#he is very important for sentimental reasons tho
eli-am-confused · 2 months
please tell me more about your au with Wiley, Sheila, Duke & Holloway :0
The general idea is that they grow up together and solve Hatchetfield “mysteries” which mostly involves throwing hands with cultists and saving people from becoming another missing persons case. I can see them solving smaller problems to, but I just can’t get the image of them punching cultists in the face out of my head. I imagine they’re also discovering stuff about Hatchetfield along the way.
This au is based on Scooby Doo and Solve It Squad with hints of Gravity Falls because of some obvious reasons. Basically, childhood friends from mid-elementary to the end of high school who get up to some serious hijinks. They split up after high school due to a multitude of factors but specifically after the Accident™️ which causes Holloway to make her deal. They do end up back in Hatchetfield and as a group in adulthood but that takes time and a LOT of stuff happens before then. I’m mostly focused on them as kids and teens tho because that’s when most of the au stuff actually happens.
That gets me to some miscellaneous thoughts, that you probably weren’t asking for but I don’t exactly have a lot of people to talk to about this, over the au in no particular order and with no particular significance. (Keep in mind that not everything is quite set in stone and I love hearing other ideas.)
- Duke is the youngest, then Holloway, then Wilbur, and lastly Sheila is the oldest. Sheila likes to shove it in everyone’s faces that she’s the oldest but Wilbur’s the only one who ever falls for the bait. The other two just roll their eyes and go back to whatever they were doing prior to it getting brought up.
- The whole group has a tendency to banter and pick fights with each other. Sheila is especially bad about it and Wilbur is really bad about always falling into her traps. The only person in the group who is constantly good at shooting down someone who’s trying to pick a fight is Duke, he’s also very efficient at ending fights. That, of course, doesn’t mean he isn’t prone to getting into some mischief of his own from time to time.
- Believe it or not Wilbur has the capability of being the most serious of the group. He can get really into a case and is very protective over his friends and “civilians” that accidentally get caught up in the supernatural. He has the uncanny ability to flip from childish to serious, as he grows older he uses this to his advantage.
- Ok so I’m sure you’re all aware of my Jon Matteson (+Curt Mega) character family tree head-cannon/au. Well, that is also a part of this au because I’m in love with them being the biggest, most confusing family in Hatchetfield.
That being said, Duke is the oldest brother of like 5 and takes his job as oldest very seriously. Despite being the youngest of the friend group he is a professional mother hen and is always carrying medical supplies, water, and snacks in his backpack (plus some important case files and books on the weird and unusual). He also has a very “no man left behind” mentality but I think the whole group echoes that sentiment.
- Wilbur may be an only child but he’s grown up pretty close to his cousin Ted. They have an almost sibling relationship, but are much meaner to each other so a lot of people assume they don’t get along. But a lot of people also have the tendency to assume they’re twins so what do they know anyway?
- Sheila is an only child rich kid. Her parents are also a part of a cult but she doesn’t realize it or get involved with the cult until her senior year of high school. She is a confusing case when it comes to sociability because on one hand she can be absolutely terrible about interacting with others but on the other she knows how to manipulate others into doing the things she needs them to do.
- Holloway is an orphan who didn’t know her parents. Despite growing up around a lot of other kids she’s always felt like an outsider. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t look out for the other kids tho, she’s just more of a cool cousin than an older sister type. Holloway is the worst at social interactions, but she is very protective of those around her and will do basically anything to make sure they’re ok.
- Something I totally didn’t almost forgot to add is that their favorite hangout spot is Wilbur’s house; it has been for about as long as they’ve been friends. It was really just the obvious choice for them. Holloway can’t host for pretty obvious reasons. Duke would like to host but his house is always full of people of all ages and he doesn’t want his friends to feel uncomfortable while he takes care of a younger brother that wouldn’t sit still for anyone but him. Sheila may be rich but she’s all too aware that her parents are weird and they wouldn’t like having her friends over anyway. Wilbur’s house is just, unfortunately, the best place to be.
- an idea I’ve been throwing around in my head is that Holloway could be in contact with Webby. The main groups that this au is based on (Scooby Doo/Solve It Squad) both have an animal companion (talking dog really but in Mystery Incorporated the group before the Scooby gang had a bird so I think any animal would work) and I think Webby could fit that spot in her spider form. I don’t want her to be all that involved though, just giving little hints and suggestions to the group (specially Holloway) when they need it.
- @/thearcanecat mentioned in her reblog of the first post about this au that she imagines Sheriff Keane would be worried about the kids at first before realizing that they’re doing a better job then his own police force and then he would sneak important files in Dukes bag to get them on a case/help them figure some stuff out and I really like that idea! Originally I had imagined Sheriff Keane really not being involved in what the group was doing but I think this makes sense for him. Like obviously he would never do anything to endanger the children but I imagine he’s very proud of the work they’re doing. They are, after all, doing a lot more for Hatchetfield then his men ever have.
- No one can stay mad at Duke. It’s just a way of life. Duke of course doesn’t abuse this power but it does come with some perks. He can easily make witnesses feel comfortable after tragedy, he can talk the groups way out of trouble with the cops, and on the more rare and bizarre occasion he can make a cult member rethink all the bad things they’ve done in the name of whatever dark god they follow. He’s particularly good with younger kids and has a big soft spot for them. Dukes main motivation in life is to help others and make the world a safer place for everyone.
- another thing I’m kinda thinking about is possible shipping? Like obviously this wouldn’t come up until they’re teens but it is an idea I’m juggling with. Specifically wine and dine is something I think can only really come together as adults but I think it could be a very interesting concept post Accident™️ (I am still planning on actually writing it out but if you wanna know the gist of what happens there it’s in the reblogs of the first post for this au). I’m also particularly attached to teen Wilbur dealing with the most obvious and embarrassing crush on Duke. This is all just a thought tho and I do not plan on them getting crushes on each other until they’re older.
Sorry this took so long to answer it’s just been a busy week. If anyone has questions about this au I am very happy to talk about it.
(Also I’m really bad at naming things so if anyone has any idea of a name for this au I am taking suggestions because all I have is the Hatchet Catchers and I’m really not sure about that one)
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zephrunsimperium · 1 year
is Knowing Me, Knowing You a romantic billford story? what kind of story is it, actually? it looks interesting but I’m afraid to read any type of billford in fear of it being… not the best. what do you think of the ship, actually, since you’re such a fidduathor fan? also, does it end okay, even when incomplete? I have a lot of questions about the fic tbh. too scared to read it tho lol
Whooooo boy do I have a lot to say about this... I highly encourage everyone to read this entire post.
So, my thoughts on BillFord are extremely complicated. I am, first and foremost, a FiddAuthor shipper. That is the ship I consider canon and I even headcanon Bill to be aroace and actively encourage Ford and Fidds to get together because Ford needs to get over stupid societal homophobia plus it's fun to wear down the human's moral compass about hitting on a married man.
BillFord is a FASCINATING concept and it's not hard to see why the ship is as popular as it is despite the (well-deserved) stigma; a lot of things between them that can be read as fuel to the shipping fire. (ie the hair ruffles, the nose flick, the nicknames, the gold statue, the piano serenade, Ford being attracted to the strange, Bill offering to make Ford "one of us," even the possibly kinky undertones of glowy blue chains and bodily possession)
But the problem is that the ship can get very nasty very fast. Make no mistake, what Bill does to Ford is abuse. He is manipulative and violent and cruel. "Mystery bruises?" Literally torturing Ford on screen? Driving a wedge between Ford and his support system to the point that he has extreme trouble trusting people? Preying upon Ford's insecurities about being a freak? That is horrifying stuff, in particular because of how clear the parallels are to real world abuse.
With that in mind, let me talk about KMKY. I loved this fic to pieces. It’s written and organized incredibly well with a good mix of humor, sentiment, tragedy, and villainy without ever feeling off-balance tonally. The best thing about this fic, however, is the mature and nuanced themes about abuse: how hard it is to still love your abuser even when you start realizing that they're as bad as they are, accepting that you're a victim and have no reason to apologize, how an abuser's own trauma isn't an excuse for their actions. I really appreciate that the author has sympathy for Bill while still clearly acknowledging that "hey, what Bill did to Ford was abuse and Ford doesn't have to forgive him, much less take him back." A lesser writer would force Bill and Ford together, but that's not what happens because it's not what should happen.
