#i honestly find the reactions people have when i ask them to stop using foul language quite hilarious
eddis-not-eeddis · 1 year
I got stopped by a customer in his 50s who had a superfluous complaint that was A. based on incorrect information and B. was something I couldn't have "fixed" because it's so far above my pay-grade not even my boss has a say in the matter.
He was very rude, and swore a lot. I put up with it, answered his complaint as politely as I could, and tried to make an exit--I was busy and trying to complete a time sensitive task. He left his cart and followed me, and continued to swear at me.
I turned around and said, "Sir, please don't use that kind of language when you're talking to me."
He literally pulled up short. I have never seen someone do it so abruptly. His head practically rocked on his neck. I think he might have gotten whiplash.
"I," he said, "Am A Vet!"
Almost every man I know over the age of 50 is a vet. My grandpa and great-grandpa, and nearly ALL of my many great-uncles are vets. I know a decent number of men not that much older than I am who are also vets. Many of my coworkers are vets. None of them have ever seen fit to call me names or cuss me out to my face.
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snapghoul · 18 days
Heyyy. I've been so obsessed with the seresin twins. They've taken over my life, and I love it.
I've got a question, though. How did Tyler react to Jake coming out? Gimme all the headconnons.
Me too, I’ve been consumed by them and I will gladly share them for those who love em ❤️
How Jake’s coming out was a lot far less rocky than he’d originally thought.
Note: writing snarky banter between Bradley and Jake is so hard like it looks cringy to me but then I remember how cheesy their banter was in the movie and I feel better about it.
Warnings: foul language, internalized homophobia and homophobia
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Jake had always sensed that he wasn’t attracted to women. Growing up in a small Texas town, he had a few girlfriends, but none of those relationships ever felt right. He dated primarily to fit in, rather than out of genuine interest. While he could acknowledge that some girls were conventionally attractive, he never felt any real attraction.
His first kiss with a girl, in freshman year of high school, was a moment of clarity for him—it didn't feel right, but he initially chalked it up to inexperience. He tried to replicate the experience several times, hoping it would change.
It wasn't until college that he found himself in a situation where he almost all the way with a girl, only to back out because he felt uncomfortable and disinterested. This experience made him realize he wasn’t into women at all. It was shortly after this that he shared his first kiss with a guy, which felt more genuine and right.
He remained closeted to his parents for two years.
Jake was relieved to find that his parents were surprisingly accepting when he finally mustered the courage to come out. As he fought back tears, his mother reassured him, “I already knew, dear. As long as you find someone who loves and cares for you, I’m happy to welcome them.”
His father’s response was a bit more blunt but equally supportive: “The second they lay a hand on you, I’m grabbing the shotgun.”
Not everyone was accepting at Sophia’s wedding. A few aunts, uncles, and cousins cast disapproving glances and made hurtful comments as Jake’s boyfriend stood by his side, their arms linked. Sophia did her best to keep the comments away from Jake but in the end he experienced his first true heartbreak after that, his boyfriend breaking up with him due to the homophobia in his family.
But Tyler had always been different. He’d known something was up the moment Jake came home after his first kiss with a girl, he saw the hint of confusion and disgust in his eyes. Although he didn’t have a name for it back then, he recognized that girls weren’t for his brother. Tyler was also the first person Jake called at 2 a.m. when he was overwhelmed.
“Ty, I just—I kissed a guy, and honestly, I think I’m gay, and I don’t know what to do. Shit, Ma and Dad are gonna be pissed—”
“Jake, slow down and breathe,” Tyler said. He stayed up until 6 a.m., helping Jake calm down and reassuring him that everything would be okay.
“Ty, do you care that I might be—no, that I am gay?” Jake asked shakily, fearing his twin’s reaction.
“No, Jake, I don’t. Honestly, I’ve had my suspicions for a while, and I don’t care who you love. Remember Mr. Henes and Mr. Wright?”
“Yeah, they ran the rodeo… wait really?”
“Yup, and they’ve been married for thirty years, that explains some of the looks they got but they didn’t care! They did their thing and let no one stop them. Jake, why should it matter that you like guys?”
“I don’t know… because it’s not right?”
“No, you know what ain’t right? Telling people who they can or can’t love. That includes you. If you like him and he makes you happy, then go for it. If you feel it, chase it!”
“Christ, what kind of cheesy movie did you pull that from? ‘If you feel it, chase it?’”
“I actually just made it up. I like it, though. It can apply to a lotta things.”
Jake chuckled, and they sat in silence for a moment.
“Want to hear about the field science I’m doing? My class has us studying cloud microphysics, so I’m just walking around taking pictures of the sky. It’s actually pretty fun! I’d much rather be out here than stuck in a stuffy classroom.”
Without missing a beat, Tyler shifted the conversation from Jake’s anxiety, taking it with him and letting the moment of calm settle between them.
Bonus: Jake panics over a certain chicken.
Jake tried to keep his cool, reminding himself, Play it cool, play it cool, Jake. He’s watching! Holy shit he’s coming over!
Bradley fucking Bradshaw had an uncanny ability to fluster Jake, driving him insane. There was something about the guy that made Jake lose his composure. Jake had felt this before, but never to this extent; the way Bradley moved, talked, and just existed made Jake feel cornered. When Jake felt cornered, he relied on his greatest defense: his offense.
“Y’know, Rooster, if you’d just hop off that perch of yours, maybe you’d actually be a decent pilot. Instead, you just sit there, waiting for something that never comes.”
Bradley’s expression darkened, his frustration clear as his feathers metaphorically ruffled at Jake’s jabs.
Seriously!? Rooster?! What kind of name is that? Not cool! Not cool! Don’t piss him off! Jake thought, desperately trying to regain his composure.
Wait, why is that look kinda hot? No! No! Jake, stop it! But damn, he looks good.
Bradley’s irritation flared. “If only you’d stop leaving your wingman hanging, Hangman. Maybe you’d actually get someone who feels comfortable enough to fly with you. But hey, no one wants to fly with a wingman who hangs them out to dry.”
Jake’s jaw tightened as Bradley closed in on him. Hangman?! I don’t leave them hanging! I always come back…
Bradley’s proximity made Jake’s heart race. Holy shit—he’s much bigger up close. Jake tried to focus on not letting his growing attraction show, but it was getting harder by the second.
Bradley took Jake’s silence as a victory and gave him a hard shoulder check as he walked by. That was the moment Rooster and Hangman were born—along with Jake’s frustrating attraction to Bradley Bradshaw.
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catscidr · 7 months
im sorry i know i should be writing reqs but i just can’t stop thinking about slightly creepy office au coworker dottore...... im horn
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you have a boring 9-5 job, trying to find joy in the mundane, else you go crazy. waking up to birds chirping outside of your bedroom window, the tasty to-go coffee and breakfast sandwich you always get in the morning, and your coworker greeting your still-sleepy self when you step into the office. always one to gossip, she’d motion for you to hurry up and sit at your cubicle so she can gush about whatever rumor was currently roaming the building. 
“have you seen zandik lately? his temper is worse than usual! think he just got broken up with or something? honestly, i see why his partner would call things off, it seems like he’s always prioritizing work over people...” you take a long sip of your coffee, relishing in the newfound energy that flooded your system. it takes you a minute to process your coworker’s claim. 
“how do you know he was even in a relationship in the first place?” you ask, scoffing in amusement at how fast her brain seemed to work; it was almost impressive, really. “well, he’s handsome, for one. and he’s loaded! i don’t understand how he can afford such a nice car with a salary like ours,” she sulks as she finishes her rambling. you take the opportunity to finish your food, setting your half-empty cup down to start prepping your workspace. 
“inheritance? or he’s crazy good at managing money,” you suggest. just as you thought your coworker was about to drop the topic, she perks up and slams her hand on her desk a tad bit too loudly. “oh! or maybe he works a second job? y’know, the cost of living is getting pretty high, so maybe he has a 5-9 on top of working here!” 
someone shoots her a look that says “it’s still early, lower your voice”, and she grins at them awkwardly before turning to look at you with a smile that rivals someone that just uncovered the cure to a deadly disease. 
you pause your typing, fingertips resting idly on the mechanical keyboard. “why do you care about what he’s up to, anyways? usually you avoid talking about zandik or any of the higher-ups because you know they’ll probably get us in trouble,” you point out, your shoulder getting hit as soon as the words leave your mouth. giggling lightly at how dramatic her reaction was, you turn your attention from your computer to your coworker. you’re met with a petrified expression and uncomfortable body language along with the lack of natural light behind you. 
“and why, pray tell, are we gossiping about my foul mood?” someone says from behind you, though you could recognize its owner anywhere. your blood runs cold— the warmth from your morning coffee having vanished from your body, not a single trace left in the presence of the office’s most intimidating employee (arguably). your coworker flashes him a wide, albeit shaky smile, and shakes her head a bit too quickly for it to be considered normal. 
“n-not gossiping! we’re just concerned for your health! right?” she says your name, nudging your foot from underneath the desk. you don’t have time to decide whether you want to detach yourself from your predicament or to go along with her bullshit because zandik bends down to your level, flashing a smile that doesn’t quite reach his dull eyes as he speaks for you. “then avoid spreading rumors about my personal life, it gives me a headache,” he murmurs quietly.  
you’d catch the unspoken threat in his voice if you weren’t so flustered. he was so close you could smell his cologne— musky sandalwood that made your head spin, losing whatever train of thought you had just seconds ago. “s-sorry,” you’re the one that apologizes since your coworker was frozen in fear, looking more like a deer facing headlights than an office worker. 
zandik’s lips stretch wider, vermillion eyes narrowing at her before flickering over to you. you immediately look away, suddenly now noticing the sheer lack of space between you two. if what you were doing before was unprofessional, then this was beating it by a landslide. although you couldn't help but wish that he bent down to your level more often. though, at the same time, he looked good looking down at you…
he stays like this for a few more uncomfortable seconds before straightening his back and walking away, no words spoken between the three of you. your coworker exhales a breath she had been holding in, and turns to face her desk in silence. 
you're left with a rapidly beating heart and the need to take a bathroom break even though you just clocked in not even ten minutes ago.
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ghostdrew22 · 4 years
Shut Up || Draco Malfoy
Requested: No Pairing: Draco Malfoy x gryffindor!fem!reader Warnings: implications of sex, alcohol and drugs, asshole!hermione and swearing
Summary: Not a lot of Y/N’s fellow Gryffindor’s approve of her relationship with the Slytherin Prince, despite the fact that he makes you immeasurably happy and his own friends accept you.
WORDS : 1788
Lyric snippets I used are from “shut up” by Ariana Grande and they’re not in chronological order.
“My presence sweet and my aura bright,”
“Y/N, you’re so lovable and that begs the question; what are you doing with this insufferable git?” Blaise perks up with a smirk as he sits across from Draco and Y/N in the Great Hall for breakfast.
Beside him Pansy Parkinson nudges his ribs softly and gives you a bright smile, “Don’t listen to him. Draco’s okay once you get to know him.”
 “Okay?” Draco scoffs out as he chokes on a bite of his apple- making you and Pansy erupt in a fit of giggles. “8 years of friendship and that’s all I get?”
“Be grateful, I wanted to say less intolerable.”
“You love me and you know it.” He grumbles as he moves back to eating his apple- his hand resting faintly on the small of your back as you turn to look up at him.
“It’s very hard not to.” You say with a smile as you drop a kiss on his cheek- making him grin widely and turn rapidly to catch your lips against his own. Your kiss earns a grin from Blaise and a groan from Pansy- even though they’re both very happy that their friend is in love.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve the sun herself.” He whispers once your lips finally part and you smile goofily at his words.
“Stop.” You giggle out and he shakes his head before whispering that he never will, and allowing you to go back to eating.
You don’t miss the awkward stares being thrown toward you from the Gryffindor table but you ignore them- choosing instead to focus on the butterflies erupting in your stomach and the smiles of glee that your new beau’s friends are blinding you with from across the Slytherin table.
“diamonds good for my appetite.”
You and Draco are spending the Summer together at the Malfoy Manor since your parents are hardly ever around with work anyway and Narcissa practically begged you to come.
“Happy birthday Y/N!” Mrs Malfoy exclaims as she hands you a small box, the size of a journal, with black wrapping and a green ribbon. You and Draco are sitting on a couch that’s on side of the Malfoy’s living room, and his parents are sat on another couch on the opposite side of the room. Narcissa and Draco are beaming and Lucius is looking rather indifferent from his spot beside his wife.
“Thank you so much…” You respond with a faltering smile as you turn beside you to catch your boyfriend’s eyes in confusion, “But my birthday was months ago.”
“We know darling but we couldn’t owl the gift to you because it’s quite valuable, and we wanted to see your face when you opened it.”
“You really didn’t have to get me anyt-“
“Nonsense Y/N, we wanted to.”
“That’s really kind, thank you so much.” You smile shyly up at them and Narcissa laughs lightly.
“Now open it! We’re itching to see your reaction.”
You do as the Malfoy matriarch says and unwrap the gift, finding a black, velvet jewellery case beneath the wrapping. A gasp escapes your lips when you open the case and find a diamond necklace encased inside.
“This is too mu-“ You start but Narcissa is already laughing and shaking her head.
“Don’t even try to talk us out of giving it to you.”
“Are you sure?” You ask as your eyes scan over the glistening jewels that surround the silver chain.
“Draco, put it on her.”  Lucius suddenly interjects- shocking you all.
Draco does as his father tells him to and hooks the necklace around your neck before softly dropping the diamonds just below your collarbone. Lucius gets up from the couch, grabs a nearby small mirror, and walks toward you and Draco.
“Aren’t you sure?” He asks as he puts the mirror in front of you and allows you to see it on yourself.
Another gasp escapes your lips as you trail your fingers around the shining material, the light from one of the windows hitting it just right. “I am.” You finally breathe out with a smile, “Thank you so much, it’s exquisite.”
“Oh darling it was no trouble, I wasn’t going to wear it.” Narcissa says as she also stands up and comes to meet her husband in front of you- intertwining their fingers together- “Besides, it’s only right you start dressing like a Malfoy now.” She winks at you before pulling her husband out of the room and leaving you to be with Draco alone.
You try to resist the urge to smile like an idiot at her comment about you becoming a Malfoy.
“That’s coming out of my inheritance so I hope you like it.” Draco says with a smirk as he eyes you.
“But it’s okay if you don’t, we can pick something else out if you like.” He smiles softly at you and you feel your entire insides melt at his words- the diamonds are exquisite, you can’t lie, but they mean way less than Draco’s determination to satisfy you to your heart’s content.
You smile back at him in awe, “I love it, it’s perfect.”
“Are you sure?” He raises his eyebrows.
You bring your lips up to his and cup his cheek softly before parting away from him with a smile, “Does that answer your question?”
“I vibrate high and my circle lit.”
Slytherins are nothing like Gryffindors when it comes to partying, they’re a completely different league. Draco was initially scared to bring you along to one of his house exclusive parties because he was worried that you wouldn’t enjoy them, or you wouldn’t like him afterwards, but Pansy was having none of it and insisted that you come along with the three of them and get, as she worded it, absolutely wrecked.
And absolutely wrecked do you get.
At first you’re a bit hesitant- still processing the shock of finding 7th years snorting white lines off Salazar’s ancient desk- but Draco eases you into it and ensures you that you don’t need to try anything that  you don’t want to. So you start slow, taking your time with a glass of firewhiskey while the boy beside you tries his best to outdrink Blaise and keep his attention on you- he’s definitely not beating Blaise though, not when all he can think about is dragging you off into a corner and-
“Hey Y/N, have you ever gotten high?” Pansy interrupts his train of thought and you nod your head at her question.
Usually you just get drunk at parties but if Neville’s around he usually doesn’t mind sharing a joint with you. “Yes, a few times.”
“Want to smoke now?” She raises her eyebrows at you.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to love- don’t feel pressured.” Draco says in your ear and you smile, turning your face to give him a quick kiss.
“I’m not drunk anyway so let’s do it.”
Soon enough you are as high as a bloody kite, hopping up and down to some muggle song they’re blasting on the speakers, one hand in the air and another tightly gripping the arm that Draco has wrapped around your waist from behind, trying to sing along with Pansy. The vibes in the Slytherin common room are nothing like you’d expected them to be. You’d anticipated unnecessarily expensive alcohol, boring music, snooty glances being thrown your way and absolutely no dancing but it’s nothing like that, instead there’s people bouncing off the walls, cheap alcohol everywhere, incredible muggle music surrounding you and everyone has been immensely inviting toward you the whole night- to the point where they’ve invited you to come back.
The Slytherins are nothing like Gryffindors when it comes to partying, and although a few of them are a bit too hardcore for you to keep up with, Draco and his friends are the perfect people to party with. When they all let their guards down, have a few drinks and hear the right song playing they have the most excitement you’d ever seen in your life. Partying with them is an incredible sensation- they’re exciting and fun and friendly, and they honestly make you feel breathless.
Draco in particular is letting loose a side of him that you’ve never seen before- laughing it up with everyone that approaches you, excitedly dragging you around the room to see all the different aspects of a Slytherin party and dancing, he hasn’t stopped dancing with you all night.
“You give off good vibrations!” Pansy yells over the music and Blaise nods in agreement.
“I didn’t think anyone would ever be able to keep up with the three of us but Draco picked you well.” Blaise adds and you playfully scoff.
“If anything, I picked him.”
“And how lucky was I at that?” He laughs and looks down at you to kiss you.
“Very lucky.” You mumble with a goofy smile once he pulls away and as soon as your eyes lock you both know- it’s time to go. You barely have time to say goodbye to Blaise and Pansy before he’s dragging you up to his prefect dorm and slamming the door shut behind you both.
“How you been spending your time? How you be using your tongue? You be so worried ‘bout mine, can’t even get yourself none.”
“So maybe you should shut up.”
“Y/N, I’ll never understand why you’re going out with this foul, loathsome gi-“
“Hermione, when was the last time you had a good shag?” You interrupt the Gryffindor- having had enough of her rude insults barricading your boyfriend. Beside you Draco chokes on the bottle of water he was drinking and widens his eyes at you.
“What?” Hermione asks, clearly flustered, as her cheeks turn a bright shade of pink.
“A good shag. When was the last time you were fucked senseless?” You ask again and inch close enough for your lips to be right by her ear, “Because I can tell you when last I was… Last night, prefect dorm, two hours of heavenly bliss.”
“Y/N!” She exclaims as she pulls away from you in shock and embarrassment, “That’s wildly inappropriate.”
“Indeed, it is.” You offer a smile, “So I suggest you stop talking so much shit with that tongue of yours before I tell you what Draco likes to do to me with his.”
Hermione nods- still in shock- and quickly turns to leave. You turn to face your boyfriend- who has the biggest smile of admiration on his face- with a smirk and he chuckles once Hermione is out of earshot. “Bloody hell, I don’t deserve you.”
“Not at all.” You smirk and pull a few feet away from him so that you can slowly open the first two buttons of your blouse in the empty hallway, “But maybe you can try to.”

“My room, now.”
i hate that little scene with lucius but i literally can’t write it out because i can’t unthink the idea- that probably sounds ridiculous.
Anyway, this is just a small, cute, IMPULSIVE idea I got one day after listening to ‘shut up’ by Ariana Grande. Some soft fluff for the Gryffindors.
anyway, love you all
jean <3
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bytheangell · 3 years
Hi!!! If you still accept requests could you do a fic with Gabriel and Christopher Lightwood? Matbe when he was little? I think that when he found out his second child was going to be a boy woukd have been impctful as what he had to bear with his own father
I Think I’ve Seen This Film Before (And I Didn’t Like the Ending) (Read on AO3)
Gabriel isn’t sure where the sudden feeling of anxiousness comes from after Cecily has their second child, a boy they name Christopher. He hadn’t been this nervous when they had Anna, and he hadn’t been particularly worried leading up to the birth… but now that Christopher is here Gabriel can tell that something is different this time.
He just can’t quite place what that something is.
It isn’t until he’s holding Christopher one night, allowing his son’s tiny hands to explore and pull at pieces of his clothing with wide-eyed curiosity, that Cecily says something that makes it all click.
“He’s going to idolize you, I can tell,” Cecily says the words with a smile, obviously meaning them as a compliment.
Instead of smiling back, Gabriel blanches. The realization comes immediately
“I don’t want him to.”
Cecily frowns. “What?”
Gabriel shakes his head back and forth emphatically. It’s suddenly very obvious why he’s felt different with Christopher, and honestly, he isn’t sure why it took him this long to piece together.
“I don’t want him to,” he repeats.
“Whyever not?” To her credit, Cecily looks confused, but not upset.
“I idolized my father,” Gabriel says, the words a mere whisper.
And there it is. The reason Christopher is different is that he’s a son: a boy, who will turn into a young man meant to take after his father. To learn from him. To grow up and follow in his footsteps.
Except everything Gabriel’s experienced of how a father raises a son is selfishness, deceit, and self-indulgence. It’s raising a child to serve and reflect your own interests - a name to carry a legacy. What if he’s just like his father? That’s nothing to idolize. That isn’t--
“You’re not Benedict, Gabriel,” Cecily says gently, her words cutting through his quickly spiraling thoughts. She walks over to place a hand on his arm, her expression kind as she glances between him and their son, her smile soft and reassuring. “You’re a good person and a wonderful father. Just look at Anna.”
“She has you to look up to,” Gabriel points out.
“And so will Christopher. But that doesn’t matter, because she still looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky just for her, and rightly so.”
“I don’t want to make the same mistakes he did. He raised us to be heirs, not individuals. I clung to that for so long…”
Cecily knows about the sort of man Benedict Lightwood was, before he wasn’t a man at all. Gabriel told her most of what she didn’t hear on her own because he wanted her to know exactly what she was getting into when they started seeing one another romantically - but Cecily always took it in stride. She always supported him and every difficult step he took away from his father’s legacy.
“And then you let it go when it mattered most,” she reminds him. “If you won’t believe in yourself, then believe in me. Christopher is going to turn out just fine - because of you, not in spite of you.”
Gabriel looks down at Christopher, such a tiny bundle in his arms, and nods slowly. “I won’t let you down, Christopher. I promise.”
It takes a while for Gabriel to find a sense of balance with raising Christopher, often trying so intensely to not be like Benedict that he isn’t quite himself, either. But he gets there eventually, stepping into his own in ways he never imagined possible before.
He’s doing well, until the moment he isn’t.
It’s a bad day. One of those days were little things seem to go wrong one after another, mostly minor inconveniences until inevitably one of them becomes the tipping point for a proper explosion of the frustration that’s been building all day.
Unfortunately, that final straw comes in the form of Christopher coming home with violently green skin less than an hour before they’re due to set off for a formal dinner in Idris. Gabriel is upset enough when he thinks it’s another one of Christopher’s experiments gone wrong, but something in him snaps when he finds out it was actually a spell gone wrong from a warlock girl Christopher had been playing with, one he met in the Shadow Market the other day.
“It’s bad enough Tatiana’s stirring up trouble again, and now you’re going to show up looking like this and positively reeking of magic! Must you spend your free time consorting with Downworlders?!”
“The spell was harmless! She wouldn’t hurt me, father,” Christopher says.
“I don’t care how harmless the spell was, it’s how it looks, don’t you see?”
But of course, Christopher doesn’t see, because he’s Christopher. He’s trusting to a fault, and too eager to see the good in people that he never stops to question whether or not they may have ulterior motivations.
“I’ll tell the people at the dinner what happened, once I explain I’m sure-”
“No!” Gabriel feels an instinctive panic at the idea of anyone finding out what happened, putting him even more on edge. “You will not tell anyone what happened. In fact, I don’t want you spending time with that warlock girl anymore.”
“But James-”
“I don’t care what James does. He isn’t my son - he isn’t a Lightwood! People expect certain things of us, Christopher, and we need to do better!” Gabriel is only vaguely aware that his voice is rising and his words are turning sharper.
“What does being a Lightwood have to do with anything?!” Christopher asks.
“It has to do with everything!” Gabriel snaps, and then realizes what he’s doing.
Christopher looks upset and a little shaken, and it’s obvious that he hadn’t expected this sort of reaction from his father. Gabriel catches a reflection of his face in the glass of a curio cabinet and sees more of his father in himself than he ever has before.
Christopher turns and stalks to his room without another word, just as Cecily comes in after hearing the commotion.
“What was all that?” She asks, brows furrowed.
“I-” Gabriel begins, but words fail him at the moment. He realizes he’s a bit shaken up as well - he’s never fought with Christopher before, not like that.
“I messed up, Cece.” Gabriel looks down the hall after his son with a weight in his chest. “I said things I shouldn’t have. I’ve just been under so much pressure lately, and he came home green for Raziel’s sake, and I…” Gabriel sighs, long and heavy.
“You took it out on him.”
It isn’t a question, so at least he doesn’t have to answer it out loud.
“I’ll talk to him later. I should go to this dinner, would you mind staying home with them?” Gabriel knows better than to think Anna will come with him after he’s upset Christopher - she’s fiercely protective of him in all the best ways.
“Of course. Go put in your appearance, I’ll handle things here.”
“Tell him I said I’m sorry,” Gabriel adds, turning to leave.
Cecily shakes her head. “You tell him yourself when you get back.”
He will. He absolutely will.
Once he’s in Idris, Gabriel can’t shake his foul mood. It doesn’t take long for Gideon to call him out on it.
“I shouted at Christopher. I told him,” Gabriel huffs. “That we have to hold ourselves to a different standard because we’re Lightwoods.”
“You’re not wrong. You and I both know we’re going to be undoing Father’s damage for the rest of our lives.”
“Are you ever afraid you’re too much like him?” “ Gabriel asks, unable to help himself.
Gideon shrugs. “He wasn’t all bad, you know. He did love us, for what that’s worth in the end. He never wanted us to want for anything, and he always pushed us to be the best versions of ourselves. Those wouldn’t be the worst traits to emulate.”
It’s a fair point. Gabriel is so focused on not turning into the monster his father became that he overlooked the parts of their childhood that were good.
