#i hope i did ya boy some justice :3
small-goth-clifford · 10 months
When he th
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also happy early birthday <3 @thegroovyskull
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fum1ku · 7 days
aaaa hi there! i absolutely love your writing and i just saw that your requests are open!
do you mind writing love confessions (when they admit their feelings to reader) with some of the hq boys? sakusa, osamu, and whoever else you'd like to write for! 🤍
ft. osamu miya, kiyoomi sakusa, koushi sugawara, tobio kageyama, hajime iwaizumi
thank you so much for your request! i hope i did it some kind of justice<3
OSAMU: it has ended up being just you and him outside the gym after practice. atsumu has to run a quick “errand”, and he swore he was going to be back in a quick second. but it had been nearly.. 30 minutes now?
osamu pulled the bento he had made the night before out of his bag.
“y’know, i don’t think he’s coming back..” you said, frowning.
samu had set the bento down between the both of you, pulling out a set of chopsticks. “yeah, i don’t think so either.. what an idiot,” he paused, looking at the chopsticks in his hand. “sorry, i only have one set..”
you looked down between the two of you to find his perfectly prepared bento.
“oh! thank you, ‘samu!” you smiled. “and it’s alright. i don’t mind sharing!”
you both ate in silence for awhile. you quietly laughed to yourself when the memory of what atsumu had said to you a few weeks prior had popped into your head.
“y’know, atsumu told me this funny thing awhile ago..”
samu hummed in response.
“he said you liked me. crazy, right?”
osamu nearly choked on the rice in his mouth.
goddamnit atsumu. that fatass mouth of his.
osamu finally composed himself, turning to take a glimpse of the expression on your face. but, there wasn’t much to read. you softly smiled, looking off into the sunset behind the trees.
god, you were so pretty.
he took a breath in. “what if.. i did?” and out.
you smiled, “then i’d say you should make up your mind already because i’ve been waiting awhile, ‘samu.”
he chuckled. “got out with me then?”
maybe atsumu had actually done him a service after all.
atsumu jumped out from behind the building. “fuckin’ told ya they liked ya, ‘samu! dumbass.”
or maybe he spoke too soon.
KIYOOMI: he was reserved. he was hard to get to know from an outside perspective. but to you, that only drew you further and further into the mystery kiyoomi himself.
he wasn’t the most.. intact with his emotions. he didn’t understand them, really. he didn’t know why he felt a pang in his chest when you’d smile at him. he didn’t understand why his hands would go sweaty when you’d stand so close to him—or even why he was so okay with you standing so close to him. but he was. he was and he didn’t understand it. and the only reason he ever did was because he turned to outside advice.
he called atsumu over after the msby jackal’s practice one day. he grudgingly explained every last detail to him.
atsumu chuckled in response. “omi, you like ‘em! you couldn’t realize that on yer own?”
he.. liked you?
“now, now, omi, like me show ya how it’s done!” atsumu beamed, grabbing his phone out of his pocket and began typing.
he heard the ping of the message he just received.
what in the hell was he doing..
atsumu wrapped an arm around sakusa. “there ya go! now y/n knows you like ‘em. just had to convince them i wasn’t messin’ with them first. rest is up to you, omi-omi!”
kiyoomi winced at the feeling of atsumu arms around him, sliding out from his grip and trudging off into the locker room.
he really did like you.
KOUSHI: he absolutely adored everything about you. and as soon as he’s built up the courage, you bet he’s confessing to you. on one hand, you accept his confession and then he has the love of his life. on the other hand, you turn him down and, hey, at least the waiting game is over.
well, today he has finally built up that courage.
he was hanging out in the halls with daichi and asahi between classes. students rushed this way and that. but he was only looking for one person in particular.
you came rushing down the stairs well.
there. now or never.
he watched as you walked passed him.
“y/n!” he shouted, slightly jogging to catch up with you.
“koushi! hi!” you smiled.
god, he loved the way you said his name.
“what are you up to?”
you both kept making your way downstairs, together.
“not much! i just gotta run over the store for my mom’s last minute dinner plans. you? anything exciting?”
he stopped walking, causing you to stop too and give him a questioning look.
now or never.
“actually.. i was wondering. no. uhm, actually,” he took a deep breath. “i like you, y/n. a lot.”
you softly gasped, a look of surprise painted on your face.
“if you don’t feel the same, i understand,” he went on, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “please don’t feel pressured or anything.”
the halls had been cleared by now—leaving just you two. alone. together.
you laughed. “oh, koushi. you’re so silly. of course i feel the same! who wouldn’t?”
who wouldn’t?
he breathed a sigh of relief. “okay well that’s good because i was starting to get a little nervous there!”
you started walking again, him trailing behind.
“hey, what if walked you home after practice?” you smiled. “i’ll run to the shore in between and i’m sure you guys will be done by then!”
“yeah, yeah i’d really like that actually..”
TOBIO: took him literally forever to confess. really, forever. it was a process for him. he noticed you, realized he liked you, actually admitted to himself that he liked you, and then, once he was past that point, he began to wonder if you even liked him too. he’s a deep thinker; sometimes. most of the time—okay, maybe only when it came to volleyball. but he didn’t take things with you lightly.
it was late one night after practice. hinata had begged you to stay behind with him and kageyama to keep working on their quick attack after everyone else had headed home for the night.
“normally yachi would, but she has something going on with her mom. i think,” hinata began. “but, please stay with us! tobio, c’mon, help me convince y/n—”
it had caught tobio off guard. “o-oh. yeah. please, y/n. if you could throw us a few sets that would be great. thank you.”
you laughed. “okay, i’m convinced! but only a few. both of you need to get home at some point, y’know?”
“right!” they both agreed.
you threw them a few sets and watched their process—the way it seemed as though hinata truly flew threw the air to reach kageyama’s sets. but, more so, you were focused on the intensity in kageyama’s eyes.
you repeated the process over and over again. “one more!” they would say, and of course you agreed. the whole attack was.. mesmerizing to watch.
“one more!” hinata begged. “just one more! please!”
“hinata, it’s late. last one, i mean it,” you agreed. “we still have to walk home y’know!”
hinata and kageyama both gave a quick nod.
both of them were intensely focused—this would be the one they nailed. but either way, this was your last. anymore and you thought your arms might fall off.
you watched as the ball bounced off the other side of the court, bouncing off the floor all the way to the back wall. they really were something else.
“okay you two clean up the rest of our stuff and i’ll put the cart away!”
you soon found all three of yourselves out in the cool evening air. hinata walked alongside his bike while you and kageyama trailed behind. hinata rambled on about the quick attack—something about a bunch of “whooshes” and “pows”, whatever that meant. you didn’t pay much attention to him, focused on kageyama and the sleepiness you could see in his face.
“alright, i’ll see you guys tomorrow at practice!” hinata smiled, turning down the road opposite of you. he trailed off, saying something about how him and kageyema would get it tomorrow.
just you and kageyama then.
you stayed silent for awhile, not sure of what to say. you’d looks in kageyama’s direction every once-in-awhile. he looked.. peaceful, in some strange way.
“the quick attack is coming along nicely. don’t you think so?” you mused.
he paused for a moment. “yeah, i guess so. it’s just.. i wish i could do better. just as a setter in general, i mean.”
you hummed in response. “you don’t give yourself enough credit y’know.”
he almost stopped dead in his tracks. he was so sure about what he felt for you—he had a hard time admitting it, but it didn’t go away. it was still there, even after the months that had passed.
“yeah?” you smiled.
“i.. i like you.”
without missing a beat you replied. “i like you too!”
and then it hit you. did he mean..?
you could immediately see the blush that overtook his face, even when he turned to look at the ground beneath him.
“you—you do?” he questioned.
“wait. do you mean..” you paused. “like, you like-like me?”
“yeah.. sorry that wasn’t clear before,” he let out a soft sigh.
you felt heat rise to your cheeks. embarrassment and giddiness. “kageyama, you.. you really don’t know?”
your response caused him to take his gaze off the ground and look back up at you.
“what do you mean?”
you laughed. uncontrollably laughed. “i’m—i’m sorry! I don’t mean to laugh, i promise. i just.. you didn’t know already?”
he was absolutely puzzled. “know.. what?”
“tobio kageyama you can’t be serious! everyone knows. well, except you, i guess,” you giggled. “i like you, kageyama. i mean, i have for months. i just figured you knew and didn’t feel the same.”
you finally stopped walking altogether, now right outside your front gate. tobio stood right in formt of you, close enough do that the tips of your shoes nearly touched.
you took his hands in yours. “but, i’m glad you like me too. really glad.”
you smiled up at him, noticing the light dust of blush still left on his cheeks. you stood on your tiptoes and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“goodnight, tobio. i’ll see you at practice tomorrow!” you winked, happily making your way towards your front door.
he walked home with his hand glued to his cheek in the spot you kissed him.
HAJIME: to him, it wasn’t the least bit apparent that you liked him. he just assumed you liked oikawa. you were always there, hanging around the two of them. surely it was only for oikawa, right?
you, iwaizumi, and oikawa has caught the train home together after school. iwaizumi immediately sat down and put his earbuds in to drown out the scene he thought was about to unfold between you and oikawa. even though he couldn’t hear, he still could make out the facial expressions.
you were smiling. okay, of to a good start. of course oikawa was smiling too. you said something. oikawa was still smiling. and now you.. weren’t? not good. oikawa must’ve rejected you. wait now you were both looking at him? and now you were.. laughing? okay, not what he expected.
the train suddenly came to a stop as the doors slid open and people began filing out. hajime watched as you stood up. you gave your goodbye to oikawa, turning to face hajime. you smiled and waved goodbye to him as you made your way out the door.
were you always that sweet?
the doors closed and the train began moving along the tracks again. oikawa moved across and plopped down next to iwaizumi, who paid no attention to him.
suddenly the music stopped.
“you little shit.. what gives, oikawa?”
“woah, woah, iwa-chan! calm down.” oikawa smirked. “jealous much?”
“oh shut up. i’ve got nothing to be jealous of.”
oikawa laughed. “yeah, you really don’t. you don’t even know.”
oikawa turned away to face the opposite way of hajime.
wait.. he didn’t?
“hey, no, what do you mean, oikawa? what did you do?”
“hey, hey! i didn’t do anything. i just told y/n what you should’ve told them a long time ago.”
iwaizumi was fuming at this point. “you told them i liked them as soon as they confused to you? that makes perfect sense, oikawa. nice.”
“woah—woah! confessed to me? wow, iwa, you really are dense!”
iwa gave him a puzzled expression.
what did he mean?
“they were going to confess to you, iwa. but you sat down in your corner to pout instead. they’ve been trying to tell you for the past week now!”
“they.. they were?”
oikawa sighed, picking up iwaizumi’s phone. he was in too much shock to do anything about it. you liked him. you liked.. him? you liked him!
“there ya go, iwa! now you’ve got their number. i’d suggest texting them sooner rather than later.”
oikawa moved to talk to the group of schoolgirls across the train, leaving iwaizumi to think about all that had just unfolded.
hajime stared down at the new contact in his phone. one deep breath and he started typing. another deep breath and he actually wrote out the words. one last deep breath and.. sent.
he quickly shoved his phone in his back pocket.
“i like you too.”
© fum1ku 2024.
⁂ taglist: @chloiyoomi @eashn + let me know if you want to be added! 💌
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jinkiezzsstuff · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel x male reader who transmigrated into it.
Hiya! I’ve never done a request before and i’m sorry I got to you late! I didn’t know where the askbox answers went lmao. I don’t mind doing this but this is my first so hope this tickles your fancy and i did your idea justice, im sorry it’s quite short, i wanted to get it out so i didn’t leave ya hanging! <3
Part 2
Summary: One minute you’re living your normal life, the next you’re in a room, in a place you’d hate to admit looked a little familiar from a show you’d watched in life.
Warnings: Male!Reader Male pronouns, not specified if there was a specific ship between reader- so there’s no romance, implied death, flirty angel, niftys bad boy obsession, reader is discribed as a goat, implied to be tall, all direct hazbin hotel characters; charlie, vaggie, alastor, nifty, pentious, husk, angel (all platonic), swearing NOT PROOFREAD, no mention of hair type/colour, bodytype or skin colour. Let me know if i missed anything!
You just got off working, and after a long crippling day of noise, customers, and well work, all you wanted to do was go home and get in bed.
Looking down at your phone you scrolled through your playlist, trying to find the right song, this walk needed motivation, you needed some umph to get you home and not curl up in a ball and sleep wherever.
While scrolling through your playlist, you failed to notice the manhole up head, uncovered and unassuming. Unfortunately, your walking never ceased.
Waking with your heart pounding, you through your legs off the bed immediately standing, but stalling. “Where the fuck,” You gaped, you spun around in a circle, a large click thump following your direction.
Peering down at the noise you gasped, hooves, big ones in fact. You took a few sharp inhales attempting to calm your heart rate down, you scanned the room. It was ruby red, but besides that blank, vacant with the bare bone essentials.
Behind you was a large window, covered with thick curtain. Carefully you stepped over to it, feeling uncoordinated in your body as you did, you pulled the curtain open.
Mouth falling open, throat closing unable to scream as you stared at the sight in front of you. A red sky, the pentagram overhead, you couldn’t believe no way. Trotting over to the dresser, you eyed your reflection, your horrified face looked back at you.
For the most part, you looked as you did before, albiet the new suit, horns, ears, and the slit eyes you had. Turning to an angle to scoffed at the sight of a tail, muttering to yourself you tucked it upward in the suit jacket and waddled to the door.
Sticking your neck out, you glanced left to right, declaring the cost clear, you stepped out. That was until you heard the disembodied sound of a radio transmitter behind you.
“Good evening voyager!” Shouting you turn defensively, and were met by a large smiling demon. “Holy fuck.” You say in awe staring down just slightly at the radio demon you familiarized yourself with.
“Contrary my dear friend! Nothing holy to me! Ha ha, please follow me, Charlie is ever so worried for you. Crashing down through the roof? Quite the entrance I must say.” The radio demon applauded, literally hearing a round of applause surround you two.
You followed as he pushed but you didn’t say much, this has to be a dream? You recognized him from a show, he’s not real. Although casting your eyes toward him as he strolled, humming along guiding you down the halls, you couldn’t deny the reality you saw.
He looked so 3D, there wasn’t anything animation behind him, he was right there, right in front of you more realistic and creepy than anything you’d ever seen.
“Here we are good sir! The lobby! Shall we?” Alastor questioned sticking his cane down the steps, after a muttered yeah, the two of you strolled down together.
“He’s up!” Charlie chortled shaking Vaggie who stood near her at the bar. “Yes i fetched him just as he tipped his horned head out! Impeccable timing, everyone has just gotten back.” Alastor exclaimed, while Charlie skipped up to you.
“Wow, so glad you’re okay! You came crashing through heh, I’m Charlie! So pleased to meet you,” With a pointy teethed smile you nod at her. “This is my girlfriend Vaggie,” Vaggie only grunted at you, arms crossed and eyeing you. Knowing what you knew, this wasn’t surprising to her this is real, and you could be like Alastor.
“This is Husk, he’s our bar tender, oh shit! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel,” Charlie stuttered, shaking her hands around her head jazzily. Chuckling you smiled at her. “Uh, thank you, for everything actually.”
“Ha, you kiddin kid, you fell through that ceiling like it was paper.” Husk gruffed out, leaning forward at his bar. “Yeah what’s that about?” Vaggie suddenly questioned.
“Guys! Intros first hello, okay, this is Angel Dust, another guest!” Angel dust sauntered up, smirking and sticking a claw at the bottom of your neck, dragging it up to your chin. “How ya doing sugar, I’m Angel, but i can be whatever you want me to be.” Angel practically moaned at you, smiling genuinely you chuckled. “I want you to be arms length away from me.”
You said it without any malice or disgust, genuinely enthralled you were standing in the middle of the characters you loved so much. “Ha! Nice try toots! The only way to keep me back, is via leash.” Laughing along with Angel ignoring the disgust from Alastor and the disappointment for Vaggie, you focused back on Charlie who rocked impatiently on her heels for your attention.
“Okay! This, wait where’s Nifty?” Pausing briefly as ever one checked their feet not seeing the little ball of speed anywhere. “She’ll turn up! Anyways this, is Pentious!” Charlie exclaimed moving onto the snake who stood stick straight.
It was evident he was nervous, so you walked toward him with an easy going smile, as easy going your sharp smile could be. “Hey Pentious, I think your fucking cool I love the inventions you make.” As if you presented the snake with the world itself, his eyes sparkled with admiration and appreciation. “Y-you’ve sseen my inventionsss?” Nodding at him with a smile, he perked up, clasping his hands near his cheek.
As he was in the middle of chanting thank you’s, the air dropped and suddenly the Tasmanian devil herself showed herself. Crawling up your body like a tree, the cyclops eyes you with a wicked evil smile. “Ouuu, you look like such a bad boy none of the others here are bad!” Nifty breathed demonically, pushing herself i. your face.
Again you couldn’t be mad or even scared instead you chuckled, Alastor appear alongside you. “Alrighty Nifty darling, why don’t you go collect some bugs to show him! He needs some christening into this wonderful world.”
That line momentarily stunned you, and you looked towards Alastor with a probably harsher look than you intended. “Ou okay, that’s a gooood idea.” Nifty said scuttling off, and though your eyes were focused on Alastor, he wasn’t even aware of you, paying more mind to the room around you.
Charlie looked to you, head tilted. “So mysterious man, you need a place to stay?” Smiling at her you looked around the room, this was an opportunity you wouldn’t miss out on. “Yeah, I’ll stay.”
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hiya cutieee!! i saw your requests were open and because I love your writing so much, I thought I'd send one in! 👉🏼👈🏼
if it's not too much trouble, can I have headcanons for a platonic!sibling!reader with the Rise Turtles? gender neutral, Mikey's "twin" in age, and selectively mute? I'd love some sibling fluff!!! only if you wanna, ofc!! no pressure (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡ love yaaaaa!
— (can i be) 🪼 anon ?? ^^
Dawww shucks- you're so sweet<3 of course you can be Jelly fish anon! (Ok 100% honest I could not find the jelly fish emoji, so imma call u jelly lol)
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You would be babied just as much as Mikey.
Honestly I'm surprised they don't put the two of you in a box labeled, "Fragile: Baby Siblings:"
You being selectivly mute has never been a problem for them,
No matter the reason for it.
All four of the boys know sign language,
Donnie and Mikey are the only one's fluent though.
Leo and Raph know enough to understand you, and hold a simple conversation,
But that's about it.
Donnie was non-verbal for a while as a kid, and Mikey's with you like, all day,
So it makes sense they'd be fluent.
You and Mikey are literally inseperable.
If one of you is around, there's a 99% chance the other is two.
You even share a room and everything, you have your half and he has his.
If either of you need some privacy, there's a curtain you can pull out to make a kinda wall between your halves.
You always go to Raphie for comfort.
Sure, you tell Mikey, like, everything,
But Raph just makes you feel safe.
Leo is always fucking with you in only the way an okder brother can.
"I'm not touching you!"
"I'm not in your room."
*Poke poke poke poke*
Just go complain to Donnie, he'll hide you in the lab and go fuck with Leo back.
Or you can deal with it yourself.
Your choice broski.
You're probably really quiet.
Like really fuckin' quiet.
