#Wish Fulfillment
buf309 · 1 year
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A 100% wish fulfillment ❤️‍🩹 (a type of lie in a sense) for the Twiyor/Loidyor fandom.
Happy April Fool's Day 😌
Partly inspired by this post by @shinybluebirdwizard and @mika213, especially the “Twiyor is a lil slow dinky boat that upgrades over time” part.
The Musebunny(TM) saw it, then lovingly dropkicked me on the head with this idea.
Thanks again to all my friends who were both the test subjects and proofreaders for my elaborate shitposting 🫡 You guys are awesome ❤️❤️❤️
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etherealkissed88 · 9 months
★ the whole point of law of assumption is that you already have it ★
imagine that you manifested that desire a week or a month ago. whenever you think about that desire, you would go straight into the happy or calm state / assumption that it's yours already...because it is yours already.
lets say i want $500k right now. i would be planning which stores i want to go to and which clothes i want to buy. i would feel happy asf and i would feel that feeling of already having $500k. i dont care how or when it will manifest bc i already know its mine now. i would feel fulfilled with this already manifested desire which is now my reality.
"why is it that your reality already if it isnt in the 3d?"
reality = imagination. therefore if i imagine something and accept it as true, it is my reality no matter what the copy machine 3d shows me. whatever happens in imagination is what is really happening. imagination is my identity. i identify as the girl who has $500k. the 3d's job is only to copy and paste who i am in imagination (the real reality) so, imagination is the source/the reality. why would i care about it being in the 3d if i know by law that it will reflect? i would rather feel fulfilled as the source than wait for a copy machine to show me, god, what i desire. i would rather give it to myself.
if i already manifested that $500k a week ago, i would automatically be excited asf thinking about all the shit i already bought w that $$$ and thinking about what im going to buy. i would prob imagine going to the store and feeling that feeling of financial freedom. i would feel the happiness of looking at something in the store and immediately putting it in my cart with no issues bc I ALREADY MANIFESTED MY $500k
feeling = knowing you have your desire
i would use whatever technique i want (visualization, affirming, scripting, etc). lets say i choose visualization: i would visualize walking to the store and feeling/knowing that i have all this money to spend. feeling doesnt mean emotions even though its fine that i naturally feel happy bc i know i have all this money. its also okay if i dont have any emotions or if i feel calm bc since i already have it, its normal to me to have $500k. do not force emotions. feeling does not equal emotions. i would then accept that visualization as true. i would decide/accept i have that $500k bc i just experienced the proof in the real reality, imagination. i would remind myself that whatever i assume/accept as true in imagination is reality, no matter whatever circumstances i see in the 3d.
"you got robbed of a huge sum of money. was that bad or good? well, let me ask you this: did it change the fact that your nature is being wealthy? no, it didnt. your identity, your I AM, is set in stone. its only your thoughts and your interpretation of your emotions and of the circumstances around you that distracts you from your Truth. whether you have millions in your bank account or literally 0 in savings, you ARE rich. you ARE wealthy. numbers do not define you. life does not define you."
i accepted that i have $500k already = i identify as the girl who has $500k. this is why the 3d never matters bc no matter what happens, i will always be the one who has it in imagination. "deny the senses" mean i shouldnt care about what the 3d shows me since imagination is the only reality. if my bank account shows me $0.50 instead of $500k, will i be sad and thinking that it didnt work? ofc not, i wouldnt give a fuck bc i still identify as the girl who already has $500k.
this is why knowing and fulfillment are important. i know i have $500k, i am fulfilled with that fact. whats important is the knowing: i know i have this desire because i just imagined it and imagination is the only true reality so imagining = experiencing.
"how do i know if im fulfilled?"
youve accepted the fact that its already yours. you dont care about the 3d and you dont get discouraged by it bc its already yours in imagination. you are not "trying" to get something that you already have. you naturally think thoughts/have beliefs that match with your state of having it.
to be fulfilled i simply decide i have it or visualize again for fun. since i already identified as the one who has $500k, any thoughts, doubts, circumstances that pass will not get any attention from me. i simply dont identify with them. i go back into imagination and remind myself of my real identity.
this is what law of assumption is: ASSUME YOU ALREADY HAVE IT! CREATION IS FINISHED. YOU ARE ALREADY IN BARBADOS. assume = accept something as final without [3d] proof. the only thing i should be accepting as final is having it in imagination.
if you already have it, how would you feel, what would you do, what would you think, what type of person would you identify as? visualize/affirm/script/etc. the point is that you already have it.
its not "going to happen". the moment u imagined it/decided it/accepted it as true, it ALREADY HAPPENED. thats part of understanding that imagination is the only true reality. imagination is so limitless: you do anything, anywhere, instantly.
there should not be any "when is it going to happen?" since you just experienced it...thinking like that means you arent fulfilled. simply fulfill yourself again bc returning to the state aka making it natural for you is how it shows up in the 3d, its not about how long youve stayed in the state.
make imagination your dream world by giving yourself exactly what you want. know thats the truth, identify as the one in imagiantion who has it (the real reality/the real you) and ignore/dont accept anything that tells you otherwise. stay true to imagination.
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angelsinluv · 1 year
angel’s fulfillment challenge
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welcome to the unofficial official challenge of angel’s vault ☆
i’m going to say this now, this isn’t going to be some crazy, different thing. this is literally how the law works lol but i say challenge because it's for those who see them as fun, want to be disciplined and set the tone for the new year! (or whenever you’re reading this)
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𝐈. the point of this challenge is to…
fall in love with imagination
enjoy fulfilling yourself
get your desires duh
stop over consuming and apply no matter if you think you need to know more.
𝐈𝐈. important guidelines!
read this post to get a gist of states because this is what this challenge is about. fulfilling yourself in imagination. you don’t need to read it every time to know you’re doing it right, this challenge will do it all for you.
affirmations and visualizations are techniques so what is your way of thinking that feels comfortable to you? sometimes you don’t even need it. for me, i mostly need to feel that i already have it. have fun, experiment with daydreams/scenes, affirming and/or feeling. it doesn't have to be the same every single time.
𝐈𝐈𝐈. steps
choose what you want. go crazy. do not condition your desires. you are limitless. if you can see it in your mind, you can have it. famous? nepo baby? money? db, df? better self concept? gender revision? time change?
decide right now you are the person who already has what the want. so guess what? there is nothing to get because you already have your desire. manifesting money? you already have it. manifesting an sp? you already have them. manifesting your dream life? you already have it. that is your state.
fulfill yourself every chance you get in the day. no you don’t have to lock yourself in the room to affirm/visualize/feel all day. no you don’t have to be in the state all day, you are always passing through states but remember, the state you constantly make your dwelling place MANIFESTS. so make an effort to return to it as much as you can and want to.
ideas: do it in the morning when you wake up, in the afternoon, whenever you have free time like on your bed, going home, walking, during class and before you go to sleep.
bonus: do this meditation by edward art daily, it's not mandatory. it's not like all the other meditations, give it a shot. get off tumblr, stop over consuming
make it fun, it’s not a chore! have fun daydreaming/visualizing you shopping with all the money you got, getting compliments from people on how they’re so amazed at how successful you are, have fun complimenting yourself in the mirror while you repeat affirmations, have fun looking around and going “yeah, i literally have ____” sounds nice and fun? because it is. manifesting is simple.
