#i have zack as an aries but i think he would be better as another fire sign
youmourn-a · 2 years
who here knows astrology because i need Assistance
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
hey bestie, you asked this a whole ago for the alphabet soump game and i never answered. haha whoops
anyway! i do have a Z! actually, quite a few of them! but i am going to limit myself to talking about one that doesn't have his own story anymore but is still important to me: Zack Carnelian.
zack is more important for sentimental reasons than anything--i created him around the time i realized that i'm trans, and y'know i'm not SAYING that creating a transmasc were-hyena fella had anything to do with that but,,,,, it didn't NOT have anything to do with that.
(should clarify that zack wasn't my first transmasc oc, nor is he even one i projected onto that much, but y'know. don't think it's a coincidence that he was my favorite oc at the time i Realized Things.)
i kinda wanna redraw him soon tbh, i haven't paid any attention to him in a while </3
anyway, zack was created as one half of an oc duo that my partner and i created together, based on the premise of like. enemies to lovers, with one being based on a lion and the other on a hyena. zack was the hyena, and my partner's OC ari was the lion!!! their relationship was fucked up and codependent and toxic as hell, but we had a lot of fun developing them and their dynamic.
the basic premise for zack as a character is that he's a member of a gang of were-creatures who generally cause trouble and get in fights with another, more powerful and influential group of were-creatures (which ari was a part of). i don't quite remember how ari and zack ended up meeting and getting together, but yeah they were the epitome of Be Gay Do Crimes and i love that for them.
anyway uhh misc. zack facts:
i have started two separate fanfics starring him that i didn't end up finishing--one for mysmes and one for star days.
zack is a deeply fucked up little dude and his ideas about relationships and how they should work are not healthy in the slightest. to be fair, ari isn't much better, and that's why those two are perfect for each other
i say "little dude" but he's like 6'2" i think--tall king!
i never really figured out how the were-hyena thing would work for him, so just imagine a werewolf but a hyena. there we go :D
his morals are best described as "whatever makes the joke funniest"
and a picrew of him <3 minus his tattoos unfortunately
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[Image Description: A picrew of my OC Zack Carnelian, a man with tan skin, pointed ears, and deep shadows under his eyes. He has short, fluffy black hair and scars on one side of his face, as well as a notch in his right eyebrow. He's grinning widely at the viewer, showing his sharp teeth. Zack is wearing a black tank top under a purple leather jacket. Behind him is a white circle, behind which are the bisexual and demiboy flags. End ID.]
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smokeybrandreviews · 3 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Super Green
The Green Knight s finally out and i can see it without having to wait a month and a half! I thank A24 for this rather quick turnaround because this thing has been on my radar fr what seems like forever! I’ve written about this before but A24 is my favorite studio releasing content. Neon is a close second and Netflix is making a real charge, but A24 releases classics. Some of my all-time favorite films are A24 products. Ex Machina, Hereditary, Under the Skin, The VVitch, Uncut Gems, Zola, Midsommar, Lady Bird, Eighth Grade, The Lighthouse, High Life, The Monster, Enemy, Climax, Room, The Killing of a Sacred Deer, The Disaster Artist, and Under the Silver Lake have all impressed in one for or another, all of them A24 offerings. This studio is f*cking amazing and i cannot sing it’s praises enough. They’ve been around for less than a decade, A24 was founded in August of 2012, and they’re brought this level of quality consistently. The Green Knight has all of the workings to slide right into my all-time list, just like Ex Machina and Hereditary did before it. Let’s see if i really love it as much as i think i will.
The Exceptional
The first thing that hits you is how f*cking gorgeous this film is. Seriously, i was immediately captivated by that opening scene with Gawain rushing for Mass. It definitely opens up as the film progresses and you are treated to one of the most visually striking films of the year. This movie could give Denis Villeneuve, Ari Aster, or Robert Eggers a run for their money. Seriously, you can frame several shots in a museum and no one would know the difference between that and the Van Gophs on display.
I r0aely mention this but it’s absolutely necessary that i do in this particular review because it was just that memorable. The sound design made this film. I’m not talking about music choice or score, but the actual sound effects for specific scenes. That sh*t was some of the tightest I've ever hear on a film and it really added to the overall experience. Just the way the Green Knight creaked and popped as he moved was more than enough to get this mention but there is so much  ore than just that. I hate that i had to see this at home because, f*ck, this thing would have sounded like god in a proper theater.
I mentioned that you can frame these shots in a museum before and a lot of that shine belongs to the cinematography. The shots chosen for this film are breathtaking. I imagine a lot of that has to do with location but even the scenes filmed in dank castles and murky bogs popped with that same, meticulous, shot composition and it really gave those scenes life. The were ties when my jaw dropped at the majesty of a scene. The one with the giants immediately comes to mind. Like, f*ck, was that beautiful to witness.
In that same breath, you have to know when to pull back. Editing is just as important to a film as anything else and The Green Knight is cut with a precision I've rarely seen. This thing has no fat whatsoever. It presents to you exactly what you need and little else. I love that. I love that this film has a story to tell and it tells it with extreme prejudice. These cuts were made with intent. That’s rare nowadays.
I also have to give a nod to the use of color and lighting. Again, it’s not something i ever really focus on but goddamn is it necessary for this review. Light plays a very important role in how this story was told. Certain scenes absolutely need it and others are perfectly accentuated by it. It takes a deft hand to juggle such a nuanced aspect of film and The Green Knight has done that the best this year. So far.
This film has a very real, very potent, atmosphere. It’s not tension, not like Uncut Gems of Good Times, but there is this unrelenting sense of dread that runs through this entire film. It’s measured and restrained but it’s always there. I appreciate that. For a film to illicit such emotion out of me is testament to the mastery of it’s visionary.
All of the praise I've given to the technical aspects of this film would be for naught if i didn’t recognize the director, David Lowery. This dude is fast climbing the list of my favorite directors. I actually listed  bunch above but, after seeing what he’s gone with this film, dude is really making a case for himself. He did the Pete’s Dragon remake which i hear as pretty good, and A Ghost Story but i haven’t seen either. Not really my cup of tea. But if they’re as good as The Green Knight, i might have to revisit that thought because, holy sh*t, this dude can direct the f*ck out of a film.
The writing is on point. I legit hesitated to put this on here because it is the weakest aspect of  everything else in this film but that is misleading. The writing is exceptional. There is no way this film could be as good as it is, if the script was dog sh*t. The material given to these performers had to the top tier in order for them to give the performances they did and and they definitely f*cking did that!
This whole cast really f*cking delivered. Sarita Choudhury as Mother and Sean Harris as the King were easily the best of the supporting cast but everyone else brought that same energy. Joel Edgerton, Kate Dickie, and  Barry Keoghan, all deliver powerful performances. Hell, this is the best I've ever seen Erin Kellyman act and i have to give a lot of credit to the overall quality of this cast delivered. That said, there are three individuals who put everyone else to shame and i say that knowing exactly how much praise i just heaped upon them all.
Alicia Vikander comes in and delivers on two roles, Essel and the Lady. This isn’t surprising at all because she always delivers. I’m never disappointed by her performances. Admittedly, i haven’t seen many but that’s because she is very particular about the characters she signs on to portray. That said, it’s weird the two performances she’s done that immediately jump out to me, are both with A24 films. Her Eva in Ex Machina, and that film in general, is what made me even take notice of both her and A24 as a studio. Here we are, seven years later, and she’s still blowing my mind. F*cking exceptional.
Ralph Ineson is almost unrecognizable in the Green Knight make-up but the second he opens his mouth, you immediately recognize that gravitas. There is a weight to this character and you f*cking feel it with every move Ineson makes. Dude isn’t in it much but the scenes he does appear in are absolutely stolen by this big, green, maestro of his craft.
More than anyone, this is Dev Patel’s film. This dude is a great actor but it’s rare someone gets a part where they can really bite into the content but that is not the case with this role. No, sir, this sh*t was tailor made for Patel and he definitely digs right the f*ck in. His Sir Gawain is just as good as his Jamal Malik from Slumdog, if not better. Seriously, this film would be nothing without Patel. As outstanding as every other aspect that i gushed about in this brilliant goddamn film, the very best is Dev Patel’s performance. Seriously, that sh*t, alone, is worth the watch.
The Verdict
The Green Knight is f*cking exceptional and exceeded all of my expectations. This year long wait was more than worth. It's the best film of the year so far, leap-frogging into my top twenty all-time and I've seen thousands of films. This thing is a masterpiece on all levels. Narrative, plot, lighting, performances, sound design, composition, editing, score; It's the closest thing to a technically perfect film I've seen in quite some time. If Dev Patel doesn't get an Oscar nod for this, there is no justice in the world because he f*cking carries this movie. Patel is easily the strongest force driving this incredibly compelling watch, but Alicia Vikander, Erin Kellyman, Sarita Choudhury, Ralph Ineson, Sean Harris, Kate Dickie, and Barry Keoghan all match that energy with f*cking gusto. I was absolutely mesmerized by the way these absolute masters in their craft, embodied and gave their respective characters life, particularly Vikander. She never disappoints.
The only issue I see that would hinder someone actually getting into this film is the fact that it's a little long in the tooth. You never really feel it, as long as you buy into the fact it's a character study and not a high concept fantasy film filled with dragons and sh*t. If you think Michael Bay and Zack Snyder are the pinnacle of cinematic excellence, pass on this. You won't make past the first tn minutes. Also, make better life choices. No, this is about Gawain and it never deviates from that core drive. Weird sh*t happens, sure, but it's nothing as fantastical as Smaug or a Balrog. Even so, this f*cking movie kept me glued to the edge of my seat. I loved every second of it and cannot sing it's praises enough. My only regret is that I didn't get to see it in a proper theater. This f*cker would have been a real experience to see on a proper cinema screen, especially that shot with the giants. The Green Knight is outstanding and deserves all of the praise it's gotten and so much more.
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What are your favorite KH headcanons? Just in general, nothing specific :)
It’s funny... I can think of headcanons when I’m writing or whatever--or just at the spur of the moment--but when asked for them, they all disappear from my mind. Uhh... let’s see what I can come up with.
Because Kairi has had a different hairstyle that every year that we see her, I headcanon that she changes her hair every year.
I also headcanon her birthday is September 17th (the day KH1 was released in the U.S. This is also SoKai Day), since Sora’s birthday is the day of the Japanese release and because it makes Kairi a Virgo. She somewhat reminds me of a Virgo. And apparently an Virgos and Aries (which Sora is) can be good together, so...
I imagine that Riku is rich, just because he has a balcony in the KH manga. So is Kairi, for being the adopted daughter of the mayor in my mind (I get into that just below). Sora, however, is probably middle class. For this reason, hangouts with the three usually happen at Kairi or Riku’s house. But sometimes Sora’s still... And these three totally snuck into each other’s houses after dark--through bedroom windows--all the time, and no one can tell me any differently.
And, like most of the fandom does, I headcanon that Destiny Islands’ mayor is Kairi’s adopted father... even though that’s never exactly said. It’s said that the girl who arrived during the meteor shower was at the mayor’s house, but that could have just been for the time and she eventually got relocated somewhere else. But nah. I also headcanon that the mayor adopted her.
I like my headcanon of Xion liking doilies for some reason.
And my one about Roxas being able to cook, too.
For some reason, I adore the idea that Riku can’t cook to save his life.
I also don’t think that Sora is dumb, and I’ll fight people on this. And at this point, I’m kind of stealing another’s headcanon... but I like the idea that Donald and Goofy teach Sora school things he’s missing on their travels together.
I can also get into the headcanon that Sora’s dad passed when he was young (sadly). Since we hear him mentioned in BbS, but don’t hear him calling Sora to dinner alongside Sora’s mother in KH1 or anything like that. 
I definitely headcanon that there are a few islands on Destiny Islands--since it’s Destiny Islands plural--but that they’re probably small, so that the kids still feel “trapped there”.
I imagine that Sora and Riku’s parents put up some of the Play Island stuff absent in Dark Road.
Until proven otherwise, because of the character files, I’m headcanoning that Roxas, Lea, Xion, Isa, and Naminé are all living together now (with Lea and Isa acting as their parents). Probably in the Old Mansion that they fixed up. But on the flip-side of that, I think that Sora and Kairi’s parents accepted their kids’ Nobodies and Replicas as their own, and they sometimes stay there.
