#i hope . i got the number of raspberries right lmao
hausofanya · 2 months
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CONTENT : candy salad relationship trauma dump with everyone’s favorite rich auntie in training! inspired by @bluwavez ofc! i honestly just wanted to jump in on the trend before it fizzles out… lmao. warnings include violence, scamming, manipulation, breaking and entering, and seok dowon being the most despicable person on the planet. lmk if there’s anything i missed. enjoy!
the video opens up to a little bit of a shaky start—the woman on screen fixing her camera to be help up right. cléo hesitates for a moment before offering the camera a smile, bringing a clear bowl in view before shaking it with faux enthusiasm.
“doing this trend because i saw it going around,” she starts as she places the bowl down, crossing her arms behind it. “my manager won’t let me outside so i’m doing this in place of therapy. crazy right? it’s been so long but i’ve still got nightmares about it. but anyway.”
holding up a bag of sour patch kids watermelon, she begins to share. “in 2020, i was introduced to seok dowon by a mutual friend at a party. we talked nearly the whole night if i remember correctly, and admittedly i was hooked from the first moment. he was charming. pretty face, pretty smile, but gave me his undivided attention. it was.. intoxicating.”
cléo rolls her eyes before continuing. “he asked me out a few weeks later and i said yes. snuck out from my dorm, met up with him at a shitty restaurant, and despite being a rising b-list actor, made me pay for my meal.” she snorts, adding, “not that i minded. but when soompi is telling the masses you made millions off your recent film, the least you could do was pay for a meal.”
“long story short, the reason why he didn’t pay is because he owed the owner’s son money. they found out he was there and nearly got his ass beat. not exactly the best first date, hm?” cléo dumps the candy in the bowl, shaking her head. “first red flag!”
“as i’m thinking hard on it, i think he definitely love-bombed me. he would spoil me for days and then ghost me for weeks on end. only being sweet on me if he needed something and then leaving me high and dry when he got what he wanted.” pursing her lips, she sighs before shaking her head. “there was this one incident on my birthday where we’d argue a week before and i was hoping to be cordial for at least those specific 24 hours. but he embarrassed me by standing up and loudly telling everyone that i was pressuring him for sex despite him ‘wanting to wait until we got married’.”
an incredulous laugh leaves her as she remembers the moment, continuing to giggle as she holds up a bag of air head xtremes. “it’s not funny, it really isn’t. it was terrible. and he did at my birthday dinner!”
“as we continued dating, we kept it on the low because netizens are crazy. you get crucified for breathing wrong in this industry. but somehow, every kpop news outlet in the world found out we were dating through a stalker fan who was madly in love with him. that’s how everything was put on blast back in 2021. and to add to the fucking injury, he paid for the photos to be released!” cléo sends a loaded look to the camera as she pulls another bag of candy in view. “blue raspberry sour straws. my favorites!”
“naturally, the company shut down momentarily. cried my skin dry everyday. matching jewelry, sharing clothes, that and the sort. i’m unbearably sappy and a romantic at heart all to my detriment, i know.” holding up a bag of sour haribo gummy bears, she adds, “then a someone got a hold of my personal phone number and sent me death threats claiming to be his ex. if crazy people attract crazy people, what the hell does that say about me? i’m just trying to sing on stage, what the hell… she eventually threatened to leak my number and my family’s numbers if i didn’t publicly break up with him. to which honestly, get a life. if leaking numbers is your greatest achievement in life, you desperately need to invest that energy into a 9-5.”
she wordlessly dumps the bears into the bowl.
“as the hate campaign was growing and ‘the nation’s boyfriend’’s fans all wanted my head on a pike, his chats also get leaked! which would have been fine, chats get leaked all the time. except they weren’t, and it turns out he was scamming women on the down low while calling them cunts and whores and other despicable thing in the book. the ones about me went viral naturally, so i would like to formally introduce myself as ‘the world’s biggest easy-money slut’! amongst other spectacular and riveting reviews.”
shaking a bag of airhead bites into the bowl, she hums softly. “i think in total he scammed me for around a few thousand dollars. not a lot compared to other women, but you know.”
“mind you, as all this information is leaking left and right, he makes no move to contact me. pr is in flames, twitter is permanently deleted off my phone, and i’m about a month or so into my hiatus. deleted his contact, of course. moniqa and xavier made sure of it. and then a random number starts calling me everyday. texts start coming in asking for money. i knew it was him, deleted the contact. but it got so bad i considered changing my number.”
“then he breaks into my apartment!” cléo reveals the next candy with jazz hands, tearing open the bag of sour gummy worms with a thin smile. “i don’t know what i would have done if min and jinnie weren’t there. i don’t know what he would have done if no one was there. long story short, he tried to attack me and got thrown out of the apartment.” tossing the empty bag to the side, she adds with an air of faux amusement, “so now i can’t even relax until i’ve checked the door’s been deadbolted. how fun.”
pausing on a bag of regular sour patch kids, she lights up suddenly. “oh! i forgot to mention my private instagram was leaked. i’ve had that account since high school, i think. so my entire life was on there. nothing scandalous was found, but it was pretty embarrassing. that’s where they found the most evidence of our relationship. sue me for wanting to take pictures of what i thought was a loving relationship.”
“he releases an apology at the end of 2021 when other actors and women started speaking out against him. remember that one? blah blah blah i truly did love you, whatever whatever. and then when netizens rightfully put the flames under his ass, he tried to sue me for defamation. as if i’m the one who put everything on blast! the audacity of this fucking guy. sky high, i tell you.”
her expression softens for a moment, smiling down at the bowl. “at least i had my friends through it all. i thought them disliking him was overprotectiveness. turns out i need to have my prescription checked heavily.”
cléo snorts as she holds up her candy bowl filled with sour goods. “there’s a lot of stuff i’m omitting still. i know, i know. feel free to send hate to that guy for all i care. i hope he rots in deepest fiery bit of hell.”
setting the bowl down, she gives a cute wave to the camera. “i’m gonna go eat this and watch demon slayer now. bye!”
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cloudcountry · 1 year
music notes of the heart
Genre/Tropes: Study dates but its unestablished relationship? Floyd is flirting with you LMAO + Slow Dancing!!
Summary: Your tutor for musicology may not be other people's first choice, but he's yours.
Author's Comments: inspired by this tumblr post!! we truly do need more intelligent floyd content and i've already written for jade's dorky goofy silly side so many times sigh. also seriously, do not ask about the slow dancing merpeople rituals. you can infer. LMAO (@tinyletterz i hope you dont mind me tagging you but i was thinking of you when i wrote this bc yk. Floyd Leech. C:)
You set your books down on the table tucked in the corner of the library and sit down, shifting anxiously as you await your tutor. The smell of old papers and the sound of scratching pens from a few bookshelves away does nothing to dispel your nerves. If Ace and Deuce could see just who you’d asked for help, they surely would have yelled at you for hours and wrung out your neck in frustration.
It’s not like anyone else held the same passion for musicology, though. Besides, Floyd Leech wasn’t that bad once you got to know him.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear, you think as he waltzes into the library, a lazy smirk on his face and his hands shoved into his pockets. His back is hunched slightly as he looks around the library, eyes scanning over each face with an almost predatory grin. You raise your arms and wave him over, trying not to make much noise to avoid being yelled at by the crabby librarian.
Floyd does not share that sentiment.
“Shrimpy!” he yells (honestly you don’t think he’s capable of yelling any louder) and bounces over to you.
He sweeps you into his arms in the blink of an eye, cackling madly as he nuzzles you. The librarian shoots the two of you a glare, and you shrink into his chest with shame. You’ll have to apologize to him later.
“Were ya trying to hide from me?” he breathes, sharp teeth on display as he grins down at your bundled-up form, “You know I’d sniff you out, right?”
“I wasn’t.” you protest, but it falls on deaf ears and Floyd squeezes you closer. His nose brushes against your cheek and he borderline snuggles you and you’re glad you’ve picked a table in the corner because if you were any closer to the center everyone would be staring.
“Alright Shrimpy,” he murmurs, setting you down in your chair with two quick taps on your head, “Ya said you needed my help with musicology?”
“I didn’t know who else to ask.” you say, sliding your textbook over to him with a furrowed brow, “You’re the best in that class and I can’t seem to grasp any of it.”
Floyd sits down next to you and leans in close, so close that you can smell the cologne on his clothing. You let him read through the notes you made on the sheet of lined paper you used to mark your page, gnawing at your lower lip self-consciously. You know you aren’t the best at this subject but it’s Floyd’s best, and you don’t want him to think you’re stupid.
He seems to be able to read minds because Floyd looks over at you with a pout.
“Shrimpy, I’d tell ya if you were stupid. So quit worrying.” Floyd scolds, snatching your hand up and squeezing it as he intertwines your fingers, “The fun thing about musicology is that you can analyze and learn from any angle ya want!”
“Freer subjects are harder to work with, though.” you confess, “I’m not sure how to go about...figuring something out when it doesn’t have structure.”
Floyd sticks his tongue out and blows a raspberry as if to say “Boo, Shrimpy. Now you do sound stupid.” You can almost hear his voice.
“Just pick something and we can start from there. What kind of music do ya like?” he bumps you with his shoulder, a huge grin on his face, “Ya gotta have something.”
You answer him, and he makes an “ah-ha!” noise. He mumbles a page number and flicks through the textbook before coming to a stop at a chapter that goes into that exact type of music. There are music scores printed on the right page and some kind of tree diagram on the left one. You stare at the words incredulously, already lost.
“Come on now, Shrimpy. Work that tiny little brain of yours.” Floyd teases, jabbing your temple with a giggle, “I know you can do it.”
You swat his hand away and wiggle your hand out of his hold, feeling a foreign heat creep up on your cheeks. Floyd giggles again as if he knows, and leans in even closer to you.
“Hey Shrimpy.” he whispers, eyes gleaming in the corner of your vision, “I changed my mind, let’s ditch the reading. I’m getting bored. What are ya gonna do about that, huh?”
You’re not sure you can do anything honestly, but you expected him to leave pretty early on in your study session anyway. It’s a miracle you got him to agree in the first place.
“Oh, you can leave.” you offer him a quick smile and turn back to your textbook, pouring over the words, “I didn’t expect you to stay the whole time- Woah!”
You’re swept out of your chair but the second time that day, and your body thumps against Floyd’s. He stares at you with a cheerful grin as he takes your hands and places them on his arms. You jump a bit when his lanky arms wrap around your waist, but when he starts swaying slowly you get the idea.
“Let’s try something else, yeah?” he snickers, “Can you tell me why people slow dance?”
“Um...to feel emotional closeness?” you say, eyes glued to his rumpled purple shirt so you don’t have to look him in the eye.
“Bingo.” he chuckles, “Merpeople also have dances like this.”
You’re tempted to ask what those dances are for, but you don’t. Floyd sweeps you around and your feet lift off the floor for a second, but you don’t feel like you’re going to fall. Floyd squeezes you a bit tighter as he guides you, somehow avoiding any tables and chairs and bookcases with master precision.
“I didn’t know you could slow dance.” you whisper, “I thought you were more of a fast paced dancer.”
“Meh. Normally.” he shrugs, “But I like dancing like this with ya. It’s fun.”
Your heart flutters.
“Can ya tell me anything else about it?” he hums, lifting his arm and spinning you around. Your breath catches in your throat as he dips you, the arm carefully holding up your waist your only support.
“Um...” you stumble over your words, grasping for any thoughts as you stare into his eyes, “Uh, it’s- um, slow dancing brings people physically closer too? Because you can feel their movement and everything-”
“Good little Shrimpy.” he giggles, hoisting you back up and resuming his more soothing swaying, “See? You’re doing good. I told ya you’d figure it out.”
Did he? You don’t even remember.
“I think I need more instruction.” you mumble, eyes darting away once again.
Floyd laughs loudly at that, but this time you don’t care when the librarian shushes you.
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awkwardtickleetoo · 2 years
Birthday Raspberries: The Origin Story
its dreams birthday, which is awesome, but that also means that my blog birthday is coming up, which is just way cooler, sorry dream (/j)
anyway!! this is the 3rd and unfortunately final installment of the birthday raspberries fic trilogy!! this one is a prequel to the other 2, so in chronological order is goes dream -> george -> sapnap :))
it's always so so so fun writing these fics, they're adorable, the dteam is adorable, birthday tickles are adorable, I love them. they're some of my favorite pics I've posted on here i think
little disclaimer before we start: this is a prequel, but it is still referenced to be dream 23rd birthday. does it make sense? no. but we can live with it
lee!dream, ler!sapnap, 3.1k words
There was a certain tradition that Sapnap wanted to bring back. It was something that his family had instilled in him in his very early childhood but stopped as he got older, something that he remembered randomly one day in high school and renewed with his friends through those years, leading up to when they all went to college.
Unfortunately for Sapnap, a majority of his friend group split apart to move away for school or with their families, and most of his other friends were online, so this tradition that solely required being physically with a person was lost to him again.
Fortunately for Sapnap, he now lived in the same house as his best friend, frequently visited his other friends, and another one was coming to live with them soon. This was the perfect time to bring this tradition back again, he decided. Third time's the charm, right?
When Dream found out what the tradition was, he didn't exactly feel the same way.
It was nearing midnight, and the end of Dream's birthday, and Dream's family had already left a few hours ago after they came over for dinner and cake. Sapnap had offered to help make dinner, since Dream's family were bringing the cake, and between himself being helpful and Dream's mom being the cooking master, everything had turned out pretty good, and they had plenty of leftovers to last them the rest of the week.
Dream and Sapnap were laying on the couch in their living room, the newer one they had just bought a month or so before to better fit their living space. Dream sat partially slumped over, his arm draped along the back of the couch as he rested his head on it, legs crossed at the ankles as they laid out in front of him off the chaise of the couch. Sapnap laid perpendicular to him, lounging across the length of the couch with his head on Dream's thigh. They decided to watch a few episodes of an anime they were in the middle of before calling it a night, both of them still buzzing with too much happy energy to go to sleep yet. Finally, about halfway through the last episode of the season, Dream let out a yawn, covering his mouth and scrunching his nose up as he did.
"Tired?" Sapnap asked, tilting his head up at his friend. Dream nodded through the end of his yawn.
"Yeah, finally," Dream chuckled, rubbing his eye with his knuckle and sighing out the breath he'd spoken through. "I'll probably head up after this episode finishes."
"Mm…" Sapnap hummed in acknowledgment, looking back at the TV screen.
About 15 minutes later, the season credits were on screen, and Sapnap reached for the remote to exit out of the show. They spoke for a couple minutes about the ending, speaking in sleep-deprived tones as they giggled quietly. Sapnap spoke up again before they departed.
"Can I tell you a story I remembered earlier before we go to bed really quick?"
"Of course, I'm all ears," Dream replied, pushing his hood that had been covering his head off and running a hand through his hair.
"Okay, so like, I remembered this thing during dinner because it has to do with birthdays but I didn't get a chance to tell you bc it wasn't important," Sapnap looked up at Dream as he spoke, somehow still sounding energetic even with how tired Dream knew they both were. "So, when I was a little kid, like really little, my mom had this… I guess it was kind of a tradition? Where every year, on my birthday, she would come into my room in the morning and bring me breakfast in bed, and she'd, like…" Sapnap cut himself off with a small chuckle, breaking off into his own giggles as his face became a little pink and he looked away from Dream for a second before looking back. Dream had a confused look on his face, tilting his head like a puppy as he waited for Sapnap to keep going. "Okay, don't laugh, but she would, like, wake me up by tickling me and then she'd give me a bunch of raspberries, however many years old I was that day," Sapnap admitted through his giggles, and Dream smiled at his confession, giggling a bit to himself at the idea of a kid-Sapnap getting lost in laughter from a few little raspberries. "And, dude, when I was a kid, I fucking loved that shit, I thought it was the most fun thing in the world and then I'd eat my little bowl of cereal and bacon and toast that she brought me and she'd sit with me and I'd break her off pieces of the toast to eat and I thought I was the best kid in the world, it was fucking awesome."
"That's adorable," Dream responded, and Sapnap continued again.
"So then, when I got older, she kind of stopped, because once you get older and into, like, middle school or past age 10 that stuff tends to stop, which is fine, but I forgot about it for a while until one day in high school it was my friends birthday and I just randomly remembered it, so I was like 'fuck it', y'know? I wanted to bring it back, so when we stayed at his house that night and I made sure I was the first one there so I could tell everyone about it– and I made sure everyone was comfortable, I didn't go overboard or anything, but we were all pretty physically affectionate people so no one really minded that much, and also we all loved embarrassing each other so it just worked."
"And since everyone kinda left for college after junior or senior year I only got to do it a few times, like I did it to that kid on his 17th birthday, another kid on his 18th, and this one girl in our group on her 18th, and it was always so fun and hilarious."
"That does sound pretty funny," Dream agreed, and Sapnap smiled up at him, knowing his plan was coming into action faster than he had imagined.
"It was… but anyway, that was a really long story, but it does have a point, okay?" Dream nodded. "So the point is… I think I wanna bring the tradition back." Sapnap explained almost sheepishly, looking up at Dream for reassurance.
"Sapnap, are you asking me to give you birthday raspberries when it gets to your birthday?" Dream asked with a wide smile, originally wanting to seem smug and embarrass Sapnap, but seeing the smile on his face made his tone come out as genuine and soft as it could be.
"No! Well– well, yes, but, that's not what I meant right now," Sapnap explained further, waiting for the lightbulb to flick on in Dream's mind.
It didn't. Instead, Dream looked at him as if he'd spoken a completely different language.
"I don't… I don't get what you're saying, then," Dream said, toying with the end of his hoodie string as he curled the end around his finger and pulled it to be even with the opposite string.
"Dream. I want you to let me do it to you."
Dream's eyes widened just slightly, glancing at Sapnap and then looking away, switching between the two as he let out a shocked chuckle.
"Oh…" Dream said, unhelpful, as he tried to think of anything to say in response. He fidgeted with his hoodie string again. "Um…"
"C'mon, please?" Sapnap asked, leaning up slightly on one elbow and reaching his free hand up to lace his fingers with Dream's hand. Dream let his hand be held, smiling despite himself. "I'll be nice! And– and if you let me do it now, you can help me do it to everyone else in the future too! Like– George definitely, and Karl and Quackity if we're around them on theirs. Just let me do it, come on, just, come on."
"But you said it's the same number as whatever age you're turning? That's a lot, Sapnap, you haven't had it done to you since you were 10 or some shit, there's a big difference between 10 and 23." Dream explained nervously.
"I know, but you did say earlier that it sounded fun!" Sapnap elaborated as he fully sat up, pointing a finger at Dream accusingly. Suddenly, he got a devious idea, smirking as he continued. "But I can be gentle, I get it, you're fragile."
"I'm not fragile!"
"It's okay, Dream, I understand, you're worried you won't be able to handle it."
"That is not what I said!"
"No, it's fine, you're just too ticklish for this, it's okay."