“It’s just, sometimes I see him in myself when I lose my temper and… honestly, it frightens me. It’s like I blink and suddenly all the progress I’ve made all these years is just gone.”
“If all that progress were gone, you wouldn’t be having this conversation with me now,” Gideon points out. “One mistake doesn’t undo years of good. Not if you fix it instead of letting it consume you.”
Some of the tension Gabriel’s felt since he yelled at Christopher eases ever-so-slightly, and he manages a small smile.
“Thanks. I think I needed to hear that.”
“I can’t take all the credit - it’s something Sophie told me once. Guess it stuck,” Gideon admits. “Now get out of here and go home. I’ll cover with the others.”
Gabriel leaves Idris early to make sure he’s home before Christopher falls asleep. He goes straight for his son’s room, surprised by the slight nervousness he feels. But that’s good, he reminds himself. It means he cares, and not just about himself, but about what really matters.
“Christopher, are you awake? May I come in?”
There’s a short pause, and Gabriel wonders if he’s too late and will have to wait until morning. Then he hears soft shuffling noises before the door swings open.
“I’m sorry-” Christopher starts immediately, obviously expecting a lecture, but Gabriel holds up a hand to stop him.
“No, I’m sorry. I’m not always right, Christopher. And I need you to understand that. I don’t want you to grow up blindly following in my footsteps, okay? You’re allowed to question me. And you’re allowed to tell me if you think I’m wrong - because I might be. I just might not always see it.”
“You were wrong to be mad that I’m spending time with Downworlders,” Christopher says slowly, as if testing whether or not he’s supposed to actually question his father or if that bit was just a trap to see if he would.
“I was,” Gabriel agrees. “The unsupervised magic could be dangerous and that’s something we’ll have to talk about, but not tonight. Tonight I just need you to know that I don’t want you to be different, or better, or anything other than your perfectly curious, kind self. I love you, Christopher.”
“I love you too.”
This isn’t the first mistake Gabriel’s made as a parent, and he’s certain it won’t be the last. He’s trying to be better than his father before him. Sometimes he fails, sometimes he succeeds, but every time he learns from his mistakes and picks himself up to try again… and he’s finally starting to realize with the love, forgiveness, and encouragement of his family, that he doesn’t have to be perfect so long as he’s trying to be better.
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searchingwardrobes · 3 years
Ivory Runs Red: 5/6
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First off, massive thanks to the @cssns​, my beta @demisexualemmaswan​, and my artist @cocohook38​. Cocohook created this amazing cover art, and she is working on something else too to go with this story. The rough sketch made my jaw drop, so I can’t wait for ya’ll to see it!
This part  is going to be a little long, but I need to address something that I got multiple comments about. Just bear with me; this is the only way I can think to clear things up. I was really surprised to see that some people were angry at David and Mary Margaret for not doing anything to find Emma and/or "allowing" her relationship with Neal. Others simply expressed things along the lines of "I hope you explain what David and Mary Margaret did about all this." The reason this reaction surprised me so much is because I thought it was clear that they HAD done something. Why would the Golds need to get rid of police files if the Swans never reported Emma missing? Why would issues of the newspaper be missing from the library if Emma's disappearance wasn't reported on? Obviously, David and Mary Margaret did something! As for Neal, they had no idea Emma was seeing him. If you'll recall, in a previous chapter, Emma told Killian she had to sneak out at night to meet Neal. So that wasn't Snowing's fault either. Also, how would any of these characters know what David and Mary Margaret did or didn't do for their daughter? This is almost a hundred years later, and Emma's memories are dulled from being a ghost for so long. The only way I could spell out clearly how Snowing handled their daughter's disappearance would be some sort of convoluted info-dump, and I didn't want to destroy the tone and mood of the story to do that. But just so everyone knows: Yes, Emma's parents were devastated. They did everything in their power to find her, never giving up hope (which is so in character for them!). They died still believing she was either still out there or that crimes against her had gone unpunished. It broke their hearts. The Golds spread rumors that Emma was some kind of slut who ran away with a guy, and the people of Storybrooke overall thought the Swans had gone crazy. So there it is, that's the back story that I just couldn't figure out how to fit in the story, lol.
I'm not mad at the questions, to be clear. I was just surprised by them. I guess I blame the show for ruining these two as parents the last couple of seasons. Maybe that's why everyone jumped on them so fast. I was also honestly worried that ya'll would be upset with me for not addressing the topic, hence this long explanation! No one was rude by any means, so don't go trying to defend me from nonexistent trolls, lol! My feelings have NOT been hurt. I simply wanted to address the questions that were asked and the misplaced anger toward Snowing. (Not anger towards me - but fictional characters!)
Okay, now that I've cleared all THAT up, let's get on with the next chapter, shall we? And I'll go ahead and warn you: this is gonna hurt . . .
Summary: When ebony flashes gold, blood runs cold. When ivory runs red, you’ll be dead. Killian Jones had heard the old rhyme his entire life. Every child did in Storybrooke, Maine. They heard it whispered in the dark at sleepovers as children; taunted as a challenge as teenagers. Killian never believed it was actually true. Until that fateful night …
Rated M for graphic depictions of violence, abusive relationships, and major character death (I mean, it’s a ghost story ya’ll, people are dead. BUT I promise, there is a happy ending. Trust me? *peeks from around a corner*)
Length: 6 chapters, complete, updated every Friday
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four
Also on Ao3
Tagging the usuals: @snowbellewells​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @kmomof4​ @xhookswenchx​ @let-it-raines​ @bethacaciakay​ @tiganasummertree​ @shireness-says​ @stahlop​ @scientificapricot​ @spartanguard​ @welllpthisishappening​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @thislassishooked​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @kday426​ @ekr032-blog-blog​ @lfh1226-linda​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @nikkiemms @optomisticgirl​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @ohmakemeahercules​ @carpedzem​ @branlovestowrite​ @superchocovian​ @hollyethecurious​ @vvbooklady1256​ @winterbaby89​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​ @jennjenn615​ @snidgetsafan​ @itsfabianadocarmo​ @lassluna​ @distant-rose​ @courtorderedcake​ @winterbythesea​ @thesschesthair​ @killian-whump​ @thisonesatellite​ @batana54​ @it-meant-something​ @xsajx​ @therooksshiningknight​ @gingerchangeling​​
Chapter Five: Run
“You’ve got to tell them what you saw - what you’ve learned,” Killian pleaded. 
Graham shook his head, his curly hair falling in his eyes as he stared at the slender hands he clasped in his. His eyes were bloodshot, his jaw sported far more facial hair than it normally did, and Killian didn’t have to ask if he’d slept in the past forty-eight hours. 
“They won’t believe me.”
Killian’s jaw clenched in frustration. “But if I saw Emma, and you saw her, then maybe they’ll believe -”
“That Belle saw a ghost push Mike Gaston off the troll bridge? They’ll believe that? Really?” Graham let out a sarcastic, bitter laugh. “You really are just a naive kid if that’s what you're thinking.”
“But you’re a cop!”
“I’m still only nineteen! They’ll think we’re just over-imaginative teenagers.” Graham paused, reaching up with one hand to trace the curve of Belle’s cheek as she slept in her drug-induced prison. “That will land us in rooms just down the hall with our own IV full of an antipsychotic cocktail. How will I help her then?”
“You’ve fallen in love with her.” It wasn’t a question. 
Graham sighed. “How could I not? And how could he -” He broke off, his blue eyes flashing. “I’m not sorry he’s dead. If I’d been there and saw him hurt her -”
“Shh, I wouldn’t say things like that. Not here.”
Killian’s gaze fell to the bruises around Belle’s neck, and he didn’t blame Graham at all. It terrified him to think what could have happened if Emma hadn’t shown up.
“History repeats itself,” he murmured under his breath. 
Killian had scarcely arrived at the bridge when headlights blinded him. He turned away, blinking, stumbling, refusing to be stopped. 
“Emma! Emma!” he shouted. He tripped and dropped his flashlight. It broke as it hit the ground, rolling to the edge of the bridge. Now all he could see was ebony before him and radiant luminescence behind him. 
His palms scraped against the asphalt as Liam hauled him to his feet. His brother gripped his upper arms so tightly it was almost painful, and he gave him a brief shake. 
“You’ve got to stop this!”
Killian fought him. “I have to see her!”
Liam had always been broader than Killian with an unfair advantage in all their childhood tussles. Even now, Killian was no match for him as he lifted him bodily with one arm and hauled him over to his car. 
“You need help!” Liam literally tossed him into the backseat. 
“I’m not going home!” Killian tried to scramble out, but Liam just shoved him back inside. 
“Good, because I’m not taking you home.”
“Why won’t you be straight with us, kid?”
Killian glared at the detective with a cynical sneer. The psychiatrist on the cop’s left frowned at Killian’s attitude. The choice of words was cruel considering he was in a literal straightjacket. His vision of the two men was obscured by the long strands of dark hair before his eyes. Haircuts were apparently seen as a luxury on the psych ward. 
“I’ve answered all your questions,” Killian finally told them wearily, “you just don’t like what I had to say.”
“Because we want the truth,” the psychiatrist, Dr. Archie Hopper, said gently. He was clearly playing the part of “good cop.” Or “good doctor.” Whatever.
“I told you the truth.”
“There’s no such thing as ghosts.”
Killian snorted a laugh. “Tell that to Mike Gaston.”
The detective’s voice took on a harsh, warning tone. “Mike Gaston was the victim of murder.”
“The victim!” Killian cried, his voice snapping up. “What about the bruises he put on Belle? Or the fact that I nearly died when he tied me to that bridge!”
The detective’s lips curled up in a lewd sneer as he lit a cigarette. “If some horny teenager likes it a bit rough, that’s none of my business.”
Killian fought his bonds, his jaw clenching at the detective’s insinuation. He was as bad as Neal Gold, maybe worse. He had to be pushing fifty at least, and a pot belly strained at his button up shirt. His eyes widened as Killian raged.
“Bothers you though, I see.” He leaned forward. “Nobody blames you for wanting her, kid. Nobody blames you for being jealous. But murder? That’s a different story.”
“I told you I had nothing to do with that!”
The detective glanced at Dr. Hopper, and the soft spoken psychiatrist took over. “Killian, start at the beginning for us. What did Belle say when she called you that night?”
“I’m telling you, she didn’t call me, she didn’t come to my house. I saw her early that afternoon at the library. That was it. Then my brother got a phone call that there had been an accident, and we came to the hospital.”
“You and Belle were at the library together a lot,” Hopper said softly, “what did you two do there?”
Killian rolled his eyes. He hated the patronizing way the man asked the question. “We studied. Did our homework. We were friends.”
The detective snorted again, and Killian wanted to scream. “Drop the act, kid. You really expect us to believe that you spent all that time with her, all that time with a hot chick, and you never fucked her?”
Dr. Hopper recoiled at the foul language, and Killian thought his own jaw might actually break. 
“You’re just as much a misogynistic, narrow-minded, neanderthal as Mike Gaston.”
The detective grinned and slapped Dr. Hopper on the knee. “You were right, shrink, this kid’s smart.” He took another puff of his cigarette as he eyed Killian. “Smart enough to plan an elaborate murder with your knocked-up girlfriend?”
“That’s the most ridiculous - wait - did you say knocked up?”
“Hm,” the detective mused, leaning back in his chair and rubbing at his five o’clock shadow. “You didn’t know?”
Killian was horrified when a laugh slipped past his lips. Another bitter laugh followed, then another, until before he knew it, he was shaking with them. He was laughing hysterically while wearing a straightjacket. That thought made him laugh even more, and if he didn’t seem like a lunatic before, he sure as hell did now. 
“What the hell is so funny?” thundered the detective.
Killian’s laughter stopped abruptly and he leveled the man with an intense stare. “History repeating itself. That’s what’s so funny.”
A smile that he knew bordered on manic curled his lips. Yes, history had repeated itself, and this time, Emma Swan had won. 
They didn’t have enough to charge him, or Belle, or anyone else really with Gaston’s murder. It was officially declared an accident, and theoretically, Belle French and Killian Jones were free to move on. 
Killian wouldn’t say it was easy for Belle. She had severe trauma from that terrifying night, and she ended up losing the baby because of it. Nevertheless, she had Dr. Hopper’s patient help, her father’s support, and Graham’s unwavering devotion. Soon, though it would be a long time before she was truly healed, she was able to go home. 
Killian, on the other hand, didn’t really want to go home. For one, he, unlike Belle and Graham, refused to stop talking about Emma - refused to lie and say he made it up. He didn’t fault his friends for it; didn’t take it as a betrayal. He even understood their reasoning when they begged him to do the same and just play along, damn it. He simply couldn’t do it. Emma was too real, too precious. He knew her in a way they never would. He knew the feel of her skin, the taste of her lips. He wouldn’t - couldn’t - let that go.
The psych ward wasn’t so bad. The drugs numbed him to the point that he sailed on a sea of oblivion half the time. He’d stopped fighting, so there was no more straight jacket, no more bed straps. 
And she came to him. Sometimes the drugs meant he wasn’t lucid enough to really carry on a conversation. On those nights, she curled up next to him on the bed. She ran her fingers through his hair and caressed his cheeks. She pressed kisses to his lips, and sometimes he could respond in kind. 
Other times, though admittedly rare, they would talk. About everything and nothing at all. One night, they talked about their dreams for later, after high school, and suddenly Emma began to weep. 
“I know,” he soothed, brushing her forehead with a kiss, “you fear you can never have that. But maybe we can figure it out. If we somehow get the truth out. About your murder -”
Emma silenced him with a finger to his lips. “That isn’t it, Killian. It’s you. I have no more tomorrows but you can.”
His brow furrowed, and she sighed and soothed the lines away with the pad of her thumb. 
“But not if you keep holding onto me.”
His arms instinctively pulled her closer. “I’ll never let you go.”
She sighed, and sadness filled her eyes. She slipped out of his embrace and rose from the bed. Her skin grew white, her gown floated in an ethereal way at her feet. He frowned and scrambled to a sitting position. 
“I have to say goodbye,” she told him. She said it with an edge of discovery in her voice. Her lips turned up in a soft smile even as a tear slipped down her cheek. 
He shook his head and tried to reach for her, to leave the bed, but he had just enough drugs in his system to make his movements sluggish and ineffectual. 
“I won’t let you see me again.”
“No, Emma, please! I love you!”
“And I love you. That’s why I have to do this.” 
She was already fading away. Killian made a fist and slammed it into his thigh. Tears stung his eyes. 
“Be happy,” she told him, “for me.”
Then she was gone.
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undercover-trio · 3 years
Cinder and Emerald(separate) x Gender Neutral Reader
De request
omg hi. I need hcs for Cinder and Emerald (seperate) getting jealous becuz their dear s/o is getting hit on
I gotchu covered
-Mod Pengie
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You’d most likely be hit on by someone in Junior’s, given that it’s a place where all the criminals hang out.
You and Cinder got out of her car, ahead of you two was a club. Cinder being her walked with you close to her, soon you two headed inside and could hear the sheer volume of the music.
You liked it.
Cinder would leave you alone for a bit at the bar while she was in the back to discuss business
Your lover walked you to the monochromatic bar, there of course being the addition of red here and there. You got comfy in your seat knowing that you’d be here for a little while. Finally you turned to Cinder.
“I’ll be right back after this meeting.” She told you as she placed a kiss on your forehead. You merely smiled and wished her good luck, as she left you asked the bartender for a strawberry sunrise.
Of course someone couldn’t help but notice your charming looks
Some people were looking at you from the dance floor, you didn’t notice at first given that you were enjoying your drink. As you finished it you slightly pouted before getting ready to buy another one. Surprisingly the bartender already handed you one.
“It’s on the house for someone so charming.” She flirted smoothly, you merely hummed.
“Thank you..” You didn’t know her name which caused you to be a bit vague. She picked this up and smiled.
“Malachite, Melanie Malachite.”
“L/N, Y/N L/N.”
You guys would talk a bit though you wouldn’t flirt back, and made sure to remind her of the fact you had a girlfriend
You were sipping on the Strawberry Sunrise as you waited for Cinder’s meeting to finish. Then you glanced back at the bartender in front of you.
“So what’s someone as exquisite as you doing here in a club alone.” She asked with a slight smirk, you took this as a chance to make things clear to her.
“Waiting for my girlfriend to be done with her meeting.” You answered with a slight pout, you were craving Cinder’s attention.
Melanie frowned at your answer before quickly shaking it off, you noticed her getting slightly worked up so you provided an ice breaker.
“So, you seem to be on a higher level than these grunts.” You gestured to all the men who looked the exact same, it was kinda freaky. “Why are you the bartender.” You finished leaning forward to show some intrigue.
This made Melanie smile before she went back to her smug self.
“You see, our usual bartender couldn’t make it today so I had to replace him for today, usually I’m a guard.”
And with that you two delve into conversation.
Just as you were starting to get uncomfortable Cinder would come and save you
“I see, also could you tell me why half the people in this club look the same, it’s freaking me out.” You asked, noticeably more friendly than when you stated the conversation. Melanie was preparing your third strawberry sunrise.
“Honestly I don’t understand either, I just got used to-“ Melanie was interrupted by a commotion on the dance floor. A girl who looked just like her with short hair was the reason, a man was under the girl’s heel.
You turned to look but could hear the sound of quick fizzing behind you, as you turned back to Melanie she just shrugged. You subtly eyed the drink, noticing the fizz bubbles before she handed it to you.
You weren’t dumb by any means, you knew she put a drug in the drink and you sure as heck weren’t going to drink it. As you grabbed it your suspicions were confirmed given how Melanie looked slightly nervous. With a sigh you turn to her.
“I think I’m done with the drinks now, my girlfriend should be here any second.” You explained as you pushed it towards her. Her eyes turned slightly cold.
“Aww~ won’t you have at least a sip, after all I went through the effort of making it for you.” Her tone seemed playful but you could tell she was secretly angered, then she pushed the drink to you.
Just as you were about to refuse again you heard a cracking sound. The cup exploded in Cinder’s hand as she leaned over your shoulder.
Her gaze spoke everything she needed to say, Melanie merely froze in fear. She quickly grabbed your hand and led you out before finally turning and superheating all the glass in the club. Which all exploded.
Then you’d proceed to have to shower her in affection on the way and at home
You could feel Cinder’s foul mood from your seat, you slightly smiled over how childish she could be sometimes. You leaned your head on her shoulder as she drove.
“Cinder~.” You called for her, she merely glanced down at you with a raised brow. Yep, she was jealous.
“Thank you for the help, I love you.” She turned away from you as you said that, now you could feel the happiness coming off of her.
You had one jealous girlfriend.
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You’d be hit on during the Vytal festival, most likely while you’re searching for Emerald
You scanned the area with a smile, today was the day you’d finally be able to see Emerald! It’s been a while and messages can only keep you happy for so long.
You were happy that her team would finally get some time to shine and represent Haven!
And with that you started walking amongst the hunters/huntresses in training, looking for your girlfriend in the festival.
Contrary to Emerald, you’re a sociable ball of sunshine, so it was rather easy to find someone to help you find Emerald
You bumped into this rather tall blond girl, you fell back but she helped you off the ground.
“Sorry bout that.” She chuckled as you dusted yourself off. You merely smiled at her.
“It’s fine! I was just in a rush is all!” You admitted slightly bashfully.
“What for?” She asked casually. “Maybe I can help.”
And with that you made a companion for your quest.
Along the way you two were making jokes, you were getting hit on a little bit but told her you had a girlfriend.
To keep things from getting awkward Yang started talking about her initiation with you, not to mention you were pretty easy to talk to.
“Then my sister came and cut the Nevermore’s head off with her scythe.” She finished, her pride in her sister obviously showing. Meanwhile you looked amazed.
“Woah that’s so cool!!”
She merely smiled at your cute reaction.
“For an opponent you’re pretty cute.” She beamed, you realized the misunderstanding.
“Oh no, I’m not an opponent, I’m just here to support my girlfriend!” You stammered, waving your hands in front of you.
Luckily she was pretty chill about it and made one last flirty joke before stopping, unfortunately a certain someone heard it
“Oh that’s cool, I’m guessing it’s a surprise?” She now figured out the situation, you nodded excitedly.
“I’ve been rejectedddd, of course a cutie like you would already be taken.” She jokingly complained and flirted, you merely laughed at this, glad she was being so relaxed about it.
In the distance behind you a girl with green hair clenched her fist.
After stopping an argument from happening, you bid your helper a goodbye and comforted the jealous Emerald. By stopping at a boba shop.
It all happened so fast, Emerald came in and things escalated. Yang’s eyes were now red like Emerald’s, you quickly got in between the two before they could fight.
“Girls calm down!!” You started, making them freeze, you quickly walked up to Emerald and held her hand as you looked at Yang.
“Yang was merely helping me find you, she just joked and already knows I’m with you.” You explained to Emerald, she started walking away while holding your hand. Quickly you turned around and thanked Yang as she waved bye to you, still glaring at your girlfriend.
You guided Emerald to a nearby boba shop as you two spoke.
“Sorry Emmy, I just really wanted to see you.” You murmured, slightly sad. She noticed this and huffed before bringing you into a hug.
“No.. it’s my fault, I was just…”
“Jealous?” You finished cheekily. She faked being annoyed at first then kissed your forehead.
“Yeah, I was jealous.
Then you both proceeded to enjoy your boba drinks and spend time together.
And there, the request has been done, oof I be tired.
Anyways hope all you people are having a good day and enjoyed these HCs.
Also ya if you got the feeling, I made the Emerald’s love not really know about her actual profession. Cinder’s lover knows what they’re getting into.
I have more work to do so unfortunately my commentary for this one will be short, bye simps!!
-Mod Pengie
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dishonestkilla · 4 years
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A/N: So, this was inspired by a video @/nishinoyayus posted on tik tok and that is when this headcanon started to bloom inside of me.
Synopsis: Ushijima Wakatoshi, a man of few words and even fewer reactions. If one did think about it, they'd be quick to figure out that the famous athlete was way too stiff for a normal person. However, there was someone who knew better than that, who was aware of Ushijima's stoic personality and what laid underneath the facade. They had seen Ushijima at his worst and his best. When he was on top of the world and when he was lowest. But what happens, when the exact same Y/N happened to trigger an entire inner war to develop between the olive haired male's heart and mind?
TW: angst, mentions of smutty themes, a little foul language, hints at mild drug use(w33d)
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The dawning sky brought shimmering rays of light onto the darkened city, the beaming smile of the sun kissing the white sheets spread upon someone's bed. Painted in a caramel gold, the sheets were wrapped around the upper body of no one other than the legendary Ushijima himself. With every shift of his, a muscle twitched, this man had the gods sculpt him from head to toe. The glistening pecs of a deity alike Adonis, honey tinted skin, his face ever so distinctive, prominent jaw and sharp eyes. Overall, the tall man was fairly handsome to say at least.
Despite of his good looks, Ushijima never happened to be interested in a relationship or anything alike, hookups did the thing for him. After all, he was an athlete and did not have the time for a serious relationship, whether his family liked it or not, Ushijima never seemed interested in settling down for the time being, though he never entirely denied it. He always claimed he had yet to find the right person.
But how exactly was he supposed to find a partner whilst traveling all the time? Unlike his current image, Ushijima had matured a lot since highschool, he has changed to a fair extent, Ushijima is not as oblivious as he used to be, he is rather perceptive and has a hunch for understanding the ones around him, though he often simply ignores them if they happen to be of insignificance. He is a busy man and wanting to understand those of no prominence to him would be a waste of time.
The only people he truly cares about are his friends, and to be fair, he tries his best with them, really does. Ushijima is aware of his past and his selfishness, but ever since he has realized that being entirely selfish wouldn't lead one to the top. Therefore he often tried, emphasis on tried to be a good friend, he truly wanted to be, but with how occupied and focused be was, that proved to be harder than expected.
Overlooking all those things, there was one person who always had Ushijima's back, regardless of anything, they had been by his side since highschool, a rock at the stormy shore for him. They never judged him for his behaviour, never claimed they knew better, being the amazing best friend a guy like Ushijima needed.
After highschool, Ushijima had asked them to accompany him on his way to the top. It might have sounded entirely egoistic and self-absorbed, yet that wasn't the case.
Y/N used to be a great volleyball player, they were amazing at what they did, though given the fact that it wasn't their main focus, there wasn't a way for them to go pro. Instead they went to college. Ushijima still remembers how hard working they were, studying till late. However, they always reassured him that it was worth it, and two more dark circles beneath the tender skin of their eyes wouldn't be a crazy change.
Now, they were the co-coach of the national team that Ushijima was part of. Yes, Y/N was not only a great best friend but also a ridiculously good coach. Many would mock the men's team for the latter fact, what they didn't know most of the time, was the fact that as a mere highschooler, alike Ushijima himself, they belonged to the best in their respective field. In their second year they happened to become the second best and continuing on that path, they reached the top, through hard training, extreme measures being taken that sometimes, even Ushijima was worried about his best friend overworking them self.
Fast forward to the current situation, it was around seven in the morning when Ushijima woke up, dragging his broad body towards his kitchen to enjoy some coffee just to be met with the only thing, and honestly most annoying factor of living with his best friend. Unlike Ushijima himself, Y/N lived a double bladed life. One as the presentable and modest co-coach with a short temper who had the men of the team on a leash, a power hovering above them, that even Iwaizumi Hajime, the coach, did not possess.
And then, there was the other side to Y/N, the one who enjoyed getting a kick out of life, the one that drank too much at parties, and didn't mind being higher than the clouds more than often. The worst part? Their very casual hook-ups. One that the olive eyed male had to encounter, topless body on display as the guy stuttered out an apology while collecting his clothes. The heated glare of the bigger man shot daggers at the other, with a grunt he turned his head away as he made a stroll to the coffee machine, luckily, Y/N had already prepared some. Pouring his cup, his orbs fell onto their figure as they walked into sight, leaning at the frame of the door to their bedroom. A mug snug in their hands, though the next sight caused a proud smirk to glaze the face of the wing spider. Unlike what one would await from such a situation, Y/N wore a Jersey, not only any Jersey.. It was the one Ushijims wore during his first match with the national team. They seemed smaller in the piece. It didn't even matter too much that they wore a sacrilege. It filled Ushijima with a weird flame in his guts. It made his insides churn and twist here and there, thus, seeing them wear his clothes while dismissing some one night stand, definitely filled the male with pride.
