#i hope this makes sense im tired lol
jamiewintons · 2 years
regardless of if people find jamie boring or not, it's ridiculously entitled of them to expect you to write less fic of him just because he doesnt cater to THEIR tastes?? youve written so much fanfic for many of the baynton boys at this point already anyway and we should be grateful for all that rather than be all entitled - if you love jamie, then write as much for him as you want and screw what anyone else says :) (i love your jamie fics just as much as your others btw!)
Exactly! Like I don't get how people could see Jamie as boring, but if they do, that's their opinion and they're entitled to it. But they don't have to read my fics about him just to complain. They could send in requests for the characters they do find interesting!! That's the weirdest part to me! They want me to write more Ariel, and yet I pretty much never get requests for him.
I adore all of the Baynton boys and I'd love to write more about the others, but I can't exactly help that I'm mostly inspired by Jamie. I understand that those fics might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I have fun writing them.
Also, thank you, anon. I'm glad that you and the majority of people are so understanding and kind. I'm also so happy that you enjoy what I write!! I appreciate you so much!!
Have this cute Jamie gif for your troubles <3
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exilepurify · 2 years
“You know a lot of big words.” — Determining Shigeo’s Kanji Literacy
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An analysis in four parts:
Jouyou kanji and Japan’s compulsory education system, explained.
An introduction to the analysis—what I did and why I did it.
A presentation of data, evidence, and counterarguments.
The truth revealed: can Shigeo write a reasonable amount of kanji for his age group?
Jouyou kanji and Japan’s compulsory education system, explained
Let us begin this analysis by establishing a basic understanding of how Japan’s education system is structured.
As you may already know, only elementary school and middle school are compulsory in Japan, meaning that high school and college are completely optional. Therefore, compulsory education in Japan consists of grades 1-9, with grades 1-6 being 小学校 (primary school) and grades 7-9 being 中学校 (middle school).
The term 「常用漢字」(jouyou kanji, “Daily-Use Kanji”) refers to a list of 2136 kanji that the Japanese Ministry of Education requires be taught throughout education grades in Japan due to their importance and frequency of use in Japanese daily life. Knowing all 2136 is defined by the Japanese government as the baseline for basic, functional literacy in Japanese. The jouyou kanji list is further divided into two sub-categories: 「教育漢字」(kyouiku kanji, “Education Kanji”) and 「中学・高校漢字」(chuugaku • koukou kanji, “Secondary School Kanji”).
教育漢字 (kyouiku kanji, “Education Kanji”) (A.K.A. 学年別漢字配当表 [gakunenbetsu kanji haitouhyou, “list of kanji by school year”]) is the Japanese term for the 1006 kanji that are taught over the 6 years of primary school in Japan, grouped into different grade levels by difficulty and complexity.
「中学・高校漢字」(chuugaku • koukou kanji, “Secondary School Kanji”) is the term for the 1130 kanji that students are expected to learn throughout middle school and high school. This list of kanji is not strictly divided by grade level, though a general grade level is often provided, because students in secondary school—whether it be middle or high—are expected to learn kanji more independently. Though the responsibility of learning these kanji is shifted from the classroom to the individual, the importance of knowing these kanji by the end of one’s education, if that be middle school or high school, cannot be overstated. Once again, these 2136 kanji are considered the basics of Japanese kanji fluency.
According to the “Kanji Frequency Number Survey/漢字頻度数調査” conducted by the National Cultural Affairs Division in 2000, in 385 books published by a major publishing company, 8474 different kanji were used (not including duplicates). However, speakers are able to understand 99% of them if they know the top 2457 kanji, and 99.9% of them if they know the top 4208 kanji. And as is true for speakers of every other language, people can generally read more words than they can write.
I determined the “grade level” of each kanji in this analysis according to the grade level provided in my Japanese-English dictionaries, but consideration will be made for Secondary School Kanji due to the lack of official grade divisions and the less organized circumstances involved with learning them.
An introduction to the analysis—what I did and why I did it
In this analysis, I focused specifically on Shigeo’s ability to write kanji, not to read them. This is most obviously because it’s much harder to determine whether or not someone can actually read something, especially in anime, without it being explicitly mentioned. However, it is also because the meaning of kanji can be inferred from knowing the meaning of radicals, and as mentioned above, it is common for people to be able to read more words than they can write. The true mark of knowing a kanji is being able to write it.
To determine Shigeo’s kanji-writing ability, I studied screenshots from a few scenes from the anime, specifically a couple of scenes from the Reigen OVA where Shigeo is writing a LOT, and a couple scenes from the regular anime where Shigeo is explicitly seen writing stuff down and the audience is shown the writing.
The data has been organized into two different excel charts—one for kanji he uses correctly, and one for kanji he doesn’t know or messes up. The kanji in each of these charts have been color-coded and organized by grade level, with readings, translations, and explanations provided. There is only one kanji in the entire analysis that is not considered a part of the jouyou kanji, and this kanji has been marked by “N/A” in the grade level section.