So, for anyone who is interested in reading it... The gist of it is that instead of inviting Fiddleford to work on the portal, Ford makes a body for Bill to assist in person. The first 33 chapters develop their relationship (ft. Fiddleford being confused and stressed) and then Ford finds out Bill has been lying and eventually goes through the portal. It is very much a romance but the writing is so good that there are times when it's genuinely heartbreaking that the two of them won't work out.
I would definitely say that Bill is the main character (even though Ford has a significant amount of viewpoint time and he's the one you're supposed to root for) because he's the one who changes throughout the story. It's not a positive change, but it is an extremely compelling character arc. The characterization of Bill in this fic is particularly cool to me because he’s definitely a complete person, but he’s very clearly inhuman.
A little preview/incentive to read it: all of Bill’s underlings have individual personalities, Jheselbraum is a super important character and her characterization is... really cool (that's not a good description, but I was in love with it), the worldbuilding of all the places Ford visits in the multiverse was really cool and fun, there are great OCs like Wendy's mom, this mob boss guy that is a delight to hate, and a sarcastic kick-ass alien lady, Bill's backstory is really impactful, Pyronica is a bad bitch, Bill and Ford fight zombies while We Go Together from Grease plays in the background, there are cool themes about enjoying the mundane things in life and how society treats the Strange, and well-written humor that had me laughing out loud constantly. For as long as it is, all of it was extremely memorable and hardly any of it felt like filler. (I will warn you if you choose to read it, there is some serious steam.)
As for the ending... I totally understand why the author stopped writing it. They were trying to make it canon-compliant, but by the time it caught up to the show it was very clear that adhering to the canon material was holding them back. They did their best, but I could tell they weren't enjoying writing it and if you're not enjoying your art, then I don't think it's worth doing.
Wow that was a long post. Thanks so much for the ask, Anon! I hope this was a satisfying response!
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virgobingo · 1 year
its interesting that after his almost fatal battle with the toji gojo goes through smth that would be the opposite of an ego death. in his enlightenment he affirms his own godly status; maybe he was delirious but also SO FAR nothing can really challenge that he alone is the honored one. later on he becomes obsessed with perfecting his technique and staying the strongest that he pushes ppl away (probably unconsciously too). geto’s defection probably cemented his own godly status (isolation in being the best which is coming up again in the recent manga arcs) and probably his own resentment towards said status. i think after geto he truly understands the importance of allies but sadly will never have anyone who would be his ‘equal’ again. its interesting that he always considered geto his equal up till his death even tho technically he wasn’t; the whole reason geto even felt distant from gojo was the obvious fact that gojo was on another level. i wonder if that was gojo’s sentimentality
hmm I personally feel that he experienced an ego death. and by claiming himself to be the honored one I don’t think gojo necessarily positions himself as a god, but as someone who comes to know something that others do not. people often perceive his quote of the buddha as arrogant, but I think it’s very matter of fact.
moreover, at a certain point he begins to cultivate other’s strengths so there’s further proof that he doesn’t really perceive himself to be above others. he reassures megumi, yuuji and yuta of their potential to be greater than him. he, like the buddha, is of the opinion that others can match or even surpass him.
he definitely ends up isolating himself though, when he becomes obsessed with perfecting his technique. he is only human after all.
I think geto’s defection enlightened him further on the nature of life by making him realize that he cannot help everyone in spite of all his strength. especially when the root of the issue is systematic. loneliness definitely is something that eats away at gojo though, geto is clearly someone that was and is irreplaceable to him. I feel that, more than in body, geto was someone equal to him in mind/soul. which is part of the reason gojo can’t forget him, because that is so rare to find
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wisteriasymphony · 6 months
posting this to the tumblr so y'all see it too. also on ao3 tho
There was something addictive to the way he would hold her.
The way his hand held onto her thigh like he was about to die; Looking into her eyes like she was the only cure. Perhaps she was lucky, she supposed, that the person she’d seen look at her like this was someone like him. 
Does he even realize that he’s using her? …If she’s the only one who feels that way, is it even real? He sure seemed genuine about it, with every finger that pulled against her skin, every kiss, every chemical. Hell, he probably was entirely genuine about it, but that didn’t mean there couldn’t be something fake about it.. Right? 
”You really are beautiful,” he said—he would always say—with that strange look in his eyes. Claudia supposed it was a look of adoration. No, that wasn’t all of it. It was worship. Did she really deserve to be worshipped? Did anything? 
“Thanks… I guess.” She planted a kiss on his forehead. He didn’t grip onto her the way she deserved to be: He was clinging to her like she was a precious jewel and not… well, what she was. Someone else needed to be filling his hands. Someone else needed to be the person tearing through her with their fingers. …Because he wasn’t tearing, really. Not even close.  
Adrien started to place another constellation of kisses all over Claudia’s stomach, hips, legs… “Do you not believe me?” He asked, resting his chin on the pouch of her abdomen right below her navel. “I really do think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, Claudia. Truly.” 
Finally, something she could pick apart. 
“I don’t know if I could really call myself a ‘woman’,” Claudia sighed, running a lazy hand through Adrien’s hair. She was only 19, really—20 in less than half a year—and she felt that was a word she still needed to grow into; If she ever grew into it, that is. If it was ever the right word to begin with. 
Adrien laughed at himself, the sound short and quiet as it passed his lips. “The most beautiful man, then. Or person, or even the most beautiful thing. That’s not the important part. I’m willing to call you whatever you like, because the sentiment will still be true.” 
A light touch from Adrien’s hand suddenly caused all the muscles on her back to tense up; She balled up her fist in Adrien’s hair, perhaps even a little too hard. 
“You know,” he added, “There’s a word I think you’d like: ‘grotesque’. You’ve heard of it before, haven’t you?” 
Claudia nodded. Grotesque meant a lot of things; In English, it carried connotations of the gross and gory, of slime and of mold and the generally unpleasant or unsightly. In French, it instead meant something ludicrous or strange, sometimes even ridiculous. 
“What’s interesting about the word is its etymology. It comes from the Italian ‘grottesca’, or ‘of the cave’, and referred to a very particular style of ancient Roman paintings, specifically a style of ornamentation on frescoes.” Adrien kept his other hand still on the back her thigh, perhaps holding on a little tighter now. “For a while, it meant something much closer to ‘extravagant’ or ‘highly detailed’. And, in my own opinion… you could perhaps say even ‘gorgeous’.” 
“Are you saying you think I’m grotesque?” Claudia smiled, before Adrien pulled her in closer again. 
“Maybe. I’m just wondering if you would prefer I call you that instead. That way you can always interpret the word in the way you like, and I can interpret it in mine.” 
Claudia thought for a minute about it. Surely, in some sense of the word, there was something grotesque about all of this. She was ‘grotesque’ as in unpleasant… he was ‘grotesque’ as in extravagant… And together? ‘Grotesque’ as in strange. It was easier to accept the way he looked at her now, though, for some odd reason; Now that it conjured the image of him worshipping a statue of Medusa rather than one of a goddess. Even if it was wrong, she liked the idea that he adored her as a monster than as an idol. That, in her eyes, felt actually genuine. Maybe it was the idea that she inspired a little fear in him, too, that sold it. 
claudrien nation tags (like 4 of you have already read it but idc you get it again as a gift for me mwah): @wuhuislandconspiracy @dayochoco @mxacegrey @joshua-the-phoeinx @everything163 @myriadmi @cutepastelstarsalior @xxcresentmoonxx @nocturnal-notes @pyrusinc @moondancer35 @bluesoulblueheart @foxgloveciara
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sonadowkismesis · 1 year
honestly i feel like a lot of people who consider themselves fans of shadow dont actually know what hes supposed to act like and the differences in his different characterizations and just uncritically like portrayals that make him “nicer” without looking for any nuances. its why a lot of people insist hes ooc in shadow05 because of the existence of the darker routes and they have a worse understanding of his character because of it because that game is extremely important to him
05 is literally such a key step in his evolution its frustrating seeing people ignore it, like when talking about his attitude towards his past. it feels regressive honestly and kind of in bad faith when post 05 shadow gets criticized for "not acting like sa2 shadow" even though theyre like. either willfully or unconsciously refusing to acknowledge an entire game's worth of character analysis and actualization on the basis that its aesthetics were kinda cringe at the time or wtv.
going on a tangeant here but i think 05's cringe status kind of explains why those fans dont like the idea of shadow being mean or dark because they associate it with a game and an iteration of the character that was very memefied, by outsiders esp. so they swing hard in the other direction because they want to distance themselves from it. "shadow isnt edgy/mean, those are just the Bad™ portrayals of his character" is a sentiment ive felt from some shadow fans for instance
fanon becoming its own beast and twisting a character beyond recognition is gonna happen regardless but in the case of shadow the hedgehog we have to deal with another beast on top of that and its the fact that people seem downright ashamed/insecure about who shadow is and what he represents that they feel like they have to cherry pick and disregard certain parts of his character as innaccurate so they can keep enjoying him instead of just accepting him as a whole yk.
not saying everyone's doing it for that reason, but i think its that insecurity brewing over years that kind of allowed this vision of his character to thrive and become more accepted in the first place, at least as far as i could tell. not sure if my reading is totally correct here tho
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blazingstar24 · 2 years
Ludinus Da’leth is such a beautifully complex character/villain that Matt has given us and we haven’t even gotten to fully know him yet.
