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samtheflamingomain · 2 years
alive: how to traumatize a 13yo in one easy step!
Alive is a movie about a group of people whose plane crashes in the Andes mountains, and yes this is the next descriptive sentence, "they must make difficult decisions to survive". I'm 13, in French class, watching this movie with French dub, and I suddenly vomit.
Well, not so suddenly. The movie starts kinda normal. Plane crash. Worry. Desperati- oh okay they're already eating their dead classmates very cool and normal.
Not even in passing, off-screen or in conversation. Nah, we're 15m in and they're literally slicing off meat from a dead person in 4k.
You may be asking yourself, "Why were you watching this in French class of all subjects?"
Well I'll tell you why: we were assigned to read a book about a man stranded in the Andes. He doesn't eat other people. There is literally no other connection, I think the teacher just googled "stranded in andes movie" and picked the first hit.
To get back to my vomit, I was the second one to physically react. Paulina was allowed to leave after starting to cry as the first corpse was cut up. I tried to keep it together but again, I'm like 13. I didn't wake up saying "Boy I sure hope to see a man eaten by his best friend at 9am today!"
It was super embarrassing in the moment, and I was of course excused. The entire class waited in the hall while my vomit was cleaned up.
I was sent to the counselor's office, but after 20m, the rest of the class reentered the room to continue the film. After one student cried and another vomited. I didn't know this until the next day, where we resumed the film. I cannot fathom what made my French teacher think this was a good idea.
I put my head down and had earbuds in for the entire class, usually a punishable offense. But I was one of at least 4 or 5 others that did the same.
Alive is widely considered to be a horror movie because of its deeply upsetting and graphic nature. If I'd been told that and watched as an adult, I don't think I'd have the insanely traumatic memories associated with it.
As a kid, I had horrible OCD. Totally eradicated through the right combo of meds and basic therapy, not even the least of my present-day issues.
But I still get 2 days. "Human Centipede" days and "Alive" days. Where I am consumed by the images of each film and they bring me deep discomfort I cannot escape. HC started because I heard of it and read the Wiki entry and... just obsessed over the very concept.
Alive days are more... graphic? I haven't watched even a second of HC, but was forced to watch all of Alive. So when I have an Alive day, it's filled with clips from the film. HC days are mostly me obsessing over how unbearable it would be to be In The Middle. It legit consumes me for hours just imagining every sensation and how it would be traumatizing.
But my worst HC days are really bad just because of the concept, but days when I remember Alive often lead me to the question, would I ever eat my best friend to stay alive? And I know the answer is yes, but I don't want it to be.
HC is just visceral disgust and horror. Alive is a goddamn philosophical endeavor. And I have so, so, SO many visuals from that film permanently engraved into my brain. HC is a worse concept but at least I've managed to never see more than one or two images of the film.
It's actually, now that I think about it, kind of interesting that a film I've never seen hits me as hard as one I have. I think it comes down to the very specific concept of HC hitting me in the right way versus Alive being a movie I watched with 15 other people and everyone reacted as expected. Maybe that doesn't make sense. Experiencing something, even something traumatic, with other people can very much lessen the trauma it may cause simply by being able to share it with others.
Everything I know about Human Centipede is text. Everything I know about Alive was a lived experience. Their Days are bad but differently. It's hard to explain. They feel so different but I know it's the symptom of the same illness.
I know it's an Alive Day when I wake up sweating thinking "Oh my god I just ate a friend". I know it's a HC Day when I wake up and have to run and puke and then I say oh my god what if I was In The Middle and I can't stop.
I know no one really cares, and honestly, it's really rare for me to get OCD days now cuz I do have a solid Pharmacopia that helps but some days I can't stop it. OCD may be far down on my list of Big Problems, but for me, it never really goes away.
Last point, a bit long but really hammers home how bad it can get. These Days, as a kid, used to be consecutive without stopping. I wrote about 200 pages of a journal in the 2 months that followed me seeing one (1) still image of Human Centipede and me reading the Wiki. That's all it took to launch me into the worst summer of my life.
