#i hope that makes sense and is not just me babbling i just woke up 😭😭
skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
The hate nando is getting right now is lame. Even moresp when ppl are doing anti tags.
Aaaahh yeah it's really annoying :/ I've not seen too much hate on here, because I really try not to go looking for it bcs it makes me rly annoyed. And that's like, probably one of the only things that will get me to actually block someone(which I rarely ever do.) However, I do frequent reddit and there was some post abt his comments after the sprint and UGH the comments bothered me so much. Sometimes I'm tempted to look at the anti tags, but from what I've seen already, ik it's gonna piss me off. I already blocked some people yesterday bcs of it.
I've talked abt this a lot with people but. Ik rationally that there's some people out there who don't like him, and don't enjoy his antics. But it sucks to see people hate on the traits that you like best 😔 Like people saying "he's a really good driver BUT his off track antics ruin his career, and he should never win a race." And a lot of antis, it feels like they're always waiting for some tiny thing like this to validate their opinion that Fernando is genuinely a terrible person who doesn't deserve anything. People want drama, and then they hate it when he gives them drama 🙄 anyways I have a lot of thoughts on the comments he made, but idk if I should say on main haha, not that I really care. Also, people now calling him a terrorist for accidentally being at the scene of the crime for several crashes, when he's one of the cleanest drivers ever 😔 rude.
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izurou · 1 year
every morning, and often throughout the night, you’ll stretch a foot over to satoru’s side of the bed and make contact with him.
what comes across as a simple desire for physical touch, is actually a habit of yours—one born from both fear and experience. it’d be far from the first time you woke up and he wasn’t there, but things are different now, and you need him to be there.
but this morning, all you feel is cold sheets.
you sit up and rub at your eyes before looking out the window—finding your usual view blurred with rain. you shiver a little at the sight, or maybe—at the foreign emptiness of the room.
and that’s when you realize that, not only is satoru missing from your bed—the small white crib off to your right is also missing your daughter.
you think the worst on instinct. irrational, you’re well aware—there’s no reason for such thoughts anymore, but they still manage to penetrate your freshly conscious mind nonetheless.
that is, until a pair of giggles sneak past the little crack in your bedroom door, acting as the perfect antidote to your conclusion jumping.
now, you find yourself getting out of bed just a bit too eagerly for a gloomy sunday morning—sliding into your slippers before shuffling towards the door and down the hallway. you wrap your arms around yourself as you walk, both hoping for and needing a little extra love from at least one, but preferably both of your babies.
satoru’s voice becomes clearer as you near, and you’re just around the corner when you hear him ask your daughter, who can’t talk yet, a question.
“yeah? you like the rain?”
an odd thing to ask a seven month old, though it makes a little more sense when you actually see them.
the two are in the kitchen, and your daughter—strapped into her high chair, is staring out the large window with her big blue eyes, completely mesmerized. satoru sits hunched over in a dining room chair, watching her with the exact same expression while he holds a plastic green spoon up to her mouth, like he’s interviewing her.
“satoru?” in unison, the duo turn their heads at the sound of your voice. “what are you doing?”
“killing time,” he smiles at you before turning to your baby, who now has her chubby little hands wrapped around a couple of his fingers. “we were starting to think you’d never come to. isn’t that right sweetheart?”
she babbles excitedly in response, seemingly agreeing.
the transition from bassinet to crib hasn’t been an easy one, and last night was probably one of her worst so far. you’ll always rock her, and while she falls asleep easy enough—the second she’s put down, she’ll wake up and cry.
“sorry,” you sigh, padding over to the two. “she was up most of the night, i—”
“needed the rest,” he finishes for you—wiggling his fingers around and earning himself a few more precious baby giggles. “we know.”
you give him a smile, and he returns it in a much more devious fashion—as if he’s saying you owe me for this. on any other day, you’d roll your eyes at something like that, but it’s almost nine am, and you crawled out of bed just moments ago—there isn’t much you wouldn’t do for him at this point.
satoru wraps an arm around one of your thighs as you stand next to him, and he pockets your grin—knowing it holds all the gratitude in the world, and a little something more.
though, you just end up batting him away when you notice the empty bowl sitting on the tray of your daughter’s high chair.
“she ate all her breakfast?” you ask, peering over to see if he hid any of her yogurt in the pouch of her silicone bib. “why don’t you ever do that for me?”
you lean down to boop a finger on her nose, and she kicks her feet in excitement—letting out something between a squeal and a laugh.
“‘cause you like me better, right?” satoru chimes in, holding his makeshift microphone in front of her with a toothy grin—which gets her to babble, for some reason. “oh? what’s that? i’m the best? your favourite?”
you bring a hand up to flick the back of his head—even though sometimes you think he’s right with the way she’s always smiling at him, but you just chalk it up to his high contrast, baby friendly look instead.
“think you misheard,” you point out, “sounded like ew dad, you stink to me.”
your husband—dramatic, and a sucker for your baby girl, flops down onto her little plastic tray in defeat.
“say it’s not true,” he whines, sneakily tickling one of her feet to get her to laugh but, consequently causing her to smack her hands on his head. “hey, hey!”
“that’s my girl,” you snort, and she babbles some more—loving the attention she’s getting from the two of you.
“hmm?” satoru leans in closer to her, as if she’s about to tell him a secret, and then he shields his mouth with his hand to respond. “yeah i know, i think that smell’s coming from over there too.”
the two smile at each other, and while it might be at your expense, you find yourself smiling too.
because you can see it now—satoru picking your daughter up from her first day of kindergarten, begging for the scoop on all her new classmates. he’d listen attentively, and pry just a little further every time she mentions a more masculine name—selfishly wanting to ensure that he’s still her favourite boy.
it’s just a thought of course, but you’ll definitely be holding him a little closer tonight.
“look, she’s doing it!” satoru pulls you back to the present moment, nudging your leg with his elbow. he’s given your baby her little silicone cup—the one she’s learning to drink from. she has it tilted back, spilling milk half into her mouth, and half into her bib. “kind of.”
once she’s quenched her thirst, she haphazardly tosses the cup onto her tray, and you note the white residue that sits on her top lip.
“well, satoru?” you grin at him, grabbing the long forgotten plastic green spoon—microphone, and holding it up to your husband’s mouth.
he furrows his brows and opens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off.
“how does it feel knowing your daughter has more of a stache right now than you ever will?”
he grins, at you and then her. “that’s my girl.”
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undiscovered-horizon · 10 months
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It is nights like these that make Coriolanus ponder the 'what ifs?' the most; it is nights like these that bring Lucy Gray back to his mind, even after all this time. Even if she's unwelcome.
If he was a better man, a little less power-hungry and a little more altruistic, he would have missed all of this. He never would have found you - a deer so susceptible to the wolf's skilful machinations. So impressionable, so devoted... And what gamesmanship it truly is to make the prey believe there's some grace in being eaten alive.
He's leaning against the doorframe leading to the nursery - awake, although you have told him to go back to sleep when your newborn daughter woke her parents up. Coriolanus is watching the scene unfold from afar, never letting even the smallest of details escape his attention. He wishes to gloat, to bathe in his own triumph.
Your face, which once smiled so brightly only for him, now smiles for another. What's strange, is that it doesn't make Coriolanus as angry or bitter as it usually would. That territorial beast residing deep in his viscera is wary but not bothered. Not yet, at least.
The baby's cries die down as you cradle her in your arms. In gentle, almost fearful, movements, you rock the newborn. Coriolanus sees your lips move but the whisper is too low for him to discern any words. Whatever it is you say to the youngest Snow, it makes her giggle and babble. The sound reminds him of your own laughter, which he so easily elicits with the smallest gestures of affection. Maybe too easily - although just as exciting, it was never a challenge.
You gently lay the baby back down in her cot. For a moment, you study her face with an expression so loving it's almost pathetic. Coriolanus feels his skin crawl. Something animalistic within him beckons the man to do truly terrible things only to ensure that it's him and him only that you look at with such adoration.
But the urge dies down when you turn away from the newborn and meet his gaze across the room. He's back in the centre of your attention, where he belongs. Suddenly, something changes in your eyes.
That glint of devotion is clouded by something much more mischievous, something he used to absolutely hate until he learned about its nature. Since he met you, you've been looking at him with a hint of insightfulness as though you could see right through his facade and read about his sins on the pages of the open book that was his soul. He felt seen and not in a good way. Then, after learning a few things about you, Coriolanus realized that this perceptiveness is the best thing he could hope for - you were smart enough to connect the dots, to notice patterns not many deemed obvious and yet, too blindsided by love, you thought of his wrongdoings as right. Not in the ethical sense, perhaps, but in logic. There was a method to his madness and a very effective one at that. After all, how utterly foolish would it be to play nice while in The Capitol? In a world of "eat or be eaten", Coriolanus was going to throw a feast. You knew it early on and appreciated the wit and grit it takes to do so.
Standing now in front of him, you slightly lift one of your eyebrows, silently asking him what's on his mind.
"You're beautiful," he confesses.
Your lips curve into a smile. "Tell me something I don't know."
His blue eyes bore into yours. The intensity of his gaze makes you want to look away but prohibits you from doing so at the same time. "I'd burn the whole world for you," he whispers, his tone gravely serious.
Coriolanus feels himself shudder when the back of your hand gently brushes his cheek. Still looking at you, he tilts his head to kiss your fingers.
"I said 'something I don't know', love," you retort in an equally low voice. "Now come, the morning is still far away."
You take his hand in yours, pulling him back towards your bedroom. And, for some strange reason, he lets you guide him.
If he was a better man, he would lead a different life. A more peaceful one, perhaps. But he's not a better man - in fact, he's far from being considered "good" or even "decent". Which is why his life is pleasant, instead of peaceful. And if awful things have brought him so much joy, why, pray tell, should he ever be anything but despicable?
Me? Writing dark characters with dark themes? In other news, the water is wet.
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rashomonss · 9 months
The Archives
a/n: so the results from my last post came in and since y’all are interested in my scrapped drabbles and headcanons I present to you all of them, hope you enjoy! all of this contains angst so be warned
the lost unfinished pieces
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original concept/ idea: I got barbatos’ RAD uniform in nightbringer and it suddenly made me think of this. This is with the bros and MC who just woke up from their coma thing that happened to them while in thirteens cave. This was supposed to feature more characters and be a bit longer but I never got around to it
You woke up to a familiar feeling plush bed and room, and upon closer inspection you found then realized it was yours.
You hadn’t been in your room much since going back to the past, but to be laying in your bed and in your pajamas nonetheless was enough to make you feel as if everything you’ve experienced for the last few grueling weeks was something striaght out of a bad dream.
You didn’t bother to check your surroundings, instead you fell out of bed and rushed out the door.
You had to see them. You had to make sure they still remembered you.
You had to hear them say “I love you” again.
That’s the only thing that was pushing your tired body down the hall. It didn’t matter if you were too dizzy to walk, you had to hear them say they loved you.
You searched and searched but couldn’t find a single demon, that was until you heard noise coming from the living room.
So you rushed into the room eagerly waiting to see your beloved demons, and there they were, laughing, talking, reading, sleeping, and all.
You knew it was them, you were certain, after all no one else wears their RAD uniforms in such a manner.
You ran over to Lucifer and threw most of your weight on the poor demon, if he hadn’t sensed you, you might’ve actually startled him.
You clung onto the back of his uniform and fell to the floor crying. The first born along with all the others turned around worried as to why you suddenly broke down crying, much less after clinging onto Lucifer.
Lucifer grabbed your face and made you look up at him. He wore a worried expression and looked over your face puzzled. “MC what’s-“
You cut him off and enveloped him in a hug continuing to sob even more. After a few moments you then let go and broke down in front of him.
“I’ve missed you all so much, you won’t believe the torture I had to go through it was horrible, all of you didn’t remember me, as a matter of fact we hadn’t even met yet.”
“I had to listen to all of you call me an attendant and boss me around, and you were even rude to me again and said I wasn’t part of the family. I know you were just trying to protect your brothers, but it still hurt. Plus I had to go through each day without being able to tell any of you I loved you and that I was there for you.
Because if I did you all would then look at me as if I was crazy.
Instead you all acted like you didn’t like me and complained when I didn’t fix a problem. And Diavolo threatened to send me back to the human world, even Luke was rude to me at the beginning”
“I couldn’t hold you all or kiss you all or even recall memories of us together. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to say I love you, to each of you again” you cried out.
Each brother looked at the other surprised as you continued to babble to Lucifer about things they didn’t understand, the oldest even looked shocked and didn’t know what to do with you.
“MC!” a voice then shouted from behind you.
As you turned to hear who the voice belonged to, you found yourself being pulled away from Lucifer and into Solomon's arms harshly. The Avatar of Pride then glared at the sorcerer who returned his look with a menacing smile.
“Why didn’t you say anything about MC being awake? How long have they been awake?” Solomon said inspecting your body.
“Solomon let me go, I wasn’t finished talking” you yelled struggling in his grasp. “And why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?” He asked, puzzled.
“That we’re back home” you replied trying to free yourself to reach your demons.
Solomon’s face dropped and he looked down at you then to the brothers who were also equally confused.
“MC I would refrain from saying anything else
” he then said quietly in your ear.
“Why’s that”
“Because this is still the past.”
Your heart dropped and your eyes widened in shock as you slowly began to face the sorcerer with a look of despair.
“But their RAD uniforms
” you said, gesturing to the seven demons in front of you.
“These are the final designs for the uniform and Diavolo asked if we could try them on today since they just got delivered,” Lucifer replied.
“Is everything alright MC?” Mammon questioned.
All you could do was stare at them with an unreadable expression and then walk away with Solomon without another word.
Your Cherished Mark
original idea: this was supposed to feature all the brothers, but Mammon is the only one I was able to think of, then I just gave up lol
You were busy trying to stop Mammon and Levi from fighting about something to do with respect again. Honestly that's all they ever fought about, and each time their words stung deeper than the last. It hurt to hear so you would ignore it, that was until the fights became physical. Then and only then would you have to break it up.
The yelling became more tense between the two as they got in each others faces. So yelling a simple "stay" was directed towards the two demons. However after a second or two of struggling Mammon was able to move and began to yell at Levi again.
Sighing you pushed him out into the hall hoping to calm him down with a few words.
"Mammon enough with the fighting. You're being loud and disturbing everyone inside." You pressed.
Mammon rolled his eyes and looked at you. "He started it! Why am I the one getting punished huh?"
"I'm not punishing you, l'm just trying to talk to you.”
"Listen MC. It's nice you're tryna help and all but this is between Levi and I. You wouldn't understand.” Mammon said, before walking off.
"Mammon" you said softly as he left down the hallway, quite grumpy.
An ache in your chest made you clench it through your shirt. Then something caught your attention, Mammon was able to break free when you used a command.
It couldn't be...not now

Not this soon.
Running to the nearest bathroom you ignored Asmo and Beel as they said hello and threw open the door, then locked it.
Throwing off your shirt you looked to the area right above your heart and stared at the bare skin.
There was no emblem, no small mark, no slightly darker symbol. There was nothing, nothing at all.
It was gone.
Mammon's pact mark was gone.
“There's no way," you said, disbelief filling your voice.
You felt the skin for something, anything, hoping this was just some sick dream. You even tried activating the mark by trying to summon him, but nothing worked.
Because nothing was there.
The pact you had with Mammon was gone. The very first pact you made coming to the Devildom was now gone.
The only source of connection you had to your first man was now severed.
And no amount of clawing or scratching or even bleeding would bring that mark back.
However you tried. You cried and sobbed as you tried to feel for the missing mark. Soon after failed attempts to find it you fell to your knees and held that area, praying that this wasn't true.
Outside the bathroom Asmo and Beel stood looking at each other with a worried expression.
What could have possibly made you so upset?
Somewhere at a much different time a blood curdling wail rang out in the House of Lamentation.
Six demons rushed to the room of the demon in question only to find a trashed room, a broken mirror and the second born livid beyond belief as he clutched his chest.
The six demons unconsciously placed a hand over their beloved mark wondering if they’d be next.
A Family Without You
original concept/ idea: supposed to be much longer with comfort provided at the end but I was too upset at him to finish it lmao
“That’s between my brothers and I. Don’t stick your nose into our business just because you happen to be curious.”
Your face froze and you felt your heart drop. He didn’t mention you?
Of course why would he? Lucifer didn’t consider you family, you were just a demon attendant that was there to help them, and most of the time he thought you to be a bother. So for a demon such as you to stick their nose into his brother's business when you’ve barely even known them would set off a red flag in Lucifer’s head.
