#Chris powell
politelymenacing · 1 year
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Chris and Arlo are so underrated.
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elloras · 10 months
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the-shinysnorlax · 5 months
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secretladyobservation · 3 months
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evilhorse · 29 days
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They got an operation for that kinda thing, red.
(New Warriors #33)
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shreyamistry · 10 months
"I fought so hard to get you and thank god I can finally rest." For Becca x MC
Pairing: Becca x MC
Prompt: “I fought so hard to get you and thank god I can finally rest.”
Word Count: 2400+
Summary: Becca and Jennifer throw a housewarming party in their new apartment, celebrating getting a new apartment and Becca’s five year anniversary of becoming a lawyer. The girls find themselves dancing, talking, and reminiscing on the good ol’ times.
A/N: Requests are open if you’re interested! Rules and Prompts here!
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Thank you for reading! I hope you like it 🫶🏻🩷
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A group of young adults clink their glasses together, all of them sharing bright smiles before throwing back shots of tequila and whiskey, a few grimaces and a few excited whoops following the shots. All of the friends jittery with excitment, everyone being ecstatic to see one another after all this time separated from one another.
“I can’t believe Becca’s been officially licensed for five years.” Kaitlyn grins, her black hair in a signature braid as she wrangles it into her standard of perfection. She is adorned with a glittering green crop top and high waisted black jeans that look stunning on her.
Jennifer nods happily, “I’m so proud of her. She’s worked so hard, she truly deserves it.”
“Agreed,” Chris adds. He straightens the cuffs of his rolled up sleeves, the red button up making his eyes shimmer in the lowlights of Becca’s new penthouse that her and Jen shared. “This house warming party is amazing.”
“Actually, it's a lawyer housewarming party, don’t forget?” Zack teases, his signature yellow blazer dazzling in the lights that flash around them.
“Don’t start,” Abbie glares with a playful smile, “James how’s the New York Times best selling author AND Broadway’s Newest hit play writer doing?”
“Things are great,” He beams, “I’m grateful. Zig, how is the charity foundation you started?”
Zig grins, “Not to brag but we’re doing amazing. Thanks again for the donation, bro.” Zig smirks at Chris who shrugs nonchalantly, holding back a smile at the praise. If Jennifer didn’t know better, she’d say Chris was almost blushing and the look the two guys shared gave her pause to consider it. Noticing her gaze, Zig quickly looks away, almost looking like a deer caught in headlights. “It means a lot, man. Speaking of, where’s Tyler?”
Abbie shrugs, steering the conversation away from him - though the pair are doing well she hates being the topic of conversation with Tyler, she knows how annoying they were in college from time to time. The group talks for a while longer, everyone exchanging stories about their lives, smiles and congratulations on the steps to becoming their best possible lives this far down the line. Everything from their careers, new friends, dates they’ve been on, plans for the future, and the times they’ve visited each other and hijinks they got up to together. It reminds Jennifer perfectly of their college experiences.
Jennifer can’t help herself from beaming hearing how amazing all of her friends are doing and she’s so grateful for Becca for flying everyone to their brand new apartment to celebrate how far they’ve come as a couple, careerwise and personal. She hugs her arms to her chest feeling full and rejuvenated; lacking even an essence of a worry in the world.
Her fingers straighten out her dress, a plunging neckline with glittering shimmers of purple adorned all over the extravagant purple evening gown. She hopes Becca likes it, she bought it specifically to surprise her fiance and excite her. She feels on top of the world, a wonderful journalism career in which she couldn’t even name all the celebrities she met on one hand and a loving fiance who spent every high and every low with her over the years. She misses simpler times like college, watching The Crown and The Flame with Abbie and Kaitlyn, sneaking out with Becca at night, and hanging out with Chris and Zig enjoying each other’s company.
Becca finds herself on the second floor of her marvel of an apartment, the place decorated artfully with money she’s earned. It brings her the most pride knowing she did all of this and achieved so much since losing her family fortune and starting her own career and financial plan devoid of her parents. Financial freedom is freeing for her and being able to help her friends when they need it and finding herself financially stable enough to take pro-bono cases to support women in need makes her burst with pride. She did this. With the help of her friends and her loving fiance.