During this summer, we were watching Beavis and Butthead, and they made reference to HC. If you're unfamiliar, they usually play a 1-2m clip of the reference before making jokes. I absolutely LEAPT across the room for the remote, hurting my father, landing on the ground before I hit the "off" button just as the clip was about to roll. Dad crying out in pain, me bruised from the dive. But I absolutely collapsed to the floor in relief and started sobbing.
"What in the FUCK are you doing?" Dad asked, not unwarranted.
"I can't see it. I can't see that movie." Then we went into a convo about my OCD about HC and they didn't understand and just wanted me to put the TV back on. I couldn't. I said I had to wait 5 minutes to be sure I didn't see clips when it went back on. During this time (I was literally counting seconds in my head) I tried to explain why HC was so bad for my OCD but they just didn't get it. It was one of the most frustrating mental illness moments of my life. Luckily I had the remote and thus controlled when viewing would resume.
I don't have a huge point I'm building to but I do have a take-away: anything that causes you that guttural feeling of deep discontent is valid. Might take years of therapy to accept it but if I've learned anything from therapy it's this: if it upsets you, it's not unimportant or silly. There's a reason it upsets you and it's worth talking about.
Stay Greater.
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dykexenomorph · 3 years
ive got a STUPID amount of brainrot for fo4 so here r some of my hcs
post-institute destruction sturges helps the railroad out whenever they need a vertibird fixed up, it started out as a one time thing but then they realized that having someone who doesn't have to read a manuel and pray to fix them is very reassuring and nice
in his spare time tom works on creating a portable gameboy-esque console for sole to have. the pip-boy simply is NOT designed well for gameplay
sturges is trans and so is hancock, y'all have heard me say this so many times
after glory dies the railroad (kind of unintentionally) starts using the phrase "for glory" in sort of the same way that the bos uses "ad victorium". newer railroad members take the phrase literally but people who were around for the bos attack at hq know and remember what it actually means.
desdemona had a kid who was taken by the institute (my explanation for this one is uhhh kinda lengthy so I'm leaving why I think this up to yalls imagination)
idk if this counts as a headcanon but i like to imagine that nat stays with ellie and nick whenever piper is away, she considers them family at this point (the thought of piper just leaving her by herself drives absolutely nuts dude omg)
music didn't stop progressing after the 50-60s (is that the right time period for the soundtrack??), most music was just banned due to the prolonged red scare and eventually it got to the point where hearing new and recent songs before they were taken off air was incredibly hard.
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Omg Gorou in rut please!! Would really love to see u write it 😳
Ask and ye shall receive!
Pairing: Gorou x gn!reader (reader bottom tho so)
Type:bullets and story
Warnings: SMUT. Minors...kindly f off lol. Specific nsfw warnings under cut. Soft dom!top!Gorou, sub!bottom! Reader
No matter how many times I read over my work I will always miss typos/grammatical errors and I apologize
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Specific nsfw warnings: , dry humping/clothed rubbing, needy Gorou is still needy top or bottom, eating out (reader recieving) teasing, slight exhibitionism but it's not the whole fic
Just like if he had heats, before you showed his ruts aren't as intense since he has no visual stimulation, he sees all his teammates as family.
When you first join though, he's all over you, even though he doesn't really realize it yet.
Longing looks, physically helping you adjust your stance or your bow work, his tail goes 100 mph when you thank him for the littlest thing. Looking for you to sit next to when eating, etc.
It's very obvious to everyone but him he has a thing for you.
He just likes being near you man, especially in the battlefield. He always tries to subtly find a way to be near you or your unit so he can come the second you're compromised, not that he doesn't trust your skills, just if they're is an incident he wants to be the first to help.
He's veryyy protective when you're injured, only let's the medic in and even then is watching them like a hawk when they need to touch you, slightly grimaces and tries not to growl when you twinge in pain.
Kokomi the only one woman enough to point out to gorou his actions (mainly cause everyone loves watching you tease him and him being too oblivious to get it.)
"You know, as long as it doesn't get in the way of the mission, dating isn't unallowed within the campus."
