#i have so many sk jade thoughts
merakiui · 2 years
[this is not about dottore i'm so sorry]
hey mera!!! hope you're well :D my neighborhood's power went out at midnight exactly, and the first thing i thought of was serial killer jade!
[cw up ahead for some violence!]
eventually my thoughts sorta came together with this semi fleshed-out concept of skj's darling's place having a blackout, and poor [unfortunate] darling being understandably a little spooked about it (Riddle had warned you previously about a serial killer that was in the area, but that shouldn't affect you, right...?) Maybe since it's still early in the night, you should be fine if you take a quick walk, right?
But when you get back to the apartment, alarm bells are ringing in your head that something isn't quite right. Perhaps it's how your key slid in the lock easier than usual [did the maintenance guys actually fix your lock?], or just how the darkness seems to loom over you, or maybe it's just the way that the matches weren't in their usual place and instead scattered all over the counter.
When the emergency candles finally get lit, you see instantly that something is very, very wrong. An extra pair of shoes are at your door, nondescript in style and neatly tucked next to where yours are. There was someone in your apartment. The candle flickers brightly in your hand as you begin to frantically think through what your next steps should be, and a cold sweat started up when the gravity of the situation began to truly set in.
You shoved your shoes on, setting the candle down to do so, and grab the doorknob, aiming to bolt out of there as fast as you can. Your hand gripped hard around the doorknob and twisted, pulling your arm in an attempt to fling yourself out of the invaded apartment. The knob didn't move - it was as though your hands were covered in lotion or grease or something, and couldn't grip it properly. You bend back down, closer to the candlelight, and your hand shone slick with oil.
Whoever was in your apartment had greased the doorknob so you couldn't leave as easily.
This felt planned. Like someone had fully planned around letting you struggle to leave the apartment instead of instantly making themself known and attacking you outright. The realization made you feel ill; someone had been watching you this whole time, watching you enter your apartment, watching you freak out over the realization that you're not alone - hell, they probably were the one who put the matches all over the countertops - and now they're probably watching you now, being unable to leave by your own door.
You reached for the doorknob after wiping your hand to try again, and this time the knob started turning. you yanked on the door, praying that you're fast enough, until a large bang! startled your already anxious mind. a gloved hand held the door shut firmly - you hadn't even heard the invader approach. in the dim candlelight, your gaze travelled from the gloved hand, to the nicely fitted jacket sleeve, to two mismatched eyes that glinted with every flicker of fire.
"Hello." The man said, his face curling up in a cold approximation of a smile. "My name is Jade. If you don't want anything... drastic to happen on this calm evening, I would suggest for you to be quiet."
Omg losing power at exactly midnight feels like such a spooky omen… perfect hunting time for mr. jade leech mwahah >:) I hope the power turned back on quickly!
AND YOUR THOUGHTS OMG AAAAA THIS IS SO GOOD!!! He’s terrifying and I love that about him. 😌 poor darling… first the power goes out and now you come face to face with the very killer Riddle warned you about. I can’t help but wonder what might happen if Riddle decided to pay you a visit because he’s so worried about you (and because he brought spare lights/candles and snacks and omg this man cares about you so much) and Riddle’s on the other side of that door, wondering why you aren’t answering even after he’s knocked several times and has announced his presence.
The visual of Jade leaning over you to hold your front door shut is so good. He doesn’t even have to break a sweat because you won’t struggle (if you know what’s best) and if you do he’s strong enough to keep it shut.
Aaaa Jade my most beloved. <3 lately I’ve been wondering how different things might be if someone else took on the role of killer. I imagine the motives would be different!
Jade -> eating delicious (human-based) meals and his sights have been on you for a while now.
Floyd -> you’re his current interest and he’ll probably kill you once he grows bored of you, so it’s your job to keep him entertained so that you can stay alive.
Azul -> he wouldn’t dream of hurting or even killing you. Great Seven, no! But if you hurt him in some way (like… cheating on him in the relationship that he thought was so sweet and true) it’s only fair if he doles out equal pain in return. (He’s terribly unhinged as a scorned ex.) Though I do like the idea of chronically online Azul who stalks his favorite influencer or content creator with a small following. It’s an obsession born from extreme jealousy and hate because you’re doing so well in your career and he can’t stand (what he believes is) blatant ‘pretty privilege,’ but his negative feelings are soon brightened when he sees you’re not as perfect as he once thought you are. Aaaa so many thoughts… orz
But Azul and Floyd just can’t match Jade’s level of cold detachment. <3 only our dear mushroom-loving eel can pull that off. He’s the most dangerous of the trio for a reason hehe.
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chasseuses · 4 years
reasons why I love floyd leech and why you should too
I'm a simp for the tweels- I'm so sorry my cursed account had to be my temporary simping grounds for them.
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Floyd Leech, twin brother of Jade Leech and childhood friend of Azul Ashengrotto. Also a member of the Octavinelle Dorm along with the said two.
Heaven forbid me from screaming but GOD I LOVE HIM SO DAMN MUCH it physically hurt me at first when someone asked me to pick who I liked better between the tweel. DHDDBJDH I FIRMLY BELIEVED,,, I'D LOVE THEM EQUALLY BUT UNFORTUNATELY THAT WASN'T THE CASE.
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can I just take my time to tell u guys how much i fucking love Octavinelle's dorm uniform??? it's just ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
also-- floyd in suspenders?????? Pretty please?????? With a cherry on top?????_)$(3+_+$;_+$+_ i will cry i am on my knees
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✨ purple eyeliner ✨
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Is that why he's good at basketball??? He has nice big hands??? Perfect to hold the basketball?? i dunno.
B A SK E T BALL mm yes reading his gym uniform personal story was a fucking blast-- his fuckidnfg performance depends on his mood and that is-??$(8$+$($+$+
I'm not the biggest fan of basketball but I would love to see him play AURHRUTGURTVJRURGTURGRHRHHD
this eel is 191cm tall 😭😭😭 he can tower over me too. yes- please do i am begging you
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Anyways- the main reason why I fuckdindgd d love floyd so much is because of his personality-?$$($++_
this guy can do amazing shit and immediately go "eh~~ this is boring" in a span of 10 seconds and I love him for it. I live for it ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
also the way that he wants to do their 'jobs' ,,,,,, is to just break their bones and I kinda-??? i kinda went 😳 with that,, like uh huh ok that's cool 😳 please break my bones too if you have the time 👉👈
jade corners their victim with threatening words and his beautiful smirk while floyd starts cracking his knuckles saying things like "ahhh, let's just get this over already~~" it's me. i am the victim.
