#i hear them around sometimes but actually spotting them is awesome. I’ve been thinking about putting up a possum box and/or bird nest box
monsterbroth · 8 months
there’s two possums in the tree out the front window I need to go to bed but I really want to know how this plays out
0 notes
pose ~ pete davidson
word count: 1418
request?: yes!
“Hello!! Could you do a Pete fic where the reader is a photographer, they are doing a photoshoot and Pete keeps flirting with her throughout the photoshoot. She brushes this off and continues as normal, but after the shoot they keep running into each other and one day he asks her out on a date and she says yes. Please? Sorry if this doesn't make sense”
description: in which her flirtiest subject runs into her weeks later and decides to finally make a move
pairing: pete davidson x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
Tumblr media
The interviewer kept trying to ask Pete questions, but he kept getting distracted by the photographer who was taking his picture for the article. She was a beautiful young woman who was so engrossed in her work that it made her ten times more attractive to Pete.
“Mr. Davidson,” the interviewer said, the annoyed edge evident in her voice.
Pete dragged his attention from the photographer, a dopey smile on his face that he knew no one could be upset at. Seeing a fantastic photograph opportunity in this, the photographer quickly snapped another shot.
“What was the question?” Pete asked.
The interviewer sighed and shook her head. “Let’s just finish the photographs and finish the interview back in my office.”
“I think we should be good on photographs, actually,” the photographer said. “I got a lot of good ones if you two want to look at them.”
“Wait, I have a great one to finish with,” Pete said.
He turned his back to the photographer and dramatically stuck his butt out. He twitched towards the camera and made a pouty face, putting his finger to his lips. The photographer giggled and took a snap of Pete’s ridiculous pose.
“(Y/N),” the interviewer snapped, “don’t take a picture, that’s unprofessional.”
“I’m not seriously sending it to be used,” (Y/N) said. “It’s just a funny picture.”
“I don’t care, delete it.”
The interviewer stood and walked back to her office, not even asking Pete to follow her. He looked back to (Y/N) to see her face was flushed and she looked a mixture of upset and angry.
“Don’t actually delete it,” Pete said. “I want to see it.”
(Y/N) brought the picture up on her camera and showed it to Pete. “It’s just the rough copy so it’s sort of lame. With the fancy magazine editing it would look really cool.”
“I think it looks great as it is,” Pete assured her. “I’d love to have a copy sent to me.”
“My boss would freak if I did.” Her eyes flicked to the door where the interviewer had just walked away. Pete could see the frustration in her eyes and guessed that this wasn’t the first time (Y/N) had been verbally berated by her.
“I’m sorry you go through that,” Pete said.
She shook her head and waved away Pete’s apology. “Don’t be. I’ve gotten used to it. Doesn’t make it any less infuriating whenever she gets angry for stupid reasons, but it happens.”
“You don’t deserve to be talked to like that, though. You seem very professional, and even that goofy picture you took of me looks incredible.”
(Y/N) smiled and shyly looked down at her camera, unsure how to respond to his compliment.
“You’re also extremely beautiful, but that’s neither here nor there in regards to photography.”
(Y/N) giggled at this.
“You should go finish the interview. Her royal bitch will be waiting for you,” she told him.
Pete didn’t want to leave. He wanted to keep talking to (Y/N), and he really wanted to ask her out on a date. In a very uncharacteristic way for Pete, he found himself too nervous to do so and instead left with a lame “See you around”. The minute he walked out the doors of the studio they had been taking pictures in, he regretted his decision, but continued to the office of the interviewer so he could finally get it done and over with.
A few weeks later, the article had been published and, unsurprisingly, had blown up massively. It was one of the first interviews that Pete had done that got really deep, and he had talked about a lot of things he had never really publicly discussed before. He fans were eating it up and talking about it non-stop. Pete was happy it had gained such positive traction, but he couldn’t stop thinking about the photographer.
He was in his favorite coffee spot, waiting for his order before running off to work, when the bell over the door rang to signal someone had walked in. Pete glanced up from his phone a moment before looking back down, but then did a quick double take when he realized he recognized the woman who had just walked in.
“Hey! (Y/N)!”
(Y/N), who had also been distracted by something on her phone, looked up to see Pete approaching her. She smiled as she pulled out the one headphone she had in her hear.
“Hey Pete!” she said. “How are you?”
“I’m good, I’m good. How are you?”
“Doing great! I have a job offer with a bigger photography company than the one I was working for. I’m heading there after here actually.”
“Holy shit, that’s amazing!”
“Yeah, well I kinda have you to thank for that. They were impressed with the pictures I took for your article and reached out to offer me the job.”
“That must’ve been a saving grace from the wrath that was your boss. When I saw you had included the goofy picture I could only imagine how angry she must’ve been.”
(Y/N) smirked, the memory of her boss’ face, tomato red with anger, after seeing the silly picture taken of Pete in her “very serious” article.
“It was actually the editor’s choice,” she told him.��“When I submitted the pictures I had taken, I had included that one by mistake. But the editor loved it. He said that it showcased more of your personality than just your super serious side. He was so insistent on having the picture in the article that he even threatened to take my boss’ name out of the credits if she continued to throw her hissy fit.”
Pete whistled. “That’s brutal. She must’ve loved that.”
“She practically had steam coming out of her ears for a week. She tried to punish me by having one of our other photographers follow her for her next article, but my editor just paired me up with another of our journalists who is much nicer. And now I have this job offer anyways, so there’s really no lose here for me.”
“Well I’m really happy for you. You deserve a place that’s really going to understand your talent and appreciate you for all you do.”
(Y/N) smiled warmly at Pete. She had also been thinking about him a lot since their first encounter. There had been a few times where she almost asked her boss if she know how (Y/N) could get in contact with Pete, but realized that would likely be a bad idea considering her boss basically already hated her.
The cashier called for the next person in line, which was (Y/N). As she stepped forward to place an order, Pete’s name (or rather his fake name as not to be recognized when out in public) was called. He went to collect his coffee and turned back to (Y/N), who had stepped aside to wait for her own. She was looking up at him, almost expectantly.
Before he could stop himself, Pete blurted, “Do you wanna go out some time?”
(Y/N) nearly sighed with relief when he finally said the words. She nodded quickly and took Pete’s hand in her own. She pulled a pen from her bag and wrote her number on his hand.
“Very middle school of you,” Pete teased.
“That’s what makes it so adorable,” (Y/N) responded. “Text me later, we can figure out a time and date. Preferably sometime soon if you’d like.”
“If it were up to me I’d be taking you out right now.”
(Y/N) giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and looked down at her shoes. “Tempting, but I do have to go for that job interview.”
“How about after that? We can go out to celebrate you getting that super awesome job that you deserve.”
“What if I don’t get it?”
“Impossible, but if that happens then we’ll go out and get fucked up so you forget about the interview instead.”
(Y/N) chuckled. “Okay, sounds like a plan.”
Her name was called before Pete could say anything else. She grabbed her coffee and waved goodbye to Pete, calling, “See you later, Pete!” over her shoulder as she walked out the coffee shop door.
Pete had to stop himself from happy dancing in the middle of the shop in front of so many people, but inside he was already celebrating his own little win.
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jenohi · 3 years
PAIRING ▸ Watanabe Haruto x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ pining, high school au, lacrosse au, I’m not really sure what genre this is lol
WARNINGS ▸ traumatic events?
SUMMARY ▸ When Haruto moves halfway around the world the last person he expects to see is you. His former nemesis...or so he thinks.
PLAYLIST ▸ Still Don’t Know My Name by Labyrinth
UNIVERSE ▸ YG High; Treasure Lacrosse Team
A/N ▸ I’ve decided from here on out all my stories will probably fall within the same universe. I only really have like 4 universes in mind so I’ll label them just so you know. Also, I’m looking to add some art to my stories to bring them more to life but I am useless at graphics/edits, so! If you’re really into making graphics/edits and you enjoy my work please please PLEASE reach out to me!!! I would love to work with an amazing artist! <3 <3 Plz enjoy.
A/N 2 ▸ This story is like a lot of crossover with Jeongwoo’s story but I hope I was able to bring justice to Haruto’s character and bring his story to life. :P ok now enjoy for real realz.
You were the prettiest girl Haruto had ever known in his life. But to him, you were also his rival. You always managed to score just a few points higher than him on each exam, each quiz, each assignment. To him it always felt like the teachers liked you more, so he made sure your classmates liked him more. The thing that made him really mad was that you were so unbothered. You were ambivalent to him and you didn’t even know his name. If you really were strangers and never sat in the same class he could understand. But you had been in the same classes for years. Each time you spoke to him, you politely asked for his name. As if you were strangers.
When his parents told him that his family was going to move to another city, far enough that he would have to transfer schools, he had mixed feelings. This was his last chance to confront you. To understand why you’d never bothered to remember his name, but each time he approached you he found you furiously scribbling in a notebook. Although he resented you for not knowing his name, he could never get himself to disturb you when you looked so stressed scribbling whatever it was in your notebook.
What Haruto didn’t know is that you did notice him. You noticed the handsome, tall, skinny boy that was always in the corner of your line of sight. But you had no idea what to say to him. So you never approached him. He was a stranger.
Haruto wished he could forget you. He was a bit uncomfortable transferring to a new school at first but thankfully, three other boys had transferred with him. Asahi, Mashiho, and Yoshi had become literal brothers to him. The school also had a transfer students program and he made a new friend, Hanbyul. She was a chatterbox and sometimes she could literally chat his ear off, but she was also sweet and helpful. But she wasn’t you.
But that didn’t matter because Hanbyul had another guy on her mind all the time anyway. “You know we’ve just been friends for such a long time and lately, I’ve started to...I don’t know. I feel different. Nervous. Is it normal to feel nervous around your best friend?”
“I don’t know. Is it?” Haruto responded.
“No, I suppose it isn’t. But he probably doesn’t feel the same way. I doubt he’s ever even thought about me in that way.”
Haruto felt someone nudge him, he turned to see that it was Asahi. Haruto leaned over to hear what he was going to say. “Is she talking about Jaehyuk’s brother?”
Haruto nodded.
“Jaehyuk talks about his little brother and this chick all the time. She’s so off the mark. The little brother definitely has feelings for her if Jaehyuk is anywhere near the mark.” So both parties had feelings for one another but both parties were too chicken to say anything to each other. And for no good reason.
In a way that reminded Haruto of himself and it pissed him off. He knew that spending so much time with his new friend would raise suspicions but he didn’t care. He knew that spending so much time with her pissed Jeongwoo off. It didn’t take a genius to recognize it when they went to the Big Bang Concert together.
Haruto thought he was going crazy when he spotted you a few spaces over at the concert. He rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times to make sure it was really you. Haruto stormed over to you once he decided that it was in fact you. He had spent months thinking about what to say to you if he ever saw you again, he wasn’t going to miss this opportunity. Haruto didn’t even think to tell his new friends where he had gone.
You saw a tall, handsome figure approaching your direction. You took a second to check him out, but then turned back to the performers and continued to enjoy yourself. Your parents were reluctant to let you go out to this concert on your own but it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you wanted so badly. You smiled sadly at what might happen when you woke up tomorrow.
“I didn’t know you were a fan of Big Bang.” You heard a voice from behind speak into your ear. You jumped in surprise and turned around to see that it was the handsome stranger you saw sauntering your way earlier.
“Hi, what’s your name?” You asked with a polite smile on your face. This is probably exactly what your parents were worried about, creepy men that would try to approach you. You started to think about the best way to remove yourself from the situation safely. The now unamused expression on his face alarmed you.
“When are you gonna cut the shit. You know who I am.”
You looked at him puzzled. “I do? How? From where?”
Haruto felt something in his chest crack. “I used to go to school with you. You’re Y/N right?”
“Oh, yeah. That’s me.” You furiously racked your mind trying to remember what you had read but your memory came up blank. You couldn’t help but cringe and turn away. This is why you tried your best to keep to yourself and away from people. You looked up to see Haruto staring down at you with a curious expression. “I’m sorry I don’t remember you. You said you used to go to school with me? You don’t go to school with me anymore? Can I get your name again? I’m really sorry. I’ll try and remember.”
“My name is Haruto. I don’t go to school with you anymore. I transferred to a new school a few months ago.”
“Oh, I see.”
Haruto wasn’t sure how to feel when he realized you actually had zero recollection of him. For some reason seeing you up close and seeing you really trying to remember him made him feel a bit sympathetic. He couldn’t understand why. It still totally irked him that you didn’t know his name. But something told him to sit down with you and get to know you.
“Well, do you like your new school?” You asked, looking up at Haruto. Your heart was beating hard and fast. You prayed that your face wasn’t flushing.
“Why don’t we just enjoy the rest of the concert for now and we can grab a late night meal after the concert?” Haruto proposed. His own palms were sweaty and his heart was beating fast.
You thought about it for a second, then nodded and smiled. Haruto felt like the world had a glittery filter for a second. He’d always acknowledged that you were attractive, but up close smiling at him, you were drop dead gorgeous.
After the concert, the two of you walked side by side as you left the crowded venue. You noticed Haruto took a second to text someone on his phone. He caught you snooping and laughed as you turned away. “It’s fine. I was just letting the friends I came with know that I was gonna head out with you.”
“Oh, if you need to get back with them it’s fine.” You said, maybe hanging out with Haruto was a bad idea after all.
“Not a chance, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you. I’m honestly curious to know how you are and how things are back home.”
Your face flushed at his words. You couldn’t remember the last time you had spent time with a guy like this. Was this a date?
“Alright. Then what are you in the mood for?” You asked, pulling up a list of restaurants that were still open at this hour.
“What’s available now? What are you in the mood for right now?” Haruto looked over your shoulder at the menu as he asked.
“Um, what about McDonald’s? I’m not that picky and there’s not that much open right now.” you said.
Haruto stared at you with wide eyes, were you always this cool? So the two of you made your way to the closest McDonald’s and debated which was better, Coke or Sprite. To Haruto, Coca-Cola was non-negotiable.
“How is your new school?” You asked Haruto, munching on a few of your fries. “Do you like it?”
“What are you doing here?” Haruto interjected.
“What do you mean?”
“We’re not in Japan. This is far from home. Why are you in America?”
“Oh, I’m uh- I’m visiting family. I’ve actually transferred to a school around here for the time-being as well.” You jumped in surprise when Haruto shrieked.
“You’re here now? Like for good? Like you go to school here? Where?”
You giggled at the questions he rained down on you. The way he asked you with his cheeks full and eyes wide was rather endearing. “Yes I’m here now. I’m actually, uh, home schooled for the time being.”
“Oh, interesting. Why are you homeschooled? I remember you were always really good at school.” Haruto said before he shoved another chicken nugget into his mouth. The irritating thought that you were always better than him at school, just by a little popped up in his mind but he pushed it away. That didn’t matter anymore. He had your attention now.
You felt your face flush. Even with your condition it was true that you maintained your good grades. So Haruto must have actually known you back in Japan. You eyed him again, when he caught you staring at him you turned away. Haruto smirked.
“Enough about me. Tell me about your friends. You said you came with friends from your new school right?”
“Well I’d say one of them is actually who I’d consider a friend. The other one is a mutual friend. A childhood friend that has feelings for her.”
“Her?” it slipped out of your mouth. Haruto’s smirk reappeared and his eyebrow jumped up when he looked at you. You looked away, what was this funny feeling in your chest? It was weird.
“Our school had this transfer student program and she just happened to be assigned to me. She’s really cool, I’m not into her like that and she’s not really into me like that. She likes her friend.”
“How do you know?”
“She told me.”
“Oh. That feels like something important. Like a secret.”
“Well, I told her a secret as well.”
You stared at him. He didn’t indulge in the secret. Haruto was wholly focused on sipping the last of his Coca-Cola before putting it down on the table and letting out a sigh.
“Well so what’s going on with them now?” You asked.
“Hopefully, they both pull their heads out of their asses tonight. I gave them time alone so the best case scenario is that they just talk it out. The dude, Jeongwoo, I actually met him for the first time tonight and he’s a cool dude. It would be nice to have more dude friends around here.”
“You don’t have any guy friends?”
“I do. There are 3 other transfer students from Japan and they’re all dudes and I’m friends with them. Actually, Americans like to play this sport. Lacrosse? My friend told me to try out for the team and I think I might. Mashi, Asahi, and Yoshi agreed to try-out as well so it’ll be fun.”
You nodded, you had no idea what lacrosse was and you didn’t think you would be that interested to learn either. “I should get home.”
“Right of course.” Haruto said, getting up. “Where are you headed? Let me call you an Uber.”
“No, it’s okay. I can actually walk back home from here.”
“Oh really? Well, at least let me walk you back.”
You hesitated for a second. Would it be smart to show this guy where you lived? But then you shook it off, he seemed pretty harmless throughout the night and you trusted that he knew you from school in Japan. So you agreed.
“Do you have to be home-schooled?” Haruto asked.
“No, I don’t think so.” you answered.
“Would you be interested in attending school in person again?” Haruto could feel the devil on his shoulder kicking him. What was he doing? He had already gone to school with you before and the fact that you always did just a smidge better than him drove him nuts.
“Um, I haven’t really thought about it. Why?”
“You should consider transferring to my school?”
Your eyebrows shot up. “What?”
Haruto stepped back a bit and raised his hands. “It was just a suggestion. Honestly, I struggled a bit when I first came here. I can’t imagine how lonely it must be to be here and just be home-schooled so I figured it might be nice to have some sense of community.”
“Um, I’ll think about it.” You weren’t going to think about it. You looked up and breathed a sigh of relief when you saw the familiar apartment complex. “This is me. You don’t have to walk in with me. I’m gonna go now.”
“Wait.” Haruto said. You turned around to look at him, a thin smile on your face. “I, uh, I had fun.”
“Yeah, this was nice.” You said truthfully.
“We should do it again sometime.” Haruto said. You stared at him, he looked perfectly composed to you. But his heart was practically beating so hard he thought it might fall out of his chest.
“Honestly, I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.”
Haruto felt a heat and anger flare up in his chest. But he did his best to tamp it down and get it under control. This was literally the first time you had acknowledged his presence. He put a smile on his face. “Well, then maybe we’ll just run into each other again sometime.”
“Maybe, it’s all up to fate now. Good night Haruto.”
“Good night Y/N.”
The second you made it back into your room you pulled out your diary. You scribbled the notes you had logged into your phone throughout the day as quickly as possible. Briefly reliving each moment as you wrote them down. By the time you had gotten to the end of the list and began to recount the concert you could feel your eyelids getting heavier and heavier and your hands writing more and more frantically until suddenly, you crashed.
The next morning you woke up and read your notes. You squinted at the last thing you had written. Your handwriting became illegible near the end. ‘Haruto?’
The next morning Haruto woke up and smiled at the memory of you. Asahi and Mashiho eyed their roommate as he pranced around the living room and kitchen smiling and singing. But nothing could bring Haruto down. Well until he saw his friend looking depressed as hell.
“Dude what’s up?” Haruto asked. “Did you and Jeongwoo figure your shit out?”
“Uh, about that. Well, no.”
“No? What do you mean no?”
“Well what about you? Did you run into her?”
“Nuh uh, this isn’t about me. You literally had the perfect opportunity to make something of it. To make a moment! Did you guys have a moment?”
“Yes, I think we did. But I got scared. I don’t want to lose Jeongwoo as a friend, but at the same time I don’t think he has any feelings for me like that. I just, I think I need space. Maybe if I just distance myself from him a bit then I can get over my feelings and…”
“No offense, but that’s the stupidest thing I think I’ve ever heard in my life.”
“Well I don’t care if you think it’s stupid. This is my decision and my decision is that I don’t want to see Jeongwoo for awhile. Ok? I’m not ready for the conversation. So you better get used to seeing me more often!”
Haruto sighed as he watched his friend storm out of the room. He turned around and exchanged looks with Asahi. “Did I say something wrong?”
Asahi shrugged. “Honestly, I think you’re valid. I think her logic in avoiding Jeongwoo is pretty dumb. The dude’s in my gym class. Honestly, he’s chill. I don’t think he’d react badly to her if she confesses regardless of how he feels.”
“I should probably find her and apologize anyway.” Haruto said, exiting the room. Eventually he found his friend and they sat together in the cafeteria.
“Sorry about what I said earlier. I’ll admit it was kind of harsh. But honestly I can’t say I understand your logic at all.”
“It’s fine Haruto. You seemed extra happy when you walked in this morning. Who was the friend that you saw at the concert?”
“It was her. Y/N.”
“No way! Isn’t she in Japan?”
“That’s what I thought too. I was so shocked to see her.”
“What did you say to her? What did you guys talk about? Did she recognize you?”
“That’s the thing. The best part of it all was that I actually had her attention. You remember I told you about how she never acknowledged anybody right? She was always reading her notebook in the hallway. In the past when I spoke to her she never even knew my name! She had to ask me every single time. But this time, there’s no way she wouldn’t remember me!”
“Your relationship is weird. But I guess that’s sweet. What does she write about in her notebook?”
“I don’t know. Why does it matter? She knows my name now!”
“That’s another thing. You went to school together for years and she never remembered your name? Why?”
“I don’t know.” Haruto said. Now he was grouchy. All the questions that had been brought up to him were valid, but these weren’t things he wanted to think about.
A few weeks before the lacrosse tryouts in the spring Haruto went to the hospital to get a physical done.
Once he was done he stumbled into a small cafe right next to the hospital. When he saw who was manning the cash register he rubbed his eyes and looked away and looked back a few times to make sure he wasn’t being deluded. When he was confident that he wasn’t going crazy he stood up and walked over to the register.
You saw a tall, handsome, and skinny guy walk up to the cash register. You cleared your throat and stood up straight. “Hello, what can I get you?”
“Y/N! It’s fate. We ran into each other again!”
“Again?” You put a smile on your face and thought of a response. “Hey, it’s so good to see you! How have you been? What’ll you have?”
“Do you...remember my name?”
You felt your heart picking up speed and your palms beginning to sweat. But you kept your composure. “Of course, let me take your order and we can chat for a second.”
Haruto beamed. “Okay, then I’ll just have an Iced Americano.”
“Okay, that’ll be $3.30. The ice machine is in the back so I’ll be right out in a second. You rushed to the back of the cafe and pulled out your diary and flipped through the pages, reading the entries as quickly as possible. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed a torn piece of paper that had slipped out of your bag. You picked it up, it matched the paper in your diary. You flipped it over to see that it had a name written on it. Haruto.
Was that this guy’s name? Who was he to you? Darn it, why hadn’t you written more?
You quickly filled the cup with ice and walked out filling the cup with cold brew. You grabbed the marker and scribbled Haruto on it. You walked back over to the cash register. This guy’s eyes were practically glittering in anticipation. Was it normal for someone to get this excited over a coffee?
“I’ve got one iced americano for Haruto?” you said.
If his eyes were glittering before, they were practically flashing light strobe lights at a nightclub now. A matching beaming grin on his face. “Yes! Y/N it’s fate. We ran into each other again!”
“Right. Yeah, of course. What are the odds.”
“Do you have a minute?”
“Um, I’m working right now. I’d rather not get in trouble. Maybe another time?”
Haruto swiveled around, eying the cafe. “It looks pretty empty to me. I don’t think you’d get in trouble if you came out for a second just to keep me company.”
“Is your manager even here right now?”
“Then come on. Just come out for a second.”
You looked around the cafe, cursing at how vacant it was. You tugged at your sleeves for a second before answering. “Fine.”
You followed Haruto out from behind the counter. He walked over to a table and pulled a seat out from underneath the table. He smiled as he waited for you to sit down. You walked over to the table and turned around. Haruto slid the chair underneath you as you moved to sit down. Once you were seated Haruto ran around to the other side of the table and sat down.
“How are you? How have you been?” Haruto asked.
You stared at the boy sitting in front of you. He was so handsome. “I’m doing well. How about you?”
“I’m good. I was in the area because I needed to go to the hospital.”
Your ears perked up. “Why were you at the hospital?”
“Why do you wanna know? Are you worried about me?”
You didn’t say anything. You just stared at Haruto. Haruto cleared his throat and looked away for a second. “I’m just playing with you. I went to get a physical.”
You nodded, tracing the patterns on the tablecloth.
“I needed one for lacrosse tryouts.”
“Lacrosse? What is that?” you asked. Haruto thought the way your nose scrunched in confusion was adorable.
“I told you about it last time! Remember? It’s this sport that Americans like to play. I had never heard of it in Japan either.”
You didn’t remember. “Right.”
Haruto couldn’t understand the dynamics of the conversation. He watched as you avoided eye contact with him and intensely focused on tracing the pattern of the table cloth. Then you would stare out the window of the cafe, it almost appeared as if your eyes were glazed over. “What are you always writing about in your notebook?”
Your head spun over to look at him so fast, you thought you might have gotten whiplash. “What?”
“Your notebook. I remember in school back in Japan I always saw you either writing things down in a notebook or reading the same notebook. What’s in it?”
“Um, nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
“Why? It can’t be that bad. I promise I won’t laugh no matter how embarrassing it might be.” Haruto said. Leaning forward over the table so that he was in your face.
“Forget it.” You said, leaning back and looking away. You glanced over at your bag that was perched far back behind the counter and breathed a sigh of relief. “Look. I gotta go. I’m supposed to be working right now. I think you should go now as well.”
You stood up from the table so quickly that the chair you were sitting on toppled over. You didn’t bother to turn around and pick it up. You walked back towards the counter without looking back.
Haruto watched you as you walked away. He narrowed his eyes when he saw you grab your bag and walk to the back of the cafe. There was only one thing on his mind as he walked out of the cafe. Your notebook. What was in the notebook?
You frantically flipped to today’s page in your notebook. In all caps with your boldest, darkest black marker you wrote at the top of your notebook. ‘Beware of Haruto. Tall, Handsome. Asked about notebook.’
Then you shut the notebook and exited the back room, breathing a sigh of relief when you noticed that the cafe was vacant once again. You walked over to the cafe table where you had previously sat and picked up the chair that had fallen over when you had left the conversation.
The next day at school Haruto was deep in thought. What could possibly be so important about a notebook? When Hanbyul shoved him, Haruto shrieked as he fell out of his chair. “Dude, what the hell is your problem?”
“What are you thinking about? You look like you’re thinking so hard that your brain might break.”
“Do you have an important notebook? Is that like something girls do?”
“You mean like a diary?”
Haruto snapped his fingers and looked up. “Yes! Exactly like one of those. Do you have one of those?”
“I did when I was younger. I don’t keep one anymore though. Why do you ask?”
“My friend. The one from home, Y/N? I think she has one. I asked her about it yesterday and she got all dodgy and weird.”
“Ah, well. Back when I did keep a diary it held all my dirtiest secrets. I don’t think I would want to share it with anybody or for anybody to know about it. Not even now, and as an elementary schooler I really don’t think I had any secrets worth keeping.”
“It was so weird. She got so defensive over it. I didn’t realize bringing it up would be such a touchy subject.”
Hanbyul shrugged. “Different things matter to different people. Are you ready for tryouts? They’re coming up soon aren’t they?”
Haruto nodded. “Asahi, Mashiho, Yoshi, and I have started going to that gym that you recommended. Lacrosse is actually pretty fun. Mashiho is the best though. Are you coming to tryouts?”
“Of course I am. I’m practically making you go so it’s only fair that I be there to see how you do. I reserve the right to totally make fun of you if you embarrass yourself though.”
Haruto rolled his eyes. “Yeah, whatever.”
Soon enough it was the first day of lacrosse tryouts. Haruto had frequented the cafe that you worked at in hopes of getting the chance to speak to you again. Unfortunately, what he didn’t know was that you had quit the job and diligently stayed home and studied.
Haruto was agitated at the thought of not being able to speak to you again. When he tried to sit down and rationalize it himself he couldn’t make sense of it. A year ago he despised you for not knowing his name. You know his name now, right? What more did he want from you?
“Haruto? Haruto! Hello? Are you even listening to me?”
Haruto turned to look at Hanbyul. “Honestly no, sorry. What’s up?”
“I feel bad for how I treated Jeongwoo. You were right, avoiding him was not the right thing to do. But why hasn’t he said anything to me?”
“Look I can’t tell you what’s going on between the two of you any better than you can. My assumption is that he’s a bit hurt and confused at the moment by how you’re acting and he doesn’t want to make things any worse than they are.”
“Can’t you say something to him?”
“Me?” Haruto looked up from his stick that he was re-taping. “What do you want me to say to him?”
“I don’t know. Just...just get him to react.”
Haruto scoffed. “If you want me to do that I can but again I feel like it’s not going to produce the results that you want. Like I think if I say anything things are gonna go really sour so I think you should think long and hard about this.”
“Look, I gotta go. Tryouts are starting.” Haruto said, turning away and walking onto the field. He didn’t miss the hard stare coming his way from Jeongwoo. Haruto ignored them and focused on his gameplay. Lacrosse had actually become really cathartic for him and he found that he really wanted to make the team.
Haruto noticed that the coaches seemed to be reacting favorably to how he was playing. He also realized that Jeongwoo was also really good but he played really aggressively, like he had something to lose. At the end of practice Haruto figured his hunches must have been correct because the coaches called him over to speak with him.
“I’m sure you know Varsity tryouts were this morning, all of your friends from Japan did great as did you and so we’re thinking about pulling you up to varsity. So tomorrow I want you to come early and try out with the varsity team, alright?”
Haruto beamed and nodded.
“Good work son.” The coach slapped Haruto on the shoulder. He did his best not to fall over. Thankfully the coach didn’t notice.
Haruto walked off the field and headed towards the school parking lot. Just as he pulled his phone out to call someone for a ride home his phone pinged, he tapped on the notification to see that it was a message from Mashiho.
Mashiho: Haruto have JV tryouts ended?
Haruto: Yes, I just finished
Mashiho: Cool. Have you found a ride home yet?
Haruto: No, do you know anyone who can come get me?
Mashiho: Ya, a lot of the guys on varsity can drive. Junkyu is over now but he offered to come pick you up.
Haruto: Junkyu?
Mashiho: He’s trying out for the varsity team. He’s cool. Kinda goofy but cool. I’ll come by with him.
Haruto: Alright, thanks dude.
Mashiho: Np.
Haruto checked the time on his phone before putting it back into his pocket. 6 P.M. Would you be at the cafe? The last few times he had gone by he hadn’t seen you. He put the thought away when a car appeared in front of him. The window rolled down and Mashiho cheered when he saw Haruto. “Get in the car! You smell!”
