#i have so much work to do rn and i can't stop drawing these old fuckers!!!!!!
odeu-m · 3 months
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@dragon-spaghetti's dtiys
this was v fun i love pink <3
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hor3nee · 3 months
• Fatherhood •
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What kind of dads are the JJK men ?
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CW/TW: GN! Reader, Mentions of crappy parenting, BREIF mention of pregnancy in Geto's, (Lmk if I should add anything else!)
Characters: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Sukuna, Toji x Reader
AN: Almost cried writing this the baby fever is going HARD rn dude. Headcanons !
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• Gojo •
Menace of a father, but in the good way! Gojo spends his years raising his kids as if he's their best friend, truly and genuinely treats his kids as equals and in a sweet way, allows his children to have complete trust in him. Because Gojo is quite childish himself, he loves playing with his kids, making a fool of himself, and indulging with them.
Has a bit of a bad side to this though, his lack of traditional discipline or making himself the 'adult' in the situation leads the kids to both be very spoiled and not really ever listen to him.
"Sweetheart, darling, my perfect angel, can you please go to bed?? pretty please! Help your old man here, please??"
"Nuh uh!" And with that bout of defiance, he's back to running up to you, like HE'S the child, begging for your help. Because it seems you're the only one who can get the kids in line, and you do.
Plays pranks and teases the hell out of his kids as they get older, always in a loving way of course, but nonetheless loves getting them flustered over his stupidity. Type of dad to do dumbass dances in the middle of a Walmart to embarrass his kids.
• Geto •
Geto is optimum of what it means to be a gentle parent. Cannot, for the life of him, bring it in himself to yell at his kids. He's so soft-spoken, never so much as raising his voice against his children. Geto has children who respond to his voice alone, because it's so lulling, he's familiarized them with it and made them feel safe with it.
Doesn't mean he can't discipline them, of course he can, and he does so extremely gracefully. Whenever you're on your last straw with the kids, fighting the urge to start scolding them and yell, he steps in, smoothly taking over and the kids instantly listen to him.
"We're your parents, honey, c'mon that's not very nice to say, is it? They carried you for 9 months you know. Say sorry." Like magic the kids shut up and come over to you apologizing while Geto stands back, calmly having fixed the situation with ease.
With everything Geto does, has done, experienced etc, he can sometimes feel conflicted. Geto knows what he is capable of, and what he has done, he's extremely self-aware even if he justifies it, and he can struggle to balance the weight of all of it while also remaining a dutiful father.
Despite it, he does wonders keeping it separate from what his children have to see or experience, teaches them respect and kindness and hopes they hold true to it.
• Nanami •
Not a single man on this list fathers as hard as Nanami fathers. He's built for it like no other. Nanami treats fatherhood with his all, he puts his all into it and makes damn certain he does right by it. Stern when necessary, sweet when needed, provides for his kids and refuses to miss any important milestone of theirs.
Nanami is a calm man but the second work starts piling potentially making him miss his kids school play or something he's arguing with his supervisors and ready to throw hands.
He keeps the drawings his kids make on his desk, alongside a photo of you and your kids. Literally just stares at it while working smiling, unable to wait till he's home with the kids. They are his pride and joy genuinely.
No matter how over-worked Nanami may be though, when he comes home you are basically on vacation. Insists you rest and he takes over literally everything involving the kids.
"Darling, darling no, I got this covered. You take rest. You know I love spending time with my kids." He says with an earnest smile, both kids in his beefy arms just dangling around and playing with their father. He's definitely exhausted from work, but that never stops him.
• Sukuna •
The King of the Curses, as cruel and terrifying as he is, taking pleasure in all sorts of sickness and treating love as pointless, legitimately likes his kid.
He doesn't care about fatherhood, or the responsibilities that being a parent entails, but it's nice having a mini version of himself around. That he likes. An extension of himself and you, it's nice to have around he doesn't mind it. He may act aloof about it, not outwardly showing affection like hugs or kisses, but he clearly enjoys it.
He gets a massive ego trip when his kids cause chaos and disturbances. Points at them laughing with his belly "See that? That's mine."
Sukuna never minces his words though, and his kids have to get used to his bluntness. Again, he doesn't care for the concept of 'parenting', and will in their face call the kid some extreme insults and weak and they have to learn to take it.
On the flip side, Sukuna also never minces his praise, and Sukuna has an abundance to give his kids. Every accomplishment or show of strength that they show he'll let them know he's proud. A good ol' fashioned fatherly slap to their shoulder while he praises them.
He treasures his children, and even if he doesn't put much effort into parenting them, you taking over most of it, he's definitely a present figure in their lives.
• Toji •
Went to get milk, hasn't been seen since.
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angelphonia · 2 months
Okay, I've been binge watching the Stop!!Hibari-kun anime and I've got some thoughts I need to let out.
Firstly, watching the anime makes me appreciate the Manga a hundred times more. Sure, the Manga had its problems, mostly the racism and the casual homophobia jokes and transphobia, but you could save stuff from it, like that even though there were homophobic jokes there was a gay woman who wasn't mocked because of her attraction to Hibari, or that despite the transphobia Hibari was never outright shown as being wrong by being herself.
Now, the anime does a lot of things I dislike. Firstly they make Kosaku's reactions be way more negative than in the Manga. While yes, he reacts negatively he is also seen blushing a lot when Hibari flirts with him. I may need to read the Manga for fourth time, but I also don't remember Kosaku constantly mentioning Hibari is a "guy" everytime she did anything.
There is a lot much more racism in the anime. There were problems with this in the Manga but it just feels way more present in the anime.
This one doesn't bother me too much, but I'm pretty sure the chapters do not align with the Manga, but again, this doesn't bother me.
I also noticed way more incest jokes, I don't care about them. Also the Seiji chapter where he falls in love with one of Hibari's bullies when she's 15 and Seiji is around 25/30 is very questionable. Again, this is a work of fiction so while I was like "why isn't this seen wrong?" I wasn't really uncomfortable. I do gotta say that in the Manga when the Japanese mob grown manchild son asked for Hibari's hand in marriage, it was inmediatly said he was 28 and Hibari was super taken aback. This doesn't happen in the anime, his age is NEVER mentioned. I can't quite remember, but I am sure Hibari also doesn't go on a date with him.
Oof, but here we go with the thing that has bothered me the most. The REALLY bad erasure of Jun's story. They absolutely took away her lesbianism, making it seem as if she was only interested in Hibari because of her volleyball abilities. They also totally changed the episode and made Jun be deeply ashamed of her family, that while in the Manga she was a bit embarassed it wasn't a main focus. In the Anime it was, even making her leave the volleyball club, which is crazy to me. Oh, and I'm NOT forgetting that they made Hibari enjoy getting gropped in the bus, when in the Manga she was clearly just disgusted by it.
I haven't finished it yet, may edit this post with more complains. Positive things? I'm sure Seiji and Sabu didn't have names in the Manga, so now they have identities. They try and give them more backstory, even adding an eye scar to Sabu, which was appreciated. Hibari's voice is absolutely the cutest. I liked the wrestling episode. Oh, the episode with Hibari's mother and her father was a delight, she didn't express this much emotion in the Manga, so actually seeing how she feels was great, and her end interaction with her father was adorable.
Can't remember anything more rn. As a side note, I've developed a little crush on Sabu and I'm gonna draw him. Hope you enjoyed my rambling!
Remembered the Honda thing. In the Anime he almost reaches his 1000 girls flirted with, but with one it is half a girl. In the Manga this was because he looked at a 5 year old by accident and she fell in love, while in the anime they made it so he flirted with a new half. For those who don't know, new half is an old Japanese term for transgender people, mostly trans women who were post op. In the subtitles this is translated as crossdresser, which I don't like. This isn't the first time this term is mentioned, in the spartan son episode, he calls Hibari a new half, which Kosaku tells him to not do. In another chapter there is a trans woman, and she refers to herself as New half, which again is incorrectly translated to crossdresser for some reason.
