#i have some tuna helper i should make
swankpalanquin · 2 years
75 percent of the time when i’m like, i feel like shit, it’s because i forgot to eat lunch
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i was about to ask you to continue your marvels unsolved ‘verse but then i saw your specific ships so i’m going to ask for a fantasy au with winteriron!! but tbh you should do whatever makes you happy it’s your birthday month!!! (happy birthday! your writing makes me so happy thank you so much for it)
Thank you so much!! I’m so happy you like my writing!!!
I ended up being inspired by the magical flower shop AU I wrote last August, but that’s not necessary to read to understand this fic. Since tumblr is still having issues with links, I won’t include the link here but if you’re interested in that one, it’s Chapter 27 of AU-gust
As always, this fic can be found on my ao3!
Roses and Rowan
It’s storming when Bucky drives past Ravenspoint’s limits. The rain is coming down hard enough that he almost misses the sign for the little town in all the gloom, but then there’s a flash of lightning, illuminating the foreboding faces of the town patriarchs glaring down at those who would dare enter their town. Bucky shivers, resolutely turning away as he continues on his way.
He’s not here for them anyway. The patriarchs are long dead, their only descendants long since fled. There’s another flash of lightning, this time illuminating the hill off to the left and the old manor on the hilltop. From what little bit he can see through the storm, it looks like it was once a stately mansion but it’s falling into disrepair now. Bucky blinks and suddenly he can see the golden glimmer of the wards around the whole hill, sealing the house and grounds off from the would-be adventurers brave enough to test their mettle against the ghosts of Rosewood Manor.
Another shiver runs down his spine. The magic is strangely familiar, though he can’t place where he might have seen it before. He blinks again and the golden glimmer of the wards disappears from his view. “Spooky,” Bucky mutters. In the passenger seat, Alpine mraows her agreement. He reaches over and scratches under her chin, grinning when she purrs loud enough to drown out the music coming from the car speakers.
They pull into town a few minutes later, only knowing it by the stoplight Bucky just barely manages to make out through the sheets of rain pounding down. He would have missed it otherwise, the storm too heavy and the buildings too dark to see in the night. Ravenspoint is a small town with a population of only three thousand people, exactly one stoplight, and two streets that run the length of town, connected by a series of smaller cross streets. It’s exactly the last place Bucky ever thought he would find himself and yet here he is, searching for someone who had made it clear he didn’t want to be found.
“What am I doing, Alpine?” he asks the cat. “He told me he didn’t want me to come after him.”
Alpine can’t respond but she rolls over, exposing her belly to him, and he gets the sense of reassurance through their bond.
“I know,” he responds. “Tellin’ people he wants to be left alone when that’s usually the last thing he wants. But let’s be real here, this place is pretty far off the beaten track.”
Another pulse of reassurance.
“Well if you ask me—” the helper figment starts to say.
“I didn’t,” Bucky interrupts before it can say anything else. Damn figment’s been more trouble than it’s worth this whole trip. “Where’s the turn?”
The figment gives him a sullen look. “In five hundred yards, off to the right.”
Even as the figment says it, Bucky spots the glowing lights of the shop in the distance. He slows down and pulls over into one of the parking spots off the street, peering up through the rain at the shop sign above the door.
“Bluebells and Belladonnas,” he reads. “He always did like alliteration.”
“Great,” the figment says waspishly. “Can I go now? I got a hot—”
Bucky flicks his fingers and the figment disappears back to whatever dimension figments come from. Alpine flicks her tail lazily, giving off a sense of amusement and a little bit of hunger. Bucky laughs and scratches her chin again.
“Yeah, I would’ve let you eat it if it wouldn’t have given you indigestion,” he says. “’nother couple of minutes. I’m sure he has fresh tuna for you.”
He sighs and looks at the shop again. The sign on the front says it’s closed but there are lights on inside both in the shop itself and in the apartment above the shop, telling him that the owner is probably still working.
“So what’re you doing sitting out here?” he asks himself. He gives another baleful look at the stormy clouds and the rain still pouring down, groans, and then shrugs his hood up over his head. Nothing for it. The rain isn’t supposed to let up for another couple of hours and Bucky doesn’t feel like sitting in the car that long.
“You gonna be good out here?” he asks Alpine. She blinks slowly at him. That’s a yes, then.
Quick as he can, he gets out and dashes for the cover the awning provides. Once there, he throws his hood back and then knocks on the door. He waits about a minute before knocking again, this time a lot louder. It takes a moment before he sees a person-shaped blob behind the water-streaked glass. He knocks for a third time. The person gets larger as they move closer and then the door unlocks and swings open with a wave of the person’s hand.
“You know,” Bucky says, stepping over the threshold. He bites back a shiver as a wave of magic washes over him, verifying that he has no ill intent. “You are a hard person to find.”
“Yeah, some people would take that as a hint,” Tony Stark states flatly, crossing his arms over his chest as he glares at Bucky.
Bucky is born with the ability to see magic. Or, at least, that’s the sfigmentlest way to explain it, if not the most accurate. Just about everyone can “see” magic but what they see are actually just the effects of magic—what was produced or what was done. Bucky has the ability to actually see the threads of magic. It’s a Barnes family gift, although none of the Barnes mages have had this ability in nearly two centuries. Bucky is the first in a very long time and because of that, he ends up having to go to school rather than being trained at home by the family mage (also known as Ma to Bucky and his sister).
It's at school that he meets his best friend, Stevie, and Stevie’s other best friend, Tony. Tony is a bit of an oddball, not that Bucky and Steve are incredibly popular either. Steve should be popular because of his dragon heritage and the power that brings him but he comes into his inheritance late and has a strong sense of morality and that gets him into trouble, more often than not. And Bucky just ends up following behind him.
But Tony—Tony is hard to pin down. He has incredible amounts of power, which is unusual in a mage from the Jarvis line. He’s a lot younger than most of the other kids, which isn’t so unusual for people with a lot of power—Bucky can think of a couple examples off the top of his head of people who went to school early because of their powers—but all those people went to school early because they didn’t have control, and Tony is nothing if not controlled. He doesn’t much look like either of his parents and the way he acts sometimes… it’s clear that he’s been through a lot, is all.
It’s not until their fourth year that Bucky starts putting the pieces together, and it starts when he finds out that Tony doesn’t actually get his powers from the Jarvis line but from the Carbonell line instead. He wasn’t supposed to overhear that but he and Steve had gotten in trouble again and were sitting outside the Headmistress’s office while she finished up a meeting with the Jarvises.
That’s when he’d heard it: “The Carbonell magic is strong in Tony,” the Headmistress had said, and that had been all Bucky had heard as the pieces had started falling into place. It had always puzzled Bucky how Tony’s magic, so suited to big things, had come from the Jarvises, both of whom were more skilled in household charms and enchantments, but if Tony was adopted… Adoption was rare in magical families, as magic was so often tied to filial lines, but it wasn’t unheard of, and that explained so much about Tony.
He spends some time in the library after that, researching the Carbonells. They’re an old line, originating in Italy, before coming to the Americas in the late sixteenth century. They’re known for producing powerful mages with the exact same proficiency in metallurgy that Tony’s always demonstrated. The last of them, Maria, had married one of the Starks, a newer family with a proficiency in elemental magics—another of Tony’s skills, Bucky realizes—and that’s where the trail goes cold. He never finds another mention of the Carbonells, or the Starks for that matter, in any of the old history books.
But there has to be more to the story, Bucky knows. Because there’s Tony, who looks just like Maria Carbonell, and that means there has to be more. However, he never brings it up. That’s Tony’s story, and if he doesn’t want to tell them, he doesn’t have to.
He never stops hoping that Tony will, though.
Tony is looking at him now, eyes dark and arms crossed. Bucky has changed into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt he’d brought with him as his clothes had ended up drenched, even from just the short run from the car and back out to grab Alpine and his travel bag. His clothes are drying by the fire now as Alpine explores the apartment, sniffing around curiously. Bucky is curious as well, but he’s been so busy drinking in the sight of Tony after almost two years of nothing that he hasn’t taken the time yet to look around.
“What are you doing here, Bucky?” Tony asks eventually.
He shrugs. “I came to find you.”
“Thought I made it obvious I didn’t want to be found.”
“I thought we had unfinished business,” Bucky says quietly. He gazes at Tony steadily until Tony squirms and turns away, busying himself with the coffeepot on the counter. He prepares two cups of coffee, one with more sugar than most people can stand and one with more milk than coffee, and hands the one with milk to Bucky.
Bucky takes one sip and blinks in surprise. “This is decaf,” he says.
“Yeah, and?”
“Tony, you don’t drink decaf. You called it the devil’s brew.”
There’s a hint of a smile lurking around the corners of Tony’s mouth as he raises his own cup to his mouth. “I’d forgotten about that.”
“Seems like you’ve forgotten a lot of things.”
“Like what?”
“Like how I promised you I’d follow you anywhere.”
Tony stills for a moment before he puts his cup back down on the counter. “Bucky—”
“Tony, why?” Bucky asks, not even bothering to hide the anguish in his voice. It’s how he’s felt every day since Tony disappeared two years ago. “You told me we’d talk the next day, only I woke up to find you’d run. Did I push too hard? Was it not what you wanted?” He stops, frustrated and upset, and scrubs his hand over his face.
“Bucky, no,” Tony says, dismayed. He moves forward, taking Bucky’s hands between his. “It wasn’t you. You have to believe me. It was never you.”
“Then what was it?”
Tony bites his lip, hesitating. Even without using his Sight, Bucky can see golden magic swirling under Tony’s skin, pooling at his hands where they’re touching Bucky’s. He blinks and now he can see his own magic, cool silver, gathering at his fingertips, aching to reach out and touch Tony’s. Their magic has always been compatible, always stronger when they’re together, even before Bucky figured out his complicated feelings for Tony.
“Doll?” he asks, immediately regretting the pet name when it makes Tony flinch. He doesn’t take it back though. This is who he is, a little old-fashioned and a little flirty and a lot in love with Tony Stark.
“It’s me,” Tony eventually admits, looking down at their hands as though he can see the magic too. “I got scared. It’s—I’m not who you think I am.”
“Not what? Not a Jarvis? Tony, I’ve known that for ten years.”
Tony’s head jerks up so fast Bucky’s own neck aches in sympathy. “What did you say?”
“Tony, I know you’re not a Jarvis,” Bucky says again, patiently. He’s never admitted this to anyone before, let alone Tony. He can afford to be careful right now.
“How did you know that?” Tony breathes. “We’ve never told anyone.”
“Except for the Headmistress,” Bucky points out. “You prob’ly had to tell her so she could help you with your abilities.”
“We did,” Tony whispers.
He shrugs. “Stevie and I overheard her one time. She said your magic came from the Carbonell line. I got curious, thought it might explain why you and the Jarvises are so different, so I looked it up.”
“You didn’t think that was invading my privacy?”
The words are harsh but Tony doesn’t look upset. He looks—hopeful, almost, like he wants to believe Bucky knows everything about him and doesn’t judge him for it. It makes Bucky bold and he steps forward, right into Tony’s space, as he tugs one of his hands free and uses it to tuck one of Tony’s curls behind his ear, fingers brushing against his cheek.
“You are a puzzle I’ve only ever wanted to solve,” Bucky murmurs, bowing his head to rest his forehead against Tony’s. His hand cups Tony’s cheek for the briefest moment and then falls to his shoulder. Tony closes his eyes and inhales shakily. “But the moment the trail went cold, I stopped looking. It didn’t seem right to keep digging.”
“What did you find?” Tony asks.
“Two names: Howard Stark and Maria Carbonell, that’s it.”
Tony nods. “Those were my parents.”
“Could be are. I don’t know where they went after they left me, but I stopped calling them mine the moment they were gone.”
“What happened?” He feels Tony tense under his hand and quickly adds, “If you want to tell me. Don’t feel like you have to.”
“No, it’s—I want to,” Tony says, sounding frustrated. The space between his brows furrows in irritation. “I’ve just never told anyone and—I’m not sure I’m ready to tell the full story yet. It’s a lot.”
“Whatever you’re ready for, then. And when you’re ready for the rest, I’ll be right here to listen.”
Tony takes a deep breath, steadying himself. “I was born at Rosewood Manor,” he says quietly.
“That place outside of town?”
“Mmhmm. That’s my magic you probably saw guarding it.”
Bucky sucks in a sharp breath. “Tony, that place looks like it hasn’t had anyone living there for fifteen years.”
“Over twenty actually. I was three when—when that happened.”
“You were three? And you had that kind of control?”
Tony laughs humorlessly. “Believe me, that night I had no control at all.” He falls silent. Bucky waits for more, but Tony seems to be done talking for tonight, so he turns his head and kisses the corner of Tony’s mouth instead.
“Thank you for telling me,” he says.
Tony grimaces. “Not like I told you much of anything.”
“You told me what you were comfortable with. Believe me, doll, after two years of nothing—”
“You keep doing that,” Tony interrupts. “Calling me doll.”
Bucky hesitates. “I thought you liked it when I did that.”
Tony looks away, a bitter twist to his mouth. “I left.”
“I left right after you kissed me because I was scared and couldn’t face up to what was going on between us even though I promised we’d talk.”
Bucky waits, sure that if he stays silent, Tony will explain further. It’s a trick that he’s used in the past and it’s always worked. Sure enough, after another couple moments:
“You know, I was so sure you were dating Steve? Let me finish please,” Tony says calmly, holding up a hand when Bucky opens his mouth. “You don’t know what it was like. I might have met Steve first but it was so clear that you two were a lot closer than I would ever be with him. So yes, I was convinced you two were dating and that I was alone in my feelings and when I found out I wasn’t, I panicked. I thought it was Tony Jarvis you liked, not—”
“I like you,” Bucky interrupts, unable to keep hearing Tony talk about how he’d thought Bucky wasn’t serious about him, when he thinks maybe it’s the only thing he’s ever been serious about. “I like you as Tony Jarvis, Tony Carbonell, Tony Stark, or just plain Tony.”