I also want to pretend that Isa made a bigger effort to make things up to Roxas and Xion.
I actually don’t think Naminé would jump on the drawing train as most fans seem to think she would. Rather... since drawing is actually tied to traumatic memories for her, I think she’d want to get as far away from it as she could at first. And it would take her friends showing her that she could make good memories with it too, that would finally make her an artist.
Terra and Aqua came from other worlds than the Land of Departure (and how I wish we’d get information on that!). Right now--even though it’ll never happen in a million years, since this series isn’t even Disney--I’m writing that Aqua is originally from “Antar” from the Roswell series, but that’s more fanfiction territory. More likely than not, I want to believe that Terra and Aqua are from worlds that fit their names.
Strelitzia is bisexual. I don’t care that Player canonically is a guy at this point, thus probably making her het. Shh.
Speaking of bisexuality... I think that Sora is. I could maybe even headcanon Riku as that now.
Naminé would totally wear baby blue, if Nomura ever lets her get another outfit.
Xion probably eventually picks up some artsy thing that she can do too, to better fit in with Kairi, Naminé, and Aqua. In the novels, she wanted to make a lucky charm but didn’t know how to. So I can see it.
I don’t think this is a headcanon, so much as it is canon that we haven’t seen yet (since Nomura has slightly talked about this in interviews, even if he’s never going to do anything with it now). Rinoa exists in the KH universe. And it’s because something happened to her during the fall of Radiant Garden--that Leon really is beating himself up about--that he changed his name. And it’ll only seeing her alive and well again, that will get him to change his name back. And he eventually will (or maybe even has in my headcanon). And, yes: the letter he got in the KHII credits was totally from her, telling him that she was alright. Rinoa is also why he has wings on the back of his jacket.
Yuna, Rikku, and Paine aren’t actually tiny fairies, but Maleficent turned them into that... And this is so I can ship KH Tidus and Yuna, yeah. But I swear if you listen to one of Rikku’s lines, it sounds like she might be implying this.
While I think originally, it was Aerith that Cloud was trying to save in KH1 (...for some reason. Since she’s fine in the KH verse), fans have now convinced me that it was actually Zack, so I hope we eventually get the FFVII characters in KH’s story eventually resolved.
Some people argue that all of Traverse Town with the TWEWY characters was a dream--or maybe it’s that they argue Joshua saving his friends through Sora and Riku’s help was the dream--but in my book, it totally happened.
Naminé is an honorary member of the Destiny Trio and Sea Salt Trio.
Kairi and Naminé see each other as sisters, and Sora, Roxas, and Ventus (and Vanitas, if he ever comes back and is redeemed) see each other as brothers. But Sora and Roxas miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight slightly see themselves as more closely linked brothers, and same thing with Ventus and Vanitas.
I also see Xion as a third sister for Kairi and Naminé. Most of the fandom disagrees with this. And I understand why. Most of the fandom sees her as Sora’s sister (and maybe even then sistered to the other boys. And sometimes I now do this--sort of because of peer pressure--but I’ll also have her be a shared sister between the boys and Kairi and Naminé, even though Sora and Kairi themselves aren’t “related”. But I hate that when I do this, it ruins my RokuShi dreams. So it’s probably part of the reason that I usually don’t). But I still see Xion as closer to Kairi than Sora. I know she was supposed to be a Sora clone (but it didn’t really work and she was a failed clone of him), but she mostly defined by his memories of Kairi. And that’s who she chooses to be and how she sees herself. But people then argue that it’s Sora’s memories of Kairi, though, not Kairi herself. And I get that.... But I still think she’s closer to Kairi. Why? Because Sora was actively trying to make her Kairi. And I’m sure some of himself slipped into there, as parts of a writer--so to speak--shows up in all their work, whether they intended it or not. But for example... let’s say that Sora hates chocolate and Kairi loves it. Since he was trying to make Xion like Kairi, he would therefore have her like chocolate, even though he hated it. So that’s one more point for Xion moreso being like Kairi in my book. I also... when I first played Days, she reminded me a lot of Kairi, partly because of some of her snarky lines. It’s only recently that I’ve looked at Days and seen some Sora in her--and realized that also could have partly come from him--but I still stand by what I said.
And while we’re on the subject... after everyone got their own hearts and bodies at the end of KHIII, I don’t think pairings like RokuShi or RokuNami, or whatever else would be insert of self-cest at all. Really, I don’t ever think it was. Because KH rules state that it’s your heart and how you see yourself that governs everything around you... but especially not after KHIII resolved this. So it kind of ticks me off when people still bring up this argument.
Because this plot hole bothers me... Kairi totally remembered Merlin when she trained with him in KHIII.
Most the rest of these will probably be about Kairi. Since you all know she’s my girl, and I think about her a lot.
I pretend that Kairi did somewhat have an edgy stage, and still somewhat is. Maybe because I somehow combine that with tomboy in my head. IDK. Speaking of--though not that this is really “edgy”--I’ve written that Kairi likes Queen at least twice. Just pretend that Destiny Islands has Queen. Haha.
I also believe that even after Kairi became more girly in KHII, she still has some tomboy to her: like how even though she wears a dress in KHII, she still has sneakers on, and how her school bag isn’t decorated at all when Selphie’s is. She’s also a fighter, of course (not that that necessarily makes a girl a tomboy -looks at Buffy-). I imagine out of the three, Naminé is the girliest, Kairi is a mix of tomboy and girly-girl, and Xion is a tomboy. 
I think Kairi, Naminé, and Xion would all have great relationships with each other. Naminé and Xion, because they both know what it’s like to be “Nobodies” , told they shouldn’t exist, and forgotten (Kairi knows this, too), and have suffered (though Kairi has too, of course). They’re also both slightly shier. Kairi and Xion because they both can be snarky (though Xion not as much), are more outgoing and both fight, and are maybe pretty evenly matched right now (they’d probably spar a lot). And Kairi and Naminé, because they’re like the extroverted and introverted version of each other. And I imagine Kairi could convince Kairi to try things more, while Naminé would get her to chill the F out about things.
Kairi and Xion are probably both protective of Naminé, since she’s been so abused and they can fight and she can’t.
Sora, Roxas, and Ventus might be protective of Xion. But for me, Roxas is because of shipping reasons.
Back to the girly-girl Kairi thing... While pink probably is for sure her favorite color now, she still likes purple and other colors. And will use them.
I also just... don’t see her wearing makeup. I know other fans do, and that’s fine. But I don’t. Mainly because it doesn't look like she ever is in the game. I think that’s part of her tomboy coming through still. She cares about her hair, her clothes, perfume and whatever else, but she doesn’t care about makeup.
I used to headcanon that Aqua and Xion would become best friends--and they still could--but Melody of Memory maybe hinted at something else.
...I think this is everything right now.
Edit: And pretty much every headcanon that bluerosesburnblue comes up with for the KHUX world is right up my alley.
Edit 2: Destiny Islands maybe isn’t as technologically un-advanced as I and some had originally thought, but it’s still not modern day Shibuya or anything like that.
Edit 3: A lot of Destiny Islands’ culture is based on Japan.
Edit 4: This isn’t a “headcanon” at all. But I love to joke with the fandom, that Naminé and Xion might as well be Sora and Kairi’s daughters. LOL
Edit 5: And because of that one scene in KHII, where Kairi, arguably, hits Riku in the arm, if you look close enough--and that one translation of the KHII manga, where Kairi tells Riku not to be such sourpuss--I headcanon that these two somewhat play off just how much they mean to each other. But really, they love each other of course. I mean that platonically.
Edit 6: And I want to believe Minnie and Daisy could eventually go on an adventure with Kairi or something. I like the headcanon that Daisy’s a magician, too--since Minnie is strong with light magic--even though it’s not true. Haha.
Edit 7: Sora says Kairi’s name over and over again at the end of KHI and tells her “I love you” at the end of KHIII.
Edit 8: Riku is Sora’s best man at Sora and Kairi’s wedding. He’s also the “uncle” and godfather of their kids. 
Edit 9: Speaking of, Sora and Kairi have a daughter named “Sakura”. But it’s pronounced like how you would say “Sum” (but drop the “M”, of course) and then “Cora”. “Sumcora” (but without the “M”).
Edit 10: Kairi’s a Disney princess.
Edit 11: Max Goof exists in the KH universe, as do the Three Caballeros, who Donald is friends with.
Edit 12: Terra and Naminé are friends.
Edit 13: This is completely unoriginal--and just “Riku” backwards--but in fics, I often call Riku Replica “Ukir” (I pronounce it “You-Kai-Err”, because I’m too lazy to come up with anything else and don’t want to steal other people’s ideas. And Repliku probably did want to be the opposite of Riku, so... -shrugs-
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vampiricmycelium · 5 years
Like a Black Hole That Draws You In
Fandom: Kanata no Astra / Astra: Lost in Space Pairing:  Luca Esposito/Ulgar Zweig/Yunhua Lun, one-sided Luca Esposito/Kanata Hoshijima, one-sided Ulgar Zweig/Kanata Hoshijima, one-sided Kanata Hoshijima/Yunhua Lun Rating: T Tags: Post-canon, Canon Compliant, Reminiscing, past Unrequited Crush, past Pining, Established Relationships, What Do You Do When Your Partners Tell You They Also Had a Crush on the Same Guy? Word Count:   1458 Summary: With Aries' and Kanata's wedding drawing closer, Luca reveals he used to have a crush on Kanata to his two partners. What he's not expecting is for Ulgar and Yunhua to tell him the same thing.  || Written for the Fictober prompt: "There’s just something about him.” ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20871758
Luca tapped a finger against the kitchen table, humming a song softly under his breath. It was one of Yun-Hua's but not any of her works. Instead it was a song she would sing quietly to herself sometimes when she was cleaning or sorting through things or anything else that was somewhat mindless. She often changed the words but the melody stayed the same. Luca always found it to be a pretty song, but he never actually brought it up with her. Instead, he would hum the melody to himself. Ulgar had started to do the same too, although he'd never admit it.
Neither Ulgar or Yun-Hua were in the kitchen with him. It wasn't a particularly strange occurance. They lived far more busy lives than he did. Being a reporter and a singer kept them out of the house for hours unlike his artist work which he did primarily from home. Once Luca joked that he was the bum boyfriend of their triad. Only Yun-Hua assured him that that wasn't the case. Ulgar agreed. It ended with the three of them laughing.
Luca did do a lot of work. He had just come out of a busy few weeks, but it never felt near the amount that the other two had to deal with. Luca made plenty of money, just like they did, and so he could be a little selective. Besides he never liked working mornings. They were for eating and taking in the day before you got to work. If he tried to rush things, he often felt uninspired. He liked to take his time when he could.
He was reading the newspaper. After all these years, there were still some people who referred what had happened to them. It was something that still connected them all as well. Not just that though. Luca glanced over at the paper that sat on the table. Aries had only sent one out which had surprised Ulgar.
"I figured she'd send one for each of us."
"But we all live together," Yun-Hua had replied. "It's probably for the better she sent only one."
"She does seem like the type to go overboard though.... Maybe we'll get more in the mail later!"
They didn't but Yun-Hua was right. That was probably for the best.
Luca tapped on the table once more, picking it up. They were all going, of course. They wouldn't miss this wedding for anything. Everyone from the Astra crew had already scheduled it out. Not just for the day of the wedding but time around it. While they all kept in touch, these days they didn't often had time to meet up with each other. Especially Kanata, Charice and Zack had all gone out into space again. It was going to be fun to see the others. As much as Luca loved Yun-Hua and Ulgar, he missed the rest of them too. 
Thinking about it right now, it was bringing back some memories. Of the months they spent in space together forging an unbreakable bond. Where Luca had revealed that he was intersex to people for the first time since learning. The way they all grew to trust and care for each other. It was possible had they actually done the school trip that the end result wouldn't have lead to their lives now. They might not have grown as close. Even if it was terrifying and dangerous and sometimes disheartening, Luca wouldn't have traded his time with the B-5 Group for anything. Yet thinking about to their travels, it also brought back another memory. There was a faint feeling in his heart. An old fondness that had gone unnoticed at the time.
"Oh Kanata."
"Are you talking to the wedding invite?" Luca looked up from the invite to see that both Yun-Hua and Ulgar were both coming in the door. He glanced over at the time, seeing that wasn't even noon yet.