“We’ve only just met, why are you so insistent on involving yourself in our lives? Don’t tell me it’s because you find us intriguing since we used to be angles” He stated.
“No, I’ve told you already I just want to help you all, you’re important to me, I really don’t have any ulterior motives”
“Enough, I don’t want to hear it. Just head back to Cocytus Hall.
“You know what fine I will, but don’t bother coming to me for assistance when one of your brothers gets hurt down here.” You said slamming the door.
Readjusting Continued
original concept/ idea: this was supposed to be a continuation of it in a long format but I scrapped it after I got an ask with my exact thoughts
Readjusting to life with the brothers was easier said than done.
You tried your hardest to open up your heart as well as your mind to them after coming back to the present. And of course you loved them just like you used to, however something was different now.
There was this wall between you and them that they couldn’t seem to break no matter how hard each of them tried. Sure you were happy and sure you claimed to love them, but it wasn’t the same, you weren’t the same.
“The past changes everyone” is what Solomon had told them.
“Just give them time, I’m sure they’ll come around”
Easy enough for him to say, each brother thought. Solomon was the only one MC would act at ease with. They even went so far as requesting to move in with him and the angles at Purgatory Hall.
Diavolo was still considering your request of moving much to the brothers dismay, but they chose to go with whatever decision you felt most comfortable with, even if they didn’t agree with it. They found themselves not agreeing with many things you did nowadays. For example the fact that you micromanaged most of their activities and tasks throughout the day freaked them out.
You had kept a schedule of what they were supposed to complete along with completing your own work per usual. Oftentimes you offered to even do, or help Lucifer with work you knew he couldn’t finish on his own. It was nice to have a helping hand at first he thought, however after the third or fourth stack of documents he found it worrisome that you were able to complete that many in a short amount of time. Something he even found tiring to do alone.
original concept/ idea: I’m a sucker for MC being distant when they return from the past and the bros being so pissed off about it, I never finished this because I was waisted when i wrote it
It hurt.
It hurt his pride, when Lucifer didn't receive the same amount of pampering and attention he had been used to.
It also hurt when you didn't offer to spend every late night moment you could with him. He wished to go back to your nightly talks in his office while you supported him through piles and piles of paperwork.
He wished to be the center of your attention at large galas and balls again; since he had always been the first one you talked to or danced with.
After not seeing you for such a long time he longed for the same version of you that left that day. Yet that version was nowhere to be found.
The human that had disappeared that dreadful day had come back entirely different.
Not once did he ever blame you for that though.
Instead it was all Solomon's fault.
That sorcerer captured your attention the way he used to, the loving words of encouragement that always were meant for him changed directions and were meant for another. Hearing you speak so boldly of him damaged his pride greatly.
It also hurt like hell when Mammon couldn't pull you away from a conversation with someone like he used to.
In the past you'd follow him without question because the two of you had always been inseparable. Well that was part of it, you always had a bit of a soft side for your first man.
Sometimes it was hard denying him.
But this time was different. He didn't know how to process that slightly annoyed glare you shot him when he tried pulling you away from the witty sorcerer.
Of course he was used to your looks from time to time but this was completely different. You genuinely didn't want to talk to him at the moment.
He had become second to someone for the first time.
Which greatly pissed him off. He was your first, but you weren't acting like it.
However what had really broken him and his ego was when you claimed that him being your first man was just a little joke. After hearing that come out of your mouth he couldn't help but quietly wait to the side until you finished talking to Solomon.
Levi couldn't stand the thought or even the sight of the way you laughed with Solomon.
You had laughed with him like that sure, but your laugh just wasn't the same. Your laugh brought butterflies to his stomach like usual, but did his do the same for yours?
Levi watched the way you gazed as Solomon would go on rants about new spells or potential potions he wanted to try, and admits that he couldn't help but wonder. Did you gaze at him like that when he talked about a new anime or a new game that had just come out?
Then it dawned on him, you did. That look had been reserved for him, and only him. Your wonderful gaze that always watched closely and listened to what he said even when no one else would. That look he loved seeing on your face so much was now reserved for someone else.
His jealousy ran to his core. He couldn't stand sight of the two of you, so much so he decided to avoid you for a while.
But what really pushed him over the edge was the fact that you didn't even notice him distancing himself.
It really pissed off Satan when you didn't go to him for any sort of help.
You needed help reviewing something for a class?
He would offer, but you'd politely decline, then follow up by explaining how Solomon already offered to help you.
He was your study buddy. This was established, it was just the way things were done with you.
But apparently that's not the case anymore.
After coming back you claimed to not need his help mainly because you didn't want to bother him.
But was that really the case?
You were never a bother to him.
He enjoyed those moments with you while you seemed to now enjoy them with Solomon in the exact same spot Satan would tutor you in the library.
When he walked in the library the sight of you two talking and laughing had caught his attention. In a fit of rage and hated he destroyed a wall.
It wasn't fair.
It just wasn't fair at all.
Asmo was much better looking. His sense of style was always something everyone wanted to obtain but couldn't. His hair, face, and accessories always made him stand out above others. Mainly because he was just simply better. He was constantly sought after daily.
But even with all the love he had received there was only one type of love that had mattered to him. And it was the actual true love you showed him when you first arrived.
So why was he having such a hard time trying to get that same love now?
There he was absolutely dazzling yet your gaze was fixed on the sorcerers messy bed hair he got from passing out on his desk for the third time in a row.
You smiled and fixed Solomon's hair as he thanked you, all while Asmo had been trying to get your attention for the past two minutes.
Solomon knew what he was doing.
Asmo knew that's much. After all he knows him better than anyone.
original concept/ idea: so I know so many people write about how the brothers would love MC’s “demon form” in Nightbringer. However what would happen if when you return from the past in that same form instead of loving it they actually hate it, mainly because they knew personally how hard it was to adjust to that form. So to see you in it brings back unsettling memories.
You had never thought much about the horns (that were almost identical to that of a ram), that rested on your head, or the wings or tail that decorated your back.
It was all just for show after all.
You conjured them with magic for your survival in the past. Besides, you needed others to believe you were a demon one way of another, so as they say 'when in Rome do as the Romans do.
Even if the brothers and the others knew you were human Diavolo still suggested you stay disguised due to many demons not knowing, and for your own safety, which of course you agreed.
So in return you became used to looking at this demon version of yourself in the mirror everyday.
It didn't take much magic to change your appearance so you would unconsciously have your horns and other accessories on at all times.
This was the norm.
They were used to seeing you in this attire everyday, so why are they freaking out now..?
Why are they giving you shocked expressions and whispering to themselves?
You hated it.
They did too.
All of them couldn't contain their excitement when Solomon informed them that you were ready to return to the present again. You were finally ready to return to where you belong.
Each of them waited as Solomon appeared after a second, and then finally you appeared as well.
As your figure glowed they made out your human silhouette and sighed with relief, but as the rest of you began to form they soon saw horns and other things adorn your back.
When you finally appeared in front of them they were at a loss for words.
Your hair was worn in a different fashion than they were used to seeing, it looked more formal. Your attire was also different, much different.
You fit right in at the Devildom with your outfit.
Next was your horns.
When did you get horns..? They each questioned
And lastly were the things that adorned your back.
If they had to assume, this was your demon form?
But why would human such as yourself need to take a form like this?
The Curse Of Living With The Sins
original concept/ idea: living with demons you love is something most would dream of. However one thing that is never shown is the side of them that truly embodies their sin. Like the title suggests it was supposed to feature all the brothers but I could only think of Lucifer and Beel
It's hard to reason with the Avatar of Pride at times because of course, his pride gets in the way of things.
Arguments between him and his siblings aren't usually serious, however if Lucifer has had a particularly bad day then he will be unbearable to reason with.
So if Satan and Belphegor were to upset him via prank or if Mammon received another letter from a bank he would get ready to punish everyone. Sometimes the others don't even deserve it, Lucifer just finds himself needing to take his anger out on others.
Mainly you.
He’s never wrong in his eyes. How could someone so perfect such as him be wrong against a human.
He made sure to remind you of that if push came to shove.
Often times during the night it's been harder to get a good nights sleep due to the kitchen being raided by the Avatar of Gluttony.
And with your room being right behind the kitchen it's not so easy to ignore. The sound of opening and closing doors and cabinets can be heard along with the ripping of new cardboard boxes. Beel himself doesn't realize how loud he is until you walk in the kitchen rubbing your eyes.
"Are you hungry too MC? There's still some food in the fridge if you want to share" he responds smiling at you. A cute gesture really but you'd be more appreciative if he just went to bed.
"Beel it's late please go to sleep before you wake anyone else up. Also if you continue to clear out the fridge Satan and Lucifer are sure to get on you about that tomorrow morning"
Reluctantly Beel sighs and finishes eating the last of whatever leftovers were in the fridge.
Then with your guidance walks back to his room for bed.
Finally making it to your own room after cleaning up the mess in the kitchen you are able to lay down comfortably in your own bed. Soon a wave of tiredness washes over you and you find yourself right on the brink of sleep, that is until you hear the fridge door open and shut.
"Damn it Beel" you curse, now sitting up wide awake. Looks like it's going to be another one of those nights, you think opening your door ready to head back to the kitchen.
original concept/ idea: MC isn’t feeling well so they mistake nightbringer satan for their satan
Maybe it was the food Solomon cooked, or possibly all the liquor you had consumed but your head wasn’t in the right place at the moment. What made things even more difficult for you was the fact that Lucifer had called you over to the House of Lamentation because his brothers were causing a ruckus again.
The walk there was horrific on your end. You felt sick and had a major headache. However that never stopped you before, so like always you carried on and made it.
Upon your arrival you saw a few of them destroying the living room, which you put a stop to right away. Sighing, you made them clean up the house and watched as Lucifer scolded them as well.
After everything was done you ended up passing out on the couch in the living room for a couple of hours.
Maybe it was due to the fact that you were placed in a comfortable position when you woke up, or maybe it was the fact that one of Belphie’s favorite blankets was draped over you.
Whatever the case was, you woke up feeling at home.
It took you a minute, but you managed to get up and take the blanket with you to one of the quietest rooms in the house.
You knocked softly once but there was no answer, after the second time you could finally hear shuffling from the other side as the demon made his way towards the door.
Muffled words that sounded quite annoyed could be heard as the door unlocked and opened to reveal the fourth oldest.
“Lucifer if you’re here to nag-
um hello MC” He said slightly confused but somewhat sweet nonetheless. You should’ve paid more attention to his tone before.
You nodded and pushed past him, soon flopping down onto his bed and making a comfortable spot for yourself in his blankets, while Belphie’s blanket got mixed with the rest.
The blond shot you a confused look that you paid no attention to. Once you had finally found a comfortable spot you looked at him and motioned for him to join you, which in turn made Satan greatly surprised. He reluctantly took a seat on the edge of the bed gazing down at you.
“I’ve always loved how comfortable your pillows were,” you said softly after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
Satan watched you quietly in response. This was the first time you had laid in his bed with him knowing, so he was slightly confused as to what you were talking about. It took him time to formulate a response but when he finally did you had long fallen asleep wrapped up in his blankets.
Sighing Satan left you and walked over to his favorite chair and resumed the current book he was reading. Not too long after you had woken up again, much to his surprise.
“What are you reading?” You yawned, rolling over to face him.
“Well it’s called
” before he could even say the name you smiled at the cover. That was the first book in his collection he lent you. It was one of his favorites too, and to be frank it’s what made the two of you so close.
If he hadn’t lent you that book then you wouldn’t have picked up reading discussions with him. Thanks to that the current book he was reading had become one of your favorites.
“I can’t believe you’re reading it again, what’s this now the thirtieth time you’ve read it? I don’t blame you though, I love that book” you replied, giving him a tired smile.
His brows quirked up in confusion. This was the first time he had read this book, however you were saying he had already read it, more than once at that. What was more surprising was the fact that the book had just been published last week. However he said nothing on the matter and gave you a short reply.
You opened your eyes and saw the fourth born laying beside you underneath the blankets. His breathing was soft and he looked so peaceful as his hand held yours.
You moved closer towards him and smiled softly as you placed a kiss on his cheek. Soon after he began to stir and quickly woke up, smiling back at you.
“Good morning” you replied, placing a kiss on his lips. A gesture like this was normal for you both. Whenever you slept with him either one of you would wake the other with a kiss.
But to your surprise he didn’t return the gesture. Instead Satan quickly sat up looking surprised, and flustered. You could tell the blond was trying his best to keep calm.
You furrowed your brows for a second before it dawned on you. This in fact was Satan, but this was not your Satan.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you” you said sitting up as well, trying your best to cover up your embarrassment.
“It’s fine. I was just surprised you kissed me is all” Satan replied after clearing his throat.
“I didn’t mean to. It’s just
” you began to say.
?” The blonde asked, waiting to hear your answer.
“Forget it, it's not important.” You said, giving him a small smile.
Satan watched you with concern but sighed not wanting to press the topic further. However a question did pop into his head not long after.
That’s all for now! Thanks for reading
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
okay so scara right? but but he has an electro vision instead of his now anemo,
and he uses it when he’s so jealous and he’s choking you pounding into you he’s just so furious he uses electro to send shockwaves cut of your breathing stimulate and check you like AHHHH !!
more confident then last time - 🕯
a/n: Don't worry, dear, I got you. I was feeling groggy when I woke up from my nap, so it was a little hard to get my smut switch flipped on lol this did it. Thank you! Enjoy. Also I hope Scara gets a Fatui skin. I'll put a little money into the game to get it if I have to lol I think I got a little carried away lol
Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Scara with Electro Vision. Vision play. Choking.
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Scaramouche was furious. Someone had dared to flirt with you right in front of him. And what's worse is even though you didn't flirt back, you'd smiled and just quietly accepted it.
Scaramouche's hand tightened around your throat, his indigo eyes pulled down into a vicious glare. "How fucking dare.." he paused, panting softly for a moment before he continued pounding into you, "..you, smiling at him like that."
You were in a state of fucked out bliss, your eyes lulling closed, feeling like you were going to pass out, a little bit of drool pooling out one corner of your mouth.
Scaramouche scoffed, letting go of your throat. "Hey, you good?" When you didn't answer right away, he sent a bolt of Electro against your clit. He couldn't have you passing out on him, he was only just getting started.
Your e/c snapped open, gasping loudly with pleasure as you pulled precious air into your burning lungs."Yes! Please, don't stop," you babbled, bumping your hips up, urging him to continue his intense pace.
Gripping your chin, he leaned down to bite your lips. "Don't think you can give me orders just because you said please," he spat angrily. If his glare could get any more intense it would've.
His forehead felt sweaty when he rested it against yours for a moment in a moment of vulnerability. He'd honestly been a little (a lot) afraid this person would steal you away from him. Seeming to sense this, you stroked his hair soothingly.
When Scaramouche felt your legs wrap around his waist, he resumed his pace. You yelped, the pain making you wetter somehow as he bit your neck. Scaramouche gave the fold of skin he'd pulled into his mouth a firm grind with his teeth before he started sucking.
"This needs to be here," he mumbled, sucking a bruise onto your skin, "everyone needs to see that you belong to me and no one else." When he felt your walls begin to clamp down around his cock, indicating your approaching orgasm, he pressed his thumb against your wind pipe, the soft buzz of Electro made it harder to breathe for a moment, making you jolt with pleasure and overstimulation.
Scaramouche knew you loved it when he choked you while he was fucking you. He enjoyed it too because it showed him how much you trust him. Trusting him to let go at just right moment.
"Cum for me," he ordered, his cock kissing your sweet spot, "I'm the only one who can make you feel like this. Cum for me and only me."
The second you felt his cum spurt in ribbons inside of you, your orgasm hit you, his name tearing from your throat in a scream once he removed his thumb from your windpipe. Your scream validated him. He knew you would never leave him. He just needed a little reassurance from time to time.
Reassurance you were more than happy to provide him.
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ollypopwrites · 5 months
So, I'll be having some minor surgery in a couple months. I thought it would be cool to have Gale worried for/doting on [reader or tav] before and after. idk if that's weird or whatever, but just the idea of Gale being comforting, concerned, and just loving as all get out would make me feel a lot more at ease with this whole ordeal. I hope this is an ok prompt to request, but I understand if it's uncomfy for reasons.
Oh, anon I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I hope I can give you even the smallest bit of comfort, and thank you for your request 💜 here is about 1k words of pure comfort and doting.