After both of them had finished their morning routines and had some breakfast, they were off to training again, after all, they had a match in barely two days, everyone had to be on top of their game, prime qualities were the ones needed. And Ushijima knew that as well as his Y/N did.
The two days to the match passed rather quickly and the national team was met with their enemy, it was quite strong themselves. It was obvious that the match would take a toll on the members, so when the last and deciding point fell and the national team of Japan experienced a devastating, yet very very close defeat, that is when Y/N happened to act like the safety rock to the entire team. They told them how the others were older and more experienced, but that they'd get their chance and that the next time, their team would be able to defeat such champion as Poland. They were the second to mention after all.
During the drive home, Ushijima was eerily quiet, yes, that wasn't out of the usual, but the silence this time was heavy, it was thick and laced with tension, tension that Y/N could sense from miles away. They were familiar with the feeling though. The time Shiratorizawa lost against Karasuno, that's when Y/N felt that tension, but that was years ago and ever since, Ushijima took losses not as personal as this time, therefore Y/N decided to get this entire mood out of the way.
As soon as the door closed behind the two, they were quick go grab onto the others wrist, eyes fixing themselves on his.
"Toshi~" their voice was a whispered tone, a tiny purring sensation to it. "Care to tell me what is wrong with you?" They spoke ever so softly as the hand around his wrist let go. "Nothing," the other answered non-chalantly, though Y/N knew better, they knew when he lied. It was that he hesitated to answer, eyes shifting to the ground whenever he did so. "Oh, spare me with your lies Wakatoshi. I can see through your petty dishonesty. So, what is it, spit it out."
With a gruff huff, Ushijima's shoulders slouched slightly, eyes now trained on his best friend, "I missed the receive and messed up, Y/N, I messed this up for us. If it wasn't for m-" before another filthy ounce of self-hatred could even barrel itself out of his plush lips after being processed by that bird brain of his, Y/N was quick to wrap their arms around the torso of the tall man, their head on his chest as their brows furrowed in annoyance while talking to him, " Don't say such things about yourself, everyone knows that you did your best, hell. None of them stopped the ball, they couldn't. And so what if you didn't manage to do so? It is not the end. I think you guys forget who your opponent was. They are not the second best to be beaten down ever so easily. It takes us more training and time but instead of sulking, learn something from it." Listening to his breathing, the calm, steady pace of it being ever so reassuring, but when that flow was stopped by a hitch, Y/N realized one thing. Ushijima didn't hug them back yet, his arms slumped at his sides as he simply stood there, eyes widened in shock and something they couldn't entirely decipher.
Time stood still, Ushijima couldn't move, couldn't speak. Throat dry as if he hadn't hydrated for weeks, months, if not years. Yes, Ushijima and Y/N were friends, best friends, though there was one astonishing fact about their relationship. Ushijima did not ever show interest in cuddling or hugging to begin with, not to mention that he often dodged them, if they weren't after glorious victories.
Most people would tell him to get over it, to stop dwelling over such a simple act. But to Ushijima had a different point of view on the entire thing. Why? Ushijima did not experience the privilege of tenderness. His mother did not hug and comfort Ushijima, she wasn't affectionate. After his father had left, Ushijima was hit with an even stricter family, no one stood up for him, so while maturing, his behavioral patters of being ever so stoic and disinterested could be blamed on that. How could one show excessive emotional reactions when never confronted with them in their household, being told they were inappropriate and would lead to disciplinary punishments?
But the way Y/N swiftly embraced the male while trying their nest to comfort him, something in his mind snapped, as if a pair of chains that had winded themselves around his brain down to his heard had been removed, like a string inside of him had snapped and the sound being the reason for him to act instead of retreat. And in that very moment, Ushijima realized something more, there was a sensation beneath his cold outerior, the usually emotionless Ushijima Wakatoshi felt like electricity was running through his veins, bolts playing hide and seek on his skin, that's when he knew Y/N was more than a friend, more than a best friend, so much more, a soul mate, the partner he needed.
With a big step and almost harsh movements Ushijima basically pulled the retreating Y/N against his muscular chest again, his head burying in the crook of their neck as he held them there, body shaking with vigor as a sob left his throat.
Eyes widening in realization, Y/N pushed a little against the other, just to be confronted with a heart wrenching sight. The big, scary Ushijima with tears lacing his orbs, their fire and flame died down just the slightest as his cheeks were stained with a few glistening streaks with the wetness of the discharge.
"Toshi..!" Before Y/N could continue with their words, Ushijima was quick to shush them down, "Listen to me please. All these years I have been running from any sort of affection, I had no idea how to initiate it in the first place. Which, is caused by the upbringing of my mother and her family, but today, today you showed me that a failure does not make me equal to a failure. You proved to me that I can be weak at times.. zand that craving a casualty like a hug is human nature, and that is why it is okay to hug."
The way Ushijima explained his feelings made the best friend chuckle. Even now his words were controlled and neatly picked. He was such a dork despite of his serious self.
"And there is something more, something I cannot entirely understand, but I think this is what love is. At least the feeling is the same as described in the magazines Tendou used to read."
For a second Y/N was the one stunned, words stuck in their throat. It would be a lie to say that Y/N did not like Ushijima more than a little friend, ever since highschool they had been crushing on their now best friend. When did it start though? Was it when they saw Ushijima and his overwhelming presence in the halls, or was it when Tendou who happened to know Y/N for years as they were friends in middle school, or was it on the field. The game against aoba johsai, was it then? When Ushijima stood there so proud, showed off his skills sthey admired so much? Or was it the day Ushijima came to them, devastated in a sense, not crying but being way too talkative about the match against Karasuno, that night he laid his head on their lap, letting them play with his hair as they listened to music together? That must have been it. That was when Y/N knew they loved Ushijima. But knowing him, they were aware of how focused he was on volleyball and his future. Yes, that second they chose not to indulge with him in any other sense than friends. They'd stop him, wouldn't they?
"Wakatoshi..I do love you, always have, always will, but I don't think this is a good idea, I would only stop you and you know that, too. In our worlds, dating is not very convenient."
Y/N explained ever so rationally, but Ushijima wouldn't understand, he didn't want to, that is why his next movement caused the other to visibly flinch as his lips found theirs, melting into each other. Y/N's resolve simply crumbled in front of Ushijima, a smirk on his lips as one hand tagged with the back of their neck, tugging at the hair, eyes darkening with lust clouding the mind of the mind baffling wing spiker.
Ushijima was a non-chalant, aloof and sober man, but when lust lingered in his being, the entire persona made a 360°. No words needed to be spoken between the two as the large man pushed the soul mate in question into the nearest wall, impatient and needy on both sides, "Jump," he ordered, dominance oozing off of the olive haired man.
Without further instructions, Y/N showed to be compliant in the situation, back against the wall as their lips molded together again, hands roaming each other before one pulled away to catch air. With that, Y/N was carried away, the scent of pleasure and passion filling the entire area.
The rest of the night is a telltale of sinful sounds, a bed breaking due to the impact of the excitement and lustful rage, if one would ask the neighbour's, they'd probably be able to recall the sounds even the devil would consider inappropriate.
From that night on, Ushijima and Y/N happened to be dating each other, not much later making the announcement publicly, and unlike Y/N's fear of rejection by the fans and supporters of the player, they were met with a positive wave. Some even complaining that it took them oh so long to realize while everyone already knew.
The only person more excited than the both happened to be an infamous red head who was now rich off of his skills as the 'Chocolatier fou de Paris' which meant something along the lines of the 'Mad Chocolatier of Paris'. His voice was so hectic and high pitched, a little upset he was not the first person to be told but their friends in their Japan.
Overall, the two were blessed with each other, love finally being gifted to the two. In such cruel and difficult world, Y/N and Ushijima were each others strong rock to lean on.
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A/N: This took an eternity LMAO, but I hope yall like it, I'd be happy to get feedback and also, my requests are open, so please, request stuff, I really like writing and requests could help against my writers block. Cyaa💕💕
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holy-stevie · 4 years
The Lion and The Lamb - Part Four
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Summary : Y/n gets a vistor who gifts Ransom a ring bearing a warning, Ransom shares his past with Y/n and witnesses a dream he shouldn’t have. 
Warnings : Angst, Death (very descriptive), Smut ( dream sex, thigh grinding, male masturbation), Brief mentions of spitting, Abuse. 
a/n : Sorry for the delay but here is part four!! Tell me what you think. (gif isn’t mine!!)
Please do not repost my work anywhere else. 
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Your hand shakes as you scrub at the already clean white tiles beneath you, your body struggling to comply as it aches and bleeds from the beating you took hours ago. You hadn’t meant to miss your bus, all but sprinting home to try and save yourself from the exact situation you were in right now.
“You missed a spot runt.” Your father says as he spits on the floor, a shit eating grin on his face when you instantly comply. As you scrub at the splatter of spit you miss the presence of a man appearing behind your father, his soft lips mumbling words into your fathers’ ear.
“Go to your room.” Your father says gripping your arm roughly and yanking you up to your tiny room, throwing you to the floor and locking you in, leaving you to pant in pain with your forehead pressed into the floor. You startle with a small scream when a hand lands on your shoulder, yanking your head up to meet lost blue eyes and a thick beard.
“W-Who are you?” You mumble out trying to crawl away from the man who looks strangely familiar, as if you had met him before. He stands to his full height and gives you a small smile as he offers out a hand for you to stand, your small hand slipping into his after a moment of deliberation.
“My name is Andy.” He says, his eyes shooting down to your wrist, a frown encompassing his once relaxed face as he stares at the small circle that you cannot see. He rubs his thumb over the mark and pulls his hand back with a hiss when it burns his finger, your brows scrunch in confusion as you watch him flinch away, lifting your wrist to your face to try and see what he was looking at. You open your mouth to ask him but suddenly a figure emerges from the shadows with a deadly glare and clenched fists.
“Ransom.” You whisper, your body betraying you as you quickly step towards him, his body automatically hiding yours from the possible threat.
“What are you doing here.” Ransom spits, anger lacing his tone as he puffs his chest in competition. Andy just chuckles and throws himself down on your bed, his arms crossed behind his head as he makes himself comfortable on the thick blankets that Ransom had gifted you.
“You marked her. Can’t say I was expecting that.” Andy chuckles and examines the small burn mark on his thumb, his body completely relaxed but his eyes sharp as they flick to your eyes peeping over Ransoms broad shoulder.
“What did you expect.” Ransom growls taking a threatening step forward, Andy springs up from the bed with an unhuman speed that you can’t track, not noticing he had moved until you feel two hands plant themselves on your shoulders. You whimper as your eyes connect with Ransoms, the blue replaced with a dark black that has you trembling in fear for the man behind you. As if sensing the trouble, Andy lets go of you and pushes you towards Ransom, chuckling when he immediately wraps his arms around your waist and yanks you behind him.
“Calm yourself Ran, I just came to deliver this.” Andy lifts and hand and chucks a small golden ring to him, his hand shooting up to catch it before it hits his chest. He doesn’t even look at the ring, not taking his eyes off the angel as he slides the ring into his back pocket.
“Get out.” Ransom snarls out, not even flinching when Andy disappears as if he was never there. You stare at the spot in disbelief for a few seconds before turning back to Ransom, swallowing when you see his barely restrained anger in his black eyes, small black lines trailing up the side of his neck.
“Stop it.” He groans out as he closes his eyes, the struggle on his face evident. Bravely you take a step closer, your fingers lightly brushing his soft cheek. You yelp as his strong arms gather you and place you on the bed, his own body coming to rest next to yours as he opens his eyes once again, the blue sliding over your features as he pulls you closer.
“What are you?” You whisper out. He studies your face, searching for the fear or anger that was usually behind this question. Seeing none he takes a deep breath, his words a whisper that caresses your soul as your suspicions are confirmed.
“They call me the dream master, a demon who drives mortals insane with vile dreams.” You don’t flinch away, you don’t gasp or cry. You nod. He tilts his head to the side as he studies your reaction, almost as if you knew.
“The alley...” You answer his silent questions, his eyes rolling at the mention of the low life demon who got cocksure. The same demon who was now scrubbing his toilet with half a face, he should have known that you would put some connections together.
“I should have been more careful.” He grins when you huff, caressing your cheek with his finger delicately. He did not remember when he fully let his guard down, when he allowed himself to push through the manipulation of the wicked presence in his being.
“But you weren’t born as a demon, were you?” You ask with a little frown between your brows, as if the thought of his soul becoming corrupt hurt you. He leans down and presses a soft kiss to your brow, ignoring the nasty comment from his head as he nods.
“I was killed, sent down to Satan to become a slave.” He answers, clenching his jaw as his throat burns with the memory of the foul black liquid that killed his soul.
“Killed?” You ask softly, almost confused. He looks into your eyes as he nods once again, his hand caressing your soft waist as he takes a deep breath.
“I had an affair and my wife found out, she poisoned my tea and dumped my body in the lake with the help of my best friend.” He answers honestly, his voice a neutral calm as he stares at your eyes, the sadness in your eyes confusing him slightly.
“What happened to them?” You ask timidly, your eyes displaying that you weren’t going to make him answer if he didn’t want to.
“Well.” He mumbles tightening his arms around your waist as his mind flicks back to his first kill.
“Go get your revenge boy.” Satan chuckles once he has full control, after weeks spent learning his new abilities Ransom was finally ready to use them. Nodding he flicks his hand and finds himself standing in front of his own bedroom door, the noises coming for behind the wood sparking an anger in him, anger he’s never experienced so deeply.
Not wasting a second, he pushes the door open loudly, the two figures on the bed yelling and covering themselves with the rich silk sheets he had imported in for his love, for his bitch. He smirks as the beauty who killed him openingly gawks in panic at him standing strong and proud, her mouth flopping open like a fish several times and she clutches the sheets tighter to her naked chest.
He turns his wicked smirk on the man he called his best friend, the man whom he invited into his own home when he needed the support. The man whose sister Ransom had slept with before he died. James Barnes.
“Surprise!” Ransom spreads his arms as if excited, tilting his head with a chuckle when he sees James reach for the pistol in his coat pocket. Ransom is quicker, fliting to his side of the bed and yanking him up with a powerful hand wrapped his neck, fingers ready to snap the bone.
“See you in hell fucker.” Ransom snarls out before he snaps the man’s neck, ignoring the horrified screams of his ex-lover as he watches James’ body fall to the ground with a satisfying thump. He closes his eyes and grins and he lunges at the bitch that killed him, her begging and crying making his chest heave with laughter as his hand locks in hair as he pulls her head back so her frightened eyes look up at his pitch black ones.
“Your tea was always disgusting, I should have known it tasted too good.” He taunts, his hand coming up to trace her windpipe delicately before his hand snaps her neck in one single motion, throwing her dead body to the ground without interest as he grabs a chain from the nightstand before simply flicking his hand again. He grins when he sees the pair kneeling before his new master, their eyes wide in fear and confusion when Ransom is pulled into a filthy kiss by Satan.
“They’ve been condemned to be slaves for eternity.” He finishes, his eyes focusing back on your face. Your eyes full of understanding as you lift a finger to soothe out the wrinkle in his brow, still soft and trusting with him after he has described murdering two people.
“Do you always fight for control with the demon?” You ask cautiously, your eyes peering into his to watch for change, to catch the demon right behind his blue orbs.
“Yes.” He breaths, his eyes quickly flicking to the alarm clock to check the time when your eyelids flutter lightly, your whole body melting into his as your exhaustion becomes apparent.
“You need sleep lamb.” He whispers out, his hand sliding into your hair to ease you into a peaceful sleep. He chuckles when you mumble out a few words, your face burying itself into his neck as you slip into subconscious. It’s only a mere hour before you start shifting, your legs tangling with his until his thigh is pressed in between your legs, dangerously close to your core. He doesn’t think anything of it until your hips start to move against his thigh, your heart rate accelerates as your fingers tangle in his shirt tightly.
“Ransom...” You moan out, still trapped in whatever dream you were having. His cock stirs to life as he feels the heat against his leg, the smell of your arousal making him dizzy with pleasure. Your grinding becomes faster when you moan out again, his cock at full mast as your brush against him a few times. He groans and taps his finger against your forehead lightly entering the dream himself. He swears he could have cum on the spot as he witnesses the wet dream you were having, he watches as his own wicked tongue plunges into your dripping pussy, your back arching with a moan. He slides himself up next to you, switching between watching your facial expressions and his own head as it dives into the sweet honey your pussy was providing.
“Come on lamb, squeeze this tight little pussy around my tongue.” His twin says, he groans out as he watches the way you desperately react to the filthy words, your back arching as your tug on dream Ransoms hair as you cum on his tongue. As the dream starts to shift he clicks his tongue and leaves your head, groaning and tensing when he feels your sticky release on this thigh. Not being able to control himself Ransom untangles himself from you, making sure to place a pillow in his place, before sliding down into his own room.
Collapsing against the wall on a forearm he quickly unzips his pants and spits in his palm before fisting his cock, his nostrils flaring as the smell of your cum on his thigh lingers in the air as he jerks his cock in quick movements. He rests his forehead against his arm as he moans out your name, picturing your sweet lips wrapped around his cock, taking him into your wet warm mouth. With a shout he covers his fist in his release, his hair flopping into his eyes as he pants and rests against the cool wall.
He stays in this position before he strips himself, the dried fluids making him cringe. As he flicks his trousers off of his ankle he sees a small ring bounce out of the pocket, the ring Andy gave to him. He growls in anger at the thought of him near his girl as he picks the ring, the demon picking up the scent of angel blood. He examines the ring in the low light before he catches the small message written in white blood, his stomach dropping as he reads it.
Four days.  
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Taglist: @scarletsoldierrr​ @chrisevans-imagines​ @patzammit​ @onetwo3000​ @yoncevans​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @sleepycevans​ @adriannajackson​ @donutloverxo​ @cloudninevans​ @smyfmj​
TLATL Taglist: @cheeseburgersstuff​ @tonystankschild​ @weirdowithnobeardo​ @helenaeisenhower​ @maan24​ @ivettt​ @selinakyle373​ @aubageddon91​ 
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crusherthedoctor · 4 years
Sonic & Tails: Beyond the Stars - Chapter 6-7 Interlude
“Say Tails, didn't you upgrade the Tornado before we arrived in Viridonia?”
“...Oh yeah. I did, didn't I? Thanks for reminding me.”
Tails shuffled his hand from behind his back, and quickly pulled out a small device, to which everyone displayed varying levels of raised eyebrows in response to how exactly he managed to do that. With a simple press of a button, he patiently turned his attention to the sky, which still had not a single cloud to its visage.
Confused by this, Sonic slowly looked all around the arid landscape. “What are we waiting for? We gotta go get it, right? No point standing around if it's not-... ...oh, there it is.” The moment he looked back ahead, there was a look of wonder on his face, as the famous plane was right where it previously wasn’t mere seconds ago, floating in the air triumphantly. Its engines were roaring with life.
“That was... almost as fast as me. Almost.”
“That's awesome!” Amy cried out happily. She had an equally amazed Cream and Cheese tucked under her arms to prevent her friends’ small frames from being blown away by the sheer force generated by the Tornado.
“Not bad, indeed,” Rouge added, after using her own gift of flight to examine the plane from above. “Seems like quite a breakthrough, little guy.”
“Yep!” Tails beamed, his tails gliding up and down in sync with his visible excitement. “With a push of a button, I can summon it to wherever we are! So if we need it in short notice, it'll be no trouble at all.”
Sonic ruffled his young friend's head once again, grinning all the while. “That's my bro! No way this WON'T come in handy!” He paused, as he put a finger to his chin. “Could have been handy beforehand too, come to think of it...”
“Absolutely impeccable work, Tails,” Lutrudis applauded. “At least some of our greatest geniuses aren't foul in spirit.” She was evidently unperturbed by the force causing her ponytail to fly in her face more than once. She brushed it aside every time, and her smile didn’t falter.
“But will it have enough room for all of us? Though I suppose Miss Rouge will be unbothered...” She turned her head up at the flying bat, before her ponytail flew in her face yet again.
“Well, there's four seats now, so technically we'd be just one short. But...” The fox motioned towards the wing. “That hasn't stopped Sonic before... even when there are seats available.”
“True,” Sonic confirmed, with another trademark smirk. “Now let's get out of here, I'm sweating like an Eggman who's about to be foiled.”
“...Me too,” Lutrudis agreed as she fluttered a hand to fan herself, unable to come up with a clever comparison of her own. Amy was likewise quick to nod in agreement.
After returning to the castle, and after a couple of showers the moment they returned, Lutrudis directed the gang to the kitchen. But not before two members of the group were finally given their gifts, after Lutrudis made sure to clean those as well...
“~It’s so beautiful!~” Amy’s line of sight was hyper focused on her new silver necklace, its emerald jewel matching the girl’s eyes perfectly. Cream was likewise enticed by her own necklace, and its garnet jewel was a similar match for the bunny’s own eyes. The two of them couldn’t have been any more over the moon with their gifts, with Amy practically dancing in giddy ecstasy. “I can’t get over how it looks!”
“Thank you so much for this, Trudy!” Cream shimmered brightly.
“But wouldn’t they have cost a lot?” Amy wondered. “I wouldn’t want you to burn a hole in your wallet for our sake...”
“It’s cool,” Lutrudis waved a hand, her tail swishing happily in response to seeing her fellow companions’ joy. “I couldn’t resist seeing the looks on your faces. And honestly, the price was nothing compared to the real difficulty of washing away the stench of oil,” she joked.
Although the visitors (except Rouge) should have been long used to the shifts between the rooms in the castle by this point, they still found themselves caught off guard by the kitchen’s unique appearance. Far from the reds of the halls, the blues of the bathroom, or the whites of the greenhouse, the kitchen’s primary colours were brown and black, and yet it was not drab in the slightest. With its warm shades, and combined with the wooden floor and the brick walls, it almost gave the impression of a country aesthetic, even though no such aesthetic was truly present in any obvious form.
They remained impressed with how the castle was able to maintain an overarching sense of comfort and beauty, despite each room being different in its own way, sometimes vastly so. Rouge also couldn’t help but wonder to herself if any of those pretty crystals were nearby... for reasons, of course. But alas, they had more important things to attend to. Namely, Rouge’s reports about them.
“So then,” Sonic started. “What did you find out about them?”
“Well if you spare me just a little minute... ah, here they are.” Rouge pulled out a small handful of documents from behind her back, and casually tossed them onto the biggest table in the kitchen. “There you have them. Knock yourself out.”
“Are we... allowed to read these documents?” Lutrudis questioned, after showing hesitance to do so. “Since it is G.U.N. work and all, they might get ever so slightly incensed that you’re sharing such documents with little old us...”
Rouge placed her hands on her hips, unfazed as ever. “They don’t have to know. It’ll be our little secret.” A smirk planted itself on her lips. “Besides, since Sonic is the one who actually saves the world from all the things that threaten it, it’s more useful in your hands anyway, let’s be honest.”
Lutrudis looked at Sonic, who himself turned to Tails, who then turned to Amy, who likewise turned to Cream, and she looked at Cheese, to which he looked back at Lutrudis.
“Chao...?” Cheese asked.
After a pause, they all shrugged, unanimously finding no reason to debate with the bat. And with that, they got right down to business. Predictably, Sonic was quick to skim through them, and at first, he seemed somewhat unimpressed with what he was reading.
“These... aren’t telling me anything we don’t already know,” he complained. “Different abilities depending on the colour, grey crystals are less effective than colored ones, stronger reactions when more of the same colour are used together... We know all this...”
“Keep reading,” Rouge commanded firmly. “There’s bound to be something.”
“Fine, will do...”
“Actually Sonic... I don’t remember THIS part,” Amy noted, as she quickly brought the file she was reading over to Sonic. “It says here that with the right amount of Chao and crystals present, they can directly open the way to the Ethereal Zone...?”
“Really?” Tails asked. “I... guess that’s not a conclusion without merit, but for all of Eggman’s antics, I thought it’d be more complicated than that?”
“It is, in a sense,” Rouge answered. She walked over to a nearby chair to lean against. “The Chao and crystals can open the way, yes, but you need a lot of them to do it. A lot of them. And not just a lot of them, but in the case of crystals, a lot of every individual type.”
“So more crystals than I have, then?” Lutrudis pondered, with a stroke of her hair. “But... they aren’t finite, they can respawn. Does it not count if it’s a... erm, replacement crystal?”
“Since they’re no less effective, logic would dictate that they would count. But doing it that way would likely take forever, especially if you’re as impatient as Dr. Eggman. Not to mention he’s already hunting after the Chao as well anyway. So he’s probably just finding crystals anywhere and everywhere he can for the sake of it being faster.”
“How many exactly?” Sonic asked. For all his comments at Eggman’s expense, he knew the doctor having access to so many of them would be no joke.
“More than any of us have seen so far. You’d practically need a mountain of them.”
“Sheesh... But where would Eggman be able to find such an amount? We’ve seen multiple spots with plenty of them, like the cave under here, but not to the level of what you’re describing...”
“Hold up,” Tails said, as he pointed to a particular section of the file he was reading. “There are people who live in the Ethereal Zone...? Or lived, past tense?”
Sonic’s ears stood up. “Okay, fair play, I DEFINITELY don’t recall that part. How did you find that out? Have you been there or something?” he asked half-sarcastically.
“Do you really think all those fancy murals and paintings around here are just a coincidence?” Rouge pointed out, in a playful tone with a wagging finger.
“Murals? Paintings? What are you...” He stopped, as he slowly recalled a number of recent occurrences. “You mean... like the ones in the desert town...”
“Or those carvings in Zephyr Mountain...” Tails recalled.
“And the ones by the meadows...” Lutrudis added. “Every one of them includes people in their visuals...”
“And those aren’t the only ones,” Rouge confirmed. “The Ethereal Zone may be little more than a myth to most people on this island, but the legends have always had an influence in their lives and culture.”