I will provide each chart alongside a percentage likelihood that Mob will know any given kanji from each grade level based on the information gathered from the anime. Please note that the sample size is obviously limited, but I’m working with what I have. If there is a kanji with some sort of detail worth consideration, I’ve marked it with a (**) in the chart and will explain below.
Lastly, I included kanji used in names in the chart here after some deliberation. Name kanji are tricky in general, because multiple kanji share the same pronunciation and people usually don’t know what kanji are used in someone’s name unless they are shown by that person (unless it’s some crazy common name like 高田 or 森 or 田中).
A presentation of data, evidence, and counterarguments.
Shigeo’s known kanji:
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Shigeo’s unknown kanji:
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IMPORTANT NOTE: There are one or two instances of Shigeo NOT using a kanji at all that I’ve decided not to include on the chart. This is because it is common for Japanese speakers to omit kanji for super common verbs and write them in kana instead, either for personal style reasons or for convenience. Since the verbs are so fundamental and commonly-used, it’s unlikely that they will be misunderstood or mistaken for another word if written in kana. So, if Shigeo wrote the verb for “to read” or “to eat” without using kanji, I didn’t include it, as I highly highly highly doubt he doesn’t know those kanji and I felt like it would unfairly skew the results against him.
米** = I don’t blame Shigeo for not knowing this kanji. It’s fair to assume that Mob might not have seen Mezato’s name written out and therefore wouldn’t know which kanji to use. On TOP of that, “me” for 米 is a special nanori (used for names only) reading and is super obscure and uncommon. I couldn’t even find it in my name dictionary by searching “Mezato”, I had to find her name written in kanji in S1E3 and go from there. I wouldn’t expect this kanji to be in anyone’s top ten possible kanji guesses for the “me” in “mezato”. I included it because rules are rules, but wanted to mention this to make it fairer on the boy.
世** = I want to make it known that Shigeo does successfully write this kanji in the image shown here, when he writes 「世紀」(century):
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HOWEVER. However. He messed it up SO BAD before that I think it actually overpowers him using it correctly and brings it back around to a “not properly known” kanji, especially because it’s a kanji taught in second grade that he shouldn’t be messing up at all:
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The subtitles intersect it but I’ve rewritten what Shigeo wrote there at the bottom. He tried to write 「世の中には」”In the world…”, but tried to write the kanji, messed up, crossed it out, and then rewrote it in kana. Didn’t even try to write it a second time. This is egregious and, in my juror’s power, cancels out his later usage. This would be like misspelling “world” in English. I’m willing to entertain arguments that he just wanted to write it in kana for some reason, but as it is now, I don’t think that excuse is compelling enough against such damning evidence, so in “missed kanji” it goes. (It’s partly cut off but what gets me is that it doesn’t even look wrong in the first place lol but if he crossed it out, it means he didn’t know it well enough, which allowed him to doubt, which is still damning enough.)
造** = Just like above, Shigeo actually does successfully use this kanji once in the show when he’s filling out his paperwork for the Body Improvement Club in S1E2 (forgive my awful kanji, it’s hard to draw on the phone lol): 
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However, that was not only on an official school document, it was also in the presence of a student council member and Saruta (#2 in the grade lol) so I have to assume he either asked someone for help or got corrected. Either way, the instance where he doesn’t use the kanji is when he’s in his bedroom alone, writing in his personal notebook—a much more casual environment, and one that takes place AFTER s1e2 (can’t argue he learned it):
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This leads me to believe that Shigeo does not naturally know the kanji, as he can’t reproduce it in casual day-to-day or when alone.
焉** = This kanji is not only not included in the jouyou kanji, but it is also used in an obscure word. In fact, it took me a minute to locate it in my Japanese-English dictionary app. It is absolutely not reasonable to expect Shigeo to know this kanji off the top of his head, and he probably wouldn’t know it even if he were a kanji ace. It is included and working against him, however, because the kanji he initially tried to write in its place was 「円」, a.k.a. the kanji for YEN/¥:
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Sure, 「えん」is a reading for「円」, that part makes sense. But 「終焉」means “the finals years in one’s life”, so I’m really struggling to understand why Mob would think the yen money kanji would be a part of that word and why he would try to write it with that kanji instead of just writing it in kana first, like the majority of the kanji he didn’t know. It’s truly an enigma to me. I’m bewildered he even tried that, and for that, I’m holding it against him.
- Total known: 17
- Total unknown: 0
- Grand total: 17
- Shigeo knows: 17 out of 17
- Percentage likelihood of Shigeo knowing a grade 1 kanji: 100%
- Total known: 16
- Total unknown: 3
- Grand total: 19
- Shigeo knows: 16 out of 19
- Percentage likelihood of Shigeo knowing a grade 2 kanji: 84.2%
- Total known: 13
- Total unknown: 6
- Grand total: 19
- Shigeo knows: 13 out of 19
- Percentage likelihood of Shigeo knowing a grade 3 kanji: 68.4%
- Total known: 11
- Total unknown: 0
- Grand total: 11
- Shigeo knows: 11 out of 11
- Percentage likelihood of Shigeo knowing a grade 4 kanji: 100%
(Baby apparently had a great year in fourth grade.)
