#i havent drawn anything in almost a year
drakonclaudz · 1 year
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blu boy and bird
from the lil' pootis series by @quazies
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zeadrous · 1 year
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go home
original sketch (i was just gonna post this but i wanted shadow...)
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dynkies · 1 year
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skenpiel · 1 year
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i filled a whole canvas with shitty little rose doodles te other day and this was the only one that came out even half decent LAWL. can u tell i lik e stylizing -_-
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mefilas · 1 year
google dot com what do I do when I have an unquenchable urge to create all the time but every time I try it's not good enough and I want to hit my head on a wall
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nessieartss · 7 months
I wonder if kid Sukuna ever had an issue with bullying because of his pink hair. I bet he was the kind of kid to talk back but ignore it until someone picked on his little brother. I bet his brawling hit first laugh later personality came from defending his baby brother from being bullied.
Have you drawn anything with them and their parents? Which parent are the boys closest to?
No one dares to even talk back to sukuna, let alone bully him lol. i guess yuuji is the one that got bullied in their childhood years, but dont worry sukuna is ready to throw hands any second.
When in highschool, everyone just assumed yuuji and sukuna dyed their hair, and almost got dropped out by the principal ("no i didnt dye my hair i told you guys like 50 times already.") while sukuna just didnt gaf. Yuuji didnt get bullied anymore in highschool, he is the golden retriever student that gets along with everyone. He even defended one of his friend that got bullied one day and they got into a huge fight
I think i havent drawn anything with their parents, i would love to one day. Yuuji is close to his father, while sukuna is a momma's boy lol
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hansuo · 1 month
so i tried to draw suo yesterday and i ended up crying myself to sleep. i couldnt even finish drawing him lol. mans is so hard to draw yall. ren kaji was also hard to draw, i tried to draw him and ended up crying myself to sleep that day too. maybe they arent hard to draw and its bcus i havent drawn anything in almost a year. but i do believe pretty faces are always hard to draw.
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kingchad · 2 months
I havent kept up with the actors social media, I am curious - could you link to or explain how Jed Goodacre interprets Chad vs. how you interpret Chad?
oh, yes, gladly! There's an observable shift between D1 Chad and D2/3 Chad. D1 Chad is a lot more pointed and deliberately mean. D2/3 Chad is a comedy side character who is incidentally mean because he doesn't recognize when he's being insensitive.
my personal speculation is that when Sarah Jeffrey had scheduling conflicts and couldn't be on set for D2, the original intended plotline for Chad had to change, and leading to him becoming a harmless gag character for levity. It also doesn't hurt that Jedidiah Goodacre is a HUGE Jim Carrey fan and pretty clearly enjoys any opportunity to improv/be silly on set. (If you're familiar with Carrey's work at all, D2/3 Chad is definitely giving that.) I suspect that Jedidiah's affinity for comedy on set pushed the Chad character even MORE in the direction of harmless sidekick than maybe was originally intended. If Audrey had been in D2, Chad might have been more similar to his D1 self throughout the series.
Of Chad, Jedidiah gives a pretty consistent take whenever he does give one. The quotes I'll pull are "[Chad] always thinks that [he is] doing the right thing, when sometimes [he is] not smart enough to understand [he is] dead wrong"* and "I feel like the first movie, maybe Chad was a bit more standoffish and maybe came off as not such a nice guy....in the second film, you found that Chad was more of a loveable idiot. That's a very fun place to be when you're an actor because in any scene, your go-to move is to just not understand and sometimes it ends up being funny. In the third installment, you can expect much of the same." Pretty unambiguously can be interpreted that Chad is stupid and means no real harm, and Jedidiah has fun playing him that way.