Even then there was some sort of minimal knowledge of trans people, not only with this, but in the Manga the addition of Genkijirou being a canonical trans man in hormones. Eguchi was aware and while his first idea was to make Hibari a feminine man, it obviously end up with her being a trans woman.
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pininghermit · 11 months
Just an ask, but baby dhampier, baby Adrian how do we raise them assumingely.. picking your brain for your thoughts alongside mines.
Okay so vampires or dhampires got some extra human traits and I had just been immersing myself in typical children scenarios because baby fever wow, seeing kitten videos does something:
1. Teething, do pacifiers exist in the 1400s? Most likely not therefore I give you the image of possibly Dracula and Lisa resorting to giving a fussy, slightly sobby Adrian a giant chicken bone to naw on for his gums. A huge comedic one please like tiny fist cannot wrap around it and instantly he calms down and happily noms it.
2. Clothes, how fast does a superhuman toddler grow? Too much I say! Outgrowing the handmade clothes that was made beforehand or Adrian wearing slightly oversized outfit that he will grow in. Maybe like those white nightgowns that old royalty children used to wear
3. Rowdiness, I mean children are strong holy shit when you look away for one moment? I can see baby Adrian going to shenanigans as a buff baby dhampir getting into stuff he’s not suppose to like climbing a shelf or onto the roof of the castle as soon someone looks away or running away from his caretakers whenever they’re preoccupied for a second because he wants to be alone or look for something
Hi Nonnie! I love your thoughts about dhampir babies. Thanks for sending this wonderful ask. They are yet to be explored in this fandom. So here are some of my thoughts about them. (Also baby fever is so annoying like I did not ask for this...I need to stop watching those videos. I can't afford a babi rn...seriously)
Dhampir are generally immortal, but their formative years are more human-like. They are vulnerable, much like any other mortal, during their youth. Before the age of 18, their flesh runs warmer than that of a grown-up dhampir.
However, they grow slower than human children, as aligning with their vampiric nature takes time to manifest. This is why Alucard starts as a smaller baby compared to others, a smoll tot, and utterly adorable, until one summer when he turns 18 and undergoes a magical, blink-of-an-eye change, growing through the roof.
During their toddler years, dhampir children love to bite anything and everything, even adorably chomping on their parent's nose. It's an instinct that kicks in early on. Their bites don't draw blood or carry, but they are slightly more painful compared to human children.
The teething process takes longer and is more uncomfortable, leading to fussy dhampir toddlers. Dracula can often be seen trying to calm down a cranky Alucard late at night, rocking a crying toddler out in the night breeze, allowing Lisa to rest.
With parents like Dracula and Lisa, Alucard gets his fair share of baby inventions, which may include carved chicken bones (credit to nonnie).
Despite all this, baby Alucard is a menace. He will climb out of his crib to run into Dracula's office, and hide-and-seek becomes an official tournament in the Dracula household.
Dhampir's heightened senses make them extremely curious and adventurous even from a young age. As toddlers, they love exploring their surroundings and have an uncanny ability to find hidden or secret spots in the castle or wherever they live. This keeps their parents on their toes (A very squeamish Alucard led to increased use of baby sling to hold him close while working).
Dhampir children have an inherent affinity for animals, especially bats. Alucard, as a toddler, would often be found surrounded by a flock of bats, playfully interacting with them.
Dhampir toddlers tend to have a mischievous streak, inherited from their vampire side. They may play harmless pranks on the castle staff, such as hiding their belongings or rearranging things in unexpected ways. It's very fae like during their growth years.
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
3x10, a mix of everything, part 2.
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Rebecca is Keeley's best friend. and Jack is a fucking liar. what the hell is going on this season? especially with Keeley's plotline?
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Roy & Keeley holding hands and Jamie walking in the room? hello?
on the other point, Keeley deserves better than constantly pushing people around her on their way to growth. first Jamie (which, fine, it was necessary and he did all the work by himself and came out beautifully). then Roy (that I presume will realise his mistake and will become better and such). still, can Keeley finally have some happiness and sense of confidence and self-worth that doesn't depend on her love life and personal relationships?
people keep thinking about Jamie being the matchmaker for ot3, but to me rn it looks like it's gonna be Keeley. and i'm not sure if I like that they're using a woman to do that.
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This is nice. I like this. Something about Keeley being Richmond's football team best friend and finally making it to Mae (while Ted and Beard been visiting her place since the day they arrived to UK).
Red Right hand while Roy walks in the building? I have Peaky Blinders flashbacks. an interesting use of that song, for sure.
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I want what Ted and Beard have.
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same, Trent, same. maybe this is gonna be Roy's colorful awakening era.
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somebody save them.
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it's not the first time we see Isaac with an earring, but we don't label him bisexual the way we do with Jamie. it's the attitude, really.
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this is not even funny. how are they not supposed to be romantic? how? i don't even ship them you just rub this under my nose. platonic after the matchbook and supposed to be a mother? what IS this? i seriously have questions to the writers. can they make up their mind? bc one is gives to her by an ex lover and one is given to her by, according to writers, her brother from another mother. all i keep seeing is how they keep connecting Ted and Rebecca and not in a platonic way. there's no romantic chemistry between them for me, especially this season, but hello???? WHAT? IS? THIS? what are they trying to achieve?
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you tell them.
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rainbow <3
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oh, don't start with that, as if it sends Roy on some righteous path back to Keeley. "hope it didn't cost too much" i'm so tired of that plotline.
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Keeley is such a sweetheart and deserves so much better.
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this is so bad. i feel for Rebecca.
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oh, fuck off. not a good look is a room full of rich men that can make an influence but choose not to. even decide to charge more. and if we're talking politics for some reason, have you also seen other nations' government? even the mess that happens in UK, where you live? seriously, fuck off and take P*tin with you, maybe then it'll start looking better.
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she learned that from Trent & you can't convince me otherwise. i LOVE the parallel. QUEEN.
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POV: you're an only woman in the room of white rich old cis men and a black one. ew.
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she gets it now. the power of Ted Lasso and Coach Beard.
i'm not sure what they're doing there with Rupert. redemption arc through Rebecca's words? why? forgiveness? also why? Rupert and Rebecca laughing together? what is going onnn??? AND then Rebecca hanging back Hockney aka the drawing Rupert gifted her? i'm confused.
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"we just borrow them for a while" hello?? they keep connecting Rebecca to Ted???
i was screaming a lot of NO's as Rupert went for a kiss. I'm glad Rebecca stopped it. i was seriously scared for that moment. what a shitty person he is. you can never have that wonderful woman again. suffer and die in suffering, bitch.
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no way Keeley has a glass wall in her bathroom???? also, what's with both of her exes coming to her house instead of calling, texting and facing her face to face? why ot3 if not ot3?
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*peels my face off with skin and muscle* if you're not adding Jamie to that, I swear to the Outsider—
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hell yeah <3
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you suuuure?