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please look down on me, floyd. ♥️
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he is also~ "Ughh~ I’m gonna wither and die…" a fucking mood
"We're good at squeezing tightly too. Wanna try, little shrimp?" i am on my knees, go ahead.
this guy- this guy can dance i guvkdicndgdndjbddjbdjxbdkcndkxnkdnxkdndkdndkdndksnxksnsksjsodnskjdksjsksks sir,,, ur hand in marriage,, hand it over.
also has sharp teeth‼️ perfect for [REDACTED] 👁️👄👁️
he calls yuu shrimp right??? if i become a shrimp will he ever consider gobbling me up or is that already an option in his book.
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the way that he imitated jade in his ceremony robe sr,,,,,,,,,,,, please sir,,,,, i am deceased.
and jade mentioned how floyd can be clingy right?? even going as far as to follow him in class although they're in different classes. i think that's pretty fucking cute
this guy can also??? cook??? haha sir 💍 i am on one knee
that is all. i hope this doesn't radiate horny energy because i sTG I HELD BACK SO FUCKING MUCH SKDJSKDJSKDNKSJDKD i hope u guys will learn to love him like how I do now~~ hehe i am but a lowly simp
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Idk if you do ship ask but I've always hc that most ritos are affraid of thunder, since that could very easily harm/kill something flying (like a rito), so do you have any headcanons about link comforting revali during a thunderstorm?
Heya! Thanks for sending this ask, I had so much fun writing it! If you wanna know why it took so long, it’s because I accidentally keep making these essentially oneshots instead of headcanons...I get too wrapped up in the atmosphere lmao. 
Anyhow, please enjoy, and thanks for your patience! :P
Revalink during a thunderstorm: 
2553 words
Revali always thought green was a decent color, it paired well with his evening blue feathers and eyes after all
But this trip was really challenging his beliefs…
“Tree. Tree. Large tree. Giant tree. Leaf. Bush. Greenery. Tree. Giant leaf. A verdant green. Emerald green. Fern green…” He listed off his observations rhythmically
Revali suddenly stopped walking, patting Link on the back. 
“Why Link, you won’t believe this, but if you look up now, you can experience this rare sight of a tree. Impressive isn’t it?”
Link turned his head to see Revali gesture grandly at the Faron scenery, before rolling his eyes. ‘You’re such an ass…’
The Rito smirked, content with the annoyance he was causing Link, before continuing to walk beside him, pointing out the “variety” of nature. 
He had been traveling with Link across the jungles of Faron, helping him fly over the waterfalls and rivers for...reasons he had forgotten. Something ordered by the Princess? Checking Shrines? Updating ruin locations? Something, something, Zonai, Sheikah, database...and other nonsense words that Revali didn’t really care for, point was, “this expedition would run all the more smoothly with your skill set,” so, here he was. 
In hindsight that was probably only said to flatter him into coming, but it’s not like Revali was going to complain. One on one time with Link wasn’t an opportunity he would have passed up on, anyway
Walking under the lush forest canopy, Revali picked at the 700th vine tangled in Link’s hair. “This exploration stuff sure is paying off...I’m experiencing so many new things. Like plants, and water, and bugs. Never could have experienced this anywhere else.”
Link raised an eyebrow, holding up his hands to sign, ‘Come on now, don’t be like that. We’ll be done with this soon, so quit being pretentious for two seconds and enjoy the beauty of nature!’
Right, because the beauty of the sweltering, sickly green, claustrophobic jungle crawling with insects and slimy creatures, dwelling in a sticky, sappy, foliage that seemed to tie your wings down to the earth with it’s grasping vines and prickly leaves… THAT was just the thing for a Rito from Tabantha to enjoy
Revali clicked his tongue. “You think I’m the pretentious one? That one leaf is the size of a Hinox’s arse. What’s even the point of that?? Do the lizards hate the sky that much?” He gestured towards the thick canopy above once again
Link’s expression suddenly changed as he peered through the leaves, noting how the sky’s sunset colors had started to darken with greying clouds. He spoke bluntly
‘There’s a storm coming.’
“Oh? Wonderful…”
‘I think there’s a cave we can use for shelter near the northernmost waterfall.’
“Think? My ability of flight, and overall state of being, is not suited for moisture, so I’d really prefer if you were a bit more certain than, ‘think!’”
‘Well we can always sleep out here if you want… We’ll have to stay overnight judging by the size of those storm clouds.’
Revali shuddered as another sapphire blue lizard crawled across the forest floor near his talons, much too close for comfort. The image of laying down in the dirt, being mocked by the infectious green that covered the sky, for over eight hours, he audibly groaned. 
Fine, hypothetical cave it is. 
“Get on my back already. The sooner the day is done, the better, I suppose.”
Flying through the air, Revali feathers rustled in the growing wind, he could start to smell the storm in the air. Thankfully, Link’s cave turned out to be real, providing dry shelter from the oncoming, feather-drenching rain, thank Hylia. If he had to do his braids and ribbons again after he spent all morning just—
Not two seconds after Revali had landed them both in the cave, a deafening sound shook the ground and carried Revali’s soul to hell, heaven, and back. The sound that escaped his beak was none short of a shrill squeak you might hear come out of a thousand baby birds.
Behind them, green sparks fizzed against the earth, starting a small fire, before it was quickly extinguished by the now pouring rain. 
Revali shuddered, shaking off the few droplets on his wing. His feathers seemed to tremble from the charge in the air, and his mind was racing with thoughts of what would have happened if he was two seconds slower in his descent, but he concealed it all with a neutral frown.
“This forest is lucky the rain started, that bright explosion of death nearly made me think we were under attack, I’d have nocked a bomb arrow or two.” 
‘The...thunder and lightning, you mean?’
“Shut up I know what lightning is.”
‘I guess it makes sense you’re not that familiar...the most action you’ll see in Rito Village is cold winds and snow.’
“I said I know what lightning is.”
‘Oh, don’t worry, I heard you. I heard you very clearly a few seconds ago…���
Revali let out a few “hmphs” before sitting down on the cave floor. Link started to chuckle to himself before starting a fire, the cave was wide enough for the smoke to escape and not suffocate them, and it’s warmth was welcomed wholeheartedly by the Rito Champion.