4. get your desires. there is no deadline. i hate that shit 😭 srrynotsrry, that would be contradicting the law and this challenge. you already have it, you’re not getting anything on a time crunch. not no 3 days, not a week, not two, not a month. THERE IS NOTHING TO GET WHEN YOU HAVE IT NOW. ONLY NOW.
challenge summary:
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𝐈. why should you fulfill yourself?
because when you fulfill yourself in imagination, you are changing self. and what is a reflection of self? the 3D.
it’s not your job to make things physical. your job is to change your mind.
focus on yourself. there is nothing to change or to get in the 3D because it’s nothing but a mirror that shows/proves you right in what state you identify and dwell in.
“Stop trying to change the world since it is only the mirror. Man’s attempt to change the world by force is as fruitless as breaking a mirror in the hope of changing his face. Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself. The reflection then will be satisfactory.”
“I AM wealthy, poor, healthy, sick, free, confined were first of all impressions or conditions felt before they became visible expressions. Your world is your consciousness objectified. Waste no time trying to change the outside; change the within or the impression; and the without or expression will take care of itself. When the truth of this statement dawns upon you, you will know that you have found the lost word or the key to every door. I AM (your consciousness) is the magical lost word which was made flesh in the likeness of that which you are conscious of being.”
𝐈𝐈. additional tips
doubting? let it pass. don't give it power. why are you doubtful if it's going to come or if the law works when you have what you want right now? if you're dwelling in doubts then you're not being the person who has it.
worried about when it's going to come? that doesn't make sense because you literally have it right now lol
want to ask a question? why? you literally have it. what's there to ask? try asking yourself first.
have fun, angels. remember that YOU ALREADY HAVE IT. send me your successes in the inbox!
signed, angel ☆
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lotusmi · 1 year
healing your journey in 23 steps
⭒ Edward Art series in a nutshell! 💌 As you probably know, I summarized all 23 posts from Edward Art series! You can read all those posts fully here. This post is the collection of my fav quotes from every single part! » Edward teaches the law based in Neville books and lectures. His posts made my journey lighter and more simple, so I hope you can feel lighter reading it too! I really recommend you to read it :) If those quotes don't align with your personal beliefs, just ignore it ♡
💬 may u have a lovely read... ♡
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1: No one or nothing to change but Self
Remove having to get things. Remove stress. Simply imagine what you want with the feeling of actual freedom to do so.
fulfill it mentally (your desire). Remove rules. Remove consequences. Remove the outer-world when you imagine. Remove all ideas of what you "should do" or "have to do." Do what you want (within).
do not care about how it will happen or when, or even if it is possible.
★ Do not stress yourself trying to change the mirror, but focus on changing self. Go within and fulfill your desires in imagination.
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2: Let go of control, and control Self
There is no objective reality.
"Never blame, only resolve." - Neville
let go to the HOW. let go of controlling your outer-world and control yourself. The world is reflecting self. And "Self" is everything you think you HAVE and ARE.
do anything you wish in your mind. You are so powerful in your mind that NOBODY can imprison you. It is entirely up to you, to be what you desire to be in your mind.
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3: He who will not live by love must be subdued by fear
You can remove ALL your fears if you do what you want in your mind.
the goal is to NOT change each and every fearful thought. It is not to argue and contemplate on the fear.
NEVER BLAME YOURSELF FOR FEARFUL THOUGHTS. Never blame, only resolve them within. You have the power to resolve to what you want. Don't waste that power on blaming yourself.
you are ALWAYS GREATER than what you are creating in your mind.
We are NOT trying to manipulate reality or force some change upon this physical world. That will happen NATURALLY. Why? Because your world is REFLECTING SELF.
Do you not realize you only get what you want when you give it to yourself?
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4: Inner self must be exalted
It comes down to who you think you are. Who you are identifying yourself with. In order to feel completely free, you must identify yourself with the one within you.
When Neville says "Leave the world just as it is and change self. No one to change but self," he means the self that is within, the only self there is. Why leave the world alone? Because it is only an expression of "SELF!" Why does he say to change that and that alone? Because "SELF MUST BE EXPRESSED," that is the Law. You don't have to doubt "is my imaginal act going to come to pass?" Who is doubting? "SELF!" Who is worrying? "SELF!" What gets expressed? "SELF!" YOU CAN ALWAYS TRUST THAT SELF WILL BE EXPRESSED!
Discard the outer-world and that includes your identification with this body. This is ALL an EXPRESSION OF THAT "SELF."
identify yourself from within and you will grant your every wish from within.
since you identify yourself with outer-world and outer-self instead of your True Self and inner-world where everything is possible, you remain stuck.
identify yourself, not with this world, but with the one within, the one who is truly desiring.
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5: Imagining is FUN
Thoughts come FROM your FEELING.
thought HAS NO POWER OF ITS OWN. That means the thought HAS NO TRUTH IN ITSELF.
You create the feeling you want and from that thoughts come. That is a STATE [!!!]. Remove this idea that beliefs are hard to change and they are blockages in your subconscious.
bring yourself back to the Creator. Stop identifying yourself with the thoughts and understand they are coming FROM the FEELING.
FREE YOURSELF IN YOUR MIND ENTIRELY. Stop caring if it will happen or what will happen, REALITY IS YOUR MIND. IT REFLECTS "SELF."
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6: Honey
"Should I? I Must! I Have To!"
These are rules we create in the Mind. Why do we do it? We do for the simple reason that we are trying to control the world. With our physical actions we are trying to control it.
(People who create rules) think the world is outside of them so they create all these rules to control it.
Start with the feeling that, "I can have and feel whatever I want in my mind."
★ free yourself of the rules you (or others) created. Free yourself in your mind. Fulfill your desires within as you want to.
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7: I Am not going to tell you "You are Crazy"
we should do everything we want in our minds with no fear. Doing what we want, which is so simple, frees us.
The moment I have any desire in me, I fulfill it. I don't care what it is, how "big" or "small"! I DO NOT CONDITION IT OR WONDER IF IS POSSIBLE ANYMORE OR "GOING TO WORK".
If you really see your mind as the reality, and you fulfill your desires within, you will see how stupid it all is.
the greatest Self-Concepts, the greatest Feelings, the greatest Thoughts are the ones you WANT to have.
start with changing self radically. See yourself entirely different by feeling what you want to be.
When the feeling or desire comes upon you, THAT is the time to ACCEPT IN FULLNESS! Do not wait, do not put it off. Accept in fullness. That is truly what you want to do!
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8: Feeling & SELF
Studying [the law] is one thing, actually accepting it another.
EVERYTHING is an assumption. All those thoughts you are thinking are assumptions, and THE MIND DOES NOT CARE WHAT YOU THINK.
how does one feel? The word is ACCEPTANCE. ACCEPT (your desire) ANYWAYS, ENTIRELY ACCEPT IT IN THE MIND!