"Maybe when we get George here he'll say yes and then it'll prove he's stronger than you."
"Fine!" Dream finally caved, pulling his hand away from Sapnap in favor of pulling his sleeves over his hands and curling in on himself. He sat cross-legged now, his hands folded in his lap and elbows brought in close to his body. "Fine, I'll– I'll let you do it, if you shut up about me being too 'ticklish' and 'fragile' to handle it, I could literally beat you up."
Sapnap smiled proudly, holding out his hand for a handshake.
"Deal," he said, waiting for Dream to grab his hand.
"Dea–" Dream tried to respond, but was cut off by a loud yell as Sapnap held his hand tight and yanked him forward. He was too caught off guard to catch himself, so he landed on his side, his shoulder colliding with the soft couch cushions and his knee colliding with Sapnap's arm. Before he could even process what happened, Sapnap was sitting on top of him, straddling his hips and reaching behind him to press his knees so they were flat as well. Dream tried to protest when he felt his hoodie being pushed up just slightly, the sliver of skin by his hip above the waistband of his sweatpants showing now. "NO! No, no, Sapn–AP!" Dream yelped, gasping and slamming his hands over his mouth when there was a sudden, unbearable vibrating sensation on his hip that felt like it was coming from inside his skin.
Sapnap had blown the first raspberry. And if that was just the first, Dream had no fucking clue how he was going to be able to handle the remaining 22.
He caught his breath quickly, body tense and stiff as Sapnap sat up and laughed at him.
"Shut the hell up," Dream said when he heard him laughing.
"I didn't even say anything!" Dream huffed out a breath and rolled his eyes, maneuvering his body so he was more comfortable. Sapnap let him move around, and he ended up laying fully back with his knees bent and his legs propped up against the back of the couch, his ankles against the arm. Sapnap moved over as well, sitting on the corner bumper of the couch where Dream was before in order to have full access to Dream's body.
"That wasn't nice," Dream muttered, crossing his arms in front of his chest in an attempt to seem intimidating, but his wide smile and the fact that he was still holding onto the ends of his sleeves gave him away.
"Which part, the throwing you around like a ragdoll or the part where I completely wrecked your shit?"
"Mhm, still think you could beat me up?"
"Yes! I definitely could!" Sapnap jumped at the opportunity, pushing Dream's hoodie up again and blowing another raspberry in the same place as before. "NO!" Dream yelled, catching him in the act this time and moving to push at his head. He still tried to hold in his laughter, biting his lip this time, until Sapnap blew a third raspberry, and then his attempts were lost. "Sapnahahahap!" Dream giggled out, grabbing at Sapnap's shoulder and shaking his head. Another raspberry was blown on his side, followed by a fifth against the bottom of his ribs. Dream took in a sharp breath as his laughter began anew, fingers gripping the fabric of Sapnap's hoodie as he pulled him away slightly. "GOHOHOD jeheheheez let– lehehet me breheathe!"
Sapnap giggled slightly as he pulled away, rubbing his palm soothingly over Dream's bunched up hoodie.
"Sorry. Guess I'm a little eager," Sapnap apologized bashfully. "You're just so cute, I can't help it."
"Shut up," Dream groaned, smiling wide at Sapnap's genuine words. "You're annoying."
"Yeah," Sapnap agreed, tone sweet, before he suddenly leaned forward and blew a raspberry right on Dream's tummy. Dream let out a strained, wheezy laugh, caught off guard once again by the sudden feeling, curling up slightly and instinctively cradling the back of Sapnap's head in his hands. Three more were blown in quick succession in a line just underneath his belly button, and he flopped back onto the couch just to arch his back away from the feeling.
"OHOH GOHOHOD, Sapnahahahap!" Sapnap pulled back to laugh along with Dream again, adjusting the way he was sitting to be a little closer to him. He pushed Dream's hoodie a bit further up, then proceeded to blow four raspberries in a diamond shape– one at his sternum, one at the front of his left side's ribs, one in the center of his tummy, and one on the right, before finishing that section with one right in the middle of the diamond. "Sahahap, plehehehease!"
"Fine! Fine, you're such a baby, you literally have, like, only 9 left," Sapnap teased, letting Dream catch his breath again. Dream's giggles kept up as he took a few deep breaths, reaching up to cover his face with his hands, before reaching further back to pull his hood up and over his head, pulling it as far as it would go to help him hide his bright red face.
"9 ihis still a lot, Sapnahap!" Dream mumbled.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I can help, let's make it 8 instead," Sapnap continued his teasing, smiling as he dropped his head down to meet Dream's torso again, lips landing to the left of his belly button and making him arch his back. As he squirmed, turning as far onto his side as he could and leaving his back exposed, Sapnap decided to seize the opportunity and blow a raspberry on the back of his ribs.
The sensation hit Dream like a freight train.
"FUCK!" Dream yelled, covering his mouth with his hand and using his other arm to brace himself against the couch. His fist collided with the cushion twice before he simply resorted to gripping the fabric tightly between his fingers. His reaction was enough to make Sapnap stop on his tracks, grinning like a little kid on Christmas.
"Okay. I don't know what I just did, but I know for a fact that the rest of these raspberries need to do the exact same thing," Sapnap said, in slight disbelief at how much of a reaction that spot got out of Dream.
"NO, you don't!" Dream shook his head, moving to lay down on his back again, but Sapnap's hand pushing against his side stopped him. "No, stop! Stop, don't, just get it over with normally!"
"Absolutely not, I'm gonna do it my way," Sapnap explained as he pushed Dream harder, kneeling up on his knees before straddling the back of Dream's thighs when he pushed him fully over.
"Sapnap, noho, no, that's not fahair–" Dream tried to push himself back, but with the way his torso was twisted and the way Sapnap was sitting on his legs, it was almost impossible to do anything but kick his legs against the arm of the couch and turn fully onto his stomach.
"Alright enough stalling," Sapnap commented before pushing Dream's hoodie up his back, blowing another raspberry on the back of Dream's ribs. Dream arched his back again, not getting very far this time with the way his front was pressed into the couch below him.
"Nahahaha, ohohoh my gohohod, that's so bahahahad," Dream complained, squealing and covering his mouth in embarrassment when Sapnap placed three raspberries in a line up his spine, the first one right between the dips of the dimples in his lower back and the final one netween his shoulder blades. "Sahahapnahap, plehehehease,"
"It's alright, there's just three left, you're so close. You honestly lasted way longer than I expected."
"Whahahat– ahaha– whahat is that supposed to mehean?" Dream asked, turning his head around to look at Sapnap behind him.
"Nothing! I just expected you to tap out, y'know?"
"I dihidn't– AH!" Sapnap cut him off by leaning forward and blowing a raspberry against the side of his neck.
"Sorry, what was that?"
"Yohohou suhuck…" Dream mumbled, burying his face in his arm as he waited for the final two raspberries to hit him. "I wahas– I was gonna sahay Ihihi don't need toho tap out."
"Oh. Well, that's good, because I'm gonna make these last two unbearable now," Sapnap teased again, earning a loud, muffled groan from Dream. Sapnap took a deep breath, taking in as much air as he possibly could, smiling as he used all of his breath to blow one long, continued raspberry on Dream's side.
"NAHAhaha–!" Dream laughed freely, strength leaving his body as Sapnap repeated the action, blowing his longest raspberry yet as his big finale. He giggled against Dream's skin as he pulled away, tugging Dream's hoodie down and flopping down to lay flat on top of his limp form.
"Allllll done, birthday boy!" Sapnap said, still giggling along with Dream as he came down from his ticklish high.
"That was horrible. My spine is tingling," Dream explained once his laughter calmed down. "I'm exhausted."
"You're welcome," Sapnap said with a giggle, making Dream smile and shake his head against his arm.
Sapnap pushed himself up, standing and reaching a hand out to help Dream stand as well. It took him a moment to adjust himself, twisting his hoodie's sleeves and torso from where they were slightly turned from his squirming, and standing up straight to stretch.
"And," Sapnap began. "Just think. Now you can help me do this to other people too. Especially George."
Dream couldn't help but smile, the idea of George falling victim to the same treatment he was just subjected to sitting at the forefront of his mind.
"I would be honored."
And with that, the two parted to their individual bedrooms, and Dream went to sleep that night thinking about what it might be like if he was one to get Sapnap back on his upcoming birthday…
It may have been the best night of sleep he'd ever had.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
Characters: Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, and Bakugo Katsuki
A/N: Inspired by y’all. Enjoy <3
Warnings: fluff overload? one tiny curse word
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Kirishima Eijirou:
the day his son was born was both the worst and best day of his life
his wife died upon delivery and he almost fainted when he heard the news, bakugo caught him before he could hit the floor
it took him 24 hours before he could gather the courage to go to the nursery and see his baby. he thought he wouldn’t be able to stomach the reminder of losing the love of his life
but when he held the small boy, who instantly nuzzled into his father’s chest, sighing with relief, kirishima was hooked for life
he just continued to hold his son into his chest and cry until he couldn’t anymore
from that day on, he swore he’d be the best parent he could be for his wife and his child’s sake
bc kiri is such a youthful and loving person, taking care of his son was easy, fun, and rewarding
ofc there were hard days, but it was all worth it when his baby would wake up with an adorable laugh, smiling up at him like he was his entire world
they’re two peas in a pod
he and his son are just the cutest pair
he takes his son everywhere, strapping him on his chest with a baby carrier
you bet your ass he’s taken him on (a safe) patrol around the block
kirishima is the kind of dad that puts his kid in a laundry basket, sits them in front of the tv, and acts out rollercoaster sounds
he lives for that loud laugh of his son’s
blows raspberries into the kid’s stomach whenever he starts getting cranky
his son’s first word was “manly” and kirishima spent the entire day bothering the bakusquad about it
everyone has 12 different copies of the video—y’know...just in case
when he takes his first steps, kiri’s swinging him around the house and giving him so many kisses on his chubby cheeks
when he saw his son had one spiky tooth growing in, he almost drowned from the cuteness
the kid gets himself into a lot of trouble tho. he’s always crawling towards the edge of something and putting his hand in things that could totally cut it off. kiri has a heart attack at least once a week
calls him, “son” “bud” and “buddy”
I hc that even though he’s lively around his dad, his son is very shy with new people and in new environments so school is kind of tough for him
but kirishima is always understanding of his troubles and tries his best to let him know that as long as he’s his son, he’ll always be his biggest supporter
if that doesn’t work, they go buy their fav meats and have a random bbq (kirishima just looks like the bbq dad™️ lmao). that always seems to do the trick
when his son enrolls in U.A., he’s there with a banner, his fav meat, and a bunch of tears when he sends him off
his son wears their matching crocs only to cheer up his dad. nothing else
aka he lowkey likes them but you didn’t hear that from me!
kirishima always has the urge to ft his kid, like, every hour. but he won’t bc he knows he’s busy training to be a hero
but he does send him uplifting snapchat videos from time to time
his son still wonders how in the world his dad even knows about snapchat
he makes sure nobody knows about this
when his son calls him about his insecurities, comparing himself to his classmates, kirishima is right there to lift him up. he also dealed with those same issues and tells his son that even on his worst days, he’s strong for just facing the day and he needs to believe in himself before others can believe in him
the next day, the bakusquad is watching the tournament together
kirishima has manly tears in his eyes as his little boy places second place in the sports festival
bakugo is threatening to kill him if he ruins his shirt
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Kaminari Denki:
denki becomes a dad from adopting a pair of four year old twins (one boy, one girl) that were left homeless and without parents after a villain attack
he kinda knew the parents from hero work and felt it was an obligation to at least make sure their children were okay
he wasn’t planning on necessarily adopting them. he was young and inexperienced with children. how could someone like him raise a kid when he could barely raise himself?
but after two visits to the orphanage and seeing how miserable they looked, he couldn’t leave the building without signing the papers
the transition was awkward. the twins were not only traumatized, but distrusting and scared. they didn’t really know kaminari and now he was suddenly their adoptive parent
kaminari tried everything from ice cream, to late night movie snacks, to hide n seek to get them to relax but it wouldn’t work
he almost gave up hope, and thought maybe it was a better idea to take them back to the orphanage. but that was before the night he woke up to them crawling into his bed, scared from the thunder storm that rumbled on outside
kaminari froze, scared that he’d frighten them away with any sudden movement, but he soon relaxed and hugged them close to his chest when they snuggled into his sides. he sleeps with a peaceful mind that night
although, he’s awoken to them bawling their eyes out over the nightmares they had. he panics but takes comfort in how they still grip to his shirt, face in his chest, seeking his comfort
therapy becomes a regular thing after that
kaminari finds more focus in his life
and as those helpful sessions go on, kaminari finds the twins beginning to open up more and more
they all sleep together now bc cuddle piles always scare the bad dreams away
the boy starts asking for kaminari to help him pick out his outfits
and the girl starts asking him about his quirk
it’s small things like that that lead up to things like this:
they’re in the midst of playing tickle monster when they scream with laughter, “stop! stop, daddy, you caught us!”
the twins stare at him in confusion (and slight worry) when he scoops them up and cries like he broke his leg or something
they got two huge scoops of ice cream that night so they don’t question it
dad jokes are a must
he wears typical dad outfits like hawaiian shirts, cargo shorts, and flip flops
he calls them his “little rockstars” and yes, it’s still embarrassing
kaminari is a playful dad who doesn’t really take things too seriously
his children are always laughing at his dumb jokes and are never afraid to talk to him about anything that crosses their minds
although, they won’t talk to him about love interests bc he likes to play match maker
the last time his daughter told him about some girl she was crushing on, she found out she left her a personally signed chargebolt poster for the girl in her name
kaminari called it a little boost in spirit
her brother found it funny
she was horrified
kaminari swears up and down he’s the cool dad. his kids think otherwise, but their friends LOVE how much of a jokester he is. and he lets them stay up at sleepovers
plus, he’s literally chargebolt
how could they not love him?
denki has a little trouble being serious when he needs to be, but he has good kids so it’s not that much of a problem
there was that one time his son tried to help him during a villain attack. even though kaminari ordered him to get to safety, he didn’t and ended up getting hurt
the twins had never seen their father so angry. it was kind of scary. however, in the next moment, he gathered them up in a big hug and made them swear not to scare him like that again
overall, kaminari is the sweet, fun loving, dad that everyone wishes they had
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Bakugo Katsuki:
katsuki became a father the day he found a baby and a note at his doorstep
the note read: “surprise! you’re a dad. i gave you all the legal rights, but you can place her up for adoption if you want.”
least to say, bakugo was pissed
he was even more pissed at himself for getting someone so cold and unloving pregnant
however, he decides to put the baby up for adoption. he cant take care of a baby! he’s at the height of his career. he can basically taste the number one hero spot on his tongue
he’s dead set w the decision, but as he stands outside of the orphanage, he freezes. he just can’t move
bakugo looks down at his daughter as she opens her eyes for the first time. he sees an identical pair of red eyes that make his chest tight with a feeling he hasn’t experienced in a long time
he turns back around and heads back home. it’s easily the best decision he’s ever made in his life
ngl though, growing into the dad role for bakugo was tough
before the girl, he only ever had to think of himself. he was still used to doing everything on his own time and for his own benefit. so being forced to put 100% of his attention to a small helpless human being was not easy
katsuki admits that the first couple of years weren’t his proudest. he was still short tempered, angry with the world, and frustrated bc he felt like his life was ruined
one time, the frustration and sleep deprivation would hit him all at once and he’d just start going off at the baby to just “shut the hell up!” before breaking down and crying with her
it was a dark moment for him, and yet, even after that, his little girl still curled up in his arms to rest when the tears tired her out
it had been a while since he felt unconditional love like that, and so he decided to change for the baby’s sake
you cant tell me that little girl isn’t spoiled rotten
bakugo is a hardass, but he’s all bark no bite. no matter what, he just can’t resist his little girl’s puppy dog eyes
he’s a girl dad to the t
yes he played the princess that needed saving from the big bad dragon. what about it?
his daughter is a firecracker. she started sassing him as soon as she could gargle
he pretends he hates it but his daughter is lowkey funny asl
they go at it when they fight. bakugo’s learned to be a little more patient, but he still has a bit of a temper and it doesn’t mix well when his mini-me has the same explosive anger
is the kind of dad that says sorry by asking her what she wants for dinner
they totally talk mess about other heroes together. he ignores the fact that she admires deku as long as she keeps it to herself
emotional talks are...awkward, but he forces himself through it
she finds it embarrassing (yet oddly endearing) that he got kicked out of a PTA club meeting for threatening to light up some mom for saying the art program didn’t matter
his daughter absolutely won’t talk to him about potential love interests unless she wants them coming up missing
bakugo won’t admit to watching baby videos of his daughter when he sends her off to U.A. and no, he didn’t cry, he got dust in his eye
doesn’t bother her too much, but jumps for his phone when he hears her ringtone
kirishima says he getting soft, but that’s just his little princess
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
Pet Names, Double Dates and Other Fiascos
Request:  SECOND ARO FIC OH MY GOD !!!! maybe them getting a lil dirty and ben really does a number on reader, so he takes her to mcdonalds or sumn and the waiter says something along the lines of “you’re such a cute couple!” and reader gets really uncomfortable with it maybe??? and ben being taking her home and cuddling her PLATONICALLY and he’s like “it’s ok we don’t need to let anyone else’s opinions affect us”
Pairing: Aromantic!Fem!Reader x Ben Hardy
Summary:  It's (nearly) all fun and games until someone assumes your relationship is romantic.
Warnings: Smut, kitchen sex, floor sex, oral sex (f receiving), a mild hint at choking, vaguely dom!Ben but not intentionally lmao, discussions of aromanticism and queerplatonic relationships, not as dialogue heavy as the first part though. 
Words: 7, 264
A/N: Happy Arospec Awareness Week!! Big thanks to the anon who sent in that request when I asked for ideas for future chapters. I put a little bit of a twist on your idea but it’s fundamentally the same. Also the last scene is one that I’ve been thinking about for literal months now and I finally managed to fit it into a fic! 
As always, if you’re curious about anything to do with aromanticism I am very happy to talk about it and answer questions! 
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Taglist:  @atomic-watermelon @kellypenac @labessieisallama​ @deakyclicks​ @jennyggggrrr​ @drowseoftaylor​ @hannafuckingsucks​ @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming​ @queenmylovely​ @ilovequeenmorethanyou​ @johndeaconshands​ @borhapbois​ @stardust-galaxies​ @cherries-n-rocknroll​ @scorpiogemini
The day had started off well. You woke with Ben tucked up under your arm, his legs curled up towards his chest since you’d stole the covers as you’d slept. Your face was pressed against the back of his neck and you felt him shift as you sighed sleepily and tried to keep from waking. Squeezing your eyes shut and pretending you hadn’t stirred must have worked because the next thing you knew was waking up to an empty bed and tinkly tapping sounds from somewhere else in the apartment. Groggily you shuffled out from the inviting comfort of the mattress, stretched, and pulled down the hem of the shirt you’d slept in to better cover your otherwise bare thighs before following the noises. You found Ben, still in his pyjamas (well, his boxer briefs) in the kitchen, dropping a couple of toasted waffles onto a plate, humming to himself.