Link thought that would be the end of it, Revali volunteered to take the first night watch, and the Hylian thought nothing of it. Before either of them knew it, Link had somehow drifted off into a peaceful sleep 
Another crack of thunder. Sure, thunder had been roaring in air for the last two or three hours, but this time the lightning struck close enough to the cave that Link could feel the vibration against the earth. 
He rose with a yawn, stretching his arms as if he had been woken by chirping birds, and not the midnight sky’s roars
Glancing towards Revali’s direction, concern started to creep onto Link’s face, as he watched the Rito with furrowed eyebrows and a frown
As far as he could tell, Revali hadn’t moved an ant’s inch from when Link had last seen him before he dozed off. His jade eyes were fixed on the jungle, and the feathers on his neck seemed to raise everything the sky glowed a shocking flash of green. 
Despite having sat up from the fire, Revali didn’t seem to notice that Link had woken. 
Link waved his arm in front of him, trying to catch the Rito’s gaze. 
‘Hey? You ok?’
Link’s actions cut into Revali’s tumbling thoughts, but he quickly recovered from his initial shock with a click of his tongue
“I’m fine. Just watching to make sure your tired person doesn’t get ambushed by some crafty lizalfo. You’re welcome, by the way.”
Link paused, but in the end, he nodded his head in acceptance. ‘Alrighty then. Well, you go ahead and get some rest. I can take the next watch.’
“...ah. Right.” 
Revali awkwardly shuffled closer to the fire, pinning his back a bit deeper into the shallow cave. 
He didn’t bother to lie down
‘Are you sure you’re ok?’
“I’m fine. I’m just not tired yet is all”
‘Well you should try to get some sleep, cause tomorro—’
“Yes, I’m well aware, I don’t need the reminder of our schedule.”
‘It would probably help to not face the forest, cause the movement and noises can be distracting when you’re trying to sl—’
“Yes. I understand, thank you. As I said I’m not tired so—”
‘But Revali, I just said—’
“Look! I’m fine, stop pestering me about it, OK? All I want is to just be able to—” 
Comically— or perhaps in this atmosphere, un-comically— a lizard fell off the side of a tree near the cave’s mouth, visibly fried and very much dead
Link, ever the survivalist, grew excited at the prospect of a free elixir ingredient, but as he turned to Revali to share this good news, he was greeted with a very still Rito, his feathers pressed stiffly against himself as he seemed to be holding down his other wing, presumably because it was shivering. 
That was strange, considering Link had taken care to keep the firewood stocked. He looked at Revali again, his green eyes seemed to be swirling with racing thoughts and fears  
Hylia he was an idiot
Although in fairness, it works both ways
‘I’m sorry...I should have realized you had a greater fear of lightning given the circumstances…’
The Rito suddenly jerked his head, his voice rising in pitch by the second. “W-What?! I don’t know where you got that idea from. Circumstances?? I’ll have you know I’ve trained for years to be quite fearless.”
A sudden flash of light came from the corner of his eye, and Revali had to clamp his tongue to keep silent. If it weren’t for his feathers, he’d be as white as a dove.
‘Are you sure? I’d imagine the thought of thunderstorms are a lot worse for you Rito..’
‘You know, given all the rain, and the chance of being electrocuted, and shot out of the sky by a bolt of lightning, and the loud sounds that probably remind you of an avalanche or a bomb, and also falling out of the sk—’
Link suddenly cut himself off, realizing a bit too late that the explanation of the factors involved with thunder and lightning wouldn’t exactly help Revali’s attitude.
The Rito only stared at Link, his beak clamped shut. Finally, he let out a sigh.
“I’m fine.”
Silence, then a scoff from Link.
Yeah, right. 
He started pulling out an assortment of items from his small pouch—how Link magically managed to fit cart-fulls of apples, armour, and weapons in there was beyond him. Link joked that it was because of magic tree children, at least, Revali thought he was joking
‘Ah-ha! This should make you feel better!’
Link pulled out a golden helmet, it looked Gerudo in style, and it was covered in green, red, and blue gemstones 
‘This thing absorbs lightning, and disperses it, so you don’t get hurt!’
Revali raised an eyebrow, hesitant
‘No! Seriously! This thing has saved me dozens of times, it’s seen hundreds of storms, and it’s taken on countless lightning strikes directly on this part!!’ 
He pointed excitedly to the bright green gemstone’s at the helm’s crest.
Revali could only shift his weight in discomfort, and Link finally got the hint.
‘Ah right. Maybe the lightning prone object isn’t for you...but…’
Link pulled out a weird, flexible hat, in the shape of a fish. It’s giant eyes stared askew at the cave’s walls, and when Link put it on for demonstration purposes, it basically looked like an octorok had spat a starving fish on his hair
‘This little guy is called Lucky. He’s made out of this thing called rubber, and it’s supposed to help keep electricity from touching you. Pretty nifty fashion choice too, right?’
“I will be plucked dry and drowned before you catch me wearing that hideous thing.”
‘Lucky doesn’t appreciate your unkind words…’
A few more minutes pass by, Link unloading the items in his satchel in an attempt to ease Revali’s mind. But most suggestions failed to truly convince him. Occasionally, the storm would boom again, and Link would rub Revali’s wing gently, if only to keep his attention on the weird yellow mushrooms in his hand. Nonetheless, it was a small thing that the Rito appreciated.
After a few more rounds of talking, Revali finally sighed in defeat. “I appreciate your gesture Link, I truly do. But I’d really prefer to just, not think about lightning at all, rather than be surrounded by your cluster of trinkets and tools.”
“So again, it’s fine. I can just sit here and wait it out. Don’t torment me any further with your...endless basket of comfort foods. I do hope that you donate some of those to the needy, I can’t be seen walking around with a selfish, hoarding hero after all.”
Link ignored the quip and Revali’s attempt to deflect the conversation. 
‘Are you sure there’s nothing else I can offer you?’
Revali opened his beak to say no, before closing it. He looked Link up and down, from his fuzzy golden head, to his pathetic and dirty blue tunic, to his brimming, sky blue eyes. 
Revali opened and closed his beak again, before saying, “no, it’s OK.”
Link frowned, tapping his fingers to his chin. 