So scaring your brothers is hella easy and really fun.
You can also just walk out of the room and no one will notice until walk back in with, like, a soda.
"When did you leave??"
*Shrugs and sips soda*
Donnie has tried equipting you with a bell,
It did absolutely nothing.
Even with the bell, you're still so quiet-
If you're having a particular kind of day, Donnie always welcomes you into the lab.
Peaceful moments ensue.
Just the soft tinkering from your brother and the occasional convo in morse code.
Mikey's also a go to on these days,
Your twin knows all the things you need.
Usually you'll sit and watch him paint or something with some lofi beats playing in the backround.
April is the best big sister in the history of everything.
Everytime she visits she brings you a bag of your favorite candy.
She's also fluent in TSL (turtle sign language), so you don't have to worry about conversations with her.
You have mastered the art of nasty looks.
The most terrifying glare in the Hamato clan™️
You and Mikey can also hold entire conversations just with eye contact.
Twin things ig
There ya go Jelly! I hope I did your prompt justice and that this is to your liking! Sibling fluff is indeed the best <3
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wifeofsnowbaird · 5 months
You put a spell on me
Part 1/Part 2/Part 3
[ Billy the Kid (Tom's version) x desi!oc]
[A/N: if you haven't got it yet, or ur not brown, I named her sheila bc offf......the song sheila ki jawani. its too good 🥲🥲🥲, also if u havent seen that one edit in part one, i did say that i forgot about the civil war but edited both parts to include why shelia is a slave even though the civil war fought against slavery]
Warning: gore, violence, gun and knife violence.
Summary: Sheila, the 'slave' according to her, just met Billy the Kid, but they're surrounded by the cowboys employed by Edward Mason to catch all stray slaves.
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The poster was ruined, and tomatoes littered on the muddy ground next to the tree where it was posted. She suddenly had a feeling that, yes, Billy was an outlaw, but most poor people loved criminals, fighting for justice, yet he was hated.
“ You’re the infamous outlaw, Billy the Kid. You know the sheriff around these parts is looking for you.”
“ Yet, I just met a person who has been unjustly forced into servitude, doesn’t that sound odd?”
She frowned, eyes gazing at the ground, bitter at his confidence.
“ They’re British, and I’m Indian.”
“ But this is America, it’s illegal here.”
“ But they don’t care, we’re in the south, pretty boy.”
A smug grin caught her eye, Sheila wanted to smack it off his beautiful face.
“ Mos’ people call me Billy, but ‘m glad ya think ’m pretty.”
‘Pretty boy,’ had only slipped out because he was crowding her vision with his eyes, people with eyes that aren’t brown tend to do that, or maybe that was just the British because he didn’t seem so attached to his sapphire irises as most people she’d met are.
“ I-”
Sheila was cut off by the sound of stampeding horses coming straight for her, guns swinging, and the face of Edward Mason glaring through her vision.
When Edward saw the cowboy standing near his ‘slave’, he rejoiced, assuming that Billy would help him carry her back to the warehouse.
“ Oh my! Thank you for finding my wretched slave! Now pass her over…” His threatening voice caused Sheila to give Billy a wry smile, expecting him to give her to that deranged slave owner. Even if he believed that slavery shouldn’t be performed, he was human, and all humans are greedy and selfish.
Sheila deemed William H. Bonney to be the same.
She closed her eyes, feeling her mother’s hand graze her cheek with the same warmth she’d felt four years ago, back in the tent her family lived in. She’d known she wouldn’t last long before the Masons caught up with her, she just hoped that there was some form of mercy in their veins.
“ No. I like ‘er, I think I’ll keep ‘er for myself, ya know?
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sorry it took soooo long to finish writing this, im in the middle of a writing and reading slump :,(
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talokanda-forever · 1 year
Oh boy.
I intentionally avoided posting any thing about the allegations against Tenoch yesterday because I require time to process information. I needed time to give my brain a rest. This still feels a bit too soon. I will never be one to say Tenoch or anyone else would, "never do something like that." Because I have no idea. I'm hoping that the allegations aren't true. This post is my way of venting. It is in no way meant to persuade anyone else on what they should think or feel about this situation. And certainly not meant to be proof or evidence of why it happened or didn't happen. I don't know. None of us knows.
1. The framing of the dissemination of this information as "news." My biggest issue is that I've seen a lot of Twitter accounts pick up the same link that appears to be the outlet that first brought the Tweet by Maria Elena Rios to light (reforma.com). I don't know what journalistic standards this outlet follows, so I won't speculate. I did check to see if any well-established US outlets had Tweeted anything (Associated Press, Reuters, CNN, MSNBC), and as of roughly 30 min. ago they had not.
So far, all we really have are glorified Retweets, not a news story. There are A LOT of accounts with well designed pages that have all the hallmarks of looking like "official" news organizations, but they are not. It takes virtually no time or effort to Retweet something and start an avalanche. It's a trend that has bothered me for the last decade or so. Journalism requires independently verifying information you have received. It's going to multiple sources to corroborate the information. It's at the very least attempting to reach out to the involved parties to get their statements. It's reviewing public records and court filings to see what has been officially documented. And not to say that WON'T happen at some point, but it sure as hell isn't going to happen within 24 hours. It will take time and we STILL may never know the full story.
2. We should believe victims. ABSOLUTELY! In this particular instance and from this vantage point, Maria is only his accuser. It has not yet been established that she is his victim. I understand that she is a victim involving another individual, and thank goodness she survived that horific attack. However, as it pertains to Tenoch, I don't think interjecting alleged sexual assault in a Tweet focused on a different issue is enough to automatically leap to saying she was absolutely, 100%, without a doubt victimized by Tenoch. If it happened I would hope Maria would take legal action, given she was comfortable enough to make the accusation publicly under her name. Even then, she is not required to do so (which is why I say we may never know what did or didn't happen). I would imagine navigating the justice system in Mexico is no less stressful as navigating the justice system in the US. There are valid reasons for women not subjecting themselves to (potentially) years of legal struggles. But I also hope she wouldn't be so reckless as to throw out an allegation and not allow Tenoch to formally defend himself, assuming he denies these allegations. Once again, something that requires TIME.
3. To all those I have interacted with over the past few months on this site, know that I luv ya! I value our time together here. Regardless of what you've said or haven't said about this situation, that hasn't changed. I'm choosing to reserve judgement because that's how I am and how I will always be. I respect that everyone is not like me (thank God). Like many others, I will suspend posting here because, if for no other reason, I know how to read a fucking room. Let's all be kind and respectful to one another. To those folks who interact with me regularly, don't hesitate to DM me.
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mariamariquinha · 11 months
Versos de Placer (Colonel Carrillo x f!reader) - Thirteen (Part 1)
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(I don’t know if I’ve already used this gif... sorry :/)
Summary: Decisions were made.
Word count: 7.6k
Warnings: Bad words, violence, ~ daddy issues ~, mentions of brothels and prostitution, slight mentions of political conditions from the period, trauma, nightmares and people drinking alcohol 🤷‍♀️
Author’s Note: And yeah, I needed to split in two parts. There’s no huge cliffhanger here because I know how slow I can be while writing, so let’s just say that this is a... prelude.
I mentioned that before, but now it’s more than official. This story have 2/3 chapters left, which makes me sad-happy-satisfied-unsure. Let’s see where it goes from then on, huh? Love ya! 
Join my taglist! Don’t forget to reblog, comment and like! As always, I would love to know what you’re all thinking! ❤
There was this boy with green eyes and good grades at school. He used to like History and Sociology, but everyone knew he had a tendency for something more than teaching. Without a mother, though, no one would be surprised if he turned into one of them.
Since his childhood, ‘them’ became a fear. ‘Them’ became easy money but almost a vow to a cause - the parents used to keep the kids at home after 10pm, turn off the TV when the news were too desperate or visceral. He might’ve even met Virginia Vallejo during his college years, after all the communist mess, and recognized her when Pablo turned into a thing. She was there. Always had been. Sometimes he wondered if her name would be marked on books like those he liked to read in school for choosing a side.
If he was an adult during the communism time, he would be one of them. His abuela talked about this a lot, but never in a depreciative tone. She knew better than to be on the side of the ones who took a lot from her. Because of this, everytime someone asked about Escobar or the gringos around the country, he never had an answer - because Pablo wasn’t a communist, but the other side wasn’t good either.
His abuela passed the year before; cancer. Being a doctor, he felt bad for not being able to help, for not doing enough to give her more time. There was nothing left.
That night, he did an exception to watch the TV. It wasn’t Virginia Vallejo nor any other journalist there. It was him. And he was angry because it was him. Him, with all the pomp and style and the face of someone he could recognize in the mirror, using such big words like ‘peace’ and ‘justice’ as if he knew a thing about honorable feelings or true promises.
At the end of three days in retreat, with resentment bubbling up inside him, he was in the supermarket when he saw her for the first time. Any detail that might have crossed his imagination didn't do this woman justice; he only knew her by a small fraction of guesswork and, in the end, by genetic bliss, she looked nothing like him. But he knew it was her. He fucking knew.
The decision came in a thoughtful, perhaps even calculated way. On the way, he had attended Comuna 1 and heard someone say that some time before, some American agents had passed by there and one of them almost died. A woman, strong enough to take the brunt, someone who became an exception - with all the lukewarm hope that existed during the days after that meeting in the supermarket, he felt afraid that she would become a target and lose everything again.
There, as he walked out with the lab coat and a suitcase of equipment, he looked up to see the armed kids on the rooftops, wielding weapons longer than their arms and staring blankly. He remembered his mother, when he found her after a long time in a corner of a border bordeaux to the point of overdose, and how he had left her so far away from himself as a way of forgetting that disturbing image.
He saw Escobar's painting on the wall. He saw the children again.
The letter would reach her in less than a day.
“You really are different from your father.”
The comment made you roll your eyes, but for some reason you didn’t engage in her provocation. Rejecting the cup of coffee was more of a personal preference than any judgemental decision - you already had the privilege of being able to talk with Noonan without so much bureaucracy.
Still, she didn’t take offense to the declination. She smiled, sat comfortably on her seat.
“I like to keep it all professional.”
“Doesn't the environment seem professional?”
“The office? Oh no, the office is really fine,” You nod your head, making a show of crossing your legs and faking interest. “I don’t want to elaborate and take more of your time but… The decoration is… neat.”
“Thank you.”
When she openly invited you to come by, you knew why. Perhaps dinner happened. A comment. She was informed about Juan Marcos, in that sarcastic voice your father had. Perhaps Noonan needed to be sure. You weren’t like him, of course, and certain things needed to be contained even if you knew the metrics and weren't childish enough to mourn so much about the systematics. What you could tell, for sure, was that your father always sold you low, so she decided to make her own assumptions.
“... Thinking about the politics of it all-”
“I’m not into it.”
“Yeah, those… big words you use sometimes. I’m an agent. It’s basically my job to be at least 60% dumb for that stuff.”
Noonan smiled at your sarcastic tone, watching the way you just kept that neutral expression with a voice full of venom. It was risky, but she wouldn’t go too far.
“I just need to be sure we’re on the same page. I’ve seen your last report and it honestly worried me.”
“It wasn’t my intention.”
Perhaps the words ‘sabotage’ and ‘murder’ were the ones way too big for someone like Noonan or the fucking government of United States of America, but you still couldn’t get the need of such inconvenience because of one report from one agent. Everyone knew the operation and you had the obvious perception that the USA agenda didn’t include explaining methods of persuasion during these types of… conflicts.
“What we are doing here, this… job by all means, it’s something delicate. We have a lot in the game, suddenly because there’s this inconvenience and we can’t get rid of it.”
You kept quiet. The lack of reaction made her blink a few times in expectation, then sigh in defeat as if you needed to say something.
“I think you should understand that this isn’t just a question of who should do what. We need to win. And to win, we need a firm team, one that can deal with everything with resilience.”
That was the first time you felt threatened by any of them. Your differences with Carrillo, the target you all had behind your backs, the situation with Juan Marcos… It all could take your job, but it didn’t. That moment, when Noonan got back to her professional stance (the one she liked to use with Peña more often than not), you felt the shiver of having someone stabbing you on the back.
And to know that this person was your father just made you more aware of your tense nerves.
So you did something worse.
You played the game.
With a subtle movement, you caught the cup of coffee between your fingers and took a small sip.
You felt suffocated. Disgusted. You got this bothering itch from the insides, like a weed that wouldn’t leave your skin. Between leaving the building and going back to Medellín, you tried to pull the nicotine patch out of your arm at least five or six times. It didn’t work, though. And you knew you would feel bad if you tried to pull the thing off again, so you decided to stay as still as possible.
Which wasn’t much.
And as the days passed, as the raids went on and things kept happening at full speed, you started to feel harsh, difficult to deal with. You tried to bury that conversation as much as you could, but with every body found, every lead to take one more person down, you couldn’t react anymore.
When your mother called, you told her - she deserved to know because she would understand you. Then she sighed, probably scratched the back of her neck, and said something that made you warm and cold all together.
“Good thing you’re not like him or me. You’re a third thing.” She commented. “God knows that if I was in your place, I would have made his life hell and I wouldn’t regret it.”
Your sleep schedule became worse. Almost every night, you saw Juan Marcos dead, then him coming at you ready to take your life, then that Montoya boy and the expression of fear on his face. Sometimes, it was Pablo. The bodies on that grave. Images of Peña, Steve and… Fuck, and Carrillo… All of them died. You would wake up crying. In the morning, you would sigh in relief to see all of them there, in one piece, alive.
But when it was your father, there wasn’t much to see.
That was something you’d never told her. That if you ever pictured your father being a fatality, you couldn’t have a proper reaction.
You woke up with a gasp, seated on the bed and sweating. The curtains hid nothing of the light coming from the outside, with a freezing breeze coming from it. You noticed, then, that what woke you physically was the sound of festive crackles from the street. There were laughs, kids giggling - it didn't take long for someone to scream at them and the noises ceased.
You still had your jeans on, unbuttoned and gripping your legs. That made you groan, passing your fingers through your hair and rubbing your eyes in frustration. On the clock, four in the fucking morning. You knew you wouldn’t sleep after this.
Defeated, you got up from the bed and made a beeline to the kitchen, where you grabbed a jar of water. Hands shaking, you didn’t dare to have your way with a cup - you drank right from the fucking jar. Then you gulped, gulped, gulped… Until it burned your throat and lungs. Until you coughed because some of the liquid spilled over your nose and chest, almost drowning you.
The floor was wet. From the water or your spit, you couldn’t tell, perhaps both. You didn’t know why you stared at it for so long, but that was it: you in the middle of your kitchen watching the water spot wetting your feet.
Your hands were still shaking.
You felt the ground first - the stiffness of the floor, the dirt from the road, the burning sensation from abrupt contact.
In the end, when they took you to the hospital, there wasn’t much to see. You left with a bruise on your forehead, another on your cheek, then some on the body and the shame of having been hurt by falling from a roof. At least with Juan Marcos you had the thrill of a good hand-to-hand combat story.
How stupid of you, having made a mistake and found the concrete alone, out of pure distraction.
Carrillo sent you small glances during the whole process - always checking, always aware of his surroundings. He didn’t come closer, though. He didn’t even ask. You felt stupid again, because you wanted him to have a reaction, at least one with just enough warmth as the first time you got injured.
“You know-”
“No, I don’t know. And for the sake of my job, I would rather not know.”
You didn’t raise your eyes from the letters and envelopes in your hands to give your father the satisfaction of a glance. He was there, standing in front of your desk, both hands inside his pants pockets and probably a smirk on his face. Again, you didn’t try a chance to look at him more than at his pristine shoes.
A letter from your mother. You could read at home.
“I think you have a dead wish.”
“Got this job, what can I say?”
FBI Report 1 on Cartel Activities in the States. You dropped the others on the desk to open this one, noticing how he started to look around the office nonchalantly. While he was distracted, you did give him a single side eye before going back to the paper.
Nothing out of the ordinary. Back to business.
A call-up from Messina. She could’ve just asked for her secretary to call and…
“Noonan told me you two talked.”
“Using your privileges?”
“Well, it could be a privilege if I was the president’s daughter. You’re just a friend who might’ve fucked her once.”
Jorge Pérez. You frowned at that one, raising it closer to your face to get a better look on the handwriting. With a high level of importance, it said. Jorge…
“Since you’re good to use that smart mouth of yours,” The sudden proximity made you jump, but before you could react, he took the envelope from your hands, threw it on the desk and grabbed your arm harshly. “We better talk like in the old times.”
And it still hurted, the arm and the whole left side of your body. It hurted because you fucking fell from that fucking roof and he knew that, but since he was on the ‘old times’ side, there wasn’t a single care on his features or an hesitance to do worst with you. He was mad. From the grip he had on your arm, a touch violent.
When your body was pressed against your desk with force (because he pushed you), you hid your hiss of pain for the sake of raising your guard. You couldn’t do that during the old times, which was something he noticed - perhaps. There wasn’t the height difference, you weren’t looking at him from below and he wasn’t staring down at you even if he tried to. Eye to eye, with more than a scary face to stare back at him.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” He asked through gritted teeth, close enough to make himself heard without raising his voice.
“... You need to be more specific.”
“You fucking know exactly what I’m talking about, girl, you better be careful with your next choice of words.”
“Or what? You’re gonna ground me?” The teasing made him take a deep and warning breath. “I could use some days without going out with my friends, you know?”
“I was cleaning the mess of this stupid country before you could even clean your shit dirty ass, so you better know what you’re getting here,” He pressed, getting even closer to put a finger on your face. “Think you can be that person? To play dirty behind my back and thinking I wouldn’t know?”
“Was trying my best to be like you.”
He didn’t answer. You licked your lips, nodded. The guy was fucking desperate and taken aback.
You smiled.
“What? She took your toys away?” Again, silence. “I bet she said you’re here like a second chance. I even risk saying that the big guys needed a dog to do the dirty work and keep all the blame. You’re good at it, aren’t you? Being incompetent but leaving that good trail of blood behind your back? Doing that shit they’ll all deny or say it was a ‘collateral effect’?”
And then you said something you didn’t dare to comment on for years. Years.
“Or fucking whores around the country and having bastard kids with them?”
He reacted to that - of course he would. In the blink of an eye, he grabbed your jaw and pressed his fingers on the meat of your face, growling at the implication of such a harsh truth.
“You don’t want to do that…” A threat. “Being my daughter or not, I can fucking destroy your career piece by piece and take any remote chance of you to have a reputation, enough to make you spend the rest of your life cleaning bathrooms for a meal. Do you hear me?”
This time, you didn’t answer. He took that as indifference.
“I’ll do better. I’ll take Peña away, because I can do that. Perhaps they’ll like to know about Los Pepes and all of the other shit your partner is involved in. Maybe even Carrillo can go back to Madrid or whatever the fuck they decided to, since you’d been grown so fond of him recently.”
You couldn’t hide your surprise at the sudden revelation, which brought a devious smile on that face. His fingers flexed against your jaw and when you made the mistake of holding his wrist to stop the touch, he saw all the confirmation he needed to know, if he really needed one.
“Honestly, it took me a while to notice. But there’s the thing with him, maybe he thinks you’re worth the waste of time. You always proved yourself to be a very good warm hole for men in general, maybe that’s your best feature.”