Create this wonderful habit of accepting every wonderful desire that comes to you. Then you will become normal.
I thought we were suppose to manipulate and control the world. I thought we were suppose to imagine a scene and repeat over and over until it happened. I was wrong. "NO ONE OR NOTHING TO CHANGE BUT SELF!"
when you are panicking about so-so or what might happen or this or that, remember ONLY CHANGE SELF! There is nothing else to change, or nobody else you must change!
SELF is the way to control and manipulate the world. SELF is who you think you are and what you think you have WITHIN! This is a feeling.
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9: If I Am then I will Be
"Nothing to change but SELF", "Feeling is the secret." Well, if there is nothing to change but self, how is feeling the secret? In order to change self, it changes through FEELING. This is so important because so many times, I have and others repeated countless affirmations to see little if any results. We repeat it 1000 times, hope it "sticks in the subconscious." Then we hear about feeling so we force feeling into it, and it changes us for a bit but then it becomes exhausting. It becomes exhausting because we feel that we HAVE TO feel this specific feeling or else.
There is no HAVE TO, but WANT TO. FEEL what you WANT to Feel. You discover what you want to feel by asking SELF inside. FEEL that. It does not matter what it is, just something you have always wanted to feel. This is what changes us.
Forcing affirmations, forcing feelings is not what you want. If you just changed the intention to feeling it because you want to feel it, because you want to fulfill all your desires within yourself with feeling, then you would be far happier.
SELF cannot fail at expressing. And SELF is ALL that you FEEL to BE and HAVE in your MIND! Allow yourself the freedom of FEELING what you want with no worry.
So SELF or yourself cannot fail you. You always express what you FEEL to be and FEEL to have. There is NO OTHER CREATOR IN YOUR MIND. None. You are doing it ALL in your mind. You give or you take. There is no other God in the Mind but you.
We are what we feel to be and have in Imagination and this dream world shapes to US.
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10: Fearful Of Magnificence?
We should go beyond just granting wishes and start seeing ourselves highly in our minds.
You learn to stop fearing the wonderful feelings by seeing it is YOU who is holding yourself back.
Once you break through your own fear of wonderful feelings, you will see it was you all along. All fear are mental imaginings that you are creating within yourself. Knowing, you bring the power of CREATION BACK TO YOURSELF.
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11: Self Identification
How can I BE what I want?
It lies in your IDENTIFICATION OF SELF. Do not be afraid but IDENTIFY yourself FULLY with the INNER MAN. The immortal you. The one that can do ANYTHING it wants. The one who owns the world and all that is in it. If you identify yourself with the inner man, you will be free.
The outer man see's nothing but limitations. He lives in desire. Too many of us have identified ourselves with what the outer-man HAS and IS, not seeing it is a reflection of the INNER MAN.
See what you HAVE and what you claiming yourself to BE WITHIN. THAT is what is reflected always.
You do not have to persuade others to help you [!!!]; all you need do is believe you are what you want to be and then let the world (which is nothing more than yourself pushed out) go to work to make your assumption possible. - Neville
How can you "believe you are what you want to be" when you the world is showing you otherwise? Again it comes down to "SELF" IDENTIFICATION. Conceptions of ourselves are what WE FEEL OURSELVES, OUR INNER MAN TO BE. The Inner Man has all the freedom to see and feel what it wants to be.
To the Inner Man EVERYTHING ALREADY IS TRUE, not to the outer. IT ALREADY IS SO, to the Inner Man. There is no convincing necessary, no 1,000 affirmations, no repeating over and over hoping it works, IF YOU IDENTIFY YOURSELF WITH THE INNER MAN.
You did not imagine "How" to get there, you are already there in imagination. Your issue is NOT in imagining the end, your issue lies in who you are identifying yourself with. If you imagine yourself in the end, which is easy, but then you identify yourself with the outer-man, you will breed nothing but frustrations.
"Disregard appearances, conditions, in fact all evidence of your senses that deny the fulfillment of your desire. Rest in the assumption that you are already what you want to be" - Neville
Leave the world as it is, with all of its denials and change yourself within and see how it is yourself pushed out.
So discard all beliefs of what you think you are, or what you have been called etc, and Identify yourself with the One Within and you will be free.
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12: Personal Reality
stop thinking about the outer-world. You get rid of this 3D reality. You then FEEL that your inner world is YOUR reality. Your own PERSONAL reality, where you can do, have, and be what you want.
We are not trying to "make something happen" or "hope it manifests," rid yourself of these feelings. They will do nothing but block the wonderful feelings and experiences you want to have within. This is your own personal reality.
Once you create this personal reality where everything seems to go lovely, you will see that there is no one to blame for what you were previously imagining. Taking all responsibility for what happens WITHIN us, we can then use that power to change what we want WITHIN us.
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13: No Permission Needed
Remember the outer-world is a reflection of what the INNER MAN has, is and does in their own Personal Inner Reality. That is you.
if we wish to have radical change, let's radically change the INNER MAN. Give the INNER MAN what they want. That is, radically change your own Personal Inner Reality.
"DARE to assume" DARE to FEEL (accept) what you want. Without doing that, you remain as you are.
THE INNER MAN NEEDS NO PERMISSION! THE INNER MAN DOES NOT CARE WHETHER OR NOT IT IS POSSIBLE! So in your Personal Reality, your Mind, understand you need no permission to FEEL what you want to feel. No permission whether not it is "possible". Identify yourself with the INNER MAN who is FREE to do, feel and be what they want!
Your Personal Inner Reality is not bound by the facts of this life. In the Reality Within, you can go back in memory and change what you want. It is YOURS to change!
Your Personal Inner Reality is not bound by the facts of this life. In the Reality Within, you can go back in memory and change what you want. It is YOURS to change!
Daily FEEL what you want to feel and experience what you want in Imagination which is your true SELF, the SELF that is reflected in front of you.
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14: The God Of The World Of Imagination!
There is this world, the World of the Senses, and there is another world, the World of Imagination. There is a Man who experiences the World of the Senses, which we call the Outer-Man. Then there is another Man who experiences the World of Imagination. We call that Man the INNER MAN.
The Outer-Man sees the limitations and restrictions in the World of the Senses. The Outer-Man feels he is limited and confined to the ‘facts’ of life. The Outer-Man goes through life fully convinced that this World of the Senses is happening to him not from him. He uses only his five senses to move in this World. So naturally he feels like a victim and desires to control this world through the means of force, manipulation etc. The Outer-Man feels fear that life can throw at him things that he is not prepared for. Situations he does not want to encounter but since he feels powerless, he fears the future. Since he cannot change the past, he guilt himself over it. This is how he is limited.
Then there is the Inner-Man who lives in the World of Imagination. In this World, he is unlimited and can create what he wishes. He is free beyond measure and everything that he can be conceive of is his. Everything. Not one thing is not his because he is the Creator of it!