Then, he swiftly grabbed at the blue scarf around Revali’s neck.
‘Just borrowing this for a sec!’
Despite Revali’s attempts to retrieve it, Link was already unfurling the scarf to its full length and width. Surprisingly, it was long enough, long enough for Link’s plan, anyhow
He turned back to Revali. ‘Snuggle up closer to the fire. If we’re gonna sleep towards the back of the cave like this I’d prefer to be as warm as possible
Revali’s expression was indescribable, at least verbally. Through the power of writing I can only describe the expression as something that conveyed feelings such as:
‘We’re gonna hug, you dense bastard’
Revali started to sputter out questions, and list of logical reasons as to why that suggestion was absurd. But suggestion turned to action as Link wordlessly wrapped the scarf around the two of them, before snuggling into Revali’s feathers.
On the brightside, Revali was stiff for different reasons, other than lightning. 
In hindsight that was probably part of his plan
The Rito was silent, as he struggled with the decision of either allowing himself to be comfortable, nestled with his favourite soft scarf, and his favourite (he would never admit it) Champion
Or to put up his usual quips and walls
Was Link annoyed about this? Happy?? 
Spirits above he was so embarrassed, Link was probably doing this out of pity, like some mother tending to an infant...
Or maybe it wasn’t like that...? Was it something else?? Some other feeling that had cause him to take such a drastic action to—
‘What’cha thinking about?’
Revali felt Link’s arms move under his wing, and he looked over at the Hylian. He looked so...tranquil, and relaxed...and...stunning....despite his terribly kept hair
Link raised his eyebrow, ‘Yeah?’
Revali narrowed his eyes in confusion, but nodded, to which Link turned back and nestly his face into his soft feathers.
What kind of a question is that? What am I thinking about? This situation that came out of no where of course!! 
What else would he be thinking abo—
The Rito could only smirk to himself finally putting together the pieces of Link’s scheme
Another moment of silence. At least, to Revali it was silent. The only sounds he could hear were of Link’s breathing, and his own heartbeat. 
The thunder whispered in the background
Revali smiled, while resting his beak on Link’s soft hair
Then finally, thoughts turned to dreams turned to peace; Revali slept sound as the rain pattered to the sound of his beating heart
HA god what a loser it’s so corny I could die. Who would even right such a thing ahahaahha— oh wait
[If you enjoyed this content, a like and a reblog is greatly appreciated! Let’s me know that I should make more, while also giving me that extra serotonin.]
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punz4lyfe · 4 years
You play MK11, right? What are your thoughts on the whole Aftermath story?
While I do find it fun to get the DLC characters involved in the story, I’ve got a few... problems with the overall plot. Here they are:
1. The Infamous Sindel retcon. I think we all know about how ridiculous this retcon of Sindel’s orignal character is. In case you don’t, go watch any of The4thSnake’s Sindel videos, and you’ll get the idea of what’s wrong with it.
2. Just like in the original story, characters keep on disappearing and do not make any further appearances for unexplained reasons. Kollector, Frost, Erron, Baraka, even Scorpion and Sub-Zero! And characters like Scarlet and D’vorah don’t even appear at all.
3. So now characters get inexplicable heart attacks when they are near the presence of their Revenants? Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kitana, and Jade must have REALLY strong hearts then.
3. Speaking of Revenants, where are Smoke and Stryker?
4. Shang Tsung nearly killed present Jax and no one batted an eye. Weird.
5. In the og story, Jacqui and young Jax went to Shang Tsung’s Island alone. In the Aftermath story, they came with a full squad of SF soldiers. Okay then.
6. I know Shang Tsung would be the overall bigger threat, but Sub-Zero became pretty trusting towards past Scorpion very quickly compared to the og story the minute he saw the sorcerer. 
7. The Shokan are full of idiots. Seriously, they see Sindel next to a knocked out Sheeva in a room containing two de-skinned Shokan, and they instantly take her side over a clear lie. Ugh.
8. Apparently, Kotal Kahn, young Sonya, and young Johnny Cage were with everyone else in the og story when they attacked Kronika’s Keep. Alrighty then... but wait!! Earlier in the aftermath story, Jade said that interrupting Kotal’s time in the Soul Chamber would leave his spine permanently damaged, and since he was taken out of the chamber without becoming fully healed, as well as being beaten by Sheeva afterwards, he should be at little to no condition to fight!
9. Young Sonya, the same gal who defeated Kabal and Erron Black in a cage fight w/o her gloves, defeat and kill Kano, fight off Geras, and wrestle off some Shokan with a garrote wire, gets knocked out by a single kick from Sindel. Wowie.
10. Gee Johnny and Cassie, your “love-one saving” powers would’ve been extremely useful against the two evil realm conquerers who are threatening you and your family members with a deadly four-armed army, a skin-splitting scream, and a warhammer. Just sayin’. Also, where’s present Johnny?
11. Is Sheeva STILL knocked out right now? Some queen.
12. Say, why didn’t Cassie go on the same ship as Jacqui and Jax like she did in the og story? Additionally, why did Kung Lao board the Outworld ship instead of the Shaolin Monk one? I can see Liu Kang going with Kitana for obvi reasons, but not Kung Lao. Why are the Tarkatans still going into battle w/o Baraka? Where is Baraka anyway? And did Kharon ALWAYS had this many ships for the additional Special Forces?
13. The Tarkatans and Outworld troops are also idiots. Immediately siding with Shao Kahn and Sindel after defeating Kitana and Liu Kang, even though they just killed a ton of their brethren.
14. Sooooooo what happened to Jade after Sindel threw her down the boat? Was she also chained-up with Kitana? Her revenent is still alive and well.
15. Kung Lao was thrown into the bottomless Sea of Blood after losing to Shao Kahn or Sindel. Yet, his revenant is still fine and well later on, even though the monk should’ve well drowned by then. And since he was knocked around silly by SK or Sindel, he would NOT have enough energy for teleport away or swim for safety.
16. There is NO way the good guys would have that many monks and soldiers at their side, especially since a good chunk of the soldiers were murdered by the Shokan.
17. And again, where is Sub-Zero and Scorpion? It makes sense for Cassie, Kitana, Jade, Kung Lao, and Sheeva to not be present, but after Fujin beaten the both of them earlier on, they were seen no worse for wear in the cutscenes afterwards. Also, did no one bat an eye to their large number of missing allies when they got to Kronika’s Keep?