There’s something so deeply intriguing about him in all his appearances. In C2, he seemed cool (i mean in temperament) and aloof. He was up to shady shit but seemingly no more than the rest of the CA. But here in C3 we are getting Ludinus mask off and boy is it something.
We got to see actual emotion from him in this episode! The barely contained rage about, well either the Calamity, Molaesmyr, or the even more interesting option of both? (I wonder if it was in response to Fearne’s lackadaisical attitude towards the situation. This is apparently his life’s work and he takes it very seriously) He’s deeply upset about the gods destroying his home. And on one hand you get the sentiment. I’m willing to bet there were people on Aeor that weren’t just shitty wizards. Did they deserve to get blasted out of the sky because of people they had no control over? But on the other hand, we know that Ludinus is definitely a shitty arrogant wizard who can’t see past his own hubris. But the deeply personal reasoning behind it all make it interesting. It’s not just I wanna ascend and overthrow the gods because I can. It’s partially that, but it’s also apparently a centuries, maybe a millennia long revenge plot.
And then there’s his whole little rant about power. “Power is just a tool. All power is just a tool.” Like holy shit. The contempt in his voice was palpable. (kudos to Matt) We all thought he was just a power hungry wizard. Like Trent. But oh no, he’s very different. He’s certainly the most powerful on the CA, but the difference is that Ludinus sees what he’s doing as a means to an end. The power he collects is not because it makes him feel good and superior. It’s because he truly believes that his goal is that important. (He’s clearly got some beef with warlocks tho lmao)
Ludinus is so much more scary than Trent. Because where Trent was someone who relished in causing others to suffer, Ludinus is a pragmatist about that. When he fucking feebleminded Sumal? He goes on about how he doesn’t like having to do things like that. Trent would have done it and been like alright still haven’t filled my quota for the day, time to go torture teens. But Ludinus takes his goddamn time to try to convey to Imogen and Fearne that he’s not sadistic about this. It’s just that he has a goal that needs to be done. And that’s what’s scary. He’s out here trying to play the apologetic card and what’s scary is that he might not be acting. He may truly be sorry about it. And yet still chose to fucking do Sumal dirty like that. To have a character chose to do the wrong thing, knowing it’s the morally wrong thing, and acknowledge it’s fucked up and yet still say it was wholly necessary? Effective establishing villainy.
Sure Ludinus may seem like the ultimate hubris wizard. But honestly he has all the makings of the iconic CR villains. He’s actually got a lot in common with Delilah. Highly personal reason for doing what they do, insane dedication to that goal, willing to do whatever it takes. The difference is again that Delilah is a bit of a sadist.
He’s a complex villain and we really have only scratched the surface of who he is as a character.
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immortaltale · 2 months
Which mbti personality type do you think Klopp is? According to the internet, he is supposed to be an entp but I don’t think he seems like one. I believe he once said in an interview that he can’t stand being late and in another he suggested something like his past life has been very disciplined and planned. This kind of corresponds more with a J instead of a P? Emotion is a big part of his football philosophy, but I kind of have this feeling that instead of pure sentiment it is more about the fact that he is keenly aware of the power of emotions and is very capable of using it and channeling it? There is also an interesting anecdote in Klopp’s biography that a dortmund player was upset because (he believed) Klopp tried to use the anfield crowd against them when the two teams met just a year or so after he left. Klopp himself also mentioned in some interview that he did not observe the warm-up sessions of the opposition team on purpose except the one occasion when it was with his old dortmund squad. This does show more T than F? Anyways I do feel rather clueless now as he really has a very interesting mix of character traits🧐
hi anon! sooooo glad you asked as personality typing is a big interest of mine :)
let me just preface by saying that i've thought about his type quite a bit, and i personally have come to the conclusion that he is an ESFJ (ennea so2). i have some reasoning for this which i'll explain. (long post ahead!! be warned!!)
so an ESFJ's dominant function (i.e. how they primarily navigate the world) is extroverted feeling, or Fe. Fe's whole idea is about basing values on other people's feelings and harmony. their emotions are influenced by external factors (hence the term "extroverted feeling")
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this sounds to me like it fits klopp pretty well, don't you think? here's a quote from him:
"All we do in life is about relationships. Otherwise, if you only want to be responsible for the things you do and not anyone else, then live in a forest alone or on a mountain alone. When you enter a room, you have a little bit of responsibility for the mood in the room."
obviously everybody can have or prioritize emotions, but for Fe-doms (ESFJ and ENFJ) this is the most important thing for them. and this can be seen even by klopp's outlook on being a football manager. he says that it's not just about football, but it's about the people and how you treat them.
i also like how you mentioned that he seems very keenly aware of the power of emotions as well as being able to "channel" them, because Fe-doms can have a bad rap for being emotionally manipulative when unhealthy. of course i'm not calling klopp manipulative at all but rather pointing out how his behavior can be in line with others of his type.
this ain't about pep but quickly let's compare him, a Fi (introverted feeling) user to klopp the Fe-dom. while pep obviously isn't the totally unfeeling overlord some people tend to portray him as, his emotions are much more reserved outwardly as they're internal to him. klopp in comparison is much more of an open book, getting visibly angry at times while pep is more likely to be passive-aggressive. this is just an aside and not too in-depth but i find the comparison interesting so i brought it up.
now, klopp being Fe-dom leaves ENFJ and ESFJ as the possibilities so why have i decided on the latter? you pointed out a big part of it in your ask, it's his use of Si (introverted sensing). being an introverted function focused on the internal it's a bit harder to spot, but it's usually characterized by adherence to set rules and past experiences. his affinity for being "disciplined and planned" as you state, as well as his strict rules for his squad like not being late. Si-users also tend to like organization and routine.
"For me I love to organise other things to get advantage from [not having the ball] and that is deep in my personality..."
so that's basically it for Fe-Si, which would point towards him being an ESFJ! overall though i think his function stack is quite balanced as a result of him being a very healthy individual so i understand why it might be difficult to type him, i had trouble at first too.
but one last thing, because i've stated my case for why i think he's an ESFJ but i haven't necessarily said why i don't think he's an ENTP: i just don't see enough Ne (extroverted intuition) in him. certainly not enough for it to be his dominant function. Ne is all about abstraction, creativity, new ideas etc. klopp himself admits that he thinks he lacks creativity, and while i wouldn't call him tactically inflexible, i would say he has a certain bit of stubbornness about him where he tends to stick to his tried-and-true methods and philosophy rather than adapting, e.g. him not liking to utilize a low block (this is also another reason for Si>Ne). honestly i sometimes get the feeling that people only say he has Ne because he's funny and he laughs loud which is honestly just sterotyping to the max. "this guy is charismatic and funny? well he must be an ENTP har har." it's dumb as hell
anyway i hope you enjoyed my little explanation of my thoughts (if anyone even managed to read this far)! i can also explain pep and arteta (and to a lesser extent mourinho) but don't ask me about anyone else lol because i won't have anything to say
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ineed-to-sleep · 7 months
1, 4, 8, 13, and 14? dealer’s choice on OC
I've picked Vincent for this!!