“Shut up and unlock the door Mashi.” The car door clicked open and Haruto hopped into the backseat. There was a large dude sitting in the driver’s seat who kept fidgeting with a bunch of random controls.
The guy turned around with a giant grin on his face. “Hello! I’m Junkyu. You must be Haruto! Nice to meet you!”
Haruto bowed. “Hello. Yes, I am Haruto. Nice to meet you as well.”
“Ruto! How were tryouts?”
“They were really good. Coach pulled me over at the end of tryouts and told me to come early tomorrow morning and try out with the varsity team.”
“Damn! You must be so good!” Junkyu said from the driver’s seat. Haruto tried not to be concerned by the way Junkyu was driving. His head kept swiveling from left to right. “Did you guys play sports back in Japan? All of you were insane at tryouts today!”
“We all played football. I think Mashi and Yoshi played basketball as well.”
“Football? Do you mean football football or soccer football?”
“Do you kick a ball or do you carry a ball?”
“You kick it. Duh. Why would you carry a ball? That’s just dumb.”
“Americans call a totally different sport football. Don’t worry about it too much. But it’s awesome that you guys are so good.”
“Well to be fair, we were told about that Lacrosse Club and we had a few training sessions every week leading up to try outs.” Mashiho said.
“Ahh! How’d you hear about that? A few of us have been playing on their club teams for a while.”
“My friend told me about it. She’s the person responsible for me in the foreign exchange students program. Hanbyul?”
“Oh! I know who you’re talking about. Her brother was a legend at this school. He was a top recruit since his sophomore year here. But right before the most important game of his senior year he tested positive on a drug test and he couldn’t play. It totally turned him, his team, and the school around. He got dropped by the college that was recruiting him. But I heard he struck a deal with a pro-team and I guess he’s been training with them. The dude was in a league of his own.”
“Damn. That’s insane.”
“Yeah, our school takes lacrosse pretty seriously. The best players at our school get recruited to some of the best schools so it’s a great opportunity.”
Haruto knew there were probably more important things to be thinking about in this conversation but he couldn’t help but wonder if he could get you to come to one of his games.
The second day of tryouts Haruto was absolutely on fire. His shorts were shart, his passes were quick, and his steps were light. The varsity team was definitely of a different caliber but Haruto found the challenge fun. It was nice to be able to play with the rest of the Japanese boys as well.
At the end of varsity tryouts the coach pulled him over, “you were great out there today. How are you feeling?”
“I’m feeling alright coach.”
“Up for a few more hours?”
Haruto paused, but then nodded. He wasn’t in a place to argue with his coaches. “Sure.”
“Great. Then I want you to continue through JV tryouts. Grab some water and then head back out onto the field.”
“Alright coach.”
Haruto jogged out to the edge of the field. He was surprised to see Hanbyul sitting at the edge of the bleachers. “What’s up?”
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“What do you mean what am I doing here? I came to watch your second day of tryouts.”
“Are you sure you’re here to watch me?”
“Shut up. Why are you all sweaty already?”
“Coach had me try out with the varsity team today.”
Hanbyul’s eyes widened. “Dang, you must be awesome. The last two boys that made it onto the varsity team as sophomores were my brother and his best friend Bobby.”
Haruto shrugged. “The game is fun. It would be awesome to play on varsity.”
The coach blew his whistle, signalling all the players to come back out onto the field. Haruto turned around and gathered around. Every so often throughout the day Haruto ran back to the bleachers where Hanbyul sat. His bag was stowed away there as was his secret stash of Coca-Cola. It probably wasn’t smart to be drinking Coke in the middle of tryouts but every so often he needed a pick-me-up.
“You need to quash that habit.”
“Yeah yeah.”
At the end of the day the coach told Haruto to wait for him inside his office. So Haruto did just that.
“So what’d you think about tryouts today?” Coach asked.
“It was intense.”
“Yeah, what did you think of the way the varsity team played?”
“They were quicker, sharper, and more nimble.”
“Good observation. Do you think you were good enough to play on their level?”
“Okay, then answer me another question. If you had to pick another player from the JV tryouts today to pull up to Varsity who would you pick?”
Haruto thought about it for a second. The answer was obvious. The only other person who seemed to put up a fight with him was “Jeongwoo.”
“Good guess.” The coach laughed. “I don’t know what they feed you kids in Japan. But all four of you are good.”
There was a knock on the door. Haruto turned around to see Jeongwoo. He smirked when he saw the sour expression on Jeongwoo’s face. But it was gone once he had walked into the room and stood adjacent to Haruto.
“The two of you have demonstrated amazing capabilities and I am considering pulling one of you up to the varsity team. Take this opportunity seriously. Tomorrow is the last day of tryouts.”
The last place Haruto expected to run into you was at the hospital. The last thing you were expecting at the hospital was for a dude to come up behind you and scare you. It was horrible, you can’t remember the last time you screamed so loudly, let alone at a public place.
“What are you doing here Y/N?”
“Uh, I’m-” you hesitated, trying to craft an answer that was vague enough that you wouldn’t have to tell the whole truth but not vague enough that he wouldn’t continue to ask questions. But thankfully Haruto seemed to take it upon himself to fill the silence.
“Look, I just wanted to say I’m sorry that I totally misjudged you when I first met you? In fact, I thought I hated you.”
Alarm bells went off in your head. Was it normal for a person to come to you and tell you they hated you? “Uh, thanks?”
But Haruto continued. “But I wanted to say I totally read you wrong. You’re actually really cool. And I wanted to say thank you. For remembering my name.”
That was the first time someone had ever said that to you. You stared at him blankly unsure of how to respond.
“Haruto! Haruto! Haruto! Please report to waiting room 105, the doctor is ready for you now.” The voice over the loudspeaker belted.
“Well, that’s me.” Haruto said with a soft smile on his face. He got up and waved goodbye to you before heading to the back of the office.
Once he was safely out of sight you pulled out your notebook. Your face paled once you flipped through it a few times. You thought about what to do. What did this guy want? You wrote out all these questions in your notebook. Then you came to a conclusion of what to do and wrote that down in your notebook as well.
You ripped out a piece of paper from your notebook and scribbled your number on it. Then got up to the receptionist desk. “Hi, I don’t know if you’re allowed to do this. But when that guy Haruto comes out. Would you mind giving him this?”
You handed the sheet of paper over to her, the receptionist gave you a look and then a wink before accepting the sheet of paper. You figured that meant she accepted, so you waved goodbye and left the hospital.
“Excuse me sir!” The receptionist lady called out to Haruto as he was about to head out of the doctor’s office. What felt and looked like a nasty possible sprain on the lacrosse field just turned out to be a measly bruise.
Haruto approached the reception desk. “There was a young lady earlier. She asked me to give this to you before you leave.”
Haruto looked at the slip of paper. His eyes widened into the size of large gumballs when he realized what was on it. He felt like his heart would explode. But then his mind pumped the brakes, he wasn’t ungrateful, but why did you give him your number?
On the way back home you second guessed your decision at least 30 times. Why did you give him your number? The only reason you could think of was that you didn’t want to not know the guy. Contrary to what your mind and your diary told you. Your heart didn’t want to give him up. Maybe it was selfish and confusing, who knew? But who cared?
Haruto’s excitement was cut short when he finished punching your number into his contacts. Before he could even send a message to you, his phone rang. Hanbyul.
“Hey Hanbyul, what’s up?”
Haruto became alarmed when he heard a sniff and a muffled sob. “Haruto, I miss him.”
Haruto sighed. “He’ll come around soon.”
“Is there nothing you can do to make him come around sooner?”
“Hanbyul. If all goes well he’s going to be my teammate. Plus, what could I possibly say to change things?”
“I don’t know. He probably thinks there’s something going on between us.”
Haruto paused. “Is that why you’re friends with me?”
“No, no I swear it’s not. You’re an amazing person and you’ve been an amazing friend.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t like what you’re asking me to do. But you are my friend. If you’re really sure this is the way you want to go about it.”
“I’m- I’m not sure. I just need things to change.”
On the third day of tryouts Haruto was in a funk. And it showed. The events of yesterday night haunted him, he was happy to see you but he was sorry for Hanbyul. Haruto didn’t really like to fight with anybody, but he found her requests unreasonable and the questions she asked about you probing and uncomfortable.
It seemed as if Jeongwoo was the same way. Haruto gave into the niggling voice inside his head and said probably he shouldn’t have said. “You’re gonna lose your girl to me and now you’re gonna lose your spot on the team to me?”
It pushed Jeongwoo off the edge and the two of them went at it. Haruto played ferociously and aggressively. As did Jeongwoo. The game ended when Jeongwoo illegally body checked Haruto.
“Dude what the hell is your problem?”
“No, what’s your problem? Your comment back there? Absolutely uncalled for.”
Valid. But Haruto wasn’t going to admit that. “Please. Pull your head out of your ass. You’re hurting your friend. Talk to her.”
Haruto stood by as he and Jeongwoo got scolded for their behavior. Eventually, tryouts ended with neither one ending up on the varsity team. Haruto knew he probably should have been more bothered but he wasn’t. He had other things on his mind.
When Haruto exited the office he saw Hanbyul waiting outside. She turned to look away from Jeongwoo back to Haruto. Tired and hopeful that their saga would end, Haruto smiled and jutted his chin out towards Jeongwoo. Hanbyul smiled and ran after Jeongwoo.
Since the fateful day you have Haruto your number. Whenever he had a free moment he would ask to see you. After each time you saw him, you thoroughly wrote down everything that had happened in the day. You didn’t want to forget.
A few Mondays ago, you went to get ice cream together. “What’s your favorite food, Haruto?”
“Me? Anything unhealthy.”
You whacked him on the arm for that.
“Ow! What was that for?”
“For being a stupid teenage boy. And because I’m jealous of your metabolism.”
A couple Thursdays ago, Haruto asked you if you wanted to go watch a movie with him. The Uber and the weather didn’t quite work out. “Sorry we missed the movie by 45 minutes. But on the bright side, it’s not raining anymore!”
You laughed. “I guess you’re right. What should we do instead now that we’re here?”
Haruto looked around. He pointed at the grassy meadow. “We should just lay down on the grass and look at the stars.”
“The grass is wet.”
“Look, they're selling plastic tarps over at that convenience store. Let’s just buy one.”
Haruto paid for a plastic tarp and spread it down out on the grassy meadow. The two of you laid on the ground parallel to one another. Until Haruto turned to you “can I hold you?”
You felt your face flush and you looked away. You hesitated for a few moments but eventually Haruto smiled when he heard a soft “yeah.”
So he moved his arm as you lifted your head to rest on top of it. You curled into him as his arm wrapped around your upper body. Haruto’s stomach exploded in butterflies. Your face was on fire. But the two of you were happy, blissful.
Last Friday night Haruto asked you to come to one of his lacrosse games. “Y/N, this is my friend Hanbyul. Hanbyul, this is Y/N.”
“Y/N?” Hanbyul stared at you eyes wide. Like she knew something. She looked like she wanted to say something but she held it in. You wondered what it was, but decided not to think too much about it.
Hanbyul was sweet. She kept you company throughout the game. But she was an aggressive cheer-er. Most of her attention was spent yelling at the field. Her energy was contagious and by the end of the game you were standing on the bleachers cheering “Go Haruto!”
Now it was Saturday and the two of you had finally gone to see the movie that you had meant to see a couple Thursdays ago. You clasped onto the arm that Haruto had held out for you as you exited the movie theater. “That movie was so good! It was so crazy!”
Haruto laughed. “Yeah it was okay.”
“Just okay? You didn’t like it?”
“No, I liked it. It wasn’t bad. But I feel like there were better movies from this cinematic universe you know?”
“Yeah I guess.”
“Which one was your favorite?” Haruto asked.
“Huh?” You looked up at Haruto to see him looking down at you. You turned away. “Um. Would you wanna come back to my place?”
“Huh?” Haruto wasn’t normally caught off guard but this time he was.
“I mean. Not like that. I just, I don’t know I’m not ready for the night to end and I figured since my place is close by we could just go back and chat.”
Haruto smiled. “Yeah, that sounds nice. Let’s go.”
Soon after the two of you arrived at your place, Haruto got situated on the couch and after making sure he was properly settled in. You had gotten up to go fetch your drinks. Haruto spotted your notebook sitting on the edge of the coffee table. He glanced over to see that your attention was fully occupied on making your drinks. Haruto turned back to stare at the notebook. No. The notebook was staring at him. Haruto knew it was wrong. He knew he shouldn’t peek.
But he couldn’t help it. Every time he saw you he either saw the notebook with you or he saw you writing the notebook and every time he even remotely looked in its direction you guarded it with your life. This could be his only chance.
And so, Haruto grabbed the notebook. He flipped through it and saw that it was very meticulously dated. Upon closer inspection he noticed that each entry was timed as well and every timed entry had extensive details about what you saw, what you talked about. Then he flipped backwards and found one page not like the others.
This page wasn’t dated. Instead, it was titled. Haruto. Haruto’s eyes widened. Every line of his designated page was filled. There were things about him on there that even he hadn’t realized he had said. Why had you written all these things down? All these details didn’t seem that important to him. They were like things that were probably easily remembered. Or things you could ask him about, he’d answer if you ever asked him about.
Just as he was about to continue flipping through the pages of the notebook. “What do you think you’re doing?”
An index card fluttered out of the notebook right at Haruto’s feet. Haruto bent down to pick it up. But in a panic you kicked his shin and as he howled and grabbed onto his leg you snatched the card. “What the hell Y/N?”
“No. I should be asking you that. I’ve made it abundantly clear that this notebook is not to be touched. It’s incredibly private to me.”
“What is it? Why is it so important? I asked Hanbyul what it might be and she just said it was probably a diary. What is so special about yours?”
“What is so special about mine?” you were so angry you felt like your head was about to pop. While your head didn’t pop. Your mouth certainly did. “What is so special about mine? This notebook? This notebook. Is my memory. I don’t have a memory.”
You tossed the card at Haruto. He picked it up and read the words on the card as you spoke.
“At age 13 you were involved in a very traumatic car accident. The accident left you in a coma for two weeks. After you recovered from your coma you were diagnosed with anterograde amnesia. From that day on, you no longer have the ability to make memories. The memories you make within a day will only last until you fall asleep wherein your memories of the previous day will be wiped. Use your notebooks to keep track of your days. Use these notebooks to help you remember.”
You could hear your voice waver as you finished reciting the contents on the index card.
“Y/N, I-” Haruto said. The world seemed grayer and grimmer. Everything made so much sense now. Why every time he spoke to you in school you had to ask for his name. Why sometimes you looked confused or blank when he mentioned something or attempted to crack a joke.
“So now you know.” You whispered. You could feel your body start to heave, your breathing became heavy. The gravity of what you had just exposed started to weigh down on you. “You need to leave. You need to leave and never come back.”
“Y/N. I wish you would have told me.”
“Why?” You snarled. “Why would I tell you that? Each day I wake up I can’t even remember who you are. Why would I have told you anything? Just so you could go around pitying me? Telling everyone else about me? Absolutely not.”
Haruto started to feel tears well up in his own eyes. He felt trapped in his own body as he watched your body fail yours. When he saw you collapse something snapped in his head and he got up and picked you up. One arm held you under your shoulder blades and the other below your knees.
“Get. Out.” you said in between wheezes.
“No. Y/N. I’m sorry. I don’t want to. Let me help you.”
“Get. Out.” you said, barely conscious.
“Y/N. You’re scaring me. What do I do? How do I help you? Let me help you and I’ll leave you alone.”
Your eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. Honestly, you weren’t even sure what exactly was going on. Maybe it would be smart to have Haruto call your doctor before he left. “Emergency Numbers. Notebook.”
Haruto placed you down on your bed just as you had passed out. Haruto immediately ran back to the living room and grabbed your notebook that had fallen onto the ground. He flipped through it frantically. What page were the emergency numbers on? He saw them scribbled on the inside of the back cover. He grabbed his phone and dialed the first number listed at the top.
“Hello? Is this Y/N’s doctor? She’s just passed out and I don’t know what to do. I’m in her apartment right now. Someone please come help me.” Haruto hadn’t even realized that tears had been streaming down his face until he saw wet splotches appear on the notebook. He wiped them quickly and sniffed. “This is scaring me.”
“Yes, this is Y/N’s doctor. I’m on my way over. Who is this?”
“Haruto. I’m a friend of hers.”
“Haruto. You did good, son. Just wait. I’ll be there in a second.”
“Doctor. Is she gonna be okay?”
“Honestly I can’t tell you right now. I have to check up on her. Right now I’m in front of her door so you can let me in.” The call ended and Haruto opened the door.
“Is she in her room?” The stout man asked.
Haruto nodded and followed him back into your room. He tried to help the doctor but eventually the doctor turned to him and said “son, just relax. Give me some space. She should be fine. She had a panic attack, something must have worked her up. But she’ll wake up. But, it might be better if you aren’t here by the time she wakes up.
“I understand, doctor.”
The doctor took a good look at him. Then nodded grimly before turning his attention back to you. Before Haruto could leave though he saw a stack of index cards, a roll of washi tape, and a pen sitting on your desk. He was still holding your notebook from earlier. He grabbed the materials and headed back out to the living room.
Before he left he scribbled out a note. Then pulled something out of his wallet and taped it to the back of the index card. He then taped the index card to the inside of the front cover before shutting the notebook and leaving it in the middle of your coffee table. He held in a sob as he got up. How had things gone so sour so quickly?
Haruto walked back over to your room and peeked in. Your doctor was still busy doting on you. So he turned around and exited your apartment. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and called Junkyu. “Hey, can you pick me up?”
“Yeah of course. Send me the address.” Junkyu said, trying not to be too alarmed by the tone of Haruto’s voice.
Eventually, you woke up. After reading the note that your doctor had taped to your hand explaining the situation you took a deep sigh. What a shit show. You needed to find the notebook your doctor had mentioned in his note.
It was sitting in the very middle of your coffee table. You flipped through the last few pages to read your entries. Your eyes started to water and you felt yourself get emotional. You could sense that you had grown close to someone. You read about yourself and how you felt about Haruto, but who was Haruto? For the most part you had made peace with your situation but for the first time in a long time, you began to feel frustrated. Angry. Cheated of a normal life that other 16 year old girls got to live.
Just as you were about to shut the notebook you noticed there were two index cards taped to the inside cover. The first one explained your situation. It was more or less what your doctor had just explained to you. But the second one was new. You lifted it up to your face and began to read it aloud.
If you’re reading this, I want you to know that you are the love of my life. My name is Haruto Watanabe and I am 16 years old. I met you for the first time in our freshman year of high school back then when we lived in Japan. We were only 14 years old. I used to be jealous of you, how you beat me in school every time even if just by a little bit. I also resented you because I thought you never bothered to remember my name.
By some stroke of fate, we both ended up in America. Whether by fate or not we saw each other a few more times and met up with each other and I really began to fall for you. You are the kindest, most beautiful, and genuine person I have ever met in my life.
I want you to know that even with your condition. My opinion and my feelings towards you have not changed. I want to be honest with you and tell you what I did and I hope in time you can read this and not feel angry.
Y/N, I did something bad. I invaded your privacy. You see, every time I saw you you fiercely guarded this notebook. Everytime I asked about it or possibly glimpsed at it you would react so strongly so eventually the curiosity of needing to know what was in the notebook killed me. And one day when your attention was occupied elsewhere, I read it.
It seemed like a regular diary to me but you caught me in the act and got upset with me. You explained to me your condition and I want you to know I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry I behaved so insensitively. If I were a more selfless man I would have left your life for good. But I am not. I’ve attached my school I.D. to the back of this card. On it has my name, my picture, and my phone number.
If you ever find it in yourself to forgive me. Please give me a call. I will always love you.
Haruto Watanabe
You flipped the back of the card over. Sure enough there was a school I.D. taped to the back. You pulled the card off and stared at it. The boy in the picture was handsome. He was tall. His height was 6’2”. You scoffed, at least you had good taste.
You saw his phone number at the bottom. You pondered over whether or not to call him, what would you even say to him? Where would he even fit in your life?
These were the questions that ran through your mind as you pulled your phone out and dialed his number. You stared at the numbers as you recited them aloud again. Your thumb hovering above the green button.
353 notes · View notes
hangovercurse · 3 years
You work at the preschool next to Casie’s middle school. One day, you catch Colson’s eyes while working, and lucky for him you happen to know his daughter.
Request: “Hi!! Let me start out by saying that you are so so so talented!! I was wondering if you’d write something about colson falling for a preschool teacher? like he just sees her one day while he’s picking up casey from the middle school and he’s all soft seeing her interact with the kids and he makes up excuses to keep coming to see you!?”
Colson X Reader
Warnings: Cursing (maybe?)
A/N: I did that thing where I write too much… again.
Word Count: 2394
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Colson tapped his fingers against the steering wheel, drumming softly to the beat of the music coming from his radio. He pulled into the school parking lot, the line already a million cars long it seemed. But he promised Casie he would pick her up whenever he wasn’t working so she didn’t have to take the bus. If that meant spending thirty minutes in a line of slow-moving cars, so be it.
As he was jamming, he glanced out the passenger window, finding a smaller building with a chain link fence outside, surrounding a child’s playground. The door happened to swing open while he was looking, and from there time seemed to move in slow motion.
Out of the door came a dozen or so toddlers, waddling their way outside, surrounding the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. The sun bounced off of your skin perfectly, making everything around you seem so much brighter.
Your skirt flowed with the slight breeze, making the scene more picturesque. He watched as you reached down, picking up one of the toddlers and holding him in your arms. The small boy seemed to be crying, over what Colson couldn’t tell.
You seemed to be speaking to the boy, bouncing him up and down in your arms to comfort him. Meanwhile, a little girl with pigtails made her way over to you. You spoke to her brightly, reaching the arm that wasn’t holding the boy to hold her hand.
Colson’s eyes followed you as you let her drag you over to the playground. You supported her as she climbed the small rock-climbing wall and reach the landing for the slide. You then smiled as she made her way down the slide, telling her good job when she made it to the bottom.
You then turned your attention back to the boy in your arms, making silly faces at him until he laughed.
All it took was those few moments for Colson to get hooked. If there was one thing he found attractive above all else, it was women who loved children. He refused to date anyone who wasn’t supportive of his relationship with Casie, so you were already ahead of everyone on his list. It also helped that you were breathtakingly beautiful.
Colson just got good vibes from you. From his brief observation of you, he could tell you were compassionate and kind, but also childlike and fun, much like himself.
The blonde man was pulled from his thoughts as the car in front of him started moving, signaling the line was moving.
 The next day, Colson had a plan. Instead of driving into the school parking lot, he pulled into the pre-school. He checked himself out in the mirror, praying he would see you working. He stepped out of the car, putting on his best confused dad face, and walked into the building.
And by some miracle, you happened to be speaking with the woman at the front desk.
You were even prettier up close, eyes meeting his and stopping him dead in his tracks. You smiled kindly, voice ringing out, “can I help you, sir.”
He returned your smile, “I was looking for the middle school but I have a feeling I ended up in the wrong place.”
You giggled slightly, “just a little. The middle school is just next door.” You pointed to your right. “Are you picking up a sibling?” You asked.
Truthfully, the man had caught your eye the moment he stepped into the door. It was rare you saw someone your own age, and he was exponentially more attractive than most men. What would it hurt if you got to know him a little bit?
“My daughter, actually.” He spoke, fiddling with the key in his hand. You tilted your head, his face seeming vaguely familiar.
You hesitated before speaking, “who’s your daughter? I substitute over there sometimes and you look vaguely familiar.”
He bit his lip, hoping he hadn’t blown his cover. “Casie Baker.” But surely, he’d have remembered you if he’d met you.
Your eyes widened at the name, “Casie? She’s my absolute favorite!” You grinned at the man, realizing immediately that their similar features made him feel familiar. “She’s awesome.”
Colson smiled, letting out a nervous chuckle, “thank you. Yeah, she’s great.”
“She tells me about you. Whenever I sub in her classes, she talks about how cool you are.”
Colson blushed lightly, rubbing his neck. “I’m Colson.” He reached out an arm to shake your hand, mentally kicking himself as soon as he did it.
You found it endearing, shaking his hand “Y/N.”
 A few days passed and Colson still couldn’t get over how soft your hands were, or how your touch sent electricity running through his body.
He felt ridiculous, leaving rehearsals and recording sessions to pick Casie up with the hope that he gets a glimpse of you.
After a few days of nothing, he almost loses that hope. Until he happens to arrive at the school a little bit early, windows rolled down to let the cool air in. He hears the sudden sound of children laughing, pulling his attention to the playground next door.
And there you are, in all your beautiful glory. Guiding the kids out, helping them into swings and onto the stairs.
Colson must’ve pleased some God because you looked over your shoulder and found him. Of all the cars in the line, you found his, eyes locking immediately. You smiled softly, reaching a hand over to him and waving. He waved back, trying to keep his cool. But really, he was freaking out.
He thought about saying something, or mouthing something, rather, as you were too far away to hear him, but he was stopped by the beautiful brown hair of his favorite girl in the world. Casie plopped herself down on the seat next to him, her backpack falling to the floor with a frown on her face.
She looked up to her dad, about to complain about her day when she saw his preoccupation. She followed his eyes, finding you in the playground. Immediately her mood was lifted, and she turned back to her dad with a grin on her face.
“Daaad?” She questioned, her voice lifting at the end of her question. The blond man looked down to her a soft smile in his face.
“Hey Case, how was school?”
“You think she’s pretty, right?” Casie ignored his question.
Colson scoffed, rolling his eyes, and shifting his car into gear. “She’s… pretty. I guess.” He mumbled, pressing lightly on the gas.
Casie continued smiling up at him, “that’s Ms. Y/N. She’s the coolest.”
“Put your seatbelt on.” He said, pulling out of the parking lot. “And I know, I met her the other day.”
Casie’s eyes lit up at the thought of her two favorite adults meeting. “Really? How? Did you like her?”
Colson chuckled at his daughter, “I went into the pre-school parking lot by accident and she showed me how to get here.” He blushed, knowing Casie would easily spot his lie.
And that she did, “I’ve been going here for almost two years, how did you accidentally go into the wrong parking lot? You pick me up all the time.”
Colson coughed nervously, “so, how was school?” He tried to change the subject.
Casie gasped, “did you go to the preschool just to see her? You like her!”
“I just met her Casie.”
“You like Ms. Y/N!” she sang, dancing in her seat.
“How was school, loser?” He asked, laughing at her.
She ignored him, again. “Does she know you’re my dad? Did she say anything about me?”
He rolled his eyes, chuckling to himself at her excitement. “Yes, she does, and yes, she did.”
“What did she say?” Casie practically yelled.
“She said you were the worst student she’s ever substituted for.” He smirked, flinching lightly as Casie slapped his arm.
“She did not say that!” The girl pouted, “Ms. Y/N is my favorite teacher in the whole world.”
He couldn’t help but smile at her affection for you. “She’s not even technically your teacher. But she did say that you were her favorite student.”
Her eyes twinkled, “really?”
Colson nodded, “she also told me that you talk about me in class.” He looked at the girl, raising an eyebrow, “any reason why?”
Casie sunk into her seat, a guilty expression on her face. “No.” Colson looked back to the road, but his eyebrow was still raised, “Okay, fine. I just think it’d be really cool if my favorite dad and my favorite teacher were… friends.”
Colson laughed, “I am your only dad, first of all, and second… don’t be weird.”
“But you said you liked her!” Casie pointed out, making the man’s ears turn red.
“I said she was pretty, that’s not the same thing.”
Casie sang again, “whatever you say.”
He rolled his eyes again, letting out a sigh and dropping the conversation, knowing he would lose. “Are you gonna tell me how school was or not?”
Casie sighed, hitting her back against the seat, “Mr. Clemmons was being mean today again. He said he’s not gonna curve our test even though only 2 people got an A on it.” She crossed her arms and huffed.
Colson pouted, bringing a hand to rub her shoulder, “what’d you get on it?”
She mumbled out, “a B.”
His eyes went wide, “dude, what? That’s awesome, that’s above average. You should be proud of that!” He always tried to encourage Casie, knowing the insane amount of pressure people put on their kids nowadays and not wanting her to feel that.
Casie shrugged, “yeah but my guidance counselor says if I want to get into a magnet program in high school, I have to get all A’s. And I have to get in a magnet program high school to get into a good college.”
His eyes went wide as he pulled into his driveway, “woah, woah, woah. You’re 11 years old! You don’t need to worry about that stuff and whoever is telling you that is wrong. Getting a B or even a C isn’t gonna stop you from getting into whatever program you want, I promise.”
Casie sighed, opening the door, and sliding out. “I don’t wanna talk about this anymore. Can we go back to talking about how you like Ms. Y/N?” She asked, her shoulders slumped.
Colson rolled his eyes, climbing out of the car and following her inside. “I don’t like Ms. Y/N.” He groaned.
“Whatever, but next time she substitutes my class, I’m texting you and you’re gonna bring me lunch and talk to her.” Casie said, going to her room and throwing her backpack onto her bed.
 A week and a half later, Colson was sitting in his car in the school parking lot, staring at himself through his rearview mirror. He looked at the bag of chick-fil-a in the passenger side seat and sighed. His phone buzzed, a text from Casie coming through.
Lunch is starting, where are you???
He chuckled and texted back.
Going to the office now, calm down
He grabbed the bags and drinks, opening his door and stepping out. He made his way through the office, getting his visitor’s badge, and moving towards the cafeteria. He opened the door, searching through the sea of children for his daughter, only to find your eyes instead.
You smiled brightly, head tilting as if to ask why he’s here. He returned the smile, holding up the bags to answer your question. Casie appeared next to you, waving her hand. Colson made his way through the pre-teens, trying not to crush any of them.
Casie and you giggled at his struggle, joking with each other. Eventually he reached you two, setting the food on the table that Casie had reserved just for you three. The girl took her place across from him, motioning you to sit down next to him. You laughed but followed her directions.
Colson took the food out of the bag, passing Casie her sandwich and fries and pulling his food out of the bag. He turned to you, a smile on his face. “Woah, they must’ve given me an extra sandwich.” He held it out for you to take.
You obliged, giggling lightly. “How strange.” You commented, your smile never leaving.