18. So is Kharon just watching all this happen with a bucket of popcorn or...
19. What happened to the Special Forces and Shaolin Monks when Shang Tsung was fighting Nightwolf, Raiden, and Fujin? We don’t see any bodies of the two fractions afterwards, so what gives? In fact, what ever happened to Jacqui and both Jax’s?
20. Shang Tsung implies that Liu Kang deliberately triggered the deaths of many of his allies and friends for their final confrontation. Problem is, not a lot of Liu Kang’s friends are actually dead. The only confirmed ones are Kotal Kahn and potentially Kung Lao, assuming he drowned after the revenant got killed, but that’s still just two. Kitana and presumedly Jade are chained up. (we still see their revenants alive and well, so their past selves have to be okay too) Shang Tsung was halted from stealing Nightwolf’s soul before he had the chance. Raiden and Fujin were purposely left half alive. Shao Kahn and Sindel said they will use Sonya, Johnny, and Cassie as trophies or breeding slaves in Outworld, keeping them alive in the process. Sheeva was only knocked out unconscious. And Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Erron, Baraka, Jacqui, and both Jax’s just... disappeared from the plot. That’s still a maximum of two friends of Liu Kang that died, making Shang Tsung’s quote sound a little more of an exaggeration when it comes to Liu’s allies. The only other characters who died are Cetrion, Shao Kahn, Sindel, Revenants Kitana, Jade, and Kung Lao, and Kronika, but Liu Kang doesn’t give a rat’s ass about them.
Wow, longer post than I expected.
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merakiui · 2 years
i was thinking about sk!jade, but then it occurred to me. 
(modern au) serial killer scaramouche. maybe he’s targeting you because you work at ei’s company and he just automatically dislikes you because you’re associated with ei. maybe he targets ei’s secretaries just so that she (though namely miko) is always forced to promote or hire a new secretary. or maybe he loves you to death and is so very jealous that every little thing you do with another person makes him want to kill you. the “if i can’t have you, no one can” mentality. 
or maybe, since he’s always felt so unloved and unwanted, scara sleeps around a lot in order to fill the hole in his heart. but usually all of these trysts end in murder because, though the people he sleeps with claim he’s the prettiest they’ve ever seen, they can’t give him a satisfactory/acceptable reason as to why they like him or wanted to sleep with him in the first place. and none of them fill his heart in the way he wants it to be filled. maybe you managed to escape his grasp because, though he played the sweet, sociable guy card and was perfect with all of his charming flirts, you didn’t want to sleep with him right away. or maybe you did, but he felt oddly whole throughout the entire ordeal and now he’s very conflicted because, though your answer for why you think he’s cute is so very lame, he feels like killing you wouldn’t give him the temporary satisfaction that killing other people does. 
or maybe sk!childe and sk!scara are targeting the same person but for different reasons. childe is dating you (or perhaps he’s married to you) and things seem normal and sweet, but the truth is that he really has this urge to just,,, paint you in the prettiest shades of red (blood) and see you struggle and fight for your life like his past ex-partners have. he wants to see what expressions you’ll give him when he’s stripping away slices of your soul. childe looks for victims who resemble you or have similar features/fashion styles/hairstyles/etc so that he won’t end up doing something foolish like actually hurting you. but the more people he kills, the more he just wants to cut into you. just a little bit. he’s a good guy, honestly! he’s a sweet big brother and a family man at heart. but beneath all of that he really loves to watch the hope drain from people’s eyes. perhaps his father sent him into military because he was too much to handle and childe got his thirst for murder/bloodshed through his experiences fighting. or you could consider the abyss a criminal organization that kidnapped childe when he was young and so he was exposed to a lot of dangerous, explicit things. hmm many thoughts.
scaramouche has always been in love with you since your uni days, but you were always so wrapped up in childe to even bother noticing a quiet loner like him. scara tries to integrate himself into social circles come his last year of uni, but no matter what he does you never notice him. he stalks you all throughout your years at uni and even after you graduate he follows you to wherever you go. unfortunately, you and childe are still together. but that doesn’t hinder his infatuation with you. maybe scara’s motives for killing are simply him trying to fill the empty void within himself or it’s that feeling of control he gets when his victims’ lives rest in his merciless palms. scara wants to kill you most days because he’s jealous of everything you have and everything you are and that he can’t be your lover, but there are some days where he just wants to keep you locked in his room so he can always smother you in love. 
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merakiui · 1 year
Hey Mera! I have a question, and sorry if this is a dumb one, but I recently read your yandere sk Floyd work for the lunar love event, and I was wondering um what colour is Stygian? Google said it’s a dark colour so is his hair just a darker shade of blue or is just rly dark, like almost black?Also, has his hair grown out a bit while he was in prison? Like by a bit or a lot? Sorry it’s just small curiosities but I was wondering what he would look like, (I’m not sure if you’ve posted something already talking about his appearance), I love the idea of (ex) prisoner Floyd and am thinking of drawing him so I just wanna know the juicy details (like any piercings or tattoos cause I’m a thirsty anon)
Hello!! It's not a dumb question at all. It is a word meaning "very dark," but it can also mean black or ebony. I pictured Floyd dying his hair black when I wrote it. I feel like he wears blue-colored contacts for all of a few days before he tires of that and switches to his regular contact lenses or maybe even glasses since moray eyesight is terrible. <3 thinking of Floyd with black hair and glasses... aaaa he's cute even if he's dangerous!!
But then appearance-wise, I think he'd definitely look more intimidating than adorable. I like to imagine he has sleeve tattoos on his arms. Maybe even an eel tattoo on his chest or curled around his bicep. It's fun to imagine him with tattoos that tie into his Coral Sea origins. Omg and maybe a tattoo referencing his unique magic "Bind the Heart"!!! Many thoughts... orz perhaps he even got some of the tattoos while he was in prison. He definitely has a shrimp tattoo or maybe he's tattooed your name onto him. Normally Floyd would find it boring or cheesy, but he's so devoted to you! If he can't have you physically pressed to him, then your name will suffice (for now).