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
It definitely started with appearance!! I knew I wanted to make Pepper's sire, so I played around with some ideas for a design and the plan was to develop from there. I still have the old sketches actually but they're all very uglee 😭 here are the few I'm feeling brave enough to share:
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(The third one is him as a kid bc I saw those photos of 80s kids with some questionable haircuts and I thought yeah djdjkdksk that would be him)
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts? 
It was definitely the elder manipulation(TM) in VTM. A lot of his backstory after getting embraced revolves around having to be ordered around by a manipulative person(not really an elder tho, more like an ancilla) who destroyed his self esteem and still haunts him until the moment the story of VTMB starts. She's an essential part of his character arc actually, since she comes back into his life and gets him under her control again, with things only coming to an end when he manages to regain his self worth and fully remove her from his life- by killing her. With an axe. 🪓
But yeah this is pretty much how a lot of sire/fledgling relationships go in VTM, so that definitely influenced his backstory the most.
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story? 
Ohhh everything. Like, ok, not everything, but so so much. I mentioned a bit here. Tbh it's probably easier to list the things I don't relate to him about djcjjck he went to college for journalism which is like, hm. A choice. Couldn't be me. He also raises plants which for some reason I'm unable to raise and always accidentally kill. He's also a freak about keeping his apartment organized and clean which LMAO could NOT be me
13. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all? 
Hmm I have occasionally thought about him and Pepper after vtmb, and I'd love to make them go to seattle and insert them into the events of vtmb2, but I kinda dropped the idea bc the game isn't coming out anymore :/ (I'm ignoring the new vtmb2's existence ok it is NOT real)
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
HMM. This is a tough one 🤔 only 2 things?? I guess if I had to pick like, the absolute most important things about Vincent, when I'm writing anything with him, it's that 1. He's very sentimental, even though he may not look like it, or show it, and 2. He always thinks he could overthink things More.
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piipaw · 9 months
4, 6, and 26 for the Tav Questions! Give us more Gum!!
4. What hobbies does your Tav have? How did they acquire these interests
Pre game crèche life gave for no hobbies, minus just reading in the library after his change to being a healer. During the game I don't think he'd have time outside of surviving to pick up a hobby, minus reading (now in a group!)
Post game I think he'd want to try everything, but also be hesitant because of a small fear of failure.
Gale takes him on a museum date to look at art, gets Gum some paints and pastels afterwards to see if he likes that stuff (it's very abstract, gum is one of those can't visualize what he wants to draw types)
I'd imagine they'd sometimes cook/bake together but it's mostly Gum helping cut/mix things and not actually realizing there's a method to it and not just gale knowing what to do by gut instinct. (Gum is the 'I tried your recipe but I swapped all the eggs for apple sauce and I took the carrots out for onions and now it tastes bad' only he's not a dick he doesn't know enough about things not-meat that he doesn't know any better)
He does learn a few instruments and is.... okay!!! But nothing he really sticks with long, mostly just playing a few notes on the piano in Gale's tower or his flue/lute when idle. (Gale crying and clapping at alfira's music school concert and gum knocks hot cross buns outta the park)
6. What is your Tav’s favourite childhood memory?
LOADED QUESTION I don't even know if there are any fond memories Gum has of his crèche. Coming from such a military environment I guess at one point he would have answered like "I remember the first time I held my sword/the first time I took down one of my peers" but that's not a happy thing for him now. He looks back at a lot of his upbringing with sadness, feeling robbed of life's many experiences and also sad that the others he knew wouldn't see things the same as him and is almost jealous that they're content to be so.... simple.
26. Does your Tav have a treasured item with them? If yes, what is it and why is it special? If no, how do they feel about item sentimentality in general?
Pre-game he has no treasured item, mostly bc of reasons from above ask. But mid game I equip Gum with the Blood of Lathander and I think for him it would be really meaningful and symbolic. But I wouldn't go so far to say treasured.
Additionally postgame, I think he'd still carry it, but he'd try to not look at it as something so important bc it's a weapon, and they'd probably also have to keep it locked up when not in use since they wouldn't want it to hurt astarion.
Post game tho one of his treasures 100% would be his wedding band. Both the metals used to craft it would be really symbolic and meaningful for him, but like a little physical object he can hold and squeeze to remind him no matter how bad things were he made it this far and has people who love him unconditionally would be important to him.
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roxannepolice · 1 year
hi! missy for the character asks? :)
Of course, but after putting threegado together it's only fair to also combine twissy for @lukifisk 😀
1: sexuality headcanon - after answering this question a couple of times, I think it is safe to say TL are what humans would call pansexual in the sense that their preferences aren't very directional (let's face it this is the most evolutionarily rational direction to take in a reproductive organs shifting species (the Master is generally Doctorsexual tho)) - what does differ across regenerations is libido level, as in how likely they are to get horny (and in the Doctor's case that usually increases when the Master's around); so in this context we have a fascinating set where Twelve is pretty much an ace while Missy is permanently horny - luckily, Twelve is not a sex averse asexual, and willing to perform for a romantic partner, so we probably have something of a pythonic scene of Missy (and let's be fair, Clara and River too) passionately riding and confessing most ardent affection for that old man while he tries to follow Neptunian equivalent of Kama Sutra (getting himself acquaintanced with it in the process)
2: otp - each other, of course; just let them have their much postponed French riviera honeymoon BBC
3: brotp - I mean. apart from the Doctor Missy interacted with an afterlife Zuckerberg, Clara, Nardole, passingly with some UNIT members and Bill, and her own past. that's not much to choose from. so I'll go with Clara, just because this is also what I go with for Twelve (also consider two characters who know the most about the Doctor; Rose and Sarah Jane having a giggle would be nothing condiered to what these two'd get up to): romantic elements I fully acknowledge aside, I think it must have been really refreshing for the Doctor to have a companion that was so much like them; and weird assumptions about straight corellation between age and skin collagen levels aside, his truthfulness with her was very powerful
4: notp - I don't really have one for Twelve, just because his asexuality is so obvious that I'd assume if he's shipped with someone there's a good reason for it? for Missy, the male presenting Masters all being horny for her specifically, yeah selfcest is a good metaphor for narcissism inherent in this character which is what I keep repeating to myself about season 10 finale, but when Masterful (which I LOVE srsly the Doctor could only dream of having such a good 50th birthday celebration) doubled down on it I just thought honey your attempts at heterosexuality are about as convincing as those sybil breasts slapped by Michelangelo on what's clearly boy models
5: first headcanon that pops into my head - I remember it well from Gigi is their song and Bill plays it on her smartphone each time they interact, BBC just muted it for copyright reasons
6: favorite line from this character - for Twelve, Human progress isn't measured by industry. It's measured by the value you place on a life. An unimportant life. A life without privilege. The boy who died on the river, that boy's value is your value. That's what defines an age. That's what defines a species. - wow. just wow. this is such growth from the Time Lord Victorious who'd evaluate individual life from it's Historic importance and the face that almost annihilated a civilization (for the second time!) for one person, also extratextually excellent way to measure the level of civilizational progress; for Missy Your version of good is not absolute. It's vain, arrogant and sentimental. If you're waiting for me to become all that, I'm going to be here for a long time yet. somewhat contradictory to the sentiment of the Twelve quote? yeah maybe but this marks the last time as of season 13 the Master represented a philosophy contradictory to the Doctor's (or, for that matter, anything more than a snivelling canine of a chorus to how awesome the Doctor is) that, despite the text denying it much right, has a respectable place in human ethics: deontology versus pragmatism, yes gimme the Doctor Master dialectic heading for recognition that nothing is simple anytime
7: one way in which I relate to this character - Twelve is... pretty much the Doctor I identify with the most? yeah man be this intellect before emotion bitch that shows how those two are nowhere near contradictory (trying to derive ethics from thinking and keeping contradictory or inconclusive evidence to yourself for the same reasons you don't tell people there's going to be a financial crisis: they will storm the banks and a crisis will in fact occur; they pound that into your brain in every Polish sociology class) and will raise hell if you cannot move heaven for the people you care for (just don't cut out people you haven't yet formed to your liking from the caring part); for Missy, I too aspire to express all my moods through piano and would have Peter Capaldi grab my boob within 2 minutes from meeting him not even for sex reasons just to see him flustered 🙃
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - for Twelve, informing newly met people Clark Kent is Superman: I get that it makes sense for plot development reasons, but man you don't just say these things! also consistently insulting John Simm's pretty squishy round catface while he's getting an obvious libido rise from the other's proximity; for Missy, not caring for her hairstyle while in prison, wtf gurl, demand an avocado and banana based hair mask in addition to the LHC and pony!!