“Oh, right. Ms. Y/N, this is my dad, Colson. Dad, this is Ms. Y/N, the best substitute ever.” Casie said, pointing between the two.
Colson chuckled, “yes, Casie. We’ve met.” He looked over to you, hiding his laugh behind his sandwich.
“Yep. Someone got lost and found me at the preschool.” You said, your voice exaggerating. Shit, Colson thought, you were onto him. “Speaking of, Casie. I know you’ve been talking about needing volunteer hours. If you want you can come by after school some days and help me with the aftercare program? I can take you home afterwards if your dad can’t pick you up.”
Casie smiled brightly, nodding her head. “Yes! Yes, yes, yes!”
Colson watched the interaction, fondness in his eyes. If he wasn’t sure before, he was now. He was falling hard.
You turned to him, kindness in your eyes, “if it’s okay with your dad.” You said and he nodded.
“Yeah, if you don’t mind having her around. I’m cool with it.” He tried to hide the blush on his cheeks as you continued to look at him, taking in his features.
Casie squealed, “thank you!”
You simply smiled and shrugged, “it’s not a big deal. I get some extra help and I get to spend some more time with my favorite 11-year-old. Maybe her dad can even stop by and help sometime.”
You turned to the man next to you, who was sure he’d turned very red. He was never this nervous around women, but something about you made him incredibly self-conscious, like he had to impress you.
He mumbled out a quick “huh?” before registering your question. “Uh, yeah, sure. If you want me to come help. I’d be cool with that.” He turned to meet your eyes.
You giggled, holding the eye contact, “I do want you to. I’d like it a lot if you did.”
Casie looked between you two, suddenly regretting what she’d done, “are you two done? I’m trying to eat my sandwich.”
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earthfire-75 · 3 years
You Send Me Flying
(Author’s notes: written with @nature-and-music, beta’ed by @lady-jane-revisited. Warnings: language, smut will come later)
I don't want to make a habit of this
But seeing you is like getting a fix
Every time I kid myself; I'll never do it again
Definition of love on a cliff
A lemming has no alternative
I want to die in your arms
That's my suicide wish
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Chapter One:
I’m at a party with Vince where he’s playing with his band, Rock Candy. We had gone to school together, along with Tommy, who we hadn’t seen or heard from since graduation. That’s about to change.
I’m talking with some of the guests around me when the singer’s set is over and start to excuse myself so I can join him at the bar. I’m getting better about being more social, but sometimes it’s still a little overwhelming. The next thing I hear is a familiar voice greeting Vince. I turn around just in time to see him hugging Tommy. When they pull away, I jump up to hug the other man in a bear hug.
“Tommy! I’ve missed you!” then I smack his shoulder, hard. “Where the hell have you been?!”
“Ow,” Tommy whined, rubbing his shoulder. “Trying to start a band, man! Damn, you hit hard!” His eyes light up and he pulls a tape out of his jacket pocket. “That reminds me! Vince, we still need a singer,” Tommy says, handing the tape over. “Give it a listen, will ya?”
Vince hesitantly takes the tape, asking who else is in the band. Tommy happily points out the other two who came with him. I lean toward Tommy, getting a better look. Both men are cute, but I have a weak spot for blue eyes.
“Who’s the short one?” I ask.
“Dude, no way!” Tommy laughs. “He’s like… old!”
“He doesn’t look that old! Plus, you know I have a thing for blue eyes.” I whispered that last part so only Tommy and Vince could hear. I look over at them again and I see him looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Had he heard us anyway?
“Gross,” Tommy mutters before turning his attention back to Vince. “Just give the tape a listen, man. There’s a number on it where you can reach us.”
“Yeah, alright, I’ll listen to it tonight.”
After a quick goodbye, I couldn’t help myself, watching the “old man” walk away. Vince laughs beside me. “You finally found someone you’re willing to give it up for?”
“Shut up, Blondie!”
About a week later, after convincing Vince to actually listen to the tape, we went to audition. Well, he did, I went for moral support. His girlfriend came too, who acted like a bitch from the moment we got there. She completely ignores Nikki’s greeting and then just stands there looking at them, half in disgust. I shake the bassist's hand in formal greeting, as does Vince.
“Nikki Sixx,” he addresses with a wide smile, then pointing to the “old man” as he plugged in his guitar. “That’s Mick Mars right there.”
He nodded his head as he adjusted his guitar strap comfortably upon his shoulder. I gave him a little smile, but his focus was on his instrument, something that I could understand.
Nikki tapped on my shoulder, “There’s some beer in the fridge if you want some.”
I thanked him and as I headed towards the kitchen, I couldn’t help but overhear Vince asking what was the matter to his girlfriend. Her response was something along the lines of making sure that the rest of the guys were good enough to play with him. The silence in the apartment was so prevalent that one could hear a pin drop after such a remark. I rolled my eyes as I cracked open the bottle cap, making my way back to the living room. The first strum of Mick’s guitar made my heart stop for a split second, the same feeling intensified when Tommy and Nikki played along as well. The vocals from Vince that came in seconds later really boosted their sound. I rested my back against the wall as I heard them play. However things came to halt when Vince’s girl told them to stop, commenting that their music was “too heavy.”
“Hey, how about giving him an actual chance?!” I asked a little more angrily than I intended. Then I turned to Vince. “You got this.”
The boys talked amongst themselves about changing up the tuning and tempo, Nikki recommending to Vince about where he could really push it vocally. Next thing we knew, the four of them practically created an earthquake, their little session could have brought the roof down! We were shocked and amazed at how incredible they sounded. It was heavy and just the right amount of aggressive. I clapped after they completed their song and exclaimed that they sounded amazing!
Tommy was ecstatic as he stood up and gave Vince a high five, “Fuck yeah dude! You sound amazing!”
Nikki appeared as if the wheels in his head were turning, reflecting on what just occurred in the last few minutes, meanwhile Mick simply stood there as if nothing happened. Tommy ran to the fridge to grab everyone a celebratory drink.
Nikki groaned, “Dude, come on, we need to save those for later-”
Tommy ignored his unfinished remark as he passed the bottles around, “That was crazy, Vince you sounded awesome! And Mick, holy shit, I’ve never heard guitar playing like that before!”
Mick shrugged as he took a gulp of his drink, “Whatever, come on we have more to work on.” He kept his head down and strummed the strings, although I could see a little smile pulling at his lips. “Alright, what’s next Nikki?”
The bassist turned to the band and so they played another tune, this time even louder and heavier than the previous one. The banging from the annoyed neighbors downstairs could barely be heard, although I could definitely feel the pounding from below my feet. I couldn’t help but get lost in their sound as I watched them, especially the way Mick’s fingers would manipulate and pull at the strings. If I didn’t know any better, I could have sworn that he looked at me for a brief second. Regardless of what I thought I saw, the musicians played one more song, one that was a little slower, yet still could pack a punch musically and lyrically. Tommy would perform a little trick where he would twirl his drum sticks when the timing seemed right, Nikki would put his best foot forward as he plucked the strings of his bass, Vince would proceed to move his body the way a snake slithers across the grass, and Mick had loosened up a bit himself. The guitarist would lean forward, pointing the neck of his instrument away from him and mimicking a shooting- like motion.
Now it was time for a break, they all congregated in the kitchen and helped themselves to another round of drinks. Even Vince’s girlfriend was more or less slowly warming up to the rest of the band. Although I could see from the looks on Nikki’s and Mick’s faces that they weren’t the least bit interested in her being around them with the attitude she gave them earlier. Mick looked over to me and I could see that little smirk again, but he actually kept it this time.
“So what do you think? About the music?” he asked.
I smiled, “You guys sounded amazing. I’ve never heard anything like it before. I don’t even think the punk music scene sounds this hard.”
Nikki interjected, “Yeah, well that’s them, not us.”
“Is that your best attempt at a ‘thank you’ Nikki?” I pondered with a chuckle.
“Shut up,” he responded with a chortle.
Vince’s girlfriend took her man by the arm, “Vince, can you step outside for a second? I want to talk to you.”
The poor man had no choice but to follow, giving us a nod and to let us know that he’d be back shortly. Once she was out of sight, everyone let out a sigh of relief.
“Hate to be him,” Nikki mentioned, causing Tommy to snicker. He turned to me, “Listen, we got to practice a bit more, but you're welcome to stay if you want to.”
I smiled and nodded, “Cool man, yeah I’d like that.”
Tommy sat up on the countertop, dangling his long legs as he took another swig, “Cool! So where are we gonna play first? I hope it’s not gonna be a bunch of pool parties or gyms.”
I rested against the fridge, “I think you guys need a name first, Tommy.”
“We’re gonna work on that tonight, as soon as Vince gets his ass back here,” Nikki noted. “And hey, when we get our first gig, you can come too. But the bitch ain’t coming.”
We could all wholeheartedly agree on that matter.
@nature-and-music @lady-jane-revisited @mickmarstookmyheart @sophiazeppelinchick @gothicfuneralsblog @thesmokingguns
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Just Ask
Prompts: Hey… So, I was wondering if you could write a fic where one of the sides are dyslexic? Since that usually just ends as "Oh, I can't read, oh no!" and not like the actual neurodiversity it is. Yes, I admit, I want to relate to one too, but… Well. It'd be awesome if you would, but if that's too tall an order or too specific that's fine too. If you do, though, maybe college AU with roceit? -anon
Hi you're amazing! I love your writing and brand of writing and just I've read a lot of your stories and I love them all kskejejwuwugfhsv-
I was wondering, if you take requests, that maybe you could write a human AU with fake dating Roceit? With confident fat Janus because we need that! Or not, that's your choice!
(I sound like some snob asking for a highly specific coffee shi-) - anon
oh babe y'all wanted to be FED huh
Read on Ao3
Warnings: slight ableist/fatphobic language
Pairings: roceit
Word Count: 2487
Sometimes, you can get all of your work done in the library. Sometimes, people are ableists.
And sometimes there's something wonderful in finding out there's someone there for you as well.
Roman scrubs his hands over his face and sighs. Between waiting ages at the printer or absolutely destroying his retinas by staring at a screen for hours on end, he isn’t unhappy with making the choice to save the environment by using less paper but god.
“At least this pdf was convertible,” he mutters, scrolling down to see how many pages he has left. The last four weren’t and reading without the right font is a fucking pain in the ass.
Seven pages left. Great.
Roman focuses on the screen and starts to mutter under his breath again. Focus on the word, figure it out, make the sentence, move on. Pause to take notes, make sure it’s legible to read later, and repeat.
A computer and heavy bag thuds onto the table next to him and he jumps, almost knocking his coffee over. He looks up, glaring at the person who stares down their nose at him like he’s some sort of stain. Rude.
“You’ve been here for like, three hours, dude,” they say, like that’s supposed to justify their behavior, “move. I need this spot.”
Roman looks around. There’s like, four more tables open. “Can’t you just go sit somewhere else?”
“No! This is my spot! You can go sit somewhere else.”
“Well,” Roman mutters, glaring at his screen again, “I was here first. So you can either wait until I’m done or sit down.”
“Dude, I swear—“
“Excuse me,” comes a smooth voice that has no business being this polished in the fucking library, “is this person bothering you, sweetie?”
Roman turns around and his mouth drops open.
Janus raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms and glaring at the dick with the heavy bag. Who, as a matter of fact, seems to be muttering and stuffing shit back into said bag.
“Sorry I’m late,” Janus drawls, still sounding way too confident and way too much like he knows what’s going on, “got held up after class.”
“Uh, no problem,” he mumbles, glancing over his shoulder to see the asshole is still standing there, “just, um…working.”
“Ah, well then, you won’t mind if I join you.” And with that, Janus sits down with a flourish, propping his chin up on his hand and fixing the asshole with an impressive look of disgust. “And you…you can leave.”
“Look, buddy—“
“My partner and I have work to do,” Janus says, swiftly cutting them off and making sure Roman has no idea what’s going on, “now leave.”
Roman’s really glad there was no ambiguity that Janus could’ve been talking to him, because he’s about ready to bolt. Only when the asshole has retreated does Janus turn his gaze to him.
“Sorry about that,” he says, flicking a speck of imaginary lint from his gloves, “he seemed like he was bothering you. Thanks for playing along.”
“Oh, uh, no, I’m, uh—“ Janus raises an eyebrow as Roman stumbles over his words— “sorry. Uh, thanks?”
Janus chuckles. “Oh, no worries, sweetie. I was happy to do it. Although…”
Janus squints at him and Roman fights the urge to squirm under that gaze.
“You’re in my seminar class, aren’t you?” Roman nods. “The one that let out three hours ago?”
“Yeah, uh-huh.”
“Have you…been here since then?”
Roman nods, trying to get back to work and, you know, maybe get out of here, only for Janus to reach across the table and still his hands as he goes to pick up the pen again.
“Have you eaten?”
“Eaten,” Janus says slowly, mouth stretching into a smile, “lunch, sweetie.”
“Uh—“ no, is the correct answer— “I was going to?”
Janus just gives him a look.
“Mm.” Janus glances at his computer and notebook. “You’re not by any chance attempting to read all of the assignments in one go, are you?”
Roman’s guilty flush seems to answer that question for him. Janus sighs and it’s such an odd mixture of disappointment and fondness Roman hasn’t earned that his brain spits out the only question he actually wants an answer to.
“Why are you here?”
Janus chuckles. “In the library, at this school, or are we already to the point of questioning the very nature of existence?”
Roman just blinks at him.
“Oh, relax, sweetie, I’m teasing.” Janus glances off in the vague direction the asshole wandered off to. He leans a little closer. “I know how…difficult it can be to try and do work when they bother you.”
Roman’s cheeks flush. “Oh, uh…thanks, then.”
Janus waves a hand. “It’s none of their business why you’re doing so much work at once. Even if it does make you skip lunch,” he adds with such a pointed look that Roman can’t help splutter.
“I was going to! And you’re not my mother!”
“No,” Janus purrs, “but like any good partner, I like to make sure my sweetie takes care of themselves.”
Roman does not squeak, despite Janus’s chuckles, but he does start to fiddle with his pen. “I can’t…stop yet.”
“Why ever not?”
“Can you stop,” Roman blurts, scrubbing his hands over his blushing face, “please? For like, two seconds?”
“Sorry, you’re just adorable.”
“Stop, dude, seriously, if you want an actual answer to the question?”
“I’m done,” Janus chuckles, “I’m done, sorry.”
Roman takes a deep breath. He fiddles with the pen. “It’s just—with my dyslexia, it takes a while to…find the, um…”
Janus hums in understanding. Then he reaches into his own bag and pulls out a book of his own. “Then we may as well work together until you’re finished.”
Roman blinks. Hi, hello, brain is confused, what just happened in the last five minutes?
Janus waves a hand in front of his face. “Hello? Sweetie? You okay?”
“Sorry, I’m just—trying to process what happened.” Roman blinks again. “Because it seems like some asshole tried to take my seat, you came up and pretended to be my partner to scare them away, proceeded to badger me about taking care of myself, and now you’re…still here?”
Janus nods. “That’s how I experienced it too, that’s correct.”
“…so now what’re we doing?”
“Well, I’m also going to try and get some work done, you’re going to finish your work, and then we’re going to get lunch.”
“And what about the dude that now thinks we’re partners?”
Janus looks at him and shrugs. “I’m game if you are.”
Roman blinks again. Is…Janus suggesting they fake being in a relationship to, what, defend Roman’s right to sit wherever the fuck he wants for however long in a library?
“What’s in it for you?”
“You heard me,” Roman says, “what’s in it for you?”
Janus’s fingers still on the book he’s pulled out. He sighs and looks up at Roman.
“How long have you known about your dyslexia?”
Jumping around a bit here, aren’t we? “About six years, why?”
“And you know how to manage it? For you?”
“Uh, yeah, why?”
“That doesn’t mean it goes away,” Janus says softly, “it’s still work, you just…know how to do it now.”
“Yeah, it still takes me time to do things, why—“ Roman’s eyes widen— “oh. Oh, wait, you mean—wait, what do they have against you?”
Janus’s mouth tugs up into a smirk. “How sweet.”
“Shut up,” Roman mumbles, “you know what I mean.”
Janus just winks at him before sobering. “Well,” he says wryly, gesturing at himself, “surely you can understand that…not everyone treats you very well when you aren’t the circumference of a toothpick.”
Oh. They’re those kind of assholes. Something Janus chuckles about when that thought gets out before Roman can stop them.
“Quite. I can manage them, but it’s still work.” He looks at Roman. “Maybe we can split the load?”
“I’m down with that.”
“Wonderful. Now,” Janus says, mock sternly, “get back to work. We have lunch to get.”
Roman chuckles. “Sure, sure, don’t ask to borrow my notes.”
“I would never, I just forget things like a cool person and make things up that the professor likes to hear.”
Yeah, this is gonna go just fine.
As it turns out, it does. Roman won’t lie, he was…skeptical about the viability of this plan of theirs. He’s read the stories. He knows how this works. He knows about the misunderstandings and whether it’s a bet or a dare, something goes wrong.
But…nothing does.
Watching Janus tear anyone to shreds is entertaining enough in class, where Roman gives up on taking debate notes and just watches because goddamn, but when he gets to stand there and just glare at some ableist while Janus verbally decimates them? Poetic cinema. He debates sneaking some popcorn into his jacket pocket but that would take away from the power of his glare.
And it is nice to have someone else do the work of glaring assholes away from his table when he’s working on reading. He would be lying if he said that actually having someone else to talk to isn’t part of it. It’s so much easier to keep track of where he’s messing up so he can focus on it during his exercises later.
“You know,” Janus remarks as they leave the library one day, “you can ask the professors for editable pdfs.”
“For your font stuff.” Janus nods toward his backpack. “I know you like to change the font so you can read it better, most of them have editable copies of the materials.”
“Not for the eBooks and scans and stuff.”
Janus huffs, waving his hand. “How do you think they get the audio transcripts for the recorded versions? They have to transcribe it anyway, just ask for those.”
Roman stops. “How…how do you know those exist?”
Janus just taps the side of his nose and winks.
“Can…can you do that?”
“Of course.” Janus links his arm through Roman’s. “Anything for you.”
That shouldn’t do what it does to Roman’s chest.
Because yeah, okay, maybe Janus is…really cute.
Like, unfairly cute.
No one should be able to rock that hat all the time. And the gloves. And the pocket watch. And the curly hair. And the attitude. And the impressive vocabulary. And the razor-sharp wit. And he actually knows how to flirt! What is flirting? All Roman knows is Gay Panic™ and Suffering™. What is this? Why is it allowed?
And why, oh why, did Janus have to be the one that started the fake-dating idea?
Because here’s the thing. It would be so easy to just be friends with Janus. It would! They’re already friends now, fake-dating kind of does that to you. And Janus, despite what he wants everyone else to believe, is a fucking dork. His actual laugh is squeaky and bubbly and ugh, Roman could drown in it. And he’s really kind. It’s not the same breed of kind that Roman’s used to, but goddamn, Janus is so sweet when he lets himself be. And it’s been so long since Roman had like, an actual friend…
But it would also be so easy to be more than friends with Janus. To actually be able to take him out for dates and not just lunch at their janky cafeteria. To be able to spend time together that isn’t just for show, or platonic, or just hanging out ranting about stupid dead supposed-to-be-smart people.
Again, Roman’s read the stories. He knows how this is supposed to go.
So when he takes a little longer to pack up one day, enough that Janus notices and eases himself back down into his seat with a soft, real, ‘what’s wrong, sweetie, let me help,’ Roman prepares the bittersweet ‘nothing, I’m fine,’ and to swallow down everything real.
But instead…
“Can we, um, actually date?”
Janus blinks. “Come again, sweetie?”
Roman fiddles with the buckle on his bag. “I, um, I really appreciate what we’ve been doing, and I, um, I’m super happy being your friend…”
“The feeling is mutual.”
“…but I, um—“ god, why are words so hard?— “I think I would actually like to try…dating you. For real.”
He peeks up nervously at Janus.
“Is…is that okay?”
Janus sits there, silent. He blinks a few times. Then a slow, real smile spreads across his face.
“Roman,” he says softly, almost too quiet, even in the hush of the library, “why do you think I proposed this idea in the first place?”
Roman blinks. “Wait, you—you?”
A pretty flush covers Janus’s face. “Well, I…was planning to ask you normally, but then I saw you being absolutely tormented and…panicked.”
“You panicked?”
He throws his hands up. “Well, what was I supposed to do? The most gorgeous person in my seminar was being bullied and I was supposed to just let it happen?”
Wait. Back up. Roman is what?
“And yes, maybe I...wanted an excuse to be your friend first, but as I said, I panicked and so—“
“You—wait, you think I’m pretty?”
Janus stops, mouth open, before he’s scoffing. “Roman, have you seen yourself?”
“At least you’re pretty,” Janus mutters under his breath, “pretty and dumb, but pretty.”
“You can be big of brain and dumb of ass at the same time, sweetie.”
“Oh, says the man whose idea was to fake-date me because you wanted to actually ask me out!”
“I will not be lectured on dramatics from a theater kid.”
“That’s ex-theater kid to you.”
“Oh, you know once you go, you never come back.”
Roman giggles. Then he’s laughing. Janus joins in and oh, this is much better than shoving feelings down and pretending they don’t exist.
“You’re such a fucking dork.”
“No,” Janus purrs, reaching over to boop the end of Roman’s nose, “I’m your fucking dork.”
Oh. Oh, that sounds…really good. Roman’s chest is really warm now, when did that happen? Janus smiles too.
“You’re paying.”
“I’ll pick you up at six.”
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56 notes · View notes
omg violet you write so well!! if you can, could you write a taehyung nsfw of while on vacation, tae's girlfriend wakes him up early with kisses and promises to do "whatever he wants" if he gets up with her and explores the city and tae holds her to that promise when they get back to their hotel starting with some steamy (private) hot tub sex?
Anon, you are awesome but you have ruined my brain. I got so carried away writing this fic, it is double the size I thought it would be. Many thoughts, head full typa situation. Thank you. This one is titled Only One. Enjoy <3
WC: 4475
Genres: Smut, fluff, angst
Tags: established relationship, anniversary dinners, tae x oc take a trip to Paris
Warnings: dom/sub relationship, dom!taehyung, sub!reader, sir kink, punishment, praise kink, use of the word slut once, colour system as a safeword, insecurity, possessiveness, possessive sex, aftercare, taehyung is very 🥵🥵🥵 in this one y’all
(*Cis female reader*)
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“Y/N, Y/N, should we take a picture over there?” Taehyung asks, batting his eyes cutely.
You smile but roll your eyes at Taehyung’s enthusiasm.
Not to be mistaken, if there’s anyone who loves their boyfriend, it’s you. You would live and die for Kim Taehyung, but there’s a special reason for your eyeroll today.
It has been only two weeks since Taehyung got off tour, and at that a world tour. You know Taehyung must be very tired from constantly travelling, hence why you let your boyfriend get his full rest the first week. But the thing is you haven’t seen your lover in a year, and you want to make some memories with him. 
You know he will get too busy once the post-tour lull passes over everyone at the company and everything goes back to regular schedule. Then, Taehyung will get sucked away by album preparations, promotions once it’s out, and inevitably: another tour.
You love that Taehyung gets to do what he loves for a living. You also love how cool he looks on stage. But most of all you like getting to spend time with him. 
To be honest, you were going to go see Taehyung in Paris during the European leg of the tour. It had been your anniversary, and the two of you had plans to get dinner together and enjoy the city. But then life happened and your plans came crashing down, preventing you from seeing Taehyung until the tour ended months later.
But past you had thought quickly, knowing the day Taehyung would return home and shifted your ticket instead of cancelling. So a week after Taehyung got home, you presented him with a second plane ticket to Paris, France that you bought last minute just for him.
You thought Taehyung would agree with making up for your missed anniversary, but Taehyung had frowned instead. “Babe, I seriously don’t want to go anywhere for a while. I’m sick of hotels and planes.”
“But I’ve never been there, baby. It would be so romantic!” You convinced him eventually, your pout winning him over. Taehyung had sighed, then called his manager to let him know.
So excited from Taehyung agreeing, you had leapt up into his arms and kissed him like crazy. “Ahhh! I’m so excited!”
Taehyung had held back a grin. “Okay. But no touristy stuff.”
You pout. “But that’s the most fun part!” When Taehyung pouts back, you try to convince him again. “Baby, I promise I’ll seriously do anything you say if you do all the embarrassing touristy stuff with me.”
“Anything?” Taehyung asked you, arching a brow. 
You took his hand, nodding eagerly. “Anything. Let’s just have fun!”
Taehyung grinned at you. “You better keep your word.”
You had kissed him, grinning at him. He watched you with a fond smile, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “You bet I will.” You vow.
It isn’t until you actually land in Paris that you realize what anything Taehyung is imagining.
For all his great qualities, Taehyung is not subtle about what he wants. Especially when he wants you.
The first three days, Taehyung lets you drag him around under the condition that you both wear disguises to avoid being noticed. You comply, picking odd hours of the day for activities that would be very busy at other times of day. You hit all the touristy spots in early mornings before the crowd, hide away in small tucked away cafes and restaurants with Taehyung during lunch hour, then spend the day browsing vintage stores for jewellery and clothes. 
It’s all fun and games except for the teasing that Taehyung will not stop. It’s hard for you to name a time of day where Taehyung’s big hands hadn’t been resting on your waist or his lips idly pressing a kiss to your cheek in passing. You know very well the game Taehyung is playing. He is slowly working you up, getting you used to his constant touches. Then, he will withdraw them, leaving you needy. 
Despite Taehyung’s teasing, the two of you still have a great time. You buy souvenirs for your friends and things for yourself. Taehyung also buys you clothes and jewellery, loving to spoil you. But what you love the most are the small establishments he brings you to, full of tasty food and where no one knows his name. You know the game Taehyung is playing, but you let him guide you to an isolated table towards the back and feed you food off his own utensils. You let him wipe the corner of your mouth for some smeared sauce, let him lick it off his thumb. Sometimes, you even get a little on your face on purpose. Taehyung notices when you do that, and lets you get away with it. After all, this isn’t a favour he’s doing you. This is your anniversary trip. He can’t be the only one getting away with teasing.
The following three days, the two of you hit the museums. Taehyung shows you around, explaining things he had seen on previous trips to Paris. You listen to him, happier to see him happy than to really look at the art. You take pictures of your boyfriend inside the museum and really anywhere it won’t catch too much attention.
Over those three days, Taehyung’s touches decrease. He reduces it little by little, but you know him well by now. Taehyung isn’t trying to be subtle, rather the opposite. He wants you to notice, to get riled up when his touch is gone. 
You tell yourself you don’t mind it, but both of you know it’s a lie. You ignore the smirk on Taehyung’s face every time you intertwine your hands or wrap an arm around his waist to guide him through the back roads. You will get back at him at dinner tonight.
After lunch on the final day, you tell Taehyung to head back to the hotel on his own. You say you are going to buy a new dress for your dinner date tonight, and that you want it to be a surprise for him. Chuckling, Taehyung just passes you his blackcard and tells you to have fun.
You buy a dark green coloured gown, Taehyung’s favourite colour, and a matching necklace and earrings set of emeralds. You smile at the sight of your ass being cupped by the silky material. This is sure to drive Taehyung mad. After all, tonight is the final night. Both of you know exactly how tonight will end.
You catch a cab to the five star Taehyung made a reservation at. You pay the taxi driver excitedly, getting out in your all new outfit, new heels, and even a new purse! You were sure to impress Taehyung.
You walk into the restaurant, telling the waiter who you’re here with. He lets you in, guiding you upstairs to your table.
You frown as you see your table. From this angle, you can’t see who, but Taehyung is talking to a woman. You approach quietly, catching neither of their attention. Luckily (or unluckily) for you, they’re talking loudly. You don’t speak much French but you don’t need it to deal with this woman. You hear her mention the word “model” and a woman’s clothing brand. You hear her repeat “model” a second time as she blatantly roams her eyes down Taehyung’s figure, then up at him. That’s the part that makes your blood boil. You know she is aware of your presence. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what kind of relationship you and Taehyung have.
But she still challenges you anyway, openly eyeing your man in public. If you could speak more French than basic small talk you would rip her a new one. 
Fuck it. You think, making your way across the room. Who needs to know the language?
“Oh, baby.” You say in a sweet voice. They both look over at you. The woman looks visibly irritated, pursing her perfect lips in annoyance. What a shame you like to flirt with other women’s men. You think, slightly in awe at her beauty. I’d like you in any other situation. “Is this a friend?” You ask.
You see a hint of a smile before Taehyung bites it back. “No, Y/N. We just met tonight.”
You smile pointedly at the woman. She frowns at you. “Ah, I see. Well, it was nice meeting you. We haven’t had dinner yet, so.” You say, pretending to be apologetic for cutting the conversation short. All three of you know you’re not, but it’s the thought that counts. Or doesn’t. You couldn’t care less.
“Colour.” Taehyung asks the minute you’re back in the hotel room. 
“Poor baby. Got so angry that I took my eyes off you, huh?” Taehyung teases, hooking his fingers in the band of your underwear. He pulls back, making it snap against your hips. You whimper. “What’s that? Are you trying to say something?” Taehyung taunts you.
He cranes his head to look at you. He cups your face and makes you look at him. He makes a fake-worried face. “That’s odd, you were talking perfectly fine a few hours ago. Was it something in the food that’s making you feel sick or are you just embarrassed from being a possessive little slut in front of sir?”
His words make you shiver. He grins as he feels it against his own abdomen. “It seems like you’re really sick, Y/N. I guess we'll just have to go to bed.”
He begins to unwind his arms from around your waist, but you grab them, holding them against your skin. “S-Sir.” You whisper.
“There’s my girl.” Taehyung says proudly, rewarding you with a kiss to your temple. “Let’s talk about what you did wrong tonight, shall we?”
“I-I was possessive. I got jealous because you were talking to that model.”
Taehyung’s eyes flicker at the last word. “Oh, you heard?” He snaps the band of underwear against your skin again. You wriggle, but he refuses to let you go. “What a bad girl. Eavesdropping on sir’s conversations. What if she had been a potential colleague and you ruined everything? But you didn’t think of any of that, only your. own. feelings.” He emphasizes each of the three words with another smack. “You’re just an ungrateful little slut, aren’t you? I bet you would open your legs for any man that offered you this kind of treatment, huh?” He growls in your ear.