They must have seen his confusion. Ulgar passed by heading towards their room but Yun-Hua came over to the table.
"Turns out that the studio is having some plumbing issues and Ulgar has time before he has to finish his report. So he decided to come home with me." Yun-Hua smiled reaching out to take the invite from Luca. Even if she didn't put as much effort into her looks today, Luca couldn't help but stare as she pushed her hair back behind her ear, smiling at the invite. She was always so lovely. Ulgar came over to sit at the other table. He wasn't as lovely, but Luca always had a thing for his rougher look. Luca had slide over towards a more feminine look lately which often had Ulgar looking out of place with the two of them. But they loved him regardless.
"So why did you say 'oh Kanata?' I can't imagine it's because he's getting married."
Luca pointed a finger at Yun-Hua leaning in closer to her. "That is where you're wrong. Well, somewhat." Luca leaned back. He never really talked about it. Oh, he had referenced it when he mentioned he was bisexual, but otherwise Luca hadn't talked about his crush on Kanata. "I was just thinking about the past. I used to really like Kanata. It's weird to think about! After all this time, I remembered hoping I could stand a chance."
Luca looked from Ulgar to Yun-Hua. Ulgar wasn't really reacting, rolling his eyes in a way that indicated that he knew that. Yun-Hua, on the other hand, seemed a little troubled. He wanted to ask her what was going on. His feelings for Kanata were in the past. He loved them now and was happy for Kanata and Aries, but she spoke before he could.
"I felt the same way," she told him, her voice quiet. This. This got a reaction out of Ulgar. He raised an eyebrow and laughed. Yun-Hua blushed. Even with the confidence she gained over the long years, some part of her was still that shy, quiet girl they had met. "I mean. Can you blame me? When we went to Shummoor and you were all poisoned. He was there for me. He supported me and helped me to put myself out there. I really admired his bravery and ingenuity. When... when I thought we might die on that planet I thought it would be nice for him to be my first and last kiss. It's silly I know."
Luca shook his head. "It's not silly." Now the two of them turned to their final partner. Ulgar was frowning, not meeting either of their eyes. Luca snickered, leaning towards him and poking him in the side. "Come on Ulgar. Why don't you share your feelings about our old Captain? You liked him too?" Luca was just joking around, easily being pushed away by his boyfriend. He stopped laughing when Ulgar spoke.
"Yes. I did."
Both Luca and Yun-Hua leaned across the table, eyes wide in surprised. "I was joking! Are you serious?"
"Why are you surprised? You, Yun-Hua, Aries. I'm sure there were plenty of others who were drawn to him. When you have a personality as bold and in your face, it's not difficult to have people like you. But-" Ulgar gave them both a look, "- tell him that I said that. He can never know I had a crush on him."
"There is just something about him." Yun-Hua still seemed to be reeling from this new information, but she was right. There was definitely something about Kanata. You were drawn to him like matter to a black hole. Luca laughed again. This turned into them exchanging stories about moments with him. Talking about how none of the realized that they had all harbored a crush on the same guy. What it would have been like. If any of the others might have liked him as well. Ulgar gave the most but that made sense. It was sort of strange how the three of them had all come together after everything. Luca hadn't just liked Kanata at the time. Ulgar was also someone he liked, but with that it worked out. Luca had been shocked to know he liked Yun-Hua and then suddenly all three had come together. It was nice.
"I can't wait to see our mutual crush get married. Aries is lucky. She was the one who came out victorious. Not that I would have guessed otherwise. I think she was the only one he had eyes for."
The other two nodded. Still, Luca would be thinking about this for a while. And when he saw Kanata again. All three would be thinking about it now. In the best sort of way. This too was bringing them together.
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A Top 30 Horror Movies
This is Halloween! This is Halloween! There are a lot of awesome horror movies, but I picked just 30 that qualify as my favorites. 
#30 - The Conjuring
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So this movie isn’t perfect. The last 20-30 minutes kinda turn into a mess as the demon gets more confrontational. But, the first 90 minutes are a near perfect slow build of tension and smart visual storytelling. All the actors do a good job, even the kids. This movie has insured I never play Hide and Clap.
#29 - Paranormal Activity 2
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In my opinion superior to the (still pretty good) original, PA2 moves faster than its predecessor and uses the audience’s curiosity against them in interesting ways. You’re always looking to the edges of the screen for something or someone out of place, and as the movie progresses, that curiosity rattles the nerves more and more.
#28 - The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
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One of the only modern horror remakes that improves and expands on the original. The Hills Have Eyes hit when I was a junior in high school. It is gleefully gorey and deranged. People die in awful ways, and the protagonist (seen above) spends most of the last half hour drenched in blood. It’s a lot of fun if you’re into that sort of thing.
#27 - Event Horizon
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Space Horror is a hard genre to get right. Event Horizon knocks it out of the park by getting the slow build right. There are gruesome and bloody images from time to time, but the majority of the movie is built on tension and dread. Having Sam Neill and Laurence Fishburne leading the cast adds some dramatic weight to the proceedings.
#26 - The VVitch
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The GOAT 17th Century rural horror movie. This movie gets real weird and leaves a lot up to the audience’s imagination. The less said about it the better if you haven’t seen it. But, even for the 2010s renaissance of horror, this one stands out.
#25 - Hereditary
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This is a list of my favorite horror movies, not the scariest. If it were “scariest” this would be top 10, maybe top 5. The second half of this movie is some of the most uncomfortable and relentlessly horrifying storytelling I’ve ever seen. Across just two feature films, Director Ari Aster has proved himself a master of the horror genre. We’re all worse off for it.
#24 - Return of the Living Dead
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The first movie on this list that is more funny than scary, Return of the Living Dead is laugh out loud hilarious at times. Somehow, it still manages to be a more effective zombie movie than most serious ones. Great punk rock soundtrack and highly quotable, this is great for people who scare a little too easily.
#23 - Friday the 13th Part 2
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Basically improving on the original in every way, Friday the 13th Part 2 is iconic even without Jason’s hockey mask making an appearance. The killer instead keeps a lumpy bag over his head the whole time. The movie lets you know early on that its going to be ridiculous, when the Part 2 logo literally smashes through the Friday the 13th title card. Great representation of the slasher genre.
#22 - Suspiria (2018)
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I’m a sucker for lore in movies, and Suspiria is full to the brim with details that expand on the world. Led by great performances from Tilda Swinton and Dakota Johnson, the movie is highly intelligent and occasionally brutally violent. The fact that the director’s prior movie was “Call Me By Your Name” shows that he’s a talented filmmaker no matter the genre.
#21 - Halloween (1978)
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Michael Myers is iconic. The music is iconic. Jamie Lee Curtis is an all-time great horror leading lady. Halloween is a must watch for horror genre fans. 
#20 - Get Out
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This movie is so well written it won an Oscar. Get Out is both hilarious and brutally tense. The acting is awesome across the board. Who knew Jordan Peele would use his comedy talent to make a career in scary movies? 
#19 - Shaun of the Dead
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A classic comedy filled with so many jokes that it takes about 3 watches to catch them all. Not scary in the least, but uniquely playful in the genre. Also made Simon Pegg a star. Nothing but greatness here.
#18 - The Descent
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I’ll always remember my first watch of this movie. It slaps you in the face with trauma in the first 5 minutes. Then spends three quarters of an hour building tension and claustrophobia before suddenly becoming a solid monster feature. Though it fizzles a little at the end with some wtf moments, the first 3/4ths are very effecting.
#17 - Nightmare on Elm Street
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Nightmare on Elm Street is just a cool as hell idea for a horror movie. It takes the occasional predictability of Halloween or Friday the 13th and flips it. The kills are inventive and visually interesting, the effects are very cool, and you get to see Johnny Depp get brutally murdered. win-win-win.
#16 - Saw
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Saw came out at a perfect age for me. Seeing this movie at 16 was a great experience. Even as the sequels got worse and worse, the whodunnit nature of the original held up. People were literally drowning in gore by Saw 3, but this is a solid movie that knows when to tone things down. Great watch.
#15 - Evil Dead 2
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By turns hilarious and unsettling, watching Evil Dead 2 allows the viewer to marvel at the special effects done on a shoestring budget. Bruce Campbell is an absurd and talented physical actor, and singlehandedly carries this movie into the hall of fame.
#14 - IT Chapter 1
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Chopping the 1,000 page Stephen King book in half allowed the first half of the IT saga to thrive. Bill Skarsgard is a fantastic Pennywise, and the child actors all do well. A slightly repetitive series of scares keeps this one from perfection (and would be the downfall of Part 2), but its still an amazing peak of the genre.
#13 - Dawn of the Dead (2004)
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Fast zombies. Zack Snyder directing before his head got too big. Hilarious musical cues. Apocalyptic imagery. This movie is one of the best of the zombie genre.
#12 - Fright Night (1985)
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One of the most simply fun movies on this list, Fright Night is straight out of the mid 80s. It never takes itself too seriously, but it still has some good scares sprinkled in. An essential vampire movie, and the remake with Colin Farrell wasn’t half bad either.
#11 - The Omen (1976)
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One of my early favorites, The Omen is another lore filled film that gradually ramps up the twists until the dramatic finale. Probably one of the least scary films on my list, its built on Gregory Peck being a great actor and a few pretty messed up deaths.
#10 - An American Werewolf in London
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Another favorite from childhood, this is the best the werewolf genre has to offer. Made by John Landis who also did Animal House and Blues Brothers, American Werewolf balances 80s level of gore with award winning special effects and clever music (every song featured has moon in the title).
#9 - It Follows
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One of the newest (and most original) movies on the list, It Follows is one of a kind. It’s terrifying, has great cinematography and halfway through the movie you have absolutely no clue how it will end. Must see.
#8 - Midsommar
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This is absolute newest film on the list, and one I’m anxious to rewatch. Midsommar sets itself apart by being 95% in broad daylight and providing a wealth of backstory to the “bad guys”. Also Florence Pugh shows that she is an amazingly skilled actress, particularly in the final 10 minutes.
#7 - The Exorcist
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^That guy is scary. He’s also only in the movie for like 3 seconds. Obviously this is a classic. If you haven’t seen it and like horror at all, it will still amaze you, almost 50 years later. I would’ve loved to be a fly on the wall when it was in theaters watching people lose their minds. Still a masterpiece of the genre.
#6 - The Blair Witch Project
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I watched The Blair Witch Project for the first time alone in my room at age...I believe 14. That was a mistake. While the mistakes of the hikers become a bit hilarious on multiple rewatches, the night scenes are still tense af. The last 15 minutes are uniquely terror-inducing. Everybody’s seen this one, but if you haven’t, maybe watch it with the lights on?
#5 - The Evil Dead (2013)
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This movie is one of the most intense and relentless horror movies ever. Nail guns, rusty knives, a turkey carver, a chainsaw, a machete: people get literally ripped apart in this movie. But, here’s the thing, its really really fun to watch. You’ll be out of breath when its over, but still.
#4 - Cabin in the Woods
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Cabin in the Woods isn’t THAT scary. It flirts with scary. It has some shocking and frightening moments But mostly its a shitload of fun that plays on every trope of the horror genre. It also has one of my favorite final moments of any film on this list.
#3 - The Thing
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Underappreciated upon its release, The Thing has become the standard by which body horror is measured. Its delightfully paranoid and lets the audience sit and think as gruesome deaths pile up. 
#2 - Alien
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One of the first movies to terrify me, Alien is one of the greatest horror movies ever made. The monster design is iconic. The kills and set pieces are one of a kind. It has a kick ass female heroine played by Sigourney Weaver. What more do you want?
and finally
#1 - The Shining
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YEAHHHHHHH Here’s a brief list of iconic Shining scenes: - An elevator full of blood - The old woman in room 237 - All work and no play make Jack a dull boy - The snowy hedge maze - Here’s Johnny - Danny’s vision of the twins - The house of horrors finale featuring the man in bear costume featured above and of course - REDRUM This movie is a masterpiece, made by one of the greatest directors of all time, starring one of the greatest actors of all time and based on one of the scariest books by the defining horror author of our time. Its damn near perfect.