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - look there's a lot I like about Moffat's writing, just as there's a lot I dislike about it, but putting the Doctor slightly further down the problematic fave side than the Master (while keeping them mostly in character) deserves proper appreciation; they're both on the problematic fave side of the spectrum though
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esculentevil · 2 years
Assorted OTP Questions, Thorinduil: Who is the big/little spoon?
LMFAO I was gonna try writing a ficlet or something for this but... ah sorry v.v
Legit tho the main reason it failed was cuz I realized I can’t actually answer this with a fic: the answer would just be messy and muddled, I think =/
The answer is kinda neither and both (see what I mean?):
It’s neither because elves don’t actually sleep (they sort of just meditate for a bit and Thranduil especially does this while sitting in his throne so often he literally wonders why he even keeps a bed [until he starts being with Thorin, of course]).
But it’s also both because, of course, Duil is an utter sweetheart and sentimental to boot so when Thorin sleeps, and Duil doesn’t have pressing kingdom matters to attend to, Thranduil will slip into bed with him--usually, yes, as the big spoon--and hold him close as he sleeps because Thorin is only mortal and, seriously, they’ve wasted/lost enough time together so even in sleep time’s important.
And it’s also both, of course, because Thorin doesn’t fully understand elves and their silly meditation thing--but he DOES understand their caretaking habits and how it’s their love language; so, when he finds Thranduil “sleeping” in his throne, Thorin will pick him up and take him up to bed (which, yes, many elves giggle at; tho, honestly, most find it utterly sweet and it’s one of the first things Thorin does that actually wins over/convinces Thranduil’s very protective people that, yes, Thorin’s a bit of a pompous prick but he does clearly love their deer dear king) before laying down--yes, as the big spoon; because he might be smaller but, damnit, he’s burly, a literal boulder, and totally brawny enough to be the big one; especially since his too tall and long love is clearly slimmer and more slender than him so OF COURSE he’ll be wrapping his slightness up in his big arms, thank you very much--and holding him close, breathing in his foresty scent (cypress, myrrh, sandalwood, and the wild berries they use for their wine), and falling asleep to it without ever really realizing Duil’s merely entertaining him (though, Thranduil definitely enjoys being in Thorin’s arms, pressed to his chest where he can feel his heart beating strongly [proof he’s alive] against his back, enveloped in Thorin’s own scent of mountain rocks [like limestone and lava], molten gold [like the labyrinth of precious metals still occupying his kingdom], mithril spools [like what he uses to weave the mail they now share] and mead).
O, and its also neither because they actually prefer to sleep face-to-face (err... face-to-chest? also face-to-neck lol) with their arms wrapped around each other--especially after some, uh, quality time together... legs VERY intertwined~--sometimes with them on top of each other like in my drabble called Bedding--although, for sure, if they’re in BED (which is SOFT) Duil might be under Thorin instead of on top of him which, shockingly, neither of them are really picky about--wherein Thranduil can spend the whole night watching his love sleep peacefully.
In truth, the main problem is that I don’t really see them sticking to one position: they like variety (especially Thranduil whom is OLD--so bleeding old...) and, since many positions (spooning especially) carry dom/sub connotations and they’re both KINGS, the equality of laying side-by-side and face-to-whatever is... well, it’s the most comfortable thing for them both so they use it the most.
Anyway! Thank you, wonderful nymesis, for your darling ask! Really appreciate you reaching out; I love answering these things Sorry again that it didn’t end up being a fic =/ Maybe next time??? Until then: All my love~
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undead-potatoes · 10 months
24 and 27 for both your tav and durge from their respective ask lists please :)
24. What first impression does your Tav give off to strangers?
Very friendly, if a little over-energetic. He's usually quite polite, even when people are being assholes, and many probably find his cheerful disposition very annoying lmao
27. How does your Tav feel about giving and receiving orders?
It really depends on who is giving those orders and why. No-one gets to boss him around without good reason (he's had enough of that), especially if they're being rude or demanding about it. But most of the time his helpful nature triumphs everything else, and he'll accept orders and make himself useful as long as its within his own boundaries of what's okay or sensible. He is, however, liable to do things his own way so specific instructions might be lost along the way. EDIT: He is, however, much better at giving orders. They're rarely served as orders tho, but rather suggestions and gentle persuasion. People are a lot more likely to do as you wish if you ask them with a please and a thank you.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
24. Does your Dark Urge have a treasured item with them? If yes, what is it and why is it special? If no, how do they feel about item sentimentality in general?
Hmm I don't think Aurora was carrying anything with her when she was on the Nautiloid, having spent weeks in the "care" of Kressa who probably stripped her of anything unnecessary. Aurora is incredibly sentimental though, and that includes item sentimentality. She's the kind of person who would struggle to throw out an old sweater coming apart at the seams because 1) it's wasteful, and 2) her old neighbor who has since passed knitted it for her and it IS rude to throw away gifts and [the excuses and explanations go on for another 3 minutes].
27. How does your Dark Urge feel about giving and receiving orders?
Pre- and post-cult Aurora? Just fine. She was never the one to seek attention or take charge, and is perfectly content to be delegated as someone in charge sees fit. Amnesia Aurora is also too scatterbrained to take the lead anyways, so it's probably nice to have someone else who seems to know what they're doing. Cult Aurora however? Absolutely not. Being Bhaal's special little meow meow makes her way too self-important, seeing almost everyone else beneath her, and no-one but Bhaal has the right to tell what to do. The exception is probably Gortash, but he knows ordering her is out of the question; he'll have to respectfully ask or suggest something, gently coaxing her where he wants her. EDIT: Forgot about the "giving orders" part. Once again, Pre- and post-cult Aurora is more of a follower than a leader, and honestly feels weird about ordering people around. Cult Aurora is great at it though, ordering people around to get shit done with a real "my way or the highway" mindset. (Though much of the time she thinks she has to do things herself to make sure they get done right).
From this Tav ask meme (Durge version)
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Ohh oh oh if you're still in the mood to do astrology sortings?? I would love one omg. My sun is Aquarius, my moon Taurus, my rising Sagittarius. Venus is Pisces, mars is Scorpio, mercury (and tho idk what they mean, also uranus and neptune) Aquarius. (No pressure obviously, but thank you so much if you do)
Ooh hello there! Yes, I'm still taking these! (Though fair warning to anyone who sends them, I might be slow answering, but I will still do them if you can be patient!)
Sun - Aquarius - air - Ravenclaw
Moon - Taurus - earth - Hufflepuff
Rising - Sagittarius - fire - Gryffindor
Mercury - Aquarius - air - Ravenclaw
Venus - Pisces - water - Slytherin
Mars - Scorpio - water - Slytherin
So 2 for Ravenclaw and 2 for Slytherin, 1 for the other houses. But since the sun is generally of higher "importance" than the others, I'd give the point to Ravenclaw, but let's explore this a little deeper.
The sun is often so prominent in what most people know of the zodiac for a reason. The sun is our core and our ego. It's our life source. For you, that's big Aquarian energy.
Aquarian aims are humanitarianism, and ideals for society and the world. Aquarius is very about the big picture. Aquarius is quirky and a bit analytical. They value individuality and independence. They value uniqueness, newness, strangeness, etc. Luna rocking her radish earrings? Big Aquarian energy. There's also a focus on progressiveness and innovation. Always learning and improving. But Aquarius is also quite stubborn, and there's this very "I know best" mentality, backed by a whole lot of facts but not as much heart. They are very dedicated to a cause. Very openminded. But they care so much about making the world a better place, it can become a bit restrictive.
Big Ravenclaw energy, for sure, with all of that creativity and thirst for knowledge and improvement. We also get some Hufflepuff vibes from the humanitarianism and the willingness to work for a better world. Also bits of Gryffindor for being so bold and and open and embracing their oddities, and those of others. To me, it feels like a lot of passion (fire) in the mental/social realm so I'll call Ravenclaw the major House and give the minor point to Gryffindor.