"O-Oh really? Was there anyone trying to get together? I do know that x and y were very close as of late, maybe I should pass that on to them."
"Hm? Oh....oh"
Now he can't make eye contact with you, he's 20x more blushy when he does, any form of contact he immediately is apologizing for.
You gotta ask him out. That's all.
I think ruts are more frequent than heats, an every other month thing, unless they get physically get engaged with and they reciprocate.
Because of that it doesn't take long to need to have a conversation about it. He's still slightly embarrassed but its more of the general sex talk at the beginning of a relationship is always embarrassing. You just took it as he has a higher libido every other month and that it really wasn't a problem for you.
The war had finally ended. Everyone was in celebration mode, sending letters to family, having a party almost every night, making plans to leave, even for a little while for people who still want to stay in the army once the negotions are over. With all the happy morale of the army, and the busy planning of negotions with Kujou Sara, his didn't even realize it was "that time of the month". Once all the commotion died down and you two were left with cleaning duty, the. He noticed his thoughts towards you were more indecent than wholesome. And that with you having cleaning duty, it'd be at least a half an hour more till you could go back to your shared tent.
You were currently putting all the clean plates together to put back in the necessary tents storage. You offered to help clean everything up since you decided not to drink tonight, drinking multiple nights in a row was probably something you'd enjoy if you liked waking up with a hangover every morning. As you entered the tent, Gorou soon followed after.
"You need any help?"
"No I'm almost done, if you wanna go ahead to our tent thats ok." You didn't face him, currently trying to put the plates and utensils back on the necessary shelves. You didn't hear him leave though, instead after a pause you hear him shuffle closer to you and wrap his arms around your waist behind you. Gorou rested his head on your neck, snuggling closer to your shoulder. You just laugh at the rare pda and try to continue your work.
After a while though, and a need to walk back outside to grab the rest of the items, you started to notice that when you shuffled a bit back into him to turn left or right, his hips jerked a bit at the action, a whimper escaping his mouth that was so small you probably wouldn't have heard it if he wasn't so close to your ear. So to test your theory, you completely stopped. You picked up paperwork and started to check things off mindlessly to report that everything was being put back in place. After a minute or two Gorous whimpers became for frequent and heated, beginning to squirm a bit more against you till eventually you did notice the bulge pressing up against you.
You chuckled, putting down the paperwork and placing a hand in his hair, " You think you can wait 10 more minutes till we get back to the tent? " he whined, tightening his grip on you. So needy. You turn yourself around for your facing him now. "Its going to rain tonight Gorou. I need to put things back." The eyes he gave, sad and pleading, but he also knows as a general it wouldn't be right to go against procedures.
But fuck does he need you right now.
You sit him down on an empty box in the tent. "I have one more set of plates i need to put back. Then I'll be done." You kiss the side of his cheek, him leaning in and slightly tipping forward when you parted.
The tent the supplies were in didn't have a closing, just three walls and a roof. So Gorou watched as you squatted down to pick up the last box, placing a few stray items on top. He didn't realize he was palming himself from the outside.You didn't comment on it when you turned around, he still didn't notice he was doing it, just stared at you all love struck. You rolled your eyes and continued doing your work, a bit more frazzled now with the show your getting and silently thanking the archons no one was awake, or at the very least walking around at this hour. But it was fun shaking your hips more and siting more suggestively to give him a show, jumping a bit more clumsily when reaching for something so your ass and chest bounced a bit more than usual.
At some point his hand did go in his pants,tail twitching in discomfort of the clothes being in the way, some conscious part of him not completely wanting him to expose himself in public but still too deep in to stop himself. But since it was so quiet out. His soft pants and whines could still be heard in between the shuffling of plates and boxes. His hands weren't enough anymore, when you were finally done his eyes had compelletly glazed over, pumping fervently into himself and whiney voice slowly getting louder as he stopped caring about his surroundings. When you stood in front of him he couldn't stop his hand tugging you down into a kiss. It was sloppy, fervent, needy. Removing his other hand to the small of your back to get you as close him as possible. A gasp leaving him shaking with the first rub against you.