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darley1101 · 6 years
Halloween Trick
A/N I love writing the creepy, spooky, and angst-riddled, which makes October and Halloween an exciting time for me. I had several prompts come in that sort of melded together into this one shot. It started with a request from @endlessly-searching-for-you “What God awful demon possessed you to wear that?” “There will be a lot of screaming tonight.” and “The legend said it only goes after virgins...so sucks to be you I guess.” Right after her request came in I got one from @choicesfan44 for a heated argument between Chris x Aria/MC, followed by an anonymous one for them to go to a haunted house. How could I not combine those three requests together? Especially since Braidwood Manor is nearby.
Characters: Aria/MC, Abbie, Kaitlyn, Zack, Tyler, Chris and Becca (Please note that Chris is technically with Becca but very much has feelings for Aria)
Setting: This is set during The Freshmen. I am taking some liberty with the time frame, so Chris is still bumbling through his so called 'relationship' with Becca.
Rating/Warning: Mature readers only. Strong language
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Halloween Tricks
“The moon has awoken with the sleep of the sun, the light has been broken; the spell has begun.” -Midgard Morningstar
Uncertainty flickered across eighteen year old Aria Forbes pretty features as she studied her reflection in the full length mirror that was fixed to the back of her closet door. She barely recognized the creature staring back; which was the point she supposed since it was Halloween. “You need to let your hair down Ari,” her best friend Kaitlyn had told her. “Like, literally let your hair down. And it won't kill you to let Abbie do your make up. You've moped over Chris long enough.” It had been futile to protest because deep down Aria knew Kaitlyn was right, she had spent the last two months either crying or moping around over some guy that had ditched her for a sorority girl who put out. Silently acknowledging that Kaitlyn was right didn't keep Aria from wanting to just spend the evening curled up with a feel good romance novel that made her forget her bruised ego and cracked heart. In the end, she had caved under pressure and quietly sat on a stool while Kaitlyn did something with her long brown hair and Abbie, like the artist she was, transformed her face from fresh faced to sultry. She'd even submitted to putting on the over sized orange sweatshirt with a jack-o-lantern face printed on the front that Kaitlyn insisted counted as a costume. Now, as she stood before the mirror, staring at the end result, she doesn't know if she can go through with whatever plans Kaitlyn cooked up. She wanted to wipe the make up off, exchange the Halloween sweatshirt for the old flannel shirt she'd stolen from her dad, and hide under the covers.
“Don't even think about it,” Abbie warned from the doorway, her arms crossed over chest and her eyes steely with determination. “I am not going to be stuck partaking in whatever Halloween hi-jinx Kaitlyn has planned without some back up.”
“I don't like Halloween,” Aria sighed. She turned away from the mirror and strode across the room to plop down on her bed. “Do you know  how many times bigger kids stole my candy? Or how many parties I was intentionally excluded from in high school?” Her nose wrinkled up at the unpleasant memories. In grade school she had been the smallest and the slowest, which made her an easy target for the bigger, meaner kids out to steal as much candy as possible. In junior high and school she had been persona non grata thanks to her mom being the high school principal; nobody wanted to date, befriend, or invite Mrs. Forbes precious daughter. To say her formative years had been lonely was an understatement. It was probably why she latched on to her suite mates as quickly as she had. Especially Chris Powell. Her cheeks flushed, thinking of the fool she'd mad of herself over him. Their first night in the suite she had let Kaitlyn talk her into a drinking game that had led to her inviting Chris back to her room. She'd been just drunk enough to make a complete fool of herself by rambling about her pathetic high school experience and how she was probably the only virgin in her graduating class. The V word had been like throwing ice water on Chris. He'd gone form hot and heavy to Mr. Cuddly.
“Girl, you're preaching to the choir. The last time I went out on Halloween I ended up covered in what I pray was fake blood and not something those assholes picked up from the butcher shop.” A visible shudder rippled through Abbie's slender body. “My parents used to try to make me take my younger sister...childhood experiences and memories...” she paused to roll her eyes, “but we usually found some church having a fall festival and then hit up Wal-mart for a bag of mixed candy so mom wouldn't question us.”
Bending slightly at the waist, Aria tugged on the black above the knee socks Kaitlyn had given to her when she'd forced the sweatshirt. Apparently they, too, were part of the so called costume. The only thing Aria could figure out was she was supposed to be some sort of sexy pumpkin. Didn't Kaitlyn realize pumpkins weren't sexy? “Think we can get away with talking Kaitlyn into something similar?”
“Yeah right.” Abbie rolled her soft brown eyes before moving to stand in front of the mirror. She leaned forward, patting her middle finger next to her eye where a clump of glitter had settled. “She's not in it for the candy, she's in for the scare. I overheard Zack telling Tyler that she was bragging about knowing  how to get into Braidwood Manor.”
“Braidwood Manor?” A chill rippled down Aria's spine. Why did that name sound so familiar?
“Yeah. It's this abandoned estate about fifteen minutes from here. Supposedly its haunted.” Abbie continued to pat at the glitter, spreading it up into her hairline. If Aria was a sexy pumpkin, then Abbie was a sweet ghost with a fetish for glitter. “And supposedly that's where we're all going tonight.”
“We?” Aria's heart lurched and a familiar panic started tightening in her chest. Please don't let Chris or Becca be part of that we. For about five seconds Aria had thought Chris liked her, that maybe just maybe a boy was looking at her and actually seeing her. Ha. What an idiot she had been. The same night she worked up her courage to tell him that she liked him, he hooked up with the blonde bitch that had dumped iced coffee on her the first day of the semester. Becca Davenport, president of some stupid sorority that wore too much pink and so beautiful it hurt. Chris had wasted no time in sliding in Becca's designer silk sheets, leaving Aria confused, heart broken, and a pathetic mess that cried at night when she thought her suite mates were sleeping. College was turning out to be another round of high school.
“Yeah. And before you ask...I don't know who all that entails. I think half of Hartfeld goes. Its sort of a right of passage. Seeing which students last the longest.” Abbie turned from the mirror, a sympathetic look on her face. “If they do show up, maybe we can push her down a set of stairs and blame it on a ghost.”
Aria let out a small laugh. “We can't do that Abbie.”
“Uh, yeah, we can. Bitch has it coming. She's a heinous troll.”
“Whose a heinous troll?” Kaitlyn demanded. She breezed into the room in a cloud of colored hair spray and Victoria Secret's Love Spell. “Ohh. Wait. Let me guess.” She cocked her head to the side, chewing black lip stick off her lower lip. “You wouldn't happen to be talking about Becca would you?”
“What gave it away? Heinous, troll, or bitch?”  There was no ignoring the sarcasm in Abbie's voice or the tension that was crunching up her features. “Seriously, Kait, if that bitch is there...”
Kaitlyn chewed off the remainder of her lipstick, her gaze dropping to the floor before darting up to meet Aria's. “Look, I didn't invite either of them but I can't guarantee that they won't show. Darren knows, plus going to Braidwood Manor on Halloween is a Hartfeld tradition.”
Swallowing the lump of dismay that was threatening to form in her throat, Aria forced a wobbly smile. “Who cares about Chris and Becca? They deserve each other.” The words tasted sour on her tongue, a lie she told herself to ease the pain of rejection. It seldom worked and now was no exception. Despite his unholy attraction to Becca 'Queen Bitch' Davenport, Chris was a nice guy. He deserved better than the blonde viper he was currently sleeping with.
“That's the spirit!” Kaitlyn exclaimed clapping her hands together in excitement. “Okay, let me put on some more lipstick and we can blow this joint.” An excited squeal followed her out the door.
“You're getting better,” Abbie murmured. “I almost believed you this time.” Aria opened her mouth to deny the accusation but let her lip fall into a sad smile. What was the point in arguing against a truth she had just acknowledged herself? “And my offer to be the friendly ghost that does the world a favor by pushing her down a staircase still stands.”
A real smile spread across Aria's lips as she hooked her arm through Abbie's and motioned for her other best friend to lead the way. “Shall we see if that opportunity arises?”
“We shall,” Abbie laughed. Her laugh faltered when they entered the living area of their suite and found Chris chatting with Tyler while Becca stood nearby with a scowl fixed on her face. “Great,” she muttered. Aria started to pull back, to retreat to her room and lock the door. “Oh hell no,” Abbie whispered, “I'm not going to let you give that bitch the satisfaction of you running and hiding.”
“I don't think I can deal with her tonight,” Aria pleaded. She tugged her arm, trying to free herself from Abbie's grip but it was pointless. The other girl had an iron grip.
“There will be a lot of screaming tonight,” Zack squealed, his eyes shining bright with a feverish sort of excitement. “A guy in my lit class said you can practically hear the ghosts of the children crying out for help. Can you imagine...being murdered by your own mother because she wanted to protect you?” Chris responded with something Aria couldn't hear over the buzzing in her ears. Why did he have to look so good? His tall, athletic form was garbed in the traditional Grease T Bird uniform of dark washed jeans, white t shirt, and black leather jacket. Of course Becca was dressed to perfection as a Pink Lady. It was enough to make Aria gag.
“Ew.” Becca let out a sneer, her full lips twisting into a ugly grimace that made her look a lot like the heinous troll Abbie insisted she was. “What god awful demon possessed you to wear that?” It took Aria a moment to realize that she was the one Becca was talking to. “Would their name happen to be Abbie?”
“Actually,” Kaitlyn cleared her throat, “I'm the one who picked it out and I happen to think she looks amazing.” The smaller, petite girl strode over and wrapped an arm around Aria's waist. A defiant look crossed her face. “Don't you agree Chris? Doesn't Aria look amazing?”
“Yeah,” Chris answered softly, his blue eyes colliding with Aria's. For a moment the connection Aria had felt that first night sparked to life, holding them hostage.
“Whatever. It's not like she's going to last long at Braidwood Manor.” Becca rolled her eyes. A wicked grin stretched across her pink lips. “The house, specifically the mother, loves girls like Aria.”
“What's that supposed to mean,”Abbie demanded.
“Oh. Haven't you heard. One of the things the mother was trying to protect her precious daughters from was the wicked, delights of the flesh. She couldn't stand the idea of her innocent daughters succumbing to lust. So... she protected them by killing them. So now that's what the house craves.” Her grin spread even further as she leaned forward, her gaze fixed on Aria. “The legend says it only goes after virgins...so sucks to be you I guess.”
It felt as though ice cold water had been thrown on Aria. Everything in her froze. How the hell did Becca know that she was a virgin? And then it hit her. Chris. Chris had told Becca about that first night and how Aria had chickened out on having sex because she wanted her first time to be special. “You're such a fucking asshole,” she screamed, blood rushing to her pale cheeks. “I can't believe I ever thought you were...” Her lower lip started to tremble and the room started to blur. She could hear Becca laughing. Abbie threatening to punch someone's lights out. And Kaitlyn...Kaitlyn was rubbing small circles on her back, telling her it was going to be alright. Aria jerked away. “It's not going to be alright,” she sobbed. “I'm sick to death of not feeling good enough, of people acting like there's something wrong with me because I don't...I'm not...I'm not Becca.” She spun around to glare at Chris. “I trusted you. I thought you were at least my friend. Turns out you're just like her!” She jabbed a finger at Becca.
“And what would that be Aria? Beautiful? Popular?”
It took every ounce of her will power not to walk across the living room and smack Becca across the face. “No, an empty shell of a human being who makes up for her own short comings by trying to make others feel bad about themselves.”
“I'm not...that isn't me,” Chris protested.
Aria snorted. “Right.” She pushed past Abbie and yanked open the door to the stairs that led up to the roof. Her feet thundered against the wood, her eyes burning as her tears liquefied her mascara and eyeliner. She let out a gasp as the cool autumn air hit her, a strong gust of wind pushing her hair off her face. Wrapping her arms around her middle she ignored her chattering teeth and stood staring out across campus. Students of all ages were running around in various forms of costumes, laughing and having a good time. If not for Becca, she would have been one of them. It was pathetic that she was letting one person ruin her night but that was her middle name: Aria “Pathetic” Forbes. She let out a sound of disgust. Was this really the person she wanted to continue to be?
“Can we talk?”
Her body stiffened at the sound of Chris's voice.  She should have known that he would follow her outside. It seemed to be a pattern. Becca would make her feel like crap, she would run off and Chris would follow. In the past she had used it as an opportunity to beg him to pick her, to choose her. He never did. His loyalty to Becca was baffling. “You're the last person I want to talk to,” she bit out, tightening her arms around her middle. Her fingers twisted into the soft fabric of Kaitlyn's sweatshirt. “Why don't you go run your mouth to Becca some more. You seem to be good at that.”
