#i hope it helped somewhat anyway!!
softapollo · 1 year
hello, i am sorry to bother you but can i ask you a question??
i am a person who is very interested in hellenist paganism, especially apollo (i personally do feel to have some connection with him spritiually...) how am i supposed to start? are here fixed prayers or anything?
i know ancient greek (my level is to be able to read senophoon, i am a classics student) if it helps btw.
first of all you are absolutely no bother!! i would be happy to help/give advice. secondly, tumblr deleted my entire reply when i was basically done with it, so, fuck. this is gonna be worded a lot worse this time over, sorry :\
there is no one right way to begin practicing hellenic paganism at all. it depends on the person, their interests, and their current situation. don't feel like you can't be a "real" hellenic pagan because you can't do certain things.
when i started, it was quite casual, and i was only reaching out to apollo first. these days i'd probably want something slightly less casual, but that's just because of how i've changed and perhaps how my beliefs have changed. do what feels right for you, what you're comfortable with, what makes sense and your situation allows for. don't think you can't be a real/good/proper hellenic pagan just because of your living situation, energy levels, finances, mental state, or whatever.
you can start small; a simple prayer you wrote yourself (you could totally do so in ancient greek if you feel like it, but your mother tongue works too), as casual as you want it to be could work well, or one you found online. one of the easiest things is a simple offering (olive oil, water, a bit of bread). i think that's what i did at first. you can also dedicate an action to them (e.g. if you're making art, dedicate it to apollo), allow them to hangout during an activity, share your own food or tea or coffee with them. research the deities you're interested in (both their ancient and modern information). feel it out, be patient with yourself. you're not doing anything "wrong" if you dont feel an instant connection. it's barely ever something grandiose and extreme as maybe some people make it seem.
more specific information would definitely depend on your situation/feelings/questions you may have. feel free to message me privately if you want more specific info or just want to chat, i'm very much okay with that. sorry if this felt a lil rushed, blame tumblr :\
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hellboys · 2 years
low quality video ➜ "HD" gifs tutorial! (2022 UPDATE!)
back by popular demand. warning, this is a work in progress! so far I have found this is the best way to restore low quality movie videos into somewhat clear and “hd” gifs. I will update if I discover anything different (:
this works on movies/videos in 720p and lower
you must have basic gif making knowledge
I'm using adobe photoshop cc 23.4.1 (2022) for windows
link to previous version of this tutorial
so this tutorial is going to show you how to create the ILLUSION of high quality and film grain in your gifs just by using smart filters, coloring, and the filter gallery tab! this trick works on 720p, 480p, 360p, and 144p resolutions
I’ll be using a scene from hello mary lou: prom night 2 in a *really* gross 480px lol
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ctrl + alt + “I”
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These are my resizing settings (copy these). 
Resampling your gif under the ‘preserve details 2.0′ option allows you to resize your gif without losing those small details - essentially making your gif sharper.
⭐ please note that gifs will look better if resized to 268px instead of 540px as its easier to hide low quality trails that remain in the end.
filter ➤ sharpen ➤ smart sharpen...
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When adding your smart sharpening layer, be sure to unselect More Accurate from the drop down menu at the top. (You can access this menu by clicking the gear in the right hand corner)
Unselecting this option will add more sharpness to the highlights and shadows of your gif, which is essential for this trick to work
⭐ of course if you have preferred sharpening settings, feel free to use those instead!
filter ➤ sharpen ➤ smart sharpen...
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Copy these settings
Keep the More Accurate option SELECTED for this layer!!!
filter ➤ filter gallery... ➤ texture ➤ grain
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These settings will depend on what you think looks best! For this gif, these are the settings I ended up with
Be sure that the “Soft” option is selected from the drop down menu. Its the cleanest grain filter photoshop offers and its the closest you’ll get to grain used in films
The intensity will depend on you and what your gif needs. Don’t go too crazy here. Keep the number low (no higher than 10) 
Contrast will generally stay in the 50′s but if you need more black areas in your gif feel free to push that number a bit
⭐ Don’t get too attached to these right now as they may change throughout your process!
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In order to get that sharp grain look, you’ll need to place the “Filter Gallery” layer beneath the 2 smart sharpen layers like in the pic above
Edit your grain settings as needed!