She beams as she stands next to Madison the pair talking over glasses of wine. Crystal glasses with gold tips she got as a promotional gift from her law firm, finally excited to be able to use them for the first time. It’s a step up from being in the sorority house throwing back fruity drinks in red solo cups with frat boys trying entirely too hard to get their attention and make them swoon. Becca never felt interested, she’d rather be alone than deal with any more masculine energy than Chris.
It almost makes her laugh, thinking of being in college fighting with Jennifer over Chris only to find out the two wanted each other and not some stupid boy she was obsessed with being with for the sake of her public image. She wonders how much more fun college would’ve been if she met Jennifer sooner, stopped caring as harshly for her public image, or even gave her a chance sooner. She was grateful for the time she has with Jennifer and wouldn’t trade it for the world and she loves their little fairytale romance as is, but she does like to let her mind wander to what ifs and what could’ve been with one another sooner.
“Wordsworth Puppington isn’t taking to the move well,” Madison explains with a smile, “he’s confused. Not as confused as me. My boyfriend starts talking and all I hear is blah blah blah. Like sure I majored in volcanology but that doesn’t mean anything.”
Becca laughs sweetly, “I’m sure Wordsworth will adjust. It’s new. Mr Whiskers is having a hard time adjusting to moving here as well, they just need time.”
“Maybe,” She sighs, “I’m just so happy to see you.”
Madison throws herself around Becca, pulling her into the tightest hug Becca’s ever gotten, it knocks the breath out of her for a second. Becca sighs, despite herself she’s smiling and holding Madison tightly back. She shakes her head trying to hide the smile that refuses to part from her lips. This would be their fourth? Fifth? Maybe the sixth hug they’ve had since they found each other five mere minutes ago.
“Alright alright, you’re wrinkling my outfit.” Becca grins. “Madison I can’t tell you how much I love living in New York. This two floor penthouse is amazing and there’s so much room. Fit for a queen, such as myself.”
Madison laughs sweetly, “I’m happy for you, Becs.”
“I should go find my other half, talk later?” Becca smiles, taking Madison’s hand in her own with a comforting squeeze.
“Of course, maybe you can explain parking tickets to me when you get back?”
Becca sighs, shaking her head. “You worry me.”
She pulls away, giving a confused Madison a sweet smile before descending the staircase down to the main floor of their penthouse. Her hands glide along the smooth gold plated railing, bracing her every step with her high heels slowing her down only slightly. She could do heels in mud, rain, snow, and sleet but put a staircase and she’s nearly tripping down the steps. She shakes her head to herself glancing out at the party looking for the only person that matters to her.
She notices Kaitlyn first, as Kaitlyn is headbanging to her own song over the sound system. Leave it to the #1 best selling lesbian rocker to jam out to her own music in public, Becca thinks to herself with only a tinge of judgment. Mostly she was proud of Kaitlyn for finding her own place in the world and enjoying her life. Though, because Becca is a woman of tact and sophistication she would never give Kaitlyn the satisfaction of a compliment nor would Kaitlyn know that she listens to her CDs in her car.
As her feet find solid ground, her eyes follow Kaitlyn to Chris, Zig, James, Zack, Abbie, and Tyler, before finally settling on the only woman she wanted to see now and forever, Jennifer. Her heart races in her chest seeing the way the purple dress hugs her curves, the way her legs look so shiny in the nylons she wore and the golden heart necklace around her neck that she bought for her. She takes a moment to admire the way Jennifer looks, blushing to herself about ogling her fiance so publicly.
Becca bounds forward, her hand falling onto the small of Jennifer’s back with a devious smile tugging at her lips.
“Hey gorgeous,” She whispers sweetly.
Jennifer laughs sweetly, “You like?”
“Love.” Becca answers seduction on the tip of her tongue, “You are divine tonight. As you are every night, otherwise we wouldn’t be together of course.”
“Oh as if,” Jennifer giggles pushing on Becca’s arm, “You say I look gorgeous with my messy hair and the ugliest sleep pajamas from college that I refuse to throw out because Kait bought them for me.”
“Only because you’re perfect all the time.” Becca grins, “I’m a woman of class. And you’re a woman of my stature.”
“They were great pajamas and on sale.” Kaitlyn smiles at them.
Jennifer only laughs.
“Care for a dance, my queen?” Becca offers her free hand to Jennifer. Jennifer eagerally clasps her own hands around Becca’s grinning sweetly. Becca smiles at her friends with a quick greeting, before whisking Jennifer away to the dance floor. Friends from colleges, friends from work, and friends they’ve met during their journey dance and mingle with one another.