- Total known: 3
- Total unknown: 4
- Grand total: 7
- Shigeo knows: 3 out of 7
- Percentage likelihood of Shigeo knowing a grade 5 kanji: 43.9%
- Total known: 0
- Total unknown: 2
- Grand total: 2
- Shigeo knows: 0 out of 2
- Percentage likelihood of Shigeo knowing a grade 6 kanji: 0%
(No known or unknown 7th grade kanji found)
- Total known: 5
- Total unknown: 6
- Grand total: 11
- Shigeo knows: 5 out of 11
- Percentage likelihood of Shigeo knowing a grade 8 kanji: 45.5%
^ To Shigeo’s credit, this isn’t bad at all considering he’s only halfway through his eight grade year at this point in the story.
% known from observed data:
# of jouyou kanji: 2136
75.6% of 2136 = 1615 jouyou kanji
Here’s a graph for your visualizing pleasure:
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(All values are rounded up)
There are 1006 kyouiku kanji. There are 1130 secondary school kanji. Because high school in Japan is not compulsory, we’ll assume that the secondary kanji are to be learned over the three years of middle school. That means about 377 words per middle school grade. If Shigeo is halfway through eighth grade, let’s say he should generally know 1006 + 377 + (377/2) kanji, which comes out to 1,572.
There are 80 kyouiku kanji assigned to first grade, which Shigeo should know 100% of—80 total.
There are 160 kyouiku kanji assigned to second grade, which Shigeo should know 84.2% of—135 total.
There are 200 kanji assigned to third grade, which Shigeo should know 68.4% of—137 total.
There are 200 kanji assigned to fourth grade, which Shigeo should know 100% of—200 total.
There are 185 kanji assigned to fifth grade, which Shigeo should know 43.9% of—81 total.
There are 181 kanji assigned to sixth grade, which Shigeo should know… 0% of…. 0 total.
This all totals out to:
80 + 135 + 137 + 200 + 81 + 0 = 633/1006 elementary school-level kanji. That’s 63% of the kanji required for elementary school.
(Didn’t include a calculation for middle school kanji due to having 0 data on seventh-grade kanji and also him being halfway through eighth.)
The truth revealed: can Shigeo write a reasonable amount of kanji for his age group?
Uh… no. Maybe? Well… probably not, no.
I mean, of course there are flaws with my methods. I had a super small sample group and applied the stats there to all of the jouyou kanji, which is almost guaranteed to be lower than reality. I just didn’t really have another choice. Also, I’m very certain that Shigeo MUST know some 6th grade kanji, even if in the results here I considered the probability to be 0%. That’s assuredly not accurate. There were just, by chance, only two instances of sixth-grade kanji in all of the sample writing and he happened not to know either of them. This is just for fun, anyway. I can say with confidence, though, that he certainly isn’t a writer, and he definitely knows less kanji than the average eighth grader, but I wouldn’t take my numbers for anything more than entertainment.
But yeah. Shigeo is…. a little kanji-impaired. Which explains why he struggled with Emi’s writing and is only ever seen reading Shounen Jump volumes lmao. I believe in him though. He makes it work. My illiterate king. Who needs the other half of your elementary sight-words anyway?
All jokes aside though, he really started to scare me with the 世 and 円 things 😭😭😭😭😭
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bloodrevel · 3 months
what if the power of each of the Evanuris is what's keeping the veil held up, and Solas' ritual was drawing upon their power and binding them to their idols (or just stealing their power?) in order to tear down the veil and keep them contained at the same time? he did say in Inquisition that he had contingency plans for the gods, to deal with them at the same time as tearing down the veil
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i think he's doing tbe ritual here because the idols are directly linked to the Black City/Golden City where the Evanuris are trapped. see how the idols look like they're in a ritual circle that once belonged to a grander city? the Solas idol lights up when the cutscene starts, probably because he's imbued his power into it
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it looks like he manages to get all the idols to light up except for one, the one Rook knocks over and destroys to stop the ritual, which frees two of the gods
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so by stopping the ritual you may actually have just made everything worse, because now there are two really powerful, really angry elven gods on the loose...
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triple-starsss · 3 months
should be sleeping but just thought about how Shadow only joined the band because he wanted independence from Gerald and to forge his own future instead of having it planned out for him.
only for him to be controlled in the exact same way by Ivo!!! Just under the impression that he has a choice in all this!!!
He's still being used, still being coerced into doing things he'd wished he didnt have to do and still under the impression that maybe they're right!! maybe they do know what's best for him!!
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objectosexual · 10 months
I'm glad more of Tumblr is becoming more accepting of objectums + a lot of people are realizing that they're objectum themselves, but it really does feel like the current "in" thing right now so I hope this support for us continues even when people get tired of the eroticism of the machine
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marabout2772 · 2 months
Just a silly little comic of my hc, Derek's very first impression of Titch ! 😔✊🏽
(From shoot from the hip's longform, the unrelenting aubergine, again)
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Ofc it was love at first sigh for Derek 😀 Titch have some temper issues and Derek find this incredibly attractive. Later on, Derek will help Titch navigates his feelings, but for now he's just enjoying the ride 🙈
bonus panel ⬇️
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The cool and strong lady was invented just for the plot, and i really want to name her Jemima, you know, for the meme 🙈
Likes are cools, reblogs are cooler btw, it keeps tumblr alive !