Books and Basalm [also readable on Ao3]
Tav x Gale [Gender-nooch Tav. No pronouns used for Tav and no descriptions of any physical features at all.]
CW/Tags: medical/hospital type situation (not detailed in any way). FLUFF. All comfort no hurt.
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Despite having read everything he could get his hands on about the procedure, and asking the cleric so many questions Tav had to gently tell him to leave the poor man alone, Gale was not allowed in the room. He’d made his displeasure very known, but Tav had patted his hand in a clear signal to shut up. He physically had to bite his own tongue to prevent more nervous babbling.
“I think we ought to get started,” the cleric said to Tav with a smile. Despite his obvious disinterest in speaking any further with Gale, he at least kept his bedside manner for his patient.
“You’ll be here when it’s done?” Tav asked.
Gale knelt next to the bed, ignoring the crackling protest of his knees. “I’ll be on the other side of this door the entire time.” He pointed to the very one which he would be sure not to leave. “The Gods themselves couldn’t pull me away.”
Tav laughed a little at the dramatics and leaned into the gentle kiss he gave. After a few final kisses and another pressed atop Tav’s head for good measure, Gale pulled himself away. He stationed himself directly on the other side of the door, as he had promised. He was a logical man, he saw sense and reason before much else, but he was at his core quite prone to wild emotion despite his academic mind.
Leading up to that moment there was not much he didn’t do by Tav’s side. Even when they had been out on the road, while he never had much skill in healing magic, he had always been nearby enough to know what was going on. All he could manage this time was his assurance Tav had the best healers the city could offer and a tower over-prepared to accommodate the recovery.
It took hours. He didn’t notice irritated looks of the other healers walking through the halls when he began to pace back and forth, only stopping to lean his back against the wall and then have to move again once his mind took off. It was impossible to keep still for very long.
When he was finally allowed back in the room, Tav was still asleep thanks to a potion and the cleric was assuring him everything went fine. Once Tav woke up, they could make their way back to the comfort of the tower. While the cleric started giving instructions for recovery, Gale found himself cutting him off with his new extensive knowledge on the subject, watching the cleric grow annoyed at him again. Gale was used to people’s thinly veiled irritation at his volubility, but be it nerves or something else he couldn’t stop himself.
The cleric excused himself as soon as he possibly could, and Gale sat nearby, ready to be the first thing Tav saw after waking up. He mindlessly practiced somatic movements, he flipped through his spellbook distractedly and then mentally triple checked he had everything he needed to properly care for Tav back at the tower. To him, it felt like hours, but in reality it didn’t take too long for Tav to wake up from the sleep potion that had been administered for the procedure. Eyes blinking open, Tav groaned, and Gale jumped up to shush and soothe them.
“There you are, my love,” he said quietly. “How do you feel?”
“Tired,” Tav groaned. “Sore.”
“Completely normal,” he pressed a kiss to Tav’s forehead, “we’ll get you home and with a cup of tea for the pain expeditiously.”
“It went alright?” Tav asked.
“The cleric has no concerns,” he smiled, “all that’s left to do is rest and recover.”
The cleric came in for a final check in, making sure Tav was alright to head back home. The waiting was the worst part, Gale was certain they need not put off leaving where Tav could rest well and with whatever could possibly be needed. It took some creativity on Gale’s part to get them both safely back to their bedroom in the tower with no added strain on Tav, but he managed it.
Tara sat perched expectantly on the bed, head tilted in quiet examination. “Welcome home,” she said, tail flicking back and forth behind her. “everything went well, I hope?”
“Besides the pain, I think I’m alright,” Tav smiled tiredly.
“Tea!” Gale said insistently. “I have tea that will be just the thing.”
Gale got Tav situated in the bed, with pillows arranged for maximum comfort and support. He opened the window for cool fresh ocean air to come in, and Gale only left Tav’s side to prepare some tea with basalm salts for the pain. While he was gone Tara had settled herself gently against Tav’s side, purring away.
When he came with the tea, water and a potion of rest, Tav could have laughed at his over preparedness.
As Tav reclined in the bed, sipping tea, he sat at the bedside in an armchair. “Gale?”
“Yes, my love, what do you need?”
Tav chuckled at his earnestness. “I’m bored.”
“Ah, well, we have a treasure trove of entertainments,” he replied, “what better to soothe the pains of ailment and the pangs of boredom than a book!” He eagerly added, “what will you choose? A stirring tale of heroics? A dissertation on the merits of illusory spellcraft? Or perhaps an anthropological study on the courts of the Feywild?”
Tav shrugged, “your choice, really, I was looking for an excuse to have you sit and read to me.”
“You hardly need an excuse for that,” Gale smiled.
He grabbed the book he was in the middle of on his bedside table, something light for reading before bed. Carefully, he nestled in beside Tav, sure not to disrupt his perfectly calibrated arrangement of pillows made for Tav’s ideal comfort. Under his watch, with tea to soothe and a book, Gale felt sure Tav would be okay.
Two pages into him reading, Tav had fallen asleep with the tea cup precariously resting in hand. Gale plucked it away, giving a gentle kiss upon Tav’s brow as he leaned over to set it aside.
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Thank you so much for reading! 💜💜
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bluepandastarfish · 3 months
The Spirit Of Castle Dimitrescu.
Lady Dimitrescu X Ghost!Fem Reader
Lady Dimitrescu masterlist
Warnings: Mention of blood, nightmares, anxiety, potential scaries!
Sorry this took a while to get out, hope you enjoy and I may do a part 2 for more shipping potential but no promices!
Since her first days in the castle Bela can remember unexplainable and strange things happening. When she and her sisters first woke up all three of them seemed to notice peculiar occurrences. Her mother recounts to them, on nights she had drank perhaps too much, that when they were first reborn they acted much like human newborns.
‘Daniela could not support her own head for weeks after and Cassandra would constantly be mouthing at me for more food, although I'm sure that was down to your flies insatiable hunger’ Her mother had said fondly, she seemed to enjoy herself remembering her daughter's in their vulnerable states. ‘And you, Bela, you would babble and try to cling to things that were not there. Things none of us could see
 it made me paranoid for a while until you seemed to stop one day.’ Apparently human babies exhibit lots of these traits and more which at first made Bela confused as to how they survived being so vulnerable for years as her and her sisters were only in that state for about half a year (although if you asked Cassandra she would tell you Daniela is still in that phase). 
The last thing her mother had told her made her very interested, why would she speak to someone that is not there? Bela was always the most mature and realistic of her sisters, so it did not make sense to her. Perhaps her mother simply had not noticed a maid that Bela was seeing? Or maybe it was simply that she was remembering it incorrectly.
Bela forgot about the topic completely until one night months later
She awoke to a peaceful humming on the other side of her bed, for a moment she passed it off as Daniela making noises in her sleep but she quickly realized the voice was too lightly toned to be her sisters. The revelation made her jolt up and snap her gaze to her sister's side of their shared bed to attack whatever intruder was near her loved ones. 
The humming stopped abruptly when she looked round, causing her to hold her breath and narrow her eyes- even more so when she saw no one besides her sisters still sleeping bodies. She blinked rapidly and moved her eyes to search rapidly in the darkness of the bedroom, still seeing no one. 
Ultimately she determined, unhappily, that her mind was playing tricks on her somehow, likely down to the fact she had just woken up. Just as she relaxed a cold chill danced along her neck, cold enough for her to feel a slight ache as one or two flies crumbled away from her. She froze in fear, finding herself unable to move even as she tried desperately. 
A gentle inhale was heard next to her ear before a softly spoke voice whispered to her:
“Your sister is adorable
 may I have her?” 
She could hear a smile in the unseen woman's voice and she swallowed thickly as her eyes widened and she found herself still unable to turn around or even make a noise. For a moment a freezing, delicate and almost skeletal hand was felt on the shoulder opposite to where the voice was talking. 
Bela screamed and jumped toward to get away, subsequently landing on her now very awake sisters. Both jolted in a similar fashion to how she had, growling feraly at whatever threat had woken them. They both wrapped protective arms around whatever parts of their sister they could reach and scanned the room, stray flies buzzing around hecticlay. 
After a moment everything seemed to calm down and the flies returned to their respective sister. Danielas nimble hand began gently carding through Belas hair after she realised her sister was shaking in her hold.
“B-Bela? Did you have a nightmare?” Her sisters sad attempt at a whisper would have amused her if she were not so terrified. Both Cassandra and Daniela looked at eachother worridly at Bela did not respond, merely staring at the empty space next to her side of the bed
Bela was much more composed the next morning, although none of the three sisters managed to sleep after the event and so all three had dark tired marks under their eyes. She decided that she would find out what happened last night, and who was behind it. There was no way she had imagined something so vivid and after confirming that it was, in fact, real by seeing her dead flies on the sheet where she had been sat she lied to her sisters in telling them that she had simply had a nightmare like Daniela had suggested. 
After breakfast she went with her mother to her office and sat in silence for a while with her, deliberating how to bring up the matter at hand. 
The only sound that was heard in the office was the scribbling of Lady Dimitrescus pen against the letter she was writing to some unknown recipient. Bela budgeted slightly as she stared at her mother's hand as she wrote, taking the moment to think rational about what could've happened last night. 
Lady Dimitrescu glanced at her daughter after a moment, putting the pen down and leaning toward on her desk slightly to look kindly at her. She tilted her head slightly at Bela- silent still- and took the initiative to start the conversation. 
“what's troubling you, Bela?” She kept her tone gentle as she knew she would get nothing out of her daughter by being demanding. 
Bela sighed and leaned back in her chair. “something happened last night mother
” she kept he choice in a whisper, not sure who she didn't want hearing but simply deciding a whisper felt right. “some-something I'm not sure about-” she cut herself off as she tried to think of how to recount the events to her mother. 
She took a deep breath and just began talking. “I woke up, around 3 o'clock I believe, and I heard someone humming near Daniela’s side of the bed. Naturally I jumped into a action, thought maybe it was a maid or an intruder- just someone who wasn't supposed to be there” she took a shuddering breath and looked past her mother through the window at the snowy landscape outside. 
“there was no one there- and then the humming stopped, almost like when you pull the needle from a record player prematurely. Then, I froze.” She felt colder simply thinking about it. “I couldn't move, mother, I felt like I couldn't control my body! My flies couldn't separate from me and-and then i-” 
Her gaze snapped back to her mother desperately, her eyes widened in fear that she may not believe her next words. “you must believe me, mother! A woman's voice in my ear and a freezing cold all along my neck! A few flies crystallized- even! And then her hand- it grabbed my shoulder and it felt like a skeleton made of ice! I swear it was real mãma- i-i” 
Lady dimitrescu cut her rambling off by gently taking Belas hand in her much larger one and humming in agreement. “I believe you, my bug. You've always been the most level headed of you three” She chuckled slightly in hopes of distracting her daughter from her evident worry, it did not work. 
“if there were crystallized flies then it must have been real
” Lady Dimitrescu used her other hand to raise Bela chin slightly and turn her head, her brows furrowed. “is there any more damage? Your not injured anymore are you? Something touched your shoulder you said?” 
Bela shook her mothers hand off her and sighed frustratedly. “no-no it's all healed now
 and my sheets were changed this morning so I doubt the evidence is there anymore” She mutters sadly. “I was thinking earlier
 that the maids have always speculated about Ghosts in the castle- '' her mother cut her off with a tut. 
“you know very well there is no such thing. The staff may speculate all they want but the cause is likely the Moroaică roaming at night.” Lady Dimitrescu sighed. “I am certain that if there were, in fact, spitrits then there would be plenty more than just the one. And they would certainly want to do more damage to us then a tap on the shoulder and a whisper in your ear.” 
There's silence again for a moment before Bela speaks again “but mother
 what she said was frightening too” Belas voice was quieter now, almost nervous. “she said ‘your sister is adorable, may I have her’ and I can only assume she was talking about Dani-” Bela almost shuddered as she felt cold just repeating it. Lady Dimitrescu inhaled sharply. 
“that is
 frightening” she seemed to think for a moment. “in any case
 Ghost or dream. Perhaps it is best you and your sisters stay in my room for a while, at least until this calms down” she sighed again, tirdley this time. 
“and if you are truly invested in this Ghsot nonsense
 that are books in the library that detail the castles history. Before I came here, possibly even before Mother Miranda came to the village although I'm not sure.” She smiled at Bela. “you shall have to inform me on what you find”
Lady Dimitrescu was no superstitious woman. The idea that something like that could be real negates every belief she has prided herself on. 
She and her daughter's are immortal and so are far superior to humans. The idea that there is something after death destroys that. 
Religion, aside from Mother Miranda and the black god both of which are scientifically driven, was created to give false comfort to humans. While no religion details becoming a spector after death, they all have some kind of afterlife and she is sure that a Ghost would fall into one of the portrayals. 
But, her daughter had become interested. Something she would've passed off as a nightmare to her other two children would be much harder to convince Bela of as she was almost as stubborn as her mother. Lady Dimitrescu may not believe a real Ghost had visited her daughter's but she much preferred helping Bela disprove her theory rather then she go try figure it out on her own and possibly get hurt. 
She admits to herself though, that if flies had really crystallized at the moment Belas nightmare commenced then perhaps it was safer the three of them slept with her for a while. The likelihood is that one of the windows in the girls room had somehow let a breeze of the winter air in- precisely enough to give Bela a fright but not to cause serious damage. She told herself one of the maids would see to it later. 
For now she was making her way to the Opera hall, although the piano was to small for her to play normally Alcina had discovered that she could play simple tunes with her smallest fingers. This looked quite strange apparently, as she had caught a few maids laughing about it after one of the staff had caught her the last time. Needless to say those wretches were not able to laugh once her darling Cassangra had taken their tongues from their mouths. 
Entering the room was peaceful, as was sitting on the piano stool. Alcina cared little for what she would play and luckily there was a sheet of music someone had left on the stand which, again, she did not bother to read the name of. She tilted her head to the side slightly and smiled as she began playing, unfortunatley having to conserntrate hard on hitting the correct keys. 
For moments she was content, stress and worry from the day drifting says from her along with the music. For a moment, at least. 
And then a voice. 
“that must be difficult” 
She furrowed her eyebrows and stopped playing, her hands brought up to her chest almost as if she'd been burnt by the piano. As she looked up from the piano to find the culprit of the whisper she saw a woman she did not recognise. 
The woman was leaning on the opposite end of the instrument, her elbows supporting her and pushing her chest toward slightly, not that it caused much to be revealed in the white nightgown she wore. Lady Dimitrescu narrowed her eyes as the woman smiled happily back at her, but the Lady decided to humour this stranger perhaps out of boredom but if you asked her she was sure she would not be able to say exactly why
 is difficult?” she asked the strange woman who blinked, and for a split second revealed piercing white eyes before they abruptly switched back to her normal eye coulor. The Lady leaned her head back from the woman after that moment, watching the strange girl careful from her seat. 
The girl sighed happily and kept smiling at Lady Dimitrescu as she spoke. “Being so georgous of course” The Lady was taken aback by the words, her face heating up slightly even as her lips flattened in contempt. The girl giggled at the Lady's reaction. 
“Such blatant disrespect is a thing I hardly tolerate” Again, Alcina did not know why she was allowing this to continue, if it were any other person she would have been gutted where she stood for such uncouth confidence. Perhaps she was enjoying being flirted with, even if this girl was strange and
 soemone she had not seen before. 
Alcina blinked slightly at the revelation that she had not seen this woman before now, not as a maiden or visitor. The girl did not stop smiling even after the Lady's warning, her eyes shining in some way that Alcina could not place. “are you wondering who I am now, Beautiful lady?” she asked coyly, as if the idea of Alcina thinking about Her was something to be amazed by. 
Instead of a verbal response the Lady nodded firmly, her mouth set thin and her eyes slightly narrowed as she watched for any sudden moments from the strange woman. The girl blinked again, this time her appearance morphing into something inhuman. 
Her lips turning pale, fat and muscle seeming to retreat from her body as her bones became more prominent, her eyes going white and surrounding themselves in some kind of bruising and her outfit turning itself a wet sort of red- like blood. 
The Lady stood and gasped at the change, the piano stool flying away behind her and hitting something she did not care to check on. The woman smiled and did not change positions even as her appearance made such a dramatic switch. 
She seemed to mock Alcinas terror and gave a large frown. “Why are you scared, countess? I thought you'd like me this way” she stood straight then, and for a moment Alcina felt she could not move even as she tried her hardest. The woman somehow rose to Lady Dimitrescus' eye level, her feet no longer touching the ground and leaving behind her a small trail of blood droplets on the floor. 