“That's fair,” Chris sighed. “But I'm not going anywhere until we talk. Not until you let me apologize.”
“What is there to talk about?” Her fingers twisted tighter into the fabric, pulling at it. “Every chance she gets, Becca makes my life a living hell. A lot of times right in front of you. And you're either too blind to see it or you just don't care. Either way, don't you dare stand there apologizing for sharing personal information with someone who openly hates me.” Untangling her right hand, Aria reached up and wiped at her cheeks, grimacing at the smears of black that were left on her fingertips. She could only imagine the mess her face was. All of Abbie's hard work down the drain. “You know,” she whispered, “I am sick to death of being made to feel bad for being nice or wanting to wait for the right person.”
“There's nothing wrong with being nice or waiting Ari.” His voice was closer, so close she could feel the heat radiating off his body. “I need you to know I didn't tell Becca. Not directly. Darren and I were talking about why I pulled back from you. I told him I didn't want to hurt you, that I'm not in a good place for a serious relationship and that's what you deserve. I didn't want to be that guy who took advantage or for you to look back and regret your first time because you threw it away on a guy who doesn't know what he wants.”
His words cut to the quick. It would have hurt less if he had told her that he had intentionally told Becca. “You need to leave,” she whispered. “You say you don't want to hurt me but you being here, telling me these things, knowing that you're going to walk out the door with Becca...that hurts. It hurts more than you will ever know. So please, if you care about my feelings as much as you claim...just go.”
There was a pregnant pause, silence hanging heavy between them, before the weight of his jacket settled on her shoulders and the soft sound of the door clicking shut echoed in her ears. Aria bit back a sob, burying her face in the still warm leather. No matter how many times they did this song and dance, she couldn't bring herself to let him go. It wasn't an obsession, she'd considered that. It was more like this awareness that there was something between them that could be magical if he would just give it half a shot. Instead, they both spent their nights miserable. Her crying alone in her bed while he lay next to someone who was mean for sport.
Tagging people I think might enjoy: @mysteli @brightpinkpeppercorn @theroyalweisme @kinkykingliam @fullbeaumonty @cocomaxley @annekebbphotography @bobasheebaby @brightpinkpeppercorn @captain-kingliamsqueen @ehkw1989 @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @innerpostmentality @kennaxval @katurrade @kawairinrin
Chris x MC tag: @maxattack-powell @starstruckpixelberryhistoryvoid @syltti78 @jellybean-marshmellow @flowerpowell
Perma tag: @debramcg1106 @josieschoices @speedyoperarascalparty @zackzilberg @christopher-powell @tmarie82 @mfackenthal @hamulau @endlessly-searching-for-you @damienazariostan @drakelover78 @penguininapinktuxedo  @stopforamoment @writtenbycandy @lizeboredom @alicars  @leelee10898 @choicesfannatalie @liamxs-world @katurrade @jadedpixiescribbles @indiacater @gardeningourmet @boneandfur @blackcatkita @umccall71 @eileendannie @choiceslife @hopefulmoonobject @hellospunkiebrewster
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mysteli · 6 years
Father Figure (Chris X MC)
A/N: Heya! Another fic for Chris and Aria and this is a prompt suggested by an anon so thank you for that and I hope you enjoy this! ❤️💗💞💕
Prompt: ‘My father said he was a good man, he lied.’
Warning: T
PERMA TAG LIST: @brightpinkpeppercorn​ @cocomaxley@hopefulmoonobject@alesana45@jellybean-marshmellow@mymandrake@regrettingnathan@dobie2112@princesstopgun@mechaspirit@skyila@mind-reader1 @xo-endlessmayhem-xo@sakaily @justboredtrash@regina-and-happiness@flyawayblue56@annekebbphotography@endlessly-searching-for-you@reginasayeed@zigortega4life@christopher-powell @eileendannie@alesana45@diamondoasis@speedyoperarascalparty @indiacater
This fic:
Let me know if you wanna be tagged! 💗
Summary: Chris is having trouble adjusting to the second absence of his father and he starts to worry about his ability as a father when the time finally comes?
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Chris throws his bag over his shoulder, as he steps into the house that Zack, Kaitlyn, Aria and him had done their best to fix up and decorate. Since they were still having some issues and it’s uncertain if they’ll still live here by the end of the year, Chris is trying to be as optimistic as possible. There is still shit going down with the football team with Manny and Zig but Chris just can’t be bothered right now. Yes, he’s the captain but he’s also a human who deserves time to himself occasionally.
Aria has reminded him countless times that he needs to breathe. To mediate. To calm down. To not allow the stress to take over completely. He’s tried and tried and some of it helped but there’s just too many responsibilities hanging over his shoulder. Too many weights dragging him down. Too many people counting on him and he can’t let them down.
Chris was still recovering mentally and emotionally from the second escape of his father, who showed up with hope to be the father Chris has always dreamed for him to be only to disappoint like he always fucking does. Leaving AJ alone. What a damn mistake. One a father would never make. A rule you think he’d know. But he keeps saying he wants to be a good man but by then, all hope was lost and Chris had to let him go. For good this time. 
As Chris ventures into the house, he takes a second to shut the front door before scanning his surroundings with ease, checking to see if anyone is home. He can’t help but smile widely when he spots his beloved girlfriend, Aria, typing furiously on her laptop and wearing one of Chris’ grey hoodies. She’s definitely been working all day and she seems too focused on the task at hand to even notice Chris.
A lightbulb goes off in his head, as he places his bag down, not so loud that Aria hears him which she doesn’t. He crosses the room until he reaches the armrest of the chair and where Aria’s head rests. He watched the back of her sweetly for a moment, admiring how concentrated she is when she has that solemn look in her eyes.
Caringly, Chris wraps a arm around Aria’s neck, resting his head on her shoulder and kissing her forward sweetly. He can feel her smile at the tenderness of his soothing touch. 
“Hey, you.” Aria mutters in that soft, melodic voice of hers, though a hint of exhaustion lurks in her tone and that tells Chris that she’s been working for a long time.
He kisses the side of her head and smiles weakly. “What’s up, babe?” He asks, scanning the screen of her laptop curiously. 
“Nothing much. I was just writing.” Aria replies, accidentally yawning as she did and Chris just chuckles faintly, massaging his girlfriend’s shoulders comfortingly - hoping to ease her mind a little.
“About what?”
Aria stiffens at the question, almost not wanting to say it out load. Sweat creases her forehead and she tries to hide the awkwardness in her dark eyes, as a tension climbs up her back and causes her to flinch. 
Chris eyes her questioningly. “What?” 
“Nothing. I’m fine. I’m just proofreading something for James.” Aria completely changes her answer from before and there’s suddenly an uneasy sense about her. She releases Chris’ hands from her shoulders and lets them fall to his sides.
“You just said you were writing something.” Chris reminds her, not sure what’s going on. “Ari, why can’t I know what you’re writing about?” He asks while reaching for her laptop to gesture towards the screen but she quickly shuts it and moves it away as she swiftly rises from the couch, keeping her laptop close to her chest.
“More like editing for James then.” Aria changes her lie around again and Chris just rolls his eyes, seeing right through her like a shard of glass.
“Babe... you’re writing something.” He tells her, almost as if he had to enlighten her and Aria remains silent for a moment, struggling to process this entire situation.
“It’s nothing. Really. It’s just... private.” She finally says and not very well, as her voice stutters constantly and she can’t seem to find the right words. 
Chris shrugs his shoulders. “Private? Come on, what’s the big deal?” He enquirers in that oh so convincing and curious tone of his, as he paces over to his girlfriend, searching her eyes for a moment for any sort of answer but all he gets is... nothing.
Aria tenses up again. “...You wouldn’t like it.” 
Chris smirks at that, taking a wary step closer to his anxious girlfriend. He hates it when she’s like this but he can’t help but be slightly amused by how nervous she is. “There isn’t anything you can write that I would not like. You’re an amazing writer and you don’t give yourself enough credit.” He assures, running a hand through his hair and placing his hand behind his head awkwardly. 
Aria’s shoulders slump back and she relaxes slightly. “This isn’t really about my skill as a writer. It’s more the topic that you wouldn’t like.” Aria admits and Chris can tell she’s trying to ease him into something.
Chris just laughs half-heartedly, assuming she’s just having a joke. “Come on, Ari. Just let me read it.” He urges and he notices how her grip on her laptop starts to weaken. He can tell he’s winning.
Aria stiffens, closing her eyes as Chris takes yet another step towards her. “Chris... it’ll hurt you.” She says suddenly and Chris freezes immediately from the confusion suddenly hitting him. He doesn’t even know what’s going on? What the hell is she talking about? “You just... you don’t wanna hear it.” 
“Aria...” He whispers her name so sweetly and that’s all it takes for her to finally relent. Her breaking point has struck. 
Chris relaxes slightly, stopping his features from falling anymore. Aria drops the laptop on the couch hopelessly and gestures for Chris to go and get it. He does, taking a quick glance at his shaking girlfriend, as he opens the laptop. Once the screen comes back on, a Word document appears, revealing that she has clearly been writing something. He scrolls all the way to the top and collapses onto the couch. 
“Babe, I don’t get why you’re so paranoid because this already looks...” Chris trails off when his eyes catch sight of the title of the writing. Bold and obvious in a classic text. Despite all its details, the most clear and painful thing is the words used. 
‘Father Figure’
That could only mean one thing. What else could it have meant? Chris remembers Aria saying those words after he told his dad off and he left. She comforted him and repeated the words ‘Father Figure’ at least a thousand times. She’s definitely had it in her head for a while and Chris suddenly wonders how long she’s been working on this.
Furrowing his brows, he glances at his girlfriend, noticing the awkward and embarrassed look on her face. She’s obviously afraid that he’s gonna get upset about her writing about his private life, especially something as personal as his problems with his father. But it shouldn’t be this difficult to open up to each other. 
“Aria...” Chris begins, unable to form any words. Instead, he starts skimming over the text, reading it as carefully as possible. “...Is this...”
“About your father?” Aria asks and Chris nods blindly. She starts fiddling with her nails and tugging at her hair, twisting a few strands to ease her nerves as Chris suspiciously reads the text. “...Yeah.” 
A moment of silence passes, all that time spent with Chris reading the extract of writing and seeing just how much of his personal life she put in there. Aria isn’t one to just write about someone’s personal life without permission, especially if it’s Chris’. Her damn boyfriend. You think she’d let him know but never mind. 
Chris finally finishes and leans back against the couch, moving the laptop to the side, unable to take another glance at the text. “...You mentioned all of it, huh?” He mutters, breaking the silence like a block of ice. It was almost a desperate move. 
Aria flinches at the question, hiding her face in her hands. “I’m sorry. I know I should’ve talked to you about this first but I didn’t and... I feel absolutely terrible. I know how defensive you are when your father is mentioned but... in some way, I thought you’d appreciate it.” Aria tries to apologise but it cut off by the stutter in her own voice. She can’t function properly and she feels tears start to rise in her eyes. 
Noticing, Chris leaps up from the couch and wraps Aria in an embrace, comfortingly stroking her shoulders and roaming his hands up and down her back - trying his best to make his girlfriend feel better. There’s clearly too much pressure on her and she’s been so emotional lately with the all the stress she’s been put through with the house in danger, Chris’ dad showing up and now this. This may just be the tip of the iceberg.
Aria snuggles into Chris’ chest, wiping away her tears the best she can. “...I’m sorry... I just...” 
“No, babe. You don’t gotta explain anything. I get it.” Chris interrupts her by placing a light finger on her lips and titling her chin so she’s staring right into his eyes. She looks absolutely beautiful, even when there’s tears shining in the corners of her deep, brown eyes or sweat creasing the mixed, tan skin. Aria seems surprised that Chris is being so understanding. “I love you and if you wanna write about this stuff, you don’t gotta feel sorry about it. I want you to know everything. Absolutely everything. You’re the most important thing in my life and I want you to feel like you shouldn’t feel guilty about knowing these things about me. Because we love each other and honesty is the key right?” 
Aria almost melts at Chris’ soothing and sweet words, finally feeling able to crack a small smile. She close her eyes and some sobs escape but she doesn’t care. Just ignores them and connects their lips together instead. 