As for piercings, I like to picture sk!Floyd with a dick piercing (while sk!Jade has his tongue piercing), but maybe that's irrelevant. ^^;;; his hair probably did grow in prison, unless if it was a regulation in the prison that his head had to be shaved. But pretending that that wasn't the case, Floyd probably cut his own hair while in prison (or attempted to with what little tools he could sneak back to his cell). He had to look nice and handsome for his interviews with Shrimpy, after all! <3 maybe he even likes the longer, messier-than-normal style when he escapes. Maybe he keeps it in a short, loose ponytail or maybe he complains about the hairstyle and cuts it back to his preferred length some time later. I think it really is mood-dependent for him. >_< but Floyd with Shinpei's hairstyle is so omg!!!!!
There are just so many possibilities with Mr. ex-prisoner sk!Floyd. :D if you do end up drawing him, I would love to see!!!!!
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merakiui · 1 year
Hi Mera, I've read your rules, and it said that you also write for a Male reader, which made me a little bit happy bc it's hard to find good Twst x Male reader content! and I know that most of your followers are female, but I wanted to say that I really like your writing! even if I'm in the minority 👉👈
I especially like your SK Jade! ♡
So I was wondering how different the story might be if Sk Jade's Darling was a Male?? obviously, Male!Darling can't fake being pregnant, so I guess the Surving chances for Male Darling might be lower than Female Darling??
(Even though the thought of Male Darling pretending to be pregnant sounds hilarious! )
unless maybe Male Darling already has a child from a previous relationship? (maybe even with Azul??) Would that make Sk Jade Reconsider? can't have a child growing up without their father!
Anyway, uh, have Nice Day 👉👈
Hi hi!!! I do indeed write for male readers. (And thank you for reading my rules!! :D) I actually have a few requests for a male reader for the Lunar Love Hotel, so I'm eager to get to those! I hope to provide stories that can be enjoyed by many people, so I'm happy you can like my work! Thank you for liking it! :D
As for sk!Jade with a male darling!!! The chances of survival may be low, but even so you're determined to survive like anyone else in that sort of horrific situation. I like to think that with Jade gender doesn't matter. The concept of gender is so uniquely flexible in the ocean, so in his eyes everyone is all the same (everyone is a meal). But convincing him may be a little difficult because you can't use the excuse of being pregnant. Perhaps, rather than a connection to Azul, your chances of survival may increase wonderfully if you have a deep connection with Floyd.
Jade would do a lot of things for his brother. After all, he cares for Floyd and his family always stick together. So your nine months will look different from a female!darling's. Whereas a female!darling is seeing a pregnancy through to the end, a male!darling will likely have to spend those nine months convincing Jade not to kill him and to spare him for Floyd's sake. I like to think Jade gives you nine months not only so you can try to convince him with solid reasoning but also to see how long Floyd's interest in you will last before it begins to wane. So not only are you relying on your persuasion skills (and entertainment skills because if Jade's keeping you alive he's going to want some form of daily amusement; it wouldn't be very fun if you always showed him the same frightened expression. That's just so boring. :/), you have to hope Floyd doesn't tire of you because when he no longer cares for you it allows Jade to make you his meal.
If anything, Jade just doesn't want to break his brother's heart. If Floyd really does like you, it would hurt him if Jade took you away. So he'll let you live for nine months and he'll see if anything changes between you and Floyd in that time. After all, he can only make up so many excuses for where you've disappeared to before Floyd either drops the subject and loses interest entirely or persists in hopes of digging the truth out of him.
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merakiui · 2 years
The horror movie vibes from your last Jade thought… shivers. Like, I know a lot of your work is unsettling, but this one really takes the cake in how much it bothered me (in a good way!). It’s totally in character for Floyd to forget and for Jade to play along, but my gosh, poor reader is gonna have trust issues for the rest of their life, haha.
I have to ask, though, what does Floyd do when he comes back and finds the apartment empty? Is he curious and ask Jade? Or does he shrug it off and assume that the reader knows that the Leeches are well taken care of and can pay for the lease?
I know you’ve talked about Floyd coming for reader’s rescue or at the very least going again Jade in the Sk! Jade series, but would he do the same for this recent thought?
I always love reading your yandere stuff and coming to the conclusion that as usual, Floyd is actually the most sane in thr group.
Aaaa I'm so happy to hear that it was unsettling to read! I think Jade works really well in eerie plots. I have so many concepts for him: snowed in at a cabin in the mountains with an attractive stranger (Jade), falling down a steep slope in the forest and breaking your arm or leg, so you have to rely on Jade to help you (but his intentions are not so nice), mafia bosses Jade (and Floyd) subtly harassing the poor maid at the maid café they like to visit in the daytime (imagine trying to draw a cute cat on his omurice and your hands are shaking because he's so scary. T_T), etc etc!! Many ideas for Mr. Jade. <3
Knowing Floyd, he probably wouldn't think anything's immediately wrong. Since the semester has ended and his study abroad has wrapped up, it makes sense that you might have moved out or left for the extended break. Floyd probably asks Jade if everything worked out with him and you, and Jade smiles serenely and tells him that the two of you got along swimmingly. Floyd's happy to hear that. It wouldn't be very fun if his brother couldn't enjoy his time at the apartment if he didn't get along with you. He probably shrugs it off and leaves it at that. No use dwelling on something that's no longer important. Floyd is too carefree sometimes. ;;;
I think it depends on how close you are with Floyd in this concept. On one hand, this is his brother, who he's known since birth, and you're just...you. He's only known you for a year, maybe two, or maybe even less. If Jade's happy with you, then Floyd doesn't want to ruin that. Besides, kidnappings don't really faze him. The family business is not exactly the sweetest or most legal thing in the world, so he's probably been exposed to lots of bad things and has just become desensitized. Knowing Jade, he's probably taking really good care of you, both with his own funds and their family's money (which is quite the large fortune). Floyd knows Jade will take good care of the things that are his, so it's not like you're living starved and naked (though knowing Jade, that could be a punishment. orz).
I also think Floyd's views of love and affection are more rooted in his upbringing. He doesn't love like humans do. He loves like an eel merman would because that's how he was raised. He knows more about the way of life in the ocean than he does humanity, so sometimes love is a little more aggressive under the sea. But that's just his normal! All merfolk are a little predatory; they're natural-born hunters, after all. And sometimes love is scarce in the sea. Some merfolk won't ever find love or reproduce, so it's important that they find someone they can cherish forever. Floyd won't take that away from Jade, but if he likes you as well he'll definitely want to share.