“That for me?” you asked, stifling a yawn. “It can be,” he said, passing the plate to you with a quick kiss on your cheek, “There’s some cut up fruit and the maple syrup out on the coffee table and there’s coffee brewing over there,” “Thanks Benny,” “You’re welcome, Puddin’,” “Puddin’?” “I thought it was cute,” “Very cute.” You laughed as you reached for your coffee, unable to help but smile as you left the room. The first few months of your partnership had taken some adjusting and one thing Ben had decided he would do to make you both feel more at home with the dynamic was to come up with some non-romantic based terms of endearment for you. You’d vetoed things like baby and honey straight away, all of them a little too heavily skewed towards romance, or just reminders of past relationships you’d tried to force yourself into, for you to enjoy them. But, as Ben had said, he liked a good pet name, and he’d seemingly been determined to prove as much, constantly coming up with new things to call you. You, never really one for pet names anyway, mostly stuck with Benny or Benjamin if the situation called for something longer but you had a few other go-tos – things like Pet and Blondie as signs of affection, or Handsome and Tiger when you wanted to make him blush.
A few minutes later Ben joined you on the couch, placing his coffee down beside yours, almost spilling it as he watched the news story that was playing. “Remember we’ve got that double date with Jill and Martin this afternoon,” you said, the memory only just coming to you yourself. “Yeah, what time was that?” “Hang on, I’ll check the chat.” You scrolled through the messages on your phone with one hand while you ate with the other, “uhhh right, yeah, meeting at the bowling alley at 1.30.” “Bowling? Good, better than another shitty movie,” You laughed, “hey the last one they picked wasn’t too bad.” “Yeah I know, just not in the mood for it since I’ve been on set all week. I know if I went to the cinema now I’d just get distracted thinking about all the behind the scenes stuff which isn’t ideal for becoming invested in the story. Plus they’re always choosing romcoms, doesn’t that get annoying for you?” “Not really,” you shrugged, “I mean, do I sometimes wish they’d branch out? Sure. But I enjoy romance in fiction I just don’t need it in my real life. Don’t get me wrong though, very happy to do something different this time.” “How long d’you think we’ll be out?” You shrugged, “A few hours maybe?” “We should pop to the shop on the way back then. You need milk and we could get something nice for dinner.” “Sounds good. Does that mean you’re staying over again tonight?” “I was planning to, yeah. Barely saw you last week so I was hoping to spend all weekend with you to make up for it.” “Bet you regret agreeing to go out with them now,” “Kinda. S’pose it’s too late to cancel though,” “Nah you still could but you know they’ll get stroppy about it and we’ll have to go out with them next week. They don’t have any other couple friends since Neil and Percy split and Bianca took her fella overseas.” “Yeah, wasn’t seriously suggesting it.” “What would the plan have been if we did cancel?” Ben chewed a mouthful of fruit thoughtfully, “you, me, your bed. No need to be too quiet since Sophie’s still out,” he glanced at your roommate’s bedroom door, his eyes swinging back to you as he continued, “Or y’know, we could do a puzzle and listen to music all day, have a cat nap after lunch, whatever.” “You’re cute when you’re being all lazy,” “There would be nothing lazy about it thank you very much,” “Cat naps aren’t lazy?” “You know that’s not the part I was talking about,” “It wasn’t? Then what won’t be lazy,” you tried to hold back a giggle in the middle of your faux confusion but broke when Ben blew a raspberry at you in response.
Nothing more was said about cancelling as you finished your breakfast, though truthfully you probably wouldn’t have minded if Ben had cried off sick and rescheduled the double date. But you both decided that Sunday would be a day for just the two of you to make up for having to spend Saturday afternoon with others. Instead, you spoke of the week just passed and commented on the news still playing on the TV. When you were finished (Ben using the last corner of one of his waffles to swipe the remnant syrup from his plate) you stood and stacked the sticky dishes in your arms. Ben collected the coffee cups and a few other assorted dishes from the previous night, leading the way towards the kitchen and the dishwasher. He loaded his small collection onto the shelves before turning to grab the top plate from the pile you held. A noise of disgust rose from his throat as you held the plate out and he miscalculated the trajectory, his palm landing in a puddle of syrup and fruit juice. You were torn between laughing at his expression and taking the opportunity to toy with him a little but, always ready to tease him, your desire to see him blush won out. Trying not to smile too much, you reached forward and wrapped your hand around his wrist, pulling his palm closer so you could lick the sweet syrup from his skin. Predictably his cheeks turned pink and he pulled his lip between his teeth as you let him go with a laugh. “Bet you’re really wishing we didn’t have to go out now, huh Tiger?” Ben didn’t respond but he did react, his eyes locked on you as he swiped his fingers along the same plate and held them out in offering. Not quite sure where things were heading but very keen on finding out, you leaned forward and let your lips part slightly. He took the action for what it was, an invitation, and trailed his fingertips across your lower lip before slipping them between the two. He watched closely as you sucked his fingers deeper, using your tongue to lick up the sweet residue. There was still an element of novelty with this aspect of your partnership. Still part of you that was intensely aware that it was Ben’s fingers in your mouth. There wasn’t any hesitation though, hadn’t been since that first time when you’d both had to psych yourselves up to actually look at each other naked. But there was a part of your brain that was almost surprised when you found yourselves at the edge of a sexual situation. You suspected he was similarly discombobulated by how easy it was for you to end up there, how frequently playful teasing and friendly jokes turned into hands grasping at bed sheets and breathless moans against sweat-slick skin. He pulled his fingers free from your lips, unwilling or perhaps unable to shift his gaze away from the thin string of saliva that connected them like some kind of erotic spider web that you were both already caught in. You waited to see what he’d do next, feeling your heart race in the pregnant pause so full of potential. And then he moved. You laughed as he grabbed you around the waist and lifted you at the same moment he stepped towards the bench, your legs instinctively wrapping around him. He kissed you too, hungrily, as if it were impossible to resist. You’d looked down at him and suddenly been pulled towards each other, lips meeting with all the force and attraction of a magnetic field. Usually, he would have had a hand against the back of your head or your jaw but carrying you meant both his hands were already occupied so instead you substituted your own, tangling your fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck to keep him from pulling away too far. As soon as you were safely positioned on the edge of the bench though his hands were free to fall elsewhere. One pressed against the small of your back as the other squeezed your thigh, encouraging you to keep your legs spread. Not that you could have closed them with Ben standing between them and not that the thought had even crossed your mind.
If you’d had all day Ben probably would have taken his time with you. Despite what he’d said earlier, you’d discovered Ben had a soft spot for slow and sensual intimacy. Making out that gradually built to passionate kiss-filled sex, foreplay that included soft caresses and whispered praise, anything that let him explore your body in intricate detail with his hands and lips. You’d been with guys like that before and had hated their insistence on linking hands and kissing you slowly. Those relationships never lasted long but with Ben it felt different, it felt good. Maybe it was because he knew you weren’t on board with overtly romantic acts and respected those boundaries you’d talked about so you never felt as if he were pushing you into a roll you didn’t enjoy. Or maybe he was just a better lover than they had been. Either way, it came to same result. You still preferred something less gentle and more energetic, though you felt you better understood the appeal of being held so close and kissed so tenderly. But with only a few hours before you’d have to start getting ready, Ben was inclined to speed things up a little. His hand quickly slipped up your thigh to press against your pussy, the cotton knickers you’d slept in the only thing keeping him from direct contact. You broke the kiss suddenly, the smacking sound loud in the small room, and dipped your head to press your lips to the notch between his clavicles. In response, Ben lifted his chin, exposing more of his throat to you and you took the chance to playfully nip at the junction where his neck and shoulder met. “Oi, no marks,” he said lwoly as you moved to kiss back up towards his jaw. “Afraid I’ll brand you with my initials?” “If you could legibly write your initials in hickeys I’d put up with whatever teasing the makeup ladies gave me,” “I’ll give it a crack then shall I?” Before you could so much as flick your tongue over his skin, Ben had raised a hand and placed it over your mouth to keep you from testing our your writing abilities, “Don’t think theres enough time, Sugar, but if you really want to I’ll let you try tonight, on my thigh where no one is likely to see it.” “Make it your arse and you’ve got a deal,” you said though it was a little muffled by his palm. “Fine,” he laughed, drawing his hand away, “But then I get to try it on you too,” You nodded, grinning, and then both fell into giggles, leaning against each other’s shoulders. This was what you’d hoped for when Ben had first approached you with the idea of being partners, what you’d been afraid you’d never actually find. Someone who would follow your tangential jokes even if it delayed sex. Someone you could be yourself with. You were distracted from the thought as Ben pressed his lips to your shoulder over the sleeve of your shirt. “Should I continue?” he asked, still smiling though softer, his fingertips lightly dancing over the crease of your thigh. “I’d be offended if you didn’t” “Can’t have that,” he leaned in to catch your lips once again, at the same time resuming stroking you over your panties so that you felt all the air leave your lungs in a rush. It felt good but you need more and so shifted your hips, trying to press yourself harder against his fingers. To get more leverage and better brace yourself as your centre of gravity changed, you dropped a hand behind you. Intuitively, Ben shifted the hand on your back higher and closer to your side to help keep you steady, the other still drawing lines along your clothed slit. You gasped as his thumb took up residence against your clit, rubbing it firmly so a visible damp patch began to form on your panties.
Ben grinned at you as your breath came harder and dragged his thumb back down away from your clit towards the leg of your underwear. Still watching your reactions, he twisted his fingers up under the material, gently tracing them along the same path they’d just followed only now he could feel your wetness directly. “I’ve got an idea,” he said, leaning close to your ear, as he circled your entrance with a fingertip before pressing it into you, “of how I’d like to fuck you right now. It might take a little flexibility on your part though. I mean, nothing too much, just getting your legs up on my shoulders.” Curious, and more than a little distracted by the addition of a second finger inside you, you nodded, “Sounds fun.” “Knew you’d say that. Just tell me if it’s too uncomfortable,” “Will do.” You leaned forward as Ben moved back a little, taking his fingers with him, giving you enough room to drop your hand to his crotch and grasp his stiff length through his undies, “Just get on with it.” “Puddin’ was too nice a nickname for you. Sugar too.” he gasped as you dragged your palm along his length and back again. “What’s the matter, Tiger?” “Maybe I should call you Tiger, if you’re going to keep grabbing my cock like that,” You laughed and let him go, leaning back on your palm again, “Tigress? Whatever, doesn’t matter. Are you going to fuck me or not?” “No I just wanted to get my dick hard for no reason,” he said sarcastically, poking his tongue out at you as he pushed his underwear down. “You’re such a –” you broke off with a sharp gasp as Ben tugged your underwear aside and pressed into you without warning, “dork.” Ben chucked and leaned in to kiss you quickly before readjusting your position a little by pulling you closer to him so your arse was right against the edge of the bench. Slowly he rolled his hips against you, pulling back and thrusting forward again, finding a rhythm that worked. You leaned back on both palms as Ben grabbed you by the waist, the other resting on your knee to keep it pressed against his side. “This feel alright?” he asked as he gave another thrust, hitting a spot deep inside you. “Mmhmm,” you nodded, able to feel yourself growing wetter with each stroke of his cock. “What about this?” Ben shifted first one of your legs and then the other to his shoulders, encouraging you to bend them at the knee. His hands moved to your sides, fingertips digging into your back as he pressed you even closer. The effect was that you felt as if you were almost folded in half but it wasn’t too uncomfortable. There was an almost weightless feeling to it and any slight awkwardness you felt with your chest meeting your thighs was a small price to pay for just how good Ben felt once again moving inside you. You tightened your fingers against the benchtop, wishing there was something you could grab onto as your whole body rocked with each of his thrusts, the position allowing him to penetrate you deeply, continuously brushing against a number of spots that sent electric spikes of pleasure through you. “Fuck,” was about all you could think to say. “That a good fuck?” Ben questioned, voice gruff with his exertions. “Yeah, yes, fuck, so good,” “So you like when I do this?” You let out a soft moan as he roughly fucked into you again, timing it just right. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he half laughed, turning his head to kiss your leg before leaning forward to catch your lips again. After that there wasn’t much room for talking. Ben, having assured himself that you were happy, speeded up his rhythm, clutching you tightly to keep your legs from slipping off his shoulders. His breathing became rougher, matching your own, as he drove into you, though he still kissed you as much as he could, panting against your lips, swallowing your moans and pushing whatever air he had into your lungs.
You could feel your orgasm bubbling up, like a pot of water on the verge of boiling, but knew Ben would reach his first, recognising his expression as the one he wore when he was trying to hold back from the edge. “Fu-ck you’re s-so tight,” he grunted, squeezing his eyes shut as he leaned his forehead against yours, “gonna have to pull out soon,” You could feel him pulling away and tightened your calves on either side of his neck in an effort to stop him, needing just a little more to reach your own release. “Not helping,” he groaned, suddenly unable to hold off any longer, “Shit. Y/N.” You whined as he stilled to shoot his release over your walls. “Jesus,” he said a little breathlessly, as he pulled out, your underwear slipping back over you, and rubbed his neck absentmindedly, “Didn’t expect that to finish me off. Did you…?” You shook your head, letting your leg slip to be caught in the crook of Ben’s arm. “Well let’s fix that, shall we,” he said, already letting you go to bend forward, his face right between your thighs. You felt a puff of his hot breath against you as he hooked his index finger into the crotch of your knickers, pulling it aside, and then his tongue was on you, lapping up your arousal and coming to rest against your clit. He set up camp there, focusing all his attention on the small nub. You let yourself drop back so you were holding yourself up on one elbow, your other hand on the back of Ben’s head, tugging on his hair as he drew a series of moans from you. With a particularly firm suck, you felt your cunt pulse and something warm and wet ran from you, dripping over the edge of the bench onto the cupboard door. You had an idea what it was so it surprised you when Ben released your clit to lick between your lips, catching it with his tongue and spreading it along your slit. “We taste good together,” he mumbled, going in to trace the same path over again, greedily licking up the mixture. You swore under your breath, feeling yourself right on the edge of your orgasm, unspeakably turned on by Ben lapping up the load he’d just left in you. Sensing how close you were he dragged his tongue over your clit again, quickly sliding two fingers into you to help you along. You whined his name as he pushed you over the edge, continuing to pump his fingers into you as he again sucked at your clit, not stopping until he was sure it had worked. “Thank you,” you said as he straightened up again, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “You’re such a dork,” he laughed as he kissed you again, tracing his tongue over yours. The man clearly wanted you lightheaded from lack of air. “Shut up,” you pushed yourself to sit up straight again, expecting Ben to step away and let you hop down from the bench. He didn’t though, instead absentmindedly toying with the leg of your underwear as his gaze fell to your lips. “Seriously?” Ben shrugged, “Eating you out made me hard again. And,” he quickly ran his fingers along the edge of the bench, collecting some of the mess you’d left there, “I think it’s only fair you should taste us too,” If he’s said it less earnestly you might have batted his hand away and laughed off the suggestion but something about his tone made you grab his wrist to pull his fingers towards your mouth. He hadn’t been wrong, the mix of you both did taste pretty good, though you’d already got a hint of it as he’d kissed you. “Good girl,” he breathed out, eyes heavy with lust, “think you’re up for more?” “Can we move elsewhere? The edge of the counter is digging into me.” “Okay,” Ben began tugging your underwear down and kicked off his own before pulling your shirt over your head, making you laugh. He Helped you stand and then immediately pushed you to the floor. For a moment you thought he was suggesting you give him a blowjob and were about to question him but half a second later he was following you down, laying down and pulling you on top. “I meant like the bed or the couch at least,” you said somewhere between incredulity and amusement. “Too far,” he grunted, bucking his hips to encourage you to mount him properly, “need you now.” You rolled your eyes as you sank down onto his dick, “Do I actually get to cum this time or…?” “Only if you move,” Ben growled as he grasped your hips and pulled you down onto him, making you cry out at the unexpectedly sudden sensation of being filled. He let you ride him for a bit, alternating between squeezing your thigh as he rubbed his thumb over your clit and cupping your breasts, teasing your nipples as he encouraged you to fuck yourself on his cock faster. You kept to the same steady pace though, intending to drag it out a little, make him wait. But it wasn’t long before he got fed up with the deliberately slow pace you’d cultivated. Without warning you found yourself on your back, Ben grasping your thighs as he kneeled over you, pulling your hips up a little so he could fuck you the way he wanted. Your voice shook as you moaned and writhed in his shadow, your own fingers dancing over your clit to keep building your orgasm. “Isn’t that better?” he said roughly, laughing a little as you nodded your agreement, “Making me wish I had cancelled our plans. Could stay in your pussy all day.” You whimpered and rubbed your clit harder. “C’mon Pumpkin, so close aren’t ya,” You squeezed your eyes shut, moaning when you finally tipped over the edge. But that didn’t stop Ben. He waited until your orgasm had subsided and then pushed your legs wide and up into the air so he could lay directly on top of you as he continued to pound you. Your voice shook as a moan was pulled from your throat and you squirmed beneath him, feeling yourself once again being drawn towards release. There was something about his weight pressing down on you, his breath against your ear. Something about how close he seemed, almost panting as his hips stuttered in and out of the rhythm he was desperately trying to hold on to. He mouthed at your neck as you tilted your head to accommodate him, reaching a hand down to squeeze his arse cheek. You were sore from every other way he’d fucked you, tired from the two orgasms he’d already wrung from you, and yet the thought of stopping him, of ending the incredible pleasure you felt at his hands, was the furthest thing from your mind. A scream caught in your throat as he seemed to press you even harder into the floor, your legs shaking in the air as he grit his teeth and grunted with each harsh drive into you. And then he came, gasping against your throat as he felt you cum too, finally releasing the scream you’d been holding onto until the noise turned to breaths so ragged they felt like sobs.
Ben kissed your throat and then your jaw as he came back to earth, still laying on you. “How was that?” he asked softly when you’d remained quiet for a while. You drew in a deep breath, “Pum-Pumpkin?” “What?” “You called me fucking Pumpkin of all things, while trying to get me off?” “So?” “Jesus Ben,” you half-heartedly swatted at his side, “you’re lucky I was so close that it didn’t matter otherwise I might have laughed and completely lost the orgasm.”   Ben joined in your laughter, the sensation of his shaking body on top of yours slightly odd but mostly quite comforting. Until he shifted his hips without thinking and made you wince. “Sorry,” he said, pressing his lips to yours again as if to kiss away the discomfort before he gingerly pulled out of you and sat back on his knees, “But you did cum that time, right?” “I think you know I did,” you sighed, already able to see what was coming, as you let your legs drop to the floor. “So wait, how many times exactly?” You sighed and shook your head slightly. “Because if my maths is right, I think we got you to three times. Once on the bench and twice on the floor. One plus two is three, yes?” “Yes that’s how basic addition works Ben,”  “And who was it again that got you to three orgasms? Was it,” he pointed a finger as his one chest, “Moi?” “Alright asshole, you’re very impressive and a somewhat decent shag,” “I think you could be a little more grateful considering that performance. Might have been my best ever moves,” You pushed Ben in the middle of the chest, exaggeratedly rolling your eyes but, truthfully you were inclined to agree that it had been his best performance yet, at least in your experience. “Here let me help you,” he chuckled as you tried to stand, almost falling over as your legs shook. Quickly, Ben pushed himself to his feet and then offered you a hand up too, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you steady. “Thanks,” “I hope I haven’t made it too hard for you to walk. Wouldn’t want to throw off your bowling cos you were fucked so right.” “Jesus Christ,” you couldn’t help but laugh.