Moon is emotion and subconscious, here in Taurus. If we look at Taurus being an earth sign, but also ruled by Venus, you can see a clearer picture of what Taurus is. Earth rules the material and the physical world, Venus rules love and pleasure. So we think: sensuality, pleasure, luxury, relaxation, harmony, enjoyment. Taurus is quite sentimental, so I'd look at this as keepsakes and souvenirs. The value of objects not necessarily for monetary value, but for memories attached and the feelings they inspire.
Taurus values structure and reliability. They're willing to work hard, especially when they care. They get down in the dirt and put their own effort into building the life they want. They are loyal and reliable; they will do for others, out of love. They will work to live, and live to love. As in, doing what it takes to be able to enjoy life and have those moments of peace and enjoyment. It's all big Hufflepuff energy, for sure, but I can see the argument for Slytherin, too. That stubborn determination, that drive, and all to have a good life. That can look like ambition, right? And if we think about Horace Slughorn as a Taurus (he really is, though) you can see more of that flavor of...he does work pretty hard in his own way, building connections and working situations into his favor. But that man is working smarter, not harder, and I respect it.
Major: Hufflepuff, Minor: Slytherin.
Rising in Sagittarius. This is reacting to the world with very bright, warm energy; and that's how others perceive you. Passionate, values freedom, openminded and openhearted. Sagittarius is the traveler and the philosopher. It's about experience and adventure and friendship and all one can learn from just living life and seeing what life has to offer. Sagittarius is very fun-loving and wise. Very stories by the fire energy. Sharing folklore and old songs and telling of great journeys. Very easygoing on the surface, but you really see that fierce fire energy when push comes to shove and when you trample on their principles. Big Gryffindor energy. I'll give the second placement as Ravenclaw, for that value of wisdom and learning and connection to others.
Sag Rising places the chart ruler as Jupiter, which I don't know. But we can touch on the inner planets.
Mercury is information, i.e. how one learns and how one communicates. For you, colored by that same Aquarius energy as your sun. Mercury's intellectual aims work well powered by Aquarius. There's this sense of experimentation and exploration in how one learns. Maybe a bit of quirky humor, interest in strange/niche subjects, etc. Very Ravenclaw for sure, still.
Venus and Mars both in water signs!! I don't often see Mars so far from the sun, either, so this is cool! More so with Venus being the planet of love and pleasure, and Mars being the planet of aggression and sexuality. Venus and Mars were lovers in mythology, you know. And to see both in the same element, but different signs???? This is fun to explore, okay.
First I want to share how I see these signs. I have very specific images and vibes each sign gives me that I might type up fully one day for fun, but for now I'll give this...
Pisces, to me, is a mermaid. Swimming free. Chillin'. People might draw very wrong conclusions about mermaids. They're pretty and airheaded and dreamy. Very Ariel. But Pisces is actually the village elder who everyone thinks is senile, but actually has all the answers to the universe. Pisces is the oldest sign in the zodiac, and has a focus on transcendence. It's all higher power, heaven, karma, reincarnation, what comes next, etc. So you can look at this one of two ways.
Pisces is so close to the next life, they've embraced it; they've lived a long life and have seen so much. They're ready for the next step. They're calm and radiant and compassionate and at peace. They are sure of themselves and their readiness for what's coming.
Or, you look at it as Pisces has seen too much. The line where dreams become nightmares. Fear of death, fear of what's coming. Human minds too fragile to really handle such a vast knowledge. So it's numbing the pain; it's addiction and fantasies and obsessions. It's feeling too much and having to handle it somehow. It can be quite creative. Processing those big thoughts and big feelings into music, art, etc. They're compassionate at best, or empathetic at worst. It's a lot.
So in Venus it's this very dreamy, romantic quality to relationships (be they romantic or platonic.) It's taking pleasure in art (in the creation of or enjoyment of it.) It's a love of stories and mythology. Sort of wrapping oneself up in the good feelings and good thoughts.
(I have many feelings about the water signs, oops.)
So as a water sign, Pisces would sort into Slytherin, but I think there's a strong case for Hufflepuff, too. All that care and kindness! That openness and acceptance.
But water signs being so tied to heart and emotion gives them all an edge of fear; that feeling of being too vulnerable and having to protect it. For Cancer, it's defensive; for Scorpio, it's offensive; for Pisces, it's escape. Self-preservation, yeah? Ambition, even...ambition for the next life, for greatness in death. Ambition for what feels good.
Then we have Scorpio, which is domicile in Mars (according to traditional rulership.) Scorpio is the kraken, baby. Dark, scary monster lurking in the deeps. Mysterious, intriguing, frightening. Intense, passionate, obsessive. Laser-focus. Possessive, and vengeful. Scorpio has big scary feelings and it scares them.
Scorpio Mars is driven by having the upper-hand. By learning others, and one's surroundings, and having a plan. Scorpio is the tactician. The magician. Scorpio aims to have control; control of the self, control of the situation. Big Slytherin vibes. But also Gryffindor vibes, in a way. Charging ahead (what Mars gives it), the stubborn resolve, making big fearless moves to guard what does scare them.
There's a good bit of Hufflepuff both from the Taurus, but also the vibes of Pisces. Gryffindorish for the Sag rising and the fiery touch of Scorpio. But the biggest baddest boys in town are Ravenclaw and Slytherin.
So...Ravenclaw in 2 planets, Slytherin in 2. Ravenclaw gets a boost because of the sun. I'll give Slytherin a slightly lesser boost for Mars being domicile. Sag rising gave us some extra Ravenclaw-ish vibes. Taurus moon gave us some extra Slytherin-ish vibes.
I think this would come to a hatstall, but I think in the end the win goes to...
I hope this was fun for you! Thanks for sharing! :)
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On August 25th 1776 David Hume, the Scottish philosopher, historian, economist and author, died.
As a writer Hume’s style was praised in his lifetime and has often been praised since. It exemplifies the classical standards of his day. It lacks individuality and colour, for he was always proudly on guard against his emotions. The touch is light, except on slight subjects, where it is rather heavy.
As a historian between his death and 1894, there were at least 50 editions of his History; and an abridgment, The Student’s Hume (1859; often reprinted), remained in common use for 50 years. Although now outdated, Hume’s History must be regarded as an event of cultural importance. In its own day, moreover, it was an innovation, soaring high above its very few predecessors. It was fuller and set a higher standard of impartiality.
As an Economist in his book the Political Discourses, which were incorporated in Essays and Treatises as Part II of Essays, Moral and Political. How far he influenced Adam Smith remains uncertain: they had broadly similar principles, and both had the excellent habit of illustrating and supporting these from history. He did not formulate a complete system of economic theory, as did Smith in his Wealth of Nations, the two were friends and must have talked at length about the subject, so although not really known as an economist you have to wonder how much Smith was influenced in there talks.
It wasn’t until the years after his death that Hume was seen as a philosopher he conceived of philosophy as the inductive science of human nature, and he concluded that humans are creatures more of sensitive and practical sentiment than of reason. Based on his understanding of the mind as “filling in the gaps” in our perceptions in order to make sense of our experiences, Hume explains that the mind itself is a concept rather than a necessarily existing substance. He writes, “What we call a mind, is nothing but a heap or collection of different perceptions, united together by certain relations, and suppos’d, tho’ falsely, to be endow’d with a perfect simplicity and identity.”
Whatever field he was involved in he excelled and is widely regarded as the most important philosopher ever to write in English. I might not understand all his philosophizing, I do however admire that a Scot has influenced some of what are perceived as the most brilliant minds on the subject to follow him.
Also I would much rather give his toe a a rub rather than the statue of a certain dog, Hume wouldn’t have liked this as he seen superstition as a way that led to belief in religion, he was a bit of an atheist oor David.
As with many from past generations Hume has been scrutinised over the last few years due to his disgusting racist views. The University of Edinburgh removed the name of David Hume from one of its campus buildings, citing concerns that the 18th century philosopher’s views on race cause “distress” to modern day students. However, the move has been criticised by several academics, including some employed by the university. They pointed out that Hume’s wider writings offered profound insights into human nature and served as a source of inspiration to generations of thinkers.
The University of Edinburgh premises at 40 George Square, which was opeened in 1963, was once called the David Hume Tower, In September 2020, in response to the Black Lives Matter movement, the university announced that they would be renaming the tower to 40 George Square. The university stated that Hume's "comments on matters of race, though not uncommon at the time, rightly cause distress today. A lot of people still refer to itinit former name, in fact just recently someone commented on my photot of Edinburgh taken from Craigmillar Castle, which showed the tower promenintly in front of the castle, as DHT, which it was often referred to as.