PERSONALLY, I much much much prefer D1 Chad's personality, because I have historically been drawn to and have a real fondness for characters that are assholes. I do try and incorporate some of the stupidity and goofiness of D2/3 into my writing, because I recognize that's 2/3rds of the canon material we have and I don't want to be COMPLETELY making shit up, but y'know. In my view, Chad knows when he is being a dick but doesn't value the people he's treating poorly enough to care. He isn't book-smart but he is people smart, and can manipulate and exploit the people around him. He thinks he's better than other people and can use that to justify anything he does.
A really core part of this to me is that Chad has almost religiously bought into the societal rules of Auradon, namely that there are good and bad people, and fairytales go a certain way. This is part of why Chad is deeply closeted and feels like he can't come out. He feels pressured to "stick to the script", in a sense. Heteronormative fairytale society. Auradonian compulsory heterosexuality.
Adopted Chad is a new thing for me, but I think it adds another layer to the fairytale conformity thing. Like he feels an even greater pressure to do the nuclear family, white picket fence castle grounds, 2.5 kids thing because he worries he might be perceived as "not belonging" by others. He feels he needs to prove himself by throwing himself into the stereotypical prince thing as much as he can.
I personally think those traits are more interesting to write and read than D2/3 Chad's traits are. They provide a great starting point for character growth. It's way more engaging to watch someone change into a more empathetic person when they can understand that they were wrong. It's not as interesting to read about a stupid character bumbling through social interactions imo.
I don't think that I always successfully communicate those ideas in my fics because I was 15 when I started writing Descendants fic! It's been 7 years, I'm 22 now and hopefully a better and more thoughtful writer! Incorporating all of this is something I'm REALLY deliberate about in my WIPs now and I actually want to rework a lot of stuff I've already posted someday.
*this first quote is from 2014, pre-release press for Descendants 1, so honestly this kind of disproves my speculation since the whole statement seems very by-the-numbers "Disney gave me a list of character traits and it's these ones" to me. I guess Chad might have been stupid all along! but the vibe is definitely different between films so the understanding of the character definitely shifted between movies regardless.
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glacecakes · 27 days
i want to like drawing again bc there are times where i do rly enjoy it but the thought of just doodling to improve is genuinely fucking terrifying to me
i genuinely dont think i know how to doodle anymore. i need a reference for almost everything or else my brain just cant do it. i havent drawn consistently for more than a week in 8 years. like i know that its normal to not be good at art when you dont do it consistently for years but. i had this realization one day how i'd been taking classes for years and i hadnt improved while all of my friends did and i just burst into tears and walked out and never went back. and ever since then the thought of doing anything but complete pieces makes me so anxious i start crying and so i never draw and never improve and it's the same fucking cycle for almost a decade.
and the worst part is that if i had just sucked it up sooner and stopped being such a fucking mess i could have actually been good at art by now
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alexin-wonderlust · 6 months
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Day 1 - Japan Blog - 7 February 2024
Day One: Adelaide to Tokyo Virgin Airlines via Melbourne and Cairns
Let's begin our departure to Japan. My sixth time visiting Nippon, and this time I hope to see and experience new things I havent been able to before.
My previous trips have been more to the cities to shop and to Disneyland but as I become more infatuated with this country, I am drawn to more meaningful experiences. It used to be about the video games, the collectables, the cute accessories and conveniences I couldnt get at home -- but now I am intrigued with the history, culture and nature of Japan. Hopefully I can manage to do everything I want to do and all the things, I wasnt expecting. (Because, theyre always the best!)
Leaving our house at 4am this morning was always a challenge; especially when I finished packing at 2am. So, we jumped in the uber which was driven by a super eccentric female driver who made me want to drop everying and start uber driving -- how is this even a thing I would want to do? She was so funny and chirpy and smart. It made the ride memorable and we made it to the airport with the rest of our holiday to look forward to.
Second up, checking in at Virgin Airlines in Adelaide Airport was also a huge highlight. The person helped us with our check in -- not that we needed it, but she upgraded our domestic flights to extra legroom which made my travel partner very happy.
I'm travelling with my partner of 4 years; Ben. He is 6"3 and loves an extra legroom seat! You'll probably learn a lot about him through my posts. He likes good food and music!