Becca twirls Jennifer around, eyeing the way Jennifer looks tonight, noting the way her dress twirls around with her. Jennifer can’t help the giggle that leaves her lips, letting herself be twirled and admired before being pulled back into her grasp. The few ballads Kaitlyn has released with her bands somehow magically begins to play as they continue to dance around.
Becca catches Kaitlyn’s glance who thumbs up at her, her eyes rolling with a smile despite herself she appreciates the gesture immensely. Her hands fall into place on Jennifer’s hips, Jennifer’s own wrapping around Becca’s neck holding her closer to herself. She breathes out a breath of relief, swaying slowly to the music as couples do the same around them.
“Tonight’s perfect Becca.” Jennifer hums, her breath warm against Becca’s skin. Goosebumps traverse up her arms at the feeling of warmth on her skin. She can’t help the way her body reacts to Jennifer’s touch. Her fiance’s touch was perfect and sweet. Even after all these years she doesn't think she could ever tire of being held or touched by her one true love. “It’s so nice seeing everyone together. Chris invited us to his pro game this weekend.”
“Sure, sure, sure.” Becca agrees mindlessly, her mind lost in Jennifer’s eyes.
“You’re not listening are you?” Jennifer laughs.
She nods her head no. “I’m distracted tonight.”
“In a good way?” Jennifer asks, her voice sweet with worry.
Becca smiles, “Yes. I love you so much, you know that right?”
“Of course I do.”
“And you love me, right?”
“With my heart and soul. What’s this about Becca?” Jennifer’s eyes wrinkle with worry, looking over Becca’s face. Becca only beams, no worry, no thoughts astray, she’s only happy and secure in this moment. She glances away to look at their friends drinking and talking. Tyler and Abbie on the dance floor around them and her heart surges in her chest.
“Do you ever think about us?” She inquired, “I do. Like our college shelves. I remember being so stuck up and condescending, well still am sometimes but not as much.” She laughs to herself. “I just think about how much it took for us to get together.”
“I wouldn’t change it for the world, you know?” Jennifer hums. “I love everything about us. I love our awkward first dates, the way we used to flirt and sound and look so stupid.”
Becca laughs, “I was never stupid, thank you very much.”
“Agree to disagree.”
“If being a lawyer taught me anything, that never works.” Becca grins, “I just - I don’t know Jen.” She glances around the party, the music a little too loud but the energy is high spirited and fun. “I fought so, so hard to get you and honestly just thank god I can finally rest. Everything is so easy, I don’t feel like I have to try so hard to impress you. I don’t have to have the ice queen exterior I was so eloquently anointed with back in the day.”
“You didn’t even have to fight that hard,” Jennifer grins, “I was putty the second you even gave me the time of day.”
“I’ve been thinking,” Becca smiles, “What if we eloped tomorrow?”
“What?” Jennifer asks, “You can’t be serious.”
“Dead.” Becca offers, “I’m tired of waiting. Everyone’s here, it’s been YEARS since I finally proposed to you. I want this so bad. I want to be your wife. I don’t want to be your fiance anymore, I just want you to be Jennifer Emily Davenport more than anything in the entire world.”
There’s a silence between them, both staring at each other.
“Yes.” Jennifer laughs, “Yes, yes, yes, yes-”
Becca cuts Jennifer off with a kiss, her hands firmly holding Jennifer close to her body. Jennifer tastes sweet as Becca delights in the flavor of raspberry on her mouth, savoring the taste, the sounds, and smell of Jen against her. She groans as Becca’s nips at her lower lip before soothing over the skin with her tongue.
Jennifer draws Becca even closer. Her head tilting as Becca’s fingers trail up her neck, forcing her head to side. Becca breaks the kiss reluctantly, letting herself kiss down to Jennifer’s jaw before letting herself delve lower onto Jen’s neck. Hands now brush hair away as she kisses against Jen’s neck eagerly. Jen groans, breathing heavily as Becca dominates her letting Becca have her way with her.
Becca pulls away with a grin, watching Jennifer pout with disappointment. Becca’s hands cup Jennifer’s cheeks looking deeply into her eyes. She leans in, letting her forehead bump against Jennifer's, the girls breathlessly grinning at one another. She sighs with delight as their noses brush together.
“Are you sure you want to elope?” Jennifer coos.