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quodekash · 2 years
Why The Entire Harry Potter Epilogue Sucks
most of this has definitely already been said before but I have Thoughts™️ and I need to get them all out in one place. also warning this is very long because my thoughts are big and i talk too much 
first, the overall problems (and everything im gonna talk about is the author’s fault cos she wrote it, but this part is more directly her fault so this section could also just be called Me Hating A Bigot): 
Why did she make them all end up with their high school sweethearts? just to satisfy the shippers? i mean i dont entirely hate it that much, like its fine, book hinny actually have chemistry and i can imagine book romione going through a lot of bumps in their relationship but smoothing it out and figuring it out after a few years. and yeah they’ve all been through a lot together, and that creates a really tight bond between two or more people, but the point still stands. (my point being: high school relationships are stupid and pointless. (if you want to debate me on this, go ahead. try and change my mind. (this is genuine, i want to hear your reasons and give you my reasons, debates are fun)))
Draco’s wife. Why. Like, i have absolutely nothing against Astoria Greengrass, I’m sure she’s lovely (we never meet her other than like maybe in Cursed Child at some point? but i read that once and am electing to ignore it forever so lets imagine i never said that). it’s not even a problem with how the author made him marry a woman even tho he’s very much a gay man, it’s the problem that he didn’t get the redemption he very much deserved. he had like two or three shining moments. and even then they weren’t so much shining, more... glistening like sweat. but she couldve tried so much harder with him. she wouldnt even have to change the plot of the books at all. just make him marry... not a pureblood. dont make this character have to continue the legacy of purebredness that he almost definitely despises. instead, let him marry a muggle. or a muggleborn. or a half-blood chosen one who defeated the dark lord with draco’s own wand. or just anyone that isnt a pureblood, cos we dont know much about it, but we can only assume that it was an arranged marriage and neither of them actually wanted it, they were just doing it for the sake of their families. which sucks. and also all the purebloods are already related so just... dont make the incest continue, no one wants it. 
the names of the kids... i dont like it. well, most of it. naming your kids after your dead parents? that’s fine. it could be a little confusing at times, but they’re nice names and its sentimental. and james’ middle name? i have no problem with it. james sirius potter is a perfect naming choice. definitely not a PREfect naming choice, but absolutely a PERfect naming choice.  -and lily luna potter has a ring to it. and i know luna is important, and i know we love luna. but it couldn’t have been like... lily molly potter, so that ginny’s side of the family could be part of it? it couldn’t have been lily minerva potter, to honour the greatest character of the series? it couldn’t have been... other names i cant think of that wouldve been better than lily luna? but overall i dont hate the name lily luna that much, i can deal with it. -as for hugo and rose, as far as i know they dont have middle names? but i just want to know where the names come from. were they just names that they picked out that Felt Right? cos if so i have absolutely no problems with that. it may be that theyre hermione’s parents names? (speaking of which did she ever get to take them back from australia? adding on to that, did her parents know they were from britain when she erased their memories? cos i highly doubt they wouldve magically gotten aussie accents and their voices wouldve stood out pretty clearly, so would they just be Very British but think they’re perfect bogans and never understand why people look at them funny?) But i dont think it is cos ive always assumed that hermione’s mums name is jean cos it’s hermione’s middle name. also i did some extensive research (*cough* a quick google search *cough*) and the name Rose means flower, femininity, that kind of thing, which is sweet, and Hugo means mind or intellect or something like that, which reflects hermione being smart. so those make sense. -but then we get to albus severus. i love the character, he is pure and must be protected. however, the name... no. harry decided to name his kid (the middle child, aka literally the most overlooked one, so there’s the neglected feelings that generally come from being a middle child there already) after two dead guys. “but egg”, you may be thinking, “james sirius was named after two dead guys, too.” Ah, very astute, dear reader, but you’re missing two crucial pieces of information: james and sirius were excellent people who positively affected harry’s life in a lot of ways. Albus and Severus, on the other hand, were people who: emotionally manipulated him, abused him, hated him, raised him as a pig for slaughter, one of them killed the other, and they were both old and sad cos their loved one is gone forever. great idea to name your kid after that. so smart, hazza. absolutely genius. 
“19 years later” means, if you do the maths, the epilogue is set in 2016. surely some things would change. like, would they still use a steam engine train? would there be too many people (gotta love overpopulation), so would the place to get on the train (or whatever mode of transport it would be by then) change to fit everyone? why don’t we see queer couples in the background? why isnt there any mention of phones? i just- i have questions, okay? i mean, i guess the book came out 9 years before 2016. but some of these things were still in play in 2007 and it feels like pollution and overpopulation and queer people and smartphones just dont exist i guess. 
this is a very small one but i would also like to know how draco and harry and ron all happened to have a child go to school in the same year. like yeah, it happens, but sometimes its like a year or two apart. but nope, they all must’ve f***ed their wives on the same night i guess (i know that’s not how it works, but STILL) 
related to the point about it being 2016, but there wasn’t any deamus???? just a tiny mention would’ve been fine. just so that queer readers dont feel so alone. so that queer readers can feel like they’re actually part of this world, that they can feel included and loved, which are the major themes of the series. all we wouldve needed is “Harry saw Dean and Seamus, holding hands and waving goodbye to a little crying girl leaning out of the train window. Seamus tried to conjure a handkerchief to clean her face, but it set itself on fire as soon as he tried, and the girl laughed through her tears.” Or even just that first sentence wouldve been okay. or even a third or fourth sentence where dean sighs into his hand to hide his smile, shaking his head, and either stamps out the fire with his foot or uses aguamenti to put it out but misses and Seamus frowns at him as droplets of water fall down his face and cling to his eyelashes and dean smiles lovingly and kneels down to mock dean’s height and uses the end of his sleeve to wipe off the water and their daughter is laughing really joyously and the train starts to take off but she’s still laughing and smiling and she waves at her weirdo dads until she cant see them again and im sorry im getting carried away, basically what im trying to say here is just one sentence wouldve been all we needed just to feel included 
ron being an auror makes sense i dont mind that. 
but hermione. why is she in magical law enforcement. i know she cares about justice, but she absolutely would not enjoy sitting behind a desk, she would rather being there, out in the world, helping others because she can, not because it’s her job. she should be a teacher, whether at a muggle school or magical school, i dont flipping care, but she enjoys sharing her knowledge with harry and ron and literally everyone, and that’s what a teacher does. plus, she really looks up to mcgonagall, so you’d think she’d want to be like her: a teacher. and hermione LITERALLY SAYS, out loud, in the books, to rufus scrimgeour, that she doesn’t want a job at the ministry, “i want to make some good in the world”, but then that is just scrapped, never thought about again, and she becomes the flipping minister. she couldve even been an auror, she wouldve been a BOSS at figuring out the target’s next move and how to fight them and bring justice (and i am aware it sounds like im describing her as a batman-like superhero, i dont care, MAYBE HERMIONE IS BATMAN, OKAY?), and working with ron, they would’ve been UNSTOPPABLE. hermione couldve worked at flipin flourish and blotts, she could’ve become the new librarian at hogwarts. i know neither of those are making good in the world, but she wouldve been surrounded by books ALL DAY. honestly she couldve worked with dragons with charlie in romania and it still wouldve been better than stuck behind a desk at the ministry 
i love ginny as a quidditch player, that one is excellent and perfect and i cant think of anything better. 
like. lupin was great. but harry taught a whole bunch of teenagers - at the same time - to conjure patronuses within a couple of lessons, when it took lupin months to teach harry. (granted, harry was depressed and was both trying to learn the charm and going against a boggart-dementor, so they’re both impressive, but still)
he taught them heaps of spells he’d only learnt the previous year while practicing for the third task, and only out of books, which is really bloody impressive.
and, again, he could conjure a patronus at thirteen years old, when most wizards cant their entire lives.
and he taught them the only useful thing lockhart (kind of) taught him: expelliarmus.
as for moody’s/barty crouch jr’s classes, we dont know anything about them other than the first one where he did the unforgivable curses on spiders, and that other one where he put the imperious curse on the students. and harry just wouldnt morally do any one of those things so he technically didn’t beat those classes but also he did because harry didn’t perform illegal curses on his students, so. 