After all of that is said and done, add your coloring! Try to push the shadows and add more black in your 'selective color' adjustment layer just to give your gif more contrast. This will clean up the pixel-y blacks and make your gif look a bit nicer to look at. Again this will all depend on what you’re looking for and what you think looks best!
6. SAVE!
Once you're satisfied with how your gif looks, alt + ctrl + shift + “S” and you're done! Here are my save for web settings
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480px video, before and after:
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(Still looks pretty shitty but I guess its better than the original ???)
360px video, before and after:
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(I ripped this movie straight from the DVD and the glitch you see came with it unfortunately 😒)
End notes/tips!
This trick will not work on every low quality movie
Please play around with the sharpening, grain, and color settings to find the best version for you!
The higher the quality of the video (720p, 1080p dvd) the less grain you will need to add
Again, gifs look even better if they are put into 2 column posts instead of a single column (268px instead of 540px)
The grain filter will unfortunately make your gif size very large which is something I havent been able to work around
And once more for the people in the back - this is FAKE HD, it won't turn your 480p video into a crisp blu-ray 1080p quality. it just gives an illusion of higher quality 🤠
Please feel free to send me a DM or an ask if you need further help or have any questions whatsoever! Thank you!✨🖤
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wimbledon2008 · 27 days
so i just finished the captive prince series about a week ago and am rereading it now. just finished the hello lover scene and honestly im still so confused over what's going on in laurent's head lmao like??
was he previously compartmentalizing his resentment so well that real feelings developed, but now he finally has a chance to truly let his anger out, he's locking down the positive feelings?
was he being truthful about manipulating damen the whole time (highly unlikely to me)? or was the cruelty in and of itself a play, either to push damen away despite not actually wanting to, or some other convoluted reason? bc damen really would have done anything he asked, trying to outmaneuver him like that was unnecessary.
my first theory feels the most right to me, and he just needed more time to process and purge his desire for revenge but idk im a taurus and very akielon coded. i love laurent but i do not understand that man lol
okay, disclaimer, i haven't read the books in quite some time so this probably isn't the fullest or deepest analysis. i welcome any additions or corrections from those who are better at meta than me <3
so the hello lover scene is incredibly complex and nuanced, a standard of pacat's writing that makes his works so infinitely re-readable. based on my personal understanding of the scene, there are a few key things that help to explain why laurent behaves the way he does in the tent scene:
1. laurent needs damen and the akielons to win against his uncle, which he very much wants to do. charcy didn't go how he'd originally planned, and he knows damen is pissed about it and probably thinks the worst of laurent right now - that he intentionally abandoned the akielons at charcy for his own purposes. so laurent is being manipulative; he is trying to outmaneuver damen. because what damen says is true: laurent has no allies, no friends, he's ruined his reputation by aligning himself with akielos, etc. we as the readers know that damen cares deeply for laurent and wouldn't just abandon him, and if laurent simply explained what happened and asked damen to help him, damen wouldn't hesitate to stay at his side. but laurent doesn't think damen has any reason to trust him, so laurent can't trust damen either. so instead of being honest, he chooses to be cold-blooded, to assert control over the situation and force damen's hand to ensure that the alliance he worked so hard to establish stays intact. he could've just asked, but this is laurent, and there are other factors at play, such as the fact that
2. laurent is already in love with damen by the tent scene, or at least most of the way there. but laurent can no longer pretend damen is anyone other than the person who killed his brother. damen walks into that tent as prince damianos, in full akielon regalia, covered in blood, with a sword. laurent has been doing some aggressive compartmentalizing, especially in order to have allowed himself to sleep with damen. who killed his brother, which was the inciting incident that made laurent's life a living hell. laurent has not forgiven damen for auguste, and he's having to really confront that hatred and anger for maybe the first time since the first book. and laurent is also punishing himself for caring for and sleeping with damen, his brother's killer. can you even imagine? it's better not to. laurent probably hates himself as much as he hates damianos in that moment. so he shoves all those glimmering, positive feelings down because he wants to hurt damen, and himself too. and none of this is particularly rational because
3. laurent is very upset at the beginning of king's rising. this is an understatement. he's still reeling from nicaise's death, which he blames himself for, he's losing damen, the only person he trusted, he was recently stabbed, and everything is spiraling out of his tightly held control. and when laurent is upset he's cruel. he's not at his best in the tent scene. he's clinging to his own self-preservation, and he's making it up as he goes along because whatever his original plan was got blown to hell, which is clear because he's saying shit that doesn't even make sense. see, e.g., this post about him allegedly enduring damen's "fumbling attentions" to win a battle he didn't even know about at the time. while laurent is being cold and ruthless to secure his position as best he can (see no. 1), he's also acting from a place of emotion instead of strict rationality, which is how he typically operates, and how he prefers to act. he's on the defensive, he's deeply confused and unable to cope with all of his conflicting feelings about damen, and he's lashing out - protecting himself before damen can hurt him first. and then damen literally sticks his thumb in his stab wound. basically: our boy laurent's going through it in a major way.