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grahamer · 10 days
hello! first i wanna say i really love your art, especially the aw/hades crossover stuff, they're my two biggest hyperfixations rn 💖 but i was going to ask about your fics because i have so many of them bookmarked and i loved rereading them but they're not available anymore...... is there a possibility you will upload them again one day 👉👈💗
Hi! First, I want to say thank you so much for enjoying my recent AW/Hades art! I've been having a blast drawing it and can't seem to stop now lol Such a mood, Remedy and Hades is just my top two rn, invading every thought in my head hah hah Also, thank you for enjoying my old fics 💖😭Seriously, I feel so self conscious about my writing so that means a lot to me. I took them down because of that self-consciousness about them but I need to get out of my head. I can't make promises but I do want to get them back up and plan to keep writing and sharing (I want to get better at writing so I'll never stop!) though I'm going to make them account access only whenever I do to avoid the scraping (plz someone invent ways to protect written work from scraping😭)
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lostinalem · 21 days
I’m too shy to dm but I Am asking you about your fallout OCs, as your bio said ^__^
HELLO I AM GOIGN TO KISE YOU THABK U FOR ASKING ‼️‼️‼️‼️ sorry it took me so long to respond (I had to figure out how to draw them all... phew) and there are sooooo many more BUT these are the ones I actually care about rn (cause all I've been playing is fnv) ok now buckle up because it's a lot 💀
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Andy (she/her) is my favvvvvv fallout oc. she's one of four player characters from the fallout dnd campaign I'm in !! I've posted about her like once maybe twice before but she's the loml cringefail rodeo girl and I would do ANYTHING for her. she cannot do social interactions to save her life and I swear all the odds are rigged against her it's so funny. the coolest thing though is she made her own GIANT Giddyup Buttercup to ride!! she grew up in a little rodeo-centered town in Oregon so that was kind of her thing to like. fit in. cause she never really had any friends, so she's like "well, if i can't be liked, then I'll make myself useful" but it didn't really work so when she was old enough she left to hopefully be helpful in other places instead :3 (which is where the campaign comes in in Washington but I can yap about that some other time)
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I also lovvveeee Sal (any pronouns) he's an ichthyologist who grew up in southeastern Alaska. while he was out fishing though, he came across a seemingly abandoned cruise ship and decided to board, only to find there were quite a few inhabitants (ghouls, humans, ferals) already! they end up staying and making their home there for a few years, expanding their fish research and setting up trade with their hometown, but everything changed when they found the platinum chip in an old boot they fished up :0 at first, nobody really knew what it was, but this wasn't Sal's first time dealing with pre-war tech and word spread pretty quickly, so soon enough she had her answer LOL and that's what brought her to the Mojave as "the courier" !
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Suzette (they/them) is a vault dweller, chronic overthinker, easy to anger, polyglot that doesn't actually like to talk that much, and also "the courier." something in me makes it impossible to make a normal oc they just have to be quirky as hell man 😭😭 not that I'm gonna stop of course. anyway I'm not a religious guy so I'm not the best when it comes to the Bible, but I based their vault off of the Tower of Babel. basically every level of the vault houses a different culture and language! they're all strictly separated though, and Vault-Tec manipulates from the shadows like always, distorting communication, fabricating languages, subliminal messages too or something idk but the point is that they don't work together. the little polyglot over here tho wanted to change that, but they were ostracized for their efforts, eventually leading to them getting kicked out :( out in the wasteland, they then started courier work because they saw it as an opportunity to use their linguistic skills for good, travelling the wasteland, connecting different cultures, learning more languages, yadda yadda they've got terrible fashion btw 2000's inspiration just for the fun of it :)
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okkkk soooo Esme (she/her) is Benny's bride :3 she grew up in Goodsprings (idk her relationship to the others specifically) but she always had dreams for a bigger life, something more exciting and glamorous, so she moved closer to the Strip in her mid 20's. she spent a few years on there, getting a job somewhere idk I really haven't thought her through all that much but the point is that she bumps into Benny and falls madly in love. to win his affection, she gets her hands on the platinum chip somehow and uses it as leverage to get him to marry her. they're promptly married in Goodsprings, but while the newlyweds are alone, he kills her and flees the scene with the chip. when she recovers, she's still confusingly in love with Benny, leading her to return to the Strip and find Benny again and get caught up in all the politics idk I think it's fun
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... they r supposed to be identical twins except I cannot draw the same person twice for the LIFE of me so just imagine ok hehe Red (right, he/him) is technically the courier, BUT he was disabled in the Divide, so now Beck (left, also he/him) usually carries out his deliveries for him. most people wouldn't be able to really tell them apart, so it's not a problem—until Benny shoots Beck in the head. now, Red is usually very friendly and outgoing, but when the "death" of his brother reaches him, he changes. the need for revenge consumes him. Beck, on the other hand, wakes up with NO memory of his past. in fact, due to the delivery note on him, he thinks *he's* Red. unfortunately, everyone else also thinks they're the same person and it gets really confusing and really silly. and also really sad.
If u read all this, hi :3 which one do u think is the coolest?
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carpisuns · 1 year
I just wanna say I have an old post of yours saved in my drafts, about being a beginner artist…. I look at it sometimes to give me perspective and reassurance. Thank you. It has inspired me to continue my hobby/passion even if I don’t get many notes rn. I improve and I see it! Thats all that matters. Thank you. I hope I can be that for someone someday.
oh wow 😭 this just warmed my heart—thank you for sharing with me. i don't know what post you're talking about specifically, but i'm so glad that something i said could give you a little extra boost sometimes<3
it's both cool and sort of embarrassing that this blog is a record of my entire art journey. i didn't start learning how to draw until i got into ML and joined tumblr again about 3.5 years ago, so it has my very earliest art as well as my most recent. the other day my sister and i went through my art tag and i was literally crying with laughter at some of those pieces alskjdf (particularly this one). they're sooo bad but they were my best work at the time! as much as i cringe to look at them now, it's nice to remember how far I've come. There are still so many things I struggle with and things i disappoint myself about, but that's normal because I am still growing. no one stops growing. the artists you look up to the most, whose work seems absolutely flawless to you, are still growing.
and YOU are growing too! whether you feel like you are or not. sometimes it takes looking back to realize it. i'm really glad you can see your improvement! honestly, that's a skill too! having a healthy mindset about your own development can take a lot of internal work so I'm really proud of you for that.
(i got very rambly so cut for the rest lol)
and honestly sometimes the improvement isn't even about what the art looks like—it can just be about how you feel about making it. I think one of my biggest improvements in the last year was getting comfortable with drawing and sharing things that are Bad and Ugly! for example:
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the first one i drew 3 years ago, just a few months into learning how to draw. the second one i drew about a month ago. they both have obvious flaws and you could even argue that the old one is better drawn than the newer one. so it's like omg did i not improve at all after over 3 years?? did i actually get worse? lol. no! because a lot of the improvement is internal.
you'll notice that the first one was done in pencil and the second one is pen. it took me years to feel confident enough to sketch in pen because you can't erase! you have to commit to the lines! you can actually see tons of erase marks in the first one, but i didnt even use my white-erase tape at all on the second one. also, the first one is a screen redraw. i was just looking at the image and trying to replicate what i saw the best i can. the second one is new scenes/poses that came from my brain—not that they are very complicated/impressive lol, but there's a difference there. and what you can't see at all is just my attitude about drawing them! i can't particularly remember doing the first one but i guarantee i spent forever on it and was nervous about posting it. second one probably took me 7 mins and i knew it was ugly but i was zero percent embarrassed about that lol. that's progress baby!! cant even tell you how much of a difference it has made to me to let myself draw ugly things. i draw ugly things all the time. some of them get posted online. some of them get shared with one or two friends. some of them get shared with no one. and i've finally learned how to either embrace them as what they are or just shrug it off and go, "you know, this is not it! moving on." blank pages are so intimidating because you have a million opportunities to mess things up, but you also have a million opportunities to explore and learn and experiment and have fun and also to surprise yourself with what you're capable of.
i started out with nothing but a pencil and some powerful blorbo brainrot, and that was enough! that has been enough to power me through years of all the struggles and triumphs that artists go through. it was enough to help me push through every art block and keep drawing to the point that my instincts have improved and things that used to be almost impossible for me are just regular hard lol. i've actually illustrated for a print magazine a few times now, and a few weeks ago i finished my first animatic—which i always wanted to do but didn't have the skill or confidence for.
