#i hope my english is comprehensible enough "x)
alaynestcnes · 2 months
“evidence upon evidence upon evidence” and it’s just chapter order and stuff like “oh jonnel is definitely the same as jon” (which is basically saying alysanne is the same as alys) or val being blonde means she could be redheaded in certain lights. it’s still all a REACH so no evidence for romance
Looks like you have some gaps in your jonsa knowledge so I’ll help you out a little 😊
A good place to start would be the jonsa compendium with at least 18 points of independent in-text evidence (not including the broader fun stuff like lotr lit parallels). We can also talk about the multiple allusions to Sansa being betrothed to a Targ (not including the ashford tourney theory already included in the compendium); here, here. Some other little tidbots I enjoy (a la 'blood of winterfell', jon/joff parallels, little in-text parallels, and too many others to mention) are in my parallels tag.
There are the BNFs/theorists who have speculated on jonsa; Alt Shift X and Adam Feldman have both found Jonsa to be significant enough to mention. They’ve been invited to have dinner with GRRM, and he has said Adam Feldman ‘really gets’ asoiaf. So, I kinda hold these theorists as just a bit more credible than whatever the twitter/reddit stans have to say.
And I know you brushed off the chapter analysis but let’s remember that GRRM has said that he is very particular about the sequence of scenes and chapters. So, it’s not absurd to say that the construction of the chapters is something that we should be paying attention to. Ignoring that is fine but don’t pretend like it’s Jonsas reaching, when it’s just your own blind bullheadedness. That being said, here’s an almost never-ending post analysing the in-text Jonsa parallels and references. And a literal excel sheet providing And then here there's how whenever Jon or Sansa's chapters have a focus on love and marriage, then the other will almost always closely follow.
That's my little english lit seminar done, but I hope you're not too tired bc we've still got our AP hisory and political science class to go! GRRM has stated before that class is important (especially in relation to marriage) and he hates medieval-set stories where the highborn lady happily runs off with the stableboy. So, it's safe to say that Sansa will not be marrying any old glup shitto the fandom wants to pair her with. Her range of suitors is very, very limited. "Jonnel is definetly the same as Jon"...well, if the shoe fits? Like it just lines up too well, it's just a bit cheeky of GRRM to sow issues of northern succession in ASOIAF, all while providing a precedent for an inter-Stark union as a solution to a very similar issue. You could also make the case that Jonnel/Sansa is more of a foil for Jon/Sansa than a direct parallel (as instead of Jon marrying Sansa to supercede her claim, Sansa will choose to marry Jon in order to secure his position after Targ reveal). And really, is this anymore delulu than something like the Jon/Tyrion/Dany three heads of the dragon theories you see around?
Anywaysss this is just a fast and loose run down and better people than me have developed more comprehensive archives of the ever-extending jonsa meta universe, so please supplement your learning with some independent study: here, here, here.
So yeah…the evidence is a little bit deeper than Jon/Jonnel or Val/Sansa. I’m not trying to preach but calling Jonsa out on a lack of evidence or that we’re reaching for anything is giving very much illiterate on your side. If you wanna come into my ask and be a hater again pleassseeee at least do your research first. Next time there will be a quiz before I take anything you say seriously.
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One Of Your Kind (CH. 1)
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10
Word count: 2.7K
Summary: Your dream has always been to be a movie director, and your studies have been doing great.. until you get called to work in America and you’re forced to speak a language you don’t know.
Warnings: none
Pairing: Jenna Ortega X Fem!Reader
I’m finally starting to write my series! I hope you’ll like it🖤✨
A/N: Reader is italian, but every thought and dialogue will be written in English to make reading easier and smoother for everyone.
September 2019
Finally getting some freedom after highschool, you started your road to making your dreams come true. Living in Italy with a family that never supported you, is hard, really hard: you never had their economical support, so you had to work really hard and study even harder to get the scholarship you have always dreamed of. You wanted to be a movie director, you wanted to work in the movie industry and realize movies, tv series. The scholarship luckily covered the entire lasting of your studies, but before actually getting to work and start your career, you had to do your “training”, that is going on movie sets and watch how everything actually worked. You were a really good student and you were a really quick learner, the best in your class.
You started off easy in your country, traveling from Milano to Catania to go on sets. You didn’t really work there yet, you wanted to learn how things worked you had to observe. The actual movie directors made you hold the equipment all while you observed and learned how to handle situations, how to act around actors and how to interact with them. They also taught you a lot and gave very useful tips.
Your family completely disowned you, they wanted nothing to do with you, they didn’t want to have to pay for your studies so you were on your own. Luckily you had always found opportunities where you didn’t have to pay, or everything was paid already for you. However you even had a small part time job to help you pay house rent. Your dreams were coming true, yes, but your social life is feeling the effects of it. Between work and training, you never had time to meet people, make friends, fall in love… so in all meanings you were alone. On a good note, you never made people suffer because of your constant traveling: you knew that if you had a girlfriend, you’d make her suffer because you were never in your hometown, you were always traveling and whatnot, when on sets you had to keep your phone on silent, and it was HOURS before you could even pick it up again.
With COVID happening, your studies and training was interrupted. Even your work. You were in deep shit, to say the list. You didn’t have a job, and you couldn’t pay rent. Luckily the owner of the apartment you lived in was comprehensive enough to understand the situation and give you time, until you found a new job. You sent job applications here and there to work as a student and as a “equipment holder” on sets, you didn’t even see WHERE the filming would take place, you just needed to work, do something that could help you pay rent. 9 months passed before you actually got a call back, well- it was more of an e-mail.
THE Megan Park, one of your favorite actresses, was having her debut as a movie director on her new and first movie, The Fallout, and she was willing to have you as her student.
“Hello (Y/N)! Your e-mail where you say you have been looking for movie sets to help holding equipment has been forwarded to me by a few people. I also saw that you’re wanting to be a movie director and that you will doing whatever you’re asked to do just to be on a movie set and learn. I’m more than willing to pay for your flight from Italy to Ohio and have you as my student. I look forward to your response!”
You didn’t really understand English really well, so you copy-pasted the email onto a translator and read it. Great, you had a job! But it was in… Ohio? AMERICA? You were freaking out. It was a great opportunity, sure, you have always been wanting to go to America, but as a tourist, not as a student… you reflected at least a couple hours on it. America has always been your dream, but you were scared. Will people understand your crappy English? Will you find any friends, will you actually learn what you want to learn?
You chose to take the opportunity and reply to her letter, though explaining your problem with the language. You used a translator and sent her this response:
“Hello, first of all I would like to thank you so much for looking at my application. I really love your works and I’m more than happy to accept your invite, though I have something to say, and I hope it won’t be a problem. As you know already I’m Italian, but I don’t really know English. I mean I know the basics, but it takes me some time to form a sensed sentence and to understand what I’m being told. I know this can be seen as a malus point, but I hope it won’t be a problem.”
You got her reply after just half an hour:
“No it’s not a problem at all! I’m really glad you decided to take the opportunity even with your difficulties. I’ve seen your résumé and I get that you’re a fast learner! I believe that you can learn English as fast as you learn how to be a movie director. Within the week I will send you the details of your flight, I look forward to meeting you!”
Just like that, the next week you were making your way to the airport, with a luggage that was heavy as hell for just a month and a half, but you really had no idea what to take. Was it hot, was it cold? You had clothes for both occasion. It was summer there as it was August, but you thought that maybe at night it was colder. However you got to the airport, until you were in Italy, you had no problem. Megan had booked you a flight in first class so you had as much comfort as you could for a 15 hour long flight. However your problems started on that plane… the staff was entirely speaking English.
On the fourth hour of flying a flying attendant came to you. “Good morning miss. We hope you’re having a good flight. Would you like something to eat?” What was that she asked? And why did she speak so fast? You didn’t understand anything at all. “I don’t… speak english very well” you said, with a really noticeable Italian accent. The flight attendant excused herself and sent you someone who actually spoke some Italian, and she was your savior for that flight, but the fact of being all alone in a country of English speakers, scared you like hell.
After those long, tiring 15 hours of flight you finally arrived in Ohio and followed instructions to the exit. You didn’t know what to look for, but in the mail with the details Megan told you that she would send someone to pick you up, and that the driver would be holding a sign with your name on. It took you a while, but you found the guy and he loaded your luggage in the car before driving you to the set. The landscapes of Ohio were incredible to say the least. The movie would be filmed in a school so you didn’t have to go in the countryside, but the short road trip from the airport to the set was really relaxing and beautiful.
When you arrived on set, you were immediately lost. People gave you weird looks because they had never seen you, but you took a look at the mail Megan sent you where she told you where to go, and followed the indications that led to her office, though you never made it there, because she saw you going that way and intercepted you. “(Y/N)!” You heard someone call you and turned around, only to see Megan coming your way. She hugged you and you reciprocated the hug awkwardly. You knew Americans were confident with other people, but you didn’t expect them to actually hug people they’ve only talked through e-mails with. “It’s good to see you!” She said. Luckily, greetings you could understand. “It’s… good to see you too” you spoke really slowly, trying to make sense out of your sentence. Megan smiled “so you do speak English” she said with a smile. You had to reflect on her words before actually speaking. “A little” you said, mimicking it with your fingers so that Megan actually understood you.
The first days on set were really hard to say the least. The actors hadn’t arrived yet, and this is part of the reasons why Megan made you come before they started filming. She wanted you to familiarize with the rest of the stuff, to see where the equipment was and she even told you what you were going to do and how you were going to help her, and gave you a daily to-do list, rigorously translated in italian, to make you feel more comfortable. You talked with her through a translator for the first period of time so that it would be easier for you to understand everything and you had to say it was really helpful, she put you at ease and you couldn’t be happier.
But of course there had to be problems there, too. Because eventually you had to talk to other people, other staff members. Even though you told them you didn’t speak really good english, they insisted on speaking english and not wanting to use a translator. They used technical languages, names of the equipments, and you understood none of it. You had tried looking for the names on the internet, and you did find them but when in a sentence, and when they spoke fast, you didn’t understand what they were asking you to do.
Even when the actors and actresses arrived and got comfortable with the set and the staff, the higher ups always got mad at you for doing stuff wrong, but you didn’t understand what they asked you to do, it wasn’t your fault. People would make fun of you, calling you stupid because you didn’t understand them. You had hoped to make friends with the actresses since Megan told you they were your age, but the rest of the staff told them that it was useless, because you didn’t understand english. It’s not that hard to communicate, people just have to be patient. When filming started, a lot of times they would have to start shooting scenes all over again because you had done something wrong. It had gotten to the point where Megan would receive constant complaints about you. She had to do something.
To make things easier for you, Megan sent you texts translated in italian.
Megan: Vieni nel mio ufficio, dobbiamo parlare. [come to my office, we need to talk.]
You didn’t answer her text, but you went to her office, scared as hell for your work, for your place, for your future as a movie director. As soon as you walked in, she gave you a small smile. “Hello” you said as you sat down in front of her. “I will try to talk slow for you. Is this okay?” She asked. Luckily, you could understand when people were talking to you slowly- only Megan did this. Everyone else refused to. “I’ve been getting a lot of complaints about your work. They say you make things wrong, that you don’t listen and you don’t want to listen. Is that true?” She asked you. You gulped and thought of your words before speaking. “I don’t understand what they ask me. I try to tell them to speak slow but uh-“ you thought of your words. “They don’t want to speak slow. So I don’t know what they ask me and I make things wrong. I am sorry.” Your english was very, very bad and your pronunciation made it ten times work, but you made it work.
Before Megan could reply, you spoke again. “If you want one other student, I can leave. I do understand.” Megan shook her head and smiled. “You can stay, I understand that it’s not your fault. Those are idiots. From now on you’ll only talk to me, you’ll only follow my orders, you’ll work under my direct command so I can make you the movie director you want to be. Okay?” She said as she made her way towards you, putting a comforting hand on your shoulder. She also wrote that down and translated it to make sure you understood, she probably was the only one to make you feel at ease there. “So, are you making any friends? With the actors, I mean” she said, still talking slowly as the two of you walked out of the office. She wanted you to improve your English.
“No, I didn’t” you said and sighed, looking in front of you. “How come?” She asked. You looked at her in confusion, what did “how come mean?” She looked at you and laughed at your confused face, before apologizing. “I’m sorry. Why? Why did you not make any friends?” You smiled slightly. “Oooh so “how come” is also used to ask “why”?” You asked, and she nodded. “Your staff talked bad about me to the actresses. So they don’t talk to me” you shrugged and went on with your walk with her. From that day on Megan made it her mission to get the actresses to come talk to you.
You only did what Megan asked you, and slowly but surely, your work was amazing. She asked you for tips, she asked you what she could do better. At first you were scared to do so, but after a while when you had more confidence with her, your tips revealed themselves useful and she actually improved her work thanks to you. She let you check the screens, use effects, filters. She let you be an actual director, teaching you lots of stuff and you couldn’t be more grateful. But just recently, she has been trying to get you to work closer to the actresses… especially to the one playing Vada. Her name was Jenna, you learned. And according to Megan, you two could really get along.
The two of you hadn’t really talked yet because Jenna was of course too busy talking with her co-star, Maddie. But today, she had wanted to try some equipment on and understand how it worked, and Megan had given you the job to help her put it on. She stood still as you did your job and didn’t speak a word, knowing what she knew about you, she’d probably make fun of you, so you stayed quiet… but she was the one wanting to make conversation. “Hi” she said as you walked around her while setting up the equipment. “Hi” you replied back pretty quickly. This was the only thing you could understand pretty quickly. At some point Jenna had figured out you were around her age, and seeing people make fun of you because you barely knew English, wasn’t good. “You’re (Y/N), right?” She asked and looked at you and you nodded, avoiding her eyes.
“I’m sorry about what they say about you. Don’t listen to them, they’re idiots.” She said, speaking too fast for your likings. “I’m sorry, I don’t speak English very well.” You said, and she smiled slightly, before saying the same things, but slower. She was the first person after Megan who was willing to talk to you even if it meant taking hours just for a sentence. “They are idiots..” you spoke lowly, not wanting them to hear “you’re Jenna, right?” You asked just for confirmation. She nodded and shook your hand.
“It’s nice to finally talk to you, (Y/N)”
A/N: I’m sorry that there’s not many JennaXReader interactions in this first chapters, but I promise that there will be more in the next one. I really hope you’re gonna like this fic
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ronsenthal · 11 months
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Ron Speirs x Female!Reader
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Summary: After you helped Dick Winters and Lewis Nixon the word spread and soon enough this captain would come to your office too. 
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A/N: First of all, I would like to apologize, this is my first time writing something, I’m pretty nervous and english is not my first language, I’ll just try my best. I had this idea after listening to Blank Space (Taylor’s version) on repeat and also looking for some Speirs info and found out his ridiculously pretty handwriting???? and then I realized that he is so Taylor coded and this came to my mind.
so this one goes out to my fellow BoB lovers who are also Swifties!! Hope y’all enjoy it and if you could leave some feedback I would very much appreciate it.
If only you knew that taking typing classes would lead you to live this life from city to city, seeing horrors, tragedy and pain, feeling cold, hopeless and tired beyond anything you could imagine or explain you would have had second thoughts. But then again, every smile from your friends, every stupid joke they would tell just to lighten the mood, every cup of “coffee” you would share would make it more bearable. “Yes, it was worth it” you told yourself countless nights before falling asleep and dreaming of hope it would all end, if not soon, at some point. 
“Yes, it was worth it” you told yourself after one night that you had too many drinks with Nix, you wish you could tell the same about Dick, but he would never allow himself to do so, but he also enjoyed the night out with his friends. It was only natural that you would end up following those two, after all, with some luck you ended up being assigned to help out Dick with the mess he was making at his office duties. After some time and after figuring out how to understand the man it became really enjoyable. 
Those nights that they would tell their stories for you to organize it down in a report for your superiors were as fun as they could be, given the circumstances.
Nix wouldn’t even bother to try to write his reports once he discovered how fast you could type and how concise you would turn Dick’s endless essays into comprehensive, yet detailed reports, soon enough you were helping both of your COs, your friends.
“(Y/N) I believe you have this weird super power, are you sure you are human?” Nix said after half a bottle of Vat-69, raising his eyebrows as if he was looking at you with this invisible magnifying glass. 
Dick only shook his head in disbelief. Sometimes you thought that they looked like one of those old married couples, knowing each other's quirks and peeves and yet somehow, finding it all amusing. You wondered if you could find someone like this in this God forsaken world you were living. 
One day you found it, but thinking back it wasn't easy at first and as it took some time to even lower your guard on your own brain, and allow yourself to think about it, about HIM. 
Ronald Speirs had quite a reputation, everybody knew the rumors, every man saw the things he so recklessly did on the field. His men were as afraid as the enemy, so it took you by surprise when after Foy he also started to hang out with you, Dick and Nix. The first time there was silence on the table after he arrived, you didn’t even had the chance to introduce yourself politely as Dick started out his endless questions about how the Easy men were doing, and then Nix introduced some drinks, yet you two never exchanged one word to each other before that day.
After a while his presence started to make you feel a little bit comfortable, especially after Dick assured you that he was a good man, a good leader and being a big brother figure, he wouldn’t let Speirs offer you a cigarette. Since then you could catch a glimpse at how his eyes shone even in the dark, how he looked tired after an operation. He wasn’t scary anymore, he was just another officer that from time to time would hang out with your friends.
After some time you started to get used to his presence around chasing Dick and Nix up and down, something you did yourself as they were like big brothers to you, protecting, giving their piece of advice and taking care of you. Soon enough you started to feel more comfortable around Speirs too, once you even called him Ronald after a couple of drinks.
Then one afternoon it took you by surprise when he knocked at your office, looking tired as hell with a pile of files on one hand, a pair of boots in the other one and a half burnt cigarette hanging on his lips.
“Sorry to disturb you (Y/L/N), but Nixon said you could help me out with this paperwork? I’ll be in real trouble if I don’t turn them in this evening. Also, he said you could use this one” Speirs told you while putting a tiny pair of combat boots on your desk and taking of his cap, not even giving you time to reply, not even looking at you.
“What in the name of god are you thinking? What the hell is Lewis thinking? You guys think I don’t have anything better to do, I have enough work to do, just look at this endless pile of work, so no, thank you, good luck” you said throwing your arms in exasperation, complaining and pointing out the huge paper files on your desk.
He stared at you in horror as if you were one of those german panzers, he opened and closed his mouth, trying to find the words but he couldn’t. You felt a twist in your stomach, looking at him you could see he was embarrassed, you never saw him so vulnerable and tired, this man could use some proper sleep. As he was turning on his heels to leave while muttering sorry a thousand times, guilt took the best of you.
“Wait” you said, closing your eyes knowing right after the word left your mouth how stupid it would be, after all you could use some sleep too, you deserved it. He slowly turned to face you.
“I’ll do it, but you better help me out and you are not allowed to smoke while we do that, I hate the smell”
You could swear you saw an amused smile on his face when he threw his last pack of Luckys on your desk. Soon enough you prepared your typewriter checking if you had enough ribbon and paper for your work, finally you sat down and stared at the man in front of you, it took him a few seconds to realize you were ready to start. 
At some point he took his jacket off and slowly put it on the chair he was sitting on, took of his tie and rolled up his sleeves, you tried not to stare at the man in front of you. If he caught you looking up and down he never said a word. It was not the first time you stared at this much feared man, truth be told you caught yourself staring at him more than once. Nix being the observant little bitch he was had this creepy little smile when he caught you one night looking at the Easy captain. You muttered something like “I’m gonna kill you” and prayed to god that he could send the biggest crate of whisky he could find so Lewis would get so drunk he would forget it.
You cleaned your throat, took a deep breath and asked for a small pause to take a glass of water. The man nodded and took a few steps to the little window and watched the landscape outside until you said you were finally ready again. “Back to work” you said to yourself.
When you two finished the sun was no longer up, just in time for him to turn on the report. While working on he would tap his fingers on your desk and look nervously at the watch on his wrist, but he never complained or tried to hurry you up. He quickly looked at the papers you cautiously handed him and shook his head, approving the final result.
“So that’s it?” he asked you, his voice soft and quiet.
“Yes that’s it, just write your name over here and we’re done” you said pointing at the blank space you left over his name at the end of the paper. 
He asked if you could borrow a pen for him to use and said a few “thanks” while signing the paper before leaving your office and storming out in the direction of the HQ, he never returned your pen but you didn’t even mind.
Then after composing yourself by stretching your back and taking a sip of your already cold coffee you decided to head down to the closest pub you could find, but firstly you changed your boots. Nix was right as you could use some new ones, but since you were so small compared to the rest of the guys it was nearly impossible to find some fitting boots, yet Speirs somehow got his hand in a pair just of the right size.
When you finally arrived at the bar your eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the lighting of the room, you then scanned the tables looking for Nix and Dick. When you recognized the friendly faces you started to move towards them, but then you felt a tap on your shoulders and turned to see who it was. 
“Hey excuse me Y/L/N, Captain Speirs asked me to hand you this” It was Lieutenant Lipton holding an envelope in his hand, like it was a classified piece of information that could change the war. This man took his duties very seriously, you thought to yourself as you took the envelope and put it in your pocket.
“Thank you Lieutenant” you said smiling at the officer in front of you, who smiled back and took his leave joining his men at the other table. 
You then walked to the barman and asked for a beer, when you were reaching into your pocket to find some money to pay the man he shook his head and his hands as if trying to say no, he paused a few seconds trying to remember the words in your language and explained the best way he could that someone had taken care of it, offered you some food, the most glorious, golden fried potatoes you’ve ever saw in your life.
As you walked down to the table holding your plate the Easy men stared at you as if you were a goddess walking on water or something, then started to shout at the barman asking for the same food. Dick and Nix exchanged a funny look between each other and Nix tried to take some of your fries before you slapped his hand. 
When you tried the first one you closed your eyes, it hit you like a full speed train crashing into a wall, so many emotions one after another, after months of terrible stinky food there was this little piece of heaven. You took a big gulp of the beer in front of you, and then someone put another pint in front of you, and then another one, and another one. You could swear it was the best feeling in quite some time, the men shouting and laughing all around you telling tales and jokes about Toccoa Camp, Sobel or Dike or some officer they hated, Nixon pestering Dick about something, all the stuff, all at once you almost forgot the place you were, what you were fighting for. 
Then you remembered the note that Speirs left you and you suddenly felt a rush that almost made you fall off your chair. You don’t know if it was the fourth (or fifth?) beer you had but you felt your hands trembling as you opened the envelope. Inside there was this carefully folded paper, you stared at it for some time before gathering the courage to open it, just to find this beautiful handwriting, you didn’t expect to come from the toughest son of a bitch in the entire army. 
“Dearest (Y/N),
Thank you so much for your help today. I will never forget it and I will find a way to repay you somehow. One night you said that as a kid you used to eat french fries when you were feeling down, so I took the liberty to ask Matthijs the barman to do something special for you. 
I hope it brings you a piece of home! Enjoy whatever you want, he is going to put on my account and don’t even try to argue with him or me about it”
Sincerely yours.
Capt. Ronald Speirs.
“P.S: I have some more paperwork due to the next week, I hope you don’t mind”
You smiled to yourself as you read it again and again, every time your heart would jump when you stopped at the YOU, your name written, your brain froze right there as if it could take a picture just by staring. You didn’t mind that he would eventually bring more work, because somehow he managed to do so, he brought you home. 
You were tired, drunk and your head was spinning a little but if someone ever asked you then yes: it was worth it.
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chiomaus · 3 months
heute ist es ein Jahr her, dass ich angefangen habe, Deutsch zu lernen
ich schreibe nicht den ganzen Beitrag auf Deutsch :p weil ich zu viel zu sagen habe
why did i start learning german? well, there was a german guy i was extremely fond of. so it just made sense to me to start learning the language. hearing someone you really like speak their language to you has a funny way of making you fall in love with a language. well 6 months later we broke up and i was left feeling very lost and lonely. i don't really talk about it much but it had a big effect on me.
but in that time i got to learn a lot about german language and culture. i spent a week in dortmund and visited the weihnachtsmarkt. i got really really into kraftwerk. i realised i didnt want to give up german. i guess part of it was trying to cling naively to something good from the break-up, but the other part was "german language is cool as hell."
am i where i hoped to be a year later? part of me thinks if i was more dedicated i could be soooo much better than i am. going to cologne on my own made me realise my listening comprehension is dogshit.
but on the other hand, my reading and writing is pretty good. my vocabulary is decent. i have a good memory for grammatical gender. i think my accent is pretty great. and maybe i'm not spending three hours every day studying diligently, but i have a daily study plan, i'm driven, and, most importantly, i'm having fun.
i think sometimes i forget that there is no omnipotent force judging me for learning for 1 year and not knowing X or Y. did i struggle a bit in cologne? yes. did i also get by just fine? yes. and very few people switched to english with me which i can only take as an endorsement.
it's very easy to be self-critical and to pick out the things you struggle with and take it as some kind of moral failing. at least if you have brain disease like i do. it's difficult to look back on where you started and appreciate your progress because you have no way to measure yourself. i guess now i will be able to measure my progress by whether my listening comprehension is any better next time i visit germany! (i am hopefully going to berlin in november with my cool friends)
what are my goals for the next year?
work on my listening comprehension with podcasts, tv and films (i should have started this sooner – futurama is really fun in german)
write more (i started a blog and have been doing some language exchange stuff). i'm still relying a LOT on dictionaries and grammar checkers, but i know these things take practice.
maybe think about finding a tutor. honestly i think this might be the way to go because i am bigly lacking in confidence (story of my life). there's also the option of doing a goethe course but 1) spenny 2) intense 3) my ability levels are all over the place.
try and make some german friends. this is hard enough in english tbh so i'm not counting on this.
get to a strong B1 or maybe even B2. the material i'm studying right now is B2 but i don't think any of my skills are that level. reading is probably B1, maybe writing, but speaking is probably not and listening is definitely not.
related: finish up learning A1-A2 flashcards (i am about about 2/3rds of the way through) and move onto B1. i haven't found a good B2 deck yet so i might have to construct my own from the goethe word lists.
get my head around prepositions and adjective endings (i will excuse a lot of the complexities of german grammar but i don't understand why adjective endings should be different depending on whether the article is definite, indefinite or null). these are definitely getting easier and i think will come naturally with more speaking/writing, but i have a few ways to specifically practice these areas too.
definitely visit germany on my own again (unless by some miracle i am in a relationship by then). i have a few places on my list but i will gladly take recommendations. i'm also tempted to go back to cologne because there's a lot i didn't have time to do, plus it's very convenient being so close to the ruhr valley (i don't drive so easy/fast transport links are helpful. i don't mind contending with the german train network).
ok das war's. danke fürs Lesen :)
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prisanton · 2 months
The predetermined ending of my longest OC world storyline.
This is an excerpt from an EXTREMELY long and tedious and complicated original story, so maybe only me can understand these lines X-P
Plus, I’m not a native English speaker so the translation could make the comprehension even more difficult (clearly i should say impossible if im humble enough). Considering those, I will treat this blog as a ramble written for myself.
So if anyone even tries to read this shit I wish you a pleasant reading experience. Hope you find it interesting.
Specific Words:
* Positive Pole: in this OCverse, world is polar, which consists of the semi world of Positive Pole and the Negative counterpart.
* History : is visualized into a river.
* Pavilion: the place (in the History Dimension of Positive Pole) that held Positive divines. Plus, History Dimension is free from any physical property. It only exsists in concepts.
* Wings : a formal dress made by angles for the Truth (the leader of Positive deities).
* “Divines Cannot Wade” : it is because not a single divine here can withstand the test of history.
* The waterfall from sky: is due to a History leakage into the physical world.
Unbelieved, chaos surged in her heart, but Vacancy had no time to lag. She shouted to gather survived compatriots around her, gritting her teeth and running wildly along faintly visible steps towards the high skyline where the enormous water curtain hung down. She only hoped that, perhaps, Aek was still trapped in the Positive Pole, and a short period of prayer could not confirm him of her position. She could only stake her all on this!
The stairs leading to the boundary were endless, and at the end of the last few steps, Vacancy could only rely on the strength of her arms to flip herself up from the edge of the sky. Lying on the ground, panting, exhaustion paralysed her for a moment. By the time strength returned to her feet, she was embraced by a marvelous void – the heart of a world.
Whatsoever, she didn’t even get the opportunity to marvel at this strange sight that she dared not imagine before. On the other side of the river seemingly not far away, Aek, neatly dressed in Wings and hair held up, stood there, smiling gently, sinking her last glimmer of hope to the bottom.
“What - w - why were you able to find this place - ? ”
“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, child. ”
This sentence finally shattered Vacancy’s psychological defense line. He knew. he had known everything, all the time. But She knew nothing. Tricked by him. Until nothing was left!
“I don't believe it! ”
Vacancy let out a roar, waved back, and led her remaining people to charge forward crazily. Divines cannot wade, she had already figured it out! As long as she did not admit defeat, there might still be a turning point breaking his plot –
Vacancy stopped incredulously, and looked towards the source of sound. Aek, still wearing that smile on his face, stepped unhesitingly into the River of History with one leg. Skin there immediately began to sizzle and evaporate, revealing the bony interior and flowing, bloodless tissue underneath. While Vacancy stopped in her track, he did not. The other leg followed into water, step by step, agitating the calm surface, he walked towards the deepest central of History.
“Aekaelia!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING – ”
The merciful deity did not answer. He paced forward, smiling pleasingly, reached down and oared out an arc of water. Upon the touch of it, his arm disappeared instantaneously. Soul, rumored to have a mass of 23 grams. It is, however, unknown whether or not the brightest soul in the world can withstand a 23-second finale.
Joining of physical properties to the History Dimension made the distance in between them, that should have been reached in one stride, appeared incredibly long. Desperately, Vacancy dashed towards History, but even the eternal, unchanged smile of the god too began to melt. The colors on his body blended, rendered, and pervaded out against colorless surrondings, painting a dazzling neon. Vacancy fell crashing to the ground, instantly losing all the power that kept her running all along. She watched lying on her stomach, agape and tongue-tied, unable to get up staring at the scene of surreal and miraculous beauty. She felt the smell of vomit upwell behind her tongue. She didn’t know she was howling. She didn’t know whether the bitterly salty taste in her mouth was tears, snot, or her life.
“AEKAELIA – !! ”
– Irresistably Vacancy felt her rage and sorrow seeping through her fingers, which had been everything that supported her progress, and further, her very existence. Indescribable scream escaping her mouth like a cornered beast’s shrill, she buried her face and tears in the soil. And yeah, this was precisely what the cruelty of mercy looks. Violence provokes resistance. At least makes you die like a warrior; while mercy dilutes your fury, erasing all your past, its soft fingertips extinguishing the flame of revolt;
“Pavilion has no gods, ”
– Vita’s voice was the first to slip away from the memories she had been clutching so tight, followed by her face, her life, and that tiny hand she used to held onto her hem. Everything was fading. Grief got her, the giant palm of it clenching her body into an ugly crumpled nonsense, suffering gushed out from her mouth;
“Aekaelia – you’re so cruel, so CRUEL – ”
– But soon, she came to unknow why she was grieving; Then, the immense squeezing force evaporated, and she felt a sense of absolute relief in her heart;
“I am too a life. ”
– Everything felt light and airy. She felt tired, so she allowed herself to fell asleep in a prone position. Her face pressed tightly against the earth.
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rigelmejo · 2 years
12/14/2022 Study Update
Hi all! 
I tried to update about a week ago and tumblr ate my whole post. So I’ll be trying again.
Basic study plan updates:
With Japanese, I am switching focus to something that’s always reliably worked for me: Nukemarine’s Let’s Learn Japanese Memrise courses 1-12. Unlike prior attempts, I’m not doing a review of the 4 sections I’ve already done. I’m focusing on inreasing vocabulary and grammar, I am to get to section 6 or 7 in a month. I’m currently in section 4-5. I’m prioritizing studying new words, with the plan to  do most of my reviews once done cramming. This strategy has always worked for me with SRS in the past. I noticed memrise added 5 second ads which is annoying as all fuck, they never had such a sucky feature for free users before. However, Memrise is still probably the SRS I’m best at cramming though - probably because seeing the circles of ‘20 new things learned’ fill in every time I study for 10 minutes is very motivating to me. It’s motivating to see I’m 10% 20% 30% finished and gets me to study another 10 minutes etc. Clozemaster is the second most motivating for me, but it shows % complete out of like 10,000 items so the percent raises in such small amounts it does not motivate me as much. Nukemarine’s LLJ Memrise courses are what got me to reading manga/playing video games, I think some dedicated focus could get me another significant leap in comprehension. LLJ includes Tae Kim’s Grammar Guide so even if I avoid reading a grammar guide because I get bored I can still cover grammar, covers kanji, covers vocabulary, and covers example sentences. In addition, I’m still doing a personal challenge of trying to listen to as much Glossika Japanese as I can - I really want to see what language level it gets a person to. Glossika claims it gets a person to B2, I am guessing though for japanese I’ll be lucky if it gets a person to N3 (N3 would still be more solidly intermediate than I currently am though, I think I’m at N4? But very skewed because I cannot pass an N5 practice test with all the hiragana-only words but I can play a video game.... the mlcjapanese kanji check test puts me at 650-690 kanji known, N4-almost N3 which needs 700 kanji... I put myself in N4 since I can’t pronounce a lot of kanji words that I can understand when reading). Also, Glossika Japanese in general has been helping improve my listening-knowledge of vocabulary, which is currently weaker than my reading skills. So it’s helping round out my knowledge.
Outside of Nukemarine LLJ Memrise Courses and Glossika Japanese, I’m brute force watching a few lets plays right now, playing Final Fantasy X in japanese, reading Ranma 1/2 and a couple other manga with bilingualmanga to click the translation when needed (reading very slow though), and contemplating watching anime in japanese again (maybe with subs to help pick up words?). I’m also considering using Satori Reader but I don’t love that it’s paid for most of the content. I’m very tempted to just keep playing japanese video games and watching the lets plays, because at my level its quite easy to coast and follow along. But I fear I’m not picking up many new words since I can just follow along by watching/playing. I want to improve, not stay at the same level. I will say, playing japanese video games NOW is significantly easier than this summer when I played a few hours of Yakuza Ishin and felt fried (but able to do it). Now I’m feeling like I can just relax and play. I think a brand new video game would fry my brain more trying to understand the directions, but replaying a game I know from english is not difficult anymore. Final Fantasy X feels relaxing to play, relaxing enough I think I could maybe do Nier Automata in japanese too. Again... my fear is Because It Feels Relaxing (not brain frying) I’m not picking up enough new words. I hope I’m learning some new words, but I can’t tell if I am.
Summary: Continuing to progress through Nukemarine LLJ Memrise, Glossika Japanese (optional), video games/lets plays in Japanese (optional).
For Chinese: Continuing to read 镇魂 on paper extensively, 撒野 on phone extensively (with some word lookup if I want). Optionally, I have a lot of audiobooks and dramas I want to check out and have bookmarked, but I want to keep focusing on reading overall. 
My reading is frustrating in that YAY it’s improving, but it’s also painfully obvious where I still fall short when I try to read a new novel (I tried reading ErYa’s stuff - the writer of SCI - and couldn’t tell the intro paragraph was describing a city and test in a period china setting until I looked up 5 words, despite SaYe now feeling as easy as TuTuDaWang for me, so setting and author familiarity is GREATLY affecting if I can handle reading something extensively without it feeling frustrating). Zhenhun is officially 95% actually comprehensible to me, I counted and measured lol. I’ve been highlighting unknown words and it’s really 5% or less of each page. I also think its fun seeing me highlight a word when I read, then figure out the word’s meaning a few sentences or paragraph’s later. I think when I totally extensively read, as in NO dictionary translation aid available, it makes me work harder to comprehend and I often figure out what would seem ‘so difficult I’d give up in frustration’ if I had a dictionary-translation to rely on. I can run into 5 unknown words and if I’m truly extensively reading without aids, I usually figure it out. If I’m relying on a dictionary I often give up trying to figure out meaning very quickly, which makes comprehending overall feel harder. I noticed this as early on as Xiao Wang Zi the first time I extensively read a print book - looking back it was WAY hard for me lol! But when I read it with no aids, I managed to read it and follow the plot! Now, my reading is much better than when I read it first, and I can tell just how much I didn’t know when I initially read it. And yet I still managed to follow the story that first time! For me it seems good to do a balance of some extensive reading with no aids, and some dictionary lookup reading.