going back and re-reading your message i realize i've essentially just reiterated everything you initially said but with a lot of extra words. so i guess the long and short of it is: you're right. honestly there are so many ways to interpret the tent scene and everything else laurent says and does, which is what makes him so fascinating! so thanks for giving me the opportunity to dive back into his psyche for a little while <3
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general-cyno · 6 months
Hey hey have you ever thought about how zoro breaks his body again and again for Luffy gaining scar after scar loosing eyes and shit trying to keep up with Luffy and his devil fruit and sanji with his genetically modified body. Do you think zoro wonders what will be the thing that tips him over the edge into death??? Do you think Luffy does???
well hello to you too, anon! sorry that it took me a while to answer but I love this and ended up typing a lot. so, I also apologize in advance for the long-ish read.
but yeah! actually I was sort of thinking about it thanks to some twts I saw discussing thriller bark again. I gotta say, perhaps I have a bit of a less angsty view? because the thing is... zoro's a pretty straightforward and single-minded character, which doesn't mean he's flat or lacking in depth, but his overall thought process isn't extremely complex.
though zoro treasures his life (just like his swords, both which he needs to achieve his goals), he's not naive. he knows death is a real possibility, more so in the pursuit of his dream. zoro says as much to sanji back in baratie:
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zoro doesn't seek death, the opposite actually, and he refuses to die in situations he finds dishonorable or out of his control, but he's come to terms with the idea of his own death. aside from that (or additionally), zoro's most prominent traits are rooted in his deep sense of commitment, devotion and loyalty to what he wants and believes in - namely his dream and his promise to kuina. this aspect of his character doesn't change imo, rather it broadens to encompass luffy and the crew as well.
all this to say that albeit I've called it a sacrifice myself, I don't think what zoro chooses to do for luffy or the crew would count (for him) as such. it's just what he believes he must do - to achieve his personal goals as much as to ensure luffy gets to fulfill his own and to protect the crew as a whole, because they've all become intertwined with zoro's dream to begin with. especially where it concerns luffy. what good is ambition if I can't even save the life of my own captain? indeed, for someone whose end goal is to become the strongest, what's the point of doing so if his strength doesn't allow him to protect those who are important to him? the person who is most important to him?
so when zoro chooses to keep pushing himself to train harder/become stronger, to do the exchange with kuma, beg mihawk to train him or agrees to do crazy stuff like take the drug that will help him recuperate enough to fight but will worsen his injuries/pain tenfold the moment the effect wears off in wano - they're not sources of regret or decisions he sees as tragic sacrifices. he's quite like luffy too, who's made similar choices along the story.
the angst of moments like "nothing happened" for me lies more on the implications of what could've happened (zoro dying for real), what eventually did (almost getting killed in sabaody, the crew's separation) and what luffy's reaction would've been if he'd found out. I do agree luffy would ultimately respect his decision, what I don't usually agree with is that he'd be immediately okay with it. the last thing luffy wants is to lose someone he loves, less so if they get hurt trying to protect him. points at his backstory, marineford and post marineford. this is exactly why sanji insists on not letting him know.
on the other hand, imo, zoro's not trying to keep up with luffy per se... how I see it, it's more like meeting him halfway. when you're faced with how powerful luffy's become nowadays, it's easy to forget he's not infallible. luffy has weaknesses and shortcomings too. post TS zoro is even more aware of both of their limitations (he's the one who's literally experienced luffy's pain as if it were his own) though he's also become more confident in their strength and the crew's as well. zoro will do his best to stand by luffy's side and protect him/their crew, but luffy has to measure up! zoro has no qualms about reminding and demanding him to get his shit together. zoro might not reach luffy's levels of raw strength (and I'd argue he doesn't need to), still, there's other ways in which he makes up for what luffy lacks or can't do in certain circumstances. so if you ask me, it's not about keeping up - it's meeting each other in the middle and striding forward together.