idk about quirrel cos i have no clue what he actually taught them (WHAT WAS THE DEAL WITH THAT REPTILE IN THE MOVIES? (was it a lizard? iguana?? i think it was an iguana but idk)), but he literally bested every single one of the teachers he’d previously had for five years in a couple of months. 
also he really enjoyed teaching. he found himself subconsciously planning lessons. he gave them things to improve on, started small and got bigger, gave encouragement, made sure everyone was included, and so many other things i just cant think of right now. and those are all awesome teacher traits. he would’ve loved being a teacher, would’ve loved helping kids reached their full potential.
and thats why he shouldve been a teacher, but heres why he shouldnt have been an auror: hes not invincible. the only person who couldnt kill him at all was voldemort. if voldey had let one of his death eaters step in and cast the spell, harry couldn’t have done anything, he wouldve actually died that time and voldemort wouldve won. and that still applies in the future. and harry’s gonna be fighting dark wizards just about every day. and guess what? he’s the owner of the elder wand. and book harry didnt break it. no no, book harry was sure he’d die a natural death and the wand would lose its power. and im not saying i want harry to die on work, im saying he was pretty reckless because he could get killed by dark wizards (aka people wanting to start their own cult similar to death eaters; death eaters on the run; death eaters put in azkaban who manage to escape; etc etc) on any given day and then they would have the elder wand and it would all turn to sludge.
but also if he couldn’t have taught dada, then surely he couldve at least been a quidditch player like ginny. that would be so much fun. their team would be basically unstoppable, having a bad*ss married couple working together.
just dont have him as an auror, please, im begging you, it doesnt work
and neville being herbology professor is perfect, end of story. 
okay and now specific moments 
some things that bother me are: albus not wanting to be slytherin, and james making fun of him for maybe possibly being sorted in slytherin. like, shouldnt the problems between the houses have been resolved?? it’s been 19 years since the war people, lets finally resolve some conflict here, pick up the pace guys. but not only that, albus’ fear of slytherin and james’ apparent dislike of slytherin tells us that harry hasn’t told them that slytherins can be good and that all the stereotypes of slytherin aren’t true for everyone and kggkfjgkjgkjfgj
harry hears percy talking about broomstick regulations and is glad to not have the excuse to stop and chat. i dont like that. why doesn’t he want to say hi? percy isnt that bad. i know he’s annoying at times but broomstick regulations would be important, and wouldn’t harry be at least slightly interested in it because quidditch and flying??? 
it sounds like ron’s saying he only recently passed his drivers test. he’d had 19 years. why did it take him that long. this one isnt big it just bothers me a little bit 
why did draco nod ‘curtley’? curtley means rude briefly according to google. that doesnt feel right after everything that’s happened. like, harry literally destroyed the darkest wizard of all time, holding what had previously been draco’s wand. surely that makes some kind of connection. and the trio saved dracos life twice in one day, and saving someone’s life is a literal huge deal, it creates this unspoken bond between you. literally the only reason harry ron and hermione are friends is because harry and ron saved hermione’s life. and saving dracos life, someone who, up until then, they hate? and there’s no mention of any kind of bond or unspoken alliance or anything? they just... go on hating each other? and draco didnt sell them out to his family. which basically means draco saved their lives (BEFORE they saved his), so again theres that connection, that bond, where is it? SURELY it wouldnt be a rude nod?? couldn’t it be an awkward smile? a friendly wink (that could have a double meaning *cough*drarry*cough*)? there would sruely be some kind of connection over the 19 years, like i dont believe that they have never met draco’s child before, i dont believe that the trio and draco havent caught up at some point to say thank you or go out for coffee or whatever functional adults do in their daily lives. 
‘dont try to turn them against each other before they’ve even started school.’ YES GOOD EXCELLENT GOOD JOB HERMIONE- ‘dont get too friendly with him tho. granddad weasley would never forgive you if u married a pureblood’ nO. do NOT imply that there’s going to be a romance. this is the fault of the author and also of ron. you should almost never ship people in real life (with few exceptions. like jokes with friends. or larry. or if theyre already a couple.), and ESPECIALLY not LITERAL CHILDREN! being an embarrassing parent talking to your teenage child about their crush or significant other? that’s fine. mortifying in the moment for the child, but funny to look back on. implying that your ELEVEN YEAR OLD CHILD who was probably told about sex and hormones like three weeks ago, is going to MARRY another ELEVEN YEAR OLD CHILD whom they have NEVER INTERACTED WITH is absolutely NOT FINE. and also DO NOT say that your father is NEVER GOING TO FORGIVE THE CHILD. it might seem funny, but this kind of thing could stick with the child forever and, if their hormones do end up making them fall for this other child in the end, they might be terrified of telling their family and might want to keep any potential relationship a secret and that could eat up at them completely and it could result in repression and depression and a whole bunch of mental health problems that wouldve been avoided if ron had just ✨shut his mouth✨. it wouldve been better to say something like ‘“you’re right, sorry”, said ron. but unable to help himself, he leant down and added in a whisper, “we’re counting on you though, Rosie. the family honour rests on your shoulders. but no pressure.” he stood up, grinning, and winked at his daughter.’ 
i have no problems with teddy and victoire. nor do i have any problems with james’ reaction. nor do i have any problems with what the adults say and what the children say in response to that, i actually like this part. 
‘he checked the battered old watch that had once been fabian prewett’s’ IMOKAYIMFINEYOURECRYINGNOTMEHAHA 
why is it that both with james and albus, their mother kisses them and their father hugs them? why didn’t ginny get a hug? why couldn’t harry kiss his sons goodbye? bloody stereotypes and raising boys as people who cant show emotion and affection and not letting fathers be intimate with their sons because showing compassion isnt “manly”. it makes me angry. 
yOu WeRe NaMeD aFtEr TwO hEaDmAsTeRs AnD oNe oF tHeM wAs A sLyThEriN aNd hE wAs BrAvE HARRY I LOVE YOU BUT THATS NOT WHAT ALBUS NEEDED IN THAT MOMENT. he doesnt care about these dead dudes he’s named after. he doesn’t need to know that slytherins can be brave sometimes like a gryffindor. he doesn’t need to know only one example of a slytherin being a “good person”, especially not when it’s an abusive person who is a terrible example in this situation. what albus needs is reassurance. comfort. “albus, whoever you are and whatever house youre put in, we will still love you and support you. slytherin house is not inherently bad. none of the houses are inherently good or bad. people arent inherently good or bad. it’s almost impossible to fit someone into a box of “good person” or “bad person”, because people are complex. there are always reasons behind our actions. and those are only things that are good or bad. our decisions make us who we are.” thats so much better than a couple of sentences of 'i mean you can choose i guess. cos obviously we want you in gryffindor. but like it doesnt really matter. not that much. also youre named after a manipulative gryffindor and an abusive slytherin so have fun with that, k bye see you at christmas’ 
basically the author sucks and i need to sleep more
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vacantgodling · 2 years
1 , 7, 14, 30 for your choice of oc(s)?
thank you! gonna do these for dare bear
1. does your oc have any motifs?
hmm. i don’t think he really has many? but if i were to pick some it’d be weed (just bc not only is it something he smokes often but the connotation around it is his vibe; chill out, relax, use it to escape stress ha Ha) and his fangs. they’re pretty on the nose tho so make of that what you will;;
7. what is the thing your oc likes the most about themselves?
this is kind of a funny question bc darren doesn’t think of himself or his own attributes that often lmao. but probably his overall attitude (ie: is very chill but doesn’t take shit) and his emotional intelligence :) which is something he didn’t realize he should appreciate until all the bs started happening and he realized just how rare it is to have some type of emotional competency 😭
14. an embarrassing secret about your OC?
didn’t realize a person he had a crush on all throughout high school was in a committed relationship and asked them out in front of their partner at prom. it was super fucking oof.
30. does your OC wish to be married someday?
it’s something where he understands the sentiment of it and the legal reasons behind it, but it’s not something super important to him. for a long time before he met gabe he didn’t think he’d even find anyone to be involved with in that way in general. after the two of them meet and get together it’s more like eh, well, i’m content to hang out with this guy for the rest of my life but that doesn’t mean we have to let the government know about it lol. so he’s not really for it or against it? it’s just not gonna make or break his relationship yknow
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