A few headcanons below the cut !
At this point i imagine that James and Titch are in very bad terms, their father's not dead yet, but very sick, and this is really impacting Titch's mood and his capacity to regulate his emotions
I like to think that Titch is a stubborn mf by nature, and this, in addition of all this situation, make him really insufferable by moment. The precedent assistant actually quit bc he couldn't stand Titch's outburst anymore
Thanks god for Jemima (yes thats her name now) who has a strong mind and is not too bothered by Titch's atitude. She worries a lot for him and James, but she can't do anything except helping at the farm, so that's how she shows her support. Titch will be very grateful for it, but for now he's too much in his own head to notice her efforts
Then comes Derek, remplacing the former assistant. He is very patient, very persistent, and very much in love. So after countless tentatives of trying to get closer (that involves a lot of failures, a near firing experience, and this "one time that counted a lot for me"), Titch finally let his walls down, and accept that Derek actually want to help him. Derek actually want to love him. He still has trouble believing it sometime, still have a lot to re learn, but they're moving forward together.
At some point, Jemima, seeing that Titch doesnt need her anymore, will allow herself to live her own life and move out of the country. And here comes Phillip ! I have nothing on him, yet
Okay my brain is frying rn, so i'll stop. But yeah, i have a lot to say about these two idiots. Titch really is the perfect vessel to shove all of the trust and abandonment issues, so that's fun 😀🤡
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faeriegxre · 1 year
I wanna talk about Allen- cuz I’ve seen so much abt barbie and ken and i think Allen deserves the spotlight too.
As someone outside the gender binary I just adore Allen- he truly embodies everything I feel all the time. He’s awkward and alone and I know that feeling. He was such good representation for not just those of us who are non-binary, but for cis women who were tomboys and cis men who were softer than their peers. He really just breathed that into the story so subtly- how badly it hurts to be outside of the norm- to not fit in even when it seems like you *should* (kendom). To this day I struggle so, so badly with wishing I wanted to be a woman but knowing that it doesn’t feel right, like wearing clothes that are too small, I appreciate Allen representing that with such ease. He should have fit right in with the Kens, but he didn’t and trying to fit that very rigid gender stereotype was uncomfortable and distressing and ugh I could write an essay.
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gifti3 · 5 months
okay im back with more for this arranged marriage AU! Heres the last thing i wrote
this time i made something longer--Asmo and MC doing their little meeting/date before agreeing to marriage its fun check it out :]
the only warning is "an upset asmo getting in ur personal space'" other than that i think thats it!
Tomorrow you were supposed to meet your possible future fiancé. This type of affair was not a first time thing for you so you already had an idea of how things would go. Which was the two of you being forced to interact for several hours.
Though you knew what was coming, was it not possible to be a little nervous considering who it was you were meeting?
Asmodeus Morningstar--one of the most influential families in Nefarelin. Their was no shortage of exceptional members in that tree. And to be crass, every other potential spouse you met before were like dried leaves in comparison.
And this didn't even factor Asmodeus's own appeal and popularity. You'd only seen him in passing a few times but you could tell he was quite beautiful even from a distance. On top of that, the general public were strangely obsessed with him. You weren't completely sure why, but he must be very likeable if that's the case.
God, how many people have probably asked for his hand in marriage by now? You could only wonder.
All around it would be pretty foolish to turn this down. And that's why you were nervous…. Your parents were giving you a choice. But it was one of those choices where the answers were 'yes' or 'hmm, okay I suppose'. You did not want to know what would happen if you dare declined.
You'd already considered the logistics of this situation, dwelled on it for days. And it would definitely be a loveless marriage from your side. And that was something normal…but you were fine with how your life was currently! You didn't want to deal with any expectations romantic or otherwise from a spouse.
And what about Asmodeus.
He was well loved by many, had a reputation for enjoying the nightlife and being the center of attention. It seemed highly unlikely that a man like him was looking to "settle down" all of a sudden!
Your hands stop fiddling with your hair.
Maybe this arrangement could work.
God this is so uncomfortable.
Maybe you underestimated Asmodeus. For some reason the first time your eyes met his saccharine ones, you struggled with maintaining contact. Each time, it felt like he was staring straight into your mind.
Perhaps it was just your nerves but either way you were overwhelmed. You didn't feel like yourself so had trouble talking.
Luckily for you, Asmodeus didn't notice or didn't care as he had been talking nonstop this entire time.
"Oh--sorry what did you say?"
Asmodeus repeats his question while fanning himself. "I asked if you wanted to rest for a minute. I need a break from the sun."
It was sunny today but not too hot to take a walk. Though you had been outside for a good while with Asmodeus. You both make your way to a gazebo that provided good shade around this time of day.
You rest your elbows on on of the railings and prop your head in your hands. A small sigh escapes you.
"Can you make it any more obvious that you don't want to be here?"