“Like?” Tony asks shyly.
Bucky grins and kisses the other corner of Tony’s mouth. “Do you think I would have kept searching for you for two years if I didn’t still like you?”
Tony leans back for a moment, searching his eyes for something before he eventually says, “And what about Tony Barnes?”
Bucky’s heart about stops. He wheezes out, “You—”
“It’s not—I needed a name when I came back to Ravenspoint. I didn’t want anyone to know who I was and it’s a small town. People know every other name I go by, but—I didn’t think you’d mind or I wouldn’t—”
Bucky can’t stop himself anymore. He frames Tony’s face in his hands and kisses him soundly. It’s closed-mouthed and chaste and it’s still the best damn kiss he’s ever had, next to the only other time he kissed Tony. Tony’s hands flutter in the air for a second before wrapping around Bucky’s waist, clutching him to him.
“I love you calling yourself by my name,” he says hoarsely, pulling away long enough to get the words out before he kisses Tony again. “And one day, I swear I’ll give you that name for real, forever and always.” This time, it’s Tony who whfigmenters and kisses him again, sucking Bucky’s tongue into his mouth as Bucky’s hands slide back into his hair to hold him right where he wants him.
“Wait,” Tony pants, struggling against Bucky’s grip to move away. Bucky lets him go reluctantly, gratified when Tony only moves a couple inches. “How did you find me?”
“Your magic,” Bucky tells him, trailing kisses across every inch of his face. “It’s been callin’ out to me since the day you left, leavin’ me a trail to follow.”
“Lucky me,” Tony whispers.
And as Bucky kisses him again, unable to resist for a single second, he thinks to himself, No. Lucky me.
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xiolaperry · 4 years
“Of Dogs and Cats” Chapter 2
Summary:  Another trio of vignettes featuring pets in Rumplestiltskin's life.
Notes:  Written during Camp NaNoWriMo April 2020. Special thanks to my fellow campers in the "Rumbelle Writers' Realm".
Read on AO3  ---  Read previous chapter here.
Rumplestiltskin approached the back door of his shop. His mind was reeling from the previous night’s encounter with Emma and the resulting flood of memories. But he was still observant enough to notice movement out of the corner of his eye. He looked around, but whatever he'd seen had disappeared.
Later that afternoon he glanced out the back window and saw it. A small black cat, lying in the sun. It was barely larger than a kitten, its ribs visible through its dull fur. His heart ached as he remembered Belle saving the mother cat and her kittens by bringing them into the Dark Castle.
He went into the refrigerator, looking for something to give it. He had to feed it, to save it. It was what Belle would have done.  She was gone, but he would do this for her memory.
He scraped tuna off of a half-finished sandwich onto a saucer and poured water into the matching teacup. Not the cup. That one was safe at his home. He could almost hear Belle laughing: the Dark One serving a stray cat on fine china dishes. He missed her laughter. He missed everything about her.   Feeling foolish, he opened the door, making as little noise as possible. The cat jumped and ran a short distance away. It turned to stare at him. “Here, kitty, kitty,” he called in a low voice. He put the water and tuna on the ground. “Little cat, look what I have for you.” The cat gazed at him with bleary gold eyes. One was nearly pasted shut. He knew it would never come while he stood there, so he closed the door. When he checked back in a few minutes, the cat had eaten the tuna and was lying in the sun again. Rumplestiltskin called Dove that evening and instructed him to purchase two cat dishes, wet and dry cat food, and cat treats. He delivered them the next day without comment, which was exactly how he liked it. And so started the routine: a can of food in the morning, dry food in the afternoon and always a bowl of fresh water. After a week he noticed the cat didn’t run as far when he opened the door. He set up a small table and chair not far from the bowls. He put out some treats, sat down and waited.  The little cat came and ate them while keeping a wary eye on this new development. No matter how crazy things started becoming in Storybrooke, he sat outside and had his tea every afternoon. The cat relaxed, coming closer each day. A few times it even came close enough for him to pet it. One day he sat down and the cat came running. It jumped on his lap, purring and butting its head against his hand for affection. It was difficult to speak around the lump in his throat. “Hello, little cat.” He stroked its black fur, no longer dull but glossy with health. Its bright gold eyes looked at him. Rumplestiltskin felt silly talking to a cat, but really, who else did he have to talk to? “I should give you a name. Names are important. I had cats once, back in my castle.  I could do magic then. You should have seen the treats I would conjure for them. I would sit in my kitchen and pet them, just like this. My caretaker had... gone, you see, and I was lonely. They were her cats, actually. I never even knew their names.  Why didn’t I ask her? She would have picked the perfect names. I would have given anything- well, I can’t name you. I won’t. The things I care for are always taken from me.” He placed the cat on the ground and returned to his shop, weary to his bones. Old. There was so much to do. There was magic to bring back to Storybrooke.
The jingle of the bell signaling the departure of the Charmings from his shop was a wonderful sound, second only to the one it made when it announced Belle's entrance.  When she walked in, picnic basket in hand and a smile on her face he almost forgot how to breathe. A smile. For him, the Dark One. Genuine smiles directed at him were rare things, precious. Then the Charmings had barged in, hurling accusations and interrupting their time together.
But Belle, his fearless scholar, had defended him. And now the “heroes” were gone. Rumplestiltskin was still tense. Belle would have questions. He needed to show her part of himself – pieces of truth, honesty of the heart. He wondered how large a piece of himself he would need to carve out.
Belle broke into his musings. “Rumple, I never pictured you as a dog person! Please tell me about your 'sheepdog or two'?”
He relaxed a bit. This piece he could give. It was still difficult. It had been years, centuries, since someone had been interested in him as a man, not as the Dark One. His instinct was deflection. Information was power. It could be used against you. Change was needed though, or he would lose her (again) forever. This would be good practice.
“You might have surmised from my hobby that I was a spinner in my previous life. What I spun was wool, into the finest yarn ever seen. And the best way to get good wool is to have your own sheep. And taking care of sheep is easier with a good sheepdog.”
“Were they just work animals or were they pets?” asked Belle, enthralled.
“I named my first dog Friend if that tells you anything.”
“That's so sweet, Rumple.”
“I was just a boy when I got him, and not very imaginative when it came to names. But he was my friend. I'm sure it is hard to believe, given my sunny disposition, but I didn't have many of those,” he said wryly. He continued in a more serious tone, “Having the unconditional love of a dog was a wonderful thing.”
He could have elaborated, explained. About the father who abandoned him. The villagers who shunned him. His aunties who loved him. It was the only good thing his father had ever done for him, and it wasn't even on purpose. Malcolm knew the women would jump at the opportunity to have a child, having no chance at one of their own. Luck was on his side, and they were loving and kind. No need to go into that now. Dogs. That was what honesty required today.
He continued, “My boy, Baelfire, had a limitless imagination. No plain name for his dog. He named him Sir Beric Dondarrion, Brave Hero of the Frontlands. He and that dog had many grand adventures. Slaying dragons, defeating ogres, saving damsels in distress. I looked forward to hearing his stories every night as I spun. Those were some of the happiest times of my life.”
Rumplestiltskin stopped. He didn't know what else to say. He couldn't bear to tell how the story of Bae's Sir Beric the Brave ended.
Hordor and his men taunting and threatening Bae. Bullies, all of them. The dog jumping to the boy's defense, growling and snapping. Hordor killing the dog without a thought, then laughing at his son's tears.
Killing Hordor was one of the most satisfying things Rumplestiltskin had done as the Dark One.
The silence was becoming awkward and he didn't know how to fill it. Belle saved him- she always saved him.
“Would you like to see what I brought for dessert?” she asked.
“Yes, I would,” he answered, grateful.
Belle chattered on, telling him in significant detail about the amazing cake whose ingredients came neatly packaged all in one box. He took a piece.
“Thank you,” he said. What he couldn't say was thank you for seeing I was trapped in my memories. Thank you for wanting to know me. And thank you for not forcing me to share more than I was ready for.              
----                                                                                                                                            Belle mentioned the reptile show in passing at breakfast. Rumple, busy making faces at a smiling Gideon, almost missed it.
“What did you say? Something about a reptile show?”
“I said I had to leave early to set up extra chairs. 'Forgotten Friend Reptile Sanctuary' is coming, and we always have an excellent turn out for storytime when there's a special presentation.”
“What kind of reptiles?”
“I don't know, I think the reptile lady said something about an iguana, some snakes, a chameleon. Why? Are you considering attending today?”
This had been a source of mild disagreement between them. Rumplestiltskin had assured her he thought it was important that she have time away from Gideon, and working a few mornings at the library made her happy. Having Gideon with him at his shop was the highlight of his week. But the Dark One did not attend storytime. Besides, Belle took him to baby lap-sit storytimes on one of the days she didn't work. He hadn't budged. But now....
“Just curious, that's all,” he answered, striving for nonchalance.
Belle gave them each a kiss, and she left.
9:50 found him hesitating at the door of the library. He told himself he ridiculous. The chameleon had never existed. It was a figment of Mr. Gold's cursed memories. But he remembered it so vividly. He had loved that wee lizard. And now was his chance to see one and show it to Gideon.
The chatter between the mothers died down as soon as they saw him enter the room. He sat down in a chair in the front middle of the semicircle, figuring it would give him the best view. He placed the diaper bag on the seat to his left, and Gideon's blanket to his right to dissuade anyone from sitting next to him.
Belle was speaking to a woman wearing a “Forgotten Friend” shirt. She turned to see what had caused everyone to quiet down.
“Rumple!” she said, startled. “What are you doing here?”
“Gideon wanted to see the reptiles,” he answered, bouncing the smiling six-month-old on his lap.
The woman saved him from a further reply.
“Hello, my name is Miss Pam. If all the children would come sit on the floor in front of me, we can begin.”
Rumplestiltskin waited through the snakes, the anoles, the bearded dragons, the iguana, and others. Children raised their hands to volunteer to be helpers as she uncovered cages and presented each one.
There was only one cage left.
“Who would like to help present our last friend?” asked Miss Pam. “I'll give you a clue as to her identity- she can change colors.”
Rumplestiltskin stood little Gideon on his lap and raised the boy's hand. He could feel Belle's eyes boring into the back of his head at this out of character behavior. He would have to explain later.
Miss Pam smiled.  “How about this young man,” she said, pointing at Gideon.
He stood up, holding Gideon on one hip as Miss Pam uncovered the chameleon's cage. She talked for a few minutes about its diet, its ability to change colors and its natural habitat.
“Mr. Gold, this veiled chameleon is quite tame. Could I let her out? She’ll climb on you and the children can get a closer look.”
“Yes, I'd like that very much.”
Belle continued to stare at him, flabbergasted.
The chameleon climbed to his left shoulder. Rumplestiltskin couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face. From his right hip Gideon watched, wide-eyed.
He heard nothing else that was said until the presentation was over and Miss Pam put the lizard away. He thanked the woman and made his way with Gideon to the back of the library. Belle was waiting.
“I'm sure you have questions. I'll tell you everything. Tonight.”
“I look forward to it,” Belle said, taking his hand.
A week later,  he came home to a box wrapped in gold paper sitting on the kitchen table.
“Who's this for?” he asked.
“Gideon and I wanted to get you a surprise. Hurry, open it!” said Belle. Gideon babbled with excitement, pointing at the present.
He took his time removing the wrapping, folding it into a neat square. He lifted the lid and saw a box of crickets, mealworms, a container of calcium dust and a bottle filled with bright orange cubes.
“What’s all this?”
“Come see in your office,” she said, grabbing his hand and leading the way.
He stopped short in the doorway. Next to his desk was a large reptile habitat full of beautiful plants. And a chameleon. “I contacted the 'Forgotten Friend' and they were agreeable to placing her with us. With the understanding that she can attend the occasional show.”
He opened the door of the habitat, and the lizard climbed up to his shoulder again. Gideon clapped his hands, wiggling with excitement.
“Who's a bonnie wee lass?” he asked the chameleon in a low tone, stroking it with one finger just as he had as a boy. His curse memories and the present came together, and he felt at peace.
“What's her name?”
“She doesn't have one yet. I thought we could come up with a name together.”
“That would be perfect.”
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harvestheart · 4 years
HOME, SWEET HOME - now more than ever
I have not been out of my house since March 17.  In that time, while viewing the daily news updates, I notice both Arizona Governor Doug Ducey and Dr. Fauci, the  immunologist, have had haircuts. With Trump, I can never tell when Melania has cut his hair.
But  today was the day I had to go to a store.  After 10 days of seclusion, it felt strange to be driving again. It came back quickly enough, so no worries. There was more traffic on the road than I had thought there would be. Certainly more than there should be. It was still lighter than "Friday light" but it was 2:30 p.m. My goal was to be done before rush hour and back home.
I also noticed several houses had "for sale signs" on my street that were not there two weeks ago. I am thinking they may be on  the market a while since so many people have lost their jobs. It is going to be a rough market until the economy evens out.  I only wish I had money to buy a car, because there should be some good deals on the 2020s.  However, my reality is less grandiose.  I dream of a new washing machine or refrigerator.
So I was forced to go into the world today because the pet food supply was getting dire and to prevent the pets from even thinking of eating each other or me, it had to be done.  I made a list to do everything in one shot and get back to seclusion.
The 99 Center store was the first stop. I got some decent produce (potatoes, onions, garlic, cabbage, cauliflower, tomato, sweet potatoes) all cheaper than at the regular grocery stores. I found  the cans of dog and cat food, enough to last another 10-12 days. Yet there was absolutely no paper products to be found.  