as for sanji, a similar thing applies. for all their petty rivalry and their roles as crew combatants, it's important to remember sanji's more of a nurturer (he is the cook, after all) and his dream of the all blue has little to do with strength, unlike zoro's. his genetic modifications don't really become an issue (for the crew) until wano and if anything, rather than this setting him above zoro in terms of power/abilities or turning into something zoro has to catch up with, sanji relies on zoro to keep him in line if he ever endangers the crew because of it.
all in all, I don't think zoro's the type to wonder what's gonna make him kick the bucket, though he knows dying is a realistic possibility. plus, he's not the only relatively Normal Guy who's ever become crazy strong among DF users and other enhanced characters. rayleigh is a very good point of reference as to what zoro is capable of becoming or achieving, and it's no coincidence they share a bunch of a similarities too.
AND FINALLY LUFFY. I rambled about this in the tags of a post a while back but luffy is a bit of a more complicated case imo. the manga doesn't exactly provide insight on luffy's inner thoughts/feelings (he voices most of them anyway) and though he's not naive in this aspect either, especially not post TS, the story rarely lets him witness situations in which zoro's vulnerable or in real danger of dying. this leads to him sometimes coming across as insensitive or being unfair (by having almost unrealistic expectations wrt zoro) but part of it is that he sees zoro bouncing back from the seemingly impossible more often than he sees him down.
however, the way he loses his goddamn mind when mihawk hurts zoro at baratie, when kizaru almost kills him and as kuma sends him away in sabaody, is a very good indicator of how he handles the idea of losing zoro which is - not well. at all. OPLA also gave us a more blatant example of this with the near dissociation, panic, losing his appetite and actively refusing to eat etc when zoro's wounded and unconscious after his duel with mihawk.
whether he thinks about zoro dying or not is probably more headcanon/fanfic territory, since it hasn't come up in the manga itself. even so, I do believe luffy's the type who... deliberately does Not ponder about sad or potentially upsetting things. one very brief moment that stood out to me while reading was this:
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luffy not wanting to remember when garp left him on his own as a kid and straight up getting mushroom-high after being separated from his friends? man.
despite his cheerfulness and confidence, luffy is at his innermost terrified of losing the people he loves and hates the idea of being alone, ever since he was a kid. he begged ace not to die, has fought time and time again to rescue his friends and bring back those who've left. zoro's not just his first crew mate but he's also been the most long lasting and steady throughout the story. as some people have pointed out - zoro is the only one of the east blue gang who's never left the crew, even if the rest all had very understandable reasons for doing it each time. so on a more speculative note, after all the losses luffy's suffered, I'd say wondering when or how zoro will die is something he'd very much avoid. the thought's likely pretty devastating. instead, it's easier to put his entire trust and faith into believing zoro will pull through anything, like luffy says in dressrosa, and zoro would accept no less than that imo - because that's the kind of trust/faith he places in luffy as well.
lastly, about the scars and such... this is where zoro and luffy's similarities are highlighted. when it comes to all the choices they make wrt their dreams or protecting their friends, those luffy understands well. he's pretty much the same as zoro in this regard. that's why he refuses to let buggy interrupt zoro's fight with cabaji and stops johnny and yosaku from interfering in his duel against mihawk, even if seeing zoro get hurt upsets him greatly. zoro and luffy match in many ways, their dreams and determination to fulfill them is one of them, no matter what they have to do or how many scars they collect along their journey as a result.
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nativehueofresolution · 6 months
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aj and christopher - tony's son and heir, respectively - are written as foils throughout the series, but i think there's something really special about the way things came together in the final season. in season six tony is eaten up both by his hatred for aj and christopher's hatred for him, and he furiously vents about both to melfi. he kept aj out of the mafia, because he felt he owed him that protection as a father, but he despises the coddled and emotionally fragile young man aj has grown into as a result. christopher, on the other hand, tony invited into the mafia and acted as a mentor, but christopher grew to hate tony for acting like a father all while essentially damning him to a hellish life he would never let his actual children enter into. tony finds both of them ungrateful, and yet he is eaten up by the fact he could find his son so loathsome or that someone he spent so much time nurturing could end up detesting him. both speak to tony's fear of being a toxic person, unable of having a loving relationship. he is repulsed by a gentle and sheltered young man he kept in a gilded cage, but the young man who has lived in tony's underworld can only see him as the devil.