“It's alright” she whispered as she floated closer to the countess, now directly in front of her face. Alcina caught the putrid smell of rotten flesh from the woman in front of her, she would've flinched away if she could only bring herself to move. “I am only a nightmare
 after all” she giggled and played a chilling kiss to the countess cheek before disappearing entirely. 
Alcina fell back and caught herself with one arm, frozen as a giggle seemed to echo in her mind. The blood on the floor was not there, it was if it had never happened at all. 
The only evidence she had was the cold and bloody mark of withered lips on her cheek. 
I tried my very best to make sure the readers race was unstated! I want everyone to be abel to enjoy this if they wanna so please let me know and give some feedback if you can!
THANKS FOR READING! Sorry if the ending felt kinda rushed I realised how long it was taking for me to write and I really wanted to get it out! A part 2 is on the table I just will need time to figure out how it would work along with the fact that when I promice a part two I seem to be very good at procrastinating so...
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pookietv · 2 months
vivid dream | arthur hill
i got these two asks (one and two!), blended them together and thought this idea was so adorable i had to serve it up to you folks (especially bc arthur hill is SO underrated) so enjoy!
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waking up in the middle of the night wasn't too unexpected for you - you had always been a light sleeper, getting up to get water, or go to the bathroom, or because of arthur's light snoring.
but when you woke to the sound of slight sniffling coming from the side of the bed, your head slightly raised from the pillow to see your boyfriend sat at the edge of the bed, still in the black tank top and red plaid pajama bottoms he slept in, slightly hunched over, small noises coming from him, like he was crying.
you sleepily pulled yourself up, your arm reassuringly wrapping around his stomach as you rested your chin lightly on his back.
"arthur? babe, whats up?" you said, your eyes still slightly lidded as you patiently traced your thumb over his tattoos in a soothing motion.
"it's really nothing, honestly," he murmured out, a short unconvincing half laugh slipping from his mouth as he hastily wiped at his glazed over eyes, head slightly turning to face you.
"something's clearly bothering you if you're awake in the middle of the night, crying quietly so i don't hear you," you said softly, pressing a small kiss against his shoulder, "it's really okay if something isn't okay, arthur,"
"its... its silly," he said, in a voice that was half shy, something arthur was rarely ever around you.
"i don't mind. i'm sure i've gotten upset over sillier things. i remember you having to comfort me when my flowers died," you smiled gently, trying to at least make him feel like he wasn't the only one in the world who had sometimes overly-emotional reactions.
he smiled half heartedly and nodded, and you lay back a little, gently tugging his arm as a signal he should lay back too, as you gently tucked his head against your chest, your fingers gently tangling into his hair as he lazily placed his arm around your tummy.
"i had a nightmare, i mean, it's stupid, i'm a grown man, haven't had a nightmare since i was a kid," he shook his head a little, clearly upset with himself.
"you could have woke me, you know, i wouldn't have minded one bit," you said gently, and he nodded a little.
"it was just... i mean, it was very real, and it was like, one of my biggest fears, and i just, i don't know, woke up in panic mode and then i realised you were here, and i didn't wanna wake you, just seeing you still here calmed me enough, i just was trying to calm down, i suppose."
your fingers carding through his hair still continued as you could feel his breathing now steady against your chest.
you nodded softly, "arthur, why wouldn't i still be here?"
"well, i had a dream we split up. i-i don't know, it kind of didn't make any sense. i upset you, or something, and you were gone, and i was just stuck in my room, alone, and all your stuff was still here and i couldn't do anything without just reminders of you, and it really scared me cause it was so realistic, it was like a vivid dream, i don't know," he babbled out, and you felt if it was possible for your heart to melt a little bit, it probably did then. it was just so unspeakably arthur for that to be his biggest fear.
"i'm not going anywhere, you softie," you said, in a softened but smiley voice in any hopes to lift him up a little, "that's not something you ever have to have as your biggest fear."
"i know, i know, i just didn't like it, thats all." he said, lifting himself up slightly so he was laying more at your height, pressing a kiss against your forehead.
you smiled up at him, wrapping your arms around his torso now instead, tucking your head into the crook of his neck tightly, slightly laying on him.
"you're just adorable, arthur. you're the sweetest, most boyfriend boy ever." you giggled slightly to yourself, pleased that he was smiling himself.
"what on earth does 'boyfriend boy' mean?" he grinned slightly, you both still sleepy clearly as you babbled against the pillows, wrapped almost as close as you could be to one another.
"i mean you're just so... i don't really know how to describe it, i guess i mean devoted. you worry about me and think about me and miss me so deeply i think, it's just so... boyfriend coded." you laughed a little to him, and he rolled his eyes, laughing a little to himself also.
"boyfriend coded? i literally am your boyfriend!" he smirked in a softly mocking way.
"i know! i just mean you're a very good boyfriend, that's what i mean."
"so you're just trying to glamourise calling me a simp?"
"hmm. maybe that is what i'm doing," you said softly, in a teasing voice, and he lay his head in the pillow in a mock huff.
"do you think if i go back to sleep again and you leave in the dream once more i'll at least be free from your teasing?" he quipped back, and it was your turn to roll your eyes now.
"oh shut up and go to sleep, you." you said softly, tucking your head slightly more into arthur, feeling your bodies even into a more relaxed state as you tried to both settle back down.
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screeblees · 10 months
Haihaiaihaihi!!!! I reallllllllllllly like ur Angry Yan x comfort reader drabbles!!! I'm someone you'd call an absolute night owl, and maybe even someone with a big mouth. I'm always up for saying what I liek and fighting people I think are dumb. (Verbally. Most of the time.)
At night, (if the day hasn't beat my ass) I'm an insane lunatic who rambles to herself. think of me like a cat. very judgy one. (but if the day has beat my ass and I'm crying on the floor i'm just going to sleep in my tears) (jk no tears cowgirls don't cry/j)
TL;DR: I'm a bitch and I like to yapp, but I love going insane at night and talking and rambling like there's no tomorrow. That or I'm out cold like ice. There's no in-between. (btw kinda willing)
sorry i wrote this at 12:56 am and I am sick so I feel a bit silly nyahahah just a little nayahah
MEOWWWWW bounCES OFF YOUR walls very politely.
If you can't make sense of my gibberish please tell me and i'll rewrite it later when i feel more sane.
Hii!! Thanks so much for the ask (and for the very polite meows and wall-bouncing :3)!! I hope I managed to correctly translate your stream of thoughts <3
Angry ! Yandere Headcanons here !
Sorry it's been a bit since I've posted!! I get pretty busy this time of year so I've been writing where I can!
But please still send asks, I love receiving them!! :D
Find my Masterlist here !
Please enjoy!!<33
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❄ Angry ! Yandere who cannot help but be in awe of you as he listens to your extensive ramblings of your topic of choice, the two of you have all the time in the world after all!
❄ Angry ! Yandere who was initially worried your talkative nature would be replaced with a shell of yourself when he first took you as his, but very quickly - as soon as you woke up, actually - that that would not be the case and found himself thrilled to hear your defiant words (he would soon teach you, but this was a great first step in your adjustment!)
❄ Angry ! Yandere who cannot find it within him to be made angry by your words, (almost) no matter what you say - at least towards you, other people on the other hand are an entirely different story - even with your extreme lack of filter, which makes him more lenient with you than he would in other areas (making back-talk your only real way to be defiant). Although this can change at the drop of a hat if his mood is already rough, that forgiving attitude being nowhere to be seen even with that usually tolerance.
❄ Angry ! Yandere who immensely enjoys not needing to punish you - it makes him proud that the two of you have come so far since he first brought you here - his moods are made even better by your chatterbox personality which supplies him a near-continuous source of peace, basking in it.
❄ Angry ! Yandere who takes great pleasure in the sound of your voice, especially when he’s falling asleep while you stay up for hours, long into the night. Your babble like white noise or pleasant rain sounds for him (and only him) to fall asleep to.
❄ Angry ! Yandere who doesn’t mind if you stay up late playing video games or working on a hobby - as long as you can sit on the bed with him whilst doing so as to let him sleep on or near you.
❄ Angry ! Yandere who minds immensely if you are the type to get up and move around a lot, needing to be up and moving not only takes the sounds of your voice move farther away from his ears but it stops him from being able to loop his arms around your waist or rest his head against you - this will only end in you being tied up and unable to leave him, which may be uncomfortable but he’s too busy cuddling you to sleep to notice.
❄ Angry ! Yandere who will put his foot down if he feels your staying up late is having negative effects. He’ll disallow caffeinated drinks and tie you to the bed at night but if you’re still unable to sleep then he’ll go straight to the sleeping pills to solve this issue, having zero patience to try any more methods which he feels will be unhelpful.
❄ Angry ! Yandere who loves the nights all energy escapes you (naturally, without the pills) and you are left practically passed out wherever you had decided to sit that evening, leaving you very pliable for cuddling without the rope or bindings in the way.
❄ Angry ! Yandere who feels pity for his Darling when the struggles of the day come crashing down a little too harshly, leaving you teary and unwelcome to the idea of moving from your chosen spot on the basement floor.
❄ Angry ! Yandere who either just scoops you up from the floor, depositing you on the bed and joining you for a cuddle-fest or joins you on the floor with some blankets and pillows, ready to get comfy where you are. He hopes to provide an ounce of the comfort you provide him by the hour just from being in your near-presence...
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multiverse-imagines · 2 years
SkyDragonGrandeeny of ao3 asked!
I was going to request a fluff story prompt, where Vash is having trouble sleeping or woke up from a nightmare, and reader hums or sings him back to sleep. A very wholesome and comforting story quq
A/N: I have written a fic like this already, BUT! mans has a lot of nightmares. Let's give some comfort baybeee!!!? The song is My Wish by Rascal Flatts!
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My Wish
You and Vash stumbled back to the Inn after a long night of drinking and partying with Nicholas, the insurance girls, and the rest of the patrons. You practically had to drag him up the stairs, and up to your shared room. 
"Aw, don't bench me coach, I can still make the field goal!~" Vash babbled as you set him down on the bed.
"Come on, Angel, let's get you to bed. Games over." You giggled as you unbuttoned his coat. He made some slurred comment about undressing him, but you promised him that you would stop at just his coat. He could dress himself into his PJs, or stay in his uncomfortable armor. He huffed and stumbled around as he changed into his pajamas. The two of you curled up into bed, and he was out pretty much instantly.
You, on the other hand, needed some time to process the day's events. It had been a long day of running, avoiding gunfire, and watching Vash face the flaws in his ideals. Another person died today. Yet another person who was shot right in front of Vash. Another person he couldn't save. Another argument with Wolfwood, who had forgiven Vash by the time they had all gone for drinks, but Wolfwood seemed to be cramming his feelings down. 
You held the sleeping stampede in your arms as he snored away his buzz. His face was peaceful, in such vast contrast to the contortion of fear, sadness and the little simmer of anger he thought no one could see. But you could see it. Your heart ached with him. What a terrible environment they lived in, where people killed each other over petty squabbles, and minimal currency. 
His face began to contort as he began to shake, and stir from his slumber. A nightmare. You knew it was gonna be a while before he would sleep peacefully again. 
"Vash, Angel, Wake up. C'mon, Dearest." You gently shook his shoulder, his eyes soon snapping open, and a gasp escaped his lips before he looked up to you, his eyes quickly bursting into tears as he came to his senses. 
"Oh Mayfly
" his voice shook as he pulled you close to him, and he sobbed incoherent words into your chest, clinging to you as if you were the last living thing on Gunsmoke. 
"I've got you, Angel. It's okay. He's not in pain anymore. You did everything you could."
"But he still died
" you hardly made out Vash's whimper.
"You can do everything correctly, and still lose."
"All I ever do is lose
" he grumbled, his breath and voice coming back to him now. 
"I'm insulted that you think I'm a loss, Angel. I don't think you should talk about Preacher, Meryl and Milly that way too." You comforted him. Vash took in those words, lightly tapping his fingers on your back as he processed. 
"How long was I out?" He tried to drop the subject.
"Like, a half hour." You frowned, "We have a long day ahead of us again. Let's get some sleep." You caressed the beauty mark on his face.
"I don't wanna. I'll just have another nightmare." He pouted. 
"I know, Angel. But you have to keep your mind clear in case shit goes sideways tomorrow too."
"I just want a nice day walking around town, playing with the kids, getting donuts with you, and drinking with everyone. No gunfire, no fights, just love and peace."
"I know, Angel. We'll get there someday." You comforted him.
"Will you
 sing me that song?" He seemed afraid to ask.
"Of course, Angel. And if you have another nightmare, I'll be here to wake you." You slipped your fingers through his sweaty tresses before guiding him to lay down once again. 
"I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow, and each road leads you where you wanna go. If you're faced with a choice and you have to choose, I hope you choose the one that means the most to you." You quietly sang to him as you pet his hair, 
"And if one door opens to another door closed, I hope you keep on walkin' til you find a window." He hugged you closer as he got comfortable, "if it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile, but more than anything. More than anything," you pressed a kiss to his forehead, 
"My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to. Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small, you never need to carry more than you can hold. And while you're out there gettin' where you're gettin' to, I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too. Yeah, this is my Wish." You soon heard the light snores coming from him once again.
You had once learned the song that Rem used to sing to him, but some nights that made the nightmares worse. Instead, you sang him this song your family has passed down since before the fall, before the space-faring age. You always found it uplifting and it was like your family's creedo.
Now you got to sing such a wonderful song to your beloved Angel to bring him hope on the nights when he had none. You just hoped that someday this song would manifest itself into his life, and that you, Vash, Wolfwood, everyone on Gunsmoke, would be able to live such a life described in the song. Because that was your wish.
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clarepreed · 10 months
Micro-Story: You Did This
Story Content and Summary - 1,756 words. A story in second person, present tense, with an ungendered protagonist. What did you do to her? Hints of past trauma, non-graphic descriptions of violence. On-site resuscitation. đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ
You’ve gone over this before.
“If I oversleep, it’s on me. Don’t try to wake me up. My dad used to wake me up
” You pause. She knows; you don’t need to hash it out again. “Nevermind, just don’t wake me up, okay? I don’t want to hurt you.”
Your thoughts turn dark then, thinking about the time you hurt your brother when he woke you up for school. A bloodied nose that looked fine in a few days. You never stopped feeling bad about it.
Your girlfriend holds your hand and promises to let your alarm wake you. 
Sleeping together is something you refused to do for a long time, but she eventually won out. The fact that sleeping next to her is okay makes little sense. But you like it, and it helps her. She’s medically fragile, prone to respiratory problems and POTS. You carry her when she can’t stand without fainting. You bring her inhaler when she has difficulty breathing. Hold her when her medications make her sick or sad.
Tonight isn’t much different from other nights, except Gemma brings in a few outdoor decorations and you flip the patio table over onto its top. The weather forecast told you to expect strong winds and a thunderstorm sometime around two in the morning. At ten, Gemma goes to bed. You follow her an hour later, your hand briefly resting on her back to feel her breathing. She’d sounded a little wheezy earlier.
Then you fall asleep, soothed by the rhythm of her breath.
The next thing you know, lightning cracks overhead and the room fills with white light. Someone looms over you and in a panic you grab them by the throat and wrench them down onto the bed, rolling and thrashing. You plant your knee into their stomach, your breath coming hard and fast as you lean over them. Your heart races. The body under you bucks once or twice before it stops putting up much of a fight. As time passes, confusion replaces the fear.
Light flashes through the room again and you see the person stretched out beneath you, eyes rolled back so that all you see is sclera, dark hair fanned out around her head on the pillow.
“Oh my God!” you yelp, your hands immediately releasing her throat. You practically spring off her, crouching beside her on the mattress. Rain beats down onto the roof as you reach for the bedside lamp.
Click. Click.
The lamp doesn’t turn on, and you briefly wonder if the power is out before you realize Gemma isn’t moving.
“Gemma!” You call her name quietly at first, finding her arm in the dark and shaking it. She makes a wheezing sound that’s barely audible over the storm and you start babbling. “GEMMA! Oh my God, Gemma! Are you okay? Can you breathe? Baby?”
You have to grab your phone off the nightstand and use it as a flashlight to see her face. Her eyes are cracked open, but she isn’t moving. When you rest your hand on her stomach, then her chest, you can’t feel it move. Finally, you lean your head over her mouth. Her lips are slack, parted. 
She’s not breathing.
You did this.