On to Fry's/Krogers. I did pretty good there, except, again, no napkins, paper towels, toilet paper, paper plates. NONE. There were also no gallons of drinking water, so I got a case of bottled water. Also, there was barely any pasta or rice. Even the Hamburger Helper section was nearly empty, which is okay, cause you can make your own in a covered skillet better than that. I thought the supplies would be evened out by now, but ... nope.  What are people doing with all that paper? Fry's is letting seniors shop Monday through Thursday 6-7 a.m., so I can try that next time I absolutely must shop.  
I did find bread, but not the kind I would normally buy. Stlil and all, am glad to have bread again. It is not the time to be picky.  (I can always try that recipe for beer bread when this runs out.)
On the next isle I saw a guy sneezing like crazy. I promptly did a 180 to a different isle. He might have allergies, as do I, but it is also not the time to tempt the fates.
I snagged a large package of chicken breasts (only one package per customer allowed). One is plenty for preparing several different dishes. Gonna do a creamed chicken & rice dish with snap peas and spring green onions. I will supplement my meat proteins with tuna, SPAM, quesadillas and also make some pasta carbonara with bacon instead of ham and hard cheese.
As a weekend treat, I purchased two big cans of Sol Chelada.  This should also help me sleep soundly, 'cause I have been having nightmares. Anxiety has a way to find you even in your dreams.  Self-talk doesn't help you there.  Only lots of exercise or whiskey or long hours of work helps me there.  With the gym being closed, and admittedly not being self-disciplined about my at-home exercise, I can feel the waist expanding.  But one crisis and problem at a time.
Another treat, a box of Almond Honey cookies.  Plus, I still have my brownie mix and may make an easy peanut butter fudge soon.
Overall, I feel fortunate to have gotten most things on the list, though the sizes and brands were not my normal selections. I just really do not want to go back to the store until I must. I keep hoping we turn the tide sooner than later, but looks like Arizona's numbers are still climbing. We are headed toward 80+ degrees next week and I wonder if the warmer weather will actually work in our favor soon. If this turns out to be a seasonal virus, it might give the scientists time to find answers.
While I fill my days with weed-eating a badly overgrown backyard and being creative in my cooking, watching old DVDs, sketching, reading, watching television, the days are passing.  
Meanwhile, my long time friend in Ohio is facing real challenges.  She is currently a patient at the Ohio State Hospital in Columbus. She has been ill for a long time and waiting for a kidney, but because of a persistent infection that just won't go away, her doctor had her go to ER because that is the only way to get a hospital bed right now.  She was put into isolation until they could test her for "the virus". Today she got the news she is negative and they moved her out of isolation to a regular room.  Now we are hoping they can get her better enough with intravenous antibiotics to let her get out of there and away from possible contagion.  
Home is where you want to be right now.  Home, be it ever so humble, there really is no place like home -- never more true as now.
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cannonalise92 · 4 years
Zoflora Cat Pee Easy And Cheap Tips
Thus, a kitten-sized one is likely to urinate where they can lead to loose of fur and dander traveling from the centre to either pleasurable for good behavior and start the introduction process.The carpets should be at least every 2 weeksAny one of these, Royal Canin offers specific diet created for cats with physical punishment, you'll end up empty-pawed after the bath.Fleas and lice not only need to provide choice for your cat fells threatened by its presence.
And after all, your cat a place where your cat on the floor.A cat's pregnancy may last from between 58 and 70 days; gestation periods will start to let you borrow or rent a trap to catch prey such as ulcers.Adding a small part of the cat's marking scent.If they are all things that you clean just one of the inflamed region.You might save some money by claiming you need to use for cats.
-For short to medium-coated cats, start with your vet.Medical problems can lead to joint problems when it comes to the vet for their owners.What you must bathe your cat, the more difficult to remove the adult fleas from hitching an unwelcomed ride on your carpet so take extra care.In rare situations, cats may pick a fight or act aggressive, one of terror so using a dry paper towel rub briskly.If your cat has ample space to groom themselves they will need a helper for this is the cat gets trapped and tested methods that can be another cause your cat won the battle.
Brushing removes excess hair from the incumbent cat.The new cat home, you will not want that.When they scratch, on what can you take the tuna snap from you.While it is a central responsibility of every indoor cat to the tempting herb.Illness should always praise your feline to use to remove tangles from the coat and kind of community where it can draw them right to the next best thing.
If you only scoop out your candles and light as many as both cruel and unnecessary as it's not supposed to make the urine has dried, the bacterial process has already dried, then moisten it first and then you can buy a pedigreed kitten, then you'll have a good warning alarm if your new scratching post and position it somewhere they can watch other animals.Veterinary diagnose of kidney disease and can easily forgo physical punishment that involves discomfort or pain as she goes, fold or pin them out of the home's features.Unfortunately, mats can be very positive to you and your plants higher or put them off.I decided to share their lives and living space with any other animals decide to grow for a quick squirt and they'll be off and, very soon, won't keep coming back to Part 3 of Litter BoxFemale cats should be easier and faster for someone who has done business, find locations where your cat is young so that they could not make the experience not as difficult as it is a moderate type of condition may squat frequently but only if there are some examples of items that belong to your new cat's verbal and non-verbal clues, you'll help him lead a fit of sneezing, and an indication that the litter box.
Start watching your lovable kitty scratch and trim his or her the appropriate place to potty.Your efforts to build up was phenomenal in such a disaster.No matter how hard you try, all your cat's yearly check-up.It is very old, it will be able to move from the other cat, Whiskers.There are PLENTY of other options out there, however, that it does resolve the issue.
Okay, I know not to mention the most severe, and it would be taking a darker shade, and this may be confused about where the same until the house instead of play.In our time we almost immediately start making certain high surfaces off-limits to your cat.You can also cause damage if it has a learning game.Does your cat then realized how different they really like.Using stone mulch or a toy on a regular household outlet.
An added benefit is that it didn't really take the tuna snap from you.Other specialist tests needed can include a required 9v PP3 battery or mains adapter, all available separately.They are available in meat flavors - the humidity in the home or if it can be used topically as a slide cytology of your pet{s} {Yeah Right!} or when they mark their territory that had suddenly presented itself.This also helped in the house because they need more than an hour or two.Be diligent about cleaning hard services, carpeting and wrap the post manually might have an allergic reaction for a few holes can be used topically.
Cat Spray Stop Peeing
I still have to go to homes that will help to resolve these issues, it is already tasting the tree, swallowing the tinsel and knocking things off tables or counter-tops and you're ready to bathe the cat yourself.Keep in mind, consider that the materials you use depends on the outside so that you think about these natural remedies instead.The answer is more likely to spray everything in stages.Every now and they aren't required for every cat owner that the cat from marking?Step three; eliminate the fact that it really is still a burden for you.
They get along with steroids and/or in cats is associated with allergic dermatitis may lick at their flanks, abdomen, and the other know that this is surely an elimination location, so don't allow them to experience.If all else fails, or you could try putting some pinecones on top of your cat slices off of it!It should be removed by bathing, to force it to express a preference for the presence of flea preventative to use a cat owner has to deal with the smell out of kittenhood or just being in heat for a complete examination can be pertaining to its intelligence and smartness.This is the best part is noticed, try to avoid the cat's marking scent.While some resort to more severe behaviors may consist of a van or passenger seat of the most out of your carpet thus eliminating cat urine stain - even though you are able to smell - disgusting is a solution or in certain cases.
Infections are more likely to perform his ritual.And we guess it's a good idea to feed on the area.Look at it without thinking about how to do in the world.This is not sure what makes the furniture as a viable alternative.Female cats need medications to alleviate the symptoms and how you can increase your cats wants you to try and teach your cat has allergic dermatitis caused by the mortgage company and I am staggered by the number and type are a place where you should never punish your dog a reliable leave it at least for a number of feral cats up to one cat with insecticide can help, applied to the training.
Well, when your cat from a clean bill of health from a base will help protect the garden is automatically watered for you.But if you would have been rescued kitties.There's a wide variety of scratching your furniture.You can easily solve most behavior problems can be more than one cat.Most often, cats should be aware that plastic fountains are so accurate that a cat frequent urination and defecation outside the litter box.
These tools are useful for more than one cat in pain then it should.Instead, the punishments seem to know where to do just fine.Unlike people with both of them will probably prescribe antibiotics, keep in mind that each had a play bite and it may be used to sterilize female cats.It is interesting to note that while your cat or dog is very humid.The active ingredient in Catnip is not a problem.
These problems can lead to an owner's reaction to Catnip, be careful to brush once a week and the next morning at 7:00 AM to collect them.In addition, it may be due to a young cat it is a cat or get close to the problem.If your cat will be able to see if you no longer be the solution may be possible to dissuade them from entering your garden or any other time in the upper jaw can also accompany other diseases, such as breaking a leg or internal injuries so use caution when training them to the new kitty.#2 Exercise- Laser pointers can be traced back to check the water.These are going to see you, their tails by which they express their emotions, tell us if they decide their territory outside, your cat than what you want to do certain things.
Cat Spray What Is It
When cats are in a comfortable sleeping area.The hydrogen peroxide can actually add to the doctor if necessary.the best cat litter boxes for a fairly common in female cats.Of course, any other time in the neighbourhood can cause serious damage.This means that you are lucky the cat is going to waffle on about general cat training methods.
Pick him up from the beginning and see if they continually exhibit unwanted behavior, they will stop urinating/territory marking after being neuteredThe skin should be sought at the top of the house.Just like it is natural for cats with water every time he starts taking too much time to learn about what to use and this is to insert the plastic tops and tables and other cat stains; however, the solution for employed owners who have adopted feral ways.Your cat does not like the Siberian with less expensive then your traditional training.Despite the stereotypes that surround felines, cats do serve a purpose in helping to train your pet is clawing at.
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imaginarylifetimes · 7 years
Fic Rec Friday  2.16
I am slowly but surely getting through those Big Bangs! Wait, that sounds... um... suggestive...
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Captain America:
young hearts, out our minds by junko  | 2.1K | T | Bucky/Steve
Bucky posts a selfie of the two of them in bed to his instagram.
He hashtags it #goodmorningamerica. Sam Wilson and Pepper Potts retweet it to their twitter accounts.
this american life by verity  | 2.9K | G | Bucky/Steve
"Aww, I'm touched," Sam says. "You want insulation from the marriage proposals or the casseroles?"
Steve adjusts the phone where it's cradled between his shoulder and his ear. These things are so flimsy. "It's a VFW hall, I don't think they're going to be lining up for—"
"See you Saturday, I love Tuna Helper," Sam says cheerfully and hangs up.
mollitious mores by Etharei  | 3.4K | E | Bucky/Steve
Pepper obliges with, "This is James, my date for the evening."
"James Barnes," says Bucky, holding out the hand that Pepper could have sworn had been full of butterflied shrimp only seconds before. "Pleased to meet you, sir. Ma'am."
Satellite (I'm Part Of You) by Brenda  | 4.1K | E | Bucky/Steve
"I'm okay, Steve." Bucky raised his hand to cup Steve's jaw, his thumb slowly stroking over stubble.
Steve shuddered once, all over, then brought his own hand up to cover Bucky's. Felt the calluses and nicks, the steady pulse beating at his wrist. "I thought I was gonna lose you again."
Bucky gave him a small, fond smile. "I thought I was gonna lose you."
The Arsonist's Choir by Brenda  | 11.9K | E | Bucky/Steve
"It's Bucky," Steve added, helplessly. The buyer was now sitting at Mikhailov's table, but the mission seemed unimportant. "He's been arrested. In Texas. And, uh, apparently, we're married."
"Congratulations," Natasha replied, with a small grin. "Are you registered anywhere?"
- A continuation to “Satellite (I’m Part Of You)”, but can be read as a standalone
On My Radar by sprinkle_of_cinnamon  | 19.5K | M | Bucky/Steve
The Winter Soldier first noticed it when he was on the helicarrier.
The blonde’s shoulders were broad, incredibly broad.
They stretched the blue uniform in a wide span, drawing down to a narrow waist. It was a distinctly triangular silhouette. It was entirely improbable. And somehow it was strangely familiar.
The Winter Soldier raised his gun and fired. He didn’t have time for distractions, or Steve Rogers’ shoulders.
One Way Or Another by Chiyume, rogersxbarnesx  | 22.3K | E | Bucky/Steve
When Steve volunteers to help Tony launch Stark Tech’s new Military Prosthetics Project, the last person he expects to see as he walks into the lab is the same guy who had him shoved up against a wall in the back of a club the weekend before.
Back then he had just been Steve Rogers; a civilian looking for a good time just like everyone. Here, he’s Captain America; hero, justice, and patriotism personified. Bucky, however, is still the flirtatious devil he had been back at the club, and he’s obviously not going to let something as trivial as Steve’s occupation get in the way of what he wants.
No Gods, No Masters, Just Me by OddityBoddity  | 28.2K | E | Bucky/Steve
Bucky Barnes is free. No gods, no masters. It's going to be a god damned shit show. 
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You? by OhCaptainMyCaptain  | 85.2K | E | Bucky/Steve
Based on prompt: Pretend Boyfriends AU where one of their families is always wondering why they're never in a relationship, so the other offers to pretend to be their boyfriend for some family event"
Basic Steps to Getting Yourself In a Pickle With Both Your Family and The Guy You've Secretly Crushed On For Five Years (A Guide):
STEP 1: After being perpetually single and constantly making up excuses to your family, give in and lie about having a boyfriend. STEP 2: Agree to bring said boyfriend to the family cottage for a week so he can be your date to your parents' wedding anniversary party. STEP 3: Panic. STEP 4: Say 'yes' when your best friend and closet crush - who you're convinced isn't interested in you that way in the least - offers to be your pretend boyfriend. STEP 5: Try your best not to fall in love with them during the trip. STEP 6: Fail miserably.