Asmodeus rests a small distance away, smiling but you're not so sure if he's being lighthearted about it.
It was a fair observation. These meetings always felt like a waste of time to you. They were forced interactions. The worst type. And you already knew you'd agree with the arranged marriage at the end anyways.
"Sorry, I'm just a little tired."
You look back at him and try to give a friendly(?) smile. Actually why not just be straightforward now?
"It's kind of hard to believe you want to get married. It doesn't seem like something that would interest someone like you."
"Eh…I guess there comes a time in everyone's life where they think about these things."
Very vague.
Asmodeus leans back in his chair, looking up as if he's scraping through his brain. "But I don't recall running into you beforehand. I definitely would have remembered…so how would you know that?"
"I've heard a lot about you. Kind of impossible not to."
You had a bit of an idea about him before this whole situation. But once it got out that he was "interested" in proposing, well the maids had no problem telling you everything they knew. It was definitely not all true, but it pretty much confirmed what you already felt.
"That makes sense. Isn't it great that now you get to experience me in person instead of by word-of-mouth~"
"…Uh huh. Well I feel like I should tell you now. That I plan to say yes."
"Say yes?"
"Say yes to marrying you."
You watch for any negative reactions but nothing. Though you were still sure he wasn't really interested in marriage.
"Listen I understand if you were forced into this position. In fact, I'm sure that you were. And to be honest I've never been partial to marriage myself. I always thought it wasn't in the cards for me…"
You take a step away from the railing closer to Asmodeus. "But wouldn't it be foolish to say no? Outside of the benefits it would have for my family. You're definitely one of the most sought after bachelors…and well just look at you. I'm almost a little envious…"
Asmodeus's curious face changes to something else. Something you can't really place your finger on. You just knew he didn't look very pleased.
"Well at least I know you're not blind." His fingers play with his fringe. "And that's all fine and dandy but…"
When Asmodeus stands and looks back at you your heart skips a beat. You take a step back as he takes one forward. "I hope you're ready to handle me because I don't think you can."
Oh my god what was happening?
You were frozen in place as Asmodeus trapped you against the railing between his arms. You didn't even think to push him away and just stood there stupidly.
Rustling sounds from a nearby hedge, but when you both look in the direction of the noise there's giggling and the sound of retreating people.
You sigh. At least someone was enjoying the show.
You gently push at Asmodeus's chest so you can make space.
"Sorry sometimes the staff gets bored haha…er should we h-head back?"
"If that's what you want."
Asmodeus turns away from you. "I just want you to know that since this marriage is just a title I'll be sticking to my usual. Hope you don't mind~" He walks away humming to himself.
Your brows furrow…that man. Why'd he have to do all that? You weren't expecting anything different in the first place?
You let out a huge sigh. Was this going to be the norm from now on?
Well at least you both were on the same page about the marriage…. but you couldn't help but think a serious misunderstanding just occurred.
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ssahotchnerr · 2 years
yes, i’m thinking about casual dom!aaron again because it makes my brain go brrr 😵‍💫
and it’s just the littlest things, like you dropped your fork and now you’ve gotta duck under the table to grab it, and it’s only natural that his hand would go to cover the corner so that on your way back up you don’t hit your head 🥺💗— he’s very conscious of this with cabinet doors too
and in crowded spaces (or even not) his hand is always on the small of your back, protectively grazing the skin there as he gently guides you forward :’)) and when you fall asleep on the couch while waiting up for him, he’ll carry you to the bedroom and tuck you in with a soft kiss to your forehead. if you wake up, still groggy with sleep, and you frequently do, it’ll earn you a bigger smattering of kisses, affectionate and adoring, to your lips, nose, cheeks <33 and oh my god, he’d love brushing your hair, and you would love it when he does, in fact, some nights you would beg for him to, but lucky for you, it’s not like it takes much convincing. he’s just completely enamored GAH
pleaseeee absolutely lovesick aaron <33333 and the sense of pride that envelopes him gets whenever he does something for you 💕🦋💕🦋 UGH there's nothing better when his dominate and soft sides collide together >>> the best combo hehe <3
yes, you're completely capable to do things on your own and he knows it, but he loves taking care of you. like, it's him, he's the one who gets to carry you to bed, he's the one opening doors for you, he's the one who gets to touch you and litter you with kisses and give you all the affection in the world. he simply loves how it shows others you belong to him. but most importantly, it shows you how much he loves you. that if you ever need anything, all you have to do is ask and he's already there.
say the two of you are out somewhere, and aaron sees someone eyeing you. but naturally, his hand falls onto the small of your back. the simple gesture makes you blush, his touch always does that to you 🥰<3 and whoever was glancing at you, notices how you smile and look at aaron - just from his small gesture - and knows not to intervene. you're completely oblivious to this, but aaron knows. like that's right! it's clear you're his.