“I-I’m sorry.” You whisper, voice cracking.
Taehyung stops. “Colour.” He says, thumbs gently stroking at your sides.
“Y/N.” He repeats more firmly. You sniffle. A tear rolls down your cheek. Taehyung thumbs it away immediately. “We don’t have to. I’m sorry. Do you want to take a bath together? We can cuddle after. Anything you’re comfortable with baby.”
You shake your head, looking away from him. “I’m really okay. I...I want my punishment.”
Taehyung turns you to look at him. He watches your face, looking for any unwillingness. He cups your face and makes you look at him. He smiles finally when he sees the familiar, hazy look in your eyes. You are already slipping into subspace.
“Follow me.” Taehyung says.
You walk behind him, still naked except for your panties. Taehyung is still entirely clothed in his suit and tie. He leads you to the fancy living room of the suite, and closes the curtains. You wait until he sits down to approach him. You observe his spread legs and the stern look in his eye. The air in the living room is freezing cold, but it only adds to it. This is one of the many things you love about Taehyung. How incredibly sexy he looks when he is in control.
Without being asked, you get on the sofa on your hands and knees. You drape your body over Taehyung’s lap, ass up in his lap. You fold your arms over the sofa’s armrest, turning your head to look at Taehyung. 
Taehyung’s warm hand caresses your ass. He kneads at the flesh roughly without breaking eye contact with you. On the outside, he looks indifferent, dark eyes sultry. He makes it look like he couldn't care less if it was you or another sub being bent to his will. But you know it’s part of the scene, that he’s watching you this intensely for your reaction and it is only your reaction he ever wants in a setting like this.
“You can safeword out if you need to.” He reminds you. You nod, putting your head against the armrest. “Count.” He tells you, before the first smack comes down.
You flinch on instinct, but his arm pins the backs of your thighs down. “One.”
Another smack but to the other cheek. You hiss under your breath. “Two.”
Taehyung gives the next three in succession. “F-Five.”
“Colour?” Taehyung re-checks. You reply green again. He delivers two more. “Six, ah, seven.”
The next two smacks are harsher. “Eight, nine一!” As you’re counting, Taehyung gives the final one. This one is the hardest of all, making the two of you sink a little lower into the sofa. “T-Ten.”
You are crying now, falling deeper into your subspace. Taehyung’s warm hands smooth over the places they hit. His voice murmurs sweet nothings in your ear, reassuring you.
“S-Sorry.” You continue to cry. “I didn’t mean to be like that.”
“I know.” Taehyung reassures you. He helps you up into a sitting position. It burns to sit on your still painful ass, but you do so anyway because it’s Taehyung who asks you to do it. “You took my punishment very well, Y/N, just like a good girl.”
You shake your head, sniffling. “I don’t wanna be ‘a good girl’, I wanna be your good girl.” You say. Taehyung frowns slightly as he wonders what that means, then looks shocked when he realizes what you’re saying.
“You are my good girl, baby.” He says softly, wiping away your tears. “No one but you.”
“But i-it was our a-anniversary dinner and you were letting her flirt with you. You just一just let her do it. And when I called you baby at the restaurant, you only called me Y/N.” You confess, giving up your fake confident act. The truth is that despite your anger in the moment, you had felt very insecure. It wasn’t like you could blame the woman for finding your boyfriend hot, anyone would. But the fact that Taehyung never said anything back and just put up with it instead of correcting her bothered you. Was it embarrassing to admit he was dating you in front of a woman who was so obviously his equal in elegance? This thought bothered you throughout the whole dinner. 
You didn’t plan on telling Taehyung about it, since he didn’t know you sometimes felt this way. One of the reasons you insisted on travelling to make up for your missed anniversary was this doubt. Maybe if you showed him around this fancy city and you made good memories with him, he might appreciate it. Maybe then it would ease your doubt of if you were worthy enough to be his.
You had never admitted this aloud to anyone, but you actually wondered If Taehyung had women in other countries that he went on dates with during tour. You know Taehyung is a good person but after all, he is a young man with sexual needs. And at that, a very attractive man who could get with just about any woman he wanted. So yes, seeing him talk to the very attractive woman had angered you, but it also made you feel like your worst fears might be true. 
“Y/N, talk to me, baby.” Taehyung pleads you, his worried brown eyes searching your face for any answers.
“...Can I ask you a question?” 
“Of course, my love.” Taehyung responds. “Ask me anything you want, baby.’
You sniffle. You play with his suit blazer. “Can you promise to not get mad at me?”
Taehyung looks like he might cry when you ask that. “I promise.”
“When you go away for tour...is there anyone else?” You watch your own tears fall onto Taehyung’s dress shirt. Taehyung looks shaken. “It might seem random but I’ve always wondered. I promise I’m not just acting up because of tonight.”
Taehyung continues to watch you, looking worried and at a loss for words. You put on a fake smile. “Sorry, it’s probably nothing. Let’s just go to bed.” 
Taehyung holds you by the waist, stopping you from getting up. “Y/N.”
“I said it’s fine. It’s okay. Really, even if you had another woman. I can’t control what you do when you’re not with me. A year is too long for a couple to spend apart anyway, it’s only natural that your feelings would change. It’s okay. Anyway,” You breathe shakily. “Anyway I’m still yours. As long as you like, of course.”
“Of course I like it.” Taehyung insists, tears glistening in his eyes. “I love you. Tell me how long you’ve felt like this.”
You hesitate. “Y/N.” There it is again, that firm tone that you hate outside of scenes. 
You look down at your hands. “Maybe two years?”
Taehyung is crying now, and he cups your face in his hands. “You’ve been thinking like this for two years? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“...I didn’t want to burden you. You’re really busy on tour.”
Taehyung purses his lips. “Can I show you there’s no one else?”
You nod. Taehyung lifts you up, and you wrap your legs around his waist. He holds you by the backs of your thighs instead of your ass, careful not to hurt you. “The bed?” He asks. You consider the feeling of the rough sheets against your sore ass. 
You shake your head. “C-Can we use the hot tub?”
Taehyung kisses your forehead. “Anything for you.”
Taehyung sets up the hot tub for both of you. He takes your panties off for you, sliding them down your legs. He kisses you deeply, sweetly. You whimper into the kiss, his tongue completely in control of your mouth. When you part, a strand of saliva comes loose. When you part far enough, the saliva ends up on your chin. Taehyung wipes it with his thumb. A darkness has entered his eyes again. “Get in. Let me show you how much I love you.”
You get in the hot tub, relishing the feeling of the hot water. It stings a bit, but it’s easier to sit then the bed would have been. You sit with your legs spread slightly, calves tucked under you and feet beneath your ass. Neat and pretty. Just the way sir likes it.
Taehyung strips quickly once you’re in the water. Your eyes roam over his beautiful body, at the hard muscle of his chest, his bulging biceps, his caramel thighs, and his rigid cock. “Come here.” Taehyung orders as he gets in the water. You do so, climbing up into his lap. He kisses you hungrily, like this is the first time all night. You are surprised at the intensity of this kiss. You cannot recall a time Taehyung has ever kissed you so passionately in your years together, even in your roughest scenes. 
“So pretty.” Taehyung growls when you two part again. He wraps one arm around your waist to press your chest against his, then attacks your neck. You gasp as he makes love bites, all the way down your neck. He has never made this many before in total, yet he makes them everywhere tonight. He litters your collarbone and the top of your chest with them, making them bloom red at first but you know they will be a deep purple shade tomorrow. “How can you not know what you mean to me, when you’re this fucking beautiful? You drove me crazy in your dress tonight, no, you drive me crazy every fucking time I see you. Maybe even since the first time I met you.”
“S-Sir.” You moan at the praise, face heating up. Taehyung pushes you back against the wall of the hot tub. You tilt your head back against the tiles as he touches you everywhere. He uses his hands to tease at your nipples, making them harden. Even as he does it, he is grinding down on you. You can feel yourself getting wetter by the second. 
“You fucking know I am.” Taehyung snaps, losing the careful composure he wears during scenes. “You’re my one and my only. Look at yourself, so fucking lewd, all worked up by my touch. You have me wrapped around your finger and you still think I’d have another woman.” He continues, cursing in between his sentences at your sweet sounds.
“Don’t ever be sorry.” Taehyung cuts you off. You let out moans as he starts rubbing at your clit, hard and fast. You grind against his hand. In his dom persona, Taehyung would never tolerate you doing this, but both of you are too far gone tonight to follow the rules to a T. “I will clear this misunderstanding tonight. On your knees, princess.” 
You lean on top of the towel Taehyung placed for you on the tiles. Taehyung places his own knees outside of yours, and you feel his hard cock against your ass. Taehyung eases two fingers into you, wet from your arousal that it’s an easy fit. “Nnn, sir.” You plead, grinding down on him. 
“You won’t get more until you say what I want to hear.” Taehyung says next to your ear. He presses his chest into your back, pinning you to the edge of the hot tub. “Who do you belong to?”
“Sir! I belong to sir!” You cry out, and Taehyung picks up the pace.
“So fucking pretty.” Taehyung praises, kissing the marks he left on your neck. “Only you get treated like this, understand? No woman could ever be loved like this by me. Every time you forget I will bend you over my lap and make you come on my cock over and over until you get it in your head.”
You let out a particularly loud moan at that, making Taehyung smirk. “Does my princess like that, hmm? You want to get bent over and take my cock all the time? Want me to fill you up with my come, plug you with a pretty little toy, and make you go about your day?” Taehyung inserts another finger and the stretch has you whining. “Answer me.” He demands.
“I do. Ah, fuck, Taehyung. Please. I do.” You plead, tilting your head to the side. Taehyung meets you immediately in a passionate kiss. It’s all tongue and teeth, completely different from Taehyung’s usual style. Is this really what he can do when he lets go? You wonder, getting drunk on his kisses alone. You thought Taehyung had been rough before, but it’s nothing compared to tonight.
“Turn around.” Taehyung says, withdrawing his fingers. 
He takes in your needy expression, leaning in to kiss you again like he can’t get enough of you. “Can I come in you, baby? Have you been taking your pill regularly?” 
“Yes. Yes.” You chant. Taehyung laughs breathlessly, grabbing a fistful of your hip in one hand and lining himself up to your entrance.
When he enters, both of you moan. “So good. Whose are you, princess?”
“Yours, only yours.” You answer breathlessly. Taehyung grips your thighs and lifts you slightly, allowing him to enter you more deeply. 
Taehyung abruptly picks up the pace of his thrusts. You grip at his shoulders for support, unable to stop the noises that fall from your lips constantly. Not only is Taehyung going fast, he is also going incredibly deep, rubbing right over your G-spot. 
“C-Can I come, sir?” You beg.
Taehyung nods, and you move one hand between your legs to rub at your clit. As you tip your head back, Taehyung holds himself deep inside you. Both of you come at the same time, you clench hard around him and Taehyung pumps his seed inside you. He kisses at the marks on your neck as he comes, and you dig your nails into his back. 
You move your hand to his hair once you finish, stroking it gently. Taehyung pulls back from the wall, his hand smoothing down your back to ease any discomfort you felt being pressed against it. You don’t even notice until the postcoital bliss dies down that your ass was now more sore than before. But Taehyung does. 
“Let’s take a shower.” He tells you, helping you up. You both get out of the hot tub. Taehyung runs a small handcloth under the tap. He comes over and wipes your vagina down first, then cleaning himself. 
The two of you get in the shower together. You let Taehyung wash your body down, scrubbing gently and avoiding touching your ass. You grab his shampoo off the ledge and put a good amount in your palms. “What are you doing?” Taehyung asks, surprised that you turned around while he was washing your back.
“Taking care of you.” You mumble, washing Taehyung hair for him. You grab the detachable showerhead from the side. You shield his eyes with a hand as you rinse the soap out.
Taehyung smiles fondly at how concentrated you look. “Baby, a dom is supposed to look after their sub following a scene. Not the other way.”
You shrug. You probably heard that somewhere. Your brain is too foggy right now to think. “But I want to.”
“Oh yeah?” 
“Yes.” You answer, smiling at how nice Taehyung’s hair looks now that it’s clean. “Because I belong to you.”
Taehyung lightly pecks your forehead. “And I’m yours.”
Later, when the haze of your subspace wears off, you two are laying in bed together. You’re wearing one of Taehyung’s shirts and a pair of panties. Taehyung is shirtless and in a pair of boxers. Taehyung has just finished putting lotion on your sore bottom to ease the ache for tomorrow. 
You lay on top of Taehyung’s chest, and Taehyung tucks the blankets tucked in around you. You snuggle up against his chest, content in his strong arms.
“Y/N, I know I already proved my point, but you really are my only one.” Taehyung tells you. You don’t reply so he cranes his head to look at you. Taehyung smiles fondly to notice you’re already asleep. He kisses the top of your head. “No problem. I guess I have the rest of my life to prove it to you.” He mutters to himself.
You smile to yourself with your eyes closed.
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texanstarslove · 3 years
everything has changed
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A/N: So this little number is for @hockeynetwork‘s Winter Gift Exchange and I was matched with @bigboigritty​! I hope this fic lives up to your expectations, my dear! I was thrilled to write a fic for Nolan as I had yet to do so up until this point! I also want to give a special shout out to @danglesnipecelly​ for listening to me rant and rave and yell about this fic NON FUCKING STOP. LOVE YOU K! 
Song Inspo: Everything Has Changed - Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran
Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, ridiculous amounts of fluff, cheesy friends to lovers trope 
Word Count: 8.5k
*italics indicate flashbacks*
They say that opposites attract, like fire and ice or Yin and Yang. Two completely different entities that have no business being together but somehow find a way to connect and create something beautiful.
That was the definition of your relationship with Nolan. 
You were the outgoing one, the one who would talk to anyone like you had known them your whole life without a second thought. You never met a stranger and were friendly and kind. One time while you were waiting for your coffee order at a local café you struck up a conversation with another customer over the most mundane of things: the straws sitting on the counter. That was just the kind of person you were. Always ready to chat with anyone about anything, sincerity in your voice at all times.
Nolan...not so much. He was a nice guy, yes, but he definitely didn’t have the same bubbly, loud, boisterous persona like you. He was happy to keep to himself, never really wanting to go out of his way to make small talk with anyone. Half the time when he spoke, it would come out as mumbles that were borderline incoherent. And although he was sometimes a person of very few words, he also carried an air of confidence. He wasn’t cocky by any means, just someone who seemed to be very sure of themselves most of the time. Some would say he gave off the vibe of someone who was constantly irritated or annoyed, a grump even.
But that was part of the reason he drew you in. He was intriguing to you. He made you want to get to know him better. He could say the same about you, how you made him want to open up in ways he never could with anyone else. The way you carried yourself made that easy, your nonjudgmental attitude made talking to you effortless.
When you first met Nolan, it was in the elevator of the apartment building you had just moved into. You were carrying the last of your belongings in perhaps one too many boxes, struggling to make it to the elevator before the doors closed. It was then, unbeknownst to either of you at the moment, that everything had changed.
“Hey, wait! Could you hold that for me?”
You moved as fast as you could, the person in the elevator holding their hand against the door to keep it open. You huffed out a ‘thank you’ before leaning against the wall to catch your breath, running your eyes over the person standing just a foot or two away from you. He was tall, easily towering over your smaller frame, hair swept under a cap that sat backward on his head. When you were finally able to get a good look at his face, the first thing that struck you were his eyes. They were the same as the sky and sea calming after a storm, swirls of gray and blue mixing seamlessly into one beautiful color. Something about those eyes made you stare just a little too long, your trance was only broken when he cleared his throat and glanced at you expectantly, his voice so much deeper than you thought it would sound like.
“What, uh...what floor?”
“Oh, um,” You blinked, shaking your head as if to bring you back to reality, and glanced at the button display to your left. The button for your floor, the sixth, was already illuminated. “Looks like mine has already been pressed. You headed to the sixth floor?”
The man just nodded, lifting his cap with one hand and running the fingers of his free hand through his hair before settling the cap back on his head. You cocked your head to the side, studying him once more. You immediately picked up on his reserved vibe but you felt compelled to talk to him some more.
“I’m assuming you live here, too?” 
He nodded his head again but turned slightly to face you so it didn’t look like he was ignoring you. You noticed his hands fidgeting in the front pocket of the black hoodie he was wearing as you continued to try and coax conversation from him.
“Do you like this complex?” You asked, “I read the reviews before I moved in and they all seemed pretty good. I figure asking a current resident how they felt about it would make me feel better about my decision.”
One of his hands leaves the pocket of his hoodie to rub the back of his neck. “It’s pretty nice. I just moved in this year and can’t really complain too much about it.”
“Yeah? That’s good to hear,” You replied, “This is the perfect spot between where I work and the university. I figured having someplace right in between would bode well for me.”
“Yeah, that definitely sounds like a good idea.”
You nodded your head, clicking your tongue as you thought of more things to say to keep conversation with him. The way that he spoke intrigued you. It was almost as if he was talking behind his teeth, his voice almost coming out as a mumble. You studied him some more, noticing how he slowly rocked back and forth on his heels, his eyes downcast as if to avoid eye contact. The vibe he was giving off wasn’t exactly standoff-ish, but he definitely wasn’t jumping at the chance to keep talking. You didn’t know what it was, but something about him pulled you in and you wanted to know more about him. The elevator dinging as it reached your floor interrupted your thoughts and you shifted the boxes in your hands as the doors opened. 
“Do you need help with that?” The man asked as the top box began to teeter over the edge of the one it was situated on.
“No, no,” You rushed, “I’ve got it.”
“You sure? It looks like you’re about to..”
Just as the words were about to escape his lips, the top two boxes came tumbling out of the elevator doors, its contents scattering across the floor. You sighed heavily, shaking your head at the scene in front of you before bursting into a fit of giggles. The man looked between you and the mess that had just been created by your stubbornness and sighed.
“Just like a woman,” He mumbled, “Never wanting to accept help.”
You caught on to the teasing in his monotone voice quickly, turning to stick your tongue out at him as you giggled some more. 
“Oh, shut it.” You shot back through your laughter, “You can help me now if you want.”
He chuckled softly, extending his arm out of the elevator as if to lead you out. You shook your head as you walked into the hallway, thankful no one else was around to see what a disaster you had created. You crouched down to begin picking up your things, throwing them haphazardly into the boxes on the ground. The man did the same, only he was a little more careful with your belongings as he placed them inside the boxes.
“God, you must think I’m a hot mess.” You sighed, putting the last few items back in their box. “I swear I’m a little more put together most of the time.”
“Not a hot mess,” He said, “A little talkative maybe but…”
“Oh my god, I’m sorry.” You cut him off, “I have a tendency to chat people’s ears off. I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable.”
“Not at all,” He reassured you, “I’m used to it. I have a buddy who never shuts up so really, it doesn’t bother me.”
You smiled, nodding your head, grateful that he didn’t think you were a complete loon. It was at this point you realized you hadn’t even properly introduced yourself. “And you must think I’m incredibly rude making you help me pick up my shit when we don’t even know each other’s names.” You offered your hand to him. “(Y/N).”
He gently took your hand, squeezing lightly as he shook it. “Nolan.”
“Well, Nolan,” You stood from where you were crouched down, holding the boxes you could while he carried the others. “I really appreciate your help.”
“If you would’ve let me help you in the first place, this wouldn’t have happened.” That teasing was back again. He stood from his spot as well, a sly smirk spread across his lips.
You playfully bumped his hip with yours as the two of you walked down the hall to the front door of your apartment. Setting the boxes you were carrying beside the door frame, you pulled your keys from your jacket pocket and unlocked the door, gently pushing the boxes across the threshold with your foot before taking the remaining boxes from Nolan.
“This is crazy,” He mumbled, pointing over his shoulder, “My apartment is literally right across the hall.”
“Yeah?” You turned to face him once you set the last of the boxes inside, “That’s awesome! Maybe we’ll become best friends after all.”
Nolan smiled, his already rosy cheeks darkening just slightly, his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck.
“Yeah, maybe.”
That chance meeting in that elevator was quite possibly the greatest thing to ever happen to you. Not only had you met your neighbor and actually got along with him, but you also became friends, best friends, almost instantly. It started with the occasional meet up at each other’s apartments, getting to know each other before hanging out almost regularly. Your polar opposite personalities meshed together perfectly, both of you bringing out the best in each other. Nolan felt like he could be 100% authentic, becoming more and more open with his feelings around you. He felt like he could tell you anything and all those feelings he had were reciprocated by you. You could tell each other anything about everything, sharing every aspect of your lives with the other. You were like two peas in a pod, attached at the hip whenever he was home. Eventually, the two of you had exchanged keys, mainly so when he was gone on road trips with his team you could bring in his mail so it wouldn’t pile up. He only held on to yours at your insistence.
“It’d be weird if I had your key and you didn’t have mine, Nolan.” You told him when he tried to brush it off. “Just take the damn thing. Just in case, you know?”
Most of the time, you were the one letting yourself into his apartment. You’d send a quick text of “I hope you’re decent, I’m coming over” before all but barging in, filling his usually quiet space with your over the top energy. It would be a lie if Nolan said it didn’t take some getting used to. He was so used to being by himself, him and his video games or music. And though you always told him he could, he really did not need to ever let himself into your apartment when you weren’t there. He wasn’t like you, always bringing him food or buying little trinkets and placing them in random spots in his apartment. He never complained about the meals but always balked at the idea of new decorations you managed to find for him. You insisted that he needed to liven up his space, that it looked too much like a jail cell instead of a place to call home.
“I like my place just fine, ma’am.” He once told you, poking at your latest purchase, a set of succulents. “Besides, I’ll just kill these fucking things anyway.”
“Then it’s a good thing I have a spare key.” You countered, placing the plants along the window sill. “I’ll make sure you don’t kill my babies.”
He laughed at your comparison of the plants to children. “Why don’t you just keep them at your place then? Why do they need to take up space in my apartment?”
“Quit arguing with me, Nols.” You scolded him, “Not in front of the kids.”
Conversations like that always ended with him chuckling and shaking his head, all but admitting defeat. He would never say it out loud to anyone, but he actually loved how much you seemed to care about his well being. While he was perfectly capable of doing things for himself, if it made you happy, that was all that mattered to him. There was something about the outgoing and sometimes clumsy girl he met in the elevator that made it all worth it. The mood was always lifted when you showed up and though he would tease you about invading his space or being obnoxious, you both knew he never meant a single word.
There were, however, those rare occasions where Nolan would use your key. It didn’t happen very often but whenever he was going through a particularly rough patch, he found solace in you. It could be about anything, the way a particular game went, how he as an individual player was performing or if he was just having a shitty day. Whatever brought him to the edge emotionally, he knew he could come to you. You always knew when it was coming, too. Instead of a normal greeting when he entered your apartment, you’d hear the door unlock before it opened slowly, Nolan trudging in without saying a word before closing the door behind him and flopping on your couch. He’d exhale loudly, a clear indicator that something was wrong, waiting for you to come sit beside him. 
That’s exactly what happened this time. Just as you finished up an online class, you heard the key in the lock. When you closed your laptop and glanced up at the door, Nolan was there with a sullen look on his face. He went through the normal routine, keeping quiet and not saying anything, just a nod of acknowledgment before sitting on your couch with a heavy sigh. You smiled sadly, placing your laptop back in its case before walking to sit down beside him.
“What’s up, Grumpy McGee?” You teased, taking your place on the couch and resting your head on his shoulder. Typically Nolan would huff out a laugh at your eloquent nicknames for him but not this time. When all you got in reply was yet another deep sigh, you leaned back taking in his appearance. His shoulders were slumped more than usual, his posture slouched and head hanging low. He avoided eye contact when you tried to move your head to look him in the eye.
When his eyes finally met yours, you were taken aback by what you found within those ocean-blue depths. You had seen him angry, happy, frustrated; all of the feelings that came with the profession he was in. You had seen just about every emotion in those eyes but this one almost took your breath away. For the first time, when you looked into his eyes, you saw someone who was unsure of themself. Someone who lacked the confidence they so often carried with them, even if it was in a subtle way. 
“Hey,” You murmured, turning your body to face him, “Nolan, talk to me. What’s going on?”
“It’s nothing,” He mumbled, turning to avoid your gaze once more. “Just had a rough day is all.”
You knew he and the team had been going through a bit of a rough patch. The team had been on a bit of a skid going into the upcoming holiday break. There was one more short road trip before Christmas and you could already tell Nolan was stressing about it. Not just because of the team’s performance, but because of his own personal struggles. The pounding migraines he had been dealing with for the better part of the season had become more frequent, causing him to miss playing in a few games here and there. The way to go about managing the migraines was somewhat of a mystery to team doctors and trainers. While they were doing their best to help Nolan, and he knew they were exhausting every option available, nothing seemed to be working and it seemed that Nolan was finally at his breaking point.
“Are you feeling okay?” You gently ask, your hand running soothingly across his bicep. When he just shrugged his shoulders once more, you gave a light, reassuring squeeze to his arm, smiling softly when his eyes met yours again.
“I feel fine right now,” He sighed, “But these things fucking come out of nowhere. Never know when they’re going to hit me.”
You nodded, wordlessly encouraging him to continue. He needed to vent, you sensed it, needed to let out all of the emotions he was feeling.
“I just…” He trailed off, his fingers running through his hair as he huffed out another breath. “What if this ends my career, (Y/N)? What if these things get so bad I won’t be able to play anymore? I don’t know what I’ll do if I can’t…”
“Hey, hey, hold on a second,” You scooted up onto your knees, kneeling next to him on the couch. “You are going to be just fine, Nolan.”
“You don’t know that, (Y/N),” He bemoaned, “You don’t know that.”
“Yes, I do.” You insisted, “I do because the whole organization is on your side. You have some of the best doctors in Philadelphia working with them to help you. They’re going to find something that makes this better for you.”
“But what if they don’t?” His voice increased slightly in volume as he sat up a little straighter, “What if there is nothing they can do for me and this team drops me? What if they see there is no use waiting around for me to get better?” He drags his fingers through his hair before holding his head in his hands, elbows resting on his knees. When he speaks again his voice comes out in a whisper. “What if they give up on me?”
The uncertainty and brokenness in his voice made your breath hitch in your throat. Moving closer to him you gently took his face into your hands and turned his head to face you, making him look you in the eye. 
“They will not give up on you, Nolan.” You spoke with gentle firmness. “I just don’t see that happening. You will get better and you will have an amazing career here. And can I tell you something else?”
You could see the desperation in his eyes as he nodded.
“I’m never giving up on you,” You whispered, “That I know for an absolute fact. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
He chuckled softly at your remark and you smiled, running one of your thumbs along his skin beneath it. His gaze softened as you continued to hold his face, your thumb still gently caressing his cheekbone. You couldn’t quite decipher the expression on his face but it made your stomach flip, made your heart rate pick up just a little bit. It was a feeling you never felt being this close to Nolan and it startled you. You swore you saw his eyes flicker to your lips but before you could process that thought, you dropped your hands to his shoulders, giving them a gentle couple of pats before moving back to your previous spot on the couch. “You want to grab something to eat? We can order in if you want?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.” He stuttered, shaking his head as if he was trying to clear his mind. “Yeah, that sounds great.”
“Of course it does,” You teased, giving his shoulder a little nudge as you stood from your spot on the couch. “You never turn down food.”
“Busted.” He gave you a small smile as he watched you make your way into the kitchen. You stood at the counter, pulling out a to-go menu from your favorite restaurant and your phone, dialing the number to place the order. You couldn’t see it but as you talked on the phone, Nolan watched you intently. He watched the way you confidently spoke and how you paced around the kitchen, making small talk with the person who was taking the order. You couldn’t see the way he looked at you with complete adoration or feel the way his heart pounded in his chest when he heard you speak. You couldn’t see the smile that spread across his lips, a smile that only you could bring out of him. You also couldn’t hear the voice in his head beating him up over not pressing his lips to yours as you held his face in your hands. He didn’t understand where the intense urge came from at that moment, but he knew he so desperately wanted to know what your lips felt like against his own. 
“You alright over there, space cadet?” 
Your voice brought him out of a trance when you spoke to him. He blinked in quick succession, seemingly willing his brain to come back to reality before he gave a quick nod. “Yeah, I guess I kind of zoned out there for a second.”
“I’ll say,” You chuckled, returning to your spot on the couch, flopping down beside him. “The food should be here in about thirty minutes or so.”
“Sounds good.”
The rest of the night carried on as usual. You and Nolan finished your meals and fell into your normal routine of tv and conversations about literally anything. You tried to keep things light and fun, attempting to keep Nolan’s mind off of the struggles facing him and his team. The two of you bantered and laughed and carried on as you normally would for the remainder of the evening. Occasionally you found yourself staring a little longer at him as he watched whatever was on, studying the angles of his face in the flickering lights of the tv. You had always thought that his facial features gave him an angelic look, a juxtaposition to how he spoke and how he carried himself. You smiled, hunkering down further into the couch as you got more comfortable and got pulled into the television show. You eventually found yourself dozing off as a random Christmas movie played on the screen. You had laid yourself across the couch, your legs swung across Nolan’s lap. It wasn’t until you felt him gently tap your thigh that you realized you had fallen asleep.
“Hey,” You heard his low voice speak, “(Y/N), I think we should call it a night.”
You stretched as you slowly sat up, a soft groan escaping your lips. “What time is it?”
Nolan looked down at his phone, checking the time before looking back at you as he also stretched. “It’s just past eleven. I should go, got an early flight tomorrow.”
“Right,” You grumbled, “Okay. I’ll walk you out.”
He nodded and got up to stand in front of you, reaching his hands out for you to take. He gently pulled you up but even still, being the clumsy person you are, you stumbled forward slightly, hands pressing into his chest and his catching you at your waist. You looked up at him and found the same look in his eyes as earlier when he confided in you. That same feeling you had was creeping back in as well and you held his gaze for a moment longer than necessary. You quickly averted your eyes and cleared your throat, walking with him to your front door.
“Thank you for tonight, (Y/N).” Nolan leaned against the door frame, half in the outside hallway and half still in your apartment. 
“Anytime.” You grinned, “Always happy to be of service. Someone’s gotta feed you.”
He chuckled, his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. “So, uh, I’ll see you in a couple of days, yeah? Going to G and Ryanne’s for that party?”
“You know it.” You replied, “Have a safe flight, Nols. Text me when you guys get there.”