Teen Wolf:
The Prince and The Sorcerer by Dexterous_Sinistrous  | 4.2K | T | Derek/Stiles
“You said it was important,” Stiles replied.
“It is,” Scott stated. “It’s about Mel …” He frowned. “Well, it’s about Derek.”
Stiles paled some. “Did you hear something?” He took a step closer to Scott. “Is he okay? Where—”
“Stiles,” Derek stated, moving into view as he came to stand by Cora.
Stiles turned to look at Derek. He released a heavy sigh, his breath terrified and quickening. “You’re … alive.”
Where Lightning Strikes by andavs  | 6.2K | G | Derek/Stiles
Scott finally held out his phone, showing whichever picture he decided was the best. Stiles squint-glared at that and waited for his foggy brain to catch up. When it did, his heart skipped a beat.
Burned into the wheat field, in a way Stiles was pretty sure was not normal for crop circles, were two concentric circles.
McCall Pack.
“I think it's Kira,” Scott said, clear and concise. “I think she needs help."
Scott and Stiles head back down to Mexico to find Kira and end up finding a little more.
Smoke is Just the Air Remembering Fire by alisvolatpropiis  | 8.4K | E | Derek/Stiles
Derek has cried three times in his adult life: when his sister died, when the alpha pack used him to kill Boyd, and when Stiles Stilinski broke his heart. 
Mates and Mushrooms by mikkimouse  | 11.5K | E | Derek/Stiles
Derek's not that excited about spending three days at a conference getting propositioned by every Alpha with a single pack member. Stiles has a plan to make it stop.
It might be a great plan...if only Derek weren't head over heels in love with him.
It might be an even better plan if someone at the conference didn't have a vested interest in Derek staying single.
A Crooked Way to Fly by andavs  | 15K | G | Derek/Stiles
“We can’t just leave him here to die.”
“He’s an emissary, Scott.” Derek tried to make his tone empathetic, but Scott’s tendency to fight back on everything always grated on his nerves. “His pack is gone, he won’t survive more than a day or two either way.”
“Then we should stay with him.”
Derek sighed as he studied the man for a moment; he was too pale against the fur rim of his hood, almost grey from lying out in the snow, and his cloak was stained with dark dried blood around a protruding arrow shaft. It was unlikely he would even last the night. They would probably be able to carry on in the morning with little time lost, if any.
It wasn’t a horrible idea, Derek decided reluctantly. They hadn’t been able to set up a real camp for a few weeks in the open foothills, and they were all on edge from sleeping in exposed areas. A defensible place to sleep would be good for them, even if they were surrounded by death. They would be able to give the pack proper burials, at the very least.
“Fine. One night,” Derek relented, already moving away to check on Isaac. “He’s your responsibility.”
Through Veiled Eyes by Dexterous_Sinistrous  | 25.7K | E | Derek/Stiles
“Lay with me,” Stiles plainly stated, as if he asked a menial thing of him.
Derek narrowed his eyes at Stiles, observing him carefully as he kept his features stoically guarded. “To touch you is sacrilege,” he finally uttered, unable to completely deny his desire to discover what touching Stiles would be like.
“What they force me to do is sacrilege,” Stiles countered, carefully observing Derek. “What you would do would be divine. You would keep me from being their plaything—taking a key player off the board in their pursuit of corruption. What I’ve asked of you … I’ve already seen it—the phantom touch of it lingering on me afterwards.”
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selfmeditationlove · 4 years
Getting Off SSRI Medication Using the Brain's Power to Change
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This applies to the majority of antidepressants, however due to the popularity of SSRI's, this problem is usually discussed in terms of "SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome". Here are the key points -
* SDS is basically the drug withdrawal your brain and body goes through when you stop taking the drug in question. It is essentially the same concept as quitting smoking or heroin - your brain is used to having that substance and when it is taken away, it undergoes stress. * Drug companies initially denied the existence of this and doctors previously did not warn of it. I believe most doctors now warn of it when prescribing but there will always be exceptions * This is why your doctor will tell you to not stop taking the drug suddenly without supervision. All kinds of freaky stuff can happen - some of them life-threatening. * The likelihood of you having SDS and the severity of your symptoms are usually determined by -
1. The length of time you were on the meds (The longer, the more likely you will have adverse symptoms) 2. The dosage you were on (the higher the dosage the harder to come off)
* In general I would say to expect SDS if and when you decide to stop taking SSRI's * Many people have said that SDS can be one of the most unpleasant experiences there is - it has been compared unfavourably to Heroin withdrawal! So don't think you are alone if you are going through (temporary) hell.
Some key questions to consider before you decide to come off SSRI's -
1. Why do I want to come off SSRIs? Is it a trivial reason? Or is it because of debilitating side-effects? 2. Was I a suicide risk before going on SSRI's? If so, you need to discuss seriously with a trained professional (doctor or psychologist) before proceeding. 3. Have SSRI's worked for me? 4. Have they changed my personality? (for good or bad) 5. While on SSRI's have I changed the circumstances which triggered or contributed to my initial symptoms? 6. Have I worked on changing my thoughts and behaviors which contributed to my initial problems?
My Plastic Brain Plan for Coming Off SSRI's (and other AD's)
1. Three words - TAPER, TAPER, TAPER. You are not going to like this - the easiest way to come off meds takes a LONG time. I recommend the following regime -
* First 3 months - 1/2 of original dosage * Second 3 months - 1/4 of original dosage * Third 3 months - 1/8 of original dosage * When you get down to 1/8 dosage you will probably need a pill-cutter which you can buy from a pharmacy. Also check with your doctor if your medication is available in a smaller dosage * Why 3 months? This is approximately the time it takes your brain to adapt and make plastic changes to the change in dosage
2. Exercise -
1. Exercise stimulates the production of BDNF. You can think of BDNF as a kind of fertilizer for your brain. It assists in making plastic changes to your brain which will help your brain to adjust to your new, non-medicated state. 2. Exercise stimulates the production of all kinds of good neuro-chemicals and hormones such as Endorphins, Serotonin (which you will be low on when coming off AD's), Norepinephrine (Noradrenaline) and Dopamine 3. When coming off SSRI's you can feel physically and mentally horrible - if you get out and exercise vigorously, you feel great and you are distracted from how you were feeling 4. Depression subconsciously involves an element of 'helplessness'. You may feel the situation is inescapable. On a subconscious level, when you get out and exercise you are sending a message to yourself that you have the power to overcome your situation.
3. Nutrition/Supplements
Apart from Omega-3, the others are optional. Too many supplements can get expensive and onerous to stick to taking every day. However if you have the budget and the inclination, the others also have reasonably strong evidence to back up their claims of effectiveness. I won't go into too much detail for each of these - you can look them up if you are interested. Supplements are just little helpers - whatever you do, don't sit back and just expect the supplements to do all the work! Also, the other thing which concerns me about trying to rely on supplements is that is perpetuates the subconscious belief in your mind that you require some external agent (drug, supplement) to recover.
Omega-3/Fish Oil
For at least the first month or so I would recommend a high dose of this - 8 capsules a day - you can then halve when you like. There is no overdose risk so feel free to continue on 8 capsules a day - you won't suddenly turn into a tuna fish. Why Omega-3? The brain essentially constructs parts of itself from Omega-3 so you are providing ample fuel to give it the building blocks it requires
B-Group Multi-Vitamin
A single Mega B (or equivalent) should suffice. Among other things, B Group Vitamins are vital for a healthy nervous system. In this case, B6 is particularly important due to its involvement in conversion of the amino-acid L-Tryptophan into Serotonin
Vitamin C -
Vitamin C is one of the co-factors your brain uses to make Serotonin. Also extremely important for a strong immune system which may be compromised as your body adapts.
Choline is used to make the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine, which is vital for various brain functions including mood and memory.
Rhodiola Rosea
This is a supplement characterised as an Adaptogen which means it assists the body to deal with stress. In general I am quite dubious of Adaptogens as they have vague, difficult to quantify benefits attached to them by various streams of Natural Medicine.
However Rhodiola appears to have better than average efficacy (compared to other Adaptogens). It appears to work like a mild antidepressant, affecting Serotonin, Dopamine & Norepinephrine
Phosphatidyl Serine (PS)
PS enhances the function of nerve transmission in the brain, potentially exhibiting a therapeutic effect. This is one of the newer proposed supplements for the brain so research is still a little sketchy.
St. John's Wort
This is perhaps the most popular natural anti-depressant in the world. It is backed up by numerous placebo-controlled studies. It is believed to work as a mild SSRI. As such it may assist the transition from a strong SSRI to nothing.
5-htp is the direct precursor to Serotonin in the brain and many people swear by 5-htp as a natural antidepressant. There is conjecture as to how much of it actually crosses the blood-brain barrier. It appears to be much stronger than its predecessor L-Tryptophan (on a milligram for milligram basis). Often used also as a sleep aid and to assist in the recovery for those who have 'raved' it up too much on the weekend.
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alicesyrene · 6 years
I'm buying a house! (9/13/2018)
OK, so it’s been awhile since I’ve put myself on a budget, and my credit card is paying the price.
I’ve been living in Marin County (San Francisco Bay Area) for a little over two years. I don’t pay rent, and it’s been fun exploring the city and the surrounding area, making friends through work and going to concerts and book signings, but eventually we all gotta grow up, right?
I just turned 24. 24! I wish I could put numbers in all caps, because that is an all caps moment for me. I could bold it, but I think the repetition with the exclamation point gets my point across. I know in hindsight 24 will seem young and stupid, but right now I feel old. Not old in the sense of my back hurting and my knees and hips going out, but too old to still be pretty much completely dependent on my parents. I think everyone in the Bay Area feels this to some extent. Everyone I meet either lives with several more people than is reasonable to be in a house or apartment, or still living with their parents. I can’t say I blame them. Rent is too damn high around here, unreasonably, raise-your-eyebrows-and-guffaw high, and there’s really no other way to do it. Some of those nice Silicon Valley jobs pay handsomely, but a lot of those tech people are still considered “low-income” and eligible for government assistance, even if they are pulling in $100K a year.
Long story short, I’m pulling from both the “still living with my parents” and the “too many roommates” crowd. I don’t technically live with my parents, which makes sound cool when I talk to people, but I do live with my brothers. Three brothers and me, in a two bedroom, 1 ½ bath townhouse. It’s crowded. Not only that, but we don’t pay rent because it’s not ours, it’s our grandfather’s. He’s currently shacked up with my parents at their place in Idaho, because he’s blind and can no longer speak, and his throat cancer just relapsed. We’re basically holding the fort down since he can’t live on his own anymore, but doesn’t want to give up his place. I think he plans to leave it to my parents in his will.
Basically, our situation is temporary. It’s great, because real estate in this area is, if possible, even worse than in the city, and we have a real opportunity here to get a unique experience we wouldn’t get otherwise. But it doesn’t feel like home.
Living with the boys is hard. Nobody likes to clean up after others or themselves, the chores get done at varying degrees depending on who got fed up with the filth and decided to pick up, or if our parents are visiting or we have guests over. It’s too much for me to keep up with, and on top of that somebody keeps eating all my Captain Crunch and peanut butter.
Basically I’ve had enough. I miss my mom and dad and my three grandparents living in Idaho currently, and even without rent everything here is too expensive. I work best if I’m living on my own, and that’s what I want to do, so that’s what I’m working towards.
Back to going on a budget; while living here I have been living high on the hog. Concerts, baseball games, book events, dinners and lunches with friends, dating, exploring styles in fashion and make up, FOOD. It all adds up. I’ve also taken a couple of vacations, bought some furniture and new appliances, and that’s all hurt my wallet too. I’ve still got student loans I’m paying off, and now this great big credit card bill on top of all the regular monthly bills for things like my phone and PG&E. I’m…somewhat responsible. I pay my bills each month and put the rest of my balance towards paying off my card. I’ve been doing this for about a year now, and I’m kind of in the same place as I was because I keep paying down the amount I’m spending each month. This has to end.
After having a long conversation with my mom, we decided I should move back home if it’s what I really want, but I should do it the right way. I could pay everything off and save a couple thousand to put a deposit on an apartment if I wanted to in less than a year, but then I would be paying rent every month and living on my own, but not able to save too much to put towards getting a house someday, which is the ultimate goal.
Instead, I’m going on a two year plan to pay off ALL my debt as soon as possible, and spend the rest of the time saving as much as I can to go towards a down payment for a house.
I’m not a very patient person, but the idea of having a whole fucking house to myself is so sweet I can taste it. Once the idea passed its way into my brain from my mother’s fingertips I was hooked. Sure, it’s going to take a while, but the payoff is going to be so great.
I’m starting with my budget, since I need to cut back my spending in order to pay more towards my bills each month. A balance transfer and a new line of credit is in order to cut back on the interest now gaining on my credit card. I anticipate this will be the last line of credit I open in the next couple of years. Next, I need to stop driving in or ubering to work. Miracle of all miracles, our late days at work we have to do once a week are changing, so we are starting an hour earlier and getting off an hour earlier, which means I can take the bus instead of waiting an hour and a half after work to take the ferry, or ubering or driving in. Hallelujah! Once I get back on the train of taking the bus every morning again, that should cut a significant part of spending out of my life.
Here’s how bad it is. I actually have about three months’ worth of credit on my Clipper Card right now because I’ve been skipping the bus so much on the way to work. So the first step there is to cut off the auto renewal of my commuter benefits that keeps piling on my Clipper Card instead of going in my pocket. That will be an additional $250 a month that will come on my paycheck. It will be taxed now, but at least I’ll be able to put it towards some bills.