With chinese versus japanese comprehension levels! So... lol when reading manga, it becomes BLATANTLY obvious my chinese is far beyond my japanese. Chinese comics are easy as pie now, japanese manga still make me feel I’m desperately making sense of a puzzle to grasp the main overall plot on a page. Reading novels that’s even more true: chinese novels are doable, japanese graded readers make me feel drained after a few sentences of intensely trying to grasp the meaning. I can read about 1-3 paragraphs of japanese WITH translations before I burn out, I can read hours of chinese webnovels with no dictionary and feel okay. I genuinely think the *chinese reading skill* is artificially boosting my kanji reading comprehension, which is ultimately why video games and lets plays in japanese FEEL ‘easier’ than other japanese activities right now - its more simple conversational grammar and common words, then ALSO its a lot of kanji which i can 80% of the time roughly guess the meaning of from the scene context and my chinese hanzi knowledge. 
Goals ultimately:
I’d like to read 500k chinese characters by the end of 2022. I read 400K so this should only really be like 20 chapters of something to manage it.
I’d like to get through enough japanese study material to start picking up new words through INPUT like watching shows and playing games, because that will make future language progress much easier to work in with my normal hobbies. So like I said, get through Nukemarine LLJ to the end of section 6 or 7.
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Superstitions and Curses
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Pairing: mummy!Bucky Barnes x archaeologist!Reader
Warnings: slight dubcon, obsessive and soft!dark!Bucky, mentions of torture and being buried alive.
Words: 2163.
Summary: It wasn't your first expedition, but pretty much the first time when you had helped to bring an ancient being back from the dead.
P.S. Huge thanks to dear @navegandoaciegas who helped me get inspired again <3
"Please, let me in."
You clenched the amulet in your hands, nervously staring at the door of a hotel room and hoping he wouldn't enter. Despite the fact that you were an archeologist, a woman who believed in nothing but science, you were ready to pray to all the gods if it would help to keep this creature away.
"I mean no harm to you." His husky, dangerously low voice made you lick your lips as you thought of all the things he whispered in your ear the other night. "Didn't you like the way I treat you, love?"
"It was a spell you put on me!" You furrowed your brows, making a step away from the door and bumping into a nightstand with a loud thud - the bottle of water in top of it fell down to the floor.
"A spell?" The man behind the door chuckled, and you could hear him breathing out loudly as he peered through the crack in the door, his hands pressed against the dark wood. "You know I haven't done anything of this kind. What you felt was the chemistry between us, don't deny it."
It was true. That night when all you wanted was to forget the events of the last couple of days, forget all about the whole reason why you came to this ancient country, you rushed to a bar to get drunk like a fish, hoping the next morning once you'd wake up, it would all be a bad dream and nothing more. That's where you met him, the man who you had seen laying in his grave just a couple of hours before. Of course, you didn't know it was him - he looked like any other man, enough flesh on his bones not to cause any suspicion.
Oh, but it was him. He had followed you in that bar, pretending to be a stranger eager to know you; fooling you, he soon slipped into your room where he made love to you, completely drunk and fallen under his charms. How stupid you were, trusting a complete stranger after what had happened that day.
It was several hours after when you woke up in the night, and the moonlight coming from the window lit the room a little: as you stared at the man sleeping soundly next to you, you saw the ancient symbols on his chest.
The next minute you were out of your room, hoping he wouldn't wake up in the next hour. It would give you enough time to reach the railway station.
Why was he following you? You could understand his reasons since you had pretty much broken his tomb and opened his grave, but why on Earth did he sleep with you? Why didn't he kill you? Was it some kind of a ritual? Despite the fact that you were specializing on local customs and traditions, you have never heard of anything of that kind.
"You can't get rid of me." He murmured behind the door, and you sensed something wicked, resentful in his voice.
"Why can't I? What do you want from me?" You asked on the verge of tears, your arms trembling - you very much doubted the amulet you were holding was of any use to you.
"Shhhh." He cooed softly, feeling you fear and somewhat content with it. "I promise I won't hurt you. Let me in, love. Let me in."
For a couple of seconds you froze, listening to the man breathing softly behind the door. Strangely, you could almost hear his heart beating in his chest as if he really were human, not a rotten corpse you saw in the coffin a couple of days ago. The night you spent together you felt like he was the most tender and affectionate man you had ever met. Why did he do it? What was his purpose? Why were you opening the door for him when he ordered you to do it with that hypnotic voice of his?
You realized he had entered your room once he touched your cheek with his hand, rough fingers brushing against your wet skin. Oh, apparently, you were crying.
"I know it is beyond your comprehension, but please trust me, My Immortal Beloved." He made a step forward as you shriveled and slinked back, staring at his perfectly blue eyes adorned with black kohl. "Do not be scared. Even though it seems horrifyingly wrong to you, things are exactly as they were meant to be."
Despite the fact you had a thousand questions inside your head, the words were stuck in your throat. You couldn't even scream, asking for help. Besides, it would be pretty worthless, wouldn't it? No one could protect you from someone who rose from the dead.
"You were meant to open my tomb and set me free. You were meant to resurrect my body and let my soul return to it."
When you reached the wall, your back pressed to it as if you wanted to slip through the stone, the man had inched closer to you and lowered his hand on your chest, the other one right in front of your face as he moved his hand, drawing a circle in the air with his palm. I see you. You are important to me, a sign of both trust and affection - you had seen it so many times on ancient drawings it was imprinted on your brain.
What? Why was he doing it? Why it was you who set him free? You were just one of a whole team of archaeologists and wage earners. You did nothing special, nothing that differentiated you from others - you weren't the one who physically opened it nor did you read any ancient spells locals were so superstitious about. You were as much in shock as all others when the mummy had suddenly disappeared from the tomb.
At first, even though most of you were people of science, all of you thought of ancient curses and all those archaeologists who had supposedly died from it. Then, when you came to your senses, you thought of the thieves who might had taken the mummy. But then again, although it were the remains of someone very, very important, no treasures were buried with him - apparently, this person had done something terrible when he was alive, especially remembering the curses written on the walls. So why steal just the corpse, then? Without decent care, the bones would crack within minutes of carrying them. Why would thieves want the mummy?
"I want to come back home." You whispered, shivering and averting your eyes.
"I will bring you whenever you want once you swear loyalty to me, love."
You blinked as you stared at his tanned face, symbols painted with gold shining on his temples. It was getting more and more insane with every passing minute.
"Why would I swear loyalty to you?"
"Because I am your Sun, Moon and the Stars in between."
The silence felt heavy, suffocating as you kept looking at the man, not knowing what to say. He was right - you didn't understand a thing. You didn't even know who he was and why you swearing loyalty to him seemed so important so this stranger. The only thing you knew for sure was that he was dangerous, far more dangerous than any other human being - you felt it in your bones.
"Before I d-do that, may I know your name?" You wanted to add something like "Your Majesty", but you had no idea what kind of title the man once had - that is, if he had any at all.
He chuckled, "It would be hard for you to pronounce. But you can call me James, it is the closest you can get."
A part of you was offended - for heaven's sake, you were specializing on this exact area and surely knew how to pronounce ancient names - but the other part of you now wondered how come this being knew a real English name and could actually speak modern language. Surely, he was at least a thousand years old. How come?..
"Why were you buried so disrespectfully?" You started questioning him out loud, furrowing your brows. "This is not my first expedition, but I have never seen a tomb like yours before. No treasures, no name, nothing that could identify you at all."
"The Witch-king, that's how they called me." His handsome face darkened, and the man took a step away, turning his back to you. "The one who had surpassed his high priest and could read the Book of the Dead. Once my chancellors learnt about me practicing the magic of the ancient, they made my priests spread the word to my people, and I have been overthrown. They have tortured me, blinded me, cut off my limbs, and then sealed me away in the tomb when I was still alive. Because of their fear of me and my powers, they condemned me to the worst of fates, and broke the line of kings."
As he kept speaking, his dark long robe fell down to the floor, opening his half-naked tan body to you: you saw two deep scars on his shoulders that still looked raw, horrifying you - the man was telling you the truth. He had been dismembered.
"They have cursed me to stay neither truly dead nor alive till one day somebody would open my tomb and set me free. They have kept the location of my grave a secret, thinking no one would ever discover it in the sand, but they all were wrong. I will suffer no more in that place where not a single ray of light had shone over two thousands of years."
Your head was spinning from all this, and you quietly slid to the floor, your hands in your hair as you tugged on the roots in frustration and fear. For the love of God, was it all true? Did you help resurrect the ancient being that could use some scary black magic and probably kill lots of innocent people? Did he want to drag you along with him once you swear loyalty to him? If you didn't, would he actually murder you?
"But this is of no importance now." The man turned back to you and, suddenly seeing you on the floor, hurried to gently pick you up and place you on a spacious bed, watching you with worry. "I am sorry for I have frightened you, love. I swear this was not my intention."
You had troubles understanding what his intention was, but you kept silent, too scaried to say something to him. You had a dozen thoughts what a creature like him would want to do to people for all his suffering.
You should have left that damn tomb alone when your team found twice more death traps than in any other grave. You read the curses left on the walls, but they only fueled your interest. Of course, you had never been superstitious in your entire life, so you simply disregarded all the signs that now seemed so clear you were ready to slap yourself.
"Why am I important?" You asked in a shaky voice, your eyes trailing down his chest with ancient symbols tattooed on it. "Why spending a night with me? I am just a woman. I have opened the tomb, but I was one of many."
"No, you are special. You won't understand now, not yet, but think of it as your destiny. Your fate is bound to mine."
As he inched closer to you, you finally realized you were almost in bed with a half-naked handsome man resurrected from the dead. Immediately crawling back, your stared at him wide-eyed. No, no, no, whoever he was and whatever he thought your fate was, you didn't want him in your bed the second time! Well, almost. Maybe you wanted a little bit. Just a little.
"S-so, are you going to destroy the country and claim your kingdom again?"
Your words made him laugh as he bared his perfectly white teeth while touching the side of your face.
"Two thousand years were enough to change my priorities. Ruling the world of humans who know nothing of magic isn't interesting to me anymore."
"I see. That's a relief." You murmured, still very uncomfortable with him being so close to you. "Please, can I just leave? There are millions of women, I'm sure you'll find someone more attractive to be your... your concubine."
"Concubine? I did not have a concubine, and neither did my ancestors." The man tilted his head to the side, looking at you surprised as you were ready to bite yourself for your own stupidity: of course, the rulers of these lands only started having concubines in the fourth dynasty and onwards, James was definitely either from the first or second one. "I can't let you leave, love. You will have to come with me."
Part 2
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin @abyssaint @heeeyitskay @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @soleil-dor @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @iheartsebastianstan @ninefuckingoneone
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7th Dimension (Chapter 5.1)
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7TH DIMENSION WATTPAD LINK (I'm always one chapter ahead in this website)
Characters: Gojo Satoru x Small!Naive!Fem!Foreign!Reader | THIS IS A MULTI-CHAPTER FIC. THIS IS AN X READER FANFIC WHO HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO THE DIMENSION OF JUJUTSU KAISEN | (Trust me, you'll live. I hope?)
Summary: Gojo had finally brought you back to your country which has been entirely different from the start. Your theories has been a futile mess because it felt like you've never existed on their world at all. You truly were, indeed---non-existent after all the obvious evidences that their world has slapped you in the face with.
Warnings: Gojo Satoru. (I mean, he's a warning right? LMAO.) Cuss words. The word 'dicks', dildos and carnal tools---this is not a smut chapter ISTG 😭🤣 It's meant for...Ah, y'all will understand me once you read this chapter. 🤣 Brief mention of Star Plasma Vessel and Suguru Geto's name. I was laughing when I was writing this from the start then kicking a foot over my laptop and prolly staring out of nowhere because it came out quite...saddening in the end. Satoru has no idea over your native language whenever you speak of it. I've made it that way because I *cough* plan to use it for smut chapter purposes which is why...his dialogue or short perspective had been quite...suggestive. *coughs* If you squint hard enough. (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
Tell me if you want to be tagged whenever I publish chapters for 7th Dimension! Send an ask or message me!
A/N: Sometimes, I question why I intentionally bring myself into these kind of pain...LMAO. Also, this chapter is a mess of laughter and tears. Also, I kind of want to give Nanami a break---he just wants to rest yo and he's still tagging along---LMAO This has been one of my fave chapters written so far heehee
Words: 6.3k+ (Kinda long chapter? Heehee)
Disclaimer: PNG's or pictures used in edits are not mine even the GIF's too. I only own the plot of this whole fanfic. But, not Jujutsu Kaisen's storyline and the characters themselves. I apologize for the typos or grammatical errors by the way! English isn't my first language so I'm so sorry in advance! Character development and personalities are based from my understanding and how I want them to be.
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EVERYONE SUPPRESSED THEIR OWN OPINIONS. Well, for the most part, Satoru wasn't.
It was certainly a balmy afternoon when you've arrived at your shop with them around. You were downright confident---as sanguine as Gojo ever was. The latter was huffing to himself, expressing his tee-hee's with every step, every determined thump of your footing along the pavements of your hometown. His chuckles here and there were received as a derision to prove how you were wrong all this time. Thus, even his posture, how he had his hands inside his pockets while grinning from ear to ear kept your heart keyed up to the anticipation building up, spiking your adrenaline and veins into your self-reliance.
The sound of cars honking from afar reverberated and claimed to be the music to everyone's ears. How hushed have you and Nanami been---how you have been. Gobsmacked. It felt like you've taken one large dive from the tallest building and falling face front upon the waters which felt like bricks hitting your face. Metaphorically speaking, it was that kind of inarticulation that your mind couldn't process because of shame being your number one enemy in this one.
You just couldn't believe nor can admit your defeat against Gojo Satoru. No. You just couldn't accept that you were feeding spoonful upon spoonful onto his growing ego.
One large placard hung with vivid, roseate and cerise neon blinding lights that sparkled under the sunbeams. Flamboyant to be noticed by people who were to pass by it considering what was being sold inside the shop. It's back ground was pitch black, accompanying a comprehensive font that were printed in bold letters that would catch the eyes of passer-bys.
You've tightly held your tongue---biting it even because of how you felt deplorable for your temporary credence upon entrusting this moment that you were entirely right all this time.
"You own a..." Gojo started out for everyone, spurning you into tightly closing your eyes, wanting to just disappear like a bubble and Nanami's silence wasn't helping the shame gathering upon your face, feeling the heat simmer like you were being cooked in an oven.
Without even letting him finish his train of thoughts, you've beat Satoru to it and loudly exclaimed in a huff, "I OWN A PASTRY SHOP! A DESSERT STORE OR WHATEVER!"
"---Pleasure Shop."
You can hear Satoru chuckling alongside as he'd observed the scandalous shop that stood before everyone, he was already patting himself on the back for being right. You just know and you were tempted to make him bald and also pat his floofy hair at the same time.
How infuriating and complex has your mind turned into?
"NO!" You squawked with tightly furrowed brows and clenched fists, seeming to be in a battle within yourself as this exclamation sounded like a call out for what you were actually feeling as of the moment. Utterly in a complicated state of ignominy and captivation for Satoru's existence in your life.
There was technically no in between ever since you've gotten involved with him and this was just the start of it.
Would you even get to survive in this state?
"Care to invite us in your...shop, Tiny-Chan?" Satoru dragged you out of your pondering, taking the mickey out of you for the fallacious claim that you were bound to be welcomed by your own Pastry shop called Chomp for Sweets.
You had no idea nor couldn't accept the fact that in their world, your supposed to be shop had it's own resemblance of a name that entirely had an absolute difference to the particular business that you had.
Their dimension was meant to give you revelations that was difficult to discern and comprehend.
You've felt your fists tightened further on your sides as you intently distinguished what the shop looked like. The shop being in a thoroughgoing perusal of your dubiety. Out of all businesses that were to built the red carpet for you, it just had to be filled with erotic apparatuses. Carnal tools that has raised the temperature of your body---going straight to your face with no doubt upon seeing diverse sets of Dildos displayed upon standees and layered cabinets on the sides as the sun shown lustrously, passing through the transparent windows that hindered between everyone. These prurient paraphernalia even had different shades, partnered with whips and chains that kept you voiceless in the midst of processing everything at hand.
Thus, the latter found this absolutely worth to be mentioned that he had cross his arms over his chest, raising his thumb over his chin as he was feigning as if he was engrossed at how engaging the shop's name was. Satoru was just pretending, you knew damn right he was because his intonation was filled with utter sarcasm, "Clump for Dicks. Huh. Interesting name." he nodded to himself, blinking behind his blindfolds and withholding the grin on his face as he delivered his sentence like a Jujutsu Sorcerer who had found and realized something clever through his abilities.
"IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE CHOMP FOR SWEETS NOT CLUMP FOR DICKS!" you vociferated with a huff, going through a grumbling fit over how it happened because you've best believed that you still lived in the earth that you have lived in for years end.
Gojo Satoru expressed his unadulterated guffaws, boisterous enough for Nanami to take heed as he gave him the side-eye through his own sunglasses, features continuously apathetic. The strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer convulsed with laughter that made you want to just melt and vanish into thin air by the amount of belly laugh you were hearing from Satoru.
If he was blind then you wouldn't have been ridiculed this way, that small voice in your head thought behind your back. He should've been blind instead.
But, was he not? Really a blind person? It was pretty much better that he was.
His giggles gradually died down for a minute or two, unruffled by your vanquishment as Satoru entirely added it to his balloon of attainments. He'd eventually registered what you've said and how you'd do well with those domestic skills you had.
"Wait, did I hear you right? a pastry shop or dessert store? you know how to bake sweets and pastries?" Gojo genuinely gave a smile, turning his head to take a glimpse over your face which shielded their way, your hair being intentionally covered to save yourself from the embarrassment further. You hadn't seen how Satoru's face lit up at the realization to that, currently missing the opportunity that he was giving you a warm smile.
"---Oh, don't get started with breads. Nanamin here is practically loving the idea of it too!" he pointed at Nanami with a finger.
"I'm not." The 7:3 sorcerer quickly caviled at his admission, halfhearted including himself in the conversation.
"Sweets. Hehehe." You heard Gojo murmured next to you, making you snap his head at him, actually lifting a chin to fixate your perspective upon seeing how he was currently looking like and it has given you a frown because he appeared to be like he was still in a teasing fit.
"Why are you grinning like that?"
"You're not entirely useless, then." He grinned ever so widely, his pearly whites scintillating under the sunshine.
You weren't going to lie, his grin caught you off-guard at that. The way that you felt how your own ambience changed in a snap from how heartening his grins were sent made you blink to yourself. His words that went slower than usual through your ears because of those stupid smirks and grins he was giving you.
Did he really called you a useless shit?
"So, y-you were thinking I was useless the whole time?!" you've skeptically stammered over your words. Eyes all wide and stumbling over thoughts per thoughts whilst being distracted from how he took a side-step and ceasing in front of you to bend in level to your miniscule height with a twinkling smile.
Your heart was racing fast and you had no idea why it was reacting that way too soon.
You've completely dodged his advances, how he planned to loom and practically satirize over your loss. It was your fidgety toes and sweaty soles of your feet that had you hopping on the corner and away from Satoru when you've seen a fellow citizen who'd passed by the three of you, immediately taking this as a chance to be away from Satoru's dangerous habit of giving lack of proximities to people's faces.
This countryman who happened to pass by you was probably an angel. A savior to your poor soul that needed thorough help.
Satoru's vision followed through your sudden movements and sidestep, seeming to be like you were avoiding his confrontation of multiple chaffs. He was about to take a step closer to chase through your shadows over communicating with a national when he'd felt Nanami held onto his shoulder, keeping him still as he abruptly asked a question about Sukuna's finger which was out of the blue.
In all likelihood, Nanami probably felt how you were beginning to be overwhelmed by everything. From having no idea as to what was happening, being on the dumps over your expectations turning into profound disappointments and to the idea of Satoru's overwhelming presence.
"Excuse me," you've reached out towards the man dressed in a plain, orange tee and black jeans. Your mouth deftly switching languages as you sent him a hopeful smile, deliberately ignoring Nanami and Gojo in the background as if they were strangers. Also, you knew for a fact that this compatriot would find Satoru peculiar with how he brought himself compared to Nanami who appeared to give the impression that he was a normal business man.
The fellow citizen ceased from taking a stroll, turning his back to be met by your hopeful eyes and teetering smile, "Yes?" He'd acknowledged with a sociable tone in between his words, "When has this been a pleasure shop?" You swiftly added as a question, gesturing behind you as you've chased this fellowman a few meters away from the Pleasure Shop. He showed signs that his eyes diverted towards the two men whom you were with, knowing they probably treaded on the heels, hearing their voices from behind.
"Uhm," the man started, paying heed to Gojo's anomalous presence and appearance. Your smile turned wobbly, the corner of your mouth twitching as you tried to block his view upon trying to perceive who Satoru was so he won't be frightened off to answer none to your questions. Though, much to your dismay, your height deceived you into believing that you were bound to cover his point of view.
"What's up with that blindfolded guy---Oh, a-around a year already,"  The man began to mumble, thoroughly catching sight of Satoru's poised posture, his shoulders straightened enough to exhibit his deep-seated confidence with his hands inside his pockets as he kept a tab on the both of you behind his mask, Satoru's mouth in an earnest shape of his lip as if he conveyed utter attentiveness and uncanny delight.
To Gojo's surprise and utter bafflement, he somehow was incomprehensible of the one you were of origin. Hence, the native language you were also proficient on. He was obviously not exempted towards that.
Nevertheless, Satoru made it obvious that he wasn't complaining nor did he even wanted to.
"Oh. Alright, thank you---"  you've smiled another, yet to be met by the man's back in less than a second as the citizen seemed to be in a rush for skipping out of the conversation he was in. Your smile faltered and fell at that when you've seen him briskly walk away, "---so much, Sir. Great. The blindfolded idiot scared him off."
"Gojo," Nanami began to acknowledge, sighing and using his surname as he addressed soberly. He examined his friend from beneath his peculiar sunglasses, getting a load that Satoru was musing in a suspicious gratification that he was wallowing in the idea of your bilingualism. In no circumstances that the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer comprehended a thing which likely lead to his unanticipated jouissance.
"----You're looking awfully strange."
"Strange might not be the accurate word, Nanamin." Satoru intrepidly stood corrected, still inhabiting his satirizing nature as he appended a nickname that always made his friend scowl on the side. No doubt that Kento emitted a sapped sigh again. To his oblivious thoughts, Gojo began to blabber his unconsciousness from beneath his breath, thoroughly engrossed in the conversation you were having with one of your countryfolks. He'd wrench his hands out of his pockets, purposelessly playing with his own fingers as both palms were flattened together as a way that seemed to be like he was ruminating over something unaccountable, "---So, that's how she sounds like with her native language,"
You've never paid heed to the people who was now towering behind, the discovery of living in a dimension that was yours still kept your heart at bay---worried for what and why you were there in the first place when you couldn't remember a thing or two. Especially with what Satoru has been persisting you to take part in.
Could you even remember what he was trying to let you hark back to when you had no idea what it was?
Or maybe you just haven't started yet? Would there be a moment where you'll start remembering things? When will your amnesia be wise enough to operate into recollecting details about the sketches that he has been pertaining to?
"I can still feel you both judging me," you grumbled to yourself as you took a step forward, hearing their light footfalls following behind.
"I hardly am one to judge unless the idea is impractical. But, Satoru definitely is." Nanami stated bluntly, his tone gruff and low as if he was already drained by the whole vacation thing that he was forced or dragged in.
You've treaded faster, walking briskly. Nevertheless, their pace began to match yours as well as if you weren't bound to leave their sight. Well, it was mostly Gojo's heavy, large strides that were echoing from a few meters away.  Your height never helping your rapidity upon walking, "Oi," Satoru called out as you intentionally ignored him, "Tiny-Chan!" he hollered in a sing-song voice, consciously neglecting the 7:3 sorcerer on the side whilst Gojo successfully walked alongside with you, haphazardly reaching out to poke the side of your cheek which has made your heart jump from the odd need for physical touch.
You've actually and minimally jumped through your brisk walking, entirely inattentive that he would indeed be bold enough to prod your cheeks like he was already obliged to do so. Satoru was profoundly oblivious to his own actions, paying no heed to it as if he was not making your heart race miles per hour.
"Tiny-Chan." His tone turned flat when you've quickened your pace, sparing you a glance to see you acting like he wasn't there in the first place, "---Where are you going?"
Gojo put the brakes upon catching up with you, falling behind Nanami as he finally have been walking alongside with him. "Angie's home! STOP FOLLOWING ME AROUND AND LEAVE ME ALONE! GO FIND SOME STUFF-TOY CURSES FOR ALL I CARE!" You yelled as you jogged towards a street and began to take a sharp right turn, knowing you were still going to be tailed behind by these Jujutsu Sorcerers in which you've gotten to be tied up with.
Kento came to a halt, standing beside Gojo as he held onto the head of his necktie, his fingers wandering along his dotted cravat, his temples traced with creases which showed how he was turning peevish as hours passed by especially that he was being a fly on the wall for the both of you.
"Are we really going to tail on this woman around a country we don't know?" he phlegmatically questioned.
Gojo stopped walking, sighing from your uncompromising stance over the issue. Howbeit, the Jujutsu Sorcerer knew that you were bound to come back with them by hook or by crook. He probably just wasn't as compelling and credible as much as people would see of him---as much as everyone did, "What's wrong with that? It's not like curses lurk around this town. It's not like we won't be able to handle them either. We're Jujutsu Sorcerers. You're even with the strongest one." he gave him a shrug of his broad shoulders, beginning his moseys to where you've went.
Nanami strolled alongside, the heels of his business shoes gingerly tapping along the pavements, "You know I don't work overtime. I hate it." he paused, taking a breather as they've taken a right turn to where they've seen you screaming your heart out in front of a washed out, metal gate. The urbanized, tall, waxen walls confining the house of whoever lived there, earning no way for another person to climb onto. A thorough contrast to the houses in Japan would've been.
"---If you want to act like a creepy puppy around this woman, then go. As far as I remembered, I didn't come back in being a Jujutsu Sorcerer to escort non-sorcerers around the world."
"Eh! Just enjoy this abrupt vacation, Nanamin!" Satoru enunciated with a satisfied beam, clasping both hands around his mouth as he raucously raised his voice, taking a few steps closer but keeping at least a distance away, "---Oi, Give it up, Tiny-Chan!"
You've heard Satoru's voice from a distance. The way your knuckles were hastily pounding over the metal gates---how discouraged you were from the bombshells coming in hot. One by one, they were like darts being tossed in the air, always landing on bullseye whenever you were given the corroboration of realism. "Angie? Angie! Open up the door! I'm starting to hate you now! You left me with a crazy Jujutsu Sorcerer, shaman, exorcist or whatever who probably knows how to manipulate my brain into believing he has superpowers!"  You pounded on the metal doors, yelling through your native language as you knew that Nanami and Satoru fathomed nothing in return, "I think he drugged me or something because he's actually fast, strong, irritating at times---though, I hardly find it annoying because my mind is telling me that he's not sometimes---also, a knockout but he doesn't need to know that because he's an arrogant, cocky, lofty man!"
Was the last idea necessary to be said? You had no idea, nor did your mouth cease you from screaming out your maunders over your first impression and ideas of Gojo Satoru. An outlandish man whom made it difficult to believe through this fairytale or nightmare that you were living in. "These crazies actually have superpowers and I don't?!---Angie!" you've pounded again and again, your mind forcing you to trust that your friend might open the gates and welcome you with open arms.
Yet, you were wrong. Again. Fate was definitely preaching fire and brimstone pragmatisms over a newly found dimension that you were brought in.
He was senile. An elderly. Long in the tooth with his back bent due to being old. Bald even and inflamed from the sudden, rowdy interruption from your standpoint. The feeble man forcefully tugged the gates open, striking you dumb and earning a stumble from you in which your escorts ceased themselves from going on through their conversation as it seemed as if you were in the middle of being in a heated quarrel. But, it was mostly Satoru who kept his mouth shut as he was endlessly sending ceaseless jests here and there. His smile gradually fading when he'd seen that you've been confronted in a manner that he found...unsettling.
Or maybe he just perceives the elderly downright irksome? Though, Yoshinobu Gakuganji was a whole lotta' level of vexation for Satoru. The Higher-Ups were.
"What's wrong with you? There's no Angie living here, woman! Do you need something? If you don't then I'll fuckin' call the cops on you!"
You've held onto the railing that hit your back due to the surprise, raising a hand and gesturing with your fingers to express your apologies further. "S-Sorry. I'm sorry, Sir---"
You weren't even done with your sentence that he had to shut the door on your face, clamorously.
In times like this, where you were met with desperation, pessimism and optimism clashing like wildfire, there was no doubt that your emotions were flying through the roofs. That tight, suffocating knot in your throat tempted to reach your eyes as if it was the last thing you would want to do, especially that the world was broadcasting your despair for another dimension that left you astray.
Destiny was giving you the picture that no matter which world you were in---luck will never be on your side because you were bound to become lost and forlorn. Disoriented as you ever been.
There was no time for crying, you knew that yourself. Chiefly, it was because you knew Nanami and Satoru was watching you from a distance. Men whom you had no idea if they would find tears as a form of laurels that make them feel somewhat high and mighty just like how your family had been back in your real dimension, as if you were incapable of having the burnt-outs because they depended a lot from you and had extremely high-expectations to lift them off their impecunious thriving.
Kento surely didn't seem like the type to laugh at women's tears. Howbeit, Satoru, he was different compared to Nanami. You had a hunch he would make fun of your sobs and weeps. It was difficult to stifle them from pouring down, to a great degree that you were trying to divert your thoughts away from the problem at hand but it was utterly straining that you couldn't handle it anymore.
You just had to.
Furthermore, the teardrops that fell upon your face had given you a vague reason of inquiry if these were weeps from how lost and vulnerable you were in your real dimension or for another that petrified your soul upon which path must you take in order to survive through Satoru's world.
"Gojo." Nanami apathetically called out towards the latter who kept his mouth shut after feasting the image of you being yelled at by an old man you hardly knew nor believed to exist. Gojo looked to be chewing over what he had in mind, his smile turning minimal when you were faced by the harsh reality that was difficult to digest, that actually has not been part of the plan. "---When you mentioned that she's unidentified, you meant that she isn't entirely from here, correct?"
Gojo snapped his fingers at Kento, switching his attention towards his co-worker who was also observing your reactions from a distance, "Correct-o! You got it right this time, Nanami!"
"Hm." The latter hummed inquisitively, regarding you from beneath his sunglasses as he gave back a nod, "---The world's changing." he emphasized and paused, adding more to his utterance whilst sounding frank, "----Your ways of introducing her to a world that's clearly difficult to be adapted is undesirable. But, that's expected from you. No doubt."
Satoru didn't cut him off this time, keeping a weather eye on you as he glanced to see you wantonly sit upon the cemented stairs that connected upon an elevated slope before the metal gates were intertwined, taking one bar as your seat of woebegone. Your back towards their standpoint. Nonetheless, they just had no idea yet that you were actually on the verge of sobbing.
"You shouldn't have dropped the bomb in one go. Our work isn't easy to explain to people who hardly know Jujutsu Sorcery. Why even associate her in it?"
The latter glanced back at Nanami with a smile, entirely impervious that you were stifling your cries to yourself on the far corner. "Do you really wanna know?" he nonchalantly asked, a teasing grin lifting his lips with a taunting intonation of his voice, "---You should've given the finger in Yoshino to me then, rather than the Higher Ups,"
Nanami had an impassive expression on his face, "You were bound to give it to Yuji."
Satoru simpered, pleased with Nanami's supposition towards the conceptualization of giving Sukuna's finger to Gojo, knowing that he technically would just hand the finger to Yuji without thinking twice, "Tch. What a bummer, Nanami!"
You were restraining for crying out loud as you sat on one of supposed-to-be Angie's house. It was frightening to get the exact picture of Angie's house that stood beside you. Everything---and when you say everything---Satoru's world had gotten the exact blueprint of what your friend's house looked like.
It was the damned exact same thing.
Hence, why did it feel like they never existed? Even you, yourself didn't?
Gojo heard the faint, choke back of your weeps. Your despondency interrupting his conversation with Nanami that he had to take a pause. Nanami hadn't said a word and impatiently waited for Satoru to intervene through your lone sniveling, dubious over the impression that you had of him as he felt that you were intimidated and felt more comfortable with Satoru instead. He was not surprised that you actually were. The 7:3 sorcerer was practically judging him and kept his observations to himself, discovering something offbeat that he couldn't grasp at the present time.
Before Nanami could even upbraid him for his impractical way of welcoming you to their world, the latter began to take a march, "Ah, for heavens' sake," Satoru grumbled beneath his breath with a bridled smile that cloaked his pensive thoughts. His feet dragging him towards where you sat, the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer latterly fathoming out how his own movements got the best of him before he could even think twice about it.
Your restrained weeps were off-putting in Satoru's perspective. How every step he took; how louder your squeaks actually reverberated out on an empty street and under the balmy heat of the sun, it felt bothersome for him. He swiftly dismissed the eccentric sentiments that oddly resurfaced as Satoru caught you off-guard by sitting in front of you, his long legs bent and spread like a dullard as he brightly called out for the special sobriquet he had for you, "Tiny-Chan!" he eagerly surprised you as he hopped to your peripheral vision, wholly being blinded by his face.
"---You cryin'?"
What surprised you was more than that. It even got your heart skipping at least triple beats from the perception you've gotten from Satoru's smile right now. This did not consist of his usual goofing around minutes. His smile was cordial---soothing as if it was meant to be described as solace. You didn't know that it was possible for him to act this way; to behave in a way that can get you ceasing your tears for him.
Though, you know he was also one of the reasons why you were sobbing like a child.
There was a fraught silence between the both of you, never knowing what he was thinking because he was as complex as to not knowing what hid behind his eyes.
You believed that a person's eyes would be the windows to his or her soul, it was at least the easiest to wade through a person's emotions or feelings; to the point that you could decipher if he or she had a rough past. Thus, it was unfair to have your curiosity stirred by Satoru to the point that you're avid to what he was hiding.
"You're adapting." Satoru astonishingly divulged, tone modulated enough that it sounded impossible to comprehend because it added more heat to your face while you've tried to shun away from him with your palms, shielding yourself from his attention as it was quite overwhelming.
"---and you actually believe me now. You've been such a stubborn girl." Like a shot, he'd managed to stick his thick, masculine fingers in between the spaces of yours, mildly flicking you on the forehead as he gave a low chuckle from the reaction he'd gotten from you.
"S-stop it."
Your voice was wobbly as you quietly scolded, the confidence within you died down from the moment you've came to realize that your shop wasn't exactly the same one like you had back on your earth. Angie's house was just another set of triggers that has spurned you further into a weeping mess in front of these Jujutsu Sorcerers.
Gojo's chuckles faded for a moment or two, unable to retaliate for the unforeseen shedding of tears from your side. He was taken aback by it, much to his incredulity. You've made it obvious that you were steering clear from his sudden undivided attention towards your woebegone appearance, constantly looking away in contrast to his brazen rubbernecking.
You were lucky he had his blindfolds on and haven't been wearing his specs yet.
Gojo decided to stand at full height, thinking that he would finally leave you alone. But, to your astonishment, believe it or not, he'd paved his way to sit beside you, offering no jests but just his undeniably comfortable silence.
You've expected a lot from the blindfolded guy, predicted that he was bound to laugh at your tears or gain pride to your loss because of how you've tried to understand how he was as a person. Howbeit, this time, Gojo Satoru left you stupefied as he offered nothing but his existence---like he was there not to express his guffaws but to suppress his pleasantries and actually make you feel that you weren't....unchaperoned or rather, alone.