Just then, after saying what probably had been stuck on his throat, he distanced himself. You didn’t move a finger to massage the area, watching him take a handkerchief from inside his pocket and wiping his fingers as if you had somehow soiled him.
“I killed Juan Marcos for you. I did it. You can just imagine my surprise to know that my own daughter, the one I killed for, decided to fight against me…” He said it without looking at you, still brushing his stupid fingers. “But I’ll take it, you know? You’re emotional like your mother and it disappointed me a lot.”
When he raised his eyes to you again, he measured your stance, the way your fists were clenched and your breathing intense. If you could, you would kill him right there, would… Fuck, you would make him swallow all of that humiliation. The rage was bubbling in your insides, ready to snap against him in a second.
Perhaps he expected you to. He wanted that excuse. And when you gave him nothing, he scoffed, putting his hands inside the pockets again and he sighed.
“Look at the bright side of things, sweetheart, we can have some similarities. These people, these… latinos… They can have you by the neck, anyone would fall for it and you wouldn’t be different. This we have in common. Just don’t be stupid enough to get pregnant or whatever, they don’t pay much for these guys around here.”
You felt like you couldn’t breathe until he left the room, unsure if what that could do to your sanity such was the tension and hatred he has instilled in you. When he did leave, not giving you a single glance back, the same clenched fists were raised to your eyes where you brushed them in hopes to prevent any tears from spilling out. Your heart was beating so fast, so incessantly, that you didn’t move a finger until you could collect yourself.
It was too overwhelming, too much, too much, too much…
You crouched down on the desk, hidden from whoever might be there so early in the day, and put your palms against your mouth. Eyes tightly closed, you stifled a sob as you felt the wetness of tears between your fingers. Any curse word that was on the tip of his tongue, any… unbridled urge to retort, it was all stuck inside your mind and in no time, during that breakdown, you thought the response would be as passive as your reaction.
But you were passive.
More than that, you let yourself be carried away by resentment and anger, thinking that you would be superior if you just kept quiet.
He did it, you thought. The asshole broke you.
One of the things about Carrillo was that he always made himself… present. After a considerable amount of time under him, on top of him or close enough to him, you could recognize scents, things intrinsic to what he was and wore and did and knew how to be.
You were virtually dating an almost full glass of lemon vodka when you smelled the perfume. At first, you thought it was some kind of hallucination, like your abused and lost mind trying to find traces of comfort (even if lying, even if cruel or momentary) to keep you going. After all this time, it was an automatic escape mechanism - if you were more politicized about it, you'd have a box of pills by your bed instead of your badge and your gun.
Just after a moment, when you felt someone sitting beside you and you could see his wrist watch there, your body reacted. You didn’t know if it was for resentment or just all the shit you’d been through with your father, but for a moment you wanted to avoid everyone - including him. Especially him.
Which was a fucking hypocrisy, given the place you were at.
“Did your father talk to you?”
And he didn’t ask in a inquisitive tone, like he was demanding for you to say the truth, but you felt taken aback by the neutral curiosity that filled his question and was splayed all over his face. With your silence, Horacio raised his eyebrows and got a good look at your confused expression.
“I heard he's been speculating about your physical state since the incident earlier today.”
“Just him?”
He tilted his head to the side, hiding a small smile.
“We all know you’re tough,” A shrug. “But I’m happy to know that you came back in one piece.”
“Happy is a big word, don’t you think?” You frowned, taking a sip on your drink while watching him raise a hand to the bartender.
“What would you rather me say?”
“That was quite fast.”
“I'm just saying I saved you a lot of red tape and paperwork.”
“What you're telling me is that your conversation with your father was much more intense than I thought.”
It made you lose what little humor you had left, enough for your face to visibly stiffen at the insinuation. Still, Carrillo was unaffected, but understood that maybe it wasn't the time. Rather than speculating further, he settled back on the stool when the whiskey arrived in front of him on the counter and didn't look at you for a while, as if he was just there to keep you company. This breath gave you time to observe him calmly.
He wasn't in uniform, but you doubted he'd just left the house to be right there, judging by the obvious sweat and dull expression. From what you heard, he's been in negotiation meetings with other minor sicarios who've been arrested, probably even Los Pepes if you pushed hard enough, but that was the kind of context you really liked to stay out of.
He certainly wasn't satisfied; sure enough, for one plus one, Carrillo was just frustrated by the way things had turned out and he could suddenly use alcohol. It was an ordinary bar, you were there when you decided to have good sex that would become delicately complicated. The difference was that there was less wear and tear, less fatigue. You two certainly weren't fresh for the job anymore.
And even so, Horacio continued to have this brusque, striking and not very delicate beauty. Unlike Javier or Steve, he hasn't lost any weight, and perhaps made good use of homemade meals to gain a little more physical mass. A very discreet bulge poked out on his belly, but that only meant he was healthy.
There was a soft smirk on his face, almost imperceptible, when you raised your eyes - he caught you staring. You noticed, of course, because you still were stupid enough to keep notes on him. It was inevitable, the way you and him stared at each other. Lights low, soft music, a ton of feelings all over the place - you couldn’t ride any other way.
“... Why are you here?” The question came in a low tone, breaking that spell for a moment. You blinked a few times, self aware of your body language, and gestured with the cup.
“Different motives, similar interests, I guess.”
“How do you know my motives?”
“Consider this my intuition.”
He nodded, not defeated but understanding. A silence hung in the air, more comfortable and cozy; it was easy to be more abrupt in your next comment, like a revelation suddenly caught in your throat by an instant memory of what had happened earlier that day.
“Did you know?” Like a spilled thought, you asked as if he would know what you were referring to. When nothing but a frown appeared on his face, you clarified with simplicity. “That we fucked. You knew my father knew about it?”
You could expect a lot of things, because Carrillo was very intuitive and certainly wouldn't run away from a confrontation if that were the case, just like your father wouldn't either. So when he looked even more confused and taken aback by the question, you reconsidered your position for a moment and turned your eyes to the drink in your hands, not knowing what to say next.
Horacio shifted in his seat, visibly uncomfortable.
“What did he tell you?” He asked then, more inquisitive this time.
“Nothing I didn’t deal with before. It's just… Sounded like something he could have guessed, like it was simple. I don’t remember a moment where we showed we were explicitly involved. Like the way we were, I mean.”
Casting a glance in his direction, you saw his jaw clench, then his face averting your gaze. Carrillo looked… angry?
“You know I don't have any hierarchical ties with him, right?”
“I do.”
“So why don't you tell me exactly what he told you?”
“Because it's complicated!” You bit back with exasperation. “Look, there was a reason why I’ve been so reticent about him being here. It’s not just his past or whatever the fuck he did here, we didn’t talk for years! Years, Horacio. And there’s a reason why it happened and it’s nothing like you can simply do something about. Honestly, I think it would be better if you didn't get involved.”
“It doesn't make any difference now.”
“Yes! I-” You stopped your own rambling and took a deep breath. “I know it. That’s the fucking problem.”
More silence. That made you aware of your tone, your mood, the way you’d been holding your shit together in such a pathetic way.
“I’m tired,” Your fingers massaged the bridge of your nose, elbow on the counter and a defeated sigh falling from your lips. “Don’t tell this to anyone, tho. I would like to finish my fucking job without people feeling pity of me.”
“But you’re telling me.”
“... Yeah. Well, last time you decided to pick my pieces we ended up making out. It’s better than whatever Peña would have in the cards for me.”
He smiled - no, you would rather say he just scoffed and took a long sip of his drink, as if it was the closest you could get in a good mood.
“Peña.” Carrillo repeated, head shaking. “What would he offer to you? Mm?”
The question made you frown but, again, you weren’t in the mood to read between the lines and he probably didn’t want to make his intentions a secret. There was a hint of jealousy there, a resentment.
“You know we don’t-”
“I know.”
You hummed, eyeing the drink in front of you to consider the situation. That could make you smile a little, even for a second, knowing that Carrillo couldn’t hide the stupidness of it all.
“... It would be less complicated,” The confession was uncomfortable, too realistic, enough to make you embarrassed. “Sounds like a convenient statement, in fact. Peña doesn’t have an accent, he doesn't have both feet and heart in this country either.”
He considered.
“Am I not American enough for him?” Carrillo asked with a discreet frown.
“Gracias a Dios.” Thank God, he murmured against his cup, which almost brought another considerate smile to your lips.
“I tend to be controversial, it gets me into trouble occasionally,” Your hand unconsciously massaged your chin, as if sensing other fingers pressing the skin there. It brought a lot of discomfort - enough to make you clear your throat to prevent any intrusive memory.
But that was the crux of the matter, what put you on your toes about Horacio Carrillo in the first place: he was so observant. And he noticed the way you caressed that area for a nanosecond too long, which made him shift in his seat to get closer, just a little longer, just to get a better look in the dim light.
First it was his fingers gripping your jaw, bringing your face up to his watchful gaze. Then, carefully, those same fingers descended on your skin, on the sensitive part, and you didn't hesitate to hiss in slight pain. When you averted the touch with a tilt of your head, looking around suspiciously, he became stern - serious. Mad.
“All this secrecy, this… Fear that people would find out about us. Now it all seems truly in vain.”
“It was the best for everyone. If Noonan or Messina find out, I-”
“They weren't there when he touched you.”
“We both know it doesn't matter here. Not with people like us.”
“Disposable.” You took his hand on yours, taking his touch away even if not in a harsh way. He was still mad, you could sense, but it was like Carrillo turned into a preoccupied mess.
“... If he ever touches you again, you will tell me.” An order, one you resisted the urge to roll your eyes for. “That's what a disposable person does, isn't it? A good one-on-one with a gringo would do justice to the title.”
That made you smile - truly smile. At the genuine tone, at the perseverance of his intentions. A surprisingly astute man with wills that went beyond the position he had and he was there, cutting the caress of your body for the discreet touch of your hand, watching your reactions with such attention.
You observed him in silence, elbow on the counter, hand supporting your head while taking the guy in. He was so stunning, you couldn’t quite catch which detail of his physiognomy you liked best. And there were other attributes on him, like his body and capacity, but maybe… The mouth? Chin? Cheeks? Brows? Hair? Eyes?
Looking in retrospect, it made some sense. The attraction, the bickering. Carrillo was made like that, built to be exactly the way he was, ready to accept the fate of his messy world with strong hands and the perseverance of someone who always tried hard enough until he didn’t need it anymore.
“You know what I need right now?”
He shook his head.
“I’ve been through hell since I woke up, my body is tired and… I need a shower. A good, warm shower, yeah? And then a decent night's sleep, which I haven't had in weeks.”
There was another beat of silent consideration from him, a peaceful and relaxed one.
“... I have a warm shower.” His voice came in a teasing tone.
“You do?”
You bit your lip, mouth hidden behind your fingers.
His house seemed more receptive, perhaps because of the circumstances or your condition. You looked around the place that remained the same, with different furniture here or there, something that reminded you of someone passing by to clean or organize. Juliana, maybe.
The thought made you frown, even if that detail (or that piece of memory) didn’t make the place look less… homemade. You were unsure, however. Even if some part of you knew what you should be doing now while Horacio made sure all the windows and doors were still locked, you couldn’t move from your spot in the middle of the living room, arms hanging on your sides while you felt lost, even a touch numb.
Carrillo was standing in front of you, searching for you even if you were there, not so focused, not deciding if he should get closer or not. You blinked a few times, suddenly aware of your recent marks and physical pains. He didn’t try to poke through it, tho - he gave you his hand, palm open to your eyes.
That touch meant more, like the first deep breath of fresh air.
There were the stairs, then the corridor. You prevented yourself from saying out loud about your legs or feet; a few grunts followed the way, but he decided not to comment as well. Horacio just kept going, assured the steps of someone who knew the place well. When you reached the room (his bedroom), there wasn’t time to observe the details of that place you knew from the past experience, because he took you to the other door, one you didn’t notice at first.
The bathroom was considerably huge, made for two and with some space for more. Wife, perhaps kids. You also tried not to imagine this life, this possibility that seemed real for him before you and probably before Escobar. Standing still, your mind tried to make you feel more pathetic when you didn’t move to undress, but again, Carrillo didn’t ask.
He opened button by button, careful with his moves and the fabric of your shirt, which wasn’t so clean and had seen better days. You observed his movements, stoic and precise as always, and when the shirt was finally off, he stopped. Of course you were aware of the bruises, the not-so-sexy bra and even less sexier shape of your boobs.
No, that wasn’t the reason why he stopped. You knew it wasn’t. And you felt so embarrassed all of the sudden.
“No, no-” His hand covered yours before you could hide something. “Puede que no seamos los mismos de antes, pero tú sigues siendo tú. Y lo quiero todo de todos modos.” We may not be the same as before, but you are still you. And I want it all anyway.
“... It's not what I look like that worries me,” You said. “It just seems unfair that every time we're together, there's some shadow of what we do. I don't want you to look at me and think about it.”
“But it's what we do.”
“And are you by any chance proud of every part of this?”
“Huh,” He scoffed, but not in mockery, tilting his head to the side and going back to his small mission, this time going to your belt. “Sería estúpido no arrepentirse de algunas cosas en el camino, ¿no crees?” It would be stupid not to regret some things along the way, don't you think?
“¿Siempre cambias al español cuando hablas de cosas difíciles?” Do you always switch to Spanish when talking about difficult things?
“Recuerdo haber dicho que me gustabas en inglés.” I remember saying I liked you in English.
And he did stop again, your belt and the button of your jeans opened. Carrillo did that to look at your face, observe any reaction from you, and all you could give back was the same taken aback expression you had earlier that night. Saying it in front of you, like that, mentioning that he simply liked you… It still sounded easier, but it also sounded safe.
“... Will it be a lonely bath? Or do you intend to accompany me?”
He tilted his head to the side again, shrugged, then decided to go back to his work with your pants.
“I’m not fragile, you know?” You said in a low tone.
“What I know is that there’s too many people aware of that information.” Carrillo didn’t look at you, but honestly it wasn’t necessary. He said what he said, so you wouldn’t try to bite back.
The silence, though, made him frown and finally raise his eyes to you. Just then, with his attention and heavy gaze, you noticed your own eyes were wet. You blinked a few times, shook your head. For some reason, or maybe for obvious ones, there was a big cloud of resentment surrounding you two all of the sudden - of bad decisions or just a touch of cowardness from your part. Horacio was hot headed, sometimes too impulsive for his own good; your father, quite the opposite, patiently waiting for the right opportunity to make what he thought was best.
“... I’ll take the guest bathroom. There’s probably something you can borrow from my wardrobe too.”
“If you need anything-”
“Mm-hm. I know.”
He placed a gentle kiss on your temple - right above the bandage still hanging for dear life there. Took you a lot to move from there, to shake the warm touches from your body and mind, and a few minutes after he left, you rubbed your eyes with the palms of your hands to keep any emotions from spilling over and finished taking off your clothes.
The water was hot, but not hot enough to be uncomfortable. You felt each drop washing your pores as if it were taking away pieces of your skin, as if all the dirt of the day had not been washed away enough even though this was your second shower of the day.
The skin on your jaw was irritated by how hard you rubbed it, trying to get something out that might not be coming off any time soon.
“... He said something.”
Carrillo raised his eyes from the small patterns he was tracing on your skin with his finger, observing you with curiosity. He had these comfy pants, the flip-flops laying on the floor, the basic shirt - it was like entering another world, seeing someone else instead of… him. But it was him, indeed. Domestic him. And after the dinner (the one he promised a lifetime before), he took you to his bed and made more compliments about you wearing one of his shirts.
Honestly, you didn’t want to bring it at that moment. You didn’t even want to make this a conversation with him, to remember whatever happened that led to that specific space of time where you found comfort in his arms, but that thing entered your mind like a plague and you couldn’t shake it out of your mind.
“‘Said he killed Juan Marcos for me.”
He didn’t react - not for the first few seconds. In the middle of that half-dark, warm room, with you two between his comfy sheets, Horacio let the information sink in, averting your gaze to watch his movements on the skin peaking through the collar of that old shirt. For a moment you even thought he wouldn’t say anything; for what felt like ages, Horacio Carrillo didn’t move.
You stared at the ceiling, then, that thought burning your insides like a fucking infection. That made you press, just a little, just to… feel something.
“Would you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Kill for anyone.”
Carrillo sighed.
“I’ve been doing that for a living,” He argumented. “But that’s not the question, right?”
“No,” You shook your head. “I wouldn’t ask you to, though. Nor Javi or Steve or… him.”
“Well, I think we all know that too,” With a grunt, he adjusted his body to eye you from above, leaning on his elbow. “Killing in someone's name can be a lot if we weren't who we are, at least. In this kind of life, this is just a consequence or a detail that bumps into our routine.”
His words made you consider.
“Sicarios kill for loyalty and money, we kill for a solution... A father kills for his daughter for love and protection.” You pointed out, more like a reflection than a proper opinion. When you looked at him again, he waited for that conclusion with patience. “He didn't want to protect me, Horacio. He never did this, why would he do it now? To get some kind of leverage when he found out I put Noonan against him?”
The realization on his face made you feel ashamed, as if all the days you've been beating yourself up about it materialized right there, in front of you, in the form of the disappointment that would stamp his face when he owned up to what you'd done. You waited, waited, waited… And when nothing came, you distanced yourself physically by sitting up on the bed, fingers playing with itselves while he just kept staring.
With a deep breath and a lot to say, you confirmed.
“She was always my father's friend, probably since I can remember. When she called me into a meeting, I figured he might have said something to arouse suspicion, to make her suspicious of my ability to do my job. I knew he was planting something there, waiting for the right chance to take me out of the picture. Not for protection, just… Perhaps he saw me as a problem, perhaps I am a problem.”
Carrillo listened with a neutral expression, which started to make you feel even more tense.
“I struggled a lot to do that, to have the least amount of respect without being in his shadow. Every day, in every single thing I've done since I chose this career, I've always been sure I wanted to be better than him. Realizing that he throws every shovel possible into our relationship has me panicking, especially since he's my father and he's trying to sabotage me for his own benefit.”
It's been a long time since you've done this - venting your frustrations. For some reason, you knew Carrillo wouldn't do anything with that information, at least nothing other than keeping it to himself. Being there with him, in that private universe, you were free to get it all out there, to expose an unspoken truth of hardship and cruelty. Of course, given the circumstances, that comfort would just be another unspoken truth between the two of you. A secret magnetism that made sense, as long as it wasn't said to the four winds, because you were never exceptionally good at it and it was evident.
You sighed in defeat, unsure of what that silence meant - condescendence, weighting, reticence. There was a vision of you before your confession and there was certainly another after it - it wasn't like you could justify yourself.
All that considered, it was a surprise when he reached over and kissed your cheek, subtly, just to get your attention. When you looked up, Horacio cupped your face in one hand and looked into your eyes, using the gentlest of caresses to gaze at you with a certain amount of admiration and affection. You probably had that same expression at the moment, because he couldn’t stop staring.
“I couldn’t judge him if his intentions were true,” He mumbled. “But mine are. Sometimes, my respect can blind me and I can be… obnoxious towards my feelings for you, almost… dumb. Perhaps. Perhaps you don’t even want to know that now, being here and going through this, but I would kill for you. Viviría por ti.”
I would live for you.