Becca grins, “Yes. We can get to the courthouse early and wear white. Have Madison sign as my witness, Kaitlyn as yours, and we can officially get married. Then all of us can come back here and celebrate. Or go to dinner. I do not care at all. I want to be your wife immediately. I don’t want to wait anymore, we can have a public party with your family and mine later.”
“Yes.” Jennifer smiles. “Becca and Jennifer Davenport.”
“Has a beautiful ring to it, huh?” Becca smiles, Jennifer nods against her. Lips capturing lips, kissing her again in excitement knowing the rest of their lives will be as glamorous and beautiful as right now.
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hotchocolatelovesyou · 5 months
The thing about The Freshman Series is that Chris is actually a very decent dude and a genuinely nice person
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beccas-gf · 9 months
instead of having the LI propose to MC right before her graduation which is honestly a bit weird and too soon. (I know you have the choice to reject them, but I would never do that 😭) They could have had the characters graduate and then show like a short scene that's set some time in the future, it shows us where our characters ended up and then the proposal happens. I feel like that would have been a better and more satisfying ending!!
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eadanga · 3 days
The Press Secretary Part 14 (NSFW)
Summary: Chris the mayor of town is married to his wife Becca. When he hires a new press secretary who happens to be his lost love old feelings resurface and Chris finds it hard to resist the desire he once had for her
Parings: ChrisxMC
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Chris scrolls through his phone as he looks at the positive comments on the video of his press conference he smiles People love it I should have done this earlier
Emily enters with two coffee mugs she sets them down at the table “How’s it going Chris?”
“It’s going just working on my notes for the debate” He grins as he picks up the coffee “Thanks for the coffee”
“You seem like you needed it you can do this Chris just need show everyone how smart you are but you know your opponent will probably use your affair against you”
“I know I’m ready for anything if he comes after you I’ll kill him with my bare hands” He kisses her cheek “I’ll do anything to protect you Em”
“Aww Chris don’t worry I’m ready for anything too I know how to spin things around”
“I know you can just wanna make sure you’re safe” He cuffs her face “I love you so much”
“I love you too Chris”
He kisses her deeply wrapping his arms around her “God you drive me crazy” He kisses down her neck
“I love it when you say my name”’
Chris’s phone buzzes in his pocket he sighs as he untangles from her arms he looks at the caller id “Oh this is my lawyer hope this means that Becca signed the papers hey man what’s up”
“Hey Chris need you down here”
“For everything to be signed and finalized”
“Ok I’ll be there” He turns to Emily smiling “Looks like I gotta go to the lawyers office”
“Ok Chris hope everything goes well should I come?”
“No Becca will be there and I don’t want her to go crazy seeing you” He kisses her cheek “I’ll be right back”
“Ok Chris I love you”
“I love you too so much”
He waves and walks out the door
Chris enters the lawyer office and knocks on his door
“Come in”
Chris opens the door and he frowns when he sees Becca and her father “What is he doing here?”
“I have every right to be here”
Chris sits down “Oh really after the stunt you two pulled?”
“Chris I had nothing to do with that that was daddy’s idea”
“So you knew about it and did nothing even better you’re just as bad as him”
The lawyer raises his hands “Now let’s keep this civil” He hands them papers “All you need to do is sign this and the divorce is finalized”
Chris nods and signs immediately “Good”
Becca grabs a pen then hesitates
Chris raises an eyebrow “Well sign it”
“I…I can’t”
“Why not?”
“Cause” She looks at him with tears in her eyes “I still love you Chris we can work this out”
“By ordering me around and pressuring me to have a baby with you that’s love?”
“Chris I just wanted what’s best for us”
Chris tilts his head “And what was best for us?”
“Chris please…”
“Sorry Becca but I don’t want to be in a miserable marriage face it Becca we made each other miserable we weren’t even married for 5 months before we started arguing everyday”
“I know…but let’s go to counseling and…”
“Forget it Becca”
Her dad rolls his eyes “Becca just sign it so we can go he’s not gonna change his mind don’t worry he’s nothing without us he won’t win the election without our support”
“You’re right daddy” She signs the papers and hands it back to the lawyer “Daddy practically made you”
“Whatever you say enjoy your life” Chris walks out the office
Emily walks out the bathroom admiring her red lacy lingerie Chris has been so stressed out I’m gonna make sure he’s well relaxed Emily hears the door open and she’s ducks into the bathroom
“Em I’m back!” She watches as he looks around “Maybe she stepped out?”