“Oh, no, no, no
” Your worst nightmare, and in your panic you aren’t sure what to do. If the power is off, you can’t call for help from your cell; there’s only service here when you have Wi-Fi. You still have a landline, but it’s in the kitchen. 
In the meantime, Gemma needs air. You’ve taken a CPR class for work, but it’s been close to a decade and you really haven’t thought about it since. Flashes of memory hit you: head-tilt, chin-lift. You push the pillows off the bed and carefully open her airway. You just have to hope her neck is okay. You pinch her nose closed with your thumb and index finger and use the thumb of your other hand to open her mouth.
Her lips are soft when you cover them with yours. You take a deep breath through your nose and blow into her mouth. You feel her cheeks expand, but the room is too dark to be sure her chest rises. When you remove your mouth, there’s a thwock sound and a soft exhale against your face. 
“Gemma!” you call out, shaking her again before you breathe for her again. 
You did this.
She exhales but doesn’t draw a breath, and now you have a choice to make. Keep breathing for her, take her pulse, or run for the phone. 
Your brain vetoes the second option immediately; you seem to remember that laypeople are notoriously bad at pulses, and what if you felt something, but it wasn’t enough? Then, before you realize you’re going to do it, you launch yourself off the bed and stumble out of the bedroom. You slam your shoulder against the doorframe even though you grew up in this house and on a normal night you don’t have to turn on the light to take a piss. 
When you get to the kitchen, you knock the handset off the cradle and fumble to catch it. The lights aren’t on behind the buttons as you press them, part of you knowing there will be no dial tone as you press the earpiece to your ear. This happened once before; lightning struck the phone line and traveled into the house, frying the computer modem and taking out both the phone and the power.
The handset slips from your grasp, and you bolt back to the bedroom. 
You’re too rough with her body as you scoop Gemma up, rough with her even though being rough with her is the reason she’s in this condition. You just know that you can’t perform CPR on a bed, and that no help is coming, and that if you had been able to call for help, they would have given her medicine and maybe shocks from a defibrillator. Things you can’t give her.
You did this, so you lay her flat on the cold hardwood floor, reopen her airway, and give her another breath. She exhales, but her half-lidded eyes are still glinting at you in the dark. Judging you. Yes, you told her not to wake you, but there must have been a reason—
Tap. Tap-tap. Tap.
You shift to the side and your knee lands in water.
The roof is leaking, and it’s the clearest and fastest realization you’ve had since awakening. 
Another breath, and your eyes are leaking like the roof. You beg: “Breathe, Gemma!” And then you think you probably have to give her chest compressions, because you don’t know if her heart is beating and maybe the power will come back on and there will still be time.
You did this, so now you have to do more. 
You find her ribcage in the dark, tracing shaking fingers along the curve of her bones until you find the center. Your hands stack on top of her sternum, fingers interlocking. Then you roll your shoulders over your hands and shove the heel of your bottom hand down into her chest.
Her ribcage shifts under your hands, and she lets out a hoarse huff of air. You don’t count out loud, but the numbers fly through your mind in a terrible countdown to thirty. Lightning arcs across the sky and you see her chest sink as your hands press down, her stomach rounding. Her tank top is thin and her breasts wobble each time you pump her chest. 
“Huh, huh, huh
Nineteen, twenty, twenty-one

You did this, so you thrust your hands into her ailing heart until you hit thirty chest compressions. Breathing for her comes naturally now, already, like you’ve been breathing for her forever, will breathe for her forever. Her face feels fragile as you cradle her head. Your own cheeks round out and you leave tears and saliva on her face when you break the seal to let her exhale. Another breath. You shift to start chest compressions, only to hear an unexpected sound.
Gemma inhales.
A small sound. The breath is shallow and wheezy on the exhale. You wait. And wait. And wait. There isn’t another breath, so you hunch over and say loudly: “BREATHE, GEMMA!” But she doesn’t, so you cover her mouth with yours and exhale into her. Her chest rises beneath the hand you’ve rested there, falls when you lift your mouth.
Another breath, the only sounds your desperate inhalations and exhalations, skin brushing skin, and the pitter-patter of water hitting the floor.
You wonder if you imagined the breath, so you landmark again and thrust her sternum down. She makes a harsher gasping sound, but you keep pumping, worried that this is just part of what you’ve done to her and if you don’t give her chest compressions, she will die. 
Nine, ten, eleven, twelve

Her chest is stiff under your hands but it still gives to the pressure, sinking and recoiling. The air you gave her escapes in puffs that carry the barest hint of her voice.
“Huh, huh, huh
Nineteen, twenty, twenty-one

You did this, so you are shocked when she suddenly coughs. Your hands pause. She gasps, and your hands lift, hovering just above her chest. The exhale squeaks out of her, and she takes another breath.
“Gemma? Gemma!” Your hands are on her face now, and you can feel her eyelashes fluttering against your palm. You slide your hands down and cup her cheeks. “I’m so sorry! I’m sorry, baby! I’m sorry!”
She’s breathing now, you’re sure she is, and her body trembles beneath you. You drag the comforter off the bed, drape it over her shaking limbs. Fish her spare inhaler from the nightstand, though she seems too disoriented to use it. You’re babbling again, narrating your every move as tears streak your cheeks. You can’t remember the last time you cried, but you’re nearly sobbing now. 
You shine the light from your phone over her, just the front screen so she isn’t blinded. She looks frightened, staring up at you with wide eyes. She’s crying, too.
You did this, so you set the phone down and reach for her hands. You need to take her to the hospital soon, but for now, you let her rest. You sag, sitting hard on the floor beside her. You’re shaking harder than she is. 
You did this, and you wonder if she’ll ever forgive you.
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fandomsnstuff · 10 months
Dont @ me about fae lore this is purely vibes
Day 19: eyes/fae au
Barry's daughter was stolen and traded to the fae by her mother for a chance to start over. He'd like her back, please.
Read it on AO3
It's been months since his baby was stolen. Barry's trekked far and wide searching for her, but he's come up empty handed. He curses her mother. Or more fittingly, the woman who used to be her mother. He sensed that she wanted to leave, and he tried to tell her that, if she really wanted to, she could just go. He'd rather his daughter grow up with just him who adores her, than have a mother who's not interested. But instead she stole and traded their child away to the fae for a chance to start over. He's been looking for a way to get her back ever since.
He searched through the woods near his home, a small farm at the edge of town, as it's the only place that woman could've gone to find fae to talk to. But whatever fae had been there were long gone. So now he's far from home, in unfamiliar woods, hiking almost aimlessly, hoping for a miracle.
He comes across a fairy ring.
This in itself isn't his miracle. He's found a few, but has never made contact with any fae. He takes a deep breath and steps into the circle. “I need help,” he announces to the forest. “My daughter was stolen from me. Her mother traded her away to the fae. I'd like her back.”
It becomes eerily quiet. The leaves stop rustling and the birds stop chirping. There's a swirl of golden light, and a fae stands in front of him. He's tall and lithe, with brown skin, long pointed ears, gold eyes, and golden curls falling over his shoulders. “Your daughter, you say?”
Barry feels as if his breath has been taken away. Finally, progress. “Yes.”
“How long ago was this?”
“A few months. She'd just turned one when she was taken. Her name is Lilliana.”
The fae regards him and hums. “Wait here.”
He vanishes. The sounds of the forest return, but only for a moment. In another swirl of gold light, the fae returns twofold. The first one he'd been talking to stands behind a woman nearly identical to him. She's holding a young child.
His child.
She looks healthy, and unharmed. But one of her blue eyes has turned gold, and her ears have a slight point to them now.
“Lilli,” he breathes, and his hands come up instinctively to reach for her. She reaches for him in response, babbling happily.
The fae holding her draws back and glares at him. “Who are you?”
“I'm her father. I want to take her home.”
“She was given to me fair and square. I'm her mother now.”
“How is it fair that I didn't get a say in this at all? I woke up one day to my daughter gone and my wife leaving.”
Lilli reaches an arm out towards him and whines, looking up at the fae holding her. The woman strokes her hair gently, then looks back to Barry, frowning. “I was told her father wasn't interested in being such.”
“That's blatantly untrue.” He feels a lump forming in his throat. “She is all I have ever wanted. I took care of her more than her mother did. This was not a trade to benefit everybody, just her.” Lilli's starting to cry properly for him now. He looks the fae in the eye and says, “would I have come all this way if I didn't care.”
She tries to soothe the baby, and the silence stretches as she considers his words. “Let's make a deal.”
Barry leaves that interaction without his daughter, but with a promise that she'll be returned to him in a month's time. But he doesn't get to keep her forever, a month after she's returned to him, the fae, Lup, will take her back for another month.
Oddly, coparenting with a fae isn't as weird or difficult as Barry thought it would be. Sure, his daughter looks a touch different and has a dusting of magical powers, but all in all
 he can operate as normal. He misses her when she's gone, but in the times he's seen Lup, she does seem to genuinely care about Lilli and her wellbeing.
When her second birthday approaches in December, they're about six months into their arrangement. He tried to negotiate Lup into letting him have her through that month, but she would have none of it. So he's alone, reading by the fireplace as a blizzard howls outside when someone knocks frantically on the door. He gets up, and opens it to Lup shivering on the doorstep with Lilli in her arms. “I'm sorry,” she says, looking frazzled and on the verge of tears, “I didn't know where else to go.”
He ushers them inside, and sits Lup down by the fire. She holds Lilli tightly against her chest. She stares into the fire, and he wraps a blanket around them. He sits across from her and asks gently, “what happened?”
She presses her lips to Lilli's hair then rests her chin on top of her head. “I left.” She's quiet for another stretch, only the crackle of the fire between them. “They found out about me bringing her back here, and they made me choose. Either I keep her there forever, or I give her back forever.” Her voice wavers, “so I left.”
“You didn't just keep her?”
She looks at him. “Would you have wanted me to?”
“Of course not, but
 I mean, you're fae. The whole thing is
 you know.”
“Maybe I'm sick of their whole thing,” she mutters into Lilli's hair. “You're a good man, Barry. I've been alive for a long time, and I don't think I've ever seen a mortal man travel so far and fight so hard to get his child back. I couldn't in good conscience keep her away from you.” She squeezes Lilli a little tighter, “but I didn't want to lose her either.”
Before he can answer, there's another knock on the door. He opens it to Lup's brother, who marches in past him. He stands above Lup with his hands on his hips. “Are you stupid?”
“Taako, be nice. Say hello.”
“Hello. Are you stupid?”
“I couldn't just-”
“You thought you could just leave without me?”
She blinks. “What?”
“We've been talking about how sick we are of those absolute bores, then you just up and leave without me!”
“I'm. Sorry? I didn't think you'd actually want to.”
“I'm bored of immortality, it makes things less exciting. So I'll stay here with you.”
Lup looks to Barry, asking a silent question. He shrugs. “Yeah, alright. But I've only got one spare bedroom, so you'll have to share.”
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b1xi · 4 days
đ™đ™Źđ™€ đ™§đ™šđ™«đ™šđ™§đ™šđ™š
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Glenn rhee x reader
Word count: 2401
Warninig:blood, deads, fluff
PT1 , PT3
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You woke up from your nap with a sense of relief you had almost forgotten existed. Sleeping for two uninterrupted hours without being startled by a strange noise or Alice’s inconsolable crying had been a real luxury in these times. As you slowly opened your eyes, you realized that for the first time in weeks, you felt refreshed, as if those hours of rest had given you back a small part of yourself that you had lost amidst all the chaos.
You looked at the baby, still asleep, her small chest rising and falling with a calm rhythm. Alice also seemed more relaxed, less restless than usual. A smile formed on your lips as you watched her. Everything you had endured up to that moment was worth it if she could have, even for a brief moment, something resembling peace.
You stayed awake a few minutes longer, letting the makeshift bed you had created envelop you. Outside, you could hear the murmur of distant voices, the crackling of embers in the fire, and occasionally, the sound of footsteps passing near your tent. But there was no rush to move. You allowed yourself a breath, a moment just for you.
Despite the calm, the heat inside the tent was becoming more and more apparent. Your clothes were sticky, sweat forming a film on your skin, and you began to feel the discomfort that came with the suffocating afternoon heat. You needed a bath, that was certain. You leaned towards Alice, gently stroking her cheek, hoping she would wake up soon.
You knew that at some point you’d have to talk to Glenn or one of the others. You had to ask if there was any way to freshen up, if the camp had water for something other than drinking. But for now, you indulged in simply enjoying the feeling of being awake and, surprisingly, safe, even if just for a brief moment.
When Alice started to stir, opening her sleepy eyes and babbling softly, you knew it was time to get up. With a resigned sigh, you leaned over to pick her up, making sure she was comfortable in your arms before stepping out of the tent. The heat outside wasn’t much better, but at least the air was circulating, helping you clear your mind a little more.
As you stepped out, you noticed the camp was in full swing. Some people were resting, but most were busy with tasks that kept them focused. The sound of knives chopping food and low conversations mixed with the crackling of wood in the fire. Everything had an organized rhythm, as if everyone knew exactly what they needed to do to keep order in this small oasis amidst the chaos.
You looked around for Glenn, hoping to ask him about the bathroom or some sort of water to freshen up, but you couldn’t find him anywhere. You bit your lip, feeling a bit unsure. You didn’t want to interrupt the others if they were busy, but you knew you’d have to eventually. The sweat on your forehead and neck reminded you that you couldn’t put off that conversation for much longer.
Finally, you decided to approach Lori, who was sitting at the picnic table, talking with Carol and Carl, who was fiddling with a small stick in his hands.
“Excuse me, Lori,” you started with a small smile, “is there any place where I can freshen up a bit? I know water’s limited, but
Lori looked up, pausing her conversation, and offered you a warm, understanding smile. “Of course, I completely get it. We don’t have a proper shower, but you can use the bathroom in the RV. It’s not much, but at least you’ll be able to clean up a little.”
“Thank you, really,” you replied, nodding your head slightly in gratitude. “I don’t want to use more resources than necessary, I just need a moment to refresh.”
Lori shook her head softly, her smile never fading. “Don’t worry about that. We all share what we have here. If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask.”
Carol, who had been quietly listening to the conversation, stood up and looked at you kindly. “I can take care of Alice for a while if you’d like. That way you can take your time to relax.”
You looked at the little one in your arms, still playing with your hair, oblivious to the conversation. It was hard to part with her.
“Would you?” you asked, a little uncertain.
“Would you really?” you asked, a hint of doubt in your voice. The idea of letting go of Alice, even for just a few minutes, filled you with a mix of relief and anxiety.
Carol nodded gently. “Of course. Sophia and I can take care of her. It’s been a tough time, but we try to be a family here. Don’t worry about her, she’ll be in good hands.”
Finally, you took a deep breath, deciding to trust her. “Thank you,” you murmured, carefully placing Alice in Carol’s arms. The little girl blinked but didn’t protest, settling easily into the new embrace as if she understood you’d be back soon.
As you entered the cramped space of the bathroom, you took a moment to silently appreciate the small comforts that remained in this new, chaotic world. The water wasn’t plentiful, but there was enough to dampen a cloth and wipe away the layer of grime that seemed to have become part of your skin.
The contact of the damp cloth was a relief, both physically and mentally. It wasn’t a shower, but it was the closest you’d come to feeling clean in days. You passed the cloth over your skin repeatedly, with determination, until the sticky, dirty feeling began to fade. You also took a moment to brush your teeth, feeling the freshness of mint fill your mouth, a sensation so ordinary that it almost made you forget, for a brief second, the situation you were in.
When you were done, you looked at yourself in the small, rusted mirror hanging from the cabinet. Your reflection wasn’t the one you remembered from before the world fell apart. Your face was marked by exhaustion and stress, yet there was something new in your eyes. Something you hadn’t felt in a long time: hope. Maybe not everything was lost.
You stepped out of the RV with a renewed sense of relief, the feeling of being clean and wearing fresh clothes gave you a lightness you hadn’t felt in a long time. The heat was still oppressive, but it was more bearable now that sweat and grime no longer covered your body.
As you descended the steps, the first thing you saw was Glenn, who now held Alice in his arms. The little one was laughing heartily as he lifted and lowered her in smooth, playful motions. Carol watched the scene with a maternal smile on her lips while Glenn made exaggerated sounds each time Alice rose into the air.
Seeing Alice laugh like that made you feel a lump in your throat. After everything you had been through, seeing her enjoy such a simple, human moment brought you unexpected peace. You walked slowly toward them, observing the scene with a soft smile.
“Well, I didn’t know you were also a babysitter,” you commented in a light tone, crossing your arms with amusement as you approached.