interestingly, aj and christopher also enter into father roles of their own. aj falls in love for the first time after tony forces him to work at the construction site and he meets blanca. he becomes a pseudo-stepfather to blanca's son hector, and while blanca eventually cools on him, his relationship with hector always seems very doting and sweet. christopher, meanwhile, marries his girlfriend kelli after only being together a short amount of time because she gets pregnant, and his ambivalence is clear from the start. in many ways, he's not over tony having adriana killed and his own role in betraying her. we also know from previous seasons he feels both an obligation as his late father's only child to have a son to carry on the moltisanti name, while also fearing he is ill-suited to being a father because of his drug addiction, which he believes to have been inherited from his parents. tony himself is somewhere in the middle - capable of being a doting and generous father and yet frequently feeling removed from his children because of his double life and fearing he has passed along his cursed genes. both aj and christopher's stabs at fatherhood are short-lived however. aj's relationship ends, which leads to a suicide attempt, and christopher is killed.
the two episodes in which these events occur happen back to back, as if to really hammer home how linked the two are. christopher and tony get into an accident, and right as tony is dialing 911 to try and save christopher's life - he realizes his opportunity and kills him instead, the accident giving him the perfect cover. the next episode, tony comes across aj's botched suicide attempt and dives into save aj. both son and heir are at death's door and his responses are opposite, literally using his hands to smother christopher one episode and ripping a bag off of aj's head so he can breathe again the next. and the reactions he has to both mirror each other so powerfully. he is relieved to finally be rid of christopher, who he calls "the biggest blunder of my career" - he no longer has to wonder when christopher's animosity will become a full-fledged betrayal, he no longer has to see what an embarrassment christopher is, to be reminded of his poor judgment in selecting him as his successor. aj, on the other hand, he tells melfi he is ashamed of. he saved his son, of course he did, but we see how humiliated he feels each time his mob associates try to offer sympathy, how he vainly hopes someone like carmine jr will have gone through something similar so he won't be alone in his ignominy. just as he thinks he's escaped having to deal with his failure to have a worthy heir, he's confronted with the ways - in his view - he has failed to produce a worthy son (never grappling with the fact that his view of this as a failure is part of the problem).
in many ways, the last season is about finally casting judgement on tony soprano. after watching the last several seasons of his terrible behavior, the narrative begins to be much more explicit in the language it uses and the symbols it pairs with tony - he is the devil in the back of the club asking you to sell your soul; he is the toxic water poisoning jersey for a cheap profit - and now we see what that has meant for the two men he raised. what the protection he offered and the guidance he gave amounted to.
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Angels in America: Millennium Approaches by Tony Kushner
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jellyfish-grave · 17 days
More of my fucked up hatchling ocs. Hi. Watch as I change artstyles halfway through the day (YES I KNOW THE INK BLED THROUGH THE PAPER IM SO MAD. That's also why i edited in the text)
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dimonds456-art · 1 month
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Maladaptive daydreaming.
#daydreaming#maladaptive daydreaming#maladapting daydreaming disorder#maladaptive behaviors#maladaptive coping#dissociation#immersive daydreaming#dimond speaks#yeah so adding this to my list here lol#my therapist helped me realize i dissociate a LOT and the primary way i do it is through vivid daydreams#they usually happen at work but they also pop up if i'm having a bad day or... anytime really.#i've also come to the realization that i have at least one of these a day which is not good fgsjh#my therapist says they're not inherently bad especially since they do have a positive effect on my emotions (if its a good daydream)#but it's gotten to the point that it's affecting the way i work#and they can last for a LONG time too#i haven't timed them but i do know they've been over 30 minutes at work before#this is either due to ADHD autism PTSD or a mixture of the three lmao#weeeee#anyway. this post isn't really intended to be a vent post#it's more like a 'this is my experience' type post#it just kinda comes across as somewhat vent-y#but that was because i wanted to try and immerse the reader into what its like to have these daydreams#like mine look NOTHING like this but making it more generic would help others understand it#the void is the general dissociation from reality#then you emerge in the dream#i can feel things as if i'm there- the sun the wind and sometimes even physical touch#and i'll stay there until something snaps me out#strangely i can get my work done while i'm doing this- i just wont have any memory of doing so. it's like being on autopilot#anyway. I hope this post was helpful to someone out there#if you also maladaptive daydream YOU ARE NOT ALONE! it's valid and you're not 'faking' anything. it's a genuine trauma response.