"Hey, Satoru." You softly called out to him, hearing him hum as a response that he was waiting for you to talk, the low and thick murmur giving your toes the jelly touches in which you tried hard to fight off, "---Aren't you the strongest sorcerer out here...in your world?"
He'd took notice of the sudden change of opinion over the whole issue, leaning forward over how he sat beside you and brought both his elbows on his knees, his palm rested under his chin as he confidently claimed doubtlessly, "Yeah. Once again, I told you...I'm the strongest."
"Then, why can't you teleport me back in my world?" you repeated your question back when you were on the plane, tenacious over how it was impossible when he claimed that he was put on a pedestal by all---as far as how he was overbearing over the entitlement.
Gojo beamed through your question, it wasn't that he couldn't---he just probably did not want to get involved with the idea of travelling from one dimension and to the other, it would have been too much to handle then. His own dimension was already asking or demanding him of too much---adding more to it seemed to be tiring, "I told you, I think that's beyond of my capacity." He quickly blocked the idea with a lie before promptly taking it back before his mouth could even stop himself, getting a gist that you were crestfallen from how he pointed out that there was no possibility of it, "---Yet again, I haven't learned nor tried if I'm capable of that. But, I might---I probably could. I can."
Did he just admitted that he would?
You've given him the cold shoulder, refusing to believe and trusted that it was just him---gloating for all you know, "You're just probably being presumptuous. You're not the strongest, then."
"Or you just have no idea as of now." Satoru proclaimed as he turned to see you still looking away from him, "---I trust you're as crazy as me,"
"I doubt." you nasally deadpanned, emitting a stifled, satirizing chuckle from your frame of reference.
"Ha. You are. Considering how you were planning to hug the heck out of cursed spirits, how you also have drawings of me---even using my birthday as your mobile passcode, you're probably crazy for me, " Satoru went on with his innocuous bon-mots, feeling the atmosphere change from the time shared as he tried to lighten up the mood more by his witticism.
"Does he know how you find him thoroughly handsome and pretty since the moment you laid your eyes on him?" you've sniffled, caught unprepared by his sudden joke that did not seem like it because he sounded like he was just relishing upon the truth that he had this charisma that you couldn't explain yet.
There was no response to that, you could tell that Satoru was also deep in his thoughts, dwelling upon ideas you have no viewpoint of. Your tears were finally gone nor did it continued from the moment that Gojo decided to interrupt your woes. You were occupied upon wiping your dried up tears with the back of your hand, still timorous over the fact that you were caught crying. Howbeit, Satoru tried to make it seem like he did not care about it.
"Tiny-Chan," he soothingly called out, taking a pause as if he was dwelling to say what was needed to be said, giving it second-thoughts before he continued, his fingers dancing across his chin as he sounded adamant over the proposal being given.
"---Say, I'll find a way to bring you back to your dimension. Keep you out of the hands from the Higher Ups..." he started, utterly determined before he trailed off, expectant that you were about to cut him off from the moment he mentioned that there was no doubt that the Higher-Ups will be involved in whatever plans he was trying to have with you.
"The Higher Ups? Huh?"
Satoru did not want to explain further. Just elucidating upon the group was making his lip twitch in a manner that tells it was already causing him stress just by thinking about it, "The Higher-Ups, they're a pain in the ass. Also, I could tell that they're bound to end up using you or repudiate to your presages. Oh, tough-luck, they might have a reason to tweak the law of Jujutsu and have a non-sorcerer executed because you could somehow have any idea over their agendas," he casually clarified, not actually specifying who they were as his explanation was broad as heck. He gestured with a shake of his hand, feeling your inquisitive eyes on him.
"---Heh! Don't worry about them too soon. I'll tell you about them next time!"
Executed? That was definitely hogwash. Were you bound to be put to death without knowing anything at all?
His sudden change of emotion and behavior got you curious. Satoru seemed to not like a bit of the Higher-Ups as much as you could fathom from how he was actually frowning as of the moment. You left the topic for next time and waited further for his continuation of whatever he had in mind.
Satoru begun, his emotions suddenly shifting to something enigmatic for you to understand as it felt like the topic was either sensitive or one that he did not like to expound, more than what he was trying to elucidate over the whole 'Higher Ups' thing,  "As long as you tell me your spiels behind those sketches and how you know both me and my one and only best friend in that 'drawing' of yours,---" pause.
"---How you know some of what happened during the merging of the Star Plasma Vessel with Tengen. You've got everything in detail. Also the others which seems to be the future,"
"Star Plasma Vessel? Tengen? Huh?" you've turned your head to meet his blindfolded eyes that were already faced to you, eventually knowing that he was reckoning your swollen, teary ones with a small, melancholic smile to his face. He knew this particular question would come around especially that he was involved in the picture and Satoru has managed to expel the dismal incident somehow---he believed he did.
"But, where's this bestfriend you're saying? Is he the one with the man-bun? How come...I never seen him yet? where is he? what's his name?" you gullibly asked, bombing him questions after questions after being shared of information that you hardly understood as you had no theories over the particulars that Gojo was trying to provide you with.
From the start that Satoru provided bits of knowledge over the sketches that he believed you owned felt like you were insensitive for your beseeching. Your subconsciousness was persistently whispering how the questions sounded wrong; how your curiosity over every exposé that Gojo could spare seemed to be terribly inconsiderate in your viewpoint, regarding this as an odd feeling that explored every cranny of your delicate heart.
Perhaps, it was how his smiles turned a doleful. Surprisingly, he was looking away and out in a distance, grappling over the opportunity of gazing his splendid side profile. His impressive jawline that could definitely cut a bitch. Though, admiring how he had stellar features---that distant beam that was drawn upon his face kept your heart in a reel of guilt.
Your questions felt like a trauma being uncorked by a bottle of overflowing, perished wine or champagne.
The sweat that filled along the undersides of your nose felt numbing. You were mean---have been probably disparaging to Satoru's whole being or character, perpetually intransigent over your impressions of him since the first day you've met the guy. Your consciousness castigating how brutal it was to ask them too soon.
"Ah." Gojo distractedly hummed in response to your questions, his despondent beam unchanging. The intonation in his voice changed, sounding detached but pliable which struck your chest into receiving bane that entered the heart, the guilt launching back and forth when he'd muttered the name under his breath.
"---Suguru Geto?"
Your frowned deepened upon hearing his name from Satoru's lips. He'd turn his head to lay his eyes on you, keeping track if you were paying attention to what he'll say next. Hence, the latter could bear a resemblance upon the emotions on your face, having the hallmarks of a woman that discerned the woes he barely allowed everyone to latch onto because of how he was entitled and believed to be 'the strongest'.
An exceptional privilege that only you had the dispensation to espy in which Gojo Satoru had been heedless of.
"---He's already dead."
Hence, it was that moment that you knew that the strongest even had his own downfalls. Incorporeal aspects that any other human could ever experience. Sentimentalities which builds humanity into developing themselves whether if it was for better or worse.
Gojo Satoru was just Gojo Satoru. He was, indeed---what you perceived as, human.
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Clump for Dicks. Oh dear, how did I come up with that--- I can feel the embarrassment through here.
Also, Satoru---*cries* 😭
FEEDBACKS ARE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED, BB'S! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Chapter 7 will have lots of parts considering the title of the fanfic is...7th Dimension. ☞ ̄ᴥ ̄☞ Heehee! I'mma spoil y'all, Chapter 7 will be a fluffy one and I've been smiling while I'm currently writing it down right now. Heehee. (◕દ◕)
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whatshername-please · 4 years
Out of the Water - Chapter V
Synopsis: You were very proud to be a mermaid, thank you very much. You didn’t want to be where the people were. Actually, you’d rather avoid it. Defending the merfolk was the biggest goal in your life… well, it was until you meet a certain pirate… it seems that your family really had a thing for humans, after all. Not that you’d ever admit it…
Pairing: Harry x reader
Word count: 4514
Part 5 of ?
Warnings: none? Possibly grammar mistakes? Also, some cuss words
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so I’ll probably mess up some tenses, grammar and stuff. Go easy on me, please. Feedback is always appreciated.
               The sun was fading away in the horizon and soon it would be dark and, as you walked, you wondered why everything in this damned kingdom had to be so far away? Didn't they have magic carpets or something like that? Besides, since it was getting darker by the second, the sense of urgency was growing too. You had the feeling that Audrey was just playing with you - she obviously knew where you were, so why she didn't make a move yet? It was like a cat and mouse game and you were the mice heading towards a trap. Also, Mal having the Amber did not put your mind at ease since you didn't have the advantage.
You were literally entering to the lion's lair willingly.
"What happened between you and Hook?" You raised an eyebrow and Evie, who had come to talk to you, explained. "We heard the screaming. I know he can be difficult to deal with, but soon we'll all be in Auradon together".
Evie was way too good for this world, wasn't she? You didn't have the heart to contradict her or tell the atrocity the pirate had done to you.
"I know, sweetie. Don't worry, I'll try to be civil, even if the person in question is an utterly jerk who deserves a punch".
She sighed, looking almost disappointed. Obviously, you didn't give the answer she was hoping for but honestly, what was she expecting from you? Moreover, your response was nice enough, considering Harry was annoying and a water thief.  
"That's a beginning, I suppose. But I think we can work on the aggressive attitude, though" she said with a shrug.
Oh, maybe you should have skipped the punching part... If she thought that was violent, you hoped she never found out that you almost chopped Harry's finger off, then.
As the time passed you grew impatient, it was already night and no one was in a chatty mood anymore. As for you, you've never wished for a day to end so fast and, on top of that, something else was bothering you and it was not the perspective of facing Psycho Audrey. Maybe it was the fact that once everything was over, Mal would let the kids off the Isle (it was what she had promised, after all). However, as much as you want to believe her, you had your doubts. Either way, nothing would ever be the same.
Finally, you arrived at Fairy Cottage and crossed the garden very quietly, trying not to draw attention to yourselves. When you finally got at the building, Ben burst the door open.
Great way to go unnoticed.
However, in the end, it didn't matter because Audrey wasn't there and your little journey had been a waste of time, thereby she was still on the loose and you had no one idea where she could be or what she was planning to do (but whatever it was, it would be unpleasant). Suddenly, the sound of a bustling knock filled the air startling everybody.  Ben followed the source of the disturbence and discovered a very scared Chad locked in the pantry.
The poor thing looked completely distressed and hysterical and, soon after, he mumbled some nonsense and rushed off without a second thought.
"Well, at least he is pretty" you said out loud. How Cinderela could have had such a foolish son was beyond your comprehension, but his golden locks made up for the lack of discernment.
Harry laughed and the clumsy encounter with Chad lifted everyone's spirit and, when you left the Cottage, there weren't Mal's gang or Uma's crew anymore, just friends trying to save the world. Even if you were all doomed; at least you'd end up things in good terms.
Yeah, that's what you naively thought.
Evie told Ben about Mal's promise and apparently Mal had had other plans that she didn't bother sharing with anyone: she was going to close the barrier for good. No more in, no more out.
Nothing serious or extreme.
No reason to freak out...
Holly shit!
You felt like a fool!
Just to think that you gave your word to Harry and Gil that Ben wouldn't do that! You were so mad that you couldn't even talk and it never happened before! Also, you didn't have the heart to face Uma, not after you said to her things were changing for the better. You knew how Uma pretended to be tough, but right now her spirit had been shattered...
Harry confronted Ben about the lie and you thought he'd lose his shit and gut someone, but he just looked completely broken, like someone had taken away his will to fight. Even though Harry and Uma knew pain and betrayal, they didn't expect this. They trusted the people of Auradon were different and they were let down.
Things weren't suppose to go this way! You wanted to do something! Anything! But what?
It was then that Celia took the amber from Mal's hand and threw it into the water. Well, if you were screwed before, now you were hopeless. At least it was for a good cause, if people in Auradon thought their lives were worthier than the life of the inhabitants of the Isle, let them rot. You couldn't even be mad at Uma for leaving since that was what you wanted to do too, but you knew there was nothing you could do to help her in this moment. Actually, you knew Uma well enough to know that going after her would only bother her.
The words Harry said to you earlier about Auradon's privilege echoed in your mind and you couldn't stay put anymore.
"I know this is not my place to say something. I mean, most of the time I'm not even here, I'm not a VK and closing the barrier doesn't affect my life... but it does. It does because there are people there, good people destined to live a dreadful life just because they were born on that Isle! People in Auradon have been living their perfect little lives where everything is pretty and colorful while we claim to be the good guys, but what we have done to the villains and their kids is atrocious! There will always be good and evil, that's how life works and we can't run away from it. Deciding which path to follow is what defines someone's true self, but in order to make this decision we need to have a chance. Mal, you of all people should know that, you had a chance and now that your life is good you want to deny those children the same opportunity? From this day on, every time you play 'happily ever after' with your prince charming, know that you are doing it at the expense of a child on that Isle"
You wish you had heard Mal's reply, but as soon as you finished talking, the world froze.
Legend says that you were indeed the hottest stone statue in Auradon, but it didn't soothe you a bit. To say you were pissed was not nearly enough to express what you were feeling right now. If Audrey weren't already dying, you would have gladly killed her yourself. The only reason why you were still in the awful human world was Uma... this, and also because becoming stone had consumed all your energies and right now you were way too busy drinking a huge bottle of salted water to not die of dehydration.
Your grandfather would have to choose another diplomat because you were never ever setting foot on land again.
Maybe, if you weren't so angry, you would have choked on your drink when Mal told Hades was her father.
It explained a lot about her, though.
So, Hades, Mal's father, was the only one who could save Audrey and they were going to fetch him on the Isle to help the dying girl. Oh! The double standard! When a kid from Auradon curses everybody is "a mistake", but if someone from the Isle does that is "they are too dangerous, let's lock them up forever". Is it fair? No. Does anyone care? Also no.
You thought it couldn't get any worse, but boy, you were wrong. Uma just said she was going back to the Isle, which was pretty understandable and expected, but you had one itty-bitty tiny hope that she would stay.
Oh, on top of that, everyone accepted Mal and Ben's selfish decision to close the barrier. You scoffed under your breath, salted water wasn't enough to deal with all this, you needed something stronger, like vodka. The good thing was, since everyone was leaving and your cousins were safe, you had no more business in the human world and you took your cue from the VKs to announce your own departure too.
You waited for the limo alongside Uma, Harry, Gil and Celia, the atmosphere was tense, and you had seen happier people at funerals.
"I thought you were going back to Atlantica" the teal haired girl said, breaking the overwhelming silence.
"I'll go with you... until we reach the barrier, at least" your voice was more hoarse than you expected it to.
"Yeah, don't want to risk getting trapped, right?" If this was supposed to be a mean comment, Harry had failed; he just sounded sad, like everyone else. The pirate wasn't expecting an answer but you gave him one, anyway.
"I wouldn't mind going to the Isle, but there is no magic there and no magic means no legs for me, so you would be stuck with a mermaid... unless you don't care to carry me around..." you half-joked.
The car finally arrived and you got into it. It was nice that Ben sent the limo to pick up the VKs, and the guard's vehicle was going ahead, probably to go find Hades. There was all sorts of food in the limo, but no one touched them because all of you were way too lost in your own minds to be hungry. As you were approaching the Isle the unsettling feeling in your stomach grew worst and there was definitely something wrong with your eyes. Just before the car crossed the barrier, you asked the driver to stop. For one second, it seemed he would argue against it, but you gave him a warning look, since you weren't in the mood for more useless fights.
"Uma, can we talk outside for one second, please?" you asked.
You two got out of the car and, as soon as Uma closed the door, you hugged her.
"I'm sorry, Uma. I'm so sorry" the only thing you could do was to repeat how sorry you were, but you knew your apologies didn't change anything.
"I know" she reassured you, looking in your eyes "It's not your fault, you shouldn't be apologizing".
"Someone has to" you said, your felt so tight in your chest that hurt. Then, Uma smiled and hold your hand.
"Thanks for everything you've done for me. I don't know how I would have gone through the past months without you"
"You'd have done just fine, you're a fighter" it was now or never, you lowered your voice so even if someone in the car was paying attention to the conversation, they wouldn't hear you "You can still change your mind, let's go back to Atlantica and, before you interrupt me, Harry and Gil can come too. I have no idea how this is going to work but we'll figure it out" you offered her - you had to try.
"You know I can't abandon the Isle, speacially now" her eyes were full of sorrow, she knew exactly what meant to go back "Maybe you can swim near the barrier so we can see each other from time to time".
You knew she would say that, but it didn't mean it hurt any less.
"Definitely!" you tried to sound cheerful, but the words that left your mouth were robotic and fake "We'll see each other again".
This was a lie, even if you saw each other it would never be the same. The realization hit you hard and that weird feeling that you had in the car, finally made sense when streams of salt water started falling from your eyes.
"I'm leaking!" you freaked out "What is that?! I'm leaking!"
"You're crying, you idiot" she laughed, her eyes watering too.
"Nonsense, mermaids don..." before you could complete the sentence, Uma hugged you again, which made you start crying even harder.
No, not crying, leaking.
"I promise, Uma. I'll not stop fighting for the Isle. I'll talk to Mal, Ben or whoever I must to! They will change their minds, even if, in order to do so, I have to summon up the wrath of the ocean upon them".
You didn't know how long you two stayed crying in each others arms but a voice with a thick accent called both of you after a while.
"Are you ladies alright?" Harry asked. The pirate and Gil were standing there next to both of you. The dark haired boy had a hint of curiosity on his face but he knew better than to tease his captain.
You two pulled away from the hug, Uma looked slightly embarassed to get caught in such an emotional moment.
"I can't believe I'm leaking" you said while trying to wipe away the tears from your eyes; however, they insisted on falling down.
This was so awkward.
"You're not leaking, you're crying" Gil's brow furrowed "Don't you know what crying is?"
"Yes, I do... it's just I've never cried before..." you said between sobs.
"Wow, life in Auradon must be really perfect if people don't even cry here" for the firts time since you met him, he sounded sad. The boy was probably thinking about all the opportunities he would never have in Auradon because he was destined to live on the Isle forever.
They took away Gil's bright smile and you could not forgive that.
"It's not that... I live in the sea, tears don't fall when you are under water" you explained, finally calming down.
"Maybe the ocean is just a big pool of mermaid's tears." Gil said absently, eyeing the vast blue ocean in front of him and you couldn't help but hug the blonde boy too.
The Sea Bitch was such a softie.
"It was a pleasure to meet you, Gil. I wish we had more time to know each other better, but I know for sure that you're loyal, brave and gentle. I hope you are very happy. You deserve it".
You broke apart short after and Gil seemed very touched by your words.
"Thanks... that was one of nicest things that someone ever said to me" he offered you a shy smile "I wish you the same".
You looked at Harry, who looked back right into your eyes. You stared at each other until you hold out your hand, which he accepted. It was weird, Harry Hook has gotten on your nerves since the very first moment you met. He was smug, annoying and a little crazy, but at the same time he was very funny and fearless, qualities that you admired. You wanted to say something, but before you could open your mouth he let go of your hand.
That was it, then.
You also said goodbye to Celia and wished her the best. Then, the VKs got into the car again and, since Harry was the last one standing outside, you took the chance to ask him a favor.
"Please, take care of Uma"
His face broke into small smile and he nodded slightly.
You watched with a shattered heart the limo cross the barrier, taking away your friends from you forever.
There was nothing else you could do, so you jumped into the ocean and disappeared between the waves.
Not an hour ago all you wanted was to be back home, but now everything seemed pointless. For the last months Uma lived in Atlantica and going back without her gave you a knot in the stomach, things wouldn't be the same anymore without your friend there. The two of you used to spend hours plotting ways to get everyone off the Isle, finding a hole in the barrier or just talking about the future... and now you had nothing but crushed hopes. Of course you wouldn't give up, but you felt like you had moved backwards 10 spaces in the game, you fought for the merfolk on the Isle for so long and when it finally seemed that everything was going to be fine, it was a lie.
You were so absorbed in your thoughts that you didn't pay attention to where you were heading, which caused you to bump into your mother and younger brother.
"Where have you been"? Attina asked, her voice was somewhere between angry and concerned, but it was impossible to miss the vein popping out on her forehead "I was worried sick about you!"
"Sorry mom, I was in Auradon" you told her, knowing very well that this answer would only upset her more because there was no way she hadn't hear about Audrey and her little mishap.
"Auradon?!" The look of horror on her face made clear that she knew about what happened and wasn't happy about it. If humans thought you were hardcore, it was because they never talked to your mother "Do you know what Sleeping Beauty's daughter did?"
If you knew? You lived and survived it.
"I heard even Uma was there! Your grandfather was almost sending guards to look for you and your cousins! What happened?"
"Did you finally meet Uma, then?" your brother, Nereus, joined the conversation. He didn't know anything about Uma or that you two were friends. Also, he had no idea that he had talked to her many times when she was under the charm spell.
Then, your mother called by your full name, which never meant something good.
"You weren't there in hopes to befriend Ursula's daughter and bring all the merfolk from the Isle to Atlatica, were you?" Your mother knew you so well... and she wasn't happy.
"Of course not, mom..." I'm already friends with Uma, you added mentally.  
Before she started complaining, you explained everything that happened that day (ok, almost everything, you definitely skipped some parts). Her disapproval face grew to the point her vein was ready to explode, while your brother gasped and cheered at the most exciting parts, as you told the story. Under other circumstances you would have narrated the events in a dramatic and majestic way, not sparing any single detail; however, it was way too painful to remember that was your first and last adventure with Uma and her crew.
"Will they close the barrier forever for real?" Nereus asked and, when you nodded, he offered you a sympathetic smile. He knew how much you fought for the merpeople on the Isle.
Your mother, on the other hand, had other things bothering her.
"So, you tell me that they let a bunch of kids fight against a delusional girl who held one of the most dangerous tools of dark magic in the kingdom? Where were Fairy Godmother, the Blue Fairy, the 3 Good Fairies? You can't trust fairies, that's what I always say to your grandfather! Where were Belle and the Beast? Any adults?!" as she talked, her voice got more and more high-pitched, until she was practically shouting.
"They were probably under Audrey's spell" you enlightned her, even knowing that it would not ease her mind one bit.
"That's an absurd! How can we trust our kids to go to Auradon Prep if they can't keep the security system of a museum working properly?!"
You and your brother exchanged looks. Although your mother had a valid point, you didn't want to hear any of it, which was odd, because you never missed the opportunity to roast the human world.
Claiming to be tired, you excused yourself and swam to your room and, as soon as you got there, you glanced at the spot where Uma would used to stay, knowing that you'd probably never talk to her again. You felt like someone was crushing your heart and if you weren't under the sea, tears would be rolling down your face. You lay on the bed, trying to stop thinking about Uma, the Isle and everything. It was a good thing that you were exhausted, so you soon fell into a dreamless sleep.
You weren't sure how much time had passed, but, suddenly, you were woken by someone knocking on your door. You cursed under your breath, who, in the seven seas, was disturbing you right now? Not even bothering to look up, you invited whoever was at your door to come in, you heard them entering and closing the door and, after a moment, you felt the weight of someone sitting on your bed.  
They coughed and you recognized the deep voice that belonged to none other than your grandfather, King Triton.
"Grandpa!" you sat up quickly and hugged him.
"Hello, my dear" everyone feared your grandfather for he had quite a dauntless reputation (even you had to admit that he was frightening sometimes), also, his temper was known in all Auradon. However, when he looked at you with those gentle eyes, you forgot he was the King of the ocean, in these moments he was just your grandfather and you fell protected and loved near him.
"Oh grandpa, it was dreadful and I'm misarable" you hugged him again, hiding your face on his neck.
"Your mother told me what happened and that King Ben wants to close the barrier" his voice was so calm that it was difficult to imagine that when he was angry he could create storms and tsunamis.
"That's horrible. I feel so powerless and guilty! I know most of people think everyone in the Isle is evil but that's not true! They are kind and loyal and they don't deserve to be doomed to perish in that place! You should have seem their faces when Mal told them the program had been shut down" your grandfather wasn't know for his love for villains, everytime someone brought Ursula up he got riled up and changed the subject quickly, but you needed to speak out.
"And who are 'they' that you're talking about?" he asked, stroking you hair softly to confort you.
"You know... Celia, Gil, Harry... and Uma" you were nervous to talk about Uma with him. Actually, despite him knowing that you were in charge for her "search party" you have never discussed that you wanted to bring her to Atlantica, even more that you had brought her to the palace clandestinely and that she lived under his roof for months.
"Uma?" his voice was stern when he said your friend's name.
"Grandpa" you straightned up and looked him in the eye "I know it must be hard for you because Ursula caused great pain to our family but Uma has nothing to do with it, she is brave, smart and care so much about other people. She had the chance to stay in Auradon but she came back to the Isle because she couldn't abandon them! She might has taken some questionable decisions, but who hasn't? She was fighting for what she believed was right! Isn't it what you taught me?"
King Triton furrowed his brows; the wrinkles in his forehead were visible which could only mean he was deliberating something.
"You do seem to know a lot about her" he said after a while, his voice and face were severe and you swallowed... this conversation was taking a dangerous path.
"Well... I..."
Before you could finish the sentence, your grandfather cut you off.
"I know what you did"
You froze, he couldn't possibly be talking about Uma living in Atlantica. There was no way he knew that, if he had had any suspicion of what you did, he would have been beyond furious, so you tried to play cool.
"What are you talking about, grandpa?"
He raised an eyebrow and sighed.
"I know you brought Uma to live here in Atlantica"
And then you died.
The end.
Oh wait.
You weren't dead... but you were sure your grandfather just told you that he knew about Uma... Something was terribly wrong. He probably noticed your bulging eyes and horrified expression because he elucidated soon after.
"I raised seven daughters, my darling. I don't need my trident to see through a charm spell and a lie" it was weird, his voice was strangely serene and he looked slightly amused.
"But... how... like... why... Aren't you angry?" there weren't enough words to describe your shock right now.
"I learned to trust the people I love a long time ago, even when we don't agree on the subject." his tone was solemn and wise and it made you feel so small and pathetic because you knew you had disappointed him.
"I'm sorry, grandpa.... I'm sorry that I lied to you and that I disappointed you, but I'm not sorry for what I did" you didn't have the courage to look him in the eyes, but he lifted up your face and smiled.
"You didn't disappoint me. I trusted you enough to let you do what you thought was right, that was what I taught you. And considering everything I saw in the last months, I believe Uma is a good girl and I'm glad you're friends"
You returned his smile, not in your wildest dreams you thought your grandfather would understand this and it made you so glad how supportive and understanding he was about everything.
"I'm sorry for lying to you! I won't do it again" you promised him.
"You're young, you will" he laughed it off "But trust me when I say that I'll be by your side no matter what"
Everything should be perfect; however, there were a bitter feeling in your mouth and a knot in the pit of your stomach that you couldn't get rid of. In the end, it didn't matter if your grandfather trusted Uma or not, because she would be trapped on the Isle forever.
"So… I think I need your help" you bit your lip, uncertain of how to say it "We can't let them close the barrier for good, but I don't know what to do!"
"Don't worry, I promised I'll talk to King Ben about this. They can't just close the barrier like this without measuring the consequences" he reassured you "Now, rest, my darling. You had a long day"
He got up and swan towards your door, but before leaving he turned his head and said.
"Otherwise, you have my permission to summon up the wrath of the ocean upon them" he winked at you and left.
"Wait" you whispered to yourself "How does he even know?"
And then it hit you.
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the-moon-prince · 4 years
The Last Of us~Kurapika x Reader ~Chapter VII
AN: Hi my lovely fellows!
Last week I uploaded a new chapter nearly daily; unhappily from now on, I will take a little longer. I had a week of holidays, and I could permit myself to write every day. Despite that, I'll make my best effort to upload periodically! Thank you for your comprehension and support!
I wish you a pleasant read, and I hope you’ll enjoy the new chapter of my story.  (Chapter I) (Chapter II) (Chapter III) (Chapter IV ) (Chapter V) (Chapter VI) (Chapter VIII coming soon!)
Paring: Kurapika Kurta x GN! Reader
Word count: 2 040
TW: None!
"Anibal!"-The named one exclaimed. 
Kurapika was extremely disoriented. Just a few instants before; they were surrounded by armed men, cornered, threatened, and ambushed. Aspiring to analyze the changes affecting his situation, he surveyed his surroundings. Except the people cornering them were just as baffled. He turned to (Y/n), desiring to have an explanation or at slightest a confirmation that everything was going for the best. Who turned to see him with their smile and a relieved look on their eyes. The unique remaining option was to trust (Y/n).
"What are you doing, band of lunatics?! Are you out of your mind?"-The fat man started to scold again.
"Boss, I-"The fusty and horribly dressed man got cut.
"But what are you waiting for? For the pigs to fly? Lower your weapons already and get away from them!"-He raged anew-"Are you blind? Don't they see that they are peers of mine?"
"Mr. Anibal! Hello!"-(Y/n) attempted to obtain the man's attention with a friendly greeting.
"Mx. (Y/n), what are you doing here. Why the hell do my workers have you like this? Since when do you come to places like these?"- It was clear to Kurapika that the man and his lover knew each other. They didn't appear to have a tense relationship. Leastwise they were out of peril. 
"We were calmly purchasing when we were interrupted in a terribly rude way."-they accused feigning outrage, or at the minimum, Kurapika knew they were pretending.-"One should not approach clients this manner!"-next they turned to the man named Richard, who was leaning against the wall in fear-"I'm so sorry Richard, I'm not saying that for you, you've always been very courteous to me."- that was a sincere regret, they felt bad that the man might feel insulted by what was just said.
While (Y/n) approached Kurapika to, after all this time, give an account, the bearded man also whispered something to his chief.
"Kurapika, everything will be fine; I know this man! I'm their doctor. I am convinced that they would allow us to leave."-Their explanation was vague. However, Kurapika recognized that the situation did not allow for details. The priority was to reach somewhere safe.
"(Y/n)."- A guttural voice called their names.
"Eh, yes?"-Their tone was more uncertain. Kurapika didn't like that.
"I can't let you go that easy. You are the one who attacked one of my dealers and stole merchandise."-Even if the nearly bald person didn't have a threatening tone, it was rather grave.
Kurapika couldn't allow it to escalate anymore. He summoned his chains and prepared to attack. (Y/n) discerned that and had to stop it.
"Kurapika, I implore you. I know how to mend this difficulty. I warrant you I will explain everything to you."-they wept lightly touching one of his hands. 
He understood that contact occurred to be crucial to (Y/n); losing it would be grave. He was full of pressure. It was clear that losing so much charge of the circumstances filled him with uncertainty. In contrast, he did not want a scarcity of trust in (Y/n) to disserve them. He lowered his hand. (Y/n) nodded with gratitude and smiled at him anew.
"Understandable. Let me speak to Mr. Rafael, please."-they requested- "I presume he will want to resolve this matter personally. It is doubtful that he would be pleased that something occurred to his doctor."-they approached, a clear threat despite the calm and friendly tone.
The fat man took a cell phone out of one of the pockets of his pants, dialed a number, put the speaker, and placed the phone on the table. Following a few seconds, a squeaky, choppy male voice was heard. Kurapika couldn't identify what was being said, as it was in a language he didn't understand.
"Mr. Rafael, Hello, it's (Y/n)."-they greeted in a much more certain tone.
"Hi, Mx. (Y/n)! A pleasure to talk to you. With what can I help you?"-the squeaky voice answered as if the person was talking to an old friend of his.
"Yes, Mr. Rafael. Your workers attacked me and my associates, without us even inciting them. Luckily your brother was present. There is a subject I require to discuss with you, please."-(Y/n) began to explain.
"An absurd action. I did not give the order to attack you at any time."-Was what the alleged "Rafael" responded. 
The tension of the men around them increased. By how he speaks, he was the leader of the presents. And considering the reciprocities (Y/n) had with him, what they had done for sure was serious-
"I'm sure of it, Mr. Rafael. It seems to me your brother did."-their tone was modest in the place of angry. It was an "innocent" accusation.
They adopted a low profile, even more considering the status of power and advantage they possessed was brought to light.
"Have you gone crazy, Anibal? Explain yourself"-
"They are the ones who stole the merchandise."-the fat man gulped trying to justify himself.
"It is true."- they added.
Kurapika's stress and fear increased again. "What were they doing? They could perfectly deny everything. It is ill-considered to confess!" doubts echoed in his mind. He was preparing to attack again.
"Except, you know me, I am a good and honorable person."-they continued- "I was preparing to rightly buy from one of your vendors. Still, when I arrived, he threatened me and doubled the agreed price. It was extortion so he could keep the excess money."- their timbre turned into indignation.- "You understand how shameful betrayals are. I am persuaded you will validate my reasons."- they finalized.
"What did you steal to get to this?"-Every time the squeaky voice directed to (Y/n), he was calm.
"Eyes."-the fat man rushed to respond.
"How many?"- was the single ask the piping voice made
"A pair."-(Y/n) rejoined with their iconic smile. Lastly applying a fearless voice.
"Just a pair? Are you telling me that my doctor was attacked for a pair of eyes?"-the person in the other line scoffed.
"I'm afraid so, Mr. Rafael."-All the cards were in (Y/n)'s favor.
"I'm so sorry, Mx. (Y/n). I can't believe my brother treated you like this because of a pair of eyes, even more considering how much you had helped my family."-I had already finished-" One pair of eyes is not enough reason for that rudeness. Don't worry, you can leave in peace."- Kurapika realized that the speeches of (Y/n) had been carefully chosen to arrive at that result. They knew the person strongly and knew how to manage him.
"I knew you would understand, is your mother doing fine?"-they asked gracefully as if everything that had just arrived didn't have any weight.
"Perfectly, thank you."-he answered.
"Me alegro, saludela de mi parte, por favor. Tenga buen día. (I'm glad, tell her I say hi, please. Have a nice day)"- (Y/n) concluded in the same language the voice used at the beginning of the call.
The person on the other end of the line hung up. The group of armed men looked at each other, knowing that what the future held would not be pleasing. 
"As this was a misunderstanding, we withdrew."- (Y/n) got up from their chair, walked over to the old man named Richard, and gave him some money-"I deeply apologize for this error, Richard, this is for you to arrange your door."-They were playing with the patience of the rest.
Did they need to have a hint of humor at that precise time? Kurapika was exhausted and stressed out of his mind; he was standing at the entrance waiting. He just wanted to leave the place for good.
"Have a good afternoon, gentlemen!"-they mocked, following Kurapika out of the store.
They entered the car, Kurapika in the passenger's seat, and (Y/n) placed the scarlet eyes safely on the back seats to eventually join him in front.
"I excuse Kurapika. I am aware this affected you greatly. As I promised, I will clarify the matter."-they sighed with an apologetic smile.
Kurapika was still irritated, and his head ached. Although, as much as he was bothered not being in control of conditions and working beside someone extra could be tedious at times, he was grateful. He could not dispute that his partner was cunning and sneaky. They knew what they were doing, and if it weren't for them, they wouldn't have the scarlet eyes at that moment; and they would probably have cuts provoked by shattered glass. He was relieved that everything ended well.
"Mr. Rafael is the head of a mafia that operates on the black market. They are mainly concerned with obtaining and trafficking merchandise."-they put their hands together. resting them on their lap, they had their gaze focused on them as they explained.-"He comes from another country and he brought his family with him, whom he entrusted to positions in the mafia. Among them was his mother, who does not speak English. The lady contracted Bell's Palsy disorder. Reasonably, being wanted personages, going to the hospital was threatening. And I provided her the treatment."-They turned to view him, making gestures with their hands as they continued to unfold.-"I mean, I could do it without raising misgivings. It is not unusual for psychiatrists to examine patients at their residencies! And psychiatrists are neurologists specialized in behavior and mental disorders! Plus, I speak Spanish as well!"-they mumbled, feeling responsible for all the trouble they just experienced.
"It's alright. I understand. Having a high-ranking person in the framework on your side is beneficial to retrieve elements of your clan. However, why didn't you told me?"-he tried not to trouble. The reasons were legitimate after all.
"I'm not sure."-they lowered their gaze again.-"I never imagined that something like this would appear. I was shallow, sorry. Thank you for understanding and trusting me, they are valuable connections for my objective." 