The rest of the time you had before you had to leave was spent tidying up the kitchen, cleaning up the evidence of the mornings activities in case your roommate got home before you, washing up and getting ready to go. Which is really when things started to go downhill. If you’d realised you might have told yourself to stay home, come up with a quick excuse to get out of it and just played video games with Ben for the rest of the day or something. But there was no way to know what was coming so you didn’t. You talked happily as you got into Ben’s car (which was already parked on the street), excited to see your friends and looking forward to the afternoon.
The double date itself was quite fun, although draining. There was always an element of playing pretend at these sorts of occasions. Not that you minded so much. It was either play up the romance of your relationship or have to explain what you were to everyone and a few hours of pretending Ben was your boyfriend was honestly much simpler. At least bowling was better than the cinema. The first time you’d gone on a double date to a movie you’d sat down beside Ben, the popcorn you were sharing balanced on the arm rest between you. Martin and Jill had raised their armrest and were virtually sitting on top of each other, hands entwined. Which would have been fine except Martin had leaned over and said, “you know these things move” and looked expectantly at you. Ben and you had shared a glance and then tried to say you were both fine with the space but they’d given you matching looks that said they thought you were being weird or prudish or judging their willingness to cuddle in public. So you’d relented and shifted the armrest so you could spend the next two hours sitting with Ben’s arm around your shoulders, both of you more tense about the situation than you ever would have been if you’d just been allowed to sit in your seats like normal. Things had improved a bit since then. Ben had told you that one night when you’d gone out to a bar together, Martin had pulled him aside as asked why he never kissed you properly. Ben had shrugged and said he didn’t like PDAs, that he didn’t want photos to spread or anything like that, especially since it was still so new, and Martin had accepted it. They began to see that your ways of being affectionate were quieter, stealing sips from each other’s drinks, a warm hand against a knee, dumb nicknames that made you both laugh. Even if Jill did sometimes still try to convince you that there was nothing wrong with snogging in the middle of a busy street. Nonetheless you never felt fully able to relax when it was just the four of you. Always conscious of how they saw you, always worried that they’d decide you weren’t being affectionate enough and would tell everyone else you were going through a rough patch which would lead to more scrutiny. While at the same time worrying that one of them would start asking how serious it was between you and Ben, were you thinking about the future? Could you see yourselves moving in together? Was he the one? And it took a lot of energy to constantly be alert about what you were saying, always careful to not accidentally give away the secret truth of the situation. Bowling was fun though and less pressure than other double dates you’d been on. You could get away with not holding hands or sitting on Ben’s lap since everyone was standing up frequently and it didn’t make sense to be on top of one another. You could share small pecks on the lips or else tight hugs to celebrate strikes. And Ben made sure to tease you for missed pins, just like he always had, with a few added silly nicknames. He called you his sweet little hotdog after a particularly bad gutter shot which had made you laugh so hard you choked on your drink, and made Jill give him a disapproving glance. He’d smoothed it over by letting her overhear him saying he loved you, whispering the platonically just for you.
By the time Jill had been declared the winner of the game, you were ready to head home and spend a night forwarding Ben weird videos and dumb memes. Ready to be allowed to just exist without needing to be romantically linked to anyone. But it wasn’t quite to be. Martin made the suggestion that all of you should head to McDonalds for dinner and before you knew it you were standing in line, waiting for the kid at the cash register to serve you. You leaned your head on Ben’s shoulder as you stared at the menu, and vaguely wondered how someone working in a fast food joint could be so bright and bubbly. Right up until Ben nudged you and asked what you wanted. “Um, can I get a quarter pounder and a frozen coke, thanks.” “And?” Ben supplied. “And what?” “Y/N I know you want dessert, get dessert.” “And an Oreo McFlurry,” you smiled and bumped Ben’s shoulder with yours as he laughed and finished paying. “You guy’s make a cute couple,” the girl who’d served you said, eyes following the path of Ben’s gaze to you, still smiling. She seemed to realise what she’d said, her ears turning red, but Ben thanked her and added, “I think I have to agree,” as he squeezed your hip, before moving away so Jill and Martin could order. You’d smiled at her too but it wasn’t quite genuine.
It wasn’t that you weren’t used to it, people assuming you and Ben were in fact a couple. You were. One or two weeks after you’d first agreed to try out being queerplatonic partners, most of your friends had put two and two together and worked out that something was going on between you. Of course they didn’t know you were aromantic and they probably didn’t have any idea what a QPR was so they’d really added two and two and got five but you weren’t about to correct them. As you’d said to Ben, it was too much too soon to do that. Maybe if the QPR thing worked out long term, maybe then you could tell them. And besides, they weren’t exactly wrong anyway. They’d originally assumed you and Ben were just hooking up after Martin had dropped in to pick up something he’d left at Ben’s and had seen you spread out on Ben’s couch with sex hair and a rather large hickey on your neck and Ben’s sweater hanging off your shoulder. He’d asked Ben who’d just shrugged in response and said it wasn’t a big deal. You estimated it took about a minute and a half to reach everyone else. The next time you’d gone out as a group you’d felt them all watching you and Ben closely, trying to determine if Martin with bullshitting them all or not. They’d all decided it was just sex though. Until you were clearly still together a month later and they decided it had to be serious since Ben had never successfully fucked a girl for that long without catching feelings. That was when they started referring to you as boyfriend and girlfriend. That was also when the comments about how cute you were or how they’d always known you’d get together had first started. The first few times you’d heard it, it felt weird but you figured that was just because it was you and Ben and you were still working out how to be partners without the romance. You’d been in relationships before though and didn’t have any major objections to anything they said so you found it fairly easy to deal with and mostly you didn’t notice it anymore.
Except now it was bothering you. Something about the girl’s comment had rubbed you the wrong way. Which made you feel bad because she was just a kid with a shitty minimum wage job who didn’t know you from Adam. She had no idea. She was just trying to say something nice to a couple of strangers. You supposed your dislike of the comment probably had something to do with spending all afternoon putting on the romantic act for the benefit of your friends. Maybe even something about the sex from earlier. Probably just exhaustion from everything, a shorter fuse. It could even just be PMS though you’d have to check how far off your next period was to be sure. Whatever the reason it felt…not wrong exactly just off. You stayed quiet during most of the meal, aware you weren’t being great company and aware that Ben had realised something was wrong since he kept glancing at you when the other two weren’t looking. “Y/N,” Jill’s voice cut through your thoughts, “Still with us?” “Yeah,” you said, pulling a smile onto your face, “sorry, just a bit tired. Didn’t sleep well last night,” That statement was met by high pitched oohing noises and Martin jokily reprimanding Ben for keeping you up. You forced yourself to laugh with them, “Not like that you pervs. Ben was filming a night scene yesterday so didn’t actually get to mine until what,” you looked to Ben for confirmation, “One-thirty was it?” “Something like that. I don’t know I fell asleep almost as soon as I put my head down.” “Me, not so much,” you shrugged, “It’s all just catching up with me now.” They accepted that excuse without question and didn’t aim too many more comments in your direction, letting you finish your food without having to keep your mind on their conversation. And pretty soon you were hugging them goodbye and promising you’d organise the next date as Martin told Ben to get you home to bed before you fell asleep in your ice cream.
Ben waited until you were safely back inside your apartment before he asked if you were okay. “We were meant to get milk,” you sighed, trying to push away the annoyingly persistent discomfort. “I’ll go out later and get some. Or we can get Sophie to bring some back when she comes home. Are you okay though?” Unsure if this was a situation where you’d want space, Ben hovered at a respectful distance until you stepped in close and leaned your head against his chest. As soon as he knew you wanted him there he wrapped his arms tightly around you, “What’s wrong?” “Not sure. Think it all just got a bit much.” “How do you mean?” You shrugged as much as his embrace would allow and talked against his chest as you tried your best to explain how flat you felt, “I think the girl who served us was just like the straw that broke the camel’s back, y’know.” “Did me agreeing with her make things worse?” You shook your head, “Don’t think so. I knew you meant it in a different way to her. Besides, the other two were in earshot so there wasn’t much else you could say.” “You know that what everyone else thinks of us doesn’t change anything about what we have, right, or what we mean to each other. It doesn’t change who you are.” You didn’t mean to say it but the words had escaped before you could stop them, “Wouldn’t it be easier if it did though.” “But then you wouldn’t be you and I love you, platonically.” You smiled and nodded as you stepped back a little, though Ben’s arms wouldn’t let you go too far, “I know, thank you. And I’m fine, just having a bit of an off afternoon.” “Are you sure? Is there anything else I can do to help?” “No, you’ve been perfect.” You leaned up to give him a quick kiss, “And I know I’m being stupid about it. I knew what I was signing up for when I decided not to come out to them. Besides, being back home with you has definitely made me feel better already.” “Do you want a cuppa or anything?” “Nah, think I might just go lie down and read for bit. Decompress a little, y’know.” “Okay. Give me a shout if you want anything, yeah,” he pressed a kiss to your temple and give you an extra squeeze before he let you go.
Slowly you headed to your bedroom, kneeling down at your bookshelf and running your fingers along the spines until you found the one you wanted. That particular book had seen better days. It’s spine was cracked, the image on the cover peeling away from the cardboard underneath. More than one page had begun to fray around the edges like an ancient treasure map in a cartoon, with little triangles missing and the corners permanently creased where they’d been dog eared a hundred times. But as you settled into the bed, Ben’s pillow still smelling faintly of his hair pomade, you began to feel more yourself. Ben was right. What other people thought of your relationship didn’t matter. He was still your Ben, the same Ben who’s hoodie had been living in your cupboard for years now because he spent so much time at yours anyway it just made sense to keep a spare there. The same Ben who’d bought you your favourite pair of sunglasses when you’d left your old ones at home by accident. The same Ben who’d gradually been reading his way through your entire bookshelf rather than buying his own paperbacks. You had too much history there and too much love for each other for anyone else’s opinions to matter. And your partnership was good. It made you happy so it had to be good.
The time passed quickly as you read so when you looked up at the sound of approaching footsteps and saw that a couple of hours had passed, you were a little taken aback. Ben poked his head round the corner and then stepped through the doorway when he saw you looked better. “Nice to see you smiling again,” he said softly as he crawled up beside you. Without thinking you lifted your arm so he could snuggle against you, his head on your chest. “What’re you reading?” “First Test by Tamora Pierce. First book in her Protector of the Small series.” “What’s it about?” “A girl training to become a knight. Gran bought it for me as a kid while we were on a holiday at the seaside.” Ben glanced at the worn pages, “Do you reread it a lot?” “Yeah a bit. The main character, Kel, is like the only aromantic character I know of so she’s kinda important to me.” “The main character’s aro?” “I mean, not explicitly. It was published in ’99 and the terminology to describe aro experiences didn’t really start being used until like the late 2000s and even then only in certain communities online. But Tamora Pierce did answer some questions on her website and said that as she was writing the series Kel became less and less interested in romance and sex so even though she didn’t have the words for it back then, she would consider Kel aro and probably ace too. And I mean, rereading them I definitely feel an aro sort of reaction to a lot of the romance stuff, even when Kel does start kissing boys and all that.” Ben leaned back to better see your face, “Will you read to me?” You leaned down to kiss him, unhurriedly, softly, letting your lips linger on his. “Is that a yes?” “That was a sorry I’ve been weird this evening kiss actually.” “Don’t worry about it,” he said simply, snuggling back down, his head once again resting on your chest and his arm thrown over your waist. You adjusted your grip on the book and began to read from where you’d left off, one hand running absentmindedly through his hair, both of you sighing softly as you relaxed into each other.
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reminiscing-writer · 4 years
Off The Deep End
Warnings: none for this chapter. Starts with fluff, ends with angst. But shits gonna hit the fan lmao
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Spencer pulls up the comforters in an attempt to cover his ears from the horrendous alarm that was enveloping his room.
“Make it stop," he grumbled into an empty bed.
"It's been ringing for a little more than an hour now," he heard his favorite voice from the attached bathroom of their bedroom, "it's about time you woke up, don't you think?" She peeked through the doorway, rolling her eyes with a smile at her sleepy husband.
"I have a better idea," Spencer mumbled sleepily.
"You come into bed with me." He propped himself onto his elbow, barely managing to pry his open. He glanced over to the digital alarm clock on the bedside table which read 6:15 in bright red luminescent lights.
He inhaled a sharp breath slowly sitting up in bed, stretching his arms widely. The covers fell back onto the bed as he stood up and made his way into the bathroom.
"Excuse me," Amelia looked at her husband from the mirror. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, resting his head on her shoulder. "Occupied." She giggles as he kisses the nape of her neck.
“Can you join me in the shower?” He asked his wife, looking at her big brown eyes through the mirror.
She turned to face him, smiling sweetly, “I'm already dressed, babe.” She puts on her earrings. “Sorry.” She apologized laughing at his disappointed sigh.
“You don't have to be at work ‘til 8. That's enough time for a second shower.” He rests his forehead against hers. He gives her a look up and down, thanking all the Gods he could think of for giving him an eidetic memory.
Her style was modest and girly. Floral prints and pastel colors. Lots of dresses and skirts (which she loved to twirl and spin in).
She quickly gives him a peck on his stubbly cheek, and squirms her way out his arms. “Get ready quickly. Breakfast will be ready in 20, and I would like to eat with you before I leave for the day.”
Pulling the buttons on his cardigan close, he rushed into the kitchen when he heard the bacon sizzle.
“Lia,” he grumbled, quickly stuffing a few raspberries in his mouth before she could stop him, “you spoil me.” He kisses her cheek.
She gives him a toothy, childlike grin.
She loved being appreciated and praised. It made her feel giddy. And, when she felt like that, she gave this adorable smile, which was one of the many things Spencer loved. Her two front teeth, and side canines displayed themself through her smiling lips.
“Should I do the omelette?” Spence offered as he set the table.
“I was thinking of no eggs today.” She answered, pouring pancake batter onto a second pan. When he gave her a questioning look- eggs being her favorite in the mornings- she just shrugged. “The smell has been setting my stomach off for a few days now.”
After he poured the duo Orange juice, the two quickly ate, cleaned, and rushed out the door. Both said their ‘I love you's’ and parted their separate ways.
Amelia, being a preschool teacher, had very simple hours. From 8am, until 2 in the afternoon. After that, she was home, and usually waiting for her husband's arrival.
Spencer didn't have such a predictable schedule. Sometimes he would come home around 5 in the afternoon. Other times, if he had paperwork he wanted to wrap up, he would stay late till nearly midnight. And, of course, if a case came up, he could be gone for days.
But, regardless, whatever his schedule may be for the day, he always, always, made sure Amelia was aware of it.
Today was no different. She got home from work at about half past two. She had a feeling in her stomach. One of much excitement. A part of her wanted to wait for Spencer to come home, but a bigger part wanted to find out before him. That way, she could surprise him if she was right. And, if she wasn't- well, at least, that way, he wouldn't be disappointed also.
She tossed her handbag onto the couch of her apartment, and made a beeline for the bathroom.
After a total of three minutes, she's on the bathroom floor, one hand over her mouth, her other hand holding tightly onto a plastic stick and her eyes flowing with tears.
Happy tears.
She couldn't believe her eyes. There it was. The pregnancy stick she had bought nearly four months ago, finally in her hands reading exactly what she was hoping for.
Two solid lines, screaming, that she was going to be a mother. She wanted to call Spence straight away. She wanted to scream it off the rooftops and to the world. She wanted to call her best friend, and her mother and sister-
But first, she obviously had to tell her husband. But, not like this. She couldn't say news like this over the phone. No, she had to surprise him.
So, that's exactly what she planned on doing. Very quickly, and very happily, she got to baking. And whisking, and piping. Soon enough, she had a dozen cupcakes baked and frosted.
Some pink with blue sprinkles, some blue with pink sprinkles. She had a few topped with candles which she planned to light right before Spence came home.
Which reminded her-
Amelia paused the music which was blasting from her cell phone, and dialed her significant other.
One ring, two ring , three r-
“Hello?” She heard his voice answer.
“Hey,” she smiled widely. “Still at work?”
He hummed, “Yeah, just about wrapped up. I should be home soon.”
Amelia's stomach was storming with butterflies and she was scared, thinking, somehow, that her husband would unveil her secret through the phone. “Hurry,” she bit her bottom lip, “I have a surprise for you.”
“Oh?” She heard his voice perk up, “Is this a family friendly surprise? Or, should I just come straight to the bedroom?” She could hear a smirk playing at his lips.
“Why don't you just hurry home, and you can see for yourself.” Amelia teased.
Amelia must've fallen asleep watching television, because, one moment, she's watching The Real Housewives reruns at 3 something, and the next, she's waking up feeling lost in sleep at almost midnight.
She feels discombobulated for a moment until she realizes she was waiting for her husband before her unplanned nap. Confused, she looks around her quiet, empty- very dark- apartment.
Sitting up on the coach, she grabs her phone and dials Spencer's phone, simultaneously turning on a nearby lamp.
He said he'd be home soon. She thought to herself. She swallowed hard, her sleep making her mouth dry.
No rings. Straight to voicemail.
Yawning, she goes to her contacts, and dials the next best number she can think of.
After two rings, she hears an all too familiar male voice. “Hey, Amelia.”
“Hey, Derek. Sorry for waking you.” She knew she didn't wake him. She could hear the television in the background.
“Nah, mama, it's cool. What, Boy Genius not letting you sleep?” He laughed. Amelia could hear Savannah asking Morgan who's phone call he was on so late at night.
“Um- actually, that's why I called. Boy Genius isn’t home yet.” Amelia stood from the spot she was in for the past few hours, “I spoke with him earlier, and he said he'd be home around 3-ish.” She fiddled with her fingers, and an uneasy feeling in her stomach.
She could feel the confusion on the other line as Morgan quickly made an excuse, “You know, he probably turned his phone off and didn't realize it. That man is basically a caveman when it comes to technology. You know that.” Amelia started pacing her living room floor, “Don't stress, I'll call him and figure out where he is.”
The worried wife bit her inner cheek, “Thanks, Derek. Again, sorry for bothering you and the missus.” She felt guilty.
“Nothing to apologize about, Kid. I'll figure out where Pretty Boy is, and when I do, I'll eat his ear off for you.” He snickered, making Amelia smile. “Get some sleep. He’ll be home soon.”