Well, after discovering that our VA fare is NOT a full service fare (I am NOT happy about this, shook, stricken, SLANDER!) as I would NEVER... but apparently; flying trans-tasman with VA doesn't mean you get a meal or a blanket or a pillow or a nice piece of metal. We are on a Boeing 737-800 Max for 9 hours with NO SNACKS. I think, because I booked this hastily, on their website (opposed to through a GDS with the option to see ancillaries) without the complete details -- I assumed it was a short haul international flight, and compared it with Qantas' service. I was wrong. The inflight entertainment is BYO device (which I didnt...) and the 737800 isnt fitted with Wifi onboard so I couldnt even download anything to watch. Their WiFi was working, so you could use their Free Entertainment, however I found it lagged and I couldn't even watch it through the buffering. So I just stuck to my knitting -- without music though because my Spotify decided I didnt need my downloaded music either.
It was a very long and semi-uncomfortable flight.
After the gruelling hours of trying to sleep, trying to finish my knitting and also doing some work... we landed in Haneda! HOORAY! Now time to do customs, and head to our hotel. Almost there.
For those playing at home; here is a quick breakdown of how to enter Japan.
-Grab an entry card and declaration card from your air host/ess. They will provide the physical card for you to fill in to give when you go through customs.
-Alternatively; visit Japanweb.gov.jp (I dont have a photo of it, because you cant use cameras in customs, and I used the physical card option -- I love filling out these things!!) and you can do it all online and scan your QR at the gate.
The entry card tells the Japanese Government what your intentions on visiting Japan. IE: Tourism, visiting a relative, Business, etc -- and how long you intend to stay, where you're going to be staying -- all that jazz.
The declarations card is about what you are BRINGING in to JAPAN. So please dont bring things like fruit, meat, dangerous goods, illegal substances (this can be some medications like Codeine and Pseudoephedrine so please check with your doctor -- and get a note if you take medication regularly that might not be "legal" in Japan). If you dont bring any of this with you; you dont need to declare anything and you can walk straight through once you've shown your passport.
-Line up and have your passport at the ready. Keep your entry cards with your passport.
-They will scan your finger prints and take your photo first. (We had to do this twice...)
-Line up again to go through the gates.
-This is where they will stamp your passport and grant your access.
Once youve gone through this part; you're almost there!!
-Pick up your bags.
-Find the carosel with the flight you just arrived on. (IE: VA77 is on carosel 6) Your bags will come out here.
-Collect your bags and take them to the gates on the other side.
-Show your passport and declaration card and you *should* be good to enter.
Here we go! We are in JAPAN -- the first port of call is to get our mascot for the trip. This is something Ive done since my 2018 trip and it's fun and cute and it makes me happy to share my experience through a silly icon's eyes. Walk towards the "Keihan" Train Line which will get you to Tokyo. This is a trainline that goes direct from Haneda airport to Tokyo and connects to any of the main train networks in Tokyo. It really doesn't matter what neighbourhood you are staying in; 90% of the time this will be the train you need to get you to where you want to go. On the LEFT there is a 7/11 (get money from the ATM in the left corner, and then grab some snacks and a drink so you've got some coins..) because on the RIGHT there are a bunch of Gacha Machines where I like to find my mascot.
This time; NOTHING. No lil dudes. So, we will keep looking. 
Take the Escalators down to the train platform and board the train to TOKYO/SHINAGAWA and you're on your way.
Back to my blog; Ben and I had our heart set on this ramen place we found by accident last time we were in Akihabara. We call it "Midnight Ramen" because he wanted ramen at midnight and it came through with the GOODS... alas. We dropped our bags at our hotel in Shinagawa and did a quick change into something warm. (It was 36degrees when we left Adelaide and now we are facing 2degrees and SNOW!) Slammed on a beanie and caught the Yamanote to Akiba; to find that our ramen place was closed for renovations. The SADDEST TIME! Akiba isn't known for its ramen so we had to find something else... how devastating.