You leave the kiss, him trailing forward to continue it but you put your hand up to his lips. "Let's go to our tent love." Gorou didn't hesitate to try grab your hand and rush you back, you giggling in tow.
The second the tent closed behind you two he was grabbing your face again. The kiss more heated than before, tongue immediately slipping in and crashing into the cot below. Removing each others clothes in between, Gorou started kissing your necks,leaving marks in the process, small bites that left you moaning, squeezes to your chest to try and ground himself to the situation. He kept trailing lower and lower till eventually he's at your entrance. Leaving cute kisses before quickly sticking his tongue in, whining in complaint as the angle wasn't so good till eventually he flips you over himself. You gasp a bit at his forewardness but didn't deny him it, it felt too good anyways.
In between you can hear soft "so pretty." "So perfect." With how much he was drooling you were plenty ready, he just got so lost he didn't realize it till you were beginning to tighten due to cumming. "Ah! G-gorou." He was gonna keep going, bringing you to overstimulation in your aftermath if you didn't make a sound.
He slowly got up, eyes still hazy as you turned over, situating yourself in his lap. Kissing his chest, putting one cute nub in your lip while you rubbed the other, slowing moving your hips up and down against him. "My good boy." A yelp came out as you bit down on his nipple, his hands instinctively going to your shoulders but making no move to push you way, you could feel his dick twitch against you with each bite or compliment in between.
Eventually you raise yourself, situating your entrance right above gorou, his eyes glued on yours, so in love, so expectant. When you finally lowered to enter you, if you thought he was was letting loose before you were wrong.
You took the reigns for a bit, him too stimulated to jerk his hips in a solid rhythm, eventually he gets his barring though and you're immediately turned onto your stomache again. Like he was holding back this entire time his thrusts are ruff, he's leaning close enough you can hear small growls escape his lips in-between moans.
It doesn't take long for you both to get close again, Gorou was holding back for so long and you still coming down from your first it always seemed the first time was quick.
Gorou slowed, doing a few for deep,hard thrust.
"Y/n...ugh. im-"
"Me to love"
He thrusted a few more times, till eventually he leaned fully flush to your back, one arm wrapping around your waist to get you as close as possible, groaning loud In your ear as you both reach completion.
You both collapsed together,him pulling out but not getting off of your back. Both just gasping in the aftermath as he rested his head next to yours, taking in your sent, wiping the sweat soaked hair out of your eyes. He always tries to be soft after, and he is. But when he's like this it doesn't take much squirming from you underhim to start getting hard again, his still head more fervently leaning himself into your neck till there's no room left between but he's still pushing.
You laugh, turning over so you're on your back and he's resting his head on your chest, petting his head as he started biting your neck again.
It was going to be a long night.
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hella1975 · 2 years
had a horrible time tonight 😭😭😭 it was "mandatory family dinner" night where I'm forced to go out to a restaurant w my family, I'm autistic (wow guess why "mandatory" became a part of the name) so during those times I can barely talk (best case scenario. Sometimes I'm completely mute) and I have to wear headphones while I keep my head down. My family are ASSHOLES to servers like their motto is "well its their job to get it down exactly how we like" so they're always asking for specifics or stuff like that. I don't like fruit or pulp in my drinks, I got that without knowing but if it's already done then you're just going to make it more of a problem than it is if you try to fix it for me, so I dealt w it, but my family just woULD NOT let it GO. They asked the server for a fruitless drink, a drink meant for fruit in it 😭😭😭 now I can't lie so when my family asked if that was good it was just THE MOST painful and awkward scene of me bluntly saying "I don't know. I don't care." I know I came off so rude and hostile towards the girl like I hadn't meant to so I just put my fidget cube on the table to try to clear things up NFJSJSMSKW people just automatically put it in their heads not to be bothered if I'm strange as soon as I show the fidget cube and honestly it's how I solve all my problems. anyways I'm sharing this because I only made it through that night because I was mentally thinking about how I was gonna tell you this
oh that's so shit that you had a stressful night love and im glad i could help in some way, i actually find myself doing that a lot when i have shit experiences i immediately start going 'okay but how am i gonna tell the cult about this' and it surprisingly really helps lmao. something about actually making you parse through it and communicate it methinks
can i just say that as a waitress and as someone who has worked in the catering industry since i was a mardy sixteen year old, the staff aren't evil. sure you'll get some waitresses that are bitchy and don't want to be there, but most of the time, they're actually very nice. floor work (so what this girl was doing in serving you guys and working a section) is the work every waitress wants to be doing. i know i myself actually - believe it or not - really enjoy working a section. other options are shit like running food or polishing cutlery or clearing tables etc etc, it's much less fun than generally interacting with other people. and if you had a waitress who knew anything about anything, i can guarantee you she wasn't bothered. you get rude customers. it happens. for me, i always have more sympathy for younger people clearly out with their family, MORE SO if their family are the rude kind. you can always always tell when they dont want to be there and are embarrassed by their family's behaviour, and i promise you that girl wouldn't have been cross.