Chris walks into the bedroom and begins undoing his tie Emily slowly steps out the bathroom and leans against the door “Welcome Chris”
Chris jumps as he turns around “Em you scared me don’t”
He trails off and looks at her up and down his eyes trailing her
She smirks “Like it?”
“When you get this?”
“Old this old thing not long ago like it?”
Chris walks to her in two steps and kisses her deeply he wraps his arms around her then whisper “Let me show you how much I love it”
He lifts her up and carries her over to the bed Emily sighs as he trails kisses over her neck
“God you’re so hot Emily”
“Are you gonna take it off?”
Chris growls “I’m this close to ripping it off”
Emily laughs “Not mine yours”
Chris chuckles “Sorry about that” He removes his clothes then wraps her back in his arms “God I wanna do so many things to you Emily”
“Then why don’t you do them”
Chris grins then flips her over “I want you riding me”
Emily smirks then kisses him deeply as she strokes him
Chris groans as he pulls her closer “Stop teasing me”
“Me tease? No way”
“Keep doing that I’m gonna explode” Emily giggles as she plunges down on him “Fuck Em you feel so good” He thrust as she moans loudly
“Oh Chris yes!”
He smiles after catching his break then kisses her softly “Want round 2?”
“Ah fuck that’s it Em come for me
“Chris!” They come together as Chris kisses her deeply
“Aren’t you tired?”
“Of you? Impossible” He kisses her again
Emily giggles then smirks “How about a shower?”
“Mmm I love that then we go out and celebrate my divorce and our future”
“I love the sound of that”
Tags: @indiacater @mfackenthal @the-soot-sprite @choicesgodfanatic @jared2612 @darley1101
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politelymenacing · 1 year
Step aside Omnipotent God Chris Powell...
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And Narrator Trent Crimm...
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There's a new theory in town:
Playwright Leslie Higgins...
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sparring-hyena · 7 months
something i really like exploring when i write for the freshman series is the relationship between Becca, Chris and the MC.
like the fact that, regardless of if u romanced both or one or none of them all 3 of them are still all good friends.
i think my favourite little idea to explore though is if u romanced Chris in the beginning and then Becca at the end. because maybe the reason Becca wanted Chris in the beginning is because in some small part of her brain she thought that was the only way to have the MC. she didn’t want to want the MC and she told herself that she could have Chris instead and be okay with it. and then when the MC and Chris get together maybe she wanted Becca too but thought there was no chance of that happening or didn’t even know that she wanted her so she got close to Chris but didn’t understand why it just didn’t feel right.
i know it’s complicated and maybe just a little messed up but that’s what i love so much. there is so much potential to learn so much about those three characters in that scenario and i just love them in all of their messiness.
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comicsgallery-marvel · 4 months
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Marvel Tales: Annihilation (2019) #1
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choiceswithmika · 4 months
The Freshman x The Royal Romance CrossOver Series
Rating: Mature
Summary: The Freshman and The Royal Romance Series from Pixelberrry Studios (Choices). What if The Freshman Gang and The Royal Romance Dream Team all met and even being in each other's lives through out after Hartfied and Cordonia. Are they going to get along well and even make friendships? Are they going to work together? or... this might not end well for both groups?.. A Crossover series of two well known choices books and they all meet/reunion after two to three years..
Characters: Mikaylyn Ortega, Zig Ortega, Chris Powell, Kaitlyn Liao, Zack Zilburg, Abbie Bishop, Rebecca Davenport, Tyler Allan, James Ashton, Will Williams, Sumi Ayashi, Liam Rys, Hana Lee, Maxwell Beaumont, Drake Walker, Olivia Nevrakis
- Zig and Mikaylyn are married
- TRR Mc is a guy, Will Williams and King Liam Rye are getting married.
- Abbie and James are dating
- Sumi is Mikaylyn's best friend that was not a Hartfeld student but gets along with everyone else
- The Freshman Gang are graduates
- Will Williams are still friends with Sumi, Mikaylyn and The Freshman Gang but have not met up ever since Will moved out of the state.
Warnings: NSFW, Swearing, Sensitive topics like harassment, emotion abuse and more.