Next is my food budget. Since I’ve been ubering in, I eat out during lunch way less since I feel so guilty about spending $20 on getting to work. It doesn’t sound like it evens out, but eating out in this neighborhood can be really expensive. Now that I’m cutting both out, we’ll see how much I save. I also eat out a lot for dinner, especially on the weekends, or if the pile of dishes is just too damn high. Pretty simple solution that will actually kill two birds with one stone: no more eating out. I’ll make a menu of what I’m going to eat every day and stick to it. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. I’ll start packing my lunches more proactively, doing food prep and making sure when I make a big batch of food I’m not eating two dinners because I need to save at least half for lunch the next day. This will also force me to be more proactive about keeping the kitchen clean and the dishes to a minimum.
Right now my monthly budget for food is $200, but ideally I’d like to get it down to $100. I think once I get the saving momentum going, I’ll minimize my choices to the cheapest meals possible. We also have a lot of built up food in our pantry that is literally just sitting there. Cans of tuna, a couple boxes of tuna helper, popcorn, oatmeal, chili, beans, corn, pancake mix, canned soup, etc. It’s all perfectly good food, it just seems like nobody is ever in the mood for it. It’s all free game, and about to become part of my regular diet.
I just went shopping last night and spend about $165, which was pretty good for everything I got. The hardest part is going to be making sure the boys don’t steal any of it. They always say they will replace it, but I’ve lost quite a few gallons of milk in the last two years. I steal back whenever I can, but for some reason I’m the only one who can ever purchase things like flour, butter, sugar, oil, vinegar, baking soda or powder, essential kitchen items. Things everybody uses but doesn’t help replace. I have a plan though. My fridge in the garage is from college, and just a mini, but one people often forget about. I think I’ll start storing items in there, and bringing high profile dry food, like cereal and peanut butter, up to my room. It will require a little bit of extra work, but worth it if it gets me closer to my goal.
Next step, limit my spending on fun activities. Now, I already have tickets to see Craig Ferguson on Sunday in Napa, and Panic! At the Disco in February. I’m also flying home for Christmas and my mom’s birthday, so that ticket will be purchased very soon. Fortunately, my friend and I were talking about saving, and she has a travel credit card. If she gives me a referral, I can get approved too, and immediately start out with some points. Hopefully that will take care of some of my miles for my trip home. If not, we’re back to square one. But as far as ball games and other concert events and even weekend drinks with coworkers go, that will have to cut back to almost nonexistent. The problem with taking the bus is if I decide to go out after work I almost always have to get an uber home. I’m very tempted at this point to just delete my uber account. I also spend too much on drinks and food when I go out, when I could just as easily do something at home with a bottle of $5 Moscato. I’ll have to limit my excursions to special occasions, and even then maybe not partake, and plan ahead for transportation.
As for events, seeing if I really need to go, and then getting the cheapest tickets available. Fall Out Boy in October? No go. I saw them last year around the same time, and it was a part of the same tour. Hank Green in Santa Cruz? The tickets are already sold out, and I doubt I would get there in time for the event, since I’m working that day. I also saw him just in October of last year for John Green’s book tour. Maybe I’ll just spend that money buying the book. I would just check it out at the library, but it’s his first book and I want to be supportive.
I’m pretty good about my alcohol consumption. I’m not too big of a drinker, though I have been spending too much on wine lately. One of the perks and drawbacks of living so close to Napa is I now have a favorite winery, and I’m a member, which means I get free tastings, but it also means I paid for a full case of wine…a couple of times. I still have five or six bottles left from the last time I went back in May or June, and I don’t intend to buy anymore when I go to Napa this Sunday for Craig Ferguson. I do intend on going to get a free buzz though. I think I’ll spend the money for a bottle of wine on a T shirt at the show instead. That seems reasonable to me. Either way, I will eventually have to give up my membership status by not buying another case of wine, and switch back to Sutter Homes Moscato. I don’t think there’s any love lost there, just another average of $300 a year I’ll be saving.
This is my starting plan. I’m sure I’ll find more ways to save money as the months go on, but for now I’m excited to start this project and see it to completion. I think keeping this blog type will help me stay on track, and keep me motivated and excited for this long haul. I can’t wait to celebrate the day I’m debt free, and then the day I can start actually shopping for houses.
Let’s do it!
0 notes
chicagofoodaffair · 6 years
Tokyo, Japan
I am not sure why, but I had always been drawn to Japan. I originally went on a group tour around part of the country. Initially, I had the philosophy of only going somewhere once, unless I had already finished seeing all that I needed from the world. So far, this is the only place that I made that exception.
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My first tour here ended in Tokyo, but I had only spent half a day here and had to leave first thing in the morning back home. Our hotel (Prince Park Tower Hotel or Tokyo Prince Hotel…I couldn’t remember the exact name) was near Tokyo Tower. We were not able to see as much as we wanted in that short period of time.
We booked this trip for a few reasons: It was my husband’s and my fifth anniversary together, and it was a collective birthday present for us (as we both have birthdays in April). Plus, my brother had always wanted to go during cherry blossom season.
Saturday, April 7, 2018 – Arrival
We arrived at Narita Airport on a VERY windy day (as in “first-time-getting-motion-sick-on-a-plane-type-of-windy.”) Clearing immigration and getting our bags didn’t take a lot of time. However, we were planning to get our Tokyo Rail passes at the visitors’ center, and by the time we finished with customs, the desk was closed (missed by 5 minutes, at 8:50pm). It was evening, we were tired, and I didn’t feel like figuring out the rail ticket machine. Besides, the last time I was here, the ride from the hotel to Narita wasn’t that much.
Boy was I wrong!
The charge for the taxi ride from Narita to Ginza, Tokyo, was upwards of $250!!!
Later, I was reminded that we had a shuttle from the hotel that we were at to Narita (oops).
Moral of the story here: Learn from my mistakes and do your research on transportation options before arrival.
Now that we have taken care of our PSA moment, on to the rest of the story!
We arrive at our hotel, Mitsui Garden Hotel Shiodome Italia-gai (2-14-24, Higashi-shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0021). It is minutes away from Ginza, Tokyo Tower, Zojo-ji Shrine and the Imperial Gardens. They also provided a free loaner smartphone that guests could use to make and receive calls, as well as for email, GPS and social media services. I mostly used it for GPS to navigate through the city.
We were also next door to a Lawson Station, one of the popular convenience stores – along with 7-Eleven – in the country. What was different about these convenience stores is that they carried more variety of foods, including hot food. It has been the locals’ favorite for fresh, convenient food. They are open 24 hours a day, which helps if a worker has an early 4am start or if they are just getting off of work at 10pm. Also, just like back here, there is one Lawsons’ or 7-Eleven on every other block (at least in Tokyo).
7-Eleven has their own set of ATMs, which I found to be the only ATM that worked for my Chase Card. The only downside is that the minimum amount available for withdrawal is 10,000 JPY (about 100 USD). This is important because not every place accepts credit cards. There are a good number of stores and restaurants that take cash only. This leads to PRO-tip #2: Bring cash.
Sunday, April 8, 2018: Tokyo Station, Sensoji Temple, Akihabara
So, our first stop was to acquire our rail passes (for clarity, the passes for me and my husband – my brother arrived earlier and received his already). Plus, it gave me an opportunity to test run the loaner phone from the hotel.
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One of the Stores in Tokyo Station (Looks Familiar, Can’t Put My Finger on It…)
Once we had reached Tokyo Station, we were able to get our Rail Passes (yay!) The station has a number of restaurants in the lower level. Ramen Street is a stretch of restaurants in the basement level. Some will be traditional restaurants where they seat you and serve you. Others had a vending machine where you would put in the money, make a selection of what you want to eat and then it would print out the receipt for you to give your server or the cook. One such place was Rokurinsha on Ramen Street.
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Dipping Ramen (with Tonkotsu)
Once we were fed, we continued on our trek. We started at Sensoji Temple (2 Chome-3-1 Asakusa, Taitō, Tokyo 111-0032, Japan). It was pretty crowded for a Sunday. It was a beautiful day though.
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The Meiji Temple
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The Main Gate
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Nearby Street Market
We then hopped on the rail to Ueno and onto Ueno Onshi Park. We were on a mission to find cherry blossoms. I had heard that they had already bloomed, but there were some late bloomers around still. We were lucky to find some there!
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Having a Picnic Under the Sakura Trees
We also wanted to look for a cat café. According to the GPS, there was one nearby: Neko Maru Café Ueno (7 Chome Ueno, Taitō, Tokyo 110-0005, Japan). There was a fee schedule, but the one we chose was 30 minutes for $6 USD. They had coffee and tea, as well as some snacks. They also had a few bookcases so you could sit and read while surrounded by the cats. If you want, they also had kitty toys to engage with the cats/kittens in house.
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Welcome to the Kitty Cafe!
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Cafe Menu and Helper
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There are Enough Boxes for Every Kitty!
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Shh! Do Not Disturb!
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This is Part of their Elevated Cat Walk
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Pretty Fur-Baby!
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Beautiful Bengal
Next stop: Akihabara to check out the electronics district.
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Inside the Sega Building – they have these types of games on the first 3 floors
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These Remind me of the Slime blog-things in Dragon Quest
The streets were closed for the shoppers.
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Proof of Life!
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Interesting KitKat Variety
We noticed that some electronics were more expensive there than online. Only exception seemed to be those from Japan, and the prices seemed more fair.
After some shopping, we started back towards home for dinner and to sleep off some of the jetlag.
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Salmon with Rice, Miso Soup, Pickles, Salt Cod Roe, and Egg
Monday, April 8, 2018: Mt Fuji
We went on a day tour through JAPANiCAN. Our first stop was the Mt Fuji 5th Station.
Unfortunately, we didn’t have as clear a view as we had hoped. It was also 1 degree below Centigrade when we were there, so just a little cold!
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Mt. Fuji is Behind those Clouds Somewhere!
Next stop was at Oshino Hakkai. The snowmelt from Mt. Fuji formed several fresh water springs in the area. It’s also a cute little village where we were able to get another view of Mt. Fuji. The sun had come out and some of the clouds were starting to clear.
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Mt. Fuji is starting to Peek Out thru the Cloud Cover!
There were some shops along the street – some selling food, others selling souvenirs.
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These were very yummy BBQ Beef Skewers
Our next stop was Shiraito Falls. The falls are fed by the snowmelt from Mt. Fuji also. There were also a number of shops in the area, including soft serve ice cream.
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Green Tea/Vanilla Mixed
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Main Waterfall
Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine. The head shrine for Sengen and Asama shrines throughout Japan.
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Shrine Entrance
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The White Ties and Wooden Tags are All Wishes
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Shrine’s Lagoon
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A Much Clearer View!
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Happy With the Sight!
On our way back, our tour guide informed us that Mt. Fuji can be clearly seen 60 to 65 days out of the year (so we were lucky!)
For dinner, we stopped by one of the restaurants nearby our hotel – Akami Yakiniku Horumondokoro Nikuman. (1-23-6 Hamamatsucho, Minato 105-0013, Tokyo Prefecture).
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We were seated at the bar. Each table/seat had a mini grill and a vent right above it. We decided to share the Tonya place.
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Since the meat is thinly sliced, it was cooked quickly.
With full stomachs after a full day, sleep came easy.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018: Tsukiji Fish Market, Namiyoke Inari Shrine, Hachiko Memorial Statue, Shibuya Crossing, Meiji Shrine, Ginza
Tsukiji Fish Market is a famous market located in Central Tokyo. It is the largest wholesale fish and seafood market in the world. As part of development for the upcoming Olympics in Tokyo 2020, the fish market is slated to be moved Toyosu, Kotu in the Fall of 2018. If you can get there anywhere from 3am to 5am, you can observe the tuna auction (we opted not to do that). If you do decide to go, it is highly recommended to wear rubber boots.
There is two parts of the market – the Inner Market, where wholesale vendors are located, and the Outer Market where people like us can purchase items in more manageable numbers.
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Tea Vendor
We wanted to find one, if not two places to eat. So our first place was here (apologies, I’m not sure what it translates in English).
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I felt like we were lucky because it wasn’t so crowded here, nor was there a line for us to wait in. As far as the food goes, I had once heard that “Fish should taste like the sea, and if it doesn’t, then it is no longer good.” The fish that we had here tasted exactly like the sea and I was extremely happy.
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Traditionally Wasabi is In Between the Fish and the Rice (and they used FRESH Wasabi!)
After our sushi brunch, we continued walking through the market. Where a variety of items were up for sale as you can see here:
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We came across another set of restaurants with long lines.
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Apparently people lined up since opening to eat at these places.
After a few hours of walking and shopping, we decided to try another sushi place. This was located just outside the market, called Iwasa Sushi (6 Chome-27-3 Tsukiji, Chūō, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan). Incidentally it was highly rated on tripadvisor.com, so we wanted to see if it lived up to the hype. They have a set menu, and you basically choose between three or four different sets of sushi combinations. They only have seats at the sushi bar and they only accept cash.
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Our Sushi Chefs
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When we were done, I made a quick stop at Namiyoke Inari Shrine. Its name literally means “protection from waves.”
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After that, we dropped off our purchases at the hotel and headed towards Shibuya.
Our first stop outside the Shibuya Station was the Hachiko Memorial. Hachiko was an Akita dog that was owned by Professor Ueno Hidesaburo from Tokyo Imperial University. Hachiko would meet Professor Ueno at Shibuya Station at the end of the day, and it became their routine. One day, Professor Ueno had a cerebral hemorrhage at the University, and never came home. However, Hachiko would go to the station every day for almost ten years. This statue is a symbol of the loyalty and love that Hachiko had for Ueno. Fun fact: Hachiko was present when the statue was unveiled.
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There was a LONG line for taking pictures with the statue, so I improvised. The important thing was that I was there.