You looked into his eyes and felt a courage you only felt at the sight of a gun, or the sight of your father's eyes. It wasn't usual, it felt very uncomfortable, but accept the reality that he only considered it all a passing fever of passion rather than something that really had consistency.
There was no consistency in that life, nor in the fact that you met, crossed paths and exchanged a single word to each other - because no minimally consistent relationship could come from that reality.
“This can’t be,” You said, holding his hand with your palm. “You can’t do this to me, Horacio.”
“You didn't have that right either. Don't believe for a second I didn't think this was all crazy, all... una gran mierda,” His last words came as a whisper, as if he just confessed something serious enough to make him grab all of the circumstances inside his head.
Carrillo sighed.
“Juliana had never confronted me this way, she had never told me what she felt with such certainty. I spent a lot of time blaming her for this, but the truth is, being with me hurts. I'm a ticking time bomb, a static creature that lives by rules that I don't always believe in but that make me who I am. I'm a big bunch of beliefs that don't take me anywhere.”
“... But I did.”
He let the silence linger, your other hand passing through his face while he nodded.
“Yeah,” You could see, deep down, that he was on the verge of crying. Carrillo. Crying. Suddenly, he was that boy, pristine and full of feelings he couldn’t spill out for the sake of being well-behaved, of not building any more problems for his mama.
You never thought you'd witness it - or find sense in a man like that looking so torn apart for so long.
“And I honestly don't know what to make of it all.”
Ultimately, you realized as you took the initiative to give him a subtle kiss on the mouth, discreet enough to hear him sigh in relief, that it felt right because Carrillo lived in absolutes. Life or death. Right or wrong. To shoot or not to shoot. There was a weight there, a responsibility; all of a sudden, if you could, you'd take it all away from him because you… you needed it. From him? From his company? Of the feelings he caused? You couldn't tell, even while kissing him.
What you could say, for sure, was that a mess encounter led you to a difficult realization: that you loved him.
And you were afraid of it.
Next part’s snippet:
He asked with a confused expression, but you couldn’t quite catch his question right away. With a hand in front of your mouth, you swallowed a sob and held that letter with a firm grip, afraid of it all being a lie or an illusion or… A trick. A fucking universe trick for your mind and soul.
You raised your eyes to Carrillo, gulping again to prevent any big emotion from spreading all over the place.
“... It’s… It’s Jorge.”
“And who is it?”
The words almost didn’t leave your mouth, as if you were scared of the consequences of just… saying it.
“My brother.”
No pressure tags:
@thesandbeneathmytoes ​
@616wilsons ​
@thoroughlymodernminutia ​
@padbrookcottage ​
@mysoulisasunflower ​​
52 notes · View notes
deke-rivers-1957 · 8 months
ECU High - Vince's Attitude
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A Lincoln Town Car drives up to ECU High's front door.
"Jeeves stop here. I wanna get out now." Vince orders.
"Yes, Master Everett," his chauffeur says as he stops.
Vince gets out of the car with his Ralph Lauren backpack wearing high end clothes.
"You better be back at 3:15 or else." he says as he closes the door.
Jeeves drives away as Vince walks into the school.
"What's up poors!" Vince yells as a flex.
"Ah shut up, Vince!" some of the boys yell as he walks by.
"And a good morning to you too Charlie, Steve and Walter. I know you're all so jealous but oh well. We can't all appear on MTV and land a huge recording contract." Vince starts to laugh and walks away.
Walter has to hold Charlie and Steve back. "He ain't worth it. If there's any justice in this world, he'll get his one day."
Vince keeps laughing as he walks to his locker.
"Vince you really need to end this state of hubris and narcissism."
Vince rolls his eyes as he opens his locker. "Ah what do you know Scotty boy. You ain't got much room to talk with that silver spoon shoved in your mouth. Beat it."
Scott just sighs and walks away. Vince turns to his left.
"What ya got something to say to me Chad?"
Chad just chuckles. "You know, Vince. I never thought you'd be the kinda kid who becomes a complete ass just because he made a million bucks. Didn't anybody tell ya to be nice to the people on the way up? If they did then you'd know that you're only gonna run into them on the way down. Keep it up and -"
"Ah shut up!" Vince interrupts.
Chad just shrugs as if to say "Can't say I didn't warn you." and walks away.
Vince groans in annoyance as he grabs his books to put away. He looks at his schedule and finds that he has American Literature as his first class. When he walks into the classroom he immediately gets annoyed.
A teacher is talking with her student about a project. "What did you want me to help you with, Johnny?"
"Ms. Xana, Ah'm tryna write a story about a man who performs on riverboats in the 1860s. Where should Ah look?" he asks sitting at a desk.
She thinks as she goes through some books at her desk. "I think I have just the book for you, Johnny."
She pulls out "Life on the Mississippi" and hands it to him. "This is a memoir by Mark Twain. He used to work as a steamboat pilot before the Civil War. This should help you get started with your research."
Johnny takes the book smiling as Vince rolls his eyes. "Are ya done with the theatrics Johnny? Nobody reads your damn plays."
Ms. Xana gasps. "Vince watch your language. I won't have that type of talk in my classroom."
Vince scoffs as he sits down and waits for the bell to ring so class can start. His mind starts to wander and thoughts become sour.
"Why'd my stupid parents decide to keep me enrolled at this stupid school with these stupid kids and naggy ass teachers? I'd rather go to a private school or drop out all together."
Tag list: @vintagepresley, @jaqueline19997, @presley72elvis, @vintagegirl50s60s70s80s, @j-v-9-2, @lawdymissclawdy68, @almightybigbrain, @arrolyn1114, @tupelomiss, @thetaoofzoe, @mydarlingelvis, @phil2135561 @just-another-boring-bisexual, @leopardandstuds, @ellie-24, @heart-of-ep, @thatbanditqueen, @gayforelvis, @be-my-ally, @alienelvisobsession, @mercsandmonsters, @ashtag6887, @whitepontiac, @richardslady121, @aliengoth3, @ash-omalley, @eptodaytommorwforever, @kendralavon7, @thehillbillycat, @melaninpvssypoppin, @wildhorseinkansas, @pinkcaddyconfessions, @comebackep, and @miniaturerunawaykid,.
AN: Also shoutout to @xanatenshi as the literature teacher. I hope I did you well.
14 notes · View notes
saffloure · 2 years
✧chapter one: expectations of a buttercup
↳ word count: 6,8k
↳ spoiler warning: seasons 1-3
↳ other warnings: smoking weed, being high, mildly drastic wound description (regarding the Mind Flayer), mentions of death (minor characters)
↳ mentioned songs/artists: Tears for Fears, Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix, Diary of the Madman by Ozzy Osbourne
↳ a/n: hello lovies! I’ve been working on this piece since the ending of vol.2, trying to bring our boy Edds justice. hope you enjoy my little scribbles! if you want to be notified each time I post — comment or dm me!
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Sometimes, expectations can appear exorbitant.
For instance, some may anticipate to pass a strenuous test with flying colors. Others may hope to conduct a trenchant analysis of the nagging emotions, seething inside of them. There are also those, who look forward to obtaining wealth; whether it's spiritual or plainly material.
Those things, however, are significantly more likely to be fulfilled while compared with...
"Steve! I swear, I'm going to fuckin' kill you!"
...the expectations regarding your own siblings.
"Geez! Calm down, booger," Steve Harrington sighed loudly, rolling his eyes at the sound of his younger sister re-entering their house.
A spoon he was eating his cereals with was still in his mouth when he heard a harsh noise of the car keys hitting the surface of their wooden kitchen table.
"I've been telling you for the past four days there's something wrong with my car!" The brunette girl bursted out with an expression of utter anger. The kind, people let themselves express only around the closest family members.
"So, uh, have you considered visiting a mechanic?" Steve answered nonchalantly, completely not bothered by the fit of rage his sister was displaying.
"You've promised me to do it!"
With that, Steve Harrington finally took the metal spoon out of his mouth and with the most blank and carefree expression asked, "Did I?"
It was the final nail in the coffin for the already furious girl. Plucking up unspeakable amounts of strength, she gritted her teeth in hopes of keeping her composure steady...
...or rather what had remained of it at that point.
"On Wednesday, to be precise. It's Friday today," she reminded him, inhaling audibly. Just as her mother always ordered her to do when she wanted to calm herself down.
"Well, that's great then, isn't it?" Steve smirked, getting up from his chair as he sloppily placed the bowl and the spoon in the sink. "Friday, weekend... Lot's of free time, 'ya know? Might as well visit the mechanic yourself," he added deliberately, simply to further annoy his younger sibling.
It wasn't surprising at all when his sister let out another frustrated growl. To be frank, it was exactly what Steve had expected and, as the matter of fact, something he would never get tired of.
"It's not about fixing the car now! It's about you not keeping the promises!" The girl was fuming as she walked up to him. "I'm telling you that there's a problem, you're assuring me you'll help me with it, and what? Each time I start the engine, my pretty baby is wheezing and grunting like goddamn Sloth!"
Steve watched in amusement as his sister throws her hands in the air, only to mumble, "I thought sloths are usually really quiet."
The brunette stopped herself to blink twice at her brother's remark.
"I meant the character in the Goonies. You know, the one with fractured skull... Geez! You work in Family Video! You should've gotten the reference," she explained with a sigh, now anxiously stomping her feet.
"What?" Steve chuckled at the sight of his sister suddenly regaining her usual persona.
"Well, I'm waiting for you to drive me to school, idiot. I need to get there somehow," she answered with an excessive amount of confidence in her voice.
"You can always use your bike," he shrugged casually, grabbing, however, the keys to his BMW as he made his way towards the door. With a victorious grin, his sister followed him, mechanically walking up to the front seat of the car. "Hey! We're picking up Robin as well. You gotta sit in the backseat for being a pain in the ass," he added, watching her once again grimacing in disbelief at his antics.
"We could've not have this conversation if you did what you've promised," she murmured, eventually taking her seat in Steve's car.
A Tears for Fears song resounded when the vehicle started. It was immediately followed by Steve's cheeky humming as he made a U-turn, putting his sunglasses on at the same time.
"That's child endangerment," his sister remarked, noting how the maneuver was done with only one of his hands.
"Yeah, why do you think I did that?" Steve grinned from ear to ear, turning up the volume of the radio.
Bickering was something that often occurred between the Harrington siblings, whether done by sheer malice or purely out of boredom. It was a repetitive theme despite the indisputable status of their parents or, maybe, it was that exact spoken social expectation that made the sibling behave abruptly childish when left alone. Just as the two of them were frantically trying to hold onto the only relatively positive aspect of their lives — their carefree childhood.
It would have been an understatement to claim the Harringtons weren't living a comfortable life — quite the opposite actually. With their parents obtaining respectable positions that guaranteed a certain level of wealth, the siblings couldn't complain about lack of money, nor inability to pursue their hobbies. Neither of them were bullied because their upbringing or a particular item of clothing they decided to wear. Neither of them experienced the downsides of live other children at their age faced with everyday.
Due to all of the advantages the siblings had, it was almost impossible to complain about any inconvenience, no matter how grand. Moreover, that fact was making it excruciatingly hard for them to realize that, in fact, they both faced their own demons.
"Is dad coming home this weekend?" The tone in which the question was spoken utterly differed from the one used in conversation that had happened just a while ago.
"No clue. Besides, you're the one that should know. He likes you better," Steve muttered, glancing at his sister's reflection in the back mirror. His answer, however, didn't hold no envy nor jealousy. It was a mere stating of facts, which unfortunately still made his sister feeling a specific type of tingling in her chest.
Rivalry between the Harrington's appeared when they both were attending High School and ended as soon as Steve graduated. While telling his parents he wasn't looking forward to attend a university just yet, they abruptly cut off his allowance, claiming his two options now were to make up his mind, or simply find a job. Steve vividly remembered the agitation on his father's face when this conversation took place. Most importantly, he recalled him and his mother debating whether or not had him to move out. The only thing that made them change their minds was the calm voice of his younger sister, slowly talking them out of the idea. With the politeness of a grand duchess and the debate skills of an Oxford lawyer, the girl singlehandedly stopped a tragedy from happening...
...or that at least he had told Robin the first time she properly met his sister.
Properly, because the two of them were already acquainted with each other. After all, they were peers, attending quite a few classes together for the past three years, now going on four.
"Hi, Dingus... Oh, hi, Stacy!" The door of the car swung open as the voice of Robin Buckley greeted the Harrington siblings. Putting on a seatbelt, she squinted her eyes after ogling her classmate, "Why are you sitting in the backseat?" she asked, amused.
"Ask him, not me," Stacy Harrington shrugged, a sly smirk appearing on her face when she playfully grabbed the sides of her brother's face from behind. "Look at that shit-eating grin. So proud of bullying his little sister," she added with a false notion of hurt.
"Yeah, keep shaking my head. It's not like I'm driving or doing anything else that could potentially cause a car crash," Steve complained in a monotonous tone, causing Stacy to furrow her brow and pretend to choke him, her fingers never touching his neck.
"It's like watching a soap opera with the two of you," Robin exclaimed, her eyes wide open in pure diversion.
"Not my fault he's an airhead," Stacey scoffed.
"Not my fault she's mental," Steve replied in the exact same manner.
It was only a matter of another few minutes when the trio found themselves in the Hawkins High parking lot. With one more insult exchanged between the siblings before saying goodbye, Stacy got out of the car, holding onto her brown leather bag.
"So," Robin started after walking up to her. "Have a good day, Harrington."
The awkwardness with which the sentence was spoken equaled Stacy's response that contained of a quiet, "Yeah..." And even more inaudible, "You too."
Watching the dark-blonde girl disappear into the depth of a school corridor, Stacy tightened the grip on her bag. It had only been a few seconds before her timid expression vanished. The reason for the sudden change? The silhouettes of her classmates appearing on the horizon.
With a polite yet insincere smile she was used to, Stacy waved them hello after fleeing to the bathroom. With a deep sigh, the dark-haired girl rested her palms on the sink that had definitely seen better times.
Another day of being a coward, she thought to herself before she heard the bell ring.
She regretted not chatting with Robin Buckley after they got out of the car. She regretted not being able to drop the role she was still unwillingly pursuing. After all, the two high school seniors were parts of cliques that drastically differed, given not only their social status, but also the general idea of their characters; Robin wasn't popular amongst other students. She was a band geek, who wasn't afraid to reply with a snarky comment. Despite her coyness, she was almost always able to be her most authentic self.
Stacy's role, on the other hand, had been assigned to her the day she enrolled high school. With her brother Steve — formerly known as the King — Harrington, she didn't need to worry about venturing into the extraneous place that contained of stereotypes, social stigmas and, simultaneously, sweaty basketball players, aggressively slamming the door of a locker in front of her face. It came easy to her to find her way in high school after having it already paved by her older brother.
At first, it was like a dream come true — everyone smiling at her sight, not being targeted by the older kids. Herself, Stacy was quite an opinionated and bold teenager. Moreover, she had the audacity to speak her mind without being afraid to be raked over the coals. Therefore, she had gained a fair share of popularity — amongst classmates because of her charisma, and amongst teachers due to her academic skills. A picture perfect scenery, if you were to ask her just two years ago. An ideal high school experience, was what she would have said up until the last summer.
The last summer.
Stacy squinted her eyes in the middle of her math class.
Stacy thought being stuck in the other dimension with her brother and a bunch neighborhood kids last October was bad. She though learning about the existence of the Upside Down was just enough. That, however, did not prepare her for what she was about to witness. Every so often her memory was flooded by the horrid images of the Starcourt Mall massacre. The fire, the gunshots, the ginormous monster made out of the flesh of flayed Hawkins citizens.
And the little pink bow sticking out of its body. The little pink bow that belonged to her classmate, Heather.
Moreover, much like her brother, Stacy Harrington grew up. How could she not? After all, after witnessing what her eyes had seen was enough to mature anyone, especially a preppy girl, whose only concern was what to wear to the pep-rally. Now, her problems oscillated not only in the area of Hawkins High, but also consisted of the emotional trauma she couldn't share with anyone.
She found peace and serenity in cutting herself off of the social life. At least, to the amount that could still held her in favors of the school elite. After all, she saw what happened to her brother when he stopped being friends with Tommy and Carol — he was dethroned. Bullied even. Although King Steve would never admit that. Therefore, Stacy calculated what she needed to do in order to maintain both her peace of mind and the position. That being — occupying herself with school work and claiming she needed to focus on passing the finals flawlessly.
It wasn't a complete lie. Stacy consequently succeeded academically, learning bringing her genuine satisfaction. Now, however, it became an unstoppable coping mechanism. A last thread that was keeping her sane.
Today was no different than what she had gotten herself used to for the past year: get up, argue with Steve, attend classes. This is why she was now in cafeteria, sitting on the opposite side of the table Chrissy Cunningham was located at.
Cheerleaders and preppy girls. Something that used to be Stacy's pride, now ended up being a burden.
Munching on a piece of stale toast, she mindlessly looked up, her eyes trailing down the windows with Halloween decorations still on. Of course no one bothered to take them down, it was just a week after the holiday.
Her stare landed on the theatre kids spot. Stacy always admired the bold accessories some of them used to put on. For instance, today a girl, whose name couldn't pop up in Stacy's mind, was wearing an obnoxiously large black hat with flowers of the same color.
Then, she turned her gaze towards the band geeks amongst which Robin was seated at. All absorbed in a conversation, they shared smiles with each other. Smiles, that were far from sarcastically amused expression of the cheerleaders when they were gossiping.
Finally, her eyes travelled towards the direction of Dustin, Lucas and Mike, who were just about to put their trays down at the Dungeons and Dragons table. Her stare must have been obvious, hence her brother's curly-haired friend waved at her. In response, she raised her hand up, watching the eyes of the infamous Eddie Munson widening. With a chuckle, he gesticulated vividly while starting up a conversation with Henderson.
Returning her attention to her plate, Stacy looked down. There was no possibility she was ever going to be like these kids. Not bothered by anyone's opinion, not worrying about the social status, but most importantly — not being afraid to be themselves.
She, Stacy B. Harrington, was the biggest coward of them all. And the only thing she could do about it was live in never ending regret.
It took her another three classes to came to the conclusion that she couldn't keep her act anymore. Everything was leading to her downfall, and the only thing that could eventually stop her from reaching her breaking point was the notion of her completing the most idiotic plan she could currently came up with.
And Dustin Henderson was to blame for that. If it hadn't been for him waving at her, the idea would've never cluttered her mind.
With the sound of the last bell of the day, Stacy made her way towards her locker, waiting for a certain individual to show up. It took a few minutes for her to notice his silhouette approaching the lockers. To be complete frank, Stacy could've closed her eyes and still know it was him — the sound of a clinking chains attached to his belt was making it impossible to confuse Eddie Munson with any other person from Hawkins High.
There were numerous rumors surrounding his persona, as well as the club he was the leader of. Stacy recalled one of the cheerleaders claiming they sacrifice neighborhood babies for satanic rituals. Although this could be as well a poor joke told by someone of Jason Carver's sort. Disregarding the mass-frightening stories, Stacy could clearly see why people were resentful when it came to Eddie. After all, he did, in fact, repeat senior year once again this year. And that already added to his mysterious and formidable persona.
Yet, being a Harrington concluded Stacy was acting incredibly confident in times of possible danger. It so happened to be awfully extensive to the point where she was plainly making an idiot out of herself.