protective aaron my beloved hehe <3 if the two of you are cooking in the kitchen together. he's very mindful- he's moving hot and sharp objects away from you, to prevent you from accidentally knocking into something and getting injured. if he notices your shoe is untied, he doesn't hesitate to reach down and tie it for you. and when you two shower together 🥹😭 he loves shampooing your hair and washing your body for you 🥹 his touch is so so gentle, and afterwards he'll dry you off with a warm towel and brush your hair for you, before grabbing his comfiest pair of clothes for you to wear 🥰
godddd he's so in love and will do whatever it takes to show it <333
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gen4grl · 2 months
Top 5 non-ship pokemon dynamics, go!!!! 🏃‍♀️
OOOOO this is actually a great one??? long post i’m sorry aghhh
1. the kantrio duh❤️💙💚 this one is a bit harder since GAME canon only really started expanding on them in masters but i absolutely adore everything they’ve shown of them so far … i would genuinely love to know how gamefreak would canonically expand on their relationship concerning those three years red was gone since the only material we have is blues phone calls to the player in hgss? oh god the potential …
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2. silver and lance!
i’ve talked about these two way too many times so won’t go too in depth but love how lance became both a mentor and father figure to silver. seeing silvers growth in game and then in masters forever puts a smile on my face. i’m super glad masters highlighted this dynamic since it seems most people completely gloss over lances impact on both the player and silver :)
scarlet violet easily has my favourite character writing in the whole franchise - i have never felt so connected to a group of characters like i have with these cuties. i love how gamefreak highlights the differences and personal struggles of arven, nemona and penny through each route. i adore the conversations the three have in area zero and despite their initial differences and annoyances between eachother they’re able to put that aside to help the player and the professor. i think family is a core theme of scarlet violet whether that be the complicated relationships each have with their own families or found family which they eventually found in eachother 🥺
4. cheren and alder
pretty underrated dynamic imo and reminds me a lot of silver and lance!!! cheren is such a pessimistic lil nerd at the start of bw and i love how alder, through his own lived experiences and seeing his younger self in cheren, teaches him how to actually strive towards a goal but not be so freaking anal and restrictive about it lol (to see the grey… not look at the world in only black and white LOL). it’s really sweet to see cheren matured in bw2 and teach rosa/nate the things alder taught him 😭✨ they also have some hilariously snarky moments in bw that always make me cackle LOL
5. sonia and leon
oh swsh and your messy but potential filled story!!! i really love the hints to their dynamic within game with how they both struggled with different exceptions + pressures which seemingly caused them to drift apart. i also adore how the players relationship with hop is meant to mirror sonia and leons! i particularly love how the manga deals with their relationship!!!
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mettywiththenotes · 1 year
I have not seen anyone talking about Tsuyu’s development, which is a shame considering that she’s made a leap from how she used to be to how she is now
Her development centers around following the rules and when it is right to disobey them for the sake of someone’s needs
When I say this has been building up since Kamino arc, I MEAN it. Ever since then, it’s been established that she will not budge to help someone if it means breaking the law
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And even though she later expresses the guilt and regret she has for the way she acted, she does not comment on whether her mind has changed about their rescue squad or not. Of course, it is not important in the moment (if at all later), but note how she does not say whether she agrees or still disagrees - she acts on her feelings of regret but, as mentioned before in the story, is pretty level-headed in her beliefs
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I feel this establishes how determined she is to follow the law, even if she ends up not doing something that could help someone, even if she ends up feeling upset by what she has refused to do herself. But see, even her determination to follow the law would not stop her upset and therefore would not stop her trying to make up for not supporting them
The experience is brought up again later in the story
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She specifically remembers that vulnerable moment, of all her regrets and horrible feelings, and says she’s not going to dwell on that anymore. She won’t regret, she won’t get into her head about nasty thoughts, because she wants to be happy with her friends no matter what. She won’t let them go it alone like she did last time
It’s also to be noted that when Aoyama was revealed as the traitor, she did not argue against him despite him breaking the law. As Izuku and Kirishima expressed, Aoyama obeyed AFO because he thought he was helpless, he clearly didn’t want to do any of it and tried to convince his parents to put an end to the deal. And at the end of the scene, Tsuyu joins the class in their anger, showing that whether she can let his actions slide or disagrees with it, her overall concern is AFO making her classmates and the people she cares about feel helpless and cry
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Then this is continued over to the Final War Arc
It is very clear from the moment she enters the battle in 348 that she’s focused on the mission. She expresses that they shouldn’t be talking about romance at a time like this and lays out their plans like a reminder of what they should be doing - a reminder that opposes what Ochako needs to do to save Toga at that moment. But that is obviously not on Tsuyu’s mind in the war, she doesn’t know about it
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And again, implying that not ignoring the cries of the enemy is something they don’t need to do right now - basically what she said: “getting the job done”
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But when she sees Ochako’s desperation to talk to Toga, she is surprised
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And despite her feelings about “chatting about romance (and in general)”, she helps Ochako through the portal. I think this shows her support of her friends feelings in the face of them wanting the opposite of what they should, breaking the law and so on, as it has been shown previously in the series her loyalty to her friends