“Will do.” He saluted you before pushing off the door frame and turning to cross the hall to his apartment. You watched as he unlocked his door and opened it to head inside for the night. Just before he closed the door behind him, you called out to him.
“Hey, Nolan?” He turned to look at you, a questioning look in his eyes. 
“What’s up?”
You smiled softly, leaning your head against the threshold of your apartment. “I think you’re amazing. You know that, right?”
He leaned his forearm against his door frame and smiled. 
“I think you’re amazing, too.”
You smiled as you closed your door, leaning against it when it latched shut, and took a deep breath. Something in the air felt different and you couldn’t quite explain it. It made you nervous, anxious even, but you also couldn’t help the smile that spread across your lips. Something felt different between you and Nolan and even though you couldn’t quite put your finger on it, you knew that everything had changed.
With the Flyers’ road trip winding down and it going in a way that wasn’t exactly favorable, you knew there was more than likely going to be a bit of a cloud over the holidays. The boys managed to sneak in one win out of the three games played but knowing them like you did, it wasn’t something they were going to tout as a success. You also knew, given your knowledge as to how his mind worked and the existing personal struggles he was facing, that Nolan would be extra critical of himself. He’d try and disguise it, not wanting to put a damper on the upcoming holiday festivities, but you knew him better than that. 
That is how you found yourself in his apartment yet again, only this time decorating it to fit the Christmas theme. You knew it was excessive, you knew it was over the top and ridiculous, but if it would bring any semblance of a smile to that boy’s face it was all worth the complaining he’d undoubtedly do when he walked into his apartment. You had managed to snag some Christmas decorations on the cheap, scouring bargain stores for everything from lights and garland and stockings to even a tree with accompanying ornaments. When you finally deemed your collection enough to decorate with, you let yourself into his apartment and put things in place little by little over the course of the weekend. The guys were slated to be home by early afternoon with the Christmas party at Claude and Ryanne’s later in the evening, allowing everyone a little bit of time to decompress then have a little bit of fun before heading to their respective homes for the holidays. 
Holiday music was filling the apartment, your soundtrack to your latest decorating endeavor. The cheesy gas fireplace in the living room served as the perfect spot to hang some lighted garland and the stockings. Fairy lights adorned every spot in which it was feasible to place them. There were even candles that were purchased, their scent matching the season but ultimately used for the ambiance they provided as well. Decorating the tree was saved until the very last moment. As you danced and sang to the sounds of Andy Williams and Bruce Springsteen, you methodically placed the red and gold ornaments on the tree. You even snuck a small Gritty ornament in the mix, making sure to give a nod to the mascot you knew Nolan loved and adored, hoping he’d find it and smile. As it all came together, you pulled out the last item to place on the tree, it’s topper. You loved how when the little star was placed at the top it felt like the finishing touch to it all, giving finality to all your hard work. You stood back a couple of feet from the tree and looked on in contentment, happy with how the decorations turned out. You chuckled to yourself, knowing that when Nolan walked into the room when he got home he’d instantly know who to blame for Christmas practically exploding in his space.
Admiring the room in its entirety one last time, you smiled once more to yourself, proud of what you were able to accomplish. You knew Nolan would be shocked, and probably bitch and moan about it, but in the end, he’d have a laugh and hopefully feel just a little bit of the holiday spirit. You blew out the candles, their scent lingering in the air, before heading back across the hallway to your apartment. It was nearly lunchtime, meaning you had more than enough time to clean up and get ready for the team Christmas party. You pulled out your phone, seeing you had received a text from Nolan saying he and the boys had just landed and would be back home soon.
You: Happy you guys made it back safely! I’ll be ready for G’s party around 6, that should be enough time for you to nap or whatever, right?
Nolan: Yeah sounds good to me.
The two of you exchanged just a few more texts before he needed to drive home. The extra time before the party allowed you to get a few house chores done before actually beginning to get ready. Not even an hour after your text exchange with him, your phone began to ring, Nolan’s name flashing across the display. You smiled broadly, already anticipating what his reaction to his newly decorated apartment would be.
“You’re supposed to be taking a nap, no?” You tried to hide the giggle threatening to bubble up, knowing exactly why he was calling you.
“Don’t you act like you don’t know exactly why I am calling you, (Y/N).” Nolan’s gravelly voice greeting your ear, “Why the fuck does it look like Christmas threw up in my apartment?”
“You don’t like it?” You feigned shock and hurt, “Come on, Nols, don’t be such a Grinch!”
“Ha, fucking, ha.” Nolan retorted, sarcasm dripping from his voice, “Seriously, you’ve outdone yourself. This is absolutely ridiculous.”
“Mission accomplished, then!” You cheered, “Now hang up the damn phone and take your nap! We have a party to go to tonight and I expect you to be my date.”
Nolan scoffed. “Oh, with this latest stunt I’m taking away your plus one status.”
“You wouldn’t dare!” You gasped, earning a hearty chuckle from Nolan. 
Of course, he never would. It would be like sucking the life out of the party leaving things so much more boring if you weren’t around. Having you at his side to these events and gatherings made it all worthwhile, even if you were just tagging along as his friend. “TK and Hayesy would never let me hear the end of it if I did. And you’d end up bugging me to go all the time anyway.”
It was your turn to laugh now. You know those boys liked to rib Nolan to no end about his relationship with you, asking when he’d ‘wife you up’ or why you spent all your time with a guy like Nolan. It was all in good fun, though. They were never malicious or had any ill will, in fact, they were just the opposite. You two would never know it but the guys on the team, and some of their significant others, were secretly waiting for the day the two of you would get together. Though you and Nolan both insisted your relationship was no more than a friendship, your friends were not convinced in the slightest. You’d both just shrug off the comments and jokes, nothing ever really bothering either of you. 
“Well, you can’t disappoint them then!” You teased, “Now seriously, get some beauty rest and pick me up at six.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He replied through his laughter.
“See you in a little bit, Nols.”
You said your goodbyes and continued with your day, doing the various chores you set out to finish and allowing yourself more than the usual time it took for you to get ready. After showering and picking out an outfit, something festive but not over the top, you sat at your vanity with your makeup spread out in front of you. You took your time, playing yet another Christmas playlist to help set the mood for the get together you’d be attending. Something about the music and festivities put you in a wonderful mood and made you even more excited to see everyone before they all headed back to their respective homes for the holidays. 
As you were putting on your earrings, the finishing touch to your look, your phone buzzed on the countertop as a text came through. You glanced down and saw that it was from Nolan, asking if you were finished getting ready.
Nolan: Your Uber is waiting for you outside the door.
You: Ew, that’s creepy. I didn’t think they did that. 
Nolan: Kidding of course. Can I come in?
You: As long as you aren’t the creepy Uber driver.
You smiled to yourself as you sprayed the last bit of hairspray in your hair and looked over your appearance once more. Satisfied with the finished look, you grabbed your purse and walked into your living room, just in time to see the front door open and for Nolan to walk through.
“Creepy Uber driver has arrived.” He called out as he shut the door behind him. At first, he didn’t notice you had walked into the living room, speaking louder than he normally would, but then his eyes landed on you and they seemed to widen as he took in your appearance. “Wow, (Y/N)..you look..”
“Do you think this is okay?” You asked, “I know they said casual but I didn’t want to just show up in what I normally wear so I-”
“Hey, you look great,” Nolan assured you, “I mean, I thought you’d be wearing one of those ugly Christmas sweaters given how you decorated my apartment so this is a nice surprise.”
You playfully smacked him in the chest before linking your arm with his. “Let’s get this show on the road.” 
The drive to the Giroux household was nothing short of typical for the two of you. There was the usual chirping from you about how Nolan was driving and the incessant moaning and groaning from him about the music you chose to play.
“Any time you’re on the AUX cord, no good music is played.” He complained, attempting and failing to take the cord from you as he drove.
“Nolan, we are on our way to a fucking Christmas party,” You said, “It would be sacrilege if we didn’t play any Christmas music! Now focus on driving before you kill us.”
He shook his head in defeat, chuckling softly at the small little victory dance you did in your seat as you played your music. Every now and then he’d steal a glance at you, watching as you happily sang and danced to every song that played. He’d never admit how much he actually enjoyed the cheesy holiday music, mostly because of the joy it brought you. Everything that made you happy made him happy. Seeing you smile made him smile. Every little thing you did for him, no matter how much he may have complained about it outwardly, made him feel like he was on top of the world. Sitting in the driver’s seat of his car, thinking these thoughts, feeling these feelings at this very moment made him come to a not so shocking realization. 
He was madly in love with you. He was so head over heels for you and it took his breath away. 
He took a deep breath, one that caused his chest and shoulders to rise and fall dramatically and you took notice. As he pulled the car into the drive, you raised an eyebrow at him and cocked your head to the side.
“You alright over there?”
He shifted the car into park and offered you a small smile. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
You gave him a beaming smile, unbuckling your seatbelt to get out of the car and head inside. “Come on, Mr. Grinch, let’s go see everyone.”
He watched as you climbed out of the passenger seat, shutting the door behind you, and walking up to the front door of the Giroux’s home. When he saw you turn to see if he was going to follow, mouthing a ‘Come on!’ as you waved, he sighed once more, climbing out of the car himself. That big, wide grin was still plastered on your face as he walked up beside you, you linking your arm with his once again. Looking down at you, seeing how excited you were as the two of you walked up to the door only solidified his earlier thoughts. He knew in this very moment that everything between you had changed.
The evening carried on at a relaxed pace, Claude and Ryanne being the wonderful hosts they always were. The guys with families brought their children along and the entire night was filled with plenty of laughs and entertainment. You always found yourself gravitating to the kiddos when they were involved. That’s how Nolan caught up with you after the two of you were separated for a little while. You were sitting and chatting with Ryanne, bouncing a happy little Gavin on your knee.
“How is it that you always manage to end up with the kids?” He asked you as he came to stand beside you. His finger lightly poked at Gavin’s belly making the toddler giggle excitedly. “What’s up, little man?”
You smiled up at him and bounced your knee, continuing Gavin’s giggles. “I can’t help it. He’s the cutest guy in the room.”
“Can’t argue with you there.” He replied, “Thanks for hosting all of us, Ryanne. It’s been fun, as always.”
“Oh, of course!” Ryanne smiled, “It’s a blast, we love having everyone here.”
Nolan turned back to you as he spoke again. “I was going to get something to drink, did you want me to grab you anything?”
“I’m okay, thanks.” You looked back at the giggling toddler still in your lap. “I just need a few more Gavin cuddles and I should be ready to go soon if you are.”
“Yeah, okay.” He nodded, “I’ll meet up with you in a little bit then, yeah?”
He gave your shoulder a light squeeze before making his way to the kitchen, seemingly making small talk with Kevin.
“He’s got it bad for you, girl.” Ryanne gushed when Nolan was out of earshot.
You felt your cheeks warm, butterflies running rampant in your tummy before brushing her comment aside. “You’re crazy. We’re just friends, Ry.”
“And I think you are lying to yourself.” She countered, “He’s a good guy, (Y/N).”
“I know that,” You agreed, “He’s my best friend, of course I know that.”
Ryanne just smiled, that ‘If you say so’ kind of look that she gives you every time this subject comes up. She, just like all your other friends, never pushed the envelope with you. She respected your boundaries but she was always one of your biggest cheerleaders. She was like how Claude was for his team except in her place in the WAGs group, really in the whole friends group entirely; the momma of the group. She would have your back no matter what and support you with no questions asked. 
“So tell me about how he reacted to your Christmas decorations.” She said, changing the subject, “Did he freak out over it?”
“Oh, god, it was hysterical.”
You indulged Ryanne in all the details of your decorating assault on Nolan’s apartment, telling her about how you almost lost your invitation to the evening’s festivities. The laughter you two shared echoed through the living room and into the kitchen, Nolan of course taking notice of your laughter specifically. He was leaning against the island that overlooked the living room, smiling at how much fun you seemed to be having in telling whatever story you were to Ryanne. He felt a pair of hands land heavily on his shoulders, a hard squeeze being given to both, before that all too familiar Boston accent filled his ears.
“Buddy, come on.” Kevin chuckled, “You have got to say something to that girl.”
Nolan turned to face his friend who had leaned on the island beside him. He attempted to give Kevin a nonchalant, playing it cool response and shrugged his shoulders. “What are you talking about? Tell her what?”
 “Don’t give me that shit, kid.” Kevin told him, “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Nolan sighed, one of his hands coming up to run down his face. There was really no point in trying to play it off anymore. Of everyone in this house, aside from Ryanne, Kevin knew exactly how Nolan felt about you. Though unlike Ryanne, Kevin wasn’t going to play games with Nolan. He had sat back for too long watching the both of you deny, deny, deny and he was ready to at least call Nolan on his bullshit.
“What, no smart ass comeback this time?” Kevin chuckled when Nolan didn’t respond. As he watched him for a second longer, he knew Nolan had recognized his own feelings. “Oh, shit, you do have feelings for her, don’t you?”
“Don’t act like you’re surprised.” Nolan retorted.
“I’m not surprised you have feelings for her, bud.” Kevin clarified, “I’m surprised you’ve finally admitted it. Took ya long enough!”
Again, Nolan sighed, this time in annoyance. “Well, keep it down, you big idiot. I don’t need to spring any surprises on her like this.”
Kevin just laughed, taking a swig of the beer he was nursing. He watched as Nolan turned his attention back to where you were still chatting with Ryanne. He could tell just by the way Nolan was looking at you that he had it bad, just like Ryanne had told you earlier. One of his hands came up to Nolan’s shoulder once more, gaining his attention once more.
“Can I tell you something without you getting defensive on me?”
Nolan raised an eyebrow. “That depends on what comes out of your mouth.”
“Fair enough,” Kevin chuckled, “In all seriousness though, Patty, that girl loves you too. I’m just sayin’.”
“How do you know that?” Nolan scoffed, “I didn’t even say anything.”
“You didn’t have to.” Kevin grinned, taking another sip of his beer. “But I have a feeling that if you told her how you felt, I’d be right.”
Nolan looked back at you once more just as you were finishing your conversation with Ryanne. You caught his eye and smiled that big, beautiful smile he loved so much as you stood to walk over to him. Kevin gave him one last pat on the back as you made your way to where they were standing.
“Ready to go, Nols?” You asked, tucking into his side.
He nodded, turning back to Kevin to give him the handshake-hug hybrid thing that men like to do. 
“Remember what I said,” Kevin told him before turning to you and pulling you into a hug. “Have a good night, sweetheart. Don’t let this guy give you any trouble.”
“I know who to come running to if he does,” You laughed, “See you around, Kev.”
You and Nolan said goodbye to the remaining partygoers before heading back out to his car. Per your usual, you snagged the auxiliary cord before Nolan could reach for it, expecting a fight out of him like always. When he did nothing but chuckle at your antics you got your first clue that something was going on in his head. You let it go, however, chalking it up to you just reading too far into his actions. But when the car ride back to your shared complex was quieter than normal, no words being exchanged between the two of you, you knew for sure something was up. You turned the volume on the car stereo down and turned in your seat as best you could to look at him.
“You okay, Nolan?” 
He glanced over at you, still trying to keep his eyes on the road. “Yeah, I’m good. Why what’s up?”
“You’re just quieter than normal,” You replied, “Are you feeling okay?”
“Just tired is all,” He mumbled, reaching across the console and taking your hand in his and giving it a squeeze, “I’m good though.”
He didn’t let go of your hand. Even after he stopped talking he didn’t let go of your hand. You tried not to outwardly show how you were feeling on the inside. Your heart rate jumped, feeling like it was beating rapidly in your throat. You felt your face get hot and you were thankful that it was dark out, only street lights illuminating your face as Nolan drove. You tried to calm yourself as Nolan pulled the car back into his usual spot back at the complex parking garage. The two of you walked into your building, your hand still burning from his touch. The silence between you two remained but it wasn’t uncomfortable. You could understand why Nolan would be tired, having flown back home and attending a Christmas party all in the same day. As you went to pull out your keys, Nolan stopped you, nodding toward his apartment door.
“You want to come in for a little bit?” He asked, rubbing the back of his neck like he was nervous.
“Y-yeah,” You stammered, not sure where the sudden nervous energy was coming from, “Sure. That should be fine.”
He gave you a small smile before unlocking his door, letting you walk in first before closing the door behind him. You took off your shoes, leaving them by the front door, and removed your coat and scarf, draping them over one of the barstools at the kitchen counter. The only light in the apartment was that of the lights you used to decorate with. When Nolan went to turn on one of the lamps you stopped him.
“This is the best way to enjoy the Christmas lights,” You told him, “Come look at the tree with me, please?”
Nolan gave you a small nod and came to stand beside you. The lights gave off a soft, warm white glow and you smiled as you admired your handiwork. “Did you notice that I hid Gritty in there?”
You heard Nolan chuckle softly before replying. “Yeah, I did. He really makes the tree.”
You giggled, nudging his hip with your own. He smiled back at you, watching as you continued to look over the tree. He knew you were proud of the work you had done and that warmed his heart. He also couldn’t help looking at how beautiful your face looked lit up by nothing but the soft glow of Christmas lights. His gaze lingered for a while and when you felt it, you turned so your body was facing him, giving a puzzled look.
“What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing. Just…” He shook his head, looking down at the ground before his eyes met yours. “Thank you.”
“For what?” You questioned, your head cocking slightly. 
“For everything.” He murmured, his fingers coming up to brush your hair behind your ear. “For being my friend, taking care of me. For being you.”
“Nolan, you don’t have to thank me…” 
“I know,” He insisted, the hand that came up to your face lingering just a little longer, not yet dropping back to his side. “I know I don’t but I want to.”
“I also want to do one more thing.”
Before you could even process a response, he was stepping closer to you and his other hand joined the first in cupping your cheeks and tilting your head upward, his lips pressing to yours in a gentle but sure kiss. You gasped softly, your eyes a small noise of surprise escaping you and your hands clasped around his wrists. His kiss was soft, gentle enough to not scare you away but it wasn’t tentative. You knew without a doubt that this was something Nolan was sure of and with just a second’s hesitation as you regained your bearings, you kissed him back, and as you did so Nolan sighed into the kiss, relief flooding him. Your eyes fluttered shut, throwing yourself into the moment. You kissed him back with the same gentle urgency, allowing his tongue to tangle with yours when you felt it trace your bottom lip. You don’t know how long the two of you kissed. Eventually, the urgency calmed and you fell into slow, languid movements until you both needed to come up for air. Your eyes remained closed for a moment longer as you felt Nolan’s forehead rest gently on yours. When you opened them once more, you were met with the ocean blue eyes that, though at the time you hadn’t realized it, you fell in love with the moment you saw them. Your hands were still clasped around his wrists, thumbs brushing the tops of his hands as you smiled up at him before he broke the silence first.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while now.” 
You giggled softly, letting go of his wrists and pushing up onto your tiptoes so you could wrap your arms around his neck. “That was nice.”
Nolan chuckled, his hands dropping to your waist. “I’ve had feelings for you I think from the start.”
“Oh is that what that means?” You teased, giving his nose a quick peck. “I thought it was just a ‘thank you for decorating my apartment, (Y/N)’.”
He gently squeezed your sides, eliciting a surprised squeak from you. That soft smile of his graced his face once more before he spoke again. “I’m serious. I think that maybe… I think I’ve loved you for a long time now.”
“You love me?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Yeah,” He replied, his hand rubbing your sides, “Yeah, I love you.”
You grinned from ear to ear, Nolan’s smile almost matching yours before you pushed your lips to his again, loving how they felt on your own. You were nearly breathless when you pulled away again, speaking in a hushed tone. “Good, because this would have been so fucking weird if this was just your way of saying thank you.”
Nolan quirked an eyebrow, his little smirk spreading across his lips. “So it’s not weird?”
“No, you idiot,” You giggled, “Because I love you, too.”
He pulled you into one more kiss, this one just as slow and gentle as the very first. You couldn’t describe the happiness that was flowing through your veins, but you did know one thing. It was there, in the ridiculously decorated living room of his apartment, beneath the warm glow of Christmas lights, that everything had changed.
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coeurdastronaute · 3 years
HSAU: College Part 1
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Previously on HSAU
Morning started the same, every day, rain or shine. Four thirty in the morning, the alarm beeped in the small attic room, and under one section of angled roof, where a pile of blankets slumbered, an arm would appear and slap around until the offending noise stopped. It was precise and methodical and never changed, six days a week.
Lexa ran her hands over her face after pushing off the blankets, but stayed in bed just a few seconds longer, orienting herself. Though it was still summer, the sky hadn’t brightened just yet, and the night was disinterested in ending anytime soon. When she swung her legs over the edge of the bed, she stretched and cracked her joints and yawned before grabbing an old shirt to throw over her sports bra and slipping on a pair of shorts. The fan in her window hummed along while the crickets outside groaned in the heat. Outside, the neighborhood she grew up in was quiet and still. A dog barked and calmed itself. No cars moved at all. Every picket fence and yard with signs and flags slumbered before dawn came, and Lexa was the first among the living. July was awake before the dawn as well. It shook off the night from its coat and stretched forward and backward before loping into the streets, covering every surface with a few inches of thick heat. Without the sun, the heat rose up straight from the ground itself, radiating out into the world. Lexa paused halfway through her run and tied her shoe as the light changed for no cars at all. As she stood she dried her forehead on her shoulder and started off again. Her run got insanely longer with the new summer route that took her out towards her uncle’s garage. For no reason at all. “Where’s Bear?” “I let him sleep in,” Lexa smiled before distracting herself with wiping the sweat from her face with her old shirt. “I ran here though, so that’s impressive.” “Yeah, I mean... no Bear though,” Clarke shrugged and hustled about the café, preparing for the opening. It took just a second, but somewhere between flipping the sign on the door and moving to make the second round of coffee, Lexa grabbed her girlfriend’s arm and tugged her back, kissing her like she had been waiting to do since she started her run. “Your mom still at that conference?” “Until Thursday.” “Want me to help you pack?” “Why don’t you let me actually pack and then come over to watch a movie or something,” Clarke chuckled and pushed at her girlfriend’s chest. “I am a great helper.” “No you’re not,” she smiled and ran her hand up Lexa’s neck, pushing her body closer as she found herself stuck between the counter and her quarterback. “I could barely walk after the last time you came over to help.” The words made her shiver, but Lexa grinned as she swallowed and ran her hands over Clarke’s hips. “But you were way more relaxed.” “I can’t wait until practice starts again. You need to work off all that energy somewhere else.” “How about another training session tonight?” The puppy dog eyes were in full effect, distracting her from everything else. The jingling of the bell at the door made them pull apart. Lexa smiled politely, clearing her throat as her girlfriend adjusted her apron. Just a few more days, and they would be gone, away from the safety of their little town. The entire summer had been spent avoiding thinking about it too much, had been spent disappearing to float down the river, to watch movies much too late in Lexa’s room until her mother would come home late from work and politely remind them of the hour, to drop Aden off at his science camp and disappear together to the mountains and spend the day hiking, which inevitably ended with lounging in the shade atop the hill. Lexa took her seat, at her table, and waited until Clarke finished with the first few customers of the morning. Miraculously, without even having to order, a water appeared, with a big bowl of oatmeal and fruit. Just like nearly a year ago, the quarterback sat there and studied plays as the morning rush came and went. Most of her time was spent watching the girl with blonde hair and cheeks that had that damn smile. For the life of her, Lexa couldn’t figure out how she was going to find the motivation to run when she moved to New Haven. XXXXXXXXX
The evening was growing long in the tooth, but neither party could be bothered to let it end without a fight. And even though a mother made her presence known from time to time, it didn’t deter the two sweethearts in the attic hideaway. Nothing really could, with the late-July heat settling on the roof, angry and annoyed. 
“I don’t think I’ve seen your room this clean ever before,” Clarke observed as she hunkered down on the bed while Lexa finished packing and straightening up. “It wasn’t ever dirty, it just feels… I don’t know. Less lived in.” 
“I wasn’t going to leave a mess for my mom.” 
“I know. I just don’t like any of it.” 
“You’ll be doing the same thing in like six weeks.” 
“Oh no. I’m definitely leaving a mess for my mom.” 
Lexa chuckled and zipped up another duffle bag before tossing it on the pile. She gave her room a finally glance and felt a twinge of sadness in the base of her heart, a tiny little tug on her body that felt like she was already gone. She fell into her bed beside her girlfriend and smiled when a hand pushed hair away from her face. 
“You’re going to go across the country tomorrow,” Clarke whispered. “And I will miss you. But you are going to do something spectacular.” 
The quarterback slid her hand around Clarke’s hip, her thumb touching the warm skin there. She liked the feeling of her, and she wanted to remember it. 
“I’ll miss you badly.” 
“Obviously. I’m incredibly missable.” 
Lexa smiled as Clarke held it there and kissed her eagerly, without holding anything back, to try to say what she couldn’t. Hands gripped on her hips and she pushed forward toward Lexa. Hands moved to her neck and she dug her hands into her girlfriend’s hair. 
“I’ll come see you when you move in,” Lexa promised. “Just a three hour train ride and I can be there.” 
“And you’ll work very hard earning that starting spot this summer. No distractions. And if you get a chance,” Clarke grinned and slide her hand up her girlfriend’s stomach. “To get in shape.” 
“You oogling me is really good motivation.” 
“I don’t oogle,” Clarke shook her head as lips moved to her neck. She felt Lexa settle atop her and closed her eyes, pulling her closer, always closer. “I appreciate.” 
“You’ll have a good summer, right? Not miss me too much.” 
“I’ll miss you plenty, but I’ll try.” 
“Will you, um,” Lexa pulled away slightly, her lips a little puffier, her eyes a little more dilated, her hands touching skin and aching for more. “Would you do me a favor?” 
“Your mom is still making dinner. We have like an hour before dinner. I plan on doing a few favors for you.” 
“No, no, not that,” she shook her head. “Well. Kind of that. But I just… I want you to have a good time this summer, and not think about me. But while you’re doing that, could you watch out for Aden? He gets… he gets quiet sometimes. And my mom. She works too hard. I don’t want to leave them.” 
Her eyes were a little glassy with the confession and Clarke pressed her hand to her chest and nodded with a smile before kissing her softly. 
“I’ll keep an eye on them.” 
“You have no idea how good that is to hear.” 
“I can imagine.”
“Any favors I can do for you?” Lexa ventured with a smile. 
“One or two.” 
It wasn’t easy for the first week, but Clarke kept telling herself that if she could make it one week, then she could do it, without a doubt. As hard as it was, she clawed her way through the first seven days without Lexa almost intact and only cried a handful to a dozen times. 
They survived with FaceTime and texts and calls. She got to see a lot of Lexa’s new world with tons of pictures and a lot of eager explanations, and Clarke made sure to keep plans with friends, electing to fake it and hopefully find some moments of happiness. And she did, swimming with friends, parties by the river, working at the café. It was all doable when she didn’t take any time to think about it. 
And every night when she talked with her girlfriend on the phone, Clarke had something to tell her that she did that day to keep herself busy. And she got to hear about how crazy training was, and how awesome the team was, and how exciting being on her own seemed to be. Clarke could handle listening to Lexa talk for hours. 
But there was something she needed to do, and she waited until the first milestone of a week to muster up the courage to do it. 
“Clarke, honey, it is so good to see you,” Gabby opened the door and smiled, wiping her hands in the towel on her shoulder before hugging the girl at her door tightly. 
“It’s good to see you, too,” Clarke sighed, melting into the motherly embrace. 
“I hope you’re hungry. I made chicken.” 
“Is it cooked?” 
“Ha ha. Very funny,” she rolled her eyes, grinning as she ushered her guest inside. 
The house smelled warm and delicious, and somehow felt a little different without Lexa’s bag of gear by the door and her cleats clogging up the entryway. The noises were still the same, some music playing over the small radio on the kitchen counter and Aden’s music thumping overhead, but there wasn’t a happy girl about to lope down the steps at the sound of the door and kiss the guest, and everyone knew it. 
“How have you been? How’s summer so far?” Gabby asked as Clarke followed toward the kitchen. 
“Not too bad. Normal stuff. Working and preparing to leave.” 
“Ah, to be young and with the summer ahead,” she wistfully sighed before taking the chicken out of the oven. 
Her phone rang, and Clarke saw the familiar pep in her step to answer it after she looked at the clock, familiar with the schedule Lexa liked to keep. 
“Hey, kid. How are you?” she smiled at her phone as her daughter’s face popped on the screen. “Your timing is great. Look who just showed up for dinner.” 
Clarke waved at her girlfriend from the counter earning a huge smile. 
“Make sure the chicken is cooked,” Lexa offered.  
“Way ahead of you.” 
“How was practice today? You still sore in the shoulder?” 
“It was great. I got some time in on the first line and had a really good film session. I just got back from dinner with a bunch of the guys. It was Shawn’s birthday, so we went to get a bite at this awesome Chinese place I can’t wait to show you both.”
“And you’re back in the dorm by nine?” 
“A couple of the other guys went to grab drinks, but I’ve honestly never been more tired in my entire life, and we have a five call time tomorrow for conditioning.” 
“Okay, honey, well thanks for calling me. You should sleep.” 
“I will. Clarke, wake me up later so you can tell me all about dinner and your day?” 
“We’ll see,” she shrugged and smiled. 
“I’ll be half asleep but I’m extra cute when I’m half-asleep.” 
“It’s true,” Gabby nodded. “She’s impossible to tolerate when she’s awake.” 
“Very funny,” Lexa rolled her eyes. “I love you guys. Have a good dinner. I’m sorry I missed it.” 
“Get some sleep,” they both ordered. 
It was a good dinner. Clarke enjoyed her time with Lexa’s family as she always did, and she felt a little better that Lexa gave her something to do. Maybe it was a win-win all along, that Lexa got to make sure her family was watched, and Clarke would have something to do. She wasn’t sure she could give Lexa all the credit for the plan, just that she was glad it worked out that way. 
It had been a long two months. Clarke felt every second of it, she thought, despite how busy she was preparing to move across the country. There was still work, and there was still time with friends, still the summer shenanigans she’d come to love, still time with everyone else who was going their own ways as well. 
It took forever and it went on in a blink. But by the time she got off the plane and picked up her luggage, she realized she didn’t particularly miss home at all. As she stood on the curb and waited for an Uber, she wasn’t as daunted by the idea of change as she had expected, but rather eager to embrace it all. 