"Hi," she said as soon as she noticed Eddie closing his locker.
Apparently hearing her voice was so unexpected to him, he blinked rapidly before opening his mouth.
"My, my! Stacy Harrington giving me a heart attack on a Friday afternoon..." he started, the fact she truly scared him covered by his smooth-talk. "Can't say that something I'd ever imagined to happen, though I'm not mad," he chuckled.
Although the words naturally flew from his mouth, Eddie Munson had to admit that conversations with popular people were making him beyond uncomfortable.
"Well, I do have something to ask you for," Stacy replied, entertained by the exaggerated expressions he was displaying as they spoke.
"A few words more and I'll be convinced you weren't staring at our table today because of Henderson, but because of me," he smirked, observing how the girl in pleated blazer opened her mouth to appear slightly offended.
"I wasn't staring at anyone!" she argued in a playful tone, letting out a single giggle at the end of her exclamation.
"Sure. How could I possibly cause Miss Harrington of such things?" Eddie asked, dropping his eyes down for a second. "Anyway... cut to the chase," he added, standing up straight.
" I have this little green problem," she said with a serious tone but furrowed her brow as Eddie did not elaborate. "Purple Haze problem?" she tried to make another reference.
"Oh, you're a Jimi Hendrix fan?" Eddie exclaimed, toying with the fact that both Hendrix's song and a specific type of plant shared the same name.
"Don't make fun of me," Stacy reprimanded him, however, failed in keeping a stone expression.
"I'm not," Eddie defended himself. "It just has to be the weirdest way of someone asking me for some weed."
The girl scoffed, looking away for a brief moment, "Apologies for the lack of professionalism."
Eddie shook his head, maybe to appear more intimidating, maybe to cover the smile that was highly inappropriate for a drug dealer. "Meet me in my car in twenty. Just so, you know, none of your prim girlfriends will see you," he meant the last sentence as a joke, although it hit a bit too close too home for Stacy.
Nodding her head, they parted their ways, so as Stacy found herself once again in the school bathroom today. Glancing at her reflection, she quickly fixed her hair — another thing the Harrington siblings had in common. A neat coiffure, held in place by Farrah Fawcet's hairspray.
The twenty minutes Stacy was supposed to wait were dragging on substantially, equal to what waiting for a parent in a grocery store was like. Finally, after what felt like eternity, Stacy left the school grounds, making her way towards the well-known van. Knocking on the back door, she was immediately greeted by the sound of loud music.
"And that's all from being discrete," she murmured more to herself that to Eddie, taking a look at the insides of the car.
"What do you think about my humble vehicle?" he started up a conversation, placing a black metal box on the table inside.
Stacy placed her hands on her hips, taking a quick look around the van. "Spacious," she murmured.
"Comparing to that 'lil red Chevy of yours? Without a doubt," he smirked, shaking the two plastic bags he had just took out. "Any particular wishes? Let me just warn you, I don't have your Purple Haze," he teased her.
"Anything that's not mostly Incica, really," Stacy answered, taking a few steps closer to her classmate.
"Oh, what a connoisseur," Eddie murmured. Stacy couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. "Is Pineapple Express fine by you, buttercup?" he asked, showing her one of the bags.
"Yeah," she let out a chuckle at the nickname she was called.
"I normally do twenty bucks for half of an ounce..." Eddie started, getting up from the small table.
"That will do," Stacy interrupted him, opening her bag to search for the bank note.
Eddie tilted his head as he glanced over her. "I was about to give you a discount," he replied bluntly.
"Then keep the change for the splendid customer service," she shrugged.
For a split second Eddie Munson thought the time froze. All he could see was Stacy Harrington, looking up at him with the most genuine smile he had ever seen a girl like her display. The rays of sun that got inside of the van through the patchy blinds illuminated the locks of her hazel hair, causing her to appear almost magical.
So magical, in fact, that he didn't hear her repeating his name over three times by now.
"Sorry. I spaced out," he admitted, shaking his head as a promise of now listening to her clearly.
"Well, I figured it out," Stacy laughed, placing the money before him. "I was asking if you have any rolling papers," she repeated, taking her share of weed.
"Oh, yeah, sure," Eddie blabbered, reaching out to the drawer on top of the seating. Without asking, Stacy sat down the moment the tissue-like paper was handed out to her. Silently exuberant by her staying a while longer, Eddie took a spot beside her, watching as she carefully began rolling the blunt. "So, tell me... since when does Little Miss Perfect smoke dope?" he asked nonchalantly.
An amused grin appeared on Stacy's face before she even got a chance to answer. It was above surprising how much she smiled during her conversation with Eddie. "Since everything took a turn for the worse," she answered evasively.
"Yeah... I expect being on top of the class is really the worst that could happened," Eddie wondered, causing Stacy to immediately look at him.
"You know shit, Munson," she whispered in a defensive tone, sending him a reprimanding stare.
"Fuck, no, I didn't mean it as an insult," he was quick to defend himself the moment he realized he worded his sentence badly. "What I wanted to say is I just can't... imagine that."
His abrupt answer made Stacy's cheeks burn. Of course she exaggerated his words. She often had a tendency to get awfully preserving when it came to people doubting her. Something, that possibly appeared in her life due to not being able to tell others about her problems. After all, Stacy Harrington wasn't a person one could relate to. From the surface she seemed like a terribly shallow person, who didn't differ much from those, whose only intention was to achieve success, no matter the costs.
"Sorry," she muttered, apologizing. "I get really articulate when I'm focused," she added, showing Eddie her perfectly rolled blunt.
And just like the tension was never there, he chuckled, taking it from her to admire it in the better light, "Look at that! And I originally thought you're just a munchkin. You're full of surprises, Miss Harrington."
Getting up and bowing dramatically, Stacy giggled, "Comes in handy."
"Well," Eddie shook his head. "All I have to tell you now is to enjoy the product," he added in the same, over the top manner.
Smiling, Stacy grabbed her bag. However, before she decided to open the van doors, she turned back, facing Eddie, who now wore quite a confused expression.
"Everything's alright? Did you forget something?" he asked her quickly, concerned for the reason of her possible upset.
"Actually, I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to smoke together," Stacy answered, watching's Eddie's eyes opening ever wider than before.
Without a word, just with a mere disbelief painted all over his face, he pointed — firstly at himself, then — at her. Not a second later he smirked, his locks covering his face, "You know what they say... don't get high on your own supply," he quoted.
"Like I'll believe you don't use your own stuff," Stacy scoffed. "Besides, you're not Tony Montana... So?"
Eddie shook his head once again, smirking to himself, "How can I refuse a girl, who's just got a Scarface reference?"
"That, my dear, is called a deal breaker," she responded, following Eddie to the front of the van.
"A hit dice," he corrected her, starting his car. "We'll drive just beside that part of the forest. Smoking on the school's parking lot is far too crazy... Even for Eddie the Freak," he explained quickly, spitting out the last part with a notion of sarcasm.
"That's quite a lofty nickname, isn't it?" Stacy asked, causing Eddie to glance at her for a spare second. "Awfully uncreative... but lofty," she corrected herself, smiling at the sounds of a song that just played on the radio.
"Lofty," Eddie repeated in a scoff, only to notice Stacy's hand traveling towards the head unit of his van. "Hey! No changing music in my car. I have full monopoly on what's playing," he stated half threateningly, half jokingly.
"Who said I was going to change it?" Stacy asked, almost like her former intentions were the clearest thing in the world.
"You weren't?"
The brunette giggled in disbelief. "I wanted to turn it up. I like this song... Dairy of a Madman is a good album in general," she admitted, watching Eddie displaying visible shock. "What?"
"You're shitting me," Eddie let out the air he was holding for definitely longer than he should. "There's no way you're listening to Ozzy Osbourne."
"Why?" Stacy asked light-heartedly as they found themselves in a more secluded area.
"Because you're... you," Eddie gesticulated vividly after stopping his car.
With a flick of her hair, Stacy got out of the van, waiting for her companion to join her as she lit up the blunt.
"I am me," she repeated his words. "Munson, you're not even high yet and you're already talking nonsense."
"Anything for you, I guess," he shrugged, inhaling their shared blunt.
"You know what?" Stacy chuckled at the sudden memory flooding her mind. "I do remember you way before high school, actually," she added, watching him scrunching his nose.
"Wasn't expecting to have a stalker. Especially not one in a form of Hawkins' pride and joy," he confessed leaning on the hood of his van.
"Yeah, I'm not sure about that joy part," Stacy chuckled, feeling an unwitting smile entering her face.
"Just look at you, buttercup. All happy and dandy." Eddie pointed at her expression.
"That's just the weed kicking in," she answered, which simultaneously was the worst idea she could possibly have, hence she choked on a huge cloud of smoke.
"Oi, here you had me thinking you were a professional," he teased her, gaining a nudge on the arm.
"Shit happens even to the best, okay?" she responded in the same tone.
A few minutes after, Stacy and Eddie found themselves sitting on the mulching ground, casually exchanging any thoughtful remarks their stimulated minds were telling them to vocalize. It was strangely calming to Stacy how the presence of a person she didn't exchange even a hello before had helped her become utterly tranquil. Of course, it was also the merit of the chemicals that now entered their bodies, however, despite being intoxicated Stacy could've concluded she wouldn't have been in such a positive state if it wasn't for the curly-haired metal head.
"So, you say you remember my little meek persona, huh?" Eddie asked, returning to the conversation they were having beforehand.
In response, Stacy's eyes wandered way above Eddie's head, landing somewhere in between of the branches.
"Yeah," she started in a dreamy tone. "Only your hair was a 'lil bit shorter," she spoke softly, catching with the corner of her eye how a smirk entered his face. "By 'lil bit I mean shittone. Like, way, way shorter. Non-existent even," she corrected herself, thinking his reaction was caused by her unclear response.
She had no idea, however, Eddie's expression was a reaction of a genuine surprise.
"You mean middle school?" He wanted to clarify and succeeded by watching her nod her head. "You're right. That buzz cut was ooglay," he agreed in an exaggerated tone.
"I never said it was ugly." Stacy crossed her arms. "Although I must say, you do look way better with your hair like that," she added, almost like she was complimenting an old friend, not a classmate she had never spoken a word with before.
"You think?" Eddie asked in a challenging tone, abruptly grabbing a handful of his locks as he covered his face with it.
She had forgotten how it felt to genuine laugh at someone's jokes. She had forgotten the feeling of excitement while discussing a certain topic. Moreover, she had forgotten how to relax.
"I like your blazer," Eddie spoke after a few minutes of silence.
"I stole it from my brother back in eight grade," Stacy disclosed, her voice lowered, almost like she was gossiping with her cheerleader friends.
"Oh, yeah, your brother..." he hummed in response, almost like he had completely forgotten about that instance. "How is he, by the way?"
"Just... you know... working," Stacy struggled to form a sentence as her glance was focused on the spot behind Eddie. "Look, I think that's a squirrel," she said confidently, pointing somewhere in front of her.
"Where?" He squinted his eyes in order to adjust his eyesight. "I don't see anything, buttercup. You're delusional," he added after a while.
"No, I'm not, Eddie! I swear that squirrel was there just a moment ago!" Stacy argued, however, not being able to stop laughing.
"Well, you surely scared it with your screaming by now... Where are you going?"
"Go through your things and look for some snacks," she replied innocently and jumped back in the vehicle.
"You won't find anything despite a few molded sandwiches!" Eddie called after her, adding to himself, "...and possibly some drugs."
Not a moment later he heard a noise of something metal hitting the ground.
"I didn't break anything!" Stacy reassured him. "Everything's under control!"
She had no idea that the last sentence would so hauntingly occupy her mind the day next.
It was a Saturday. One of the warmest one this November, actually. Her brown locks were sprawled across her back as she managed to finally unscrew the top part of the metal lid, covering the air filter. It was just around four in the evening when she returned from the mechanic with a newly bought substitute — a stark white filtering compartment, covered by silver pieces made to secure the device.
It was excruciatingly bold of her to presume she would manage to change it without anyone's help. But, with her persistent will and stupendous motivation caused by neither her father nor Steve being currently at home, Stacy Harrington gritted her teeth, calming herself down with the, "Everything's under control." In reality, however, she was silently cursing out whoever, who tightened the screws so hard, her knuckles were becoming white from trying to loosen them.
Ever since she could remember, Stacy was drawn to manual work such as preparing a volcano model for her middle school's talent show or plainly helping to fix the kitchen sink. Maybe that sudden enjoyment was the culprit of her current interest in science.
This, however, wasn't the case of today, considering the fact Stacy was now aggressively wiping off the grease she managed to get herself dirty with just a moment ago. Not being keen on smearing her Walkman with it, she rubbed the substance in her old jean shorts. Reaching just above her knees, the piece of clothing was completely out of style — something, her friends would immediately tease her about if she were to leave her house in them. To her benefit, today she could allow herself to look drastically different from usual; her hair were tied in a ponytail that already started to fell apart, the loose strands of hair making her appear like she had just rolled out of her bed. A flannel shirt she was wearing previously belonged to her father, therefore it was awfully big on her. In addition, its condition was far from satisfying. Holes in it were certainly contradicting her always-ironed shirts.
Stacy didn't expect to see anyone than her brother today. After all, their parents weren't going to be home this weekend. Therefore, she let out a loud gag of surprise the moment she heard a car pulling up. At first, she thought maybe it Steve, who ended his shift earlier. Yet she didn't even need to look up to know she was wrong — she could've flawlessly recognized the sound of his BMW engine. Then she came up with an idea someone had mistakenly driven near her house, stopping the car to ask for directions. Grabbing the hood of her car, simply to see the unexpected visitor, a grin appeared on her face the moment she noticed a van, parked just by the side of her driveway.
"Missed me already?" Stacy called teasingly.
"Sure I did, sweetheart," Eddie Munson answered. The confidence in Stacy's tone was so magnetizing, he couldn't help but smile with each step he took. "You forgot your blazer yesterday," he added, watching an expression of surprise paint all over her face.
"I did?" She asked in an over-dramatic tone, wiping her hands before taking her belongings from him. "Sorry for the trouble," she added, nodding towards the direction of his car.
"'S fine," he muttered, shoving his hands to his pockets. "It was a good excuse, though."
Stacy scrunched her nose, giggling silently, "Care to elaborate?"
"You know, just to see what Miss Hawkins does on her free time," he answered nonchalantly, glancing over her shoulder to take a look under the hood of her Chevrolet. "Again, that's the last thing I would've expected... Always thought girls like you..."
"Girls like me, huh?" Stacy smirked, interrupting him. "Is it somewhat a nice way of telling me I look like shit today?"
"Well, you look... different," Eddie responded with a shrug, yet immediately realized how his answer may have sounded. "I-It's a compliment, though," he corrected himself, vividly gesturing with one of his hands.
Stacy bursted into laughter the second she noticed how terrified his face look. Just as he was afraid to be faced with her being offended.
"No worries, I'm used to having and older brother, who insults me all of the time," she added while re-doing her ponytail.
Instead of thinking of an answer, Eddie carefully watched her every movement, captivated by the smoothness of it. He didn't know if it was the shorts with grease stains on them or her easygoing persona that caused her to appear more... reachable.
Eddie Munson wasn't a person, who took enjoyment in talking with popular kids. Quite the opposite, actually — the only times he found himself conversing with them were the short moments in the school's canteen. They mostly consisted of mutual short comments on each other differences — a response to bullying he had received ever since he could remember. It was exactly bullying that made his opinion on them unanimous, forming his approach towards them as hostile.
It was this exact fact that made him feel so off-track during those past two days. He expected Stacy Harrington to be just like the rest of her friends — mean and scary. After all he only recognized her from being a popular straight-A student, whose class he happened to find himself in when he failed his senior year. Again.
Yet, to his surprise, Stacy was standing right in front of him, laughing not at him, but because of him.
"Geez, this filter looks crusty," he commented, glancing over the already exchanged device, laying next to the red Chevrolet.
"And I was wondering why my car was making strange noises... Well, here's the culprit," Stacy chuckled, kicking the old air filter.
There was a moment of silence during which Eddie wondered if he should already leave. After all, he arrived here just to give back Stacy her blazer she left in his van while hazed by the weed they smoked yesterday. Yet, something —he couldn't exactly place what — made him want to stay just for a while longer. Purely to enjoy the presence of a girl, who caught his attention in such a peculiar way.
"How did I even manage to forget that?" Stacy laughed, pointing towards the direction of the blazer she messily threw behind the hood of the car.
"Actually, you did almost break the table inside," Eddie chuckled, watching an overly hurt expression paint on Stacy's face.
"I did not! I simply stumbled and..."
"Hey, Stace!" Both Stacy and Eddie turned towards the figure that just entered the Harrington's front yard.
"Oh, hi, Steve," the girl responded, wondering how she didn't notice her brother's car that was now parked just beside Eddie's van. "You got off duty early?" She added, suddenly feeling uneasy.
"Yeah..." Steve narrowed his eyes. "What's Munson doing here?" he asked the question that was on his mind the moment he left his car.
"I-uh, he came here to hand me my blazer," Stacy explained quickly, hoping the odd feeling of tension will leave her as soon as it appeared.
"Yup, the blazer," Eddie confirmed, sensing how strangely Stacy's persona changed as soon as she saw her brother.
"It's not drugs or anything, right?" Steve furrowed his brow even more, eyeing the curly-haired man. "Cause I swear to god, Stace, if you..."
"Jesus, why are you so weird about it?" His sister bursted out, just like she wasn't the one creating this specific atmosphere.
"Because how did he know it was yours?" Steve argued in a child-like tone, crossing his arms.
"It has your name written on the fucking tag!" Stacy replied, grabbing the clothing that previously belonged to her brother. The tag showed his name in a messy handwriting. The e's being the only letters written in lowercase.
"Yeah, of course," he snorted, shaking his head rapidly.
"Honestly, man, you need to cool down. It's not that big of a deal," Eddie inputed, however, his respond failed in resolving the strange exchange of words between the siblings. "She left it in..."
"School. In the English classroom," Stacy rapidly interrupted, not giving him a chance to finish.
"Yeah..." Eddie confirmed her lie, suddenly looking down to look at his boots that now were toying with the rocks on the driveway. "'S not like we're friends or anything. I mean, how could we? She's Miss Hawkins and I'm just your local drug dealer, right?"
It was his attempted joke that caused everything in Stacy body to stop function. Eddie was right — the two of them had completely different backgrounds. Moreover, the idea of them hanging out was one of the most abstract things one could imagine.
Yet still — his sudden change of tone, the lack of eye contact and, most importantly, the fact Stacy truly took liking to him made his answer something she couldn't bare.
But then, it hit her like a speeding train.
She couldn't object.
Not because she shared reservation towards Eddie Munson, but because she couldn't bring herself to admit her whole persona was a lie.
Had it be a streak of confidence, a mere ray of bravery that could let her be herself. That could let her be, who she truly wanted to be without caring about what others said. Without being afraid they'd exclude her.
Even if they meant her own brother right now.
Seemingly insignificant interaction put her in the most uncomfortable place she could possibly find herself in. Because agreeing on Eddie's explanation stopped being an excuse and started being the vocal factor of her inability to express her own self. A thing she couldn't come clear with from the moment she started giving doubts about her own social role.