“I love you so much.” 
Chris sighs and smiles, burying his face in Aria’s brunette hair. “I love you too.” 
“You’re pregnant.” The doctor suddenly states and Aria immediately gasps at that, uncertain what to say. She can’t believe it. She can’t fucking believe this. Why now? Why fucking now? She’s in college. She should be focusing on a career and getting her education, not giving birth to an unplanned child. No. No. 
This can’t be happening.
Recently, Aria hasn’t been feeling herself and she has been nauseous these past few weeks. She assumed it was the flu but then it got worse and she forced herself to visit a doctor and now... here she is - in the middle of a crisis. Having just found out that she’s going to have a child. 
Well, Damnit.
“...Are you sure?” Aria asks, shaking like a leaf.
The doctor gestures to the file on his clipboard. “Yes. You wanna know why?” 
“Because it says so here. Don’t blame the blood tests.” The doctor says in a strict tone. This doctor hasn’t been the friendliest and is definitely in a bad mood. “I’ll give you a minute.”
The doctor exits the room, leaving Aria with a crumbled state of mind and left to contemplate the situation all by herself. This is crazy. It can’t be real. She has to be dreaming. 
Come on, just breathe.
God... what’s Chris gonna say?
Later, Aria sits alone in her room, fiddling with her fingers and having been in deep thought since she got back from the hospital. Her main concern being on telling Chris, which she knows she needs to do. Today, matter of fact. Or she’ll regret it. Chris is the type of guy to understand. He always understands because he’s amazing. He’s generous. He’s kind. He’s loyal. He’s a family kind of guy. But he also has a future.
And they did not plan for a baby.
Not this soon.
Truth is, Aria is terrified - frozen to her very core. She can’t deal with this. It hurts her so much. It kills her and she knows this child will interrupt their entire lives. Aria is so busy all the time and never going to be able to take care of this kid. And that’s what scares her. She knows Chris will push aside everything to be with a family but... Aria doesn’t want him to give it all up for her. 
Suddenly, the door to her bedroom creaks open and Chris peaks his head in curiously. Aria glances up, startled slightly when she spots Chris. She attempts to act nonchalant but her nerves bounce off her like a boomerang - flying back at Chris.
“Hey, babe. Zack’s making cookies if you want any.” Chris asks, stopping with his offer when he notices the tears in Aria’s eyes. He gathers her in his arms and rocks her gently, keeping his attention on his girlfriend and consoling her. “Baby, what’s wrong?” 
Aria pours out her heart and soul in that moment, not wanting to hold anything back. “Chris... I love you so much and I want you to know that because what I’m about to tell you might... scare you.” Aria warns him, snuggling into his chest and he leans back slightly when he hears her words, furrowing his brows in bewildered manor. 
“Ari... you saying that is scaring me. Tell me what’s going on.” He urges, slightly afraid now about what she might say. Aria takes a moment to gather herself, summoning all the courage that remains in her heart, placing her hand on her stomach and exhaling softly.
“Chris... I’m pregnant.” 
Chris gasps immediately but not as much as you’d expect. His bites down on the right side of his mouth and attempts to compose himself, rubbing his eyebrows in a confused manor.
“H-How did that even happen?” Chris questions, not sure what else to even ask.
Aria closes her eyes. “I don’t know.”
Concern floods Aria’s eyes as Chris starts to tremble slightly, struggling to find any words to react with. “But we’ve never not used...”
“I know but...”
“Then how the hell did this...”
“Chris.” Aria says his name rather firmly, placing a hand on his arm and attempting to calm him. “Tell me what you’re thinking.” 
Chris stays silent for a moment, staring at the floor with his ocean blue eyes. “I... I don’t know what to say. This almost seems... too soon. Don’t you think?” He suggests and Aria’s face falls at his words. “I mean... you have a future to worry about. We both do and a kid just doesn’t seem like...”
Aria rests her forehead against his and looks him dead in the eyes. “I know that’s not what you’re really worrying about.” She states, as if she can read his mind and she can see right though him.
Chris relents almost immediately, knowing he can’t lie to her. She’s everything to him. She knows everything about him and she could spot him from a mile away, recognise him in any crowd.
“...Guess I’m thinking about my father.” Chris is slightly surprised that is his first thought after having just found out that he’s gonna be a father himself. Why would he think of his own father first? “Damnit. This is stupid. You’re having my kid and I’m here thinking about...”
Aria cups his face and runs a hand through his messed up hair, which was obviously caused by exertion from football practise. “Your skills as a father. That’s what you’re worrying about. Because you care.” 
Chris releases a heavy sigh, thankful that she doesn’t think he’s being completely ridiculous. “...I love you so much and I... I want this kid with you. I do. I really do.” He pauses, sucking in a sharp breath and holding back a few tears. “But my father said he was a good man... and he lied. What if I can’t be mean it when I say it?” 
Aria plants a few soft kisses on Chris’ lips, letting them linger for extra encouragement and Chris sinks into her touch, staying completely silent and still. “You will mean it because I know... you’re gonna be an amazing father. You’re the man that your father tried so hard to be and his mistakes came back for revenge. But you. You’re a fighter and you’re gonna fight through these doubts and learn one day... you’re always gonna being telling the truth when you say you’re a good dad. Even if you never say it aloud... I’ll do it for you.” Aria assures, biting down on her lower lip and sinking her teeth into the chapped flesh. Her nerves are hitting her now. That Chris’ silence means that he can’t do this and he’s gonna have to leave.
But instead, his response is music to her ears.
“Then let me be the father mine neve  was. We’re gonna work through this.” Chris whispers with determination, wrapping Aria in a hug and forming a weak smile as his head rests against her shoulder.
“I know.” is all she says in return, savouring this moment.
“By the way... was that book about my father... or me?” Chris suddenly questions and Aria pulls away with a bright smile on her face. 
“Well, the book was about crap fathers so I’d say anyone besides you.” 
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smokeybrand · 3 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Super Green
The Green Knight s finally out and i can see it without having to wait a month and a half! I thank A24 for this rather quick turnaround because this thing has been on my radar fr what seems like forever! I’ve written about this before but A24 is my favorite studio releasing content. Neon is a close second and Netflix is making a real charge, but A24 releases classics. Some of my all-time favorite films are A24 products. Ex Machina, Hereditary, Under the Skin, The VVitch, Uncut Gems, Zola, Midsommar, Lady Bird, Eighth Grade, The Lighthouse, High Life, The Monster, Enemy, Climax, Room, The Killing of a Sacred Deer, The Disaster Artist, and Under the Silver Lake have all impressed in one for or another, all of them A24 offerings. This studio is f*cking amazing and i cannot sing it’s praises enough. They’ve been around for less than a decade, A24 was founded in August of 2012, and they’re brought this level of quality consistently. The Green Knight has all of the workings to slide right into my all-time list, just like Ex Machina and Hereditary did before it. Let’s see if i really love it as much as i think i will.
The Exceptional
The first thing that hits you is how f*cking gorgeous this film is. Seriously, i was immediately captivated by that opening scene with Gawain rushing for Mass. It definitely opens up as the film progresses and you are treated to one of the most visually striking films of the year. This movie could give Denis Villeneuve, Ari Aster, or Robert Eggers a run for their money. Seriously, you can frame several shots in a museum and no one would know the difference between that and the Van Gophs on display.
I r0aely mention this but it’s absolutely necessary that i do in this particular review because it was just that memorable. The sound design made this film. I’m not talking about music choice or score, but the actual sound effects for specific scenes. That sh*t was some of the tightest I've ever hear on a film and it really added to the overall experience. Just the way the Green Knight creaked and popped as he moved was more than enough to get this mention but there is so much  ore than just that. I hate that i had to see this at home because, f*ck, this thing would have sounded like god in a proper theater.
I mentioned that you can frame these shots in a museum before and a lot of that shine belongs to the cinematography. The shots chosen for this film are breathtaking. I imagine a lot of that has to do with location but even the scenes filmed in dank castles and murky bogs popped with that same, meticulous, shot composition and it really gave those scenes life. The were ties when my jaw dropped at the majesty of a scene. The one with the giants immediately comes to mind. Like, f*ck, was that beautiful to witness.
In that same breath, you have to know when to pull back. Editing is just as important to a film as anything else and The Green Knight is cut with a precision I've rarely seen. This thing has no fat whatsoever. It presents to you exactly what you need and little else. I love that. I love that this film has a story to tell and it tells it with extreme prejudice. These cuts were made with intent. That’s rare nowadays.
I also have to give a nod to the use of color and lighting. Again, it’s not something i ever really focus on but goddamn is it necessary for this review. Light plays a very important role in how this story was told. Certain scenes absolutely need it and others are perfectly accentuated by it. It takes a deft hand to juggle such a nuanced aspect of film and The Green Knight has done that the best this year. So far.
This film has a very real, very potent, atmosphere. It’s not tension, not like Uncut Gems of Good Times, but there is this unrelenting sense of dread that runs through this entire film. It’s measured and restrained but it’s always there. I appreciate that. For a film to illicit such emotion out of me is testament to the mastery of it’s visionary.
All of the praise I've given to the technical aspects of this film would be for naught if i didn’t recognize the director, David Lowery. This dude is fast climbing the list of my favorite directors. I actually listed  bunch above but, after seeing what he’s gone with this film, dude is really making a case for himself. He did the Pete’s Dragon remake which i hear as pretty good, and A Ghost Story but i haven’t seen either. Not really my cup of tea. But if they’re as good as The Green Knight, i might have to revisit that thought because, holy sh*t, this dude can direct the f*ck out of a film.
The writing is on point. I legit hesitated to put this on here because it is the weakest aspect of everything else in this film but that is misleading. The writing is exceptional. There is no way this film could be as good as it is, if the script was dog sh*t. The material given to these performers had to the top tier in order for them to give the performances they did and and they definitely f*cking did that!
This whole cast really f*cking delivered. Sarita Choudhury as Mother and Sean Harris as the King were easily the best of the supporting cast but everyone else brought that same energy. Joel Edgerton, Kate Dickie, and  Barry Keoghan, all deliver powerful performances. Hell, this is the best I've ever seen Erin Kellyman act and i have to give a lot of credit to the overall quality of this cast delivered. That said, there are three individuals who put everyone else to shame and i say that knowing exactly how much praise i just heaped upon them all.
Alicia Vikander comes in and delivers on two roles, Essel and the Lady. This isn’t surprising at all because she always delivers. I’m never disappointed by her performances. Admittedly, i haven’t seen many but that’s because she is very particular about the characters she signs on to portray. That said, it’s weird the two performances she’s done that immediately jump out to me, are both with A24 films. Her Eva in Ex Machina, and that film in general, is what made me even take notice of both her and A24 as a studio. Here we are, seven years later, and she’s still blowing my mind. F*cking exceptional.
Ralph Ineson is almost unrecognizable in the Green Knight make-up but the second he opens his mouth, you immediately recognize that gravitas. There is a weight to this character and you f*cking feel it with every move Ineson makes. Dude isn’t in it much but the scenes he does appear in are absolutely stolen by this big, green, maestro of his craft.
More than anyone, this is Dev Patel’s film. This dude is a great actor but it’s rare someone gets a part where they can really bite into the content but that is not the case with this role. No, sir, this sh*t was tailor made for Patel and he definitely digs right the f*ck in. His Sir Gawain is just as good as his Jamal Malik from Slumdog, if not better. Seriously, this film would be nothing without Patel. As outstanding as every other aspect that i gushed about in this brilliant goddamn film, the very best is Dev Patel’s performance. Seriously, that sh*t, alone, is worth the watch.
The Verdict
The Green Knight is f*cking exceptional and exceeded all of my expectations. This year long wait was more than worth. It's the best film of the year so far, leap-frogging into my top twenty all-time and I've seen thousands of films. This thing is a masterpiece on all levels. Narrative, plot, lighting, performances, sound design, composition, editing, score; It's the closest thing to a technically perfect film I've seen in quite some time. If Dev Patel doesn't get an Oscar nod for this, there is no justice in the world because he f*cking carries this movie. Patel is easily the strongest force driving this incredibly compelling watch, but Alicia Vikander, Erin Kellyman, Sarita Choudhury, Ralph Ineson, Sean Harris, Kate Dickie, and Barry Keoghan all match that energy with f*cking gusto. I was absolutely mesmerized by the way these absolute masters in their craft, embodied and gave their respective characters life, particularly Vikander. She never disappoints.