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simcardiac-arrested · 10 months
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#i wouldnt usually care about stuff like this. but every month or so i get two or three asks like this and i just got one earlier today#and look. i’m not saying u can’t hate ns or dislike them. feel free to send me asks that are like ‘ns you are stupid and you suck and i hate#you’ he IS stupid and he DOES suck and he is quite hateable. that’s fine#it’s just when you start sending me wholeass paragraphs explaining every single detail you hate about ns and how they deserve a slow and#painful death that i think two things: 1. you are finite waves reincarnated 2. you are weird! and strange even!#what are you on about! ns absolutely does NOT deserve a slow and painful death! and you absolutely do Not have to be so hostile and#aggressive towards them as a character! like Please relax. we serve bullshit here sir#most anti-ns asks i get are funny and are light hearted because it’s just people messing with ns on purpose or mocking him and making him#mad because he easily gets mad and it’s funny. Like those asks are fine. it’s another deal entirely when you send me this detailed and—#honestly—really mean message. I guess i am not surprised considering how similar ns and pebbles are in terms of personality#(and circumstances somewhat) and we all know how the fandom treats pebbles. even worse than ns. but yeah anyway#they are not an irredeemable unforgivable monster and they do not deserve to die. Hope this helps#to me even calling them a Bad Person is kind of a stretch. let alone the shit some of you are saying about them#we have to get normal about mentally ill and traumatized and autistic characters gang!#crammerposting#i also do not appreciate when people insuniate that ns is stupid for overworking himself and damaging his structure and so on and so forth#yes it is his fault but that didn’t mean he deserved what he had coming to him or anything like that. be nice to him
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artichow · 2 months
Hi, how are you doing?
My sister seems interested in doing commission work, and she's asking me for help with it, but I don't know anything about it. Could you help me help her?
How does the process of commissions work?
There any tips/recommendations you could give her?
I'm definitely not an expert and definitely winging it as I go and taking what i see other artists do into consideration, so bear that in mind and take what i say with a grain of salt! I also assumed while writing this that this is about art commissions? If it's not sorry I kind of went on a tangent at the end about it but most of the advice still apply!
I'm guessing your sister has a product in mind they want to sell. Most people make a little website either pointing to the platforms they use to sell or to google forms they have for clients to fill out. I use carrd, there's a free option that lets you have a lot of creative freedom and enough elements to make a good website, and boom! Now onto selling commissions. To sell those you can either use a platform for selling stuff online, i use ko-fi because it's the most practical option, there's also v-gen, which i haven't tried but heard good things of. With that option it's easier to have fixed prices, so if something seems to hard to draw for that price it's harder to ask for more but most clients are okay with tipping an additional fee through that same platform. You can also just have a google form available where you ask the potential client to describe what they want, leave their email adress and you can get back to them and offer an accurate price for their commission idea. If they want to purchase that commission you then can send them a paypal invoice and they can pay it.
Most people I know use paypal, I saw people using Stripe or Venmo too. Ko-fi only allows you to link a Paypal or a Stripe account though. While using Paypal i would advise you to find a website that tells you how much Paypal will take from the commission, because they have a fee, and it usually stings. That way you can take that into account and raise your prices according to that so you still get the amount of money you need by selling your service. However I gotta say that Paypal always takes more than what those paypal fees conversion websites say it will, idk why.
Another website i use a lot to do pricing is calculpourcentage.com (sorry it's in french but i'm sure there are varients in other languages). It's pretty handy to calculate pricings along with the good old trusty phone calculator.
A very, very important part of selling commissions online is to have a solid Terms of Services written and available for clients to read through. It's like when you download a software or game and you have to check the litte box that says you agree with their terms of services. I know we pretty much all just scroll down and tick the box without reading but commission clients should never do that. Read the TOS!!! In your TOS you should put anything you need to make sure the client knows what their getting, any behavior or commission inquiry you will not accept, your rights to decline any commission for any reasons, your rights over the finished product, etc. I know it sounds daunting said like that but don't worry too much, it takes some time to put together but most people take whatever they need from other artists' TOS, you can frankenstein them and tadaa! perfect TOS for your needs and what you offer. You can and should absolutely update it whenever you want or need to. Here is a link to my TOS for inspiration if your sister needs some, but again, I think it's best to look for other artists TOS to maybe find some points I didn't write in mine.