With Steve's quiet whatever and him leaving the two alone, Stacy swallowed the gulp in her throat to prepare for apologizing to Eddie for the cumbersome instance. Yet, none of the things she wanted to say came out. Not even a single word.
Because of that, Eddie felt like he needed to be the one to break the silence that now became quite gruesome.
"Sorry... I'll stop bothering you, buttercup," he muttered, turning on his heel with an apologetic smile.
Stacy wanted to stop him. She wanted to reassure him he was not being a burden.
But instead of that, she murmured a silent bye, watching as he got into his van and drove away.
Sometimes, expectation could appear quite exorbitant. Especially when being the one that cannot bear their own cowardliness.
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mearcatsreturns · 1 year
Favorite 2022 Reads
Last year, I did one of these wrap-ups and enjoyed it, so I figured I’d do another! These books were ones I read for the first time this year (except the bonus, which I re-read this year and really resonated with me) that I enjoyed more than the rest. There’s some romance, some horror, some fantasy...and hey, let me know if you’ve read and enjoyed these, or if you have recommendations you think I’d like in 2023. These aren’t in order of enjoyment because I can’t be bothered to rank that intensely, but are arranged alphabetically by author’s last name. 
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Friends. Buddies. Pals. This book right here. I really enjoyed LB’s YA fantasy books, so I figured I’d finally give this one a shot. And boy am I glad I did. I’ve realized that while I do read a ton of romance novels, the books that usually get me are urban fantasy. This one has horror, dark academia, and commentary on academic elitism and social privilege. Trigger warnings abound, but it’s worthwhile if it won’t mess you up too badly. I’ve already put in my preorder for the sequel, Hell Bent, which will be released in January. 
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
An end-of-the-year surprise! During finals, I don’t let myself read any new books, but this one came in from the library and I didn’t want to risk not reading it. It was a trap...I was going to read it just during my commute, but I could not be stopped. This is a YA urban fantasy novel, but it’s impeccably researched and well-written. Arthuriana meets critiques of systemic racism and traumatic grief and hooooo, it’s good. I’m eagerly awaiting the second book in the series, which was released not long ago. 
Book Lovers by Emily Henry
Listen. Have you ever had the experience of reading a romance novel and then realizing you relate more to the “bad” woman that the male protag dumps so he can get with the sweet, gentle one who will just be the best and most supportive wifey ever? Or that you’ve been in that boat yourself? This book provides justice for all the ambitious women with rough edges that want to see themselves in a romance novel, without demanding that she sacrifice her ambitions and have 55 children (while still being sympathetic to other life paths). Bonus for publishing industry nonsense and complex sibling relationships. 
The Deal by Elle Kennedy
I thought this would be just a fun palate cleanser of a friends-to-lovers college story. And it is that, but it also ended up being so much more. Let’s talk the friends-to-lovers angle--I rarely read a book where I so thoroughly believe in the friendship between the characters before I see a hint of romance. It was so well done. Then, as for the other, it had one of the most realistic and compassionate treatments of how sexual assault can affect people even years later. It wasn’t solved and cured and tied up with a neat little bow, but it was hopeful nonetheless.
I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
Ah, the complexities of grief and recovering from conservative subcultures. Loving your parents but knowing they aren’t doing right by you. Confronting exploitation and exploiring recovery. This memoir is a gut-punch, and it’s incredibly well-written. I can’t wait to see what Jennette does next, even if that’s dropping out of the public eye. 
Bonus Re-Read Fave: Fair Game by Patricia Briggs
I believe I read this for the first time last year, but this year was when it started hitting hard for me. In addition to being a fun urban fantasy novel (it’s book 3 in a series, so perhaps not the easiest to just open and dive into), but ooh boy does it hit. You know how The Deal is compassionate about dealing with sexual assault? Well, this book may take on a fae angle and deal with prejudice, but it’s about the catharsis of someone who loves a victim being willing to burn the world down for them, and I fucking love it. *chef’s kiss*
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raksh-writes · 2 years
Yo it’s ya girl 👀 from ao3 👀 Did you see the new teen wolf movie trailer that popped up this morning on their Instagram page?? They’re bringing back the nogitsune which is top tier content yay 😮‍💨😮‍💨 we missed out demon boi 😈
but like… he’s gonna be… um… in Allison’s form lmao… 🥴 like some freaky resurrection shit 💀
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Hun 😄 I remember you very well, you can be very sure about that ^^
Sorry for being a whole day late with this answer! 🙈 Life kinda happened, lmao, (damn you, killer heat wave!) and I ended up having a long convo with my bestie about our frustrations with this movie, sooo I hope I wont spill them out all over here 🙈
So yeah, I'm not actually at all excited for it ;/ I'm more on the "meh" to exasperated/frustrated side and haven't bothered yet to watch the trailer, I don't intend to watch or support it, tbh. One, because Dylan's not back as Void -- and with all due respect to the actress, he MADE Void and I just can’t see anyone ever giving our bastard fox demon justice, and that's not even mentioning the bad writing, I have no faith it's gonna be better than it was in the series xd especially since from the little bits I saw on my dash it looks like Allison's ressurected all nice and dandy as if she was never dead? Like- okay? How does That even work? If it's the Nogitsune, she should be a walking corse, like Rhys (and he was barely dead for like, what, a day?), but I suspect they need her all nice and pretty for Scott's reasons, lmao 😂 All this is actually pretty unimportant tho when you consider the shit they threw Arden Cho's way. I mean, bringing back the Nogitsune, that was Canonicaly tied to Kira, but not offering Arden equal pay??? Yeah, nope, Im not supporting any of that. (And I think it was like 3 times less? Not sure, but I think it was a pretty big number.) Soooooo...
Yeah, Im most prob not gonna watch it, the things I'll see on my dash here and maybe clips on yt will prob be quite enough, lmao, and without Stiles and Kira I'm completely uninterested 🙈 I get being excited for more nogitsune content, I do! I just don't believe it's gonna be anywhere near Dylan's Void and do my beloved bastard fox any justice ;/
Aaaaaand I wasn't supposed to spill out my frustrations, omg, Im so sorry 🙈🙈 but yeah, with how they treated Arden, I just can’t get behind this movie in any way ;/
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 3]
New? Read here! Then here!
Chapter 13: Bruh
Many weeks has passed since the incident and it’s winter break again. At this point, we haven’t told our parents that we’re dating. Er, more like, partners I guess? We’re kinda past the whole unsure phase and more confident that we’re not going anywhere without each-other. Before heading home, I invited Beizu to stay at the family estate for the weekend. Intended to unwind and relax before entering our respectful households, we turned it into planning out our coming out to our family.
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous!” I said, slouching in the study armchair “it’s not like we’re gonna get disowned or we’re from rival families!”
“Pretty sure I’m gonna fuck it up and throw up” Beizu covered his face with his arm “How the hell did Lili and Hoshi do this?!”
“Lili and Hoshi have a dynamic” I sat up to face Beizu “we’re just two crackheads having a gay panic attack!”
“Who’s having a gay panic attack?” questioned Uncle Tensei as he rolled into the study “I thought you two were gonna explore the new garden additions?”
I sighed and sat up properly “We got lost in our thoughts about telling our parents something.”
“What is it? You can tell me” coaxed Uncle Tensei “Did something happen?”
“Well, yes” I started “and it’s not bad news, it’s just that...We don’t know how to properly say it.”
Beizu nodded “It’s important that our families know as it might change the course of things.”
“Yes, so what is it?” Uncle Tensei looked at us with patience “If it’s not bad and important, then say it.”
I held my hand out for Beizu to walk over from where he was to hold my hand “Tio, don’t think too harshly of it but-” I waited for Beizu to sit on my lap “We’re gay and in love, Beizu is my partner. And I fully intend on marrying them when we’re of age.”
“And I intend on taking his family name” Beizu added, getting flushed “You might think we’re too young to think about those things but we’re serious! We want to stay together like this.”
“Oh...I’m so happy” uncle Tensei started to choke up with watery eyes “You want to expand our family?! I approve!” he takes out his handkerchief “As head of the Iida family estate, you have my blessing to union into our family.”
I chuckled at the sight of my uncle getting emotional over the news “Glad you approve tio, but we’re not engaged yet! We’ve just started as partners.”
“Doesn’t matter, I know you two will stick it through for life” smiled uncle Tensei “To think that my nephew, growing up so fast?! I blink and next thing I know it’s the wedding!”
“Now to tell our parents” Beizu sighed in relief “But when?”
“Christmas eve? Christmas day?” I suggested “I don’t want on New Years tho, feel like we need to tell them soon.”
Later we went to bed, we really haven’t had the time to get that much intimate time together since the incident. So tonight was spent catching up on lost intimate time.
“We really need to cut our hair” Beizu commented as he pushed his hair away from his face “It’s getting my mouth as I kiss you.”
“I like the long haired look on you” I looked lovingly at Beizu laying next to me “I just look like my mom if I grew it out any longer!”
“True” Beizu teased before kissing me again “But you’re my handsome, cuddle bug that I want to please” He then straddled himself onto my lower naval, lightly pinning me down “So lay here and relax love, let me show you how much I love you.”
I lay there, receiving his kisses all over my body. Now, I thought he wanted to see my sensitive areas to see what feels good...I didn’t get what he meant until he palmed my privates under my pj pants. 
“Woah, Bei” I gasped and turned red “We don’t have to tonight, I can wait until-”
“Please, I want to” he responded, continuing to palm “I won’t take things too far, we have to save something for our anniversary” his hands shifted to the waistband of my briefs “may I?”
Looking at his face next to my hip stirred up a fire in me “Okay, don’t hurt yourself tho.”
He eagerly pulled down my underwear to stroke me tenderly. It’s something I thought only existed in movies or novels when they talk about sex. But here I am, with my love, sharing that moment. I don’t think too much about the carnal part of intimacy, so everything that Beizu was doing to me was very lewd to me. The moment he put his lips around it, that was my point of no return. It was hard to keep back my moans and it encouraged Beizu to keep going.
“Cry out Iwa” he cooed, going back to stroking “Let’s finish this first on a good note.”
I interlocked my fingers with his “Please, don’t stop. Don’t ever stop loving me Bei.”
He smiled “I wouldn’t dream of it” he shifted himself to see me better “...itadakimasu.”
And when I arrived at my release...I felt myself floating into bliss. I know why the french call it lé petite mort.
“Iwa? You good?” asked Beizu “We floating.”
I looked around in confusion and sure enough...I literally floated us off a good 3 feet off the bed!
“Oops! Sorry!” I set us back down on the bed “Heh, I was spacing out after how good that felt.”
Beizu crawled back up to be at eye level with me “I’m glad it was a good first” he kissed my neck “I want my man to know that I can please him, whenever and however they want me.”
“I’ll be pleased with anything you do” I put my arms around him “As long as you love me Bei, that’s all I need.”
Man, how does mom do this love stuff with dad? And how the hell does she know how to pull guys into bed with her?! That was post-coitus clarity thoughts as I tried to sleep. Maybe I’ll ask when I see her tomorrow.
-The next day-
“I’m home!” I exclaimed as I walked into the house.
Beizu and I won’t be hanging out until Christmas festivities, so I dropped him off at his house before I came home. Mom’s car was in the drive way, she should be home at least. But nobody responded back to my homecoming! I kick off my shoes to see those brats’ shoes in their usual spots along with mom’s. Wonder the fuck is up with that?
“Hellooo?!” I hollered again “It’s me, Iwata! Please...say something?”
My littler brother slid down the stairs to dramatically greet me.
“Dearest brother! You’ve returned from the war!” the blue haired brat greeted “I bear some tragic news that has affect our house for a few days now.”
“Oh? And what is this news pray tell?” I went along with his level of dramatics.
“It regards our parents, they had a quarrel at the Togata-Amajiki wedding. A grand fight that ended in father giving our sweet mother” he paused for drama “the silent treatment!”
“What?! Dad isn’t talking to mom?!” I was shocked “That’s some reverse shit, where’s mom?”
“She’s in her office, with a bottle of vino and a photo album” he dramatically pointed to the office upstairs “This has been going on for 3 days now.”
I look at the slightly cracked door “I’m going up there. Thank you for telling me Tensei.”
“It is my role as the smart twin to tell you” Tensei bowed “Good luck brother!”
I throw my bags into my room before entering the office. The smell of lavender and sage hit me first before the familiar figure of my mother came into view.
“Hm? Oh Iwata!” she said surprised “I didn’t expect you to come home this early. How was your weekend at the estate?”
“It was...restful” I struggled to say something that didn’t give away anything “But Tensei just told me that you and dad fought?”
Mom sighed and picked up her glass of wine “Yeah, your father found out that I slept with Mirio’s new husband a few times in my baby CEO days.”
I latina gasped “QUE?! That’s tea!” 
“Oh honey take a seat” she pulled up the other armchair and poured me a glass of wine “Because there’s more!”
I got comfortable and took a sip of wine “Okay, spill the tea mama.”
“Well, it was a very intimate wedding, no more than 25 people there! And the newlyweds was socializing with us at the reception, and everything was cool until the person in question mentioned ‘Isn’t it funny that I was the one that ended up sleeping with you when this guy was trying to get in your pants after you broke up?!’”
“YES! That pointed eared man had the AUDACITY to say that in front of his new husband and my husband of many years! That led to having him explain to his new husband when did it happen and getting him upset” Mom took a sip of wine before continuing “And your dad started to get confrontational with me in front of all these people, that we know by the way! He got upset that it was the truth, but it’s not like I slept with him when I was in a relationship with your dad. It was way before I reunited with your dad and there’s no way I’d cheat on your dad! And now he won’t talk to me” Mom sighed and swirled her glass “He hasn’t spoken a single word to me since that night. And it’s so weird because after years of rebuilding our relationship, being committed, having children and nesting ourselves...this is the thing that upsets him.”
“So what are you going to do?” I asked worriedly.
“We wait it out” she picks up on my worry “I know he’ll come around and talk to me again. He can’t hide his love and care toward me.”
“How do you know?”
Mom smiled “Would someone that didn’t love me still sleep in the same bed as me? Pour me coffee and serve me a cooked breakfast in the morning? He can’t stay away for long. Also it’s not like I’m not talking, I still talk to him like he’ll respond.”
“Why though?”
“I want him to know that I still love him” she laughed “And that I only have eyes for him. He’s my one and only, because even when I was with those other men, I was thinking about him.” She looked at me “When you decide to start dating, don’t let up when you fight, show that you still love them. OH and take lots of pictures together” she pointed at the photo album on her lap “because you’d want to look back on how you love for each other blossomed.”
I spend some time looking at the old photos of my parents. Most of them I’ve never seen before! There was a picture of the first day my parents brought me home, it was just my mom and I asleep on the couch. Then I saw a whole page full of photos of when we moved into the new house but I don’t remember all these people coming over when that happened.
“Mom, why are your and dad’s friends helping around the house?” I asked “I don’t remember that when we moved here.”
“Hm? Oh! That’s right! You were sick when we moved here” Mom recalled “And it took us weeks to get fully settled because your dad was working his regular hours, leaving me to care for Lili, you and the fussy twin babies. I hardly had time to fix up the rooms or unpack everything, so I was exhausting myself with you guys. Everyone heard from your dad that things were kinda rough now that we have a house to start over in with 4 young children. So one weekend, everyone in our friend group came over to fix up the house.” She pointed at each photo “The bathroom design was Beizu Mom’s idea to accommodate all four of you kids as you grew up. The Midoriya’s painted the boys room, Mr Hitoshi painted the girls room, Mr Neito and Eijiro assembled all the furniture. The Todorokis arranged the kitchen and living room. The Tetsus did the yard work and the Kaminaris did the guest room and bathroom. All while I tended to you and the twins, Lili was supervising everything” Mom chuckled “She acted so much like your dad! It was uncanny! And I offered to pay for their time and labor, but they refused. They said that they wanted help us out to repay the times I’ve helped them out throughout the years. And that they felt like it wasn’t fair that I had to start over when I was at my most vulnerable. So I offered them food as a compromise and they were all for it! Your uncle Jin made this round-table yakiniku grill because I wanted to make a carne asada but didn’t have a proper grill. Everyone liked the concept of grilling your own meats in this outdoor style, so it stuck. Medetashi, Medetashi~”
“Wait, that’s wholesome” I looked at the picture of everyone eating in the backyard “Is that why we have yakiniku every other weekend? With lots of people?”
Mom nods “Yup, it’s also why we have Christmas parties at the house. Everyone had a part to contribute to the house at some point, I want them to enjoy it too.”
I heard the front door open with the familiar grunts of my dad as he took off his shoes.
“Oof, dad’s home”
“Go greet him” Mom coaxed “He’s been worried about you since the incident.”
The entire first day back was full of tension of seeing my parents not being all lovey dovey. It was weird but there wasn’t much I could do to meditate things.
-Christmas eve-
I bursted into the girls room “LILI I NEED YOU KEEP A SECRET FOR ME!”
Lili’s eyes lit up “It’s only my second day back and I’m needed?!” she squealed “Okay okay! I’ll keep a secret!”
“CAN YOU GUYS GO BOND SOMEWHERE ELSE!” yelled Hanaka from her side of the room, hand covering her phone “I’m talking with my girls!”
Lili and I leave the room cautiously, as Hanaka tends to burst into flames when she doesn’t get her way. We dash into the guest room for privacy.
“Okay bitch listen up because I also need advice.” I prefaced myself.
“Okay, proceed” Lili looks at me, legs crossed “You have my attention.”
“Long story short, Beizu and I are officially dating but we don’t know how to bring it up to our parents.”
Lili latina gasped “You and Beizu?! My favorite boys?!” her eyes started to water “I’m so proud of you to come out to me like this. I approve!”
“Oh geez, just tell me how to bring it up to our parents” I cringed at her ugly crying “Mom and dad received you and Hoshi well when you told them, how did you do it?”
“I just told them, flat out” She wiped her tears “Mom and dad aren’t homophobic, they told us we could love whoever we wanted remember? Just sit them down before mom gets tipsy at Christmas and it’s smooth sailing from there” She paused a bit “Actually, this might be a two birds, one stone situation.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, mom and dad are still in this fight right?” She started “So what if this helps them make up? I’m sure it will help somewhat because they love us so much, why not?”
“You may be on to something there chief” I fully processed what she said “Then I make the announcement tomorrow before mom gets too drunk.”
-The next day-
I was starting to get nervous about this interaction. Sure I went over the game plan with Beizu but I’m still nervous! I go to the living room to wait for Beizu to come but I see from the top of the stairs that my parents were sitting together. So I stayed back and listened in to their conversation;
“I can’t believe you got jealous over the past” sighed Mom “What was I supposed to do? Just wait for you when you told me you hated me!”
“It was stupid of me to let the jealousy to take over” Dad admitted “I’m sorry for being so stubborn and dense, forgive me?”
“You know I forgive you, I just don’t want to be separated from you” she put his hand on her cheek “Nobody can replace you, there’s nowhere I feel the safest but in your arms.”
Dad held her “I’m not going anywhere, not without you.”
Mom locked eyes with him tenderly “I’m not going anywhere else, this is my home.”
I watched them kiss and the incident replayed in my head. The way dad said he’s not going anywhere without mom, it reminded me of Beizu. He said the same thing as we were falling, so maybe this will be our future. Tenderly showing affection as our children get ready for family time together...wait, what am I saying?! We still have to tell them! Beizu and his mom where the first ones, as planned. It took a lot of self control to not jump on top of each other, but we rehearsed a bit before confronting our parents. 