Amelia wasn't tight-knit with Spencer's team, but she were fairly close. They were his family after all. So, it felt natural having to call Derek Morgan when Spencer hadn't come home yet. He was basically Spence’s big brother.
Saying another round of ‘thank you’s and ‘sorry’s, Amelia hung up the phone. Turning to face her kitchen counters, she saw the cupcakes she had set out in wait for her husband. Pink and blue sweets littered the countertops.
She had an uneasy feeling stirring within her. Nothing like the one she had before taking the pregnancy test. No, that was excitement. This, what she was feeling now, was all dread. With every fiber within her, she felt a strong fear.
And rightfully so.
Spencer was on the nose when he said he was ‘just about wrapped up’. After the call with his wife, he was more excited than usual to get home.
Spence and Amelia had what an outsider would call, puppy love. They were young, and openly affectionate. They were in what seemed to be a never-ending honeymoon phase.
Being together for 5 years, three of those as married, Spencer still looked at Amelia as if she was the reason the sun shone every morning, and she was the one who put the stars in the sky.
This was no ‘puppy love’. This was an ‘old couple sitting on a porch watching the sunset love’.
Spencer quickly packed his satchel, and because he was the last to leave the office, shut off all the lights. Taking the elevator down and quickly jogging to his parked car, he throws his bag in the passenger seat, and just as he's about to get in himself, he hears a voice call for him.
“Um- excuse me?” The curly headed brunette looks up, over his shoulder. He sees a hunched over chubby man, standing at the entrance of the parking lot. The two men lock eyes, and the stranger shows Spence a paper map from the distance. “I was a little lost, and was hoping I could just get some directions.”
The FBI agent licked his lips, and stepped a few feet away from his vehicle. “Where did you need to go?”
The chubby man made a smile which was crooked, “Question seems to be where I am now.” He laughed.
Spencer walked closer to the man who opened up the map. “Well, you're here,” he pointed at a cross section between two streets.
“And, now, where would that leave the Fish Market on Drewry Street?” He asked Spencer.
“Well, on Drewry Street, for starters.” Spence gave half a laugh, locating the street on the map.
As he pointed with his index finger, he looked up and saw the man staring intently at him. A smile took place on his lips, and before Spencer could react, or ask any questions, he felt a blunt force hit the back of his head.
Stumbling back with a grunt, the tall helpful man grabbed the back of his head, feeling warm, what he assumed was blood. “What the- agh! Mmpph!” A hand covered the agent's mouth.
In lighting speed, a windowless van pulls up beside the men. The man behind Spencer pushes him into the back of the new vehicle. The once hunched, and seemingly harmless stranger, now stood taller than Spencer. He shut the door of the van, leaving a half conscious, fully confused Spencer lying in the back. He jumped into the passenger seat of the van, and the car sped off with a screech.
Leaving behind only a skid mark on the road, and Spencer's satchel in the car, the van was long gone before any bystanders could take notice.
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chaosamplified · 6 years
1: the meaning behind my url: chaoSAMplified. because it has Sam in it and Sam is my name (half of my name? I have 2 names now) and also because I thought I was really cool when I made it
2: a picture of me: my profile pic
3: how many tattoos I have and what they are: I have 0 currently
4: last time I cried and why: Wednesday because I was drunk and I listened to Mariana’s Trench
5: piercings I have: 2 lobe piercings in each ear but i only wear them in 1 ear
6: favorite band: Fall Out Boy
7: biggest turn offs: Republicanism
8: top 5 (insert subject): Anon didn’t give me a subject. Feel free to give me subjects lmao
9: tattoos I want: I want to get my t date on my arm (once I have a t date), something large on my left thigh and a lil ghost somewhere
10: biggest turn ons: I don’t even know I’ve had the same crush for like 5 years and the one other person I’ve had a crush on since then (maybe still do? Idk) is veryyyyy similar to him so uh. I literally don’t know
11: age: 18, 19 in 17 days!
12: ideas of a perfect date: Realistically like going to cedar point together just the two of us, idealistically like going on a week long road trip to the other side of the country and visiting the ocean
13: life goal: Get a Grammy
14: piercings I want: I don’t think I want any more
15: relationship status: Single and trying too hard
16: favorite movie: Nobody has an actual answer to this question. I guess I’d say The Imitation Game
17: a fact about my life: I had a personal protection order against someone at age 12? Idk
18: phobia: I’m a fearless bitch
19: middle name: Alexander 🤙
20: height: 5’1” for all of eternity
21: are you a virgin: Virginity is a social construct developed to slut shame women. Also as a Gay Trans that word has very little meaning at all
22: what’s your shoe size: 7
23: what’s your sexual orientation: We just went through this. Gay
24: do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs: I have smoked weed but don’t really enjoy it, never smoked cigarettes, yes drink, have lots of prescription drugs
25: someone you miss: Max :(
26: what’s one thing you regret: Not talking to my mom for 6 months in 2012
27: first celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: First of all I think of a person I know, not a celebrity. But Halsey is hot as hell. I’m so gay but Halsey man
28: favorite ice cream: Raspberry
29: one insecurity: b o o b
30: what my last text message says: From me: yeah no prob 🙂👍. From someone else: ok cool thank u lol
31: have you ever taken a picture naked: hnnnnng yeah
32: have you ever painted your room: I didn’t but my dad and sister painted mine while I was in France
33: have you ever kissed a member of the same gender: (I’m using gender instead of sex because sex is fucky): Yes a couple of ems
34: have you ever slept naked: Of course
35: have you ever danced in front of your mirror: Every single time I drink if I’m being honest
36: have you ever had a crush: Always
37: have you ever been dumped: Lots of times :-)
38: have you ever stole money from a friend: No but Charlie paid for a ton of my laundry once and I still have to pay him back
39: have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met: YES my boyfriend at the time was about to leave me at this place outside after an event but instead I got in this van with a whole bunch of his friends I didn’t know it was a mess
40: have you ever been in a fist fight: No I’m a bottom
41: have you ever snuck out of the house: Only once and it was to go with max to meijer at midnight and he bought a nerf gun and we shot at each other in his car in the michaels parking lot until like 2am and I have absolutely no regrets it’s still one of the best days of my life
42: have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back: I’m gonna say yes but also I’m not entirely sure how he feels so like. Probably yes
43: have you ever been arrested: No
44: have you ever made out with a stranger: No
45: have you ever met up with a member of the opposite gender somewhere: Yeah Alessandra and I just had lunch the other day. Jk I know what this is implying and I’m extremely gay and also no
46: have you ever left the house without telling your parents: This is the same as number 41
47: have you ever had a crush on your neighbor: Define neighbor?
48: have you ever ditched school to do something more fun: On my 16th birthday I stayed home so my dads girlfriend at the time could give me blonde highlights (yikes)
49: have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same gender: Yeah
50: have you ever seen someone die: No
51: have you ever been on a plane: Yes!
52: have you ever kissed a picture: Yikes probably
53: have you ever slept until 3: I hate that you say this like it’s a challenge, I do this at least 4 times a month
54: have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now: Yes and yes
55: have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by: Yes
56: have you ever made a snow angel: Yes
57: have you ever played dress up: It was my favorite thing when I was little (plot twist I’m trans now)
58: have you ever cheated while playing a game: Probably (ps I lose)
59: have you ever been lonely: Always
60: have you ever fallen asleep at work/school: So many times
61: have you ever been to a club: Yeah Lio and I went to Necto once lol
62: have you ever felt an earthquake: Yes! I was 5 and in California
63: have you ever touched a snake: Yes
64: have you ever ran a red light: I hope not
65: have you ever been suspended from school: No
66: have you ever had detention: No
67: have you ever been in a car accident: Yes but it wasn’t that bad, the car was totaled but everyone was fine
68: have you ever hated the way you look: Everyday babee
69: have you ever witnessed a crime: Yeah
70: have you ever pole danced: No
71: have you ever been lost: In a figurative or literal way? The answer to both is yes
72: have you ever been to the opposite side of the country: Yes I’ve been to California
73: have you ever felt like dying: Haha yeah
74: have you ever cried yourself to sleep: What are these questions of course I have
75: have you ever sang karaoke: Not in front of more than like 3 people
76: have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t: So many times lol yeet
77: have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose: YES
78: have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger: No
79: have you ever kissed in the rain: I’m trying to remember but I don’t think so?
80: have you ever sang in the shower: I’m a little bit shook myself by this but I honestly don’t think so?
81: have you ever made out in a park: Yes would recommend
82: have you ever dreamt that you married someone: Not like literally dreams no
83: have you ever glued your hand to something: Lol what no
84: have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole: No gross
85: have you ever gone to school partially naked: No what
86: have you ever been a cheerleader: No but I used to say it’s what I wanted to be when I grew up lol
87: have you ever sat on a rooftop: Unfortunately no
88: have you ever brushed your teeth: Yes?????
89: have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone: Not too scared but I don’t really like watching any movies alone
90: have you ever played chicken: Like the water game? Yes with max and his sisters it was honestly a grand time
91: have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on: No but goals
92: have you ever been told you’re hot but a complete stranger: Yes I’ve been on tinder
93: have you ever broken a bone: Nope
94: have you ever been easily amused: A friend told me the other day that I laugh at everything
95: have you ever laughed so hard you cried: Of course
96: have you ever mooned/flashed someone: No consent is important
97: have you ever cheated on a test: If you say you haven’t you’re a liar
98: have you ever forgotten someone’s name: Yep
99: have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real: Do you mean like too good to be real or like I’m dissociating and they literally don’t seem real cuz uhh
100: give us one thing about you that nobody knows: I’m alone in a room with a stranger in a bed that’s not my own (jk listen to my song Matches on YouTube https://youtu.be/Q-SGbIjLYEI)
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changguscomet · 3 years
*whooshes in again and waves wand of love* HELLO RAN!!!!!
Ooooh skipping through the Kingdom finale is such a good idea 👀 I also might just do that LMAO yes especially for sf9 and ikon (and btob, gotta love the senior groups!!) ALSO YES I'm a huge kdrama fan!!! I'd definitely recommend Extraordinary You with Rowoon, it was such an amazing drama 🥺🥺🥺 and also Doom at your Service with Dawon! There's also She Would Never Know and Signal (Signal if you're into mystery dramas, Chani has a small part but the drama itself is so interesting!!)
Inseong's F version really hits different 😳 I keep staring at it, the styling?? The jewellery???? WOW 😳😳😳 lmao same about the highlight medley, they were just so beautiful I couldn't focus on the songs! And when I did, I had to close my eyes a lil to focus on the sound 😂 the mv teaser!! I loved it so much, it looks so ethereal and beautiful, I just know I'm going to love Tear Drop so much 😭😭😭 I'm glad we're getting Believer, it's going to feel fresh and new and I'm so excited for it 😭
I don't even ult pentagon and it was A Lot, I can only imagine how it must have been for you :( Changmin!!!! I'm actually double biased in TBZ, Chanhee and Changmin are tied for first 🥺🥺 I love Changmin, his duality is amazing! He's so stunning on stage and off stage he's this absolutely adorable dork 😂😂
I LOVE LEMON 🥺🥺 a raspberry lemon cake is my next challenge! Oh wow that sounds so cool!!!!! Daisy ones for ptg 🥺🥺 and frog cookies!!!!! That's such a good idea and OH YAY if you ever make sf9 ones, I'd love to see them!!!
I hope your day has been going great 🥺💘💕💘💕💘💕💘💕💘💕
BRUH DID YOU SEE THE TAROT WEBSITE THING FROM TODAY ?? where you pick a card and then it speaks to you and then gives you a description at the end ?? I got to hear inseong’s voice talking to me in korean it was so nice 😭 I had to use papago to translate everything else but it was a great time I love it
I still need to stan btob properly - I’m whipped for minhyuk so I may as well become whipped for the rest of them too 🤡 my other friend suggested extraordinary you as well, so maybe I’ll start there 👀 I haven’t heard of signal though (I only know the twice song lmao)
I’m really tempted to pre order the album now, but all the stores I checked don’t let me choose what version I want … I might just take my chances anyway 👀 right?? with the tarot website I mentioned earlier, they had music playing in the background so I wonder if that’s tear drop or another song? I’m so excited either way uwu
chanhee and changmin are excellent choices !! I stan the entire 98 line but kevin is my number one 🥰 and agreed! seeing changmin all smiley during that heroine stage is what drew me to him
I wish you the best of luck with the raspberry lemon cake 👀 maybe I can make tear drop shaped ones for sf9…. or I could do cookies in the shape of the gem thing they used as a prop during kingdom? that might be cool 🤔
thank you 🥺🥺🥺 I hope your day’s going well too 💗💗💗
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choisgirls · 7 years
(1/?)So. Ive had. A wild day. We went to the eye doctors and I got contacts again. (If youve never gone from glasses to contacts let me explain that it is A Trip™ in depth perception. Bc the lens that helps you see is suddenly ON your eye instead of like a few cm AWAY from it.) Also I hadn't eaten all day (bc I woke up late) and so my head was hurting and add in the contacts and I was In Pain™ so we get home, I make grilled cheese, and PASS TF OUT at 5:30 pm. I wake up at 10:30 PM and think that
Anonymous said:(2/?) Its some reasonable hour to be awake like maybe 6 or 5 or even 4 am. (Its just two hours earlier than when I wake up on a school day you know?) So I wait a bit and then I check my phone, and in brilliant white numbers, I see the greatest Fuck You of my life; its only 10:30 PM and now I have to figure out how to get back to sleep. Half an hour has passed and the single greatest thing in my life right now is a melted raspberry slushie. Why is raspberry so underrated. Idk. I’m tired. ~Tex
i freaking love raspberry, #bring justice to raspberries
I hope you get to sleep soon!!!;;;;;;; if it makes you feel any better im drawing a picture;;;; with zen and v;;; idk how itd help but maybe it will as like a distraction???
but /dude/ i absolutely HATE when that happens to me it is The Worst™ and i feel it so hard and i stg if that happens to me tonight im gonna be mAD and im gonna lowkey blame you /no im not/ ~Admin 404
Anonymous said:Also I sent the ask about going to the eye doctor before I saw the LITERAL ENTIRE REAUEST ABOUT IT and now I'm just like. Did I request this in my sleep? Is this parallel universe me? Have we finally made contact? (Get it? Contacts? /shot) ~Tex
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santiagostyle · 7 years
hi this is me sending u every single emoji from the ask meme bc im too lazy to type out just the ones i want to ask
dammit jo why u gotta do this to me (jk I’m excited) (also I deleted some questions bc I’m stupid and idk what half of them mean or how to answer them COOL)
Send me emojis!
(hella long post sorry in advance)
☝ - How tall are you?
5′6″ I’m pretty sure
✔ - Sexual Orientation
Lmao good question
🚬 - Do you Smoke?
I mean ??? No but I’ve tried it does that count
🍷 - Do you Drink?
On occasion yes
♒ - Do you Take Drugs?
😳 - Age you get mistaken for?
TBH either 15 or 25 there is no in between
💉 - Have Tattoos?
✏️ - Want any tattoos?
Maybe?? Most likely a Florence lyric (”I’m gonna be free and I’m gonna be fine”) but I have no idea where I would get it
✂️ - Got any Piercings?
I have three piercings in each earlobe
✌ - Want any piercings?
Maybe a cartilage piercing or something idk
👌 - Best friend?
I have several and their names are Sandra, Temiqua, Macy, Layne, Megan, and there’s more ok I’m stressed I can’t list them all I’ll be here all day
♥ - Do you like anyone?
Unfortunately yes I think so but I’m pretty sure I’m getting over it
🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands?
Florence + The Machine, The Fray, Daughter, Prince (and the Revolution/and the N.P.G), The Cranberries
Special mention to: Marina & The Diamonds, Lana Del Rey (I know she’s a singer not a band but I love her don’t @ me)
🎶 - Top 5 favorite songs?
Sucker - Peaches
Salvation - The Cranberries
Lying - Amy Meredith
Caught - Florence + The Machine
America - XYLØ
Special mention to: 
Raspberry Beret - Prince (for sentimental reasons)
Shut Up and Dance - Walk The Moon (also sentimental reasons)
Wake Me Up - Avicii (you guessed it)
Regular Touch - Vera Blue
Little Numbers - BOY
😒 - Biggest pet peeve?
People who take advantage of the fact that you love them
📝 - Story from your childhood.
I don’t really have any interesting stories from my childhood but I have one super embarrassing one… when I was little I used to get really really bad migraines pretty often and one time when I was in 1st grade I got super sick super fast and I went outside to get a drink of water and I ended up throwing up on (in? idk) somebody’s backpack and wow it was horrible and I don’t know why I’m sharing this 
💬 - I wish…
I wish I didn’t get distracted/frustrated so easily bc I have so many ideas and I don’t have the focus or patience to follow through with a lot of them
‼️ - Something you’ll change?
I mean hopefully I’ll stop procrastinating at some point but that’s unlikely
💦 - What makes you horny?
JFC going to church and hearing the word of the Lord!!!!! anyway this is an inaPPROPRIATE QUESTION (I’m kidding there’s a similar question further down I might be more serious there)
🌟 - A wish you’ll wish for?
Well if I put it here it won’t come true now will it
🔥 - Something spicy you like?
I like green curry from the Chinese restaurant my family always orders from
👃 You hate the smell of ….
Fish ugh
👊 - Something you hate?
Discrimination in any way shape or form ugh
🚶 - Are you single?
💭 - Favorite foods?
I really love Nutella and burritos (not together)
☀ - Story about your day.
I had an 8:30am lecture so that was fun (sarcasm, people) and then a seminar right afterwards, then grabbed lunch with some pals from uni then came home and read fan fiction tbh my life is wild 
💘 - Top 5 celebrity crushes?
Melissa Fumero, Stephanie Beatriz, Andy Samberg, Robert Downey Jr, James Marsters circa 1999-2000
Special mention to: Ian Harding, Jude Law, Camilla Belle, Eliza Dushku, Keira Knightley, Karla Souza, Katie McGrath, Sarah Michelle Gellar circa 2001 jfc I love a lot of people
🎥 - Top 5 favorite movies?
Celeste & Jesse Forever: this movie ruined my life but I love it so much and also refuse to watch it ever again
Last Night: I was so angry at the end of this movie my best friend had to stop me from throwing her computer across the room but GOD it’s so so good 
Cruel Intentions: look I was like 15 when I first watched this movie and I was in no way prepared and tbh I am still #shook by how much people got away with in the 90s (and also… SMG with dark hair amirite)
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows: idk I like mystery movies and Robert Downey Jr and this is such a guilty pleasure movie I watch it all the time
The Emperor’s New Groove: I will fight anyone who thinks this is not the greatest cinematic masterpiece ever created okay I’ve loved it since I first watched it when I was like 2 years old and I still love it just as much now
Special mentions:
Stoker: I studied this movie in school and good GOD I will never understand why the Board of Studies thought it was appropriate to show Year 11 students but it’s so beautifully shot and it’s so weird and bizarre and unsettling and I love it 
The Road to El Dorado: a childhood favourite and a comedic masterpiece and I literally forced all my friends to watch it with me on my 18th birthday it was wonderful
Bridesmaids: just bloody hilarious and I remember the first time my mum and I watched it together we were literally in tears by the end of it bc we were laughing so hard
📺 - Top 5 favorite TV shows?