Finally, to talk about the action itself of doing commissions for people, I have some advice as well. Firstly if you can, only offer things you feel up to doing. This might seem like a given but anything that makes the process less stressful and puts less pressure on yourself, you should do it. Commissions should be fun, especially if you're starting out. I know not everyone has the luxury or privilege to be able to, but if a commission inquiry makes you uncomfortable for any reason, don't accept it. I've had mostly good experiences with clients so far but there are stories going around online about scammers or people who ghost commissioners or clients, so my advice is to stay informed about possible scams, stay honest and communicate with your clients about possible delays and stuff like that.
And very important point that I almost forgot, commissioning art is a luxury, and any work needs good pay, no matter your skill level. I think every commission artist starts out by underselling themselves, and you probably will too, and it's okay. My advice is still to try and look at the price you settled on for a commission and add a little more. Keep in mind how much time you're taking to draw, gather references and so on. You will probably have to adjust your prices as times goes on. Everything I listed so far are things that can and probably will change with experience, it's how most of us learn and adjust the way we work.
Another thing is that for the majority of artists, commissions we do get are very sparce and for artists who can make it their job it's an immense workload and very hard to manage. I know it's easier said than done but my advice is to try and not let your commissions order number get you down or reflect your art's worth in your head. In my opinion art is priceless and deserves all our love and time regardless of if it's "good" or "bad", but it's pretty antithetical with literally putting a price tag on my work :') Anyway, commissions can feel demotivating or have a negative impact on your health in many ways, so if you can feel free to close them anytime you want to and try to keep time to yourself for your personal art too!
I think that's all I can come up with right now, I hope it helps you or your sister, and good luck to them if they do try out offering commissions!!
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softiecharlie · 1 year
CHARLES LECLERC: you drew stars, around my scars
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larsnicklas · 4 months
anon bcs I am too shy to ask directly on the post but-- how did you find nicke's dynamo jersey? bcs I had half a mind of buying one of his jerseys, and that one is beautiful, but I wouldn't know where to start looking. thank u so much and sorry for the silly question ^^""
haha no worries!! i am always happy to share jersey tips ♡ so the dynamo jersey was kind of a special case — if i had bought it while he was playing, i could have quite easily gotten it from lutch usa, which is the best source for khl jerseys! but during that lockout i was like. in high school and had no real disposable income so on and so forth so it’s just been on my wishlist for ages. i had an alert set on ebay and i did check fairly regularly and just got very lucky!!
if you want just a nicke jersey in general, my favorite places to purchase jerseys new are hockey authentic, coolhockey, and jersey baron! but those are quite pricey — i try to wait for sales when i can for the first two especially. jersey baron is an ebay store so fewer sales BUT also a good place to look for junior and college jerseys. for shl jerseys i’ve heard good things about this store — i haven’t purchased from them yet so can’t fully vouch for them but i do plan to buy something from them at some point, especially since they offer to help find pretty much any shl jersey if they don’t have it!
i also like snagging jerseys secondhand when i can find them in good condition; mercari and ebay are good places to find authentic jerseys at a cheaper price point. i recommend avoiding fanatics branded jerseys if possible — they’re lower quality and much harder to resell for a good price if you ever want to do that! i always look for reebok or adidas secondhand, and sometimes there’ll be even older jerseys in good shape, starter and mitchell & ness and the like! :)
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crossbackpoke-check · 6 months
Hello, im wehaveagathering from my main blog, im kind of obsessed with your hockey poetry edits and I think your blog is great! I guess I kind of have a dumb question, where do you find the images you use for your edits? Did you say Getty in your tags?? I’ve gotten into making icons recently (and i have ideas for poetry edits hrrrghhh) but it’s hard to find high res images. Thanks for your time and I hope you have a nice day :)
first of all thank you so much 🥹 and second that’s absolutely not a dumb question!! i do pull a lot of images from getty and i’ll also download pictures from sports articles (i got a lot of the hugheses pictures from online access articles, for example), or sometimes from instagram/facebook/twitter if an account is public. freely admitting that i am not technologically advanced? inclined? in the slightest here, but the image editing software that you use and how you import/export photos with it makes a difference in the quality of them as well!