sorry this is so long, i'm just very passionate about this subject lol!! i just want every growing artist to know that if you keep trying and having fun, improvement is not only possible but inevitable. like, you don't even have to do formal studies if you don't want to. keep looking at art that you like and figuring out what is appealing to you. keep drawing what you feel like drawing. if you're no longer inspired by a piece or it's a little too tough for you right now, it's ok to drop it. you can come back later or never. you have infinite opportunities to make new and better art. and don't forget to give yourself credit for the progress you've already made. it's so hard not to compare yourself to others, and literally everyone—even the best and brightest—feels bad about their work sometimes. but try to compare yourself to your past self and pat yourself on the back for your improvement! it's okay to grow slowly, or in a way that's not so visible on the outside. just remember that you are growing, and you will only get better and better.
also, side note about notes/likes: i know it sucks to feel like your work is not getting attention when you poured a lot into it :( this might sound rich coming from me because i feel that people have been incredibly generous toward my work from the very beginning. but just know that popularity is not really about who "deserves" what, and it's not an accurate reflection of skill either. so if you feel unseen, that doesn't mean your stuff sucks. and you never know what your work might have meant to the people who saw it, even if there aren't that many. art doesn't have to be popular to be meaningful, and it doesn't have to be perfect either.
the world is a little richer and more beautiful because of the ways you are growing and the things you are sharing. so thank you, and please don't stop.
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zartophski · 9 months
4 5 19 23
4. What's a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
I know there are words that make me go feral but I am drawing a blank rn. I'd know one if I saw one.
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
If I don't write the entire fic before I post the first chapter, it will not be finished. You know the evidence already.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I've always been writing. I liked playing make-believe as a kid, and probably held onto those stories a lot longer than my peers. I thought the worlds in stories held so much wonder and possibility and more interest than the world I lived in. So when my peers became too old to play pretend with me, I turned to writing to continue to create those stories and exist within them.
I remember two books that got me interested in writing myself. One of them was called Sparrow Road, which was about a girl who spent the summer at an artist's retreat and met all these different artists who were working with different mediums to tell their stories. It was a place I wanted to go to. I can't remember the name of the other book, but it was about two girls who met in a treehouse by a river near their houses. They gave each other nicknames and wrote a book together and won a competition and got to travel to a University to take a summer writing workshop together. The two of these books left a big impact on me, not only by being good stories, but by showing me that people like me could write.
So I started writing. I wrote fanfiction before I even knew the name of it, mostly small scenes with a cooler version of me inserted into some cinematic universe with all my favorite characters from all my favorite media going on adventures together. I've always liked writing for large casts.
But I also wrote my own fiction. My seventh grade homeroom teacher was also an English teacher at the high school, and he was very kind to proofread and provide feedback on my scifi book I was writing. Looking back on it is embarrassing, but his encouragement meant I didn't stop writing.
Once I found out about fanfiction I pivoted more towards that. And that's been my main form of creative writing since early high school. Getting feedback and building a community around writing has been very encouraging for me, and I have definitely improved since I first stepped into the fanfic scene. But I'm also too scared to try and jump back to original works. Fanfic is hard because I eventually run out of what to say, but original work is hard because I never know what to say to start with. Right now, TML is the balance between for me, because it gives me more freedom on what to say and do without completely leaving the framework of another work. But that's got it's own difficulties, mainly the loss of a wide feedback group. Which would be completely gone if I jumped to regular original work. Ideally I'd like to publish something someday, but it's too far off for me to see how I'd get there.
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what's around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
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lightninginhersoul · 8 months
15 questions, 15 mutuals
Thanks for the tag @janewaysratherirregularstarlog
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not my first name! My middle name is my maternal grandmother's name which is awesome because she's an absolute badass
2. When was the last time you cried?
Um the last time i absolutely sobbed? Two days ago. Cried at all? Last night
3. Do you have kids?
Not yet, ask me again in 5-10 years
4. What sports do you play/have played?
I was a three sport athlete pretty much from the age of 6 to 18 but it changed a lot. The last set was field hockey, swimming, and softball (hell yeah! i miss my teams!). I also ran cross country, played terrible basketball, soccer, and archery. Now I mostly just hike and swim but I'm thinking about volunteering as a referee for the younger leagues on weekends so I don't have to be stressed about calls.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Who, me? Never
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Likely the outfit, the costumer in me will not go away ever. After that, probably face and height
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings plz !
9. Any talents?
Maybe that I have a million hobbies and find it really easy to pick up textile arts? That I taught myself how to spin my field hockey stick and am really good at air dribbling? Otherwise I'm sure all my friends could tell you my talents but I sure can't
10. Where were you born?
The you ess of ayyyyy (North east US)
11. What are your hobbies?
Oh boy let's go! Star Wars, cosplay, hiking, writing, reading, drawing, painting, video games, embroidery, bobbin lace, sewing, mending (visibly and invisibly), knitting, crochet (relearning rn), calligraphy, wood carving, lathe work, woodworking in general/carpentry, wood burning, d&d, scrapbooking, tarot, baking, and probably a few more I'm forgetting. (yes I have adhd how could you tell?)
12. Do you have any pets?
Not at the moment but as soon as I live somewhere with space I'm gonna get a kitten (2)
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
This is not a fair question because at my graduation they mentioned that my favorite class was all 8 that I was taking...I'd pick what I went to college for but I got two majors and two minors in different things too? I guess I'll say English in a pinch but this is super hard
15. Dream job?
Getting to be a college professor for the humanities that I have degrees in (rather difficult given the market but that's a dream for next decade maybe after I stop my current job which is also cool I love engineering but like hmm to create art) or becoming a vampire and having my job be Student as I get degrees in basically every subject ever
Gonna tag some of my mutuals now and absolutely no pressure! Know that I think you're awesome and really cool!
@old-bird @chesapeakewoman @the-egginator @dioxizinegreeen @toofewtrueblue @acetheasshat @squagel @chickalupe @raevenlywrites @marisolinspades @explodingfurby @sir-jeffers11 @raineydaywrites @slightly-strange-girl @shouldnt-you-be-doing-work
(also if any other mutuals wanna do this please feel free!)
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hangezoeenthusiast · 2 years
well hello anyone who is actually on tumblr and hasnt forgotten about me. ive been offline for a year or so, had personal issues in my life, and also started high school so i wanted to focus on that. life update:
- im in 10th grade now :)) high school isnt that bad and there actually isnt as much fights as there was in past years. also im in a lot of advanced classes now
- i got new friends, and dumped my old ones(they were toxic)
- got into some new fandoms(call of duty, genshin[sorta i barely tolerate some people, I just try to play the game without interacting with the fandom], tmnt[i’ve always loved it], and others that I can't rlly think about rn
- got my working permit today :D after new years I'm gonna look for a job
- well I figured out I'm trans now (f-t-m), after years of question my gender and making excuses, I'm also pansexual :)
- the name I want my legal name to be is kaisen(kai is just a nickname and I dont use j anymore)
- body image stuff, sucks to suck but I'm trying everyday, slowly
- i actually have a girlfriend, we have been together for 3 months, and known each other for around 1 or 2 years. We are long distance(she lives in another country), time zones suck, but we make it work. We also met on genshin, so i guess i owe the game for that.