It was unpleasant for Kurapika to be upset with (Y / n). He didn't want to be upset.
"You're sneakier than you seem."-He offered them a sweet smile.
They laughed, he loved that laughter. He was undeniably ready to fight anyone who said their precious (Y/n)'s laugh was ugly.
"I also wasn't aware you spoke Spanish."-the blonde continued to tease.
"Well, Unilium lived in a place where the habitants speak Spanish. We also had our languages, so we spoke both."-they smiled-"I also like languages, they're amusing!" 
There were so several details that Kurapika still didn't know about them. Still, he was certain he desired to discover them.
"You are so strange (Y/n). But that's maybe why I love you."
They couldn't help but give a soft and loving smile.-"I love you the most."
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‘what the heck is going on with nicalis and cave story on twitter at the moment’: a post
i’m making this not to defend nicalis in any way, but because all the misinformation going around on twitter is bugging the hell out of me and i hope at least one person’ll see this and... idk, at least not contribute to this mess.
To the best of my knowledge, this all began September 2019 when an article was published exposing issues of Nicalis ghosting developers and poor behaviour in the past from its CEO, Tyrone Rodriguez. 
Around this time (again, to the best of my knowledge), rumours on Twitter began to spring up about Nicalis having tricked Pixel out of and/or straight up stolen the rights to Cave Story - some variants even claimed they forced him to sign a contract in English (a language he doesn’t speak) thus locking him out of making a sequel or anything else yadda yadda etc. 
This is not true. The contract has never been made public, but from what we know, Pixel still has a good relationship with Nicalis (or at least Tyrone) and has stated in the past making a sequel isn’t a priority for him (tbh in my opinion I believe he just isn’t interested in his 16 year old game anymore and has moved on). Pixel has also stated on Twitter that he receives revenue from, at least, the 3DS eshop port of Cave Story, and the profit from the Wiiware* port allowed him to quit his day job (note: this tweet was made by Nicalis but was retweeted by Pixel) and go into development full time. 
At the very least, there is no evidence to prove Nicalis stole and/or tricked Pixel out of the rights to Cave Story (and do you really think a Japanese businessman would be stupid enough to sign a contract in a language he doesn’t speak???), and spreading this rumour is just plain harmful.
Further info on this original controversy: x | x
*profit from CS3D, not Wiiware, apparently
Current controversy:
A couple weeks ago (Nov. 24th), Nicalis filed a DMCA takedown for CSE2 - a fan-made DECOMPILATION of the freeware Cave Story engine.
As of this post (3/12/2020), there has been no official statement or reason given, and the developers of CSE2 are, to my knowledge, still attempting to reach out to Nicalis. However, it seems they are legally in the right to take down CSE2, as the original Cave Story was freeware, not open-source (thus making decompilations illegal), and Nicalis owns the rights to it, according to the DMCA notice.
(note: there is a screenshot of an email to a fan from pixel claiming nicalis owns the rights to freeware, and that its continued distribution is with special permission from nicalis, but i won’t link it as while it’s probably true - the japanese text has been confirmed as legit - i personally don’t trust it enough to link as irrefutable evidence)
What they are not doing, however, is taking down the original freeware game. That has not been touched, nor have any freeware mods - a quick google search will find it still up on cavestory.org, arguably its most well-known download spot, as well as its current official home, the Playism website (the ones who published Kero Blaster, Pixel’s other game) and Pixel’s own website. Doukutsu Club, a fan-made host site for freeware mods, is also still up and untouched.
This rumour, it seems, started from a single tweet by someone with no connections to Nicalis, Cave Story or its community. Unfortunately it was picked up as ‘fact’ (despite no evidence) by many people including some “journalists” who then published articles further spreading this misinformation. Again, the original, free version of Cave Story is untouched and not going anywhere.
As the situation is still currently on-going, I will edit this post if any new information comes up, but for now I hope this is comprehensible enough for anyone who would like to know what all the fuss is about.
edit: as of 10/02/2021, there has been... absolutely zero information - nicalis hasn’t responded at all, and unfortunately as i assume it’s going to stay that way for the foreseeable future, i’m going to unpin this
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21st Century Friction
Pairing: Peter Parker x Michelle Jones (Spideychelle) Rating: T Word count: 10,817 @spideychelleweek​
Spideychelle Week Day 6: Enemies to Lovers
Summary: Peter needs an arts credit to graduate, but he didn't mean to pick the course that even the English majors avoid! Luckily, he has the help of Michelle Jones, the tutor Tony hired for him. Unluckily, she just overheard him insulting her entire academic discipline. They're not breaking off the arrangement―Peter's determined to do well in this stupid English course to keep his average up and Michelle won't let his bad attitude stand in the way of a cheque from Tony Stark.
With one tempestuous meeting down, they only have two semesters and twenty-five books to go.
Peter’s in big trouble―huge―and Mr. Stark did tell him that if he’s ever in trouble he should ask for help, so he calls, looking for help, and gets nobody, so he calls again and gets Happy, who hangs up once Peter makes him understand that, no, this isn’t about somebody trying to kick his Spidey-suit ass but about him trying to pick a new class (Happy’s next to some freaky machine at the time and it makes the cell reception wonky), but who finally listens all the way to the end on the seventeenth time Peter manages to get through to him without having his call dropped, and then Mr. Stark is told about it and though Peter isn’t immediately apprised of the solution to his own problem for some reason, he’s informed that cash has been flashed and that the solution will, inevitably, be attained.
Until then, Peter begins the first week of his third year of college and shows up to the labs and lectures of every class on his schedule, including English 1034: 21st Century Literature from A to Z.
AGUALUSA, José Eduardo ― A General Theory of Oblivion
“A tutor?” Peter hisses into his phone, pacing the tight corridor of the library’s fourth-floor stacks. “How is his solution to get me a tutor? I don’t need a tutor! I’m smart, Happy, remember? What did I want instead? Well, I don’t know! I have to keep all my core classes for my major, but maybe he could’ve made them give me credit for taking something online from another college? I’m not screwing up my schedule for English lit. I don’t even know why I gotta take this! I know how to read, you know? I’m just―”
Oh sure, he heard the other person enter the aisle, but he assumed it was to grab a book, so the noise of annoyance that leaves his mouth when his phone is snatched from his hand and his call ended is absolutely genuine.
“’Sup,” says the person, who’s a woman his age, who’s handing his phone back with a lazy gesture, who’s apparently entirely cool, casual, and unapologetic about unceremoniously hanging up on Happy for him. “You gotta take English lit because it sounds as though your vocabulary needs it and, hi, I’m Michelle. Your tutor.”
She mumbles an indelicate string of words after that as she turns and walks away from him out of the stacks and Peter picks up ‘entitled asshole’ even though he isn’t trying to listen, just follow her and set this thing straight.
“Uh, no, you’re not,” he assures her, alarmed when the place he’s trailing her to turns out to be a table where her stuff is waiting―open notebook, two different coloured pens, a copy of the syllabus for English 1034. No, no, no!
“Well, I can’t guarantee you’ll actually learn anything since you seem to have a combination of a pretty thick skull and an overinflated ego, but I’ll hold up my end of the deal. Let me guess, Business major?”
“Bio,” Peter grits out, grasping the back of the chair intended for him as this Michelle person slides neatly into hers, like the library’s her living room because she lives here. Fine. He’s happy for it to stay that way. He has access to all the books he needs in the sciences library on the other side of campus.
“Well, my condolences to the parts of your brain which, in most people, would produce non-literal comprehension and creative thought. But I’m sure you know the names for those, don’t you, Science Guy? Ok, quit making that face and let’s go over your syllabus.”
She doesn’t look up the entire time she speaks and Peter has never heard a person sound so pretentious in real life.
“Are you kidding me? No. Even if I wanted or needed to be tutored, it wouldn’t be by you. You grabbed my phone out of my hand!”
“Yeah,” Michelle agrees, meeting his eye with something firm in her own, “and you were talking on it in one of the library’s Quiet Zones. I’m not here to give you a lesson on Comparative Ignorance.”
“What makes you think you can just do that?” Peter demands. He feels sort of ridiculous and like he’s simultaneously taking the argument a step too far and a step not-far-enough; he’s not usually like this, but then, other people aren’t usually like that.
“The fact that I was paid in advance.”
She nods towards the chair and Peter doesn’t know why he does it, but he sits, still mad.
“Stark paid you to tutor me,” he states.
“Boy, are you struggling with the concept of exchanging currency for services too? Maybe there’s a basic Econ class you could still get into.”
“Why you?”
“Why you?” Michelle counters. “Why can’t smarty-pants, Stark-patroned Peter Parker just suck it up and get through a single English credit? Seriously, why not, since you seem to think it’s just reading and therefore easy. Why not just bribe the college to hand you the credit? You want me to tell you where the Financial Office is? I could show you because, ok, about me now, I’m here on scholarship because I couldn’t find a benevolent billionaire to smooth my path for me.” She straightens up in her chair, eyes practically volcanic with heat. “And here’s another why me for you: because I love what I study, I think literature has worth and beauty, and, oh right, I have the highest grade point average in the entire School of Arts and Humanities.”
Peter’s so floored for a minute that he forgets why he’s angry.
“It wouldn’t be right,” he finally says, trying to at least regain the moral high ground after her offhand suggestion of bribery. “Buying a credit. It wouldn’t be right.”
“So… instead you demean the entire discipline, like that’s going to help you.”
He scoffs.
“It’d help me more than you would.”
“Helping you is why I’m here.”
“You sound thrilled about it.”
“Hard not to be when I have the honour of tutoring the Spider-Man,” she says, matching his sarcasm.
Ugh, he hates that she brought that up. By his third year, he’s become less of a novelty in the halls―these days, people get more excited about a sighting of the local gopher who lives in a hole near the Astronomy building―and having it thrown in his face like this is even more uncomfortable than requests for selfies. Or the few mortifying pleas for his autograph. They’re locked in a mutually-irritated glare, which Peter breaks with a groan and a roll of his eyes.
“I didn’t want to be in this class,” he admits.
“And yet the online course selection process is so very hard to fuck up. Thus, you did in fact choose this class. Unless… does Tony Stark pick your classes for you?”
Peter ignores that. He can’t both fume and be cooperative enough to get her help, which he’s starting to think he might need. Maybe she can give him some kind of insider English department knowledge that will rid him of English 1034.
“It is an interesting choice,” Michelle continues carefully. Is she smirking at him? He can’t quite tell.
“I didn’t read the description.”
“What did you expect ‘20th Century Literature from A to Z’ to be?”
She’s mocking him, but Peter feels like his mistake in taking this particular class is an easy one to make. He has plenty of reasons to back him up.
“It’s a first-year level English course, it’s non-essay, and ‘A to Z’ made it sound like an overview,” he lists confidently.
“In case you don’t already know or suspect this, nobody who’s actually in the English program takes it.”
Michelle’s tone is extraordinarily smug.
“I thought you guys loved to read,” Peter says accusingly, leaning back and crossing his arms.
“Not a novel every week for two semesters! Dude, you picked a course with twenty-six required texts. ‘A to Z’ is for the alphabetical order of the authors’ last names.”
“I know that now,” he grumbles, eyeing the booklist Michelle has neatly aligned next to the syllabus on their study table. “And now all the other full-year non-essay English classes are full, so I can’t drop this one because there’s nothing to pick up in its place.”
“That’s an insanely stupid mistake.”
“Ok, if you’re ready to move on, what were your thoughts on Agualusa?”
“You still want to tutor me?”
She looks at him like he’s truly the uncomprehending, unimaginative Bio-dunce she described.
“There are few things I want less than I want this. The only possible enjoyment here is getting to meet one of the unsuspecting idiots who signed up for that class, and even that doesn’t cancel out the way you belittled my area of study and those who study it. So.” Michelle extends a hand and, when Peter realizes what she wants, accepts his panic-purchased copy of A General Theory of Oblivion. “Time to prove you can read.”
BEATTY, Paul ― The Sellout
“I see you found the place,” Michelle greets without looking up from what she’s reading (which is the book for his course).
Peter attempts to glance around without being obvious about it.
“It’s the same table we sat at last time,” he says, mostly certain.
“I know.” She looks up. “I just thought you might get lost in unfamiliar territory. Had you ever been in here before last week?”
He laughs bitterly as he slings his backpack off and lets it slam into the leg of the table, making Michelle frown.
“Yeah, I had.” Once. When he toured the college with May before applying to undergrad. “Don’t be so gatekeeper-y. These books aren’t just for English majors.”
“Oh, so you avail yourself of them often for pleasure reading? Sorry, sorry,” she adds quickly and something inside Peter eases at the hope of an apology, “I forgot I was talking to the guy who signed up for the most reading-heavy class the English department offers. Of course you must love to read.”
“I just want to get my mandatory arts credit to graduate.”
The motive should be obvious, Peter thinks, but maybe she’ll take pity on him because he’s offering an explanation.
“You’ve already successfully postponed it your first two years. Why not push it to next year when you can take a lighter class?”
“There are a lot of required fourth-year courses for my major. I don’t have room for anything that isn’t impor―”
He cuts himself off, but Michelle looks pissed. What? It’s the truth! If he thought English was more important than Biology, he would’ve studied English!
“You’re trying to get me to wait for an easier class and you told me I shouldn’t assume English was easy,” he accuses.
“It’s not! I didn’t say an easier class, I said a lighter one. You know, with fewer books to read. English ten-thirty-four is an easy class.”
“Yeah right!”
“Really, Peter?” He’s startled to hear his name leave her mouth. “Exactly how deep were you expecting the analysis to go when you only spend a week on each book? That’s a Monday and Wednesday course, right? So you’re only actually discussing the book for three hours. A bunch of your assigned texts are over four hundred pages, which means covering around one hundred and thirty-three pages every hour of discussion, or a little over two pages every minute. And that’s just content. If you were actually digging into any of these books, you’d discuss themes, historical context of the subject matter, intertextual influence…”
“You’re pretty good at math,” he says wryly. “I bet you could have majored in that instead.”
“I could’ve majored in anything, but I chose a subject that actually has a soul.”
“It’s cute that you’re so noble about it,” Peter says, feeling like an honest-to-Thor asshole because he’s never disparaged anyone or anything by calling them or it ‘cute’ before, “considering the current arrangement.”
She gives him a harsh look before finally asking, “What do you mean?”
“You’re studying something so intellectual and culturally important or whatever and looking down at people in Business and the sciences. Lots of us love what we’re majoring in and some of us are in it for a career with a good salary. I’m just worried you’re being a bit of a hypocrite. How superior can you feel when you’re peddling your English-major wisdom for a paycheque from Tony Stark?”
Michelle can’t really murder him―his reflexes are too fast, his body too durable, and the most dangerous thing she appears to have at her disposal is a blue ballpoint pen―but she kinda looks like she might give it a try. Ok, so undercutting her integrity in a vengeful rant was probably beneath him. She was being such a snob though!
Finally, her expression relaxes and she uncaps her pen (Peter flinches), poising it over the page where, last week, she composed him a strong set of notes as they attempted a rocky discussion of the book.
“How much did you get read?”
CHOI, Mary H.K. ― Permanent Record
Peter sits and nods at Michelle when she looks up.
“We’re past the add/drop date,” he announces. “Guess I’m officially in English ten-thirty-four for the rest of the year.”
“And when you graduate, it’ll be right there on your transcript, smuggled through in between the important courses. Even if you can’t hack it and fail the class,” she concludes with a small, scornful smile.
“As far as I know, you’re being paid too much to let me fail.”
It feels like a gross powerplay the second he’s said it. If they’re really going to do this, he needs to start taking the meanspirited way that she roots against him in stride. Does he think about finding a different tutor every time she makes a sly comment like that? Sure, but he’s stubborn enough about maintaining a strong average to recognize the value of learning from the best student in the program.
“So…” he says after a minute, watching Michelle flip through his book to find where he’s marked the passages examined in class. “We never really agreed to it out loud, but I guess this is our standing place and time to do this?”
“Yeah, there’s a clipboard where you sign up to reserve a specific table. I put our names down for every Thursday for the rest of the year.”
“No, numbskull,” Michelle informs him lightly. “You can’t reserve a table, only the study rooms. I knew you didn’t know how the library worked.”
“How ‘bout, instead of that, we talk about the demands of fame.”
“Oh? Are you trying to open up to me?” She taps the end of her pen hard and fast against the table as though to emphasize this is something she doesn’t have time for.
“No. I did my assigned reading.”
He reaches out and grabs his book, dragging it back across the table.
DAY, Kate Hope ― If, Then
“I kept waiting for it to get good. Why didn’t it get good?” he asks, spinning the book on their table, then trapping it under his palm.
“Patience, spider-brain,” Michelle instructs. “It is good. It’s suspenseful and subtle and atmospheric and it’s no wonder those things went right over your head. Weren’t you at least interested in Ginny? She’s a surgeon.”
“So, you’re in Biology. Don’t you want to be a doctor or something?”
“I don’t know yet,” Peter says with a shrug. Man, is she going to start bugging him about figuring out his career path? He has May for that. “Do you know what you want to be?”
“A tutor,” she responds flatly.
He’d smile if they were friends because she’s apparently hilarious.
“It takes some time to build if the part you’re most interested in is the sci-fi stuff,” Michelle concedes. “Did you read it to the end?”
“I didn’t have time. I had to start the next book early because I have a big lab assignment next week.” He sighs and lets his head fall into his hand just thinking about it.
She frowns and looks down, so he can only assume she disapproves of his priorities or his poor time management or something.
But then she mumbles, “You should try audiobooks.”
“Thanks,” Peter says, because that’s actually a great idea. He can listen on his way to campus in the mornings and he won’t have to carry the book on the days he doesn’t have that class. It’ll mean buying an audio copy of everything he already purchased, but he’ll still use the hard copies most of the time, and it’s not like Mr. Stark’s going to begrudge him another hundred bucks. Plus, almost all of the books for this course are novels, so it won’t even feel like doing homework!
In the midst of excitedly thinking over how much time he’ll have if he takes her advice, he glances at Michelle. She’s ignoring him.
ENDICOTT, Marina ― Good to a Fault
It’s the first week of October and Peter thinks he has the hang of this being-an-English-student thing. He read-slash-listened-to the whole book this week and even though the next two weeks’ novels are a couple of the longest in the entire course, he’s undaunted. When he gets to the library and finds Michelle―the classes they have right before this tutoring session end at the same time, but she always beats him here―he brags about being totally on top of his reading. She’s possibly starting to smile at him when he says, “I’m getting good at this. You want any tips?”
“God, Peter!” she blurts. “This is the third year of my major! Try to have some fucking respect!”
He holds up his hands placatingly. Once his books are out, Peter starts watching her and notices a syllabus at her elbow that isn’t for English 1034. Aggressively highlighted in green is tomorrow’s date and ‘MIDTERM.’ His don’t start for another week. He never consciously realized that Humanities students had midterm stress too. Michelle must be taking more than one English class right now, plus whatever else fills up her schedule. Jeeze, that’s a lot of reading, and she’s reading enough of his books to help him on top of doing her own shit. Peter winces and keeps his mouth shut until she’s ready to begin.
FLYNN, Gillian ― Gone Girl
They’re in the thick of midterms and having a particularly grouchy (on both sides) tutoring session.
“Quit writing a bunch of nothing,” Michelle criticizes, like that’s somehow useful feedback.
“I’m getting to my point!” Peter complains.
“They’re long answer questions, not essays. You won’t get any pity marks for filler like you do in a Bio exam.”
“They don’t give marks for filler in Bio exams!”
“Well then where did you learn to answer questions like this?” she snaps. “Do you want to start this one over or try another one?”
They glare at each other for several sluggish moments.
“I’ll start over,” Peter decides, meeting her challenging look with his own.
This time, Michelle not only passes him the question she came up with but also rips a piece of paper out of her notebook, tears it into thirds, and hands him one of those as well.
“One-sided,” she instructs.
“Yeah, I get it.”
“Be concise.”
“If you took your own advice, I’d be able to write in silence right now instead of being distracted by the sound of you talking!”
In what seems like a blink as Peter looks up from his paper and tightly-gripped pencil in confusion, Michelle has her bag packed and shoves back from the table.
“Help me study!” he yells after her in desperation.
“Earn it with something more than money,” she calls back, flipping him off over her shoulder.
GO, Justin ― The Steady Running of the Hour
Groveling wouldn’t be well-received, Peter thinks. Instead, he brings Michelle an iced coffee as an apology for being a dick last week when he was freaking out over midterms. They’re experiencing a final flare of summer weather and it seems like a practical offering as well as a symbolic gesture. Unfortunately, the man at the front desk makes Peter toss the coffee before he’s allowed in because of a No Food and Drink policy. He feels really awkward about it and distinctly emptyhanded when he approaches Michelle at their usual table.
When it’s clear that she’s not focused on anything else, Peter spills the story and does end up saying, “I’m sorry” out loud. She likes one of those things enough to smile at him―not a big one, but not a sarcastic one either―and he exhales in relief.
“I really appreciate that you’re doing this,” he adds during a lull when they’re looking over the notes he made in class, trying to decipher his professor’s analysis of a certain passage.
He studies Michelle’s downturned face until she looks up and meets his eye.
“When do you get your midterm results?”
“Not for a couple of weeks. The prof doesn’t seem like he’s in any rush.”
“Are you worried about how you did?” she asks, propping her chin up with her fist. It makes her mouth slope into a playful pout and he follows the line of it with his eye for a second.
Michelle shakes her head.
“You shouldn’t be. You’re working hard. I know you passed.”
It’s the first session that they don’t fight. Feels good.
HAM, Rosalie ― The Dressmaker
“Holy shit,” he breathes when Michelle enters. “What is that?”
The day has finally come that he beats her to the library, which is the first shock, but this is an entirely separate and far less expected thing.
“It’s Halloween,” she states. As though it’s no big deal that she just walked in here wearing a silky-looking, floor-length, emerald green gown. Well, he assumes it’s a gown and not a skirt that sits really high on her waist, but he can’t see the entire thing; she’s wearing a cropped hoodie over top. The juxtaposition makes him grin.
“Where did you get that?”
“I made it.” Just as Peter’s mouth is dropping open, she huffs a laugh and says, “Of course I didn’t. It was my grandma’s. The style’s not totally right, but I thought the colour was a pretty good match.”
“Right,” he agrees as she swishes over and sits, cautiously smoothing the dress as she does so. “Because you’re obviously supposed to be…”
Michelle rolls her eyes as she takes the opportunity for illuminating him.
“Cecilia Tallis. From Atonement,” she prompts. “Keira Knightley played her.”
“Oh, ok, yeah. I think I saw part of that one time when my aunt May was watching it.”
“It was a book first,” Michelle teasingly informs him.
“I know you’ll be amazed to hear that I haven’t read it.”
“So amazed.”
“You look good in green,” Peter throws out there while she’s still looking at him.
“Don’t be weird about it, Parker.”
He totally sees her smiling to herself when they turn to their books and wonders if they’re friends yet.
ISRAEL, Lee ― Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Nope, nope, nope, they’re definitely not friends yet! After their revision session last week, Peter thought more about his and Michelle’s potential friendship, then started to feel weird about the fact that he’s paying her―or that Mr. Stark is, on his behalf. It’s been rare lately that both he and Mr. Stark aren’t busy at the same time, but with Peter’s midterms over and a new month beginning, Tony worked out a time for them to speak in person. Peter might have got rambling a little under the heady influence of his mentor’s full attention and maybe some things came across incorrectly. It wasn’t a meeting though, and he definitely didn’t know that decisions were being made!
“I thought you were finding this helpful!” Michelle says.
“I am,” he insists. “I left Mr. Stark a message. I’m gonna set it straight!”
“Oh, like you set it straight over the weekend? He fired me as your tutor!”
“I didn’t know he was doing that!”
“What did you say to him?” she demands.
Fuck, this is going to be embarrassing to say face-to-face. Peter glances at their table―where they didn’t sit down, due to this accidental termination―and feels himself get all overheated and shifty.
“That I felt weird about paying you.”
“Because English is so worthless you should be able to learn about it for free? Yeah, I guess you could’ve made the internet your tutor, but it’s a full two months too late for that!”
“Dammit!” Peter says, frustrated. “No! Because I thought maybe you and I were friends now because it seemed like maybe we were and I’d definitely like us to be friends, but I didn’t want you to feel obligated to be nice to me as a friend or anything more than a tutor just because you’re being paid. Do you want to be friends with me?” he summarizes bluntly.
He frowns in confusion.
Michelle’s eyes dart to the side, then zip back to his face.
“…Isn’t that what you want? I think that’s literally what you just told me you want.”
“And the money thing?”
“Yeah, you’re definitely going to fix that as soon as we’re done today. My time and expertise are valuable as hell and I’m super willing to take Tony Stark’s money.” She gives him a weird look. “My friendship is not for sale.”
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to assume―”
“I mean, I don’t know how people make friends over there in Biology, but―”
“Ok, that’s far enough,” he says, laughing when she smirks to admit she was kidding.
“I guess you better start calling me MJ too,” she says, taking her usual seat.
“If I had any extra names you didn’t know, I’d totally let you use one in exchange.”
She shrugs easily and picks up this week’s novel when he places it on the table within her reach.
“Speaking of people using other names…” MJ says as she taps the cover. “Ready to talk about a famous forger?”
“Smooth transition.”
“Thanks… pal?”
“No,” Peter says to ‘pal,’ making a face.
“No,” she agrees. “I’ll just have to remember that we’re friends now without a new name to remind me.”
“You’re officially my meanest friend,” he jokes.
MJ snorts.
“Peter, with all the time we’re spending together this year, I’m gonna be your best friend.”
JOHNSON, Adam ― Fortune Smiles
“Seventy-three!” Peter cries out when he strides into the library that Thursday. Desk Man shoots him a look and Peter mouths, “Sorry.” But if that guy’s annoyance with Peter is on the rise, so is the strength of his friendship with MJ.
“Seventy-three?” she repeats excitedly, then pauses, seemingly waiting for him to say more.
He understands. For her, getting a 73 on an English exam would probably be a blow to her average and something she’d struggle to course correct from on the final. He’d feel the same about receiving that grade in one of the classes that make up his major. But for his first college English exam? A discipline that’s forcing him to learn a completely different type of material and regurgitate that knowledge on an exam that’s neither practical nor multiple choice? It’s huge. He beams to let MJ know he hasn’t come to complain about her ineffective tutoring. Totally the opposite.
“That’s great,” MJ says. She rises from her chair because Peter’s too hyper―even a full day after getting his mark―to sit down yet.
“I told you you’d do fine,” she reminds him.
Then she goes to shove his arm and Peter misinterprets it, pulling her in to finish what he thought was the beginning of a hug. Just as he’s realizing and loosening his arms from around her, MJ’s hands come up and squeeze his back once, ending in a few reassuring pats. They break out of it, holding each other at arm’s length and she gives him a firm nod in conclusion. Peter laughs awkwardly. After that, they re-establish their usual rhythm.
“So, the first short story collection on your booklist,” she says as she sits. Rather than taking his regular spot across from her, he drags the chair around the circular table so they’re side by side. MJ watches him without protest.
“These are the first short stories I’ve read,” he tells her.
“What did you think?”
“I like it. It’s nice how it breaks the book into chunks. Makes it seem shorter maybe?”
Weirdly, their opinions about the book and what his prof wants him to learn from it continue to closely align. Of course, they don’t get through everything because, after about 15 minutes, MJ asks if he brought his midterm with him. He yanks it free of his backpack and they spend the rest of their time going over it. With a 73, Peter expects a lot of the review to be criticism (of the constructive variety) and notes on what he should’ve done better or different. Instead, it’s MJ gasping (quietly but happily) every time she finds a place where he mentioned something they went over together. He watches her eyes scan over where he described If, Then as ‘suspenseful, subtle, and atmospheric’ before going further into his comparison between that novel and Gone Girl. She catches his eye, her expressions changing like a shuffling card deck. Peter sees impressed come up, then pleased, then a third, unfamiliar thing that’s gone when MJ flips his exam to the next page.
KOCH, Herman ― The Dinner
“How is this book so horrific and so good?” Peter asks wonderingly.
They were going over his class notes until the notes referred to a page number of the novel. When he couldn’t remember what happened there, they looked it up. It was just supposed to be a refresher, but it turned into them reading nine pages―waiting for each other before flipping when their reading speeds raced, constantly slipping out of and regaining first place.
“It’s giving me rage-hunger,” MJ said.
“Yeah, you know, when you’re incensed about something to the point that you start getting really hungry? Happens to me at protests.”
“Listen,” Peter says, dropping his voice to a compelling whisper. “I have pretzels.”
He nods.
“Do we risk it?”
“Yes,” she insists.
While she keeps watch, glancing around, Peter grasps the edge of the pretzel bag in his backpack. His expression feels pretty constipated as he struggles to open the bag soundlessly, but it’s worth the effort when he feels it give. Furtively, they sneak pretzels from his bag―balanced between their legs under the table―up to their mouths, attempting to chew as silently as possible and speaking in a soft slur with pretzels distending their cheeks.
LINK, Kelly ― Get in Trouble
Yeah, so, after being caught with mouths full of pretzels, they’re slightly afraid to immediately return to the library. Instead of meeting there on Thursday to go over all of Peter’s notes at once, he and MJ snatch time all week long. It’s another collection of short stories this week, so they go over the first one before he even attends his Monday English 1034 lecture, meaning he’s super prepared to participate for once, after running his thoughts by his tutor in advance. The next time, they do story number two, plus his class notes, then continue meeting when they can.
Peter hesitates before asking if she still wants to get together at their regular hour on Thursday. What if she feels like she’s given him enough of her time this week? What if she made other plans? But when he does ask, she’s surprised that he ever considered them not having their scheduled session. He’s not entirely sure why he was so scared she’d say no. That was silly. Although they both acknowledged that they’re friends, he thinks they’re finally starting to act like it.
So they meet on Thursday. And then they meet on Friday too. They say it’s for tutoring and keep Peter’s copy of Get in Trouble between them on the table of the student community centre, but they don’t open it. MJ trades him a bite of her pizza slice for some of his fries. He laughs hard when she gets ketchup on her lip, then swallows the sound down as she licks it off.
“Did I get it?”
“Um, yeah,” Peter replies, stupefied.
MOYES, Jojo ― Me Before You
“Well,” he says, retyping his notes to add MJ’s insights, “here’s another one where I can count watching a movie as part of studying.” Peter keeps typing for a minute, but she doesn’t respond, so while his eyes remain on the screen he asks, “Are you judging me? I promise I’m still going to read the rest of the book.”
Finished, he looks over to see MJ staring intently at the open novel. Peter concentrates on the book first―she’s right near the end―then on his friend’s face. Is she…?
“Are you crying?” he asks softly, leaning towards her.
He thought she might hide her reaction, but she raises her head and sniffs as tears pour down her cheeks. She’s so naked with emotion that Peter shudders.
“Maybe,” she says, making them both laugh, hers a bubbling noise from the wetness in her throat. “But ignore this. I said I wouldn’t spoil the ending for you.”
“Obviously, nothing dramatic happens,” Peter sarcastically infers. “You cry all the time. I have zero reason to think it has anything to do with Me Before You.”
Smiling, she finally wipes the last of her tears away with the sleeve of her cardigan.
“I still have a little bit left to read.”
“Borrow it,” he says.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I can listen to the audiobook for a while, or you can just keep it overnight and we’ll hang out tomorrow and I’ll get it back from you. Unless you think you’d need longer.”
MJ rolls her eyes at him.
“Please. I eat Jojo Moyeses for breakfast. I’ll probably finish it during the break in my next class.”
“So, you wouldn’t even need it overnight then,” he says, trying to be sly. She lets out a laugh.
“You want to read it so badly, don’t you?”
“Maybe I just don’t like lending out my books.”
“Liar. I bet you’re going to read the rest all in one sitting.” MJ smirks and stands the book on the table like both she and it are taunting him. “Don’t you need to prioritize your other courses, Peter? What about Biology?”
“Offer revoked,” he tells her, making to take the book back. She doesn’t let him, holding it up and away from him.
“Are you going to spend all night reading for pleasure instead of doing your science homework? Shame on you, Peter. What about your future?”
He stands too quickly in his attempt to grab the book, startling MJ, who rocks back in her chair a little too far. But it can’t tip faster than his reflexes can react; Peter instinctively grabs her around the waist and pulls her against him as the chair topples and the paperback hits the ground with a soft thump. They haven’t been this close since they hugged after his midterm results. He opens and closes his mouth without saying anything, fingers shifting against MJ’s back as she gets her balance. Seems to take her longer than it should, but he won’t let go before she’s ready. Which’ll be any second now, he’s sure. She’s flushed, eyes roaming his face. Probably about to tell him she can stand all on her fucking own.
Any second now.
NG, Celeste ― Everything I Never Told You
It’s the second week in December and their final tutoring session of the semester. Exams start tomorrow, though the one for English 1034 isn’t until the 21st. Peter should be psyched―after this exam, he’s halfway done the course―and yet his shoulders carry some heaviness into the library, along with big, wet snowflakes. He perks up at the sight of MJ, then grows subdued just as fast. They’ve become the kind of friends who meet during the week, always at school, usually with at least the pretense of studying. She’s never been to the apartment he shares with three roommates; he has no idea where she lives. Their most secure connection is a list of 26 books and after today’s session, 14 of those will already be behind them. Theoretically, they’re committed to spending another semester together (unless the world ends via hostile alien takeover, or Mr. Stark fires MJ again and she agrees to it for some reason). What happens after that?
Peter doesn’t like the way winter break looks like a preview for the end of the school year in April. He’s sure that’ll come up quick after the new year because second semester always feels shorter than first. Will they be close enough by then to make plans for hanging out over the summer? He knows MJ’s from here, but not if she’ll be around. And what about next year? He won’t be studying English. Are they gonna see each other on campus or both be too busy with their final year of undergrad―keeping up grades and searching for their first job opportunities right out of college? And then? Will one or both of them move away for work or grad school, or just to find a cheaper place to live while they’re starting out? Seriously, they could be faint memories to each other in under five years.
He's weighed down with all of this as he flops into his seat at their table.
“Do you think you’re ready?” MJ asks just before she glances up.
“What?” Peter replies, devastated.
“For your exam.” She meets his eye and her expression collapses inward a little as she assesses his mood. “What’s wrong?”
He looks at her face. It’s easy to admit to himself that her eyes are more trusting than they used to be when they stared back into his, and he has to allow that she’s more trusting too. Same with him. They’ve smoothed each other out, rounded off each other’s bluntest angles. Peter has no desire for them to ever have another shouting match like they did during the early weeks of this arrangement. In fact, his ideal dynamic for them would be the complete opposite.
“I guess I’m… worried.”
“We should get together next week.”
“That would be great,” he tells her with eager relief.
Wow, what would they do? Grab lunch? Dinner? Hot chocolates and ice skating at Rockefeller Center? A movie at his place? All of his roommates have early or no exams (lucky bastards) and plans to head home for the holidays right after, leaving him alone in the apartment.
“This is a late exam,” MJ says, doublechecking the date in her planner, which includes all of his deadlines (in red ink) alongside hers (in blue), “but the library’s open practically every day but Christmas.”
Oh. She means get together here. Of course. He didn’t really make it clear that the exam isn’t what he’s worried about, or at least it’s not the main thing.
“Well,” Peter says, “consistency.”
“What’s up with you?” she asks, narrowing her eyes are him, apparently not satisfied since he does still sound kinda bereft.
Retrieving his novel and his laptop, he says, “Nothing,” and thinks, I was just wishing we were more than friends.
OZEKI, Ruth ― A Tale for the Time Being
They hang out once before his exam, when MJ helps Peter with prep, and once after, when he’s getting a jump on his reading for semester two. The second time, totally by accident, she meets May.