“And their buildings, considering some of them are prone to glowing,” Sonic dryly quipped. “You’d think that would be enough to confirm it’s real.”
“So is that gross monster who works for Eggman one of the people... or things... that live in there?” Amy asked, understandably puzzled to say the least. “It wouldn’t be involved in Eggman’s schemes for nothing, right?”
“Oh, so we DO have another Chaos on our hands?” Sonic continued, hands on hips. “These beats are sounding more and more like Chaos to me... minus the whole mystery world dimension thingymajig part, I guess. Right down to involving the Chao...” As if on cue, his attention was focused on a lone playful Chao swinging from his arm, which he soon tried to prevent from falling off.
“At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Wraith was a mutated Chao too,” he added, still focused on the thankfully unmutated Chao.
“I doubt that, but this is where it gets weird...”
“As opposed to everything else about this, which is perfectly normal...?”
Rouge rolled her eyes as she continued. “If it was someone or something that belonged inside the Ethereal Zone... then what’s it doing out of the Zone, if Eggman still hasn’t unlocked it for himself? Did it get out by itself, and if so, how did it do it? And furthermore, if this one managed to get out, how come we’ve seen no others like it?”
She sighed to herself, with a clenched fist. “Not even the A.R.K. reports were this complicated. At least with that one, the biggest hurdle was going to space.”
Everyone went silent. Though Rouge’s documents were definitely giving them more to work with, there were still some unsolved mysteries even now, and as far as they knew, Eggman was still in no rush to clue them in on the rest of the details. As they all quietly thought about where to go from here, Cream was the one who broke the silence.
“You’re really good at finding out things, Miss Rouge,” the rabbit said cheerfully, despite not fully understanding the documents to the same extent as her older friends. Rouge seemed to be caught off guard by the sudden compliment, but even she couldn’t help but smile at Cream’s innocence.
Since they still hadn’t decided on what their next course of action would be, everyone took the time to split up for a short while. Rouge offered to search around Lime Shores to see if she could uncover new info, and Amy demanded to go with her, possibly out of wariness as to whether the jewel hunter slash government agent was up to anything shady. Rouge didn’t even bother arguing with it, knowing full well that Amy’s stubbornness was comparable to that of the Blue Blur himself... or the Black Blur that she was even more familiar with. Must be a hedgehog thing.
Cream wasn’t sure if leaving Amy and Rouge to themselves was a good idea or not, considering she had some vague awareness of their past history with each other. But she decided to stick with Lutrudis despite that, confident that her older sister figure and the bat lady would be able to set any potential disagreements aside for now. The rest of the Chao were following them, as Lutrudis promised to take the diminutive creatures to somewhere special. As they were walking through the castle hallway however, with the rabbit holding the horse’s hand, something seemed to be troubling her...
“Can I confess to something?”
“Confess?” Lutrudis couldn’t help but let out a soft giggle. “As if you would ever need to confess to anything. But sure, you can tell me whatever you’re comfortable with telling.”
“I’m worried about what Dr. Eggman might do next...”
“Eggman?” The horse stopped in her tracks, and she made sure to kneel down to Cream’s height, albeit slowly so as to not put too much strain on her legs. “What’s he done to get you all concerned?”
“Well... all that stuff that happened in the desert. Those monsters that came to life...” Cream tugged on her left ear, looking to the side with minor anxiousness. “And the big ship that created the big hurricane...” She shuddered at the memory, holding tightly onto Cheese.
“Chao...!” Cheese muttered, slightly dismayed at temporarily being unable to breathe.
“Dr. Eggman does a lot of bad things, and I wish he would stop. But he’s doing really scary things now... What will happen next? And what does he want to do with all these Chao?” She was quick to turn her gaze to Lutrudis’ eyes, having once again seeked out the resemblance to that of her own mother’s.
Lutrudis glanced around at all the Chao floating above them. They exchanged various looks of concern, yet she simply smiled at every one of them, as if to ease their individual tensions. She turned that sympathetic smile to Cream, and gently stroked her cheek. “But we know what he’ll do next, sweetie... He’ll be ranting incoherently and screaming filthy words after we strike a blow to his overstuffed ego.” She followed it up with a wink, as Cream giggled at her comment. “Nothing Eggman has done has stopped you or your friends before, and that won’t change now.”
“I guess you’re right, heh,” Cream admitted, with a nervous smile. “I know it’s silly to be afraid, but...”
“Hey, don’t say that, there’s nothing silly about it at all.” She put both of her hands on the rabbit’s shoulders. “There’s no shame in feeling afraid, it happens to all of us. And heck, after everything you’ve been through, I’d dare say you’re brave where it truly counts.”
“Would I lie to you?”
“...No, you wouldn’t,” Cream’s smile grew less nervous, as she nuzzled up against the horse’s chest to hug her. Lutrudis, still evidently not used to receiving them, took a moment or two to react, but slowly wrapped her arms around the bunny in turn, and rubbed the little one’s back. Her tail started swishing again.
“In fact... how about we do a little something to commemorate your previous, brave adventures?”
“Huh?” Cream gave her an inquisitive look. “What do you mean?”
“Well you see, you wouldn’t believe it coming from these hands, but I know a thing or two about knitting...”
“I’m still not used to Eggman being this hush hush...” Tails muttered, as he and Sonic took the time to have a calming walk outside. Though they were now accustomed to hanging around the castle, the size of its walls still amazed them greatly, and if they hadn’t been discussing Eggman affairs, the tranquility of the forest would have lowered their guards completely.
“Me neither,” Sonic agreed, as he took a swig of his fresh can of Chaos Cola. If he wasn’t already aware that Trudy was hospitable, he was very grateful for the contents in her fridge. “The doc would usually be the FIRST to tell us about his plan.”
“He even sent us a letter one time.”
“Well, that wasn’t actually him, but...” He brushed the correction aside, figuring it wasn’t important, since it’s still something he’d probably do. He made sure to cherish the therapuetic sunshine that was seeping through the greenery. “He’s never been shy about what he’s up to. Even when he’s tried to be more secretive, he could never resist giving it all away. But this time... even with his hints, we have incomplete info... Like that Wraith! We know it’s evil, works for Eggman, may or may not hail from the Ethereal Zone... MIGHT be another mutated Chao...?”
“He said all the stuff he’s been doing lately is connected,” Tails remembered, as he rubbed his chin intently. He took a moment to admire the pristine condition of the lake nearby. “But... how? So much of it feels so disconnected. He wants more Chao and crystals, that part’s easy to understand, but how does all the rest factor into it? And why has he made the Wraith part of it?”
“I bet he’s laughing it up right now,” Sonic grumbled out of irritation, with the frown to match. “Probably thinks we’re dummies for not knowing every last oh so brilliant detail of his convoluted spider web.”
“But we will get to the bottom of it, right?” Tails suggested with a hint of hope. “Don’t forget, we’re not on our own here. We don’t know where the Chaotix ended up, but we’ve still got detectives on our side. AND Rouge is a G.U.N. agent!”
“One of the only competent ones...” Sonic murmured to himself.
Tails was about to counter the hedgehog’s dismissive statement, but he stopped himself, with his body language indicating he actually agreed deep down, if reluctantly. “G.U.N. or no G.U.N, Rouge is still really smart, isn’t she? And... I know she’s been kinda sneaky a couple of times in the past, but I think we can trust her now.”
“Yeah, cause neither of us are Knuckles. We don’t guard a Master Emerald, so we have nothing to worry about.” Sonic chuckled out loud. “Just hope she and Amy stay out of each other’s hair for long enough, after what happened with Emerl...”
“Huh? Did something happen between them?”
“Eh, it was ages ago, maybe they made up since then.” He followed it up with another chuckle. “Maybe they were fighting over me,” he joked.
Tails promptly went quiet, as if he were reminded of something from the back of his mind at that exact moment. He glanced smoothly in Sonic’s direction, attempting to maintain a relaxed disposition. Sonic didn’t seem to notice anything suspicious.
The silence continued. It seemed there was no reason for the peace to be interrupted, certainly not with the gorgeous view they were still fortunate to witness as they carried on walking together. But the moment Sonic took another sip of his Chaos Cola, the younger of the two decided to ask just one tiny, innocent question...
“So do you have a thing for Trudy?”
He almost felt guilty for causing Sonic to nearly choke on his drink, but not enough to hide the growing smirk on his face upon witnessing his friend’s abrupt change in behaviour. After taking a few seconds to cease the resulting coughing fit, and compose himself, Sonic calmly turned to Tails, an admirably constructed demeanour that was nonetheless betrayed instantly by his spines shooting up in defiance.
“Sorry, what?”
“I mean, y’know, I was just thinking that... maybe... from what I’ve observed... you might just be... possibly developing... a teensy weensy little... thiiiiiing...” The fox shuffled his eyebrows, complete with vague hand motions. “Foooorrrrrr...” He proceeded to subtly mimic a galloping horse.
Sonic blinked, and stayed silent for a couple of seconds, though it sure didn’t feel like just a couple of seconds. After an uneasy pause, another small chuckle eventually emerged from his mouth, and this time it was followed by a brief period of mocking laughter. Most people wouldn’t have thought anything of it, but Tails knew his buddy well, and he could spot the fakeness of his laugh from a mile away.
“Me? Seriously?” Sonic shook his head to dismiss the claim, though if one examined closer, it seemed to be more for his own sake than that of his friend. “You really think I’d be that kind of guy?”
“There’s nothing wrong with it...”
“Yeah, I know there isn’t, but... c’mon, it’s me we’re talking about! Can you imagine me in a situation like that? It’d be a laugh riot, wouldn’t it? Just wouldn’t work out.”
“Why not?”
“Too stuck in my ways, aren’t I?” Sonic shrugged casually, before he glanced at the inviting scenery once more. The desert may have looked nicer than most of its kind, but the fresh air was greatly preferable to him. He gazed at the leaves flowing freely through the calm breeze, and although he brought no attention to it, it was clear that he found it a convenient metaphor for the current subject.
“Settling down just isn’t me,” he continued. “And it never will be. I’d never give up my life, even in my old age.”
“Do you need to settle down, though?” Tails mused out loud. “No one ever said there’s only one way for these things to work out.”
The hedgehog almost seemed to ponder his friend’s words for a fleeting moment, and slowly appeared to be lost in thought. But, as if sensing he was lured into a false sense of security, he quickly shook his head again, freeing himself of the apparent curse that Tails had placed upon him... So he thought.
“Well anyway, the point is, that’s not what’s going on. You know I get chummy with people pretty quickly, even when they tried to kill me before the fact! And sure, Trudy may be cute, but-”
“~Oh, you think so?~”
Sonic’s eyes froze, and the barely concealed grin directed at him was not helping one bit.
“COMPLIMENTING A FRIEND ISN’T A CRIME!” He cried out defensively, and closed his eyes tightly. After taking a moment to breathe, he calmed himself down, and raised a pointed finger.
“...Nothing’s happening. Nothing’s happening. Just getting on with another friend is all.”
“That’s all?”
“That’s all.”
“That’s all?”
“That’s all, yes.”
“You sure?”
“Absolutely sure?”
“...Are you... wanting something to happen?”
“No no,” Tails raised his hands, though his grin hadn’t quite fully disappeared. “I believe you,” he claimed, in a tone that implied a complete and utter lack of authenticity to that claim. “Just wanted to know what was happening.”
“Well, nothing’s happening,” Sonic reaffirmed bluntly, though a smirk was beginning to form on his own face as well. Even he had to admit the banter was entertaining, and considering who Tails had lived with for most of his life, it’s not like this mischievous side of him developed from nowhere. “So there you have it. Straight from the horse’s mouth.”
Tails immediately burst out laughing, only refraining from laughing harder in order to not attract attention from anyone who could be hearing. Sonic’s initial confusion very quickly switched to annoyance with himself, as he smacked his forehead upon realising his choice of speech. He pointed another finger to prevent any further commentary, to which Tails simply raised his hands again, and mimicked the act of zipping his mouth.
His amusement still refused to actually vanish.
Back to Chapter 6...
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
3 I don't think jk feels that way. He loves to protect jm why would he want jm to take even more heat by making things clearer to the fans? Not to mention except nibbling on jm's ear, tatoos & gcfs are not a clear indication of what jk feels he also hides behind art (wich is very subjective) to express his feelings and even denied jm being his main model. Even V has been more direct about writing songs about jm. So for him to be frustrated with jm would be unfair & hypocritical which idt jk is.
This post you mean??
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I didn't feel the need to get into it directly because everything you said in here is based off of a misinterpretation of my post- the post in response to the Anon who said there seems to be a strain on Jikook's relationship, for context.
I never said or implied your premise, ergo your entire argument is pointless? Lol. If I had to respond to it, it would have been 'No. You didn't understand it correctly.'
Maybe you should read over it again?
I mean, no one else seem to have had that impression in the comments apart from you?What is it in that post that gave you that impression? Maybe I should read over it too... Damn.
I simply pointed out in response to the Anon, that JK seems much reserved in the way that he expresses himself towards Jimin mostly post JM's birthday. Which may or may not confirm my earlier suspicions about the whole JM birthday saga- which as I said, again, I don't want to make conclusive statements on because it's an on going phase and so it's a bit hard to reconstruct the timeline.
I said and meant and intended to mean, that if JM and the company or even BTS had expressed disapproval on JK wanting to post on JM's birthday then JK choosing not to express himself openly in regards to JM in the aftermath would be understandable. Jk seems like the all or nothing kinda guy to me- I've been saying.
They are either treating the glass closet as a glass closet or not. Which would mean JK stops his bold gestures and expressions towards JM and JM stops publicly doting on JK and expressing himself towards him in the way that he does.
But if JM is going to dot on him openly and express himself openly with regards to JK, then JK should be allowed to do the same- however way he prefers.
I didn't say I felt JK is frustrated because Jimin does whatever you are saying. All I said is I feel he gotta be frustrated if he cannot express himself the way that he wants to- especially given his personality and his background.
He often talks about not being censored much growing up as a kid and so he is used to having his way and doing things the way he wants.
My point being that Jimin expresses a certain level of 'nervousness' sometimes with the way JK expresses himself with regards to him. Especially since JK's 'bold' moves often times scratches against their glass closet to the point it can be considered 'outing.'
Jk posting on JM's birthday when he hasn't done that for anyone in the group since Jin's birthday last year would have been borderline "outing" considering. And as I said, I don't think that would have sat well with either Jimin or the group or even BigHit because it would raise a lot of brows and have people questioning whether there's more to Jikook's relationship.
Frankly, as I pointed out, given the circumstances people would raise questions over whomever he chooses to post for next regardless, especially if he doesn't post for anyone else after that- it would be world war Z up in these streets I tell ya. Lol.
JK has had his passions sabotaged over the years- his GCFs I mean, and this was one of the means he had to express his authentic self and his raw feelings as a person and as an artist. Expressing his feelings clearly is important to him as much as recieving.
And if he cannot express himself with regards to the person he loves in the way that he wants then that's got to be frustrating to him, in my opinion.
And when you think that the person he loves can get away with blurting out things like that 'the best thing in his life is waking up to see his boyfriend's face in the morning' in a middle of an interview then you'd understand what I mean.
The members booed at JM for that yes, but I don't think had JK said that, that they would have had the same reaction to him- did you see their reaction when Jk blurted out 'arrest me' when Jimin said he wanted to be a police officer or something?
That doesn't mean JM doesn't make similar bold moves that are equally risqué in regards to JK. Just saying he often gets away with it because majority of the fandom don't take him seriously at all, lol. They often dismiss his moves towards JK as fanservice or tie it to his "naturally kind and affectionate" personality.
As to whether that is fair or not- honestly I don't care. Lol. I'm more interested in observing their interactions to try to understand the motivations behind their actions and behaviors- which again, are all just theory and assumptions.
Honestly, I don't impose my judgment on Jikook's actions in that way. If I had to, I'll just say they are both wrong and they are both right and all is fair in love and war. Because I sort of understand the motivations behind these actions even if they are just theory.
But I don't do the JK vs JM business- which is what it seems you are doing here?
I keep saying they both have valid needs. JK's needs are not less valid than JM's needs. Neither is JM's needs less Valid. They both have valid motivations for the choices that they make. From my perspective.
They both have downsides and upsides and I am well aware of it. I just don't mind. I mean, they are human in every sense of the word.
JK fuming whenever someone breathes near JM but he himself being Mr roaming hands premium is double standards. If you don't want Jimin touching others don't touch others. It's as simple as that. JM playing Mr 'I'm available never been wed' when he knows damn well he is in a committed relationship with Mr double standards roaming hands premium is foul play.
They both suck. Lol.
Yet I don't mind at all. I love them regardless.
Besides, as I said, from the feed back I got it seems you were the only one who had that impression? I would have made a post to clarify it sooner if I sensed from the responses that two or more people had had similar impressions of it.
I usually don't hold myself responsible for other's comprehension skills and it didn't seem like you were asking for clarification either? May be next time ask for clarification if you are uncertain about anything instead? I don't know. Just do whatever makes you happy I guess.
There were certain statements you made in here that I found interesting regardless- the part dismissing JK's means of expressing himself but claiming V exresses his intentions better through his art....
You think may be V is able to talk openly about writing songs inspired by Jimin because there is nothing there to hide and his song lyrics aren't indicative of nothing?
I'm sorry but Friends seems like a very friend zoned conversation than a confession of romantic feelings to me.
I don't think JK wants to write a song about how Jimin is his bestfriend- Jimin would skin him alive. In my opinion. Lol.
Plus, when Tae tried to make a duet with Jimin the company (producer) allegedly didn't green light that project- I wonder why. Smirk.
Even as friends, there seems to be a limit they are allowed to go with their artistic expressions.
In JK's case, well Jimin have said he isn't really good at expressing his emotions and JK have admitted in recent times- in his Be Weverse Magazine interview that he is not particularly great at writing everything he wants to express.
Personally, before I heard him say this, I often felt he seemed to hold himself back a lot from fully expressing himself through his lyrics. He has a broad range of musical experience and honestly a rich lyrical palette from his various song recommendations throughout the years and I expected more from him when it came to his lyricism and expressions.
I don't take his lyrics for granted though because it is still one of the means through which he expresses his authentic self and after reading this bit about him, chilee I'm gone treat his lyrics like the gospel. Sorry Jesus. Lol.
I don"t know but perhaps he waters down on his expressions through his lyrics too- I mean there is only so much he can say without letting people into his inner psyche?
Dude had to sneak Stay past JM. Lmho. He's so cute.
The point I'm making is, you can't claim it is unfair for JK to use his art as cover to express his feelings for Jimin and then in the same breath praise another member expressing his feelings for Jimin through his art.
And the part about JM going out of his way and taking risks to break JK"s walls in their earlier dynamic... who asked him? Lol.
No seriously, who put him on that mission? He has his own Jikook agenda. I don't think he was doing JK a favor. Do you? I find that narrative problematic. Jimin is not a charity case. JK is not his 'console"ation price.
I don't think JK feels indebted to JM and I don't think he should. That's not love. I don't think Jimin wants his pity either. Again, that's not love.
Then the bit about JK protecting JM. I think I addressed it already. JM has a duty to protect JK as much as JK has a duty to protect him.
If him expressing his love for Jimin the way he wants to is him not protecting Jimin, then JM equally openly expressing his feelings for JK is him not protecting JK.
I won't hold this over you though because your response is based off of a misinterpretation.
Please let's not do the whole JK vs JM thingy next time. I get that a lot from my fellow PJMs here. Jikook are not enemies.
I had to respond to this because you said something about it not being fair that I didn't post the original Ask.
Please bare in mind you are Anonymous and it's hard to ask for clarification and stuff from y'all when I don't understand anything about the posts and comments you send in.
But at your end, I think you are in a better position to quote me and ask for clarifications if you want one. You don't have to. But I think it makes it easier to have certain conversations.
I enjoyed your thoughts. I haven't read them all yet but I will.
Stay safe. I purple you.
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idyllicstarker · 4 years
Prompt where tony is pent up and hasn’t come in like two months and is cranky and peter asks him if he needs help relieving his stress (also bottom tony please)
Your wish is my command! This took a much softer route than I originally thought it would. But I still struggle with writing smut, so right now hard smut ain’t the one, but I tried to give you equall parts sexy times, equal parts fluff, and with a bit of angst and grumpy Tony mixed in. But I was proud of it nevertheless, so I hope you like it! 
Trigger warning: Implict reference to erectile dysfunction, sexual content, foul language, rimming, age difference (although it isn’t stated peter is 18+ and therefore above the age of consent) 
It wasn’t that Tony had an off the charts libido. He didn’t need to constantly have sex to keep himself happy. He didn’t even need to have sex to satisfy his drive - maybe in his youth he was more active in finding partners, but now, a simple solo play was enough to keep him going. He didn’t like hookups anymore, he liked the intimacy of sex not the thrill of one night stands or flings. He didn’t have a partner but that was okay, he was older now, and his hand was enough of a companion until he found someone he did generally want to have sex with. But two months without properly spilling a load proved to be a bigger challenge than Tony would have anticipated. 
His sudden abstinence wasn’t a choice. Tony wasn’t exactly insatiable, but every time he tried to ‘get himself going’ nothing happened. It scared him at first, especially since it confirmed that he was at such an age where he couldn’t even get it up anymore. But the problem apparently lay deeper when he could get it up… he just couldn’t get it back down again. Content with the fact that he didn’t need to start buying viagra Tony tried his hardest to do anything at all. But after three days of intense masturbation (he was pretty sure he’d rubbed the entire outer layer of his cock off), he didn’t know how many more cold showers he could take before going into meetings. Once or twice he may have gotten close, but only to produce a dribble of cum which was by far not enough to accommodate for how red and swollen his cock was. 
He tried everything he could in his spare time, but his balls were stubborn as ever. Two months on they were still full and only getting fuller.
At this point it was beyond frustrating. Tony didn’t know what to do, and after running out of a meeting and breaking down in the bathroom because the front of his pants were painfully tight, he knew he’d have to do something before his lack of relief killed him. The question was: what was that something supposed to be? 
He’d tried his hardest to keep himself occupied. He’d always over-worked himself, but now he was doing double the hours because anything that could take his mind away from how desperate he felt all the time was considered a good thing. Along with that of course came stress, and Tony was exhausted. Pepper definitely took advantage of his new found enthusiasm, ensuring his days were tightly packed. (No pun intended!) The one good thing about this whole drama was the fact that when Tony wasn’t working, he was tinkering in his lab. What else was he supposed to do? He never did have any hobbies. And being in his lab more often, meant that Peter, who had always been eager to spend as much time in there with Tony as he could, finally had more time too. And Tony had always adored the smile on his face as he left the lab after a good few hours of work. 
Yet as nice as Tony tried to be these past months, sometimes he let his fatigue and irritation get the better of him and he truly deserved the title of being a bitter old man. 
“You can put on some music if you want.” 
Peter looked up his laptop, gaze settling on Tony as he gave a tight lipped smile and nodded his head. He was hunched in his chair, evidently trying to make himself seem as small as possible, he didn’t even let a peep out. Even the way his fingers rested on the keyboard - tense, he was too scared to type, out of fear that the clicking of the keys would aggravate Tony into yelling at him again. The guilt that washed over Tony was intense, an emotion that he definitely didn’t need right now with his already overwhelming vexation but he knew he had no one to blame but himself. 
He hadn’t meant to snap. It had been a long day and although he promised Peter they could work on some new adjustments to his suit, he just wanted a bit of peace and quiet. Peter, bless his soul, was babbling about his day the moment he walked through the door. And Tony snapped. He knew full well he shouldn’t take his own autonomy problems out on Peter, but as soon as the words left his mouth it was too late. 
“Kid, I really don’t care.” 
The sight of Peter’s wide eyes as Tony sighed exasperatedly at him would haunt him forever. The hurt didn’t hit him at first, and then suddenly Peter’s gaze flickered down to the tabletop, as he muttered a quiet ‘sorry’ and Tony hadn’t heard him speak since. He’d even quietly taken himself away from the table with the suit, and sat down at his usual seat across the lab. Tony presumed he was working on school work or something, and had of course left Tony to work on the suit alone. He could have been harsher, and Tony thanked whatever filter stopped that from happening. Peter looked like he was on the verge of tears, but still he didn’t make a sound, almost as if he was just trying to disappear completely. 
“I’m sorry, Peter, I didn’t mean that. At all. I do care, I really do. I just-“ 
“It’s okay Mr Stark, I understand. I’ve been told I speak too much sometimes, and I know you’ve been working a lot so this is like your.. free time, and I’m sure you don’t want me ruining that. I’m sorry.” 
The repeated apology did nothing for how mad Tony was at himself, and he’d even made the boy think he thought he spoke too much. Honestly Peter’s rambles about his day was what made Tony’s better, and the thought that maybe he’d never get to hear them again was horrifying. 
He offered for Peter to put on music, hopefully it would be a cause of distraction and Tony didn’t have to sit in silence with his thoughts. But of course there came no verbal reply. 
“What about that story, you were telling me, you should finish it. I was quite intrigued”, he offered instead. Of course it was all a little hypocritical and by the way Peter raised an eyebrow he noticed it too. 
“It was just stupid Mr Stark. I’m sure you wouldn’t care”, he muttered quietly, finally raising his gaze all the way to look Tony in the eyes. 
At a loss, Tony deflated, sitting back in his chair. “Alright”, he simply replied, because what else was he supposed to do? He was too exhausted to even fix what he’d done. Eyes closed, he pulled the glasses off his face and set them down, before massaging the bridge of his nose. His skin was oily with sweat, and as it collected on his fingers, he grimaced, shaking his head. He didn’t know how he managed to get himself into this position, but he knew it started with the fact that he was too horny for his own good. He was at a point where he didn’t even care how mean he was being, and was two seconds away from dismissing Peter with a sorry excuse that he didn’t feel well, until he felt two small hands rest on his shoulders. 
His eyes snapped open, but he knew even before he did that it was Peter. 
Skilled hands worked silently at the knots in his shoulders, and Tony let out a grunt. A snicker sounded from above him, and even Tony couldn’t stop himself from letting out a small laugh. 