- im teaching myself how to draw, and also have been reading a lot of books lately
- family life isnt the best, im not gonna elaborate, but i just try to ignore it
it seems like a dream with how i acted a year ago. i seemed way more immature than what i do act now. i was so innocent i guess you could say, and i guess you could also say that i was just figuring myself out. and as im sitting in my bed, listening to The Neighborhood, im reminiscing. i do miss the friends that i had before i dropped them, and i really wish that i didnt push everyone away whenever i was in a depressive episode, but its the past. if i cant get over the past i’ll never be able to move on into the future. im just so glad that past me could get that experience of exploring themselves and meeting new people. also i was very very cringey i realize now, i feel like i was acting a sort of way to get recognition from people.
well anyways i dont think i’ll be writing anything anytime soon, i dont feel the passion i used to back then. maybe someday, but not today, and not the next. also thank you for 300 followers, that might not seem alot compared to other people, but it is for me. also thank you for all the support with the dsmp stuff even tho i stopped writing about them. i rlly didnt expect my stuff to blow up like that :))
well signing off:
kaisen(kai), have a fantastic day/night 😊
(ps: ive never deleted tumblr, and i was reading fanfics on here, i just was being lazy and didnt feel like responding to messages and updating my profile 😉 so to all the people who commented on my posts, i wasnt ignoring u, im too tired and my brain cells are the equivalent of 1 at the moment, but i’ll try to respond)
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zu-is-here · 4 years
Hi zu, sorry to bother and is it okay if I ask some advice from you? If not then you can ignore this. If it is.., then..
I can't... I don't know how to help my sister with this problem of her. I am not good at giving advice and for some reason I was the only she likes to hear some advices from. But rn she didn't want to hear any of my advices and this really worried me a lot. B-but its not that serious! Its about artist prob. 😅 it really affects her badly.
You see... my sister is a talented artist than I am. her skill is around below from pro but a bit high from average, in my perspective. Ps. we didn't study in art school but she have a knowledge when it comes to digital. She have that many followers than I have sadly she didn't interact with them because of her social anxiety but of course i'm helping her with that problem.
The main problem is--
There is this artist who followed her and of course she followed back because she like this artist the way they colored their work. This artist seems really like her work. They didn't interact in dm since my sister have some problems while interacting with others in online. This artist... seemed copied her design. Idk if it was a coincidence or purposely copy it. Others may not notice it because their artstyle and color scheme but if you look closely you can see the similarities.
My sister felt shock the time she saw/notice it and I tried to reassure her that maybe its a coincidence until she give me this face-- it hurts to see that face. really. It feels like she slapped me million times hard trying to make me realized that she work so hard on finding a unique design. She used more than 5 reference and use some of her ideas to make the design look more unique.
After reading the comments from this artist's post (who seems copied their design).. i took side glance at her and she has this urge to cry. She hold it back and... as her sister it hurts to see my cheerful little sis like this. She start to lose interest to draw because of this. It really frustrated for me to see her in this condition.
I know that its wrong to tell her to change the design that she really work so hard on it. Especially its already months old. She start to get anxiety to draw... she start to scared that aside this artist... someone would take interest copying her design as well. Its hard to convince her this way and idk what im going to do about this.
I tried to talk to her why not dm this artist and talk about it to sort things out but she refused-- she didn't want to look bad in front of them. I tried to give her some of the advice as I can but it seems it only worsen. I feel useless rn.
Hi! Sorry for the late reply (ówò)
First of all, you're not useless! You're doing your best for your sister, and that's so nice of you already ♡
Secondly, I don't see this as a problem tbh! I mean, it's not right of them, but is it bad for you when someone admires your style so much they try to copy it? It's never a reason to stop doing what you love and give up your own unique style! Your sister should be proud of herself ☆
The thing is, we are all different. No matter how much you try to copy someone else's style, you'll never be able to duplicate it. You can do it for practice cause sooner or later you'll end up with your own style! Hands don't lie ;)
Sure you two can write them and discuss it, there's even a hope they'll admit it and understand you <3
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lbat1901 · 4 years
Rantception S1•E1 - princeofmints exposed | ft. TatSquirp
(I am about a month late on posting this here)
Welcome to the first episode of my brand new series titled Rantception where I talk about a topic or some unfortunate soul who became a total jerk as of recently. I am starting this series off by talking about the user by the name of princeofmints.
princeofmints is apart of the Eddsworld community and they are apart of the official EW Amino, Tumblr, and Instagram. Unfortunately princeofmints is in some hot water right now.
Oh and before I get to that, I just want to make this clear, the princeofmints that I am referring to isn't the one who made tomtord p*rn. This princeofmints is actually accused of tracing and being a total d*ck.
Also they got banned from Amino, but they are still going strong on both Tumblr and Instagram.
One more thing: don't harass them. Instead I want you to stop supporting them. Don't not praise them.
With that out the way, let's get into the news.
I unfortunately didn't know any of this drama that happened till seeing callout posts about it. But I used to like princeofmints's posts until what happened recently.
I decided to to take a look at their wall after seeing a few callout posts on them before they got taken down.
Annnnnd yeah.....they are such an arsehole. Just...just look at these screenshots....
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(the third one is my favorite in terms of arsehole energy that's being radiated from it)
I'll be honest with you, the third is the one that show the bitterness of princeofmints. Trying to guilt trip you. I'm sorry to say this, but it's not working. Nice try.
Now I'll handing the rest of this over to the one and only Squirp/TatSquirp who've agreed to be on the show and I certainly didn't kidnap them.
Squirp: ...Why am I here? Why am I tied u-
Lbat1901(me): Shhhh! Just give the audience your side on this
Squirp: Ok, fine...*clears throat*....so a week ago, I've made a callout post exposing princeofmints titled "Dethroning a Prince". It took me awhile to everything and not too soon after posting it on Animo, I've also posted it on Instagram.
Oh boy...it got taken down. No actually I got told by a model on Animo to take it down which I did while on Instagram it got flagged for harassment. I eventually reposted it.
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princeofmints (or what I like to call her, Prince) is a 15 year old artist who mostly draws Tom, Tord, and the ship TomTord. She was on the EW Amino since January 13th of this year before getting banned. S
Alright with that out of the way, I'll try to make this brief
She also has been known to cause quite the trouble.
I have been caught up to speed on what Prince has done even learning th as t she had actually scammed someone.
I believe that Lbat told you this already, but Prince's name was stolen by someone who has the same name, but let's dwell on this.
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Part 1 - Tracing:
Squirp: Ok so, a few days ago some of my friends and I looked at one of Prince's art and discovered that it was traced from an already existing drawing made by P-Nim. Of course Prince denied this and claimed that it was her own art.
Ok I'll make this clear, Prince didn't draw it for a DTIYS. If Prince didn't trace it then she shouldn't be claiming it as her own.
Also if you want to compare posts or have a look for yourself, you can't cause she deleted it. So much for being reasonable which goes into this next part....
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Part 2 - Blocking those who've cornered you for being unreasonable:
Squirp: Oh yes, just like TBATF, Prince also blocks people for calling her out. Unlike TBATF who only block people for giving them criticism and calling them out on their behavior, Prince blocks people for many reasons.
One of them being totally unreasonable. She blocked one of my friends who called her out for tracing. Prince even deleted several comments when trying to defend herself for being called out before deciding to hit the block button.
She even blocked me after I tried to call her out on her wall. I did PM her a few days later about and guess what her response was. The reason why she blocked me was because she didn't like me.
My god....that has to be most stupidest as all hell reason to block someone and folks, we're on the second part on this and things are already getting heated.
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Part 3 - Being a b*ch isn't all that cool:
Squirp: Hold on a minute, why is b*ch censored?
(Editor: that's because it's Lbat's show and I am meant to help with anything that Lbat puts out for everyone to see)
Squirp: Yeah, but why? Who cares anyway?
(Editor: well you're probably have a point, but it's my job. Now are you going to continue to argue or are you going to keep going with your side of the story?)
Squirp: I am...geez! I've never meant an editor that's who picky. This isn't YouTube with the whole COPPA thing you know.
Anyway..... pt 3....Prince has to be one of the biggest d*cks that I have ever talked to and- oh my god, why would you censor the word- forget it. Forget it...
Erm...yeah....she cursed at some many people that it's just mindboggling. She's not the most pleasant person to talk to on Amino or anywhere else.