THERE IS NO OBJECTIVE OUTER-MAN. The Outer-Man is simply an expression of the Inner Man. The only Man that exists is the Inner Man. There is NO OBJECTIVE WORLD OF THE SENSES. The World of the Senses, is but the expression of the World of Imagination.
The Inner Man can convince himself that he is this Outer-Body living in this dangerous world but he is still the Inner Man fooling himself into that!
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PART 15: Awakening
What the Inner Man FEELS himself to BE and FEELS himself to HAVE in the World of Imagination is what will be EXPRESSED in this World of the Senses.
you are an INNER individual living in the World Of Imagination. In this World, you are God. You can imagine anything. All things are possible here in this world, INCLUDING the FULFILLMENT of your desire. You can change SELF to what you want. And SELF is what you THINK you HAVE and what you THINK you ARE in this World of Imagination. Read that sentence again. And SELF, THAT SELF, is what is EXPRESSED.
As you read this, you are living in this 3D world. You own things within it, you HAVE things. Based on what you HAVE in this 3D world, you create identities for yourself. Remember, we CLAIM we ARE things BASED on what we THINK WE "HAVE."
stop identifying yourself with this 3D world, which is simply an expression of INNER SELF, if you stop identifying yourself with what this 3D person "HAS," and start identifying yourself with the INNER MAN, you will see the freedom.
in this 3D world, we give ourselves identities based on what we THINK (FEEL) we HAVE. So if we can identify ourselves with the INNER MAN, and in that world we HAVE the things we want, we can then give ourselves a new identity.
stop thinking you are "only imagining" this. I want you to stop thinking what you are seeing in your mind is "fake." I want you to stop reacting to what you do not want to react to you. I want you to stop FEELING limited by this World of the Senses. I want you to stop worrying about HOW or WHEN it is going to happen and instead FEEL secure KNOWING this 3D world reflects what your INNER SELF HAS AND IS WITHIN. I want you to FEEL you are limitless within because you are! You do not have to bow down to this world and accept what you THINK it says about you. I want you to FEEL yourself to be the creator of everything within you.
Can you accept that you HAVE what you want because you see yourself (INNER SELF) with it, and everything in this World of Imagination is yours and is real?
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PART 16: "What Else?"
How I enter into a New State of Consciousness? Death. Death is the only way. How does one die to a State of Consciousness? By surrendering to the New State. You cannot enter into a New State taking with you all the limitations, questions, and worries of the Old State. The Inner Self must be exalted but it cannot be exalted by holding 2 contradictory States.
When you imagine having exactly what you want in your mind, you do not question anything, you do not worry, you do not wonder "what if," you do not entertain the Old State and its limitations for one second. You die to it entirely.
You cannot bring your current limitations, worries, questions and FEELINGS with you to your New State.
The States or Concepts you hold in the Imagination are nothing but things you "hold." That is it. You think because the concept you are holding is reflecting in your world somehow makes it more "real?" I assure you it is not. It does not really matter if it is being reflected.
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PART 17: Dream The Dream
remove the outer-world and remove the idea of "trying to manifest" and simply have the attitude of changing your INNER WORLD to your liking. Here is nothing to do, nothing to force on the outside. You change it, you mold it, you feel it and you do it all within you. You create a new dream, a perfect dream within you.
To "try to manifest," is a feeling. "Trying to get, trying to resolve, trying to make something happen," are FEELINGS you take with you before you imagine. These feelings are what disrupt you from actually FEELING what you want to feel. Instead FEEL that you are solely going to re-imagine, or re-dream a new dream WITHIN YOU and you will change you FEELING how you feel within. These changes is what expresses itself in the world. So if you wish to change the outer-world, leave it alone. Leave it alone and go within and change THAT WORLD, the world WITHIN. Change who you are THERE, change what you have THERE, change how you are treated THERE. Dream up a new World Within!
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PART 18: Expansion
what you are seeing in your mind is not fake. And not only is it NOT fake, you can shape it PRECISELY how you want to shape it.
In order to actually lose yourself in the imaginal act, one must accept it is real and let go entirely of the outer-world. One must suspend rational thinking, and just accept it is real.
In order to access this feeling you must not be afraid to assume it is Real. If you are not FEELING it then that means you are still bound by your senses and this outer-world. You need to allow yourself the Freedom to Expand BEYOND the rational mind that is keeping you from experiencing your Wish being granted. You cannot be afraid anymore to feel and imagine what you want.
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PART 19: Boldness
Your Mind is your own Personal Reality and you have the power to shape it PRECISELY, and FEEL what you want in it!
This is about giving the Inner Self what you want.
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PART 20: Receptivity
Now we come to Denying. That is to say that we must truly let go of what the Outer World is showing us. True Denial is not looking at your World and merely repeating, "It does not exist," but is actually ACCEPTING the new reality within you. You do not deny being unwanted, by stating your are not unwanted. You deny unwantedness with the ACCEPTANCE of being wanted. It is our ACCEPTANCE of our Imagination which is our DENIAL of the senses. So Denying is not something you do, it is the implication of your ACCEPTANCE of the Imaginal Scene.
To stress yourself on whether you are "denying" the evidence of your senses enough is an unnecessary stressor. You do not fight against your senses for they only reflect you. Because "True Denial" as Neville says is "total indifference." But to be totally indifferent about your senses, you must ACCEPT your Imagination as the Reality. To become "indifferent" is an emerging consequence of accepting Imagination as the One and Only Reality.
You cannot wait for the world to change to what you want. You must change what you are and have in Imagination. If you are tired of what your world is reflecting, you can be confident it will keep reflecting that until you change YOU inside your Consciousness. This calls for radically giving yourself what you desire IN Consciousness.
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PART 21: Irrationality 
Chances are you truly are NOT giving yourself what you want because you feel some impossibly in it. Forget that. All things are possible in the Imagination. Do it anyway. Just do it. Do what? What you deeply want. Do you for only you, you Inner Self.
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PART 22: The Dreamer
Never seeing he is the Creator, the Cause he always fails. The idea that he does not have to do anything, he does not have to work his way out - this idea is lunacy to the Outer-Man. He thinks, "No, there must be a way that I just have not figured out yet." So he goes on seeking outside of himself, yet he himself is a desiring self, and only seeing his reflection, he only see's his desires. Never obtaining them, always seeking them, frustrations, rage, jealousy all stir up within him. Hating his world, hating what he see's, hating his own reflection he wants to destroy it. He cannot win because he lives in a position of fear and failure, and what is within will be without because Man can only give what is within himself.
If only he were to stop hating his reflection, and saw that the mirror only reflects what he is doing, he would be free. If only he were to see the mirror is stationary and does not judge but simply reflects. If only he were to see himself in the mirror and see he is the Creator, he would be free.
He does not have to cope with his limitations, he does not have to fight his way out. He will stop feeling after his fears and become indifferent about them for they are his Creation and has no power over him.
The Dreamer abandons limitations and turns towards his desires and gives it to himself fully. The Dreamer will always dream beyond what his limitations dictate.