The only issue I see that would hinder someone actually getting into this film is the fact that it's a little long in the tooth. You never really feel it, as long as you buy into the fact it's a character study and not a high concept fantasy film filled with dragons and sh*t. If you think Michael Bay and Zack Snyder are the pinnacle of cinematic excellence, pass on this. You won't make past the first tn minutes. Also, make better life choices. No, this is about Gawain and it never deviates from that core drive. Weird sh*t happens, sure, but it's nothing as fantastical as Smaug or a Balrog. Even so, this f*cking movie kept me glued to the edge of my seat. I loved every second of it and cannot sing it's praises enough. My only regret is that I didn't get to see it in a proper theater. This f*cker would have been a real experience to see on a proper cinema screen, especially that shot with the giants. The Green Knight is outstanding and deserves all of the praise it's gotten and so much more.
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placetobenation · 6 years
This coming Sunday we will witness one of the more loaded WrestleMania cards in history. With 13 matches on the card and a possibility of Undertaker vs. John Cena taking place, lets see what we have in store.
Those confirmed so far are: Sasha Banks, Natalya, Lana, Ruby Riott, Sarah Logan, Liv Morgan, Becky Lynch, Naomi, Bayley, Mickie James, Mandy Rose, Sonya Deville, and Carmella. Expect other competitors from NXT and maybe a name or two from the past to participate in this inaugural event. Besides a possible surprise entrant winning (Ember Moon?), the only others I can see winning this are Sasha Banks, Bayley, and Becky Lynch. Carmella has the briefcase (which could come into play later on in the show) and does not need this win. If Sasha and Bayley continue to feud then the finish could play into that. They could also give Becky the win and try to use that for a feud since she has been wasting away on Smackdown. I’d give Sasha the win here and use this to taunt Bayley for their feud. WINNER: SASHA BANKS
Confirmed for this match are: Dolph Ziggler, Baron Corbin, Mojo Rawley, Tyler Breeze, Fandango, Tye Dillinger, Dash Wilder, Scott Dawson, Matt Hardy, Goldust, Heath Slater, Rhyno, Zack Ryder, and Primo Colon. Former winners Baron Corbin and Mojo Rawley return but I do not see them as potential victors in this match as it does not make much sense. I also do not expect any of the other names listed to win this match. I think a returning wrestler is going to win this and I’ll go with Big Cass, who will need something returning from injury. Even Big Show is a possibility of being a two-time winner but I think Cass will get the nod in this match. WINNER: BIG CASS
Since WrestleMania 33 the Cruiserweight Division has had a rough time. Neville is sitting home and Enzo Amore,Rich Swann, and Austin Aries were all fired from the company. With the division on life support a switch was made an a 16-man tournament was held to crown a new champion and it has breathed life into 205 Live. During the year, Cedric Alexander and Mustafa Ali (you can add Drew Gulak to the mix as well) have been the most consistent competitors and deserving of a WrestleMania match. When the tournament was put together you got the sense that Cedric would be winning. However, Ali has been cutting some great promos (Like this one from WWE’s YouTube channel) and the story of him using the fact he was only an alternate for the Cruiserweight Classic as fuel to get him the title. There are cases for both guys getting the win and Ali’s underdog story would make for a nice moment but I’ll still go with Cedric here in what should be an excellent match. I think Cedric wins because if he losses then where do you go with him? Ali can get another title opportunity whereas Cedric would end up lost in the shuffle and labeled a choker. WINNER: CEDRIC ALEXANDER
This has been one of the better feuds on WWE TV of late. The fans have gotten behind Jax, the victim of verbal abuse and manipulation by her former friend. Bliss is a great character but dominates her feuds to the point where it has become a detriment to her opponent. It has also made her title reign feel stale and predictable.  In this match, I expect Bliss to finally get some comeuppance and lose the belt. Maybe Bliss can go over to Smackdown and start some new feuds because she has already feuded with everyone on RAW. WINNER: ALEXA BLISS
The Bar has gone through the other teams on RAW so they had to create new challengers. The intrigue is seeing who will be Braun’s partner and you can speculate as to who he will end up choosing (could be someone returning from injury like Samoa Joe or Big Show or another person on the main roster like Elias) but no matter what I think we see a title change here. If the Bar stays as a team, switching brands is for the best, but a split might be a good idea too. I do not think this will be a long match but Braun being a tag champ gives him something to do for the short term. WINNER: BRAUN STROWMAN & MYSTERY PARTNER
This is a match with little fanfare. The addition of Rusev was late (PWInsider reports he was added to this match because the company wanted to appease to him after he requested his release) to make this a fatal four-way. He might get the title as a result but watching Orton hit the RKO and getting a win seems fitting for WrestleMania. I really do not see Roode or Mahal having a chance to win but I’ll go with Orton as the winner here but do not be surprised to see a Rusev Day celebration. Rusev can pin Roode or Mahal so Orton can drop the title without getting pinned. WINNER: RANDY ORTON
Balor and Rollins had an excellent match this past Monday on RAW with Rollins getting the win. That would lead you to believe that Rollins is the favorite to win this match. Rollins has really stepped up his game over the past couple of months too. This is Balor’s first WrestleMania though and since he just lost on TV I think they return the favor and give him the title. I cannot see Miz retaining and heading over to Smackdown for a feud against Daniel Bryan seems like a natural thing to do. Miz could even retain and take the IC Title with him to Smackdown but I do not think that is the route the company takes. WINNER: FINN BALOR
The Usos/New Day feud has been the highlight of Smackdown. They have several fantastic matches together but its time for both teams to move on from each other. The Usos have established themselves as a top team but could use a change of scenery. The New Day are still popular but there will come a time where they are going to split up the group or at least break off one member as a singles star. The Bludgeon Brothers involved themselves into this feud after a run-in attack at Fastlane. I do not see any case where the New Day wins this match. The Usos would benefit from a brand switch as the RAW tag ranks needs to be freshened up. I think a scenario where the Usos pin the New Day then lose to Bludgeon Brothers two days later on Smackdown could work well in numerous ways. It can close the book on the New Day/Usos feud and you can also have Usos go over to RAW. WINNER: THE USOS
Asuka earned her shot by winning the inaugural Women’s Royal Rumble match. The story here is really Asuka putting her undefeated streak on the line against what she feels is the top Women’s Champion to prove who is the best. I think we get a highly competitive match and in the end Asuka comes out on top. A scenario where Carmella finally cashes in her Money in the Bank Briefcase only to lose would be highly possible as Asuka can maintain her streak without Charlotte getting pinned. I don’t think Carmella becoming champion is the route they take. WINNER: ASUKA
Zayn & Owens need to win in order to keep their jobs on Smackdown. Daniel Bryan’s return to the WWE ring should make for a great moment. The story between all four involved has had its ups and downs but has greatly improved since Fastlane. You get a feeling that Shane can turn on Bryan, and that might happen, but with Bryan returning to the ring I don’t think they want him to lose right off the bat and especially to Owens & Zayn. You can just have Owens & Zayn lose then head over to RAW. Owens & Zayn vs. Braun & Mystery Partner could be your new RAW Tag Team Title feud. I see Bryan winning this match then leading the crowd into an unbelievably loud “yes” chant. WINNER: DANIEL BRYAN & SHANE MCMAHON
The beef between Rousey and Stephanie started three years ago at WrestleMania 31 when Rousey threatened to break Stephanie’s arm. And Triple H attacked Kurt Angle at this past Survivor Series to add fuel to the fire. There is a lot of pressure on Rousey in her first match as in WWE. especially since her work on the mic has not wowed anyone.Its clear the company has plans for her and a bad performance will garner a lot of negative attention. Triple H & Stephanie have been tremendous heels on TV to set up this match and have really helped ease Rousey’s transition on screen. I cannot envision a scenario in which Rousey loses so her pinning Stephanie seems like a really safe bet to make in one of the more intriguing matches on the show. WINNER: KURT ANGLE & RONDA ROUSEY
These two faced off against each other at New Japan Pro Wrestling’s Wrestle Kingdom 10 event back in 2016 with Nakamura coming out on top in a great match. This time the WWE Championship is at stake with Nakamura choosing to go after this belt after winning the Royal Rumble. I expect a competitive match here and at the end I’m going with Nakamura as the winner. With a roster shakeup expected shortly after WrestleMania I believe that AJ will head over to RAW while Nakamura can feud with a new challenger. This has strong potential to end up as the match of the night. WINNER: SHINSUKE NAKAMURA
A rematch three years in the making. With Dana White coming out saying Brock Lesnar is returning to UFC and the fact the company has handpicked Reigns as their future face of the company the outcome seems easy to predict. With that being said, these two had an incredible match at WrestleMania 31 and there is no reason it cannot happen again here even if Lesnar is on the way out. I expect both guys to give it their all and at the end Reigns comes out victorious, likely closing out his 4th straight WrestleMania. WINNER: ROMAN REIGNS
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Astra Lost in Space – 06 – U for Vendetta
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Each mortal threat the young crew of the Astra has faced falls into one of two main categories: threats from without—be they the perils of space or the planets they visit—and threats from within—i.e., the unknown enemy among them who sabotaged their comms and is believed to be on a suicide mission to wipe the rest of them out.
Last week’s cliffhanger of Ulgar pulling a gun on Luca fits in the first category, but not at all the way I expected. Perhaps I was too naive to so quickly conclude Ulgar was the aforementioned enemy, because he isn’t: his quarrel is personal and is with Luca alone—or rather, with the Esposito political family of whom Luca is the eldest son and heir.
During a long monologue with flashbacks to his past that rather kill the momentum and urgency of the standoff, Ulgar tells everyone about his belief that Luca’s father killed his brother, a freelance journalist and the only person in Ulgar’s family who was actually kind to him. Killing Luca is about revenge; about getting Luca’s dad to feel how Ulgar felt when he lost his brother.
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There are multiple problems with Ulgar’s position, not least of which the complete lack of evidence that Marco Esposito had anything to do with his brother’s death. But Luca also tells him that killing him won’t change anything, because he’s not the heir; his younger brother is. When Ulgar accuses him of lying to save his skin, Luca disrobes and reveals that he’s intersex.
As the member of a family that values strong male heirs above all, as soon as Luca’s younger brother was born and the truth of his intersexuality was discovered, he became persona non grata, and his brother was named the heir instead. So Luca knows all too well Ulgar’s pain and isolation. Hell, he probably knows it much better than Ulgar. Luca wishes that killing him would make his dad sad. With that, Ulgar drops the gun and the standoff ends.
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Naturally, this being Kanata no Astra, it isn’t one minute after one threat is extinguished than another arrives, of the external variety: a massive tsunami that may or may not be an homage to the famous giant wave scene in Interstellar.
Everyone rushes aboard, but Ulgar and Luca are furthest from the ship, and Kanata isn’t able to grab them when the wave arrives. Still, the fact the three of them survived at all indicates the wave was not as huge as it initially looked, even though it appears to swallow up the entire sandbar on which the Astra had landed.
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Despite Ulgar having just pointed a gun at him, Luca doesn’t hesitate to extend a helping hand to him, now that he’s confirmed through telling him more about himself that the two are more alike than different and actually friends whether Ulgar knew it or not. But Ulgar lets go rather than let Luca use the last of his strength trying to save them both.
Fortunately, Ulgar’s sacrificial move doesn’t end up costing him his life, as Kanata is lowered down to the water’s surface via bungee cord. With no further earthquakes or tsunamis, Ulgar, Luca, and the rest of the crew are safe and sound.
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Ulgar apologizes to Luca and the rest of the crew, and Luca even teases him a bit by acting a little more feminine. Ulgar (rather rapidly) decides that he’s decided to become a journalist like his brother, perhaps a path that had up to that point obscured by his blind desire for revenge. He’s going to find the truth about Marco Esposito. Zack, for one, wonders if it wasn’t simple political corruption Ulgar’s bro found, but something much bigger … maybe even something worth sending them all into space.
Having weathered one big internal and one big external threat, you’d think the crew could enjoy the rest of the episode in peace without further problems, but alas. Since it’s feeling more likely to Aries that Kanata is far too dumb to realize she likes him, she decides to learn more about Charce, and asks a seemingly harmless question about what classes he was in. Charce says he was in biology, but Aries was in that class too; if Charce was in it, she’d remember, what with her photographic memory.