Before you say that she probably has some mental health issues, don't even bother. Well I know she does has some issues, but it doesn't give her the excuse to not be a total d*ck. People who do have issues are at least well spoken and are respectful to others.
But Prince on the other hand, not a freaking single chance.
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Part 4 - Stop acting sad:
Squirp: You're probably thinking to yourself, "Wow, Prince is a jerk" and you'd be right. But to make matters worse, she likes to guilt trip people.
How? Well she tries to make you feel sorry for her by giving you a sad sad tale before deciding to cuss you out.
That's right, it's pretty low for her. I don't need to explain why this is bad just because it is. It's really scummy especially when she's in the wrong here. Next!
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Part 5 - Don't let Prince do commissions. EVER:
Oh yeah, she actually did this. I did found the person who got scammed and they are a person known as BadBoy.
You see BadBoy commissioned Prince to do a drawing for 92 coins. Unfortunately for BadBoy, Prince said that the price was actually lower than that. But it gets much much worse than that.
Prince got wicked with them and refused to give other pieces of art to BadBoy. Eventually BadBoy had enough and asked for a refund. That's when things started to escalate really fast.
Prince told BadBoy to piss off. After a long battle, Prince gave BadBoy 72 coins back when BadBoy asked for a full refund.
Squirp: I have been saving this part for last and it gave me a reason to make a callout on Prince in the first place. She literally scammed someone over 72 coins.
In summary, Prince just stole BadBoy's money and was a total d*ck towards them.
And that should do it for now, but I one final message to Prince. If you're reading this now while getting harassed for being callout for your crap: none of this, and I stress this a lot, none of this wouldn't have happened if you were to just act a tad bit kinder and a whole bit wiser.
Oh and maybe if you would've just listened. Also running away from your problems, lying, and pretending that they didn't happen makes you look like the bad guy here.
You know, I wouldn't mind you being on Animo at all if you just shallow your pride and try to do better by apologizing to everyone.
I didn't mean to make my callout post to hurt you in a way. In fact, I still believe that you can change. But atlas, your problems need to be addressed to make that happen.
All you need to do is try. That's it. That's all I ask for.
Lbat1901(me): *claps* Nicely done, Squirp. Nicely done.
Squirp: Thanks Lbat. It's been a pleasure being on here. Now can I go home now?
Lbat1901(me): Uhh.....*walks away from Squirp and walks out of the room before shutting the door*
Squirp: Lbat? Uh Lbat? Lbat? This isn't funny! Untie me! Hey cameraman, you're still here. Untie me, please
Camraman: *shrugs before shaking their head*
Squirp: What do you mean no? Ugh!
{screen cuts to Lbat sitting in a chair}
Lbat1901(me): Well that's the end of the first episode of Rantception. I want to thank TatSquirp for coming on and helping me out. Please check them out on the EW Amino and possibly their Instagram as well while you're at it.
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reliquiaen · 5 years
I wrote a thing and I was wondering if you would read it? It's a bubbline fic. It's called i could live without you (just don't want to) If you left a comment on what you thought I would greatly appreciate it. (Also apparently you can't post links in asks!? Who the heck thought of that?)
would you believe ao3 had the AUDACITY to tell me my comment was too long? outrageous. check below the cut.
It’s a little awkward to have Bonnie’s hand actually hit Marceline’s chest. Stand in front of your door and open it. Picture where the person on the other side is. There’s more space there than could be comfortably crossed by a casual arm swing from knocking. She would’ve struck air.
Set the scene more clearly. Has Bonnie ever been to this house before? It seems like she hasn’t but the reader doesn’t know that. We have no idea the pre-established relationship (whatever that is) between them either, so we don’t know if it’s even reasonable to expect that Bonnie has been here before. The lack of context also raises questions about the stuttering, especially since Marceline uses a nickname quite easily right at the start. Basically what I’m getting at here is that there’s a disconnect between how familiar they’re being with each other; Marceline is being real casual/familiar but Bonnie seems to be treating this like they’re strangers (or the next thing to it). Shoot for a little more consistency.
Following on from this point: the house is lovely? We have to take Bonnie’s word for it. You don’t have to go into any great amount of detail, just give us the top three things that make it lovely (well-lit, classy decorations, homey, photos on the walls, colour scheme, tidy - just a few ideas, fill it in how you think lovely looks!). Also not expecting you to have a floor plan (unless this is a longfic in the making and we’ll be spending a lot of time here, then yeah make a floorplan for your reference and consistency), but in your head you should know where things are and where the characters are going. So where’s this hallway in relation to where we started? Did we go through any rooms? Are there doors? What the heck is this rope??? Explain (from Bonnie’s POV) as she tries to figure out what’s going on before it happens, our brains work quickly, try and throw some of that in there.
Be careful using traits/descriptors in place of names as well. It can be useful when the character is a stranger (referring to them as ‘the tall guy’ or whatever if it’s a defining trait) but we know who these two are, use their names. Or pronouns. I find the best way to use pronouns in place of names is that the last character who’s name was used gets the following pronoun.
Description of the bedroom is pretty good, we have no guidelines to go by though; is this like the rest of the house? How tall is the house? Were the on the bottom floor and the attic is the only other floor? Or did they go up stairs? How on EARTH did a piano get up there? Strange items? Those seem like a focus point; take Bonnie’s personality into account: she’s the sort of curious where she sticks her nose where it shouldn’t be regardless of consequences. Plus ‘strange’ is the sort of word that readers will expect exploration for. Be careful of wording; Bonnie’s not analysing this, just taking it in. If you want her to be analysing, give us some more thought processes. What does she think of these things, is there anything in particular drawing her attention, is she uncomfortable and why, etc.
This is the first mention of them being in school together? There’s a basement? Definitely work on figuring out how all the rooms fit together.
Coming back to my point about setting your scene rn bc Bonnie has a crush? We are just learning this. Also why is Marceline tickling her? That’s VERY comfortable. I feel like we defs need some more details about their relationship as it stands. Especially now that Bonnie is using a nickname.
Careful with transitions. Felt like a whirlwind of situation changes happened right there between Bonnie lying down, Marceline leaving (??? not good host etiquette), Marceline coming back, the tickling??? and then the alcohol announcement. There’s very little to help with those transitions or explain any reasoning behind them.
(This is probably as good a time as any to just ask you to be careful with your speech tags and punctuation. Is Bonnie giggling the ‘stop’ or is she saying that around giggles or is she saying that and THEN giggling? Please don’t overuse smirk. It’s a great word for a sassbox like Marceline but too much smirking and it just becomes the smile of a shit-stirrer.)
Again: transitions. Marceline is pouting now. Describe it. Is this different? Has she got a reputation for being the sort of person who’s pouts folks can’t say no to? If not consider how that factors in. Please also ask where Marceline got the alcohol, why she’s drinking it, how old they are, why Bonnie is making this exception, Marceline’s motives behind sharing it (is it bc she wants to look cool? Does she understand what sorts of things Bonnie thinks are cool?). Also ask what YOUR motive is for the alcohol. Is it just to lower inhibitions and get them to talk more freely than they usually would? If that’s the case, reevaluate your use of it. It should serve a purpose for the characters as well as for you. (Pet peeve: this is an especially tricky situation for other reasons: they’re underage and consent. It’s brought up heaps in other fics, I know, but it’s worth considering anyway.)
Tie your references to blushing into what else is going on at the time. Otherwise they feel disjointed; like things you’re just reciting. Don’t give us facts! Give us emotion!
Check your tenses. By which I mean just make sure you’re not switching between past and present tense accidentally when referring to multiple actions in a single sentence. (Should be ‘plopped’.) “Shook her head yes” - check that, should be nods I think, yes? Yeah just some grammar issues here and there, a few missing words and tense mix ups, punctuation problems, capitalisation. Nothing major (we all do it) just make sure you check for them.