Glenn let out a shy laugh, gently lowering Alice until her tiny feet touched the ground. “Well, who can resist a face like that?” he said with a wide smile, looking at the baby, who immediately reached out her arms toward you, asking to be held again.
“Looks like she likes you,” you said with a light laugh. “Thank you for watching her,” you told Carol.
Carol, who had remained silent, smiled kindly, her gaze soft and understanding. “It was nothing,” she said, shaking her head modestly. “She’s a lovely little girl.”
“I think it’s time I start being useful,” you commented, gently stroking Alice’s back. Glenn and Carol exchanged an approving glance.
“You can help in the kitchen, if you’d like,” Carol suggested, gesturing to the table where a few ingredients were already being gathered for dinner. “Andrea and Amy are handling it today, but an extra pair of hands is always welcome.”
You nodded with a smile. “That sounds perfect.”
You approached the makeshift table where Andrea and her sister Amy were already organizing the few supplies they had. Andrea, always sharp but kind, gave you a quick once-over and offered a friendly smile. “Feel like chopping some vegetables?”
“Sure, whatever you need,” you replied, placing Alice on the ground beside you, where she could crawl and play with a small stick while you got to work.
Amy, who seemed a bit more laid-back than her sister, handed you a knife and some carrots. "I hope you like stew... because that's about all we can make with what we've got," she joked, as she organized the few canned ingredients they had managed to scavenge on their last runs.
"After everything we've been through, anything hot is welcome," you said with a smile, as you started chopping. The atmosphere was relaxed, almost familial, making you feel more at ease as time passed.
Jacqui joined in at some point, helping to light the fire for the makeshift kitchen. As the flames began to grow, the night slowly descended on the camp, and the cool evening air made you hug yourself a bit as you gathered the last of the dinner utensils. The stars twinkled in the sky, and the silence was only interrupted by soft conversations and the crackling of the firewood.
The night wrapped the camp in its blanket of tranquility, and the warmth of the fire seemed to be the heart of the little community that had formed. The crackling of the embers provided a soothing backdrop, as soft conversations filled the air, accompanied by occasional laughter and murmurs about the day’s events.
You settled into one of the chairs near the fire, grateful for the warmth it provided. To your right, Glenn seemed more relaxed than usual, his easy smile illuminated by the flickering flames. To your left, Dale, the older man of the group, watched the camp with a calm and reflective look. There was something about his presence that conveyed safety, a wisdom earned over the years and a natural instinct for protection, the same that had shown itself earlier when he defended you from Merle, after the man had made crude and inappropriate comments.
“Thanks for earlier, Dale,” you said quietly, genuine gratitude in your voice. You didn’t want to leave that debt unacknowledged.
Dale turned his head toward you, his wrinkled face softening with a warm smile. “It was nothing, sweetheart,” he responded calmly. “People like Merle... well, there will always be those who try to take advantage of others. It's not something we should tolerate, not here or anywhere.”
“Listen up, everyone,” Shane started, using that firm tone he employed when he wanted to make sure everyone was paying attention. “Tomorrow, we're going on a run to the city. We need more supplies—water, food, medicine... anything we can find. We can’t keep going the way we are for much longer.”
The mood, which had been relaxed, grew tense at the mention of the city. You knew what that implied. Walkers were always a risk, but the city multiplied them, and going in wasn’t something anyone took lightly.
Glenn was the first to volunteer. “I’ll go. I know the routes well; I can lead the group and keep us out of trouble.”
T-Dog raised his hand in support. “I’m in, too. There aren’t many of us, and we can’t afford to lose anyone, but we need more supplies.”
Andrea nodded. “I’m in. We can’t wait for things to just get better on their own.”
Jacqui and Morales exchanged glances before nodding as well. “We’ll go too,” Morales said, pressing his lips together.
Then, to everyone’s surprise, Merle, who had been sitting a bit further away with Daryl, let out a sarcastic laugh before speaking. “Well, I don’t want to miss the fun. Somebody’s gotta make sure you don’t get yourselves killed out of sheer stupidity.”
Shane shot Merle a distrustful look but didn’t comment. Then he turned to you, noticing the expression on your face. “I’ll stay back at the camp. Someone needs to keep things safe here while the rest of you go,” he continued before you could offer your own suggestion.
“I want to go too,” you said, surprising some of the people present. All eyes turned to you, especially Glenn, who immediately shook his head.
“No, no. It’s too dangerous. You’ve got Alice to think about, and the city... well, you know what it means. It’s no place for you,” Glenn said, his genuine concern clear in his tone. His gaze sought to persuade you without making you feel bad, but you were determined.
You understood his concern, but you weren’t willing to back down so easily. “I know, but that doesn’t mean I can’t help. I’m not going to sit here while you all risk your lives for something we all need. I can take care of myself, and I can be useful. Alice will be safe here with Carol.”
Dale, who had been listening quietly, intervened with his calm yet firm voice. “She’s right, Glenn. Everyone here needs to contribute in some way, and if she feels she can do it, who are we to say no?”
Shane crossed his arms, eyeing you with a mix of respect and skepticism. “Are you sure you know what you’re getting into? The city’s not for everyone.”
“I know,” you insisted, holding Shane’s gaze and then Glenn’s. “I know it’s dangerous, but I also know I can help. I’m not a burden, and I don’t want to be treated like one.”
There was a heavy silence, and finally, Glenn sighed, giving in. “Alright, but you stay close to us at all times. And if something goes wrong, you head back to the camp immediately, got it?”
You nodded, grateful they’d finally given you the chance. “Got it.”
Shane nodded too, though his expression remained serious. “Good. We’ll prep at dawn. And I hope everyone comes back in one piece.”
11 notes · View notes
kyberblade · 2 years
Carry You With Me (Din x Reader) - Back To You Drabble
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A/N: This is for Dincember 2022 days 23-25, Ribbon, Love, and Holiday. It’s set in the Back To You universe, where? I have no idea
. (Is kinda a continuation of the first few.) This is just fluff and I love it. I had a lot of fun coming back to these characters. There are parts of this that won’t make complete sense if you haven’t read Part 6 of Back To You, but you can, in theory, read it as a stand alone.
A/N 2: This is the last drabble for Dincember 2022. I have had an absolute blast writing all of these, and reached my goal of incorporating every day somehow. I hope you all enjoyed them as much as I did writing them. Merry Christmas! (And happy holidays!)
I do not own Star Wars or it’s characters. Sadly. But I carry them in my heart. Does that count for something? My soul says yes.
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, Grogu being the cutest thing you ever did see, Din is once again a warning in and of himself in this one. Maybe like one or two light swear words? Space swearing. Mando’a. Typical show violence.
Word count: 7,568 (I regret nothing.)
Series Masterlist | Dincember 2022 Masterlist
“We need to do some repairs,” Din said, facing the console as he fiddled with some buttons. When you didn’t respond immediately, he flicked a switch on the far side with a small flourish. 
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was trying to avoid your gaze
. You narrowed your eyebrows as you studied the back of his helmet. “Okay
.” You drug out the word suspiciously. “Didn’t we just fix everything on-”
“No,” he cut you off simply, hesitating, his hand hovering over the console before it resumed his mindless attention to seemingly nothing. “Something else broke,” he finally offered weakly.
You raised one brow before you turned your focus out the viewport in front of you. “Fine.” Arms crossed over your chest, you settled back into your seat, letting your eyes drift shut as a small smile twisted up your cheek. “I miss Peli, anyway.”
Peeking one eye open, you saw Din take in a deep breath, his shoulders rising and falling with the motion as he let it out on a heavy sigh. Rolling your eyes, you let your head rest against the seat, sleep coming not far behind. 
When you woke up, the ship was orbiting Tatooine, the large ball of sand filling the viewport.
Stretching in your seat with a groan, you yawned as you tried to rub the sleep from your eyes. “That was fast.”
“You’ve been asleep for hours.” Din’s amused voice drifted to you from his spot in the pilot's seat, and you blinked to try and see him through the haze of sleep still heavy on your mind.
“Sorry. I didn’t realize I was so tired. I guess that’s what happens when you get older
.” Rolling your head where it rested against the seat, you turned to look at the kid with a lazy grin. “You’re older than both of us. Tell me, little one, is that just a sign of age?”
His answer was a series of babbles and gurgles from where he stood on his chair, which you nodded to emphatically at times that seemed appropriate. “Ah. I see. Well, I’ll have to keep that in mind.”
“Did you actually understand him?” Din turned in his seat to face you as the ship began the landing process automatically.
You rolled your head to face him with a grin. “You heard him! He said I’m always right and you should always listen to me because I’m wise and brilliant.”
“Eh?” The child tilted his head at you, his already wrinkled brow furrowed in confusion.
“No, I think he said that I am the smart one here.”
“Eh? Patu!” The kid turned his head to Din, the wrinkle of confusion even deeper.
Looking between the two of you, he let out a mighty huff, plopping back to sit in his chair with what you swore was a roll of his eyes as he focused on his ball. 
The ship touched down in hangar 3-5 easily, dust kicking up as you peered through the viewport, smiling when you saw Peli looking up at the Crest through a squint, her hand shielding her eyes from the suns.
“Ad’ika, guess who we’re about to see
.” You turned to the child with an exaggerated whisper, grin spreading wider at his squeal of sheer excitement. (“Little one.”)
He started to try and squirm down out of his seat, making Din let out a soft huff of laughter. “Easy, kid. She’s not going anywhere. Her droids would pitch a fit
“Oh, yeah. Her droids.” Hands on your hips, you narrowed your eyes at him playfully. “It has nothing to do with you liking that she’s on a backwater, out of the way, Outer Rim oasis? Easier for you to come in and out of undetected?”
“I mean, that’s a plus for sure, but she most definitely isn’t staying because of me.” He stood up from his seat, tilting his head at you, his weight easy and relaxed on one side, his leg bent casually. “Have you met her?”
Rolling your eyes, you scooped up the child just before he could start down the open hatch to the lower level, ignoring his indignant squawk as he squirmed in your arms.
“I’m just saying that
. Kid?” Both of you turned your attention down to the flailing green creature secured in your grasp, frustrated little grunts the only sound in the cockpit as he tried to push out of your embrace. “Is there a problem, ad’ika?”
With an exasperated huff, he just turned a weary look up your way, scowling as he began to jabber nonsense emphatically. 
Nodding after a long run on sentence of gibberish, you fought the smile trying to break through. “Okay. Got it.”
“What did he say this time?” Din snorted in amusement. 
“No idea,” you smirked, both laughing softly when the child let out a heavy sigh and went slack against your hold, giving up the fight. “Aw, sorry, buddy. Soon. Soon you’ll be talking our ears off, I know it.”
Turning, you made your way down the ladder to the lower level, Din dropping down after you.
“Where’s my womp rat?”
The voice echoed around the empty ship from the bottom of the ramp, the chitter of pit droids coloring in the background as the kid’s ears perked up at the sound. 
He looked up at you excitedly before turning back towards the ramp, leaning ever so slightly forward in your arms. Making your way to the top of the ramp, the child gasped softly when Peli came into view.
“There he is!” She was beaming. Her voice softened, like she was telling a secret. “Hello, bright eyes!” Extending her arms toward him as you descended the ramp, she made grabby hands as she said, “Give me. Gimme, gimme, gimme.” R5 blurted an annoyed sound, making her send it a sideways glare. “Yeah, yeah, hush. You know I love you, too.” Focusing back on the kid now in her arms, she smiled softly again. “But this one is my favorite.” The droid made a sound that sounded like blowing a raspberry before it wheeled off in a hurry, bleeping and blooping away.
Peli snapped her head toward the droid after the fourth or fifth chirp. “Oh, that’s nice. You save all the best words for when we have visitors, don’t ya?” Rolling her eyes, she focused back on your little party as the droid let out a final whoop before it disappeared around a corner on the far side of the hangar. 
“I need that part,” Din said, straight to the point, making you huff.
“Hi, Peli. Good to see you, too,” you said pointedly, shooting him a look as you wrapped your friend in a quick hug, careful not to also squish the child.
She laughed softly, releasing you after a moment and waving her hand dismissively. “It’s okay, I’m used to it. This is actually a step up, believe it or not.”
“Oh, I believe it.” You cast him a sideways glance before rolling your eyes. 
Din looked between the two of you for a long moment. “The part?” His visor stayed on you with a slight tilt when you let out a heavy sigh. 
“Ah, yes, the part.” Venturing into her workshop, Peli called for you over her shoulder. “Why don’t you help me out with this one. Might be helpful to know how to in the future.”
You followed her, but knit your brows in confusion. “Oh, I’m not a mechanic-”
“You can do wiring though, right?” She picked through a bin, her whole arm disappearing in its depths as she searched for something specific.
.” You watched a wheel she tossed mindlessly behind her roll past you across the floor. 
With a cry of triumph, she pulled a complicated looking mechanism out of the bin, holding it high by her head as she turned to face you with a smile. “Then this will be easier than winning a pod race blindfolded.”
You blinked. “That sounds-”
She nodded. “Hard. This is going to be hard. I just wanted to sound optimistic.” A grimace worked its way up her face, one of her pit droids twiddling its hands nervously by her side as it looked between the three of you.
A gentle touch on your elbow drew your attention away, and up to the visor that always seemed to already be fixed on you before you could look. “I’ve got to go to the market, anyway, mesh’la. Why don’t you help her, it’ll go twice as fast that way.”
You turned to face him fully, hands going to your hips while your eyes narrowed in suspicion. “I feel like you’re trying to get rid of me
He scoffed, answering much too quickly, which was answer enough. “Don’t be an idiot.”
Grinning, you crossed your arms over your chest, head tilting to the side as you waited only long enough to make him squirm before you responded. “It’s hard when I’m around one all the time. It rubs off. Contagious.”
Shaking his head, Din turned to leave the hangar. “You think you’re so funny,” he mumbled under his breath.
“I know I am!” You called after him, laughing when he waved your comment off without turning around. 
Din quickly walked through the market, people keeping a wide berth as usual. He didn’t mind. It made things faster.
He smelled the booth before he saw it. The smell of sweets permeating the air. His stomach rumbled at the thought, his mouth watering as they came into sight, but he had things to do first. There’d be plenty of time to indulge later.
As he approached the sweets vendor, she startled slightly, and he apologized.
“No, don’t be sorry!” She reached out, placing a hand on his arm. “I just didn’t expect to see you again! Not in a place like this.” He tilted his head in question, and she smiled softly. “You and your friend are too good for this place. Souls like the two of you don’t last long here. Not that I mind having you around, I just don’t want to see this place chew you up and spit you out like it has the rest of us.”
Din sighed in understanding. “We’ve already been through and to the other side of that process, just not here.”
Her eyes grew sad. “I’m sorry to hear that. But sometimes that doesn’t break a person, like it usually would.” She put a hand on his chest plate. “Some people are made like your armor. Strong. Tough. They endure.” A lopsided smirk climbed up her face. “And sometimes they are lucky enough to find each other.” She chuckled softly. “Together? Well, you know there isn’t much of anything that can break beskar.” She rapped her knuckles on his pauldron. “Only a weapon of the same steel could pierce that. At the same time, bringing the same steel together can only make it stronger.” She smiled. “Be careful what you forge as you walk through the fires.”
What was it about Tatooine that all the wisest people he met seemed to congregate here? All he could do was nod as he stared at the woman, absorbing what she had said. Before he could flounder for a response that might distract him further off topic, he remembered why he came here. 
“I’m looking for the girl we got the scarf for last time. Sola. Have you seen her?”
The old lady smiled fondly. “She comes by everyday to say hi. Sweet girl. She should be here by now.” Worry clouded her features as she began to glance around the different stalls, searching for the familiar face.
A commotion behind Din drew his attention across the street to the stall where the scarf had come from. 
.Where the di'kut worked. The or'dinii was yelling at a young girl walking past. “I told you not to come back here!” He stepped closer to her, his voice lowering to something sinister. “Or do I need to remind you?” (“Idiot.”) (“Moron.”)
“Utreekov,” Din hissed under his breath. (“Fool.”/Lit. “Emptyhead.”)
The girl just continued to walk past, her head down, until she turned toward the sweets stand, lifting her gaze right before she ran straight into Din. “It’s you,” she whispered so softly he barely heard it.
