#i hope they emerge soon
s-h-sarah · 2 years
I have this kalimba for almost 2 years already, an impulse purchase that dented my wallet a little bit. Can't say I improve much from when I first got it. So here! I try my best to transcribe the DUET from OMORI. It can be better though....
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unpretty · 7 months
what i really need is a convention in december for me and all the other non-christian nerds in hostile territory to have an excuse to miss holiday events in a way that doesn't raise eyebrows because it's still consumerist and therefore fine
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darlingknave · 2 years
At the time I’m writing this, I have about seven hours until my top teeth (yes, all of them) and my remaining bottom back teeth are surgically extracted. I wasn’t prepared for this. I’m disabled, trans, and living in a trailer that my landlord/mother charges me 3/4 of my SSI check for. I will never be able to afford dentures.
I can’t help but feel that Crohn’s disease is eating me alive bit by bit. In the past five years I’ve lost six feet of intestine, my colon, my gallbladder, several teeth, and now nine more. I risk the infection spreading further into my jaw bone if I delay any longer.
I am not doing well. I would like some help, please. I won’t be able to keep my weight stable on the diet I have to follow to keep my celiac, crohns, and ileostomy under control if I have no teeth to bite or chew with. The last time I couldn’t eat, I dropped to 92lbs. I am 5’4. I look ‘healthy’ at 140. I could probably get by for a while if I could get some high protein boost or ensure but the price has moved way beyond my means.
If you can help, please do
$jacksoquick <—-ca$h apples
@jacksoquick <—- ven Elmo
Embarrassing as hell but if you can share this, it may help me find somebody able to lend a hand
Edit: if I get $30 I can buy a 24 pack and that’ll give me two liquid meals a day for 12 days. That’s real, tangible, life altering help and I will repay your kindness with a video of my cat when she was six months old trying to unlock a door with her teeth and then spazzing away to play dumb when she realizes I’m recording her
And scandalous pics of her with her brother looking like I’ve just caught them in a compromising position
Update: Jaw infected, pain severe, groggy the teeth are out and I hate it they took my last dime for norco
update2: fully awake now and learned they had to 'trim' the jaw bone what the fuck does that even mean, they swore it won't make me look any stranger than normal but i don't understand how long that takes to recover from or what they've done or anything, they just shoved me out the door and into my ride's car
I can feel a lot more stitches in my mouth than we talked about doing
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supes9 · 10 months
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"You play your cards right, I'll let you team up with me."
"He needs me."
🚨 SUMMER OF 51’s 🚨             ⮑ Day 4: Back Roads
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dreamofbecoming · 3 months
fire alarm at the school across the street went off which wouldn’t be concerning except now there are firefighters outside my window on their radios and multiple sirens headed this way
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johnnys-green-pen · 2 years
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elegyofthemoon · 11 days
jumpy cat gif theres so much exciting news this morning im scared itll end super badly pls 😭😭
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mechahedo · 1 month
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bagworm ?
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scribefindegil · 1 year
not tagged this time except by dint of “and anyone else who wants to” but I’m so excited about my newfound ability to Make Words that I’m posting another wip snippet! this is from the multi-chapter post-finale Mob fic i’m working on:
As they left the restaurant, Reigen dropped a hand on Teruki’s shoulder.
“You know, this got me thinking,” he said. “Your parents are working overseas, right?”
“Yes,” said Teruki, with the sort of practiced ease that Reigen exuded at the office every day. “But I’m perfectly happy with the independence it’s provided me!”
“Yeah, yeah, of course. But I imagine not everyone sees it that way, yeah?”
Teruki’s mouth was a thin line. “Mm.”
Reigen produced a business card from his pocket with a flourish. The effect was somewhat spoiled when his foot caught on the sidewalk and he had to windmill his arms to stay upright, but the card floated over to Teruki’s hand with a flash of yellow and a whiff of ozone.
“All I’m saying is,” Reigen told him when he’d recovered his balance, “I’m an adult who actually lives in Seasoning City, if your school ever needs you to produce one. Standing offer. Think of it as a thank you for helping out around the office.”
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world-of-socks · 1 year
Biblically accurate! Yellow?? That could be silly right?
Light! Yellow??
Faith! Yellow???
Scarred! Yellow??
Imperfect! Yellow maybe???
Acolyte! Yellow???
Guys please what should I call her
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moe-broey · 4 months
I had to take poor Lulu to the vet and I love how in part of Lulu's treatment/dispatch notes it says "Please keep Lulu quiet, rested, and inside for the next 7-10 days. There should be no running, jumping, or playing" as if I can realistically control any of these things except one (she's indoors by default) LIKE...... LULU PLEASE........... Lulu the doctor saiid you need to be on bedrest........... Lulu STOP TRYING TO CLIMB ON TAHT ‼️‼️‼️‼️ DON'T JUMP YPU ARE THE EQUIVALENT OF AN 80 YEAR OLD WOMAN WITH ARTHRITIS ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ PLEASE
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liberty-spiked · 4 months
ah yeah i just love being broke and having little food because haha lets crawl up the landlords ass, right?
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sneez · 2 years
this is a traditional welsh folk song, although the english lyrics i am singing here were written in the nineteenth century. this is another one which i would love to learn in its original language :-)
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supes9 · 3 months
Johnny + Roy - I Think I Like You
Ok, it's done! This video took longer to finish than expected (mainly for reasons addressed in a previous post), but I had fun putting it together throughout the whole process. 😁
I heard this song in my car on the way home from work one night, and with having Johnny and Roy in my head from how much Emergency! I was watching, I thought it was a really good choice to show how these two may just think of each other as more than just friends. 😉
I hope anyone who watches enjoys it! 💕
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ilovelawrencee · 5 months
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i never thought this would happen. but bendy is literally going to get a movie!!
i still can't believe it. we will see the characters being played by real people!!
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rohirric-hunter · 1 year
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Time to start grinding LP I guess
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