We found a Hakata style ramen place. It was a 6/10. It got a point for being open. Also, it was okay. The Nori (seaweed) had cute printed sayings on it which I thought was cute (gross, but cute). Then I found out that another branch of the other ramen place was open in Shinagawa, only a 6 minute walk from our hotel. Let's pretend like that didnt happen.
After we ate, we became acquainted with our new local Kombini (7/11, convenience store) attached to our hotel, and purchased some necessities.
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grecoromanyaoi · 1 year
oooh what does the stargazer cult believe? why would it be dangerous to give them power? (also omg have you ever drawn the Lake Things? how exactly do they terrorize people? does their existence have anything to do with all those people dying in/around the lake?)
Hiiii ok so this is from my notes
Like many Maramis, the Stargazers believe in the divine rule of the heavens. However, Stargazers shape their lives around their belief that the heavens created humanity as entertainment - and that if they put on a good show, they will be awarded glory in the afterlife, and instead of being reincarnated, the true artists become night stars.
This cult is a big problem for officials because they have insanely high rates of violence (pretty much anything goes as long as it "advances the plot"), and any attempt at capital interference is useless because even if they suffer greatly, physically or mentally, they embrace it and treat it as part of their show. (Giving them power is reckless bc theyd literally start a bloody war bc "it would be interesting")
Theyre ruled by a Master, a hereditary role that works sort of like a monarch - the Master handles all public manners and contact with the outside world. Both the Master or their family have immunity within the cult.
The current Master of the Stargazers is a woman called Lisistrata. Her oldest son, (Mercuțio), escaped the cult with his girlfriend to raise their daughter, Angelica (leaving his older son, Orlando, behind). Lisistrata spent years tracking them down, and murdered (son) in cold blood, kidnapped Angelica (goes by Anca) (who was either 4 or 16 years old, havent decided), and groomed her to be her heir.
(They're also all named after literary characters - Lisistrata after Lysistrata, Mercuțio after Romeo & Juliet, Angelica + Orlando after orlando innamorato)(They also have cannibalistic rituals but i need to workshop them)
And i havent drawn the lake things, they basically look almost like people (spoiler they used to be people) but almost "colorless" and grey with watery, empty eyes.
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excelsheets · 9 months
i havent really drawn anything in months. uhm. perhaps there was a burning out. but we’re almost back . new years is unrelated to the being back. my new years resolution is to sleep consistent. i also have so much on my plate rn but im busy crafting potions
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shakebakeyy · 1 year
I havent drawn anything digitally in over TWO YEARS
I havent drawn anything on paper in almost a year
Id give anything to get my motivation and inspiration back
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sugardecreme · 2 years
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I posted 53 times in 2022
That's 53 more posts than 2021!
15 posts created (28%)
38 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 44 of my posts in 2022
Only 17% of my posts had no tags
#me when reblogs - 21 posts
#look at my friends art pls - 9 posts
#real - 7 posts
#sugar talks abt stuff (very rare) - 6 posts
#omg - 4 posts
#i love ur art sm omg - 4 posts
#silly goofy - 3 posts
#explodes - 3 posts
#aaaaah - 2 posts
#im sobbing this is so cute 🙁 - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 66 characters
#i don't know basic math either if im being honest (i am very dumb)
My Top Posts in 2022:
ohmagaw..... i just noticed im one follow 10 followers...... 10 isn't a lot but teehee funny silly 2 digit number dddwgdggfhejh
12 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
bro how do u stop hating ur art like..... i havent drawn anything in almost a whole ahh month bc ive been hating my art a whole bunch aaahhhdgg </3
13 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
"The people who draw because they don't want to die, and we who drew because we wanted to die."
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GRRAAAAHHH hi!!!!! i really think this song fits ena so i wanted to draw this,, :]]
17 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
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i jus wanted to draw them,, 🙏
x!mew mew belongs to @/jakei95 ofc !!