but on the other end, if you did have a shitty waitress or she was just having a bad day and this tipped the scale, one thing about working in the catering industry is you genuinely stop seeing people as people. it sounds awful but a customer is not a person to me; they're their own thing. i will literally spend 5 minutes talking to one guy and turn around without even knowing what colour his hair was. it's actually uncanny how little i remember people's faces and if they came back again another time i would be none the wiser. so at least remember that. it probably wasn't as bad as it felt, and if it was, that waitress has already forgotten what any of you look like anyway lmao
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years
(anon that requested ryoma) I completely understand! In that case, could I please request some general fluff headcanons for just Gonta, and Gundham (separately) with a masc gn reader? Thanks!
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GENERAL FLUFF HCS • gundham, gonta x gn masc reader
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thank you for being so understanding! i actually had alot of fun writing this, since i personally kin gundham a slight bit and have a gigantic crush on gonta. i hope i wrote this as well as i think i did!
tws/cws: mentions of bugs.
|| -> mod taka <3
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gundham does that thing with your guys' pinkies. he intertwines them whenever he's craving your affection or touch, but is too embarrassed to ask for it.
the man is not used to any type of loving. do anything more than complimenting him and he'll practically be straining and damaging his scarf with how much he puts it over his red cheeks.
while he may be extremely embarrassed and flustered when you show any kind of appreciation, please do it more often. he's a very touch and affection starved man, he's just too nervous to ask you to hug him.
gets jealous very easily, and its super obvious. anytime another person is a little too close to you, he'll pout alot more and be ever so slightly clingy towards you.
the dark devas instantly trust you, so almost every night, you all snuggle when you and gundham decide to sleep over at each others dorms. they nuzzle on top of your forehead most of the time.
you mention that you like a specific type of animal? he'll send you a bunch of pictures from whenever he's working and sees the species you like. he'll also say some interesting facts about them that he's learned over the years.
is always showing you certain things he can do to impress you. sure, most of the time he ends up embarrassing himself, but if it makes you laugh a little bit, then its worth it in his eyes.
doesn't know alot about technology, to be honest. the only reason he knows the basics is because he forced kazuichi to tell him how everything works.
but!! he ends up trying to learn more about it so he can make his phone theme you, and all the things that remind him of you. did it take 2 weeks to figure everything out? yes. was it worth it to see the smile on your face? absolutely.
wants to match your social media profile pictures. it can be whatever pair you want! two cute cats, two characters from an anime, from a show, from a video game, he'll do whatever you think matches you two.
he's extremely sweet. while he doesn't show that much physical affection, because he's shy- he'll show it in so many other special ways that could only be achieved if it was from him. it truly does make you feel loved and special.