if you haven’t seen them yet, i would also recommend checking out @simmyfrobby @national-hockey-lesbian @hauntedppgpaints @tapedsleeves @starscelly and @captainbradmarchand’s blogs just off the top of my head!!! they might know more places to get high res images and also i love their work 💕🫶
#sorry can’t type hands all butterfly hearts i’m just out here like 🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭💕💕💕#@ everyone i tagged ty i love you i hope you don’t mind the tag 😘 also i KNOW i am unintentionally forgetting people so tag them at will#forgive me i am eepy. we are running on <4 hours of sleep and over 18 hours awake 🫡#liv in the replies#join the club!!! join the club!!!!! we love the hockey poetry edits!!!!!! i’m so excited to see what you create!!!!! :)))))#the process of me finding images is very much like. either i have a vision in my head and i troll getty looking for it or my screenshots#if i know i have one l m a o but either way i am always 68 pages deep in a hyper specific search labeling my photos like ‘ohHHH buddy’#‘menace 1 abd 2’ ‘but he’s not a cup winner’ ‘ohhhh the nolpat media scrums are rich earth’#‘because WILLY WON’T CUT HIS HAIR’ ‘deJA FUCKIN MILK BAYBE’ ‘is it truly sn edit if u don’t find a devastating baby pic’ ‘yes MF last line’#and so forth. like. glad it’s comprehensible to ME but if anyone else ever tried to use these photos based on file name alone i am so sorry#also i forget that y’all can’t see all of the metadata notes on photos to know where they’re from :/ i gotta be better abt making it clear#also on the note about image quality i just need to state for the record i am so photoshop whatever illiterate.#i learn one (1) new trick on GIMP a year maybe two if i am lucky & no i have never figured out consistent sizing 🫡 but the one hack for res#i HAVE figured out is that when i do edits i usually make a whole doc w/the poem lined up on it (helps me keep somewhat consistent sizing)#and then i export that document as a pdf and edit the pdf in the software instead of trying to screencap or jpeg or anything. PDF quality >#that is probably so convoluted lol if anyone has tips please lmk i am always learning#ANYWAY. rambling u did not ask for but is inherent to Me.#have a great day too!!!!! you literally made mine so 💕😭#wehaveagathering#indecisor
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rattusn0rvegicus · 3 months
Always disappointing when a part of you is holding onto a shred of hope that a certain intervention to address a problem will be really (or at least somewhat) effective and then you look at the evidence and it's just... not
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aptericia · 9 months
What the fuck is wrong with you people. Stop treating autism like a quirky character trait you actively want to get. Nobody in their right mind wants autism if they know anyone who actually has it.
Heyyyyy real life anon hate! I feel like I’ve cleared some tumblr rite of passage. Thanks anon!
I won’t assume to know how you feel, but I think some people’s frusteration with this sort of thing comes from media romanticizing autistic traits as “genius” or portraying them as “funny and quirky” and playing them for laughs, rather than acknowledging the real-life struggles that come with them. I agree that this is both insulting and damaging, in the same way that simplifying/exoticizing any marginalized group’s traits are. However, based on conversations about autism with my many autistic friends (some of whom are very close and dear to me), as well as essays/videos autistic people have made on the subject, I think most of these struggles come from social systems that are not designed with autistic experience in mind, not from autism itself. Many, many autistic people are both proud to be autistic AND frusterated by some of their experiences with autism.
On a personal note, I have a lot of traits in common with autistic people, and since I’ve realized that, I’ve felt significantly safer and more secure in those aspects of myself (even though I don’t have a diagnosis nor do I fully identify as autistic).
That’s my reasoning, but I also sincerly apologize to any autistic people who are upset by my blog. I won’t be deleting the post (I think) you’re talking about unless I get further information, but I know every autistic person’s feelings and experiences are different and I don’t mean to cause any harm 🙏
btw just to check, I texted the post to some of my autistic friends and they said they found it hilarious but understand how it could be taken the wrong way
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ireblongstuff · 11 months
Riley is ethier going to have everyone annoyed by her, or she’s somehow gonna become a fan favorite i can feel it
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dog-girl-zezora · 6 months
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