So the episode ends with the prospect of Charce being the enemy. But after what happened with Ulgar, such possibility should be taken with a sizable grain of salt (that is, won’t get fooled again). For one, would someone who’s so carefully blended in make so blatant an error as saying he was in a class he wasn’t actually in? Maybe Aries’ memory is messed up. Maybe Charce is being framed somehow. Heck, even Aries could be the damn enemy. So we’ll see.
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By: braverade
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randomkposts · 4 years
This time
The Tifa Lockheart TT fic I was plotting out “It wasn't Cloud who showed up in the past. Or any Soldier. Or Aries. Or Vincent, though the Turks method is an excellent fic. And It didn't happen because of materia, Jenova, the Goddess, Aries, or any method one would expect. Well, unless one counted the life-stream, but it hadn't worked like she expected. Who would have thought Tifa could accidentally   shove her conscious  through the life-stream into her eight year old self ? Just because things had eventually worked out, didn't mean there couldn't be less trauma involved this time.“ Timeline Zack b -1984 Aries b -1985 Cloud b 1986 Tifa b- 1987 Yuffie b- 1991 Wutai war 1992-0001 War starts with Zack 8 ends with him 17. Tifa would be 14 and Yuffie 10. In 1996 Tifa would be ten and Yuffie six. Aprox. Yuffie comes 2-3 years later for DOC. Tifa leaves current time line a bit after Geostigma ------------------------------------- Tifa sat up, blinking, wondering why she felt like she had been hit by the Midgar Zolom. Avalanche had taken care of that thing years ago. She frowned as she looked at her surroundings. This looked like Nibbleham. It couldn't be. Nibbleham was abandoned now. Had been ever since the Shinra coverup group left. Not that this looked like the coverup. If she hadn't known for it to be impossible, she would have thought this to be her childhood home. With that thought she decided to leave, and come back on a day when the memories weren't so vivid. Standing up to do so, she found she had to sit back down immediately. Being a trained martial artist had a great deal of benefits including grace, balance, strength, and a quiet, silent walk. But in spite of feeling like an utter klutz, that was not what had shocked her into sitting back down. She may not have been the tallest member in avalanche, but she had certainly been taller than this. And she had not had a flat chest since she was a kid. Which had been years ago. So how had this happened? Hojo? That didn't make sense. She had never been viewed as a valuable specimen to him.   Drugs? Sadly, that didn't hold up either. She had never been on them, but she had never heard people describe an experience like this. Mako poisoning? Was even less likely than the drug theory.  Mako poisoning was said to leave people Comatose. Dreaming? It's not a very plausible excuse. It's better than the other suggestions she is coming up with, and can be proven or disproven rather easily. All she needs to do is fall asleep. She has slept in worse places, and circumstances, so to fall asleep leaning against this tree is nothing. She wakes up in a bed this time, and sits up to find the same flaws. She frowns. This must be fake. Somewhere there will be proof. The calendars tell her its May 1996. The newspaper has news about the war in Wutai. It matches up in the other houses too, which she checks in spite of her many lectures to Cloud about B&E. Speaking of Cloud, he was here too. Or at least his younger Blond doppelganger. And her Papa. She can't express how good it is to see him again.  It feels so nostalgic it hurts. Because this place died in a fire years ago, along with the people in it. She can't find a sign of a hoax. Perhaps it would help if she could go to another town, but she lacks a ride , and at her current strength she couldn't defeat a razor weed. So regardless of weather this is real, or some sort of stimulation, she needs to train. ------------------------------------- She starts with running, because it will build up both her stamina and legs, leading to better kicks.  She goes on to climbing, and push-ups, squats, and any exercise she can think of, slowly starting to doubt simulation theory, because no simulator she has heard of does weather or mud. She has to cut her workouts short, due in no small part to her child body, but also because of her Dad. Like before, he viewed her as his little girl whose duty it was to protect. Albeit his idea of keeping her safe involved keeping her in the village, and out of activities that could cause trouble. It was not a wish Tifa had any plans of fulfilling. She had become a martial artist, mountain guide,  terrorist, and bartender in her past, this time (if it really was the past, like she was beginning to suspect) she would achieve that sooner. And to do that, she had to be able to protect herself. This time she had also changed her relationship with Cloud. It had actually been something of an accident. Her father ( in his probably never ending frustration with her) had asked why she was training so hard. Her honest answer (to become a terrorist) would probably   become  a socially acceptable thing to say... Well, never. So instead she had given a ludicrous answer they might believe of a ten year old girl. "I'm going to become the first female soldier." It will let her keep track of newspapers on the war, cover anything she might accidentally say about Shinra to the town, and allow her to have a seaming obsession about Shinra without standing out too much to the Turks in the future. Besides It would never happen, soldier would not make an exception to the males only rule (sexists) but it had the desired effect and a few unexpected ones. She had a rival. A good rival, not one of those boys who had  barged in on her formal training hoping to impress her. And while Cloud might not be able to keep up with her (yet), he didn't complain, and worked until he fell unconscious. While that definitely took guts, it was something she was trying to stop.  He would never gain faster recovery time unless he rested and stretched Another perk of Tifa's rivalry with Cloud was the ability to do something about his bullies. Cloud wasn't particularly pleased about this, but wouldn't argue when she told him that no one but her got the right to beat up her rival, and that he better stop holding back on them. It was Tifa's hope that being her rival would both give Cloud the skills to defend himself, and the confidence to stand up for himself, rather than take the beating to prove something. She had almost forgotten how many self worth issues Cloud once had. But until that happened, she had plenty of targets to practice her martial arts skill on , much to her father's ever increasing confusion. Actually, that was probably one of the parts of being in the past that had gone worse this time around.  She loved her father, she truly did.  But she had been an independent woman for years, and they no longer saw each other eye-to-eye. They no longer got each other. He wanted her to stay in town, stay away from Cloud, and stop trying to become a fighter, for her safety. Tifa could not follow that, for her goals were to one day leave town, help Cloud become a better fighter, and save the world from an psychopath. Her father could not understand that and it hurt their relationship. Try as she might , Tifa was not having any luck with that.   Vincent was right. Fate did have a cruel sense of humor. In getting her father back she found she could no longer relate to him. In a sense, he was still dead to her ------------------------------------- So once again Tifa  was stuck in a mountain town, knowing one day, the boys were leaving to go fight ninjas. True, this time around she had the occupations of training, taking an active stance against bullying, and bringing Cloud out of his shell, but beyond being viewed as eccentric (when people were being nice) her childhood was mostly unchanged. She had two dilemmas that would determine her future. The first one was whether to wait for Zagahan . Good martial artists have teachers to discover flaws in their techniques. She could could practice punching or kicking until it was muscle memory, but if she did it by herself, her flaws would be not be noticed, and be harder to fix. She didn't want to learn a self flawed style. If she left town at this age, she would have trouble explaining. Walking around the world was not typically done in war. Not to mention, she wasn't sure if she could take on the amount of fiends going anywhere would inevitably bring. She was not that strong yet. Though Yuffie had somehow managed to travel the world for 9 years (on, off) without getting killed. Someday she would have to discover how Yuffie did that. At the same time, travel would be a chance to get supplies, materia, and a grasp of current world politics. The other dilemma weighing on her mind was the mansion and the reactor. The reactor was both holding Jenova the calamity, and draining the lifestream. It was AVALANCHES goal to blow it up, and as a former terrorist she was obligated to do so. Even better that this one she could ensure no loss of life. And as a child (particularly the mayor's child) no one would suspect her. The only problem with that plan, was her lack of bomb materials suitable for that building. The Shinra mansion, would be easier in that respect. It had a library  full of horror inducing information. Not to mention being the setting of countless horrible atrocities. But it was rather close to the town, and Tifa was reluctant to lose people to a fire again.  And even if she could prevent anyone in town from being killed, there was still the matter of Vincent. Vincent would not get out of the coffin. He just refused.  Last time it had taken atonement and Hojos crimes to get him out. Unless she were to mention Lucrutria , she didn't think he would budge, as she offered no other options of atonement. She could try, but with his current mental state of health, he would probably spend all of his time in the cave instead, and that probably wouldn't help him in the long run.  Sure she could try setting the mansion on fire, but she wasn't sure if even that would move him, he was quite possibly suicidal. She wasn't sure-she never knew him as well as Cloud or Yuffie- but with his habit of blaming himself for everything, and atonement over his failure to be a persuasive speaker (Lucridera made her own choices. Why should he atone?), she feared he might decide he didn't deserve to live.   she didn't want him to stay in a wooden (flammable) coffin trapped in the basement as the mansion burned, or to suffocate from smoke inhalation. That meant she would have to get the coffin out and in a new place until he did design to leave.  To get him out she would need a mini and float spell. Which meant materia she did not have, and brought her back to the first problem. Upsetting as it was, there was nothing Tifa could do at the moment.
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lex15han-blog · 7 years
Today i feel strange.
I’m not sure what it is. I’m not sad, but I’m not happy. I’ve been feeling flat and empty no matter what i do or who I’m with. It’s hard to live like this. Sometimes (ok most of the time) i can’t help but think what it would be like to not be here anymore. I picture myself hurting myself, killing myself, or dying in some accident. I think the biggest reason i haven’t done anything yet is bc i know i won’t see the future and there are some things I’m looking forward to and curious about.
-love: i wonder if I’m meant for that and if i am how selfish would it be to take myself from my future partner? I know it probably sounds stupid but that’s my thought on that.
-job: i want to be around to see the kids i teach/taught become something because i know they will.
-music: what if there isn’t music wherever you go when you die? What if it’s just black. What if i can’t ever listen to music again? What if i no longer have the consciousness to desire music? I’ll miss out on all the new songs.
Music is what gets me through the day right now. If I’m not hanging out with someone or at work, I’m most likely sleeping or listening to music. Whether it’s on my phone or my vinyls. Fuck i love my vinyls.
I just wish i could feel full. I think about what it’s like to be full. I’m not sure i even know what it means. Part of me thinks it’s being with someone who loves you unconditionally, with a happy life living in my own space with someone i love (if I’m even capable of truly loving someone else). Maybe it’s me, by myself, traveling, seeing the world. Experiencing life outside of what’s familiar. Maybe it’s surrounded by platonic friends who accept me for exactly who i am and where i am.
I think i have some pretty solid friends right now.
- EK has really been a breath of fresh air.. i like them so much. They’re great. They make me feel heard, safe, understood, and i know that i can be myself and say exactly what I’m thinking without them judging me or being too sensitive. It’s nice to have that.
- CF has been pretty consistent. As much as he gets on my nerves with his sensitivity sometimes, i appreciate him more than i show. I know i could tell him anything and he’d take it to his grave if i asked him to. He’s got my back.
- MP is someone i know will drop anything to help me if she can. Even though we’ve had some weird times lately i know she’d be there. We’re getting back to where we were and I’m thankful for that.
- P is like the older sister i always wanted. I can go over there and hangout and do absolutely nothing and it feels fun. I know P has my back and is a solid friend. She and Erin both really. P is so laid back that i can actually relax when I’m hanging out with her.
- Caroline and Zack are pretty cool too. They’re so welcoming and sweet. I really like being their friend. Caroline sometimes makes me feel weird, like I’m dumb, but i know she doesn’t do it on purpose. She’s just really smart. I wish i could be closer with Zack. I want more male friends.
- JB and i haven’t really had much of a relationship but i have no doubt she is still one of my best friends. I know she’s always gonna be there for me when i need her. We are just in different places and she’s sucked up ari’s ass. Which i hate, but if she’s happy then that’s what matters.
I know i have friends who really care. I don’t doubt that. I guess these people are another reason i stick around. I don’t wanna put them through something traumatic like my suicide. I just hope this reason last and sticks with me. I think that’s why sometimes i wish i would die in an accident. So they wouldn’t have to go through the process of guilt and self blame wondering what they could have Don’t differently. Because honestly nothing they do makes me want to kill myself any less, but then being around makes me hold off at least.
I feel a little better after getting this all out. I miss writing. Even though this is just journaling, i like it. Maybe someday I’ll get back to more poetry. 🤷🏽‍♂️
As for now, take care of yourself. Love yourself. Keep giving yourself slack. You’re doing great. One day at a time.
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