“Hey mom, dad, Ms Mei” I got their attention “There’s something I- we, want to tell you.”
“Oh what is it?” Beizu’s mom asked curiously “Is there something wrong?”
“No, it’s just something we need to say” Beizu spoke up, nerves getting to him “It’s not bad but it’s something that will change things for everyone.”
“It must be important then” Dad commented “Please, continue.”
We looked at each other and took a deep breath.
“Mom, dad, Ms Mei...Beizu and I are partners now” I held his hand “We fully intend on getting marrying later when we’re of age, so please accept us as such.”
“I know you might think we’re too young to think that far into the future” Beizu added “But we don’t see why not! I intend on taking the Iida name when we unify. I’ve loved him since I was little and I can’t bear the thought of living life without him.”
“Oh boys! I knew this was going to happen” Mom started to get teary eyed “We all knew.”
“How? We started being partners in September?!”
Beizu’s mom smiled “The way you two just did everything together, held hands and basically didn’t have any boundaries. How Beizu just lights up being with you and plans things when you’re coming over so it would be perfect” She quickly wiped her tears “Just like his dad when he wanted me be his. I approve of this.”
“I knew when Iwata developed his 2nd quirk and was having trouble controlling it, the only time it was contained was when he was spending time with Beizu” Mom beamed “Telekinesis responds to sub-conscience emotions, love tends to weaken the quirk. I approve of this.”
“I called it a long time ago” Dad said proudly “Iwata acted just how I did when I was in high school, oblivious to all advances that somebody gave me.” He glanced over to Mom “But I will say, the family name thing is unexpected but welcomed! To think that the family expanding so quickly! I approve of this as well.”
I sigh in relief “I was getting worried that maybe you’d say something.”
“Why would we say anything negative?” Mom questioned curiously.
“Well, I’m your oldest son! I just thought that maybe you’d want grandchildren or have the engine quirk to get passed down-”
“Oh mijo! I don’t mind any of those things!” Mom cut me off “I just want my children to be happy! If you want children, then I’ll be happy to be abuelita. Regardless if they’re biological or adopted, who knows? Maybe you’ll change your mind after you get married.”
“Did you-”
“Regret having children? Not until I had twins” sighed Mom as she poured herself a drink “A warning: twins, telekinesis, fire borns and aggro quirks run in the family. Guess what I had in my last pregnancy.”
Dad shuddered “You might want to use your inheritance to fire proof your future house” he held out his glass “Pour me one too love.”
“Well, in any case” chuckled Beizu’s mom “You kids are going to be just fine! And I’m happy that my boy found his truth. If only your dad was here, he’d be proud of you.”
We told my siblings and Hoshi and they were going feral over the fact that we’re finally dating. Hoshi was excited to have gay brother-in-laws in the near future. Even Aunty Mimi and Uncle Jin bawled out of happiness when we told them. Beizu and I were so happy that everyone received us well. Love won today, not like there was much of a fight to begin with! And all was right.
-Fast forward, beginning of March-
Not much has really happened, I got rollerblades attached to my boots as my support item. Mom got me some for Christmas and I saw that they helped with my arm engines to ease the strain on my body that has trouble keeping up. I’ve sharpened my quirks up a bit for my physical mid-terms later on. But currently the usuals in my hero class have been harassing me to do the Sports Festival. I reached my breaking point finally when class ended for the day.
“FINE! I’LL FUCKIN DO THE SPORTS FESTIVAL THIS YEAR!” I yelled, hands in the air “And you hijos de la gran putos better put up a good fight! No going easy on me just because my dad and uncle are going to watch, I want you kick my ass.”
“Yay! We convinced him!” cheered Kage-san.
“Okay Iida-kun, I’ll put you down on the roster for the Sports Festival” Mineta sensei scribbled on his clipboard “I expect phenomenal work from you. Your dad and sister had great standing when they did their time here.”
I slumped in my chair “Eww, expectations.”
As I made my way to the intelligence hall, I felt my body tense and freeze in place. Before I could process what was happening to my body, somebody came into view.
“Hey prodigy child” coldly spat the person “Do yourself a favor and forfeit the sports festival.”
“You! What’s your problem dude!” I barked “I don’t know your name after all these years of being in hero class with you but why do you do this?! It’s not like I’m taking the spotlight anymore!”
“I can’t stand privileged, pretty boys like you!” He snarled back “You just have to be born into all this power! I want to win this one for Kage-sama, she just gives you all her time and attention. She’s going to be my girl, so forfeit while you still can before you really piss me off!”
“Oh my- I’m gay you dumbass piece of vengeful shit!” I rolled my eyes so hard that it startled the other person “I’m dating my best friend. Literally, I curbed Kage-san’s confession last year because I don’t like her at all! So you take your assumptions and burn them because you got it twisted.”
The other guy was shocked with my outburst “...Oh, that would make a lot of sense actually.”
“Ya think?! I’m literally here to wait on my boyfriend to get out of class so we can go to the dorms” I scowled “Let go of me before he beats your ass! He’s our class’s top ranked student, he’s stronger than me!”
“Stronger? How-” he was cut short by a stretchy fist to the face.
“Let go of my boyfriend you creep!” Beizu demanded “Is he bothering you babe?”
“He’s threatening me and assuming I’m straight!” I tattled.
“Oh hell no!” Beizu got defensive “Nobody talks to my love like that! Take your ignorant ass outta here before I give you the Guap Guap 9000!”
“Not the Guap Guap 9000!” I gasped, trying to not laugh.
The guy quickly jumps up “No please! I’m sorry! Don’t hurt me!” He releases his quirk on me “I’ll just go and never bother you again.”
Before we could do anything, the guy ran away out of sight in a matter of seconds. We looked at each other and laughed.
“Oh man, Guap Guap 9000?!” I cackled 
“Shut up before I give you the Guap Guap!” playfully shoved Beizu “It worked didn’t it?”
“It did” I came down from my wheezing “Lets go to the dorms! I’m achy and hungry.”
“What was all that about tho?” asked Beizu as we made our way to the shoe lockers “hero stuff?”
I groaned as I telepathically opened my locker “I broke and signed up to do the sports festival this year. And that guy wanted me to forfeit so his crush would notice him.”
“Gag, he’s white knight-ing” judged Beizu “Now it’s not a problem because I came along just in time.”
“Yuh, and hopefully he fucks off for good!”
-Meanwhile, back with the agent trio-
“...No database updates on the whereabouts of Hawks.” beeped the robo dog.
“Damn, this shit is getting cold again” Ita said, smacking her lips in frustration “Any movement on the other ones?”
“Nope, and the doctor we had in custody associated with the group isn’t talking either” sighed Jin at a multi-panel computer “I really don’t want to shelf this case again” he swiveled to face the curly haired agent “Things are getting promising with the reappearance of those villains!”
Before Ita could respond, Mimi burst through the door.
“I HAVE A NEW LEAD!” harried Mimi “You might shit yourselves.”
“What?! What is it?!” the other two responded in unison.
“Okay so you know how we caught Overhaul in that oddly smooth raid mission?” started Mimi “I was prying info from him and he knows a bit of what’s going on! He was hired by Hand-man to make a human weapon to take down the Hero Association from the inside.” She paused and walked over to the pin board “This ‘birdie’ isn’t Hawks... it’s a child! Overhaul was supposed to help genetically create this child weapon out of Hawk’s DNA. He was going to use an orphaned child and splice them with the DNA.”
“That’s horrifying! Those monsters were going to use children?!” Jin raged “And orphans at that?! It’s like the Nomu experiments all over again!”
“Guys we’re missing the point” Ita put her hands up to demand the attention of the other two “If that’s true, and these villains are back to look for ‘birdie’...” she paused “Then that means there’s a child-weapon out there that may have already integrated into the Hero Association, waiting for a moment to strike!”
“Oh fu- OH MY GOD WE’RE WAY BEHIND!” Jin finally put all the information together “Okay! Lets start with going through the quirk registry within the last 19 years.”
“I’ll cycle through the log of heroes within the last 3 years” Ita announced.
“And I’ll go through the Hero School Unified Districts for student records that might fit the description” said Mimi before hopping onto her chair to make some calls.
Things were changing behind the scenes and it was just the beginning of a big mess. Fate is going to intertwine this agent mother and son...but for now, Iwata is in for a surprise.
-Chapter 13, End-
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chiruba · 3 years
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req. hiii bestie !! i can smell potential in this account, so i'm here for a request ! jjk boys' reaction to their s/o wearing a bunny girl/boy outfit (they lost a bet) ?? maybe with... megumi, inumaki and gojo ?? thank you and i give you all my love and support for your work!!!❤️❤️️
an. HII BESTIE!! i loved this req omg and thank u for supporting me!! hope i did this req justice <3
ft. gojo, fushiguro, inumaki x fem!reader
wc. 1.5k
genre. fluff
tw. a lil suggestive but like 99% sfw
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— this mf would be so cocky and teasing about it
— definitely the type to whistle and wiggle his eyebrows
— he's probably the one that made the bet with you
— and of course he made it knowing he'd win
"satoru!" you whine from behind the closed bathroom door, thoroughly embarrassed. "are you kidding? i'm not wearing this!" well, to be fair, you were already wearing it, but coming out of your sacred space the bathroom in it? absolutely not.
"come on!" you heard him say, his tone clearly teasing and excited. "you lost the bet, after all!"
"and you cheated to win!"
gojo let out a dramatic sigh, and you could practically imagine him pressing an exaggerated hand to his heart. "fine!" he said, letting out another sigh, "i guess our bets mean nothing to you."
"it's a stupid bet, satoru-"
"i understand, don't worry." you groaned, rolling your eyes at your boyfriend's usual childish antics. you could hear him shuffling from the other side of the door, "i'll just go to bed." you let a sigh, glancing to the large mirror to your right, your reflection staring back at you. you felt your face get hot at the thought of showing this to gojo. i mean, you could use it to try and get back at your boyfriend for all the times he'd teased you, and maybe even fluster him a bit? impossible, but a girl can dream.
"...fine." you grumble so quietly you're unsure if he even heard it - until you hear the giddy squeal come out of your boyfriend's mouth from the other side of the door, catching you so off guard that you can't help but let out a snort. before you even have a chance to do so yourself, gojo swings open the door and catches you as you stumble out.
he grins at you cheekily, one eyebrow raised and a low whistle sounding from his lips. "you were already wearing it?" he asks, and before you can respond a bright light flashes in your eye, and you realise he's taking pictures.
"satoru!" you go to cover your head, immediately regretting your decision. "i'm changing back right now!" you exclaim and try to rush back into the bathroom, only to be stopped by him pulling you back gently, his chest colliding with your body.
— he'd be so embarrassed even looking at you LOL
— doesn't mean he won't look though
— would probably be like "what are you doing?" all grumbly and annoyed
— but his eyes stay trained on you and the outfit
you didn't think last week that your saturday night would be spent waiting on your boyfriend's bed, dressed head to toe in a bunny girl outfit while you waited for him to get done showering. it originally began when nobara showed you a funny tiktok of someone else pranking their significant other while they were dressed in a bunny outfit, and you'd both joked about doing it to your respective significant others. you had teased nobara, doubting that maki would be flustered even by such an outfit, which then led her to tease you about how fushiguro wouldn't even bat an eye at it. and, well, here you are.
you want to blame nobara for this entire fiasco, but you can't help the scratch of curiosity you yourself have about your antisocial boyfriend's reaction. if you're being entirely honest, the thought of making him flustered makes you a bit giddy. you decide to wrap yourself in his bed covers, seeing that fushiguro's designated showering time is ending soon, and then duck your head under the covers like a child hiding from a monster. the door lock clicks, and you hear the familiar sound of the sliding door.
"what are you doing?" fushiguro asks, closing the door behind him as he makes his way over to the mound on his bed. you giggle and hug the covers closer.
"take a guess," you tease, and you were sure if you could see him he'd be rolling his eyes.
"i don't know," he responded bluntly, "are you cold? i'll warm you up." you could hear the slight grumble in his voice at the last part, clearly still getting used to voicing his affections. it made your heart flutter a little, and you decided to stop teasing, mostly because it was the first time today you'd be able to see your boyfriend's face. you quickly pulled the covers back, sitting up on his bed as you stared up at fushiguro with an innocent grin.
"wha?!-" fushiguro spluttered, pink immediately beginning to stain his cheeks. his mouth hang open as he stared at you, eyes rapidly glancing around your outfit. "what are you doing?" he asked, gulping obviously after his sentence.
"what do ya think?" you teasingly asked, deciding to stand up and give a quick spin around, only flustering fushiguro further. "maybe this should be my halloween outfit? oh, we could even match! you could be a magician-" fushiguro let out a noise similar to a growl, and the next thing you knew, you were back in his bed, covers one again wrapped around your body like a cloak.
"no." he said plainly, and you had to hold back your laughter.
"no? no what, love?" he scrunched up his face at the nickname, but you could tell he liked it just by the simple fact that he'd never told you to stop. your teasing smile dropped when he leaned in closer, his breath ghosting on your ear as he whispered,
"i wanna be the only one to see you that way."
— he got so flustered at first omg
— and said the one word that came to his mind - "wow."
— inumaki has such great control when it comes to his speech, he already knew it would be a safe word
— what he doesn't have great self-control over is, honestly, his love for you
— inumaki's just so amazed at how you're his s/o
— after he gets over his initial flustered reaction, he tackles you in affection <3
you were sure that you've never been more embarrassed in your life than now. nobara had suggested the grand idea of playing 'truth or dare' for girls' night, and sadly, your turn had ended up in maki's hands. you thought that maki couldn't come up with anything too bad, especially not this late at night, and so you went with the dare.
...and now here you are, dressed in a bunny girl outfit, standing in the middle of your boyfriend, inumaki toge's, room. the outfit was bought last halloween as a complete joke between the three of you, and you had completely forgotten about it afterwards, keeping it in the deepest part of your closet. how had maki even come up with that on the spot? damn her brains. your phone pinged, vibrating on inumaki's desk where you had put it, and you glanced over to see nobara's text;
'he's coming!!'
the simple message made your heart pound, your head frantically snapping back to look at the door as you waited for your boyfriend to come through. you held your breath when you heard a key being inserted into the door, and a small noise of surprise when inumaki realised the door wasn't locked. he quickly understood that you were most likely in his room.
"kombu-" inumaki froze, quite literally froze. it reminded you of the times he'd unzipped his collar and whispered the words "don't move,", his enemies bodies going rigid just as his just did.
you began to speak, and then realised, what the fuck were you meant to say in this situation? you'd been so focused on when inumaki would come through the door, you hadn't even thought about what to say when he did. you quite literally felt the way your heart fluttered when you heard inumaki let out a quiet breath, and you heard him whisper,
it was already rare to hear your boyfriend's soft voice, even when he was simply speaking in onigiri ingredients, and you were shocked that you had caused this much of a reaction from him.
inumaki finally took back control of his body as he dropped the plastic white bag full of late-night snacks he was out getting, quickly shutting the door behind him and rushing over to you. his arms snaked around your waist, and you stumbled when he pulled you from the middle of his room to his bed.
"toge!" you yelled, arms wrapping around him automatically. you giggled when he began bombarding you in kisses, kissing you on the tip of your nose, the corners of your mouth and continually along your jaw, each a sweet peck full of affection that was more than enough to convey inumaki's feelings. "toge," you whined, now lowering your voice, "maki and nobara are probably right outside the door!" inumaki continues to hold you close while he reaches into his shorts pockets, pulling out his phone and typing a quick message, still giving you sweet pecks as you read his text.
'too bad. ur mine now <3'
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ill give u a kiss goodnight if u reblog <3 
©  2021 sinrinyoku — please do not repost, translate, modify or plagiarize my work! i will beat the shit out of u (maybe)
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ichigomis · 3 years
Hi! I'm here to request something!! How would the haikyuu boy react to you call them weird names (such as 'my empty cheeto bag' you can use that one if you like) you can choose any character but can you add Tsukishima?
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with: timeskip! tsukki, atsumu, ushijima, oikawa
note: hiyaaa nonnie thanks for requesting~ this is so cute and i hope i did it justice! also i modified the cheetos one hehehe —fluff! crack!
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❊ TSUKKI collapses on the couch, taking a much needed breather from the seemingly never-ending boxes of things in your new apartment. he never thought moving in would be so much work, but here he is, sorting through plates and tupperwears on a sunday morning.
"minmi," you call out suddenly, cradling an old dinosaur encyclopedia he had packed away in one of the boxes. tsukki's head shoots up at you curiously and you grin, "you're my minmi."
a little smile unconsciously creeps on his lips, "where did you get that?" you show him his encyclopedia and slump down the sofa beside him. he instinctively wraps his arms around you, enveloping you in his embrace like a blanket.
you lean in his touch as he lets you skim through the pages of the book, "it was hidden in one of your boxes, minmi."
"you're seriously sticking with that?" he asks, resting his chin on your head. and you nod, still looking for that page you stumbled upon a few minutes ago. "yeah, it's cute."
"minmi's are short. just about 3 feet tall," he says matter of factly, and you suppress a little giggle as you wonder just how he has that information memorized.
"so," he closes the encyclopedia in your hands and softly takes your chin, forcing you to look up at him. "it doesn't fit me."
you laugh at his attempt to get your mind out of the nickname, "yes it does," you wiggle your eyebrows playfully, "minmi..." you say in the sweetest voice you could muster. he rolls his eyes and lets go of your chin, "whatever," mumbling to himself, he gets back to sorting the boxes, a small smile and a little blush on his face.
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❊ OSAMU huffs as he finally finishes sweeping the shop, another long day coming to an end. you're perched on the counter, double-checking the receipts for the day's orders when he comes around and helps you with your task. the two of you work in comfortable silence, as always.
suddenly, osamu speaks, "should i color ma hair again?" he says, the random thought popping into his mind. you look his way and put your hands on your chin thoughtfully. you honestly love his current look, natural and simply osamu.
"ya should pick the color," he says softly when you don't answer.
"hmmm..." for some reason, you can't answer properly. your eyes keep wandering to his beautiful black hair and the way they just fit so right with his everyday fit for the restaurant. "red then."
"what?" he lets out a big hearty laugh as he stops sorting receipts to look at you. "nah! i'd look like a cheeto!"
"yeah!" you look him up and down and whistle, "you'd be my flamin' hot cheeto~"
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❊ USHIJIMA pulls you in even closer to him, as if you weren't already squished in between his chest and his strong arms. his warmth envelopes you like it always does and you breathe in his dark woody scent. suddenly, you wriggle in his touch and rest your chin on his chest.
"mon petit chou!" you say looking up at him with a smile, and his eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"what?" he asks.
"it means my little cabbage in french, toshi." you hum tracing nonsensical doodles on his chest as you explain. "well, i think it does, that's what tendou told me."
ushijima hums, his eyes following your fingers as they trace around him, "it's kind of long,"
you look back up at him and purse your lips, "oooh then," you look away for a second to think and you don't catch the way ushijima looks at you. he holds his breath, almost forgets to do so, as he gazes at you with so much love and admiration.
"chouchou!" you beam at him and he blinks.