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shows you affection absolutely everywhere at any time. he's very comfortable with showing you what he feels through body languages.
will write you little letters with bug themed post-its. he'll put them around your house every once in awhile, and the notes will usually include messages with "hi, s/o! please take care of yourself for gonta (●’◡’●)ノ gonta love you!"
also, uses kaomojis whenever you two chat. he uses ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ the most when hes messaging you online. he has a bunch of downloaded apps with so many different kaomojis on them.
shows you some of his favorite types of bugs, telling you their names, the personality traits they have that he's noticed, and just share alot of funny stories he's gotten over the years for being an entomologist.
loves loves loves to carry you. it makes him feel like he can protect you and defend you no matter what, even if you don't need him to do so. gonta just wants to have the capability to protect those he loves.
introduces you to his forest family the moment you two get together. he'll explain that they're actually lizard people on the way of course, but he hopes that you don't mind that fact.
his forest family immediately accepts you! they can sense that you're a good person deep inside, and you truly do have a kind soul. a perfect person for their gonta!
names his favorite bug after you, so whenever he thinks about that bug, he'll instantly think of you, since you are his favorite person in the world.
gives you a very low maintenence bug so that you can learn to take care of them! really wants to involve you in both his career and his personal hobby, because you matter so much to him.
he often makes typos because he cant find a phone big enough for his very much larger than average hands, so he spells things wrong alot. you are somehow able to understand what he means when gonta chats online, no matter how butchered it is.
just does so much for you. he wants you to feel loved and nurtured since you deserve to feel so! you're one of the most accepting and kind people to him, so he wants to be the exact same towards you. he will make sure that you're happy in the relationship, and if you're satisfied, then he is too.
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sunjaesol · 3 years
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jiara | drabble | post-s2 + john b is oblivious™ | title: changes // david bowie
John B had no clue when it happened, but suddenly he couldn't unsee it, and by then it was almost too embarrassing to ask.
Sarah has told him he was the biggest dreamer of all the Pogues (“And I love that about you! I swear!”), but that those tendencies usually made him understand the joke... last. Or apparently, how in the hell JJ and Kie got together.
He knew they were close — duh, P4L — but he had never made the connection that sharing a J would lead to Kie throwing her legs across JJ's lap and giggling in his shoulder. Yeah. Kie was giggling now.
It started when they were rescued from the island and resumed normal life, or as normal as a life for a Pogue good be. Sarah broke into her trust fund to afford an apartment for her and Cleo, Kie and Pope went home to their family, and JJ and John B found their way back to the Château. They all clung together, but he reckoned he'd been more focused on Sarah — they decided to lay off on the husband and wife thing for a bit — that he didn't notice JJ and Kie hanging out alone.
But Pope knew. Cleo knew. And Sarah definitely knew.
John B gawked at the pair from the threshold of the Château, perfectly able to see them snuggled up in the hammock. Sarah appeared behind him.
“What're you looking at?” she asked.
“Uh...” He scratched his cheek, confused. “JJ and Kiara... apparently.”
“Oh, yeah,” she breezily retorted, making him gaze at her in surprise. “They're cute, huh?”
“Whoa, you knew?!”
The girl chuckled and moved back inside. He followed her. “You didn't?”
“No!” he exclaimed. “Wha– what about Pope?”
“I mean... it doesn't seem like Pope really cares,” she shrugged. Rummaging through the kitchen cabinets, she found a bag of tortilla chips and then went searching for salsa. “How did you not know?”
“'Cause I'm focused on you!” His arms spread out, unsure why he was so shocked, or if he was maybe ashamed he didn't see that JJ was whipped for Kie.
It actually made sense. They were both super slow, smoked weed and made the same terrible jokes. He was bad, but the two of them together? Worst fucking comedy special.
Dumping the chips in a bowl, Sarah sent him a sweet smile. The bandana necklace laid comfortably on her skin. “You should talk to JJ, after Kie's gone home. They probably thought you were aware of it all.”
If he really thought about it, he guessed he always kind of knew. They all, at one point, had a crush on her, but he never considered her to be attainable. (“No Pogue on Pogue macking!”) But JJ? He always flirted. He always looked at her, went for her, sought her out. Of course JJ liked her.
And the fact that Kie allowed JJ to pursue her, meant that their relationship was a big fucking deal. This was no summer fling.
(Man, John B really needed to get his head out of the clouds.)