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PART 23: Unconditional Thinking
To truly grasp the freedom that is attainable within you, you must understand the concept of States. A State is a belief about the yourself or what you believe you will experience, an attitude towards life. There are infinite statues (states) that lie dormant within you. They do not disappear, for nothing can disappear in Imagination. The acceptance that you are the State now, is what brings life to these dormant statues.
If entering into a New State within you is challenging it is because you have not accepted who you are within. You are not a State, but is God. As God within, whose permission are you asking for? To whom do you answer to? If there is only One Being within you, then who can stop you?
If you wish to rise as something New in Imagination, you have to give up entirely your currently thoughts/feelings, questions, worries, what you think of the world, what you think is possible, if you think you are worthy or not, if you deserve the New State etc.
"Don't tell me anything!" That is the secret. Total self-abandonment to the current State is the way to bring life towards the New State.
You have to die to what you do not want to express entirely, a true act of surrender. You can do it.
leave the world alone and go within and die to what you want to stop expressing and allow yourself to be what you want. Imagination is the evidence you are seeking for it is the only reality.
Assume all works in your favor to express your States. This is how the Imagination works. Everything within you is yourself for the taking. Think unconditionally.
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💬 may u had a lovely read... ♡ i see u next post!
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alilarew23 · 6 months
hey, in case you forgot,
it is all already done.
there is nothing to do and there never was.
you already have/you already are.
here is a cookie. 🍪
and here is a hug. 🫂
and here, my friend, is all my love. 🫶🏼
i love you!
go be love.
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littlepandaaa · 1 year
Try night revision if you had a really bad day
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I remember reading in a deleted @rosellesworkshop post that she used to affirm that regardless of everything she kept all her thoughts on check at the end of the day.
Sorry if I'm misremembering, but the post has been deleted, so i can't fact check it
I think that this is a wonderful idea, to use revision at the end of the day, specially if you had a bad day of focusing too much on the things happening in the 3d and you feel frustrated by it.
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“Night after night you should assume the feeling of being, having and witnessing that which you seek to be, possess, and see manifested. Never got to sleep feeling discouraged or dissatisfied. Never sleep in the consciousness of failure".— Neville Goddard
Neville always talks about the importance of going to bed with the wish fulfillment, not matter what happened during the day, not matter how much we "sinned" aka living in a state that we do not desire, to always go back to the state of wish fulfillment before going to sleep.
“Your subconscious, whose natural state is sleep, sees you as you believe yourself to be, and whether it be good, bad or indifferent, the subconscious will faithfully embody your beliefs.”— Neville Goddard
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"No matter what, today i kept all my thoughts on check"
Affirm that , but most importantly, you have to go to sleep knowing that not matter what you did during the day, you did everything right and nothing can ruin it.
Whatever you want it's already yours, just feel the feeling of already having it, already living it.
Forget what happened during the day, how does it feel to live you dream life? How do you feel now that you already have all the things you always wanted? Feel those feelings before going to sleep.
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reveluvdoll · 1 year
i came across this on my pinterest feed and thought it would be helpful to share for those who are having doubts!! there was no info on where it is from so if somebody knows please comment below <33
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vixeneptune · 10 months
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I'm permanently that version of myself who has it all.
I think from the state of having it all right now.
I act from the state of having it all.
My spirit is free. I can have and do ANYTHING. My ego can't even hold me back.
I have it all right now because I said so.
My state of consciousness is that I already have it all.
Limitations who? That don't apply to me. I identify as a limitless powerful being.
I love how I'm always in the state of the wish-fulfilled.
Doubts are so silly I don't let that get in my way. I'm unstoppable af
I am infinitely abundant and magnetic.
I am connected to everything, I AM everything.
I think, walk, and act like all my wishes are already fulfilled bc they are.
I am inherently a powerful magical being.
I AM fearless, there's nothing that can hold me back. I fiercely take what I want and own it
I get what I want everytime, no doubt about that, that's just how it is. Life is rigged in my favor.
I completely embody the state of the wish-fulfilled like it's my only true reality.
I already have it all right now regardless of anything and everything.
It's all already mine, I'm so grateful.
Everything is working in my favor, I can feel it.
I claim and call all my power back to me now.
I'm the one who has it all, I'm the luckiest.
In my reality, anything is possible bc I said so.
I'm the embodiment of infinite love, beauty and abundance.
I FEEL like I have it all already and I do!
I have innate trust and confidence in my ability to manifest literally ANYTHING.
Desired everything? I already got it.
I don't need to do anything to get what I want, it comes to me on its own.
My self concept is so great that I never chase or desire anything bc I already have it all.
I AM already that perfect ideal version of myself, I don't have to try to be anything.
My state of being is fulfilled, whole and complete.
I claim it NOW and forever.
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anonbeadraws · 1 year
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it's pride month, I deserve a tail 💚 💚Com info in source💚
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kawaoneechan · 5 months
One problem I have with playing vidya games is that I'll want to Understand™ them on a technical level in the vague and doomed hope of making my own game like it, but with Added Stuff.
You might be aware that recently I've been playing Animal Crossing.
So recently my mind has been full of technical analyses and open implementation problems involved in making one's own AC game the way @foone is full of gender and bees.
Now, I know what I would put in if I could make my own AC game, or AC-like. I'm predictable like that. I'd add mod support and romance options.
But what would you like to see in an Animal Crossing game, fan-made or otherwise?
(in before @letrune sees this post and replies "more cats")
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themanifestingbrat · 1 year
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Update! We are no longer reacting to our "negative" or "intrusive" thoughts! We are no longer going to give any attention to thoughts that do not align to the Self we now claim to be.
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Practice not reacting to a thought that you no longer identify with. Even saying, "NO!" or "No, I am not," is still technically giving it attention. Because attention is reacting.
"Well, wtf am I supposed to do when I get these thoughts?!"
Don't do anything, don't say anything. You don't need to waste your energy. If you catch yourself reacting, just stop and go to the inner man. You might want know if the thought will come again or if you did things "right," but don't. Give all your attention and focus to the new state.
"This is the art of forgiveness. I do not care if at one point you were insecure in yourself and you made mistakes, if this does not conform to your new State, then do not react to it. If you must, observe it, and practice not reacting. Practice not speaking to it. The move on and feel deserving to move on." - Edward Art
The more you practice this, the more you will feel in control and you will longer feel like a victim towards your thougts. Because you will realize, it was you all along. It was you holding onto these unwanted thoughts.
It is ok to completely let them go. Forgive yourself and move to the fulfilled inner man. If a "bad" thought arises, then practice indifference.
Remember, these thoughts are not in control. They follow a state, so simply shift to the desired state and do not look back.
Now I could stop here but for the girlies that need more explaination, please continue.
Let's say you're manifesting beauty and then had a thought that you were ugly. You react to this thought and all these feelings and emotions come. You're most likely in the state of being insecure and since it's most familar, it's easier to believe it. Then you stop yourself and say something like "No, I won't go there." You're proud you were able to catch yourself and know that if the thought comes up again you can stop it by saying, "Nope, not going there..."