“Excuse me, ma’am, you’re going to have to move along--”
Dumbfounded, Clarke stared at her girlfriend, who seemed to have somehow gotten taller and prettier in their time apart, standing next to an old truck. Clad in a backward blue ball cap and a torn up workout shirt that looked as if it was still dirty from a morning practice. 
“What are you--?” Clarke began to ask before smiling too much and launching herself into her quarterback’s arms. 
It felt good, to feel Lexa’s arms around her waist, to smell the sun on her neck, to fit so snuggly there. Clarke squeezed with all of her might, kissing what she could smooshed there, with Lexa’s arms returning it, a laugh in her throat strangled from escaping. 
Somehow Clarke realized her legs wrapped around Lexa and she was essentially a koala, latched there. She didn’t care. She kissed her girlfriend, ignoring the honks of the cars and the swirling police that wanted to usher everyone along. She somehow became the person who missed another persons lips. It was infuriating. 
“How did you know?” 
“My mom told me about your flight,” Lexa shrugged. “I borrowed a truck from one of the guys on the line. They think you’re hot.” 
“Well, that’s… sweet, I guess.” 
“I couldn’t wait to see you. Even if it’s just for a little bit.”
“You’re getting soft on me, Woods.” 
“Yeah,” she grinned, squeezing again. “I don’t care. I knew no one would be here to take you to school.” 
“I was just going to uber or taxi.” 
“I’m going to be the person who takes you where you need to go, even if you don’t ask or expect it, and not in as creepy a way as that sounds--”
She was silenced with another kiss as Clarke struggled to hide her smile. 
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kaistarus · 4 years
Fake Confessions Spawn Real Feelings
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Pairings: Nishinoya X Reader
Words: 2.2K
Summary: Noya asks you to help him make Kiyoko jealous, but like most of his ideas it doesn’t go the way he expects it to.
Notes: Chaotic Noya is my favorite Noya, so half this fic is cute and half this fic is him being a crackhead. Both versions I'm unhealthily in love with.
**there’s now a sequel with the first date**
“Noya what the hell are you doing?”
Nishinoya appeared by your desk the moment the final bell had rung bouncing with the energy of a caffeinated toddler. You were suspicious of the impatient look in his eyes that could only mean trouble, which was later confirmed by him pulling you out of your desk the moment your class materials were packed. Now, without explaining his actions, he weaved his way through the halls while dragging you reluctantly along.
“The most genius thing ever.” He said once you arrived outside the school’s gymnasium. Nishinoya dropped your hand and began looking around the empty courtyard.
“What are you looking for?”
“Kiyoko,” he opened his bag and dug around before producing an envelope. You raised an amused brow at the poorly drawn hearts adorning the parchment.
“Are you giving that to her?”
Nishinoya raised an eyebrow like you’d just asked the most ridiculous question he’d ever heard. “What? No, this is empty.” He shoved it into your hands.
You blinked, raising the envelope into the light to confirm that it was indeed see through. “So, you just decorated an empty envelope? What’s the point of that?”
“Well, when Kiyoko sees another girl confessing her feelings for me. She’ll think I’m irresistible!”
He puffed out his chest after swinging his bag back onto his back.
“Another girl?” You snorted as you flipped the envelope over to admire the poorly drawn kissy faces on its back. “Who’s stupid enough to do that?”
“You are!” He said as if it should have been the most obvious thing in the world. You stared blankly. “You’re going to give me that fake love letter.”
“What do you mean I’m going to-”
 “Then she’ll be like, ‘oh Noya, I didn’t realize you were so sexy and talented, please don’t leave me’,” he said while clasping his hands together and raising his voice several octaves.
“I don’t think she’s going to-”
“And I’ll be like, ‘Kiyoko baby I would never leave you. I’d wait a million lifetimes sweet mama’.” He grabbed his cheeks and wiggled his butt around, clearly lost in a fantasy. “Then we’ll fall in love and get married at a destination wedding and have ten thousand children and Tanaka will weep of jealousy at my astounding awesomeness.”
“Ten thousand babies?” Your jaw dropped in horror before you quickly shook it off. You pushed the envelope against his chest. “Look, I’m not doing this.”
“C’mon, this is literally life or death.” He tried, shoving the letter back into your hands.
“What if someone sees? I’m supposed to live with the reputation of confessing to you and everyone thinking you turned me down?”
“First of all, ouch. Second of all, everyone’s gone home by now.” Nishinoya shrugged. “What could possibly go wrong?”
The phrase alone made a long list scroll through your mind. “I wouldn’t even know how to confess.”
“I’m literally cool as fuck,” Noya smirked. “It should be easy. Just be honest.”
You gave him a once-over. “Do you want to impress Kiyoko or have me be honest? Pick one.”
Nishinoya glared at you before his eyes connected with something over your shoulder. “Okay, here she comes. Act natural.”
He released the envelope and you caught it on reflex, sneering at him while he straightened out his poster and uniform jacket. What did he mean to act natural? Absolutely nothing about this situation was natural.
“Oh my gosh, (Y/N). Why did you ask that we meet out here all alone?” Noya said, his voice awkwardly stiff and loud.
Your grip on the envelope tightened as you tried to keep yourself from becoming more agitated with Nishinoya. He has the nerve to tell you to act natural and then puts on a performance like that. “I have something important I need to tell you…” 
“I wonder what it is. As someone who respects all women I will take any amount of time out of my day to listen to your words.” The corner of his mouth quirks up and he shoots you a small thumbs up at his hip. It takes all of your concentration to not roll your eyes.
You heard a pair of footsteps echoing from the walkway that connected the main building and the gymnasium, so you figured one of them belonged to Kiyoko. In your peripheral you spotted her and Yachi pretending to stare down at a clipboard in Kiyoko’s hands, but you knew they were glancing up at the fake display you both were putting on.
“Uh, well, it’s just… um... ” You nibbled on your bottom lip from frustration. Thankfully, they probably took your hesitation for nervousness rather than the inability to think of something to say.
 It wasn’t that you disliked Nishinoya. You actually really admired him-not that you had ever imagined admitting it to his face. But… if you didn’t have a choice.
You took a deep breath.
“I think that you're really amazing,” you said, avoiding his excited amber eyes you knew were trained on Kiyoko anyway. “I like how determined you are to do your best and how that transitions to how hard you work in volleyball. I truly believe you’re the greatest libero there is.”
You felt Nishinoya’s focus become more grounded on you, so you lifted your stare to meet his. The longer you made eye-contact the more it felt like he was pulling the confession from you. “I like how much you care about your friends and that you work hard to cheer people up even when I can tell you’re not in a great mood yourself. I also admire how fearless you are and how you’re the first to try new things.” You looked down again and dug your shoe into the dirt. “I wish I could be more like that sometimes.”
You felt your cheeks warming as his mouth went a little slack and his brow creased. You knew you could probably stop at any moment, but the words were flowing too easily and a part of you wanted him to hear them now. Later you could pretend it was for the bit and not because your heart weighed heavy in your chest.
“I’ve always been jealous of how free it feels to be around you. Like, how chaotic and carefree you can be, but you still know how to be serious in certain situations.” You shrugged. “You’re also pretty cute or whatever, so that’s a good addition.”
Nishinoya looked in awe. You glanced back at Kiyoko and Yachi who were now watching from the gymnasium’s entrance-their heads peeking out from the doorway. You became self-conscious when you remembered it wasn’t just you and Nishinoya and you felt the urgency to wrap this up quickly.
“So, uh,” you held the poorly crafted envelope Nishinoya had made outward. “I really like you, Nishinoya. I hope you can accept my feelings.”
The moment had come where he was supposed to turn you down. Say he couldn’t accept and you’d be on your way to live life like normal. But, instead of saying anything he just kept staring at you.
You coughed awkwardly and waved the envelope in his face. “Noya…”
“Oh, uh, right.” His cheeks dusted pink and he took the empty envelope. “Thanks. That um… you’re also… pretty cool.”
He just stared down at the poorly crafted envelope for several moments before glancing back up at you nervously.
 “So, I get done with practice at around six if you want to hang out later? Unless you’re busy tonight. We can hang out this weekend or really I can make any time work. Dead ass, like, I can fucking skip practice if that’s what you want.”
You blinked.
“What’s going on?” You leaned forward to whisper, but he leaned away awkwardly. “This wasn’t the plan.”
“I know, but you said all those nice things and now I’m confused.” Nishinoya covered his face with his hands.
“Confused how?” You looked back to the doorway where Kiyoko and Yachi had been peeking out and frowned at how they were gone.
“Confused like my heart feels funny and now I want to get married and have ten thousand kids and stuff.”
Your face turned bright red. “What? I can’t have ten thousand kids.”
“One thousand?”
“I’m not having more than two kids,” you crossed your arms. “Besides, one kid with your energy is equivalent to at least two.”
He pouted. “Fine, but then I get to choose our destination wedding.”
“Absolutely not. You’d pick somewhere ridiculous like Nebraska.”
“What the hell is a Nebraska?”
“It’s a boring place in the US where nothing-” You waved it off. “Why are we even talking about this? You don’t like me, Noya. You like Kiyoko.”
“But I didn’t even know I was allowed to like you,” his brow furrowed as he thought. “I mean, I’ve thought about liking you, but it’s different ‘ya know?”
“No,” you responded. Next time Nishinoya pulls you into a ridiculous plot where he claims ‘what could possibly go wrong?’ you’d have to add actual confessions to the long list.
“You’re like a real person.” He gestured to all of you and you just tilted your head confused. “It’s like, Kiyoko can turn me down a hundred times, but she’ll still talk to me so who cares. But if you turned me down it’d be different. I might never get to be with you again. Does that make sense?”
“I guess… so…” You furrowed your brow and stared at his shoes that were tapping nervously against the ground. “Do you even know how to go on dates?”
“How dare you,” he placed a hand over his chest in mock horror. “I’ll have you know I’ve read two whole romance books. No pictures.”
“Well, when you sell yourself like that.” You smirked before taking a deep breath. “I mean, I guess… it would be fine. If we had one date.”
“Really?” He fist pumped. “Fuck yeah. I’m gonna swoon you so good. This’ll be the best date of your life.”
“I’ve never been on a date.”
“Even better! There’s no standard.” He cackled as he spun around with his fist raised high. “I can’t even fuck it up.”
“I don’t think that’s how that-”
“I’ll text you,” he sent you a wide smile over his shoulder. “I promise that this is going to be really great. You’re going to love it.”
You gave a slight nod and watched him practically skip into the gymnasium. It took Tanaka’s disbelieving shouts to snap you out of your frozen stupor and you stared down at your hands in confusion.
What the hell just happened?
Mindlessly, you made your way to the front of the school where your bike was chained up so you could finally get home and relax. You spent the entire ride home in a numb state of disbelief that somehow, in less than an hour, you’d gone from refusing to admit you found Nishinoya even remotely cool to going on a date with him.
What kind of witchcraft had he pulled?
You assured yourself that it was just a date and nothing would come of it. So when you struggled with focusing on your homework that night because every few minutes your heart would do acrobatics at the idea of spending time alone with Nishinoya, you pretended it was just leftover embarrassment.
It also probably meant nothing that your face turned red when he texted you immediately after his practice with like ten smiley faces. And it definitely wasn’t a big deal that you giggled like an idiot while texting him until three in the morning about absolutely nothing. That was all just normal stuff that happened between normal people who had a normal non-romantic connection. No way had you actually fallen for Nishinoya.
You definitely weren’t in denial.
As you sat through a boring lesson the next day in class your eyes drifted, landing unsurprisingly on the boy taking up too much of your mental space. He was absentmindedly fiddling with his dyed strand of hair as he focused intently on the workbook on his desk. His tongue poked out in concentration as he repeatedly wrote and erased something on the same line in his notebook. You smiled fondly at the frustrated crease between his furrowed brow as he struggled to analyze that day’s literature passage.
Nishinoya must have felt you blatantly staring because he lifted his head confused before searching around the room and finally meeting your eyes dead on. You stared at each other briefly until he gave you a lopsided grin that sent your heart into a frenzy. You lifted your hand for a little wave and embarrassingly turned your attention back to your own schoolwork.
You rubbed your pencil’s eraser against one of your now pink cheeks.
Damn it… you thought, as you began underlining random sentences to appear busy. You really did like him. A small smile rested on your lips as your heart kept it’s irregular pattern. Perhaps that wasn’t such a bad thing?
You snuck another peek and your smile fell when you saw him cross-eyed and balancing his pencil on his top lip. He’d apparently given up on attempting to do the assigned work for the day. You watched the pencil roll forward and he tried to catch it on his tongue before it clattered onto his desk, pulling everyone’s attention.
You groaned quietly and covered your face with your hands.
At least he was cute?
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
I got your Back
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Pairing: (DragonBat!)Daniela Dimitrescu x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: One walk out in the woods would change your life. One encounter with a Royal Dragon Bat changes your views on the four lords.
Warnings: Near-Death, Running, Being chased by the Queen of the ‘Dragon Castle’
A/n: I thought I was going to make this a one story thing, but I was WRONG! Hi, I apparently make series and this is apparently a series now. Also, plot twist comes in this chapter!
1 Year...
Daniela’s injury had long healed however, eve if you were letting her go, she only just walked back towards you. No matter what you did to distance yourself from her, she’d always, someway somehow find her way back to you. 
“Don’t you miss home sometimes?” You ask Daniela, leaning against her back
I do but... I enjoy being in your presence as much as I do being at home. 
“Are you sure?” You ask her, reeling in a fish, “Last time I checked, there was nothing special here...”
As you bring in that reeled fish, you toss it to Daniela and she catches it, downing it in a gulp. You roll up your sleeves as you reveal a tattoo. It was a design of Daniela; the Brilliant Red scales and mane with a hint of Brilliant Emerald Green scales was all in the design. You unfortunately had to leave town for a little bit to go into the modern world to get it done. 
I can’t believe you really have a tattoo of me...
“You’re my best friend Dani,” You explain, “So, even if you go, you’ll be on these adventures with me.”
You’re something else Y/n...
“Hey, were you always a dragon?” You ask, “Sorry if that’s out of the blue... If a dragon bat can communicate with me telepathically you must be human as well...”
I don’t know... However, there is a legend... Where humans who were turned into monsters like me...
“I don’t see you as a monster,” You say
You... Don’t?
“I don’t,” You say, “Continue on the ‘legend’ you know about.”
You don’t notice Daniela’s cheeks flushing a deep red. 
It started with a daughter of the royal family. She was absolutely lovesick. From time to time she fell for many different men. One night she went too far and killed the man that she had ‘fallen in love’ with. This had angered the townspeople. The daughter was chased to the edge of town, where she begged mother to help her. However, the mother... Was fed up with her daughters’ flirtatious ways. However, deeply caring for her daughter, she felt merciful and found a way to curse her. The mother had cursed the daughter to become a hybrid of a Dragon and a Bat. The challenge for her cursed daughter was to find someone who would love them not only for appearances but for one who truly is themselves shall be turned back to normal. 
“That’s... Intense,” You sigh, “Do you think... It’s about you?”
Who knows? Just maybe. 
“Well, for one, it’s awesome having a dragon bat for a best friend,” You start, “Who would have thought that-”
You hear rustling in the distance. This causes Daniela to begin hissing and growling. You stand up and cock your gun and stand up to begin making your way to where the noise was. Daniela right behind you to protect you. You lift your gun and begin listening for anything out of the ordinary.
Dani... You hear them too?
I do.
As quick as a flash of light, a hoard of Lycans jumps down from the bushes, ensnaring Daniela in a net.
“Daniela!” You yell, beginning to shoot the lycans, “Let her go!”
One lycan had gotten closer to you however, you immediately whip yourself around and shoot at the lycan that was inches away from your face. You watch molten fire string right above you, dodging the drips of lava that was dripping down from the stream of molten flame.
“I don’t think so!” You yell, taking down the remaining lycans that were holding Daniela down
You immediately remove the netting from Daniela and wrap your arms around her neck as much as you could.
I thought I told you to run...
“I’m not leaving you behind Dani,” You say, sternly, “We’re partners...”
The Dragon Bat coos under your touch as the both of you begin walking back to your home. Somehow you had been able to keep it afloat. Even with all of the Lycans targeting you. However, you were certain they were all after Daniela. You shoot at the final lycan but hear it beginning to speak.
“The mother of... The Castle... Will kill you...” It says before dying
The lady of the castle?... Does he mean?-
Y/n? Are you okay?
“I’m fine,” You sigh, “No scratches or anything.. Shouldn’t you get back to the castle?”
My mother is being overprotective... I can take care of myself.
“I wouldn’t want you being strongly punished for choosing to stay with me,” You sigh, “Or even me getting burned alive... I wouldn’t want to go out like that.”
Then how would you want to go out?
“On my bed,” You answer, “Surrounded by the people I love... Well, you for that matter... I’m pretty sure a dragon bat like yourself can live longer than the average mortal...”
That is true, But... I’d rather go out valiantly.
“As your typical dragon bat would,” You smile and sigh
What’s wrong with going out valiantly?
“Nothing at all,” You state, “You should go out valiantly. Or at least protecting the ones you love.”
Before Daniela could answer, the both of you look up to the sky and notice a large silhouette of a dragon. Daniela uses her head to nudge you inside of your home. 
“Daniela!” You yell as Daniela uses her tail to lock you in the house
Daniela walks away from the home and watches the large dragon land in front of her.
You stay away from the castle for over a year?!
I wanted to be on my own for awhile mother!
What if a hunter could have killed you?! Or even sold you for money?!
Mother the human I’m with has not sold me or killed me!
You try to unlock the door however it was locked from the outside. You cover your fist with your hoodie and begin punching the door window, unlocking it. However, you look down and notice how your fist began bleeding; seeing dark spots beginning to seep through. You leave your fist covered however, you run in front of Daniela.
“You leave her alone!” You scream
Oh! We have a loud mouth!
Your eyes widen and jump out of the way just as the white and black dragon breathes its fire. 
Mother Stop! Please!
If you want me to stop you must come home!
Daniela actually considered it, but, she had grown attached to you. She couldn’t just up and leave right then and there. She didn’t want to leave you. You appear right back at Daniela’s side, not long before the ‘Mother Dragon’ had began forming her fire in her mouth. It wasn’t before Daniela had curled her neck so that she was practically guarding you; her tail also curled around you. You hear and feel the growling emitting off of Daniela.
You DARE growl at your mother?!
Mother... I don’t want you hurting this human... She saved my life!
Humans are all the same! Now move my daughter!
Daniela also didn’t want to anger her mother. A chill shoots up your spine as you feel Daniela’s tail move away from you, along with her head and neck. But, you feel her warm steam exit her nose.
“Run...” A very feminine voice whispers in 
You’re not sure what shot through your body, but in the next second, your foot pivots and you run... And run... And run.
You come back and succumb to your despair!!
You could hear what the Mother Dragon was yelling. But, you don’t turn to look back. That’s one thing your father taught you; to never look back when you’re running away from something. However, you hear another roar; making you finally turn your head, stopping in your tracks. 
Daniela?! What is the meaning of this?!
“Run Y/n!!!” Daniela yelps as she falls off her mothers’ back
Did Daniela just...
You wanted to turn back and help her. But how could you? The Mother Dragon said it herself. You were a mere human. No special powers, no dragon bat abilities you were just human. However, you couldn’t just simply run away now. Daniela was in trouble. 
You will come home this time! And you will never-
Before the Dragon Mother could finish her sentence at a whimpering Daniela, she turns to a pressure on her tail; your teeth were attempting to sink into the scaly tail. Like themselves, you were grunting, growling and trying to injure the Dragon mother long enough for Daniela to get free. 
No mortal has ever sunk their wee teeth into me flesh before... Got to say little one... You have guts... No matter, You’re finished..
With a simple motion, your teeth weren’t strong enough to hold against the Dragon Mothers’ tail whip. Daniela’s ember eyes widen as she watches your body be flung over the edge of the cliff. Despite being under her mothers’ foot, she manages to break free from her mothers’ grasp. 
You couldn’t scream. The heavy drop of your stomach made it hard for you to. At that point you decided to accept your despaired fate. That was... Until you saw a silhouette of dragon wings...
A/N: Omg!! It’s been too long! I’ve gotten a new job and it has been exhausting me to the bone! Hopefully I can upload more soon!!
Go Home Daniela
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happyandticklish · 3 years
Not Just An Annoyance
Notes: For the ask by @ticklish-sidekick. Based somewhere between the Titan’s Curse and The Battle of the Labrynth. As someone who was once the younger kid with the stupidly obvious crush on their older peers, I related a lot to Nico throughout the series. I hope you enjoy my sweet emo child as he receives all the tickles he deserves! :)
Summary: Nico keeps annoying Percy to get him to tickle him, and Percy is oblivious as per usual.
“What’s that?”
Percy jumped near out of his skin at the sudden presence of the other boy peering over his shoulder, banging his knee into the cafeteria table. There was something about the way Nico moved that made him slightly uneasy, like he was sliding out of the shadows. He glanced down at the sword Nico had asked about, which mere moments before had been a pen; Percy had wanted to polish it while everyone else was out at activities.
Evidently, not everyone.
“Uh, it’s my sword,” Percy answered, holding it up for him to examine. “Riptide, technically. Haven’t you seen it before, in battle?”
Nico’s eyes widened at the sight. Before Percy could do anything the boy had snatched it out of his hands, running his fingers over the blunt side of the blade. “Yeah, I mean, a couple times. I’ve never seen it up close though. How come it has a name? How does it turn from a pen into a sword? Do you actually know how to fight with this? Could I try?”
The questions buzzed around Percy’s head, whizzing too fast for him to concentrate on one. He decided to focus on the last one, as he figured that was the most prominent one. “Absolutely not. You’ll get yourself killed.”
He held out his hand for the sword, but Nico was already swinging the sword down in a wide arc, flushing in excitement as it whooshed through the air. “Awesome.”
“Nico, c’mon, give me my sword back.” Percy stood up, attempting to wrestle the hilt of the sword away from him. Nico was small and squirrely however, and easily evaded his grasp, clumsily slashing at empty air several more times. “That’s not safe, you know. And your technique is all wrong.”
“Then teach me the right way,” Nico responded brazenly, completely oblivious to Percy’s growing annoyance.
Percy narrowed his eyes at the insolence. He knew the kid didn’t mean to get in his way, but that didn’t stop him from making endless troubles for Percy. He thought back to Manhattan, and all the times he had acted up in similar manners. He remembered a certain technique his mom had used on him in those circumstances, and he figured they would surely be just as effective now.
While Nico was distracted attempting to heft Riptide into a natural thrust, Percy managed to sneak up behind him and place both hands on his sides. Nico froze, his entire face going red though Percy of course couldn’t see that.
“Give me the sword Nico,” Percy demanded. “Or else.”
Nico stiffened, trying to act brave through his apprehensive confusion. “No. I’m still using it.”
“Okay,” Percy said, shrugging as if to say the matter was taken out of his hands. “You asked for it.”
The last thing Nico expected was for two pairs of fingers to dig suddenly into his sides as Percy enacted his tried and true method. Nico jumped, bursting into uncontrollable giggles as he squirmed in his hands.
“N-Nohohoho!” Nico protested, attempting to wriggle out of his grip but finding that Percy’s strength vastly outmatched his own. “Ahahaha, Nahahat fahahahair!”
“Are you gonna give me the sword?” Percy asked, knowing that technically speaking Nico’s grip was weak enough on the weapon by now that he could grab it himself if he wanted. He decided it was more fun this way, however. “Hmm? What’s that? Are you at a loss for words?”
That’s a first.
“Stahahahap!” Nico screeched, dropping the sword finally and attempting to pry away Percy’s hands. “Ehehehe, pffft, nohohoho mohohore!”
“Are you gonna leave me alone?”
“And quit asking so many questions?”
“Yehehehes, yehehes!”
Finally Percy backed off and Nico collasped to the ground, wrapping his arms protectively around his middle. Percy calmly retrieved his sword while the other glared at him. “Tickling is not fair.”
“It’s called strategy,” Percy informed him, bumping him affectionately with his foot as he walked by. “See, you did learn something.”
Nico watched as Percy capped his sword, the weapon instantly shrinking down into a pen that he pocketed before walking off to go find the others. His skin still tingled anxiously as phantom tickles ran up and down his sides. He slowly clambered to his feet, trying to shake off the leftover embarrassment from acting so childish in front of someone as cool as Percy. Crumpling into a ball of giggles in front of your hero certainly didn’t help when you were trying to look tough.
But there was something about the way Percy had smirked when he had grabbed his sides, the teasing lilt to his voice, that awoke strange, fluttery excitement in the pit of his stomach. Percy was normally so dismissive of him, treating him as some annoying younger brother; it was nice having all that attention focused on him for a change.
So for the next couple weeks, Nico found himself doing everything in his power to provoke Percy into another “attack”. And, as most would say about him if asked, Nico could be very persistent when he wanted to be.
“Nico!” Percy spluttered, resurfacing after the other had shoved him quite suddenly and unexpectedly into the lake. “What the hell?”
Nico shrugged, flashing him an impish grin. “I wanted to see if the Son of Poseidon could swim better than normal people. I guess I was wrong though, because you seem to be struggling quite a lot.”
“Because you shoved me—” Percy exclaimed, before cutting himself off with an irritated smirk. “Alright then. But you only have yourself to blame for what happens next.”
“What do you mean—wah!”
Nico yelped in surprise as Percy’s hand shot out of the water suddenly, grabbing his ankle and jerking him into the lake with him. He landed with a splash next to Percy, waves cascading out around him. He came to the surface with an indignant gasp, and barely had time to get his breath back before Percy had pulled him into his arms, fingers wiggling into his now soaked shirt.
Nico shrieked, instantly squirming and attempting to evade his grasp, but Percy’s grip on him was too strong. “Ah, wahahait, nohoho, Pehehercy!”
“This is what happens when you mess with the great Percy Jackson,” the other triumphed, squeezing his sides rapidly and prompting a flood of embarrassing squeaks and giggles from Nico.
“Ihihihit wahahahas juhuhust ahahaha prahahahank!” Nico protested, throwing his head back with a wild grin and kicking his legs out violently in the water. “Thihihihis ihihihisn’t fahahahahair!”
“It’s perfectly fair,” Percy argued. “This is revenge, plain and simple. I wonder what would happen if I just…” He grabbed both of Nico arms, holding them above his head with one hand. With the other, he started rapidly spidering fingers in his left armpit. Nico promptly freaked out, writhing and bucking like crazy as the unbearable sensations took over. It was a credit to Percy’s superior abilities as a swimmer that he was able to keep both of them afloat through the process.
Nico got truly desperate when the touches changed from light fluttering into intense drilling, directly in the spot where his armpits met his ribs. “Nahahahaha, stahahahahap, stahahahahap, ohoho myhyhy g-gohohods!”
“Alright, alright.” Percy let go, whereupon Nico’s arms hastily clamped to his sides, and paddled their way back over to the dock. Nico gratefully pulled himself up and collapsed on the wooden platform, freezing cold and giggling.
“That was mean,” he accused, throwing an arm over his face to hide his growing blush.
Percy pulled himself up besides him, playfully poking him in the side to hear him yelp and scramble away. “Hey, sometimes you gotta be mean to teach someone a lesson. Besides, you’re too easy. I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as ticklish as you are—it’s kind of adorable.”
Nico opened his mouth and closed it, attempting to somehow stammer out a response to that. Before he could, Percy had shot to his feet and was off again, presumably to go dry off. Nico flushed violently and, after a moment of hesitation, followed in suit, the slight breeze combined with his dripping wet clothes causing goosebumps to scatter up his arms.
Nico failed to get any sleep that night, as Percy’s words echoed over and over again in his head until he eventually buried his face into his pillow in delighted embarrassment.
The provocation only continued as time went on. Nico sprinted frantically across the camp grounds one late afternoon, dipping in-between confused campers who stared after him quizzically. In one of his hands he clutched a simple necklace—a necklace which happened to belong to one Percy Jackson, furiously in chase behind him. Already, helpless laughter spilled from the young boy’s lips as the anticipation of the chase caught up with him.
“Nico!” Percy yelled after him, hastily apologizing to campers as he bumped and stumbled into them. “That’s important, give it back!”
“Make me!”
Evocative words, a tease Nico knew the other couldn’t resist. Sure enough, Percy soon caught up to him, and instead of grabbing him he skipped straight to digging hands into his sides as the two rolled over on the grass. Laughter spilled already from Nico’s lips as electric shocks coursed up and down his body from the sensations. Percy quickly forgot about the necklace, as he did most of the stolen objects in these games they played, and simply went about wrecking the boy, wiggling fingers into every ticklish crevice on his body until Nico was squealing and begging for him to stop.
Only once Nico had truly reached his limit did Percy back off, letting the other breathe as he collapsed on the ground. Percy retrieved his necklace easily, as it had fallen from the other’s hands quite a while ago. Nico rolled over on his sides, leftover giggles wracking his shaking frame.
“Don’t take my stuff,” Percy warned him, trying to sound angry though most of the anger was stripped from his voice as he beheld the happy boy before him. “I mean it this time.”
Nico nodded frantically, but deep down knew this wouldn’t be the last time.
Weeks went by before either of them said something about it. It was a colder night, one of those midsummer evenings where one could feel the hints of autumn creeping in, and thus Percy sat huddled by the fire, his eyes closed as he absorbed the heat gratefully. There were a couple others milling in and around the fire pit, most either in their cabin or engaged in late-night conversation with friends and lovers. Nico hesitated before approaching him, worried for the first time in quite a while about being a bother. Normally he wouldn’t care as it usually resulted in Percy tickling the ever-loving shit out of him, but he was always worried that he might be going too far and that one day Percy was just going to snap at him in anger.
Not to mention, he looked so peaceful with his head tilted back, eyes closed and wind gently tousling his hair. Nico flushed, pushing the invading thoughts aside. He was well aware of the hopelessness of his crush, but that didn’t stop it from encroaching at the worst times.
“Hey,” he said, lowering himself to the ground and crossing his legs besides Percy. The other startled at his presence, whipping his head around to face him. “Nice night, huh?”
“Yeah,” Percy replied warily. He waited for a moment, clearly expecting something from the other. When Nico did nothing, he relaxed slightly, allowing himself to face the fire again.