“This funny to you Pete?”, he asked, his tone amused but his voice was hoarse because the small hands were strong and they definitely knew what they were doing. 
He didn’t exactly get a reply to his question, but he did hear a hesitant sigh from the younger male. It was almost as if he was thinking carefully about whether to say what was actually on his mind. 
“I know better than to let your snapping get at me”, he eventually said. Although Tony couldn’t see it, he could hear the smile in his voice, and as a spur of the moment decision, he rested his head back against Peter’s stomach. The boy didn’t seem to mind, letting go of his shoulders to instead thread his fingers through Tony’s hair. “It isn’t the first time, and I know you’ve been stressed lately. I have every right to call you a cranky old man and get offended, but I know there’s something deeper going on there because Happy tells me all the time that you repeat everything I say, back to him, with frightening enthusiasm, to use his wording. So I know you do care, deep down”, he muttered gently, fingertips dancing across his scalp. 
Tired eyes opened to meet Peter’s gentle ones. He probably should have been more mad at Happy than he actually felt, but the fact that it did make him smile was a win. “So what are you saying?”, he asked after a moment. “Have you been searching up old people’s homes to send me too because you’ve finally had enough of my bullshit?” 
Peter smirked, and rolled his eyes. “Not yet, but you should watch your mouth because the next time you upset me it’s going to be the first thing I do”, he answered. 
As Tony laughed, he made an attempt to pull away, but Peter didn’t let him. In fact he tugged on Tony's hair to prevent it. That wasn’t the problem, it was an innocent tug, but the moan that Tony emitted from the feeling wasn’t so innocent. 
Both turned equally red. Tony at having such a reaction from so little stimulation (especially since said stimulation was from his much younger partner) and Peter at being able to elicit such a reaction. Tony shot up, and Peter actually let go this time. But he wasn’t going to let go of the moment as easily as he did his head. 
“Mr Stark, when was the last time you had sex?”, he questioned. Tony choked on the water he’d sipped to try and calm the heat that had spread across his face, which apparently was useless after being asked such an obscene and blunt question, especially when the question was asked so casually and with such a sweet voice. 
“Excuse me”, he squeaked, still riding the aftershocks of almost dying, but Peter still stood beside him, not concerned but clearly amused. More than anything though, he seemed concerned. He wanted to help. 
“I’m not saying I know for definite that you’re sexually frustrated Mr Stark, but it would explain why you’ve been… frustrated for a number of weeks now. And I guess, I have to say it now: You’re not exactly the best at knowing when someone else is entering the lab, especially when you’re focused. And all I’m saying is that if I’ve walked in on you three times.. doing the you know what, and each time you never finished-” 
“Kid, you’re killing me” 
Peter laughed softly, looking down at Tony with a gentle expression. “It’s not my fault you’re not the best at knowing when someone comes into the lab when you’re focused. And you were very focused.” 
“And you just decided to watch then?” 
“I like to call it: waiting for the best time to make my presence known.” 
Tony sighed, raising a hand to his head and kneading his first into his temple. “Well I’ve definitely fucked up then. God, why didn’t you tell me”, he groaned. 
There was a moment of silence between them. Until finally Peter opened his mouth. He was shifting nervously, like he always did when he asked Tony for something. But this time it was more about giving, more than anything. And that was far worse, than anything he could ask for.
“You know Mr Stark, if you need help-”
“Nope! No, absolutely not”, Tony’s reply was adamant and he was already standing up from the chair. He made his way across the lab, shaking his head adamantly. 
“You didn’t even let me finish”, Peter pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. It surprisingly wasn’t enough to deter him from saying anything else. Any other time and he may have ran out of the room mortified at being rejected. But this was different. 
“I’m not going to let you do anything for me, because you feel bad that I can’t even help myself out. It’s fine, I’ve gotten through it this long, I’ll get myself out of it somehow. I’m not some sort of sicko and I refuse to let you do anything”
“I think your ego is getting in the way of your common sense”, Peter replied, hands gripping onto the chair that Tony had just vacated. The male looked over, and observed him, and he couldn’t help but think what those knuckles would look like gripping onto the sheets.
“Fuck”, he muttered to himself, turning his head away. 
“What was that?”, Peter asked innocently, a sweet little smirk on his face as if he knew. As Tony didn’t reply, he continued: “as I was saying, all I was going to ask is if I could, help relieve any of that stress?”, he asked coyly. 
Tony scoffed, shaking his head. “Peter, you know what you’re doing”, he corrected, making his way back over to the chair. “Can we just finish the suit please? I don’t know how I didn’t scar you when you caught me. Three… oh hell, three god damn times. Why you’d want to expose yourself to that more I have no idea”, he rambled, sitting in his chair heavily. 
“You’re infuriating”, Peter mumbled. It all happened so quickly, a hand on Tony’s wrist was pulling him up and suddenly Peter’s lips was on his. It was a heavy kiss, hot with passion and desire, and Tony melted there and then. He grunted at the suddenness of it, but of course, he couldn’t think of anything he wanted or needed more. Peter’s hands were on his ass, squeezing and kneading at it. The room was hot in itself but with their bodies pushed against each other, the fire in the room was dangerous. 
Tony’s hips thrusted forward, desperate to find friction until he was practically humping at Peter’s thigh. He was whimpering softly, and it was in that moment in which Peter realised just how needy he actually was. He decided he didn’t want to tease him too much - even after all the horrible things he may have said the past few months when he was in his grumpy moods. It wasn’t worth it, not when he knew Tony was so desperate. 
Moving to undo Tony’s jeans, and pull them down along with his boxers, he laughed quietly hearing the man mumble that this “seemed wrong.” 
“You want it don’t you?”, he reassured, looking up at him with a calm expression. He didn’t want to do this if Tony generally didn’t feel like this was the best thing to help him. But by the look on his face, and the small nod, Peter knew that meant, give it a try. And he definitely would. 
Finally, now that he could focus, he pulled down the boxers that were stuck to Tony’s skin and gasped quietly as his cock bounced out, and hit across his stomach. “Has it been like this for a while?”, he asked sympathetically, taking in how desperate it was. It was practically bulging, steaming red, and already leaking pre cum onto Tony’s stomach. 
“Two months”, he admitted. 
Peter nodded and stretched out a hand, wrapping his fist around it. But he frowned as Tony seemed to have no reaction. Surely with how sensitive it looked, a simple brush with a finger would elicit some sort of moan. He looked up to Tony, as he began to pump him slowly, but Tony only groaned softly. 
“I think I’m broken”, he admitted. 
How devastated he sounded had Peter laughing. He probably shouldn’t but it was impossible not too. “You’re not broken, you just need a bit of human touch that’s all”, Peter said softly. 
“Look at you Mr. know it all” 
Peter rose to his feet once again, gently lifting Tony onto the table with a small smirk. “I’m stronger than I look you know”, he laughed, at Tony’s bewildered expression. “You know I don’t think I’ve ever told you, but I’m really attracted to you Mr. Stark”, he told him softly, as he knelt down. Hooking his arms under his thighs he pulled his legs onto his shoulders and hummed softly as he caught sight of Tony’s opening. 
“You are?”
“Of course. I’m pretty sure everyone is”, he didn’t really give much of a space to dwell on that, before his head came forward and his tongue lapped gently at his opening. 
Tony let out a staggered breath and Peter smirked slightly at his reaction. “Fuck Peter”, he muttered, hips slightly lifting off the table but Peter was quick to hold them back down. 
He didn’t bother to say anything, continuing to lap at Tony’s wet hole, hands massaging at his thighs. Tony was withering and Peter couldn’t believe it had taken the man so long to cum when he was shaking at a single touch. Although Tony wasn’t completely tight, Peter found out, when he moved a finger to break past the ring of muscle. So Tony had clearly tried. But as Peter had said, he just needed some human touch. He spat against the eager hole that was now clenching around his finger, relishing in Tony’s whines. 
“You’re doing so well for me Mr Stark”, he whispered softly, wide and sweet eyes looking up at the withering man, which Tony concluded should be a sin considering his finger was pumping in and out of his hole. 
“Fuck, Peter, please. Please I need more”, he begged, hips rutting against his hand as he threw his head back. 
Peter kept to his internal promise of not teasing him. Pulling out his finger only to completely devour his hole. Tony’s hands tugged at his hair, yelling out as Peter lapped at him. When he figured that would be enough spit to reduce any discomfort, Peter pulled away, licking at his lips. “You taste really good Mr Stark”, he muttered innocently, as two fingers breached his hole to scissor him open. 
He wasn’t sure if Tony couldn’t speak because this was the first real pleasure he’d felt in so long, or if this is what he was usually like, but either way, Peter loved it. Tony was a sight to remember. Fingers scratching at the table, trying to grab onto anything he could hold onto; body shaking and soft moans falling from his parted lips. His head was thrown back and eyes closed, and Peter was sure he’d never seen a sexier sight. Two fingers turned into three, and Tony was begging. 
“Please Peter, I need you so bad. Please, I can’t, I’m so close”, he scrambled over his words. 
“You need what Mr Stark?”
“You, fuck, Peter please I need you.” 
If Tony had been more aware of anything other than the burning in his lower stomach, he may have gushed at the adorable sound of the giggle that emitted from Peter. How he managed to stay so cute, while making a valiant attempt at dominating Tony. 
As the boy stood, he had a soft smile on his lips. “I wish you could see how sexy you look right now Mr Stark”, came his passive statement, gently pulling Tony to the edge of the table by his thighs. “It’s like I can see the stress just completely diminishing - a job well done by me if I do say so myself”, he hummed. He was far from cocky but in that moment Tony knew he was fairly arrogant of the fact that he’d managed to reduce his mentor to such a state. Especially after he’d admitted he hadn’t been able to for a while. But Tony didn’t have it in him to feel taken aback by the confidence, it was sexy, and anything to help the pent up stress and energy that plagued him, he’d take again and again. 
Peter leaned in to press a kiss to Tony’s lips, as if sensing his wandering brain. “Hey there big boy, I’m trying to help you out here. The least you can do is act like you’re enjoying it”, he muttered softly. 
Tony frowned slightly, gaze searching over Peter’s. He was surprised to see that along with his genuine sympathy for Tony’s problems (and aside from the darkened lust) that Peter held all the affection that Tony believed was saved for a lover or something of the sort. He let out a soft sigh, moving to wrap his arms around Peter’s neck, unconsciously rocking his hips forward against Peter’s clothed crotch. He moaned softly as his own manhood rubbed invitingly against what he only presumed was the hardness of Peter’s bulge. “I am enjoying it”, he shivered, lips pressing against the smooth dip of his neck, mouthing at the salty sheen across Peter’s skin. His breathing was staggered with need, and by the way Peter’s adam’s apple bobbed against his nose, he knew he was just as eager as Tony. They rocked together, Peter mouthing wet open-mouthed kisses at Tony’s temple, whilst the man himself shuddered, fanning his warm breath against Peter’s skin. 
“Pants. Off!” Tony demanded. 
Peter groaned softly in response, letting go of Tny long enough to pull down his own sweatpants and underwear. Tony wasn’t sure what he was expecting in terms of Peter’s endowment. But when a hefty length sprang out and hit across his own thigh, already hard and bulging, Tony knew it put his own to shame. The build up of saliva in his mouth at the mere sight was incriminating. He didn’t look away until he felt a finger under his chin, forcing his head to look up at a very red Peter. 
“The spider bite… altered a few things”, he explained, he almost sounded embarrassed about it. 
“Fuck me Peter, literally, please, I need that.” Tony’s wide eyes showed he was more than happy to see such a sight, just slightly shocked. 
“Someone’s whiny, gosh Tony”, Peter teased, his confidence once again returning as he pulled Tony closer, their chest pressed against each other as he moved for a kiss. Their shirts were sticky on their bodies, and their pants hung heavily at their ankles, but all Tony could focus was getting that inside him. 
“Fuck you”, Tony muttered against his lips, eliciting a smirk from the younger male. 
“I think you mean fuck me”, he hummed, lining himself up at Tony’s newly opened entrance. 
Tony mumbled something under his breath, but had already burrowed his head into the crook of Peter’s neck. His arms were clutching at his back, pulling on the shirt material with such an animalistic strength that any harder and may have ripped it. 
As Peter pushed in, he wailed. Not in a necessarily pained way, but a wail of relief. He’d needed this, and now that he’d finally gotten it, he was in such a state of euphoria that his body was tingling. Peter’s hand came to rest on his hip, and the touch burned his skin in the most inviting way. The stretch of his cock inside his hole ached - he felt like he was seconds from splitting apart as Peter pushed in, but it was the best type of feeling. A pain that had him crying out for more, never wanting it to stop. A choked breath fell from his lips, shuddering at the sound of Peter’s heavy breathing until finally he bottomed out. Simultaneously they both let out a sigh of utter relief. 
As Peter rocked his hips, Tony threw his head back, eyes closed as he clutched and scratched at Peter’s skin where his hands had found their way under his shirt. Everything was so hot and frantic but he wouldn’t have liked it any other way. This is exactly what he’d needed after so long of being starved of the feeling of being full to the brim. 
Their bodies moved together in sync, Peter thrusting in and out with such a skilled and knowledgeable pattern that Tony very almost grew jealous at the thought of how many times he must have done this. A hand pulled at the hairs at the nape of his neck, and the other was keeping his hips at the table, asserting complete and utter dominance and Tony was more than willing to submit. It didn’t matter what partners Peter had in the past, because tonight, Tony was his. Between the sounds of his moans as Peter slammed into him and the boy’s own as Tony clenched perfectly around his width, the quiet mantra of Tony’s soft whimpers of ‘mine’ very almost went unnoticed. 
“What was that Mr Stark?”, Peter breathed against his ear, the cockiness in his voice revealing that he knew exactly what he was doing. 
“Mine! Fuck your mine Peter. Mine. Fuck, please, don’t stop. I’m so close”, he babbled all at once. He almost didn’t recognise his own voice with how needy he was being. He’d like to put it down to the fact that finally he was going to get what he needed; but deep down he knew by his own possessiveness that he never wanted this to stop - ever!
Considering he’d found it so hard to reach a high for the past two months, Tony was ready to blow already. But he certainly wasn’t complaining, just the feeling of being full to the hilt of something real had already taken the edge off. 
As Peter’s thrusts grew shallower, it was pretty obvious that he was just as close as Tony. The boy’s hand wrapped around the older male’’s leaking cock, thumb rubbing over the slit in a persuasive action to encourage it to let go, finally to take what it needed. A surprisingly affectionate gaze never left Tony’s face, totally stuck on the way it was scrunched in immense pleasure. It was a beautiful sight and Peter wished he got to see it more often. He had a lazy smile on his lips that only grew when he saw that Tony was on the brink. 
“It’s okay, come for me Mr Stark. Give me it, I want it so bad”, he whispered, his hand pumping his cock and squeezing at just the right moment when he hit Tony’s prostate again and again. 
Tony couldn’t help but let go. He came with a loud yell, his whole body rushing full of warmth, as his sight turned white from the sheer intensity of it. He was mumbling curses, body trembling, totally out of it, but Peter’s strong arms found their way around him to hold him up in his weakness. There were a couple more thrusts before he felt Peter spill inside of him. 
When he gained more conscious bearings, he was still bundled into Peter’s arms, both still naked and sweaty, both with their clothes hanging off them. Peter had pulled out and Tony could feel his release leaking from his hole, but the younger male was gently rubbing his back, Tony’s legs around his waist and head buried in his chest. “You did so well for me Tony, i’m so proud of you”, he was muttering sweetly, nose burrowing into his hair. It was the most love Tony had felt in a long while. 
As he raised his head, he realised his once painfully full cock was laying limp between his thighs. It took him a moment before he realised that the extremely excessive amount of cum across both his and Peter’s stomach was all his own - no wonder it had been so painful. 
“There we go, doesn’t that feel so much better Mr Stark?”, Peter asked him “I was surprised to see you cum so much, but I guess it was necessary. I’m sure it feels better now tho, right?”, he questioned hopefully. Again with the innocent act, wide, slightly insecure eyes met his. But as they did, Peter moved his finger to scoop up some of Tony’s release. Without even a second thought  he lifted it to his lips and began to suck it off as if it was some kind of lollipop. The boy moaned quietly at the taste as he looked up at him, smiling sweetly. 
Tony at a loss of words could only simply nod at Peter’s question. 
The boy giggled, raising an eyebrow cheekily. “Must have been good, you can’t even speak. Was my dick too bomb Mr Stark?”, he questioned. 
Tony knew that was some kind of pop culture reference he definitely wouldn’t understand. He peered over Peter bemused. “I don’t even know what that means”, he muttered. 
Peter sighed happily and leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to his lips. “Don’t worry about it”, he reassured, hands stroking at Tony’s thighs. “I’m glad I could help you… relieve stress”, he hummed, laughing at the end part because of course he’d done much more than that. “I just hope you know this means you’re never getting rid of me now. You’re stuck with me. I wasn’t lying about that attraction thing. And if you want… i’d like to help you relieve stress more often”, he finished, gaze downcast as if scared for the reply. This time he actually was fearful of rejection. 
Tony didn’t know how he could ever really reject him. Pushing aside the fact that he’d just given him the best dick in his life, Tony couldn’t deny he’d always taken a liking towards the boy. He was both attracted to him physically, but also inspired by his intelligence and adored his personality. He didn’t realise that as he’d planned to spend the rest of his life with him, by having him work with him… he was actually just trying to keep Peter close because he enjoyed being around him. 
“I think I’m gonna have to keep you around for more than just stress relief”, Tony confirmed, his gaze soft as he regained the strength to gently take Peter’s waist and pull him in for another kiss. 
The grin on the boy’s face as they pulled away was totally worth it. “Thank you Mr Stark. I think we should probably go take a shower. You made us a little messy.” 
“We can shower. But Peter, really, if we’re gonna start doing this properly. You gotta stop calling me Mr Stark.”
“Okay… Mr Stark”. 
Tag list: @itsmexavie @icandoakickflip
107 notes · View notes
halothenthehorns · 3 years
Lily did not take the book with any amount of happiness. She couldn't stand the idea of just casually going on about Harry's life while that tyrant was torturing her son on a weekly basis now. The only remote bright spot she could picture was the end of the year where hopefully she'd sustain something far worse than having to leave the job. She took the book from Remus very grudgingly and trudged back to her spot next to James in a heavy silence, only Harry still seemed anxious to try and pretend like that part of his life was no big deal.
Harry was first to wake up in his dormitory next morning.
"That's a surprise," Remus said conversationally enough, he could still be angry and keep things light for Harry's sake. "I'd think you'd have to be dragged out of bed with all your sleepless nights from before."
"Guess my brain was still wired for school," Harry shrugged with a smile at him for the attempt.
He lay in his bed and savored for a moment it was finally Saturday, the first week had dragged on as if one long History of Magic class.
"Gah, can you imagine the horror," Sirius shuddered.
"Sounds nice actually," James snorted, "one nice long week to nap."
He collected himself and went down into the dormitory with his school bag, finding it much tidier than when he'd went to bed amongst the candy wrappers and loose scraps of parchment, along with Hermione's hats. He only vaguely wondered how many house-elves had been set free whether they wanted to be or not. *
"Really Harry? You didn't realize the problem with Hermione's plan? You were the one who had to trick Dobby into getting that sock instead of just giving it to him yourself," Lily frowned at him in confusion.
"I honestly thought Hermione had found a way around that, and hadn't questioned her. Thought she really knew what she was doing," Harry shrugged.
"Well it's nice to know she's not infallible in her logic sometimes I guess," James snorted.
  Harry uncorked a bottle of ink and stretched out a fresh sheet of parchment, but hesitated over what to put down, suddenly appreciating his friends vague letters over the summer.
They all perked up with interest at that, they'd been assuming Harry had just been fixing to start on some homework or some such, but this was even better! Sirius was full blown smiling now that Harry really was going to write to him about anything!
He wanted to write to Sirius about everything that had been going on this week, but not in so many words anyone would know what he was talking about. But how to do so without anyone else knowing?
"Very carefully," Remus smiled.
"Or you could charm it so that it only shows you the words when you give it a very vague command," James grinned.
Harry looked a bit disappointed he'd never thought of that, he really wished he had asked his Marauders how they'd charmed their map to do that.
Finally he began with dear Snuffles, and began with a pleasant enough greeting before going into detail about the new Defense teacher, who was about as nice as Snuffles' mum.
Sirius snorted violently before full blown laughing. Then he couldn't seem to stop for a moment. Lily looked on at him with a touch of concern for this reaction, Umbridge's horrid ways set her mind racing with every foul spell she knew to use on that woman for what she'd done to Harry. Just what on earth had Walburga Black done to Sirius for him to clearly be agreeing with Harry like this? She longed to ask, but respected it was his right to tell her if he ever wanted to.
Harry then got to the point, saying he was sending along this letter because what had happened two summers ago happened the other night in detention with Umbridge.
"That was incredibly vague," Remus beamed with pride.
"So, goal met then?" Harry smiled sheepishly, he'd been a little worried they were all going to tell him off for contacting Sirius considering how worried they'd all been about him joining him at the train.
"Absolutely," James nodded, "you're already a natural at this."
They were all missing their biggest friend and hoped to hear from him soon,
"That was a little on the nose," Lily giggled.
"Still credit for trying," Sirius chuckled.
then he signed off. He reread this letter several times, trying his best to find a hole an outsider could find, but he was sure no one could detect anything about the contents or certainly who it was meant for.
"Definitely not, you're safe on all counts," they all agreed, causing Harry his first real smile since he'd been back at school.
Harry hoped Sirius would pick up most of all on the mention of Hagrid, but did not want to ask directly in case it drew attention to his absence.
"I'm sure he'll be back in no time," Lily said with more confidence than she really felt. She was very worried about Hagrid as well, what was taking him so long?
Considering how short the letter was, it had taken him some time to do it. By now others were arriving downstairs, and Harry hastened out of the common room off for the Owlery. He ran into Nick on the way, warning him against going his current path as Peeves was planning a joke involved the bust of Paracelsus.
Harry asked if this involved the bust falling on his head?
"A classic then," James smirked.
Nick agreed in a bored voice that was the funny part.
"How on earth could he be bored by such a thing?" Remus drawled.
Pointing out subtlety had never been Peeves' strong point.
"Well that's fair enough," Sirius agreed.
Nick was off to find the Barron to put a stop to this, and he'd see Harry around.
"Merlin, doesn't anyone let people have some fun in that place," James sighed.
Harry ended up taking a longer but safer route up to the Owlery, and only came across Mrs. Norris. The cat gazed at him for a moment before darting off, Harry calling after her he hadn't done anything wrong, though the hike of her tail was one of going to fetch her boss.
"Maybe she was just mad you stopped her heading that way as well," Sirius snorted, "I've caught her a fair few times trying to go up there pestering the owls."
Ignoring the instance he found the straw strewn floor covered with the usual owl droppings and regurgitated meals, spotting his snowy white owl up in the rafters. Once she'd perched on his shoulder so he could tie his note to her, he instructed for her ears alone that though this was addressed to Snuffles, Harry urged his owl to find Sirius.
"You didn't bother calling me that last year, why start now?" Sirius chuckled.
"Now I actually felt the need for it," Harry muttered, shifting just a bit with unease as the safety of his godfather came into question.
She gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze before taking flight, and Harry watched her fly off with the most calm he'd felt in a while. The grounds were still and at peace in the morning light, the trees of the Forbidden Forest only swaying gently. It was as he gazed at these though that one of the skeletal horses from before came swooping out chasing a bird and when it missed, dived right back down out of sight. The whole instance happened so quickly Harry swore he could have imagined it.
"Can you imagine how many times that happens a day and no one sees it," Sirius looked a bit amused.
"Imagine if they roamed the grounds more than the forest," James agreed. "People would be constantly knocking into them, and seeing things happen because of those and no one would be able to figure out why except those that saw them."
"You lot are enjoying this idea far too much," Lily tried to repress a smile at the idea by telling them.
"What can we say, we have a certain fondness for invisibility," Remus smirked.
The Owlery door opened behind him. He leapt in shock and, turning quickly, saw Cho Chang holding a letter and a parcel in her hands.
"Hey, look who finally gets a moment alone with his crush," Sirius threw his hands up in victory.
"I don't find the owlery the most romantic setting," James smirked.
"Let's see if Harry can get through with this one without making a fool of himself," Remus snickered, "or this time it'll be entirely his fault."
"Your encouragement is the limit," Harry grumbled.
They both stammered a greeting to each other at once, Cho quickly explaining her end she was coming up here to deliver a birthday present to her mum.
Harry couldn't think of anything to say to that, his brain had jammed. He wanted to say something funny and interesting,
"Harry, you have yet to say that, ever," Sirius smirked, achieving his goal in getting a rise out of Harry who simply scowled at him for now.
but the memory of that horse now fresh had his mind struggling speech at all.
What came out was a gesture to the clear blue sky, and his pointing out how nice this was. Then he felt like crawling under the nearest rat skeleton and never coming out. He was talking about the weather!
"Considering you've never had a proper conversation, starting casual is probably best," James said fairly.
"Could have asked something more direct, like what she'd gotten her mother," Lily objected.
"Or I could go read this in another room without you lot," Harry huffed to try and get them to stop.
"You wouldn't dare," Sirius gasped.
"And miss out on our brilliant commentary?" Remus looked a touch offended.
Lily started giggling a bit when Harry didn't back down from his threat as she turned back anyways.
Cho at once agreed this made perfect Quidditch conditions.
"Well I like her," James beamed at once.
"A very good point she managed to steer right into that sport," Sirius agreed, which Harry supposed was better than them picking on him, so he let it go.
Then she asked if Gryffindor had a new Keeper yet?
Harry agreed it was his friend Ron, whom Cho remembered as the Tornado hater.
"I'm sure he doesn't hate the team," Remus said fairly, "just the fans who suddenly like them."
"Entirely not the point," Lily rolled her eyes at him.
She asked how his tryout had gone, and Harry confessed he hadn't been there because of his detention.
Cho met his eyes then, only half way done attaching her parcel to her owl, as she stated how foul that Umbridge woman was, putting him in detention for telling the truth about...of how he died.