But you end up in this pattern where the same thoughts, coming from a state of insecurity, show up and you keep fighting against it. You might even be left thinking, "I'm fighting against these thoughts and flipping it, why don't I feel better, where's my beauty?"
Guess what? You don't need to fight against that thought. You also need to realize that thought is created by you because it's coming from a State! In this example, your state was insecurity. So, instead of reacting or fighting against these thoughts, just change your state, change the feeling towards yourself. Feel beautiful. Realize that feeling beautiful is a state and you are now beautiful. Not will be, not soon to be, but now.
“To dissolve a problem that now seems so real to you all that you do is remove your attention from it… Become indifferent and begin to feel yourself to be that which would be the solution of the problem.” 'Indifference truly is the answer to your doubts.' - Neville Goddard
You deserve all the great things in life. You deserve everything you want and more! There is no one or nothing out there that is going to stop you, so dare to feel limitless and let go of any thought that does not agree.
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transformhim · 8 months
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I wish…
Wow, that’s open-ended. Hmmm…
I wish… that I could climb out of the phone or the computer or whatever you’re reading this on, and be there right now in the room or the bus or the subway or wherever you are with you.
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I wish that once I was there, I could read your mind and see exactly what it is you want physically in a man. Whether you like them big or small, thick or thin, jock or bear or twink or otter or anything else in between, from whatever part of the world, however hairy or hairless, whatever it is you like to see.
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I wish that I could mold my body into the type of man that you most desire, into the very image of your lust. Of course I’d let you worship me as I flexed and posed while I swelled into the grunting muscle beast that you always dreamed of, moving your hands to different zones of my body and feeling the fibers of muscle contract and expand while you squeezed them, my skin growing tighter and firmer under your touch. Of course I’d let you hold me and touch me while I shrank smaller and smaller into a much thinner frame, letting you manhandle my bubbled, rounded ass while you made out with my pillowy twink lips. Of course I’d let you squeeze me while I leaned my swelling weight against you, feeling my bod grow thicker and juicier while you ran your hands through the forrest of hair sprouting all over my heavy bear body. Whatever you wanted to see, whatever you desired, I’d mold my body to make it so for you.
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I wish that I could use my body that’s been transformed into the object of your lust to fulfill the deepest, most carnal fantasies you have. You want me to flex for you and grow massively, impossibly bigger and buffer while I widen your hole with my god cock? Sounds great! You wanna suck my boulder-like man tits until you drink from them to swell into a hung, hunky muscle beast like me? Yum! You want to make me into your obedient leather pup cum slut? How exciting! You want to use me as a body suit or possess me so you can use my powers to experience this kind of body modification on your own? Dude, let’s do it! You want me to flood you and your bed and whoever else is around with a geyser of my cum? I love doing that! You want to suck off my 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or, hell, even 15 incher while I suck off yours until we unload into each others guts? Count me in! You want to rim and finger and fist my puckering hole, or you want me to do yours? I’m game for either! You wanna give me the power to do whatever I want to do to you, your pole, your holes, until I make you cum harder than you ever have or ever will in your life. Man, I want the same fuckin thing!
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I wish that after you and I are done with each other that you tell all of your friends about me. I wish that for the rest of my life, I’m being called upon by each and every one of you to fulfill your most carnal, most secretive, most fucked up fantasies. I wish that I could be a god of fantasy, lust, desire, carnal pleasures—an andro-Aphrodite, an erotic Eros, a devious Dionysus, a titillating Tu’er Shen, a lusty Tlazolteotl. Whatever you want, bro you’ve got it.
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Kind of a broadly-encompassing wish, but the heart wants what the heart wants!
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thezombieprostitute · 11 days
Just needed to write something. Inspired by @navybrat817's post about being taken away so you don't have to work.
Alpha left unnamed so you can picture your own grumpy/protective man.
This was entirely written on my phone. Apologies for errors.
You've been having a rough day. Your clothes weren't fitting right, that tag kept itching your neck. Your nerves were on edge. You were certain everyone was noticing all of your flaws. Goodness knows you were pointing all of them out to yourself.
Work is only making things worse. It's turning a lot of your nervous energy into anger and frustration. Heaven forbid your boss check her own notes or your co-workers fix their own mistakes.
Worst of all, you've closed off your bond so you don't bother Alpha with everything. That source of love and support cut off because you can't return his energy today and don't want him worrying about you. You make sure to text him, assuring him it's just a bad day and you'll talk when you're both home.
Then someone steals your lunch and, for the briefest second, you send all your sadness and anger through the bond. You quickly work to get it back under control as you try to not cry on your way to the vending machines.
About 30 minutes later there's a text from Alpha, "I'm downstairs. You're going home with me." You text back that you'll be ok. That you need to finish your work day.
A minute after you send that message you get a call from the front desk. The receptionist is clearly nervous, "there's a very big, very upset Alpha here saying he's here to pick you up for lunch?"
"I can confirm he's my Alpha," you sigh. "But I've already had my lunch. Maybe send him up?" Perhaps of you can get in some physical contact it'll help both you.
The receptionist wasn't wrong, Alpha is looking very upset. And everyone in the office is steering clear. As soon as you're in reach, he's pulling you into his arms, scenting you. You're able to let go of some of the day's stress with his help.
Your boss coughs to get your attention. "Unless there's been a change in your heat/rut cycles, this behavior is not allowed. This is a workplace, not a therapy session."
Alpha stands up to his full height and your boss takes a step back. "I guess that means she'll have to find a better job elsewhere." He grabs your bag and packs the few personal belongings you've got.
"Alpha, you can't do this," you protest weakly.
"My Omega is hurting and this place is just making it worse. So yes, I'm doing this." He grabs your hand and pulls you to the elevator. As much as you want to protest, you just don't have the energy.
And, really, you don't want to stop him. You just want him to get you home so he can take care of you, protect you, and everything else your inner Omega is begging for right now.
You open up the bond again and Alpha looks at you with a smile at your feelings of relief, gratitude and love.
So who did you picture for your Alpha?
Tagging @alicedopey; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @ronearoundblindly
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lotusmi · 1 year
occupying the state leads you to the void
໒ "The outer world merely reflects that which a man is in his own consciousness." - Neville.
꒱Before we start, I want to remember that I am not a void blogger, but I have a deep understanding of the law when it comes to states and the teachings of Neville and Edward. My main goal here is to sprend the law using their teachings as source.
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"How do I use states to enter the void?" This is probably, the question I receive the most. This post was in my mind for months, It's going to be a long post but I promise that you never read nothing like this, and I am sure this will help you like nothing did before. I will try to answer all the most common void asks that I get here.
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𝑰 Introduction.
"How do I 'use states' to tap into the void?". My first problem with this question is firstly, that most of people don't understand what "States" are, so they think 'it is only one more method', which is not.
My very second problem is, obviously, the obsession with the void and how it affect our community and how it contradicts the principle of the Law of Assumption.
There are, of course, other things that we have to clarify. So I will breakdown into those topics first.
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𝑰𝑰 Changing Self.