“Hey,” he said hesitantly after a couple seconds of silence had gone by, an awkward note to his voice. “I just wanted to say sorry. For, you know, torturing you for the past month. It’s just… I don’t know, I guess I’m just not that used to dealing with kids, and I went a little overboard with you. I know you don’t mean to be annoying, or anything—”
“I do,” Nico interrupted, surprising both himself and Percy. He hadn’t meant to say the words—they had slipped out without his permission. “Mean to be annoying, that is. It’s… uh, on purpose.”
“Oh,” Percy said, frowning a little. “Why?”
Nico shrugged, picking at his fingernails and avoiding the other’s gaze. “Dunno. I guess it just… it felt nice to have your attention, you know? You usually treat me like a pest, or some minor annoyance you don’t want to put up with. I guess it was kind of fun having you hang out with me.”
“Fun?” Percy repeated incredulously. “But I was always so mean to you! I mean, what, do you like being tickled out of your wits all the time?”
Nico blushed furiously, staring intensely at the ground and not responding. It took a moment for the realization to hit Percy. “You do like being tickled? Wait—is that why you’ve been bothering me all this time? So I would tickle you?”
Nico grunted noncommittally.
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” Percy exclaimed, knocking his shoulder against the other affectionately. “I would have just tickled you, if you had told me that was something you wanted. You didn’t have to force me into it—in fact, I think I would much rather you ask as opposed to just stealing my stuff all the time and shoving me into lakes.”
Nico whipped his head up to stare at him for the first time throughout their entire conversation, his eyes wide. “You don’t think it’s weird?”
“I mean, I don’t personally understand it,” Percy admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean, I think I would die if anyone tickled me as much as I’ve been doing to you all the time. But if it’s what makes you happy, then it makes me happy. You’re my friend Nico—not a pest or an annoyance. I care about you.”
Those words, such a simple thing for Percy to say, meant the world to the little boy staring up at him. He flushed, trying to figure out how to possibly respond without sounding like a lovestruck dork about it. “Thank you,” he muttered, before kicking a foot out and digging it into the other’s side. “Idiot.”
Before he knew what was happening, however, Percy had latched onto his leg, locking an arm around his ankle and thus securing his foot in place. Nico swallowed nervously as Percy removed first his shoes than his sock, the cold air blowing preemptively against his now bare foot. Nico’s toes curled in anticipation at Percy’s growing smirk.
“Oh Nico,” he said, clucking his tongue regretfully. “You shouldn’t have done that. Especially after you just admitted that you like to be tickled, well… I mean, it’s really your fault what happens next here.”
Nico grinned, ducking his chin into his chest in embarrassment. “I hate you.”
Percy matched his grin with his own and Nico’s heart fluttered traitorously in his chest. “Of course you do.”
The camp soon rung with the sounds of Nico’s crazed giggles, leaving many a camper to stop and stare at the sight of what looked like the famous Percy Jackson tickling the shit out of the new upstart Nico di Angelo. That wasn’t the last time they witnessed such a sight either, and in the end, Nico found he couldn’t be happier with the way things had turned out.
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haikyuuhoo · 3 years
Pairing: Akaashi x Reader
Summary: In which Akaashi has a couple of habits you find extremely endearing.
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: Just extremely rushed writing so this might not be great.
A/N: Have a lil fluffy Akaashi fic I wrote instead of doing my reading for class today :) My excuse is that this was supposed to be a drabble but I got carried away.
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Akaashi had two habits you picked up on very early—before the two of you even really knew each other.
The first was that he had this cute little way he played with his fingers when he got anxious. You'd seen him do it in a number of situations: when he was waiting in line at the campus café deciding what to order, when he stood in the kitchen at the few parties you'd spotted him at, and right before he was about to give a presentation. Another thing you noticed, though, was that it was shockingly easy for him to switch it off as if nothing was bothering him. When he approached the counter, he told the barista his order as if it was the same thing he got every time. When his friends approached him at the party, he would give them a gentle smile and allow them to push a drink into his hand. When he stood in front of the class he immediately stood straight and set his shoulders back, exuding a confidence that you could only dream of having while he gave his analysis of whatever book you'd all just read for your literature class.
Akaashi Keiji was never one to express his emotions openly, always coming off as stoic or like he couldn't be bothered to really tell people what he was thinking. But you knew better.
When you leaned your chin on your palm, watching Akaashi give his presentation at the front of the lecture hall, you could tell there was more going on in that pretty head of his. Honestly, you weren't even paying attention to what he was saying. You were studying him, trying to see if there was any millisecond where he let something other than strict professionalism shine through. But you didn't see anything, and it made you frown a bit as he came to the conclusion of his presentation.
When he finished, he thanked the class and let a small smile settle on his lips. It made warmth bloom in your chest, and you couldn't help but smile in return.
Not like he noticed. You were pretty sure he didn't even know who you were.
That was your first year of college, and you honestly didn't expect to be in many—if any—more classes with Akaashi. It was just a gen ed class, after all.
In your third year, however, you were in another class with him. You’d noticed him on the first day. You remembered from your first year that he was always early to class, so it wasn’t much of a surprise when your gaze immediately found him sitting in the middle of the rows of seats as you walked in. You instantly felt your heart rate pick up, and you honestly found it to be a bit embarrassing. You made your way to a seat a few rows behind Akaashi and settled in. Did you still have a stupid crush on this guy who you’d barely spoken a word to two years later?
Yeah, you did. How could you be anything other than enamoured with Akaashi Keiji?
The class, sadly, was a lecture with over one hundred students, so aside from looking at the back of his head, you didn’t really see much of him. It made your heart sink.
The second habit Akaashi had was one you had picked up on your first year as well, but you didn’t really see it in full swing until you noticed him frequenting the library even more than you usually did.
Akaashi Keiji was an overthinker.
Sitting behind him, you could always see the bright red A’s on his papers he got back. So why did he always look so stressed whenever you saw him in the library?
On numerous occasions you’d caught him staring at his laptop screen for probably much longer than was necessary to read over whatever was in front of him. You felt a bit bad for staring, but he made you curious. When you looked a little more closely, you noticed that behind his glasses his gaze was unfocused, meaning his mind was definitely somewhere far off from the words on the screen in front of him.
You found it kind of cute, the look he would get on his face.
But you’d still never spoken to him, so there was no way you were going to tell him that.
That was, until one day in the library when you did speak to him.
You had been sitting a few tables away from Akaashi—this time you weren’t stalking him—not that you had been before!—you were here first this time, you swear! You hadn’t even noticed him!
Well, okay, that last part wasn’t true. You had arrived before Akaashi that day, fully intent on cramming for midterms, and you only noticed him when you got up to go refill your water bottle. You almost tripped over your own feet when you saw him. And maybe you did accidentally shoulder check a bookshelf.
But we don’t talk about that.
You noticed he was working on the paper for your class as you walked by, you could tell from the fact that his copy of the book you all had been assigned sat open in front of him. It had countless flags sticking out of it and was filled with highlights and scribbles in the margins. You kind of admired his dedication.
A few hours later you’d gotten yourself back in your own groove of cramming. Your headphones played music loudly into your ears in an attempt to minimize any distractions, and your gaze was fixed on your laptop. You were so in the zone that you didn’t notice someone approaching you. You didn’t even notice him say your name. It wasn’t until you felt a hand on your shoulder that made you jump that you pulled yourself away from your work.
You pulled your headphones off just in time to hear the person beside you mumble an apology, and before your gaze raised enough to look at his face you knew who it was.
You could tell by the way he fiddled with his fingers.
“Sorry for scaring you,” Akaashi said, looking away as an embarrassed flush rose on the back of his neck.
You shook your head quickly. “No, it’s okay! My music was just really loud. I didn’t hear you,” you explained with an awkward laugh, looking up at him and setting your headphones on the table. “D-Did you need something?”
You could feel your heart pounding. You’d never spoken to him before and now he was approaching you?
“Yeah, uh, you’re in my classic lit class,” he said, and your breath caught in your throat. You didn’t think he even knew you existed.
“Yeah, I am,” you breathed, and you could feel your cheeks tingle with heat.
He cleared his throat and looked down at you. He was still playing with his fingers, which surprised you. Usually he stopped as soon as he started doing whatever was making him nervous. Why were you any different?
“I was wondering if you’d be willing to read over my paper. I’ve been working on it for hours and I think it’s making me hate it. You can say no, I know you’re probably busy with your own stuff. I just thought a fresh pair of eyes might help me.”
Your eyes widened. Not only was he in front of you looking uncharacteristically more nervous than you’d ever seen him, but now he was asking for your help?
“Sure!” you blurted, and you hoped you didn’t come across as eager as you felt.
His shoulders relaxed at that, and he smiled. “Awesome, thank you. Let me grab my stuff really quick.”
You nodded, and as you watched him retreat to his table you tried to get yourself to calm down. He was back less than a minute later, and instead of just having his laptop he had gathered all of his things. It made the heat in your cheeks spread over the rest of your face as you realized he was moving to your table to continue working.
“I’m Y/N, by the way,” you said as he set his laptop in front of you.
“I know,” he said bluntly, settling into the seat across from you.
Your eyes widened. “Y-You do?”
He looked up at you and raised an eyebrow. “Yeah. We had a class together a couple years ago. You gave really good presentations,” he observed.
You felt like you were going to pass out. Not only did Akaashi actually know your name, he remembered you.
“I see you around campus sometimes too,” he continued.
“O-Oh,” you breathed, pulling his laptop closer to you. “I guess it’s not weird that I know your name too, then?”
He gave you a smile that made a swarm of butterflies erupt in your stomach. “I guess not. But I can formally introduce myself if that’ll make you feel better. I’m Akaashi. Thank you for reading my paper.”
You nodded, fingers curling around the sides of his laptop. “Of course. I’ve been working for hours too, so this will be a good break.”
“I can read something of yours in return if you want,” he offered, but you shook your head immediately.
“No, it’s okay, you’ve probably got a bunch of assignments to work on,” you assured him with a smile before looking down to the screen to start reading his paper. He simply gave you a nod and pulled a textbook out of his bag, leaning his cheek against his hand as he began working on another assignment.
It only took you a few pages to realize why Akaashi consistently aced his papers. He was an incredible writer.
You looked up, fully intent on telling him as much, but you stopped when your gaze settled on him and you noticed that familiar far away look in his eyes. You smiled, and you couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking about.
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Akaashi thought you were incredibly beautiful. That wasn’t a word he used often, usually reserved only for the way authors sometimes articulated things in a way that gave him goosebumps or for the way he could see the stars twinkle on clear nights.
But as soon as he’d laid his eyes on you, the word popped into his mind nearly every day. He’d watched you walk into class the first day of his first year, and he was smitten.
You looked so beautiful, even when you were doing something as simple as coming into the early morning class nursing a coffee every day. He decided he’d always come early so he could watch you walk in.
You looked beautiful when he saw you around campus, and the warmth that bloomed in his chest when he watched you laugh with your friends only solidified the thought.
You looked incredibly beautiful whenever he saw you at the parties he went to when Bokuto was finally able to drag him along. There was just something about watching you act so carefree with a smile that never seemed to leave your face all night that made him realize that you had become his definition of beautiful.
But he’d been too nervous to ever say anything to you, and when an entire year went by without the two of you having another class together, he felt a bit hopeless. He couldn’t really go up to you on campus, and the longer he waited the more awkward it was.
“Hey, you were in my literature class a year and a half ago,” wasn’t the best pickup line.
But when he saw you walk into classic lit at the beginning of this semester, he felt his heart soar. Maybe he would work up the nerve to talk to you this time.
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A few minutes passed and Akaashi still hadn’t moved. A slight giggle left you that startled him out of whatever trance he was in, and he blushed when he looked at you.
“What? Did I write something stupid?” he asked meekly.
You shook your head, unable to keep the laugh from bubbling out of you. “No! Your paper is incredible, actually.”
He frowned. “Then why are you laughing?”
You gave him a hesitant smile. “You do this thing…” you trailed off, wondering if it would be weird to admit that you noticed the way he would sometimes get lost in his own head.
“What thing?” he questioned, the pink on his cheeks darkening.
You bit your lip. Now it was your turn to be shy. You dropped your gaze to your lap and played with a loose thread on your sleeve. “When you get really deep in thought you get this cute little look on your face,” you whispered, not even sure if he heard it.
But he had, and his eyes widened in embarrassment. “C-Cute?” he sputtered.
You nodded and cleared your throat. “Sorry, I know that’s probably weird,” you said softly.
“I think you’re cute too,” he breathed.
“You what?” you squeaked, head snapping back up so you could look at him.
He quickly looked away, but there was no hiding the way his cheeks were stained pink. “Is that too forward?” he asked softly, and he was playing with his fingers again.
Without thinking, you reached across the table and placed your hand on top of his. He jumped, looking back over at you and relaxing at the way you smiled at him.
“No, it’s not,” you assured him.
“Good,” he sighed, “because I actually think you’re beautiful.”
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That was three years ago, and you couldn’t help but think back to it as you took in the scene in front of you.
You’d announced yourself as soon as you stepped into his house. You knew he had a big deadline today, so you wanted to surprise him with dinner. He sometimes forgot to eat when he worked late, and you wanted to make sure he was taking care of himself properly.
Plus, you’d take any excuse you could get to see your boyfriend.
“‘Kaashi, I brought food!” you called out as you closed the door. You slipped your shoes off by the door and hung your jacket up beside his on the coat rack. When you got no response, you set the bag of takeout on the kitchen table and made your way to his office.
“Keiji,” you hummed as you opened the door, peeking your head in. You still didn’t receive a response, but you saw him sitting at his desk. He wasn’t typing, however, nor was he scrolling through the pages on the screen in front of him.
You frowned. You already knew what was happening.
You walked further into the room. “Keiji,” you said again when you approached his side. He simply gave you a hum in acknowledgement. You rolled your eyes and turned his chair so he was facing you, but he kept his gaze straight ahead. A groan left you and you cupped his face in your hands, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips.
His eyes widened, and his gaze focused on you for a moment before his eyes fluttered shut and he parted his knees slightly so you could stand between them.
“You’re gonna give yourself burnout if you keep spacing out like that. I know how much you overthink stuff like this,” you scolded when you pulled away.
He sighed, hands settling on your hips. “I know, it’s just, I’ve got this deadline—”
“I know you do,” you interrupted, “that’s why I’m here. I had a feeling you’d be working too hard.” You gave him a fond smile and ran a hand gently through his hair. “So I brought you dinner.”
He perked up at the mention of food and smiled up at you. “You’re the best.”
“I know.” You grinned. “Now c’mon, let’s go eat so you can give that pretty little head of yours a rest,” you teased, ruffling his hair once more before reaching for his hand and pulling him out of his chair.
He hummed and laced your fingers together as he stood up. “Sounds good,” he murmured before bringing your hand up and placing a kiss to your knuckles. “You know me so well.”
You smiled. “I’ve been told I’m quite observant.”
He chuckled and gave your hand an affirmative squeeze. “Yeah, you sure are.”
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writingsbychlo · 3 years
Ayyy Congrats Chlo! Can I get a 💭 of Noah when his girl is pregnant? Like how is he through it snd when she's in labor?
no more requests, the sleepover is over, I'm just finishing up what's in my inbox!
I got so carried away with this
he would be so good by the labour stage
but lets be real, he takes a hot minute to get adjusted
now, don't get me wrong, this was planned
and he is damn excited to be a dad
you've been taking folic acid and vitamin D and all the good stuff
and you were both elated and crying when the test came back positive
but he does take a moment to actually realise what it means
like he did not think that far through, if he's honest
rubbing your back throughout morning sickness
but like, he doesn't quite get it
you have a significantly lowered sex drive
breast tenderness and morning sickness and he is kinda sexually frustrated
it takes him a moment to adjust to that because y'all had been pretty active before, and he has to take care of himself now
not to mention, you're a lot more sleepy
he knew you'd get sleepy, but he expected it to come later, not as early in the pregnancy as the first few weeks
so there's a lot of things that have to be cancelled
like concerts and things
but he was looking forwards to them
and it causes some arguments to begin with
like when he went to the concert with boyd instead
and you'd put a blanket and pillow on the couch for him
or the argument that came with him insisting that he could ride the bike a little longer
and the little strop he gets in when you throw out all the foods on the list your midwife gave you after your first antenatal appointment
"you can't eat them, but I can! why do we have to throw it all out?"
"because you're supposed to be supporting me!"
"I am supporting you, but I still want to eat my food!"
"fine, keep it then!"
and he feels bad two weeks later when you go to game night
and derek and stiles have laid out an awesome looking spread
with charcuterie boards and cheeses and crackers and wine
and he knows how much you love all of that stuff
and you literally can't have any of it
in fact, you brought your own meal, which is a salad and plain crackers and it's not exactly game night material
and so he does some research into food and writes down everything you can and can't have
and he watches a video on best recipes for pregnancy and he makes one for you
a little surprise dinner for when you get home from work
"what's all this?"
"well, you know, your meals look kinda' miserable. but, you're literally growing our child, so you should get to eat nice things, and I googled a good recipe for pregnancy safe meals."
noah getting laid that night
and afterwards, when you're asleep on his chest, he realises how easy it is when he stops thinking it's gonna be a struggle
at around about 7 weeks, you start getting more emotional
crying more at movies and getting mad at random things and being a lot clingier than usual
which he doesn't mind, of course
but it freaks him out sometimes
"noah, what the fuck?" while in tears and he's freaking out because he has no idea how bad he fucked up or what he did "there's a dead bird in the garden, noah, that's got to be some kind of omen, oh my god, what if you die? why would you just die, noah?"
so he cleans up the dead bird
but now you're mad because you're worried about him abandoning you
"baby, if I was gonna' abandon you then why would I have married you, huh?"
and it takes him a hot minute to get used to that too
however, he also learns how to direct it at other people for his own amusement
"hey, baby, did you know that stiles wears socks to bed, even in the summer?"
"you wear socks to sleep in the summer? you're sick, stiles. you're sick. I don't want you near my child, you're weird, you and your socks and your sweaty toes can stay away. you're so gross."
"what the fuck?"
and noah just laughing his ass off about it
you also have to pee a lot more so noah has to take that into account
you're still fully able to go hiking and do the things the two of you love doing
but he has to plan in your pee breaks
not to mention, you're still throwing up every morning
so, he can't plan too much, but he does plan a little weekend getaway for you both
with a privately rented cabin so that you can throw up each morning in peace and don't feel like you're being watched
panicking when you get spotting at week 8
and that really throws you both through a loop
rushing to the hospital and he's unfamiliar with driving your car
so it stresses him out to know he's useless in emergencies
it turns out to be nothing
but noah is pretty sure he's never cried that hard
not to mention, in a public bathroom, just so he didn't scare you
and when he gets home, like, fuck, it's a reality check for him
he starts getting driving lessons
he has a license and all but he's rusty
and he wants to be prepared, so he starts taking lessons
he also starts checking out bigger cars for the two of you
because your little car won't do in a few years
"you know, not that I'm complaining, but I've noticed you aren't wearing bras anymore."
watching your cheeks go fucking warm as you get all embarrassed
"do you wanna go shopping, get some comfier ones?"
"you are gonna go pregnancy bra shopping with me?"
"well, considering how proud I am when I get to go regular bra shopping with you, I think pregnancy bra shopping is the same."
going with you to get tests and scans done
literally crying again when you hear the heartbeat
"we made that, oh my god."
texting everyone he knows when you get your due date estimate
holding your hands when you have to get your pregnancy vaccinations
actually taking notes when the midwife starts talking about making a birthing plan and getting things sorted before you get to the third trimester
and he does a lot of research on birthing plans and starts prepping
going on every shopping trip with you
"I want to get the nursery painted, like, a while before the baby comes. so we can air it out for fumes."
"we can go check samples out this weekend."
"well, I mean, that's soon, like, really?"
"yeah, whatever you want, sunshine."
getting laid again
and when the morning sickness goes away, he starts getting his late morning sleep back
starting to get self-conscious about extra pregnancy weight gain
and noah doing everything he can to reassure you
but as you get into the second trimester, your sex drive suddenly jumps back up
and he fucking loves it
because that's a lot of unprotected sex and a lot of making out and a lot of touching
and honestly, something about it is really turning him on
"baby, I don't know if it's your glow or the fact that I am literally so in love with you, or maybe the months of not having sex, but I've literally never been this hard."
"shut up and fuck me, you can compliment me later."
throughout your second trimester, you get everything done
the nursery gets decorated and the furniture is built and it's perfect
there's only the little touches now, like mobiles and clothes and such
he also bought the new car, and traded yours in
and he arranged for you to get lessons in it too, so you know how to drive a bigger car before you get too pregnant to drive safely
crying the first time the baby moves. so much fucking crying.
and getting so excited every time
it's few and far between in the middle of your second trimester, but it's so meaningful
starting to go to pregnancy classes
and he also signs you both up for a pregnancy exercise class
that is supposedly meant to make labour easier because of the pelvic floor exercises
having a few days where you're nervous around him
thinking he did something wrong
"I think I'm gonna want to take an epidural."
"that's what you've been so worried about?"
"well, yeah. I read all these pamphlets about how it's so controversial and sometimes the dads don't like it, an-"
"I want you to be happy, okay? it's gonna be a happy time, so whatever you want, we'll do, okay? I want you to smile when you look back on the birth of our baby."
"I love you, so damn much."
"I love you so damn much."
finding out the sex of the baby, neither of you wants to wait
telling everyone it's a secret until the baby shower
your bump really starting to come in at the end of the second trimester
as well as headaches and backaches and stretch marks
and noah always making sure to kiss it better
a lot of nice warm baths and washing your hair for you
the baby starts responding to touch and sound, though
noah starts talking to the baby a lot
telling them about your day and rubbing lotion on your stomach
the baby getting hiccups for the first time
in the beginning of the second trimester, you start choosing names
more tears when you settle on a name
the third trimester is where you really start feeling it
you’ve got mood swings, you’ve got backache, and you’re getting a lot of odd cravings
all of which noah indulges for you
some make him gag and he actually cannot watch you eat it
banning food in bed
it caused an argument but he won that one
announcing the gender at your baby shower
you and noah dressing in white while waiting for everyone’s guesses
it’s a girl!
you announced it via a little cake cutting ceremony that was pink inside
using those last few weeks to decorate the nursery with teddies and buy clothes
when you finally go into labour it’s actually while you’re hanging out with stiles and derek
thinking it’s just cramps for a while
because you’ve been having cramps, you think it’s fine
“uh, (Y/N), you know I love you, but did you pee on my couch?”
“excuse me, I did not pee on your couch an- oh my god, they’re contractions.”
noah literally choking on his drink
you rubbing his back as he tries to cough it up
panicking so much that his whole fucking birthing plan goes out of the window
“the bag is at home!”
“what about your pillow?”
“fuck! fuck! fuck!”
derek is the only calm one because stiles is;
and noah is 
so derek coordinates it all while you just kinda sit there and watch it all
“okay, well, her contractions are now, like, eight minutes apart, so maybe we should get a move on.”
telling stiles to take you to the hopsital while he takes noah to pick everything up
and off you go
stiles is fucking buzzing the whole way there
calling your hospital to inform them you’re on your way
getting to the hospital and being greeted by your midwife
“lovely to see you again, mom and dad”
“thanks, stiles.” your midwife being confused. “this is the uncle, they’re twins. dad is on his way.”
“stop shouting stiles, the baby won’t come out, you’re scaring it back up.”
stiles holding your hand
noah arriving five minutes later with more than enough stuff
“I didn’t know which pjs you’d want after so I brought options!”
after a good few hours of labour, and noah being there for all of it, your baby is born
literally crashing right after and sleeping for a while
“‘bout fuckin time you woke up, noah won’t let me see my niece ‘til you have. hurry up.”
“I will punch you so hard you’ll be glad you’re in a hospital.”
“that’s my wife”
meeting your daughter with noah, and having a moment
because he’s put her in a little pink striped onesie and she’s got a baby beanie on
“she’s got your nose.”
“you can’t tell that, she’s like six hours old.”
“i can hope.”
finally taking her to meet stiles who practically dies on the spot
he cries a lot when he finally gets to hold his niece
“stiles, derek, meet ‘hope claudia stilinski’.”
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I’d stopped doing these because I’ve been doing a month-long work placement that takes up so much more energy than my normal work-from-home job and it made me want to spend my off time just watching things passively. But at the moment I’m home sick from that, so I have plenty of time. Because of that, here are my thoughts on Taskmaster s13e07, written as I watch it for the first time:
- I’d noticed before her podcast episode that Bridget Christie always has cool outfits in the studio, but I can appreciate them more now that I’ve heard her go on the podcast and say they’re all part of a Western theme. Of course, I didn’t really need to hear her say that to recognize it in the one from this week. It might be my favourite so far.
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- I enjoy the trend of them making prize tasks that are meant to open the door to bring in something sexual, and then all five contestants, presumably because they assume everyone else will go that route and they want to be different, avoid doing so. But then they’ll go that way on something that sounds innocuous, like Sophie bringing a vibrator for “most calming thing”. Let’s see what the contestants do with this one: nicest thing to put your finger in. Will any of them take the sexy prize title bait?
- Well, Ardal did not take the bait. I am immediately reminded, of course, of Mel Giedroyc’s Pennyfields. There is nothing more adorable than some who’s 50 or older (Mel might actually have been slightly younger than that in season 4, but close enough) bringing in a doll of some sort to which they have given a name.
- My first thought about Chris Ramsey’s prize is that it’s quite similar to Ardal’s, but to be fair, if you’re not going to go the sexual route, there really aren’t that many options for things that are nice to put your finger in. Toys and Bugles, basically (the chips, not the podcast).
- Okay, Bridget is the first one to bring in something that genuinely fits the remit. Putty is an awesome thing to put your finger in, and good job to Bridget for saying, “I am going to avoid the obvious adult-themed sex joke, and instead make a child-themed fart joke.”
- And she’s accompanied it with a graphic story about childbirth. Great work all around.
- “Sometimes once you put your fingers in, you do want to put your face in.” Judi becomes the first one to even acknowledge the sexual connotations of this prize task with that joke, but she still just brought in custard for her actual prize. It’s not as good as the putty. Much less satisfying.
- All right, Sophie’s prize needs to win. I’d say the same thing about Ardal’s if he’d gone to the trouble to dress up his puppet in the same outfit that he wore to do the tasks. Brilliant amount of prep work by Sophie. Fantastic job.
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This does mean we’re five for five on averting the sex stuff. I’m sure next week will be something that sounds completely normal but they’ll all bring in condoms.
- Incorrect scoring, but I understand throwing Ardal the pity point. Putty should have been higher, though. That is actually the best thing to put your finger in.
- I was confused when Alex pulled flowers out of his sleeves to introduce this task, because they’re usually quite good about not reusing tasks. They’ve already done miracles in Champion of Champions and magic tricks in season 10.
Then I saw what the task actually is and I love it. The beautiful simplicity of telling a bunch of television comedians to show off. What do you think they’ve been doing this whole time? Except now they’re being put on the spot and asked to specifically do that thing they’re always doing anyway, and it’s such a great way to fuck with them.
- I love the trepidation on the faces the camera shows us right after those instructions, as they realize that whatever they did during this task is about to be shown. What the fuck did you people get up to?
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- Seriously, this is a look of genuine concern... from everyone except Bridget, who is clearly fine with her showing off performance. That, or she’s made peace with it and is serenely accepting what she cannot change.
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- “Have you got a gun?” - Bridget Christie
- Bridget Christie: Have you got an axe?
Alex Horne: No.
I’m actually the Taskmaster house might have an axe in it, and Alex just doesn’t want to give it to Bridget.
- Not to brag too much or anything, but I do know exactly what I’d do in this task and it would be so much fun, my brain is itching to participate. The skills I have from my combat sport are rarely translatable to the real world, but occasionally, when I’m outside the context of my sport, it becomes somehow relevant for me to show off the fact that I’m quite good at moving people around. Stuff that’s completely normal for anyone who trains in my sport looks really impressive to outsiders, and I have to admit that my ego really enjoys that. If I were out there I would absolutely put the biggest crew member over my shoulders and run around. Actually, I’d start by putting Alex over my shoulders and running around, because that would make for better comedy. But then I’d find someone bigger than Alex and do it with them too just to prove I can. There are so many possibilities in this season, with its lack of social distancing rules.
- Okay, Chris Ramsey balancing stuff on his chin is genuinely rather impressive. I’m not sure what Bridget’s doing. She said on the podcast that the picture she used for that other task is of her learning to climb a rope for a comedy routine. That’s way more impressive than throwing things into a bucket, why doesn’t she find something to climb?
- The task said “Biggest show-off wins”, not “most impressive thing wins”. So I might be looking at this wrong - maybe Bridget throwing things in buckets would be good if she acted enough like a show-off about it, bragging about how great her skills are. Neither her nor Chris has really brought in that aspect, that showing off could be about the way you sell yourself as much as what you’re doing.
Also, I thought Ardal was supposed to be part of this segment. Why haven’t we seen him yet? Are they hiding him as part of some sort of trick?
- Okay, Chris with that ladder is genuinely fucking cool. I don’t know why his dad chose to teach him that, and I can’t see how it would have served him in life at any point up until this one, but that’s a pretty great use of it.
- I see, they hid Ardal until the end to show that he spent almost the entire time inside the house messing around with what appears to be a spoon and some glitter. Ardal, what the hell did you do?
- Jesus Christ that was funny. Okay, I absolutely see why they edited it that way, that was incredibly funny to see Chris balance increasingly large items, up to a ladder, and then Ardal puts a spoon on this chin. Seeing Ardal in isolation, the bit where he started hitting himself would have been the funniest part. But seeing him contrasted against Chris made the spoon balancing so fucking funny that I barely noticed anything else. Amazing work from everyone, especially the editors there.
I did notice one other thing, though. What the hell was the point of the glitter? I assume they’ll address that in the studio.
- So Ardal’s explanation in the studio was that they don’t show off in Ireland, or at least in his bit of Ireland. Greg mentioned the glitter, and Ardal chose to just not mention it. Or if it did, it didn’t make the edit. I really hope an outtake is released soon with an explanation, because coming out of a house covered in glitter is not the sort of thing that you can just do and then not tell us why.
- How long did it take them to make this one shot that was on the screen for less than a second?