"Oh look, another supporter," Sirius said quickly rather than letting Harry dwell on that again for a moment, "that's three to two."
"Are you going to keep a tally of everyone in the school?" Harry asked with some bemusement.
"Don't tempt him," James sighed.
"He's already not doing a good job anyways, it's five to two counting Ron and Hermione," Remus reminded.
"Those were given," Sirius brushed him off.
"Not if you're going to do a complete poll of all 500 something students-"** Remus began disagreeing, but Lily finally cut through the lot of them.
She kept Harry's eyes as she told how brave it was of him to stand up to her like that.
Harry felt his insides inflating so much he was sure he was suddenly floating off the ground a bit.
"That'd be a sight," James snickered at the idea.
Who cared about a stupid flying horse; Cho thought he'd been brave.
"Priorities," Remus agreed lightly.
For a moment, he considered accidentally-on-purpose showing her his cut hand as he helped her tie her parcel on to her owl . . .
"I'm not sure of the reaction you were hoping to get with that one," Lily said in disgust.
"I certainly wouldn't find that braver, but stupid on your part for not saying something about it before now," James agreed with a hard look at Harry who chose now to check to see if his shoelace was still tied.
Before he could act on the impulse, the door burst open, with Filch marching into the room on a mission. He locked eyes on Harry at once and demanded his mail from him, saying he'd been given a tip about the order of Dungbombs he was to be placing.
Lily puffed up her cheeks before letting the air out slowly to make sure her voice came out neutral as she asked, "why would he think that?"
"Maybe it was someone playing a prank?" Harry brushed off, not wanting to think much of it as he was still caught on his Cho interactions with a smile.
"Harry, you don't find it just a bit concerning someone was trying to take your mail from you?" Remus wheedled to try and keep him on track while everyone's eyes were still narrowed with dislike over this.
Harry did rethink things over, and he certainly felt a ball of anxiety forming in him at the thought now, but he was finally enjoying just a bit of his time remembering school again and don't want them to keep ruining it with suspicions, so he just shrugged again.
Lily hoped that meant nothing did come of this moment, rather than worrying at her lip for the implications of something she did not like.
Harry crossed his arms in defiance at once as he demanded who'd told that, and Filch just brushed him off saying that wasn't the point and to hand over his mail now. Harry was entirely grateful he hadn't dawdled in sending Hedwig off, as he told Filch as much.
His eyes narrowed with further suspicion, as he demanded if Harry still had it on his person in hiding.
"What's he going to do if you had?" James snorted, his old joy of tormenting Filch quickly rising to the top.
"Surely, it'll involve whipping or something," Sirius snickered, "that'll make the clothes come right off."
"Urgh," Lily grumbled, she'd never taken Filch's threats so lightly as the lot of them, but then she supposed, she'd never had to suffer a detention with him either so she could see why they played this off as a joke.
Cho jumped in then saying she'd been here when he did send it off.
"Are you sure she's not a Keeper?" James threw his head back with laughter, "because I think she is."
"And you say I come up with bad puns," Sirius snickered along.
Filch glared between the two before turning back to the door, but he froze with his hand on it and still angry eyes on Harry as he began to threaten if he got one whiff of a Dungbomb from him...
"You'll what? Come on man, finish your threats, it's far healthier," Remus said almost encouragingly.
He stomped out of sight then, Harry waiting till he was long gone before thanking Cho for backing him up. She said she didn't mind at all, before asking if he really had been up here ordering those?
"She asks after defending you," Lily giggled.
"Proper timing," James agreed.
Harry said no, and she at once went on to say why Filch had thought so then.
The two remained in silence then as Cho finally sent off her things and they left, waiting until they hit their departing corridor before Cho said she'd see Harry around.
He agreed at once, and the two departed both smiling.
"Lookie there, finally making some progress," Sirius couldn't quite keep the mocking tone out of his voice even as he applauded Harry.
"Looks like third time's his charm, he's beaten Prongs out by a mile," Remus agreed.
"Come on, 394 really isn't that bad in comparison," Sirius put on James' voice in a fair impression.
James chucked a pillow at him while Lily kept going.
Harry went all the way down to the Great Hall, for once ignoring any lingering stares or whispers as he kept remembering her saying how brave she thought he was...
He greeted his friends with the cheeriest morning he had all week.
"Is that all it takes putting you in a good mood?" James huffed, still giving his two friends the stink eye. "Chatting with a pretty girl? Maybe we should try and convince Andromeda to come over next time you're in a bad mood."
"I don't think the prelude to that conversation would be worth it," Harry rolled his eyes.
Ron eyed Harry with surprise for this mood.
"It's sad he's surprised to see you happy," Sirius snorted.
Harry fibbed it was the idea of Quidditch, which Ron only reluctantly agreed to, as he asked Harry if he'd go out with him even earlier than practice so that Ron could have a warm up before even then.
"He wants to train before training, Merlin I want to cry just thinking about it," Remus groaned.
"Don't know what you're talking about Moony, I'll take some hits with the ground over the pummeling my brain took over homework," Sirius shrugged.
Harry agreed at once, but Hermione cut in she seriously didn't think they should.
"I would never say any such thing, why would Hermione imply otherwise?" Sirius demanded while Harry chuckled fully again at that joke.
They were both really behind on homework as is- the two boys were thankfully saved anymore by the morning owl arriving, and Ron tried to delay further by asking if there was anything interesting in there.
"I'm sure the removal of Fudge from his Minister position wouldn't keep her from talking about that," James rolled his eyes.
She flipped through a few pages while saying there was nothing of note, before reaching a ways into it and whispering a sudden concern for Sirius.
Lily choked hard as she spat the name out in surprise, and James wasn't going to sit around and wait for her to get her breath back as he lunged forward and took the book away from her, reading out in a fevered haste-
Harry moved so fast he tore the paper in half, leaving the piece Hermione had been reading still in her hand, which she practically ignored as she read out the content for the boys that the Ministry had received a tip-off that notorious mass murderer Sirius Black may be here in London.
His face was going red, he had yet to take a breath, so Lily reached forward and placed her hand on the back of his neck, using as calm a voice as she could manage, "breath James, he's still fine."
"Right, yeah," he said jerkily, some normal color returning to his face as he studied the words and then glared up at his best mate.
To his infuriation, Sirius just shrugged with a bland look in place, saying, "look at it this way Prongs, even if I do, I'll know how not to get caught that way."
Remus' hands twitched, he really was going to start strangling him here in a moment if he didn't stop playing this off as a joke.
"Sirius, this really isn't the time for jokes," Harry stunned them all by snapping, his face bone white as he watched him. "How do you think I'll feel when-" his vision blurred white before he could say anymore, beginning to convulse and clearly suffering for trying to remember something.
Even beginning to guess what that could be had all of them breathless with fear, but Sirius rounded himself back enough, talking earnestly but softly to Harry now, "alright pup, you got it. No more making fun of Prongs no matter how dramatic he's being."
Harry's vision swam as he focused back on Sirius, something dark in him warning he didn't want to remember the warning he'd almost given. He believed that feeling, because the first option it meant just couldn't be true, he couldn't lose Sirius. So, it must be something else, Sirius just got really hurt or something...
It was the only conclusion any of them could comprehend, the alternative wasn't bearable. Lily had to gently pry the book from James' death grip as she went back to her spot, ignoring her own shaking voice for that heart stopping moment.
Harry began muttering furiously about how Lucius must have done this, he had seen Sirius at the platform.
Ron began in surprise when this had happened,
Remus forced himself to roll his eyes, to focus on this detail that Ron really hadn't noticed any such thing.
Sirius was also restraining himself from saying he didn't even blame Ron for not focusing on such a stupid little detail, but he didn't think that would be well received right now considering his last throwaway comment.
but the other two shushed him as Hermione read out the rest of the article about what would await him when he was found. She concluded then that he just couldn't leave the house again period,
Sirius turned as white as Harry had just been. If that rat was never caught...he couldn't do it, he couldn't go back to prison again, one that was somehow conceivably on par with Azkaban...
Dumbledore had warned him not to after all.
"I don't give a damn what Dumbledore said," Sirius snarled with absolute conviction. "I'd rather die outside that house than be a prisoner inside it again."
He crossed his arms defiantly, waiting for someone to argue with him, but not even Harry could bolster himself to do this. If he'd had to go back to living at the Dursley's full time, even for his own safety...he'd be doing something desperate as well.
Harry stared morosely down at the bit of paper he'd ripped off, his mind on other things besides the add for Madam Malkin's in his hand, but then tucked in a miniature article right below that was something else that caught Harry's attention.
"Not more on-" Remus pleaded, having to resist the urge to grab Sirius and not let go until those thoughts of his were no longer an issue.
"No, no," Harry murmured, still not back to his normal color, "something other than Sirius caught my attention, if you can imagine."
Sirius managed a giggle that didn't quite hit normal, but if Harry was forcing himself to move past the moment than clearly, they'd over read his reaction, something else must be going on...not that Harry just couldn't bear to understand his own thought, that wasn't an option.
He at once laid this out for the others to see, to which Ron instantly said he was good on robes.
James managed only a semi hysterical giggle for that.
Harry ignored him and read out the bit that was barely four sentences long about how Sturgis Podmore had been arrested for trespassing at the Ministry. He'd been caught trying to break into a high security door. The man had refused to speak in his own defense and was to spend the next six months in Azkaban.
No one spoke while Lily read out the charges, but by the time she'd finished and looked up in stunned disbelief, she found them all slack jawed. What they were hearing wasn't possible. Not the Sturgis who'd just been inducted into the Order, had gone to Dumbledore and begged the man to let him help in any way possible after he'd witnessed a muggle child beaten in the street. So how on Earth had he somehow managed to get himself tangled up into stealing from the Ministry? Sent to Azkaban? Why had he even wound up there, that bit about refusing to speak for himself stuck out more than anything, as surely Dumbledore would have stepped in. If he had for Harry than they couldn't imagine he wouldn't have for a faithful Order member as well...but then again, they also already knew of at least one instance where he'd let an Order member go to Azkaban without speaking a word for him. If he could do that to Sirius, they'd believe he could do that to anyone.
Harry was less following that train of thought and more trying to understand how someone from the Order had done that, but his first thought was a frame up. The man had been conned into it somehow... then he went cross-eyed in pain. He'd already suffered one memory blast a second ago for something far more precious to him regarding his godfather, he wasn't going to be pressing on this.
Lily was still waiting for someone to say something about this, but it was clear no one really could, this was too much happening back to back and they needed a minute to process, so Lily was hoping reading about Harry go through this would help.
Ron recalled him as a recently absent member of the Order-
Hermione quickly shushed him before he could go on about that, while Harry hissed he'd been given his stint just for trying to get through a door?
"Oh, that part wasn't so surprising," Lily murmured, "the Ministry takes their breaking and entering very-" she broke off with a nasty glare at Sirius, who managed a real smile and almost a pout for Lily not slipping up.
Hermione told him not to be silly, it wasn't just because of the door. What had he even been doing at the ministry at the time?
"I'm sure if they knew they'd put that in the story," Remus frowned.
"Maybe not," James disagreed, "could be something very secret and important, don't want word spreading around about it."
Ron muttered if this happened on orders from the Order?
"I, could be I guess," Sirius struggled, though he really had a problem understanding what the Order would have to do with the Ministry when they were so at odds.
"If so, then him being in Azkaban is all the fouler," James snarled in outrage.
Harry recalled that it didn't seem likely, as Sturgis had been absent when they were all headed to King's cross, he didn't seem to be doing much work for them lately.
"Perhaps he just wasn't doing this at that time, I'm positive he came around and explained himself before going on for more work," Remus reasoned out.
Ron instead offered up the idea it was all a frame up. What if the Ministry had lured him there, and then set a trap for him to get caught so they could pin this on him.
They all considered the idea for a moment, but not everyone was entirely convinced. Lily at least hoped the Ministry would never fall that far, but she still also held out hope there was something else going on they just couldn't get information from that about. Harry also wouldn't know, leaving them in the dark on this.
James and Sirius seemed to liken to the idea, in fact it explained a lot of his past behavior if he was now regularly being conned up there and then didn't explain this until after the fact to the Order for security reasons.
Remus found it plausible enough, though still a bit too underhanded for the Ministry at this stage. From all accounts, they were still working on discrediting Dumbledore, and though making one of his associates into this light was a next step, why make the piece so small then? They'd have made this front headline news if they were pushing for this tactic, yet it seemed a miracle the piece was in the paper at all. No, he still thought something else was going on here.
Harry found this too far fetched, but Hermione was impressed at this and found it plausible.
Then she folded the paper up and moved on to saying they should start with their Herbology homework.
"How on Earth does she flip from that to homework?" Remus demanded, absolutely derailed from his train of thought.
"I'm sure Hermione can manage to switch any topic to essays," James scowled for this subject being brought up and then cut off so quickly, he wanted to know what was really going on with someone he considered a friend.
If they were lucky they could start practicing McGonagall's Inanimate Conjures Spells before lunch.
Sirius tisked at once, caught at once from his own speculation. "Don't know what she's on about, they're going to play Quidditch."
Harry felt a small twinge of guilt as he watched her go through their list of work, but that blue sky outside really was exhilarating, and he hadn't been on his Firebolt in ages...
"So, you'll be heading down to the pitch soon," Sirius waved impatiently to get there.
Ron reassured Harry that they could go through all that tonight, while the two headed down brooms over their shoulders, Hermione's dire words about how they were going to fail every one of their OWL's still fresh in their ears.
Remus started snickering while nobody bothered acting surprised, even if Lily's mouth did thin just a bit in disapproval of this.
Plus they had all day tomorrow...then he asked if she'd really meant it about them not being allowed to copy from her?
"Did she ever actually let you?" Lily asked astounded, as she hadn't at all picked up on this.
"Sometimes she 'accidentally' left her work out while she ran off to the Library for something," Harry chuckled, "but she never just pushed it over for us."
Harry said she'd meant it alright, but Quidditch was important to them to, they had to stay on top for the team.
"Priorities," James agreed without a drop of sarcasm.
Ron agreed at once, they had time to do it all.
"I hope you remember that when you're up studying until Sunday," Remus winced in pity at the idea.
Harry refused to let his gaze linger on the Forest as they took to the grounds, that flying horse wasn't hurting anything and he had more important things to think about.
"That's fair honestly," James agreed, he hated lingering on things that weren't of importance as well, though he was still trying to pick apart that bit about Sturgis even while half listening to his sons Quidditch prows.
Ron did quite well on his solo practice with Harry, and both boys were heartened as they returned to lunch and more of Hermione's commentary on how irresponsible they were.
"I'd be more worried if she didn't honestly," Lily said fondly.
This time when they went back down, everyone else was waiting for them in the locker room, Fred and George greeting Ron by asking if the Ickle Prefect was going to show them all up.
"If they were making cracks at him like that, it's no wonder he got a little frazzled during tryouts," Remus said in sympathy.
"Ron really shouldn't be letting those light things get to him," James scoffed in disbelief, "not only have the twins said far worse to him before, but the buildup to a game is brutal. Ron's got to have better nerves to keep up."
Ron snapped at them to shut up as Angelina entered, warning them before they got started that they had some visitors in the stands but they were to be ignored while they did this.
It was easier said than done, as the moment the Slytherin team caught sight of them, they began catcalling.
"Did we ever establish what the rules are for spectators at practice?" Harry grumped.
"Nope," James popped the p for emphasis. "Sadly, the pitch stands are open at all times, they hardly have a guard up after all. If you call off practice to go find a teacher to complain to, then you get the same end results of having practice cut up and your time will run out for the next person anyways."
Harry grumbled something but admitted he could do nothing more about this.
Malfoy at once began a list of insults, starting with what Weasley was riding, an old log?
Harry told Ron to ignore the jab, they wouldn't be laughing when they were the ones losing next game.
'Says the one on the Firebolt,' Remus thought in sympathy for Ron at that comment.
Angelina had them all in the air and began with the simple practice of tossing the Quaffle around. Each team member had lobbed it to a random other, before Harry passed it to Ron, who fumbled and had to dive to the ground to get it.
The Slytherin's laughter doubled up at once, and Ron came up as red faced as the ball now. The twins exchanged a look, but uncharacteristically did not say anything themselves.
"It's nice even they have their limits," Sirius frowned in sympathy for Ron.
"I'm positive they'd never have a go at their brother in front of spectators," James said at once, "family boundaries and all that. They can pick on him all they like, but if someone else does it, then there's going to be a problem. Mocking him while they are being the opposite of that."
Sirius nodded in absolute agreement while Lily grinned at him before going on.
Angelina brushed past the moment as if it hadn't happened, telling him to pass it on already, and the routine began again before Malfoy's next comment floated up about how Potter's head was feeling? Did he need a lie down in the Hospital wing? It had been a whole week since he'd been in there after all.
"I wish that one was more of a joke," Lily groaned, considering her son had successfully woken up in there all four years.
On his next pass through Ron did catch his ball with skill, but then overenthusiastically lobbed it off to Katie which smacked her right in the face. Fred flew over at once and offered her a purple bit of candy, promising this would stop the problem.***
"Ooph," all five of them winced for that pain, though James tried to bolster, "least that one wasn't entirely his fault, Katie's got to work on her reflexes as well."
"He speaks from experience of one to many Quaffles in the face," Sirius agreed.
Angelina seemed to decide that was enough of that practice as the team broke up into their usual positions then, but Ron wasn't having much better luck this way. Harry wasn't paying much attention to anyone else as he weaved in and around looking for the Snitch, so stopped in surprise when Angelina blew her whistle and called at Ron he needed to be covering all of his posts, he was only hovering in front of the one.
"Well he was only used to playing with one post, back at home," Harry defended lightly.
"Guess there is room for adjustment time," James agreed.
Ron apologized at once while he tried to lengthen his field, Angelina coaching that he should be circling them all, or he'd let in more than the last three.
Lily winced upon the word three. She wasn't even much of a Quidditch fan and she was starting to feel bad for Ron, the boys were past that and starting to shift with unease at this poor display. They liked Ron a lot, but maybe he wasn't cut out for this game on such a level, not everyone was.
Before she went back to training she asked wasn't Katie's nose getting any better, but Katie said it was only getting worse. Fred eyed another piece of candy he'd apparently just given to her, and suddenly looked horror struck.
"Well that can't be good," Remus yipped at once in concern.
"Just what did the twins do?" Sirius agreed in a sudden surge. "I remember them saying they hadn't perfected the nosebleed one yet, but I thought by giving her that it would at least stem the flow, not make it worse!"
"They gave her the purple pill," James soothed, though his own twitching showed he wasn't entirely okay with this either, "surely they're not just using her for a test dummy."
Not long after, Katie had to be escorted off the field, face pure white from blood loss, by the twins who had accidentally given her a Blood Blister pod.
"What does he mean by mistake?" Lily demanded dangerously. "Thought they were color coded for a reason, how could he give her the wrong one?"
They really had no answer for this, it wasn't like the twins to be so careless with their own products.
Angelina gave in on practice for the day and slumped off amongst the Slytherin's most recent chant of 'Gryffindors are losers!' They made their way back to the common room where Hermione asked in a frosty voice how it had gone. Ron at once said it had been lousy, and Hermione's voice cooled in sympathy it was only his first after all.
"It's nice she thaws on them when it counts," Remus chuckled.
Ron snapped who'd said it had been him that made it lousy?
Sirius couldn't help but snort lightly for his snap, she had made the presumption, even if it was right.
Then he marched off to go get his book bag, while Hermione leaned in and whispered for Harry alone if it had been him.
Harry said no with loyalty.
"There's my little Gryffindor," James beamed for the response he'd have given.
When Hermione kept staring, he conceded it hadn't been the best, but this really had been his first crack.
No more was said as the two spent the evening going through all their work, made extra difficult as Harry could still hear the echo of the Slytherin's cruel chant.
"Oh Harry, don't let yourself get so psyched out as well," Sirius tried to comfort, "that won't help Ron."
"Malfoy really has this way of sticking in my head," Harry huffed.
They spent the rest of the night and the whole of Sunday pushing through their mountain of work, by Sunday night Harry was feeling as if his brain was smashing its way out of his skull.
"Lovely mental imagery," Remus winced in sympathy.
Harry muttered for Ron they really should be doing more of this over the week.
"Well it's not as if you had much of a choice," James said fairly, "what with being physically tortured and all," his voice finishing with flat ice.
Harry winced and hid his hand from sight again, knowing they weren't letting that one go anytime soon.
Hermione had spent her time relaxing, making more elf hats, and chatting with other friends the whole time, but as the night wore on and most of the common room emptied out for their early morning tomorrow, she took pity and wandered over, glancing at Ron's current Astronomy essay and corrected Jupiter's biggest moon was Ganymede, and Lo had the volcanoes.
"Exactly what text was he using to be swapping all those?" Remus asked in sympathy.
"The book was upside down, he didn't even seem to notice he was as exhausted as I was," Harry sighed. "I probably would have noticed soon, I was almost done with mine."
Ron began scratching out the wrong information without a word, while Hermione began apologizing.
"Why's she apologizing, I thought she always critiqued your homework," Lily said in surprise.
"Ron looked ready to make her eat that quill as he was using it," Harry winced, his best mate not in the mood for Hermione to be doing this over his shoulder in that way.
Ron snapped he didn't want to hear it if she was just going to criticize.
"I was under the impression she always criticized him," Sirius said lightly.
"I'm still convinced that's their form of flirting," Remus snorted, thinking Ron was looking for a good row to let off some steam, and Hermione was more than likely his usual go to with that.
Hermione spotted something else, but when Ron tried to cut her off he didn't want to hear it, Hermione pointed at Hermes in the window.
"Not Percy's owl?" James yelped in shock as he leaned over Lily's shoulder to read that one.
"Why do you even remember that detail?" Sirius asked as he certainly hadn't.
Lily shushed them both while reading with an honest touch of hope, maybe Percy was trying to come around and apologize? Hopefully that letter was for all his siblings and he'd made up with his parents?
Ron went to the window at once and wrenched it open, Percy's owl swooping in and landing on Ron's moon of Io.
"I'm sure the Professor will appreciate the attention to detail," James muttered as he was still trying to peek over Lily's shoulder and see what this was about, while she was just as effectively ignoring him.
Ron tore open the envelope curiously and began reading, but his expression quickly flipped to disgust the longer he read.
"That was not an encouraging start," Remus began without much surprise, though he still couldn't imagine what this was about, while Lily sighed with disappointment and couldn't bother clinging to her hope anymore as she got it out.
He wordlessly thrusted the letter to his friends, apparently to appalled for words, as they began reading to themselves about Percy's beginning stating he'd heard from the Minister of Magic himself,
"That was entirely unnecessary," James huffed.
"As was that," Lily snipped at him.
that Ron had become a Prefect. This was excellent news, as Percy had always feared Ron would take the 'Fred and George' route, but now he was elated to hear his youngest brother had decided to take on some responsibility.
"He didn't decide anything," Sirius threw his hands up in exasperation for people continually saying that. No one put their name down, no one did anything to become Prefect, it was entirely the decision of the Heads of Houses and ultimately Dumbledore.
He was sending this letter with as much warning as anything though, for if he expected to go further in life with this achievement, he should be warned of his continued fraternization with Harry Potter, which he'd gathered Ron was still hanging around again from word of the Minister.
Remus frowned in confusion, wondering what Umbridge had passed along that involved Ron at all? He supposed he wasn't too surprised if that thing was keeping tabs on Harry's friends as well though.
Percy put in the simple fact that Ron could quickly lose his badge if this kept up.
Harry spluttered with absolute indignation. What had he done to deserve that from anyone, let alone a person he'd gotten to know on at least some level? He'd never taken a liking to Percy, but he'd never thought he'd done anything to deserve him telling his own brother to drop him? Ron was Harry's first friend, his best friend, and more family than he'd ever had in his life before he met Sirius.
James fired up at once, snapping, "what does Percy want, for Ron to be an outcast and no one to like him like Percy is?"
The sad truth was, yes Lily did believe that. Percy may have heard this news and immediately hoped that he could reconnect with some member of his family, because he likely was lonely. That didn't excuse what he'd just told to do to her son.
Percy expected Ron to read this with some surprise, no doubt Ron would say that Potter was Dumbledore's favorite,
"Why would that be his response?" Sirius scowled with anger as well as confusion for that one. Harry never once asked for that treatment.
but Dumbledore may not be in charge around school much longer anyways if those in charge had a more accurate account of Potter's behavior had things settled as Percy expected them to.
With every line Percy had written Remus continued growing more confused and angry, this one in particular caught him off guard. What did he mean Dumbledore wouldn't be in charge of the school anymore? That was an oddity in itself, he'd been the headmaster for generations already and in a most likely biased opinion the most reputable of them all. That didn't quite knock out the anger of the second part, more accurate his arse. Ron was Harry's best friend for years, he'd have the most accurate portrayal of Harry more than anyone, shouldn't this be his say so.
Percy wouldn't enlighten this statement further, but Ron should check out the Daily Prophet tomorrow for more details to see where the wind was blowing, and to spot himself along the way.
"Why am I not surprised this whole letter was planned out just to brag about himself winding up in the paper somehow," Sirius snarled.
Percy persisted, seriously Ron
"He doesn't get to use my name," Sirius huffed, to which he was ignored by all this time.
did not want to be on the same branch with Potter anymore or it would damage his future, and this was speaking of life after school. Ron surely knew of Potters disciplinary hearing, and he had not come out of it looking good. He'd gotten off on a technicality, and many of the Wizengamot still found him guilty.
"Guilt of what!?" James thundered. "He saved his own damn life plus his useless cousin! What were they even trying to prove during that shame of a trial? That he cast a Patronus Charm for shits and giggles!"
"You should never argue with a stupid person, they'll just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." Remus snipped.
It was best for Ron to sever ties with Potter, the earlier the better, even if he did become violent. If Ron had any worries he was encouraged to go see Umbridge, a delightful woman who would be happy to help.
Lily did not get that out as if an intelligible person had said it, more like repeating the words of someone hit with a babbling curse. It made no sense in or out of context.