"You are already that which you seek and you have no one to change but Self in order to express it" - NG
"You are already" "Nothing to change but SELF" Some people don't really understand the importance of this quote. Why you are already? Because creation is finished. There's nothing to add, nothing to change. All you have to change is Self by changing what you identify being or having, and this is a state.
The great importance of knowing all you need to tap into the void is SELF is that you will stop checking new subliminals, new methods, seeking for information or trying to wonder what you are doing 'wrong'. You have to go straight to the wish fulfilled feeling, you change SELF. All you are searching for is Self. All you need is already within you, within your imagination. You think you need new information, I am sorry, this is not what you need, this not even what you want.
"What you are really seeking is something within yourself which is a change of the story of yourself and you can change yourself to how you want in imagination" - Ed
A change of SELF. You want to feel different. You want to feel fulfilled.
"feeling the wish fulfilled one time is greater than listening to 8 hour subliminal messages or trying to impress your subconscious mind or repeating ten thousand affirmations a day" - Edwart
"You are finding the creative power of the universe, and when you find him, he is your own wonderful human imagination." (...) "If this power is within us then we are the operant power. We do not seek anyone on the outside, it is simply within us." - NG
So if we want to change our life, we have to understand that what happens outside is our creation, and even what is happening in your mind, is your creation too.
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𝑰𝑰𝑰 What are States?
"A state is simply an attitude of mind, a body of belief, a phase of experience." "Don’t condemn the occupant of the state. The state is the thing, but the occupant is God." - Neville.
States are assumptions we hold about ourselves. A state is what you identify as being or having within yourself. You are now occupying several states, there are infinite states. But we are not those states, we are I AM [God] and I AM is not a state, a state is whatever you claim to be or have. You don't have to stress if you are not in a good state, you can always change your state.
"I don’t care what brought you to that state. I’m here to simply get you out of the state." NG
✧ So now we understand that the state you are right now, is being reflected by your outer-world. What you are claiming, accepting, to be or have, is what you will see in your 3d. "Since creation is finished, every possible state already exists." - NG
+ posts about States that I love: define: states, how to get into a state, states faq, a simple guide to states
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𝑰𝑽 Changing States + the state to enter the void?
"What do you want now? Well then you go into the state of the wish fulfilled. What state? The state you decide, you determine what you want in this world, and you go right into that state. And then ignore the facts. Suppose the facts now still deny what you did…it doesn’t matter, let the facts remain, they’ll dissolve." - NG
I know what you want now is to enter the state that will lead you to the void. So I'll first start telling you that this state already exists within you. The you who can tap into the void in seconds is already here, you just have to decide to enter this state by accepting it. Maybe you are not holding the best assumptions about the void right now, but I assure you that this does not matter, since you can change it instantly, just by accepting a new state! "he who makes the evil makes the good"
✧ Here it comes the point where people will ask me "ok but, i did not had entered yet, how can enter this state then? idk how it feels like". ♡ !! TIP: To enter a state you don't have to specify exactly the feeling of the desired thing. "feel like I have mastered the void" sounds weird, right? the feeling one may feel when they master the void can be different of the feeling another feel. This is not like 'feeling happy', everyone feel happy in the same way. The TIP here is:
໒ Let's SIMPLIFY this: We pick the state we want, which is "I have mastered the void", we will REDUCE it to emotions we already know, emotions that would imply your wish fulfilled feeling [knowing], which here is I 'ENTER IN THE VOID EASILY' How would you feel? Pround of yourself , relieved, happy, relaxed, calm, ease, lighten, victorious? Okay, then pick the emotions you will use to make entering this state easier! REALLY FEEL THAT! FEEL [KNOW] [ACCEPT] [ALLOW] The REALITY of it, the imagination is your real reality, I WANT YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS > what you feel in imagination is real, is what you truly are, what you determine you are within is REAL. Then does not matter what happened in the world, remove the world. Remove little limitant beliefs NOW! ps: The feeling we seek is the feeling we are/have what we want. It's KNOWING we have. Inducing the feeling with emotion is a method to enter a state, if you don't want to do it, it is okay. If you want to only 'decide' then it is completely alright.
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𝑽 The little assumptions.
"his own wonderful human imagination is producing the phenomena of life." - NG ⟡ "I have a good void concept, I really do, but the thing is....." then it comes something like "I AM NEVER AWARE", this is an ASSUMPTION!! Remove this assumption, erase it, burn it! "The whole vast drama is all about the individual" ALL the little assumptions manifest just as the 'big assumptions' you hold. "I almost tap but then I start feeling itchy always" "I lay for like 3 hours and don't tap" bla bla bla DON'T ACCEPT IT. Change this assumption. If there's something you don't want to bother you anymore then don't even unknowlege it! Things die through INDIFFERENCE. You can also affirm against it if you like to > 'I am ALWAYS aware' 'I feel super comfortable ALWAYS' 'I enter in like 2 minutes I don't have to wait'. "These illusions exist only so long as man focuses his attention upon them and gives them life." - NG
"We have created our personal world through thought [state]. If you are experiencing lack, limitation, illness, disharmony or any other unwanted condition, you have either consciously or unconsciously brought these conditions into your experience." - NG "The principle you have unconsciously used to bring about the undesirable conditions in your life can be consciously applied to make your every dream come true." - Neville
this is from my 'Your assumptions about the void' post: If you are accepting, believing, unknowledging, circumstances or fails. Then you are creating all of this failure cycle. Why?
☆ Because you are at the state of letting outside world let you down. You are giving power to circumstances instead of ignoring them and reapeating the new story. "Things die with indifference" ⚠️Outside world is always reflecting, always. As you assume fail and accept it, outside world reflects your state. What state? State of failure, victim, of a loser. This is not world fault, don't blame it, it is your fault.
"Don't blame. Only resolve." - Neville goddard
+ "Ok but I 'can't' feel this, I don't feel like being, Lotus"... Other assumption. We assume we cannot change our inner reality, we start reasoning 'I am even doing this right?' 'Is it enough?' 'This is really going to work?' ... Let's be honest, would God even have those questions? Well, and if He did, would he entertain it? OFC NO! Then if doubts or reasoning come, IGNORE, totally IGNORE! Remove reasoning, let go of it. Know your assumptions are real anyway, I like to use this affirmation when i feel like wavering 'no matter how I feel or what I think, I have my desire, it's done' I don't affirm this to change the world, I affirm this to remember MY WORLD IS CHANGED. "Consciousness is reality and that which is perceived by our senses and appears so real is but the shadow of that which we believe ourselves and the world to be."
Have FAITH. I used to think that faith was not 'having doubts', I was wrong. Having faith is accepting your belief as real EVEN if you doubt. Thoughts don't manifest, so you just ignore 'negative thoughts' 'intrusive thoughts', I mean, this not even a thing. Thoughts don't manifest, what you decided you are or have DOES. So calm down baby, you are in control in your mind too. + "May I tell you, you are focusing in the problem instead at the wish fulfilled." This changed my whole view of the Law. I used to try to find out why I felt certain way about the void, about me, about my life. Tryin to fix things, trying to find the cause. I AM the cause. I fighted those thoughts for more than 5 months till I was tired and gave up. This is was when I understood how I felt. I felt like that because I used to accept I felt like that. We manifest in our mind too. So DONT FOCUS IN THE PROBLEM, focus in the END, that it is RESOLVED.