Brooklyn 99: (duh) I don’t even need to explain this one
Utopia: I always describe this show as “the Australian version of The Office” even though I’ve never actually watched The Office but it’s just such wonderful Australian humour and I love it
Summer Heights High: another Aussie classic and good lord it’s so politically incorrect and full of horrible jokes but it’s basically an Australian rite of passage and as such I love it
How to Get Away With Murder: I love trying to solve everything and it’s funny and thrilling and also the cast is so beautiful
Thank God You’re Here: this show isn’t on anymore but I love improv so much and I love all the people who starred on it and god it was hilarious
Special mentions:
Have You Been Paying Attention?, Jane the Virgin, Gilmore Girls
✏ - Random fact about yourself.
I skipped Kindergarten??
✈️ - Where are you from?
Sydney, Australia
🚀 - Where do you wanna visit?
Europe. Just,,, everywhere
😍 - Do you have a crush?
I think so ??? I know I used to but idk if I’m over it yet
😷 - Something you hate eating?
🙈 - What makes you shy?
💃 - Can you dance?
I’m a dancer so I certainly hope so
💏 - Do you love anyone?
I love a lot of people but not romantically if that’s what this question means
👟 - Favorite shoe(s) to wear?
Idk I have this one pair of boots I wear pretty much every day
🌴 - A island you would visit?
I really want to go to Cuba
🌎 - A country you would visit?
🌀 - Favorite type of weather?
Thunderstorms, if I’m inside
🔮 - Do you believe in luck?
📱 - What kinda phone do you have?
iPhone SE
📅 - Favorite time of the year?
📚 - Career goal you want?
Anything in the arts - acting, taking photos, writing, cinematography, dancing, producing, directing, stage handing, screenwriting, literally anything I’ll take it
🍭 - Favorite Candy?
TBH I love lollipops, specifically Chupa Chups 
(story time: one of my Year 12 teachers made a habit of bringing a whole packet of Chupa Chups to class every lesson because our class just would not shut up otherwise)
🍇 - Favorite fruits?
Strawberries, peaches, blackberries
🚘 - Dream car(s)?
I don’t really have one but I used to really want a Mercedes
🚔 - Have you ever been arrested?
🚑 - Have you ever driven in an ambulance before?
No but I’ve had to call one
🎫 - Do you have a license?
I have my learner’s but can’t drive by myself yet lol I’m working on it
🚼 - Do you have or want kids?
I don’t have any and I don’t know if I want any
🔞 - Are you under 18?
Negative I’m 19
🐶 - Do you own a pet?
No :( 
😔 - Something that makes you sad?
The fact that there are so many people struggling (particularly with mental illness) and feeling hopeless/like they don’t have a support system
😡 - What pisses you off?
Literally just discrimination of any kind but also people who are arrogant and condescending and passive aggressive
😏 - What turns you on?
I mean idk I don’t really have a whole lot of anecdotal evidence ya know but generally I’m a pretty tactile person so physical contact is usually a good time I guess 
😈 - Are you a freak?
Idk probably
💪 - Do you work out?
I dance and do yoga every week, does that count?
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nozoroomie · 8 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARUSO!! @icaruswings87 !! You’re such a lovely person to talk with and I’m glad to call you my friend! I hope your day has been nothing but the best and that this smol fanfic (lmao small its over 3,000 words I’m a mess) makes your evening even better!
Set in the halflings au :’3! 
 Nozomi yawns quietly as the sound of her phone ringing echoes into their room, waking her up. She glances at her alarm clock and reads the rude “5:40 AM” blinking at her and sighs. Eli stirs next to her, the sound of it causing her ears to twitch and wake her up from her deep sleep as well. The blonde rolls to bury her face into the pillow and exhales lowly. Nozomi smiles affectionately and leans down, pressing a small kiss to onto Eli’s head.
“Go back to sleep, you don’t need to be up this early.” She whispers.
 Eli hums an okay and pulls the blanket over her head to try and muffle the phone for the time being. Nozomi pushes the covers off of herself and climbs out, her tail lazily trailing behind her as she makes her way to the living room. She picks her phone up, swiping the accept button and taking the call without even seeing the number of the person disturbing her.
“Hello?” She greets tiredly.
“Nozomi-chan! Oh good, you’re awake.” The sound of her bubbly younger sister comes from the other side of the phone and Nozomi laughs.
“I’m awake now Rin-chan. Whats up?” Nozomi murmurs into the phone, sitting down on the couch and listening to her surprisingly energetic sibling.
“Well, I forgot to tell you last night and I figured since you usually get up around this time for work, you wouldn’t mind me telling you know.”
Nozomi yawns.
“You’re right, I don’t mind, but I do wish you at least waited until 6:30 to call me.” She smiles as Rin blows a raspberry.
“I’m sorry! It just couldn’t wait! Maki-chan woke up and with her, so did I!” Rin makes her voice sound a little dramatic and Nozomi laughs.
“Anyway,” Rin continues in her normal voice, “Umi-chan wants to see us and I figured since you’re off today, we could have our siblings day?”
Nozomi frowns a little and glances towards the hallway. While she wants nothing more than to spend more time with her siblings, today is the first day in a while that both her and Eli have managed to have the same day off. It’s not like they have any plans or anything, but she was hoping for a nice quiet day in with her girlfriend. She turns away from the hallway and answers her sister.
“Hmmm... and have you and Umi-chan already planned what we might do?”
“Actually, you’ll be happy to know we do have an idea!” Rin replies giddily. “Umi-chan wants us to go over and have breakfast with her and Kotori-chan, then afterward we’re gunna go out to the new strip mall. Maybe we can do a bit of shopping or something, or get movie tickets! There’s a lot down there. After that I suggested we get Yakiniku at your favourite place!”
Damn. Her sisters know just how to rope her into doing anything by offering a trip to the best restaurant around. Nozomi laughs tiredly.
“How can I say no to all of that,” she sighs, “Alrighty, but I won’t be stopping by Umi-chan’s place until Elichi is awake, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah! Sounds great! So I’ll see you at Umi-chan’s then!” Rin’s voice is so peppy Nozomi wonders just what it is about waking up with Maki that gives her this amount of energy.
The call ends and Nozomi leans back into the couch, glancing over to the wall clock. The time reads quarter to six and she sighs again. Realizing there’s no point in going back to bed, she stands up from her place on the couch and walks over to the kitchen,deciding to bake a small good morning gift for her beloved girlfriend.
When the apartment fills with the aroma of delicious, chocolatey brownies, Eli’s awake and clinging to Nozomi. Happy hums much like purring come from her and Nozomi doesn’t mind how she affectionately buries her face into the bend between Nozomi’s neck and shoulder. She laughs when Eli’s reluctant to let go of her so she can take the baked goods out of the oven. Really, Eli’s just so spoiled sometimes.
“I can’t believe you’re awake with me this early on your day off just because of the brownies.” Nozomi jokes and Eli pouts.
“I’d be awake with you at this time on any other day, not just because of the brownies!” She objects and Nozomi laughs, leaning in and kissing the tip of her nose.
“Of course, I know.” She smiles when Eli’s expression melts into a lazy smile.
She guesses now is the best time to tell her about her sudden plans with Rin and Umi.
“Ah, I got a phone call from Rin-chan this morning.” she starts. Eli waits for Nozomi to move away from the hot stove before wrapping her arms around her again.
“Oh yeah? That early in the morning is rare for Rin.” Eli muses and Nozomi laughs.
“Right? Apparently we can thank Maki for that.” Nozomi grins and continues, “Looks like Umi-chan wants us to have siblings day today. I said yes, but I understand if you’re a bit upset since we both have today off.”
When Eli only smiles and dips down to kiss Nozomi’s lips lightly, she’s mildly surprised.
“Sounds good. You haven’t been able to have a good day with Umi and Rin lately, so I hope you have fun with them.”
Nozomi’s eyebrows lift curiously and Eli cocks her head a little as she stares at her in return.
“You don’t mind then?” Nozomi asks with high curiosity. Eli laughs.
“Nozomi, we see each other every day. It’s fine.” Eli reassures, “besides, I do have some errands I really need to get done today. You go have fun with your sisters, and I’ll see you later, okay?”
This time it’s Nozomi burying her face into Eli and Eli hums contently as Nozomi’s tail wraps around them both. Not long after they part, Nozomi’s making their coffee’s the way she usually does and Eli’s cutting herself an oversized brownie from the pan to eat with it. They make small conversation until Nozomi decides it’s time for her to shower and get ready to go out.  Once Nozomi’s down the hall and in the bathroom, Eli grabs her phone and forms a quick message.
“Thanks for this you two. I owe you one.”
A reply from Umi comes first.
“Of course, it’s our pleasure.”
And a second one, from Rin.
“We’re happy to help! :3c”
Eli smiles to herself and places her phone down in favour of cleaning up the small mess in the kitchen.
“Hey Eli-chan, where did you want Nico-chan and I to put the banner?”
Eli pauses fixing her tie and looks over to Honoka and Nico, both of them dressed nicely and holding a rolled up banner between them.
“Ah, is there room on the counter for it for now?” She asks.
“Yeah, I think we can put it down here.” Honoka says with a nod.
“Eli, can I ask you something?” Nico speaks, putting the banner down together with Honoka.
“Of course.” Eli says s she goes back to fixing her tie.
She’s clearly becoming frustrated with the damned thing and Nico takes the few strides over to her, reaching up and fixing it for her. Eli mumbles a small thank you and Nico continues.
“What made you want to do this here, of all places?”
Eli blushes a bit and glances over to the wall, where Hanayo and Kotori work on putting up small blue and purple decorations around the bakery. She smiles, remembering the first time she came into the place and the first day she met her girlfriend. The way her long hair was tied into a messy bun, the heavy coating of flour that covered her apron, the way she advertised the sweets in a way that made Eli buy way too many for just one day. Eli remembers every single encounter with Nozomi from then until now and she looks at Nico with an expression so full of love, Nico feels she might regret asking.
“There’s just no better place than here.” Is how the fox halfling answers. “This place means a lot to her and it’s where everything began for us.”
Nico smiles, even if the answer is cliche.
“You’re hopeless.” She decides as she pats Eli’s shoulder. “We’ll make sure everything is perfect.”
The bell jingles and in steps Maki, a coffee in hand and a large bag hanging on her arm.
“Sorry I’m late” She says, pulling her sunglasses off with her free hand. Her catlike eyes adjust to the lighting and she glances around everyone in the small business. “I’ve brought the rest of the decorations, as requested.”
“Thank you Maki-chan!” Hanayo says, walking over and placing a small kiss on her cheek and taking the bag from her.
“N-No problem.” She mutters, bringing her coffee to her lips and following Hanayo to where she and Kotori are working.
Eli decides to lend Honoka a hand, holding the ladder for her as she hangs streamers up onto the walls. Really, they may have been over decorating just a little bit, but it’s a very special occasion. Eli’s been planning this for weeks and with Honoka’s permission to use the bakery and everyone else’s schedules lining up just the way she hoped they might, there’s no time better than the present. Today is the day Eli tells the love of her life just how deeply she feels for her.
Today is the day they hopefully take the next step of their relationship.
Her phone vibrates in her pocket and she pulls away from the ladder, letting Nico take over and checking her messages. She swallows nervously seeing the number it’s from and she swipes the screen open. She reads the message once, rereads it, then says it out loud to the group.
“They’ve stopped by the apartment and Nozomi’s found the note. They’re all heading over right now.”
“WOO!” Honoka cheers, hopping down from the ladder. “Okay time to commence the plan! Kotori-chan, Hanayo-chan, Maki-chan, head right into the kitchen and wait for the cue for the music! Nico-chan, can you light the candles? I’ll kill the lights once you’re done.”
Everyone does as told, Kotori, Hanayo and Maki moving straight to the kitchen while Nico grabs a lighter and begins to light the candles set up around the bakery. Eli turns her phone off slips it away into her left pocket, then slides her hand into the right pocket to make sure the most important item of the evening is there. Her fingers wrap around the small, soft box and she sighs in relief. She’s ready.
As if reading her expression, Nico lights the last candle and looks at Eli.
“Lets run through this.” she declares, “Dressed for the part?”
“Check.” The halfling says, her ears twitching a little.
“You have the thing?”
“You know exactly what you’re going to say?”
“I.. I think so. I don’t know if it’ll come out the way I want it to but I’ll do my best.”
Nico smiles.
“You look ready to me then. Okay Honoka, hit the lights and let’s get in our spots!”
“Gotcha!” Honoka replies, turning all the lights off.
Eli stands just in front of the counter that faces the door and patiently waits. She holds her hands together in front of her and looks to the floor, mentally preparing herself for the events to follow. She isn’t worried about everything being perfect- no plan of hers is ever perfect. She’s known that for a while now. She hopes that everything does go the way she wants it to. She hopes she executes her speech well and that she doesn’t trip over her words. She doesn’t worry about the outcome, because there’s no need to, but even knowing what the answer will be doesn’t take away from the nerves she has.
The doorknob turns and the bells jingle and the door opens slowly to reveal just the girl she has been waiting for. Eli’s face looks up, her ears are alert and her eyes light up when she see’s her beautiful girlfriend. Her cheeks are rosy from the cold weather and her eyes scan around the bakery curiously as she notices all the decorations and the very dim and romantic lighting. Umi and Rin follow her inside, closing the door behind them and quietly side stepping their way to the other side of the room. Nozomi’s eyes land on the girl standing a few feet in front of her, clad in the same fancy suit she wore the day she asked her out for the first time.
“Elichi?” She says in a voice full of wonder. “What’s this?”
She notices how Nico and Honoka stand off to the side just behind Eli, holding something long and rolled up, but her attention goes right back to Eli as soon as a soft tune begins to play from the back. Eli’s smiling lovingly at her and Nozomi finds her cheeks heating up fast.
“Three years ago, I started becoming a regular customer to this bakery.” Eli begins, stepping closer to Nozomi. Nozomi takes a step closer as well and Eli reaches out and takes her hands into her own.
“The first day I ever came in here, you were at the counter. You had just opened three days ago, and you apologized for the messy setup because you and Honoka-chan we’re still setting up the front. Your hair was in a really messy bun and your new apron was already dusted with so much flour that it looked warn.  At the time, you were all sold out of cupcakes. You told me that if I wanted to try your cupcakes I’d have to come back the day after, but to compensate for it you’d give me a brownie on the house.”
Nozomi smiles a bit, remembering the day just as well as Eli.
“You insisted on paying for the brownie, telling us that it wouldn’t be great for business if we just gave away brownies to customers upset they couldn’t get a cupcake.”
Eli laughs.
“That’s right. And while I was very awkward, and there were probably lots of times I couldn’t hear you and had to read your lips to process what you were saying, you were always very patient with me.”
Eli brushes her thumbs across the backs of Nozomi’s hands and continues her story.
“I saw you so many times after that. My feelings for you probably developed within the first year of coming to the bakery. I was really hesitant to act on them, for obvious reasons.” For emphasis Eli twitches her ears a bit. Nozomi’s still smiling when she continues. “And much later, I learnt that you are just like me and suddenly talking with you became so much easier. My feelings for you were growing much bigger at a really alarming rate, and I couldn’t stop myself from falling for you even if I tried.”
Nozomi’s blush is quite visible in the dim light. Eli knows she’s probably picked up on what’s about to happen. She squeezes Nozomi’s hands and stares right into her eyes.
“We celebrated our first anniversary together last month and that day was the day I knew. I knew that there’s nothing more I wanted than to spend the rest of my life with you. I know our lives can get hectic and there will be lots of stuff coming our way, both good and bad, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
She finally lets go of Nozomi’s hands, dropping onto one knee and pulling the small box out of her pocket. She opens it up to reveal a dazzling silver band. There’s a small emerald in its center, with tiny sapphires on either side of it. Nozomi’s eyes are wide and she looks from the ring to Eli. Her vision’s getting a bit blurry from the tears welling up and she can just barely see Eli’s crooked smile and slightly nervous gaze.
“Nozomi, I love you. With all my heart and more.” She begins in a perfect and clear voice. “I can’t make any promises about our lives being perfect; nothing ever is. But that doesn’t mean I won’t try to make it the best they can be.”
“And so, Nozomi Toujou, will you marry me?”
To the side, Nico and Honoka drop the banner. It’s homemade, decorated by everyone in the room. The “Will you marry me, Nozomi?” is clearly written by Umi. Nozomi can recognize that perfect penmanship anywhere. There’s small hearts and bursts of colour all around it and on the bottom, just underneath the question, Kotori has drawn two little characters. One with a fluffy tail drawn in purple and another with tall ears in light blue. Nozomi’s eyes linger on it for a moment before they fall back to Eli. Her tears fall in big, ghibli esque drops and she can only nod her head feverishly.
“Mhm!” She hums. She opens her mouth to speak and her voice cracks from all the emotions she’s feeling. “I-I will. I do! I want nothing more!”
Cheers erupt from the entire bakery and Eli stands from her knee. Nozomi’s rubbing the tears off her face and Kotori and Hanayo aww as Eli pulls her into a hug, kissing the top of her head and holding Nozomi tightly against her. Nozomi’s arm wrap themselves around Eli and there’s a small bit of applause from their friends as the celebration begins. The couple pulls away from each other and with slightly shaky hands, Eli pulls the ring from the box and slips it on to Nozomi’s finger, which encourages more cheers and applause from the group around them.
As Eli leans down to kiss Nozomi properly, she reaches up and brushes her thumb along Nozomi’s wet cheek and the girl laughs. Eli smiles affectionately and captures her lips in a tender kiss and when they pull away the group of friends presents a beautiful cake, topped with vanilla icing, a beautiful blue and purple trim, two light pink candy flower decorations and completed with “congratulations on your engagement” written right on top of the cake. Eli looks at it in surprise and Nozomi’s gaze falls to Honoka, who only laughs and shrugs.
“There’s no way you were going to say no and I wanted to surprise you and Eli-chan with the best engagement gift!” She laughs. “And just in case Eli doesn’t want the cake, there’s a batch of brownies at the back with her name on it.”
“H-hey! Honoka!” Eli blurts out in embarrassment while the group laughs.
As Nico and Umi make their way to cut and hand out cake slices, Nozomi leans back into Eli and smiles when Eli’s arms wrap around her. Nozomi’s tail wraps itself around Eli and she whispers in a voice only loud enough for them (and possibly Umi, Rin and Maki) to hear.
“Did you plan all of this?”
“Everything but the cake.” Eli answers with a laugh.