This led into his next bit of advice, which he'd hinted at above,
"Hinted implies subtly," James snorted with disgust.
that Dumbledore would not remain in charge at school long, and Ron should be thinking of his future with the Ministry. So far Umbridge had been getting very little cooperation from the staff and the Ministry was striving to fix this, again see the Prophet tomorrow, and those who were on Umbridge's side could be well placed for Head Boy ship not long later.
"Climb as far up her brown nose as you can and make a comfy nest with the rest of her eggs," Sirius mocked.
Percy did tack in an apology about how he was sorry he couldn't see Ron over the summer,
"Bet he wouldn't care one bit if he didn't know you were a Prefect," Sirius snapped.
and it did pain in how he disliked criticizing his parents, but what with the riff raff they kept up with like Sturgis Podmore, and other petty criminals, he was lucky the Minister didn't see him in the same light.
James looked ready to light the book on fire any moment now. Percy had successfully insulted three people he cared about in one go! It took a lot of restraint on his part to remind himself Percy was still a child right now who shouldn't be transfigured into a pumpkin.
He was very gracious he'd disassociated himself with the likes of Dumbledore's crowd and promised Ron could still do the same and not to let family ties blind him. He'd be ready to accept their apology whenever they were ready and realized their mistakes.
"If both sides keep standing around waiting for an apology instead of doing something, this war is going to be harder than I was thinking," Sirius grumbled as he remembered his own words.
He signed off with the plea to think this all over, particularly the bit about Potter, and congratulated him one last time on becoming a prefect.
"Burn that Harry. Burn that and shove the sod right up that Humongous Big Heads nose." James said at once with conviction.
"It's Ron's letter," Harry sighed, "I think he should get the right."
"That's fair," Sirius acknowledged.
When Harry was done, he reread one bit to make sure he got it right, before turning to Ron and said if he wanted to sever ties with him, he promised he wouldn't get violent.
The boys at least garnered a laugh for Harry's sarcasm at that, while Lily sighed deeply. She wished that hadn't been played off as a joke, but she supposed it was better than Harry getting mad at Ron's brother, and taking it out on Ron, which with his temper lately she wouldn't have even been surprised.
Ron jerked the letter away nastily at once, calling him the biggest prat on earth as he ripped the parchment up into tiny little scraps and tossed it into the fire.
"Less satisfying than up the nose," James sighed.
"But a proper in the moment response," Remus smiled.
Then he turned dismissively back to their homework.
Lily managed almost a happy giggle for this display, thinking Percy should send Ron more stupid letters if that's what got him to focus on his homework more.
Remus almost agreed, finding his utter dismissal of this perfect.
Hermione was looking at Ron with an odd expression on her face.
"What kind of odd look?" Lily asked with a torn expression, she really hoped Hermione wasn't going to try and give Ron a pep talk or something, it wouldn't do him any good right now.
"I think it was something close to surprise, maybe admiration," Harry tried to smile. "Ron wouldn't ever show it, but what Percy did cut all his siblings as bad as his parents, and so when Hermione saw Ron just turn right back to homework after what Ron considered further spurn must have gotten to her."
Lily couldn't help a small smile now as she kept going. It didn't make that letter feel any better, but it was nice to see Hermione acting like their friend rather than mother for a change.
Then she stunned them both by demanding their homework from them so she could correct what they'd done.
"Doesn't she usually do that anyways when you're done?" Sirius chuckled.
"She'd certainly been threatening not to do it enough lately we were starting to believe her," Harry smiled in relief.
He asked if she was serious?
"No, I am," Sirius reminded as if anyone had forgotten.
Then he began thanking her at once, calling her a life saver and what could he say to-
She said he could say he wouldn't wait to do all his homework till the last minute ever again, while looking on in amusement.
"They're not even done with them though," James reminded.
"Still better to get her help while she was in a good mood, half the work done," Harry cheered, though the smile didn't quite reach his eyes.
Harry thanked her as well as he pushed his away in relief, letting himself sink down and gaze at the fire quietly for a moment with a sick feeling resting in him as the remains of Percy's letter curled away in the fire.
They all frowned as they realized Harry had taken that much more personally than they'd realized, he'd even played off the moment in here well enough they'd thought he'd just completely brushed it off, but clearly not.
Somehow reading all that in Percy's writing pressed in on him for the first time his standing with the majority of the Wizarding World. He'd known Percy for years, had spent summers at his house and shared a tent with him at the World Cup, Percy had been the one to award him full marks during the second task last year, but now the same guy found him unbalanced and violent.
"This is the same guy who went sobbing out into the freezing lake to check on his kid brother," Remus huffed in agreement. "How did he go from that to dismissing his whole family in so little time?"
"You've got me?" James sighed deeply.
Harry felt sudden empathy for his godfather, whom the whole world also believed had done something he'd had no part of.
Sirius hummed in agreement with that, even if he couldn't be there for Harry in the ways he wanted to be, he found comfort even the idea he could relate to Harry made him feel better.
Then Harry sat up straight in his chair as he gazed at the fire in confusion, surely he'd imagined it because he was thinking of his godfather.
"Oh, is Sirius making another appearance in the common room?" James asked as if confirming the date.
"Now he even has a safe place to do it from," Remus agreed almost as if bored at the idea.
Truth be told it made both of them smile and more anxious at the same time. They couldn't easily forget where Sirius was in Harry's time and found him talking to Harry face to face would surely make him feel better for even a moment.
Hermione was done with both homeworks, haven written out a draft for Ron to use as his conclusion,
"Okay, that was blatantly doing homework for you," Lily snorted.
"I guess she truly was taking pity on us," Harry chuckled.
Ron insisted she was the most wonderful person he'd ever met,
"I think this is the most he's complimented her in their entire friendship, she may be falling over from shock," Sirius chuckled.
and if he was ever rude to her again-
She'd know he'd gone back to normal, Hermione finished for him with a smile.
"There's the proper response," James snickered.
Then she turned on Harry's, saying he must have heard Sinestra wrong, as Europa was covered in ice, not mice.
"Sometimes I really can't tell when Hermione's being sarcastic," Remus smirked, "she must know that was a slip of the quill."
Harry just grinned and didn't reply.
Harry was no longer listening as he crouched down in front of the fireplace, watching it steadily now as he told his friends what he'd just seen. It wasn't that surprising, as Sirius had appeared her once before to talk to him, but Hermione was concerned at once at the idea, saying it would be too- Sirius?!
"But I'm always serious, how could I be anything else?" Sirius cackled.
"She was actually saying your name you twit," Lily ground out, cursing that man's parents for cursing their child and everyone else in his life with this never-ending gag.
She gasped his name in surprise as Sirius' face sat among the logs, grinning at them.
"You already sound so pleased with yourself," James snickered.
"I honestly believe I've been looking forward to this all week, Harry's letter just happened around the same time," Sirius grinned.
He began to say he'd been worried this wouldn't work, he'd been checking every hour and there'd always been someone else in here.
Harry half laughed that he'd been popping his head in here once an hour? Hermione anxiously demanded what if someone had seen him.
"I'm sure you'd have heard about it, and the twins would have helped to laugh the whole thing off by saying they'd slipped something in there, or any number of things." Remus rolled his eyes at her paranoia.
Sirius shrugged off that some first year may have gotten a start from him, but she'd probably just thought he was a funny shaped log.
"Honestly, in a school full of magic, a funny shaped log wouldn't have lingered in her mind in the time it took for her to get to the stairs," James agreed.
Hermione still said this was too big a risk for him to be-
Sirius cut her off by telling her to stop sounding like Molly, Sirius was just trying to respond to Harry's letter.
Hermione turned her accusing voice on Harry now, as he hadn't told them about this.
"And that's exactly why he didn't," Sirius scoffed at Hermione's never ending complaints.
Harry admitted he'd forgotten, as the instance with Cho had pushed the rest of that morning from his mind, before turning back to Sirius and saying no one could have gotten anything from that letter anyways.
"She doesn't believe anyone can do anything without her help," James rolled his eyes.
Sirius agreed at once it had been very good, beginning on that with Harry's scar.
Ron tried to ask what that meant, but Hermione shushed him and they'd tell later.
"I understand the need for the haste, but why hadn't you told Ron about this already?" Lily asked.
"Same reason I'd yet to tell Hermione about my detentions," Harry shrugged uneasily as he brought this back up himself but still explained, "hadn't come up until I was caught at it."
"You have that philosophy far too often," Remus huffed.
Sirius agreed he understood this couldn't be fun for Harry, but it had hurt like this before now.
Harry agreed it had just concerned him it had been extra bad around that Umbridge woman, but Sirius had no delusions she was a Death Eater.
Harry said she was foul enough to be one, while Sirius gave a wry smile and said the world wasn't split into good people and Death Eaters.
"I always want to faint in surprise when you pass on such words of wisdom," Lily smiled at him while Sirius grinned and Harry took a moment to register the truth of those words he'd never considered before.
Sirius did agree that he already knew of her reputation though, Remus went on enough about her.
That caught their attention with surprise, Lily going on eagerly to see what that foul woman had been saying about her friend, and hopefully some colorful recanting of what Remus had to say about it.
Harry asked in surprise how Lupin knew her, remembering Umbridge's comments about half-breeds during their first class.
James's mouth dried considerably as he did remember this. She hadn't been subtle in taking a shot at Remus, and he already felt a nasty fear of where this was going.
Sirius explained not personally, but she'd drafted some anti-werewolf legislation two years ago that made it impossible for him to get a job.
Lily spluttered with indignation nearly before she'd gotten that out, and that had nothing on his two friends. They already had every reason in the world wanting that sherbet-reject to shrivel up and die, turns out they should have been going for her head all those years ago. Was this in fact finally the reason Remus had left his post? That would have happened right around the time he left Hogwarts, when Snape had released his name as working at Hogwarts!
Instead of shrinking away whenever this topic came up, Remus looked a tad concerned for this news, and not just for himself. It was very rare to find any other werewolves who even tried to maintain a normal lifestyle with a job and such, but with this bit of legislation being passed it was as if they were being told not to even bother with that. He'd never complained of the restrictions of the jobs they could get because he recognized the danger in his own kind, but was the Ministry moving even further away in trying to phase out his whole kind, truly turn them into no more than animals that needed to be killed. How could they ever show how normal they could be if no one gave them a chance? Then he reminded himself what he'd long since came to the conclusion of, no one cared.
Harry remembered how much shabbier Lupin looked these days and his dislike of Umbridge deepened even further.
Remus blinked in a bit of surprise for that. From what he'd gathered, Harry hadn't much to do with him in his own time, so the fact that he had such a strong reaction like that really did warm him up a bit. He really hadn't thought it possible for a long time anyone outside his friends could see him as any more than a monster, but first Lily and now Harry...
Hermione demanded what that woman had against werewolves, and Sirius said it was all part-humans, she'd even tried to round up all merpeople and have them tagged a few years back, imagine wasting the energy on such things when toe rags like Kreacher were about.
"I'm sure she doesn't like them any better," Remus scoffed to try and lighten back up the mood, at least trying to pretend as he always did he hadn't heard a word about this. "House-elves do have a certain human shape but aren't, so they're in the-"
Sirius elbowed him in the ribs to get him to shut up, no one wanted to hear him play this off right now.
Ron laughed but Hermione looked offended, trying to tell Sirius if he'd just make an attempt, she was sure Kreacher would respond.
Sirius knew he'd rather lose his dessert privileges than indulge in any such nonsense, and wished Hermione would quit harping on that.
Harry thought the same, if only because it left such a tight feeling of unease in him he felt the urge to cry and refused to understand why.
Dumbledore did say-
Sirius blatantly ignored her and asked what Umbridge's lessons were like, was she training them to kill half-breeds?
"No, that would actually be useful," Remus snorted lightly, before wincing and wishing he hadn't spoken at all for the nasty look his friends gave him for that.
Harry said no while Hermione looked affronted her defense had been cut off.
"You'd really think at some point she'd realize, no one cares!" James threw his hands up in exasperation.
She wasn't letting them use magic at all.
This didn't surprise Sirius though, as he'd heard that the Minister was growing more paranoid by the day and no longer wanted the students trained in combat.
Harry was stunned, asking why, did she think they were forming their own army?
Sirius agreed that was exactly what his delusions feared, the man thought Dumbledore was amassing his own force to overthrow the Ministry.
"I've never heard something so idiotic in my life," James deadpanned, "and I've lived with these two for seven years."
"I, really wish Sirius was making a joke right now," Lily agreed.
There was a pause before Ron stated that was the stupidest thing he'd heard in his life, and he'd been around Luna Lovegood.
"Was that supposed to be a compliment, or-" Sirius began in confusion before Remus shushed him.
Hermione was outraged this was the reason behind their lack of education, while Sirius elaborated Fudge was convinced Dumbledore would do anything to get power, it's only a matter of time before he has the man arrested at this point.
"That'll be the day," Remus scoffed while Harry frowned at the idea, he really didn't like the sound of that.
Harry asked if he knew anything about this big deal that was supposed to be in the Prophet tomorrow Percy had dropped hints about, but Sirius said he hadn't a clue, no one had actually been around all week.
Lily's voice shook with pity there, to which Sirius was both grateful for, and wanted to make some snide comment at her for. Thankfully she kept going loudly before he could act on either.
Sirius' voice had quickly turned bitter as he said this, so Harry instead asked about Hagrid.
Sirius didn't seem too concerned, saying while he was supposed to be back by now and they weren't sure why he wasn't,
"Tactless as ever," Lily grumbled at him, ignoring her own increasing worry at those confirmed fears. Surely if this was a real problem though Sirius would be more concerned, he at least had a like for Hagrid even without knowing what all he'd done for Harry. This wasn't necessarily a death sentence if someone didn't come back from a mission on schedule...
but upon seeing their stricken faces Sirius quickly said Dumbledore wasn't worried about it, so everything was surely fine. Maxime had gone with him, and she'd arrived back on schedule and simply said they'd split up on the journey home, there was no reason to suggest a real problem.
"I think we need to have a refresher course on those talks about reassuring people Sirius," Remus groaned, as that had helped no one at any point it seemed.
The three exchanged a still anxious look, but Sirius insisted for them not to go around asking questions and drawing attention to this.
"We haven't been," Harry said just a touch indignantly, "you were the only one I'd asked."
"Well I know that now," Sirius rolled his eyes in exasperation, causing Harry to back down.
Then Sirius flipped topics to asking when their next Hogsmeade weekend was, he wanted to show up and-
"And just why would you think that would cheer them up?" Lily began anxiously as she fought the compulsion to stick a muzzle on Sirius. "You were already spotted once, what makes you think it a good idea to have another go?"
"Stop being such a worry wart Lily," James scoffed at once. "He needs out of that place more, even if it is at sporadic times like Hogsmeade weekends."
"Where was this attitude last year?" Remus demanded uneasily, this conversation just kept getting worse with everything his last best friend said.
"Last year Sirius was on the run, getting all the air he needed, so I was just worried about him covering his tail," James scowled at Remus for the lack of backup. "Now I'm worried what he'll do if he doesn't get out more."
Sirius longed for the time where he could have basked in having a whole conversation about him, now he just looked miserable and didn't account for anyone, he just wanted to forget about the existence of that house and his whole damn future.
Harry and Hermione shouted no at once, Hermione quickly saying the article they'd found this morning. Sirius brushed this off, saying they were always guessing something and it never panned out.
"I mean, I suppose so long as Kingsley is still pushing for Australia or something, whatever Malfoy said could be brushed off easily enough," Remus tried to say with some encouragement that fell flat to all worried parties.
Harry insisted Lucius had spotted him near that train, and what if Draco did in Hogsmeade?
"Then don't go near Malfoy," James scoffed. "Honestly, Padfoot knows every hole of that area better than the local cats."
"Doesn't make the risk any less," Lily sighed without too much of a fight, recognizing whatever Sirius wanted to do, he'd do it with or without anyone's support.
Sirius scowled at them before saying he wouldn't, he'd just thought they'd like to get together.
"You really are breaking my heart here pup," Sirius tried for a flippant tone while Harry eyed his godfather with great worry. Ever since he'd left that platform, Harry had an ever growing fear of the next time Sirius left that house, leaving his tongue paralyzed and unable to respond...
Harry insisted he just didn't want to see him back in Azkaban!
Sirius' face went flat blank as he said Harry was less like his father than Sirius had thought, the risk would have been what made it fun for James.
Sirius actually recoiled, suddenly looking ready to burst into tears any moment as he had concrete proof. Merlin's sake, he really had lost his mind if he thought even for a moment he'd been talking to James-
Lily had just huffed and rolled her eyes at the stupid comment, she didn't even seem to realize Sirius had taken it so personally while James kept his eyes firmly on his best mate now.
Remus reacted on instinct by smacking Sirius upside the head for that, muttering, "would you rather him be like you, not thinking before you speak."
Sirius hardly seemed to realize what had been spoken as he whispered back, "that hurt you know."
Remus wasn't sure if he meant the comment, or the blow, as he rolled his eyes and said, "I didn't damage anything important."
"All of me is important!" He shot back with almost a pout, managing to keep himself distracted at least for a few seconds while Lily finished.
Harry tried to say something else, but Sirius said he'd write again whenever Harry could stand the risk, and then he was gone.
Remus was looking from James to Sirius uneasily, as Lily looked up to indicate she was done and seemed to realize for the first time that had bothered the two, so Remus began ardently, "wonder if we should take a quick break again. I'm sure someone should check on the baby's dipper, and I-"
"Yeah, that's great Moony. Padfoot, can I borrow you for a moment," James snapped, not waiting for any preamble as he made his way for the stairs and Sirius followed reluctantly.
* This one gets under my skin out of confusion. Either Harry has completely forgotten the fact that he was the one who had to trick Malfoy into giving Dobby that sock, otherwise he could have just done it himself and set Dobby free if that was his intentions, or he really thought Hermione found a way around this law and it's just never addressed. This is a real problem with the narrative between two and five that is never brought up.
**I know that's a really subjective number, considering by most math there would only be about 300, but JK has said there were actually almost a thousand. I personally more invasion somewhere in the middle, though I imagine the population slump from the war and other variables actually makes the number fluctuate between those two numbers throughout the years, so who really knows.
*** This moment genuinely annoys me for two reasons. The twins specifically say the purple half is the 'cure' pill for their works, and this is proven in the very last chapter where they gave purple pills to the first years to wake them up, so they did indeed give the right pill. Problem two with this, is then, what do you mean you gave her the wrong pill? Either you color swapped a batch in which case you lot are far more idiotic than I thought for all your hard work doing this, or this is just some serious (shut up Sirius!) errors with the flowing work. Twice in one chapter man...
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fivenightslaughter · 4 years
Wicked Serpentine (Part 6)
pairing: draco malfoy x femravenclaw!oc
summary: slowburn enemies to lovers fic, a TON of parts. <3
warnings: blood purism, bullying, swearing, descriptive physical danger, violence. Awful Draco 
word count: 3,192
taglist: @gloryekaterina @miso-tang​
I had decided to sit in the very front on the right side. With Malfoy tucked away in the left corner, I felt content with my choice being the polar opposite of his. Snape stood at the front, giving a very subtle and quick nod at me.
He strode forward and placed a book on my desk, swishing back to his original position with eerie ease. I was thankful his gesture went unnoticed and immediately my mood was uplifted.
I was here to learn everything I possibly could. I could already feel in my bones that despite Draco’s (thankfully now damp) presence in the room, this would come to be my favorite class.
Students filtered into the room and I heard booming bell chimes. I assumed that would mark the beginning of classes. I was thankful to have made it on time.
A boy slid into the seat next to me, a broad smile on his face. He was a bit lean and his brown hair lay around his head indiscriminately. Round-rimmed glasses circled his green eyes, which were slightly blurred through the thickness of the glass.
He eagerly turned to me, jutting a hand out for a shake.
“I’m Harry.”
His voice was warm and honeyed. He wasn’t overly pleasant to the point of it being sickly, but it was welcoming nonetheless. Taking note of his house colors, I’d guessed it was a trait likely shared among Gryffindors. Bravery.
I shook his hand, fighting hesitancy from my body. He was the first person who had spoken to me just for the hell of it since I’ve gotten here. Cho didn’t count much in my mind- she was a friend, of course, but we also had to share a room and that was very much a forced circumstance in my book.
“Eris.” I replied, facing the book Snape had placed on my table for me.
He seemed to wait a beat, as if he was expecting a different reaction. He turned to face a redheaded boy sitting behind us that looked rather bewildered.
“You know, he’s bloody Harry Potter!” He yelled in a rather hushed-whisper tone.
I turned in my chair like Harry had and faced him, my head cocked to the side as soon as I met eyes with him.
“Hey, you must be one of George’s brothers, right? A Weasley?” I spoke, my eyes raking over his mop of orange hair.
The two of them met eyes immediately, both shocked this time, and the redhead paused before letting out an incredulous laugh.
“Sweet hell Harry, she recognizes me instead of you? I must be moving up in the world!” He spoke endearingly as his hand traveled up into his hair. His face spilled into a crooked grin and Harry gave a short laugh.
I tried holding a straight face but couldn’t help myself as I quipped again, attempting to match their humor.
“Whoa, I saw you at King’s Cross when I met Fred and George. I wouldn’t call you famous just yet, Weasley. I don’t even know your first name.”
I saw Harry’s eyes widen and his mouth broke into a half smile.
“She got you there, Ron. You could be any damned redhead Weasley.”
His orange brows furrowed and he sucked his teeth, his grin beginning to teeter down.
“Lay off, mate. You’re just sore she won’t kiss you just ‘cus you’re the Harry Potter.” A brown haired girl elbowed him, pursing her lips.
There was his full name again. I’d be sure to ask someone later what the big deal about this kid was. Snapping us all out of conversation, a book banged loudly on our table and I whipped around to see a scowl evident on Snape’s face.
Not that it wasn’t the usual expression on his face, however, it hadn’t been directed at me in this way so far. I attempted to brush it off, going silent for the rest of the lesson. I still heard Harry and Ron exchange a couple jokes and words, but I’d decided it was ultimately not in my best interest to continue interacting.
Most of the rest of the lesson went on without a hitch and I noticed that whenever I’d hover my hand unsure of an ingredient, Snape would narrow his eyes at me. He wouldn’t look away until I’d palmed the correct one, and thus ensued an unspoken language between us.
Without it, I’m sure whatever I was concocting would have blown up in my face by now. Much to my enjoyment, there were a few times where Harry looked over and would exclaim positively about my progress.
I felt good. Great, actually. I wasn’t the best by far and I had a lot of room for improvement, but I hadn’t been an utter failure. I could swear Snape’s sourness had decreased just enough for the room to feel a tiny bit brighter.
As I furthered in my work, Harry and Ron started to become a bit of a distraction. They seemed very absorbed in themselves and their conversation as their volume slowly increased. The minutes ticked by and they were becoming less bearable.
I felt myself growing agitated but unable to express it. I couldn’t scare off two people I’d just met, my first two friends. If you could even call them that. I found myself rereading the same lines of instruction over and over, stress starting to become evident on my face.
I craned my neck to find Snape stood at the back of the classroom near the door as he surveyed other students. He wasn’t looking in my direction as my face pleaded for some kind of escape. My nails bit into my palms as the conversation next to me overrode my senses.
A sharp, hissing voice spoke from the back of the classroom, just to the right of my view of Snape. My eyes darted to the sound, accidentally meeting the speaker’s silvery ones as he spoke.
“Must you keep blathering with your boyfriend, Potter? Your voice carries worse than a mandrake. It’s all rather foul, honestly.” He faked a disgusted shiver and elbowed a boy next to him humorously.
His lips curled into a smirk when we broke eye contact and went back to whispering with the boy sitting with him. I scanned his partner at the table that he’d elbowed; he was rather attractive as well. He had smooth, dark skin and his hair was trimmed short and cleanly cut. He had reclined comfortably in the seat, his arms crossed behind his head as he tilted towards the wall.
Were all Slytherin-sorted boys plagued with an air of pretension? I turned back to face my instruction book, hearing Ron mutter under his breath behind me before likely doing the same.
“Malfoy, Zabini and that whole lot…” The rest was incoherent and I wondered what words he could be cursing at them. Harry nodded, pressing his lips in a tight line.
I wondered what kind of secret language they had and if it was anything like the one I shared with Severus. It didn’t matter to me now, though, as Snape strode to the front of the room. I was finally able to read and I stirred final ingredients into the cauldron on my table.
It bubbled and Snape raised his eyebrows questioningly as he stopped by our table. He placed a hand on the dusty wooden top, peering into both of our cauldrons.
“It’s decent…Ravenclaw. As for you, Potter, I suggest you learn to pay attention. Your… Inability to focus… Is hindering your classmates.”
Snickering erupted from the back corner, bouncing off of the walls.
Snape turned to fully face the entire class before he drawled,
“You all may thank Potter for arrangements… That will take effect next time we meet.” He spoke Harry’s name with a certain malice and it made me wince. The class gave a groan and I could see redness creep up Harry’s neck to his cheeks.
I felt guilty for thinking he deserved it considering I had literally just met him within the last hour or two. He was a bit intolerable, but perhaps that was good enough reason for why I’d been sorted where I was. Away from them.
I wasn’t exactly the brave or sociable type. I just wanted to learn and succeed here. I wanted to learn magic. If I couldn’t gain that from a friendship with these two boys, perhaps it wasn’t detrimental to my time.
I watched Harry check his watch and shove his book into his bag and I figured they’d be leaving soon. I wanted to talk to Snape first, though. I’d have to wait for everyone to leave and stay behind.
As suspected, the large bell towers on the grounds chimed within the minute and everyone eagerly left, rushing off to wherever they had to be next. I sat, not in any particular hurry as I pushed the book and parchment I’d taken a couple notes on into my bag.
Snape eyed me carefully, striding over to my table. He seemed to have something to say as well.
“Do not get involved with Potter. He is nothing but a vile trouble to this school.” He spoke sternly, every sentence with Harry’s last name was spoken with venom so far.