20 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
lmfao hi... gonna drop this here ig💀 i made this for undertales 7th anniversary a few months ago hehehe
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ok byeee 🥶 (i have no idea how tumblr works)
23 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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six40seven · 2 years
September 16-18th
I didnt go to school. I told Niki i was feeling too sick to and she just nodded and said it was fine. Just by her body language i could tell she was distracted by something else and i didnt want to bother her more then necessary. I wanted to say thanks to all the people on here sending kind messages and concerned asks. I am okay. I was just a little rattled these last few days and well, of course today. I havent slept in almost 32 hours. There is no way in hell im closing my eyes and waking up somewhere strange again with no recollection of how i got there.
This doesnt make sense, and i can tell youre telling me in your head “Ran you need to sleep.” And i know you’re right but it was just horrifying. I have a hard enough time remembering what i do when im awake. Why would this suddenly start happening to me. Its unfair. I was doing fine. Now im not, and i dread falling asleep again. Im too afriad to ask Niki to instal a lock of sorts so last night and the night before and really any time I’ve been feeling the urge to sleep.. well I’ve began to tie my foot to my post. ITS NOT TIGHT. I just dont want to wander off again.
Fall break is soon. I mean sorta. I attempted to attend school online the second day home after the ordeal but my connection was too shit. I guess its the trees blocking the signal. Or maybe the mountains. Speaking of trees, i havent left my house since that day. I dont want to risk whatever happened happening again, worse while im awak. Not that i think it will but the way the trees just… tempt me sometimes. I cant risk walking to the bus or walking even out of my house. WHEERE i use to consider it a blessing to not live in the town houses, i now regret never moving closer. Fuck. Its been so long since I’ve been outside im worried my skin will fall off my body and ill die if i spend one more day barred in my room.
Its okay, for the most part. besides the natural (?) urge i have to be outside all the time. Ive sort of forgotten to document much these o past few days. But i dont think anything else significant happened. As far as related to me. Niki didnt come back the first night and i spent all that time in ym room with the blind drawn and the lights on. I was afriad if i turned the lights off i would nod off. I ended up watching YouTube and Netflix on my laptop as well as cleaning my entire room.
Usually my room is a trash heap, i like it that way, its like having my own nest. But that first night. I couldn’t stand all the things and i pretty much Ed cleaned everything top to bottom in less then 3 hours. I found a few interested things while i was doing that, including but not limited to: a box full of my old Polaroids and camera, a stuffed animal i thought i had lost which went back onto my bed, and a total of 20 spare dollars made mostly out of 1 Dollar bills and quarters.
The only thing of real interest was the Polaroid camera. I thought i lost that thing years and years ago. I only know i had one at all because i have some older pictures pinned places and tucked into my phone case. Theyre all of people i dont really know but i like to think i do so i can carry some part of them with me. They must have been important to me at some point yk. So i decided to look through and sort out any of the Polaroids i remeber or anything like that. These are my findings. I’ll explain them after i show them to you.
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starting at the left top and going left to right. It reads Nov 1st 20##. all of these are from when i was a kid. maybe when i was in 4th or 5th grade? Im not entirely sure the exact age i was. The photo shown is a picture i must have taken of some sort of important journal entry, i cant really read it but at least if i ever needed to remeber taking a picture.. I remember, thanks past me.
The next one, in order, is a picture of two shadows. Maybe three. Probably me. Maybe Niki… or Eryn. we were close when we were kids and hes in two of these already. So ill just mention him. idk if he will be okay with me talking about him on here. I dont think he knows i have this account. hopefully he doesnt find it. Not that i would care very much. He just doesnt like me. The caption is just a date. oct 3rd. no year. I wonder when it happened? sometime in my childhood probably. I havent used this camera in years and years. I lost it so long ago.