Use of omniscient narrator for the briefest of seconds. I get that you’re trying to convey to the reader that Marceline has a crush too, but Bonnie has thus far been your sole narrator so if she can’t hear something we shouldn’t either. Alternatively, grab a Virginia Woolf novel and welcome to the omniscient narrator club!
New speaker = new paragraph. But same speaker = same paragraph. You’ve split up some of Marceline’s dialogue into two paragraphs which can be confusing. Marceline is playing music she wrote? Why? Is she shy about this? Does she do it often? Again, is it bc she’s trying to impress? Is it bc she’s going on drunk?
Marceline is getting her way a lot. We, the reader, know why. Consider from their perspective though: does Marceline know why? Does she suspect? Does she feel guilty for pressuring Bonnie? How does Bonnie feel about it? Growing frustration? A little bit of that patented Hopeless Gay™?
Why the boredom? If this was a planned get together why did neither of them think about what they were gonna do? Bonnie especially would be the type to have a plan. She probably googled ‘platonically hanging out with your crush’ to see what came up lol.
The innuendo at the end feels a bit rushed, too. But that could just be bc we haven’t seen any of the build up to this. Have they been pining for several years (unlikely if they’re in high school)? Is it the alcohol talking? Is Marceline joking? How can we tell? Is she phrasing it like that just to get a rise out of Bonnie? What does she think NOT getting that rise out of Bonnie?
Anyway that was a lot of rambling I’m very sorry. Overall a good tight storyline, it starts, it builds and it concludes satisfactorily. You just need to practice writing as a thought-process sorta thing, I’m not sure how to explain it better than as a connecting of ideas together. I mean I won’t claim to be great at that sometimes I force a situation to get to where I wanna go (sometimes you have to), but yeah just check in with your characters, plan things out (doesn’t have to be a huge spread out thing, just make a few notes about where things are) and ask questions! To question your story and motives can only make it better! It’s all that background stuff that the reader doesn’t see that makes up this underlying network of ideas, concepts, actions and characterisation that really holds up the plot and keeps shit consistent!
And that is… all the advice I’ve got! Sorry if any of it came out sounding a lil brusque it’s been a loooooong day u.u
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annbourbon · 3 years
*I'll be continually updating, so please be patient with me.
Who am I?
My name's Anna. I'm an unlicensed exophonic writer, you may or not know me as Faith Dante. I'm an artist student, wannabe actress, designer (fashion, logo & books), singer, translator, lyricist & more.
I study whatever I find interesting. Mostly related to art, music, fashion, architecture, makeup and cinema. I'm a blogger and a vlogger. An artist, obsessed with knowledge. But also languages and linguistics.
I am currently studying several languages. And I plan to keep doing it so because I love them a lot.
I speak: 🇲🇽 🇺🇲 but currently learning 🇬🇧 pronunciation
Currently learning: 🇨🇵 🇯🇵
One day I'll take these two back: 🇰🇷🇷🇺
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My Master List:
Let's start with the most important part...
✨ DNI list & General blog info ✨
𖤐Quid Pro Quo 𖤐 ★How to use Asks here ★
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ꕤ Holic~ Master List ꕤ
★~Holic means obsession, or addiction over someone or something. In this case I'm using it as a synonym for nihilism. Contains: ~Dramas, Anime, Movies, Books, Music, Otomes, Manhwas, Series. Fandoms I'm into, recommendations and more. This is supposed to be a master list of things I need to watch, read or whatever lol but also is supposed to keep control over the things I haven't finished, and the things I already finished. It's supposed to be a list of reviews too. But we'll get there. Of course these lists are a W.I.P.★
☀︎ A Master List on How to Be THAT Girl ☀︎
★Contains: Interesting topics to talk about, it also redirects you to ~Holic post, a post I called Fluff which basically contains all my favorite posts here on Tumblr, and How to be THAT girl which is several posts with useful info, like languages, makeup, history and more. Not necesarily directed to girls/women only. But since I'm one, I decided to call it like that. The rest is a W.I.P.★
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✨ Faith Dante Master List (Writer Stuff) ✨
★Contains: Facts about me and my journey as a writer, book covers (soon), my stories, my fanfics (soon), some of the lyrics I use for my stories and my progress as a songwriter. The rest is a W.I.P.★
✨ Anna Bourbon (Artist Stuff) ✨ ★Contains: Info about me, Things I do when I'm bored, My fashion designs (working on it), the rest is a W.I.P.★
✨What am I up to these days?✨
* I don't post often because it takes me a while to do my research. But also because I need time to create content that's all mine. I do repost often, especially stuff that I find interesting, pretty or useful.
Also, because apparently it's something you need to state this now: I do not use any AI program to create, write, compose or draw my stuff. It's all human-made. No AI's were, are or will be used. Please be a sweetheart and don't steal my content, would you? 💖
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Follow me on my social media if you want
(。◕‿◕。) *links down below*
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Twitter & Tumblr ~ @AnnBourbon
Instagram ~ @bourbon_anna
Wattpad ~ @Faith_Dante
FF.net: Anna Bourbon
TikTok: @BourbonAnna
DevianArt: AnnaBourbon
Quotev: @FaithDante
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Bucket List 2024
June 2024: 'Kay...
#1 I'll keep posting my old stories and pics when I come back.
#2 I am currently writing Fit or Die, so wait for it!!
* Stopped studying French because it keeps messing up with my writing skills and I have to learn other things rn 💔
*The song I have on loop rn is:
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* I'm still writing, I'm keeping my social media activity somewhat low.
* I have to finish my Reading List 2024. ★I'll be sharing the rest of the books and updating with y'all later on because it's not the whole list. But my hands hurt already from typing that much.★
* Also these are my projects right now.
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franeridart · 7 years
Soooo Tumblr tagged your new post as "Content for Adults Only" and I can't see it 😢😢 srsly tumblr is pissing me off rn
Anon said:I don't understand how your most recent post about Denki is blocked by safety mode????? Like it's just your art of his birthday! I love the art of it tho, it's fantastic! Keep up the amazing work.
Anon said:*whispers* the thing you just posted contains sensetive media apperantly
Yeah it’s most probably Mineta isn’t it
(jk it was probs my inclination to swear my way through life’s fault, I asked for a review so it should be visible in a bit but for now you can see it here !!)
Anon said:!!! I didn't know when Kaminari's birthday was but his is the same as mine and I'm even more attached to him now !!! Thanks for bringing that info to my attention and also your doodles were amazing I love them and I hope you have a nice day!!
Yay for you and yay for him too!!!!!!!! I hope you’ll have a great birthday tomorrow, anon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thank you!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I can't remember if you've already answered this question but in light of Kami's birthday - you once did a comic showing what everyone from the Bakusquad would get him for his birthday, so I wanted to know what do you think Bakugou would get all of his friends for their birthdays?