“So you’re the reason Rin-chan called at 5:40 this morning?” Nozomi can’t help but tease.
“Actually, she was supposed to do it last night,” Eli mumbles and laughs, “But that doesn’t matter. You still went out with her and Umi, and I had the whole day with Honoka and Nico to help prepare for this.”
Nozomi laughs again and leans up, pressing a kiss to Eli’s lips softly.
“I love you so much.”
Eli beams at her and brushes her nose against Nozomi’s, whispering her reply before kissing her once again.
“I love you too, Nozomi. More than anything.”
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minhyukie · 7 years
hello it’s ur Local Mess here to talk about herself and do a lot of tag games im sorry for being the worst these are literally from within the past like two months and you all probably don’t even remember tagging me or care about my answers but than k you to @ki-hyunie​ @haehoney​ @honeyvevo​ @94wons​ @ckyun​ for tagging me in these i’m putting them all together so that you can all have the ultimate compilation of useless information about me!! please enjoy!!
im not tagging anyone because i don’t want to subject anyone to this but if u too love talking about yourself please tag me because i love hearing people talk about themselves
Name - amy
Age - 20
Height - 5′3 (160 cm?)
Ult Bias - seohyun + minhyuk the two loves of my life :(
Nicknames - i don’t really get many nicknames?? my roommate calls me amu though
Zodiac sign - aries
Favorite fruit - mmm kiwi? raspberries? strawberries? mangos!!! i fucking love fruits i don’t know i love them all
Favorite season - probably summer!
Favorite color - pink!! pink pink pink!
Coffee, Tea or Hot Cocoa - hot chocolate!!!
Favorite animal(s) - GOATS (if ur reading this @ me in goats)
Dream trip - i’ve been there very very briefly but i’d love to live in germany for a little?? i guess that’s not a trip but idk i’d be happy going on a trip anywhere tbh :’)
Number of blankets you sleep with - one!
Dogs or cats - i love my cats!! even though i’ve recently discovered that i’m probably allergic fjdkslf
Side blog - this... used to be a sideblog until i became too involved with mx and snsd :// so i guess my old main is a sideblog? idk @morningcomes​ <<<
Follower count - a little over 700!!! i love u all thanks for putting up w me
When did you start this blog - this particular blog was the beginning of 2017! but ive been on tumblr since like 2010 i think ://
relationship status: it’s... um.... it’s complicated fdkslfjsd let’s just say im in a relationship even though im not sure if we’re actually dating or what we’re doing.... let’s just say that
favorite color: pink!!!!!!!!!!!!
lipstick or chapstick: chapstick
last song i listened to: i really like humble and dna by kendrick lamar so i’ve had those on repeat the last few days!
last movie i watched: ... moana?? god it’s really been a long time since i’ve watched a movie
top three tv shows: friends!!! fullmetal alchemist brotherhood if that counts? avatar the last airbender.. a forever favorite
top three characters: look im the worst at coming up w these things so i’ll just give my favorites from the above shows: rachel!! or monica or chandler i don’t know i love them all :( envy!! winry!!! zuko and toph!
top three ships: ok i just want to clarify like.. pairings and not ships but joohyuk!! hyohyun :’’) and.... wow how am i supposed to limit this to a third one i guess i’ll say kihyuk because im in love with them the past few days
Bold the statements that are true for you!
I am 5′7″ or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have had braces There is something i would change about the way I look
My Hogwarts house is: Gryffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Slytherin I am an introvert I like meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports I’ve been on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event (i honestly don’t know what this means but imma say yes) I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship I have a celebrity crush I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
(ok listen... lemme just reiterate... not sure if what im in is considered a relationship fdjkslfds)
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages fluently I have made a new friend in the past year
1. do you have a good relationship with your parents? yes!!! im so grateful
2. who did you last say “i love you” to? i honestly have no clue i say it all the time through messages but im like... emotionally stunted in real life lmao
3. do you regret anything? yea mostly just opportunities that i should’ve taken that i don’t because i don’t have the will to put in the effort ://
4. are you insecure? not usually!
5. what’s your relationship status? listen.... complicated....
6. how do you want to die? this is 2 morbid for me next please
7. what did you last eat? bugles!!! i love bugles
8. played any sports? i ran cross country in high school for 3 years and did track for one!!
9. do you bite your nails? nope
10. when was your last physical fight? ha h ah haha i don’t think i’ve ever been in a physical fight
11. do you like someone? yea!
12. have you ever stayed up 48 hours? yes... too many times
13. do you hate anyone at the moment? no, not really!
14. do you miss someone? yea i miss a few of my high school friends that i wish i got to see more often and i miss us all hanging out as a group
15. have any pets?
 my family has 4 cats!
16. how exactly are you feeling at the moment?
17. ever made out in the bathroom? damn i was ready to say no but.... i actually have.... im shocked at myself
18. are you scared of spiders?
 in certain situations?? who am i kidding lfjdkslfd yes
19. would you go back in time if you were given the chance? nah
20. where was the last place you snogged someone? ummmmmm my bed
21. what are your plans for this weekend? sleep and study :(
22. do you want to have kids? how many? idk?? i’m not very passionate about it tbh i’d be happy with anywhere between 0-3 kids
23. do you have piercings? how many? both my ears are double pierced!
24. what is/are/were your best subject(s)? i fuckin love math!! i would die for math also im pretty good at chemistry physics and computer science idk most things math/science related :)
25. do you miss anyone from your past?
 mostly just the same as before?? miss some of my hs friends
26. what are you craving right now?
27. have you ever broken someone’s heart?
 i don’t think so??
28. have you ever been cheated on?
29. have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
 yea :(
30. what’s irritating you right now? too much to do too little time
31. does somebody love you? ..yes? i hope
32. what is your favourite color? pink!!!!!!!
33. do you have trust issues? not really trust issues but like i said before i think im like.. emotionally stunted or smth
34. who/what was your last dream about? i hoenstly can’t remember any recent dreams
35. who was the last person you cried in front of? my ?boyfriend? lmao i cry all the time
36. do you give out second chances too easily? mmm idk? i’ve honestly never really thought about it
37. is it easier to forgive or forget? forget ://
38. is this year the best year of your life?
39. how old were you when you had your first kiss? 18!
40. have you ever walked outside completely naked? fdjskflds no
51. favourite food?
 yo this just jumped from 40 to 51 fjdklsfdjsk anyway um! chicken
52. do you believe everything happens for a reason? lmao no that’s some wishful thinking :(
53. what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
 i did most of my computer science lab :/
54. is cheating ever okay?
55. are you mean? sometimes i can be really bad about impulsively saying things and... yea it can be mean :( but like in general? i don’t think im a mean person
56. how many people have you fist fought? i would cry if someone tried to fight me
57. do you believe in true love?
58. favourite weather? gimme that sunshine, no humidity with a breeze
59. do you like the snow? yea!! but not excessively
60. do you wanna get married? yeah? but also it’s not like one of my overlying life goals ya know but if it happens that would be nice
61. is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? honestly whenever i hear people say baby in real life i cringe fjdsklfds idk i mean i say it in the tags on here but in real life... nah and i call some of my friends babe but i do it jokingly it just seems weird to do that like.. romantically
62. what makes you happy? getting time to myself!!! to do the things i want to do and relax! to spend time with my friends just relaxing as well! in particular getting to paint and getting to play piano make me really happy and relaxed
63. would you change your name? nope!
64. would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
65. your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? ummm did u mean... my current situation jfkdlsfs
66. do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? yes mostly?? he definitely thinks im a lil weird when im like 100% myself but he still loves me anyway so :’)
67. who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
 ^^^ said above best friend
68. who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? my high school best friend?? i think
69. do you believe in soulmates? not really it’s a nice idea though
70. is there anyone you would die for? probably a few of my closest friends
fdskfdlsfjdks hope none of u read all that!!! this deserves to be my about page tbh
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actualltr4sh · 5 years
its been a while since i did oneuhdeez
basics what’s your name ➔ zarina do you have a nickname ➔ ‘z’ usually do you have a middle name ➔ i dew do you like your name ➔ luv  do people often mispronounce your name ➔ yeah, i get “serena” a lot but i cut that shit out do you like the meaning of your name ➔ luv. it means golden so that’s fire when is your birthday ➔  01/15 how old are you ➔ 5′4 do you like your age ➔ it’s okay. i’m old lmao what’s your zodiac sign ➔ good cap!
appearance what’s your hair colour ➔ blackityblackblackblack is your current hair colour your natural hair colour ➔ yeth do you dye your hair ➔ i have before, i don’t make a habit of it though do you have natural highlights ➔ nerp when was the last time you had a haircut ➔ recently! like a month ago lol what length is your hair right now ➔ um the back of it is like at the base of my neck but the front is short lol do you have straight, wavy or curly hair ➔ nigger curls boo do you have frizzy hair ➔ not usually do you use a curling iron ➔ not usually do you use a hair straightener ➔ not usually do you braid your hair ➔ almost always lmao what’s your eye colour ➔ brown do your eyes change colour ➔ this is not a john green novel lol do you wear contacts ➔ never!! if so, do you use colour contacts or regular contacts ➔ NEVER!! do you wear glasses ➔ yes i can not fucking see bro lmao do you have naturally long eyelashes ➔ not really ;/ they look so bare lol do you wear braces ➔ no do you have dimples ➔ no do you have moles ➔ a few, none on my face tho do you have outstanding cheekbones ➔ kinda? not really. i got a good jaw tho do you have freckles ➔ nerp. love em though do you have piercings ➔ i lost some :( i have 8 now do you have tattoos ➔ 6?? do you wear make up ➔ just my eyebrows cus i dont have any lol do you paint your nails ➔ sometimes. whenever im feeling edgy do you wear jewelry ➔ bracelets normally but my wrist just broke out so not now are you happy with your height ➔ it’s fine. im not like short but im not tall either
personality would you consider yourself outgoing or shy ➔ super shy and anxious baybee are you sarcastic  ➔ i used to be a lot worse but its toned down a lot. too anxious LMAO what’s your biggest fear ➔ being in a car accident.. didn’t used to be number 1 but now? yep what’s your guilty pleasure ➔ coke. not like cocaine but coca cola LMAO are you religious ➔ meh do you get easily along with people ➔ typically! do you cry easily ➔ if i cry a lot is that the same thing as crying easily? idk. i be stressed though lmao
school do you go to middle school ➔ like now??? do you go to high school ➔ ?????? do you go to a private school ➔ no lol are you home schooled ➔ nope have you gratuated from school ➔ ya ya ya ya yaaaa what grade are you in ➔ done done done done doneeeee have you skipped a grade ➔ nope have you been held back a grade ➔ almost! freshman year of high school was whooping my ASS okay have you ever failed a class  ➔ bitch several have you been sent to the principals office ➔ not to my knowledge have you skipped school ➔ yeah i used to be tripping have you cheated on a test ➔ how else would i have gotten my degree lol
family do you live with your biological parents ➔ hell nope do you get along with your parents ➔ mehhhhh my dad yeah my mom not really do you tell your parents everything ➔ man hell no lol do you have strict parents ➔ growing up my mom was v strict do you have siblings ➔ 5! are you the oldest ➔ nerp are you in the middle ➔ almost are you the youngest ➔ pretty much?? but not really are all of your grandparents still alive ➔ um... on my dads side maybe?? i think so
friendships do you have a best friend ➔ yeth  do you have more than 10 friends ➔ yall funny as fuck do you have at least 2 friends you can trust with your life ➔ i guess. i dont even trust myself with my life if we being real lmao do you have a lot of guy friends, a lot of girl friends or equal girl and guy friends ➔ i dont have a lot of friends period its probs equal or more girls do you text with your friends a lot ➔ two of them i talk to almost every day!
relationships what’s your relationship status ➔ dolla dolla bill yall! have you ever been in love ➔ i have and bitch oowee do you believe in love at first sight ➔ idk lmao have you ever been in a relationship ➔ one serious one and like some other shit have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ idk issa secret boo have you ever been asked out on a date ➔ yesss have you ever been kissed ➔ yeah the hoes love it have you ever made out with someone ➔ i haveeee have you ever been cheated on ➔ kinda. he got me on a technicality and that shit fucked me UP have you ever been proposed to ➔ no i hope so one day!! do you want to get married ➔ WIFE ME do you want kids ➔ one seems like enough but what if they get only child syndrome? you have to have 2 for their sanity lmao
country where were you born ➔ ugh where do you live right now ➔ UGH have you ever been out of the country ➔ canada lmao do you prefer country or city ➔ city me please do you like sightseeing ➔ sure! is one or more of your parents from another country ➔ yeth what places would you like to visit  ➔ antiguaaaaa are you fluent in more than one language ➔ black what languages can you speak ➔ colored and white if we being real LMFAOOO i be code switching like a mf
health do you have any allergies ➔ naw cuh are you lactose intolerant ➔ man hell yeah that shit is a serious barrier  have you had surgery ➔ noooo hopefully never have you had stitches ➔ no & never have you broken a bone ➔ no & never! bitch i be chilling has someone close to you died of a disease ➔ not to my knowledge.. wait yes im an asshole for forgetting do you exercise a lot  ➔ this is a joke
experiences have you ever had a near death experiene ➔ a few :/ have you ever been on a plane ➔ a couple times! have you ever had an allnighter ➔ freshman year lmao have you ever been to school/work after a sleepless night ➔ FRESHMAN YEAR have you ever been in a physical fight ➔ kinda lmao have you ever been to a wedding ➔ yesss i wanna go to one again so bad I LOVE LOVE have you ever been to a funeral ➔ :(  have you ever lived in a different country ➔ no have you ever been drunk ➔ i be fucked up have you ever been trick or treating ➔ yes free candy is weird but its cool lmao have you ever been in a school play ➔ i was in crew in HS lol have you ever been to a camp ➔ no actually why didnt i have that summer camp lifestyle in middle school have you ever driven a car ➔  barely bitch
skills how many languages are you fluent in ➔ i told you have you ever read a book in another language ➔ no can you roll your tongue ➔ not really? can you braid hair ➔ nope lmao can you do a handstand ➔ eye can
habits do you crack your knuckles ➔ not as much as i used to? if i do i really dont even notice it lmao do you bite your nails ➔ noooo do you bite your lips ➔ noooo
favourites what’s your favourite movie ➔ it’s different all the time today we’ll say bring it on lmao what’s your favourite tv show ➔ greys anatomy s1-8.. gotta clarify this new shit wack what’s your favourite book ➔ the mothers x britt bennett  what’s your favourite song ➔ idk... lets say my boy builds coffins Florence & the machine what’s your favourite colour ➔ blk what’s your favourite animal ➔ zebra. owl.  what’s your favourite season ➔ fall or spring!!
this or that summer or winter ➔ ugh honestly neither  day or night ➔ night me pls cats or dogs ➔ dog rain or shine ➔ rainnnn if im inside watching tv, sun if i have shit to do lol coffee or tea ➔ coffeeeee i don’t like tea that much tbh lol reading or writing ➔ writing probs humorous or serious ➔ humor me brown or blue eyes ➔ brwn single or group dates ➔ single i have too much anxiety for that lol texts or calls ➔ i think i like talking otp more but i genuinely hate both unless i love you driving or walking ➔ i walk everywhere if i can but cars are more efficient lol
last last phone call ➔ an apartment complex lol last text ➔ “her family pimpin her out smh” somebody said this about an old lady!!  last song you listened to ➔ savage x meg  last thing you ate ➔ some wack ass chips lmao last thing you drank ➔ raspberry lemonade last purchase ➔ the wack ass chips and the lemonade lol last time you cleaned your room ➔ technically a few weeks ago when i moved out lol last time you’ve been on a date ➔ january? yeah january
0 notes
Primes :)
oh tsym! an #Ally
Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it? 
i do! uhh with tea like, sweet tea + lemon or better yet Lemonade is great... i like green tea, and fruity teas like raspberry especially or the like, and i’ve had mint too and i think it’s great....i always like to sweeten it....with honey if there’s any. also i usually drink it hot b/c that’s just like, the easiest. iced sweet tea / lemon/ade is great but like, what a hassle waiting for it to get cold, right? 
re: coffee, i haven’t had nearly as much experience drinking it as with tea, so like......well hang on, i’d go to the Coffee On The Corner (now called something else which i forget) place a couple blocks from my college campus b/c of otherwise being lonely and being like “oh god can i be around other people for a while,” and i’d get mochas there, and sometimes add raspberry to that. usually i go for something like that, or once i had like, a lavender frappucino or something at the best place to get donuts in the world (sugar shack) and it kinda fucked. i’ve at least sampled iced coffee and thought it was great, i get what everyone’s on about. anyways i Usually just have like, plain hot coffee, though that’s not exactly a preference lmao.....and i sweeten it and add creamer because like, i love myself and like to enjoy things.
What was the last song you listened to?
i was listening to wrol performances most recently while washing dishes......i remember teenage dirtbag, That amphibian, and flesh & bone being among the ones i was listening to towards the end
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
sorta, there’s this ostensibly-a-fox really soft like throw pillow guy that’s not even mine but i’ll lie against it sometimes
What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with?
i usually sleep with this one really solid blanket i got from target, or if it’s cold i’ll add the faux-down comforter i also got from target. s/o to the person who recommended its ikea equivalent that time i was sleeping in real cold temps and like “please recommend me blankets” b/c that one is Very insular and like, it’s always Enough when i add it to the other blanket when it’s too cold for just the one. cuz like, i guess ideally i’d like to sleep with as few as possible But i want to be warm enough. also, i’d probably enjoy a weighted blanket. i’ve never really had one but i like heavy blankets and am Pressure Friendly. and then plus there’s this thing i do ever since this one semester at college where i’ll lie something over the whole top half of my head while i sleep like to cover my eyes, and it’s weird trying to sleep without that ever now. rn i use a bathrobe. so that’s kind of another Ideal requirement ig??
What color are your eyes?
the idea of global catastrophic climate change literally haunts my dreams......when i think of “certain health issues that could happen” i am like guess i’d die..........i fear prison in that well i know i could endure it like, ha ha what else is new (some aspects would be new) but it’s the “being cut off from the outside world which is where everyone who knows me is” part where i’m like, well i’d really really rather not have to go through that.......i have some like not-quite-phobias which are sort of manageable if i really really have to deal with it, and also possibly have a long time to steel myself........though i guess i’m sort of nervous about heights Always. it’s yknow, like, uh, most of my Fears are more of “i really Dread this”. oh and i find some other stuff like, not quite “i have a phobia” but intensely perturbing. i do not like very large mechanical things, for example, that operate automatically. like very large engine-type stuff. possibly because it is a very large and loud moving object, or because a machine can kill you easily without knowing. maybe in a past life i was a child in an industrial society pre-child-labor-laws reform. hope not! not my fave way to go! also even though i like swimming, sometimes Thoughts About Pools make me nervous. flowave perturbs me, for example, b/c i can’t help thinking of how bad it would be to be in that water with all these moving mechanical parts generating large waves. also there’s some large like art installation that’s this large Eternal Circling Drain Into Vague Stygian Depths which disturbs me for similar reasons. anyways we’re getting kinda elaborate here but. oh!! same as prison basically but if i can’t be in touch with the outside world it’s like haha........aha....a.....