“How long have you known?” he eventually asked, when both were seated outside on the plastic chairs. The couple swung nearby, their voices hushed and their laughter chiming in the sweet, humid air.
Sarah pondered for a moment. Her head was tilted towards the sun, its light filtering through the trees, and he wondered if JJ had that moment as well — where he looked at Kie and felt that quiet awe washing over him; what he always felt around Sarah.
“Well, Kiara's hot, he'd be an idiot if he wasn't into her,” she began, causing him to chuckle. “but... I think on the lifeboat? When Kiara saved him?”
He frowned. “Anyone of us would've saved him.”
“It's what happened when he gained consciousness, John B,” she gently explained. “He looked at her like she was a literal goddess. Major heart-eyes.”
“You are so blind!” she laughed. Her hand reached out to graze beneath his eyes. “Do you need glasses?”
“Bro! John B needs fuckin' glasses!” JJ yelled, having caught the tail end of their conversation. Kie's bright face popped up beside him.
“He's always squinting at the board,” Kie added. “At first it's endearing, but now...”
“Thanks, guys,” John B deadpanned, “so supportive.”
The two crawled out the hammock at the sight of the chips and six-packs of beers.
“What were you guys talking about?” John B casually probed as they plopped down opposite of them. Cleo and Pope would probably be here soon.
They shared a look, something he couldn't read — oh, man, they had their own lingo already? — and then JJ uttered, “Surfing.”
“That's it?” Sarah mused.
“And beaches. And bunk beds,” JJ continued with a lazy drawl. Kiara rolled her eyes and mumbled seriously? at Sarah, to which the girl grinned and shrugged.
Slapping her hand over JJ's mouth, Kie said, “It's just a dream at this point, but, like, maybe going on a surf trip one day.” A wry smile ticked up her lips. “With the gold we don't have.”
“Fuckin' Cameron,” JJ grumbled. “No offense, Sarah.”
“None taken.”
John B smirked, “She's a Routledge now.”
Sarah grimaced. “Really?”
“It's a very specific name, JB,” she tried, but her amusement gave her away. There it was, exposed: he had a shit last name.
After Pope and Cleo arrived, they all moved to the boat and went out for a relaxed day in the marsh; free of dead bodies for once. John B lived for these days — him and his family, forged in fire and blood and shit talking, lounging in the sun as Kie played Marley from her speaker and passed the J around the group. Salt pricked his tongue and the buzz of booze got him all competitive with the boys.
Carpe diem, or whatever.
And that was when he got a clear picture of them. Of Kie and JJ curled together, her giggling in his shoulder and his wide grin solely fixed on her, how she later snatched the trucker hat from his head and used it to hide a smooch.
Sarah whistled regardless, Cleo catcalling along as John B snuck a glance at Pope. He seemed fine, like Sarah had said. Smiling, laughing, his face tilted to the sun and completely unbothered.
Damn, he'd been so clueless.
He carefully approached the subject that night, the two standing side by side in the cramped bathroom brushing their teeth. “So... you and Kie.”
“Yup,” he quipped.
JJ eyed him through the mirror. “You good, bro?”
John B smirked, leaning against the wall. “Yeah. I just thought that 'door was closed'.”
“You and me both,” the boy puffed. It could be the piss yellow lighting, but John B believed he spotted a slight flush on the boy's cheeks.
He kept pushing. “So? It's going well? Gimme something, JJ.”
He was gone when Kie and Pope were trying to make it work and JJ never had a legit girlfriend (Haley from second grade didn't count), so he felt like he had to make up for lost time. JJ was his fucking brother. If someone had to act like a little shit, it was him.
His blue eyes narrowed to slits. Spitting out the toothpaste, he wiped off his mouth and didn't lose his distinct JJ swagger as he said, “She drives me damn crazy, but it's worth it. That enough?”
John B grinned. That was more than enough. His thumb and index finger pressed together and mumbled a toothy goodnight, shouldering past the blonde to his bedroom.
Kiara and JJ together. Maybe the biggest twist of all.
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