Bakugou has the hardest time coming up with birthday presents, presents are just Not A Thing He Does, he tries but it’s just ???? I mean think back to how he tried to cheer Kirishima up, that boy is so damn awkward - that said, given how all his friends gave him something he felt the need to show them he could reciprocate, so this is what he came up with: 
Sero’s actual tastes in material possessions are a total mystery for everyone, they make absolutely no sense, but what Bakugou KNOWS is that the fucker likes to eat his greens, so that’s what he did for him - he cooked the healthiest and tastiest meal he could manage to make, spent a whole damn lot of time researching it too, and Sero was honestly so touched (he loved it)
Jirou got a offer to go with her to a concert she couldn’t find anyone to go with - she hadn’t outright asked anyone, but it was clear she wanted to go but not alone - the band was too much for all of her friends, so she was sorta letting the idea of going go. Which is when Bakugou offhandedly mentioned that he’d heard there was the one gig from that one band and he was thinking of going since he liked that band and whatever she wanted to come or something? Bakugou had just spent the last day and a half listening to the band’s discography for the sake of making it believable and Jirou saw right through him (she didn’t mention it) (but man Bakugou could be seriously nice couldn’t he)
Mina’s present was to actually agree to go to her party. That was it. Mina’s parties are the opposite of Bakugou’s ideal place to spend a whole night at, they’re loud, and there’s drinking, and dancing, and the whole school is invited and it’s packed, so when she asked him to come she never thought he’d actually agree to go and stay the whole night, but boy did he. He also let her pick his outfit (Mina recognized the effort for the present it was. She was delighted)
Kaminari got a shopping trip - it went like this: Bakugou mentioned he was going to the mall, which always ends up with Kaminari tagging along just to go window shopping. So he stopped in front of the windows, pointed at stuff, made noises about the deals, and Bakugou went “wait here” and then went in and bought whatever Kaminari had been excited about. It happened four times before Kaminari caught on, and then Bakugou literally had to threaten him to make him stop holding back “I’m deciding I wanna do this so I’m doing this” (he still held back, but by the end of it Kaminari had actually whined the sentence “Bakugou please” pointing at yet another jacket or shirt of necklace way more than once) (he was so damn happy he didn’t even think about how he had absolutely no space for everything he’d just bought to fit in his room)
Kirishima was the hardest one (pun intended). Kirishima was actually so difficult Bakugou spent months thinking about what to get him and came up empty handed anyway. He was so damn complicated that Bakugou sucked up his pride and straight out asked him what he wanted for his birthday. “I don’t want to fuck this up”, he said, and Kirishima smiled so hard and so wide and so bright, it felt like enough of a present for him just hearing that. He told him he wanted to spend the day with him, so they did that - studied, sparred, ate, hung with the others. Bakugou didn’t think it was enough of a present since honestly it felt like any other day, but Kirishima was happy, so he guessed it was fine (he found and bought a super rare super expensive Crimson Riot figure to gift him anyway) (Kirishima cried)
Anon said:You are so awesome!!!
sob thank you SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A;
Anon said:It's t[odobak]u week! It's honestly a ship I never thought about, but ever since I saw fanart about them I've been thinking about their dynamic as a couple. How would that even work with their personalities? I know you don't really ship Katsuki with anyone else but Kiri, but let's say for some reason Bakugou and Todoroki got together. How would you describe their complicated relationship/dynamic? I've been thinking about it ever since I saw that fanart Q_Q
I talked about my feelings for these two’s relationship here!! But in all honesty I just can’t see them as romantics (if I could I’d probably ship it hah) so I can’t say how it’d work for them in a relationship of that kind... mostly because all I can think of as an answer is “it wouldn’t work” haha rip
Anon said:I love when you draw Bakugou being a big old softy
Fun fact: I take the fact that Mitsuki is unapologetically soft to Masaru as a good enough proof that in a romantic relationship Bakugou would be the softest to his partner - he’s already soft enough for Kirishima, can you imagine how much more he’d be after being openly in love with him for years? (I can) (it’s beautiful)
Anon said:More adult!AU please!!!!!!!!!!!
Uhhhhhhhhhhh sure, but it wasn’t really an AU tho! It’s just me playing around with their designs a bit, I’ve been drawing them aged up now and again for a while now (tho I admit mostly what stays constant in the design is only the hairstyles, everything else changes based on how I’m feeling it atm) anyway yeah, more will come in the future! Can’t promise the designs will stay totally unchanged, tho haha
Anon said:We only have to last one more day until the next chapter (probably) kills us all with the feels. Thank you to you and your art for getting me through this terrible week of waiting.
;A; you’re welcome, I’m trying to keep myself sane with my own doodles too so helping you along is a beautiful most welcome side-effect
Anon said:Could i have a ref of your adult kiribaku scars? if not i understand! have a great day!
No probs, just, I can’t draw right now cause of hand-problems so you’ll have to make do with me telling you where they are? Also that’s just how I went for it in that drawing, it’s nothing set in stone, really, I keep on adding and moving them around every time I draw them
The only scars Bakugou has there are on his palms - cover the whole of it and reach a bit on the inside of his wrist too, they’re burn scars and come from overusing his quirk one too many times. Kirishima’s got more - aside from the canon eye one he’s got one on the left side of his mouth, one on each forearm in the same spots he’s been hurt in the latest chapter, and one covering most part of his upper back (this one he got protecting civilians with his own body too often and breaking one time too many)
Anon said:I don't know if you take request or not but if you do, could you draw adult bakugou with baby kirishima and vice versa, please? 😙😊
I already have tho!! x x x
Anon said: Holy crap, scarred up hottie Kirishima with the black roots saved my life
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! glad you liked him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:denki at the end of your last post is me xD
*whispers* honestly same
Anon said:Okay but think about how fucking pissed Baku would be if Todoroki tripped and fell and broke his ankle walking up the the battle arena and they didn't even get to fight because Todoroki can't even stand.
Listen, listen, if anything like this happened Bakugou would take Todoroki off his list of worthy rivals asap why was he ever even interested in this guy why did he even waste his time like this he’s so done
Anon said:I just got my wisdom teeth removed and can't pronounce "f" , and all I can think ab is Bakugo, in the same case, being pissed as hell because he can't say "fuck" anymore
That’s the moment the squad learns that Bakugou uses the word fuck out of convenience and not because it’s the only one he knows, really (did all those swear words even exist) (how does he even know so many)
Anon said:Fran I just found out why you've stopped posting Haikyuu as much and?? I feel so bad?? Because you're absolutely right, the fandom might be pretty healthy compared to others but it a certain idea of what should be and what shouldn't be. Like the minute you get into the fandom you're bombarded with the "canon" ships (which aren't even canon smh) and then there's other ships which are just automatically designated as "brotp" and if you don't follow the norm then you get hate. (1/2)
And it just makes me feel terrible because you obviously love(d?) Haikyuu a lot, and drawing for it, but then the fandom basically forced you to leave. And that just makes me really really sad. I used to be sad that you didn't draw for Haikyuu much anymore (because despite fandom I do love the series very much) but now I'm just. Really glad that you found BNHA and are having fun drawing for it. Ahaha this is kinda pointless but I really respect you and so?? Just keep doing you
Thank you so much oh my god orz it’s... true, posting for hq hasn’t been half as fun as it used to be, lately, but I do still enjoy it! Between everything the fact that the fandom is sort of asleep atm does make me lose even the last motivation to draw more, so! I’m pretty confident as soon as the fandom wakes back up I’ll start posting more for it again! After all I love the show and all the characters a lot still~
Anon said:*chanting* Draw that hair angst! Draw that hair angst!
I’m trying !!! (tomorrow might just be the right day)
Anon said:i just recently started watching bnha and i'm IN LOVE!!!! i'm also glad i can appreciate your art more bc now i actually know who the characters are 😂
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m SO GLAD you’re liking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thank you SO MUCH for sticking around even while you didn’t know the show!!!!
Anon said:i love your art!!!!!! im gay!!!!!
tHANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and great for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:  I can't believe Kirishima wears Franeridart brand knickers
It’s the most popular brand on this blog, really
Anon said:bro i don't even read/watch bnha. why am i so invested in these kids. it's,, it's your fault isn't it. you're being paid by horikoshi (is that the mangaka's name?) to reel us all in aren't you. EXPOSED, FRAN
Joke’s on me anon, I’m not even being paid for this (lol) (since you like the kids you should really give the show a try, tho *nudge nudge*)
Anon said:hi just a friendly reminder that kirishima eijirou is amazing and incredible and so are you
Being given the same compliments given to Kirishima might as well be the best thing ever happened to me.... oh my gods.............. thank you............
Anon said:There's only one way for me to find out if my Quirk is breathing under water
Anon no
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