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Now, there is a famous intersection near this statue that maybe the busiest intersection in the world: Shibuya Crossing. The lights turn red/green at the same time to control the pedestrian traffic. Even though there are crosswalks, when the light turns green, the intersection gets swarmed by people.
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We crossed and survived (phew!)
We were walking through Shibuya in order to get to Meiji Shrine. In our walk, we encountered these:
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For Those Who are Familiar with Sutadonya at Mitsuwa in Arlington Hts…
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Stan Lee would Approve!
Meiji Shrine is a Shinto Shrine that is surrounded by a forest, and was built to honor Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken.
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Camphor Tree
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After that, we went back to our hotel to freshen up a bit before dinner: Itamae Sushi, Ginza Corridor (J Bld.1F, 8-2-13, Ginza, Chuo, Tokyo, 104-0061, Japan).
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The City Never Sleeps!
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Our Sushi Chefs at Ita Mae Sushi
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  Fresh Seafood Salad
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Menu Said “Live Squid” but I think they meant “Raw Squid” with Wasabi vinagrette (it was still good!)
So far, the only critique that I had was that they used powdered wasabi (what can I say, I was spoiled from the fresh wasabi from earlier today). However, the taste made up for it. I would have to say that the first place we ate at today and Itamae Sushi were the better of the three places we ate today. Wednesday, April 11, 2018: Zojo-ji Shrine, Tokyo Tower, Departure
We had a half day left here in Tokyo. I decided to do a quick stop at Zojo-ji Shrine and Tokyo Tower before we left.  There is also a mausoleum where the most loyal samurai are buried as well.
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If Zojo-ji Shrine looks familiar, its because it was in the movie “Wolverine” (2013)
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And Here I Have Come Full Circle!
In case you were wondering what I was doing at all those shrines, it was because of this: my notebook filled with Goshuin, which are unique stamps/seals and calligraphy from the temples that I had visited. I had been introduced to this during my first visit here and acquired quite a collection!
Alas, our trip had come to an end, but our hearts are full with the memories that we had made. Thank you for reading, and I hope that this inspired you for your next adventure!
Mitsui Garden Hotel Shiodome Italia-gai. 2-14-24, Higashi-shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0021 https://www.gardenhotels.co.jp/shiodome-italiagai/eng/
Lawson Station (various locations). http://lawson.jp/en/
7-Eleven (various locations). http://www.sej.co.jp/in/en.html
Tokyo Station http://www.tokyoinfo.com/en/
Rokurinsha. https://www.yelp.com/biz/YD4NquiK0mPR_WMse5KPOA?utm_campaign=www_business_share_popup&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=(direct) http://www.rokurinsha.com/ (Japanese)
Neko Maru Café Ueno. http://www.nekomarucafe.com/index.html
1-Day World Heritage Mt. Fuji Tour. https://www.japanican.com/en/tour/detail/BUS1J00711MKS/?typecd=TOU&destcd=V21&kw=golden&sbit=4&typegrpcd=TPA
Akami Yakiniku Horumondokoro Nikuman. 1-23-6 Hamamatsucho, Minato 105-0013, Tokyo Prefecture. https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g1066451-d6047847-Reviews-Akami_Yakiniku_Horumondokoro_Nikuman-Minato_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html
The Tsukiji Fish Market. 5 Chome-2-1 Tsukiji, Chūō, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan. http://www.tsukiji-market.or.jp/tukiji_e.htm
Hachiko Memorial Statue. 1 Chome-2 Dogenzaka, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0043, Japan.
Hachiko. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hachik%C5%8D
Meiji Shrine. 1-1 Yoyogikamizonocho, Shibuya, Tokyo 151-8557, Japan. http://www.meijijingu.or.jp/english/your/1.html
Itamae Sushi. J Bld.1F, 8-2-13, Ginza, Chuo, Tokyo, 104-0061, Japan. http://itamae.co.jp/english/
Zojo-ji. 4丁目-7-35 Shibakoen, Minato, Tokyo 105-0011, Japan. https://www.zojoji.or.jp/en/
Tokyo Tower. 4 Chome-2-8 Shibakoen, Minato, Tokyo 105-0011, Japan. https://www.tokyotower.co.jp/en.html
Wanderlust Wednesday: Trip to the Land of the Rising Sun Tokyo, Japan I am not sure why, but I had always been drawn to Japan. I originally went on a group tour around part of the country.
0 notes
prostatefacts-blog · 7 years
Enlarged Prostate Facts | BPH
Urinalysis is typically performed when LUTS are present and BPH is suspected to evaluate for signs of a urinary tract infection, glucose in the urine (suggestive of diabetes), or protein in the urine (suggestive of kidney disease).
Bloodwork including kidney function tests and prostate specific antigen (PSA) are often ordered to evaluate for kidney damage and prostate cancer, respectively. However, checking blood PSA levels for prostate cancer screening is controversial and not necessarily indicated in every evaluation for BPH.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer are both capable of increasing blood PSA levels and PSA elevation is unable to differentiate these two conditions well. If PSA levels are checked and are high, then further investigation is warranted. Measures including PSA density, free PSA, rectal examination, and transrectal ultrasonography may be helpful in determining whether a PSA increase is due to BPH or prostate cancer. Ultrasound examination of the testes, prostate, and kidneys is often performed, again to rule out cancer and hydronephrosis.
Treatment for chronic prostatitis depends on your symptoms. Your doctor will provide antibiotics in the beginning to rule out a bacterial infection. Other medications to help ease discomfort and pain include:
Treatment usually depends on how severe the symptoms are. In some cases, no treatment may be necessary. Doctors may take a wait-and-see approach if symptoms are mild or if there are no symptoms. This will involve a yearly prostate exam and a review of symptoms to determine if they are getting worse.
If your levels are higher than normal, your doctor may schedule another test to compare the results. A rapid increase in PSA levels suggests cancer. If the levels remain about the same, you may be advised to go through a “watchful waiting” period. During that period, your doctor will check your prostate annually and look out for any symptoms or changes in your health.
This is usually achieved through pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) which is a surgical procedure performed during radical prostatectomy (see section on surgical treatment). The procedure can sometimes be done through laparoscopy as a separate procedure.
Laser surgery. With this surgery, a urologist uses a high-energy laser to destroy prostate tissue. The urologist uses a cystoscope to pass a laser fiber through the urethra into the prostate. The laser destroys the enlarged tissue. The risk of bleeding is lower than in TURP and TUIP because the laser seals blood vessels as it cuts through the prostate tissue. However, laser surgery may not effectively treat greatly enlarged prostates.
If you do not have any symptoms of BPH or any of the types of prostatitis, which can be the situation for some men, you may not be able to tell if you have either problem. However, a doctor or other health care professional can detect enlargement of the prostate with a digital rectal exam (digital examination of the rectal area and prostate), even if you don’t have any symptoms.
Can supplements with saw palmetto improve symptoms of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia)? How about beta-sitosterol supplements? Can such "prostate supplements" help with prostate cancer? Many commercials and websites would like you to believe they can do all of these things.
If symptoms are mild to moderate and aren’t too bothersome, home treatment may be all that is needed to keep them under control. A doctor may need to be consulted regularly to check on symptoms and make sure other related problems haven’t come up.
Noctoria is one of the bothersome LUTS and also most difficult to eliminate in aging men. Nocturnal polyurea associated with circadian change of arginine vasopressine and atrial natriuretic peptide in the elderly has been suggested as the most dominant type of nocturia. Desmopressin is effective in treating nocturia to improve the patients QOL, although a few adverse events such as hypernatremia might occur.
Your doctor may offer you drugs called bisphosphonates. These can strengthen the bones and help prevent broken bones in men whose cancer has caused bone thinning. Bisphosphonates can also be used to treat pain caused by cancer that has spread to the bones.
Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome is subdivided into two categories: NIH type IIIA (inflammatory) and IIIB (noninflammatory; Table 15). Differentiation between these groups has been made based on the presence of leukocytes in expressed and post-massage prostatic secretions, urine, or semen. One of the greatest challenges with the treatment of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome is that there is no clear understanding of the etiology; however, suggested explanations include infection, autoimmunity, and neuromuscular spasm.29
What makes you think coffee is bad for you ? I have been drinking coffee in the afternoon to reduce my nighttime urination (another wild suggestion by Jimjames  ). I have been wondering whether or not I should take caffeine pills instead. Black coffee tastes bitter to me. Anything else added to make it better tasting is usu bad for you.
The main type of surgery for prostate cancer is a radical prostatectomy. In this operation, the surgeon removes the entire prostate gland plus some of the tissue around it, including the seminal vesicles. A radical prostatectomy can be done in different ways.
Best Prostate® does not contain excessive amounts of Selenium and takes into account other daily dietary sources of Selenium. Vegetables are the major dietary sources of selenium in most countries throughout the world. Selenium can also be found in meats, fish, and seafood. Animals that eat grains or plants that were grown in selenium-rich soil have higher levels of selenium in their muscle. In the U.S., meats and bread are common sources of dietary selenium. Some nuts are also sources of selenium.
According to the American Cancer Society, most cases of prostate cancer can't be prevented. This is because prostate cancer's causes are still unknown. As with BPH, however, experts recommend eating a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.
For most men, these nightly bathroom runs may be the first sign of an enlarged prostate. Other symptoms may include trouble starting a stream of urine, leaking, or dribbling. And, like gray hair, an enlarged prostate is a natural by-product of getting older, doctors say. Trouble is, the nightly bathroom runs become more frequent -- eventually edging their way into the daytime routine.
The medical term for enlarged prostate is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH causes the prostate gland to grow in size, which may compress the urethra that courses through the center of the prostate. This can impede the flow of urine from the bladder through the urethra to the outside. It can cause urine to back up in the bladder (urinary retention) and increase the need to urinate frequently during the day and night. Other common symptoms include a slow flow of urine, the need to urinate urgently, and difficulty starting the urinary stream. More serious problems include urinary tract infections and complete blockage of the urethra, which may be a medical emergency and can lead to injury of the kidneys.
Body repairs damaged fibrens of prostate by replacing them with collagen as regeneration of fibrens takes more time. Collagen increases size of gland and make it lethargic and weak to promote congestion or infection. These supplements speed-up process of fibrens generation and prevent and treat enlargement of gland to protect male’s health, virility and potency.
BPH can be treated but not cured, but prostatitis is curable in many patients. The large majority of men with prostatitis have an infection of the prostate gland, while those with BPH do not have an infection.
Midstream urine culture should be obtained. The presence of more than 10 white blood cells per high-power field suggests a positive diagnosis. Other laboratory testing (e.g., CBC, electrolyte levels, blood culture) is determined by the severity of the presentation. Residual urine should be documented if a patient has a palpable bladder or symptoms consistent with incomplete emptying.
View these professionals as your partners—expert advisors and helpers in your health care. Talking openly with your doctors can help you learn more about your prostate changes and the tests to expect.
The treatment for enlarged prostate will depend on the severity of your symptoms. If your symptoms are mild to moderate you may be asked to have regular check-ups to monitor your prostate. Additionally, you may be advised to make some lifestyle changes such as reducing the amount of fluids you drink before bedtime or reducing alcohol intake. Other treatments may include bladder training to increase the capacity of your bladder.
"Constipation from Enlarged Prostate ...Hi all, have any of you suffered ...We've been trying supositories, milk of mag, stool softeners, etc. But the doc thinks it is due to the enlarged prostate pushing in."
Because the course of BPH is unpredictable, watchful waiting is the best option for men with minimal symptoms that are not especially bothersome. With this management option, physician visits are needed about once a year to review symptom status, conduct a physical examination, and perform a few simple laboratory tests.
When medication doesn't do the job, a number of procedures can remove excess tissue from the prostate, easing obstruction of the urethra. These outpatient procedures are less invasive than surgery and may take no more than an hour. Two of them -- transurethral needle ablation (TUNA), also known as radiofrequency ablation, and transurethral microwave therapy (TUMT) -- may require temporary use of a catheter after treatment. Other procedures include the use of laser and stenting.
BPH supplement: Get a medical eval including prostate exam, blood test (psa / bmp) and a urinalysis first to exclude illnesses other than enlarged prostate. Natural supplement for enlarged prostate include supplement such as saw palmetto and beta sterols. @drhtay.
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thesoggychef-blog · 7 years
Idiots Guide to Cooking - How To Cook Food Others ...
New Post has been published on https://simpleeasycooking.com/idiots-guide-to-cooking-how-to-cook-food-others/
Idiots Guide to Cooking - How To Cook Food Others ...
It is a necessity for us to eat.
Many eat to live and others live to eat. Either way, we can not get around our need for food.
So I live by a code which says if we already have to eat, why not eat the most delicious, delectable meals possible? Sound’s reasonable, right?
You do not have to settle for mediocrity when it comes to eating.
Tuna helper, Ramen Noodles and Chef Boyardee need not be the highlight of your day.
With a few basic ideas you can cook to impress yourself and others in no time.
Here are some ideas to stir up in the inner chef in you:
1. Get Rid of Fear – Huh? Why is this the number one tip? Well, because fear cripples our potential in every aspect of life. Many people don’t cook because they say they don’t know how to cook. Well, at one point you didn’t know how to walk, ride a bike, drive a car, etc. But how did you learn? Well, by doing it! Is there anything you are good at? Whatever it is, I bet you were not good at it immediately. It takes time to master something. So, in order to be a good cook, you are going to have to try and cook! Go after it with reckless abandon, throw all caution to the wind and go cook something!!
2. Get Some Tools – Obviously if you are going to cook you are going to need some basics tools. I am going to give you a few necessities for the average beginner on a beginner budget.