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merakiui · 2 years
I have been reading your work since the beginning and what really caught me was how you write for the octotrio and especially sk jade. So I just like really wanted to say I have been screaming, crying and just am so blown away at how amazing you wrote this recent Android jade fic just like I love it so much you are so talented it was so well detailed I could literally image this whole scene playing out in my head!! Poor baby Floyd though I never thought jade could do it😭
Aaaa thank you so much for your kind words!!!!╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ I’m happy you enjoy my writings for the trio and sk!Jade! I love writing for all of them, especially sk!Jade. It’s so much fun writing a character who is unapologetically terrible and cruel. >:D his dialogue is my favorite part of the sk!Jade experience because it’s either very morbid or a mean, backhanded statement.
And thank you for reading the most recent fic with android!Jade! I love the concept of androids becoming human a lot, so I had to add in many creepy elements for that story. I’m glad to know you could imagine the scene while reading. :D
And poor Floyd indeed. >_< android!Jade is so violent and cold-hearted… T-T I think this is the only version of Jade that would hurt Floyd. Because they are androids, there isn’t a true familial link between them like the bonds humans have, and Jade and Floyd would have interacted and bonded differently due to their being androids and having certain programs in place that make true connections secondary to more pressing tasks (looking after Azul and his family, looking after you, housework and other chores, protection and safety of you and Azul, etc). But I would like to tell everyone that, though it wasn’t explicitly written in the fic, Floyd protected Azul with his life and fought very hard to keep him safe until the very end. Also, it was Azul who took out Jade’s eye. >:)
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merakiui · 1 year
Meraa!! This one is for that ask game :D
(1) Okay, it's hard choosing just one (You always write BANGERS, It's THAT hard okay?), but if I'm gonna pick, it's gonna be Death Row Undertow <3 I have been down bad for SK Jade from your ramblings and thoughts and then actually getting a serialized fic of him is just the best thing to have ever happened ever since.
I love everything about it! Reader's interaction and relationship with every character in the fic, the whole atmosphere and setting, the mystery and suspense build-up (Oh, the scene when Jade kidnapped the reader will forever send shivers down my spine--), and how the point of view not only was seen from the reader and the horror she is experiencing but also seeing Riddle's effort in solving the mystery. Hell, the chapter where Cater got together with Pop Music Club again was one of my favorites! It really gives more perspective and a sense of wholeness when you're writing about the story of the reader's disappearance from so many different angles. Also, the dream sequences are also my favorite for symbolic reasons. It's just fun reading and rereading them to figure out what they truly mean ✨✨
The runner-ups for my favorite fic of yours are gonna be Android Jade, Captive Azul, CEO Azul, and 11:11 Rook 💞💞
(3) I may be biased, but the way you write for the Octatrio is *Chef's kiss* ✨✨💞💞😌😌 Both the yandere ones and the fluffy wholesome ones, like OUGHHHH OTZ OTZ They are canon in my heart now shdskdhlsdjlks--
(8) The thing that I really love about your writings is that your description is so, so, so vivid that plenty of those scenes are permanently ingrained in my memory. Adding that with your characterization and writing conversation skills, boy! It's almost like I'm actually watching a movie instead of reading cause the way you write them makes them so easy to visualize in my head (and god Mera, if I had the skills, I would've permanently etched them on drawings plenty of times by now--).
(9) THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME ✨✨ (I'm a Jade Leech enjoyer, what else can I say?) Actually, I'm always excited whenever you post any fic or ramblings <33 Always a joy to read them over breakfast like the morning newspaper. Wait no, actually, your writings ARE the breakfast cause you be COOKIN and SERVIN a whole MEAL 👏👏👏
Okay, that's all my ramblings for now, I hope they make sense-- But words cannot describe how much I adore your creations and that big brain of yours <333 I would be happy to scream more about your writings in the future, and I definitely will ✨✨ Have a lovely day Meraa 💞💞
You have such good taste. (˘ ˘ ˘) sk!Jade is the most delectable and delicious Jade (pun very much intended). He's just in a hungry mood all the time hehe!! But I'm also very happy it is a full fic! To think I would ever draft an entire story for one silly eel... I'm very glad the idea was received well. I remember I wrote the very first and earliest sk!Jade concept while I was washing my clothes at the coin laundry LOL. I thought to myself, this idea is so morbid; I wonder if anyone would ever like it as much as I do. ^^;;; and now one year later here we are and my beloved murder eel has his fic!!! It's very exciting!
I'm so happy you like everything about DRU!!! It's a plot I hold close to my heart because it's so dark and yet so fun to write. I'm glad you can enjoy the multiple perspectives. I think it's a fun balance between the horrors Reader endures on her side while Riddle is so lawful and logical on his end. The kidnapping scene with Jade was one of my favorites to write, as was the Pop Music Club meet-up!!! Although any scene involving Jade being an absolute terror is a joy to write. Any time he appears in a scene it's a guarantee that the dread and tension will increase tenfold. He has such a sinister effect despite wearing a friendly face all the time. T_T and the dream sequences!!!! Omg I love writing the dreams in DRU! They're so fun, and I hope you can have fun deciphering what they mean hehehe. >:)
Thank you for loving the runner-ups you listed as well!! Android Jade is another favorite flavor of Jade. I love him when he's clinical and cold and detached towards everyone else but Reader. <3 and ceo!Azul my beloved!!!!! He makes me feel so infuriated! >:( but then that's the feeling I hoped he would evoke, so it's only natural to feel like I want to squish him (but also I want to sit under his desk and [redacted] LOL orz the grip he has on me is too strong; to be able to annoy me and fill me with shameless lust all in one... tako, you're the worst/best). AND 11:11 ROOK!!!! Oooooo he's horrible. Captive Azul is also so beloved. I'm gently holding him in my palms. T^T
WAAAA OMG THANK YOUUUU!!! It's so funny to me that my Octavinelle characterizations can be loved because when I first started writing them (for Sea Glass) I had no idea what I was doing and I worried that they would be ooc. But now I have written them so often that they're permanently imprinted in my mind. It's nearly second nature now... ;;;;;
"Like watching a movie" is such high praise for my writing omg!!!!ヾ⁠(˶⁠ ⁠’⁠O⁠’˶⁠ ⁠)⁠ノ゙‎thank you so so so so much!!!! I'm very pleased it has that feeling! I hope the sceneries and characters can seem tangible when I describe them. It's cliché, but I hope they come to life on the page teehee. <3 I am always so honored when you draw masterpieces (yes, they are masterpieces!!! Even the doodles you have made of the beloved sk eel!!!) based on my works. T_T I save all of the fanart I have received in a folder and I often look back at it because it brings me such joy!!!!! >w< so thank you for your skillful hands!!!! orz orz orz I am forever grateful to behold your lovely art. <3
Fellow Jade enjoyer!!!!!! I am the world's most insane Jade Leech enjoyer (self-granted delusion) and TMDG is just proof of how much brain rot Jade gives me. Thank you for looking forward to it! I'm so excited to post it!!! It's going to be a three-course meal plus more wrapped into one fic. >:) but omg thank you for eating the meals I cook each time!!! Chef Meraki is forever at your service!!! (`・ω・´)ゞ I will serve FEASTS and BANQUETS worth of yummy meals for everyone to enjoy. The seafood specials are especially delicious hehehe. I recommend them!