Word Count: 1729
Chapter One: The Freshman Gang's POV
It was a lovely day in the city, the gang all had graduated from Hartfied and living in their new lives. Mikaylyn and her friends are living happily in their lives since graduation. Right now seems like the group all had been reunited in a buffet restaurant after a while last time they all met up. Everyone seems like having a good time by talking and having fun conversation. Some conversations were deep as continuing to have a conversation. 
"Hey guys! Check this out!" Chris says as he showed his phone to everyone at the table. 
It was a news article about King Liam Rys and Will Williams together. Mikaylyn and Sumi looked into Chris's phone and both realized that Will was getting married. Everyone else was invested about them while Sumi and Mikaylyn overthinks this, they used to have a trio with Will but when he had to leave their state to Cordonia, they kind of stopped talking to each other but they were still considered friends despite that. 
"Man.. How has it been?" Mikaylyn ask as looking at Sumi.
"I think.. like a year or two?" Sumi answered.
"Wait about what?" Zig asked. 
Mikaylyn sigh then takes a deep breath. 
"Me and Sumi used to know Will actually. He is still our friend but when he moved to Cordonia, it kind of changed and we all stopped talking to each other." Mikaylyn explains. 
Zig wrapped an arm around Mikaylyn's waist and gives her a reassuring smile. He then talks to Mikaylyn his sweet tone as looking into her eyes while holding her hand rubbing it with his thumb as he tighten her waist a little bit.
"I'm sure he still remembers you or us since Will met me before but look Mikay... It will be okay amor just remember he still is the same annoying man we knew." Zig says in an amusement trying to light up Mikaylyn's mood by saying his banter jokes about Will. It worked though, Mikaylyn chuckled a little and smiled then looks at Zig smiling.
"Yeah... You're right Zig.. I have nothing to worry.." Mikaylyn says in her normal tone that everyone knows her for.
Zig nods his head and he softly smiles, "That's my girl." Zig says in his sweet tone.
"Hey! I got an idea! We should totally go see Cordonia." Zack says with a grin.
Everyone stared at Zack with a shock, surprise and disbelief look on their faces. Like they think what Zack just said was either a stupid idea or is he actually crazy. The slience tells it all then a few minutes later Becca speaks up first. 
"Uhm. I think you are insane or double insane because huh?!" Becca says in her reaction of confused and conflict with disappointed facial expression. 
"For once, seconded because you know we are literally asking for a death wish and seeing a king and his people or friends that are literally well known everywhere!" Tyler says. 
"Okay. but Mikaylyn is famous and she has no problem with it." Zack says being defensive.
Mikaylyn then spoke up, "Zack, there is a difference with being well known writer and heroes in a kingdom. I think you are crazy for going to Cordonia, like.. there's no way we'll be accepted!" Mikaylyn stated. 
"Okay but like do you have any other ideas?" Zack said with a pointed look at Mikaylyn.
"Okay but at least we gotta let Will know that this is happening." Kaitlyn stated.
"I got it." Mikaylyn said as she got her phone out then texted Will.
It took a few minutes and after Mikaylyn putted her phone away, she looked at her friends and husband.
"Well.. Will said we can go to Cordonia in a week for his wedding with the king." Mikaylyn stated.
"But... is the King like going to be okay with it?.. More likely I am nervous of meeting the other members there.." Abbie says nervously.
"I meannn if I can meet the all time badass Olivia Nevrakis, that would be cool so I am down to give a kingdom a visit." Becca says in a small smirk on her face.
"Sooo am I a genius now?" Zack says grinning.
"I think this might be fun for all of us!" Chris says.
"Sure... But we never know what is going to happen so I say it'll be a experience.." James says.
"I guess we'll see each other at the airport next Wednesday?" Kaitlyn ask. 
Everyone nods their head in agreement.
As time went on, the dinner was over and everyone say their good byes. They all went into their separate ways, Mikaylyn and Zig headed to their car to drive home. It only took them like ten minutes to reach home. Zig parked the car in the driveway and stopped the engine. He then unlock the car for both Zig and Mikaylyn to walk out of the car and head inside. Mikaylyn gets out of the passenger seat as Zig does the same of the driver seat. They both linked their arms together and walks towards their house. They both then walk inside their house as Mikaylyn unlock the house door with the key. The couple took their time to be ready for bed since it was almost like 8:45 Pm at this time. When they finished getting ready for bed, they both hopped onto the bed and were now cuddling for a little while as talking to each other. 