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- My immediate thought is that Sophie and Judi understand the assignment better than the first three did. Recognizing that 1) showbiz, the thing they do for a living, is the ultimate way to show off, so just lean into what you already know about that, and 2) showing off is about bragging and forcing all the attention onto yourself, not just about what you’re actually doing. Ardal could have done a perfectly good job of showing off if he’d just told us how he participated in the groundbreakingly important television show Derry Girls (I mean, I know he’s done a lot of other stuff too, just not things I’ve seen, and really, Derry Girls is enough).
- Oh shit, I’ve been wondering since episode 1 when we’re going to see that shot from the opening titles of Sophie in the water. I wondered if there would be a task about how long they could hold their breaths, and I’ve also wondered whether that would create some sort of liability issue in case someone passed out. But no, apparently no one told Sophie she had to hold her breath underwater. She just decided to do that.
- I think Sophie needs to win this task. She perfectly combined the Judi idea of saying something dramatic and attention grabbing, and the Chris Ramsey idea (and, well, the idea that Bridget and Ardal sort of tried to do) of doing something actually impressive. She was being ironic about that Shakespeare monologue, but also showed off the fact that she genuinely does have a Shakespeare monologue memorized and ready to recite. And now she’s nearly drowning herself for the task. You have to fucking reward that.
- “That could have been Judi in any task.” - Sophie Duker, vaulting over many entries by Ardal O’Hanlon to hold the new record for cattiest comment of this season, and I am enjoying it so much
- All right, I do agree with giving Sophie and Chris joint five points there. And I agree with Judi, Ardal, and Bridget, being in order from best to worst after that. But I think they should have gotten 3, 2, and 1 points rather than 4, 3, and 2. Greg just can’t say no to Bridget.
- Genuinely adorable little fist bump here, from by far the two most competitive contestants in this season (I mean “competitive” in both senses of the word, that they want to win the most, and that they have the best chance of winning). I really like this rivalry.
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- Some real Jamali Maddix energy here out of Judi, except that Judi’s (probably, mostly) joking while I’m pretty sure Jamali actually didn’t know Greg’s name that one time. 
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- You know, if I wanted to be pedantic, I could point out that nowhere in the task’s instructions does it say they have to keep those hats on until the end. I guess they could argue that the hat has to be on their head for it to count as a “head pipe” when the ingredients pass through it. But in that case they could take off the hats, gather ingredients, have one person put a hat back on, and have the other(s) put the ingredients through it.
- I love that Bridget is the only person who has not become completely debilitated by the pipe hats. She was the only one to just bend down and pick up the task at the beginning. When Sophie kept trying to get the bottles with the grabber thing, Bridget worked out that the pipe fits int he caravan and it’s not hard to just step in there and pick things up. And now, while they’re doing this:
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Bridget has just asked:
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I think this is sort of like that season 12 task when they had to hit Alex with a ball, and it said Alex wasn’t allowed to run, and that got in the contestants’ heads so some of them seemed to think they weren’t allowed to run either. I think everyone but Bridget has been so thrown off by the pipe hats and the presence of the grabber things that they’ve forgotten they’re allowed to just do things like normal.
- Love Ardal trying to make a ridiculously difficult shot, throwing what I think was a bit of fruit from almost the ground into a pipe on top of his head, even though the task absolutely did not require him to do that and there is no way he’d have a chance of coming anywhere near it. And he didn’t come anywhere near it, but Chris still politely asked, “Did it go in?” and Ardal didn’t seem bothered by the fact that it did not. Just two guys having a good time.
- Great little moment that summarizes the essential elemnts of both Chris Ramsey and Judi Love here:
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Chris’ competitiveness is on display, having the absolute audacity to complain about getting two points for a task that took them three times as long as the other team. In earlier seasons, Greg would have easily scored that 5-0. In the earliest seasons he had the team points always add up to five, but even if the middle seasons, he’d give the winning team five points and the losing team the number of points he thought they deserved for how well they did. And in this case, that should be 5-0 here. Maybe 5-1.
We also have Judi’s bullshit on display, which is hilarious. It’s so funny how often in this season the contestants have turned on each other - Ardal sucking up to Greg to talk shit about everyone else’s efforts, Chris telling Judi that “all the information was on the task” and then winking at Alex, Judi defending Greg’s authority to Chris. They’re like the opposite of season 12, when all the contestants frequently banded together against Greg and Alex. And both dynamics are great fun.
- Alex Horne: We’ve had some drinks, so now, we’ve got the munchies.
Me: Oh shit, on last week’s podcast episode, Bridget said one of her worst moments of this season is part of a cooking task that hasn’t been aired yet. Ed said he thought it would show up in the next episode. I guess this is it.
- Chris Ramsey:
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Me: Well, that’s because you didn’t watch season 4, when this was the delivery system for Mel Giedroyc finding out she had to eat that massive tower of bread and candy, and Noel Fielding finding out that he had to eat Alex Horne.
- Little thing, but I’ve been keeping track of signs of Chris Ramsey’s constant vigilance and paranoia throughout this show, and I feel like it counts that he shook the lunch box next to his ear before opening it. Have to try to get a warning beforehand in case they’ve put, I don’t know, a cat or something in there.
- Exactly 150 grams, this is a tough task. If I were them I’d focus on the weight more than anything else, that’s going to be difficult to get right. I’d put my time and effort into make sure I actually made a 150-gram edible statue, whether it’s beautiful or not, and then hope to get more points than other people who focused too much on the beauty and not enough on the specifications.
Remember Jessica Kanppett having a breakdown on the floor, surrounded by shoes, because she couldn’t get things to weight that number that was OLLIE upside down? Exact weights are hard.
- Guys, you’ve broken Chris Ramsey’s brain.
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- It’s a recurring theme in this show that Greg can’t say not to Bridget and Alex can’t say no to Judi. I think this is the first time he’s ever let someone go so long without reading “Your time starts now”. Not even Charlotte Ritchie or Katherine Parkinson got away with that, and he basically did half their tasks for them.
- Oh, Chris has a good idea that I didn’t think of. Put ingredients on the scale until it’s exactly 150 grams, and then you can shape them any way you want as long as you don’t add anything or take anything away. That has to be the best way to approach this.
- I wrote, at the beginning of this task, about how that lunchbox reminds me of the time in season 4 when they were told to make something with food, and then surprised at the end by being told they had to eat it. I said that, and it still didn’t occur to me that they might do that in this task. And I’m pretty sure Chris put raw pasta in there. Well, that’s his fault. It said “edible”. I guess he planned to argue that raw pasta can be edible, technically anything can be “edible” if you’re willing to eat it. And now he is being asked to prove his own argument. Well played, Taskmaster.
- Oh, Chris, I’m disappointed in you. The normally hyper-competitive contestant has let me down. Ed Gamble would have eaten that raw pasta, for the sake of the points. That’s why he’s a champion.
- Okay, I guess getting something to weigh an exact amount is not as difficult as I thought. Also, Judi’s sculpture is genuinely quite beautiful, and probably not that difficult to eat. The hardest part about eating that would be destroying something so pretty.
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- Ardal’s looks absolutely disgusting. Are there uncooked eggs and soggy bread involved as well as raw tofu? Is he going to eat the eggshell? That one would would be tough physically as well as psychologically, since he also personified the sculpture.
- Okay, so one of Bridget’s least favourite moments in this season is the time she sculpted a baby and two breasts, and then had to eat them. I can see why that would be upsetting.
- That’s Sophie. Brings in something completely innocent for the “best thing to put your finger in” task, but makes a model of the vulva for the one that just asked her build a sculpture.
- Sophie giving the actual answer to the prize task’s question of “What’s the best thing to put your finger in?”, on her vulva model that has licorice surrounding a hole in some butter to represent the vagina. 
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- Sophie saying she’s concerned that if she can’t eat her entire vulva model it will send out a negative message because she wants to destigmatize that sort of thing - good job, Sophie, you made me choke on my water. Best vagina-based joke in all of Taskmaster.
- Oh shit, I did not realize Bridget was eating uncooked flour. Yeah, I understand why this is a low moment for her. Though it’s worth noting that the task said she had to eat the whole sculpture, but not only the sculpture. This would be much easier if she got a glass of water to wash it down.
- Okay, Sophie forcing herself to get that entire butter-based sculpture in her mouth because she is a competitive contestant who wants to win the task, and also because she is a feminist who wants to destigmatize pussy eating, and being so determined to do this that she forces down enough of it to make her audibly retch as soon as she’s out of the room - what a heroine. Sophie Duker for champion, she’s won me over to believing she should win the whole thing. Chris Ramsey couldn’t even eat some raw spaghetti.
- Wow, that is some terrible scoring on the sculptures’ beauty. Should have been five for Judi, hers was the only one that was unironically beautiful. I’d say Sophie next, then Chris, and the other two are horrifying to look at. Come on, Greg. Don’t you know that beauty is a bunch of strawberries arranged in a nice way and a model of a vulva?
- I like the rivalry behaviour out of Chris and Sophie, the two most competitive contestants. It reminds me of the season 4 live tasks when Noel Fielding and Joe Lycett would do their thing, and as soon as time stopped, they’d immediately look at what the other had done because they knew they were the only two really trying hard to win and they’d want to see whose was better.
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Also, I’m pretty sure Sophie’s right about Chris’ tower. I see the idea of making a thin target, but I don’t think it’ll work. You need a base that can take at least one hit. Sophie’s strategy of multiple peaks is a good one, because it would be hard to hit them all with one throw.
- And immediately after I wrote that, we have some more rivalry moments, with Sophie coming out clearly on top. I loved every moment of that. Chris immediately acknowledging Sophie as his biggest competition (it’s actually Bridget who was second in the overall scores going into this episode, but I think Sophie will pull ahead by the end of it, and the actual numbers aside, Chris and Sophie are definitely the ones trying to win), Sophie insisting on staying by her tower to get hit with a shoe, short back-and-forth of trying to psych each other out, and then Sophie’s mind games actually succeeded in throwing Chris off his game. I know Chris can throw things with reasonable accuracy, I’ve seen him do it in other tasks, so I’m pretty sure Sophie just successfully messed him up there. What a fucking legend.
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Ladies, gentleman, and all the other lovely people on heaven and Earth, let’s fucking play Taskmaster.
- God damn. Holy shit, Sophie. That was... look, I try to be a bit careful about how often I’m straight-up objectifying on this blog, but Sophie firing her boot directly into the base of the tower for which she was aiming with military-grade precision was, there is no other way to describe it, fucking hot.
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Ladies, gentleman, and all the other lovely people on heaven and Earth, we are playing Taskmaster!
- I absolutely see Alex’s point about how it wasn’t a great strategy for Sophie to aim for Chris, since he was a lightning rod drawing fire from her. But I don’t care, that was too cool for me to wish it had gone any other way. Doesn’t even matter whether she wins the tasks now.
- Okay, I said it doesn’t matter if Sophie wins, but that was before Ardal and Bridget both missed her. Well, Bridget missed her. Ardal hit once, but because of what was a genuinely good system, he knocked down a couple of peaks while others stayed up.
It’s now Judi throwing, in a situation where if she knocks down Sophie then Judi wins the episode, and if she doesn’t, then Sophie wins. Sophie’s fortress was weakened by Ardal and one hit will take her down now. It is not hard to hit something like that tower from that distance, but also, and I don’t want to make too many assumptions, I doubt Judi is that great at throwing things. So this could actually go either way. Genuine tension and stakes. I mean, not really, it’s all pretend, even real sports are technically pretend and this is many levels down from real sports, I technically know that, sort of, somewhere deep in the back of my brain I do sort of remember that. But at this moment, these feel like genuine stakes.
- Oh my God. The psychological power play of Sophie giving Judi her shoes. So much confidence. Will she live to regret it?
- AND IT’S ALL OVER!!! Judi has been defeated by... the fact that she isn’t actually all that into the competitive side of this game and hasn’t kept track of what’s going on so she missed the first shoe and threw the second one in the wrong direction. Slightly anticlimactic way for Sophie to win, but enough dramatic shit happened before that for it to still feel exciting.
I love everyone’s reactions. Ardal breaking a little from his normally bemused character a little to shout, “You can’t win if you kill me!” Bridget also breaking her cloudcuckoolander personality to try to explain to Judi why that was so bad. Alex also breaking character to express sheer exasperation that she took this moment of genuine tension in his television show and fucked it up. And Chris being too shocked for words that she would throw it all away like that.
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I want to commission a large-scale framed painting of the following screenshot so I can hang it on my wall:
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- I’m so glad I found a version of this episode with subtitles. Partly because I like having subtitles on when I watch anything, but it also makes screenshots more fun.
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- That was damn near a perfect episode for Sophie. It’s one of the highest scores every in one Taskmaster episode, though that’s hard to judge because most episodes only have five total tasks while this one technically had six, as the beauty of the sculpture and the eating of the sculpture counted as separate tasks with separate opportunities for five points each. So the fact that she got 28 points in total shouldn’t be compared directly to most other episode scores, but the individual task scores speak for themselves. On the six tasks, she scored 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, and then 5. In an episode with no bonus or other extra points and no opportunities to ever score more than five. So it was very, very close to perfect.
It’s also made a change to the overall scoreboard. Chris is still in first place, as he’s been for almost the whole season, except for a brief while when Bridget was a couple of points ahead. But it’s tight at the top. Chris has 119, then Sophie in second with 116, then Bridget at 112, Ardal at 106, Judi at 102. That’ll make things exciting for the last three episodes.
I’m so glad I decided to write shit down during this episode, it was a really good one. Felt classic, in a number of ways. God, this is a great show.
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
You Never Walk Alone | Chapter 8
Genre: Werewolf!AU, Poly!AU?, Mate!AU, romance, fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Student!reader, Omega!Seokjin, Alpha!Yoongi, Beta!Hoseok, Alpha!Namjoon, Omega!Jimin, Beta!Taehyung, Alpha!Jungkook
Summary: You live a quiet life in your late grandfather’s cabin in the woods. You go to school just to graduate and get your diploma, not to make friends or stand out from the crowd. That was until one day, you enter your home to see a pack of wolves that need shelter.
As you spend more time with the boys and start to understand each other more, your feelings make you impulsive with your actions. But the boys are afraid that they may have to tell you the truth sooner than they expected.
Chapter warning(s): Reader is called degrading names by bullies, slight violence. Please read at your own discretion. 
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After that afternoon spent with Suga, you felt like you understood the male a lot more than you think you did. The boys all had their unique personalities that just naturally drew people in. You hummed as you headed down the path to go to the bus stop.
“(y/n)! (y/n)! Save me!” J-Hope ran to you. 
“Huh?” You blinked, turning to see the boy running towards you. He immediately ducked behind you, grabbing you to shield him. 
“Jungkookie!” J-Hope pointed to the muscular boy with a bunny smile running towards you. He chased J-hope around you, succeeding in jumping on his back to tackle him. J-hope choked. 
“Be careful.” RM grabbed your wrist, pulling you away from the two boys that were about to knock you down with their playing. 
“Thank you.” You smiled gratefully and he patted your head. 
“Seokjin, here. Thanks again for lending it to me.” You took his washed denim jacket out of your bag and handed it to him. He smiled and nodded his head, receiving the folded clothing and putting it into his own backpack. The others looked on at the exchange, even the two that were roughhousing also stopped, to see what was going on. 
“I washed it! Don’t worry.” You added. 
“It’s alright, (y/n). Thanks.” He chuckled. Meanwhile, you didn’t know that the wolves were having a mental interrogation with their oldest. 
“What the hell was that?!” V growled. 
“I lent her my jacket and forgot to take it back. So she is returning it to me now. That’s it.” Seokjin scoffed. 
“Yeah, hyung. You just casually forgot to take your jacket back from her. So she could wash it and it would smell like her. You sneak! We know what you’re up to!” Jungkook accused. 
“You guys are crazy. If you want, maybe try winning the next time we play rock, paper, scissors.” Seokjin teased and the others all growled at him. 
“Guys? The bus is here.” Your voice pulled them out of their trance. They shook their heads to break the mind link and nodded, following you up the bus. All of you tapped your cards and took your seats. Jimin took the seat beside you while the rest were kind of spread out. 
“So, what did you do during your weekend?” Jimin asked. 
“Well, Sunday was spent doing chores and cleaning the house. I worked on Saturday then studied a bit.” You cast a glance over to Suga, who was just staring outside the window. 
“What did you guys do?” 
“Not much. We stayed in the house as we normally do.” Jimin chuckled. 
“Wow, Chim. Way to make us sound like lazy people that just lie around and do nothing.” Suga scowled. Of course, he was hearing the conversation. Everyone else was. 
“That’s good. Rest is the most important.” You giggled. When the bus stopped, the boys let you get off first. 
Ever since you started being around the boys, the other students stopped messing with you so much, except Kira. The male students that would disturb you stopped, afraid of the wrath from the 7 boys. Kira and her team of girls were just jealous that the 7 boys decided to hang around you instead of them. She prided herself as being the prettiest in school. 
“Slut.” Kira rolled her eyes as she watched you enter with the others. You ignored her remarks. 
“Someone needs to put that girl in her place.” Jungkook frowned. 
“(y/n) wouldn’t like that. We should think of her feelings first.” Jimin stopped the younger alpha from acting irrationally. After what happened last time, the boys made sure to follow you to your locker. 
“Are you working today?” J-Hope asked. 
“Yeah. But I’m not working tomorrow so I may bake. You guys can come over, if you’d like.” You said as you arranged your locker. 
“We would love to.” RM smiled. 
“Awesome.” You returned the gesture and shut your locker. When you all entered class, the other students still stared at you like they usually do. As someone they viewed as the ‘loser’ and ‘forever alone’, they all wondered how you got the attention of the 7 new students so easily. 
“Does the staring creep you out?” V leaned in to whisper to you. 
“Used to. But not anymore. I don’t care.” You shook your head with a chuckle. V smiled fondly at you. 
Soon, the conversation was cut when the teacher came in and you focused on the board. The mid year tests were coming up and you wanted to make sure that you had all the resources that you needed. 
“Do you have the exam schedule?” V asked. 
“I do.” You took your planner out and flipped to the page with all the highlighted dates, sliding it to him. 
“Hmm, thanks.” He closed it, handing it back to you. You nodded and put it under your pencil case. V felt like he could watch you study forever. The way you would frown slightly when a problem was too hard or how you would chew on your bottom lip when you were focused. It was the little gestures like these that he found so adorable. 
“Class dismissed.” The teacher left when it was lunch time. The boys followed you to the place out back. That had become a regular place for all of you to just talk while you enjoyed your lunches alone. 
“Oh, hey. I hope you don’t mind sharing the space.” You froze when you saw Kira and her friends there, in your exact spot, under the tree. 
“What...?” Suga frowned. 
“Come join us, oppas.” Kira smiled and waved. 
“We’re not your oppas. Stop don’t call us that.” Seokjin crossed his arms. You turned around and walked away while the boys were too busy glaring holes into Kira’s head. 
“That’s not cool.” Jungkook shook his head. Kira shrugged and sat back down. She turned to her friend and smirked. 
“Wait, where’s (y/n)?” Jimin asked. The 7 boys turned around to find you missing. All 7 of them could feel a faint ache in their chest. They knew that it came from you, you were feeling upset. RM grabbed his pack and pulled them away. They had to find you. 
You walked through the book shelves. Your uneaten lunch still in your lunch box. After what happened with Kira, you just didn’t have the appetite to eat anymore. You let out a sigh, that girl seriously needed something else to do. 
“Hey, new book.” You smiled and grabbed the book down from the shelf. Turning it over, you read the back. 
“That’s a good one. You should borrow it.” Someone spoke from beside you, making you jump. 
“We were looking for you.” RM whispered. You nodded your head and tucked the book under your arm with the intention of borrowing it on the way out later.
“Sorry about just leaving like that. I just wasn’t in the mood to fight Kira. Anyway, I over reacted. It’s just a lunch place, nothing special. She can have it.” You shook your head. RM surprised you by holding your chin, lifting your head up to face him. You blushed at the contact. His eyes were filled with warmth and understanding. 
“You didn’t over react. It’s alright.” He assured. 
“It’s just... that has been my quiet place since I’ve come to this school. It’s the only place that I don’t need to deal with students trying to make me their joke.” You sighed. 
“I understand.” He let go of your chin and stroke your head. You felt your heart pound against your chest at the contact. 
“Thank you, RM.” You smiled.
“I found her. She’s okay.” RM told his brothers. 
“Where are you guys? We’re coming!” V asked. For once, RM decided to ignore his brothers, him wanting to spend some alone time with you, talking about things the both of you enjoyed. Books. 
“Namjoon! Don’t ignore us!” Seokjin came through.
“He’s hogging her!” J-Hope accused. RM decided to just block his brothers. If they really wanted to find him, they would have tried to track his scent. Besides, the school isn’t that big. He followed you to one of the tables in a corner to sit down. RM took the seat opposite you.
“I know this author but I haven’t read this book. I think the library just brought this one in.” You patted the cover of the book. 
“I have all his books. I can lend it to you, if you’d like.” RM offered. 
“Really? That would be so cool. I’m guessing you’re the bookworm of the family?” You giggled. 
“That, I am. The others don��t really take to reading much. Maybe J-Hope, sometimes? He accompanies me. But most of the books in our home library was bought and collected by me.” He explained. 
“Wow.” RM loved the way your eyes sparkled and lit up. When the bell rang, you and RM left the library. But you didn’t borrow the book as RM insisted that he could just lend you the book instead and you wouldn’t have to worry about returning it by the due date. 
“I’m sorry you didn’t get to eat because of me.” You frowned. 
“It’s not your fault. Don’t apologise, (y/n). I actually enjoyed just hanging out with you in the library.” He confessed. 
“I did too.” You smiled. 
When you all went into the classroom, you noticed the other 6 boys staring at all of you. You blinked at them and just sat down. Even when you pulled your chair in, V was still staring at you. You cleared your throat awkwardly. 
“So what did you and RM hyung do?” He asked. You nearly choked at his almost accusatory tone. It was almost as if he was implying that you and RM did something scandalous. 
“You heard me.” V placed his face close to yours. 
“W-We went to t-the library.” You stuttered and gulped. He drew back, sending you an unconvinced look. 
“Kim Taehyung. What are you doing to her?!” RM growled. 
“Making sure you didn’t feel her up!” V replied, turning to send a glare to the older. When the teacher came back in, you coughed and adjusted your collar, fanning your heated cheeks. You didn’t know what you were so nervous about. The fact that V had his face so close to yours or that he was accusing you of doing something with RM. 
When school ended, you were still feeling flustered so you quickly packed up your things and sped off without a goodbye. The boys were all dumbfounded, sending V a glare. 
“You did that.” Jin frowned. 
“How is that my fault?” V raised his hands. 
“You interrogated her and made her feel uncomfortable. We all have to share her, you know? If Namjoon wants to spend time alone with her. He can.” J-Hope lightly hit his brother’s shoulder. 
“I’m going to take a walk. You guys go ahead.” V shoved his hands into his pockets and left. He walked around, kicking stones and keeping his head down. Letting out a frustrated sigh, he ran his hands through his hair. His wolf was just feeling so impatient and wanted you to be with them now. 
Taehyung also felt bad that he was lying to you. He wanted you to know the truth about everything.
“Apologise to (y/n), Tae.” Jimin told him. 
“I know, I will.” Taehyung didn’t know where you worked so he went home to change and put his bag down before heading over to your house. He sat on the log by your front yard to wait for your return. 
Taehyung didn’t know that he fell asleep until he heard a gasp, followed by a growl. Turning around, he saw you backing away in fear. You haven’t seemed to notice him yet so he ducked behind a bush to shift into his wolf form. He leapt in front of him. 
“T-Taehyung?!” You cried out in relief and fear for your beloved wolf. 
“Be careful, Tae.” You cautioned. The dark wolf had flashing red eyes as he bared his canines at Taehyung, his back hunched in defence. Taehyung lunged himself at the wolf and they tumbled around. You screamed. 
“Taehyung!” You gasped. 
“You stay away from her.” Taehyung snapped his jaws at the stranger. You ran into your house, trying to find whatever thing you could to try and help Taehyung. You saw your grandfather’s baseball bat and grabbed it, running back out. It was hard to see in the dark but when you saw the stranger nailing Taehyung down, you took the opportunity to swing. 
The wolf let out a yelp as he fell off, giving Taehyung the chance bite into the wolf’s neck, but not enough to kill him. He quickly took off. 
“(y/n).” Taehyung turned to you. He would have chased after that intruder but his priority was you. 
“T-Tae...” Your legs were wobbly as the bat fell from your hands, hitting the floor. As your vision blurred and you fell to the ground, Taehyung quickly shifted back and caught you in his arms. 
“Hyungs, Jungkook.” Taehyung whimpered as he held an unconscious you in his arms. As he waited for the others to come, he brought you into the house. 
“Tae.” He heard Namjoon’s voice as he tucked you into bed. 
“There was an intruder. His scent is everywhere. I got him in the neck but he ran off.” Taehyung shifted back into a wolf as he joined his pack. The 7 wolves sniffed the ground, indeed, it was the same scent as before. The same one they found while taking a walk. 
“Is she hurt?” 
“No. She was scared though. She managed to hit it with her bat.” Taehyung used his snout to point at the wooden bat that was left on the dirt. 
“Even in fear, she’s still merciless.” Suga snorted. 
“Taehyung!” You gasped as you woke up. Quickly, you ran downstairs and burst out the front door to see the 7 boys sitting in the yard, no wolves in sight. They all turned their attention to you.
“You’re awake.” Jimin approached you first. You nodded your head. 
“What happened?” You asked. 
“V was coming over and saw you passed out on the ground. We carried you back into your house. Are you feeling okay? Light headed or anything?” RM stroked your head. You shook your head, frowning slightly. Had everything just been a dream? But it felt so real. Seeing the look on your face, the boys all shot each other a look. 
“Sorry, we didn’t know if we should have brought you to a doctor instead but we felt it wasn’t a good idea for you to go to school.” Jungkook said. 
“No, don’t apologise. I should be the sorry one. You guys skipped school because of me.” You scratched your head. 
“Don’t sweat it. School’s boring anyway.” J-Hope yawned. 
“Thanks, V.” You smiled at the male. He nodded his head and sent you a boxy smile. You were still feeling a little disorientated. You looked down at your hands. Were you really almost attacked last night? Did you or did you not use a bat to beat a fierce wolf last night? 
“You should rest more, (y/n). You still look a little shaky.” Seokjin put his arm around you and led you into the house. 
“Wait, come over for tea later.” You turned to tell the other boys. They nodded their heads, sending you a thumbs up. Seokjin walked you up the stairs and followed you into the room. 
“Everything that happened last night felt so real.” You said. 
“What?” Seokjin asked. You shook your head as you laid down and he tucked you in. 
“You shouldn’t overwork yourself, (y/n). That’s probably why you passed out. Your health is important. Luckily V found you before anything serious could have happened.” Seokjin sent you a soft smile. You nodded your head.
“I’ll see you later.” He squeezed your hand and left, closing the door behind him. Once he shut the front door behind him, the boys went back to their house. 
“Ready?” Namjoon looked at the others. 
“Yes.” They all shifted, taking off into the forest. They were going to find that intruder and find out what was his intention with you. 
“It’s almost 3. Where are the others?” Namjoon asked Jimin, as he adjusted the watch around his wrist. He realised that it was only him, Jin and Jimin in the living room, ready to go. The two being omegas, they don’t really deal with whatever the alphas and the betas have to do, which was kind of a win situation for them in this case.
“Getting ready. They just came out of the basement.” The smaller replied. 
“Guys, we need to go.” Namjoon called. The 4 other wolves came down the stairs, all freshened up and dressed. 
“We’ll get back to that later. We wouldn’t want to be late.” He told them and they nodded in agreement. Wearing their shoes, they locked the door and made their way to yours. 
“Smell that?” Jungkook asked. They didn’t even need to enter the house to smell what you were baking for their visit. The aroma of butter, chocolate and vanilla filled the air that surrounded the house. 
“Coming~” You replied. The smell only intensified when you opened the door for them. The boys nearly drooled at the sugary scent that mixed with yours. With a welcoming smile, you stepped aside for them to enter. They went to sit in the living room. 
“I’ll be done in a second!” You went back to the kitchen. Looking back at how the boys were sitting, it was like you were looking at the wolves. 
“Take your time.” J-Hope smiled at you. 
“Are you making cookies?!” Jungkook appeared behind you, making you jump and almost drop the plate. But he was quick enough to catch it, wrapping an arm around your waist to support you as well. 
“JEON JUNGKOOK!” The elders tensed. 
“Are you okay?” He asked lowly. You nodded your head and he grinned, letting you go. 
“You scared me.” You put a hand on your chest as you sighed. Jungkook placed the plate down on the counter next to you. Picking up a cookie, you handed it to him to at least satiate him a little. He made sounds of happiness and he ran out of the kitchen to show off to his hyungs that he managed to get a treat from you. 
*He’s just like Kookie. Always wanted a treat before dinner.* You thought fondly, a soft smile on your face. 
“Here. I’m not sure what you guys would prefer so I made an assortment of cakes and cookies. Can I get anything you guys anything to drink?” You placed the plates down. 
“I’ll help.” Suga stood up. 
“No, it’s fine. You already served me at your house, it’s my turn now.” You turned down with a small smile and he nodded, sitting back down. 
“I’ll have an iced americano.” He ordered. The rest all ordered their own coffee preferences as well, except V, who wanted fruit tea. You made all their orders for them, laying it out on the table as you took a seat on the ground, beside V and J-Hope. 
“This is good!” Jungkook said, his mouth stuffed with cake. 
“I’m glad you like it. Slow down, Kookie.” You reached out to dust off the crumbs from his face. But quickly, retracted your hand. 
“I’m so sorry! I don’t know what’s gotten into me recently. That was totally uncalled for. I mean, Jungkook.” You shook your head. You mentally scolded yourself for thinking it was the wolf, Kookie. 
“At least she remembers.” Jungkook thought with a loving smile. 
“Don’t worry, (y/n). I’m glad you’re comfortable around us. And you can call me Kookie if you’d like.” He assured. 
“No, it’s okay. Kookie was just... the name of someone who was important to me so I mistook your name for it. That’s all.” Your tried to act chill and brush it off. The boys all softened as you said that the wolves were important beings in your life and you wouldn’t want to give their names to anyone else. It just proved how much love you had for them. 
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