He saw red. He was already livid that another girl was being treated this way, but Sola? Being treated that way again? By the same-
“I told you to leave her alone.” He was across the street and in the man’s face before he’d fully processed how he felt or what he was going to do. His voice stayed calm, however, deceivingly calm to anyone just passing by. “Or do I need to jog your memory?” The man swallowed roughly as his eyes darted down to Din’s hand on his blaster, but then his eyes darted up to the visor and he scoffed, turning to walk away, only to freeze when Din spoke again, his voice even lower now. “Don’t make me repeat myself
. Again. You won’t like it.”
Turning to cross the street, Din was prepared to leave it alone after that, but the man started to laugh, making Din slow to a stop, his shoulders rising and falling in a heavy sigh as the man spoke to his back.
“I thought I told you never to come back here, Mando.”
The man suddenly found himself laid out flat on the ground, looking up at the bright, blue sky as he let out a cough. Trying to get his bearings after a moment, his eyes landed on the Mandalorian towering over him by his feet.
“And I thought I told you to stop being an asshole.”
“There’s no bounty on me. This is against guild policy, it has to be!” He spit the words angrily up at the Mandalorian, trying to get back on his feet, but Din was too fast, and quickly laid him out again.
“Never said there was. This is personal. You just annoy me.” The man tried to get up again, but Din put a foot on his chest, applying just enough pressure to make it difficult to breathe. “Now. I need a few things. And you’re gonna supply them for me.” He tilted his head as he looked down at the man. “Free of charge.”
The vendor grunted, gritting his teeth as he tried to remove Din’s boot, before finally giving up with a loud huff and nodding his agreement. 
“Sola,” Din called over his shoulder. “I need your help for a minute.” He looked back down at the vendor. “I’m a bit busy dealing with the trash.”
As they walked back to Sola’s house after gathering a few items, Din explained what was going on. 
.and I was hoping you could help me with the whole thing.”
She nodded eagerly up at him. “Absolutely! I’ve wondered if I’d ever see her again ever since you both left!” Looking down, she kicked at the sand as they walked in silence. “I’m sorry for that man.”
“Kaysh mirsh solus.” (“He's an idiot.”/Lit. “His brain cell is lonely.”)
“What does that mean?”
Din laughed at the way she scrunched up her face in confusion. “He’s an idiot. Don’t worry about it. He got what was coming to him.”
The two of them stepped up to the front of her little home, and she paused, staring at the door for a long moment before looking up into his visor. “Still. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” When she turned back toward the door, he added under his breath, “It was kinda fun.”
Sola waved her hand over the pad by the doorway, making the door open with a hiss. She paid no mind to Din as he hovered on the threshold behind her, watching her bustle around the house gathering this and that. 
“Mom, dad, I’m home!” She shoved a few things in a satchel, pausing in thought before she took an item out and put it back, grabbing something else and shoving it in the bag earnestly before moving on to another pile of things. “I have to go back out. My friends are visiting again, and I need to help plan a party!" Her voice went up on the end, Din wincing at the slight squeal, wondering briefly how he could weaponize that because that would bring some to their knees with that pitch.
Looking a bit further into the house, Din noticed a man standing in a doorway near the back, and a woman sitting in a chair at a nearby table, both frozen and staring wide eyed at the Mandalorian that had been revealed on the other side of their door, hovering at their threshold. Their eyes darted nervously, looking between beskar and child anxiously, their wide eyes reminding him of some bird-like creatures he’d come across once or twice. They shared a look of trepidation before their eyes danced back over his armor yet again.
Sola, ever the astute child, noticed this, letting out a huff as she looked between all three adults and put her hand on her hip. "He's in love with the lady who gave me the scarf.” She spoke in a tone that should have been beyond her years, the obvious hint and dry sarcasm dripping off every word made Din want to roll his eyes. Her voice softened over the next words, and Din shifted his weight as he realized that day had a much bigger impact on her than he realized. “They got the vendor to leave us alone.” 
Her parents’ features softened slightly, studying the Mandalorian now with more curiosity than open fear. 
“It's an important day for her, and he wants to get her something special, then give it to her tonight across town over at, um....” She looked at Din with a furrowed brow. “Where is it again?"
Din chuckled softly, smiling under his helmet, amused at her antics. She reminded him of you. “Hangar 3-5.”
Her eyes flew open wide. "Oh yeah! You promised I could see your ship!” 
Her parents’ eyes went wide again as they shared another look.
“Got my ribbons
. I've been collecting them for years. Have to save up a lot to get them.” She stared at them in her hands fondly. “We can decorate the outside of the ship-”
Both of her parents piped up, overlapping one another, “Sola-” “Sweetheart-”
Din cut in, choosing his words carefully. “I promise, she will be completely safe with me. With us.” Her parents didn’t look convinced. “I'll walk her home myself when everything is over. My.... My friend really loves your daughter, they grew very attached on our last visit, and it would mean a lot if she could see her again. It would only be your daughter and my, er.... Son, along with the owner of the hangar, who's a good friend, that's it. Completely safe.” He hoped stumbling over the words hadn’t botched the whole thing. He was really and truly out of his element here. But he’d do it all again for you.
Sola's dad walked forward, staring Din in the visor with a grim look, making Din straighten his spine before he offered his hand to shake. “Thank you for watching out for our little girl.”
Din let out a heavy sigh of relief, shaking the man’s hand, laughing softly when the beginnings of a smile started climbing the man’s face. He offered a single nod as he looked at her mother still sitting in the chair, who returned the gesture with a similar grin.  
“It's nothing. She didn't deserve to be treated the way that piece of bantha shi-” Din stopped short, looking over at Sola before he continued, “That idiot was treating her.”
Sola whispered to her mom loudly, over dramatically, a wide grin on her face. “I told you he was nice.”
“I can see that, Sola,” her mom mused quietly, eyes darting conspiratorially towards Din.
Din chuckled. “Would you want to join us for the party?” He looked at her mom. “Maybe you could help set up the, er.... Ribbons? That's not exactly my strong suit.”
Her parents chuckled, nodding, a feeling of ease finally settling over the room, making Din let out a relieved sigh. 
Her dad looked at her affectionately, before turning back to the Mandalorian. “We'd love to.”
Sola shoved the ribbons into her mom's arms, making the woman let out a gentle huff of air as she fumbled the mass of colored cloth. “Here, take these, then. We gotta go get some other things first.” She narrowed her eyes at Din, as if speaking of highly sensitive material. “We're on a mission.”
Din nodded. “A very important one.” He stepped back to the side, light from Tatooine’s dual suns pouring into the room now that he no longer blocked the doorway. “Come on, verd'ika,” he held out his hand for her, nodding once more to her parents as she grabbed an empty satchel and charged his way excitedly, grabbing his hand. “We have work to do.” (“Little soldier.”)
Din had left Sola with the sweets vendor while he went to get the kid to help pick out the last thing they needed. 
“Oh, you’re back!” You said happily, wiping your brow as you straightened your spine, having been hunched over a table working on the complicated part. Your eyes moved up and down his armor once before your brow quirked in question. “
.Without any of the supplies you went to get.”
“I need the kid to help me get them,” he answered honestly, if not somewhat timidly.
“Okay,” you drug out the word, both brows raised as you turned your attention back to the part.
Din hovered for only a minute before he turned and practically ran out of the hangar and back to the booth.
He grimaced as the two tiny members of his party chose the pastry. It was huge and sugary, and sure it was free because the vendor remembered you and said their credits are no good here, and she’s even throwing in some extras for the kids and Din. But surely it's a new form of torture he can implement, giving people something so sweet it makes them sick. He can only imagine how incredibly effective it would be, watching the kid and Sola practically drool over it as it’s packed away.
Glancing across the street, purely for curiosity, he meets the gaze of the other vendor. The man has the audacity to stand up straighter, puff out his chest challengingly, and smirk at Din.
“I think we need something else, too.” Din said after a moment, making his way over to the booth, feigning interest in something on display. “I just want to be sure you understood.” 
“You don’t scare me.” The obviously very scared vendor sneered.
Turning his focus to the man, Din tilted his head just slightly. “Well, that’s your mistake.” 
A short while later Din crossed back over to the booth where Sola looked on with the sweet old lady and the kid, final item in hand.
“I think that’s everything,” he mused quietly, glancing over all the items. “Let’s head over to the hangar.”
“Remember what I said, Mando.”
Looking at the old woman, he nodded when she rapped her knuckle on his beskar like she had before. Turning, he followed after Sola, who was carrying the kid, for a few steps, before he stopped, turning back towards the old woman. “Thank
There was no one there.
.you.” Looking all around, she was nowhere to be found, it was like she had vanished into thin air. Staring at the space she had just stood for another long moment, Din finally turned, and caught up with the others. 
Din peeked his head around the corner, looking into the back room where you sat.
Cradling your head in your hands as you stared down at the part on the table, elbows braced on either side of it, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the scowl on your face, making you jump.
“Dank fari- Din!” Your eyes shot up at the sound, turning into a glare as your hand went over your heart. “Don’t do that!”
“Sorry.” Coming the rest of the way into the room, he leaned his hip against the table you were working at as you resumed your staring, or rather glaring, at the part.
“Something wrong?” He asked after a moment of silence, leaning back slightly when you turned the glare slowly up toward him. “I’m frustrated, dirty, sweaty.” Leaning back in your chair, you gestured to the mechanism with a huff. “I’m not convinced what she gave me is actually even a real part at all but rather some torture device from hell meant for people who teased a small green baby.”
With a soft chuckle, Din lowered to his haunches beside the table, reaching for the part. “Let me help.”
“It’s really complicated, I-”
With a simple twist, it clicked, and he set it back down. 
You stared at it blankly. “No. There’s no way.”
“It’s okay. It took me three days to figure it out the first time.” He brought his hand to rest gently on your knee from his perch on the floor. 
Rolling your head to the side, you looked at him skeptically.
“It’s true! Besides, I’m not running around the galaxy with you because you’re some amazing mechanic or something.”
“Oh, you’re not?” You can’t help the chuckle that paints your words.
“No. I mean, it would be nice, but no.” You scoffed, shoving his shoulder slightly and making a small noise of triumph when he actually wobbled a bit. “You’re good for other things, mesh’la.” His voice was teasing, and sounded like he was smiling wide under the helmet.
“Yeah? Like what?” You leaned your head back slightly, looking at him down your nose.
“Everything else.” He answered without missing a beat, holding your gaze with what was probably now a shit eating grin under there.
He laughed, rising back to his full height, holding a hand out for you. “Come on. I’ve got something to show you.”
Scrunching your face up like you ate something sour, you started to whine. “Din,” drawing out the vowel, you tried to go limp so you wouldn’t have to move. “It’s not something else you want me to fix, is it?” Finally getting to your feet begrudgingly, you shuffled forward with a small pout, staring at the sand as you trudged behind Din, making him pull you along just a bit.
Once you were in the main hangar, you sighed, rolling your eyes as you looked up toward the Crest. “What do I have to fix n-”
The ship had colorful ribbons hanging from the ramp opening that moved in a gentle breeze. Some sparkly ship parts you’d seen sitting around the hangar hung from the wing, catching the sunlight and scattering it around. Two of Peli’s pit droids were perched on the top of the wing, making Din grunt when he noticed.
Drawing his blaster, he aimed it at the little helpers. “Get off my ship before I take you off.”
“And it’s officially a Mandalorian gathering,” you muttered quietly as the droids scattered quickly.
Taking another look around, you noticed a fire pit with roaring flames crackling inside it. Gathered round the fire you saw Peli holding the child, her droids, a man and a woman you didn’t recognize, and a little girl-
“Sola?” You don’t know if you said it out loud or not. You must have because she’s quick to smile at you and run over, wrapping you in a hug as you let out a soft oof! from the impact. 
“It’s a special day for you, and we wanted it to be the best,” Sola mumbled into your shoulder, making your smile grow. Reaching your hand up to cradle the back of her head, your hand touches something soft and you realize it’s her scarf. 
Pulling back to arms length to look at her, you pinch the fabric between your thumb and index finger. “Just as gorgeous as I remember,” you say, not talking about the scarf. “I missed you.”
Turning your face up toward Din, you pull Sola close, your cheek smooshed against hers while you talk, making her start to giggle. “What’s the occasion?”
“We’re celebrating you.” He said with an affectionate tilt of his head.
Sola grabbed your cheeks between her hands, turning you to face her again. “It’s your birthday, silly. Or had you forgotten?”
Your eyes flew open wide, and you turned back to Din. “No, it’s not. I would remem-” Looking absently off into the lengthening shadows of the hangar as night set in, you realized. “Dank farrik, it is my birthday.”
Everyone began to laugh softly, making you tuck your head in embarrassment.
“It’s okay,” Sola said cheerfully, beginning to pull you toward the man and woman you still didn’t recognize. “We forgive you. But now that you remember, come meet my parents so we can eat the pastries.”
Sola walked up to you with a shy grin, her hands behind her back as her eyes kept darting to the ground and her bottom lip worried between her teeth.
Tilting your head to the side, you smiled at her, extending your arm to lightly grab her elbow and pull her closer to you, earning a soft giggle from the girl. “And what are you up to, verd'ika?”
“What does that mean?” Her mother asked from her spot across the fire.
“Little soldier,” Din’s voice was low and warm, full of affection he’d never voice past a name in Mando’a.
“That’s what he calls me,” she wrinkled her nose and pointed to Din.
“Well, fine. I can call you ad’ika.”
“What’s that?” This time it was her dad asking.
“Little one,” Din mumbled in that low voice, the kid’s ears perking up as he began to amble over toward his father. “It’s what she calls the kid.”
“I am not a kid,” Sola grumbled. 
.” Her mother warned, but you held up a hand, laughing softly.
“No, it’s fine. Hmmm
. What does your name mean?”
She hung her head slightly. “She who is alone.”
Your heart sunk, but you kept your reaction minimal, tisking as you shook your head. “That just won’t do. You are not alone. So how about this?” Reaching out, you gripped both of her shoulders and pulled her closer, lowering your voice closer to a whisper. “Cyare'se. It means loved ones.” You placed a hand on the top of her head, smoothing her hair back before letting it fall to the side where you cupped her face. “Which is exactly what you are.”
Sola nodded, smiling brilliantly, which gave you an idea. Leaning in even closer, a mischievous grin worked its way up your face. “But just for fun, I’m also going to call you daworir’ika.” 
Din burst out laughing, so hard it turned into a cough, making him sit upright on the box he was perched on as he tried to catch his breath.
Sola looked between the two of you with knit brows, her features melting into something flat when Din explained after clearing his throat, “Little stink.”
Watching an array of emotions swim across her face, most of them full of spunk and sass, you finally couldn’t hold it in any longer, and began laughing loudly yourself, soon joined by the rest of the party. Sola glanced around, embarrassed by the new wave of laughter, and you pulled her tight into a hug, cooing at her softly as you rubbed her back.
“I’m just teasing.” Turning into her ear, you whispered, “That’s actually what I call him,” you tilted your head subtly toward Din, making her start to giggle. “Well, more like ori’daworir - big stink.” She started to really laugh at that, making you pull away slightly to watch the pure joy on her face as she threw her head back with the effort. “No, no, your special name is ka’ra’ika.” 
Her laughter faded back to small giggles as she met your gaze, her eyes bright and dancing with happiness again. When they flicked over to Din in question, they widened at his rumbled response. 
“Little star.”
Her giggles faded to just a blinding smile, as she looked over her shoulder at her parents before looking back at you and nodding. “I can work with that.”
“Hey, tiny, give her the present,” Peli prodded softly from her spot across the fire, the kid perched happily in her arms.
“Oh yeah!” Sola exclaimed, bringing her hands around to her front and presenting them to you, both fists closed tight. “No peeking.” She made sure to catch your eyes with her own and mumble, “A beautiful gift for a beautiful lady,” before she opened her hands to reveal the gift.
Your breath caught in your chest, not from the present, but from her words, something remembered from what felt like forever ago. 
“Of course. And we have one more thing for you.” You reached into the bag, hand closing around the scarf, then stilling as you looked at her, her eyes curious as she tried to peer into the bag. “No peeking.”
She leaned back, giggling.
You slapped your palm to your forehead, pulling it away quickly and holding it out to her in question. “I almost forgot. What’s your name, sweetheart?”
“Sola,” she said shyly.
“Sola. That is an amazing name. Well, Sola, my friend Mando here and I heard you liked a certain scarf at the vendors across the street
Tears welled in your eyes as you tried to remember how to breathe. Another memory flashed in your mind. 
Pulling it out of the bag slowly, you would never forget the sound of her little gasp of delight. She took it from your hands gingerly, as if it were something precious, and looking back up at you, her lip began to tremble, tears brimming in her eyes.