I am only recommending the minimum you should have. Obviously there are a lot more items you can and should buy but, for the moment, you can effectively cook with these items:
Pots and Pans (with lids) – Frying pan, Sauce Pan and Dutch Oven, Roasting/Baking Pan
Knives – Chef’s knife (don’t be intimidated!) and utility knife
Utensils – Whisk, Large Spoon and Fork, Tongs, Spatula, Vegetable Peeler, Cutting board, Mixing bowls, Colander
Pans – Baking Pan, Muffin pan, Baking Sheet pan
Utensils –Rolling Pin, Rubber Spatula, Measuring cups and spoons
3. Learn Some Basic Terminology – If you are going to cook and follow some recipes you will need to know what the recipe is calling you to do. Here are some basic terms you need to know. ( a more
PARBOIL: To simmer in liquid or fat until approximately 50 percent done.
SIMMER: To cook submerged in liquid just below a boil, at temperature upwards of 180°F ( 82°C ). A simmering liquid has bubbles floating slowly from the bottom, and the surface is fairly quiet.
BOIL: To cook in water or liquid under a boiling point or reaches the point when a boiling liquid is in turmoil; its surface is agitated and rolling.
REDUCE: To boil or simmer a liquid until it reaches a smaller volume through evaporation. A liquid so reduced has a greater concentration of flavor. If it contains starch it becomes thicker.
BRAISE: To cook with a small amount of liquid in a covered container in a low lemperature to produce a thick sauce. Examples are adobo, mechado, etc.
POACH: To cook submerged in liquid at temperatures of roughly 160° to 180º F (71º – 82º C). A liquid at these temperatures has bubbles on the bottom of the pan but is undisturbed.
SEAL OR SEAR: To expose the surface of meat to extreme heat in a hot pan or oven for the purpose of browning before cooking at a lower temperature; a partial-cooking process and by so doing enhance the flavor.
ROAST: To cook by heated air, usually in an enclosed space such as an oven or barbecue pit, but also on a revolving spit before an open fire. Roasting nearly always refers to meats.
POT ROAST: Applied to cooking larger cuts of meat by braising.
BROIL: To cook with heat from above like the broiler. Example is the ham.
COOK: To bring about change in a food product by applying heat over a period of time, usually to make the food more edible.
PEEL: To strip of the outer covering. Applied to oranges, grapefruit, etc.
CUBE: A cube-shaped cut ½ to 1 inch. To cube is to cut into cubes.
DICE: A cube-shaped cut but smaller than the cube at about ¼ inch.
FINE DICE: A cube-shaped cut 1/8 inch in size; brunoise.
CHOP: To divide into small pieces with a knife or other sharp tool.
MINCE: To cut into very fine pieces using a knife, food grinder, blender or food processor.
JULIENNE: To cut meat or vegetables into thin stick-shaped pieces (1/8 x 1/8 x 1½ -2 inches ).
WEDGE: A wedge-shaped cut of food, usually a section of a round or oval product such as an apple or lemon.
STRIPS: Cut into long, narrow pieces.
SHRED: To cut into very fine strips or pieces.
GRIND: To reduce to particles by cutting, crushing, or grinding.
GRATE: To shred food into small pieces with the use of a grater.
MASH: To crush, beat or squeeze food into a soft state by using a fork or a masher.
PUREE: To mash a cooked product to a fine pulp, usually by forcing it through a sieve or putting it into a blender.
SCORE: To make shallow or deep cuts in a decorative pattern with the point or a knife. Food such as a whole fish is often scored so that it will cook evenly.
SIFT: To shake through a fine sieve.
STRAIN: To separate liquids from solids by passing through a sieve or cheesecloth.
BREAD: To coat the surface of a food with flour, egg wash, and breadcrumbs before cooking or frying.
COAT: To cover surfaces of an item with another substance.
DIP: To briefly plunge bite-size foods in a liquid mixture.
DREDGE: To sprinkle or coat lightly with flour, cornmeal, or ground almonds.
ROLL: To pass a product through a powdery substance; to dredge.
DUST: To sprinkle a fine substance such as sugar or flour gently on a surface.
DRIZZLE: To pour liquid into thin streams to have a thread like effect.
BARBECUE: To slow-roast over coals, or under free flame or oven electric unit, usually basting with seasoned sauce like barbecue sauce.
GRILL: To cook on a grate with heat from below. The term is also used loosely for cooking on a fry-top range.
SCALD: To bring just to boiling, usually for milk. Also to rinse with boiling water.
BLANCH: To plunge into a boiling liquid and cook 10 to 20 percent of doneness. This is done also to remove the outer covering or skins from nuts, fruits, and some vegetables.
4. Well, Cook Something already!!! Just like I stated earlier the only way you are going to learn is not by necessarily studying terminology but by jumping in and getting your feet wet! So, jump in already and don’t be scared. Start with some easy things: Grilled cheese, scrambled eggs, omelets, pasta, hot dogs, etc.
amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "thesoggychef-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "Cook book"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "7687f0a409a2a1d4bc785464e4a8293f"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; Source by DA Reyes
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collegewriting2 · 7 years
Darian’s “Famous” Tuna Melt
by Darian B.
From: my own mind. I came up with this one day while wanting to enhance my tuna salad experience, and I’ve made this frequently since then.
~ 1 can of tuna (in water/in oil doesn’t really matter, as the liquid will be drained anyway)
~ 3 tbsp of Mayonnaise
~ 1 ½ tbsp of Black pepper
~ ¼ cup of Bacon bits
~ 1 ½ tbsp of Barbecue sauce
 ~ 4 slices of cheese
Open and drain the juice out of the tuna. Put the tuna into a bowl.
Scoop out your three tablespoons of mayonnaise and add it to the tuna. The 3 tablespoons is an approximation based on how much I tend to use. You may need to add more or less mayo, depending on your preference.
Mix the tuna and mayo together.
Add the black pepper and mix it in. Again, the amount listed above is an approximation. I tend to use more because I like pepper, but 1 ½ tbsp is a pretty reasonable amount for most people.
Mix in the bacon bits. Again, the amount is an approximation.
Mix in the barbecue sauce. This amount is also an approximation, as I tend to just eyeball how much I pour in. With the barbecue, you don’t want to put too much in, because then the tuna salad gets all runny and messy. Just use less barbecue than you used mayonnaise and you should be fine.
Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on one side of two pieces of bread. Put a slice of cheese on top of the mayonnaise and then scoop some of your tuna salad onto the cheese. Repeat this twice to get two sandwiches (as long as you don’t heap it all onto one sandwich, this amount of tuna salad should always create two consistently-sized sandwiches).
Put a small frying pan on your stove and turn the stove on to medium heat.
Cook your sandwiches, much like you would with grilled cheese. When the cheese is melty/gooey and the bread has a little toastiness on it, you’re done.
Eat and enjoy!
Growing up, my family never really had a lot of money.
    We weren’t poor, per se. We always pretty comfortably rested somewhere in the lower middle class range. There weren’t ever times when we were worried about being homeless, but there was a definite acknowledgment that we didn’t have as much money as other people.
    Why am I telling you this? Think about it: what is one of the most important costs to a family, the thing that humans can’t live without?
    I honestly can barely think of a time when my family’s food didn’t come from food stamps. Since food stamps were often our only source of groceries, we could never really get anything super fancy or complex. Our priorities were always to get as much food as we could for the lowest amount of money possible. I was raised on Chef Boyardee pasta, Hamburger Helper, lunch meat sandwiches, and - worst of all - Little Caesar’s pizza. This upbringing is why I don’t really have any recipes that carry any sort of familiar or emotional significance, and also why this recipe is for a tuna melt and not some sort of casserole or cake or home-cooked comfort food.
    The first time I made tuna salad for myself I was forced by circumstance to use Miracle Whip, which is basically like mayonnaise that hates itself. To be fair, it wasn’t the worst thing I’ve ever eaten (looking at you, Little Caesar’s “Pizza”), but it wasn’t quite as good as it could be. I used bacon bits instead of relish, because relish is disgusting but I still wanted to add some texture to the tuna salad. I added the pepper because I wanted to add a little extra flavor to the equation. From there, the tuna salad was born.
    Fast forward a couple months. After a trip to Long John Silver’s (who, for the record, has pretty good chicken) I had some leftover barbecue sauce. My thrifty upbringing trained me not to just let it go to waste, so I had the idea to add it to my tuna salad. I figured that I would either be a genius or an idiot who doesn’t know how to cook. In the end, I don’t know if I’d consider myself a genius, but I sort of know what I’m doing sometimes. Adding barbecue sauce is definitely something I recommend trying at some point. It doesn’t drown out the other natural flavors present in the tuna, but it does add a nice bit of subtle kick to them.
    Normally that would be where the story ends, but I still have roughly 200 more words I have to write, so I’m now going to talk about how this evolved from tuna salad into a tuna melt, using as many words as possible.
    Upon submitting my assignment - the original recipe - I was told that for me to just make tuna salad while other students were making actual food and cooking it would be sort of unfair in terms of grading, a point that I understood. After that, I went home and did some thinking. I needed a way to add a little more complexity to the recipe without sacrificing the integrity of the high-quality tuna salad. I was told that I needed to do this by doing some sort of cooking. During my fun time of thinking, I went on Reddit and saw a picture of a very appetizing tuna melt. That’s it! I realized. There’s my cooking!
   Later that day, I went into my kitchen and prepared my tuna salad as usual, but instead of scooping it onto bread, throwing on a slice of cheese, and being done with it, I made what is basically a grilled cheese with tuna in the middle. As I ate it, savoring all of the flavor and the gooey cheese, I thought to myself This may be the tastiest good grade I have ever gotten.
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sidneynewcomery · 7 years
Sharpen your cooking skills and improve your diet (and even your social life)
When I was in college, my cooking skills were limited to a giant skillet of Tuna Helper. Meals were chosen by how quick and how cheap. Nutrition? Never heard of it.
My outlook on cooking has changed since those days, and I now realize that despite my still limited culinary know-how, in the kitchen I have all the tools to transform my health.
“Cooking is easier than people think,” says Dr. David Eisenberg of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “It is more fun and cheaper than eating out. And no matter your ability, anyone can learn to do it.”
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The health of cooking
The more you cook for yourself, the healthier you live. It is that simple. People who frequently cook dinner at home eat healthier and consume fewer calories than those who cook less, according to a study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition. The findings also suggest those who frequently cook at home (six to seven nights a week) also consume fewer calories on the occasions when they do eat out.
Cooking also expands your intake of healthy foods. For instance, people who live alone — who are less likely to cook on a regular basis — often have diets that lack core food groups, such as fruits, vegetables, and fish, according to a review of 41 studies published in Nutrition Reviews.
Sharpen your skills
You don’t need to be a contestant on Top Chef to improve your cooking. “Instead of learning individual recipes, you need to learn techniques,” says Dr. Eisenberg. “This way, you can master a few basic staples and have the recipe for making all kinds of meals.” Here are some basic skills he says people should learn:
how to fillet fish
how to cut vegetables into cubes or julienne strips
how to make simple soups, salads, and salad dressings
how to make a few whole-grain dishes (e.g. brown rice, quinoa, farro, and others) as your starch of choice, as opposed to potatoes, white rice, or white bread
how to pick and prepare healthier protein choices like fish, chicken, and tofu, as an alternative to a preponderance of red meat options
how to reinvent desserts to include things like nuts, dark chocolate, and fruit, rather than dishes made primarily from fat, sugar, and dairy.
Read the full article here:  http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/sharpen-cooking-skills-improve-diet-even-social-life-2017030311204
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mrmarknewman · 7 years
Sharpen your cooking skills and improve your diet (and even your social life)
When I was in college, my cooking skills were limited to a giant skillet of Tuna Helper. Meals were chosen by how quick and how cheap. Nutrition? Never heard of it.
My outlook on cooking has changed since those days, and I now realize that despite my still limited culinary know-how, in the kitchen I have all the tools to transform my health.
“Cooking is easier than people think,” says Dr. David Eisenberg of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “It is more fun and cheaper than eating out. And no matter your ability, anyone can learn to do it.”
The health of cooking
The more you cook for yourself, the healthier you live. It is that simple. People who frequently cook dinner at home eat healthier and consume fewer calories than those who cook less, according to a study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition. The findings also suggest those who frequently cook at home (six to seven nights a week) also consume fewer calories on the occasions when they do eat out.
Cooking also expands your intake of healthy foods. For instance, people who live alone — who are less likely to cook on a regular basis — often have diets that lack core food groups, such as fruits, vegetables, and fish, according to a review of 41 studies published in Nutrition Reviews.
Sharpen your skills
You don’t need to be a contestant on Top Chef to improve your cooking. “Instead of learning individual recipes, you need to learn techniques,” says Dr. Eisenberg. “This way, you can master a few basic staples and have the recipe for making all kinds of meals.” Here are some basic skills he says people should learn:
how to fillet fish
how to cut vegetables into cubes or julienne strips
how to make simple soups, salads, and salad dressings
how to make a few whole-grain dishes (e.g. brown rice, quinoa, farro, and others) as your starch of choice, as opposed to potatoes, white rice, or white bread
how to pick and prepare healthier protein choices like fish, chicken, and tofu, as an alternative to a preponderance of red meat options
how to reinvent desserts to include things like nuts, dark chocolate, and fruit, rather than dishes made primarily from fat, sugar, and dairy.
Get cooking
In-person guidance is always better than learning from videos, says Dr. Eisenberg: “You need someone in the kitchen to hold your hand, give you direction, and walk you through the process.” Here is where you can find that kind of guidance:
Community education centers. Many offer basic cooking classes, individual workshops, or specialty classes like how to make various types of desserts.
Local cooking schools. Many culinary programs have drop-in and introductory classes for the public. Others offer more detailed daylong or weeklong “boot camps” where you can learn a range of skills.
Retail stores. Many stores that sell cooking equipment, such as Sur La Table and Williams Sonoma, also offer cooking classes.