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Much like Ochako wants to do, Tsuyu then ends up talking about love in relation to Toga. Not in the way she should, but it’s a start - she begins to think about the way Toga sees the world
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Part of what she says makes Ochako think more about Toga’s reasonings. In a way, she and Tsuyu are bouncing off of each other, now a team effort to figure Toga out and save her (tho Tsuyu’s feelings resonate more with helping Ochako rather than helping Toga herself)
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Finally, in this chapter, Tsuyu talks to Toga directly, trying to actually convince her to listen to Ochako. Basically, she wishes to not necessarily break the rules herself, but help her friend do so
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Which is a BIG step considering she went from telling Izuku and the rest of 1A that breaking the law would make THEM Villains so she didn’t want to help them do that, to outright trying to help and convince a Villain to listen to her friend
I’ve said before that Tsuyu is a person who regrets hard. In that moment in the ward, where she wears her heart on her sleeve like she always does and speaks her beliefs clear, then finds out they went to rescue Bakugou anyway? The way she talks about her feelings in the dorm, it’s so clear that her refusal to join them when they needed help most broke her heart
Ever since then, Tsuyu has prioritized her friends feelings over her own beliefs of following the law. That’s not to say she shoves everything aside for them, but she isn’t stepping away from her classmates and leaving them to do things on their own like she did before. She is now beside them every step of the way, determined that even if she doesn’t agree on what they want to do, she wants to stay with them regardless because they are important to her
And she knows Ochako isn’t just calling out to Toga for nothing. Tsuyu sees that Ochako is doing it because her feelings are caught up in Toga’s cries that she can’t ignore. Her desperation, the way she doesn’t give up when trying to find and talk to her in the middle of the battle, shows that
All this to say, I really like how Tsuyu’s development has been building up to possibly becoming involved in the saving of a Villain and I love how it is shown through these moments with her friends. Kamino really made her despair and regret so Tsuyu then undauntingly showing her loyalty to her friends from then on and now showing support, trying to convince Toga to listen to what Ochako has to say? Chefs kiss
It has been said before that Tsuyu is “the perfect pillar of emotional support” which, considering all of these events from Kamino and how hard her actions hit her to Rogue Arc to now, definitely fits her personality and development. Figures that the one who decided to step away from the rescue team and regretted acting harshly learns from that experience and basically doubles down in the support she gives her friends from then on
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It makes me wonder what will happen now that Toga has stabbed Ochako and what Tsuyu will do next. I’m excited to see
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im-smart-i-swear · 5 months
What's Tashi's relationship with Webby and Taka like? Cause while I can imagine him being just as protective and smothering, as he's with Stick (maybe a bit less) I can't imagine Webby just letting him do it without having a thousand and one complaints, like I feel like she'll be much more assertive and confrontential than Stick is
thats a great question!!
first of all i think tashis relationship with stick specifically is a bit diffrent - idrk how to phrase it but basically tashi was his role model for a while and he had a lot of respect for him growing up. so theres this weird air of... expectation, almost? the two of them were really close when stick was younger and that coupled with how tashi still percieves him as a helpless confused kid makes their relationship a lot weirder...
with ryou (taka) hes obviously very protective and smothering, bc thats A BABY!!!!! ryou takes it well for the most part i think, at least before becoming a teen - hes the youngest, he likes attention and being papmered (most of the time)<3 also, by the time ryou is around 13-14 tashi is already starting to get a bit better after the whole stick fiasco, so its also that his older siblings sorta made his life easier? bc now tashi knows what he did wrong and is trying to not make the same mistakes again(not to say he doesnt fuck up at all tho!! he does! a lot!!! but at least its not nearly as catastrophic as w stick lol, and hes just one of MANY adults in ryous life, so it evens out more).
also, bc of how young ryou was, he didn't really fully comprehend just how bad tashi was getting at the time, and that helped him a bit? when we're young we dont really see our caretakers as people who are flawed and make mistakes. that comes w age. and i think it was very confusing for ryou to realise that the man who raised him since he was five is NOT some sort of a wise higher being but instead just. a messy guy. who is a bit cringe. so i think ryou lets him pamper him a bit (it helps that he is not that good w people and would rather stick to ppl he already knows), bc he knows neither webby or stickbug will let tashi do that. its annoying sometimes, but ryou is way better at establishing boundaries than stick was, so they get through it somehow.
webby has always been pretty independent (or at least tried very hard to appear as such) and she does NOT handle tashi being overbearing well AT ALL. out of the kids she has always had the least respect for tashi and the other adults in her life, so her relationship w tashi was a bit more levelled? equal? ever since the beginning she was pretty good at being assertive (and was a huge help to stick when he was figuring out the whole 'setting boundaries' thing), and that helped her wriggle out of tashis hold, at least partially. she was also whole-heatedly on sticks side when he was getting sick of tashis shit and she WILL yell at him whenever does or says anything stupid.
she still loves him tho. they all do, in diffrent ways, and they want him to be happy, despite his parenting being less than stellar a lot of the time. i think the thing that allows their relationships w him (and bud and soup too) to heal and strenghten in the end was them just simply GROWING UP. when the power dynamic of tashi as a caretaker was gone, they could finally start seeing each other as people! yay!!
sorry if this answer is more messy than usual lol!!