MJ’s at his apartment for the first time and the two out of three of his roommates who’ve already returned are being loud enough that Peter can’t forget their existence the way he wants to (just for right now) and ignore everything in the world that isn’t his tutor/friend/person he’s been pining for every spare second since they’ve been apart. Two weeks is too long. They’re finally taking an honest crack at the novel he’s been assigned for next week, the first week back at school, when there’s a knock at the door, followed by cheerful hollering from his roommates. Peter knows who it is even before he rises and sheepishly lets his aunt hand him everything he forgot at home when he packed; his roommates love May.
Though he told MJ she didn’t have to get up, she’s suddenly next to him at the door―he’s startled to feel her briefly lean against him―then being pulled into a hug by his aunt. When she leaves for a minute to go to the washroom, May drags Peter away from his roommates.
“Who was that?” she wonders, face lighting up with curiosity and premature excitement.
He feels himself turn red and itches at his cheek like he can scratch the flush out.
“Just a friend.”
His aunt raises her eyebrows doubtfully.
PALAHNIUK, Chuck ― Choke
After spending last Thursday giving A Tale for the Time Being the attention they should’ve the week before, they’re back on schedule with a new book. Sort of back on schedule. They start off discussing the novel, but when Peter runs one of his prof’s assertions about it past Google, he finds out Choke has a movie version. He and MJ glance at each other. Yeah, why not? It’s only their second week back on campus and they don’t have their full studying stamina back yet. They trek down to the film library in the basement to see if they have a copy.
Soon, they’re wearing bulky borrowed headphones, hunkered down at the corner computer in the viewing lab that’s kept in the dark, watching a film about a sex addict. They’re awkward at first, or maybe it’s just Peter, but eventually he relaxes, folding his arms over his chest and leaning back in his chair. MJ shifts around next to him. She kicks her shoes off and brings her feet up off the floor. They’re tightly side by side to watch the same computer screen, so when she crosses her legs, her knee lands on his thigh. Peter stares at it for a minute in the screen’s glow, missing the movie. He lays his palm on top of the rough, cool denim, and MJ turns her head to see what’s up. Immediately, he moves to withdraw his hand from her knee, but she pats the back of it, giving him permission.
Heart thumping, Peter eases the headphones off one ear. The room’s completely quiet, apart from the way MJ exhales heavily through her nose as she settles into position for the rest of the film. He swallows. He should tell her, right now.
“Hey, MJ…” he starts.
But she doesn’t look, doesn’t turn. Can’t hear anything outside those fucking headphones. Weirdly, she does glance at him a few minutes later, unprompted. She reaches out and pauses the movie. He lifts his headphones off when she does, eyes drawn to how they mess up her hair.
“Did you say something?” MJ asks.
Now, now, now, Peter tells himself.
“Uh, no.” He gives her a tight smile and unpauses Choke.
QUICK, Matthew ― The Good Luck of Right Now
“You have other friends, right?” Peter wonders aloud as MJ reads over the short responses he’s composed for an online participation thing that his prof made worth a truly stupid 4% of his grade.
“A couple.”
She says it straight, unembarrassed. He understands her well enough to know she has no interest in tricking people into believing she’s more social or at all inclined towards networking. Those people, whoever they are, were lucky to have her let them in. Abruptly, Peter realizes he’s probably being counted among them. He grins to himself.
“Plus, like, class friends.”
“Sure,” he agrees.
He does the same thing―always attempts to figure out who seems nice so he can try to be paired with them for group projects or have someone to sit with if they have another class together in the future.
“Any other kind of friends?” Peter asks tentatively. MJ quits reading his laptop screen and side-eyes him. “Like a… like maybe a boyfriend?”
It’s probably a no. It has to be a no. Even with the length of time it took for them to talk about their personal lives, she would’ve mentioned a boyfriend by now. Wouldn’t she?
“I… a boyfriend? No, I… Why would I have…? Do you?”
Well, this is a surprise. He expected her to either answer straightforwardly or question if he ever listens to what she says. But she’s oddly flustered and inarticulate. And blushing, Peter notices, though she won’t let him hold her gaze.
“No,” he says, settling for the single syllable that’ll do the job.
MJ sort of nods, then directs his attention to the screen.
“Just a question, but has anyone ever taught you how to use basic punctuation? Jesus, Parker.”
As much as that comment’s much more in character, every one of his senses screams, ‘MISDIRECTION!’
ROWELL, Rainbow ― Fangirl
“Say nothing,” MJ instructs when they run into each other in front of the library, coming from opposite directions.
About what? Peter wants to ask, but he doesn’t say even that much because the look on her face is intense and because the wind is icy, slicing their faces with snow that’s more like sharp daggers. He bounds up the stairs next to her and straight inside when she jerks the door open with her mittened hand. All the way upstairs and to their table, he keeps wary eyes on her. He only looks away for a minute to set his backpack down and shrug out of his outer layers; the library’s kept almost stiflingly warm and dry. They pile their wet outerwear on one of the extra chairs, then MJ glares at him before he can sit. He stares back, baffled.
“Nothing,” she reminds him, and unzips her hoodie.
Does he look silly with the way his jaw drops? He can’t even care. She’s wearing a Spider-Man t-shirt.
“No words. No sounds of any kind.”
So Peter grins in silence and retrieves the usual studying accessories from his backpack. Eventually, MJ groans out her admission.
“I forgot to do laundry.”
He continues to say nothing about the shirt, even when he is permitted to speak so they can discuss his reading. What he wants to say isn’t something she’d like―that he’s deduced from the laundry comment that this is an old shirt, not a recent buy. Meaning she’s had it since who knows how long before she ever met him. Meaning she’s a fan.
SENNA, Danzy ― New People
“How are you liking the course?” MJ asks him out of the blue. She’s tracing the curving shapes and purple letters on the cover of this week’s book with her fingertip.
Peter laughs.
“My prof’s never even asked us that.”
“That’s because profs don’t want honest answers. Only in essays, and even then, you have to pad them with all the shit the prof said in class in order to stroke their ego into giving you a good mark.”
She smiles dryly.
“Thank you. But really, how are you finding it?” She looks nervous about how he might answer.
“A lot of work,” he says honestly, “but it also feels like less work than my other courses.”
“Because it’s a fluff discipline compared to Biology?”
“Stop it, no, because you’re helping me. It feels like something I’m doing for fun.”
“Who are you?” MJ shakes her head, wearing a smug smile. “If the you from September could see you now. Oh, actually, that reminds me. Put your number in.”
She hands him the new phone she mentioned she’d be getting last weekend.
“What did you have me saved as in your old one?” he asks, adding his number to a new contact page. MJ takes the phone back before he can input his name.
“Oh, you don’t want to know.” He’s fairly certain she’s joking.
“Did it contain the word ‘dickhead’?”
She shrugs and slouches in her chair, phone held low and close. She finishes entering his information out of his line of sight.
“You’ll never know.”
Maybe not, Peter thinks, when MJ gets up a while later to refill her water bottle, but he can at least check what she has him under now. She left her phone out on the table, screen up, so he texts her an innocuous ‘testing, testing’ and watches for the new message to pop up.
Evidently, he’s in her phone as his normal name. His name, plus a heart. His real one’s suddenly beating very fast.
THIEN, Madeleine ― Do Not Say We Have Nothing
It’s almost Valentine’s Day and their college’s week-long study week, two compelling reasons for Peter to tell Michelle Jones―tutor, friend, precariously deepening crush―how he feels about her.
Before their tutoring session, he psyches himself up in the bathroom mirror, until other people walk in and he has to pretend to be coughing. He doesn’t really feel ready and their time together ends up being sort of a flurry anyway because part of the library’s being painted and there are fewer tables. With a ton of people on the cusp of more exams and big assignments due before the break, it takes Peter and MJ a while to find a table. Even after that, the paint smell gradually fills the air, forcing them to stop early.
God, and he didn’t say anything!
“We should meet up later,” he asserts firmly, at the same moment MJ says, “Try again tonight?”
“Yeah,” they say together.
Peter grins and she smiles back before quickly ducking her head. He bites his lip, restraining himself from catching her chin with his fingers and tilting it up.
“Ok then,” he says. “Ok. The library’ll probably still stink, so… my apartment?”
“Or my place,” MJ offers, slightly wide-eyed.
“Oh, yeah. That would be, that’d be good.”
“You can walk back with me, if you don’t mind waiting for my class.”
He doesn’t, and they do that, and as MJ’s unlocking the door to her apartment, he finds out two things: that she has a roommate and that her roommate’s staying the night at her boyfriend’s. Whatever, that doesn’t mean it’s going to be romantic or anything. They’re discussing art and politics during China’s calamitous Cultural Revolution. There’s no way MJ would even be thinking about… but then she leads him to the couch instead of the kitchen table. And she sits down next to him, letting their thighs touch. And his breathing just isn’t steady for the hangout that goes two hours before they even think to check the time. So many times, he has the feeling they’re one brush of their legs, one bump of their shoulders, one tuck of her hair with his fingers away from something more, but every chance seems to come and go while the tension stays.
Eventually, Peter gathers his stuff and lingers with her in the open doorway of her apartment. She’s leaning into the frame, smiling at him as he says a bunch of nothing, just to make the night last longer. He takes a breath. Ok, he’s gonna do it. He’ll tell her.
The next second, MJ’s pressing her mouth to his. Then, while he’s still dazed from the kiss, she pushes him out the door and says, “Um, see you after study week, Peter.”
URQUHART, Jane ― The Night Stages
What’s this mean? Peter wants to ask her, right after the kiss and for the whole study break. Except he’s in the city, doing Spidey-patrol and finishing the nearly-500 pages of Do Not Say We Have Nothing, and she’s in New Orleans, building affordable housing with a charity. When he texts her because he can’t resist asking how she is and what she’s working on that day, she always gets back to him, but there’s nothing flirtatious in her words, nothing to assure him she shares his preoccupation over the kiss. So startling, so make-the-hair-stand-up-on-the-back-of-his-neck. And it was supposed to make everything clear, when one of them made a move (in his head over the weeks before it happened, it was him), not confuse the hell out of him.
It's awkward when they meet on campus on Monday. Neither of them goes in for a hug and they carry on a stilted conversation about how each of their breaks went, Peter twisting his fingers around in his sleeves. At least they didn’t postpone this until Thursday. He senses that they’re both thankful for the length of this week’s novel and how many times it guarantees they’ll meet (their productivity per session definitely took a nosedive when they became friends). He assumes the relief comes from wanting to push past this awkward stage by getting used to each other again. Then, when they meet in the library the next day, MJ picks a different table. Actually, a completely different floor. It’s basically dead, no other students or staff in sight, and, with his face flushed with desire and anticipation, she braces a hand on his thigh, leans in, and kisses him for the second time.
On Wednesday, it’s the same spot (but later because Peter has an evening lab) and he initiates, hand on the back of her neck as they kiss slow and deep, never even unpacking their bags.
Thursday, they meet at their old table, like normal, and do some actual work. But that night, he walks MJ home and tries to give her a goodbye kiss that turns into them making out with her pressed up against the closed door of her apartment.
They agree, on Friday morning, that Peter really needs to devote some concentration to this novel, so they study at his place that evening. Because all of his roommates are home, they’re camped out in his room, on his bed, but with his door wide open. The most they attempt is holding hands, anxiously separating when one of his buddies pokes a head in to ask if Peter’s seen his phone charger.
By Saturday, at her apartment, they abandon pretenses, though they haven’t exactly said in words what it is they’re doing without those pretenses. Are they friends who kiss? Are they dating? Is MJ his girlfriend? None of that is as pressing as pulling her onto his lap and kissing her until they’re tired and she checks her phone to see that it’s almost two in the morning. Reluctantly, MJ climbs off his lap and Peter watches her disappear into her bedroom. He strips off his jeans and falls asleep on her couch wrapped in a blanket and his school hoodie.
The next morning, they look over his notes because he’s here and they might as well. Their socked feet overlap beneath her kitchen table. She refills his glass of orange juice before he notices it’s almost empty.
VÁSQUEZ, Juan Gabriel ― The Sound of Things Falling
He’s in love with her. It’s the beginning of March, the air has quit biting, MJ’s blushing when he uses his high school Spanish to correctly pronounce the characters’ names, and he’s in love with her.
WALKER, Karen Thompson ― The Dreamers
Peter falls asleep at her place again. This time, MJ’s tucked into him when he wakes up. Gradually, he drags up a fuzzy memory of her padding into the living room during the night, putting him on alert until she nudged him over to make room on the couch. Her roommate’s home. They don’t care, don’t flinch apart when she walks into the room. He hangs around most of Saturday, only leaving because he really needs to do some work on his other courses. MJ kisses him when he goes, gently stroking his earlobe with her thumb.
X ― N/A
“No X?” she checks. “Are you sure?”
“It’s on the syllabus,” Peter points out, pulling MJ’s feet across his thighs as he eats an apple. They found an alternate study spot that allows food.
“Yeah, I know, I have the copy from the beginning of the year, but I figured your prof would update it to add something.”
“I think he told us one time that he was going to,” he says, trying to remember exactly. “Now, he says he was always planning on leaving this week free for us to ask questions in class before the exam.”
“But there are still two full weeks of classes before exams,” MJ says skeptically. “If this break was intentional, he’d do it the last week of classes instead.”
“I don’t know. I mean, I know there are two weeks left, but I don’t know what else to say. No X.”
“Semi-related,” she prefaces, giving him a serious look that makes Peter pay attention, “is it ok with you if I consider you my boyfriend?”
He laughs until he realizes she looks genuinely unsure of what his answer will be.
Peter holds his apple out of the way when MJ wiggles forward to hug him.
YAZDANIAN, Showey ― Loopholes
“You wanna go somewhere with me?” MJ asks.
Peter knows she’s been watching him rearrange the digital copy of his notes―simplifying and streamlining so they’ll be easy to study from between now and the date of his final exam. It’s very comforting, her undemanding gaze, and he feels himself emotionally stretching into it, like a cat. He loves to be near her. His girlfriend.
“Yes,” he says. “I mean, where?”
She laughs gently at him and props her elbow on the table, right next to his.
“The English Department scheduled a year-end trip to see a play.”
“That sounds very… high schoolish,” he decides, grinning.
“Hey, some of us aren’t too up our own asses to understand the thrill of a field trip. Maybe in Biology―”
“Ugh,” Peter groans jokingly at her relentless, unserious digs at his chosen discipline.
“―you’ve lost your sense of childlike wonder.”
“But I might be able to get it back if I go to this play? What’s the play?”
“Romeo and Juliet,” she mumbles.
“You want to see that? It’s depressing and, and overdramatic,” he states, though he’s never seen it performed, and definitely never read the play.
“I don’t really care about seeing the play,” MJ says as she gives him a meaningful look.
“Oh. Aw.” He smiles at the thought that she just wants to spend time with him. “Do I have to sign up or something?”
“I… might have already signed you up.” Peter raises his eyebrows at her and it’s enough to push her to continue. “It’s supposed to be an internal thing, just English majors, but the turnout for anything with any significant cultural value’s always really low―” MJ rolls her eyes. “―especially right at the end of the year, when people are starting to focus on exams, even though it’s a great opportunity to see a high-quality production with cheap student-group-discount tickets. Anyway, I talked to the prof because he knows me from teaching me last year and asked if you could come because you are taking an English class even if you’re not majoring.”
“He agreed?”
She nods.
“As I suspected, there were a bunch of tickets left over because they always reserve too many. They’re great seats.”
“Why are you trying to convince me to come?” Peter teases. “Apparently, I already signed up.”
Despite the dozens of times they’ve met this year, comprising probably a hundred hours, and the affectionate admissions, and the kissing that’s been driving him insane for more, this is their first date date. He’s excited to be at the theatre because he’s never gone before, and he purposely didn’t tell Mr. Stark about this so he wouldn’t try to pay for it; Peter bought his own ticket. They’re deep into the second part of the play, intermission behind them, and before things can get gruesome on stage with the stars meeting their violent ends, he leans in so close to MJ that his nose brushes her ear.
“You’re my best friend,” he whispers.
She turns her head, smile clamped together by the way she’s biting her bottom lip. There’s joy in her eyes that makes his heart drop and flip and soar back up, too high, into his throat. He’s still looking at her when she turns her face back to the performance.
“Also, I love you,” Peter says, almost choking on his heart.
Swiftly, he kisses her cheek and settles back into his seat, but MJ tugs the hand that’s been entwined with hers since they sat down. She leans across the armrest between their seats and he’s happy to move the rest of the way. Something hot courses through him when she not only kisses him more roughly than he anticipated but grabs the tie he wore with his button-up, blazer, and good jeans. When she releases him with a smirk and a pat on his chest, Peter practically collapses back into place, stunned.
“Oh,” MJ adds, glancing at him again in a quick flick, “I love you too.”
ZOBOI, Ibi ― Pride
There are three stacks of books on the surprisingly nice hardwood floor of MJ’s bedroom. It’s small compared to the size of his sense of accomplishment for seeing this demanding course through to the end. Although this is the first time Peter’s assembled all 25 books at once, they aren’t organized alphabetically; there’s a pile each for books he remembers well, those he wants to reread sections of, and ones where, logically, he knows he read them, and yet he can barely recall the plot. He feels pretty goddamn good about the fact that, out of 25, only 2 made the third pile. Actually, one’s unaccounted for, because it’s the last book on his syllabus and it’s currently dangling from his hand while he takes a break from reading it.
“Hey,” he hisses at MJ.
Lying on her back on her soft, thick rug while she studies for one of her exams, his girlfriend angles her head to look at Peter, hanging over the side of her bed.
He grins.
“Nothing. Just wanted to say, ‘hey.’” He’s so used to her rolling her eyes. “How’s the floor?”
“Not bad.”
“You wanna come up here?”
MJ eyes him suspiciously.
“I need to study,” she reminds him. “Everything I know about your books got mixed up with everything I’m supposed to know about my books and I’m still mentally untangling.”
Peter keeps staring down at her, trying to make his eyes wide and pleading. It takes her seconds to give in. She groans as she starts to sit up, appearing to lead with her knees and elbows as she rearranges her limbs, collapsing and unfolding like a portable lawn chair. MJ steps gingerly over his book stacks, then he’s grabbing her waist and pulling her to the bed, where she flops down beside him. Her head’s facing the wrong way though, so Peter shuffles around, getting her socks out of his face. They take turns sighing tiredly―the extreme burdens of another year of lectures over and another round of exams about to begin―then Peter tilts his forehead to touch hers.
“Happy you’re almost at the end?” MJ asks softly.
“Yeah, but I also kinda wish I could take another English class next year. I think I actually did better in Bio this year because I got to take a break from it with something that was totally different. Does that sound possible?”
She lets her eyes close―probably resting them after concentrating for so long.
“I’ll miss reading this much.”
With her eyes shut, only her eyebrows prompt him to go on.
“And I’ll miss talking about what I read with you,” he says.
“Maybe you don’t need to worry about that,” she suggests.
“Why not?”
MJ smiles.
“Because I’ve been working on a new list of books I think you’ll like since October. We can meet in the library and talk about them.”
“Every week?” Peter checks. “What about Biology?”
“If you have time,” she clarifies.
“No, I mean I’ve spent a year studying English lit, learning about your discipline.” With a grin, he trails his fingers down MJ’s throat, stopping at the neck of her long-sleeved shirt. “So, I was just wondering, if you’d be interested in studying Biology.”
He kisses her neck where he stroked, then up beneath her jaw, making MJ laugh until she gasps instead, gripping his hair.
“I don’t think we should wait for September.”
“Well, you’re still the tutor for another week,” Peter reminds her. “I’ll follow your lead.”
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hypmic-info · 4 years
HypMic 3rd Western Poll May 2020
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Thank you for your participation! These are the final results for the 3rd HypMic unofficial Western fandom poll. After a month of work on this, we’ve got some estimates for general fandom opinions. Do you agree with the general opinions, or disagree? Let us know!
Please click the read more to view our results!
The sample size was limited to 1000 votes, giving a rough indication of the demographic of consumers outside of Japan as well as opinions. The word ‘Western’ has been used, but we have opened this poll to those who were able to read enough English to understand this poll. As such, it is considerably Euro/American-centric.  
This poll received the most activity through Twitter, given that the series is most active on that platform. The poll was also posted on Tumblr, Facebook and the HypMic wiki. Commentary has been given on sections of the poll.
Results will be posted on Twitter and Tumblr.
This section is to be read as ‘What percentage of HypMic English fans have consumed x media?’ The drama tracks and songs have been split by album. Manga bonuses have not been included in the first two questions as at the time of this poll the 2nd Manga songs/dramas were being released so it would be unfair to add them to the poll.
BAT and DH order is written as such due to later stats in the poll where Doppo and Sasara were next to each other but their official colours were too similar so I used the order in Division All Stars songs rather than release order.
Pre-Season: Referring to the start of a battle season.
Battle Season: Referring to the battle/versus songs or dramatracks
1st Manga Bonus Songs: Songs that were included with the manga
DAS Songs: Division All Stars songs - songs that include the whole cast
Merch: Anything that is official HypMic merchandise or has content of HypMic. Plushies, nendoroids, magazines, stickers etc.
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Shibuya Division: Fling Posse Drama Tracks and The Loneliness, Tears, and Hope of a Puppet are the most listened to drama tracks of their respective pre-season. Both belong to Fling Posse.
The debut drama tracks of Dotsuitare Honpo (Back Again, Partner) and Bad Ass Temple (The Heart’s Conviction Can’t Be Broken) were listened to less than the other debut drama tracks.
Yokohama Division: MAD TRIGGER CREW Drama Tracks and Chaser from the Past (Matenrou: Before the 2nd DRB) were the least listened to dramatracks of their respective phases of the pre-seasons.
The Champion album has the least listened to drama tracks (Testimony and Me Against the World).
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In all cases, the songs have all been listened to more than the respective drama tracks for their album.
The 1st Manga Bonus songs have not been listened as much as the other songs.
This can be due to the fact that these songs cannot be accessed for free legally.
The most listened to songs are the Division All Stars songs with the full cast.
This can be due to the fact that these are the only songs that are available in their entirety on YouTube.
Fling Posse has the most listened to songs of both pre-seasons.
Buster Bros!!! has the least listened to songs of the 1st pre-season and Matenrou has the least listened to songs of the 2nd pre-season.
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The Hypnosis Mic -Division Rap Battle- side D.H & B.A.T manga was released as the poll was being conducted, so was not included in this poll. 
-Before the Battle- The Dirty Dawg is the most read manga. -Division Rap Battle- side B.B & M.T.C is the least read manga.
By the numbers given for listening to the Spotify radio show, Hypnosis Radio, 80.4% of this sample size has listened to the radio - 19.6% have not listened to Hypnosis Radio.
Around half of the fandom has bought merch - this poll has included plushies, magazines etc. and all from official sources.
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Due to the limitations of Google sheets, Africa does not show up on the chart for location as the voter percentage is too small.
The age ranges used are of a similar range to those of Japanese polls. [ARB’s recent survey and the age demographics of Comic ZERO-SUM, publisher of the FP/M manga]
93.5% of voters use translations regardless of Japanese comprehension.
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The option for ‘I bought multiple CDs’ refers to both different CDs and multiple of the same CD during the battle season.
Of those who were around for the Battle Season, 15.66% of this group did purchase a battle CD. 
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For comparison, here are the rankings from the previous poll (January 2020), From Japan (October 2018) and the Yumejoshi poll (December 2019)
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Names marked in GREEN show an increase in vote percentage. Names in RED show a decrease in vote percentage. Names in BLACK show that their popularity rank has not changed. Names in BLUE show the character has been added to the polls through voter suggestion.
The arrow besides the names show if their rankings went up▲ or down▼. No markings are set if the character’s position has not changed.
1.2% of votes had a minor character as one of their favourite characters (Ichijiku, Nemu and Yotsutsuji - No other minor characters were suggested).
These polls vary in selection method as our polls looked at the top 3 votes of each character.
From Japan’s method has been stated as a poll but we were unable to find the original. Rio and Jiro’s reason for being unranked is unknown.
The Yumejoshi poll was done by people suggesting their favourite characters for rankings, meaning that it was not entirely based upon HypMic. What is shown here are those who ranked. The ranking in their picking of a 100 is listed against them.
These three polls have varying demographics. From Japan’s spread seems to be more broad, while the Yumejoshi poll is specifically yumejoshi/female. Our polls were taken only for English speakers. In addition to this, there is some bias based on who the poll was spread through followers.
For example, the poll was created by a Gentaro stan and main supporters of this poll are Dotsuitare Honpo stans.
Doppo dominates the polls in both English-speaking and the Japanese fandom. 
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Characters who received less than 1% of the votes are listed as other: Jiro (0.8%), Rio (0.9%), Rosho (0.2%), Rei (0.4%), Hitoya (0.5%)
Names marked in GREEN show an increase in their vote percentage. Names in RED show a decrease in vote percentage. Names in BLACK show that their popularity rank has not changed.
The arrow besides the names show if their rankings went up ▲ or down▼. No markings are set if the character’s position has not changed.
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The only significant change in division rankings shows that Buster Bros!!! are now more popular than MAD TRIGGER CREW.
Dotsuitare Honpo is the lowest in both the favourite division rankings and perceived lyrical skill.
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Songs marked in GREEN show an increase in vote percentage. Names in RED show a decrease in vote percentage. Names in BLACK show that their popularity rank has not changed. The arrow besides the names show if their rankings went up▲ or down▼. No markings are set if the character’s position has not changed.
Debut Songs: Songs that received less than 2% of the votes: New Star (0.3%), G Anthem Y-CITY (0.7%), Meikyuu Heki (1.6%), FACES (1.3%). These songs collectively had 3.9% of the vote.
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Songs that received less than 2% of the votes: Sensenfukoku (1.1%), New Star (0.1%), G Anthem of Y-City (0.8%), Bayside Smoking Blues (1.0%), What’s My Name (0.6%), Scenario Liar (1.3%), 3$EVEN (1.9%), Meikyuu Heki (0.5%), Own Stage (1.2%), FACES (0.6%), One and Two, and Law (1.1%), School of IKB (1.2%), Uncrushable (1.4%), 2Die4 (1.0%), You Are Therefore I am (1.9%)
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Songs marked in GREEN show an increase in vote percentage. Names in RED show a decrease in vote percentage. Names in BLUE show that this song has been added for the poll. 
The arrow besides the names show if their rankings went up ▲ or down ▼. No markings are set if the character’s position has not changed
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For our final question, we asked “What are your hopes for this battle season? Any plot points, theories etc. that you want to mention.” This question was not required, but we received around 300 answers to this. We condensed the material into basic categories so you don’t have to sort through all 300.
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Here are some choice points made about the plot:
What does Samatoki actually think Ichiro did to Nemu?
Could Saburo hack Ramuda?
How will Fling Posse react when they realise what Ramuda’s done to everyone else?
How do the other Ramuda clones interact with each other and everyone else
What if this is all Gentaro’s book?
What if Gentaro’s brother is the original Ramuda clone?
How are Chuo seen by other women?
Would Chuo rig the matches? Especially against Matenrou since their victory
What if they cloned someone else?
What if they reshuffled the divisions? Or added more divisions?
And here are a few funny comments before we go... just cause there were a few silly things added in that made us laugh. Yes, these are all as written.
Yo when is it gonna be confirmed that Ramuda has big top energy? 
I hope Rei gets his shit checked.
I'm a fictional doctor's wh o re so I'm rly in this for MTR at the moment sjfjskfkd I hope we get to hear how much the seiyuus have improved too compared to the first season!! :D
Doppo and Hifumi's wedding. Dice finally got some money. Everyone go on a hunt for emus. The 6 divisions go fishing. Rio making proper and digestible food. No more drama protecc ramuda.
I just kinda want them to kiss ngl
i jokingly headcanon that gentaro cant read but i kinda hope its true. also i want sasara and ramuda to interact i think itd be kinda epic
I want Ramuda reduced to scrap metal
- - - - - - - - - - -
And that is it! After a month of work on this, we’ve got some estimates for general fandom opinions. Do you agree with the general opinions, or disagree? Let us know! 
Here are the links to the aforementioned polls from before:
2nd Western Fandom Poll: https://twitter.com/DevsPallas/status/1213842101605150721
From Japan: https://blog.fromjapan.co.jp/en/anime/hypnosis-mic-division-ranking-result.html
Yumejo: https://note.com/yumejo/n/nca7de3e94d91
Comic ZERO-SUM readership: https://www.comipress.com/article/2008/06/25/3603.html
49 notes · View notes
kwanisms · 5 years
English is My Favorite Subject - 1
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⤑ genre: smut, college au, enemies to lovers ⤑ pairing: Chan x Reader (female) ⤑ warning: *ahem* smut, S I N, soft dom!Chan, rough sex, phone sex, sexting,  slight degradation, mention of alcohol, foul language ⤑ summary: After taking the English tutoring position at your university, hell comes to you in the form of Lee Chan. He needs help passing his exams and tutoring is his only option. As your time with him passes, you come to realize that maybe he’s not the cocky and arrogant asshole you previously assumed. ⤑ word count: 19.2k (lmao I’M SORRY. This got out of hand)
⤑ {01} | 02 | 03
a/n: I’ve been sitting on this WIP for literally M O N T H S. So I’m finally posting it because Chan is hot asf (despite being 6 years his senior). And most importantly he’s legal What was supposed to be one part has morphed into something else entirely and it’s now going to be three parts (kill me lmao) so here, enjoy! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. IF YOU CAN, READ THIS ON DESKTOP. The tumblr app has been screwing up and getting rid of my read more lines. ~K♡
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You would have never taken this position if you knew beforehand that he needed a tutor. You would have been content not taking the job but unfortunately, you needed the money and it looked great on your resume. The moment he walked into the room provided by the university, your worst nightmare began; being stuck in a room with Lee Chan for two hours, twice a day every week.
You cursed whatever deity deemed it necessary to send this demon your way.
It wasn’t that you didn’t like Lee Chan; you hated him. Your disdained was mirrored when Chan entered the room and saw you sitting there and immediately swore under his breath. Or maybe it was because he hadn’t seen or spoken to you since the party where you threw a drink in his face and called him a tasteless asshat.
He leaned up against the wall, his backpack slung over one shoulder and narrowed his eyes at you. “Tell me this isn’t real,” he said, his voice deeper than you remembered. He’d grown over the few years since you’d last spoken. He wasn’t the baby faced freshman you remembered. You shook your head. 
“Unfortunately, it is. I’m your tutor, and seeing as you already paid for your lessons, we might as well get this over with. The sooner we finish, the sooner we don’t have to see each other,” you said as you straightened up your side of the table.
Chan sat across from you, dropping his bag on the floor with a desolate thud. “Alright, teach, what are we learning?” he asked dropping his previous demeanor for a pleasant one. The cheerful tone took you by surprise and you decided to shake it from your head. “Well, looking at your grades, we clearly-” you began before Chan interjected.
“Wait, you have my grades?!” he snapped and you stared at him. “Uh, yes? I’m your tutor. Your professor sent your grades over so I knew what exactly you needed help with?” you said in a harsh tone, making it painfully obvious. Chan clicked his tongue and looked away at the wall littered with flyers. “Fine,” he said, his jaw clenched before he turned back to you.
He was pissed. You could see it in his eyes and if you weren’t the same person you were now, you might have coward in fear, but luckily, you weren’t shy and intimidated easily. You stared back with as much ferocity as you could muster, staring him down as if you were an alpha wolf beating a lower one into submission with your gaze. Chan eventually gave in and looked down.
Pleased with your show of dominance you continued. “As per your grades, it seems as if you need the most help with grammar. Your professor noted that your comprehension of the language and vocabulary is excellent which is great. Less for us to work on. You just need to focus on the grammar section,” you said as you flipped through the file you had made.
“You sound awfully glad about that,” Chan said with a sneer and you sighed, rolling your eyes. “It means we have to spend less time together. If you needed help with everything, we would be meeting everyday from now until your exams. Instead, twice a week, two hours a day until the week before your exam is sufficient enough. The week of, however, we will have to up it to an hour everyday until the day before. This is the only reasonable schedule I see,” you said.
Chan huffed, crossing his arms. “So do I get to pick the days?” he asked and you nodded. “Yes. I know you have extracurricular activities, as do I, so we will have to work together to make the schedule work. I don’t like this any more than you do, but this is where we are and we better make the best of this until we can go back to our lives without seeing each other,” you said watching him as he clenched his jaw. After a few moments, he nodded silently.
“Alright, just because I have to pass this class. I need to, for baseball,” he said and you nodded. “Of course,” you said shifting in your seat and opening his folder to a page labeled “schedule” in all capital letters. “Let’s get this schedule figured out and then we can go. I won’t make you start today,” you said with a grimace. Chan nodded and leaned forward to look at the paper.
The two of you had agreed to meet on Wednesdays before dinner and Sundays around 9:30 in the morning. You jotted the schedule down as well as Chan’s number since you would need it in case something came up and you needed to contact him. After finalizing the schedule, Chan sat back in his chair. “Can I go now?” he asked and you nodded without looking up.
You heard the chair feet scrape against the tiled floor as he stood up and bent over to grab his bag. “So,” he said and you looked up. “See you Wednesday?” he asked and you nodded. “Yup, Wednesday,” you said and he turned without a word and opened the door, hesitating in the doorway. He turned to look at you and you waited for him to speak. Instead he shook his head and called out a, “later,” before leaving you in the small room alone.
You could tell this was going to be a rough six weeks.
The following Sunday, you woke up early, rolling out of bed to head for your bathroom and shower. After cleaning and drying off, you got ready for the day, dressing in some comfortable clothes as you would be spending two hours sitting at a table, helping the person you couldn’t stand the most learn the language he hated the most. After leaving the warmth and safety of your dorm, you braved the cool, dreary morning to head for the student center.
It had rained the night before, leaving behind little puddles on the streets and sidewalks. As you neared your destination, the promise of coffee and a muffin in your mind, you pulled open the door and stepped in. Your phone buzzed in your sweatpants pocket, alerting you to a new text. Pulling it out, you opened the texting app. It was from Chan.
[2019/09/29] L.Chan [09:20]: Hey, I’m gonna be like 10 minutes late.
Letting out a sigh, you typed in a quick response before getting in the nearly nonexistent line for your morning refreshments.
You [09:21]: K
With that taken care of, you turned your attention toward the barista behind the counter as he graced you with a warm smile, the dimples in his cheeks growing. “Hey (Y/N),” he greeted you cheerfully. You returned the smile and replied with a, “I don’t know how you’re so cheerful all the time, Namjoon. It’s so admirable.” He smiled wider, dropping his gaze before fixing his eyes on you again.
“What’s the point in being miserable and grumpy all the time? If I’m positive and upbeat, maybe I can pass that off to other students stopping by to get their coffee,” he said with a shrug. You didn’t need to peruse the menu on the chalkboard behind him. You always got the same thing.
“So, are you going to switch it up on me,” he asked pressing on the screen in front of him. “Or are you going to be as predictable as always and get your usual?” he asked and you placed your hand on your chest. “You wound me with your words. It’s not my fault you make the best caramel macchiato and serve the most delicious banana nut muffins. This is your doing,” you playfully accused him as he rang up your order with a chuckle. He gave you his employee discount, something he did occasionally.
“Your total is $5.32,” he said and you handed over the change. Namjoon cashed you out and started on your coffee. “I forgot to ask,” he said turning to you. “Did you want that iced or hot?” he asked and you smiled. “Make it iced today,” you said before pulling out your phone to check your texts. You had a couple from your best friend, Jeongguk, and another from Chan.
[2019/09/29] Kookie [09:24]: are you awake? Kookie [09:24]: I want to go get pancakes Kookie [09:24]: and you’re the only person who will go with me Kookie [09:25]: ): pls be awake. I really want pancakes. You laughed before typing in your reply. You [09:25]: Sorry Gguk. I have a tutor lesson this morning. Raincheck?
His reply was instant.
