#i havent been playing sims
hauntedtrait · 2 years
remaking an old post of mine from a different blog because this one has way more followers and I am in an extremely desperate situation.
my work situation still has not improved, I’m only earning about 440$ a month, which is about half what I need to pay rent, bills and take care of me and my cats. I may lose my apartment come april and have no place to live, especially if I can’t make up my late rent for this month and the next until then.
I need 212$ to cover rent for January, and once February comes around I’ll be short at least 470$, possibly more due to bills.
There are a few ways you can help me:
SHARING THIS POST. regardless of what you are able to do, PLEASE PLEASE share this post and spread the word. I am DESPERATE in need of help.
Donating to my GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/1edd7f44
Sending money to my c*shapp or v*nmo ( both usernames are deadmallgoth )
Sending money to my p*ypal: [email protected]
Hiring me for Graphic Design work ( I am a part time Graphic Designer also looking to get into Freelance work, if you need any kind of graphics for whatever reason please feel free to email me at [email protected] and I can share examples of my work and discuss price. )
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strangecowplant · 3 months
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cerubean · 6 months
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random snapshots from the mancuso save
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youredreamingofroo · 1 month
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The Fool... The Lover's Fool
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But is it really the Lover's doing in fooling the Fool, who hadn't loved the Lover? song : x
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[ before / after under the cut ]
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fizzytoo · 10 months
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the bar owner amaya met also turned out to be a horse trainer! maria came over with her horse, christine, to give karlee a few pointers (karlee was immediately starstruck).
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sensitivedead · 2 months
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dark water 2005
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wooldawn · 2 years
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pixelsinmyveins · 4 months
Posted a new Fairy video on Youtube 🧚‍♀️🌸
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nitrozem · 7 months
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Tony moment!!!
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sims-himbo · 5 months
i still cant believe people are like. actually playing my barbie challenge.......
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noxcorvorum · 5 months
Ulysses Dies at dawn, or atleast that's the word on the street. Those who saw it go down in the cabin in the middle of woods, they made their statement and faced their fear.
First, to understand how this all goes down, you gotta know a little bit about the cabin we're talking of. See, in this cabin there was an avatar, of the Unknown Face, perhaps, or the Laughing Lie, given the twisting paths and clamoring voices and the many sprawling forms of the being inside, or even of Terminus, given the fate of our doomed Ulysses. (Maybe there were two avatars, after all that went down. Maybe Ulysses themselves was a magnet for the inevitable end.)
Our erstwhile party of adventurers, Smitten, Cheated, Stubborn, Cold, and dragging Doomed behind them, enters the forest, walks the path, opens the door to the house. Stubborn takes the knife, or maybe Cheated does, or perhaps it is left to rust on the table. They all have their agendas for what lies inside the little building, all with their own ideas of what they can rip from its walls.
Cold picks the lock to the basement, finding a great puzzle, a font of knowledge, a map to the way to a treasure. Black tape seethes in the corners of the room. His focus is too great, his eyesight too weak to see the figure, chained, moving up behind him, striking his skull with a massive iron manacle, and the shadows click decisively.
Stubborn opens the door, and the leonine figure curled around the wooden chest snarls.
Black tape writhes.
Stubborn leaps forward, waving the knife he took, that he didn't take, grasping the great beast round the neck, sliding the knife between its ribs. It slumps to the floor, but so does he, clawed to ribbons by the beast. Cheated steps forward, around the blood, and opens the chest to find it empty, and a single satisfied click follows her from the room.
Smitten hears an echo in the walls, sweet and pleading, almost like the woman he loved. He claws at the stones, at the mortar, trying to find her, to save her, to lead her from the dark and into the light. The stones he drops behind him click on the cobble, black veins eager in the cracks. He reaches dirt, mud, red and sticky with the blood from his raw fingers, and the voice only grows stronger. He digs, calling, weeping for his true love, and by the time he looks up and back towards the cabin, the earth is treacherous, a yawning maw. The voice is laughing now, a heaving, wheezing, coughing laugh full of dirt that he wonders how he could have ever mistaken for the woman he loved, and as he reaches for the light, the jaws close upon him, the maw snaps shut, and his voice dies in his throat with the last of the stones falling to the ground, with the clicking of pebbles and tape.
Cheated drags Doomed further on, shoving open a door at random. She finds a curious hallway, and peers further in, discovering it looks curiously like the tunnels of the mangled city they came from. Always one for gathering information, she steps inside, taking doomed with her. She sees a massive, vaulted room, something that she knows should be impossible underground, and perhaps if Cold was still alive he could have told her how it worked, and she stays astonished, beginning to search the room for anything valuable. Doomed starts to sneak back towards the door, and starts running when they hear Cheated's scream behind them.
Cheated is frozen in fear as a great shape unfolds from the shadows. Red eyes blink open, and horns sprout from the massive head rising five, ten, fifteen feet off the ground. This is its home, and she has just woken it from its nap. The creature bellows, and Doomed runs, and Cheated tries to. The massive hand comes down from above, and her ribs drive into her heart as it squeezes her chest.
The dark tape clicks appreciatively.
And what of our Doomed Ulysses? They are running from the beast, of course. This is not how they will die. They do not hear thundering footsteps coming down the labyrinth at them, but they slam and bar the door all the same.
They continue walking, letting their heart guide them home. It has been so long, you see. So long since they have seen their wife, in this home of rock, taken over by trickery and falsities and paths.
The stone is where it has always been, in the end. Though, when they push it, the door that opens worsens the tentative deal the rock has had with itself ever since Smitten started digging. It falls, and they are struck, staggering into the room, the stone sealing itself behind them. The bones of their wife, their dear Penelope, lay at the far end of the room, her wrist locked to the wall by the heavy chain, flesh rotting off her skeleton. Ulysses smiles, tired, and places their own wrist inside the manacle, lying beside their wife, closing their eyes, content in the knowledge that the dawn brings their peace, and that their corpses will never be disturbed again.
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valenthario · 1 year
hello.....is anybody still here...........
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citrlet · 1 year
i miss you guys
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ihearnocomplaints · 10 months
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doods of the dudes
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stinkrascal · 1 year
gm yall (its actually morning this time)
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bluupxels · 1 year
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{ high elf ✶ wild magic sorcerer ✶ sage }
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she <3
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