The third is a weirdly saturated picture of a park in my town. The bigger town. Its just weird. And the caption says… evacuating or something. Its sorta weird. also Niki might have taken this picture because her name is on it too. Seems like her type of thing. from what i remeber as a kid, when we still lived in the big town, she was into weird saturated pictures. Something about scene. I dont know really.
The fourth is on the second line of pictures i found in the Box. On the bottom left. It says July 20## again sometime in my childhood. It shows aforementioned Eryn crouching ont he ground showing something to everyone. Or the viewer. I can see myself, or younger me. Younger me off to the side. Someone else took this picture. I dont remeber this happening. But it was important enough to keep so there it is. Thats pretty much it.
The fifth, wow thats a lot of numbers. Its got a smiley face :) on it. and its a picture of the lake. Yk the one bordering the left side of the bigger town. Its one of the smaller more muddy parts so its all gross. Probably from a hike that i wanted to remeber with Niki or something. I loved the lake when i was a kid. It was fun to swim in but after… after awhile i stopped going and then it closed because of something weird and now you can only go hiking near and around it.
The sixth. A picture of me and ****** hugging. Eryn in the background. It reads Eryn & ##### July. Its a cute picture. I dont know… who ****** is? Yeah i dont know. but i must have known them at one point because thats them. Yeah. They look familiar in the worse way and i pretty much threw that one back in the box as soon as I could. I dont like lookign at it. My stomach hurts when i do.
The seventh. And last a picture of a cat. Even when i was a kid i also apparently liked cats. It reads Spring 20##.
So yeah. I just wanted to say im glad i was able to find them and document them somewhere. I also thought while im explaing photos and stuff ill go into a little detail about what i discovered from that night. Posted on here.
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The first piece is clearly a path somewhere in the forest. If i were to say, somewhere further in the mountains, near where the older remains of mines are. The only thing wrong about this piece is that…. When i posted it, theres no wya for there to have been snow. So either the photo is altered in some way, which is unlikely, because from what i can tell it was posted in the middle of the night. Or it was actually snowing wherever i was. even though all the previous days it had been raining.
The next picture looks like some sort of underground tunnel, lined with bricks and ending in step leading up to a barred and maybe locked? I dont know, barred iron gate. I have never seen that place before. Ive been in a lot of abandoned buildings that I’ve found near here but I’ve never seen something like this. The only explaination i can give for the location is possibly a sewer enterance somewhere in the basement of one of the older buildings, not from the big town but rather from the smaller town nearer to my house. Again, it looks like its snowing. Which makes no sense in any context, since it was snowing when i woke up (even though i said i thought it was) and because if this was underground where would snow be coming from? The title says… I heard you. Im here. I dont remeber this. Obviously. and i dont know who i would have.. heard? It doesnt make any sense.
The third picture… i dont have much to say. It looks dark. Maybe its related to the second picture, maybe its on the otherside of the gate. But I’ve never seen a place that dark before. Especially if it has walls. which I think it does. so it must be in a building somewhere out in the forest. Sorta supports my abandoned building theory. Or abandoned mine shaft? I have no idea. But the capture is clearly a long hallway. the caption says something is wrong. No duh. I am clearly self aware even if i dont remeber. I wonder if i act different..
Anyway, thats all for the last few days. I probably will end up attending school tomorrow. Niki isnt home yet, its near the end of the day so if she isnt home by now im assuming shes staying overnight at the office. wouldn’t be the first, wont be the last. I might get a snack before trying not to fall asleep a third night in a row. If anyone wants to chat with me, ill be open to the distractions.
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bearlngteeth · 6 months
i feel like a failure as an artist. i havent truely drawn anything in almost a year. i dont practice. i dont put aside the time to. i dont draw the things i want to. i dont draw from life or reference. i scribble bullshit and cant even do a hand hardly anymore. i used to like this. i used to be good at this. was i ever good at this? doesnt matter now. just another abandoned project. a language i'll forget. a workout i wont do. stagnation upon stagnation while i rot away in the fog of my own bastardized mind
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