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𝑽𝑰 Even though reason denies it
 "do not let your reason and your senses dictate what is possible." -NG
Nothing is real unless you accept. So don't think this or that that happened can ''stop you''. Those little annoying 'limitant beliefs', for mother's sake, understand: circumstances you deal with in the mind are just circumstances too. And circumstances does not matter, they will disolve. So if you still feel fear of something or still think something can make you fail or that you cannot do this or change Self, remove this. Remove rules from your mind. Thinking you have 'blocks', like, no! If you don't want to have blocks then you DONT HAVE IT, remove rules from the mind, those little barriers we create for ourselves, they are a illusion. "you can obtain anything you desire because nothing is impossible to the creative power that resides within you."
"Now do not let your reason and your senses dictate what is possible. All things are possible to God. So, suspend for a moment, your reason, suspend the senses that are dictating what you must accept, for they’re demanding of you, ‘accept the facts of life.’ All right, if you’re going to accept the facts of life, and that reason dictates it, you’ll never go beyond where you are. So suspend them, just for a moment." - NG
"feel the end, and then, dwell in that end even though reason denies it" - NG
"Consciousness is the only reality." + "The outer world merely reflects that which a man is in his own consciousness." + "That which you want to do or be has already been created. Therefore, it actually does exist." + "It is possible to bring into your world anything in creation by your belief that you already have it."
♡ TIP: do you doubt the existence of void? read this, by @gorgeouslypink
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𝑽𝑰𝑰 New assumptions you should hold with you.
"Persistence in assuming that you are the person you wish to be, despite your present circumstances, is the only condition imposed upon you to embody that ideal.'' - NG
♡ I will try to list some assumptions I think would help you:
You enter in the void effortlessly, you are always aware, you know symptoms does not matter, you are always calm, you are happy that you always wake up in the void, all methods works for you, you are pround of yourself, you are relieved right now, you know your power has no limits, you know entering in the void is easy, you always wake up in the void, you are happy that you know you will enter in the void always, you know you never fail, you know nothing can stop you, you know all the answers are within you, you are already living your dream life, you know you can feel what you want, you removed all the rules in your mind, you are no longer a victim, you are in control, you never blame, you always resolve, your mind is always quiet, you know how to enter the void easily, you deeply understand yourself, you trust yourself, you know you are save, you know everything works in your favor. 'Just try it, and persist' - Edwart
Persist with faith and acceptence. Know you are in control. Don't accept 3d as final.
"While in a particular state, you believe certain things are true and would find it difficult to understand another point of view." - NG
Make assumptions that make things easier for you, no more asking 'how', just try it and persist, no more fighting thoughts, you know thoughts don't manifest and that fight thoughts = fighting self. No more believing a doubt can ruin your desire, doubts have no power. No more trying to fix Self, you just move to the Self you want to be. No more thinking you are doing things in the wrong way, you are doing perfect. No more waiting to have a better Self concept or void concept, you already have it. No more blamin outside causes, you already know you can remove them by not paying attention. No more giving up in the morning because you thought that you 'failed', failure does not exist, you entered in the void just like you always do. No more asking bloggers, you know all the answers. No more overthinking, no more overconsuming, no more searching for things outside, no more seeking for new methods or subliminals. No more unknowledging 'failure'. No more asking how, no more asking if it is ''enough''. It's enough. Enough is enough.
"Be still and know that you are that which you desire to be, and you will never have to search for it." - NG
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💌 I feel like there's so much more to write about, there's so much I wanted to explain more. But I will post this and If you like it, I will try making a part 2... So, if there's anything you think I should explain better, please comment here. I am probably going to breakdown into explaining how to manifest something to occur in future, it's a technique that Neville taught. You can use it to enter the void. Well, I will wait for your feedback, and I hope I can bring a next better post soon :)
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alilarew23 · 9 months
if your main focus is on being in the state, you're not in the state
let's say you've decided to manifest a car, a porsche 911 carrera 4s to be specific (yes i am projecting, that badboy already has my name on it), and you've been trying the whole affirm and persist thing for a grip but "nothing is happening" so instead you decide to focus on your state. you ask yourself what the version of you with the porsche would be thinking, feeling, doing--who, when you own this porsche, would you be? you realize you'd probably be thinking something along the lines of, "i fucking love my porsche, this is the dopest car in existence," you'd be feeling like a total baddie, turnin' heads, you would, of course, be driving your porsche everywhere you went, so now, every time your desire comes to mind, you "get into the state." you think your new thoughts. you feel yourself into your imagined car and visualize people driving by in awe of your bad-assery. when you're driving your honda accord, you're telling yourself it's your porsche. you're even believing it! you do this for a couple weeks, and it feels good, persisting in the assumption that your porsche is yours, but then you start to get frustrated. "i've been in the state so consistently! still nothing! why isn't anything happening?" well here's the thing: you're seeing states as a sort of technique, a means of getting something that's not already in your possession. it's not that you're doing something wrong by imagining. it's the intention behind the imagining where you're faltering. think of it this way: if someone came to you in five minutes and said, that porsche is yours, 150 trillion percent, can't tell you how or when but just know it's a done deal and is coming to you right now via the path of least resistance, how would you feel? probably pretty stoked, grateful, relieved to not have to think about manifesting, and, along with those feelings, you'd probably be thinking, "this is so sick. i legit have a porsche coming my way simply because i decided to have a porsche. the law is wild in the best way." if you're a visual person, you'd probably also see some scenes in your mind's eye of you in your porsche bumpin' mac miller drinking your iced latte, if your brain tends toward inner conversations, you might hear your friend say how low key jealous of you they are (but also thrilled because your friends are the most supportive)...but the difference here is this is all a NATURAL BYPRODUCT of you being in the genuine state of the wish fulfilled. by genuine i mean what underlies it is ACTUAL BELIEF that you have already received your manifestation. not in the physical realm--it's fine to know your porsche is yours but still acknowledge it's on its way--but in imagination, it is already written. so, now, as you go about your days, your base state is fulfillment, and yeah, every so often you might "fall out of the state," but you'll quickly recognize you're being goofy, remind yourself the porsche is a given, and boom, you're back in. whereas before, your base state (though you probably weren't even aware of it) was a state of not having the porsche and trying to get it. which--you guessed it!--only manifests more trying. hence your frustration. so do i think it's wrong to focus on your state? goodness, no. we are always in a state. of course we want to embody the state of our fulfilled desires. but check your starting place, and make sure the belief (knowing) of having already received your manifestation is inherent in it. you'll save yourself so much time, energy, and unnecessary mental acrobatics and--a fun bonus!--your porsche will be in your driveway in a jiffy.
as always, love you/believe in you. can't wait to pass you on the highway.
xx, a
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whereserpentswalk · 9 months
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