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gemharvest · 3 days
Oh I just realized if I DO do that wyd!RGB askblog I can make RGBFverse canon to it, since it already wasn't gonna be fully canon anyways. YAY
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smthn loosely inspired by all those people who said synthv yuma sounds suspiciously like piko
yuma and natalie's designs based off the vimalion project's designs for em (tho yuma's had a few changes)
mai's design by Froggy
also in case its hard to read (b/c i suck ass at comic layouts 😔✌️) this is what the text says in each panel:
panel 1: as far as anyone knows: i died seven years ago. i wouldn't say it's something i had planned, but i wouldn't say it was an impulsive decision either
panel 2: what motivates someone to leave everything behind and start fresh? there's a lot of reasons. i was given the chance to run away. and i took it.
panel 3: would i say i have regrets? ...
panel 4: a lot of things still remind me of the past. i borrowed my new name from an old friend. i wonder what he would think of me now. what would everyone else from my old life think? anger? shame? relief?
panel 5: but i shouldn't think about that too much; i've got a new life now, after all, and it's alright
panel 6: i just have to move on. from the start i knew there was no going back, and i'm fine with that. no use in mourning the truth.
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askaniritual · 1 year
One more for the road. I really like how you're super interested in the inner workings of troll society particularly like the quadrants and stuff. For me one of the most interesting parts is how trolls have natural superpowers and how this affects their relationships. I guess my next question is how do you think Sollux and Terezi approach the concept of power and wield it or not wield it. I think both have really interesting parallels with their exes (so to speak) in that they wield similar powers (telekinesis for Aradia and Sollux) and Manipulation (for terezi and Vriska) but have various sharp differences (aradia being immune to vriskas manipulation, while terezi manipulates simply through like understanding of dynamics rather mind control). Do you think the two view power in relationships in a similar way or a completely opposed way. I know you mentioned they have certain ways of viewing their trauma as to maintain control, but do you think this is mostly internalized or is also externalized to their (and other relationships). Also just gotta say I've really been appreciating your Homestuck posting.
ooo a very interesting question w a lot of layers
ill put this under a cut so as not to torture everybody but the short answer is i think both sollux and terezi's conception of power is extremely tied up in their positions in the hemocaste system in a way that then affects their interpersonal relationships
i think especially for sollux it is pretty clear that any arrogance he affects over his own power is primarily a defense against the ways that society seeks to strip him of autonomy and agency. he's extremely powerful but this raw power comes at the cost of his life and his future. in this way, power is extremely important to him on alternia because it's the only way he can claw some respect from a world that refuses to give him any, but at the same time people being aware of that power is exactly what will ultimately strip him of agency.
terezi on the other hand needs to cultivate power in order to continue to survive. she's blind in a society where that is something you could be killed for and the only way she can survive is to be that much better than everybody else.
what i'm getting at here is that i see sollux and terezi as people who are both concerned with power, and with being in absolute and perfect control of themselves at all times, but in the broader scheme of their lives its important for terezi that people see her as as powerful as possible and for sollux its important that people underestimate the true extent of his power. for both of them, this is intimately related to their position within the hemocaste system and the opportunities (or lack thereof) afforded to them as a result.
as far as how this affects their relationships, i think thinking about how that might affect relationships on alternia vs relationships in whatever hypothetical adult life they would have in a non-scratch universe is pretty different.
purely talking in terms of the comic, sollux knows he's working on a time limit there, and i think we see pretty clearly within the comic that he is nearly always willing to go along with what aradia wants for him, up to and including abandoning the rest of their friends. presumably he is willing to cede power because he knows he was always going to have to cede control of his fate eventually.
for terezi i think we see multiple instances throughout the comic where she unwisely cedes power in pursuit of romance (lets all take a second to remember terezi passed out in her boxers covered in faygo on the meteor). i think for terezi, this is because she does hold herself to such a high standard that there's something appealing to her about subordinating herself within a relationship, or allowing herself to give into specific impulses
anyway these are just sort of general thoughts for a very broad question, i think you could do a lot more analysis of any of these points, especially wrt how sollux talks about his psionics and his coding ability. but that's basically how i see them!
thanks so much for the question, i'm really glad to hear you're enjoying my pondering! i am having a lot of fun sharing the pondering lol
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thisismeracing · 1 year
Totally got what you meant! And I agree there’s something magnetic about both of them. I loved to how you pointed out that even once Mick was in a new group he’d still be checking in with you. Just my opinion but I really feel like Mick make for a better bf than Charles. Like I’ve seen very lil of Mick interacting with a SO but from what I’ve seen of Charles…yikes. Boy is a walking red flag. How he’s interacted with both Alex and Char alway made it seem like he was either not that interested or like it was a PR stunt. Like sorry, but if we’re dating and you have crazy fans/paps following us; you better be holding my hand to make sure I don’t get lost(at the VERY least)🙄
I’m still fairly new to this whole f1 thing so I’m not up with all those details yet. Maybe Mick is more used to dealing with a crowd since he grew up around it, meanwhile, Charles is still finding his way to navigate it.
I don’t know how it works irl, but Charles strikes me as someone careful/attentive too, just a bit clumsy (?) when it comes to some situations lol
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