"What do you think about Cordonia and I mean be totally honest with me.." Mikaylyn spoke as holding onto Zig as looking at him.
"My honest opinion? I think it'll look beautiful and fancy." Zig answers. 
Mikaylyn chuckled to Zig's answer.
"Of course hehe, I did not expect a different answer." Mikaylyn said smiling at Zig.
"Okay but babygirl think about this, I mean we are literally going to meet Will's future husband and his other friends there. It's like, we are meeting celebrities basically-" Zig said in his normal tone of reaction but bit shocking.
"Okay fair but you kind of know Liam but we have not met like you know everyone else like... Drake, Maxwell, Hana and Olivia." Mikaylyn stated.
"But we should see how this goes for all of us eh?" Mikaylyn added.
"Mhm but well we should sleep amor.." Zig says.
"Yeah alright.. Good night Mi querido esposo." Mikaylyn grins as she gives Zig one last kiss.
Zig grinned back at Mikaylyn and responded, "Good night Mi amada esposa." Zig kissed Mikaylyn's lips softly before laying down on the bed with his arms wrapped around Mikaylyn. 
Mikaylyn wrapped her arm around Zig's neck and falling asleep in his embrace. Zig does the same as he leans in closer pressed his side on Mikaylyn's peacefully now sleeping.
Time Skip: A Week Later At The Airport
Mikaylyn, Zig and their friends all met up in the airport with their bags packed, they all did the security gate and together as a group. When they went through the security, they all go walk together. Mikaylyn and Zig are holding hands, Abbie and James are holding hands as well while everyone else just talk and walk side by side.
"Okay.. so what number was our gate again?.." Sumi ask.
"I think.. Gate 9?" Tyler answers.
"Actually um.. Will texted me yesterday and told me that.. Liam was nice enough to helps us by getting into his private plane.." Mikaylyn stated.
Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked at Mikaylyn, even Zig who is still holding her hand was even shocked. 
"I'm sorry. Did you just say... PRIVATE?!" Zack shouts in shock. 
"Zack!!" Mikaylyn tried to calm him down.
"Wait.. Are you serious?.." Becca and James both ask at the same time in their shock tone. 
Mikaylyn showed everyone her phone of the text message from Will. Everyone was stunned to speak.
"Okay.. This is already scaring me.." Kaitlyn says. 
"Uh girl? You mean this is great!!" Becca says.
"I never thought we would go in a private plane.. the only fancy good thing is first class and I always did not want to take first class-" Zig said in shock tone. 
"Well... Let's go enjoy the hell out of it!" Abbie says.
Everyone nods their heads and agrees by cheering 
The group all spent their time just doing last minute things on their phones and and devices before they all head to the airplane as walking towards the private plane gate. As soon everyone sees the plane in front of them they all stopped and looks at them with their mouth dropped. 
"Okay.. Will was not joking.." James stated. 
"I still can't believe that this is real.." Tyler says. 
"Seconded.." Chris added. 
"Well let's go guys!" Zack said excitingly as going into the plane first. 
Everyone stared at each other then all head inside the plan one by one. They all taken their seats and waited for the take off. The whole plane trip was kind of fun since a lot of things to eat and drink including good signal as well so everyone could go on their phones if they needed to. Zack and Tyler were playing video games on their switches. Becca was reading a magazine as Kaitlyn was listening to music. Sumi is drawing while Chris was reading a book. Abbie and James were cuddling in their seats taking a nap. Mikaylyn and Zig were holding onto each other as looking through the window while drinking some soda. 
"I never seen the ocean this big since the last time we traveled after Japan.." Mikaylyn stated.
"Yeah me either.. I never thought Cordonia would change my opinion of that besides Japan..' Zig adds. 
The rest of the flight was more smoothing than what everyone thought. It was also kind of an over night flight so everyone fell asleep in the plane on their seats as the sun went down. 
The next day though, the plane was landing in the Cordonia's private space for the plane to land, The gang realized that they made it to Cordonia.. One by one everyone gets up and walk out of the plane carefully to not bump into each other. As everyone walks out of the place. They all admire Cordonia and how beautiful the kingdom looks. 
"This is it..." Mikaylyn says as she held ZIg's hand. 
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secretladyobservation · 4 months
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evilhorse · 2 months
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I think this is kind of weird.
(The New Warriors #27)
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