Kookie [09:25]: UUUGGGHHHHH U SUCK ):< Kookie [09:25]: I’ll just go alone and order your favorite pancakes and eat them all! Kookie [09:26]: that’ll show you! You [09:26]: well, you’ll be paying for them lol I would hope you eat them Kookie [09:27]: …i did not think this through. ): how long is the lesson? You [09:27]: two hours… kill me. Kookie [09:27]: …I hate you D:< I’ll just go with Tae and Jimin You [09:28]: D: but pancakes are our thing!! Kookie [09:28]: NOT ANYMORE ):< You [09:29]: y must u hurt me like this? 💔 Kookie [09:29]: because u won’t go get pancakes with me 😤 You [09:29]: I have a lesson! Kookie [09:29]: E X C U S E S You rolled your eyes and left him on read to open Chan’s message. L.Chan [09:24]: Are you already at the student center? You [09:29]: yes. I’m here.
Namjoon’s voice brought you out of your thoughts and you pocketed your cell phone before stepping forward to grab your order. “Have a good day, (Y/N),” he said with a pleasant smile, one you returned. “You too, Namjoon!” you said before heading for the tutor room. You unlocked it with the key you were given by administration and set up your space. You unpacked your bag that contained an english book, the accompanying workbook, Chan’s file, as well as a small array of pencils, pens,  highlighters, and whiteout. You opened your bag and pulled out the muffin before digging in.
Your phone buzzed on the table and you checked the notification. It was Chan.
[2019/09/29] L.Chan [09:30]: I don’t think I can make it.
You felt your blood boil and set your muffin down to type in your answer.
You [09:31]: and why not?
His reply came quickly.
L.Chan [09:31]: I’m not feeling well.
You narrowed your eyes before shooting a text to Jeongguk.
[2019/09/29] You [09:32]: hey, can I ask you something? Kookie [09:32]: that depends, are you going to cancel your lesson and come get pancakes with us? Kookie [09:32]: [image1279.jpg] You [09:32]: 1. Who tf took that picture?? You [09:33]: 2. 🙄 I’m serious, Gguk Kookie [09:33]: fiiiiine. what’s up? You [09:33]: was there a party last night? Kookie [09:34]: uhhh, not that I attended, why? You [09:34]: trying to catch someone in a lie Kookie [09:35]: ask Mingyu. I know you have his number and he’ll tell you anything. You [09:36]: ...shit u rite. Thanks. Kookie [09:36]: CANCEL YOUR LESSON AND COME GET PANCAKES. Tae misses you ): Kookie [09:36]: I MISS U (Y/N) - Tae You [09:37]: gimme a sex You [09:37]: SEC* gdi Kookie [09:37]: I’ll give you all the sex 😉 - Jimin You [09:38]: 
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Kookie [09:38]: D: - Jimin
You closed the thread with Jeongguk and opened Mingyu’s texts.
[2019/09/29] You [09:39]: Hey Gyu, are you awake?
Waiting for his response seemed to take forever but it was only a few minutes before he replied.
[2019/09/29] K.Mingyu [09:41]: yeah, what’s up? You [09:41]: was there a party last night? K.Mingyu [09:42]: yeah. It was at the Iota Nu Delta house. K.Mingyu [09:42]: The baseball team usually has their parties there after we win a game. You [09:42]: was the whole team there? K.Mingyu [09:43]: yeah! We all always go! We never miss an after game party! K.Mingyu [09:43]: why? You [09:43]: trying to catch someone in a lie. Thank you~ K.Mingyu [09:44]: …oh no. Am I in trouble? 😰 You [09:45]: not at all! ☺ you helped me. I’ll bring your fave to your next lesson~ K.Mingyu [09:46]: …ur the best tutor ever. ilysm 😍
You returned to Chan’s text.
[2019/09/29] You [09:47]: make sure to take some medicine for your hangover. I heard the party last night was a rager L.Chan [09:47]: i didn’t go to a party last night. You [09:48]: don’t lie to me. I expect to see you early on Wednesday or you can kiss your precious championship goodbye because i will not help you with your English course. L.Chan [09:48]: has anyone ever told you that you’re a vindictive bitch? You [09:49]: And make that three hours on Wednesday to make up for today. You [09:50]: have a good day~ 🤗
You closed his messages and got up, grabbing your things and packing them away before slinging your bag over your shoulder and sending a text to Jeongguk.
[2019/09/29] You [09:51]: wait for me. I’m coming for pancakes.
You got a notification for a new message and opened it.
[2019/09/29] [PANCAKE SQUAD] Kookie [09:52]: hello buttermilk bitches. Taehyungie [09:52]: ...don’t ever fucking call us that again. Minnie [09:53]: yeah that was weird. You [09:53]: G R O S S 🤢🤮 Minnie [09:53]: (Y/N)!! My baby~😍 Taehyungie [09:54]: she’s not ur baby Kookie [09:54]: N E WAY. Pancakes. Let’s get some. You [09:55]: I just gotta drop off my bag and I’ll be ready. Minnie [09:55]: cool, I’ll swing by on my way to pick the losers up. Taehyungie [09:56]: I live with you tho Kookie [09:56]: u better not pick (Y/N) up and forget us Jimin, istg Taehyungie [09:56]: I'm literally your roommate Minnie [09:56]: on my way (Y/N)~ Taehyungie [09:57]: JIMIN U ASS WAIT FOR ME You [09:57]: Okay!~
Your walk back to your dorm took no time at all and you were able to stash your bag and grab your wallet before heading back down to meet Jimin outside your building. Taehyung sat in the backseat with his arms crossed. He didn’t look happy. You made your way to Jimin’s car when he rolled the window down. “You’re up here with me, gorgeous!” he said and you opened the front passenger door to get in.
Jimin pulled out of the parking lot and made his way to Jeongguk’s building. “Why do you look like a mad owl, Tae?” you asked peering over your shoulder at him as he sulked. “He literally yelled at me when I tried to get in the front seat. ‘YOU CAN’T SIT THERE!’ ‘(Y/N) IS SITTING THERE!’ he was so mean. Like, I’m your roommate, does that mean nothing to you?” he asked looking at Jimin in the rear view mirror. Jimin laughed as he made the turn onto Jeongguk’s street.
“It does. But you aren’t a beautiful woman,” he said glancing up at the mirror. Taehyung huffed and sank lower in his seat. “You are a handsome man though,” you said looking back at Taehyung who smiled at you. “Thanks (Y/N),” he said as Jimin pulled to a stop and honked the horn. Jeongguk appeared moments later, running down the steps to the curb where the car waited.
He got in behind you and leaned forward to hug you against the seat. “I missed you,” he said, his face smashed against the back of your headrest muffling his voice. You laughed as you patted his arm. “You saw me two days ago,” you reminded him. “I know, but I’m used to seeing you everyday!” he said peering around the headrest at you.
The car ride was boisterous with the three of them yelling at each other and Jimin turning the music up on the stereo loud enough to drown out Taehyung and Jeongguk as they bickered. Jimin pulled into a space at the local breakfast cafe and the four of you hopped out. Jeongguk immediately rested his arm around your shoulder as he led the way into the cafe, Jimin and Taehyung brought up the rear.
This cafe had been your go to spot on Sunday mornings. It was a little off the beaten path so it was never hit with the post church crowd, especially when you went while services were going on. The hostess smiled at you as you entered. “Just four?” she asked and Jeongguk nodded while she grabbed four settings. “Booth, if possible!” Jimin added and she nodded, acknowledging his request.
She led the four of you through the cafe to the back corner to the only corner booth in the whole restaurant. You slid in, Jeongguk on the outside and Jimin next to you, Taehyung on the other side. The hostess set the menus down in front of you and told you that your server would be with you soon.
You looked over the menu, browsing the different pancake options. You usually got the same thing so you weren’t sure why you bothered looking at the menu. “What are you getting?” Jeongguk asked as you set your menu down. “The same thing I always get,” you said as the server arrived and asked for your drink orders. She left and returned moments later with an array of coffee, water, and juice.
You added sugar and cream to your coffee as she wrote down everyone’s orders and left to put them in. “So, who were you supposed to tutor this morning?” Jeongguk asked taking a sip of his banana milk. “Lee Chan,” you said taking a sip of your coffee. Jimin snorted into his own coffee. “On the baseball team?” he asked and you nodded. “He needs a tutor?” he asked stifling his laughter.
“As I recall, Jimin,” Jeongguk said glancing up at his friend. “You needed a tutor last year for math and had it not been for our very own (Y/N), you would have failed your exams. She didn’t even charge you for your lessons,” he added. Jimin’s ears turned red as he blushed and avoided his friends’ gazes. “Yeah, she charged me for my lessons!” Taehyung said leaning forward and glaring at you.
“She did charge me!” Jimin insisted and you agreed with a nod. “I did charge him for his lessons though. Not all of them, but I did that for you too,” you said looking at Taehyung. “I charged you for like 80 percent of them. Same with you,” you said as you looked over at Jeongguk. “So you charged us for only 80 percent of our lessons?” he asked and you nodded. “And it’s not even full price. Mingyu and Chan pay full price. I didn’t give a discount to anyone else,” you said taking another sip of coffee.
“That’s not true,” Taehyung said smirking at you and your heart sank. If he was about to call you out and reveal what you thought he was, you would never hear the end of it. “Who else did she give a discount to?” Jeongguk asked looking up at his friend. Taehyung’s smirk widened before he opened his mouth and said the two words that were certain to seal your fate and condemn you. “Kwon Soonyoung.”
“Really? Why Soonyoung?” Jeongguk asked looking at you. Taehyung chuckled before condemning you even further. “She has a crush on him.” Jimin whipped around to look at Taehyung before rounding on you. “Really?? Kwon Soonyoung?!” Jimin asked and you shushed him, peering anxiously around the cafe. “Yes. I had a crush on him. That was last semester!” you said quickly.
Taehyung snorted and shook his head. “Liar. I saw you fawning over him last week,” he said and you shot daggers at him with your eyes. If looks could kill. “Awww, our widdle (Y/N) is growing up so fast~!” Jeongguk said in a cooing voice as he pinched your cheek. You slapped his hand away and shot him a disgruntled look. He laughed and picked up his glass. “I’m just teasing, (Y/N),” he added.
Jimin took your hand and pressed it against his chest. “Feel that?” he asked and you looked from your hand against his shirt up to his face. The pained expression on his face present as he said dramatically, “that’s my heart breaking.” You scoffed and pulled your hand away. “Stop teasing me, guys,” you said and saw the server returning with your food. You had never been so happy to see a server in your life.
Once the food arrived, the boys couldn’t tease you anymore. You dug into your pancakes happily and ignored any questions hurled your way about Soonyoung and your obvious crush. “I just want to eat in peace,” you said looking at Jimin and Taehyung, the latter cackling softly as he cut up his pancakes into bite size pieces. The four of you continued to eat, speaking and joking occasionally.
When the bill came, the boys played Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine who would pay for breakfast. Jeongguk lost and had to pay for everyone. After paying the bill, the four of you made your way out of the building and towards the car where something, rather someone, caught your eye.
Lee Chan was getting out of a black sedan a few spaces behind Jimin’s car and with him was a strikingly beautiful woman. She had long straight black hair, very round eyes, a slim figure, and long legs. She wore a cute light pink dress with long sleeves, her legs painted in the espresso color of her tights and ankle high boots on her feet, giving her a much taller appearance. Chan’s eyes locked with yours and you felt your blood boil. First he cancels his appointment because he’s hungover and now this?
A smirk made an appearance on his face as he passed, cocking an eyebrow as if to say, ‘what?’ You narrowed your eyes and turned sharply from him to press yourself against Jeongguk, who had his arm around your shoulders. “Let’s get out of here,” you said to your friends, opening the back passenger door and getting in with Jeongguk. Jimin got into the driver’s seat and looked back to pout at you.
“You don’t want to sit up here with me?” he asked as Taehyung got in and you smiled. “I already rode up front. It’s someone else’s turn,” you said and Jimin glared at Taehyung who in turn gave him his big boxy smile before the ignition started and Jimin drove out of the parking lot. He headed back toward your dorm. “You sure you don’t wanna watch us practice?” Taehyung asked and you shook your head.
“I should study. Pretty sure my calculus professor is planning a pop quiz next class, so I want to be prepared,” you said and Jimin sighed loudly. “I just want you to come to one practice!” he said and you laughed, shaking your head. “Sorry, Minnie. I’ll be at the game though. I wouldn’t miss that for anything,” you added and when the car pulled to a stop you unbuckled your seatbelt.
“I’ll see you guys later.” You got out and waved as your friends pulled away before heading back up to your room to wrap yourself in a blanket and study. Seeing Chan had made you pretty mad. He was so damn smug and it irked you to no end. Who gave him the right? You were definitely not looking forward to his lesson next Wednesday.
The following Monday, you had stopped by to get your usual coffee and muffin. “(Y/N)!” What a surprise! What brings you here?” Namjoon asked jokingly and you rolled your eyes. “I came to see my favorite barista, of course!” you said as you approached the counter and Namjoon put your order in. You paid him and stepped aside to let the next person order, bumping into someone behind you.
You spun around, apologizing profusely when the breath was stripped from your lungs. You had run into Kwon Soonyoung, the same crush your friends had teased you about on Sunday. He smiled down at you, stunning you. God he was so handsome. 
“Hey, (Y/N)!” he said and you saw Chan’s face appear from behind Soonyoung. Of course they were together, you thought. They’re best friends. Chan rolled his eyes and looked away uninterestedly. “Sorry, Soonyoung,” you said breathlessly and he waved his hand, dismissing your apology. “Don’t be. I’m fine,” he said with a wink.
A small nervous giggle escaped your lips but Soonyoung didn’t seem to notice. Chan, however, definitely noticed. His eyes turned upon you, his eyebrow raised and the corner of his lips twitched as your cheeks flushed light pink. He finally join in the conversation. “You know (Y/N)?” he asked his friend, feigning interest. Soonyoung nodded smiling at you.
“(Y/N) was my tutor last semester. She helped my pass my English exams. She’s amazing,” he said, his praise causing you to choke on your own saliva. “I’m n-not. I just wanted to help,” you stammered. Again, either he didn’t notice or didn’t care, Soonyoung just smiled at you. Chan knew. He could see it in your face and your body language. You were really dreading his next lesson.
Wednesday came and passed and soon it was 5:45 pm. You sat in the tutor room and the door opened. Chan entered and you were glad he was at least on time. He sat down across from you and dropped his bag on the desk, not looking up from his phone. “Let’s get this over with,” he said popping a piece of gum. “Put your phone down, then,” you said and his eyes snapped up to yours.
They had a darkness to them but he did as you said and set his phone face down on the table surface. “So, what are we learning?” he asked and you nodded pulling out the work book. You pushed it toward him. “Let’s get started,” you said and Chan sighed before opening the workbook while you went over the key grammar points of the language. You tested his vocabulary and were pleased when he did well.
An hour passed by quickly in this form and you stopped for a bathroom break. “So,” Chan said as you walked down the hall of the student center toward the restrooms. “Does Soonyoung know you have a huge crush on him?” he asked and you nearly stumbled. “W-what?” you asked incredulously. “I do not,” you insisted and Chan laughed loudly. “I may be failing English, but I’m not stupid. I saw you. You like him,” he said with a smirk and you shook your head. “No,” you said adamantly.
“You definitely do. I can tell that much,” he said and you ignored him, heading for the safety of the women’s bathroom. He laughed as you hurried away and into the confines of the tiled room, the door swung shut behind you. You were mad at yourself for slipping up in front of Soonyoung, but you were more mad at Chan for teasing you about it. How dare he?
You did your business and washed your hands. Outside the bathroom, Chan was waiting for you, leaning against the wall while he typed on his phone. You froze as you watched him. He had a smirk on his face, looking at the screen. What was he doing? Was he telling Soonyoung right now? You would never be able to face Soonyoung again if Chan told him.
You stormed up to him and stopped a few feet from him. Chan looked up and his expression shifted, his smirk dropping immediately. “What?” he asked and you glared at him. “Don’t tell him anything or I swear I will make your lessons hell,” you said and the smirk returned. “Oh? What makes you think I haven’t already told him?” he asked crossing his arms, tucking his phone close to him.
Your heart leapt into your throat at the idea that he may have. “D-did you?” you asked and Chan laughed standing up straight and opening his messages before showing you his texts with Soonyoung. “No, I haven’t. But maybe I will,” he said and your fingers curled, balling your hands into fists. “Do it and I will up your lessons to three times a week, four hours each,” you threatened and Chan’s smirk fell again.
“You wouldn’t,” he said softly and this time a smirk crossed your features as you leaned in, looking at him. “Try me,” you dared and he gulped. “Fine. I won’t say anything,” he said and put his phone in his pocket. You stood straight before nodding once and making your way back to the room, Chan in tow.
The rest of the lesson passed easily, Chan falling into line and doing as you asked. At the end, when you were packing up he turned toward you as he reached the door. “(Y/N)?” he asked and you looked up. “Yes?” you asked and he hesitated. “Nothing,” he said and shook his head. “See you Sunday,” he called as he left you sitting in the room, confused as hell. What the hell was that?
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“That’s so stupid! It makes no sense!” Chan shouted throwing his pencil down and you groaned, dropping your head into your hands. Two weeks has passed since these forsaken lessons began and at every instance, Chan was getting on your last nerve. He was either stubborn or just plain stupid if he had this much trouble grasping the concept.
“It’s how it’s supposed to be said!” you said, as equally frustrated. “Why?” he asked and you groaned. Not this again. “I don’t know! That’s just the rules!” you said angrily. “What rules?! English has no rules! It beats other languages up in dark alleys, then rifles through their pockets for loose grammar and spare vocabulary!” Chan shouted and you paused, staring at him.
“What?!” he yelled and before you could think, you burst into laughter. Chan stared at you bewildered. “What the hell is so funny?” he asked and you pointed at him. “What you just said!” you said in between laughs. His angry facade dropped as he broke into a smile and started laughing along with you. “Well it’s true!” he said and you wiped a tear from your eye. “I mean, yeah it is,” you agreed before looking down at the worksheet and then at your watch. “Let’s stop here,” you said looking up at him.
“What?” he asked. “Why?” he leaned forward. “We’ve been at his nearly two hours and I didn’t get to eat lunch earlier since I was running late,” you said as you began packing up your things. Chan watched as you stacked your papers and put them away. “Well, let’s go get something to eat,” he said beginning to pack his things up. You froze, staring at him. “Let’s?” you asked and Chan looked up from his bag.
“Yeah, I’ll buy,” he said as he zipped up his bag and got to his feet. You stuffed your things in your bag and slung the strap over your shoulder, standing up slowly. “You don’t have to do that,” you said softly. “I was just going to go back to my room to eat,” you admitted and Chan scoffed. 
“And what? Eat some instant ramen?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. You glared at him. “I’m offering to buy you real food, so come on,” he said and waved you to follow him. After a few minutes of hesitation, he poked his head around the door frame. “I’m not going to wait all day, come on,” he said and disappeared again.
You hurried out of the room after him. You followed him out of the student center and headed out to the parking lot. He led you over to a black sedan and you looked at him as he pulled the keys out and unlocked the doors. “Get in,” he said nodding at the car. You followed suit, opening the passenger door and sliding into the black interior of the car. 
Clicking your seatbelt into place, Chan started the car and pulled out of the parking space. He drove out of the lot, heading for a side street instead of the main road. “Where are we going?” you asked looking around at the residential area he drove through.
“I found this quiet little diner in this neighborhood while I was on a run one day. I decided to come back and check it out later that week and fell in love with it. It’s definitely off the beaten path but it’s well worth it,” he said as he made a right turn and a small strip of business nestled in between houses came into view. Chan pulled around back into one of the handful of parking spaces and cut the engine.
You got out, leaving your bag in the car. Chan led you to the door and pulled it open, letting you go in before him. Once inside the building, you could see why he liked the place so much. It was small and cozy. Like a little cafe. There were only five tables in the whole restaurant. 
Chan led you to one in the corner and the two of you took your seats. Moments later, a young waitress appeared, roughly about your age. She smiled at the two of you as she pulled a pad of paper and pen out of her apron.
“What can I get you two to drink?” she asked and you looked over the small menu in front of you. “Water,” Chan said smiling at her. You looked over the beverages before ordering the same. She walked away to get your drinks while you looked over the menu again. 
“I always get the same thing here,” he said and let you look over the menu. When the server returned with a glass pitcher full of ice water which she then set on the table before holding her pad ready to write down your orders. “What can I get for you?” she asked.
“I just want the Mac and cheese with chicken,” Chan said without touching the menu. The server nodded, scribbling that down before turning to you. “Uh, just the chicken Florentine,” you said setting the menu back on the table. She jotted that down and turned to put your orders in, leaving you in silence. Chan looked out the window across the room from your table.
You took the time to look around the room, taking in the decor. The walls were a medium to dark brown wood, matching the wood on the floor. The small round tables seated four people at most and were covered in white table cloths. Each table had a small arrangement in the center, a little collection of tealights and a slender vase with a couple white flowers sticking out of the top. Crystal goblets with silver rims sat upside down on the tables not in use.
The chairs were adorned with white gauze that tied into simple knots in the back before draping down toward the floor. Huge windows faced the street, letting in as much natural light as allowed, the rest of the light came from the strings of warm white lights that crisscrossed overhead across the restaurant. Sconces on the walls added more warm light to the room. Two large ceiling fans spun at a medium speed above the string lights keeping the room nice and cool.
Chan cleared his throat softly and snapped you out of your trance as you lowered your eyes from the ceiling down to him. “It’s nice, isn’t it?” he asked and you nodded, uncertain of what to say at this point. You hadn’t expected this to be such an intimate setting and you certainly hadn’t expected Chan to bring you to it of all people. He surprised you and you weren’t sure if you like it.
“Yeah,” you replied softly looking away from him. You felt the tension between you rise but it was broken when the server returned with your food. The two of you thanked her for the food but you were more grateful that you had something to keep you occupied. The food was definitely delicious and you were extremely surprised by the place. You would have to remember how to get here in the future.
When you had eaten as much as you could, you set your utensils down as Chan finished his bowl of mac and cheese. He looked at your plate and then up at you. “Do you want to take that with you?” he asked nodding at your leftovers as he pulled his wallet out. “Oh,” you said and looked down at the plate, nodding. “Yeah,” you said quietly as the server came to drop off the bill. “Could we get a to-go box?” he asked, handing her his card and she nodded.
You bit your bottom lip and looked out the window at the darkening street. You turned your head back and saw Chan watching you. Warmth grew in your cheeks and you looked away again. The server returned with Chan’s card and a box which she handed to you. Thanking her, you took the box and started to dump your leftovers in the box, shutting it and setting your plate down.
Chan signed the slip and put his card back in his wallet before pulling out a couple bills and setting them on the table. He turned to you. “Are you ready?” he asked and caught you off guard. It seemed like he was treating this like a date and you didn’t know how to proceed, so you just nodded and stood quickly, grabbing the box with your food in it. Chan led you out of the restaurant and out to the car parked in the back. You got in, setting your food in your lap and buckled your seatbelt quickly.
Without a word, Chan started the car and pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street, taking a familiar route back to the campus. Silence surrounded you, bathing you in it as a tension rose between you again. The air was thick with it as neither one of you said a word. Chan pulled onto a street on campus. “Where is your dorm?” he asked and you looked over at him. “Oh, I live in Ha Rin Hall,” you said looking over at him. “You live in Unicorn Hall?” he asked with a smirk.
“Hey, it has suites! I don’t have to share my room,” you snapped and Chan held up a hand. “I’m not judging!” he said and you rolled your eyes. “Whatever,” you said looking out your window. The drive took only a few minutes and before you knew it, he had pulled up outside your dorm hall entrance. “Here,” he said and you looked up before turning to him as you unbuckled your seatbelt. “Thanks, for dinner,” you said as you grabbed your things. He nodded. “Sure thing,” he said.
You got out of the car and shut the door. Chan rolled the window down. “See you Sunday!” he called and you turned back as you headed up the sidewalk. The look in his eyes caught you off guard and you stumbled over your words. 
“Y-yeah. S-Sunday!” you agreed before turning back toward your building and racing up to the door and punching in the code. You rushed inside and to the elevator, pressing the button several times. When the doors opened, you launched yourself inside and pressed the button for your floor.
Your heart hammered against your ribs and you weren’t sure if it was from running inside or the look Chan had given you when he called out to you from inside his car. You opted for the former, refusing to acknowledge the look. It didn’t happen, so forget it.
Once on your floor, you passed your common room and unlocked your door to your room, shutting and locking it behind you before depositing your things in your chair. You put your leftovers in the mini fridge and shook your head. It was nothing. Stop thinking about it!
You got ready for bed, determined to just pretend like the whole night was normal. You changed into your pj's, brushed your teeth and made sure your alarm was set. You climbed into your bed and pulled the covers up, sleep soon taking you over.
The next morning, you woke before your alarm did and decided to get up anyway, despite having 20 minutes left. You showered and dried off, getting ready for your first class of the day. After leaving your dorm, you stopped by the student center to grab a coffee and a muffin before your first lecture.
You had just reached the end of the line when you heard your name. Looking up, you saw Chan and Soonyoung standing near the pickup counter, Soonyoung waving at you. Chan eyed him suspiciously but ultimately looked away from his friend to nod at you. The two walked over after getting their coffee.
“Hey,” you said smiling at Soonyoung. “Chan told me how his lessons are going,” he said looking at his friend who immediately looked at him wide eyed. “Oh?” you asked nervously. Soonyoung nodded. “He told me I was right and that you are a good teacher,” Soonyoung said. You glanced at Chan to see his cheeks a soft pink. “Did he now?” you asked, slightly smug.
Soonyoung nodded. “Yeah,” he said patting his friend on the back. “Aren’t you also tutoring Jeon Jeongguk? He’s spoken quite highly of you,” Soonyoung said and you nodded. “Yeah. He’s my best friend, but I tutor him on Tuesdays and Fridays,” you said.
A feeling of uneasiness washed over you. The look Chan was giving you burned through your body. His expression was blank but it was unmistakable. He was livid. You didn’t know what his problem was. “Hey, aren’t you taking her lessons, too?” Soonyoung asked looking at his friend. Chan forced a smile and nodded. “Yeah, Sundays and Wednesdays,” he said.
“You’re a pretty popular tutor!” Soonyoung said winking. “Chan on Sundays and Wednesdays, Jeongguk on Tuesdays and Fridays, and Mingyu on Thursdays and Saturdays! You’re a pretty busy girl!” Soonyoung said with a laugh. You chuckled, still feeling unnerved by the look Chan was giving you.
“Well, we won’t keep you, see you around (Y/N)!” Soonyoung said before pulling Chan along, no doubt heading for an early morning practice for baseball. You sighed a breath of relief before approaching the counter to place your order. “Iced caramel macchiato and a banana nut muffin?” the blonde haired barista smiled. You chuckled and nodded. “Pretty predictable, huh?” you asked as you fished your wallet out. “It’s nice to have a semblance of continuity,” he said as he rang you up.
“I won’t charge you for the muffin,” he added. “Just don’t tell anyone,” he added in a whisper. “Your secret’s safe with me,” you replied in a whisper. “Thanks Namjoon,” you added. He smiled as you paid for your coffee and stepped aside to wait for it. Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you pulled it out. It was a text from Chan.
[2019/10/10] L.Chan [06:41]: how many students do you tutor? You [06:42]: like 4 or 5. Why? L.Chan [06:42]: … L.Chan [06:43]: why didn’t you say you were tutoring more students? You [06:44]: does it matter? L.Chan [06:44]: no L.Chan [06:45]: nvm. Forget i said anything. See you Sunday.
You stared at your phone in confusion before Namjoon’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts. He held out your coffee and a paper bag. “Thanks,” you said with a smile. “Have a good day, (Y/N). See you tomorrow!” You headed for your class and ate your muffin on the way.
Your first lecture passed quickly but your phone kept buzzing in your pocket so you turned the vibration off. Upon leaving you checked your phone. You had 10 missed texts. Two were from Mingyu explaining he couldn’t make his lesson for the day. You shot back a text that his workload would double on Saturday and he better not skip. He replied instantly.
[2019/10/10] K.Mingyu [08:03]: I’ll be there I promise! My mom has her follow up for her test today and I really wanted to be there for her. I’m sorry I had to cancel. You [08:03]: I’m only jesting, Gyu. Take care of your mom. I hope everything goes well. Let me know how she’s doing. I’ll see you next Thursday. Take Saturday off to be with her. K.Mingyu [08:05]: you are literally the best. Thank you so much, (Y/N)!
You turned your attention to the eight other missed texts. They were all from Chan.
[2019/10/10] L.Chan [07:21]: who else are you tutoring? L.Chan [07:23]: me, Mingyu, Jeongguk, who else? L.Chan [07:25]: Not that it matters. I’m just curious L.Chan [07:31]: Have any of them taken you to dinner?? L.Chan [07:32]: wait nvm don’t answer that. L.Chan [07:40]: … actually, answer that. L.Chan [07:44]: why the hell aren’t you answering me?? L.Chan [07:56]: shit. You’re in class. Duh. i’m stupid. Ignore me.
You stared in disbelief at your phone until the ellipsis at the bottom of the screen appeared indicating he was typing. You panicked and closed your texting app and locked your screen before shoving your phone deep in your bag. You didn’t want to know what he said.
Instead you headed for the student center to take advantage of the quiet room to finish going over your homework to make sure it was finished. You had just sat down when you heard footsteps approaching and you looked up to see it was Chan. He stopped right in front of you before he grabbed your bag and started rifling through it. “Hey!” you whisper yelled trying to take your bag back. He pulled your phone out and shoved it at you. You stared at him for a few moments. He nodded at your phone, indicating you to look at it. You rolled your eyes and opened it, checking his message.
[2019/10/10] L.Chan [08:07]: where are you? L.Chan [08:10]: I know you read my messages which means you’re out of class. I know you have a free period. I want to talk. L.Chan [08:12]: why are you ignoring me?
Chan snatched your phone out of your hand and look at the screen. You angrily snatched your phone back and grabbed your bag before pointing to the exit and led the way, Chan following closely behind you. Once exiting the quiet room, Chan grabbed your arm and led you away from the crowded court of the student center and away toward an empty classroom.
“What are you doing?” you hissed as he opened the door and shoved you in, shutting the door behind you. “I wanted to talk to you!” he said and leaned against the door, arms crossed in front of him. “Well, then talk!” you snapped and he narrowed his eyes.
“What is your problem?” he asked and you scoffed. “My problem? What is your problem? All those texts? Following me to the quiet room and looking through my bag? Taking my phone? Why are you acting like some jealous boyfriend?!” you snapped and Chan froze.
He regained his composure before slipping into a cool facade. “I am not. I just forgot that you were in a lecture, that’s all.” You crossed your arms. “Okay, then why are you asking me about my other tutor students like it’s somehow your business?” you asked and he shrugged. “I told you, I was curious,” he reiterated. You narrowed your eyes at him. “Right, sure,” you said.
“I’m not jealous. I just didn’t realize your schedule was so full,” he said and you nodded slowly. “So, can I go now? I need to finish going over my homework. It’s due my next class,” you said and Chan nodded but didn’t move. You waited patiently for him to stand up but he didn’t. You groaned and moved forward, determined to push him out of the way if you had to.
Upon reaching the door, Chan grabbed you by the arm and spun, pushing you against the door and pining you there. You let out a small yelp as he did. He stood there, his body pressing yours against the door, his hands pressed against the door on either side of your head. “What are you doing?” you whispered, your heart racing and finding it hard to breathe.
Chan stared at you, his head lowering until his lips were mere inches from yours. A loud crack of thunder sounded across the campus catching you, and thankfully, Chan off guard. He jumped and this allowed you enough of a window to open the door and race out of the room and as far away from him as possible. You took refuge in the ladies bathroom, ignoring the chime of the clock tower as eight thirty hit.
You were late for your class but you knew your professor would grant you a pass for turning in your assignment late. She loved having you in class. You hid in the bathrooms for nearly twenty minutes before braving the halls and heading back to your dorm, deciding to skip your classes and submit your homework from the safety of your room instead.
You made it back without instance and once you were locked in your room, you submitted the rest of your homework virtually and tucked yourself away in your bed. You were glad that Mingyu had decided to cancel his lessons for the day as you were a mess.
What the hell had gotten into Chan? What gave him the right to behave like that? What did he think you were to him? He took you to dinner one time and he thought you suddenly belonged to him? Bullshit. You wouldn’t stand for it. You would set him straight the next lesson.
You decided to order food instead of go out and interact with anyone. You sat in your room, eating your pizza when the first text came in.
[2019/10/10] L.Chan [18:22]: Look, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. L.Chan [18:23]: You’re my tutor and I shouldn’t have done that. Let’s just forget this and put it behind us. I’ll see you on Sunday? You [18:25]: Sunday. Consider it forgotten.
You threw your phone on your sheets and laid back, groaning when you felt the vibration near your foot. You reached down to grab the device and read the message.
L.Chan [18:26]: K
You threw your phone back down on the blanket and pulled the edge over your head and screamed into your pillow. He was a confusing asshole and you needed to put all of this out of your mind if you were going to get through the rest of his lessons without anymore incident.
Safe to say, you were dreading Chan’s Sunday lessons as they drew closer. Jeongguk noticed you seemed a little more tense that usual on Friday. “What’s wrong?” he asked, placing his hand on yours as you fiddled with your pencil. You shook your head. “Just class,” you lied and he squeezed your hand softly. Looking up, you were met with his warm eyes. You sighed, knowing he saw right through your lies.
“It’s these lessons with Chan. He’s such an asshole!” you said in a whisper yell. Jeongguk laughed as he sat back. “What’s new? He’s always been a brat,” he said and you glared at him. “Not helping,” you said and he shrugged. “What do you want me to say?” he asked and you shook your head.
“I just don’t get him. First he’s an asshole and teasing me about my crush on his best friend, and then he’s all sweet and takes me out to eat, and then-” you spilled out but Jeongguk held his hands up to stop you. “Whoa, wait a second. He did what?!” he asked and you covered your mouth when you realized you had forgotten to tell Jeongguk about Wednesday. “He took you out to eat?” he asked incredulously and you nodded slowly.
“When the hell were you gonna tell me this?” he demanded angrily and you shrugged. “Sorry,” you whispered. Jeongguk shook his head and gestured for you to continue your rant. You launched back into it. “And then,” you said and gulped, knowing the next part would set your best friend off again.
“And then, what?” he asked and you hesitated, looking at Jeongguk. His arms were crossed, his expression unreadable but his eyes told you all you needed to know. He was waiting patiently for you to continue. You took a deep breath and spoke again. “Then he found out I’m tutoring people other than him and he got… upset? He asked why I didn’t tell him I was tutoring other people. I told him it didn’t matter but he was still mad, so when I tried to leave, he pinned me against the wall and almost kissed me,” you finished and Jeongguk leaned forward. “What the fuck?” he hissed.
“You should have told me this! I would have knocked his lights out!” he added and you looked down at the table to avoid his gaze. The two of you were silent until he finally broke it. “I’m calling an emergency and cancelling this lesson,” he said and you looked up at him. “We’re going out. You need a night out,” he said and you shook your head. “You can’t cancel lessons,” you chuckled and he stuffed his things in his bag and started packing your things up.
“Jeongguk! Only I can cancel lessons!” you said before he grabbed your hand and pulled you up to your feet. You let out a little squeal and erupted into giggles as he dragged you to your dorm room from your floor’s common room. “You’re going in there and you’re going to change. It’s Friday night, you seem stressed so as your best friend, I’m taking you out tonight, we’re going to get drunk and then you can sleep in tomorrow since Mingyu cancelled!” he said as he pushed you toward your door.
“You can’t make that decision!” you laughed and Jeongguk shook his head. “I’m not listening until you change into something that gets the blood flowing!” he said over you. Rolling your eyes, you unlocked the door and stepped inside, Jeongguk following behind you. He sat on your bed as you entered your bathroom and shut the door. He was right. You needed a break and what better way than to drink and let loose. You started to pull stuff out of your closet, trying them on before showing him.
“That top, yes, those bottoms? No,” he said, wrinkling his nose in disgust. “Don’t you have any clubbing dresses or something?” he asked and you shook your head. “I’m not wearing that again, I told you already!” you said and Jeongguk hopped up, pushing his way into your closet to search for the dress you were both talking about. He found it crumpled on the floor and picked it up, shaking it and holding it up.