"chouchou..." he whispers back and smiles, he couldn't care less what you call him. as long as he sees you like that—smiling, smiling at him—he couldn't care less.
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❊ OIKAWA plops his luggage down to the floor as soon as he sees you waving your arms in the air as if no one was watching. being away from you was brutal but after seeing you and your smiles again, it was as if no time had passed. for you were always like this, you were always there for him no matter where he'd go.
"y/nnnn!" he calls out swinging his arms open for you as you jump in and envelope yourself in him.
"there you are!" you laugh, still not letting go. the moment you spotted his familiar brown hair and beautiful tan from the crowd, you just wanted to be in his arms. "my beautiful chocolate man!"
oikawa chuckles and his laughter rings throughout the airport, remembering the movie you two watched a few weeks together through your many video calls. with you at home and him in argentina, but it was as if there was never no distance between the two of you. "i'm your beautiful chocolate man, right?"
you pull away and boop his nose, he scrunches his face up in response, "yes, you're beautiful,"
oikawa's face lights up with what can only be about one thing, "and i'm your man." he's home.
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p.s.: AHAHAHAHAA okay tsukki was a bit out of character but i just couldn't help it he's a big flirt when he's with you it's just facts
p.p.s.: correction, mon petit chou translates to "my little sweetheart" but i'll keep it as is in the drabble igneriug thank u so much to @lenaaa-3 for this!
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jisungchan · 2 years
my brother’s best friend
character: wakatoshi ushijima (college!au)
word count: ~3394
a/n: my first published work so... please be nice! i hope i did our boy ‘toshi justice <3
content warnings: smut, lewd talk, praise kink, creampie, unprotected sex (pls don’t do this), bathroom sex, virgin AFAB reader, alcohol, oral (f! receiving), fingering, implications of attempted sexual assault (blink and you’ll miss it), tummy bulge (again, blink and you’ll miss it), pretty vanilla sex, sex with feelings
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your stupid brother satori tendō dragged you to some party his volleyball friends were hosting. you were honestly quite surprised, as he usually liked to keep you away from them. you never properly met them, and tonight, that was going to change.
“y/nnnnn!” satori dragged, “ya ready?” he asked, poking his head into your room. you sat, finishing up your makeup before standing and looking yourself over.
“yup, let’s take a picture ‘tori!” you grinned, yanking your lanky older brother over to the large full length mirror in your room. you both posed, satori with an arm around your waist, the other making a peace sign, and his tongue sticking out. happy with the picture, you tagged your infamous red-headed brother and posted it to your instagram story, already hearing the notifications of your friends asking you to put them on with satori.
in the car, he started speaking oddly.
“now, y/n, i don’t want you hooking up with any of them okay? if i even see someone touch you, i will kill them. ya understand?” he said very seriously. satori was a little scary like this, it wasn’t often when he got serious, so when he did, you knew better than to make him upset.
“yes, ‘tori. it’s not like it matters anyways, you’ve been telling them all to fuck off of me for years now. they know i’m untouchable.” you laughed, replying to some of your friend’s thirsty comments. satori was a great older brother, he was so protective over you and loved you very much. due to this however, it was impossible for you to have a boyfriend. you never even been on a date with a boy, let alone hook up with one. satori being the popular athlete he is, knew how all the boys talked about you, and he wanted better for you. even though nobody even dared to bother you, as your older brother looked and was the definition of crazy.
“hey, ‘tori, is ushijima going to be there?”
out of all the guys, ushijima always spiked your interest. it was the way him and your brother were complete opposites, yet were so close. not to mention, he was a beautiful man. he was so tall and big, you couldn’t help but fall for him. you wanted nothing more than to be his, but your stupid brother always got in the way. ushijima was the only one your brother trusted around you.
“i’m not sure, parties aren’t really his thing. i told him we were both going, but i doubt it.” luckily, your brother didn’t notice your frown.
at the party, you pretty much stayed by satori’s side. you didn’t really know anyone, and he was more than fine with you sticking by his side so he could keep an eye on you all night. you were introduced to a number of new faces, each trying to pry you away from under satori’s sharp gaze. it wasn’t until you told ‘tori you were going to get another drink when takanobu aone decided to cause some trouble.
“woah there, darling. what’s a pretty girl like you doing by herself at a party like this?” he slurred, leaning against the doorframe and blocking your exit. you tried to ignore him and sneak under his arm, but he quickly stepped in your way.
“there’s no way you’re ignoring me, right? c’mon, how about now that you’re away from the oddball brother of yours, i go and show you a good time, huh?” he said, stepping even closer to you. you can smell the fireball and cheap cologne oozing from his body as he breathed his heaving chest against you. he smirked and reached to stroke your face, causing you to flinch and spill your drink all over both you and aone. your shirt now drenched, and the thin fabric clinged to your breasts and stomach. aone looked down in awe at your partially exposed body.
“c’mon silly girl, let me help you out of those clothes.” he said, using your ruined shirt as an excuse to get you naked.
“she’s fine.” a deep voice stated, very bluntly, from behind aone. you peeked your cowering head up to find your brother’s best friend, wakatoshi ushijima. he had that same old permanent scowl on his face, but his eyes looked different. there was darkness behind his hazel eyes, and his eyebrows hovered over them a bit heavier than usual. you’ve only ever seen him like this from afar, when he’s on the court playing volleyball. seeing his expression up close, you couldn’t help to wonder how his opponents don’t tremble in fear when making eye contact with him. he walked toward you, pushing aone out the way. upon seeing your drenched shirt, he took off his sweater and put it over your head, covering your chest from wandering eyes.
“ahh, the great ushijima. now, what are you doing here? didn’t really think parties were your type of thing.” he said, redirecting his attention to ushijima, but never lifting his eyes off you. in response, ushijima simply grabbed you by the waist, hiding you from everyone’s view, and taking you by surprise.
“ohh, i see! that’s your girl! well shit, ushi, you should’ve just said so!” aone laughed, winking at you both before stumbling away. sadly, he was a loud drunk, so when he said those last short sentences, the nearby group of people turned their heads to see exactly who he was talking about. i mean, ushijima, with a girlfriend? it was a shocking turn of events, especially when that girl appeared to be you.
you should have been embarrassed, but the fact that ushijima didn’t correct aone when he called you his made your heart flutter.
you turned toward him, he still had his hand gripped around your waist.
“thank you, ushijima.” you mumbled, a bit shy from his hold on you.
“call me wakatoshi, y/n. and also, it really doesn't matter, don’t worry.” he said, finally dropping his arm from your waist, just seconds before satori comes waltzing in.
“y/n! i heard aone was messing with you, are you okay?” he asked worriedly, but you could see the anger boiling in his eyes.
recalling your conversation from earlier, you told him he didn’t touch you, and he sighed in relief. turning his attention to wakatoshi, he gave him a huge hug.
“waka waka! hey there, thanks for looking out for y/n man.” he said with the biggest smile on his face.
“of course, satori.” wakatoshi replied blatantly, still standing ever so close to you. oddly enough, you didn't mind it. you felt safe under his huge stature, and he was surprisingly comforting despite of how intimidating he looked.
“satori, why don’t you go back out and enjoy the party, i’ll help y/n out.” he said, grabbing your hand and pulling you to the back of the house. satori let you two go, he trusted wakatoshi, he was his best friend after all.
you followed wakatoshi into a bathroom, him shutting and locking the door behind him.
“are you okay?” he asked, you can see behind his dull eyes there was a hint or worry.
“yes i am, wakatoshi, thank you again.” you replied, smiling. he gave a small thin-lipped smile and hoisted you on the counter next to the sink. and lifted his sweatshirt off of you. you felt comfortable around him, so you didn’t hesitate to take off your drenched shirt in front of him. wakatoshi couldn’t believe his eyes, seeing you in your bra, perched up on the counter in front of him, he felt heat radiating in his pants. pushing his thoughts aside, he grabbed a towel and started to dry your chest, your low-cut bra left little to the imagination. as he was dabbing you dry, he started to think about you.
what colour nipples do you have?
is this your favourite bra?
do your panties match?
how would you moan out his name as he stretched you out?
would you claw at his back? or maybe dig into his biceps?
more thoughts arose in wakatoshi’s mind, and he felt his cock start to throb. he sighed and took his hand away, finishing drying you off.
little did he know, you were having similar thoughts as you looked down at him drying off your near naked chest.
is his cock hard right now?
how does he moan?
how does his cum taste?
how aggressive would he be with you?
would he choke you? or maybe be more gentle?
once you snapped back into reality, he was done drying you off.
“toshi, are you okay?” you asked, (as an empath) sensing his mood change. he looked down at you, his eyes giving away nothing. yet on the inside, he was going crazy over the fact you called him ‘toshi.
“i’m fine, y/n, just put my sweatshirt back on, your shirt is ruined.”
“thanks toshi, but can i ask you a question?” you asked, pulling his sweatshirt over your body. it smelled amazing, and just like him. you felt warm and happy being engulfed by his scent. ‘toshi simply nodded and let you continue.
“how did you know aone was there? i didn’t see you anywhere near the kitchen when i was getting another drink. where did you come from?” you asked, looking at his eyes. with you sitting on the counter, your faces were directly in front of each other. when did you two get so close? your noses were almost touching, he wanted to press his forehead against yours and tell you how much he wanted you, how much he needed you.
“y/n… you know exactly why.” he said, holding back a scoff. he was sure you were doing this just to tease him, but when he saw the genuine look of confusion on your face, he knew there was only one way to make it clear to you.
he grabbed your face with his large hands, and by instinct, you leaned deeper into his touch. everything seemed so natural around him, you pressed your foreheads together as ´toshi looked into your eyes once more.
you truly didn’t know what he meant. there was no way he was into you. you were just his best friend’s annoying little sister. so when he kissed you, it was the last thing you expected.
he kissed you with such passion, you returned the emotion as you snaked your arms around his neck, tugging lightly at his long, dark olive-brown hair. he bit down on your lip, causing you to softly gasp against his lips, and he slipped his tongue through your plump, pink gates into your mouth. moaning and the sensation of his tongue inside your mouth, you unintentionally bucked your hips toward his, feeling his hot, throbbing erection through his pants.
the feeling of just making out with him was too much to bear, your body was going crazy. you tried so hard not to moan at his hands gripping your thighs, but you couldn’t help it. you broke the kiss and told him
“toshi… i want you.” hearing this made him go crazy. some of the heat from his dick went straight back up to his cheeks, blushing heavily at your words.
“y/n, what about satori? i need you… but, fuck, i can’t do that to him…”
“forget about him, this is about you and me. p-please, ‘toshi.” you whimpered, staring into his eyes, panting a bit heavy from your makeout session. ‘toshi didn’t need to hear anything else. he threw his t-shirt off and, with the red head out of his mind, he started making work on your body. placing wet kisses down your neck, trailing down to your collarbone. his hands grabbed your thighs and worked up, unzipping your pants and tearing them off. he looked at you with such determination, it made you a bit insecure. ‘toshi noticed this and immediately kissed you, but this time, it was more loving.
“you’re beautiful, y/n. i’ve been thinking about you for a while now…” he whispered against your lips, then kissing all along your jaw. his hand cupped your clothed pussy, feeling how it was almost as drenched as your shirt. he groaned and the contact and yanked your panties off, putting them in his pocket.
“if you want to wear this matching set again, you’re going to have to see me.” he smirked while rubbing his large, thick finger in your slick folds.
“you’re so wet baby, all this for me?” he grinned, toying with your clit.
“t-toshi…” you moaned, squirming around on the counter. it felt so nice to have someone else’s hand down there that wasn’t your own, especially when he stuck a finger in your clenching hole.
“fuckkk, you’re tight babygirl. tell me, has anyone else seen this pretty pussy?” he groaned, kissing hickeys into your neck.
“n-no…” you moaned out, him pulsing in and out felt so good, and it was just one finger; what would his cock do to you? feeling greedy, your hand wandered to his zipper, quickly making work of them and he kicked his pants and boxers off, finally freeing his aching erection. his dick slapped up against his abs. your eyes widened at it, it was long, thick, and had a few very prominent veins running along it.
“i, i don’t think it’s going to fit.”
“don’t worry baby, i’ll just stretch you out a bit before.” toshi then slipped another finger in you, your walls stretching more to accommodate. he started thrusting faster, and curling his finger to hit your g-spot as he pumped you full. feeling your release coming, you started moaning like crazy, gripping onto his strong biceps. he felt you tighten around his fingers, signaling you were close, and pulled his fingers out. you whined at the loss of his fingers, but then cursed at the feeling of his mouth on your clit. toshi started licking, nibbling, and sucking on your drenched pussy, eating it like a starved man.
“you taste so good angel, give me more.” he growled against your cunt, and it started throbbing at the vibrations he sent. to ‘toshi, you tasted like the most delicious food he has ever eaten. he swirled his tongue around your clit while sticking his fingers back in you, feeling you clench down.
you whined and cried at the feeling of him sucking on your sensitive clit, just for him to pull his fingers out again and replace it with his tongue. he prodded at the velvety walls and his nose rubbed against your clit. you started grinding on his face, aching for more friction, and you started to feel your orgasm wash through your body.
“t-toshi! i’m cumming, fuck, it feels s-so good!” you cried out, pulling at his hair.
“go ahead baby, cum for me.” he whispered delicately into your cunt. his words were enough to send you over the edge as you came all over his mouth. he got up with a small, yet satisfied, smile, and licked his lips. he stuck his fingers in your mouth, and you obediently sucked on them, twirling your tongue around the digits. you started to take off your sweatshirt, but toshi stopped you.
“no, i want to fuck you in my sweater.” toshi kissed you again, while placing the head of his cock at the hole of your puffy pussy.
“are you sure, y/n? your first time in a bathroom?” he asked again for reassurance. you found it so sweet, how he cared about you, and wanted you to be comfortable.
“it doesn’t matter where, as long as it’s with you.” you smiled, connecting your lips once more. you felt his tip press into you, and you winced at the feeling. it hurt, both because you were a virgin and he was so big.
“i know baby, i know. you can take it, i know you can love.” he cooed in your ear, stroking your hair. you nodded and he continued pushing himself deeper into your tight cunt. once he bottomed out, he let you adjust to his size. you enjoyed cockwarming him, even though it hurt like hell. the feeling of him being warm inside you made you happy; you wanted to make him happy. you signaled for toshi to start moving, and the stretch became enjoyable as he slowly grinded into you, not wanting to hurt you just yet.
the feeling was overwhelming. his fingers reached places yours never could, but his dick was even better. you felt the veins adding even more stimulation inside you as he tip poked at you cervix. he was so deep inside you, you thought you would break.
‘toshi grabbed your jaw and forced you to look down, where you say his bulge going in and out of your stomach. the sight was so lewd, but you didn’t care. all you could think about was ‘toshi’s big dick pounding in and out of your pussy. then, he quickened his pace.
“toshi… you’re so big, feels too good.” you muttered, already fucked dumb by his cock.
“yea? you like my cock in your tight little pussy?” he groaned, quickening his pace.
“y-yes… i love it toshi.” you moaned back, arching your back in an attempt to feel more of him. he groaned as he pushed even deeper into you. he had you seeing stars as he repeatedly hit your sweet spot over and over again.
“more, please. you feel s-so good.” you cried out loudly.
“say my name, angel.” he grunted against your neck, his hot breath sending chills down your spine. ‘toshi turned you around, facing the mirror that was previously behind you, and laid you down across the counter. your chest was pressed against the cold granite and toshi gripped your hips tightly, thrusting into you from behind. the only sound heard was your skin colliding and the squelching from your leaking cunt overpowering the moans from you both. he reached down your body and starting rubbing your clit, rubbing circles firmly and causing you to start moaning even louder.
“t-toshi!” you whimpered, feeling your orgasm nearing. you started clenching down on him. toshi repeatedly kissed your back sweetly, the opposite of how he was rutting into you ferociously. he started to feel his own release coming soon, as his cock throbbed inside you, but he had to make you cum first.
“go ahead baby, cum. i wanna see you undone on my dick.” he moaned in your ear. his words were enough for you to release your orgasm and you came, a lot. this didn’t stop toshi though, as he was chasing after his own release.
“i’m going to cum in your cute pussy, then you’re going to be mine, you got it?” you could barely understand him, the feeling of overstimulation coursing through your body as you felt the bottom of your belly snap again. this time, you both came together, a ring of white forming at the base of his shaft as he fucked you both through your orgasms. you panted softly, whining at the feeling of cumming thrice, and his thick cum pouring into you. he gently sat you back up on the counter, legs dangling off the edge. ‘toshi took your face in his hands again and kissed you, he just couldn’t resist either of your soft, plump lips. you pulled away to look into his eyes. this time, you could see the softness in them, it was the only thing soft about him.
toshi took another towel and cleaned you up, wordlessly. he gently wiped away his cum drooling from your sensitive cunt, making sure to be soft since you were overly sensitive right now. he helped you put your clothes back on before doing the same for himself. toshi lightly lifted you off the counter, but as soon as he let go, your legs gave out. he quickly grabbed you so you wouldn’t fall, and held you tightly against his side, similar to earlier with aone.
you two went back to the party and stayed side by side the entire time, enjoying each other’s company. you’ll figure out what to tell satori later, but for now, you were happy with him.
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macaroki · 2 years
wife ( k. kenma x f.reader )
in where kenma was doing his weekend stream , his attention diverted to a comment , asking about you - his wife . 
warnings : she/her pronounce ( basically fem reader akadjbahs sorry , however lmk if you want a gn reader ) , lowercase for dialogue , short drabble , fluff !!!
genre : domestic fluff
pairings : kenma x fem reader 
a/n : sorry if kenma a bit ooc , i cant help it :> i hope i did justice on him , since i rarely saw or didnt dig down enough kenma’s domestic fluff , so here ya go \(≧▽≦)/
check out my other works too if you want <3
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Kenma just doing his weekend stream, and the room’s condition just like his liking. However, a few comment attracting his attention. He fixed his hair a little before reading the comment out loud. 
“ how’s life after married with the person you’ve choose ? hmm , it’s not that bad . just kinda confusing for a guy like me though, ” he replied with soft smile , reminiscing the lovely time he experienced not long time ago .
Recently, you’ve finally married to a pudding head named Kenma Kozume. Truth to be told, you still questioning yourself for being all lucky. Like, girl, you hit the jackpot. He lowkey look like an e-boy that e-mo, but he’s really a nice husband you could ever ask in your life. He’s literally a husband materials, though he didn’t look like one. 
Well, don’t judge the book by it’s cover they said. 
“ it’s nice to know your promise and dream come true . honestly , i still need to wrap my head on the facts that she’s the same girl i’ve met back in high school . the same girl my mom called girlfriend , now as her daughter in law . funny how time passed along with the memories as well , ” he added .
The figure of you in the nice dress of yours and the smile that lights up his world frequently playing on his mind. Now, his attention on game was diverted to the sweet memories that both of you shared together. The moment you walked down the aisle seems slowed down for him at that time. God, he really want to live up that day again. 
“ i really love my wife , ______ . she’s the nicest gift that i wouldn’t trade for anything else . not even for an apple pie , ” he chuckled to himself , earning sweet wishes from the comment . some of it even said ‘ guess you’ve met an angel in person , kodzuken ! ’
And they were right, he really met an angel in person. The person? It’s you, his wife. Does he regret it? Of course not. 
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