Want any piercings? Where?
at one point i was like “i kinda like fun earrings, maybe it’d be fun to be able to wear them” but lbr now im like ugh the whole getting a new piercing process is such a hassle and i would probably end up never / hardly ever wearing earrings anyhow, what’s the point. so i guess No
Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends?
soph is my best friend u_u we started talking last november so, going on about eleven months. our Innovation within that time frame.....our minds........also can you believe soph Just got to see deh? that was a historic occasion and i hope everyone fully appreciates that
Do you believe in aliens?
you know what they say: the only two possibilities are that we are the only Life in existence or we are not, and either is extraordinary! :o but like really if this universe is one of infinite, limitless space, and/or there are parallel or alternate universes, then like...other life totally exists, since when you’re dealing with Infinity stars and planets and such, and there’s a nonzero chance that other planets could have developed life (which there is), that means that there Would be life on other planets. infinite planets, really. but it’s neat that when you’re dealing with the observable universe and the range of what we can estimate based on what we Know so far....there’s still a decent chance it really Could be just us rn. and the scale of Time and Space are so wild that it’s like, easily true that we might as well be functionally alone whether it’s because we’re too far apart in space or b/c our “time during which life exists” doesn’t overlap, much less the surely briefer time range in which life capable of communication exists...drake equation time.........but also like if it’s all “oh yeah contact’s been / will be made” i wouldn’t be shocked like wow thought that was impossible. life from other planets is just like, statistics and shit. and the scientifically-informed answer to that math is still “shruggg”....but why Should we be literally unique in all of existence. and if they exist or not has nothing to do with my belief either way so it’s not that important to me that i decide
Does it take you a long time to make decisions? 
pretty much lol i am very passive. though if i feel like i’m left to my own devices Truly? i can sort of be impulsive
What are you looking forward to in the distant future?
well i Could say season 5 of billions, since tbh “early-ish 2020″ counts as the distant future and it seems extremely likely it will give us more winston content, but you really can’t say you ever “look forward” to billions. it’s cursed and like, can give you brief and shining moments and some kind of neat elements, but like. it really overall brings Dread and Repulsion and Agony and etc and we’re in hell!!!!! but uhh beyond that i have nothing concrete lmfao rip
Do you prefer dogs or cats?
well i really like cats but i like dogs too
What’s your favorite cartoon? 
idk atla really did all That didn’t it
Do you have siblings? How many?
two! i’m in the middle
Have you memorized your phone number?
well every time i’ve had a phone number i’ve had it memorized lmao
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smittenbyschmidt · 6 years
11 Questions Tag:
I had originally tagged @trashyforkpop when I did this just the other day, but then she retagged me in her’s to answer her 11 questions!! So, that’s what I’m doing! Thank you, lovely!! 💗
I’m not gonna tag anyone or ask any new questions haha, but yeah here it is!! :)
I’m putting this under “keep reading” because it ended up a lot longer than I thought it would be, haha.
EDIT: i went to edit something on this and accidentally deleted it, so i’m reposting it lmao. good thing I had originally written it out in my notes on my laptop lmao.... deep sigh haha.
1. What is the worst thing you’ve ever done?: Lol, I am lowkey such a goodie-two-shoes??? I honestly can’t think of anything really bad that I’ve done besides maybe lie to someone to get out having to do something (but it would be like??? lying to not hang out or go somewhere I don’t feel like going). lmao
2. Tell me about your day: My day was pretty good! I had a job interview this morning, and I pretty much got the job but I’m gonna be starting off doing some different jobs before I work my way up to the supervisor position I had originally applied for. So, I’ll be working at a Nursing Home/Rehabilitation facility pretty soon!! Today has been really rainy and wet and gross out, so after I got back from my interview, I chilled for a bit. Then, my mom and I met my uncle and grandmother at a farm to go and buy plants to put in our backyard garden (which was kinda gross because again… it’s pouring outside, but everything was in green houses, which was nice). I had a yummy lunch that I made (it was kinda like homemade ramen, but i used rice noodles instead because I’m on a gluten free diet right now). Now, I’m chilling again, and cleaning up around the house, before my mom and I go out to dinner later tonight with my mom’s best friend. All in all, a pretty good day so far! :)
3. What is something about yourself you wish others appreciated about you more?: My ability to problem solve and think on my feet. (sometimes, I feel like people don’t listen to my suggestions?? even though they end up doing what I was going to say/did say in the end??). *insert dramatic eye rolls here*
4.  What languages can you speak?: Unfortunately, only english, fluently. I can speak a bit of Spanish, but only really enough to kind of converse. I’d love to learn more languages though! (Side note: my brother is amazing at languages, he’s a linguistics major in college right now, and has taught himself a lot of languages, so I’m kinda jealous about that).
5. Some of your favorite emojis even if they’re not commonly used: 💫🌷🤧🆗🆒⭐️🌙🤗🤷🏻‍♀️🗣 and my favorite emoji: 💖
6. A misconception you had about kpop (for example I used to think that got7′s JinYoung was an asshole cause of all the fancams where he rejected fans love but in reality he’s the softest bean): I don’t really know? I guess, for me, first impressions are pretty strong and if I see a member that seems to be kind of “cold” or “serious” with their outside appearance during performances or in interviews, I kind of think that that’s how they are. At least until I learn more about them and realize that they are all serious softies that deserve the world. :( (specifically Yongguk, Yoongi, Taeyong, and probably a bunch more hahah).
7.  Any song recommendations?: I’m gonna go down the non-kpop route, because… well, Idk why but yeah.
“Easy” by Mac Ayres
“LY4L” by Katelyn Tarver (actually, anything by Katelyn Tarver ahah: but especially “Love Me Again”, “Hate to Tell You”, “A Little More Free”, “It’s Good” & “Love Alone”)
Literally anything by LANY (they are my favorite band), but specifically: “4EVER!”, “Someone Else”, “ILYSB” (and the acoustic vers. omg), “yea, babe, no way”, “pink skies” (!!!!!!!!!!), “like you lots”, “it was love”, ect.
“Four Walls” by Broods
“Never Be Like You” by Flume
“Drive” by Glades
“Start of Time” by Gabrielle Aplin
((probs more but that’s all i can think of right now lol))
8. Brag about yourself: (I’m deadass gonna grade you like a teacher so the more the better) lol ok this is gonna be kinda awkward because I don’t really like to brag about myself???? but, here we go I guess. I am an incredibly organized and put together person. I am honestly know as the organization queen in my family, because I can literally take anything that may be messy (a closet, a room, a cabinet, a purse, files, anything tbh) and organize it. I also really enjoy organizing, so that makes it even better to me haha. I am a very patient person (tbh I’m not sure who I got it from because my mom can be so impatient lmao, and so can my dad), so I take a lot of pride in that fact? I have always been really great a bullshitting essays? Like, I can write a pretty solid essay on topics i’m not event too familiar with in a short amount of time, and get a really great grade on it. I’m also really great at writing long papers (or papers that have to have a certain number or pages or words minimum). Like, if a professor gave an assignment where we had to write a paper that had to be at least 3-4 pages long, my essay would end up being at least 7 pages (and I almost always did really well on those papers lol). Besides the fact that I may begin working in a nursing home/rehabilitation center in the diet department, I also volunteer at my local hospital. I work under one of the RD’s in the oncology department, and I have been creating handouts for cancer patients that explain the different nutrition considerations that would benefit specific types of cancers. (Like, I just completed a handout that’s made for patients with brain tumors). Umm, I’m not really one to brag about my outer appearance, but I do think I have a great style?? Like, I really love the way that I dress on a day to day basis, and though I may sometimes dress like a grandma, I’m really proud of the cute, young adult but still 22 year old, style that i have?? idk. I also really like my hair and my eyebrows?? Like, I’m super happy with my eyebrows lmao, I take a lot of pride in them??? I also think I’m a really great listener, and I take a lot of pride in being someone that people can talk to, and I always try to give my undivided attention. I also try to give the best advice that I can (I’m not the best at it, but I really try my best to help). I am also really sarcastic and kinda witty (and I can be quite funny once you get to know me), and I really like that about myself. idk, is that enough annah????
9. Do you have any “useless” knowledge?: (pls share an “useless” fact) Did you know that strawberries and raspberries aren’t actually berries, but banana’s technically are?? Strawberries and raspberries both derive from single flowers that have more than one ovary, but a true berry would derive from a single flower that has only one ovary. Technically, bananas derive from a flower with only one ovary, making them berries. Eggplants and tomatoes too.
10. The ocean or space, and why?: Well, as gorgeous as I find the ocean to be, and as long as I have lived near the ocean, I am not an ocean person. I think that the extent and the depth of what’s in the ocean is incredible and completely fascinating, and there is so much in the ocean that we have still yet to learn about, but I find outer space to be completely fascinating. Let me just say that the extent of my knowledge on either subject is very low, but I think find space to be so interesting. There’s this whole universe out there that we have yet to discover, and there’s so much out there (like planets, life, stars, galaxies, ect) that we still don’t know about and i think that’s really awesome. I also can’t swim too well and I hate seaweed, so for that reason, I’m not big on the ocean. but I’d also never want to go to space??? so idk there are things about each I love and find to be fascinating, but there are also aspects of each that I don’t like?? I hope this made sense, hahah.
11. How are you?: (in depth response required “I’m fine” is not allowed) I’m doing pretty well! I’ve got a lot of shit on my mind lately, and I’m trying to figure a lot of my life out still, but slowly but surely, things are working out in my favor, which makes me quite happy. I definitely have my moments where I and definitely not in a great headspace, where I kinda just want to keep to myself and be alone, but currently, I’ve been pretty content. My anxiety was really bad maybe 2 weeks ago, but since then, i haven’t been too anxious or anything. Overall, I’m good right now. :)
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ratharee · 7 years
1 - 150 !!! 😈 Hehehe
1.Who was the last person you held hands with?
My baby.
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Depends on the day.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My bio Dad and his girlfriend the next time they come visit, hopefully this month.
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Most people would say yes, I’m sure a few would disagree lol. I believe I am.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Probably my boyfriend or one of my best friends.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
I find a lot of different qualities attractive. If we are strictly speaking personality someone who is down to earth, thoughtful, intelligent, loves nature and animals etc etc
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
I will be.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
My Dad, not my bio Dad but my Dad dad. 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Absolutely not.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My SO.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“I downloaded it and it said doughnuts failed!!”“Download***”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Kickapoo, Daughter, Klusterfuck, Remedy, and Saviour. (Last I listened to actually lol) But that is an unfair question as I have probably more than a hundred “favourite songs”. How can you just pick five?!? 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Honestly it depends on my mood, sometimes I love it and sometimes it makes my skin crawl.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
I suppose, a little bit.
15. What good thing happened this summer?
This last summer, uhhh I can’t think of any one big good thing but lots of smaller things. Like my business starting to amp up.
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I’m going to.
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
I don’t actually have an opinion on that.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
I do not.
19. Do you like bubble baths?
I FUCKING love them, I use a really lovely organic raspberry bubble bath and it’s heavenly. Add some candles and music and I’m set for the next hour :3 
20. Do you like your neighbors?
We actually don’t have any right now!!! They got evicted and moved out today. One of them was really nice but the others were annoying and very rude. College students, four of them. I’m sorry but my family is more important then your house parties. Bye bye 👋 
21. What are you bad habits?
Well I don’t have nearly as many as I used too. I don’t smoke, do any hard drugs, or cut anymore and if I drink it’s only a couple once and awhile. I think stressing the fuck out over insignificant things is one of my worst habits. I only ever finish half of a drink sometimes less. Also barely sleeping and forgetting to eat. But I’m really trying to work on those.
22. Where would you like to travel?
New Zealand, A shit ton of places in South America, Madagascar, New Caledonia, Japan, Sweden, I seriously could just keep going on forever 
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Waking up to my bb boy.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
Probably my legs now, also I have never liked my nose.
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Take care of my baby, take my meds, take my greens, water the reps
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My cousin. She is the shit!
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
A few of them.
30. Do you ever want to get married?
I do, yea I do. 
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
My hair is past my titties.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Jason Momoa and Snow tha product
33. Spell your name with your chin.
I’m on my iPhone so this isn’t going to work well.DabfsyS Yep so good.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
What do you consider sports? I spin some poi and shoot a recurve. I also ride. But other than that no no no sports for me!
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Of course.
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Probably something I shouldn’t.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
I already answered this for someone else please refer to that. 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Home Depot, Guava, Kool and Child.
40. What do you want to do after high school?
I had no idea what I wanted to do, or rather I had a million ideas and no clear path. I’m now working towards my ultimate goal of having a storefront for my business. 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Not everyone no, some people definitely do.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
It literally could mean a number of things. I’m dissociating, I’m tired, I’m uncomfortable, I’m angry and don’t want to start shit and know if I say something I will , I’m upset and trying not to cry, or I’m just lost in my own mind thinking thinking thinking always a million thoughts
43. Do you smile at strangers?
I sure do, it makes me happy 😊 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Well I have a baby and a shit ton of animals who need me to take care of them lol, so on mornings when I don’t feel like getting up that’s a big motivater.
46. What are you paranoid about?
47. Have you ever been high?
Oh sweet summer child, you don’t want to know how fucking high I’ve been.
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Yes yes yes.
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Not that I can think of, have you?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
I used to wish that all the time.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
I wish I could be neurotypical, I want that more than anything else in this world.
53. Favourite makeup brand?
54. Favourite store?
Home Depot.
55. Favourite blog?
56. Favourite colour?
Green 🐍✅🐊
57. Favourite food? 
I love mangos and Chinese food!
58. Last thing you ate?
Green grapes.
59. First thing you ate this morning?
A granola bar. 
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Yes mini golf lol, swimming, animal show at the Duncan fair, I’m sure there are some other small and insignificant things but I’m too tired to try and remember 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
I wasn’t arrested, I was removed by a police officer and put in the back of his car. But he drove me to the hospital and I was admitted to the psych-ward. So not really the same thing.
63. Ever been in love?
I have yes.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
I kissed a boy under my hide a bed when I was six, it wasn’t all that great lmao.
65. Are you hungry right now?
No but I am a little thirsty.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
No sorry, I love my friends! They are amazing.
67. Facebook or Twitter?
Facebook, I don’t do twitter.
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
No sir.
70. Names of your bestfriends?
Raven, Emily, Alyssa, Amelia, 
71. Craving something? What?
Honestly a fucking smoke, sometimes I want one so bad. 
72. What colour are your towels?
I have many different colours. Mostly solid cream and solid green though. 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Shhhhh yes 
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Way to FUCKING many lol, definitely over 30. Most of them are under the stairs but I have I think six out.
75. Favourite animal?
I can’t do this. So many amazing unique animals, I have far too many favourites to even narrow it down to 20 favs. 
76. What colour is your underwear?
I’m not wearing any. 
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate 🍫 
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Orange creamsicle or tiger tiger 🐯 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
It’s red.
80. What colour pants?
They are black.
81. Favourite tv show?
Game of thrones!!!!!
82. Favourite movie?
Nope I don’t have one.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
What? There is a second one? The first because it’s the only one I’ve seen.
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
21 jump street
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
I don’t have one.
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
All of them?
87. First person you talked to today?
My boyfriend.
88. Last person you talked to today?
My boyfriend.
89. Name a person you hate?
Krystal, such a cunt. 
90. Name a person you love?
My Nanny and Bampi!!!!
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Yes just look two questions above 😜
92. In a fight with someone?
Not actively unless you count people being nasty through anon asks lol.
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Like ten or something, I don’t count them.
95. Last movie you watched?
Rewind. It was not very good.
96. Favourite actress?
I really do love Emilia, Scarlet, Maisie, Angelina
97. Favourite actor?
Jason Momoa 
98. Do you tan a lot?
No I burn a lot.
99. Have any pets?
I have a fuck ton of pets 🐍🐍🐍🐊🐊🐊🐱🕷🕷🕷
100. How are you feeling?
Really tired, going to sleep very soon here 💤
101. Do you type fast?
Relatively fast yes.
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
There are a few regrets definitely.
103. Can you spell well?
I can!
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
I do!!
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
Lots of them! They are so much fun! Highly recommend.
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
Unfortunately yes. 
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Started riding when I was nine. I mostly ride English but am proficient in Western as well. Did a little vaulting a couple times and that was seriously fun!
108. What should you be doing?
Sleeping lmao. I have not been getting much sleep lately, or ever really who am I kidding.
109. Is something irritating you right now?
Yes my back hurts like a motherfucker, but it always does.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
I think you already asked me that and yes I do.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My boyfriend.
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Zanny, nothing fancy lol. Or my parents would call me Zant, which I HATED. I got a lot of nicknames as I got a little older. 
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
I have been to England and Alaska.
115. Do you play the Wii?
I don’t have one but I used to play it sometimes.
116. Are you listening to music right now?
Minecraft music in the background.
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
It’s ok.
118. Do you like Chinese food?
I fucking love it 😍 
119. Favourite book?
Swan song- Robert Mcammon
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
I used to be petrified!!! It doesn’t bother me anymore, except on the rare occasion.
121. Are you mean?
I can be a real cunt sometimes I admit, if you start shit with me I have a hard time controlling my tongue. But in general I am not a mean person. 
122. Is cheating ever okay?
No, it’s not. If you choose to cheat you choose to cheat and it’s unacceptable. 
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
I can for awhile lol.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
Yes, quite. I’m on the beef of passing out lol.
127. What makes you happy?
My family, friends, animals, nature.
128. Would you change your name?
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
I do indeed.
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Well he does and I don’t do anything and he doesn’t do anything because I have a boyfriend and he respects that. 
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
You are repeating questions tsk tsk tsk
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
Send in your skeletonsSing as their bones go marching in, againThe need you buried deepThe secrets that you keep are ever readyAre you ready?I’m finished making senseDone pleading ignoranceThat whole defense
Spinning infinity, boyThe wheel is spinning meIt’s never-ending, never-endingSame old story
134. Can you count to one million?
Why the fuck would I want to? Hehe I don’t have the patience for that honestly 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
When I was little I told a social worker investigating my Mother that she never hurt me and everything was fine. She told me exactly what to say to them and I did what I was told. I regret it to this day. 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
I straighten it, because it’s mostly straight but has a bit of wave that I dislike. 
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
Both, I seriously love each for their own reasons. But I feel more at home in the evening. Not night but early evening.
142. Favourite month?
I don’t have one.
143. Are you a vegetarian?
I have been. But I’m not now.
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
I love both ☕️
146. Was today a good day?
It was lovely, except when Jasper threw his socks in Finnicks water dish lol.
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
Faithless is he who says farewell when the road darkens- J.R.R Tolkien149. Do you believe in ghosts?
I believe in Demons150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line
Windle Poons stepped off the bridge. There was a squelch.
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