"You’re wearing this,” he said and you shook your head. “No, the fuck I’m not!” you shouted and he raised an eyebrow. “Either you’re going to put this on yourself, or I will strip you and put it on you myself,” he threatened. You snatched the dress from him and shoved him out of your bathroom, shutting the door and locking it. You stripped down to your bra and panties and pulled the dress on.
“I need you to zip it up,” you called through the door. You unlocked it, letting Jeongguk in. He zipped the back of the dress up for you and whistled when you turned around. “Goddamn, if you weren’t like a sister to me, I’d totally take you home with me tonight,” he said with a wink. You pushed him out and gagged. “Disgusting. You’re disgusting!” Jeongguk laughed as you searched for a pair of shoes to go with the dress. Once dressed, your hair done, and makeup on, you looked at yourself in the mirror.
“I hate you so much,” you said as you fished your ID and debit card out of your bag and handed them to Jeongguk. He tucked them in his wallet for safekeeping before checking his watch. “Come on, Cinderella, or we’ll be late for the ball,” he said jokingly as you took one last glance in the mirror.
The dress was a stunning black velvet with an off the shoulder sweetheart neckline and sleeves the extended down just past your wrists. The tulip skirt stopped about mid-thigh, hugging your hips snugly. Under the dress you wore your favorite black lace bra and gray panties. The heels you chose were the same ones you had worn for a New Year’s party. Gold faded into black with red bottoms.
You grabbed your phone off the desk and followed Jeongguk out of your room. He led you to the elevator which you took down to the lobby and caught an Uber to the club Jeongguk frequented. “I can’t believe you haven’t gone out since that night,” Jeongguk said shaking his head. He was speaking, of course, about the same night you threw a drink in Chan’s face at a frat party.
“Oh, can it, Gguk,” you said as the car pulled to a stop at the curb. Jeongguk got out, helping you out after him. He took your hand and led you to the end of the line.  In no time, you reached the doors. While waiting, a particularly loud group of guys exited the club and you recognized them. It was Chan and his friends from the baseball team, Soonyoung, Jihoon, Jeonghan, and their captain, Seungcheol.
Your heart skipped a beat when you saw Soonyoung. A huge smile on his face as he and his friends left the club. He looked particularly stunning in the tight black jeans he was wearing with small rips on his upper thighs and again at his knees. The black bomber jacket he wore open showed off the plain white tee shirt underneath. Your breath stunted as he brought a hand up to brush his hair back, showing off his forehead. A simple gesture, but something that still made your knees weak. God he looks good.
As the group passed by, Soonyoung caught sight of you and called out. “Hey, (Y/N)!” he said and Chan’s attention snapped to you as the group stopped. He was wearing a bright red hoodie under a black jacket with black jeans. He looked surprised to see you. You said hello to the guys why Jeongguk handed the bouncer both your IDs. “Holy shit,” Soonyoung said as he looked you over. Your heart beat faster while your stomach did somersaults at his reaction.
“Damn, why the hell are we leaving?” he asked, turning to look at Seungcheol who laughed and waved at you. “Because we’re not even supposed to drink the night before a game,” he said with a smile. Chan’s eyes were glued to you as he looked you up and down. Jeongguk placed a hand on your lower back to get your attention.
“Let’s go,” he said softly and both Soonyoung and Chan looked at him, startled as if they hadn’t noticed him standing next to you the whole time.. “Oh! Jeon!” Soonyoung said smiling brightly at him. “You’re a lucky guy!” Jeonghan said nodding toward you with a wink. Jeongguk laughed and shook his head. “No, it’s not like that. We’re just friends. We have been for some time,” he said and you nodded, avoiding Chan’s gaze.
“It’s a damn shame we have to leave,” Jihoon said also giving you the once over and a smirk. Your cheeks burned pink with embarrassment. “I’m going to strangle you in your sleep,” you said to Jeongguk. “I made her wear this,” he said nodding at your ensemble. “Good choice,” Jeonghan said, nodding in approval. Your cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink and when your eyes met Chan’s you felt something stir deep in your stomach. The way he was looking at you was so… primal.
You looked away quickly as the group began to depart. “Have a good night!” Soonyoung called as he grabbed Chan and pulled the younger man away. When you peered over your shoulder, you saw Chan look back at you before Jeongguk led you into the club. Inside was loud, hot, and packed. Strobe lights blinded you as Jeongguk made his way through the crowd, pulling you along as he headed for the bar.
He ordered both of you two shots each and a drink for you. He was determined to get you drunk. Once you were three shots in, he pulled you onto the dance floor. “You’re going to have fun whether you like it or not!” he said in your ear over the bass as he pulled you into him and started moving to the beat. If he had been any other guy, you would have pushed him away, possibly even slapped him.
You had known Jeongguk for so long that you felt the most comfortable dancing with him because you knew he would never take it too far. The heat of the bodies around you mixed with the alcohol made your head swim and you leaned into Jeongguk, asking him to get you some water. He nodded and left the dance floor to get you some. A very bad move.
A few moments later, you felt two hands on your hips. Assuming it was Jeongguk you leaned into the frame behind you. “Did you get my water?” you asked over the music. You felt his lips near your ear but the voice that spoke wasn’t Jeongguk’s. “Are you thirsty?” 
You spun around and were met face to face with Chan. His hands held your hips in place. “What are you doing?” you asked and he smiled, pulling you into him. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked and you gulped. If you said no, things would progress and you knew they would go too far. If you said yes however he would leave and you didn’t want that.
Luckily, you didn’t have to answer. Jeongguk returned with your water and pulled you out of Chan’s grip. “Don’t you have a baseball game tomorrow you should be getting rest for?” he asked over the music. Chan shrugged. “It’s still pretty early and the game isn’t until tomorrow evening.” Jeongguk handed you the water, keeping a protective hold around your waist as you took a huge gulp of water.
“Regardless, I brought her here and I’m responsible for her,” he said. Chan laughed, rolling his eyes. “Do you honestly think I would do anything to hurt her? I’m not that kind of guy and you know it, Jeon!” Chan said over the bass. Jeongguk still didn’t release you. “Unless she tells me to buzz off, I’m not letting her out of my sight,” he said as you finished your water. “Jeongguk,” you said with your head a little clearer.
He looked down at you. “I think one dance is okay,” you said to him. Jeongguk looked from you to Chan. “Just one,” you added, pointing at Chan. He nodded in agreement and Jeongguk reluctantly let go of you. He slipped between the crowd, no doubt going to keep watch somewhere. Chan took your hand and pulled you into him. “Once dance, Chan, I mean it,” you said and he smirked at you.
“After once dance, you’ll want another, and then another,” he said and you rolled your eyes, lightly slapping him on the shoulder. “No I won’t,” you said as he held your hips and turned you so you were facing away from him. His lips brushed against your cheek before he whispered, “one dance and you’ll want to come home with me.” Your heart leapt in your chest as you tried to control your breathing. Get it together, (Y/N), you told yourself. This is Chan, not Soonyoung.
Without warning, Chan pulled your hips back against his and you nearly moaned at the feeling of his obvious erection pressing against your backside. His lips trailed up your neck before stopping by your ear, his breath hot against your skin. “Do you see what you do to me? Do you feel what you do to my body?” he breathed rolling his hips against you. A small moan left your lips and Chan wrapped an arm around your waist.
“Come back with me. You know you want to,” he hissed and you shook your head. “I can’t,” you whimpered. He chuckled lowly in your ear, one of his hands sliding down and around to grab your hip, his fingers sinking into the soft flesh. “Come on,” he said, pulling your hips back against his crotch again, causing another hot moan leaving your throat. “God you sound so good,” he whispered.
His hand on your hip slid to your stomach to hold you against him again. “Come back with me. Let me take care of you,” he said as you continued to sway to the music, your ass grinding against his hips. “Let me taste you, (Y/N). I’ll make you feel so good, baby,” he said, nipping at your neck. “Please, Chan. I can’t,” you breathed.
He stopped, turning you so you were facing him. “Can’t or won’t?” he asked and you shook your head. “I can’t, Chan,” you repeated. Chan scoffed, letting go of your hips as he backed away. You looked into his eyes hooded with lust before cocked his head. “One last chance,” he offered and when you hesitated, he turned and walked away leaving you on the dance floor and taking your breath with him.
Jeongguk must have seen because he was by your side in seconds. “Let’s get you home,” he said and led you off the dance floor and toward the door. “He���s such an L.Chan,” you hissed as Jeongguk led you out into the cool night air. “What?” Jeongguk asked as he pulled his phone out and requested an Uber pick up. You fell silent and when the car arrived, Jeongguk didn’t ask anymore questions.
He took you back to your dorm to drop you off, making sure you made it safely before he left and headed back to his building. You unzipped your dress and slid it off, replacing it with your pajamas. When you threw your dress in your hamper, you heard your phone go off. You walked over to check it. A text from Chan.
L.Chan [00:13]: why wouldn’t you just come back with me? Do you know how much I want you? You [00:14]: I couldn’t just leave Gguk L.Chan [00:14]: so you left with Jeon?? L.Chan [00:14]: Did you go back to his place? L.Chan [00:15]: Are you gonna fuck him?? You [00:15]: i told you, Jeongguk is my FRIEND. I’m not interested in him like that. L.Chan [00:16]: so are you in your room right now? You [00:16]: yes. L.Chan [00:17]: alone?? You [00:17]: yes, goddamn L.Chan [00:18]: prove it. Prove it to me.
You took a picture of you laying in your bed and sent that in the text with the caption, “would i send this if i wasn’t alone?”
L.Chan [00:19]:...are you teasing me?? You [0019]: and what if I am?
It was a moment before he responded and when he did, he sent an image. Upon opening it, you saw it was the outline of his erection through his boxers, his blanket pushed just below it.
L.Chan [00:19]: you did this, now come and fix it. You [00:20]: make me~ L.Chan [00:20]: I’m coming over, let me in You [00:20]: you have a game tomorrow L.Chan [00:21]: i don’t give a shit. I’m coming over and i’m gonna fuck you You [00:22]: no you’re not. L.Chan [00:23]: why the hell not? 😠 You [00:23]: because I said so. L.Chan [00:24]: then send me a picture. Help a guy out 😣
You scoffed and threw your phone on your bed. He has some nerve. You weren’t normally the kind of girl to send provocative pictures, but in your drunken state, it was tempting. Your thoughts were interrupted but a vibration on your mattress which caught your attention. Chan had sent you a picture.
You opened it much too quickly. In the picture, Chan had pulled himself out of his underwear and your jaw dropped. He was much larger than you thought. You felt your phone buzz again.
L.Chan [00:25]: you like the picture? 😉 L.Chan [00:25]: Come over and let me fuck you. L.Chan [00:25]: At least let me taste you. L.Chan [00:25]: Bury my face between those gorgeous thighs of yours and make you come all over my 👅
The temptation was there. You would be lying if you said you didn’t want to. Instead, you sat up, taking off your shirt before lying back and pushing your shorts off, throwing them on the floor. You took another picture in the semi darkness of your room. You sent it to Chan.
You [00:26]: I’m too drunk to come over. 🤪
He answered quicker than he had in the past.
L.Chan [00:27]: fuck you’re beautiful. I want to come all over that lace bra 💦 You [00:27]: keep saying that and I’ll up your lesson plan 🙅🏻‍♀️ L.Chan [00:28]: goddammit, i want to bend you over the table in that stupid room L.Chan [00:28]: fuck you until you can’t walk in the morning. You [00:30]: … you can’t do that. Not in there L.Chan [00:30]: why not? L.Chan [00:30]: don’t want everyone to know what a dirty slut you are? 😏 You [00:31]: i’m not the one sending dick pics to his tutor L.Chan [00:32]: pics of a dick you want to choke on 🍆 You [00:33]: bold of you to presume that L.Chan [00:33]: send me another picture. This time, no bra You [00:33]: so demanding 🙄 L.Chan [00:33]: shut up and just do it. I want to see you You [00:36]: what do i get in return? 🤷🏻‍♀️ L.Chan [00:36]: gimme a sex L.Chan [00:36]: sec* lol
A few moments later, a video clip appeared in the thread. You clicked on it. Chan’s hand was wrapped around the shaft of his cock, slowly moving up and down. You heard him hiss in the background. “I wish this was your mouth instead of my hand,” he whispered.
Your walls clenched around nothing and you immediately got up, walking over to your full length mirror, you wrapped an arm under your breasts, pushing them up and snapped a picture, the strap of your bra slipping down your shoulder. His reply was instantaneous.
L.Chan [00:39]: ugh stop teasing me baby 😫
A giggle escaped you as you slid your panties down your thighs before undoing your bra and slipping that off. You raised a finger out in front of you, covering your breasts and sex all at once before snapping another picture and sending it to Chan. Might as well make him suffer.
L.Chan [00:39]: fucking hell 😳😍 You [00:40]: are you still touching yourself? 👀 L.Chan [00:40]: yesss You [00:41]: you want to Facetime? 😘 L.Chan [00:42]: fuck. Yes. 😍
Your phone lit up with an incoming call. You hopped into your bed before answering it. Half expecting to be met with Chan’s dick, you were surprised to see his face instead. “I wish you would have just let me come over,” he said in a breathy voice. “Sorry~,” you said in a sweet voice. “Don’t lie to me,” he said, a small moan leaving his lips.
“I’m not. I am sorry. I’m being responsible, Chan. I’m your tutor,” you said and he groaned. “Only in that room. Outside of it, you’re my peer. Peers can fuck. So let me fuck you,” he said, his breath speeding up. “Are you close?” you asked and he nodded. “Keep going,” you said softly, watching the way his eyes fluttered shut and he bit his bottom lip to keep quiet.
“Do you have a roommate?” you asked and he shook his head. “Then don’t hold back. Let me hear you,” you said, your hand wandering to your already wet core. “Are you touching yourself to this?” Chan asked and you smiled before nodded. “I am,” you replied feeling the wetness seeping between your folds. “Let me see,” Chan said and you tapped to switch to rear facing camera where it was pointed at your hand disappearing between your thighs.
“Fuck that’s so hot,” Chan’s voice said and you returned to front facing camera. “I want to taste you so bad, (Y/N),” he whimpered. Your walls clenched when he let out a moan. Your fingers worked against your clit, teasing yourself as you brought yourself closer and closer to the edge. “Keep going, keep touching yourself,” he said when a small moan slipped between your lips. “Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to hear that in person.”
“Do you want my cock, baby?” he asked and you nodded, slipping a finger inside your wet heat. “God, I want you inside me so bad,” you whined. “Should have let me come over,” he said with a smirk. You groaned, curling your fingers to hit your sweet spot. “Fuck baby, do that again. Let me see what you’re doing,” he demanded. You turned the camera and continued to fuck yourself with your fingers.
“How many fingers are you using?” he asked. “Two,” you replied. “Add another, that’s how many I would use to get your ready to take me,” he said and you complied, adding a third finger, enjoying the slight sting as your stretched yourself. “I bet you’re nice and wet, perfect for me to slide right in. God I want to fuck you so bad. Pound into you. I want you to scream my name.”
You whimpered at his words, speeding up your pace. “Would you like that, baby? My hard cock in your tight hole?” he asked and you nodded. “Yes, I want your hard cock inside me, Chan,” you moaned. He chuckled lowly. “Such a good little slut for me. You’re a good girl, aren’t you?” he asked. “Yes,” you breathed feeling your orgasm draw closer. “Yes what?” he asked. “Yes, I’m a good girl,” you breathed.
“Are you close?” he asked, his breathing shallow as he neared his climax. You nodded with a whimper as you bit your lip. “Good, keep going baby. Come for me all over your fingers like a good slut,” he said as he sped up. “Only if you come all over yourself,” you breathed and Chan chuckled again. “Okay baby. I’ll do that. Now don’t stop until you come. Tell me how good you feel,” he said and you moaned.
Your orgasm approached rapidly, your toes curling in bliss as you continued to pleasure yourself at his words. “Does it feel good, babygirl?” Chan asked you. “Yes, yes,” you moaned. “I’m so close,” you whined. “Keep going, baby. Be a good girl and come for me,” Chan whispered, barely audible. Your high hit you and you came with a whimper and a moan of Chan’s name as you continued to ride out your climax.
“Fucking shit, baby,” Chan groaned as he released on his end with a low moan. He shuddered on camera, eyes shut as he came down from his orgasm. The two of you sat there in your beds silent as you both basked in the afterglow of your orgasms. “God damnit (Y/N). Next time just let me come over and fuck you,” Chan said, panting. You let out a shaky laugh. “Next time,” you murmured.
“Get some sleep, Chan. You have a game in the morning,” you said as you sat up. “What are you going to do?” he asked, his face squished against the pillows on his bed. “I’m taking a shower and then going to bed,” you answered. Chan smiled and nodded. “Okay. You do that. I’ll text you tomorrow,” he said and you shook your head. “You don’t have to do that,” you answered. He merely shrugged, with a smile and said, “I want to. Goodnight, (Y/N).” He hung up before you had a chance to answer. “Night, Chan.”
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The next morning you awoke to knocking on your door. You groaned as you opened your eyes and looked around. Your floor was littered with your clothing from the night before. You had fallen asleep naked. Your head throbbed as the knocking continued. A small whimper left your lips as you rolled over and wrapped the blankets around you. You slid off the bed, making sure you were covered before you unlocked and cracked the door. Jeongguk was on the other side.
“I come bearing gifts,” he said holding up a paper sack and a coffee. “I also brought Tylenol,” he added and you opened the door, hiding behind it so no one would see you wrapped in your blanket. Jeongguk entered the room and whistled when he looked around. You shut the door and padded over to your bed. “Who did you fuck last night?” he asked as he handed you the coffee and bag.
You shook your head and hid in your wrap as you opened the bag. Inside were two breakfast burritos and a small side of hash browns. You whispered a blessing upon Jeongguk as you unwrapped a burrito and dug in. Jeongguk looked at your clothes on the floor again. “If you didn’t fuck anyone last night, why are your clothes everywhere?” You looked up at him, mouth full of burrito.
“Cause I was drunk and too lazy to put my clothes away?” you answered and Jeongguk laughed. “Or to put clothes on I see,” he said nodding at your bare shoulders and collar. “Fuck off,” you said before taking another bite of burrito. Jeongguk stood up and made his way into your closet. “Jeongguk, get out of my closet you pervert!” you called in a groggy voice. You lifted the coffee to your lips and took a sip, sighing at the sweet taste of the sugar and creamer.
Jeongguk returned moments later with clean underwear, a tee shirt, sweatpants, and a hoodie. “Get dressed, loser. I’m taking you to the baseball game,” he said throwing your clothes on the bed. You glared at him, narrowing your eyes. Jeongguk laughed again and turned away so you could put your clothes on. You pulled on the sports bra and underwear before sliding off the bed and into your sweats. The shirt he had chosen was your the shirt you had gotten with your university acceptance package.
You rolled your eyes before pulling on your hoodie and taking a look in the mirror. You whistled and told Jeongguk to give you five minutes to make yourself presentable. Jeongguk grabbed the unopened burrito and sat on your bed. “I’ll just eat this,” he said and you pouted before going into the bathroom to wash your face and apply some sunscreen and BB cream. You weren’t focused on grabbing any attention, you just wanted to not look hungover or sick.
After that you pulled your hair up into a messy ponytail and returned to your bed to finish your burrito and hash browns. “Let’s go idiot,” you said to Jeongguk and he rolled out of your bed. The two of you made your way out of your room and down to the lobby. Jeongguk told you about his night after he dropped you off at your dorm. Apparently he had run into an old friend and they ended up hooking up.
“That wasn’t stupid, right? Cause she gives some really good head,” he said as you walked toward the baseball stadium. You rolled your eyes at him. “It’s not stupid, just so long as you are on the same page,” you said. You reached the field in no time and Jeongguk bought your tickets before leading you down toward the dugout. He liked to sit front row at the games since his basketball team always attended the baseball team’s games.
You sat down next to him in literally the front row, looking out at the field over the fence. The two teams were warming up, the visiting team on the other side of the field. You were talking to Jeongguk when you noticed Chan out on the field warming up with Seungcheol. “Hey, (Y/N)!” you heard and looked down to see Soonyoung had just emerged from the dugout with Jihoon. You smiled and waved back at them.
Soonyoung ran over and you scooted forward in your seat to rest your arms on the fence. “What are you doing here?” he asked smiling up at you. “Jeongguk brought me,” you said nodding back at your best friend. Soonyoung greeted Jeongguk with a nod. “So, what position are you?” you asked drawing Soonyoung’s attention. “Shortstop! Jihoon is catcher.”
Jihoon looked up at you, giving you a smile which you returned. “Seokmin,” Soonyoung said looking behind him and pointing to another member on the team, one with reddish curly hair. “He’s our pitcher. Minghao is first baseman,” Soonyoung pointed to tall and slender member with longer black hair and glasses who was practicing with another member with short blonde hair, “and he’s practicing with our second baseman, Junhui.”
Seungcheol is right field, Jeonghan is left field, and Joshua is center field,” Soonyoung added pointing out the three respectively. “Chan is our third baseman. In the dugout we have Wonwoo our relief pitcher, Seungkwan is one of our utility infielders along with Mingyu but he’s out today, and Vernon is our pinch runner.” Soonyoung continued, naming the rest of the team in the dugout.
“Then there’s also our closing pitcher Minhyuk, our LOOGY Changkyun, Hyunwoo is backup catcher, Mark is first baseman relief, Jinyoung is second baseman relief, and Kihyun is third baseman relief. Jooheon takes over for me if I need the break, Hoseok is our pinch hitter, Yugyeom is our Designated hitter for Seokmin, and Jackson is equipment manager. Bambam and Hyungwon are also utility outfielders while Youngjae and Jaebum are utility infielders.”
You nodded slowly and Jeongguk laughed leaning forward. “She has no idea what you just said,” he laughed. Jihoon chuckled and readjusted his hat. “I catch, Seokmin and Wonwoo throw, Minghao, Junhui, and Chan stay on the bases, Joshua, Jeonghan, and Seungcheol catch balls in the outfield, Soonyoung gets to run all over infield, and everyone else subs,” Jihoon explained.
“Yeah, that speaks more my level of baseball knowledge,” you said. Soonyoung laughed, the sound drawing Chan’s attention. He squinted and noticed you before tossing a ball back to Minghao. One of the coaches called Jihoon over and he excused himself. “So, what are you doing tonight?” Soonyoung asked when Jeongguk sat back in his seat.
You shrugged. “I have no idea. I was supposed to have a tutor lesson with Mingyu, but like you said, he’s out today and had to cancel,” you admitted. Soonyoung perked up. “So you have no plans?” he asked and you nodded. “Then, how about this? Whenever we win a game, there’s always a party at the Iota Nu Delta house. If we win today, be my date?” he asked and your cheeks turned pink.
“O-okay,” you said and Soonyoung broke into a huge grin. “Okay, I’ll be on the field all game, so cheer for me, okay?” he asked and you nodded before he took off when the coaches called him over. Chan looked from Soonyoung to you before turning back to his teammates.
The game would be starting soon. You sat back in your seat and looked at Jeongguk. “Did Soonyoung ask you on a date~?” he asked not looking up from his phone and you nodded. “Yeah, I guess he did,” you admitted. Jeongguk gave you a sly smirk and you slapped his shoulder. “Can it, Gguk!” you giggled before you heard someone call your name. You looked back at the field and saw Soonyoung wave at you. Your face turning red, you returned his wave and slid down in your seat.
You missed the way Chan glared at his friend in favor for the start of the game. The announcer came on the intercom and started the beginning of the game. He announced the teams and the players on each team, taking extra care to mention the key players on the home team. When each of their names were announced, the players stepped forward and waved and posed to a torrent of screams and cheers.
After announcing the players, the first pitch was thrown by the home team with Seokmin as starting pitcher. You watched the field as Jeongguk explained the mechanics of the game to you in between plays. The home team, your university’s team, was amazing. The guys were fast, catching hits and throwing them to the bases or back to Jihoon behind the home plate. They didn’t even let the visiting team score. When they were up to bat, you had never seen anything like it.
The fastest members were probably Minghao or Chan. They zoomed around the bases like little bees. They scored left and right, running the bases. Jeongguk explained how every time the teams swapped, the inning changed. Right now he said they were in the bottom of the fourth ending. “Bottom?” you asked and Jeongguk smiled and leaned forward.
“So when an inning starts, it’s called the top of the inning when one team is batting. When three outs are made, the teams switch so the fielding team will be up to bat, which will then be the bottom of the inning. The inning ends when the second batting team gets three outs.” You looked from Jeongguk to the field. “Okay! That makes sense!” you said nodding.
As the game progressed you noticed Chan watching you more and more from third base. You tried to ignore the look he gave you and focus on the game. By the top of the ninth inning, you were totally invested in the game cheering and encouraging the team. They were on the field with two outs. “I’ve never seen you get this much into sports,” Jeongguk laughed and you looked back at him with a wide grin. “I never realized I liked baseball so much!” you admitted. The home team caught the third out and the teams switched, signaling the start of the bottom of the ninth inning.
First up to bat was Changkyun. He was one of the only left handed batters on the team and also being the left handed pitcher. He hit the ball toward the bases and took off for first, making it before the opposing team even scooped the ball up. His teammates erupted into applause while he mocked bowing before taking his stance on the base.
Up next was Hyunwoo. He was a guy you’d seen around campus before usually with his best friends Hoseok and Kihyun. Hyunwoo was a particularly well built guy with broad shoulders, tall and muscular. He filled out his uniform well as he took his stance on home plate, swinging the bat a couple times before he stood ready to swing. The opposing team’s pitcher threw hard but Hyunwoo swung right, his aim true and he hit the ball into the outfield before the players had time to catch up. He made it to first, Changkyun on second.
Next to bat was Yugyeom stepped up to the plate. He was, as Soonyoung said earlier, designated hitter for the pitcher, Seokmin. Yugyeom also hit toward the bases and made it to first, the other two rotating around so each base had a member on it. The coach of the opposing team swapped out the pitcher for a new guy and Jeongguk sat closer to the edge of his seat. “They’re trying to switch it up, catch our guys with a new pitcher. They’re gonna try to get a triple play,” he said resting his arms on the fence.
You turned your attention to the practice section for the next batter and saw it was Jeonghan but the manager ran up to him and said something. Jeonghan looked over at the dugout as another member came out ready to bat. Jeonghan nodded and swapped places with the new guy. “Fuck yes,” Jeongguk exclaimed softly and you looked at him. “The pinch hitter,” he said and you looked back at the guy stepping up to the plate. It was Lee Hoseok. If Hyunwoo was built, then Hoseok was ripped.
They guy adjusted his gloves and tapped the bottom of his shoe with his bat before taking his stance and swinging the bat three times before holding it steady. He smirked at the new pitcher and waited. The first ball thrown was called foul, giving the opposing team one out. The second ball was also foul, giving for another out. You grabbed Jeongguk’s hand and he laughed. “You’re worried for nothing,” he said as the pitcher geared up to throw a third ball. Hoseok swung so fast and hard that all you heard was the crack of the ball making contact with his bat before he dropped it and took off.
Changkyun crossed the plate first, followed by Hyunwoo, then Yugyeom. Cheers erupted from around the stadium and the dugout as the ball crossed over the far barrier and Hoseok brought up the rear laughing as his teammates rushed out to jump on him. “What?” you looked at Jeongguk. “Told you not to worry,” he laughed. You looked over as the team celebrated their victory. You cheered along side the rest of the stadium before Jeongguk finally pulled you out of your seat. “Come on! They’re gonna celebrate with a party later, let’s go so you can get changed,” he said and you followed him and his basketball teammates up the steps.
It took some time to get out of the stadium and into the parking lot where the rest of Jeongguk’s friends piled into cars, you sitting in the front seat of Seokjin’s car. Jeongguk was squashed in the back with Jimin and Taehyung. Seokjin pulled up outside your building and you promised to be quick. You rushed up to your room to change and get ready to go to a house party. You hadn’t been to one in years so you decided to put a little effort into your appearance.
Once satisfied with your look, you headed out to the elevator. You pressed the button taking it down to the lobby. Your phone buzzed in your hand and you opened it to find two messages waiting. One from Soonyoung and the other from Chan.
[2019/10/12] Soonyoung [21:06]: you’re still coming to the party, right? (: You [21:06]: I’m on my way now!
You checked Chan’s text and froze, your heart pounding.
L.Chan [21:05]: So there’s a party at the Iota Nu Delta house, if you wanted to come. Hopefully I’ll see you there? You [21:08]: yeah, i’m heading there now actually. Soonyoung invited me L.Chan [21:08]: oh. cool. See you soon
Soonyoung had sent you another text and you opened it.
Soonyoung [21:08]: you are going to dance with me, aren’t you? ;) You [21:09]: we’ll see haha
You made it back out to the car and got in the front seat again. “Ah! We’re ready!” Seokjin announced before starting the car. He pulled out of your building’s parking lot and turned right, driving through the campus as he made his way toward the Iota Nu Delta house. Seokjin parked on the street behind Yoongi’s car and you followed the guys up the lawn toward the front door.
Upon entering, you saw that the party was fully underway and you grabbed Jeongguk’s arm. “Please don’t leave me alone!” you whispered at him and he nodded, following Taehyung and Jimin further into the house. Once entering the kitchen at the back of the house, you found a large group gathered around a pong table. Jeongguk led you past the group to get drinks and a familiar face caught your eye.
Soonyoung smiled at you from the crowd before pushing his way through to reach you. “Hey!” he said breathlessly as Jeongguk poured some soda into a cup and handed you a slice of pizza from one of the many boxes on the counter. “Eat, then drink!” he said and the nodded at Soonyoung. 
You took the slice and bit off a piece. Jeongguk handed you the cup with soda in it. “Drink that. Pizza and soda before you get alcohol!” You rolled your eyes and turned to Soonyoung who reached across the island to grab a slice of pizza.
Jeongguk smiled at a girl who passed him before turning to Jimin and Taehyung. He said something to them and then leaned toward you. “I gotta go do something, stay with Jimin and Taehyung. They’ll keep an eye on you. Well, Taehyung will,” he said and you nodded before he took off, handing a drink he made for you to Tae and pointed at you. Taehyung took his spot at the counter, standing behind you and keeping his eye on the crowd. He turned to Jimin to say something, nodding at the crowd.
“So, you going to come dance with me at least once?” Soonyoung asked as you finished your slice of pizza and downed the rest of your soda. You took the cup Taehyung held and took a sip. “Maybe, you gonna convince me?” you asked. Soonyoung laughed and bit his bottom lip. 
“I can always try,” he said with a wink. Your stomach did little flips but it wasn’t Soonyoung’s words. Instead it was Chan appearing in your line of vision. You turned to Taehyung. “I’m gonna go dance with Soonyoung,” you said over the loud music. Taehyung nodded and told you he would be right there when you got back.
You turned to Soonyoung, taking another gulp of your drink before handing it to Taehyung. Soonyoung took your hand and led you out of the kitchen and into the living area of the downstairs, right past Chan. You tried to ignore the way his eyes followed you as you passed him with his best friend. Or the way his jaw clenched as Soonyoung immediately pulled you into him, his hand on the small of your back. You moved your hips against Soonyoung’s to the beat of the music, not really caring about the people around you.
Soonyoung lowered his head, whispering in your ear, “I feel like the luckiest guy in the room.” You smiled, pink tinting your cheeks before you responded. “Why is that?” you asked. “Look at you. You’re stunning. I kind of regret not asking you out a lot sooner,” he whispered in your ear, his breath tickling your neck. You giggled, pressing a hand to his chest.
“Really? Well, what about now? Are you going to ask me out?” you asked and Soonyoung smiled against your cheek. “Didn’t I already, asking you to be my date tonight?” You sighed when his lips pressed softly against your cheek. “I’m not going to lie, (Y/N). You know that’s not really my style. But I’ve actually wanted to ask you out ever since I ran into you the other day.” His hands held your hips in place while he spoke.
“You have?” you asked breathlessly and Soonyoung smiled, nodding his head. “I have. I’ve just been too shy until now,” he muttered and you let out another sigh when his lips met your jawline. He would have continued had Jeongguk not interrupted. “Sorry, Soonyoung, I need to steal (Y/N) for a second,” he said over the music and grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you from Soonyoung’s grasp.
Jeongguk led you to the kitchen and towered over you. “I told you to stay with Taehyung!” he said and you groaned. “Gguk!! I like Soonyoung! He’s a really nice guy! And you heard him ask me out earlier!” you said exasperatedly. He was essentially cockblocking you. He shook his head. “I don’t like it. Something is off,” he said and you groaned. “What about Chan?” he asked and you shrugged. “What about him?” you asked. Jeongguk looked around before leaning in.
“Are you forgetting about last night?” You rolled your eyes. “That happened because we were both horny and intoxicated. It was nothing,” you said shrugging. Jeongguk eyed you suspiciously. “Does he feel the same way?” he asked and you nodded. You were sure that Chan felt that it meant nothing to him, too.
“I’m not so sure,” Jeongguk said and you shook your head. “It’s fine, Gguk!” you repeated. You waved him off and went back to Soonyoung who was waiting in the same spot as before. Once you were back in earshot, he asked, “what was that about?” You shook your head. “Just my best friend being cautious and protective as usual!” you said in his ear as his hands rested on your hips.
Soonyoung pulled you in closer as the song changed to something slower and more sensual. It wasn’t until you felt someone bump into you that you stopped moving to look around. Chan was making his way up the stairs, his eyes locking with yours when you looked up. He was leading a random girl up the steps. Your heart leapt in your throat and you turned your attention away from him.
You felt Soonyoung’s lips against your cheek before he whispered in your ear, “something wrong?” You shook your head and allowed him to direct your hips again. “No. Nothing,” you said. You felt him smile against your skin before his lips trailed down to your neck. 
A tiny gasp left your lips, eyes snapping open when you realized you were still in the living room, surrounded by a ton of your peers. You pulled back slightly and Soonyoung gave you a quizzical look before he looked around and understood.
He nodded his head, jerking it up toward the upper floor and you nodded, biting your bottom lip. Soonyoung took your hand and pulled you toward the base of the stairs and began leading you up, passing people who were standing there watching the crowd. Upstairs in the hallway, Soonyoung led you through the people waiting for the bathroom and those who hadn’t made it to a bedroom yet and were making out against the wall.
Soonyoung grabbed the handle of a door near the end of the hall and turned it. The unlocked door opened and inside a half naked girl with wavy short brown hair was straddling- “Oh shit! Sorry Chan!” Soonyoung laughed. Upon hearing his name, Chan looked up at the door and saw you standing there with his best friend, your hand in his.
You turned and stepped out of the room while Soonyoung backed out and shut the door before taking your hand again and leading you to another room which was thankfully empty. Soonyoung shut and locked the door behind him before pulling you into him, a smile on his face.
“Alone at last, he whispered, his free hand cupping your cheek before his lips brushed against yours, testing the waters before taking the plunge and pressing them against yours. You felt dizzy, like his kiss took your breath away. The hand that wasn’t cupping your cheek snaked around your waist, pulling you in closer. Your hands felt like putty against Soonyoung’s chest.
Without breaking the kiss, he walked you backwards until your legs hit something soft. A bed. Your heart began racing and your stomach twisted with what you assumed were nerves. Soonyoung broke the kiss and pulled away before studying your face, a lopsided grin on his face. “God you’re gorgeous,” he said brushing a few stray strands of hair out of your face. Pink tinted your cheeks and you looked down.
“If I’m moving too fast, tell me,” he said and put his finger under your chin, lifting your head so your eyes met his. “I don’t want to do anything to make you uncomfortable,” he said and you nodded. He sat you down on the bed and as you scooted back toward the center, climbed on, hovering over you before dipping down to kiss you again. His lips parted yours, allowing his tongue to slip between.
One hand was on your hip while he used his elbow to keep from weighing down on you. A soft whimper left your lips when he pressed his hips against yours, pressing his erection into your core. “Ah, that was cute,” he whispered against your lips and repeated the action, earning a deeper moan from you. You felt him smile. Soonyoung moved from your lips to your neck, kissing down to the collar of your shirt before nipping at the skin. You moaned, arching into him.