Aaaaaa thank you once more for sending such a sweet message!!! I am also always so ready and willing to ramble about writing and yandere and characters and three slimy mafia fish and everything else in between!!! Sending you much love!!!! xoxoxo have the loveliest day, Kheyy!!!! (∗˃̶ ᵕ ˂̶∗)♡
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merakiui · 2 years
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I had my Nui accompanied me, and he came home on in 30 pull! I'm so happy!! On the other hand, no sign of Floyd... Seems like he's not in the mood to be reeled in 😔😔 I won't give up yet tho! I'm gonna wait till my birthday and use my key to bring him home to be with his bro (nothing to lose!!)
Also this line, THIS LINE RIGHT HERE :
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Yes, my first immediate thought was a large tank for darling?? 👀👀 I'm remembering that one ending scenario for SK Jade where he turned her into a mer, and now I'm thinking he just repurpose one of his big terrarium tank to place her in. Not to mention this line he mentioned when asked about why he likes terrarium... (SPOILER FOR HIS B"DAY VIGNETTE):
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Sir, I'm so terrified and in love with you <3
Anyway, I hope you the very best luck if your planning on pulling for them! And have a wonderful day ✨✨✨
AAAAAAA CONGRATULATIONS ON BRINGING THE BIRTHDAY BOY HOME!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 He looks very handsome in his suit!! I hope you can reel Floyd in as well so both brothers can enjoy their special day together!!! ^0^
Azul gifting Jade a large water tank... 👀 Something with that sort of size!!! I can't help thinking it is large enough to house an animal (darling ;;;;;). It will be Jade's most prized terrarium because his darling is inside. It also reminded me of the scenario where he turns his darling into a mer. 👀 Azul gave him too much power with that tank. He can put anything he wants inside.
That line... Jade... 〣( ºΔº )〣 it sounds like he enjoys playing god when it comes to his terrariums. I'm scared, but I love him even more. <3 It makes sense coming from Jade LOL of course he would enjoy being able to have full control over the life of what's inside a tiny glass container.
Thank you for your luck!! I used the tenfolds on gothic Riddle, but he didn't come home (yet hehe). I'm still happy because I could get Ruggie many times!!!! I was going to wait for my birthday tenfold, but the tweels birthday banners end on my birthday... orz at least I was able to buy their room background from the shop!!!
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merakiui · 2 years
Ah Mera, your last Riddle fic was marvellous! I don't know how you do it, but the way you scale things up, how you describe the tension and feelings... It's so well done that I can feel it alongside the protagonist! It makes me feel kind of a weird kinship with the reader, ism how to explain it!
Whenever I read yandere Riddle, usually I feel a little bit bad for him because of his mother's abuse. Reader just happened to treat him nice as a kid and as the years went by, his mother only pushed him towards the only thing that treated him well(...for now). But that's not an excuse to his behaviour; he was the one to commit to the idea of marriage and jumping off the cliff, directly into the maw of obsession. The idea of being trapped inside a dollhouse is, by far, more terrifying than being restrained in a basement or isolate room. The only one who might find reader is Trey, and I am under the slight suspicion that he won't move a finger not only because it will upset Riddle, but also you have been one of the reason to cause Riddle to overblot and many other arguments within the Dorm, so why help the person that have been making his already demanding fire juggling job far difficult that it is, just because you are acting out of spite.
As another anon commented, I can't wait for what you have in store for Dottore's fic 😭 I have been simping for him since the day I Saw him in the manga! And now with the trailer... I might have to start practising holding my breath for prolonged periods of time, as the way you'll described everything will surely try to steal the breath away from me!
Just a funny thought, but that mention of a second part had me entertaining the thought of Younger Dottore taking home reader (assuming that the scenario is somewhere away from his abode) and reader, who wholehearted believe that things can't get worse, ask Dottore as they approach the house, if the man by the door is his dad or uncle, only for him to tell reader: "That's me :^)"
Thank you for reading and liking it!!!! I’m happy you can feel kinship with the reader! I really like stories that completely immerse you while also allowing you to connect to the reader or follow them on their journey, so I’m glad you could feel that while reading Love me Not!! :D
I think what’s most unfortunate about the situation is that Riddle is clearly aware of the reader’s feelings and all that his mother did to both him and her, yet he still chooses to confine her in hopes that captivity might sway her heart. If he really wanted to experience love, albeit temporary, he could choose to use love potions. But that’s nowhere near as satisfying as shrinking his beloved down and keeping her in a dollhouse, where he has complete control over every aspect of her life. Not even Trey can save her and even if he could I don’t think he would. He would just continue to enable Riddle’s behavior because she keeps him happy (most of the time) and a happy Riddle means a peaceful time for Heartslabyul.
Aside from the sk!Jade au, I think the Dottore fic will be the most horrifying in terms of explicit gore/death trigger warnings (if that isn’t anyone’s cup of tea in a fic I completely understand!) I want to write a very gritty story for him, so I’m excited to post it! I would tell more, but I don’t want to spoil anything! But I wish you luck with your breath-holding practice lol!
Oooh, the way reader’s heart would drop when they realize there isn���t just one Dottore. Surviving one Dottore is hard enough, but enduring multiple?! Good luck to reader… >_< I wonder if any of the Dottore clones ever get jealous or annoyed of the other(s), especially the one who spends the most time with darling.
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