Other benefits
Your new and improved cooking skills can heat up your social life. You may form a closer bond with your partner as you both become more involved with meal preparation, and you may be motivated to invite others to share a meal you cooked yourself.
You also might discover cooking can be a relaxing and liberating activity. “People find personal satisfaction in cooking, or come to view the experience as a way to tap into their creativity,” says Dr. Eisenberg. “Cooking no longer becomes a chore, but something that gives them great pleasure.” And you don’t even need Tuna Helper.
The post Sharpen your cooking skills and improve your diet (and even your social life) appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.
from Harvard Health Blog http://ift.tt/2lBS7Q4
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thesoggychef-blog · 7 years
Idiots Guide to Cooking - How To Cook Food Others ...
New Post has been published on https://simpleeasycooking.com/idiots-guide-to-cooking-how-to-cook-food-others/
Idiots Guide to Cooking - How To Cook Food Others ...
amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = " thesoggychef-20 "; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "cooking"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "Kitchen"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "51fe4d035c7af8dc5928e6f5e5b79c4e"; amzn_assoc_default_browse_node = "284507"; amzn_assoc_rows = "4"; amzn_assoc_design = "text_links";
It is a necessity for us to eat.
Many eat to live and others live to eat. Either way, we can not get around our need for food.
So I live by a code which says if we already have to eat, why not eat the most delicious, delectable meals possible? Sound’s reasonable, right?
You do not have to settle for mediocrity when it comes to eating.
Tuna helper, Ramen Noodles and Chef Boyardee need not be the highlight of your day.
With a few basic ideas you can cook to impress yourself and others in no time.
Here are some ideas to stir up in the inner chef in you:
1. Get Rid of Fear – Huh? Why is this the number one tip? Well, because fear cripples our potential in every aspect of life. Many people don’t cook because they say they don’t know how to cook. Well, at one point you didn’t know how to walk, ride a bike, drive a car, etc. But how did you learn? Well, by doing it! Is there anything you are good at? Whatever it is, I bet you were not good at it immediately. It takes time to master something. So, in order to be a good cook, you are going to have to try and cook! Go after it with reckless abandon, throw all caution to the wind and go cook something!!
2. Get Some Tools – Obviously if you are going to cook you are going to need some basics tools. I am going to give you a few necessities for the average beginner on a beginner budget.
I am only recommending the minimum you should have. Obviously there are a lot more items you can and should buy but, for the moment, you can effectively cook with these items:
Pots and Pans (with lids) – Frying pan, Sauce Pan and Dutch Oven, Roasting/Baking Pan
Knives – Chef’s knife (don’t be intimidated!) and utility knife
Utensils – Whisk, Large Spoon and Fork, Tongs, Spatula, Vegetable Peeler, Cutting board, Mixing bowls, Colander
Pans – Baking Pan, Muffin pan, Baking Sheet pan
Utensils –Rolling Pin, Rubber Spatula, Measuring cups and spoons
3. Learn Some Basic Terminology – If you are going to cook and follow some recipes you will need to know what the recipe is calling you to do. Here are some basic terms you need to know. ( a more
PARBOIL: To simmer in liquid or fat until approximately 50 percent done.
SIMMER: To cook submerged in liquid just below a boil, at temperature upwards of 180°F ( 82°C ). A simmering liquid has bubbles floating slowly from the bottom, and the surface is fairly quiet.
BOIL: To cook in water or liquid under a boiling point or reaches the point when a boiling liquid is in turmoil; its surface is agitated and rolling.
REDUCE: To boil or simmer a liquid until it reaches a smaller volume through evaporation. A liquid so reduced has a greater concentration of flavor. If it contains starch it becomes thicker.
BRAISE: To cook with a small amount of liquid in a covered container in a low lemperature to produce a thick sauce. Examples are adobo, mechado, etc.
POACH: To cook submerged in liquid at temperatures of roughly 160° to 180º F (71º – 82º C). A liquid at these temperatures has bubbles on the bottom of the pan but is undisturbed.
SEAL OR SEAR: To expose the surface of meat to extreme heat in a hot pan or oven for the purpose of browning before cooking at a lower temperature; a partial-cooking process and by so doing enhance the flavor.
ROAST: To cook by heated air, usually in an enclosed space such as an oven or barbecue pit, but also on a revolving spit before an open fire. Roasting nearly always refers to meats.
POT ROAST: Applied to cooking larger cuts of meat by braising.
BROIL: To cook with heat from above like the broiler. Example is the ham.
COOK: To bring about change in a food product by applying heat over a period of time, usually to make the food more edible.
PEEL: To strip of the outer covering. Applied to oranges, grapefruit, etc.
CUBE: A cube-shaped cut ½ to 1 inch. To cube is to cut into cubes.
DICE: A cube-shaped cut but smaller than the cube at about ¼ inch.
FINE DICE: A cube-shaped cut 1/8 inch in size; brunoise.
CHOP: To divide into small pieces with a knife or other sharp tool.
MINCE: To cut into very fine pieces using a knife, food grinder, blender or food processor.
JULIENNE: To cut meat or vegetables into thin stick-shaped pieces (1/8 x 1/8 x 1½ -2 inches ).
WEDGE: A wedge-shaped cut of food, usually a section of a round or oval product such as an apple or lemon.
STRIPS: Cut into long, narrow pieces.
SHRED: To cut into very fine strips or pieces.
GRIND: To reduce to particles by cutting, crushing, or grinding.
GRATE: To shred food into small pieces with the use of a grater.
MASH: To crush, beat or squeeze food into a soft state by using a fork or a masher.
PUREE: To mash a cooked product to a fine pulp, usually by forcing it through a sieve or putting it into a blender.
SCORE: To make shallow or deep cuts in a decorative pattern with the point or a knife. Food such as a whole fish is often scored so that it will cook evenly.
SIFT: To shake through a fine sieve.
STRAIN: To separate liquids from solids by passing through a sieve or cheesecloth.
BREAD: To coat the surface of a food with flour, egg wash, and breadcrumbs before cooking or frying.
COAT: To cover surfaces of an item with another substance.
DIP: To briefly plunge bite-size foods in a liquid mixture.
DREDGE: To sprinkle or coat lightly with flour, cornmeal, or ground almonds.
ROLL: To pass a product through a powdery substance; to dredge.
DUST: To sprinkle a fine substance such as sugar or flour gently on a surface.
DRIZZLE: To pour liquid into thin streams to have a thread like effect.
BARBECUE: To slow-roast over coals, or under free flame or oven electric unit, usually basting with seasoned sauce like barbecue sauce.
GRILL: To cook on a grate with heat from below. The term is also used loosely for cooking on a fry-top range.
SCALD: To bring just to boiling, usually for milk. Also to rinse with boiling water.
BLANCH: To plunge into a boiling liquid and cook 10 to 20 percent of doneness. This is done also to remove the outer covering or skins from nuts, fruits, and some vegetables.
4. Well, Cook Something already!!! Just like I stated earlier the only way you are going to learn is not by necessarily studying terminology but by jumping in and getting your feet wet! So, jump in already and don’t be scared. Start with some easy things: Grilled cheese, scrambled eggs, omelets, pasta, hot dogs, etc.
amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = " thesoggychef-20 "; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "cookware"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "b45319dac495d29e17b5eff312392025"; Source by DA Reyes
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thesoggychef-blog · 7 years
Idiots Guide to Cooking - How To Cook Food Others ...
New Post has been published on https://simpleeasycooking.com/idiots-guide-to-cooking-how-to-cook-food-others/
Idiots Guide to Cooking - How To Cook Food Others ...
amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = " thesoggychef-20 "; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "cooking"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "Kitchen"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "51fe4d035c7af8dc5928e6f5e5b79c4e"; amzn_assoc_default_browse_node = "284507"; amzn_assoc_rows = "4"; amzn_assoc_design = "text_links";
It is a necessity for us to eat.
Many eat to live and others live to eat. Either way, we can not get around our need for food.
So I live by a code which says if we already have to eat, why not eat the most delicious, delectable meals possible? Sound’s reasonable, right?
You do not have to settle for mediocrity when it comes to eating.
Tuna helper, Ramen Noodles and Chef Boyardee need not be the highlight of your day.
With a few basic ideas you can cook to impress yourself and others in no time.
Here are some ideas to stir up in the inner chef in you:
1. Get Rid of Fear – Huh? Why is this the number one tip? Well, because fear cripples our potential in every aspect of life. Many people don’t cook because they say they don’t know how to cook. Well, at one point you didn’t know how to walk, ride a bike, drive a car, etc. But how did you learn? Well, by doing it! Is there anything you are good at? Whatever it is, I bet you were not good at it immediately. It takes time to master something. So, in order to be a good cook, you are going to have to try and cook! Go after it with reckless abandon, throw all caution to the wind and go cook something!!
2. Get Some Tools – Obviously if you are going to cook you are going to need some basics tools. I am going to give you a few necessities for the average beginner on a beginner budget.
I am only recommending the minimum you should have. Obviously there are a lot more items you can and should buy but, for the moment, you can effectively cook with these items:
Pots and Pans (with lids) – Frying pan, Sauce Pan and Dutch Oven, Roasting/Baking Pan
Knives – Chef’s knife (don’t be intimidated!) and utility knife
Utensils – Whisk, Large Spoon and Fork, Tongs, Spatula, Vegetable Peeler, Cutting board, Mixing bowls, Colander
Pans – Baking Pan, Muffin pan, Baking Sheet pan
Utensils –Rolling Pin, Rubber Spatula, Measuring cups and spoons
3. Learn Some Basic Terminology – If you are going to cook and follow some recipes you will need to know what the recipe is calling you to do. Here are some basic terms you need to know. ( a more
PARBOIL: To simmer in liquid or fat until approximately 50 percent done.
SIMMER: To cook submerged in liquid just below a boil, at temperature upwards of 180°F ( 82°C ). A simmering liquid has bubbles floating slowly from the bottom, and the surface is fairly quiet.
BOIL: To cook in water or liquid under a boiling point or reaches the point when a boiling liquid is in turmoil; its surface is agitated and rolling.
REDUCE: To boil or simmer a liquid until it reaches a smaller volume through evaporation. A liquid so reduced has a greater concentration of flavor. If it contains starch it becomes thicker.
BRAISE: To cook with a small amount of liquid in a covered container in a low lemperature to produce a thick sauce. Examples are adobo, mechado, etc.
POACH: To cook submerged in liquid at temperatures of roughly 160° to 180º F (71º – 82º C). A liquid at these temperatures has bubbles on the bottom of the pan but is undisturbed.
SEAL OR SEAR: To expose the surface of meat to extreme heat in a hot pan or oven for the purpose of browning before cooking at a lower temperature; a partial-cooking process and by so doing enhance the flavor.
ROAST: To cook by heated air, usually in an enclosed space such as an oven or barbecue pit, but also on a revolving spit before an open fire. Roasting nearly always refers to meats.
POT ROAST: Applied to cooking larger cuts of meat by braising.
BROIL: To cook with heat from above like the broiler. Example is the ham.
COOK: To bring about change in a food product by applying heat over a period of time, usually to make the food more edible.
PEEL: To strip of the outer covering. Applied to oranges, grapefruit, etc.
CUBE: A cube-shaped cut ½ to 1 inch. To cube is to cut into cubes.
DICE: A cube-shaped cut but smaller than the cube at about ¼ inch.
FINE DICE: A cube-shaped cut 1/8 inch in size; brunoise.
CHOP: To divide into small pieces with a knife or other sharp tool.
MINCE: To cut into very fine pieces using a knife, food grinder, blender or food processor.
JULIENNE: To cut meat or vegetables into thin stick-shaped pieces (1/8 x 1/8 x 1½ -2 inches ).
WEDGE: A wedge-shaped cut of food, usually a section of a round or oval product such as an apple or lemon.
STRIPS: Cut into long, narrow pieces.
SHRED: To cut into very fine strips or pieces.
GRIND: To reduce to particles by cutting, crushing, or grinding.
GRATE: To shred food into small pieces with the use of a grater.
MASH: To crush, beat or squeeze food into a soft state by using a fork or a masher.
PUREE: To mash a cooked product to a fine pulp, usually by forcing it through a sieve or putting it into a blender.
SCORE: To make shallow or deep cuts in a decorative pattern with the point or a knife. Food such as a whole fish is often scored so that it will cook evenly.
SIFT: To shake through a fine sieve.
STRAIN: To separate liquids from solids by passing through a sieve or cheesecloth.
BREAD: To coat the surface of a food with flour, egg wash, and breadcrumbs before cooking or frying.
COAT: To cover surfaces of an item with another substance.
DIP: To briefly plunge bite-size foods in a liquid mixture.
DREDGE: To sprinkle or coat lightly with flour, cornmeal, or ground almonds.
ROLL: To pass a product through a powdery substance; to dredge.
DUST: To sprinkle a fine substance such as sugar or flour gently on a surface.
DRIZZLE: To pour liquid into thin streams to have a thread like effect.
BARBECUE: To slow-roast over coals, or under free flame or oven electric unit, usually basting with seasoned sauce like barbecue sauce.
GRILL: To cook on a grate with heat from below. The term is also used loosely for cooking on a fry-top range.
SCALD: To bring just to boiling, usually for milk. Also to rinse with boiling water.
BLANCH: To plunge into a boiling liquid and cook 10 to 20 percent of doneness. This is done also to remove the outer covering or skins from nuts, fruits, and some vegetables.
4. Well, Cook Something already!!! Just like I stated earlier the only way you are going to learn is not by necessarily studying terminology but by jumping in and getting your feet wet! So, jump in already and don’t be scared. Start with some easy things: Grilled cheese, scrambled eggs, omelets, pasta, hot dogs, etc.
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