He sat back up, kneeling between your thighs before pulling his sweater off over his head, leaving him in a white tee shirt. Soonyoung leaned back down, kissing you with more vigor, his hands roaming until they found the buttons of your blouse. He undid the first two buttons, lips leaving yours again to press against your now exposed collarbone. His hand continued to make quick work of your shirt.
He pushed the fabric aside before sitting up to admire your black lace bra. His fingers skimmed over the material before he smiled up at you. He laid between your thighs, leaving kisses along your collar and down your chest, passing between your breasts as he moved lower and lower until he reached the waistband of your jeans. He slowly undid the button and zipper before pulling them down your thighs and discarding them. 
Your heart was hammering in your chest, your breathing ragged and your head spinning still. Soonyoung placed soft, wet kisses along the inside of your thigh before your stomach twisted again and this time you knew it wasn’t nerves. It was nausea.
“Stop,” you said hoarsely. At first, Soonyoung didn’t hear you so you cleared your throat and repeated yourself. Soonyoung sat up quickly, looking at you as you sat up and began buttoning your shirt. “Did I do something wrong?” he asked and you shook your head. 
“No, I just feel nauseous,” you said in a low grumble. Your head was pounding. Soonyoung hopped up and retrieved your pants, helping you into them before kneeling by the bed and putting your shoes on for you. He helped you stand up, grabbing his sweater and pulling you toward the door.
He led you back down the stairs and into the kitchen where Jeongguk, Taehyung and Jimin stood. Taehyung noticed you first and nodded. Jeongguk spun around and immediately rushed to your side before rounding on Soonyoung. “What happened?” he demanded. “She said she feels nauseous so I brought her to you. She needs to go home and sleep this off,” he said. Jeongguk eyed him suspiciously.
“You didn’t do anything to her, did you?” he asked and Soonyoung shook his head. “Absolutely not. We were upstairs making out and then she said she wasn’t feeling well,” he said and Jeongguk relaxed as he took you from Soonyoung, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 
“Thanks, we’ll take it from here,” he said. Soonyoung nodded before looked back at you. “Text me when you wake up, okay?” he asked and you nodded, getting wobblier by the minute. “I’ll text you when we get her back to her dorm,” Jeongguk promised and Soonyoung thanked him.
Jeongguk led you out onto the deck out back where you were met with the cold night air. “Seokjin!” Jeongguk called and his friend turned to look at him. “We need to take her home. She doesn’t feel good,” he said and Seokjin turned to say goodnight to his conversation partner. He led the way out of the house and to the car where Taehyung and Jeongguk helped you into the car.
Seokjin pulled out and took the familiar route back to your dorm building. “Did she take a drink from anyone?” Seokjin asked and Jeongguk shook his head. “Not that I saw, and I trust Soonyoung didn’t give her anything,” he said. “Maybe she just drank too much too fast?” Jimin asked from the front passenger seat. “Yeah, maybe,” Jeongguk said.
They reached your dorm with ease. It took Jeongguk and Taehyung to get you out of the car and up to your room. Jeongguk sent Taehyung out while he attended to you. “Do you need to throw up?” he asked and you shook your head. “I think being out of that house helped a lot,” you admitted. “I feel much better now,” you added. Jeongguk sat next to you on the bed and rubbed your back.
“Did Soonyoung do anything?” he asked and you shook your head. “No, he was a gentleman.” Jeongguk nodded, watching you sober up a little. “Well, do you need me to stay here?” he asked and you smiled. “I’ll be okay,” you admitted. “But go ahead and send up Jimin. I could use his cuddles,” you joked and Jeongguk scoffed. “I’m offended you think his cuddles are better than mine,” he said, pretending to be hurt. You giggled and leaned into him. “I’ll be fine, Gguk. Thank you.”
Jeongguk got to his feet and made his way to your door. “Anytime, (Y/N),” he said with a smile and left. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket and you pulled it out. It was from Soonyoung.
[2019/10/12] Soonyoung [23:05]: you make it home, alright? You [23:05]: yeah. Sorry i ran out like that :/ Soonyoung [23:06]: don’t be sorry! I’m just glad you’re home safe! Don’t worry about me. I would rather you be okay. We can always go get a cup of coffee some time. My treat of course (: You [23:07]: i would like that (: Soonyoung [23:07]: then it’s a date ;)
Another text came in while you were texting Soonyoung. You opened it to see it was from Chan.
[2019/10/12] L.Chan [23:08]: hope you have fun. You [23:08]: you too.
You weren’t sure when you fell asleep but you woke up to your alarm blaring at 8:45 am. You groggily pulled yourself out of bed, your head swimming before stripping and getting into the shower. After cleaning yourself up, you got dressed and headed out with your bag for Chan’s lesson.
Upon reaching the student center, you were greeted with a sign that informed you the center was closed for maintenance. You groaned, fishing your phone out of your bag to shoot Chan a text.
[2019/10/13] You [09:19]: the student center is closed so no lesson today. See you on Wednesday.
After sending the text you head back to your dorm, determined to go back to bed and get an extra hour to sleep off your pounding headache. You had just walked in your door when your phone buzzed and you checked it. Jeongguk had texted you.
[2019/10/13] Kookie [09:47]: good morning my little croissant~! How did you sleep?? You [09:47]: ugghhhhh i got up to go to Chan’s lesson and the student center is closed. Now i’m back in my room and i’m going back to bed. My head hurts 😫 Kookie [09:48]: Soonyoung texted me last night to make sure you got home safe. Please date him. He seems like a hella nice guy and actually seems to care about you. You [09:48]: we’ll see. For now, sleep~ 😴
You kicked off your shoes and got into your bed, pulling the covers over your head and shutting your eyes. A vibration made you open them to check your phone.
[2019/10/13] Soonyoung [09:50]: morning, beautiful. You’re probably still sleeping but I just wanted to check on you and make sure you were feeling okay. Text me later~
You smiled and set your phone aside, more determined than ever to get some sleep. It came to you quickly and you slipped into slumber, awakening hours later to a setting sun. It was nearly 5 pm. You sat up and stretched. Your head felt much better but you were really thirsty now.
You got up from your bed and opened your mini fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and chugging half of it before searching for your phone in the recesses of your blankets. Your fingers brushed the smooth screen of the device and your grabbed it before bringing it up to look at it.
You had two missed calls and several missed texts.
[2019/10/13] Kookie [10:08]: i know you said you were going to sleep but can you wake up? I’m bored 😞 Kookie [11:36]: pls? Jimin and Taehyung are still sleeping too ): Kookie [13:27]: ugh this sucks. I wanna talk~ Kookie [14:03]: Soonyoung asked me if you were okay. I told him the truth that you were hibernating because you’re a fucking bear, not a human girl. Kookie [16:32]: wake up grizzly 🐻
You shook your head, taking another sip of water before opening the next set of messages.
[2019/10/13] Soonyoung [11:09]: are you awake yet? Soonyoung [12:01]: you really sleep a long time, don’t you? Soonyoung [13:42]: i was hoping we could get coffee today but you must still be sleeping ☹ Soonyoung [14:06]: i texted Jeongguk. I just wanted to make sure you were okay Soonyoung [14:09]: he says you channel your inner grizzly and hibernate on the weekends 🐻🐻 Soonyoung [14:12]: ngl that’s really cute :3 Soonyoung [15:35]: I’m not gonna keep blowing up your phone so just message me when you wake up
[2019/10/13] L.Chan [13:05]: Sorry i didn’t answer earlier. I had a LONG night lol
You answered Jeongguk’s text first.
You [16:54]: grizzly 🐻 is awake. Winter is over ❄☃️
You sent Soonyoung a reply next.
You [16:55]: yeah haha i sleep a lot. It’s a bad habit and the reason why i usually miss things ):
Finally you answered Chan.
You [16:56]: Don’t worry about it.👍🏻
The first to respond was surprisingly Chan.
[2019/10/13] L.Chan [16:58]: i was up pretty late lol You [16:59]: ...okay L.Chan [16:59]: Did you have a good night? You [17:00]: it was good. L.Chan [17:00]: ...just good? Mine was great. I wonder why you didn’t have as good of a night? You [17:01]: … 😒 L.Chan [17:02]: well, I mean, did you see Mina? I think it’s pretty obvious why I had such a great night lol
You scoffed and tossed your phone as another text from him came in but you ignored it. When your phone buzzed again, you checked it. Soonyoung had replied. You opened his messages quickly.
[2019/10/13] Soonyoung [17:05]: THERE you are! I was getting worried ☺ You [17:06]: yeah haha here i am Soonyoung [17:07]: awwww you should have let me come over Soonyoung [17:07]: We could have napped together :3 You [17:07]: that actually sounds wonderful. Raincheck?
While you waited for Soonyoung to answer, you checked Jeongguk’s text that came in.
[2019/10/13] Kookie [17:01]: well goddamn it’s about time! You [17:08]: yeah, yeah I know. Grizzly 🐻 and all that 🙄 Kookie [17:09]: more importantly how are you feeling? You [17:09]: much better than last night Kookie [17:10]: good but go back to sleep now. Get plenty of rest for tomorrow (:
You returned to Soonyoung’s text, ignoring the other text that came in from Chan.
[2019/10/13] Soonyoung [17:09]: of course! (: maybe next week? You [17:11]: that sounds perfect (: Soonyoung [17:12]: your place or mine? ;) You [17:12]: we can iron out the details later (: Soonyoung [17:13]: sounds good to me (: look I gotta run. I have some errands to do, I’ll text you later (: You [17:13]: okay! Have fun and be safe~! Soonyoung [17:14]:
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Soonyoung [17:14]: ugh 😫 how are you so sweet? You [17:15]: 😚
After sending Soonyoung a text, you decided to open Chan’s messages as he kept sending them.
[2019/10/13] L.Chan [17:03]: she’s got these killer legs. I’m sure you saw L.Chan [17:03]: and her lips? God she could kill a man L.Chan [17:04]: she almost killed me 🍆👀 L.Chan [17:04]: she could make a guy fall in love 😍 L.Chan [17:05]: she knows exactly how to drive a guy crazy L.Chan [17:05]: and she’s such a tease lol L.Chan [17:07]: i’m meeting her again tonight. L.Chan [17:09]: should i bring her back to my room? L.Chan [17:11]: I think I will 😏 L.Chan [17:14]: what are you up to tonight? L.Chan [17:14]: staying in i bet? L.Chan [17:14]: why not invite Soonyoung over?? 😜 L.Chan [17:15]: I’m sure he’d love to see you again.
You turned his notifications off as your blood ran cold. Something about his wording wasn’t right. Like he was trying to make you jealous. What is his deal anyway??
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P.S: WOOOOOW That was long. This is only part one!! If I had left this one piece, it would have been a behemoth. I’m really glad I split it up. I hope you guys enjoyed this! Leave any comments, keyboard smashes, or send me some asks or messages! I love talking to you guys (: Thank you so much for reading! ~K♡
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rigelmejo · 3 years
In updates:
I'm not as organized with study plans as I used to be and honestly that won't change for a while. That said, I do have 2 challenges I'm trying for myself. I don't know if I'll accomplish them, but just the fact I'm Trying to is getting me to study more. So we'll see where I am in April on these.
1. Listening through Japanese Fluency 1-3 Glossika files
I'm on file 10 out of 104 in Japanese 1. Then there's 104 files in each of the other two files. On the upside? I think even in such a small amount of files listened to so far, in some ways these files have already covered more than what i ever managed to hear in Japanese Pimsleur 1. I think I've heard at least 100 words so far, and a lot of grammar examples in sentence patterns (maybe 20? Maybe 30). I think JapaneseAudioLessons.com's 36 lessons probably cover grammar faster, but I'm not sure if they cover as much vocab as Glossika aims for (which is 3000 sentences, and 2000-3000 words). They might, but I don't know for sure. Also on the upside - the glossika files are easy to listen to, I can pick up stuff from them even when I'm working too or driving or playing games. So it should be easier to stick to using them ToT (just like it was for Chinese Spoonfed audio files).
My goal right now is to keep listening until I finish. In an effort not to give up ToT I'd like to be through the first module Japanese 1 by the end of April. But honestly if it takes longer thats fine. I just want to try to focus on progressing through it for as long as i can. I think it's an easy way right now for me to reinforce what I know, learn more words in a structured way (Clozemaster is a good backup but isn't as structured), improve my listening comprehension (which will make learning from Clozemaster audio later less intensive, learning from anything else where I need quick listening skill), get used to understanding the things I know faster (lately I've tried a bit of Japanese immersion and it's so Clear to me that 50% of my comprehension issues are a speed problem... I'm failing to comprehend a lot of stuff I've studied and just don't recognize instantly). If and when I get bored, I plan to either immerse in video games again or watch lets plays, or try listening reading method.
I've been watching a few Japanese lets plays on YouTube (and found Final Fantasy X and Kingdom Hearts in Japanese on there). And I think with things like that, which I'm already familiar with in English, I can just enjoy and pick up some stuff. But I'd like to get my listening comprehension to a better level before making immersion my only study plan for a while lol. Because right now so much I could be reinforcing is going over my head.
I think audio focused Japanese study still is suiting me, like it was last summer. Reading is still mostly Stronger as a skill despite me not purposely trying to study it so much. I think it's because written Japanese has clearer grammar distinctions for me, and the Kanji are like "similar cognates" enough of the time they help me much more than when I'm just hearing a word. So I'm going to continue most purposeful study plans using audio. After I'm sick of glossika, like I said I want to probably use mainly lets plays with audio or listening resding method (so I can hear sound constantly with all the new words). One of my biggest problems with picking up Japanese words is the all kana words, and the Kanji pronunciations.
2. Reading through Zhenhun. With audio playing (optional).
In my dream world I finish this in 2 weeks. In A Nice situation, I finish this in a month. Realistically? I'm hoping I just get further into the novel before giving up than last time lol.
I genuinely think if I just read MORE quantity wise, my reading skill will get better - reading speed, words I learn etc. And I just really want to read it! I was reading my print version, which has extra scenes I love, and I was figuring out plenty of words from context even if I didn't get every detail.
I started reading the webnovel version in my ebook reader Moonreader (although Idiom or Pleco would also work), because it will play the audio aloud as I read. It's helping me read faster instead of dwelling on a hard portion, which is nice. It's also making me recognize what I know faster since I've got less time to recognize it before the audio moves on. I'm getting somewhat less time to figure out new words, but honestly a majority of unknown words priest uses get clarified by the context after a couple paragraphs if they're important. Like I'd forgotten a few words that I just saw enough to remember again. And then the obvious benefit - audio is making me hear all the hanzi pronunciations I forgot and the pronunciations for new ones (like I forgot 拐 was guai until I kept hearing it, I kept guessing it was ling). I think using the audio is making me read faster ultimately (and more well rounded study since I've got visual text and audio listening) even though it means I have to set myself up to do it with more effort.
Anyway! Surprisingly Moonreader app is making me more motivated to read. Why? This:
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At the bottom of the page it shows me how many digital pages I've read, and the percentage I've read. I restarted reading yesterday, and today I'm at 50/901 pages, 5.3% read. Just this amount of detail is really motivating for me ToT. Honestly I think it's because it shows me how far ive come, and helps me plan how long it will realistically take. 5% took me about 2 hours. So like. 40 hours to finish this at my reading pace. Oh god. But also? Hey, on the other hand?! Now I know if I just spend 2 hours a day I could finish this in 20 days. If I had some days I got really into it, I could maybe finish faster. I very much have the Urge to see 10% down there lol. And that urge to keep progressing is helping me ignore my urge to pause and re-read the vague parts.
I read a guy's advice on improving in another language and they said to read a webnovel (300 pages) in 2 weeks. Ad one of your first novels. And try not to take longer. And while that is a brutal goal for a beginner, I do agree the more you read the easier it gets and the quicker it gets. When I read xiao wangzi it took me 2 weeks for those under 100 pages. But I did make myself finish it in a couple weeks. Now my reading level is higher, and I can probably get myself to finish at least 300 pages of this in 2 weeks. ToT my reading level is probably decent enough to manage that. That's only 1/3 of guardian tho lol (clearly that guy wasn't reading chinese webnovels).
I saw another person who really motivated me to just wanr to read MORE:
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Tarvos basically did what I did for French. But way better than I did (more extensive reading and harder material). And it clearly worked. And I remember it worked for me too - read and follow the main idea, don't worry about what you can't comprehend or what is vague. Then somehow the next book is a bit easier. Then later you go back and read at a level that used to be challenging and you comprehend way more.
I know that in chinese at least (and French ToT) I know enough words that I do not need to stop and look words up to keep reading. I can follow the main plot, and so if Mt goals extensive reading then I just have to DO IT. Just read 2000 pages lol! And the more pages I get through, I know the easier it will get later on! I just need to push through the initial hurdle and READ MORE ToT.
I am going to be so overjoyed and shocked later if I push through a bunch of a novel now, and later find I understand more and read faster.
I already see results of that, from back when I made myself read like 60 chapters of a pingxie fic last summer lol! Now, going back to stuff at that level? I open up tsomd or SCI something brand new to me and realize I can also follow the main overall idea without a dictionary now. Whereas I used to usually need to look up some words in the first chapters of new stories just to pick up some key genre words and recognize names. But clearly my reading level increased from just reading more last time. Now some old stories I could understand okay generally without a dictationary I now follow almost all details (tamendegushi, dmbj, saye). And stuff I needed to do some initial prep work for, I could now just read extensively and follow the main idea, if I wanted. I'd probably get used to them if I just Kept Reading. So like... I definitely think... I just need to push through that awkward feeling of not quite full comprehension, and just read MORE. ToT
And. First: I know that advice works... I know I've just Read MORE before, then later I just Could read and comprehend more easier. Second: I know more pages is just what's needed to improve reading speed... ;-; I remember reading once an article which suggested 8k-10k words to get a native like reading speed and comprehension of vocab. More pages for some languages, but that was the basic idea. And tbh it sounds logical to me, because I'm sure I read that much in my native language before I comprehended novels like I do as an adult.
An FYI to anyone trying to learn Chinese by extensive reading: I can confirm it will work. At minimum I would recommend you either start with graded readers at your level, or else familiarize yourself with 2000 common words before starting (you don't need them memorized but you should probably know 1000 common words decently and fairly certainly know what they are if you see them, recognize and be able to guess 1000 more, and recognize at least 1200 hanzi enough to guess pinyin to look up in a dictionary on occasion). If you start with intensive reading, you can start with less vocab knowledge. If you plan on extensive reading, at least vaguely recognizing 2000 words will be enough to find some webnovels you'll be able to follow the main idea of without a dictionary (and many manhua). So about 6 months - 1.5 years into study (depending on how fast you study vocab) or earlier if you start with graded readers (theres some graded readers you could probably start within a few months of starting to study, then you can continue fairly comfortably with graded readers until you learn 1000 hanzi or more, some amount more vocab, and are up for looking for webnovels). There's a lot of nice graded readers made from 100 hanzi, to 2000 hanzi. From 100 unique words, to 3000 unique words (I think some even go up to 5000 unique words for chinese). But once you're vaguely familiar with 2000 common words? You know enough to start reading some webnovels extensively, if you're up for it.
And it will work. You will gradually pick up more from context. (As usual, yes, intensive reading and/or SRS flashcards will help you pick up vocab faster, but you'll gradually improve too just from the extensive reading). You will gradually increase your grammar understanding, vocab, reading speed, ans reading comprehension.
Only things I needed to be ready to learn from extensively reading? 1. Vaguely familiar with 1500 common words (but I'd recommend someone less eager than me prep with 2000 words so they run into less unknowns to annoy them). 2. Vague knowledge of the Chinese radicals (skills like being able to go 拐 is the hand and the 另 hanzi, and break down new hanzi you see into recognizable components, will help you guess pinyin to look up when needed based on one of the building blocks pinyins, and help you guess the meaning of new hanzi - 拐 shows up in abduct/turn/corner and thinking of it as hand-another like another's hand giving you directions to turn, another's hands grabbing to abduct, another's hand reaching around a 拐角 corner etc will help you remember the new hanzi. It is beneficial to know beforehand about radicals, how sometimes one hints pronunciation and one hints meaning). 3. Ability to follow the bare minimum main idea of what's going on in the story. If you can't even do thar, the reading material is too difficult. If you can follow the basic main idea, it's okay even if a TON of details are incomprehensible or vague, because you comprehend enough context to gradually keep picking up more. (Although the More you understand the less effort it will take you to pick up more from context). So say you're reading Alice in Wonderland - if you can grasp "there's a girl Alice, there's a rabbit she interacts somehow with, she follows it and ends up in a new place" then congrats you understand enough of chapter 1 to read it extensively. You could also understand more like "alice was bored, the rabbit is late, Alice falls down a hole, Alice is sad as she falls." But even just the bare minimum is enough. The more you understand of the basic main idea, the easier a read it will be. When I started reading in French a ton of stuff I only followed the basic main idea, and I just kept reading extensively and things got easier lol. (And if you're impatient or want to read intensively, feel free to read these less comprehensive things with some word look up to speed up how fast you learn new vocab, until you're sick of looking up vocab and just want to read extensively again - I kept reading intensively until I got to about 2000 known words, and from 1000-2000 words in chinese I kept switching between extensive and then intensive to pick up a few hundred words faster).
4. Optional - Some prior grammar knowledge like reading a grammar guide or having some class/textbook prep etc (not necessary, but it helps seeing a sentence and having some vague guess what's a noun verb adjective past tense present future negative positive etc even if there's still complex grammar you don't get yet).
I read on the forum discussions about getting into extensive reading, the question "well thar worked with Swedish, but would a language like chinese take more prep work?" Because chinese requires hanzi recognition, word and phrase parsing without spaces, and less cognates. And how to pronounce the words you're picking up.
The person above prepped with FSI, and had the benefit of cognates. But I'd still imagine that added up to 1000-2000 words basis of knowledge and some grammar basics before they started learning from reading extensively. Which was about the same amount of prep work I had for chinese. And extensively reading in chinese worked fine for me with that much prior knowledge. So I think extensive resding is very doable at that level in chinese.
How I'd address the concerns:
1. Hanzi. If you know around 1000 and have some familiarity with radicals, picking up hanzi is not too bad when reading extensively. Pick graded readers if you want less unknown hanzi per page, and as you gradually pick up more hanzi comprehension from context you will find you stop running into as many critical unknown ones. Also hanzi pickup is tied in with vocab pick up. You'll learn 方向 as direction then 方向盘 as steering wheel (direction wheel) and realize 方 is often direction related, 盘 is often a circle shape thing then see 盘子 as plate then see 椅子 as chair and realize 子 is part of some nouns. You'll also see 椅子 and realize 椅 it's the tree wood radical and then the yi part like in 倚 for a chair (a sometimes wood thing pronounced yi). Or hug 抱, you see the the sound from 包 bao like bread 包子 and the hand radical. A word maybe with pinyin bao that has to do with hands and is someone touching someone. Once you know enough hanzi, you start to remember new hanzi easier as built of components you've seen before. Same applies to new words - you know one word with a hanzi, then see a new word with that hanzi, and either its 2 hanzi you know in a new combo or only 1 new unknown hanzi. But you have some building blocks to guess the new words. You can't rely on cognates like with English to French, but as you learn more hanzi they help you guess words like cognate similarities do. If too many unknown hanzi keep popping up and it's driving you up a wall? Move to graded readers for a while until you pick up more (so the book is made to teach you them) or read intensively for a while until the remaining unknown hanzi get easier to handle (that happened for me after knowing about 1500 hanzi and finally new unknown hanzi i couldnt fathom at all stopped popping up so much).
2. Word boundaries. Genuinely, just read Chinese more. Start with graded readers so the grammar isn't confusing you as much. Read more. It gets fairly natural to parse Chinese word/phrase boundaries after enough practice. Grammar constructions and function words and time phrases separate phrases quite clearly if you recognize 有 没有 了 以后 以前 就是 的 得 地 那个 那些 来 会 在 过了 过 一会 去. And they're all common so you'll pick them up soon. Chinese words are usually 1 character (if super common), 2 characters (most of what you'll see), 4 characters (idioms and phrases, and a lot of the 2 compound words like 路灯literally streetlight (and 3 character words like 方向盘 literally direction plate/steering wheel) are fairly understandable compounds if you know the hanzi. So you will quickly get to a point where you run into sentences where the unknowns are verbs or nouns or phrases you don't know (you may not know an adjective/descriptor but it's often followed by 的 地 so you'll know it's a part of that). A lot of the phrases will be 4 character chunks and be 2 words combined or 4 words combined. A lot of the nouns and verbs will be words acting on other words (verbs). Basically... the more you read the clearer it gets where the usual word boundaries are. I recommend more graded readers if the lack of spaces is bothering you, I think it's just a matter of getting used to it with practice (and graded readers will ensure there's less distractions and more focus on just parsing word phrase boundaries). Once you're used to word boundaries, it will not be as much of a struggle in harder materials. I'd imagine this is similarly true when applied to Japanese. Japanese grammar and conjugatjon and use of Kanji, use of particles, helps separate sentence elements. For me the tricky part is knowing when kana words are nouns and not conjugation, but I think i just haven't practiced enough.
For pronunciation of hanzi/words you're learning while extensively reading: many people solve that problem either by reading with audio for chinese (to hear the words), or doing listening study separately such as doing audio only extensive listening, or watching dramas with chinese subs so you get some reinforcement of hanzi wirh their pronunciation at some point. While you can guess the pinyin sometimes from the hanzi parts, it's not always right. So with chinese I think doing some additional listening including studying is just necessary for fully learning words. You can still learn to read plenty of words just extensively reading and figure a vague pronunciation for it (which is how I know a lot of more obscure English words I probably do not pronounce correctly). But yeah eventually if you think it's a word that would be useful to pronounce correct, you'll want to do some listening study. Either separately studying the sound of words you want to recognize in listening (with audiobooks, audio lessons, watching shows, convos, dictionary with audio lookup, srs, or reading with listening etc) or understand you may "relearn" a lot of the important words by first hearing them and later learning their spelling, or by first reading them and later finish learning them when you hear them in a podcast or show or conversation. (Even if you totally incorrectly guess a hanzi pronunciation, you'll eventually hear the word used again in some audio like an audiobook or show or convo and realize it's the hanzi word you learned, and you'll fix your pronunciation... the same way I couldn't pronounce futile or windowsill or rogue until I heard them a few times). As long as you are doing some reading and some listening activities, you will eventually pick up both aspects of words. You can speed it up by purposely studying both aspects together, but either way it will be okay. As a total beginner? Audio with graded readers, dialogue with transcripts and audio, shows with chinese subs, srs flashcards or apps with audio and text, will help you pick up both listening and reading recognition of a lot of the common words asap.
Tldr: extensive working does work for chinese too.
Summary of study plan:
1. Going through glossika japanese 1 (by end of April hopefully we'll see)
2. Going through 300 pages (33%) of zhenhun (within a few weeks hopefully)
Future study plan:
1. If I get bored/done with glossika japanese, watching a full lets play of KH or FFX, or doing a Listening Reading Method experiment with a Japanese Duoreader story.
2. If I get done with zhenhun? Somehow? And I'm done with japanese glossika - switch to listen to Chinese Spoonfed audio files and FINISH THEM THIS TIME. If I'm not ready for audio study? Continue with zhenhun... or continue on reading another novel probably qi ye, tian ya ke, silent reading, or who knows honestly I have a lot of options. Lazy option: if my manhua I ordered come in, just read them uvu.
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ghostspideys-moved · 4 years
We’ll Have Tomorrow
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Chapter Six
A/N: Okay, so here’s the thing. At the beginning I already had Hawthorne’s powers set, but I completely changed them like last week or something. But the thing is you won’t even really see him use them until season 3 anyways, so it doesn’t really change what I already have written.
Word Count: 1.8k
Pairing: Steve Harrington x OC, Jonathan x Nancy x OC (eventually)
Summary: Hawthorne and River are finally trying to settle in now that they’re living with Hopper. It’s not easy, but they’re all trying to make things work.
Settling in had taken far less time than Hawthorne anticipated. Then again, he hadn’t brought a lot with him when moving in with Hopper. He only packed what he didn’t think he could part with. Most of it was pictures, books, whatever he felt held some sentimental value. 
The first night, dinner was a little awkward. Hopper tried more than once to get them to talk at least a little bit.
“So, um, you guys go to Hawkins High, right?”
Hawthorne nodded, silently eating the TV dinner he’d warmed up. 
“Any extracurriculars? After school activities?” he pressed.
River shrugged, looking up from her dinner. “I’m in the science club, and I’m in orchestra,” she answered. “And sometimes I help work on the sets for the drama club’s productions.”
Hopper nodded, glad to be making some progress, and gestured to Hawthorne with his fork. “What about you, kid?” 
Only recently, he started getting more involved in things around school. He wasn’t the most outgoing person, so he was hesitant to try things. Because of that, it was surprising even to himself when he decided to try out theater.
“I started theater this year.” Hawthorne sat back and crossed his arms. “Surprisingly, I don’t hate it.”
“Right. Don’t you kids have a performance after the break?”
Hawthorne nodded. 
“Well, you fill me in on all that when it gets close,” Hopper said. “I’ll see about getting off work early that day.” He offered a slight smile. Their dad had never really taken an interest in anything he did, so he was a little surprised, to say the least.
Dinner thankfully grew less awkward as it went on. River offered to help clean up alongside El, leaving Hawthorne to his thoughts at the table for a moment. He was still getting used to such a big change, and he at least appreciated the effort to help them assimilate. That being said, it was going to take time (how long, he wasn’t sure). There was no way to judge those kinds of things. 
Later, in his room, Hawthorne busied himself with some light reading, doing his best to comprehend what he could, only to be interrupted when he heard a light rapping on the door frame. He looked up to see Hopper standing in the door. Setting his book aside, he scooted to the edge of his bed, Hopper taking a seat next to him. 
There was an awkward silence that seemed to stretch on far much longer than he would have liked. Hawthorne stayed silent, letting him collect whatever thoughts he might be having. 
“I know this isn’t easy for you guys,” Hopper started. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “I just want you to know that I’m not going to push you guys to talk to me or anything. I want you to take your time. Get comfortable. And know that I’m here to help.”
All Hawthorne could really offer was a nod and a slight smile. He couldn’t say he didn’t appreciate the effort, because he did in a way. It was just new, and he didn’t know how to respond to it properly. He seemed to understand that, thankfully, and smiled in return, patting him on the back. 
It was at least nice knowing that things might get better from here on out. That was the hope, anyways. Despite how long it took, he was just glad they finally left their dad behind. It was better this way, and Hawthorne knew that.
Life went on like this for almost a week. Hopper was constantly doing his best to make them feel welcome and comfortable. It wasn’t so difficult to be around El, either. Going through the same traumatizing experiences can really bring people together, he realized. None of them talked about Hawkins Lab, or anything related to that, if they could help it. BUt the knowledge alone of having that commonality made things a little easier on all three of them. 
With Christmas creeping around the corner, El wanted to make cookies (something she said she’d seen people do on tv). Hopper claimed he wasn’t so good at cooking, baking, or much of anything when it came to food. That is, unless it was breakfast.
Thankfully, Hawthorne and River were good at that. With how often their dad was gone, they’d learned long ago how to cook and bake for themselves. Hopper bought everything they’d need and let the kids get to work. 
Somehow the flour ended up on their clothes more than it did in the bowl. It was nice to have a laugh over it, though. El was mostly excited for the decorating part of the process. River was decent when it came to art, so hers ended up looking the most appealing. 
El’s definitely looked like a kid made them, but that was to be expected, and they didn’t really look too bad. Hawthorne made some gingerbread men and left streaks of red frosting, almost like a tasty murder scene. 
Hopper even offered to decorate a few, and his were about as good as El’s. 
Hawthorne went to change his shirt as soon as they were done, and when he came back, Hopper called him and his sister over to the living room. Curiously, he went over and took a seat. He had two wrapped boxes in his arms. Presents, it seemed.
“But Christmas isn’t for a few more days,” River said as he handed the gifts over to them. 
Hopper grinned and took a seat in his favorite chair. “Yeah, but I know your birthday was last week, so I got you guys a little something.”
It hadn’t really occurred to him that they even missed their birthday. The 14th had come and gone in the blink of an eye, and they’d been so busy packing up that he’d almost forgotten. Not that it was any different considering they usually just made a cake and celebrated by themselves.
Hawthorne’s curiosity got the better of him, and Hopper seemed clearly excited for them to open his gifts. Ripping the paper and tossing it aside, Hawthorne opened up the box to find some books. Admittedly, he immediately started looking through them excitedly. 
It was clear to Hopper that he was enjoying his present. “I noticed you like to read,” he said. “I don’t know what kind of books you like, but hopefully you like those.” Hawthorne gave him a slight smile. He was always happy to have new books, so he was more than willing to give them a read either way.
River opened up her present, pulling out some comic books. Even if she didn’t say so, he could tell she was overjoyed. There was very little she loved more than reading comics. He even noticed they were mostly Superman comics, which were her favorite. She’d enjoy the hell out of those.
Both of them gave him a smile, which was enough for him to tell they appreciated the gesture. Hopper didn’t have to get them gifts at all, especially since their birthdays had passed, but the fact that he had was enough for them to realize that he wasn’t all that bad. Not that they really thought he was, but it was hard being around someone new after years of living with someone as terrible as their father.
As soon as he was back in his room, Hawthorne looked through each of the books curiously. As far as he could tell, a lot of them were classics, some of which he remembered hearing briefly about before. One that especially stood out, however, was War and Peace. He’d never actually read it before, but he was more than excited to. 
One problem he knew he was going to have was reading words he didn’t know. He’d only started learning English about five years ago. And while his speaking was pretty much perfect (or so he assumed since no one had ever thought he was anything but American), his reading wasn’t quite one the same level. Practice made perfect, so he’d been told. So if anything, this was probably a good enough learning experience.
While he was having a little bit of trouble, he powered through it and read for over an hour. In fact, when dinner rolled around, he was still reading at the table. 
Hopper didn't object, though he was probably just glad Hawthorne was enjoying his gifts. 
At some point, the table cleared after everything was cleaned and all the leftovers went in the fridge. Hawthorne sat alone for now, reading in silence as Hopper opened a beer for himself.
"You're really liking that book, huh?"
Hawthorne looked up and nodded, a slight smile on his face. "Um, sometimes I have a he'd time reading it, but I think it's just because English isn't my first language," he admitted.��
Hopper nodded, taking a swig of his beer. "That just means you'll have to practice," he said. "I can make some cards for you, or something, like I do for El. Or you can practice reading out loud, and I'll help you out."
Really, that would probably be a big help. He knew his reading and comprehension was a big thing holding him back right now.
"Yeah, sounds good," he said. 
Hopper nodded and ruffled his hair before heading to sit back in his chair and watch TV. Hawthorne shook his head and fixed his hair before reading again. 
He tried to focus on the words, but even words he did know didn't always look right, and it almost frustrated him. He tried to slow down and sound everything out in his head as he pressed on. Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair.
It was moments like this that made Hawthorne wonder if he was just dumb. This was something he felt he should already have a handle on, but he really didn't. It was annoying, to say the least. He wasn't sure what the problem was, and even worse, he couldn't think of a solution.
As much as Hawthorne loved reading, he was just getting very frustrated with how hard it was for him. He powered through a few more pages before calling it a night.
He lay in bed, tossing and turning. School would be starting again in a few weeks, once the holidays had come and gone. A lot of his grades were fairly poor at the moment, mostly because he couldn't just explain that it might be easier to read everything in Russian. Not that he'd ever tried, but it just made sense to him that reading in his native language would make his life easier.
Maybe he really was just an idiot. The thought plagued him, and he hardly got much sleep. All he'd been able to think about was how Hopper was going to see his grades once school resumed, and he'd probably think Hawthorne was an idiot, and that was something he didn't want at all.
His thoughts kept him up for a while before he dismissed them and went to sleep. It was a problem he could address at another time. Or, if he really tried, he'd never have to.
Taglist:@bravest-at-heart​ @musicalytrashpanda​ @queenofthehairharrington​
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