Taking it from her hands, you delicately wrapped it around her neck, using the end to pat away her tears.
“There. A gorgeous scarf for a gorgeous girl.”
She smiled, swiping at a few errant tears, picking up the end of the material and admiring it. “Thank you,” she whispered.
“You’re welcome.” Glancing down at the bag, you saw your own scarf resting just inside. “I got one, too,” you said almost scandalously, leaning in like it was a secret. Lifting the scarf just barely out of the lip of the bag, you continued. “We could match-”
She took the material out of your hands gently, wrapping it around your neck with care, patting it lovingly once she was done, and smiled. “There. A beautiful scarf for a beautiful lady.”
You opened your mouth, but no words came out, so you settled for a smile her direction, and a nod.
Blinking a few times to try and clear your vision, you sniffed as subtly as you could, darting your eyes to Din when you felt his hand come to rest on your lower back. Looking down at her outstretched hands, you forgot how to breathe all over again. 
“I asked Mando what hyperspace looked like, because I’ve never been.” She spoke softly, almost like speaking to an infant. “I used my favorite, because
. Well, because you’re my favorite, and you deserve it.”
A black ribbon, satiny and sleek, out of place in hangar 3-5, wove delicately around much finer strands of string that were vibrant purple, blue, and silver, only visible if you looked closely, at just the right angle. It looked every bit like the view through the transparisteel on the Crest every time it made the jump.
Sola reached forward, beginning to wrap it around your upper arm. Around and around, three or four times, covering the whole of your upper arm in its embrace. Looking down to the left to watch her hands expertly weave the fibers, you listened as she continued. 
“You wear it here, close to your heart, so that you carry me with you always. I can lend you strength when you need it, advice if you’re lost, or just listen.” She patted it after tying it off. “Your little star.”
“Ka’ra’ika.” You nodded, whispering the best you could do. With a tight smile you added, “I’ll keep you with me always.” Swallowing roughly, you reached out to take her hand, holding it tightly as you fought to strengthen your voice. “You knew just what I needed, Sola. Somehow you always do. Thank you.” You managed a stronger smile somehow, your voice still a broken whisper, despite the way Din’s thumb slowly traced soothing patterns on your back. “I love it.”
Her smile this time was meek, reserved, and you realized she’d suddenly gone shy under the somewhat intense exchange. You were about to say something when she launched at you, wrapping her small arms around your neck in a tight hug, Din’s hand at your back spread wide to support you against the impact. 
Quick to return the embrace, you held her small frame close to you, smiling as you tucked your face near her ear, your right hand coming up to cradle the back of her head that was tucked into your shoulder. Speaking softly, you whispered words of thanks, over and over, gently rocking her side to side. 
After a long moment, you pulled back to arms length, tucking her hair behind her ear before letting your hand fall to her shoulder. “I’ll wear it everywhere. Then I’ll come back and tell you all about it.”
Sola retreated over to her parents, and Peli still held the child, letting him ride around on the droids as he squealed in joy, so you turned to Din, swiping at an errant tear that fell from the motion. 
Eyes darting all over his helmet, then the hangar, you finally settled on your hands as they rested in your lap. “I wasn’t expecting that.” A chuckle of disbelief coated your words, followed by a sigh. Fiddling with your fingers mindlessly, you continued, “I mean, before, we just
. We only
.” You turned back up to his visor, whispering. “It was only a scarf.”
“It was more than that, and you know it,” Din prodded softly. “You took care of a monster in her life.”
“We did.” You rested a hand on his knee. “As I recall, you did most of the scaring.”
“By threatening him when he looked at you funny.” He tilted his head. “So, really, it was all you.”
“You’re unbelievable,” you muttered under your breath as you turned to face the fire again, holding your palms out toward the heat, smirking at his soft chuckle. Without thinking, your right hand drifted up to trace over the new arm band, learning every line and crevice. 
“Well, here. You have one more thing to open. This one’s from me.” Din reached down beside the box he sat on, pulling up a small package wrapped in simple brown paper and tied with twine in a bow on top.
“Din, really,” keeping your voice low, you took the gift and set it in your lap as you held his gaze. “All of this has been enough. You didn’t have to-”
“No, but I wanted to, and I did, so don’t offend me, mesh’la, and just open it.”
Your jaw dropped as you simply blinked up at him in shock for a long minute before you turned to the package. “Fine. I hope it was expensive,” you mumbled in aggravation, shaking your head gently at his soft chuckle.
Flipping it over, you opened the small package, pulling on the twine tied in a neat little bow at the top. You mumbled nonsense as you went, pausing when you heard Sola start to say something. 
“I tied it,” she said proudly.
“Patu!” The child chirped.
Gesturing to him with her thumb, Sola grinned. “He helped.”
You chuckled. “Well, it’s beautiful, thank you.” Ripping the simple brown paper open, you paused when you saw black fabric folded neatly. Tracing your fingers over the stitches along the seams, you turned to look at the visor already tilted down toward you. "Din, we can't afford this. How-"
Shifting his weight in his seat slightly, Din’s voice grew smug. “That vendor from last time, the one with the scarves?” You nodded, your face melting into something unimpressed as you arched a brow at him. “He really didn't want me to come back. ....again."
Sola beamed, rising to her feet and stuck one out to the side, resting it on her toe at a flashy angle. "He gave me a new pair of shoes! Aren't they pretty?!" She modeled them while the child cooed in fascination, staring at them with wide eyes.
"Yes, they are!” You agreed, leaning over towards Din after a second, and speaking in a low voice. “Is
 ...is the kid in a new robe?"
"Eat your cake." He leaned back on his palms, his tone highly amused.
"And Peli has new gloves, she's been fiddling with them all night-"
Din picked a piece of pastry up and shoved it gently in your mouth, his voice low as he chuckled, "I said, eat. Your. Cake. Mesh'la."
Giving him a skeptical look as you chewed, you took the material out the package and flicked it open with a flourish.
Swallowing your bite of pastry, you hesitated as you eyed the garment. “A raincoat?” You slowly turned to face your beskar clad companion. “On Tatooine?”
“I thought it was ironic.” He shrugged a shoulder. Leaning back once again, he rested on his palms with a soft groan. “Plus, we won’t always be on Tatooine.”
“True,” you hummed, smiling as you admired the coat. “But we have a way of always ending up back here.”
Both of you looked across the fire at the small gathering as they laughed and enjoyed themselves, Sola’s parents doing much the same as you from their spot a few feet away. 
The four of you just watched, shaking your heads as the kid, Sola, and Peli all devoured huge pieces of pastry like it was nothing.
“I’d say we have a good enough reason to keep coming back,” Din mused softly.
The squeals and laughter of the children echoed off the walls of the hangar, Peli saying something ridiculous as she chased after them, fingers in front of her wiggling like some kind of monster, and a gaggle of droids beeping and trilling at the back of the pack as they sped along to catch up.
“I’d say we have plenty,” you agreed, bumping his shoulder with your own, smiling at his soft chuckle.
After a moment of just watching the happy scene, you looked down at the fire as it crackled and sparked. “How did you know it was my birthday?” Your voice was barely loud enough to be heard, but you saw Din’s head turn your way out of the corner of your eye.
“The better question is, how did you forget?”
You held up a hand, staring straight toward the fire. “Yeah, yeah. Okay. I’ve been busy, okay?” Shooting him a sideways look as he let out another chuckle, you huffed, lowering your hand back to your lap. “Now just answer the question, please.”
He leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees, his hands clasped in front of him. “You mentioned it at the bar once. I
. I never forgot it. I sent you stuff every year on your birthday it just
.. wasn’t always on time. This is the first time I’ve actually been with you on your birthday. I wanted to make it special.”
Looking around once again, you chuckled. “Well, you did that.” Turning to look up into his visor, your voice once again grew quiet. “Thank you.”
He nodded, leaning over to whisper in your ear. "Brikase gote'tuur!" (“Happy birthday!”)
You smiled. "Vor entye." (“Thank you.”/Lit. “I accept a debt.”)
He pulled back slightly with a gentle shake of his head. "You owe me nothing-"
"I owe you a lot.” You smiled as you looked around the hangar again, before returning to the T of his visor. “I owe you everything."
You looked back over to the kid, Sola, and Peli and smiled, laughing when the little BD droid began hopping around them all in excitement.
A knuckle began to trace near your elbow, just above your beskar, slowly dragging back and forth as his words came out on a low murmur. "Then let's just call it even."
Bringing your left hand across, you gently took his hand in yours, knitting your fingers together with a gentle squeeze as you smiled softly at him. "Sounds fine to me."
Both of you watched, shaking your heads as the kid, Sola, and Peli all ate huge pieces of pastry again, all three giggling like fools as crumbs tumbled out of their mouths.
Leaning your head over on his shoulder with a sigh, his coming over to lean against the top of your head, you smiled. “Yeah. We’ve got a lot of reasons to come back here.”
Tags: @ren-ni, @hoodedbirdie, @rennalouise, @kurlyfrasier, @what-the-heckin-heck, @deceiverofgodss, @Littleshadow17, @nghtwngs, @yourcoolauntie, @queenmalhinewahine, @lam-ila, @jesseeka, @come-hell-or-eldren-fire, @creativeautistic, @lemonsandraspberries, @heyitsaloy, @987coley, @marvel-sw-lover, @just-shut-up-kid, @1800-get-alife, @multifandomsw, @oliviajdjarin, @eeopxlt, @tomskookie, @venusacrossthestars, @sanscas, @veralii, @a-rose-of-amber, @i-own-loki, @lil-writer-523, @starry-supernova, @qweenrogerina, @darkenwolfie, @mischiefnevermanaged94, @tragerlover, @pxl8ed, @peonyophelia, @fullmoonshadowwrites, @Itsavicf, @professionalfangrrl, @immortalbloodhuntress, @scentedthingtidalwave, @reiya-djarin, @canvasandclay333​, @fordo-kixed-rex​, @jxvipike​, @anidiotwhoreads​, @sgt-morgan​, @krussyfed​, @lupinpetersclearwaterodairparker​, @local-mr-frog​, @itzagothamcitysiren​, @jellybeanstacey0519​, @piratequeen-impact​, @cheoriemoawa​, @crazyworldofsiani​, @luvmeijii​, @magic-without-bloop​, @warmdragonfly​ What’s This?
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bnomiko · 1 year
Nocturne ramblings, with spoilers
(This is NOT a rant post. Nor specifically a spoiler post. I'm just making observations and babbling shit about some of the characters in Nocturne thus far.)
I did a spoiler-free ramble post, now time for the other side of the coin, just to let loose a bit...
**SPOILERS** ahoy for Castlevania: Nocturne, S1.
Vampires in general
I'm very happy to see some souped up vampires. Let's face it, the majority of them in the original animation weren't exactly impressive. They were basically people with pointy teeth and like 1 special ability. The fact that 2 1/2 humans could walk into a castle and just waste twenty or thirty of them without taking damage (other than Alucard taking a fist to the mug) felt a bit lackluster.
Oh, but there's a LOT of vampires touching sunlight that aren't going up in flames. You can't just hold a parasol over one and expect them not to combust : p
I said it before, but seriously, give a raise to whoever did his character design. He's absolutely delicious. Those cheekbones! The dragon's eyes! I want to roll myself in his hair like a bug in a rug then slap those meaty thighs...
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I've also watched all his interactions with Mizrak again. I don't understand how the two of them make so much more sense (given that they literally went from "You know my name, tell me yours" to fucking to "I don't love you" to 
 maybe I do
), than like, canon pairing Richter and Annette, who feel about as compelling as a piece of dry toast.
I truly hope he continues playing a little on both sides of the fence. It makes him so much more interesting than the majority of the characters who are simply on one side or the other.
I admit I got all excited thinking he was Alucard in a glamour at first, because when you first see his eyes, there's a gold gleam (of course the second he touched the whip I went, "Ahh, it's Juste.")
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I'm sure it's more that his eyes appear to be a very light gray and catch any candle/firelight, but I'd rather think that the animators were being cheeky and hiding a reference to the fact that when HoD came out, some fans were convinced Juste was Alucard's son.
Talking about who looks like who's offspring, uh
 I almost question if Maxim was doing some sneaking. Doesn't Julia look more like Maxim?? Since they threw out Vampire Killer clause #1, why not throw out the rest of it?
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(I mean... really, who would you think was daddy?)
 I honestly do feel badly for Juste. He's always been one of the forgotten Belmonts, but maybe he was better off forgotten as I think most headcanons imagined him living a quiet retirement with his wife and their husband, surrounded by a massive stockpile of overly gaudy home furnishings, with little grandson Richter visiting and getting lost in all the furniture : )
I already made mention of the fact that she's all of 12 in game canon (and apparently 16 in Nocturne), which makes it all the more awkward that her future boyfriend's already made his appearance when she hasn't even hit her teens yet. I mean
 how is that going to work?
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(Sorry, can't resist reusing this, Richter's reaction is too funny.)
I feel ya, bro.
I was so young and naive when I read The Scarlet Letter that I didn't actually get what it was about at the time lol
 actually took me years to figure it out. And
 yeah, that's it. That's my comment.
Emmanuel (the abbot)
This guy will never get the death he actually deserves. It'll probably be something relatively quick, like falling into a pit of lava *shrug*
Kind of a shame to off her so soon. Her latex collection was impressive.
And of course, Alucard
Okay, I get that he probably just woke up, but maybe a few strokes with a hairbrush before you run out the door, eh buddy?
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Compare to Alucard in the mini artbook/manga for SotN (look at those crisp curls!) waking up after his 300 year nap:
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I don't mind the "washed out" palette as much as others do. He was pretty much the textbook definition of pale in SotN anyhow.
Actually it would've been really damn funny if he'd showed up in his pajamas, screaming, "I hope I'm not too
 wait, what year is it?" *looks at Maria* "Fuck I'm too early!"
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caesars66 · 1 year
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It was another party where my husband Joe flirted with all the other neighborhood wives and pretty much ignored me.  His cute brother Brian, who I really didn't know well, noticed and was kind enough to pay attention to me, and we talked and joked it up a bit.  Our interaction warmed me up in all the right places.
At one point when he was in the kitchen I brushed past him and let my breasts graze his back.  He turned around wide-eyed, I winked, and he responded with a smile that totally melted me.
As usual, my husband just got loaded that night and I didn't get any bedroom action. I woke up horny af and was groggy getting coffee when he stumbled by, heading out for a morning run.  I poured a cup of hot black dark roast and went back into our bedroom and sat on the floor to sip myself awake.
About 5 minutes later my brother-in-law walked in, slightly startling me.  He greeted me with a pleasant good morning but I immediately noticed him staring at my chest, the knit top I slept in clinging to my braless perkies, nipples swollen and erect.  His gaze gave me a rush between my legs.
I don't remember even thinking about what I said to him  next but I must have, mentally calculating whether I should, did I have enough time, all that stuff.  But in any event it was like hearing someone else talking when I told him Joe was out running and would be gone for about a half hour.  And then asked Brian if he'd like a quick blowjob before his brother got back.
Within a minute Brian's cock was out, hard and warm as I rubbed it on my cheeks, kissed the tip, licked the shaft, then wrapped my lips around it as sucked on it, bobbing my head as I slowly jerked it.  I felt Brian's hands in my hair and on my tits as he sighed and told me what a good cocksucker I was, a compliment that just turned up my lust to 10 as I sucked harder and jerked faster, moaning with his now fully huge penis filling my mouth.
I could have gone on blowing him forever but my wife alarm went off, sensing Joe's return was imminent, so I took Brian's cock out of my mouth and dirty talked as I pulled on it with long strokes, asking him if he was going to cum, telling him I wanted to taste his thick semen, inviting him to make me his bitch, all that.
I could tell he was trying to hold off from shooting, hoping to prolong the pleasure, so I notched up the nastiness as I alternated between sucking him and babbling filth.  Then, I suggested that I might fuck him later.  His dick got even bigger when I said that and I knew he was close.  So I looked up into his eyes and asked him if he'd like that, like to fuck his brother's young pretty wife and as he grunted "Oh Ann" I knew he was there and put his cock back in my mouth, first blast exploding on my tongue, then pulling it out and masturbating it furiously as he ejaculated several more ropes all over my face and hair and top, finally putting it back in my mouth to suck every last drop out of sperm out of his softening meat.
And not a minute too soon. We heard the front door open and close as I hopped up and scurried to the bathroom just before Joe returned.  Hubby was clueless as to what transpired because when I finally reappeared after cleaning up there was no drama, like nothing ever happened.
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