I gulped, nodding. “He seemed surprised when I didn’t recognize his name, who is he? Is he popular?”
Snape swept away deliberately, gathering items from a desk and purposefully setting it somewhere else. I wondered if it was genuine or busywork.
“You could say, yes… Popular.” It seemed bitter coming from his mouth and I decided to not press on any more Potter related matters.
“I wanted to say thank you. For the box.” I breathed, changing the subject and feeling a bit sentimental.
He gave no indication that he heard me, but the room was quiet enough for me to know he had. I took that as a signal he was done with conversation and I finally stood up, tucking my chair in and leaving the classroom without another word.
Much to my surprise, the hallway was not empty. In this lighting and proximity, the boy who stood outside the doorway looked as if he were of the same marble as the stairs in the entrance hall, still and pale.
“Took you long enough.” He spat.
Confusion etched itself onto my face and I was beginning to tire of twisting my features every time I didn’t understand something. His light grey eyes rolled at my expression, mouth looking as if he’d just eaten something sour.
“Charms.” He stated brusquely, his nose scrunching in disgust as he began walking off in a direction. He glanced behind him in a way that made it clear I was supposed to be following. My legs working faster than my brain, I hastened after his long strides.
Many thoughts attacked my brain. Had Snape told him to wait for me or something when I wasn’t paying attention? I couldn’t piece together why he’d be assisting me but against my better judgement, I decided not to ask.
Instead, I walked nearly by his side. It was a little unsettling how much he’d slowed and allowed me to do so. Sweat formed at my hairline and all I could hear were the taps of his shoes on stone.
“Thank you,” I started uneasily. I felt like I was gulping a brick.
Just as Snape had, he ignored me. Slytherin definitely made sense for him. It seemed like he fit so easily into a category and had his entire life planned out. The way he carried himself, it was obvious he never doubted a single step he took.
I envied it. In a way, I envied him. Likely growing up fully submerged in the most glamorous pieces of the wizarding world, rich parents, freedom to say and act however he pleased.
Even rudely, terribly, horribly. He could do whatever he wanted, couldn’t he?
His lips parted, exhaling lightly. He continued walking as he spoke, looking slightly agitated.
“Stop staring, you damned pest. I know I’m irresistible, but keep the drooling to a minimum.”
I scowled, narrowing my eyes at him. I didn’t react to his usage of pest, but it certainly made this adventure clear it wasn't of his own volition. At least he indirectly answered the nagging question in my mind.
“You’re too full of yourself. Definitely not an irresistible trait.” I snipped.
I could see his jaw set tight at my response. The defined bones in his face made him look picturesque. His hair reminded me of pearls, moon-white and fine, almost iridescent. I suppose he was rather attractive, but it was clouded by his nasty attitude.  
“Hasn’t stopped you from ogling something you’ll never deserve, you lowly creature.”
The air got much tenser. My hands clenched and unclenched at my sides and I stopped walking in stride with him. I stood still in the hall and he had halted only a few steps down, noticing I’d paused. He spun to face me, his eyebrows pulled together, likely attempting to dissect what was happening.
“What the hell are you doing?” He spoke sharply, now impatiently leaning on one foot.
Frustration was evident on my face. I hated how easily he could talk to me like that. With the tension snapping, I wondered if I was capable of replying calmly and moving on to Charms in silence. The answer was no, I was not capable.
“I’d rather wander aimlessly and miss a lesson than spend another minute with a foul git like you.” I enunciated, internally declaring a battle between my brain and feet. I wanted to turn off in the opposite direction and dart into the depths of the school alone, as long as it meant being away from him.
I dug into my bag and grabbed the stupid green box from earlier this morning, angrily tossing it at his chest. He didn’t react as it hit him, which had made my heart begin to race. This didn’t feel right. Why was he just staring at me?
He stepped closer to me, his face eerily calm. He was dauntingly slow and careful. It was enough to make me step backwards, a tiny stumble kicking me into the beginning of a run. I was seconds from darting.
He lunged at me like some kind of predator. My body was twisted halfway behind me, partway in a run. I was mid-turn when he caught me. He had gotten as close as he could to me before grabbing my wrist, as if I had been a wild animal. My heart felt like it had completely torn its way from my body.
I felt his icy fingers begin crush my hand, the searing cold of a metal ring biting into my skin.
He quickly shoved me towards the stone wall of the hallway. The hand he caught me with released me, snapping back to his side. He looked furious, genuinely. I noticed his wand in his free hand, angled towards me. I hadn’t known he could look any angrier than his resting face but being in this position, I was fucking terrified.
Absolutely fucking terrified.
Seconds before, he was an intolerable teenage boy with an insufferably outdated blood bias. A typical pureblooded school bully. But right now, he looked like an adult. No, not just an adult. He looked like the scariest man I’d ever laid eyes on - and he definitely had the means to hurt me.
It felt hard to breathe. My chest heaved as if I’d just run a mile. My shoulder blades pressed uncomfortably against the rock behind my body and I felt paralyzed with fear. All I could think about was the way the frigid stone nipped at the back of my neck. I felt myself sliding down the wall, ever so slightly as my own weight slugged me down.
His head was upturned, looking down at me. His hand gripped his wand so hard his knuckles were white. I could tell from his eyes that he was deep in angry thought.
I felt tears prick my eyes as I turned over what could be going through his mind. I laid my palms flat against the wall, my fingers twitching at the sudden brisk. 
Everything felt hot and cold and I couldn’t look at him anymore. I squeezed my eyes shut, my head turned in a flinch and I nearly ground my teeth together clenching my jaw.
What was he going to do to me? What were school rules about killing a girl no one knows? Was it something his father could find a way to pardon, regardless of the rules?
I had slid all the way down to the floor without realizing it and my arms guarded my chest. I was curled up into a ball on the floor against the bricks behind me. I felt and looked utterly pathetic and powerless.
I didn’t realize I was actually crying until I tasted salt in my mouth.
After what felt like an eternity of stillness as I waited to die, I opened my blurry eyes. I took in a sharp, quick breath of shock when I noticed he was bent down, his face parallel to mine and only an arms length away. I jolted backwards, smacking my head on the wall.
The pain seared and my breathing was still unsteady. His face was filled with curiosity and what looked like a twinge of guilt. I must have been imagining it, though, considering I wasn’t sure a reptile like him was capable of guilt.
He slowly outstretched a hand to me, straightening his legs back to a stand. I eyed his hand and his face wearily, back and forth, searching for some kind of falter. Some bubble of amusement. Something to tip me off to whether or not he’d drop me or laugh in my face for accepting his help.
There was nothing. The guilt and curiosity had evaporated, leaving a poker face.
My stomach lurched as I shakily put my hand in his, expecting him to make some rude comment about needing to wash away the dirtiness he was convinced coursed through my veins.
He didn’t.
Instead, he pulled me up, one hand around mine and the other on my elbow on the opposite arm. Once I was fully upright, he retracted his arms to his own body, dusting his hands off on his pants.
There it was. He had wordlessly done it. Attempted to wipe his hands clean of merely touching a muggleborn witch as if I'd been some kind of nasty task. He noticed my narrowed eyes at his action and rolled his.
“Your robes were dusty.” He muttered, surveying me up and down. It made me feel a bit sick noticing that he felt the need to give an explanation. 
He motioned to the hall ahead of us, swallowing and examining the corridor as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.
“At the end, turn left and take the stairs up. It’s Flitwick’s class- your head of house. I’ve got better things to do.”
He turned and disappeared back down the hallway we came from before I could utter a word. Unlike earlier, he’d walked without much noise at all. It was as if he had become a ghost.
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Arrival Redo
Im not tagging anyone okay-
Yes I took inspiration from several fanfictions that I liked
please don't hate me
Varian looked down at the ground as he walked. Papers gathered in his arms, lost in thought. Rapunzel had tasked him with making the Dungeon more hospitable for prisoners, after he told her how terrible it was down there.
Being the Royal Engineer, he didn’t have the right to refuse, but he hated working on the project. He only needed to be down there for reference point, he wasn’t the one who would be carrying out the designs (thank god), but every second he was down there was like a weight pressing down on his chest. He constantly felt like he was stuck, like he wouldn’t be able to leave, and this place would be the last he would see. Not to mention the prisoners themselves. One in particular had been making the task nearly unbearable. He tried to ignore him, but the man knew exactly how to get under his skin...
He hadn’t told Rapunzel about his discomfort. It wasn’t up to him to decide which jobs he did and didn’t take on. And she’d been busy lately anyway, even though it’d been months since Zhan Tiri’s attack, they were still rebuilding. The pressure had only increased when her parents announced that they would be retiring soon, and Rapunzel would become queen.
Varian let out a breath, it’s okay, he could do this. He’d survived prison, attempted murder, all kinds of crazy magic, kidnapping, and a demon attack. He could survive this project. Besides, it wa-
Voices cut into his thoughts. Varian paused, looking to his left at a door that was slightly ajar. He weighed his options for a moment, before curiosity got the better of him. He moved to stand next to the door, leaning in to hear what the people inside were saying.
“-ust don’t know what to do, Nigel!” Varian recognized that voice as Rapunzel’s. She sounded frustrated.
“Your majesty, you already know my opinion on the matter.” Nigel’s nasally voice sounded from inside.
“I am not firing him! He’s the best person for the job and you know it! I-I just... he seems so stressed lately, and I don’t know how to help...”
“well, I’m not quite sure how to help with that, but, there is the matter of the letters.”
“We’ve already talked about the letters.”
“Princess, with all due respect, we can’t just ignore them.”
“Yes, we can! Just because a few citizens are upset that, doesn’t mean I’m going to change something that doesn’t need changing! And I want you to make sure that Varian doesn’t hear a single word about them!”
“Your highness, I-“
Varian had heard enough. He stepped into the room. “That I don’t hear a single word about what?”
Rapunzel looked up at her, eyes wide. She was unable to find words.
“The matters of the Princess are none of your concern.” Nigel said with undisguised dislike for the teen in front of him.
“They are if they involve me.” Varian said, crossing his arms.
“Varian I...” Rapunzel started “I-I can’t tell you, but trust me when I say that you’re better off not knowing.”
“Great, so now you’re keeping things from me. Rapunzel, what is this about? What are the letters?”
“I...” she looked away, biting her lip. “...Varian, please...”
“You’re still not going to tell me?! They’re about me, aren’t they?”
Rapunzel looked away, and Varian felt his face heat in anger. He clenched his fists. “Fine! Fine, you’re not going to tell me, that’s fine.”
He turned, moving to storm towards the door.
“Varian-“ Rapunzel tried
“I’ll be in my lab.” He snapped, before slamming the door behind him.
Varian sat at a table at his workbench, leaned back and staring at the ceiling, letting the anger wash over him. Yes, he was being unreasonable, but he was sick and tired of being treated like a child, having things be kept from him simply because whomever was in question felt like he couldn’t handle it. Having one of the only people in the world he genuinely trusted do it...
The raccoon curled up on his chest chittered next to him, pressing his furry head into Varian’s cheek in an attempt to comfort him. The fuming boy took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself, raising a gloved hand to scratch the ring-tailed bandit behind the ears. Ruddiger made a sound akin to purring in reply.
His lab was nice, to his tastes at least. It was messy, but it helped add to the personality. It’d been gifted to him along with the position of Royal Engineer.
Varian looked up at the sound of the door opening. He’d been expecting Rapunzel, and was surprised when he was met with Nigel instead. Ruddiger moved to curl around Varian’s shoulder’s protectively, narrowing his eyes at the man. The man looked around the cluttered room, distain and disgust easily visible on his face. There was a stack of paper clutched in his hand.
“What do you want?” Varian asked less than politely. He really wasn’t in the mood to bother with protocol.
Nigel moved his eyes to the teen in the chair with distaste. “You wanted to know what was in the letters, so here they are.”
He tossed the stack of papers the the ground next to Varian’s chair. Varian looked from the papers to him, puzzled.
“If I’m being honest, I agree with every word they say. And, frankly I think a mutt you should follow their advice.” He turned, moving back towards the door. He paused at the doorway, looking back with his eyes narrowed and lips pulled back in a sneer. “By the way, you aren’t fooling anyone with your little drag show, young lady.”
He closed the door before Varian could spit a scathing comment. Ruddiger hissed at the closed door, tail swishing. Varian closed his eyes, trying to calm himself. This wasn’t the first time someone had purposely misgendered him. It shouldn’t effect him this much.
After a moment, he mulled over the first insult he’d used... “mutt” It left a foul taste in his mouth... dehumanizing. He guess it came from the fact that his parents had both been refugees, he wasn’t even Coronian... or, at least not in most people’s eyes. But he’d been born and raised here. To say that he was belonging to any other kingdom would feel wrong. It didn’t matter anyway. He took a deep breath and stood, walking over to the pile of paper.
Ruddiger’s ears flattened against his head, letting out an anxious trill. He pawed at Varian’s face, but Varian ignored him, looking down at the paper at the top of the stack.
“Princess Rapunzel,
As a Citizen, I have stood by all your decisions as Princess and temporary queen except for one. Your decision to pardon two of the kingdom’s most dangerous criminals is something I cannot possibly fathom. At least Cassandra has left the kingdom, but to keep the traitor Varian on staff? It’s honestly horrifying to me and several others. A dangerous criminal like him should be locked in prison or dead, kept away from yourself and your people, not gifted with a position so high in rank. I sincerely hope you take my words into account.
Wishing for the best,
A troubled citizen.”
Varian knew he should stop. He knew that nothing good could come from reading more, but he pressed on, flipping the page and reading the next.
That was odd. It was addressed to him, why hadn’t he received it? Was the Princess Reading his mail?
“I don’t know what you’ve done to the royal family. Whether you’ve bewitched them or used some kind of mind game, I want you to know that you don’t have everyone fooled. If I were you, I’d turn yourself in or jump off Corona bridge before people discover your true intentions. Lord knows you deserve it after what you’ve done. We’re watching you.“
Varian pressed on. Some were signed, some weren’t (although very few had names attached), some addressed to himself, some to the Princess, a handful were even addressed to the king or queen. Some (he ones that Varian assumed were from old Corona), addressed him by his old name and called him a witch. But, despite the differing methods of explaining it, they all had the same idea; Varian was  a dangerous criminal and shouldn’t be working at the castle.
When he’d finally finished reading, he sat there, numb. He closed his eyes, swallowing. He understood now why the Princess hadn’t wanted to show him. Despite acknowledging the Princess’s reasoning behind her actions, he didn’t regret reading them. Now he knew how people perceived him, now he knew that he had to be more careful.
Shakily, the ravenette stood, raising Ruddiger from where he’d been curled around Varian’s shoulders and placing him on his work chair. The small mammal trilled in worry for his human, tail swishing behind him. Varian gave his friend a small smile. (it was fake, of course, but Varian had become very skilled at making them look convincing as of late)
“It’s okay, buddy, I’m alright. I just need a minute alone... I’m going to take a walk...”
The raccoon reluctantly curled into a ball, still looking up at his human with concern as he turned, grabbed the backpack he kept with himself at all times when going out, and walked towards the door
The castle was relatively quiet, most people who usually resides here were out enjoying the beautiful day. Light filtered through the stained glass windows built into the wall. Varian had never re-adjusted to the light level of the capital. It was nicknamed the kingdom of the sun for a reason, but after the crushing darkness of the dungeon beneath his feet, he didn’t think he’d ever be able to take the brightness for granted again.
As he stepped out into the courtyard, several guards waved at him. He nervously waved back, anxiety bubbling in his chest at the sight of the uniform they wore. Eugene had given it a name... what was it? Fear of authority? That sounded right... strangely enough, Eugene was the only person in uniform that he wasn’t scared of.
He made his way through the capital, people around him going about their business. Their reactions to him were diverse, some smiled and waved, some sent glares his way, some ignored him completely. Varian kept his eyes fixed on the ground, trying to make himself small.
Eventually, he made it outside the main city. He walked across the bridge, keeping one hand on the railing. He paused in the center, eyes lingering on where he’d stood only a few months ago, looking down at the water as his form shook, trying to force himself to move forward.
He shook himself out of the memory, he was in a better place now. Sure, he still had the occasional depressive episode or panic attack, but he had been doing great considering all that had happened to him.
He stepped off the bridge, pausing a moment to decide whether he should keep going along the path or walk through the forest. He decided that the latter would be more interesting and started walking slightly to the left.
Because of Varian’s tendency to spend hours or even days locked in his room and his fascination with technology, one could guess that he wasn’t a nature person. But, in reality, the opposite was true. Varian was quite fond of the outdoors and of nature itself. He’d always been better with animals than he was with people, and a walk through the forest had always been his second favorite way to calm himself down (the first being alchemy, but even the idea itself was tiring to him at the moment). He sighed, closing his eyes and letting the sounds and feelings of the forest wash over him.
He wasn’t upset. The people who wrote the letters were justified on their feelings. He’d attacked the kingdom, tried to kill its leaders, been sent to prison, escaped with a Saporian terrorist, and taken over the kingdom. Then, in what must have seemed like the blink of an eye to them, Rapunzel had returned, completely pardoned him for everything he’d done, and been rewarded with a position of high honor. No wonder they were suspicious of him.
No, he wasn’t upset that multiple of them had told him to kill himself, or that he should be back in the prison he now hated with every fiber of his being.
He definitely wasn’t.
As for Rapunzel, he wasn’t angry at her. He knew her. She could be scarily protective when she needed to be, and she saw it as her duty to keep Varian safe. Emotionally and physically. He had no right to be angry that she’d read his mail, kept something as big as this from him, and still hadn’t fired that good-for-nothing advisor.
Since his recovery, he’d learned to keep all negative emotions under lock and key. Especially anger, now that he knew how quickly it could spiral out of control. So he knew that that definitely wasn’t what he was feeling as he walked deeper and deeper into the thickening trees.
It was precisely thirteen seconds after the teen decided that he was under no circumstances angry at Corona, its people, or its Princess, that he found himself falling.
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themagicinwords · 5 years
This is a gift fic for @readysetstarker because Dev is a sweet and talented and wonderful person who inspires me every day. Merry Christmas!
“Pepper’s got the Secret Santa hat.”
Peter’s head popped up over the wall of his cubicle, confirming Ned’s statement when he spotted the redhead halfway across the office with a black bowler hat in her hand. This was his first Christmas with the company, but Ned had explained to him all about the Secret Santa. And even though Peter had only been here six months, he already knew exactly who he wanted to get.
The two young men watched Pepper move from cubicle to cubicle, holding out the hat so everyone could pull out a piece of paper. There were different reactions scattered around the office as each person picked a name, from disappointed pouts to slightly evil, calculated grins. As she got closer, Peter could see that each paper had the name and the department of the gifter, probably for people like him who were newer and didn’t quite know everyone in the small company yet. But if he got his wish, all of that information would be irrelevant.
When the pretty redhead finally stopped at his desk, she smiled down at him and held out the hat. “Alright Parker, your turn.” Taking a deep breath, Peter closed his eyes and fished around for a second, then said a quick prayer and wrapped his fingers around a slip of paper. He pulled it out and kept it tucked into his fist, thanking Pepper quietly, who winked at him as she moved onto Ned.
It wasn’t until she walked away that he slowly opened his fingers to stare at the plain, folded up square of paper. Peter carefully picked it up and unfolded it, the entire time silently chanting please let it be him, please let it be him, please let it be-
This must be what a Christmas miracle felt like. Peter stared down at the paper, eyes wide, as a grin rapidly spread across his face. He spun around in his chair, grinning like a fool with both fists in the air. Next door, Ned was just leaning around the cubicle wall. “Hey, Peter, did you get-” But his question was easily answered by the excitement written all over his friend’s face. And it was confirmed when Peter stopped spinning to hold out the slip of paper.
Tony Stark, IT
Ned, being just as much of a dork as Peter, jumped out of his chair to grab Peter’s hands and jump a little in excitement. “Dude, you got him! Oh, and you can use this as an excuse to finally ask him out.”
Peter’s excitement turned to fear like someone had flipped a switch. “Ned, no. I absolutely cannot do that!” But the other man just rolled his eyes, still smiling. “Sure you can. Oh! Get him a funny gift and then put, like, a coupon in it for a free home cooked meal! You’ve seen the way that guy eats, and you’re a crazy good cook!” Leave it to Ned to be the cute, romantic type.
And as much as the idea of asking Tony out terrified him, Peter knew deep down that Ned was right. This would be the perfect chance for him to take the leap. If Tony turned him down, he could always quit and move out of state. That wouldn’t be overdramatic, right? “Ok, you’re right. I’m gonna do it.” When he looked up at Ned, his friend actually looked a little surprised. “Wait, I’m right? So you’re gonna do it? Way to go, Pete!” He clapped a hand on Peter’s shoulder, and then sat back down at his desk.
Peter turned back to his computer, set on finding the perfect gift for Tony. He knew MJ would (probably) help him with the personal aspect, but he wanted to find something fun that would make the older man smile. That’s all Tony had been doing since that very first phone call during Peter’s first month of work, making the younger man smile and laugh over and over.
“IT, Tony speaking. How can I help?”
“Hi, uh. This is Peter. Parker. Peter Parker. In marketing. My computer is doing something wonky?”
There’s a warm, deep chuckle that makes Peter melt a little inside. “Well, Peter Parker in marketing, I’m assuming you’re new?”
“Yeah, I’ve only been here a couple weeks.”
“New hires usually get the older rigs, no sense giving a newbie something shiny and new until they’re sure you’re going to stick. Marketing has a bit of a high turnover rate.”
“What am I supposed to do? I can’t do my work like this!”
“Easy, kid. You’re gonna explain the problem, and I’m gonna walk you through a fix. I promise I’ll get you back up and running in no time.”
“Sorry, I just.. need this job. I want this job to work out.”
“No harm, no foul, Pete. I think you’re gonna do just fine.”
Tony had spent the rest of the conversation teasing and wheedling Peter while they worked through a fix on his ancient computer, and by the time they were done, the younger man had felt calmer and lighter than he had in weeks. And every call between them that came after followed the same pattern: Peter would explain the newest problem, and Tony would tease and joke his way through the fix. It wasn’t until the younger man made it through his ninety day probation period that they actually met in person.
And Peter had nearly died when the man with salt and pepper hair and gorgeous brown eyes introduced himself as Tony when he brought up a brand new computer to replace the dinosaur Peter had been working with.
Since that initial meeting, what had started out as a crush on a faceless voice became what Ned liked to call an “adorable obsession.”  And his friend had been pushing Peter to ask Tony out for months. But he had never been able to work up the courage. Until now.
The whole Secret Santa confession needed to be perfect. And that required the perfect gift. Something that would make Tony laugh, because Peter wanted to wrap himself in that laugh and roll around in it. And there must have been Christmas magic on his side, because it didn’t take long for him to stumble on the exact right thing, a coffee mug that reminded Peter of one of his favorite, and more hilarious, conversations with Tony.
“Tony, exactly how much coffee have you had? Because you aren’t making any sense.”
“Coffee comes from beans, Peter. And do you know what beans are? Vegetables! So I’m just trying to get in my daily recommended servings of veggies.”
With his gift purchased, and the package itself personalized and wrapped with MJ’s help, it was agonizing to wait the couple of weeks still left until the company Christmas party. By the time the day arrived, Peter had nearly worked himself into a panic, making himself crazy wondering if he could really go through with it. Ultimately, he knew he would never hear the end of it from his friends if he chickened out now.
He waited until the party was in full swing, and everyone else had exchanged gifts, before approaching Tony with his own. His heart flipped over as the older man’s face seemed to light up at the sight of him. “Peter! I hadn’t seen you, so I was worried you hadn’t made it.” Blushing, Peter held out his gift, watching Tony’s eyes widen as he took it. “Merry Christmas, Tony.”
Tony grinned, and winked at Peter. “So you were the unlucky one who got stuck with me this year, huh?” As he started to unwrap the present, Peter shook his head. “Actually, I was um.. really excited when I pulled your name.” Surprised brown eyes met his own nervous gaze, and Tony’s cheeky grin softened into something sweeter. And then he laughed as he pulled out the mug and read what was printed on the side.
Peter’s nerves doubled when Tony spotted the slip of paper tucked inside the mug. This was it, the moment that determined whether he would have to leave the state and change his name or not. Oh god, he couldn’t look at Tony’s face, didn’t want to see the reaction as he read it.
“Peter.. is this.. um, is this.. are you offering to cook me dinner as.. as a date?”
Peter still couldn’t meet Tony’s eyes, nervously twisting his fingers together as he stared down at their shoes. “It.. it doesn’t have to be. I just, I know what your eating habits are like, and you deserve a home cooked meal once in a while, and I’m actually a really good cook, so it would be really good and-”
The sound of that deep, warm laugh that Peter had fallen a little bit in love with during that first call halted his rambling, and when he looked up, that soft smile was still on Tony’s face. “You know, I nearly choked on my own tongue when I saw you the first time, you were so damn cute." Peter's eyes grew comically wide. "Are you.. seriously? Me!?" Tony laughed again. "Yeah, you. And I thought surely there was no way you'd be interested in an old guy like me." Without thinking, Peter reached out to grip Tony’s hand in his. “Tony, you’re not old! Honestly, the silver really works for me.”
Tony’s smile grew, and he didn’t let go of Peter’s hand as he stepped closer. “That so?” Before he could respond, Peter felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He slipped it out, clicking it on just long enough to see a text from Ned that said look up! Peter looked across the room at Ned giving him two thumbs up, then glanced up, eyes widening when he saw the mistletoe hanging perfectly above their heads. When he looked back at Tony, the older man shrugged, smile turning just a little bit heated. “Well, we can’t break a Christmas tradition, now can we?”
The hand not holding onto Peter’s came up to curl around the back of his neck, and then Tony’s lips were on his and Peter lit up like a Christmas tree. He swayed closer, fingers tightening around Tony’s. The kiss was better than anything he could have ever imagined, and no other gift he got this year would compare. 
When Tony pulled back, Peter’s eyes remained closed, and he didn’t even care about how dopey he probably looked. He had gotten everything he wished for this Christmas.
“Hey Peter, in case you were still wondering? That’s a yes.”
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